#and i got so much passive agression from my boss this week too it’s like… can i live. can i get a single break Please
lamentablesbian · 1 year
moving out (take 2) tomorrow 💃💃💃 let’s go!
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In December I got a job as a "park ambassador," which the description made sound like a desk job, an event coordinator, but actually turned out to be a manual laborer/groundskeeper. I got overwhelmed by the workload on my first day and quit the morning that would have been my second.
This month I got a job as a front desk clerk at a hotel. Those of you who follow me probably know that I had this exact job at a motel down in the Keys for years, so it was a lateral move, something familiar to fall back on, much easier than the suprise manual labor the park sprung on me. Well, turns out this place lied too because they're cross training me to be a housekeeper, which is ABSOLUTELY NOT worth my time and effort. That wasn't in the job description, and that was never brought up in the interview. Today was my first full shift, and it was horrendous from start to finish because there was simultaneously too much to do and not enough. What I mean is that every single task they gave me had ten or fifteen steps and substeps to follow in sequence, so even the simplest one was needlessly overcomplicated. There's a ton of shit to do, followed by long stretches of absolutely nothing. At my old job, my boss did not give one half of two shits what I did to fill the time; I could go on my phone or my laptop, I could read a book, I could draw, I could space out or take a nap, she didn't care as long as I immediately dropped what I was doing whenever the phone rang or a customer came to the door. No such luck here. I'm not allowed to read, I'm supposed to either sit there in silence or find something to do to look busy for the cameras. That's all it is, just pointless busywork. There are not 8 hours worth of tasks, but they expect you to do 8 hours worth of work!
Oh, and if the woman who's training me was really passive agressive all day about the fact that I asked her to go over the steps slowly so I could take notes and create a checklist. She made a really fucking annoying comment about how I'm the only trainee who has trouble retaining information, like I'm some drooling moron when it's literally my first day. She's younger than I am but she's already been married, had a kid, gotten a divorce, bought and sold two houses, and landed a career as a middle manager, so to her I'm lower than dirt, an abject failure, an example of how not to live your life. She made me feel about three feet tall, and the only thing that prevented me from calling it quits again was that I desperately need the money. This is the way it is: every day I'm scheduled is $100 dropped into my bank account. $15 per hour, 8 hour shifts, that's $120 per day before tax, something like $102 to $105 take home pay. I was hired to be part time, only two or tree days a week, but it pays weekly instead of biweekly so every Friday I'll get $200 or $300. This week they gave me a full 40 hours for training, so that's $500 if I can make it to the end of it without having another panic attack. If I imagine my boss handing me a $100 bill every day at clock out, I think I can get through this.
If they lied about the content of the job, I'm going to give it a solid 75% effort. I'm not gonna stress about meeting quotas or finding ways to look busy. I'm gonna keep using my checklists. I'm gonna keep them with me and go down them one item at a time in front of the customers because that's what I need to do, and if corporate doesn't like it they can fire me. This is just a job, not a career. I'm not an essential worker. I don't give a shit if a customer has a substandard experience. I don't give a shit if the elevator has scuff marks that need to be mopped. I don't care if someone leaves their laundry hamper next to the coin-op machines while they run. I am going to half-ass it all!
I have a disability and it has only gotten worse in the last five years. When I was in college I had good insurance and good medication, but now my plans have next to no coverage; the only meds I can afford are the msot common ones that doctors give away like candy. They don't work for me, but the good shit is too expensive, so i'm wallowing. I was barely able to function in the Keys, but I was driven by my goals of buying a car and moving out of my parents place; now that I've achieved both of those things, I have nothing to look forward too and have lost all motivation to even try. I am not alone, I know plenty of people who are in the exact same boat as me, but apparently none of them live within 500 miles. All my would-be peers up here are successful and functional. it comes easy to them. I'm the only one who seems to struggle. Surely I can't be the only one, but I never see anyone else like me in real life, only ever online. Are they just good at hiding it? Why can't I do that too?
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I know I don’t really have that many followers, but could use some support from other neurodivergent people rn.
So I don’t have an autism diagnoses, I can identify with a lot of symptoms adult women with autism describe, but have no therapist right now to discuss any of this with.
My current diagnoses is OCD, which could be perfectly correct idk. I have bad social anxiety, depression, the works. This post is mostly about how my social anxiety interacts with my OCD.
TL;DR: My ‘boss’ who is barely my even boss, told me he ‘understands’ that I’m uncomfortable but I need to ‘face my fears’ because my anxiety caused a problem. So I had a panic attack, cried in front of him, couldn’t look at anyone for the rest of the night. 
I started a new, very demanding, intense job in the middle of a global pandemic. I made a lot of progress in the past few months, pushing through with difficult people, rambling less, adapting to how certain people want to be spoken to. It’s been a lot of work but was really rewarding, becuase people see my overthinking/discomfort as a genuine effort to make their jobs easier, even if I’m awkward at times.
HOWEVER, I think most of the crew doesn’t see me as neurodivergent, just “awkward” “quirky” and my tics are “cute” or “charming” or other things that prove I mask VERY VERY VERY well. 
One of my catchphrases is “Oh? You were doing a bit?” 
I ask very genuinely, becuase I’m not good at knowing when people are joking or being sarcastic. This makes people laugh and I’m totally fine with that becuase it’s all in good spirits and I know they like me and I’m good at my job.
And while I guess I’m glad they think I’m ‘normal’ it means they have NO GODDAMN idea how much it tears me up inside when I say the wrong thing, or someone is passive agressive to me, or rude in passing. Because it feels like my fault. I didn’t just do something wrong, I am wrong, and bad, and stupid, and bad and bad and wrong and stupid and bad.
And I have to have this spiral about 8 times a day without anyone knowing, or letting it affect the way I talk to anyone else.
SO with that as the background, here’s what happened to me last night.
I work on a TV show. I have very little interaction with the actors, which I am very very happy with, because the social code of talking to the cast is a whole minefield I like to avoid anyway. They have specific people from my department that take care of them and it’s not me and that’s great. I’m new to this industry so I just want to stay in my lane.
But on fridays, I’m in charge of running this fun game. (“selling cards” if anyone’s done this before)  It’s kind of like a raffle, I have a deck of cards and ‘sell’ each card for $20, and at the end of the night, someone (separate from the game wholly) pulls the ‘winning’ cards from a fresh deck of cards and those people take home all the money accumulated.
Every week people are excited to play but lately 1 or 2 people have told me I have to ask the cast to play too. (sometimes the cast add extra money to the pool and buy cards for other departments) But I am WAY too uncomfortable to talk to the cast while they’re working. On the few occasions I’ve had to get their attention just to say “They’re ready for you on set” have been WAAAY anxiety inducing. 
So I’m not comfortable asking them to buy cards, and I’ve asked for help with this (from their assistants or Cast PAs) but since the game is my responsibilty to run, they never ask cast for me. So I don’t get any money from cast, which I could not care less about.
And this game is just some extra (meant to be) fun thing, it’s NOT part of my actual work responsibilties and is totally superfluous to the rest of what I do on set.
So the fact that it weighs so much on my mind is already a problem for me.
But last night EVERYONE was so insistent I talk to cast, but I never had a good opportunity since I was so busy, so I did what I belived was sensible; I picked the actor I was most comfortable talking to, waited until he was done working, and asked him before he went home. I had to kind of re-explain the game but he was really nice and bought some and I thought it went really well. The whole interaction took about 2 minutes.
Here I was patting myself on the back for having a good interaction I was anxious to have, and then my ‘boss’ (who has the same position as me but just kind of makes the calls for all the PAs) pulled me aside and got really serious, and said I held everyone up, by talking to the cast when he was already wrapped for the night.
He lectured me for like 5 minutes about how he ‘understands’ that I get anxious but I just needed to get over it, because the way I did it was inconvenient. And he JUST KEPT LECTURING ME in a way that was sooooooo self serving and even though I went from ‘sweating but pretty okay’ to absolute ‘nonverbal, no eye contact, heart pounding, can’t breathe, pushing tears back” meltdown right in front of him, he would not let me walk away and just kept repeating himself, probably trying to make himself feel like less of an asshole.
And it was just this slap in the face, reminding me that even when I approach a task from a level that I’m comfortable with, making my own accomadations for my disability or whatever, I am still less than, because a neurotypical person could have just done it better and without all the extra effort.
So I’m stuck in this OCD shame spiral, I’m bad and wrong and I did something wrong and bad and so I’m wrong and bad and I’m just like this and I lose either way I try things.  
I don’t want to go back to work on Monday, I don’t like that he knows how easily he can make me cry, and that I can’t just walk away from him when he makes me cry becaus he has like 8% more authority than I do. 
I don’t want to be like this anymore, I love this job but it is not conducive or very accessable to neurodivergent people. This isn’t emotionally sustainable for me and I’m not sure what my next move is.
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ashenberry · 3 years
I gotta know your opinion on 6-5 (for obvious reasons ;))
TURNABOUT REVOLUTION and absolute BEAST of a case (it’s two in a trenchcoat)
man. Where to start. ok first of all I think ima tackle it through the characters instead of these little case summaries I’ve been doing cause. Beast of a case. anyhoo
as whats framed as Apollo finally becoming his own as a lawyer and the resolution of a three game arc. I like the idea of it being up against Phoenix. A lot in fact I love the civil trial and Athena and Apollo get to burn evidence heheheue but. god does it lack buildup. and it takes a lot of the punch out of it. As for Apollo in the criminal trial half of revolution you go little man ❤️ I also love Apollo and dhurkes relationship holy shit. Dhurke I’ve only truly known you for 5 minutes but GOD. they’ve got such a great dynamic and god the afternoon they spend in kurahin it’s.
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Most faults I have with dhurke I find to be more of a problem I have with sojs writing than anything I felt the character is if that makes sense? Like that one comment about Apollo n Trucy and an issue I’ve seen people have that dhurke sent Apollo to the states but Nahyuta more just coming out from the fact that the writers are bending backwards here. I also love datz here datz my man truly one of the characters of all time I wish you got a better name buddy. datz
its. 3D games Phoenix. he’s there. I think I enjoyed him more as the opposition than as a playable characters in this case opposition Phoenix was fun! he was a bit of an ass but it isn’t passive agressive and he’s fuckin losing! When we are playing as Phoenix he’s screwing Apollo over in what seems like ignorance and it’s irratating And during the second revolution trial he’s just making one liners. also sorry Maya they’re retreading your farewell arc ❤️ I actually didn’t mind it it works out pretty well ^-^
ok I touched on dhurke a little on the Apollo section but man. I love dhurke. the twist that he was dead the whole time because he fell into the Defense Attorney Trap (in which every defense attorney shows the big bad that they have evidence they’re the big bad. Unfortunately for dhurke this time they had a gun) Is Really interesting and he’s just one of the stronger characters in this case
WOOOO NAHYUTA GOT SIDELINED IN THIS CASE HAHAHA there is a connection between how much Nahyuta is allowed to talk in a case and how enjoyable it is MAN. I skipped over his confession to the murder I don’t know if there’s like. Life changing dialogue there but man. I think there had to be a stronger Nahyuta apollo connection in this game like really. like the line that apollo has a dragon and Phoenix burning inside of him good shit good shit. I do think Nahyuta can be salvaged as a character but it did not happen in this case that was a half assed redemption.
GOD POOR RAYFA SHE she is going through it in this case her dad is dead and her mom is a bitch rayfa 🤝 apollo solving the truth during the rest of the game shes just a middle schooler with the hubris of a monarch and it’s great and you just see it all fall apart in this case rayfa 💔
Garan, Inga, and Amara
garana a shit monarch AND a shit mom unbelievable. I don’t know how much a prosecutor that can say they win at anytime really effects the stakes it’s just a general soj problem the stakes are too high so theres like no tension in that regard and your more just curious how the murder happened. Inga is just a mob boss (got the accent to back it too) but goddamit he��s better than garan in the sense that he’s shown to have loved rayfa. man. Amara. There’s a character thread there that I don’t think at all was intentional because I don’t have that much respect for sojs writers where I don’t think Amara ever wanted to rule. There’s a lot of moments where revealing she was alive would have prevented a lot of shit (tho. evil sister not the easiest) but also the fact that rayfa is the one to take over at the end. a lot of it can be hand waved as like monarchy semantics but I think reading is cooler so
Rest of WAA + edgeworth
hhhh I think they deserved better in the rest of the game but here in revolution I think they all had good roles. Trucy gets the best joke in the case. Edgeworth is used for his private jets. it’s all good this case really is more about Apollo.
Obligatory Jove ‘Jangly’ Justice because I have a brand to keep up with
^some of thats probably inaccurate. mostly about Apollo having proof of us citizenship but like. is there anyway for Apollo to get that information later or it’s kinda like he never existed because I doubt Newley enemy of the state dhurke got him any kurahin legal papers i don’t know I’m not a lawyer. But it’s funnier to imagine that Jove did have all of Apollos information on him that survived the fire.
anywyas all and all turnabout revolution is a very fun cass but I would trade it in a heartbeat to never have Soj ❤️
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veinereastath · 4 years
Random vent time, since I have nothing to do today; and writing about things that are bothering is known to be helpful :”)  A bit of rant about the Witcher (Aen Elle, guess what), feel free to scroll past it if it’s not your cup of tea. It may n0t even make sense or be productive, I felt just the need to to it, and tumblr is already a burning trashcan (that I still love somehow), I’m just adding some oil to it. Some spoilers ahead, from TW3 and Lady of The Lake.
1: Wild Hunt (I speak as per The Red Riders, not about the game title) in general was really poorly done (plot-wise), but at least CD Projekt Red admitted it was their fault and because of lack of time and resources. It happens, it’s fine, we still have books (... well, one [last one] book and about 30 pages in it, but damn, these are good pages). It’s been 5 years, it’s okay, we accepted it, many discussions were held on this account.
2: Wild Hunt may be done poorly, but Eredin himself got absolutely and devastatingly flattened to a pancake, while in the book he’s a juicy donut. No, right now I’m not talking look-wise (which isn’t that important anyways, I presume), but motivations and personality wise. That hurts more. Way more. Also, why make him kill Auberon on purpose? In the books it was accidental, and he himself was briefly shocked, but had to immediately return to his cold facade because capturing that goddamn escaping Ciri was the most important thing at the moment. Making him just a typical usurper was another reason to not see him as a good villain. The plot of TW3 could still be glorious if they actually stick to the “Auberon death was an accident, aphrodisiac + fisstech don’t work well together, it’s a fact” and Eredin became King as a natural way of things. Books never specified if he was actually the second in line for the throne, neither they say who actually became the King after Muircetach died, but it seems quite likely that it would be Glas. The whole idea of trying to open Ard Gaeth / beat the White Frost / invade the Witcher world would still make sense. And would be, of course, more interesting if CDPR would add those quests they had to scrap off for reasons I mentioned above [1]. For those not aware - there was one involving Geralt going undercover, trying to learn more about Caranthir and Hunt’s plans and it was supposed to be massive, but... <sad violin>  Also, the “Eredin killed Auberon on purpose” could make sense if it was somewhere stated that it was Avallac’h’s manipulation, but then Corine’s vision doesn’t make sense. Remember that Auberon died with Ciri at this side, with her holding his hand [book-wise]. She’s nowhere to be seen in this vision, and if I remember correctly the oneiromancer’s visions could not be fabricated. Sad violin intensifies.
3: Well, I’m a trash so of course I have to mention this somehow. Witcher 3 really went too much into “[Eredin’s] face resembled a bird of prey” line from Lady of the Lake but quite forgot that he was still an elf. And, surprised pikachu, Ciri immediately upon meeting him got interested in him, which he was aware of. Despite the fact that he was insulting her constantly, she wanted something from him <wink wink, remember the scene in the alcove in Tir na Lia?> This should be a sign that he must’ve looked both dangerous and attractive at the same time. Attractive to the point where his insults were not able to totally douse her fascination.  Eredin in Witcher 3 is perfect if you want to be terrified on spot. Though maybe they did it on purpose because they wanted to make a strong point that he’s the villain of the game, I don’t know. Also, making attractive elves is something they know how to do - Iorveth was pretty neat, the face features of elves in W3 are also really good (also god bless some normal sized elven ears, I can’t look at those big and long they have in Dragon Age for example). Avallac’h wasn’t portrayed exactly like he should (aquamarine eyes where? blonde hair where?) but he looked good, let’s admit it. Imlerith was quite-quite (though why THE FUCK is the poor guy bald, jeezus citrus). Okay, Ge’els is the symbol of Aen Elle glory and you can’t change my mind - they managed to create fantastic clothing, give him good, defined features, somehow predatory look (Eredin is crying in the corner) and quite a mature skin complexion with few blemishes here and there. And it was good, because it made him look natural, like he could genuinely exist, he wasn’t extraordinary perfect. I wanted to touch and feel his face so bad. Just oh god, the goth queen makeup, why? All Aen Elle are suffering from this condition. Well, male ones. The Aen Elle female in Crevan’s laboratory looks quite decent. Or they just didn’t want to change her model, since it is the same the Aen Seidhe female have in brothels, for example. 4: Ciri trusting Avallac’h and mentioning this trust at every occassion is... god, just no. I will try to describe her situation in Tir na Lia [from the book] in my own words: 1. Imagine that you’re running away from a man that was your captor [Bonhart] and used to torture you for weeks/months. During this escape you accidentaly find yourself in a foreign country, full of foreign people with their own language. They look different, they act different, they have different morals, everything, you name it. 2. One of those people [Avallac’h] is saying it’s a destiny that brought you here, and you have to pay the debt to all his people because your great grandfather from six [6] generations ago banged a girl they were literally creating for centuries. It’s your fault, pay for it, Ciri. 3. The man says that in order to pay that debt and be able to return to your country, you have to sleep with his boss and at the same time your great-great absolutely great grandfather from 7 generations ago [Auberon], because the mix of your genes and his genes will allow to extract some kind of gene that will make humanity immune to, I don’t know, Covid 19 for example. It’s the key to saving people, you have to do it. 4. Later you hear from this great-7 generation-grandfather that either you agree to this, or you will go into laboratory and they will forcefully take out your placenta (presumably).  5. Just to make you feel better, everyone in this foreign country is hostile towards you (passive-agressive is a better term, alright), so everyday you see this disgust on their faces. Not to mention that while Avallac’h is trying to play nice, Auberon didn’t manage to do it for long, while Eredin is straight forwardly describing you as a worthless being. <3
And she’s trusting him so much after that? Really? Now, I get that if you’re running away from mortal danger you will probably try to get every help you can, so I can somehow accept that she accepted Avallac’h’s protector role, but I don’t accept that she’s trusting him to such an extent. Why? Because trying to put a woman (or a man) in someone else’s bed fits the defitinion of rape perfectly. I find it hard to accept that she would be all “I trust him” after that. Not to mention that she was, I think, 16-17 years old at that time? I need to check this later... Okay, I’m done, sorry~ The only wish I have is that Netflix series will stay the hell out of any Aen Elle or Tir na Lia plotline. Please. I beg you. Don’t touch it. Don’t look at it. Leave it be, leave it to this one book, to this 30 pages, I absolutely beg you.  I sense Witcher Netflix rant coming from me soon, woohooho~
Forever salty, forever sad
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pynkhues · 5 years
Hi! So I love your blog and your headcanons and ask responses but and I really want to ask you something thought provoking but my brain is like not cooperating so... what I really was wondering is do you have any hot tip fic recs? I am pretty new to GG and the tag on Ao3 is starting to get kinda long so I would love to know your picks before I start trawling through!
Ah, thanks, anon! And oh my gosh, there are somany great fics on ao3!! I barely know where to start, so I’m just going torec my straight up faves. This kind of blew out a little bit, so I’ve kept itto one fic per author (but assume I’m like, reccing all their works, haha)annnd I’ve put it under a tag to save everyone’s feeds, haha.
Happy reading!
Fora Moment We Were Strangers byopenhearts. 
I think I’ve already re-read this one like, a hundred times, and it’sjust so, so perfect. Intimate and domestic and sexy and sweet and just the rightamount of heartbreaking. Basically Rio, Beth, Marcus and Emma end up playinghouse due to Reasons, and it feels so true to character, and true to the show.It’s great.
He looks for another several seconds before a mild little grin colorshis face for a moment, then vanishes as he backs away.
“Nothin’. You just get pissed about weird shit is all.” He actuallyturns to leave the room, adding, “Laundry,” as he does, for emphasis.
Beth could probably choose not to rise to that, but she doesn’t. He’s inher house, messing with her, getting in her space and doing things withoutasking or being asked and it’s freaking her out, beyond just the fact that he’spresent and has made it clear he’s ready for a repeat performance of the barrestroom whenever they can find the time and privacy.
“My laundry,” she corrects, following on his heels, and she thinks shecan tell just by his shoulders that he’s holding in a laugh, which is obnoxiouson both their parts. “My house. My kitchen, my dishes-”
“I’m tryna be a pleasant houseguest, damn!” he says under his breath,both of them immediately mindful of Marcus in the next room.  Then, “thissome real last year shit, you know? You got all bothered about me bein’ in yourhouse where people could see, what your friends gonna think, how’m I gonna makeyour pretty life messy today like you-”
StayPut and Play Along by FakePlastikTrees.
There are almost no words for how much I love this fic. It’s set after1.10, so it’s a little older, and basically assumes Rio really did cut Beth andthe girls loose after beating the crap out of Dean. They didn’t retaliateagain, but started their own shady business in the world of highstakesgambling, and it is just sogood and hot and the dynamic between them is *chef kissy hands*. 
Eyes trained on the wall, she takes a deep breath and asks, “Why did yousend me my necklace?”
“Well, what do I want with your necklace? Plus, you have my gun. Thoughtwe could trade.”
The statement makes her want to punch a hole in the wall and she has totake a steadying breath before slowly turning back around to face him. When shedoes, he’s standing, looking at the picture of the kids on the nightstand.
“Car man’s gone, huh?”
He turns to her before she can finish a thought and as if he’s beenwaiting to say it, blurts, “You look good, Elizabeth.”
He’s serious now, all mischief gone from his demeanor.
FierceKingdom by emeraldcut
I’m a total sucker for fic which focuses on Rio’s relationship withour other good girls, soemeraldcut’s story with Annie and Rio sitting in a car basically baiting thehell out of each other makes me totally giddy every time I read it. It’s so, somuch fun, and she gets both their voices down perfectly. 
“Are you married?” she asked.
That got his attention. He gave her a blatant once-over. “You’renot my type, sweetheart,” he said, mock apology in his voice.
“Ha!” She scowled, fighting the urge to stick her tongue out.“You would be so lucky, but I never thought I was. You obviously like theolder ladies.” She didn’t know his age, but beneath the scruff, he had ababy face, she could tell.
“Why do you care?” The glint in his eyes told her that he knewexactly why.
She narrowed her eyes at him. “It’s my job to care. Don’t you havesisters?” Now she was just baiting him.
Rio’s jaw rocked back and forth. There was a shift in the energy aroundthem, and he almost looked uncomfortable.
Annie had watched this guy hold a gun to Beth’s head without flinching,but her messing with him about something romantic with the same woman had himlooking uncharacteristically awkward. “Her husband’s a super douche.Capital S, capital D,” she announced in the midst of his silence, feelingher stomach lurch. Annie thought this was a joke, thought it was all in goodfun, just entertainment, but now she wasn’t sure.
WeSuck Young Blood by sylvianorth
Another one thatmarries domesticity with wonderful character insight and great writing! Thisone basically diverges from canon at 2.03, but it honestly could’ve replacedit. It’s such a logical progression, beautifully drawn, and with some prettysexy scenes too (a running theme in these recs, haha).
“It’s been two weeks since you said you were going to teach me.”
Rio squints at her. “Uh-huh,” he says, like he’s not sure where this isgoing. He takes a piece of bacon off her plate. “I am teaching you.”
(Sitting here at the table in her sun-drenched kitchen, Beth feels likeshe’s trapped in a cage with a leopard but Rio is genial, drinking coffee,discussing current events in the paper and asking questions about her kids.Sometimes his questions get so specific that she wonders if he goes throughtheir backpacks when she’s not looking. Once, he brings a box of Danishes forbreakfast and recommends that she save some for her children’s afterschoolsnack.)
Beth shrugs. “It’s just – it’s been a while and we haven’t doneanything. You just show up here and drink my coffee and tell me to be a bossbitch and leave and I don’t know what’s going on. You haven’t even showed mehow to fire a gun. I still can’ t lie. I still can’t kill anybody. You don’teven tell me what being a boss bitch entails, only that I’ve gotta do it. Imean, I got rid of Annie’s boss, so if anything, you owe it to me to teach me.”
Una Lady Como Tú bySleepylotus
This one haseverything! Beth and Rio on a stakeout! Snarking! Shotgunning! Car sex! It’s sogood, and so sexy, and just genuinely a lot of fun. 
“This wasn’t supposed to take this long,” Rio grumbled, tapping theclock with one long finger. “Your kiddos gonna wake up wonderin’ where Mamais?”
He almost sounded worried about them, which threw Beth off a fewdegrees. “No, they’re with their father at the family cabin up on thePeninsula,” she answered. “They’ll be gone all week.”
This won her a sideways look that sent a small shiver down her spine.“You all alone in that big house, baby girl?”
Narrowing her eyes, she lifted her chin. “I’m perfectly fine on my own,thank you.”
Rio chuckled under his breath. “Yeah, I believe that.” Strangely, itsounded like he really did.
PTA Vibes by greyish 
This is just so.much. fun. The banter! The Rio POV! The swings and roundabouts of the Beth xRio intimacy! It’s honestly just got such a great energy to it, and is sowell-written, I love it. 
The first PTA meeting he walked into, she’d given him a look of totalabject horror before quickly resuming her standard Passive Housewifeexpression. He’d enjoyed riling her up until she completely cracked, yellinggluten-free snacks are non-negotiable! at him across the table like a maniacand stunning the rest of the room into silence. They’d stared at each otherintensely until someone awkwardly cleared their throat and suggested they takea tea break
(She’d pulled him aside and demanded to know why he was trying to fuckwith her by attending a PTA meeting. He denied it lazily, not even trying tosound genuine. She’d carved out a space in his life like it was nothing. Hewanted to retaliate. Invade every aspect of her existence.)
She’d stormed off and spent the rest of the break agressively loading apaper plate with pieces of cantelope and then left it on the table withouteating any. He’s pretty sure that’s when the betting started.
A Bit of Reciprocity by nottonyharrison
Another one set post2.04, this is just really, really great. It’s more these quick snapshots ofBeth and Rio that comply with canon, but also give really great insights intoboth characters. It’s fun, and dirty, and complicated, because the charactersare fun, and dirty, and complicated, and I just love that. 
She straightens her dress and checks her makeup before she leaves, Heruns a hand over her hair to flatten a couple of strands at the back, and runsa hand towel up her leg and then she’s gone, the door closing softly behindher. His eyes lift to the mirror and he can see his hands shaking.
He didn’t kiss her, not on the mouth. He recognised her husband as heturned in his chair trying to catch the wait staff’s eye. If he’s being honestwith himself, the idea of her returning to the table dishevelled and obviouslyfucked out turns him on more than anything, but there’s a time and a place andthis definitely isn’t it.
HaveIt Your Way by ohmisterjapan
Oh my god, everything about this series is just hot. It’s a realpowerplay series, so if you’re not into that, it might not be for you, butohmisterjapan captures so well the dynamic between Beth and Rio, and both oftheir alpha personalities competing in, ya know, a very sexy way. It’s so, so,so good. 
“You set up a meeting already?” he cuts her off, visibly irritated.
There’s a beat.
“I handled it.” She holds his eye contact. He feels one of his guysshift behind him.
Another beat. He grimaces a little then leers.
“Oh you handled it? You made a decision without talking it through withyour partner, huh?”
“I did what needed to be done.” She’s deliberately light and assertivewith him and he’s so pleased and displeased at once that he barks out a laugh.He looks round to both his guys; they’re poised but, Rio notices, look a littleuncertain. He’s tries to push that observation away because if he acknowledgesit then he might also acknowledge that he, too, feels little uncertain ofhimself. And then he feels a twinge of foolishness. He snaps himself out of it.He taught her.
Suream using you byAniara 
This is actually, I think, one of the most underrated fics in the GGtag. It’s tagged as Rio/OC, but it’s actually more like Rio/Beth but from theopinion of an OC he’s fucking instead of Beth, and ugh,it’s so good. I mean: 
“[Rio’s] eyes soften and he looks away. It’s too late because before hedoes she catches the rest of his features turn almost tender. She’s seen thatlook, not just in Lee, but all the men who’ve been interested in her. It’s alook of beginning but this one is clouded with apprehension. He’s hot for thispearl lady and not just for her body.
It gets to the point his skin buzzes sometimes when she sees him. Shehalf expects him to whisper her name when they’re getting it on but he doesn’t.He’s tight lipped about most things, she figures, so why not this.”  
Annnnnnnd, I mean, it’s not a rec exactly, but a casual reminder that I’mflashindie on ao3 and you can read my stuff here, haha. :-) 
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justarturo · 5 years
Farewell to the first man I truly loved.
Sometime ago, 5 years or so, I started an internship in the HR deparment in a globally known toothpaste company. It was my first job ever and as an anxious person it was really challenging for me to adapt and evolve at the begining of this trip. However I was blessed with 3 wonderful people. People who I love so much until today.
My boss, an estoic, serious, but loving man; his best friend, a fierce, powerful, stubborn woman who craved love and understanding from others, and their other best friend. A childish, kind of goofy, confident man. They were 47, 48 and 33 years old respectively, I was 20. Huge age gap, however we became truly good friends.
My boss, who I will refer as J, was my role model, we clicked on immediately and worked as perfect as any of those swiss clocks they mention in movies. We were an odd pairing. I was a hardworking, anxious, emotionally vulnerable young man, he was an emotionally distant, kind of lax and lazy adult, however as the only members of our team, we delivered some of the best results the area had gotten in years. We were truly a team, and thats how we became friends, and in some way our relationship evolved in work father-work son.
My female friend, who I will refer as Y. Was my confident and ally inside the HR department. She was the administrative assistant and I, as the HR intern, had to work very close to her. We shared secrets, gossip, defend each other in the line of duty and gave each other strength. And up to today, I can tell you with certainty we still do.
My other friend, whose name is V, was introduced to me by the other two people mentioned. At first he didn’t belong to HR but to Supply Chain, however he welcomed me to the company as if he had already known each other for years. I was dazzled by him. His personality, although a little childish, was confident and secure and that truly did a number in me. I decided We should become friends, no, best friends, no, the best of best friends. He was not shy, he was not quiet, he was everything I was not. As he wasn’t in the HR department, it took me a little longer to get to know him better, but after a couple of months, we started to become best buds. And with the company of Y and J, I felt as if I had belonged, not only to the company, but to the group since forever. Truly one of the happiest times of my life.
When I was with V, we laughed, helped each other, we cried, we talked honestly (or so I thought) we shared meals, even when we kind of argue, we would shake it off in no time. Now i know I loved him, I still do, at least the first facet of him I knew.
At the time I had not even came to terms with mt sexual orientation, and I did not consider myself a gay man. Buried deep inside my unconscious I knew I liked men, however this had been a personal struggle I had chosen to repress since I was 17. But when I was with V I did not even had to try to come to terms I was just happy to be close to this awesome man i admire so much and be good friends to each other. I was so happy when he told me his wife was pregnant. I truly was excited, he desired so much to become a father that when that wish started to become reality I was so happy for him. I met his wife at his birthday and loved her, I even remember thinking! OMG she is so nice and smart, we have so many thins in common. Now I dont know if thats good or not. U decide.
For almost two years I was the happiest and most hardworking boy inside the company, but then my worst nightmare came to life, I was moved from HR to Customer Development (Sales) deparment. I was crushed. I missed being J’s right hand, my job, my tasks, my projects, etc. J, Y and V were still my friends but I felts as if something had been ripped from my heart. I got depressed and anxious, I had at least one Panic attack per day, followed by several deppresion episodes, in which I would cry inside a meeting room, hidden frim everyone else. J and Y were so supportive and understanding, they even cried with me. But V was not. He could not empathize with couldn’t or wouldn’t. He claimed that everything was fine and I should be thankful and shake those concerns of mine off of me. He tried to make me happy with presents and meals, but I was truly truly sad. The thing that upset me the most was that a few days before my “promotion” he attended my college graduation with Y. He was so happy for me, he hugged me so hard and I remember hugging him so hard too. I felt so safe. He even bought me an Apple Watch as graduation present. He spent at least 10 Thousand mexican pesos, which is not cheap, to buy me that present. To be fair, his family is loaded, but still, its a lot, he could have simply bought me dinner or some clothes, but he decided to buy me the recently announced Apple Watch. I still have it btw, I treasure it as the last piece of our relationship.
After I was promted everything went spyralling, and we kinda grew apart. He tried to make me happy but failed to acknowledge my pain, I refused to let him try to make me forget and move on, and failed to acknowledge his attempts of helping me. We started to argue more and more often about stupid shit. Truly. We are both, prideful stubborn guys. And that really started to mess up our friendship. At the time I started to notice this very attractive lad in the Marketing deparment named F. I was truly infatuated by his appereance. He was truly a 9 in the hotness meter, and decided to get closer to him. Opened up about my orientation to two other friends outside the company, but decided to keep it hidden from J, Y and V, and truly anyone else. I asked this guy out even tho I knew he was in a relatonship at the time. Luckily for me, he was an asshole, so I just moved on. Soon I decided to quit the company as I was truly and deeply depressed. J and Y although sad, were supportive, but V was truly not. He got mad, we argued several days in a row, he said I was being stupid and a lot more shit. The week before my departure, we had came to terms, or so it seemed and chatting it slipped that I liked the F dude and that I had asked him out. Shockingly for me, he was TRULY supportive, he said that it was ok, that There was not anything wrong with me and he was glad I’d told him. It shocked me because he came from a very traditional catholic family, who usually mock gay, women, etc. You know.... catholics.... anyway. I thought this would help us to still be close or even closer after I left the company. However it did not change the fact we grew apart
After I left V started to avoid long whatsapp conversations, long phonecalls, dinner plans with Y, J and me, and if he accepted to attend, he would usually be quite passive agressive and throwing shade to my decisions and current life outside the company. As I was depressed I did not even fight against or for him. I just let it go until One day In a casual conversation he said “i was sad, but now I’m over you”. It hit me like a bomb. First this comment made me realize how much I loved him, truly, and discover how much I craved him in my life. Not only as my friend, but as a man in my life. Second it deeply saddened me to discover this as he hAd discovered he was no longer interested in having a deep connection with me. It was then I knew we were like a couple. An emotionally built couple. We had built a relationship between him and me that was as intense and meaningful as any of my other friends with their respective partners. There was nothing sexual about it, at least not consciously, but we loved each other. Sadly, it was not an authentic love, it was a possesive selfish kind of love.
Nowadays we talk twice a year top. Sometimes I miss him more, some other times I’m able just to remember to what once was and what could have been without hurting much, as I have evolved now to a more mature and empowered paychologist with a clear pad for my personal and professional life. I do not regret leaving the company, I only regret that we could never speak up and open up and letting him now I wasn’t quitting on him. Maybe it could have been different if I had. Nowadays, I’m somewhat afraid to let people in and to try to build and seek for a relationship with other man, because it truly hurts looking back. And hopefully writing about this will help me give closure to the V & A never happened relationship and ruined friendship.
I loved him. I think I still do, but I love myself more.
Ps. Forget my spelling and grammar as the post advances, My eyes were a little watery when I got deeper into my memories.
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tragicbooks · 7 years
<p>7 surprisingly sweet moments you may have missed in this week's 'Game of Thrones.'<br></p>
Welcome to “A Song of Nice and Fire” Upworthy’s weekly series recapping one of the most brutal shows on TV. Since brutality is not really in our wheelhouse, Eric March has taken it upon himself to dig deep, twist and turn, and squint really hard to see if he can find the light of kindness in all the darkness. He may not always succeed, but by gosh if he won’t try his best.
Here’s what he found on this week’s "Game of Thrones."
Someone's got a case of the Mondays! Image by Macall B. Polay/HBO.
This show'll break your heart. Even with the forces we think we're kinda maybe supposed to be rooting for (sorta? It's maddeningly unclear) on the march, a lot of bad stuff still manages to happen on "Game of Thrones," not infrequently to characters you only just started to care about (RIP Dick Tarley).
Yet, it's not all unstoppable frozen killing machines, deadly mind games, and bright young men cut down in the prime of youth.
Here are the silver linings and genuinely nice moments you may have missed:
1. Drogon shows restraint by not burning literally everything and everyone.
Good show, you guys. Image by Macall B. Polay/HBO.
Incinerating a couple of treasonous lords is just another Tuesday for everybody's favorite flying flame-thrower. This time, however, Drogon had the impeccable fashion sense to leave Dickon and Randyll Tarley's stylish cloaks behind. How do you say "that's progress!" in High Valyrian?
Later, the deadly dragon demonstrates even further chill by accepting a face rub from Jon and, even more importantly, not eating and/or barbecuing him (the King in the North, it continuously turns out, is family, but still).
Yeah, Drogon roasted thousands of men to death just last week, but whatever. You gotta figure ... when it comes to a giant, amoral, fire-breathing dragon, it's gonna be two steps forward, one step back.
2. The old guys in the North acknowledge that Sansa wears that wolf queen cloak pretty damn well.
Over the past several episodes, we've begun to get the impression that yes, duh, Sansa is actually good at this lording thing. It's a revelation that finally makes its way through the thick, arbor red-addled skulls of some assorted old northern and Eyrie lords who come to realize this week (a little too late, guys!) that they kinda wish they voted for the competent, savvy woman when they had the chance.* Even Arya finally acknowledges that being the boss seems to agree with her sister, even if she does so grudgingly and passive-agressively with a whiff of "be careful I don't stab you."
Sure, Sansa's a little power hungry (aren't we all?), but being a wee bit shifty, while not being an outright psychotic murderer is exactly the right posture for the Westerosi ruler who doesn't want to get shivved, beheaded, burned alive, flayed, eaten by dogs, or some worse thing that, dear God, I hope doesn't get deployed in season eight.
Inasmuch as anyone can "got this" on "Game of Thrones," Sansa has got this. And people are finally figuring that out. Slow, but steady, everyone!
Good, too, on Masie Williams for playing their entire interaction like the world's most annoyed little sister — the contrast with the (significant) stakes was A+.
*There's a lesson here. It's going over my head, presently.
3. Cersei allows Jaime some bro time with Tyrion.
Queen gotta get her "staring blankly into the middle distance" in. Image by Helen Sloan/HBO.
Sure, she suspects Tyrion murdered their father (true!) and her son Joffrey (untrue!), but she knows Jaime has a soft spot for his valonqar, she likes Jaime, and, hey, it's nice for the two of them to get to hang out before the baby (the baby!) arrives.
Also, it never hurts to source a little timely intelligence on your biggest geopolitical foe and turn it to your advantage. But ... you know, details. Jaime and Tyrion got their bro time!
4.  Arya and Littlefinger kill some time playing hide and seek!
Skulking around a frozen castle, drilling with swords, hauling grain, and trying not to get killed by ice zombies can be stressful. What better way to relieve it than with a fun, friendly game the whole family can enjoy?
It's a small castle, but Petyr Baelish and the tiniest, most murder-y Stark are both naturals, natch. And while neither finds the other, Arya does uncover a sweet note Sansa wrote home (under duress) way back in season one, urging her brother (RIP Robb Stark) to pledge his loyalty to the Lannisters! What are the odds?
(Even pausing right on the frame, it was next to impossible to make out what this note actually, you know, said. Credit to Twitter user Daemon Blackfyre for doing the old gods' work here).
The note they made Sansa write to Robb after Ned was betrayed. #ThronesYall http://pic.twitter.com/3MSnFxjutv
— Daemon Blackfyre (@Dpzzle) August 14, 2017
5. Pretty much everyone is really putting that teleporter to good use!
Westeros is roughly the size of South America. Yet, this season, and this episode especially, people seem to get around really, really fast. Like the Dothraki last week, Jamie two weeks ago, and Jon before that — basically everyone everywhere has been zipping across the continent at lightning speed, petting dragons one minute and stalking ice zombies the next. Going from glowering around a rocky island fortress to glowering around a distant blacksmith shop and back to glowering on that rocky island in what seems like an hour-and-a-half.
While slow-burn character development has its place or whatever, we're on season seven here, people! Fast-forwarding this stuff is a marked improvement on previous seasons when characters would spend 17 episodes chatting and riding horses, conquering neighboring cities, or walking from one castle to another very-similar looking castle, like, five miles away.
Mad props to whatever time-traveler saw fit to drop by and introduce quantum teleportation to the Seven Kingdoms. It's a good look.
But we wouldn't want to get too ahead of ourselves, which is why it's super nice that...
6. Sam (accidentally) preserves some sense of story pacing.
Fellas, we've all been there. Your girlfriend discovers your best friend is actually the trueborn heir to the Iron Throne, thus solving the whole puzzle of the whole show, but you can't be bothered because you're mad about some dumb stuff going on in your personal life.
**what it's like being a woman** GILLY: here's the biggest reveal of the season it says— SAM: could you shut up I'm tired of this let's go
— Dana Schwartz (@DanaSchwartzzz) August 14, 2017
Nevertheless, with everyone blasting themselves to and fro over the content to get that plot stuff done, it's heroic of Sam to slam on the brakes a little here for the audience, even if it required being unreasonably rude to Gilly in the process.
Hey, at least Little Sam gets to learn how to read!
7. The gang puts aside their differences!
This terrified striding will show 'em. Image by Helen Sloan/HBO.
Yeah, it sucks that the one guy (Beric Dondarrion) sold the other guy (Gendry) to a murdering witch, and that the third guy's (Jorah's) dad's job was to kill all of another guy's (Tormund's) friends and that yet another guy (the Hound) used to work for the family that killed the guy the sixth guy (Jon) thinks is his dad but isn't. But credit to The Hound for politely pointing out that none of that matters, and really, they should all be friends and focus on finding a solution to the real head-scratcher: what to do about the horde of walking dead people slowly staggering forth to kill them all.
When you've got a suggestion in a group setting, it's always nice to put it respectfully. Cheers to The Hound for personifying class.
Random acts of niceness:
Davos gives those two gold cloaks some free, organic Westerosi Fermented Crab Viagra before Gendry brutally war-hammers them to death. Hope it was an enjoyable last few seconds!
Varys expresses some regret for being adjacent to so many murders. Points, I guess.
That's all for now! Join me next week when, hopefully, Cersei aces baby yoga, a doubled-over Littlefinger explains the whole silly prank to Sansa and Arya and the Night King calls the entire thing off after realizing eternal life is pretty cool on its own without having to kill a bunch of mortal beings to feel better about yourself.
0 notes
socialviralnews · 7 years
<p>7 surprisingly sweet moments you may have missed in this week's 'Game of Thrones.'<br></p>
Welcome to “A Song of Nice and Fire” Upworthy’s weekly series recapping one of the most brutal shows on TV. Since brutality is not really in our wheelhouse, Eric March has taken it upon himself to dig deep, twist and turn, and squint really hard to see if he can find the light of kindness in all the darkness. He may not always succeed, but by gosh if he won’t try his best.
Here’s what he found on this week’s "Game of Thrones."
Someone's got a case of the Mondays! Image by Macall B. Polay/HBO.
This show'll break your heart. Even with the forces we think we're kinda maybe supposed to be rooting for (sorta? It's maddeningly unclear) on the march, a lot of bad stuff still manages to happen on "Game of Thrones," not infrequently to characters you only just started to care about (RIP Dick Tarley).
Yet, it's not all unstoppable frozen killing machines, deadly mind games, and bright young men cut down in the prime of youth.
Here are the silver linings and genuinely nice moments you may have missed:
1. Drogon shows restraint by not burning literally everything and everyone.
Good show, you guys. Image by Macall B. Polay/HBO.
Incinerating a couple of treasonous lords is just another Tuesday for everybody's favorite flying flame-thrower. This time, however, Drogon had the impeccable fashion sense to leave Dickon and Randyll Tarley's stylish cloaks behind. How do you say "that's progress!" in High Valyrian?
Later, the deadly dragon demonstrates even further chill by accepting a face rub from Jon and, even more importantly, not eating and/or barbecuing him (the King in the North, it continuously turns out, is family, but still).
Yeah, Drogon roasted thousands of men to death just last week, but whatever. You gotta figure ... when it comes to a giant, amoral, fire-breathing dragon, it's gonna be two steps forward, one step back.
2. The old guys in the North acknowledge that Sansa wears that wolf queen cloak pretty damn well.
Over the past several episodes, we've begun to get the impression that yes, duh, Sansa is actually good at this lording thing. It's a revelation that finally makes its way through the thick, arbor red-addled skulls of some assorted old northern and Eyrie lords who come to realize this week (a little too late, guys!) that they kinda wish they voted for the competent, savvy woman when they had the chance.* Even Arya finally acknowledges that being the boss seems to agree with her sister, even if she does so grudgingly and passive-agressively with a whiff of "be careful I don't stab you."
Sure, Sansa's a little power hungry (aren't we all?), but being a wee bit shifty, while not being an outright psychotic murderer is exactly the right posture for the Westerosi ruler who doesn't want to get shivved, beheaded, burned alive, flayed, eaten by dogs, or some worse thing that, dear God, I hope doesn't get deployed in season eight.
Inasmuch as anyone can "got this" on "Game of Thrones," Sansa has got this. And people are finally figuring that out. Slow, but steady, everyone!
Good, too, on Masie Williams for playing their entire interaction like the world's most annoyed little sister — the contrast with the (significant) stakes was A+.
*There's a lesson here. It's going over my head, presently.
3. Cersei allows Jaime some bro time with Tyrion.
Queen gotta get her "staring blankly into the middle distance" in. Image by Helen Sloan/HBO.
Sure, she suspects Tyrion murdered their father (true!) and her son Joffrey (untrue!), but she knows Jaime has a soft spot for his valonqar, she likes Jaime, and, hey, it's nice for the two of them to get to hang out before the baby (the baby!) arrives.
Also, it never hurts to source a little timely intelligence on your biggest geopolitical foe and turn it to your advantage. But ... you know, details. Jaime and Tyrion got their bro time!
4.  Arya and Littlefinger kill some time playing hide and seek!
Skulking around a frozen castle, drilling with swords, hauling grain, and trying not to get killed by ice zombies can be stressful. What better way to relieve it than with a fun, friendly game the whole family can enjoy?
It's a small castle, but Petyr Baelish and the tiniest, most murder-y Stark are both naturals, natch. And while neither finds the other, Arya does uncover a sweet note Sansa wrote home (under duress) way back in season one, urging her brother (RIP Robb Stark) to pledge his loyalty to the Lannisters! What are the odds?
(Even pausing right on the frame, it was next to impossible to make out what this note actually, you know, said. Credit to Twitter user Daemon Blackfyre for doing the old gods' work here).
The note they made Sansa write to Robb after Ned was betrayed. #ThronesYall http://pic.twitter.com/3MSnFxjutv
— Daemon Blackfyre (@Dpzzle) August 14, 2017
5. Pretty much everyone is really putting that teleporter to good use!
Westeros is roughly the size of South America. Yet, this season, and this episode especially, people seem to get around really, really fast. Like the Dothraki last week, Jamie two weeks ago, and Jon before that — basically everyone everywhere has been zipping across the continent at lightning speed, petting dragons one minute and stalking ice zombies the next. Going from glowering around a rocky island fortress to glowering around a distant blacksmith shop and back to glowering on that rocky island in what seems like an hour-and-a-half.
While slow-burn character development has its place or whatever, we're on season seven here, people! Fast-forwarding this stuff is a marked improvement on previous seasons when characters would spend 17 episodes chatting and riding horses, conquering neighboring cities, or walking from one castle to another very-similar looking castle, like, five miles away.
Mad props to whatever time-traveler saw fit to drop by and introduce quantum teleportation to the Seven Kingdoms. It's a good look.
But we wouldn't want to get too ahead of ourselves, which is why it's super nice that...
6. Sam (accidentally) preserves some sense of story pacing.
Fellas, we've all been there. Your girlfriend discovers your best friend is actually the trueborn heir to the Iron Throne, thus solving the whole puzzle of the whole show, but you can't be bothered because you're mad about some dumb stuff going on in your personal life.
**what it's like being a woman** GILLY: here's the biggest reveal of the season it says— SAM: could you shut up I'm tired of this let's go
— Dana Schwartz (@DanaSchwartzzz) August 14, 2017
Nevertheless, with everyone blasting themselves to and fro over the content to get that plot stuff done, it's heroic of Sam to slam on the brakes a little here for the audience, even if it required being unreasonably rude to Gilly in the process.
Hey, at least Little Sam gets to learn how to read!
7. The gang puts aside their differences!
This terrified striding will show 'em. Image by Helen Sloan/HBO.
Yeah, it sucks that the one guy (Beric Dondarrion) sold the other guy (Gendry) to a murdering witch, and that the third guy's (Jorah's) dad's job was to kill all of another guy's (Tormund's) friends and that yet another guy (the Hound) used to work for the family that killed the guy the sixth guy (Jon) thinks is his dad but isn't. But credit to The Hound for politely pointing out that none of that matters, and really, they should all be friends and focus on finding a solution to the real head-scratcher: what to do about the horde of walking dead people slowly staggering forth to kill them all.
When you've got a suggestion in a group setting, it's always nice to put it respectfully. Cheers to The Hound for personifying class.
Random acts of niceness:
Davos gives those two gold cloaks some free, organic Westerosi Fermented Crab Viagra before Gendry brutally war-hammers them to death. Hope it was an enjoyable last few seconds!
Varys expresses some regret for being adjacent to so many murders. Points, I guess.
That's all for now! Join me next week when, hopefully, Cersei aces baby yoga, a doubled-over Littlefinger explains the whole silly prank to Sansa and Arya and the Night King calls the entire thing off after realizing eternal life is pretty cool on its own without having to kill a bunch of mortal beings to feel better about yourself.
from Upworthy http://ift.tt/2hZzr0g via cheap web hosting
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