#and i wanna give it to him
mushiewrites · 1 year
Day 1: Hide & Seek
Yay! It’s sapnap week! Hosted by the lovely @rxsahgrce, you can find the week of prompts here! (probably gonna use this as an excuse to write / draw lee!sap all week but oh well!) I’m a day late but my brain went a bit wild with this one. Oops.
Sapnap has been lee all morning, but is feeling way too shy to ask for tickles - Dream notices and points it out. This leads to Sap getting embarrassed, darting away from Dream and George, and throwing them all into the most interesting game of Hide & Seek they’ve ever played
(lee!Sapnap / ler!George / ler!Dream : 2.7K words)
Even though his gaze was fixated on a very interesting blotch of pink that was somehow stained into the tan carpet beneath his feet, Sapnap could feel the stares of the two older boys drilling into him. He knew that they knew exactly what he wanted, yet somehow he has yet to receive! When he woke up this morning in the biggest lee mood of his life, he had thought it would be an easy task to ask for tickles. How hard could that be?
Turns out it could be and is, very hard to ask for tickles.
When he had made up his mind to find Dream after getting out of bed, he found his feet felt like concrete dragging slowly down the hallway that seemed to go on forever. By the time Sapnap was standing outside of Dream’s doorway he kept walking passed, his nerves bubbling up with anxiety over the prospect of asking for something so silly and childish. He quickly talked himself out of that headspace though and decided to give it another shot, spinning on his heel and walking back in the direction of the blondes room.
This time he made it, trying to seem as calm and collected as possible when knocking on the doorframe lightly to let his presence be known. Dream turned his head in the direction of the noise to find a very bashful Sapnap hovering in the entryway of his room. He smirked, having an idea of what was going on but decided to play into it. The blonde spoke up from the bed when after a moment of silence, the younger boy still hadn’t looked at him.
“What’s up, Sap? Everything alright?” Sapnap heard Dream’s question but it was like his throat had suddenly closed up on him, unable to produce any words or sounds. Instead he opted for a quick nod, coughing slightly to fill the empty space where his reply should’ve been.
“Mhm.” he managed to get out after a few more seconds, shifting his gaze briefly from the floor to Dream. The older boy was staring at him, a small grin on his face as he observed Sapnap’s reactions. This cause the smaller boy to immediately snap his eyes back towards the ground, hearing a small chuckle coming from the boy on his bed.
“Are you sure? You seem kind of tense,” Sapnap heard the creaking of the bed as Dream moved to stand up, making him take a step back towards the hallway. “Is there something you want, Sapnap? Something you need?”
As the younger boy opened his mouth to deny the claims, he felt a hand clamp down on his shoulder, making him yelp and spin around to find George standing beside him.
“What’s goin on? Did I miss something here? Sapnap you’re so red!” George, always the curious cat, was not making the situation any better. Sapnap again heard Dream giggle, now much closer than before. George made his way passed Sapnap and next to Dream, looking to him for more information since the younger boy seemingly couldn’t provide any more himself.
“I think someone here is in a very specific mood, but won’t admit it.” Sapnap could practically hear the smugness dripping from Dream’s tone, picturing the toothy grin the blonde was no doubt sporting. The oldest made a sound of acknowledgement followed by a long “hmmmmmm”, not elaborating any further than that.
“N-No.” the younger boy denied, still staring down at the carpet while the other two continued to stare at him.
“No? You’re not in a particular mood?” Dream clarified, reaching a finger forward to poke into the smaller boys ribs. Sapnap squeaked and reached up to swipe at the hand that was already back to Dream’s side, whining and crossing his arms over his torso to prevent any more unfair attacks. “Are you suuuure?”
“I-I’m not.”
“Sapnap,” he heard the oldest boy purr, watching as the pair of shoes on the left took a step forward towards him. This only cause Sapnap to take another step back, leaving the same amount of space between them as before. “Look at us, Sapnap.”
The command alone flustered him, but the way George was acting so calm, like it was the most normal occurrence in the world was what got to him. He glanced up for a second, being met with two pairs of mischievous eyes, and immediately fell into a round of nervous giggles. Sapnap couldn’t stand it any longer and decided to make a run for it. In the middle of Dream trying to ask him another question, the youngest boy quickly sprinted down the hallway and down the steps, squealing and panicking as he searched for somewhere to hide.
“Oh Sapnaaaaap, I wouldn’t do this if I were you!” he heard the blonde call from the top of the steps, the two clearly unbothered by the sudden escape by the youngest man.
“Considering we always find you in the end, anyway,” George had mumbled, yelping a second later when Dream gave him a playful elbow in the ribs. “What, it’s true!”
Sapnap was out of options, scanning the living room for places to hide before settling on crouching behind the couch. He knew it was a stupid idea. He knew it would never work. Yet he found himself wedging himself between the couch and the wall, wiggling himself as far in as he could go. When he reached a point where he assumed he was completely hidden, he stayed still, careful not to make any additional noise.
Footsteps from the two older boys grew closer and closer as they made their way down the steps, giggling and calling out teases to try and get Sapnap to give away his hiding spot. He squeezed his eyes shut and slapped a hand over his mouth to prevent any sneaky giggles from tumbling out at a well placed tease, determined to keep his cool and stay hidden from the two menaces who were continuing their search.
Suddenly there was an eerie silence - Sapnap couldn’t hear their footsteps anymore, and they weren’t teasing like they had been. He heard a chuckle from above him and snapped his head in that direction, eyes widening and a scream ripping through him as he came face to face with Dream.
“Gotcha, Sap.” he heard another voice come from the side of him, looking down by his feet to see George smirking back at him, squatting down and slowly bringing a hand forward to grip his ankle lightly. Immediately the smaller boy tried to kick, but he was wedged so tightly behind the couch he feared he actually may have gotten himself stuck.
“P-Please George, wait! This isn’t fair! I-I think I’m stuck!” Sapnap tried to plead with the brunette, but he seemed too preoccupied speaking to Dream, requesting he come hold Sapnap’s ankles still so he could “tickle him to death”. (George’s words, not his)
“Sorry, Sap. You made it harder on yourself,” Dream appeared next to George, Sapnap watching in horror as the strong hands wrapped around both his ankles easily. “You could’ve just asked and gotten the tickles you wanted, but instead you ran and made it ten times harder on yourself.”
“Will he ever learn?” George faked disappointment, looking to Dream as they both broke out into giddy chuckles. Sapnap was about to open his mouth to plead once more, but a single swipe of George’s finger down his arch was enough to make him yelp out instead.
“N-Noho please!” Sapnap managed to whine, breaking out into bright giggles as George now used both his pointer fingers, one on each foot, to trail from his heels all the way to his toes. He threw his head back with a cackle as George attempted to slide a finger between his toes, but was stopped by the sock that was causing a makeshift barrier to the sensitive area.
“This is in the way.” George mumbled, gripping the top of the sock on Sapnap’s right foot and tugging, causing the sock to slip off with ease. Sapnap’s struggling increased, moving his legs back and forth as much as he could, but Dream was keeping him in place; Dream was simply too strong to break free from.
“NohoHOHOHO G-GEHEHEORGE!” He swore he saw stars as he squeezed his eyes shut and pounded his fists on the back of the couch, feeling George begin to use his nails on the ball of his bare foot. Sapnap was cackling, shaking his head and curling his toes as much as he could, but nothing was taking away the tickly feeling.
“Geez, he’s squirming around like a little snake!” he heard the oldest boy remark at Dream through laughter, hearing a returning hum of acknowledgment from him.
“Yeah, and it must feel even more ticklish considering he got himself stuck behind the couch like an idiot,” Dream replied loud enough for Sapnap to hear, causing him to whine through his high pitched giggles as George moved his nails to scrape across his arches at an agonizingly slow pace. “Does it tickle more, Sap?”
The question made a shiver crawl up the youngest boys spine but he was too out of it to pretend, so he nodded his head - it really did tickle more. He couldn’t understand why, it just did. Maybe it was the fact he was stuck. Maybe it was the fact that Dream was holding him completely still as George focused on tickling the life out of him. Maybe it was the flustering situation of having one sock on and one sock off. All he knew was that it tickled, and it tickled bad.
“Plehehease! P-Plehehease no more!” Sapnap squeaked out in between his high pitched giggles, pathetically wiggling his feet in Dream’s grasp. George tried to stick his fingers under his toes but Sapnap was quick to curl them down before he could.
Dream tightened his grip slightly so George could get a better grip to pull back his toes, scratching at the underneath of them with his nails slowly. Sapnap screamed, trying his best to curl his toes but with no success. George was giggling and Dream was wheezing at the youngest boys reaction, watching him punch the back of the couch so hard that Dream swore he’d break through the fabric any second.
“Okahay okay you little giggle bug, we’re almost done, don’t worry,” Dream tapped George’s hand with one of his fingers, signaling him to come to a stop to let Sapnap catch his breath. “I have one more thing I wanna do, is that alright Sap?”
Sapnap sat for a second, his eyes closed and his arm across his chest with his face buried into his elbow as he contemplated if he could handle anything more than what he’d already gotten. His lee mood was satisfied for sure….but he could always do with more tickles while he was like this.
So, he lifted his face slightly from his hiding spot, his face bright pink as he looked to Dream and nodded his head the slightest bit. That apparently was all Dream needed, and he adjusted his hands to now grip both of his feet, pulling his legs out as much as he could without hurting the smaller boy. The blonde smirked at Sapnap before turning his attention to George, tapping his fingers close to the brunettes ankles.
“George, I have to show you a secret spot on Sap.” the older boy tried to explain, but was cut off by the screams and high pitched screeches coming from behind the couch. George’s eyes widened as he giggled, watching as Sapnap continued to freak out and yell over Dream. He was pounding his fists on the couch again, this time with the purpose of moving it forward so he could break free.
“What is it?! Hurry, before he breaks the couch!” George exclaimed through his now very high pitched giggles, excitement coursing through him at the idea of learning another spot of Sapnap’s.
“Run your nails around the balls of his ankle on both sides. Make sure to trace over the thin skin below them too, towards his heel. That drives him crazy.” Dream managed to explain when Sapnap finally stopped screaming, becoming lightheaded with the force he was using to raise the volume of his voice. The smaller boy began squirming, trying to kick as he pleaded and begged and screamed, but it was no use. The second George’s nails touched down on his ankles, he was a goner.
The shrill laughter that left Sapnap was enough to stop George for a second, startled at the noise that the light tickles produced. He’d never heard Sapnap laugh this hard in all the time they’d been friends, and he was in awe of how quickly the younger boy was reduced into a puddle of lee. George looked to the side, noticing how Dream was watching Sapnap laugh, a fond look on his face. The oldest boy rolled his eyes at the softness of it all and turned his attention back to the ankle in front of him, making sure to pay close attention to the skin right underneath the bones of his ankles.
Sapnap was wailing, hysterical laughter continuously bubbling out of him as he finally stopped squirming, too tickled out to fight it anymore. His eyes were squeezed shut so tightly that tears were forming at the corners of them, little trails of wetness rolling down his cheeks whenever he managed to open his eyes while begging.
After a minute or two, Dream knew that Sapnap was at his limit and tapped George’s hands once more, signaling for him to stop. The brunette traced another little circle with his pointer fingers around the balls of his ankles before pulling his hands back into his lap, watching as Dream began to soothingly rub out the ghost tickles as Sapnap attempted to control the left over laughter.
George stood up to move the couch slightly forward, allowing Dream to stand and scoop the giggly boy up in his arms. The couch was pushed back into the correct position and Dream sat the two of them down on the couch, the blonde running a hair through Sapnap’s hair as George pulled the smaller boys ankles onto his lap to continue the calming rubs. Sapnap’s laughter eventually died down to tiny giggles every few minutes, still feeling the impact of the devastatingly ticklish attack he endured. His eyes were still closed as he made a tiny whine when Dream stopped playing with his hair, making the older boy laugh.
“Sorry sweetheart, thought you were asleep.” Dream resumed playing with the curly locks by the nape of Sapnap’s neck, making him shiver slightly as he buried his head into Dream’s neck.
“How was that? You look all spacey now, did you like it?” he heard George ask from beside them, feeling his blush move across his cheeks and up into his ears. George giggled, and he immediately knew that the older boy had noticed that he was still flustered.
Sapnap could only nod his head, not daring to look up at either boy out of embarrassment. Dream made a cooing noise and George teased him a bit for it, but he didn’t mind. Although he was tickled half to death, his mood was satisfied, and he knew he had the rest of the day to pester the older boys….not for tickles, of course. Just to get them back! (…okay, maybe for tickles.) And if Dream and George teased him about that too, it wouldn’t bother him - that makes it all the more fun.
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part-time-pixie · 15 days
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outfit swap ✨
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mirykka · 1 month
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the mad sorcerer
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tunishai · 7 months
How does the spooder sleep?
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A study on drider sleep positions.
The belly sleeper - not as comfy as it looks - looks like you face planted - standing up is fast
2. The side sleeper - comfy - spider leg salad 3. The dead spider - you look pretty dead - comfy for the drow spine - standing up involves a lot of wriggling
4. The sleeping giraffe - hella cute - spine will hurt tho
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More sleeping spider ->
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puppyeared · 2 months
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littlest furth shop
#i think i had a little too much fun with this lol#i also wanted to draw road boy and other characters but maybe when they actually get introduced#i do have a sketch of him with a lil chainsaw.. im not gonna be normal when he gets introduced man he looks so sillygoofy#if you squint laika's eye marking is a clover yue's is a crescent moon and mars' is a star ^_^#i wanted to give laika an accessory too but i couldnt think of anything.. maybe a stack of pancakes??#im curious to see the apocalypse side of the story too.. like so far we have an idea of the comet fucking everything up#and im assuming that lead to a ripple effect causing the apocalypse but exactly how bad?? i cant wait to find out#rn im kinda piecing stuff together.. larkspur delivers mail in a beat up van so that might mean all transportation is grounded#the buildings we've seen so far are intact like the observatory and turnip's house but idk if thats the same for big cities#laikas playlist only includes songs downloaded on yue's computer and there hasnt been internet in 20 years.. but radio signals might#still work.. if yue grows his own food we can assume that mass production and distribution also isnt a thing anymore#sorry im a sucker for worldbuilding.. and the furth puns are fun to me. i like to think toronto would be clawronto.. and vancouver wld#be nyancouver.. barktic circle.. mewfoundland and labrador.. canyada....#christ i have so many drawing ideas. willow if youre reading this im so sorry youre probably gonna expect to see a lot of drawings frm me#like. i wanna draw laika in the akira bike pose so sosososo bad. IT WOULD BE SO AWESOMECOOL. ill teach myself to draw bikes if i have to#i also wanted to animate laika leekspin.. man#my art#myart#fanart#laika's comet#laikas comet#laika#mars#yue#furry art#fur#littlest pet shop#lps
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autisticsonic · 3 months
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My take on a Sonadow fankid! She actually existed for a while now, but the trend gave me motivation to finally draw her!
Most sonadow fankids are purplish and tube-grown, so I decided to make her neither!
Background for the story under cut, in case it gets long!
So in this AU, stories from the more recent games happen when Sonic and Shadow are at most around 20 years old. Back then Sonic was rambunctious and reckless as we know him to be, and Shadow was a depressed, traumatized emo kid. While at first they were rivals as depicted in the games.
Over the years tho, just like their friends, the two matured. They started getting along a lot more, and became official friends, which eventually lead to dating. They both were afraid of getting serious though, so they took things slow and casual. Due to some of their unresolved issues, they couldn't get any closer. But not for much longer.
Some of it has been brought on by a Particular Event, and some of it due to restructuring how they go about saving the world, but things changed. As Forces has shown, putting so much responsibility on One Guy isn't wise. Sonic felt so quilty for failing, but it never should've been his job alone, so they created an organization, to share the load more evenly!
The org became global, with local groups of heroes being recruited all around, meaning that now the characters we know and love now had more time to take care of their personal lives.
While for some the change hasn't been much, Sonic, and to a lesser extent, Shadow, struggled quite a lot. Many of things happened in between, but eventually both of them grew to quite enjoy the domestic life.
They moved in together, and started taking things to the next level, now that both have done some healing and therapy. They found that they get along quite great. After a bit longer, they decided to start a family :)
Shadow came up with the name. He wanted to honor his sister's memory, but Mar-Mar was also a symbol of all his progress. He did go to therapy to make sure that he can handle them sharing a name, to see if it's a good idea, and well, it was!
She's now 4 and very loved, and her dads love each other very much as well. For a certain Sonic though, things won't go so great.
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allioaro · 10 months
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Grimlen nighttime attire XD
Idea from this tweet:
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wasyago · 4 months
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just-null-cult · 5 months
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i love the more well known characters and all but im pushin them all aside to focus on those in the back. i love background characters so fucking much. ino..... ino come back..
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4ndeka · 6 months
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god help anyone who disrespected his queen
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kikker-oma · 6 months
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He be floatin’
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velvetwilde · 1 month
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pretty, pretty princess
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yourlocalabomination · 3 months
Hey, Dickhead!
*smashes your face in with a crowbar*
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purple-ravaged · 7 months
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he wants knives
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hamable · 1 month
I need Brennan to win an award. I need the world to know how exceptional a storyteller he is. How do you plan something like this?
I’m suddenly seeing the rat grinders as a sort of self insert for him. Not character-wise, but as tools for writing a mystery. Usually you start with the solution and work backwards. Brennan had to concoct this solution and prepare for every possible thing that the best DnD players he’s ever known might do to crack his story wide open. He needed an entire party of character foils whose primary goal was to cover their tracks and account for periphery details to outsmart The Bad Kids. An unfathomable amount of work to be able to tell this story at the pace it’s being told.
I found myself remarking earlier in the season how much planning and foreknowledge he had to have to have the variety of dome projections from @caitmayart he does and now I realize that’s just scratching the surface.
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bastardlybonkers · 4 months
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science rulez
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