#and how to function as a human being
mjulmjul · 2 years
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a liminal being..
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shadowstormme · 3 years
Okay but like all the critics being like "the end credits scene is the best part of the film" like no, that scene is the worst part keep the MCU away from disaster tom hardy and his trash alien partner
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I am once again being completely normal about girl genius as I contemplate modern au OT3.
Because, like, okay, I think in a modern setting both Agatha and Tarvek would be relatively functional human beings on the surface by the time they meet in college but I’m confident that Gil is still a batshit insane person. He’s a feral little boy who never quite grew out of his biting people phase as a kid. He has a baby face and he can bench press a whole person with no problem. He juggles his teacups and has stayed in lab rooms overnight so much that he knows all of the janitors and campus police by name. He doesn’t even turn the lights on anymore??? They auto turn off and he just lets them and keeps working in pitch blackness. And because I’m me, of course he’s pinballing between sexuality crises like it’s a sport. If you walk into the science building past 11 pm there’s like an 80% chance you’ll come across him drinking his tenth cup of tea and he’ll just monologue at you about the nature of love.
All of this to say, I think Agatha and Tarvek would get together first and then like a week in Agatha would be like, “So… Gil, huh?” And Tarvek would be like, “Oh thank god I’m not the only one suffering like this.”
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ziracona · 2 years
Love Norman so much. Heavy Rain was a trip to play the first time (affectionate). Can’t get over the combined hilarity and realism of the scene if you get the Under Arrest path where Norman is flipping out because the local police are literally brutalizing Ethan in interrogation to get him to confess and he tries to intervene and Blake puts a gun in his face so he storms over to the chief’s office and is like “YOUR LIEUTENANT IS TRYING TO BEAT A CONFESSION OUT OF MARS!!!” & the chief goes “ :33 yeah, so? Who cares he’s clearly guilty,” and Norman absolutely loses his mind and goes into his shitty little office and throws a chair because he hates it here so much and the police are fucking insane and terrible and every time he tries to follow the law he gets threatened by them or attacked, & then he calms down & goes “Ok u know what fuck you too I guess >:[ “ and straight up breaks a serial killing prime suspect out of the police station single handed because there’s just no other way to keep him from being beaten to death or false confession in a cell and also he thinks he didn’t do it probably or at least if he did that he’s telling the truth about being not in his right mind & can help, and the whole time poor Mars is so straight up out of it he doesn’t even know what the fucks going on and he’s just like ??? as he’s getting shepherded out fo the station by this fed that just had a fist fight 18 minutes ago with a cop in front of him, and he’s just like *so moved & so confused* “thank you?” & Jayden’s like ‘yeah sure thing; start running & don’t stop’ (I’m gonna lose my job 😬 ) and after that determinately Ethan doesn’t see Norman again once until the finale of the game when he’s one second away from being shot in the back until this same fed who literally busted him out of police lockup comes out of god damn nowhere to body slam the Origami Killer off him and chase them off screaming anyway Heavy Rain’s a fantastic game
#the chaos of that entire thing is so underrated like what the fuck was going on (incredibly loving)#heavy rain#Norman Jayden#Ethan Mars#how absolutely /feral/ Norman is is also so underrated like he’s not a rubber band about to snap the man has snapped a week ago#he’s a drenched piniata of human being. one of his own lines about himself is ‘I seem to spend most of my time getting the shit kicked out#of me’ and every person on the planet puts it on his gif sets Bc it’s that level of true#he loses it constantly while somehow being the only law character not to constantly enact horrific crimes#he’s had to hold himself back from literally murdering Carter Blake 8 times & I wish he’d just done it#he carries the whole investigation on his back and gets no respect. he chases the big bag - screaming - through a waste processing plant and#gets tv screens thrown at his head on a conveyor belt & just rolls with it#he has to do drugs to function. he’s going insane and can literally kill himself by working to hard in-game#he’s simultaneously easily the most skilled and most fucking disaster human in the game and yeah I’m including Ethan#*big bad#Norman is easily one of the most characters of all god damn time#every fight w Norman is the hardest fight in the game and you hit 100% of the controls right & you’re still losing the fight#he’s constantly dragging himself off the ground and getting the shit beat out of him. he’s slightly injured before game start. he flips off#rude drivers. he’s one of only two characters in the game who can say the word ‘Oragami’ correctly but he can’t accurately at ‘Killer’#he can get to the end and have the shit beat out of him right after saving Shaun w literally no context why this is happening & no idea who#the killer is — just bc he’s not the boy’s biological father like his POV he showed up saved a kid and suddenly he’s getting his ribs busted#on the ground while someone goes ‘can’t STAND you’re not his dad’ & he’s literally just like ‘wtf is going on’#what a man
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sheathandshear · 2 years
seriously as a White American leftist I am begging other White American leftists to learn that a) America is not the world, b) the fact that you've "lost" your great-great grandparents' German or Irish culture through assimilation does not mean that this process produced an absence of cultural traditions rather than an oft-uneven but still bidirectional exchange, and c) you have an (American) culture distinct from that of your distant European ancestors because, as I've mentioned, America is not the fucking world, and your perspective is not the universal neutral over which "authentic" 100% free range and organic cultures are laid
#i am so tired of smug self-pitying american exceptionalism dressed up in the guise anti-racism/anti-colonialism#at this point i feel like the best argument for actual white fragility#is the refusal to grasp that u r not some extraordinary racist ubermensch unheard of in all of world history#*you are not special*. u r a person w some shitty beliefs in a culture w some shitty beliefs#and ur bigotry and culpability and privilege is as average as dirt#(and this exceptionalism causes americans to get angry at *any* criticism of their arrogance when they butt into non-US conversations...#...that they do NOT understand and try to impose their own cultural perspective on & r shocked when ppl tell the seppos to fuck off)#it's such a stupid exercise in group whining about how we are so *exceptionally good* at being evil#(bc white USians are inherently more capable at *everything* than poor innocent poc! oh wait we weren't supposed to say that part out loud)#in a way that actively obstructs all constructive examination of how and WHY race was created and how it functions#& collective action to dismantle the idea that there is a default human and that default human is white and every1 else is the Other#politics#AMERICA#faffing about with my thoughts#no more posts abt how 'white american culture is just white supremacy!' bc yeah. it is white supremacy.#it's also hot dogs and nascar and calvinism and loud friendliness to strangers and aggressive individualism#and pro-war and anti-war and romanticizing the melting pot while refusing to actually listen to anyone outside ur national borders#ultimately i think this is mostly coming from ppl who've never traveled or lived outside the us for any significant period of time#bc like... trust me non-americans have definite opinions on the distinct existence of american culture#and some of the most illuminating and thought-provoking discussions i've ever had abt my country and its problems#were thousands of miles away from the US borders when i was the only american in the room#bc it is by contrast that u learn. not by myopic jargon-indulgent daisy chains of navel-gazing
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bunabi · 2 years
this isnt what I imagined the climate collapse to look like, but I also did not imagine a worldwide pandemic to look like this either
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countess-of-edessa · 2 years
why do i keep seeing "trad wife" accounts talking about being happy picking up your husband's socks because he could be (1) dead or (2) cheating on you, and instead he's just leaving all his shit on the floor?
absolutely i'd rather be alone than have a husband who cant function like a human being and makes you clean up after him like you’re his mommy. that is infinitely preferable lol
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hungry-hyena · 3 years
enemy to caretaker is such an underrated trope. like yes, i came here to kill you but goddammit! when was the last time you ate something. how am i supposed to beat up this idiot when they can barely stand. do u even slEEP?! aslo ur so small!!! just looking at ur face makes me want swaddle you in blankets and force feed you soup dammit. AND youre not dressed for the weather.
fuck it. get in the car. we’re getting you a fucking coat
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redflagsandbanners · 2 years
So, so far, Clint Barton has adopted
the actual super-villain Scarlet Witch, who is suffering from depression, but still needs to be protective at all costs and at all times despite being the strongest Avenger because she is more of a puppy than human.
a Black Widow with unmatched sense of fashion, who still actively practices murder as a profession and can snap someone in half upon thought, but is able to function as an adult woman.
and a hyper-thinking 22 yo kid that manages to get herself into shit with the Mob and is a-bit-too-happy to shoot explosive/acidic/way-too-dangerous technology at people and is always banged up and uncomfortably bruised, after every run in with the day's villain.
(plus a kickass deaf woman, who is the only one able to take Yelena's punches in the ring, aka the only one holding every braincell in this group of people, but who still manages to be corrupted by Kate Bishop into chaotic shit across town)
Which basically translates to; Clint gets midnight calls from Yelena to learn that Kate was barely saved - from exploding herself, by Wanda casting a spell, from their shared apartment's kitchen floor, on the other side of the city, to put out the Tracksuit Bro's missed bomb.
Kate buys Wanda thank-you pancakes on the way home, but Yelena ends up eating them. She ghosts Clint's voicemails for the rest of the night and passes out on the couch with Maya and the dogs.
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roxyandelsewhere · 3 years
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Angels’ trueforms in their most memorable moments [8/?] - Cas watching over Dean in purgatory (vertical section)
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astraeus-skies · 2 years
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Dream on little dude
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Dream on
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adammilligan · 2 years
something about how michael was built for war and he’s lived through and won endless battles and did win the war against lucifer so long ago but the first time we actually see him lose his composure on screen is when adam asks him, very gently, if he still cares about what god thinks of him after he left him in the cage. when he gets frustrated and even snaps at one point and adam is still so kind to him anyway. something about heaven’s most terrifying weapon being rendered speechless at one string of words spoken with nothing but gentle concern. not to drag a quote into this but quite literally sometimes being offered tenderness feels like the very proof you’ve been ruined
#like he can handle war but he draws himself up defensively and can't even speak when adam confronts him with nothing but kindness#behind the gesture#and that line is still so interesting to me! because it kind of implies that michael hadn't been acting like he cared about being#the favorite anymore. which to be fair he hadn't! he ditched heaven to hang out with a human that's far from how god's favorite should act#but the new identity michael was building for himself was still shaky especially since yknow. a lot of it was developed in a cage. in hell#so it makes sense that when confronted about it he would start clinging to that old identity all over again. it's very human of him actually#and with adam's real genuine concern/confusion over it + how it's apparent that they talk to each other about everything#it makes me think that no michael didn't actually care about being the favorite anymore. even in 15x19. ESPECIALLY in 15x19#in 15x19 especially it was a combination of a) his unstable mindset after losing his closest and only friend#b) that loss being a direct hit on the foundations of his new identity#and c) the old identity coming back up to take its place because otherwise he might've actually gone insane. he had to function SOMEHOW#and i know there's only so many ways you can defend 15x19's genuinely godawful writing. i know. and i'm a steadfast 15x19 hater#but this is perhaps one of the only ways i can EXPLAIN it#and no bringing lucifer back didn't help. one of thee pillars of his old identity shows up while his new identity is crumbling to dust in#the face of adam's death and he's falling and you don't expect him to reach out and lean on it for support? that's just what people DO#it's like taking away an addict's best coping mechanism and expecting them not to relapse if only the one time#and he was being actively encouraged to relapse was the thing! dean going 'daddy's boy' at the beginning of the ep? their plan RELYING on#michael's death at the hands of chuck? REALLY.#these tags are not the point of this post. anyway#kate rambles#michael#adam milligan#midam
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saucylittlesmile · 2 years
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They matter.
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headgehug · 2 years
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merry christmas to charlienation look at the messed up hair.
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Biting and ripping and tearing and
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electric-rabbits · 3 years
Something something in s2ep8 Guillermo left the house to go after the (false) promise of being turned into a vampire, the one thing he thinks he needs to finally be happy; but what he really needed was to be respected by Nandor. Something something in s3ep8 Nandor left the house to go after the (false) promise of being turned into a human, the one thing he thinks he needs to finally be saved from his loneliness; but what he really needs is to be loved by Guillermo.
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