#and i just don't think it's that cute. i think mudkip is cute and i like swampert but i dunno about this one
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May I ask fave kind of kiss to receive and give for your fave Bleach characters? Thanks! (btw, wonderful mudkip)
Hello! Thank you for requesting!
I am not gonna lie, this request made smile! It was not because you complimented the mudkip, no. I am not that simple no. But mudkips are cute.
I hope this is of your liking! Please let me know what you think!
Tsuki's note: I had a hard time choosing. In the end I picked 4.
I feel like they are slightly short? Sorry about that :c I hope I could get the characters right! Even though I chose them I feel insecure
Hitsugaya Toshiro:
Rather give kisses….
• Boy is a bit of a tsundere and a little gentleman.
• So expect forehead kisses when you are napping.
• It's so light and feather like that you hardly even feel.
• The only exception for this is if you get to be the wholesome bean you are - if manage to melt the ice of his heart for a bit - or you get awfully injured for his sake. He will give a forehead/ top of the head kiss while awake.
• Won't talk about it ever again.
• It never happened.
• No.
Rather receive kisses…
• Smooch his face.
• A sweet kiss on the cheek!
• He will turn bright red.
• Will try to play it cool but the stutter gives him away.
• May act like he is mad - and it will look like that way - but deep down he is hoping it happens again.
• He enjoys it because it feels comfortable, like no boundaries being broken? But also very sweet.
• Just don't forehead kiss him. He will see it as calling him a kid or shorty.
• Bonus: try hugging him more often and you will get a similar result.
On both cases He will be painfully awkward for a bit. But hey, he is adorable! Just got a reputation to hold on to, you know, a young captain with a heart of ice!
Kurosaki Ichigo:
Rather give kisses….
• Another forehead / top of the head kisser.
• These are soft and a bit long kisses.
• Kissing your cheek and biting it a bit? Yes.
• But only in private.
• You know it's coming because he gets the ** soft eyes **.
• Also enjoys to hug you from behind and kiss your cheeks many times.
• These kisses are a bit rough. You see he is trying to tease you!
• The more you wiggle, the more he laughs.
Rather receive kisses…
• Find utterly adorable to see you try to reach him. He is tall you know?
• In case you are as tall or taller, he will move away to watch you struggle.
• Anyway.
• He really likes to be kissed on the cheek and hands.
• Be it the palm or the knuckles.
• It passes as a cute action of caring for him, since he fights a lot. Like a kiss to make a boo boo better!
• Watch him melt if you kiss his shoulder blade.
• Immediately because ichigo mousse, yeah a pun.
• You can hear his sigh. He seems so much more relaxed.
• Probably plops on you so you can kiss his hands or shoulder.
• Bonus: I don't know why but he strikes me as someone who enjoys chin scratches. He just, closes his eyes and bask in the moment.
All in all he will be a bit awkward but that is because he is not very found of PDA. But in private you will have a melted Ichigo in your arms with simple hand kisses.
Kuchiki Rukia:
Rather give kisses….
• She loves to grab your face and kiss your nose.
• Why? Because it's cute to see you so close to her and well with a nose kiss you will close your eyes and cannot see her blush.
• She would also like to give you long, soft cheek kisses.
• You know those that seem to linger for a little too long and you just giggle?
• Yeah.
• You bet she will wake you up with a kiss on the nose.
• Your confused face makes it all more adorable!
Rather receive kisses…
• She rather get cheek kisses.
• Forehead kisses feel soft, yes, but also feels like you are treating her like a kid.
• She likes nose kisses too!
• It's soft and end up being your way with affection with each other!!
• It's simple and sweet.
• She lowkey likes it when you grab her cheeks and kiss her on the lips.
• This kind of surprise is very heart warming for her.
• It feels safe to be with her guard down around you.
• Bonus: she melts away with you snuggle on her neck/ collarbone. It feels warm and sweet!
She may be a bit sassy, but she is a little bit of a hopeless romantic when she falls in love. Watch her cuddle with you to give and get cheek kisses!
That will probably end in a giggling session, but totally worth it!
Shihoin Yoruichi:
Rather give kisses….
• Queen of teasing will not let it cheap.
• She loves kissing where you are ticklish or makes you go !!!.
• Neck, ears, belly, anywhere that will make you blush wildly or laugh like crazy.
• She adores making you weak in the knees to just… leave.
• Her kisses are very feather like, all you can feel is a light brush and she whispers too sometimes.
• She also enjoys surprise kisses. On the lips.
• Before you go out she kisses your forehead. It's a sign of " see you soon, stay safe".
• Again, she is a tease. Watch her kiss your hand while looking at you. She knows you will get shy. She knows.
Rather receive kisses…
• She adores receiving kisses on her neck and shoulders.
• She also melts away with them.
• And gets a little too comfortable. You know what I mean. She is a cat in her free time.
• Surprisingly she also likes to get forehead kisses.
• It's a reminder that she is strong, yes, but she is yours and can be vulnerable with you.
• She also loves when you playfully bite her after a kiss.
• Bonus: she loves cuddling into you. She turns into a little ball on her human form and just cuddles. She loves it because she can hear your heart beat and you can play with her hair.
She is a tough lady that likes torturing teasing you! So be ready for random kisses that make you stutter or to simply make you remember she loves how cute you are and she is going lengths to get that adorable red face.
I hope you enjoyed it!
Forgive me for it being short :c
Please let me know what you think!
Thank you for reading!
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pokeglitchden · 8 months
Okay so @jax-and-winstrate lent me a 3DS so that I can play one of the other games that I got sent. You all... really sent quite a few of them.
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I do enjoy the Pelipper on the front. Reminds me of Gilligan!
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Oh? Huh... I think I'm... already there? But sure let's play along here. It's going to make me answer some questions.. Er... I didn't realize there'd be an interview. I would have prepared better...
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Oh, okay so these are just general questions like this. Like a personality test? Er.. Half full is probably the safest, right? Wouldn't want to spill anything.
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This is getting kind of intense. Um... hm... I guess I'm supposed to answer honestly.
I would absolutely call the police.
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Well... I'd like to think I wouldn't cry.
Who's going to CLEAN it, seriously???
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Okay, I guess that's accurate. Er... I'm not sure if calm is the way a lot of my colleagues would describe me, but I certainly TRY to be.
"Capable of giving advice to friends in need. Don't like to fight. You're a warm and kindhearted person who cares. You must have many friends who look up to you. However... You may be sometimes be somewhat gullible (WHAT?) as well as a little Careless (Well okay), And even a little sloppy (EXCUSE ME??)
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I've been assigned as a Mudkip I suppose. I guess that makes sense. One of the Hoenn starters and its a water type! And I'm supposed to pick a partner. I guess... lets go with Bulbasaur?
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Yeah. That seems right. Dependable and a great companion, I think! Alright, lets see what this game is all about.
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Er... this seems appropriate. I hope so anyway.
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This game has a lot more story to it than the other one. I feel like it's still getting set up. Hm.. It's funny to see a story about talking Pokemon though. Just imagine that.
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Hi Professor! Now I've put you in a game I'm playing too I suppose. Oh, I hope that's not too forward of me, actually.
Oh.. so now I get to put in my name, alright.
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Thanks Professor...
Oh, and now I guess I have to go save a caterpie from a hole or something. This is a lot of buildup for kind of a simple plot. But its charming none the less. Er... I'm not sure a game about talking Pokemon is exactly the right fit for me, but I'll try to keep at it.
I keep thinking about what it would be like if the starts here were an E3 or an ▶A. Would they still be this small? I don't think they'd fit on the screen, haha. Kind of funny to think about.
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And it looks like we succeeded.
I think that's enough of this game for now. It seems harmless at the very least. Cute, but ultimately completely benign. That... is a huge relief actually.
Here's hoping I don't wake up tomorrow as a Mudkip or anything.
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bobmckenzie · 6 months
What are your and Bob's starter Pokémon? (Whether specifically from Johto, or across any region/generation -- that's up to you!)
OMG thank you sm for asking!! 💙💙😭 this is such a fun question! :'D
In Kanto I love picking Bulbasaur! Bob chooses Squirtle and he won't admit that it's mostly bc he thinks it's adorable :)c
In Johto I always pick Cyndaquil, it's one of my fave pokemon! I feel like Bob would love and pick Cyndaquil too! so we'd be matching lol. now I'm just picturing our sprites running around with cyndaquils AHHH too cute
In Hoenn I'm a huge Treeko fan!! (grovyle is my fave pokemon :D) Bob is SOOOO SO freaking Mudkip-coded omg
In Sinnoh I honestly don't have a huge preference, I'm pretty sure in my BD playthrough last year I picked Chimchar! I think Bob would pick... Piplup? I feel like overall he'd have a preference for water starters, idek why lol
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shoppncarticles · 1 year
The Oshawott Family
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Oshawott is postively ADORABLE. Otters are already splendid animals in real life, but Pokemon's gone and made an otter so pleasantly appealing that I find it almost criminal. Look at Oshawott's glassy eyes and freckles, and its fuzzy blue coat and trusty seashell. Can you believe Oshawott was THE designated punching bag among the three starters when they were initially revealed?? What is WRONG with people??? Tepig is much, much further down on the starter ladder if you ask me.
Speaking of reveals, the Gen 5 starts were initially shown off as only silhouettes, leading people to guess what their full designs were beforehand. Oshawott's most popular assumption is... pretty infamous to say the least. I just thought it deserved mention while we were here.
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I wonder if there's anyone out there who's upset we never got acorn platypus.
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Anyways, like real otters, Oshawott is often seen carrying a scallop shell on its stomach. Though real otters simply carry the shells to crack open and eat the insides of later, Oshawott actually uses its shell as a weapon, which becomes a constant theme in its whole family. It's a neat way to combine both an otter's pension for shells and also their tendency to use tools.
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Oshawott's first evolution, Dewott, is a great next step in its family and may be my favorite middle stage of any starter family, actually. Dewott keeps all of Oshawott's ottery charms, though turns taller, sleeker, fully blue, gets a cool hair slick and whiskers, and its darker scruff becomes the bottom of a samurai's uniform. An otter samurai who fights with scallop shells is such a fun mashup of ideas, and appeals to me ridiculously so as a marine biology enthusiast. It helps that Dewott is just as cute as Oshawott was before it, even if it tries looking more serious now.
I almost feel bad for Dewott that Mudkip and Swampert exist, because the idea of this otter with a serious, stoic samurai attitude and its trusty scallop blades rockets Dewott up to the very top of my favorite starters list, and very close to the top of my favorite Pokemon ever, though is still beat out by just how strong its competition is.
Ah well, I still enjoy Dewott and its family members quite a lot, so they can enjoy that much. Though I will say, Dewott's got the best official plush I've ever seen.
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Look at this thing. This stupid plush. This is the best thing in the world.
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After talking up Dewott so highly, you may think I'm disappointed by Samurott. Thankfully, you'd be incorrect, however I do like Samurott just a smidgen less than Dewott. Samurott has developed into more of a sea lion than an otter at this point, though takes on a nice deep blue shade and gains a big mustache and beard, along with a cool seashell helmet and armor plates. It's pretty simple and effective, feeling like a more classic Pokemon design without too many bells and whistles.
Samurott's default pose is in a quadrupedal stance now, though it can stand up on two legs and wield two hidden blades from the plates on its forearms though.
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I don't know why they decided to keep Samurott on all fours, but looking at this image and imagining bipedal Samurott being the default makes me think I'd like it a lot less. So I guess they got that right.
For as much as Samurott might lose from Dewott during the course of evolution, it does get extra points for being a samurai sea lion decked out in seashell armor, with a sick mustache to boot.
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While Samurott remains a pure Water type, it would also go on to receive a regional Hisuian form which becomes a Water/Dark type. This version of Samurott is the result of Dewott evolving in the more archaic and chaotic region of ancient Hisui, where much of civilization has yet to develop, and thus its fighting style has become more ruthless and reckless.
I like how Samurott's edgier and more destructive persona is communicated through its design here, with more its shells becoming dark with red accents, its beard becoming longer and more unkempt, and even its tail getting a jagged little extension. The gnarlier horn on its helmet is a good touch too. Hisuian Samurott even has a Hidden Ability, Sharpness, which increases the power of any moves that involve slicing or cutting, adding extra emphasis to its blades' power.
Hisuian Samurott sure has a lot more character put into it than regular Samurott, and even comes with the extra detail of potentially being based on a rōnin, a shameful samurai without a master. Regular Samurott is the disciplined, honorable samurai who fights by the rules, where Hisuian Samurott is the cutthroat bad guy who's been disgraced. It gives the two a neat parallel and something not a whole lot of regional forms get to play around with. For that reason, I end up enjoying both Samurotts evenly.
I do wonder why regular Samurott didn't get to be Water/Fighting though, since Fighting seems applicable to samurai under Pokemon's definition. Like, I know Emboar is already Fire/Fighting, but like I said in its article I don't even know why it's got the second type. Oh well.
Score: 5/5 - PERFECT!
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Extremely close competition with Mudkip as my favorite starter family collectively, but you just can't beat the classics. Samurai otters are still a really great idea though.
[Gen 5 Archive]
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chaotic-librarian · 3 months
writing pattern tag game
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there’s a pattern!
Thanks @starzzyeyed for the tag! (also this is my main lol the other one is just for CM stuff ;) )
It should have pushed him away. (Enthralled, SPN/CM)
Spencer’s been stressed out lately. (Massaged, SPN/CM)
Spencer is lonely. (Missed, SPN/CM)
Sometimes, like now, Luigi thinks about his brother.  (Who am I, if Not Your Shadow?, Super Mario)
Something’s wrong, something is incredibly wrong, why can’t he move, he’s stuck, he’s trying to get a grip, trying to see.  (In My Secret Dreams (You Tell Me I'm the One), CM)
"Turtwig.  I– I think Turtwig. I thought– it was between him and Mudkip.  He's just cute.  He's just a little guy!" (Little Found, Little Don't Know Where I Am, Video Blogging RPF) (yes I'm calling this a line I wasn't gonna have it be just 'Turtwig')
“So, I’m sure everybody has seen all the posts we’ve made about this stream, and I’ll admit, it’s kind of scary,” Tanner grins into the camera, stepping back to fix his tie. (MARRYING MY RIVAL LIVE ON STREAM??? SmallAnt and PointCrow wedding toast, Video Blogging RPF)
He’s drunk. (Love You Too Late, Video Blogging RPF)
“So, CraftyBoss did an incredible job with making Super Mario Odyssey multiplayer, and even made a specialized Hide and Seek mod,” PointCrow begins. (Hide and Seek with the Ant Colony (Super Mario Online), Video Blogging RPF)
Eric wakes up in the middle of the night, and he isn’t quite sure why, until he sits up and sees Tanner checking his phone in the darkness of the room. (The Reunion, Chapter 3, Video Blogging RPF)
It's either really short or a mile long huh? ZERO in-between. Same with the titles, that was one word or a million.
tagging: @reasonablerodents, @mithrilbookofmystery /@its-stupidhours, @idiotlovers (god I hope this is the right one)
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asknarashikari · 10 months
Opinions on each of the starter Pokemon, Kari.
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I'll preface this post by saying that 1) I'm kinda biased towards water types and 2) I haven't actually played a Pokemon game since HG/SS, so my opinions have more to do with how I like them just from a design/lore perspective and their appearances in other media (like the anime) than their competitive viability
With that out of the way... let's go~
Bulbasaur - Still one of the most underrated starters I think. I loved Ash's Bulbasaur in the anime, he was one sassy bitch lol
Charmander - A touch overexposed, but for good reason. Who doesn't love a fire breathing dragon buddy
Squirtle - I love the concept, but honestly most of my fondness for it comes from Ash's Squirtle. The one with the glasses
Pikachu - I mean, it's the mascot of the series. I don't think I can hate it even if I tried. It's cute and we all know it
Eevee - I'm kinda meh on the whole line tbh... and the Eevee you get as a starter can't evolve anyways...
Chikorita - Honestly probably the most forgettable of the starters. I don't really think much of it
Cyndaquil - It's a cute little shrew thing that evolves into a honey badger. Okay I guess? Hisuian Typholosion was needed badly
Totodile - Look, Ash's Totodile being a happy dancy lil guy was all they needed to make me love it
Treecko - A bunch of Poketubers I watch regularly are fond of it, and although I see the appeal, I'm just okay on it
Torchic - I love the whole line tbh, but I still haven't gotten over my cousin's kid saying Combusken looks like a dick.
Mudkip - My answer to the "Do you like Mudkips?" meme is "No, I absolutely adore Mudkips and will die for them"
Turtwig - Probably the most underrated of the Sinnoh starters and I kinda see why people struggle to use it
Chimchar - I see the appeal, even if I never used it as a starter myself. I also got attached to it because of Ash's Chimchar
Piplup - Piplup was my first starter so I adore it a lot... It's just so full of personality whenever I see it. Project Pochama was lit
Snivy - All I know about it is the infamous episode where Ash's Pikachu lost to one at the start of B/W
Pignite - Kinda went overboard with the Fire/Fighting combi at this point... also it's not really appealing in anyway lol
Oshawott - I think it has the most likeable personality of the starters? The scalchop thing is really cute
Chespin - Chespin's evolutions are... something. Poor guy got the short end of the design stick
Fennekin - I think it has the best concept of the three Kalos starters. Yes, even more than ninja frogman
Froakie - I think they were trying to turn it into Charizard 2.0 and... I guess it worked for a while? I like it well enough I guess
Rowlet - The cutest borb (birb+orb) turning into a badass ghost archer? Yes please! Also, Ash's Rowlet was hilarious in S&M
Litten - I guess I was just thankful they didn't make it Fighting type again lol
Popplio - It's a cute little thing, I don't understand why people didn't like it when it was first revealed
Grookey - I may have compared it to one Banjou Ryuuga when it was revealed lol. Ryuuga's my fave 2nd Rider though...
Scorbunny - It's a cute lil bunny, how could I hate it? It also seemed to have the most personality out of the Galar starters
Sobble - *gathers him into my arms* I will protect this one with my life even if it evolves into lizard James Bond
Sprigatito - Do I want a cat that can knead me and make me kinda high? ...Maybe
Fuecoco - It's a happy lil fire croc! It looks so wholesome! Its head is empty but I don't care!
Quaxly - I would like to shake the hand of the god who thought gaylord samba peacock-duck thing would make for a great starter
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wetthandss · 8 months
ok here's my favourite pokemon. it should be complete bc I looked very throroughly through my book :] sorry it took so long, hope it's good!
Marshtomp Swampert Mudkip Aron & Lairon & Aggron Araquanid Rotom Incineroar Galvantula Quagsire Froslass Flygon Porygon(2) Ditto Wooper Wobbuffet Relicanth Reuniclus
Mudkip is my fave starter from Hoenn she's literally perfect though I don't care too much for swampert it just doesn't read as a mudskipper anymore.
Aron and Lairon are beautiful little bugs and I like Aggron cause I like pokemon that look like kaiju.
Araquanid is a little out of my realm cause I stopped paying very much attention to Pokemon after Unova but it is cute and I definitely agree that it's far superior to Dewpider.
Rotom is a perv soo that's pretty cool and also michaelwave
Incineroar I really prefer the rest of its family I don't really like big macho characters unless they're really funny about it (like another buff pokemon Buzzwole or real life pro wrestling)
Galvantula is awesome and I love just how fuzzy it is, I know I would be so so scared of it irl but in the pokemon world im not sure if i would even have arachnaphobia. Hey. Do you think people in the pokemon world get pokephobia. How the fuck do they live with that it's like being afraid of breathing air.
Quagsire/wooper is BABY BOY and clodsire is my fuckingprecious
Froslass is really pretty and I kinda wish I could cosplay her, though I also wish that there were male froslass!
Flygon is like in my mind right now I have been obsessed with flygon for the past like two weeks because that pokemon carried me through almost my entire White 2 playthrough like from Nimbasa to post-game I used almost exclusively Flygon, really good stats and levitate is nice but the real killer was the diversity of move types that I was able to get and stick with. Its name is ANT.
Porygon2 is a rubber ducky and I like rubber ducky but i don't have strong feelings about this one, i think having a real rubber ducky in the shape of porygon2 would be really cute though
I like Ditto. :)
Wobbuffet is a really old favourite of mine cause I liked Jessie's wobbuffet in the anime as a kid
Relicanth is AWESOME and i love it and the fish its based on cause I love the way it combines the real fish and the *legend* of the fish, like, same goes for the fish too, its literally a modern legend. I wish relicanth was actually a mythical or legendary pokemon.
Reuniclus kinda sticks out in my head a lot because not too long ago my friends were asking me if i would fuck the solosis family and I said yeah. I've never used them cause I don't prioritise psychic types in my party but they are a really fun concept.
Very solid picks this belies really good taste in Pokemon but lets look at the stats
Water: 4 Ground: 3 Rock: 2 Bug: 2 Electric: 2 Ghost: 2 Normal: 2 Psychic: 2 Steel: 1 Fire: 1 Dark: 1 Ice: 1 Dragon: 1
You have a favourite in 13/18 or 72% of all types (except ???) and a slight proclivity towards water and ground type pokemon.
Now let's look at stat totals, as of generation 9.
They're in here in alphabetical order.
Highest HP: Wobbuffet at 190 Highest ATK: Incineroar at 115 Highest DEF: Aggron at 180 Highest Sp.ATK: Reuniclus at 125 Highest Sp.DEF: Araquanid at 132 Highest SPD: Froslass at 110 Highest total: Wobbuffet at 405 Highest average: Swampert at 89.17
Lowest HP: Ditto at 48 Lowest ATK: Wobbuffet at 33 Lowest DEF: Wooper at 45 Lowest Sp.ATK: Wooper at 25 Lowest Sp.DEF: Wooper at 25 Lowest SPD: Wooper at 15 Lowest total: Wooper at 210 Lowest average: Wooper at 35
So what have we learned here? WOOPER SUCKS.
I looked online and the average stats over ALL POKEMON as of gen 7 was
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Wooper is actually the 21st lowest average stats. Swampert isn't the greatest but it's pretty damn up there.
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kohakhearts · 9 months
if i adjust my hyperfixation slightly to the left i can start working on the asld pokemon au again (likely won't happen anytime soon, but i have been Thinking fondly of it. it's been a MINUTE since i worked on it, like probably 2 or 3 years). i don't think i ever shared the cast's partner pokemon publicly but it is why my first best buddy in pokego was a glaceon named nerissa. anyway if you're interested we had
nerissa - glaceon: an ice type, obviously. it mostly just felt right, but i think there's something to be said about, like, her having a partner with SO many potential evolutions and choosing to evolve it into an ice type (a la having so many different potential manifestations of her magic but actively choosing to freeze it and favouring ice-based magic even after she becomes an angel and can do whatever the fuck she want, because she's Literally god now, etc.). my second option for her was froslass for the dual ghost-ice typing
poseidon - mudkip: i have no reasoning for this other than i think it'd be cute. and water type. starter pokemon and all that. they're both just little guys. i have a note somewhere that he received mudkip from ryes when he was 11, which is a cute mental image
ada - altaria. a shiny one because then they have matching golden aesthetics. its a big fluffy powerhouse that evolves from a small fluffy bird. in my head she met swablu as a kid when she found it injured and nursed it back to health, despite her mother's disdain for pokemon
emmet - lucario. ORIGINALLY, i thought to give him a fire type, but fighting fits so much better honestly. emmet's whole Thing is like...his ability to Stand Up And Fight. and a lot of his development is centred around this idea of inner strength > physical strength, so the aura pokemon feels...fitting
isobel - blaziken. similar vibes as my rationale behind emmet's pokemon, but obviously with the dual fire type too because she's well. she's got that inner flame. what can i say
avery - in the au she actually doesn't have a pokemon for most of her life, although adonis and amery do. however i believe as a nod to her ward-setting capabilities and self-destructive tendencies, i assigned her forretress
adonis - charizard. he's THAT guy
adrienne - arcanine. big fire puppy? that's literally her. in crafting this storyline i definitely began seeing parallels between her and james team rocket but you know. it's just how it is when youre rich and your parents suck and whatever
ely - milotic. a beautiful water type for a beautiful water mage. also in a way it sort of mirrors his relationship with adrienne (ok in the sense of shes like this guy fucking sucks [racist] and then "haha i guess hes kinda hot tho" in the way everyone hates feebas until it evolves, i don't know. but actually in the idea i wrote down for this he, like ada, found his pokemon buddy injured and nursed it back to health. UNLIKE ada, he set it free after - but then it came back to him after it evolved because it was endeared by his healer swag)
i also wrote down that amery has a deerling, which is fitting because of her and ada's shared spring motif, i suppose. ryes i assigned relicanth because i mean. yeah (side note: he would be OBSESSED with the regis, lmao). emerson was a piplup probably for the same reason poseidon was a mudkip. for whatever reason in this au i assigned aether and erebus ho-oh and lugia respectively, even though there are LITERALLY White and Black legendary pokemon, lmao. my mind is an enigma even i can't comprehend
also, elnora's was zorua, which is...such a good choice. kudos to past me for that one. stella was mightyena so i guess dark types run in the family
anyway, that's pretty much all i've got. i had like, ideas about legendary encounters, etc. too (OBVIOUSLY poseidon would encounter and befriend mew, it's kinda analogous to chaos right??) and i think reasonably nerissa would Have to meet giratina because like. underworld = distortion world, maybe. i also think she and articuno would make an epic duo strictly in the sense of they uh. both have wings. and ice beam. aether is like that guy in the one anipoke movie who somehow manages to trap arceus in his basement so he can cast judgement on the haters (that is not what happened in that movie. but it IS what aether would do, except "the haters" is just erebus). in my ideal world this is an au in comic form but i really don't draw that often so it'll probably never properly see the light of day. still. it's in my brain. and my notes app, apparently
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yukarishoodie · 1 year
You have a fave Pokémon? What team would you pick for Yukari? I think Cherrim would be cute with her Sakura look
My fave pokemon is the Mudkip line! If I had to choose just one it's probably Swampert but all 3 are so important to me.
I go through a phase of making trainer cards for my faves every few years. Dug through my folders and apparently I did make one for Yukari Jun:
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Don't know anything about competitive Pokemon so I just made sure I stayed on theme with moons, rabbits and singing (also it's criminal just how few rabbit-based pokemon we have, wdym my options are lopunny and azumarill???). If I'd change anything now it's swapping out Cresselia for something else (Mesprit or Palkia maybe?) since it fits Yukari Rei much better imo. And maybe consider the new gens more since this was made in like black-white era.
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fanfic-wonderland · 1 year
hi! i hope you’re doing great ^^ i was wondering if you could write a bts pokemon trainer au ? a yoongi x reader fluff (with a bit of angst) like a small slow burn >:) maybe both as pokemon rivals, i don’t really have a specific idea for the plot, perhaps a little slice of life during their adventure (encounter with the villains team, discovering a new city, or just following the plot of some Pokemon movies, whichever inspires you the best!) if you can, make it in the region of Kalos please <3 i hope this will help you a bit but you can totally write something different if you got another idea, take your time to write it! (you can make it as short or long as you want btw) thank you!xx
I'm so sorry for taking so long with this one 😭 anyway, I just wanted to say that I absolutely loved writing this and I want to thank you for the request! It took me a while to come up with something but I just hope that you like it 💕 (also, the reader is originally from Hoenn, I hope you don't mind that)
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Pairing: Pokémon Trainer!Yoongi X Pokémon Trainer!Reader
Summary: Before (Y/N) and Yoongi can go and challenge the Lumiose City Gym, they're forced to work together when Team Rocket stirs up trouble again.
Lumiose City. The City of Light.
(Y/N) had never seen such a bright and big city before, so much different than anything they had ever seen in Hoenn. It was almost dreamlike and they wanted to take it in as much as they could since it was still not clear how long they would be there. “Are you seeing this, Mudkip?” They asked the blue Pokémon who was also looking around while laying on their shoulder. It let out a quiet sound of awe. “It’s so beautiful!”
Everywhere they looked they saw boutiques and restaurants and any other kind of store that one could think of on every corner. People walking around them wore clothes that made them look like celebrities, and it made (Y/N) feel a bit self-conscious for a moment. Maybe they should’ve dressed better for the occasion.
The two other trainers accompanying them also looked very impressed. “Where do you think we should go first?” Joy who, unlike (Y/N), looked gorgeous dressed in all green, had the biggest grin on her face when she caught sight of a clothing boutique nearby. “I’d love to try out some new clothes, or maybe even a new hairstyle!”
“Well, I wanna go to Café Cyclone first,” Yeonjun, the tallest of the group, said while looking at his map. “It says here that people bring out all kinds of entertainment there. There’s even a guy who impersonates all Champions from every region.”
“You guys can go ahead. Mudkip and I will go straight to getting our next Gym Badge.” (Y/N) said in a determined tone. “Right, Mudkip?”
“Mud!” Mudkip exclaimed cheerfully.
“We can meet at the Prism Tower once we’re all done.”
All three of them walked in different directions, losing sight of each other in no time. It was easy when there was so much going on around them. Luckily, though, it wasn’t hard to find the tower, considering it was higher than any other building around.
“Well… here we are.” (Y/N) stared up at the tower. It seemed much bigger when they were standing right in front of it. Scarier, too, but that did not stop them. “You ready to win our third Badge, Mudkip?”
“Mudkip!” The Pokémon replied.
“That’s the spirit!”
They only took one step forward before they heard a voice coming from behind. “So, I see you’ve made it here as well.”
Although they recognized the voice, (Y/N) turned to see who it was. As expected, their biggest rival since they arrived at Kalos was standing there, hands buried in his jacket pockets while he stared at them blankly. A cute yet intimidating Meowstic was standing right next to him, folding its little arms across its chest. “Yoongi?” (Y/N) quirked a brow. “What are you doing here?”
“Same as you. I’m here to beat the Gym Leader,” Yoongi replied as if it was the most obvious thing. “Why else would I be here?”
(Y/N)’s lips formed into a teasing smile while placing one hand on their hip, the other one they used to rub their chin pretending to be deep in thought. “Well, I don’t know, maybe because you missed me too much?”
Yoongi scoffed. “Don’t flatter yourself. If I knew that you were going to be here I probably would’ve arrived earlier so that I didn’t have to see your ugly face.”
“HEY, WHO ARE YOU CALLING UGLY?” They shouted angrily.
Yoongi’s smirk only made it worse; their face turned red in a matter of seconds. It had been like that ever since they met, when (Y/N) was training their newly caught Scatterbug near the Santalune City Pokémon Center. Yoongi happened to be around as well and could not help but comment on (Y/N)’s training skills, calling them “pathetic” and “useless”. Ever since then, they had been at each other's throats basically every time they'd meet. “I see you’re still as hot-headed as usual. That’s not going to help you if you want to become a Champion. I’m surprised you’ve even managed to win any Badges.”
“Yeah, well, for your information, I already have two,” (Y/N) said proudly once their anger subsided. They were not about to give him the satisfaction. In one swift movement, they took out their Badge case, which displayed the Bug Badge and the Cliff Badge that they had acquired not too long ago. Both were glistening due to being cleaned up the previous night. “and now, I’m about to get my third, so ha!”
Yoongi eyed both Badges with a tilt of his head, a low chuckle escaping his lips. “That’s cute,” he said, reaching into his own bag. “Why don’t you take a look at mine?”
He opened up his Badge case for them to see. Inside, there were the same Badges as theirs, alongside two additional ones. (Y/N) felt like their body was deflating at the sight. “Wh— four Badges already? How?!”
It was a question they mostly asked themselves but Yoongi felt obligated to answer. “I guess I’m just better than you.”
They glared at him, but he did not seem bothered. Even Meowstic was copying his facial expressions. “Oh, yeah? Well, let’s see who wins this Badge first!”
(Y/N) began practically running towards the tower, as if they had just started a race. Yoongi shook his head. “Don’t even bother with—”
But before they could go in, (Y/N) felt Mudkip slipping away from their shoulder in a swift second. When they turned back, they saw Mudkip being pulled back by an extremely long arm with a metallic hand. It let the Pokémon drop into a small steel cage that was being held by a familiar cat Pokémon. They were now aware of the giant Meowth hot air balloon floating above them. “Thanks for the gift, twerp.” The woman with long magenta hair said mockingly.
“We’ll make sure to make the best of it.” The man with a lavender bob added in a similar tone.
“Team Rocket!” (Y/N) exclaimed while glaring up at them.
“Those idiots again?” Yoongi said with wide eyes.
“Prepare for trouble!” Jessie began.
“And make it double!” James continued.
“To protect the world from devastation!”
“To unite all people within our nation—”
“MUDKIP,” (Y/N) called to the trapped Pokémon. “ARE YOU OKAY?”
The mudfish Pokémon cried out in panic, tears in the corners of its eyes.
“WE’VE BEEN WORKING HARD ON IT FOR YEARS!” James followed, sounding so upset that (Y/N) thought he was about to cry.
“YEAH. AND I DIDN’T EVEN GET TO DO MY PART!” Meowth said even louder than his teammates.
“WOOOBBUFFET!” Although (Y/N) could not understand what Wobbuffet was saying, it clearly sounded upset as well.
Yoongi stood next to them. “Hey, give Mudkip back, freaks!” he turned to Meowstic. “Meowstic, use Psybeam!”
Meowstic jumped forward and suddenly a colorful beam shot out of its paw, hitting the air balloon directly. Although it looked powerful enough to destroy it completely, the balloon remained intact. The trio suddenly laughed cruelly. “We’ve certainly seen that one before,” James said.
“That’s why this time we came prepared,” Meowth added.
“So long, twerps!” Jessie waved before the balloon started floating backward. It began to shrink in the distance as they got further and further.
“No!” (Y/N) began to run in their direction. Yoongi followed them. “They’re getting away!”
A few people nearby had begun to notice the commotion, some of them staring around in confusion while others gasped once they realized what was happening.
“(Y/N), wait!” Yoongi called. They halted their steps to turn to him, a look of desperation that made Yoongi feel… bad for them. “You’re never going to catch up to them like this.”
Their eyes suddenly welled up with tears and when they spoke up again their voice was shaky. “But they took my Mudkip…”
“I know,” Yoongi nodded. “Let me help, okay?” He took out a Poké Ball from his bag. “Noivern, come on out!”
After a bright light came out of the Ball, a large bat-like Pokémon appeared in front of them, letting out a loud cry after its release. (Y/N) gasped at the sight; they were still fairly new to the region so there were still many Pokémon they had yet to discover. “Amazing...”
‘Noivern, the Sound Wave Pokémon. A Flying and Dragon type. Noivern can fly in the dark, attacking with ultrasonic waves strong enough to crush stone. It uses its sharp fangs to defeat foes.’
Yoongi wasted no time hopping on the creature’s back, his Meowstic following along and taking a seat in front of him. “Come on.” He told (Y/N), offering his hand out to them.
Without processing what was happening, (Y/N) took his hand and hoisted themselves up and behind him. Noivern began to flap its enormous wings and soon enough they were high up in the air. It was then when (Y/N) came back to their senses, their arms wrapping around Yoongi’s torso to cling onto anything. Yoongi said nothing about that but he could feel his face getting warm all of a sudden, however, he brushed it off and went back to focus on the most important thing at the moment: rescuing his rival’s Mudkip. “Noivern, follow that balloon!”
The large Pokémon began flying in their direction, increasing speed as soon as it spotted its target. (Y/N)’s grip on Yoongi tightened as they felt the pressure of the wind on their face, but their eyes were strictly focused on the balloon, which was starting to increase size again the closer they got. Anger rose through (Y/N)’s veins and they forgot all about being countless feet above the ground. How dare they steal their Mudkip like that? The very first Pokémon they’d ever received, the one who became their most reliable partner during their long and ongoing journey.
They were now face-to-face with Team Rocket; (Y/N) saw their devilish looks quickly switch to panic once they realized that a giant Noivern was right in front of them. “All right, no more games,” Yoongi spoke up. “Give us back Mudkip!”
“After all the work we went through to make this work? We’ll pass.” Jessie stuck her tongue out mockingly at them.
Yoongi shook his head and clicked his tongue. “Fine, then we’ll have to take it away from you the hard way. Meowstic, use Telekinesis!”
The cage in Meowth’s arms suddenly began floating away from him; when all four of them tried to catch it again the cage began to move in zigzags to avoid them. It floated all the way to where the others were until it landed safely on (Y/N)’s lap. “Mudkip!” they pressed the red button on the lock and the top opened automatically. Mudkip hopped out and (Y/N) took it in their arms, nuzzling their cheeks together. “Oh, I’m so glad you’re okay!”
“How about we show these idiots how It’s done?” Yoongi turned his head a bit, directing his words to (Y/N). When they agreed, he looked down at his own Pokémon. “Okay, Meowstic, use Psybeam; Noivern, use Air Cutter!”
Both Pokémon obeyed without hesitation and a combination of a brightly colored beam and razor-like wind shot at the balloon. At first, it didn’t seem like anything was happening, the balloon was still intact. But, after a moment, (Y/N) noticed a bent starting to form. “Let’s help them out, Mudkip,” The mudfish Pokémon nodded. They pointed at the bad guys. “Use Hydro Pump!”
Mudkip opened its mouth and a large amount of water blasted in Team Rocket’s direction. Almost as soon as it landed a hit, a cloud of smoke covered the balloon and an explosion was heard. The impact pushed Noivern backward but it managed to keep its balance alongside everyone on board. When the smoke vanished, the balloon was no longer there, and neither were the bad guys. Instead, (Y/N) and Yoongi watched as they were blasted away from them, their final words being their typical: “Team Rocket’s blasting off again!”
Like always, Team Rocket’s plan had started out fairly strong but it was nothing the others couldn’t handle as long as they worked together.
(Y/N) let out a sigh of relief. “Finally, they’re gone.”
They landed in front of the Prism Tower again after a few moments, the feeling of touching land again brought joy to (Y/N) and Mudkip especially. “You were great, Noivern. Thank you.” Yoongi said before the Pokémon went back to its Ball.
He stared at it for a second before looking back at (Y/N), who was still hugging Mudkip tight, as if afraid that they’ll lose it again if they let go. The scene made the faintest of smiles appear on his face. If there was anything that he was certain of about (Y/N), it was that Mudkip and their other Pokémon meant the world to them. Additionally, Yoongi understood what it was like to have a Pokémon being taken away like that —Team Rocket had attempted to take his Pokémon at some point as well— so he was glad that everything worked out in the end.
After Mudkip climbed its way up to the top of (Y/N)’s head they turned to Yoongi. They scratched the back of their head and stared down at the ground. He failed to notice the blush of embarrassment appearing on their cheeks. “Yoongi—”
Before they could speak, both of them heard the sound of applause around them. The people who had seen the entire thing go down were cheering for them like they had just given them the performance of a lifetime. It reminded (Y/N) of an audience watching a Pokémon Contest; it took them back to whenever they and Yeonjun would watch Joy and other Coordinators competing on stage. “That was brilliant!” a man, looking to be a few years older than them yelled out.
“And romantic,” a woman who was probably in her thirties added with a dreamy look on her face. “A boy who’s willing to risk his life to save his partner’s Pokémon is definitely a keeper!”
(Y/N) and Yoongi looked at each other in horror. “No, we’re not—”
“I would never—”
But the crowd was not listening, still shouting with excitement. Yoongi glared at them before catching Meowstic’s eye. His Pokémon sniggered teasingly, and he had never felt so betrayed in his entire life. “All right, that’s enough of you.” He said while taking out Meowstic’s Poké Ball. It burst out laughing, and that was the last thing that Yoongi saw before it went back in.
Amid the loud cheering, two familiar faces appeared from the crowd, panting like they had just run an entire marathon through the city. Yeonjun was holding a small bag in one hand while Joy was holding several in both arms. (Y/N) had never been happier to see her friends again. “Took you guys long enough.”
“We came because we saw everyone gathering here,” Yeonjun said after his breathing finally evened.
(Y/N) turned to Joy, then gasped as soon as they noticed something. Her long hair, which was a dark brown the last time they had seen her, was now a vibrant red color. “Joy, you dyed your hair again?”
She beamed while running her fingers through it. “You like?”
(Y/N) chuckled. “Sure. It fits you pretty well.”
“Why, thank you!” She said brightly. “Anyway, what did we miss?”
The sun was beginning to set while the four of them sat down at a table inside the Pokémon Center. The whole situation drained them so much that they all decided to just stay the night so that (Y/N) and Yoongi could challenge the Gym Leader the next day.
Joy’s eyes were wide and Yeonjun was shaking his head disapprovingly as soon as (Y/N) finished telling them about their encounter with Team Rocket. “They never seem to stop, do they?”
“And they probably would’ve gotten away this time if…” (Y/N) looked at Yoongi through the corner of their eye, then sighed. “Well, if Yoongi hadn’t been there to help.”
They hated nothing more than complimenting him, partially because Yoongi would never let them live it down, but this time they felt like they had to. It wasn’t the first time that Team Rocket tried to take Mudkip away but it was the first time in a while that they had seen them around Kalos. Usually, (Y/N) was a bit more prepared, but this time they gave into the shock of everything happening too fast, it seemed.
When they finally gained the courage to fully face him, they did not see the usual smirk they were expecting. Instead, his eyes were glued to the table while his arms were folded, his lips in a thin line as if he was in deep thought. No snarky remark, no mocking comment, nothing. (Y/N) did not know whether to feel relieved or feel worried. “That’s so cool!” Joy spoke up instead, sounding very impressed. “Oh, I wish we would’ve been there to see it.”
Yeonjun rolled his eyes. “It wasn’t a performance, Joy, it was a group of thieves who have been on our backs since we started traveling together.”
She shrugged. “Still, it would’ve been nice to see them get beat up.”
“Well, hopefully you guys won’t have to see them again any time soon,” Yoongi stood up. “Anyway, I better get going. I’m going to take this opportunity and train my Pokémon a bit more for tomorrow.”
The three of them stared at his back while he began to walk away, (Y/N) feeling something tug at their chest, almost like an urge that wouldn’t stop bothering them. They stood up quickly, trying to catch up with him before he could step out. “Yoongi!”
He stopped in his tracks, turning around with a confused look on his face. (Y/N) stood in front of him, looking like they were struggling to say what they were thinking. The words were simple enough, but somehow it was so difficult to look at Yoongi and just say them. They shut their eyes for a second, trying to gather as much strength as they could to finally get it over with. “Thank you. For helping me today. I will make it up to you.”
He stared at them blankly for a moment. Yoongi was never too expressive, at least from what they’d seen. This time, however, (Y/N) saw a genuine toothless smile on his face. It was quite the sight. “You can make it up to me by winning tomorrow’s battle.”
(Y/N) had not been expecting that answer but, at the same time, they expected nothing less from Yoongi. “You bet I will,” they said. “And I’ll catch up to you in no time!”
Yoongi chuckled. His usual annoying self was back. “Doubt it.”
(Y/N) was not offended. Instead, as Yoongi exited the Pokémon Center, they simply decided to take it as a motivation to prove him wrong.
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grayblacklight · 1 year
I can never just choose my favorite Pokemon because there's so many of them and I love so many of them (not sandyghast, though) so I'll just go over my favorite of each type:
Electric: Pichu, because I am a sucker for cute stuff and because Pichu in melee was the reason I got into Pokemon in the first place (I never really cared for 'monsters' and my ten-year-old brain couldn't tell the difference between pokémon, Digimon, Yu-Gi-Oh or whatever, so I probably wouldn't have ever picked up pokemon x if I had seen how frickin adorable pokémon could be)
Ice: Alolan Ninetales; electric and ice are actually my two favorite types, and Vulpix is adorable. But I think I like it's evolution just a bit more because it's one of the most fun pokémon to use in battle - it's kinda my go-to support pokemon in showdown
Grass: WEED CAT WEED CAT WEED CAT- also it has a freaking yo-yo?! 10/10 design, the yo-yo more than justifies it standing up.
Water: Mudkip. Need I say more?
Fire: Litten. What can I say, I saw the sun and moon trailer and my first thought was 'i want the fire cat'. And then incinaroar took over vgc.
Normal: I freaking love Furret.
Flying: togekiss, it's cute and fun, so long as it isn't stuck with my single least favorite ability in the franchise, hustle. Serene grace is more than good enough to make up for that, though
Bug: Ninjask, definitely one that grew on me, it tends to be overshadowed by it's more gimmicky counterpart, but man, sometimes you just want to GO FAST. Honestly, I originally only had it on my emerald team so I could get a Shedinja to potentially cheese something later, but I never took it off my team because I was having so much fun with it.
Poison: Bulbasaur, largely because of how busted it is in gen one. It's not that special anywhere else, and on another day I might say crobat or Galarian Slowbro, but the best part of going back to the gen one games is breaking them, and oh boy does Bulbasaur do that.
Fighting: Lucario, definitely. There are a bunch of contenders for second place, but Lucario is really cool, has a cute lil baby form, and the one fighting type I can give a special set and not call a joke (sorry special Machamp, you tried your best).
Ground: Quagsire, because it's really fun to use, and Wooper is awesome.
Psychic: Wobbuffet -There are so many great psychic type Pokemon, in no small part because they keep making psychic type legendary Pokemon, but like. Team Rocket make my brain happy.
Rock: Omanyte, because if I don't I will be charged with heresy.
(It's shuckle, and by a lot)
Dragon: Zekrom- I don't use sudo-legandaries often, so that honestly might be skewing my judgement, but dang it Zekrom is so freaking cool - helps the black and white are so good that they actually make the cover legendaries cool through the story. (And it's an electric type, so again, bias). Kyrum might have taken the spot for a lot of the same reasons, but I honestly just don't like it's design as much.
Ghost: Misdreavus- https://youtu.be/pQhntEfY1Mc
Dark: Absol- fun to use, a great design, and one of the best Dex lores in the series. Also mystery dungeon, my only criticism is that they don't use absol enough.
Steel: Tinkaton- this might be recency bias, but I don't care. You have no idea how much I wanted a good hammer pokemon. And Tinkaton isn't just a GREAT hammer pokemon, it's POPULAR SHADOW THE HEDGEHOG CHARACTER AMY ROSE. And a really cool signature move to boot.
Fairy: Azumarill. I've said it before and I will say it again. Azumarill should be the basis for all pokémon balancing.
Onix type: AHHHNIX!
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iwtvdramacd18 · 9 months
I really loved mudkip. I prefer water starters. I was so happy when it evolved into swampert.
Im a fan of water pokemon in general, though I don't think I've usually picked water starters outside of mudkip for some reason. I would pick squirtle for sure but i never got to play that gen... but now like im pretty sure you can just play the old games on a browser tab. Tododile is really cute too but the cyindaquil line just barely edges it out for me. For my first Pokémon champion team I had a golduck on there she really got me through.
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raichuposting · 1 year
(ooc: dead blog but send an ask or dm if you want me to be active on here again)
finally an into post!
hi, i'm Rai, but is that my real name or just what i like to be called on the internet? ✨no one will ever know✨
(ooc: it's his real name. if you think that implying otherwise for no reason is dumb, yeah exactly.)
my pokemon are cool, so here's some things about them:
Oreo (zebstrika)
my first pokemon, possibly most aggressive zebstrika to ever exist, generally perfect
hates carrying things and attacks every flying type pokemon she sees, will not do anything resembling most kind of work if she's aware that's what she's doing
still perfect
originally a parasite, now a friend
very smart, likes being an asshole for fun but is incredibly cute when he's not doing that
normally doesn't battle
very shy, almost as if she's not about as strong as Oreo
he eats. so much.
Pichu Pikachu
so i guess i may have a raichu at some point
then my url on here will make sense
pikachu's best friend
pokemon that seem to have randomly appeared out of nowhere:
woopkip (wooper/mudkip hybrid?)
i don't think i'll end up keeping either of them, but absolutely won't just give them to anyone who asks
dni: (i hope it's obvious that's ic)
anyone who has named an electric type pokemon Sparky or Battery, fuck you get more creative
ooc but more this time:
"ooc post" is pretty much the only tag i use consistently where it applies
i've barely thought of a backstory, and i have no clue what i'm doing
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espytalks · 5 years
all pokemen are great and amazing and i love them, but, in my opinion, the only middle stage evolution that looks better than it’s evoloution is grovyle.
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i-am-a-lesbigwen · 2 years
For the Pokemon asks: 1, 7, 15, 22?
Mudkip. I pick treecko nowadays though.
7. Joltik my beloved <3<3
15. Cute pokemon - but for me, that's bug types so. many people don't think those are quite as cute LOL. I wish bug types could be good competitively, but it is what it is.
22. BUG TYPE GYM LEADER???? BUG TYPE GYM LEADER. I daydream about this a lot. My team would be Galvuntula, Volcarona, Araquanid, Vespiquen, Scizor, and like. Either Armaldo or Shedinja. Not sure on that.
Gym would looks super nasty on the outside but be really well organized and clean and crisp on the inside. I'd want to prove that Bug Types are worth the effort and can be just as strong as any other types, so I'd probably try to have my team by more difficult than average for most badge levels.
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