#and i drew it today but the chat thing was like a week or more??????
misspygmypie · 1 month
Meet & Greet... and more? Pt. 9
Pairing: Lando Norris x reader Words: 2937 Click here for Part 8
Please do not repost, thank you, and leave some feedback :)
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The months passed by with Y/N and Lando’s relationship growing deeper steadily. In the 11 months they had been with each other they both had learned to cope with Lando’s busy lifestyle. The next Grand Prix was just around the corner and Lando had always thrived on the adrenaline of racing but today the excitement was dimmed by a heavy feeling of responsibility. Every detail needed his attention and this meant missing Noah’s fifth birthday party, which was less than a week away.
He glanced at the demanding schedule on his desk and felt a pang of guilt. He opened his laptop and called Y/N, hoping to at least share a moment of happiness remotely via video. When her face appeared on the screen the dining table in the background was cluttered with birthday decorations ready to be hung up, of course racing themed.
“Hey baby,” Lando said, trying to sound upbeat. “How’s everything going for the big day?”
“Hi,” Y/N’s smile was warm. “We’re getting everything ready, he’s really excited and he’s been asking about you a lot.”
Lando tried to mask his sadness with a smile. “I’m sorry I can’t make it, things are just incredibly hectic right now.”
“I know,” Y/N replied, her eyes filled with understanding and concern. “He understands and he’s so proud of you! He even drew a picture of you racing and he’s been showing it off to everyone. He’s really looking forward to when you’re back and we can all spend some time together.”
Just then the boy appeared on the screen, holding up the drawing with a beaming smiley face. “Lando, look! I made this for you, it’s you in the car!”
Lando’s heart melted at the sight. “Wow, Noah, that’s fantastic! I’m going to keep it in my suitcase to remind me of you.”
Noah’s face lit up. “Will you win the race for me?”
“I’ll definitely try my best,” Lando said sincerely. “And when I get back, we’ll have a special day together. How about we finally go to a go-kart track and race like I do? You can show me how fast you are.”
“Really? That sounds amazing!” Noah’s eyes sparkled with excitement and Y/N gave Lando a grateful look. “Thank you for making the effort to connect, even if you can’t be here in person.”
In the days following the video call Lando couldn’t shake the guilt of missing Noah’s birthday. He had promised to make it up to them and he was determined to keep that promise. Between the hectic preparations for the Grand Prix and the relentless schedule it seemed nearly impossible but Lando was set on finding a way.
Late one evening he sat in his living room and stared at his calendar. Meetings, strategy sessions and media obligations filled every available slot. But the more he looked, the more he felt that missing Noah’s birthday wasn't just a minor oversight, it was an opportunity lost to be there for someone who meant so much to him.
The idea was simple: create a small window of time to surprise them before the Grand Prix. It would be tight, but with some help he believed it could be done.
“Hey, Oscar, do you have a moment to chat?” Lando spoke into his phone after his team mate had picked up.
“Sure, what’s up?”
“I need a huge favor,” Lando said. “Noah’s turning five this week and I’ve been looking forward to celebrating his birthday with him. But with all the media meetings and events I have lined up I’m struggling to figure out how to be in two places at once.”
Oscar listened carefully. “What can I do to help?”
Lando took a deep breath. “I was wondering if you could cover some of my media meetings and sponsor commitments for a few days. Noah and Y/N are my family now and I can’t bear the thought of missing this day.”
“I get it, Lando. Family is everything, I’d be happy to help out.”
“Thank you, Oscar,” Lando felt a surge of relief, “Noah looks up to me and Y/N has been incredibly supportive during our entire relationship. I want to be there for both of them just this once.”
Oscar chuckled softly, finding Lando’s dedication endearing. “You know, it’s kind of cute to see how much you care about them. It’s clear how much they mean to you.”
Lando smiled, a bit embarrassed, grateful that Oscar wasn’t able to see him. “Well, when you find the right people it changes everything. I’m really lucky to have them in my life.”
“Just send me the details and I’ll make sure everything runs smoothly. You focus on having a great time.”
“Thank you so much,” Lando said gratefully. “It means more to me than you know. I’ll get you all the details in a bit.”
“No problem at all,” Oscar assured him. “We’re all part of a team here and we support each other. If there’s anything else you need just let me know.”
With their conversation wrapped up, Lando quickly called his assistant to inform him of the changes and then compiled the necessary details for Oscar, relieved and grateful for his friend’s support.
The day of the surprise arrived and Lando boarded a private jet early in the morning, arriving in Y/N’s city just in time to make the most of his brief visit. He kept his plan a secret, even from Y/N, to ensure it would be a complete surprise.
When Lando arrived at Y/N’s house, he was greeted by colorful birthday decorations and the buzz of children’s laughter. Y/N opened the door, her eyes widening in disbelief when she saw him.
“Lando! What are you doing here?” Y/N gasped and hugged her boyfriend tightly before kissing him for a few seconds.
“Surprise! I couldn’t miss his birthday, so I rearranged my schedule to be here.”
Y/N’s face lit up with happiness. “He’s going to be thrilled. He’s been so excited for today.”
As Noah ran up to the hallway his face brightened when he saw Lando. “You came!”
Lando crouched down and the two of them hugged tightly for a moment, then Lando handed the birthday boy a large box wrapped in orange, his favorite color. “This is for you, happy birthday, buddy.”
Noah eagerly unwrapped the box to find a high-quality remote-controlled race car. His eyes widened. “This is amazing, it’s just like the car you drive!”
“It is,” Lando said with a grin. “And I thought we could have some fun together testing it out.”
Before they could start playing Noah’s friends, who had been watching from a distance, gathered around, their eyes wide with disbelief as they recognized Lando. The kids stared in awe, their excitement growing as Lando greeted them. “Hi everyone,” Lando said with a friendly wave. “I’m glad to finally meet all of Noah’s friends.”
The children took turns asking Lando questions about racing and they all spent the afternoon racing the remote-controlled car around the yard, with Noah’s friends eagerly joining in to cheer them on. The party was a huge success and after seeing the joy on Noah’s face Lando knew he had made the right decision.
The next evening Lando was preparing to leave for the Grand Prix when Y/N approached him, Noah standing next to her with a small, carefully wrapped package.
“Before you go, Noah has something he made for you,” Y/N said. “He and his class had a project where they crafted gifts for the special people in their lives. He was really excited about this and he wanted to give this to you next time you were here.”
The boy, standing beside Y/N, handed over the gift. “I picked you because you’re my hero.”
“Aw,” Lando responded, visibly touched by the gesture, “thank you so much, I can’t wait to see what you’ve created.”
Lando unwrapped it eagerly but just as carefully and he discovered a handmade notebook. The cover was decorated with stickers, including race cars, stars and an orange glittery “L.” Inside, the pages were filled with Noah’s heartfelt notes and colorful drawings about their adventures at the tracks so far together.
Lando felt himself tear up as he flipped through the pages. Each drawing depicted a different scene, a race car zooming across a track, Lando in his racing suit and Noah himself with a big smile in the garage. But it was the final page that truly got to him.
The last drawing was a vibrant crayon depiction of a family. It showed Lando, Y/N and Noah together, smiling and holding hands, surrounded by stars and hearts. The drawing was labeled with the words: “Our Happy Family.”
Lando could barely keep himself from crying. He turned to Noah, who was watching him with wide, hopeful eyes. “This is the most beautiful drawing I’ve ever seen. It means so much to me that you see us this way.”
“I wanted you to have something special because you’re always so busy and away from us.”
Y/N, seeing Lando’s emotional reaction, added softly, “Noah was so proud of his project. He wanted you to know how much you mean to him.”
Just in that moment Y/N’s phone rang and she stepped away to answer. Lando took the opportunity to grab Noah’s hand and guide him to sit down next to him on the sofa. “Can I tell you something, Noah?”
The boy looked up, curious. “What is it?”
Lando took a deep breath, trying to find the right words. “I want you to know how much I love both you and your mom. Being with you two has made me happier than I’ve ever been.”
Noah’s eyes widened with interest. “Really?”
“Really,” Lando said, nodding. “And there’s something I’ve been thinking about. I want to ask your mommy to marry me but I wanted to make sure you’re okay with it first.”
“You mean you want to be our family forever?” Noah’s face lit up with excitement and the young man smiled, feeling relieved. “Yes, that’s exactly what I mean. I want us to be a family, just like in your drawing. What do you think?”
Noah thought for a moment, then asked shyly, “If you’re going to be our family, you kind of would be my dad then?”
Lando’s heart melted. “That would make me very happy. But let’s keep this a secret for now, okay? We’ll surprise your mommy together when the time is right.”
Noah nodded enthusiastically. “Okay, I won’t tell anyone,” he whispered and the both shared a big smile while Noah snuggled up to the man.
Lando had spent the last few weeks juggling the thrill of Formula 1 races with the excitement of planning a surprise that meant more to him than any victory on the track. He had been dating Y/N for well over a year now, a year that had flown by in a blur of love and laughter. Their relationship had grown and Lando knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her.
There was just one thing missing: the perfect proposal. So, he decided to involve someone very important in his plan, someone who would have a unique perspective and whose opinion mattered a lot to both Y/N and Lando. That someone was Noah.
During his next weekend off Lando gently woke Y/N one morning and informed her about the day’s agenda.
“Good morning, love,” Lando said softly, smiling and kissing her forehead. “I’ve got a little surprise planned for you today.”
Y/N blinked sleepily. “Oh? And what’s that?”
“I’m taking Noah for a boys’ day out. You’re going to have a day to yourself; shopping, pampering, whatever you want, baby. Just relax and enjoy.”
“And what are you two up to?”
Lando gave a mysterious grin. “You’ll find out soon enough. Have fun today!”
With that he placed a loving kiss on her head and quietly tiptoed over to Noah’s room where the boy was already awake, the space a cheerful mess of toys. 
“Good morning, buddy,” Lando greeted, tousling his hair. “Are you ready for a little secret mission?”
Noah’s eyes widened with curiosity. “A mission? What kind of mission?”
Lando knelt down to Noah’s level, a playful grin on his face. “It’s a very important mission. I need your help to plan something really special for your mommy.”
“What is it?” Noah’s face lit up with excitement. 
“Remember when I told you a while ago that I wanted to ask your mom to marry me?” Lando asked. “I need your help to make sure it’s perfect. Can you help me with it?”
Noah’s eyes sparkled with delight. “Yes, I’ll help! What do we need to do?”
Before they were able to head out they had to get ready. First he had to get the boy dressed. Lando picked out a pair of comfy jeans, then held up a colorful, striped shirt and a grey hoodie. 
“Which one?” Lando asked, holding them up for Noah to see.
“This one,” Noah pointed at the hoodie, “so we look like twins because you’re wearing a similar hoodie.”
“Great choice,” Lando laughed, setting the clothes on the bed. “I have to start selling some LN4 merch for kids…” he mumbled to himself, still giggling while helping the kid put on the hoodie, carefully guiding his head through the hole and then assisting him with the jeans.
Next up were the shoes. Noah struggled a bit with the laces, so Lando patiently demonstrated how to tie them with the boy sitting on his lap and intensively watching the man make two bows and soon Noah was proudly showing off his neatly tied sneakers.
“You’re all set, bud” Lando said, giving Noah a playful fist bump.
Noah looked down at himself, beaming with pride. “Thanks, I look great.”
“You sure do,” Lando chuckled and a few minutes later they were on their way.
Lando could hardly contain his own excitement as they headed out, Noah chattering away about superheroes and cars. They made their way to a luxurious jewelry store that Lando had carefully selected and once inside Lando crouched down to Noah’s level. 
“Okay, buddy, here’s the plan. We’re going to pick out the prettiest ring we can find for your mommy. I want it to be perfect and I need your expert opinion. Do you think you can help me with that?”
The boy nodded proudly. They wandered through the store and he would occasionally stop to inspect a ring with intense focus. Lando enjoyed watching Noah’s careful consideration, amazed at just how seriously the little kid took his task.
After a while, Noah stopped in front of a classic, elegant ring with a solitaire diamond. His eyes grew big and he looked up at Lando with a confident grin. “I think this one is the best! It’s so shiny and pretty!”
Lando studied the ring. It was perfect; timeless and beautiful, just like Y/N. He smiled and nodded, clearly impressed. “I think you’re right. This is the one!”
Noah beamed with pride as the ring was carefully packaged. “I can’t wait to see mommy’s face when she sees it!”
With the ring selected they headed to a nearby fast food restaurant where Lando turned to Noah for ideas for the proposal. Over shared chicken nuggets, fries and milkshakes they came up with a perfect plan and after they had finished their meals and bought the rest of the supplies they would need they quickly made their way home knowing that Y/N was still going to be out for another few hours.
Back at the house they worked together to prepare the living room. They created a colorful path by lining the walls with some pictures Noah quickly drew, depicting past memories the three of them had made together and at the end of the trail is where they were going to wait for her.
When Y/N arrived a few hours later she followed the trail of Noah’s drawings, her heart swelling with emotion as she admired each piece, confused about what was happening but curious to find out what was awaiting at the end of the trail. Eventually she saw Noah with the biggest smile on his face, holding a large sign that read “Will You Marry Lando?”
In the center of the room and next to her son stood Lando, surrounded by Y/N’s favorite flowers and big red shiny heart balloons scattered around him and Noah. He took Y/N’s hand, his voice filled with emotion. “Y/N, we’ve been planning something special for you today.”
Noah, proudly holding the sign and not being able to wait any longer, added, “Mommy, Lando and I picked out a ring for you. We wanted it to be perfect!”
Y/N’s eyes filled with tears as she looked back at Lando who dropped to one knee, holding out the beautiful ring. “Y/N, I love you more than words can express and I want nothing more than to be a family with you and Noah. Will you marry me?”
Overwhelmed with emotion Y/N nodded, tears streaming down her face. “Yes, Lando. Of course I will!”
Noah jumped up and down with joy just as Lando slipped the ring onto Y/N’s finger. They embraced each other tightly, with Noah joining in, sharing kisses knowing that the journey of their little family was just starting.
Click here for Part 10! I can't stop writing this series, send help
Tag: @barcelonaloverf1life @remmysthings @poppyflower-22 @vickykazuya @hadids-world @ririyulife @deafeningunknowntyrant @lexiecampos @littlegrapejuice @eloriis @yawn-zi @landossainz @taliya8346282844eliviahdgdajs @casuallyeating @jaydensluv @destinyg237 @il0vereadingstuff @lnchicagosreads @alana4610 @hc-dutch @cherry-piee @wisestarfishbouquet
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Torn Apart- Final Chapter
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So this is the final chapter of my little series. It's a little ambiguous, but focuses on the reader's freedom to do as they like, which is pretty much the main thing Luffy cares about. Remember, you can commission alternative endings.
Warnings: Conflicted emotions, talk of leaving family, lots of crying, missing people, conflict with Zoro.
WC: 9.6k
The next morning you woke to a gentle knock on your door. It was Sanji bringing you breakfast, as he’s done every day for the last week. 
“Mon Ange, I’m here with your breakfast!” 
You sat up with a yawn, blearily opening your eyes. You blinked at him as he set up your breakfast at the small table. 
“Mornin, Sanji” you murmured. Law’s proposition swirled back into your half-asleep thoughts and you sighed deeply. You could tell Sanji was looking at you curiously but with also a little bit of worry. 
“Did you sleep well?” he asked, pouring some coffee and juice. Law finally allowed you to have your caffeine fix when he was certain it wouldn’t cause harm to you, which was 4 days after the surgery. You shook your head honestly. 
“No, not really.” 
Sanji’s curled eyebrows drew together slightly, creasing the smooth skin. 
“Bad dreams?” 
“No, just restless” you said. It was a half-truth. You were actually restless and part of the issue was that you just felt like you’ve rested too long, but the other part was because of Law’s proposition. He brought you the steaming cup of coffee and helped you sit up with a hand between your shoulder blades. You couldn’t help but notice how warm he was, and how you didn’t feel any callouses scraping over your shirt. He was so different compared to Law and Zoro. You knew you shouldn’t compare people, but you just couldn’t help it. 
“Thanks” you murmured as you settled upright.
“It’s only natural,” he said with a smile. He handed you the coffee and fluffed the pillows supporting your back. He seemed to notice that you were distracted, but didn’t push the topic so soon after you waking up. You leaned back into the cushions and took a deep breath, smelling the rich scent of coffee, prepared just the way you liked. You stared into space as you took a few sips, letting your body wake up. Your attachment sites were stinging, but less than before when you were learning to eat. You had enough control now to use both hands to tip the large, half-filled mug to your lips. You still occasionally clacked it harshly against your lips and teeth, but it was better than not having arms. 
“Law says that I can have Chopper help give me a bath today” you said quietly. Sanji looked at you from fussing over the place setting with an inquisitive look. 
“Yeah? You must feel relieved. I still think you are just as lovely as any other day,” he said flirtatiously. You smiled a little at him. 
“Always the flirt” you teased. He smiled back, hands clasped in front of his chest. 
“Especially for you, mon Ange,” he said with a dramatic bow. You giggled, and he looked up at you with awe. You stood, and he held a hand out to help you up. You placed your cold, metal one in his, and he kissed it lightly before taking his other arm and placing it in the middle of your back. He didn’t really need to help you up, but you savored how warm his hand was in yours. You could also feel how hot the coffee mug was, clasped in your free hand. You were starting to feel more heat-like sensations, but you knew you couldn’t get burned. It was really rather strange. 
Once you were standing, he pulled out your chair like a gentleman and then sat across from you. He kept you company while you ate, eating his own breakfast with you. It almost felt… domestic. You loved it. He began chatting about various topics, but he slowly brought up the idea of you coming back to the ship. You swallowed hard. 
“Sanji… I want to ask you something,” your tone was serious and he looked at you with surprise before becoming serious as well. 
“Anything, my dear.” 
You took a deep breath and let it out, looking down at your half-finished plate. 
“What if I were to live somewhere else for a while, just while I was healing? Do you think that Luffy would allow that? Do you think I’d have to learn how to live with Zoro again? I haven’t seen him at all… and I don’t know how to go back to the crew with him there,” you said in a hushed voice. Sanji froze after your first question. You kept your eyes on his hands, resting on the table. He finally raised them and folded them under his chin. 
“Would you want to live somewhere else while you were healing?” he asked. You shrugged, and winced at the action that pulled at your surgery scars. 
“Maybe. I love you guys and I’ll miss you so much if I do, but Luffy can be chaotic. I’m scared about getting into a situation that I can’t handle because I’m not healed enough yet. I’m not strong like you, Luffy, and Zoro. I don’t heal as fast as you guys,” you answered honestly. After you finished speaking, you finally looked into Saji’s visible eye. He had a soft expression on his face, but it was unreadable. He sighed and sat back in his chair. 
“Luffy will tell you to do what you need to do. He’ll tell you to do what you want, because you’re free. If you want to live somewhere else, then do it. I’m assuming this is about Law?” he asked. You flinched at how accurate he was. 
“He invited me to stay here while I heal, but also said I could join the crew,” you said quietly. Sanji only nodded. 
“You should do what you feel is right. You’re not tied down to any of us. We love you and will miss you should you choose to stay here. I think you should talk to the crew about it. If you’re ready, talk to Zoro, and see what’s going on. He’s an idiot marimo, but he’s still a crewmember. Take your bath on the Sunny, and spend some time there. That might make your decision easier.” 
You nodded at his advice. He smiled at you. 
“But in the meantime, get your energy up by eating the rest of your breakfast” he said kindly. You smiled at him as well. 
“Thank you, Sanji” you said. He smiled at you happily. 
“I’ll do anything to see you smile like that at me,” he said softly. It was different from his usual over-the-top flirting, and was sincere. Your breath hitched and you felt your face warm as you met his gaze shyly. You didn’t answer, feeling too flustered. You ate the rest of your breakfast, much more at ease now that you had a plan for your day. 
Law came to your room soon after you finished eating. Sanji was stacking plates and was back to his old self, pining after you the same as he does Robin and Nami. Law didn’t even react to the cook, simply choosing to interrupt the blond.
“Do you want to try walking there or do you want me to teleport us to the Sunny's deck from here? I’ll have to teleport us from our deck since I don’t want you climbing anything yet” Law asked. You thought briefly. 
“I haven’t really had a chance to see your ship. I want to walk and see it!,” you say excitedly. Law only replies with a grunt, ignoring Sanji’s immediate lecture on how that was no way to treat someone of your beauty. The door opens and he walks out, looking at you expectantly. You take a few steps, excited to finally get out of your room. The hallway is mainly plated with silvery metal, and bright lights shine down. Being a submarine, you expected it to be somewhat dark and wet, but this was a pleasant surprise. 
“It’s brighter than I thought” you noticed. Law side-eyed you. He acted completely different when he was in front of Sanji. 
“The lights are ones often used in winter islands, and they provide artificial sunlight basically. It provides vitamin D and it also simulates the time if it were to be a bright, spring day. No short days and long nights” he said with a tinge of pride. You blinked up at the lights, before looking immediately away, their shape singed into your retinas for a brief second. He lead you through the bright halls, and you greeted the crew you ran into with a smile and a wave. The hallways were narrow, but not horribly so. You went up some stairs, and the exertion was catching up with you. Sanji was behind you, and you knew he was staring at your ass but you also knew he had his hands hovering behind you to catch you in case you stumbled. At the top of the stairs, you paused, breathing heavily. Law’s clinical gaze swept over your body, and placed two fingers on your neck to feel your pulse. Your stomach swooped. His brows furrowed. 
“Take a little break and get your heartrate down. Are you hurting?” he asked as he pushed up the sleeves of your short-sleeve shirt to look at your surgery sites. They were stinging in time with your heart rate, and you nodded slightly. 
“Just a little. It throbs with a sting in time with my heart rate” you answer honestly. Law checked your other surgery site, and ended up brushing Sanji out of the way. He side-stepped with an indignant huff that brought an amused smile to your lips. 
“They’re fine, but rest them once you get to the Sunny, okay? Let Chopper-ya do most, if not all, the work.” 
You nodded, breathing easier now. It was another minute before Law allowed you to walk again, and you spent it wavering between frustration at your weakened body and daydreaming about the bath on the Sunny. You heard the two men speak a little, but tuned them out. Law finally started walking again, and Sanji brought you back to reality with a hand on your arm. You smiled a little to yourself at the realization you could feel his touch. You followed after Law, and it was a short walk to the deck of the submarine. You squinted a little against the sunlight, but it wasn’t much of a difference between the light in the halls and outdoors. 
“Ready?” Law asked. You nodded, nervous and excited to be back on your ship. 
“Find your own way up, Black Leg-ya” Law said quickly. Sanji rolled his eyes, but leapt onto the ship easily. Law took the opportunity to pull you closer to him by the waist, and held out his hand, summoning his power. Butterflies erupted in your stomach and your face felt a little hot.
“Room. Shambles.” 
You had closed your eyes, figuring that it would be less vertigo-inducing to not see the transportation. Your eyes opened as soon as you felt grass beneath your feet, and you looked up excitedly. Law let you go, and you ran up to your crew as they yelled your name. You hugged everyone, even if your attachment sites ached. Some tears were shed by Frankie, Usopp and Brook when you showed them how much you’ve improved. You didn’t know exactly how Brook could shed a tear, but you didn’t think too much about it. As the crew settled down, you finally could see that the entire crew was there. Zoro was sitting quietly to the side, looking at the waves. Your heart dropped, and your adrenaline spiked. The apple you had grabbed to hand to Luffy erupted in your strong fist, and he laughed in surprise at the trick before seeing your expression. Everyone soon grew quiet, unsure whether to intervene. You began to panic at the anxious attention, and Zoro looked up with the lack of chatter, but met your gaze instead. He froze at whatever expression you had. Your breathing came faster and faster, your heart pounding. Voices were muffled and you thought you saw a blue dome expanding over your vision before your vision blurred. You thought you were fainting, but your surroundings changed and snapped back into focus. You were in the changing area outside the Sunny’s bath area. You were sitting on a bench, and Law was crouched in front of you. 
“Hey… listen to my voice. Can you hear me?” his deep voice washed over you, and your gaze snapped to him. You were still tense, and you swore you could smell blood and smoke. Law continued to speak. 
“Good. Listen. I’m going to walk you through a breathing exercise. We need to get your heart rate and blood pressure down.” 
Sudden searing, white hot pain made you jolt with a scream, and your arms felt useless. You didn’t have arms. Cold hands grabbed your face, and you blinked away tears. When did you start crying? 
“You're safe. It hurts because of your heart rate, okay? You’re okay. You’re going to be okay. I know it hurts” he said softly. You looked into his eyes, and could finally breathe enough to start hyperventilating. 
“Good. I’m going to count, and you’re going to breathe, okay? Breathe in for me- 1…2…3… and breathe out- 1…2…3… Again. I know it hurts but it’ll get better. Follow me. Breathe in- 1…2…3… and out 1…2…3… Good. One more time” he walked you through the breathing efficiently, his voice calm and soft, yet with an air of authority you couldn’t disobey. His thumb traced your eyebrows, and though it was odd at first, it brought a feeling of calm and comfort. You finally could breathe normally, and you huffed out a wet laugh. 
“I’m such an idiot” you murmur. Law shakes his head with a sigh. 
“You’re not. Did you know he would be here?” he asked softly. You shook your head. 
“I should’ve. This is where he lives. I just haven’t seen him since the night he… you know.” 
Law traces your eyebrows one more time before smoothing your hair down, then trailed his fingers to your shoulders. He didn’t say anything. 
“What’s with the eyebrows thing?” you asked. He looked at you with a soft smile. 
“It’s something that soothed me as a kid, and it even works on my crew. I don’t know why it does though” he said with a slight blush. You smiled a little. You heard a little knock on the door. Your body tensed, thinking back to when Zoro used to knock on your doorframe like that
“It’s Chopper!” the small reindeer called. You slumped in relief, and Law went to open the door. Chopper bounded up to you, giving you a hug with his arms thrown around your neck. You nuzzled his fur a little out of habit. 
“I’m sorry! I didn’t think Zoro would scare you like that” he babbled. You pressed a small kiss to his cheek. 
“It’s okay. I should’ve known he’d be here” you murmured. Chopper pulled back, eyes watery. 
“Do you want your bath now?” he asked. You nodded, feeling grimy and exhausted. 
“Yes, please” you whispered. Law took this as his cue to leave, clicking the door shut behind him. You looked back at Chopper, taking in his adorable look of concentration as he ran gentle hooves over your surgery sites. You flinched a little at the sensitivity, and he pulled back immediately, looking at you with wide, concerned eyes. 
“Sorry! Did that hurt?” 
You shook your head, a small smile on your face. 
“No, it’s just really sensitive,” you answered honestly. Chopper breathed a sigh of relief, and you smelled candy on his breath. You grinned at him. 
“Have you been eating too much candy again?” you asked teasingly. The poor little reindeer looked at you in shock before sheepishly smiling at you. 
“It’s just my daily limit. I’m a doctor after all” he answered with a giggle. You laughed with him. 
“Let’s get me ready for the bath. Do you mind going to fill the tub while I try to get undressed?” 
Chopper nodded, jumping off the bench and ran into the bath area to start filling the large tub with hot water. You sighed, and looked down at your shirt. Law had given you special shirts so you wouldn’t have to pull them over your head. There was a zipper down the front, much like the boiler suits that his crew wore. Earlier, you had changed from your pajama version of the shirts into a normal one while Sanji had cleaned up from breakfast in your ensuite bathroom. You were also clothed in loose fitting pants with an elastic waist. It was easy to pull down the pants off your hips, letting them pool to the ground, and you unzipped your shirt. Your underwear was the trickiest part, and often you had to have Nami or Robin help you change into new ones. You pulled your current ones down and stepped out of the pile of clothes. Your attachment sites were throbbing from all the movement of your arms after your panic attack, and there was no way you’d be able to unhook your bra. You heaved a sigh of frustration. 
“Need any help?” Chopper peeked out from the bathing area. You looked at him, a defeated look on your face. 
“Just my bra” you answered. He nodded and morphed into his human-like form so he had thumbs, and walked behind you. He struggled for a second, but then managed to unhook it with a sound of triumph. You giggled at his sound of triumph and stood, leading the way into the bathing area. You took in the familiar surroundings. A large, tiled bath sat near the window, more the size of a hot tub than a bath. There was a low shower head and a small stool to one side, so you could wash before soaking. You stood before the small stool, looking down at it cautiously, and you looked up at Chopper’s tall form. 
“I don’t think I can sit down that far without falling,” you said. Chopper hummed in thought, and then put his hands on your waist, as if to lift you. 
“Just let me lower you down then” he said. You looked back at him, and he nodded once with an air of confidence. You slowly began to sit, and your legs suddenly gave out, but Chopper’s hands kept you from falling. He sat you down on the stool. 
“There. Easy!” 
You looked cautiously at the showerhead. 
“And you're absolutely sure I can get these arms wet?” You asked, looking down at your intricate metal arms. 
“Absolutely. I had Franky test it more than he said he needed to, so I’m absolutely sure you can get them wet. You can go for a swim with them with no issue too!” Chopper assured you. You looked up at him, and watched as he sat on a spare stool behind you. He reached over to remove the showerhead from its place on the wall and turned on the water. 
“How hot do you usually like your showers?” He sprayed the water on your foot, and you hummed at the warm water. 
“A little warmer” you answered. Chopper adjusted the hot water and you let out a pleasured sigh as it reached the perfect temperature. He brought the shower head towards him and let the hot water run over your back, and you moaned at how good it felt. Chopper giggled. 
“I bet you feel really dirty after not having a shower for so long.” 
“I do. This feels amazing.” 
You let Chopper wash your back, front, and legs before you took care of your intimate areas yourself while he turned around for your privacy. Once you finished, you let him wash your hair. His hands were big in this form, but he was still gentle with them as he scrubbed your scalp and gently untangled your hair. You sighed in pleasure at the relaxing feeling of him washing your hair, and at the warm water cascading down your back again as he rinsed the shampoo and conditioner out. He turned off the water and helped lift you up so you were standing. He chatted mindlessly about what had been happening on the ship while you were recovering, and it tugged painfully at your heart. He helped keep you balanced as you stepped in the tub, but noticed your expression. 
“What’s wrong? Are you in pain?” he asked, his eyes scanning your arms. You shook your head with a wobbly smile, and sat in the water. Chopper returned to his usual small form and looked up at you. He looked so different without his hat, sitting on the side of the tub. 
“I miss you guys, but it’s so hard to come back. I don’t know if I can stay,” you whispered. Chopper’s eyes immediately filled with tears. 
“If you miss us, then come back. We love you! You’re part of our family!” 
You shook your head, chest clenching in guilt at his plea.
“It’s complicated, Chopper.” 
He looked at you, tears dripping down his face. 
“Why? It doesn’t have to be!” his voice rose a little with his emotions. Your throat burned as you swallowed down your own tears. 
“I love you guys so much, but I need to heal. I need to heal from Zoro and the accident. I can’t look at him without remembering what happened. I can’t be in a situation that I can’t handle because of Luffy’s recklessness. I don’t want to- can’t be- a burden. I’m still your family, Chopper. I’ll still see you. I just need to talk to the rest of the crew about it. I need to heal, and… maybe leave the Strawhats so I can start a new chapter of my life,” you spoke with a wavering voice, tears springing to your eyes as you tried to explain. Chopper looked distraught. 
“But… you can heal here! I can take good care of you, and Franky will be here too so he can fix your arms, and with Luffy, Nami, Sanji, Robin, Usopp, and Brook, we’ll take care of you! Please stay? Maybe you can be friends with Zoro again!” he started sobbing as he spoke, and your wall holding back tears crumbled. Hot streaks rolled down your face, and you put your hands on Chopper’s cheeks. 
“I know. I know you’d take care of me, that you all would. I want to come back, but I just can’t bring myself to do it when Zoro was so… you know. And honestly I have something going on with Sanji, which is a terrible idea. I want to see Luffy grow and become the King of the Pirates, but I don’t feel like I can belong to this crew the same way anymore. I love you guys. So much…” you trailed off as your sob took your breath away. You continued after a few seconds, “I need this for myself, because it’s my life. I don’t want to become strangers, but I can’t come back here. I can’t bring myself to, not when the Heart Pirates have accepted me and made me feel like one of them so quickly-” you broke off with another sob, and dragged Chopper’s shaking form to your own shuddering chest. 
“Please forgive me, but I can’t come back. Not yet. I’ll still see you guys, and call and write though!” you promised, throat burning as you murmured into Chopper’s ear. He pulled back to look up at you with big, watery eyes and sniffed. 
“I think… I understand, but I’m still sad. I don’t want you to leave, because I’ll miss you. I know for you to be happier in the long run, you need to leave, but…” he hiccupped and sobbed before continuing, “I just love you lots!” His little face nestled into your neck, and his breath tickled over your neck as he cried.
“I’ll call often, and write and send pictures, okay? The Heart Pirates is a better place for me during this time in my life, and Law is a kind person” you rambled a little. Little hooves wrapped around your neck and you felt his tears drip onto your shoulder. You held him against your chest, feeling his back shudder as he cried quietly. You held him until you both stopped crying, lingering sniffles echoing through the bath, and wet cheeks pressed against each other. 
A soft knock at the door to the bath startled you both, but you heard Nami’s voice calling to you. 
“Can I come in?” She sounded like she was crying, and your heart clenched in guilt. 
The door opened, and she stood with tears in her eyes, looking at you pleadingly. 
“I heard everything,” she admitted. You let your body sink in defeat, and you looked down at the water guiltily. 
“I’m sorry” you whispered. Swirling emotions choked your throat. Nami shook her head with a wobbly smile on her face. 
“I get it. We’ll miss you, and you’ll always be a part of this crew, but… we’ll be heartbroken to see you go, even if it’s what you need to do for now” she answered in a wavering voice. She grabbed your towel and held it out. 
“Here. You guys have been here for a while. Sanji made lunch” she said. You stood, and looked at Chopper. He looked back at you with sad eyes before realizing your silent ask for help. He transformed into his human-like form, and held your waist to keep you balanced as you stepped out of the tub. You walked towards Nami, who wrapped the towel around you. Once you were covered, she hugged you tightly. 
“You need to tell the rest of the crew, and talk to Zoro. I think he’s finally come to his senses,” she whispered. You nodded against her shoulder. With two helpers, getting dressed was much easier, and you exited the changing area quickly. Law was leaning against the wall casually, looking up from a textbook he had borrowed from the library. 
“Did the water hurt your surgery sites at all?” he asked casually. You shook your head, and he grunted in approval. 
“Good. It shouldn’t have but I wanted to make sure,” he answered. You smiled a little at his rough exterior that hid his soft, caring side. He held his hand out to activate his powers, a blue glowing dome enveloping all of you. 
“Ready to go down?” he asked. You took a deep breath, eyes closed to calm yourself. You almost nodded before your eyes flashed open in worry. 
“Is he down there?” you asked. Nami and Law traded a look, but they both nodded. 
“He is, but you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to, okay?” Nami said, rubbing her hand up and down your back soothingly. You nodded once, and took another deep breath to calm yourself.
Law looked at you for one final confirmation, and with your nod, shifted his hand to teleport all of you down to the deck. You blinked and squinted in the bright sunlight, almost flinching at Luffy and Usopp’s screeching as they argued playfully with each other about something. Luffy’s voice called out your name, and you felt the vibrations on the deck of someone running towards you. You finally regained your vision right as he skidded to a stop in front of you, wrapping his arms with extreme care around your middle. His tongue was poking out slightly with concentration at controlling his monstrous strength on your recovering body. You could only laugh at him, and you wrapped your arms around his shoulders, holding him tightly to you. He let out a squawk when your arms accidentally tightened too much around him, and you loosened your grip a little. 
“Hey Luffy,” you said, smiling. He grinned at you, and it filled you with warmth that made your heart clench painfully. Your smile wobbled. He looked at you as his smile faded a little. 
“Oi, why are ya crying?” he asked with a giggle. You glanced at Nami, who bit her lip to try to stop her own tears. The rest of the crew, except the swordsman, had gathered around you, and you looked at the rest of them, meeting their eyes before looking back at Luffy. 
“I… I think I might go… temporarily at least.” 
You could feel the way everybody’s heart dropped at your declaration, even though Sanji, Chopper, and Nami all knew before. Luffy withdrew his arms from around you and stepped back to look at you properly. 
“Go where?” he asked gently. You clenched your new hands into fists, and bit your bottom lip. You could feel tears forming, but didn’t want to let them fall. 
“With Tra-o” you said simply. Luffy glanced at Law, who was standing away from the conversation, looking at the sea. 
“Tra-o!” Luffy called. Law looked back, for once not looking pissed off at your captain, and walked towards the group. You looked back at your crewmates, all fighting back tears. Robin’s beautiful blue eyes were wet, but her small smile said that she understood. Sanji was lighting a cigarette, a tear sliding down his cheek. Usopp and Franky both looked shocked and devastated, and it hurt to meet their eyes. You could hardly tell what Brook was thinking, but from his body language, he seemed devastated as well. You heard Law stop beside you. 
“Mugiwara-ya” he answered. Luffy stared at him, a strange aura of menacing, protectiveness, and resignation emanating from him. 
“Did you offer?” 
Law nodded. 
“I offered for them to join my crew to heal fully, and left it up to them whether they wanted to join permanently or go back to you.” 
Luffy nodded once, arms crossed over his chest. He stood still a moment, before sighing, and looking at you with a grin. 
“You’re free to do what you want. You always are. You’ll always be part of our crew, and will be welcome back anytime, for any reason. You’re family, but you’re free.” 
He stepped forward and put one hand on the back of your neck, and lightly bonked his forehead to yours. You suddenly remembered him doing the same action before, with the whisper “This is how we promise now, okay? You and me. No hands or arms necessary.” Your chin wobbled at the action, and you nodded. 
“I love you guys in a way I can’t put into words. I can’t tell the future, so maybe someday I’ll be back-” you choked off the end of your sentence with a sob, and let your arms hold Luffy close to you. The rest of the crew surged forward in a hug, everyone careful about your arms. Tears and snot dripped, and wails from almost everyone echoed on the ship. It took you a few seconds, but you realized that the wriggling form next to you was Law, who had gotten caught up in the hug unexpectedly. You laughed wetly at his scowl and his demands to be let go. 
“I’ll call and write and send pictures, okay? I just need to do this for myself. I love you all though-” A sob broke off your sentence again, and a fresh round of tears appeared on everybody’s faces. It lasted like that for a few more minutes, and Law had finally given up on having tears and snot wiped on his clothes from your crew. 
A deep, uncomfortable cough broke you out of your haze, and the crew parted to reveal a defeated-looking Zoro. He sat on the grass, slouched over and looked at the group guiltily. You swallowed hard, looking at him. Franky grabbed your hand in assurance, and you glanced up at him gratefully. 
“I’m… I’m sorry” he said. His steely gaze seemed cracked from guilt and despair, and he met your eyes steadily. Your grip tightened around Franky’s hand, and you were glad it was his, because your grip may have broken bones. You swallowed hard. 
“For what?” You asked quietly. He looked surprised, and glanced at the rest of the crew. They filtered off to the other side of the deck, giving you all space, but still watching closely. Law took the moment to escape and shed his now-dirty coat, but watched your interaction with Zoro intensely. Franky stayed by your side, holding your hand. Zoro took a few steps forward, and it took all you had not to back away. 
“For everything. For not listening to you when you said we should run, for being weak enough to be unconscious when you needed me, for…” he trailed off, shutting his eyes and running a hand through his hair, as if the next words were poison on his tongue, but he looked back into your eyes and continued with an unwavering voice, “for abusing you when you needed me the most. For leaving you alone when you were going through the hardest time in your life. I’m so sorry. I’m glad that Luffy, the Cook, and Franky stopped me. I keep wanting to give you excuses, like I was also hurting, that I felt weak and angry at myself and I took that out on you, but honestly, I don’t have an excuse. I was upset, traumatized, but I should’ve worked through that with you, together. I’m a better man because of you, and I tossed you aside,” he stopped talking, finally looking down at the ground. You watched him closely. Emotions swirled in your heart and mind. You were angry that he was apologizing, and that he did what he did in the first place. You felt guilty that you didn’t see he was suffering, even though you had every right to not feel guilty. You felt relieved that he hadn’t changed for the worse forever, and also sad that he was even capable of the actions. You shook your head and sighed. You were shaking, and you gripped Franky’s hand a little harder. He looked down at you, making sure you were alright. You didn’t look back at him, instead focused on replying to Zoro. 
“I can’t lie and say that I’m not leaving because of you. Mostly, I am. I don’t think I can be around you without sacrificing my happiness, which is the last thing anybody here wants. I don’t-” Your answer was cut off by Zoro’s interruption. 
“Shhh. You don’t have to forgive me, but if you do, let me know. Please.” 
Your anger flared white-hot at the shushing and interruption. You let go of Franky’s hand, and took a step forward, fists balled so tightly your surgery sites throbbed.
“You don’t get to shush me. You don’t get to interrupt me, and you don’t ever get to tell me what to do, especially when it comes to me forgiving you!  You still have a long way to go, Roronoa Zoro. I am free to do whatever I want. I’m leaving this crew to go to the Heart Pirates, and I will miss everyone except you. I’m not something to be won, and I’m not a goal to reach. Now, please, if you wouldn’t mind, can I have just one lunch with the rest of the crew?” angry tears spilled down your cheeks, making you more pissed off. You saw hurt in Zoro’s eyes, a depth of aching and hurt that reflected your own that one fateful night. He looked down at the ground, crossing his arms over his chest. You were breathing heavily, and guilt clanged with sharpened edges around your heart, even though you knew you had every right to say those words. You looked down at the ground as well, using your shoulders to wipe away your tears. From the edges of your vision, you saw his boots turn as he walked away. You turned back to Franky, looking up at him, eyes full of regret and questioning. 
“Franky…” you whispered. He only held his arms out and you ran into his body, desperate to feel safe again. He held you to his chest tightly. Your body was shaking, and your breathing was erratic, but with his comforting presence, your breathing exercises began to come to you naturally. It took a few minutes, but your breathing calmed and your shaking sputtered to nothing. 
“There ya go, sis. Good job. You did so well talking to him. You did everything right. I promise,” he soothed you gently, quietly. You were glad for his rumbling voice that pushed aside your fears and hesitation. You finally pulled back enough to look up at him. 
“...was I too hard on him?” 
Franky looked at you softly, and smoothed your hair. 
“Unfortunately, that’s not for me to decide. If it were though, I’d say that you weren’t. He’ll be upset for a while, yes, but that’s because of his own mistake. He’ll grow from it slowly,” he said gently. You let out a deep sigh. 
“Why did I have to be the lesson?” you mumble softly. Franky sighed as well. 
“People say that bad things happen for a reason, that it’s for you to get stronger or learn something. Me though… I think bad things just happen. I think they happen and it’s up to you to decide what to do. You can fall into the bad, or you can rise above it. You’ve risen above it,” he said. You finally pulled back, holding both of his hands in yours. You give him a wobbly smile. 
“Only because of you guys though.” 
Franky shakes his head. 
“Well, we helped ya, sis, but you’re the one who fought. We just gave you support.” 
You can’t help but laugh a little at his words. 
“...thank you” you whisper. He smiles broadly at you, then looks over to the picnic blanket set up on the lawn. 
“C’mon. Let’s getcha fed, okay?” 
You nod, and hold his hand as he leads you to the blanket, sitting down. Nami, Sanji, Robin, Brook, and Usopp join you, and you look around for your captain. He’s standing on the Sunny’s lionhead, looking out towards the sea. A jolt of guilt washes through you. What was he going through? Zoro is his first mate and best friend, but he loves everyone on his crew. Having a fallout on his crew must be tough. You sigh, and look at Sanji. 
“How’s Luffy doing with all of… this?” you wave your hand uselessly at yourself and the general direction Zoro had taken off, towards the Crows Nest. Sanji hands you a plate and looks at you, surprised. 
“Luffy… is leaving it up to the two of you. He loves you both dearly, but understands how serious this is. He understands that Zoro messed up and hurt you, but also knows that it’s his burden to deal with,” Sanji puffed on his cigarette, loading another plate with amazing food and handing it to Nami. Nami nodded at his words. 
“Sanji-kun is right. Luffy understands,” she said carefully. You nod, and look back towards the masthead but don’t see your captain anymore. Your hands suddenly feel lighter as the plate is snatched out of your metal grip and Luffy’s cheerful laughter rings above you. 
“Gotcha!” he crows loudly beside you. You jump a little and look at him in shock, clearly seeing the moment Sanji’s foot connected with the captain, sending him sprawling back. Your plate was delivered to your hands again, not a single piece out of place. You couldn’t help but laugh at the usual antics of the crew, silencing Sanji’s yells at the rubber boy, who sat sheepishly on the grass. Nami, Robin, and Usopp joined in your laughter, the others following quickly. You heard everyone laughing except… Chopper. You look around for him, and finally catch his little form crawling down from the Crows Nest. Your smile dimmed from a grin to one that was softer as you connected the dots in your mind. Chopper went to check on the swordsman, and probably brought him some food as well. Your heart ached at the thought, but you were glad that he would still be treated normally by the rest of the crew. 
You began to eat, but at the first bite of the heavenly food, tears pooled in your eyes. It tasted like home. Luffy was the first to notice you crying, and immediately began yelling at Sanji for cooking you bad food. Sanji began wailing and apologizing to you, creating a fuss that was only stopped when Nami whacked them both upside the head with a merciless fist. 
“Both of you! Stop it!” she barked. Both Luffy and Sanji turned to her, pouting for two very different reasons.
“You’d be crying too if it was your last lunch with everyone for the foreseeable future, okay? Now both of you shut up and eat!” She sat back down with an air of finality, and the two men looked at each other and then looked at you, understanding on their faces. 
“So… your food tastes good?” Luffy asked. You laughed and nodded. 
“Amazing, as always.” 
Sanji looked to be immensely relieved, and Luffy turned to the cook with a bright grin. 
“My bad!” he exclaimed before inhaling an entire cut of meat. Sanji loaded his plate with another portion as an acceptance of his apology, and you smiled at the interaction, your lip wobbling a little. Someone shifted on your other side, and you turned to look. Robin smiled back at you, a cup of steaming tea in her hands. It smelled flowery, like lavender and roses. 
“You can still stay, you know,” she said quietly. You bit your lip and looked down at your food, tears finally falling down your cheeks. You shook your head. 
“I… don’t think I can. Not right now,” you said, tears thickening your voice. She put a hand on your shoulder, and that spoke volumes. 
“I understand, and we’ll miss you, but we want your happiness and safety over anything. Tra-o is a great man, and you’ll find who you’re growing to be with him. But, you’ll always have a home here. You’re our family,” she said softly. The rest of the crew was quiet, having heard her words. You looked at each of them fully. Robin gave you a smile, and tightened her hand on your shoulder. Franky gave you a grin, somehow managed to do his signature ‘Super’ pose while sitting, clashing his forearms together above his head. Usopp gave you a thumbs up with a grin and a confident chuckle, and Brook whipped out a violin and began playing for you. Chopper had joined and heard everything, giving you a confident smile that made his eyes sparkle. Nami’s eyes were watering, but she looked at you with a kind smile. Sanji lit his cigarette, and looked at you softly, a smile on his lips. Luffy grinned at you, and wrapped his arm around you a few times, holding you tightly to his side. His other hand took off his hat and plopped it on your head, tilted over your eyes to hide your falling tears. You let your wet face fall against Luffy’s neck, sniffling. 
“I’ll miss Zoro. I know I said I wouldn’t, but I will. I love and will miss all of you. I promise,” You pulled back enough to tap your forehead gently against his, your special way of promising. His bright laughter was all you could hear for a second, before he spoke. 
“I know. We all do. We’ll miss you too, but for now… let’s party!” He announced. You couldn’t help but smile. Brook began playing an upbeat song, and Nami dragged you up to dance with Chopper and Robin. Franky joined in, and Sanji disappeared into the kitchen, bringing back drinks for everyone. 
All of you partied until sunset, when Sanji brought out dinner. Law had mostly stayed out of the way, but was dragged into festivities by Luffy, who said he was being a wimp for not enjoying the celebration of the new addition to his crew. Their argument devolved into something that led to the Heart Pirate crew joining the festivities on the Sunny, much to Law’s chagrin about them being exposed to “Straw Hat idiocy”. Luffy declared he “won”, which led into them bickering, until Luffy laughed freely and called Law and his crew “honorary Straw Hats”, which both crews cheered at, leaving Law to pout and brood in a corner with some beer. You giggled and approached your new captain, your surgery sites aching from drinking and eating so much. You sat next to him, and he spared you a glance before muttering under his breath. 
“Honorary Straw Hats my ass. Then the Straw Hats should all be honorary Heart Pirates.” 
You couldn't help but snicker at his annoyance. 
“With your desire to keep the Straw Hat’s off your ship, it might be better not to go there” you say with a smirk. Law rolls his eyes. 
“Why did I ever have to meet him,” he groaned, gesturing to Luffy. You looked at your captain- previous captain?- and smiled at him, watching as he was somehow managing to shovel food in his mouth while also dancing around the fire, ignoring Sanji yelling at him that it would make him sick. You giggled at the sight. 
“That means you're blessed by fate, I guess,” you answer with a chuckle. Law looked at you, face unreadable. He grunted finally, and glanced down at your arms. 
“You’ve been moving around a lot today, and eating and drinking more. How are your arms?” 
You looked down at the surgery sites with a grimace. 
“They don’t feel great, that’s for sure. They’re throbbing and stinging,” you answer honestly. Law’s brows knit together briefly, and he exhaled sharply. 
“Okay. It’s to be expected but just give me a second,” he said as he stood. A blue dome appeared, expanding quickly, and Law disappeared with a flick of his hand. He appeared a few moments later, and the blue dome disappeared. He sat next to you, shifting through the first aid kit he brought back with him. 
“This is your arm first aid kit. I made it for you with the help of Chopper and Franky. Hmmm… where did I put it?” 
Your breath caught with gratefulness, and your eyes flicked between Law’s face and the box a few times before he pulled something out of it. He looked at you briefly before doing a double take, annoyed concern on his face. 
“What the hell is that look? Why do you have the same look as Bepo? Stop being cute!” 
You leaned your head on his shoulder, trying to give him a hug even though your arms were in too much pain. He grunted and tried to gently push you off, but you pushed against his hand, keeping yourself glued to his shoulder. He huffed a sigh of annoyance. 
“Get off me. I need to look at the attachment sites. And here, take these.” 
He held two pills in his fingers, and you recognized them as regular pain medicine that reduced inflammation. You sat up properly and held open your mouth, and Law dropped them onto your waiting tongue and held up your glass immediately to help you take a sip. It was a familiar routine by this point, when he would feed you medicine when you couldn’t lift your arms yet. You took a sip of your drink and swallowed the pills easily, and he put your drink down between you. He plucked another package out of the box and you looked at it curiously. He answered your silent question. 
“It’s a sort of wipe that will ease the stinging. At least I designed the solution the cloth was soaked in to do that, but we’ll see if it works,” he said factually. He said it so casually that it took you a second to register his words, but by the time you did, he was already wiping the tiny piece of cloth over your skin. You yelped and shut your eyes tightly, waiting for something to happen. 
“What the hell are you doing? It’s not going to hurt you” Law said with an amused lilt to his voice. You opened one eye cautiously, staring down at your surgery site. The stinging was slowly starting to ebb, and he finished wiping down the circumference of your arm. 
“You can’t just experiment on me!” you whined. Law snorted and then smirked. 
“I didn’t. I used the same solution when my tattoos were freshly done and I got into a fight. It stung like a bitch. I thought it would help you as well,” he explained. You narrowed your eyes at him suspiciously. 
“You’re lucky it worked,” you pouted. Law raised a single brow. 
“Do you seriously think Chopper-ya would allow me to put something in your first aid kit that he hadn’t tried himself?” 
You paused. 
“No, because I didn’t have time to think” you shot back. Law snorted and shook his head. 
“Let me do the other arm,” he stood and moved to the other side, quickly swiping the cloth over your other attachment site. You blinked down at your arm. The stinging was subsiding from both arms. Not completely, but it was definitely better than before. You looked up at him, smiling. 
“Thanks, captain” you said cheekily. Law blushed slightly and hid his face under the brim of his hat. 
“...you’re welcome,” he murmured. 
You leaned back against the side of the boat and looked up at the stars. 
“How often do you get to see the stars on your ship?” 
Law grunted quietly. 
“It depends on the weather, but I surface and let the crew out as much as I can,” he says quietly. You nodded. 
“Thank you… for offering,” you mumble. You felt Law’s golden eyes on you, and after a moment, you finally met his gaze. You couldn’t decipher the emotion that was shining brightly in his eyes. 
“You’re free to do as you wish. You’re free to follow your heart, and that can take you to surprising places. I’m almost jealous that you’re free to do that, because I don’t feel like I can trust my heart to take me to good places,” he said softly. You blinked in surprise, but said nothing. Law sighed, then stood. He offered you a hand as he stood above you to help you up. The orange from the fire was gorgeous on his black hair, and it highlighted the definition of his cheekbones and the bridge of his nose. You let a small smile curl your lips. 
“I’m scared, but I trust you,” you said after a moment. Law smirked at you. Your hand rose to grasp his, but you both knew the casual gesture was a promise. A promise of trust in each other and in the future to bring good to you. You stood, and he pushed you gently in the direction of the party. 
“Go. I’ll be here. Come back if you hurt,” he murmured. You cast a smile over your shoulder and went to join the party, letting various people (and animals) from both crews hug you and fold you into the celebration. 
2 Months Later: 
You let the salty breeze trail incandescent fingers along your skin and through your hair, and you breathed in the scent of fresh air. It had been about a week since the sub had been able to surface, and you were desperate for the breeze. Footsteps thumped on the deck behind you, approaching your form. 
“How are your arms?” he asked boredly. You snorted. 
“Do you really have to ask multiple times a day, every day?” You turned to meet him, his golden eyes matching his double earrings, glinting in the sun. He frowned. 
“I’m a doctor,” he said as if that were an answer. You giggled. He pouted. 
“Captain, you know that's not an answer. You can just admit that you have a crush on me~” you teased slyly. Law’s cheeks darken with a blush that he tried to hide under the brim of his hat. 
“Shut up and get back to work. Bepo is over there shedding again, and I want the deck clean,” he ordered. You laughed. 
“Yes sir!” you saluted him mockingly and picked up the broom again. You let your mind wander over the last few months, recalling how you’ve healed. Physically, you would still get twinges and pulls when you moved the wrong way or when you worked too hard. Some days when there were storms, your surgery sites ached, and some days the phantom limb pain hurt like a bitch. Through it all though was Law. He was a steady rock that gave you answers and honesty when you needed them the most, and comfort that was only for your eyes and ears. Your PTSD from the accident hadn’t gotten much better, but Law told you that it could take even years for you to fully recover, if you do at all. He held you through your panic attacks, opening his door to you without question in the middle of the night when you were shaking and crying. Sometimes, Bepo was there too and the three of you would cuddle together, finding solace in sleep. When someone raised their voice even slightly at you, you still reacted. You started shaking and stuttering, fighting back tears, even as they lowered their voice and talked to you soothingly to provide a distraction for your adrenaline-driven mind. 
Law was basically a casual boyfriend. He refused to commit to anything deeper than cuddles, kisses, and soft words until he knew that he wasn’t a rebound or someone that you bonded with through trauma. You respected his decision, and was happy with the current relationship the two of you had. He was always busy anyways, and you were busy trying to heal. You kept sweeping the deck, flinching when your arm twinged the wrong way. You looked down at your metal arms with a frown. You didn’t wear your sleeves today, deciding to allow the sun on your scars. You could feel echoes of touch, like if you were wearing a pair of thin gloves on your hands. The crew had learned the upkeep of your arms quickly, and were pros at fixing anything that went wrong with them. You paused and wiped the sweat off your cheek with your shoulder. Your eyes landed on the resident polar bear peering through binoculars, focused on one particular spot.
“Hey Bepo, whatcha lookin at?” 
“Sorry, I just saw something in the distance. I think it looks familiar… sorry I can’t see it clearly yet,” he said, bowing as he apologized. You frowned a little, then took the binoculars from him. Your eyes focused on the dot on the horizon, and a wide smile cracked your face. 
“Go tell the captain- the Strawhats are going to visit!” 
Bepo ran off and you giggled a little with excitement. You suddenly saw a small figure shoot off of the ship, and you laughed with delight. You heard one of your favorite voices whooping with joy. You jumped in place and waved your arms, guiding Luffy to the right spot of the ship. 
“Luffy! I’ve miss- OOF!” your greeting was cut off as he slammed into you, sending the both of you tumbling to the deck. The wind was knocked out of you, but Luffy laughed loudly. 
“I’ve missed you! Have you been having good food? Do you have adventures? Have you eaten good meat on the adventures?!” Luffy questioned you rapid-fire, and once you got your breath back you pushed him off you. 
“One thing at a time, Luffy. Law is going to yell at you for boarding his ship without permission,” you warned with a giggle. Luffy grinned with a chuckle. 
“Yep, but I get to see you. Everyone else is coming on the ship, and then we can have lunch and dinner together, okay?” he said excitedly. You nod with a laugh. 
“Of course!” 
“Oh are you coming back yet?” he asked with wide eyes. A jolt of fear and guilt went through you, clenching your heart.
“N-no. I’m not healed enough yet,” you murmur. Luffy nods, then is suddenly gone, a piece of Bepo’s fur floating down where he sat. 
“MUGIWARA-YA!” you heard Law yell. You looked over, and he was holding Luffy over the railing of the ship by his shirt. Luffy only laughed. 
“Hey, Tra-o! Let’s have lunch and dinner all together, yeah?” Law snarled and was about to drop Luffy into the ocean but you called out. 
“I’m not leaving yet, I just miss them!” 
Law looked at you with what you knew to be a pout, but to anyone else looked like a glower. He tossed Luffy back onto the deck, who sprawled next to you easily. 
“So… Tra-o, huh?” he said in a whisper. You blink at him, shocked that he actually picked up on the relationship between you and the surgeon. 
“Not yet, but maybe,” you whisper back. Luffy frowns a little. 
“Hm. Well eventually I hope you’ll come back when you’re ready. We can even have Tra-o on our crew if you want to stay together. I’m still the captain though,” he said firmly. You snorted and then giggled. 
“You’re going to be King of the Pirates, Luffy. Of course you’ll still be the captain.” 
Luffy grinned and wrapped a hand around the back of your neck, then lowered his face so his forehead bonked against yours. It hurt a little, but you wouldn’t have it any other way. 
“I’ve missed you."
@blue-rae18 @metonimia-de-bellota @perilous-pasta @thesleppybitch darkartincub0-blog @letssayless @brokenangstyheart @stachelrose @fluffybunnyu @yunho-leeknow @admoonchild @lakkiiii @khjcoo @chhyuengkai @theladyofmanyfandomsfanfiction
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ciel-yuu · 1 year
I really loved the last post that you posted "Can I draw on you?" And I was wondering if you could draw it for Diavolo too..
You can ignore this if you don't feel like writing, I don't mind! 🙀🫶🫶
Don't forget to drink lots of water, and know that you are loved 😋💞
Hello! Thank you for your lovely greetings ^^ I don't mind writing it because I plan to write for the side characters too so dont worry :D I hope you enjoy this version too, have a nice day! o(≧▽≦)o
"Can I draw on you?"
Scenery: You have a habit of drawing doodles on your notes or sometimes your hands when you get bored. One day while you're sitting next to him, you get bored and after turning both of your arms into paintings full of random doodles, you start to turn your attention to his arms. And so after a while of staring you decide to ask him. "Can I draw on you?"
Pairing: Side character x gn!reader. Warning: None
He invites you to visit him at the student council office after he's finished his day's paperwork and has been given Barbatos permission to rest for a while.
"Hmm? Draw on me? What is that?"
He doesn't understand what you mean because the idea of drawing something on him makes him think more about makeup or tattoos. Seeing this you extend your hands so he can see the colorful little drawings on it and explain how you like to do doodles in various places.
Extremely excited and agreed to let you do it with a big smile on his face. Watching you draw cute little drawings on his hand attentively because he has never seen this before and no one dares to do this with him.
Take a picture and send it to Barbatos and Lucifer's chat group to brag all week.
Enchanting the drawings so they don't fade despite Barbatos' objections to keeping the image of a prince, he promises not to pull up his sleeves and reveal the drawings in public so Barbatos couldn't force him any further.
Let you draw on him whenever you want. Also wanted to draw on you and was extremely happy when you agreed.
You visit him after he ask you to came over to try the new cake he just created. He's fixing the recipe after you've tried it so it can be perfect, he wants you to try the best.
"Hmm? Do you really want to do it now?" nodding with puppy eyes "Haiz, I'll take this as your reward for coming to help me try the cake today then."
Smiling helplessly at your request but not refusing, he loves that you enjoy doing things with him.
Hold out one hand for you so you can get creative with the pens on his arm, while he perfectly do all the baking steps with one hand and his tail. He was used to getting multi job done at once as a butler, working with one hand was not something new to him.
Compliment your work once you're done with a gentle smile and decide to decorate some cookies in your drawing style as a gift.
Also enchant your work so it doesn't fade and enjoy looking at it as he does errands by himself. It makes him feel like you're with him.
(Of course no one knows this because he is also covered from head to toe like Lucifer.)
Will always let you draw on him every time you ask no matter how busy he is, he always has time in his busy schedule for you.
You visit him in the Purgatory Hall during a group study session or, more accurately, you are the one studying while he is finishing a manuscript for his latest work. It makes him feel more motivated to write, especially when you're with him.
"Draw on me? Of course, here."
He holds out his non-dominant hand to you with a gentle smile and goes back to writing. Simeon doesn't mind you wanting to use his hand for something, sometimes you hold his hand or fall asleep on his shoulder during your time with him so it doesn't make him feel inconvenience or anything.
After finishing the work he carefully looks at your lovely works in his hands and gives you many compliments for them. He especially likes the doodle of a puppy with a beret because he knows you drew it after Luke.
Also took a picture and sent it to Lucifer to show off but his photographic ability was of course not very good so Lucifer didn't understand it at first until he explained what it was.
Keeps your work perfect for a few days and doesn't mind showing it off, he even took off his gloves so it wouldn't be hidden.
Alway let you do it again everytime you want, he sometimes asks you to draw the demon brothers on his hand to tease them.
You are in Solomon's room after completing another sorcerer study with him. Solomon is currently researching an ancient book for a new experiment, he just found it so he's excited to try it out.
"Drawn on me? Like on your hand?" Nod. "Hmm… Okay, how could I refuse a request from my lovely apprentice."
He agrees with an amused smile and then holds out a hand to you so you can do whatever you like. Actually usually his hands will have a lot of pact marks on it so he always wears long sleeves but since you wanted to draw he purposely made it disappear so you have room to do it.
Pretend to keep reading, but he's actually still staring at you as you continue to doodle on his hand. Giggle when he sees you draw a picture of him with a star wand beating little demons.
Compliment your drawings with a hint of teasing and say that he and you are now has matching drawing on hands like a couple.
Showing off to everyone with a smirk, especially the demon brothers to the point where Mammon almost bit off his arm.
Allows you to draw on him whenever you want, especiall like it when you draw it similar to the drawings on your hand at the time.
master list | the demon brothers ver | thank for reading ^^!
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msmk11 · 2 months
Wrapped Up In a Bow
Lucy Gray Baird x gn!reader
WC: 1.6k
CW: Very brief allusion to the covey struggling with money; mentions of food; but otherwise PURE FLUFF
Summary: While in town, you decide to buy Lucy Gray a thank you present. And it certainly has nothing to do with the fact that you have feelings for her.
(This was meant to be a blurb but 100% got away from me.)
Day 5 of mk’s mad dash
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Being covey, you preferred to make a life out of the natural resources surrounding your home. You knew how to look for edible plants and differentiate them from poisonous ones, you could set simple snares and traps, and you drew your water from the streams nearby. It was a simple life, but not always sustainable with so many mouths to feed. Making a small amount of income from your performances at the Hob, you all had agreed to set some of it aside each week for going into town and buying the absolutely necessities from the market. And, on the rare occasion, if your week’s income had been a little more generous, you’d splurge on an indulgence.
All of the covey took turns going into town to shop, and this week it was yours. You’d gotten up extra early this morning because though the market was open until around one, you truly believed that the early bird always got the worm. You woke with the sun and set out shortly after, your old knapsack slung over your shoulder. The walk to town was about twenty minutes and you enjoyed how peaceful these early mornings were. The brooks babbled to life around you, bunnies and squirrels skittered across the forest floor, and the birds harmonized with your simple tunes. The town square was still fairly quiet at this time of the day, and only a few people milled about to the different vendors.
Though your list wasn’t long, you always joined chatting with the locals you’d slowly made friends with over the years. You playfully bargained over milk and cheese prices with Rhonda, you asked after old Joe’s kids while you sifted through his freshly baked bread, and you restocked on a few herbs while you talked with Lily about the covey’s most recent performance. Your knapsack was full in no time, but you still had a few coins jingling in your pocket. You decided to allow yourself the pleasure of visiting your favorite vendor- an older woman named Susan who sold the most beautiful trinkets. While you enjoyed the woman’s company, her goods were not ones you could often afford, so you’d only look on at them longingly as you made more responsible purchases. But with the little extra money on hand today, you figured it wouldn’t hurt to look.
Susan instantly greeted you with a warm smile, “Hello dear, it’s been a moment since I’ve seen you or your family.”
You returned her smile, “Yes, well, money’s been a little more tight recently, and we can’t bear to tempt ourselves with your beautiful things.”
You fingered the pretty ribbons, necklaces, and brooches with such a gentleness you’d think they were made of glass.
“Well you’re here today, so that gives me hope that things have been better for you,” she answered knowingly.
You smiled and nodded at her, “Yes, we’ve had a pretty good week or two. Might be ‘cos of Lucy Gray’s new songs. Quite popular with the young folk.”
“That girl sure can carry a tune, can hear it all the way from my house.”
You chuckled fondly and hoped your face didn’t betray the feelings you harbored for the songbird.
“It’s certainly a gift,” you agreed, “Think I wanna thank her for it too. Wouldn’t have this money if it weren’t for her.”
“Well I’ve got lots of pretty things for a pretty girl like her. Anything strike your interest?”
You eyed everything carefully. You wanted to find something that you truly felt embodied Lucy Gray. While she liked her floral patterns and pretty things, she was a humble girl at heart and you didn’t want to embarrass her with a gift that was too flashy.
While many may have overlooked it, a baby blue bow in the corner caught your eye.
You nodded toward it, “May I?”
With shaking hands Susan handed it to you. The bow was made of soft, smooth satin and was attached to a simple silver clip. You could already picture it resting prettily in Lucy Gray’s raven hair, pulling some of her front strands away from her face while she sang and danced on stage at The Hob. You knew it’d go just fine with that one long, blue skirt she favored that was decorated with tiny little flowers.
“I’ll take this, please.”
When you arrived back home, the covey house was alive and bustlin’.
“Mornin’ all,” you greeted in a singsong tone.
Maude Ivory strayed from setting the table to run over and give you a hug.
“What’d you get in town today?” she asked excitedly.
“Well only the best for you, of course,” you answered sweetly.
You laid your knapsack out on the table and allowed her to dig through it, pulling out the bread, milk, and the likes. She held the loaf up to her nose and inhaled deeply, “Mhmm smells so fresh.”
“That’ll be real good for dinner later,” you told her, “so you best put it away so it doesn’t tempt you.”
The blonde grinned at you sheepishly and set it back on one of the counters. You walked over to Billy Taupe who was cooking at the skillet and leaned over his shoulder, “smells real good. Got my stomach grumbling already.”
“Breakfast should be ready here soon’s Tam Amber gets back from the creek.”
You nodded at him, “Thank you.”
Then, you hesitated, “Where’s Lucy Gray.”
He turned and looked at you with a knowing smirk, “Why’d you wanna know?”
You tried to act nonchalant, “‘Cos I have a present for ‘er.’”
Billy Taupe wiggled his eyebrows at you, “Whoo-whee? A present? Someone’s whipped.”
“Quit it, Billy Taupe,” you replied, slapping his arm, “Just wanted to say thanks for her songs bringing in a little extra money this week.”
“And you’re not hoping to get anything out of it in return?” A new voice added. You turned to find Barb Azure walking into the kitchen, a basket full of berries resting on her arm.
“No,” you groaned, crossing your arms, “Just wanted to be nice!”
The two only gave you more teasing looks and you huffed, “Would someone just tell me where she is, please?”
Finally, Barb Azure relented, “Out back, tending to the garden.”
You headed out to the back porch and spotted Lucy Gray in the distance instantly, crouched over some flower of hers. You traipsed down the hill with a pep in your step, excitement bubbling in your stomach. When you grew nearer, you could hear the girl humming a tune quietly.
“What’cha singing?” You asked her.
She startled a little, holding her hand to her chest, “You scared me, darling. Thought everyone was inside by now. But to answer your question, nothing in particular. Just been thinking about a melody recently.”
“Got any words yet?”
She shook her head and you swore she blushed a little, “Nah, just the tune.”
You nodded, “Well, I uh, got something for you at the market today.”
She looked up at you from her crouched position, big brown eyes shining with excitement, “For me? Whatever for?”
You looked down at your feet timidly, “Just felt like saying thank you for sharing your songs with the world. Did us some real good this week.”
Lucy Gray stood and wiped her hands on her dark brown skirt, “Well you know I’m glad people enjoyed ‘em, but I write ‘em for myself.”
“‘Course. But either way…” you hesitated and then reached into your pocket, pulling out the bow, “Here, for you.”
You thrust the pretty blue bow into her hands and she gasped softly.
“Sweetheart, this is just, beautiful. You get it from Susan’s?”
“Mhmm, the one and only. Reminded me of that pretty skirt you own. That blue one with the flowers?”
The raven-haired girl looked up at you with a beaming smile and whispered, “That’s my favorite skirt.”
You tried to hide your blush from her intense gaze, “I know. Thought this’d go nicely when you wear it.”
Her thumb swept gently over the soft fabric of the ribbon as she looked down at it, “Well thank you very much. I already love it dearly.”
You smiled happily at her and your heart fluttered in your chest.
Lucy Gray then looked at you sweetly, “Will you…put it in my hair?”
“Yes, yeah. Course.”
You took the bow from her hand gently, “Turn around.”
She obliged and you reached out, running your hands through her thick, raven hair. You’d dreamed of doing this countless times and it was even better than you imagined- even if it was only for the sake of putting the bow in her hair.
You pulled strands of hair from either side of her head and brought them together in the back. You popped the silver clip open and slid it amongst the strands, clasping them into place. Once it clicked shut, you took a second to admire how lovely it looked amongst her dark tresses.
“Well, how’s it look?” She asked you.
You paused, lost in a trance.
“Does it look bad?”
Lucy Gray turned around, and because you’d been close behind her to clip on her bow, her face came within inches of yours.
You shook yourself out of your trance, “No, no! It doesn’t look bad at all. You look like a real pretty package, all wrapped up in a bow.”
This time, Lucy Gray certainly blushed, “You think so?”
“I know so,” you told her confidently.
“Sweetheart, could I ask you something?” she asked quietly.
You nodded mutely.
“How would you feel if I kissed you right now?”
All of the air rushed out of your lungs.
“I’d be happy as a hummingbird singin’ a new tune.”
Then, before you’ve even processed what happened, Lucy Gray closed the gap between you, kissing you softly. You reciprocated quickly and placed your hands gently on her waist.
When she pulled away you’re breathless, and you rested your forehead on hers, “I need to get you gifts more often.”
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faye-the-traitor · 2 years
I've lost control of my life
More nsfw monty×femreader or sundrop/moonxfemreader nsfw
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Sun/Moon x Fem!Reader
Warnings: NSFW, Foul Language
"Thank you for staying with us at the daycare! We hope to see you again soon little man." You smiled softly and waved goodbye to the boy with his little blue jeans on.
The day was coming to an end and this was your week to close out the daycare and be there to organize child pick up once the pizza plex began closing down. You huffed softly, stretching and pressing your hands into your lower back, hoping to pop it. After bending down and picking up children all day, you back really needed to be popped and you honestly couldn't wait for everyone to head out so you could pop it correctly.
"Miss (Y/n)! Miss (Y/n)! I made something for you today!" A child screamed, running in your direction.
Her green eyes seemed to light up when you grabbed her up and twirled around with her in your arms. She squealed and shoved the paper in your face, telling you to look over and over again at the crudely drawn picture.
"Oh my goodness! Did you make this all by yourself?" You asked, feigning awe at the child's drawing.
It was a rough semblance of the day care and a handful of children, all surrounding you and Sun who were holding hands and smiling. You didn't think much of that detail at first until the child began to explain.
"That's you with the black pants, and this is me and this is...." she named every child in the photo..."And I made you and Mr. Sundrop holding hands because you're boyfriend and girlfriend!" She giggled loudly, while you passed her off to her parents.
"I just love the drawing Hunny Bun, but Mr. Sundrop and I aren't boyfriend and girlfriend. Mr. Sundrop is my friend, just like Tommy is your friend!" The girl looked awfully confused but nodded anyway as you took her drawing and waved her goodbye, her parents thanking you and taking her away from the Daycare.
She was the last child for pickup, and your day was officially over. You wandered back to the desk, shutting off the lamps and signing off the monitors. You took one of the silly little glitter stars in the drawer and stuck the drawing on the wall with the hundreds of other drawings you collected. It was almost like a pride thing, keeping all these little kids' drawings.
"Heya (Y/n)! Another drawing for the wall?" Sun chuckled, wandering behind the desk and looking at the newest addition.
"Yep. She drew us in the middle holding hands because apparently, we're Girlfriend and Boyfriend according to her." You shook your head with a smile, going to walk away and find the broom to do one last quick sweep of the floor before heading into the employee tunnels to finish your nightly duties.
Sun followed you, a twisted look on his face. You had associated this look with Moon chatting and making a comment so you often passed it off. You don't see Moon very often but every once in a blue moon sun will shut the lights off so He has his time to roam and chat with you.
"What makes little Miss. Meena think we're together?" Sun Asked.
"Ya'know, I'm not too sure. Maybe it's because we both work her in the daycare? She didn't exactly specify why, but I did tell her we weren't together. She was super confused by it, but accepted it nonetheless."
You began to sweep the broom across the floor and shook your head with a small smile. It was silent for a moment and you just made the assumption that Sun and Moon were silently chatting, but before you could ask what they were talking about, a cool feeling metal snaked around your wrist, tugging at you and forcing you to stand straight and look to see what was going on exactly.
Sun was gazing directly into your eyes, and he began to back you up against the wall where the soft padding meets the cold glass. Your breath hitched and your heart rate increased as it does every time this happens after closing.
"We aren't? Then why do I get to touch you every night after close?" Sun asked, being awfully brazen.
Sun was never like this; he was always so polite and so gentle about everything he did. You cocked your head, confused by this sudden change in attitude.
"We'll no....We never talked about it and never established what we wanted."
"So, we need to talk about it?"
"Well, yeah..." You whined as Sun brushed his cold hand in-between your legs.
"You don't think anything of our nightly escapades?"
You couldn't answer before Sun took your hand and lead you to the back storage room that you both had re-arranged into a somewhat comfortable room. It was against the Pizza Plex Policy for any employee to stay after hours who was not a specified nightguard, but you loved Sun's company and home wasn't always the best place to be, especially when you close one night, and need to be back at 6am to open the next morning.
Sun shoved you onto the twin-sized bed that had been moved in and he laid on top of you, pressing a knee in between your legs and preventing you from closing them. A very soft huff resonated from your chest, and Sun began to trail his hands down your chest, the single nightlight in the room being to only thing that kept him, himself.
"Sundrop? What's going on with you?"
"You don't see anything here? Or have you just been ignoring all the time we've spent together? Do you not want to be apart of anything more than this?"
Your heart dropped, realizing that he thought things were different, he saw this situation as something completely different than you did and that made you feel bad. Maybe you had ignored all the signs, maybe you were refusing to acknowledge it.
A soft buzz and a gentle flicker of the nightlight made both you and Sun look and helplessly watch the Nightlight go out. Neither of you moved as the little sun rays vanished, the yellow slowly turned blue, and his eyes went dark, turning to gaze directly at you.
"If Sun won't do it.....I will..." Moon mumbled, taking things into his own hands.
He began to nibble at you jaw and neck, his hands wasting no time to unbutton you slacks and sliding in, almost as if they had a mind of their own. You whined softly as you panties were pushed to the side and the cold metal slid into you, the heat from you walls slowly warming the metal and soaking it. Moon didn't wait and began to finger you, curling his fingers upwards to press on you g-spot and make you lift your hips. A sharp gasp came from you and Moon chuckled.
"You know you think about it. Don't act like you don't. He does..."
You didn't have it in you to answer as you felt the pressure in you lower abdoment begin to build, the pleasure becoming overwhelming. Moon's thumb began to gently rub circles on your clit, making you whine and wiggle in your spot while his other hand began to snake up your shirt and under your bra. You nipple hardened due to the stark contrast of temperature, but you loved it and couldn't help but make another noise.
"He wouldn't tell you, but I will. He thinks about his fingers inside you like this all the time. Listening to you whine and whimper. He wants you to beg, and plead, he wants you to crave not just his fingers, but his attention."
You could barely process his words, a soft 'please' coming from behind your lips as your hips began to roll against his hands.
"Just like that Dewdrop..." Your eyes lolled back and closed as you felt his hand pick up speed, making your tongue stick out.
You bucked your hips, very quietly begging to cum. It just felt too good and you couldn't risk Moon pulling away and leaving you empty.
You didn't even pay mind to the change in tone, all you knew was that you had a request to fill.
"Please make me cum. Fuck! Please, I'm right there." You whined, lifting your hips higher, feeling the tips of his finger brushing against a good spot, but just barely touching it.
"Oh fuck harder! Please, you're right there." Your eyes filled with tears, "Please, please, please. Just a little faster, just a little deeper. I want to cum, I want to cum so bad."
That was all it really took before his fingers picked up the pace, thrusting deeper and pressing into that soft spot that made your eyes roll back into your read and your mouth salivate. Your head rolled back, and your hips bucked and rolled as you felt the last stretch approach, and within less than 60 seconds you collapsed, crying and breathing hard as your legs trembled and your clit throbbed, your walls squeezing down on his fingers, keeping his trapped inside of you while you tried your best to calm down.
When your breathing did end up steading you opened your eyes and you met the gaze of Sun, his features almost reflecting a mixture of awe and embarrassment. He pulled his hand out from in between your legs but didn't move away from you as you took a second to compose yourself.
"If you wanted to do more than just this, all you had to do was ask you Goober." You giggled and relaxed into the soft mattress, a look of relief passing over Sun's features.
He collapsed onto the bed next to you, puling you into his chest and chuckling softly.
"I'd like to do a little more than just please you sexually. If you'd like, I'd rather be Boyfriend and Girlfriend." Sun poked at you.
"I'd like that...but right now I'd rather just take a nap." You giggled and Sun agreed with you, kissing your forehead and letting you snuggle in and drift to sleep.
A/N: I kinda rushed the ending here, i'm sorry. If ya'll hate it or have an issues with the ending being rushed just comment and I can fix it here in a bit when I'm not doing dishes. Lol.
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mama-qwerty · 7 months
what would Callie do if Eclipse bit Wade. Full on bloody CHOMP
Oh. Hmm. Hmmmmm.
It happened so fast, Callie didn't have time to stop it.
Eclipse had been with her for a few weeks, and had mostly acclimated to 'family life'.
Truth be told, she herself was still a little wary around him. The kid had bitten her the first time they really interacted, after all. Twenty-some stitches and a round of rabies shots had left her a little sour toward him after that.
That mouthful of sharp chompers was intimidating, and her heartrate rose if he looked like he was getting even the slightest bit agitated.
But today he'd seemed calm. Downright jovial. Wade had stopped by for a short chat, and had gone to snag a quick drink before heading home. He must have startled Eclipse, who whipped around and latched down on the deputy's arm.
Wade had cried out, his free, unchomped hand going to cover his mouth. Callie had been in the living room when she heard the cry, and hurried in to find the darkling practically hanging off Wade's arm.
She was ashamed to admit her first instinct was to reach out and smack the boy away. Her arm actually drew back, and she caught herself before it came down in a swing. Her heart clenched when she realized what she was doing, and she instead reached forward to scruff the boy.
She gave him a shake, as though he were a misbehaving dog that chewed up her shoes. Eclipse gave a little growl, before reluctantly releasing Wade's arm.
Callie tossed Wade a hand towel to wrap around his bleeding arm, and dragged the darkling toward the pantry he'd been staying in.
"Go to your closet. Right now. Stay in there until I come get you."
The boy ducked down on all fours, casting her a look that was half snarl, half cower, before crawling through the curtain hung in front of the pantry.
Once that was done, she quickly turned to Wade, and helped wrap the towel more tightly around his arm.
"C'mon, we need to get you to urgent care and get that taken care of."
Two hours later, Wade was stitched up, Callie had apologized about a bazillion times, and Silver had been sent to the Wachowski's for the night.
Wade had been (unsurprisingly) forgiving. "He's a scared kid. Maybe I surprised him. Totally my fault." Callie kind of saw his point, but that didn't change the fact that this feral, shark-toothed kid had attacked the town deputy in her kitchen.
And now, the redhead stood in front of the curtain that covered the little pantry. She could hear movement inside, meaning Eclipse actually did stay in there like she had told him. That surprised her. She was sure she was going to find a broken window and missing darkling upon her return home.
She took a breath, held it, and released it slowly. She wasn't angry. Well, she was a little pissed, but not anything she could stuff down and ignore. Mostly she was frustrated. He'd seemed like he was calming down and now this.
She lifted a hand and gave a few light knocks on the door jamb.
"Eclipse. I'm coming in."
No response. Callie pulled the curtain aside and went to her knees in the doorway. Eclipse huddled against the far wall, curled up and turned away from her.
They sat like that for a long moment, neither saying anything as the silence settled heavily over them.
"What's rule number one?" she asked, keeping her voice calm and even.
The boy flinched, trying to curl himself tighter. "No biting."
"So you do remember."
He turned to shoot her a snarl. "He snuck up on me. And he had a weapon!"
She sat still for a moment before giving a short nod. "Okay. I'll give you the sneaking part. Wade doesn't know to give you space like Silver and I do. But he didn't have a weapon."
"He did!"
"No he didn't."
"It was on his hip! That brown thing."
"That was a holster, a little pocket kind of thing that holds a weapon, but it was empty. Wade does not bring his gun when he comes here."
Eclipse's lip curled as he turned away. "I didn't know that."
She sighed. "I know. You were scared."
He rounded on her, his teeth bared as he came a little closer. "I wasn't scared! If I was scared I would have run away, and I didn't! I attacked! I'm brave!"
Callie didn't exactly flinch, as much as she jerked back slightly at his sudden movement. She tried to never show any fear or nervousness around him, but it was hard when she still felt a little, well, uneasy over his ability to control himself.
"It's okay to be afraid," she said, keeping her voice calm. "It's understandable. But you can't react with those teeth any time you're surprised."
"I wasn't afraid!"
"Look, we can sit here and split hairs all you want, but the fact is, you bit our town deputy." Her patience was running out. But she took a breath and forced herself to be a little calmer. "If he weren't such a forgiving man, he could call the government and have them come get you. You could be taken away and locked in some cage somewhere. Is that what you want?"
He pushed himself up and assumed a fighting stance. "I'd fight them! I'd teleport away where they couldn't find me!"
"And then what? Where would you go?"
The question made him pause, and his shoulders slumped. "Far away. Just like you want me to go."
Okay, that . . . that made her breath catch.
"Why do you think I want you to go far away?"
He slunk back into the far corner and curled up. "You're afraid of me. You hate me."
Silence descended in the little pantry, and any anger or frustration within Callie dissipated to be replaced with guilt. A whole lotta guilt. She swallowed, knowing he was right.
Well, partially right. She didn't hate him, per se. She just wasn't completely trusting of him, yet. And yeah, maybe she was a little afraid of him.
Well, damnit.
Callie rearranged herself to sit cross-legged, adopting a more casual posture before him.
"I don't hate you." Now her voice was softer, with less of an authoritative edge. "You just . . . well, you bit me the first time I really tried to help you. You have to admit that would make you seem a little scary, right?"
Eclipse peeked at her from the corner of his eye, turning slightly toward her. "I guess. But you hurt my arm so bad!"
"If I had known it was hurting you, I never would have touched it. But you were so sick. I was only trying to help."
He seemed to consider this. "You did find me and fix my arm."
"Because I was worried about you. Even though you bit me, and I was so scared you'd hurt Silver, too. You were hurt and needed help."
Silence again, but this one wasn't as heavy as the previous. Eclipse uncurled a little more, turning to look at her with his large gold-on-black eyes.
"Why aren't you still mad? Why aren't you punishing me?"
Callie chewed her cheek as she thought. A fair question, especially considering how she reacted when he'd bitten Wade.
"Because I haven't been treating you as well as I should have. It was probably making you uncomfortable, knowing someone was still watching and almost waiting for you to do something bad. I'm really sorry. That was wrong."
A look of surprise spread across his face, and he turned, his brow furrowing in confusion. "It was?"
She nodded. "I've probably been keeping you on edge this whole time without knowing. Kinda stupid I didn't realize it before. Makes your chest feel all tight, doesn't it? Just waiting for someone to get angry at you? Feeling like you're being judged all the time?"
He stared at her for a moment, before nodding.
"Yeah. Been there. I'm really sorry, Eclipse. I'll do better."
The boy stared, flicking his eyes to the side as though he were trying to make sense of her words. Finally he looked back at her, letting out a little breath.
"I'm sorry I bit him. I . . . I guess I was scared."
A little smile curled her lips, and she leaned a little closer. "Do you think you can tell him that?"
He bit his lip, before giving a short nod.
"Okay. I'm going to call him, and you can tell him over the phone. Then maybe we can spend some time together, just you and me. Silver's spending the night over at Sonic's house. Would you like that?"
The darkling's brow shot up in shock, before he swallowed.
After a moment, he gave a slight, barely there nod.
"Okay. C'mon. Let's call Wade."
Callie stood and headed toward her phone, with a little darkling following close behind.
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awesomedurraworld · 10 months
do you just one day realize that you have tons of ideas and Aus, and half of them- if not 3/4 of them will be forever forgotten?
Like. When I tell you the amount of things that I come up with during one day is... Is unbelievable? Sometimes it is the same plot but different scenarios.
The other week, I was going back to my old chats with my bestie, and I was shocked to find this very old Au that I came up with, ( Papa Royed obviously.) and the fact I drew for it too??
I also Reopned an older Au, called “ Roy Elric.” which, really, Roy in Trisha’s shoes. Does that mean Riza is Ho? No I don't think so. I was inspired by this older fic on Ao3, and kinda doodled for their Au.
Another Au- Tangled. I have only shared this with my bestie, but basically when the “ kingdom dance.” music was trending- which has been my favorite type of music since I watched Tangled which was in 2011 😂 when I heard it again, I realized how much that song ( music.) will fit Fma, and 2 ideas came:
what if Fma had a culture? Like, dances, foods, and Music and clothes?? I started designing Riza’s costume over good 9 months ago, so if you are interested I will love to share
Idea number 2 is basically your classic Fma x Tangled. With Ed as Punzel and Roy as Eugene and Ho as mother gothal. Not that Ed is a prince, but the idea of him being locked and Roy freeing him to show him the world.
There is this other idea, that Roy adopted Ed and Al before they committed the taboo but kept them a secret to protect them?
And the idea of Royai retiring and having Ed and Roy is blind and military comes and Ed learns who his parents are?
Also, I never realized that I have been writing regressed Ed? Like, I never did until I started following Mayliz ❤️ and I was like. “ hold up, this has a name?” and then my bestie pointed it and was like, “ Your Ed always regressed,” and I was like “ oh yeah.” and kinda tempted to write a whole fic with that WITH AL AND ED being regressed
What If the taboo failed BECAUSE Ed isn't Trisha’s biological son?
Like, gah, I didn't even scratch the surface of these ideas. And I want to write after math of Hughes’ death! And OH MY GOD I HAVE THE AU WHERE ROY WAS IN HUGHES’ SHOE!
Okay okay, so instead of Gracia and Elysia, it’s Riza and Ed and Al, but the catch here is that Riza isn't a solider, she is just Roy’s wife, one day when the whole team goes around to fight Envy they find Mrs. Mustang there with her husband’s gloves, KILLING Envy? Like having no shame because he killed her husband and orphaned her kids. This would mean, that Riza is an alchemist too. Roy probably taught her to keep herself and the kids safe just in case
Also, I do want to write a fic where the boys just grief the loss of their dad
😩😩😩 I don't joke when I say this is just a normal day with my brain, haha, I just wished I had more time to draw and write. I am busy currently, but I am hoping and praying that mid of December won't come without me posting something. I want to finish Took my kids? Take my fire now- which, has been on my chest since last year and there is no way we're going to Jan 2024 with this fic unfinished
And yeah I guess this is all have to say today, is there an idea that you liked? What do you think of this haha
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ichorblossoms · 7 days
wip wednesday first edition yeeeeeehhaaaawwww
cannot guarantee this will happen every wednesday but! i am...trying to get more into the writing habit and testing to see if posting little snippets every so often will help
this is half-edited first draft stuff that has not been proofread by anyone but myself so a) don't expect like, novel-quality stuff b) i still need to figure out names so there are placeholders sometimes c) scenes may end up entirely different down the line or scrapped altogether ✌️
--- [P1- Yarrow POV, he/him for Yarrow, they/them for Grimm*] *there might be some instances of Yarrow using they/them here, on account of this being half-edited <3
Yarrow felt not unlike a small child who was told to patiently sit and wait until an adult came to pick him up, except he was a twenty-three-year-old in a saloon, in a town he didn’t know existed until two days ago.
After a greasy lunch, Grimm had stood and announced they were going to find the two of them a place to stay for at least the night, and that it would be back in an hour or two. And now, about an hour after that, Yarrow was left alone, however many miles away from <city> with nothing but a wallet (still with $30 in it) and an outlaw’s word. I might be dead within a week.
He took a deep breath, trust them, they would have killed you by now if that was the plan. Hell, they could have left you in the desert. Maybe Grimm just didn’t want blood on their hands and decided to leave now… around and around his mind went. Yarrow tugged and fiddled with the bandana around his neck, feeling all the while that it was a shitty costume and not the real thing.
Yarrow sat there long enough for the after-work crowd to begin shuffling in. Rugged miners covered in dust began to take seats at the booths, chatting about how they were looking forward to a meal or complaining about how much of a dick their boss was today. I hope I’m not taking anyone’s spot. A few eyed him curiously, but didn’t give him much thought, not enough to warrant talking to him, anyways. He couldn’t tell if the bouncing leg was nervous or normal fidgeting.
Grimm came through the door twenty or so minutes later and drew no attention as they nonchalantly walked over to the booth they had left Yarrow, “Let’s get going, got us a place for the night.”
[the two of them stand at a shabby motel, not at the front entrance]
This was about what he expected, in all honesty. 
“So, what room number are we staying in tonight?”
“Didn’t catch it.”
He bit down what was probably the fiftieth question he had for Grimm that day and trusted that Grimm had a plan. Yarrow wasn’t sure what kind of trust he would have to earn to be let in on said plans, but he could admit he was disappointed he hadn’t already earned it. The manners usually work…
When Grimm stopped, it wasn’t at the front of one of the rooms, but a back window. They held out the two grocery bags towards Yarrow, studying the window instead of making eye contact. Yarrow took the bags with a suspicion as to where this was going. Trying to be remotely helpful, he looked around for security cameras and discovered there weren’t any, at least, not any that he could see. Odd, they were all over the place in <city>.
A click brought his attention back to Grimm, who opened the window and was now sliding it open. He could see a small room with a single bed, nightstand, chair, coffee table, and presumably a bathroom or closet.
“After you,” the outlaw flourished towards the motel room, as if to give Yarrow the honors of trespassing. He handed the grocery bags to Grimm.
Working out maybe once a month back in <city> had, predictably, done him no favors in getting up and over the chest-height window ledge. It took him two tries to hoist himself up and over, and he hoped for the sake of Grimm’s plan and his dignity there were truly no security cameras around. Once he was safely back on two feet, Grimm handed him the bags through the window, once again without making eye contact, though this time it was probably out of embarrassment.
Unsurprisingly, Grimm was up and through the window in a single smooth arc of motion, looking way cooler than they had the right to. It didn’t even snag on the window. 
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wheel-of-fish · 2 years
On 150 PotO streams...
Today I corrected some inaccuracies in my stream list, and it turns out this past weekend was my 150th stream! As a result, I've been reflecting a lot on the past four years, and honestly—this has all been pretty amazing.
Over time, I've been able to show roughly 60 Phantom actors and 70 Christines, in at least 15 countries and from almost every year of the show's 34-year run. I've also streamed 15+ other PotO adaptations and made more than 3,500 gifs.
It's been an absolute privilege to watch productions and casts I would never otherwise get to see, and to interact with probably hundreds of Phans from all walks of life. It's given me a way to connect with and contribute to fandom, something I started to feel like I'd lost when I stopped writing.
If you've found favorite actors/adaptations through the streams, or have any notable stream memories, I'd love to hear about them!
A HUGE thank you to the following people:
@glassprism for sharing her videos and expertise practically every week and making this whole thing possible
@meilas for holding down the fort when I'm too tired or distracted to oversee post-stream chat/entertainment
The masters who recorded the videos we're able to share
Everyone who's ever come to a stream over the years, especially the regulars. I've always told myself I'd only stream as long as there's substantial interest, and it's somehow never waned. I remember pretty much everyone who passes through, and I'm so happy to see your (virtual) faces every week.
Fun stream facts
Most requested boot: David Shannon, Gina Beck & Simon Bailey (London 2010)
Actor with the most stream appearances: Jeremy Stolle
Highest attendance: 74
Weirdest adaptation: Spiritual Twist (2011)
Most polarizing adaptation: Phantom of the Opera on Ice (1995)
Most popular version of Love Never Dies: 2013 Vienna concert with Drew Sarich, Milica Jovanovic and Julian Looman
Final lair that has destroyed the most lives: Earl Carpenter & Rachel Barrell (London 2005)
Phantoms who unexpectedly made the chat go feral: Greg Mills, Franc D'Ambrosio, Geronimo Rauch, Ted Keegan
Most-loved objects: Barb the mannequin, LND skeleton butler, hatstand that turned out to be a plant stand
Most-loved Don Attilio: 2006 U.S. tour
Most-discussed rarepairs: Reyerstine, Raoul/Madame Giry
Most-played intermission videos: Shreksophone, 2 Hours of Squid to Relax/Study/Work to, various bardcore covers
Number of Phantom actors invited to a stream: 3
Number of Phantom actors attended: 0 (we'll get there...)
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ainyan · 1 year
FFXIVWrite Day #17: Free Write
Personal Prompt: Funk
The week apart had given her too much time to think. Too much time to brood. Even with Thancred sending constant text messages, chat messages, and even the occasional email, Kal’istae was too certain that this trip he’d needed to take for ‘work’ was little more than a convenient excuse to ease things off. Not that she could blame him. Two dates in and they were already talking relationships. Who even did that?
Not her, nope. Clearly, it had just been chemistry and the heat of the moment. And with distance and time between them, they had both seen the light.
So why was she so damn miserable?
The knock at her door startled her out of her funk, and she leaned over the back of her ratty old couch to glare at the door. She was half-tempted to ignore it, but when the knock came again, she groaned and hauled herself up. “It’s ten at night,” she muttered as she slumped up to the door, “and I’m sulking. Go away.”
The last was said as she opened the door to Thancred’s surprised face. “I mean,” he said hesitantly, “if you really wa- oof!” He was cut off as he suddenly found himself with an armful of Kal’istae. The Au Ra scaled him like a tree, wrapping her arms around his neck and her legs around her waist as she yanked his head down and covered his mouth with hers.
He barely had time to lean into the kiss, however, before she slid down and stepped away, covering her mouth with her hand and staring at him with wide eyes. “Ohmigods,” she babbled, “I’m sorry, I couldn’t help - I didn’t mean - I just saw you there and I was missing you and ohmigods shoot me now.”
Thancred didn’t think; for once, he let pure instinct, pure emotion guide him. As she backed up, he followed, catching her about the waist. As he drew her against him, her voice felt silent and she gazed up at him mutely, her expression half-anxious, half-hopeful. When he smiled, she exhaled, and when he lowered his head, she raised herself up on tiptoe to meet him.
There was hunger; there had to be hunger. They had both wanted too much, too long, too hard for there to not always be that underlying hunger. But it was tempered by sweetness. It was muted by affection. It was buried deep beneath gentle reconnection. And when he finally released her, she clung lightly to him to maintain her balance as he lowered his forehead to hers. “I missed you,” he murmured.
“Oh gods,” Kal’istae replied, and shut her eyes. “Oh gods, I missed you too.” They stood like that a moment longer, then she slowly lowered herself back to the ground, plucking absently at his wrinkled dress shirt. “I thought you were coming back tomorrow.”
He kept his hands loosely around her waist, gazing over her head into the apartment behind her. “I finished what I had to do and found someone to trade flights back with,” he replied. “Came straight here from the airship terminal. Which I suppose,” he added wryly, “is rather obvious.”
She croaked a soft laugh, then tugged at his shirt. “Come on in,” she invited, carefully not looking at his face as she slipped out of his hands and grabbed one, walking backwards and drawing him after her. He just as cautiously avoided her gaze as he followed, booting the door shut behind him with his heel.
Once inside, she released his hand and turned away, seeming lost. Before he could say anything, however, she shook her head and ran her hand through her hair, grimacing. “I suppose it’s too late to bemoan how I look,” she muttered, all too aware of the loose pajama pants and ratty old t-shirt she habitually wore when staying in alone. “Go have a seat,” she invited, “I’ll get you a drink. Hard or soft?”
Glancing down at himself - his tie loosened, his vest and shirt wrinkled from travel, his shoes scuffed, he grinned wryly. “I wouldn’t worry about it. You look beautiful, as always. And soft, please; hard’ll put me right out - I’ve already put in sixteen hours today.”
She half-turned, then shook her head and started for the kitchen. “And you came here instead of going home?”
He was tempted to follow her, but instead headed for her couch, sinking into the battered cushions with a deep sigh, and immediately understood why she kept it. It may have looked thrashed, but damn if it wasn’t the most comfortable thing he’d sat on in days. “Yes,” he replied simply as he stretched out and lay his head upon the embroidered pillow. “I wanted to see you.” His voice began to slur at the edges. “I needed to see you.”
Kal’istae paused while rummaging in the refrigerator, blinking rapidly to ease the unexpected prick of tears before digging up a can of soda and nudging the fridge shut with her hip. She debated getting him a glass, then shrugged and padded into the living room with the can. She placed it on the coffee table, then a soft sound drew her attention and she turned to look at him.
He was stretched out on her couch, snoring lightly as he slept. Without thinking, she leaned over him and tugged the knitted throw off the back of the couch and spread it over him, gently tucking him in. He sighed softly and shifted, and when she leaned down and brushed the fall of silver hair from his face, his lips curled in a faint smile. After tugging off his shoes, she pressed a kiss to his forehead, then replaced the soda in her fridge and made her way to her own room, where she read until she, too, fell asleep.
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FFXIVWrite2023 Day #17: Extra Credit
OCs: Kal'istae Miurani
NPCs: Thancred Waters
AU: Modern Day w/ @sasslett
[ -- Master Post: FFXIVWrite2023 -- ]
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Young American - Part 16**
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Hello friends! I finally finished this chapter! It's kind of a filler to set up for her meeting his family next! I haven't decided if their trip will just be one or two chapters, but that's what's coming next! Also, a visual of her dress for the wedding will be posted at the very end! Thank you for your patience I've had the longest week!
Series Masterlist
Warnings: unprotected sex (p in v), a little dry humping moment, breeding kink
WC: 8K
Today was the day in which Y/N would finally be able to tattoo her aunt. She had been looking forward to this for years and the time had finally come. Harry had offered his place for a bit more privacy now that he had brought over all of his equipment, but Julie insisted that they do it at the shop. She took the final appointment of the day, at 5:30pm, so that they would kind of have some private time as it would kind of be big tattoo. Harry drew up the stencil while Y/N introduced Julie to everyone she hadn’t met yet. They had been super sweet and bought her a healthy cake, well as healthy as cake could get, balloons and flowers. Julie really enjoyed getting to know everyone and finally when it was time to get on the table she greeted Harry and chatted with him while Y/N got set up. 
“Alright, ready?” Y/N asked.
“I’ve been ready.” Julie said with a grin and Y/N, G, and Harry chuckled and just like that Y/N was going over the first line of the stencil. G started asking her about why she wanted this tattoo and Julie explained her interest in it and what it meant to her. Harry listened on as well, but was more assisting Y/N is she needed the supplies or more ink or vaseline, like the good boyfriend he was. It was such an intricate tattoo that Y/N was just quiet and focusing on keeping to the stencil of the flower of life pattern, but also to keep her emotions in check; she couldn’t start to tear up in the middle of this. 
The rest of the crew did hang back and they ordered some dinner as well, wanting to wait and show their support for Y/N’s first large tattoo, but also such a special one to her. They did take a little break to eat before Y/N jumped back into it with Julie and Harry at her side while everyone else socialized a bit in the lounge before they started to head home. Now Y/N was starting to work on the outer elements, which were inspired by some mandala art that Julie really wanted incorporated.
“How are you feeling, darling?” Julie asked Y/N and she just exhaled a bit shakily.
“Honestly, just trying to keep it together.” She admitted with a soft smile and Julie sighed.
“Me too.” She confessed through a giggle, “H, can I bug you to take a vide for my instagram story?” Julie asked.
“Yeah, of course.” He said turning back to the counter where she’d set her things down.
“The password’s 1983.” She said and he typed it in before finding her instagram app and starting to record the story. Harry actually had a great eye behind the lens and so Y/N didn’t question it when he started to record but crouched down and then made his way around to show Julie smiling at the head of the bench. He then let it replay for her to see, “Oh, that’s really good! Save it, and then type “getting tattooed by my lovely niece, and tag her, and then put dream come true.” Harry did just as he was told and then posted the story. He also snapped a few pictures for her and was messing around with them, editing them to make them stand out a bit more until Y/N needed help with other things. It was reaching the 3 hour mark as they approached the final elements of the tatoo.
“I think it’ll be another 30-40 minutes. You doing OK?” Harry asked Julie who hummed. She enjoyed getting tattooed and she hadn’t been tattooed in ages for fear of exposing herself or risking her health. She knew tatoo shops were clean, but sometimes people still came in if they were sick and things like that, so it had been a while. She wasn’t in pain or feeling any discomfort because she was just so happy to finally be doing this with Y/N. “And you, baby?” Harry asked Y/N, “How’s your hand?” He asked. This had been her longest tattoo ever.
“It’s alright. I took a preventative Tylenol after eating.” She said quietly and he smiled before he gently kissed her head while she dipped into the ink cup.
“It’s looking really good.” He assured and she glanced up at him with a smile.
“Thank you, baby.” She responded before she got back to it. After another 20 minutes she was just shading around certain areas to make them stand out more and Harry was just looking over everything else one last time.
“That’s so fucking sick. It looks really good.” Harry grinned happily.
“I can’t wait to see it!” Julie squealed in excitement and Y/N and Harry both chuckled. He snapped a few more pictures on his phone of the work being done and soon he started cleaning up everything that Y/N was no longer using. 
“Alright, I think we’re just about done.” Y/N announced.
“Here, my love.” Harry said placing down some clean paper towels down for her with his now gloved hands.
“Thanks, baby.” She responded quietly and Julie was just smiling at their interactions. She was obsessed with the way he doted on her. Soon she heard the machine power off and Y/N sighed. “All done! Let me just clean you up a bit.” She said before dabbing at the area she’d just tattooed with some paper towels to soak up the excess ink.
“Here’s some more, baby.” Harry said handing Y/N another wad of the paper towels. “S’gonna be cold.” She warned Julie as she squirted a soapy water mix onto the paper towels Harry had just handed her and then she gently dabbed against the area she had just finished tattooing. The cold of the damp paper towel was a nice and soothing contrast against the hot and stinging sensation that was taking over now that the tattoo was done. “It looks so good.” Y/N gushed and Julie squealed excitedly before Y/N helped her up. 
Harry started to clean up a bit as Y/N took Julie over to the mirror and started to show her the tattoo. Julie started to cry tears of happiness as she inspected the work on her body. Harry could hear her telling Y/N how much she loved it and how proud she was of her. He did give them a bit of space and then Y/N showed her the bathroom so that she could get her shirt back on, as she was currently just holding it against her front.
“Ahhh.” Y/N groaned quietly as more tears pricked at her eyes and Harry smiled at her and pulled her closer.
“S’alright love. I’m so fucking proud of you.” He said quietly as his hands landed on her lips and she smiled.
“Thank you, baby. And thanks for helping with the design too and everything you did today. It means a lot to me that you were also here for this.” She sniffled.
“I’m happy I was able to be here too.” He smiled before he kissed her forehead. They finished cleaning up and were soon locking up the shop. “See you tomorrow?” He hummed as Y/N leaned into his hold and she nodded.
“Yeah. Love you.”
“Love you.” He hummed before their lips met in a sweet peck, “Bye, Julie. I’ll probably see you tomorrow too.” He smiled and she nodded as they kissed cheeks before he got on his motorcycle. Y/N hadn’t ridden on it and as much as she wanted to, she was nervous to try so she wouldn’t be going home with him when he rode on it for the time being, but maybe someday is what she had told him. She and Julie got in Y/N’s car and made their way home. Julie was being very mindful of not resting against the seat, which was proving to be difficult and they were having a laugh about it as she said that hovering the way she was, was a killer ab workout.
“So Harry was telling me something about you maybe going to visit England with him.” Julie brought up and Y/N smiled and nodded.
“Yeah, his cousin’s getting married in like mid May.” She smiled.
“What’s stopping you?”
“Well, nothing really anymore. Like I said I’ll go, but it’s just expensive.” She explained, “He said he’d take care of the tickets, but I feel kind of bad.” She sighed.
“Well if you need help I can certainly pitch in.” she assured and Y/N sighed.
“I don’t want to impose.”
“It’s not an imposition, darling. You love him, he loves you, and he wants his family to meet you and get to know you. This is a big step!” She said with a smile and Y/N sighed.
“It is, isn’t it?” She asked with a slightly nervous smile.
“Yeah! I don’t want you to be worried about anything except showing his family how lovely you are.” Julie said and Y/N smiled.
“You know, a few weeks ago at your little remission party?” Y/N reminded, “We kind of started talking about marriage.”
“Oh…” Julie said quietly and Y/N hummed.
“Yeah, he asked if I ever wanted to get married and what would it be like, big or small. He said that he had envisioned it while we were washing the dishes together after dinner.” She smiled as she recalled the moment.
“And…have you thought about it too?” She asked Y/N and she smiled.
“I mean…yeah.” She confirmed, “I thought about something small. I’d invite you, grandma, and my parents and hopefully they show up. The people from the shop and some friends from college.” She shrugged, “And just doing something tiny like that. We probably won’t feed you guys, sorry in advance,” she said and Julie chuckled, “and we’d just drive away in the Ferrari to wherever we feel like going.” Y/N finished with a smile.
“Oh to be young and in love…makes you feel invincible.”
“I’d like to think that we kind of are.” She hummed softly and Julie smiled.
“I mean, I think you kind of are.” She added and Y/N couldn’t help the giddy giggle that poured from her lips.
“Thank you.” She said joyfully.
“Do you see yourself staying here? Or what if he wants to move back to London?” 
“Wherever is fine.” She said, “I love it here and he does too, but if for any reason he needs to go back there I mean, I’d go if he asked.” She stated wit certainty.
“And bring me with you?” Julie asked.
“Of course.” Y/N grinned.
“You know, I genuinely feel like if I ever had a kid they would be exactly like Harry.” Julie said, “I think that’s why I’ve taken to him so well. He feels familiar in a way, he fits right in.”
“He really does fit in well…though I’m really glad he’s not my cousin.” Y/N said and Julie laughed.
“Well, in all honesty I feel like you’re both my kids and it makes me happy that you’re both this happy.” Julie said, “I’m just especially really proud of you, darling. You’ve come a long way and you’ve really grown up since you’ve been out here with me and I know that it hasn’t always been easy, but I mean, it all has been worth it, hasn’t it?” 
“It really has. Thank you for always supporting me, it’s meant the world.” Y/N glanced briefly to her aunt before she focused back on the road. After some more discussion about her trip Julie decided that she would be contributing to her trip to England by helping her buy a dress for the occasion. It was a black tie wedding, so a proper, formal gown was mandatory for the event, and well she was excited to be able to go dress shopping with Julie in the near future. 
As she lay in bed Y/N couldn’t help but feel so incredibly nervous over meeting Harry’s family; it was really starting to sink in. She had never met a partner’s family before and she’d never even been out of the country! So overall, everything she was about to do was new. He had talked to her about them before and gave her some idea of what they were like, she’d seen a few pictures he’d shown her, but that was about it. She didn’t doubt that they were a lovely and welcoming bunch, much like he was, her concern came in when it came to her. What impression would she make? What had he told them about her? Would they not support their relationship in fear that he’d move out to LA with her? There were just so many things that were racing through her mind. The buzzing of her vibrating phone and the soft ringtone playing pulled her from the chaos descending in her mind and she saw it was Harry.
“Hi baby.” She whispered as she pressed the phone to her ear.
“Hi.” He hummed.
“Is everything OK?” She asked.
“No. It’s damn near impossible to sleep in my bed without you.” He said softly and then she heard something that sounded like a door closing in the background.
“Did you go somewhere?” She asked in concern.
“Yeah.” He said.
“Oh, a midnight snack?” She asked with a knowing grin.
“No, just a short drive, baby.”
“Oh. Are you just getting home?” She asked.
“Yes, baby. Now come open the door, s’cold.” He said and her smile grew wide as she sat up.
“Yes, OK! I’ll be there in a tick.” She hummed before hanging up and getting into her slippers and quietly padding through the house and to the front door where she quietly turned the locks and slowly opened up the door to reveal Harry in a hoodie and shorts with his overnight bag hanging from his shoulder. “Hi.” She smiled.
“Hey.” He grinned happily as she moved aside to let him in. As soon as she closed the door he turned her around by the hips and pressed her back into it as he he attached their lips in a sensual kiss while turning the locks. It made her knees weak and entire body spark up with excitement as he once again, effectively took her breath away as their lips moved together, “Missed you.” He mumbled against her mouth before sneaking in a bit of tongue, “Can’t. Sleep. Without you. Anymore.” He muttered between kisses. It felt like they were in a never ending honeymoon stage, they couldn’t get enough of each other. The obsession they shared from the moment they realized they had feelings for each other continued on just as intensely.
“Neither can I.” She admitted softly and he hummed, quite content to hear that, “C’mon then, let’s get to bed.” She whispered and he nodded. As soon as they got into her room Harry threw off his hoodie and laid it on the little bench at the foot of her bed before climbing under the already warm covers. She climbed in behind him and he was quick to settled himself against her chest and she pressed a kiss to his head before he shifted to lower his head closer to her chest.
“Tickle my arm.” He said quietly and she hummed in confirmation before she started gently running her fingertips over the expanse of his arm. “What were you doing awake?”
“Just thinking about meeting your family.” 
“Oh, what about it?”
“I’m just a little nervous I guess, never done that before.”
“Oh I see. Well, they’ve only met one really awful person, so you already have that advantage over the previous person.” He said and she giggled.
“Nice. But ummm, what if they’re concerned that you’ll be too busy to visit because of me or that I’m like…holding you back from moving back home?” She asked. Harry was smiling, she was adorable, her concerns about meeting his family weren’t even about her, it was about how his family might feel about certain things. Before Y/N he literally couldn’t understand when people would say that they fell in love with their partner over and over again, every day. She showed him just how that was possible and moments like these played a part of it.
“Well first off, “home” is wherever we’re together. Here, there, the middle of the ocean, the death star, literally anywhere you are is my home.” He said quietly as her smile grew, “And second, well my family just how much I was struggling in London. I wasn’t in a good place in my life, I wasn’t myself, I was miserable, even though they were there.” He explained, “Being here, with new people, new opportunities, you…it’s helped me find myself again and my family loves that for me, even if that means there’s a whole country and ocean between us. They just want me to be happy and even though they don’t know you personally, they know of you and they know how you’ve helped me and been there for me and encouraged me to be my best self, so they already love you for that. They understand why I needed to leave and will certainly understand it if I chose to stay.” He explained softly. “Do you think I’ll be able to meet the rest of your family?” He asked and she sighed.
“I hope so.” She whispered, “I want you to, for sure. Maybe for my birthday? I’d like to do something here, but maybe it’d be best to go over there.” She said and he smiled.
“Yeah, that’d be nice. Show your dad you’re trying.”
“Yeah.” She sighed.
“Also, I’m extremely proud of you for tattooing Julie. I know it was a big moment for you both, and you kept it together.” He smiled.
“Barely. Thank you, baby.” She hummed softly.
“Of course, my love.” He responded. “Do you know what you’re gonna wear yet?” He asked, “Wanna match with you. I have like regular black suit; which I can also use as a tux.”
“A tux you say…” she hummed with a smile and he chuckled.
“Yeah, baby. Every guy should have a good suit handy.” He said and she smiled. She’d never seen him in a suit, he was always very casual, but she was looking forward to seeing him in a new light. It would give her a sneak peek as to what he would look like when they got married. 
“Well, Julie is gonna take me dress shopping soon. Just wear what you have and I’ll match to you, You can just match your tie with me if you really want to, like for prom.” She decided with a quiet giggle.
“Prom…” he chuckled, “Those were the days. I mean, I more had like a spring formal, but we called it prom amongst ourselves because well, it’s iconic, you know? The only good thing about America.” He said softly and she scoffed, “Apart from you, of course. And the beaches here…” there was a pause, “Oh and the Mexican and Italian food…” he added and they fell quiet again, “Oh! And the snacks. I had no idea I was conforming until I moved here.” He said and she laughed quietly, “I’m serious! There’s less flavors I think, but they taste better somehow?”
“Yeah, it’s called chemicals & preservatives.” She mumbled.
“So? They’re superior, besides it’s not like I’m eating snacks all the time.” He said and she chuckled.
“Sure thing, H. I know you’re the one fucking up the barbecue flavored lays and spicy nacho Doritos at the shop.” She called him out and his body shook with his laughter, it was the truth.
“Just…let me have that.” He sighed and she smiled.
“Wait until you try pizza-flavored Pringles. You’ll be buying them by the pallet.” She said and he chuckled.
“Then maybe don’t introduce me to them.” He said with a chuckle and she smiled.“You know, we’re gonna be out there for a week and a half…there are tons of places I want to take you to and people I want you to meet. We can visit Eddie too, of course. Ummm…we might be put on babysitting duties at some point.”
“That’s fine, I’m great with kids.” She assured.
“Oh excellent, I am too!”
“That’s cute.” She hummed.
“I’m just excited to have you out there with me. I already know everything’s gonna be perfect.” He smiled.
This was now the second trip Y/N and Julie had been on and still, Y/N had not found a dress that she loved. She realized that she was just a guest to this wedding and that she didn’t have to look breathtaking, but she also didn’t want to look plain and like sh emailed minimal effort for this. She wanted to feel and look pretty and to make a good impression on Harry’s family. She wanted to show that she was interested in putting effort in for their stuff too. So with another “thank you” called out to the shop keeper she and Julie made their way out of the boutique.
“Let’s try one more place.” Julie said and Y/N sighed.
“I’m kinda over it to be honest. Everything is so basic.” She huffed in some disappointment.
“Yeah…well just last one of the day and then we can get lunch, yeah?”
“Deal.” She said as they walked down the street looking for yet another formal wear boutique. When they found one they headed inside. The space was quite small and the dresses there were really beaded and over the top, YN glanced to Julie about to tell her that they should just leave but then an older lady coming out from the backroom and greeting them excitedly.
“Welcome, welcome!” She smiled brightly, “What can I help you find today?” She asked.
“My niece here is a guest to a black tie wedding, so she’s just looking for something elegant and tasteful, but a bit different.” Julie explained and Y/N just bore a smile to the woman and nodded. She asked about what kind of colors and silhouettes she was drawn to and Y/N explained that she wanted something unique and a little more form fitting, that wouldn’t make her stand out too much. So they started looking through some racks together and well, it was giving prom more than wedding guest. But none the less, Julie and the lady from the store were pulling things out that she was willing to try. After about 10 minutes of searching she saw narrowed her eyes as she saw a floral piece of fabric sandwiched perfectly amidst some intense tulle gowns and she reached for it and drew it out and immediately smiled.
“Oh my god.” She smiled at the luck she had in seeing this dress, “It’s perfect.” She whispered to herself, “Julie, this is it.” She said turning towards Julie who came over from another rack right away.
“Oh…yeah, I can see you wearing that.” She smiled to Y/N, “It’s beautiful.”
“Right. Ma’am I’d like to try this one.” She said and the woman came over and pulled it off the rack and showed it to her properly. The fabric was organza and it was a black base in color with dark red and almost fuchsia colored roses printed on it. It was a slimmer fit with some boning at the torso to enhance the shape of one’s curves and it was floor length, the bottom was three tiers of ruffles, giving the dress a very tame mermaid silhouette. She normally wouldn’t go for a strapless dress or a mermaid style, but it was just so perfect and feminine and breathtaking that she had to try it.
“I just wanted to let you know that we were sent this dress in error, so it is the only one we have in our inventory.” She explained and Y/N wanted to cry. If it didn’t fit she would lose her mind.
“Ummm, OK. Well, hopefully it fits.” She sighed and Julie crossed her fingers as Y/N headed over to the dressing room. She got undressed and slipped into the dress and with the lady’s help she got zipped up perfectly and as she looked at herself in the mirror she couldn’t help but smile. It fit like a glove, it was absolutely perfect.
“This is the one. I’m in love.” She said as she stared at her reflection.
“Yes, I agree. It was made for you.” The lady said and Y/N was beaming.
“Show me!” Julie called and she stepped out of the dressing room and Julie gasped. “You’re right! You’re so right. You look amazing! Harry’s gonna die when he sees you.” She smiled happily.
“Should I surprise him?” She asked and Julie nodded.
“Absolutely. He’s wearing black right?”
“Yeah.” Y/N smiled.
“Let’s see it with the heels.” She said as she stooped down to place the heels Y/N had brought along. Y/N halfway got them on and even laughed softly as the length of the dress barely pooled on the ground, maybe 2 inches at most. “It’s a sign.” Julie said, “If we get this to Tina she can tailor it for you in a couple hours.” She said of her friend and Y/N smiled excitedly.
“I’m obsessed.”
“Me too. God! We’ll take it!” She told the lady who nodded and smiled. Soon Y/N was getting out of it while the lady went to bag the dress. 
Y/N was in a brilliant mood for the rest of the day. She was supposed to spend the night with Harry and she knew that it would be so hard to keep this from him because she was just so happy about the find. Today he had the late shift at the shop, so he would be getting in around 10pm if any clients came in after 7:30pm. So after having a shower and packing her bag she headed off to Harry’s; she’d make them some dinner and just hang out there until he got in. When she arrived she saw that he had a few loads of laundry on his couch so she took a seat and started to fold it while she watched a movie. Around 4 she got annoyed of folding so  she headed out to buy something to cook for dinner and she decided on a spicy eggplant & tofu as she was feeling lazy to do anything elaborate. So while the rice cooked, and tofu air-fried and the eggplant wilted down in the hot pan she found herself back on the couch folding again when a friend request came in to her Instagram. She opened the notification and her eyes widened when she saw that it was Harry’s mom. She quickly scrolled through her page to just ensure that there was nothing indecent anywhere and then accepted it. She then went on her profile to do the normal amounts of lurking and she mostly had pictures of her pets and garden and Harry and his sister. They were a beautiful family. She almost liked an old picture, but thankfully she stopped when a video call started coming in and it was her! She started to panic and then she saw a text come in from Harry saying that his mom asked for her instagram and he gave it to her. 
“Shit.” She said as she sat up and hurriedly answered the video call. Soon the screen loaded and she saw his mom smiling brightly on the screen.
“Hi, Y/N!” She greeted her happily.
“Hi, Harry’s mom! Or Anne, not sure what you prefer.” She giggled and Anne did as well.
“Anne is just fine, love. How are you?” She asked.
“I’m doing well, thankfully. And yourself?”
“It’s going well today. I was just reaching out to you because I’m here with my mum, sister in law, and my niece, Alyssa, the bride!” She said and showed them in the background as they waved with bright smiles.
“Hello everyone!” She greeted happily with a giggle.
“We’re going to be throwing a little hen party for Alyssa but we’re required to make a reservation and we were just wondering if you would like to join us. I know that you don’t know us very well, but it’s for the girls. It’ll be on Thursday evening and it’ll be us and well my daughter, and some of Alyssa’s friends.” She explained.
“Oh, I’d love to.” She accepted with a smile.
“Perfect! We just needed a headcount. I didn’t interrupt anything important, did I?” She asked. “H told me you were probably just home.”
“No, you didn’t! It’s quite late for you though, isn’t it?” Y/N asked and Anne nodded.
“Yes, it’s nearly 1:30 in the morning.” She chuckled, “We’re just about to wrap up.” She assured.
“Are you at Harry’s flat? I recognize the painting in the back.” She asked with a smile and Y/N nodded.
“Yes, I am. I was just folding some of the laundry he left while our dinner finishes up.” She said with a smiled.
“Oh, that’s sweet of you. Don’t get him into the habit though.” Anne warned playfully as the ladies behind her laughed along.
“Actually, I’ve never seen him leave his laundry out so he probably was doing it in a. rush.” She giggled.
“So he’s tidy?”
“Very much so.” Y/N assured with a grin.
“Good. I mean, I taught him well and he was tidy here too but that could be because I could pop in unannounced, you know?” She said with a smirk and Y/N giggled.
“Very true. But he keeps a very clean space.” Y/N confirmed to Anne.
“You know we’re all very excited to finally meet you. H was praising you left and right when he was here and well he does talk about you often when we chat.” She said as she started to moved away from the group behind her.
“He’s too sweet…” Y/N said bashfully with a shake of her head, “He talks about you guys often too. I know he misses you all so I’m sure he’ll be very happy to see you again soon. And well I am also looking forward to finally meeting everyone as well. A little nervous too.” She disclosed, “But from what I can tell and what he’s said it’ll be just fine.”
“Oh yes, don’t you worry, love. And if anyone even looks at you wrong you let me know.” She assured with a wink and Y/N giggled, “Alright, darling. Again I’m so sorry if I just sprung up on you this way, but we just wanted to make sure that you’d be included.”
“Not a problem, thank you for thinking of me. It was great to finally have a chat with you. Have a good night, Anne.”
“You as well, love. Buh-bye!” She grinned before they hung up. And now Y/N was smiling like a fool. His mom was so freaking nice and thankfully that interaction helped calm her nerves a bit. She then texted Harry to let him know that his mom had actually video-called her and her phone immediately started ringing with his name.
“What did she want?” He asked right away.
“No hello or nothing? OK…” she said and he sighed.
“Sorry baby, hi. So what did she want?” He asked and she chuckled.
“She just wanted to know if I would be interested in going to the “hen party”? For your cousin. They needed a headcount for the reservation.” She explained.
“Oh OK. I’m sorry, I had no idea she was going to call you. I thought she just wanted to snoop your page or something.” He chuckled.
“It’s alright she was very sweet and she’s surprised that you keep a tidy apartment.” She grinned.
“She always is for some reason.” He mumbled.
“Yeah, she believes you kept your place in London tidy because she could drop by whenever.” Y/N laughed and Harry chuckled along as well.
“God, she really selling herself short then because she always kept a tidy home.” He said and Y/N giggled.
“I mean, I think all mom’s are like that though. But seeing how nice she is made me less nervous, so that’s always a positive and-”
“Baby, someone just walked in. I’ll see you at home. Love you!” He said before hanging up quickly. It was nearing 8:30pm when Harry texted her that he was just closing up and would be home soon, but she had completely knocked out in his big, comfy bed, in one of his crewnecks.
When Harry got home the lights above the stove were on and some containers of food were set down on the counter. It smelled amazing actually. As he came further in he smiled when he didn’t see the pile of laundry that he had been avoiding for a few days now; folding was his least favorite thing to do and he had “strategically” placed it within plain sight to shame himself into just doing it, but he was far better at ignoring it than he thought. He called out for Y/N, but got no response and when he walked into his bedroom he saw her knocked out on his bed. She looked so soft and warm under a big, blue blanket surrounded by his pillows. Harry immediately got undressed and threw his clothes in the dirty hamper before getting on another shirt and then slid in behind her. He pulled her body flush to his own and kissed her head which made her stir a bit.
“Hi.” She groaned after a few seconds, “Did you eat?” She asked quietly, without turning around to face him.
“Not yet, baby.”
“Give me five minutes and then I’ll go warm everything up.”
“No, it’s OK. You stay, I’ll go warm it all up.” He assured and started to move and she grabbed his arm.
“In five minutes. You’re very warm.” She mumbled tiredly and he smiled.
“OK, love.” He responded, “How was dress shopping?” He asked. Y/N immediately rolled over and was smiling brightly.
“Really good.” She was beaming and he chuckled and brought his hand up and his thumb over her bottom lip, feeling her smile.
“Yeah, did you find a dress?”
“I did.” She confirmed before kissing the pad of his thumb and not saying anything else.
“And? Can I see it?” He asked through a chuckle.
“Not yet. I want it to be a surprise.” She said softly and he sighed.
“I promise you’ll love it!”
“I don’t doubt that! You could wear a bin liner and I’d love it, so that doesn’t really help my issue here.” He said and she giggled.
“Then what’s the issue?” She asked, playing dumb.
“I want to see!” He insisted.
“Baby, I can’t. I want to knock your socks off when you see me!” She said softly and he chuckled.
“Again, every single day you-”
“Don’t even! This is different. I’ve never really had to dress up nice like this.”
“Ughhh, fine…keep your secrets.” He sighed dramatically.
“It’ll be worth it, I swear.” She assured, “It’s only like…a month away.” She said and he chuckled.
“Just a month…whatever.” He sighed and she grinned and leaned in to kiss him.
“And how was your day?” She asked.s
“Boring without you there to be honest.” He said and she giggled, “But it was good, we had a lot of walk-ins today. I had a consultation for a big leg piece…ummm…yeah, that’s about it. I was really dreading showing up and having to fold my laundry pile of shame, but it’s gone now so, 12/10 day. Thank you, baby.” He smiled.
“Of course, H. I get it, I hate folding too.” She sighed.
“Yet you folded for me? I’m touched.”
“I’d do anything for you. Even kill a spider, which is saying a lot.” She laughed quietly when he started to chuckle.
“I’d do anything for you too.” He assured.
“So, what does your mom do? Like does she still work? Or do you and your sister look after her?”
“Well, my gran stayed living with her since my sister and I are gone, but she stopped her actual profession, she was a teacher.” He explained, “She has a little flower shop now that I helped her start up maybe 3 or 4 years ago. She’s quite successful with that, I believe she’s doing the table arrangements for Alyssa’s wedding.”
“Oh that’s sweet of her.” Y/N smiled.
“Yeah, she’s probably the sweetest person I know. Julie reminds me of her a bit, but Julie has more sass to her.” He chuckled.
“You know, she was just saying to me earlier how if she ever had a kid that she imagines they’d be a lot like you.” Harry pouted with endearment.
“God, she’s so fucking nice. I’m glad she’s all better now.” He said and Y/N smiled.
“Yeah…OK, so what else should I know about your family?”
“Mmmm… my gran has a real sweet tooth. She also enjoys enjoys cheating at games, especially ones she can clean you out on. She’ll love you more if you turn a blind eye to her dodgy ways.” He chuckled and she laughed softly, “That’s why I’m the favorite. I help her win and in return she helps me win sometimes.” He explained with amusement as Y/N giggled, “Ummm…my sister is a little shy, it might seem like she has no interest in things, but once she gets comfortable she’s quite the chatter box, especially if you have things in common. She’s artsy, so I’m sure if you talked about your Etsy shop she’d be all over it.” Harry said with a smiled, “Her husband, Skye, is also an awkward nerd. He’s an engineer and his current job is doing like site checks to make sure that buildings are structurally sound, if he doesn’t know what to talk you about he’ll start to talk about all the ways in which the building we’re currently in could collapse. But he’s really nice and pleasant, just…find things to talk to him about that are not his job.” Harry said and she nodded in understanding. “And they’ve got two kids. Archie is three years old and is…quite the handful. He’s a cheeky little guy. And they have an eight month old now, baby Ivy.” He said with a smile.
“Awww, what a cute name.” she cooed.
“Yeah, she’s a real cutie too. Chillest baby I’ve ever seen.” He said with pride, “But yeah, those are the people we’re probably going to be spending the most time with during our visit. I assume my aunt and uncle and cousins will be quite preoccupied.” He explained.
“Yeah, I can imagine.” She sighed with a smile and just took him in. He was absolutely beautiful… all this talk about families and babies was making her wonder what a baby of their own might look like. She’d never given serious thought to having kids before, but as she stared into Harry’s eyes she started to entertain the idea of it in the future.
“What?” He whispered as he watched her watching him.
“Nothing, just admiring you.” She confessed with a heat in her cheeks at the full picture going on in her mind.
“And? What else?” He chuckled softly, knowing there was a lot more going on than that; he could practically see the cogs turning in her mind. She swallowed thickly because she had no idea how he’d react to her actual thoughts, but she didn’t want to keep that from him either. After all, if they were thinking about their relationship more seriously this was a conversation they would need to have at some point.
“Just wondering what you looked like as a baby and well, that led me down to thinking about…if we had a baby. Obviously not right now! But down the line. Like it’d be very impractical at this moment.” She rambled, “But like maybe in the future, i-if that’s something-” she was cut off by his lips meeting her own tenderly. She very easily slipped into their kiss, her lips moved slowly with his as their kiss deepened and he lifted himself to get his body over hers. She parted her legs to let him fully position himself over her and as he lowered his hips over hers she moaned into their kiss as he ground his growing bulge against her center.
“Sorry.” he panted as he momentarily parted this lips, “Just thinking about having a baby with you made me really fucking horny for you.” He smiled against her lips and she literally felt a chill travel down her spine, “S’that why you like me to come inside?” He asked her with a mischievous grin and she whined as his fully hard cock rubbed against her panties now, “Want me to give you a baby one day? Breed you?” He asked and her brain literally melted as his words registered and she nodded.
The idea was also making his brain and heart race at the possibilities. If he got her pregnant he would spoil her and take such good care of her, he would never leave her side. He’d obsess over her and kiss her bump any chance he got. He’d never really given the future as much thought as he did with her, maybe because he had never met anyone that made him want all of those things like she did. He loved her in a way that he had never really experienced before and it brought out a side to him that he had tried so hard to bury because of his bad experiences. But she made him love this more vulnerable and affectionate side of himself, he loved how she protected that part of him as if it were her own; it made him feel safe; something that his other relationships had lacked.
“Good. We’re gonna have all of it together, baby. I promise.” He assured her before he kissed her again and she moaned into it as he started to grind down on her with more speed. The tip of his cock was so sensitive right now that getting a feel of her bare pussy would surely send him over the edge. He liked to feel her back arching and feel her legs tensing around his hips as he repeatedly stimulated her clit with his grinds and humps against her. 
“Fuck, I need you inside, baby.” She said against his mouth and he sighed.
“I will literally bust in a minute.” He panted and she kissed him.
“I don’t care, just let me feel you.” she whispered. He couldn’t deny her that. So he knelt up and just got his cock out, giving it a few low tugs as she held her underwear to the side so that he could line himself up with her.
“Holy fuck.” He whispered in amazement at how hot and wet her pussy was for him as he painted his tip through her arousal, “That’s how bad you want it?” He asked breathily and she nodded, “Go on then, say it.” He panted as he started to rut against her clit which made her whine out in pleasure, “Say that you want to have my babies.” He grunted and she swallowed thickly.
“I-I want to have your babies.” She sighed, “I love you so much. I want to have everything with you.” She said and he kissed her deeply as he started to grind against her faster.
“Love how wet you get for me.” He muttered against her lips, “Your little pussy needs my cock, so badly, doesn’t it?” He teased and she nodded.
“So bad, please. Please let me feel you, baby.” She whimpered and he nodded frantically as he shifted his hips and she moaned as the head of his cock pushed against her entrance but not with enough force to spread her open and slip inside. He was just rubbing against her.
“How bad do you want it? Hmmm? Think your greedy little cunt will open for me on her own?” He asked as he knelt and she wriggled beneath him, trying to get more friction. He could feel her throbbing and clenching, her body was desperate to get him inside. Her constant throbs were slowly but surely sucking his cock in deeper. Harry was trying to keep it together as her hot sticky little hole spread around the tip. He couldn’t help it as he pushed in a little bit and she whimpered his name. He immediately brought his thumb to her clit and started to swirl it underneath in littler circles while pressing down into it, making all the nerves there rub together and collide in a way that made pleasure shoot through her body in delicious waves. Her cunt certainly opened up that way as he got in a bit deeper, he was so snug and warm inside of her, he didn’t want to wait anymore. He had no self-control with her, as much as he wanted to have it.
“Please, please, please, please…” she begged over and over, trying to hold still as he continued his incredible and delicious torture. He pushed forward even more until she had sucked his whole tip in and he groaned as she moaned in relief. His eyes locked on hers as he popped out and then pressed back in again, only this time he went a bit deeper, and he repeated this until his entire cock was inside of her and he felt himself there as he ground into her and continued rubbing on her clit until her legs were trembling. He was hardly doing anything, but he was pressed up against the best spot inside of her and she was grinding her hips, getting what she needed as he played with her swollen and sticky little button until she was gasping, “I-I’m coming!”
“Good girl, fuck. Such a good girl, make yourself cream all over my cock.” He encouraged her as she groaned against him. “Fuck, feeling you’s gonna make me cum.” He said lowly as he squeezed his eyes shut as her throbbing walls seemingly milked the sperm from his balls and up his shaft, she felt so good it was making his head feel spacey. He couldn’t take it anymore and started to rut into her without pulling out, just thrusting in, his tip was colliding with a soft and warm spot deep inside of her that was making him lose his mind and his toes curl, “Fuck, I’m coming. Gonna fill up my good girl’s pussy.” He warned and soon he stilled deep inside of her as she felt him start to shoot his load inside of her. The warmth was starting to fill her up and as he thrusted it started to bubble and leak out of her entrance, leaving them all sticky and messy with his sperm, but she couldn’t care less. He suddenly pulled out, making her wince but he then pressed her panties back over her as he leaned down to kiss her hard, “Keep that there, f’me. We’ll clean up in a bit, yeah?” He said and she nodded, “Good girl.” He smiled against her lips. “God, you don’t even know how insane I’ll be when we properly start trying.” He said with a smile, “Gonna fuck you every day until I make you a mommy.” He kissed her deeply and she moaned against his lips when his hand came down and rubbed over her sensitive and puffy pussy, “Sorry, just thinking about this is making me really feral.” He hummed and she giggled, she understood exactly how he felt.
“I get it.” She assured with a smile against his lips.
“I love you so much.” He said quietly, as if it were a secret between them.
“I love you.” She smiled.
In truth Harry wanted to know about her dress because he had gotten her something. Well, he’d gotten them both something when he was in England and visiting a jeweler with his grandmother. She was getting some earrings repaired and as he browsed he saw a very dainty and gorgeous pearl necklace. Each pearl was linked together by the finest chain and he was obsessed. Pearls signified love, femininity, and purity; each one was unique - and to him their love was like that pure and special, one of a kind. So he bought the one they had as it fit him perfectly, he wore it almost daily, but he also had one made for her and he planned to give it to her when they were in London. It wasn’t an engagement ring, but it was a symbol of his love for her. She’d probably think it was too much, but he didn’t care, he just wanted to remind her about how special she was to him and how what they were building together was something that he wanted to last forever. She was the one. He was absolutely certain of it.
"What?" she asked with a smile on her face as he just smiled down at her.
"I just can't wait for everything we're going to have together." he said with a bright smile and so much excitement in his eyes.
The Dress she will wear to the wedding, I chose this pic because this model just happened to be wearing thee necklace mentioned above. It went perfectly with my plan! But of course, Y/N is supposed to be however you imagine her, whether than be like yourself or anyone else:)
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yolowritter · 5 months
A Case of Ladybug Luck Chapter 4
Hello there everyone, and welcome back to Hell! Holy Nooroo it's been so long since I posted abt this AU. Mostly because I'm busy actually writing it and 300k words are apparently nowhere near enough to finish what I started a year ago! Anyway, I'm just going to do a speedrun of posting these early chapters because I want to get to the good stuff already! Believe me, it's worth! So, from now on I won't have a note at the beggining of this, just the snippet and chapter link, kay? Cool! Asks are open btw if anyone wants to chat about ACOLL! Enjoy my suffering!
Nathalie was curled up on the couch, definitely asleep. She looked pale, the same way Marinette would pale when she was worried about him. Like she’d literally been worried sick. His father was sitting in an armchair beside her, reading a book. Gabriel didn’t notice his approach. One of them had wheeled out a TV from the guest rooms down the hall, and it was tuned in on…the news? TVI, it looked like, and they were on an add break. Adrien took a deep breath to steady himself, to throw the image of his seething father almost breaking the dinner table with his fist, right out of his mind.
Gabriel glanced at the screen, stared at the advertisement, something about a new hair product, and went back to his book. It had a full black cover, Adrien noted as he approached. Gabriel heard his footsteps, used a bookmark to not lose the page he was on, and shut the book, placing it next to him on the chair. For a moment, Adrien saw the title. “The Illusion of Living.” Wow. Macabre, much?
“G-good morning father.”, Adrien tried as a greeting. This…was weird. He wasn’t used to seeing his father relax…or at all, to be honest. He looked uninterested, indifferent. Gabriel glanced at the TV, saw the news hadn’t come on yet, and turned to face his son.
“Ah, Adrien. Did you sleep well?”, he asked, seeming genuinely curious. Oddly, Adrien noticed his father wasn’t wearing his tie clip. The empty white spot where it should be drew his eye, but Adrien reigned himself in and nodded an affirmative.
“Yes. But…father, I don’t mean to disrespect you but…don’t I have a photoshoot today? Two hours ago?”, he asked, hesitant.
Gabriel’s expression shifted from his calm. Like a porcelain mask, the façade cracked, and for a single second Adrien thought he saw guilt and sadness in his father’s eyes. He looked so…forlorn. Defeated, even. Guilty.
He nodded, seeing that his father wasn’t going to say anything else. Adrien glanced at Nathalie, concerned. His father’s assistant, always a stern but constant presence…looked so frail. She looked like mom- like she desperately needed the rest. Gabriel sighed when he caught him staring.
“Nathalie is fine, son. She’s just tired. We had an…interesting morning.” A morning that nearly cost Gabriel his sanity, and some pocket change to top things off. Some 50.000 thousand euros to ensure the silence of the hospital staff and discharge him as soon as he was stable. He was fine, really. The problem wasn’t physical. Dizziness overcame him, suddenly. Emilie had said the same thing, once.
Adrien nodded again, not knowing what else to do. “I…Am I free for the day, then?”, he asked his father.
Gabriel didn’t even pretend to consider it. “Yes, free for the week. I’ve cancelled all your lessons and photoshoots. You’re…welcome to stay home, if you’d like. I’ve delegated my own duties for today, so if you require anything…please come talk to me.”, he said, sounding like the words struggled to leave his mouth.
“Adrien, remember. You are my son. I am your father. It’s my responsibility to make sure you are well. I will be there when you need me.”, Gabriel tried, testing the words. They sounded…right, this time. An odd sense of numbness washed over him again, and he turned back to the television. “You should go to your room, sleep some more. It’s been a long week for you, I’m sure.”, he added as an afterthought, his tone monotonous and dry. Almost robotic.
“…Right. I- I’ll go and lay down, then. Good morning, father.”
Gabriel blinked, as if the time was news to him. Right, the night was over. It was a new day, now. He didn’t feel like it. He barely felt like anything at all. “Of course, son. Now go.”, he insisted, eyes glued to the final, fading advertisement, before the screen switched to Nadja Chamack. Adrien obeyed and began to ascend the stairs again, and Gabriel unmuted the broadcast.
“Welcome back, Paris. As I said before, there have been no further news on the case. Poor weather conditions lasted all throughout the night, and police have had no luck finding any trace of…”
Adrien stopped in his tracks, midway up the staircase. He breathed deeply. “Father…did something happen?”, he asked hesitantly. Something had to have happened. This…couldn’t all be because of Lila, could it?
Gabriel’s eyes seemed to glance back at him, even though his head didn’t move an inch.
“We’re standing by for news on any new developments, and are hoping for the best. Please wait for more information.”
“Not to me. I’m fine.”, he said coldly, the air of indifference returning to his tone.
Adrien hoped it wouldn’t be followed by another outburst. He hung his head, and obeyed his father’s order, going back to his room. Maybe he could mess around with his piano? Last they’d met, Luka had given him some inspiration for a song. Hadn’t he said something about…masks? Adrien would have to text him, see if he remembered.
Plagg was there when Adrien opened the door, hovering over his unlocked phone. He looked…sad. Making a face of realization the same way Adrien would do when he could guess that more photoshoots would be added to his schedule. Like an inevitability had just come true. The kwami spun to face him when he came in, but Plagg’s face betrayed nothing of what Adrien had just seen.
“Hey kit! Morning! Wow, good thing your pops let us sleep in today huh? Say, I’m full of energy! How about we go for a run, huh? Get your muscles going?”, Plagg said, looking frantic and desperately pretending to be happy and excited. Adrien knew a thing or two about playing pretend.
Plagg never lied to him. Not unless something was very wrong, not after the Sandman incident. He’d promised. Plagg hadn’t lied to him since. Adrien let the worry he felt for Plagg show on his face. Words weren’t needed between them sometimes, and he didn’t think he should say what he could show. Plagg tried to keep his smile up. Adrien saw him strain himself, the widening of his eyes to look restless, the same expression he’d make when he got bored of flying around his room.
Adrien stared at him. Plagg stared back, a pleading look to please pretend he was oblivious, go along with it. After a moment, the Kwami faltered, and his mask broke.
“K-kid.”, he tried to speak, voice cracking as if his throat had been hit by a Cataclysm. “Do me a favor.”, Plagg begged him. Adrien had already opened his mouth to agree when his phone rang. “Don’t answer that. Please.”, Plagg insisted.
Adrien checked the caller ID. It was Nino. He shot Plagg a look. The cell rang again. Adrien ignored it to swipe down on the screen and check his notifications. 37 missed calls from Nino. 2096 unread messages. Half of those from Alya. What the fuck? The ringing seemed to get louder. Plagg’s whiskers dropped, his face fell.
Adrien reached out a hand to pet him, to offer comfort for whatever was wrong, but Plagg retracted. “Kit…I’m so sorry.”, he offered meekly, and flew up to his spot, curling up in a ball. Adrien thought he heard him sobbing. He picked up the phone, worried and confused. Why was his father acting like that? Why was Plagg acting like that?
Nino’s voice sounded horrible. Like he’d been crying. “A-Adrien?”, he asked, stuttering in near disbelief. “Thank fuck, are you okay? No, sorry, stupid question. How are you…holding up, dude?”
Okay, now Adrien knew something was very, very wrong. He tried to mask his fears with confusion. “Nino? What happened? I just woke up, are you okay?”, Adrien asked with genuine concern, trying not to panic. He’d kept himself together while fighting supervillains, he could get through one conversation without letting his worries eat him up.
Nino sobbed on the other end. Went silent. Adrien heard Alya’s voice, just barely, as if they’d moved the phone away from them.
“Nino…do we tell him?”, she asked, sounding frightened.
Nino failed to hold back a sob. “Babe…we have to.”
Nino moved the phone closer. “Uh…dude. You might want to check the news…”, he said awkwardly. Adrien was downright panicked now. He didn’t respond to Nino, he rushed back downstairs to his father, to the broadcast. What was happening? Why were his friends walking on eggshells around him? Had he done something? Did Lila do something?
“Please hold on, we’ve just received a statement from Officer Raincomprix. Stand by for-”
Gabriel had the book in his lap, reading calmly. Miss Chamack’s voice didn’t seem to bother him. She paused mid-sentence, and moved off screen.   
She came back into frame, looking like she was about to cry. Her professionalism was in shambles, Adrien saw the way her face twitched with silent tears, holding back the urge to sob.
“I- I regret to inform everyone that we’ve received official word from the Parisian Police Department. Marinette Dupain Cheng has been confirmed dead. It was ruled a suicide.”
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Chapter 15: Sharing Secrets
The week apart had given her too much time to think. Too much time to brood. Even with Thancred sending constant text messages, chat messages, and even the occasional email, Kal’istae was too certain that this trip he’d needed to take for ‘work’ was little more than a convenient excuse to ease things off. Not that she could blame him. Two dates in and they were already talking relationships. Who even did that?
Not her, nope. Clearly, it had just been chemistry and the heat of the moment. And with distance and time between them, they had both seen the light.
So why was she so damn miserable?
The knock at her door startled her out of her funk, and she leaned over the back of her ratty old couch to glare at the door. She was half-tempted to ignore it, but when the knock came again, she groaned and hauled herself up. “It’s ten at night,” she muttered as she slumped up to the door, “and I’m sulking. Go away.”
The last was said as she opened the door to Thancred’s surprised face. “I mean,” he said hesitantly, “if you really wa- oof!” He was cut off as he suddenly found himself with an armful of Kal’istae. The Au Ra scaled him like a tree, wrapping her arms around his neck and her legs around her waist as she yanked his head down and covered his mouth with hers.
He barely had time to lean into the kiss, however, before she slid down and stepped away, covering her mouth with her hand and staring at him with wide eyes. “Ohmigods,” she babbled, “I’m sorry, I couldn’t help - I didn’t mean - I just saw you there and I was missing you and ohmigods shoot me now.”
Thancred didn’t think; for once, he let pure instinct, pure emotion guide him. As she backed up, he followed, catching her about the waist. As he drew her against him, her voice felt silent and she gazed up at him mutely, her expression half-anxious, half-hopeful. When he smiled, she exhaled, and when he lowered his head, she raised herself up on tiptoe to meet him.
There was hunger; there had to be hunger. They had both wanted too much, too long, too hard for there to not always be that underlying hunger. But it was tempered by sweetness. It was muted by affection. It was buried deep beneath gentle reconnection. And when he finally released her, she clung lightly to him to maintain her balance as he lowered his forehead to hers. “I missed you,” he murmured.
“Oh gods,” Kal’istae replied, and shut her eyes. “Oh gods, I missed you too.” They stood like that a moment longer, then she slowly lowered herself back to the ground, plucking absently at his wrinkled dress shirt. “I thought you were coming back tomorrow.”
He kept his hands loosely around her waist, gazing over her head into the apartment behind her. “I finished what I had to do and found someone to trade flights back with,” he replied. “Came straight here from the airship terminal. Which I suppose,” he added wryly, “is rather obvious.”
She croaked a soft laugh, then tugged at his shirt. “Come on in,” she invited, carefully not looking at his face as she slipped out of his hands and grabbed one, walking backwards and drawing him after her. He just as cautiously avoided her gaze as he followed, booting the door shut behind him with his heel.
Once inside, she released his hand and turned away, seeming lost. Before he could say anything, however, she shook her head and ran her hand through her hair, grimacing. “I suppose it’s too late to bemoan how I look,” she muttered, all too aware of the loose pajama pants and ratty old t-shirt she habitually wore when staying in alone. “Go have a seat,” she invited, “I’ll get you a drink. Hard or soft?”
Glancing down at himself - his tie loosened, his vest and shirt wrinkled from travel, his shoes scuffed, he grinned wryly. “I wouldn’t worry about it. You look beautiful, as always. And soft, please; hard’ll put me right out - I’ve already put in sixteen hours today.”
She half-turned, then shook her head and started for the kitchen. “And you came here instead of going home?”
He was tempted to follow her, but instead headed for her couch, sinking into the battered cushions with a deep sigh, and immediately understood why she kept it. It may have looked thrashed, but damn if it wasn’t the most comfortable thing he’d sat on in days. “Yes,” he replied simply as he stretched out and lay his head upon the embroidered pillow. “I wanted to see you.” His voice began to slur at the edges. “I needed to see you.”
Kal’istae paused while rummaging in the refrigerator, blinking rapidly to ease the unexpected prick of tears before digging up a can of soda and nudging the fridge shut with her hip. She debated getting him a glass, then shrugged and padded into the living room with the can. She placed it on the coffee table, then a soft sound drew her attention and she turned to look at him.
He was stretched out on her couch, snoring lightly as he slept. Without thinking, she leaned over him and tugged the knitted throw off the back of the couch and spread it over him, gently tucking him in. He sighed softly and shifted, and when she leaned down and brushed the fall of silver hair from his face, his lips curled in a faint smile. After tugging off his shoes, she pressed a kiss to his forehead, then replaced the soda in her fridge and made her way to her own room, where she read until she, too, fell asleep.
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The seductive scents of sizzling bacon and cooking eggs drew Thancred from his exhausted slumber, and as his eyes blinked open, he stared muzzily at the dull white ceiling above his head. A fan spun lazily just at the edge of his peripheral vision and the faint sound of music tickled his ears. When he shifted, he found his arms bound and fought against an instant of panic before he realized that he had been tucked in beneath a blanket.
Absurdly touched, he carefully untangled himself from the soft knitted thrown, admiring it as he tossed it lightly over the back of the sofa. Rising to his feet, he skimmed his hands through his hair and grimaced at the slightly greasy feel of it; he hadn’t showered since early the previous morning, and a long day of travel had left its mark.
Then the scent of coffee struck his nose and he forgot all about the grit and grime of travel. On silent, sock-shod feet he traipsed across the short distance between couch and kitchen. There he stopped in the entryway, captivated by the sight of Kal’istae’s swinging hips as she hummed along with the soft music playing from her phone, spatula in one hand as she stirred a pan filled with golden, fluffy eggs.
“... -n’t wanna break your heart,” she sang softly in a relatively pleasant voice as she set the utensil aside and yanked open the fridge, bending over slightly to peer in, “wanna give your heart a break…” The lyrics fell off into humming again as she reached in and came out with a dish of butter and a diet soda. Turning back, she spied him in the doorway and gave a soft shriek, barely keeping a hold of her burden. “Gods! You scared me.”
Thancred held up his hands, stepping slowly into the kitchen. “My apologies - so many apologies,” he added. “I can’t believe I crashed on you like that.”
Her face softened and she set aside the butter and the soda and reached for a dish towel to wipe her hands clean. “I wasn’t expecting it, but it wasn’t a problem,” she assured him. “Fortunately, that couch is a lot more comfortable than it looks.”
His lips curved. “Seriously. And not to intrude on your amazing hospitality further, but is that coffee I smell?”
Kal’istae wrinkled her nose. “It is, and fortunately for you I have a small stock I keep for guests, because I detest the stuff. But I’ve noticed you sometimes have a cup when you visit the school, so I figured you might be one of the addicted multitudes.”
He couldn’t help himself. Moving in, he cupped her hips in his hands and leaned down to press a kiss to lips parted in startlement. “You, my dear, are a goddess among women.”
Smirking up at him, she reached up and patted his cheek, then indicated an upper cabinet. “Mugs are up there. Let me just finish here and we can sit down and enjoy breakfast.”
He reached up into the cabinet she indicated, pulling down a clean mug while she returned to her eggs and bacon. After pouring himself a cup of coffee and doctoring it with some sugar, he leaned back against the counter and sipped at it, watching her thoughtfully. “Busy week?” he finally asked her.
“Mmm. No more so than usual. One of my kids almost blew out a window, but that’s pretty par for the course. It’s why my rooms are triple shielded and the glass was enchanted during the initial melt.” She gave the eggs one last stir, then turned off the burner and set them aside. A quick press with paper towels to the bacon set on a rack helped to clean off most of the remaining grease. “Sourdough okay?”
As she turned to get his answer, the thick loaf of bread in her hands, it struck him. He’d come to her straight from the airship terminal, not even pausing to change his clothes. She’d let him in, and when he’d passed out on her, she’d tucked him in, taken off his shoes. And now she cooked him breakfast with a sunny smile and no hint at all of disdain or disappointment.
Ah, hells.
He set his coffee aside, then crossed to her, reaching out to pluck the loaf from her hands and set it on the counter. She frowned up at him confused, then her eyes widened when he reached down and jerked her up by her hips. “Hold on to me,” he said earnestly.
“Hold on to me!”
She held onto him, her arms looping around his neck, her legs hitching around his waist as he dragged her up and against him, covering her mouth in a hot, hungry kiss that held nothing of the soft sweetness of the night before. She resisted only briefly, then on a soft moan finally gave in to it, and to him. Her lips parted beneath his and tongues tangled, teeth scraping as they devoured one another, breakfast forgotten in the rush of passion. He shifted until he could slide her onto the counter, then dropped his hands to brace himself, grinding against her as they continued to feast.
As the last of their breath petered out, they finally parted, gasping for air and leaning drunkenly upon each other. Thancred closed his eyes and pressed his forehead against hers, curling his hands into fists to prevent himself from grabbing for her again. “Kali.”
Her arms loosened, sliding away from his neck until her hands pressed against his breast. She sucked in lungfuls of air, struggling to regain her breath - and her equilibrium. As her name whispered out on his breath, she closed her eyes and sighed. “Thancred.” When he opened his mouth, she took a guess at what he was about to say and closed her hands around his shirt, jerking him forward slightly. “Don’t say it. Don’t you dare apologize.”
When his pale gold eyes flickered open, he found himself staring into a pair of resolute indigo eyes edged in lavender. “If you’re certain.”
She tilted her head, brushing her lips across his. “This is nothing that would not have likely happened last night had you not been exhausted.” Pulling back slightly, she released him, then leaned away. “I still want to talk, though, before… before.”
He leaned in to nuzzle against her cheek, then stepped back, turning slightly as if to pick up his coffee to hide his hands as he carefully adjusted himself. When he turned back, coffee in hand, he caught sight of her knowing smirk. “Of course,” he said equitably, “but I’d rather not waste the breakfast you’ve gone to such trouble to make.”
Sliding from the counter, Kal’istae dusted her hands together. “Of course not. Now, sourdough?”
He smiled at her over the rim of his mug and tried to ignore the butterflies that did pirouettes in his stomach. “Yes, thank you.”
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They sat at the table, plates heaped high and extra toast set on a plate between them. As he had during their dinner date, Thancred elected to sit catty-corner to her rather than across. They made small talk as they buttered their toast and began to eat, but eventually the conversation shifted as he’d expected. “Did… everything go okay?” Kal’istae asked hesitantly as she scooped up the last crumbles of egg from her plate.
He remained silent a moment longer, contemplating his own empty plate, then grabbed another piece of toast from the communal basket. “As well as could be expected, under the circumstances,” he finally replied. “You understand, I can’t tell you details…”
She reached out to place her hand over his and he trailed off into silence. “If anyone understands the rights of your patients, it’s a teacher,” she murmured. “Just tell me what you can - what you want to. Or nothing at all. I won’t take it amiss.”
But he wanted to. He desperately wanted to. “It wasn’t as bad as it could have been. The child is alive, and in safe hands now. It will be a long road to recovery, and I may have to take a few more trips to consult before Joshian feels comfortable handling it by himself - but he’s doing a good job. It’s a tricky one, but I think the kid’ll make a full recovery. Or as full as one can, given the circumstances.”
She lowered her gaze to her own plate and used the last of her bread to mop up what few pieces of egg and bacon remained. “Yes, it isn’t always easy to come back from things, even though people always say kids are more resilient. I think kids are just better at faking it than adults are.”
Thancred watched her quietly, not bothering to hide the compassion in his eyes. “You’re not wrong,” he agreed. “A child who has experienced trauma often knows how to hide what they’re thinking and feeling, knows what to say to make everyone believe everything’s okay. A lot of times, their health and even their life depends on it.”
She abruptly shoved back from the table and rose to pace. He remained where he was, watching as she strode from the dining room into the living room beyond. Her loose indigo robe flared about her as she marshaled her thoughts, and he did nothing to distract her. Finally, she turned and beckoned for him to join her. He did so.
“Look around you,” she invited. “What do you see?”
He hadn’t had a chance before now to really take a look at her apartment. Hadn’t wanted to; his eyes had all been for her. Now he stood before her couch and turned in a slow circle, studying the space in which he stood with a psychologist’s eye.
There was color; lavenders and seafoams, light pastels that contrasted nicely with the rich dark woods and leathers of her furniture. Several prints adorned the walls - landscapes, mostly. Sharlayan, he noticed, featured prominently, but there was one he particularly liked of Ul’dah’s stark and sere surroundings.
And there were photographs - Kali as a teenager, as a young adult, by herself, with friends, in a group. He was amused to find a picture of her in an affectionate embrace with his childhood best friend, and resolved to call Jacke as soon as possible and tease him. But it didn’t take him long to realize why she’d wanted him to look. Of family photographs, there was only one - a formal portrait of herself and her adoptive family.
He, of course, knew the Professors Miurani; they both taught at the Studium, and he’d sat their undergrad classes during his own time there. He knew their children, too - the daughter better than the son, but he didn’t think he’d be telling Kali that any time soon. But more telling than the fact that there was only the single family photo was the fact that Kal’istae had held herself apart from them during the shoot. Although the lady professor’s hand was possessively draped across the young Au Ra’s shoulder, the girl had stood several ilms away from the tight bunch of Elezen, a lovely young teenager with an unexpectedly serious mien.
A single formal portrait, and no candids. Yet it hadn’t been the Miuranis who had held themselves aloof from their young charge. “Why?” he asked softly, tearing his gaze from the portrait to meet her sad eyes.
Tucking her hands behind her back, Kal’istae paced a few steps more, then sank onto the couch, curling up in a ball. He moved to join her, careful to leave several ilms between them as he sank onto the soft cushions. She wrapped her arms around her knees and gazed at him in silence, then shrugged jerkily. “I don’t know. And I mean that quite literally. I don’t know anything about why I was the way I was that first year or so. I was…” She trailed off, frowning. “Rescued, I guess.  When I was seventeen - or so they think was my age, anyway.”
“Rescued from where?”
She didn’t look at him. “Garlemald.” His skin chilled and he fought not to show anything on his face as she continued. “Or rather, their annexed territories in Ala Mhigo. From what I was told, I was one of seven survivors found in a facility they suspect was used to develop bioweapons.”
“Everyone else was… dead…” she continued, her voice flat and her eyes blind as she gazed beyond him, beyond the room, beyond the city. “And the other six with me… didn’t last long. I’m the only one who came out of it unscathed.”
He scowled. “Hardly unscathed,” he countered with unexpected harshness, and closed his eyes, searching for his balance. “Just because there were no physical repercussions, it’s clear that the experience left a mark on you.”
Her eyes focused on him and she gave him a faint, humorless smile. “You are, of course, correct. I was… not catatonic, but in shock when the researchers who found me brought me back to Sharlayan. It took them weeks to coax me back into some semblance of sense. I know they spoke of sending me to Doma, or perhaps Thavnair, of finding me an auri family - then they tested me.”
“And no doubt found you to be highly intelligent with an enormous aptitude for magic,” Thancred replied blandly. She shrugged at him. “And that’s when they found you a family in Sharlayan willing to adopt you, even with the possible repercussions from your past.”
She sighed. “I suppose you know all about that.”
Thancred reached out and hooked a finger beneath hers, gently tugging on it. Her eyes tracked to his. “It’s an uncommon story, but not an unusual one. Sharlayan is not known for its charity - but they are known to provide every opportunity to those they find meet their admittedly lofty standards.”
Wrapping her finger around his, she gazed down at them. “Not entirely true,” she argued. “Sharlayan is very charitable - as long as those who need it stay off the island.” When he conceded her point, she smiled faintly. “Back on topic, however, it has been twelve years since they found me in that facility - and I remember nothing. Nothing from before the moment that I awoke in the hospital, confused and scared out of my wits. Not even my name,” she confessed.
He remembered something of the incident, but he’d been in his first year of college and more concerned with acing his classes and seeing how many girls he could talk into his bed, and he’d paid little mind to the news beyond the island. “Obviously, you adapted.”
She shrugged again. “What choice had I? Adapt or die; those were my two choices. And for my first year, I wasn’t entirely certain which it would be. To call me unstable would have been kind. The Miuranis put up with a lot of baggage from me; I’ll never stop being grateful that they didn’t give up on me, and saw me through the worst of it.”
Wordlessly, he released her finger, then slid his hand beneath hers instead. She allowed him to twine fingers with her, then shifted her position until she could curl up beside him. He draped his arm across her shoulders and drew her in. “You’re worried there’s still something of that inside of you.”
She rested her head against his shoulder, closing her eyes. “That, and we never found out why I alone survived with no ill effects,” she murmured. “That mystery alone makes me a bad bet for any kind of relationship, Thancred. Not to mention the fact that we have no idea who I am or what I come from.”
He stroked her hair, closing his eyes as he turned to press his lips against her hair. “We all have dubious mysteries in our pasts, Kali. I can no more tell you where I came from than you can. I’m fairly certain my parents were gang members; either Pirates, or rivals killed by Pirates, but I don’t know anything more than that. I was in and out of the orphanage in Limsa from the time I was three until the day I tried to pick the pocket of an old Elezen man.”
Her eyes opened to slits. “The rumors are true then?”
His chuckle vibrated through her and she unconsciously curled closer. His arm tightened, trapping her against him. “True enough. Louisoix caught me with my hand in his pocket; the old man had to have used magic,” he mused. “No one had ever caught me before. But he did. Grabbed me by the scruff of my neck and hauled me up. I don’t know what he saw in me. I never asked. But he hauled me onto the boat with him and took me back to Sharlayan. Adopted me then and there. Offered me his name, but I wanted my own. So he dubbed me Waters, because the first time he saw me with any expression other than a scowl was when I was staring up at the statue of Thaliak in the harbor.”
He fell silent, waiting for a response, but she offered none. He almost thought she might have fallen asleep, then she shifted beneath his arm and he loosened his grip, anticipating her desire to rise.
Instead, she slid onto his lap, twisting until she straddled his thighs. Pressing her hands lightly against his hips, she gazed into his eyes. “It doesn’t bother you, does it.” It wasn’t a question. “That there’s no telling from whence I sprang. That no one knows what happened to me. That I know nothing of who or what I am.”
He reached up and buried his hands in her hair, watching as her eyes fluttered closed. “You are Kal’istae Miurani, daughter of Sharlayan, graduate of the Studium. You are Kal’istae Miurani, teacher of magic, wielder of mysteries.” He tugged on her head, drawing it down until her mouth hovered less than an ilm above his own. “You are Kal’istae Miurani, the woman I’m starting a romance with.” He hesitated, then breathed out a soft laugh. “The first woman. The only woman.”
She sucked in a breath. “I think I like that woman,” she murmured, eyes lighting up.
“So do I,” Thancred murmured, and closed the slight gap to cover her mouth with his, stealing her words, her breath, and her thoughts.
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“I should probably get going.” They hadn’t moved much in the past hour; Kal’istae remained straddling his lap, though her robe had found its way to the floor, along with his vest and tie. His shirt was mostly unbuttoned, and the shoulder straps of her loose sleep tank had been nudged down to pool about her elbows. Both his pale golden skin and her dark indigo showed signs of generous attentions from lips and teeth.
She lifted her head, gazing lazily into those citrine-colored eyes. He lifted his hands and skimmed his thumbs along her jaw, tracing up over the blades of her cheekbones before dragging her head down for a kiss. She hummed against his lips, shifting on his lap and causing him to suck in a breath. “Probably,” she murmured, her voice husky.
He didn’t stop her when she slid from his lap, though he did not immediately follow, all too aware that standing up would prove… difficult… at that moment. Instead he tilted his head back, looking up at her as she pulled up her straps and adjusted her shirt so that not quite so much of her breasts were exposed. “I want to see you again.”
She finished drawing up her strap and turned to look at him, watching him as she crouched and hunted around for her robe. “I should certainly hope so,” she teased lightly. When he gave a quick smile at her retort, she relaxed slightly and plucked up her robe, rising and swinging it around her shoulders. “What did you have in mind?”
“I’d like to cook you dinner.” That gave her pause, and she tilted her head to one side, studying his face. “Yes,” he added at the look on her face, “I can in fact cook. I find it soothing, and when you live alone, you either learn to cook, or you spend way too much money on take-out.”
She glanced towards her kitchen. “Indeed,” she agreed. “When?”
He finally got his body under control and rose, reaching down to rebutton his shirt. “Tonight, if you don’t have other plans.” He fastened the button over his breastbone, but left the rest undone, letting his collar fall open to frame a throat marked by love’s bruises.
Reaching up, she touched one of the spots where a shallow indentation of her teeth curved around his jugular. “I earmarked the evening for you,” she admitted, blushing as he grinned with pleasure. “I knew your flight would be in later this afternoon; I’d hoped maybe I could talk you into coming over for dinner. And a talk.”
He reached up and covered her hand, then drew it up to his lips. “Well, so we moved those plans up a few hours. I’m game to make new ones. Dinner. My place. Say… sevenish?”
She nodded. “Dinner. Your place. I’ll bring dessert.”
He hummed. “Sounds like a plan. I’m thinking pasta - it’s a specialty of mine. Greens. Some wine. Some talking,” he murmured as he laid her hand on his shoulder and caught her waist, twirling her lightly in place. “Some dancing. Maybe a movie. Maybe more.”
Swallowing against the heat that flooded her body, she smiled up at him, swaying in time with his movements. “Maybe more,” she agreed, and his arm tightened around her. “Maybe, Thancred.”
Laughing softly, he bent to brush his lips over her forehead. “I’ll take a maybe. I see no need to rush,” he reassured her. “As far as I can tell, we have all the time in the world - I can wait until you’re ready. It will be,” he added as he dipped his head lower, his lips pressing lightly to hers, “be worth any wait.”
“Oh my, that’s a lot of pressure,” she said breathlessly.
Straightening, he shook his head. “I have no doubts at all.” Releasing her reluctantly, he crouched down and found his vest and tie, folding them together and draping them over his arm. “Alright, then. I’ve some shopping to do, and laundry - and I probably need to clean,” he added with a grin. “I haven’t had to make up the place for company in some time.”
Her eyebrows raised in polite disbelief. “Given how often I understand you have company, I find that hard to believe.”
He snagged her around the waist and drew her in for a kiss. “Kali, my dear, I’ve been trying to get you to go out with me for a year. Do you really think I’ve been sleeping around that whole time and risking the chance you’d think me anything less than utterly sincere?” He grinned at her dumbfounded expression. “Consider that, darling.” He gave her parted lips another hard kiss, then released her. “Sevenish. I’ll text you the address. See you then.”
She stayed rooted in place, staring at him as he turned and strode towards the door. Even as he opened it and slipped outside, shutting it behind him, she couldn’t seem to find any words to articulate her shock.
Long after he’d left, she finally unrooted herself. “Wait,” she said feebly to the empty air, “what the fuck?”
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shslpunkartist99 · 9 months
What a... fuckin' year
It's a doozy, so.. y'know the drill
So I've been more quiet as the year slowly drew to a close. The holidays have become a stressful time for me now. It used to only be because of work (work is always hectic for the holidays), but after moving out a couple of states away from my og home, it got more stressful trying to visit family. My manager didn't help with it either, literally delaying in approving my time off, so I had to go broke buying expensive plane tickets. Had to work a shit ton, both to make as much money as I could AND because it was the standard (we're an entertainment place for all ages, so yeah. Hella busy).
The holidays themselves were.. not the best. You guys know I don't talk much, and the few friends I have know that I'm not a social person (I feel constantly guilty about that). I would be perfectly content sitting at the edge of the table with friends while they chatted away. Hell, I'd be content not talking to anyone for over a month.
This ends up including my family, unfortunately. I know family is important and I need to keep in touch with them, but it's difficult. Both of our lives are extremely boring and mundane: we work, we rest at home, we eat, that's all. None of us go out to travel. None of us do any exciting activities. It's the same day everyday.
I bring this up because my silence has gotten people close to me to believe that I don't care about them. I don't keep in touch, therefore I don't care. I "only think about myself", so I'm selfish. I "don't think about other people", so I'm a careless person.
So that, uh... fucked me up.
We made the most of it, them claiming they don't want the holiday ruined (even though I was already defeated day 1 out of 4), so it ended.. ok? But it still sucked. Especially since I ended up getting sick. Medicine only made it worse because haha, why would it WANT to help? (Had me puking after taking it. Hadn't puked in years). I'm still sick now (haven't had time to properly recover because I had to work to make up for lost time, and my job wouldn't have me go back to work until I got a doctor's note, and that's just added stress I didn't want to deal with), but at least I have today and tomorrow to rest up.
Now that the holidays are done and over with, things should go back to how they SHOULD be: answering you guys' asks more often, putting up more frequent content and ideas, actually keeping in touch with friends.. the good stuff. Work should slow down to a much easier pace after this week (starting this week tbh, the next "big" event isn't until the end of this month), so I should be able to manage my time and energy properly.
I'm not gonna make any big deal about resolutions or anything like that, but I do want to try and get a writing piece done every week or something. Whether based on an existing idea or something random. I want to get the flow going again. Art shouldn't be an issue. Streaming will still be random.
The main thing is also to socialize again. Kim, Shades, I missed you guys. Kinda left ya on read, and I know you guys are super understanding and stuff, but it feels very unfair that you guys do a lot for me, and I don't do anything back. I'm gonna regain focus and energy to properly return the favor. I'm gonna try to keep the same energy with my family too. As shitty as that visit went, they're all I got, and they're all going through issues as well. So if me messaging them a "Hey, how are you?" sparks some joy in them, then I'll do that. At least for my bro, who I feel has been going through the most. He deserves better.
I still got some recovery to do. Not just with the sick or the mental, but also taking care of my home and better habits. Haven't been cleaning or cooking lately because of depression, and it's starting to show. I need to fix that up. But I'm just relieved the year is over, and I don't have to worry as much about work or spending lots of money or traveling or any other shit going on. I can finally (hopefully) relax..
If it's seen as selfish to take care of myself.. tbh? I'm defeated. I don't care anymore. I'm barely holding myself together with cheap tape. But with things easing up, it should be better. Should be easier.
I might still be a lil quiet here still until at least the sick is gone, but I might do lil stuff here and there. Probably have the Punks take over a lil for fun. I've been thinking about them a lot, as well as the comfort characters Keith, Leroy, and Naomi (I've actually been having multiple dreams with her, which made me really happy. I'll talk about them one day. She's so cool).
You guys have made for a great year tbh. Helping me develop ideas and being interested in my silly gay characters and aus. Idk how many of you are here (or still here), but I wouldn't have a happy corner without you guys. Thank you so much. I hope you guys had a great holiday, had a good enough year, and will continue to have fun times for the current future.
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imagines-babes · 2 years
i can’t help it (aweSamdude)
Hello, sorry I didn't I'd post last week but I kinda had writer block so I did something. Everytime I had that I made a wheel of who to write next along with what prompts should I writ about. This week the wheel pick Sam and the prompt was you both playing with chalk like kids again. Anyway, the song of the week is , “ i can’t help it,” by JVKE from his new album. So here is that hope you do enjoy sorry it's short.
Sam list Masterlist
It's date night for Sam and me. Every date we both take a turns on whose turn it is to pick last time was mine and we went to the aquarium. We had a good time there even Sam meet some of his fans as well they met me for the first time. Most of his chat would say he lies about having a partner. So he will beg for me to just join once which I just don't answer. But soon I will I promise him.
Today, Sam only told me to dress casually cause we aren't doing anything big. Honestly, I don't mind. Once the clock hit 5 he approached me which a smile. "Ready to do on our date?" Putting down my phone I smile at him. "Yeah ready as I will ever be." He went over to the counter and grabbed the keys as we start to walk out of the house saying bye to the roommates. "Before we go to the spot we are gonna buy some things alright." I just nod again. In the car, Sam usually lets me put the music and I put some of his songs on stream. The trip was nice. Driving into the city after the rush hour was always nice to me. Parking the car Sam just told me to stay in while he rushed inside.
Seeing him out of the store and walking back in he was excited. "Okay, now I got everything let's go on that date." All I did again was nod. So we drove to a place out of the town all there were just cement and light poles with swings. It was rustic like they were planning on building a park but never got to it. So there was only one swing. Walking out to sit in the front of the car. Sam was getting a duffel bag I had that was in the car placing all the supplies inside it. Walking over to me with a smile. "Okay now let's go I know it's not much to the eye but that's why I brought us some supplies.” Slowly bringing up the bag as I nod.
We made our way to the pavement where I was guessing the basketball was supposed to be. While he brought out the first thing which was chalk. “Chalk?” He looked over at me with a smile. “Yeah, I remember when we first started talking you said you would play with chalk outside in front of your house. And how you said you missed it. So,” he brought the chalk box higher, “I found this at the store surprising they had more than the original like 10 colors.” He sat on the floor as I sat next to him. Opening the chalk box with a smile. It was like nostalgia for my childhood as I drew. Honestly, I didn't know what to draw and I wasn't the best at drawing. Sam already started to draw well he tried to draw his logo or just his twitch emotes. While for me I just drew some balloons with some swirls. Sam would stare over and try to mess me up as I wipe some of my chalk hands on his back. Then that turned to him chasing me trying to get me back. Which he did eventually. Walking back over to the drawing I took a picture of them both. “I think I did better,” Sam would say as I looked over. “Mmm no, you just copy and paste your logo as for I went for the basic. You can never go wrong with the basics.”
We both continue to draw as a drip came from the sky I looked up to see a cloud. Before I could tell Sam the rain started as our drawing started to disappear. He went to go turn on the car with the car lights on putting on a song. All I did was look over as he open all the car doors for us to hear it from the outside. Walking over to give a bow holding out his hold, “a dance to end the night?” I accept his offer as the song started. We both dance together with our bodies closed. Then separate when the instrument changes the song. As the song faded to the next, he brought a hand close to mine pulling me in as I smile. “I love you” giving a smile to look at his lips and then eyes, “I love you as well Sam.” This date was for the books even if we get sick after today
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lys-9-10 · 2 years
Ch 9 of In which Bokuto loves having sleepovers & "Deep Man Chats" (DMCs) with Akaashi
Preview below, full chapter on AO3 (Spoiler alert: the preview is taken from the end of the chapter) ***
Akaashi lifted his fist and knocked on Bokuto’s front door. 
After a minute or so, the door opened to reveal Bokuto’s face. Surprise and angst flashed across that face as he saw Akaashi. Then, Bokuto frowned.
“Kaashi,” he said hesitantly. “What are you doing here?” “I came to check on you,” Akaashi said, frowning as well. “Are you okay?” “Yeah I’m fine… I thought I told you we didn’t need to hang out today?” “You did. Which is half of why I was worried.” Akaashi stepped forward and Bokuto let him through. Akaashi turned to face him. “Is something wrong, Bokuto?” Bokuto looked away—but not before Akaashi caught the slight flare of his nostrils and the crease in his brow. “Nope,” he said. 
“Bokuto... you’re hiding something.” “No I’m not.” “Why didn’t you want to come over?” There was a long pause, during which Bokuto continued to avoid eye-contact. Finally: 
“I just thought you might want space today. To... you know. Do other things.” 
Akaashi shook his head, utterly perplexed. “I have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about. Since when have I ever wanted to forgo hanging out with you in favour of doing other things?” Bokuto’s eyes darted rapidly to Akaashi’s. Akaashi caught a flash of something in them—Pain? Hope? Both? 
Bokuto drew in a breath. It was rather more ragged than normal. “Thanks, Kaashi,” he said quietly. “But, it’s okay, you know. If things need to change now.”
“Change? Why the heck would they change? Why now?” Akaashi could feel the hints of hysteria rising in him. He was so confused.   
Bokuto shrugged a single shoulder, rather despondently. “Well, if you ask someone out... I mean, you’re gonna have to start spending some of your free time with them.”
Akaashi stared. Finally, things clicked into place. And then he felt like an idiot.
“Oh my goodness, no!” He laughed out loud. “No, Bokuto, that was just a DMC question!” Bokuto crossed his arms over his chest and eyed him seriously. “Was it, Kaashi?” 
Akaashi opened his mouth—but then hesitated. Grimacing, he closed it again. 
He didn’t like lying to Bokuto... After all, it hadn’t been “just a DMC question”. But how else could he clear up this misunderstanding, without betraying his feelings? 
He decided to speak in partial truths. “Bokuto,” he said, “I’m not going to ask anyone out. And we can still keep hanging out just as much as before.”
Bokuto sighed. “I told you I’d encourage you to do it, Kaashi.” Akaashi flinched. Bokuto had said that. In a rather less pep-talk-y fashion than how Akaashi had previously envisioned it. But it wore on Akaashi’s nerves all the same. 
Why had he even asked that stupid non-DMC question? He was just torturing himself. He knew he could never ask Bokuto out. Kenma was right—he didn’t have the guts.
“I know, Bokuto,” Akaashi said in a low voice. “Thank you for the encouragement. But I... I don’t think I can.” 
Bokuto’s face twisted in what appeared to be utter agony. “So there is someone.” “What?” Shit. “No—I mean—crap—Bokuto, it’s not something you have to worry about, okay? I’m not acting on it. Not now or ever.”
Something fierce flashed across Bokuto’s face. “Why not? Because you think they’d say no? That’s so dumb, Kaashi.” “It’s not dumb!” Akaashi defended. “I’m choosing my course of action based on my assessment of the odds. It’s totally reasonable.” “The odds? ” Bokuto looked positively wild. “What are the odds that anyone would reject you , Kaashi? You’re the best person anyone could possibly have in their life! Anyone who rejects you is a total nimwit and isn’t worth your time anyway!” This was getting to be more like the Bokuto pep talk Kuroo had predicted and which had been plaguing Akaashi’s mind’s eye the past few weeks. It made Akaashi’s chest ache. If only Bokuto actually knew what he was talking about... “Bokuto, that’s very kind, but—”
Bokuto didn’t let him finish. He was on a rampage now. 
“If anyone rejects you, just send them to talk to me. And I’ll tell them—I’ll tell them what an amazing best friend you are. How you always know what makes me happy and what makes me sad—and you know how to make me happy even when I'm already sad—and you never find me to be too much even though everyone else does—and you have sleepovers and DMC with me and do random things like catching fish with big teeth with me—even if we didn’t really catch it—and you care about everyone—like Hinata-kun and Kageyama-kun—and Kenma-kun—poor Kenma-kun—I said I couldn’t imagine what it was like to love someone and not have them love you but I think I can—and it’s shitty—really, stupidly shitty—but Kaashi, I want you to be happy and you deserve to be happy and—”
Bokuto’s voice had steadily risen in pitch and speed as he ranted. Then, suddenly, his rant broke off and he spun around, his hands clutching at his hair. Equally suddenly, he spun to face Akaashi again, and grabbed at his shoulders. Tears were pouring freely from his eyes as he wailed: “You can’t date someone else, Kaashi! You have to date me!” 
Akaashi jerked back. 
He stumbled several steps backward and fell on his butt. Bokuto dropped down to his level in an instant and crawled towards him. 
“Kaashi,” he said, still sobbing like a baby as he reached for him and clutched his arm. “Kaashi, can’t we just date each other?? Don’t you think we’d be good for each other??” 
Akaashi’s senses had stopped working. 
Or maybe they were working too well. 
Everything seemed to have gone into overdrive. He couldn’t see or hear or feel anything—because he could see and hear and feel all of it. 
And it was too much. Far, far too much for him to take in. 
“Bokuto,” he gasped, breathlessly. “Bokuto-san, I...” 
It was the tears that finally pulled Akaashi back to sanity. The tears, streaming down Bokuto’s face. 
Those tears didn’t belong there. 
Not when Akaashi was all too happy to give Bokuto the response he was asking for. 
Akaashi swiftly scooted forward and took Bokuto’s face in his hands. He brushed the pad of his thumb over Bokuto’s cheeks, clearing away the unwelcome tears. 
And then he found his voice. 
It was one word. One simple word. But it was spoken with all the firmness and fervour of two years of secretly harboured love. 
Bokuto’s eyes widened. He hiccuped. “Y-yes? You mean yes, we can date each other?” 
“…You mean, like, I can be your boyfriend?” 
“That… that would mean you’re my boyfriend, right?” 
“Yes, Bokuto-san.” 
Bokuto stared, seemingly stunned into silence.
Then, his face cracked into the widest, sunniest grin Akaashi had ever seen. (Akaashi had seen a lot of wide, sunny grins from Bokuto.)
“YEAH!!” Bokuto shouted, and began bouncing on his knees like an amputated Jack-in-the-box. “YEAH YEAH YEAH!! TAKE THAT SUCKAAHS!!! KAASHI’S GONNA BE MY BOYFRIEND!!!” 
Akaashi felt his own mouth stretching impossibly wide. His cheeks hurt. His eyes were prickling with tears—but they were damn happy tears. 
Bokuto stopped bouncing and fell forward onto his hands, his head tilted up to direct that blinding grin directly at Akaashi. 
“Does that mean I can kiss you, Kaashi?” 
Akaashi choked out a laugh. He wiped the back of his hand over his eyes. 
“Yes, Bokuto-san,” he said. “You can kiss me.” 
Akaashi didn’t think Bokuto’s grin could get any wider. But it did. It did the moment before Bokuto leaned in to press his smiling lips to Akaashi’s.
Akaashi had never allowed himself to imagine this moment. Through all his two years of pining, he hadn’t given himself permission to do so. 
But even if he had, Akaashi was certain he could never have imagined anything close to this.  
He couldn’t have imagined the feeling of Bokuto’s hand moving to the back of Akaashi’s head and his fingers pushing up through his hair. 
He couldn’t have imagined the fingers of Bokuto’s other hand trailing gently down his cheek, then lingering under his chin. 
He couldn’t have imagined how he would go utterly slack under Bokuto’s touch and Bokuto would have to rapidly switch to using both arms to support his weight. 
Bokuto’s lips, continuing to gently ply and explore his own…
Bokuto’s chest pressed firmly to his… 
Bokuto’s heartbeat, syncopating with his…
He couldn’t have imagined any of it. 
But he didn’t have to imagine it. 
Because now, it was real. Now, it was his.
And Akaashi couldn’t believe he hadn’t tried to get here before.
One more chapter left! :)
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