#and i cant post like a haha funny meme in the post
sketchy-galaxy · 9 months
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sootle · 6 months
We have had rick rolls, we have had josh Hutcherson, now for grey.
I want people to get the most bland grey you can think of and just start posting it like in every meme format you can think of, from videos to twitter posts. e v e r y t h i n g . We must act like it is the funniest thing on the planet. Inevitably when the masses who are not in on this joke ask what the heck is the deal with grey, we must dance around the question relentlessly like its some ancient knowledge you cannot speak outload, it would be really funny if everyone responded to the confusion in the same exact way, ACT OBBESSED.
wanna see the internet burn? join me. here ill start:
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boosaot · 5 months
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nintendont2502 · 9 months
cant find the original post but a while ago i impulsively decided to add all 32 sburb players (betas, alphas, alternians *and* beforans) to a random name generator and then randomly mix them up - characters kept their original first name and class, and took on the last name and aspect of whatever character they took the role of. this was just meant to be a funny 1am experiment so i could laugh at the cursed results
...yeah it has lore now. i cant stop thinking about it. help.
Beta Kids:
Gamz Egbert (Gamzee) - Bard of Breath. One of the most chill guys ever. Constantly zoned the hell out. Loves clowns :0) him and his dad bond over it. Hangs out with Kari a lot over vc, where it's basically just Kari talking at him uninterrupted (the kid needs it sometimes)
Kari Strider (Kankri) - Seer of Time. Gifted kid and he won't let you forget it. Permanently lives in a sweater vest even though he literally lives in Texas. Constantly annoyed by how childish and immature his older brother is. Lectures him a lot. Lectures his friends a lot. Has 'visions of his past lives' (aka occasional memories from his post-scratch/alternate timeline counterparts). Lectures his friends about how theyre real and valid whenever they make give him shit for it (which happens a lot). Dedicated pacifist - for now, anyway.
John Lalonde - Heir of Light. Golden child. Has an over-bearing mother that constantly pushes him into learning instruments/lanugages/skills, participating in competitions and events, winning award after award. Sure, he's... kinda sick of doing things all day every day, and he doesn't really want to do any of this, but... shouldn't he do it anyway? Even if just for his Mom? Hell, he can't really complain about it, right? He has such a good life! He goes horseback riding every sunday! Sure, it sucks that he doesn't have any free time that isn't controlled by his mother, but he can deal with it. It's fine.
(Things get even worse during the three year trip when Wuh Oh! Gender crisis time! Except he can’t be a girl because he was always meant to be his mom’s perfect son, and he’s already let her down once by letting her die, right? He can just… live with this. Its fine. It's not that bad. It's for her, after all.)
Roxy Harley - Rogue of Space. Grew up living on a small island somewhere in the Pacific that her grandfather 'won in a poker game' (aka probably scammed someone out of, knowing him) - or so he says, anyway. He also used to say he got Roxy the same way every time she asked where she came from! Haha very funny Roxy definitely loved hearing that and not a real response every time she asked where she came from and why she didn’t have any parents. That was great. Her grandfather died when she was fairly young, leaving her alone on the island with nothing left of him but the small inventions he left around the place to make life easier for her. She grows up learning how to maintain them, and although she tries becoming a great inventor like her grandfather, she just... doesn't have the skill. Hacking, on the other hand - shes great at that shit! She finally cracks her final goal - cracking into her grandfathers servers - just before her friend Gamz's 13th birthday, finding mostly boring shit - expenses, customer complaints, legal threats, budgets, etc. What's mildly more interesting to her, however, is the insane amount of money (if they lived on the mainland, they'd be fucking LOADED), and a .exe file for a really cool looking game, with a note from her grandfather congratulating her on finally getting in. And hey, would you look at that? Its multiplayer! And all her friends are free - even John, who through sheer coincidence found himself with a free weekend after his tutors came down with various mysterious illnesses and injuries. It's like the universe wants them to play the game or some shit! Haha wild
Alpha Kids:
Raph Crocker (Rufioh) - Rogue of Life. The living embodiment of all those business major memes. Dude is *dedicated* to the Crockercorp brand - he's determined that one day, he'll climb the ranks and become head of the company, and hopefully lead it just as well as his great-grandfather did. He unironically wears a suit everywhere, and seems committed to sounding like a 50 year old boardroom exec trapped in the body of a 16 year old - although it isn't hard to get him to crack. As much as he pretends he has no patience for his online friends and their constant stories of 'living on a remote island' or 'living in the post-apocalyptic future' (seriously guys, he isn't that gullible), he does genuinely care about them. Besides, when you're stuck in the house all day, there isn't much else to do.
Tuna Strider (Mituna) - Heir of Heart. Trans king. Exudes pure 'disney channel older brother' energy. Shithead (affectionate). Looks up to his Bro, a famous pacifist who resisted the Batterwitch's rule with a global peaceful protest... only to be killed the moment he became too much of a threat. Yyeah. Tuna has... some thoughts about how that should have gone down - most of them involving swords. Or guns. Or both. Maybe if his Bro had a sweet katana, the world wouldn't have been flooded! Although it's too late for his Bro, Tuna has decided to take up the fight in his stead by creating his own 'sick as fuck gun-sword' with whatever scrap metal he can find in the apartment (his Bro, for some reason, didn't think to leave him any useable weapons. cringe). He's got the sword part down great, but the gun... not so much.
Vris Lalonde (Vriska) - Thief of Void. The second half of the 't4t post apocalypse chaos squad', as Tuna calls them. Girl doxxes people for fun - what are they gonna do? Doxx her back? lmao good luck with that losers - closest youre gonna get is still 400 years off. Constantly daring her friends to do stupid shit and quote, 'stop being so fucking boringggg'. it usually works on tuna. sometimes on dave. she still hasnt gotten raph yet, but *one day*...
Dave English - Knight of Hope. smooth talking mile a minute inventor who *loves* trying to 'pitch' his latest invention to his friends. its become almost a game to them, where theyll take turns bidding increasingly ridiculous amounts for an umbrella that shoots seeds ('for easy planting in the rain yknow') or a beat-boxing robot ('i dont even need to explain this one just look at it man. cool as shit'). hell, even raph gets involved sometimes, usually turning it into a shark tank style negotiation. dave swears hes keeping a tally of how much everyone 'owes' him, and claims that one day hes settling that bill. his inventions are genuinely pretty impressive, especially considering his limited resources - being stuck alone on a remote island makes sourcing parts pretty hard. he probably wouldnt even need to jokingly scam his friends in order to jokingly sell his inventions - they jokingly sell themselves. he just thinks scamming people is fun.
Alternia Rapid Fire Round lets goo
Cronus Megido - Bard of Time. relentlessly flirts with anyone of a higher caste than him in the hopes that, if he can get into a quadrant with them, he'll have more protection than he would as just a solo rustblood. this strategy ultimately fails when he flirts with a particular Serket one too many times and gets killed for it. damn. oh well.
Sollux Nitram - so so tired of everyones shit. the only person that actually vaguely got along with Cronus (because he was the only person that Cronus didn't flirt with). just wants to play his pokemon in peace man stop dragging him into drama
Damara Captor - Witch of Doom. 'curses' people. seems weirdly unsurprised when those curses actually work. after cronus' death, a rumour went around that she was the one who caused it, and she absolutely wasnt denying that shit - now no one wants to fuck with her, and those that do? well, she still has her psiionics.
Meulin Vantas - Mage of Blood. Basically the only fucking thing holding this friendship group together. Despite all the complicated as shit relationships - the friendships, the exes, the mortal enemies, the attempted (and successful) murders - Meulin somehow manages to navigate the web of relationships and keep everyone relatively stable
Jaydee Leijon (Jade) - Witch of Heart. catgirl :33. Wishes she lived closer to everyone so she could see them 33: especially her moirail!! at least she still has her lusus to playfight with
Karkat Maryam - Knight of Space. basically a tboy vampire. Used to live in the caverns, but after he realised he was a dude, he began to feel uncomfortable with how oppressive and 'feminine' the caverns were. ran away. struggles with his identity - the contrast between the typical female jadeblood standards of being caring and nurturing, and the typical alternian female standards of being violent and aggressive, leave him stuck in the middle, unsure of what to do or who hes 'allowed' to be. swings wildly between being aggressive and letting himself care about his friends. he eventually figures out that gender stereotypes are bullshit and he can care abt his friends and still be a dude. hes still an asshole though <3
Eridan Pyrope - Prince of Mind. Incredibly committed to a strict moral code - which... no one can figure out. it seems to vary wildly depending on what suits him best at the specific moment. Used to roam Alternia looking for 'criminals' to 'improve' or, if that failed, 'bring to justice' with one Serket, but after an incident involving the loss of three eyes and one arm... they arent exactly on speaking terms.
Dyrrhk Serket (Dirk) - Prince of Light. i dont know how else to say it this mfer makes saw traps. he claims its to 'improve' people - by putting them through some specific trap, it... fixes a percieved issue? even if its an issue only he can see. and if they die in the trap? well, they should have just tried harder right. they probably deserved it. he isnt even doing this out of a desire to hurt people hes *genuinely* convinced that what hes doing is helping, and thinks that this is the best way to go about it. puts eridan through one one day, resulting in the loss of his vision, and after he (finally) figured out that 'huh maybe that wasnt a good idea', he... apologises. lmao just kidding that would be too reasonable - instead he mind controls one of his friends into putting *dyrrhk* into a trap of his own design, resulting in the loss of an eye and an arm. he seems genuinely convinced that this should make them even. everythings fine now, right? he scares me just on a conceptual level
Tavros Zahhak - Page of Void. hes basically a himbo im ngl. hes tall hes ripped hes clumsy and he cant help but draw attention to himself wherever he goes - attention he *hates*. moirails with jaydee. theyre cute <>
Latula Makara - Knight of Rage. clown... despite the usual purpleblood stereotypes, she doesnt really get angry all that often - most of the time, shes just vibing. but when she *does* get angry? its always for a reason. theres always a specific goal shes fulfilling through that anger (even if its just intimidating someone into doing something). i have the least thoughts about her but shes interesting
Jaiikk Ampora (Jake) - Page of Hope. Just a funny lil guy that likes playing pirates :) all the lowbloods he roleplays with definitely want to be there and don't feel coerced by being 'asked' by a literal violetblood :)) if people die during his 'games' well that sucks but he cant exacly stop playing because of a few small accidents right? ..yyeah. hes incredibly ignorant of his position in society and how that effects other people, even if (especially if) those consequences are deadly for others. after a certain point its just easier to not know whats going on than to face all the damage youve caused right. claims he loves the ocean and dreams of living in the depths. never goes into the ocean. hes a weird guy
Equius Peixes - Heir of Life. Future heir to the Alternian throne. Determined to lead Alternia into a new era of strength, no matter the methods to get there. moirails with Jaiikk (which absolutely doesnt help the whole 'Jaiikk accidentally pressuring lowbloods into doing things for him' thing. bro has scary dog privileges with the future emperor looming behind him at all times)
Even faster Beforus speed round because you cant legally make me think about them for more than five seconds
Porrim Megido - Maid of Time
Feferi Nitram - Witch of Breath
Rose Captor - Seer of Doom
Nepeta Vantas - Rogue of Blood
Kurloz Leijon - Prince of Heart
Aradia Maryam - Mage of Space
Aranea Pyrope - Sylph of Mind
Kanaya Serket - Sylph of Light
Jane Zahhak - Maid of Void
Meenah Makara - Thief of Rage
Terezi Ampora - Seer of Hope
Horuss Peixes - Page of Life
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fuzzafterhours · 28 days
I feel so bad for team cherry man... I cant imagine the amount of pressure the HK fanbase puts on every single game news outlet to drop any kind of Silksong news is good for a 3 person team. I swear to fucking god, like I know its like the "haha funny meme" to ask where Silksong is but like, THESE ARE PEOPLE WHO DONT OWE YOU JACK SHIT. they are making something that they are passionate about they don't owe anybody to even release the thing. I feel in the early days of Silksong anticipation discussion was semi reasonable, but its devolved into complete lunacy. To me it feels completely inappropriate to put that kind of pressure on any studio much less one as small as team cherry. I don't actually expect any of them to ever read this but I wish Godspeed to you, take another 3 decades if you need them.
also I really don't mean to come off as self righteous in this post, obviously I don't know anything that's going on at team cherry and I would love to be proven wrong. but just the thought of that amount of pressure drills a hole in my stomach and I had to talk about in some way as I've been thinking about it for a bit. idk maybe I'm projecting my own struggles onto a topic I can formulate a clearer opinion on lol.
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razbotz · 6 months
VERY LOUD HELLO AND WELCOME TO MY BLOG BELOW. (byf, dni, page navigation, other stuff under the cut. please read.)
haii!! my name is raz or hiro, though i go by other names those r the ones i prefer most (click here for my pronouns.cc, with said other names)
i go by he/him and it/its pronouns predominantly
this blog is a good chunk of the time reblogs about whatever. art, memes, just anything i like. sometimes i ramble and rave and post my silly stuffs so look out 4 that :3
i have soooo many to list. this blog is multifandom though!! pls go to my spacehey if u want a good chunk of all of em.....
- i cant pick up on tone that well, that often... please use tone indicators with me! i really dont mean to offend u in any way! i try my best to use them as often as possible myself lol
- i forget a ton of stuff! blame my adhd as the main culprit
- as with the tone warning, i also cant normally tell if something i say or do or reblog is bad or not... please let me know!
dni! if..
- you fit basic dni criteria
- just in general bigots.
- proship, comship, or darkship in anyway. what i mean by this is shit like incest pairings, minor x adult, abusive, stuff thats bad and illegal and wrong.
- wilbur soot or dteam supporters.
page navigation!!
#hiro says important stuff - all the important stuff i reblog and sometimes comment on goes here! u should navigate dis b4 interacting full time.
#hiros memes - my funny hahas go here :)! might also apply to "edits" (i say in quotations)
#hiros headcanons - my silly headcanons, mainly 4 wilro and future4!
#hiro writes - my writing! when i do it. reviews, fics, or au's, they go here!
#hiro stims - my stimboards! my most well received stuffs lol >_<
#hiro rps - sometimes, for comfort or for fun, i rp as certain characters and when i do i use this tag! ^_^
i WILL update this as i go along because stuff comes to me very slowly! be warned!
thank u for taking the time to read otherwise
oh yeah, and i am the self-proclaimed ceo of wilro, or as i like 2 call dem, time machine. they are my otp and comfort ship. they mean a lot 2 me, theyre basically the face of my page LOL.
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(psst. i made this image and blinkie btw. so silly, right?)
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azumasoroshi · 1 year
minidura chapter 1 react
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hey guys started reading minidura i think im in love
just imagining izaya going like "yahoo!! X3" man. i know mikado is the real protagonist and not being able to see through izaya's eyes adds to his charm and intrigue but like mannn itd be so fun to just watch him fuck shit up like in that one episode. he must be hilarious to people watch with
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god they're so fucking cute i love this chibi style
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"he's the one who most fails to live up to his name"? is that like a kanji name joke goddammit
i really shouldnt just like. post the entire pages but it's such a pain to keep taking screenshots :sob: you guys have no idea the pain my wrists were in after that drr ten react
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haha dramatic irony but i just realized i have no idea what exactly izaya takes responsibility for and what stuff he blames on human nature/self-interest/naïvite and now i have to find out ugh
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durarara illustrators draw simon normally challenge :sob: im so sorry they do this to you king if i ever get around to drawing you ill do you justice
also tiny shizuo <3333
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obsessed with walker's cat face he and erika are so platonic(?) soulmates besties cringefail weeb team rocket ass duo
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i was 100% ready for erika to start grilling mikado on his supposed raging homosexual unrequited love(?) 300k slow burn romance but oh well. it happened in my head so it must be canon
i dont care enough about the raira trio to ship mikakida or whatever their ship name is (isnt the celty head girl named mika too. oops) but i do think it's funny that their ship name could be kidado because that sounds like cuidado. watch out
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ok i know they're trying to make him look cool but he does not look cool in the chibi art style lmfAOo
itd be really funny if they switched the styles to the normal manga style during serious moments like i think the bsd wan manga/anime did lmfao
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LMFAO??? i like how we only see the top of izaya's head pff-
celty my bbygirl i love your shadow puppets dont listen to them
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yk what it's actually a crime this didnt happen in canon
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AND HERE HE ISSS!!!!! cringefail pathetic loser my beloved
god i hope he narrates the entire minidura (he probably wont)
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ok he's really cute though....catboy irl fr
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cant believe they're both on a rooftop together whoa prime spot for confessions amirite (<- delusional)
im posting the tiny floored izaya on his own later because that's adorable. he's so cute when he's half dead
itd be really funny if all the events from minidura were all in izaya's concussed ass head from this moment as explanation for being noncanon
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the "doctors hate him" meme but it's convenience store workers and shizuo heiwajima
actually construction workers probably hate shizuo too. and urban planners and anything that has to do with city work and also doctors because shizuo evades their healthcare insurance because he doesnt need it (i looked up japan's healthcare costs for this joke and concluded that i dont have enough time to pit the sources that say it's expensive and the sources that say it's reasonable against each other) and also vending machine companies
the "doctors hate him" meme but it's all of ikebukuro and shizuo (and also izaya)
i love how izaya just. stops bleeding. his platelets working mad crazy
(it's pretty easy to find translations online but here's the site im reading on anyway)
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lesbianspeedy · 2 years
Do you have recs for arrowfam blogs to follow?
follow all my meow meows. cant lie im not even 100% sure some of said meow meows even post arrowfam anymore but i know most do and the ones that dont are just funky lil blogs anyway @thequiver @cissie-queen-jones @miadeardn @batphobique < @miadearden @viigilante @thrakaboom @royharper @nedraedaim @qhorinhalfhand @sunliv @green-arrxws
and newer meow meows who seem epic gamer cool fun fun @roseworth @jewishcissiekj @hawkzeyes @fuscorooni
i wont lie im not the best person to ask bc i immediately forget who posts what and also i follow like 75 people bc i forget to follow people back but! yknow. thems.
also @starcitycitizens is a joint account some arrowfans for posting funny joke haha memes from the pov of well. the name tells u. it hasnt been updated in a while but i will fix that i will make new memes soon i promise
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t4tdanvis · 9 months
Dante selfcest rant 👀 👀
im going to shove a couple (read: many) posts ive previously made about this here and then rant about it MORE bc im MENTALL ILL!!!!!
now AHEM
u see this could work with mcd dante ending up in the mys universe OR mys dante ending up in the mcd universe - or even they go back and forth between both!! either way could be very interesting and silly
with mcd dante ending up in the mys universe, it would be very funny to watch him try to figure out what the Fuck is going on bc mf has no idea what a phone or a computer is and is just so fucking confused. at first mys dante is more focused on going "hey wanna play video games!!!" to stop and process that mcd dante doesnt even know what a video game is. and then seeing mcd dantes confusion at Literally Everything he decides to sit down and try to explain things (unfortunately mys dante is Dumb - fortunately mcd dante is equally Dumb so mys dante going "this is a phone... it does... stuff.... you can call people!! idk how they made it able to do that tho dont ask me :D" is good enough for him)
on the other hand, with mys dante ending up in the mcd universe, itd be even Crazier because mys dante (who is used to having the internet and a car and big cities etc) is now stuck in the medieval era. thankfully mcd dante is here to help!! except he does a horrible job of helping bc he just goes "well im sure he'll figure everything out!" and then hands mys dante a sword - and is shocked when he ends up getting injured. mys dante doesnt mind because running around and throwing himself into danger is fun (especially when he gets to do that with a "friend" (read: boyfriend who he hasnt figured out hes dating yet))!! mys dante is also Struggling because adhd meds dont exist yet and his brain is completely fried and he can barely function until zoey figures out how to make potions thatll help. which leads to mys dante bouncing off the walls and mcd dante having to practically drag him to bed every night to get him to go to sleep, until mys dante Finally is able to function properly again
and, of course, the inherent romantic comedy of "i cant be in love with this other version of myself nope nope nope- oh god the other version of me is hot". the first time they kissed they stared at each other for a solid five minutes before mcd dante went "so uh.... yeah....." and mys dante just went "that was like... kissing myself. haha"
they are both Dumb and do not know how to function correctly around each other. they are mischievous silly little guys who cant stop getting into trouble and getting injured and doing stupid shit (but its ok bc their friends somehow keep them from getting themselves killed). and also they definitely tried to make out in a tree but ended up falling out of it and getting hurt. and at one point they tried to make out underwater and somehow didnt realize how stupid of an idea thatd be until they almost drowned. theyre gay and silly and dumb ur honor
this post was uhhhh way longer than id expected but thats ok ty for listening to me rant sorry it took a bit to type all this LOL
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sleepygaymerdisease · 9 months
today one of my classmates asked for my instagram which is like cool whayever but they started scrolling through EVERYTHING ive ever posted on there and there was like 1 old joke on there that wasnt really funny (a character i hc as gay wearing a shirt that says "im homo" on the front and "phobic" on the back) and they showed it to me like "😐. whats this." and like first of all i did not recognize it for a sec because it was A FOUR YEAR OLD POST. and i had to explain like "oh that used to be a meme... shes gay and making fun of her gay friend but i didnt write any of the context on the post...... haha........." and like god i felt so fucking cringe. later in the same conversation i mentioned that im a lesbian and that im cool with any pronouns as if to save face like ummm 2019 me thought that was the funniest thing ever and did not consider any of the potential consequences. sorry. i wanna delete several old posts on there now but i cant do that immediately or that would be suspicious. im probably overthinking this but like fuckk SORRY
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poly-star-trio · 1 year
mario KNOWS how they feel about him but he of course stashes those emotions deep down. he has to play the big dumb happy guy whose willing to take a bullet for someone hahahaaaaaaa
This builds until eventually an arguement breaks out and he unlocks his avatar powers then idk runs away to go live w/ sanic th hoghedge or somethin
THSI IS SO FUNNY HELLO sanic and maryo ... Helle yea
HONESTLY i think maryo would start to think a little Too hard about things . like he would watch all his friends get along and think like Wow why cant that be me ...
of course he has meggy and luigi but even they have their moments (plus luigi is his brother so their bond is already established .... maryo wants friends)
and the meme guardians .... he was never really close with 3 ... but 4 ....... Hoo boy . 4 has been getting real tired of maryo lately .
maryo probably feels a little isolated from everyone since hes so . Different ? maybe he wonders why people dont like him that much . maybe he wonders why someone like bob can get a ride or die friend (boopkins) and he cant
IS THIS MAKJNG SENSE idk anymore . i feel like if it ever did build up and explode it would be through maryo talking to meggy about it and meggy severely fucking up
i wrote a little scenario on it and i posted a snippet of it i think . initial idea is that maryo is gazing at everyone having fun in their own little groups and wonders aloud 'i wish they liked me more' then meggys like ? 'they do like you ...!! its just that youre .... yknow ...' 'what ? Too Much ?'
i think about that one interaction between 4 and luigi in My Roommate Mario a lot .
'your brothers just too hard to live with' 'haha yeah... hes a handful'
?!?!?!?!?! Fucked up !!!!!!!!!!! maryo the true autism creature end post
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ickmick · 11 months
Inktober days 11-15!!
I PROMISE I DIDNT FORGET TO POST THIS, I HAD IT WRITTEN AND EVERYTHING BUT YET TUMBLR DIDNT POST IT??? So erm.... I scheduled it for 'today' at like... 2 pm i think? my time, that is... LOL (turned out the queue didnt work! so its 6pm!)
so anyways, I'll upload yet again on sunday (tomorrow!) since I also need to post on Halloween!! oh boy!! so theres my uploads for the rest of the month, if you want to check back :D
I've actually gotten further than I thought I would! very proud of myself! and you should be too, even if you've only done a few days!
heres week one and week twos posts!
this one actually has the doc drawing >:3c
plus some other fun ones! its all under the cut, enjoy!
heres the key as always, referring to my prompt lists!!
wh = welcome home
hc = hermitcraft (I have 2!)
ink = official inktober
gore = goretober
(actual gore will be triggerwarned! so far none has any blood or violence!)
Day 11
wh: butterfly
hc: mischief
ink: wander
life: lava
oh noooo... our local pesky bird!! he fellll... (attempted a new perspective!! a lil wonky but I tried lol)
and can I just say I LOVE how peaceful grian is in the last drawing? hes so pretty and soft looking!! i surprised myself!!
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Day 12
life: soulmate
I got that major life series brainrot... if you cant tell, haha... and dont even get me started on secret life!! more on that in the final notes >:D
also I didnt finish bigb im sorry BFMSVSSB
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Day 13
hc: fashion
life: safety
GRIAN IN CUTE CLOTHES !! feat mumbo in the corner to make up for the last few times of neglect rip
also, was low on spoons and unfortunately did not finish the potentially adorable moment between the buttercups in grians wings... smth... xD
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Day 14
hc: hermit with a background
gore: parasite
ay more like parasyte, am I right? *ba dum tiss*... ... yeah ok sorry LOL that was def more of a meme drawing ngl
AND THE FABLED DOC DRAWING!!! I posted it on its own already because im unbelievably proud of it!! listen... i know it meant to draw a bg... like a forest or smth... BUT!! i thought it was kinda funny... and I swear i was going to actually di the prompt right! but I ran out of spoons XD
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Day 15
ink: dagger
life: spyglass
gore: fungi
another low spoon day, alas! but hey, at least we have some AHAA shenanigans (simply grian giggling) and a not so scar safe object!! (a dagger!! who gave him that?? /silly)
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whew, there we go!! i think this weeks set was pretty good! (not that I actually drew any THIS WEEK, but thats not the point XD)
also, thank you for all the love so far!! you guys are very sweet :D
Im especially blown away from this post of tango, because it was rushed!! but im appreciative still because the post is sort of funny!! <3
*vauge talk of first secret life episodes!!*
its so good already omg... ive watched quite a few of the povs lol... i wont say anything specfic because I havent properly spoiler warned! so I will leave you simply with the wise words 'the fanfic writes itself' /silly (and oh my god scar giving grian the dang blocks ACK /pos /pos /pos)
heres week fours, 5.1s and the last post (5.2)!!
okay!! have a good week!! and remember to be easier on yourself!! I hope to see you next sunday for the next week of drawings!! 💜
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trinkerichi · 2 years
rambling silliness about cartoons (but the not fun kind of silly)
hgfhjghk forgive me for speaking of this nonsense but my sphere of twitter is exploding with discourse over that hazbin hotel hell boss show and how bad it apparently sucks and it's making me soooo much more glad i didn't stake my career on my interest in cartoons cuz god. imagine having to keep up with all that for the sake of keeping connections for the most competitive career ever. you cant say a WORD bad about that show without fifty billion superfans acting like you're calling for the downfall of independent animation, and then a bunch of randos threatening to blacklist you from one of the 3 animation jobs that exist in the world. i dont have time for that wth. taking 4 years worth of high level math classes wasnt that painful.
AND DONT GET ME WRONG. i have NO room to talk being the resident "still an osomatsu fan in 2023" lady. if you like the show i am not judging you in the slightest. i dont think a person's choices in funny cartoons is indicative of their character. but it took me about 2 minutes of watching it to know it was very very VERY much not my thing. its the type of show i would have loved for exactly 2 months in 9th grade when I thought I was cool and rebellious for watching panty&stocking even though I didn't even understand most of the raunchier jokes. which im positive is the target audience, and the main reason the show is so popular, since there's not much content out there clamoring for that demographic's attention lol.
is anyone here old enough to remember when adding the caption "Raep face!!" to a smirking anime character screencap was a big le funney meme? all that awful stuff about France from Hetalia being a funny scamp for sexually harassing everyone? it reminds me of that. newly rebranded edge. every joke that people post clips of is "HAHA THEY'RE GAY! they're gay men who have sex and are gay isnt it FUNNY? and the invader zim guy said a swear!" except this one also has sad backstories so they can get ANGST too! it's the full package!
and see like. I DO understand the appeal! It's unashamed dumb 14 year old's fanfic level fun. (without getting into the harmful stereotypes.) but you've gotta have a LITTLE self awareness of that, right? i love a lot of shows that have massive problems but im not gonna just blow up at everyone who points them out! but i can only even say this freely because im not trying to build industry connections cuz that sphere is SO tight knit. woosh.
im glad for all it did for indie animation! ...i dont have a point here it just made me have thoughts. i wish for peace for all of my animator friends cuz public relations on the internet is nuts.
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ankhlesbian · 2 years
Speaking of them the sentai subreddit is so funny. Post of a meme about sonoi x tarou and the comments range from “actually they are like brothers… that is why it is called donBROTHERS” *ten paragraphs detailing why the relationship is platonic in a way that just makes them sound even gayer* “haha no heterosexual explanation for them amirite” “yaoi fetishizers ruin everything” “i am straight and not a yaoi-er but cant you see the passion in their eyes?”
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cruelsister-moved2 · 1 year
Was it u posting abt how u couldnt get into gideon the ninth? If not PLEASE disregard but it didnt seem like my thing but i tried it bc people seem really into and i was literally still so disappointed 😢 its like if a percy jackson book could say fuck or smth but honestly worse i truly dont understand how ppl are getting all this out of it 😭😭😭😭
yes it's me 💜💜💜 ur not the only one like I've had other people say the same thing. I literally feel like it's so missold because I've seen people who actually read it explain that it's basically just a glorified murder mystery and most of the sci-fi/fantasy elements are basically poorly thought out gimmicks. I'm sure that it gets better as the series goes on and the author develops competence but like. you should be developing that BEFORE publishing your first book, not after 💀
it does feel like a conspiracy because people will claim it's some like super deep masterpiece with like religious significance but then you read it n it's glorified homestuck fanfiction referencing memes that have already aged like milk. I can't stand the quippy thing in particular, wasn't there that article abt whedon speak a while back pointing out the issues that 1.it gives all ur characters the same voice + sense of humour and 2. it's hard to take stakes seriously if the characters are clearly unbpthered enough by them to make quirky one liners constantly? I have like never read anything where quippy characters didn't immediately make me soooo aware of the hand of the author going "haha that's so funny, put it in" rather than considering if like. the character would actually say that in this situation-_-
i also like have an issue with my impression of the way the author approaches masc women, both within and without the books, but I don't have the energy to go there.
ultimately disappointing because I'm only 21 and it already feels like a book that im too old for? I like have no problem if you're like, I like that it's funny and zany and has a masc woman protag like. if i didn't find it straight up unreadable I would probably be a fan because when it comes to masc women I am willing to eat crumbs off the floor. but like, dont act like it's some great work of literature please I cant take it...... smart people will say INSANE things about it and then you look and it's CLEARLY written by a homestuck fanfic author and it makes me feel like i must be losing my mind
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