#and i just love how he and matt describe it always
hiraethwa · 1 day
to be loved is to be known
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one; you are not meant for me // but the heart wants what it wants
<the collection — to be loved is to be known>
pairing. kageyama x reader
cw. angst, timeskip, setter!reader, one-sided pining, blasphemy, currently married!reader, fluff if you squint (no adultery)
featured track. the 6th summer by PLAVE
my heart knew it was you from the moment we met. but you were never mine to begin with.
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kageyama tobio is a logical person. his teammates would describe him as a mechanically precise monster who can effectively deconstruct opponent plays and use his insights to counter strategize their own attacks. a highly rationale driven individual, known to be impassive off court. 
in his high school years, he has watched his senpais yearn after their manager, even hinata, falling for a classmate in their third year, the relationship ending in tears when they broke it off because hinata was leaving to brazil. he has seen love take precedent and how it always seem to break the hearts of those involved. 
but he never understood why someone would put so much of themselves on line to love someone who could choose to walk away at any point in time. 
unlike most people’s beliefs, kageyama isn’t heartless, or emotionless, or indifferent to love. after all, he loves volleyball just fine. it’s just—he figures, why love someone, when they always leave you behind, whether voluntarily or otherwise?—why love someone, when he can choose to devote himself to volleyball which will never abandon him?
and then you came into the picture, wholly unaccounted for. a fellow setter, a true rival, and he found himself wanting to fly with you. someone who understands his pivotal role in his team’s offense, the control tower, as he had once said to hinata. someone who obsesses over every little detail as he does.
at first, he had attributed the feeling of recognition to meeting a true rival in you as a fellow setter. that feeling that he had yearned for as a middle schooler watching the senpai he looked up to, oikawa-san, serve and set like a god. the connection he missed due to rivalry, and the connections he severed unknowingly to be the team that stays on the court the longest. 
it couldn’t have been love, because if it was, then he would also be in love with hinata like everyone keeps saying. besides, why would he fall for someone who is in a relationship?
it would be immoral to fall for you, he reasons, you are dating kuroo-san.
he quickly learns that despite the warm demeanor you have when it comes to volleyball, you keep everyone at an arm’s length outside of it. he notices the line you draw between your professional career and your personal life, and he is careful to stay on the right side. 
he allows you to set the boundaries that you are comfortable with, keeping to the practice meets that became a monthly routine where you exchange your latest updates on your plays and offer pointers on improving, dissecting each other’s games that quickly spilled over into its own afternoon meetups over coffee. 
slowly but surely, it turns from a fan and her idolized player into two equals analyzing and plotting improvements for their next game strategies. 
of course, kageyama shares the admiration that comes from picking your brain on his weekly calls with hinata. 
“i don’t know how i didn’t think of that before oumae-san suggested it—” he stops himself as he catches hinata giving him a look of sympathy, snapping at the older boy, “what?”
“kageyama, do you know how many times i have heard you talk about oumae-san in the past months?”
“huh? why would i be keeping count?” he frowns at him through the screen.
hinata nods in pity, “exactly. i don’t know either because you are constantly saying oumae-san this, oumae-san that.”
kageyama averts his eyes from his friend, feeling the tips of his ears warming under his inspection. “i don’t talk about her that much.” it comes out in an unconvincing mumble.
“you know i would support you no matter what you do, but oumae-san is getting married to kuroo-san soon. i don’t think it’s good for you to keep pining after a soon-to-be married woman.”
he wishes he could snipe the orange haired boy through the screen, only because he is right. he drags a hand over his face in frustration. damn him, he knows that he is falling for you, but he is utterly helpless in stopping himself. 
you’re a dreamy sunny day that he wishes to bask in forever. too bad kageyama is the snow storm that sweeps through winter. 
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kageyama tobio well knows that he is truly hopeless from the moment he realized that he fell for you, the mind behind the name. 
he is in love with the way your mind works to find counters against your opponent’s defense and open up a path for your team’s attacks. the way you find just the perfect moment to do a setter dump, catching the other team unaware. the way you dissect and analyze plays calmly during timeouts. the way you listen intently to him when he speaks.
the worst part is that you are not even trying to make him fall for you. you are just being your perfectly normal self, keeping all your interactions at a respectful and professional level—probably more professional than respectful at this point, since you would give him shit for his unforced errors. (actually, he also likes that you keep him accountable, unlike most people who would brush them off as mistakes that happen sometimes.)
that gods-forsaken line between your professional and personal lives now more solid than before as a married woman. 
and yet, he had fallen for you without even trying. 
he had tried to follow hinata’s advice to move on from you, to quote him directly—“stop putting her on a pedestal. she’s only human, she is bound to have something that irks you.”
he tried, really, to find your faults in your interactions. the tiny crease between your eyebrows as you think hard about the game you are exchanging analysis on, the small pout on your lips as you work through possible counterattacks. your dry reply when he says something dumb, or the excitement in your eyes when recounting a strategy (that you both came up with together) that worked. 
it’s not working. in fact, it’s achieving quite the opposite of moving on from you.
he curses hinata shoyo for his shit advice as he watches your practice match against france from the vip section in the stands. something feels off, he thinks, finding that you are not landing evenly on both feet when you set to your spikers. 
he realizes a moment too late that you are heavily favoring your left foot over the other just as you land awkwardly on your ankle—your shrill yelp sounding from the court. 
kageyama jumps to his feet worriedly, hands gripping the back of the seat in front of him as he peers over to you. he reminds himself that he is just another professional acquaintance of yours, forcing himself to take a seat as your coach and teammates rush over to you. 
you don’t play for the rest of the game. 
later that night, upon finding no news from any media outlets about the severity of your injury after scouring the internet, he starts typing out a message to you—how are you doing?
no, that won’t do, he shakes his head, deleting the small letters on his phone before typing out another message—is your ankle alright?
he pauses for a few moments, wondering if he would be crossing a boundary to inquire about your wellbeing. i probably shouldn’t, he decides against it for the better, choosing to believe (or hope) that no news is good news. 
he erases the message to your number, letting the device fall next to him as he puts his arm over his forehead. fuck, what am i doing? 
you have a loving husband to go home to, who will take good care of you. there’s no place for someone as removed as him to be worrying after you.
after all, gods are meant to be worshiped from a distance, and you would fit right in next to the ones who torment him so. 
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to his dismay, his delusions of relief only lasted a few days. 
kageyama tobio knows something is wrong the moment he finds the court empty on the third friday of the month. the court that you live and breathe on. the court that he always finds you practicing your serves while waiting for him. 
his heart catches in his throat as he rings your number, holding his breath as he desperately hopes that you are okay. 
you pick up on the seventh ring. “kageyama-san? ah, sorry. i forgot to tell you that i won’t be able to make it to practice today.”
“it’s fine, kuroo-san. i was at your match on sunday. are you doing alright?” you both stubbornly stick to using formalities when addressing each other—kuroo-san to remind himself that you are so far beyond his reach that he can just forget about it. (he doesn’t.)
“oh, that? i’m fine,” kageyama breathes out a sigh of relief from hearing your words. relief that comes too soon, as it is quickly followed by your strangled yelp coming from the other end.
“that didn’t sound like you are fine.” he realizes you must be saying that just to keep him from worrying, any rational thought flying out of his mind. 
he had seen kuroo-san, your husband in passing at work just this morning, but if you’re injured, and still stubbornly moving around, or worse, even keeping it from your own husband—“send me your address, i’ll be over soon.”
kageyama ends up having to call in the team physician to look at your horribly swollen ankle, stuffing his hands in his pockets to keep himself in line. the tips of his fingers twitch every so often when you wince at her touch as she inspects your ankle. 
he tells himself that you are so, so strictly off limits. 
though, he makes the mistake of asking about kuroo-san, your husband. he wishes that the words never left his lips as his eyes catch the microexpression that betrays your emotions. you quickly brushes off his question with a joke, as if you have had plenty of practice.
he barely keeps that haze of anger in check as he calls your husband after excusing himself for the night and wishing you a speedy recovery, not allowing himself to ponder on the ‘what could have been’s—of how he would never put work above you, especially if you’re hurt.
he politely explains your situation to your husband, and yet kuroo has the audacity to sound offended at his request to spend more time taking care of you in your condition as an outsider.
“she’s my wife, i know how to take care of her.”
then act like it. kageyama bites back the retort, knowing that it wouldn’t help matters—that it might actually add to your burden instead of easing it. 
he bristles when kuroo tells him that he has to go finish up some work before he could leave, mystified as to why kuroo would ever put work above you. 
kageyama pockets his phone and lets his arm hang lax by his side, shaking his head at himself. it’s not his place to worry over you, much less tell kuroo how to be a husband. 
the gods have judged him, and deemed him unworthy of you. 
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kageyama tobio knows your serve routine by heart. a tuck of your hair over your left ear, then your right, followed by a swish of your ponytail to confirm that it is holding securely. fingers smoothing over the hem of your jersey. your left hand outstretched with the ball in front of you, you would lick over your top lip, teeth catching your bottom lip before you launch the ball upwards and forwards, body coiling into a spring that shoots the ball out across the net.
he knows the extra time you take to warm up your right wrist due to a prior injury. the overly bubbly personality that you hide behind when you are upset or disappointed. the modest smile that is dazzling (he swears that you really do sparkle when you smile like that), not because you’re pulling your charm out, but because you are not. 
your unpretentious smile that comes from the heart still guts him each time becoming less common, to his disappointment. and gods, does he try to coax that smile from you when he sees you, would give you the entire universe with all the planets and stars in it if he could, just to see the unfiltered crooked smile from you. the one you claim to hate because it reveals the singular dimple on your cheek. 
he also knows that you love flowers, deduced from the bouquet of peonies on your lockscreen and the different floral arrangements that you post to your social media each week. and your order at the coffee shop that you get without fail—latte with lavender and honey instead of simple syrup.
he knows all the details he picked up from his observations in the time he has known you, details that he absolutely adore, while being hyper cognizant of the line drawn between you. 
he knows, lives at the edge of that boundary drawn by you, enforced by him. his iron grip on his own actions to hold the line, keeping his desires as they are—a daydream of a world where the gods favored him. 
kageyama knows this all too well. 
and because of that, he knows something is not right when your contact lights up his phone screen with an incoming call on a friday night. 
your number is saved under kuroo y/n, a reminder of where he stands in your life. he addresses you as kuroo-san, another constant reminder to stand firm on his side of the line. 
he hesitates, but his index finger swipes across the screen, accepting your call before his logical side could stop it.
your voice crackles across the line before he could get a word in. “you finally picked up!” 
he could just picture the pout on your face (that also appears during practices when you mess up), but it was the childish whimsy that accompanies your slurred words that dusts his cheeks in pink—the intimacy in your tone that he suspects is not meant for his ears.
“i miss you,” you admit softly, sadly, in a tone that makes his heart clench in pain. as much as he would like to give you comfort, anything you ask him for, really, he knows he’s not the one you’re really looking for. 
“yuki, give that back!” you complain, sounding further away from your phone. another female voice comes into the call, “no, is that kuroo tetsuro? that asshole!” 
kageyama thinks he should say something to clear up the situation, but the words die in his throat—what could he say, really?
“wait, what? kageyama?” the other female mumbles to herself, and kageyama assumes that whoever that yuki is returns the phone to you as your sweet voice calls out to him again. 
“are you done with work yet? you’ve been so busy again lately…” you trail off, “do you think we will go see the cherry blossoms outside of tokyo next year? you promised we would this year, but something came up with your work.”
he really doesn’t want to jump to conclusions about your marriage, but he would be lying if your words don’t make him upset on your behalf. it makes his blood boil to even think about his senpai prioritizing work over his wife. from what he witnessed when you were injured, and now this—you begging for his time, it is exceeding hard to believe otherwise. 
why would he choose work over you? he tries not to read too much into the situation, but—if that asshole is really making you live on scraps of his love, why are you still with him? 
oh right, because you love kuroo tetsuro. 
if kageyama was in his shoes, he would never make you ask him for his time. in fact, he would make sure you feel like the most loved person in the entire world. what do you even see in him— 
he shakes himself out of his intrusive thoughts, wondering instead if he made the right decision to give kuroo a push back then; if he just contributed to dragging out your situation rather than helping. he reminds himself that you had looked happier in the following weeks, until now.
he opens his mouth to say something, but your friend beats him to it. “say, you should come pick y/n up! it’s pretty late and she’s so plastered.”
finally, he stumbles to his words. “kuroo-san, i don’t think—”
he isn’t sure if you hear him over the loud music in the background and your friend’s insistence for him to come pick you up. “i’ll send the address to you, please come get her before she drinks herself to death.” 
he wonders if she knows. 
it isn’t long before he pulls up at the address you sent him, parking at a street lot that opened up as he drove by, lucky him. kageyama feels out of place among the partygoers in the club, dressed in sweats and an oversized hoodie over his plain t-shirt. 
he wonders if you would be disappointed to see him instead of your husband. your good for nothing husband who is apparently still at work on a friday night.
kageyama tells himself he shouldn’t feel as crestfallen as he does at that thought. just as he shouldn’t feel the skip in his heartbeat when his eyes land on you, or the urge to pull you into his arms and kiss the top of your head. 
or the protective instinct that kicks in as he gets closer, sensing the exhaustion in your demeanor, wishing to shield you against everything that the world throws at you. 
he really, really shouldn’t feel the relief that floods his veins at the gratitude in your eyes—not disappointment, he notes—and the gentle smile that graces your lips at his approach. that smile that he loves so much, knocking the breath out of him, reflecting on his own features that are normally set in a disinterested scowl. 
gods, is there anything he wouldn’t do to keep that smile on your face?
“tobio, you came.” his name leaving your lips for the first time, as you fling yourself into his arms with such familiarity that he has never seen from you. it takes every inch of his willpower to not crumble to the floor before you, beg you to let him love and worship you for the goddess you are. 
it takes every shred of his resolve to keep the words from overflowing past that cursed line. to keep his features neutral, intercept the storm ripping through his winter from touching your pleasant spring. 
so he holds on to you awkwardly, savoring the rare moment of affection, mumbling into your hair, “you called.”
“mmm, we’re celebrating my birthday! do you want a drink?” he releases you first, letting his arms fall to his sides. you tug him towards the bar before another woman stops you, disapproval set in the lines of her face.
“i let you out of my sight to go to the bathroom for a few minutes, and you’re already making a beeline to the bar.” this must be the yuki on the phone then. her eyes flicker behind you to kageyama. “this is kageyama?” 
“kageyama tobio, nice to meet you.” he manages a stiff nod.
“tsuda yuki. thanks for coming on a short notice, i appreciate it. she really doesn’t want to leave, and kuroo isn’t picking up.” yuki keeps a firm grip on you, tugging you in the opposite direction—to the exit, narrowing her eyes when you pout at her. 
you seem to have mellowed out since kageyama arrived, the sadness behind your eyes just a tad lighter if the strobing lights weren’t playing tricks on her. oh, whatever works, works. it’s almost two in the morning, and she thanks the gods that you are finally willing to go. 
yuki exchanges a few words with kageyama before they come to a mutual decision to have him drop you home since he has a car and she has to call a cab in the opposite direction of where you live. 
“be good for kageyama, please?” she basically begs you to be on your best behavior as her cab shows up. you’re clinging onto her like your life depends on it.
“we’ll be fine, tsuda-san.” kageyama tries to assure her, but she shoots him a look of disbelief. 
“you don’t know her like i do. she is… really out of hand when she has alcohol in her system. the last time she was this drunk, she tried to—” the cab honks at her to hurry up. “are you sure you got this?”
“yeah, i’ll have her call you when i drop her off.”
tsuda-san is right. kageyama comes to that conclusion after spending 15 minutes trying to get you into the passenger seat and checking that you put your seatbelt on.
he breathes a sigh of relief, focusing on the road ahead as you finally settle down, preoccupied with the buildings and bright lights that pass by in a blur. strangely enough he finds that he didn’t mind it one bit, having his hands full with taking care of a drunk you. he actually found this wild, unchecked side of you endearing.
he gently shakes you awake once he parks the car. it seems like most of the alcoholic effects have worn off during the drive as you lean onto him for support in the elevator, yawning and rubbing your tired eyes. 
your apartment is dark, devoid of life as you enter, kicking your shoes off in the entryway, mumbling a tadaima, mostly to yourself. kageyama would have missed it if he was not following closely behind you, making sure you don’t trip and fall over. 
his heart aches at the thought of you coming home to an empty apartment, your tadaima announcing that you’re home unmet with its other okaeri half from your husband to welcome you back. 
“make yourself at home, tobio,” you curl up on the couch, putting on a travel vlog on the tv on a low volume before dialing yuki’s number, letting her know you’re home safely. 
“hey, why don’t you change into more comfortable clothes? let me get you some painkillers. where is the medicine cabinet?” he nudges your shoulder. you lean back against the headrest, pouting at him again. if only you knew the effect you have on him.
“i’m lazyyy.” 
kageyama attempts to reason with you. “c’mon, you can go to bed right after too.”
“too tired to move.” you cross your arms at him. 
“kuroo-san…” he sighs. 
“why do you always call me that? my name is y/n, you know.”
“y/n, would you please change into pajamas?”
“what can i do to change your mind?”
your grin splits your face from ear to ear. “you could carry me to the room.”
“what—” he rubs the spot between his eyebrows. “okay, fine.”
kageyama scoops you into his arms effortlessly, and can't help but notice how the shape of you fits perfectly against him. your eyelashes flutter close as you rest your head against his shoulder, inhaling deeply and exhaling the spooled stiffness in your frame. 
the fullness in his heart lasts less than a minute. he catches himself staring at you when you meet his gaze, fingers smoothing against his brow as your feet touch the floor. “you’re going to get wrinkles before your time, tobio.”
he scurries back to the living room, leaving it at that. his cheeks are colored again, his back against the shut door of your bedroom, trying to calm his racing heartbeat. 
“stop it.” he mutters, more so at himself than anything, looking through the cabinets in the kitchen for some painkillers, and filling two tall glasses of water for you. he knocks on your door after a few minutes, easing the door open carefully when you tell him he’s clear to enter. 
he hands you the pills in one hand, water glass in the other. “drink up.” 
kageyama notices the melancholy in your eyes resurfacing as you lean back against your pillow on your side, hand outstretched towards the empty half of the queen-sized bed, but he wisely chooses to leave it be. 
you squeeze your eyes shut, turning on your side away from him. “good night, tobio. thanks for coming.”
“of course.” anything for you. kageyama tucks you under the blanket, fingers smoothing over the duvet, itching to run them through your hair. he curls his hand into a fist and shoves it in his pocket before his body betrays him. 
“happy belated birthday, kuroo-san.” he whispers into the darkness, leaving the full glass of water by your bed, and quietly closes the door behind him. he turns off all the lights in your apartment and washes up the other glass, fighting the strong urge to check on you when he hears a muffled whimper coming from your bedroom. 
you probably don’t want him to see you like that. 
he forces his feet out the front door. and a smile onto his face the next day when he sees you with puffy eyes and no memories of the night before. 
he really, really wishes he met you first. 
kageyama tobio curses the gods that put him on this trajectory. 
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taglist. @hatsukeii @daisy-room @soulfullystarry @kitsune-kita @bakery-anon @hiraethwrote @thechaosoflonging @bakingcuriosity (open! askbox for taglist)
a/n. the pining, the heartache, the devotion; kageyama you will be loved </3 y'all i love him so MUCH i actually don't have the words to describe it... tobio brainrot all day every day <33 please expect slow updates!
awaiting updates? browse the library while waiting
if you liked this, please consider leaving a like, comment, rb or ask <3 (perhaps i enjoy breaking hearts a little too much)
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finncakes · 2 years
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‼️💥👊HYPERRAGE 👊💥‼️
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likeumeanit9497 · 4 months
like a pornstar | c.s. |
chris sturniolo x fem!reader
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summary: when y/n, chris' best friend, confesses that she has never finished during sex, he decides to change that
warnings: smut; oral (fem receiving); unprotected p in v; dirty talk; established friendship; squirting; 18+
notes: back again with a friends with benefits smut (shh im manifesting). i hope the chris girlies enjoy, and matt girlies don't worry my next one shot is for u ;) love y'all <33333
“Hey! You’re gonna eat all the popcorn! Give me some.” I exclaimed before snatching the half eaten bag of popcorn from Chris’ grasp. He tried to say something in a rebuttal, but all he got through his mouthful of popcorn was garbled words and a slight spray of kernels. “Oh god, you’re foul.” I said jokingly before wrapping my leg around his to lighten my words. “Just hush, I can’t hear the show.”
Chris and I had been best friends since elementary school, and had always had a bond like no other. When he had moved out to California a few years ago, I had really struggled with the loss of seeing him practically everyday. But since then, I had been able to come out and visit him multiple times, and it was so exciting to have him show me the new life that him and his brothers had built for themselves on the other side of the country.
In the past, each time I had visited him in Los Angeles the weather had been amazing, so I had forced Chris to explore all over the city with me. However, this visit had been nothing but rain, so him and I had done little more than what we were doing right now: curling up under the covers with some snacks and a couple joints, binge watching all of our favourite shows from high school. We were currently re-watching Euphoria — one of my all time favourite shows — as a light trickle of rain acted as background noise.
As we worked through our snacks, the scene where Maddy and Nate’s relationship dynamic is described played. I popped a handful of popcorn in my mouth, relishing in the nostalgic feeling that the show brought me, as the scene continued on to describe how Maddy watched porn to study how she should look and sound during sex. As the character arched her back on her bed, her eyes plastered to a device playing porn, I let out a small chuckle.
“What?” Chris turned to me with a confused smile. “Nothing. It’s nothing.” I replied, shaking my head and shoving more popcorn into my mouth to stifle my ridiculous laughter. “Brooo, tell me.” He whined, grabbing my shoulder and shaking it jokingly. I rolled my eyes at his dramatics. “Oh my god, fine! I was just laughing because I used to do that.” I finally responded, and Chris turned to me and raised a quizzical eyebrow. “Wait, what?” He brought a fistful of candy to his mouth. “I used to study porn too, not to get off on it or anything, just to like know what I was supposed to do.” I admitted, feeling my cheeks grow warm as Chris just stared blankly at me.
Finally, Chris blinked a few times, pulling himself out of his blank stare to resume eating snacks. “I don’t understand that honestly,” He began, reaching his hand into the popcorn bag between my legs, “I feel like when you’re in the moment all of those sounds and movements and stuff come naturally, don’t they?” I shrugged before responding. “Not for me, to be honest. I’ve never really had any sort of sexual interaction that made me feel good enough to act and sound like a porn star.” I chuckled, keeping the conversation lighthearted. This wasn’t the first time Chris and I had talked about our sexual experiences, so I felt comfortable being honest with him.
But when I fixed my gaze back onto him, I was met with a confused expression. “So does that mean you’ve never…” He dragged out his sentence, seemingly too afraid to complete it, so I saved him the trouble and answered his unfinished question with a solemn shake of my head. At this, his eyebrows shot up in what seemed to be total shock, complete with a dropped jaw. “You’re not serious, Y/n.” He said simply, and I once again shrugged my shoulders. “I mean it’s pretty common for girls to not be able to finish during sex, you know that.” I replied, to which he titled his head to the side and looked off into the distance.
“I guess so, but I’ve personally never ran into that problem before.” He replied, a cheeky smile taking over his face, and I rolled my eyes. “Oh Jesus, well too bad not all men are the Christopher Sturniolo.” I joked, unintentionally stroking his ego before refocusing my gaze on the show. The room was silent for a brief moment, both of us back to watching the show, before Chris spoke up again. “I just think that’s really fucked up. Sex should make both people involved feel good.” I wrapped my leg tighter around his. “Well aren’t you a crowd pleaser.” I joked. Turning to once again face him, I was expecting to be met with his classic grin. But instead, his face was serious; his mouth was set in a straight line and his blue eyes had darkened.
His expression was one I rarely saw, but it made my stomach tighten subconsciously. My throat suddenly felt extremely dry, and I couldn’t speak. My breath hitched when Chris brought a hand under the covers and placed it gently on my bare thigh, rubbing small circles into the skin. And my head began to spin when he shifted his body so that he was completely facing me. “You know, I bet I could make you sound like a porn star.” His poker face was finally replaced with a smirk, this one much more sinister than the one that I usually saw cross his face. He used his hand on my thigh to guide my legs open before brushing a finger just barely against my clothed heat; causing me to gasp. He leaned closer to my frame, already quivering in anticipation, and nibbled gently at my earlobe before whispering.
“Let me make you feel good, Y/n.”
He kept his mouth right there against my ear as he waited for a response, and I could feel his rapid breaths against my skin. My brain was in shambles, and I couldn’t make sense of what was happening. Chris and I had been best friends for so long, but not once had things turned sexual. This was completely uncharted territory for me, and I couldn’t imagine it ending well. But, his hand that was resting in between my trembling thighs and his whispered proposition had already caused my panties to grow damp, so I threw all of my sensibility away by grabbing his jaw, drawing his face to mine, and crashing my lips onto his.
Immediately, Chris worked his lips against mine. They moved in sync as his tongue slipped into my mouth with ease; dancing around my own and filling me with more desire. He brought his other hand under the covers to grab onto my other thigh, where he squeezed harshly before using his grip to pull me up on top of him. Still attacking my mouth with his, he rubbed his hands up and down my body as I straddled him, taking care to focus his attention on my more sensitive parts.
He broke the kiss briefly to pull my oversized t-shirt over my head, before taking a moment to admire my bare chest in his direct line of sight. Without hesitation, he attached his mouth to one of my tits, nibbling and swirling his tongue around my sensitive nipples; causing my body to break out in goosebumps from the sensation. After he took his time on the first, he moved his mouth onto the second, and the new contact caused me to subconsciously grind my pelvis against his thigh; eliciting a moan from me. My erotic sound caused his eyes to shoot open, looking up at my face, before he detached his mouth from my tit to speak. “Real moan?” He asked, his lips swollen, and I nodded my head before grinding my hips against him once more. “F-feels good.” I mumbled, and at that he readjusted himself so that he was sitting up against the headboard; giving me more stability.
“Then keep doing that. Wanna see you feeling good.” He replied, shifting my body so that my core could press right up against the highest point of his thigh. I didn’t hesitate long before resuming my movements, this time moving at a much faster pace; losing myself to the sheer pleasure that the friction of his pants granted me. Chris’ mouth reattached to my nipples, but his eyes never left mine as he took in all of my contorted facial expressions and soft moans. He allowed his lips to travel along my chest up to my neck, where he suckled gently before muttering. “I don’t want you to fake anything, baby, just want you to tell me when it feels good and when it doesn’t. Okay?” I nodded my head frantically, squinting my eyes from the overwhelming pleasure I was feeling.
I looked down to where my body was writhing against him, and even through my shorts and panties I had left a dark patch from my arousal against his grey sweats. Rolling my eyes to the back of my head in bliss, I had never before grown that wet during sex before. I felt my legs begin to weaken around his thigh, and an overwhelming feeling begin to bubble up inside of me. I knew it was my orgasm approaching, but I was hit with a sudden wave of nervousness that was preventing me from reaching it.
“C-Chris, I can’t,” I panted out, and his eyes were immediately on mine. “You can’t what?” He replied, gripping my ass with both hands and helping me grind myself against him. “C-can’t finish.” I replied honestly, feeling my eyes well up with frustrated tears. I had never felt this good in bed with someone before, and still, I couldn’t get myself to cum. “Hey hey, it’s okay,” Chris used his grip on me to stop my movements completely, “It’s an overwhelming feeling, it’s sometimes hard to give in to it.” He brought a hand up to my cheek and stroked it affectionately. “Lie down here.” He patted the space in the bed where I had previously been, and I obliged, resting my head against the pillow.
Once I settled myself, Chris crawled on top of me, resting his weight on one arm. He began kissing me again, this time much slower than the first, and once my heart rate began to slow I took it upon myself to deepen the kiss; pulling his bottom lip gently with my teeth. This elicited a deep moan from Chris, and I felt him grind his clothed member against my core before dragging his mouth down my jaw and neck; leaving harsh kisses in its trail. I watched through droopy eyelids as Chris’ body traveled down my own, and my breathing increased once again when he reached the waistband of my shorts. He toyed with the band for a moment, slipping two fingers under the material before looking back up at me.
“I just want you to relax, lay there, and tell me when you feel good. Can you do that Y/n?” His voice was soft, but it was the unmistakable undertone of gruff arousal laced through it that caused my stomach to flip. I nodded quickly, bringing a hand to his forehead and brushing a few stray hairs back. “Okay.” I replied, causing him to smirk before slowly pulling my shorts and thong down my legs. Once my clothing was completely discarded, Chris encouraged my knees to bend and spread my legs open; exposing my dripping heat completely. “Hmm, so pretty Y/n.” He said lowly, taking in the glistening folds just centimetres from his face.
I watched as he dropped soft kisses along my outer folds before using his hands to spread me open slightly. His mouth inched closer and closer to my aching core, and when he finally connected to it I released a shaky moan. Immediately, he used his tongue to expertly manipulate my clit, causing me to see stars almost instantly. It was clear by his movements that he knew what he was doing, and I had to grip onto his messy curls in order to keep myself in place as he continued. “Is that good baby?” He asked against my bundle of nerves, moving one of his hands from my folds down to my entrance, teasing it in circles as he waited for a response.
“S-so good Chrissy.” I managed to get out before he reattached his lips, this time slowly plunging a digit into me as he continued; causing my hips to buck. “Shh, stay still honey.” He mumbled, still working his tongue and fingers in sync against my heat. The combination of his tongue against my clit and his finger plunging up into my g-spot was staggering, and I was once again feeling the undeniable signs of an upcoming orgasm. Every inch of my skin felt like it was being set on fire, and the pressure in my lower stomach was so intense, it felt like I was going to pee.
I had reached orgasms on my own before, but none had ever had a build up as intense as the one I was currently feeling with Chris. I felt like I could explode, but still, I was struggling to let go once again. “C-Chris, I d-don’t think I — I don’t think I c-can do it.” I cried out, gripping onto his hair like my life depended on it. At this, Chris added a second finger and increased his speed. “Yes you can baby, I know you can. Just breathe and let your body do what it knows to do.” I squeezed my eyes shut from the pressure, and did as he said and released shaky breaths. His movements had the same level of intensity as before, but there was an unspoken level of desperation to them now; clear indication that he wanted to get me there.
Even though it seemed impossible, the pressure inside of me kept getting stronger and stronger. My legs were shaking on either side of his head, and my breaths came out as guttural moans. I felt my body detach from my brain, and I knew I had lost all control over what was going to happen. Just then, the strongest orgasm I had ever felt completely engulfed me, and I could do nothing but cry out in pleasure. My back arched off of the bed, overwhelmed by the extreme sensation. Feverish, strings of erotic notes fell from my mouth, and they could barely be heard over the ringing in my ears.
Mouth agape, I watched in awe as the pressure in my stomach was finally relieved by a rush of fluid shooting from my core. At this, Chris murmured “Oh fuck.” before detaching his lips from my clit and swiftly rubbing it; spraying my fluid all over his face and exposed tongue. My orgasm rippled through me like a tsunami, and left me in a figurative and literal puddle once it died down. Once he drank up all my juices, Chris planted a soft kiss against my clit before dragging his body up mine.
Once he was face to face with me, he gave me a deep kiss. “How was that?” He whispered with a grin on his wet face. Still catching my breath, all I could do was nod. He played with my hair for a moment, tranquility clear on his face, before he suddenly shifted his weight and began climbing off of me. “W-wait.” I said, grabbing hold of his waistband and stopping his movements. He looked down at me with a confused expression, and I wordlessly moved my hand to his crotch, where I was met with what seemed like a painfully hard member. “You’re not gonna fuck me?” I asked, batting my eyelashes innocently as I watched his taken aback expression.
In the blink of an eye, his face darkened once again and he returned to his position above me. “You want me to?” He asked, his face buried in my neck where he peppered it with soft kisses. “Mhmm.” I hummed, using my hand to palm him through his sweats. At that, Chris didn’t hesitate to pull his pants down, leaving his cock exposed. I gasped at its size that had been somewhat disguised when it was still concealed in his sweats, but began pumping my hand up and down as he shuddered in pleasure.
Attaching his lips back onto mine, Chris grabbed onto his shaft and lined it up with my opening. He slid it up and down my folds a few times to collect whatever was left of my previous orgasm, before slowly sliding into me. I gasped at the feeling of my walls stretching around his impressive girth, and we both moaned in unison once he bottomed out. He stayed still for a moment, allowing me to adjust to him, before he began slamming his hips into me.
With his forehead resting against mine, he watched me as I contorted my face into expressions of pleasure, relishing in the feeling of being filled by him. His gruff breathing and occasional deep moans were like music to my ears, and I dug my nails into his bare shoulders to keep him close. “Fuck, your pussy feels so good around me. Not gonna last long.” He groaned, using one of his arms to wrap my leg around his waist. The new angle allowed him to go deeper, and I felt his member slam into my g-spot repeatedly; causing my stomach to fill with that familiar sensation. “Oh god Chris, you’re s-so big.” My voice was coming out squeaky as he continued to pound into me, and he released a harsh moan in response.
I lost myself in the waves of pleasure as they hit me, growing closer to my second orgasm with each of his powerful thrusts. Chris’ gaze on me was so full of lust — clenched jaw, droopy eyes, lower lip trapped in between his teeth — I would have collapsed from its magnitude if I wasn’t already lying down. His motion suddenly shifted from one that was hard and fast to one that was deep and slow, and I couldn’t help but release sharp gasps on each thrusts.
I could tell that I was close to my second orgasm, but he was closer. His breathing was growing more and more rapid, his pace was sloppier, and beads of sweat were dripping down his forehead. As if he was reading my mind, he moaned out. “I-I’m close, want you to cum with me.” My eyes rolled to the back of my head, his words already getting me closer to my high, but I knew I needed to get there faster.
Reaching between us, I found my clit and began rubbing it vigorously. Chris’ eyes followed my hand, and when he realized what I was doing he smirked proudly. “Atta girl.” My action seemed to give him a bit more energy, as his movements began picking up the pace once again; and I found myself on the edge of another orgasm. “Ah fuck, Chris, gonna cum again.” I cried out through my gasps for air just before my second orgasm hit me like a freight train. I felt my walls contract around his swollen member, and that was enough for him to reach his high as well.
Gripping tightly onto my shoulder, Chris plunged his twitching cock in and out of me; driving both of us through our orgasms. I gasped when I felt his fluid shoot deep into me, and savoured the verbal confirmation of his pleasure in my ear. Our moans flew from our mouths in harmony, and it was only once his body stilled above me that I removed my hand from my clit.
We stayed in that position for what could have been hours, catching our breath and falling into the lethargic temperament that always came after sex. Finally, Chris lifted his weight off of me and slid his softening dick out from my core, offering me an apprehensive smile. He stood up and walked into his washroom, coming back over to the bed with a towel to help clean up the mess in between my legs before doing the same to his member. Once I no longer felt like a bowl of jello, I sat up on the bed beside him.
“Well?” He asked, his tone playful as he wiggled his eyebrows awaiting my response. I rolled my eyes before grabbing my top and throwing it over my head. “Would you believe me if I said I faked all of that?” I asked, unable to keep the smile that was toying with the corners of my mouth at bay. He blew air out of his mouth and looked up at the ceiling. “Absolutely not.” He replied, and I laughed. “I hate to gas you up like this, but that really was amazing.” I finally said honestly, resting my head on his bare shoulder.
He chuckled before grabbing my hand and stroking it gently. “Glad to be of service.” He replied, removing his hand from mine and instead wrapping his arm around me completely. “You turned into my little porn star there for a minute.” He followed it up by making high pitched moan sounds, mocking me and breaking the wave of silence that had followed his last comment. I laughed, lifting my head off of his shoulder and coming face-to-face with his goofy smile. “You ever use that against me in the future and I will bite your head off.” I replied, shoving his shoulder gently. “I won’t, swear. But you can use me again in the future if you wish. Y’know, in case you ever want to cum like that again.”
My jaw dropped at his filthy words, but I couldn’t help but feel heat flood to my core once again. Smirking, I raised one quizzical eyebrow. “One more?” I asked, and watched as his face was overtaken by a smirk that mirrored my own. “Lay down and put your legs on my shoulders.”
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princess-weasley · 3 months
calling mattheo and theodore nicknames for the first time - slytherin concepts 🍓——————————————————————————————————-———————— in this the boys speaking will be in red, and you will be pink!
theodore nott x reader and mattheo riddle x reader, not at the same time——————————————————————————————————-———————— the first time you called mattheo “matty” it just sort of slipped out. you’d meant to call him matt, which at this point was a common nickname for him. and the first time he’d let slide, but you thought it was cute so you kept calling him that. until one day he snapped;
“would you just stop? m’not a fuckin’ baby y/n.” he said with his voice raised enough to put you in your place.
“sorry, it won’t happen again mattheo..” you replied somberly. that was the last time you called him that. you never set out to upset him, you just found that name cute.
weeks and months had past. you didn’t even dare to call him “matt”. but now you were strolling through hogsmeade stuck to mattheo’s side, holding onto his arm. clearly looking to make small talk, he looked down at you.
“baby, why do you never call me matty anymore?” he questioned.
“cause it upsets you..” you answered still embarrassed of what’d happened last time.
“mm. that was shitty of me, i thought it was cute, it must’ve just been a bad day. im real sorry doll.” he looked at you with those puppy dog eyes he always used.
“yeah, it’s okay matty. i forgive you. i love you.”
“love you too baby” he said kissing the top of your head, and the two of you continued walking.
but the first time you called theodore “teddy” you’d thought about it. he really was your big teddy bear. even though he was a slytherin, and was often described as mean. at the end of the day he loved you so much, and would do anything for you.
you were waiting for him to say goodbye to his friends at the party you’d gone to with him. you would’ve already left, but you knew how he didn’t want you walking back to your dormitory by yourself.
“teddy?” you called out. waiting with anticipation of what he would say, and if he’d like it or not.
“you ready to go, tesoro?” he said grabbing your smaller hand and placing it in his bigger one. “and wait, what’d you call me?”
“teddy.. i think it’s cute. don’t you?” you replied.
“yeah it’s real cute kid. let’s go, it’s getting late.” and with that the two of you walked to your dorm, but not without a kiss first.
click here for more!!
——————————————————————————————𐙚 love, princess weasley
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(18+) horny brainrot & hcs about the men I write for..
includes: bucky barnes, matt murdock, miguel o’hara, moon boys, peter quill, pietro maximoff, spencer reid, tangerine
fem!reader, mdni
cw. mentions of edging, blow jobs, dry humping, cock warming, oral (f receiving) fingering/ clit play, pinv sex
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bucky barnes: likes to eat you out after you've had a bad day. he likes to listen to you try to formulate words describing the details of your day while his tongue flicks over your clit - the feel making your mind blank and hazy. he loves listening to you restart your sentences over and over and over because you keep cutting yourself off with noises - with moans
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matt murdock: he knows the moment just as you're about to let go. he listens to your body, to your heart - listens to it pick up in rhythm, to it pump wildly just before that moment. he listens to your breathing stagger and heighten, listens to the change in your body, to your muscles seize and tense. though that's all he lets you feel. he snatches himself away just as you're about to cum - pulling away his cock or tongue or fingers, not allowing you that sweet moment of release. he plays with you, endlessly working you up until you're just shy of your orgasm, then yanks himself away - listening to you whine and protest, panting wildly. he tells you he'll be nice on you and let you cum, but it'll be the same story again. working you up impossibly more, leaving you on the cusp of your high
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miguel o'hara: he won't always fuck you with the full length of his dick. sometimes, he's just too much for you to take, so you have to satiate your need with just the tip of his cock. he'd keep his fat head wedged snuggly inside you, not moving or giving you any friction you desperately need. only placing his thumb over your clit, circling it slowly as he essentially uses his tip as a plug. he'd look down at you almost pitifully, cooing at you when you'd pout and whine, trying to take more of him. but he won't allow it - placing a large hand on your hip, stilling you as he continues to toy with your clit
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moon boys: they make you wear a blindfold while they take turns fucking you. you have to figure out who is fronting solely by their touch - no talking, no communicating, no nothing. you have to differentiate them by their strokes and rhythm, by the way they fuck you, by how they touch and caress you. they don't like being mistaken for one another, so you best not guess wrong - they won't be so lenient with you
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peter quill: a lazy, heated makeout in bed under the covers. both wearing comfy, cozy underwear, quill hovering atop, your legs wrapped around his hips - keeping him snug to you. kissing each other carnally, all slow and sloppy, breathy muffled moans into one another's mouths as he nudges his clothed chub-on on your pussy. leisurely winding his rock-hard cock against the pit of heat between your thighs. one hand on your throat deepening the kiss, the other holding your hand beside your head
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pietro maximoff: before you both get down and dirty one night, he'd pull out a deep, dark red lipstick from his nightstand, asking you to put some on before you suck him off. he loves to see the red kisses scattered along his chest and stomach - your lipstick marks littered over his pale skin as you work down to settle between his thighs. he'd smear the red over your mouth, his thumb dragging over your slightly bruised lips - smudging the lipstick around. he keeps his eyes glued on you the whole time, watching the way your mouth wraps around his cock, leaving a messy red ring at the base - streaks running up his shaft
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spencer reid: enjoys the intimacy of touch during sex. loves the feeling of your fingers in his messy curls, your hand soft and gentle on his face as his cock rocks into you. it would all be slow and sweet - the encounter so leisured and unrushed. the steady wind of his hips into yours and the warmth of each of your hands on one another faces, creating a beautifully tender moment
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tangerine: loves to play with your cunt while he's sat behind. you'd lean into him against the headboard, your back resting against his chest, one of his arms tightly wrapped around your middle, the other between your thighs. he'd extend his neck, reaching around to kiss up the side of your throat, peppering your skin in soft, light kisses as he lazily rubs over your clit. middle and ring finger leisurely circling over the swollen nub. just him mindlessly toying with you as he kisses your cheek, whispering sweet words into your skin as he palms your tits with his spare hand
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
had some of these ideas floating around for ages, but never done anything with them—so finally finally wrote about the brainrot that’s been eating me up
added bucky and reid mar 5th
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ambermeh · 2 months
It's casual
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Matt Sturniolo (friends with benefits so smut will be present)
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Matt was thrusting into you softly as you were dazed from the amount of time the two of you had been fucking. His head tilted back slightly, as you were encased between his two arms, softly moaning from the pleasure. Your arms grabbing his biceps, tracing over his tattoos. His head leaned in to kiss you, while he moaned from you clenching around him, as he hit the spot that most men would never be able to, again and again.
'Does that feel good pretty girl, hmm?'
'yes- fuck matt feels so fucking good'
But while you where doing that, your mind had started to wonder. You usually blamed this on you becoming almost delirious from the pleasure, this was not the case. Your mind had always been somewhat distant while you two were fucking. Travelling back to when he had proposed the arrangement. That you were going to be friends with benefits, he hadn't said it that callously but you knew what it meant. It meant he lusted over you enough to want to have sex with you, needed to have sex with you, perhaps. But did not like you enough to commit to an actual relationship.
His excuses were that it would be difficult for him to have a relationship because of his career, and the other girls he had you thought in your head at the time.
Why did he not think it would be difficult for you? Constantly having to drive over to his, or cancel plans when he wanted you. You had become isolated, obsessed more likely, with him and the arrangement. To you it wasn't casual, as he had described your relationship, or whatever it was, to Nick and Chris, that you had overheard while you were trying to get some water. The only clothes you had were his top and some shorts. It made you pause. Think. About what you were doing.
You were adults, for fuck sake. Why could he not grow up and commit to a relationship. But as he said it 'wasn't the right time', for him. You had been friends for ages. Everyone knew that you liked him, even Chris and Nick. So you knew he had to know. Was it all a joke to him? A little game to see how far you would go to impress him and fulfil your childish fantasies of wanting to be loved. To him, this arrangement it was a means to an ends, surely. He couldn't actually love you, could he? But you were too blind to even think about that, when the guy you had almost loved was actually seeing you.
You felt loved.
No matter how superficial it was.
You had told your friends all this before. They joked about it. A lot. Them knowing how you and Matt would never actually be together. You knew this as well, because he had any girl on a platter for him.
You should be grateful that he even looks at you. Grateful that he wants to sleep with you. Right?
You shouldn't want to be loved. Kissed. Wanted for you, not just sexually. Showed off. Known.
But the thoughts dissipate as reality kicks back in.
His face scrunched up in pleasure, his cum filling you, but you still felt used. You enjoyed it, why couldn't that be enough? A stream of soft tears slowly trickled down your glistening skin.
You laid there.
'aw sweetheart, it felt that good, did it?' He taunted while he wiped the tears away gently, not knowing that it was a taunt. A real one. Because the pleasure was no longer there, it was dull. Like the rest of you. You nodded, almost obediently.
'are we done here then?' you asked, forcing a joking tone out.
'you can always stay for a bit, but I am going out a bit later'
'oh' you say dismissively, not wanting to know all the details.
'you always look so pretty after, like i'm not even kidding, you look so good. Your hair all messy and your skin gleaming.'
You give him a smile and thank him. Why would he say that? Were you just overanalysing everything?
Getting up to go, you mention that you know the way to the door. He gives you a quick peck and hug and says to text anytime with a smirk.
Tears or starting to form. All you have to do is go downstairs and get to your car. Then you can contemplate your stupid breakdown. Why now? Why did you not think how attached you would be? Of course it would just be sex.
Nearing the door, the tears had been finally allowed to spill.
The car only being a few steps.
no. It didn't sound like him.
You turned round, it was chris? What did he want to say?
His eyes now slits of confusion as he walked up to you.
'you're crying'
'well done, you want a medal?' Inwardly cringing at the frustration being let out on Chris, he's been nothing but supportive.
'Errm nope, just, well, you didn't come say bye like normal, thought I'd check you were okay'
'oh, yeah, no I'm fine thank you, bye then Chris' You looked at him with a forced smile and hugged him goodbye. He didn't pull back.
'you're obviously not, stupid, so what did Matt do this time?'
You pulled back. The question repeating in your head, what had he done? In fact, he was perfect, he didn't violate you, you agreed to this. You knew you weren't the only one and still went ahead with it.
'no attachments' he had said, you laughed. He had taken it because you knew you weren't going to, but you laughed because you already had.
'he's done nothing, it's just me being emotional, I don't think I can see him anymore Chris.
'what? You literally love him Y/N'
'And that's the problem'
part 2 is done :) part 3 part 4
I don't know how to feel about this one, I think I treated this one a bit too much like therapy, I'll be back to lovey-dovey ones now. Love you all!!!!
(THANK YOU @enchanthings for the divider)
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sturnsstar · 1 month
Adore You ✶ Matt Sturniolo (NSFW)
a/n: My first smut ever! Be honest and tell me if this sucks lmao
pairing: Extrovert!Yapper!FemReader x Introvert!Matt
warnings: porn with plot / minor discussion / reader can’t take anything seriously and overthinks a lot / miscommunication / Matt just wants reader to shut up / Matt is a communication king / pet names! / SMUT / fingering / brief jerking off / some dirty talk / p in v / no protection (USE IT) / they banter a lot
requested: no
summary: You and Matt have been together for almost 5 months now. Your lifestyle is pretty different from his, but you manage to find compromises throughout the relationship. One night, you convince him to accompany you to a party, where you start to overthink your relationship. Luckily, Matt is here to prove you wrong. 
P.S. english is not my first language.
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It was 11 pm as I finished reapplying my gloss for the third time that night. I finally convinced Matt to come to a party with me. It had been a while since I last went to a big social event, since Matt doesn’t really enjoy them. He never stopped me from going, of course, but he generally declined my invitations to join me.
Tonight though he changed his mind: while I was in the middle of preparations he sent me a text, asking me where and when the party was. I was so excited to go with him: I liked showing him off, he was my best friend and the best thing that ever happened to me. I honestly didn’t understand how he could like me, given the fact our personalities were so different: I’m what could be described as a social butterfly, a yapper, always ready for a new adventure or a new party, the more people the better. Matt was somewhat shy but not really: he enjoyed being with his friends but he never liked loud places, which I, on the contrary, loved.
We somehow worked anyway: he’s the lighthouse I need to calm myself, the part of me that knows how to handle me and my moods. And I like to think I help him too, making him understand that sometimes going out and trying new things is not that bad.
He picks me up twenty minutes later and we drive to the house where the party is taking place. The host is one of my old schoolmates: she’s graduated University and wants to celebrate with her old friends. I begged Matt to come with me, mostly because I want him to know my friends better. The fact he’s here with me tonight means the world to me.
“Thank you for joining me” I say, taking his right hand in mine and squeezing it gently. “It means a lot”.
“Sure, sun” he says not looking at me but squeezing my hand back, his attention on the road. I notice his hand is a bit sweaty. He’s nervous.
“It will be alright. They will like you” I reassure him, confident in my words. There’s nothing not to like about Matt: he’s a kind soul, he just needs to be more open to let the rest of the world see it as well. He hums the tune of the song that’s playing on the radio, and I understand he doesn’t want to continue the conversation. I lay back against the seat and enjoy the rest of the ride with him, knowing he needs silence to relax completely. He doesn’t let go of my hand, though.
We arrive at the right address and he parks the car a bit far away from the house. He kills the engine and doesn’t move to open the car door.
“You don’t have to, if you’re not comfortable” I say calmly, smiling softly at him. He turns his gaze to meet mine, and I can see the anxiety in his eyes. “I won’t force you to do something you don’t want, Matt. We can go home, watch some movie” I suggest, not able to hide the bit of disappointment in my voice. He notices it.
“No, it’s alright. We’re here anyway” and he gets out of the car. I can’t shake off the feeling he’s forcing himself to do this. That’s not what I want. Reluctantly I exit the car and reach his side as we walk towards the house. I take his hand in mine for reassurance, both his and mine, and we enter the already full house together.
Immediately the smell of smoke reaches us. I wrinkle my nose as we make our way through the living room, looking for the host. We find her in the kitchen, two beers in hand.
“You came!” She yells as soon as she sees me, making her way through the multitude of bodies that stand between us. I laugh happily at her outburst and her wobbly walk and immediately greet her with a hug, letting go of Matt’s hand.
“Of course! How could I miss it?” I ask grinning widely. I move back a step to be next to Matt again. “This is my boyfriend, Matt!” I introduce him to my friend, and she screeches about the fact that she’s been dying to meet him. I sense Matt flinching but my friend doesn’t notice. I do, though. He’s uncomfortable.
“We’ll just take something to drink, is that alright? Then we can catch up later” I tell my friend as I grab two cokes from the ice bucket. She voices her agreement before she shrieks again as soon as she sees another girl that played volleyball with us in school. With that she leaves us. I turn to look at Matt. 
“Did you like her?” I ask hopefully. He shrugs. “She yells a lot,” he deadpans. My shoulders sag, knowing this would be his answer but hoping he would say something else.
He senses my disappointment and takes my hand once again. “Sorry, sun. I’m trying” he says, his brows furrowed and his blue eyes sincere. I soften, knowing this is hard for him. He’s doing it for me. I smile and get on my tiptoes to peck his lips softly. “I know,” I whisper. 
Sometime later we make our way to the garden, where a bunch of different seats are spread all around on the grass. We sit down on a sofa where one of my old schoolmates invited us to. He was on the baseball team, if I remember well. We never really connected during school, but we were always at the same social gatherings, somehow. Tonight, he’s as drunk as one can be and suddenly considers me one of his oldest and dearest friends.
“And then, oh, then remember when they dared you to jump into the neighbors pool, and you actually did that?” He asks loudly and I giggle nervously, remembering I was a bit wild in my early teens. “Yeah, well, they called the cops after” I remember bashfully. 
“You never told me this story,” Matt says. I blush. “Yeah, well, it wasn’t one of my best moments” I admit embarrassed. Why do I feel so awkard? He’s my boyfriend, he knows me and he knows this happened years ago. I feel like I’m trying to make a good impression on him.
“This is just one of many, Matt!” Liam laughs. “She was a beast! You couldn’t stop her” I eye him carefully, not liking where this is going.
“You’re exaggerating” I try to joke, starting to feel a bit uncomfortable. Liam scoffs. “Exaggerating? Nah. I was there! And if I remember it right, you never gave a fuck about what others thought. What’s changed?” He asks playfully. I feel Matt stiffen. 
“Nothing. I just don’t do this staff anymore” I deadpan, my face set in a stoic expression. I don’t like this conversation, I don’t like this party anymore. 
“Whatever, you’re no fun” Liam scoffs, his attention on me finally over. He turns around to find his next victim and I worriedly turn to look at Matt, but I find his expression extremely calm. 
“Everything ok?” I ask tentatively, and he turns to look at me quizzically.
“Yeah? I’m not a child who’s never interacted with the world” he spits, rather brutally. He’s upset, he doesn’t like my friends. 
“Well, sorry I asked then” I bite back, turning away from him as another one of my old acquaintances calls my name. I chat with her for a long time, forcing myself to laugh at her jokes and smile at the right moments, trying to ignore the gloomy boy next to me.
This is ridiculous. I told him he wasn’t obligated to come with me. Now he’s here and he’s trying to make me feel like shit? I’m not having it. I can’t be ashamed of who I am and was: this is part of me, and if he doesn’t like it, I haven’t chained him so that he can’t leave whenever he likes.
Matt bounces his leg, making the whole sofa tremble, and I grow rapidly irritated. I feel overwhelmed by everything that’s happening: the people that were part of my daily life once felt like strangers now, the stories they’re telling are making me feel self conscious, and the glares I sense from Matt are making me mad. I get up abruptly, Matt follows.
“Something wrong?” He asks, suddenly worried. Oh, so now that he got what he wanted he’s suddenly worried about me?
“I want to leave” I say flatly, making my way to the door. He quickly comes after me, trying to keep up with my pace. Once we’re inside his car and he starts the engine, I feel his gaze on me.
“Were you not having fun?” He asks, and I almost believe he’s oblivious to how he made me feel tonight. 
“No, drive” I mutter, my cheek against the window. He doesn’t say anything as he wordlessly drives towards his house.
“I want to sleep at my house tonight” I say, hearing him take a breath.
“I just want to”
“Your things are at my place, though”
“I’ll get them tomorrow”
“Sun, can you tell me what I did wrong?” He asks, his voice pleading.
Why do I feel like crying? I should be angry, instead I’m just ashamed. I haven’t felt like tonight in a while.
“Are you serious?” I whisper, turning to look at him. He senses my discomfort and quickly pulls over, killing the engine and turning his head to look at me.
“What’s wrong?” He asks again, his brow raised.
“All night, you acted like I forced you to come with me! You kept puffing and huffing all the time. I was afraid to say the wrong thing and piss you off!” I outburst, my cheeks red and my eyes watery. 
Matt stays silent for a while, waiting to see if I have something else to say. I don't. Once he realizes this, he lets out a breath.
“Can I speak now?” he asks. I nod, my eyes on the road in front of us.
“I’m sorry you felt this way, sun. I tried to enjoy it. It was just too much. I felt overwhelmed by all the people there. And honestly I also felt stupid” he confesses. 
“What? Why?” I ask, furrowing my brows.
“Because I feel like you don’t tell me things? I don’t know, it feels like you're always walking on eggshells around me.” he explains. I widen my eyes at his words. What is he talking about?
“I don’t know what you mean” I say defensively. He scoffs.
“Right. I feel like you don’t tell me things about your past. Why is that?” 
“Because of how you’re acting now” I raise my voice.
“And how am I acting?”
“Like you’re accusing me of something!” I snap, tears in my eyes. This is escalating way too far. And I know it’s my fault: he’s trying to explain himself while I’m being all defensive. I can’t help it. I don’t want him to change his view of me, but I feel like I’m slipping away.
“Hey, kid, calm down” he mumbles.
“Don’t call me kid.” I hate when he does that. He rests his head against the seat and closes his eyes. I watch him, scared he’s had enough of me. 
“Matt…” I whisper to get his attention. I have to explain myself as well. “Sometimes… I’m ashamed. I don’t like some things I did when I was younger, I know they were careless. I didn’t want you to think less of me if you knew” I admit. He tilts his head in that sweet way of his, a small smile on his lips. “What?” I ask, baffled. He shakes his head. 
“C’mere” he murmurs, gesturing to come closer. Slowly, I climb over the console with his help and finally rest my legs on each side of his. He holds me by my waist and pulls me closer. I let him. 
“Sun, you need to stop doing this” he says distractedly, fingers tracing my hip bone. 
“Do what?” I ask, my eyes transfixed on his long fingers. 
“Assuming things about me. Thinking I’ll get tired of you just because you never shut up” I lift my head rapidly, ready to snap at him again that if he doesn’t like my yapping, he can always leave me, but I see him grinning widely as his fingers start to tickle me. 
I snort very unlady-like and try to free myself from his grasp, failing miserably when he stops my futile attempts by kissing me. I mumble something intelligible as his lips press against mine over and over again, effectively shutting me up. I sigh into the kiss as my arms wrap around his neck, my fingers toying with his soft hair. 
His hands never stop touching me: my shoulders, my neck, my back, until they rest again on my hips, his fingertips grazing my butt.
“Sleep with me tonight” He murmurs as he trails kisses down the column of my neck, his voice husky and his warm breath making me shiver.
“You don’t really wanna sleep at yours, right, pretty girl?” he asks, biting down my shoulder gently. I let out a whine at the pet name, shaking my head slowly. 
“I thought you had enough of me for the day” I admit pathetically. He tuts and shakes his head, a smirk on his lips. “You think a lot, don’t you?” he mocks me as one of his hands trails my chest, feather-like touch making me squirm. 
“Shut up” I breathe when he finally cups one of my breasts through my top, his fingers gently tracing my erect nipple. He laughs quietly, seeing the reaction he has on me. Then, after one last kiss to my lips, he lets go of me, leaving me hot and bothered while he seems completely fine and ready to drive back to his place. I try to even my breathing as I watch him, his expression betrays his controlled demeanor. He still has that damn smirk on him, he knows I can’t wait to get home. His hand rests on my thigh, squeezing it gently every once in a while. 
“I don’t think less of you, just so you know” He breaks the silence of the car ride. I don’t say anything, my hand placed over his. “I’m serious, sun. I just wanted to hear about your past from you, not someone else.” he explains. I nod, a big weight lifting from my shoulders. 
“I’m sorry I overreacted” I answer, feeling awful that my fears overpowered me tonight, clouding my sense of judgment.
“‘s fine” he smiles, patting my thigh. He parks the car and waits for me before walking towards his front door. His brothers are probably asleep by now, but we try to be quiet anyway. He opens the door for me and as I pass by him, I feel his hand slapping my ass quickly. I turn around to tell him to stop or else his brothers will wake up but in a second he’s on me: hands on my jaw to turn my face up as his lips slot over mine, his tongue sliding into my mouth. 
He effectively shuts up every protest I had, as I blindly walk back into his house, his sure steps guiding me. If he makes me trip I’ll seriously be pissed. But he doesn’t. I don’t even realize it but we’re in his room, the door locked behind us. 
He walks me towards his bed, trying at the same time to kiss me and to take off my top. He struggles a bit and I laugh, squeaking right after when he spanks me again. “Matthew, I swear if you don’t quit it-” 
“What? I’m curious, what will you do?” he asks as he finally manages to get my top out of the way. As always, his eyes trail down to my exposed chest. It doesn’t matter how many times he sees me, he always acts like it’s the first time. I blush at his serious gaze, my hands trailing on his waist to get rid of his sweater as well. 
“Cat got your tongue?” He laughs teasingly and I scoff, my hand pushing his chest away from me. He doesn’t let me get far though as his arms lift me off the ground making me yelp. A second later, my back meets the softness of his dark sheets, him soon following after me.
“Prettiest girl I’ve ever seen” he mumbles under his breath, making me squirm under him.
“Come here” I urge him, my arms pulling him down towards me. He lets me, his hot lips peppering my face with kisses making me giggle and turn away from him. “Stop!” my laugh turns into a whine when he presses his hips against mine, making me feel how hard he actually is and effectively changing the mood. I try to breathe normally as I spread my legs to give him room, my skirt rising up on its own accord. Matt pushes it out of the way so that my panties are on full display for his hungry gaze. 
“Let’s see...” He mumbles as his fingers trace the cotton material. He looks up at me in mock surprise. “Who made you this wet?” he asks, voice husky. 
“Bloody Santa Claus” I joke, rolling my eyes. He doesn’t smile, though, just shakes his head.
“Do I have to gag you?” He asks rhetorically. I shake my head, giggling. “Sorry, my love” he smiles softly at the pet name and moves his hand under my panties, making me gasp at the sudden gesture. My breath speeds up as his agile fingers find my clit easily, making small quick circles just the way I like it. 
I moan wantonly as I try to keep my eyes open to watch him, on his knees between my legs with his hair now messy from my fingers. His other hand slowly caresses my face, his thumb on my bottom lip, making me slightly open my mouth. I kiss his digits one by one and take his thumb in my mouth, sucking it gently and hollowing my cheeks a bit, my eyes staring directly at his.
“Fuck” He groans at the sight, one of his fingers probing at my entrance.
“‘Gotta stretch you out a bit, pretty girl” He informs me like I’m not aware of the fact I need some preparation to be able to take him. I nod furiously as his long finger enters me slowly, making me get used to the sensation before starting to move in and out of me. Soon it’s two fingers, all the while his thumb never stopped working on my clit. I grab his biceps as I try to muffle my moans of pleasure.
“Matt, please…” I whimper, eyes screwed shut as I feel the coil on my stomach grow more and more, my legs moving uncontrollably.
“What do you need?” He asks me, his lips next to my ear as he keeps his ministrations going. He’s trying to sound calm but his cock pressing up against my thigh lets me know how excited he actually is.
“You know what I need” I breathe as he pumps his fingers faster.
He furrows his brows and I can sense what he’s thinking. Before I can say anything, he stops his movements, his fingers still inside me. I whine disappointed. “Why did you stop?” I ask, trying to move my hips up to gain some friction. 
“You didn’t answer me, so I just figured I had to stop” he teases me, making me roll my eyes. He wants to hear me beg.
“Come on, my love, please” I say sweetly, lifting my head up to kiss the corner of his mouth. “I need you” I pant to his ear. “I was so close” and I end it all biting his lobe, knowing this would send him to another planet. He gasps, his fingers give an involuntary thrust that makes me squeal. 
“Yeah?” He asks gruffly. I hear the sound of a zip as he shimmies his pants down his legs until he kicks them away. My hands immediately go to his hips, still covered by his boxers. One trails to the front, where his dick is hard and aching. He must be uncomfortable, restrained like that: I decide to be kind and help him, taking his cock out of its confines. Matt lets out a breath of relief as I start to steadily stroke his length. 
He slowly lowers his hips to mine and slots his cock between my folds, making me gasp when his tip hits my clit repeatedly as his hips rock back and forth. I raise my legs and interlock them behind his back, pulling him flush against me. 
“Matt, I want it” I moan breathlessly, my hands on his hair.
“Yeah? Want my cock in your pretty pussy?” he asks me, panting slightly from the stimulation. I nod furiously, not wanting to wait anymore.
“See? It was easy to admit” Before I can think of some snarky remark, he aligns his cock with my center and slowly pushes in, effectively making me forget anything I was about to say. 
I feel him stretching me out so good, and I try to relax my muscles to ease his access. Matt’s brows are furrowed in concentration. Even with our banter, he’s always very attentive not to hurt me. I smile fondly at his expression and kiss his forehead, making him halt for a moment, his eyes bright. 
“I’m so in love with you” I whimper sincerely, taken by sudden emotion. He smiles back and kisses my lips slowly, his hips starting to move. I whine into the kiss, my hips lifting up trying to be at his same pace. His arms cage me and I feel so safe, so happy to be with him, in his bed.
“You have no idea how much I adore you” He moans against my shoulder, his hips going faster and faster, making my head spin. His hand slips down to play with my clit once again, making me see stars. My legs tremble once again around him, a tell tale of the fact I’m about to cum.
“Will you come around my cock, pretty girl?” he pants as he doubles his efforts to get me there. I moan in response and he laughs, kissing my temple.
“Come on, baby, I know you’re there. Wanna feel you” he mutters, and I know he’s close as well. With one last hard thrust I feel my orgasm crash through me, my whines muffled by Matt’s mouth on mine. 
“Shit. Squeezing me so tight” he groans, and I feel his dick twitch inside me as he lets out a long moan. He stills his movements when he comes, his eyes screwed shut as I hug him tightly against my chest, praising him in his ear. He tries to even his breathing as I trace patterns on his back, and we both lay silently on his bed in complete bliss. 
Some time later he slowly pulls out of me, making me shiver slightly. He grabs a glass of water from his bedside table and offers it to me, and I gladly accept it, gulping it down. We set under the covers, his head on my chest and his arms around me. 
He laughs suddenly. “What?” I ask, confused. He smirks, looking up at me. 
“Who would have guessed the only way to shut you up was to fuck you?” He asks proudly.
“Matthew I swear to God-”
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a/n: feedback is greatly appreciated! :)
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pearlzier · 1 month
────⠀ GHOSTFACE!MATT who . . .
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GHOSTFACE!MATT who takes time to learn about you before he goes in for the infamous phone call. and by taking time, he really does take time to learn about you. all the others, he didn't really learn about the victim—just got it over with. for you? he's stalking you for weeks, just so he can make that special phone call all the more personal to you. only the best for you, huh?
GHOSTFACE!MATT who is so condescending and mean when he talks to you. he's smarter than you and he knows it. and he likes to remind you of it. he compliments you, faux admiration dripping from his tone, and when you don't say thank you, how any polite individual would, the snark in his tone practically oozes over to your end of the phone—"that's rude, baby. you don't even say 'thank you' when someone compliments you?" he tuts, so clearly disappointed in you.
GHOSTFACE!MATT who is the last person you'd expect to be ghostface. he's always been caring and doting, always eager to be close to you—but this? it had never crossed your mind that he'd be capable of brutally murdering people in LA, let alone being so cruel as to torment you like this, to even go for your friends.
GHOSTFACE!MATT who reassures you he'd never hurt you, not all that much. he wouldn't go as far as to seriously harm you, kill you, never—he even hates nicking you with his knife, drawing tiny bits of blood. "don't cry, honey," he tells you, voice sickly sweet, but you know he really does mean it, "i'd never hurt you. never. your friends on the other hand—?" your friends most definitely aren't safe, to say the least. one wrong move.. seems like you've been on delivered for a while now.
GHOSTFACE!MATT who gets off on your tears. maybe it's mean of him, but he does things in particular that he knows'll upset you, just so he can see your eyes well with tears and run down your cheeks. before you'd found out about his identity as the killer, he'd purposefully get rid of the people you loved the most. then? then he'd watch you without your knowledge as you sobbed by yourself, all upset when all you needed was him.
GHOSTFACE!MATT who banks on the fact you're far too afraid of him and he makes you feel far too good despite everything to tell anyone that he's the one massacring the people in the city. "don't fuck with me," he tells you, watching how you're staring off into the distance, "you're not gonna tell anyone, and you know it. i make that pretty pussy feel too good," he pats your thigh with his gloved hand, "ruined you for everyone else." he really has. no one else can make you feel as good as he does.
GHOSTFACE!MATT who buys you pretty things, like a nice lacy pair of panties, to leave them around your house. it terrifies you because you know he broke in to put them there however they are so nice looking that you can't help wear them. and he can't help but use his knife and slice through the thin fabric so he can get to what he wants when he's got you bent over later.
GHOSTFACE!MATT who waits until he knows you're touching yourself to call you. he knows you'll pick up, it makes his dick twitch when he gets to hear the squelching of your cunt and watch your fingers sink into yourself despite not being in the room with you. "that's it, imagine it's me, hm? oh, someone likes that, practically gushing for me, baby." and those pretty sounds you make? he's practically shoving his hand under his dark robes to palm himself, try relieve the aching you're unknowingly causing.
GHOSTFACE!MATT who doesn't hesitate to get rid of anyone who messes with you. he's always looking out for you—even when you don't know he's there. at parties, if any guy gets too close or tries to get touchy with you is soon on the tv, his graphic, brutal death being described. all because he'd made you uncomfortable, so of course GHOSTFACE!MATT was going to sort it out for you. he sorts out everything for you.
GHOSTFACE!MATT who accidentally says he loves you whilst he's fucking you. he's meant to be all mean and tough, leaving marks all over you as a reminder that you're his, but eventually, he ends up getting more vulnerable than he'd planned. "fuck, fuck, fuck, i love you, shit.. i—" when you try to get him to say it again, to try see how vulnerable he really could be with you, but he's back to being his normal self again. "said i love this fuckin' pussy, not that fuckin' mouth of yours. shut the fuck up."
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ִ ֹ ★ @mattybsgroupie, @mattslolita, @mattsdolll, @stellasturns, @stevelacylovebot, @jetaimevous, @phone4pills, @aesthetixhoe, @venusiers, @pettydollie, @stvrnmc, @sarosfilms, @lovesickgrlsrh0t, @beetlejenna, @funkycoloured, @v3nusasagrl, @imwetforyourmom, @deansbite, @beridollie, @https--roman, @sincerebabydoll, @pillwebb ִ ꒱
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blue-mood-blue · 10 months
I’ve grown to appreciate the aus where Shen Yuan enters the story as “Shen Yuan” - same name, probably similar face, generally able to interact with PIDW as himself and change the story through his added presence. I like the sense of “if only you’d been here, things might have been better the first time around” of it all.
And I was thinking, it’s a funny coincidence in that scenario that someone named Shen Yuan gets put into… another Shen Yuan. What are the chances? What a weird twist of fate that Airplane would pick out the name that his most dedicated critic could slip into seamlessly.
What about a version where it’s not coincidence at all?
Airplane goes to school with a kid named Shen Yuan. He’s prickly and hard to approach and a little intense, but Airplane is persistent. In fairness, Airplane is relentless - and maybe it’s a good thing that they end up being friends, because they’re a little too much for anyone else to handle. They balance each other out. They’re the “weird kids” in class and they’re okay with that, because even when they don’t have any words for it, they know they’re not like their classmates, not really. That’s okay; they don’t want to be.
Recesses and breaks are consumed with the elaborate stories that Airplane wants to tell, and all the holes Shen Yuan pokes into them. It’s not mean-spirited, though, even though Shen Yuan isn’t the kind to temper his words. It’s passionate. He cares about those stories the way Airplane cares about them, and it can’t be mistaken for anything else when they lean together conspiratorially across the lunchroom table. They’ve both got notebooks filled with details and characters and monsters. Shen Yuan’s practically got a whole bestiary sketched out in wobbly childhood attempts at art, entries fervently scrawled beside them. Airplane prattles out plots nonstop, always with the promise of shining eyes and being asked “what happens next?”
They come up with a whole world together. Airplane’s going to write about it someday. Shen Yuan is going to read every word.
Shen Yuan misses school. Shen Yuan starts missing school a lot.
Airplane goes to the hospital room instead. He doesn’t think to worry, because Shen Yuan is okay - that’s what he says. He looks okay, and he’s a kid, and it doesn’t feel real that anything bad should happen to a kid. He doesn’t think to worry. He doesn’t think to say goodbye.
It’s one of the older Shen brothers who catches him on the way up to the room one day, in the hallway just outside - snaps at him to go the fuck home, and when Airplane hesitates, pushes him into the elevator and tells him not to come back. “Tells” is a generous way to describe the way the words come out - a growl, a hiss, the sound an animal would make when a hand got too close to a wound.
(It’s not fair to name a villain after him, even if the name never really comes up in the story. He wasn’t trying to be mean. He’d lost a brother minutes before, and he was getting his brother’s friend out of the way so he didn’t have to… see. It isn’t fair, but then, none of it is fair.)
Death feels very real after that.
The notebooks get shoved into a closet, and it’s not until Airplane’s moving out and one falls on him from a high shelf that he thinks about it again. He’s written things, lots of things, but nothing as ambitious as this - nothing as important. It could be good, he considers. He’d promised. Shen Yuan wanted to read it.
The problem was that no one else does, not for a long time, not until Airplane has whittled himself and his art into a corner and into such an unfamiliar shape that he has to wonder how it’s still his own face he sees in the mirror. He has to eat. He has to pay rent. Shen Yuan would yell at him, but Shen Yuan isn’t there to yell at him, and who cares. Who cares if it could have been better? The people who actually are here love it, and it’s paying his bills, and sometimes stories don’t go the way they’re supposed to and the world is fucking unfair. It doesn’t matter.
(It does. But he shoves that thought away along with styrofoam cups and soda bottles to the bottom of a garbage bag.)
Authors are not gods and their power is limited, but Airplane exercises just a sliver of what he’s been granted and gifts an inconsequential sort of immortality. He thinks about making him a rogue cultivator, maybe the kind that goes around documenting beasts and compiling his findings. He thinks about making him someone too powerful for death to touch, or too important to threaten, but when Airplane looks at the world he crafted and everything that’s become of it, it feels like the kindest thing he can do for Shen Yuan is a childhood where he’s loved, and a death that’s peaceful. What does it say about that world, that he’d kill off his best friend too early again instead of making him live there?
(The best writing he ever does is the only, shining moment of humanity that his scum villain ever displays: a lament about death that comes too early, about a brother gone too soon. The commenters praise him. The commenters flatter over how real the emotions feel. The commenters don’t get any response from Airplane on that chapter.)
Death is incredibly real when it comes for him too early, too, still hovering over his keyboard with the story technically finished and incredibly incomplete. Airplane could tell himself that’s because the written version can never be the version in the writer’s head, always shifting and with every possibility still on the table, but he knows better than that. The System knows better than that, with its condescending message about “improving” his writing and “closing plot holes” and “achieving his original vision”...
…and he’s a child again. He’s a child in his own story, he’s Shang Qinghua now without the benefit yet of a peak or cultivation or anything, and maybe he’s a little bitter, and a little scared, and…
And Shen Yuan - with longer hair, with robes, with a couple of older kids watching him from across the street, but undeniably the prickly little boy who used to sit down imperiously across from him and tell him everything that was wrong with the chuck of writing that had been handed to him last period, but with that smile that said he was only invested because he knew it could be better and they were going to make it better - marches up to him with a fire in his eyes and a frown that warns of a coming tirade.
“You told it wrong,” is the first thing he says.
Shang Qinghua wants to ask how him how he’s here, how this is possible, or maybe laugh because, yeah - yeah, Shen Yuan has no goddamn idea how wrong he got absolutely everything.
(Shang Qinghua wants to say “I missed you” and “why did you leave so soon” but he’s here now. He’s right here.)
“I know,” he says instead. “I’m sorry. It all kind of… spiraled out of control.”
Shen Yuan frowns, but then it dissipates the way it always does, and his eyes shine with ideas the way they always used to. “That’s okay,” he relents, grabbing for his hand. “We’ll fix it. We’ll make it what it was supposed to be.”
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bratzforchris · 3 months
Bumps n' Bruises
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Summary: In which Matt just wants to play like Chris, but his body won't quite let him do that
Pairing: Little!Matt x feminine caregiver!reader x little!Chris
Warnings: Joint dislocation, chronic illness, little bit of pain and crying
Word Count: 1k
A/N: I was recently diagnosed with hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (hEDS) (the type Matt has in this fic!), so ofc I had to project :) The zebra is the official mascot for rare disorders and I felt like that photo was very little!Matt 🩷 As always, I'm not saying/assuming that Matt actually has this syndrome, nor am I saying/assuming he's a little. Hate/unnecessary rudeness will be blocked and deleted. Enjoy<3
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Matt was just like any other little in most ways. He loved stuffed animals, snuggling with his caregiver, and could easily be bribed into cleaning up his toys with a gentle promise of ice cream. Ever since he had started regressing at the recommendation of his therapist, Matt’s quality of life had drastically improved. No longer did he shut himself away in his room when the terrible feelings washed over him. Instead, he popped his paci in his mouth and got curled up on the couch or in bed with his mommy, enjoying the soft, gentle praises you showered him with. 
However, Matt’s regression wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows all the time. Having Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, especially with joint hypermobility, left the little in pain quite often. Oftentimes, a dose of ibuprofen, his heating pad, and snuggles from Mommy would do the trick to ease the physical pain, but that didn’t make the emotional part of being chronically ill suck any less. This was especially evident when Matt would watch the way his younger brother, Chris, could easily play, roll, and tumble around with no pain. 
Sharing you as their caregiver wasn’t always easy, but Matt and Chris made it work. Whereas Matt tended to lean towards a younger headspace of 1-3 and enjoyed milk and snuggles, Chris opted for a headspace of 4-6, enjoying being beyond wild, but never naughty. It was rare that the boys ever played together, simply because of their different ages. Chris enjoyed cars, trucks, and dinosaurs, while Matt liked lambs, soft lullabies, and being actively attached to your hip at all times. 
There were times though, like today, where some game clicked between the two and they would happily sit on the living room rug, sharing in each other’s company. It had started out as a relatively normal afternoon. Chris was sat on the rug, happily pushing his Hot Wheels around the “track” that he had made out of the couch cushions, while Matt sat wrapped up in his blanket, happily watching Mrs. Rachel on the television. The older of the two boys had been in a significant amount of pain earlier in the morning, complaining of “‘M bones hurt, mama”. The extra attention you’d been giving Matt due to his flare up had caused quite the whiny spell for Chris, and you silently wiped your brow, thankful for the ease in tension. 
In his small headspace, Matt didn’t know how it had happened. One moment, he was entranced in his video; the next, he was eagerly eyeing the neon orange toy car that Chris was playing with. “‘M pway too?” he asked his brother, a slight gleam in his blue eyes. 
“Matt play?” Chris hummed, happily cocking his head.
The “younger” of the two boys nodded, moving out of his blanket and scooting next to his brother. Chris handed Matt a small, blue racecar, eagerly showing him how to play with it. For the next few minutes, only the sound of happy giggles could be heard from the living room as you stood in the kitchen, stirring the mac n cheese for the boys’ lunch. It warmed your heart to hear them enjoying each other’s company, seeing as how they tended to play their own games in little space. You had just turned off the heat on the stove, when you suddenly heard a sobbing wail that could only be described as a “little Matt noise”. 
You rushed into the living room, only to see Matt with his knees drawn to his chest, cradling his right hand. Beside him, Chris had scooted slightly away from his brother, a slight look of fear crossing his features. “What happened, bubbas?” You asked softly, so as not to scare the boys anymore. 
“‘M fingew!” Matt wailed, trying to show you the injury. 
Your heart dropped when you saw Matt’s ring finger painfully dislocated, the joint of his knuckle bent at an odd angle. “Oh sweetpea,” You murmured sadly. “Can I see it?”
“No,” Matt cried. “Hurts.”
Despite Matt’s sobs, you gently took his right hand in your own, examining the dislocation. Luckily, it wasn’t terrible enough to have to go to the emergency room, but unfortunately, you were going to have to pop it back in. “Shhhh, I know, angel. Let Mama pop it back in, baby.”
Though his blue eyes filled with fear, Matt allowed you to take his hand and gently pop the joint back into place. His sobs echoed around the room for a moment, until they slowly dissipated once he shoved his thumb back into his mouth. Your heart broke for your boy, hating the way his condition put him in so much pain. Thankfully, Matt wasn’t much taller or heavier than you, so you gently lifted him onto your hip, setting the down of you down onto the couch. The boy immediately curled into your side, sniffling softly as he sucked his thumb, which allowed you to glance over at Chris, who was still curled into the corner, anxiously looking on. 
“Hey bubba,” You hummed with a soft smile. “Wanna do me a big favor?”
Chris nodded eagerly, always a “helper” little one. “Mhm!”
“Can you go get Matt an ice pack for his finger, please?”
Chris nodded enthusiastically, scurrying off towards the kitchen, eager to help. While you waited, you gently plucked Matt’s thumb from his mouth, replacing it instead with his sunny, yellow pacifier that was laying on the coffee table. By the time Chris returned, carrying an animal shaped ice pack, Matt was almost asleep, yawning widely. Nevertheless, you placed the coldness onto his hand, hoping it would ease some of the discomfort from the dislocation. The younger of the two littles hopped up onto the couch beside you, snuggling into your side as well. 
You were silently thankful for the fact that you had turned the stove and the oven off before the fiasco, knowing there was no way the littles were letting go of you now. Matt was beginning to nap in your lap, while Chris grabbed the TV remote, eagerly flipping the television to Cars with a happy giggle. And yet, you wouldn’t have it any other way. 
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cottoncandyswisherz · 4 months
hood fav
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softdom!chris x fwb!reader (described as poc) warnings: CHEATING BITCH, shower sex, choking if you squint and tilt your head to the left, riding, missionary, swearing, a lil overstimulation
- chris was mad. 
no. he was heated. 
no. he pissed the FUCK off. 
his fans always ask why he doesn't want a girlfriend? why does he have commitment issues?
this is exactly why. he'd been talking to this gir- this BITCH for like 3 months and he goes to surprise her after being gone on tour months and this is what he fucking gets. 
chris' heart was pounding in his chest due to anticipation. he'd been gone so long and she was the first person she wanted to see when he came back. 
he had a goofy smile on his face and a bouquet of peonies (her favorite flower) behind his back.  his smile only grew when he heard the door being unlocked. 
"SURPRI-" his face dropped when he saw some fucking idiot standing shirtless in his girls doorway. "what the fuck?"
"baby who's at the do- oh fuck." she came to the door in wearing nothing but a tee-shirt.
"baby?" chris was dumb founded. "you- you're- BABY?!" 
"chris i can explain this- can you come back later so we can talk?" 
this made chris laugh as he pulled out his phone to call matt back. "yeah no. ya'll have fun though." and with that began to walk away and down the street. 
when matt pulled up next to him on a random street, he came with a pre-roll and a pepsi. "fuck her, bro." 
lighting his j, chris smiled and said, "yeah im not tripping."
"good. you're fucking great, and shes a bum." matt pat his brothers shoulder and pulled off the curve. "we going home or do you just wanna drive around?"
chris inhaled again and ashed his joint, setting it down to text the person he really needed to see. "bro can you take me y/n's? i needa talk to her."
"yeah i got you." matt chuckled and headed to their friends house. 
to matt, y/n was a close friend that he and his brothers loved. she was funny and chill as fuck to be around. never had a bad vibe, always smiling. she called herself a hood fav.
but to chris, y/n was a god. she was fucking gorgeous and had a smart ass mouth, that he put to good use. they fucked when neither of them were seeing anyone, and it never complicated their friendship. 
chris didn't want a girlfriend, and y/n thought chris was the most unserious person on the planet.
and that's how they liked it. they gave each other the best orgasms known to man, then watched a movie and vibed the rest of the day. 
nothing more. nothing less. 
arriving at his friends house, chris hopped out of the kia truck and called her to open the door. 
"hello?" y/n answered. chris noticed noise behind her but he couldn't make it out. 
"yo im outside, come open the door." 
"first of all, don't be fucking rude, say hi back." the girl retorted, her voiced laced with sass. 
"my fault bruh." he rolled his eyes. "hi y/n. now can you open the door?"
"im in the shower, use the key under the turtle." she laughed and hung up. 
shower?? chris thought. perfect. 
he made quick work of opening the door and making his way up the stairs and into the bathroom, where he was met with steam and loud music. 
she was playing her favorite rapper, heembeezy. (free my nigga fr)
"bro why are you here? didn't you get to LA two hours ago?" y/n yelled from the shower.
"i went to see her and a fucking dude answered her door with no clothes on." he responded, sitting on the toilet to take off his shoes. 
y/n swung the curtain open with a gobsmacked look on her face. "AIN'T NO FUCKING WAY! SAY ON GOD RIGHT THE FUCK NOW!" 
"on god bruh." he sighed, removing his shirt. "then she said she can explain and to come back later."
y/n laughed at this and went back to her shower. "she's a fucking bum bro. fuck her."
"that's what matt said." his bottoms came off next.
"that's why matts my favorite. he just like me for real." 
chris opened the shower door and looked at her body that can only be described as glorious. "yeah so now im cool on relationships for now." 
y/n made room for him in her small shower and giggled. " you back on your p shit?"
"yup." he gave a cheeky grin and pulled her to him. "now come here."
he pulled her into him so her wet body was flush on his. his hands found their way to her ass and grabbed a handful and rejoiced in the fact that it wouldn't all fit in his hand. his dick hardened against her soft belly as her hands ran up his back and into his hair, gripping it tightly. 
he went to pull her shower cap off, but she quickly stopped him "i just got my hair done bro."
he yanked it off anyway. "i'll pay for you to get it done again tomorrow."
her nipples peaked against his chest and she came to a realization. "i'm all wet." she said. 
"already?" he rebutted with a smile. she just laughed and turned them around so he was under the water. 
she admired the way his hair fell to his forehead and his cheeks flushed from the heat of the water. his body glistened while wet and she loved it. his biceps flexed when he tilted his head back and raised his arms to move the hair from his eyes. 
she took the step needed to be back in his close proximity and enveloped him in another loin-firing kiss. 
their bodies knew each other perfectly at this point. they knew what made the other tick, what made them moan, what made them scream.
she wrapped her arms around his middle, pulling him impossibly closer.
he moved his hand to her neck, his long fingers wrapping around it with ease. applying the perfect amount of pressure from memory. 
she pulled away from his intoxicating lips and swirled her tongue around the top of his ear. "you want me to get your mind off the bum?"
he backed up so he could look at her face and he could have cum at the sight of her. her eyes were hooded and dark. he grabbed both sides of her face and looked in her eyes before he answered her question. "fuck. yes." 
she smirked at his answer and lowered herself to her knees, peppering kisses down his body in the process.
when she got to her destination, she wrapped her hands around his begging cock, and took his tip in her warm mouth. 
chris sucked in a breath and grabbed her braids, wrapping them around his hand a few times. "fuuuck." he groaned and pushed her further down his shaft. 
chris had received a lot of head in his 20 years, but y/n didn't just suck dick. she was an eater. she took all of him in her beautiful mouth and attempted to take his soul every time and the only sound he heard was her moans. 
she was moaning. 
"god, youre so fucking perfect." he grunted, looking down at her. his stomach dropped to his ass when she looked back at him through those lashes that he loved.
she pulled off him and began stroking him. "yeah?" she gathered her spit in her mouth and spat it on his tip, making him jolt and reach up to grab the shower head in order to stay on planet earth. 
she swallowed him whole once again, stroking as her lips went back and forth on his dick.
chris was close and she knew it so she went all the way to the top and sucked his tip with enough passion that he released in her mouth with his eyes screwed shut and a moan. 
he opened his eyes, and by the time the stars left his vision, y/n had swallowed every thing he gave her.
with weak legs, he turned around, shut the water off and dragged her out of the bathroom, soaking wet. 
"chris, im soaked!" she laughed as he pushed her onto the bed, climbing on top of her. 
"i know, and im gonna use that to my full advantage." he smiled and pecked her lips quickly, moving down to where he really wanted to be. 
between her legs. 
"im gonna fuck you til you see jesus." he stated, boring into her eyes. 
she felt so nervous when chris looked at her like that. every time he did, she came out a changed woman.
"...o-okay..." she stuttered out.
and it began. 
see, chris was an eater as well. he didn't just eat pussy, he fell into it. face first. 
he ran two fingers up her folds, spreading her pussy so he could see all of her. 
"god your pussy's so fucking pretty." he whispered and got to work. attaching his lips to her clit, using his tongue for something productive for once. 
y/n was a mess already, moaning and gripping his hair with an iron fist. her legs fell wider with every caress of his tongue. she was falling apart and he wasn't even using his hands. this was sad. 
he pulled away and spit on her pussy harshly and dove back in, driving her in-fucking-sane. but she really lost it when he bit her clit softly. 
she came with a scream. it felt like she levitated off the bed. as she tried to roll over onto her stomach, chris gripped her plush thighs and held her back down. so she tried to close her legs but he slammed them open and brought his head up from his favorite place. between her thighs with her addicting scent attacking his sense. 
he made eye contact with her and looked at her in a way that told her "lay the fuck down." 
and she did. 
but he knew she was sensitive, so instead of eating her pussy, which he loved doing, he collected her juices on his two fingers and slid them inside her with grace. 
her eyes fell closed as she let out a "good god" only to be met with "my names chris ma. say my name."
she couldn't even comprehend what the fuck he was saying due to the way he was pulling her spirit out of her with his fucking fingers. 
he got up on his knees and leaned down to her ear, never stopping his hands. "say my fucking name y/n." he rubbed her clit with his thumb and she gave him what he wanted. 
she chanted his name like a prayer as she release once again. he went down automatically and licked all of her before coming up again and taking her mouth in his so she could see why he ate her pussy every time.
they kissed for a hot second, allowing her to ground herself. then he pulled away and asked "you still with me?" y/n nodded but it wasn't enough. "words, baby." 
"i'm with you, chris."
she was looked at him with those eyes and he damn near lost his fucking mind.
he rolled off her and sat up against her headboard. "ride me, y/n"
she fucking loved when he said her name while they were fucking. it sounded so pretty coming from his filthy mouth. he said it so perfectly, his voice low, every letter sounding like sex.
she climbed on his lap, her legs folding at his sides. as she straddle him, she grabbed his face and kissed him once again. she could kiss him all day if he wasn't so fucking whore-ish. she moved from his lips to his neck and went to that spot that drove him wild, sucking until she heard him moaning. 
she took that as a sign to sink onto his cock, whining at the full feeling. 
chris was on planet her with doja cat at this point. her perfect pussy took him so well. like her body was made for sex with him. 
his hand gripped her ass once again and he began guiding her on him until she took matters into her own hands and moved on her own.
 they went slow. so pleasantly slow. 
he pulled her hair so she'd look at him while she rode him. her brown eyes found his blue ones and they got lost in each other, whispering to each other things they'd never say outside of this moment. 
"you're so fucking beautiful."
"you're perfect."
"just for you."
"i'm the only one who makes you feel as good as this?"
"only you."
"only me?"
"only you."
chris was feral.
he pulled out,  flipped them over so he was on top, and pushed back into her at all at once. grabbing her leg, brought it over his shoulder and fucked her like he hadn't seen her in 12 years. 
he felt all of her. her walls swallowing his cock and squeezing deliciously tight. he threw his head back in ecstasy and she reached up and brought it back so he was looking at her again. "it feels so good, chris." she pulled him down and kissed him.
he put all his weight on one arm and slipped the other one between them, pushing on her stomach so she felt even more of him.
this made her cry out and he took her open mouth as a sign to slip in his tongue and taste her pretty sounds.
y/n was on cloud 9. she felt so good. so full. so happy. she felt like she would never feel as content as she did when she was wrapped around chris, taking every stroke he gave her. she couldn't pinpoint when things had changed that night but she knew that they had. she knew that it would never be the same after this. but her orgasm was chasing her down and she couldn't focus on silly things like emotions.
pulling away she told him, "baby im gonna cum. can i cum? please?"
he simply chuckled at her uncharacteristic question and simply said, "yes, y/n. you can cum."
she looked at him with soft eyes. "you want me to?"
he chuckled again and said "yes baby, i want you to. do it for me." he move his hand from her belly to her clit and rubbed soft circles. 
y/n gasped and her eyes rolled back in her head. she had no words. she couldn't see, or hear, or smell or taste. all she could feel was chris. she could feel her inside him, touching every part of her. she could feel his hand on her pussy, bringing her to tears. she could feel his breath on her nose as he watched her come undone. 
finding her voice, she screamed out praises over and over again, the sound bringing chris to his own high. 
he closed his eyes and asked where she wanted him. she didn't answer, so he patted her face softly so she'd focus, and asked again. "where do you want me baby?"
"leave it in." she breathed out. "cum in my pussy please."
he couldn't take it after that. he finished in a way that can only be described as an explosion. the funny thing is, he he was the one who saw jesus. every muscle in his body tightened and he closed his eyes so hard, he saw shapes. 
"fuck fuck fuck FUCK Y/N!" he moaned as he painted her walls with himself and pulled out, covered his hand in their mixed seed and shoved his fingers in her mouth. 
and she did what was expected, swirling her tongue around his fingers, she sucked until there was nothing left.  
"you're so fucking good, i can't believe it." he muttered in amazement. 
her eyes were already falling shut as she sucked his fingers and he knew if she continued he'd melt into a puddle on her carpet.
he rolled off her and layed on her bed, staring at the ceiling, desperate to catch his breath. when he did, he went to to bathroom and got the towel that she never used, to clean her up, smiling when she moaned at the feeling in her sleep.
he cleaned himself off, threw the towel into the hamper, then laid back down and curled into her side, resting his head on her tits. 
chris wasn't oblivious. he knew that tonight changed things. he knew that she wasn't just a friend anymore. he knew that they were gonna have to talk about it for the sake of their relationship. 
but not tonight. 
tonight, he'd hold her close and relish in the feeling of her nails in his hair. he'd cherish her scent. he'd kiss her until her taste was etched on his tongue. he'd watch her sleep and drift off to the sounds of her soft snores. 
because not only was she a hood fav,
she was his fav.
niyah speaks for the eaters who want love ALSOOOO i got a nic fluff coming out this month bc is gay month and my people need to be recognized
taglist: @mattslolita @hoesformatt @muwapsturniolo @mattssluttygf
remember that if no one loves you, mommy loves you (and my mommy i mean me)
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dirtylittleheart333 · 3 months
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What happens in Vegas when Matt and Chris are exhausted and you want to help?
Paring: ChrisxF!reader MattxF!reader Contents: 18+ Smut. threesome (MFM, NO MMF) Intercourse. Raw. Notes: Request
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MC3 IN VEGAS After wrapping a towel around yourself, you silently glided across the threshold from the bathroom into the living area. It was the first time you had ever been in a penthouse and it lived up to its standard, and it certainly didn’t disappoint. You were still shocked at how huge it was, and your initial take when you first walked into the room was that you could fit your whole house into one room in the penthouse. ‘Luxurious’ seemed too timid a word to describe the suit.
With your mother, and the triplet's mom having been friends their whole lives it didn’t surprise anyone that you and the triplets, along with Justin were close. Born just a month apart, and living a few blocks from each other, you were all close-knit. You often visited them after moving to LA, and sometimes traveled with them but this was the first time you were really alone with Matt and Chris.
There was always…a little something extra, between you, Chris, and Matt. It wasn’t something that could really be explained, it was just there. It also didn’t need to be explained because it was between the three of you, and your understanding, no one else needed to understand. The three of you had even spoken about it and joked about it, but nothing ever happened beyond talking. You felt equal measures of love for them never being able to choose one over the other.
You stood at the huge floor-to-ceiling windows looking over the fantastic view of Vegas lighting up the night sky with multiple, vibrant colours. It was almost surreal. When you heard the door click to unlock, you smiled widely and turned around, always so excited to see Chris and Matt.
‘’Hey guys,’’ you said cheerfully, turning around
‘’Hi babe,’’ Chris said, a slow smile forming on his lips
‘’Hey, y/n,’’ Matt said, first tossing his jacket to a couch, then he fell onto the closest chair to him while Chris lazily walked to the bar area to grab himself a coke out the fridge
‘’What…what’s wrong?’’ you asked, your voiced laced with concern as you looked back and forth from Matt to Chris
‘’Fucking beat. Tired. Exhausted,’’ Matt said kicking his shoes off then lifting his legs to put his feet up on the table in font of him
‘’I would think so. You two have been going nonstop for two or three weeks now, and today has been particularly busy for you two,‘’ you said, your hand lifting from your side to tuck in and secure your towel that felt a little loose around your body.
‘’I think I’m going to shower. Did they bring our clothes back from the laundry?’’ Chris asked
You shook your head left to right, ‘’only tomorrow. We sent it in too late.’’
‘’I told you, Chris, but no. You had to try and find your shorts -’’ Matt was saying when Chris let out a loud, lengthy groan
‘’Shut the fuck up, Matt,’’ Chris said, walking to the bathroom. Your eyes bounced between Matt and Chris, but they lingered on Chris when he put his hand on the bathroom door to close it. You tilted your head slightly to the side when Chris kept his gaze on Matt a little longer than you thought necessary. He lips curled up the corners and he gave Matt the tiniest nod and then slammed the door.
Your eyes fell to Matt again, but he was facing away from you leaving only to shrug your shoulders as what just happened between the brothers. He leaned his head back, resting it against the chair as you walked over to him. You put a hand on his shoulder and squeezed it, hoping he would relax under your touch, also knowing what would help. Matt closed his eyes and rolled his head, a smile curling on his lips.
‘’Mmm, that feels so fucking good,’’ he said
You smiled and lifted your other hand and placed it on his left shoulder. You squeezed his tight, knotted muscles and applied just the right amount of pressure as Matt slumped further down the chair, relaxing even more.
‘’Can I get you something to drink, Chris?’’ you asked and Matt’s eyes snapped open as he swung his head around, shifting slightly to look at you.
‘’Matt,’’ he said with a laugh
‘’Yeah, Matt,’’ you said with a nod
‘’No, you said Chris,’’ Matt replied and went back to his original position, still laughing
‘’you’re tired,’’ you said with a giggle, ‘’so do you want something to drink?’’
‘’Nah, just keep doing what you’re doing, it feels amazing’’ Matt said and there was a short silence before he laughed again. ‘’How often do you get us confused when you know perfectly well who is who?’’
‘’Only sometimes,’’ you answered quick, shortly.
‘’I didn’t know that,’’ he said softer this time, his voice starting to get sleepy
You carried on massaging his shoulders until Chris stepped out of the bathroom and your eyes raked over his body. The end tips of his hair dripping water down his body, forming rivulets to travel down his divine abdomen. You watched as one droplet rolled slowly down his peck and met two more drops to form one that rolled down faster and over the contours of his abdomen. His towel was riding low around his waist and the droplet stopped at his pelvic region and managed to hang for a few seconds before it carried on rolling and then got soaked in by the towel.
You shifted on your feet and lifted your eyes, only to meet his, a sly, but tired smile forming on his lips. You blinked your long lashes at him and flashed him a smirk.
‘’Hey,’’ Chris said dropping his eyes to Matt, ‘’you can go shower.’’
‘’Thanks,’’ Matt said and slowly pull his shoulders from your hands and then got up, his exhaustion getting the better of him. ‘’I’ll be five minutes max. I’m too tired to even stand.’’
Chris grabbed a handful of Skittles out of a bowl on the counter next to his Coke and popped them into his mouth as he turned to you. You smiled and bit your bottom lip.
‘’Do you have a tee for me?’’ you asked, ‘’all my clothes were in the laundry including my sleep shirt.’’
The corners of Chris's mouth turned up as he grabbed his coke. He was silent for a little longer than you thought he should be, but when you locked eyes with him, you saw the faraway look in his eyes, which only meant he was thinking. It was only when he stopped in front of you did his eyes focus again.
‘’Nope. Everything is in the wash. You’re just gonna have to go nude or sleep in the towel,’’ he said and slid his arms around your waist and pulled you close to him, ‘’what were you doing with Matt?’’ he asked
‘’You’re both so tired,’’ you said and ran a finger down he stubbly jaw line, ‘’if you want a massage, all you have to do is ask.’’
‘’You’re so sweet,’’ he said and put his coke down on a little table beside the couch. ‘’I want a massage.’’
You squealed and let out a laugh when he spun you around, and with his arm still wrapped around your waist, he pushed with his body. You took the hint and started walking to your room, Chris pressed up against you, a hardness starting to press into the small of your back, making you shiver with excitement.
‘’Oh, Chris, I -’’ you were saying when he cut you off
‘’You smell so fucking good,’’ he said
‘’Chris, I need to tell -’’ you were saying when he cut you off once again as you walked into your room
‘’We need…what the fuck happened?’’ Chris asked, bewildered when he saw the bed, his arm dropping from around your waist and stepping out from behind you
‘’Well, I was trying to tell you…I kinda got everything wet,’’ you said and bit your bottom lip, turning to him
‘’How the fuck did you do that? Did you have a shower in here?’’ he asked loudly looking at the wet bed
‘’Kinda,’’ you said, ‘’please don’t yell. It was an accident. I’m clumsy… you know that. I was filling my glass with water from the jug and I got a fright from the movie I was watching and… water went flying everywhere.’’
‘’Did you ask for the biggest fucking jug they had?’’ Chris asked, his eyes falling on the enormous jug sitting on the bedside table.
‘’No, that’s just what they brought - ‘’ you were saying when you were once again cut off by Chris who grabbed your hand and pulled you.
‘’Matt! We’re having company,’’ Chris shouted as you let yourself be led to Chris and Matt’s room that they were sharing
‘’Yeah,’’ Matt said, too tired to even question as he lay in the bed, fresh from the shower. Matt held out his hand so you took it as Chris held your other hand until Matt’s long fingers wrapped around yours. You crawled on your knees to the middle of the bed as Matt wiggled further towards the far edge. You felt the mattress shift as Chris followed you and Matt flicked the bedside lamp off, bathing you in complete darkness. With it being Vegas they had the thickest blackout curtains to block any and all lights. There was nothing else around them to give off any illumination what so ever.
You loosened your towel, knowing your wouldn’t be able to sleep with it so tightly tucked in as you flopped down onto your back and clasped your hands between your breasts as Matt and Chris settled, which was rather quick but not surprising since they were probably looking forward to sleep. The air con was on, emitting a soft hum through the room as you wiggled between the brothers.
‘’These beds are really, really comfy,’’ you whispered
‘’’Babe,’’ you’re going to wake Matt up,’’ Chris mumbled, pushing his head into your neck.
‘’Nah, it’s okay. I’m exhausted but I can’t sleep,’’ Matt said and rolled over onto his back and let out an audible sigh
‘’You’re wired,’’ you said, and blew some hair off your face, ‘’you’re over tired. I could help?’’
‘’How are you going to do that?’’ Matt asked, desperate to get rest
‘’By sharing,’’ you said simply, the warmth of their bodies radiating off yours. You felt Chris lift his head slightly, while Matt turned his head to face you.
‘’Did you spill that water on purpose?’’ Chris asked and let out a laugh as you felt his fingers brush the top of your titties, as he tried to find the towel in the dark. Then, finding it, he gripped it and it easily fell away to the sides of your body.
‘’you’ll never know,’’ you said with a laugh
‘’Matt? You game?’’ Chris asked and Matt stayed silent for a minute. You thought he had fallen sleep, the silence hung heavy in the thick, hot night.
‘’If we’re going to do this, I want to have some…extra fun. Chris get out of the bed,’’ Matt said and you felt him roll off the bed
‘’What?’’ Chris asked
‘’I wanna see if she can tell the difference between us with the lights off,’’ Matt explained and you heard Chris chuckle beside you, making you elbow him lightly.
‘’Ow, fuck,’’ Chris said and began to get off the bed. ‘’Now I’m definitely doing it.’’
You sighed and bit your bottom lip. This is something new – you could, ordinary tell them apart for obvious reasons, but especially by scent but they had both just showered. The only other way would be to feel the tattoos, but you also knew you would probably be too lost in what was going to happen to care to feel who had tattoo’s running up their arm and who didn’t.
You heard some whispers and then the bed shifted dramatically by their combined weight at exactly the same time. Then you felt two identical kisses begin to kiss your body, both soft yet firm, immediately sending your mind spinning. This was an entirely different feeling; two sets of lips on you instead of one. It got your senses going double time, it got your nerves tingling, pleasuring you, doubling up. Identical noses brushed against your skin as identical tongues licked, and identical hands touched you.
‘’Oh fuck,’’ you breathed arching your back as your hands found and closed around the brothers thick dicks, causing identical moans to escape them on either side of you. You knew they were hungry for touch as you stroked their shafts and did a half twist under their heads, your thumbs doing circles on the very tip, sending shivers down their bodies.
You didn’t let on, but you were more than impressed with their size and length. They felt bigger naked and erect than you would have imagined. Their mouths moved from your neck, your shoulders, your collar bones, and then, their mouths seemed to find your breasts at the exact same time. Your chest rose even more and you shuddered as hot, wet tongues and lips pulled and teased your nipples.
Two hands met on the side of your waist and made their way to your pussy. The fingers of one began to play across your clit, while the other one's fingers softly probed until your lips parted and allowed them entry. ‘’Mmm fuck,’’ came a soft groan in your left ear, so softly you couldn’t make out the voice You enjoyed the feeling of their mouths nipping at your nipples and fingers in your pussy and on your clit. Their hands were soft, only fuelling and igniting your senses further. Desire flowed from their mouths and fingers filling every crevice of your body and mind. "Kiss me,’’ you said as they simultaneously switched their hands, the one that was on your clit going between your wet lips, the other now on your clit, spreading your juices. They were starting to get more comfortable and the pressure in their fingers increased – one working your clit like it had never been worked before, the other fingers slipping into your wet pussy.
One of them pushed their lips to yours since laws of physics would only allow one head to occupy the same space above your mouth. His tongue parted your lips further and snaked into your mouth. The kiss was hungry, hot, and passionate but still not giving you a clue as to who it was. It didn’t matter at that point. You moaned into the bother's mouth that was kissing you as the other brother pushed his hand away from your pussy and slithered down your body, then climbed between your legs. He placed both hands on your thighs and pulled your legs open then flattened his tongue on your pussy and ran the length. As soon as his tongue touched your clit, you felt an orgasm gathering deep inside. You knew it wouldn't take you long to reach because not only had the two hands done a fucking good job but this was by far the most arousing thing you had ever experienced. Double of everything was going double the sensations.
The brother at your pussy flicked your clit with his tongue and then sucked your lips and tugged softly at them, two of his fingers deep inside of you, curling to maximize and draw out what they were looking for. He continued to use his lips and tongue to torment your clit. He began to race circles around it, and you could feel it pulsing against his tongue. He would close his lips over it and tug, letting it snap back just before pleasure turned into pain.
You gasped and panted as your orgasm cascaded and tumbled from your stomach and spread through your whole body. You pulled from the kiss, and your arms flailed for a second trying to find purchase until you gripped the head between your legs.
‘’Oh oh oh, fuck yessss,’’ you screamed as your body jerked, cumming. You ground your pussy into the fantastic mouth, wanting more, more. Your orgasm washed over you like tidal waves; rising, crashing, and flowing throughout your body, then pulling back to only rise, crash, and flow again.
Just as your body began to relax and the mouth eased up on your pussy, both nipples were being pinched and rolled and pulled. It hurt and you drew in a breath to gasp in pain but before you could, the pain crackled like lightning through your body and exploded from your clit.
‘’Oooh fuuckkk,’’ you yelled and tried to pull from the mouth on your pussy as a second wave of convulsions shook your body. ‘’I…Ch…Ma’’ you were saying when you realized you didn’t know whose name to call to warn them. Fingers thrummed over your clit, dragging your orgasm out for what seemed an eternity. Your body bucked so violently that your muscles ached. You couldn't catch your breath enough to gasp for them to stop, because there was a sensation coming that you had never experienced. Up until now.
Just as the one brother lifted his mouth from your pussy and withdrew his fingers, the other mouth left your nipples, tittie boy moving down to between your legs too. His tongue rolled over your pussy, humming a pleasurable moan, He had just pulled back when you let go. You didn’t know what you were letting go of, but you did. Your body trembled and shook, as you lifted your pelvis off the bed instinctively. The biggest and best orgasm you had ever had ripped through your body, numbing your brain for a few seconds, but not your voice as you screamed loudly enough to awaken the dead.
‘’Oh shit,’’ you heard, from, you guessed Matt
‘’Holy fuck,’’ were the words escaping Chris’ lips
‘’Oh no,’’ you groaned feeling yourself surrounded by wetness. ‘’Oh my god, I’m sorry.’’
A hand gripped your leg and the body moved to lay back down next to you. The other brother followed suit and lay on your other side, his hand resting on your stomach. You were still shuddering when you rolled onto your side, one arm slipped under the head of the brother you faced, and the other reached behind yourself to rest on the hip of the brother behind you. For the first time ever you had multiple orgasms and one long, earth-shattering one. Yet you craved more. You wanted to be filled. You wanted their dicks in every hole you had. "Let me up. Turn the light on," you said still trying to catch your breath "No, it’s okay, baby’’ you heard Matt say softly to your left, where Chris had been previously, ‘’don't freak out. Take it easy babe." You loved how he cupped your cheek with his hand and pushed his lips to your temple, trying to comfort you
‘’Yeah,’’ Chris said with a laugh, ‘’It was just squirt. I think it’s fucking hot.’’ Chris too tried to reassure you and ran a soft hand tenderly over your body, his lips finding yours. You darted your tongue between his lips, into his mouth, kissed him for a few seconds, before you bit his bottom lip and pulled back. "Just… let me up," you growled and pushed yourself away from them and slid over Chris’s body. Oh god. You could feel the cool wetness of his pre-cum drag along your body as you slid off the bed. You wanted more. You needed more of them. You needed to be complete.
You sighed as your feet hit the lush carpet because you wanted to grab his dick and shove it into your mouth but you also needed the light on. You wanted to see every inch of them. You hurried to the light switch and tapped it, turning it on. All three of you squeezed your eyes shut at the harsh light taking over the dark.
‘’’Fuck, y/n,’’ Chris said with a laugh, ‘’give us a warning.’’
‘’Sorry,’’ you said turning around
‘’Y/n’’ Matt said, his voice filled with concern for you, now blinking as his eyes got used to the light, ‘’is this too much for you?’’ You shook your head vigorously, lifting your hands and waving them from side to side, ‘’no, you misunderstood. It’s the opposite. I want more. So much more!’’
You watched as their handsome faces relaxed and smiles replacing their worried looks, turning them from handsome to fucking sexy. You had always found their smiles to be alluring.
‘’Sorry about…you know…wetting you…’’ you said as you walked back to the bed
Both smiled wider, ‘’that was your first time?’’ Chris asked
‘’Yeah,’’ you said and dropped to your knees next to the bed. ‘’You two are amazing. Again, I want more. Both of you get over here,’’ you demanded and saw the looks of pride they exchanged before they obeyed. Chris being the closest was the first, there. He slid his fingers under you chin and tilted your head up slightly to look at him.
‘’You’re so fucking beautiful,’’ he said and brushed his thumb over your luscious lips
‘’You both drive me wild,’’ you said and wrapped your hand around his dick. He was so fucking hard, you wanted to drop to your back and beg him to shove it deep into your pussy and fuck you till you couldn’t walk. Instead, you wrapped your lips around him, wanting to desperately taste him. The groan he let out sent a shiver up your spine and acted as a poker to coal turning them from red to white hot. Your tongue darted out and licked the pre-cum off the tip, a moan escaping your lips when your tongue retracted back to your mouth. He tasted so fucking good. ‘’Jesus,’’ Chris moaned as you then engulfed his dick with your hot, wet mouth and swallowed him whole. His hand went to your head as his dick reached the back of your throat and even then you didn’t want to stop. You wanted to swallow him whole, dick first. You felt the warmth of Matt brush against your back so you let Chris slide out of your mouth. His dick was nicely coated in a thick coat of your saliva. You took his dick in your hand once again and rubbed your thumb over the head adding his pre-cum to your spit, making it even more silky.
You turned to Matt as you continued to work Chris with your hand. Matt smiled at you and gave you a wink as he put a hand on your head and slid it down to stop at your neck. You gave him a smile and licked your lips as your free hand wrapped around his cock. You wanted to gasp at how perfect they both were and more so because their dicks were identical. You would have thought maybe one would have a slightly bigger head, or one would be slightly longer, or maybe a slight curve but you were close to both and they were the same. The only difference you could tell was Chris had a little lightning bolt vein on the side of his dick while had two veins that crisscrossed perfectly to form an x under his. You marveled for a second at how their balls were the same, their dicks the same, the amount of hair…the same. You searched for anything, a slightly different cut? Nope. A curve? Nope. A freckle. Nada.
You didn’t take Matt into your mouth immediately as you did Chris’ – you watched as your hand milked clear fluid from the slit in the head. You kissed his dick and probed his slit with your tongue after devouring the pre-cum, to see if you could detect a difference in the taste of their dicks. You took it a little slower with Matt and opened your mouth and very slowly took his dick in, feeling your cheeks flatten as your mouth and throat opened to accept him. As with Chris, you had tilt your head back slightly and hunch your shoulders to take all of him. You held him there, breathing slowly through your nose.
You smiled up at him as best you could with his dick shoved in your mouth and down your throat, then, he surprised you. Matt. The quieter of the two brothers. He placed his hands on your head and began to thrust, fucking your mouth.
‘’Oh fuuuuck,’’ Matt groaned through clenched teeth, his jaw jumped making you moan. Your moan was muffled by his dick but the vibration must have reverberated through him because he groaned and pulled his dick from your mouth slowly.
‘’Come on,’’ Chris said, grabbing your hands and pulling you up. ‘’No more playing around, I wanna fuck…but first we’re tasting that pussy again.’’
‘’So it was you at first?’’ you asked with a smirk
‘’You’ll never know what happened in the dark. What happens in the dark in Vegas, stays in the dark in Vegas,’’ he said and smacked your ass, making you squeal
‘’Think you’ll be able to tell who ate you out when we do it again?’’ Matt asked sliding his arm around your waist and whispering in your ear
‘’Probably not. You two are much more alike than you know! However, I can tell you apart, but that will be for next time,’’ you said with a cheeky grin and climbed onto the ridiculously high and big bed. They both chuckled at you and you glanced over your shoulder and shook your ass. ‘’You’ve got such a pretty, smooth pussy,’’ Matt said and grabbed your ankles then pulled you closer, causing you to fall flat on your stomach, only to be flipped over again. You laughed, imagining this was how rag dolls felt but you fucking loved it!
‘’Fucking ruin me tonight,’’ you said and pushed yourself up with your arms as Matt pulled your legs open
‘’Ruin you for others, yeah,’’ Matt said and dropped to push his tongue into your pussy, making you gasp loudly ‘’yeah, you’re ours now,’’ Chris said with a wicked grin and leaned in. He stopped, his lips hovering just above yours, his eyes searching yours. You smiled and lifted your hand, placing it behind his head. ‘’We love you, don’t you ever change.’’
‘’I love you both, too,’’ you said and pushed your lips to his, immediately moaning into his mouth from both the delicious kiss Chris was giving you and Matt thrusting his tongue into you while his finger found your little clit. You threw yourself into his kisses and wrapped your hand around Chris’ dick. You were surprised again by how they knew exactly what they were doing. Working you…preparing you and again you loved it, looking forward to what was coming up. Both Chris and Matt simultaneously? It was something you dreamed of many times, fantasized about more times than you count, and had cum multiple times on that thought just by itself.
Again you shook as an orgasm broke and crossed your body, Chris pulled from the kiss and held you, letting you ride out your powerful orgasm, while Matt, sweetly planted kisses on your stomach, the muscles still pulling taut. What you noticed coming down was that your body still burned to be filled. The orgasms were beyond fulfilling, yet you wanted more. "Fuck me," you whimpered…you pleaded to either one, or both, pulling at Matt’s arm and looking into Chris’ eyes
Both chuckled and Matt lifted his head and gave you a cheeky smile. Most of your juices were smeared and transferred to your stomach as he kissed you but, there was a drop on his chin, that made you want grab and kiss him. These were some amazing men and further more, amazing friends, as always.
‘’Come on baby girl, it’s our turn to cum,’’ Chris said and you swung your eyes to him. He smiled wider and placed a hand on the back of your head and placed his lips to your forehead.
You were running on pure adrenalin, love, lust and exhaustion, like Matt and Chris earlier, it was like you were wired. You manoeuvred yourself that you were now on top of Matt and Chris was behind you. Not before Chris had grabbed your ass cheeks and spread you open, Matt leaning in and spitting on you, making you moan loudly, grabbing the sheets in your fists. Matt rubbed it into your whole length with his fingers while you thought you couldn’t have asked for better men in your life. How dirty they were in the bed room compared to the outside of it drove your mind and body insane.
Matt lifted your ass with hands on your ass cheeks, locking eyes with yours. He flashed you a smile before he lined you up with his dick, then pushed you down as he lifted his hips, jamming his dick into your pussy. You screamed mostly in pleasure though it felt like he had ripped you in half at first.
‘’Jesus you're so tight,’’ Matt said and then groaned in pleasure You both lay still for a few seconds while you got used to the sudden change, then you leaned over his chest, keeping his dick inside but putting your ass in the air, making it available. Chris stood at the back of you and you glanced over your shoulder wondering what the problem was. His eyes were slightly wide but they shone as he stared at your pussy and ass with Matt’s dick buried deep inside of you, stretching you around his cock. He looked down at his throbbing dick in his one hand and lifted his eyes to meet yours.
‘’Come here,’’ Chris said and motioned with his hand for you to sit up straight again, as he curled his hand around his dick and began stroking it, spreading his pre-cum
You looked at Matt and he gave you a smile and a short nod. You smiled back at him and placed your hands on his chest and pushed yourself up. When you were sitting straight up, Chris leaned in and captured your lips with his, the kiss at first was slow, passionate, and tender and slowly built up into a hungry, animalistic, and ravishing kiss. He pulled from your lips and placed his hand on your back and pushed you down onto Matt where Matt took over, quickly finding your lips as Chris pushed against you. You gasped as the head of his dick slipped inside you, but Matt deepened the kiss and Chris's hand found your clit. He held still for a moment worried because there had been more resistance than he expected but he then slowly pushed deeper.
You pulled from the kiss and sucked in a breath, throwing your head back. Your whole body was in overstimulation and it felt so fucking good but you wanted to be fucked. Hard.
‘’Oh my god, you guys are the best for trying to distract me, I love you but FUCK ME!’’ you said, making them both chuckle
Surprisingly, nothing hurt too much and when it did, it turned into the most blissful pain that one could get addicted too. You only felt full. Fuller than you had ever been and the new sensations had you whimpering and moaning in pure pleasure.
Chris pulled his cock back and you gasped again, not in pain but at the sudden feeling of emptiness. When he pressed forward your body welcomed his dick back without resistance this time. Satisfied that you were ready, that he would not hurt you, he began to fuck you. As he began to move so did Matt. The sounds, moans, groans, grunts the they emitted was enough alone to send you over the edge – you loved louder lovers. Quiet lovers were boring to say the least. They slowly upped their pace and you curled your feet to slip under Matt’s legs, and lifted your legs a little higher, hugging Matt tighter with them. The new positioning tightened your body and made it possible for them to go even deeper.
‘’Fuck yes! Fuck me, stop teasing and ruin me,’’ you yelled, flipping a switch in them and both within seconds began to use your body as a tool designed to bring them pleasure. From below Matt’s hips began to drive deeper fast, his hands feeling up every inch of your body. Chris didn't miss a beat for a second while one of his hands played with your clit, the other found its way around your neck, varying the strength of his fingers against the sides of your neck. When you looked down to see four hands with thick veins sticking out, running over each other, and with their long fingers, you felt yourself growing closer to the orgasm that was building up inside you like a volcano waiting to erupt.
‘’I think I’m going to cum again,’’ you breathed as you rocked back and forth by their combined thrusts but Matt delayed his movements for a fraction of a second to sync with Chris so they could both surge into your depths at the same time. They both knew they wouldn’t be far behind you when you climaxed
You noticed they exchanged glances with smiles, then Matt licked his lips after his eyes shifted to you. ‘’You’re fucking gorgeous, baby girl’’ he said as his breathing started to labour. You reached out and touched his stubbly cheek, dragging your fingers over his chiselled jaw. Chris pressed his stubby cheek against yours, his breathing too came in fast and heavy, ‘’you’re ours now,’’ Chris said and you nodded, smiling widely.
‘’Always,’’ you responded as you began to clamp down around their dicks, then the volcano started bubbling inside of you, shooting hot embers and rising faster. ‘’Ooooh FUUUUUCK! Oh my god, yes, yes yes….don’t stop…’’ you cried as your body began to seize in place as your whole lower body began to quiver. Your inner muscles went to work to milk their thick, hard, long dicks with every savage thrust. You exploded, your orgasm shooting through every nerve on your body, your juices slashing against all three wrapped up in each other, their names spilling in-between your loud moans of pleasure.
Neither Chris or Matt were able to hold out as the sheer power of your climax began to tighten your lower body around their dicks. Your insides gripped them with a vice grip until it felt as if they couldn't move anymore.
‘’HOLY SHIT, OOOH FUUUCK,’’ Chris was the first to let go, Matt just seconds behind him with, ‘’Fuuuuck yes baby!’’ flooding your holes with the heat of their cum. Releasing your throat in favor of curling his arms around your waist of your waist, Chris laid his cheek against your shoulder and inhaled your scent, while Matt pushed himself up and cupped your cheeks in his hands, making you smile.
‘’I think you ruined us, baby girl. We can never go back,’’ he said still trying to catch his breath but he captured a nipple in his mouth for a quick suck before he placed his hand under your ass and lifted you up so he slip out from under you. He quickly grabbed the towel you had used earlier and placed it where his hips had been. You gave him a thankful grin
‘’I think it’s time to shower. Don’t you?’’ Chris asked as he pulled himself slowly out of you, causing you to suck in a breath You saw how Matt and Chris smiled at each other overhead.
‘’Don’t even think about using me in the shower,’’ you said and you sat your ass down on the towel and swung yourself around so your legs were dangling off the bed.
‘’Wouldn't dream of it,’’ Matt said and placed little kisses along your jawline
You gasped as your eyes fell on a pile of t-shirts folded neatly on the edge of the chair in the room, and you looked at Chris narrowing your eyes. ‘’You have tee’s right there!’’ you said
Chris let out a laugh, then playfully mimicked your gasp and held his hand in front of his mouth making you giggle. ‘’Oh no. I guess I forgot.’’
‘’You two planned this! I saw you earlier…I didn’t understand then but I do now,’’ you said
‘’Ah come off it,’’ Chris said and bent to look you in your eyes, ‘’that was no accidental spill of water on your bed was it?’’
You bit your bottom lip and gave him a smile, raising your perfectly sculpted eyebrows.
‘’I thought so,’’ Chris said and scooped you off the bed and threw you over his shoulder, not caring that you had combined juices flowing down your legs. You were going to shower, after all, Matt rushing ahead to start the shower.
As you lay between Chris and Matt who had passed out the second their heads hit the pillows, you smiled, snuggling up against them. There were no two other people on this earth that you felt more secure between…safe, warm, and protected and you thanked your lucky stars that Vegas happened. You grinned wondering where the next threesome was going be...
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Slutmas Day 9
Subspace (Chris)
Request: None
Warnings: Sub Chris, kinda short, major mommy kink, use of a vibrator, cockwarming
“Your good boy right mommy? Always wanna be your good boy.”
3rd person pov
Lately Chris has been feeling very submissive in just about every aspect of his life, wanting to be a good boy and please everyone. Matt and Nick have noticed and keep making fun of him calling him a “little bitch” or “a baby” and it’s really starting to hurt his feelings. He doesn’t like them making fun of him over something he doesn’t understand and can’t control.
The boys hometown best friend and roommate Y/n finds it kinda cute, she’s constantly telling him he’s doing a good job and making him blush. She’s making him feel some type of way that he can’t describe but it turns him on. Chris would usually just jerk off when he’s horny, but for some reason he can’t bring himself to do it lately. He feels like he somehow needs permission from someone.
Y/n noticed her praising had an effect on Chris one day when she told him how good of a job he was doing cleaning his room. He was making his bed when she came in, “Ooo Chris you’re doing such a good job, it looks so good sweetheart” is what she told him. For some reason that sentence was enough to make him hard, he whimpered when she said it before coming over to give her a hug. Y/n could feel his hard-on against her thigh and he whimpered again as her thigh rubbed against his cock.
Chris had become increasingly clingy, always wanting to be near his brothers or Y/n. Almost like a shadow, following their every move. Once again, his two brothers found it irritating as they had no personal space. They’re constantly running into and stepping on him since he’s always in the way. Y/n found it cute that he’d follow her around, always helping her, wanting to please the younger girl. One day he slipped up as he was feeling extra submissive, thankfully Matt and Nick were not home because he’d be so embarrassed if they heard. His two brothers went to stay the night at a friends house but Chris didn’t want to go since he was now only super clingy towards Y/n.
“That’s a good boy, thank you for helping me” is the sentence that made him slip up, after he put something back onto a higher shelf for her. The words that slipped out of his mouth instantly made him feel embarrassed, “Your good boy right mommy? Always wanna be your good boy” is what had slipped out. He was about to apologize when Y/n said “Mhm you’re mommy’s good boy Chris” for some reason she was oddly turned on.
Y/n’s pov
I was loving how submissive Chris had been towards me this past month, he was being so cute and loved my praising. I swear I could’ve cum on the spot when he said “Your good boy right mommy? Always wanna be your good boy” after I had called him a good boy for helping me. His cheeks flushed a deep red shade and he was about to apologize when I put my hand on his chest and looked up at him “Mhm you’re mommy’s good boy Chris” I told him. A loud whine had fallen from his mouth when I said that as his mind went to a dirty place. He was already extremely horny from not jerking off so the next sentence just kind of tumbled out without him meaning to say it out loud.
Chris had grabbed my hand, looking at me with the most innocent face “C-Can I please jerk off mommy? I’ve been good, I haven’t touched myself in three weeks! N-Need to c-cum, please” he stated anxiously. His face was then covered in a deeper blush that spread to the tip of his ears and down his neck. “How about you let mommy make you feel good? I think my good boy deserves an award, don’t you?” I asked making his eyes go wide while I pushed his hair back a little. “Yes! Yes please, mommy! I wanna feel good!” he said excitedly.
We went down to my room and I went to go grab some lingerie to change into when Chris grabbed my wrist, stopping me. “No, please you already look so pretty, wanna see you” he quietly mumbled out, I cupped his face in both hands “Yeah, you think so? So sweet baby, now can you strip for me and go sit on the bed like a good boy?” I asked, placing a kiss on his lips. He quickly complied sitting against the headboard, his cock already dripping precum onto his stomach.
I teasingly undressed in front of Chris making him whine, only leaving my panties on before going to my dresser. I opened one of the drawers to grab a small vibrator to use on Chris, “Have you ever used a vibrator before handsome?” I asked sweetly. He shook his head no, blush creeping up onto his cheek again as I sat down to the left of him. “Have you ever wanted to use one?” I questioned, loving the way his eye went wide and his mouth slightly parted. “Yes, wanna use one please” he admitted.
I pushed some of his hair back before placing a soft kiss to his neck, making him whine when I trailed my hand down his chest. I took him by surprise when I grabbed his hard cock and dug my thumb into the slit. “M-Mommy?” “Yes angel?” “Can I g-get a kiss?” I smiled at how cute he was before moving my other hand up to his face. I smiled as I pulled him in for a slow kiss, lightly biting his lip when I pulled away, “Are you gonna listen to me and be a good boy?” I asked him.
I removed my hand from his cock making him let out a loud whine, “Please! I promise I’ll be your good boy!” he said pathetically. I took the vibrator and brought it down to the base of his cock, “Put your hands behind your back and don’t cum, okay?” I told him, “Okay mommy” he complied. I turned on the vibrator to a medium-high setting causing Chris to let out a loud gasp, I started slowly moving it up and down the underside of his cock, tracing a very prominent vein. “Can you spit on your cock for me baby?” I asked, to which Chris did almost immediately.
“Good job sweetheart” I smiled at him as I wrapped my hand around his cock, jerking him off with the vibrator. Chris bucked his hips up a few times as he moaned and whimpered in pleasure. “Feels so good, thank you mommy” he whined out, “You’re welcome, are you close to cumming yet baby?” I asked as I sped up my movements. “Y-Yeah” he said back quietly, “If I suck you off, will you be a good boy and cum for me?” I teased, already knowing the answer. “Yes mommy, wanna cum for you” he moaned as I moved to be in between his legs.
I moved my hand away and turned off the vibrator, immediately going down to suck his cock. I started off by teasing the head a bit by giving it kitten licks before deep throating him. It only took a couple of minutes for Chris to loudly moan as he came in my mouth. I swallowed and looked at him, he was panting and had a slight sheen of sweat on his forehead, making his hair stick to it. “Do you think you can get hard again so mommy can ride you?” I asked softly. Chris said “If you makeout with me I can” in a small voice.
I moved to straddle his lap, immediately pulling him in for a rough kiss. I started slightly grinding on him, slowly feeling his cock get hard again as I did so. “Ready mommy, wanna be inside you” he whined, I got off his lap just long enough to take my panties off and quickly returned to his lap. I started slowly grinding a bit, my wetness spreading across his cock. “M-Mommy, I made you that wet right? Cause I’m your good boy?” Chris inquired, “Yes baby, it was all you. You’re my good boy” I smiled at him.
“Ride me please?” he asked quietly, “Okay, are you ready?” I questioned as I lined up his tip with my entrance. Chris nodded and we both let out pornographic moans as I sank down in his cock. “You’re so big baby” I said, loving the way he stretched me out, I immediately started bouncing on his cock, making Chris whine. “Can I touch your boobs please mommy?” he asked politely after a couple of minutes. Since Chris had been good so far, I agreed and he started to fondle my breasts. He ducked his head down to suck on one of my nipple while he played with the other one, helping me get to my high faster.
“Mommy? I need to cum! Can I please cum?” Chris pleaded, letting out a loud whine at my response. “Not yet, I’m so close baby, just a little longer” I moaned back as I started bouncing faster. Chris was a whiny, whimpering mess as it was getting harder him to hold it. “Cum with my baby” I moaned as I started cumming around his cock, Chris not far behind. After a few more bounces, he was cumming inside of me with a loud moan. “Oh thank you mommy! Felt so good! I love you Y/n” his breath hitched at his last sentence, not meaning to say it out loud.
“I love you to Chris” I softly smiled back, exhausted from riding him. I was about to pull off when Chris stopped me, “Wait! Can you please cockwarm me while we take a nap?” he asked shyly, “Of course I can, you wanna lay down?” I replied. Chris just nodded, moving us onto our sides and laying down, burying his head in my neck. “Goodnight handsome” I said while playing with his hair, “Goodnight Y/n/n” he mumbled back. We both slowly drifted off to sleep, hoping Nick and Matt wouldn’t come check on us when they get home later.
All work is subject to copyright
©Daddyslilchickenfingers2 2023
Do not steal, use, or reupload my work
Tag list: @angelic-sturniolos111 @biimpanicking @biplrbtch @chrisenthusiast @chrisolivia4l @christinarowie332 @chr1sgirl4life @delimeats-000 @dev-speaks @ermdontmindthisaccount @flowerxbunnie @fionaheartswomen @freshlovehacker @heartsforchrisandmatt @iheartchrissturniolo @ilovemattsturn @its-jennarose @justaslvttygirl @kvtie444 @lustfulslxt @luvysworld @m6ttsturniolo @mangosrar @mangoposts @meerkatzthings @mattsnutsack @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @recklesssturniolo @solarsturniolo @soursturniolo @strniohoeee @sturniolohoe @sturniolosluvv @sturniolopepsi @sturnphilia
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futuremrsreid · 1 year
Redemption (S.R.)
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Summary: When Spencer risks his life on a case and doesn't want to see how dangerous it was, reader tries to talk some sense into him. It results in a lot of yelling and some other things.
A/N: So..... smutty angst, as promised <3 I hurt myself while writing this. Enjoy.
Content Warning: Smut (18+), very very mildly dubious consent, a bit of dark Spencer but he's just traumatized, angst, sad, dominant Spencer, kinda sub reader
Word Count: 4,1k
I was pissed. Actually, pissed didn’t even begin to describe the rage I felt at that moment. 
We were currently in Florida, hunting another psychopathic bastard as always. Everything was fine and under control, up until the moment Dr. Spencer fucking Reid decided it would be a good idea to drive to the unsubs location alone because he was “closest to him” and because we “didn’t have time” and nearly got himself killed in the process. Luke and I had arrived just in time to prevent disaster, but Spencer still got a few bruises on his face. 
I was furious and let him feel it by yelling at him while he was getting checked out in the ambulance. But like always, my yelling resulted in his yelling. We went at it for a couple of minutes but Emily put a stop to it before it got really bad, concerned about the reporters at the scene who already started to take a few pictures of us.
:keep reading:
We didn’t talk or look at each other for the rest of the case. Emily let Spencer get away with it because everything turned out fine, but I was not feeling gracious. 
When Garcia informed us that there was a storm that would delay our flight for the next couple of hours, Emily decided that we should just spend another night in the city and fly back in the morning. We all drove back to the hotel and when we arrived, I was on Spencer's heels all the way from the car to his room. He didn’t even try to stop me, he knew there was no point to it.
“That was so fucking irresponsible, Spencer! What were you thinking”, I started to yell as soon as I had closed the door behind me. I wanted to say “stupid” instead of “irresponsible” but decided against it. I wanted him to understand that he can’t do shit like this, and not insult him.
“It worked out fine, y/n. I don’t understand why you’re getting yourself worked up over this!” He rubbed his hand over the side of his face, clearly done listening to me.
“It only worked out fine because Luke broke like every rule you can break in traffic to get to the scene as fast as possible!”
“Oh right, Luke, my hero. I should go thank him, don’t you think?” he chuckled humorlessly and rolled his eyes.
“Maybe! He’s the reason you’re not dead.” I tried lowering my voice. This wasn’t our first fight, and I have learned in the past that screaming won’t help.
“I would have been fine! I had it under control, y/n. God, just leave me alone”, he spat and I felt a stabbing in my chest at the way he didn’t want to see how much danger he put himself in.
This wasn’t the first time he risked his life like that and I hated it. All of us hated it. Spencer seemed drawn to dangerous situations, it had been that way when I joined the team and from stories the others told me, it had been this way before that.
When I met Spencer, he was freshly out of Prison. They hired me together with Matt after Agent Walker died. The first time I saw him, I knew I had to befriend him. What I didn’t know was how easy it would be and how much easier it would be to fall in love with him. 
I tried to push it down, to get rid of it, scared that it would ruin everything, but there was no way of falling out of love with him, which made the situation even harder. Spencer didn’t seem to realize how much he hurt me whenever he risked his life like this. I wasn’t even sure he realized how much I cared about him. 
“I’m not going to leave until you admit that you were wrong.” 
“Well, this is going to be a long night then, because that’s never gonna happen.” He turned and walked away from me, removing his suit jacket and draping it over one of the chairs in his room. I sighed.
“Spencer, you need to stop risking your life like this. You're gonna get yourself killed”, I pleaded, but it fell on deaf ears. I tried to get him to look at me, but he avoided my eyes. “Please. I can’t lose you and especially not like that.”
“The day will come when you and the rest of the team realize that this is exactly the way it is supposed to end for me. Dying in the field would be an honorable death. It’s the only redemption I will ever get.” 
“What?”, I breathed and my heart stopped for a moment, “What do you mean, Spencer?”
“I meant what I said.” 
“Redemption? What redemption, Spence? You don’t need any, you haven’t done anything wrong.” I was confused and hurt by the way he said it. It sounded almost suicidal. 
“Yes, I have. I have done horrible things in my life, y/n. I will never be able to make up for them.” 
“You don’t have to! Everyone makes mistakes. You are a good person Spencer. You’re kind and gentle, you saved hundreds of lives in your career, you don’t need to make up for anything.” I tried to get through to him, but it was like I was hitting a wall.
“Prison changed me, it turned me into a different man. I’m not nearly as gentle or kind as I used to be.”
“I don’t know you any other way. I almost can’t imagine you being even more gentle than you are now. I don’t think anyone can be.”
“I was though”, he countered almost immediately, still unable to look at me, “I think you would have liked the man I was. He was gentler, kinder, and more deserving of you than I could ever be now.” He didn’t even sound sad when he said it, almost like he had accepted his truth from the moment he met me. 
“You know, you talk about yourself like you are the worst man in the world”, I said in an accusatory tone.
“Am I not?”, Spencer scoffed, raising his voice slightly while going on, “We hunt terrible men every day but in the end, how different am I from them? What makes me a good man and them a bad one, y/n?” He was almost yelling now, stunning me for a moment too long. When I didn’t reply, he turned to finally look at me. “Tell me y/n, what is it about me that convinces you I’m not every bit as bad as them?” The desperate look on his face made me take a step toward him but for every step I took, he stepped two back.
“Spencer, I-” My voice faltered and I didn’t know what to say. I knew he wasn’t anything like them but I wasn’t able to find any words that would convince him. When my mouth stayed open but no words left it, he took my silence as an invitation to go on.
“I almost killed Cat Adams, did JJ ever tell you that?” He spat, walking over to me and pushing me back until I hit the wall. 
“I put my hands around her throat and choked her until she was clawing at my wrists. And I didn’t stop then”, he moved even closer to me and I was unable to move away, the words leaving his mouth freezing me into place, “I told her that I was going to kill her and I meant it. I would have strangled her if JJ hadn’t pulled me off her.” He moved even closer, his voice dropping to a whisper. “Her eyes were filled with fear, and you know what? I enjoyed it, y/n. I loved the way I scared her, the way she struggled for her life against me.”
He leaned in and I felt his breath ghost over my ear when he said the last words of his cruel monologue. “So tell me, y/n. Tell me how different I am from those men.”
He stayed where he was, his hands at his side and his mouth grazing my ear. He was trying to intimidate me with his speech and to be honest, he would have convinced me if it hadn’t been for the way his nose brushed against my hair, inhaling my scent like he was convinced this was the last chance he ever had to commit it to memory. 
“You can’t scare me with your words, Spencer. If you want me to believe how terrible of a person you are, you’re gonna have to show me because I will never believe it otherwise.” He probably calculated every possible outcome of this situation, but when he pulled back to look at me, I knew that he didn’t expect me to respond like this.
“Cat Adams is a monster who had you tortured and assaulted. She kidnapped your mother. Do you really expect me to feel bad for her? I never even met her. If you want to scare me away, you’re gonna have to do better than that.” 
There was a long moment of silence where we just watched each other. I thought I managed to break through to him for a second, but Spencer was on a mission to make me despise him, and he was determined to make it happen. His eyes darkened and he straightened up, towering over me.
I felt a sliver of doubt about my faith in him at that moment and he must have seen it cross my eyes because when I lifted a hand to push him back, he harshly grabbed my wrist and spun me around, using his body to push me against the wall. My arm was twisted behind my back and when I started to struggle out of pure instinct he took my other wrist in his hand and held both my arms behind my back, resulting in me being pushed more into the hard surface, my cheek flush against the wall.
When the shock had left me, I opened my mouth to ask him what the fuck he was doing, but Spencer was faster than me. He took his other hand and held it over my mouth.
“Do you believe me now?”, he whispered in my ear and I felt my pulse quickening. “You are so fucking naive y/n and honestly, you’re a little stupid too. What the fuck makes you think I would never hurt you, huh? You don’t know me.” 
It was those last words that took me back to reality because I did know him. I knew the way he brought everyone on the team their favorite food when they were sad. I knew the way his voice got an octave higher when he started talking about something that excited him. 
I knew the way he recited his favorite poems when I struggled to go to sleep after a tough case.
He won't hurt me. 
He would never hurt me.
He would never do something like this.
So, against every instinct in my body, I tried to calm my heart down and closed my eyes. I tried to speak but his hand on my mouth didn’t let me so I jerked my head back and stunned him with my sudden movement long enough to say a few words I knew he definitely didn't want to hear.
“You are all talk Spencer Reid. You would never hurt me and we both know that”, my voice was louder than I had expected and I felt his hand tighten around my wrists, “You can push me against the wall and insult me and tell me the terrible things you could do to me all you want but we both know that you would never lay a hand on me without my permission and you would never hurt someone who didn’t deserve it.”
His hand loosened and I used this opportunity to free myself of his grip and turn around. He was angry that his plan didn’t work and I saw his hands twitch with restraint, but I wasn’t scared of him. 
He had just proved to me that he was the man I knew he was.
“You’re not an abuser, you’re not a rapist-”
“Shut up.”
“- and you’re not a murderer. That’s what makes you different Spencer.”
“I said shut up!”, he yelled and I did the only thing I knew to do in response to that. I yelled back.
“Or what, Spencer? Are you gonna pin me against the wall and put your hand against my mouth again like the bad person you are, huh?” Spencer got angrier and more frustrated with every word I was saying but I was determined to speak my mind, “You’re gonna shut me up like the scary man you are, Dr. Reid? You’re gonna-” But I didn’t get further than that because in a heartbeat he forced me back against the wall again with his hands on both my cheeks and his lips pressed against mine.
He pulled back, “Please y/n, please shut up”, and the desperate tone in his voice awakened something primal in me.
“If you want me to shut up, you’re gonna have to make me because I will never stop trying to convince you that you are a good man, Spencer.” When he didn’t say anything I went on. “You are kind and gentle and-” 
He kissed me again, and this time I kissed him back until I wasn’t able to breathe anymore. His kisses wandered to my neck then.
“You say I am a good man, but you don’t know the things I thought about doing to you”, he bit the skin on my neck then and I gasped, which seemed to spur him on further, “I want to pin you down and fuck you until you’re crying. I want to make you feel so good that you can’t take it anymore.”
His kisses moved up my neck and to my ear. “ I want to break you into a thousand pieces and put you back together again. I want to ruin you for everyone else, I want to lock you in so that no man can ever look at you again and at the same moment I want to show you off to the entire world because you are the best thing in my life. I want to take you and make you mine”, he cried out, holding my hips in a bruising grip.
“Then take me, Spencer. Take me, break me, ruin me, I don’t care. I am already yours. I have been yours since the moment I met you.” He looked me in the eyes then, searching for any lies, any doubt, and when he didn’t find any, he kissed me another time.
“Say it again”, he demanded and let his hands travel down my body.
“I am yours, Spencer.”
“Again.” His hands roughly shoved up my skirt, his breath warm on my neck.
“I’m yours.” When his hand brushed against the damp panties I was wearing, I sucked in a breath.
“I’m yours, Spencer. Only yours. Now please do something.” My plea seemed to finally push him over the edge because a second later he was moving the cotton aside and his fingers met wet skin.
He told me “Again.” over and over again, but the longer his fingers were moving inside of me, and the louder the sounds of my pleasure got, the more his demanding turned into begging and it wasn’t until I felt my orgasm wash over me, that he stopped our back and forth to press his lips against mine once more. 
My legs were trembling when he removed his hand from my cunt and the way he looked at me while bringing the same fingers that were inside of me moments ago to my lips didn’t help steady them.
He didn’t need to say anything, I knew exactly what he wanted. I don’t think he was quite prepared for the sight before him when my lips accepted his fingers and my tongue swirled around them though, because Spencer's eyes became even more feral at it.
“Fuck.” He removed his fingers and in only a few seconds removed my shirt, took off my bra, and had my skirt on the floor. I tried taking off his clothes too, but when my fingers started to unbutton his shirt, he gripped my wrists and walked me over to the bed. 
“If I had known that our fight would end in us having sex, I would have waited until we had something better available than a cheap hotel bed”, I breathed out a laugh. I figured he’d laugh as well but he returned a soft “Do you want to stop?”
“God no, but this bed is gonna squeak really loudly”, and this time I was met with a laugh. He didn’t interrupt when I started another attempt to undress him. When I was done with his shirt he finally raised his hands to touch me again and my whole body shivered when his palms made contact with my breasts. Feeling my erect nipples on his skin must have awoken yet another thing in him because the next thing I knew he was throwing me onto the bed. I didn’t even have time for a shocked gasp before he was on me, pinning my wrists down on the mattress.
“You know when I told you I want to ruin you”, he said while letting his hands travel down my body to grip the waistband of my panties, “I really did mean it.” And with that, he ripped the cotton apart and threw it to the side.
He continued to deny me any time for a reaction when he grabbed my thighs and pulled me towards him. His hips took their very rightful place between my thighs and pressed against me. 
We both moaned when his covered bulge pressed against wet and hot skin.
“Beg me to fuck you, y/n.” I think he was expecting me to hesitate, but I was desperate for him to touch me.
“Please fuck me, Spencer,” I moaned and ran my nails down his back.
“Huh, I thought you would put up more of a fight, to be honest.” He sounded disappointed, but his eyes told me that he was relieved I wanted this just as much as he did.
“Do you want me to?”, I still asked, wanting to give him everything he yearned for. 
“Another time. I think we dragged this out long enough for today”, he said and with that, he took off his underwear and I got to see all of him for the first time. I knew he would be beautiful, and it applied to any part of him, but I couldn’t fully conceal my shock at the length of him. 
And that smug bastard smirked. “Don’t worry darling, we'll make it fit.”
And with that, he moved back between my thighs and lined himself up with my entrance. I expected him to at least try and tease me a little but he started to push inside me immediately. 
We locked eyes while we both felt inch after inch of him sink inside of me. It was intense, erotic and so intimate that I felt the urge to look away. He must have felt it too, because when he was fully buried inside of me, his lips pressed against mine in a bruising way.
When he started to move and his lips started their way down to my jaw and neck, I completely lost it, moans and whimpers flowing from my mouth in a volume that even surprised myself. Spencer thrust harder and deeper the louder I became.
“I know you were worried about the bed being too loud, but I’m pretty sure your moans are covering that sound up pretty successfully, angel”, he panted with a labored breath and heat rose to my cheeks. I was trying to remember if any of our coworkers shared any walls with Spencers' room, but he was literally fucking me stupid so I just removed a hand from his back and bit down on my fingers, hoping no one has heard yet. When Spencer saw, he slowed down. He reached down the side of the bed and lifted up my torn panties, and then proceeded to remove my finger from my mouth to push the cotton in its place. “There, now you won't have to hurt your finger”, and with that, he picked up a brutal pace again.
He was muffling his own moans by pressing his mouth onto my shoulder, no doubt leaving behind a dozen of hickeys. He was losing it, I could feel it in the way he pushed his fingers into my hips and the muscles in his back tensing. I wasn’t doing much better, my thighs were trembling and my panties were barely concealing my noises anymore. The room smelt like sweat and sex, Spencer’s skin was hot on mine and I never felt more whole in my life. I could feel my orgasm building inside of me.
“Touch yourself for me, angel. I want you to come with me.” I didn’t hesitate and started rubbing circles over my clit. It only took a few moments until my orgasm washed over my entire body and Spencer quickly ripped my gag from my mouth to kiss me. My thighs and cunt clenching around him, pulling him into me as deep as humanly possible, must have pushed him over the edge because after a few more strokes he stilled at my deepest point and came.
He released my lips from his and put his forehead on mine so we could both catch our breaths. It was quiet for a few minutes. I could feel his cum dripping out of me between our bodies and spared a quick thought to the poor person that would have to clean these sheets. I couldn’t bring myself to care though, not with the way he kissed my skin and nuzzled his face into my neck. I moved a hand to his hair to run my fingers through it, the strands curling once again from sweat wetting them.
“Tell me again.” He spoke so softly I almost didn’t hear, and I’m not sure I was supposed to. It took me a moment to realize what he meant but when I did, I moved my mouth to whisper in his ear.
“I’m yours, Spencer. As long as you’ll have me.”
“Forever then?”, he pulled away to look at me, but before I could answer, there was a knock at the door.
“Ayo Spencer, are you and y/n still fighting? We decided to go to a bar a few blocks away, but you’re only allowed to come if you don’t put us all in a pissy mood”, Luke's voice seeped through the door. I could feel Spencer trying to come up with a reply but before he had a chance, I spoke up.
“Actually, Luke, we’re still in the middle of fighting and I don’t think you want either of us there with you right now.” I tried to sound mad and I must have been convincing enough because even Spencer furrowed his brows at the tone in my voice. I smiled at him and trailed a hand up his arm to reassure him that I was just putting up a show.
“Well, okay just… Try to remember you two are friends and don’t actually want to kill each other”, he replied almost nervously. Damn, we must have really worried the team with our fight this time.
When we heard his footsteps moving away, Spencer started to detangle us from each other. He was still inside of me and when he pulled out, I sighed at the empty feeling it left behind.
“I’m gonna get something to clean you up.” He tried to stand up but he didn’t get very far before I pulled him back. I held his face in my hands and made sure he was looking at me when I said the words I know he desperately needed to hear.
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imtryingbuck · 1 year
Divorce Always Comes With A Price.
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~ gif not mine credit to owner ~
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Summary: Bucky confesses to having an affair and wants a divorce
Word count: 1023
Warnings: Angst. That’s all.
A/N: there’s going to be a second part.
Part 2
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The skies start to turn dark even with the sun shining brightly, if you didn’t know any better, you’d think it was forewarning for what’s to come.
Taking a deep breath, you look up at the sky to see the birds flying freely with no care in the world. Looking around there’s two paramedics sitting in the van waiting for another call to come through, seeing two young new parents with their bundle of joy waiting for a car to pull up. You smile. Then your pushed to the side. A man in a suit on his phone talking rather loudly about how long he had to wait to be seen. You still smile. That’s when your phone goes off and you see the notification that your Uber has arrived. 
Marty your driver talks about his wife and three children with so much passion and love you just simply can’t wipe the smile off your face. When it’s time to depart you tip him twice the charge and wish him all the best. Walking into the lobby of the huge building, smiling at everyone you come across. With the news that the doctors told you, you just can’t stop appreciating everything and everyone. Stepping out of the elevator your heart soars seeing your family gathered around.
Bucky shoots straight to his feet and before you can say anything he hands you a folder.
Not looking at you he speaks in a voice you can only describe as detached “I want a divorce I need you to sign these. I’ve been having an affair for the past 4 months and I love her”.
The smile you’ve been wearing drops along with your heart. The air is cut off. The room is spinning. Your world has ended. Trying so hard not to strutter which fails as you ask “y-y-um you l-lo-ve her?”
This man who’ve been your husband for the past two years boyfriend of three, the man who promised to spend the rest of his life with you, is same man that can’t even look you in the eyes as he breaks your heart in to smithereens. He nods. With your his families eyes on you, you do the same. With a shaky hand you take the pen out of James’s outstretched one. With a stuttering breath you sign your name. 
You dare yourself to take one last look at his handsome face before you fall backwards and walk out, no one utters a single word. It feels like time stands still as you wait for the elevator doors to open.
It’s only once you’re outside you realise there’s tears pouring out of your eyes. How long they have been falling is unknown to you. You have no idea how long you’ve been standing still like a statue in front of the building doors. It’s only when you hear the mighty rumble up above you take notice of the rain, its only then you take a step forward then the next and the next. You don’t even realise you’ve walked all the way back to your home drenched head to toe and shivering but you barely flinch.
How you’ve done it is lost on you but you’ve packed all your things up. This isn’t your home, it’s Bucky’s he brought it. Your best friends at the door helping you get everything out, he brings you into a tight hug whispering ‘everything going to be ok’ it’s not. And you’re the only one who knows it.
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It’s been a month since that day, and it’ll be the first time today that you’ll be seeing him again. Staying with Matt for the past four weeks has been okay, you just wish you could wake up from this nightmare and be at home with your husband. Not your husband idiot, he’s with someone else now. He’s divorcing you to be with her. He loves her not you. Idiot. Wishing the voices in your head would leave you just like your husband did. 
He still looks the same, still smells the same. Still not looking in your direction which you’re grateful for, if he did you’d break down in a fit of tears. 
“—I don’t want anything in the divorce, he can keep the house the money, everything. I will have no use for that stuff” you speak in a soft way. And with that it’s done. You’re no longer Y/N Barnes, you’re no longer married to James Buchanan Barnes. You take your leave as fast as you possibly can. You can’t bear to spend another minute around him. As you begin to walk down the corridor with Matt and Foggy on either side of you, you seem them. The people that were your family sitting there on the benches waiting for your now ex-husband, they all bore sad expressions but it’s not them you pay attention to no it’s the brunette-haired woman you’ve never seen before. She’s gorgeous. You take a wild guess and assume she’s the woman Bucky had an affair with. Your heart breaks. But you can see why he loves her. Your feet start to slow down on their own accord Matt notices so ever so gently he grabs your hand and gives a small smile.
Getting back to the apartment where you’ve been staying with Matt you finally let the floodgates open and you make no effort at all to make them stop. Matt stands there not knowing what to say or do, nothing he can say will make this pain go away. So he does the same thing he’s done for the past month, he holds you, he holds you so tightly hating the universe for doing this to such a beautiful, incredible loving person. Hating James for causing you grief, hating the other woman even though he doesn’t know her, hating the all mighty avengers for not doing anything for you. Hating how even with the pain and turmoil you’ve been feeling this past month you can’t find it in yourself to hate the person who’s done this to you. He continues to hold you long after you pass out.
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~ banners credit goes to @sweetpeapod ~
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loveebot · 5 months
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unique (understatement). always has soft skin. lip smackers. knee high socks. ultra mini uggs. weird patterns. likes all colors but in more dull tones. thrifting. love language; acts of service (even though the act is usually messed up due to her clumsiness, it’s the thought that counts). crochets her own clothes. frecklesss. works at the library. people describe her and her outfits as: outlandish. small tattoos. “ballad of a homeschooled girl” by olivia rodrigo. insanely awkward. always has her hair in eccentric hairstyles w/ funky hair accessories. homemade jewelry. oversized everything. loves records.
ㅤㅤ ㅤ۪ㅤ— ㅤ۫ㅤ๑ㅤ ۟ㅤ ˗ˋˏ 🧸 ㅤ‧₊ ♱
w/ matt — deadass perfection. you crochet him sweaters all the time and he’s constantly driving you to thrift stores. he’s really good at calming you down when you feel insecure about what people say to you. and he’s really good at other things too. bonus : he was your first everything ‘cause no one else made you feel as good about yourself as he did.
w/ chris — you guys are actually too cute. he loves your strange fashion sense and you love how he doesn’t care what people think of him and how he acts a fool. your weird personalities match perfectly. you especially love it when he visits you while you’re working at the library. when he fucks you in the very, very back, warning you to stay quiet.
w/ nate — he’s insanely obsessed with you. his favorite thing about you is how you’re constantly making him gifts, even though they don’t always come out as planned. like messy cakes or goofy looking hats. and after every gift, you receive a nice dicking down, which you are very grateful for.
୭ ˚. ᵎᵎ .⁺ ⸝⸝
just me acknowledging that this is 100% inspired by multiple other writers on this app, specifically, starfxkr, princessbrunette (love her sm) and donatellawritings, and if any of the writers who use these type of !readers see this and feel that my interpretation is too close to theirs and they want me to take this down, i will.
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