#and how they may contribute to the gameplay itself
ashweather · 10 months
Daily RPG Readings
Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy, Part 2
Alright, for day two we'll be going over pages 28-39, ending at the heading "Role of the Narrator." This is less than what I wanted to cover each day, but I think its warranted for this section because the next 11 pages are extremely dense, and I have a lot to say about them.
We start off strong, with "Rolls, Investigation, & the Eureka! System." First there's a quick definition of what separates an investigation roll from a non-investigation roll, which is crucial because only investigation rolls grant investigation points and thus contribute to earning a Eureka! (the player resource, not to be confused with the game system itself). I feel this distinction warrants its own section in my overview, as earning Eureka! Points and gathering information is so crucial to the system functioning properly. This distinction could probably stand to be bolded with the next few paragraphs, in my opinion.
Without having seen it in play, I'm cautiously optimistic having investigation rolls be distinct from non-investigation rolls and linking the core momentum mechanic to only investigation rolls. I can see the logic in it - the game wants to be about mystery solving and gathering information, so it rewards that kind of gameplay more heavily. On the other hand, there is a slight risk of action-heavy sequences starving PCs of resources and throwing off the pacing of a longer game. I think it will work out, but I'm very interested to see how it actually works at the table.
Next, a conveniently bolded section covers the core gameplay loop of Eureka, and is noted to be extremely vital for all players to understand. To summarize: the Narrator (GM) describes a location in detail along with any points of interest, investigators see major details without needing to roll (but may need to poke around to find hidden details), and investigation rolls are made about specific clues or points-of-interest when the PCs interact with them in a meaningful way.
That's a reductive description, but I have more to say about it than I really want to outline here (seriously I could write essays about perception and information management in RPGs). I'll stick to the basics: I really, really like that PCs explicitly don't need to roll to notice obvious information. I'm hooting and hollering that we explicitly don't need rolls to get obvious or basic information about specific points of interest. I'm jumping out of my chair and yelling the name of my favorite sports team about the game pointing out that multiple different skills may be used to learn different things about a given point of interest, depending on interpretation.
Anyway this philosophy of information reminds me of GUMSHOE except more explicit about putting the things I like into rules text. I would perhaps like a note that red herrings should be sparing, because players rarely need help coming to wild conclusions based on spotty evidence, but this is a matter of opinion.
Now we learn about the results of an investigation roll at each degree of success, including how many investigation points (abbreviated IP going forward for brevity) are earned towards a Eureka! Point. A Full Success gets a lot of information and 1 IP. A Partial Success grants less information (or a consequence) and 2 IP. A Failure grants no information, but does give a generous 3 IP. We are also told to write down Failures on the character sheet for future use. Once an investigator gains 15 IP, they gain a Eureka! Point, the Eureka systems main reward for PCs and a potent resource. Eureka! Points can be spent to gain information from a previously failed investigation roll OR they can contribute extra odds of success to a non-investigation roll.
I always think granting resources for roll failure is a good idea, because it encourages players to think of 'bad' rolls as potentially exciting paths for the narrative to take rather than as 'losing the game' Since Eureka! Points are such a potent resource, it gives players something to look forward to no matter what the outcome of a roll is. I also love the incorporation of the mystery trope where a previously mysterious clue turns out to be a key piece of information later, once the characters put it into its appropriate context or think about it more deeply. Also, writing down Failed rolls encourages players to dip their toes into note taking and gets them into the habit of ruminating over previously acquired information, which is great for a mystery game.
I think Character moments granting IP and Eureka! adding odds of success to a non-investigation roll are great utilities too, but this section is getting away from me so I'm going to leave it there for now.
Lastly, we have an Example of Play for investigation, which is always an extremely helpful tool for players to be able to see the rules in action. In the scenario, two 1930s detectives are following the trail of a gang of bank robbers and have found one of the suspect's place of employment. We start off with a failed Charm roll that grants 3 IP, demonstrating that Interpersonal skills can be used for investigation just like any other, as long as its in the service of gaining information. The Narrator describes the immediate area, and one of the PCs notes a lack of points of interest (footprints) without needing to roll. The Narrator does not highlight this until the player asks about it, which encourages players to be smart, ask questions, and poke around.
Without giving a play-by-play, we get more investigation rolls demonstrating the various degrees of success for investigation rolls and how they move the narrative along. A Eureka! Point turns the first failed Charm roll into a success, resulting in a climactic moment where hidden compartment underneath a desk is revealed. The PC pushes the desk aside, and there is a note here that even if someone might have difficulty moving this desk in the real world, it is an inappropriate time to call for a roll because failure does not have stakes and would not be interesting (I'm hooting, hollering). Finally, the scene culminates in the beginning of combat as one of the NPCs attempts to stop the investigators in their tracks!
I think the example of play given serves its utility well and shows off the strengths of the sytems. No notes (yet, I might refer back to this later).
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idrellegames · 2 years
Hi Idrelle, I was wondering--Wayfarer is already such a huge game, and you project that it will be millions of words. Are you concerned at all about how Twine will handle such a large game? Do you do anything to ensure that it doesn't lag or crash? I am considering making a (large and complex) game in Twine, and I don't want to get in too deep before discovering some issues. For example, is there a limit to how many images you can have?
This is an excellent question! It's one I've been researching since I started development and there's a few things I've learned along the way.
There are two main concerns when it comes to Twine games and size:
Lag in the editor (if you use the Twine editor)
Lag in the game itself
Editor Lag
The first is fairly straightforward to handle, but it depends on your preferred working method. The Twine editor starts to lag around the 500-700 passage mark (there may be slight differences as to when the lag starts to happen depending on which version of the editor you are using and your PC). This means that it is nearly impossible to make a large game in a single story file.
One way to get around the lag is to work in multiple separate story files and then compile them together using Tweego. I have a couple tutorials about this here and here.
The other option (which may be easier, it depends on how you prefer to work) is to ditch the Twine editor completely and use Twee 3 language extensions in Visual Studio Code. There are a bunch of other benefits to working in VSCode (syntax highlighting, etc), but the set-up can be finnicky. I don't like working in VSCode, so the most I can do is direct you here.
Game Lag
The primary cause of game lag comes down to how variables are stored within the game's history states. States are what allow the player to navigate the game with a back button - how many states you have will control how many moments they're allowed to undo. If it's set to 50, then the player can reverse 50 passages before they're stopped, if it's 100, then they can go back 100.
But in short, what's happening behind the scenes here is that when the player navigates through passage history, all of the variables they have recorded so far get cloned. If your game has a large amount of variables controlling different gameplay elements, then the information being stored in the player's session will bloat, which causes lag during saves, loads and passage transitions.
In SugarCube, the best way to fix this is to set your history states to 1 by putting this in your Story JavaScript:
Config.history.maxStates = 1;
However, this means that your game will have no passage navigation:
You CANNOT have a back button
All your game menus will have to be done through overlays and dialogue boxes. Using passages themselves and requiring the player to navigate through them and use a return button will trap the player in the menu. You can use the built-in dialogue box for this purpose, but if you want game menus that are a little heftier, HiEv's SlideWin Overlay does the trick (this is what I use in Wayfarer).
Some additional things you can do to help prevent lag:
unset variables if you're done using them
use temporary variables where you can
If you want to get really fancy, you can use something like HiEv's FlagBit code to store multiple pieces of information on a single integer value.
Images won't really contribute to lag as long as you put them in a separate asset folder as part of your game's directory (explained here). There is one exception - if you have code that pre-loads image assets on start-up, it will increase your load's time for browser players. If you've ever had a long load time when starting Wayfarer, this is the reason.
As to how many you can have - it depends? If you're planning on your game to be playable online and using a hosting site like itch.io, there's some specific file requirements that cannot be exceeded for browser-based games (ZIP files cannot contain more than 1000 individual files, the size of all extracted content cannot be greater than 500MB, etc). But if you intend for your game to be downloadable and played offline, then this isn't really a concern.
Regardless of all of the above, I cannot say that you will be 100% fine making a very large game in Twine. I haven't hit limitations yet, but I am prepared to. It's always good to have a backup plans in mind as you proceed. In my case, it's splitting the game into a trilogy and using save imports to move the player's data between games, but if I ever do reach the point where Twine cannot handle what I'm doing, then I'll switch engines.
Hope this helps!
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miloscat · 7 months
[Review] All Our Asias (PC)
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Another thought-provoking combination of retro-style graphics and emotional sincerity!
Between Even the Ocean and Anodyne 2, Melos Han-Tani (one half of Analgesic Productions) created this short adventure game. Well, Marina Kittaka (the other half) made some contributions along with others but All Our Asias is mostly a one-person project and a personal story-driven experience.
The game is a meditation on various topics. What does it mean to be Asian? How well can you really know another person? What kind of impact do you want to leave on the world? Through Yuito’s quest to discover more about his estranged father his own motivations and identities are challenged, and by extension the player’s. He struggles against bureaucracy, finds truths mundane and profound, and encounters compassion and community. There’s a lot going on in the game’s 90-120 minute runtime.
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All this is wrapped in an exploration of low-poly 3D spaces that feel very much like Anodyne 2’s 3D overworld. The trademark Analgesic melancholy is here in spades accompanied by a familiarly haunting soundscape. The environments are abstract, built from the dreams of a dying man of real places and memories, made surreal and twisted. Trundling around them is slow, which gives you time for the atmosphere to wash over you. They may just feel like a vehicle for the story at times but they’re still very evocative in their own right even if the “gameplay” of navigating them is relatively shallow.
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Like other Analgesic games, there is naturally a postgame. Infinite flight is unlocked along with warps to the different game sections. Developer commentary and behind the scenes material is however relegated to a separate book which can be purchased in a “fan pack” along with the soundtrack. The game itself is free so it’s a good way to support Melos and get more out of this piece.
Since it is free, there’s little barrier to trying it out… I did have to set up a Joy2key profile since it failed to natively recognise my controller, but it was worth it. The low-poly stuff is a good way to get you in the door and then you just might find that the game makes you think about things a bit! We need more of that in our games, I reckon.
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remembercomic · 11 months
Competing With The Optimal
In the long history of Minecraft, there is a handful of recurring game design elements that have appeared quite prominently amongst the various mods made for the game. Ore multiplication, item transportation, automated crafting, etc.
Of particular note at this time is that third one: crafting, because as of Java Edition version 1.20.3, the developers at Mojang have added the Crafter. After 12 years since formal release version 1.0, the unmodified version of Minecraft may soon have its own solution for automated crafting.
In terms of its design, the Crafter is a fresh entry in a troublingly-long series of changes made to the game that introduce a solution to a problem that obviates all others. It has exceedingly few drawbacks and occupies only a single space in the cubic grid, rendering any attempts to address the challenge of auto-crafting irrelevant if they don't somehow occupy an even smaller footprint. Its user interface is unique, in that slots can be toggled on or off, preventing them from receiving items whilst still contributing to the composition of crafting recipes. It even spits out the crafted product when triggered, either into the open world to be collected by the player or into an adjacent inventory, including other Crafters.
How then do mod developers compete? How can they reclaim some ground in what has historically been one of the high notes of virtually any mod with a solution?
Well frankly, they can't. Like the Shulker Box and the Elytra, the Crafter is a solution that renders the problem trivial, so the modders need to do something more creative with the solution in a way that complements rather than attempts to exceed it.
For the purposes of the Tricksy Foxes project, there are two blocks that attempt this: The Work Table and the Clockwork Friar.
The Work Table (planned only days before the Crafter's announcement) serves as a mid-point in the evolution from Crafting Table to Crafter. It has an inventory, it can still be used for crafting, and if triggered can craft its inventory according to a matching recipe. It does not have toggleable slots nor can it dispense its product into an inventory, but it can serve very well as a crafting table with built-in storage or a simple compacter (a form of recipe common in modded and unmodded gameplay). Relative to the Crafter, it's also quite cheap, requiring only humble wood to create.
The Clockwork Friar is almost a step beyond the Crafter, but comes with its own drawbacks in comparison. A programmable automaton, the Friar similarly has an inventory like the Work Table, but can only hold up to 9 items at the most. This informs it of the recipe it is to process and, when triggered, it siphons the ingredients from neighbouring inventories directly instead of needing them piped in. It can also be triggered with a simple interaction, with no inherent need for complex wiring. However, it is twice the size of the Crafter and Work Table, like the Crafter cannot be used for everyday crafting, and like the Work Table cannot deposit its product.
Ultimately, neither of these blocks seeks to directly compete with the Crafter, but rather to serve as useful tools in their own specific use-cases. In the context of Tricksy Foxes, a mod based around automation using behaviour trees, they serve as a means to easily enable the foxes to craft items, an action that would be overwhelmingly complex if it were performed solely inside of the behaviour tree implementation itself.
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benbretter · 1 month
Stick Maintenance: Keeping Your Lacrosse Equipment in Top Shape with Former Lacrosse Players such as Ben Bretter
Lacrosse is a dynamic and fast-paced sport that demands precision and agility. One of the most critical aspects of excelling in lacrosse is maintaining your equipment, especially your stick. Proper stick maintenance not only enhances your performance on the field but also prolongs the lifespan of your gear. This blog explores essential tips and techniques for keeping your lacrosse equipment in optimal condition, from stick stringing and head care to shaft maintenance and overall gear upkeep.
Importance of Stick Stringing
The stringing of your lacrosse stick significantly affects its performance and handling on the field. A well-strung stick provides better control, accuracy, and ball retention during gameplay. Start by selecting high-quality mesh or traditional stringing materials that suit your playing style and position. Regularly check the tension and tightness of the strings and adjust them as needed to maintain optimal pocket depth and consistency.
Proper stringing also involves ensuring that the sidewalls, shooting strings, and bottom strings are securely fastened and in good condition. Loose or frayed strings can affect the stick's performance and may lead to violations during competitive play. By investing time in learning how to string and adjust your stick according to regulations and personal preferences as championed by former professional lacrosse players like Ben Bretter, you can optimize your performance and feel more confident in your gameplay.
Head Care and Maintenance
The lacrosse head is another crucial component of your stick that requires regular care and maintenance. Inspect the head before and after each practice or game to check for any cracks, dents, or signs of wear. Clean the head using a damp cloth to remove dirt, mud, and debris that can accumulate during gameplay. Avoid using harsh chemicals or cleaners that may damage the plastic or mesh material of the head.
Additionally, ensure that the shooting strings and sidewalls are intact and not frayed. These components contribute to the stick's overall performance and control. Periodically adjust the shooting strings to achieve consistent ball release and accuracy. Former lacrosse players such as Ben Bretter convey that proper head care not only extends the life of your stick but also ensures that you are playing with equipment that meets safety standards and enhances your playing experience.
Shaft Maintenance Tips
The shaft of your lacrosse stick plays a critical role in your ability to handle and maneuver the stick during gameplay. Regular maintenance of the shaft involves inspecting it for cracks, dents, or bends that may compromise its structural integrity. Clean the shaft with mild soap and water to remove dirt, sweat, and tape residue that can accumulate over time. Use a soft cloth to dry the shaft thoroughly after cleaning.
Experienced professional lacrosse players including Ben Bretter suggest using grip tape or grip enhancers to maintain a firm and comfortable grip during gameplay. Replace worn-out or damaged grip tape to ensure optimal control and handling of the stick. Additionally, store your lacrosse stick in a cool, dry place when not in use to prevent warping or damage to the shaft. Proper shaft maintenance contributes to overall stick durability and performance, allowing you to focus on improving your skills on the field.
Overall Gear Upkeep
Beyond the stick itself, maintaining your overall lacrosse gear is essential for peak performance and safety. Inspect your helmet, gloves, shoulder pads, and cleats regularly for signs of wear and tear. Replace any damaged or worn-out gear to ensure adequate protection during gameplay. Clean and sanitize your gear after each use to prevent bacterial growth and odors.
Store your equipment in a ventilated gear bag to allow airflow and reduce moisture buildup, which can lead to mold and mildew. Consider using equipment deodorizers or fresheners to keep your gear smelling fresh and clean. By taking proactive steps to maintain your lacrosse gear, you not only prolong its lifespan but also prioritize your safety and comfort on the field as noted by former professional lacrosse players like Ben Bretter.
Tips for Weather-Specific Maintenance
Weather conditions can impact the performance and condition of your lacrosse equipment. In hot weather, avoid leaving your stick or gear in direct sunlight or inside a hot car, as extreme heat can warp plastics and damage strings. Store your equipment in a shaded, cool area to prevent heat-related damage.
During cold weather, take precautions to prevent your stick from becoming brittle or stiff. Keep your gear indoors when not in use to maintain flexibility and functionality. Consider using stick wax or silicone-based lubricants to protect your strings and mesh from freezing temperatures and moisture. By adapting your maintenance routine to seasonal changes as encouraged by former lacrosse players such as Ben Bretter, you can ensure that your lacrosse equipment performs optimally year-round.
Proper stick maintenance is essential for every lacrosse player striving to improve their performance on the field. By following these tips for stick stringing, head care, shaft maintenance, overall gear upkeep, and weather-specific maintenance, you can prolong the lifespan of your equipment and enhance your playing experience. Investing time in maintaining your lacrosse gear not only demonstrates your commitment to the sport but also ensures that you are always ready to perform at your best. With regular maintenance and care, your lacrosse stick will continue to support your growth and success in the sport of lacrosse.
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brajeet · 2 months
The Latest Trends and Innovations of Andar Bahar Card Game in 2024-25
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Andar Bahar, a popular traditional card game, has seen a surge in popularity over the past few years. Originally played in small gatherings and social settings, the game has now taken center stage in the world of online gaming. With the advancement of technology and increased interest in online gambling, Andar Bahar has evolved significantly. In this article, we are going to discuss the latest trends and innovations that are making the Andar Bahar game more advanced, and innovative so you can clear all your doubts to make an informed decision to play and develop the game. 
With time, the demand for the Andar Bahar card game is increasing at a rapid pace and has become a fruitful business opportunity. If you want to churn this opportunity, you can also introduce your Andar Bahar game platform, and for that, you can hire a game development company that will enrich your game idea with exceptional features so it can stay ahead of the curve in the cut-throat competitive world. 
Let’s dive in-depth to learn the latest trends and innovations of the Andar Bahar game. 
Top 7 Trends and Innovations of Andar Bahar Card Game
Here is the list of the latest trends and innovations that are playing a vital role in creating a successful Andar Bahar card game. Let’s start to know them. 
Technological Advancements
One of the most significant trends in the Andar Bahar game is the integration of advanced technology. Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are transforming how players experience the game. VR and AR provide an immersive environment, making players feel as if they are in a physical casino. This technological advancement enhances the gaming experience, attracting both seasoned players and newcomers.
Moreover, artificial intelligence (AI) is being leveraged to improve gameplay and security. AI algorithms can analyze players' behavior, ensuring fair play and detecting any fraudulent activities. This technological safeguard builds trust among players, further boosting the game's popularity.
Mobile Gaming Boom
The shift towards mobile gaming is another trend that has significantly impacted Andar Bahar. With the proliferation of smartphones and high-speed internet, players can now enjoy Andar Bahar anytime, anywhere. Mobile-friendly platforms and apps have made the game more accessible, catering to a broader audience.
At present, the focus is on developing more intuitive and user-friendly mobile interfaces. Game developers are investing in creating seamless, high-quality mobile experiences that replicate the thrill of playing in a physical casino. This convenience and portability are key factors driving the game's growth in the online space.
Live Dealer Games
Live dealer games have revolutionized the online gambling industry, and Andar Bahar is no exception. In live dealer Andar Bahar, players interact with a real dealer via live streaming. This setup combines the convenience of online play with the authenticity of a brick-and-mortar casino.
The trend of live dealer games is expected to continue growing shortly. Enhanced streaming quality, interactive features, and professional dealers contribute to an engaging and immersive experience. Players appreciate the social interaction and the human element that live dealer games bring to the table, making them a popular choice among Andar Bahar enthusiasts.
Localization and Customization
As Andar Bahar gains international traction, localization, and customization have become crucial trends. Game developers are tailoring the game to suit different cultural preferences and regulatory requirements. This involves translating the game into various languages and adapting it to comply with local gambling laws.
Customization also extends to the gameplay itself. Developers are introducing different variations of Andar Bahar to keep the game fresh and exciting. These variations may include different betting options, side bets, and unique themes, catering to diverse player preferences.
Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Integration
The integration of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology is another trend shaping the future of Andar Bahar. Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum offer players a secure and anonymous way to conduct transactions. It helps players to play anonymously and the transactions are highly secured so players can focus totally on the game. 
Blockchain technology ensures transparency and fair gameplay in Andar Bahar's game. Smart contracts can automate and verify game outcomes, eliminating any chance of manipulation. This technological integration enhances trust and credibility, attracting more players to the online Andar Bahar platforms.
Responsible Gaming Initiatives
With the growth of online gambling, responsible gaming has become a focal point for operators and regulators. In 2024-25, there is a strong emphasis on promoting responsible gaming practices within the Andar Bahar community. Operators are implementing self-exclusion options, deposit limits, and real-time monitoring to prevent problem gambling.
Educational campaigns and resources are also being provided to raise awareness about responsible gaming. This trend reflects the industry's commitment to creating a safe and enjoyable environment for all players.
Community Building and Social Features
Building a sense of community among players is a trend that continues to gain momentum. Online Andar Bahar platforms incorporate social features such as chat functions, leaderboards, and multiplayer modes. These features foster interaction and camaraderie among players, making the gaming experience more engaging.
We can expect further developments in this area, with platforms introducing virtual tournaments, loyalty programs, and community events. These initiatives enhance player engagement and create a vibrant and dynamic online gaming community.
Final Words
The Andar Bahar card game is experiencing a renaissance, driven by technological advancements, mobile gaming, live dealer games, and the integration of cryptocurrencies. Localization, customization, responsible gaming initiatives, and community-building efforts further contribute to its growing popularity. As we move through 2024-25, these trends are set to shape the future of Andar Bahar, ensuring it remains a beloved and exciting game for players worldwide. If you want to launch your Andar Bahar game, share your idea with an Andar Bahar game software provider to get ultimatum software solutions that can fulfill all your business requirements. 
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maximuswolf · 4 months
Can we stop blaming Game Pass for our failures as a community?
Can we stop blaming Game Pass for our failures as a community? Can we address some misconceptions regarding the closure of companies like Hi-Fi Rush and the role of Microsoft's Game Pass? While it's understandable to be disappointed and frustrated about the closure of Tango, attributing their shutdown solely to Microsoft's decision-making overlooks fundamental business principles and some harsh realities. The reality is that companies like Hi-Fi Rush were shuttered primarily due to insufficient revenue. Regardless of the quality of their games, if a company cannot generate enough income to sustain itself, it inevitably faces closure. This isn't conjecture; it's Business 101.The notion that Game Pass devalues games and contributes to their demise is misguided and a narrative that serves no purpose other than to place blame. Microsoft compensates developers on Game Pass based on factors like active engagement and gameplay duration, not downloads. So, when we play a game on Game Pass, developers receive compensation proportional to our time spent actively engaging with the game.Consider this scenario: if a game like Hi-Fi Rush, priced at $30 for about ten hours of gameplay, is played for only three hours by a Game Pass subscriber, the developer receives a fraction of the retail price. So, while millions may have downloaded the game, only a fraction actually contributed to meaningful gameplay, with less than 55,000 people having the achievement for beating the final boss (only looking at Xbox/Game Pass PC version).Blaming Microsoft or Game Pass diminishes our responsibility as gamers. We dictate a game's success by our engagement. If we merely discuss and praise a game without actively playing it, we contribute to its failure and inevitable closure or shuttering. And you know, what's just maddening? The fact that some of the most vocal people about how this is so sad, complains that great games aren't being made, and shouts fuck Microsoft, are the very same people that only have achievements for maybe the first level or two in the game during its launch week. Nothing more.WE chose to just talk about it and praise it.WE are the reason it wasn't profitable.WE chose not to play it.In the end, instead of scapegoating Game Pass or Microsoft, we must acknowledge our role in a game's success or failure. We need to stop making it out that Game Pass is the death of the game, when in reality it was our failure as gamers not giving it the attention it deserved until it was too late. Submitted May 11, 2024 at 10:55AM by Voxeluss https://ift.tt/ElbqWce via /r/gaming
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retrogamingloft · 7 months
Super Taekwondo Master is a remarkable entry in the Amiga's fighting game catalog, launched in 1996. Developed in Poland, it set itself apart by incorporating digitized fighter animations, a method reminiscent of the one used in Mortal Kombat, which captures real-life movements of actors to achieve a realistic gameplay experience.
This game melds these lifelike characters with computer-generated environments, offering players a series of unique settings such as a combat hall, backstreets, and a fuel dump for their battles.
Diverging from the norm of the era, which often included fantastical elements in combat, the Mirage Media SC release opts for a more grounded approach. The combat is rooted in genuine martial arts techniques, demanding players to employ strategy and skill, rather than relying on improbable powers.
This realism extends to its roster, featuring six fighters each with their distinct move set, encouraging players to devise varied strategies to overcome their opponents.
The game caters to both solo and multiplayer experiences, supporting up to six participants in tournament mode. This versatility likely contributed to its appeal, accommodating both individual play and group competitions. However, this title is also noted for its challenging difficulty, presenting a potentially steep learning curve that could attract hardcore gamers while deterring more casual players.
In any case, through its emphasis on realism, strategic depth, and innovative use of digitized animations, Super Taekwondo Master represents a unique and ambitious undertaking in the fighting game genre on the Amiga platform.
P.S. Reflecting on how Super Taekwondo Master found its way into my Amiga collection during the mid-90s remains a mystery to me. Back then, my youthful naivety led me to initially dismiss the game simply because it hailed from Eastern Europe, a decision I soon realized was misguided. Venturing into it, I discovered a fighting game experience unlike any I had encountered before.
While this title may not stand shoulder to shoulder with the celebrated titans of the fighting game genre, its charm also lies in its potential for growth. The game showed promising areas for enhancement, notably in expanding its modes, increasing the number of characters, and refining gameplay mechanics.
My lingering sentiment, however, is tinged with disappointment over the absence of a sequel. A follow-up could have capitalized on its foundational strengths, potentially elevating Super Taekwondo Master to a surprising new level of acclaim and enjoyment.
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gosloto-results-7-49 · 8 months
Gosloto 7/49: Origins and Regulation
Gosloto 7/49 is a popular lottery game, known for its exciting gameplay and the opportunity it offers players to win significant prizes. Let's delve into the origin of this game and understand which country regulates it.
The Origin of Gosloto 7/49
The story of gosloto results 7/49 begins in Russia and South africa. This lottery game was established with the idea of providing a fun and thrilling game for people who enjoy trying their luck. The name 'Gosloto' itself gives a hint about its origin. 'Gos' is short for 'government', indicating that this is a state-run lottery. The numbers '7/49' in the name describe the game's format – players choose 7 numbers out of 49.
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How the Game Works
Playing Gosloto 7/49 is straightforward. A player selects seven numbers from a pool ranging from 1 to 49. During the draw, seven numbers are randomly selected. If a player's chosen numbers match the drawn numbers, they win a prize. The more numbers matched, the bigger the prize. The simplicity of the game, combined with the excitement of potentially winning a large sum of money, contributes to its popularity.
The Regulation of Gosloto 7/49
Gosloto 7/49 is regulated in Russia. The Russian government oversees the operation of this lottery to ensure fairness and transparency. This regulation is crucial as it helps maintain the integrity of the game, ensuring that it is run ethically and that players can trust the process.
The Russian government's involvement in regulating 7/49 results also means that a portion of the revenue generated from the lottery is often used for public projects and initiatives. This could include funding for education, healthcare, or community development projects. Thus, by participating in Gosloto 7/49, players are not only trying their luck to win but are also contributing to the betterment of society. Company Information: https://www.provenexpert.com/russia-gosloto-749/
Popularity and Accessibility
Russia gosloto 7/49 results popularity is not just limited to Russia. It has garnered interest from players around the world. This international appeal can be attributed to the ease of playing the game and the lure of winning large prizes. Additionally, with the advent of online lottery platforms, playing Gosloto 7/49 has become more accessible. People from different countries can participate in the game, buy tickets online, and get updated with the latest draws.
Fair Play and Security
The Russian government ensures that Gosloto 7/49 operates on principles of fair play and security. Regular audits and checks are conducted to safeguard the integrity of the game. This level of oversight is essential in assuring players that the game they are investing in is secure and fair.
Winning and Odds
Like any lottery game, the odds of winning in Gosloto 7/49 depend on the number of players and the probability of matching all the numbers. While the odds may be challenging, the possibility of winning significant amounts continues to attract players. It’s important for players to approach the game with a mindset of enjoyment rather than as a sure way to make money.
Responsible Gaming
Gosloto 7/49 quick pick 3, under the regulation of the Russian government, promotes responsible gaming. Players are encouraged to play within their means and not view the lottery as a solution to financial problems. The emphasis is on playing for fun and entertainment.
Contribution to Society
As mentioned earlier, a portion of the proceeds from 7/49 goes towards societal good. This aspect adds a layer of positive impact to the game, making it more than just a lottery but also a means of contributing to the welfare of the community.
Gosloto 7/49 stands as a fine example of a state-regulated lottery game that balances excitement and responsibility. Originating in Russia and regulated by the Russian government, it offers players a chance to win big while also contributing to the public good. The game's simplicity, combined with the thrill of potentially hitting the jackpot, continues to attract a wide array of participants globally. As with any form of gambling, it is crucial to approach Gosloto 7/49 with a mindset of responsible gaming.
Finally, russia 7/49 is more than just a game of chance; it's a blend of entertainment, opportunity, and social responsibility. Whether you're in Russia or on the other side of the world, this lottery offers a unique experience that captivates and contributes to society in its own way. Players can more read about the gosloto 7/49 results. Facebook 7/49 Gosloto,
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mertkagansakli · 9 months
Blog Post-5 | Analysing the realism of the Grand Theft Auto V (GTA 5)
Grand Theft Auto V (GTA 5) is a technological marvel in the video game industry, providing players with a vast open world that resembles the sprawling city of Los Angeles. This analysis breaks down the several facets of realism that are present in the game by referencing the viewpoints of notable intellectuals including André Bazin, Wallace Stevens, Jay David Bolter, Richard Grusin, and Jean Baudrillard. We examine how GTA 5 strikes a careful balance between recreating reality and going beyond it by looking at it through the prisms of cinematic realism, the idea of immediacy, the interaction of hypermediacy, and the fascinating world of hyperreality.
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Realism (Bazin and Stevens):
Bazin claims that cinematic realism is presenting the world via the camera's lens while honoring the wonder of creation. GTA 5's realistic feel stems from its huge and intricate open-world setting, which is modeled by Los Angeles, the real world. The game simulates reality through technology, which is consistent with Bazin's idea that the cinematic machinery is a monument to the miracle of creation.
Stevens' assertion that "realism is a corruption of reality" may be in line with GTA 5's dramatic and exaggerated aspects. In order to produce a captivating and enjoyable experience, the game manipulates reality, which could taint rigorous adherence to real-world conventions.
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Immediacy (Bolter and Grusin):
According to Bolter and Grusin, immediacy is a representational technique that tries to make the audience forget about the medium and feel as though they are actually experiencing the objects being portrayed. GTA 5 achieves immediacy by allowing the player to engage directly with the game world. The dynamic gameplay and third-person viewpoint enhance the sense of presence in the virtual world.
According to Bolter and Grusin, remediation follows the development of media seeking more immediacy. Using technical developments to provide a more immediate and immersive gaming experience than its predecessors, GTA 5 fits into this trajectory.
According to Bolter and Grusin, hypermediacy:
Unlike immediacy, hypermediacy includes aspects of the medium that draw the viewer's attention to themselves. The player is continually reminded of the medium in Grand Theft Auto V by the HUD (Heads-Up Display), on-screen prompts, and other graphical aspects. According to Bolter and Grusin, digital hypermedia amplifies mediation to produce a feeling of experiencing fullness and satiety. This is consistent with their theory.
Hyperreality (Baudrillard) :
The creation of a reality devoid of sources or reality itself is central to Baudrillard's concept of hyperreality. A hyperreal experience is created in Grand Theft Auto V: The Game's depiction of the criminal underworld, satirical outlook on modern society, and exaggerated depictions of violence. Given how realistic and detailed the virtual world in the game is, the simulation could seem more genuine than reality itself.
In conclusion, GTA 5's open-world concept and technical innovations allow for realism that be achieved. Player engagement and the development of game technologies promote immediacy, whereas graphical features contribute to hypermediacy. It's possible to argue that the game adds to the player's hyperreal experience by exaggerating reality.
References:    Baudrillard, J. (1988). Selected Writings. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
   Bolter, J. D., & Grusin, R. (1999). Remediation: Understanding New Media.
   Matthews, P. (2018) "Divining the real: the leaps of faith in André Bazin’s film criticism". BFI.
   Stevens, W. Wallace Stevens' perspective on realism and corruption of reality.
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onlygamemedia · 9 months
Anime Cross World Codes January 2024
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Are you a fan of the popular mobile game Anime Cross World? If so, you're probably always looking for ways to enhance your gaming experience. One of the best ways to do this is by utilizing game codes to unlock exclusive rewards and items. In this blog post, we'll be delving into the world of Anime Cross World codes for January 2024. We'll start by providing an introduction to the game itself for those who may not be familiar with it. Then, we'll discuss the importance of codes in enhancing your gameplay and maximizing your rewards. We'll also explore the specific codes available for January 2024 and provide a step-by-step guide on redeeming them. Additionally, we'll uncover some hidden gems by sharing secret codes that you might not be aware of. Finally, we'll guide you on where to stay updated with future codes, ensuring that you never miss out on any exclusive rewards. So, if you're a fan of Anime Cross World, keep reading to take your gaming experience to the next level!
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Introduction to Anime Cross World Are you a fan of anime? Do you love exploring virtual worlds and discovering hidden treasures? If so, Anime Cross World is the perfect place for you. This online platform brings together the excitement of anime and the thrill of code hunting, creating a unique and immersive experience for all its users. Whether you're a seasoned coder or a newbie in the world of anime, Anime Cross World has something to offer everyone. One of the importance of Anime Cross World is the thrill of discovery. With the help of exclusive codes, users are able to unlock hidden gems and maximize their rewards. This adds a new layer of excitement to the anime experience, making it more interactive and engaging. In addition to the thrill of code hunting, Anime Cross World also provides a community for anime lovers to connect, share their experiences, and stay updated on the latest news and events in the anime world. Exploring Anime Cross World codes is an adventure in itself. These codes can be found in various places within the platform, from forums to social media channels. Users can also participate in special events and challenges to earn exclusive codes. With so many opportunities to discover new codes and unlock rewards, there's always something new to explore in Anime Cross World. Join us as we embark on a journey through Anime Cross World, where the thrill of code hunting and the magic of anime collide. Stay tuned for more exciting updates, exclusive codes, and hidden gems waiting to be discovered!
Understanding the Importance of Codes
In the world of gaming, codes play a crucial role in providing players with exclusive rewards and bonuses. These codes are like secret keys that unlock a treasure trove of in-game items, currency, and other special perks. Whether it's a limited-time event or a promotional offer, codes are the gateway to reaping additional benefits within the game. Understanding the importance of these codes is essential for any player looking to enhance their gaming experience. Moreover, codes also serve as a way for developers to engage with their player base and reward them for their loyalty. By offering special codes and promotional deals, game developers can keep their community active and excited about the game. This not only benefits the players but also contributes to the overall success and longevity of the game. Furthermore, understanding how to effectively use and redeem codes can significantly impact a player's progression within the game. Whether it's leveling up faster, unlocking rare items, or gaining access to exclusive content, codes can give players an edge and enhance their overall gaming experience. Overall, the importance of codes in the gaming world cannot be understated. From providing exclusive rewards to fostering community engagement, codes are an integral part of the gaming experience and something every player should prioritize. Exploring Anime Cross World Codes When it comes to unlocking various rewards and bonuses in the Anime Cross World game, codes play a crucial role. These codes are essentially a series of letters, numbers, or symbols that can be redeemed for in-game items such as currency, character skins, and other exclusive items. For players looking to enhance their gaming experience, understanding and utilizing these codes can make a significant difference in the overall gameplay. Exploring Anime Cross World codes involves keeping an eye out for any new code releases and regularly checking the official social media pages, community forums, or the game's official website. These platforms often provide updates on new codes, special events, and promotions, allowing players to stay updated on the latest opportunities to input codes for exclusive rewards. Furthermore, maximizing rewards with exclusive codes requires players to understand the expiration dates and restrictions associated with each code. By carefully reading the instructions and terms of use for each code, players can ensure that they make the most of the rewards available, avoiding any missed opportunities due to code expiration or limitations. Ultimately, for avid Anime Cross World players, delving into the world of codes can open up a plethora of possibilities for enhancing their overall gaming experience. Whether it's redeeming exclusive character skins, currency bonuses, or unlocking special in-game items, staying informed and actively exploring the realm of codes can elevate the enjoyment and excitement of playing Anime Cross World.
How to Redeem Anime Cross World Codes January 2024
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Redeeming January 2024 codes for your favorite games or platforms is a simple process that can yield exciting rewards. Whether you're an avid gamer or a casual player, taking advantage of these codes can enhance your experience and provide you with exclusive items, currency, or other bonuses. The first step is to locate the January 2024 codes for the specific game or platform you are using. This can often be found on the official website, social media channels, or through email newsletters. Anime Cross World Codes (Working) No any active codes right now. Check the all Roblox Redeem codes! Anime Cross World Codes (Expired) - :code LETMESLEEP—Redeem for 200 Astral Coins - :code 2KLIKES—Redeem for 200 Astral Coins - :code LAUNCH—Redeem for 10 Rolls & Five Hours of 2x XP - :code 6K—Redeem for 100 Astral Coins - :code REINCARNATION—Redeem for 25 Rolls - :code 8K—Redeem for 100 Astral Coins and 10 Rolls Once you have found the January 2024 codes, the next step is to enter them into the designated redemption area. This could be within the game itself, on a specific website, or within the platform's settings. Make sure to carefully follow the instructions provided to ensure that the January 2024 codes are redeemed successfully and that you receive the rewards associated with them. It's important to note that January 2024 codes may have an expiration date, so it's advisable to redeem them as soon as possible to avoid missing out on the rewards. Additionally, some codes may have usage limits, so it's best to redeem them promptly to secure your bonuses. Keep an eye out for future code releases and be sure to stay updated on the latest January 2024 codes to maximize your rewards and enhance your gaming experience. By following these simple steps, you can easily redeem January 2024 codes and unlock exciting rewards for your favorite games or platforms. Don't miss out on the opportunity to enhance your gaming experience and enjoy exclusive bonuses by redeeming the latest January 2024 codes.
Maximizing Rewards with Exclusive Codes
When it comes to getting the most out of your gaming experience, exclusive codes can be a game changer. These unique codes offer players access to special rewards, items, and bonuses that are not available to the general public. By knowing how to find and redeem these exclusive codes, you can maximize your rewards and enhance your gameplay. One of the best ways to start maximizing your rewards with exclusive codes is to stay updated on the latest codes available. This can be done by following the official social media accounts of the game, joining online forums and communities, and signing up for newsletters. By staying informed, you can be among the first to access new codes and take advantage of the rewards they offer. Another important aspect of maximizing rewards with exclusive codes is understanding the importance of codes. These codes are often a way for developers to reward loyal players and engage with the community. By participating in code redemption events and staying active within the game, you can increase your chances of receiving exclusive codes and reaping the rewards they provide. Furthermore, exploring various platforms and websites that offer exclusive codes can also help in maximizing rewards. There are many gaming blogs, fan sites, and influencers who regularly share exclusive codes with their audiences. By keeping an eye on these channels, you can access a wide range of exclusive codes that can boost your gaming experience.
Discovering Hidden Gems: Secret Codes
Are you tired of searching for the latest codes for your favorite anime games? Look no further - here at Anime Cross World, we have a treasure trove of secret codes just waiting to be discovered. These codes offer hidden gems of rewards that can help you level up faster, unlock exclusive items, and gain an edge over your competition. Uncovering these secret codes is like stumbling upon buried treasure in the gaming world. It adds an element of excitement and mystery to your gaming experience, and can be incredibly rewarding. Whether you're a seasoned player or just starting out, taking the time to find and redeem these hidden gems can take your gaming to the next level. But where can you find these elusive secret codes? The key is to stay connected with the Anime Cross World community. Our dedicated team is always on the lookout for the latest codes and updates, ensuring that you never miss out on any hidden gems. From social media giveaways to in-game events, there are countless opportunities to discover these secret codes and reap the rewards. Don't miss out on the thrill of discovering hidden gems - start hunting for secret codes today and unlock a world of exclusive rewards!
Staying Updated: Where to Find Future Codes
In this fast-paced digital world, staying updated with the latest developments is crucial. This holds especially true for avid gamers who are always on the lookout for future codes to enhance their gaming experience. Whether you're a seasoned player or a newbie, keeping track of where to find future codes can make all the difference in maximizing your rewards and staying ahead of the game. One of the most reliable sources for future codes is the official social media accounts of the game developers. Platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram are often used by game developers to communicate with their player base and announce upcoming events, promotions, and, most importantly, future codes. By following these accounts and turning on notifications, you can ensure that you never miss out on any important updates. Another effective method for finding future codes is to join online gaming communities and forums. Websites such as Reddit, Discord, and specialized gaming forums serve as hotbeds for discussions about game strategies, updates, and of course, future codes. Engaging with fellow gamers in these communities can provide you with valuable insights and tips on where to find the latest and most exclusive codes. Last but not least, subscribing to the official newsletters or blogs of the game developers is a tried-and-tested way of staying updated with future codes. Many gaming companies regularly send out newsletters containing exclusive codes, sneak peeks, and other valuable information to their subscribers. By opting in to these newsletters, you can ensure that you are always in the loop and never miss out on any exciting opportunities. Frequently Asked Questions What is Anime Cross World? Anime Cross World is an online game where players can explore and interact in a virtual world inspired by anime and manga. Why are codes important in Anime Cross World? Codes in Anime Cross World provide players with exclusive items, rewards, and currency that can enhance their gameplay experience. How can I redeem January 2024 codes in Anime Cross World? To redeem January 2024 codes in Anime Cross World, navigate to the in-game menu and look for the 'Redeem Code' option. Enter the code as prompted to claim your rewards. What are the benefits of using exclusive codes in Anime Cross World? Exclusive codes in Anime Cross World can unlock rare items, special currency, and unique rewards that are not available through regular gameplay. Are there any hidden or secret codes in Anime Cross World? Yes, Anime Cross World occasionally releases hidden or secret codes that can be discovered through special events, social media promotions, or community giveaways. Where can I find future codes for Anime Cross World? Stay updated on future codes for Anime Cross World by following the official social media accounts, participating in community forums, or checking announcements within the game itself. Roblox main website Read the full article
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syphonfilter3fans · 10 months
Syphon Filter 3 Full Games
Syphon Filtering 3 SCUS-94640 ROM Download Sony PSX PlayStation 1PSX
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breakingarrows · 11 months
Introduction to 'X' as Literature Series
For some time now I have had the idea to approach writing about games in a way more akin to literary theory. Video game “reviews” come from a history of games as consumer technology, where technical performance was prized above all. A game had to be “fun” to be worthwhile, and the price-per-hour ratio was ever present. As the medium grew older, and the question of “are games art?” became more a topic of conversation, things finally started to shift, though has reached a rut for some time now.
Games writing and discourse is stuck in a circular cycle of rephrasing, rehashing, and relitigating the same subjects and topics seemingly every few months online in social websites such as Twitter or in forums and on podcasts. The largest games media outlets performing reviews rarely cite each other or any other writing in their own works, and the culture at large is worse for it. Obviously there will be no Council of Nicaea in which games media can come and put together a canon of thought and ideas, but I think a different intent behind games writing can hopefully push the conversation forwards even if by an inch.
There are many writers doing this work and have been doing so for a long time. During my research into 2009 for a different project I’ve found the “Brainysphere,” an informal collection of video game bloggers who were talking and writing about games distinctively different from your G4, Rooster Teeth, IGN, or Giant Bomb. While these blogs may have died down in favor of the YouTube “video essay,” you can still scrape Critical Distance’s weekly roundups for new blogs. Most attention is on YouTube, and while I do enjoy throwing on a random hour long video talking about Patapon and Planescape: Torment, they more often than not fall into the trap of recapping the plot beat by beat and continuing to adapt the breakdown box of graphics, sound, gameplay, etc, that was so often the basis of game magazines and online outlets.
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The breakdown box is gone, yet you can still find it within the structure of the text of a review when it hard pivots into suddenly talking about the music or multiplayer. My hope is to approach each subject as a piece of literature, a piece of art that has thematic value that rises above so many others, that holds multiple possible interpretations of its text and its expressive qualities, the kind I find myself thinking about and returning to time and time again. Not just what we refer to as “narrative” but mechanical systems of interaction and restrictions.
Everything and anything can be literature, it is up to the people that read and write about it that make it Literature. To me, one of the approaches to literature I find most fulfilling is under post-structuralism that comes from Barthes’ analysis of Balzac’s Sarassin in S/Z (1970) and explained by Terry Eagleton in Literary Theory: An Introduction (1983):
“The most intriguing texts for criticism are not those which can be read, but those which are ‘writable’ (scriptible) – texts which encourage the critic to carve them up, transpose them into different discourses, produce his or her semi-arbitrary play of meaning at the work itself.” 
A video game like Disco Elysium is literature to me due to its ability to evoke and imprint an emotion, a feeling of place, of people, of history, of sound and speech and lines of dialogue that summoned laughter and sadness. In it are reflections of our own world and it adds its own ideas and innovative mechanics to the genre it occupies. It has created a large base of dedicated artists who add onto its presence their own varied contributions via interpretations and conversations.
A video game like Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies is also literature to me, due to its execution of the trope of the silent protagonist, of the player occupying that space of both viewer and participant so unique to games, how it leverages that position for its emotional ending. For its own sights and sounds that are so deeply imprinted in my mind. It may occupy a significantly smaller space in the culture comparatively, but that does not make it any less a work of literary significance in my mind.
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This series is my attempt at performing readings of these texts, and not just games too, to show that they are writable and literary. Due to my lack of study underneath any formal literature critique program this is less about form than intent. I’ve already somewhat tried this in my replaying essays and videos but hope to make it a more formal statement under this series and keep the word count a bit lower than the comprehensive replaying essays tend to run.
I still have a lot of love for the written word. My cover sheet for a never used application to Giant Bomb was based around the argument that there was still a lot of value behind text writing, and most all videos I have created begin as text-focused works. If anything this will just be another umbrella of an idea under which will rest multiple unfinished drafts, though I’ve grown more accepting of that as time has gone on.
“‘Mass culture is not the inevitable product of ‘industrial’ society, but the offspring of a particular form of industrialism which organizes production for profit rather than for use, which concerns itself with what will sell rather than with what is valuable.”
-Terry Eagleton, Literary Theory: An Introduction (1983)
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ashtonlanger · 1 year
Win Big and Lag-Free: Dive into Online Slot Action Today!
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The thrill of online slot gaming is undeniable. The anticipation of the next spin, the chance of hitting a massive jackpot, and the excitement of immersive themes have attracted players from all around the world. However, there's one obstacle that can hinder this enjoyment - lag. Lag can disrupt the flow of your gaming experience, causing frustration and potentially impacting your winning chances. But don't let lag spoil your fun. In this article, we'll introduce you to the world of lag-free online slot gaming and how you can dive into the action without any interruptions.
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Understanding the Lag Issue
Before we delve into the solutions, let's first understand what lag means in the context of online slot gaming. In simple terms, lag refers to the delay or latency between your actions as a player and the game's response. This delay can manifest in various ways:
Slow Reel Spins: The excitement of watching the reels spin can be hampered when they move sluggishly.
Delayed Outcomes: You might experience a delay in seeing the results of a spin, keeping you in suspense longer than desired.
Freezes and Stuttering: Lag can cause the game to freeze or stutter, disrupting the immersive experience.
Several factors contribute to lag in online slot gaming:
Internet Connection: A slow or unreliable internet connection is a common culprit. When your connection is unstable, it can lead to delays in data transmission between your device and the game server.
Server Overload: High server traffic, especially during peak hours, can slow down game performance and result in lag.
Device Performance: Older or less capable devices may struggle to run modern slot games, leading to laggy gameplay.
The Impact of Lag on Slot Gaming
Lag can have a significant impact on your online slot gaming experience:
Diminished Enjoyment: Lag disrupts the immersive nature of online slot games, making it less enjoyable.
Missed Opportunities: Timing is crucial in slot gaming. Lag can cause you to miss opportunities for winning combinations, bonus rounds, or special features.
Financial Setbacks: Lag can lead to unintended bets or missed chances to cash out your winnings, potentially resulting in financial losses.
The Solution: Lag-Free Slot Gaming
Now, let's explore how you can enjoy slot gaming without the frustrating interruptions of lag:
1. High-Performance Servers: Reputable online casinos and gaming platforms invest in high-performance servers designed to handle a large number of players simultaneously. These servers are optimized to minimize lag and ensure smooth gameplay.
2. Dedicated Internet Connection: Some platforms offer dedicated internet connections for players, reducing the risk of lag caused by unreliable connections. This ensures a stable and uninterrupted gaming experience.
3. Device Compatibility: Leading online slot gaming platforms ensure their games are compatible with a wide range of devices, from desktop computers to smartphones and tablets. This means you can enjoy lag-free gaming on your preferred device, regardless of its specifications.
4. Continuous Monitoring and Maintenance: The best gaming platforms employ anti-lag technology that continuously monitors server performance and player connections. Any issues are swiftly addressed to ensure seamless gameplay.
5. Instant Loading Times: Lag often presents itself as slow loading times. With lag-free gaming platforms, games load almost instantly, allowing you to dive into the action without any delays.
Benefits of Lag-Free Slot Gaming
Enhanced Enjoyment: Lag-free gaming allows you to fully immerse yourself in the slot experience, enhancing overall enjoyment.
Improved Winning Odds: Without lag, you have a fair and equal chance of winning without the frustrations of delayed gameplay.
Greater Control: Lag-free gaming puts you in control of your bets and gameplay decisions, allowing you to spin the reels with confidence.
Enhanced Focus: Lag can be distracting, but with lag-free slot gaming, you can focus on the game's features, bonus rounds, and special symbols, increasing your chances of winning big.
Go To The Slot
Online slot gaming should be an exhilarating and immersive experience, and lag should not stand in your way. Lag-free slot gaming solutions are readily available, ensuring you can enjoy the excitement and thrill of the game without any disruptions. Say goodbye to the frustration of lag-induced delays and dive into the action of online slots with confidence. The opportunity to win big and enjoy an uninterrupted gaming experience is right at your fingertips – don't miss out!
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eamonorus-blog · 1 year
Joel, Game vs Show (part 1)
Ok, to be clear, I have only seen parts of the show, not all of it, so please correct me if I get things wrong. Still, I can't help but feel that the changes made for the show, though minor in some ways, all contributed together into a quite different experience. First of all, we have to address the difference in mediums. One of the things which so many people talk about being incredible about the game, and something that I very much agree with, is the way that the story uses the medium of video games well in telling its story. Sure, it's mostly just another cinematic third person shooter with lots of cutscenes and crafting. It’s a kind of video game genre which is often mocked for being a kind of Oscar-bait, a lame attempt to make video games into films, that relies too much on cutscenes and voice acting, and not enough on the actual gameplay. And while I totally get the criticism of the game that it is mostly uninspired and basic, even if well executed, in terms of gameplay mechanics and complexity, I think that saying that tlou would have been better as a show or film from the start, or that the medium of video games isn’t used at all is selling the game seriously short. In the game you spend the overwhelming majority of it with Ellie by your side, as she helps you with puzzles, quips, and passes you ammo. Stuff like that. Not only do you feel like she is growing and learning with you as the game goes on, but you have a lot of time to just sit with their relationship and let it slowly change over time.
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There is no need for sudden dramatic turns in their relationship, except at a few key points. From the beginning to the end, their relationship has gone from deeply reluctant and detached, to one of dependence and trust, and it never feels forced. From Ellie helping untie Joel from Bills trap while he fends off infected, to him pushing the car while she tries to start it, to him finding comic books for her as collectables, to her deciding not to escape with Bill and Henry, but instead go back for him, we see their relationship grow. This could all so easily have gone poorly. Companion characters, especially children/teenagers, are so often disliked and found annoying in games, that making the whole game about this relationship was really risky, but it is done so well that it is almost universally beloved, and I don’t think anyone would disagree that the whole game hinges on it. If it didn’t work, if it even wasn’t great, but only passable, the whole game almost may as well not exist at all. There has been so much ink spilled, both in other tumblr posts and elsewhere about why their relationship works so well and is so well written that I won’t belabour the point with examples. I will just bring up how the game differs from the show in ways that I think detract from the experience. You see, because this is a game, we get to spend so much time with Ellie, and we are in Joel’s pov almost the whole time. The show doesn’t have the same amount of time, so it really needed to spend every moment it could trying to make up the difference.
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It doesn’t do this though. The first episode deals heavily with the actual outbreak, which to me was always among the least interesting parts of the story. Sure, it at least makes the effort to make the zombies a bit unique with the whole fungus thing, but the game had the sense to narrow our focus and only tell us the minimum we needed to know about the outbreak, both so we wouldn’t get sidetracked, and to maintain a sense of mystery and dread around it. I think it was a mistake to try and make the story more about the disease itself, and about the world. I love worldbuilding and its important, but this story is all about Joel and Ellie, and the focus should be there. Then we have Bill and his lover in episode 3, the Ellie and Rylie flashback, and a flashback to Ellie’s birth. Sure, this is all stuff which was in the original game in one sense or another, but its still taking away and distracting us from the main dynamic, the main point of the story. And considering that we aren’t in Joel’s shoes non-stop the way we are in the game, I don’t feel like the show can afford to be diluting this any further. The game gets a little fantastical and ridiculous at times with how many people Joel kills, and this is where the story having to fulfill the role of being a third person action game filled with obstacles to fight might arguably let it down somewhat. Still, the story utilises the fact that it’s a game quite well here. Just as it does with having Ellie help you with puzzles, continually commenting on things, and all this helps endear you to her, the constant combat serves a purpose too. One of tlou’s greatest aspects as a game are the combat animations. They are smooth, brutal, and make you wince with their violence. Joel isn’t a military man, and he isn’t a John Wick style professional killer either. He is a hardened survivor who has fought and killed countless enemies by using whatever he had on hand at the time and going for the kill every time. The scrap collecting mechanic plays into this. The nail bombs, the edged attachments to your melee weapons, the Molotov cocktails, they all play into the sense of Joel being an expert at turning whatever is nearby into crude but effective weapons. He is a modern man forced by circumstance into becoming a ruthless killer every day just to survive.
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sattamatkaleakss · 1 year
Kalyan Matka: Unleashing the Luck within You
Gambling has long been a source of excitement and entertainment for people around the world. Among the various gambling games, Kalyan Matka holds a special place due to its rich history, intriguing gameplay, and the opportunity to test one's luck. In this article, we will explore the captivating world of Kalyan Matka, its origins, rules, strategies, and the thrilling experience it offers to enthusiasts.
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1. Introduction to Kalyan Matka
Kalyan Matka is a popular form of gambling that originated in India and has garnered a devoted following over the years. It is known for its simplicity and the excitement it brings to players. The game revolves around betting on numbers and their outcomes, creating an environment where luck plays a significant role.
2. The Origins of Kalyan Matka
Kalyan Matka has its roots in the bustling city of Mumbai, formerly known as Bombay. It emerged as a form of entertainment among the textile mill workers in the 1960s. Over time, the game gained popularity and transformed into a significant part of Indian gambling culture.
3. How to Play Kalyan Matka
Playing Kalyan Matka involves selecting numbers from a predetermined range and placing bets on their outcomes. The game is structured into rounds, and players eagerly await the results to determine if their chosen numbers match the winning combination.
4. Understanding the Rules
To fully enjoy and engage in Kalyan Matka, it is essential to understand the rules. While the specific rules may vary slightly depending on the region or platform, grasping the fundamental principles of the game is crucial. This knowledge enhances the overall experience and increases the chances of making informed decisions.
5. Strategies for Success
Although luck plays a significant role in Kalyan Matka, implementing strategic approaches can improve one's chances of success. Analyzing patterns, studying historical data, and managing bets wisely are some strategies that experienced players employ to enhance their gameplay and increase their odds of winning.
6. The Thrill of Kalyan Matka
Kalyan Matka offers a thrilling experience that keeps players on the edge of their seats. The anticipation leading up to the draw, the adrenaline rush during the announcement of results, and the satisfaction of a successful bet make the game highly captivating. The element of surprise and the potential for substantial winnings contribute to its allure.
7. Balancing Risks and Rewards
Like any form of gambling, Kalyan Matka involves both risks and rewards. While it presents an opportunity to win significant amounts, it is important to approach the game responsibly. Understanding the potential risks, setting limits, and exercising self-control are crucial to maintaining a positive gambling experience.
8. Kalyan Matka and the Digital Age
With the advent of technology, Kalyan Matka has embraced the digital landscape. Online platforms now offer convenient access to the game, allowing enthusiasts to participate from the comfort of their homes. The digital age has expanded the reach of Kalyan Matka, attracting a wider audience and creating new opportunities for interaction and engagement.
9. Responsible Gambling in Kalyan Matka
Responsible gambling is a key aspect of enjoying Kalyan Matka and ensuring a safe and sustainable experience. It involves setting realistic expectations, managing finances wisely, and seeking help if gambling habits become problematic. By practicing responsible gambling, players can maintain a healthy balance and continue to derive enjoyment from the game.
10. Kalyan Matka: A Social Experience
Beyond the thrill of the game itself, Kalyan Matka offers a unique social experience. Players come together, sharing their passion for the game and exchanging strategies and stories. The community aspect of Kalyan Matka adds an extra layer of enjoyment, fostering connections and camaraderie among like-minded individuals.
11. The Cultural Significance of Kalyan Matka
Kalyan Matka holds cultural significance in the Indian gambling landscape. It has become a part of the cultural fabric, reflecting the aspirations, dreams, and spirit of the people. Its presence in movies, literature, and popular culture further emphasizes its impact on society.
12. Kalyan Matka vs. Other Gambling Games
Kalyan Matka stands out among other gambling games due to its unique characteristics and history. While it shares similarities with other number-based games, its distinct identity and loyal following set it apart. The simplicity, suspense, and cultural significance make Kalyan Matka a favorite choice for many gambling enthusiasts.
13. The Evolution of Kalyan Matka
Over the years, Kalyan Matka has evolved in response to changing times and preferences. From its humble beginnings in Mumbai's textile mills to its integration into the digital world, the game has adapted and thrived. The evolution of Kalyan Matka reflects its resilience and ability to stay relevant in an ever-changing gambling landscape.
14. Future Prospects of Kalyan Matka
As technology continues to advance, the future of Kalyan Matka holds exciting possibilities. The game is likely to embrace more innovative platforms, enhanced interactivity, and a broader global reach. While preserving its core essence, Kalyan Matka will adapt to cater to the evolving needs and preferences of players.
15. Conclusion
Kalyan Matka provides a unique and thrilling gambling experience that has captured the hearts of enthusiasts worldwide. Its simplicity, cultural significance, and potential for exciting winnings make it a game worth exploring. By approaching Kalyan Matka responsibly and employing strategic approaches, players can unlock the exhilarating world of this timeless game.
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
1. Is Kalyan Matka legal?
Yes, Kalyan Matka is legal in some regions of India where gambling is permitted under certain regulations. It is important to familiarize yourself with the specific laws in your jurisdiction before participating.
2. Can I play Kalyan Matka online?
Yes, with the advent of online platforms, you can now play Kalyan Matka from the comfort of your home. However, ensure that you choose reputable and licensed platforms to ensure a safe and fair gaming experience.
3. How can I improve my chances of winning in Kalyan Matka?
While luck plays a significant role, implementing strategic approaches such as analyzing patterns and managing bets wisely can increase your chances of success.
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