#and i guess the second time deku did get pretty mad about it so fuck it im down
i havent followed the manga in several months and im not interested in catching up again but has bakugo un-died yet. has deku saved him yet with the power of gay love. or is he still getting open heart surgery. has this boy been getting open heart surgery for the past 8 months.
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shotorozu · 3 years
hello! i love ur writings <3
wanted to request a hc of todoroki, deku, and bakugou and their reactions to the tiktok trend where those two girls are laughing and ppl put their friends/family members in the camera thinking it’s their friend or something 💀 (here’s a link to one of the videos https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMe6oFVx5/ )
once again, love ur work and hopefully i did this request correctly 😩🙏🏽
s/o’s friends laugh at them
character(s) : bakugou katsuki, midoriya izuku, todoroki shouto (bnha)
legend : [Y/N = your name] they/them pronouns used, quirk’s not specific
headcanon type : crack, fluff (x reader)
note(s) : i always say that i’m going to upload more, since i haven’t in a day but i’m going to keep my promises this time. and maybe after my content dump, that’s when i’ll fix my masterlists
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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bakugou katsuki
this prank was very risky just like the other pranks you’ve pulled on him but that doesn’t stop you at all
you decided to do this prank after seeing it on the fyp— and also because of the prank’s simplicity since all you needed to do was download the tiktok
you called katsuki over when he finishes working out, and it all seems innocent “katsuki! come over here.”
katsuki, irritated— as he had just finished his exercise, he marches over to where you’re seated “what now, dumbass?”
“i want you to meet my friends!” katsuki only raises a brow, because he’s PRETTY sure that he’s met all of your friends
“now??” he sighs, “i thought i met all of your stupid friends.”
“not all of them,” you grin “c’mon please, katsuki?” and it’s over when your eyes twinkle, and he can only sigh— sitting next to you
“okay, let me meet them” he asks, and you pull up with your phone (that’s now filming, and with the video playing) and show him your ‘friends’
“this is katsuki! my boyfriend,” you introduce him to your ‘friends’
and he’s SO offended when your friends burst into laughter, “WHAT THE HELL’S SO FUNNY, EXTRAS??”
man was really about to explode your phone into pieces— and i’m serious about that part 🧎‍♂️ his hands were creating mini sparks out of anger
you had to coax him that it was just a prank, and they weren’t actually your friends
katsuki’s just 😐 “what did i expect from you?”
promise him that the video won’t go viral, and it won’t be seen by thousands and thousands of people.
you were wrong, and the video AND the audio ended up going viral. and katsuki had to hear his voice on tiktok for WEEKS.
“YOU TOLD ME IT WOULDN’T GO VIRAL DUMBASS” he fumes, red irises zeroing in on you.
“WELL SORRY— I DONT CONTROL THE ALGORITHM, but at least you’re famous!”
“fuck off,” he doesn’t mean that. but he just needs to learn how to not fall for your shit again, despite being really whipped for you
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midoriya izuku
you’d feel bad because izuku’s ALWAYS at the receiving end of your pranks 💀
similar to bakugou, you decided to prank him because of the simplicity of the prank— and he wouldn’t get TOO offended by the prank’s nature, right? wrong 💀
izuku swings the door open, a couple of snacks held in his arms, “hey Y/N! i brought some snacks— what did you need me for?”
“oh, i want you to meet my cousins!”
he immediately goes red, setting down the snacks he brought to your room “your c-cousins? oh no no no, Y/N why didn’t you tell me? i could’ve showered before hand— i could’ve fixed my face and wore something different—”
poor izuku. he’s gesturing to his post workout state, since he was in such a hurry to get to your room with snacks.
but you brush his concern off “don’t worry, izuku! it’s through call. they won’t be able to smell you anyway.”
he calms down, and this when you decide to start the tiktok. “i’m going to call them,” he only nods, quickly hurrying over to your side— to meet your ‘cousins’
“say hi, izuku!” he nervously smiles, showing his face to the camera and waving his hand— totally oblivious of the intentions
he’s stammering on the introduction, and that’s when the rather hysterical laughing starts
he blinks, the feeling of defeat courses through his entire body— the green haired boy immediately moves away from the view
why exactly is izuku genuinely sad from your ‘cousins’ laughing at him? well,, it was always a thing for him to try his very best to be likeable to your relatives
your parent(s)/guardian? they adore him. siblings (if there’s any) they’re also very fond of him. so while you say that they’re your cousins— it still means a lot if he made a good impression
“i,, should’ve changed!” he sulks, the fact that the laugh was quite hysterical didn’t aid the issue, “your cousins will never like me,,”
his mind is put at ease when you tell him it’s a prank— and they’re not actually your cousins. so he doesn’t need to do any redeeming, regardless of the fact that he ‘just met’ them
he sighs in relief, actually glad that it was all just another innocent tiktok prank (that did make his heart race 10x faster)
the video blows up, his distraught reaction being splayed across the fyp, it eventually getting onto twitter— his face being used as an reaction video
“you’re viral, izuku!”
he’s content, despite his distraught reaction being spread across the internet. but he just wishes that your actual cousins don’t see it 💀
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todoroki shouto
is most likely aware of your tiktok pranks— but please 💀 this one looked realistic to him, so how was he supposed to tell??
anyways, you decided to do this prank because you wanted to see how he’d react to your ‘family members’ laughing at him. his reactions are golden though
it’s harmless, in a way— it’s mostly a harmless prank. shouto knows how to not take things too seriously, but you just wanted to see his reactions.
“shouto, could you please come over here?” you call for him to sit right next to you, patting his usual spot next to you.
“what is it?” he asks, getting comfortable next to you, kissing your temple— and that’s when you pull out your phone
“i want you to meet my siblings!”
shouto’s puzzled, because one— he always prefers to meet your family members in person, and two— he didn’t know you had siblings (or more siblings)
“we’re not meeting them in person?”
“oh wait! i forgot to mention that they’re working abroad. so we can’t really schedule a meeting in person.”
shouto’s skeptical, but you reassure him further “it’ll be quick!”
the dual haired boy chooses to believe you which was honestly really wrong of him, “alright, i’ll meet them.”
he moves next to you, peaking at the screen “say hi to shouto!”
he was expecting a few things but,, them breaking out into hysterical laughter was just something else
shouto’s so confused 💀✋ someone please help him, it’s like you spoke to him in simlish. that’s what his reaction would be like.
and he’s just thinking things like— why are you guys laughing? is there dirt on my face? i didn’t even say anything funny??
“why are they laughing? love, i didn’t even say anything funny??”
oblivious shouto. he’s not even aware that it’s all just a tiktok prank. but he must say— he’s a little bit disappointed that he already has a bad impression on your ‘siblings’
it’s your turn to laugh, making his thinking at a vague state— shouto’s trying to think of pieces of dialogue he might’ve missed
“it’s a prank, shouto— look,” you replay the tiktok of the girls laughing, and it comes clearly to him now
“oh.” 🧍 honestly, why is he so shocked? it wasn’t the first time you managed to prank him in such a similar nature.
he’s not mad though— rather, shouto’s impressed. “love, i adore you— but i’m not sure on why i got surprised.”
“right? i’d think that you’re used to this but i guess you’re not!” nah, he just believes you a little bit too easily.
but that doesn’t mean he WON’T be suspicious when he actually has to meet your siblings.
“these,, are actually your siblings? no pranks this time, right?” he just wants to make sure. he won’t fall for your potential pranks again!
also, the video does well, the comments being filled with “LMAO HE LOOKED GENUINELY CONFUSED” “shouto todoroki being confused for 20 seconds straight 🤠❓❓”
shouto is very confused on why the girls were just laughing, putting everything aside— he just doesn’t know the context of that tiktok 🧎‍♂️
»»————- ♡ ————-««
likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei, i only own the writing and i do not profit off of my hobby
do not plagiarize, reupload, translate, or use my works for audio readings without permission
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zukuist · 3 years
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“you have a terrible case of a resting bitch face (rbf) and you’ve tried to mask it all this time. they end up seeing it for the first time”
includes: bakugou katsuki, todoroki shoto, midoriya izuku; part one / two
your name is shortened to y/n, gn! reader, y/n’s also a nice person that’s always relaxed
notes: i’ve been cursed with an rbf 🤠 so even if i’m just relaxing my face— everyone just assumes im mad fsr like no;;; please let me rest my face muscles
katsuki bakugou
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he took one look at you when you walked into the room, and got really confused
did someone fuck up your cereal or something?
you’re usually always so calm, relaxed, and also quite ethusiastic. it was also for no reason too
so seeing you wearing that expression shocked him
“who do i need to fuck up today?”
“you look like someone messed you up.”
“no, that’s my rbf.”
blinking, he narrows his eyes in confusion “what the hell is that?”
“resting bitch face,” you explain “i don’t know if you know this, but i never actually relax my face because of my resting face.”
i suppose that explains it
bakugou also has a resting bitch face 😳 i mean, this isn’t really a surprise. he always looks mad
so he kind of gets where you’re coming from but wtf? you’re hot as hell, resting bitch face or not
“you can relax your face around me, dunce.” he scoots next to you “it’s pretty anyway.”
he finds it really amusing when people get shocked by your rbf.
“ok 😐 you haven’t seen y/n’s rbf? tch. you were missing out”
shōto todoroki
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when he sees you with your resting face, he’s concerned to a certain extent
did he do something to make you angry at him? why’s your face like that?
your expression is usually so.. serene. calm, and also upbeat. seeing you so serious is alarming
“love, are you okay?”
“yes i am shou, thanks for asking!”
“no i’m serious. did i somehow make you mad?”
“no you haven’t, like.. for real.”
“your face is scrunching up. you can tell me anything, you know?”
he’s too honest for his own good, but at least he expressed his concern well.
“oh, this is just my rbf!” you explain, showing him your smile
“resting bitch face. this is what my face looks like when i’m resting it.”
“so.. you’re not mad?”
“not in the slightest bit,” you pat the empty spot next to you
shoto has a resting bitch face too, in a way. well i guess it’s just him deadpanning
he wants you to rest your face muscles more, so don’t hesitate on doing so.
your rbf’s still really pretty to him
but shoto will probably mirror you though
shoto just really likes everything about you, so this causes him to mirror your expressions
izuku midoriya (deku)
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got a heart attack for a second when he saw you walk in wearing your rbf
it reminded him of kacchan at first, but that’s a given.
he’ll suddenly start thinking about every single interaction he had with you, things he said, and things he did in the past 24 hours
“y/n? h-how are you?” he tries to not shake, but it doesn’t really work
he sighs in relief when he sees you smile, “i’m good izuku! wait.. why are you shaking?”
he simply shakes his head “you just looked really.. mad back there.”
“MAD?” you blink in confusion, but you immediately understood where he was coming from
“that’s my rbf, izuku!”
“my resting bitch face! that’s what i look like when my face is neutral!”
he might’ve just embarrassed himself 🤾
“i’m so sorry, y/n! i didn’t know it was your rbf, and i didn’t consider the possibility of your expression just now being a—”
“izuku, it’s really okay.” you reassure him, “it happens.”
from then on, he promises that he’ll be more observant.
if you want* he’ll also explain to people about how your ‘mad and agitated’ expression is just your rbf
“that’s their rbf! they’re not actually angry, so don’t worry.”
it takes him a few tries for him to not be surprised by your rbf, but he’ll get used to it
but wow, is your rbf really attractive? i mean.. it scared him but 💖👄💖
©️izukulie 2021, bnha|mha belongs to horikoshi kohei. do not steal my work❕
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h2bakugou · 4 years
I don’t know if I have sent a request before but here I go anyways, can I request a head cannon for the three musketeers (todobakudeku) (separate) when their s/o flinches during and argument. No rush and take your time thank you!
a/n: thank you for the request even if you haven't sent one in before! i haven’t written some angst in a bit but i’ll try to give these a happy ending!!
headcanon: their s/o flinches during an argument
key: (y/n) - your name / (f/n) - first name / (l/n) - last name / (e/c) - eye color / (h/c) - hair color / (y/q) - your quirk
warnings: swearing, fluff, some angst 
»»————- ★ ————-««
shoto todoroki
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»»————- ★ ————-««
Todoroki doesn’t like arguing with you. He finds arguing quite pointless. There are more civil ways to come to an understanding but yelling at one another just sounds like a waste of time.
He’d much rather prefer to sit down and discuss things with you, listening to what you have to say and saying what he believes.
But there are some rare times where some arguments just form out of nowhere.
This particular argument is about nothing in particular.
It would be like having an argument over someone taking all the cover while they slept. Which is what Todoroki had claimed you were doing.
“We can get another blanket.” You smiled. The few times you’d actually slept together, seriously sleeping together, you might’ve taken all the blanket.
“It’s fine if you could just learn to share.” Todoroki mentioned, once again showing you how large the blanket was.
“I’m asleep and I’m cold, I’m sorry I’m taking all the blanket. I thought you had a half-hot side to keep you warm at night jeez.” Your stab wasn’t meant to mock him or his father, but Todoroki sure took it that way.
“You know how I feel about my left side.” Todoroki had finished folding the blanket, placing it back on your bed. 
You couldn’t help but sigh. He was really making this a problem.
“It’s a blanket. You don’t have to lay with me if you get so cold at night.” You folded your arms over your chest. You really couldn’t believe you were arguing with your boyfriend over a blanket.
“I want to lay with you but being cold is quite a nuisance-”
“I’m sorry i take the damn blanket! Just take it back! Jeez, you are making this so much harder than it has to be Sho.” You cut him off, tired of having to fight over a blanket.
His next actions were what threw you off. He was silent and he turned away from you.
Scared you had overstepped, you reached out to touch his left shoulder right when it set ablaze, singeing his shirt.
Flinching away from him, you stumbled back onto your bed. 
“I’m sorry.” You apologized, looking down as you stared at your hand, red from the immense heat that had grazed over it. Worried that he’d burned you, Shoto quickly turned around, panicking.
“I apologize. Are you hurt? I didn’t burn you did I?” Todoroki examines your hand, completely off of the blanket subject.
“I’m fine-”
“No no. that was not fine. I overreacted. I’m sorry. My love, I’m so sorry.” Todoroki kissed the palm of your hand before placing it on his right side, holding it to his cheek, allowing his cool skin to ease the redness on your palm.
“Can we cuddle tonight?” You ask, a small smile on your lips.
“I promise to share the blanket.” You throw in, rubbing your thumb over his cheek.
“Of course, my love.”
»»————- ★ ————-««
katsuki bakugou
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»»————- ★ ————-««
I’m not saying possessive Bakugou is a bad thing, because it’s not. But there are times when Bakugou can be a bit overbearing.
He’s not doing it on purpose by no means.
But I think deep down, he might struggle with insecurity. Everyone does.
He’s a pretty egotistical guy, and he’s cocky, and he’s got an attitude. But that doesn’t mean he has dark thoughts that creep into his head and tell him that no matter what he’ll never amount to anything great.
All that perseverance has to come from somewhere.
The argument sparks from you, Kirishima, and Kaminari all hanging out together.
“Hey babe, I’m back! Sorry, I’m late.” You smile, arriving at your scheduled hangout with Bakugou just a few minutes late.
“Oh yeah, how were Kirishima and Kaminari?” Bakugou asks, glaring at you as he stands up from sitting on his bed, patiently waiting for you.
“They were great like always-”
“So great you couldn’t send me a fucking text? Or pick up my calls?” Bakugou interrupts. 
Your mouth hangs open at his response. You quickly grab your phone and examine that you did indeed have missed calls and texts from ‘katsu<3′ in your phone.
“I was helping clean up and by the time I was done, I was rushing over here. I didn’t do it on purpose.” You tell him, surely this was all some misunderstanding.
“Are they better than me? Do they have something I don’t? I’m the best there fucking is here babe, you aren’t gonna get shit from anyone else that you’ll get from me.” Bakugou approached you, causing you to take a step back.
When your back met the door you thought you were done for. The raised hand coming up, surely to strike you, made you flinch, cowering down as it crashed into the wooden door you were pressed against.
In those few seconds of silence, waiting for something to happen, Bakugou recoiled, snaking back a few steps, staring at your small form.
His words were quiet.
“I’m sorry.” He said. You lifted your head to look at him. His own head was lowered.
You approached him and carefully placed your hands on his shoulders.
“Katsu, there’s no one else but you. I love you. More than you probably know. I don’t need anyone else but you.” You explained, watching as his blonde locks began to rise with the movement of his head.
His crimson eyes stared into your (e/c) ones.
“I’m sorry.” Bakugou wrapped his arms around you. Bakugou didn’t hate affection, but he did reserve himself. He only opened up to you like this in private. His ego was a bit too big to pull some sappy stunts out in public, but this was what mattered.
“I wasn’t going to hurt you. I was just mad. I’m sorry if I scared you.” Bakugou whispered.
“I know you weren’t. I trust you.” You kiss his cheek, sliding your hands into his.
“Wanna get some pizza and watch a movie?”
“That sounds nice.” Bakugou rested his head on your shoulder, sure to be a bit soft for a while. He wasn’t always big and bad but soft Bakugou was still just as sweet.
»»————- ★ ————-««
izuku midoriya
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»»————- ★ ————-««
Bless his heart, he hates arguing. 
He’s one hell of a hero, one hell of a fighter, and he’ll beat a bitch up if he needs to.
But with you, the thought of even having to raise his voice at you makes him worry. That’s not saying that he can’t but he doesn’t like arguing, not with you at least.
He cares about you, and he doesn’t want to hurt you.
Like Todoroki, he believes there are civil ways to resolve issues, and communication and understanding, and listening are big roles in avoiding arguments.
But when some of these factors fall through, chaos is sure to ensue.
There’s a bit of a fallout with communication when Deku accidentally sends the wrong time for your date.
It’s a mistake but it happens.
The argument isn’t terrible, but it pulls on the heartstrings.
Deku’s running late. By an hour. You’re all alone at the restaurant and for the first time, you’ve been stood up.
He’d been training with All Might and didn’t have his phone. So when he sees the texts, he’s instantly on his way to shower and get dressed.
But when he arrives, the waiter tells him that you’ve just left.
Determined to make it up to you, he tries to find you. You couldn’t have gone far.
Sure enough, you’re sitting on a bench in a nearby park, listening to the trickling water from a nearby fountain.
“(Y/n)!” Deku calls for you. You turn at your name and sigh when you see it’s Deku. 
“Let me guess. You were training?” You could smell the fresh shower gel on him. You stood up to meet him.
“I was, I got my times mixed up.”
“I waited for an hour. You didn’t think to check your phone before starting training?” You ask, obviously hurt at his failure to inform you of the changed schedule.
It was an honest accident, and it felt kind of wrong to be mad, but at the same time, it still hurt.
“It was an accident!” Deku threw his hands up to try and explain but you flinched out of instinct. It wasn’t an instinct that Deku was going to hit you, but the instinct of fists coming at you. Something you’d just picked up from sparring matches.
“I-(Y/n). I’m sorry. I should’ve double-checked. Can you forgive me?” Deku quickly brought his hands down, lowering them and wrapping them around your waist to bring you in for a hug. 
You wrapped your arms around him and snuggled into his touch.
“I’m sorry too. I overreacted.” You owed him an apology. And it was accepted, as well as Deku’s apology.
“We can reschedule the booking at the restaurant-”
“Takeout and cuddling sounds a lot better than that fancy place. Besides this top is itchy.” You smile, giving him a kiss on the cheek.
“Sounds good with me. More time to spend with you.” Deku places a kiss on your forehead before placing his hand in your own to lead you back to U.A.
»»————- ★ ————-««
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deiitaelric · 3 years
split up - part 4
The young adult had more experience in cooking due to his age, so he checked the ingredients and decided on a dish himself. He started to work right immediately and kept Izuku working by his side to make sure he didn't leave a finger in the process. He started to command the other few students who went to help too, seventeen years old Katsuki included, who just wouldn’t stop complaining about being given orders. When dinner was ready, all class 3-A - plus added ones - had dinner together in small groups, the students still asking occasionally questions to their guests. 
Once he had his stomach full of delicious food, the kid reclined his exhausted body on Izuku. The greenette smiled tenderly and asked if he could pick him up, receiving a simple nod. Mini Kacchan made himself comfortable between his arms, resting his blonde head over Izuku’s shoulder. He started to fall asleep immediately even though Izuku was moving around picking up the table.
“So Bakugou-kun was this quiet, huh?” Uraraka let his eyes draw the kid factions.
“No really. I think he’s just exhausted. He had a tough day” Izuku rested his hips towards the counter, the duty finished.
“He kept looking at you all the time he was talking to us, like checking you were still there” She raised a hand and pocked one soft and round baby cheek, causing the kid to frown in his dreams.
“I’m the only one he knows here. I didn’t change that much so he recognized me at first sight”
“There are the others” The girl pointed toward the young adult and the two teens who were negotiating - or arguing about - something in a corner of the room.
“You know Kacchan, right?” Inquired Izuku, smiling with a raised eyebrow.
“Yeah, you’re right” She chuckled. “It’s cute seeing him being this openly affectionate with you, it’s unexpected but… right, you know? ”
“I know what you’re thinking” He dedicated a sad smile to the other three. “But Kacchan and I had these two past. The ‘friends’ past,” he caressed the kid’s hair making mini Kacchan to hug him tighter; “and the ‘no friends’ past” Izuku diverted his eyes back to the others, where the younger seemed to be losing his patience. Uraraka placed a comforting hand on Izuku's back and he smiled at her. “It’s okay. Is the past. We are good now and it seems like it would be even better”
She opened his mouth to say something but her eyes left him to look up right behind him. Izuku was about to turn when he felt a warm hand on the top of his head.
“Hey. Let me have him”
Izuku turned, which caused the warm hand to tousle his curls, his bangs entering in one eye. He looked up with the other eye, smiling even if he wouldn’t want to.
“Kacchan! I’m fine”
“Come on, you’ve been carrying him around for a while” The young adult tousled even more his curls but brushed the bangs away from his eye before grabbing the kid.
“Kacchan, you don’t have to, I can-”
“I know you’re strong enough to carry him, I just wanna help” The blonde settled the child on his chest and it moved something deep inside Izuku. It kinda suited him.
“Oh, well, then. Thank you, Kacchan” Izuku turned back and found Uraraka was gone. “Huh?”
“Should I put him on the couch? I think it’s late enough for him to sleep”
Izuku put his thumb between his lips, thinking about it. “He said he wanted to sleep with me so probably I should take him to my room. He said it himself so probably he’ll gone mad if I don’t take him with me”
“Yeah, he’s definitely gonna be mad if he wakes up in another place”
“I’ll take him to my room, then” Izuku made a move to grab the kid back but the young adult didn’t allow him to do so. “A-are you gonna carry him to my room?”
“This way, right?” Was all the blonde said before starting marching towards the elevator. Izuku left the room with a red glare following his flustered steps.
Izuku brushed the blonde hair away from the little face and covered him with the cover. He looked peaceful and Izuku kept looking at him until his company made a little noise. Turning, he found Older Kacchan looking at an All Might’ figurine. He smirked when his eyes met.
“You have one of these of Dynamight, you know?” Izuku held back a laugh. “Why are you laughing? I’m telling the truth” The blonde kept smirking, leaving the figurine right in place again. 
“I know”
“You’re not even a little surprised” He raised an eyebrow, not losing the smirk.
“Of course I’ll have Kacchan’s merch. I simp for the best”
“Oh? So you simp for me?” The young adult took a step, thinking it would derive one step back from Izuku. He smiled wider when it didn’t happen.
“I think you know already I’m a little bit of a fanboy”
“I still don’t get when you’ll gonna just broke under me or be full of this stubborn confidence”
“Broke un-under… Wh-what?” Izuku blushed hard, embarrassed for his own assumptions. “I-I think you should g-go to bed too, it’s getting late” The flustered boy opened the door only to find another blonde there. “Wha-chan!?”
“Fine! I’ll sleep at somebody else's” Katsuki proposed. Fuck Aizawa and his lazyness. How could two teens, a man and a little boy sleep in the same room with only one fucking bed? The kid had found himself a room to stay - fucking Deku’s -, but there were still three of them. He’ll do the same as the kid and the other two could kill each other if they wanted.
“Are you leaving me the trouble?” The young adult pointed at the teen with his head. Said teen started trembling out of annoyance.
“Go you to sleep  in somebody else’s room instead of me, then, like I fucking care”
“I’m sleeping in the fucking couch” Teen said, patience lost long ago.
“It’s all clear, then” Adult Katsuki concluded, leaving without another word. Original Katsuki found himself sighing. He would have to find himself a roommate for the night, and some spare blankets and so for his teen version. Heading towards the door, he could see how his oldest self was carrying the kid, dragging a flustered Deku behind.
When all the work was done, Katsuki cursed himself as he walked right towards Deku’s room. What was he doing, anyway? He didn’t know, and he really didn't expect what he found: a very red freckled face opening the door he was just about to knock.
The nervousness of the greenette, seeing the twentyish blonde inside his room, twisted something deep down his chest. He just frowned deeply and pointed with an angry hand to his older self.
“You. Get out”
The young adult did so, but not without stopping one second to make sure Izuku knew he could count on him for anything and tousled his hair one more time. Then he started walking away, not looking back.
Katsuki stood there, thunderstruck, until Izuku’s eyes met his’.
“Is there... Anything you want?”
Katsuki just blurted the first thing he could think.
“You better take good care of the brat”
“Of course, Kacchan”
They shared a silence and Izuku moved his feet a little uncomfortable.
“Was he-?” Katsuki started, making Izuku frown.
“Kacchan, he’s nice, okay? Did you not see how he said goodbye?”
“That’s why, I didn’t- Nevermind. I just don’t like him”
“Huh? How can you not-?”
“He acts like he knows everything, like he knows me better, like he knows you better... I don’t like it”
“He’s you but with a few more years, it’s normal he knows you better than you do now. And who would know me better than Kacchan?” Izuku shrugged, smiling at him. 
“He’s not the only one who’s pissing me off, anyway. I can’t wait for them all to fucking leave”
“I guess it’s really weird having this other ‘you’ around, but it’ll only last a few days. And the kid is pretty nostalgic”
“Whatever” Katsuki rolled his eyes and shoved his hands inside his pockets.
“Do you wanna check on him? He’s sleeping in bed” Izuku moved over to let Katsuki take a look inside the room.
“It’s fine. Are you still up for practice tomorrow?”
“Of course”
“You would have to bring the brat, tho”
“I think he would like the idea, he told me he wanted to see how much you had improved his quirk”
“His quirk, huh?” Katsuki smirked while Izuku tried to fight a laugh without success.
“Yeah, he said it was his because he’s the youngest so he’s the original and all of you are just proyections of his future self”
“...that smart fucking brat”
“You always were”
“The fucking confidence” Katsuki bonked Izuku’s head as the latter laughed again, and then he turned around. “I’ll see you tomorrow, then”
“Good night, Kacchan”
“Night, nerd”
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justanotherlifeff · 3 years
Y/n L/n!
Quirk: pure energy!
Y/n has the ability to produce a unlimited powerful energy that she can use at her deposal!
Abilities: energy shots, enhanced strength/ speed/agility, flight, healing factor, weapon creation, ultra durability, non-tiredness (she can still sleep)
What will a certain blond would do!
Aizawa: Mic, stop breaking the 4th wall...
Ahhh I had some issues with my ask box and I couldn't see any asks I got. Sorry about the late answer!
Yep I'm Stronger
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Bakugou had a weird relationship with anyone he considered as an equal and as a competition. Yes, his first instinct was to absolutely hate them while he secretly couldn’t help but respect their strength. However, when it came to you, he couldn’t help but be straight up confused about his feelings.
You joined UA as an exchange student on their second year and at first glance, the angry blonde of the class only thought of her as a random extra. One that happens to look kinda cute. Totally not worth his attention. However, that changed very quickly as soon as you showed off your quirk, things changed drastically. Not only did he find you cute, he also found you worthy of your attention.
And that is exactly what led to this dilemma. Bakugou Katsuki had a crush on someone he considered as an opponent. Due to having an emotional range of a teaspoon, it was obvious that the angry blonde had no idea on how to deal with these new feelings and he ended up doing exactly what everyone would've predicted. He just became more angry.
It started with a simple challenge of a match between the two of you and it ended up being a straight up toxic rivalry, much like the one between him and Deku. However, unlike the freckled boy, you did not hold back on your insults as well as your quirk. You see, your quirk was "Pure Energy" which allowed you to produce an unlimited amount of energy which allowed you to throw energy shots, have induced strength, agility, flight, healing factor, weapon creation, ultra durability and non tiredness. In short, your quirk was overpowered compared to Bakugou's explosion, which made every fight end with him being defeated.
While that clearly hurt his massive inflated ego, he couldn't help but get more attracted to how badass you were, which ultimately only made his anger issues become worse, resulting in more yelling around the UA dorms and ofcourse, more challenges thrown at you.
Kirishima and Midoriya, the two people who finally cracked the code of understanding the explosive boy, figured out the source of the problem as everyone tried to tolerate the constant yelling between the two of you. Yep, Bakugou had a crush on you and did not know how to deal with it. Was the entire class surprised when the two geniuses unraveled this information? Nope. They were used to Bakugou being Bakugou.
However, they really had to do something about the current predicament due to the horrible case of sound pollution in the dorms. Surprisingly, the brilliant idea of getting the two of you together came from Kaminari's head. "Why don't we make them bet on playing mario cart together? (Y/N) really sucks at gaming so Bakugou would definitely win. And they can go on a little date together after she loses and maybe with a bit of our help, Bakugou can actually confess to her." He proposed as the entire class looked at him in shock. "Why are you guys looking at me like that?" He asked, confused. "Denki-kun... YOU FINALLY SAID SOMETHING SMART!" Mina sniffled to which Kaminari responded, "Oh fuck you Mina! I'm not charging your phone again!"
The plan was finally put into action through Todoroki, who ended up challenging Bakugou, saying, "Do you not want to play Mario Cart with (L/N) because you are scared of losing?" with the straightest face possible. Ofcourse he got blown away with a huge "DON'T FUCKING UNDERESTIMATE ME HALF AND HALF BASTARD!". Which is why you found yourself losing 13 times straight in mario cart against Bakugou. Damn your over competitive ass.
The bet was that Bakugou would buy you Katsudon if you ended up winning vice versa. However, this meant you had to buy him Katsudon for 13 days straight, which would get rid of all your savings for the last few months. Bakugou hated the sad look on your face and while grumbling to himself about how stupid he's being, went to Kirishima for advice after Kaminari "discreetly" mentioned the whole savings fiasco.
"Why don't you make her help you cook dinner for the week instead? Since you always accidentally make extra servings for us, having someone to help would be easier right?" Kirishima adviced, according to plan. Unknowingly, Bakugou fell in the trap carefully laid by his classmates as he grumpily asked you to change the bet, which you happily agreed to as you didn't want to spend all your money. Little did you know that you were going to have to deal with a gordon ramsey level chef with the skills of barely frying an egg.
However, surprisingly, even after you were a complete disaster in the kitchen, Bakugou was surprisingly patient. The Bakusquad, who came with the shitty plan of making you, a kitchen hazard, cook with Bakugou, a guy who can run a 5 star restaurant if he wanted to, was very much surprised with Bakugou's patience (though he forbade you from cooking since day 2 and just talked to you while working).
Surprisingly, you found Bakugou to be a pretty decent guy when he was not mad. Infact, he stopped challenging you as much, being glad that he's better than you at atleast two things. Hell, he was super attractive while cooking. You already found him hot since day 1 but his personality pissed you off till now. However, that clearly changed by day 7 of you watching him cook.
"Damn Bakugou! How do you cook this good?" You exclaimed as you tasted the sushi he made. "Call me Katsuki Baka." Bakugou grumbled without realising what he said. "It's (Y/N). Not Baka." You mumbled blushing as you looked away, making Bakugou realise what he just said. "Bakugou's fine too." He grumbled again, trying to undo his mistake. "I like Katsuki better though..." You answered as you became as red as a tomato. "It's Katsuki for you then." Bakugou answered, blushing.
After an awkward silence, Bakugou asked, "so, are we friends or something?" To which you answered "Sure. Do you wanna be more though?". That turned the great King Explosion Murder almost explode as he answered , "I don't mind being more if that's what you want.". "I guess we are more then..." You answered with pink tinting your face as you smiled.
Another moment of awkward silence later, Bakugou answered, "you really are a baka though.". "Ehh? The fuck do you mean? I'm stronger than you!" You snapped making Bakugou smirk. "Are you though? I can game better and I can cook better. Yep, I'm stronger." He answered cockily.
"At the end, the dorms weren't saved from the sound pollution as they continued to bicker like a married couple instead!"- Present Mic
"For the last time, please stop breaking the fourth wall."- A very tired Aizawa.
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hopelesshawks · 3 years
Ash and Dust Part 7- Opportunities
18+ Dabi x fem!reader
Summary: You first meet Dabi on the worst night of your life after unwittingly walking into the very bar the League of Villains made infamous. That should probably be the end of the story. You stumble on the remnants of one of the most infamous terrorist groups in the history of Japan, get viciously murdered or call the cops and get them arrested, the end. Except that’s not the end of the story. It’s only the beginning.
Masterlist Help Lulu (Kofi)
Waking up the morning after reclaiming your bedroom (at least in part) is jarring for two reasons.
The first is that you’re waking up next to Dabi.
For some reason you thought he might wake up before you, even though he’s pretty routinely demonstrated that he’s not an early riser. Perhaps you expected the knowledge that he was sleeping in the same bed as you to perturb him enough to get him up early. Instead your eyelashes had fluttered open to find him still deeply asleep with his face only a few inches from yours.
You fully intended on simply rolling over to either fall back asleep or get on with your day but you’d found yourself enthralled with his sleeping face instead. You know Dabi’s smirks, sneers, and scowls like the back of your hand after a little over a month of living with him. His resting face, however, is entirely foreign to you. You’ve never had a moment alone with him where he wasn’t antagonizing you and it’s odd to see him so peaceful. Your eyes trace over his face, taking in the extent of the scarring on his jaw and beneath his eyes, but also appreciating the unmarred expanses of skin as well. It strikes you that Dabi is pretty. It shouldn’t be surprising considering what you’ve seen of the youngest Todoroki in the press but even still. In another world where he’d never become the wanted criminal he is today, you wonder if he’d be a heartbreaker or a sweet, gentle type. Would he be as quiet and polite as his brother seems to be or would he still get a thrill from bantering with someone who isn’t afraid to banter right back? Would he be in the tabloids with a different girl every week or settle down early with his high school sweetheart? You’re fascinated by the idea of what the scarred man before you would be without the tragedy and the trauma. You might’ve sat there just taking him in until he woke up if not for the second reason waking up that morning was so jarring.
Your phone has been pinging literally non-stop.
You’ve never resented your notification sound more as its shrill tone continues to echo in your room, putting the fragile peace at risk. Even before you found yourself as alone as you are now your phone was never this busy. As much as you try to ignore it and wait for the tidal wave of what you assume are spam notifications to end, the sound finally drives you to turn over and grab it. Your eyes widen as you take in the sheer amount of Twitter notifications you have. As you unlock your phone and navigate over to the app your mentions are literally flooded with Deku fans screaming about your talent and how lucky you are. It’s a confusing litany of fangirling that you try to weed through until you get to one mention in particular that makes your breath catch in your throat.
You got a mention from the rising hero himself.
Holy shit.
You’ve never clicked a tweet so quickly in your entire life. Not only are you stunned to find he’s seen and loved your work but he also mentions wanting to talk if you’re interested. Sure enough, when you navigate over to the messages section of the app, a feature you’ve never bothered to use, you notice a message request from Midoriya ‘Deku’ Izuku waiting for you. It takes everything in you not to scream as you read the message there over and over before finally hopping out of bed and moving to the kitchen to call the number he’d left you. It’s a little endearing that he’d been so quick to hand out his number to a complete stranger on the internet but you also can’t help but wonder how someone so naive could be the same man drawing headlines over his heroics and combat skill. You’re not exactly a Deku fangirl but it’s still wild to be dialing a celebrity’s number as you punch in the numbers and then wait for it to ring.
On literally the second ring the phone is answered. “Pro Hero Deku at your service! Who’s calling?” the young man answers chirpily. “Uhh, this is (y/l/n)? You messaged me on twitter?” “Oh! Right! Yes! Hello! One second!”
You can hear Deku excusing himself from whatever room he’s in, a disgruntled voice mumbling something you can’t hear, causing Deku to reply with a hushed “Sorry Kacchan! I’ll be right back!” before there’s more shuffling and finally the sound of a heavy door closing.
“Ok I’m back! Thanks for reaching out to me so quickly!” he finally says now that he’s, apparently, in a better place to talk.
“Yea, of course I guess I’m just shocked you liked my art so much and really appreciate you drawing so much attention to it,” you explain, feeling short of breath at how surreal the situation is.
“Of course! You’re really talented! Your work deserves to get attention!”
“Thank you but, uh, why exactly did you want me to call you?”
“Right! It’s about your artwork.”
“I want to sell it!”
“Wait well no not sell it. Or not sell that particular piece although it is a nice piece and if you wanted to theoretically you could probably sell it although I guess it’s available for free online already so maybe people wouldn’t want to pay for it. Although it’s a painting right? And people buy or pay to go see paintings you can see online all the time so maybe it wouldn’t be too bad but if it’s for your own enjoyment you may not want to give it up which would be totally understandable and also how would that work logistically? If the painting is rather large it may be unwieldy to try and ship it to whoever purchases it, in which case would you have to meet up to try and give it to them by hand? But then that necessitates meeting up with a complete stranger on the internet and what if the person who buys it doesn’t live near you or, since it is the internet, doesn’t even live in Japan? Then you have to contend with international shipping and-”
“Uhh, Deku?” you ask cautiously, barely able to process the mumbling of the young man on the phone.
“Ah! Sorry! I can kinda end up on tangents sometimes... What I mean to say is that I’m not trying to sell the painting you posted or anything but I think you’re really talented as an artist and one of my friends is looking for someone to design a new merch collection.”
One of his friends? Your mind instantly starts running through his impressive list of ex classmates. Your first thought is Dynamight and immediately you shudder at the idea. He may be years younger than you but the aggressive pro hero still scares the shit out of you. Uravity could be an interesting hero to work with although you’re not quite sure you vibe with her aesthetic. Or maybe he’s talking about the new Ingenium?
“You’re real fucking loud in the mornings, you know that Doll?” Dabi asks with a groan as he comes walking into the room with a stretch.
You hurry to shush him, not wanting to lose the opportunity being presented to you, which earns you a curious look. Before you can react Dabi is snatching your phone out of your hand and putting it on speaker. You don’t dare protest verbally and risk alerting Deku of the situation so you have to settle for glaring at Dabi as he smirks at you.
“Yea so, anyway, Shouto really needs new merch but wanted something a little more sophisticated on the designs and I feel like you’d be perfect for that you know? Making all his stuff mini works of art. So what do you say?” Deku asks, his voice still brimming with that same enthusiasm while your blood runs cold. You’re genuinely scared to look up at Dabi’s face to see what he thinks about the idea of you working with his little brother. You hold your breath, Deku’s chipper voice going nervous as he asks “Hello? You still there?”
To your immense surprise, when you finally have the courage to bring your eyes up to meet Dabi’s, he’s got an almost feral grin. “You better take the fucking job,” he hisses delightedly, sending a chill down your spine as you stutter out a response to Deku, your eyes never leaving Dabi’s.
“Yea, sorry just processing. I’d, uh, I’d be happy to help out.”
“Great! I’ll pass your number on to Shouto and you two can meet up and figure out details!”
“Cool, thanks (y/l/n)! Hopefully I’ll see you around!”
You hum noncommittally before hanging up the phone, still waiting for the other shoe to drop as you practically watch the gears turning in Dabi’s head.
“You’re…. Not mad I’m going to be working with your brother?” you ask cautiously.
“Oh no, I’m fucking delighted Doll. You know why?”
“Because you’re gonna help me have a little fun.”
A/N: We are finally starting to get to the meat of the story omg. I’m sorry this fic has been so slow going, especially compared to my others, but if you stick with I’m pretty sure it’ll be worth it. I appreciate each and every one of y’all that’s been reading this fic because main motivation to write it has been hard
Taglist: @thechroniclesofawriter @simpsfortodoroki @ahtsuwu @oliviasslut @larkspyrr @oikawaandkuroostan @tina-98 @vibesdontlie @clubfairy
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cherriesradio · 3 years
The main 3 (Bakugo, Todoroki, Deku) accidentally hurting y/n during a fight (Mentally and psychically)
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Warnings: Angst! (Fluff/ Comfort endings)
Y/n and him had fought, once again, on his anger issues
Y/n hated the fact that he got so mad he would hurt people, and how it effected his reputation as a hero student.
This time was pretty much the same as any other. Deku gets in his way some how during training, he yells, Deku tries to defend himself via apology, Bakugo gets even more angry and yells even more.
The difference was… he burned Deku, to where he had to go to recovery girl for burns.
Y/n was furious.
“How can you take his fucking side!?” Bakugo yelled, his voice ringing through y/n’s ear drums. He held himself strong and firm infront of his dorm, while y/n stood the same.
“I’m not taking sides, Katsuki! I’m saying that I’m not going to let you hurt anyone again over a small argument!” Y/n yelled somehow louder, the whole class crowding around them wanting to cover their ears.
“Shut the fuck up! You know your taking his side! With how much you like that shitty nerd, why don’t you get with him instead!” He could feel his heart pumping as it always did during fights. He may easily argue with the others without a tablespoon of guilt, but whenever he fought with y/n his heart seemed to break more and more by the second.
“Stop being overdramatic! I’m not taking sides, and I don’t like him like I love you, idiot!” Y/n tightly closed their eyes knowing that tears would come up any second now. The fact that he told them to get with someone he seemed to hate made their blood boil. They loved him and only him.
He walked forward, noticing the tears running down y/n’s face. He wanted so hard to wipe them away and for them to bury their face in his chest, softly combing his hand through their hair and telling them that he didn’t mean that, that he loved them so much, he would give up everything for them.
He put his hand firmly on their shoulder, trying to tell them that he wanted to help them right now. And he wanted to stop fighting.
But, of course, this was right after late night training. He was still sweaty and hot. And as his quirk works… he burned their shoulder. Not enough for recovery girl, but enough to leave a mark.
Y/n stepped back, processing what had just happened. They were in shook and didn’t feel the burn at first, but soon the numbness gave away. It hurt like hell. They quickly ran in the other direction to their own dorm, violentlypushing the others out of the way.
Bakugo’s face of shook made the others feel unsettled. They quickly separated, all ready to talk and gossip about it in the morning.
His footsteps echoed through the halls, not able to catch up before y/n slammed and locked the door.
“Y/n! Y/n, please! I’m so sorry, I-I was still sweaty after training and I was so worried about you crying and I just-“ He slammed his fist against the door, much harder than he intended.
He then quieted down, wanting to see if he could hear anything. Gently, clearly trying to be hidden, small cries came from the other side. He heared slow footsteps towards the door and y/n leaning their head on the door.
“…” Y/n started quiet. Bakugo leaned his head on the spot he thought y/n leaned theirs. “That hurt, Bakugo Katsuki.” They said just loud enough to be heard though the door.
“Please, Firecracker, let me in. I need to tell you that I’m sorry.” His eyes dropped with regret. A part of him wished everyone else was there still to see how much he really cares for his lover.
He could feel them slowly open the door, a small creak coming from the crappy floorboards.
“Firecracker?” He said with a sad smile as y/n peaked out from the inside. They nodded to themself and opened the door.
“Katsu? Are… are we okay, right now?” They mutter, standing, trembling at their door. Bakugo didn’t dare touch them, knowing he would scare them again.
His pride returned from y/n opening the door for him, seeing him as good enough for it. He wanted so hard to apologize. But being Bakugo Katsuki, he had a hard time saying sorry.
“I- um… I’m really, really, really, really sorry, Y/n. I know I shouldn’t have yelled at you, you were just trying to help, and I was being petty and telling you to get with Deku, and I was so emotional in the moment and my quirk just went without thinking-“ His ranting was interrupted by y/n cupping his face with their hands.
“It’s fine, Katsu. I’ll need an ice pack, but beside that I’ll be fine. I’m glad you said sorry, I love you so much. Really.” Y/n said, their skin feeling warm on Bakugo’s cheeks. Bakugo gently smiled, his eyes closed, and held y/n’s hands to his face, wanting so much more but at the same time for nothing to ever change from this moment.
“Do you think it’ll leave a scar?” He asked under his breath. Y/n paused and nodded.
“Not a big one. Wont last forever, maybe a few days.” Y/n sighed, knowing this would make Bakugo feel awful. He was visibly saddened by this, as expected.
“I’m sorry. It’s my fault for being so angry all the time.” He looked away, not daring to look them in the eye. His eyes switched from their bed to the doorframe, back to the bed.
“How about you try showing this side of you, one that can feel guilt and cares about others, to other people besides me?” Y/n asked in a rather joking tone, even though they weren’t joking in the slightest.
He looked down at his bare feet for a second, then back up, into their eyes that he could get lost in forever. “I think, maybe I could. I like having that side only being yours, though. So you know I’m yours, and your mine.”
Y/n chuckled. “Maybe share that love with the whole world.” They got on their tippy toes and kissed his forehead. “Now, you should go to bed. It’s about nine, which is late for you.”
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Y/n and him barely argued.
If a issue came up they would sit down and talk about it like mature adults, even if the others tried to drop in and put thier opinion in because they found it funny.
Y/n very much understood that Todoroki, even after Deku’s empowering speech at the sports festival, didn’t like using his fire quirk.
There would be times where he would use it with a small grudge, and others where they could tell he wanted to stop using it so badly.
But the difference between this time and any other using his left side, was that they couldn’t see and ounce of guilt in his eyes as he practically burnt Bakugo to a crisp while defending Deku.
It was normal for Bakugo to make fun of the Dekusquad, to their faces. Todorki usually stood and took it, occasionally asking him politely to shut his dirty mouth.
But this time instead of his normal polite suggestion, Todorki decided that the best way to get him to stop was to leave a mark. Something to remind him when he tried.
Y/n was disappointed, they thought Todoroki could hold his cool like normal. They didn’t want to yell. Or scream. Or tell him that he should regret it. Of course not. But… it just came out. Sometimes, you just need to scream.
“You can’t just burn someone alive, Todoroki!” Y/n shouted across the empty common room, staring down Todorki like he was a completely different person. And like the rest of the night, he stared right back, in complete silence. No emotion, expression, nothing.
Y/n bite their bottom lip. “I’m so mad at you right now!” They pulled themselves in, slouching into themselves. “I know he sorta deserves it but still! You didn’t even feel bad!”
Todoroki looked emotionless. Uncaring, zoning out from the quiet mutters of hurt y/n so didn’t want him to hears. But he wasn’t. He wanted so hard to say sorry, yell it from the roof tops that he regrets it and he knows he lost himself.
He knew that the image of flames circling around the two, burning the parts of Bakugo that weren’t used to such heat, must be repeating in y/n’s head. If it weren’t for his quirk Bakugo would have been even more hurt.
Y/n stood, silent. No more words could possibly explain how they felt in the moment. They wanted to run and hide from the shame they felt from Todoroki’s calm face. Yet at the same time they wanted to jump into his arms and tell him that they didn’t want to hurt him, that he was trying his best to do good and they know it.
So they ran, and ran, and ran to their dorm room. The grey walls seemed to close in on them, shoving them into a little box of angst and worry.
Todorki, right after processing what happened, went straight to Deku. He, being the one other person in the class with a girlfriend or lover, was someone who had to know what to do when their upset.
“Hm. Well, last time Ochako got mad at me I let her have a little while to herself to think everything through, and then we talked and everything was better! I’m sure they can’t be mad at you forever!” His sympathetic smile let out a little bit of warmth in Todokri’s cold thought. They won’t be mad forever, because they just can’t be. Unlike him.
So, he waits. He gives them a day, starts walking to their dorm, thinks “maybe it’s to soon?” Waits. Then, the same thing again. And again. Till it’s been a whole week and the two haven’t talked once.
Y/n swallows hard, not sure if they have the courage to go up to Todoroki.
“To-Todoroki?” They said, hovering over him as he read Sherlock on the common room couch. They had already slyly shooed doors everyone out of the room back to their independent dorms.
“Y/n?” He gently said, glancing over his book. They were glad he still held onto the small warmth in his voice when he said their name.
They sighed. “I’m so sorry. Are we okay? I know I should have yelled at you but it just came out, and we should’ve just talked it out like normal, and I-“ They said, running their hand through their hair. Till Todoroki gently cupped their face with both his cold yet warm hands.
“Thank you for apologizing. I realize now that I should have let you think about it for so long, I asked Deku what I should do and he said to give you time to think.” He softly, yet awkwardly, chuckled. “I guess I gave you a little more time then needed.”
Y/n’s eyes glossed and they lowered their head, giving him a small peck on his forehead. Their whole body let go of tense that y/n had no idea they had as soon as they hit contract.
“I love you.” They whispered, lowering to their knees and resting their head on his knees.
“I love you, too. More then you can ever imagine.”
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Deku always hated arguments. (Same)
Similar to Todoroki, Y/n and him agreed a long time ago to just… talk.
So here’s the tea sis……. He may or may not have broken ANOTHER BONE during a villain fight that he didn’t need to get in at the grocery store 👉👈🥲
Arguement in the recovery room
“Izuku, what is wrong with you!? I swear, I was gonna have a heart attack when Bakugo, of all people, told me!” Y/n yelled, talking with their hands. They weren’t even looking at Deku, a small part of them knowing he would either be crying or on his way to be. “I mean, there was a hero across the street in the footage! Across the street! He only didn’t notice cause he was wearing headphones for some dumb reason!”
They let out a loud groan and put their hands into fists, facing the window. “I just hate that you keep hurting yourself.” They looked down, their eyes looking droopy.
“I’m sorry, Y/n. You know I love you.” He stuttered, not knowing what else he could say. They glance back at him, their eyes glossy. They stayed silent for a few moments.
“This is not about wether or not you love me. I know that you do, and I love you too. But you know… it hurts me when you get hurt.”
His eyes widened. “How would me getting hurt hurt you? You look just fine-“ Deku started, quickly interrupted.
“Not physically!” You faceplamed. “It hurts me so much when you carelessly break a bone, sometimes several! You always talk about how your doing everything to live up to how people have helped you, yet your hurting them so much from hurting yourself!”
If he could have he would have taken a few steps back from surprise. He hasn’t ever seen you angry. Of course he was used to people being mad at him, heck, he was friends with Bakugo for years.
But seeing the love of his life, hurting, angry, bought to tears because of how much they saddened from him getting in danger.
He had long realized that break bone after bone wasn’t good for him. But this moment, seeing boiling hot tears stream down your cheeks, staring right in his eyes, wanting so much to say something that would possibly explain what your thinking… it hit.
“I- love- I- I’m sorry, I-I- I never realized I was h-hurting you, a-all of you-“ He hiccuped, unable to keep his tears down when staring right back at you.
You wiped your forearm across your face not wanting to cry right now. You were meant to be angry, be boiling, be furious. You were, only seconds ago. But right now what you needed was for him to hold you, and to tell you that both of you are going to be okay.
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“I’m sorry, Izuku.” You bite your lip, hard. “I’m so sorry. I’m so stupid, how can I expect you, brave, fearless you, not to try to save someone! Even when someone’s around you have to be so overwhelmingly selfless!” You cried.
“Love.” His exhaled, unable to feel anything different for you. “Please. Just… just come here, I- I need you right now.”
You slowly sta on the chair next to his bed, moving it as close to the bed as possible. You laid your head on his stomach, arms crossed on him. You had your eyes just above your arms, looking right on him and his freckly features. 
He set his hand on your head, gently playing with your hair. “I’m sorry. I’ll make sure not to hurt myself. I don’t wanna hurt you, or anyone.”
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galactic-magick · 4 years
I Promise: Iida x Reader
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Summary: Iida finds you late at night after an anxiety attack and commits himself to helping you get better and being there for you.
Words: 1300+                                        
Warnings: anxiety attacks, hurt/comfort, a swear I think
Author’s Notes: Iida is underrated I’m in love with him so here y’all go my fellow simps
After grabbing a snack and some water, you settle down on the couch in the common area. It’s late and no one else is here, but you like it that way. Whenever you can’t sleep, you’ve found getting a change of scenery for a bit can help, especially after what you just went through.
Your anxiety attacks have gotten worse and more frequent lately, and it’s taking a toll on pretty much everything in your life. You’re struggling to eat and sleep and study, and spend most of your time in your room out of fear of bothering everyone else. Of course you know everyone’s going through similar things, but it still feels like it’s harder for you. Even with all the support the school is offering, it doesn’t fix all the trauma you’ve experienced in your time here.
The worst of it is over now, your body isn’t shaking anymore, but you’re still tense. Your face is still wet from the tears and your hair is a mess, but you can’t bring yourself to care, especially since you’re alone.
“Who’s there?” a voice demands, making you jump. The figure comes into the dim light, revealing it to be Iida. “Y/N?”
You nod, trying to hide your face and smoothing your hair.
“It’s late. It’s against the rules to be up and about during these hours,”
“You’re up and about during these hours,”
He winces a bit at your accusation, “As class rep, I always check on everything at night at least once. It’s my job, therefore I am above that rule,”
“Right,” you say, going back to your snack and water.
Iida moves in front of you, making it impossible for you to avoid his gaze, “You need to go back to bed,”
“I will, I promise. I’m just…not feeling good,”
“Would you like me to take you to see Recovery Girl?”
You shake your head, “I don’t think it’s something she can fix,” you try to hold it back, but a few tears start falling again.
Iida’s expression softens, and he takes a seat next to you on the couch, “What happened?”
“It’s nothing…I’ve just been having some anxiety attacks and the only thing that seems to help is sitting out here, but I guess that’s not allowed,”
“I-“ he watches you, unsure what to do to soothe you. “I suppose we can make an exception,”
A small smile breaks through the tears, “Thanks,”
“How long has this been going on?”
“I started having them after the first villain attack, but since then with everything else that’s happened they’ve gotten worse, and now I’m having them pretty much every night,”
There’s a silence.
“I’m so sorry,” he finally says. “I promise I will do everything I can to help,”
You sigh, “I just…I don’t know if there’s anything you can do,”
“I promise,” he says more firmly.
 Well, he certainly did keep his promise. Every single night after that, he’d wait on the couch for a couple hours after everyone else had gone to bed, there for you in case you couldn’t sleep again. Since that was pretty much every time, you end up spending a lot of nights together.
He talks to you for however long you need, helping you distract yourself and wind down. He checks on you during the day as well, making sure you’re managing okay despite your lack of rest and peace.
He encourages you to seek outside help as well, but he doesn’t push you. UA offers free counseling and therapy for all students, and even though you’ve gone a few times, you finally decide to start going more consistently. You’re not expecting a magical fix, but at the very least it feels nice to talk to someone who specializes in dealing with what you are.
Some of the other students have taken notice to Iida’s special treatment, and how you’re the only one he’ll allow to bend the rules. Most of them are annoyed by it but don’t bother to point it out, but some of them have no problem voicing their opinions.
“Why do you only get mad when I’m late to class?”
“How come it’s okay for Y/N to bake a cake at 2AM but I can’t?”
Thankfully they’re not necessarily aiming their frustrations at you. After all, it’s not your fault Iida wanted to help you. You’re grateful of course, but you didn’t ask for it.
A couple months go by and you’re doing a bit better. Your therapist offered to notify your doctor so you might be able to get on medication. The anxiety attacks haven’t stopped, but they’ve lessened to a few times a week rather than every single night. Iida’s always waiting for you when you have them, there to get you whatever you need.
A couple of your classmates have asked you if you’re dating, and honestly you’ve never really considered anything like that. From the beginning you assumed he genuinely wanted to help you, and he’d do this for anyone, right?
Of course he would. Why would he even like you anyway since he always saw you at your worst?
You brush off the question.
Unfortunately, just as you think things are getting better, tonight it all breaks down. You haven’t had one this bad in a while, and you’re not really sure what brought it on, but as soon as you’re able to move you run to the common room.
Iida is there as usual, with an unusual expression on his face. He appears happy to see you, but there’s a sadness in his eyes. He puts down the textbook he was reading and meets your gaze, tears streaming down your face.
Without thinking, you collapse onto him, sobbing into his chest. He stiffens, but cautiously wraps his arms around you, holding you tight.
He doesn’t loosen his grip for a single second until your cries slow down, enough so you can pull away and look at him.
“I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have done that,” you mumble.
“I assure you that you did nothing wrong,”
You nod, not bothering to argue any further.
“Do you feel better?”
“Yeah, actually…” you say. “You’re really calming I guess,”
“I’m glad,” he smiles.
You adjust a bit so your head is resting against his shoulder, “Is it okay if I stay here? Until I fall asleep?”
“Of course,”
 “I knew something was going on!”
“Don’t worry guys, I’m getting a bunch of blackmail pictures!”
“Should we tell Professor Aizawa?”
“Nah, this is too funny!”
“Maybe you guys should just leave them alone…”
“Fuck off, Deku,”
Your eyes flutter open to see almost your whole class watching you, and you jump off the couch. Iida wakes from the commotion as well, standing up and looking at everyone.
“Delete those right this second!” he scolds them.
“No, I don’t think I will,”
“So did you guys…like…” Mineta snickers.
You run back towards your room and Iida follows you, leaving all the gossiping behind.
“I sincerely apologize,” he says after catching up to you. “I never meant to fall asleep as well, I was going to carry you back to your bed, but-“
“Iida, it’s okay,” you laugh. “That was embarrassing, yeah, but it was worth it. I slept better than I have in years last night,”
“That’s…good to hear,” he nods.
You shift on your feet, “You’re sure I didn’t make you uncomfortable? It’ll never happen again if it did-“
Suddenly his arms are around you again in the warmest hug you’ve ever experienced, and you feel like you might cry again.
“You could never make me feel uncomfortable,” he squeezes you once more before pulling away, his hands still on your shoulders. “I’ll see you in class, alright?”
“Okay,” you smile, still a bit in shock from the gesture, watching him walk away back to his own room.
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denkisdurag · 4 years
midoriya, bakugo, todoroki x reader
summary : they hear you blasting music in your dorm and come to check it out bc bro what is goin on up there (headcanon)
warnings: swearing, ex-boyfriends/romance ???, it's mostly just humorous fluff lol
a/n: u kinda have to be black to read bakugo's because reader says the n-word i'm sorry 😔 also bakugo's is like super long bc i was gettin into it so yeah
(bakugo’s a lil ooc ,,)
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izuku midoriya - smile by lily allen
first, lemme just say, bless deku's heart
mans really thought you were blasting music because you were in your feelings
but bro, you were e c s t a t i c
you had finally cut things off with your toxic boyfriend
ex now ahahahaha
and deku knew that you had broken up
so now you were vibin in your dorm
and broccoli baby thought something was wrong
so when he walked up to your door and opened it
he was extremely surprised to see you joyfully jumping around
taking a second to acknowledge the music playing, he chuckled to himself
"lily allen." he whispered under his breath with a small grin
he was more than aware of the kind of music she made
he thought you would've been crying or something
thought you would feel at least a little sad
yet here you were, doing the dougie
and then ???
you break out ???
in like ???
a choreographed number ?????
it looked like you had been preparing for this for ages
but considering how long you were with your ex, that didn't seem so farfetched
and you were, in fact, smiling
getting a sudden burst of confidence, deku swung the door open
and starts singing with you
you jump and turn around, smiling once you realize who it is
even if he was a lil off key
you were enjoying yourselves
the vibes ? top tier. immaculate. show stopping. never seen before–
eventually the song ends and y'all leave the dorms together
and went downstairs to dine
your ex saw you two
and angrily stomped off
but needless to say, you got over that man q u i c k
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katsuki bakugo - murder on my mind by ynw melly
first of all, mans was tryna nap
so what the fuck bro
your boyfriend had cheated on you and you had just broken up with him
as u should
obviously, you were moody
bc who wouldn't be
and as a result
you decided to blast music on your giant speakers you somehow managed to get into the school, let alone your dorm
no one was in the room so you didn't think of any consequences
and so it began
you started the song
and upped the bass as much as possible
nigga you were loud as hell
meanwhile, bakugo is like a few floors away
he doesn't appreciate your volume
at all
but of course, who's gonna stop you, he's not even up here
after trying and failing to cover his ears with his pillow, he charges up the stairs
mans was mAd
the chorus hits just as he opens the door
and you, of course, are stood up, but hunched over, screaming with everything you got
he just kinda stands there like
what in the h e l l did mans do to you
he's like ,, frozen
but you aren't facing the door anyway
"AK-47 MAC-11 GLOCKS AND 9's" as you shoot finger guns literally everywhere around you
then you start sadly throwing it back ???
like ?? you're bent over and shakin' all that ass ?? but with a discouraged look on ur face ?????
he's still standing there
you turn around and notice
like "bro there's a whole nigga at the door"
so you guys are just kinda ,, staring at each other while deafening music is just playing in background and the floor is shaking due to the bass boost
but remembering why you were doing this in the first place, you continue sorrowly throwing it back and screaming the lyrics
instead of cussing you out like he planned
bakugo realizes what this is all about (he had heard the rumors floating around about you and your bf)
and feels ??? bad ?????
so without thinking about what he's doing
he sighs and steps into the dorm
"I GOT MURDER ON MY MIND I GOT MURDER ON MY MIND" he screams, submitting himself to the angst
as the chorus starts up again, you look at him, foggy eyed
walking over, you grab his hands and he stiffens
but as you whip your head back, looking up at the ceiling
he realizes and does the same
and now,
at the top of both of your lungs ,,
"AK-47's MAC-11's GLOCKS AND 9's"
you got closer to him and wrapped your arms around his neck, resting your head on his shoulder but aiming your mouth away from his ear
reluctantly, he wraps his own arms around your torso, looking slightly up again
and you two stayed like that for lord knows how long, blasting songs filled with angst and screaming them with just as much, if not more attitude
and you bET that you threw it back a lot more
like damn bitch slay but at least leave some ass for the rest of us 😤
bakugo lowkey wanted to catch it all
but he thought it wasn't the right time
he's respectful 😌
one of the songs that played was smack a bitch by rico nasty and y'all got h y p e
you may have lost a boyfriend but you made a boy friend aw
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shoto todoroki - raindrops (an angel cried) by ariana grande
when todoroki walks past your dorm
he can hear your soft cries and a just as soft song
his eyebrows furrow
cracking the door open and peeking through, he sees you sat on your bed and leaning on the frame, face tear-streaked and eyes shut
but then you do the unthinkable and start singing along
"when raindrops fell,"
as soon as he heard your voice, he froze and his face tinted pink
"down from the sky,"
"the day you left me,"
"an angel cried."
the way you hit all the runs perfectly
the way you had so much passion in such a quiet song
"ohhhh, she cried."
"an angel cried."
he closed his eyes, enjoying what he was hearing
"she criiiied."
that was it.
that final high note.
he was sold.
softly, he knocked on the door, "may i come in?" even if he was concerned, his voice remained monotonous
you sniffled, "i guess."
he sat with you and asked what was wrong and it all spilled out
you immediately confided everything in him
you weren't sure why
but you couldn't stop
it just kept coming
by the time you had finished telling him everything, you were in his lap, arms around his neck, sobbing into his shirt
bruh how'd the hell you get there ,,, chile anyways
he was happy you trusted him with all that
and your relationship simply bloomed
all because he thought your singing was pretty
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elmariachu · 3 years
basically y/n stood up for her bestie deku against her other bestie bakugo and she wanted to go see him cs shes tired of seeing the two of them, mostly bakugo constantly at deku's throat ... -Part 1- (reader x bakugo x kirishima fluff)
first attempt at bnha fic... ill drop second part tmr
warnings : contains strong language lol
fluff ???? sfw!
Knock knock
"Who the hell is it?"A raspy, rugged voice called out or rather shouted out from the other side of the door.
'It's me.. y/n. I uh.." She hesitated for a moment, her mind drawing a blank at the sound of his slightly quavering voice. It's only about 7 PM, she thought to herself, surely he hadn't gone to bed yet... But was he maybe napping?
Fearing what his reaction to her next words might be, & despite having gone through this scene in her head many times, She kept quiet, her mind racing to find a valid reason for her to be at his dorm this late in the night.
"What the heck do you want?" Bakugo screamed out angrily, not attempting to hide his impatience.
"Bakugo... Listen, can we talk?" Her voice sounded, a tad desperate.
"Talk about what? I have nothing to say to you, dimwit. " He replied.
"Please? Bakugo, I just want to..." Sigh, She beat herself on the inside
Why did I think this would work? She wondered.
Her thoughts were quickly cut short.
"-If this whole thing is about what happened earlier, fucking save it. I don't want to hear any stupid shit you have to say. Go back to your room and leave me the fuck alone."
"Shitty nerd."
Holy, why was he so mad? It's nothing she wasn't accustomed to, but he really did sound pretty pissed, she thought. Maybe this was a bad idea. Or maybe nighttime was just a bad time for her to try to approach him...
Still, she didn't want to leave just yet, this will unquestionably pester her and leave her restless during the hours to come, and a sleepless school night didn't sound all that appealing to her.
"Bakugo... Please?" She begged.
No answer.
She sighed and rested her forehead against his door. She felt wronged, it was him that injured her, and she just wanted to see if he was okay, why was he mad? Ugh.
She did know why, but she still wanted someone to feel sorry for her. More so after being reprimanded by all of her classmates for jumping headlong into danger.
What was I supposed to do? She quietly thought. Just let him get scalded alive? Granted, those around were trying to help too, but their quirks were either too strong or too slow.
He could've handled it, he has better control of his quirk you know.
You shouldn't have done that, y/n, now it's the both of you that are hurt.
That was pretty stupid of you.
Yeah, yeah. I didn't care. I could deal with that much. I had a strong quirk after all.
All I could think back to upon seeing his frightened look at the sight of Bakugo revving up in preparation for an attack was the softness and warmth in his eyes when talking to me or any of the others. The expression which I steadily grew fond of.
Although I knew nothing of what they had going on between them,
I was simply sick of seeing him get pushed that far.
As she was lost in thought, trying to justify her appearance outside of Bakugo's dorm, she heard the nearby door to the left push open to which she slowly turned her head, moving it a few inches away from Bakugo's. Only for her eyes to land on a red, spikey set of hair strands.
He looked back at her inquisitively as he shut the door behind him.
" ...Y/n? Hey! is everything okay?" He asked with a fairly concerned look on his face.
"Oh, hey Kiri, yea... Why?" Seeing him was a breath of fresh air. But not in my current state. It was pretty obvious. I looked pathetic. She thought. Everything wasn't okay. I was alone in the boys' dorm section for one and... I was leaning against Bakugo's door for two. He probably heard him shouting on full blast a moment ago. No. I think all of UA did. Sigh
"What are you doing in front of Bakugo's room..?" He questioned.
I looked back at him silently. Wary so as not to piss the blond off any more than he already is, also a bit embarrassed by his question.
He quickly continues just as I'm about to answer.
"Do you feel better? you look better! And you came all the way here, I'm guessing you want to talk to him about what happened?"
"I do feel better, way better." And, yeah.." I continue "I was trying to." I say to him in a low, breathy voice. Flashing him a sarcastic smirk.
"I guess that explains all the yelling I heard just now." He replied back with a snicker.
"Well yeah... Heh. He seems really angry at me. I'm not sure if it's about what happened earlier or... some other reason?" I wait for his answer anxiously.
"That's the ol' Bakugo, you know how he is, you've been friends with us for long enough!" He says enthusiastically.
My visible worry seems to put him on edge, however. I notice his expression shift to a more serious one as he opens his mouth to speak again.
"y/n, you know, I get that you're worried about him and Midoriya and all, but I really think he should probably be left alone for now. " "He's upset.."
"Is he mad at me?"
"I guess so. But, I also think he's maybe feeling a bit of guilt."
I widen my eyes at his words.
"You know, I never expected him to actually do that to you, even if he meant to use it on Midoriya. The blast was too strong, I'm even surprised you're standing here right now."
"I guess I have my quirk to thank for that." I snickered.
"Yeah haha! your quirk is actually pretty strong, huh?" He replied.
"..Well, when used right, it is. But I guess I couldn't focus on many things at once? I managed to teleport in time to push Midoriya out of the way but as I tried to freeze Bakugo in place, the blast still went off. I'm assuming it's the same thing that happened with Todoroki's quirk.. How it's ineffective against heat or cold.."
"Huh, Wow... Is that how it works?-"
"-SHUT THE HELL UP YOU TWO FUCKING IDIOTS" A loud, angry bark let out from the room in front of me. Causing both of us to jump.
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xtodorcki · 3 years
“Stars Aligned,” Ch 6
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This is my fanfic on wattpad on @/ xTodorcki, there are currently 11 chapters posted on there and I’m slowly posting them here🥰
A/N: just a warning, you know how high school parties go🤧 a lil bit of alcohol intake, prob more dirty talk than usual, prob some drug intake— most likely only marijuana. if that bothers you, might want to skip this chapter, not much is going to be missed if you do unless you want to see some Y/N x Bakugou action🤭 Thank youuu.
Your feet had made its way to the front of Yaoyorozu's house but you were hesitant to actually go up the steps to the front door. Her house was massive and you had to sit there in awe at it, definitely twice or even three times bigger than yours. You couldn't even imagine living in a huge house just with your dad.
You held onto your bag, finally having the courage to walk up and before you could knock on the door, it was swung open by Yaoyorozu, catching you by surprise.
"Oh hey! Come in." You stepped inside, looking around the house and seen most of the classmates in the other room.
You had second thoughts about being here, you were never the type of person to be open and thrilled about going to a party. At your old school, you had a few friends sure and there were a couple of hang outs/sleep overs but never went to a party where it had more than 10 people in it.
The bag you were holding was dropped on the floor by the door along with your shoes being kicked off your feet. You followed your classmate to the next room and said hello to everyone but Bakugou, of course, didn't say much.
You decided to be a pain and sit beside him, purposely bumping shoulders with him as you got comfortable between Bakugou and Kirishima. The small laugh couldn't help but leave your lips when you heard him mumble under his breath and try to scoot away, the couch being right from the amount of people squished together on it.
The evening went by pretty fast, the many pizza boxes were spread out across the living room and it was already getting late but it didn't bother you, which was surprising considering when you go to someone's house, you would be quick to leave by the time it hits dark but oddly enough, you felt comfortable here.
"Alright, now that it's getting dark- the real fun can begin." You glanced over at Mineta, who even invited him? You thought to yourself but this was a class 1A type party so not surprising that he would be here even without an invite.
"I hate to agree with him but we did bring games and other stuff." Denki had grabbed his bag and the cheesy grin on his face said it all, he was quick to pull out bottles of alcohol. You were caught off guard with how this took a quick turn but you were aware of the possibilities of a small high school party.
"I'm down if everyone else is." Yaoyorozu shrugged, grabbing one of the bottles out of his hands and spun the cap off.
"Maybe we should do a drinking game? Could make it more fun. Spin the bottle? That would make things interesting but could make people wasted if they decline to kiss which I'm sure most of you would." She explained, humming to herself and you sunk back into the cushions, what did I get myself into.
"Or! We could do truth or dare or shot, same as truth or dare but if you refuse to do the truth or dare, you drink." Denki spoke after she did and they got into a whole conversation about games and you started to grow nervous. This could get real awkward or real heated a little too fast and that's what made your palms sweat a bit.
You've tried alcohol, sure, if you consider stealing a sip from your dads stash then spitting it out in the sink. It wasn't a pleasant taste and now you would have to act like you actually enjoy it to not look like a wuss here.
"Are you sure we should be doing this guys? What if we somehow get caught?" Midoryia finally spoke up and even though you would hate to agree with your anxiety filled friend, you were also worried about the possibilities that could somehow happen.
"Quit being a baby! We're fine and this house is empty, it'll be fun!" Ashido had tried to reassure Midoryia but you could tell he still had that look of concern written on his face.
"Are you losers going to start or what?" Bakugou's evil grin was spread across his face, you weren't surprised at his excitement about this, he was always wanting to do something he probably shouldn't.
"Okay, we'll just start off with the truth, dare or shot first then get to the rest once we've all had our shots." Denki brought up, making everyone sit in pretty much a circle on the living room floor.
You stayed by the couch between Kirishima and Bakugou, instead on the floor with your backs pressed against the couch. Your palms were growing even more sweaty, you couldn't believe how nervous you actually were but the thought of your dad finding out was pretty scary to say the least and his punishment would definitely be hardcore training which you hated.
"I'll go first and since Midoryia is so scared, he's getting the heat first." Kaminari laughed, watching the pure panic on his face.
"Deku, truth or dare." He started off.
"Easy, truth."
"Easy? Who said I'm making this easy?"
You knew where this was going to lead to and you couldn't help but laugh at his reaction and him almost pissing his pants trying to figure out what he was going to tell him to do.
"Since you wanted truth, I want you to look around and tell us which girl you would want to date." Denki was evil, he knew deep down that Deku would panic and probably turn bright red. He also knew that Uraraka had a crush on Midoryia- you were sure the whole class knew actually.
"I- um, I don't know, I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings." He began to panic and overthink the question a little too much and it was entertaining to see his eyes wonder around the room trying not to make eye contact.
"Come on! No ones feelings are going to get hurt, it's a harmless game... unless you want to take a shot?" Denki smirked, pouring a shot and sliding it across the small coffee table towards him.
It took Midoryia about five minutes and people shouting at him to decide, his panic mindset made him spiral and take the shot without realizing what he did. The look of disgust on his face made the whole room laugh as he tried his best to swallow and grab a soda, drowning down the strong bitter taste.
"Okay, Deku, your turn to ask away."
"Um, okay."
Two hours have passed and you were thankful the questions that were given weren't too much. Some were to the point where you have taken a couple of shots but altogether the whole class has taken a couple and this is where you knew things were gonna take a turn.
"Ok, I want to make things more fun. Uraraka, truth or dare." Yaoyorozu smirked at her and your eyes went wide when Uraraka had chosen dare, her first time doing so tonight.
"Okay, I dare you to kiss one of the guys, your choice but I think we all know who the obvious choice is here."
Everyone looked at Uraraka, some of the guys being dramatic and causing a scene with their quiet "oooos" and "Deku's up"
You could tell she grew quiet and nervous, she could take a shot but even you could tell that she's taken enough and on the look of her face, she didn't want to take anymore considering she almost threw up from the last shot she had to take.
She got on her feet, everyone cheering her on and your eyes trailed over to Midoryia who was trying to play dumb at the game, trying to convince himself that it wasn't him that she was going to go kiss.
And he was right, her feet made their way over to the opposite direction of Midoryia and soon, everyone's attention was on her as she stood in front of.... Bakugou???
Your eyes grew wide, looking beside you at him as he furrowed his eyebrows and shook his head repeatedly at her.
"I know damn well you're not choosing me." He stared at her, his red eyes seem to get more fiery red as her face drained with color with how much of a pain he's being.
"Trust me, I don't have a crush on you but your the only guy that won't make this weird." She leaned down, whispering under her breath towards him and he scoffed under his breath as well.
"What makes you think I want to kiss you? Out of everyone here? You? Are you an idiot?" Katsuki was fighting back and to your surprise, she didn't care and was quick to smash her lips on his and pull back less than a second later and made her way back to her spot.
You were quiet and you looked at his face, him growing red and you couldn't tell if he was mad or blushing but the small pit in your stomach, the hint of jealously that haunted over you made you want to leave and go home. It's not that you liked Bakugou, you actually hated him at times but the other times you two surprisingly got along.
The small hint of jealously that was held over your head like a dark rainy cloud was painful to even feel because there was no feelings towards Bakugou in that way, maybe it was just because Uraraka is definitely not his type and out of all the guys, she chose Katsuki.
"Uraraka, your turn."
"Oh- yeah, I guess I'll choose Bakugou then. Truth or dare."
"Dare, I'm not a wuss like the rest of these guys."
"Ok, dare. I dare you to... to..."
"Kiss Y/N! A real kiss, none of that fake pecking shit." Yaoyorozu cut Uraraka off and your eyes almost popped out of their sockets as you glared at her for even suggesting that. He just kissed Uraraka and now they want him to kiss me?????
The anger was evident on your face, Yaoyorozu knew what she was doing with this because just by the look of your face minutes before— she could tell you felt a bit jealous of Uraraka but not for the reason she thinks and that's what made you boil inside.
"Kiss this idiot? Seriously? What is it with you girls and fucking kissing?" Katsuki grew annoyed and you somewhat agreed with him, what was it about these people and kissing?
Uraraka and Bakugou weren't even the first pair to share a kiss. Just 30 minutes ago, Ashido was dared to kiss Sero which she did and now the more drinks people have, the more kissing there is.
"Y/N hasn't had any action yet! C'mon, don't be lame and kiss." Yaoyorozu argued back and this made your face heat up in embarrassment and anger.
Bakugou had glanced over at you, he was angry and you could tell. Your eyes had met but you were quick to turn away from his intense stare.
"You guys are assholes." You said aloud, shaking you head as you reached over and grabbed a shot glass, about to pour yourself one before taking the whole bottle up to your lips and took a few gulps before setting it down.
"I hate every single one of you, remember that." You mentioned again, your eyes turning to meet his again as your palms grew sweaty.
"Just know, I'll hate this more than you." Katsuki said and you shook your head.
"Doubt that. Why not just take a shot if you hate me that much?"
"I don't want another shot."
"Then why are you complaining?"
"Just shut up you idiot so we can get this over with."
"God, you piss me off, Katsuki." You rolled your eyes at him, he was either stalling or debating on taking that shot instead but it was annoying you.
"You piss me off more, don't flatter yourself."
"Oh c'mon! The tension between you two is begging for a make out session, hurry up!" Kirishima laughed and nudged you closer to Bakugou and you groaned at how stuck you were in this situation.
"Quit pressuring me, dumb ass!" Bakugou yelled and you could practically see the steam coming from his ears.
His eyes tried not to look at you but couldn't help but to make eye contact and the annoyance in the sigh he let out was loud and you started to grow uneasy and had a feeling of guilt.
Bakugou felt angry but in many different ways. He wasn't angry at you, he was more angry at these idiots for pressuring a kiss between the two of you. He doesn't like you, he never even considered liking you or kissing you but something he'll never admit is that you two did have a minor friendship there, only reason being is because he somewhat appreciated your presence after the sports festival and that's the only reason why.
Now he sat there in front of you, not wanting to go through with this stupid idea of a drinking game. He already had a handful of shots, he wasn't thrilled to take another but he wasn't thrilled to do the dare with you.
He had thought about just taking the shot and getting this dumb game over with but the thought of taking another drink of that disgusting alcohol Denki calls delicious makes him want to gag.
His red eyes stayed on yours, as if he was thinking a little too hard. He wasn't stupid, he knew why they were doing this to the both of them. Even he could tell minutes ago that you had tensed up beside him when Uraraka kissed him, even if it was a harmless peck.
Now, he wouldn't have ever done that if he was dared to kiss any of the girls here. He had standards and no one in this class was his type but the only bearable one he could somewhat handle was you.
He hated to think about it and he especially hated you deep down.
Bakugou was growing impatient, with himself because he was holding himself back from getting it over with but he just felt some type of way where he didn't even want to do this shit anymore or even be here.
As he sucked in his pride and stupid ego, his eyes staring right through your colored ones as if he was trying to read your thoughts and he hesitated before grabbing a hold of your face.
His hands were surprisingly soft but rough at the same time, he started to mumble curse words under his breath and talking about how much he hated the class and how stupid they all are.
All while his face inched closer and closer.
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andycourtney · 4 years
ABO Katsuki Bakugou (A) x Reader (O)  New Student (Part one)
Requested: Nope! Warnings: Cursing If you want to request something do it! Requests are open! ________________________________
-Rushing into the classroom you say quickly, "I am so sorry i am late. Principal Nezu was talking to me and then i couldn't find my locker-"
-"Doesn’t matter. Just don't be late again." A beta with scruffy hair says, "This is your class and i am your teacher now go sit down."
-You bow and scurry over to the only empty seat.
-Your Omega was sad that you guys were late, but you calmed her down with the promise that you guys would be on time tomorrow.
-Taking a deep breath, you lean forward in your seat.
-"It is very disrespectful to come late to a class!" An Alpha said in a condescending tone, while he waved his hands. Your omega whimpered and you curled your shoulders slightly.
-"Hey Iida, calm down. You're scaring the poor thing." An Alpha with brown hair said. The man named Iida looks at you and frowns, "I am sorry..." " L/N F/N, but if you want you can call me, F/N."
-The brown haired Alpha smiles and holds her hand out, "I'm Uraraka Ochaco, and this is Tenya Iida. And over there is Izuku Midoriya."
-"Pay attention." Your teacher said, interrupting what Uraraka was about to say.
-After a week you were pretty close with everyone. You were part of the Deku squad, though you were basically the younger sister of everyone in the class.
-"Hey guys?" You ask the Bakusquad, minus Bakugou. He seemed to always insulted you and ignore you. "Do you think all of us could go to the fair? I was thinking the whole class could come!"
-Mina jumps up quickly, "That sounds awesome! Let's text everyone right now and we can go tomorrow!" The pink-skinned Alpha quickly grabs her phone and a few seconds later she grins, "Done! I texted everyone! They should respond soon."
-Smiling, you sit down next to Kirishima and lean into his shoulder. He wraps his arm around you and grins sweetly at you. "Are you going to go on any of the rides?" He asks. "Yup! I plan to go on all of them! Well at least the fun ones..."
-"What do you mean the fun ones?" Kaminari asks sitting up from the couch. "Well the ones that aren't that big, ya'know, ones that aren’t that scary.” You mutter and hide your face in Kiri’s shoulder.
-“Tch” An all too familiar voice says. “Are you that much of a fucking loser that you can’t even go on a roller coaster.” Your Omega whimpers and you just barely keep it in.
-Your Omega didn’t have the best taste in Alphas since she chose the blond-haired explosion boy as her’s.
-Sighing you hug Kiri a little tighter and don’t reply. “And you can’t even fucking answer me. Just hide behind Shitty Hair, I’m sure he’ll protect you.” Footsteps retreat away and you slowly lift your head out of Kirishima’s chest. “Sorry about that, Bakugou been in an awful mood.”
-Truth be told, Bakugou had the biggest crush on you. All he wanted to do was hold you every time you were around. But his pride wouldn’t let him, besides you liked Kirishima. So all he could settle for was insulting you, even though his Alpha died every time he saw your face fall. He just wanted your attention and he didn’t know how to get it since you usually kept close to Shitty Hair or that bastard Deku.
-“This is so cool!” Uraraka exclaimed. “I know! I can’t wait to play some games!” Mina says. “Neither can I!” you say and grab the closest person and shake their arm.
-Realizing the person was stiff you look up and see Iida just standing there enduring the shaking. “Sorry Iida-chan. I guess I got a little excited.” You say giggling softly. He nods, “Now we should do this efficiently and orderly!” He yells to the class. You keep your hold on his arm and grab his other one, “How about we just have fun? This isn’t an exam or anything for school so I think we can just goof off.” Iida pauses and sighs, “fine.” He mutters.
-“Do you guys want to split up or stay together?” Momo asks. “Let’s split up!” Hagakure says, “that way we can have more fun!”
-You ended up with the Bakusquad. Your Omega was happy though she got to be around Bakugou.
-“Are you guys hungry?” Kaminari asks. “Yeah man, I am.” Sero said. “Yes!” Kirishima and Mina said at the same time. Bakugou just grunts. “What about you Y/N? Are you hungry?” “Yeah a little. I wouldn’t mind eating.”
-Bakugou and Kirishima had gone to get the food while the rest of you guys were finding a table.
-Sero, Mina, and Kaminari all sat on one side and left you to sit with the two who were about to return. “Can’t we switch?” You ask Kaminari. He shakes his head, “Nope! Not a chance!” You turn your puppy eyes towards Sero but he looks away. Pouting you look at Mina, she just grins and blows you a kiss.
-Only Mina knew about you little crush on Bakugou or so you thought. She told Denki and Sero about you, now they were trying to get you guys together.
-Kirishima sat down and pulled you into him. “You ready to eat!” He cheers. “Oi move over Shitty Hair.” Bakugou says. Instead of moving where you’d be on the outside Kirishima moves so you were in the middle. Bakugou just grunts a takes a seat on your left side.
-Mina shoots you a smirk and holds her thumbs up. Rolling your eyes, you scoot closer to Eijirou.
-Bakugou was starting to get mad. Was he not enough for you? Were you that disgusted by him that you couldn’t even look at him? His Alpha was begging to be let out so he could show you who was the better Alpha, but Bakugou just pushed him down.
-Everyone at the table could smell how Bakugou’s scent had gone sour. Seriously almost everyone in six feet were crinkling their nose.
-“Umm, Bakubro? You okay?” Kiri started to say. “SHUT UP SHITTY HAIR!” Bakugou yelled. You flinched but your Omega you made you wiggle out of Kirishima’s hold and place a hand on Bakugou’s arm.
-He stiffened but didn’t move to push you off. Slowly you scooted over and put your other hand on him. Running your hands up and down his arm he finally calmed down.
-Bakugou frowned when you took your hands off his arm, but he didn’t say anything. He watched you scoot back into Shitty Hair and start eating again. Noticing everyone watching him he growls and every bystander goes back to doing their things.
-Later when everyone was back in the dorms all of the girls were hanging out in the common room.
-Mina was currently telling everyone what you did to Bakugou. “And Y/N has a crush on him too!” All the girls gasp and turn to you. “That seems like a weird match, ribbit.” Asui said. Momo giggle, “I think it’s pretty cute.” You blush and hide your face in your hands.
-“Stop!” You complain as the girls keep teasing you. Jiro pats your back, “If it’s any consolidation, Uraraka likes Deku.” Uraraka turns pink and starts floating, “No I don’t!” She yelps.
-The boys were currently listening to the girl’s conversation through the wall.
-“Wait Uraraka likes me?” Izuku whispers. He blushes deep red and starts muttering. “Did you hear that Bakugou! Y/N likes you!” Kirishima says and slaps his back.
-“Shut up Shitty Hair.” Bakugou mumbles and walks off.
-Did you actually like him or was it the truth when you denied what the girls said? His Alpha was jumping around in joy that you might actually like him back. He would have to get Shitty Hair or Raccoon Eyes to ask you. For now all he could do was grin happily.
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Where the Hell am I? (pt. 1)
Title: Where the Hell am I? (pt. 1) 
Genre: comedy, lil floofy (if you squint, I promise), and a lil dramatic - mostly comedic, though. 
Pairing: Aizawa Shota x Reader
Notes: This is, yet again, an idea that was pitched to me by one of my friends over Snapchat. I did take some liberties, contrary to their idea, but I read it and I just HAD to do it. 
Frankly, it made me so happy! I thought that I’d split this, maybe not, but if you want another character (or characters) for this prompt - please let me know!
Some warnings, though; there will be plenty of swearing, so proceed with caution! The reader is also aged up, 21+ purely for the comfort of the writer. I imagine them to be around 24-25, but go about it however you like! 
Below the cut! 
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“You really need to stop watching that childish garbage, y’know. You’re too old for that.”
“Grow up already! People your age don’t watch shit like that!” 
“None of that will help you get by in life; stop watching that and get your life together already!”
AKA, things I, (Y/n) (L/n) hear on a daily basis. 
Hello, dear reader! I’m (Y/n), as you’ve already presumed, and according to my family and friends, I waste my time watching what they call ‘immature junk’. I like to call it anime, but whatever floats their boat. 
I have graduated from college, but I still live with a couple of roommates. My diploma has been sitting on the stack of boxes in the corner of my junk, and no matter how hard I’ve tried, the degree has never seemed to win over anybody in the field.
I’ve struggled with a job hunt for a while now, and I’m getting tired of trying to find something that can tie me over for a little while. I know that the job wouldn’t last, something that has followed me around for the longest time no matter how well I completed any given tasks, but I need something to pitch to the split rent. 
I like to think that my roommates haven’t thought of kicking me to the curb as well, but frankly, they’ve probably found a way to do that or leave my ass sat on the empty apartment floor. Whatever the case, things haven’t been working out well for me at all. 
I’ve been broke on and off as of late, and the only things I have managed to keep consistent was my laptop ownership, my phone ownership, and my clothing and personal items. I’ve been making sure that I have cut back on using many things, but it was starting to bite me now. 
Today, of all days, was the one day that everything was seemingly coming to a head. My roommates were both at each other’s throats and took their frustration out on me (for no reason, honestly - I had already paid my portion of the utilities for the the month and had stayed quiet), my mom had just been admitted to the hospital, and my sibling has been taunting me from her fancy-schmancy upscale home by calling me a loser, deadbeat, etc. - all in all, a shitty day. 
Normally, things like this wouldn’t bother me that much (aside from the pandemic confirmation), but this has been a long time coming and I was at my breaking point. 
That night, I had just let everything be. Not a good thing considering the note that they were left on, but I can’t deal with the presence of people that are immature assholes that haven’t been taught to face your issues head-first, and I am too tired to put up with it anymore. 
I grabbed my laptop and opened up my Funimation account. If I could trust no one in the physical world, then I could trust someone in the fictional world instead. 
I had scrolled through, but when I saw that I had watched everything I planned to, I made the final decision to rewatch one - that anime being Boku No Hero Academia, I was pretty content to watch these teenagers grow in a way that I was unable to - nostalgic value in the anime can be spotted, but you have to look closely. 
The opening narration by Deku had started, and as the episodes continued, I got tired. I don’t remember when this happened, but I think I actually fell asleep around episode 5. No matter, things started to blur and I slept. 
Everything felt warm and windy, my clothes were brushing against my hands, and I felt extremely groggy. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Well, except for the fact that I felt like I was sleeping on a literal rock, and it was seemingly moving. 
The rocking of whatever it was I was laying on was what woke me up completely, all the sleep forgotten in favor of figuring out what the object was. Looking down, it seemed to be a sheet of metal, and my god - did it stink. ‘Am I laying down in a dumpster?’
After looking down, I did indeed find out that I was sleeping near one. Or in one. Whatever fits, I guess. 
Everything about this situation seemed like I had, somehow, fallen into a blackout drunk stupor. The likelihood of that happening, though, is very low - I have actively avoided any alcohol intake following my 21st birthday. And I had apparently decided to become an emotional drunk when I did reach that point, so that was even more unlikely. 
With that knowledge, this seemed especially fishy. I had to get to the bottom of it. 
I had slipped out of the area slowly, making sure to not accidentally cut my leg or arm on a raw metallic edge, and tread down the alley that I had been sleeping in. 
I didn’t recognize the buildings around me, everything seemed to be a lot more colorful and definitely an extremely far departure from the decrepit, run-down shithole that I had to call a ‘house’. The sky was also so much bluer than what I was used to. 
My parents and other family lived in better areas than I did, but that sky wasn’t what got me - it was the commotion that was coming from around the corner. The sound was so familiar, and I just couldn’t help but assume something crazy: did I land in the world of My Hero? 
‘No, no, no - that’s not possible. That can’t be possible. Your roommates have just lost their shit and threw you out on the street.’ That had to be it, it had to be. There was no other possible situation, though they would have just thrown my ass to the curb and not a dumpster in a generally clean city. 
Yeah, they couldn’t have done that. Or, maybe they did want to kick me out but realized that throwing me out in the dumpster would warrant some legal claims against them, so they decided to inform a family member that actually gave a damn. Then again, the one that was closest lived over two states away, so that also wouldn’t happen so quick. 
“Ugh, my head hurts...”
A crash sounded through the alleyway, and I had made the conclusion that if I don’t leave now, I would get crushed under debris. That being decided, I made a mad dash out of said alley to the opposite end of the sound.
As soon as I left, the obnoxious technicolor of it all made me do a double take. What the hell is with this color palette?
“Are you lost?” 
I jumped from the question. It wasn’t until I turned around that something hit me: yeah, this is most definitely N O T my world. 
The person that had inquired my direction status had a huge spike sticking out of either hand. Their head was shaped normally, their eyes were a dark blue color, and they had short hair. I couldn’t tell if they were male or female, or even non-binary, but I was too freaked out to care. Best bet for this situation, though, was to go with the flow no matter what happens. I refuse to risk my safety any further. 
“I, uh...um, yeah. Yeah, I am lost - but may I ask who wants to know?”
They breathed a sigh of relief, and their hands transformed into regular ones. The only explanation for this was that I was going crazy, or that I really landed in the world of My Hero. “Oh, thank god. I thought you were a villain for a second. Follow me before you get hit,” they said before they directed me further away from the soon-to-be-destroyed building. 
We had made some small talk - if you could even call it that - as we evacuated, and I found out that their name was Dylan. They were apparently an off-duty hero, though that could be left up to debate considering no hero would voluntarily reveal their identity to someone on the street. Though they could have also assumed that I was a regular citizen, as well. 
Didn’t help that I was still completely and utterly fucked on the front of knowledge - still confused, for a shorter explanation. 
The commotion was still very prevalent as I continued walking with Dylan, and when we finally reached the town, the volume was so much more deafening. The sight was as well. 
Two people were fighting in mid-air, one with a dark jacket and leather pants. Gloves were on their hands, but the big kicker was their mouth - it was almost warped into a joker smile, cuts and all, but it was full of teeth. Their eyes, from what I could see from my spot  on the ground, were very large and red. I wish I could have seen more, though. 
The other one was wearing some garb that mimicked Deadpool, though it was very obviously not him since there were some very obvious legs that were protruding from each side of their body. If I was observing them correctly, too, there were eight legs and multiple eyes. A spider hero? Like, a literal spider hero? 
“(Y/n), I’m sure that you’re curious and a little freaked out, but I’m going to ask that you stay here with the crowd,” Dylan said. They laid their hand on my shoulder as I stared at the view in front of me. I absently nodded, muttering a small and measly, “Got it,” as the realization of everything sunk in. 
I really am in the My Hero world. I really landed in a fictional world. 
Holy shit, I’m completely and totally screwed. 
There are so many things that could go wrong, so many things that would warrant a worry. Besides that, though, the thing that’s just hit me now that I know that I’m in their world is the most worrying. 
Whose quirk got so screwed that I got transported here? Do I have to find that person to return to my world? Even then, was this done on purpose? In that case, would they want to send me back? What if it’s a villain and they want something? So many things can go so severely wrong. 
I couldn’t leave my head now. I could, quite literally, die here and no one would notice. 
My blank stare didn’t go unnoticed by certain citizens around me, but their attention was soon diverted - as was mine - at the newest occurrence on the scene. The spider hero was dropping lower, the (supposed) villain was falling quickly to the floor, and another hero stood above the two on top of a nearby building. Cheers erupted through the crowd as the commotion was met with flashing lights, news reporters, and gossip writers. 
It took a second for me to notice, but the other hero on the building was Kamui Woods. Though I would later find this out, too, Mt. Lady was taking care of the runaway villain - she blew up larger with said villain in her hands a bit away from the scene with a triumphant smirk. 
Though there was some slight commotion from the shaken media reporters, they quickly fell back into their goals and started to plow through the crowd. People were being pushed left, right, and forward.
Through this chaos, though, I noticed Dylan pushing against the people looking winded. Eventually, they made it to me while panting. “Okay, so,” they began, “We should probably leave now, but I want to ask you some questions.”
I shrugged, taking a deep breath. “You need to ask, fire away. I need some answers anyway.”
We settled on a nearby restaurant, Dylan offering to pay for whatever food I ordered, and got down to the questions. 
“I noticed that you were stiff when you saw the fight. It wasn’t the normal kind of stiff, either.” 
Dylan’s words seemed off. How could they see a difference in shock between me and the citizens? A villain attack is a villain attack, right? 
“It was more...upset, for lack of a better word. What’s going on with that?” they inquired, making me stiffen. I didn’t realize that I was that odd in the crowd.
I wasn’t sure how to phrase my answer, but I had to say something. Unless I said it straight out, this would probably be a failure to explain. And people may look at me like I’ve lost it. 
I’ve just gotta say it. 
“I think I’ve been transported between realities. This one isn’t mine, I fell asleep in a dingy apartment, woke up here, and I’m-”
“Okay, I think I have an idea of what’s going on. I could help you, but it may take some time. Until then, let’s find a way to make sure that you don’t get screwed while you’re here, sound good?”
I breathed a sigh of relief, thankful. Then the thought hit me.
“Wait, how would you know? How can I trust you? Prove that you’re a hero, and then I’ll think about that offer.”
They chuckled a little, seemingly nonplussed, and reached for their hero license. After taking a look at it, I determined that this was a real license. You can’t get one unless you passed the exam, and even then, there are very few circumstances in which you can get one and not be a hero. 
“Getting closer, but still not there. I need more proof.”
Nodding again, they grabbed their cell and opened their messages in front of me. Their phone screen was face up, and they turned it to face me. I saw messages between Kamui and Dylan. I scrolled through the messages to make sure that they weren’t faked, and the image moved. 
“One more thing. If that’s the case, then tell me what your quirk is.”
“Well, my quirk is body morphing, or shape shifting. I can’t shift into anything that’s living, though - and I can’t keep up form for too long of a time. That enough for you?”
I paused, weighing the options - they’ve shown enough awareness, and they do have proof for what I provided, but how can I be sure that this isn’t just a ploy to trap a citizen and get the attention of the heroes? 
“Okay, here’s what I am gonna do - I’m going to trust you. I have nowhere else to go, nor do I have any idea as to why I’m here, and I can’t go about life here without some help,” I uttered, urgency (and possibly a little fear) in my tone of voice. 
With a nod, their bouncy curls following the action. They seemed satisfied, and I had finally found some sense of stability.
I can now figure this shit out. 
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katsukikitten · 4 years
Irritated part 5
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A/N I had to split this chapter for tumblr so have part V early while I work on VI
A heavy rock song rings out in the dead silence of the room. Pulling a growl from two opposing bodies. Bakugou's growl lasts to the chorus as he curls into the body in front of him. Pressing his forehead into the cool and smooth skin of the person beside him, shrinking in an attempt to hide from his alarm. The person relaxes at his heated breath, both parties starved of physical affection. Emotions were exhumed this morning, ones that were thought to be long forgotten suddenly burning in the too bright sun.
Suddenly the two of you jump simultaneously as if shocked. Pops of explosions dance over deadly fingers as items begin to rise around you.
You both hold each other's gaze, like two big cats following the same prey, before he stops activating his quirk and items float gently back into place.
You blush when you see what he is wearing, biting your lip when you see a certain outline. Your cheeks flush further when you remember what you're wearing. Low light paints people in more gentle tones, the sunlight beams heavily past the partially drawn curtain highlighting the harshness that is Bakugou.
Maybe he thinks the same of you.
He tilts his head and cuts you with his gaze.
"We never fucking speak of this again." He says swiping the air as if dismissing it all. His alarm breaks the silence between you two, easing some of the tension as he slams his fist against his phone.
"Get dressed Princess. We're gonna be late with how long you take." He growls, motioning towards the sliding glass door as he makes his way towards the shower. You follow him with heated eyes.
"First off I don't really take that fucking long." You lash out, angry for whatever reason that he provokes, last night clearly dying with the moonlight, "You're impatient Bakuou!"
He stops next to you, harden shoulder bumping harshly into yours. He wants to grab you by the throat, to push you against the wall if anything to feed his dominant desire to tame the brat that is you.
But he saw the way you recoiled from his sudden touch before.
"Keep your voice down. When I have women screaming my name it sounds much more pleasant than that. Now get. Out."
"Fuck off." You snarl with flushed cheeks as your insides twist and boil.
Stop bragging about previous conquests is what you want to scream but you bite the inside of your lip instead.
Why did it matter to you who he's fucked? Who he has woken up with and snuggled close to? Why did it fucking matter?
Well it didn't.
You climb over the three feet between the two balconies, scraping your knees along the rough concrete before righting yourself to stare into the ominous room.
Had someone broken in? Worse yet were they still there if they had? You ease the sliding glass door open silently. Slinking in like a cat and feeling for anything organic within the bedroom, bathroom and even the closet.
When your search of the dead space in the textured four walls comes up empty you sigh with relief, shoulders literally sagging away the tension as you begin to gather a fresh suit from your bag heading for the bathroom.
Until the sunlight bounces off something that is placed on your still made bed atop the pillows.
You hadn't remembered any stupid mints being laid out in your room or in Bakugou's for that matter so when you approach to get a closer look your body seizes.
You fight the scream that roars up your throat as you shake, struggling and falling to restrain yourself as your eyes take in the horror.
A belly button ring with a dangling gem in forest green, a doll's eye that mirrors your own stunning eye color and a note smiles smugly at you.
You huff and puff as you snatch the note from the bed. The words burning into your retinas as you almost hear the voice in your ear.
*"You'll be with me soon. In the meantime wear this for me? I'd love to see it peaking through your suit."*
Your hand flies to your belly button ring now with a black gem, your fingers curl around it quickly and you pull until a small arch of blood follows in its wake. Your breath is labored as you stare at the items, the belly button ring on the pillow shatters as does the TV as you shake with rage.
Finally you stop vibrating and force yourself to move to get ready. Barely able to stomach the thought of how irritating Bakugou is going to be today and the last thing you needed was another parasite crawling under your skin. You shower quickly although you want to scrub your skin raw as you think of that man rummaging through your items, taking the time to write some freakish note onto the hotel stationary before leaving.
You imagine him doing what you caught that asshole doing on the night that almost ruined everything. Sitting upright in your bed hugging onto your pillow, an unwashed hero suit on his exposed lap now covered with several milky stains as he waited for you.
You stared at yourself in the mirror as it replayed over and over and fucking over again.
"FUCKING PATHETIC!" You scream at your reflection. Blaming her for all the misfortune that has come your way. You bring your fist back and slam it hard into the glass cheek causing the mirror to reflect a number of you.
But this does not stop you and you slam your fist over and over into the glass until nothing but glue and old unpainted drywall stares back at you. You huff, having hoped the physical exertion would ease your racing mind. But if anything the glass shards protruding from your skin provoked you further.
You do not regret ripping out your belly button ring as you slide into your suit, careful to avoid agitating the now sensitive skin. Dressing quickly so you can properly address your bleeding knuckles that are currently wrapped with a hand towel. The gauze in your bag is easy to find, switching it for the hand towel bloomed with red hastily as you think you hear one of your neighbors emerging from their room. It is a poor wrap job but something is better than nothing as you hear foot steps stop at your door.
You open it with cold eyes just as Deku was about to knock lightly.
"Ah Y/N!" He sounds startled and looks well rested, "Are you ready for today? We have back to back interviews and q&as."
"As ready as I'll ever fucking be for this bullshit." You growl pushing past the chipper man to start your, hopefully, final day in hell.
Your mood soured quickly although that seemed like an impossibility. Yet here you were arms crossed over your chest as you were guided backstage by your two coworkers. Bakugou spies coffee and sugared pastries as he makes he way to the table. Actively avoiding you the best he can. He stares down at the two iced coffees looking perfectly blended that sit along side breakfast sweets. He wondered if he shared this favorite thing with you too. His hand hovers over the second coffee, glancing over his shoulder, debating if he should bring it to you. Images of last night rush to the forefront of him mind.
*"Please stay Katsuki."*
His heart pounds in his chest.
*"We never fucking speak of this again."*
His own voice haunts him as he snatches a chocolate croissant sipping on his coffee. Thinking better of taking you breakfast it's not like he was your fucking boyfriend or anything. Hell could you guys even be called frenemies? He isn't certain anymore. He hates that he can no longer label you as *just* irritating, loathsome, or annoying that new adjectives have popped onto that list.
Adjectives like alluring, soft, sexy.
A vein pops in his forehead as he watches you talk to Izuku. He looks worried, probably asking you if you're alright and you look mad. As if Izuku was the cause. He watches your bandaged hand gesture as you speak with heated eyes. He sips his coffee, you hadn't had this mysterious injury last night nor did you have it this morning before you left his room. He thought he heard thumping coming from your direction this morning but he wasn't sure as he was blasting music to get the sound of your voice out of his head.
Izuku pulls you into a hug and you look stunned, pretty face pressed agaisnt a harden chest. The croissant begins to be reshaped with deep grooves as the chocolate melts from suddenly heated air. He looks down at the smushed pastry with a grimace before tossing it in the trash.
"Oi." He steps close to the two of you, coffee still in hand, "No time for you love birds to kiss face. We start soon morons."
"Shove it Bakagou." You snarl, shoving past him hard enough that his coffee tries to slosh past the lid.
Hot ember eyes stare after you.
"This isn't helping her turn her day around. She's clearly upset." Izuku scolds as he walks past his childhood friend.
You sit beneath the harsh lights, sweat from their heat collects on the nape of your neck mixing with the irritation you have for the man that sits to your left.
Why the fuck where the three of you collected on a love seat as if this were someone's living room and yall were having a fucking chat over tea?!
You hated that most about interviews but right now you hated most how Bakugou was touching you.
His arms are crossed, arms long enough that even leaning away his elbows dug into your bicep.
Or maybe the damn love seat was too fucking small for three people.
Worst of all he was scowling over the crowd avoiding questions as best he could.
Izuku on the other hand has greatly improved on his interview skills, so much so you've come to rely on him to speak with the media.
I guess Bakugou has come accustomed to it too.
Unfortunately you begin to naturally mimic Bakugou's body language as the interview drones on.
Stupid questions about previous missions, "back stage info" and dissecting WHY he liked Katsudon so much.
"Its just always been my favorite meal that my mother made." He smiles warmly at the memory and the women in the audience swoon.
"Bakugou your favorite meal?"
"Spicy." Is his one word reply and you roll your eyes.
"Well Y/LN. We haven't heard much from you but I have to ask the question everyone has been dying to know." The host smiles from ear to ear leaning closer as if he had a secret to share.
"Are you dating anyone?"
You pause for a moment.
Was this bitch fucking SERIOUS. You want to hold back, need to hold back but you're irritated.
Angry and at the fucking world. He just happened to leave an opportunity for you to let go, especially since you've answered this question before.
"In the past forty minutes of this interview that was the only question you could think of for me?" The host blinks slowly as if stunned before leaning back. Attempting to regain his composure. Deku gives you a small nudge that you choose to ignore.
"W..well it was the most fan voted question!" He retorts but little did he know you saw the Twitter polls this morning on your walk over.
"Oh is that so? It's funny because the most fan voted question for *me* was if I used my quirk to get ready in the morning. You know like levitate my hairdryer. Sometimes, is the answer by the way." You turn to the audience for the answer before returning to the host, "That question you asked me was meant for *Bakugou*"
He visibly begins to sweat, a cat smile forms on your face as you watch him squirm.
"You just knew I would have a better chance of answering that again before Bakugou ever admitted if he had someone in his life or not." You laugh and it echos back to you with a hint of cruelty, "Hell Bakugou would commit seppuku before he *ever* admitted to any emotions aside from rage."
People in the audience agree and the host blanches before the timer dings.
"W...well that's all for today folks. Don't forget the Q&A with the top three heroes and more later this evening. In that portion, you the fans will be voting live and having some time to ask face to face with your hero!" The crowd erupts with cheer as you stand abruptly.
More than done with this bullshit.
Izuku follows you quickly, Bakugou's steps are stunned.
I guess that was how people saw him huh?
"Really?!" Izuku for once loses his temper with you, well if you could even call it that. He takes a deep breath before reining himself in
"Why would you say any of that?" His tone comes out as a disappointed dad and you sigh audibly.
"Its not like she lied or said anything untrue." Bakugou chimes in arms crossed staring at you.
"See even Bakuhoe thinks it's okay."
"Watch it."
"Fuck off yea?" You snarl with venom that for once actually stings, Bakugou takes a step for you. Large palm outreached.
He has a lot of questions for you and if the only way to get the answers was to beat the shit out of each other then so be it.
"Stop!" Izuku steps between yall, huffing with redden cheeks, "Neither of you were helpful during this interview! And yall were doing so well what happened?!"
Both of your minds flash to last night. Your weak, sleep laden voice echoing.
*"Please stay Katsuki."*
"FUCK!" You hiss, pulling at your hair as you turn away. Both men look to you and your abnormal behavior.
Sure you've lost your temper, been irritated or straight up pissed.
But never....distressed.
Izuku swallows what little anger he felt, maybe it was more annoyance than anything as a gloved hand reaches out to you.
But it never makes it.
"Katsuki, Izuku and Y/N!" A sharp toothed smile approaches, "I've been looking all over for you three!"
"What do you want shit hair?" He snarls before Kirishima smiles wider, so used to his abrasiveness. He spies you and wraps his arm around your shoulders.
"I'm starving and fate demands that we have lunch!" He squeezes you closer and you smile widely as ruby red winks.
He is your new partner in crime after all.
The four of you eat order far too much food. Kirishima helps to lighten your mood and ease the tension with you and Bakugou again.
Even daring you to steal his fries while looking him in the eye.
You do, as does a cat when they knock picture frames off of shelves. Katsuki retaliates by snatching your last chicken nugget that he dramatically savors.
You laugh aloud, suddenly forgetting your problems in the middle of the fast food restaurant.
But the feeling couldn't last long enough.
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krystalficloverdh · 4 years
My hero - Eat what?!
Third chapter.
Hormones in the air.
“Uuuurgh! This is harder than I thought!” Izuku shouts as she moves a spare sword from All Might feeling the strains in her body. She’s been training with All Might for five months and she just turned sixteen, she learned hand to hand combat and how to wield a sword properly, it has been quiet in the area with no attacks so she could concentrate more in her training.
“That’s the spirit young Midoriya!” An excited All Might shouts from behind.”You have a good control over your magic, our powers work 50% mind 50% body.” He puts his hands on his hips.“The power of this sword, is the fullest physical ability of many people gathered into one and obviously you’ve been training for a while if not the limbs will come off and the body will explode.”
“Um back with my magic, I can only levitate things and myself though.” She said as she wiped her sweat from her forehead.
All Might puts his hand in his chin. “From what I saw back in the Southern Tribe that’s not the case, your magic is called telekinesis, it’s really rare these days and it can only be inherited, you have the ability to manipulate the objects around you and even what are not visible to the naked eye!”
“If what you’re saying it’s true then I am able to thrust strong waves of energy like I did with the slime monster and maybe I can even create protective barriers with the same energy if train it well.” Izuku mutters.
“You’re muttering again.”
“WORRY NOT! It seems that I gave you a good idea.”
“Mmm!” She beams happily.
“Young Midoriya, I believe it’s time for you to inherit the legendary sword One For All.” All Might looked at her seriously. “It is a special weapon that adapts to any type of magic and it can also grant its power for ones who can’t develop their own magic.”
“You don’t…?” She asked confused and he gives a crooked smile.
“This sword cultivates the power and passes it on to another person, who also cultivates it and passes it on.” All Might raises the legendary sword and starts to glow.“It is the crystallization of magic that spins together the voices of those who need help.”
“Wow!” She was so happy, it made his heart warm.
“This is the power that you earned because of your own effort...Now.” He said as he takes a strand of his hair. “Eat this.”
“...Eat this? Eat what?”
“Come on that’s how in works, you must consume some part of my dna and this is the best way.”
“Ew…It’s too different from what I imagined!”
“I’m kinda offended right now…” He places a hand on his heart dramatically.“Unless you wanna drink some of my blood?”
“I’ll take it! I’ll take the hair!... I’ll eat it...Somehow.” She swallows the hair with a frown.
“Young Midoriya, How about going to UA? It’s a perfect place for people aspiring to be heroes!”
She looked up at All Might in surprise.”I’ll have to tell my mother about this.”
“Indeed.” All Might grinned wide.”Besides, I’ll be teaching young heroes there.”
“You will?!”
“YES!” He gave her a thumbs up. “There has been a lot of attacks lately and I was on my way there when I felt the sword pulling me to you.”
“Now that I think about it, It was very strange like those men above in the mountains at the tribe like they were trying to lure you out.”
“They gave a pretty good fight! The tribes of the Badlands are strong warriors!”
“They are! It’s amazing how they are able to fight alongside with dragons.” Izuku smiled sweetly “Can I tell some friends if they want to come?”
“Of course the merrier the better! Oh and let’s talk to your mother.”
“If I went to UA, would you come with me?” Izuku asked as she sparred with Katsuki.
So many things changed in those five months, they would meet up in the forest or in his tribe, she always felt her heart skip a beat in anticipation for their meetings, she would spar with him or Katsuki would take her for a ride. Since she came to this world she never thought about dating, sometimes she would find herself wanting his attention or just be close to him all the time and it’s driving her mad. She had to admit that Katsuki is a very attractive man, putting aside his explosive personality and his yelling all the time, he was a good person, at least in his own way. She can’t help but feel confused about what is happening between them, they became very good friends and they were comfortable with each other.
Katsuki’s eyes turned serious and Izuku squeaked as a pair of strong arms pushed her backwards, rolling in the ground, she was laying on her back with him straddling her hips, holding her arms above her head and looking down on her.
“Not that I’m forcing you, I thought that it could be a great opportunity to become heroes, train to get better, I met All Might a few months ago and he told me about it…” Her voice got quieter as she continued to ramble.
“I would.” He made sure that his voice was loud and clear. “We promised each other didn’t we?”
She lifted her hips and pushed him forward, she used her strong legs and rolled them over, grinning as he grunted in surprise. She pinned him on the ground and her thighs tightened around his hips and he felt a shiver run down his spine as he felt her thighs against him.“Then, I’ll tell All Might that you said yes, oooh let’s tell Kirishima-san and Mina-chan too!” She beams happily and loosened her grip on his hands.
The mention of the legendary hero made him snap out of his trance, he grabbed her collar and pulled her until they were nose to nose.“Wait the fuck up! All Might told you? When did you met?!” He told her fiercely with a look that made her heart and stomach jump in symphony.
Calm the hell down hormones of hers.
Bad Izuku.
She nervously looked away and met his eyes again. “Yeah, after the attack of the slime monster I met him in the forest the next day and he told me about the guild.”
“So he’ll be there…” He muttered and nodded to himself. “I’ll be the number one and even beat All Might or everyone who steps in my way!” He looked at her seriously and she nodded still mesmerized.
“You and fighting half of the world.”
“Sure you were Kacchan.” She purred as she gave him a cocky smirk.
“Are you sassing me?” He asked huskily as tacked her on the ground once again. Izuku blinked several times, she tried pulling her hands out of his grasp but to no vail and her lips opened slightly. “Yield.” He smirked, flashing his teeth.
“N-Never.” She breathes and sighed uneasily.
“What’re bitching about?”
“The only thing that bothers me is that I don’t want to leave my mother alone…” She said and looks away as she clenches her fists. “That person might come back and he is not a good person.” Izuku spat venom in her voice as she mentioned her father, she had a wild guess that the man she saw that day was her father, she didn’t have any paintings of him so she wasn’t sure.
A sharp hiss left his lips as he suddenly pulled away from her and they quickly got on their feet. Katsuki knew who she meant, his mother told him that Izuku’s father disappeared when she turned six and at that time Mitsuki went to Inko’s shop for some plants, that’s how they met and became great friends. He reached out to give her a flick on her forehead at the look on her face. “Your mother can stay with my old hag.” He said with a scowl. “She loves your mom… She wouldn’t let that bastard get near her, so stop making that face.”
“Ouch!” She said and punched his chest in goodwill. She rubbed her forehead where he flicked and giggled.
“That’s better.” He smirked.
“If you two have stopped flirting, shall we hear about this UA guild?” Remarked Kirishima with a raised eyebrow.
“We’re not flirting!” Izuku and Katsuki shouted in unison. Kirishima shrugged and Mina laughs.
Izuku sighed and walked towards Kirishima. “You see…”
“HERE WE ARE!” All Might shouts loudly as the group of teens approached the guild, Izuku looks up at the building, her expression of pure excitement. “COME! YOUNG HEROES, UA GUILD AWAITS!” The hero lets out a booming laugh and stepped to open the front gates. “I AM...COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A HERO!”
The UA guild is a big building in the middle of a city two days away from her village, the tribes of the Badlands are known for their dragons so they took the dragons to get there faster, courtesy of crown prince Katsuki Bakugou.
“AWESOME LOOK AT ALL THOSE PEOPLE USING THEIR MAGIC!” Izuku beams happily swinging side to side, feeling the legendary sword warm in her back next to a grumpy Katsuki and she took a deliberately breath as he suddenly held her hand.
“Let’s go Deku.”
A dark haired woman with a mask and a provocative way of dressing stood in the entrance. “Welcome, young heroes! My name is Midnight.” She smiled at the teens. “Please fill your basic information over there and I’ll give you your keys to your dorms.” The teens part to go to fill their information near a desk lady at the side of the building. “Girls dorms are this way and boys dorms are that way!”
“This is where we part! I must go to meet the master of the guild.” All Might collided his fist into his palm, with quick glance that no one was watching he bends down to ruffle Izuku’s hair and gives her a thumbs up. “See you in class!” He whispered and saluted to Izuku.
“Yes!” She whispered back.
Izuku couldn’t believe that she was at the UA guild, it was funny how the events have changed in five months. She was looking at her surroundings, there was a man with a dog’s head, a girl who created things that came out of her chest, a giant woman, a boy with a tail and many more different powers. She wondered if she was going to share classes with them when she heard a scream of a brown haired girl riding a staff falling from the sky.
Without giving a second thought, Izuku quickly flexed her legs and leaped forward, green lightning sparked her body and carried the girl bridal style. They landed softly on the ground and Izuku lets down the girl. “Are you okay?”
“Huh?” The girl asked confused.
“Are you okay?”
The girl was about to answer when a knight with glasses came running in their direction holding the staff she was riding moments ago.
“Ochako, that was dangerous! Thank goodness you are okay!” The knight shakes the girl by the shoulders and the girl shoves off the boy to face Izuku.
“That was so cool, like a prince! Thank you for saving me! My name is Ochako Uraraka!”
“Izuku Midoriya” Izuku nodded with a gentle smile. “Nice to meet you!”
“My name is Tenya Iida!” He said while moving his arms all over the place and Izuku laughs at the strage gesture before glancing over at Katsuki who was walking towards her with a deadly expression leaving Kirishima and Mina following from behind.
“Be careful Bakubro or some girl might steal your girl!” Snickered Kirishima behind Katsuki and Mina gives him a high five.
“Out of the way extras!” Katsuki shoves Iida and Ochako to the side. He looked down at Izuku and took her hand to guide her towards their dorms.
“Don’t call people extras just because you don’t know them!” Iida yells at Katsuki in the distance.
“See you in class and sorry!” Izuku waved a hand turning around to her new friends hoping to see them again tomorrow.
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