#and i always got too bored before i was even finished the sketch
smallpwbbles · 17 days
She didn’t get that sketch book back
Quick fic for my Biolizard shadow au taking place pre Ark incident, just some nice fluff between Maria and Shadow
Feel free to criticise the fuck outta this, haven’t written a fic since I was like 13, did feel nice to write this though, hopefully I can turn write a longer fic for the au like I said I wanted to do
Maria was beginning to get restless, it had been a long week full of tests, resting, recovering and just a general sense of stagnation. The days were beginning to phase into a repetitive cycle and while she could manage with it, she couldn’t say it wasn’t beginning to get boring.
Her studies were just finishing up, she had once again been bested by her least favourite subject, math. Maria was quite smart for her age, a symptom of being a Robotnik no doubt, however math had such a way with turning her brain to mush. She was sick enough as it was, she didn’t need the subject doing away with her mind too.
Her notebook and sticky notes were packed away in a cute little cubby adorably stuck with a tag with her name on it, next to hers was an empty cubby addressed with the name Shadow, it was unfortunate that with the monstrous hedgehogs seemingly unending growth spurts came the ability to not fit almost anywhere on the Ark, apart for his enclosure of course.
Maria put a hand to the unused cubby, she very much missed studying in the classroom with Shadow, but her grandfather did allow for studies to be taught with Shadow in the enclosure when they were both on best behaviour, the old man may be a stickler but was an absolute softie at heart.
Gerald was erasing the algebra on the blackboard with a content smile, Maria could see he was in quite a good mood today which was especially great as the week of tests wasn’t just unfortunate to her. As Shadow was due for many tests to check on the state of his growth, Gerald and his team spent many weeks trying to get it under control right after Shadow had begun to increase in size rapidly.
The scientists had all done their best but to an ailing Shadow, who had to be okay with needles and diagrams shoved in and around him, he was at best irate and at worst, down right hostile. One of the testing scientists was still recovering in the first aid section of the Ark after a particularly vexed Shadow struck out. He was “grounded” after such an incident, which doesn’t mean much when you’re 35 feet and can kill a person with minimal effort, but it meant Maria couldn’t see him at the moment.
That wasn’t gonna stop her from trying.
“Grandfather! Studies were absolutely wonderful today, I feel maths gets easier and easier each time you teach it to me” Maria lied. Her plan was to butter him up, get him in an even better mood, maybe then he would feel lenient enough to let her stay in the enclosure with Shadow.
“It makes me glad to hear that Maria my dear, maths has always been an essential subject matter in the world of education, why I’ve loved maths ever since I was a young tot, you know I solved my first problem when I was just 3 years old-“ Gerald kept on. Oh no, she got him rambling, maybe she could shoot her shot and just ask outright. The last time he rambled it put her right to sleep on her desk, it hurt his feelings but the second she started hearing percentages her brain shut it down.
“May I see Shadow today!?” She hadn’t meant to blurt it out so outright but she felt the ramble was about to edge towards fractions and decimals and she quite had enough of those today
Gerald’s animated ramblings stopped in an instant and he faced his granddaughter who was doing her best to charm him with her childish adorable appeal
He hummed and hawed for a moment before shaking his head “Now Maria I know you miss Shadow very much but he is in trouble at the moment”
A wave of defensiveness washed over Maria as she recounted Shadow was currently punished due to actions he did in a moment of stress and anger, she felt in the same position she would have struck out or at the very least gave that scientist a good old raspberry, she was still proud she taught Shadow that, Gerald didn’t need to know that though.
“Oh but Grandfather, it’s been more than a week, I’m sure Shadow has learned his lesson” Maria begged.
“He growled at one of our scientists who came for a check up this morning, one he particularly likes mind you” he retorted
“I mean it could be a bit of that teenage rebellion you’re always claiming me to have when I’m not happy to see you in the morning” She countered.
“I-“ Gerald stopped himself and put a finger to his lip, honestly he couldn’t dismiss that. As Shadow continued to grow he picked up more behaviours Gerald could attribute to the traditional development of adolescence. It still had him flabbergasted as he recalled Shadow sticking his tongue right at Gerald one time during studies.
“None the matter, I don’t want you getting hurt in there because of the irritation he’s at right now” Gerald commanded. Maria deflated, this definitely wasn’t going out the way she has planned.
“He would never! Shadow absolutely adores us, he wouldn’t hurt us” Maria argued, she trusted this 100%. Although around most people some could say Shadow could be careless, Maria and Gerald were of a select few that Shadow handled with the upmost care and caution. Maria could just about get away with doing anything around Shadow, if not for her sickness she would most definitely use the gigantic hedgehog as a playground.
At quiet times before lights were out, when allowed she would curl up in Shadows large claws, it amazed her how still and gentle he could be, she felt like a glass doll in his hands as she deducted he was so still in fear of jostling her. It saddened her that Shadow was at such a state he felt even the slightest movements would hurt her.
Gerald put a palm to his head, “I know he wouldn’t hurt you on purpose Maria, but Shadow can forget himself sometimes, need I remind you of Steven, who is in the infirmary because of Shadows actions?” He scolded. Maria didn’t have a retort for that, she could defend shadow as much as she liked but it didn’t change that he had indeed hurt someone.
She looked down to her dress skirt and gripped the fabric of it, she knew better than to act like a brat not getting their way but she was getting irate, one more plea, and if no results she would would back down, lest she get into an argument with her grandfather and end up in trouble herself.
“I’ve just felt absolutely restless. I understand he’s in trouble grandfather but he always behaves around me, I could even go in there and get him to apologise! He’s usually nicer after I give him a good talking to” Maria gripped her skirt harder, she was honest about getting him to apologise, she didn’t want him thinking what he had done to that scientist was okay.
Gerald studied her for a moment before letting out a defeated sign, the softie in him had won, he hated seeing Maria as desperate as she was, and she was not wrong. Maria’s presence seemed to greatly improve Shadows mood the most
“Fine, you can see him” Maria almost jumped up in excitement but steeled herself, it didn’t stop her from looking absolutely giddy “but you are not to rile him up in any way, and if I feel you are in danger you are to come out, understand” Gerald instructed.
Maria gave a silly salute, she couldn’t help it knowing her plan came around “loud and clear!”
He was clearly pouting when she got to the viewing windows of Shadows enclosure, he was lying on his side and had his back to the large reinforced windows, so nobody could see his face. It was cute to Maria, he always did this getting in trouble.
He was also very still, she actually couldn’t tell if he was asleep or not in that position, a second later when he turned his head slightly to notice her presence confirmed he was indeed awake. Shadow had quite the ability to sense the people around him without anyone else knowing they were there. He glared at her before immediately curling in on himself, she had no idea how someone that big could make themselves look smaller but he was managing quite well.
She put her hands to the window, the glare he just gave her hadn’t put her off, he clearly wasn’t as happy to see her as she thought he would be but that was her gigantic, hedgehog, lizard buddy in need and she hadn’t almost got on her knees and begged to see him for nothing.
3 little taps to the glass, Maria did this just to give him a warning whenever she was coming in, in response Shadow seemed to curl further in on himself, he almost looked like a gigantic spiky ball.
Maria made a small trek down a compact set of Stairs to some steel doors that led into the enclosure, there was a code box right next to the doors that needed an input only Maria, Gerald and some trusted scientists knew. Quickly putting in 4 digits, her birthday as predictably done by her grandfather, Maria bounced in excitement as the doors painstakingly opened.
The chamber was quiet and smelled of lavender, Maria had recommended a calming smell might tide over Shadow to act nicer during testing, while it hadn’t, he still very much enjoyed the smell.
Maria encountered the big ball of black and red quills and scales, he was very much still pouting and didn’t seem to want to acknowledge her. She gave a couple pats to what she could assume was his tail but it was quite hard to tell as curled up as he was.
Shadow gave no response to indicate he felt the pats so she grabbed a few quills and gave a small tug, she didn’t want to tug hard as she’d definitely get cut if he bristled his quills in response, yet he still gave no reaction.
Oh he was really having quite the tantrum today. She put her hands to her hips and gave the giant wall of quills a tired look
“Shadow it’s me! Are you not happy to see me?” Maria yelled up at him.
If he was, he gave no reciprocation. It humbled her quite intensely as it was a first for Shadow to completely ignore her.
She looked down at her shoes and decided if he was gonna be the Debbie of downers she would use other means of entertainment. She pulled out her small sketch pad that conveniently fit in her skirt pockets. It was a great source of distraction when she had nothing to do or nobody to talk to.
She walked over to some worn down chairs that were placed carefully far to one end of the enclosure, they were initially placed there for observation of Shadow but it was an overestimated idea as most scientists didn’t have the nerve to be in the same room as Shadow for more than 5 minutes. Maria abused this section of the enclosure to benefit her creative devices and made Shadow the subject of most of her sketches.
It was about 5 minutes into drawing when she had stopped drawing Shadow as doodling a curled up spiky ball hadn’t been as fun as she thought. She looked up from her sketch pad as Shadow began to unfurl, as he stretched out she heard some of his bones crack back into place, bones cracking was already an unnerving sound to her, hearing it at Shadows size was something entirely else so she couldn’t help the look that came on her face.
Shadow stopped his stretching to study her, he smirked at the unsettled face Maria made as it was quite an amusing expression for her to pull, the smirked made her a little irate considering how rudely he was to ignore her just before.
“I see you got tired of pouting” Maria huffed, Shadow simply stuck her tongue at her, she gasped in shock and stook up immediately, absolutely aghast he would use such a move on her of all people, she kind of wish she hadn’t taught him that now.
“That’s absolutely- why I never- you are such a rude-“ she couldn’t make up her mind what to say in response. Shadow sat on his hind legs and looked at her in amusement, to anyone who could have been outside the enclosure, the sight of a young blond girl yelling and scolding the near 40 foot giant beast was bewildering.
“It’s no wonder grandfather didn’t want me to see you, with you acting like such a brat I have half a mind to walk out of here, are you even sorry for what you did?!” Maria furiously turned her back to him and folded her arms, if she looked back she would have seen Shadow flinch at the question. “The scientists are doing the best to help you and you had someone sent into first aid!” She grumbled.
Maria heard some loud shuffling then the room shook for a moment, she steadied herself and looked back to see Shadow had repositioned himself with his back to her. She didn’t know why the sight infuriated her more but it just seemed like he wanted to be insanely difficult today.
She began to march over to him, about to give him a peace of her mind. However when she traversed enough to get a even look at what she assumed would be a unremorseful smug smirk, she was met with a regretful furrowed brow, his red crimson irises met her blue azure ones and he instantly looked away and brought his arms up to hold himself. He wouldn’t look back at her.
Maria began to calm herself, one look at him told her what she knew, of course he felt bad for what he did. She wanted to give herself a right slap for forgetting herself, he obviously found it hard to talk about what happened, she shouldn’t have expected him to be right and ready to talk as soon as she walked through those doors.
She slowly came closer and put a hand to his ankle, that was as much as she could reach at his current sat up stance. He dared a glance down at her tiny form and again looked away, she could feel the giant begin to tremble, she then heard as an unmistakable voice rasped out “…didn’t mean to”.
His voice rumbled throughout her body as her heart wrenched at that statement. She believed it without question, he was gentle and caring, she was tired after the week long tests. Maria could only imagine what it was like for him after being poked and prodded for hours on end.
“I know” she comforted. She really did wish he was at least a little smaller, it was really hard to comfort someone who has a hand as big as your entire body.
She could attempt to climb up his leg but she really didn’t want to risk getting Gerald upset with her if she was to exacerbate her already strained lungs. She motioned at shadow with her hand and got his attention “Shadow your hand please” she gently commanded
He knew what she was asking and took a hand off his person to reach her, only seeing his claws near her had him stop for a moment which Maria noticed. “You would never hurt me” she assured. He gently scooped her up and cupped his other hand to the one holding her.
Shadow brought up a safely secured Maria up to his face in which she at once assaulted him with a full face hug, it surprised him for a moment but he instantly melted into it. She did this when she knew he was even a bit upset. He did find the gesture embarrassing but appreciated it all the same.
Maria nuzzled into his muzzle harder, she’d be finding fur in her dress for ages but she didn’t mind, the priority was Shadow. She was glad he was remorseful, it would have been alarming if she had to explain why it’s wrong to send someone into the infirmary but Shadow seemed to grasp the consequences of the event that transpired.
“You are going to apologise once Steven is out of the infirmary aren’t you?” She left his muzzle alone finally and looked up at him, he seemed embarrassed at such a request but knew he couldn’t argue with something that was the least he could do. He nodded firmly and hoped it would be enough to satisfy Maria.
It definitely was as she once again came full force with a hug to his muzzle, he did wish he could return such a gesture properly but he’d definitely crush the poor girl with such a return, instead he just leaned his face into her arms, she was such a tiny thing to him but the action warmed his heart so immensely he’d almost forgotten why he was mad in the first place.
Maria plopped back into his palm, content with her job as “the Shadow whisperer”, as she had oddly dubbed herself in her mind. She wished she could converse with him about all the events that transpired while he had been “grounded” but it mostly included tests which was the furthest thing she was sure both of them wanted to talk about. In that moment she remembered the little notepad she was doodling in earlier.
Shadow watched as she fought to relieve her pocket of the sketch pad and as she flicked through a few pages of quite nice and detailed drawings of him and a few familiar faces he’d seen on the Ark, his interested peaked as he watched her turn to her recent pages and she chortled, Maria shakily stood up on Shadows surprisingly soft palm and held the sketch pad to Shadow, who’s interested promptly died when he saw a drawing of a spiky ball which had been nicely detailed with an annotate to tell whoever was reading the ball was a “grumpy pouty shadow”.
Maria watched Shadows face fall flat and couldn’t help that roar of laughter that immediately escaped her, this only continued to irritate the humongous hedgehog. He brought over his other hand that didn’t have a laughing Maria in it and swiftly brought it over his palm, Maria yelled out a panicked “NO WAIT-“ as he did so. He didn’t hurt her, he just gave her a quick squish to shut her up. That seemed to do the job as he opened his palms to a silence Maria who had her hair adorably scruffy from the attack “I hate it when you do that, I totally deserved it though” she concluded
He snickered at that and she gave him a quick punch to his pinkie finger
Maria had lost track of the time she had been in the enclosure after 2 hours. She wasn’t worried she’d been in too long as her Grandfather had cameras in the chamber and would have called her out if he wanted her out.
She had returned to her drawings while she was cradled in Shadows palms. She was absolutely engrossed in her current drawing and hadn’t noticed Shadow wasn’t giving input or feedback on her drawings anymore.
The palm she was in suddenly jerked and she had to grab one of his fingers to keep from losing balance, her sketch pad had fallen to the ground when the motion happened. She looked up when she was steadied and saw Shadow, he seemed to have not noticed what he had done. Honestly he seemed quite out of it, she quickly realised the poor thing was fighting sleep and must have accidentally jerked back to being half awake.
“Shadow” Maria called, his eyes opened fully to address her but immediately went back to being half lidded. “Are you tired? I can leave so you can get some rest” she offered.
He stubbornly shook his head and cupped his other hand under her, normally he would have let her go off when she wanted and went back to doing as he did alone in the enclosure but she was sure it was his sleepy brain not wanting her to leave and he was acting upon that.
“Alright alright, don’t have a fuss I’m not going anywhere, even if I could” he had brought his hand close enough that she could reach a particular spot under his muzzle, she gave it a few scritches and had to steel herself when he began purring, it was an intense and loud sound that she feel sending waves through her entire body but she bared it.
He leaned into it, and began to literally lean his entire body’s forward when the feeling of the scratches began to calm his already tired mind, Maria had to stop and immediately grabbed onto anything she could, which was his ring finger as Shadow fell forward, the enclosure shook from the weight of him falling and Maria waited for the vibrations to die down, she hoped her grandfather was not watching the cameras at that moment as she could of accidentally been hurt, she could hear and feel the vibrations of Shadows quiet snores as it confirmed he has simply fallen asleep.
She hopped off his palm to trek to his face, give him a quick hug. Her mission was to now find her sketch pad, that last drawing she was engrossed with had come along really well and she wanted to show her grandfather how her art skills were coming out. Her face turned grief stricken when she realised her sketch pad had fallen where Shadow lay asleep right now, if he rolled over which she knew he was guaranteed to do, it was completely over for that drawing as well as her entire sketch pad.
Maria inhaled and then exhaled. The stories of the superheroes her grandfather read to her had to go through sacrifice, and right now as the shadow whisperer, she could definitely say she was going through sacrifice right now.
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xylomane · 1 year
𝙎𝙤... 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙖𝙨𝙠 𝙝𝙞𝙢 𝙩𝙤 𝙗𝙪𝙮 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙖 𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙚...
Ft. Diluc Ragnvindr Context: You're bored after he left for work and he called you somewhere at night to ask if you want anything from the malls since he just so happened to stop by one. Teasingly and craving for naught, you ask him to buy you a lingerie. You wonder just what kind he'll pick. Does he even know those...?
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"Huh? what's wrong? It's just a lingerie, you're the one with a problem not me." You say nonchalantly through the phone. "B-but listen, okay? I'm not good at this and even if I am-" You dropped the call, not even motivated to listen to anymore of his stammers. He's cute but still. It's been fifteen minutes since you requested him for a lingerie and he's still not convinced to agree? How will you know his favorites now?You can't wait another day. You needed to know his preferences.
Diluc knew to himself that he really didn't mean to disappoint. He just... never saw himself suitable for these kinds of things. He is a gentleman of course, with a name and a status to protect. He can't just show up in a lingerie store and attract some attention, his sex life would be questioned if somebody were to recognize him. (Diluc is famously known as the son of the founder of the most successful wine company in the entire world)
Diluc, knowing himself as a pleaser, didn't want to disappoint you any further so he sends you a text to assure you that he'll make it happen: "I'm sorry darling, I promise I'll get you one. I hope it is to your liking." The moment he hits the 'send' button, he rubs his face and sighs.
Diluc goes straight back inside his black car to drive to one of his most trusted tailors. He has given them many commisions regarding clothing before, and they always come out stunning. He let himself relax over the cushioned seat of his car, picturing whatever kind of reaction you'll have on your face until he arrived at the pavement before the tailor's building.
Diluc tried. He really did. He declined the offer for a designer because he wanted the lingerie designed only by him. If he were to still get a designer for it, it might take a day or two before it gets finished. Plus... it's a little... embarrassing. Diluc gets uneasy just by thinking about it.
Diluc needed it done by midnight and it's currently 10:00pm. He knew he needed to hurry but now that he himself, being known to always have a phrase ready on any occasion, had been explaining for about half an hour to a tailor that felt like he was suddenly speaking gibberish, there's no doubt that the chances of making the lingerie might be delayed.
Finally, the tailor sighed at him, exasperated with all the mind work to understand his stammers. She simply told him, "Paper and pencil. Show me when ready." And she hands him two objects that made Diluc's confidence stutter.
Diluc stares at the paper and he feels his cheeks burn with shame. It felt like his confidence just depleted. He knows full well she's just as stressed as he is because, hearing himself, the conversation did not make any sense. But was it really that bad...? Where the tailor even needed visual aid FROM HIM because he sucked at explaining what he wanted? Diluc isn't one to drown himself in shame anymore, so to save face for himself, he actually got to work.
The tailor had been observing the young man behind the rims of her eyeglasses and goodness- she can tell this man is holding back. At some point, as she stuck different pins on a gown of her own design, she contemplated whether she'd rather ask him what he would like to see on a woman in bed or why he wants to see that on a woman in bed. In the end, she waves the thoughts way. None of her business.
Diluc started drawing, straps and laces here and there... rose patterns? Not bad. Is the crotch area too thin? He asks himself then resorts to erasing the entire sketch of the bottom garment away. Is the fabric transparent? Diluc's eyebrows point down. But... that's a little too... he felt his hands reach to cuddle his length, goodness how is he supposed to-
Diluc really wanted something, but he didn't want to make you uncomfortable so he kept holding himself back and doubting each design. Even when Diluc's head spiraled with ideas, he didn't know which one of these ideas intrigue you the most.
At this point, Diluc doesn't really know where to begin with anymore, his tried everything and it's almost been an hour. He didn't want to delay the lingerie any longer so he just followed his heart in the process. Ok... ribbons. Ribbons? Is that too weird on a lingerie? Surely not. Red lace ribbons? There? Yes, his mind liked those. Attached on what color though? Maybe something baby pink or peach. He needed them in two pieces of course.
Finally, he folded the paper unequally to four, stuffed it in his pocket, and then reached for the tailor to whom he finally said the design to. He didn't hold himself back this time and openly told her of how he wanted the lingerie to look. He wasn't planning to show it, but ended up showing it anyway.
"Good thing you got it done..." The tailor told him, letting out a sigh of relief as she placed measurements on a mannequin. "You sure have grown Master Diluc."
Diluc froze at that phrase. She's not lying nor is she wrong. All Diluc really wanted to feel was the lust in the look of you... breedable and inexperienced before him but of course he can't say that so he realized that after all these thoughts, he cannot talk back. He can't. Like, really. It made him feel so awkward that he had to think of an excuse to get out of the establishment. "I'll wait by the car." He excuses, "Just call me when it's ready. Make sure it's done before midnight." And they assure him that it is to be done quickly for the fabrics have already been chosen for the lingerie.
The tailor throws him one last curious stare behind her eyeglasses and then brings her hand to sew and get back to work while musing the unexpected request. (Last Christmas, Diluc asked the tailor to make a dress for you so she already knows your size)
When Diluc got into his car, he brought both his gloved hands to his face. What. A. Night. He didn't know it was THAT hard to think of a lingerie for you. All those thinking of how you would look on those or how it might terrify you really took a toll on him. He can't disappoint you. He mustn't.
Five minutes of breathing exercises and he would soon realize how less embarassing it actually is. Now that he thinks about it, you probably asked him to buy you a lingerie to see what he wants... if that's the case... then he didn't regret his final design. So long as the lingerie compliments your body and keeps you confident in bed he can just-
Diluc felt himself slightly aroused on his seat. He needed to get home. He opened his phone screen and it greets him with the current time: 11:17pm. Suddenly, there was a knock on his car window. Fortunately, it was the tailor's assistant, telling him to go see the finished product inside. He follows the man towards the establishment and when he does see it, he calmly accepts it.
Diluc got home at around 11:40pm and you were already laying asleep on the bed. Laughingly though, your fingers are way too close to your undergarments and Diluc can't help but muster a chuckle upon seeing you so innocently sleeping after maybe, pleasuring yourself. When he wakes you up, you realize you had accidentally fallen asleep after-
You tried to explain to him, throwing lies upon another lie, until Diluc shows you the custom-made lingerie he prepared for you. Your face burned red as he threw them on your hands. "Wear it." He tells you, "See for yourself." His voice is slightly gruff and yet it is calm and soft. You put it on inside the bathroom and... it had you speechless. The theme is cute but so... revealing. Is Diluc really... into this? The good boy, easily flustered, reserved Diluc you know? Shyly and awkwardly, you walk out of the bathroom.
"Everything is see through..." You mumble and Diluc trails his lips just on your neck to whisper, "You asked for my preferences, didn't you?" His voice was rough with warm heavy breaths tickling your skin. His hands reach to touch the back of your waist and pull you closer.
That night, Diluc was rough but aftercare was still done on both of you. (am legit blushing like a slut here lmfaooo)
Kazuha ver. here
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luv4fandoms · 2 years
The Rut (Dwayne x Fem!Reader)
It is finally here! I was actually planning on writing Dwayne's chapter last but so many people wanted his chapter that I couldn't see putting it off lol, As I said before every boy will be getting his own part. (Also since I've been asked, this isn't really a poly relationship series, this is a "only (insert boy) likes reader" kinda thing).
So this series was inspired by @auntvamp 's headcannons about the boys in rut, and when I say that I couldn't help but write this after reading those lol. I'd highly suggest reading that first. I'd also like to thank her from the bottom of my heart for the help, I really wasn't sure how to write Dwayne, like all everyone says is that he is the strong silent type, but I was unsure of how he would be with a mate and she took time out of her day to message me and give me ideas for this chapter 😭 Thank you again for that!❤️
Lastly I'd like to thank @santacarlatourism for their headcanons of each boy's scent on my post
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Paul, Marko, David
Word count: 4,097
Pairing: Dwayne x Female Reader
⚠️ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐈 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬, 𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐢𝐭𝐬 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐬, 𝐭𝐨 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐞.⚠️
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"Just don't invite him in"
That's what David had told you when he informed you to stay away from the cave for the next couple of days. You were confused when David had met you at the entrance the night before, you were fully prepared to spend the night at the boardwalk with the boys and your favorite vampire, but David had quickly shot down those plans.
"Wait…A rut? Like how animals have ru-"
"Yes just like that" he told you as he walked you back to your car.
"You see when we go into these we are very dangerous to you, if you were a vampire you would be ok but since you're a human you're far more…"
"Fragile" you finished, the boys had all told you that before, taking it upon themselves to protect you all the time because you were "like a China doll" in Dwayne's words.
"So you understand why it's best if you just stay away for a couple of days" he explained, to which you could only simply nod as you climbed in your car. Your thoughts suddenly taking a turn as you thought of him…they were all extremely attractive…him especially…and you were sure him taking a partner for a quick time was something he had done before…would that happen again? After all, if he was gonna kill them anyways why not? It didn't matter if they were fragile right? But why did that thought make you wanna cry even more in this situation?
"It's not like that" David's voice broke you out of your thoughts and you were unsure if he had read your thoughts or could just read your emotions.
"Go home y/n, don't overthink, you can come back soon" he told you as he shut your car door, watching as you started the car and rolled down the window when he knocked
"And one more thing" he told you while leaning in.
"Just don't invite him in"
So here you were, sitting in your room, listening to music and drawing, wishing you could just go hang out with the boys, you hadn't really realized just how much of a staple in your life they had become until now. Night's seemed boring without them…without him. Sighing you sat your sketchbook down on your nightstand after you realized that in your zoned out state you had successfully sketched what was probably the twentieth picture of him that resided in the book. Stretching, you got up and changed the music, putting on your newest Jimi Hendrix album, you hadn't really listened to him much until Dwayne got you into him, he would always take you aside and let you just relax in his room when the boys got too rowdy, putting a record on and just letting you both drift off into the music. You felt your body sway as All along the watchtower came on, a favorite for both of you, but your body came to a halt when you heard knocking on your window, slowly turning, your breath and heart picking up as David's words rang in your head again.
"Just don't invite him in"
You knew it would be stupid to pretend to not be here, the music was loud enough to alert anyone, and he could, no doubt, smell you.
"You gonna open up Princess?" He asked, his voice calm but you could hear the darker tone and slight gravel, telling you that he was currently vamped out.
"Um…I'm not exactly supposed to" you told him after a moment, listening as a low growl filled the silence.
"I'm guessing David talked to you?"
"Yeah…He said he would be best if I just-"
"Nevermind what he said" he interrupted you, something you weren't used to from him.
"I can explain it all but you gotta let me in Princess" he spoke again after a moment. You knew you shouldn't, you knew you should listen to David and just tell him to leave, but you also knew that out of all of them you always felt the safest with Dwayne, and you believed that even in this state, he wouldn't put you in danger. You slowly made your way over to the window, pulling back the black out curtains and peering out onto the little balcony that was attached. Golden eyes met (e/c) and you quickly took note of him being completely bare on top, usually his jacket gave him some modesty, but tonight it was gone, something that was very unusual.
"Princess" he spoke in a sort of low sigh, like he was beyond relieved just to see you. You opened the window, leaning out to talk to him.
"Dwayne are you sure this is-" but you were quickly cut off by the feeling of his soft lips on yours, the kiss wasn't rough, but firm, like he couldn't release you even if he wanted to and honestly, you didn't want him to. His hands cupped your face, tongue slowly gliding along your lips before he parted them, fangs grazing the soft skin as he consumed your every sense. Your hands gripped his arms, trying to ground yourself but only losing yourself more, you knew Dwayne was fit but you had never gotten a good look, or feel, because of his jacket, but now his warmer than normal flesh under your palms had your mind reeling..As did the smells that seemed to make your head fuzzy, the scent of leather and motor oil that always clung to him, as well as the smell of the ocean air, and the natural musk that you could only describe as him, but now they seemed to be cranked up to a hundred, clouding your thoughts and filling them with him and only him. As if sensing that air was getting limited, you felt him pull away, your own lips chasing his, before you felt him rest his forehead against yours.
"Let me in Princess" he told you, voice deeper but still soft, though you noted the restraint in his tone.
"Dwayne I-"
"I'll explain everything" he told you and you took a moment to get your brain in order, though you found it incredibly difficult.
"I can come inside?" He asked, and you could feel the smile against your lips.
"You can come inside" you repeated, unknowing just how your words affected him.
"I'll remember that" he whispered against your lips, before you were suddenly in your room again, your feet no longer touching the ground as he carried you to your bed, laying you down on the mattress before quickly climbing over you. Your lips reconnected instantly and your hands began exploring his newly exposed skin. You felt his hand leave your face, running down your sides before coming up under your shirt, his other hand quickly joining it as he began lifting the material, only breaking the kiss to quickly remove the offending article before reconnecting his lips to yours. His hands quickly cupped your breasts, claws dragging over your soft skin while he listened to your heart rate pick up, the smell of your arousal becoming stronger and this time it was his head that was becoming fuzzy. His lips left yours, trailing down your neck to mark it, he would make sure that everyone on the boardwalk knew you were his, his human, his girl…His mate. The thought had him slowly grinding down, hips digging into yours as you felt him rubbing against where you needed him. The friction caused a gasp and moan to leave your lips, which you guessed turned him on more because he began to press down harder. You whimpered as his mouth latched onto your nipple, a sound that had him growling. Your hand tangling in his dark locks before gripping slightly, pulling gently, and causing him to reattach his lips to yours, his hands shooting down to quickly take off your bottoms.
"Dwayne" you whimpered, feeling him take off his own pants, full skin on skin contact making you both sigh. You felt his hand slide down your side, fingers ghosting along your thigh before moving up to press against you, you couldn't stop the moan even if you tried, the sudden contact on your heat had you squirming under him, a fact that had him smiling in the kiss. He gently ran his finger along your core, gathering the wetness before rubbing tight slow circles on your clit, making sure to be careful of his claws.
"Fuck" you panted, hips moving up to seek out more pleasure, and you heard him chuckle against your mouth.
"You like that?" He asked, other hand brushing your hair away from your face so he could look down at you, your flushed cheeks, your blown pupils, your chest rising and falling with your quickened breath and rapid heartbeat, you were like a goddess laid out before him, and the only thought that kept running through his head was simply.
"Tell me what you want" he breathed against your neck before he returned to marking you, his hand never stopping its movement as you became wetter against his fingers.
"Shit…Dwayne" you whimpered, hands gripping his arms, nails slightly digging in as you rocked your hips in time with his fingers.
"You like this? Like me taking my time with you? Like me making sure you're soaking?" He asked, and honestly you swore you could have cum right there. You had never even thought of him being into dirty talk with as little as he spoke, but having that deep voice whisper such things right against your skin, you couldn't stop the moan even if you tried.
"Fuck…more…please" you begged, watching as he sat back on his knees, smiling down at you, all the while his hand never stopped.
"More? What do you want baby?" He asked, his other hand running along your stomach before coming up to cup your breast, lightly playing with your nipple, just enough to give you slight twinges of pleasure.
"You" you begged, hand grabbing his as you brought it up to your face, gently bringing his thumb into your mouth.
"You gonna take me?" He asked, his hand picking up speed and pressure, watching as your eyes rolled back, your whimper muffled by his finger.
"Gonna take everything I give you?" He added, his own mind starting to picture everything, and he could feel himself starting to lose control again.
"You're gonna know you're mine by the end of the night" he smiled, and watched as your legs locked up, trembling before a louder muffled moan tumbled from you, his hand becoming even wetter as he watched the pure ecstasy wash over you. He worked you through it, only stopping once you removed his finger from your mouth to whimper a please.
"Think you can give me another one Princess?" He asked, body hovering over yours as he kissed your chest, listening to your heart slow down a bit.
"Yes" you panted, hands coming up to cup his face and pull him in for a kiss, you felt his hands grab your thighs as he parted your lips with his, dominating the kiss while he slotted himself between your legs, wrapping them around his waist and slowly grinding into your heat, a feeling that had the both of you moaning.
"You want it?" He asked, looking down at you, golden gaze almost glowing as he watched you.
"Yes" you begged, hips lifting to meet his.
"Tell me" he moaned.
"Fuck I want all of you, please"
"All of me?"
"You'll take everything I give you?"
"Fuck yes!"
"You'll take every drop?" He asked, eyes never leaving yours, but you noted the yearning look in his gaze as he watched you, waiting for your answer.
"Every drop" you panted, listening as a low growl left him, and watching as he slowly dragged his length through your folds, coating himself. You hadn't given much thought to size, but now, looking down and watching him, you were starting to wonder if he would even fit. And as if reading your mind you heard him chuckle.
"I'll go slow" he told you, leaning back over you to capture your lips once more before warning you.
"I'm not sure if I'll be able to stop once I start though" you could only nod, the thought of Dwayne, cool, calm, and collected Dwayne completely losing control during sex made you wetter than you'd care to admit…Though he seemed to have known.
"You like that idea?" He chuckled, taking a deep breath before another low growl rumbled against your chest.
"You smell so fucking good when you get horny" he spoke against your skin.
"W-wait you can-"
"Everytime, everytime you came into the cave after reading one of your little private books," he started, and you felt the smile against your skin.
"Or when I pulled you away from Paul and sat you on my lap" he added, and you knew exactly what he was talking about. You and Paul had been jamming out, dancing like idiots to whatever rock song Paul had put on, you had started feeling a bit tired, and were just about to go sit down when suddenly Dwayne had pulled you into his lap, wrapping his arms around your middle and pulling you back against him. You had been so flustered and turned on by his strength and had hoped the guys would just read your flushed cheeks and rapid heartbeat as just from dancing…it seems you had been wrong.
"Last chance" he spoke again, pulling you out of your memory, your eyes meeting once more.
"Say no now and I'll leave" but that was the last thing you wanted, you wanted him, all of him, and whatever he would give you. So instead you tangled your hands in his hair and pulled him to you, lips crashing against his and that was the only sign he needed. His hand quickly lined himself up and without a second thought he was slowly sinking into you, groaning as your heat swallowed him. The pace he set was slow but firm, shallow thrusts, like he didn't want to leave your body for too long, and also to make sure he didn't hurt you, he knew he was a lot to handle, he would have to build up to that. Each thrust pulled a moan from you though, a sound he found himself drowning in.
"You like this?" He asked with a smirk as he watched you, your head thrown back and eyes closed, legs tight around his waist.
"Come on Princess, I know you can be louder than that" he groaned, watching as you reached down to grip his arm, your other hand going against the headboard to stop yourself from moving up the bed. He could feel himself getting lost in everything, the sound of your pounding heartbeat, a sound that had his inner beast clawing to get out, the feeling of your skin against his, your breasts pressed against his chest as he put more of his weight against you. The feeling of your heat pulling him in, surrounding him as you only continued to become wetter, which created a whole new sound that had him moaning against your neck. Your bed squeaking with every firm thrust and your moans now a constant, along with whimpers of his name. Your smell was making his head even fuzzier at this point, your natural scent cranked up as sweat began to coat your body from the heat.
"Gonna...Fuck...Gonna fill you up" you heard him groan, feeling him begin to push deeper with every thrust, your body welcoming him, especially when he started hitting that spot inside you.
"Gonna give you…Shit...every last drop" he panted against your skin, growling at the moan you released at the idea, he could smell it, how your body was waiting for what only he could give it.
"You want it?" He asked, listening as your moans pitched in tone, your heartbeat picking up even more, he knew you were getting close.
"Please" you begged, you knew you must have looked and sounded almost pathetic, but at that moment you didn't care, you didn't even know what he was asking, you just wanted anything and everything that he was willing to give you.
"Say you want it…Fuck…Say you'll take it" he groaned, fangs grazing your neck as he thrust forward, completely bottoming out, pulling another moan from the both of you.
"Shit…Say you'll be a good mate and take my child" he growled, and the realization of what he had been asking for hit you, a thought that probably should have made you take a moment, but instead had you locking your legs tighter around him, Fuck you really wanted to give him a child if you could, you had seen him with Laddie, you knew he would be a really good fucking dad. He lifted up, just enough to look you in the eyes, his gaze still a blazing gold but you could see the almost pleading behind the pure primal instinct. Without a second thought you buried your hand in his hair, pulling it as you brought his lips to yours for the third time that night, in a passionate kiss, only stopping to breathe against his lips.
"Put a baby in me"
You feared for a moment that it sounded too funny, your wording, or that he had changed his mind as you felt him slow down, the two of you just staring at one another.
"Say it again" he spoke slowly, sitting back on his knees to look down at you with a look you hadn't seen before, a look of a predator getting its prey exactly where it wanted it.
"Put a..baby in me?" You asked, your tone more a question as you watched a smile slowly spread across his face.
"Yeah?" He asked
"Yeah" you smiled, too distracted with his gaze to realize he was beginning to move again until he thrust forward, dragging another moan from your throat as your head tilted up, eyes rolling back. He didn't let your body move far though, hands holding your hips in a bruising grip, claws slightly breaking the skin and sending tiny shocks of pleasure through your system. His thrusts became quick but firm once more, though in the beginning they were shallow, not wanting to hurt you by having you take too much, now they were deep, his length never leaving your heat for too long as he worked you both towards your highs. The sound of skin on skin echoed in the room, your wetness and moans only adding to the lewd noises that were sending him towards his end. But it was the thought, the promise that had his own eyes rolling back, you were his mate and you were gonna give him something he had wanted for so long. Leaning forward again he kept himself up on one arm, his other still holding your hips.
"Fuck I'm close" he panted, feeling your legs bend higher against his hips, caressing his sides as you opened yourself more for him, drawing him in deeper, allowing him in closer to where he needed to be.
"Me too" you whimpered, nails dragging down his back as you held on.
"Cum for me Princess" he spoke, groaning when you pulled his hair, he could feel the coil in his stomach tightening with every thrust. You felt him bury his face against your neck, tongue dragging along the soft flesh as his hot breaths fanned it, lips caressing it, and fangs lightly dragging along it. You knew what he wanted, and honestly, you did too. Tilting your head to the side you pulled him closer by the hand that was still buried in his dark locks, pressing his face further against your neck and giving him the ok, a sign he only needed to be given once as you felt his fangs pierce the skin. The feeling wasn't uncomfortable, in fact it was the last push you needed to send you over the edge, your legs locking around his waist, one hand digging into his back while the other gripped his hair tighter, eyes closed as a loud moan of his name left you. For him it was much the same, as soon as your blood touched his tongue he was gone, hips speeding up before stuttering as he felt you lock your legs around him, his grip on your hip and sheets tightening while his mouth left your neck, head thrown back as a moan left him, blood covering his lips and chin while he continued to move, continued to to do as he promised and give you every last drop. You felt his hips begin to slow just as your eyes came back into focus, your mind becoming clearer as you came back down from your high. You looked up at him, watching as his eyes were still closed, mouth slightly ajar as quick pants left him, his hips gave small gentle thrusts as he refused to let even a drop leave your body. You watched as he blinked once, twice, before his head lowered, gaze meeting yours and you noted that his golden eyes had lost the red haze they seemed to have had before. You watched as a slow smile graced his face, hand coming down to cup your cheek before bringing your lips to his, the taste of blood on your tongue was a bit odd, but something you could get used to if it meant more kisses from him.
"Thank you" he breathed against your mouth, earning a giggle from you.
"You don't have to thank me Dwayne, I'm your mate after all right?" You smiled, watching as his gaze softened even more before he pressed a quick kiss to your lips.
"My mate"
"I honestly didn't expect you to come here" you spoke after a while, hand running through his hair as he now laid his head on your chest, listening to your steady heartbeat, but your words caused him to tilt his head up towards you, an unspoken question in his eyes.
"David said you all were going through a rut, and to stay away from you all because it was dangerous…even you have stated before how fragile I am" you told him, watching as he leaned up a bit, and whimpering as he shifted inside you, having never pulled out.
"You are," he teased.
"But I wouldn't go anywhere else" he added, making you give him a confused look.
"It's not all of us going through a rut, just me"
"What? Do you all do it at different times or?"
"No. We've only been told about this, but none of us have ever gone through it. We don't go through it unless we find our mate"
"...Wait…Your mate…so that wasn't just…sexy vampire talk?" You asked, a question that caused him to start laughing.
"You find me calling you my mate sexy?" He asked, grinning as he leaned down to kiss the bite mark he left, his hips moving to give a shallow thrust and you realized that he was hard once again.
"Maybe" you giggled.
"Our mates are like the vampire's version of soulmates" he explained, a warm feeling spreading through your body at the information.
"So…I'm your soulmate?" You couldn't help but ask, a dopey grin on your face as he unburied his and met your gaze.
"Yeah, you're my soulmate Princess" he smiled back.
"And with any luck," he spoke with a smirk after a moment, hips gently thrusting, creating a slow steady rhythm.
"We could definitely make sure that takes," you smiled, wrapping your arms around his neck as he leaned up on his arms, hovering over you to reach a better angle, one that had him once again hitting that spot inside you.
"Thank you" he told you again with a smile, leaning down to capture your lips in a passionate kiss.
"You're gonna be an amazing dad" you told him once he pulled away, watching the pure joy spread across his face.
"You're gonna be an amazing mom Princess" he told you, kissing you again before leaning back to pick up his pace a bit.
"I think we can fit in a few more rounds before the rut is over" he chuckled, golden eyes seemingly glowing again as he looked down at you, and you realized you were in for a long night.
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So there it is ladies! I hope you enjoyed this one, like I said before Dwayne has been hard for me to write since I got into The Lost Boys lol
If you'd like to be added to the taglist for the David chapter just let me know.
@its-monster-mash , @arenpath , @xxx-wounded-angel-xxx , @katpursley94-blog , @theamericanjewitch , @shewhomustnotbenamedsworld , @thelostone91 , @blazeflays , @ilikechocolatemilkh , @babyloutattoo89 , @bigcreatorwombatdreamer , @non-binary-disastrous-mess , @2525sc , @kitteebree , @besas-stuff , @justaspeachy , @faefairi3 , @its-freaking-bats , @santa-carla-boardwalk-1987 , @urmothersmistress , @misslavenderlady @heavenwoodcoco
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fetusgooseandjuice · 2 years
I’ll Always Find You
Pairings: Shuri Udaku x fem!reader
Summary: When your girlfriend is sent on a mission that turns out to be a set up, her enemies take the opportunity to abduct you for your talents.
Word Count: 4,131
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Your POV:
"Do you have everything you need?" I asked.
"Uh I think so."  Shuri replied a little uncertain as she finished getting ready.
The Dora Milaje had just given Shuri notice of a new threat on the outskirts of Wakanda, and now she was suiting up to go take care of it. The Jabari Tribe was currently at war with other tribes, and Nakia was going with Shuri, so I was going to be alone in the palace.
Shuri was hesitant on leaving me by myself, but I insisted she went. She also didn't really have a choice, as it was her duty. But, I didn't mind being alone because it gave me some time to work on the new suits I was making for the Dora Milaje.
I handed the almost forgotten kimoyo beads to her, "And this is why you have me." I teased.
"Ah thank you, baby." she said, putting the kimoyo beads on her wrist as I hummed. She put one hand on the back of my neck, and the other on my waist, pulling me closer to her body so she could lean down to gently kiss me.
I held onto both of her arms as we got lost in each other, completely forgetting about the mission that needed to be taken care of. That was until someone entered the lab.
"Alright you two, calm yourselves. Shuri, we've got places to be. You'll see your baby later." Okoye joked, making her way into the room.
We pulled away and turned our heads. "Must you alway do this." Shuri sighed, playfully annoyed.
"Hey, I was just coming to let you know that the Talon Fighter was ready whenever you are." she put her hands up, defending herself.
"Okay, okay thank you. I'll be right there just go away." she said trying to hide a smile, but failing miserably.
Okoye raised her eyebrow while walking away with a smirk on her face. Shuri sighed and looked back down at me.
"You sure you're gonna be okay here by yourself for a few hours?" she asked softly.
"Yeah I'll be fine don't worry. Those suits are probably gonna keep my occupied most of the time anyways." I smiled up at her.
"Alright, well you have your kimoyo beads right? If you need anything you can always tell me or even get Griot to contact me." her protective nature over me was making itself known.
"Yes Shuri, I have them. Now get going everyone's probably waiting on you." I urged her.
"I'm going, Im going- wait one more kiss." she pleaded and I playfully rolled my eyes as she gave me a deep, passionate kiss.
"I love you." she whispered when we pulled away.
"I love you too. Promise me you'll come back to me in one piece." I made her give me her word.
"I Promise. I always do, my love." she smiled and gave me one last peck before turning and walking out of the room.
I sighed and made my way over to the table I was originally working at before Shuri came to inform me of the situation. I sat down in the chair and picked up my pencil, beginning to sketch out my next step.
The sun was now almost completely set as I finished my drawing. Admiring my work, I wanted to make a few changes to some parts of it, but I decided to get a snack before I start that because it must've been a while since I last ate considering my growling stomach.
"Hey Griot, what time is it?" I asked the AI.
"It is currently 6:26 Miss Y/L/N."
"I'll take a quick break and then get back to work." I thought to myself.
I exited the lab and made my way into the kitchen, grabbing a bag of chips and water. I sat down to eat and scroll through my phone. I got bored about 15 minutes later, but when an idea for the suits popped into my head, I cleaned up my mess and made my way back into the lab.
I sat back down and began erasing and redrawing the parts I had wanted to change. I was deep in thought until I heard a loud thud. Confused, I looked up and my eyes scanned around the room. No one should be in here since everyone was out.
When I didn't see anyone in the room, I pushed my chair back and stood up, slowly walking towards the lab exit. Peeking my head out, I looked to my left and then the right, but saw no one. I fully exited the lab and started walking down one of the hallways.
As I went to turn a corner, I felt someone grab me from behind. I didn't get a chance to scream because they quickly held a cloth over my mouth and nose. I struggled to get out of their grip until I felt myself getting weaker, eventually passing out.
Shuri's POV:
We were currently in a fight with the trespassers. They weren't that skilled in battle, there was just a lot of them. I came face to face with the leader of them when they began to speak.
"How's that girl of yours doing, hm?" they suddenly asked.
"That girl- Y/N?" I was confused as to how they knew about her and why they brought her up.
"Is that her name? That information was never really at the top of my priority list while trying to locate her." they said.
"Locate her? What are you talking about? Why are you looking for Y/N?" I questioned angrily. I was getting impatient and concerned about my girl.
"That you don't need to worry about. I would worry about the fact that we're no longer looking for her because we've already got her. Please know that this little fight was never a personal thing, we just needed you out of the way." they smirked before retreating along with the rest of their group, leaving me stunned and speechless.
All of the information that was just given to me was now processing. They needed me out of the way so they could get to Y/N? This was all a set up? It was all clicking.
"Okoye, Nakia, Aneka, I need you to get back to the aircraft right now." I spoke to them using my kimoyo beads.
Quickly making my way back to the aircraft, I ran inside and they were already there waiting for me.
"What happened? Why did they all just flee like that?" Okoye questioned.
I set the Fighter in autopilot to take us home while I explained everything to them.
"I-it was a trap. A set up. We need to get back to Y/N because the leader of that group said s-something about how they just needed us out of the way so they could get to Y/N." I quickly explained and stuttered along the way because I was getting really anxious.
"Wait so they have Y/N?" Nakia spoke up.
"I think so and we don't even know anything about these people or how they managed to get into the palace undetected." I said.
"Okay let's think about this for a minute. Shouldn't you be able to track her kimoyo beads?" Okoye suggested.
"I was already working on doing that, but it's saying that they're still at the palace, and I have no way to tell if she really is there because the security cameras were deactivated." I sighed, feeling defeated
"Okay then when we get back we'll be able to take a closer look. See if there's anything to help us. And there is a possibility that she's still there and this was all just some sick attempt at scaring us, right?" Aneka added.
"Yeah it'll be alright." Okoye reassured, putting a hand on my shoulder.
When we arrived home, I barely gave the doors time to open before I darted out of aircraft, and inside the palace.
"Y/N?! Y/N are you here?!" I was running down all of the hallways trying to find anything. I paused when I saw something lying on the floor. I walked closer to the object to get a better look and picked it up. Her kimoyo beads.
"She's not here. We checked the other side of the palace." Okoye said as we all ended up in the same hallway.
I sighed and turned around, pacing, trying to figure out what to do next.
"I'll try to get the Griot up and running again to see if he has any information. Can you just check outside to see if there's anything?" I pleaded to them.
"Aneka and I will. Okoye, you stay with Shuri and keep her company." Nakia asked and Okoye nodded before they left to go look outside.
I made my way back into the lab and started working.
"I can't believe the last time I saw her was just a few hours ago." I said quietly and Okoye just let me talk.
"I promised her I'd come back to her, but I was too late. I should've known." I shook my head.
"Shuri, you couldn't have predicted that. I mean they tricked all of us, it wasn't just you. You can't blame yourself, and I don't think Y/N will blame you either when we find her." Okoye said.
"Yeah well I'm the one who left her alone. My gut was telling me not to and I didn't listen. I left her." I whispered the last part.
"It's not your fault. You went to go protect your country, and the threat wasn't what any of us expected." she was trying to convince me that I couldn't have known any better.
"I went to go protect my country when in reality I should've been here protecting her." I said blankly.
She didn't get a chance to respond because there was a loud beep as I had finally succeeded in activating Griot once again. I pumped my fists in victory. We haven't found Y/N yet, but this is a start.
"Griot, do you have any security footage stored in your database from the last 4 hours?" I asked hopefully.
"It appears that I do. I was not deactivated until minutes after the incident. I will now project the footage for you." he said and I silently thanked my ancestors.
He showed us the video and Okoye stood up next to me to watch it too.
I saw Y/N working at her desk when there was a noise that got her attention. She got up and walked out of the lab very cautiously. I observed a figure dressed in all black grasp her from behind and roughly place a cloth over her face. I watched with tears in my eyes as she tried to fight back, but was unsuccessful when she passed out. They must've had some type of sedative in the cloth that caused her to go unconscious. I felt anger wash over me when they slipped her kimoyo heads off of her wrist and onto the floor, carrying her out of the video frame.
"Griot turn it off." I demanded, finding it hard to watch, and it disappeared.
Now that I had a clear video of the person, I should be able to identify them and then find a location. Wherever they are, Y/N had to be there too.
It didn't take me very long to find coordinates. Only about 20 minutes. I had Okoye notify Aneka and Nakia and tell them I needed them to come too. We boarded the Fighter and took off.
Your POV:
My eyes slowly fluttered open as I regained consciousness. I used my arms to push me to sit up, and took in my surroundings. I was on the floor in a dark room. When my eyes adjusted to the lighting, I noticed that it was a cell made up of glass walls.
My head turned at the sound of a beep and a door opening, three people walked in. Two of them appearing to be guards.
"Y/N! I see you're finally awake. How are you feeling?" a tall man asked me.
I just stared at him. He was crazy for thinking that I was going to talk to him after he quite literally kidnapped me.
"Silent treatment. I see. Well I don't plan on causing you any harm. I just heard you were one of the finest technical designers in Wakanda and I just had to have you complete a small little project for me." he said way too enthusiastically, leaning against a wall.
"I couldn't even think about taking Shuri because well, she's clearly proved her ability to put up a fight, and it would just be too difficult. But you'll do just fine, won't you?" he asked raising his eyebrow.
"I'm not making anything for you. You must be out of your mind if you ever thought I would." I muttered.
"Thought you might say that." he looked down and sighed.
He opened the door to the room I was in and closed it, slowly stalking towards me and bending down to my level as I was still on the ground.
"You see I was trying to be nice at first, but it seems like you don't wanna reciprocate, and i've run out of patience. I know I said I wasn't planning on causing you any harm, but i'll fit that into my schedule if it comes down to that." he said sternly, only a few inches away from my face.
I broke eye contact with him and looked anywhere that wasn't towards him, responding with silence. That must've set him off because he then harshly backhanded me, the silver rings on his fingers bound to make bruises appear on my cheek sooner or later.
He roughly grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him, "I gave you a chance and you refused to take it. Now we'll just have to see how long it’ll take you to comply the hard way." he was stone-faced as he turned to walk out the door, the two other men following behind.
I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding, and let my upper body fall into the glass so I was sitting propped up against the wall.
Shuri's basically the smartest person in the world. She would've had to have noticed something was wrong, right?
Shuri's POV:
"Right so you guys all understand what is expected of you, correct?" I just finished going over the game plan with them as we approached the building.
"Yes, your highness." Nakia responded while Aneka and Okoye nodded their heads.
"Stay on your feet and please, be smart. We can’t risk anything because we're not leaving without Y/N." I said looking between the three of them as they nodded.
We went off our separate ways and discreetly entered the building. It was quiet empty considering the fact that they're holding someone here against their will. I opened every door and searched inside, feeling disappointed when Y/N was never in any of the rooms.
I came across another door. I opened it and saw that it led to a basement. As I made my way down the stairs I was automatically met with two men who instantly attacked me.
Like the people we fought earlier, they weren't very skilled, so I took them out easily since there were only a couple of them.
When they were unconscious, I continued my walk towards the end of the hallway and came across a double door. I tried to open it, but it was locked. Looking around, I saw that the door needed a keycard in order to be unlocked.
I ran back down the hallway to the bottom of the stairs and started to look in the pockets of the guards lying on the floor. I came up empty handed after searching the first one, but the second one had a keycard in their pocket.
Grabbing the card and running back, I hoped that it would unlock the door, and it miraculously did. When I opened the door, my heart broke at the sight of my love sitting on the floor of such a tiny, dark space.
"Oh my god Y/N?!" I loudly whispered, disabling my mask with my kimoyo beads, and her head perked up.
"Shuri!" she said and stood up to scurry over to the front of the small room she was in. I darted over to the glass wall that was separating us and my eyes scanned her body for injuries. I noticed a bruise forming under her eye.
"Are you okay? Did they do that to you? I swear i'm gonna-"she interrupted me.
"I'm okay, i'm okay I promise." she reassured me with a small smile on her face.
I saw the door to the room she was in and I tugged on the handled, but it was obviously locked. I thought for a second before an idea popped into my head.
"I'm gonna get you out, okay? Just sit down in the corner back there and cover your face." she did as I told her.
I stepped back to gain momentum in my punch, trying to break the glass. It only took three hits for it to shatter and I sprinted towards her, kneeling down in front of her, gently moving her hands away from her face.
"Are you hurt anywhere else, darling? Is it just that bruise? What else did they do to you?" I frantically asked, turning her head to check her neck, and I started to lift up her shirt to check her torso before she stopped me.
"I'm fine, Shuri. It was just that bruise. I'm okay." she softly told me as I carefully cupped her cheeks, stroking my thumb under the mark so I didn't hurt her.
"Okay well we need to leave now. I'm sure they've already noticed we're here and I've got to get you out of this place.” I said and started to help her stand up until someone else starting speaking.
"Aw wasn't that just adorable." a voice said.
I quickly spun around getting into fighting stance, ready to defend my girl, but relaxed when I saw Okoye, Nakia, and Aneka standing in the doorway.
"You can't just sneak up on me like that. I could've hurt you guys." I jokingly lectured them.
"You? Hurt me? Ha, you're funny." Okoye snickered.
"Uh what she means to say is that we dealt with big boss man for you." Aneka interrupted.
"Big boss man. Really?" I raised my eyebrows.
"How was I supposed to know his name?" she explained herself.
I shook my head with a small laugh, "Thanks guys. I owe you for this."
"Just doing our job, you highness." Aneka nodded at me.
"You guys can head to the aircraft. We'll meet you there." I told them before they disappeared out of sight.
I turned around and saw Y/N standing up.
"Hey, no walking for you, princess." I frowned.
"Shuri I said I'm okay, my legs are working perfectly fine." she tried to reason with me but I shook my head, picking her up off of her feet bridal style and stepping over the glass to walk out of the building.
As I entered the aircraft, I put Y/N down on a table and pulled a chair up in front of her for me to sit in. I asked Nakia to get me the first aid kit so I could treat the bruise on her face.
"So we saw how it happened. You know, how they got you out of the palace. But, we don't know why they were looking for you specifically. Did they say anything to you while you were there?" I was trying to understand why this all happened to her.
"Yeah um. They wanted me to make something for them. I guess they found out about the technology I designed for Wakanda, and they needed me to make something for them. Said they didn't want to take you because it would be too complicated." she explained.
I nodded my head connecting all of the dots with the information that I knew. Nakia came back with the first aid kit and handed it to me, I thanked her.
"How did you know that I was gone?" she asked.
I sighed and stood up between her legs, opening the box and pulling out the things I needed, "The man who took you was the leader of the group that we were in combat with earlier today. They needed all of our best defenders out of the picture to get to you, so they set us up. It was all a trick." I told her as I began treating the cut on her bruise.
Y/N was a very observant person and she could read me like a book. That's why she could tell how guilty I was feeling despite me trying to mask it.
"Don't tell me you think this is your fault, Shuri." she said.
"I can't help but think it is. You needed me and I wasn't there. Plain and simple." I shook my head at myself.
"Shuri, you couldn't have known. I didn't know. No one knew. So don't beat yourself up over this." she whispered.
I sighed and put down the cotton swab I was working with, "I know, I'm sorry. I just feel like I should've been there for you." I put my hand on the side her her jaw and stroked my thumb over her cheek. I tend to do that a lot because I know she finds it comforting.
"Well you found me. You're here now." she said, trying to find the positives in this situation like she always does. I admire that about her.
"I'll always find you, love." I softly told her. She gave me that sweet smile of hers and I couldn't help but smile too. Craving the feel of her lips against mine was an understatement. The last time I got to feel them was before I left and I needed to kiss those lips.
"I love you, sweet girl." I said staring into her eyes.
"I love you, too." she whispered.
I moved my hand to her chin and tilted her head up, giving her slow and soft kisses while my other hand fell onto her thigh. I could feel her relax under my touch as she wrapped her arms around my neck.
We continued like this for a couple minutes until footsteps caught Y/N's attention. I wasn't aware of them yet, so when she tried to break the kiss I just pulled her closer.
"Baby-" she managed to get out in between kisses, pushing on my chest and I stopped.
"What's wrong? Are you okay?" I asked, worried that I did something wrong. I followed her eyes to see what she was looking at.
"I leave for 5 minutes and you can't keep your hands to yourselves?" Okoye jokingly questioned.
I groaned and threw my head back, "Why do you always do this." I whined.
"It's not my fault you didn't consider the fact that you're in this aircraft with 3 other people." she shrugged.
I rolled my eyes at her before she spoke up again, "I was just coming to tell you that due to the weather we're going to have to slow down the flight speed and it's gonna take a little while to get home, so get comfy. But now I see that you already were very comfortable." she teased.
"Oh go away, Okoye." I said, playfully annoyed.
"I'm going, calm down." she said and walked back to wherever she came from.
I turned my head to look back down at Y/N, "You look so tired, darling." I observed.
"So do you." she said and furrowed her eyebrows.
"Well in that case, up you go." I picked her up under her thighs and her legs wrapped around my waist, her arms wrapping around my neck.
I walked over to a couch and sat down with her in my arms, turning my body so I could lay down with my head propped up on the arm of it. Y/N moved herself to lay down on top of me, her legs tangling with mine as her head fell onto my chest.
Her hand went to play with my necklace, and my hand went under her shirt to rub her bare back, lulling her into a deep sleep that would last for most of the ride home.
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drea-ms · 8 months
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げとうすぐる. Communication wasn't the best thing for you, but for the ones you love and cared for? You'd write and talk about for hours, maybe years
warnings. ANGST!!! erm suicide mentions. plot twist 😨. haibara isnt dead. shitty communication skills between sugu n yn. long. not proofread. inspired by somethin stupid by frank sinatra. grammar mistakes. a lot of stuff goes down. it will probably will next chapter too..... dunno what to add here.... also if you want listen to somethin stupid by frank sinatra!!!
back. masterlist. next.
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You left him a voicemail that day, Words slurred, sore throat, the worst he's ever heard from you. Geto Suguru hates how too late it was for him and you.
Maybe this was the gods way of giving him karma.
He turns in his phone, goes to his voice mailbox.
"You have one message. To listen to this message press one. To delete this message press tw—"
"Um—Hey. I-I know now's not the best time to call you, you're probably busy and still mad at me. I don't understand why though. Why are you mad at me? Why is it that you have to find a way to blame me to make yourself feel better?" you paused, swallowing the pain that lies within your throat, he hates how he knows what you're feeling right now.
You sniffed and coughed before continuing, "Um—I'm sorry, for everything really. Now that I look back at everything, it was stupid of us to argue, I guess some people realize stuff really late, I really hope you listen to this message Sugu." Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Why is he feeling tears coming from his eyes, why does that nickname harm him a lot? Why do you have this effect on him?
You laugh with tears falling from your eyes, and Suguru wishes he was there to wipe them away. "Even if you don't, even if you don't ever see this message, I'm just glad I recorded it" you smiled, has the sunset ever looked as beautiful as it did right now? Do you think Suguru is watching the same sunset as you? You continue, "Hey, You remember when Satoru, dragged us out in the rain? we got all wet and later got sick. I think we were in our second year. Shoko got mad at us after and had to take care of us, Do you—" you choke up on your words before steadily repeat yourself, "Do you think, that whenever I look tired one day, will you drag me out to jump in the rain again?" The voicemail finished. The automatic voice came up,
"To hear this message again, press three, to save it press four, to delet—" he presses four, now crying his eyes out in the middle of his room. Geto Suguru truly was an idiot. It was finally night time.
When the news of the beloved [lastname] [firstname] was pronounced dead was a shock to everyone. What truly was more shocking was the fact that she left letters to everyone, one each, two to Geto Suguru. Each letter contained the same thing, to have fun, to not blame themselves and to live their best life. Why was his so different than the others? Why did he get two instead of one?
He knows the reason why, he just want to hear it from you.
The first letter read;
My dearest, Suguru,
I'm not good with writing my own feelings down, so writing this is already hard as it is. But, when you do get this letter, it means that something happened to me, or maybe I just never gave it to you and hid it or threw it away. Only time will tell.
Anyways, back to the reason I'm writing this letter. I don't think I've had enough time to tell you about my feelings. In the short time I have met you, I think I've fallen in love with you. Not in a just a crush type of way, in a way were if one were to ask me to write something about you they would get paragraph after paragraph of how I feel about you. Did you know that I would sketch you whenever I'm bored? I would draw you and somehow put you in any of my paintings, you remind me of so many things, yet i couldn't find the perfect time to finish painting you.
I think I've always loved you, I'm not sure when those feelings started, but, I knew from the way i tried to make myself more likeable to you. I would always practice every to find some clever lines to make the meaning come true, though i would always mess it up. I wanted to know whether you liked me too. And I think on that night, the one where we snuck out and headed to the bridge was the right time, your cologne (the one that smelt like mint & citrus and your cigarette smell) filled my head, I thought the stars went red and the night turned bluer than usable. I was confident to tell you my feelings, but I thought I would spoil the moment by saying something stupid like "I love you."
maybe we our communication skills aren't the best,
maybe we'll find each other in another life.
I love you.
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I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
she loves me.
she loved me.
Geto suguru remembers that night, the almost confession and how you looked. He thought you looked wonderful, a painting yet to be painted due to the amount time and work it would've taken. He also remembered that there was music playing, you've always like oldies, something about them maybe you like them. Maybe you're right, maybe the lack in communication skills was bad for the both of you.
So Suguru, ever so the stoic one, breaks in your room, with the extra key you gave him and sleeps in your bed for the first time in days.
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"How long do you intend on hiding her, Yu?"A blonde, tall guy asked, "I, I don't know what you're taking about Kento-kun. Hiding who?"the shorter male asked, nervously looking anywhere but the blonde, Haibara Yu knew if word were to come out about you, he would be in trouble. "[Name]'s not dead is she? What—" he gets pulled into a empty classroom with the brunette, "Keep quiet, Kento. If word comes out and finds out to the higher ups that the child they been so afraid of is isn't dead, then everybody's gone." he said, whisper yelling at Kento. The blonde, surprised that his senior (the only one he respected really) was still alive, and the only person who was keeping her safe in hiding was the ever so sweet Haibara Yu. Now that Kento thinks about it, Yu is right, If word does come out and your alive and Yu has been hiding you, the higher up will have no chance but to execute the two of you.
"Who else knows of this?" is the only thing that comes out the blondes mouth, worried about who might know,
"Right now? Me and You. Just don't say anything and keeping pretending she's dead, it's better that way." the brunette says, the serious tone in his voice never fading.
The shorter haired boy walked away from the blonde, leaving him alone with his thoughts. Nanami Kento wasn't an idiot, he found the situation a bit werid, he kinda knew about you (you told him minor details.) and he knew who reckless you were, so you doing this was off. He exits the room, heading to his own.
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"Do you know how many times I almost slipped the secret??? wayyy to many to count!" Yu says, pouting on his side of the phone call, it was midnight and everyone else was sleeping so he was trying to keep quiet.
"You know Yu, you really didn't have to do all of this." a female voice say, her voice deep and soft, smiling on her side of the call, sure she was in Seoul currently, but the time difference was the same, she knew how much the students needed sleep, she, herself was one too. "I feel greatful that you're helping me, Thank you."she said, looking out at the balcony, the night sky was shining brighter than before,
"It's no problem, [nickname]." he said, looking out by the window, a smile on his face, "You know, He's been acting werid since—" "I know, I think he read the letter, I don't know about the number, haven't gotten a call from him, maybe he didn't read it.""Maybe." he mumbled, a nervous smile on his face,
"Anyways, I have to go Yu. I'll talk to you when I can," you said, hanging up after saying your goodbyes.
Maybe, this was what you needed, Maybe not. Who cares. At least your dead.
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VAL SPEAKS ?!!?? dawg this was supposed to be ready by last week and my tumblr was kicking me in the ASSSSS bro i couldn't move shit n all, but!!!! i finished it, and i'm almost done with the series!!!! can't wait to finish this and do midterms.... sorry it looks shit,,, was on a rush to finish this....
TAGS — @sad-darksoul
tags are open!!!
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floydsglasses · 8 months
𝗜'𝗺 𝗦𝘁𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗲𝗱 𝘀𝗼 𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲'𝘀 𝘀𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝗛𝗮𝗽𝗽𝘆 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗦𝗮𝗱 𝗗𝗮𝗴𝗴𝗲𝗿 𝗛𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗰𝗮𝗻𝗼𝗻𝘀
This is gonna be bad im just warning you im freaking tired and stressed, they are gonna be Sad and Happy and UNHINGED.
Bradley has a little Rooster figurine in the front of his jeep, he got as a gag joke and was gonna leave it at whatever house he got it at but now has emotional attachment to it.
Jake's go to song in Karaoke when he is sober is Queen, he will belt out We Will Rock you, but when he is drunk enough he will sing Dolly Parton's 9 to 5 with every bit of southern twang he can
When Bob is really angry he will drop his midwest accent and go full on southern, like deep south
Natasha lost a bet in high school and had to get a bad tattoo, said tattoo was something like a duck with a cowboy hat, or stupid quote, you decide
Mickey unironically sings the lyrics to Taylor Swift's Love Story, like he will sing the bridge at the top of his lungs going sixty on the highway.
Rueben is the kind of guy to say he won't rage quit a video game then will toss the controller after failing two time's.
Javy would be the kind of guy who would let a kid paint his nail's, pink purple yellow, he does not care he will flaunt it off it because it makes the kid happy.
Bradley would somehow get a cat or dog, like one of those distribution system's like on tiktok, he would say he would foster it but end up keeping it naming it something human like, Kevin or Betty
Natasha say's she dosent like country music, but wont admit she would get down to some Luke Bryan here and there because who wouldn't
Bob seems like if he was put into a situation where him and his friend's got lost, he would be the calm one but on the inside he is panicking, he will see an exit sign with a restaurant and be like. "Guy's its okay there's burgers."
Javy will pull over when he sees cows and take there picture's. No joke would even try and pet one.
Rueben and Mickey are the worst people when it comes to trivia because they are so good at it, when they get an answer right they increasingly get more competitive.
Jake cried playing RDR2 when Arthur died and he also despised Micah like the rest of us.
Rueben is great at bowling, so good that most of the time no one play's with him
Bob will doodle little drawings on sticky note or notebook's when he is bored and give them to any of the dagger's, He drew Natasha a sketch of bird, she kept it in her locker.
Bradley has a mixtape from his dad, Goose, titled "Song's You Need to Hear Once", it's all filled with songs from the Sixties to the Eighties, all classic's from Rock to Motown, after his mom died he didnt dare to touch it, after the uranium mission he starting listening again.
Natasha has bracelets from her little cousin's that she wear's for good luck, they are bright yellow and purple string's, she never take's them off ever
Jake collects stickers from each state, his dad used to bring him a sticker from each of his trips before he got too busy, so he is trying to finish them off himself.
Mickey has a tattoo to honor his family, a way to have a piece of them everywhere he goes. A small quote in Spanish on his side stating Por aquellos que amo me sacrificaré/For those I love I will sacrifice
Reuben like to sleep in a hammock sometime's under the stars, reminding him of his childhood and growing up in the south, when he would play outside with his siblings
Javy is a momma's boy, in a good way, this man will always call his mom or text her about the thing's going on his life, before a big mission or detachment he calls her, tell her he loves her.
Jake has stepped on a jellyfish on a beach, after saying "oh they dont sting'" just for him to get shocked
Bradley broke his arm doing stunts on his bike as a kid, he has permanent scars on his forearm, he did in fact do it twice till Carole told him to not do it again.
Natasha and Bob learned the Rasputin Dance from Just Dance
Mickey has argued with people that pineapple belongs on pizza, he will full on go tooth and nail to defend his claims.
Reuben has knocked the Radio off in the Rec room, and has blamed it on Hangman, it was a whole debacle
Javy has a fear of snake's, he found one once and he took of running leaving his friend's to deal with it.
OKAY THAT IS ALL SHE WROTE, I know some of these dont make sense but I dont care i needed a stress reliver before another stressful week. AND THATS ALL SHE WILL WRITE BECAUSE THIS FAILED AGAIN
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xxfangirl365xx · 6 months
Kobra Kid's answer to : "What is a day you'll never forget?"
Written in my wattpad a few months ago, i posted Jet's here so I'm doing Kobra's too (: enjoyyyy
Mines nothing in comparison to Jet's. I'm gonna go with a nice one. I'm not huge on being sentimental but the day Poison won a bunch of awards for his art in a zone wide exhibit was a great day.
It was mid July 2017. Girl had just come to live with us maybe a month earlier. We had gotten word about a big exhibit that was gonna happen in zone five. Poison had always been a bit of an artist and that's what he always wanted to do with his life before BL/I. He tried to keep his skill sharp in the zones but with limited supplies it was really hard. Honestly it made me really sad to see his dreams crushed. We had been trying to convince him to enter for several days before he gave in. He painted and drew all sorts of things. Scenery, people, emotions...it was really cool. We drove out to zone five and he submitted almost a dozen pieces. We walked around to look at the other entries while they were being judged.
" I wish I hadn't done this." He whined
" Why?" Jet asked
" Because...Look at this stuff... Mine's nothing like theirs." he said sadly gesturing to all the colorful papers and canvas spread out around him.
" Oh stop it." Jet said playfully smacking him
" Your stuff is way better, Pois." Ghoul said trying to cheer him up
" If I were a judge I wouldn't even bother looking at the rest of this stuff. Yours is clearly the best." He finished
" Mmm."Poison said, still not buying it.
" It's really good." Girl said running up next to the red head.
" You're an amazing art dude." She said smiling
He smiled at her, " Thank you Missile." He said bending over to give her a hug.
We all kinda separated and walked around separately but I stayed with my brother.
We walked quietly for a while just looking at the many painted and pastel cacti and sunsets... I'm not an expert but it seemed a little generic to me. I could tell he was getting sadder by the second feeling so much more inferior to the more established artists. Poison has always lacked self confidence in everything. His appearance,personality, skills. And he shouldn't feel bad because he's a unique human being and that's something to be proud of.
Poison sighed.
" You know even if you don't win I'm still proud of you Pois." I said
" You should save the pride for something worth it." He said sadly looking at a charcoal sketch of yet another cactus.
" Nope. I'm still proud of you. And I always will be no matter what you do." I said again.
" Alright Poison. Enough self pity. Look at this stuff. It's all the same thing. Sunsets and cactus. Boring bland colors and no emotion behind it right?" I asked
" I mean...sorta."
" And you put thought and emotion into your stuff. Colors and variation. "
" Thats-"
" Let me put it this way." I interrupted turning to face him.
" These guys may have some talent and knowledge for sure. They have no creativity to back it up. It's just knowledge.It's kinda like how most people can write...but only a few people can ACTUALLY write, and have a story to tell or a message to get across." I finished. He thought for a second.
" So please...don't be down on yourself for having something a lot of people can only dream of. Both knowledge AND creativity." I said, pulling him into a tight hug.
He hugged me back and I could feel him release all the tension in his body.
" Thanks Kobra." He said
" Anytime. "
" I saw a flash of fear in my brother's eyes.
" relax. You got this alright?" I said
" Yeah... " He said walking away. He looked back at me and I gave him a thumbs up.
I found Jet, Ghoul and Girl.
" Why did they want Poison?" Ghoul asked
" Dunno..." I responded.
They went to the front as they were instructed and saw Poison grinning ear to ear with all his colorful creations displayed hung with diy ribbon's. He ran up to us and immediately hugged me.
" Thank you for always believing in my Kobra." He whispered
" Anytime." I said
He was wearing a scratched and chipped gold metal with the engraving of " Track and Field champions" crossed out with a sharpie to read " Reigning Zone art champion."
Everyone hugged and congratulated him. He picked up Missile Kid and spun her around while she laughed.
" I told you you'd win!" she exclaimed.
I Know it's nothing I really did but I'm still proud of my big brother for everything he has done and has yet to do. He's been competing and winning competitions all over the Zones ever since and I'm so happy to see him being what he always wanted to be.
Anyways, thanks for listening to me ramble,
Kobra Kid out
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goddess-of-birds · 2 days
HERE IS THE PROMISED LAURYA ART (ft some with @ishani-khera)
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Here are just some doodles I made for Mermay! Laurya's the fastest mermaid around.
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I got bored one day. Laurya loves sitting in this window in the library while it's raining.
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Laurya in her battle gear! I might redraw this one soon.
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Another one I'll probably redraw, but I love her dress design!
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My first piece ft. Ishani! This one was so fun to make, I love it so much.
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My second piece with Ishani! I love this piece SO MUCH. It was my first time using my own alcohol markers, and I'm in love with how it turned out.
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This is how I imagined Laurya's return before I really knew what I would do. I call this one "back from the dead"
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Another Ishani piece! It's Laurya and Ishani's first meeting, and I love it a lot. I might redraw it though, purely because I did a bad job on Laurya's wings.
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WINGS. WINGS WINGS WINGS. This was back when I was amid my wing hyperfixation. I use this mostly as a reference when drawing Laurya flying (fun fact- this piece also drained both my black and my blue-gray markers almost entirely)
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Here's a Bio page for Laurya's character, made for a 30-day OC drawing challenge. It was while writing this that I realized how much tragic is in Laurya's backstory lol.
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I'm not a huge fan of this piece, but I'll put it here anyway. Laurya loves strawberry tarts! The prompt was "eating favorite food".
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This was my first time drawing a close-up of Laurya's face, and I absolutely love it. It came out exactly how she looked in my brain. The prompt was "color portrait"
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Just some silly guys! This is the first one ft. Loki. Laurya and Loki thought that the other person was just SO COOL, so they decided to cosplay as each other. I loved drawing the armor from Avengers, it was so much fun! The prompt was "cosplay as favorite character".
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A quick little sketch of Laurya practicing her archery. She likes knives, but a bow is a great weapon as well. The prompt was "15-minute sketch"
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The prompt was "evening wear" and I said "ahahaHAHAHA-"
In reality, Laurya would hate this, but shhhh, we don't talk about that
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She is SO SLEEP DEPRIVED but she has to FINISH THESE BOOKS. The prompt was "sleepy/tired".
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I thought if Laurya played any sport it'd be tennis (also because tennis is a sport I actually know some stuff about). The prompt was "playing a sport".
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Laurya loves COMMON GRACKLES (my irl sister's favorite animal is a common grackle lol). The prompt was "with favorite animal*.
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She is DONE WITH PEOPLE. She loves Midgard, she loves everyone there, but GODS they're ANNOYING sometimes. The prompt was "casual clothes".
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Laurya likes to swim, but only if she has her bracelet that hides her wings on. That way they don't get sopping wet. The prompt was "swimming/at the beach".
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Laurya in a big, fluffy onesie of a tropical bird! If I had done better on this, it would be great. Tthe prompt was "Onesie of favorite animal".
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My first actual drawing of her flying, and I LOVE IT SO MUCH. The prompt was "during their favorite season"
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The most recent piece ft. Ishani! This is Laurya's return when Ishani is pissed off about Laurya disappearing and Laurya's just really sad.
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Laurya and Loki are trying to look through her apartment storage and Loki finds his old hemet. His face says "Was I really so weird?" I've always wanted to make art that looks like Snapchat posts lol.
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The last one, the most recent, and by far the angstiest! Laurya breaks while visiting her old friend's grave in 1987, but he's right there. He doesn't want her to be so sad because of him, because of his fleeting life that ended too soon. Inspired by "In The Stars" by Benson Boone (I have some of the lyrics on there)
That's all for now, everyone!
I have a challenge.
If someone can figure out the 30-day OC challenge thing I'm using, I'll make a drawing for them of whatever they want (As long as it's not weird, I'm a minor y'all)
Put it in my asks if you find it!
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gripefroot · 11 months
Crooked Ways [13/22]
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“You love those boardroom meetings, cricket. You’ve been begging to go with me since you were ten.”
“That was before I realized how boring they were!”
“No, no - I remember last year when you got so mad at the accounting department that you climbed on the conference table and threw your shoes at the managers. You laughed all night long. Your mother fretted that you were going insane.”
Bulma was insane.
Fingers tap-tapping on the same conference table, she continued to replay the conversation with Dad to figure out how, exactly, she could have explicitly told him no and still ended up in the Capsule Corp high rise in downtown West City. It irritated her enough that it stopped her mind from going where it wanted to go. 
Remembering what she shouldn’t think about only made her want to think of it more. The immediate response in her body had her sitting up straighter in her chair at the head of the table, uncrossing her legs and blinking in a flurry. At the opposite end, a marketer was giving a presentation that she didn’t care about. Since she read through the monthly reports, she already knew what he was saying. Couldn’t she have attended through video conference? That way no one would be able to see her flushed cheeks…
Vegeta. This was Vegeta’s fault. 
Her teeth dug into her bottom lip, exactly where his teeth had done the same the night before. And the night before that. And the night before…
How many days had it been? Since they’d created the strangest nighttime routine, after their daily bickering and respective responsibilities they fell onto the couch in front of the television every night and kissed and kissed and kissed…
It was a much better distraction than any horror movie. Sometimes Bulma wondered what Vegeta was seeking a distraction from, but she’d never asked. 
He’d even given his approval of the new gravity sensors in the training pod in the form of a kiss. She’d expected him to grab her rear, too, but his hand floating down her back had stopped at the base of her spine before drawing away. Disappointing, but Vegeta was full of odd boundaries and cold walls she hadn’t learned to navigate yet. 
“Ma’am? Miss Bulma?”
Bulma put on a dazzling smile, focusing her eyes on the man across the room to give him a few polite, generic comments. He gave a sigh of relief, ending his presentation. She let out a long, slow breath while whispered conversation broke out. The next pale, sweating man stood to make his presentation. Would this never end?
At some point she picked up a pencil, sketching out the battle suit that was at the top of her priority list. And then another, with a few tweaked differences. Looped feet to better stay in his boots. Then another with attached feet entirely. What would he say to that? He’d mentioned that the Frieza Force suits were single pieces. And what about the straps on the armor; would he prefer buckles or elastic that could be slipped over his head and - 
“Thank you,” Bulma said politely when the next man finished. And the next. And the next. 
Vegeta would be training. Probably half-killing himself, but he liked it enough that Bulma held her tongue about it. Some of the time, at least. She’d probably never get used to seeing him sagging and sweating, reopening wounds and barely able to walk up stairs…
Somehow he always found energy for a makeout. She appreciated that about him. 
Next she sketched a half-formed idea that she’d had a few nights earlier. Turning the interior gym into a proper training room for Vegeta so the eyesore of a training pod could be removed from the lawn. Of course, the gravity sensors and technology would have to all be moved, but that was the sort of project she liked…
The managers were packing up their briefcases, muttering amongst each other about dinner. Bulma stood at once, sweeping her drawings and pencil into her purse with a smile for everyone around her. They scrambled to their feet, posturing bow after bow. Annoyance that she was watched so closely, respected so automatically made her steps to the doors too quick. They admired her because she was her father’s daughter, but what about for being her?
High heels in hand, Bulma stepped out of the car at the home compound, the domes turned gold by the light of the setting sun. Instead of going inside to get out of her tight dress or to fill her aching belly with something substantial, she found herself wandering across the lawn to the training pod and the flashing lights visible through the windows. The grass was cool beneath her bare feet, the soil nearly cold. Summer was coming to an end. Only one more summer until…
She beeped her keycard access outside the pod, the whirr of generators and electricity quieting before the door slid open. A cough itched at her throat until she let it out, stepping inside the haze of heat and smoke. 
“Why are you interrupting me? I was almost at my limit!” 
Bulma waved a hand in front of her face to diffuse the smoke clouding her vision. Vegeta hovered several feet above the ground, shirtless and, indeed, sweating. Some of his hair was smoking. That would explain the burning-hair smell that tickled her nostrils. 
“Don’t you want to come inside for dinner?” Bulma asked. A few of the robots, attacks paused by her keycard, beeped. 
“I’ll come inside when I’m done!” The roar filled the pod. She pursed her lips, but said nothing else. His temper would burn itself out in a few hours. She could live with the disappointment in the delay of their nightly kissing. 
“Fine,” she said. “Shower before you come eat, though.” 
“Don’t tell me what to - ”
Bulma was out of the pod before Vegeta finished his sentence. Door sealed shut and explosions resumed, muted by the insulation she and Dad had carefully installed. She hummed a little to herself while she headed to the main dome to ignore the pinch of sadness eating at her heart. 
She was getting too used to relying on Vegeta as a distraction. 
“How were the meetings today, sweetie?”
“Fine.” She served herself in the kitchen, Panchy hovering at the stove while she heated water for tea. “Did Dad make any oh-so-important progress on his submarine issues?”
Panchy sighed. “Oh, if only I knew.”
Oh, if only it was worth wasting my day.
“By the way, Yamcha called for you earlier.”
Bulma nearly dropped the spoon into the rice. “What?”
“Yamcha. He wanted to know how you were coping.”
“Coping with…?” Being alone? Abandoned by my friends? Ignored? Overlooked? Each aggressive answer pushed away the tiny sliver of doubt Bulma had about whether she was betraying Yamcha with Vegeta. Of course she wasn’t - she and Yamcha hadn’t been a thing in months - but…
“He also wanted to know if we have any more of those tent capsules that were discontinued a few years ago since no one was buying them,” Panchy went on, the shrill whistle of the tea kettle raising Bulma’s shoulders to her ears with a cringe. 
“That’s bold of him, isn’t it?” she said with a hint of a snarl, slapping curry on her plate next to the rice. “‘Hi, Bulma, long time no see! Give me free capsules!’”
“That wasn’t what he was saying at all,” her mother protested. “And anyway, I told him I’d look and send them if we have any.”
“You do that!” 
“I will, that’s why I said - ”
“I’m going to my room!”
At some point in the last three minutes Bulma had stopped feeling like a weary, overworked CEO and suddenly like a teenage girl again. She suspected it was when Yamcha’s name had been said. Why, exactly, it triggered her so deeply, she couldn’t be sure. Only that she couldn’t stand another minute around Panchy or waiting for a prince that might never come…
She cried out all the tears she could, huddled on her bed, before pulling her tray of food closer with a sniff. Cold, now. Not that it mattered. Unwinding herself, Bulma stepped off of her bed to open the blinds of her bedroom window. Dark trees obscured the pale indigo of mid-twilight. Not a single sprinkle of star. Regretfully she sat back on her bed, eating without thinking about anything at all. 
Bulma sighed when she gave up on supper, scooting back on her bed until she was engulfed in pillows with her toes tucked in the blankets. What a stupid day. And the conferences at Capsule Corp would last the rest of the week…
She wouldn’t make it. 
A knock at her door didn’t turn her head away from the window. “Come in,” Bulma said, not bothering to raise her voice. A much deeper one responded, the visceral response across her skin to the man in the doorway pitiful compared to what it usually was.
“Are you coming to…watch television?” 
A helpless sort of smile grew on her face. “Hi, Vegeta,” she said. 
“I don’t know. I thought you’d be training much longer.”
“I…got hungry.”
Bulma sensed that was a lie. But she said nothing about it. “Look at me, I’m already in bed,” she sighed woefully, finally looking over at Vegeta with a smile. “You can go back to training.” 
His scowl was darker than any night sky. Arms crossed, shirt stretched tightly across his chest. By that time his scent had made it across the room. She smelled soap. Her stomach twisted at the thought that he’d listened to her. With a sigh Bulma rubbed her forehead. Why hadn’t he gone away yet? She needed peace and quiet to finish her pity party. 
“Is that food?” 
“It was my dinner,” she said, pushing the tray further from her with her feet. 
“You didn’t finish.”
“I wasn’t really hungry.” 
Vegeta grunted. Then, without an invitation, he strode right inside and headed towards the bed where he grabbed the mostly-full bowl of rice to shovel into his mouth. A grain stuck to the corner of his mouth when he finished, setting down the empty dish to wolf down the curry, next. Bulma smiled, resting her head against the pillows. He’d kill her if she said it, but he really was adorable, in his own, special way. 
“Not enough,” he grunted when all the dishes were empty and he neatly set the chopsticks next to them on the tray. 
“Obviously,” she said. “There’s more in the kitchen. Why didn’t you eat before you showered?”
Vegeta shrugged. He wouldn’t meet her eyes, his gaze instead lingering on the bed next to where she was reclining. Bulma gave the covers a pat in invitation, wondering why her hands suddenly felt ice-cold. He sat, angled away from her and staring out the window, same as she did. 
“Why don’t you move into a different bedroom?” he asked. 
“So that you can see that constellation you like.”
“Oh.” Bulma wound a finger around a curl of her hair, already tired at the thought of getting ready for bed and waking up early the next day for more meetings. “Um. Well, it’s only visible during the summer, anyway. Plus I like this room. It has a bigger balcony.” 
“Do you use it at all besides trying to kill yourself when drunk?”
“Ha, ha. I do when my friends visit.”
“And how often is that?”
Bulma jabbed a kick at Vegeta’s sitting rear with her foot beneath the blankets. He just gave her a narrowed look. “Just so you know, I’ve been drawing up plans for a training room inside the main dome,” she told him. “So be nice or I won’t do it.” 
His brows rose. 
“And you have to promise you wouldn’t destroy this place,” she warned, pointing a finger at his nose. His eyes nearly crossed as he stared at the tip of it. “This is my family’s home. We live here.”
“Well,” Vegeta said. “You’d better insulate the room, then.”
“Obviously I would!” 
“So, you don’t trust me?” A cunning smile tilted the corners of his mouth in a thrilling, almost frightening way. If Bulma didn’t know him better she might have been scared. But beyond the smirk was a delicious, dark smolder in his eyes that she recognized well enough to not be surprised when he scooted a few inches closer, leaning with a fist on her bed to keep himself upright. 
Her heart lodged in her throat. Without thinking she reached for him, holding his face in her hands while he closed the distance with a puff of breath warming her cheeks in the split-second before their lips connected. The dizzying sensation was quick to wipe away her anxieties, replacing them with a sultry kind of haze that she would happily live in forever. 
Vegeta cradled the back of her head in his hand, moving her as he pleased to better draw pleasure from the simple act of kissing. When he gave a choked moan, their noses nuzzling when he pulled back, Bulma moaned herself. Tonight his touch was the sharp bite of static electricity. More ashy than usual, like scorched earth instead of rainy moss. When his teeth bit gently into her lower lip she wriggled closer, wrapping her arms around his neck while his hands held her by the ribs. 
“I suppose here is just as well.” His words were muttered before he resumed making love to her mouth, tongue swirling around her mouth before easing inside. 
“Hmm?” Bulma couldn’t form words with his tongue in control of hers. Her questioning noise was more of a whimper, anyway, and she didn’t really care what he meant right then.
“For kissing.” 
“Oh. Ah. Oh…” She tried to lean back, giving in to the arch of her spine wanting to be closer to him, wanting to crawl right out of the blankets and tackle him onto the bed (never mind that her dress would probably rip) but Vegeta seized her skull, tilting her head back down for more kissing. He wasn’t going to take the hint and kiss her neck then. Or lay her back and climb over her…
“I do wonder,” his voice reverberated in her ear a while later, when he’d grabbed her leg out of the covers to drape over his lap. A few more inches and they’d fall back together. “How you’re making so many more glorious plans when you can barely keep up with your current projects as is.”
“Huh?” Muddled, Bulma ran a hand behind his thick neck, fiddling with the hair there. 
“I’m still waiting for my battle suit.” 
“Oh, of course you are.” 
Vegeta went rigid. It took all of four seconds for her to realize how very trapped she was by his shoulders and arms, pinning her against the headboard. “What’s that supposed to mean?” He pulled away, frowning deeply. The image was offset by his reddened lips. 
“Everyone wants something from me,” Bulma said with a sniff. “Of course you do, too. That’s all.”
“You decided to make me a suit. I didn’t ask for it.”
“No, but you’re always asking for other stuff, aren’t you? The gravity sensors, stronger robots, this and that and food and kissing - ”
“Yes, and you complain the entire time. What’s your point?” 
The point? She huffed out a breath, crossing her arms just like he did, but without the power of bulging muscles. His face was all shades of blue in the light from the window. Except his eyes. They glittered. From the bickering or the kissing. Or both. Bulma squeezed her legs together, but it didn’t help the build-up of desperate yearning. 
“Yamcha called today asking me for free capsules,” she told him. “I’m just…annoyed. Especially after a day like today. All those stupid presentations.” 
“You’re chewing me out because of what Yamcha did?” Vegeta’s brows drew together in ominous warning, which she ignored. He could have hurt her a million times over since he came to Earth, and he hadn’t yet. Her fear of him had gone stale long ago. 
“No, I’m chewing you out because of you.” Bulma waved a hand, as if the difference was negligible. “You make demands, too. Like you own the place! Maybe I’m tired of doing everything for everyone! How come no one ever thinks of that?” 
“If you’re tired of it,” he said, and he lifted her chin with a finger so that their eyes met in a dazzling bridge. She tried to swallow and failed, a tiny eep squeaking from between her lips. “Then stop doing nice things for everyone. You’re a generous woman, Bulma. People have learned that. And they come to expect that.” 
“You want me to stop working on your battle suit?” The words trembled, but Vegeta didn’t comment on that, his eyes flashing. 
“So I should stop doing nice things for everyone but you?” 
His mouth tilted downward in a frown. Very nearly a princely-pout. Bulma wanted to trace it with her thumb. “That’s not what I said,” Vegeta said through gritted teeth. “Cease putting words in my mouth.” 
I could put other things in your mouth, she wasn’t brave enough to say. Yet. 
“My grandfather,” he said suddenly, and then snapped his mouth shut. She waited, too intensely curious to ruin her chances of hearing this undoubtedly private tidbit of information by nagging. Vegeta exhaled, head lowering slightly, the bridge between their eyes breaking into a thousand stars. “My grandfather once gifted my grandmother a planet.”
“Well, I haven’t offered that to anyone yet, but I wouldn’t be surprised if Krillian or Goku asked.” 
He nodded. The fist he propped himself with loosened and turned into a flat hand, brushing over her bedspread. “My grandfather thought too small.”
Bulma started. She was sure she’d lost the conversation. Where was he going with this?
“I would give you a galaxy.”
Her mouth fell open. Immediately Vegeta bristled, rising to sit straight with his shoulders out proudly. “You doubt my ability to accomplish such a task,” he said, though Bulma had thought no such thing. “Might I remind you I was at the front lines of the Frieza Force. I could give you ten galaxies.” 
“I didn’t say you couldn’t,” she said, bemused. “No need to get so defensive. But why would you do that?” 
Vegeta blinked. Something unfamiliar swam in his eyes, something deep and regretful and confused. Then he shook his head. “I only meant to make you feel better,” he muttered at last. “I have no interest in your weeping tonight.” 
Bulma hadn’t been in danger of weeping (again) but she didn’t tell him so. Something warm and big was swelling in her chest that she couldn’t quite make sense of. Part of it had to be surprise that Vegeta offered her a galaxy. What would she do with an entire galaxy? She knew how the Frieza Force had worked - did Vegeta think to install her as a tyrannical overlord of conquered planets? She could laugh at the very thought: Bulma Briefs, Dictator, and her right hand man, the villainous and violent Prince Vegeta.
“Why are you laughing?” Vegeta asked sharply. 
She smothered her smile. “I’m not laughing.”
“Yes, you are! I heard it.” 
“If you gave me a galaxy, Goku would show up to depose me,” Bulma said, and she did laugh, but only a little. 
“And I’d finally have my chance to beat him.” Vegeta’s words took on a dangerously low tone. She didn’t dare laugh, but she smiled. 
“You’re full of it.” 
“Full of what? I scarcely ate even part of a meal.” 
“So go eat! I’ll return to my feminine weeping and hysterics after you leave.” 
He stared at her, likely assessing the truth of her threat. 
“I’m teasing,” she told him, smiling. “Really, go eat. I’m tired and I want to go to bed. I can’t stay up all night listening to your revenge fantasies or I’ll fall asleep during the conference tomorrow.” 
Vegeta nodded. Unsettlingly compliant, for him. “I want my battle suit when those conferences are over,” he said, standing up. The loss of comforting weight on her bed settled an unhappiness on Bulma’s shoulders, which she disguised with an indignant gasp. 
“You’ll get it when you get it!” 
But he just waved her off, just like she waved him off sometimes. 
“By the way,” Vegeta added, already halfway to the door. “You should wear that dress more often. But not around anyone but me.” 
The flash of his smile, more feral than affectionate, was blocked by the door closing behind him. Self-consciously Bulma put a hand to her chest, pushing the neckline closer to her skin as if a pervert would be on the ceiling just to gawk down her front. But she committed his suggestion to memory, anyway.
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myrmica · 6 months
do you have any tips for getting better at drawing anatomy? your poses are always so fluid and realistic
first of all THANK YOU!!! that makes me happy to hear!
under the cut because i got long winded... i hope something in here is useful! some of it may stray from the point, and i have no idea what stuff you already know.
in my experience a lot of it is about paying attention to form/volume. at one point or another i realized i vastly prefer art that emphasizes this, as opposed to flatter more stylized anatomy, as far as things i want to emulate in my own work go (flat styles can be cool when other people do it; this is a huge thing with art i think, developing a sense of discernment when it comes to the art you Want To Make versus the art you like but wouldn't want to mimic...)
so i add contour lines to everything i draw as i sketch because it helps me figure out where the object is in space, in relation to the viewer. doing this immediately establishes where the subject is in relation to the "camera" because lines curving one way mean you're looking up at something, and vice versa. if you've ever seen the coil method of foreshortening before, it's the same principle.
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while construction lines won't always be there in a finished piece, you can communicate form in the curves of your lines. the round end of a sleeve is a countour line, so are fabric folds (although they have their own volume too), etc.
the feeling of looking up at someone, or their arm moving towards you, or their back turned away from you, that's where a lot of tension and dynamism comes from--some of the "fluidity."
another thing is to focus on weight, and how things interact when they touch... if you grip someone's arm, how does the skin fold/warp under pressure? can you actually draw it doing that, instead of leaving the arm being grabbed unaffected? stuff like that. a huge inspiration for this (and i think it shows in some of the artistic choices i've been making lately) is margot maison's work. like, check out this panel from bora the brain:
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or this one of mine, where i just grabbed my own arm like that to see how it felt and what the skin did...
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these are both examples of smaller details but the same principle applies any time you're drawing two people touching, or even a bent leg where the thigh and calf meet. i'm more interested in how skin/fat moves around than i am in getting the nitty gritty details of muscle groups and bones right. knowing the muscles and bones certainly HELPS; my personal favorite bones are the radius and ulna in the forearm, and keeping the way they move in mind Is useful because it reminds you that the arm isn't a uniform tube shape, it's a flat rectangle type thing, and it'll look wider or narrower depending on the angle... etc. see pronation/supination gif below:
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they get recomended all the time but the morpho books are my favorite reference for doing actual intentional anatomy practice & in redrawing stuff from them a ton of tricks for constructing bodies have stuck in my head. like, here i was focusing on how they simplify the shoulder/armpit in relation to the ribcage:
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(you can download most of 'em for free off of libgen btw.)
you can also get something kinda special drawing bodies from life. if you don't have other people to draw, your own hands/legs work too, and it's good for foreshortening and perspective because you're always seeing them in relation to your own viewpoint:
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granted both this and the morpho studies are things i find fun to do. on the off chance that you're someone who finds studies tedious or boring, rather than pushing through it you might want to paint a character you like onto the pose you're practicing or something like that to keep yourself invested?
i also use references gratuitously. usually many pictures at once, where i'm combining them to get the pose i want. either just referencing different photos as i draw different things or literally editing them together depending on what it is. over time, i've gotten better at coming up with dynamic and interesting poses without a ref, because using them has built up my understanding of the body (it's actually way easier IMO to draw a dynamic pose without a ref than it is to draw a dude just standing there without one ?!)
there's sort of a push and pull for me between accuracy/realism ("can the arm Actually bend that way???") and exageration/stylistic liscense ("if it doesn't, does it look cooler like that?") where it helps to KNOW if you're drawing something that isn't technically "anatomically correct."
there's also a lot to be said for tracing over photos for practice!
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thank you for the question, i love to talk about these things ^_^
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a-strangers-thoughtss · 7 months
Summer loving had me a blast
Summer loving happened so fast
Will had been sitting in the sand, knees up to use as a makeshift table for him to set his sketchbook on. He used to do that a lot back in Lenora. He had never been big on friends, more adept to people watching.
He was similar to Jonathan that way, accept he drew people and Jonathan took pictures.
It was the summer after sophomore year, and two years or so after El had moved across the state to be with their dad for Highschool. She had always had a stronger connection to him, and Will to Joyce.
When Jonathan had left for collage he couldn’t bare to leave her alone, no matter how much it tore him up to be away from his twin.
The day had been so picture perfect, and so many gorgeous people had been roaming around, splashing in the water, sun bathing. It was the best place to find people joyful, emotions out on display for him to capture in pencil.
Something had caught his eye, a black leather jacket.
A boy looking around his age occupied it, walking slowly through the sand in sneakers, jeans, a white shirt and that leather jacket. Why he was wearing any of those things at the beach, Will did not understand. He must be insane, mentally ill.
But it would have been a completely insane lie to say that Will wasn’t drawn to him.
He was handsome, ridiculously so. He was tall and gangly, but not overly so. His face looked straight out of a marble statue, sharp, defined features. Shoulder length black hair messily spilled over his face, going in all different directions.
He was pretty too, and god, life was unfair.
Will glanced up, in the way he had learned after the time someone had caught him and angrily broke his nose, hidden and deliberate. He studied the boys face, slowly etching what he saw onto the page.
Will had just got done with a very rough sketch of his face when he looked up again.
The boy was looking at him.
Their eyes met, and Will froze.
Shit, shit, shit, shit.
This guy was most definitely not someone he wanted to mess with. Greasers like him usually had a gang of buddies just waiting for the perfect opportunity to pick on someone they deemed “different” and Will was most definitely different. He was queer and every single person who looked at him seemed to clue in pretty fast.
But now he was walking towards Will and he was frozen and unable to move, rooted to his spot on the sand.
“What you doin’?” His voice had the harshness of a greaser, but his eyes were curious.
“Uh, people watching I guess.” Wills suppressed himself a little when his voice didn’t shake. What else was he supposed to say?
“Mind if I join then?” He asked, “Bored as shit.”
All Will could do was nod a little. He hurriedly turned to the next page before the other boy plopped down next to him.
“I’m Mike by the way.”
They sat in silence for a long while, Will finishing up the scetch of Mike and deciding to sketch out the figure of a house on the horizon, highlighted by the setting sun. As he was erasing a line to draw a new one, Mike spoke. It was startling, Will had forgotten he was even there for a bit.
“Hate beaches. Always so sandy and overly hot.” Will snorted at that.
“Well maybe you’d like them more if you took the jacket off for five minutes. You gotta be roasting right now.” That pulled startled laughter out of Mike.
“Just missin’ my boys.”
“Got kids? Though you were close to my age, looks like I misjudged.”
“Nah, still pretty young, not quite balding.”
“Got a bit for that.” They fell into an easy banter, something Will hadn’t known he was missing. The conversation just flowed with Mike in a way that just felt so natural.
“So, what’s a pretty lady like you doin’ out here so late.” Mike asked, light and curious.
“Already told you, people watching.”
“That’s a nice picture you got there.” now Mike was pointing to the sketch of the house, outlined with bold scribbles on the page.
“Thanks, I usually just draw people.”
“Well If that’s not what you ‘usually draw’ I’d like to see what type of shit you can come up with when you’re really drawin’.” Mike said, sincerity laced through his voice. “Any of those I can have a look at?”
Will felt self conscious, but before he could really think about it, he was flipping the page back to his unfinished Mike sketch. His eyes widened and his face grew hot.
“Damn, shit, sorry. Just saw you and I had to draw you, you look so out of place.” Not the words he should have used, but he can’t take it back now.
He looked warily to Mike, whose eyes were wide.
“Damn that’s good.” Was all he said, turning to face Will. “I don’t got any money on me but If I did you bet I’d be giving you a few quarters for that.”
He was dumbfounded, but quickly moved, going to rip the page out.
“Here, have it for free, I don’t mind.” Mike looked down at it, pleased.
“Thanks man.”
There was a long pause, a moment they both just sat there, grinning awkwardly at each other.
It was broken by a loud female voice.
“Mike, it’s time to go!”
Grinning, he saluted Will, “That’s my cue to split. Gonna be here tomorrow morning, wanna hang?”
“Yeah, sure.”
Mike got up, stepping backwards as he called,
“Bye Will.” It sent sparks up his spine.
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bluejaybytes · 10 months
like idk their personality what they look like their motives/views? I'm just curious lol
So, first things first. Shockingly, I've actually posted... basically all of my recent art! I normally RARELY post my art on Tumblr, but I've bene in a sharing mood as of late and have been posting things only a few hours after I finish them, so there's honestly... not much new I can post since the only thing that hasn't been posted is a WIP that I'm already planning on posting when it's done (And it is Not in a state I'm ready to post it lol). THAT SAID! I'm gonna talk about Scarlet because she's got art I haven't posted here before <3 Everything's below the cut, because I anticipate this being... very long and rambly. Whoops lol <3
(Note: I put this in a word counter after writing it. It's over 2.3k words. Apologies for being unable to write in anything shorter than an essay)
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Normally I don't post anything that's not completely finished, and while the "main" drawing of her is finished in the sense I'm not going back to add to it further, it hasn't been properly colored or lined, it's just cleaned up sketches, so I haven't posted it before. It's a good few months old and it shows, but it's honestly fine lol. The icon is from earlier this week however, I just typically don't post the icons on their own, since I've made a ton of them and also showed them off in the relationship web I posted last week (Which honestly I will probably post again once a few more OCs have their icons made and added properly)
Scarlet's from the Octarian domes, specifically one that hosts a decently large amount of residential areas, and has two younger sisters, Crimson and Ruby. Scarlet's around ~24, Crimson's ~21, and Ruby's ~17, and they're all quite close growing up, with Scarlet very much embracing her role as the oldest of the bunch and always sticking by them. In fact, it's her desire to be close with her sisters that essentially ends what was a promising career as a weapons engineer for her early. Weapons engineering is a very prestigious role, and Scarlet's both incredibly interested in it and also genuinely very good at it, but due to how highly it's regarded, it also means she'd be unable to be around her sisters anymore, as she'd be too busy with training and working in other domes and with other engineers, so she ends up leaving weapons engineering behind, and instead just trains as a regular soldier.
Even with her staying in a more average position, she's still very talented, and she fairly quickly ascends through the ranks and ends up as an Elite and assigned her own squad to lead, stationed out in the outskirts of the dome she grew up in. Despite her rank as an Elite however, she keeps the traditional red coloration that's typically only for lower ranked soldiers, both as it's a shared family color, and her squad all respect her enough that she doesn't feel she needs to conform very strictly to the hierarchy for colors to have them recognize her as in charge.
Through her own request, Crimson, who's just a regular soldier, is part of her squad, and while their job is considered very important, as they guard the exits between the domes and the surface, it's still... very boring. There's really nothing around, and most of their days are just... patrolling, finding nothing, going back to camp. It's a very soulsucking job for her in all honesty, a lot of the glamor that draws people in to the military life is just... nonexistent. It's miserable and she's achieving nothing. She stays where she is, she wants to be there with Crimson, and she gets to stay, while not really... in contact with Ruby, as there's no cell service all the way out where they are, but close enough to Ruby that if there was some family emergency, she'd be able to get home quickly to be there with her. At this point, she's just counting the days until she's able to quit, or at the very least, take an extended break to go back home and feel like a person again.
It's on one of her patrols, however, that she ends up running into May. She'd gotten the command to stay alert for some teenage runaways that'd escaped police capture a few months prior, but, unbeknownst to her, May was one of them. While she'd never really known May specifically, she'd been the childhood best friend of Ruby, so Scarlet knew her from all the time that Ruby had spent with her, and all that she talked of her. She'd already been feeling miserable and disillusioned with her life as a soldier at this point, and the realization that this fugitive she'd been keeping an eye out for was a kid she personally knows, and knows wouldn't be a runaway for no reason, is just another moment of question for her.
May doesn't really recognize her at first, with it having been years since Scarlet had actually been home, but once Scarlet calls her by name, May remembers her, and pleads to not be taken back home. Scarlet, while not knowing her exact motives for running away, definitely empathizes in that moment, as someone who's tired of the miserable state they're living in, and she also just can't sit idly by watching a homeless teen beg to be given even the slightest mercy. She tells May she's not going to turn her in, and instead invites her to sit down and just talk with her. Neither have had any new company in months at this point, so she figures it'll benefit them both.
Their conversation goes well, and while May isn't willing to talk about the circumstances that've lead to her being on the run, they both are very clearly able to recognize themselves in each other. In the end, Scarlet knows she can't just let a homeless teen go hungry, and tells May to meet her out there the next day at the same time, and that she'll give her some of her rations for that day to hopefully help out a bit. May's still a little unsure, especially since she doesn't like to stay in one place for too long, as well as the fact she's still trying to find her way to the surface, but she's not really in a position where she feels she can deny a safe, reliable food source, so she agrees.
It's, of course, at their next meeting that Scarlet notices May barely picking at the food she's brought. It's at this point Scarlet realizes that May's not just one of the runaways she'd heard about, but that she's the one who's known to be traveling with a kid. May hadn't wanted to actually talk about it before, as her little sister, June, stays behind at their temporary camp for her own safety while May goes out scavenging for food and looking for a way out, but this only further pushes Scarlet into wanting to help her. She already felt like she had a moral obligation to help May before, but now knowing she's also got a kid with her means Scarlet absolutely can not and will not let them go without her help, at least as much as she can offer.
Scarlet ends up going from giving half of her own days food rations, to stealing from the food supply, as well as grabbing some spare clothes, to make sure May and June have enough to eat and take care of themselves a bit better than they were before. Ultimately, her squad can always request more supplies, but May and June aren't in a position to help themselves like she can. This, however, does not go unnoticed. Her squad notices the lessened rations, and ask her what she thinks is happening. She insists it must be a sea slug, or at least some kind of animal that got into their food supplies, it's happened before, it's fine, they can just go ask for backup, don't worry about it. For the most part, her squad accepts her dismissal of the topic. They do find it weird, but ultimately, Scarlet has never been one to do anything like this before, and the long time away from home has been weighing on everyone, so it's most likely just stress getting to her.
Crimson notices, though. She also notices Scarlet's retreat from their usual nightly chats, instead opting to go on "destress walks", or "extra patrols", excuses varying from night to night. Scarlet's dismissal of the issue, her increasing time spent away from camp, and her lessened time spent with her all eventually push Crimson into stalking her on one of her times out of camp, and watches from a distance as Scarlet actively betrays her squad and her duties as a soldier to hide, feed, and protect a fugitive runaway. Crimson absolutely loses it, jumping out from her hiding place and revealing herself to have seen everything, and tells Scarlet she needs to hand May over now. Scarlet just can't do it. She hesitates before telling Crimson she won't, not because she's hesitating in her decision, but because she's scared of admitting it. She doesn't want to live this life, where a scared, homeless teenager and her little sister are expected to instantly be arrested and turned in, where they guard the exit to somewhere they're constantly told is hostile to them, yet have spent all of this time and never seen a proper enemy soldier. She's not going to turn May in for the crime of wanting to leave. And then Crimson attacks her
Scarlet wasn't sure how Crimson was going to react, but it certainly wasn't what she was expecting, as Crimson ends up pulling out a pocket knife she'd been carrying, and fully intends to seriously harm her. Scarlet's caught entirely off guard, and the fight goes very poorly for her, especially considering Scarlet's only weapon was an Octo Shot she didn't have ready, and even if she did, she doesn't want to attack her little sister. Eventually she's able to muster the strength to attack back enough that she gets Crimson off of her, and down long enough for her to take off running. May had bolted the moment the fight broke out, and Scarlet has no idea where she ran off to, but she knows her way out of the domes, having been patrolling the outskirts for this long
It's still over a days walk to the exit before Scarlet is far enough out from her camp that she feels safe enough that she can stop, and really assess the damage Crimson did to her. She's lucky in the sense she'd been carrying some basic first aid supplies on her when everything happened, she always liked having it on her just in case one of her squadmates needed it, but it ends up being enough to prevent her from getting any of her wounds infected. However, the damage is still fairly bad, even if she's able to stop it from getting worse, with Crimson having nearly fully blinded her in one eye, as well as giving her some nasty wounds that eventually scar over. Ultimately, she's lucky she didn't lose the eye entirely, but it's still an absolutely miserable experience regardless.
From there, she makes it to the surface surprisingly easily. She knew the way out, and the exit she took wasn't too far from Inkopolis, so she's able to get there within the month. Her positioning right next to the surface meant she was already required to know some of the Inkling language, so while she's not at all fluent, she's able to get by enough that she's able to pawn off her armor, as well as practically anything that isn't directly necessary to her survival. Her armor specifically is important however, as she wants to get rid of anything that could potentially relate her to being an Octoling soldier, and while she doesn't realize that really no Inklings would think anything of it, she can't risk it. She uses the funds to get herself a place to stay for a while, and is finally able to just rest for a minute.
From there, she actually adjusts surprisingly well to everything on the surface. Her skill with weapon tech is actually in very high demand, as the need for weaponsmiths and repair workers is at an all time high, so she's able to get an apprenticeship at a repair shop in quick time, and not only does it pay well, but she loves the work. While it's not the same as what she was training to do in the military, weapons engineering, she just loves working with weaponry as a whole, and while she doesn't personally play, it's also a reassuring notion for her that she's able to pursue a lifelong passion of hers in a way that isn't actually tied to war and combat, it's all just a silly game everyones playing, there's no actual stakes
It's around two years before she ends up seeing May again, however. After the fight broke out, May ran back to her camp, grabbed June, and just... picked a direction and ran. It took another few months wandering lost before May was actually finally able to make it out, and given how big of a city Inkopolis is, she and Scarlet don't run into each other naturally for quite a long time. They both carry around a lot of guilt surrounding the situation though. Scarlet feels as if she basically just... abandoned May, who was in this desperate situation, and that she should've made more of an effort to look for her before she just left, and May feels like she's responsible for everything that happened to Scarlet. The two meet when May, going in for weapons adjustments to make sure everythings up to date for league regulations for June's first time trying out a game of Turf War, ends up at the shop Scarlet works at. The two are overjoyed to see that they've both settled remarkably well in on the surface, and that they both even made it out in the first place. It alleviates a lot of that guilt for both of them, as while they both end up feeling as though they should've handled the situation differently, this is at least proof neither party ended up worse off afterwards. They're also able to stay in touch after this, which helps them both feel a little less alone as one of only a few dozen Octolings in hiding on the surface.
Ultimately, this is where I stop being able to describe things solely from Scarlet's point of view, as when Crimson reenters the story, there's a lot of extra context that needs to be added as to why everything worked out the way it did, and somehow this has already ended up longer than the time I laid out literally the entire plot of all of my main OCs. Good lord above. I was not joking when I said this would take a long time to write and when I said I'd write a lot.
Sincerely, thank you so much for asking, I do apologize for letting this one... also get out of hand, since this is... a lot of text for anyone to read through, but I do so, so very much appreciate the chance to let myself just kinda shed the feeling of cringe for a moment and just let myself infodump about my OCs lol. Peace and love on planet earth <3
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peppermint-moss · 1 year
Hey Moss I'm a really big fan of yours and I had a question! How do you keep yourself motivated to finish PMVs/AMVs/MAP parts/ etc.? I try to go through with an idea but I seem to get bored of it and stop within the first few scenes and I forget about it. Which is odd because I've been practicing on drawing pictures and I can go on for 7 hours straight doing it! But for animations it's like it drains me out. Also since it's summer I really want to get some projects through before school starts again because I'm not going to have the time or energy with the classes I've been assigned next year (Junior year is sooo great :D /s). But anyways I was just wondering how to have and keep motivation for animations. Thanks Moss!!!
agh im afraid im dont have v helpful advice for this cause i'm just the kind of person that likes to. Do things to completion? I prefer for things to be finished rather than perfect ^^ which is a tricky thing to train yourself to do if you're a perfectionist (and im just lucky that i'm don't feel too bothered when my projects don't turn out exactly how i imagined! and that i do feel a lil bothered if my projects aren't completed lol and thats an opposite thing im tryin to learn to be okay with)
With animation specifically for me I find actually watching through what I got can motivate me to keep working on it ! Whether its cause it looks rlly good and i get excited to see it all done, Or if its because I noticed something I need to fix and it annoys me into wanting to work on it to fix it asap lol
Sometimes it also helps me to just push through it and putting on a fun podcast/video in the background helps the time go faster..
It rlly depends on your own needs n what are your own bad vs good habits that you want to practice breaking or maintaining, so whether that means encouraging yourself to go a lil longer or taking more breaks, just try to be kind to yourself if you don't meet your goals. You can always circle back to work on smth you left behind later, or call it finished as is even if its just some sketches, or follow that sudden inspiration for a new idea while the motivation and idea is still fresh etc!
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luv4fandoms · 2 years
The Rut (David x Fem! Reader)
It is finally here! The last installment of The Rut series! I am so happy that everyone enjoyed this series, it was definitely fun to write the boys in just complete feral mode lol. I'll definitely be writing for stuff for the boys in the future!
(Also since I've been asked, this isn't really a poly relationship series, this is a "only (insert boy) likes reader" kinda thing).
I really wanna thank everyone who has commented on, reblogged, or just liked this series. Y'all really kept me going when I had writers block, and I couldn't have finished it without y'all. And a big shout out to @auntvamp who came up with the original headcannons about the boys in rut, because without them, this series wouldn't be a thing lol. I'd highly suggest reading that first.
Lastly I'd like to thank @santacarlatourism for their headcanons of each boy's scent on my post
I also got inspired by these headcanons
For this I know a lot of people write David as a rough dom but I wanted to explore something else, I don't think David would always be rough with his mate, I see him having a soft side too, so this is that, and also him slowly losing control lol.
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Paul, Marko, Dwayne,
Word Count: 5,376 (of course this cocky mofo ended up with the longest chapter 🤣)
Pairing: David x Fem! Reader
⚠️ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐈 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬, 𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐢𝐭𝐬 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐬, 𝐭𝐨 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐞.⚠️
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"Don't invite him in"
That's what Dwayne had told you when he informed you to stay away from the cave for the next couple of days. You were confused when Dwayne had met you at the entrance the night before, usually David was the first one out and ready to leave, typically smoking while the others got ready. You were fully prepared to spend the night at the boardwalk with the boys and your favorite vampire, but Dwayne had quickly shot down those plans.
"Wait…A rut? Like how animals have ru-"
"Yes just like that" he told you as he walked you back to your car.
"When we go into these we are very dangerous to you, since you're a human and not a vampire like us you're far more…"
"Fragile" you finished, the boys had all told you that before, taking it upon themselves to protect you all the time because you were "like a China doll" in Dwayne's words.
"So that's why you need to stay away for a couple of days," he explained, to which you could only simply nod as you climbed in your car. Your thoughts suddenly taking a turn as you thought of him…they were all extremely attractive…him especially…and you were sure him taking a partner for a quick time was something he had done before…would that happen again? After all, if he was gonna kill them anyways why not? It didn't matter if they were fragile right? But why did that thought make you wanna cry even more in this situation?
"It isn't like that" Dwayne's voice broke you out of your thoughts and you were unsure if he had read your thoughts or could just read your emotions.
"Go home y/n, don't overthink ok, you can come back soon" he told you with a small smile as he shut your car door, watching as you started the car and rolled down the window when he knocked
"And one more thing" he told you while leaning in.
"Don't invite him in"
So here you were, sitting in your room, listening to music and drawing, wishing you could just go hang out with the boys, you hadn't really realized just how much of a staple in your life they had become until now. Night's seemed boring without them…without him. Sighing you sat your sketchbook down on your nightstand after you realized that in your zoned out state you had successfully sketched what was probably the twentieth picture of him that resided in the book. Stretching, you got up and changed the music, putting on your newest Billy Idol album. You had joked to David before that he reminded you of the singer, a comment that although he didn't reply to, he seemed complimented by. You had actually come across David listening to a Billy Idol cassette tape one day in the cave and it only solidified that thought even more for you lol. You began dancing around as White Wedding started to play, losing yourself in the music for a moment, before you heard a gentle knock on your window. Your body froze instantly, shifting your gaze to the closed curtains. You slightly wondered if it had been the wind, but only slightly, you knew that was definitely a knock.
"I know you're in there Sweetheart, no use hiding" You immediately felt a shiver run down your spine at the voice, a deeper tone with a slight growl mixed with it told you he was currently vamped out.
'Don't invite him in' Dwayne's words rang in your head, earning another low growl from outside.
"You don't take orders from him, understand?" Oh shit, he was reading your thoughts. You had made him promise when you first learned what they were that he wouldn't do that anymore. A promise he seemed like he had no problem breaking tonight.
"But.. David…Dwayne said it would be dangerous to-"
"Funny" you heard him let out a dry chuckle.
"I thought I just said you don't take orders from him" You gulped at his tone, a sarcastic David was a dangerous David at times, and you had a feeling this was one of those times.
"Let me in Doll, I'll explain it all better than he could" You hesitated still, true, Dwayne hadn't explained very much, and you were still curious. And if you were being honest, when vamped out David probably had the most control over himself out of all of them, besides maybe Dwayne…Maybe it would be safe if you let him in. Slowly making your way over towards the window you heard what seemed like a pleased…purr? You pulled back the curtains, meeting the golden gaze of the vampire on the outside of your window. His figure looming on your small balcony. You unlocked and opened your window, leaning out to speak to him. When suddenly your lips were captured in a searing kiss, his gloved hands holding your face, softly yet firm as he pulled you closer, fangs brushing your lips as he opened your mouth with his, tongue dominating the kiss. You weren't sure what was making you dizzier, the kiss that was quite literally stealing your breath away, or his scent. David always smelled like a mixture of cigarettes, the cologne he always stole that had a very earthy smell to it, and a scent that you could only describe as simply him. But tonight his scent seemed to be cranked up to a hundred, clouding your brain of anything but him. When he finally seemed to remember you needed to breathe he pulled away, forehead resting against yours as he watched you try to catch your breath, pupils blown and heart racing as you met his gaze.
"David," you spoke quietly.
"You're gonna be a good girl and let me come inside, right?" He asked, watching the shiver that went down your spine at the nickname, a mental note he tucked away for later.
"Right?" He asked again, watching as you slowly nodded.
"Words Sweetheart" he gave you that little smile as he ran his thumb over your lip.
"You can come inside" you spoke once you found your voice.
"That's a good girl" he spoke, before the next thing you knew you were back inside your bedroom and being thrown onto your bed.
"Clothes off Sweetheart, I'm going to fuck you first, then I'll explain everything" he commanded, staring you down as he slowly took his coat off and laid it over your desk.
"W-What?" You stuttered, looking at him with wide eyes, did he actually just say that so casually? He raised an eyebrow as he looked at you, waiting.
"I thought you were going to be a good girl tonight y/n" he spoke while slowly pulling your chair out and sitting down.
"I-I.." you weren't sure what to say at the moment, voice gone as you got lost in that golden gaze.
"I don't mind punishing you" he warned, and the look in his eye told you that part of him wanted to, wanted you to misbehave so he could. Deciding to play it safe, for now, you quickly took off your top and bottoms, leaving you in your simple lace panties, bra having been discarded earlier in the night. You watched his gaze darken as he took you in, golden eyes turning a bit orange.
"Come here" he spoke simply, but his tone told you that there was no arguing. Slowly you stood from your bed, taking careful steps over to him, stopping once you stood directly in front, your legs lightly grazing his knees. You slowly met his gaze again, those hard features and burning eyes, you knew anyone in your situation would have ran, but you knew David, and maybe some deep twisted part of you wanted this more than you even recognized. Wanted to be completely dominated by this man, this creature. Maybe you should have also not thought those things so loudly, if the absolutely predatory grin was anything to go by.
"Completely dominated huh?" He asked while leaning back in the chair, he watched as you gulped, listened as your heart picked up speed, smelled as a fresh wave of arousal hit you. It wouldn't take much to have you exactly where he wanted you, completely willing, completely his.
"On your knees Sweetheart" he told you with a low growl, and he watched as you instantly fell onto your floor, hands hovering just above his knees before lowering themselves to the ground. Good girl, you already knew to wait for his orders. He watched you watch him, watched as you tried not to show how much you were trying to gain some form of friction against where you needed it most. He could feel himself stir even more at the sight, could feel the inner beast trying to claw its way out, yelling at him to simply take you, stop these foolish games and claim what was his. He hated that feeling, hated losing control. Deciding to relieve both himself and you he tapped his belt buckle, eyes still never leaving you as you looked up to meet his gaze before setting to work undoing his belt and then pants, looking up to silently ask if you should stop or keep going.
"Well? You've been a good girl so far, are you afraid to unwrap your treat?" He smirked, watching the blush crawl up your neck and cheeks as your eyes went back to his pants. He lifted himself slowly so you could take them and his underwear off, pulling the material down to his ankles, stopping only because his boots got in the way. You went to remove them but he stopped you with a hand on your head.
"Those can wait" he told you, sliding his hand from your hair to cup your cheek, running his thumb over your lip before slowly parting them, watching as you wrapped your lips around his thumb, eyes sliding closed as you sucked the digit. David watched you intensely, feeling himself jump at the sight, and knowing that he wanted, no, needed your lips around him, now. Gently pulling his thumb away with the thinning self control he had left he opened your mouth, watching as your eyes met his.
"I have something better for you to use that pretty mouth on" he told you, watching as your eyes moved to finally take him in. He was average length, but pretty thick, a size that had you both clenching around nothing and also afraid of him not fitting. Again, reading your mind, you heard David chuckle.
"That's why we have to get both of us nice and wet, I think you know how to do that, don't you?" He asked, letting go of your mouth and leaning back in the chair, legs opening just a bit more.
"Yes sir" you nodded, sitting up a bit, hands finally touching his thighs, you could hear the low rumble leave him as he stared at you, you had taken a chance by calling him sir, but you had a very strong feeling he had that sort of kink, after all, David always loved being in charge.
"Look at that, I don't even have to teach you manners, you are already trained for me" he smirked, gathering your hair in his gloved hand as you slowly wrapped a hand around his length, feeling it twitch, before lowering your lips to close around the head.
"Already my good girl" he sighed, watching as you ran your tongue along the slit before lowering your head, hollowing your cheeks, and taking more of him in while running your tongue along the vein on the underside. What your mouth couldn't take, you hand took care of as you began bobbing your head, twisting your fist as you stroked in time with your bobs. You hadn't expected David to be a moaner or a talker, so when you only received grunts and huffs you knew not to be disappointed. You let those guide you, noting when he would tighten his grip on your hair, or when he would ever so slightly lift his hips, when he would hold his breath, or when his grunts sounded a bit more strained.
"Teeth" he grunted out at one point, tightening his grip on your hair again. You weren't sure what he meant, so you went off of what you guessed and prayed that it was right, you were doing good so far, you didn't want to fuck up now. Letting your teeth graze against his length you felt him stiffen, and instantly you feared you messed up, but that was when you heard it, the first moan, even if it was extremely quiet. With more confidence you let a little more of your teeth scrape along him as you worked, hearing his breath quicken once more. You chanced a glance upwards and noticed a sight you didn't expect, David with his eyes closed, head slightly tilted backwards, and mouth slightly open. Feeling brave after your achievement you decided to try something else. Sneaking your other hand up, you gently wrapped your hand around his balls, just as you took as much of him as you could and swallowed. Feeling him stiffen instantly, and hearing a clearly strained.
"Fuck" before his eyes met yours, orange gaze blazing before you were suddenly tossed on the bed, watching as he tore the rest of his clothes off.
"Did I say you could do that?" He asked, caging your body with his. You slowly shook your head but David caught your jaw in his now gloveless hand.
"Did I?"
"N-No sir" you replied, honestly a little scared, as well as turned on. David looked almost unhinged at the moment, like he was a breath away from just bending you over, and maybe that's what you wanted.
"So why did you think it was ok?"
"I-I just"
"Just what? You had been doing so well"
"I just wanted to make you feel good" you told him, and watched as he stopped, and blinked down at you. Honestly he hadn't expected that reply. He figured you were tired of playing the good girl role and wanted to disobey, wanted him to put you in your place, wanted him to just take you already…He hadn't expected you to tell him you were just trying to make him feel good.
"Just trying to please your master?" He asked with a smirk, watching as you nodded, eyes wide with an innocence that he knew was false, but God did you know how to play on that. He knew how dirty your mind was, he had read it so many times, times where you would come to the cave, wet and smelling like pure heaven. He wanted, no, needed to know what had gotten you that way, so he'd delve into your mind, needing to know if he'd have an easy kill that night or would it be something else, and what he'd find would cause his own stirrings. Things that you had read about in your little erotic novels, but played out by the two of you. You riding him, which he'd have to be convinced about. Him bending you over his motorcycle, that he could and would definitely arrange. Then there were the ones that filled your mind after you learned that he was originally a gunslinger before he became a vampire. It seemed your naughty little mind lived on the saying "save a horse, ride a cowboy". That heavenly smell surrounded him once again as you looked up at him, muttering such words that had his thin self control on the verge of snapping.
"Always wanna please you sir" you whimpered, slightly wiggling under him, no doubt seeking friction for the overwhelming heat that was bothering you. He decided to take pity on you, at least that's what he'd tell you, when really the beast in him was clawing at his mind for a taste of you.
"Such a Sweetheart" he smiled, leaning down to kiss your neck, chuckling as you leaned your head to the side, already willing to give him access to your blood, but that wasn't the taste he sought, at least not at the moment. Pressing gentle kisses down your collarbone, stopping to give your breasts attention, he swirled his tongue around your nipple before closing his lips around it, fangs grazing your skin as his hand came up to pinch and play with your other one, before his mouth and hand switched. Only when he felt like he had made you a breathless mess did he continue his journey down, hands sliding along your sides as he kissed down your stomach, pressing kisses to your hip bones before hooking his claws into your lace panties. His eyes met yours, a sinister smirk on his lips as you watched him tear your panties in half, the sound of tearing fabric meeting your ears while your eyes never left his. You watched him toss the pieces to the sides of the bed before he pressed kisses to your thighs, so close to where you wanted his mouth but never giving you what you needed.
"Beg" he told you, watching as your eyes met his again, having closed them for a moment.
"Please David" you whimpered, yelping slightly when his hand landed a smack on your thigh.
"Care to try that again?"
"Please sir, please I've been good" you begged.
"Have you? I don't think you have"
"I-I was just trying to make you feel good" you explained again, watching as he stared at you.
"Please sir, I promise I'll be good" you told him, gripping at the sheets, trying to will him to do something, anything to calm the fire that was slowly burning through you. Meanwhile David was fighting with himself, he wanted to tease you, have you a real begging mess, but the other part was clawing at him to just give in and take. This time he decided to give into that beast within and in an instant his mouth was on you, tongue swiping along your slit and watching as you threw your head back, a loud moan of his name tearing from your lips. He decided this time he wouldn't reprime you for it, mainly because he was becoming too lost in your taste, his own grunts muffled as he buried his face deeper, nose brushing your clit while his tongue dipped inside. He felt your legs close around his head, his hands still resting on your thighs, and again he decided to let it slide, instead grabbing your hips and letting himself explore you, commiting to memory every swipe of his tongue that had you moaning his name, every suck that had you gasping, every twist and turn that had your heart beat picking up and the beast in him clawing at the fraying seams of his control. He wanted to slam his fingers in you, listen as you moan at the fact that something was finally filling you, but he knew that his claws and that sensitive of an area shouldn't mix, so he settled on completely devouring you, being careful of his fangs as he brought you closer to your edge. Your legs tightening around him, hips lifting to try and get closer, hands grabbing at his hair while your head was thrown back, eyes shut and mouth open, begging him to not stop, telling him how good he felt and how close you were. He could push you off the edge in just a matter of seconds…could…but wasn't going to. Easily unwrapping your legs from him, he lifted himself away from you, watching as you whined and looked up at him with pleading eyes. Chest rising and falling rapidly as you slowly came down from the high he had built you up to.
"Why?" You whimpered, and David simply smirked as he wiped your essence from his face.
"You still had to be punished Sweetheart" he told you, watching as you pouted, head turned to the side while you tried to catch your breath. He chuckled at your pouting, knew how frustrated you were, because honestly he was at that point as well. He knew that playtime was up. Grabbing your thighs again he pulled you down the bed, wrapping your legs around his hips. He watched you gasp at being manhandled but he knew you liked it, he could smell that you liked it.
"Now, are you gonna be my good girl again? Or do I have to punish you again?"
"I'll be good I promise" you panted, wanting that high again that only he could bring you to, he'd make sure you knew that, that only he could make you feel this way.
"Good girl" he growled, reaching down to drag himself through your wetness, watching as your hips lifted slightly, trying to coax him in.
"Such a greedy girl" he smirked, before slowly entering you, watching as you threw your head back at the feeling of finally having him inside you. It took him a bit with how tight you were, but once he was fully seated he had to take a moment. Because right then, for the first time he felt overwhelmed. Sure he had partners in the past, but nothing felt like this, as if he needed more proof that you were his mate. And he knew that you probably wanted him to be gentle, but he knew that wouldn't be something he could offer, not this night at least.
"I'm not gonna be gentle Sweetheart" he felt he should warn you, felt you deserved to know before he just took you.
"I didn't expect you to be" you smiled, and he knew you knew enough of what was going on with him to know he was losing the control he loved so much, so he never broke the gaze you two held as he gripped your hips and pulled back, only to slam forward, watching as you threw your head back. He listened to your cries for him, your heartbeat singing as it sped up again. He watched as your eyes rolled back, mouth opened as you didn't even try to hide the gasps, and moans. He found his own eyes closing as he sped up, thrusts now slamming into you as the bed shook, his grunts were drowned out by your cries and that was ok, he didn't need to be loud, it was your job to tell everyone who was making you feel this good. Sir had long been forgotten and he couldn't find it in himself to care, wanting you to cry out his name until your throat went raw.
"Fuck" he panted out through gritted teeth, the feeling was picking up, the knot tightening in his stomach as he felt you grow tighter around him. Shit you were gonna make it hard on him to even fuckin last, especially when you were begging for him, begging for him not to stop, begging for him to make you cum, even begging for him to make you his, as if you weren't already. Your orgasm hit you both by surprise, you suddenly became like a vice around him and he immediately stopped, watched as you shook, you entire body trembling as you flew over the edge, he slowed his thrusts, gently rocking you through it, and also keeping his own orgasm at bay
He watched you blink before your eyes met his, looking up to see if he would say something about you cumming without permission, which, any other time he may, but right now he just knew he needed you to cum again, because you were absolutely beautiful when lost in pleasure. You watched as he unhooked your legs from him, instead lifting them as he pulled out and crawled over you, pressing his forehead to yours as he wrapped your legs around him again, his one hand coming up to hold yours, while his other game up to hold your jaw.
"You got another one for me Sweetheart?" He asked, not breaking eye contact as the hand on your jaw left for only a moment as you felt him enter you again, making you gasp.
"Yes" you whimpered, already lifting your hips to meet his.
"My little mate, always so willing" he smiled, fangs grazing your lips before he captured them again, he soon started thrusting again, and you moaned in the kiss, allowing his tongue to enter and dominate before he pulled back, fangs lightly grazing your lip and drawing blood, to which he quickly licked it up. His hips thrusting forward harshly as he tasted it, the flavor exploding on his tongue and heightening his sense to focus on the precious liquid that flowed just below the skin. He knew it would be dangerous to feed on you while you two were in the middle of this, he could lose any control he had left if he did, and he wouldn't know what to do if he killed his mate. So instead he focused on the other liquid you were producing, the liquid that was currently coating his thighs as he thrusted into you. Your moans were echoing against the walls and in his brain as he allowed himself to slip away, focusing on the feeling of your body sucking him in, gripping him tight in your soaking heat, God you were so hot against him. He knew his temperature was running hotter than normal due to the rut but yours was like fire. He was also losing himself in your scent, not just the scent of your arousal, but the scent that was simply you, a scent that he would never admit, but one that he loved smelling around the cave or against his pillow when you would take a nap in his spare room. He lost himself in how soft your skin was under his hands, how you completely gave yourself to him, willingly submitted yourself to a beast like him even though you had been told it was dangerous. How you were crying out for him, begging him, praising him, God your praises.
"Yeah? Only I can make you feel this good?" He panted against your lips, eyes still closed as he continued to lose himself.
"Fuuuuck, only you David" you told him
"Only I know your body like this" he growled, picking up speed.
"Only you" you panted.
"You're mine" another growl
"Shit..Only yours"
"Completely mine" he grunted
"My mate" he groaned, and you allowed your eyes to open slightly, expecting to meet gold but instead noticed that his eyes were closed, eyebrows furrowed as his mouth opened slightly, hot breaths fanning your face.
"Say it" he panted, eyes not opening as he picked up his speed again, angling himself until he was hitting that spot inside you that made you see stars
"Your mate" you moaned, eyes closing again as your head fell back as far as his hand would let it, his grip leaving your jaw to grab the back of your head, forehead never leaving yours.
"My mate" he panted, breaking off into a groan.
"Fuck" he moaned against your lips, his control a hair's breath away from being gone, the faster your heartbeat raced, the less he had.
"Cum for me" he groaned, knowing he wasn't going to last much longer. The hand that had been holding yours quickly found your clit, rubbing circles that had to shooting towards your peak.
"Fuck! David!"
"That's it baby, let go" he surged forward, panting against your mouth as moans began to leave him, the sign that he was about to finish as well you realized. Your hands shot into his hair, pulling the locks until his face left yours and buried into your neck. It was something you knew you both wanted, something you had fantasized about, and something you know the rut would most likely want him to do.
"Make me yours" you panted, officially snapping the thin string of self control he had. Instantly his fangs sunk into your skin, drawing a high pitched moan from you as your legs locked around him, your body squeezing him as your second orgasm washed over you, and he was right behind. As soon as your blood entered his mouth he was gone, he knew you smelled like heaven, but you tasted like it as well, and that paired with your even stronger orgasm had him slamming forward, hips stuttering before stilling as he filled you, a deep growl leaving him and vibrating your chest as he pour himself into you, claiming you, marking you, just like his fangs did. He gave a few slow thrusts before he stilled and pulled his mouth away, his fangs leaving your skin as he licked up the blood that trailed out and sealed the wound, the only evidence being two small marks. You both stayed like that for a moment, his face still buried in your neck while your hand was tangled in his hair, the other running along the scratch marks on his back that you didn't even know you had made, he knew though, he quite enjoyed the tiny bit of pain.
"That was really dangerous" he spoke after a moment, drawing your attention to his gaze, now far less orange and far more gold, the red hue having disappeared.
"I think the danger started when I invited you in" you laughed, watching as a smile graced his lips.
"You were told not to, and here I thought you knew how to follow orders" he tisked, causing you to roll your eyes.
"Kinda hard to know which rules to follow when my master says the opposite of others" you smirked, earning a growl that vibrated your chest.
"Always my orders"
"That's what I thought" you smiled, leaning up to capture his lips in a kiss that he happily returned.
"You really like being called that" you joked, causing him to roll his eyes.
"Just means you know your role" he stated.
"Oh? So I'm nothing more than your pet?" You asked with a pout.
"You know you're not, you're my mate" he stated as if it were the simplest thing, which to him it may have been, but to you.
"What does that mean exactly?" You asked, watching as he just blinked at you.
"No like…is that what vampires call girlfriends or.." you trailed off when he started lightly running his finger over the bite marks he made.
"Why do you think I came here even though it was dangerous?" He asked.
"Honestly, I'm not actually sure" you told him truthfully.
"I actually figured you would just go pick up some random at the boardwalk" added while staring at the skin of his arm that you were currently drawing patterns on with your finger. You tried to hide the sad tone but you knew he could easily pick up on it, knew because he was soon turning your face towards him again.
"This doesn't work that way." He started, brushing your hair out of your face.
"None of us have ever been through this before, I'm the first. We just know about it from Max telling us" he explained.
"This rut, it's triggered by us finding our mate. In human terms I guess the closest thing would be a soulmate"
"So I'm…Your soulmate?" You asked, your smile growing.
"Far more than a pet now huh?" He smirked, leaning down to kiss you again. Chuckling when you pulled him closer to deepen the kiss.
"Would this be the right time to tell you that I've kinda had a crush on you for a while?" You laughed, watching as his smirk grew.
"Oh I already knew"
"Wait what?!"
"You think very loudly Sweetheart"
"Wait…How long have you been reading my thoughts?! I told you not to!"
"Long enough" he stated, while lowering his mouth to your ear.
"Now, let's see if you can last for longer than eight seconds Darlin'" he purred, a deep southern drawl ringing in your ears and you knew you were fucked…in more ways than one.
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Of course I had to throw in some tidbits about my headcanon that David was originally a gunslinger from Texas lol.
@its-monster-mash, @arenpath , @xxx-wounded-angel-xxx , @katpursley94-blog , @theamericanjewitch , @shewhomustnotbenamedsworld , @thelostone91 , @blazeflays , @ilikechocolatemilkh , @babyloutattoo89 , @bigcreatorwombatdreamer , @non-binary-disastrous-mess , @2525sc , @kitteebree , @besas-stuff , @justaspeachy , @faefairi3 , @its-freaking-bats, @santa-carla-boardwalk-1987, @urmothersmistress , @nickangel13 , @lostboysmate1987 , @simpin-for-slashers,
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legal-graffiti · 2 years
Self-indulgent ideas you get when you combine “Rowan should be an artist” and “Citra’s been dead for 117 slutty slutty years”
Humans never got used to thinking of the universe without themselves in it: still spinning stars and weaving galaxies in their absence. Even before they realized they were going to live forever. It was the same thing with Citra. Every time she thought she could finally wrap her head around her death, she would have another thought: Ben must be older than me now. And she would have to stop thinking for a moment to stay sane.
Rowan still hasn’t told her yet how long she had been gone. From memory, the shortest possible time would have been seventeen years- most of her lifespan. It makes her queasy to think about. She still loves him the same. But everytime she notices that his freckles are in the wrong places, or that his words come out a little differently than they used to, Citra realizes how lost she really was.
And not in the literal sense, although at the moment, she is wandering around the ship. It isn’t her first time, but she certainly hasn’t found every room and hallway yet. The planet itself is still off-limits, until adequate tests have been run on the terrain and the atmosphere.
She isn’t entirely sure why she was the first person to be revived, but that means Citra has most of the ship to herself. Everyone is buzzing with excitement to see their new home, and to welcome the newly revived. They crowd the windows and the labs and the revival centers. Citra is excited too, even if it is subdued by her disorientation. She stops in front of a door.
“This room is off-limits,” someone mentioned to her. If it is so important, why is it so far from everything else?
Citra is only human. And like everyone else, when a door is locked, she tries opening it anyway to see if she has the magic touch. But when it takes her biometrics, the door unlocks. Her heart skips. She isn’t sure if she should go in. Only to peek inside, she tells herself. Curiosity wins out. And besides, she needs to be alone for a moment.
To her surprise, the only things inside are artworks. Artworks or canvases and half-finished sketches and palettes and easels.
The first thing she sees is gold. Her dress glitters, every point of light given its distinct dapple of paint, its own hue. The balustrade and the curtains in the background are from the opera where they met. Her gaze pointedly turns away from the viewer. If someone only went by these paintings, they would assume that the most beautiful thing in the universe was Citra with a bored stare.
"I look so young," she murmurs to herself, stepping around to see it from different angles. It is so lifelike that her mind wonders why the shimmer of her dress does not change with her motion.
In another painting, she poses beneath a statue. If it is possible to have an aura of reticence, then she certainly has one here. Everything is visible and distinct, but hues of blue and gray create the illusion of shadows and night. The light turns her into a fiery silhouette. She looks stunning.
Here, Citra stands with her head held high, and her hand as well- with her ring on it. The canvas watches her from the side. She wears her regular clothes, with no robe yet. With the marble columns behind her, she might as well be the idol of an ancient temple. She is radiant. And terrified.
Citra can’t stop looking at all of these artworks now. And she starts to suspect she knows who made them. In this one, her eyes are closed, and her arms are folded across her chest. If not for the dark, bloody wound on her side, she would look like she is merely asleep. A dozen hands take the edges of her robe, folding it into a burial shroud. How beloved she looks here. And how disturbing it is, to see herself as she had been while dead. She is never getting used to this.
There are a few paintings of Scythe Faraday, always in his robes, always respectable and solemn. And portraits of girls with freckles, and boys with dark hair. To her eternal shame, Citra can’t think of who they are until she remembers about Rowan’s family. She was so excited to spend the rest of her life with him that she never even thought about what he left behind.
These aren’t just “better than mediocre”. All of this art is exceptional. It’s the kind of skill that takes years to master. The oeuvre on its own would’ve taken years to create, even for someone who already had that talent. Citra is in plain awe.
If she could think of a point in her life, it’s depicted here. Fully colored paintings of Citra standing tall and proud in her robes, sketches of her writing in her journal as an apprentice, or somber and still at conclave. Some of them are stylized- dreamy and ethereal, or bright and sweet as stained glass. In some of them, she is standing or sitting around doing nothing in particular. All of those times she never bothered to remember, immortalized forever.
Citra pulls a cover off of one of the works-in-progress. Silk and feathers splay from her shoulders, wings stretched in flight. There is attention to detail, down to the eye and shaft of each teal feather. It takes her a moment to realize that the robe was not laid with a true blue- it’s different hues in every stroke, playing with color in every drape of fabric. Transparent where it touches dark skin, and iridescent in the light. A fiery glow catches every coil of her hair.
Her face is softer, as if memory and time eroded the details. A fierce blush turns her face pink. And her eyes are pure wonder and affection. Citra looks preternaturally beautiful on this canvas, fully human and fully divine. She knew at once that only one person had ever seen her like that.
Citra tosses the cover back over this one specific painting. Whether anyone can tell the context or not, that is something that she does not want to be shared with other people. And she isn’t used to seeing herself like that. Pride and vulnerability do not mix. At least she isn’t naked in it.
The door opens behind her- Citra turns, startled by the sound. It’s only Rowan. Citra doesn’t know why she’s surprised to see him in his own studio. They both stare wide-eyed at each other.
“Shit,” he mutters. “I thought you were a painting.”
“No, I’m real,” Citra replies, although she sounds like she isn’t sure.
Rowan walks over to her. He looks around, even though he has surely seen his own art before. Citra wonders if he’ll be annoyed that she tampered with his work. He takes her arm, then traces his hand down her wrist, and laces his fingers with hers.
“Do you like them?” he asks. He sounds like he would throw them all into a fire if she answered ‘no’.
“… It’s strange.”
Rowan doesn’t take offense to it.
“Would you believe it’s weird for me too?” he says. “I was geriatric last week.” Those words are like missing a step on a flight of stairs. Her brain stutters.
“How long was I gone?” Citra asks. Rowan bites his cheek. He was so excited to talk to her again, he didn’t think about what he was saying.
“Do you really want to know?”
And no, she doesn’t. It’s more like she needs to know. Citra can’t stand being left in the dark.
“I must seem very young to you.”
“Not at all.”
“Explain that to me,” Citra says with a doubtful expression.
“You’ve just been… eternally twenty. It’s not like turning a corner-“
“Not that I would know anything about that,” she says bitterly.
Rowan frowns. He rolls his thumb in a circle against the side of her hand in long silence. Citra wishes she didn’t say anything.
“I’m saying that you’re exactly the way you’re supposed to be,” Rowan tells her.
“If you got tired of waiting for me, I would-” Citra stops. “I don’t know. I don’t even know what I would do.” Rowan stares at her like one of them is crazy.
“Do you really think that’s something I would do?” he asks. “Get tired of you?”
“How do you know that I would have waited for you?”
“I don’t.” Rowan shrugs. “I never thought about it.” He presses her hand to his cheek. “But if you’ll still have me-”
Citra kisses him.
“Of course I will. I chose this. I never meant anything else. It’s just…”
Rowan holds her tight. It reminds him of seeing Citra after three years, except much, much longer this time. Whatever overprotective instincts he had, watching Citra die horrifically in front of him certainly did not lessen that effect. Everything is quiet. He runs his fingers through her hair and kisses her face. And he doesn’t say a word.
“Uh, are you okay?”
“Yeah.” He sounds like he’s going to cry. Citra almost feels bad for dying. “It’s been a while.”
“Hey.” Citra kisses him on the cheek. “I love you.”
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arainmorn-art · 1 year
Do you like ciphers? I love a good hidden message and mysterious paintings, i really like how you set it up in deciphering, it's partially what drew me in to the comic, aside from your gorg art and funny&heartwrenching dialogue so. I was wondering if you liked mystery stories in general, what would be your favorite ones? Owo
Are you that mysterious person from DeviantArt who tried to decipher the canvas and Morse code sketches? If not, hi anyway! If yes, hello, dear!
The name of a last code type you asked about was really hard to track down because of some translation issue. I thought it was a cipher of the Knights of the Rose Croix, but Google was so confused it couldn't give me anything besides this next to the actual Rose Croix cipher, apparently.
And now I'm confused too, so let's make it easier and I'll show you the decoder. What is SPRC cipher Google doesn't know either.
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And yes, I like ciphers, but before writing Deciphering I couldn't thought where I can use them. Now I know I can implement them into drawings x)
It's a little bit funny how I found out about ciphers outside of adventure and mystery movies. It may not look like this now, but in 2012-2014 I was pretty devoted fan of My Little Pony G4. I was 20 and went to Czech Republic to attend the pony convention Czequestria 2014. There was a quest, we split into teams and a part of it was to decipher little texts. It looked some gibberish and I couldn't thought what to do with it, until my teammate, a local guy Vojtech, took the paper sheet - and god damn recognised every type of coding was used. He was mumbling under his nose: "Ah, it's Caesar's one. Alright, rotate 4?.. No, it's rotate the alphabet 3 times". I was mesmerized. And you know what? We were the only team who finished this part and got the first place winning the quest - and all thanks to Vojtech! :)
Only a year after I've watched Gravity Falls - and still haven't figured that out how and where could I use ciphers.
And oh hell yeah, I love detective and mystery stories! As much as I love good romance stories, mysteries are my favourite genre. Isn't that the first reason a lot of us played Ace Attorney? It was mine for sure, besides being bored and wanting to play something silly. I didn't know ANYTHING about gay lawyers until I've launched the game last year.
What are my favourites, uf, that's a tough question.
I absolutely loved Endeavour TV series, watched 3 seasons in a row, and I should return to it. The main character is also so sweet, his large translucent blue eyes inspired me to paint Pheenie's eyes that way.
I also love The Silence of the lambs movie.
In terms of books I really love Alan Bradley's series about Flavia de Luce, the first part is called The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie. Flavia is a 12 years old genius chemist and the youngest daughter living in a manor with her father, two older sisters and several servants - and around her always happen murders. I like Flavia so much, I called my cat after her. She is so charming, funny and quick-witted, cynical and in love with chemistry, interested in poisons, graveyards, decomposition and, well, solving mysteries. It's really funny moments when adults are trying to hide her from corpses, but she leans in to investigate no matter what. She reminds me of Wednesday Addams, but still in a very fresh and entertaining way. I love a combination of sweet and jesus-fking-christ in one story, but it's mostly really sweet and wholesome. And, gosh, it's written so beautifully!
I also can recommend Daniel Pennac's La Saga Malaussene, first part is The Scapegoat. It might be not my favourite, but it is unforgettable experience for sure. The main character is an older brother of 10+ little siblings and the only adult, every one of his little ones are just a tiny bit magical, which makes the story a bit with magical realism. It also contains a combination of sweet and brutal, like Flavia, but here the contrast is even stronger. And the brutal murders, ouf, make the wholesomeness shine even brighter.
Woah, I feel like I should stop for now. Such topics make me really talkative, and I should go back to work. We can continue later, my inbox anywhere is open ;)
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