#and i couldn't post images in the thread
anoia · 7 months
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Confused human walks into a temple of Elune "If yall are priests why do you have moon powers? Aren't yall just balance druids?"
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vellichorom · 9 months
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ok this is the year we retire the old template & start using new ones hello
( & SO, this template credit to @ necromosss on twt! (( date edited slightly by me, in case you're confused )) )
WHAT a year, am I right?
2023 opened the door to a lot more experiences, events, fandoms, people, & all KINDS of hectic craziness for me, but it was REALLY fun, & while I don't think I really made HEFTY leaps & bounds in terms of doing something different with my art, every day - with every small change & improvement, I come to love my art all the more.
& that, I will contribute some to YOU! yes, YOU - reading this right now! to casual viewers, to those who have been with me since the premiere of this blog, to those who've come around in 2023 for one thing or another; to those of you of whom I've never spoken with, to those who have made me something or complemented my work, to those who've become my friends, my gratitude is IMMEASURABLE.
this last year, while its had its bumpier moments - I will confess, it's been truly incredible, & I thank you, every single one of you, who's had even the slightest hand to make it so. you are all TOO KIND, & I appreciate you sticking by & enjoying what I do.
hopefully, I can continue to make things that grab your attention, AWE & AMAZE YOU, & beyond anything, make you smile, if only to repay you some for all the joy you provide me.
HERE'S TO 2024! with hopes & prayers & wishes aplenty that we'll be better people in better situations before it's over!
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pastafossa · 1 year
Pasta I need you to get with Marvel Comics IMMEDIATELY because the way that you write Peter in TRT and intertwine him with Matt is amazing. A team up almost as old as time was so refreshing to read from your mind!! I was literally giggling and kicking my feet the entire time
THIS MAKES ME SO HAPPY TO HEAR, thank you so, so much!😭😭😭 I adored variation of Peter I could get since I was a kid - mostly TAS, and then the movies (which blew Tiny Me's mind), so I would love love LOVE to dig into all his variations in the comics, too, especially with Matt! I'm hoping to get a Marvel comics sub for my birthday, too, so fingers crossed I'll be able to do an even deeper dive into the history of DD and Spidey teamups within the next few months! 🤞
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ofwondersandhares · 1 year
❝I did.❞ The male voiced with a soft chuckle, was it really that surprising that he was back? Did the female really think she’d never see him again? Cause kinda sounded like it. But he suppose he couldn’t blame her, after all it’s been some time since they last saw each other. ❝Kinda was messing around with a sling ring, which is a mystical object which enables the wearer to open an inter-dimensional portal to another location. Wanted to see if I could make one to wonderland and obviously I did it but may have dropped the device and now I have to retrieve it before it falls in the wrong hands and I get trouble so here I am. And uh huh, I needed to go home.❞
Which wasn’t a lie, Storm had to go home because he just couldn’t disappear on his uncle or his mother, again. He may be old enough to be on his own but still, after everything it was out of love that he checked in. Plus Storm was technically all the Thor had left of Loki so he just couldn’t just disappear on him, even if he now had Love. Teal hues flickering in the direction she was nudging her head then up towards the sky, a sigh escaped his lips before his eyes flickered back towards Shay. Well wasn’t that just lovely, what unlucky time did he manage to have. Cause even if he wasn’t a native of this realm, he knew enough to know how to survive or he hope he did. And besides even if he didn’t know, her reaction towards it spoke loud enough. Even her words did, which caused him to smile and nod.   ❝See I knew you were lonely. couldn’t wait to ask me to dinner.❞ He teased before shaking his head. ❝No but in all seriousness, lead the way.❞
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“A sling ring?”  He had explained it before she had to ask  what it was. Quietly, she had nodded, though her face had suddenly  changed to an expression of concern. “If you can get here using one of those, then anybody can get here or leave here. Was there more than one created or just the one you had in your possession? This is not good, for either of us.”
Shay knew she didn’t have to explain why. He had told her about the world he had come from, about the powers and abilities the gods and these avengers  he talked about had. She had known that had multi-verse had existed and  Wonderland itself was surely part of it. Her own brother was a realm  traveler and nothing good could come from the chaos that would surely  happen if the realms started to bleed together.
It would be hard  for them to find it now that the sun was setting, as it was their  surrondings were getting darker and harder to see the closer they got  toward the clearing that lead out of the forest and toward the Castle.  All they could do was hope that nobody would find it, and if somebody  did - that they wouldn’t know how to use it or even what it was. “We  will look for it together at day break, I can have Layla and Alexander  join us - they are both excellent trackers. Alexander can get a better  view from above in the trees, and Layla can get a better view from below  in the grass in her Dormouse form. We will find your ring, and get you  back home before it falls into dangerous hands.”
It was  strange to Shay as she walked with Storm, the young god from another  realm and another place known as Asgard. He was a powerful boy, no doubt  about that, a little moody and rash at times but he had a good heart  that held good intentions. She had wondered, briefly, if he was happy.  If perhaps he had someone else to get back to besides his uncle and his mother. She didn’t dare ask, it wasn’t any of her business anyway.
Shay had rolled her eyes when he called her out for being lonely, glancing at him. “Loneliness  and wanting to make sure somebody you consider a friend is fed are two  different things, Storm. I don’t want anything to happen to you while  you are here - and that includes you having an empty stomach.”
He  had been playing around with her, a soft sigh leaving her lips as they  finally arrived at the castle, greeted by the guards and the other  caretakers in the Castle Heart. Shay had led Storm into the banquet hall  where a full feast had been waiting, she had gestured to an empty seat  across from her as she dismissed the wait staff with a curt nod. “How is your family, Storm? How are things currently in Asgard? You have been gone for awhile, we should catch up.”
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sicutpuella · 3 months
Reddit User | Simon “Ghost” Riley
Her laptop developed an overheating issue and had to be sent to the repair shop. Consequently, she's been relying on Simon's laptop for work. Yet, when she noticed he had left a Reddit tab open, curiosity inevitably got the best of her.
User100889, that was his username. She felt a flutter of nerves as she scrolled through her boyfriend’s Reddit history. It was filled with the usual suspects — bodybuilding and gym subreddits, nothing too revealing. There were posts about tactical gear and tips on fixing flat tires; typical manly-man interests.
"Huh," she murmured to herself when she stumbled upon a subreddit he frequented: r/dating_advice. Huh, indeed.
Her eyes widened slightly, a small gasp escaping her lips as she noticed the title of a thread he'd commented on: ‘how to approach the girl I like.' 
Below the title, Simon's response lay there, simple and direct. "Just walk up to her and say hi."
The bluntness of his answer made her scoff softly. Typical Simon—never one for beating around the bush. She rolls her eyes. His comments on Reddit were always so direct, sometimes even poking fun at the users asking. Like that time he replied, “maybe because you’re ugly lad, just being honest.” 
God, he really had no filter…
She lets out a laugh as she scrolls through more of his comments. He’s brutal. Not mean or malicious, just painfully honest with a dry, dark sense of humor. Not surprising given his oh-so-charming personality.
Clicking on another thread, she begins to read through it. This one titled “How do you know if a girl likes you?” 
The OP described catching glances from a girl. Simon’s response is simple but cutting: "She's probably just being polite mate.” She snorts. She can practically hear his Mancunian accent in the words, can almost picture his expression as he typed out the response.
But then, a question emerged in a Reddit thread:
"Men of r/dating_advice, what’s one thing you love about your partner that they don’t know about?"
He responded, and surprisingly, his words carried pure love and warmth.
Her eyes widened as she read his heartfelt reply. It was sincere, devoid of his usual sarcasm or crudeness.
"I love the way she looks in the morning when she first wakes up. Her hair all tousled, her eyes sleepy and gentle. It’s the only time she lets herself be completely vulnerable, you know? I cherish being the one she feels safe enough to show that side to."
She stared at the screen, utterly taken aback. She had never expected him to reveal such a sweet, tender side. Then came another question. This time, his response was different—no sarcasm, no dry humor—just pure admiration.
OP asked, "Is she the one, lads?"
Simon’s reply was succinct and devoid of his usual wit or brashness. It was raw, unfiltered honesty.
"Yes, she’s the one. Knew it from the moment we met. There’s no one else for me."
Her heart skipped a beat as she absorbed his words, a warm, fuzzy feeling spreading through her chest.
OP: Men of Reddit, what’s your favorite thing about your partner?
His answer: "Her laugh. The way it’s kinda wheezy and she snorts when something really cracks her up. She’s got an amazing sense of humor. Watching movies with her feels like attending a comedy special."
She couldn't help but smile. The image was vivid in her mind: the two of them sprawled on the couch, watching an absurd action flick, her infectious laughter causing even Simon’s stoic demeanor to crack as he chuckled alongside her.
In a thread on r/dating_advice, OP poses the question: "Men, what advice would you give to others about long-term relationships?"
Simon's response resonates: "Be honest. Be genuine with your partner. Don’t play games, don’t hide your feelings. And for God’s sake, don’t try to fix a problem when she just needs you to listen. I learned that the hard way."
She can almost hear the wry chuckle in his voice. It reminds her of their first argument, when she felt frustrated that he wouldn't just listen... but he's learned since then.
Lost in the moment, she scrolls through countless threads, captivated by Simon's heartfelt responses. The man she once saw as all muscle and bravado reveals himself to be a softie at heart.
Engrossed in his comments, she misses the sound of the front door opening... the approaching footsteps slipping by unheard.
She's engrossed in his response to "So, are you gonna marry the woman you have now?"
"Already planning it. Just gotta work up the nerve to propose."
Suddenly, a deep voice startles her from behind. It's deep, gruff, and all too familiar. 
"See somethin’ you like, lass?"
"AH—FUCK!" she screams in surprise.
Simon can't contain his amusement. His towering figure leans against the door frame, arms crossed over his broad chest, a smug smirk playing on his lips.
"Find my little secrets?" he teases, nodding toward the laptop.
She rolls her eyes. He saunters over to where she's seated, casually leaning over her shoulder, his gaze scanning the screen. His closeness, his sheer size, makes her heart beat faster in her chest.
"So, find anything interesting, lass?" he drawls, his breath warm against her ear.
"You're so sappy, it's cute," she says with a smile that he adores.
He chuckles, a deep rumble that sends a shiver down her spine. "That's a new one. You think I'm cute? Cute. Not hot. Not handsome. Just cute."
Leaning in closer, his chest presses against her back, warmth radiating through their clothes.
She stands, embracing him. "So... I heard User100889 is pretty nervous about proposing..." Her pout and tapping finger betray her playful intent.
His grin widens as he wraps his strong arms around her waist, knowing exactly where she's leading.
"Oh yeah?" he feigns innocence. "And why's that?"
"Well..." she looks up at him coyly, her slender form against his solid frame. "He's afraid she might say no..."
"Sounds like he's shittin' himself a bit," he chuckles, eyes gleaming with amusement. He loves the mischief in her eyes, the softness in her teasing.
"He shouldn't be..." she purrs, fingers trailing lightly up his chest. "She loves him too much to say no."
His breath catches at her touch, heart racing. "Is that so?" His voice roughens.
"Mmhm..." she agrees, fingers tracing his shirt's edge, feeling the warmth of his skin beneath.
Close now, his body almost pins her to the wall. His eyes darken with desire and tenderness.
"What makes you so sure she'll say yes?" he whispers, his breath warm on her face, heart pounding.
"Because she loves him," she murmurs, fingers curling into his shirt. "She'd be a fool to say no."
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goldenstring6123 · 2 months
helloooo! i’d like to request a short fic with this glorious prompt i thought about last night 🤭
let’s say reader gets a tattoo of xavier’s sword (like the design behind his latest promise outfit) all the way down their back ;) i would die to see how he would react to this nyehehehe
it can be either fluff, suggestive, smut, up to you with whatever you’re comfy with <3 tysm hehe
Xavier: Ink & sword
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Warning: Very suggestive! 16+ only, showering together, nudity, kissing, sensual touching, fem!reader, reader is not the mc but works as a hunter
Author's note: :>
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"I'm sorry—I knocked you back too hard," Xavier's hand reached down towards yours, and you, on the other hand, were buried underneath some plastic crates at the corner of the training room. He waited for you to take his hand. "Are you alright?"
You took his hand and used him to hoist yourself back to your feet, a tinge of pain and ache flowering from different parts of your back. You dropped the sword that you were holding, and it immediately dissipated into thin air. You looked at Xavier and patted his chest, trying to ease out that slight frown on his face.
"I'm alright. We deal with worse stuff on the battlefield."
Right above the entrance, a big digital clock projected the time in neon blue colors: 23:03. You and Xavier had been training for over three hours, and now the training grounds had been rid of people except for the two of you. Well, it couldn't be helped; Xavier's training regimen requires more time to perform, considering the complexity of his fighting style and condition.
Still, the fact that you can keep up is very noteworthy even in the eyes of others, though the only thing you were doing was defending and keeping your stance. The only worrying thing is that sometimes, Xavier forgets that you're just a normal hunter and tends to exert a bit more force when sparring.
You let out a small groan while you moved towards the shower room, and Xavier was walking right beside you, ready to reach out in case you toppled over. The frown was still on his face as if he regretted showing you that magnificent finishing blow. "Do you need help?"
You glanced at the shower room and hooked your index finger under his chin, turning his head slightly, the cheeky little teasing mood suddenly erupting from within you. "Are you offering to help me bathe? How daring of you."
"Uh...I didn't—" Xavier's doe eyes went wider than the moon, his nose and ears turning pink upon realizing your words.
You just loved finding the opportunity to fluster this little man.
Unbeknownst to Xavier, you knew how he has a little ongoing crush on you—credits to Tara for having that habit of snitching when drunk. And for a strong fighter, it feeds your ego to have him wrapped around your fingers.
"Can you just hand me the menthol patches in the kit?" you pointed at a small box nearby, one attached to the metal post. It was a first aid kit reserved for them. Xavier strode to the said post while you entered the washroom.
You opened your locker with your thumbprint and undid the brown leather support. Swiftly, you unbuttoned your blouse, picked at how it clung to your body, damp and riddled with dust and sweat. Finally, the stuffy bathroom air brushed against your sweat-ridden back.
"I got the patches..." Xavier entered the bathroom, the white menthol patches in his grasp. When he lifted his head to look at you, his eyes trailed from the curve of your form—eyes landing on the intricate tapestry of dark blue and white ink tattoo carved onto your back.
The shame of walking in on you naked disappeared in an instant.
You stared as Xavier slowly stepped beyond the room's threshold. You kept your blouse pressed against your chest, and even if you were nearly topless, Xavier's eyes never broke contact from your back. Why would he? The image of his very own sword was on your back.
"Is this why you wanted to take a picture of my sword?" His cold fingers slid down the dip of your spine, his eyes absorbing every bit of nitty-gritty detail about the tattoo. As much as he admires his real pristine sword, the image of it on your back is simply...breathtaking.
"Maybe? Do you like it?" You kept still, facing the locker. At that moment, every touch he made on your body was amplified beyond normal. The coolness of his fingers felt good against your warm back.
"It's beautiful," he uttered. The thin saber was positioned perfectly downwards to your spine, ending just above where your pants began, curving whenever you moved. The handle was positioned just between your shoulder blades. Feathers littered the rest of the space, some in blue and some in white. The intricate carvings on the side of his sword were perfectly captured. "Why did you choose my sword?"
"Well," your hand chucked the blouse in the locker. You glanced over your shoulder, the silver-haired man anticipating your answer. "It's because it was beautiful; I can't get my mind off of it." It just so happens that the man wielding it is beautiful as well. A beauty beyond the stars.
You turned back to face the locker, folding your blouse, thinking that Xavier had had enough of seeing the tattoo. Your lips opened, prepared to ask him to leave as you were nearly topless, if not for that low-back bra you're wearing, but before you could blurt a single word, Xavier pressed his lips on your shoulders.
It was as if his kiss had flicked a switch within you. You stiffened, leaning over while your hands hung at the edge of the locker. "Xavier? Did you just—"
The man placed another kiss lower. You could feel his tongue graze the surface of your skin. "Mhm, your skin is salty."
His words sobered you up; it wasn't exactly an insult, but that made you think. You stood up straight and faced him, your eyes coated with a sheen of lust and desperation. "I'm full of sweat. Do you really intend on having..." You held yourself back from spouting such vulgar words. "Never mind. Wait for me. I'm going to take a shower."
You took the towel and ran to the shower areas. It was dead silent. You pondered. Was Xavier really doing what you think he was going to do? Did the sword on your back push him to the edge?
All the thoughts crept at the back of your neck, but the softness of Xavier's lips remained. The hot water drizzled all over your body, releasing you from the stickiness of the fluids. You combed back your hair and looked up at the shower head, relishing the comfort of the rain-like sensation—for a few seconds at least.
The shower curtain shifted, and Xavier took a step in. His bare chest pressed against your back, and you spun quickly at the contact. Your eyes widened at the sight of his bare body—it's not the first time you saw it, but still—"Why are you here?"
"Let's take a shower together. Turn around, I'll wash your back."
"Do all training partners do this? Bathe together? Is this new?" You panicked, instinctively covering your areas while backing up against the cold porcelain wall. You stared up at him, the soft eyes no longer there. He looked intimidating now that he was towering over you.
"Do training partners sleep with each other when they get stuck in the mountains?" he uttered.
At that moment, the hazy memory of that stormy night flashed inside your head—the warmth of his touch, the flickering of the makeshift fireplace, his skin against yours, and his mouth exploring your body. Your face began to grow red at that memory.
Xavier's hands crawled to your hips, gently nudging you to turn. You didn't want to go against him, and at the same time, you were expecting something to happen because you would admit that Xavier was good. He felt good. His taste, his skill, and his size—what you didn't expect was that it wasn't going to be a one-time thing.
His hands were gliding on your back, and his burning stare trailed down to your ass. You bit your lip at the embarrassment. His hands, which were on your waist, found themselves holding on to your love handles, and gently, Xavier pulled your hips backward, coming into contact with his semi-hard-on.
"Shit," you uttered under your breath. Even if it wasn't fully hard, you could still clearly feel it. A million thoughts raced through your head, but there was one emotion that was prevalent: Erotic desire.
Xavier's lips came into contact with your back again, but this time, you couldn't help but flinch at every contact because his tongue and teeth grazed and gritted, intentionally leaving marks at Xavier's whims. Just by that, you were gasping for air, anticipating where he would bite next.
His fingernails scraped at your skin, tracing every curve and line of the tattoo; his touch was electrifying, but you craved more. How can he be so gentle but leave you feeling unexplainable things?
He peppered your back with light kisses from the dip of your back slowly, slowly crawling back up to your exposed nape. "Don't leave marks on my neck," you uttered between breaths. A loud pop of Xavier's kiss bounced off the shower room.
"Turn around, please. I want to see you," Xavier whispered. You looked over your shoulder, and you could see him stepping back a little bit, eager to see your body.
You swallowed the lump in your throat and turned to him, still covering your body. Admittedly, he was a little perplexed at seeing you acting all shy when it was you who was provoking him earlier, but poking fun at you wasn't right for the moment.
He brushed a stray hair that stuck onto your cheek and smiled, looking into your eyes fondly. "There's no need to hide," he said, taking a step closer. "You're beautiful."
His big hands caressed your elbows and slid up to your biceps, nudging you to loosen up. Your hands dropped from your body, but instead of letting them fall completely, you wrapped your hands around his neck.
You pressed your lips together, but all of a sudden, footsteps erupted.
"Is anyone in here?" the lady guard called. "Security!"
You covered Xavier's mouth and stared into his eyes, saying: 'Don't make a sound.'
"Oh, yes! I just finished training!" you yelled back.
"Alright, but please leave after 5 minutes. We're about to turn down the power for the entire floor."
"Sure! I'll be out in a minute," you replied. You and Xavier waited for a solid minute before moving. You let go of the breath you were holding, took the bar of soap from the holder, and gave it to Xavier. "Let's continue that at your apartment when we get home."
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Author footnotes: Cockblocked by me, the author. Layout by me, using canva premium | Do not repost |
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starmocha · 3 months
So the preview of the new theme song uses imagery of the guys' myths, including Sylus'. Rafayel, Xavier, and Zayne, I think we are all fairly familiar with, but since Sylus is not released yet, there are a lot of speculations about what kind of tragic past he and MC shared. Let's try to break it down. Or make it more confusing. 🫠
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Interestingly, before the "tragedy" we see their wrists are bounded together by a red thread.....perhaps....the Red Thread of Fate? As the saying goes, rough paraphrasing on my part: Two lovers, regardless of time, place, and circumstances, are destined to be together, connected by a single red thread. The red thread may twist and tangle, but it may never break.
However, as we can see in the video, Sylus and MC's thread does break, and unlike in the traditional belief, their thread is wrapped around their wrists and not fingers. As the thread breaks, we also see Sylus behind bars. Imprisonment? A crime?
Speaking of wrists, another thing I've noticed with Sylus' trailers is that it involves handcuffs a lot, which seems more significant now in light of this preview.
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Especially since we see him also breaking them so easily.
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I kind of made a passing joke in the tags of a previous post that Sylus' upcoming chapters carry shades of the Greek myth with Hades and Persephone, but perhaps I may not be too far off?
Just take a look at this wide view of the scene of Sylus and MC separated:
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The N109 Zone is shown during the night with a bright red moon, giving a feeling reminiscent of the Underworld ruled by Hades. Note how it looks like Sylus is behind bars, a prison, if you will. In Greek mythology, Hades was tasked with ruling the Underworld, not by his choice, but the wills of others (so in a sense: trapped). Could this mean that perhaps Sylus has no desire to be the leader of Onychinus? Could he be bounded there against his will?
Meanwhile, MC is shown on the side of light. If we compare her to Persephone, she is on the surface world with other people. But from the preview, it looks like she is abducted and taken to the N109 Zone, much like Persephone was abducted and taken to the Underworld to be Hades' bride.
(Brief unserious interlude, because I want to spread my Hades/Persephone agenda:
Sylus is the Hades to MC's Persephone
The dark to her light
He is feared by everyone except her.
He'll let her get away with everything (covering him in silly band-aids, poking him in the side) because he adores her.
If anything happens to her, the world will feel his wrath.
He embodies the feeling of "if anything happens to her, I will kill everyone in this room and then myself."
In short, scary leader is big softie for his wifey and I am willing to die on this hill
OK. End interlude.)
Also, um... 😭
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Bringing up the theory that Sylus is trapped? The Beast is trapped in the castle because of the curse by an enchantress. I seriously couldn't get this comparison out of my mind when I saw the dancing scene in the trailer, so it feels appropriate to bring it up here.
Perhaps like the Beast initially, Sylus does display a very dominating and aggressive temperament, but then in his 5* memory, Captivating Flavor, he seems more approachable, so perhaps we will soften him over time?
Now...since Infold had the audacity to drop that trailer while I was writing this, here is another example of them going with the trapped/caged/bounded theory (there is also an image of a bear trap earlier, but I'm at my 10-pic limit, so the cage seems more obvious (and aesthetically pleasing lol)
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So could Sylus be trapped in the same way as the Foreseer is trapped within the Tower? But unlike the Foreseer, Sylus is always trying to break free from his chains. Circling back to his myth, could it be that his tie with MC was broken...by him? Perhaps out of a sense of protection? For her sake?
In Beauty and the Beast, the Beast was willing to let Belle go, to be killed by Gaston, to succumb to the curse, all for the sake of Belle's happiness and freedom.
In the myth of Hades and Persephone, Persephone was allowed to leave the Underworld to return to her mother for half a year, but since she ate a few pomegranate seeds, food from the Underworld, she was also bounded to return to the Underworld for the other half to be with her husband. Each year, the cycle returns. Come spring, Hades must let his beloved wife leave him for half a year, and there's nothing he can do to change it.
Bonus Greek myth tidbit: the crow plays a significant part in a myth involving the sun god Apollo, where it acts as a messenger for him. The crow, once white, was burned and turned black, as retribution for telling the truth (revealing an affair) that led to Apollo killing his lover.
So, let's recap real quick the symbolism we have seen. 🤔
Handcuffs: bounded
Bars: imprisonment
Bear trap (couldn't include the pic, but it's there, trust me): caught, trapped
Birdcage: trapped, caged
The crow: a messenger; punished for revealing the truth (so, punishment)
So, gathering my random little thoughts...
Theory 1: Sylus and MC must have been destined lovers in a past life, but due to whatever conflict, Sylus decided to break his bond with her for her protection and accept any punishment that comes with it, which could mean to be ruler of a place he has no desire for, an imprisonment of sort.
Theory 2: Destined lovers, but perhaps a third party interfered out of jealousy or spite. Could Sylus have been caught and framed of a crime and been literally imprisoned, thus forcing him and MC to separate?
Something to this effect, I think, from working with the crumbs I've gathered. It's also almost midnight as of the time of writing this, so my brain is feeling loopy now (also no thanks to that Sylus trailer that popped up while I was writing this 💀)
Anyhoo, make of all of this as you will. My Hades/Persephone agenda will persist.
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genshin-obsessed · 1 month
Breaking Up hcs | Genshin & HSR
Have I done this before? I know I made that "what if we broke up?" post but I don't think I've done break up hcs before? I hope not anyway cuz i'm doing them now! Also, maybe I went overboard a little cuz even I felt bad lol and I usually don't feel sad when I write angst.
Characters: Aether, Diluc, Wanderer, Caelus, Jing Yuan, and Aventurine (lol I'ma try)
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☽ Aether
That break up took a toll on him, more so than even he thought at first. Sleeping became his least favorite activity because he was constantly seeing your faces in his dreams. Constantly.
The entirety of Teyvat fell apart for the short time their favorite errand boy refused to do anything for them. Honestly, Aether didn't do anything for the first week or so. He was barely eating, barely sleeping, barely alive.
It was hard adventuring too, Paimon no longer wanted him to go because sometimes he'd just get distracted and take unnecessary hits. It was kinda bad. Eventually, she got Katheryne to no longer give him any combat requests because he just wasn't doing good enough.
All he wanted to do was talk to you, but you didn't want to talk to him, so that led him to just remaining in his teapot alone. He didn't even allow visitors for a short while. Paimon did her best to try and comfort him, but there were so few words that could actually get through that sorrow he was dealing with.
It took maybe a month before he allowed people to come visit him and under no circumstances were they allowed to bring you up. Mainly because he'd cry. Everyone did try in their own way to help him, even people like Wanderer or Arlecchino tried to give him some "words of wisdom". It... didn't work mainly because Aether wasn't receptive to it anymore.
☽ Diluc
He really did busy himself with work like he said he would. It's almost all hours of the day. He's rarely even seen at home anymore.
Ironically, Diluc is still very careful about getting hurt because if he did, then he'd need to remain at home and be on bed rest and he genuinely couldn't handle that.
He no longer sleeps in his bed either. Usually, he comes home later, collapses on the couch for a few hours until some dream about you wakes him up and he's back to work. He can't stand sleeping in that bed because you used to lay right beside him.
No one, I mean no one, is allowed to even say your name. Truth be told, Diluc is barely hanging on by a thread, someone saying your name and bringing your image to his mind's eye would ruin him.
Even Kaeya doesn't tease him. Actually, Kaeya keeps away because Diluc is quite irritable and not many people wanted to deal with that. While they understood the break up upset him... it was just too much.
☽ Wanderer
Oh boy. Breaking up with him was hard because he was angry and yelling (at the situation apparently), and just saying no. Eventually though, he relented and agreed. You didn't want to be with him and... well, it wasn't right to force you.
The aftermath was pretty bad. He was angry, didn't want to talk to anyone, and just up and vanished for a while. It wasn't until Aether and Paimon accidentally stumbled upon him while adventuring that they learned a little about what happened.
(W/n) explained that he never thought he'd lose you. Out of all the people he was "friendly" with, he never thought you would up and leave the way you did. It broke his heart- a heart he didn't even know started beating again.
Aether offered for (w/n) to join him on some adventures to just take his mind off of things and he, surprisingly, agreed. But it wasn't the same. Both Paimon and Aether noticed the lack of energy.
He was also constantly in his own mind. Most conversations happened between Aether and Paimon because (w/n) would just mentally check out and not even be paying attention. He didn't break down and cry physically but emotionally, he was a wreck. But it was so bad, he didn't know what to do. Cry, scream, try and take over the world, he didn't know.
What he did know was that the world didn't feel right without you.
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☆ Caelus
You lived on the Astral Express with him and the others. Everyone thought you were the cutest couple and everywhere you went, you two received the same compliments. So, he definitely fell apart a little when you just up and ended the relationship.
The worst part was that he couldn't have time away from you. Not in the mean sense, but if you two were breaking up, he needed (for his own mental health) not to see you every single day. But... that wasn't possible.
It was extremely awkward for everyone on board. Welt and Himeko tried their best to keep things normal, the conductor did their best to keep conversations going, and Dan Heng just didn't bother coming out of his room. Caelus took a page from Dan Heng's books and just locked himself away for like two weeks.
When it was finally time for him to come out, he took time off of the express, choosing to go visit some old friends to regain some of that normalcy. Jarilo VI was where he spent most of his time as he hadn't been there in a while. He stayed there without the others for maybe two or so weeks, finding ample time to spend with Natasha, Seele, Bronya, Serval, and Gepard.
While he didn't openly state you two broke up, everyone knew. He did go and visit the Xianzhou which Dan Heng did join him in doing which was a good bonding experience for the two. It was when he finally opened up about losing you. According to Caelus, everything felt so wrong. Like a part of him was missing and that part was so close to his reach. But every single day, he had to pretend like it wasn't.
☆ Jing Yuan
He really didn't know what to do at the moment. He kinda stopped paying attention after you said you wanted to end the relationship. He tried to convince you otherwise, saying that breaking up wouldn't give him the chance to fix it but you were pretty adamant. He couldn't just say no... so he said ok and you were gone.
He tried to act normal. He did his job normally for the first day and that's when it all started to fall apart. The second he had time alone, it just hit him so painfully. You thought him losing his old friends was painful? This was a whole new level.
The second day, he couldn't really perform his duties as well and just handed them off to the first person he saw. Yanqing was most worried and desperately tried to get anyone's help because he didn't know what to do. It led him straight to the Astral Express and unsurprisingly, no one knew what to do.
Jing Yuan didn't even want help, honestly. He'd been hurting for years carrying the memories he did, so what was one more painful one? Maybe it was some sort of divine justice? Jing Yuan wasn't the most upstanding man, right? So he probably deserved this. What right did he have to just go and fix it?
Caelus did end up finding him out and about once, having the chance to share tea with Jing Yuan. The general explained he didn't know how to fix anything anymore. While it wasn't healthy to live life this way, it was his punishment probably. Caelus' concern led him to ask that burning question: why?
"I should've done better. Treated them better... maybe then... I'd still have them."
☆ Aventurine
He almost didn't register the words that came out of your mouth. You... break up with him? You were talking, explaining why, but he couldn't really follow. It's like his brain just stopped working and all he could think was 'this wasn't supposed to happen'.
At the end of it, you were gone and he was alone. Aventurine expected betrayal in his line of work, but he never expected it from you. Your "deal" with him was special. It wasn't like his normal deals. It was one that you two emerged equally victorious and no one lost anything. Right?
Even Ratio had pity for him. Aventurine waltzed around as if nothing happened but there was such a dramatic shift in his personality. He said the same things he always did, he acted as if he always did, but there was a distinct bitterness when he spoke of being let down.
When he told people to make use of him, there was a hint of resentment laced in his words. While he claimed he expected to be exploited at some point, there was still a twinge of fear. It never hurt before but for some reason, it scared him now.
He did briefly open up to Ratio, who was just berating him as usual, and it even took him by surprise. Aventurine didn't say much, but he did say how he figured everyone in the world to want to set him on fire for one reason or another. He just didn't expect it would be you to light the flame. Veritas called him an idiot and said you had every right to leave, which Aventurine wholeheartedly agreed with.
You did have every right to leave. You just didn't have the right to take whatever made him feel normal.
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strangethlngs · 2 months
── ❀⋆.ೃ࿔ somebody told me | steve harrington x fem!reader
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✧ summary: [based on the song somebody told me by the killers] after breaking up with steve because of impending freshman year of college, both you and steve are haunted by what could have been. in an attempt to cope with the swirling emotions, you pursue a sexual relationship with eddie munson. halloween rolls around, and eddie invites you to a party. your blood runs cold in the midst of sweaty bodies when none other than steve harrington finds you in the crowd.
pre & post s3 steve harrington x fem!reader x slight fwb!eddie munson | angst, very slight smut vibes if you squint | no use of y/n
✧ word count: 4.8k
✧ warnings: MDNI! no full smut but talks of sex and sexual touching/dancing, use of marijuana, cigarettes, and alcohol, steve is an asshole, college struggles | if there is anything that i missed that should be listed, please let me know
✧ a note from s: hi everyone !! i listened to this song for the first time in a while the other day and immediately pictured this storyline and had to write it. this is my first ever fic on this account / first time writing for steve so please be gentle. i also want to put a disclaimer out there that don't write for eddie normally, but i did enjoy writing him in this fic so if everyone enjoys my eddie writing too i might add him to my list of those i write for. sidenote: as i was writing the party scene i couldn't get the image of steve harrington as jacob elordi in the club scene of saltburn out of my brain so enjoy that mental image xoxoxoxox
i'm so nervous to post this so plz lmk your thoughts & plz reblog/like/share to support my writing! enjoy <3
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You gently pick at a loose thread on the quilt draped over Steve’s bed. You feel his eyes boring into your head, but you can’t bring yourself to look up at him and meet his eyes. You know they’re sad. Pleading. You can’t bring yourself to face it.
“I’m sorry, Steve. I really am… I just-“ you don’t know how to finish the sentence. You just what? You want to go into college single, why was that so hard to get out? It’s not like you and Steve had dated for years. You’d been casually together, only sporting the girlfriend label for the past 4 months. So why was this so hard? Had you known Steve wasn’t going to be able to get into the college you were going to, or most colleges for that matter, you wouldn’t have gotten as involved with him as you did. You never wanted to hurt him.
“You just what?” Steve prodded, not moving from where he sat, across from you on his bed.
“I don’t know Steve,” you struggle to get out, words failing you severely.
“I think you do. Just say it. At least give me the decency of a reason why you’re… dumping me.”
“I just think… when I leave in the fall,” you swallow, your voice pathetically getting smaller. “I should be single.”
He is silent for a moment.
“If this is a distance thing, we can just do long distance. We can make it work. I know plenty of people who were able to do that. I’m sure my manager at Scoops and I can work out a work schedule that leaves my weekends open. And we can alternate weekends to visit, or… or something,” he rambles on, shaking his head as if the idea of breaking up was not acceptable in his mind.
Maybe because, to him, it wasn’t acceptable. You were his dream girl. Even after a few months, you had him wrapped around your finger. He would walk through a wall of fire if you were on the other side. He hadn’t felt anything close to this since Nancy Wheeler. And you were nothing like Nancy Wheeler. And that’s one of his favorite things about you. But you hadn’t realized how deep his feelings for you ran, and you didn’t realize how deep leaving him would cut. It wasn’t easy for you either, sure, but at least you had a freshman year to look forward too. What did Steve have? Slinging ice cream? That insecurity of not being able to experience college at all was gnawing at him more than he’d let on to you.
“I just think this will be easiest for both of us in the long run… and who knows, maybe I’ll end up back in Hawkins after I graduate, or maybe in a few years you’ll be able to make it to college,” You offer, trying to be as gentle as possible. You stand up, walking to his desk to pick up your backpack.
Once you slip it on, you turn and finally make eye contact for just a moment, before he makes a noise between a scoff and a sniffle and breaks the eye contact, looking out his window. The vein in his neck twitches. You can tell something you said just set him off.
“You mean it will be easier for you.”
You furrow your brow. “What?”
He shakes his head and lets out a sigh, exasperated. He swings his legs over the side of the bed and slaps his palms on his knees.
“You know what… go and have fun at college. Go have fun and be single, while I stay here and make ice cream sundaes. That’s all I’m good for, right?” he sneers bitterly, his tone shifting from the soft pleading he just tried to offer moments ago.
You’re stunned and frozen to your spot next to his desk, hands gripping the straps of your backpack. “Excuse me?”
“I just don’t understand how you don’t want to even try to make this work. And I can only think of one reason you are refusing to try.”
You ignore the last bit, not even wanting to go there. “Steve, I just don’t think I have the mental capacity to maintain something between us. I worry I’d end up neglecting this relationship,” You really are trying to be a peacemaker here, but you feel Steve heating up, frustrated that his attempts to rectify this relationship were futile. Truth is, you don’t want to be single to date around. College was daunting as it is, and you wanted your time to be free to dive into your studies and figure out your place in this world. That, along with keeping up somewhat of a social life in a new big city far from the one boy you’ve ever actually liked would be hard enough.
“No,” He starts, shaking his head. “I think you want to be able to go out to parties and bars and flirt with and date whomever you’d like, right?” He spits, standing from his bed and folding his arms across his chest.
“Wow…” you slowly nod. You know he’s projecting, but damn if it didn’t hurt to hear your boyfriend you’d really started to fall in love with say. “If… if that’s what you think of me, I’m just glad I did this now.” You turn to leave before either of you say things you don’t mean, but Steve beats you to the punch.
“If that’s not the truth, why wouldn’t you at least give it a chance? You’re leaving me no choice but to believe that it’s the truth,” He saunters close to you. Angry Steve is not someone you are fond of. Sure, you had a huge crush on Steve junior year when he donned his iconic, yet asshole-ish King Steve persona. But you hated being in King Steve’s line of fire, just like you were right now. He’d grown and changed from those days, but if you got him upset enough, he would rear his ugly head. He stopped right in front of you, reaching around you to the door to exit his room. He gave you a look up and down you can only describe as pure disgust and muttered close to your face, “have fun with those college boys.”
You let out an airy laugh, his condescending words and tone sending you over the edge. You turn and fiercely walk to the staircase and stop at the edge. You know it’s a low blow. You know it’s hitting him where it hurts. But you’re so mad, you don’t recognize the man you’d gotten to know for the past few months. You spit out the sentence without thinking twice.
“I know you couldn’t possibly understand what I’m feeling because you couldn’t get into any colleges, but it’s not my fault you slacked off and didn’t get the grades. Don’t be bitter at me because I’m leaving in the fall and you’re not.”
You don’t have time to see his hurt reaction before you turn on your heel and race down the stairs and out the front door. As soon as the words left your lips you felt guilty. He’d been so insecure with his college application troubles and you used it against him. But it was over. You slide into your car and quickly speed down the road. You take a shaky breath in and out as you drive, trying to put Steve in the back of your mind and bring college preparation thoughts to the forefront of your focus.
You push through the front door of your dorm building, heaving your heavy backpack through the long hall. Your eyes ached from reading your textbook for hours to cram in a last-minute study session for your exam tomorrow. You were teetering on a failing grade; you just knew it. This class in particular, but all your classes your first semester, were kicking your ass. You couldn’t afford to pay to retake classes. The stress of juggling all these hard classes was bogging you down, and you still didn’t know what you even wanted to major in. It’s not an exaggeration for you to say college was definitely not the exciting, thrilling fun you thought it would be.
When you push your room door open, you’re greeted with the smell of liquor and cheap cigarettes. Neither of these things you were above, by any means, but not on a Tuesday night when you have an exam in the morning. On top of your grades being atrocious, your roommate was downright terrible. Throwing dorm room parties constantly, always up at the worst hours, and messy. So incredibly messy. And the worst part is, she doesn’t even like you. She acted as if you were the one intruding on her.
You push through the group of girls in your way, ignoring the snide remarks, throwing your backpack onto your bed, fishing out your wallet, and immediately removing yourself from the room. You trudge over to the vending machine, hoping for some kind of food before you force yourself to sleep through the inevitably restless night. You grab some candy and turn, nearly bumping into another person. You mutter an apology and step to the side, engrossed in opening the packet of M&M’s.
“Hey you’re one of the girls in room 13 right?” The voice from behind you asks. You turn and see a vaguely familiar girl.
“Yeah,” you respond.
“You got a call at the payphone earlier,” she steps up to the vending machine. “Some guy named Eddie.”
Throughout the awful college experience you’d been enduring, your one saving grace had been Eddie Munson. You thank the girl and nearly race up to the one of the phones down the hall. You shove in some quarters quickly and punch in the all-too-familiar number. He picks up on the second ring.
“Hello?” you hear his voice answer, and heat flushes over you. But not the giddy, lovey-dovey heat you’d had when you and Steve would have your routine nightly chats, back when you were still with him. This was a different heat. Darker, more lustful.
The summer after you’d broken things off with Steve, you found yourself having a harder time moving on than you thought you would. The things you’d said to Steve you knew you didn’t mean. His hurt face swam into view every time you thought about it. It was haunting you, and you’d do anything to forget about it. One of your friends had suggested Eddie, being a drug dealer and all. You couldn’t recall who Eddie was exactly, but you knew he sold things that could take your mind off real life, so you were set. Soon, you found yourself not just picking up weed from him. It became smoking with each other and ordering a pizza, getting to know each other at a surface level, watching stupid movies and laughing at stupid things. You didn’t like him, definitely not in the way you liked Steve. However, you were very attracted to him. So, when he made advances one night you two smoked in his van out at Lover’s Lake, you most definitely weren’t going to stop him. It was just a one-time thing, you’d both agreed. Until he called you a week later. Then it started to happen more often. When you left for college, you both expected things would fizzle out. Oh well, you’d had your fun rebound.
Though, on a particular Friday you were getting weighed down by the toll college was taking on you, you found yourself calling him from your dorm, asking if he was free that night. Phone calls between you and Eddie started to become more frequent. Usually it was, “what are you up to this weekend?”, followed by him saying something along the lines of, “you should come visit. I got a new batch from Rick, and we should smoke it and see how long we can go without touching each other”. Because of this, you started to make occasional trips to Hawkins to smoke weed and hook up to cope and escape your personal hell that was freshman year.
“Hey, you” You smiled into the phone.
“I was starting to wonder if you were ever gonna call me back,” you could hear him smiling on the other end of the phone too, a lusty drawl to his voice you detected immediately. “You weren’t cheating on me by being smoked out by some other college stoner, right?” he teased. The thing you liked the most about you and Eddie’s agreement was that you both knew where you stood. There were no complicated feelings involved.
“You know I would never,” you fake-gasp.
“So, listen,” you hear him shift on the other side of the phone. “There’s this huge Halloween costume party this weekend here in Hawkins. I’m not one for Hawkins parties… but this one actually sounds like it might be fun. Wanna come?”
“Most definitely,” you nod. “Are we coordinating costumes?” you tease, fiddling with the phone cord.
“Well, I actually have an idea, but it’s kind of...”
“I expect nothing less from you,” you cut him off. He begins to ramble about some Motley Crüe music video that he loves and how you could dress as one of the ‘hot chicks’ and he could dress as one of the band members and it would be ‘totally awesome’. He explains the costume details to you in the best way a male brain can, and you make a mental note to stop by a video rental store tomorrow to rent the music video and see what you’re working with here.
“I’ll be there Friday night, costumed up.”
“Oh, I do like the sound of that,” he breathed out. “I’ll be looking forward to it.”
As you pull up to the party, Eddie makes a point to trot over to your van door and pull it open for you. Ever the gentleman, dressed head to toe in an undeniably incredible Tommy Lee costume.
“Why thank you,” you smile, taking his hand as you step out of the van. You could hear the bumping bass from the party all the way from where Eddie parked down the street.
“I meant what I said earlier,” Eddie started, giddily walking, already producing a joint and sparking up. “Your costume looks insane. I don’t know how you managed to do that within a few days,” he lets out a puff of smoke and hands you the joint.
You give a twirl and slip the joint past your lips. “It’s pretty easy to be out shopping for things when you wanna spend as least time in your dorm room as possible.” It was true. After your big exam, the rest of the week had gone by smoothly with you busying yourself by either being at the library or out shopping and crafting your costume.
You both pass the joint to each other a few times and before you know it, you’re both making your way through the people crowding the lawn. Just before you make your way into the house, Eddie stops to chat with some of his D&D buddies. You decide to leave him to his friends, it’s not like he’s your boyfriend or anything.
You already feel a bit tipsy, mentally thanking Eddie for roping you into taking a few tequila shots before leaving for the party. The inside of the house is dark and smoky, save for some flashing colorful lights illuminating the crowd of closely knit dancing bodies. You spot an opened, nearly full bottle of… Merlot? Was it merlot? You soon realized you didn’t care. Your fingers tighten around the sticky bottle, and you heartily swig it, the liquid grossly warm. Your feet take you to the edge of the crowd, immediately getting engulfed in the group of people, dancing to the music, happy and carefree to be anywhere but your dorm room.
You lose track of time. After a while of dancing on your own and progressively letting the wine, tequila, and weed all take their effect, in the haze of the dark, smoky crowd, you hear a wolf whistle over the music in your direction. You took a spin, expecting to meet eyes with Eddie.
Your blood ran cold, and you choked the swig of wine you’d just taken. Steve’s beautiful face was illuminated by only the occasional flashes of light in the large room, a lopsided, drunk smile on his face. He stood closely in front of you, slightly swaying to the music. You quickly take in his Scarface costume, a small voice in the back of your mind immediately assuming that a beautiful, blonde Elvira is close by.
You both stare at each other for a minute, you stand still amid drunk dancing teens. You quickly realize you are obscured from wherever Eddie’s view happened to be by the large crowd around you, but why was that your first thought? You try to glance around to see if Eddie had decided to come inside, or if he was anywhere in eyeshot so he could rescue you. But you’re feeling Steve’s eyes raking over your body. Heat flushes over you, and you clamp your thighs together, stifling the thoughts and feelings washing over you prompted by his seductive gaze.
“What do you want”, you ask, it coming out snarkier than you’d meant for it to. You’re just… uncomfortable under his heavy gaze. But not uncomfortable, like you didn’t want him near you. No, no. Moreso… uncomfortable because when you saw him looking at you the way he did, a heat ignited somewhere in you. It had been so long since you’d seen his face, nevertheless seen him look at you with such… lust? Could you even call it that?  
“I’d been trying to get over to you for the past 17 songs,” he retorted over the music, just loud enough for you to hear. “You are hard to track down, you know that?” More teens were dancing into you, of course pushing you and Steve closer. Too close. So close that you could smell that he had been drinking whiskey and smoking cigarettes. And his cologne. The cologne you’d complimented one of the first times you’d hung out. The cologne that reminded you of being close to him. Smelling it on his neck when you had been kissing his collarbone…. Heat flushed over your cheeks, and you’d hope he didn’t see it in the rhythmic flashing of lights. A particularly hard jab from a girl dressed as Madonna hit your arm, causing your bra strap to fall to your arm.
“I didn’t know you’d be here,” you choked out, frantically adjusting the strap of your top back to your shoulder, finally finding your voice again. You were suddenly feeling very self-conscious. Your hands grow sweaty as the wine bottle slips through your fingers. You take a swig, desperate to break the charged eye contact he was making with you.
“Did you happen to forget I still live here?” He snarked back, a goofy Steve Harrington smile on his lips.
“And so what if I did?” You respond, looking to try and brush past him. You need to find Eddie. He’s your crutch here. You need to remove yourself from the situation, because you know you’ll get in far too deep if he keeps looking at you this way. But his large frame steps in front of you, blocking you in between him and the group of girls behind you.
“You leave town onto bigger and better things and end up rightback next to me, huh?” He gives a cocky smirk and takes a sip from his cup, not breaking eye contact. “Funny how that works.”
“I’m just here visiting a friend,” You retort.
“Yeah, you know, I did hear about that…” He started, a hint of a scoff bubbling out through his lips. He leans close to your ear, one hand grazing the fabric on your forearm, dangerously close to the swell of your hip, the other hand clutched around his red solo cup. Beads of sweat form on your forehead, but not from the heat.
“Somebody told me you’re actually here with Eddie Munson,” he chuckled a bit, as if it was unbelievable. You pulled away and scanned his darkened and unreadable eyes, trying to get what he’s playing at. You notice the King Steve persona again, like you did the day you dumped him. You don’t know it, but something inside him flipped when he saw you dancing on the dancefloor, skirt riding up your thigh, bra strap slipping down your arm.
“Why do you care? I’m sure there’s some girl around here you brought,” you play it off like it doesn’t sting your tongue to say. You wanted to know so badly why he was asking. Did he care? Was he going to make fun of you? Was he hurt? Jealous?
“I just didn’t think he was your type, you know…” He persisted, raising his cup to his face, a dark smile starting to form as he speaks. “I mean… now that I think about it, something about him reminds me of Nancy. I think it’s the curly hair…” He said with a wink and a swig of his drink. You roll your eyes and cross your arms over your chest. You immediately knew what he was getting at. You’d been so insecure in your entire relationship with him that you were just his Nancy rebound. Idiotic Tommy and Carol would never let you hear the end of it with how different you were from Nancy, and it ate away at you and made you so insecure. Because you weren’t like Nancy Wheeler, like, at all. And with this comment he was not only insulting you, but your choice in having Eddie Munson as your date to this party. This was his response to the low blow you had made before leaving his house the day you broke up with him. You take a deep breath in, releasing your arms and shoving his chest with the top of the wine bottle.
“Was that the best insult you could come up with, Stevie? Is Eddie Munson making King Steve that insecure?” you mock him, the alcohol finally giving you your fiery attitude. “You know what, he may not be as manly as you think you are but trust me…” you drunkenly grab a fistful of his shirt and bring him close to lean towards his ear, “he’s more of a man than you ever were. Especially in bed,” you purr. You release his shirt and shove him away.
You’re expecting him to be stunned, to be speechless. King Steve, dethroned. But to your horror, he gives a dark, dry laugh.
The opening riff to a new song starts playing, and the crowd cheers, causing Madonna to bump into you so harshly that you’re thrown into a compromising position. Steve places his hands on your arms, steadying the both of you, so your back close to him, and he starts moving with the music.
“Oh, I’m not worried about him competing with the way I made you feel,” he leans in, millimeters away from your ear, hands sliding dangerously close to your hips. “I’m sure Eddie Munson doesn’t know you well enough to know the right ways to pleasure you like I did. Tell me,” he breathes, hot and close to your ear. Shivers run down your arms. “Do you let him use those pink handcuffs on you? You know… the ones I bought for you?”
Your mouth goes dry, numbly moving as his hands guide your body to the music with his. A gasp hitches in your throat as you feel him closer behind you.
“Just give me tonight… for old time’s sake. I think I need to remind you just how good I made you feel.” A shiver runs up your arm as his hand runs down your arm, gripping the wine bottle with his hand over the top of yours. He brings it up to his lips, your hand trapped under his. Once he swigs a few gulps, he slides the bottle down the front of your body, letting go of the bottle, but his touch lingering on your collarbone.
Maybe it’s the weed, maybe it’s the alcohol, maybe it’s the fact that the song that just started playing is one of your favorites and Steve knows it. But something in you chases the high that his touch is giving you. So, what the hell. You give in. You know it’s what you want, deep down, even if you were stone cold sober. You couldn’t deny that nights spent at Eddie’s trailer, long after Eddie had fallen asleep, memories of Steve haunted your memories. You couldn’t deny it, even though you wanted to pretend it didn’t keep you up some nights.
You begin to sway to the music, Steve’s strong body behind you guiding you to the rhythm. His touch never leaving you. It felt so right, like returning to a proper stasis after chaos for so long. It felt right and comfortable and normal. His hands wander your curves, and you throw your head back. Steve knew your body in a way Eddie never had. Intimacy with Steve wasn’t just about immediate sexual satisfaction. It was about intimacy. Steve had cared about you, actually cared. He wanted to make you feel good. You knew the persona he was playing up tonight was a front to hide how he really felt. He yearned for you, especially yearned to make you feel good. You’d refused to admit it since you started hooking up with Eddie, but Steve had made you feel good in a far different way. And the fact that he knew it simultaneously pissed you off and turned you on.
You feel Steve’s hand ghost up your arm and to your shoulder, and almost instinctively, as if you were back to your old ways, you let your head lull to the side. Steve’s lips immediately attach to the spot on your neck that he knows you love. You let out a moan, inaudible under the music. Your fingers tangle into his thick hair, willing him to keep going. His hands lightly trail up the front of your thin shirt, and you can feel his fingers brush against your nipple. And suddenly, he detaches his lips from you, much to your dismay.
You turn your head, sighing in protest, and turn to him, inches away from your face. His drunken breath fans across your face, intoxicating you more than any weed you smoked or wine you swigged tonight. The lights flash from behind his head, lighting up his beautiful features. His eyes fall to your lips, and his large hand moves from your chest to cup your cheek, and he pulls your face forcefully to meet your lips to his. He wastes no time making the kiss as sloppy as the environment you’re in calls for, his hands running wild. To your surprise, you feel your hand gripping his shirt, your body aching to get him even closer. You give into the sensation and let your hands tentatively rake down the front of his shirt. You waste no time slipping under his shirt, hands dancing up his torso, Eddie a long, distant memory. But your lips grow cold as he pulls away. He sloppily smirks at you, knowing he has you in the palm of his hand. You hate him for it.
“Ditch Munson and come home with me,” he says, still close to you. Under the smug façade he puts on, you can see that his eyes are almost desperate. Your brain tries to formulate a sentence to decline, but you look at his face and see Steve’s real self through the mask. Not King Steve, but the real, genuine Steve. The one you love. Lips puffy from crashing into yours, cheeks flushed, hair tussled from where your fingers had raked through it. The smell on his breath intoxicates you. He feels safe. Familiar. Something about him you can’t resist. You never could resist.
“Steve, I don’t want to get you tangled up in something complicated,” you find the words tumbling out of your mouth, suddenly feeling guilty for dumping him only to end up getting involved with another Hawkins boy. What a slap in the face that must have been. But he leans in and kisses you deeply, stopping your train of thought. When he pulls away, he keeps his face close to yours.
“Let’s worry about this in the morning, yeah?” He nods, encouraging you. You know you want to too; you just worry you’re going to hurt him in the process. His hand finds its way to your cheek again, his thumb brushing against your chin. “Let tonight just be… tonight, okay?”
You gaze up at him, brain racing through a million answers to give him in the span of a millisecond. But you respond with the answer you know deep down that you really want to say.
“Let’s get out of here,” You slide your arm around his and start to push through the crowd.
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please do not repost anywhere. please do not plagiarize my work as your own. please do not use my writing for any AI purposes.
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she-whatshername · 3 months
MORE Tyrrish Men Headcanons you didn't ask for (now with 30% more Garrick)
I was excited to see my last post on this was so popular so here is more. Also a disclaimer: I made all of these up as there is very little information on these characters. They are all Facts in my head...but questionable IRL, haha
Garrick is 100% wingman first and right after that is ladies man, mares in the stable and all that. He knows he's attractive, is a show off about it, and has had many lovers because of it. Relationships, probably none, but countless of trysts and 1 nighters
I think thats probably why he's so on-and-off with Imogen. I think he's ten toes down in love with her, and I think love scares him because love makes you do foolish things (he's watched his parents die for their country and Xaden be...Xaden, to be cautious of giving his heart to someone)
With his father's job being Fen's aid, Garrick is ultra perceptive, loyal, and hella charismatic. When Xaden says that Cat wasn't his first 'by a long shot' It was 100% due to him being around Garrick.
Could you image those two out on campus or in Cordyn before Xaden met Violet The backs hearts these two must of broke...
Should his S/O be in a relationship with him, they'd have to prepare for his quips and gawks at other people, I think his rizz level is so high he couldn't help himself
But, he's so so loyal. He will know everything about you due to how observant he is and will never miss a birthday, solstice, equinox, anniversary, you name it.
Probably has the most thoughtful dates; they are few and far between during his schedule but makes it happen. I imagine he's a bit more long distance (the revolution/being there for Xaden comes first) but when its 1:1 time with his partner, he's 100% giving you his time.
I be he has an excellent mental calendar
Also, he's the BEST person to come to if you need to vent. He will listen and wait until you're done to ask questions/respond. I think a lot of people go to him before going to Xaden so he gives really good advice/leadership.
Maybe a lil spice for this thread but his familial ties to supporting and aiding royalty he enjoys the role power he has as an XO and right hand to the revolution...but I do think he likes being told what to do behind closed doors. When his partner finds this out. Its over Gare.
Did i mention SO. LOYAL. He wouldn't have a who hurt you moment he would totally be that person that would take care of the problem secretly before they could even hurt you. Like your bully/nemeses is suddenly nice to you or randomly apologizes, go thank Garrick for that.
All Tyrrish men have giant sweet tooths, Garrick being the largest (Again, I explore this theory in humorous detail in 'Drifted')
Again, no facts to back this up but I bet he's a good dancer and has dragged just about everyone up on a table at one point to sing a Tyrrish song
He supplies the churam for the group. The man has connections.
Should I do Xaden next?
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jiminsass-istant · 3 months
One thing you can expect before listening to any Jimin song for the first time is that NO TWO SONGS WILL EVER BE THE SAME.
Naturally I had too many questions when I watched the SGMB Track video!
Face was about inner reflection and tragedy, while MUSE is apparently about Jimin's artistic inspiration. Since the entire Muse album is not out yet, I kept wondering how SGMB fit into the 'artistic inspiration' concept. What do we learn about Jimin in SGMB? But most importantly, who is Jimin's muse?
To answer, let's look at Jimin's intents. I divided them into 2 parts:
"Tell things we/he couldn't before"
A recurring thing we have seen in chapter 2 Jimin is his desire to "tell everything he couldn't before", and this started right from 2022 Festa dinner:
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True to his words, he started being more honest and telling us his story in Face. That's how we knew he had already started expressing more truth than he ever had before. Not only that, in the BTS documentary, Jimin even opened up about his depression while dining with JK.
But was that ALL he had to say? NO! Because he says this in Closer Than this which was released in dec 2023 ->
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Since CTT is clearly a fan song, he is addressing fans here when he says that he wants to reveal everything to his fans. Going by the bangtan lore, I think we can safely conclude that here 'spring day' for bts refers to the day they are reunited with their fans again (2025), that is - post military. Meaning, Jimin will keep revealing things through his music well after MS is over.
A wonderful army pointed out that the english lyrics of SGMB are not entirely correct. The line "I'll tell you everything now" should actually be "i'll reveal everything on your behalf", which brings us to Jimin's second intent-
2) "The truth untold"
The BTS unit song TTU speaks about how the protagonist is unable to confess their feelings to their love because they consider themselves ugly and unworthy (due to lack of self-love).
In the first teaser for Muse, Jimin found the music sheet for The Truth Untold inside the purple lockers. And then he releases SGMB which is basically the positive (and happy future) version of TTU.
The twitter thread i referred to previously explains this very well and all of you should read it:
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Let's now look at some of my personal observations in the MV before i put on my delulu cape.
Jimin's showmanship:
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Jimin is basically a host, a presenter, cupid, and the lead of Smeraldo Garden marching band. It's like he entered the Smeraldo garden of thorns and despair along with his band to help the protagonist reveal their true feelings to their loved one. The garden is now lively with all positive elements- dance, kids, butterflies, bubbles, confetti. It showcases Jimin's change in attitude and how he has truly begun to love himself. That's why when Jimin says :
" Ooh, I love you babe I'll come closer to you I love you, babe (Yes, sir) Ooh, I want you, babe I wanna hold your hand I want you, babe"
He's saying this on behalf of the protagonist. That's what Smeraldo Garden Marching Band does- it helps people in despair, helps them to express love.
2) Jimin is NOT homophobic!
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People really used the scene of Jimin separating the sapphic couple as him being anti-gay. Let me show you the scenes where Jimin took the flower from a guy. Look at the guy's stance, look at the lyrics. The correct translation for the lyrics in the image is " the truth untold". He is indeed referring to a hidden truth in this particular scene, 'hidden' being the keyword here, which i'm sure the lgbtq+ community is more than familiar with.
To realize the importance of this scene, just go to any reactor and see their face when they see Jimin accepting a flower from a man. They hold their breath only to release it when they see him playing matchmaker to hetero couples. Don't you just love Jimin's brain? lol.
Let's look at the 2nd scene of Jimin giving a flower to another man-
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Again, Jimin is bowing down this time, while the adlibs go "just for you". Jimin is not just being a 'wingman' here as some might think- a wingman doesn't 'present' flowers like this. He is subtle and this is him recognizing all sorts of relationships.
3) The sunflowers face the viewer, not Jimin or his band. The sunflowers face the...SUN. I think I am starting to wear the delulu cape here (yes i mean cape and not cap). We all know from Jimin's innumerable moon references that he associates himself with the moon, not the sun. The sun tattoo haver has always been the sun from the sun-and-moon duo. Just like the moon tattoo haver is the moon of the duo.
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So this whole time Jimin has been talking to the protagonist of TTU- is it Jungk-
NO NO WAIT! Didn't Jimin just sing -
"Since we're together now"..together as in...
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("Yes Sir!")🤷‍♀️
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't we clarify last time that being 'together' means 'dating' in Korean, as in most other languages of this world?! Ahem.
Look like someone is getting 'serenaded' as in 'serenade' version of Muse.
*sighs very loudly*
Disclaimer: Just because i made a jikook interpretation of the song doesn't mean i don't recognize and agree with non-shipping interpretations. *sigh*
Anyway, there is another interpretation of SGMB by andy-wm. I really loved the pantomime comparison:
And another by jimin-bangtan:
Trust that if Jikook make 'yes sir' jokes in the travel series, I'm gonna lose it. Just a little bit.
I cannot wait for the rest of the album! These are all love songs. We are getting happy-sappy Jimin you all ! The Jimin who went through so many struggles is finally loving himself and has learnt to be happy with his loved ones.
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cosmicatta · 3 months
An analysis of Portgas D. Ace through the light novels
Yes, I'm here again with my bullshit. After reading the Law novel, I was very excited to get my hands on the Ace ones too. And because I feel very intensely about him, I couldn't help turning my reading experience into a character analysis essay. Again.
So here we go!
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Some notes before I start:
The edition I've read of this novel is the official Spanish translation by Planeta. When quoting and mentioning numbered pages, I'm referencing that edition.
I originally posted this on Twitter as a thread! If it sounds familiar, that might be why.
I've also posted an essay/thingie about Law's novel here!
These are just my personal impressions, I'm not trying to tell anyone how they should interpret the novel or Ace's character. I'm just doing this for fun!
Much like the Law novel, these are kind of a “prequel” to the source material. The story starts with Ace getting stuck in Sixis Island, where he meets Deuce, and follows their journey as Ace builds his own crew and later ends up joining Whitebeard.
The difference is that Ace’s novels, unlike Law’s, rely a lot more on canon events that we already know happened, because they’re mentioned or briefly shown in the manga (especially in the second volume). I’ll go a bit more into detail about this later, but either way, we can say that the novels are very canon-compliant at the very least.
Also, it’s important to point out that volumes 1 and 2 are written by different authors. I do think this has an impact in the way the narrative flows from one part to another, but it still reads like a cohesive story as a whole.
Overall, it offers a very different reading experience from Law’s novel. I guess the biggest contrast here is that we already know what’s going to be Ace’s tragic destiny, so the narration can’t really feel too hopeful.
Even if the story is lighthearted and adventurous most of the time, the tone that surrounds it all is bittersweet. And the core points of Ace’s journey are always marked by his fatal wounds: love, identity and the concept of deserving.
There is no real resolution for any of these themes throughout the novels; there can’t be, because we know Ace will only reach true understanding right before his death.
In this sense, I think the first volume does a better job at capturing that feeling of “tragic hero” that the story seems to go for, without necessarily getting too grim about it. And there’s a few things about it that get lost in the second part:
Volume 1 is written in first person, but it’s not Ace, the protagonist, who narrates the story. It’s Deuce. I think this is an interesting decision because it allows us to see Ace from the outside, through the eyes of someone who loves him.
And what we see from Deuce’s perspective contrasts with the image that we know Ace has of himself. This is especially interesting for 2 reasons:
He shows what Ace craved for all his life but didn’t know he already had until the end: love and respect.
He’s offering the readers a version of Ace’s identity crafted by an outside viewer, which is also what Ace keeps doing all the time: defining himself in relation to others.
These are going to be the main ideas that shape Ace’s journey from the start and what both novels try to explore.
Although Deuce and Ace’s relationship doesn’t start off in the best way, from the beginning Deuce sees a light in him that he has never known in anyone before. This even reflects in the way he describes Ace physically:
(Quotes roughly translated from Spanish):
P. 27: “He played with his radiant black hair.”
P. 129: “His pupils glowed with the colors of the sea floor.”
But what is most emphasized about Ace throughout the narration is his kindness and gentleness—he shares his fruit with Deuce while he’s starving too, he has a place for all kinds of rejected outlaws in his crew, he helps Isuka even though they’re supposed to be enemies, he gives the rice crackers he’d just bought to some children in Sabaody, etc.
Ace just goes around giving away his endless love without thinking too much about it. It’s in his nature. And people love him in return.
P. 66: “What does it mean to be a captain? To me, it means people love you. […] Ace was born to be a captain.”
There’s a small episode that I find very interesting in this sense—right before attacking him, a bounty hunter declares:
P. 67: “Ace! I love you!”
Ace assumes the guy only said that because his head would have granted him a ton of money. But it’s still a weird way to word it. It’s as if Ace was a shooting star that everyone couldn’t help but admire in awe, friends and enemies alike.
But, as I said before, Ace seems to be completely unaware of this, despite the very explicit ways in which people show him appreciation.
It’s at this point that we start to see the conflict between Ace’s “goals” that he set for himself and his true desires (though this will be explored in more detail in volume 2).
Although he keeps claiming to be in search of fame, he doesn’t really seem to be that interested in it. He only reacts to his own popularity when his loved ones do, because that is what he actually wants: acceptance, validation.  
P. 82: “Whenever the number increased [Ace’s bounty], we celebrated it. And him, in seeing us all so happy, celebrated too.”
What Ace is doing is just constantly looking for the answer to that dreadful question he asked Garp as a child: “Did I deserve to be born?” And he tries to find clues in his crewmates’ faces, in his enemies’ words, in the way the whole world around him reacts to his existence.
But what’s interesting is that he’s not just passively contemplating, he very actively tries to earn that right to live, in his own twisted way.
Yes, the world had already decided who Ace was even before he was born, but now it’s his turn. Now he can try and recreate his own image for them to see. And if he has to be a monster, it will be in his own terms.
It’s not about fame, it’s about identity. Because Ace’s identity has never been truly his own.
This is a very delicate subject for him, especially when he realizes that his bounty is growing at an abnormal speed, indicating that the government probably knows who he really is. And so, he is tormented by the idea that, despite all his efforts, he can’t escape the portrait that others have painted of him without permission.
Even those who don’t know the truth about his origins feel free to decide Ace’s worth as a human being. In this regard, his fight with Vice Admiral Draw is notable—he judges Ace not as Roger’s son, but as a regular pirate, and yet he still reaches the same conclusion and says the words that Ace fears so much:
P. 148: “You don’t deserve one more second in this world. It is because of you that so many people live in fear. […] If you didn’t exist, no one would be unhappy.”
Ace wins this fight, but he leaves with an open wound that never closes and only seems to get bigger with time.
And with this, the first volume closes in a very bittersweet tone:
P. 159: “Ace didn’t believe he deserved anyone’s love. […] But Isuka didn’t think the same, and she wasn’t the only one. The problem was that Ace wouldn’t realize. […] He was like the Sun. Everyone adored him, his enemies respected him. Ace was the center of everything. But, like the Sun, way too bright, he was always alone. […] Ace had created a home for us. But what about him? Could we find a home for him, where he’d be able to smile in peace from the bottom of his heart?”
The second volume starts where the first left it, with Ace and his crew entering the New World.
I have to say that I didn’t like this one as much as the first because, for a book that’s supposed to be about Ace’s relationship with others, it kind of falls flat at some points in that sense. Sometimes the novel seems more concerned with describing action scenes that aren’t really that interesting, or events that we already know from the manga without adding much to them.
Also, I feel like I have to mention that some scenes and description choices were a bit questionable (casual misogyny, etc.), but overall the book was still enjoyable to me.
The style and structure is a bit different from the first volume too—for starters, it’s written in third person, although the perspective is a bit all over the place sometimes. The POV keeps switching back and forth between different characters, which could a useful and interesting approach, but you need to know how to do it right, and I’d say it was a bit messy here.
But there is a good side to this, which is that we get a peek into Ace’s thoughts too sometimes.
And we see, as volume 1 already hinted, that his motivations are unclear even to himself. He insists that he wants to surpass his father’s fame, but he isn’t interested in titles or riches.
P. 61: “I don’t aspire to be the King of Pirates or anything of the sort.”
P. 74-75: [In response to “What brought you to the sea?”] “I guess I expected to find out at the sea… Though there’s something I do want to achieve. […] I’ll make sure everyone knows my name.”
Part of the reason why Ace despises the title of “Pirate King” is very obvious—it was his father’s title. But this disinterest also reveals the true reason why Ace thinks he wants the fame: it’s not ambition or vanity; it’s, again, his way of crafting his own identity.
In reality, although he directs his resentment towards his father, it’s not him he really hates, but the world that built a monstrous myth around his figure, a myth that Ace inherited.
P. 80: “This world killed Sabo. Unless you’re someone like Roger, whose execution brought a new era, it doesn’t matter if you live or die. […] Even if I can’t win their recognition, even if they hate me, I’ll become a pirate and take revenge on them all. […] One day, people won’t say ‘Ace, Roger’s son,’ but ‘Roger, Ace’s father.’”
Again, if he must be a monster, he’ll be one he’s created himself.
But it becomes clear in this volume that he has no idea how to do that. He wants to change the world, but has no plan to do so, and doesn’t even understand what that means exactly.
And here’s where Whitebeard is key, as we already know. He sees through Ace, and eventually makes him reevaluate his own ambitions, until he ends up admitting that he has no idea what he’s doing.
P. 159: [Thatch asks him] “You want your reputation to surpass that of the Pirate King, but you’re not interested in the One Piece. You don’t want to break the code either. What the hell does your flag even represent?” [And Ace answers] “I don’t know. Honestly, I thought I did, but not anymore.”
P. 224-225: “Whitebeard inviting him to be his son had seemed to him like another ‘father’ attempting to take control of his life. But […] now he understood the word ‘son’ a little differently.”
Though there’s no real resolution to Ace’s big questions in life, he slowly starts finding his own place and learning to accept the kindness he’s given, even if he doesn’t fully understand it yet.
P. 229: [Deuce asks him] “Do you think you’ll find what you’re looking for with Whitebeard?” [And Ace answers] “Yes. […] Because here I feel at peace.”
The book finishes with Ace offering his back to get Whitebeard’s Jolly Roger tattooed. With this, he’s constructing his image around the figure of a different father, one that he’s proud of. He still builds himself in relation to others, but is now more benevolent in doing so.
This is the first step of a healing project that we know will never be fully complete. And because of this, despite the ending having a hopeful and gentle tone, it’s still a bit heartbreaking. Like the first act of a tragedy.
There's a lot more interesting stuff to talk about in the novels, like the way Ace talks about Luffy and Sabo, and how it becomes clear that they are what really made him want to live and keep fighting. But this is already way longer than I originally intended, so I'll leave it here.
So, if you read this far, thank you! ♥ I hope you enjoyed it or at least found it somewhat interesting.
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fanofthelamb · 3 months
lovely art you make please never stop!!!
WAAA TOO SWEET. thats it. MOREEEEEEE ART DUMP!!!!!!!! im not sure how many of these i posted but!! i think mostly it's all new!!!!!!!
I wonder if this'll become a thing for me. BAHAHAH
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scrapped ref page i've made before ^^^^^ it was similar to nari's except it turns out the red's color jitter was too extreme.... the grren was AMAZING tho. Comments with the pieces btw!! and 30+ pics I think?! So expect a long ass post. :) this isn't even all the unposted art, just the stuff I thought was good enough to post!
First thing's first! How about a comic I never posted? I was kinda embarrassed by the writing of it, but this WAS just something to help Rue. (You might notice a lot of the art in this thread was sent to Rue and never posted. Sorry Rue. little of this is new for you. sone is tho. orzzzzz)
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Woah? The lamb has feelings? The lamb has bad feelings about their past?? Who knew. Shocker. (also LMFAO AT NARI IN THIS HE REALLY SAID "oh ur crying? I'll give you a reason to cry")
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something to kind of help storyboard out the animation i'm tryna work on. its not going well. turns out that shit is hard.
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and some beyond the grove narinder. yall eat BTG nari UPPPPPP.
speaking of BTG? how about some panels of a future page? Chapter 1 still. feel free to laugh at how strangely i draw the draft. ti works for me!
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back to normal nari. IN PANTS!!!!!!!!!!!
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THIS isnt actually a drawing it's a real image taken of me and rue
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i dont know if i posted this or not, actually. i am not a big fan of it, though.
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i need to draw leshy and val more </3
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idk if i posted kalladad either BAHAHAHAHA
also, i dont know if i posted THIS either. i dont SEE it but i could be wrong ?
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now how about a couple of kissing booth scraps?
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long with the scrapped comic where narinder kills and eats the face of the goat. </3 rip that thing (the goat LOVES fighting and LOVES someome who can beat thier ass almost as much)
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and some heket bullying her brother (she wuvs him tho)
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i dont know which acc i posted this to, actually. i drew this bc rick kept reposting halflife shit BAHAHAHH
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oh and here's a vent piece or two i made with annona. they seem harmless enough to post i guess? i wish i made more content with them.
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i jsut wanna chew them between my molars like a marshmallow.
this si also sometihng i made for rue BAHAHAHAHAH HAVE I POSTED IT? IDK.
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and of course, the least toxic totally-not-abusive-as-fuck pairing of lamb and the red crown. this isnt exclusively BTG related but I dont know how much interest people would have with him being a character on FOTL? he is 1000% having his own role as his own charavter in BTG though.
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oh, and this guy i wanted to post forever ago, but i needed time to adjust to his design. this is the best i have made of him and it might be what sticks. he's leshy's uncle. (took worm baby in after both his siblings went missing)
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more nari, because he's my most popular scrumplie. probably bc i draw him the most and a lot of my stuff is nari centric. nude nari because i literally couldn't think up what i wanted to draw on him. i was gonna edit clothes on later and forgor BAHAHAHA
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i actually dont know if i posted this too? this is tyar and baal <3 baal was pretty shocked to have learned vitas was tyar's spouse. he's still not ready to talk about it, but he does want to ask the lamb about it one day.
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and some childhood memories i never finished.
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i MIGHT have posted this one ?
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i posted pieces of this page but here's the full:
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goose8791 · 9 months
Losing me — luke castellan
pairing: luke castellan x Apollo fem!reader
warnings: toxic, violence, lovers to enemies trope, established relationship
okay so I have never posted here but here we go. Also the lines that separate the paragraphs is the passing of time. enjoy!
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"Luke, stop," she pleaded, her voice quivering as she shook her head, strands of her dishevelled hair falling across her face. She pulled away from his grasp, the weight of her decision heavy in the air. His confusion was evident, eyebrows furrowing in a desperate attempt to make sense of the situation.
"I don't understand," he confessed, his voice tinged with vulnerability. The dim room seemed to close in around them. She took a step back, her eyes reflecting a mix of sadness and determination.
"I know you don't," she whispered, her words hanging in the air like a delicate thread. "But this needs to stop." Her gaze met his, and for a fleeting moment, a silent plea passed between them.
"You said you'd follow me to the end of the world," he implored, taking a hesitant step forward. His eyes, once filled with unwavering certainty, now searched hers for answers. She mirrored his movement, stepping back, creating a growing distance.
"This is the end, Luke," she stated, her voice carrying the weight of a thousand unspoken words. "Look at you." Her eyes swept over him, the turmoil in his dark, searching eyes, where not the same brown pretty eyes she loved.
"Do you hear yourself?" she exclaimed, frustration boiling over as she gestured emphatically at him. The room seemed to echo with the echoes of their emotions. He stood frozen, absorbing the impact of her words. The silence that followed hung like a heavy fog.
His dark eyes darted around her face, desperately seeking a way to bridge the widening gap between them. "I can't lose you," he confessed, the vulnerability in his voice laying bare the raw truth of his feelings. "Luke, you have," she whispered, the truth cutting through the hushed atmosphere like a knife. The realisation struck him like a sudden gust of cold wind, and he jolted awake, the sheets clinging to his back, drenched in sweat. His gaze instinctively darted to the empty space next to him, where she had slept, her absence a stark reminder of the growing distance between them.
Unable to shake off the lingering emotions from the dream, Luke opened his cabin door and found her on the steps, tending to the wounds acquired from the recent quest. The early morning light filtered through the tall trees, casting a soft glow over her face as she worked on mending her gashes. Without a word, he sat down next to her, the silence between them heavy with unspoken sentiments.
"Did you have a bad dream or did I wake you up?" she inquired, concern etched on her face as she peeled off the old, blood-stained cloth. He hesitated for a moment before admitting, "A dream." His gaze remained averted, grappling with the emotions stirred by the vivid images that still lingered in his mind.
She reached out, her hand running gently over his jaw and cheek, through his curly brown hair. His eyes closed, and he leaned into her touch, seeking comfort in the warmth of her presence. 
Every morning since her father Apollo visited her, she glared at him with storms in her eyes, the weight of unspoken internal struggles etched into every line on her face. How could he say that he loved her when he couldn't admit the silent corruption of his mind, a looming darkness foretold by the prophecy that had cast a long shadow over their lives? She bit her nails down to the quick, a nervous habit fueled by the anxiety that brewed beneath the surface, a constant reminder of the impending doom that threatened to unravel their world.
Her face took on a pallor, a shade of grey that mirrored the unacknowledged sickness festering within their connection. Despite the storm raging within her, Luke remained oblivious, unwilling to confront the reality of what lay ahead. The prophecy, like an ominous cloud, cast a chilling effect on their relationship, its unspoken weight pulling them apart.
"YOU DID NOT!" she screamed, the sound reverberating around the room like a sharp echo. "Baby, please listen," he pleaded, desperation evident in his voice as he tried to sway her. "NO! Luke, you have lost it," she yelled in response, vehemently rejecting his attempts to explain himself. In frustration, she turned away, determined to distance herself from the chaos that had unfolded.
Luke, unable to let her slip away, grabbed her arm forcefully. She turned to face him, the air thick with a sense of loss and indecision as their eyes locked in a silent battle. "Join me, please. It pains me not to be with you," he pleaded, the desperation seeping into his words. His grip, initially firm, began to loosen on her upper arm.
"I know my pain is such an imposition to you," she declared, ripping her arm out of his grasp. Her eyes held a mix of hurt and defiance as she confronted him. "And I know that my choice is such a hard thing to grasp, but if you want things to change, joining Kronos is not the way!" her words stuck to him like thick honey, the fact that what he’s seeing and hearing is true.  
"You said you'd follow me to the end of the world," he whispered, his eyes unable to break free from her gaze, unwilling to admit to himself that this nightmare was unfolding. The weight of his own choices pressed heavily on his shoulders, and he found himself trapped in the inevitability of the moment. "This is the end of the world," she stated, her voice carrying a mixture of sorrow and resolve. Her hand reached up, tenderly cupping his cheek, a silent plea lingering in the touch. "If you do this, it is the end."
In response, he tightened his grip on her wrist, a force that caught her off guard. The air between them crackled with tension, and her other hand instinctively found the dagger at her hip. She pointed it at his chest, a desperate attempt to defend the crumbling boundaries of the world they had once shared. 
Her free hand swiftly snatched the dagger from her hip, its cold steel gleaming ominously in the dim light. With a mix of desperation and determination, she pointed it at his chest as he pulled her closer, their noses almost touching. The dagger hovered precariously, a symbolic line drawn in the tense air between them, representing the perilous crossroads of their shared fate.
"Do it," he hissed, teeth bared in a mix of defiance and resignation. His head tilted, his intense gaze looking down on her face. "If this is the end, then end it," he whispered, the words carrying a raw vulnerability. Her eyes flickered briefly to his lips and then back up to his eyes. 
Closing the gap between them, she crushed her lips into his in an almost feverish kiss, a collision of conflicting emotions and unspoken farewells. He responded eagerly, savouring the moment with closed eyes, fully aware that this would be the last time. When they finally broke apart, he pressed his forehead against hers, a desperate attempt to prolong the closeness as she began to pull away.
"Luke, you have sixty seconds," she stated, her voice carrying the weight of an impending farewell. The fleeting seconds hung in the air, a countdown to a decision that would shape the course of their intertwined destinies. Reluctantly, he reluctantly let her go, his eyes tracing the contours of her face as she pulled away. The air was charged with the weight of unspoken goodbyes, the seconds slipping through their fingers like grains of sand.
Luke's footsteps echoed through the dimly lit hallway of the ancient Apollo temple, nestled in the heart of San Diego. The aged stone walls seemed to whisper the stories of countless quests and devotees who had treated these hallowed grounds. His sword, weathered and worn, felt heavy in his hand, a tangible reminder of the urgency that fueled his pursuit.
His eyes darted around the corridors, searching for any sign of her. He knew she was here, on a quest for her father, Apollo. Luke needed Apollo's lyre, and the knowledge that she possessed it intensified the urgency of his pursuit.
As he rounded a corner, there she was, knelt in front of a tall, looming statue of Apollo that almost seemed to watch him as he walked closer to her. The soft glow of candlelight flickered against the intricacies of the statue, casting shadows on her features. Her hair, longer and now lightened, framed her face in a way that seemed to capture the essence of the divine. The passage of time had woven a tapestry of change in her appearance since the last time he laid eyes on her. "Do you think I'm just going to hand it over to you?" she questioned, glancing over her shoulder with an eyebrow raised. Luke hesitated, his attempt at negotiation cut short as she rose, the coveted lyre in her possession. With a swift motion, her finger graced the strings, and as if answering the call, the golden lyre transformed into a magnificent bow, accompanied by a matching arrow that found its place in her grip.
"I was hoping we could negotiate?" he suggested, but before he could take another step towards her, she had the golden bow aimed directly at him. “You’re pathetic,” she spat, her tone filled with disdain. “You think we can negotiate? How long can we be a sad song, Luke?” A bitter edge tinged her almost-laugh as she descended one of the steps that led to the statue, the arrow still menacingly aimed at him. Her eyes, once filled with warmth, now scrutinised him from the scar down to his boots and back up again. 
“What did your father tell you? That I was pathetic?” he retaliated, a bitter edge in his tone. She responded with swift action, firing the arrow from her fingers. It whizzed past his head with a menacing speed, a stark reminder of her prowess with a bow. "I thought you were gifted by the gods, but you can't even-" His sentence was abruptly cut short as another arrow hurtled towards him, piercing straight through his armoured shoulder and only just touching his skin.
He stumbled backward, the force of the impact stealing his breath. The weight of the golden arrow embedded in his shoulder added to the gravity of the moment. With a pained grunt, he yanked the arrow out, the metallic twang resonating in the air.
“That wasn’t very nice, sweetheart,” he hissed, the words dripping with both pain and resentment. Undeterred, he stepped forward, his determination cutting through the air. She fired, the arrow slicing through the space between them, but Luke deftly deflected it with a swift motion of his sword. In response, she fired again, the tension escalating with each passing second.
Luke closed the distance, his presence too near for another arrow to find its mark. As if responding to the urgency of the moment, the golden bow in her hand transformed into a gleaming sword, a manifestation of the escalating conflict. The clash was imminent.
The air crackled with the sound of metal meeting metal as the two swords collided. Sparks danced in the dimly lit temple, a visual representation of the fervour that fueled their confrontation. "I gave you all my best me's," she commented, her voice carrying the weight of shared memories. The scrape of the swords echoed their complex history, each clash a reverberation of the emotions that lingered between them. "And my endless empathy," she added, the passion in her words cutting through the charged atmosphere. The swords locked in a duel, the very embodiment of the clash between love and betrayal, passion and resentment. 
He placed a foot on her chest, exerting pressure that sent her colliding with the cold stone wall. The clash echoed through the ancient temple as Luke's sword delicately lined her throat, dancing over her skin. Their faces hovered mere inches from each other, breaths mingling in the charged air. Her teeth bared in defiance as he looked down on her, the intensity of their gaze locking in a silent battle.
“I won’t kill you if you just hand it over,” he said, his words a calm facade over the underlying tension. Yet, his eyes betrayed a flicker of emotion, briefly wandering to her mouth. “You wouldn't dare,” she hissed, defiant and unyielding, moving closer to both Luke and the blade that danced perilously over her skin.
Luke's hand found her wrist, the one that held the gleaming sword, wrapping around it with a firm grip. “All I did was bleed for you,” she added, her voice catching with a mix of sorrow and accusation. “You betrayed me as I tried to be your bravest soldier.” Tears threatened to spill from her eyes as Luke remained silent, the weight of her words hanging in the air like an unspoken truth. “Fighting in only your army,” she added, almost pleading, desperation lacing her words. “Don’t you ignore me!” she screamed at him, her voice echoing around the temple.
In that charged moment, as the weight of their shared history pressed heavily upon them, Luke's gaze softened. His grip on her wrist loosened, and against the backdrop of their tumultuous confrontation, he pulled her closer. A raw vulnerability lingered in the air as his lips met hers, a desperate attempt to bridge the gap that betrayal had created.
The kiss, passionate yet laced with bitterness, became a silent plea for understanding. Tears ran down her cheeks, mixing with the intensity of the moment. 
However, as the kiss deepened, she pushed him away with a force fueled by anger and hurt. In the aftermath of the intimate collision, she took a step back, her eyes and cheeks tear-stained. With a swift motion, her hand moved the sunlight streaming through the ancient temple's windows. The light intensified, forming a blinding ray that pierced his eyes, momentarily robbing him of his vision.
The sudden manipulation of sunlight served as a physical manifestation of her emotional turmoil. As the radiant beam enveloped him, she stood there, her silhouette defined by the glow of the manipulated light. Luke couldn't help but think that she should be the one worshipped, not Apollo. Her power, both divine and resonant, felt more potent in that sacred space than the legacy of any god.
The pain surged through him when her sword cut through his shoulder, a searing agony that felt like his very being was set ablaze. The blinding sunlight, manipulated by her hand, had left him vulnerable, and he didn't see her coming.The blade seemed to carry the weight of centuries, as if it had been forged in the crucible of ancient torment. Luke gritted his teeth, his grip tightening around the bleeding gash. In the midst of the physical pain, there lingered a deep yearning—a wish, almost desperate, that she had chosen to end him with that strike.
The echoes of their tumultuous history reverberated in the hallowed halls of the Apollo temple, and as the pain pulsed through him, Luke grappled with the realisation that the wounds inflicted went beyond the physical.
“Get out,” her voice echoed around his head as he struggled to his feet. The blinding pain in his shoulder and impaired vision left him with no choice but to leave the sacred grounds of the Apollo temple. He cast one more glance at her, catching a glimpse of an unexpected presence. Apollo stood behind her, a godly figure with one hand resting on her shoulder. The divine touch spoke volumes, an undeniable symbol of the unspoken alliance between father and daughter.
Luke, battered and defeated, felt the weight of Apollo's silent support as he begrudgingly turned away. The echoes of her command still reverberated in his ears.
"Do something, babe, say something," her voice echoed, reaching him even though her presence remained elusive in the dream. Pain resonated in her words.
"Lose something, babe, risk something," she shouted, the dream swirling around him in chaotic fragments.
"Choose something, babe, I got nothing," her words bore a tangible weight, too vivid to dismiss as a mere dream. “Luke, you’re losing me!” It screamed, and he jolted out of his bed, his head ringing with the persistent echo of her haunting plea.
The disorienting transition from the dream-world to reality left Luke breathless, the remnants of the dream still clinging to his senses. The urgency in her voice lingered, imprinting and haunting him.
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dramaticcrow · 5 months
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(Eng Prompt List)
Day 1: Moon and Sun | Space AU | Royal AU - “My Missa”
Day 2: Vampires | Mermaids | Gods - “I'll be here when you're ready”
Day 3: Mafia | Past lives | Cat Missa and Crow Philza - “As long as you are with me you will never feel alone”
Day 4: Confession | Emergency | Murder - “The sky is the limit”
Day 5: Language of flowers | Hanahaki | Spy X Family AU - “No one ever told me that love hurt”
Day 6: First times | Emergency room | Separation - “It's not goodbye, it's see you soon”
Day 7: Disease | Hot chocolate | Comfort - “The family is forever”
Extra prompts:
Red thread of destiny
“I love you, I'm sorry I couldn't tell you sooner”
“I would never choose to love another”
New parents
DeathDuo/Pissa Week
Entonces eh decidido que haré este reto agradezco a mi amigo Irl y a los chicos de Discord por apoyarme y darme ideas para la lista! Así que aquí vamos…
Las dos primeras imágenes contienen los prompts para esta Pissa/DeathDuo Week, contiene dos prompts y un diálogo. Puedes elegir el prompt que más te guste o combinarlos para darle tu propio toque personal :D
Las reglas de este reto son las siguiente:
1. La escritura y el arte están permitidos, puede ser solo uno o ambos como más se le acomode a cada uno.
2. No @ a los cubitos irl, tanto en vuestro arte como en vuestros fics (en el caso de que lo suban a X o Insta)
3. El contenido Dark y sensible como; Yandere, Personajes posesivos, Daño a uno mismo, Sangre, Muerte, Etc… está permitido siempre cuando se etiquete correctamente. (En caso de que tengas una idea y no sabes si está permitido puedes enviarme un mensaje)
4. No es necesario hacer los siete días, puedes hacer cuantos quieres y con los que te sientas cómodo.
5. Este reto es tanto de Pissa (pareja romántica) como DeathDuo (pareja platónica) por lo que los prompts están hechos para que sean cómodos para los dos lados de la comunidad, solo por favor etiqueten debidamente si es Pissa o DeathDuo.
6. La semana que he escogido para este reto es del 1 de Junio al 7 de Junio, aunque pueden tener todo el mes de Junio para publicar su arte/escritura
7. Y la última regla pero no menos importante… no olviden divertirse!
So I've decided that I will do this challenge I thank my friend Irl and the guys on Discord for supporting me and giving me ideas for the list! So here we go...
The first two images contain the prompts for this Pissa/DeathDuo Week, it contains two prompts and a dialogue. You can choose the prompt you like the most or combine them to give it your own personal touch :D
Also, if one of the days doesn't suit you or you don't feel comfortable with that prompt there is a list of nine extra prompts that you can also choose from.
The rules of this challenge are this:
1. Writing and art are allowed, it can be just one or both as it suits you best.
2. no @ to the irl, in your art and in your fics (in case you upload it to X or Insta) 3.
3. Dark and sensitive content such as; Yandere, Possessive characters, Self harm, Blood, Death, Etc... is allowed as long as it is tagged correctly. (In case you have an idea and don't know if it is allowed you can message me).
4. You don't have to do all seven days, you can do as many as you want and as many as you feel comfortable with.
5. This challenge is both Pissa (romantic couple) and DeathDuo (platonic couple) so the prompts are made to be comfortable for both sides of the community, just please tag properly if it's Pissa or DeathDuo.
6. The week I have chosen for this challenge is from June 1 to June 7, although you can have the whole month of June to post your art/writing.
7. And last but not least rule... don't forget to have fun!
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auroraeternal · 11 months
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And last but not least simblreen gift will give you absolutely unique and gothique experience for your sims 3 games. I'm proudly presents you...
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This would be a long-read, sorry for that!
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I can consider myself one of the quickest creator of the most complete default UI for TS3 😅 But it would be impossible without help of @mookymilksims ❤ I used her BGM UI as a base, also for some reason regular method of creating DRs of loading screen doesn't work for me, so I used @justmiha97 Clean UI Loading Screen as a reference, what files Ii need to replace. And of course dino_rex with this thread on MTS. I also want to give a huge thanks for the testing and taking screenshots of the mod to @sagasimsworld and Mary_WW (she isn't on tumblr), because without them I couldn't find and fix most critical bugs in time. Also, even if most of the UI is replaced and it's fully playable, It's still need polishing and testing, so if you see any bug or some of the parts of UI that looks bad (e.g buttons that are near each other having different shades or smth like that), send me PM or ask with screenshots. Also this mod needs testing with different reshade presets, because I worry that some of them may enhance red colors of the UI and that may cause eyestrain. All screenshots are taken without reshade.
More info and screenshots:
Recolored most of the CAS, CASt, CAP, CAB (plumbots editor), Live mode, Build & Buy mode and Town mode (except map tags):
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Loading Screen is compatible with any language (but has only translated in english and russian in main file and ukrainian translation in separated package (AE_BloodsuckerUI_LoadingScreen_UA), that contains translated files only for english and russian version. For working ukrainian translation in english game you need font replacement (Montserrat).
Yeah, image that I used on loading screen is different from that one I showed you on this post (it's my desktop wallpaper now lol). It's because required image for ts3 loading screens is 1024x768, and when I resize original collage it became squished, so I added more images:
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In main file of the UI are added this mods, so if you have them, you need to remove it from your game: @fanaskhe-r update of More slots for topical details mod, cmar_nyc's Skintone Panel, Recolored version of Menaceman's Pets Relationships Icons (other relationship headlines recolored as well!).
I created my own replacement for occults in relationship panel, so @sweetdevil-sims icons or removing of halos isn't needed anymore.
For opportunities tab I used recolored correct Shang Simla Forbidden city icon by @thebleedingwoodland, and I definitely recommend installing the whole mod, just delete with S3PE opp_generic_china image so they wouldn't conflict.
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Icons are from Freepik. You are allowed to use them for creating "Minimalistic occult relationship panel" with vanilla UI or other UI default.
Also I created compatible and recolored versions for some popular mods, that replaces parts of UI, you can download them in ADDONS archive:
Recolored version of Expanded Tattoo module of Nraas MasterController (installation in Overrides, and don't forget about CmarNYC Tattoos File):
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Recolored and compatible version of @lazyduchess Catalog Search Mod (installation in Overrides):
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Compatible version of Arro's 4t3 Replacements of Seasons and Lunar Cycle Icons (3 versions, install only one in Overrides folder):
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Compatible and/or recolored versions of Gamefreak130 World Loading Screens Overhaul (Choose only one):
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Recolored @xiasimla HD icons (both regular and medieval). Totally optional.
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Not an actual mod, but desktop icons (.ico format) for TS3 with logo (2 ver.) and plumbob that I created for this UI.
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Credits: @mookymilksims, Fanaskher, cmar_nyc, Menaceman44, @thebleedingwoodland, Nraas team, @lazyduchess, Arro, Gamefreak130, @xiasimla for their mods; EA/Maxis, Freepik, Tumblr, Pinterest and Landing for images.
Used programs: Adobe Photoshop, Landing, S3PE, Notepad++, EasySTBL.
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Fully compatible and recommended UI mods:
4t3 Cursors by Arro (I don't want make my own custom cursors).
Arro's No mod info.
Nraas Portrait Panel.
Ingredients Thumbnails fix by @tasteslikefridge.
Equestrian Centre map tag replacements by Menacemen.
Rabbitholes Map Tags Visibility Changes.
Font defaults: Font replacement by @simstate and Bigger size font.
Defaults by @alverdinesims: Build Grid, Objects placement, Skill and progress meters.
CC Icons Defaults: Replacement or Completely Remove.
CAS & Stylist Room Defaults: Monotone by @agnelid, Different by @cherdawn66, Empty CAS/Stylist, Gothic by @bast-sims.
Moodlets Icons Defaults: 2t3, 4t3.
Traits Icons Defaults (except Social Groups): 2t3, 4t3, Medieval, Medieval LTR by @aprilrainsimblr.
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@pis3update @wanderingsimsfinds @bloodys-s3ccfinds @sssvitlanz @nightoccfinds @ninthcirclets3cc @kpccfinds
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