#and i dragged a bit... i did
virgovirgo · 1 year
idk what compelled me to send in an essay of a support form on the broken spotify links but alas i’ve done it
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toshidou · 11 days
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previously on "toshidou's horny rambles":
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𝟏𝟖+ 𝐍𝐒𝐅𝐖
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your jaw is aching, just barely able to feel simon's fingers as they curl around a fistful of your hair, the other hand pinching either side of your face between his thumb and forefinger to watch how your lips purse around the girth of his cock. lidded, darkened eyes staring down at you as he fucks lazily into your mouth; the slick sound of spit accompanied by the slap of his balls against your chin, wet with your saliva and precum.
and if that wasn't overstimulating in of itself, thick, strong fingers indent into the flesh of your hips, followed by the aching thud of könig's sharp hips jackhammering into the soft flesh of your ass, a cacophony of lewd, debauched sounds that shouldn't make you nearly as wet as they do.
you have little choice but to focus on trying to stay balanced on your hands and knees and take it, every forceful thrust, every notch of ghost's tip against the back of your throat, every delirium inducing drag of könig's cock, so thick it has no choice but to stimulate every nerve ending your poor cunt has to offer.
there is no holding back, no small mercies, you're fucked to within an inch of your life, pushed through so many orgasms you barely remember what year it is, unable to think of anything other than the two men that bookend your trembling body.
by the time their hips both stutter to a stop, once their cum dribbles down in flithy rivulets from your aching holes, plump flesh littered with bite marks, bruises and handprints; you're just lucid enough to make out the two men as they tower above you, twin sets of irises engulfed in black, still hungry, still not satiated.
it's fair to say you may have "voulez-vous coucher avec moi, ce soir"ed a little too close to the sun.
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sciatherics · 5 months
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gleeful-side · 3 months
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Happy very belated salt day everyone
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liliumofthevalleyy · 8 months
The trial of younger Louis and Will isn't talked about enough
I have no idea why I haven't seen someone talk about it yet from Baxter's prespective with how funny it is.
Imagine you are an arrogant, selfish, hypocritical, and frankly annoying nobleman, who does not deserve the wealth his ancestors have build like half the birtish ppl back then, in late 1800s Britain.
You cheat an orphanage out of it's donation money and then some kids from the slum form an agreement with you to repay it so that now you owe them instead, and you don't think much of it because 1. they're kids 2.they're "uneducated stupid dirty kids"
Those same kids take you to court for not repaying them a month later💀.
Spoiler alert, they weren't dumb.
Turns out, even without a lawyer, the older kid is dominating you effortlessly, you a nobleman (unbelieveable right?). And the kid decidsed to adhere to the agreement by taking one pound of flesh. To which your lawyer objects with a reason and his objection is sustained.
Surprise, the kids prepared against that too. And surprise, you are losing and the case and it's stressing you out while the older kid freaking asks you if you would like him to recite all of Shakespeare's plays (since this trial mimicks the trial in one of the plays) while posing. (We stan theatre kid William).
Out of nowhere the older kid pulls out a relatively large knife from his small blazer's pocket? And menacingly approaches you as everyone watches casually because ain't no way that small-ahh blazer is covering ANYTHING.
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Unsuprisingly atp, you lost the case...
Out of all corrupt nobleman that actually got one-ep long screen-time before getting off-screened like Enders, Baxter's case is the most miserable to me. Like with how status was everything back then, how is he ever gonna live it down?
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wavesoutbeingtossed · 5 months
It did strike me today in light of all the discussion about “Cassandra” how time and again Taylor’s been accused of things or had her claims dismissed or ridiculed only to eventually be proven right amidst deafening silence, and that the silly ~tea~ from the Ice leaked texts is yet another example of it because it confirmed the Karma collab long predated the MH situation even though she was accused of using Ice as cover for the whole ~scandal~ when it was finally released and idk. (Even though it’s obvious it would have had to have been recorded long before because it takes months to plan and execute these things.) Again she just isn’t given the benefit of the doubt other artists do or the grace when the accusations lobbed against her are disproven. “Do you believe me now?” Indeed.
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silverskye13 · 21 days
I get how Wels is really protective of the Hermits, but I think part of that has given Tango some prejudices about the Helsmets. I feel like he thinks of Tanguish as a defanged lion or something, like "oh Helsmets are dangerous, but mine's not so I can hang with him" and he's trying to convince his "parent" to let him keep the wild animal he's found. I feel like Tanguish trying to convince him the other Helsmets don't mean any harm is never going to work, but Tango is also not aware of some of the struggles the Helsmets can go through and doesn't realise they are capable of actually being nice to each other without tearing the other to shreds.
Tango has made one of my favorite blunders in media: he has mistaken no intent to harm with harmless. A harmless thing couldn't hurt you even if it wanted to. A thing with no harmful intent could do a great amount of harm, but does not wish to.
I think you're very right in saying he treats Tanguish like a tame lion. He isn't really a person. He's certainly more of a person to Tango than he is to Welsknight, but he's still a step down. Tanguish is his pet hype man, a rubber duck that happens to occasionally have opinions, a toothless predator.
Personally! I think this is less a flaw of Welsknight's influence, and more a flaw in Tango. Welsknight has done a lot to heck up the situation, don't get me wrong, but his has more to do with making Tango doubt his relationships. Tango didn't treat Tanguish like his own person before Wels found out about him.
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wanderingblindly · 2 months
I feel like red bull’s insane 2023 season really skewed people’s perspective on what “having the fastest car” means.
It was bizarre for red bull to lose a single race last year, because they didn’t just have the fastest car on the grid. They had the fastest car imaginable. They were so far removed from the competition that they couldn’t not win.
But McLaren having the fastest can rn isn’t the same.
It’s fast enough to win, all else equal. But F1 isn’t ‘all else equal’. Driver error, strategic calls, track configuration, weather, tyre management — it all matters.
“Well they have the fastest car, so—“ NO actually, there is no definitive so! Nothing is guaranteed in a normal season, slower cars have always managed to beat faster cars! That’s the entire point! 2023 Red Bull was a literally insane outlier!!!
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spilledmilkfkdies · 10 months
Sometimes I think about that scene where Ogron and Gantlos (ft Roxy) are reacting to the winx transforming like "Same old song and dance" and "Speak for yourself slut I like it aCTUALLY" or whatever, depends on the dub- Then Believix gets "earned", forcing the wizards to sit through a second sequence. And y'know. It's followed by Duman doing fucking
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Probably doesn't mean anything except I've decided that it actually does. Not only did he hear Gantlos mentioning he finds it amusing, he also had his own conversation with Anagan that included a "Why don't you ever give us a twirl". Duman remained unconvinced until the winx made them watch another sequence so he just "This one goes out to y'all <3"d it up *does a lil spin* and you best believe Anagan is nearly pissing himself offscreen as it happens
This was me gaslighting myself into thinking the wizards are more interesting than they are for today mwah time for lunch
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ghastigiggles · 7 months
Omg omg omg "Here comes the tickle monster" with ler!Jing Yuan and lee!Yanqing! If that's okay ofc💕
Mischievious Prompts [Still Open]
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“My lord, please, you should still be resting…”
“A little rest is good for the soul,” Jing Yuan smiled back, gazing out the window; “But too much, and one risks becoming lethargic.”
Yanqing sighed softly, his brow furrowing with worry as he gazed at the general’s back. While it was true that Jing Yuan was bouncing back well, a part of him – the part that was still attached to his mentor – still stressed over the depth of his wounds. Jing Yuan could be like a cat at the best of times, concealing facets of his health to avoid worrying those he cared for – and giving his enemies an advantage, all the same.
“... I understand,” The young warrior managed after a moment, knowing better than to push his luck too far; “In that case, if there’s anything I can do to help, please, let me be of service.”
Jing Yuan turned to look down upon Yanqing, a soft smile upon his lips as he took in the boy’s worried state – and with a soft chuckle, he nodded, turning to face him fully as Yanqing perked to attention.
“There is one thing…”
Something about the general’s tone struck a memory for Yanqing, who promptly tensed – suddenly overwhelmingly glad that there were no other members of staff present in Jing Yuan’s office. As the older warrior stepped forward, he stepped back, swallowing as he realized where this was going.
“My lord…! You can’t be serious – your condition is –”
“Not severe enough to stop the tickle monster!”
In a split moment, Jing Yuan grinned and started closer, earning a yelp of alarm from Yanqing as he darted away in turn, quickly moving to stay out of reach – though he couldn’t stop the anticipatory, equally entertained smile from seizing his features, nor the squeal that escaped him when the general finally seized his target. 
“Here it comes!”
“Eeyah! Nohohoo, my - my lohord…!”
Ultimately, a little laughter was a soothing balm for both of their souls – and for those who passed by the office’s doors, pausing to smile at the muffled sounds of play within. All would be well within the Divination Commission.
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the-way-astray · 2 months
Keefe headcanons???
when keefe realized he could inflict, he had mixed feelings. on one hand, he always wanted to be able to. on the other, he can only really do it because his empathy's so strong and why is his empathy so strong? because of his mom's genetic manipulations. so like. he struggles with that
he takes longer than cassius to do his hair. look, i know canonically he makes fun of how long cassius takes to do his hair, but you know keefe takes longer then thirty-one minutes, let's be so for real here, anon. canon doesn't exist actually
anyway fitz taught him to do his hair, actually. they were experimenting and keefe liked that style so fitz taught him how to do it
speaking of fitz, they share a room in the elite levels. oh, but the elves don't really do sharing rooms because there's space enough for every- well, guess who doesn't care. that's right. me
keefe learned his . . . dubious use of empathy from his dad. when he was a kid, his dad would always read his emotions and then just casually tell his mom what he was feeling, so keefe learned to do the same thing and doesn't realize it's fucked up
fitz was the first one to call out that behavior but keefe still struggles with it
fitz keeps keefe in line. in my head
fitz is actually the one that won't let keefe touch his hair everyone has it flipped
this post is turning into a keefitz post lemme backtrack
keefe really likes the elvin equivalent of oranges/citrusy fruits and in unraveled if i don't see him intimidatingly eat a lemon like an apple i will simply perish
before the series started, he changed his hair and eye color all the time with elixirs from slurps and burps so he did know dex kinda even before sophie was in the picture
one time he dyed the tips of his hair black so he looked like a porcupine
he's one of those people that buries himself under the comforter even if it's like 150 degrees outside and inside (i think this is canon actually)
(spoilers for crooked kingdom whoopsie) you know that scene where they fall through the ceiling because they spilled really potent acid on the ground? keefe has definitely done that. that's why Nobody Goes To The Fifty-Sixth Floor Of Candleshade. there's just a gaping hole in the floor between the fifty-fifth and fifty-sixth floor
keefe decorated the rim of said hole with tiny chunks of lumenite he secretly shaved off his dad's statue and since his dad never goes to that floor he doesn't know about it
keefe performed the elvin equivalent of a satantic ritual with the hole (he was high on fathomlethes)
his favorite scent is sharpie. unfortunately he's never actually smelled it before. come on, shannon, give the people (me) what they want in unraveled
when he first heard about sophie (not from fitz) he thought she was a rumor
he's ridden verdi before once when grady made him do chores waiting for sophie to come home
he fell off. painfully
he has never baked ever not even once in his entire life. not ever. this is important to me
keefe and fitz are the epitome of the newest, hottest romance trope that's taken the book world by storm: baker x cannot bake for the life of them
keefe was the one that painted that vacker family portrait actually
della told fitz she wanted to commission a portrait of them to celebrate alden's recovery and fitz was like "i know just the guy"
fitz just didn't tell sophie that because he didn't want to ruin the mood during the flashback scene
remember when fitz said he went to the hekses place for a delivery once? actually alden took keefe too and keefe thought it was cool. yes i know canon says keefe wasn't there and thought it was gross but we ignore canon in this headcanon household
he tried to convince fitz to join his hair and eye color changing ways by changing his eye color to teal and hair color to brown but alas fitz refused to join him
oh shit i'm keefitz posting again
he only turned the lab table to silver because it was ugly he wouldn't have done it if it wasn't so crusty-looking why doesn't lady galvin appreciate his efforts no one understands him
he once showered in the elvin equivalent of orange juice
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sexynetra · 5 months
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Saw these photos and decided the world needed a Plane Jane skating fic… so here you go 😅
Read on Ao3
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leonardalphachurch · 5 months
touching more on it. there’s this very distinct lack of awareness in writing a character like temple but then insisting you want to kill the gay supervillain cliche. whether we like it or not “being a serial killer” IS something that’s inherently tied to homosexuality in a lot of peoples minds. especially in fictional narratives. it’s a cliche for a reason! and i know joes intention was just to make temple act like a stereotypical supervillain, but again there’s a reason that, even if they’re not intended to be gay, the stereotypical supervillain acts like That. you can just say “well i don’t want to write that trope” while actively pulling from the trope.
if you want your stereotypical supervillain to not be a gay cliche you need to do so deliberately. you need to actively strip the queercoding from him. you can’t just word of god that he’s not gay and he’s suddenly not the trope. at some point the narrative speaks for itself
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ennard-is-near · 3 months
Scott has said he won’t ever make a real Fazbear location, and it’s partially because he’s afraid kids will get killed/go missing there. But I’m so convinced that their biggest issue would be people putting their (and their kids/younger sibling’s) heads in the animatronic’s mouths and getting hurt like that.
Also cosplayers.
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sneeping with his legs up over his head for some reason... weird boye
#cats#love the second picture... skrungly sleepy well rested boye face...#since he's an elderly boy now sometimes when he wakes up from a nap he looks a bit scruffy and squinty eyed#Hard to beleive he's like 15 though.. he still looks like a kitten to me.. due to his giant round creature eyes and childlike demeanor#I think it's interesting that like... baby cats are babies. kittens are kittens. and you can tell a cat is like 'young adult' phase#looking from like a few months to maybe 1yr or 2yrs.. but after that they just always look the same to me#a 5 yr old cat is a 10 yr old cat is a 15 year old cat. unless the cat in question is particulalry aged or youthful#I still have so so little energy... it's been icy here this week. like not even FUN but just scary icy even thoguh i lOOOVE the cold#and its my favorite weather. I think it'd be okay actually if I had a woodburning stove/fireplace/hearth thing. literally thats my only#concern with the power going out. I genuinely don't mind stuff like having to go to the bathroom in buckets or cook over a fire or do other#less conveninet things. Its just that if eveyrhtng is electric then you have no way to cook and all of that. well.. and I literally need#background noise to go to sleep lest my ocd sprials become so loud I am slowly driven into maddness.. but a few battery packs or something#and a phone with one downloaded video I could play on repeat is fine for that. I dont need internet. ANYWAY.. so so sad that my fav#orite season ever (winter) is here. and the first cold of the winter is like... just an ice storm that you cant even walk in. I#love like 4 feet of snow where you can play in it and stuff. But just a thin flat sheet of a few inches of ice over every imaginable surfac#is not really playable. the wind speeds are so high and so many trees fall it's actually not that safe to go hang out outside anyway unless#you were in a totally clear open field. which is SAD also because i love ice and high winds. i love to stand out there and get whipped in t#he face with ice crystals and feel like I'm in some dramatic movie or something. but alas.. the threat of being attacked by a falling tree.#I did go out some but again it's like. literallyyou cant walk on it. so I just squatted and dragged myself along the ground lol#One of my stories has a whole section where the main characters are trapped in a deadly cold environment for a week and have to use magic#to survive and etc. etc. so I'm always like.. ouuu.. I should go in the ice.. it's Writing Research actually.. *foolishly gets frostbite*#THOUGH yesterday I went on a harrowing evil journey down a bunch of icy hilly roads to go check on some person's cat because the cat#had been left in the house for like 5 days at that point with nobody to check on them and nobody else seemed to want to do anything#about it (like call all of the neighbors or try to get someone out there) so I just went myself with a roommate who agreed to drive me.#It seemed acting totally normal and I gave it more food and water but.. I am still worried about it.. Apparently the person will be able#to get back to their house tomorrow but.. I dont trust them. But I couldnt take the cat with me because it's like.. a stranger's cat#basically and also no carrier + very skittish.. so I feared if I just tried to carry them bare handed they'd definitely leap from my grasp#and then it'd be like.. sliding on a sheet of ice chasing a cat and so on.. I still think they need to be watched for health issues tho >:|#ANYWAY.... many cat adventures lately... and strange weather... I wish for a normal week without always so many Things Happening.. augh
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13eyond13 · 4 months
nothing more cringe than coaxing and half-forcing someone to go to the movies with you because you're talking up how good the last one in the series was and then they finally agree to go and then it ends up being over two hours long and also kinda the worst 😬
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