#and the direction they went with the todoroki family
i havent followed the manga in several months and im not interested in catching up again but has bakugo un-died yet. has deku saved him yet with the power of gay love. or is he still getting open heart surgery. has this boy been getting open heart surgery for the past 8 months.
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gglitch1dd · 3 months
Cheating Dilf Izuku Pt3
Husband Midoriya Izuku x Wifey Reader
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Warning: Mentions of infidelity, BLOOD, VIOLENCE, mentions of a child's death, Canon typical terrorism and violence. READER DESCRETION IS ADVISED.
[PART 2] [PART 2.5] [Cheating Dilf Izuku MASTERLIST]
“You know why I like being friends with you?” Hanta asked as he looked over to Izuku who sat next to him as the plane slowly went down the runway, just having landed.
Izuku shook his head as he held a cup of juice in hand. “Nope.”
Hanta leaned back with champagne in his glass and an easy smile on his face, the first easy smile in a long time. He looked over to Izuku raised his glass to him. “Cause I get to travel on your private jet.” He stated bluntly making Izuku laugh in amusement.
You and your entire friend group had decided to take a vacation to a resort so that you could all get away from work. It was initially just going to be your family and the Seros, but then the Iidas and the Todorokis were free, then the Satos and then even Bakugou and Kirishima. Soon, you were all booked and flying.
Which is how you found yourself herding your boys out of the private jet one by one. “Hero, no running!” You shouted at your second youngest as you held Koda’s hand as you headed towards the VIP lounge where you would meet your friends. You sighed as you shook your head.
“Don’t worry mom.” Toshinori stated with a hand to your arm and a smile before doing a brisk jog towards where your boys had run off to. “WHAT DID MOM TELL YOU!” He shouted only making you laugh.
You were glad to see the boys so excited for a holiday. It had been just over a year since your last full family holiday and it was nice to go out again. You had to admit that it was a bit hard, packing for the boys and making sure you had all their documentation and realising that one of your boys wouldn’t be going on this trip with you.
You clutched the little stuffed rabbit toy that held just a little bit of your son’s ashes in it. It felt wrong to leave him behind, but then again it also felt wrong to go on this vacation at all despite how needed it was.
Izuku moved to pick up Koda and throw him in the air making the little boy let out a loud giggle. He hoisted him up onto his shoulders to sit there. “You good up there buddy?” He asked as he held onto Koda’s leg as his other hand carried one of the bags you had on the plane with you.
The little four-year old, nodded with a smile. “Yah.” He notified as he held onto his father tightly.
You smiled up at your little boy as you all headed out to collect your bags.
You turned to look at Mina who gave you a gentle smile, coming up beside you and taking your arm. You gave her a trying smile. “Hi.” You said softly as you leaned against her gently but tried to focus back forward.
Mina’s eyebrows furrowed noticing how hard this was for you. She pulled you tighter against her as the two of you walked side by side. “Y/N…” You turned to look to her with a hum. You looked to Mina who had a sad smile on her face. You then noticed that in her other hand was a little stuffed teddy bear that looked like a cute spider. You knew that within that little teddy bear was the ashes of her daughter. She gave you a nod. “We’ll get through this.” She reminded you.
You smiled, remembering that out of everyone in this world, there were two other people who knew the pain you had been carrying in your heart for the past six months. “We always do.” You told her honestly.
Side by side, the two of you got your bags before heading to the VIP lounge. There you already found Tenya and Mei as well as Denki, Shinso and Jirou. Izuku and the other men got your luggage so long carried towards the pickup area for your hotel while you waited.
You sat in the waiting area with Momo, sipping on a cider when you noticed a certain large man heading towards all of your direction.
“Hey everyone! Sorry we’re late.” Eijiro said with a bright smile, his hair was it’s natural black with a few light grey strands now. He walked beside his new wife of two years who had a noticeable pregnancy bump to her  and his daughter Satomi who had a bright smile as she pulled her own bag, and last but not least his youngest daughter, Reika, who was strapped to his chest dressed in a little Red Riot onesie and chewing on a toy.
“There they are!” Denki said with a broad grin. “We were afraid you wouldn’t show up.”
“And miss this?” Eijiro asked as he held his wife’s hand. “Not in the world.” He laughed. Ever since meeting his new wife its as if Eijiro got a piece of himself back again. He seemed brighter and happier since the divorce. Satomi immediately moved over to say her hellos and stand along with Toshinori and their friends.
Shoto looked left and right with a blank expression. “Where’s Bakugou?” He asked.
“Right here you icy hot bastard!” The loud voice of Bakugou Katsuki was heard as he pulled his bag along with a rather board looking Kane who kept headphones on his head as he walked beside his father. Katsuki held a scowl on his face as he carried his and his son’s passports. Katsuki grew sideburns now and still managed to look as burly and mean as ever, but it suited him. He tsked. “Stupid passport lady tried to confiscate my utility belt. Had to pull out my hero permit and everything.” He growled out annoyed.
Kane ignored his father as he walked over to you. He smiled. “Hey Aunty Y/N.” He greeted as he slid off his headphones.
You smiled up at him, putting a hand to his face. “Hey there baby. How have you been doing?” You asked with a sympathetic look. Ever since Eijiro and Katsuki’s divorce, Katsuki had won custody over Kane and the blond lived with him eighty percent of the time.
Kane shrugged looking more and more like his father everyday but still so young and so much softer too. “Same old same old.” He answered cryptically. You knew he wouldn’t answer you immediately. The poor boy had a habit of concealing his real feelings and keeping them away from everyone else. You gave him a sad smile and he took that as a cue to head over to Toshinori and Satomi, who happily accepted her older brother in a hug.
“Great. Now that we’re all here we can head to the hotel!” Tenya stated factually.
You leaned back in your lounge chair as you saw the kids have fun in the pool. Izuku was in the pool with the kids with Hanta and Sato too. They all looked like they were having a great time. Eijiro was at the grill with Shinso and Tenya, getting food started already. Your entire friendgroup had purchased the east side VIP part of the hotel, allowing you a whole lot of freedom and privacy.
Mina let out a hum as she was peering over her glasses at something. She glanced over at you for a moment before looking back forward. “Is it weird that I’m sorta rooting for us to be in-laws.” You raised an eyebrow at what she was saying. She motioned forward at the side of the pool.
You looked over there to see Toshinori sitting at the edge of the pool talking to Hina Sero, Mina and Hanta’s oldest daughter. He seemed like he was having a good time, talking while she laughed as she sat beside him. Unlike Mina she took after her father’s skin tone but had Mina’s eyes so it was easy to see the blush on her face.
You turned to look at Mina with a knowing expression. She looked at you with the same smug expression and laughed. “That would be interesting.” You stated as you decided to spectate a bit more. You noticed Kane was chasing Sonomi Todoroki (Shoto’s daughter) around with a water gun. Satomi was sitting not too far away keeping a lace cover up over herself as she sat in a one-piece swimming costume.
Your eyebrows furrowed for a moment. “Satomi.” At the sound of your voice, she turned around to look at you. She stood up and walked over to you. Satomi had always been on the chubby side but it suited her so well. You knew she was fit and she always tried to keep in shape but she was just naturally rounder. It made you sad to see her holding her body like that.
“Yes, Aunty Y/N? You need anything?” She asked you politely as she walked over to stand at your side.
“Are you alright? You haven’t dipped into the pool yet.” You expressed your observations as you looked up at her.
She hesitated but gave you a gentle smile. “I’m alright. I just… I don’t know if I’ll have fun.” She confided in you with a shrug.  
“I’m sure you can have a great time! I’m sure Toshinori would do make sure of it. Toshinori!” You called to your son who was sitting at the edge of the pool. He turned to look at you, from the sound of your voice. He waved a hand and stood up, deciding to come to you.
Immediately you saw Satomi get pale. She shook her head, her dyed red hair in a braid over one side of her shoulder. “No, no it’s okay. Toshinori doesn’t have to-”
You waved a hand done. “Stuff and nonsense I’m sure he would be happy to.” You told her as Toshinori walked over.
“Yes mom?” He asked, folding his arms over his bare chest.
“Can you help Satomi have fun?” You asked him sweetly.
He grinned. “Sure. Come on, Satomi.” Without warning, you watched your son pick her up like she was a sack of flower.
Poor Satomi went red in the face as she kicked her legs. “TOSHI! Toshi put me down! I’m heavy!” She complained.
Toshinori seemed unbothered as he shook his head. “Nope. My dad is heavy, you aren’t.” He told her as he ran towards the pool, making the poor girl scream as he jumped inside with her.
“IZUKU!” Eijiro shouted as your husband seemed to have gotten out of the pool heading towards you. Eijiro pointed tongs towards your husband with a glare, before motioning to the pool where Satomi was being curried towards the edge by Toshi. “Get your son away from my daughter!”
“He’s harmless.” Izuku shrugged with a smug look on his face. He motioned to his chest. “He’s just like his old man.”
“Then we’re doomed.” Momo stated nonchalantly making Pony giggle.
You watched as Izuku walked over to you. You watched him with a raised eyebrow until suddenly you were up and off your chair. Your eyes grew wide as you were thrown over your husband’s shoulder. “Izuku? What are you doing?” You asked destressed.
“You haven’t gotten into the water yet.” He said factually.
You wiggled and kicked as you started to panic, not wanting to get into the cold water. “IZUKU PUT ME DOWN! RIGHT THIS INSTANT.”
He held your thighs tightly as he marched right over to the pool. “No can do, sweetheart.”
“BOYS! Help me!” You shouted. Hero ran over to you with laughs as he tried to pull you off of Izuku’s shoulder. “Attack your father!” Without hesitation, Izuku grabbed Hero by his boxers and flung him into the pool. Your face dropped in horror as your husband and your friends laughed as he got right into the pool. You squirmed as he moved you into his arms as you squealed and couldn’t help but laugh as he kept you in the cold water.
“No! Izuku no!” You laughed with shrieks as he kept large arms wrapped around you.
He laughed as he kept you there. “Uh uh! You’re gonna love this and I won’t let go of you till you do.” He chuckled.
You wiggled and squirmed in his grasp. You held onto him as tight as you could as he walked deeper into the water, deep enough that you couldn’t touch the floor of the large pool. You moved to wrap your legs around him as you clung to him. You couldn’t help but giggle but you glared at him.
Izuku gave you a smirk and a broad grin at having you in his arms, his hands holding onto you securely. “Well hello there.” He moved his eyebrows making you chuckle at how cringe he was, but you couldn’t help but enjoy it.
You let out a sigh as you didn’t think about it. You rested your head on his shoulder as you let him hold you in the water. You didn’t want to think, you didn’t want to remember. Right now you wanted to be as close to your husband as you have ever been in the past eight months. You closed your eyes at the warm feeling of his skin even in the cold water, just wanting to float there with him.
Izuku went stiff realising what you were doing. Although he did know you had a bit to drink but he wasn’t going to reject this. Lord knows he might never get this opportunity again, so he held you. He held you like he was going to lose you. Because he knew he already did once.
You adults laughed as you sat together outside on the balcony, away from the rooms. All the kids were in their rooms, hopefully asleep. You had all put your eldest in charge of watching them in exchange for giving them free time to do whatever they wanted tomorrow. You sat outside together around a large table as waiters brought drinks and snacks to you all.
“It’s been wonderful!” Eijiro’s new wife expressed as she leaned back, one of Eijiro’s large arms over her shoulders as they sat next to each other. She kept on hand resting on her pregnancy bump and the other held her cup of apple juice. “Reika was such an adjustment but her and Satomi are the best of friends despite the age gap.”
Eijiro hummed as he nodded his head. “We were worried about the big age gap thing but it seems like it was misplaced.” He chuckled.
You waved a hand down with a shrug sipping on what must have been your fifth alcoholic drink today, the effects already making your head hazy. Izuku hummed as he sat next to you, his arms wrapped around his chest as he sat with his own drink in front of him. “As long as you give the older one enough attention, they understand.”
“Coming from the Midoriyas, you know it’s real advice.” Denki stated motioning to the both of you making you all laugh. He had a gentle blush on his cheeks showing the effects of alcohol on him.  “Honestly, I was surprised that Koda was your last one. I was whole heartedly expecting at least two more boys.”
Izuku laughed and so did you. “No.” You shook your head. “Five boys-” You caught yourself there. You swallowed down harshly as your grip on your glass turned harsh. Izuku quickly caught on, putting a hand to your shoulder. You tried not to shrug it off but at the same time, you couldn’t help but feel that you needed it. Mina put a hand to your thigh with an emphathetic look. You let out a soft chuckle. “Four… four boys is enough for us, right now.” You shrugged it off. “Besides I’m sure the labour nurses are tired of seeing my face anyways.” You made a gentle joke to ease the mood.
“They sure are tired of seeing mine.” Pony let out with a gentle frown and a slight glare to Sato who put his hands up in surrender.
Denki took a sip of his drink and turned to Katsuki. The other blond had been otherwise silent the entire time, which was surprising considering that it was highly unlike the blond to do so. Denki tilted his head and motioned over to Katsuki. “Hey Kacchan.” Crimson eyes moved over to Denki. “How life been? You’ve been really hush-hush lately.” He let out surprisingly observant for someone who was half drunk already.
Katsuki shrugged with a gentle smirk on his face. “Nothing big. Just expecting someone soon.” He stated as he glanced at his phone screen before looking back at Denki.
“Oh?” The other blond male let out with a knowing look.
Eijiro held his tongue as he leaned back. Shoto however raised an eyebrow. “You’re seeing someone, Bakugou?” He asked.
“And you invited them here?” Mina let out unimpressed as she looked him up and down. It was safe to say that despite Katsuki having cheated on you in the past, Mina seemed to take it more personally than you did.
Katsuki shrugged as he leaned back. “I thought it would make things… interesting.” He stated as his crimson eyes moved to Izuku. “Especially since she has such good history with some of the people here.”
Your eyes flicked to Izuku who seemed just as confused as everyone else. However, catching your eye was a woman you never wanted to see again, least not on your vacation. “No…” You let out lowly. You looked to Izuku and the man looked annoyed as he rolled his eyes and brought a hand to his forehead.
“Hey everyone!” Walking over to your table was Ochaco. She was dressed in a pretty black dress as she did so, but her eyes were on you with a smug expression. Katsuki stood up and greeted her with a kiss to her cheek before moving to allow her to sit next to him.
You turned to look at Izuku, too drunk to bother to hide your expression. “What is she doing here?” You asked.
“Why can’t I be here?” Ochaco asked as she shrugged looking over at you.
“I don’t know.” Izuku looked over at you with a deep sigh, furrowed eyebrows.
You looked at him with a disbelieving look. “Did you invite her here?”
“Y/N I haven’t spoken to her in over a month, I swear.” He defended himself, telling the hard honest truth but you struggled to believe him.  
“What’s the matter?” Mina asked with a hand to your side, wondering what on earth was going on and why you both seemed so tense to have Ochaco here.
Katsuki sat smugly across from you as he stared at you. Suddenly this entire holiday felt like one claustrophobic trap. This was all one elaborate scheme to have you cornered and look like a fool. “I have a question, Y/N?”
“I’m leaving.” You stated as you stood up from your seat. “I’m going to check up on the kids.”
“You can’t even answer one question?” Katsuki laughed as he looked up at you. “Like how you allow Deku, of all people, to cheat on you and you stayed with him but when I did it, you dumped me easier than you could breathe?”
“I beg your finest pardon?” Denki let out, sobering up quickly as all eyes went onto you and Izuku.
You stiffened at the question as you looked at Katsuki. He was doing this on purpose. He always did this on purpose. Getting you in an ugly position forcing you to side with him or entertain his position.
“Hold on!” Hanta let out, his eyes wide as he looked to Izuku. “You did what!?”
“Tell me, Y/N.”
Izuku stood up and pointed a finger at Katsuki with a warning glint in his eyes. “I’m warning you Kacchan, shut it! Y/N…” Izuku looked at you as he placed a hot hand to your shoulder. “Lets go. It’s late.”
“Don’t speak fo-”
“If you open your mouth again.” Izuku left open endedly with a flash of lightning in his eyes. “Yes, I cheated. Yes, I regret it more than I’ve regretted anything in my life. Yes, it was a mistake and yes Y/N knows about it. Yes, I stopped talking to Ochaco the moment Y/N and I talked about it and have no intention of continuing anything with her! So please!” He sighed as he clearly seemed like he was at his wits end. “Tonight can not get any worse!” Suddenly his phone rang making him groan as he pulled it out of his pocket. “WHAT!”
“Deku sir… Sorry to bother you on your holiday but there’s a Code S.”
Izuku moved a hand to the bridge of his nose. He was beginning to get a headache and as much as he wanted to put down the phone, he knew it was important. He had strictly told his sidekicks not to call him unless it was a Grade A or S level emergency. “Who is it?”
“It’s… It’s Jigsaw sir… He’s escaped out of tarturus.”
You immediately noticed the change in Izuku’s demeanour as he went pale. You could tell by how stiff he went and how his face fell. You felt uneasy as you looked at him with a questioning look.
Izuku swallowed down hard. “How long?”
“We aren’t sure sir. It could be hours since the security video was on repeat so we aren’t sure.”
Izuku let out a deep sigh as he furrowed his eyebrows, fear and anxiety bubbling in his chest as he realised just how bad this situation was. This was bad, very bad. Jigsaw could be anywhere and the last thing that you all needed this holiday. You watched as Izuku’s hold on his phone tightened as he scowled. “Ground every flight in this country, I don’t want him getting out. Send four jets here and get the bunker ready in my agency! I want every available unit scowering the country for him until he is found!”
“Yes, Deku sir.”
“Izuku.” You placed a hand on Izuku’s shoulder, pulling him out of his ProHero mode that had overcome him. Your eyebrows were furrowed in worry as you looked up at him, concern etched onto your face at the sound of his voice and the instructions he was giving to whoever he was on the phone with. “What is it? What’s the matter?”
Izuku hesitated to tell you but he knew it would be wiser to do so. He looked up at everyone before looking back down at you, putting down the call. “Jigsaw escaped.”
The glass you held in your hands shattered on the ground at the name you heard. Your entire body froze as pure fear rushed through your veins like cold water. Mina went pale at the news and Hanta looked visibly sick. Everyone immediately went on edge.
The name of the villain that had intentionally stalked you and your friends. The name of the villain that had hunted down your son’s preschool and killed two security guards and injured one teacher. The name of the villain that had slaughtered your son and Mina’s daughter.
“The boys…” You whispered, remembering that you weren’t currently with your sons. “Where are the children?” You asked loudly, remembering that you never agreed with Toshinori where on earth him and his friends would be watching over the other kids.
Izuku immediately saw the worry and felt it too. He turned to look at Katsuki with a serious look, both men putting aside their petty rivalry and issues for this situation. “Kacchan-”
“I’ll tell the hotel to evacuate.” He stated as he was already out of his seat and running towards the lobby.
Izuku glanced at his phone as a message hit his device. “Everyone grab the kids and head to the minibuses. Get to the airport as soon as possible.” He instructed.
Mei nodded. “I’ll go get them all lined up for us to leave.” She stated, but you were already kicking out of your space beside him and racing towards the elevators to head upstairs.
Suddenly you felt yourself lifted off your feet. You turned to see Izuku had you in his arms and with a flash of electricity around him, he was sprinting towards the staircase, knowing that that way would be faster than taking the elevator. Once on the floor that you kids were on, Tenya right on your tail, he put you down on the ground.
“TOSHINORI!” You shouted as you ran to your own family rooms. You took the keycard out of your back pocket and tapped it to allow access into the room. Your heart was beating out of your chest as you entered the room.
A few faces turned to look at you. You counted three of your boys, Satomi, her little sister, Hina and her younger brother. The girls seemed to be in charge of looking after the younger kids but you couldn’t see Kane or Toshinori.
“Satomi! Where is Toshi and Kane?” You asked her.
At the sound of panic in her voice she stood up with a worried look. “They went to go get drinks downstairs at the hotel café. Why?”
You felt worry fill you. You could hear your husband shouting somewhere in the background but beyond that you could barely hear anything over your beating heart. “Take everyone and get downstairs to the lobby! Your parents are waiting for you there and don’t stop for anything other than each other.”
She didn’t hesitate and nether did Hina as they both nodded and turned to grab the kids and heard them out. You ran out to the hallway, seeing Izuku flash back into the corridor with the other access keys from your friends. He looked up at you. “Where are the kids?”
“With Satomi and Hina but Toshinori and Kane aren’t there!” You told him as you ran towards the staircase. “I’m going to go get them! Meet me in the lobby!” You shouted, not waiting for a response as you raced down the staircase.
You felt like you couldn’t breathe, even as you forced your body that felt like it was totally detached from your head. This was your worst nightmare all over again. The fear of not knowing. You felt like you could barely think let alone move your body. You ran out to the lobby, heading down a corridor as suddenly the lights of the hotel flashed red, indicating an emergency.
It seems as though Katsuki did what he did best and managed to get the hotel in evacuation mode. You tried to remind yourself that there was a slim chance that Jigsaw was here. That you were probably all over reacting and there was no reason to fear.
Or that’s what you were telling yourself until you saw the café.
You stilled as you saw a dead body of the barrista slumped over the counter and other pools of blood around the place. Your breath got caught in your throat as you realised that this scene couldn’t have been caused naturally. You took a hesitant step, looking around trying to catch a glimpse of blond or green hair that you knew all too well. But then you noticed that another door leading down to the parking was open, blood on the handles showing that someone had gone that way.
You fumbled to grab your phone as you ran in that direction, heading to the staircase beyond the door. You entered the stairwell that was dark besides the flashing lights. You kept one hand on the railing as you ran down, being careful of blood on the floor. You texted to Izuku that you were heading down to the underground parking area.
You pushed open the final door heading there when you heard an explosion.
Kane threw an explosion at the large villains face but his hand got caught. His eyes went wide as he was thrown against a car, causing the car alarm to go off. You bit back a scream as you saw a flash of green as Toshinori held back the villain from getting closer to his best friend. He let out a grunt as he ducked and used a hard kick, in the same style as his dad, to the villains face causing the larger man to stumble, but a sneer went to his face as he grabbed your son and held him in a headlock.
At the sound of your voice, Toshinori’s eyes looked up at you. His beautiful eyes were filled with fear as he looked at you. He let out a struggling voice as he gripped at the arm that held his neck trying to suffocate him. “Mom-” He coughed out.
“Well, well, well… Mrs Midoriya.” At the sound of a voice you hadn’t heard since the trial, you felt yourself still in terror. A deep laugh arose from the villains throat as he gave you a bloody smile. He looked at you amused as his eyes, black and red were locked onto you. He was still dressed in his inmate uniform of Tartarus supreme prison as he stood in front of you. “Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes. And here I was thinking I’d have to drag this one’s body for you to see after I killed him.”
You shook your head as you took a step forward. “Please…” Your voice broke as you reached your hands out, terror filling your very being as he held your son. “Please don’t kill another one of my boys. Just let him go.”
“Oh but that wouldn’t be fun, now would it?” He let out with a tilt of his head as you saw him drop Toshinori on the ground.
You saw his big foot move to stand on top of your son’s head earning a shout from Toshinori. Your legs seemed to give out as you fell to your knees frozen in fear. Toshinori let out a cry in strangled fear and pain as he coughed out. “Mom! Mom! Get out of here!” He shouted as he tried to activate One for All to push the large villain off of him. “MOMMA!” He screamed to you.
A deep chuckle came from Jigsaw as he pressed down harder. “Now isn’t this familiar?” He let out as he thought back almost lamenting. “Your boys must really love you because his brother did the exact same thing before a crushed his skull in. Always screaming for their mother. You must be such a great one for them to do that.”
“Please.” You sobbed out. “Let him go! Let them live! HE’S MY BOY!”
Jigsaw nodded. “Your eldest, and your husband’s heir. Killing him would probably leave more of an impact than the little one did.” He stated with a nod. “That makes sense to me.”
You saw Toshinori was crying but he had a smile on his face, forcing himself to smile. You couldn’t let him kill another one of your boys. Another one of your little sprouts.
Toshinori… Your eldest. Your first. You could still remember the feeling of him pressed against your chest when you gave birth to him. You remembered his giggle and his laughter. You remembered him reaching out to you as he took his first steps. You remembered being his first words. You remembered him dancing with you at the Mother and Son’s dance. You remembered how much he cared for you and took so much of your worries and burden onto himself.
He was your boy.
He was your sweet little boy.
“PLEASE!” You sobbed, tears streaming down your eyes. “Kill me instead!” At the sound of your ultimatum, Toshinori’s face fell. “Take me!” You shouted as you put a hand to your chest. “I’m the one that gave Deku everything he has now! You want your revenge on my husband, take me instead! Please I’ll do anything! Just… just don’t kill my baby.” You let out with crippled sobs as you dropped your head in a bow, begging and pleading that that would appease him.
Jigsaw was silent, before lifting his foot off of Toshinori. “That sounds interesting.” He let out amusedly.
“NO!” Toshinori shrieked as he tried to scramble over to you. You lifted your head finally noticing he was free. “MOM! MO-” Suddenly Jigsaw grabbed Toshinori’s arm and twisted it funny, making you hear an audible snap as your son shouted in pure agony.
“TOSHINORI!” You burst forward.
Jigsaw kicked your son away, only hurting him so that he would be too blinded by the pain to come and help you. Suddenly you found your wrist being gripped as you were pulled up with a hand to your neck. You stilled realising that this was it. That you made your choice and you could only pray to God that this demon kept to his word.
Toshinori was laying near a knocked out Kane, who had blood dripping from the top of his head. Toshinori looked up in pain, tears in his eyes as he tried using his good arm to get up and get to you. “Mom…” He let out weakly.
You forced a wavering smile to your face. “It’s okay baby, it’s okay.” You lied to him as you kept your eyes on him. “I love you. I love you so much! You’re such a good boy, always know that.” You told him with a nod of your head. Your hands were shaking as the reality of being at deaths door made your body grow cold.
Right as his grip on you turned tough.
“Let go of my wife.” The parking grew quiet as your eyes moved. You heard the voice of your husband but you couldn’t see him, but you could tell that Jigsaw had grown stiff.
“Well isn’t this cute.”
You were suddenly thrusted onto the ground, your hands barely catching you in time as you landed on the floor. You shakily lifted yourself up as you turned to see that Izuku had his hands on Jigsaw’s neck, a second away from snapping it. His hair was glowing white and his eyes buzzed with the power of One for All as he stood behind the villain, keeping him still.
Jigsaw chuckled. “Looks like you were fast enough to stop this one, huh, Deku?” Your husband didn’t comment as he stayed quiet. He glanced at you for less than a second, making sure you were okay before flicking his eyes back down to Jigsaw. His hands gripped the villain tighter. A laugh came out of the grade S villain. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” He said singsong. “I’ve rigged explosions to every one of these pillars underground. The moment I die, my quirk will go off and the entire building will come collapsing down ontop of you and your precious wife and son.”
Izuku knew he wasn’t bluffing. He had seen Jigsaw’s quirk work before and it was horrifying. Entire puzzle piece looking holes could be found wherever he left, whether in buildings or people. Izuku swallowed down hard but stayed where he was.
“Y/N, get Toshinori and Kane out of here. I’m going to buy you some time.”
You trusted your husband wholeheartedly, so you did what he said and you ran towards Toshinori and Kane. You quickly helped Toshinori to his feet, despite the pain he was in and you carefully got Kane’s dead weight on your back as you carried him whilst he was unconscious. You carefully ran towards the opening to the car ramp that led up towards the outside to the street. You ushered Toshinori forward, forcing him to go around the boom gate when you paused.
You realised that izuku wasn’t fighting Jigsaw. He was just standing there.
You turned to look at Izuku and that’s when you realised what he was going to do. Your eyes widened in horror as you were about to turn around and run to him.
“TOSHINORI GRAB YOUR MOTHER!” Immediately you felt blackwhip surround you, as Toshinori kept you in place, instinctively listening to his father’s instructions and not thinking first.
“Y/N, take care of the boys for me!” He told you sincerely with a broken smile as he looked at you, tears in his green eyes but surety. “I’m so sorry for what I did. I don’t deserve you. You are an amazing wife and I don’t deserve you.”
“NO!” you shrieked.
“Toshinori get your mother out of here NOW!” Your husband shouted.
Toshinori was confused but he pulled you along anyways out of the parking area. You felt your eyes burn as you saw the last glimpses of Izuku. You saw a tear leave his eyes as he smiled. His hands moved and a scream left your throat as suddenly everything went white.
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i-cant-sing · 8 months
We wants more todoroki clan one shots
Hmmm okay but imagine reader being Fuyumi's daughter and you are obviously adored by everyone in the Todoroki fam but one person in particular just has that special bond with you-
It's that uncle-niece bond that he holds so close to his heart, absolutely spoils the hell out of you and is ALWAYS in competition with his brothers for "favourite uncle" ever. Like Fuyumi may have given birth to you but you were Dabi's baby 1000000%.
In his eyes, you can do no wrong. You had him wrapped around your little pinky the moment you opened your eyes and stared at him, your eyes wide and animated as they stared into his very soul (and then at Fuyumi, looking at her like "mom? Who is this man wrapped around my finger?").
Casually drops in by Fuyumi's House (she never gave him a key, and she's stopped changing locks over and over because Dabi just breaks in anyways) and steals you from the crib. If he's in a good mood, he might leave a note that he took you and not a kidnapper.
I think Dad Dabi and Uncle Dabi are pretty much the same except Uncle Dabi is a lot more lenient with tge rules than Dad Dabi, like unless you're doing something that would actively result in your death or harm, Uncle Dabi would allow you to do whatever you want. Like Dad Dabi wouldn't ever allow you to date, but Uncle Dabi....
Are you allowed to date? NEVER. Will he kill your s/o if you do find one? Not unless he hurts you or upsets you even slightly, then it's game over for him.
I also think that Uncle Dabi would act more like a sassy mother at times, especially if its like the principal told you to bring your parents and you called Dabi instead of Fuyumi, and Dabi is immediately slamming the door in as he struts in and starts lying on his ancestors that you are the most innocent child ever who's never done anything wrong in her life, might as well call you little miss Virgin Mary because that's just how pure and naive and kind you are and that he'll be suing the principal- NOT THE SCHOOL, but the principal personally and the principal just pulls up a tape of you punching a kid in the throat and Dabi just looks at back you like-
"Should've went with an uppercut like I taught you last week-"
"Mr Dabi!"
Dabi just sighs. "Right. I'll talk to her, but can I get a copy of that?"
And then there's just Fuyumi who is scolding both of you, directed mostly towards Dabi than you because Dabi likes to take blame for a lot of things on your behalf and also because Fuyumi knows that Dabi's been teaching you to do stupid shit.
If you think about it, Uncle Dabi acts a lot like fun wine aunts, like he's drunk before any formal family dinner and he's always bringing the best gifts and jokes and makes the whole situation lighter with dark comedy while the rest of his family sit in uncomfortable, painful silence. But you? Oh you couldn't tell the difference for YEARS because Uncle Dabi was just that good at distracting you from his dysfunctional family to give you the happy childhood he never had🥰
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shallyouobeyme · 8 months
Platonic!Yandere!EareserMic/Todoroki/Bakugo!Family x reader (GN) + Platonic!Yandere!LoV x reader (GN)
Summary: Trying to juggle hero class, very protective classmates along with their families which included multiple pro-heroes and your teachers who seemed to be incredibly extra attentive around you was hard enough - but at least they seemed to keep each other in check so that you were able to live on kind of normally, while being bounced around between them. Hopefully, no one comes around and ruins that delicate harmony...
! Minors Do Not Interact !
TW: Yandere, Dark content, kidnapping, manipulation, mentions of planning a murder, violence, swearing (thanks to Bakugo), Obsessive behaviour, I do not condone this, this is all fiction, tell me if I missed something - also this is not proofread so there's probably a lot of mistakes that I'll fix sometimes in the future
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Ever since you've started attending U.A., your life has become incredibly exhausting. Now, one would think 'Of course attending the top pro-hero school in the country would be exhausting, what did you expect? A walk in the park? Idiot.', but to this person you'd say that they were right. You hadn't expected U.A. to be easy, you really would have to have been stupid to do so, but the actual school wasn't the problem. Sure, classes were challenging sometimes and the training was working you to the bone some days, but you were able to live with that - after all, you had known that it would be hard when you had signed up for it, but what you hadn't known was that you'd somehow become the pet project for not one, not two, not three, but four pro-heroes, three hero-students and two overprotective suburban moms.
When you had started school, you had expected to kind of merge with the masses. After all, your quirk wasn't really anything flashy, your family didn't include any famous heroes or rich business moguls, and you weren't one to thrive with attention directed at you. Now as someone who joined the school later in the semester for personal reasons, you knew there would be some spotlight on you for a few weeks, but you also thought that there'd already be established friend groups and connections, so once the natural curiosity of a bunch of teens was satiated, you'd be able to just go the rest of your school days in peace and quite on your own. So imagine your surprise when after an entire month of being in class 1-A, the three most popular (and probably most promising) students of the class seemed to be glued to your side, and along with them their respective friends.
Izuku, you learned after a few days, was the kind of person who was probably predetermined to make friends with any new person he met, as he even tried to be friends with the boy who bullied him relentlessly - but with you, he seemed to drive that up a notch. He was interested in literally every word you said, started to have what seemed to be an entire chapter dedicated just to you in his notebook and soon that escalated to what seemed to be an entirely separate book just for information about you. But Izuku was a little weird in the very best way possible, so you didn't mind too much, he was funny and tried to respect your personal space and need for alone time - even though he seemed to think alone time meant that he was just sitting silently beside you while you were allowed to do something you usually would do completely alone, like writing in your diary or calling your parents. Honestly, you were surprised that he let you go on the toilet alone (even though on some days the second you went out to leave for the bathroom, someone from his friend group or he suddenly seemed to need to use the bathroom as well.
Shotou surprised you with how clingy he seemed to be, after all, from what you had heard from people from other classes and from how he seemed the first time you had met him he wasn't really the most sociable person. As far as you knew, he was only part of a friend group because Izuku had latched onto him and had refused to let go until he had become one of his friends by association. So, again, it was quite surprising when he seemed to initiate interactions with you as often as possible, be it insisting that you studied with him, that you joined him while making dinner in the dorms, sitting down beside you during lunch, or just silently sitting in the corner of whatever room you happened to be with and staring. The last one was definitely creeping you out, but after Izuku had told you about all the horrible things that had happened to Shotou (later he would definitely deny any accusations of manipulating you into being more accepting of his friend's stranger behaviours) you felt too bad to confront him about it. Still, Shotou was a lot more up to your speed when it came to how calm and quiet he usually was, so you didn't have all that many complaints about his constant presence, especially since he and Izuku got along great which made hangouts mostly peaceful.
The same decidedly could not be said about Bakugo. Bakugo was a chaotic and destructive force to be reckoned with. He was brash, loud, opinionated and (sometimes) violent - basically, he was everything you usually tried to avoid. Bakugo did not like that - not one bit. He insisted that he was 'the best f**king person in this f**king place to hang out with and he was better than any of these sh**ty extras so you should be happy he even wanted to be your friend, now shut up and let him cook your favourite meal." It was safe to say that spending time with him was usually very stressful for you - at least when Izuku and Shotou were there, which was almost always because he could not hold back on insulting them, screaming that he was the only person who had any right to hang out with you and that he was more than enough to protect you - the question about what they thought you needed protection from was always more or less elegantly deflected. Curiously, it turned out that Bakugo was able to act very differently when it was just the two of you - he was still very brash and slightly aggressive, but he became a lot quieter, and a lot more thoughtful too. When it was just the two of you - for example after he picked you up like a sack of grain when the others were distracted (by his friends usually) and locked the two of you up in his room, he allowed you to quietly read a book or draw or do the things you usually didn't have the calm to do while he studied at his desk, insisting you make yourself comfortable in his bed wearing one of his jumpers.
You figured sooner or later your teachers would figure out what was going on and intervene, but your homeroom teacher especially seemed to go in a different direction. In fact, he seemed to support their friendship with you - telling you that they were the best suited in class to protect you when he wasn't around (again, no explanation as to what you'd need protection from). He insisted that you spent at least one break every few days in class with him so he could 'supervise your progress and help you with especially difficult material', paid a lot more attention to you in class than anyone else, let you get away with forgetting homework or slacking off during training, always pair you up with someone who he'd knew wouldn't let you get hurt and who'd make sure you get a good grade, and you seemingly always got better grades than the students who did just about the exact same thing as you. Honestly, you didn't really have a reason to complain at first, but then the breaks spent with him turned into breaks spent with him and his husband Hizashi (sometimes joined by Shinsou who also seemed to be close to you whenever you left the classroom during breaks, but never really talked that much).
Now the three of them (along with their friends whom the three seemed to colour off on) and your teachers were already hard enough to handle, but they seemed to be happy as long as you spent the same amount of attention on all of them and didn't actively play favourites - even though they always insisted to be the favourite when talking to each other. This delicate alliance was broken though, when Izuku invited you to stay with his mother during an elongated weekend at home - and when he gave you his puppy eyes and let you listen in on a call with his mother where she sounded so incredibly excited at the prospect of her little boy bringing a friend home with him, you just couldn't say no. The weekend was actually very nice, his mother was such a kind woman and she treated you like her own child. Actually, she probably treated you better - she made sure everything was perfect for you, she only made your favourite foods (thanks to Izuku's intel), she made sure your bed was always fluffy, your room was always the ideal temperature, the shower in the guest bedroom always had the right water pressure, and everything the tree of you did was something that you'd enjoy. Sure, she could be a little overbearing, but given that your own family had never really cared about you that much it was really refreshing.
At least it was for the very first time, turns out being cared for 24/7 was a lot less refreshing when there were like a dozen people trying to do it at the same time. Given their rivalry, it was only natural that once Bakugo and Shotou (and Aizawa) found out about your little trip to Izuku's childhood home, they insisted that now you just had to come visit their families as well. And so you started being bounced from one family to the other. Gone were the weekends spent chilling in the dorms and getting to have at least some time to yourself, instead you rotated through four different homes - none of them yours, even though the families in them would vigorously insist that you were the most important 'resident' in it. And so you found yourself in the Bakugo residence, getting pampered by Misuki and Masaru, having your clothing thrown away and replaced by custom-made ones by them, and getting to enjoy being around the (slightly) calmer version of Katsuki.
Or you found yourself in the Todoroki's house, surrounded by his siblings and his parents - his mother seemingly wanting to forget that you were not her child as she treated you like one of her own, even insisting on you letting her or Enji tuck you in no matter how often you tried to tell them that you were actually not a child anymore (not that they wanted to hear that). Enji wasn't home a lot, but he made an attempt to be home as often as he could when he knew you'd be there, causing a vague tension between his family, but no one wanted to say it out loud since you actually enjoyed when he was there (since he not only spoilt you, not shying away from any expense but since he was also the one who was most likely to let you trips with his family - the others preferring to keep you all to themselves inside) and he sometimes brought Hawks along who always made sure you had a fun time since he kind of took on the role of a cool uncle.
The family that was probably most up your lane was the family of your teachers. Aizawa and Yamada cancelled each other's energy out for the most part, so it actually felt like spending time with a normal family, not to mention that their little daughter Eri had really grown on you, insisting that you were her younger sister (you didn't bother to correct her after the first few times, assuming that she was just using the logic a little child would use) and their son Shinsou would usually help you out whenever you needed some alone time by agreeing to play with Eri for half an hour if you agreed that you'd cuddle with him and the family's cats and kittens later - honestly you saw it as a win-win.
With all of these people wanting you to pay attention to them or wanting you to spend time with you all the time, it was no wonder that you were exhausted, but honestly, you were just happy that they got along fine enough to accept the 'schedule' and routine that had arisen from the chaos because you had overheard them talking about just how willing they were to go probably too far to keep you around. Usually, you'd probably gone to the police the moment you first heard Bakugo threaten Shinsou that he'd blow up his cat if one of them ever scratched you or when you heard Hawks and Enji talk about how they'd be able to permanently incapacitate Aizawa and Yamada if they ever needed to, but a) you were never alone, so when would you be able to and b) people tend not to believe that some of the most famous heroes and their children would ever be so obsessed with someone as unassuming as you. So, you just made do with the cards you had dealt to you, just happy about the little bit of free time and privacy you had left.
While you were so preoccupied with keeping these opposing forces at bay that you hadn't noticed some different, unknown, foreboding pairs of eyes on you whenever you were out in public. One Sunday evening in a nice restaurant as you spent the last of your weekend with Midorya, his mother, and All-might who had insisted on joining, to get to know his successor's new best friend and one of his favourite students better, you excused yourself to go to the bathroom and when you came out of the stall, you felt a pinch in your neck and everything turned black.
When you woke up in a dingy bar surrounded by people you had seen only when they had tried to attack your school and kill your friends, with the girl you knew liked to stab people having you lie with your head in her lap as she brushed her hands through your hair - your hands were tied behind your back with silk so there was sadly not a lot you could do about it - and the guy who liked to burn everything around him insisting on covering you with enough blankets to keep you warm to make sure you wouldn't get sick while insulting everyone and everything around him. It was safe to say that you knew that should you get out of the League of Villains lair again, you could probably say goodbye to any time spent alone and most likely to any outing where there weren't at least two pro-heroes protecting you.
A/N: Day 9 of my Yandere Writetober, Special thanks to @sol565 for the inspiration for this story, without them, I would probably not have been able to write what turned out to be the longest story on this blog so far and I really enjoyed writing it so lots of love and lots of thanks ❤️❤️❤️ Tomorrow's word is 'Fortune'
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class1akids · 16 days
Your posts made me appreciate Shoto again because it seems like he's the only kid who went in with a solid plan about how he wanted to deal with his brother without killing him and made an entire special move to help with that plan and even talked about wanting to know his favorite food. Ochako and Deku really did seem to be just winging it, and Deku was even worse because he only cared about the crying child inside Shigaraki. It's like if Shoto only ever cared about his brothers 12 year old self and not the adult burn victim in front of him.
Thanks! I'm really glad if I can manage to spread some Shouto-appreciation. I think he's way underrated both in-verse and in-fandom for how committed he was to saving Touya.
Maybe because they didn't "talk" so much in the sense like Ochako and Toga did, but their fight was framed in the context of ultimate moves and specifically flashfire being the horrible, violent language they were both were trained in.
Shouto took that "language" that Endeavor imposed on them and quite literally reinvented his quirk based on his heart to be able to stop Touya's fire in the right way. And he did work on that move before the battle, going into the fight with the conviction that "he is me" and clearly worried about Dabi wrecking his own body.
And the way Shouto reinterpreted flashfire was the exact opposite as what Endeavor wanted them to do / to be, the way he was there when Endeavor wasn't, the way he prioritized Touya when Endeavor once again didn't - I think it's the type of "actions speak louder" way of communication that fits Shouto so well.
And since Touya copied Phosphor, I think at least on some level he must have understood what Shouto chose to do there and why and it connects to how he was capable of perceiving Shouto in the end not as some kind of masterpiece monster born to dethrone him but as a part of the family, a brother.
And I also appreciate that Shouto never made his saving conditional on whether he was facing Dabi or Touya. His priority was to try to stop him from burning himself and others up - because in Shouto's mind everyone can change, even the worst monsters.
I find it incredibly sad that because Endeavor was kept alive, Shouto wasn't enough for Touya - they needed a second resolution with Endeavor. I wish we could have seen the original ending - the one planned when Endeavor was set to die in the PLF War Arc.
I won't be happy if the Todoroki family plot ends with Touya dying offscreen or if he doesn't have at least a moment of more direct connection with Shouto. But I also don't trust Horikoshi that he won't make this into all a trophy / reward for Endeavor. In my mind, he really overplays the redemption arcs and overcompensates the characters for their change.
Anyways, while Shouto's endgame is far from perfect, I do appreciate that Phosphor was a really solid move for him, narratively bringing things together and he never strayed into that preachy, hypocrite territory Deku did.
But with Horikoshi ruining or ignoring so much of his own set-up, I'm really worried if he'll just assassinate Shouto's character too now in the last few chapters.
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huiiiooo · 2 months
Hi, I already made a post about this but I decided to make a more elaborate post on the subject
as we know after failing to steal One For All from Banjo and En, All for one realized that he would need a greater will than the user and his predecessors to steal the OFA, as he could not, he proceeded to find a Suitable Successor/Receptacle with enough will to steal the One for all
Due to the Connection with All Might, the Shimura family was the main sieve of All for one, but it was not the only one, as we know Garaki had several Orphanages and All for one probably Evaluated and tested possible Vessels there, including Number Six
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This shows that even though he was working at Tenko, he was never the Only Possibility, because that doesn't suit someone who is always planning all the variables.
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but he didn't limit it to Garaki or Shimuras, as shown with his experiment with Touya Todoroki
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as All for one was coincidentally already at the mountain that day, it is possible that he used "Forced Activation" to cause the Fire, These three Shigaraki, Dabi and Number Six all have their hatred shaped based on some kind of heroic obsession.
What if this was also the case for Izuku Midoriya, but perhaps this would be a slightly more complex Experiment because of this because of this he was secondary, it would be an even more ambitious Vessel, since All for one would play a little with the Quirk Singularity, and your own genetics by having a child with someone from the fourth generation, the first generation that demonstrated the concrete Signs
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the goal was not only to create an All for one with the ability to Hold the complex Quirks of the future, but also combined with Inko's Quirk it would be able to Steal Quirks without the need for direct touch, as it is already difficult to copy the All for one in a perfect and functional way, it is impossible to create something even more powerful in the laboratory
to avoid attracting attention All for one blocked his son's Quirk at birth, just as he removed the Tenko factor
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Just as he encouraged heroic desires in Number Six and Shigaraki, the same would be done with Izuku, being from birth imbued with heroism and All Might, all so that when he saw himself Quirkless, society and reality would crush that dream, transformed into hatred and resentment, creating the will necessary to Steal One For All, he knew Izuku would be bullied (Maybe he even encouraged this behavior)
In order for the child to be monitored more closely and by a specialist, All for one asked The Tsubasa Family (Garaki's pseudonym) to move close to where he placed the Midoriyas
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interestingly Koga (AFO Construction Site) Musutafu and Jakku Hospital then connected in a triangle close to each other, for easy accessibility to AFO and Garaki
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and both families knew each other, little Tsubasa played with Izuku and Katsuki, and Izuku's mother knew Tsubasa's mother, probably that's why they went to Garaki since the families were already friends
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Tsubasa was eventually transformed into Nomu for reasons currently unknown.
However, the Bullying did not have the expected effect and did not generate in Izuku the hatred and resentment that AFO wanted and neededIzuku was too good, he didn't create a grudge, he didn't get that hatred for society that Tomura got, which made Shigaraki Tomura the suitable Vessel for All for one, which made all for one leave this family adventure aside and focus on Tomura, leaving an automatic network sending money under the banner of a "Hisashi working overseas"
Maybe the reason AFO categorizes Izuku as Useless, and criticizes Yoichi for trusting him with the OFA is because he didn't become a Suitable Vessel and didn't live up to expectations, almost a parallel to Dabi, right?
Maybe he left it to use Izuku's Quirk when it was really necessary in the future
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jubileemon · 21 days
In Defense of Rei Todoroki
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I think Rei Todoroki deserved some empathy in light of the difficult circumstances she faced within her family, thanks to Endeavor.
Endeavor and his wife Rei didn't have a happy relationship, given how he only married her in order to produce a child strong enough to surpass All Might and she was absolutely aware of that.
Rei endured years of emotional and physical abuse from her husband, as he was more driven by his ambition to surpass All Might. Despite her attempts to protect her children, the intense pressure from her husband's actions within the household took a toll on her mental well-being. While the series portrays Endeavor's abuse as a contributor to her mental state, it's important to note that victims of abuse may find it difficult to escape such situations.
Rei's repeated exposure to Enji's dominance and abuse likely fostered a belief that she couldn't change her circumstances, leading to a passive acceptance of her situation. Victims of abuse can internalize their suffering in real life, sometimes making it challenging for them to break free. Rei's mental state serves as a portrayal of the devastating impact of an abusive environment on an individual's well-being.
We know that Rei deeply loves all her children and wishes to protect them. However, Enji's overwhelming control and abusive behavior render her powerless.
Knowing this, it doesn't take much to infer that he likely forced her to bear his children, just like how he pushed her into a loveless marriage. It gets worse when you realize how Todoroki has three older siblings... 🔥💀❄️
While the series has mentioned Quirk marriages before, it is truly sobering to actually see it firsthand as it's clear this is a marriage of convenience. Rei is marrying Endeavor for the sake of her family name and Endeavor just wants an heir to help surpass All Might.
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We also see Endeavor wailing on Rei for letting Toya train while the young Shoto steps up to his mother's defense. All the while, Natsuo and Fuyumi huddle together in fear. It was a truly explicit and heartbreaking example of domestic abuse. She isn't as outright abusive as Enji is and genuinely loves her children. But as she herself admits later on, she didn't do more than she could've done to stop Enji's mistreatment of their children.
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The look on Enji's face when Rei says that he's not a hero and is running away from his problems. He looks like he wants to hit her for talking back at him like that, but he knows she's right. She tried her best to be a good mother, but despite her strong disapproval, she was powerless to stop Enji from abusing and neglecting their kids. Whenever she attempted to protect Shoto from his father's brutal training, Enji inflicted physical consequences.
Due to her own worsening mental state, she prioritise protecting Shoto from Endeavor, as Shoto is the one to be in direct physical harm. This made her unintentionally neglect her other children in the process, especially Toya.
Their marriage was shown to have a power imbalance. Enji’s horrible actions created an environment where Rei feels unable to assert herself. Over time, this repeated subjugation leads to passiveness and compliance. Enji’s horrid behavior likely instills a pervasive fear in Rei, making her reluctant to stand up to him. The threat of retaliation or escalation of abuse often paralyzes victims, preventing them from acting against their abuser.
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When Rei, crying out in fear and despair, tells she couldn’t stop Toya, Enji, with a straight-up demonic face, yells at her that Toya’s officially her problem and demands her to stop him. This causes images of Enji and Toya’s hatred-filled faces to flash before Rei’s eyes, causing her to snap and attack Shoto when she experiences a mental breakdown and inadvertently harms her youngest son by pouring boiling water on his face.
She was a broken woman at the start of the story, given her loveless marriage with Endeavor, the abuse they went through under his roof, as well as her breaking point where she scalded Shoto with boiling water. Later down the story, it was also revealed how she was hospitalized initially for hurting Shoto, but then she learned about Toya's apparent death in her hospital. Her condition went from bad to worst that she had to be kept there for years.
The icing on the cake? Not only did her family sold her off, but they eagerly sold her off for the financial benefits. Her life has been a wreck from the start. 😭
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bleach-your-panties · 8 months
Kinktober Day 7 💋 with Shoto Todoroki
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Warnings: praise, dirty talk (that's somehow sugary sweet still because it's Shoto), overstimulation (ofc), oral (f! receiving), dacryphilia, fingering, penetration, Shoto uses his quirk (ofc), pool sex, multiple orgasms, swimwear kink? 
▶️: dive in - trey songz
▶️: wet the bed - chris brown ft. ludacris
Ooo, I'm about to dive in 
Woah, oh, oh, oh
This is your third lap around the school's Olympic-sized swimming pool. You're preparing yourself for UA's upcoming swim meet against Ketsubutsu University.
Along with Kirishima, Bakugou, Midoriya, Kaminari, Sero, Uraraka, and Ojiro, you were quite enthused when UA decided to implement competitive sports teams. It was quite refreshing for you, a business major with a love for sports.
With the breadth of the hero course's curriculum, you really couldn't see how they'd even have the time for sports outside of hero training, but they seemed to all make it work somehow.
Including your boyfriend, Shoto.
He's a part of UA University's Big Three along with Midoriya and Bakugou and also on the men's swim team with them.
That was how the two of you met and started dating. At your first swim meet against Shiketsu College.
Of course you knew of the infamous Todoroki son from high school's sports festivals and the like, but you had zero interactions with him or any of his classmates due to your differing course schedules at the time.
Now that you all are in college, the course requirements cause students with all different majors to mesh together, as they all share many of the same prerequisite classes needed in order to graduate with a full academic degree.
Once you started dating, Shoto's cold (no pun intended) outer exterior began to melt away (also no pun intended) as you began to worm your way right into his heart.
After you finished your final lap, you pulled yourself out of the pool to sit on the stone steps that led out of it.
Wringing out your wet hair, you pulled it off your shoulders and up into a messy bun with a few pieces hanging in your face.
"Well, that should just about do it for today." You triumphantly told yourself, your chlorine-soaked face twisting up ever so slightly into a confident smile as you thought about winning the meet and then going out afterwards to celebrate with all your friends.
And with Shoto.
The sound of your gym locker slamming shut echoed around the empty changing room. With your heavy school and gym bags slung over either shoulder, you were ready to make your way back to the dorms.
"Going somewhere, little lamb?"
A deep, sultry voice cooed out from somewhere behind you.
You turned abruptly, slightly startled by the tone of the all-too familiar male's icy tone.
"Hey, Sho. What's up? I didn't know that you guys had practice this evening." 
He stepped from around the corner, his tall, lean, 6'2" frame approaching you swiftly thanks to his long, muscled legs. 
No doubt he's the fastest swimmer on the men's team with those legs.
His bi-colored hair, split perfectly down the middle, was dribbling water down his forehead. A white towel slung over his neck soaked up any remaining droplets as your eyes moved from his forehead down to his heterochromatic eyes, his bare chest, washboard abs, and finally…
His raging hard-on that was all-too perspicuous in those tight, spandex navy blue, white, and red shorts.
A ghost of a smirk upturned his top lip as he watched you check him out. He even shook his head a bit from side to side, making water fly off of his hair in random directions.
"That's because we didn't. Coach had to leave early because of a family emergency."
"O-oh? Well, that's unfortunate to hear." 
Before you knew it, Shoto had your back pinned against the lockers. His lips ghosted up your neck, while his sneaky fingers went to grasp your right breast, massaging the nipple through your thin white T-shirt until it was hard.
Your hands came up to wrap around his neck, but he grabbed them up in his other hand and pinned them above your head.
"Mmm, Shoto, what's all this, daddy?" You cooed, eyes dilating while watching him.
"Been wanting you all day. When you texted me that you had practice this afternoon, all I could think about was you in your bathing suit. Soaking wet, nipples hardening when they hit the air, and perfectly outlining your pussy. I don't even know how the school allows you to wear these skimpy ass things, but I'm not complaining."
You giggled and angled your face to kiss his jaw, which made him blush.
So he was still your bashful, cute Shoto, even while overcome with undeniable lust for you. Perfect.
"Let my arms down, Sho. Want to blow your big cock, baby~"
Shoto recovered from his blush almost instantaneously and shook his head.
"No can do, beautiful. I have to have your pussy in my mouth right now.
He growled under his breath, almost inaudibly, and moved to pull your athletic shorts down to your knees. You stepped out of them, leaving your fat, swimsuit-covered pussy on display.
"You didn't shower yet?"
Your turn to blush now as you shook your head.
"I was g-going to once I made it to the dorms." 
"Don't fret, darling. I only ask because I want to eat this pussy fresh out of the pool."
Damn was he turning you on! He could eat you however and wherever he wanted to at this point! 
"Go ahead, Sho. Do whatever you want to me.."
He clicked his tongue and lowered himself to his knees, finally letting your arms go. You sighed in relief and threaded your fingers through his soft, wet hair.
"Whatever I want? Be careful what you ask for, pretty. Jump."
You did as he asked; he caught you under the thighs and pushed you further up against the locker, which was uncomfortable, but you couldn't be bothered to care.
Especially not when Shoto started sucking on your lower lips through your swimsuit. 
"Ooooh, Sho, that feels good, daddy… don't stop!"
He wasn't going to.
Shoto balanced your thighs over his shoulders and you let yourself rest on them while he took a hand to move the now-saliva-soaked material covering your pussy aside to rub your clit with his fingers.
You didn't know how long you'd be able to last like this. Shoto's fingers were like fucking magic where making you come undone was concerned.
"Yeah, that feel good, baby? Want me to put them inside?" 
His heterochromatic eyes were locked on your e/c ones as he began rubbing more vigorously, holding your clit between his middle and ring fingers with his entire palm covering your labia.
"Y-y-yessss, shit! So good, baby!" 
"Fuuuccck, you're already shaking. You missed me today, yeah?" 
No answer from you.
"Come on. Blink once for yes, twice for no." 
One blink.
"Good girl~" Shoto took his fingers off your clit and angled them upwards before sticking them inside you.
Your back fell off the locker, but Shoto caught you, chuckled, and positioned you back against it. He lifted your right leg up, pressed it against your chest and let your foot rest beside his head.
"How do you want it, baby girl?" He asked sweetly before he pressed a few soft, wet kisses to your inner thigh.
"Come on, talk to me." He then slapped your thigh, which woke you up from your dumbstruck haze.
"W-want both…want it all…need it all, Sho."
He smirked and suddenly you felt his fingers turn ice cold as he plugged them deep inside your core, making you choke out a few moans.
"Ooo yeah, love it when I make you curse, baby." 
He then switched hands, faster than the speed of light and now you were filled with a satisfying warmth. It wasn't long before you were gushing all over his hand.
"That's one. Come here, baby. Let me lay that perfect body down."
Shoto pulled you off the wall and hoisted you over his shoulder.
"You trust me to try something?" He asked as he patted your butt while he carried you out to the pool.
"Mhm, trust you with my life, Sho." 
That warmed his heart and made him genuinely smile.
"I love you, baby."
"I love you, too, Sho."
Shoto situated you at the edge of the pool. You dipped your legs in while he sat on his knees in front of you, half-submerged in the water.
"So pretty, looking like a fucking princess on her throne." He praised, rubbing your legs with both hands while he bent to kiss your knees all the way up your thighs.
"How long do you think I can hold my breath underwater?"
He didn't answer you; instead, Shoto moved his head between your legs and used his teeth to move your swimsuit aside. One hand pulled it and held it out of the way while his mouth ravished you.
You mewled, head thrown back, one elbow placed against the slippery, wet step to balance yourself. Shoto took your leg and brought it to his shoulder again, holding it while he made a mess of your pussy.
Licking and sucking softly, his lips moved like he was French-kissing you on the mouth.
"Sho, shit! That's so good, baby. Fuck, eat me out, just like that~♡!" 
His entire head was in between your legs as if breathing meant nothing to him.
Your thighs began to shake again but he held fast, spreading you open wider as he went wild between them. 
His red and white hair shook from side to side as he ate you with vigor like you were the last thing he'd ever taste.
He hummed on your pussy, making it vibrate. That was the last straw for you. 
He had to grip both thighs tight in order to keep you from tumbling over into the pool head first. You squirted again, making his eyebrows shoot up. 
When you came down from your high, Shoto's entire face was drenched, which made you blush.
"So good, baby. You did a perfect job, my love."
He didn't even bother to wipe his face before dragging you by the hips to rest right on the last step. Your lower half was now submerged in a shallow bit of water.
"One more for me, baby. Can you cum one last time on my cock? Hmm, pretty baby?"
You nodded eagerly, though you felt the strength rapidly leaving your body. 
Shoto lowered his swim trunks, your eyes watching his every movement until his cock finally popped out.
It's so long; pretty and thick with a fat, pink tip. Pre-cum ran down the shaft only making you want to get up on your knees and lick it up.
"Spread your legs a little, baby. Just like that. Stay right there."
He gripped it in his right hand, stroking a little before tapping it on your clit, making the little bud jump in excitement.
"Sho, no teasing, please….need you…"
"You have me, baby. Oh God, do you have me…" He whispered softly, eyes totally focused on easing his dick head into your cunt.
A shiver coursed through your entire body once Shoto was inside. He used his left side to warm you up, making your belly flare with heat once he began stroking.
Stroke left.
He knew you were on the verge of breaking down.
Switch it up, now he's moving slowly, thrusting deeply in you, swirling his hips, making the water splash around your waist as his dick is now as cold and hard as a freezer pop.
"Yes…" He coached as his eyes watched you like a hawk: your facial expressions, your breathing. Everything. He wanted to see it all. To watch you completely unravel, just for him. Only for him.
Stroke right.
His own thighs were beginning to burn from how much work he was putting in, but with his stamina, he could last another two rounds only if you were able to handle it.
Which you're not.
"God, Shoto…" 
"Yeah, baby. Call for me. Are you cumming?" 
Your stomach was tense, jaw slacked, and thighs sore from being held open for so long.
"I said are you cumming, Y/n? Answer me, baby girl. Do you want me to stop? Stop you from getting that nut?"
Tiredly but eagerly, you shook your head no.
"Then answer my question. Are you close?" 
"What's that?" 
"Y-yes! Yes Shoto, I'm so close! I can't take it anymore, please just give me your cum!" You cried, tears bubbling at your lash line and threatening to spill over.
He had the nerve to chuckle. God, how he loved your tear-stricken face. Loved to see and hear you go delirious on his cock.
"You want my cum? You have to give me something first, precious. You know what I want." 
"I can't, Sho…please..!" 
"You can. I'm going to help you, baby…help you lose it on my fucking cock." 
He spread you impossibly wider, making you almost do a complete split as he drilled his cock into you.
That wasn't all though, oh no.
As he fucked you senseless, he alternated the temperature of his dick with each thrust.
The moans you let out were very hot and pornographic. If anyone out in the hallway was to walk by, they'd most certainly know that you were getting fucked and by whom you were getting fucked.
You couldn't stop chanting Shoto's name, and he wouldn't stop thrusting.
"Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Fuck! That's good…. I feel it, baby, oh shit! Feel you clenching on me, unnghhhh, goddamnit….!"
The water sloshed all around the both of you and you let out one final, long scream of Shoto's name. Your squirt shot out of your pussy and splashed high against his abdomen.
After seeing and feeling you squirt all over his dick, Shoto came hard as hell, filling you to the brim with his nut.
With his last bit of strength, he pulled the two of you up and out of the water and fixed his shorts back up on his hips.
He pulled you against his chest and peppered the side of your head with soft kisses.
"Did so good for me, my baby. So proud of you."
You could barely hear him, but you smiled. You almost fell asleep in his arms until he nudged you back awake.
"What is it, Sho?" 
Your eyes followed his to a black, white, and red sign depicting a stick figure running with a red circle and slash mark going through the image.
Shoto smirked.
"No Running in the Pool Area." 
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keikiri-kitten · 1 year
a/n: wanted to go into depth about pro hero dabi with a small little angsty drabble! we get to see all the family together and how they cope with normal family arguments and not their brother/son literally being a villainous murderer.
Family dinners at the Todoroki household had become something far and few in-between due to the recent success of proheroes Dabi and Shoto. It seemed as though the entire atmosphere changed when the two brothers were missing dinner and instead being shown on the television for the rest of the family to see. There was a motherly pride not only radiating from Rei but Fuyumi as well, watching the men cover their screen. Advertisements, interviews, news segments and entertainment show spots were just some of the things that they would sometimes catch at the right time.
Endeavor, who always knew his sons were bound for great success because of his training, kept mum on their celebrity. Why comment on the inevitable? The only one who didn’t seem to understand was Natsuo. Natsuo tried to live a normal life. He chose college, a normal job, dating on his own terms and at his own time. He didn’t want what could come from being a hero. 
The Todoroki family had always been a close knit unit. There was nothing they didn’t know about each other. But when Natsuo could feel the separation widening within this unit, he began to pull away from the brothers. That was until the family were sitting at the table with all sorts of expressions when the pushy Dabi got Natsuo to chirp about his new fling.
“Touya, eat your food. Mom and I worked really hard on it.” fuyumi scolded her brother, resting her wrist on the table with an annoyed appearance dressing her face. She hated when Touya got chatty, it would always lead to someone getting defensive over his brash commentary. She knew Natsuo was his next victim.
“I will but this has a bit more flavor,” Touya propped his hand in the air to exaggerate his statement. Pinching his fingers together, he kissed his fingertips before leaning over the food slightly to intimidate his brother into talking. “Seriously Natsuo? When did this happen?”
Shoto always maintained a neutral stance, but he couldn’t help but realize the pest Touya could be. “When he’s ready, he will tell us.” 
“Shoto,” piercing blue eyes snapped to the youngest with agitation, “shut up.”
Natsuo could feel the spotlight on him burning brighter as he was put in the hotseat. The cameras were for the other boys, not him. He wasn’t good with moments like this. “Ah, it’s stupid, maybe she’s a rebound–” he tried, chuckling with his eyes glued to his food. 
“It’s not stupid!” Touya's face lit up again before his fists banged against the table, grabbing all of his family’s attention. Even Enji was startled. “My brother gets a new girlfriend and it seems like all of my family knows but me!” The wide grin he had was beginning to shake as he stared at his brother– his supposed best friend. “ I wanna know about her. We’re supposed to be close.” 
“How close can anyone really be to the number 2 hero anymore?” Natsuo didn’t mean for it to come off so harsh. He looked apologetic the moment he was finished, spotting a frown on his older brother's face.
“What? I make time. As much as I can.” Touya scoffed, brushing his brother off with his hand waving in the other direction. It was a front, even you, his fiance sitting besides him knew that. There was a very loud silence in the room. No one said anything, even you. It made him flush with embarrassment. “I make time,” his voice went cold and filled with hurt.
“Please don’t start at the table…please.” Rei begged, holding out a hand to reach for her son.
“Where is this coming from?” Touya didn’t stop, looking around the table to realize not a single individual was looking him in the eyes.
“Touya,” his mother tried again.
“Mom–” he snapped, yanking his hand from her touch all while stitching his brows. “So you all wanna be quiet when I’m asking you a question? You all feel like this?” 
Rei didn’t want to see dinner ruined after many days of seeing one of her children missing from the table for various reasons. One good meal with her babies and she would be fine. “Touya, we can think of something else to talk about, yeah? This is a discussion you two can have afterwards.” 
“No, if this is something you all wanna be tight lipped about, I’m not talking about anything.” He dropped his utensils on the table and dusted his hands on his clothes before looking Natsuo in the eyes. Natsuo stared at him in regret. The eldest stood from his seat to point at his brother. “I’m sorry being number 2 makes your skin burn but I’m not the only brother in the top 10 and I don’t see anyone giving Shoto heat for his success. I’m successful.”
“It’s not about that Touya–”
“Oh piss off Fuyumi, you’re a school teacher. You can come home after your nine to five without a scratch on you and they’d still love you more than the one fighting for their lives,” he barked at his sister, tilting his head down before holding a hand out for you to take. “Come on. We’re going home.”
As you stood up, you whispered a goodbye to the family and sauntered off with him. The table split looks of either disapproval or shock. They knew Dabi was a hot head but one thing they didn’t really understand was how emotionally charged he was. That night was only opening the cover page of his chapter book of feelings and emotions. As the family once again sat in silence, Rei jumped from her seat to chase the both of you down. 
“Touya!” Rei trekked through the corridor to spot the both of you prior to you stepping down the stairs. “Touya wait!” 
“There’s nothing you can say to make me stay. We’re going home, ma.” he didn’t want to hear it. He knew it would be an excuse to come back inside and finish a plate in silence.
“I’m not here to stop you.” his mother spoke up and out of breath. “I just wanna talk to you,” sending you a gracious glance, her focus shifted back to her son. “Just you.” it was a cue for you to leave, though being engaged to someone like Dabi, you made sure to never be too far away. You found comfort taking a few more steps to pause at the bridge that went over that small pond you adored.
“Natsuo is just a bit sensitive. You aren’t just brothers but you’re his best friend. He feels like he’s losing you to the rest of Japan.” Rei placed her hand on her son’s shoulder.
‘Why doesn’t he treat Shoto with that same shitty logic? I’m not stopping him from becoming a goddamn hero.” 
“You watch your mouth,” his mother spat. “And he’s not that close with Shoto. No one is.”
Touya tried to take a step back from his anger and think about his next words. While he was heated, he felt more hurt than anything. “I try to come around,” his voice hushed to avoid anyone other than his mother hearing him be vulnerable. “Do you think I spend too much time away from you guys?” he quizzed. “Mom?” 
“I think we have a very complicated family dynamic.” Touya rolled his eyes but looked back to his mother as she continued to speak. “I don’t want you to feel bad about the time you spend away doing what you love or being with who you love. You save people, Touya. I’m proud of you. You could have been doing anything else in the world. With all the things your father has put you through I’m more shocked you stuck to your guns and became a hero. You and Fuyumi try your hardest to keep this family together. Natsuo is scared. We all are.” He tried…he really tried hearing his mother’s side and from the bridge, you could see his face falling. 
“Of what? I can take care of myself.” Touya’s brows stitched together as he raised his hands to emphasize the world around him.
“Japan needs Dabi, but we need Touya. I need Touya.” Rei scolded, “you’re my baby and I would never ask you to stretch yourself thin. If you’re trying and your brothers and sister cannot seem to understand it, let yourself be misunderstood. You do what is best for you. I always told you that.” Placing her hand on her son’s chest, she gave him a nod of approval.
He tried to stand strong, but he couldn’t. Dabi took his mothers hand and kissed her knuckles, staring into her steel colored eyes. “I think we’re going to head home.” 
“Will you talk to Natsuo before you go?”
“I’ll head back over tomorrow. I promised my fiancé some alone time.” grabbing the back of his mother’s head, he kissed the top of her head. “I love you Ma.” backing away from his mother, he waved her a small goodbye before scraping his shoes along the dirt and holding a hand out for you to take as he stepped up the bridge.
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http-tokki · 2 years
~ dabi x fem! reader ~ tags/cw: mha spoilers! explicit language, smut, best friend dabi, friends to lovers, dabi has a monster cock confirmed. Not proofread ~ wc: 1.7k ~ "You can call me whatever you want."
"Touya?" The name feels foreign on your tongue as you repeat it. "Tou-ya"
Dabi sits across from you, legs crossed and hands in his lap, watching you process the information he has just thrown at you.
His nod is slow. "Yes. Touya Todoroki"
You mirror the nod, eyes squinting as your mind races to connect the dots. "As in the Todoroki's?"
"As in Endeavour," Dabi, well now Touya, confirms.
The bed shifts as Touya moves closer to you. He inches forward through the sheets until his knees touch your own. His scent engulfs you; vanilla and mint fill your head, and you find yourself leaning into his space.
A slender finger taps against your temple. "You okay in there?"
"Yeah, I'm just trying to figure out why- how." You stutter, your brain unable to work fast enough to process the new information.
There wasn't any record of Dabi in the Todoroki family files. A file of all the children had been opened under Enji's overarching folder, yet there hadn't been anything indicating there was an older offspring. No birth or death certificate, no school forms, vaccination records. Nothing. You had poured over those documents, had scoured them clean upon the revelation of Enji's mistreatment of the youngest. How could you have missed a whole person?
"You're not going to find anything if you look. Enji erased everything," Touya explains as if sensing your growing confusion. "I don't exist."
Your eyes flick up to meet his. There is no sadness or regret, no hint of emotion within his cerulean eyes. Teeth sink into your bottom lip in hesitation, wanting to press for more answers but afraid to open old wounds.
"I can see you thinking about it, and I don't want to talk about it, okay?"
You’re shut down before you can make a decision.
"I just have one question."
"I might have an answer."
"Why Dabi?"
"Real answer or cool answer?" He asks, smirk pulling at the corners of his mouth.
You hum at the options before picking the third. "Both?"
A muted chuckle leaves your friend at your indecision. "Cool answer; it sounded like a cool villain name and was short enough to fit on a T-shirt." he pauses and looks away from you. "Real answer: it means cremation, and I wanted my dad to figure out it was me if it ever got out."
The strings of your heart snap at the mention of his father.
"Well…" you start undecided on the direction the conversation will take. "I think it'll look great on a T-shirt with you standing there in that one cool photo the press got of you, you know the one?"
You opt for the lighter of the two.
Touya grins, relief sweeping over his body in the way his shoulders sag forward. He was ready to open old wounds for you. Willing to sit as you pulled out each stitch to reveal the gaping hole that sits in the centre of his chest, but thankfully, you didn't want to rip him open.
A breath is taken by the both of you as you wiggle closer, knees pushing further into his.
"So, can I call you Touya now?"
Touya is stunned, blinking at you with confusion at the request, and you take his silence as an opportunity to close the gap between your bodies. Rising to your knees, you shuffle across the mattress and make room for your body to slip into his lap. Your friendship had been teetering on the verge of romantic for months now. Hugs had grown longer, hands lingering at each other's waist as you smiled goodbye, bodies pressed against one another as you walked through crowded rooms, his arms wrapping around your waist instead of your shoulder while pulling you into conversations with his friends. Casual contact that you would think nothing more of had it not been coming from Touya, the man who stared at you wherever you went, gaze following the lines of your body before coming to rest on your lips. The lines had blurred the other night. In your arctic apartment, Touya had slipped in behind you while you shivered in your freezing bed, wrapping his arms around your waist and hauling you against his body. Heat bloomed from within your core, warming you from the inside out, but it was the searing kiss he had pressed to your shoulder that had your blood boiling. He whispered a goodnight against your skin before his breathing turned even and his body grew heavy with sleep. You didn't move, too afraid to wake him from whatever state he had fallen into, but by the next morning, when you awoke tangled in each other, there was no mention of the kiss. So you left it. Left your simmering blood to boil over until your skin was red raw.
Touya watches carefully as you perch yourself in his lap, thighs slipping open to slot against his hips, and only when you're seated, ass carefully placed over the seam of his pants and your arms around his neck, does he smile.
"You can call me whatever you want." Touya croons, tongue running over his teeth as you get comfortable in his arms.
"Whatever I want?" You confirm, lips pursing in contemplation.
His answer is a low hum. Large hands grab at your hips, fingers digging into the plush flesh that sits along your bones and uses the leverage to shift his hips to slot under yours.
"Sound good, angel?"
The pet name clocks you from left field. Your fingers slide into his hair, pulling on the locks at his nape and tilting his head up to meet yours as you hover a few inches taller than him, the advantage given to you by the seat in his lap. You feel him harden beneath you, pushing against his sweats and into your covered cunt, and heat fills you again. It rushes through your veins and settles deep in your gut.
Touya ghosts his lips over your throat, teeth grazing before nipping at the thin skin. Your hiss is involuntary, but it is the rut of your hips over his that has his mouth venturing higher.
"Do you like my name, princess?" he teases. "Wanna know what it'll feel like in your mouth when I'm fucking you?"
The breath you take in is far too shallow to bring any oxygen to your swimming head.
"I- Touy- uhh-" your mind scrambles for a coherent sentence, but his mouth on your jaw has it short-circuiting.
He still hasn't kissed you yet, so when a hand moves from your hips to your face to grab at the fat of your cheeks, your heart is racing. Touya's mouth hovers over yours for a second, smirking as you whine at the lack of contact, and only when you mutter out a breathy please does he kiss you.
A mess of teeth and tongue, you can barely open your mouth fast enough to devour the man before you. He tastes of menthol cigarettes and bubble-mint gum, and in any other scenario, you would have grimaced. However, here, with Touya finally kissing you, you were smiling into the kiss.
"Wan' you 'n me" you slur as he kisses down your throat, hips grinding over his hard cock. You're dripping for him, already soaking through your panties and tights. It's sticky and hot and messy, and you're aching for him, need him to slip into you, to fuck you open on his cock.
"Say that again, baby. I need to hear you say it." Touya implores. Hands slipping over your body to reach the waistband of your pants.
"Want you in me, Touya, need you." you whine, pulling at his hair as you feel him struggle with the elastic.
"Rip it." you suggest, not caring for the flimsy material keeping you from what you want most.
He doesn't need to be told twice as he takes either side of the gusset of the pants in his hands and pulls until there is a hole big enough for him to slide into. What follows is not at all graceful as Touya's shaky hands reach for his own waistband, pulling it down just enough to pull himself out. He halts all movement, waiting for your permission before he crosses the line. You're begging before he can ask the question, pleading with your friend to take your friendship and throw it out in favour of something more fulfilling.
Touya's fingers wrap around his aching cock, precum pearling at the tip and for a second, you're scared. Intimidated by the size of him, unaware your friend had been packing that in his pants, but that fear is replaced by the need to have him in your mouth, heavy and hot on your tongue as he fucks your throat. He presses against your sopping cunt, sliding up to nudge at your clit before tapping against your entrance. He pushes in, groaning as your cunt swallows him, squeezing him to the point where he thinks he might pass out.
"Good girl," he praises, holding your hips still as he slides further. "You're doing so fucking good, angel."
You blush at the praise, hiding your face in his neck as you feel the burn of being stretched out, feel him bottom out and nudge against your cervix. Touya pulls back, but you stop him with a hand to his jaw.
"Gimmie a second, Touya," you whisper, fingers splaying over scarred skin as you adjust to the full feeling. "Need'a sec"
Touya presses a kiss on your cheek. "Take as long as you need, baby. I'm not going anywhere."
Touya never gets tired of hearing his name fall from your lips. Your gentle calls to him in the morning as he wakes up, how annoyed you sound when he comes home bruised and broken, how it sounds like a blessing on his soul when you tell him you love him, but his favourite has to be the way you moan it. With his cock buried within you, bartering your cervix over and over again, pulling strangled and breathy moans of his name from your swollen lips. How you cry his name as you cum, clenching on his throbbing cock. The sound of his name on your tongue makes him hate the nameless.
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pikahlua · 1 year
Based on the interpretations of Touyas lines in this latest chapter, I think Hori really showcases how little Touya actually wanted from his family. Literally less than 1 minute of focused attention from his family seems to be enough to start tipping the scales towards a turn around and I think Hori has done a fantastic job of showing how easily this could have been avoided for the readers
I don't disagree, but I would like to carefully point out that I don't think that's the purpose of this scene. In my opinion, Horikoshi has already showcased the wrongs Touya's family perpetrated against him and how Touya wanted them to be righted. His family even acknowledged those wrongs and voiced their regrets in the hospital post-PLW. Horikoshi has no need to belabor the point. Touya's line this chapter calls his family's actions "simple," but simple does not mean easy.
The act of "looking at Touya" was about acknowledging him for who he is. The Todoroki family's troubles tie in perfectly to the main themes of the story because they were a representation of the problems with quirk society. Quirk society was such that people were treated as though all their worth was in their quirks. People are seen as quirks and not people. The same thing was happening with Endeavor's dream. He viewed his children as quirks. He wanted a quirk that would beat All Might. He never considered All Might the man or the humanity of his children in the process. His obsession was directed at quirks.
Touya wanted to be seen. He wanted to be acknowledged for who he was, but he recognized his father only could see quirks. That's why Touya constantly trained and tried to prove he could outdo Shouto. He wanted his father to look at him, and the only thing his father would look at was a quirk.
Only many years later, after Dabi's broadcast, do the entire Todoroki family (sans Touya) meet (that post-PLW hospital scene again) and actually discuss their feelings about the situation. Everything they did in the past was to maintain the purpose of the family, which was to make a perfect quirk. After Touya's death, they each went through their own grieving and self-discovery process. Dabi's broadcast brought everything to a head, and they were all forced to come to a conclusion. And so each person expressed their regrets and their desire to "look at that child." They were ready to give Touya what he wants since then...with the exception of Endeavor. Endeavor had a bit more waffling until the point was hammered home by Shouto.
But the next part was that Touya had to be ready to receive what he wanted so long ago. That was the point of Shouto wearing him down and placating him with Phosphor and Dabi catching his second wind and self-destructing in his own obsession. It would've been so much simpler if the family had given him what he wanted so long ago because now there were so many layers of Dabi to break through before they could reach Touya. Dabi exists because he saw that even his death did not effect the change in his family he wished to see. His family continued to obsess over quirks and Endeavor's misguided purpose. It's a shame all this suffering and tragedy had to happen when all Touya wanted was to be acknowledged. But that's precisely why it was so hard to give him what he wanted--because they were mired in the same quirk-corrupted society that so many other characters in this story have been.
So yeah, this is meant to be the culmination of a paradigm shift not only within the Todoroki family but also as a potential reflection of society. Treating people as just quirks has harmed them in so many ways, and the true heroes are those seeking to acknowledge the humanity of those truly suffering for it all: the villains. Everyone in this society is guilty of falling into the "people are just their quirks" trap, and everyone has to do the hard work in order to change themselves and make things better. People are more than just their quirks.
And therein lies the inherent tragedy of Touya's "final" thoughts. He finally sees a glimmer of the thing he wanted: for his family (and society) to change. To be acknowledged as a person, for whom he is. And having been acknowledged, he is ready to continue that healing, to reunite with his now changed family. But even if he wants to, he can't. The entire family each own a piece of the responsibility for that.
Except for their hero Shouto, who is now there to save them.
So I do agree that in this chapter there is a reflection of the tragedy in how things got this bad, but the thing I get the most from this moment is that things have finally come together. The logical conclusion of the Todoroki family's arc has been reached. It is as satisfying in its culmination as it is complete in its tragedy and hubris. And it begs for a conclusion where everyone in danger gets the thing they now want: the chance to live long enough to reconcile as a family.
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robotlesbianjavert · 11 months
every part of your theory about toga and uraraka came true! but what do you think of how canon got toga off the murder train?
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horikoshi is genuinely so funny.
for real though i do have to mull this over a bit. there's a lot that i genuinely love about this confrontation, particularly on a character level. getting more info on toga's backstory, uraraka showing some real shonen grit and determination to talk to toga, the way their separate things about smiles were woven together, the taking -> giving of blood and what that would mean between toga and uraraka, the way uraraka admitted she admired toga's freakiest smile revealing she's a bit of a freak, THEY GOT A FALLING THROUGH THE SKY HOLDING EACH OTHER SCENE? sublime. it's a lot of what i wanted out of togachaco and the climax of their respective character arcs.
however. there are character levels that would be better served. if the more societal level themes were present. the shot of naomi spn as toga's quirk counselor is exhilarating, but it's not something that uraraka or any of the other heroes will have to reckon with. or the abuse that toga and any other league members went through with their families and the ways they were ostracized by society - it's cute how uraraka opens herself up to toga and promises to accept her, but how do we extrapolate that into the overall conflict of the story and how society created the circumstances that broke toga? and then of course no one fucking admitting what it means for toga's friend to have been murdered by a government agent except for fucking FUCKING hawks going "jin was a decent guy" YEAH HE WAS HAWKS. WISH MORE WAS DONE WITH THIS. but yeah it's really weird how uraraka despite being told straight up that someone toga loved was murdered, uraraka never has a reaction to that or thinks about what that means in the larger context of the world she lives in.
there's some stuff i'm willing to wait until the end of the story to see how it pans out, but i wish a lot had been better integrated into and paced throughout the story, this final arc in particular, but. it is what it is.
specific to the murder train, i am mollified that toga is very certain that the league is going to destroy everything actually, and that she doesn't intend to go to jail or anything for her crimes, so she's not technically off the murder train. she's just willing to crash her murder train cuz the girl she likes said she had the cutest smile in the WHOLE world. like that's fair.
anyways. not entirely related to the murder train but related to the overall togachaco plotline. there are two things that could have really helped with, if not entirely eliminated, my complaints and really have made uraraka's arc more powerful, which in turn would only have good things in store for toga's.
the way that ALL the students and the aftermath of the war got shoved aside for deku's meaningless angst trip. i want to see uraraka wrestling more with herself about her encounter with toga and what it meant, really taking a look at the world around her and how it came to be, getting into real conflict about the viability of reaching out to and saving the villains despite everything, etc etc. also i want to see more from toga for that period of time between her fight with uraraka and turning up at AFO's vacation island. i would like to see her talk to spinner again.
if uraraka had been involved in the stain confrontation with iida and todoroki (deku is optional). one of the things about uraraka is that it felt like the purpose of her arc was constantly shifting or being rebooted - she became a hero to financially support her parents, actually no she became a hero because she wants to make people smile and cuz she's such a good kid, she's interested in who saves other heroes but this is mostly directed at deku and also the ochaco/deku dynamic is really boring, etc. uraraka being in the fight against stain would fix basically everything. plus it gives an earlier in for togachaco, the girl who helped defeat stain vs the girl who had a crush on stain, it could work so good yall.
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imjustasimpxd · 2 years
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Title: You’re still Beautiful
Pairing: Shoto Todoroki x reader
Summary: While all the kids from class 1-A are having a pool party, Shoto’s girlfriend refuses to get in the water. Confused, he asks her why she’s hesitating, However she tells him she’s afraid to let her makeup wash off, exposing the acne she’s insecure about.
Warnings : Mainly fluff, insecurities, teasing
Word count : Around 2,600 words
Author’s notes : reblogs are appreciated!! I appreciate all feedback on my writing so that I can know what you guys liked and what you think I should improve on😊
Disclaimer : this is a work of fiction and should in no way, shape, or form, be taken seriously.
Side Note: The reason I wanted to write about this is because I struggle with this exact same thing myself. Every time I want to swim with other people that aren’t my family, I get really insecure about taking my makeup off because of all my acne. This is something that relates to me and as far as I know, I’ve never seen someone write about characters being insecure of acne before, so I a wanted to write it. Please enjoy!😊
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“Iida watch out!!” A loud yell echoed from across the pool, causing Iida to look in the direction of the voice instead of noticing the trouble brewing behind him.
“Huh? What are you talking about? Why woul-“
Before he could even finish his sentence, his body was instantly flung toward the water. And just like that, Bakugo’s plan to shove him into the pool had proven successful.
“Ha! You loser! That’s what you get for taking so long!” Bakugo cackled, pointing a finger towards his classmate to tease him.
“Yeah! Get him Bakugo!” Kirishima shouted.
Iida had spent the last ten minutes waiting for his sunscreen to dry, despite everyone continuously telling him to get into the pool. He ignored every single comment the others made, claiming he wanted to wait the exact amount of time the bottle suggested in order to prevent the risk of sunburn. However that only fueled the others’ desire to push him in, and that’s exactly what ended up happening. Before Iida even saw it coming, there he went, plummeting into the water within seconds.
“I swear Bakugo, if I get a sunburn because of this I’m blaming you!” Iida shouted, his hand raising in the air as he spoke.
“Yeah yeah whatever, now are you gonna join the dumb game or not?” Katsuki responded, disregarding his classmates threats to instead address the volleyball game they were trying to start.
Iida sighed, crossing his arms before speaking once more. “Seeing as I’m in the water already, I might as well. Count me in.” Iida may have been annoyed that he was pushed in, but that wouldn’t stop him from joining the fun.
“How about you girls? You in?” Denki glanced in your direction, his eyes switching between you, Ochako, and Mina as the three of you sat near the edge, letting your feet dangle in the pool.
“For sure! I’m in!” Mina cheered, hoping down from the ledge she was sitting on and returning to the water.
“Yeah! Let’s do it!” Ochako spoke up immediately after, leaving your side to join the others in the water as well.
“What about you y/n?” Izuku smiled innocently. “With you we’d have an even number.”
A wave of anxiety suddenly settled in your stomach the moment his words entered your ears.
“Crap! He just asked me to get in the pool didn’t he? What do I say?!” You thought to yourself, beginning to panic the minute you witnessed every single one of your classmates turn their heads to glance at you.
“Uhhh.. actually I…” You tried to come up with a reasonable excuse, but the way their gaze’s lingered on you made you stutter, loosing all train of thought.
They weren’t meaning it in that way of course, however their stares burned into your soul all the same. You wanted to join in on the game, really you did, however it was just too embarrassing for you to handle. If you got in, you knew you would be splashed at one point or another, which meant all your makeup would wash off, exposing the acne that lined your face.
Acne was easily one of your biggest insecurities, and it didn’t help that you seemed to be the only one who struggled with it the most out of your entire class. Having such bad acne really took a toll on your self confidence, no matter how much you pretended it didn’t. Most of the time you could simply cover it up with makeup and you’d be fine, however during times like this it always made you wish you could hide away where no one would see you. Even right now, as everyone stared at you, you could see how clear their skin was, which of course only made things worse.
“… Um yeah..normally I would it’s just… I don’t really feel like it today.” You finally spoke up, remaining in your spot with your feet still hanging over the ledge.
“Wait what?”
“Since when?”
“Cmon y/n, just get in.”
“Yeah I thought you loved playing volleyball?”
“Aw come on y/n, it won’t be as fun without you!”
Their voices shattered through the air, each person interrupting the other in an impatient attempt to get an explanation as to why you were refusing to join the game. You knew none of them were striving to be rude in any way, their only intention was to convince you to get in the pool. However their persistence was upsetting you, making you feel backed into a corner and pressured to say yes to something you didn’t want to do.
Although despite their urging for you to give in, you still remained strong; clearing your throat before parting your lips to explain yourself. “I’m just not really feeling well right now, that’s all.” You confessed a half truth, hoping everyone would believe it so you could avoid all the questions they’d possibly bombard you with. “I’ll keep score though if you want.” You smiled, putting on a pleasant expression so they wouldn’t suspect your lies.
“Wait? You feel sick?” Tsu asked, her eyes filling with worry.
“… yeah...” You lied once again, receiving many concerned looks from your classmates.
“Aww wait guys, if she’s not feeling well then she doesn’t have to play.“ Kirishima intervened, feeling bad for trying to convince you to swim earlier.
After hearing of your current “condition”, Iida quickly took charge. “It could be because you ate very recently. I suggest waiting first before getting in if you’re already feeling sick. We don’t want to make the situation any worse.” He ranted, making sure everyone refrained from pressuring you into swimming since it could possibly “affect your health.”
“Yeah four eyes is right, and besides, I don’t want you barfing while I’m in the pool.” Bakugo chuckled.
His snarky joke quickly got most of the others laughing, taking the attention off of you and lightening the mood; both of which you were grateful for.
“Yeah I think I’ll just wait for a few minutes, but if I’m feeling better later I’ll join.” You laughed nervously, praying they wouldn’t hold you to that promise later.
In all honesty you really didn’t want to miss out on the fun, you rather enjoyed the antics you and your friends would always get up to in the middle of games like this. However your insecurities were taking over again, making you feel uncomfortable to the point where you’d actually choose to skip out on an activity with your friends to simply sit on the sidelines instead. You just didn’t want to feel insecure about yourself, that’s all, and that was more important to you than a volleyball game.
“Alright just let us know if you need anything.” Momo clarified, beginning to tie her hair up in a bun to prepare for their game.
“I will.” You smiled, successfully fooling everyone into thinking you were simply sick instead of avoiding swimming
…well almost everyone
As all the others seemed to carry on after hearing your response, one person in particular had refrained from moving.
It was your boyfriend, Shoto Todoroki.
You tried to avoid eye contact, hoping he was just staring because he thought you looked nice or something. However when he started swimming in your direction, you knew it was all over. As his body reached yours sitting on the ledge, he quickly propped his arms up to rest atop your thighs, gazing at you with eyes full of worry.
“What’s wrong darling?”
He wasted no time in asking, his voice remaining gentle as the genuine concern he was feeling towards you becoming increasingly blatant.
“Nothing’s wrong. I’m just not feeling well that’s all.” You tried your best to reassure him, but as his head tilted to the side and he stared at you with his eyebrows raised, you knew he saw right through your pitiful excuse.
The lie may have been enough to fool everyone else, but not him. Todoroki knew you better than anyone; and he instantly caught on the moment you started acting differently.
“Y/n, please don’t lie to me, I just want to make sure you’re okay.” His words were so calming, the affectionate gaze he sent your way as well made the tension in your muscles weaken. “Is it because you’re on your period or something?” He immediately began guessing, determined to get to the bottom of whatever it was that was making you so unhappy. “I’m pretty sure some of the girls have tampons in their bags. I can go ask them if you need me to.” He offered, the simple gesture melting your heart in an instant.
“No,” you smiled, stretching your hand out to stroke his hair as he rested against your lap. “No, I’m not on my period.”
“Then what’s wrong love?” He asked once more, moving his hand to softly caress your arm as you ruffled his hair.
When you witnessed the way his tender gaze settled on yours, you quickly realized there was no point in trying to lie. No matter how good of an excuse you’d come up with, he would see through it immediately. You always seemed to forget just how well he could read you, your feelings were as clear to him in this moment as they would’ve been written down on paper.
He could tell something was bothering you, he recognized it the minute you reacted to being asked to get in the pool. However he waited, realizing whatever reason you had must’ve been one you were reluctant to share. So that’s why he stood by, patiently waiting for the others to start the game so he could slip away unnoticed and check up on you. And here he was, disregarding everyone else so that he could find out what was troubling you. And with the way his lips curved into a gentle smile, you knew he had no intention of leaving until you told him.
You sighed softly, gathering all the confidence you had left to finally spill the truth to him. “Well… it’s just.. the truth is, I don’t want my makeup to wash off…” You confessed, looking away instantly to hide the embarrassment festering inside you.
His eyebrows creased in confusion. “Wait your makeup? What’s wrong with letting it come off?” He asked curiously, tilting his head to try to meet your eyes again after you looked away.
“Because…” you began, your fingers retreating from his hair and settling in your lap. “Because then everyone will see my acne… I’m having a really bad breakout right now and I don’t want anyone to see it… it’s embarrassing.” You confessed, your head lowering and your eyes welling up with tears at the mere thought of everyone seeing your skin exposed.
Shoto’s eyes suddenly widened, his heart breaking at the sight before him. He felt terrible, you were choosing to prevent yourself from having any fun simply because you were too scared to let the others see your acne, even though that’s something which is completely normal for a girl your age.
“Aww y/n..” he quickly got up from laying against your lap and moved to jump onto the ledge you were sitting on. Once he got up there, he instantly reached his hands out, placing them on your shoulders to get your attention. “Y/n look at me.” He told you, lifting his hand to gently turn your head towards him when you refused to do it yourself. “Just listen to me when I say this alright?” He demanded, his tone sounding firm so you would understand the importance of his words.
“You’re beautiful even without makeup.” He explained, grasping your cheek with his hand and placing a gentle kiss to your forehead.
“You’re just saying that because you’re my boyfriend.” You argued, your head hanging below your shoulders.
“No, I’m saying it because it’s true. I wouldn’t lie to you.”
You sighed quietly, wondering if what he told you was really true like he said it was. As you thought as about it, Shoto was never one to lie about things. If he didn’t like something or had a problem with someone then he would say so, which sometimes made him come off as a little too blunt. But it’s just because he didn’t see the point in sugarcoating things or giving half truths to accommodate for someone’s feelings. Some people could’ve seen it as heartless, however that’s just how he was, he didn’t like to lie to people.
So knowing that, maybe what he said about you really was true…
“Hey?” Todoroki’s voice suddenly broke through the silence, causing you to glance back at him.
“Come here.” He smiled softly, holding his hands out in the air and signaling for you to lay against him. You obliged of course, leaning towards him and allowing your figure to rest against his.
“Why don’t we just sit here for a few minutes to get your mind of things?” He spoke up, gently scratching your scalp as you laid against his chest. “Then after that we can get in the pool together okay?”
“Mkay.” You responded, snuggling closer to him as the two of you watched the others play their chaotic game of volleyball.
You and Shoto both ended up waiting a good 10 minutes before getting in the pool so that the others wouldn’t be suspicious of your so called “illness” being fake.
Once you did finally step foot in the pool, allowing the cold water to surround your body, you quickly joined the long awaited game your friends had been playing for a while now.
The second you started participating, you realized just how foolish you had been earlier. The way everyone was jumping up and down while cheering, the amount of times you almost fell over from laughing so hard, the entire environment surrounding the game was just so enjoyable and entertaining that you regretted not joining sooner.
You ended up having such a good time that all the insecurities you had previously let ruin your mood had been erased from your mind completely. It allowed you to let loose and focus on what was more important.
As you took a second to glance around you, admiring the people you called your friends, you realized just how lucky you were.
Your classmates truly were some of the best you could ever ask for. They were fun, they were understanding, but most importantly; you knew they all cared for you. They may have all had different ways of expressing it, but each and every single one of them had shown their friendly affection towards you at one point or another.
You felt valued with them, and nothing could replace the family bond you had all made together.
As you took one last look around at the people you held so dear to your heart, one particular member of your “family” suddenly decided to get up to no good.
“Y/n look out!”
“Wait what??”
And just like that your body was forced underwater…
You knew you were bound to get splashed, that was something you were prepared for. However what you didn’t anticipate was getting full on dunked underwater by a certain classmate with an explosion quirk…
In all honestly you probably should’ve expected Bakugo would pull something like that. I mean he is Bakugo after all.
“Yeah! That’s what you get when you try to spike the ball on me you nerd!“ Bakugo cackled, amused at the way he saw you roll your eyes at him after emerging from underwater.
You weren’t upset, just a little surprised and maybe a little disappointed too since you knew your makeup was bound to wash off at this point.
However even as the water dripped from your face, wiping your makeup along with it, you saw your boyfriend whisper three words from across the pool.
Three precious words that meant more to you than anything else at that moment…
“You’re still beautiful.”
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I hope anyone who struggles with acne can relate to this. I honestly still feel insecure about my acne in situations like this. I went to a party at my friend’s house a few weeks ago and everyone was planning on swimming after dinner, however I had to leave early so I couldn’t, but I was thankful I couldn’t swim because of my acne😔 It’s getting better, but this is something I personally struggle with to this day so I wanted to write about it. I hope you all enjoyed the prompt in general, but especially if you deal with this as well.
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titan-fodder · 2 years
A Force of Nature [1]
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Tags: exposition and introductions, mentions of death, a crush on a teacher, magic stuff
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Fourth year begins with a body—or really, the direct aftermath of finding one. 
The entire student body of One For All University had received the same message two weeks before term started delivered via dreamscape. 
As your semi-lucid self blinked at the other students who suddenly surrounded you, you knew something was wrong. Master Yagi stood at the center of the group, skeletal face grim as he broke the news. 
Dean Todoroki had been found dead on the campus grounds. There were no leads and no suspects. 
“We’re doing our best to get to the bottom of this. In the meantime, should any students decide not to return to the university this semester, the commission will waive any penalties and allow you to pick up your studies in the spring.”
When you’d woken up the following morning, all you could do was stare at your bedroom ceiling. You were never very fond of Dean Todoroki, a stern man with absurdly high expectations, but that didn’t mean he deserved to die. 
No further details were given—nothing about the exact location or even cause of death—which led you to believe that the dean’s demise was the result of foul play. The real question that remains to be answered is who in the fuck would be ballsy enough to take on such a man. 
The option to take a gap semester tempted you for the small remainder of your summer break, but truthfully, you always knew you would return. No amount of fear or suspicion could stop you. 
You’re well passed the halfway point in attending OFAU, and the quicker you push through, the quicker you can join the workforce and put your skills to use (making real, adult money could also be a factor). 
The second week of September brings with it a textbook shopping spree, a four hour plane ride, and some dorm room decorating. Classes don’t start for another two days, but you always get to campus a little early just to settle in. The staff never seems to mind, and it’s not like you're the only student roaming the yards and halls. 
As you stack the last few books onto the shelf that hangs above your bed, your stomach gurgles, alerting you that you have put off dinner for long enough. Fortunately, you’ve reached an acceptable stopping point and can actually allow yourself to give in to your body’s needs. 
You slide your feet into a pair of slippers and grab one of your more casual cloaks, then step out of your small room and set the ward you’ve used since your first year. Each student is given a personalized protection spell for their dorm room, not unlike a combination lock. You're discouraged from sharing it with anyone, but that rule gets broken quite often for obvious reasons. 
The Chimera Axis dorms are the closest of the dorms to the dining hall but the furthest from most of the class buildings. One For All campus is set up like an old, wealthy neighborhood. Most courses take place in what look to be large Victorian houses, but each was gutted at some point in order to customize them for whatever setting its class or classes require. There’s a greenhouse on the roof of professor Nemuri’s brew house, a floor full of dummies and other foes inside of Mic’s house of defense, an entire observatory protruding from the third story of Sakamata’s astronomy house, and much, much more. 
There are nine of these outdated but gorgeous buildings, all arranged in what could be called a cul-de-sac (if said cul-de-sac resembled pancake batter poured by a toddler and took ten minutes to walk across).
You nod to the few students you pass on your way to the dining hall, asking how their summer breaks went without actually stopping to chat. It’s still warm out, and you see a couple of unfortunate tanlines, a sign of a happy vacation–the kind that you did not have. 
Your break was mostly spent holed up in your home studying, practicing, and showing off for family members like some kind of circus monkey. You can’t even remember how many tarot readings you did for your aunt Eileen, nor can you count the number of palms that were shoved in your face. However, nothing compared to your ignorant cousin pushing his spit cup across the coffee table for you to read the sodden tobacco like tea leaves. 
Even with a possible killer on the loose, the university has to be better than your home in the states.
Obviously not paying much attention as you enter the dining hall, still stuck on your cousin’s oh-so punchable face, you come very close to running straight into someone. You stop just in time, slipper-clad feet sliding on the hardwood floor until familiar hands steady you.
“Can’t say my hopes are very high for you this term if you’re already slamming into staff members.”
You crane your neck so that professor Sasaki can see the way you roll your eyes at him.
“I’m surprised you have any hopes for me at all, sir,” you tell him. “Lucky I even came back considering there’s a madman running amok.” 
It’s Sasaki’s turn to scoff. He drops his hands from your shoulders then pushes his glasses further up his nose while grumbling, “I hope for their sake they don’t run into you.”
“I can’t tell if that’s a compliment to my staggering skill in magics–” you flip your hair in faux arrogance, “–or an insult to my overall personality.”
Sasaki lifts an eyebrow, but his lips are curving in a small smile. He doesn’t have to say it. Your strength in witchcraft is mostly average, and you’ve been called difficult by more than a few people, so…
“Just say it,” you sigh, batting your eyelashes. “It’s okay, I won’t poke fun.”
“Yes you will,” he responds matter-of-factly before patting the top of your head and admitting, “I’m glad to see you,” then tacking on a wholly unnecessary, “Little brat.”
“Excuse me, is that any way to talk to your star pupil? Your newest apprentice?”
“Technically the paperwork hasn’t been signed off on,” he says as if he doesn’t care. He does, though. You know he does.
You’re a mediocre practitioner in every branch of magic save for one: The Fates.
Palmistry, Tarot, Tasseography, Geomancy, Scrying–skills not commonly used in this day other than at tourist trap boardwalks and secret government jobs, but it’s an art you appreciate and enjoy (though, your crystal gazing needs some work). Sasaki had been impressed when you’d excelled in his beginner’s class, the one every student has to take as a core credit, and he continued to hum in approval and encourage you through the intermediate classes most students struggle through for two whole years, so much so that he had you transferred into his advanced course early, a third year student among fourth and fifth years.  
There was no question as to what you would be majoring in here at OFA. Most people knew by their fourth year which was when classes became less about learning a bit of everything and more about honing specialized skills, but you’d known for a long time, about when you first discovered your gift as a child.
Standing at the threshold of the dining hall, you try to act nonchalant, as if you aren’t thrumming with excitement about being able to work closer with Sasaki. You shrug, look at your nails, then hum, “I mean, if you don’t wanna push it through, that’s on you, but… I think your next best candidate is Mineta.”
Sasaki cringes at the thought of the young man in question, suspended the year before for streaking through the gardens on a dare. You snort, telling the professor, “I hear he’s great with balls. Probably better than I am.”
“Please,” Sasaki holds a hand up and coughs. “I’ll remind Yagi.”
“I bet you will.”
He lets out an exasperated sigh at the same time that your stomach rumbles, and that prompts both of you to start moving again, sidestepping one another so that he can leave and you can make your way to the kitchen counters.
“See you in class,” Sasaki offers. “Make sure you come prepared.”
“Always do, sir.” You wave, flash a smile, then stop him with an, “Oh, by the way…” Sasaki tilts his head to listen, eyebrows high and expectant, but when you tease, “I missed you too, you big grump,” all he does is scowl in an unconvincing manner and turn around. 
Professor Mirai Sasaki is arguably one of the more intimidating teachers at OFA University, but you think you’ve done a pretty damn good job of worming your way into his good graces. He actually has a wicked sense of humor. It’s a shame he doesn’t show it often.
You find yourself smiling with every bite you take of your dinner, didn’t realize how much you missed the school food. The few other students in the hall are all sitting alone like you, some with books cracked open, some practicing simple spells—making their tea stir itself or charming cookies to dance around their plate. Little refreshers like that help, and you think about trying a few yourself then wave it off. You got enough practice when you were setting your room up, dusting and organizing your things Fantasia style. Besides, the first couple days of term consist mostly of reviewing what you may have forgotten over break. 
By the time you finish eating and get back to the Chimera dorms it’s nearly 8 o’clock, so you’re a little surprised to find a note waiting for you, floating in the air at face level so that you all but run into the damn thing. 
Let’s hang out. 
F. T. 
Simple, to the point. Exactly what you’d expect from Fumikage. 
You grab your trusty water bottle as well as the novel you’ve been reading all summer, then turn right back around to begin the long walk to the Indrik Axis dormitory building. 
It’s dark outside now, and you speak a simple incantation to make the tips of your fingers glow brightly, pointing them all at the ground in front of you to keep from tripping over anything. 
There’s a good chance you’ll be over pretty late which is fine, a sort of tradition you and Fumikage have after not seeing one another for months. He’s been your best friend since starting at the university, a low maintenance one at that which you appreciate greatly. You’ve talked enough to form a strong basis for a friendship, but most of the things you’ve learned about one another have been through observation. 
He comes from a rural area of Japan, still lives with his parents, enjoys metal music, horror movies, and suspenseful books. He’s also fantastic with transfiguration and astronomy, helping you with those classes since the moment you realized your weakness in them first year. 
When he opens the door to his dorm Fumikage offers you a head nod before welcoming you inside with a wave of his arm. 
“Good break?” you ask. 
He shrugs narrow shoulders. “Visited family and caught up on my movie list. Nothing exciting. You?” 
“About the same only the fam-bam came to me.” 
“Trapped by obligation in your own home. How miserable.”
“It wasn’t all bad. More draining than anything.”
A movie is playing on the small TV, an old slasher that even you have seen a dozen times, and the two of you settle on the floor, leaning against the foot of Fumikage’s bed. 
“Safe trip in?” 
He nods. 
“Did you fly or… fly?” You flap your hands by your sides to differentiate, and he shows a half smile then mimics the motion. 
One of the most impressive things about your friend is his ability to turn himself into different animals, his favorite being a raven. It suits him considering he already resembles one—high cheekbones, pointed chin, jet black hair. Some days he prefers to stay in his winged form, often hitching a ride to class on your shoulder, but that makes it a little difficult to communicate effectively. 
The two of you fall into a comfortable silence, eyes fixed on the bloody TV screen, but you start to get antsy as the gore reminds you…
“What do you think of, uh… Dean Todoroki?” 
Fumikage grunts, crossing his arms over his chest. “I think it’s suspicious we haven’t been told anything else about him.”
“My money’s on murder,” you say grimly. “Question is why. And who.”
“His body being found on campus grounds leads me to believe it was an inside job.”
“A colleague?” 
“Who else would be strong enough to kill him?” 
You hum in acknowledgment. That’s a very good point. 
“Did you hear who’s taking his spot?”
“Nah, who?” 
“His son.”
You frown, going through the list. “Natsuo?” That doesn’t make sense. You’d heard that he actually struggled during his time at the school. 
“Shouto,” Fumikage corrects, and now you’re even more taken aback. 
“Didn’t he literally just graduate in spring?” 
“He did.”
It’s hard to wrap your head around. A professor two years older than you? Hiring someone so young at such a prestigious school seems risky even if the guy in question is a fucking savant. 
His skill with the elements was apparent even before his first year so you’ve heard, and by the time he hit his second year he was more powerful than every student and even some staff. You can only imagine what his strength is like these days. 
That doesn’t mean he’s prepared for this position, though. You don’t know his exact birthday but he can’t be any older than twenty-four. Even if he’d come off as stoic—aloof, even—as a student, that didn’t necessarily mean he was any more mature than everyone else. 
“Who’d you hear it from?” 
“Overheard Aizawa and Yamada talking about it when I was flying to the dorms.”
“They could probably sense me. They just didn’t care.”
“You’re not exactly the gossip-y type.”
“And I pride myself on that.” 
Fumikage generally isn’t a man of many words, and you’re more than okay with that. Oftentimes the two of you sit in silence, watching something, studying, or reading. You’re a little more outgoing, especially when you get comfortable with someone, but spending time with someone without having to make conversation is nice—allows you to recharge your battery while still having company. 
There is one more member of your friendship, making you part of a very stable trio: Kyouka Jirou who you’d more or less adopted last year after hanging out together at one of the school festivals. Shy until forced to be otherwise, she’s one of the top students in your year due to her status as a badass dueler. She could put you in the ground if she wanted to. 
Much like Fumikage, she prefers to stay quiet and observe (and judge) rather than make small talk. Mostly the three of you talk about music, but you’ve all been known to deviate from time to time. 
“You know when Kyouka is getting here?”
“Sometime tomorrow,” Fumikage answers. “I think her flight leaves at around seven, so she should be here by the afternoon.”
You nod, hoping it’s an easy trip. Kyouka has mentioned many times how much she hates flying, but it’s the easiest way to get to the campus. 
It’s then that you realize just how excited you are to see her—how ready you were to see Fumikage and how spending time with him feels like a breath of fresh air. They’re your best friends, and the university, as cliché as it sounds, is your home. You feel like you belong here more than anywhere else. 
“I’m glad both of you decided to come back,” you say quietly. 
Fumikage lets out something close to a chuckle and glances at you. 
“Did you think we wouldn’t?” 
You shrug. “I really wasn’t sure. I mean, it is a little freaky being here after… Anyway, I just didn’t know.”
“Ye of little faith,” he tsks only to smirk afterward. “Plus, how are you supposed to solve a murder mystery by yourself?” 
It isn’t something any students should get involved in, but as soon as you stepped on to the school grounds you knew that you would. 
“Curiosity killed that cat,” you remind him with a raised eyebrow. 
Fumikage turns to look at you, eyes locked, and of course he’d be interested in this. Of course he would. How long has he been thinking about this? Since Master Yagi delivered the news two weeks ago? You wouldn’t be surprised considering how morbid he can be. All those damn horror movies. 
“You didn’t finish the quote—satisfaction brought it back.”
“Yeah, yeah, but we really shouldn’t go snooping around, Fumi.”
Leaning back against the bed frame, he sucks his teeth. 
“We’ll just have to fly under the radar.”
“Easy for you to say.”
Every student is back on campus the day before classes start, and dinner that night is always an ordeal. Friends are reuniting after the break, catching up, complaining about not being ready to study. 
This is also when everybody receives their class schedules. As everyone else is eating, many of the upperclassmen pass out the sought-after papers. Each card is linked to their student, charmed to make glowing lights appear just above your head as soon as your name is flipped to, thus ensuring the list finds the correct person.
You catch the paper that floats toward you, eager fingers crinkling the parchment as you quickly look it over. You grin and nod in satisfaction at most of the classes you see, but some make you groan. 
Block A: (Monday, Wednesday)
Brewing - N. Kayama - 08:00 - 09:30
Transport - O. Shirakumo - 10:00 - 11:30
Conjuration - T. Hakamada - 15:00 - 16:30
The Fates - M. Sasaki - 17:00 - 18:30
Block B: (Tuesday, Thursday, Friday)
Elemental Magic - S. Todoroki - 10:00 - 11:30
Will Bending - S. Aizawa - 12:00 - 13:30
Combat Magic - H. Yamada - 18:00 - 19:30
Necromancy -  K. Chisaki- 20:00 - 21:30
*Apprenticeship with M. Sasaki; schedule TBD
“Shit, I have Necromancy this year. At fucking eight PM.”
Fumikage smirks. “How spooky.” 
“Dude, the house is right next to the graveyard!” The only one of the teaching houses that stands apart from the others. “That’s so creepy!”
“Seems like the best place to put it. Plenty of resources right outside.”
You squint at him just as he reaches up to retrieve his own schedule. 
“Looks like I have it at… six. Sorry I won’t be there to hold your hand.”
“Shut up,” you scoff. “I don’t need anyone to hold my hand.”
Across from you, Kyouka gives you an unsure look. “As long as there aren’t any jump scares you’ll be fine.”
“Why would there be jump scares?” 
“I mean, it is raising the dead. There’s bound to be some corpses that just hop right off the table.” 
She and Fumikage laugh as you lower your face into your hands. 
“Why would you even suggest that?” 
You really should be immune to petty fear tactics considering how many horror films you watch with your friends, but god dammit, those jump scares get you every single time. You can’t imagine what you would do if you experienced something like that in real life, if a reanimated corpse suddenly popped out of its coffin… 
If that idea isn’t bad enough, you’ll have to deal with the terrifying professor who teaches the course, Dr. Kai Chisaki. He may be the least liked teacher at the school (would probably be the least liked person if Mineta wasn’t around). There’s no real reason for the contempt, just that he gives everyone an uneasy feeling, like he’s always watching you or wondering how to add more bodies to his backyard. You’re pretty sure you’ve even seen Master Yagi shiver while in Chisaki’s presence. 
“I’m gonna fucking piss my pants at least once,” you mutter, “I just know it.”
“If it gets too embarrassing, I’m sure Chisaki is capable of catheterizing you,” Kyouka notes as if it’s a normal thing to say out loud. 
“What in the fu—Why would you—? Ew! What is wrong with you?” 
Fumikage is quietly laughing into his food, and he doesn’t stop even when you shove his head further into his bowl of rice. 
“You guys are disgusting, and I hate you.”
“Lies,” Kyouka sighs casually. “You’d be lost without us.”
You would be, but this kind of bullying is unwarranted. 
“At least the guy is nice to look at. You definitely won’t be bored in his class.” 
“You aren’t even into dudes, but he registers as attractive on your radar?”
Kyouka waves a hand and defends, “I recognize all pretty people, thank you.”
“And, you consider him to be… pretty,” you try. 
You’re playing it up, acting as if you haven’t noticed, but the truth is as freaky as Dr. Chisaki is, he is also ridiculously hot. 
“Have you seen his eyelashes?” Fumikage joins in, sounding serious as ever in spite of the conversation topic. “He probably did some sort of black magic to get those.”
“His eyes in general,” Kyouka adds. “Very striking.”
“The plague mask is pretty metal, I won’t lie.”
“Okay, fuck, I get it. You both have a crush on the creepy necromancer,” you try to sound careless, but you can’t say you aren’t amused. “Noted.”
Fumikage tuts, “I said no such thing.”
“You’re coming on a little strong is all I’m saying.”
“You just don’t see his potential because you’re in love with—”
“Shhh, sh, sh, sh,” you cut off Kyouka who’s now smiling too slyly for your liking, and as your cheeks heat up, you deny her accusation with a weak, “We are not speaking of that, and also no I am not.”
“Sure you’re not.”
Kyouka gets her schedule, and the three of you forget the joke and begin to compare. You all have Transport and Will Bending together, and you and Fumikage share the same Elemental block, so at least you won’t be alone all day every day. 
“I really shouldn’t be in Elementals. I’m not great at it and definitely won’t be majoring in it, but,” you lift an eyebrow conspiratorially, “it will be interesting watching Shouto teach.” 
“Maybe you’ll get better at it this year,” Kyouka shrugs. “Maybe he’ll be a great teacher.” 
“Unlikely considering his reputation as a student, but we’ll see.”
Cold, arrogant, some would even call him mean. You think it has more to do with the fact that he could never relate to his peers, not that he hated them, but you still can’t forget the time in your first year that one of Shouto Todoroki’s many admirers asked him to the All Hallow’s festival (in a very public setting), and he replied with, why would I want to go to that with you? 
To her credit, the girl did not break down in front of him, but you remember how puffy her eyes were for the remainder of the day. 
“When do you start your apprenticeship?” Kyouka asks after swallowing a mouthful of noodles. 
“Don’t know. It says to be decided on the schedule. I’ll probably have to ask after class tomorrow.”
She wiggles her eyebrows, but you ignore it, trying to be subtle as you glance toward the staff table, eyes scanning over everybody there, noting their formal cloaks and high-collared shirts, and how handsome Sa—
No. Stop. None of that this year. It’s time for you to get over your school girl crush and focus on your studies and how to further grow your power. 
Sasaki’s eyes flick up from the meat he’s cutting into (very precisely, you might add), and you have to force yourself not to look away immediately—make it seem like a coincidental glance instead of guilty staring. 
You do what you always do when you’re around him, which is to be generally annoying. He tilts his head to the side just slightly as if asking a question, and you respond by sticking your tongue out at him. Even from this distance you can see how he rolls his eyes, just like you can see how his mouth twists to keep from smiling. 
“Yeah, definitely not in love with him,” Kyouka mumbles. 
You load a small ball of sticky rice on your fork then catapult it into her face. 
As you predicted, the first day of classes is all review. You whip up a draught for the common cold in the brew house, practice the basics of teleportation in Shirakumo’s transportation lesson, then walk with Fumikage and Kyouka to the dining hall for lunch. 
So far you’ve chatted with a few familiar faces during and in-between classes, people you consider more than acquaintances but not quite friends. You aren’t hard to get along with (most of the time), and you don’t dislike the other students; you’re just picky. Usually it’s just you, Fumi, and Kyouka in your own little world, and that is perfectly fine with you. 
A few more people do join you during the meal, though—Shoji, who Fumikage pals around with when you’re not available, Tsu, who is close with Shoji and therefore welcome to join, and Momo, who Kyouka enjoys hanging out with whenever given the chance but is too chicken-shit to ask out on a date even though she’s wanted to for two years now.
You and Fumikage have entered some kind of silent agreement to not mention the late Todoroki around anyone else unless he gets brought up organically, and even then, both of you are smart enough to not say anything about wanting to “investigate.” You haven’t even told Kyouka about your shared interest—not that she wouldn’t enjoy being a part of it, but you and Fumikage both know she would be a nervous wreck, afraid that the teachers, or worse, Momo would find out about all of you sneaking around. It’s far too early in the school year to be causing drama like that.
“Is everyone going to the Indrik party on Friday?” Tsu asks, glancing around the table curiously. 
You’re on the fence about it, as you are every year. At the start of each term, the residents of the Indrik Axis host what they call a “ritual” but everyone else knows is just a rager. They claim that the energies of so many practitioners being together and having a good time feeds them and helps them get more in touch with their shifter selves, some bullshit about connecting with one another—being at peace—and how it’s good to experience that after long breaks away from school and like-minded individuals.
You fell for it your first year, walking to the dorms and expecting there to be candles and casting circles and herbs. But there were none of those things, just a bunch of university students drinking various brews of euphoria, playing juvenile games, dancing to bad music, and… Well, granted, many of them were connecting with one another. 
The parties aren’t bad by any means. They’re just parties, is all. No need to magic it up into something that it’s not. 
“Perhaps. I’ll see how I feel that night,” Fumikage says, his form of a joke as he is part of the Indrik Axis. He has spent more than a few of those parties locked in his room, though, so you really wouldn’t put it past him to skip out on an event his own Axis is hosting.
“There’s no fun going to a party you know is gonna get busted,” you sigh, resting your cheek in your palm. 
Just as the throwing of an Indrik party is a tradition, so is the busting of one. Wards are put up for every “ritual,” but it’s mostly just to make sure the entire campus doesn’t hear the blasting music or see the spark of spells or the flames from the bonfire out back. It makes it so that you need a sort of pass code in order to get in, but that pass code gets well-circulated within the first week of classes, so it’s more or less an open party. 
Would a young practitioner be able to get in? Unlikely. Would a staff member be able to? Absolutely. And, one always does, the same, grumpy Will Bending professor who gets into every party and goes straight for the speakers.
I’ve let you have your fun, but it’s three AM. Go to bed.
And, then, like good little students, everyone disperses only for Aizawa to give extra assignments the following week, sick bastard. 
“I don’t know. Does no one else think it’s kinda cute that he humors us for a while before shutting things down?” Kyouka asks, then adds, “That guy wants to be such a hardass, but he just… can’t get all the way there.”
You snort, looking at the end of the staff table where Professor Aizawa is sitting next to Professor Yamada. The two could not be any more opposite, yet it’s impossible to find one without the other. Even their classes are housed in the same building. No other teachers share space, but they don’t seem to have a problem with it and have even been known to combine classes for lessons before (some of your favorites, if you’re honest).
“Yeah, he’s a big softie,” you agree. “Not that I’d let him hear me say it.”
“Soft or not, I have no plans of getting busted by him,” Momo says as she places her eating utensils down, “so, I will not be attending the Indrik party.”
Course you won’t be, you almost say out loud, but you’re able to stop yourself. 
Momo is great. She’s insanely smart, and she’s very kind, and she seems to like your friend a lot. It’s just that she’s a little self-righteous. Apparently, she grew up with money—the kind of money that’s hard to imagine—and not only did her family make said money in an ethical way, but they did ethical things with it, like give to charity, create organizations, and donate buildings or whatever good rich people do when they have funds like that. The point is Momo is very proper, and she comes by it naturally, so you can’t even hold it against her. 
“Wanna spend the time studying instead?” Kyouka asks, so earnestly it actually hurts, but when Momo smiles prettily in response, making your friend grin back and blush, you can’t be annoyed with either of them. 
Everyone hangs out in the hall for a while longer until afternoon classes approach. You have to go back to your room for your textbook, planning on flipping through it during your walk to Hakamada’s, but the volume is nothing but dead weight in your arms when you step out of the dorm building and spot two very familiar figures crossing the grounds several yards away from you. 
Master Yagi looks like he’s trying and failing to walk at a normal, human pace while Shouto—sorry, Professor Todoroki—does his best to keep stride with him. They’ve obviously mid conversation, the younger with his head tilted back so that he can look at the towering practitioner as he speaks. 
You aren’t sure why, but your stomach twists a little. It could be that you feel sorry for the guy since he just lost his father, can only imagine what kind of stress he’s under; you can’t be the only one around here with little faith in his teaching abilities. There’s something more there, though, something about the way his perfectly even two-toned hair blows in the wind, something about the way the uniform cape every professor wears looks too natural around his shoulders, something about the way his forearms are straining a little too much as he grips his—god, is that a briefcase? Who still carries a fucking briefcase?
You force a smile when Master Yagi waves in your direction, apparently not finding your staring out of the ordinary. Todoroki glances past him and at you, left eye so icy that it actually makes you shiver, and after shaking your head you finally turn and begin walking in the direction of your conjuration class.
When you look over your shoulder a few moments later, you see that they’re starting on the trail that leads to Chisaki’s house and the graveyard. 
“What do you think you need the most work on at this point?” Sasaki asks from across the small table. He’s leaning back, one leg thrown over the other, and you’re trying not to get distracted by how long his fingers look where they’re steepled over his knee. 
You’re in the sitting area on the second floor of the Fates house, more casual than a classroom or office setting. Just from looking around you can tell that this is the bottom half of Sasaki’s living quarters and can easily assume that the floor above is where he sleeps. It isn’t very different from any other home, has a kitchenette, bathroom, and living room. The curtains are drawn, the lights are a little dim, and incense is burning, something a little more subtle than what most practitioners use. It’s nice—cozy, even.
“I think we both know the answer to that.”
You nod. “I practiced over the summer with the ball you let me borrow—I have that in my room, by the way, don’t let me forget it—” he waves you off, obviously not concerned. 
“No improvement?”
“None that I could tell. Everything just looks like fog to me.”
Sasaki hums before standing up and shedding his teaching cape, draping it over an armchair before stepping over to the shelf in the corner. It’s mostly full of books, but one of the middle shelves is home to a few different sized crystal balls, all arranged neatly on one side and wrapped in velvet bags. Pressed against the other side of the shelf are a couple boxes of bagged tea leaves and at least a dozen tarot decks. He grabs the beginner ball made of smoky quartz, summoning a small stand for it from a drawer on the opposite side of the room, then takes his seat again.
Bottom lip tugged between your teeth in concentration, you set the crystal up in front of you, making sure you’ll be able to reach it from your chair without issue. You sit up straighter and take a deep breath as your eyes focus on the ball. 
“Comfortable?” Sasaki asks.
“Mhmm.” Not a lie, but not the complete truth. You’re comfortable in his presence, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t still jittery around him—in a giddy sort of way, of course.
“Your shoulders look tense,” he states.
You glance up at him, honest when you tell him, “I’m not particularly keen on making myself look like an idiot in front of my mentor.”
Sasaki allows a soft smile to turn his mouth upward as he shakes his head. “I know you’re not an idiot. You don’t have to worry about that.”
You don’t have any sort of witty comeback for him, too distracted by the way your cheeks are heating up. 
Okay, okay, release the tension, let it ease out of your body, you think to yourself, trying to recall the soothing instructions all the people on your meditation app use. Acknowledge the breath, feel it fill your lungs…
You hold your hands so that they hover just over the ball. You know that you’re supposed to be touching it, but that feels so personal with a crystal that isn’t yours. 
Sasaki sighs, and it makes your stomach drop. 
“Here, give me your hands.”
You frown in confusion, but all he does is reach out, and it’s not like you’re going to tell him no. Willing your hands to stop shaking, you place them over his, looking anywhere but his face.
This is why you can’t ever relax completely. This, right fucking here. 
“Breathe with me,” he commands before inhaling deeply through his nose for a few seconds and exhaling through his mouth. 
Mimicking it, you finally let your eyes fall on him. You know you’re putting yourself at risk for him to exercise his specialty, but you trust him enough not to go poking around in your future without your permission. 
“Relax,” Sasaki drawls on the next breath out, and again on the following, “relax… relax...”
Your mind does begin to slow down ever so slightly, but the way your stomach flips when Sasaki leads your hands back down to the crystal is jarring enough to keep you from falling fully into a trance. The ball is cold beneath your palms, a stark contrast from the warmth that’s radiating from Sasaki’s, and fuck, how are you supposed to concentrate like this?
“You don’t have to look closely, just let the crystal guide you… Follow your intuition…”
This is basic stuff, and you’re a little embarrassed that you have to keep reviewing it like this, but it simply will not come to you. Tasseography and geomancy came very naturally to you—tea and sand are much easier to read than crystals in your opinion—and tarot had been one of your interests from a young age. You never upgraded from your first deck, having gotten very attached to it over the years, but you really should start thinking about it. The corners of every card have become frayed, a couple even peeling apart.
“Your mind is still too busy,” Sasaki chides lightly, and you actually look up at him and pout.
“How would you know?”
He smirks. “I can read it on your face. You’re frowning.” As if to prove it, Sasaki lifts a hand and pokes right between your eyebrows, gently pulling upward so that you’re forced to relax the muscles there. 
“Now, as you’ve told me many times before,” he says as he drops his hand again, “you need to chill out.”
You laugh at that, head falling back as you agree, “Yeah, that’s fair.”
“Mhm. Try again?”
You try not to look too starry eyed—not good for the image—but in truth you’d do anything Sasaki asked you to. 
He nods in approval then covers your hands again, leading you in another breathing exercise until you’re ready to focus on the crystal. You can feel more of its energy now, the power emanating from it, and now when you look at its smoky visage, you feel a bit more confident in yourself and a bit less concerned with Sasaki’s eyes on you. 
Your crush had developed very quickly. First year, probably within a couple months. When the Fates professor had initially introduced himself to your beginner class, you felt an immediate attraction but chalked it up to a handsome facial structure paired with him teaching your favorite subject. 
Then the praise started. Nothing overt—that’s not Sasaki’s style. It was all satisfied nods and subtle smiles, the occasional “impressive” when he was particularly pleased with one of your practical demonstrations. It made you feel very warm. More than that, it made you crave his attention, made you want to be his best student. 
The first time he kept you after class amplified those feelings tenfold. 
He’d sat behind his desk and stared at you for a little too long, watching you ring your hands nervously until finally asking, “When did you start exploring the Fates?”
“Umm, probably when I was around seven or eight.”
He’d nodded. “It shows.”
You can still remember the way your heart had pounded in your chest. 
“It was just, uh… just tarot back then.”
“Not exactly a common hobby for a child. What made you interested?”
You bit your lip, looking down at your shoes. “My gift.” Sasaki raised an eyebrow at that. “It presented at around that time.”
“May I ask what kind of gift?” 
“Past sight,” you answered. This was actually the first time you talked about it with anyone other than Fumikage, and that made you nervous for some reason. “Not quite as useful as future sight, but it comes in handy.”
“I’m sure it does. It’s a very valuable skill.” He had that impressed look on his face again, only this time it was mixed with surprise, much like when you’d exceeded his expectations with your first in-class tea leaf reading. 
“Thank you, sir.”
“No need for thanks. I’m just speaking the truth. You certainly have an aptitude for the Fates, especially for someone so young.”
It had taken a lot not to explode on the spot at his compliment, but you still gave yourself away with a bashful smile. 
“I’m really happy you think so. I’ve, um—I’ve really enjoyed your class so far.”
“Good. I’m glad to hear that. It’s not a course people typically look forward to.”
“Yeah, well, I’m not exactly typical,” you responded only to cringe at the juvenile notice-me vibes you were no doubt giving off. “I mean, so I’ve been told.”
Sasaki’s lips lifted on one side, one of those small smiles that made your knees wobbly, then murmured a quiet, “I’m inclined to agree,” that had no business being as gratifying as it was. “But I digress—I know you have to get to your next class, but I’m interested to know more about your gift if you wouldn’t mind sitting down one day during a free period.”
“Of course!” you blurted too quickly. “I mean, yes, yeah, I wouldn’t—ehem—wouldn’t mind.”
Golden eyes shined with amusement, and you were glad to be dismissed shortly after so that you could rush into the nearest bathroom and fan your burning face (and maybe do a triumphant little dance). 
A week later you had sat down with him before evening classes to answer every question he had, flattered that he felt the need to write some of it down. In turn, Sasaki told you about his gift which just so happened to be the exact opposite of yours, the future sight you so admired. 
“Why invoke the Fates if you can already see what’s going to happen?” 
“My power is limited. It extends only to people and only under certain circumstances.”
“And, what might those circumstances be?” 
This conversation had taken place in his office, an alarmingly organized space despite how many personal supplies he kept inside. 
“Well, firstly, I have to establish eye contact. Then I have to touch my target physically.” 
Your swallow had echoed in the quiet room, eyes too wide, but Sasaki didn’t comment on either. 
“I don’t usually like performing it on people I’m close with—sometimes I don’t end up liking what I see—but it’s necessary in some situations.”
“That makes sense. I imagine people get upset too.”
Sasaki’s expression went grim as he nodded. “They often do.”
There was, of course, a part of you that wanted him to look into your future, but you didn’t dare ask. Not only was there a chance he could see something awful, but it also seemed… intimate. You were already in too deep, no need to push the envelope. 
After that, Sasaki didn’t quite favor you in class, but he did pay closer attention to you than other students, calling on you more, sometimes when your hand wasn’t even up because it was rare you didn’t know the answer to his questions. 
By then you were good friends with Kyouka, and she had been the first to notice your affections, making the offhand comment one day that, “You sure do talk about Professor Sasaki a lot.”
“It’s just my favorite class,” you told her. “It’s what I’m best at.” 
And it continues to be what you’re best at, even if you can’t make out a damn thing in this godforsaken crystal ball. 
“See anything?” Sasaki asks. 
You snort quietly before telling him, “Smoke. All I see is smoke.” Imagine that. Smoky quartz looking smoky. Who would have thought? 
Granted, it does look a little extra swirly, like it might be moving. 
“Nothing else?” 
Letting your hands fall to the table, you shake your head and sigh. 
“Nope. Just smoke.” 
Sasaki hums and sits back, offering an encouraging, “There’s always next time. It won’t stay smoky forever. I promise.”
You stare at him hopefully, and you wonder if he has any idea how much you admire him, how much you respect him, and how much you yearn for him to feel even close to the same way. 
Doubtful but a girl can dream. 
“You really think I can learn this? I mean, it’s been two years.” 
“I know you will,” he says with what sounds like absolute conviction. 
The crystal ball is put away for the time being, and Sasaki makes some tea, both to drink and to practice with the leaves left at the bottom. Afterward you read a nine-card tarot spread, a monthly check in you needed to do anyway, and then, just as the clock hits 9 o’clock, Sasaki asks, “Any questions?” 
You shrug, “Not really. My eyes hurt.”
He chuckles, “I’m sure they do. You did well today. Both in class and this evening.” 
“Thanks. I’m trying not to make you regret taking me on as your apprentice.”
Sasaki begins gathering the cards in front of you, slipping them back into their box. 
“I don’t see that happening. Even if you do act out for me.” He catches your eye as he says it, gold shining with mirth. 
It shouldn’t make you heat up the way it does, shouldn’t make the hair on your arms stand on end from excitement. 
Act out for him. You just can’t help it these days. Teasing and rolling your eyes and pushing his buttons—it’s like a fucking compulsion. 
And you think it’s the looks he gives you in response, sometimes in amusement, sometimes in warning, as if to say keep it up and see where it gets you. 
“Someone’s gotta keep you on your toes.”
“And, you’ve taken it upon yourself.” 
“Uh huh!” you grin cheerily. 
He feigns exasperation, poking right back at you, “You used to be so shy, always fidgeting and stuttering. What happened to that?”
You suck your teeth at him and cross your arms over your chest, smugly tell him, “You praised me too much. It went to my head.”
“Is that what it was?”
“For sure. You spoiled me.”
Sasaki clicks his tongue and sits back. “I’ll just have to tone it down then, lay off the compliments.”
“Impossible,” you play, “you like me too much.”
He scoffs in offense, but you can still see the pink dusting his cheeks. It isn’t often you get him legitimately flustered, and you wouldn’t say he is now, but he’s getting there. 
Because you are a merciful being, though, you decide to give him a break. It’s about time you take your leave anyway. 
“I should get going,” you sigh like you’re disappointed (you kind of are). “Seven on Wednesday again?”
“Yes, if that works for you.”
You start to gather your things, not that you brought a lot, just a notebook, your own deck, and a pouch of crystals. 
Mondays and Wednesdays will be your longest days considering you’ll be up fairly early and getting back a little late, but it’ll be well worth it, and you definitely do not mind considering what, or who, is keeping you out in the evenings. 
Saturdays were also discussed, a possible twice a month meeting, but it’s still up in the air. You and Sasaki both landed on a we’ll-see-what-works type of schedule. Low pressure but still with definite expectations. 
“I’m surprised you haven’t asked about the dean,” he says out of nowhere, and you stop moving to look at him. 
“Honestly, I didn’t think you were allowed to talk about it.”
Partially true. You had thought about the fallen teacher numerous times throughout the day, but any questions you had dissipated as soon as you walked into your six o’clock Fates class. 
“I’m not, but I figure you must be curious.” 
“Oh, absolutely,” you affirm. “It’s rude to tease, though, sir. You can’t just dangle that kind of inside scoop in my face.”
Sasaki snorts quietly and stands up, walking with you out of the room and downstairs. 
“Not even a hint?” you try because now you’re really curious. He knows something, possibly the whole story. 
“Just one.” 
You stare up at him, trying not to look too happy at the idea of learning more about someone’s death, but it’s hard not to. Fumikage will be thrilled to have some reliable information. 
But, all Sasaki gives you in the end is a serious look and some advice: “Stay safe.” 
Touching but a total cop-out. 
Deflating, you grumble, “I will,” then feel his hand settle on top of your head followed by the sensation of something warm settling over your body. 
You recognize the feeling and cock your head. “Aura of protection?” 
“Yes. It’ll only last for a couple hours, but it’ll get you back to your dorm safely.”
Your insides feel like goo as you melt from the inside out. He cares about you. You know it’s only in the way a teacher cares about their student, but it’s still care, and that’s all it takes. 
“So, there really is a madman running around here,” you conclude, giving yourself props for managing to get the sentence out clearly. 
Sasaki doesn’t elaborate, but his sober expression says it all. 
“Just get back to your room safely.”
You nod, promising you will, then start on your way. 
It’s dark outside, the grounds mostly empty at this time which usually isn’t an issue, but you can’t deny you aren’t on high alert now. The breeze that blows is still warm with the summer air, rustling tree leaves and the grass underfoot. You look over your shoulder a little more often than you normally would and, to your embarrassment, actually startle when you see someone pacing toward you: Professor Todoroki, looking a little less put together than he did earlier. He’s coming from the opposite direction, maybe from the trail he started down in the afternoon with Master Yagi, and you wonder if he’s been in the graveyard or with Dr. Chisaki this whole time. 
A few yards separate the two of you as you pass one another. There is no greeting or head nod or really any type of polite acknowledgement, but for a brief moment your eyes lock, heads just barely turning to remain in each other’s line of sight for a second more…
And then, he passes, and you continue to your dorm where you forget about the odd exchange for the time being. 
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mysteroads · 2 months
Indomitable Will
Chapter 4: Lost and Found excerpt
Everything was coated in white frost, and thick fog swirled around, obscuring his vision. Dead or not, a shiver slipped down Tomura’s spine and his breath puffed out in a little cloud of condensation. His teeth actually chattered. “D-Damn it, Da-Dabi. W-What d-d-did you d–d-do?” 
“You all… Just die!”
Tomura jumped, then turned and ran in the direction of the hate-filled whisper.
A few hesitant steps forward and the fog cleared. He had to stop, horror freezing him in place better than whatever quirk had covered it in ice. Ten feet away, the entire Todoroki family surrounded Dabi, or what was left of him. He looked… dead. His skin was burned away, his body stiff coated in frost. Frozen from the inside? Had he missed Dabi’s death after all? But no, the body twitched, chest rising with a crackle as he breathed in, and ranted on the exhale, “Die already. Dad, you scum... Just die. You all… and me too… drop dead. Hate you all…” 
Tomura watched a brutalized Endeavor crawl to Dabi, listened to his heartfelt apology, “Toya… I’m sorry! I’m sorry I never made it to Sekoto Peak!” 
Dabi didn’t seem to hear him, continuing to rave, “Hate you Dad! The whole family too! Hate… you!”
Sighing, ignoring Endeavor as he apologized to the rest of his family, Tomura went to Dabi’s other side and crouched down. He stared at his second-in-command’s ravaged face as Dabi continued to mindlessly curse his family, and just from that and the blankness in Dabi’s remaining eye, Tomura knew that his sanity was gone. The real Dabi wasn’t here anymore. 
“You dumb fuck,” Tomura sighed. Reaching out, he put his hand on Dabi’s forehead, as if he were checking the other man’s temperature, one finger carefully raised out of habit.
Dabi stopped his senseless ranting and blinked, some light returning to his eye. It moved, focusing on Tomura. “Sh-Shig? Really… you?”
He smiled. Dabi had called him Shig. He must’ve actually missed Tomura. “Hey there, Dabs. You ready to ditch this place? I came to get you.”
Tomura was not expecting rage to reignite in Dabi’s eyes. He really should have, this was Dabi after all. Endeavor obviously wasn’t expecting his near-corpse of a son to reanimate either, recoiling as Dabi’s body jerked and he hissed, “Fuck… off! I’m… not done!”
“I’m not done!”
“You look like a freezer burned steak, you crazy fucker!” Tomura shouted at him. 
“I’M NOT DONE!” This time, Dabi screamed it, his back arching as he tried in vain to get up. His family freaked out, trying to support his body and keep it from breaking apart any more. Tomura was right there with them emotionally, though he felt annoyed exasperation, rather than frantic familial concern.
Shifting to get out of the family’s way, he lost contact with Dabi, and immediately the other man lost focus, going limp and muttering breathless curses. Tomura stared at him, then back down at his hands, startled. What the hell?  
He had helped? Or had he hurt? 
Dabi had obviously gone completely insane, and who could blame him at this point? His actual brain was probably half frozen and half baked, and Tomura could tell from his ability to feel Dabi that the other man was close to death. But he’d woken up when Tomura touched him, still stubborn beyond all reason, but not insane. Tomura wasn’t sure if that was a kindness or not, considering the state Dabi’s body was in. 
Looking up from his hands, Tomura let his gaze linger on the Todoroki family. He watched them try briefly to coax Dabi back to lucidity, before giving up, their expressions a mix of exhaustion and grief. An odd thought occurred to him:
Maybe it wasn’t meant as a kindness for Dabi. 
Carefully, he moved to Dabi’s head and got settled, then put his hands on Dabi’s temples. Two points of contact had to be better than one, right? 
Once again, the difference was instant: the litany of hate cutting off and awareness coming back to that blue, blue eye. “You’re a real piece of work, you know,” Tomura told Dabi. “I risked a whole hell of a lot to make sure I’d be here when you finally kicked the bucket. But we already know you’re an ungrateful little bitch, so I don’t know why I was surprised.” He chuckled at Dabi’s narrowed eye and the irritation he saw there. “Then again, I guess I can’t blame you really. If our positions had been reversed, I probably would’ve told you to fuck off too. I still think you’re being stupid, but I’m sure you’d tell me I’m a hypocrite, and then we’d call each other by increasingly childish names.” He leaned forward a little so he was sure Dabi could see his upside-down smirk. “I look forward to doing that again, staple face.”
A cough, then, so soft Tomura could barely hear it, “Hand… job.”
Tomura knew his smile softened, and made up for it by patting Dabi’s cheek in the most condescending manner he could. “Such class. I can tell you’re well bred.”
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problemswithbooks · 1 year
On Hawks, I think his wasted potential is in his use as the Endeavor supporter. He should have been allowed to have been more hurt by the reveal. When your idol turns out to have a lot in common with your abuser(s) that should be upsetting. Ya know. He was kinda blocked from being more complicated for the ease of Endeavor's redemption arc. In that sense he was robbed. As were other characters but him especially.
Oh, I think Hawks and Alicent have wasted potential, but I was more frustrated with people saying "x character has such wasted potential because they weren't written the exact way I personally wanted".
Many of the complaints I see about Hawks being wasted as a character come from people who wanted him to turn villain or be portrayed as a corrupt Hero. They aren't arguing about what could have made him a better character in the direction Hori decided to take him in.
As for being stuck as Enji's cheerleader, I do think it needed more set up to work better, but I understand why Hori went the direction he did with it. It's not just that it eases Enji's redemption arc, it also cuts down the amount of time he needs to spend on the manga, keeps the the Todoroki sub-plot more centered on the family, while also helping not rehash the same arguments/growth other characters have already done in this side plot.
Also, Hori has a tendency to tell, not show due to his rush to get this story finished. He wants to reiterate for the audience that Enji is trying and is helping during the AfO fight. Having Hawks be the one to think about how Enji is changing, or tell AfO about how Enji's attack was successful despite his regeneration, is an easy way to make sure readers understand Enji's arc. It's clunky, but I will admit that what Hawks says about Enji is far more backed up by what we're shown then what some of the villains have said.
I think it would have been nice to get more interactions between Enji and Hawks post first war. Having one scene at least where Hawks talks to Enji alone, wanting even more conformation on his change, or asking what made him change at all would have actually gone a long way. Heck, having Hawks reply to Enji steadfast desire to be better by saying "maybe I gave up on my parents to soon", only for Enji to tell him he had/has no obligation to forgive or help his parents would be even better.
It would make Hawks' support of Enji feel more earned. Then he's not just supporting the Hero Endeavor, but Enji as the better person he's trying to be. It'd also be really nice to have Enji help Hawks for once, even if it was just with some words. There relationship has been more one sided since the end of the first war arc, and I think that makes Hawks talking Enji up, feel even worse.
Enji showed genuine care for Hawks and worried about him at least twice during the fighting. Given it was his son who burned Hawks to the point his wings were permanently damaged it makes sense he'd feel guilty. A nice call back to that hospital scene after the Highend fight would have been brilliant. Enji doesn't hold a grudge against Hawks for putting him in danger back then (because now he'd know about the spy thing) and Hawks wouldn't blame Enji for Touya burning him. Also maybe just throw in Enji hyping Hawks in some way during the AfO fight.
I don't think Hori had to have a huge, long drawn out thing with Hawks being super upset with Enji. He just had to have some sort of scene between them that showed that Hawks was hurt by the reveal, but have Enji win back his trust in someway. Then just continue that so Enji shows just as much faith in Hawks during the AfO fight. It doesn't feel like a one sided relationship that Enji didn't even have to repair that way.
And this sort of fix still keeps Hawks in the story the way Hori wants. He's can still hype Enji so the audience is reminded about his arc/ contributing to the AfO fight, but it's just better set up and organic. It's not changing Hawks entire role in the story.
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