#and i suppose dark meta crisis doctor
casasupernovas · 1 year
some people are arguing about rose being a genocider because of 'the parting of ways' and i was about to jump in to defend her because duh, we all want the daleks gone right? bad wolf sure isn't framed as genocide.
in 'journey's end' when the meta crisis doctor does the exact same thing...the doctor is appalled and exiles him for it.
my friend jokingly said that the doctor didn't try hard to get rose back in 'doomsday' but now i'm thinking...maybe a part of him was kinda relieved.
i can accept the meta/rose arc if i look at it through this lense. of the doctor saving rose because at the end of the day, he still loves her but always having in the back of his mind this massive alarm bell ringing because this girl just did a genocide for him. he pushes it away and says eff it imma have fun and they run around but their actions catch up then we get doomsday and as devastated as the doctor was, a part of him was saying welp. this was going to happen. and it's probably best this way. doesn't mean he has to be happy about it though (see series 3).
because then we get to series 4 and we get the meta crisis doctor pulling another genocide and the doctor's forcibly reminded of what happened before. so when rose asks why can't she stay, the doctor is more than eager to kill two birds with one stone, and orders the two genociders far tf away.
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writingithink · 3 years
Improbable Multiversal Transcending Temporal Spacetime Event Pairing: Metacrisis Tenth Doctor/Rose Tyler Rated: T Word Count: 7,101 Summary: The best way to show someone you care is to blow up their job ... right? Notes: I'm back! And it's not a Tangled Timelines update (sorry!) But it is something? I've had this in my WIPs for awHILE now, and when I was cleaning my studio the other night I found a planning page for it in a random tote bag and was like ... oh yeah. And the ending just came to me and I love it when that happens. Hopefully there will be another chapter up for Tangled Timelines soon, though!
As always, infinite thanks to my wonderful beta, @hey-there-juliet​ who is fine with me randomly sending her fics at all hours and with no warning XP
All mistakes are mine, as always.
If the other him in the other universe had taken the time to imagine their human life together in a parallel universe, the Doctor doubted he would have pictured this. His imagination, when it came to Rose Tyler, was always quite whimsical. Happiness had made him impractical, really. Because despite all of the drawbacks, all of the reasons he currently loathed himself, the Doctor knew every single reason why the other truly felt like this was the best possible option.
But maybe it wasn’t.
Sometimes, despite it not occurring too often, he was wrong.
They had spent five and a half hours on the beach at Bad Wolf Bay.
(I create myself.)
She had been so upset; said that after everything they’d went through, everything she did to get back, the other him owed her a proper goodbye. She had stopped speaking to him when he told her that, actually, he would never give her a proper goodbye.
And she didn’t let him explain why. Now that he finally could.
Now it had been 57 days since she’d last spoken to him. Since he’d gotten more than a brief glimpse of her with his own eyes. That he’d spent piecing together a picture of what her life had been like here, without him. Such a short time, really, now that it was over (almost over), but yet also some of the worst moments of his entire existence.
It seemed fair that the multiverse would demand just that extra sequence of pain, considering everything he could potentially get in return. What another version of himself could only hope for, bitterly gambling eternities, following their timeline through all of it’s complicated swirls and turns, names weaving around each other, stamping themselves on the structure of creation.
Forever isn’t something that ends.
(How long are you going to stay with me?)
Quite the opposite, actually. And he knew, eventually, she would remember that. Knew it, but didn’t feel it.
The Doctor finally understood what all of the human writers meant about falling in love. Not just the terrifying sensation of the unstoppable freefall, but also the immense pain of crashing into the immovable object at the end of the journey.
They had sat on opposite ends of a Zeppelin. He had gone back to the Tyler Manor with Jackie, and Rose had gone back to her flat. Hoping to see her, talk to her, he had immediately joined Torchwood (once they agreed to his very detailed, highly specific, entirely ironclad contract). Their paths rarely crossed, and when they did it was just tiny, insubstantial moments.
A flash of her at the far end of a hall. Her name in a report (a lot of reports). Snatches of her voice, there one moment and gone the next.
It all made everything hurt so much more, somehow, having her so close but yet further than he could have possibly imagined.
But yet …
His imagination, when it came to Rose Tyler, was still quite whimsical. So when he tried to think of the bigger picture, waxing poetic, alone on his office couch, the Doctor tried to look at the last few years as the impact, and this as the aftershock. Still, philosophical jaunts weren’t exactly a solution to his problem. A temporary solution was moving his office even further away, so that’s what he did. 
Plus, he found it kind of fitting, commandeering the inside of Big Ben. UNIT may have it in the prime universe, but in this universe he had the fancy landmark office. Well, office-slash-home (without Rose Tyler, a proper house with doors and things was absolutely unthinkable). Not that it was just about having a private laugh. The gears soothed him, the sound of ticking helped the gnawing emptiness that had filled his mind ever since the TARDIS dematerialized without him in it. The Doctor had thought it was kind of fitting - the closest he could possibly be right now to time.
Not that he wasn’t spending every possible spare moment working on the baby TARDIS, just a tiny piece of coral still, currently sitting in the extended electro-percussive environment chamber. He wondered if, in three years (his best-possible projected timetable), when the new TARDIS would be ready for flight, she would still not be speaking to him.
Incidentally, the emergence of that thought and the start of his supposed ‘self-isolation’ coincided to an alarming degree for how coincidental the two really were. The fact of the matter was, he was busy. Tons of experiments to run, alien equipment to identify, classify (and more often than not remove from Torchwood entirely), a baby TARDIS to tend to, and a backlog of Rose’s mission reports to hack into made spending slightly over three weeks in his tower easy.
The problem was the fact that during that time the Doctor avoided sleeping, barely remembered to eat, and existed on overly sugared tea alone. Not sleeping didn’t put the demons at bay, but at least when he was awake he wasn’t forced to confront the man he never wanted to remember being.
It had been 57 days since Rose Tyler had last spoken to him, and the Doctor detonated a bomb in the abandoned annex Torchwood had scheduled to be demolished and rebuilt.
Then the counter reset to zero.
“What do you think you’re doing?!” she yelled, barging into the top floor lab where he had been checking the readings on the EEPEC.
Everything that he wanted to say to her, and the Doctor was struck mute.
“Whatever plans you think you have, however good of an idea it is, for the good of the planet or, or the galaxy or what, you don’t just go blowing up buildings without a word to anyone! Do you know that everyone else was too scared to come up here and have a word with you, because that highly confidential ridiculous contract you drew up made its way through the gossips and isn’t so classified anymore. Now no one wants to go toe to toe with the man who ‘speaks for the planet’,” Rose growled through the air quotes. “So tell me, Doctor, what genius reason you’ve got for blowing up the Records Annex?”
A slow smile spread across his face.
“It worked.”
“Remember ‘run’?” he asked, bouncing away from the baby TARDIS and circling her, picking up his new sonic screwdriver as he did and deadlock sealing the only door off the floor.
“Run?” she frowned as he circled back.
“Run,” he whispered in her ear as he passed, running up a small set of stairs to flip a giant switch that activated the clock-lights outside of their automated timer. Likely no one noticed outside with the sun still out, but it lit up the lab. “Henrik’s basement, Nestene Consciousness, shop window dummies, you and me. How did that night end?” he asked, with a manic grin as he skidded to a stop in front of her.
“Oh, that ‘run’,” Rose breathed, trying to fight back a smile. “You blew up my job.”
“I blew up your job.”
She huffed, blowing her bangs out of her eyes, and crossed her arms. His shoulders fell, exhaustion pressing down onto each and every bone of his new, much more fragile body.
“I just want to talk,” he told her, only a moment away from begging.
“Alright then. Talk.”
Everything he wanted to say to her, and all of it felt disjointed in his overtired mind. Yet she was here now, and if she left he didn’t have a new idea for getting her back again. So he talked.
“I’m sorry. That I made this choice for you, even if it was technically a different me who did it. I’m sorry that this is the best option, the safest option. I’m sorry I never got the chance to explain everything to you before. But I am never going to say goodbye to you, Rose. Never. And I know that the power of words doesn’t translate as well for you, the science of psycho-kinetic-telepathic influence on the elements of creation. But there are some things I can never risk saying aloud. There are some beings that exist, at least in our original universe, that could easily- … still, no matter what universe we’re in, I’m never going to say it. Forever, Rose Tyler. It’s longer than you can comprehend. An eternal silence stretching infinitely ahead, timelines swirling in every direction. This one is ours, if you’ll- if you could just- if you could see in twenty-odd dimensions and focused on individual temporal waveforms, the quantum reality of specific-”
“Doctor!” she shouted when his legs gave out, immediately grabbing hold of him, joining him on the floor.
“I’m fine,” he insisted, but when he moved to get back up she easily held him down. Rose gently manipulated his face, giving him a basic medical check. He couldn’t help but smile a little at how much she had learned while they were away, only to then frown at how hard he imagined it all must have been for her. Floundering, he tried to make a joke. “So, I’m still the Doctor?”
Which went ignored.
“You look like a wreck,” she told him, and it wasn’t new information. The Doctor now made much more frequent trips to the restroom and was well aware of how pale he was, of the dark circles under his bloodshot eyes. He had at least been making a disjointed effort to shave, which was another activity that had increased with his meta crisis, and admittedly it had slipped his mind for a couple days.
“It’s not easy, doing this without you,” he admitted. “But if you need more time, I want you to take it. I really am alright. There’s just so much I need to tell you, now that I can.”
“What do you mean, ‘now that you can’?”
“Different universe, firm walls in between. I don’t have to worry about using the wrong words at the wrong time and having cosmic consequences … for a lot of things, not all things. With our timeline in a different dimension and reality back as it should be, at least for the moment, I can tell you all sorts of things. Though the most important one, the one I’m never going to miss an opportunity to say, is that I love you, Rose Tyler. Forever.”
“I love you, too,” she sighed, caressing his cheek for a moment before helping him up. “But I’m still mad at you. Now you need sleep.”
“But I’m not done talking,” the Doctor complained, dragging his feet as she led him over to the sofa in the corner.
“We’ll talk more after you’ve gotten some rest, okay? I promise.”
“Thank you,” he sighed, more horizontal than he remembered being just a moment ago. Something soft and warm ensconced his body. He hadn’t realized how cold he had been until just then.
Another breath and black oblivion overtook him. Peaceful until it suddenly very much wasn’t. 
A shockwave. A rift in time and space. A breached void. A crack in reality. A big red button. No more. Howling, howling, howling.
“Wake up!”
His eyes snapped open.
He didn’t know where he was. Nothing felt right; not the air, not time, not even his own body. The Doctor tried to do a quick systems check, and the results were all wrong. His hand flew to his chest, where only one heart was beating.
A choking scream echoed through the space, which seemed to be tick tick ticking, and he didn’t realize that it was him who shouted until soothing hands were brushing through his hair. Vision focusing, he saw Rose Tyler kneeling next to him, or at least it was something that looked like Rose Tyler. She felt too cool. Or maybe he was too warm.
“Are you real?” he asked, hoping that she wouldn’t lie to him.
Just one heart working, and it was beating too fast, refusing to slow down. The air was too thick, he couldn’t breathe.
“Yeah.” A sad smile. “I’m real.”
The Doctor didn’t know if he believed her, closing his eyes so that he wouldn’t have to see the moment she inevitably vanished. “I’m dying,” he told the being-who-might-be-Rose as he shuddered and collapsed back onto some sort of sofa.
“You’re fine,” she lied, but it was a lie she seemed to believe.
“Only got one heart beating,” he admitted, trying to get his breathing under control as his malfunctioning body began to sweat. The room ticked away, and he wondered if all of this was about to explode, if he should be running, if he even could run. His legs felt like lead. So did his arms. The air was too thick, dragging him down.
The Doctor shut his eyes tighter, tears escaping that he hadn’t even realized were there. She must have vanished, just like he knew she would. And if she was never real to begin with, why did it have to hurt so much for her to go?
A weight rested on top of him, and he would never forget the feel of her. He vaguely wondered what it meant for him, to be having tactile hallucinations. Olfactory hallucinations. Even the buzz of time that had never left her skin after she took in the vortex was present.
“You’ve still got two beating,” Rose whispered as his arms wrapped around her in a tight hold that didn’t feel nearly strong enough to keep her. He wasn’t strong enough to keep her.
Her heart beat steadily over where his right heart had failed.
“I’m scared,” the Doctor admitted, eyes still closed though it was oddly easier to breathe.
“I’ve got you.”
“Please be real,” he whimpered, even as his mind grew foggier.
She said something, but he didn’t know what. Everything was fading away, darkness becoming darker, becoming void.
The Doctor awoke alone on the couch in his office. According to his time sense, he had slept for eighteen hours and twenty-one minutes. He felt better than he had in weeks, but also so much worse. He grabbed his pillow and screamed into it.
“What’s wrong now?”
The pillow dropped from his hands and his eyes locked with Rose’s as she raced up the slight stair onto the platform that separated his primary workspace from the rest of the top floor.
“What?” His voice cracked.
Rose Tyler sat next to him on the couch, hand immediately resting on his forehead, primitively gauging his temperature. The Doctor cleared his throat before trying again.
“Rose, what are you doing here? Not that I’m not glad, I’m so very, very glad you’ve come.” Her hand dropped away and he was able to get a good look at her, dressed in a pair of his boxers and one of his shirts (Jackie had bought him a ridiculous amount of clothes before he left the manor, all of which he sent out to be cleaned). He swallowed audibly. “W-why are you wearing my clothes?”
“‘M locked in here. Door’s deadlock sealed.”
Flashes of memories began to speed through him. Attaching a re-calibrated Tziklian implosion grenade to a newly-repaired retroreflective Clishtahrr drone. Obsessively trying to circumvent his vision in order to peer at his own timeline, making himself sick. A contained rift event in the lower levels of the tower that made him feel like he had looked into the untempered schism again.
(Run, run, run!)
“I’m sorry. I don’t … I’ll just …”
He pushed himself up onto unsteady legs, found his sonic screwdriver and unsealed the door. And he wished he hadn’t trapped her with him, even if he was starting to remember why (inky black terror crawling up his spine, wrong universe, wrong universe, wrong universe).
“Do you remember what happened yesterday?” she asked, following him as he went to check the TARDIS on autopilot, looking as if she was worried he would collapse (again).
“It’s coming back to me,” the Doctor admitted. Still had a good four hours to go before the shatterfry process would be complete. He straightened his shoulders, trying to stand tall as he turned to face her. “Things got a little, uhm, unpleasant. I’ll do better.”
“Unpleasant,” Rose scoffed. “I’m pretty sure you had a bleedin’ breakdown!”
“It’s been a difficult regeneration,” he deflected, turning away, leaving the platform and making a beeline to the tiny kitchenette tucked off to the side. Tea. He just needed more tea.
“So, this how it’s gonna be, then? All that stuff about wanting to talk, but now you’re just done?”
He nearly spilled the kettle with the speed of his turn, brows furrowed and mouth falling open. “What? Of course I want to talk!” the Doctor exclaimed. “Just, er, what did I say? Before?”
Memory was still a bit of a blur. Successful energy funnel for the TARDIS’ growth tank. Vodka tasting different in a universe without potatoes. Reports saying: Correct universe. Wrong time - past. No contact.
“You don’t remember?”
“I said it was coming back to me, it’s just not coming in the right order.” he sighed, refocusing on the tea.
“Well, what’s the last thing that you vividly remember?” Rose asked, moving around him, easily finding mugs and sugar and milk.
“Thirteen days ago, creating a temporal disruption chrono-field manipulator. Needed to siphon rift energy for our TARDIS. She needs a very specific growth environment.”
“Thirteen days?! Wait, siphoning the-” She leaned against the tiny countertop and covered her face with her hands. The only sound for a few moments was of the electric kettle quickly boiling the water. “Our TARDIS?”
“If you want,” the Doctor muttered, lifting a hand, wanting to touch her, but then thinking better of it. He clenched his fist as it dropped to his side.
Rose groaned as she turned back to him. “Of course I want that, you daft alien git! But you don’t exactly make things easy, do ya? I spent years getting back to you, and then suddenly there’s two of you and one of you abandons me just like I was always afraid of, but one of you stays and I’m expected to be able to process any of it? And then for weeks it’s an effort just to give myself space, knowing that wherever I go you’re so close, part of me wondering why I’m even trying to stay away when all I wanted for ages was to be back with you. Then suddenly you’re gone! I still know where you are, but there isn’t a chance that I’d actually run into you. And I still don’t know what to feel, but coming here yesterday, seeing you … I don’t think I’ve ever seen you look so broken.” There were tears in her eyes. His nails dug into his palms with the effort it took not to wrap his arms around her, to wipe them away. “I can’t help but feel like it’s my fault.”
“It’s not. It’s my own fault. You haven’t done a single thing wrong,” he assured her.
“That’s not true and you know it,” she tried to laugh, but it came out watery. “I’ve been an absolute cow. And I still haven’t answered your question. You’d said some things about words being a type of science, and that you could say things here that you couldn’t in the other universe. Like you were paranoid, under surveillance or something? I think you tried to describe how your time sense stuff works, but you almost fainted.”
“Fifty-seven days without you and that’s what I was talking about?” The Doctor grimaced.
The kettle clicked off.
“If it makes you feel better, it was kinda romantic. The stuff about not saying goodbye and forever and blowing up my job.”
“Blowing up your what?!”
“That’s why I had to come here. You blew up the old Records Annex.”
“Riiiiight. That explains the drone bomb. It’s not like they weren’t going to blow it up anyway. Didn’t I help?”
Rose rolled her eyes before moving to fix both their teas. “We’ll get into that later. Right now I don’t even want to talk about us. I wanna know about you, what you’ve been doing these past two months. Because I didn’t even stop to think what this all must be like for you.”
Cuppa in hand, the Doctor led her back to the couch as he tried to think of how best to explain something that he barely understood himself.
“I was created in a two-way human-Time Lord instant biological meta crisis. Hundreds of years as one being, then suddenly two. Exact same mind, almost the exact same body, but different enough that I can barely comprehend existing in it. If you remember, the first forty-eight hours of the regeneration cycle are complicated and dangerous. Barely a few hours into mine I was dropped outside of the prime universe that all Gallifreyans are meant to exist in, cut off from all telepathic contact as the walls of reality continued to sway, slowly falling back into place. It’s been … an adjustment. Sometimes things don’t feel real, even when they are. Sometimes things feel incredibly real, even when they aren’t.”
“You had a nightmare,” Rose told him, placing a hand on his shoulder, thumb rubbing soothing circles through his layers. “I woke you up, tried to help. You didn’t think I was real. You thought you were dying, because you only had one heart.”
He tried to smile, and the action felt painful. “Sounds about right.”
“I’m sorry. If I hadn’t been so selfish-”
“There’s nothing for you to apologize for. I want you to put yourself first.”
“But I can’t stand seeing you in pain like this. What can I do to help?” she asked, a desperation in her eyes that he couldn’t bear.
“You’re already helping,” the Doctor sighed, finally giving in and leaning into her touch, lying his head on her shoulder. It was the closest he’d felt to time since they’d been left on that bloody beach.
Memories were still racing through his head. Energy coils radiating artron energy into a centrifuge. The smell of burnt flesh against the remains of a Bverni navigational system. Reports saying: Correct universe. Wrong time - future. No contact.
“The other Doctor said that you needed me.”
He laughed, but there was no humor in it.
“Yes, because he needs you. He also said that I was dangerous. I am. He is. We are. But you already knew that. It’s easy, you know, to yell at yourself. Not often that there’s actually a separate you there to yell at. I destroyed the Daleks, but we’d already done that before we met. In fact, so did you. The other me was lashing out, knowing what he would have to do but not wanting to do it.”
“That’s another thing,” Rose said, moving to face him, dislodging his head, “you said that us being here, in this universe, was the best, safest option. What was that about?”
“Something’s coming. Has come. Ended and began. There’s a massive paradox surrounding me in the other universe. Incredibly dangerous, potentially catastrophic. All I know is that it has something to do with a woman named River Song who claims to be my wife.”
“Your wife?!”
“I said claims. And she did seem to be telling the truth, besides the fact that what she was saying was entirely preposterous. My soul is entirely bound to yours.” The Doctor took her hand and squeezed it. “So I think I have an idea of the kind of man I’ll have to become in order to keep the universe intact.”
“What’s that?”
“A liar. If she is going to believe that I could possibly join myself to someone else, someone who isn’t you, I’m going to have to lie. I’m going to have to forget. I’m going to have to lie so well and for so long that even I believe the fiction I’ve created for myself.”
He wondered what the other him in the other universe would think, then, whenever he caught a rare glimpse at their timeline surrounded in gold, bound with Rose’s for all eternity. What kind of explanation he would craft. The Doctor shuddered.
“But that sounds horrible!” she cried.
“It’s the sacrifice he’s making for the sake of the universe. My timeline is dangerous and someone, something is tampering with it. You and I made one tiny little paradox and it almost destroyed everything. This one is circular, might be able to be maintained, but the scale of it, Rose. And who knows if it will even work. River seems great and all, at least I hope so, but I don’t think she has much of a handle on time travel. That, or she’s a manipulative psychopath. Suppose that’s a surprise for the other me to find out.”
Rose sniffled and he pulled her into a hug.
“He’s going to be all alone.” The words were muffled into his shoulder, his shirt growing damp with her tears. He cringed and tried to think rationally, that of course she would feel this way, that it had nothing to do with how she felt about him him. But then again, maybe it did.
“He won’t be alone. He’ll find someone. I always do, eventually.”
“B-but I-”
“We’ll figure it out. How to get you back there, once it’s safe,” he whispered into the top of her head. Maybe that would be it- what she needed this him for. And if so, it would be enough. It would have to be enough.
The Doctor nodded, not trusting himself to speak.
“So it’s not- you really weren’t abandoning me here?” Rose lifted her head, eyes brimming with a hope that had been missing before.
“Never.” The word felt as if it was torn out of his very being.
She cupped his cheek, stubble beginning to smooth out into the beginnings of a beard. He really needed to shave.
“I thought you said to never say never ever?”
“That was before.”
It occurred to him that he had tea, so he took a sip - it had gone cold.
“Oh, right, all the, uhm, psychic-kinetic-telepathy science stuff.”
He opened his mouth to correct her - she was very close, though - but was interrupted by the ringing of the giant clock. It was heavily muffled by the sound proofing adjustments he had made while setting up the office, but still audible enough.
“It’s eight now, yeah?” Rose asked, even as she moved away.
She walked over to his desk, where the Doctor now noticed a pile of her folded clothes sat. He frowned when she brought them over to him.
“Do you think you could sonic these clean for me? I’m gonna quick hop into your decontamination shower.”
“Th- there’s a proper shower, it’s two floors down. First left, third right, door marked ‘Security Level Alpha’.”
“What, really?”
“Didn’t want random lab techs using it. Has a retina scan. It’ll let you in.”
Rose laughed, ruffled his hair, and gave him a kiss on the cheek before disappearing to get ready for work. The whole thing left him confused. He went through his list again, checking and double checking to make sure that this all was real . It was, just as it had been all morning.
More memories. Recalibrating the tower’s new sub-basement weapon’s vault. Burnt toast and no more jam left. Reports saying: Correct universe. Wrong time - future. Contact made.
It wasn’t fair that she had spent almost an entire day with him yet he had missed most of it. Still, he sonicked her clothes, as well as his tea. Finished his cuppa, and then had a second before Rose came back from her shower.
“Why’s there no one around?”
“Dangerous radiation leak,” the Doctor shrugged. “I fixed it almost as soon as it happened, but apparently there’s ‘procedures’. How’d you get in?”
She bit her lip, fighting a smile. “Mighta shot a few of your doors,” Rose admitted, picking up an electro-pulse blaster off of a nearby cart. Non-lethal on organic matter. Very effective on fancy doors. “Nobody told me anything about a radiation leak, though.”
“Classified radiation leak.”
“And why’s that?” she scowled, hands on her hips.
“Everything to do with time travel is classified to this office. Bethany is not being very cooperative about putting you down as a liaison-whatever. Please believe me, I wasn’t trying to keep anything a secret.”
“Oh.” Rose glanced over at the EEPEC, absently biting her thumbnail.
The Doctor didn’t know what she was thinking, didn’t know if he should ask. After a moment she disappeared into the loo to change, promising to be back in a tick.
It was a funny multiverse, really, that his reunion with Rose Tyler would be such a stilted thing. That it would be about him and her, but not this him. Acknowledged with a few questions after his health, sure, but that was just polite. She’d always been compassionate, caring for others. Rose didn’t see him as the Doctor. Not the proper one. Sure, she used his name, but it would be easier for her to do that this time around.
He looked just like him.
He was him.
But he wasn’t.
Memories were still coming. Adjustments to Torchwood’s alien tech retrieval protocols. Nutrition shots. Reports reading: Correct universe. Wrong time - past. Contact made.
He went through the list again. Still real.
Unless it wasn’t.
Unless he wasn’t.
What would have stopped the other Doctor from knocking him out and uploading him into a matrix? Giving him a half-life with a programmed Rose Tyler?
The air here felt wrong.
(Wrong universe. Wrong universe. Wrong universe.)
(Daleks exploding. “What have you done?!”)
Pressure against his hands. Why was it so dark?
The Doctor opened his eyes to see Rose in front of him, pulling his fingers away from his palms. Oh. He was bleeding. Hadn’t even noticed.
“Sorry, sorry.” He spun away from her in order to grab the first aid kit from his desk.
“What happened?” she asked, vibrating with barely contained panic.
“Nothing, nothing. Things just got jumbled for a second,” he assured her, efficiently cleaning his palms and wrapping them in gauze in a practiced motion.
“How often do you-”
“Hard to say. I’ve been graphing them. Seems to be stress contingent, but generally decreasing. My senses are gradually acclimating to this universe, so I have to hope that once they do, I’ll be fine. Perfect. Molto bene. No inconvenient lapses.”
“Stress? What h- oh.”
He didn’t like the sound of that ‘oh’. The Doctor clenched his jaw before facing her.
“We still haven’t talked about us,” Rose pointed out, approaching him slowly. Like he was a wild animal. Like he would hurt her. “And you … you don’t really remember yesterday still, do you?”
“Not really.”
His hands hurt. His body ached. One heart, and it was beating so quickly that he was sure it would give out.
Rose wrapped her arms around him and he automatically returned the embrace.
“Maybe I should just call in,” she suggested as she pulled away. “We can just take the day?”
“Or don’t and stay anyway,” the Doctor couldn’t help pointing out. “Some bits have come back, and didn’t they send you here?”
She burst into laughter. “Oh my god, they did!”
And it was beyond words, how great it was to hear her laughing again. To see her smiling.
But …
That was wrong.
Rose was upset with him.
Time didn’t feel right.
The air tasted off.
Wrong Universe. Wrong Universe. Wrong Universe.
The Doctor staggered backwards.
His respiratory bypass was malfunctioning. It was like it wasn’t even there. He couldn’t get air into his lungs.
Everything went black.
There was a shot of gold, and then a different kind of black.
“Doctor,” said a whisper in the dark. “The timer went off for the TARDIS. ‘M I supposed to take her out of that thing?”
A TARDIS timer?
TARDIS … timer …
The timer for the extended electro-percussive environment chamber!!!
The Doctor shot up from where he had apparently been lying on the couch and ran over to the EEPEC, swiftly shut it off, removed the tank housing their baby TARDIS, and then poured in the pre-prepared aqueous nutrient solution before inserting the tank into the quasi-dimensional artron chamber (currently set to it’s highest opacity setting). 
“Hah!” he exclaimed, punching his fist in the air and itching to switch the chamber’s outside view settings to transparent. He turned to Rose, opened his mouth to ask her, and then paused.
It all came back to him, all of it, not just the jumbled recollections he had been getting earlier. Apparently he had fallen into a healing coma, and it seems to have been just what he needed … but it all truly hadn’t been fair to Rose. Though, to be fair, she was currently smiling like it was Christmas, so-
Christmas. Healing comas. 
“Shall we switch it to transparent?” the Doctor asked, unable to reign himself in any longer. “It was clear when Benny - quite the coincidence, right? - helped me set it up. This is a quasi-dimensional artron chamber. It’s funnelling in rift energy and centrifuging artron particles, and the end result in that chamber is the specific environment needed to properly grow a TARDIS. Well, along with the chrono-nutritio aqueous habitat. Benny describes looking into it as being similar to taking DMT, which, by the way, is completely inaccurate. It’s exactly like looking into an Eye of Harmony. If it’s malfunctioning, it’s like looking into the untempered schism, which I don’t recommend. But everything’s stable now, we could-”
“I thought I wasn’t supposed to look into the vortex?” Rose interrupted, and …
“Right … erm, well ,” he hedged, scratching the back of his neck, “I mean, it isn’t actually the vortex, but you’re probably not completely wrong. Best not risk it.”
Excitement abating, the Doctor slumped against the chamber and at that moment realized that he had been changed into jim jams.
Jim jams. Healing comas.
At least these were his own pajamas, and not some ‘friend’ of Jackie’s, though how strange was it that he owned his own pajamas in the first place?
“C’mere,” Rose said, beckoning him back toward the couch, which she was sitting next to, but not on. Not your typical decision, but he had likely taken up all of the space earlier. “I made you some tea.”
It really wasn’t worth it, cataloguing the similarities between this and when he had first regenerated into this body … even though the list did seem to be growing.
“Perfect! Just what I need!” the Doctor smiled as he walked over, taking a seat next to Rose on the floor.
Silence fell as he sipped his tea, and he found himself unsure of what to do or say next. There was too much to say, and he’d certainly done a piss poor job of organizing his thoughts earlier. 
“Feeling better?” she asked, after another moment. 
Small talk. He could definitely do small talk.
“Mmm yes, very much so.”
“Better enough to talk?”
The Doctor coughed, having swallowed his tea incorrectly (bloody hybrid body, still acting up), before nodding. Rose moved onto the couch and he scrambled to join her. 
“So,” she began and paused, face scrunching up in concentration (it was nice to know that he wasn’t the only one who found this whole business incredibly awkward), “I guess … what is it that you actually want? Aside from a working TARDIS, that is.”
His brows furrowed.
Sure, there were plenty of ways he could answer that question and have all of them be true, but he had a feeling that she was looking for a specific type of ‘want’. 
Problem was, the Doctor wasn’t quite sure what that was .
“What?” he asked, in lieu of any better things to say (as the runner up response was to ask for some jam, or maybe a banana, or some of the takeaway from the shop down the corner and blimey, he was hungry). 
“This whole time, all of it, since you c- since you were- since you stopped just bein’ a hand- ” the Doctor had a list of complaints and corrections that he barely held in “- nobody’s asked what you wanted. The D- the other Doctor chose for both of us, really, and I hadn’t really looked at it that way before. An’ I wanna know. What do you want?”
Removed from the actual experience itself (and therefore not feeling incredibly, deathly ill), visions of the slight peek he’d gotten four days ago of his own timeline played in his head.
The Doctor grabbed Rose’s hand, weaving their fingers together.
“I want this.”
She smiled and gave his hand a squeeze.
“Care to elaborate?” she asked with a slight laugh.
“Nope,” he replied, popping the ‘p’. “Because as long as you’re happy, everything else is just- just semantics. I mean, obviously it’s going to be a bit dull until the TARDIS has grown enough for proper travel, but I think we can make do?” At least, he really hoped so. It hadn’t been going swimmingly so far, but the Doctor sincerely hoped that he could chalk all that up to the initial side effects of the meta crisis, compounded by all of the, er … technical difficulties he had run into while constructing the TARDIS’ growth tank. Also, his new hybrid body needed much more maintenance than he was used to, including sleep. Really was rubbish without regular sleep. Such a waste of time.
“So, if I were to suggest you moving into the flat?”
He opened his mouth, intending to immediately agree, but then frowned. The TARDIS was here, after all. And he absolutely could not move her. Not at this stage. Not until she could connect to other dimensions on her own. The Doctor looked over at the quasi-dimensional artron chamber, once again wishing that he could switch it to transparent and watch the process unfold.
“How moved in is moved in?” he asked once he forced himself to turn back toward Rose.
“You’d sleep there, shower there, eat some of your meals. Most of your clothes an’ stuff would be there. Y’know. It’d be where you live. With me. If you want.”
“And that’s what you want?” he double checked, trying not to telegraph his surprise - he must have missed a lot while in a coma, as last he knew they were teetering on the edge of a row.
Rose rolled her eyes, and that was much more in line with where he thought they were at, er, relationship-wise.
“Well, I don’t fancy living in a clocktower office. When I’m done working, I’d like to not still be at work, ta.”
She did make some excellent points … but still, it all implied that they would be staying together. And that was what he wanted, of course it was, but the Doctor still couldn’t help but feel he had missed something crucial despite the fact that he could now remember everything clearly.
“You blew up my job. ”
“I love you, too. But I’m still mad at you.”
“You’ve still got two beating.”
Maybe there wasn’t something to have missed. Human emotions were relatively complex, after all, and there was no rule requiring them to happen in isolation.
“Are you still mad at me?” he asked, realizing as he did that to Rose it was coming from seemingly out of nowhere.
This was confirmed as she blinked, brows furrowing.
“I don’t know. Maybe a little, but …”
“But?” the Doctor repeated, unable to stand the suspense.
“It’s hardly the first time we’ve had a fight, yeah?”
He nodded, unsure of where she was planning on going with this and hoping that he wouldn’t need to begin apologizing for every insensitive thing he’d said or done since they first met. It would take ages.
“Well, we always end up workin’ it out. And we did live together, travelin’ on the TARDIS, whether we had a row or not, so …” Rose shrugged, now examining her fingernails.
Speaking of the TARDIS, though …
“First things first,” the Doctor began, rubbing the back of his neck as he stood up and began pacing, “I want it on record that I would absolutely love to live in a flat with you, with carpets and doors and things. Assuming we’d spend much of our time traveling about, that is.” He turned back toward her, having paced his way back over to the TARDIS’ QDA chamber. “The thing is, it’s … I don’t want you to think that- the TARDIS. She needs me here. This is a critical development period. For the next three to six months, the TARDIS will be growing in the chamber, learning how to connect to and create dimensions. Until she can manage it, I can’t move her and she requires near-constant monitoring. Every hour or two.” 
“She’s like a newborn baby,” Rose commented, getting up and joining him at the chamber, where she stroked the side.
“Well, I suppose this’ll have to do then,” she reluctantly … agreed? “As long as we’re living in the flat as soon as she’s moveable, mind. The bathroom here is two floors away.”
“It’s a clocktower, Rose! There’s only so much space.” The Doctor scrunched up his face as he said the word. 
“Then why’d you pick this place? I know because of the Rift, but doesn’t it stretch further than just the tower?”
“Nope,” he shrugged.
It’s not as though he hadn’t checked. 
“Small rift.”
“Yeah,” Rose laughed, “a small rift right under Big Ben.”
The Doctor laughed with her, amazed that he finally could.
Then he frowned.
It was all a little too good to be true.
Was this real?
He refocused. Rose was right in front of him, their eyes locked.
“You were getting that look in your eyes,” she informed him.
“Look? What look?” the Doctor asked, though he was pretty sure he already knew. Some sort of dazed tell, some sort of glaringly obvious indicator that his grasp on reality was failing him.
“This look you get when you start thinkin’ you’re in the wrong universe.”
Wrong universe, wrong universe, wrong universe.
“Well, I am in the wrong universe,” he couldn’t help but point out.
“Yeah, I know. Me too. But y’know what?”
Rose wrapped her arms around him, and it was almost as if she were his tether, grounding him to this new reality they’d found themselves in.
“It’s better with two.”
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sonickedtrowel · 4 years
So, long ask warning again. 😬 I'm back (if I can!).
Oh yeah. I agree with your criticism - was just thinking in terms of what the show gave us. There's precedent set (like 10 never telling Rose and THAT being a super huge "omg" moment several times throughout his time). I can see them not saying it a lot, but I do firmly believe like you that the Dr definitely told River they love her a lot more than we saw. And yeah, Let's Kill Hitler definitely was a confession - they can pry that from our cold dead hands because there's absolutely nothing else he could've said.
I mean someone could argue River always had a back up plan when she jumped out of the buildings etc but like. She absolutely didn't lmao. Opening an airlock to space? Jumping out of the high rise in 1969? Like I think Moffat wanted to create "unrest" to make it "spicy" or something - like how most TV shows won't let couples be domestic and happy - bc he definitely did that with Amy and Rory their entire time for... Absolutely no reason and attributed to about 85% of why I didn't like 11's run too much the first time I saw it. Hadn't noticed TATM was the shift for Dr/River's dynamic, but you're right (and come to think of it, wasn't that like... The first time they ever brought up "he doesn't like endings" like ever?? I mean it'd make sense, with meta and analysation, but if I remember correctly 11 didn't really show any emotions before then about endings - hell, he seemed p content in the Big Bang 2). And I would've liked to have seen it, too, if Moffat was gonna pull that shit like he did. At least give us the good angst feels (with the comfort later or else why have it at all lol) and not just say, "lol so River has more angst but we don't have time to get into that right now (or ever)." Bc I remember the first time I saw THoRS and being so confused - bc where did all that come from???? Fics have made good of what's been given but Moffat really went, "lol continuity whomst. Everything must be dark and mysterious!"
I agree with your analysis of it lol - they kinda left no other way to do it. I wish we'd gotten more of a breakdown after the Ponds. Like we know 11 became a broody sod for a year and then Clara magically pulled him out and he never really brooded again. And I suppose River saying she's fresh from Manhattan MIGHT explain why we never see more from her about it. But her being fresh from Manhattan and being perfectly okay and like That with Ramone during THoRS??? Doesn't really make sense. She's got bravado and can put up a show but there's no point to that when no one around would need the extra show (and she didn't even need to go and be around people at all, which I kinda feel like she probably didn't, at least not for a while). Esp since she didn't realize who 12 was and had accepted the Dr must be somewhere else. But yeah, Moffat was hella wrong (about far more than their established dynamic lol).
You’re so right.  Like, let’s start with JUST some quotes from River’s introductory episodes.  AND I KNOW, this is after Darillium, but I think we can all agree at the time it was written there was no intention for Darillium to have been 24 years and that this reflects her attitude to their relationship basically up to and, in fact, including TATM. RIVER: Thanks. DOCTOR: For what? RIVER: The usual. For coming when I call. RIVER: I trust this man with my life, with everything. LUX: You've only just met him. RIVER: No, he's only just met me. DOCTOR: I don't give my screwdriver to anyone. RIVER: I'm not anyone. ANITA: You say he's your friend, but he doesn't even know who you are. RIVER: Listen, all you need to know is this. I'd trust that man to the end of the universe. And actually, we've been. RIVER: You know when you see a photograph of someone you know, but it's from years before you knew them. and it's like they're not quite finished. They're not done yet. Well, yes, the Doctor's here. He came when I called, just like he always does. DOCTOR: I bet I like you. RIVER: Oh, you do. Then we have the Angels... DOCTOR: I'm nobody's taxi service. I'm not going to be there to catch you every time you feel like jumping out of a space ship. RIVER: And you are so wrong.  (I know they play this as a double-entendre but it’s clear she’s not only talking about the angel.  I mean, SHE JUMPED OUT THE SPACE SHIP.) Anyway I don’t really think I need to go on, it’s CLEAR River was under no illusions of how much she meant to the Doctor and had no doubts that he’d always show up when she called so I really really hate how we have to either reverse-engineer a mostly-off screen relationship crisis after TATM or just let her rant in THORS tinge everything we’ve seen of entire their relationship up to that point, which seems very unfair to all involved, audience definitely included. However I do think River is very far from being okay in the beginning of THORS, in a lot of ways she’s reverted to the chaotic behavior she got up to more when she was young, and does not seem at all like the much more settled older River we know, even though this is as old as she’ll be before the Library.  She’s messing around with fuckboys and though she gives the impassioned rant to Hydroflax about how she’s going to right his wrongs then she just goes to fence the diamond lol.  I see 11′s behavior in 7B (tried sulking, didn’t work, now I’m going to pick up a new human and go have adventures and ignore all of my problems and feelings) as very much the same sort of thing.  But like.  GIVE US SOME MORE CONTEXT PLEASE.  OR AT LEAST LET US KNOW THIS WAS GOING ON WHILE IT WAS GOING ON AND NOT WAY AFTER????  And now bc of this we get shit like James Goss’s takes on their relationship in BF and UUUuuuUUUUuuuughhhhhhhhhh Yea I’ll be ranting about this till the end of my days, it’s fine, it’s fine
I’m so tired
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rowanthestrange · 5 years
Big Doctor Who Meta time.
It’s no wonder The Battle Of Ranskoor Av Kolos was a weird episode - hard to follow, too much information for the story it was telling, bit all over the place. Because it wasn’t trying to tell just one story. It’s telling three. One past, one present, one future.
It contains meta for every plot point so far, and what look like considerable signposts for what’s to come next.
If you wondered why it seemed so shallow on the surface - to the point where it is titled for The Battle Of Ranskoor Av Kolos, which we get almost no information on, and yet the people in the text are the ones who keep asking about that - then stick around.
The Battle Of Ranskoor Av Kolos is the codebreaker for Thirteen’s era.
We’re going to go along at a fair clip, but hopefully because it involves so much of the episode, there’s enough context in to jog your memories of the episode if they were as ropey as mine were. I’m assuming knowledge/fair understanding of media analysis, and hopefully links to other relevant metas where they’d be too long to get into will cover the rest.
We meet Tzim-Sha determined to rise in the ranks, and stealing a person. Ends up in control of a planet and the remains of a limited-in-number race who do his work for him and see him as the Creator. (Tzim-Sha is a Rassilon mirror - this is important throughout)
Tzim-Sha using Sniperbots. Just robots. Boring. (The Lone Cyberman and the Cyberium AI. Tecteun=Rassilon=Ashad meta. )
((When we first met him, he had his own independently acting data collector and conveyer, that he eventually initiated a data transfer with and caused it to put everything it had learned, into him. His plan involves taking people, who are left on the cusp between life and death, put in machines. (The Lone Cyberman and the Cyberium AI))
Paltraki, separated from his three crewmates, memories gone. Doesn’t even remember his real name. He could’ve left any time, but didn’t. (Paltraki is a Doctor mirror).
“What did you take?” “Not take. Recover.” Paltraki doesn’t know/remember what’s in the special thing that he and others worked so hard to get. He knows he’s not supposed to let it fall into enemy hands...but his crew, his friends, are being threatened. (The Lone Cyberman and Cyberium AI plot)
The Planet gives off psychotropic waves to keep people away, but the element seems under-utilised in the story. (We’ll come back to that).
Everyone else passed by the cries for help. (The Timeless Child(ren))
The Doctor attaches two grenades to the cube. (Mirrors the Master and the TCE’d Lone Cyberman with the dark twist that someone did blow it up and effectively destroy the remains of a planet that time)
Tzim-Sha got blown up but survived after a fashion. (future Tectuen=Rassilon=Ashad meta - no-one thinks the Lone Cyberman is actually dead)
“The Ux? As in the duo-species, only ever two of you? Lifespans of millennia?” (The Timeless Children, plural) “Only found on three planets in the whole universe?” (Now isn’t that a weird and unnecessary addition. A lot of meta possibilities in that. Starting with: The Timeless Child and the boy on the cliff, Martin!Doctor and ??? The Doctor and the Master.)
One is following the will of the Creator. The other is being tortured. (The Timeless Child(ren))
“Wait. Is this yours, this building? Is it true about the Ux? Faith-driven dimensional engineers. Is that why the building feels alive?” (What Are TARDISes meta)
Yaz: Do you have a home [on your planet]? Paltraki: Beautiful home. Some land, and animals. Too many facts coming back. It's like a flood. I don't know what's important, or... We were the last fleet. When the others didn't come back, they sent for us. (Feels like how the Doctor will regain bits of memories)
Paltraki was sent by The Congress of the Nine Planets in response to the atrocities. (The Alliance)
The Doctor: Why do you call him the Creator? Andinio: Our faith is handed down. The Creator is the cornerstone. (The Legends of Rassilon)
“But I've got so many questions, Andinio. Because there's a battlefield outside where many people died, but you're no warrior. And your words are certain, but your eyes are full of doubt.” (The Timeless Child(ren))
There are literal codebreakers. (Like Steganography and The Ireland Metaphor, the text is telling you to meta this)
They only came to rescue two people, but there are dozens of bodies in the pods. Thirty. (The Timeless Child - more bodies than imagined)
It’s been three thousand four hundred and seven years since Tzim-Sha saw the Doctor  “banishing me across the universe to this desolate rock for the rest of my existence”. Later in the episode: “Even in exile, I shall lead.” (Meta 1: The last thing the Doctor linearly did with Rassilon was banish him. Meta 2: The Master or Matrix says Tecteun was adventuring but her story and other meta fits much better with someone trying to find a way to save her dwindling race - perhaps previous experiments got her banished, because the next lines are: )
The Doctor: “But you got more than you could possibly have wished for. The Ux.” Tzim-Sha: “The universe provides.” The Doctor: “You wanted to be a leader. Now you're worshipped as a false god. Why all the ships outside? What have you made them do?” (The Timeless Child(ren))
Tzim-Sha: “I carry the entire hive knowledge of the Stenza civilisation within me.” (The Lone Cyberman and the Cyberium AI. Tecteun=Rassilon=Ashad)
The Doctor: “When you say revenge, revenge on who?” Tzim-Sha: “You, Doctor.” The Doctor: “Oh, no. Don't put this on me.” Tzim-Sha: “If you had not interfered, I would have become leader. First of the Stenza. And yet, I should thank you.” The Doctor: “Thank me? Why?” Tzim-Sha: “You have made me a god.” The Doctor: “You are nothing of the sort.”  (Tzim-Sha can do double duty as a Master meta in a lot of places too - three stories, past, present, and future.)
Tzim-Sha: “It has taken thousands of years. Every fragment of scientific understanding the Stenza ever possessed, allied to the impossible power of the Ux. You will see, Doctor. I must be a god. I have the powers of one.” (The Time Lords/Shobogans and the Timeless Children)
The Doctor: “Let me guess. They built you a weapon. That's what your sort like to do. Is that why all those ships came? You made a weapon, and they came to stop you.” (The Alliance. The Lone Cyberman and the Cyberium AI. The Timeless Children)
((An inscription scored in the floor of a dead Stenza-controlled planet, where the only thing imitating life are robots and remnants: “We are scientists. Abducted, tortured and made to work, while our families are held hostage. We are forced to find new ways of destruction. Poisons, weapons, creatures. We gave them our minds and they made us the creators of death. This planet has been left scorched and barren from our work. The atmosphere and water are toxic. Killing machines and creatures inhabit every corner. We had no choice but to obey... The Stenza. We are trying to destroy all of our work before they use it against others. There's two words below that. They're coming.”  (The Timeless Children))
The building is weird - treated weirdly in the text. The Shrine. They refer to the building as pulling them in - not the people in it. This shrine is the weapon. The TARDIS directly referenced as Ghost Monument (What Are TARDISes) ((the planet itself is screaming))
Paltraki: “I remember what they did. Five objects. Five planets. One weapon. They stole five planets.” The Doctor: “That's not possible.” Paltraki: “It's what happened. Entire planets removed from their spatial orbit.” The Doctor: “It would've destroyed all life. Planetary genocide.” (The Lone Cyberman and the Cyberium AI: The Death Particle | Backups of species - currently two, Cybermen and Time Lords)
The Doctor: “All these planetary masses cannot exist in the same place at the same time. The technology isn't stable. You bring another through, it could destroy everything.” (Rassilon with Gallifrey in The End Of Time)
Graham - everyone’s Grandpa, and Ryan, trap Tzim-Sha - mirror of the Doctor’s abusive parental figure. (Era theme: The concept of family and chosen Fam)
The Doctor: “Can't disconnect them, it might kill them.” Yaz: “But if we don't, what happens to Earth? Their life versus seven billion others.” (A Crisis of Utilitarianism meta feat. The Astronaut, Percy Shelley, The Timeless Child)
The Doctor and Yaz make themselves vulnerable to the Planet being able to affect their mind. (No current meta besides it just feels TARDISy and Kasaaviny, and it goes nowhere in the actual story to the point where it feels certain this is meta for the future.)
“There's too many things to do! One thing at a time. It's fine. All good. Well, almost.” (The desperate cry of the Writer creating meta. I know it well.)
The Doctor and Yaz block the Ux’s powers. (The narrative likelihood that this set of Doctors are not actually immortal, or if they are they cannot keep it)
The Doctor: “Universe provide for me.” - the TARDIS arrives. Is referred to as a Ghost Monument. Tzim-Sha: “The Universe provides” - the Ux. As Rassilon mirror - the Timeless Child. (What are TARDISes?)
The Doctor: “Their knowledge, their abilities, Tim Shaw's tech, our blue box.” (What look like the best guesses for each of the plot points of the era in meta form. The Doctor and Master’s memories. The Timeless Child(ren)’s abilities. The Cyberium AI, TARDISes).
Tzim-Sha has an electric hand/power gauntlet thing. (In case you weren’t sure on the Rassilon mirror. + The Lone Cyberman)
The Doctor: “I know this will be painful. I wouldn't put you through this if I could think of any other way right now.” Delph: “It's okay.” The Doctor: “It's not, but thank you.” (The Timeless Child(ren) (and that distinct sensation that this is all going to be very direct mirroring in the future))
Graham: “You brought us all together. You ain't going to tear us apart. You ain't worth killing. But you can have a taste of your own medicine.” Ryan: “We're not weak, we're strong, and we sentence you to life.” Graham: “So, as you're contemplating eternity, keep one name on your mind.” Both together: “Grace.” (This feels like the slightly nicer sounding version of what personally I’m hoping the Master is going to say and do to Rassilon at the end of all this)
The Doctor decides on “Fam”. Yaz likes it. (Era theme: The concept of family and chosen Fam)
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jeekyl · 4 years
es I’ve seen comments on youtube that said “ you can’t understand Legends of Tomorrow without watching Arrow and The Flash”. I don’t agree, but those people do have a point. I can understand the Legends story without watching any other arrowverse show, but it give some perspective, and since the crossover exist it does give even more perspective in which it doesn’t matter.
I wanted to made a post comparing the Legends and the flash because both can travel through time, saying both contradict each other because both universe are different.
No, after watching “ crisis in the infinite earth” i realize how wrong i was. The Arrow is the first to introduce everyone else, beside Supergirl. Because they exist in the same earth. Does that mean anythings ? no. Could Sara grow as a character in the shadow of Oliver ? no, but he is a reminder that they have been thought hell and back, and nothing can compare or change that. Why Oliver can’t be brought back to life ? Because - for me - he have lived the best and the worst while Barry and Sara and Ray are on their journey to get their, if they ever. Meaning, Olivier want to die.
Crisis in the infinite earth show that Oliver wanted to get peace, he got everything and he is tired. he want to be a hero, someone to be remember, because in the end he is human, - which brought the conversation between him and Kara saying that he was a vigilante, and then he had to deal with meta-human and he has to draw the line for alien. In the end he allow all of them to live, to the point that he even like Kara. Because being a hero mean saving everyone. That’s why he is the center of the arrowverse for me. A human amongst meta and alien. He pushed Kara away because she is an alien but Kara saved him, because she doesn’t care who you are as long as you don’t hurt other people.  In Crisis in the infinite earth, i learn, without watching every arrowverse show, that everyone have a destiny. For Flash i got it pretty early, like s1 early, because the flash was going to disappear in the crisis -s1-, supposedly because of Eobard, which is a pain in his ass, Iris was suppose to die - s3 - , which he was able to change thanks to HG, defeat Deveo even when all hope was lost -s4-. I mean he keep fighting against people who outsmart him everytime and when Oliver died, he is suppose to be the leader, and he became it, in some way. Everything that happen was because he was kind of aware of the future, and he showed it to Oliver, who then made a deal to save him and Kara, because they have power.
So my question remain why “ arrowverse” beside the homage to The green arrow.
Because what makes the world is humanity. Which is now in the hand of Choi, which is the one who created the ring that hold Flash’s suit, in the future. 
This crossover change things, it change that now we don’t wonder “ how “ or “ why” it happen, but when. Since we’ve saw that the crisis came early.
As for Sara, damn, Sara, she isn’t like barry, and in some way i consider along with the flash, the legends to be the resumé of the multiverse. Alien, meta, thief, assassins? all of them is part of the waverider, and they save the universe, beside Nate, who is in my opinion an arrogant asshole. He is fun, but annoying. Like dude is full in love with Amaya, to even screw up the timeline for 2 years/2 season, and in a whole 3 weeks fall in love with Zari. Like dude, seriously. Ray is scared of telling him he is going to leave the WR , that even Gideon try to push him into telling Nate that he is leaving, because he know Nate is going to be an idiotic whiner about it. and threw a fit, which dude did.
But Sara is a Oliver but more relax, less dark, unlike Barry who is turning a bit more dark but have people to keep him in check. Why i think Legend’s of tomorrow should be the the new “ arrowverse “ because each member, or at least most of them have seen, fight and overcome what other never did or barely did. Fighting themselves ? not their evil doppelgänger, themselves, done. Defeating a speedster that didn’t bother them beside crossover ? Done. Fighting demon who want to take over the world? done, and that include ,Savage “destroyer of world”. Whatever the flash, arrows, supergirl have fight, the legends have done it. Why is Mick, Ray or Sara are so calm ? they have seen worst, a big beebo on the street, at some point they were beebo, like Oliver have seen worst. Being the Paragon of destiny ? dude, Sara was the one who deactivated the lance of destiny.  Lance, like her name, the things that can rewrite the whole world. If Oliver’s fate was to die to save the universe, Sara’s fate is to maintain it, to make sure it won’t be destroy, or rewrite, something Sara learned many time with her travel, you can’t mess with the timeline, you can’t change things just because you can and because things get hard, you can messed up, but you can’t keep doing the same mistakes. The next in line to keep the world and the universe safe is Sara. 
The paragon is exactly what every single one of them have done, have inspire, have brought to their city. 
Barry does everything out of love, even changing his future, he barely care what could happen, unlike Sara who does that a lot, thanks to Zari she get that some things can be change as long as it doesn’t impact history or the timeline, But Barry won’t care about anything else if it mean saving someone he love. 
Kara is to lost hope but to have people who remind her why she is supergirl, a sign of hope, and it annoy me to no end that she has to be remind of that. 
 Kate is courage because she doesn’t have any power but fight and will stand for what is right.
J’onn is Honor because he is a fighter who fight with his heart and won’t give up because he made a promise.
 Choi who want to live for his family, which isn’t purely human but to be ready to give his life so people he love will live.
And Lex who is the “truth”, in the crisis i realize that he is an asshole but what he hate, and never lied about it , is what many people in the multiverse have said, meta and alien - mostly supergirl/superman are gods and unstoppable. And if they turn wrong it could bring more pain then anything else, he basically act because of jealousy but in the end, he is not entirely wrong.  The red kryptoniten myriad is the proof of that. ( on an en related note, on Doctor Who, Martha jones with Harriet Jones said that “ when you leave, when you are not there who’s left fighting ? who is there to defend the earth. Someone has to.” It’s not out of a bad feeling but out of fear. Not an excuse for Lex but a common ground on people who let what they doesn’t know, get, or have overwhelm them to the point to making things worst. 
Those people that nothing can bring together are being together because of their choice. To do what is right, except Lex but even shady he is insane enough to see the truth. If he erased all the super, he would get what he want but he would be quickly bored, and the world in danger.
So that left me with one question.  After a dude basically calling himself destiny, what is left ?
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⋅    ˚     ✩    ˋ        𝐒𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐍𝐀     𝐋𝐈𝐋𝐘     𝐊𝐀𝐘𝐄   .          twenty   .     fuckin’     pissed   .     about     as     british     as     you     can     get   .     rose     tyler   .
LAYER     ONE   .          QUESTIONNAIRE   .
001.     when  the  virtual  reality  shut  down,  what  was  your  muse’s  reaction     ?     how  did  they  handle  the  dark  period     ?
her  first  thought  was  that  the  stars  had  finally  gone  out,  that  despite  all  their  efforts  the  darkness  had  come  and  to  an  extent,  she  was  right.  if  she  looks  back  on  it,  it  all  seems  like  a  blur   ---   one  minute  the  sun’s  out,  the  next  minute  everything  feels  dark  and  like  it’s  moving  in  slow - motion.  all  she  really  could  do  was  find  jackie,  the  baby,  her  doctor  and  hold  them  together  for  fear  that  they;d  disappear  too.
during  the  dark  period,  rose  spent  hours  upon  hours  trying  to  find  the  doctor  to  tell  him  that  they  were  in  trouble  and  that  she  needed  him  more  than  ever  now.  it’s  a  horrible  time,  to  say  the  least     ;     she  cries  on  jackie,  on  pete,  on  her  metacrisis  doctor  but  more  than  anything,  she  hopes.  she  hopes  that  it’s  the  darkness,  because  at  least  then  he’ll  come  back  and  save  them,  she  knows  him  well  enough.  he  never  comes,  and  the  darkness  stops  feeling  like  momentary.  she  never  stops  hoping,  but  it  gets  shoved  to  the  backburner  instead.
002.     what  was  their  reaction  to  finding  out  they  were  fiction     ?     how  did  they  feel  about  the  offer  to  become  human     ?
at  first,  she  laughed.  after  everything  she’s  seen,  everything  she’s  done,  everything  she’s  fought  and  saved  and  nearly  died  for,  the  world  she  knows  isn’t  real     ?     she  nearly  left  the room  right  there  and  then  because  she  genuinely  thought  they  were  having  a  laugh  but  the  grim  expression  upon  the  directors’  faces  told  her  otherwise.  the  realisation  was  swift  and  sudden  and  left  her  gasping  for  breath,  clutching  at  the  edge  of  the  table  to  stay  vaguely  upright.
003.     before  the  island,  where  did  they  live     ?     what  was  their  reset  life  like     ?   who  are  the  significant  people  in  their  lives     ?
sienna  kaye  is  sick  of  this  shit,  and  that’s  a  fact.  born  in  a  council  estate  to  a  single  mother  and  the  unfortunate  string  of  boyfriends  that  have  ruled  her  life  since  before  sienna  can  remember,  she  learned  to  fight  for  herself  at  a  very  young  age.  nicknaming  herself  si  at  five  years  old,  she’s  always  been  frighteningly  independent,  too  fierce  to  be  told  what  to  do  by  anybody.  she  grew  up  fighting,  arguing  with  anyone  who  dared  to  try  and  correct  her  behaviour.  she  finished  her  a  levels  but  never  bothered  to  even  try  to  apply  to  university,  instead  choosing  to  find  work  and  essentially  find  an  escape  from  her  mother  and  the  ever - judging  estate  that  she’d  been  trapped  in.
004.     what  drew  them  to  the  island     ?
she  won’t  admit  it,  but  it  was  to  get  away  from  her  mother.  the  elder  kaye  was  too  overbearing  for  sienna,  too  involved  and  yet  too  apathetic  to  what  she  was  facing.  alison  kaye  never  paid  enough  attention  to  the  good  things  si  did,  never  stopped  to  notice  how  bright  her  daughter  was  but  instead  hyperfocusing  on  her  rebellious,  wayward  behaviour.  si  viewed  the  island  as  a  way  to  escape  that,  to  finally  rule  her  own  life  without  her  mother’s  critique  on  her  every  move.  
005.     does  your  character  have  any  secrets,  big  or  small,  that  they  think  are  private  when  in  reality  they  were  broadcasted  live  to  the  whole  world     ?
si’s  biggest  secret  is  probably  that  she  feels  nothing  but  cold  indifference  towards  her  mother.  she’s  never  particularly  viewed  alison  as  a  maternal  figure,  moreso  inclined  to  understand  her  as  a  particularly  nosy,  annoying  roommate  that  she  got  stuck  with.
006.     what  are  the  major  similarities  between  the  character’s  canon  life  and  their  reset  life     ?      what  about  the  differences     ?
sienna  runs  on  anger  alone,  whereas  rose  is  very  different  in  that  respect.  rose  understands  the  intricacies  and  the  shortcomings  of  human  beings  and  accepts  that   ---   fuck,  she  even  did  that  for  alien  races.  si,  on  the  other  hand,  doesn’t  stop  to  understand  or  to  acknowledge,  she  fights  and  fights  and  fights  because  she’s  never  known  otherwise,  doesn’t  know  how  to  stop  and  relax  and  appreciate.  she’s  too  caught  up  in  her  own  battles.
i  suppose  they’re  very  similar  in  their  background  alone,  i  guess     ?????     i  wanted  to  make  them  super  different  so  uh  i’m  runnin  on  fucken  empty  for  this  bit  lads
007.     how  much  of  their  old  life  do  they  remember    ?     what  triggered  these  memories     ?     when  did  their  memories  return     ?
rose  remembers  everything.  she  remembers  the  cybermen  and  the  daleks  and  flying  into  the  void,  she  remembers  finding  her  way  out  and  finding  the  doctor  again.  she  remembers  the  human  meta - crisis  doctor  and  how  happy  she  was  to  have  him,  to  have  him  all  for  herself  but  how  it  never  felt  quite  the  same.
008.     what  were  they  bribed  with     ?     and  if  they  couldn’t  be  bribed,  what  did  the  programmers  try  to  bribe  them  with     ?
the  programmers  bribed  her  with  the  one  thing  they  knew  she  couldn’t  live  without,  the  one  person  who  means  the  entire  world  to  her:  the  doctor.  her  doctor.  they  threatened  to  cut  off  all  contact,  to  wipe  any  and  all  memories  á  la  donna  noble,  to  erase  any  trace  of  him  from  her  life  whatsoever  and  she  couldn’t  stand  it,  couldn’t  stand  the  idea  of  a  life  without  him  so  she  agreed.
LAYER     TWO   .          AESTHETICS   ,     TID   -   BITS   ,     ETC   .
union  jack  crop  tops,  leather  layered  on  top.  scuffed  doc  martens,  blood  in  your  spit,  snarl  permanent  on  sullen  features.  fire  in  your  belly  and  edge  in  your  tone,  afraid  and  angry  and  tired,  so  very  tired.  no  one  ever  tells  you  to  breathe,  no  one  ever  teaches  you  to  relax  your  fists  out  from  their  perpetual  tension,  no  one  ever  lets  you  know  that  it’s  okay  to  stop.  sharklike     ;     sharks  don’t  stop,  or  else  they  die.  black  coffee  and  faux  politesse,  always  had  a  flair  for  the  dramatic.  the  ever - present  desire  to  scream  from  the  top  of  your  lungs,  fight  or  flight  instinct  on  main  but  you  always  choose  to  fight.   self - deprecation,  neatly  disguised  beneath  fury  and  fire,  all  wrapped  up  in  torn  jeans  and  the  smell  of  liquid  confidence  you’re  too  young  to  be  drinking.
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ebdaydreamer · 7 years
Did I mention?
Late for 11xRose Month! @doctorroseprompts
Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: Rose/Eleven
Warnings: Minor Character Deaths
The Doctor has lost so much, but that could just be the determination he needs to do the impossible.
49 years and 272 days since he lost the Ponds.
It had been nearly fifty years.
He still hadn’t changed the TARDIS interior, though every part of him was itching to, he just couldn’t bring himself to do it. He couldn’t let go of the decor that he had whilst introducing his lively redheaded friend to the universe and all its wonders and dangers.
He had considered making some changes to his wardrobe, having found a new coat in the depths of the TARDIS wardrobe, growing a little tired of the tweed jacket. Maybe he could add a waistcoat, or change the colour of his bow tie. He should definitely find a fez at least.
It was just typical for a Time Lord to abhor change so much - this incarnation seemed to hate endings more than the others.
Nearly five decades since his main priority was the Ponds. Five decades since he felt his two hearts break for what could easily be the thousandth time. Five decades since he decided to dedicate all his time to the impossible task he should’ve taken up centuries ago.
And he’d be damned if he didn’t succeed.
Rose Tyler had led a good life, a fantastic life even: she had a great job working alongside her father that was supposed to be dead; she had a little brother and a niece and nephews that she adored to bits; and most of all, she had an adoring husband. So, yeah, Rose could say she’d led a pretty good life.
However, her life had a cost nobody could possibly have predicted.
It was a regular Saturday, and she was slouched outside a coffee shop, sipping her second cup whilst reading an old book - Agatha Christie, one of her husband’s favourites. Carefully skimming the old pages with a fond smile, she didn’t notice when a shadow cast over her, not until an unfamiliar voice piped up, “By the way…”
Rose glanced up, seeing a man in a dark coat and a bow tie standing restlessly by the chair across from her. Clearly, he was smothering excitement, joy tinting his eyes, his foreign yet oddly familiar eyes.
“Did I mention?”
Rose cocked her head to the side, feeling her lips tug at the corners but not daring to hope.
“It also travels in time.”
Rose let a grin crack open on her face, obviously all the invitation he needed to sit down. God, she couldn’t believe it, she actually couldn’t believe it.
“You know, you could honestly have said anything at that point and I’d be in that stupid box of yours,” she admitted.
He chuckled, a look of pure adoration in his ancient eyes.
“So what look were you goin�� for this time?” she asked, taking another sip of tea. “Esteemed gentleman?”
“At first it was more...what’s the word? Tweedy! Tweedy professor.” His fingers fidgeted as he tried to control the need to hold her hand. “I felt like a change recently, after I lost...my friends.”
Rose straightened up at that, studying him properly for the first time. Surprisingly, her most eager question wasn’t how the hell he’d done it, or why now.
“How many?”
His eyes - green, this time - flickered away from her and she noticed him tense up. Even in this new body, she could still read him like a book.
A plea was audible as she begged, “How many years has it been? How many more have been travelling with you?”
The Doctor sighed, “I don’t know. About 350-ish? I wasn’t in my last body much longer. And I’ve been travelling with the Ponds ever since I regenerated. Married couple. About fifty years ago they…” he trailed off, the familiar look of longing clouding his eyes. “Sent back in time, trapped, I couldn’t save them. They were together at least. I also travel with their daughter, on and off - she’s technically my wife, though I’m not sure that ceremony counts. She’s part Time Lord, conceived in the TARDIS - that caused a lot of issues.”
The Doctor met Rose’s gaze, and saw her trying to process all this new information. She opened her mouth, and he expected a question about the Ponds or River or even how he regenerated, but he could never expect the broken whisper that escaped her.
“How many times have you forgotten my name?”
He inhaled sharply - did she really think he was capable of that? She lives with his Meta-Crisis, surely she knows how she haunted him after Canary Wharf - how could she think this would be much better? How couldn’t she realise she’d ghosted every living moment? Her presence always there, reminders scattered throughout time and space. How could she not think every quiet moment he got she was there, very much present in his mind, scorched onto his soul forever. Forever; like she promised.
But he could never tell her all that, so he instead settled for: “I could never forget you, Rose Tyler.”
“Right,” she snapped, voice still low and trembling, “but you’ve tried.”
Bitterly, he laughed, “Of course I’ve tried! I’ve tried to forget so much in this body. Remembering hurts, Rose. It hurts so much.”
Rose felt her anger melt away at the pure heartbreak in his eyes, understanding it wasn’t just remembering her that had been hurting him the past three and a half centuries.
“So, how’s the other me? How’s Jackie and Tony and Ricky?”
“Mickey,” she corrected automatically, letting the smile take over her face for a brief second. He really didn’t know…
The Doctor waved his hand, “Whatever. How long has it been? Has your TARDIS grown yet?”
“Yeah,” Rose choked. “It’s in my garage gathering dust. I couldn’t bear to look at it after…” Her voice broke as tears started tracking down her face.
“Rose? What happened?” The Doctor felt dread wash over him; humans were so breakable.
“He died,” Rose gasped out, trying to hide how her voice shook. “It was a long time ago.”
“A long time… how long has it been? Even if you managed to accelerate it, the TARDIS would still take years to grow-”
“I’m 254, Doctor.”
Both of the Doctor’s hearts skipped a beat.
He thought he was giving her a lifetime with him - her human lifetime. She deserved to grow old with the man she loved, yet somehow (and he had a pretty good theory how) she’d outlived him, her life prolonged, ageing only five-ish years in over 200.
“We had a good life- great even. We had our TARDIS and our family. But they all died years ago. Mum, Pete, the Doctor, Tony, my niece and nephews...our children. All gone.”
The Doctor had never hated himself like he did now. She should not have gone through that, and no parent should outlive their child.
“Some mates at Torchwood helped me out when it became obvious I hadn’t aged. Something about Huon particles. No one knew what they were. I recognised them, and the Doctor said they were from the he-”
“Heart of the TARDIS,” he finished. “Bad Wolf.”
“Yeah,” Rose sighed. “Seemed she took forever a bit literally.”
“Rose, I am so s-”
“Don’t,” she snapped. “Don’t you dare because I have had a fantastic life, you hear me? I’ve had years to mourn and I will always love them but I’m ready to move on.” She inhaled heavily, looking away from him, eyes still watery. The Doctor didn’t know what to say. He knew what it was like to lose everyone you love. And she didn’t even use a time machine to run away. What must she have been through? How did she explain her constant youth? Or was she constantly moving, never getting attached so after a few years she’d up and move? What had she done?
“So,” she exhaled, “what are you waiting for? Aren’t you gonna invite me to run away in your big blue box?”
She beamed at him, and the Doctor hadn’t felt so light in centuries.
He stood and she followed suit, gazing excitedly at him. Boldly he stepped forward and clasped her hand, finding it fit just as well as it had always done.
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rose--nebula · 7 years
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Thanks to the absolutely fantastic @tenroseforeverandever who helped so so much with this, to @hanluvr for pointing things out, Mercedes who helped me clean the first version and @timeladyofthesith and @zekimmzie for having a read-through and liking it. :) ---
The Pleasures Of Jealousy by Rose_Nebula “On a girls-only day with Donna, Rose finds herself the subject of malicious behaviour. When her Doctors find out, they are not pleased.”
The Tardis doors opened with a loud squeak and a bang when Rose Tyler popped free of the time ship and stumbled into the street. "Thank. Heavens. I couldn't have taken it for one more second," she told no one in particular while taking in her surroundings. A second squeak announced the exit of her companion and partner. The Doctor leaned a brown-suited shoulder against the blue wood of the door frame and folded his arms. He watched in silent amusement as Rose took in deep breaths of London’s polluted morning air, fanning her face with her hands as she did so. Even though his time sense told him it was only April on Earth, Rose wore only the tiniest of dresses. Well, not exactly a dress. The planet they had just left issued specific rules about the make-up of their female citizens’ clothing. It consisted of a single strip of fabric that wrapped artfully around the whole body and was held together by several strings of red leather, leaving a rather astonishing amount of skin exposed. Rose's ensemble was made of a beige linen-like material that felt incredibly soft to the touch, and made her look delicious. Not that she didn’t always look stunning…  But that wasn’t the point. The fact was Rose had not bothered to go through the unravelling process yet… Weeell, he rather hoped she would leave that to him and his other self. Thinking of - A voice wafted out from somewhere inside the ship. "Rose, the Tardis scanners suggest we go and watch this movie. The one with that horribly unrealistic take on alien life on Europa. You know, the moon? We could sit in the back, laugh ourselves silly, share a popcorn and a few snogs… and maybe a grope. The human experience!” Rose shot an exasperated look over the Doctor’s shoulder to where an identical man, dressed in blue, had appeared cheekily waggling his eyebrows. His hopeful expression quickly turned into a thoroughly chastened one, even though he wasn’t completely sure what he was being scolded for. Rose huffed and the Doctor in blue pulled his ear. "Would you rather ... do something else?" he asked. Rose took another deep breath, filling her lungs with the familiar sense of home and tried to rein in her irritation. It wasn't their fault after all. "I'm sorry, Doctor," she explained. "All this ... alienness lately has just been so exhausting. Don’t get me wrong, I love it … but we’ve been stumbling from one adventure to the next and I feel like my adrenaline level never dropped back to normal after the incident on Nevas.” The Doctor was about to protest, but Rose steamed right on. ”I just need a day off. Time to do human things. Girl things. We’re not too far from Donna's. So what I'd really like to do is walk over there and drag her out for a bit of mindless shopping." "Do you want us to join you?" the full Time Lord asked, guessing the answer but still willing to offer. Rose appreciated the sentiment. "Nah, you two go and watch your movie. We can meet up later." "Right," the Doctor in blue sniffed without his usual manic enthusiasm.
She ignored his disappointed pout, knowing it wouldn’t do her any good to give in now. Human time for the human was a necessary thing once in a while. Besides, Time Lords didn’t pout, so that was that. “Don’t worry, I'll signal you when we stop for a bite to eat and you meet us when you feel like it.” Rose watched them retreat into the Tardis to grab their coats, the part human Doctor having acquired his only days before. Being a similar shape to its twin, it sported a reddish brown colour the Doctor found quite dashing. It toned with the burgundy shirts he liked to combine with his blue suits. Even though the full Time Lord Doctor proclaimed his own Janis Joplin coat to be the best in the universe, Rose had caught him in the wardrobe winking at his reflection while flapping his other self's coat around his body in a rather roughish fashion. Hiding a grin at the memory, she waited until they were suitably dressed and dapper for their day in town. One Doctor pulled the door shut, the other turned the key. Rose whispered a kiss onto each of their right cheeks and shared a hug with both of them. "Be careful," the Doctor in brown insisted, his eyes sincere. "Of course," she smiled. "I have Donna to watch over me. She is a force of nature." "That she is," he replied, sharing a look with his other self, identical eyebrows raised. Donna hadn’t gotten any less feisty after being subjected to the chameleon arch. The Time Lord consciousness she had gained during the meta-crisis had been conveyed just in time to the part-human Doctor, whose body had absorbed it quite happily. "See you later." Rose retreated with a little wave before they could utter any more worries about her safety, or go on about her supposed jeopardy-friendliness. --<--@ Spring in London was something else. Special. Even though Rose didn’t live through the long and dark winters anymore, she always appreciated the smell of the fresh pink and white blossoms. They swayed in the soft breeze and showered her once in a while with satiny petals. A tiny laugh of joy escaped her lips. As much as she loved her Doctors, this quiet alone-time did a world of good for her sanity. Rose’s legs were accustomed to regular exercise and covered the distance to Chiswick in no time. Soon she rounded the final corner. The Noble's little row house sat calmly in its street of similar buildings. The brick facades were alive with a pattern of varying tones of red, changing with the play of sun and clouds. Rose entered the front garden and leaned down to brush her fingers over a handful of lush red tulips that sat in a spot of honour next to the path. A little sparrow, disturbed by her presence, hopped onto a nearby hedge to throw her a reproachful look. Rose winked at it, walked up to the front door and gave the inlayed glass a few firm knocks. It wasn’t Donna who approached the door in a slow but steady pace. Wilf had given them all a scare the previous year when his foot had gotten stuck under a root on his way down from his hill, making him fall down and break his wrist. He insisted it had just been a little dark, but they all knew his eye sight wasn’t as good as it once had been. Donna had decided to tolerate Sylvia’s nagging and move back in with her family to spend more time with her beloved Grandfather. Wilf spotted Rose through the pane and broke into a huge grin. He had taken a shine to her when she had first hidden with them in this very house during the Dalek invasion. The door was opened with a flourish and Rose got pulled into a tight hug. “Didn’t you bring those Doctors of yours?” he asked, releasing her and having a good look at the front garden as if the men in question would suddenly jump out from behind the bushes. Rose laughed at his antics. “No, I needed a bit of girl-time. I want Donna all to myself today. Is she in?” Donna came from the kitchen, leafing through a stack of letters in her left hand. “Granddad? I thought I heard … Rose!” She stopped short at the sight of her friend. “What the hell are you wearing?!” “Oh, this.” Rose brought her hand up to her shoulder, only now sensing that her appearance would look a bit odd to the good people of Earth. After travelling through all of time and space for so long, she hardly even noticed what she was wearing anymore. “We just came back from Tau Ceti.” “That rock with the heat and dust and everything?” “The same.” Rose half smiled. “This time we stayed there longer so I had to change into the native fashion. It’s quite comfortable”, she said, stroking the fabric. “You must be freezing”, Donna snorted. “That strip of nothing is nearly as thin as a Time Lord.” Rose’s ears turned pink. “Actually I am wearing a gel that protects my skin from too extreme temperatures. The Doctors found it in a cabinet of the med bay … and rubbed … um applied it in preparation of the trip. Thought it might be useful.” Donna rolled her eyes. “You can stop right there, Blondie. I don’t want to know what those old lechers are up to with their paws.” Rose glanced in the general direction of Wilf whose eyes were sparkling in merriment. “Right” she said, changing the topic. “I hope you didn’t have any plans for today ‘cause I really need some human-time, if you don’t mind.” “Desperate, huh?” Donna sympathized. “A bit, yeah.” “MUM!” Donna shouted, making Rose jump at the sudden racket. “I CAN’T DO THE SHOPPING TODAY. I’M GOING OUT.” Not waiting for an answer, she grabbed Rose by the elbow, kissed her Grandfather’s cheek, and out the door they went, Rose waving a hasty goodbye. --<--@ They spent their day on Chiswick High Road, ruffling though the shops. Rose couldn’t try on any clothes due to her complicated outfit, so giggling like school girls, they picked a greenish pantsuit with a matching hat and handbag for Donna. Rose found a pair of red Converse with a swirly golden pattern. It reminded her of the sticky notes that cluttered the Tardis console. She also picked a little gift for her Doctors and pocketed everything in her bigger-on-the-inside pouch, patting it with a little smile. After an extensive stop at the bookshop, they were getting a bit footsore. Aching arms laden with bags and parcels they drifted towards an inviting looking corner café. “Let’s get in there, I’m starving,” exclaimed Donna. Rose agreed with an exhausted sigh. Through the wide glass front, they could make out tables of different sizes positioned in a circle around a parquet floor. It guided the view to a bar in the background and some more cosy looking sofa areas, everything illuminated by generously-sized windows down the length of the left wall. While Donna went inside to secure them a table, Rose pulled out her sonic and fiddled with the settings. Satisfied, she pressed the button that would broadcast a beacon to the Doctors’ screwdrivers that would lead them to her current position. Repacking the sonic in her pouch, Rose pressed one shoulder against the door and entered the café. She paused for a moment, looking for her friend, when she heard a barely suppressed snicker from her left, followed by some whispers and a derogatory snort. Following the sound with her eyes, she found a group of three young women watching her … laughing at her unusual clothes .... judging her. Whatever, Rose thought. She was an Estate girl and used to aspersions. Holding her head high, she crossed the floor to a carpeted section. Her marvellous friend had secured them one of the couch-surrounded tables, probably murdering someone in the process. Smirking, Rose sank into the comfortable cushions. They were pleasant against her exposed skin. She tried to let the lingering uneasiness from the encounter by the door dissolve with the slowly decreasing ache in her feet. “Sooo, what’s it gonna be?” Donna asked oblivious to Rose’s discomfort, burying her nose in the menu. “Lava Cake is apparently a speciality of the house. What do you think? I haven’t had one in ages.” “Sounds gorgeous,” Rose replied. --<--@ The third time Rose glanced over to the other table, Donna noticed. "What's that dark look for then?" she asked, frowning. "It's nothing. See the girls over there? They were laughing at me earlier, what I’m wearing. I shouldn't let it bother me, but apparently there are some of my old insecurities left, even after all this time," she shrugged. Donna barked a laugh. "Rose. You are ten times more worthy than they will ever be ... a hundred times. If they knew what you have done for them and everyone, they would worship the floor beneath your feet." Rose gave her half a smile and studied the rug. Golden rays of sunlight filtered through the side windows, painting dancing spots onto the flooring. Little dust particles floated slowly around like a cloud of scattered stars. Rose calmed down. She relaxed back into her pillows. No way would she let those cows destroy her mood any further. She was a bloody grown-up woman who faced evil things on a regular basis. She could certainly face these shrews. “So,” she uttered with a more sincere smile. "That's the spirit", Donna approved. They talked a bit more about traveling and work. Rose had some fascinating new stories about wondrous worlds she had visited. Donna told her about the guy she had met at work. "I know,” she said, when Rose jerked an eyebrow at that. “But he's nothing like Lance. And I like to think that I learned a thing or two since that time." She went into detail about the amazingness of her crush and Rose zoned out for a bit, watching people passing by on the side street. A sliding noise from the front door alerted her to the presence of another customer. Donna and Rose turned in time to see the girls at the sneer-table make eyes at the Doctor in brown as he stepped through the door. Standing in a puddle of sunlight, eyes sparkling, he slowly let his gaze have a wander through the room, searching for his companions. However, before he discovered them in their comfy spot, a call from his left distracted him. The bints waved him over and with a confused frown he complied. There was a short conversation and one girl actually fluttered her lashes at him, making Rose roll her eyes. Although, seeing the Doctor politely refuse a seat appeased her inner hag. Eventually he turned his gaze in her direction and a smile lit up his face at the sight of her. Her answering beam was just as bright. The Doctor closed the small distance to her quickly and Rose stood up to catch him as he enclosed her in a tight hug. His fingers slipped around her back, finding sensitive spots of soft skin beneath her mesh of cloth. Both she and the Doctor squeezed their eyes shut, relieved to be back in each other’s presence. After a long moment Rose pulled back slightly to place a sweet kiss on his mouth. The Doctor, intoxicated by the feeling of her warm body, soon deepened it into a full on snog. "Oi, get a room!" Donna disrupted the awkward silence, her hand kneading a tissue into a projectile to throw at them. Reluctantly, with one last lick at Rose’s lower lip, the Doctor let go. "Mhmm, chocolate," he exclaimed, making their friend snort in amused exasperation.   After he had shared a friendly hug with Donna, Rose pulled him down into the seat next to her. "That gained you an extra round of dirty looks," Donna winked. Rose allowed herself a little smirk. Now that the Doctor was back by her side she had fully regained her equilibrium. The Doctor, who was busy inspecting Rose's cake, trying a spoonful, raised his head. "What?" "Oh, it's nothing", she assured him. He gave her a stern look. ”What happened?" Rose sighed. "Oh, alright. That lot over there laughed at my outfit earlier. A bit too alien for them, I’ll wager. But they made me feel a bit self-conscious.” The Doctor took another look at her. “Why would anyone do that? There is nothing wrong with it.” He leaned in to whisper, “I think it looks rather fetching.” “Because,” Donna explained, “people are narrow-minded and perhaps a bit envious, especially if they happen to be silly girls sitting alone at a table, desperate for male attention.” The Doctor felt something tighten within him. How dare these petty females insult his Rose! He pulled his feet under him and was about to give the little cows an earful about manners, when Rose laid a calming hand onto his arm. “Really, I’m fine now. They’re not worth getting all worked up over.” He searched her eyes. When he found sincerity and acceptance, he nodded, swallowing his rant and decided on a different strategy. --<--@ “What did you do with the other Doctor,” Rose asked him several minutes later, shivering a little when his deft fingers worked their way under her hair and up her neck. “I raced him. We took different routes from the cinema. He probably got lost,” the Doctor smirked, feeling superior. He was massaging the back of Rose’s head now, fingers tangling the strands of her hair. Some hidden petals from her morning walk tumbled to her shoulders, making the Doctor smile. Rose purred. Donna, trying to ignore that little scenario, exclaimed “Let’s hope he didn’t find himself in any trouble. It’s been such a nice day.” “Nope, there he comes now,” Rose proclaimed happily. The Doctor in blue just wandered past the side windows, eyeing his sonic screwdriver. He was still following the beacon when he suddenly sensed his other self’s presence and looked up. They seemed to share a short telepathic conversation and the outside Doctor’s face hardened noticeably. He nodded through the window and rounded the corner to the front of the café. Stepping inside he stood still for a moment pretending to search for them. To his left the girlish voices fell silent as their owners gaped at the newcomer. Disbelieving looks were shot at the man next to Rose and the Doctor in blue. Sensing a second chance, one girl left her chair and swayed her hips over to chat him up. The Doctor graciously talked with her, staying friendly but reserved. Apparently the girl took that as a challenge, as she became more and more flirty. When she touched his sleeve and tried to take his hand however, he pulled away. “Sorry, but that hand is reserved. Forever.” Looking flustered at this implicit refusal, she followed his look to Rose who winked at him. “Rose Tyler," he gesticulated, "the bravest, kindest, most compassionate, stubborn, and determined woman I have ever met ... and the most beautiful.” The girl flushed deeply at that, muttered something apologetically, and returned quickly to her seat. The Doctor didn’t watch her go. Instead, he strode through the café, circled the table, and slid into the bay next to his Rose. His other self smiled proudly at him while Donna dabbed at a tear. "Thank you," Rose whispered gratefully, cupping his face in one palm and pressing a lingering kiss onto his lips. --<--@ For the rest of the day, they were all in a carefree mood. Donna and Rose giggled about the Doctors' descriptions of the movie they had watched, both men one-upping the other in their indignation about the limits of human imagination about alien life. "There are endless forms of colonisations and infinite forms of life out there and they managed to get them all wrong." Rose found a piece of popcorn under the blue lapel of the Doctor she currently cuddled and proceeded to eat it. A moan escaped her lips at the taste of the buttery treat, making her male companions twitch. Donna showed off her purchases and asked Rose to do the same, so she pulled out her new shoes. As they came into view, both Doctors doubled over in laughter, pointing and gasping. At Rose's puzzled look, they explained how back when they were still one person, the Doctor had sent an enquiry to the Converse manufacturers. Apparently, the Tardis hadn't translated it, so the staff mistook the message for an actual request. Rose now owned a pair of red shoes that said in gold circles "I was quite miffed to discover that there is no banana pattern among your wide range of offers. Please rectify this as soon as possible." "Well, at least they’re pretty," she laughed. When Rose put them back into her pouch, her fingers brushed the other little package hidden inside. Waiting until Donna excused herself for the loo, she pulled it out to show the guys. With a little smirk and under their curious looks, she opened the casing. It revealed a tiny pair of scissors with rounded tops. Rose fondled one of the leather straps on her dress-like clothing, counting the seconds until the penny dropped. They hurriedly left money on the table and a note for their friend that promised they would visit again very soon. When Donna stepped out of the restroom all she could see were flapping coats disappearing through the swinging café door, and the bunch of girls gawking after the trio with expressions of jealousy and awe. She rolled her eyes. --<--@ Over the next few weeks Donna noticed a rising tendency to strappy little excuses for outfits among the young females of Chiswick.
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rebeccahpedersen · 6 years
The True Value Of A Real Estate Photographer
Don’t worry, this isn’t an advertorial or some sort of tire-pumping exercise for my photographer.
But I talk a lot about the importance of professional photographs in real estate, and while my monthly “MLS Musings” blog posts highlight some of the laughable things we see on MLS, I want to show you something a bit more realistic, just to highlight, once again, how crucial A+ photos are in this market.
Two years ago, I used a new photographer to shoot a condo listing of mine, and the results were less than stellar.
Let’s compare the photos of the new photographer with those that I actually put on MLS, and all the while, don’t forget how many agents use their iPhone…
I believe in the true meaning of a “professional.”
In every sense of the word, in every field.
I remember when my grandmother died, and I insisted that my mother start going to her doctor regularly to test for dementia and Alzheimer’s.  She went to her family doctor, explained that dementia ran in the family, and asked what she should do.
Her doctor of 25+ years simply looked at her and said, “You really need to get a good night’s sleep, every night, and watch your diet.”  Then walked out, and moved on to the next patient.
Well, that was the end of that.
Within a month, I had my mother join our family clinic, which comes with a nominal annual fee, and while I know the Liberal government doesn’t want people who can afford to pay more, to have the option of paying more, well, we’re now getting more.
My mother immediately received cognitive/memory tests, early onset Alzheimer’s tests, as well as full physicals, like any 70-year-old should have.  The standard of care is infinitely higher.
The old doctor’s office was just a factory.  People in, people out.  They were awful.
The new doctor’s office is exceptional.  You receive a far better standard of care, from professionals, who leave no stone unturned, and produce the best results.
I go to a specialist for my back problems, and I’m blown away by his technique and the accompanying results, but also his level of knowledge.  To be able to name every single muscle, tendon, ligament and bone in the body, and what they’re connected to, where the trigger points are, etc.  It’s incredible.
I told him this last week, and he said rather humbly, “But everybody knows this.  Every masseuse, or therapist.”
I told him that’s where he’s wrong.  How many “licensed” RMT’s know all that he knows?  Maybe 5%?
Look in any field, and see the results for yourselves.
And I mean any field.  Who’d have thought that healthcare would be my example?
Auto mechanic, accountant, wealth manager, painter, dog-walker; no matter the industry, there are true professionals, who are the absolute best at what they do, and then there’s everybody else.
When it comes to real estate, I’d make the same argument.
And while I’m not talking about agents today, I do want to talk about one of the two most important services, that along with staging, come into play when listing a property for sale: photography.
Two years ago, I was approached by a new real estate photography company, that were promising big things.
They had a good name, a great site, and were booking clients.
I was very loyal to my regular photographer and his team, and I was always satisfied with their results.
But the new company were hounding me incessantly, and they had an innovative new software for their virtual tour that I wanted to see, so I figured I’d give them a shot.
Of course, I wasn’t stupid; I also booked my regular company, just in case these new guys didn’t pan out.
The results were astounding.
The photos from the new guys were decent, but they weren’t exceptional.  And in this real estate market, I accept nothing less than exceptional.
I mentioned in the introduction that I often show you really brutal MLS photos in my regular “MLS Musings” feature, but that perhaps looking at A+ photos next to D- photos doesn’t really provide much insight.  So what about looking at A+ photos next to B+ photos?
I think you all know what a crappy MLS photo looks like.  Here’s one I just randomly pulled from MLS:
Sure, decent staging.  But without a true professional photographer, this photo, assuming the Realtor with the iPhone gets a D-, would probably rank a C- at best.
So today, let’s try this comparison using my 2016 photos.  We’ll look at at very similar, often side-by-side comparisons, of how two different “professional” photographers shot the same condo.
  One note before I start – the photographer I’ve used for every shoot in 2017 and 2018 did not take the “exceptional” photos that I’m referencing below.  As exceptional as these photos are, I’d be selling my regular photographer short if I didn’t differentiate, because his are even better.  One of his colleagues did the 2016 shoot.
So without further adieu, let’s look at the B+ photos on the left, compared to the A+ photos on the right.
1) The Den
How do those look to you?
Similar?  Almost identical?
That’s fine, they’re supposed to be.  Keep in mind, I’m not looking for iPhone photos here.  The photo on the left was taken by a professional, of a professionally-staged condo.  But the photo on the right is better.
The photo on the right has better colour, more clarity, and if you look at the frosted-glass in front of the staircase, you’ll note there are no blurry, dark shadows, like in the photo on the right.  Also note there’s no shadow on the hardwood flooring.
2) Bedroom
Here’s where you really start to see the difference.
First, look at the colour of the ceiling.  Which one looks like the real thing?  The one on the right, of course, which looks like the actual colour of an exposed concrete ceiling.  The whole idea behind photography is you want to capture the “real thing,” but so often, the colours change behind the lens.
Second, look at the glass windows – they’re far more clear on the right.  The eye, and the lens on the left, just couldn’t capture the way the windows actually looked.
Third, the photo on the left is showing the glass bannister, which I think is a mistake.
And lastly, I don’t like the angle of the first photo.  It’s slightly crooked, and the photo on the right is perfectly straight, and at the right height as well.
3) Living Room
This is the set of photos that really starts to show the difference.
The colour and lighting on the left is just brutal.
The photo on the left captured the building outside the condo, and the sky, in a better light than the photo on the right.  But that wasn’t the point!  This is a feature shot of the entire main floor.  The kitchen, dining, and living.  The photo on the left makes the inside of the condo look like it’s taken at night!
It’s all about colour to me!  Look at the red pillow on the terrace in the right photo, now look on the left.  Say no more…
4) Living Room II
Look at the blue sky on the right, and look at the blurry, white windows on the left.
Look at the brown shades of the area-rug on the right, and look how they’re distorted to a purple-ish colour on the left.
The photo on the right, not to use a beer cliché, is simply “crisp.”
I also don’t like how the photo on the left shows a small portion of the dining table, in what is supposed to be a living room shot.
5) Kitchen
If there’s one mistake that most amateurs make in taking photos, it’s being crooked.
Look at the angle of the fridge on the left, and now compare it to the right.  A good photographer knows where to stand, where to turn, how high to hold the camera, and at what angle.
All these photo sets show different flaws, but this one kitchen photo, taken from almost the identical spot, really shows how a “professional” photo can look bad, when up against a better one.
6) Living/Dining/Kitchen
This is another photo taken at a very similar spot, although it’s important to point out that the black chair was removed for the second shoot.
Again, notice the angle at which the first photo is taken?  And notice how the “straight-on” approach for the photo on the right works better?  This is further demonstrated by the second level being cut off at an angle in the first photo.
7) Outdoor Space
If you really want to test a professional photographer, go outside.
Say what you want about the first six sets, but this one drives the point home without debate.
The angle, the colour, the clarity, and how about the blue sky in the second photo?
So there you have it, folks!
What a fun exercise!  And this idea came to me randomly, since I had pretty much forgotten about these two sets of photos.  But upon considering a blog about staging, I realized real estate photography was a topic I’ve never really covered on its own.
I don’t know what bothers me the most about bad photos, or to put a positive spin on it – impresses me the most about good photos: the colour, the clarity, the lighting, or the angles.
The angles drive me nuts.  Photos #2, #4, #5, #6, and #7 are great examples of good and bad angles, and how they can dramatically change the look and feel of a photo.
Photo #7 is the best example of colour.
Photo #3 shows awful lighting.
And I think every photo shows good and bad clarity.
If any of you are amateur or professional photographers, I’d love to hear from you.
The post The True Value Of A Real Estate Photographer appeared first on Toronto Real Estate Property Sales & Investments | Toronto Realty Blog by David Fleming.
Originated from https://ift.tt/2q3eyCb
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