#and i love that everyone else seems much less fazed than i am
feytouched · 1 year
anxiety on max. doesn't help that i've been nauseous and feeling phantom quakes ever since
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empyreanwritings · 3 years
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Pairing: Princess!Wanda Maximoff x Warrior!Reader
Word Count: 4.2k
Summary: Princess Wanda knew only two things were certain in her life: her father would never allow her to see past the palace walls, and you would have killed anyone to keep her safe (Based off of Yona of the Dawn).
Warnings: Language, violence, mentions of blood and wounds, written like an anime (this makes sense if you've seen it), minor angst, yearning, suggestive content
A/N: Today is @missmonsters2 's birthday, and so I am fulfilling a request she made as birthday gift bc she is the love of my life and deserves nothing less! This ends slightly open-ended but that's bc I may turn it into a series if enough people were interested, so feedback will keep me going ;) <3
Dividers by firefly-graphics
Wanda watched you from her balcony as you trained with Steve. It had been many years since the land had seen war, but you and the other knights trained every day as if battle loomed on the horizon. Your swords met with a resounding ‘clang!’ and she gaped in awe as you pressed your blades closer to Steve’s chest, an ever-growing smirk resting on your lips.
You were somehow much stronger than Steve, who was at least ten years your senior. Rumors spread across the palace that you were descended from gods, but no one but the servants truly believed that. Everyone else knew your village bred warriors - The Valkyries - and you were no exception to their greatness.
“Princess! Get off of that balcony, you know you shouldn’t be watching them train!”
Wanda sighed. After losing her brother and mother in a raid, her father grew more protective. Every move she made was monitored by at least one palace guard; she wasn’t allowed to partake in anything deemed “aggressive”, and she could never step foot outside the palace gates. Her father believed this to be acceptable since the palace grounds were large enough to sustain a small village if needed, but it only made Wanda feel stifled.
Her father pulled her away from the ledge and firmly shut the doors. The curtains flapped violently at the impact, but they didn’t seem to faze his highness. He only cared about pulling Wanda away from the sight of faux violence.
“They were only training, papa,” she whined. “I don’t understand why you assigned Valkyrie as my guard if you never want me to witness her train.”
“Her protecting you has nothing to do with watching her train,” he replied with such a finality there was no room to argue. “Now, please, go with Natalia to the bathhouse. We must get ready for tonight’s festivities.”
Ah, yes. The Firelight Festival.
Every year the king hosted the Firelight Festival at the palace to bring the surrounding villages together. The meaning behind it had been told to Wanda when she was young, but she pushed that out of her mind a long time ago. She only cared about the festival now because it meant she’d have alone time with you. It was the only time her father let her enjoy the festivities without whisking her away back to her room for the evening.
They call me a sheltered princess, she thought as Nat escorted her to the bathhouse. Perhaps they are right. Will I…will I ever be anything more?
She caught a glimpse of you sheathing your sword, laughing along to whatever excuse Steve was coming up with for losing, and frowned. Will I ever be worthy of your attention, my Valkyrie?
“Would you like me to bring you tea?” Nat asked, helping her strip out of her dress before guiding her into the opaque water.
Wanda shook her head and sunk into the water until only her face could be seen. “Just leave me, please.”
“As you wish, Princess.”
Why did that nickname always feel wrong coming from everyone else but you? When Wanda first met you, she insisted you only refer to her as Princess because she saw you as nothing more than a servant. The defiant way she stuck out her chin as she said this made you laugh until you doubled over, which only fueled Wanda’s frustration. There had been nothing funny about her request! Yet you continued to laugh until you wiped a stray tear from your eye.
“Okay, Princess, I’ll do whatever it is you ask of me.”
Her cheeks flushed at the memory. Something about the way you said it made her insides curl until she felt nothing but her nerves buzzing inside of her. Now every time the title left your lips, it felt as if you were teasing her and admiring her all at the same moment. It was confusing.
“Are you trying to drown yourself?”
Wanda jolted at the sound of your voice, sending a wave of water towards the edge of the bath with her arm. Water licked at your boots, but you didn’t flinch. She brushed the wet bangs back from her eyes and found you crouched at the edge. The smile on your face didn’t falter, even as she shrieked at you that she was indecent and you shouldn’t have been in the room.
You tilted your head to the side. “Does the princess not wish for me to see her naked?”
“Because I promise I would never do anything to defile your reputation.” Your eyes never dropped, but she could somehow feel the burn of your gaze across her entire body. “Unless you asked me to.”
A drop above her upper lip pulled her out of her thoughts. She gently touched her face and nearly groaned at the sight of blood on her fingertips. Now you were giving her a nosebleed with your filthy words. Disgusting.
The sight seemed to worry you enough that the smile Wanda loved so much dropped from your face. “Princess - do you need me to fetch a doctor?”
“No!” She crossed her arms over her bare chest and turned away from you. “I do not need a doctor, thank you very much. And I do not need you ogling me! Please leave before I poke your eyes out, you barbarian.”
You snorted. “Barbarian, huh? I guess that’s an upgrade from servant.”
She pressed her lips into a tight line. She refused to smile at your comment because she hated when you made her feel this way. It was as if you did it on purpose! Constantly trying to get a rise out of her, just because you could, at the expense of her feelings. She accepted long ago that you would never return her love, but you didn’t always have to make it seem like this was untrue.
“I’ll leave you be, Princess,” you laughed. “Will I still see you at the Firelight Festival?”
“Obviously,” she grumbled, still refusing to turn around and look at you. “Do not be late when you come to fetch me. The fire flakes are always tastier when they are fresh.”
You agreed and promised to fetch her just before the festivities began, so you could be the first in line, before taking your leave. The door creaked as it opened and shut, and she finally let her arms drop when she heard it click. You were such a mystery to her.
Do you mean the things you say, Valkyrie?
Or is it nothing more than your warrior charm trying to squeeze its way around my heart?
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As promised, you arrived ten minutes before the festival began to escort Wanda to the food stalls. Fire flakes were a staple for the festival, but merchants from all over the kingdom came to give the people a sample of their delicacies. The smell of cooked boar wafting through the air made her mouth water. She had never been allowed to try boar - her father claimed it was meat for peasants - but she always wondered if it tasted as good as it smelled.
You bent slightly to meet Wanda’s gaze and gestured to the corner of her mouth. “You know, it’s not sexy when you drool like.”
She screeched, slapping her hand over her mouth so you could no longer see the unsightly spit pooling on her chin. “I wasn’t trying to be sexy, you pigheaded brute! I was just admiring the smells and realized how hungry I was.”
Your lips lifted slightly. Of course, you weren’t affected by her insult. Somehow, you always seemed more energetic whenever she threw insults your way.
You leaned back into a standing position, hands resting on your hips as you glanced back at the stall with the boar. You sucked at your teeth. His Highness would kill you if he knew you wanted to buy her something other than fire flakes and candy, but…Wanda’s eyes were wide with curiosity when she watched the chef slice into the meat. She had been so sheltered that anything excited her lately. And she looked so damn cute when she had that look on her face.
Wanda looked over at you and saw your fingers clutching your shirt just over the left side of your chest. You didn’t say anything, but the look on your face was one of pain.
“Are you…okay?” She reached up to grab onto your fingers, which only made you tighten your grip on your shirt.
You looked down at her delicate hand then back up to her concerned gaze. “I think I’m having a heart attack.”
“Well, I insist you suck it up,” she declared after a beat. “You are not allowed to die, especially during my favorite festival. I forbid it.”
“You forbid it?”
“Yes. If you dare try to defy me, I will have no choice but to make you spend the next month chained to Sir James.”
You deadpanned. Sir James was not a native to your kingdom, but he was an ally to the palace. He spent most of his time shamelessly flirting with Wanda whenever he visited, and you always felt like cutting off his hands whenever he got a little too close.
“I will not die tonight, Princess,” you relented. “I’d hate to make you sad on the night of your favorite festival.”
“Thank you-”
“Because Gaia knows you don’t need any more wrinkles on your forehead.”
Wanda gasped and shoved two fingers into your side repeatedly, purposefully aiming for the soft spot just under your rib cage where it would hurt the most. “You. Take. That. Back! I do not have wrinkles!”
“Is everything okay, Princess Wanda?” Steve clapped a hand on your shoulder and pulled you back from her brutal assaults. “Do you need me to take over as escort for the evening?”
You nudged his side with your elbow. “She’s fine. We’re just about to go find our seats for the storytelling.”
“You shouldn’t tease the princess so much,” Steve scolded you. “She’s fragile.”
“She’s not fragile,” you countered. “You’re just overprotective of her.”
Wanda raised a finger to speak. “I’m right here-”
“If her father found out you were teasing her, he would force you to clean out the stables for a week.”
“Horse shit isn’t exactly worse than hearing Princess Wanda whine how stuffy her room is.”
She moved to smack your shoulder, but you dodged the blow just in time. “I do not whine! Gods, you’re insufferable. Can we please go sit now?”
You shrugged out of Steve’s hold, ignoring the way he grumbled about not being invited to sit with either of you, and directed her to walk forward. You liked Steve; he was your oldest friend, and he was a good captain to follow. But you didn’t want him butting into your time with Wanda.
The villagers gathered around the giant bonfire every year to hear the story of the first Firelight Festival. How it signaled the end of the brutal winter season and brought the people of this kingdom together now that the snow had melted back into the ground. Wanda always found herself bored listening to the same story every year, but it kept her out of her room longer, so she always insisted on attending.
You found a spot far enough from the crowd to feel comfortable but still close enough to hear the story. Her father would have dragged her back inside had she been seen any farther than this. You let Wanda get comfortable in her spot first before sitting next to her. She enjoyed the way your arm pressed against hers as you sat, and she feared if she moved even an inch, she would lose that comfort.
“Do you think father will ever let me see outside this palace?” She asked once she finally gave up on trying to listen to the story.
“Hm?” You looked down at her, brows furrowed and lip slightly down. “Do you even want to see outside the palace?”
“Some days I don’t think so.” She rested her chin on top of her knees and let herself lean more into your arm. She missed the way you adjusted just to let her be more comfortable against your side. “But there are days when I grow tired of doing the same thing and hearing the same people whisper about me.”
“Do you want me to kill them?”
You probably would kill them if I asked, wouldn’t you? Such a brute.
“No. I just think I want to see the outside world, even if it’s only the surrounding villages. They’re all so different, and I want to know what I’m missing.”
You stared out at the bonfire quietly. A look Wanda couldn’t decipher flashed across your face, but she didn’t have time to ask you what was wrong before you were speaking again.
“If you ordered me to take you outside of the palace, I would,” you murmured. “I would defy your father if that is what you wished, Princess.”
If you don’t stop talking to me like that, I’m going to fall in love with you!
Or get another nosebleed…
She hid her face against her knees this time and whined. You coughed to hide the fact you were smirking at her, but she didn’t need to look up to know that you were. You were so smug sometimes, it drove her crazy.
Someone screamed from across the courtyard, and your moment with Wanda was ruined. You jumped up, unsheathing your sword with one hand and pulling Wanda up with the other.
The screams grew louder, and the people started to grow restless. They shoved their way past you and Wanda to try and get a peek at who was causing the commotion. You knew if you didn’t move now, you were going to be trampled, especially when people saw whatever the source of distress was. You only took a moment to look for a clearing before you were tucking Wanda against your side and guiding her back towards a secure room.
“Stay here until I come to get you,” you ordered her. “Do not open this door for anyone but me, do you understand?”
“What about Steve?” She looked up at you with so much love and trust, you nearly keeled over right there, but you shook your head.
You trusted Steve with your life, but you trusted no one with Wanda’s except yourself.
You cupped her cheek, gently tilting her head so she kept her eyes on you. “Only open this door for me, Princess. I will return soon.”
Dread filled her chest as she watched you secure the door behind you. She wanted to run to the window and watch you until you made it to the source of distress, but she knew what you would say if you caught her.
“Why would you run to the window? What if bandits showed up and were specifically looking for you? You could have gotten hurt!”
She squeezed at her fingers in the hope it would distract her from her worry. You spent your life concerned with Wanda’s safety, but who was concerned for you? You would die for the princess, but would you live for her if she ordered you to?
A crash came from the distance, and screams surrounded the room she hid in. Heavy footsteps sounded like rumbles of thunder as people ran from the palace courtyard to the safety beyond the gates. Wanda had never witnessed a battle, but she assumed this is what one sounded like. She wondered if anyone was fighting - if she would soon smell the blood-soaked earth coming from the outside.
The doorknob rattled, and a hand hit the door, making Wanda jump.
“Princess Wanda, are you there?” It’s Steve. “Princess, if you can hear me, we need to leave now! Open the door, and I will help you.”
She stared at the door. Blood rushed through her ears, muffling all of the screams and conflict beyond the safety of the room. Only open this door for me, Princess. You made it clear that she could not open the door, even for Steve. Steve was a mentor to you, but you didn’t trust him enough with her life. Could she disregard your words and open the door for Steve in hopes of escaping sooner?
Steve cursed and hit the door again. He screamed at her to open it before the situation escalated, but her feet remained frozen in their spot. She refused to betray you. If you said you would return for her, she knew that you would. No matter of man or beast would keep you from fulfilling that promise.
Wanda sat on the floor, moving slowly to ensure she didn’t make a sound. It was better if Steve did not know she was in the room because, despite your words, she still hated to hurt Steve’s feelings. He was only trying to keep her safe too.
Time moved slower the longer she sat in that room. The struggle outside never quieted, and the longer you took to return, the more she worried you were injured.
What will I do without my Valkyrie?
Can I survive without someone holding my hand?
She didn’t have time to ponder on it further when you burst through the door. The sight of you made her gasp. You were covered in blood and sweat; the soft eyes she fell in love with all those years ago were steel as you looked at her. She finally caught a glimpse of who you were really. The Valkyrie many men dreaded on the battlefield.
Despite knowing you could hold your own, she found herself running to you and insisting on checking for wounds.
“I’m fine,” you insisted with a gentle nudge to keep her from undressing you there. “We don’t have time to assess the damage, we need to go.”
“Go? Go where?”
“Your lady in waiting is dead. There was an assassination attempt on your father, and she stopped it.”
Wanda’s bottom lip trembled. “N-natalia?”
“The other guards managed to get your father out and are on the way to the northern fort to regroup. We need to leave now.”
Why were you speaking to her so coldly? Was it to keep yourself together after losing a dear friend? Or were you so concerned with getting Wanda out to safety that you didn’t realize how plainly you spoke to her? There was something you weren’t telling her, and she needed to know what it was.
You grabbed her hand to guide her out of the room, but she stayed firmly planted in her spot. You began to argue with her - yell that you didn’t have time to sit there and chat. There had been no way of telling how long they had before reinforcements showed up, and you weren’t going to waste time with her life in the balance. She knew that. But she still needed to know the truth.
“I will go with you wherever you choose to take me,” she whispered, keeping her grip tight on your hand. “But tell me, who is responsible for this?”
“Tch! We don’t have time for this, Princess!” You moved to pull her again, but she fought back.
“Just tell me! I can handle it!”
Your jaw clenched. The words you forced between your teeth made Wanda finally lose all of the strong resolve she had. “It was Steve.”
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The silence between you and Wanda as you escaped the palace had not been uncomfortable at first. She understood your main focus was keeping her safe, and you followed through with such ease. You cut down soldiers who even looked at Wanda suspiciously. Not a scratch landed on her because you worked so hard to keep her safe until you could no longer hear the chaos from the palace grounds.
But the farther you walked, the harder it was to ignore the silence. Too much happened in the last few hours. Her thoughts raced with all of the new information, but most importantly, she wanted to know where you two would go from here.
And if Steve were still alive.
Would you kill your oldest friend if it meant keeping me safe?
“There’s a small cave just a few paces from here,” you gestured deeper into the woods with your sword. “It’s close enough to the river that we’ll have clean water to sustain us for the night. We’ll continue in the morning.”
Wanda did not speak until you reached the cave. Even then, she found it hard to gather the courage to ask why Steve would do such a thing or how many people died at the hands of his men. She wrapped her arms around herself in hopes it would stop the trembling, but it was useless. The fear she tried so hard to stomp down finally crawled its way back out.
You stood at the entrance of the cave, back turned to Wanda so you could observe your surroundings. No one followed you, but you could never be too sure.
Moonlight glowed around your body, and Wanda had never seen you look more like an angel of war until this very moment. It should have terrified her. But the shiver that moved down her spine as she looked at you wasn’t from the sight of you. At least, until she realized you were purposefully favoring your left side to conceal a wound on your abdomen.
“You’re hurt!”
She rushed to your side to get a look at the wound. You attempted to turn away from her to hide it, but she tugged at your arm to prevent it. The little princess was strong when she wanted to be. You let her guide you to the ground, despite knowing she knew nothing about tending wounds. If it comforted her to feel useful in a time like this, who were you to deny her?
The wound was deep but not the worst you’ve ever had. When she pulled your shirt away to get a better look at it, you flinched. The fabric peeling away from the exposed flesh felt like getting slashed all over again. She apologized but continued. The best thing she could do was wash it with whatever water she had leftover and wrap it. It wouldn’t help much - and if you broke out into a fever the next day, she wouldn’t know what to do - but it was something.
“Was it Steve?” She asked while she tried to tear some of the fabric from the bottom of her dress. Neither of you had any bandages, but she hoped it would work if she ever managed to tear through it.
Why am I not strong like you, Valkyrie?! Why can I not help you when you need it?
You placed your hands on hers to stop her. “That is your favorite dress. You shouldn’t ruin it for me, Princess.”
“If we don’t dress the wound, it could get infected.”
“I’ll be fine.”
“I am not risking your life over a pretty dress!” She shouted. Your eyes grew wide, but she refused to apologize for her outburst. “Please rip it for me, so I may tend to your wounds now.”
You complied if only to avoid hearing her yell like that again. The last thing you wanted was to add to her growing list of worries.
“You didn’t answer my question,” she reminded you.
You rested your head back against the stone wall and sighed. “Would it bring you peace knowing?”
“No.” But I want to know who would be so cruel enough to try to take away those I love most in this world. “I suppose that gives me my answer. Are you taking me to the northern fort in the morning?”
“No. Steve was unsuccessful in his coup, which means he will go after you and your father again,” you replied. “I will not bring you there until I know we have what it takes to defeat him when he shows his face again.”
The way your expression darkened at the mention of Steve made Wanda’s stomach twist. Steve didn’t just betray the royal family - he betrayed you. He tried to kill you. Wanda knew you didn’t care about your life as much as you cared for hers, but it didn’t lessen the feelings of betrayal.
“Where will we go?”
“Across the kingdom to gather allies. When Steve strikes again, he will use every person he has at his disposal, and we need to be ready.” You finally looked down at her and gently took her hand, cradling it to your chest. “Do you trust me to keep you safe?”
She smiled warmly despite the tears still gathering in her eyes. “With my life.”
“Good because I don’t plan on traveling the kingdom without you by my side. It’s the only way I know you’ll be safe.”
You wrapped your arm around her shoulders and pulled her against you. You placed a kiss on her temple before resting your chin on top of your head. The exhaustion must have finally caught up to you because you fell asleep not long after that. Wanda wished she could fall asleep as quickly, but she took the time she was awake to enjoy being in your hold.
I don’t know who these allies are, but if it means finally seeing the world with you, I will go anywhere Valkyrie.
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dreaminginvelaris · 3 years
A Response to a Feyre Anti
I made a post recently explaining the dread of having to watch Feyre be abused by her sisters and father, in the Tv adaption. And a Feyre anti made a response, to something that should not be criticized at all considering what I said was just the truth? Feyre was abused. Not only that but they went on and completely twisted the narrative to fit their own ideas and in the process made Feyre out to be cruel and Nesta a saint. complete bull.
I will not be tagging the anti bc they have me blocked (shocker), but also I do not want anyone to go after them, if you come across the post, I don't want it to be through me. it's as much respect I can give to them.
I usually do not respond to those who have something to say with a post of mine or are blatantly talking about me on their blog, unless they're just spreading absolute lies about me or what i "said", it's usually a waste of time to do so. but this post attacked Feyre with outrageous lies and a complete backward interpretation of what actually happened in acotar, so as respectful as I can be, I will be analyzing the anti-response and what truly happened in acotar.
"the audience will only see two sisters fighting-not abuse" "it’s not Nesta you need to worry about. It’s audiences calling Feyre a big dumbass and a bitch" -from anti
if the audience has basic human compassion and empathy for humans IRL or fictional, they will see what's obvious from the start. Feyres abuse. how is it going to look, when they see Feyre walking through the woods, shaking from the cold, starving from hunger, and struggling to find food for her family? only to later see Nesta's treatment of Feyre?"
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in the anti's post, they said Feyre was just as "heinous" to Nesta.
is Feyre the one calling Nesta a pig? a smelly pig? ordering her to take her clothes off?
no, it's not, it's dear Nesta. the text goes as "I took my time, swallowing the words I wanted to bark at her" oh yes... how cruel of Feyre. how heinous of Feyre to...stay quiet... at the verbal abuse.
in the same image we see Feyre ask Nesta to do something (kindly might I add) and then inquire why she didn't chop wood like she needs to.
what does Nesta do? acts like a brat and insults Feyre...once again.
considering I'm going off by the story and not the actual screenplay, and assuming they stay true to the story; will the audience not be disgusted by Nesta's behavior? I mean they just saw Feyre struggle to find food and they expect Feyre to go home to a family happy and appreciative of Feyre but instead, they get this familial abuse.
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the anti said Feyre basically tells Nesta this:
"If you keep bitching at everyone like this no one will want to be around you or you can’t marry this guy because you’re a waste of space to me"
but what do we see?
"Believe me... the day you want to marry someone worthy, I'll march up to his house and hand you over. But you're not going to marry Tomas."
the word worthy, did that not catch your eye? Feyre said Nesta will have to marry someone worthy, someone, who will treat Nesta kindly and give her the life Feyre thinks her sisters deserve. bc Feyre does think that IDK why anti feyres think Feyre despised Nesta so much, Feyre loved her sisters.
what the anti fails to realize here is that Nesta marrying Tomas would have been actually pretty great for Feyre. in the sense that, Feyre would no longer carry the burden of her sister. Feyre would not have to worry about feeding one more mouth. or worrying about Nesta's constant stealing of Feyre's money. Feyre does not think Nesta is a "waste of space" to her, if she did, it would have been easy for Feyre to discard Nesta, and allow her to marry Tomas. the anti has that twisted.
but that is not even the worst part of the scene. did you see the shameless slut-shaming that came out of Nesta's mouth? how will the audience take to that? do you think most of the younger generation will take it lightly to see a sister slut-shame a sister? a woman putting down another woman? in this social climate? where the feminism movement is alive and flourishing. will they be okay with it? will they still blame Feyre and be mad at her the way the anti says they will be? I hope not otherwise I'm losing faith in humanity.
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Lovely words Nesta spews at Feyre. I admit Feyre should have told her then and there that Tomas is abusive. but let's think: Feyre is 19 years old, the youngest, has never had any raising by a parental figure, has been neglected by her whole family, where would Feyre learn to calmly talk to an overgrown brat like Nesta? Feyre telling Nesta who Tomas truly is the duty of a parent, not a sister. I will not condemn Feyre for not knowing that was the perfect time to tell Nesta who Tomas is. especially when Feyre is being tormented and verbally/emotionally abused, its kinda hard to think about something else while you're being told all these horrible words. to us its easy to see where Feyre went wrong but unless you're in the exact position Feyre was in. no one has any room to talk. and even then, every person is different in situations like these.
this part was me analyzing the interactions between Feyre and Nesta since anti had reasons to believe Feyre was just as bad to Nesta and that the audience would see that and hate Feyre. I am now going to respond to the second part of the Feyre Anti's response.
"How will an audience of non-fans react to her not reaching out to her family to tell them she was okay after the reconciliation between her and Nesta? Or not inviting them to the wedding?"- from anti
moving onto acomaf now.
Idk maybe the audience will see Feyre, a depressed, lonely, individual in an abusive relationship while being manipulated by other individuals she called friends, and understand and empathize with her. all throughout the beginning and half of acomaf, Feyre is in critical depression. she wholeheartedly believes she should not be alive. that she is not worthy. she doesn't eat, all she does is sleep, self-care is not important to her or others so why would letting a family know she's okay, a family who BARELY ever cared about her, be a priority? it doesn't seem like Nesta or elain or her father was really fazed by Feyre's lack of communication. her father left on a trip, elain got engaged and Nesta, well we didn't see a tearful welcoming to Feyre on Nesta's part did we?
anti, where is the outcry of her "family" not even really caring if Feyre was safe or not, of what happened to her? it's not like they thought she had died, otherwise, where was the mourning or funeral? no, they just didn't care.
see this is where I know when anti is just full of bullshit. why, WHY, would Feyre invite her family to wedding full of fae? the creatures elain and Nesta fear and hate? for all the talk many anti's spew about Feyre being inconsiderate to Nesta, to her family, you would think Feyre maybe just knows a fae wedding would be the last thing they would want? even then, does Feyre owe them an invitation to her wedding? does she owe them an update on her life? nope. Feyre owed them nothing.
"How about her shit-talking Nesta to a bunch of strangers then having the audacity to ask her to get involved in a war. Oh! This is after she comes into her house and insults their hospitality." - from anti
I hardly think Feyre confiding in individuals who she learned to care about and laying out all the trauma Feyre endured with her family is "shit-talking" but for argument's sake, let's say it is. I still don't see what's wrong? after years of pent-up anger and hurt, would you not let go of everything you withheld inside and explain what was done to you? how you felt? Feyre telling the IC her life story, which contains Nesta's abuse and her family's neglect, was a form of therapy for Feyre. I never read a line where Feyre calls Nesta a "cold-hearted bitch" or called elain "a lazy ditz" she just said the truth. no added embellishments. Cassian was the one who shit-talked Nesta during the dinner scene, never Feyre.
I still don't understand why antis are so against Feyre asking her sisters for help? like the war didn't involve them? they're humans, and you know what the war was about? Hybern wanting to take control of the human lands like they once did and turn them into slaves. those humans included Nesta and elain.
"They could have left the continent" correct, except elain was engaged and refused to leave Grayson. which meant Nesta refused to leave elain. but even so, isn't it the duty of humans to band together and work to overthrow a race of people who want to torture and keep them as slaves? the queens certainly weren't doing their jobs. Feyre asked to use "their" house to meet the queens bc where else would they do it? the queens trust the fae less than Nesta or elain did. but even so, Feyre asking to use their house was a courtesy, that house is rightfully Feyre's. she is the one who sacrificed herself to leave with Tamlin. she did it bravely, courageously, and they got that house thanks to her. they owed Feyre everything. and the only one who acknowledged that was Elain.
that war involved elain and Nesta whether they or Feyre or the anti's liked it or not. not even considering that Nesta and elain are Feyre Archerons sisters, yeah, their family name alone puts a target on their back.
How did Feyre or the court insult Elain's and Nesta's hospitality? You mean when Feyre realized human food differed from fae food? something she did not know about bc she's barely been turned to fae and only had eaten fae dishes? Feyre's grimace towards the human food was an involuntary reaction to someone who is still learning their new body. or was it when Cassian called out Nesta for her cold treatment towards Feyre? if that's the case then fuck decency, I would call out a fake bitch in my presence from minute one. you cant call what Nesta did "hospitality" when all she did was insult Feyre when she didn't even care that Feyre had died, or lost her love bc of abuse, or that her body was changed against her will.
hospitality: the friendly and generous reception and entertainment of guests, visitors, or strangers.
did y'all read something different bc this for sure was nothing Nesta gave to her guests?
the rest of the anti post moves towards Rhysand and his actions UTM which I won't go into because I'm mainly just addressing the false interpretations this anti had to say about Feyre and her family.
I'm not sure how to sign off now lol, but I guess just that I hope this was enough to show how this anti's arguments were completely ludicrous and have absolutely no compassion for Feyre, and instead all the compassion for Feyre's abusers. This anti had a real spin on what the actual story was, and I hope the evidence I provided was enough to show that. Anyways yeah my brain is fried, and I'm done arguing with Feyre anti's for a while now, I need to go praise my queen Feyre so I can receive some semblance of peace.
anyways, stan Feyre for clear skin xx
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yanderenightmare · 4 years
hie!!! just read you're dragon warrior bakugo where he turn into a literal golden dragon, DUDE it was so dark and so poetic I loved it, pleeeaase part two?
I’ve actually had this in the works for some time but didn't think that many were interested hehe, thanks for proving me wrong<3
dragon warrior king ! BAKUGO KATSUKI
goodiebag WARNINGS: trauma, slavery, kidnapping, condescension, anxiety
Floating, flying, dreaming. She felt reality tug at her every now and again, trying to pull her into consciousness, however she was pleasantly drifting with her eyes tightly locked. The smell of mountain daisies in the breeze, she could almost taste the salt of the sea that wafted up there, not entirely sure it was all in her mind. How she wished to see the sea up close once, and not just from afar. To feel the sand between her toes, to laugh nervously at the vastness of it all, all the secrets buried down there, sometimes washing up on the shore like treasure. Her vision trailed the stripe of sand she could spot from her village in the mountains, suddenly imagining herself down there, with a great shadow looming above, the water turning red and thick and boiling before catching fire, she heard screams, cries, the smell of metal and the taste of death, death, death.
She awoke abruptly. Flailing in the air like some knocked lantern. The pixies dodging her kicks and whips, holding onto the gems and paints midair. Currently hand sewing her customized dress, bejeweled with rhinestones and gold, cold smooth brushed lining her skin with art. 
They knew the procedure, Bakugo had a new toy, and she were to be dressed accordingly; royally. 
The pixies swung around her like bees around their beehive, small squeaky voices simmering about and buzzing in her ears. One caught her eye and her flailing subdued then, as the tiny brown-haired brown-eyed fairy blew sickly-sweet dust into her face, nerves somehow forcefully brought to their knees. “I’m sorry.” It seemed to her that the utterance had multiple meanings, as the look on the fairy’s face contorted into one of deep sorrow, as though in mourning for  the unfortunate soul that had fallen into Bakugo’s greedy attention.
Not much dawned on poor girl after that, and if it did, she didn't seem to mind the foreign things happening around her. How she was fussed around with, spoiled even, with flowers and gems and fabrics, unlike anything she’d ever seen before. Fitted to perfection and adorned with a small tiara made up of flowers, poppies if she were to guess with the limited knowledge she had through books, as the harsh environment of the mountain doesn't allow for such frail things to grow.
Her doe eyes; softly fluttering every now and again, barely even feeling it, when her feet hit the ground, still bare. Perhaps she didn’t even realize they belonged to her, seeing how they were robbed of their red mud and clay. More and more, steadily coming back to her senses, she remained calm under the pressure of her strange surroundings. Creatures she’d never known existed, colors she hadn’t ever laid eyes on, perfumes that stung her nose in a pioneering act. She remembered death, she remembered fire, and the burning cold of sharp, deadly eyes. She feared that it was those same red eyes she was being prepared for.
Her mouth remained shut. Her silence casting a confusing spell onto the guards, however unaffected the busy pixies swirling about her in a working frenzy. The sounding of a horn didn’t shake her either, however seemed to dismiss the ones nitpicking at her ensemble, as well as signal the guards.
They didn't touch her, but their eyes did well in escorting her to the havoc outside. She didn't see much except for fire and shadow. Yet, mismatched tones of gold seemed to unsettle her even more than the different shades of red. 
She was guided to his side, gestured to sit down on the throne next to his. She didn't faze too much upon her surroundings, managing to keep somewhat of a respectable composure, even as girls and boys from her village caught her eye. They hadn’t murdered everyone it seemed, not the pretty ones at least. They were putting on a show, inexperienced in the art of dance, but no less amusing to the hooded ravagers, she guessed.
She held her tongue and assumed an aura of harmony, therefore not accepting anything given to her. Drink, food, trinkets, they were swarming her as if she were some shrine. She supposed she, more or less, was just that, which was more than what she had been before, but somehow less at the same time. 
The nerves trembled beneath her skin, as she did her best to calm her frightened state. She searched the spread sprawled out before her, wanting to accommodate to the new scenery. However, it proved to be quite difficult, as she felt the intense stare of the boy on her right, his eyes singeing and freezing her all at once. Having not dared look to him yet, the pressure of meeting those eyes of his, too much of a scare.
Sharp jewels stuck into her skin, and although she was used to gravel, they still managed to achieve her discomfort. “Not enjoying yourself?” 
She cleaned up nicely. He could see her complexion clearly now, soft and smooth glowing skin between what raked scratched and gashes marred it. He wanted to pull Kirishima’s teeth out as punishment for biting her arm so ruthlessly, but knew that would be foolish as neither of them could have known of her importance. It could very well have been him who had printed his fangs into her, yet it would more likely have fallen off then.
It took her longer than she’d like to admit before she understood the question was meant for her, and although she could speak, the thought of answering seemed so far out of reach. She didn’t know how he would want to be acknowledged either. What do you say to a King who massacres entire civilizations? What do you even call such a person? The title tyrant came to mind, but it seemed distasteful.
Even if her hesitance angered him, he didn’t let his temper prove it. And when her eyes flickered ever so slightly in his direction, his annoyance more or less faded away; replaced. “You’re thinking of what time will be the best to escape, aren’t you?” 
The hairs on the back of her neck rose at once when she heard his voice again, realizing the moment to answer his previous question had passed, and how he, this time, was accusing her not of ingratitude, but of deserting. 
“Wondering where you will go, where you even are?” She could spot the eerie smile from the corner of her eye. At least his teeth were wiped clean of gore this time, yet… they still managed to make her ears shift in discomfort. “Hmm...” He scoffed, then chuckled a laugh that somehow sounded like thunder, like barking. “Let me help you.” 
He shifted in his seat, leaning in closer to her. His fingers grazing her forearm, causing her to lightly gasp. Claws ever so slightly digging into her skin. 
“You could make a run for it through the foliage of the trees.” She felt the earnest, wanton pressure in his touch, furrowing her brows in both confusion upon his words and in a plead for mercy. “But I should warn you... the forest is much denser and darker and deadlier here, than it is in the mountain.” His voice; so very casual in its threats, the voice of a King. “Even if I felt so generous as to give you a head start, we would probably catch you before the night let up. It wouldn't be much a game for me, but you are welcome to give it a try if you want.” He was taunting, haughty, stroking her arm... almost lovingly. “Besides, any attempt at running in that dress will be a show.” His hot breaths hit the side of her neck in waves, as she felt the still foreign need to say something linger on her tongue, but she swallowed it. “What’s your name?” This was a question she needed to answer, yet… it was also the one question she had no answer to.
That was the first time she’d ever spoken. Sure, she’d sung for him… but that wasn’t her, that was… something else… something inside her, her but not her at all at the same time. 
She didn’t quite know the words, know them as in being comfortable with them. She’d heard them, she knew what they were supposed to sound like, but… they still seemed so foreign on her tongue as she rolled them around in her mouth, teeth grinding together. 
To his surprise, to his complete shock, she turned her head to look at him, face wiped clean of… well… blood, and alongside what panic displayed on her features there was also a look of something he couldn’t quite place, but almost as though she was asking for his help, or his patience as she pieced together the words. He nearly gasped as she placed her small hand over the calloused knuckles of his where he was digging his fingers into her arm, the action so parallel to his intentions, looking up again to be met with her soft eyes as she spoke with even softer words. “I- I ha-ave no na-ame…” She looked awkward, as though she’d bitten her tongue and was preoccupied with the metallic taste of her own blood, looking at him, eyes asking if she were at all understandable.
“Right… no point in giving a mute a name.” His tone was brisk, without anger and it helped with establishing confidence in her as it also aided in answering her question if she was understood or not.
“Wh-” She started, this time seemingly a smidge more confident in her determination. “What do I call you?”
He would be lying if he said it didn't take him aback. And he wasn't one for telling lies.“You’re not like the others.” He announced, small quirk playing on his lips. “Katsuki.”
She was unsure whether she should give it a try or not, trying to mouth it under her breath so he not hear her. “Ka- katsu- ki.”
He gave a sound of acknowledgement, a grunt of some sorts, an eyebrow raised in suspicion at her, watching as her gaze shifted onto the ongoing festivities before the two of them, her chin slightly raising, eyes flittering to perceive things he was sure was for the first time. Her hand remained on his, velvet against sandpaper, as though she found comfort in it, a safety of some sort. He enjoyed the gesture as well as that thought; sinisterly so. Her chastity so desperate in need of corruption, in his eyes.
He made to stand, bored of the display before him. This girl posed more entertainment than anything the circus could give him. “The air is thinner in the mountains…” 
He reached out a hand, gesturing for her to take it. Reluctantly, or rather anxiously, she agreed, wondering what purpose hid in his words. 
“The change of climate will be overwhelming for you.” 
Slightly provoked by his words of condescension, she made to stand her ground, but felt an overbearing weight nest in her mind. 
“You’ll get migraines.” 
She looked confused now, staring at him, a crinkle between her brows. 
“Your body isn’t accumulated to this environment yet.” 
Her mouth suddenly felt dry, as she stumbled slightly. He locked her arm with his, helping her down from the podium. 
“The effects will come soon. Blood pooling in your feet, weighing you down and dragging you to the ground, blood leaving your head, nausea and unbalance.”
He didn’t seem all that effected by what he was saying. Not exactly nonchalant, but amused. 
“Could be you can’t even walk!” He grinned, chuckling when she whimpered, almost falling to her knees. “Your muscles, bones even, not strong enough to carry your own weight.” 
Wincing as he pulled her to a carriage. She couldn’t remember if it were the same one she woke up it. But, something about the atmosphere told her it wasn’t, something about the invasive smell of burnt sugar. 
“You’ll feel the ache in your limbs soon, gravity isn’t generous.” 
Before she knew it, she was placed in a bed, his hand stroking her cold forehead. 
“Especially when you’ve hardly ever felt the full might of its power.” He sounded sympathetic, and in her state she couldn’t tell if it were sincere or not. His hand traveled down her cheek, stroking a thumb over her lips. “There were more things I wanted to establish, but I underestimated the toll the descent would have on your health.” Scarred fingers stroked down her throat. “You’ll have to survive the sick before anything.” Tracing her collarbones. “If you’re strong, the fever will pass before we reach our destination.” Down her chest, as though holding back in savory, where if her eyes were able to focus she’d see him lick his lips. “But... the up and coming days will probably be hell for you.” 
She didn’t feel much of anything after that, except for the foreign warmth accompanying her in her slumber, two large arms tightly locked around her midriff.
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kn1feinthec0ffee · 4 years
love me love me (say that you love me) - spencer reid
spencer reid x fem!reader
title from lovefool by the cardigans 
summary: after a close brush with death in the field, y/n visits an injured spencer in the hospital to have a heart to heart.
warnings: a lil bit of angst, fluff bc im incapable of writing pure angst, descriptions of injury
word count: 1,987 
notes: this is my submission for @veraiconcos​‘ fic writer challenge, i spent a super long time on this and i really hope you guys enjoy it as its one of my favorite things i’ve ever written ☺️
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settling in to what would be another evening of unfortunate, unwanted solitude due to your boyfriend having yet another late night at work, you stretched out across the sofa, wine glass in hand, ready to relax after a hard day’s work.
that was until your phone began to ring and vibrate obnoxiously across the wooden coffee table.
“jj? hi, what’s up?” you inquired, curious as to why she was calling you during a case.
“we got the guy, but spence wasn’t so lucky.” she began hesitantly. “he almost got shot, but he was stabbed a few times.”
she heard your stifled gasp through the speaker, cutting you off before you would inevitably begin rambling off questions, a habit of spencer’s you’d acquired after a long while of knowing him. “don’t worry, he keeps telling everyone he’s fine. doctor says the wounds might scar, but overall he should be alright.”
you scrunched your eyes closed, willing your racing heart to slow with the news that spencer would be okay. despite jj’s calming tone and the relatively good news from the call, you couldn’t help the nagging feeling that your boyfriend was not, in fact, okay.
“thanks, babe. would you mind telling me where you guys are? am i allowed to come visit?” your voice took on a hopeful tone that your hands betrayed, anxiously twirling a loose strand of hair that had fallen out of your bun.
“visiting hours ended a little while ago, but i’m sure i can pull a few strings for you.” your chest deflated with a relieved sigh at the thought of having visual confirmation spencer would be fine. “i just texted you the address, see you soon, y/n.”
“you too. bye,” the phone dropped onto the table with a hollow clatter. you downed what little was left in your wine glass before standing up from the sofa to get ready. you still couldn’t shake the feeling that something was up with spencer so you put in an extra bit of effort to wear some of his favorite pieces of clothing of yours, just to bring a smile to his face.
after receiving special clearance from jj at the front desk, you headed down the hallway. you never liked hospitals; you found something about about the stark white, sterile halls cold and off putting.
the door slowly opened, a gentle creak emanating from its well-used hinges. you had hoped your entrance would be quiet enough to let the boy wonder rest, but alas, he had woken up.
though the way his irises glistened in the artificial light when he saw you was just as gratifying.
“y/n, what are you doing here?” the interrogative sounded less like a question and more like an exclamation of awe, but you weren’t complaining.
“what, you didn’t think i’d show up when a little birdie told me my boyfriend was stabbed on duty? some girlfriend i’d be,” you scoffed sarcastically.
the plastic legs of the chair skidded across the linoleum as you dragged it next to the bed. spencer held out a hand towards you to hold, a sure fire sign something was wrong.
he loved affection, especially from you, but he only seemed to initiate it on blue moons.
you gratefully slipped your fingers in between his and gave them a quick, reassuring squeeze. “what happened, hon?”
his amber hues flicked to several spots around the relatively uninteresting room before landing on your intertwined digits. “we raided his apartment just like we usually do and i happened to be the first one to come across him. i saw he had a gun and i’m lucky i ducked pretty quickly or else i might not even be here at all.
“morgan and i moved in on him to make the arrest, but it slipped our minds that the profile said he was hyper-vigilant and paranoid, and i failed to notice knife he had in his other hand and he stabbed me a few times before emily pulled him away from me.” spencer recalled with an expertise that came as a surprise to absolutely no one who knew him.
“you say that like you’re reciting a poem,” you frowned, rubbing a thumb across his knuckles. “you could’ve died, spence.”
“i guess it’s just not that big of a deal to me?” he seemed to question his own statement as it passed through his lips. “i think i’ve grown so accustomed to putting my life on the line that i just doesn’t even faze me anymore.”
“i get it, but don’t you ever - i don’t know - get worried you won’t come back to me one of these days?” you averted your eyes to the floor.
his grip on your hand tightened exponentially, causing your gaze to snap up to his. “of course i do, i worry about you all the time. isn’t it normal to worry about the person you want to spend the rest of your life with?”
his admission of love brought heat to your cheeks and tears to your eyes. “good, good, i’m glad we both agree on that then.” you smiled sadly.
the presence of an oddly heavy silence weighed down on both of you as you sat in thought. “do you ever get tired, y/n?” the genius queried quietly, elaborating when he noticed the confusion etched across your features. “i mean - well - tired of me? of my life being on the line every time i go to work? of thinking that maybe that time you said goodbye to me when i left would be the last time? doesn’t that exhaust you?”
this was exactly what you had been anticipating since jj called. the drawn-out periods of unusual silence, less eye contact than normal, the anxious fidgeting. not that you’d tell him, but you’d subtly began subconsciously profiling as well. 
  “if you’re asking if i get tired of those things, then yes, i do,” you murmured softly. “but if you’re asking if being with you while i have to deal with all those things is exhausting, then my answer is no. absolutely not.”
another pause. spencer played with your fingers, fiddling around with the ring he’d bought for you as fond memories swirled through his mind. “wouldn’t it be easier if you were with someone else? i don’t know, maybe someone with an average career where they don’t look at dead bodies and arrest serial killers all the time? maybe a barista or something less traumatizing than what i do?”
your lips curled up into a smile as you giggled. “yeah, i mean, of course that’d be easier, but when has life ever been easy? and besides, why would i want a barista when i could have a badass, genius iq level guy like you?”
he grinned, holding eye contact for the longest period of time since you passed through the door. “i think those attributes directly contradict each other, but whatever makes you happy, love.” 
the tension had lifted, conversation flowing with ease, yet you could still tell there was something off about reid. something left unspoken.
“hey,” you murmured, brushing a stray strand of hair out of his face. “you sure you’re alright?”
a moment of hesitation flickered through his eyes before he answered. “of course i am. didn’t i say i was?”
“you did, but you don’t have the best track record when it comes to being honest about your emotions.” you watched several emotions pass through his eyes - one of his tells; those hazel hues could be read like a book.
he seemed to take a deep, collective inhale before he spoke in a small voice. “i know you said you weren’t tired of me, but i’m just scared you’re lying. n-not that i think you would ever be untruthful,” he immediately corrected himself upon understanding how his words could be perceived.
“i-” tears brimmed his coffee colored optics, terrifying you for what he might say next. “you’re the most important thing in my life- in the world even- and i’m just worried you’ll leave me. i’ll come home one night when you’ve decided you’ve had enough of this life and you have all your bags packed, ready to leave. i don’t want to lose you. i can’t lose you.”
noticing a few drops had landing on your lap, you realized you’d been crying as he admitted his insecurities to you. “i love you so much, spencer. more than anything in the world. and i know how hard it is to quiet those voices, and i know whatever i say will only be enough to quell them for a while, but you’re everything to me. just know i would never, ever even dream of leaving you.”
you sniffled, wiping the tear tracks from your face when you looked over to spencer. he held eye contact with you, something you knew was challenging for him to do.
“y/n,” he moved a hand to cup your cheek. “if i asked you to stay, would you?”
you let his words sink in and nodded nearly imperceptibly. you laid a kiss on his palm before turning to him again. “absolutely. i am wholly and completely devoted to you, spencer reid.”
his cheeks burned and his brows furrowed, almost as if he was having trouble accepting your straightforward answer. “do you promise?”
you debated a sarcastic response, but you were unsure what his reaction might be in such a vulnerable state, and you didn’t want to find out.
“i do, my love.” you murmured, crossing your pinky with his. he settled, visibly, too, at your admission of adoration. you knew he struggled with fully trusting those around him and you were immeasurably proud of him in this moment.
“are you heading home?” his soft lilt broke the silence that had blanketed the room with its persistent presence. “i wouldn’t blame you if you were.”
“are you kidding? after all that rom-com sappiness you think i want to leave?” you both laughed, basking in the positivity of the moment. “i’m afraid you’re stuck with me. look, i even brought a change of clothes and everything.”
while you loved the adorable look of surprise on his face, you almost wished you could wipe away any doubts he may harbor in his mind about you and your unwavering loyalty. you looked up at him again as he spoke. “are you going to sleep in that chair?”
“i’d lay with you, but you’ve got wounds everywhere and no way in hell am i risking re-opening anything that’s been sealed.” you held your hands up in mock defense, earning a chuckle from the doctor.
“you could, um, put your head on my chest,” his cheeks tinted pink. “i love it when you do that.” you planted a quick kiss on his cheekbone before pressing a longer one to his lips.
every time your lips met, as cliched as it was, it felt like the first again. not in every way, they were missing the same awkward teeth clashing and spit swapping as the original, but you could almost feel every ounce of passion jolting all the way through your being. and most assuredly, spencer reciprocated your feelings as he chased your lips every single time they made to retreat from his.
you pulled the chair as close to the hospital bed as you could and rested your head on his chest. the lyrical, constant beat of spencer’s lulled you to sleep, creating a symphony just for you.
before your eyes closed, you intertwined spencer’s fingers with yours, prompting him to look down at you. “i’ve got promises to keep, and miles to go before i sleep.”
though he knew it was medically impossible, spencer reid’s heart leapt a mile in his chest at the irrevocable love he felt for you, both in that moment and always as he completed the line, “and miles to go before i sleep.”
guys wait i think this is the first ending i’ve written that i actually enjoy and i just finished this at 1am last night and i am so sleep deprived
please let me know if you want to be added/removed from my taglist!! 
tags: @sojournmichael @stinkyelf​ @crazyfore3​ @cal-ifornication​ @eggygorl02​ @howdycharlie​ @eosprincess​ @mortallythoughtfulgurl​ @illuxions-x​ @unlikelyempathpruneauthor​ @blankets-for-bees​ @holycandypizza​ @flyingbabyunicornnamedangel​ @lovelyrdjr​ @minnie-bby​ @fantastic-fans​ @ashwarren32​ @rexorangecouny​ @elitereid​ @keomoon​ @achieveonyourown​ @whogirl7​ @jjtheangel​ @carol-danvers-wife​
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stray-kids-react · 4 years
SKZ reacting to edits of their new male member
Bang Chan
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° It was a Chan's Room vlive, and fans were thrilled to ask him about you. Chan read through the thousands of comments about the new member, but one link caught his attention particularly.
° He copied the link quickly, whilst explaining his first impression of you when you joined the band. Gushing over how quiet and nervous you seemed, especially when you were around Chan himself.
° Once the video started, it had cute gifs and videos of you doing soft aegyo while the sweetie pie song played over it. Chan thought that'd be the whole video, but he was sadly mistaken once the song changed.
° A flustered giggle left Chan's mouth as his ears turned bright red, feeling as though he shouldn't be watching this. It was as if he just walked in on you changing, it just made him feel very embarrassed and flustered.
° Once the 1:34 second video ended, a long pause filled the live. He tried to gain composure after what he just witnessed, but his shy state of mind was still very clear amongst the fans who were watching.
"That was great editing... *giggle* I don't think I've seen y/n in that way before."
Lee Know
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° It came up on his YouTube recommendations, as he was watching crack edits fans made of him and his members. Minho never saw an edit made to show the duality, except for ones of him.
° He honestly wasn't fazed at all by the edit, approving of your sexy side. He soon watched other edits of the members and gave them each a like. Minho was the one who sent you the video, with a smirk emoji.
° You knew it was either something to make you flustered or something very random. That made up most of your conversations with Minho through text, especially if he had the smirk emoji after the link.
° The next day, a sly smirk will be plastered all over his features. Mimicking the moves you made in the fan made edit, even going as far to make Han play the song in your edit as he mimicked you.
° Won't ever let that edit go, just because he loves how flustered you get by it. He'll giggle at you when you cover your face, feeling proud that his hot stage presence has rubbed off on you.
"I am sexy, you are sexy, let's be a sexy team together. What do you say?"
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° While working on their comeback with you, Changbin got a notification on his laptop. The thumbnail was you with devil horns and a halo. His curiosity got the beat of him, so he clicked on the fan made edit of you.
° Changbin could only smile nervously when the hot edits came into play, many involving hip thrusts and grinding. He felt very uncomfortable, mostly because he saw you as brother more than anything else.
° It made things 10× worse by you being in the room with him, watching the edit next to him. Both of you at loss of words, never thinking that either of you would be in this type of situation together.
° Changbin began to chuckle at how weird things felt, asking you to promise him that you'd both forget this ever happened. Even thought it will probably haunt both of you for the rest of your career together.
° He continued on working on different side tracks for the album, both of you chuckling randomly at the reminder of what you had just witnessed. But both of you promised to not tell the other members.
"Lets promise to try and forget we watched this and not tell the members about this."
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° Both of you were quite close and showed and each other everything, whenever a hot edit of either of you came across your phone's. Both of you would just laugh it off, amused to see either of you so serious.
° Both of you know that fans will find you hot, even if you don't see why in certain situations. Neither of feel uncomfortable with seeing edits of each other, knowing it is simply part of being an idol.
° That still won't stop either of you from laughing when you see clips of each other with sensual music over it. Hyunjin laughs especially hard if he knows the clips and what actually happened behind scenes.
° There was one clip of you drinking water and fans went nuts, even though they always seem to cut out the scene where you choke on the water because of Jeongin's very effective aegyo.
° Hyunjin can make a big out of it, usually laughing with a slightly disgusted face. But he means no harm when doing it, he just wants to play around with you and knows you would do the same with him.
"Y/n, why do change so drastically whenever you wear an opened shirt on stage?"
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° Tries to act like he isn't fazed by the fan made videos of you that Minho is showing him, but he is and it shows through his blushing cheeks. His way of dealing with this is to try and laugh off the awkward tension.
° He thought that bringing it up to you would make it more awkward, but he found out that seeing you clueless as you why he keeps looking at you with a surprised glaze over his eyes is much more nerve racking.
° The next day you'd confront him on being so award around you, asking what you may have done to make him uncomfortable. Instead of avoiding the topic, he just admitted to watching a fan video of you.
° You laughed uncontrollably at his confession, after so much worrying that you offended him or made him un easy. Instead, he was just flustered by how hot and sensual you were in the fan made video.
° He promised to not make you worry anymore, and will not trust anything the Minho sends him with a smirk emoji. You both look back at that whole scenario and still laugh at how silly it truly was.
"I promise not to make you worry again, or answer Minho when he is smirking."
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° Everyone knows Felix is a king of duality, so he honestly isn't that fazed when he sees edits like this of you. He will however become giggly and a show off his sunshine smile, but that's only because it's you.
° It's strange for him to see you as a sensual sex appeal, when you were the same person who cuddled him when the power went out during a bad storm. And also cuddles him daily to his appreciation.
° Isn't fazed by fan edits, but can get uncomfortable when it comes to people Iver sexualizing you. Such as trying to see how big your dick is through leather pants or only calling you just a sexy visual.
° He won't bring up the edits to you unless you show them directly to him, he knows how it feels to be embarrassed by sexy edits. Mostly because of natural and human insecurities, and knowing it is made public.
° Felix won't tease you about your edits, even though he giggles when witnessing one its only because he sees you as a cuddly teddy bear. He won't hesitate to try and hide any overly sexual content of you from the public.
"Don't worry about it, me and jyp will find a way to delete that post. Stay calm."
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° Will hype you up in a soft way, he'll cheer quietly when reacting to an edit and even clap when it ends. Seungmin is just proud to see how far your stage presence has come, and it happy that you were able to debut.
° Doesn't try to see these edits as sensual videos, rather than the fans appreciating your visuals and amazing presence. He will however get a bit bashful if the clips aren't from stage performances.
° Cheers you on cutely when you do a sexy dance for the fans during concerts, giggling afterwards when you become a bashful mess and hide behind someone... Usually Hyunjin because he's the tallest.
° Prefers you softer edits rather then your Spicy ones, mostly because there is a less chance of being flustered and becoming red with the softer edits. Even if sometimes they make him cringe on the inside.
° Seungmin is your shy hype man that is honestly just so proud of you, and isn't ashamed to tell you how proud he is of you. He loves how fans welcomed you to the group even if you debuted later than the others.
"Y/n worked so hard to get here, and I feel like a proud brother by just watching him."
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°Jeongin is a the maknae and it truly shows during almost everything, from his natural aegyo to his charming stage presence. However it also shows when he playfully teases you for your fan edits.
° Jeongin won't take it too far, but just enough to make your ears turn red. He enjoys seeing you become so flustered over something you did. It makes him confused but also very satisfied.
° Jeongin doesn't like the sexy edits as much as the cuter themed ones, but will still use them against you nonetheless. But that's only ever yo get a reaction out of you and show you how much fans love you.
° He gets bashful from hsi edits, and will beg on his knees for you not to play them. He just can't stand watching himself being sexy or cute with everyone around it watch. It feels different on stage however.
° He'll feel bad if you get very shy from an edit, so he'll hug you as an apology and bribe you back to trust with some snacks. You adore Jeongin's behaviour, seeing him as an adorable brother to you.
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writesowhatnext · 4 years
fred’s no good, very bad day // fred weasley
Summary: Fred’s day is subpar at best – hearing you talk so nicely about something that wasn’t actually him sort of sends him over the edge
Request: hi! i'm not sure if your requests are open or not, so if they're not, just delete this! so anyway i was thinking fred weasley x reader where he overhears you talking to george about someone saying things like "oh, he's just the cutest, absolutely adorable," etc, and he's all giddy because he thinks you're talking about him but then you say someone else's name BUT then it's revealed that you were only talking about an animal
A/N: this was so cute as a request I hope I did it justice - I’m starting to reuse gifs how tragic
Reader: unspecified
Warnings: none actually, I think
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Fred felt stupid enough without George and Lee and Angelina and Ron and Harry and everyone else teasing him. You didn’t help either, even though you were supposed to be the one person that would stick up for him. It wasn’t your fault really though; you just found the entire situation hilarious, fairly so. Had his ego not been bruised liked a peach by the whole ordeal, he probably wouldn’t have been sitting in the Gryffindor common room with flushed cheeks, an incredible scowl on his face and his hands shoved into his armpits grumpily. Had his ego not been bruised, he would’ve almost definitely been laughing along with you.
He’d been in a foul mood that whole day. Not only had he not slept the night before, but there was also the fact he’d sat in gum at breakfast and the issue with Filch chasing him and George down the corridors; a race that had ended up in a nasty scratch from Mrs Norris for Fred. It only got worse after Snape had scolded him and George for doing nothing at all in Potions. Perhaps conspiring to come up with a new prank wasn’t nothing, but it’s not like they actually put the mandrake in Filch’s office. Snape being Snape made Fred and George sit detention (scrubbing the grotty floor of his classroom) separately. He’d been sure the twins would enjoy themselves far too much if they sat it together though they both considered that unlikely. Fred was just returning from his detention, his hands red raw from the water and calloused from manual labour, when he heard you and George talking, walking next to the Fat Lady’s portrait.
“George,” you said extremely seriously. “He’s my favourite thing in the whole world.”
“Yeah, yeah. You’re in love, I know.”
Fred could practically hear George’s eyeroll. Whilst he knew and loved that you and his twin were close friends, he was hard-pressed sometimes to imagine what you would talk about apart from him. And so, his heart warmed at your words and the memories of the dungeon and the scrubbing and Snape faded away.
“He’s so sweet and really he’s the cutest boy ever – I could spend every day with him.”
A slightly smug smile lifted Fred’s cheek as he got closer to the corner, still out of sight as you and George stopped outside the portrait. He didn’t know you gushed about him to his brother so casually; he enjoyed it though.
“You’re a weird one, Y/N,” George said, frowning. “I don’t think anyone’s ever shared that opinion.”
Fred, now slightly indignant, walked up behind you with a frown pulling at his lips. George didn’t seem particularly fazed to see him, which only served to confuse Fred further.
“Don’t be so rude about Gustav!” you insisted, crossing your arms, not yet aware of Fred behind you.
“And who is Gustav?” Fred asked, standing between you and George, opposite the Fat Lady’s Portrait whose subject was milling about in a neighbouring painting. He couldn’t hide the jealousy tinting his expression. Both you and George frowned at him. You paused.
“The hippogriff Hagrid’s brought in for the first years?”
You watched as Fred’s forehead visibly flattened and his mouth formed a small ‘o’ shape in surprise.
“What did you think Y/N was on about?” George asked, folding his arms.
When Fred’s cheeks pinked, George’s smile grew; you still, however, had no idea what was happening.
“You thought we were talking about you, didn’t you Freddie?”
Fred didn’t answer.
“Oh,” you whispered, biting your lip to hide your smile.
“Oi, you,” Fred muttered, pinching at your side and feeling his face heat up. Whilst he was still thoroughly embarrassed, he loved to hear you laughing. He liked it less, though, when it was directed at him and combined with his twin’s. Shoving George to the side, he was more than happy to see the Fat Lady arriving.
“Balderdash,” Fred grumbled, ignoring the lady’s jabs at his attitude and disappearing into the common room. You and George turned to each other with matching grins.
“Blimey,” George mused, letting you go through first. “Jealous of a hippogriff; never thought I’d see it.”
Perhaps foolishly, Fred hoped that when you came through the portrait hole, you’d sit with him like you always did and you’d make his awful day better like you always did. He was, as he had been all day it seemed, mistaken. You’d joined him on the sofa, your shoulder brushing his, but his day was nowhere closer to improving. It seemed like everyone he knew was relaxing around the common room and when George sat down on the other side of you with a taunting grin, Fred knew his day could only go further downhill.
“Hey, Ron,” George began, his voice light. Fred’s frown deepened. “Have you ever been jealous of a Hippogriff?”
Ron looked to Harry out the corner of his eye before looking back at George.
“Can’t say I have, George, no.”
“Ah,” you couldn’t help but smile at your boyfriend’s brother. “Doesn’t run in the family then.”
“George, what are you talking about?” Hermione asked, her arms folded as she looked up from her essay.
“I am so glad you asked.”
Fred groaned in response, rubbing his face with his hands. You could see his blush against his freckled skin and you found yourself leaning into him, your shoulder pressed against his. You didn’t hear George’s explanation but you couldn’t miss the explosion of laughter that must’ve followed it.
“Don’t worry, Fred,” Lee said in between snorts. “I think your feathers are a lot lovelier than any Hippogriffs.”
“You don’t need to be embarrassed about your beak, either,” Angelina’s smile was wicked as she leant her elbow onto her knee. “It’s not the size that counts.”
Laughing at her jest, you rolled your eyes, turning to Fred. Although usually, he would’ve taken the teasing easily and probably thrown some light jabs back at his friends, perhaps even agreed with them, today he just looked downright depressed. And you just couldn’t have that.
“Fred?” you said quietly, the others laughing and joking between themselves. He leant back into the sofa, leaving his hands on his knees and tipping his head back. When he sighed, your mouth twitched into a scowl as you reached over to play with his hair, pulling the strands lightly between your fingers. “What’s up?”
He didn’t say anything; only turning his face towards you. He stared for a second before he rocked his head forward and his hand came around to circle your waist. He pulled you into him, enjoying the closeness.
“Bad day?” you pried as his head flopped down to your shoulder. Your fingers played gently with the hairs at the nape of his neck and he hummed. You rested your cheek onto his head, feeling his warmth beneath it.
“Something like that.”
You moved your other hand over to his knee, weaving your fingers together slowly. His thumb rubbed the back of your hand.
“Can I help?”
He smiled slightly before he twisted to press a soft kiss to your neck.
“Already are, love.”
You shuffled back into position and stayed like that for a little while, playing with his hair and holding his hand. You were in your own little world; just you and Fred.
“Be careful there, Y/N,” George said, pointed to you and Fred’s interlocked hands. Fred’s arm tightened around your waist at the interruption of your quiet moment. “Those talons might scratch your skin right off.”
As he laughed at his joke, the others joining in, you debated telling them to knock it off for Fred’s sake. You were almost relieved that you wouldn’t have to when Fred’s voice sent vibrations down your shoulder.
“You’re one to talk about talons, George,” he said, peeking around to face his brother. “You forget, I’ve seen your toenails.”
You couldn’t help the laughter that bubbled from your throat at his words. It didn’t matter, though; it was by far not the loudest. As the whole group exploded into a round of hysterics, you moved your cheek off Fred’s head and twisted so you could plant a gentle kiss on his hairline.
“I hope you know, Weasley,” you whispered to him. “I’d pick you over a hippogriff any day.”
He didn’t speak, but you felt him smile against your skin.
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jaskiersvalley · 4 years
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@i-am-a-blob-fish You absolutely had a galaxy brain idea here! This is absolutely a wonderful idea and I wholeheartedly agree with you. A continuation of this story.
The tour bus was one of the few times the wolves could be in whatever form they preferred. Somehow Jaskier had managed to find them the most oblivious driver on earth. Or maybe he was just too used to the weird things celebrities tended to get up to when bored. So he didn’t seem too fazed when he had an odd mix of sometimes wolves and sometimes humans on the bus while Jaskier talked to them all like they were interchangeable entities.
That was how Jaskier found himself with a reputation. It became a bit of a trademark of his to be seen with at least one wolf by his side. People complained quite a lot, asking about permits and safety but Jaskier never acknowledged them. After all, the wolves weren’t on leashes, nor did they have collars. Nobody could probe they were his. If anything, Jaskier told his management that he was theirs, the wolves’ human. A few outlets pondered about the link between the scarred wolves and the scarred bodyguards Jaskier was seen with quite often. However, nobody dared say it outright for fear of ridicule. Even if the scars looked eerily identical on humans and wolves. Even if the humans seemed to have a weird penchant for wearing yellow contact-lenses that were rather wolf like.
As Jaskier’s fan base grew, the wolves got their own fans. It became a challenge amongst fans to see all four wolves. Somehow, things got to the point that there was always a wolf on stage with Jaskier. Rumour had it, it was after a fan with less than pleasant intent had tried to clamber on and only a white haired, gruff bodyguard had been able to stop him. After that, a wolf was always on stage and there were fan arguments about which wolf was the favourite. Some people were a fan of the white wolf, probably the most distinctive of the lot. He was a habit of falling asleep and twitching as though running in a dream while on stage. Yet if there was even a single stumble or flat note from Jaskier he was up. Little did people know that Geralt had a knack for sleeping anywhere on the tour bus as long as Jaskier was within hearing distance.
Others had a marked preference for the smallest wolf. He seemed to love Jaskier with shameless honesty, always under his feet and pressing against his leg or lying on his feet. Most of the time, when Jaskier took a break between songs for a drink, he ended up having to give Lambert a tummy tickle which had him thumping his tail enthusiastically. It was Eskel who suggested doing it near the drums so Lambert’s tail got its own drum solo which turned into a real crowd-pleaser. This was no different in human form. Lambert was almost constantly on the lookout for cuddles, sitting down next to someone and slipping closer and closer until he was shamelessly sprawled over his victim. It was usually Eskel or Jaskier, only because they gave the best head pats.
Another popular one was when Eskel sat with Jaskier at gigs. He was one that the crowds took a little while to warm up to until someone pointed out he always sat with his scars facing away from the crowd. Things really turned in his favour when a microphone picked up his soft whines. And then Jaskier was taking a break from singing and shoving his microphone at Eskel and encouraging him to ‘sing’. The howl had the crowd joining in and, from then on, whenever Eskel was guarding Jaskier on stage, it could be expected that for at least one song Jaskier would trade his lines for Eskel’s howls. Even better, when they were cooped up on the tour bus and travelling, Jaskier was bored, he could grab a guitar and shove it at Eskel, teaching him how to move progressively less clumsy fingers over the frets. While not a quick student, Eskel was diligent and persistent. After a few months, he could just about strum out simple chord progressions while singing along with Jaskier.
Vesemir was the one who divided the fans the most. He didn’t do anything on stage except stare. But his eyes were constantly on Jaskier, unwavering and guarding. Some people dismissed him as the oldest of the wolves, grizzled and old looking. Boring. But his devotion was something nobody could question. He even watched Jaskier when they were out and about. While the younger bodyguards deflected crowds, Vesemir would be the one with eyes on Jaskier at all times. Nobody could snatch him from under his watchful stare.
In a way, it was inevitable that some idiot would try and ruin everyone’s fun. Jaskier was making his way to a venue when someone charged, knife in hand and screaming obscenities. The crowd screamed as Vesemir yanked Jaskier behind him while Lambert jumped at the attacker, Eskel and Geralt ready to step in while also protecting Jaskier.
“It’s your turn tonight,” Geralt snapped at Eskel. “Get them in.”
There were murmurs of someone getting hurt in the altercation and Jaskier fretted with his two wolves when neither Lambert or Geralt appeared before he was due on stage. Not willing to leave Jaskier alone, both Eskel and Vesemir followed him onto stage. The crowd went wild at the sight of not one but two wolves. They settled on either side of Jaskier, the old one staring at him while the scarred one stared out at the crowd, obviously in no mood to sing.
Three songs in, the two wolves’ attention snapped to the side of the stage and even Jaskier looked over, face softening into something sad but tender. The entire crowd fell silent as two more wolves padded in, the youngest leaning against the white one while limping, a crude, bloody bandage running over his front leg.
“Oh Lambert,” Jaskier breathed, forgetting the microphone and everything else. He approached the injured wolf who whined at him softly. Nobody dared breathe as the scarred wolf got up and moved next to Lambert, nudging him to lie down and protectively curled around him. Coos rippled through the crowd at that, it only got louder when the white wolf flopped down and the oldest joined the pile.
“Alright pups,” Jaskier rumbled softly. He stood up and turned back to the crowd with a grin. “Looks like a full house tonight!”
Attention was very much torn between Jaskier’s performance and the pile of wolves. Especially when Lambert sat up with a yawn and limped off stage. Three minutes later a human with a bandage wandered back towards the side stage, looking a little rumpled and tired. Those who could see were pointing him out, especially when the scarred wolf looked at him agitated. The first step onto the stage and the wolf covered his eyes in a very human gesture. Realising his mistake, Lambert stepped back into the shadows and a moment later a wolf limped out to join the pile again to three very judgemental looks from the other wolves.
“That’s Lambert for you,” Jaskier shrugged with a laugh. The ruse was up. “If any of you others want to introduce yourselves, you might as well.”
Walking over, Jaskier watched as Lambert shifted, a little sheepish and the crowd cheered wildly. He turned and reached for the scarred wolf who visibly rolled his eyes but a moment later a hand was grabbing Lambert’s as Eskel pulled himself up.
“Idiot,” he muttered but stayed pressed close to Lambert.
“Eskel, our wonderful singing wolf!” Jaskier introduced with a grin and squealed when someone all but tackled him, Geralt, human as could be, was rubbing against him like a wolf.
“My white wolf, Geralt.�� Jaskier was purring as he gave Geralt a look that was impossible to misread as anything but love.
Grumbling, the final wolf shifted and Vesemir shook his head at the others.
“Papa wolf, where would we be without you, Vesemir?” The sweet words were met with a snort and Vesemir shifted back, settling back down into a comfortable but alert sprawl. It was an obvious suggestion and Jaskier shooed the other three to go relax in the changing rooms or stretch their legs in a run around building while he finished up.
After that, while the wolves still made appearances on the stage, the crowd now screamed their names, eager for their attention as much as Jaskier’s. And nobody ever dared try anything against Jaskier again. Especially not when he had Lambert and Eskel snuggled on stage, Lambert happily shameless in demanding attention from both of them. Only once did Eskel pounce on him playfully and they tumbled off the stage amidst growls and nips. They slunk back to Jaskier a moment later, looking sheepish and he had to stop singing to laugh at them. Videos of the incident circulated in fan groups for months on end after, admiring how the wolves both seemed to realise they were falling at the same time and seemed intent on protecting the other from the worst of the fall.
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soapoperabub · 4 years
Sneaky Business - part 2
here's part 1 :)
( Draco Malfoy x Reader )
A/N: I’M DONE!! I’m actually really proud of this one, if y’all could show my writing some love and appreciation, it would mean the absolute world to me 🥺🥺 part 3 is coming soon too!! AAAH I CAN’T WAIT FOR EVERYONE TO SEE 
Warnings: None, ALL OF YOU CAN READ THIS :))
Word Count: 1.121k
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Bug-eyed, I was left to think about everything alone. Did I accidentally wake Harper up when I was leaving the room? No, I’m confident she was in deep sleep. Draco..?
“Y/N,” My thoughts were interrupted by Hermione. “Alright, I’ve had it up to here with these FALSE rumors!” she claimed, rising from her seat, raising her voice a little to let people know, earning glares from the whole library, not because of what she said but for ‘having no library manners’. Meanwhile, my body was still frozen. How would Draco feel about this? I wasn’t aware someone despised me to this extent. How am I supposed to face him now?
“Y/N, we’re going to find out which idiot is behind this.” My head still pounding, I looked up at Hermione, teary-eyed. Her eyes softened as she placed her hands on my shoulders, pulling me up.
“Are you really gonna let some stupid, false rumour affect you in this way? Are you not gonna fight for your own rights? You’re really gonna let whoever is doing this to you get away with it and get what they want? You know you’re better than that. I know you are.” I sniffled, showing her a wobbly smile. “Now get out there and do something about it. You know I’m always here to help.”
I realised I had no reason to be sitting in a corner and crying myself to sleep when I have someone like Hermione with me. Wiping my eyes, I wrapped my arms around her, burrowing my face on her shoulder and blowing my nose on her robe. “Ew, slimy.”
»»————-  ————-««
“No, I know she was asleep.” I claimed, sternly. I’ve been placed in the same dorm as her for 2 years now, I know how Harper snores when she’s really asleep.
“Okay, well if it’s not Harper, it must be Draco.” I remained silent. I didn’t want to believe someone I cared for this much would do such thing, but denying something without proof is an immature act.
“I mean, I know it sounds rough, but honestly, no one would have even been able to see what you guys were doing. It was pitch black. Harper was just an excuse not to suspect the real culprit. The possibility for somebody to actually recognise your silhouettes is just ridiculous!” It was so perfectly pieced together that the only suspect was Draco, the only reason I wasn’t onto him was because I was poisoned by his venom.
I finally had enough. Standing up, producing a loud screeching noise of the chair dragging against the wooden floor, I took a deep breath in. “SHHH!” I ignored Madame Pince’s warning and looked at Hermione. “Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.” Giving her a quick but wide smile, I rushed out the library and went to find that prick.
»»————-  ————-««
My head was about to burst considering how many questions were going off at once. It felt like there were millions of conversations with my different emotions all at once.
Finally, I spotted Draco leaned against the wall in the hallway, with his right leg up against the wall, Crabbe and Goyl by his right and left. I couldn’t care less if anyone was around, or who was around him. The anger that built up inside me took action on its own, bringing me to stand in front of him, with my chin up, hands crossed and looking at him dead in the eye. He seemed taken aback.
“It was you all this time?” I questioned him, waiting for a reply.
Hesitating, he replied “I’m sorry, who are you again?” I cocked my head to one side.
“The girl who harassed you, apparently.” Raising my eyebrows, I couldn’t hide the fact that I was still hurt by his words. I knew he acted this way in front of people. If only people knew how much of a softie he can really be.
He now dropped his right foot to the ground and mimicked me, folding his arms. “And some nerve you have to stand before me.”
“Cut the bullcrap, Draco. I know you were behind this.”
“And now you’re assuming I did this? I mean, it would be different if this was false n--“
I took a step forward, furrowing my eyebrows, causing his words to be cut off.
“Prove it,” He scanned me from head to toe, as if he didn’t recognise me. As if he had just unlocked a new character from within me and smirked. “If it’s not you, help me find the culprit.”
Looking to his left and right, which stood Crabbe and Goyl, jaw opened in shock, he glared back at me. “And why would I help you? You mean nothing to me.”
It felt as if my heart was being cut, torn to pieces, mauled and spat back out by the cold-bloodedness of his words and gaze. But I didn’t let that faze me, not right now - when I’m finally fighting back.
“Last time I checked, it wasn’t an invitation. And by not cooperating, you’re proving everyone here that it really was you who spit such disgusting rumors.” I turned on my heel, about to leave but stopped to leave one last comment.
“Also, you don’t think you’re the only one with the secrets between us, do you?” Lifting the corner of my lip, I looked him up and down one last time before leaving with my middle finger raised above my head.
I knew a part of him no one else knew, but I wasn’t possibly going to spread them. I’m better than that. I just knew that when I said that, I would have already lured him in.
»»————-  ————-««
It was the next day, lunch break. Sitting in front of me was... well, no one. Who expected me to have friends when I get spoken so poorly of? Today was the first time in a long time that I actually looked forward to school. I sit so far away from Draco when we share the same class, so I know the only place we could actually see each other was during lunch break.
Looking down at the watch Harry gave me on my ninth birthday, I noticed he was later than usual. Exactly how I imagined. I leaned back on my chair, looking ahead of me. 
Finally, in the corner of my eye, I could see an outline of what looked like three men, with a hint of green on their robes, walking my way. It amuses me how he thinks he’s so unpredictable but I can easily predict every card he has on his table.
“About the thing... yesterday, the ‘investigation’…” He cleared his throat as I looked up at him, grinning.
“I’m in.”
heres part 3 :)
taglist: @softlyqoos​ @malfoy-styles-wife​
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nethandrake · 4 years
i'll wait in line (always).
stevetony. mcu. rated t. blind dates. 8.8k words.
(written for @mkyujji for the 2020 Cap-Iron Man Holiday Exchange event that was hosted by @cap-ironman.)
also on ao3.
“Absolutely not.”
Protesting groans fill the common room.
“Why not?” Clint whines.
Steve scowls, placing his hands on his hips. “What do you mean ‘why not’?”
“I mean, it isn’t going to kill him. It’s harmless.”
“How is that—”
Thor nods solemnly, grabbing a bite from his Pop-Tart. “I dare say, I must agree with Clinton—”
“Please don’t call me Clint—”
“Why not? ‘Tis a fine name!”
“Yeah, but—”
“Aside from that,” Thor continues, changing the subject, “I do not see the harm of—”
“There’s a lot of harm!” Steve insists. “A lot of harm in—”
“Harm to Tony?” Natasha says coolly. She barely spares any of them a glance, taking a long sip from her mug of hot chocolate. “Or harm to you?”
Steve stills, his heart leaping in his chest. “This has nothing to do with me.”
“Uh-huh. Sure it doesn't,” Clint drawls, propping his legs on top of the coffee table. Bruce immediately nudges it off. “Us thinking of setting up the guy you’ve been pining—”
“I’m not—”
“And there’s the denial,” Natasha says dryly at the same time Clint continues, “—for with someone who isn't you doesn’t piss you off.”
“How am I—”
Four pairs of eyes stare right back in blatant judgment.
Finally, Steve lets out the sigh he’s been holding back since they started this meeting.
It’s already bad enough that he was rouse from his sleep at two, three in the morning for this. It’s too early to deal with this. Or well, ever.
“Fine. Bruce and I—”
Bruce has the audacity to flash him a sheepish smile. “Sorry, Cap.”
Steve groans. “Seriously? You too? Am I the only one that thinks this is just—just—”
“Come on, Cap,” Clint says. “We all know Tony needs some pick-me-up. Locking himself up and moping over his last breakup isn’t healthy.”
“He’s not—”
“He was crying last Movie Night. And you know he hardly cries during Movie Night.”
“I mean, if the movie's—”
“We were watching Inception.”
“Inception has—”
“He was crying during the fight scenes. And for half of the movie.”
Well… Well.
Steve hadn’t been there for that, having been on a mission for SHIELD. It’s hard for him to figure out whether Clint’s lying, considering everyone else is murmuring in agreement.
He gets Natasha, Thor even. But for Bruce to agree with Clint without any hesitation is just unheard of.
Steve exhales, holding his hands up in surrender. “Fine. You guys do whatever want. It’s not like you planned on even listening—”
“No, we weren’t.”
Steve scowls, Natasha brightening in return.
He’d think that being Captain America and the leader of the Avengers, he’d have some form of respect and authority over them. But no, he’s just a leader to a bunch of stubborn kids. Teenagers.
Sometimes he wonders what he did wrong to land himself in this situation, in this era. Not wholeheartedly because the thought of not meeting Tony is just ab—
“You know he’s going to hate this, right?”
 “I think it’s a great idea.”
Steve does a double-take at that. In fact, everyone’s staring at Tony in puzzlement. Except for Natasha but that's hardly surprising. Nothing fazes her.
What's surprising is Tony's reaction. The Tony in front of them can’t be the same Tony who has to be dragged or hauled out of his workshop for meals or gatherings, let alone galas and big parties. For him to willingly agree to be set up on blind dates by his friends is a huge breakthrough.
A breakthrough Steve hates but a breakthrough nonetheless.
Tony cocks an eyebrow, setting his screwdriver down. “What? Why’re you all staring at me like that? I agreed to it. Isn’t that what you guys want?”
Clint smacks his lips together. “Well, yeah. But—”
“We do not mean to insult your intelligence, my friend,” Thor replies. “We assumed you will not be amenable to our proposition.”
“Well, Winghead wasn’t,” Natasha cuts in.
“Still isn’t,” Clint pipes up.
Steve makes a mental note to double their drills during the next training session.
“I just thought you wouldn’t like it,” he explains when Tony trains his curious gaze on him. “Going on blind dates, I mean.”
“It’ll be a nice distraction,” Tony says after a beat. “It’s pretty overdue, anyway. Probably good for me to get into the dating game again and try to—”
“I don’t know. Isn’t it too soon?”
“It’s never too soon to date,” Tony counters. “Sides’, Pepper and I broke up... What? Seven months ago? I think it’s high time I get back into things. Go out. Have some fun.”
“And being around m—us isn’t fun?”
Once again, all eyes are on him. A snicker fills the awkward pause. Steve makes another note to triple the drills for Clint.
“I think Tony meant a different kind of fun,” Bruce offers.
Tony directs his screwdriver in his direction, grinning. “Right on the money. I’m not saying you guys aren’t fun to be around because you are—”
“We love you too.”
“Sure you do, birdbrain. But yeah. You guys are fun and all but it’ll be nice to go out and have a nice time in a less platonic setting, you know? Have some little flirting going on—”
But I flirt with you all the time, Steve grumbles.
Sure, they always go unnoticed every single goddamn time but it’s flirting all the same. If Tony wants someone to flirt with him, Steve’s his guy. In fact, he could—
“—and maybe fall in love—”
“Fall in love?”
Steve almost claps his hand over his mouth as once again, several pairs of eyes zero in on him, most of them in mirth.
He really, really hates himself sometimes.
Tony raises his eyebrows. “You seem pretty adamant of me staying single for the rest of my life.”
“Yeah, Cap,” Clint adds, smirking. “Why’re you so— Ow!”
Natasha might get her drills halved for that.
“I’m not trying to stop you from—from falling in love,” Steve says, the words heavy on his tongue. “I just— Well, I— You know—”
Tony frowns, his eyes roving around Steve’s face before softening. “Alright, guys,” he says, clapping his hands. “Clear the room. Steve and I are gonna have a lovely chat alone.”
Their friends move to vacate the room, not without protests from Clint. As soon as the door closes shut behind them, Tony shifts his attention to Steve, crossing his arms.
Steve feels like he’s being put on trial.
“It’s been months, Steve.”
“I know—”
“You know I’ve moved on—”
“I know. I just… I just...”
“Is there something you want to tell me?”
God, there are so, so many things he wants to say. All the words and sentences clash in his head, swirling around in a whirlpool of anxiety, hope, and fear.
I think you’re making a mistake in agreeing to this.
I think our friends aren’t thinking things through.
I think you deserve better than blind dates.
I think you should date me.
“No. Nothing at all.”
Steve swears there’s a flicker of disappointment that crosses Tony’s face before it vanishes.
“Don’t you worry that pretty little head of yours,” he says, poking Steve in the ribs. “I’m a big boy. I know how to handle a little date. Nothing I can't handle.”
“Four dates.”
Tony's eyebrows arch. “You’re not giving it a go?”
Steve shakes his head. “Don’t really know anyone who’d be interested,” he lies.
Tony gasps, clutching his heart. “How dare them? I am a catch.”
“Uh-huh. Sure you are.”
“I am, you asshole. FYI, I was voted Sexiest Man Alive thrice.”
“Good for you,” Steve says dryly.
“Asshole,” Tony mutters, spinning on his heel. “Fine. Be like that. Whatever. Good talk. Now shoo. I have—”
“Oh no, you don’t,” Steve interrupts, resting his hand on Tony’s shoulder. Years ago, Tony would’ve shrugged him off. Now, Steve’s glad Tony’s willing to let Steve touch him, let alone hand him things. “We’re having breakfast. Bruce's making breakfast tacos and you are going to join us.”
“But I have—” Tony scowls. “Stop that.”
“Stop what?”
“The puppy dog eyes. You know I hate—” Steve flutters his eyelashes. “Ugh, fuck you, Steven.”
Steve couldn’t help but cackle as Tony storms out, striding to hurry after him.
If he hasn’t been savoring his time with Tony, well, he’s going to savor it so much more now. His borrowed time with Tony might be shortened very soon.
read the rest on ao3.
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littlebookreader · 3 years
The Visitor - Part 2/2
For @halkylenerdybitch456. This is a brilliant idea, I dunno why more people aren’t using it. (This turned out a lot longer than anticipated, so this is now a two parter.)
Summary(for part 2): Aziraphale entertains an unexpected visitor, and avoids seling him his books (just about). 
Fandoms: Good Omens(All Media Types), Percy Jackson and The Olympians(All Media Types), Heroes of Olympus(Book Series)
TW: Implied deception and gaslighting, implied unreality. 
Okay, here we go. (Sorry in advance.)
Aziraphale didn’t care that he’d been startled. He didn’t even care that in all the chaos, his cocoa had been spilled, thoroughly ruining his waistcoat. He didn’t even care that the boy seemed just as confused as he was, if not more so. 
What did disturb him however, was the aura that he gave off. He hadn’t seen one like it in a long time, and after all his previous experiences, even seeing it almost two millennia later, felt like it was too soon. 
He composed himself, and asked, “I’m sorry, where-where are you from?” 
The boy blinked, somewhat snapping out of it, and gestured vaguely to a list that he gripped tightly in his fist. 
Aziraphale frowned, then motioned for the boy to hand it over. He pulled out his glasses and examined the list, then realising that most of its contents were atleast a hundred years old, asked the boy, “Why would this be in your possession? These are very old, and no college I know, even knows of the existence of them!” 
The visitor simply said, “Mine does, and I’m looking for them for the DSTOMPS-”
Aziraphale had heard of every examination under the sun, every standardised test, even given some of them for the fun of it, but the DSTOMP....that didn’t quite seem to ring a bell. 
“I do beg your pardon?” 
“The Demigod Standardised Test of Mad Powers? Well, the map clearly recommended your place, so here I am. To buy some books, and study them, clear this test and go to New Rome University. ” 
New Rome University. Of course. 
“Tiberius!” He yelled. 
The boy blinked again. “Wait, you know Tiberius?” 
“An old acquaintance, much more trouble than he was worth, really.” 
“Tiberius? Trouble? Oh boy, just wait till everyone hears about this!” 
Aziraphale laughed. It had been some time since he’d last been to New Rome(though then it was in Plymouth, and far less desirable than it seemed presently) and the memories of Tiberius’ reign of compulsiveness and terror at the gates, while demigods(he’d assumed this from the boy’s aura), much like the one before him, brought back a strange sense of nostalgia for a time he’d otherwise longed to forget. 
The boy extended his hand. “Anyway, I’m Percy, nice to meet you.” 
Aziraphale smiled in turn, and shook it warmly. “Aziraphale.” 
“Say, when you said these books were over a hundred years old....you didn’t really mean that, did you?” 
“I did, most of New Rome’s volumes carried over from the Plymouth chapter.” 
Percy frowned. “Plymouth? I thought New Rome was in California?” 
“If you’ll remember, it shifts with the centres of civilization, with every rising age. Frankly, given my experiences with the lot, I’m surprised I’m even ON your booklist.” 
Percy shrugged, pausing to think about it. “I dunno, really, my girlfriend gave it to me, though I don’t think she knew about the map to your store.” 
Aziraphale sighed. “Tiberius knows that I despise selling my books, of course he would send you here. Oh well, I do know of a lovely substitute shop that you can visit for the volumes.” 
Percy raised an eyebrow. “Aren’t you supposed to be a bookstore owner? Like, don’t you SELL books?” 
“Merely an excuse to collect them. I couldn’t quite rent out a shop in SoHo without actually selling anything, so I keep a couple of modern volumes as well, just to keep up the front.” 
Aziraphale was surprised by how easily that statement came to him. He hadn’t confided in the truth about the bookshop to anyone, except Crowley, so naturally, telling someone else about this embarrassed him slightly.
The demigod had an easy manner, but he wasn’t about to mistake that for confidentiality. 
“You....you will not speak of this to anyone, right?” 
“Course man, you have my word.” 
“Thank God. Thank...thank you.” 
“So, now I know you’re not quite human....what exactly are you?” 
“I’m an angel.” 
“An angel? I thought those weren’t real?” 
“A few years ago, I know you wouldn’t have thought Greek Gods and Monsters to be real.” 
“True,” he nodded. Then: “How did you know I was Greek, and not Roman? I mean, I did come here from New Rome, after all.” 
“Your hair is a little too unruly for the ranks of the Fifth Legion. Tiberius simply wouldn’t have allowed it. It may have been a long time since I visited New Rome last, but I do remember some things.” 
Percy laughed. “What is life in New Rome worth, if we don’t disturb Tiberius and his never-ending rules atleast a hundred times?” 
“He did dress-code me for my bowties, when I first arrived at Plymouth.” Aziraphale chuckled at the memory of the angry bust, waggling a missing hand  and him apologising profusely for ‘not maintaining the decorum of the city (our) founders worked so hard to establish!’. 
Percy looked genuinely baffled. “You? What would- why?” He spluttered. 
“Crowley and I-” 
“Who’s Crowley?” 
“He’s the angel I was expecting when you first arrived here, actually.” 
“Oh, so...your boyfriend then?” 
“Not my boyfriend,” Aziraphale assured him. 
“Oh, well, all right. A special friend, then.” 
“We have a pact,” Aziraphale continued. “To help each other perform our daily tasks, thwart the other when it is asked of us.” 
“Sounds cool. So, what happens if you have to do this miracle thing and he has to tempt someone.” 
“Pray to The Lord above that we don’t ever have the misfortune of dealing with that.” 
Percy raised a finger. “If you pray for that, then won’t....upper management find out?”
“In this case, it is a figure of speech.” 
He nodded again. “Right, right.” 
Aziraphale had many questions as well, but even he knew they couldn’t talk about it all forever. He sighed, walked over to his desk and scribbled out the details of the bookshop he’d mentioned previously. 
“Here you go, they have all the volumes, updated for all modern readers.” 
“It was nice talking to you dude.” 
He smiled. “You too, Percival.” As he said it, however, something didn’t quite feel right. 
Percy didn’t appear fazed by this. “Well, I’m off, so, uh, how exactly do I go back to New Rome?” 
“I have a doorway leading out from the cooking section, you shall know it when you see it.” 
“Oh, and hey?” 
“Thanks again. I mean, sure you didn’t actually sell me any books or anything, but thanks.” 
“Happy to help.” 
With that, Percy walked off towards the cooking section, shortly after which the telltale whoosh of a portal not used since long, rang out behind him, leaving the angel all alone in his bookshop once again. 
Well, for the five seconds anyway. 
As he began to walk back to his chair again, the bell rang again. 
“Sorry I’m late, angel, but do you remember that place in Plymouth, with the angry bust? Yeah, funny story. I just bumped into a boy who claimed to be from there.” 
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angelsswirl · 4 years
Tumblr media
Summary: You're the 5th member of BLACKPINK. You're in the middle of practicing for your solo stage when your dance partner has to back out. Lisa, being the fantastic best friend that she is, decides to help you practice.
Rating: Mature for smut and language
Word Count: 2k+
Requested: No
Notes: This was just something that was begging to be written. If you would like to request for BLACKPINK please send in an ask! Girl x Girl pairings only please. Anyway, enjoy!
Doin' our thing, movin' too fast Candy paint with the windows all black
To say you had been looking forward to your first solo stage was an understatement. You were bounds passed excited and any other possible synonym.
You loved your members more than words could say, but you had longed for the chance to showcase your passion for dancing to your fans. And, expectedly, your members were very supportive.
So, when you got the news that you were to do a solo stage for some award show you didn't bother listening for, you began to practice as hard and as frequently as you possibly could.
Your dance partner, a boy you had known since your trainee days and who was now a choreographer for YGE, had also been very helpful throughout the process. The dance that you two had generated was rather sexy, and never once did he make you uncomfortable.
You're sure that if you weren't head over heels for someone else, you would be with him. He was the perfect gentleman. Well, he was a perfect gentleman when he wasn't half an hour late for your session.
You glared into the mirror as you stretched for the fourth time within the last fifteen minutes. You swiped imaginary dust off of your black biker shorts, then did the same to your plain white air force 1s. He chose today of all days to be late. Today you were supposed to film your dance practice.
You stood in front of the mirror for twenty more agonizing seconds before giving up and grabbing your phone out of your jacket pocket. You frowned at the lint that had collected on the screen and wiped it off on your tank top.
You had one message from Jisoo, asking what you wanted for dinner. That was it.
You huffed as you opened your message app, bypassing Jisoo's message and reaching your thread with Lino.
You: Oppa!! Where are you?! You know I don't think it's cute or endearing when you're late!
Lino: Oh sorry, babe! So, funniest thing happened. I sprained my ankle playing basketball this morning. I could've sworn I texted you earlier but I guess the painkillers are effecting more than just my ankle😭🤪
You: oh no, Li! Are you okay? How am I supposed to practice now?
Lino: I'm fine, Y/N/N. I'll be back to normal before the stage. And not that you need to practice anymore, but don't worry, I called in some reinforcements.
You were in the middle of asking him what could that possibly mean, when a knock sounded from behind.
"There you are, unnie, I've been looking all over for you."
You tried to fight off a blush.
Lino: you're welcome in advance. and make sure not to do anything I wouldn't do.😉
You refrained from asking what he meant by that, if only because the owner of the voice was slowly approaching you.
You placed your phone back onto your pile of belongings in the corner of the room. You then spun on your heels to face the girl who had just entered the practice room.
"Why were you looking for me?"
Lisa stopped moving toward you, "Lino didn't tell you? He asked me to replace him for the day. Which I found weird because I'm pretty sure he knows I hate him."
You giggled at the younger girl, it was indeed a well known fact around YG that Lisa couldn't stand Lino on a good day. It was especially funny to you, considering your member normally liked everyone she met.
"Why do you hate him so much?" You blushed again at the frown that question resulted in. It was clear Lino was a sore subject, but you and the rest of your members had never been privy to why exactly.
Maybe if you knew, you could solve the problem for the both of them. Then everyone would be happy. And that's all you wanted. For Lisa to be happy.
"....It's childish. Don't worry about it." Lisa crossed her arms over her chest. Her incredibly large flannel wasn't doing much to cover the fact that she was only wearing a Calvin Klein bra underneath. In contrast, her baggy sweatpants left much to the imagination. You only tried not to stare.
Your crush on Lisa was well documented by Jennie, Jisoo, and Rosé. The only person that hadn't seem to notice was Lisa. Hell, even Lino knew.
In hindsight, you're not really sure how you ever could've stopped yourself from falling for her. She was beautiful, talented, passionate, and possessed a sense of humor that, admittedly, could be better but she was cute! You love her. You never stood a chance. She just doesn't know it, and you didn't plan on telling her anytime soon.
"Well, if you hate him so much why'd you do him a favor?"
"I'd do anything for you."
You choked on a gasp. Lisa didn't seem too fazed by what she had said, but you were as fazed as one could ever be.
You cleared your throat, "Well, that's nice of you. But, you don't know the choreography and the camera guy is supposed to get here in 55 minutes."
"Of course I know the choreography. Lino sent me a video about half an hour ago." Lisa looked mildly offended that you thought she wouldn't learn an entire routine in just half an hour for you.
"And you're okay with that? It's a pretty sexy dance and you'd be doing the "boy" part." At this point you were practically begging for her to change her mind. You don't think you could handle being that close to Lisa alone.
"I think I'll be able to manage." Lisa smirked and stuffed her hands in her sweats pockets.
You nodded silently.
Okay, Y/N. You can do this. She's just your best friend who you're in love with. It doesn't mean anything when you grind onto her just like it doesn't mean anything with Lino.
You took a deep breath, "Okay, lets get started. Did you stretch?"
Lisa queued up the music on the stereo with a laugh, "I've been dancing all day. I think I'm as limber as a slinky at this point."
So much for your last ditch attempt at stalling.
"You ready?" The slightly taller woman offered up her hand to you. You took it with a short nod. Okay, if you can't trust yourself, hopefully you can trust Lisa.
"Great." Lisa backed away from you as the first thirty seconds of the song was just you.
She pressed a singular button on the remote and the music began. As soon as it did, you were consumed by the music and even managed to forget Lisa was behind you, watching you intensely.
All you wanna do is gas me How we end up in the backseat? Just tryna get to the bag We on the same page, you the same way
You body rolled probably more intensely than you normally did. You told yourself it was because you were practicing for when the camera man arrived and not because Lisa was watching you.
Baby, when we gon' slide? Hey, hey Up all night, baby, when we goin' slide? Oh, yeah, yeah Baby, when we goin' slide? Slide, slide, slide, slide
As soon as Lisa sidled up to you, you gulped heavily. She had barely even participated yet and you were already thinking less than appropriate thoughts.
Thoughts like what would it be like if she turned you around and pushed you up against the wall. Or worse, the mirror.
Her body rolled in times with yours, at times it seemed like you two fit perfectly together like a puzzle piece. It also goes to show just close you actually were to each other.
She began to guide you into the next move. Her arm wrapped around your waist as you pivot in a circle together. The move involved you being crouched so low to the ground that you're practically sitting on her lap.
And the worst part about it, it's become at least 20 degrees hotter in the room, and you can't tell if Lisa has even noticed.
Then again, maybe the warm wisp breath tickling your ear said otherwise.
Eventually, the music came to an end, but Lisa had yet to retreat from your back. You feel fortunate that you're facing away from the mirror, because you definitely would have gotten attached to that picture.
"Lisa..." You whispered breathily. You're sure the lack of air in your lungs has to do with Lisa still being pressed up against your back, holding you.
"I don't think I want you doing that with anyone else ever again." She whispered softly into your ear.
You stayed silent, you don't trust your voice.
"Are you and Lino..." Her voice trailed off, but you knew what she had intended to say.
And before you can even think of anything to maybe choke out in response, her lips are attached to yours in a kiss that would probably take your breath away if you were ever breathing when she was near.
"You've been doing this on purpose, haven't you, unnie?"
Her lips travelled down your neck leaving fire in their wake. You rolled your head back, your head coming into contact with the wall length mirror.
"D-doing what?"
"Trying to make me jealous." You felt her hands slowly trail down your body. One landed on your hip, while the other harshly cupped your center through your shorts.
You let out a strangled groan.
"You have to be quiet, unnie. Wouldn't want to be caught like this, now would you?"
You could practically feel yourself get wetter by the second. You didn't want to be caught with your member's hand down your shorts, but then again the thought was just so hot.
Lisa traced the outline of your center. Your hips bucked at the sensation. The other dancer only chuckled. You sort of felt like you were being punished for something you weren't aware of doing.
"Lisa, I nee-
She cut you off with a searing kiss. You nipped at her bottom lip. She moaned in response. Your hands that had since been resting precariously around her neck, slid to her exposed bra.
Lisa choked back another groan, "No, Y/N, this is only about you tonight."
The hand of hers that wasn't teasing your pussy mercilessly, guided your arms above your head.
"You know, if you wanted me to fuck you, you could've just asked."
You really wished she would stop talking. You're already drenched beyond belief, and she hadn't even actually touched you yet.
You feel a hand slide under your bra at the same time that Lisa finally dipped her fingers under your shorts.
"Fuck, where are you panties?" Lisa moaned.
You didn't bother to answer.
You moaned obscenely as Lisa slowly stroked over your outer lips, easily slipping through.
"You're soaked." She circled your clit slowly, watching with a small smirk as your hips flexed and buck underneath her hand.
You were panting now, Lisa was exactly where you wanted her, yet you were still being teased. Your hips move on their own accord, trying to force Lisa to to slip inside of you.
"Lisa, please."
Lisa continued to trail her fingers through slick folds. She soon decided she might as well give you what you wanted, you two were running out of time the longer she tortured you.
Her finger slipped into you easily, the resulting moan is the loudest one yet and just as sinful as the previous ones. You were trying your best to be quiet, but it was hard when you're deepest fantasies were coming true, and everything just felt so darn good.
Lisa eyed your face through her eyelashes. Your hips buckled once again and Lisa took that as her queue to resume moving.
She pulled out then, pushed back in slowly, her palm catching on your swollen clit.
You whimpered and panted, urging Lisa to pick up speed. And she happily obliged. She added a second finger and entered you again.
"You look so hot like this."
She pumped into you about as hard as the angle she was at let her, but it seemed to be enough for you. You rolled your hips against Lisa's hand, your moans increasing in pitch and volume until Lisa muffled you without another passionate kiss.
"Fuck, Lisa!"
It's not much longer that you let go into Lisa's hand. You breathed deeply and your back arched away from the mirror. Bringing you even closer to Lisa than you already were. She stroked you idly as you came down from your high.
When your senses finally returned to you, you smiled at the woman in front of you. Then you slapped her arm.
"Ow. What was that for?!" Lisa rubbed at her arm with a pout. You rolled your eyes at her dramatics.
"For making me think you didn't like me back! This entire time I thought this was completely one-sided." It was your turn to pout. You even crossed your arms for good measure.
"You didn't ask." Lisa shrugged.
You glared at her.
"Okay, I'm sorry, but what was I supposed to say? 'Unnie, I've had a crush on you since we met, please go on a date with me, and stop talking to Lino. I hate him.' That sounds stupid."
"I love you, I wouldn't have thought it was stupid." You fixed your hands on the collar of her flannel.
"You love me?"
"Yeah. Probably since we met and you tripped and fell right in front of me." You giggled at the memory. Lisa rolled her eyes, but blushed.
"I love you, too. Probably since we met and I tripped and fell right in front of you and you didn't laugh at me like everyone else did."
You only ducked your head down to smile softly at the floor.
"Go on a date with me." Lisa more stated than asked.
"I thought you'd never ask."
Ooh I got five, you know it's all live Tell me when to go, baby, when we gon' slide?
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feriferfer · 4 years
IDK what this is, but it is what happens when I relapse into a shipping whore.
So AOS just ended, and even if I stopped watching and then re-watched it and then died when they announced Daniel Sousa was making a guest star, I always loved the show and the characters. 
I totally blame Daniel Sousa for making me fall so hard for Dousy (people, make peace with it already). 
So here are my head canons (if you finish reading this I’ll give you a cupcake). I basIcally thought and wrote and didn’t much care for grammar or semantics much. 
So this is how my brain works. 
Also, I wish I had the time to actually make this into a proper fic, but I don’t. 
It basically covers the year we didn’t get to see. 
Kora stays with Daisy as she recuperates, mainly because she is the only one on the ship who can give her enough warmth for her to regain her temperature when it suddenly starts spiking down.
They talk. Daisy forgives her, because she recognizes the same lost girl she was in her. 
Kora is still defensive and questioning a lot of her decisions, but Daisy assures her that she shouldn’t stress about it, but take it one day at a time. 
They trade stories regarding their mother. Before they dock back at the Lighthouse they agree that Jiaying was not the best of mothers, but she did try her best to work with what she had been given. 
When they arrive back at the lighthouse Daisy is still a little fazed, but she doesn’t let it bother her as she realizes the worry Daniel was in.
It’s a weird feeling, the one where she finds herself glad in knowing there is someone waiting for her specifically. 
He is at her side almost instantly. Just as impulsive as he had kissed her, he hugs her, and tells her he’s glad she’s ok. 
Daisy breathes him in and realizes the tears she had already dried up begin to fall once more. She allows herself to feel the embrace of this man out of time who has somehow gotten her attention and respect. 
Everyone asks about Fitzsimmons’ whereabouts, and they get informed about their little rendezvous regarding their daughter. 
Mack orders them to rest, their next mission can wait. 
Daisy chooses the bunk next to Sousa’s because she has gotten used to him being by her side and without Fitz or Simmons around she’s sure she’ll be restless. 
They only get an hour of sleep before Fitzsimmons arrive back, with Piper, Flint and baby Alya in hand. 
Daisy is out like a light, Daniel wakes her up because he knows she needs to see her family, and in that instant, as he is sheepishly explaining to her how he debated whether or not to wake her up for this but ultimately decided to do so, she kisses him again. 
He is smiling when they part, and she whispers a thank you as she stands to go and finally see the miracle that is Alya Fitz-Simmons with her own eyes. 
Daniel, as always, is trailing behind her, constant and solid and Daisy wonders as she stares at the little girl with blond hair and vivid eyes just how all of this was even possible.
Ok so umm, is this a multichapter bullet point fic? 
Jemma has Alya on her lap as she talks to Daisy.
Daisy can’t decide where to fix her eyes, on the gorgeous miracle that is Alya, or on Sousa and Mack who both look tired and strangely content as they share a beer. 
The thought sneaks up on her. 
She understands why, even if they did have the time stream and could see the timeline play out, she knows why Enoch and Fitz were so sure of this being their last mission as a whole team together. 
Because of Alya. She tells Simmons as much and Jemma agrees, a sad smile on her lips which turns blissful as she strokes her daughter’s hair. 
They want to give their little girl a normal life, or well, as normal as they can, and they can’t do that while being active agents. 
Daisy agrees and claims that if anyone on the team deserved such a life it was them. 
Jemma disagrees, because she also deserves some kind of respite in her life.
Daisy only smiles as her eyes drift over to where Sousa still sits, now alone and contemplating his surroundings, probably trying to take in the fact this was where (or well, when) he would probably end up. 
Jemma sees this, but does not comment, for she knows how to read her friend and knows there are still things that she needs processing and figuring out all by herself. 
So she asks, she asks about Daisy’s plans for the nearby future. 
Daisy shrugs, but she knows she’s not done with SHIELD, and she doesn't think everyone else is. 
She’s still an agent, she claims, she’ll go wherever she’s needed, with whomever she’s needed by.
Because life is funny, Kora then enters the room, still weary and out of place. Simmons sees her first and tells Daisy.
Daisy realizes then: they had fought for family, so that this family could survive, so that everyone’s families could thrive. 
Kora was now part of that family. 
Daisy calls out to one sister to properly introduce her to the other. 
Daniel watches, amazed at how his life has ended up, and enthralled with the fact it seems someone like Daisy Johnson apparently likes him back enough to turn her eyes towards him and give him a soft and promising smile right before continuing her interaction with her sisters. 
Mack chuckles at him and congratulates him on his decision. 
Sousa doesn’t much understand things, and he knows he’s about to get confused with just about everything, but he finds he doesn’t mind much of it. These are good people with good hearts and even if there is a feeling of finality to their team, there is also the sizzling feeling of something entirely new and equally amazing starting. 
He asks the current director about their next move, about what will happen to the team.
Mack answers with a sigh, but with the truth. 
He needs to get out and head to HQ to remind the rest of the organization about his position. He’s been MIA for enough time. He thinks it’s time to take on his role more permanently. More directing, less fighting. 
He tells him about Fitzsimmons plans to retire for a while. 
And the rest? Daniel asks, because there are still more members of the team and even if there is something brewing there with Daisy, he wants to know how he can be a part of events. 
Mack doesn’t really know yet, and states it. 
What am i doing? Part 123456789
It isn’t until the next morning, when Mack announces he is leaving for HQ when Coulson tells the team about his decision to give himself a year to see what he wants to do with his new life. 
May smiles at him, soft and honest and finally coming to terms with the fact that even if the man is all the best parts of Coulson, he isn’t really Coulson. She will always love him, but their time has already passed. 
She tells him she approves and it’s like a weight has been lifted off her shoulders as he smiles back. 
Daisy’s eyes get watered, but tears do not fall, because it means she still has a year to tease and rely on him. It’s more than she had ever expected to have. 
Daniel sits by her side, Kora on the other and Alya can’t seem to get enough of everyone and she’s constantly running from one aunt and uncle trying to get them to tell her stories about their adventures. 
Jemma apologizes.
Mack informs Daisy she has a spot on Z1, if she wants it, she can build her own team and will be granted as much vacation time as she desires. 
Daisy appreciates it and instantly turns to look at Sousa, noting how his stance relaxes and she comes to the realization he was afraid for his own future. She’s not sure where their relationship is going. She knows they like each other well enough and that there is a feeling of attraction and comfort which she had not felt -ever. But she knows he’s dependable and solid and she owes it to him to give him a fighting chance in this century. 
Looking at Kora, she realizes she has two people in care now, two people she will gladly ease into her world and into her time. 
Elena is fast to inform she’ll head back to HQ with her boyfriend, claiming she needs some time off as well. 
Piper and Flint don’t feel as exhausted, they claim they’re glad to head back to HQ and continue working wherever Mack sends them. 
The last to talk is May who surprises everyone by stating she is done. 
Daisy asks her SO why, demanding a valid reason for her abandoning her work, reminding her that everything she is as an agent was because of her. 
May can feel Daisy’s anguish and her fear for the unknown. 
She looks at the young woman she has helped grow and she realizes her feelings are slowly getting there, returning and making her head spin at the same time. 
May simply states it is time for the new generation to continue doing what she had done for many years. Looking straight at Daisy, May adds that she is sure her legacy will be well-continued. 
It’s not that they are being forced to split up, or that they’ll never see each other again, but it is time and Daisy can feel it. Can feel how even if she will still work under Mack’s direction, she won’t have him as her permanent back up, that role has changed now. There is another solid man who is willing to stand beside her and even though it is still fairly new, she has a feeling it will work. 
She’ll be fine, she always is. Her family is not lost, it will still be there. She is not lost, she knows who she is and knows what she wants to do. 
The lighthouse is empty, left in her charge while she waits for Mack’s orders from HQ. 
Coulson and May were the last to leave, Coulson receiving an order for him to report to HQ.
May had just been sticking around to ensure some more time in his presence and once the old AC had gone, she had followed. 
Kora and Daniel roam the place, both amazed by the tech and the stories Daisy shares with them. 
She finds him one day, they have barely been there a week, not a lot of time has passed for them to have talked everything out. There was a lot to process. Especially for him. 
He’s reading something and she realizes it is his file, she teases him about it and he never fails to surprise her by teasing her back, giving her a piece of newspaper he found where the name Quake is in headlines. 
She groans but appreciates his effort of finding out about the world. 
She realizes then she hasn’t properly introduced him to the internet. 
She thinks he’ll freak and thus proceeds to do just that. 
He is in fact amazed and gets the hang of using it way too quickly. She feels strangely proud and fuzzy about it and she shakes the emotion off because sure, they like each other, and Deke did stay behind because he could see it, but they were still waiting on orders and until her life didn’t move forward she would wait to decide what to do with the rest of it. 
She gets orders from Mack to build her own team a day later. 
She has been training with Kora and she knows her sister is still a little off and not ready for full combat or missions, but she convinces Mack to let her be her sister’s SO and all while she does this she has May’s voice in her head. 
Daniel is as solid as ever as she gives him the option of staying at HQ and training up there or joining her. Because well, she does like him a lot, he is constant, and kind and such a square and a dork she can’t believe she feels this attached and attracted to him, but he is quick and witty and he makes her laugh on most days and he actually gets along fairly well with Kora and she doesn’t feel like losing one of the few good things she has gained during the last month. 
Of course he takes her offer of being in her team. 
She teases him on the day they are departing the base. He hasn’t been out and about in the 21st century, even if he has seen a couple of movies with her now, and he does enjoy going on google maps. But she knows it is different. 
He teases back, talking about restaurants and movies and bars and Daisy realizes it is his dorky way of asking her out. 
She laughs, says yes and before they know it, there is a Zephyr arriving and their conversation cut short. 
Daisy finds herself cursing the ship and her sister who is the one who interrupts them. 
The Zephyr brings a whole team of new agents to take over the Lighthouse. 
Inside she is met with Mack and Elena who greet her as though it has been years since they last saw each other. 
They tell her she is needed back at HQ. So she’ll get to see Coulson for a while. That’s nice. 
Sousa stays in the cockpit because he has never seen this world before. Daisy finds him there, the ship flying on autopilot. 
This time it is him who thanks her, for allowing him a second chance. Because he has read all about Peggy and SHIELD and HYDRA and he understands that everything had a purpose, even his failed relationship with the famed Agent. 
Daisy doesn’t dare push because she thinks she might combust if he continues his line of thought.
Out of everything, liking someone was not something Daisy had been planning on occurring to her in the near future. Maybe in the far off one, but definitely not near. 
Life was funny that way. 
He is admiring the view. She can’t help it, she leans in and grabs his chin to turn his face gently towards her own. She kisses him, gently and tries to convey the thousand and one thank yous she should be giving him. 
He returns the kiss, as he has always done everything time they do this. Because they have done this, a lot of times. Because funnily enough he is a flirt and she is flirt and there is only so much foreplay she can handle.
But this time it’s different, because it feels different, it feels as if she is finally letting him in, finally making her decision regarding him. 
He had already chosen to stay with her, now she was choosing to stay with him. 
She doesn’t get to actually work with Coulson, Mack has him as his personal confidant and assessor. She feels it was meant to be. 
She does get to see him though, and she is glad, because Daniel Sousa is making her head spin and she has no idea how to control it. 
Even Kora manages to tease her about it, as they are training one day and the simple mention of Daniel’s name makes Daisy stumble because she is reminded of the previous night and how she had no clue a man could make her feel that way. 
Coulson tells her, point blank, to stop fooling herself and give the man a break.
Daisy stops responding to Coulson's calls for a week. 
Jemma is always patient and insightful, but way too optimistic. 
They are doing fine, their relationship is progressing as normal as one can when you’re an inhuman working for SHIELD, trying to build up a team in order to take them out to space. 
She tries to get more information regarding said mission out of Mack at least once a week, her old partner never budges, but does tease her about her boyfriend, because everyone enjoys teasing her about him.
She always wants to scream because of it, but forgets all about it the second she gets to spend time with Daniel and he greets her with the same dorky and loving smile as he talks about his day and she talks about hers and it is so domestic and it suddenly dawns on her. Why her head has been feeling fuzzy.
She has a home, and a pseudo domestic life and she has never had that in her life. 
As they finish dinner that night, she grabs Daniel and doesn't let him go for the rest of the night. She prays her sister arrives home late as she usually does. 
She tells him she loves him that night and when he answers back she feels her world righting again and everything just becomes easier.
She only tells Jemma about it. Coulson and Mack figure she has figured it out and she ignores them.
It is fitting that she finishes building her team up only a week after that. 
The pieces fall in place and she finds herself happy. 
It takes her three weeks to notice she hasn’t seen or heard from Coulson or Mack in said time. 
She finds she doesn’t mind much. 
She then realizes it is because Coulson left to visit May at her new job and she breaks out into a full hearty laugh as Coulson explains what May has chosen to do with her life. 
She goes on her first mission with her own team after that. Something pretty straight forward. A test of sorts to see if they truly will work well together. 
It feels nice to be back on the Z1.
She almost laughs when she realizes how well she and Daniel work together, and he definitely laughs at her when they all realize Kora is the better pilot of them all -Daisy included. 
She visits Fitzsimmons on her own, because Kora still feels awkward around them and she needs to finish some report she promised Coulson and Daniel is in the middle of a solo mission. 
It is a quick visit, because her life is still busy and she was actually finishing up on her own sort of mission near Scotland and she can’t help it.
Jemma is glad she took the time, Fitz, as always is great and enthusiastic and is not there much because Alya adores her dad and doesn’t allow him much time to be in the room with the other two adults. 
Daisy feels a pang of longing, and quickly shakes it off. She admires her friends for retiring and for having the courage to have a family. 
She still has things to do. While she can. 
When they reunite both are exhausted for different reasons, but both Daniel and Daisy agree that while they had very successful missions, they prefer to work together. 
She claims it is much easier.
He claims it is a lot more fun. 
The Z3 is ready, Mack tells her, and Daisy feels a pang of excitement. 
She tells her team and they are all equally excited. 
SWORD is hers, she has earned it and she revels in the fact she doesn't cower at the prospect of leading. She has a good man by her side who proves to her every single day she can do all these things on her own but she doesn’t have to.
She has a sister who has come such a long way, who now smiles more often and enjoys the little things. Daisy feels proud of her and every time the feeling takes over her she wants to laugh, because Kora is older, yet younger than she is and Daniel is always confusing the fact and she adores that out of everything he’s seen, that is what always gets him rattled up.
She makes him watch as many space films to prep him for it. He is unimpressed by Star Wars but claims ET a favorite. 
Kora surprises Daisy by informing her baby sister she has gotten a pilot's license and the stamp of approval from May herself to be able to efficiently fly them on the Z3. 
Daisy finds it funny that even if he had managed to welcome the 21st century life-style (sans actual style) with ease, it is atop the Z3 where Daniel feels most comfortable. 
He claims it is because it was on a Zephyr where he first caught a glance of his future. 
Daisy thinks he’s being sappy about it, and does not push because she is certain she will cry if her suspicions about his chosen wording are correct. 
She’s the captain, for god’s sake. Her dork boyfriend should not make her want to cry. 
It is different from normal missions. It is both smoother and yet far more exhilarating. 
She appreciates the wonders of being able to sleep in between missions and assignments. 
She especially appreciates the fact she convinced Daniel (or did he convince her, she’s still a little fuzzy on how that conversation went, she blames him) to share her bunk. 
Because their life is chaotic at times and to be able to wake up next to him, well, it is something she got used to pretty quickly -or well, around the time of the 5th loop. 
It is Coulson’s idea and she cries a little as she receives the invite. 
Daniel simply kisses her head when he finds her, he whispers an ‘I love you’ which only makes her smile even wider and she adds her tears to the list of ‘odd things which should NOT be happening to me’ list. 
Simmons wink is almost a confirmation, but she waits patiently for the email.
The first words in the email are unintelligible, which basically confirms the fact to her. 
She ponders on what to tell him for three days, but then they get dropped into a mission. There are five of them out there beside her, her sister and Daniel included. She can’t let her guard down now. There is a team that needs her.
Everything turns out to be a misunderstanding in the end. But it doesn’t go by smoothly. The (insert alien name) race is stubborn and it takes a lot of Daisy’s energy to get them to talk. 
Daniel will never let her forget it is one of his odd idioms which finally makes the aliens cooperate. 
Still, they have earned a day off, and she orders Kora to put the Z3 on autopilot, as close to Earth as she can. 
It is that order which makes Daniel know there is something up with her. 
He patiently waits for her to tell him. Because he knows her, and he knows she needs to sort out her brain before asking for any kind of input -from anyone. But she always does, at least, she has always done so with him. 
She tells him as they both stare at earth, reminiscent of that first trip they took together. Circumstances are entirely different. 
He is scared, he has to admit, because there is nothing as scary in life as to be hit with the realization that you're going to be responsible for another human. 
And she can’t help it, she teases him about it; because she needs to find humor in this, and because it is no secret that very few things manage to rile Agent Sousa up. It is one of the many reasons he works so well in the field -with her. 
Besides his surprise, his reaction is very much like him, and Daisy thinks it a win for her when he doesn’t propose to her right away. Not because she would say no (she’s sure she would say yes), but because it means he truly is a wonderful man who can read her better than anyone and who gets her, all parts of her. 
In the end, they agree it is best to take it a day at a time. She is still the captain and he is still her right hand and they are still pretty good at their jobs and they don’t want to stop. 
In the end, Kora is the one who steps up, once she notices her sister throwing up almost at the end of the third month. 
She volunteers to help in any way she can. 
Their daughter is born in space, just like little Alya. Because Daisy truly never took time off until she literally couldn’t stand and because even if she couldn’t go out and explore, she was still the captain and she directed her team with an authority and a smoothness, which reminded Daniel of Agent Coulson, which he knew meant a lot more to her than to him.
True to her word, Kora steps up and helps keep Z3 floating as the couple settles into their new lives. 
Daisy knows it is not ideal. But she wouldn’t trade her life for anything. 
Daniel still finds himself waking up, even years after, with their daughter already running around the Z3, and can’t believe his life. 
Honestly, if you’ve made it this far, my sincere apologies. But I was left with way too many feels and a thousand and one ideas in my head which I just had to get out. 
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coolkitty443 · 4 years
Ok. So I LOVE the Felix and Bridgette anime Miraculous AU In this AU Felix, who is Cat Noir, has to get a kiss from Ladybug to break his bad luck. He then unintentionally falls in love with Ladybug. So I wrote this after being inspired by art on pinterest Anyways here it is;
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Your hair is dark as night, your pretty bluebell eyes. I wonder who you are beneath that strong disguise. Everyday we see each other and I hope that you’ll be mine. Together, our love could be so true, please will you be my valentine.
I cannot believe I wrote this. When did I become such an incompetent idiot. This girl is turning me into a completely love sick airhead. Ladybug is never going to see this. I crumble up my lame attempt at poetry and throw it in the trash as I leave the classroom. I’m pathetic. Ladybug could never love me.
“Hi Felix!” I’m always waiting for the moment when she finally leaves me alone. Bridgette hasn’t gone a day without trying to engage my attention since the day we met. I really do try my best to disregard her pleasantries. However, she makes it rather difficult.
“It’s such a coincidence we keep running into each other.” Bridgette grins.
“Yes, particularly because I purposely choose a different cafe every day.” I turn back to my book trying again, my very best to ignore her.
Just as I’m getting to the interesting part of my novel I can feel it being snached from my grasp. I’m over this. She’s standing in front of me with my book in her hand, stretching it up as far as she can reach.
“Bridgette you’re a complete klutz.” I stand up from the chair I was reading on, so very clearly towering above her. “Were you seriously trying to raise it above my head?” Bridgette wouldn’t be taller than me if she stood on a step stool. It would be almost adorable, if she were anyone else. I pluck the book from her hands and stash it in my schoolbag. “You’re going to have to try a little harder than that. Bridgette, you’re simply not fit for intellectual accomplishments.”
Bridgette bounces up to the other side of the table and sits. She stares up at me, the same optimistic face she has on whenever she has something to tell me. Which is everyday. It’s quite miraculous that this girl hasn’t run out of things to blab on about yet. “What do you want.”
“I’m here to ask you on a date Felix. After all, it is Valentines day.” She beams up at me. That certainly wasn’t what I was expecting.
“Bridgette, no offence but the stars will fall from the sky before I agree to go on a date with you.” For some reason, she seems almost thrilled by my response.
“Promise?” She asks, smile never faltering.
“What do you mean promise? Don’t tell me you intend on believing you have a chance.” I can’t help but snicker at the thought of Bridgette desperately begging the stars to fall.
“Anything is possible Felix. We’re made for each other, you'll see that soon enough.” She holds out her pinkie and gives me an expectant glance.
“You’re so childish.” Still, I bring forward my pinkie and lock it with hers, holding on to the thought that even she, determined as she was, could not make the stars fall from the sky.
“Seems as if we have an agreement Cutie Pie.” She nods as if settling my fate. How is she so self-assured? I shouldn’t have agreed to this.
“Don’t ever call me that again.” I snapped. Bridgette smiles and runs in the other direction.
“I’ll see you tonight Cutie Pie!” Bridgette giggles. “Wear something nice okay!” She’s completely absurd.
“You should seriously give that girl some more credit Felix. Bridgette seems like the kind of person with bright ideas.” Plagg articulated.
“Plagg if you shut up I’ll give you some camembert when we get home.”
Thump. There’s Bridgette. Right in the middle of my lonely pity party. Flying through my window.
“Damn it Bridgette you’re an idiot you’re going to get hurt. Get up.” She was laying in the middle of my floor. Which means that she got up onto the roof, scaled the wall, and climbed through my window. She’s unbelievably dense.
“Hi Felix! Aren’t you surprised?” She gets up and brushes dirt off her dress. It’s a deep blue and ends just above her knee. Silver constellations printed across the skirt. Bridgette got up onto the roof, scaled the wall, and climbed in through my window. In what looks like a designer item. I’m not fazed by anything she does anymore.
“I told you to wear something nice!” She pouts.
“That’s what this is about Bridgette? I told you that I’d go on a date with you when the stars fall from the sky. Leave me alone.” This time she doesn’t drag me. She just smiles, and walks towards the window. Just my luck. A meteor shower.
“You promised.”
The thought of going on a date with someone like Bridgette seems absolutely repulsive. The stars aren’t falling, they're simply relocating. But, I have nothing better to do tonight. So, I follow her out my bedroom window.
“You’re absolutely insane.” We were on the roof, a rope placed so we could get down, after I fixed it there as Ladybug.
“Yes, probably.” I can’t help but smile at the look of Felix’s face. Calm and collective as always, never daunted by my clever ideas. I had to find some way to get him out of the house without his father or bodyguard noticing, and it’s not like I could just carry him there as Ladybug. So we climb down.
Felix goes first, making it seem surprisingly undifficult. He’s stronger than he looks. All he does is read and practice piano all day. Strange. He gets to the bottom quickly with ease, leaving me to go next. I think I’ll make this a bit more entertaining for myself.
“Here I come!” I grab hold of the rope and jump off. Sliding down, I knock Felix to the ground, landing on top of him.
“Get. Off of me.” He shoves me off of him and gets up, sweeping dirt and grass off his jacket. Then, reaches his hand out to help me up.
A rooftop dinner overlooking Paris. Why does she like me? Even Bridgette could find someone better than me. I’m not good for anything. Why go through so much trouble? She gestures for me to sit. There are candles, hearts, and roses everywhere. It’s tasteless.
“Happy Valentines day Felix.” Bridgette sits on the other side of the table and sets a large bowl of heart shaped chocolates in the middle. I don’t care for sweets.
“Are you in love with me Bridgette? This is quite extravagant for an evening conversation. You should try this with someone who actually likes you.” My question took her by surprise.
“I’ll have you know that there is someone head over heels for me. He’s just not my type.” she scoffed.
“You’d have to be a complete moron to be rejected by Bridgette Dupain-Cheng.” I laugh.
“What do you mean?” She seems a bit hurt by my comment. Does she honestly not know how she acts?
“Damn it Bridgette you’re pathetic. Following me around like a love sick puppy. I would never love someone like you. Give it up all ready.” It’s almost hilarious that she really hasn't caught on. “You know you’re the only one that hasn’t left me alone? The only one left that cares about me. You’re also the one person I couldn’t care less about. So leave me alone!” She’s always gotten on my nerves. Her determination makes my blood boil.
When I look over, I can see tears welling up in her eyes. Odd. no matter how many times I’ve offended her she’s always bounced back right away. That’s just who she is. A small ray of sunshine in an otherwise pitch black world. She’s still staring at me in shock, tears streaming down her face.
This time I went too far. I don’t think I ever really wanted to hurt her. I just wanted her to stay away from me. When you trust someone like me, you get hurt.
“I really did believe in you Felix.” Without another word, she gets up from the table and starts walking away. A black butterfly flutters towards her as she walks.
“Bridgette! Watch out!” I try to put distance between her and the akuma but it’s too late. The butterfly takes place in a chocolate that she was still holding and begins to overtake her emotions. I do the only thing I can think of, and pull her as tight to me as I can.
“Get your hands off me.” She’s struggling to get away but I can’t let her, so I wrap her into a tighter embrace.
“Please Bridgette, you can fight this. You believe in me, I believe in you too.” All I can do is plead as she fights against my hold. There’s still time, the akuma hasn’t completely taken over yet.
“Back off! Stop it!” She’s screaming now, tears furiously running down her cheeks. I can’t help her. “Get away from me! I hate you, I hate you.”
This girl is unbelievably strong. She’s fighting hard against her emotions, I can see that. Just need to hold on for a bit longer. I did this to her. Bridgette is in pain because of me. Why do I care? I didn’t yesterday.
“I hate you! I hate you! I ha-” She gives up struggling against my hold and sinks to the ground, crying as I hold her.
“I’m sorry.” I mutter. “I don’t know what I was thinking. I’m sorry.” Bridgette’s negative thoughts must have faded because the butterfly surrenders and tries to leave. Dumping the bowl of chocolates from the table, I trap the akuma.
“Why do you even tolerate me Bridgette? I’m horrible to everyone. You’re always so positive in every situation.”
“I have you. And even if you don’t want me, you’ll always have me.” She smiles and rubs the tears off her face.
“You don’t know a thing about who I really am Bridgette. If you knew you wouldn’t be here with me.”
“Your favourite is blue. You love reading romantic poetry, even though you try to hide it. You spend all your time in coffee shops to get out of spending time at home with your father.” She pauses and looks up from the chocolate piece she was fiddling with. “You pretend you want to be alone, but you’re glad that you have someone to talk to. Felix you can decline my gifts and push me away. What I know is, the boy I love, shoving his hand in my face and telling me he’s not interested everyday, still puts his book away when I try to talk to him.”
It’s terrifying, realizing that someone knows you better than you know yourself.
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warrioreowynofrohan · 4 years
Rhythm of War Review
It feels a little separate from the rest of the book to me at the moment because I read it pre-release, but I think it did a good job setting up the rest of the plot. I greatly enjoyed Navani’s perspective and ideas throughout the book, and the first section established her much more firmly as a character than any of the previous books; her couple of chapters in Oathbringer were more focused on politics and her relationship with Dalinar, so it was great yo see much more of her scientific side.
When I first read Part 1 it felt very Kaladin-heavy, but after completing the book I see how it was necessary to establish his burnout in order to set up the rest of the plot. And Chapter 12 (A Way to Help), in addition to being our only chance in the book to see our trio together, did a great job setting up Kaladin’s later work with mentally ill people, both by establishing the need and showing what kind of help was needed. I was nonetheless quite frustrated by Kaladin reacting to Shallan’s DID with “that would be nice...”. She’s having serious problems, Kal! She’s your friend and could use support, not you regarding her issues as a neat way to take a holiday from one’s own brain! Kaladin’s very kind and caring with those he chooses to protect, as we see with Bridge 4 in TWOK and the mentally ill people in Chapter 25, but sometimes I think he’s not a very good friend. I know he was not in a good place, but in Oathbringer when they were in Shadesmar Shallan had just had a complete breakdown and she still went out of her way to emotionally support Kal, so it would be nice to see his friendships become a bit more two-way. (For similar reasons, I liked seeing the moments of Shallan-to-Adolin emotional support in Shadesmar in ROW, because a lot of their relationship in OB was her relying on him; it felt balanced in ROW as both supported each other.)
I loved the Shadesmar arc! The emotional arcs for both main characters were very strong - I had been looking forward to seeing Adolin’s reaction to (in-universe) Oathbringer, and it did not disappoint; the conflict between genuinely loving Dalinar and being unable to forgive what he’d done was well-drawn. I was so pissed off at Dalinar in that last conversation! You burned his mom to death, you do not get to take the moral high ground and lecture him. And I do see a difference between killing innocents, as Taravangian does, and killing someone who’s effectively declared war on you and has a history of treason.
I also liked Adolin’s sense of being generally at sea with his purpose in the world. He’s been trained primarily as a warrior and general, and his combat skills have been made virtually obsolete by the Radiants. And at the same time, the reader can see what makes Adolin special, and it’s not combat skills - though those do give him a big heroic moment in a pinch - it’s his care and compassion for others. The way he interacts with Maya and slowly brings her life is absolutely beautiful. Chapter 35 was such a wonderful Shadolin moment (and starspren are amazing!); he really gets her and understands what she needs. Chapter 24 was sweet too, though super cheesy.
I spent the entire Shadesmar arc side-eying Veil and Radiant, especially with Veil’s takeover stunt at the start, but in the end they genuinely were supporting and helping Shallan. So in retrospect I do like scenes like the one with Veil trying to draw Shallan out by drawing Adolin badly.
Spoeking of drawing, I love the spren art, it’s some of the best art so far, and fascianting to see how they all look!
Kaladin finding non-violent ways to protect, culminating in pioneering Rosharan therapy - and Teft insisting on staying to support him - was everything I wanted for him. His arc could have just been that, and I’d have been perfectly happy. Chapter 25 (Devotary of Mercy) is still my favourite in the entire book.
Unfortunately, then Odium’s forces had to show up and SPOIL EVERYTHING. I’m rather appalled by how quickly Urithiru fell - the enemy forces were literally in the pillar room by the time anyone noticed them.
Part 3 was a real slog for me, partly because it is a slog and partly because I hit it at the height of my sleep deptivation. (It’s really...not a good thing to be reading on zero sleep at the literal darkest-hour-before-dawn.) Kaladin’s arc in Urithiru is just so exhausting; he’s so clearly worn to the boneand everything feels so hopeless. Kaladin’s had bad times before - Bridge 4 in TWOK, for example - but then the reader could see progress even if Kaladin couldn’t. (Kaladin: I’m getting nowhere and failing at everything! Everyone else: Kaladin, you were literally just miraculously resurrected.) Here, though - well, I genuinely spent the whole book from Part 3 through to the climax thinking that they would lose Urithiru.
Navani’s arc, and Venli’s, I did enjoy.
The other section of Part 3, in Emul, just felt rather disjointed. It had some interesting moments, but it didn’t have a sense of cohesion or of where it was going. I was entertained by Dalinar’s musings on the merits of despositism and the need to free Queen Fen from having - horrors! - a parliament. (I wonder if the Fourth Ideal will be something like “I will recognize that it can sometimes be beneficial to have people oppose my decisions.”)
Again, adored the Shadesmar arc. Really strong character arcs for both Adolin and Shallan, combined with excellent plots and a strong sense of momentum. I was pretty sure Maya would be crucial in the trial, but that didn’t make the moment any less powerful (though Sanders probably shouldn’t have tried quite as hard to replicate his “You. Cannot. Have. My. Pain.” moment from Oathbringer). I need to put together a proper post on the theme of choice in Oathbringer, because that moment - combined with Kaladin’s fourth ideal and the conflict with Lirin over the way he’s inspiring the resistance - really crystallized it for me. To treat a person’s choice and sacrifices as something done to them is to devalue their volition, their agency. Maya is put in the horrifying situation of being used as a prop and treated as evidence of a point that she is diametrically opposed to and turned into a weapon against someone she loves, and it’s enough to drive her to regain her voice and speak for herself. I am very curious to know what specifically led the spren to agree to the Recreance!
I did not remotely guess what Shallan’s secret was, even though in retrospect the Cryptic deadeye should have made it incredibly obvious. I think her fear that she’d lose Adolin if it came out was overblown - he already knows she killed both her parents, he’s not going to be fazed by “I was so distraught over having to kill my own mother in self-defence at age ten that I broke my Radiant oaths”. But obviously it’s not something Shalkan would be able to consider duspassionately. Her arc was rather terrifying once I realized that Formless was, well, basically her, but more specifically, Shallan’s idea of the monster that she was, and her breakdown was driving her to “accept who she was” as being that monster. I like Shallan and was never that into Veil - though she was fairly good in this book and went out well - so I’m not sad to see the back of her.
I haven’t managed to work through all the espionage/mole elements. Yes, Pattern used the box to talk to Wit, and Radiant killed Ialai so Shallan wouldn’t, but who’s Mraize’s spy close to Dalinar?
This arc ended too abruptly. I think Sanderson could easily have traded a Kaladin chapter in Part 3 for an extra chapter wrapping up events in Shadesmar; maybe one where Shallan first goes to see Testament.
I enjoyed the Urithiru arc in Part 4 as well. Switching to Bridge 4 points of view other than Kaladin was a good move - we already know he’s worn to ribbons, so we don’t need to be inside his head to see it. “The Dog and the Dragon” was amazing, and the most appropriate story ever for Kaladin. (I get how Wit’s schtick of telling incredibly topical stories and then saying “no, I don’t have a point, what point?” would be really aggravating in person.) It was nice to see him be gentle with Kaladin for a change, the way he is with Shallan - his two previous encounters with Kaladin read as rather baiting, which annoyed me.
Dabbid was - I don’t know quite how to say this, but his inclusion struck an amazing balance in this book. Navani’s arc is all about two amazingly smart people doing science and making incredible breakthroughs, and that is sincerely valued and given importance by the narrative, and then you get chapters like Dabbid’s and one of Taravangian’s emphasizing that a person’s value and ability to contribute is not determined by their intelligence.
Navani’s arc continued to be excellent. All of her research, and the way the story took you through the process, and her complex relationship with Raboniel, was great.
I loved Venli’s character development, and growing willingness to take risks for the sake of others. To me, her arc parallels Dalinar’s in the last book in some ways. If we can love the story of a bloodthirsty conqueror growing to become a good person, why can’t we equally love the story of a coward coming to become a good person? There seems to be a tendency to be more drawn to strength, even in its most terrible forms, than to weakness. To me, Venli’s confession to Rlain and acceptance of his disgust at her was one of the book’s great moments. (And I can’t understand people saying her arc took up two much space. She had 5 chapters in Part 3, and 4 in Part 4. That’s not very many! I’ll grant that the flasbacks packed less punch than some earlier flashback sequences because we already knew the main events - Brandon acknowledged that even before the book came out - but I still liked them well enough, and Venli’s present-day arc was excellent.)
Anyway, the amount of space I’ve spent on this section relative to Part 3 is another strong inducation of the differences in how I feel about them!
I should probably start this section with a discussion of Moash. I’ll try to keep it summarized. here - I could, and may, write a short essay on his development through The Stormlight Archive. The first thing that jumps out about Moash’s arc in this book is his reaction to Renarin’s vision in Part 1. I think that vision is showing Moash who he could still be, in a similar way to Shallan’s inspirational drawings of people - both use the Surge of Illumination. So it’s not that Moash is irredeemable; Renarin is specifucally holding out to him the possibility of redemption.
And Moash’s reaction is to run away in terror. Because he desperately wants his decision to be irrevocable. He desperately wants there to only be one possible path forward for him. Because if there are alternative paths, it means he can choose them, and that would mean facing guilt, facing the fact that his past choices were wrong, and his current choices are wrong. And that is exactly what Moash sought to avoid by giving up his pain and sense of guilt to Odium.
Moash is, nonetheless, very much Moash and not Vyre, as evidenced by his continuing obsession with Kaladin. As with his above need to not be wrong, here he needs to feel that he’s right, and the only way he can feel that he’s right is if Kaladin - whom he still deeply admires - makes the same decision as him, and if Moash can convince himself that he’s doing Kaladin a favour in driving him to that point. It’s ironic that he’s given up almost all feeling abd become almost enturely detached, but his worst actions are driven by his attitude towards the one person in the world who he still does have very strong feelings about. By the end of the book, he’s comprehensively broken, to the point that even when his ability to feel is restored he’s unable to even feel genuine remose over the cold-blooded murder of a friend. I don’t know where he’ll go from here - it would be ironic if he was only ever really appealing to Rayse-Odium, and Taravangian-Odium found Moash too much of a flat villain for his purposes and cast him off.
As the plot climaxes go, I thought the ones for Navani and Venli were excellent and very satisfying. I enjoyed Kaladin’s as well and found it cathartic, but it a was moment we all knew had to come, so it didn’t have quite the kick of some of Kaladin’s other big moments. I did love his reconciliation with Lirin. One of the themes of the book was finding common ground despite deeply felt disagreements - with Navani and Raboniel, with Navani and the Sibling, and with humans and singers/Fused more generally - and Kaladin and Lirin’s reconciliation fit well with that. I am far more favourable to Lirin than most people - if you’ve lived as a pacifist in storming Alethkar, which values the lives of its people slightly more than it does crem, you’re going to have been right a solid 95% of the time, where everyone else was wrong. I can make allowances for the other five percent, especially when Lirin’s life lesson from the last five or so years has been “resisting oppression and standing up for what you believe in will destroy everyone you love”.
And on the topic of finding common ground, Leshwi’s reaction to the revelation that Venli was a Radiant was one of the single most beautiful moments of the book, and one of my absolute favourites. It’s gorgeous and moving, and at the same time rather tragic, because - what might have bern different if Venli had revealed herself to Leshwi at the start of the book? How much of the conflict could have been avoided. Singers don’t appear to attract spren as strongly as humans do, which makes Leshwi drawing joyspren particularly powerful. And then the bittersweet note from “My soul is too long owned by someone else”. (Come to think of it, this is another inverted paralell to Moash. This is someone realizing “I was wrong about everything and I’m so glad about that because it means I have a chance to be someone better than I was.”) Oh my goodness, I would love a Leshwi chapter in a later book, just to check in on her and see how she’s doing in her new life with the Singers.
I also loved the climax of Navani’s arc, and was so relieved, because up until that very moment I wasn’t sure if the Sibling would survuve uncorrupted. I know that some people weren’t pleased because the Sibling didn’t even like her, but to me that became a core part of the story, like I said above - people who deeply disagree finding common ground and common cause. That is a key element of being a Bondsmith - the process of bringing people together in spite of their differences - and something that fits Navani so well given the rapport she found with Raboniel. (Though I was conflicted about the latter. On the one hand, she made amazing discoveries that enabled her to save Urithiru. One the other hand, she...kind of collaborated with the enemy and gave them terrible weapons out of intellectual curiosity and a desire to prove herself?) I will grant that it makes the series, and the characters with the most crucial importance to Roshar, rather Kholin-heavy.
For Taravodium, all I can say is - YIPES. I have no idea how to process the implications of that, but I feel like it will be bad. Really really bad. (Taravangian is probably my least favourite character in the entire Stormlight Archive. The attitude of “I am so brave and selfless for doing evil things and look at how wonderful I am for sacrificing my own morality for the benefit of all, you petty selfish people wanting to be good could never make such a grand sacrifice” drives me absolutely nuts. It’s a complete inversion and twisting of morality, and intensely arrogant.)
Dalinar’s encounter with Ishar was fascinating, and I’m very curious to see where this goes. The spren experiments were deeply creepy! And the way Radiant Oaths can temporarily restore a Herald’s sanity was fascinating - I’m very eager to see where this goes in the next book. I suspect that Dalinar may have made a very serious mistake with regards to this trial my combat, and I have no idea how/if they’re going to fit Szeth’s whole arc into the ten days before the duel. I’ve been eagerly anticipating Szeth’s arc ever since The Way of Kings!
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novannna · 4 years
Our Love is a Supernova
For the second day of wlw week, i wrote a novissa one-shot.  they go stargazing together, and ✨stuff✨ happens
wc: 2085
Nova tossed the pebble up and down in her hand.  It was round, and smooth.  The speckled gray surface was cool against her warm skin.  
Nova pulled her arm back, then hurled the stone at the window above her.  
It clacked loudly against the glass, then fell down to the ground below. 
Someone threw the window open, and looked around wildly, looking for the source of the noise.  
Nova grinned, and waved at the lanky red haired girl.  
Narcissa sighed, and shook her head.  
“Really?”  She mouthed.  
“Sorry,” Nova mouthed back.  “Come here.”
“I can’t.  My grandpa.”
“He’s asleep. I made sure of it.”
Narcissa gawked.  She held up her finger, and pulled the window back down, disappearing into the darkness of her room.
“Did you really put my grandfather to sleep?”  An annoyed voice asked.  
Nova grinned.  “Hey ‘Cissa.  I’ve missed you!”
The ginger haired girl raised her eyebrows.  She stood next to a large mirror Nova had brought up to the rooftop ages ago.  It was fractured in spots, and filthy, but it worked.  Narcissa could travel through it.  That was all that mattered.  
“You put my fucking grandfather to sleep.  Do you have any idea how risky that was?”
“Hey Nova, good to see you too Nova,”  Nova muttered under her breath.  
Narcissa groaned.  “I missed you too.  Now what are you doing here?”
“I’m bored, you're bored, let's do something!”  Nova said exuberantly.  
“How do you know I was bored.”  
Nova shrugged.  “You weren’t with me, so you must have been.”
Narcissa chuckled softly.  “Okay then.  What are we doing?”  
Nova’s eyes lit up.  “I want to show you something!  Come on!” Nova beckoned for Narcissa to follow wildly, and darted across the rough rooftop.  
Narcissa followed Nova as she led her to an uninhabited part of Gatlon.  They stopped in front of an old office building, stretching up to the sky.  
“This is what you wanted to show me?”  Narcissa didn’t bother hiding her disdain.  
Nova sighed.  “No.  What I want to show you is at the top.  Now hurry up, we don’t have all night.”  She raced inside the old building, and started sprinting up the staircase, Narcissa close behind.  
They ran up, the stairs creaking and shifting under their weight but never falling.  Narcissa couldn’t help feeling scared when the railing she grabbed fell down to the ground, or a patch of concrete was just missing entirely, but Nova didn’t seem fazed.  Of course she wasn’t.  This was Nova.  Nothing bothered her.  Nothing scared her.  She was unstoppable. Narcissa had known her for ages, but she had never seen Nova display any emotion but happiness, boredom or just no emotion at all.  That was the way Nova was.  Nothing bothered her the way things bothered everyone else.   Or, at least she didn’t show that she was bothered.  
They emerged at the top of the stairway.  The roof had mostly fallen away, exposing the night sky high above.  Old desks and chairs were scattered across the room.  
Narcissa leaned against the doorway, trying to catch her breath.  
Only a faint shimmer of sweat showed that Nova was affected at all.  Narcissa couldn’t help but notice how pretty Nova looked with her hair braided out of her sparkling brown eyes.  
“Is this what you wanted to show me?”  Narcissa gasped, still trying to regain her lost breath.  
Nova shook her head.  “Not quite.  We have to go a little bit more up.”  She jogged over to a fallen slab of roof, and scampered up.  It led to the exposed, crumbling roof top, and Narcissa approached the base cautiously.  
“Is it… is it safe?”  Narcissa asked.  
Nova shrugged.  “I guess?”
“Promising,” Narcissa shuddered.  “It’s your fault if I die.”
“Noted.  Now come on, it’s worth it.  I promise.”  Nova held her hand out to Narcissa who stood at the bottom of the slab still.  “I’ll keep you safe.”
Narcissa nodded tightly, and gulped.  Using both hands and feet, she slowly scaled the old roof.  When she was close enough, she grabbed onto Nova’s hand gratefully and hauled herself up the rest of the way.  
“Thank you,” Narcissa panted.  
“Of course.”  Nova grinned.  Noarcissa noticed a picnic blanket spread out before them.  
“What is this?”
Nova shrugged.  “I figured you’d be hungry.  I brought some food for us.”  
Narcissa smiled.  “Thank you!”
Nova blushed pink.  “It’s uh, it was no problem.  Now, sit!”  She plopped down, and patted the space on the blanket next to her.  “This is what I wanted to show you.”
“Gatlon?  I’ve seen this before Nova.  It’s not that pretty.”  Narcissa cautiously sat down.  She was intimately aware of the space between their hands.  
Nova sighed heavily.  “I know that idiot.  We didn’t come all the way up here for Gatlon.  We came here for the stars.  Look up.”
Narcissa tilted her head back, and gasped with awe.  “It’s amazing.”  The dark sky was studded with bright, shimmering diamonds.  The stars were plentiful here, their bright light shining down on the two girls.  
Nova nodded.  “We can see so many more here then we can from the library.  That’s why we came all the way out here.  Less light pollution.”    Nova laid down, and Narcissa soon followed.  The rock hard floor dug into her head, but she didn’t mind.  
“Which is your favourite constellation?”  Narcissa asked.  
“Hmm.”  Nova thought for a second.  “Probably Andromeda.  It’s named after the princess Andromeda who was sacrificed to Poseidon after her father said she was more beautiful than the Nereids.  She was chained to a rock, so a sea serpent could eat her, instead of it devouring the nation.”
“But didn’t she survive?”  Narcissa asked.  “I’ve read the myths.”
“She did, but to what life?  Does she really get a happy ending?”
“She marries, and gives birth to children.”
Nova’s nose automatically wrinkled.  “I like the story because it’s like mine.  I was forced into a place I don’t want to be because of someone else's actions, and now I’m stuck in a life I never wanted.”  Nova sighed heavily.    “It’s the one right there.”  She traced the star shape with her finger.  
“The one that looks like a little stick figure?”  Narcissa asked.  
Nova laughed, and nodded.  “Yeah.  That one.”
“Why do you like the stars so much?”  
“They remind me how small and unimportant I am.”
Narcissa laughed.  “That seems like a reason to hate them, not like them.”
Nova joined in with her own sweet laugh.  “I’m serious.  They remind me that no matter what I do, no matter what change I bring to Earth, it won’t really affect anything.”  Nova smiled softly.  “Did you know that each of those stars are billions and billions of miles away from Earth.  Some of them are probably already gone.  Exploded in some ancient supernova.  But their light still shines.  It will for a while.”  Nova turned her head to Narcissa.  “These stars are ancient.  By the time the light coming off them right now actually reaches us, the damage I do to Earth will be ancient history.  No matter how big I screw up, in the scheme of things, it doesn’t matter.”
“Wow.  That’s deep.  Y’know, I was thinking something along the lines of ‘Oh, they’re pretty, and very cool to look at,’” Narcissa giggled.  
Nova playfully shoved her, giggling along.  “Are you hungry?”  
“Not really,” Narcissa, but sat up anyways.  “Nova, can I ask you something?”
Nova nodded.  “Of course ‘Cissa.”
Narcissa inhaled deeply.  “Was this a date?”
Nova paused for a second.  “That depends.  Do you want it to be?”  
Narcissa thought about it.  Did she really want to be with Nova like that?  They were friends, but did Narcissa like her like that?  “Yeah,” Narcissa murmured softly.  “I would like this to be a date.”
Nova smiled.  “Then it's a date.”  She grabbed Narcissa’s face with her strong hands, and kissed Narcissa firmly.  
Every single nerve screamed.  It felt like Narcissa was burning up.  But not in a bad way.  It felt like pure, utter bliss.  Narcissa melted under Nova’s touch.  
It felt like Narcissa was a star in a supernova.  It felt like she was both dying, and living more brightly than ever before at the same time.  Narcissa leaned forwards into Nova, and wrapped her arms around her waist.  
When they finally broke apart, the fire vanished, leaving Narcissa hollow and empty.  
“I think,” Narcissa whispered, “I want dates more often.”
Nova laughed.  “Me too.  Every night if I could.”
“What’s stopping you?”
“Absolutely nothing.”  Nova rubbed Narcissa’s hands.  “Will you be my girlfriend, Narcissa Cronin?”
Narcissa nodded, giddy with happiness.  “Of course I will, Nova Artino.”
“We can’t tell your grandfather or any of the Anarchists,” Nova warned.  
Narcissa looked down.  “I know,” she said sadly.  
“They would make it so we wouldn’t be able to see each other again.  They don’t want me getting distracted, or losing focus.”
“Do you want to get distracted?”
“If it’s you distracting me, then definitely,” Nova smirked.  
“Good,” Narcissa breathed.  “Because I am excellent at distracting people.”  She kissed Nova’s lips again, her heart thudding in her ears.  
“You most certainly are.  I could be distracted all day.”
Narcissa’s face fell.  “But you can’t. We can’t.  In the day… we have lives to go back to.  People we can’t leave alone.”  
Nova squeezed her hand.  “Hey, that’s the day.  The night’s are ours.  We can do whatever we want, be whoever we want to be.”
“I don’t want to be anyone,” Narcissa said.  “I just want to be with you.  That’s all I want.”
“I want that too.  I want that so much.  More than almost anything.”
Nova sighed.  “You see that darker cluster of buildings?”  She asked, pointing at Gatlon.  Narcissa nodded.  “For the first 6 years of my life, I lived there.  Until a man broke in, and killed my parents, and my sleeping baby sister.  Evie.”  Nova’s hands dug into Narcissa’s.  “The Renegades were supposed to come.  They promised.  They promised.  But they never showed up.  They let my family die.  So I’m going to kill them for doing that to me.”  Nova’s voice was thick with tears.  “I can’t let them hurt more people again.”  
“Oh Nova…” Narcissa threw her arms around the girl, and hugged her tightly.  “I had no idea.  I’m so, so sorry.”
Nova shrugged.  “It was a long time ago.”
“Still…”  Narcissa tried to imagine that, but couldn’t.   She never really knew her parents.  Her grandpa never really talked about it with her.  She never missed them.  Why would she?  Her grandfather loved her.  He took care of her.  He was enough.  But for Nova… Stars, that must have been terrible.  
“Shh,” Nova said.  “Let's talk about something else.”
“Okay.”  Narcissa snuggled close against Nova.  “what?”
Nova shrugged.  “I don’t know.”
“Oh!”  Narcissa gasped.  “A shooting star!”
“What did you wish for?”
“More nights like this.  Just you and me and the stars.”  Narcissa grinned.  
“That sounds nice,” Nova murmured.
“If you are with me, then it sounds perfect.”
Nova blushed.  “Our love is going to last longer than the sun will,” Nova declared.  “The sun will explode in a brilliant and enormous supernova someday, and it will kill all of humanity.  But it won’t destroy our bond.  I love you too much for the end of the world to get in our way.”  
“Me too.” Narcissa smiled.  “The end of the world hasn’t met us yet.”  
“It better watch out.”  Nova laughed, and rested her head on Narcissa’s shoulder.  “I’m glad I can escape reality with you.  Up here, I forget about everything.  It’s only you and me.  Everything else is worlds away.”  
“We’re the only up here.  You, me, and the constellations.”
“We’re like Andromeda.  Waiting on our rock, waiting for the serpent to come.  The second we leave, we’ll be saved, or killed.  All we can do is wait a little bit longer.”  Nova sighed.  
“Then let's wait a little bit longer.”  Narcissa smiled softly.  “No need to greet the serpent.  We can hide away here.”
“I’ll hide away with you forever if I have to,” Nova smiled.  
“Good.  Me too.  Because I love you, and I cherish every single second I spend near you.”  Narcissa leaned in to meet Nova’s lips once again.  It felt like returning home.  They were okay.  They were still alive.  
Maybe they were hiding from life, but they were happy, and warm, and safe, and that was all that mattered.  
tag list: @novissa @redassassin @rvbell @phobidawg @thepurpledragon4444 @janisarkisian @lavenderbloo let me know if u want to be added or taken off!! (and sorry if i forgot u its a bitch to remember all the new urls)
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