#and how they are cultivating a space full of negativity
bandzboy · 1 month
i don’t know if you’re an army but yoongi did not write snooze for his “fans” to go and shit on the very juniors he was trying to comfort with the lyrics
i am not exactly an army i'm more of a casual listener but i know the song and it's a very nice song really but also this brings up these discussions i've been seeing on twt about how some armys don't even read their lyrics or even care much about their music as much as they say they do and it's sad
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youremyheaven · 30 days
Any word of advice for Sun girlies how to protect herself from evil eye?
light bubble meditation!! always visualise a circle of light around yourself. one of the best ways to build your "aura" or cultivate magnetism is to have an energy shield around you at all times. it's not rocket science, just close your eyes and visualise light surrounding you and keeping you protected.
some of the next tips are a little out there but if you're so inclined do try them:
Basil/Tulsi is known for its cleansing properties and we use it a lot in India. I recommend putting a stem of basil in your pillow (my nightmares went away after I did this) or putting a stem of basil in your bra when you go out (or your pocket). It's a powerful remedy against evil eye.
Consecrate an object of your choice, preferably something small and dainty (a crystal, a sea shell, a pebble, a feather, you don't want to pick something that carries any karmic energy) by chanting to it, meditating with it and suffusing it with your energy. Then carry it with you everywhere, in your bag or purse or whatever. It's like a good luck charm that's custom made for u
Pray to your Ishta devata. Sally Kempton talks a lot about goddess worship and I suggest watching her videos or reading her book Awakening Shakti but this is life changing!!! Obviously its not wise to casually dabble in Hinduism and deity worship so please study them, read as much as you can and gather as much info as you can. You'll naturally feel drawn to one Goddess over others and praying to her will keep you protected. Bhakti (devotion) is the greatest armour. I have called upon the goddess during times of immense turmoil and she's always helped me navigate with grace BUT you should never make a deity feel "used". If you're praying, pray everyday, not just when something goes wrong. Think of it as a relationship you build with someone. You have to show up and communicate with them everyday, only then will they want to be your aid in times of need. Give thanks. Always.
Black thread. I guess this could again count as appropriating Hinduism but 😬 compared to deity worship, this is nothing. Here's an article explaining it. Basically, wearing a black thread on your left leg will keep nazar away.
Burn incense/sage bc it purifies the energy of the space
SALT also cleanses. take a bath after mixing a few spoons of salt in the water and watch the effect it has on u.
The thing about evil eye is that it affects people who are spiritually fragile. They do not have an energy shield protecting them so they're susceptible to every kind of influence (they're easily influenced) and suffer the consequences of negativity more than others. Some people thrive in life no matter how much shit is thrown at them. Nothing affects them much. Others crumble easily in the face of even the smallest hardship or bitterness. That's bc they're spiritually weak. You have to build a spiritual base that is so strong nothing can shake you. Evil eye can't hurt you if your relationship with the divine is 💪🏼strong af bc God is bigger than any evil. And perhaps many of you dabble in astrology for fun and don't believe in God but vedic astrology kind of requires a relationship with the divine. Literally the remedy for any kind of issue in your birth chart is to pray.
I feel like many people have a passive understanding of prayer but it's a very purposeful exercise of faith. Finding time in your day and devoting it to God is a way to engage in conversation with yourself. If you hate/are afraid of God, that is a reflection of you and what you've been raised to believe. Once you really get into it, you'll understand that God is love and honestly prayer time is the happiest time of the day for me. My heart feels so full. Whenever I don't pray, I feel so closed off bc my heart is longing for that supreme love. You make your life feel purposeful by acting with intention and making the ordinary sacred and ritualising experiences. If you live like nothing matters, that's what will be reflected back. Your world and what you make of your experiences is a reflection of you 🫶 so make a temple of your mind
Sorry for long ramble but yk that's how I am by now 😌🤪
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thevalleyisjolly · 6 months
So I was rewatching the Ninth Doctor a while ago, and it occurred to me just how much the future regenerations were shaped by Nine’s decisions in Season 1.
(From a Watsonian perspective, of course.  From a Doylist perspective, there have been so many different writers and showrunners that it’s a wonder there’s any consistent characterization in this show at all)
Because Nine was a Doctor fresh out of the Time War, believing himself to be the last Time Lord, and even as he ran from what he did, in many ways, he ran back towards how things used to be.  Travelling the universe with their companions- but trying not to interfere, trying (and mostly failing) to just observe, repeating again and again that they’re just here to observe, not to break the laws of time.
As travelling time and space goes, it’s a pretty Time Lord way to do it.  No interference (or, as much non-interference as can be reasonably expected around the Doctor).  And entirely understandable - the Doctor has just made the decision to commit two genocides after a horrific war full of multiple genocides on both sides.  Taking up that mantle of authority again, of control over people’s lives, is a raw, open wound after The Moment.
Except then the S1 finale happens.  And Nine himself says it, horrified, “I did this.”  He went around, dipping in and out of events, trying to be just a tourist, never staying long enough to think about the consequences of his actions.  Meanwhile, the Dalek Emperor was able to take over the Earth for centuries, harvest humans, mutate them into Daleks, and eventually almost destroy the planet.  The irony in The Long Game (1x07) of the Doctor scolding the journalist and telling her to do her job and ask questions- later, do you think he asked himself what he might have found out, what he might have prevented if he’d done what he said?  Dug deeper, asked questions, didn’t take things at face value and just accept that things would sort themselves out?
The subsequent incarnations have often featured arrogance as a character flaw.  Most obviously with Ten and Eleven but Twelve and Thirteen have also had their moments.  They meddle, they assume authority, they shape events and manipulate people.  Think of that recurring theme in S2, characters such as Harriet Jones and Queen Victoria and Yvonne Hartman repeatedly challenging the Doctor for “assuming alien authority over the rights of man.”  They aren’t wrong!  The Doctor may have more head knowledge about the current emergency or about aliens in general, and they may be right about what to do in the situation at hand, but they are assuming an authority on behalf of (and often over) humans.
And for better or for worse, this is a character element that (at least from a Watsonian perspective) I think really emerged from Nine’s experiences.  The Ninth Doctor tried very hard to be just a traveller (oh, but what a very human, heartfelt traveller) and look what happened.  After that S1 finale, whether their decisions and actions have positive or negative consequences, whether it’s the right or wrong thing to do, the Doctor has to get involved.  Has to solve the mystery, has to take control of the situation, has to find the answers and satisfy their curiosity because the last time they left things alone, Earth and its people paid the price.
It is arrogance to assume this authority, this responsibility, to appoint themselves humanity’s guardian, the defender of Earth.  It does often lead to positive outcomes because the Doctor does know what they're doing a lot of the time, but it also has negative impacts as well, especially on the people around the Doctor.  And to be sure, Gallifreyan culture very much cultivated arrogance as a valued trait, the Doctor’s guilt isn’t the only place it comes from, but they sure as hell have a heavy conscience on their mind.
TL;DR Watch the Ninth Doctor.  Not only is Christopher Eccleston fantastic, but it lays the foundation for a lot of the Doctor’s subsequent character journey.
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azi-sings-calliope · 9 months
Hi fandom, I'm seeing a whole bunch of stuff flying around about Dreamling, whether to ship it or not, the implications of shipping it, stuff like that. It's obvious my opinions on the ship, and I just wanna reiterate that it is just my opinions, and it is just a ship. Whatever anyone's opinions on the character/ship is, they are worthy of respect.
Biases however are very real and everyone has a right to a safe, fun fandom space, which sometimes doesn't happen, and it should.
People who are feeling ignored or attacked right now have every right to, and we as a fandom should acknowledge that.
We should be open to discussion and hear each other out as well. It's impossible to deny that characters have real world implications; double standards and biases are very real, and we should acknowledge that as well.
These are fictional characters, fictional ships, this is fanfiction we are talking about. While no one can deny that fiction has real world echoes, and vice versa, we shouldn't be attacking each other for opinions about ships. That being said, fandom biases, (racism, misogyny, homophobia) are very real and can definitely echo into the world. If we want to solve our fandoms problems, we shouldn't insult each other, or have a holier-than-thou attitude, or full on attack people.
I feel like taking accountability is very important? We as humans are prone to biases, we all have them, and whether consciously or not if we are perpetuating them we have a responsibility to hear out people who were hurt by it.
I feel like if POC fans are saying that they feel the fandom and certain behaviors are racist or perpetuating racism, it seems counterproductive to deny that and instead I think we as a fandom owe it to said fans to listen to them and act accordingly.
To anyone in this debate:
Your feelings are valid and real. But what's also real for all of us is biases.
Many people are saying that they don't feel like they are able to cultivate a fandom space for themselves because of the overload Dreamling/Hob Gadling content, which romanticizes his past, perpetuating racism.
I think this a serious problem, one that we should definitely talk about, because this fandom should be a place for everyone, and everyone should get to cultivate their fandom experience, which by the sounds of this is getting difficult.
I wanna say that I don't want this blog to sound like I'm on one side of this "ship war" because it shouldn't be a ship war in the first place. This is a serious discussion about fandom racism, biases, and the inaccessibility of safe fandom spaces for POC fans.
It is not my place to tell another person how to act or think. It is no one's place to tell another how to feel, or to disregard their hurt.
Healthy discussion is great and should happen! But attacking real people and insulting them shouldn't.
What I hope to see out of this discussion is hopefully a result of safer fandom spaces and healthier discourse. Which I know is unlikely to happen, but I think we as a fandom are capable of that.
At the end of the day, this fandoms great, and anyone who sees this, no matter what they ship, should be completely free to indulge in whatever fics and meta they want to!
I want this blog to be a free place of discussion, where no one has to feel insulted or attacked. I don't want this to be at all a negative space, and it's open to all shippers.
Ultimately this fandom is a community with a shared interest, and that's just really wholesome I think.
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headspace-hotel · 2 years
I really appreciate your posts on plant diversity! Do you have any suggestions for how to tackle this issue as a renter? We live in a small house with a yard and our lease requires us to keep the grass cut. We've pretty much been ignoring this and our lawn is full of clover and plants I don't recognize, but I'm worried about trying to do anything more in terms of native plants for fear we'll have negative repercussions or that our work will be undone when we move out. Do you have any ideas for how to advocate for biodiversity with our landlord?
Hmm. If you are allowed to plant trees and flower beds and stuff, don't replace the whole lawn necessarily, just turn some into something else.
Without knowing what region you are in, I can't say much specific, but if your climate is suited to them, shrubs will take up space, shade out overgrowth, and provide shelter and food for wildlife. In the eastern US, there are bushes and shrubs for everything. Variety is the spice of (wild)life! We recently planted Beautyberry bushes which have bright purple berries in the fall. I didn't even know they existed.
If you have space, and you live in a biome with trees, I can't overstate how good trees are. I'm personally a big fan of planting a few together in a little grove (it motivates them to reach up and grow taller, and decreases their chance of breaking in storms). If your yard is overgrown, there's almost definitely a tree there already. Keep big trees away from foundations and septic systems and things though. A tree's roots typically spread out under the ground as much as their branches do above.
I personally like Eastern Redcedar a lot. (I'm from the eastern US.) They tend to be small in poor soils, and grow reeeeeally slowly so they're probably effectively like...a bush. But they are evergreens so good for screening (giving privacy/wind shelter) and their berries are good for birds. Also, and I cannot stress this enough, they grow everywhere on gravelly roadsides. Just little tiny puffs of bluish needles. They are easy to yoink.
If you don't have much space, you can try putting up a little pergola or whatever they call those little pavilions that vines grow on. Watch out for the difference between woody vines and herbaceous vines. Woody vines get bigger and heavier over the years much like a tree; herbaceous vines will die back and don't risk collapsing or wrecking structures as much. A nice little structure in the backyard will serve as well as a tree for vines to grow on, and will let you fill vertical space. Make sure it's kinda stupid looking and pointless without anything growing on it so subsequent people don't want to get rid of your plants.
Watch out for invasive species! They often go wild when a disturbed or cultivated area is left to regrow. They will greatly slow down the "regeneration" process and stop new things from moving in. Callery pears and wintercreeper are the worst around my area. Identify those plants! I still recommend plant identification apps as a starting point. They're pretty good and they give you a foothold in the possibilities.
Even just a small area of your grass being allowed to "re-wild" is awesome. It doesn't have to be the whole lawn. Figure out what you've got already and work from there!
Look up native plant nurseries near you to get an idea of the kind of plants you might be able to add in.
Also remember, cutting the grass and doing nothing else is infinitely better than spraying pesticides on everything that isn't grass. Don't get in trouble if you don't have to, identify your plants and figure out what you might wanna keep or transplant.
Good luck!
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3rdeyeblaque · 3 months
I've been focusing heavily on clearing work ahead of & beneath this lunar eclipse/full moon. Feeling so renewed, easy, & light 😌
Imo, Clearing/Purification work is heavily undervalued & misunderstood. It's how we purify/purge/clear out negative or low vibrational entities, spirits, & energies. It's how we reset the energy of a place/person/thing. It's how we create space for what it is to come while relinquishing what is to be let go. It's how we cultivate a blank slate.
I call it, juju bleach lol.
Don't sleep on Clearing work! It's necessary & a game changer. I consider it 1/3 of what should be in everyone's arsenal to maintain healthy routine spiritual hygiene.
How are you vibing with this lunar eclipse/full moon transit? 🌙
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unfortunate-arrow · 2 years
𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐦 𝐉𝐨𝐡𝐧 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐥𝐢𝐧 | hphl character profile
Warnings: Mentions of death and illness. Liberal use of the word “bastard.”
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Full Name: William John Devlin 
Nicknames: Will, Billy, Willie 
Name Meanings: William → English-German, “resolute protection” ; John → Hebrew, “God is gracious” ; Devlin → Irish, “descendant of the unfortunate one.” 
Date of Birth: July 5, 1881 
Gender: Male ; he/him 
Sexuality: Heterosexual 
Blood Status: Muggleborn 
Nationality: English, Irish
Residence: Shannon Devlin’s cottage, Kent, England (birth to 18 months) ; Oakwood Hall, Kent, England (18 months to 17) ; Room 305, Mrs. Baker’s Lodging House for Men, London, England (17 to 22) ; Right Wing, Second Floor, Wexington House, London, England (22 to 28) ; The Devlin Cottage, Clovelly, Devon, England (28 to death)
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Adult Faceclaim: Luke Thompson 
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Child Faceclaim: Elliot Grihault
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Height: 6’0” 
Build: Athletic 
Hair: Black hair that is short and often looks purposely tousled 
Eye Color: Blue-green
Scarring: None
Modifications: (glasses, piercings, tattoos, etc.) William starts to wear reading glasses in his mid-twenties. 
Other Distinguishing Marks: None 
Clothing Style: Simple with an aristocratic flair ; linen shirts ; trousers ; suspenders ; waistcoats ; sweaters ; jackets ; cravats ; ties ; newsboy caps 
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Accessories: A pocket watch 
What’s in His Pockets: His wand ; bits of parchment or charcoal
What’s in His School Bag: Textbooks ; quills, ink, parchment ; a sketchbook ; charcoal and a sketching crayon 
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Voiceclaim: Luke Thompson 
Accent: English 
Dialect: Southern English 
Languages Spoken: English, French, Latin 
Languages Understood: English, French, Latin
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MBTI Type: ISFP — the adventurer 
→ Quiet, friendly, sensitive, and kind. Enjoy the present moment, what's going on around them. Like to have their own space and to work within their own time frame. Loyal and committed to their values and to people who are important to them. Dislike disagreements and conflicts, do not force their opinions or values on others.
Enneagram Type: 4w5 — the bohemian 
→ The 4w5 type is a Four who shares many characteristics with the Type Five. This type will appear more reserved, intellectual, and introspective than other Fours. 4w5s seek to understand the world deeply, and strive to make an impact within it. They may appear withdrawn and overly focused on the self.
Positive Traits: Artistic, intelligent, athletic, kind, reliable, conscientious, patient, observant, hard-working, curious
Neutral Traits: Reserved, stubborn, awkward, punctual, easily flustered, private, practical, imaginative, humble, quiet, charming 
Negative Traits: Shy, self-conscious, aloof, overthinker, neurotic, a lot of idiosyncrasies  
Common Stressors: Rumors ; exams ; showing his art ; remarks about his illegitimacy ; crowds ; being late 
Comforting Things: Sketching ; fencing ; reading ; being alone ; quiet 
Interests & Hobbies: Sketching ; drawing ; fencing ; painting ; reading ; playing the piano 
Description: William is a quiet and conscientious man, who has always been aware of how the world usually perceives him. He’s always been a bit of an outsider, because he’s illegitimate or because he’s a muggleborn. Due to this, William tries to avoid drawing attention to himself. He prefers to fade into the background, cultivating a small group of friends and never feeling comfortable in larger groups. He’s always been skilled at art, despite never having any formal lessons until his sixth and seventh years. William is a quiet, artistic man who usually keeps to himself and is very self-conscious.
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Wand: William’s wand is made of pine wood with a phoenix tail feather core and is 11 inches with an unyielding flexibility. 
→ Pine wands always chose an independent, individual master who might be perceived as a loner, intriguing and perhaps mysterious. Pine wands enjoyed being used creatively, and unlike some others, would adapt unprotestingly to new methods and spells. Many wandmakers insisted that pine wands were able to detect, and perform best for, owners who were destined for long lives, including Garrick Ollivander who had never personally known the master of a pine wand to die young. The pine wand was one of those that were most sensitive to non-verbal magic.
Other Magical Abilities: None 
Patronus: Basset hound 
Patronus Memory: Holding his eldest child, Samuel, for the first time
Boggart: Someone that he cares about sneering about how worthless he is because he’s a bastard
Riddikulus: The degrading remarks are replaced by puns and jokes 
William smells like charcoal, sandalwood, clean linen, soap, and parchment.
William smells freshly baked bread, mint, apples, sunflowers, and lavender. 
Mirror of Erised: William sees himself wearing a wedding and having a family of his own. 
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House: Ravenclaw 
OWL Classes:
Astronomy — Exceeds Expectations 
Charms — Outstanding 
Defense Against the Dark Arts — Acceptable
Flying — Exceeds Expectations 
Herbology — Acceptable 
History of Magic — Exceeds Expectations 
Potions — Acceptable 
Transfiguration — Exceeds Expectations 
OWL Electives:
Arithmancy — Exceeds Expectations 
Care of Magical Creatures — Acceptable
Study of Ancient Runes — Exceeds Expectations 
NEWT Classes:
Art — Outstanding
Astronomy — Acceptable
Charms — Outstanding
Defense Against the Dark Arts — Acceptable
Transfiguration — Exceeds Expectations 
Extracurriculars: Seeker on the Ravenclaw quidditch team ; art club 
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Affiliations: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry ; The Ministry of Magic 
Age 17 to 25 - House painter
Age 25 to 30 - Low level official in the Muggle Liaison Office at the Ministry of Magic 
Age 30 to 90 - Artist 
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Father: Lord Paul Edward George Carlisle, viscount [1855-1917]
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Paul was born in 1855 to Edward and Evelyn Carlisle. He was their only surviving child and as the eldest son, Paul was also the heir to the Carlisle viscountcy. Thus, he had an easy and stable childhood with very few hardships. In fact, for most of his early life, his main hardship was going away to school. Then, when he was twenty-one, his parents passed away in an accident. This left Paul with viscountcy and a large estate in a changing world. He struggled those first few years, but eventually he found a rhythm for running his estate. 
Then, at the age of twenty-five, Paul began an affair with Shannon Devlin, a servant in his household. She was pretty, young, willing, and available. He always knew that it wasn’t the smartest decision, that Shannon probably did expect marriage which was something Paul had no intentions of doing. Thus, when she disappeared nine months later, Paul never questioned it and readily accepted the woman’s resignation. However, he wasn’t surprised when a little over two years later, a toddler was left on his doorstep with a note. The boy, William, was Shannon’s son, and Paul knew he was the boy’s father. The boy looked too much like Paul’s father, Edward, to deny the boy was a blood relation.
Paul readily accepted the duty of raising his bastard son to adulthood. He was compelled by a combination of honor and guilt. To provide the boy with some protection, Paul claimed him as a ward. It did little to quash the rumors, as anyone who saw the boy and a rendition of Edward Carlisle could see that Carlisle blood was running through the boy’s veins. Paul invested a significant sum in hiring tutors who could be discreet for the boy, providing William with a stable environment and a rigorous education.
In 1889, Paul began searching for a wife and in the process arranged a match for his ward with the daughter of a fellow viscount. He also found his own match, marrying Helen Holloway (née Lenox) in 1890 and gaining a stepdaughter in the form of Helen’s daughter, Louisa, who also happened to be a few months older than William. Paul and Helen had two children together, their heir, Julian, and two years later, their daughter, Caroline.
Paul passed away in 1917, at the age of 62. He suffered a hemorrhagic stroke and passed away in his sleep.
William never had a significant relationship with his father and never got any confirmation that he was, in fact, Paul’s son until a letter found him from Julian. During the years William lived in the viscount’s household, the two generally avoided one another. Paul occasionally offered praise for William’s educational progress and they occasionally ate dinner together. William saw his father precisely once after he moved out. He happened to be walking in the streets with his son, Samuel, and saw the viscount. He tipped his head in acknowledgement to the man.
Faceclaim: Matthew Macfayden
Mother: Shannon Imogen Devlin [deceased, 1860-1883]
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Shannon was born on February 22, 1860 to Liam and Imogen Devlin. She joined elder brothers, John and Robert. She grew up on a farm, which was located on the border between County Donegal and County Tyrone in Ireland. Shannon had a fairly good childhood. Her family wasn’t rich and sometimes they struggled, but there was a lot of love in the Devlin household. But, everything changed when Shannon was sixteen and the rest of her family succumbed to typhus. Shannon miraculously didn’t fall ill, thanks in part to her family insisting that she not stay in the same area as them. 
She reluctantly sold her family’s farm and as she had very few prospects, Shannon decided to immigrate to England to find work. She struggled to find work in England as well, until she stumbled into becoming a maid in the Carlisle household at the age of nineteen. 
At the age of 20, Shannon became entangled in an affair with the twenty-five-year-old viscount and head of the household. This entanglement lasted until Shannon discovered that she was pregnant about a year later. She knew that Paul Carlisle had no intention of marrying her, as he never once brought it up in the ten months of their affairs. Thus, Shannon offered her resignation and left the Carlisle house. She worked in multiple seedy taverns and public houses, until she stumbled upon a Catholic convent. Shannon spun a story of being widowed to the nuns and was welcomed in, although she begged God and Jesus for forgiveness the whole time. 
Her son, the light of her remaining life, was born on July 5, 1881. She had a rough birth and was left weak for the rest of her life. However, she adored her son and named him after her father and eldest brother. She also had her son baptized a few days after he was born.
After recovering from childbirth, Shannon began working in a tavern nearby the convent and taking on some mending for middle class families who could afford sending out for mending. She adored her son, and had decided to try and save up enough money to get them passage to the United States. It would be better there, no one would comment on how much her son looked like the late Viscount Edward Carlisle. 
Unfortunately, in January of 1883, Shannon contracted influenza. Already weakened from a difficult childbirth, she was weakened even more by the flu. She knew that she wasn’t going to survive, so she wrote a letter to Paul Carlisle, explaining everything and asking him to care for their son. She gathered up the last of her strength, wrapped her eighteen-month-old son up in his favorite blanket, and left him on the doorstep of the Carlisle household. She stayed just out of sight and waited until her son was taken into the home. His cries haunted her for the last few days of her life, as the flu claimed her life shortly after she gave up her son.
Faceclaim: Saoirse Ronan (specifically in the movie, Brooklyn)
Brother: The Honorable Julian Paul George Carlisle
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Julian was born on June 29, 1891, making him a little less than ten years younger than William. He is also William’s half-brother, as they share a father but have a different mother. Julian was a happy boy, who endeared himself to everyone. He was especially adored by animals that hated everyone else, which included William’s cat, Claude. Claude quickly became Julian’s cat. Julian could often be found in the stables, hanging out with the viscount’s horses. As an adult, Julian was a benevolent viscount who was known for having a menagerie of grumpy animals.
William never had a close relationship with his younger brother. He always felt on the outside. Julian was the legitimate son, and William’s illegitimacy cast a pallor over their relationship. However, William never begrudged his younger brother for being legitimate. He never wanted to be heir. In addition, there was also a ten year age gap, which helped to prevent a close bond from forming. 
Faceclaim: Louis Hynes
Sister: Caroline Florence Helen Carlisle 
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Caroline was born on April 28, 1893, making her twelve years younger than William. She is also William’s half-sister. She was intended to be the spare, but her parents were happy to have another daughter. She was named after her maternal grandfather. Caroline was a happy yet mischievous child. She managed to endear herself to everyone and her older sister said that she could get away with almost anything. Caroline loved to be around people and animals. She was a talented horse rider who loved to have fun and pull pranks. 
William never had a close relationship with Caroline. He looked after her, as best he could, but he was at school for half of her childhood and he moved out before she turned ten. They never really had a chance for a relationship.
Faceclaim: Eloise Webb
Step-Mother: Helen Maude Carlisle née Holloway née Lenox [1857-1930]
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Helen was born on May 29, 1857 to Charles and Georgia Lenox. She joined an older sister. She had a happy and stable childhood with very little hardship. At the age of 20, Helen married 22-year-old Amos Holloway. They had a love match and Amos was the fifth son of an earl. They had one child early in their marriage, a daughter named Louisa. Amos died in 1886, leaving Helen devastated by this. 
It took her three years to make peace with the death of her husband and begin searching for a new husband. She married Paul Carlisle, a viscount, in 1890 and somewhat unwittingly gained a stepson. Shortly after her marriage to Paul, Helen had their first child and heir, a boy they named Julian. Two years later, they had a daughter named Caroline, after Helen’s father, Charles, who passed away shortly before Caroline was born. 
Helen passed away in 1930 at the age of 73. She saw multiple grandchildren born and was at peace when she passed away in her sleep. 
William never really had a relationship with Helen. She wasn’t really interested in having a relationship with her husband’s bastard son, but she understood her husband’s reasoning for housing his illegitimate son. Helen tolerated William, but never held any ill will towards him. William didn’t mind, and they were generally indifferent to one another.
Faceclaim: Keeley Hawes
Step-Sister: Louisa Emily Honora Holloway
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Louisa was born on November 2, 1881. She was the only child of Amos and Helen Holloway. Louisa had a fairly good childhood, but she was devastated by the death of her father when she was quite young. She even tried to convince her mother not to marry Paul Carlisle. She hadn’t liked Paul very much at first, but he did grow on her as time passed. She also adored her two little siblings. As an adult, Louisa makes an advantageous marriage to a wealthy American merchant and is content in her life. 
William rarely interacted with Louisa. They both enjoyed their privacy, so they preferred to leave one another alone. They never really developed a relationship, both having different education pathways and not being interested in one another. After William moved out, the two never saw each other again. 
Faceclaim: Eleanor Tomlinson
Childhood: A grumpy orange cat named Claude, who hated William
Adulthood: An owl, a cat, a dog, and whatever strays Josie brings home
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Love Interest: Josephine Rebecca “Josie” Edwards (@slytherindisaster)
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→ William met Josie Edwards in his third year during a shared Care of Magical Creatures class when they were paired together for a drawing activity. A friendship began to form over the course of their years at Hogwarts. Towards the end of his sixth year, William noticed that his thoughts about Josie began trending romantic, but kept them quiet until they kissed shortly during a party shortly after they had graduated from Hogwarts. However, they didn’t get together until a few years later, after becoming pen pals while Josie was traveling. They officially got together when Josie returned to England and married in a small, private ceremony when they were twenty-two, a few months before their twenty-third birthdays.
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Son: Samuel Oliver Devlin
Gryffidnor | Seeker | Demisexual | b. October 14, 1906
William generally has a good relationship with his eldest son. He was very scared to be a father, but after holding Sam, many of those fears were put to rest as he knew that Samuel wouldn’t be facing the same difficulties as he had. Their relationship could be contentious when Samuel was a teen, though, as the boy was determined to avoid anything that was associated with either of his parents. However, William has always done his best to stand by his son and support Samuel the best he could. He’s quite proud of his son and loves Samuel very much. 
Faceclaim: Skander Keynes
Daughter: Emmeline Shannon Devlin 
Ravenclaw | Twin | Lesbian | b. April 7, 1909
William has a good relationship with his eldest daughter. Emmeline, like her twin, reminds William of Josie, but with some of his slightly neurotic tendencies. He is quite proud of her and everything she does. He tries his best to provide her with an environment where she can be herself, knowing how the world is. He loves Emmeline very much and does his best to support her with everything she does.
Faceclaim: Kyla Matthews
Daughter: Lucretia Josephine “Lucy” Devlin
Ravenclaw | Twin | Bisexual | b. April 7, 1909
William has a good relationship with his middle daughter. Lucy reminds him a lot of Josie and he doesn’t always see any of him in her, not that he minds all that much. He loves Lucy very much and tries his best to support her, although he sometimes falls short with all five of his children. He knows that Lucy is a bit closer to Josie and doesn’t mind. He loves his daughter and is very proud of her. 
Faceclaim: Kyla Matthews
Son: Sebastian Liam Devlin
Hufflepuff | Seeker | Twin | Heterosexual | b. November 22, 1916
William has a good relationship with his youngest son. Sebastian is quite similar in personality to William, which makes it easy to connect and he finds it the easiest to understand Sebastian. He loves his youngest son very much and does whatever he can to support Sebastian in whatever he tries. He is quite proud of his son and is quite happy that Sebastian (and Mattie) came around, even if the second set of twins were completely unexpected. 
Faceclaim: Will Tilston
Daughter: Matilda Grace “Mattie” Devlin 
Slytherin | Keeper | Twin  | Heterosexual | b. November 22, 1916
William has a good relationship with his youngest daughter. As the only one of his children to show an interest in art, William also finds it quite easy to connect with Mattie. He has great memories of teaching her how to paint and how to play the piano. He loves her very much and is quite proud of her. He does whatever he can to support Mattie in whatever she decides to pursue. 
Faceclaim: Florence Hunt
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Ex-Fiancée: Primrose Gray (@endlessly-cursed)
Best Friends: TBD
Close Friends: TBD
Gwen Archeron (@thatravenpuffwitch)
Violette Durand ; Oscar Erdstern (@cursed-herbalist)
Eliot Gerard ; Siobhan Llewelyn ; Bradford Pendleton (@kc-and-co)
Danny Gibson (@catohphm)
Primrose Gray (@endlessly-cursed)
Lysander Mercury (@slytherindisaster)
Wolfgang Witte (@hufflefluffs)
Ivy Anders (@kc-and-co)
Seraphina Hopper (@thatravenpuffwitch)
Elias Quintin (@amerrymystery)
Gabriel Sapieha (@slytherindisaster)
It’s Complicated: TBD
Hogwarts Dormmates:
Oscar Erdstern (@cursed-herbalist)
Eliot Gerard (@kc-and-co)
Anthony Hawthorne (@gaygryffindorgal)
Rivals: TBD
Enemies: TBD
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Place of Birth: Mount Saint Margaret’s Convent, Kent, England 
Hometown: Oakwood Hall, Kent, England
William John Devlin was born in Mount Saint Margaret’s Convent, Kent, England on July 5, 1881 to Shannon Devlin. His birth was hard on his mother, but he was born healthy and was baptized shortly after his birth. His mother was an Irish Catholic who had immigrated from Ireland after losing her family to typhus. The first eighteen months of William’s life were spent in a small cottage near the tavern where his mother worked. 
However, everything changed in January of 1883 when Shannon fell extremely ill with influenza. After realizing that she was probably not going to survive the virus, Shannon used what strength she had left to take her son to his father. It was better that way. Paul Carlisle could provide more for their son. Shann wrote a letter to Lord Carlisle, and took the boy to the Carlisle household. She wrapped William tightly in his favorite blanket, kissed the top of his head, whispered that she loved, and attached a letter to her son. Then, she knocked on the door and slipped away, waiting out of sight until her son was taken into the house. She prayed that she had made the right decision. 
Lord Paul Carlisle was under no pressure to take his bastard in. The Bastardy Clause in the 1834 Poor Laws absolved him of all responsibility for his illegitimate son. However, the clause had undergone a few changes in the years since 1834. However, the viscount’s sense of honor (and guilt) compelled him to shelter the boy under the guise of a ward. Everyone knew that was flagrantly false.
William had a lonely childhood. The servant and village children were discouraged from interacting with the viscount’s ward and William was mainly kept out of the public eye. If the viscount had guests, William was relegated to the nursery. He had a few interactions with other children of the nobility, but those rarely ended well. His bastardy was fairly obvious because of William’s uncanny resemblance to his paternal grandfather and a portrait of the late Lord Edward Carlisle hung in the drawing room for all to see. In an attempt to combat his loneliness, William mastered fencing and piano, read a large portion of the library, and began to sketch. However, he kept his sketching a secret for a long time.
At the age of nine, William found himself engaged to Miss Primrose Gray. He was not impressed, although the girl was surprisingly kind to him. The engagement was a sham, which lasted until William was nearly seventeen. It ended mutually. 
When he was almost ten, William’s father married Helen Holloway, who had a daughter a few months younger than William. William’s half-brother, Julian, was born on June 29, 1891 and his half-sister, Caroline, was born on April 28, 1893. 
On his eleventh birthday, William received his Hogwarts letter. He was shocked, but noted that it did explain some of the odd things that happened to and around him. 
Hogwarts Years:
Upon arriving at Hogwarts, William was sorted into Ravenclaw. At Hogwarts, he joined the Ravenclaw quidditch team in his third year. He also made some friends, and found that, perhaps, his bastardy wasn’t going to be such an obstacle in the wizarding world. William generally enjoyed his time at Hogwarts.
After graduating from Hogwarts, William began to desperately search for a job. He hadn’t known what he wanted to spend his life doing during Hogwarts, which left him struggling to find a career. Eventually, he found work as a house painter. He took on odd jobs as well, including decorating large homes for Christmas or making small repairs. This lasted until he was twenty-four.
With Josie pregnant with their first child, William managed to secure a job as a low level ministry official in the muggle liaison office, but he didn’t get the job until after his first child was born. He absolutely hated the job and slogged through it most days, counting down the hours until each day ended. However, at the age of 30, he was invited to showcase a landscape at an art gallery. He eagerly accepted, driven by his wife’s support and his hatred of his ministry job. The painting sold for a surprisingly hefty sum, which allowed William to quit his ministry job and focus on his art. His landscapes consistently managed to garner attention, and he was even talked into commissions multiple times.
William also married Josie Edwards in 1904 and they had five children together. Their eldest son, Samuel Oliver Devlin was born on January 14, 1906. Three years later, their twin girls, Emmeline Shannon and Lucretia Josephine “Lucy” Devlin were born on April 7, 1909. Seven years after the girls, William and Josie were surprised to discover they were expecting again. Their second set of twins, Sebastian Liam and Matilda Grace “Mattie’ Devlin were born on November 22, 1916.
Shortly before Emmeline and Lucy were born, William and Josie bought a slightly run down cottage in Clovelly, England. Over time, they began to renovate and fix up the cottage. They spent the rest of their lives in the cottage and after their deaths, one of their children inherited the cottage.
Old Age:
William technically retired at the age of 90, but continued to devote himself to his art. He didn’t sell many pieces after that point and he didn’t take commissions any longer, but he continued to follow his passion. 
William passed away in 1993 at the age of 112 from natural causes. He had lived a long and fulfilled life, leaving behind five children, twelve grandchildren, and fifteen great-grandchildren.
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Favorite Color: Green 
Favorite Food: Pasta 
Favorite Drink: Chocolate 
Favorite Weather: Brisk but clear 
Favorite Season: Autumn 
Dislikes: Crowds ; rumors ; fish ; cooked carrots and spinach ; people looking at his art 
William’s illegitimacy is a poorly kept secret. So, while the viscount’s staff generally avoid discussing the viscount’s by-blow with or around William, it is painfully obvious. The boy looks too much like the viscount’s father for there not to be a close blood tie. William knows what people say about him, though. He tries not to let it control or consume him, but sometimes, it is really hard to avoid those feelings or thoughts.
He is named after his maternal grandfather, Liam Devlin, and his uncle, John Devlin.
While religion is not an important part of William’s life, his religious identity is rather complicated. After all, he was baptized in the Catholic Church as an infant, but he was raised within the Anglican Church. It’s hard for him to truly understand those two differences as he doesn’t truly discover it until his adulthood.
For William, art is a very private thing. He doesn’t consider showing his first landscape until he’s nearly thirty and he doesn’t show portraits until his fifties. Most of his portraits are of his wife and children.
William also has a tendency to only see the flaws in his art. He often becomes his own worst critic. 
William is the most comfortable using charcoal as a medium. However, he does experiment more as he ages. By his mid-twenties, he started using oil paints more than charcoal. However, during his time at Hogwarts, he solely used charcoal.
William hates the smell of tobacco smoke and he hates the taste as well. However, he will still smoke when he’s extremely stressed. He hates this habit and describes it as vile. He tries a lot of other things to put off smoking, but still comes back to it. He tries to keep tobacco out of the house, as that’s usually the one thing that will stop him. He rarely brings tobacco products home and finds it easier to stay at home the more he ages. Once the kids are in the picture, it’s also a little easier to resist the temptation to go buy some. 
Being late is one of William’s biggest pet peeves. He absolutely hates the whole “fashionably late” thing that is rather common amongst the aristocrats.
William refers to his father as the viscount. There was never a formal admission that Lord Carlisle was William’s father and it was just easier to refer to the man as the viscount.
Important Links:
William’s tag
A Shameful Whisper — a Spring Break Challenge story
More detailed information on William’s children, Samuel, Emmeline, Lucy, Sebastian, and Mattie 
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alwayscoldj · 9 months
Healing From Within: A Guide to Emotional Recovery for a Healthy Relationship
Love can be a beautiful and transformative experience, but it can also bring its fair share of emotional challenges. Relationships, whether romantic or platonic, often require us to navigate through complex emotional landscapes. Sometimes, these emotions can leave us feeling wounded and in need of healing. Emotional healing is a crucial aspect of nurturing a healthy relationship, whether you're mending a broken bond or ensuring an existing one thrives.
In this blog post, we'll explore effective ways to emotionally heal yourself for a relationship, focusing on self-love, communication, and personal growth.
Self-Love as the Foundation
The journey to emotional healing begins with self-love. Before you can fully engage in a healthy relationship with another person, you must cultivate a deep sense of self-worth and self-acceptance. Here are some steps to help you start this essential process:
Practice Self-Compassion: Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding that you would offer to a friend in distress. Acknowledge your imperfections and remind yourself that it's okay to make mistakes.
Set Boundaries: Healthy relationships require boundaries that respect your emotional well-being. Learn to say no when necessary and prioritize your own needs alongside those of your partner.
Positive Affirmations: Use positive affirmations daily to reinforce your self-worth. These can help reframe negative self-talk and boost your self-esteem.
Embrace Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize, understand, and manage your own emotions while also empathizing with the emotions of others. It's a crucial skill for building and sustaining healthy relationships. Here's how to enhance your emotional intelligence:
Self-Awareness: Start by becoming aware of your own emotions. Journaling or mindfulness meditation can be helpful tools in this process.
Empathy: Practice empathetic listening and try to understand your partner's emotions and perspectives. Empathy creates a stronger connection between you and your partner.
Healthy Expression: Learn how to express your emotions in a healthy and constructive manner. This reduces the chances of emotional outbursts or bottling up feelings.
Effective Communication
Communication is the cornerstone of any successful relationship. Here are some tips for effective communication that can aid in emotional healing:
Active Listening: Give your partner your full attention when they're speaking. Avoid interrupting and ask clarifying questions to ensure you understand their perspective.
Use "I" Statements: Instead of saying, "You always do this," try saying, "I feel hurt when this happens." This shifts the conversation from blame to personal feelings.
Conflict Resolution: Disagreements are a natural part of any relationship. Work together with your partner to find solutions and compromises that are mutually beneficial.
Personal Growth and Healing
Emotional healing often requires personal growth and self-improvement. Consider the following steps to facilitate this process:
Seek Therapy: If past traumas or unresolved issues are affecting your current relationship, consider seeking the help of a therapist. Therapy can provide a safe space for exploring and healing emotional wounds.
Self-Care: Make self-care a priority in your life. Engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation, whether it's reading, exercising, or spending time in nature.
Forgiveness: Forgiving yourself and others for past mistakes can be a powerful step in the healing process. Holding onto grudges and resentment can hinder personal growth and damage relationships.
Emotional healing is a continuous journey that requires patience and self-compassion. By focusing on self-love, emotional intelligence, effective communication, and personal growth, you can create a strong foundation for a healthy and thriving relationship. Remember that healing is not a linear process, and it's okay to seek professional help when needed. Ultimately, your emotional well-being is the key to nurturing and sustaining the loving and fulfilling relationships you desire.
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Many unconscious human beings are totally unaware they are carrying dead energy, displaced entities, negative alien implants, unaware that they are soul disconnected and mind controlled to limit further consciousness expansion. In other terms, this is enslavement of the person without their consent. This is a form of possession and is the servitude or bondage to the imposter spirit. An imposter spirit can be Luciferian or Satanic spirits. This is how spiritual-energetic enslavement is manifested.
If this persists, combined with continued destructive behavior to the self and others that are repeated as life patterns, the person becomes sucked into a density of painfully low self-esteem, phobias, fears and addictions. Most of the time that will include layers of astral debris, displaced entities, impersonal elemental forces, and sometimes, includes full demonic possession. Being possessed does not generally mean you are levitating off the bed or acting “demonic”. There is absolutely no shame or guilt applied to this state unless the suffering person applies it from their own state of fragmented confusion. It is through the Possession of one’s body of which the suffering and pain is greatly increased, until this possession is removed and cleared from your person. There are a million different variations of possession possible; however, the only possibility to evict these possessions is to get clear within yourself, and learn that you have the power to heal yourself and claim your energetic sovereignty and freedom. (God Sovereign Free Behavior) When one learns to create the space inside to communicate clearly and embody one’s spiritual source through cultivation of Virtues, one can begin the road to personal freedom and permanent release of suffering.
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rosethornewrites · 2 years
Thursday-Sunday T & G reading
The usual
paint the picture that you want, by PrismaticAvocado
Lan Wangji huffs in amusement on the other side of the bed, and Wei Wuxian peeks over A-Yu to smile at his husband. They certainly make quite the cute little family all cuddled up in bed like this—Wei Wuxian stroking their son’s hair that has mostly fallen from where Lan Wangji had put it up for sleeping earlier and legs intertwined with Lan Wangji who is straightening out A-Yu’s already straight sleeping robe. The only thing missing is their eldest, but Lan Sizhui is probably a little old to be cuddling his parents in bed.
Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji accidentally acquire another son.
(Written for Wei Wuxian November Mayhem | Prompts used: parent!wwx, artist, painting)
Thank you for another year, by Aki_no_hikari
It is Lan Wangji's birthday. He goes through his day feeling thankful for all he has.
The Consequences of Accidental Time Travel, by BurningBlueDiamond (5th in a series)
Future Sizhui, Jingyi, Wei Ying and Lan Zhan went back to their time.
How will the Past and Future character react to the new information provided?
The aftermath of "A Room Full of Dead People".
Yeah, this really doesn't make any sense without reading "A Room Full of Dead People" first.
Lessons relearned, by Iamnotawriter
He thought of all the pain and death that was to come. There was so much that went wrong in the cultivation world in the next few years. The weight of responsibility felt insurmountable.
Lan Qiren had never wanted to be a politician or leader. That role was meant for his brother. He had done his best in the years he had led the sect but he was aware that he was not the best person for the job. His interests had always been the academic pursuits and teaching the next generation. How could he hope to make an impact on the mess of political manoeuvring and aggression that was imminent? He decided he could only focus on the events which impacted his family the most. He could save Cloud Recesses from being burned. He could protect both his nephews from there disastrous relationships. He could protect the books they lost in the war.
Lan Qiren travels back in time and tries to fix the future.
Alternate Headcanons, by nirejseki
Random assortment of MDZS ficlets in response to a request for prompts for alternate headcanons for characters
Shards of Hope, by Dreaming_Days
He had built his life with the coldest calculation. Clawed his way to power with unhesitating ruthlessness. Destroyed anyone who would impede him. Betrayed even the few who had truly cared for him. And, in the end, utterly forsaken, Jin Guangyao died.
Then, 25 years earlier, Meng Yao woke up.
Abyss, by WanderingMongoose
Lotus Pier was an explosion of color, the vendors’ bright banners contrasting with the soft pink and green of the lotus ponds. The purple standard of the Jiang Clan flew from the tops of pavilions, fluttering against the azure sky. Every part of the landscape was saturated with color. The white robes of the Lan Sect were the only negative space, their perfect jade white looking unnatural and leached of life in the midst of Lotus Pier’s bustling docks. Sounds and smells assaulted them from every side, as if the docks themselves were affronted by their colorless silence.
Worried about his little brother's solitary nature and lack of friends, Lan Xichen convinces his uncle to send fifteen year old Lan Wangji and a group of GusuLan disciples to study at Lotus Pier under the pretense of improving intersect relations.
You Double-faced Entendre, by pink-lotus-pods (Waterlogged_fireflies)
"Wei Wuxian! You will be charged-"
“First of all, my name is Yuandao, and second of all, you aren't a judge, but you’re the one who’s got me tied up like a chicken! Let me go, damn it, I need to get back to my chickens and my farm!” Yuandao struggled violently, but the thin, golden ropes were a lot stronger than they looked.
The man in gold on the frankly, tastelessly ostentatious throne spluttered, turning the same colour as the cauliflower that he liked to put in his stews.
“Wow. You were right, he really doesn’t remember.” A man built like a mountain whistled, his face twisted into something that looked like amusement. “Either that, or he’s a world class actor.”
“For the last time, I’m just a farmer!”
Or, an amnesiac Wei Wuxian wakes up, gets himself a new family and is immediately roped into a political schism, EXACTLY in that order. He is very unhappy about having his cottagecore life uprooted.
Updates will be once every two weeks. Some tags have been hidden until the chapter will be posted, but there will be additional warnings in the chapter notes should you want to skip a particular scene
Disliking Seperation, by SallySPT
Nearly a year after the events at Guanyin Temple, Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian return to the cultivation world to participate in the Cultivation Conference. Many things have changed in the year that they were gone.
Or Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian adopt a child while traveling and the cultivation world doesn’t know how to react.
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livelovelifeagain · 14 days
Stress Less, Live More: Well-being Coaching in Muscat
Feeling overwhelmed by the daily grind? Does the hustle and bustle of Muscat leave you drained and yearning for a sense of calm? You're not alone. In today's fast-paced world, stress has become a common foe. But what if there was a way to navigate life's challenges with greater ease and unlock a sense of well-being? Well-being coaching in Muscat can be your key.
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What is Well-being Coaching?
Well-being coaching isn't about giving advice or fixing problems. It's a collaborative process where a trained coach works with you to explore your unique needs and aspirations. They empower you to develop strategies for managing stress, improving your relationships, achieving personal goals, and ultimately, living a more fulfilling life.
How Can Well-being Coaching Benefit You?
The benefits of well-being coaching are vast and can be tailored to your specific needs. Here are some ways coaching can enhance your life:
Reduced Stress: Feeling stressed? A well-being coach can equip you with tools for stress management, helping you identify triggers, develop coping mechanisms, and cultivate a sense of calm.
Improved Work-Life Balance: Does work-life balance seem like a distant dream? Coaching can help you set boundaries, prioritize tasks, and create time for activities you enjoy, leading to a more balanced and fulfilling life.
Enhanced Relationships: Are you struggling with communication or feeling disconnected from loved ones? Coaching can provide tools for effective communication, conflict resolution, and building stronger connections.
Increased Self-Confidence: Do self-doubt and negative thoughts hold you back? Coaching can help you identify limiting beliefs, develop self-compassion, and boost your confidence to reach your full potential.
Achieving Goals: Do you have goals you'd love to achieve, but struggle with follow-through? Coaching can help you break down big goals into manageable steps, develop accountability strategies, and stay motivated on your journey.
What to Expect from Well-being Coaching in Muscat
Well-being coaching in Muscat is becoming increasingly accessible. Look for qualified coaches with relevant certifications and experience. During your initial consultation, discuss your goals and expectations. A good coach will listen actively, create a safe space for open communication, and tailor the coaching program to your unique needs.
Coaching Sessions:
Coaching sessions typically last 45-60 minutes and can be conducted in person, online, or via phone. The frequency of sessions depends on your individual needs and goals, but weekly or bi-weekly sessions are common.
Taking the First Step
Investing in well-being coaching is an investment in yourself. It's a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. If you're ready to take control of your well-being and create a life filled with less stress and more joy, consider reaching out to a well-being coach in Muscat.
Muscat, with its vibrant culture and stunning landscapes, offers a much to explore. But don't let the fast pace of life steal your well-being. Well-being coaching can be your guide to navigate challenges, cultivate inner peace, and unlock a fulfilling life in Muscat. So, take a deep breath, let go of stress, and embark on your well-being journey today.
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disha70 · 1 month
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"Manifest: 7 Steps to Living Your Best Life" by Roxie Nafousi is a transformative read that offers practical guidance and insightful strategies for achieving personal growth, fulfillment, and success. Drawing on her own experiences and expertise in holistic wellness, Nafousi presents a comprehensive roadmap for readers to manifest their dreams and create the life they desire. Here are key lessons:
1. Clarify Your Vision: Nafousi emphasizes the importance of clarifying your vision and identifying your goals and aspirations. By gaining clarity on what you truly want to achieve in life, you can set a clear direction for your journey and focus your energy and efforts on what truly matters to you.
2. Cultivate Self-Awareness: The book encourages readers to cultivate self-awareness and explore their thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. Through mindfulness practices, journaling, and reflection, you can deepen your understanding of yourself and uncover limiting beliefs or patterns that may be holding you back from reaching your full potential.
3. Practice Gratitude: Nafousi highlights the power of gratitude in shaping a positive mindset and attracting abundance into your life. By practicing gratitude daily and focusing on the blessings and opportunities present in your life, you can shift your perspective and cultivate a greater sense of joy, contentment, and abundance.
4. Set Intentions: Setting intentions is a key step in manifesting your desires and creating positive change in your life. Nafousi guides readers in setting clear, positive intentions aligned with their values and goals. By consciously directing your thoughts and actions toward your intentions, you can harness the power of manifestation to bring your dreams to fruition.
5. Take Inspired Action: Manifestation is not just about wishing for things to happen—it also requires taking inspired action toward your goals. Nafousi encourages readers to take intentional steps toward their dreams, trusting in their abilities and staying open to opportunities that arise along the way.
6. Embrace Self-Love and Acceptance: The book emphasizes the importance of self-love and acceptance in the manifestation process. Nafousi encourages readers to embrace their worthiness and practice self-care and self-compassion. By cultivating a loving and supportive relationship with yourself, you can overcome self-doubt and fear and step into your power with confidence.
7. Release Resistance and Let Go: Letting go of resistance and attachment to outcomes is a crucial aspect of manifestation. Nafousi guides readers in releasing fear, doubt, and negative emotions that may be blocking their progress. By surrendering control and trusting in the universe, you can create space for miracles to unfold in your life.
8. Celebrate Your Wins and Stay Committed: Celebrating your successes, no matter how small, is essential for maintaining momentum and staying motivated on your manifestation journey. Nafousi encourages readers to acknowledge their achievements and stay committed to their goals, even in the face of challenges or setbacks. By staying focused and persistent, you can continue to manifest your dreams and create the life you desire.
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ggiglobalgroup · 2 months
Unveiling the Smile: The Impact of Dental Digital Marketing
In the ever-evolving world of dentistry, staying ahead means embracing the power of digital marketing. As more individuals turn to the internet to find dental services, the significance of a robust online presence cannot be overstated. Let's delve into the realm of dental digital marketing and uncover how it can revolutionize your practice.
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1. Website Mastery:
Your website serves as the digital storefront of your practice, making a lasting impression on potential patients. A well-designed and optimized website is not only visually appealing but also user-friendly and search engine optimized (SEO). Incorporating relevant keywords, ensuring mobile responsiveness, and providing valuable content are crucial for enhancing your website's visibility and attracting organic traffic.
2. Content Brilliance:
Content is king in the digital realm, and dentistry is no exception. Establishing a blog on your website allows you to share valuable insights, tips, and updates related to oral health. From discussing the latest advancements in dental technology to providing advice on oral hygiene, informative content positions your practice as a knowledgeable authority in the field, attracting and retaining patients alike.
3. Social Media Wizardry:
Social media platforms offer a dynamic space to engage with your audience and showcase your practice's personality. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter provide avenues to share practice updates, patient testimonials, and educational content. By fostering meaningful interactions and building a community around your practice, social media marketing humanizes your brand and cultivates trust among current and prospective patients.
4. Reputation Nurturing:
Online reputation can make or break a dental practice. Encouraging satisfied patients to leave positive reviews on platforms like Google My Business, Yelp, and Healthgrades enhances your practice's credibility and visibility. Timely responses to reviews, whether positive or negative, demonstrate professionalism and a commitment to patient satisfaction, fostering trust and loyalty among potential patients.
5. Strategic Advertising:
Paid advertising amplifies your reach and targets potential patients with precision. Invest in pay-per-click (PPC) advertising campaigns on platforms like Google Ads and Facebook Ads to reach individuals actively seeking dental services. Targeting specific demographics, geographic locations, and keywords ensures your ads resonate with your target audience, maximizing your return on investment and driving quality traffic to your website.
In conclusion, dental digital marketing is a powerful tool for propelling your practice to new heights. By optimizing your website, crafting compelling content, engaging on social media, nurturing your online reputation, and strategically investing in advertising, you can unlock the full potential of your practice and attract patients in today's digital landscape. Ready to elevate your dental practice with digital marketing? Contact GGI-USA today and embark on a journey to success in the digital realm.
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kingdom123456 · 3 months
From Stress to Success: How Massage Enhances Emotional Resilience
In today's fast-paced and demanding world, stress has become a common aspect of daily life for many people. Whether it's due to work pressures, relationship challenges, financial worries, or health concerns, chronic stress can take a toll on both physical and emotional well-being, leading to a range of negative consequences such as anxiety, depression, burnout, and decreased productivity. Fortunately, massage therapy offers a powerful antidote to stress by promoting relaxation, reducing tension, and enhancing emotional resilience. In this article, we'll explore the connection between massage and emotional resilience, the benefits of massage therapy for managing stress, and practical strategies for incorporating massage into a stress management routine.
Understanding Emotional Resilience:
Emotional resilience refers to the ability to adapt and bounce back in the face of adversity, challenges, and setbacks. It involves coping effectively with stress, managing emotions, maintaining a positive outlook, and seeking support when needed. Emotional resilience enables individuals to navigate life's ups and downs with grace and resilience, allowing them to bounce back from setbacks, overcome obstacles, and thrive in the face of adversity.    출장샵
The Role of Massage Therapy in Enhancing Emotional Resilience:
Massage therapy offers a holistic approach to enhancing emotional resilience by addressing both the physical and psychological aspects of stress and tension. Here's how massage therapy can help individuals build emotional resilience:
Stress Reduction: Massage therapy promotes relaxation and reduces levels of stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline. By inducing a state of calmness and tranquility, massage helps individuals let go of stress and tension, allowing them to approach challenges with greater clarity, focus, and composure.
Mood Enhancement: Massage therapy has been shown to increase levels of serotonin and dopamine, neurotransmitters that play a key role in regulating mood and emotions. By boosting mood and promoting feelings of well-being, massage can help individuals maintain a positive outlook and perspective, even in the face of adversity. 
Emotional Release: Massage therapy provides a safe and supportive space for individuals to release pent-up emotions, tension, and stress held in the body. Through gentle manipulation of the soft tissues, massage therapists can help clients process and express emotions, fostering emotional catharsis and healing.  출장안마
Mind-Body Connection: Massage therapy helps strengthen the connection between the mind and body, allowing individuals to become more attuned to their physical sensations, emotions, and inner wisdom. By cultivating mindfulness and self-awareness, massage therapy empowers individuals to respond to stressors with greater self-awareness and self-regulation.
Self-Care and Self-Compassion: Incorporating massage therapy into a self-care routine promotes self-compassion and self-nurturance, which are essential components of emotional resilience. By prioritizing self-care and making time for relaxation and rejuvenation, individuals can replenish their emotional reserves and build resilience to stress.
Practical Strategies for Incorporating Massage into a Stress Management Routine:
To effectively incorporate massage therapy into a stress management routine and enhance emotional resilience, consider the following practical strategies:
Schedule Regular Massage Sessions: Make massage therapy a regular part of your self-care routine by scheduling sessions at consistent intervals, such as weekly or bi-weekly appointments. Consistency is key to experiencing the full benefits of massage therapy for stress management.
Communicate with Your Massage Therapist: Communicate openly and honestly with your massage therapist about your stress levels, emotions, and treatment goals. Provide feedback during the session to ensure that the massage techniques are appropriate and effective for your needs.
Customize Your Massage Experience: Work with your massage therapist to customize your massage experience based on your individual needs and preferences. Whether you prefer gentle Swedish massage or deeper tissue work, tailor the session to address areas of tension and discomfort associated with stress.
Practice Self-Care Between Sessions: Supplement your professional massage sessions with self-care practices such as deep breathing, meditation, yoga, or relaxation exercises. Take regular breaks from work, engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation, and prioritize restorative sleep.
Create a Relaxing Environment: Create a calming and soothing environment at home where you can unwind and de-stress after a massage session. Use soft lighting, soothing music, and calming scents such as lavender or chamomile to enhance the relaxation experience.
Massage therapy offers a powerful pathway to enhancing emotional resilience and managing stress by promoting relaxation, reducing tension, and fostering a positive outlook on life. By incorporating massage into a stress management routine, individuals can build resilience to stress, improve mood and well-being, and cultivate greater clarity, focus, and composure in the face of adversity. Let us embrace the transformative potential of massage therapy in promoting emotional resilience and empowering individuals to navigate life's challenges with grace, strength, and resilience.
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influencermagazineuk · 3 months
Don't Feed the Trolls: How Influencers Can Stay Sane in a Sea of Scorn
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The life of an influencer often seems like a glamorous montage – exotic getaways, designer freebies, and an endless stream of likes and comments. But behind the carefully curated feeds lurks a shadow – the ever-present threat of internet trolls. These anonymous naysayers specialize in spewing negativity, leaving snarky comments and hurtful messages that can sting even the most confident influencer. So, how do you navigate this digital minefield and maintain your sanity while building your online empire? Here's a battle plan to help you outsmart the trolls and keep your focus on the positive: Know Your Enemy: Understanding the Troll Mentality Trolls often thrive on anonymity. They hide behind usernames, spewing negativity with no fear of real-world consequences. Their goal? To get a reaction, to disrupt the conversation, and ultimately, to feel a twisted sense of power. Don't take their words personally – they're simply attention-seeking shadows lurking in the corners of the internet. Develop a Thick Skin (But Not Leather Hide): Let's face it, building resilience is crucial in the influencer world. Not every comment will be sunshine and rainbows. But there's a difference between constructive criticism and outright negativity. Learn to differentiate between helpful feedback and troll bait. Don't Engage (It's Like Feeding a Gremlin After Midnight): This might be the toughest rule, but it's the most important. Responding to trolls only encourages them. It's like feeding a mischievous gremlin after midnight – it just multiplies the problem. Remember, silence is often the most powerful weapon. Curate Your Community (It's Your Digital Oasis): The beauty of social media lies in the ability to cultivate a positive space. Utilize blocking and restriction features to keep negativity at bay. Surround yourself with supportive followers who uplift and inspire you. Remember, your community is your backbone – nurture it, and it will nurture you back. Focus on the Fans (They're the Flowers in Your Garden): The vast majority of your followers are likely there for the positive vibes – the travel tips, the fashion inspiration, the relatable humor. Shower them with gratitude, respond to their comments, and create content that resonates with their interests. Let the positivity drown out the negativity. Take Breaks (Social Media Detox is a Real Thing): The constant barrage of comments, likes, and messages can be overwhelming. Schedule regular social media breaks to disconnect and recharge. Spend time with loved ones, pursue hobbies offline, and remind yourself that there's a whole world beyond the digital sphere. Seek Support (You're Not Alone in This Battle): Remember, you're not in this influencer game alone. Talk to fellow influencers about their experiences with trolls. Connect with online communities that offer support and advice. Don't be afraid to seek professional help if the negativity starts to impact your mental well-being. Remember, You Control the Narrative (It's Your Story): Ultimately, you have the power to shape your online experience. Focus on creating content you're passionate about, content that inspires and uplifts. Don't let the negativity of a few trolls dictate your journey. Keep your head held high, your voice authentic, and your focus on the positive aspects of influencer life. Being an influencer isn't just about chasing likes and amassing followers. It's about building a community, sharing your passions, and inspiring others. By developing a thick skin, fostering positivity, and focusing on your true fans, you can transform the online landscape from a troll-infested wasteland into a thriving garden of creativity and connection. Read the full article
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onlinetherapysession · 3 months
Self-Esteem Counseling
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Low self-esteem can significantly impact our lives, hindering our ability to reach our full potential and enjoy fulfilling relationships. However, with the support of self-esteem counselling, individuals can embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. we'll explore the role of self-esteem counselling in fostering positive self-perception and overcoming barriers to self-worth.
Introduction to Self-Esteem Counseling
Self-esteem encompasses our beliefs and feelings about ourselves, influencing how we perceive and interact with the world. It plays a crucial role in mental health, affecting our confidence, resilience, and overall well-being. Self-esteem counselling offers a supportive environment for individuals to explore their self-perception and develop strategies for building healthy self-esteem.
Understanding Low Self-Esteem
Low self-esteem manifests through various signs and symptoms, including negative self-talk, feelings of inadequacy, and fear of failure. It can impact every aspect of our lives, from our relationships and career aspirations to our mental and emotional health. Recognizing the signs of low self-esteem is the first step towards seeking support and initiating positive change.
Role of Counseling in Addressing Low Self-Esteem
Counselling provides a safe and non-judgmental space for individuals to explore the underlying factors contributing to their low self-esteem. Through compassionate guidance and evidence-based techniques, counsellors help clients identify negative thought patterns and develop coping strategies to challenge self-limiting beliefs.
Techniques Used in Self-Esteem Counseling
Self-esteem counselling employs various therapeutic approaches to promote self-awareness and self-acceptance. Self Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) helps individuals recognize and reframe distorted thinking patterns, replacing them with more realistic and positive beliefs. Positive psychology interventions focus on strengths and personal growth, empowering clients to cultivate a mindset of resilience and optimism. Self-compassion exercises encourage self-kindness and acceptance, fostering a deeper sense of self-worth.
Building Self-Esteem Through Counseling
Self-esteem counselling equips individuals with practical tools and strategies for cultivating a healthier self-image. By challenging negative beliefs, setting achievable goals, and practising self-care, clients gradually develop greater confidence and self-assurance. Through personalized guidance and support, they learn to embrace their unique qualities and celebrate their accomplishments, fostering a positive sense of self-worth.
Benefits of Self-Esteem Counseling
The benefits of self-esteem counselling extend far beyond improved self-perception. By enhancing confidence and resilience, individuals are better equipped to navigate life's challenges and pursue their goals with conviction. Strong self-esteem also fosters healthier relationships, as individuals learn to assert their boundaries and communicate their needs effectively.
Self-Esteem Counseling for Different Age Groups
Self-esteem counselling is beneficial for individuals of all ages, from children and adolescents to adults and seniors. By addressing self-esteem issues early on, children and adolescents can develop a strong foundation of self-confidence and resilience that carries into adulthood. Likewise, adults and seniors can benefit from counselling interventions tailored to their unique life experiences and challenges.
The Role of Self-Esteem in Mental Health Recovery
Self-esteem plays a crucial role in mental health recovery, as it influences our resilience to setbacks and our ability to maintain a positive outlook during challenging times. Integrating self-esteem work into treatment plans for conditions such as depression and anxiety can enhance the effectiveness of therapeutic interventions and promote long-term well-being.
Self-esteem counselling offers a pathway to rediscovering one's worth and embracing a more positive self-image. By addressing underlying insecurities and fostering self-compassion, individuals can cultivate greater confidence, resilience, and overall well-being. Remember, you are worthy of love and acceptance just as you are, and counselling can help you realize your full potential.
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