#and i was going to meet my friend in the big plaza in the city
heavenknowsffs · 10 months
my phone gets drunk at least once a month (gets drenched in beer by accident and stops working for 1 to 2 days) which is incresibly inconvenient but also nice because i can disconnect from social media for a whole ass day!
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gamebird · 3 months
The Soonercon Convention Report
I went to Soonercon this last weekend and I wanted to share what it was like in an attempt to encourage others to attend similar local events, for those who don't know what they're missing.
It’s a science fiction/fantasy convention held in Norman, Oklahoma every year. It has what I take as the standard scifi/fantasy convention events including: Dealer’s room where people sell stuff, gaming room where scheduled and pickup games are held at all hours of the convention, art show where you can buy fandom-related paintings, prints, or sculpture (or commission an artist if you have something special in mind), a costume contest, panels by authors, artists, media guests, and other folks, and various socializing events (a dance, a burlesque show, a drag show, a Star Wars parade, a philosophy discussion den, a cartoon watching event, crafting events, etc.)
The only thing Soonercon didn’t/doesn’t have that I’ve seen at other conventions is a con suite where snacks are available either at all hours or specified hours, and a designated media room playing classic shows 24/7. Plenty of other conventions also have party rooms or even a party floor of the hotel. Some will have live action role play events. Some will have a few big-name guests. Soonercon’s guests were smaller names like voice actors or the guy who played the hero of NeverEnding Story. If they had hardcore partying, it was kept well clear of the convention areas. I heard nothing of it.
There's a lot for everybody! I go to attend the panels. My son goes for the gaming room. My nephew goes for the cosplay. My spouse/partner goes to be supportive and present (also he meets up with a friend of his from that city who volunteers at the con or at least likes fandom). My daughter likes the merchandise, the gaming, and cosplay.
It’s a very relaxed vacation for us. We get a hotel room at the convention and all go our separate ways from that safe home base.
I thought I’d go over the various things I went to and some of my thoughts about them, to give a window on what a person might do:
Friday we arrived. I went through the dealer’s room in detail by myself, which was nice to do instead of speeding up or slowing down at someone else’s pace, or having them there calling my attention to whatever they wanted me to see. I bought some delicious pomegranate gummy fruit. I made preliminary arrangements with a leatherworker for some items.
I went through the art show, which I have never been to at the beginning of the show. The previous two years I showed up at the end and rushed through. I took my time again.
I also wandered the halls at liberty, with no agenda. I didn’t think much of the panels available that day, so I did other things. I did attend an author’s reading of horror fic. One of the stories was titled ‘Grindr’ by a gay man, featuring a gay character. As soon as he went over that, two of the six in his audience left. It was a good story. The other author read a bit of theirs (also good). And then we discussed. One of the things discussed was how this was Oklahoma and the very mention of gay sent two people out of the room. It was good and thoughtful conversation.
Later that evening, I attended a comedy panel that was ‘Am I The Asshole?’ with various heroes or villains of popular fan movies discussing if they were the asshole for their role in the plot of their respective media product. It was funny and a light end to the first day.
Saturday, we got up in time for ‘Cartoons with Cereal’ panel where we ate a couple weird over-sugared cereals while watching an 80s cartoon that featured transforming vehicles and masked/helmeted action figure type characters. After that, we went to a better breakfast, complimentary at the hotel plaza.
My first regular panel of the day was ‘Essential Sci-Fi Television’ where I was hoping to see if there were important shows I haven’t seen. Maybe? Maybe not? They talked a lot about the different flavors of Star Trek and the different ways people get into fandom. I didn't add anything new to my list, but I did get more emphasis that I really ought to watch The Expanse.
At 11, I went to a panel titled ‘How do I put THAT on my resume?’ about how to translate fan interests and skills into marketable descriptive terms that can get you hired. I attended not so much for myself, as I hope to never work again after my current job, but for my son and daughter and my attempts to give them advice on how to present themselves in the business world. I’d encouraged my son to go to this panel, but he went to the gaming room. It wasn’t a great panel – I think he made the right choice. But you don’t know these things until you attend them.
I had lunch and then attended a panel titled ‘I ship it!’ thinking it would talk about the range of shipping in fandom circles. And maybe it did, but mostly it was the panelists talking about rare pairs in anime fandoms – both fandom and characters unfamiliar to me. They were excited to talk about it. I managed to steer them into sharing their thoughts about why antagonists are often more interesting to pair with a hero than the designated side kick or another hero, and then a little about what fueled ship wars/fandom drama. It was good to hear, as always, that totally different fandoms have the same problems.
After that was ‘Libraries, Intellectual Freedom, and Book Challenges’ about what books were banned, why, how, and what efforts were going on or the attendees could undertake to oppose book bans. Afterward, I approached one of the panelists for her advice on finding a good Ursula LeGuin book since I hadn’t liked Always Coming Home, but did like Left Hand of Darkness. Turns out she was a core convention organizer. I sent her an email so she could send me a rec later and separately, I filled out a form to volunteer at the next con.
At 3 I went to early dinner with my spouse/partner and his local friend, who was the one who told me the panelist I’d talked to was high up in the convention hierarchy. At 4, I roamed the dealer's room again, finalized things with the leatherworker, and bought a bunch more delicious candy.
At 5 I had a panel titled ‘LGBT+YOU, Discuss the Plus’. Given the conversation the day before with the gay horror author, I was particularly interested. Also, the panel was focusing mainly on the queer identities other than LGBT – asexuals, aromantics, pansexuals, polyamorous, etc. I found it something of a relief to see them stumble and fail to define an aromantic relationship in a way that differentiated it from non-aromantic ones. The panelists varied from early-30s to mid-60s, some partnered, some not. It was lovely to hear people’s experiences with living queer in Oklahoma.
At 6 I attended ‘Fandom Life vs Long-Term Illnesses’ but found it not super helpful. It was mostly about arthritis and diabetes, neither of which are issues I have. But I listened and learned a bit. I enjoy these authentic little windows into other people’s lives.
I attended the costume contest for the rest of the night, which was a big event with a stage show and a music act. My fave costume won! Even cooler, someone I knew was announced as winner of the Fashion Show which was an informal or less formal contest they’d had earlier in the day. I was thrilled for them.
That night at 1:11 am, someone set off the fire alarm, but it was quickly squelched. Still, everyone woke up. Later sleuthing turned up that it was a person attempting to smoke inside their hotel room.
Sunday! We had a nice breakfast again. My first panel of the day was ‘Hollow Humanism?’ talking about utopia, dystopia, and the philosophy of humanism – what were the things that prevented us from making a better world? I had hoped for stuff I could incorporate into my headcanons for Preservation or the Corporation Rim. Not so much.
Then I went to ‘Fandom – The Next Generation’ which was not about Star Trek but instead about the intergenerational fandom experiences of the panelists. I found this not very helpful. Those weren’t my families. It wasn’t about how to interest my kids in fandom (not that I needed that – they’re into it) or how I could better relate to their interests (something I was very interested in). I asked a few questions trying to guide it toward what I wanted, but the panelists really wanted to tell the audience about their lives. So. I listened.
At noon my group packed and checked out of our rooms.
But we hung around as there was a panel at 1 pm I wanted to attend, ‘Neurodivergent Characters in Fantasy and Anime’. Alas, they did not discuss Murderbot. In fact, they didn’t discuss specific characters or genres at all. Instead, they discussed neurodivergent representation in general, mindfulness, coping strategies, dealing with negative social pressures to conform, masking, exhaustion, career intersectionality, disabled rep, and a lot of things I was equally interested to hear about. So that was neat!
At 2, there was a panel about ���Oklahoma in Fandom Media’ that I attended half of. It was fun to hear the various filming projects and other media mentions Oklahoma featured in. I left halfway through to help our group depart.
And so we drove home. It was a delightful, low-stress vacation. Lots of viewpoints. Lots of experiences. It was lovely seeing people face-to-face and getting such different impressions. It’s a very different experience than Tumblr or discord or streaming. I would very much recommend it to all of you! Get out and meet people in person in your area. Talk to them. Listen to their stories. Find out what they have to share. Share a bit of yourself in turn.
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omegaremix · 8 days
I found a great idea from one of my all-time favorite bands. Ten questions and answers about my live concert experiences. I had posted them on my sister site @ourladyofomega, but this is the remix. I took the time to explain each one in full.
Dollar values double with each one.
First concert: Dream Theater + Big Wreck @ Vanderbilt Planetarium. A former “friend” became the lucky winner of a radio-station giveaway. The prize? 16 free tickets to this show. We ended up with balcony seats and my “friend” invited our former co-worker from the department store we used to work at.
Last concert: Cold Waves XI (Lana Del Rabies + Ash Code + Sierra + JK Flesh + Orphx + Front Line Assembly w. Skold) @ Le Poisson Rouge. Part of the Triple Crown Victory Weekend that consisted of meeting my Italian-Irish family at a cousin’s engagement party (Friday), and getting an amazing cakeday gift box from a Welsh girl in Detroit (Saturday). This was a (Sunday) show that I waited at the last-minute to purchase tickets and wound up going. Who in the fuck’s idea was it to not have a NYC Cold Waves this year?
Worst concert: none. I make sure all shows I go to are ones to remember. But, if you ask me about the worst band I saw, then Hemlock takes that title. They opened with Meshuggah and Ministry (headliners). Everyone in Irving Plaza just stood there silent seeing this outdated nu-metal band trying to get it going. They were still unknowns after being fifteen years of band, and looks like no one remembers them after that. Good.
Loudest concert: Dream Theater + Big Wreck. Did I say this was my first-ever concert? I had no idea how loud it was going to be. Without question, this one was deafening. I’m not sugarcoating it. I had to cover my ears the entire time up in the balcony seats because all I heard was this shrieking wall of white noise. I remember almost nothing of that night other than the fact that I was there.
Best concert: Hospital Productions' 20th (Godflesh + Prurient + Orphx + etc.) @ Warsaw. This was at a time when I started taking the NYC scene seriously. I just got out of nine months of stay-at-home post-surgery recovery, and I had a new clarity coming out of it. Hospital Productions 20th marked an important point in my life: it made me decide that this was the place and people I wanted to be associated with. I also got to see some amazing artists: Dominick Fernow / Prurient, Orphx, Dedekind Cut, Nothing, and Godflesh. Three of those artists I’ve already seen twice in one point in life and another.
Seen the most: Uniform (3) @ Output, Saint Vitus, and Knockout Center. There was a bill with Uniform opening, then Pharmakon, Prurient, Aaron Dilloway with Genesis P. Orridge, and Merzbow. The line to get in Output was pretty long that I missed half of Uniform’s set and didn’t know who they were until I got more into them. I finally redeemed myself to see them in their entirety at Saint Vitus with a lineup of Michael Berdan, Ben Greenberg, touring drummer Michael Blume, and bassist Jenna Rose of Anatomy. Redemption fulfilled. The third? At Sacred Bones 15th. They were an added bonus right after Jim Jarmusch / Squrl, so why not?
Most surprising: Sacred Bones 15th @ Knockout Center. I have dreams where I end up in so many weird places that could have existed but didn’t. They are no different from the places I experienced. Downstairs record stores, schools, quiet snowy roads, city streets and highways. It’s an alternate reality that’s slightly shifted within itself. I entered Queens’ Knockout Center for Sacred Bones’ 15th where Constant Smiles started the evening so quietly. I was blown away by the first moments of it. People were standing and sitting on the floor in silence during the set. The sinking sun’s rays blasted through the venue’s windows giving light to the current space, as if this show started in the wee hours of the day. This was surreal! It wasn’t anything like I ever experienced before. But that’s not all. What other show I went to had a lecture hall on the line-up ? LD Deutsch’s essay about time, which had everyone sit in classroom setting. I said to myself: “these weird things are happening that normally aren’t. Am I dreaming, or am I in a dream?!” I look back and it was an amazing experience. Nothing like it ever since.
Happy I got to see: Skinny Puppy + Lead Into Gold @ Irving Plaza. No other show I went to had the biggest one-day payoff. You will all kill me when I say this, but I once told myself that it was no big deal if I never got to see Skinny Puppy. WRONG. They announced a farewell tour, and I asked myself how big of a deal that was. I quickly reconsidered. I got my tickets the minute they went up for sale. So what did $150.00 buy me? An unforgettable experience; that’s what. Meeting up with five Tumblr mutuals to see Lead Into Gold and one of Skinny Puppy’s final legendary shows. We had pizza nights, walks around Manhattan, car rides to club night for an amazing after-party, and just shilling around absorbing an experience that’s very rare to have. And, as a special bonus, meeting Ministry's Paul Barker and buying merch- from him. I still can’t believe it. It’s very rare to have Perfect 10-days in my life. This was indeed one of them.
Wish I could have seen: none. I have seen all my desired bands on my list. Nine Inch Nails, Ministry, Killing Joke, Front 242, Skinny Puppy, and Front Line Assembly. That leaves KMFDM the only one left on my bucket list. I’ve seen other artists I wanted to with little or no effort. Those were Indecision, Unsane, Bauhaus, Linkin Park, Cold Cave, Snoop Dogg, Boy Harsher, Atari Teenage Riot, Pharmakon, Prurient, Merzbow, Black Marble, Nas…I could go further if you want me to. I have all day.
Next concert: I’m still on the fence to go see KEN Mode + Hide @ TV Eye and / or Balvanera @ Synthicide. I may not go, because I decided not to do anything by myself again after seeing both of last year’s shows with mutuals. But, we shall see. Wanna' play? Be my guest.
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tobiasdrake · 11 months
Let's go spring the trap, Shinigami. We were told to come alone, but he didn't count on you. Of course, until a murder happens you're practically useless so it's not like it matters either way.
Hey, if he kills me but I don't see it happen, do we still get to go into the Mystery Labyrinth and solve the mystery of my death? Retaliatory soul-reaping?
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No promises. When a man's duty calls him to die, his time is... to... death beckons at his... *trips over the curve of the ramp and faceplants into hard steel*
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We've been at war with Amaterasu since Chapter 0. Where have you been?
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*crosses fingers* Dead in his penthouse. Dead in his penthouse. Come on, it'd be such a cool case, after all that time establishing that no one can get in!
I mean. I. Have. The umost respect for the sanctity of life.
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Oh goddammit, why are you alive!? Piss in my cornflakes and call it rain, why doncha.
Ugh. Fine. We can do this your way. Come on, Yuma, let's get in the car with the mysterious masked grown-up who's invulnerable to consequences. Look, it's even the color of amber for that special poetic touch.
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Sir, I am only...
...a number of years old. Wow, you don't realize what amnesia takes away from you until you stop to think about mundane life tasks.
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Yuma's stunned by this revelation but honestly, what would even be the point? If the highly recognizable Amaterasu CEO Makoto Kagutsuchi showed up to Amaterasu DMV, would you have the nerve to fail him on the driver's test?
If they're going to pass him no matter how he performs then it'd be a pointless formality to even bother going through the motions. Things work differently when you're the king.
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The closer we get to it, the more this place gives me a Shinra vibe.
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You can only get in or out of the compound with a biometric scan. That feels like it's going to be important. We need to keep that in mind.
Also, I'm surprised Makoto takes his mask off for something. So it does come off at times. I was beginning to think it was glued to his face.
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Massive Shinra vibe. But at least they aren't draining the life essence of the planet to power the city.
...or, shit, maybe they are. We don't know where the Forever Rain fueling the hydro-electric generators came from. I shouldn't make assumptions.
At the very least, we can be confident that they will not try to make one of our friends fuck a tiger. 80% confident. 70% at the least. I... don't actually know how homunculi are made....
...Yakou should prepare himself to have a bad night. Not because of that. Well, not only because of that. But also because I'm going to try and sneak away so I can rub my ass on Yomi's desk. IT'S CALLED SPITE AND MAYBE YAKOU SHOULD TRY IT SOME TIME.
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Man, Japanese evil corporate architecture is amazing. They have trees growing in their plaza. Look at all this. It's a mini-mall's worth of space dedicated to their lobby alone.
I've worked for evil megacorporations for my entire career. I was at a big-name finance institution when the economy collapsed. All we got was a small entrance area containing one lobby desk and a security guard who doesn't give a shit, and sometimes a cafeteria we can slip away to for breakfast.
I would kill to have been able to work in an environment like this. Before I worked from home, anyway. Now, if you try to make me go back to an office building, I might stab you.
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That's the smell of capitalism, my man. The product of a thousand underpaid and underappreciated workers who come in the night to erase the traces of humanity left behind and sustain the illusion of an unblemished mechanism.
I'd meet them sometimes when I was pulling late hours to eliminate backlogs of work that my colleagues' lack of motivation and commitment to the organization would eventually produce. Before I got fired for not working hard enough.
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Wait, would that even--
Oh, who am I kidding. This is a company town. Of course child labor is normalized.
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Makoto keeps hammering this point, and he's right. This is the single most important piece of any disguise. It's Trespassing 101: If you carry yourself with confidence and act like you belong, most people won't question it.
They only become suspicious if you look out-of-place. That usually means acting like you're doing something you aren't supposed to. Though, regrettably, it can also mean "visibly being a member of a marginalized demographic", even if you in fact do belong here.
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Gonna go out on a limb here and say this is probably not the Restricted Area that Kurumi was talking about earlier. Seems unlikely.
Man, the tension is so thick you can cut it with a knife. Waiting for the shoe to drop. Just. Waiting.
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today, for madrid day (may 2nd), i'm doing my top 10 favourite madrid metro / train stations !!! as you would imagine this is gonna be very subjective and honestly i could've done it even more personal to me but i didn't wan to dox myself too much <3
anyways, everything will be below the cut, hope you like it :)
10. RECOLETOS (C1, C2, C7, C8, C10)
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recoletos is just a stop away from atocha, and it's located at the start of the salamanca district (in the recoletos barrio), the wealthiest and fanciest part of the city, but just close enough from the city center where you are next to a lot of important stuff. personally, i've been here multiple times mostly to visit the national archaeological museum, which shares building with the national library, just opposite of the station [right pic]. it also has one of the prettiest boulevards in the city, paseo de recoletos [left pic], that goes from colón square to cibeles square, and is always super full of live. i love walking from it to the banco de españa metro stop, in cibeles, it's super pretty!!!!
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plaza de españa, or, in the madrileño dialect 'plazajpaña', is one of the main reunion points in the city. a ton of teens hang out here and, in fact, it's known as a meeting point for emo, otaku, and k-pop kids. needless to say, i used to come here a lot when i was younger, and even now when i hang out with my uni friends we meet up here. there was a very dramatic reformation of the square from 2019 to 2021 [see left vs right], which i absolutely hate cause it removed almost all green spaces. the only thing that remains of the original square is the don quijote monument, which honestly is pretty good, i really like it!! also, that big ass building you can see in all three pics is the edificio españa, and at one point was the tallest building in the country! it still serves as a good guiding point when you want to return here, i've used it a lot of times myself. here the largest and busiest street in the city starts, gran vía, and there's also some busy and well-known streets that start here like princesa street or my most visited one (alongside gran vía), leganitos street, full of asian restaurants and supermarkets (again. otakus and k-popers). it's also the closest station to the temple of debod, my favourite part of the city so if you know me irl you've probably been here with me lol
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i have a love-hate relationship with this station, and everyone that has used it might have similar feelings i think. so, nuevos ministerios is one of the main transportation hubs of the city, specially in regards to trains, as you can see above. in fact, i had to go here every year while i was in college, cause the only way to get to campus was by the C4 train line and nuevos ministerios is in my most-used metro line (line 10), so i always switched between metro and train here. which was not great. nuevos ministerios is notoriously one of the most confusing stations in the city; and i got lost several times despite using it every single day. but, honestly? that's what kept me humble. every day was an adventure in nuevos ministerios <3
no but really, i grew to love it. it's located right in the business hub of the city, in fact just outside of it is AZCA [left pic], the closest thing to a CBD madrid has (alongside las cuatro torres). it is also on the paseo de la castellana, one of the main arteries of the city and where a lot of offices are located [right pic]. i've been around this station tons of times, either going to my middle egyptian classes after uni that were located 10 minutes away from nuevos ministerios, admiring the christmas market in december, being stressed going to a job interview, or buying last-minute gifts in the shopping center in AZCA. i don't think i could hate it even if i really want to. she's my nemesis, but she made me who i am.
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tribunal is probably the most popular station, especially among young people. it is located in the center, in the university barrio, right in the middle of fuencarral street [left pic], which is the most hip and popular street for young people and has a sorta hipstery vibe with it. it also runs through the malasaña and chueca barrios, respectively the arts/counter-culture and LGBT hubs of the city, so once again. i think you can pick up the vibes. the buildings here are super pretty and i think tribunal constitutes the center of the places where people from madrid like to hang out, instead of tourists. outside of tribunal station is the madrid history museum [right], a pretty nice and underrated museum with an absolutely insane façade. one of my favourite museums, the museum of romanticism, is also pretty close, and i've been to both multiple times, can't recommend them enough!
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aluche is so so special to me. so, aluche station is the center of aluche barrio, in the latina district. latina is one of the poorest districts in the city, but this is pretty normal; most outer districts are more poor than the central ones. it is also a pretty accurate depiction of what a normal barrio looks like, where most people of madrid live. i regularly go here cause it's my closest train station, and more than aluche, i have friends from different barrios of latina and have been to a lot of places here pretty regularly, so latina is like a friend to me. and aluche station is the crown jewel, she's never failed me once, 10/10 no notes <3
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you know this one was coming. atocha is the largest and most important train station in the country. not only all local train lines go through here, but most long-distance trains start here. if you take a train to madrid, this'll probably be your first taste of the city. it is also in a really good spot; i've gone to protests here, to pride, to women's day rallys, to the nearby reina sofía museum [right pic], home of 20th century art like picasso's guernica; to the unesco world heritage paseo del prado and the prado museum, the largest in the country; to the caixaforum, a smaller museum with temporal expos; to the royal botanical garden; to the retiro park... as you can see, you can find practically anything here, it's a great starting point. and i haven't even mentioned the national anthropology museum, the thyssen-bornemisza museum, the best barrio of the city aka the barrio de las letras (where tons of writers have historically lived and where different verses and quotes can be found engraved into the sidewalks), or the fact that inside atocha station you can find a tropical garden with turtles and fish [left pic]. honestly she's the best girl, i love her.
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moncloa is probably my most used station right now. it is the main bus hub in western madrid, and it's located just outside of ciudad universitaria (university city), where the main university campus of the city is located. this makes it extremely popular with the young crowd, and it's right next to argüelles, one of the main party areas of the city. i used to walk to class from here during my master's, i still do it when i have to go get a book from the library, and it's always a delight to cross the parque del oeste (most underrated park of the city imo) [right pic], i have so many good memories listening to music through that area, it's one of my safe spaces. it's also the meeting point of me and my closest friends everytime we hang out in madrid, so we always end up hanging out around here. again; it's probably my most used station right now. also, just as plaza de españa is notoriously an otaku and k-poper hangout, moncloa is famous for the 'pijos de moncloa', posh students of the private catholic university CEU san pablo that are always there and usually contrast a lot with the rest of students (especially the arts and humanities ones!). in moncloa you can also find the faro de moncloa, an observation deck of the whole city [left pic], tho i've never been there (i'm scared of heights okay). princesa street also starts here. oh! and outside the station there's the arco de la victoria. i almost forgot about it.
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ópera is the best well-placed station if you want to show someone around the city i think, and it leads you straight to the busiest but also prettiest parts of the city so it was an easy choice. also the ramal!!! y'all know how much do i love the ramal <3 so yeah, ópera is right outside of the royal theatre, and by the plaza de oriente, the hedged square next to the royal palace. even though i fundamentally disagree with monarchy, it's a really beautiful area, honestly. also, sunsets by the palace are !!!!! the almudena cathedral is also there but eh. it's not great. also, on the other side of ópera station is arenal street, a super pretty street with iconic locales like that one makeshift bookshop i always see every couple of months in this website, or the chocolatería san ginés, that allegedly has the best chocolate con churros of the city. also, arenal street ends in puerta del sol, which is literally the center of the city. like you couldn't go more center than sol. so yeah. great place, great station, 10/10.
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a station that has been covered in vinyls of trees and nature and has an exit right in the middle of the retiro park aka a unesco world heritage site that acts as the main park of the city (like hyde park or central park)???? of course i was gonna love it. i love retiro park with all my heart, it's one of my favourite areas of the city, and it has my favourite event of the year, the book fair !!! apart from the park, just outside retiro station is the puerta de alcalá, madrid's most iconic monument that has a sick song about it. i don't have anything else to add. just. 💞retiro 💞
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she means so much to me... príncipe pío is one of the largest stations in madrid, and is a transportation hub of metro, train, and bus (she's got everything!!) there's a shopping mall inside the station [left pic], and it's one of the starting points of madrid río [right pic], a sprawling area next to the manzanares river. it's very convenient for me to get there, so i've met up with tons of friends here that have made this place even more special, and i've also used it as a desperate place to get something to eat after or before a concert / musical with my sister and / or cousin, or as a way to get to a concert in la riviera, a famous concert venue in madrid río. also, just outside the station is the puerta de san vicente and the campo del moro (the gardens of the royal palace), and it's also not too far from my belovedest temple of debod; i usually start at plaza de españa and end up here or vice versa. in conclusion, príncipe pío is the best station (i almost forgot the ramal!!!) and i wouldn't be anything without her. she's my friend and she's my whole world. i love her with all my heart <3
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evsvolunteerstotem · 3 months
Beginning of summer in the Czech Republic
Ahoj znovu^^
June had ups and downs when it came to its weather, but thank God almost only ups regarding the memories I made. I was able to experience them at home, but also in Plzeň and beyond, including in České Budějovice and Český Krumlov. A lot was going on in TOTEM and outside of it and with that being said I don't want to waste any more time- so let's get started. ;)
The month started at home, where I was able to meet (as always^^) my family and many friends. I enjoyed sleeping in, having coffee dates, and going out for dinner, as well as watching movies at the cinema and going pottering together with my sister. I really feel like the three times I spent at home looked quite similar haha – BUT there was indeed also something new this time! I attended a wedding on Saturday with the most summery weather so far (no clouds, 27 degrees, and Sun) before leaving on Sunday, the day I also went voting for the first time.
Back in Plzeň, my sister accompanied me again for some days, and then everything went back to normal, even though I would say that things are everything but normal at the moment. It's the first time I seriously plan my last time in TOTEM, regarding the conversational lessons, the events I will take place in, and other things, like my youth pass or the final conversational videos. This definitely feels strange, but I also take all the beautiful moments with me…
… such as our TOTEM summer festival. On Thursday, the 13th of June, we celebrated in a village near Plzeň, and what can I say, I think it was a great success. Even though the weather was, let's put it that way - very changeable - and we didn't know how many people would come during the preparations, it ended up being a very nice evening. The buffet was fabulous, there was a play area for the children, we had a tombola and the programme was complemented by a school orchestra, which impressed me extremely, and featured songs by Adele, ABBA and the Czech-German film "Three Hazelnuts for Cinderella". Moreover, the sun finally accompanied us at the end and so the mood was extremely good and lively. That evening I realized again how comfortable I feel in the "TOTEM family", of which I have become an integral part over the last few months. I think that will make it even harder for me to leave…
… but let's not concentrate on those feelings but rather on the happy moments again.
One of those happened on the weekend after the festival, when I visited a football match of a friend together with Isabelle, before having a quick dinner at the newly opened Kebab near the Plzeň Plaza, where we made new friends again haha. The evening ended with watching the movie "Back to black" about the life of Amy Winehouse (big recommendation for those who haven't watched it yet) and was accompanied by sunny weather and summer feelings.
The European Championships also began - held in Germany - and even though we couldn't watch from home, we followed the first matches with excitement. And because we watched them at the new public viewing place near the river Mže in the centre of Plzeň with fresh beer and good food it kind of felt like the football matches with barbecue evenings that we used to have in our garden and so it wasn't that hard to experience the tournament away from home.  Let's see, who will win the European Championship this year…  Of course, I would be happy about the so-called German summer fairy tale, but in the end, I think that it is more important that different European fans come together to celebrate and to have a good time without hostilities but with respect and support towards each other. 
And then I already told you about my little journey to České Budějovice and Český Krumlov- in fact, it was only one weekend. After work on Friday,  I made my way - together with Isabelle - to the city where the famous "Budweiser" beer got its name from. We had a very nice suburban apartment with a balcony which we arrived at on Friday evening before taking a walk to the city centre. Our way guided us along the river Moldova and through a beautiful park, which was full of people due to a concert taking place there. After a much-needed dinner, we explored the beautiful city centre with its Náměstí Přemysla Otakara II and the Černá věž as well as the Dominican monastery, where we ended up spontaneously watching a live guitar concert by young music students. This experience was so unique and beautiful and especially so impressive because of the nighttime ambiance. Later we went to the nearby island with the Park Sokolský Ostrov, where another concert took place. After a while we were craving something sweet and coffee (at 10 pm!!) so we made our way to the beautiful Café Datel which has incredible opening hours from 8 am to 10 pm and sometimes even midnight- like on Friday and so we indeed enjoyed some coffee and cake there, before going back to our apartment and falling - very tired - into our bed. The next morning we went to the city centre again for a late breakfast and after that made our way to the train station - of course not to drive back to Plzeň but to travel to Český Krumlov. The drive was only about half an hour long and after we arrived in the city we walked straight to the city centre, where we were welcomed by crowds of people. Even though the city is always very touristy, this time even more people were drawn to the city because the so-called "Slavnosti pětilisté růže" was taking place. The Five-petalled Rose Festival was accompanied by many people dressed in medieval costumes, a medieval market, and other performances and shows. We also visited the city's famous castle and its garden, walked along the Vltava River, and stopped for a coffee at a sweet little café in the old town. However, the many people finally were a bit overwhelming for us so we went back to České Budějovice early in the evening, where we spent the rest of the day cooking, chatting, and watching football. After an early breakfast the next morning, we checked out of our apartment and made our way to the city centre again, we strolled around a bit and had a last coffee at Café Datel. And then it was already time to go back to Plzeň - exhausted but also happy about the lovely little trip we had. <3
And the next day I had to get up early again because I made my way to the "Tech tower" in the district of Slovany in the south of Plzeň. In this original brewery, which is now a modern research centre and meeting place for companies and entrepreneurs, our teambuilding took place and it was a very lovely day. We started with breakfast together on the terrace of the building, from where you could look out over the city, and then had a personal tour through the Tech tower, which impressed us all very much. Finally, we took a walk together to Borský Park, where we ended the afternoon with coffee and ice cream and of course many talks. I enjoyed this day very much and again felt the good group dynamic that the TOTEM family has.
This week my last official conversational lessons took place and it was so nice and at the same time emotional to meet my seniors in their group constellation for the last time. I was so overwhelmed by the presents they got me but even more by the beautiful words they had for me. I can remember how nervous I was before my first lesson with them and now I just feel so comfortable with them.
But gladly there will be two more lessons for each Language in July and last in August and I'm looking forward to meeting some of them for at least one more time…
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Sunset in my beautiful hometown Halle<3
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Last coffee with Tati :’(
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Watching Germany winning its first matches in the European Championship =D
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Exploring Český Krumlov with Isabelle :)
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The beautiful city of České Budějovice at dusk :)
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Helping at the “Dobroběh“ (charity run by TOTEM)
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At the Plzeň Plaza before watching the movie “Back to Black” (again-big recommendation!;D)
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Last lesson with one of my courses <3
July will be my last full month in Plzeň and I’m looking forward to many trips with TOTEM and personal travels through the Czech Republic. Let’s make the last time here unforgettable!
And with that being said, see you in July and enjoy the summer…
Slunečné pozdravy
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unknowndemon22 · 8 months
Mask of Deception Collection
(Note some drawings are old and low quality for some reason. Also, I might add more Drawings..)
The Mask of Deception Collection focuses on William and how he is dealing with the loss of his adopted sibling SnowRose. He unknowingly embarks on a journey to retain his sanity as he is forced to become this demon who shows no mercy. He meets some friends and enemies. But when he makes a small mistake, however. The entire world will go on a hunt for William and his friends. but all shall submit their souls to him. neither dragons, nor demons, nor being of flesh and blood, shall stand in his way.
Before I continue with this I just wanna say confidence that this year has been giving me a bunch of confidence and now I dare to practice other poses and full bodies. It’s not perfect as it is my first time doing a full body but I’ll improve I know I will.
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I know people are trying to help me here…
“Listen, William, I’m here to make ya feel better. Trust me!” Otto said to William with confidence.
“I guess you can try..” William said still feeling some doubt.
But I can't help but think I am getting worse by the second.
“Dad, why is my skin changing, why are these random splotches on my face and Hands!” William asked his father Adramalech.
“Your demon son…It’s starting to corrupt you.”
I cross paths with the bastard that ruined my life…
“Lucas…..what the hell!?…. How!!….” William said confused but also angered at his existence
“Oh, that is a secret between me and a friend...”
Liked and Trusted.
“Are you willing to help me out here Plague…?” William asked Plague hoping he would be willing to do so..
“Of course, anything to get rid of that murder again..” Plague said eager to kill Lucas.
Betrayed and Framed.
“What is happening…?” William asked.
“Dude! Lucas Framed us! We’re being arrested!…” Zeke said panicking.
“Wait stop!! We’re innocent!” Elizabeth shouted as they were surrounded.
I am taking risks to save my friends and myself..
“C'mon Elizabeth!! We gotta go!” William said dashing to the getaway vechile
“Yea! We need to leave..!” Zeke said waving at Elizabeth.
I am now wanted by the land.
“Guys..look up there….”
Elizabeth pointed towards a big screen of the Main Plaza of this Dystopian City. They all saw in shock. Their faces are plastered on the screen. They were now public enemy number one.
“We’re wanted!?” Zeke exclaimed.
“Great, It’s bad enough I'm being turned into a full demon but now I am being hunted...” William said, things surely couldn't get worse right…?”
I've met some interesting people.
“Hey..! You're that fugitive..” The strange dragon creature said.
I somehow accomplished showing the light in his darkness.
“William…How lucky you are to live in a world so beautiful…I can see why you live here…I mean a city where you aren't stuck in a piece of concrete where there is barely any natural light…Oh to live in a grassland…” Uthane couldn't believe where he was and what he was missing out on. He was shocked that for most of his life, he’d been living in a dystopian city with no green or stars on the sky.
Even when I change, however….I still feel the same…
“William…can you still… understand me…?”
Krueger asked William Slowly approaching him.
“Yes…I can…”
Maybe there is some hope for me…
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Describing a very disturbing dream I had last night because yes:
I had this dream when I was hanging out with a group of three of my friends from the career (So I'll call them the Science Friends) and we were going to a parade in a bus that the College payed for. It was some event in order to honor the king (My country has no king so I have no idea which king was) and there was to be a baseball game afterwards, but the Science Friends didn't wanted to go to the game, so they made a plan to leave at some moment. The instructions weren't clear so I got confused and I ended up staying more time than them in the bus. Then I got down the bus in order to meet with them, but I was scared because I didn't knew well the city and I thought I would get lost.
I walked around different streets and started to get a very uncanny feeling, but suddenly I found them and we enter to a strange plaza to eat hamburgers, we did so in a creepy looking food court.
There I encountered some highschool former friends, L & JP. For some reason the Science Friends left and I stayed with L & JP.
On an important note, JP wasn't human, he was either some sort of alien creature or another humanoid creature. He was smaller and green (Irl he's tall and of course not green). And apparently people discriminated him due to not being human.
Anyway we walked around the city and I think we went to some kind of hotel to rest because we were lost. I told my mom on a message. I was feeling anxious and everything felt darker then usual, and heavy, kind of how I feel my surroundings right before a sensory meltdown.
They didn't wanted to gave us a room and when they did, it was an storage room filled with old furniture and clothes. It was big and as I walked around the room, I turned around a wardrobe and found a men hiding behind. He told me his name was Roberto and showed me he had a weapon. I started to recognize him, I had bought something from him some months ago. From that moment, he had been following me, stalking me. He told me to be quiet, or else he would kill me. I tried to fight but my punches weren't even tickling him.
The next thing I knew, I was sitting on the floor looking at the door, while Roberto ran away. I heard L screaming and I turned around to see her kneeling besides JP, who had been stabbed in the chest. L and I were also bleeding but JP wasn't responding.
I remember screaming because I thought he had died, but I decided to call 911 anyways. When they arrived they started to help everyone in the place, because Roberto had hurt more people than us, but doctors didn't want to help JP since he wasn't human. I was in an ambulance and started screaming and trowing stuff into the ground, until a doctor approached me and whispered that she was going to help JP.
When I returned to the scene, JP wasn't there and I screamed really loud because I thought he was dead, but L approached me and told me he was going to be okay.
My mom went for me and L and dropped us at the hospital were JP was. When we arrived, he was awake and surrounded by the rest of my highschool former friends. We started to talk about what happened and I told them I didn't remembered what happened back there with Roberto, and I didn't even remembered his face. A doctor told me that was due to my brain trying to protect me. I spent some time trying to remember him and asked my mom if he was like I remembered him (Black hair in some medium length bowl cut, and white skin with a face that looked like The David ( The Michelangelo sculpture)) and she confirmed it. I couldn't stop imagining his face in every person that walked by me and that was terrifying.
When JB got out of the hospital we went to eat. I couldn't stop thinking that Roberto was out there and he might be spying on us. In that moment, someone said something that bothered another friend, T. T got mad and left the restaurant for a while. As he got away I noticed that Roberto was between the multitude outside and started following him. I panicked but for some reason didn't told my friends and just waited there.
After a while T returned and I broke down and told him I thought Roberto had hurt him. He told me he was fine and tried to comfort me but I saw Roberto again, waving at me from the multitude. When I pointed at him so T would look at him, he had disappeared.
My mom picked me up from the restaurant and we went to the center of the city to buy some things. At some point I looked at a window in an old building and saw Roberto spying from there.
To make things worse, we were already at the center of the city when my cellphone's seismic alert began to sound. My mom and I tried to get out but the alert told me the earthquake was arriving in three seconds, so we stayed there, in the middle of the multitude. The ground started moving, it was a big earthquake. Water started to come out of the walls because the water pipes inside were breaking. It began to fall and I hugged my mom.
And that's when I woke up, feeling more tired than before I fell asleep. It was awful.
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ahmumbles · 1 year
Dear Tom,
I’ve just received your letter and the photos. You sound older, more mature. I can tell because you apologized for the things that bothered me, and I didn’t think you’d ever notice.
I can’t believe we spent a little over 2 years together (but not). My first complex situationship that shaped how I viewed relationships in general while also realizing and relearning what a relationship even is.
The memories we’ve shared are endless... meeting at the cat on Rambla de Raval, talking late at the pier, you cumming early and being so embarrassed about it, lock-down sleepovers, your grey Pull n Bear hoodie, your tiny yet cozy room, stupid movie nights, the sucking my own blood incident, you crying in front of me when i told you i cut myself, ketty late night walks, drinks at the port, meeting at yours after spending an evening with my friends, getting Dionisos and being awkward in front of Dan, you getting hit bit a car while skating to mine, me getting picked up by 2 drunk men thinking I was a prostitute and you getting worked up about it, me doing my makeup every morning over again and not letting you look, you sitting on my balcony and watching the prostitutes on that small chair, roommate gossip, eating thai food as our first meal together, all the cokes + coke zeros, you and San Miguel, so many walks around Raval and Poblenou, you making mojitos as we sat at that secret spot on Montjuic, our first getaway basking naked in the sun packing burritos sleeping over beach sex early morning skinny dip at Cala Fonda, a tearful goodbye, scattered video calls, asking you to do a workaway with me, you picking me up at El Prat with snacks, awkward bus ride to the city, getting used to each other again, spending time in Barcelona again but closer and more intimate, cooking different foods, our first travel to Milan, exploring the city n painting, spending the next month and a half in our little cottage on Lake Como, infinite delicious meals and glasses of wine and walks with Giorgio, car rides for grocery shopping and hikes and city exploring, cozy lazy days in, hot tub n sauna moments, whole pizza n big bowl of pasta, listening to chill hiphop, movie nights (and finishing the Matrix trilogy), a few more days in Milan, a hectic but still tearful goodbye, a hectic and emotional reunion in London, buying me a flat white and being shocked at the price, walking to Laurine’s, drinks w her at the cozy bar, showing you my favorites at the corner Tesco, ketty drum&bass night at Phonox, both aligning to leave at the same time, coming down together, exploring London with you, going vintage shopping and pint/cider drinking, a very coked-up bubble bath, a delicious Korean dinner, drunk train ride back, an argument turned indie movie scene where you got off a train and met me on the last one, making up through physical touch, taking a taxi late to your home, sneaking into your house and meeting your doggy, having sex in your bedroom, waking up to your mom knocking on the door, your brother walking into me in the bathroom, meeting your mother for the first time in my night out outfit, her driving us to the airport and you holding my hand the whole time and resting your head on my lap, watching you calm your mom down when she got frazzled at the airport, saying goodbye (again), meeting up in Barcelona again in your new home, checking out the neighborhood, super ketty on the bench in the plaza around yours, celebrating your birthday with you at the most cheesy beach town, endless sex n coke n rums, getting fucked up on your birthday at the beach, paella n birthday dinner, 5 senses birthday surprise, me falling asleep, spending the final moments in bed, returning back to Barcelona, a tearful goodbye as we woke up late (again) for my flight as I rushed into a taxi, another 8mo apart, telling you I couldn’t do it anymore after my shrooms trip in July, spending some time in silence, starting to talk again n you saying you want to come visit me, me torn but agreeing, getting excited as the date drew closer but also worried, picking you up at the airport with my silly sign and a big bear hug, almost 3 weeks of hell as we try to adjust to each other again, me getting frustrated, you getting frustrated, many many deep n emotional talks, lots of tears, Da Nang and Hoi An, the shit on your dick incident, riding with you on a bike through the mountains, enjoying but also fighting, friction, until eventually we started to make the most of it after all’s been laid out on the table, sweeter times, you picking me up at work, going for rides, eating pho, getting drunk, car accident 1, you waking up to all my alarms, working next to each other in cafes, you going to Thailand n Cambodia, missing you, going painting with you all those times, your name + mine everywhere, celebrating St. Patty’s day together, going out to Birdcage and Mirage and the balloon bar, you hurting yourself, drinks at beer street, spending time with Liam, saying goodbye but then hello again, going out for drinks at Dong Chi and Savage and Lekka and balloon bar, amazing sex, last cuddles, agreeing to say goodbye once and for all.
I can’t summarize those years into words, but writing out that list in the most summarized way possible helps me remember there are so many more moments intertwined into these bullet points that have made me feel alive, loved, safe, and one with you.
I would have never expected you to become someone so special in my life. You have been the closest person to me over the years, my best friend, and I am still processing the fact that that’s not the case anymore. It’s weird, because I’ve been blocking that idea out that it’s hard to feel the raw emotions that come with it.
We’ve bickered and gotten to know the nasty bits of one another, especially you to me, but you’ve become so soft from when I first met you. Or maybe that’s always been you, and you’ve only opened up little by little. You pull me closer in for a cuddle, you hold me when we hug, you plant me with kisses, you fuck me with love, you ask for my hand, and you’ve showered me with compliments and words of affirmation. The most communicative, sensitive, and honest person I’ve been with. You’ve helped me unravel bits of myself - both things that I’ve kept hidden and things that I’ve neglected to acknowledge about myself.
My sweet Tom, the boy who sleeps naked and pees anywhere and everywhere, my stoner smoker drinker but bad drug taker, my lil Instagram fiend stupid meme sharing idiot, the one with the crazy loud laugh that sounds like “HA HA HAAAA”, lil beer belly and slight receding hairline, simple baggy clothes wearing, creative but not academic, warm n safe, tiny bit jealous and doesn’t hide it, protective, rational and both-sides seeing, my simple yet unique bubba.
Thank you. I miss you.
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glacecakes · 2 years
Enchantment Passing Through (1/?)
Hamunaptra, the City of the Dead... where ancient kings laid their greatest treasure, the Book of the Dead, able to raise an army to your bidding. Hugo thinks it's all a load of bullshit, that is, until he accidentally raises a very angry mummy hellbent on world domination. Now he has to help the mummy track down the people who stole his cursed canopic jars, and hopefully minimize the property damage along the way.
It doesn't help that his mummy thinks they're star-crossed lovers or something.
Oh boy. Ohohoho boy. Here we go. I've been cooking this idea in my little pea noggin for a while now. It's mostly just vibes and stupid shitposts, but yknow, that's what all fanfic is. A warning up front. This fic is very morally grey in that uh. Varian is. Evil. He kills people. He's the mummy. You ever see The Mummy (1999)? It's very good. The Mummy (2017) is not. Would you believe me if I said I got this idea from the 2017 version? Me and my ex were watching it and joking how much better the movie would be if the mummy and archeologist ditched Tom Cruise to go take over the world and well. Here we are.
Also the tone of this is going to be a hot mess and I'm so excited for it. It's half action adventure Hugo and Varian hunting people down, half Hugo teaching Varian about modern society. If watching Hugo try to keep Varian from murdering random ppl floats your boat, you're in the right place.
Updates will be very sporadic since I'm moving to a new city for a job, but I do have an ending in mind so even if I give up on this fic I will write the ending. Cool? Cool.
The sun is scorching overhead, nearly blinding with intensity. It seeps into every crack and corner, burning skin and sand alike. As Hugo treks across the sand to the top of the hill, he is one of the only living things for miles. The plane that brought him here has long since left, dropping him off a good mile from the camp for some stupid reason. He hikes up his socks like a good boy scout would, puffing out air from his lips so that his bangs flutter up. The heat sucks. It really sucks. He's not made for it. Don owes him big time for going on this expedition, but if it's as incredible as everyone's made it out to be, it'll be worth it. It has to be.
As the sand gives way to the sky, two men come into view. His contacts, he presumes, and sure enough, he knows that back of the head. He dropped a piano on it once. "Rider!" He calls, kicking up sand to meet the older man with a lazy wave. The man in question turns around, face falling when he recognizes who said his name.
"Hugo." his voice is dripping with venom, but Hugo doesn't really mind. The guy's a prick anyway, at least he can spend the trip getting on his nerves. His friend's not so bad though.
"Buddy!" Lance cheers, pulling Hugo into a side hug that's almost burning due to the heat.
"Good to see you too," Hugo ignores the death glare from Eugene. Someone is clearly a little cranky about the dry heat. He bets the man is hiding under six layers of sunscreen. "So, this is the place?" He looks around. “It doesn’t seem very-” his words die in his throat as he looks down at the other side of the hill. Suddenly his lips are as dry as the desert he’s in.
"Oh yeah," Lance gestures to the complex with wide arms. "Welcome to Hamunaptra."
The complex is enormous, even by normal ruin standards. Sandstone stretches beyond the eye can see, crumbling statues and monoliths dotting the landscape and turning it into a sandy forest. It shimmers like a mirage under the desert sun. How no one was able to find this place before is beyond Hugo; but then again, it is in the smack dab middle of nowhere. Across the plaza, the Baron's men are hard at work documenting various inscriptions and excavating large sand pits. Despite the fact that there should be no civilization for miles on end, and technically, there is none, the complex has come to life in a way not seen since it was in use by the Pharaohs of old. Eugene and Lance lead him through the men with jovial expressions, chatty as always. They sandwich him in between their massive bulk, shielding him from the stares of those around them. The pickaxes, the hungry teeth, the too sharp eyes. But Hugo doesn’t need protecting, he holds his head up high. He’s above this. He’s above them all.
"It was crazy! There we were, running for our lives from the cops," Lance pushes his hand out to tell the tale. "When suddenly the sand starts moving, forming a wall between us and our enemies. The city protected us! It wanted to be found! By us!" He sounds so excited that Hugo almost believes it, if it wasn't absolute malarkey.
"So, a sandstorm revealed it," he corrects, and Lance full on pouts. Like a puppy.
Eugene nonchalantly puts his hands in his pockets. "Nah, you had to be there. The way the sand was moving was..." his eyes are distant. "Unreal."
“If you say so, Rider.” Eugene’s face twitches just a smidge. After their last adventure Hugo knows his real name now, but he’s been kind enough to stick to last names, and Eugene thanks every god under the sun that he wasn’t stupid enough to tell Hugo his real last name. If Hugo ever found out his last name he might actually have to kill the little twerp.
“What, you don’t believe in all the magic around this place?” Lance asks. “You’re like, the expert in mummy curses.”
Hugo stops dead in his tracks. The idea is so ridiculous, so offensive, he wants to scream. “Uh, no. I’m an Egyptologist.”
“Right. Mummy scientist.”
“No, Egyptologist. I study all of Ancient Egypt, not just the mummies.” He scoffs. He did not graduate college at 18 just to be called a mummy scientist. “And besides, once you open your eighth ‘cursed sarcophagus’, you start to discredit the myths.”
They enter the Baron's tent, where the center of activity seems to be. Men of all shapes and sizes scurry about with research and plans and blueprints, but the Baron is in a weight class of his own, a literal mountain. He's seen the man before, but still, Hugo trembles at the sheer mass of him. Everything about the Baron screams danger, and not in the fun, exciting way that working with Donella has let him experience. Swindling suckers, dashing through cobbled European streets, rummaging through decades of research, that's his specialty. Eugene, Lance and the Baron's group are... the muscle that Donella contracts. This time, it's the other way around.
The Baron makes an unimpressed face. "This is him?"
"Yup," Eugene looks none too happy about it. "This is him."
He bristles at the tone, almost childish and mocking. "Hugo," he holds out a hand for the beast to shake. "I'm Donella's chief Egyptologist."
"You're 12."
"19." He grits. "And I know more about Egypt in my pinky than you do in your bigass skull." For a second, he's afraid he's about to get slammed into the sand like a Looney Tunes character, but the Baron simply sneers.
"You were right, Rider. He is annoying."
He turns scarlet .
“Wh-“ Hugo’s mouth drops open. “I’ll have you know that I am the only person in a 50 mile radius who can read hieroglyphs, Coptic and Demotic!” He rattles the words off his fingers as if any of these brutes have the capacity to understand. “I have studied thousands of artifacts and relics-“
“‘S fine, kid.” Eugene elbows him. “We’re just teasing.”
Hugo scoffs. Like it or not, he needs this. This is his first solo mission in… life, and he’s not going to return to Donella empty handed. He can’t. “So, what exactly am I here to read?”
The Baron leans in real close. His breath reeks of cigarette smoke. “All that big talk and you don’t even know where we are?”
“Well, I know what Hamunaptra is ,” Who doesn’t? It’s the fabled city of the dead. The ancient and most powerful of Egypt’s pharaohs were said to bury their treasure here. Well, treasure and most dangerous and cursed objects. Anything that the outside world was never meant to see ended up here. Most people thought it was a myth, honestly, himself included, until Donella got a letter from the Baron asking for her help with exploring the place. She’d been almost loath to send him, but he’d insisted he was ready for the big leagues.
“Legends say there’s serious treasure down there. Like the jackpot if all jackpots.” Lance’s eyes are practically glowing. “You’d be the richest man alive with just a fraction of what they’ve got stashed in there.”
“See, I don’t get it,” Eugene butts in. “Why bury your treasure with you when you die? I mean sure keep it right up till death, but once you’re dead, what good does it serve you? It’s just sitting there, begging for a thief to come take it.”
“The Egyptians believed that possessions could follow them into the afterlife. The idea was they’d go with them to the underworld.” Hugo’s face turns a shade evil as he makes wiggly fingers. “They’d even bury loved ones with them… still alive .”
Lance makes a noise like a dying squirrel, and Hugo laughs. He’s too gullible. “Hamunaptra was the key to their beliefs. A sacred place that should not be disturbed. So naturally, we’re disturbing it.”
“They’re dead,” the Baron  shrugs. “Not like they’re going to stop us.”
Finally, someone who doesn’t believe in all that magic hooky bullshit. “Unless there’s traps.”
“Exactly.” The Baron’s grin is wicked, teeth brighter than the sun somehow. “Your job, little man, is to guide my men through the city of the dead to the ultimate prize. The Book of the Dead.”
He swallows the lump in his throat. The Book of the Dead. Solid gold, the original from which all other books of the dead were copied. Allegedly able to reanimate the dead to your bidding. The thing Donella wants no matter the cost. The thing he has to steal from the Baron.
Hugo is nothing if not good at his job though. He puts on a winning smile and takes the Baron’s outstretched hand to shake. “Donella wants a cut of the riches.” He doesn’t say which cut she wants in particular. Conmen and businessmen are similar like that, one is just considered illegal.
“We’ll work out the details once you find the Book.” The Baron’s grip is crushing. He pulls the younger in close. “Turn on me, and not even that book can bring you back from where I’ll send you,” his breath causes Hugo to cringe, teeth too clean for a predator like him.
Hugo’s mouth tastes like ash. “Sounds good to me.” It’s fine, Donella wouldn’t send him if it wasn’t. He’s got this. These guys are chumps, all brawn with no brains. He just has to play to his advantages.
They make quick work of preparation, a half dozen of muscle men to break through walls and tunnels, another with a gun (lord these men are superstitious, watched too many movies).
“I’m Anthony,” says the one with the gun, a weaselly grin showing off broken teeth. He’s got a permanent squint in one eye, likely from overuse of the gun as a third arm. “Mighty nice to be working with ya.” and then the gun is pointing at him. “Best make sure I don’t have to use this.”
“Ignore him,” A female voice cuts through the testosterone-ridden atmosphere like smooth butter. The goons part like the red sea to reveal a slender figure with reddish-brown hair. With eyes like glittering jewels, she holds out a perfectly manicured hand. “Stalyan.”
“Hugo.” He takes the hand. It’s way too soft and smooth to be out here. “Are you, uh…”
“Baron’s my dad.” Ah. That’ll do it. He’s not one for nepotism, and she can see it on his face when she adds, “Gemologist. Appraiser.” And suddenly her position makes sense. There’s no friendly or warm facade, just a cool burn of an overconfident woman. Her teeth shine like pearls, razor sharp and ready to chomp when her eyes land on Eugene. Despite the heat of the desert, the atmosphere turns ice cold. “Rider.”
“Lance!” The burly man steps in and Hugo thanks every god in the Egyptian pantheon when he whisks him away from the inevitable cat fight. “Ignore them. Exes. Nasty breakup.”
“What a shocker.”
He leads him over to two more men. One has shaggy brown hair and permanent bags under his eyes and a short nose. He barely gives Hugo a second glance. The other has dark hair tied up in a bun, and a manicured beard.
“Dwayne, Andrew, this is Hugo, the archeologist.”
“Egyptologist, for the hundredth time.”
Andrew laughs, a dark sounding thing. Even if he doesn’t believe in auras or chakras or other hokey bullshit, something about this man just screams dark, sinister even. His eyes are expressionless, despite what should be a kind smile on his face. Like he doesn’t feel anything. “Ignore Lance. I think Egyptology is a noble profession.”
His heart jumps a beat. “Really?”
“We wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t.” He holds a hand out to shake. Hugo takes it. It’s ice cold.
Andrew and Lance lead Hugo to the mouth of the complex, grabbing a few outside torches as they gaze into the yawning abyss of the temple. Pitch black darkness runs as far as the eye can see. “Shall we?“ Lance bows in front of Hugo, who smirks and takes the lead. The rest of the group follows suit, first Dwayne sauntering down. Then Stalyan and Eugene, bumping hips and trying to trip one another in an attempt to get in first. Finally Anthony, pointing the gun all around as if someone was going to come up behind him.
Hieroglyphs run up across pillars and walls and spiral up towards the ceiling that glitters with the image of Nut. It’s remarkably well preserved, there’s even some paint left chipping off of the walls. He runs a hand along the symbols, relishing the feel across his fingertips. The sandstone runs along seemingly endlessly.
The center of the temple, where usually there would be a statue, is instead a massive staircase down into the complex.
“Into hell we go,” Eugene murmurs darkly.
Read the rest at AO3
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dreamer-grl · 2 years
Synopsis: This isn’t necessarily my dream. I added a lot more story details to make it more of a story because my dream was literally the wildest shit ever. While I was talking to my best friend about it, I came to the conclusion that it did not need to be repeated to the public lmao. However, in the dream, I did go into a store with Joe. We did pretend like we were a couple, so I guess that’s the summary of this lol. 
TW// cursing (not a lot), my writing skills, and Joe Burrow because he’s hot
Alheri was new to the area. She moved from Louisiana all the way to Cinncinatti, or “Sin City,” is what Ja’marr called it. She didn't really think much of the city. It had its quirks but nothing spectacular. She was determined to get to know more about the city, and that’s why she agreed to go out with her friend Desiree. If Alheri knew who else was invited, she might’ve asked Desiree for a raincheck.
Honestly, if you had told Alheri two nights ago that she’d be out on a Saturday night roaming a shopping plaza with none other than Joe Burrow, she’d laughed in your face and walked right past you. But Alas, here she was tonight with Mr. Burrow, Ja’marr Chase, and Desiree. 
She’d known all of them from Louisiana. She met Desiree through a friend of a friend, and they clicked instantly and became best friends. Although they all went to LSU, Alheri went to THEE ILLUSTRIOUS Southern University Agriculture and Mechanical University. 
Desiree then invited her to a kickback that happened to be at Joe’s condo. As soon as she met Joe, she knew he was something special.  Despite his obvious great looks, his personality was just so chill, and he was genuinely a nice person. 
When Ja’marr started talking to Desiree, Alheri saw more of Joe, but although he wasn’t necessarily mean, he didn’t really give her the time of day, just short greetings here and there. So Alheri said fuck it and focused on herself and only went out with the group when Desiree invited other people so she wouldn’t be stuck with trying to have a one-sided conversation with Joe.
But today, she was stuck with him, and they were both third-wheeling while the happy couple walked in front of them. 
“Hey, slowpokes, Ja’marr and I are going into the grown folks' store, so we’ll be right back, and we’ll call yall to meet us by the car when we’re done.” Desiree said to them while giggling and pulling Ja’marr’s hand towards the “Love Shop.” 
They have no chill at all.
“Well looks like you’re stuck with me. There’s a sto- what?” Joe started talking to the girl but stopped when he noticed her shocked face looking back at him.
He talks???
“Oh, nothing. I just didn’t know you talked in full sentences. Seeing that we’ve known each other for years, and I can count on one hand how many words you’ve said.” Alheri at him and chuckled and nudged the boy.
“I mean, not going to lie, I did have the fattest crush on you back then, so you can’t blame me that your beauty made me speechless” He laughed but then looked at her like he was definitely checking her out back then and now. 
The woman was too stunned to speak– for a second. Here Joseph Burrow was flirting with her when he couldn’t even mutter a word other than “Hey” in her direction three years ago. 
“Did the NFL contract come with a confidence boost?” she joked, trying to get herself out of the situation before she let it rip that at any moment in college, she would have loved to climb like a tree.
“Did the Ben-gals coaching contract come with a smart mouth?” He fired back, laughing at her rolling her eyes and then opening but quickly shutting her mouth when she realized she didn’t have another insult. 
“Anyways, now that we are talking, how about you tell me how’s life been since literally everything. I haven’t seen you since like senior night.” She turned towards him, ready to learn all about his time in Cincy.
The two of them walked and caught up while still walking the big plaza and sometimes stopping when Alheri wanted to look inside a store or jot down the name of a store she wanted to explore later on. 
Alheri was enjoying her time with Joe, and from the looks of it, Joe was enjoying his time with her too. The two honestly talked as if they had such a tight bond already. 
“Oh, look, there’s an IKEA. I need a couple of stuff for my condo still” Alheri pointed to the building a couple of stores down from them. “Wait, you know what would be funny?” Alheri laughed and looked up and smirked at Joe before stopping in front of the store.
“What” Joe copied her smirked but quickly switched it to a puzzled look as Alheri grabbed his hand to hold it.
“If we pretended like we were a couple looking for stuff for their house” She giggled at Joe’s poorly hidden, blushing face. 
Alheri did not know why she proposed this idea. She guessed it was a test to see if Joe was still into her. She honestly didn’t expect him to go along with it because they just kind of have gotten to know each other a little better. Yes, Joe might have had a crush on her, but to her knowledge, that was three years ago.
But Alheri’s thought quickly halted as she felt Joe’s hand tug hers to the entrance.
“Come on, babe, let's go look for stuff for our living room” Joe played along and winked at her as they walked through the entrance.
Before they even looked around the store, an associate came to greet them.
“Welcome to IKEA how may I help you lovely couple” The man who looked to be in his early 20s greeted them.
“My wife and I are just browsing around today. Thank you” Joe told the associate making Alheri look up at him in shock but quickly looking at the associate and nodding in agreement with Joe. 
As soon as the associate left, the two kept walking until they reached the livingroom section, then they both started laughing at what had happened.
“Wife? Damn you move fast Joseph and looks like you also forgot my ring?” Alheri showed her left hand to Joe and laughed.
“Give me a couple of years and you won’t be disappointed.” Joe smirked at her.
“Anyways, babe, I actually do need some lamps for my livingroom or else I’ll be walking around the house blindly tonight.” Alheri told Joe while looking ahead towards the lamps section. 
While they were browsing and looking at different lamps, both of their phone buzzed. It was Desiree telling them that her and Ja’marr were ready and that they’d meet them by the car. 
Alheri sighed knowing that when Des is ready to go she is ready to go. So that meant she wasn’t going to be able to get anything today and probably would have to come tomorrow by herself to get lamps and other decor. 
“Hey, um you know if you’re really worried about not having enough light then you can always stay over mine.” Joe offered while finally letting go of her hand as they left the store to head back to the car. 
It was a nice offer but although they had spent like 30 minutes pretending to be together, Alheri wasn’t ready to make that big of a move. But before she could decline Joe interrupted her.
“Not like that. I just mean I have a guest room you can stay in and then tomorrow we could come back and get whatever else you need for your condo.” Joe smiled at her. 
“Not like what Joseph? I didn’t say anything... that means your mind was in the gutter.” Alheri smirked at him “But since you’re offering that’ll be nice but I do need to get my clothes so I’ll just meet you at your place after Des drops me off?” 
“Or... I could pick you up? You’re still kinda new to this area dont want you to get lost” Joe told her as they reached the car.
“Aww you must really like me huh?” The girl bumped her hip into Joe before getting into the car.
“You dont even know..” Joe muttered under his breath, thinking back to them in college before getting into the car too.
I did it... I dont like how I ended it and it couldve been more detailed but my main thing was to get this done because I literally wrote it and then restarted it over and over. So yea I hope yall like it. Hopefully I get better as I start writing more.
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sheloooveswomen · 3 years
wait a damn minute - billie dean howard x reader
summary: you haven’t heard from billie in a while, then she texts you out of the blue asking you to meet her at a lingerie store? (in a realm where you can try these things on in store).
includes: billie x fem!reader, thoughts italicized, all in reader’s POV.
warnings: nsfw but not smut, 4 images of lingerie included (imagination can only go so far, only one has a person in it)
dressing room scene inspired by Dangerous Asmr’s audio on youtube.
3,726 words
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I had overheard from a customer that Billie Dean Howard, medium to the stars, was supposedly in town.
Traveling to tell ghost stories on her show. Capturing the audience with paranormal encounters, a million dollar smile, a classic pearl necklace, perfect hair, and overall elegance.
She managed to capture me as well.
Billie came into the diner I worked in with a man, who I now know is her agent, to further plan their upcoming shoot.
Billie flirted with me the entire time. Leaving me not only starstruck but incredibly flustered my whole shift.
She stuck around after her agent went back to their hotel to rest, and asked me to show her around while she was in town.
Who was I to refuse?
After that she came in everyday for breakfast, waited around until my shift ended, and we'd spend the day exploring.
Billie Dean paid for everything during our time together, 'in exchange for all of your help' she put it.
Of course she had to leave so we exchanged numbers and kept in contact even when she headed back to LA. She'd stop in town whenever she was on tour. When she couldn't we would schedule phone calls.
We had a weird relationship. At times she leaned more towards sugar mommy than friend with occasional benefits. At my favorite times she felt like my girlfriend.
Billie would spoil me despite my adamant refusal. She would get jealous if someone looked my way too long. While I spend hours wondering if she has a girl like me in every city.
Still, neither of us outright asked what we were. Far too content in our own little world during her visits.
So we continued the biweekly phone calls, flirting, cuddling while watching movies, often making out, swapped gifts on holidays, even sleeping together on a few drunk nights and a few more sober ones. She'd send me a card for every holiday, and a big bouquet on my birthday every year, followed by a phone call to ensure I got my gift.
But this year she didn't.
Not even a phone call.
In fact, I haven't heard from her in two months.
So imagine my surprise when a bouquet arrived at my door with a card:
Hi gorgeous. I'm in town, meet me today at this address at 1:30. Xx 
your BD <3
That's an hour from now, if I hurry I should be able to— wait a damn minute. Who does she think she is to ignore me, then order me around? how did she know I’d be home?
Still, I put myself together. Throwing things down and slamming cupboards as I go. Running through scenarios and muttering things I should say to give her a piece of my mind.
Pulling into the plaza parking lot I double check the address before fixing my hair and makeup one last time.
Checking my phone and seeing it's 1:34, I sigh and continue towards the shoppes.
"Hey! There you are, finally!" I turn to see Billie Dean Howard in all her glory heading my way. Stilettos loud enough to make everyone stop and stare in envy and lust- assuming they weren't looking already.
She pulls me into a hug. Arms secured tightly around my waist, "Happy late birthday, darling!"
She pulls back, holding me at arms length and scans my figure quickly before meeting my eyes. Smiling that million dollar smile.
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"I'm so glad you could meet me on short notice, baby." she continues.
I find myself wondering how many other girls she's used that on, but to be in her arms feels so good I think I'm alright with part of a roster.
"I half expected you to leave me on read" she starts walking further down the sidewalk with me in tow. She gives a genuine pout in response to my lack of excitement, "I know you haven't heard from me in a bit, but I'll explain everything soon."
I nod but remain quiet.
She bumps my shoulder with hers, "Did you miss me?" she smiles sweetly.
"You know I always do, Bill."
A smile returns to her face, "Aww, you suck up. I love you, too. Part one of your gift is inside."
I laugh at her teasing, ignoring the slight twinge in my heart at how casual she seems to say that four letter word.
How I've gotten used to saying it with her as well.
I look at the store she stopped in front of, "What is this?"
"Like you didn't notice where we are" she laughs.
My eyes widen in realization.
She changes the pitch of her voice to impersonate me, "Oh do they sell lingerie here?" she laughs.
"Mhm. No it's fine, I like it when you play innocent." she leans closer to me and lowers her voice as I pass her to enter the store, "It means I get to seduce you over to the dark side."
An employee hands Billie Dean a bag with stuff already in it, keeping me from seeing.
"Speaking of... walk with me" she turns around abruptly.
"What are we doing here Billie—"
"Just follow me" she looks around to see if anyone is watching before grabbing my wrist and pulling me towards the dressing rooms, "this way" she sings.
She takes one last glance around before closing the dressing room door and laughing.
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I don't know what comes over me but I push her against the wall, crashing our lips together.
She moans in surprise. Returning the kiss before pulling away, "Hey! I thought you were supposed to be the innocent one" she laughs between more kisses, "mmm baby, no more! You're gonna get us kicked out, I didn't bring you here for that." she smirks.
"Will you quit pouting" she takes my chin between her thumb and index finger, "that face, I swear... just trust me this will be just as good."
I stare blankly at her.
"Okay, almost as good." she concedes.
A manicured hand on each of my shoulders pushes down so I take a seat on the padded bench.
"I...want....to give you a show" she whispers and gives a swift kiss, laughing at my dazed expression.
She hangs the bag on the hook before unbuttoning her blouse, "I wanted to pick something out to surprise you with, but then once I got here I found four really fantastic options and I couldn't decide which one I should get. So then I thought 'why not let Y/n decide by letting her see me in each of them?'" she places her blouse in my lap and lifts my chin, "up close and personal"
My jaw is on the floor.
gay panic. gay panic. gay panic.
"So, are you up for the challenge, sweet girl?" she leans in for a deep kiss drawing out a small moan from me.
"I'll take that as a yes" she chuckles lowly as I go to kiss her again. My hands land on her bare waist, "Down you animal, I can't get changed with your paws all over me, now can I?"
I can’t help but smile at her playful side.
"Now turn around." she unzips her skirt.
"What?! Bu—"
"No buts! I want it to be a surprise! And close your eyes. No peaking."
I turn around muttering to myself.
"I'm watching you, those eyes better be closed."
"They're. Closed." my sharp reply earns a laugh from her.
"I know, I know. I'm just reminding you. Thank you for being patient with me, babe. I promise it'll be worth it." She lets out a sigh as she finishes putting the first outfit on. "Well, I guess I'll let you be the judge if that" she laughs almost shyly.
My hands grip the edge of the bench in an effort to control my nerves.
"Okay, you can look."
I. Am. Overwhelmed.
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"What do you think?" she checks herself out in the mirror. "This one is super cute, right? I'm not normally one for pink when it comes to this stuff but just look at what it's doing for my tits."
I am most definitely looking.
My eyes lower to the matching lace underwear and I unconsciously start to lean forward.
"Ah ah ah. I said look not touch, so don't get any ideas... the touching is for after." she smoothes out the little dress, turning to face me, "But for now... what do you think?"
I guide her closer to me, pretending it's so I can see it up close, "What material is it made of?" I rest my head against her hip, my hand runs down the curve of her back and rests just below the hem.
Her hand strokes my hair out of habit as she looks over her shoulder to see herself from the back, "Hmm... I think its lace up top and on the bottom, but it's not scratchy or anything so maybe it's lined with— Hey! Wait! You just wanted an excuse to get your hands on me! Behave." she shoos my hands away and faces the mirror again, her reflection smiling at me,"It is soft though, right?"
She bobs her head side to side in thought, "Hmmmm, it is a little more... frilly girly princess than I usually choose but it is just so soft."
"Indeed" we lock eyes in the mirror.
"Well I'm glad you like it" she winks, "Now onto number two. Turn around please—" she laughs when I groan, "your eyes are closed right?" she giggles again.
"Yes." I hiss playfully.
"Okay, okay! Just checking. I don't wanna accidentally reward bad behavior, now do I?"
I listen as she changes.
"Okay. Take a look." she adjusts the straps to lay flat.
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"The straps are just for show... I don't think they're holding anything up. They can come off, so its mostly the underwire" she runs her fingers over it.
I once again, am unable to respond.
"It's a lot more- well less really, than the last one." she turns to look at it from the back, "But it's hot right? Mmm... plus it has these so you can attach garters. Perfect for thigh highs" she looks at me, "I know you like when I wear those."
"I do" I reply dazed, watching her run her hands from her abdomen to her thighs.
"And it's discrete enough to wear underneath my clothes."
My eyes snap to hers, "What?" I squeak out.
She smiles at me, holding her hair in a makeshift updo, "Like say...a dress...? Then maybe one night we can go out for dinner and drinks... I let it slip over appetizers what I have on underneath...you know..." Billie lets her hair fall to her shoulders and moves to stand directly in front of me.
I close my eyes, expecting a kiss, as she leans closer.
Opening them again when her lips graze my cheek and she whispers in my ear, "...to get you ready for dessert"
"I- uh—" I clear my throat, "you- um, y-you would do all....that?" I whisper back.
She smirks, "I think I said maybe..."
“Billie Dean!” I pout.
"I know! I'm sorry, I'm a horrible tease!" she laughs, looking herself over again, "but like I said, it'll be worth it" she pecks my forehead, "now face the wall."
"I know, I'm cruel not to let you watch" she chuckles, "I’m glad you're enjoying yourself regardless, you know I aim to please—"
I scoff.
"Okay, maybe not so much aim as close my eyes and wish for the best" she chuckles.
"Babe, will you tie up the back for me?"
"Can I look...?"
She laughs, "Yes"
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When I turn around I'm at eye level with her ass.
Lord have mercy.
My hands shake while I lace up the back for her.
"Thank you- you don't have to do it all the way, just enough to get the idea of it." she adjusts her bra straps.
I do a few more loops before pulling it tighter, "Like that?" my voice laced with nervousness.
"Mhm, that's good."
I sit back down and clear my throat, "You know I love a corset."
"Uh huh," she smiles, "but it's not a real one technically since it doesn't have the boning—"
I start to smile.
"Boning." I let out a giggle.
"—say it. Boning. Okay, moving on!" she tries not to laugh with me, "quit it, listen! It has a really thin wire... framework of support, but it's fine for what I need—"
"Boning." I cut in.
Billie laughs louder, "Or maybe not if you keep saying it" she looks at me over her shoulder and I pretend I wasn't staring at her ass. She gives me a knowing smile, "Anyways, I'd say the only downside is needing another pair of hands to tie it up, kind of ruins my ability to surprise you with it." she sighs.
"Sounds like a pro and con for me." I shrug.
She adjusts her pearl necklace, "I'm sure it is... oh well, I've always been a sucker for the way corsets look. Especially with the matching set underneath. And I don’t really have to wear this with it" she snaps the bra strap.
"Well, I love it." I look her up and down.
She beams at me, "Okay. Last one, you know the drill."
I spin back around, still very much in gay panic.
"I think I've saved the best for last—"
"Are you gonna be naked when I turn around?!" I try and fail to not sound too excited.
She lets out a big laugh, "No. It's not my birthday suit, though I'm glad you appreciate that, too."
How could I not?
"Alright, gorgeous, I'm ready."
I turn around, taking in every piece of her outfit. The lingerie peeking through the open robe.
"Ta daaaa!" Billie does a slow spin, “The robe isn’t really part of it. I already have a million silk ones like it, but not with these dramatic sleeves!”
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Once her back is to me again, she drops the robe to just below her ass and looks at me over her shoulder. A sultry look on her face. "Well? Right? It's very...dramatic..."
"Mhm, quite um... sheer"
"It is really sheer, isn't it." the hem of the babydoll dress rises further when she reaches up to hang the robe on the hook.
A million dirty thoughts pop into my head.
Billie’s finger traces over the thin fabric covering her breasts, "Barely leaves a thing to the imagination, though it definitely looks like those gears are turning." she looks at me through the mirror, "What's going on your mind, honey?"
She notices my knuckles turning white from gripping the seat.
"Mmmm, you're doing such a good job keeping your hands to yourself" she bends over to place her hands on my thighs, her boobs nearly spilling out, "Even though it's been so difficult for you... even though I've been getting you all worked up this whole time."
I nod dumbly as she pushes me back enough to straddle my lap.
My voice is barely above a whisper, "It wasn't very nice"
She kisses my nose softly, "I know" she lowers her voice, "I think I'll get all of these. So why don't you head back to my hotel while I check out? Hows that sound, hm?" she kisses me once, nice and slow.
Eyes still closed, I manage to nod my head.
"Good girl." she whispers against my lips.
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{ sitting area of Billie’s hotel suite }
I drive back to her hotel, turned on yet mad about the stunt she just pulled. Once in her room, I make myself at home and wait for her to come back. She does almost a half hour later.
"Hi doll, sorry it took so long. I just have a few things to sort out." she heads straight to her room, I hear her answer her phone shortly after. There's a knock at the door causing her to almost sprint to get it before me, "Sit sit sit sweetheart, I'll get it" she rushes out.
I slowly sit back down, confused by her actions.
"Lunch!" she beams, bringing the room service in. She scans the table, her attention stolen when her phone goes off again, "I'll just take this, sit right here" she ushers me to the table.
Billie has never left a room to take a phone call...
She comes back after a few minutes, suppressing a smile. What or who caused it? I don't know. "Ready to eat? I got your favorite, of course." she lifts the cover off the plate.
"Thank you" I force a smile.
We start to quietly eat our food until she breaks the silence, "You seem upset"
I chew my food slower trying to form a proper response, "I haven't heard from you in weeks Billie Dean"
She nods, "Right and I told you I would explain everything—" she wipes the corners of her mouth.
"If you didn't want to talk to me, you could've just told me."
She reaches for my hand across the table "Of course thats not it baby—"
I place my fork down and cross my arms, "Then what."
"I would tell you what happened if you—" her phone goes on again, making her look towards it.
"And there you go again," I huff, rolling my eyes.
"Would you just wait a damn minute" she smiles, quickly texting before running to grab something from her room.
"What's so exciting about your room, Billie Dean!" I call after her.
"There's a lot of exciting things with me and a bedroom, I'd think you know that by now!" she smirks, hands behind her back.
I shake my head, "I'm mad at you Billie Dean, stop being cute."
"I know, I know!" she puts a hand up in a mock surrender.
"Why haven't I heard from you?" I whisper, unable to make eye contact.
"I've been a bit off the radar, but that's only because I knew if we did talk I would spill everything," she takes my hands, "And I know I didn't call you on your birthday, baby, but that was completely unintentional. Some shit went down with production at the Cortez- i-its not important right now but I couldn't get away. That being said... I've got part two of your gift." She hands me an envelope smiling.
I stare at it, "I swear if this is money—"
"Just open it, gorgeous."
"Billie I've told you I don't want your money—"
"And I love you more for that, baby. Now open it."
I tear it open to see a key and a plane ticket, "What is this?"
She’s unusually hesitant to answer, "I know we haven't said what any of this is- between us, I mean. But, I know what I want it to be... I'd like it to be something more?"
I read the ticket seeing it's a one way to LA, in a week.
"I figured, um... well- I- I was hoping, rather, that you would come back home with me? Even if it’s just for a short period of time. We've talked about you wanting to move out there anyway and... why not with me? Uhaul it? If you’d like- If we can even say that's since it's taken me a couple years for me to ask... say something..."
"I don't know what to say" tears form in my eyes.
She kneels beside my seat. Pointing to the ticket instead of meeting my eyes, "Well, the flight is in a week so you have time to decide. We would have time to pack all your stuff and have it at my place -our place hopefully- when we get there. I've been texting and calling the movers and my assistant making sure everything's sorted including your online classes if necessary. So if you say go I've got everyone on speed dial for—"
"You really mean it? You wanna take me with you?"
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"More than anything, sweetheart" she puts her hand on my cheek, "it'd also be nice if you...if you would like to be my girlf—"
"YES." I fall into her lap, my arms around her neck.
She laughs, "I worked up all this courage for you to not let me get the question out?"
"Sorry!” I clear my throat, “sorry ask away" I cover my mouth to keep myself quiet.
"Would you, Y/n L/n, the most beautiful and kind soul I have ever met—"
"Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh" I mumble from behind my hand.
"Babe!" she whines.
"Sorry sorry, ask me."
"I would if you just wait a damn minute!"
I motion to zip my lips.
She grins, "Would you... Y/n L/n, the most beautiful and kind soul I have ever encountered... do me the greatest honor of being my girlfriend and moving in with me?"
I compose myself. Wiping any emotion off of my face, "I'll have to think about it."
"Oh come on!!" she starts to tickle me.
"Okay okay! I'm kidding!"
"Don't make me beg, gorgeous" she pouts, resting her forehead against mine.
"I would love to be your live in girlfriend. More than anything, baby. You could've just told me, you know. You didn't have to ghost me! Pun intended.”
“That was so bad—”
“You laughed” I shrug.
Grinning, she replies, "I wanted to make sure everything was all set first. That and I was scared you might say no"
"Are you serious?" I lightly slap her shoulder.
"But I really didn't mean to miss your birthday, baby. I was suppo—" I cut her off with a kiss.
"I don't care, you'll just have to make it up to me."
"And how could I possibly do that?" she asks, voice dripping with sarcasm.
I move from her lap and pull her to stand up, "Well... it'd be silly of us to have spent so much time and effort in the dressing room -not to mention incredibly rude of me- to not appreciate the show you put on by not putting one of your recent purchases to use..."
A smirk makes its way on her face, "Wait here."
I take a seat on the couch thinking about our life to come, and oh dear god I'm about to have sex with my girlfriend.
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crystalninjaphoenix · 2 years
Meet and Grief
A JSE Fanfic
SepticHeroes AU: Part 6
I was excited to get to this after the last part, it’s too bad it got delayed because of school :( But it’s here now! Jackie and Chase meet up with JJ and Schneep for lunch, and the whole friend group is together for, like, the first time! Yay! It’s too bad there’s a nearby emergency and Jackie has to fly off to take care of it. He finds a villain who’s acting a little...unusual. Wonder what’s up there? ;)
The train lurched to a stop. Jackie grabbed a nearby pole to keep balance, but ended up still backing into Chase, standing next to him. “Whoa! Careful, bro.” Chase pushed him back, a slight grin on his face. “You doing okay?”
“Yeah. Sorry, I’m just tired. I didn’t sleep well last night.” This was one hundred percent true. After the break-in at SepTech the night before, Jackie had stayed up, learning everything he could about SepTech and this “Specter” who might be the thief. By the time he went to bed, it was around three in the morning.
“Hmm.” Chase nodded. The train started up again, and he braced against the sudden acceleration. “Maybe we should forget the whole thing so you can go home and nap.”
“No, no, I’m fine. Besides, I want to do this.” Jackie took his phone out of his backpack, scrolling through the text messages he’d received that morning. “I keep promising JJ that we’ll hang out but nothing’s happened yet because of our stupid schedules. I’m not skipping out on this now that our free time’s lined up.” Apparently JJ had been having a slow day at his shop and decided to close up early. He then messaged Jackie to ask if he had time to get lunch together. Jackie had nothing big going on today, so he agreed to meet.
“That’s uh...great.” Chase shifted awkwardly on his feet. One hand held the overhead handlebar and the other had Frosty’s leash. Frosty himself was sitting quietly by Chase’s side, unphased by the sudden stopping and starting of the train. “Oh, hey, I just remembered, I had...a thing I had to do today. For, uh, work. I-I have to pick up supplies. I’ll just get off at this next stop and you can go ahead—”
“Chase, if you didn’t want to come, you didn’t have to,” Jackie interrupted. “You could’ve said no when I asked.”
“Well at the time I did want to come,” Chase said defensively. “I mean, I’ll take any excuse to not have to make lunch. But I’ve been thinking about it, and...won’t it be weird? I’ve met Jameson once.”
“Technically, I’ve only met him twice in person,” Jackie pointed out.
“Yeah, but you two have been texting and stuff, I haven’t.”
“He said you could come when I asked him,” Jackie said, idly scrolling back through their text conversation. “And hey, Dr. Schneep is coming, too. You guys are friends.”
“I mean...I think we are,” Chase said slowly. “I’d like to be. But he’s also, you know, my doctor. I just think it would be weird.”
Jackie looked over at him. “Chase. Dude. I asked you to come because I thought it would be weird if it was just JJ and me. Having a group helps break the tension. But I’m not gonna make you.”
Ding. “Now approaching: Parkattey Plaza,” the train intercom announced. “Please mind the gap between the train and the platform. Now approaching: Parkattey Plaza.”
Chase sighed. “Well, sounds like I don’t have much time to make a decision.” He paused, biting his lip as he thought. “Ah, fuck it. It’s free food.”
“What do you mean ‘free food’?” Jackie asked, playfully nudging Chase’s shoulder. “I’m not gonna pay for you.”
“Oh, just you wait, there’ll be three people there I can convince to pay for everything.” Chase flashed a smile. “I’m a master at persuasion.”
“Yeah, sure you are.” Jackie chuckled.
Parkattey Plaza was near the city center—not too far from their apartment, but far enough that they couldn’t walk. It consisted of shops and restaurants surrounding a paved square with trees in planters. A statue in the center of the square was dedicated to Daindover’s first superheroes, UltraMan and Dr. Daring, a husband and wife couple who protected the city back in the 1950s. Jackie spared a glance for the statue before scanning the surrounding restaurants for the one JJ said to meet at.
“Is that it?” Chase asked. He was pointing at a small building on the corner labeled ‘Kent Restaurant and Bakery.’ It was a quaint little place, but surprisingly busy for how unassuming it was. The wide front windows showed the inside packed with customers, and the cast iron tables and chairs in the outdoor dining area were almost all occupied.
“Yeah, that’s it,” Jackie said. “I can see JJ.” Indeed, Jameson Jackson was sitting at one of the outdoor tables—one with four chairs. He hadn’t seen Jackie and Chase yet, since he was looking at his phone. Jackie looked at Chase and grinned. “C’mon. Let’s surprise him.” Chase grinned back, and the two of them hurried over.
JJ didn’t notice the two of them, even as they walked right up next to him. Jackie leaned over, paused, and then nudged him “Hey, it’s—”
Jackie’s usually quick reflexes were a bit slow today, so he didn’t quite get out of the way of Jameson’s sudden punch. Luckily, he did manage to lean back so Jameson just hit his shoulder instead of his face. “Whoa!” Jackie rubbed the newly sore spot near his collarbone. “Point taken.”
JJ visibly relaxed, but still remained a little on edge. Sorry, he signed. You scared me.
“No, I’m sorry,” Jackie said. “I thought it would be funny. Y’know, a light-hearted sort of, uh, jape. Didn’t realize you were in the ‘fight’ part of ‘fight or flight.’”
Oh, I’m not usually, JJ said. I suppose you just especially got to me.
“Well remind me never to sneak up on you again.” Jackie sat at the seat opposite JJ, taking off his backpack and putting it on the ground next to the chair. “Anyway, it’s good to see you again!” He gestured back at Chase. “Uh, this is Chase. Don’t know if you remember him.”
“Hey.” Chase waved, sitting down as well. “Yeah, I’m Chase. And this is Frosty.”
Yes, I remember you—and Frosty, too. JJ smiled down at the dog. Henrik talks about you a lot, you know.
“Oh...he does?” Chase went a bit pale.
All good things, don’t worry, JJ assured him. He says you’re super friendly. 
“Aw.” Chase smiled, relaxing a bit. “Stop it.” He looked around. “Uh...speaking of which, Jackie said Schneep was going to come today. Where is he?”
JJ shrugged. He should be here any minute. Apparently he ran into traffic.
“He drives? In this city?” Jackie shook his head. “Rookie mistake.”
Well to be fair, he hasn’t lived here that long. He first moved to Beckerville when coming to this country, and only came here about...a couple years ago? Or so? JJ laughed silently. It’s a little funny, actually, he didn’t even know I lived here until two months ago.
“Yeah, I remember you said that,” Jackie nodded. “Hell of a coincidence.”
Indeed. JJ paused. Jackie, forgive me if this is too forward, but are you feeling alright? he asked, leaning forward a bit. You have dark circles under your eyes.
Chase laughed. “Oh man. Jackie, it’s obvious.”
Jackie made a face at him before turning back to JJ. “Yeah, I’m fine, I just didn’t get a lot of sleep last night.”
Ah. Me neither, actually, JJ said.
“Really?” Jackie looked Jameson over. “I never would’ve guessed. You’re very, uh...put-together.”
JJ smoothed his shirt down, straightening nonexistent wrinkles. Thank you. I take great care to look nice.
“You look like an old-fashioned posh gentleman guy,” Chase said absentmindedly, picking up the menu and flipping through it.
Good, that’s the point. I like this style. JJ’s attention shifted to somewhere over Jackie’s shoulder. Oh! He’s here, he signed, then stood up and waved.
Jackie and Chase turned in their seats and saw Schneep walking down the sidewalk towards them. He waved at the group and picked up the pace. A few moments later, he was taking the last chair at the table. “Jamie. Chase. Jackie,” he said. “I am sorry to keep you waiting.”
“It’s fine, man, we haven’t even ordered food yet,” Chase said. “Are you okay?”
“Hmm? What do you mean?” Schneep asked, confused.
“You were walking a little weird.” Chase gestured vaguely down the sidewalk, indicating the path Schneep walked. “Is everything—”
“It is the stupid fucking stairs at my building!” Schneep threw his hands in the air. “They are so fucking dumb and narrow and steep and you can never see where you are going! And you had better hope nobody is trying to go up while you are going down, because then you will be stuck staring at each other until one of you eventually has to turn around and go the other way, because there is no fucking room to even inch around!”
“Whoa, jeez, doc,” Jackie muttered. “So you fell down the stairs?”
“No, my talk of stairs is completely unrelated.” Schneep scowled. “Of course I fell down the stairs. Luckily it was not too far and I did not break anything, but my ankle is all weird now.”
My god, Henrik, I’d think a doctor would know to get something like that checked out before walking on it, JJ said, raising an eyebrow.
“Is fine, if I could not walk I would not be here now,” Schneep dismissed. “Anyway. Do we need to go place orders or will there be a waiter or something? I have never been here before.”
There’s a waiter. JJ turned to look through the restaurant’s window at the busy interior. But it may be a while until one gets to us out here. I should’ve picked a better time.
“No, it’s fine, we can chill,” Jackie said, taking the menu from Chase to look it over. “Anything been going on with you guys? Besides insomnia and falling down stairs.”
“Hmm. Nothing too important,” Schneep said, shrugging. “I have been working, as always.”
“How are things going with, uh...what’s-his-face,” Chase said. “Kelley?”
Oh my god, he tells you about Kelley, too? JJ asked. Every time we talk about work, he always brings him up.
“Who’s Kelley?” Jackie asked.
“Ah, well, you see, he is a miserable excuse for a doctor,” Schneep started, leaning forward as he geared up for another rant. “Not only is he late for every shift he works, but also...”
Schneep managed to get all the way through his complaints before a waiter noticed the four of them sitting at the table and came over to take their order. It was another half an hour before their food actually arrived, which they spent catching up with each other. Jackie felt a little awkward at first—and he could tell the others did as well—but eventually they relaxed, bantering and making jokes. Schneep and JJ fit right into the dynamic between Chase and Jackie.
The conversation paused for a moment when the waiter brought out their order, then started up again when Chase asked a question. “Hey, so, how are you guys related? Wait, no, that sounds weird. I know you guys are cousins. I just mean that, like, why is Schneep German and Jameson...British, I’m guessing?”
British, JJ confirmed. But my mother was German—Henrik’s aunt, on his father’s side. She moved here for school, but stayed when she met my dad.
“Aww, how sweet.” Jackie grinned, taking a long sip of his drink through a straw.
“She was a lovely woman,” Schneep recalled, smiling a bit.
Sorry, it’s not much of a story, JJ said. What about you two?
“Well, uh...I still don’t remember anything, but I’m assuming I did have parents.” Chase laughed. “But, hey, maybe not, considering they haven’t come around looking for me.” The other three stared at him for a quiet moment. Chase coughed, then changed the subject. “Jackie? How about you? You’ve talked to me about your mom a couple times, anyone else?”
“Oh, I never had a dad,” Jackie said casually. “Mom met a guy, they got together for a night, and then next thing she knew she had a son. But I do have a grandma. She lives in Ireland, Mom and I go see her for holidays and stuff.”
“Ah, good for you.” Schneep nodded. “Travel across countries can be difficult, that is one reason Jameson and I did not see each other that much as kids. I didn’t even know about the incident until we were teenagers.”
“The what?” Jackie asked.
Schneep froze. “Um, it is nothing, forget I—”
Henrik, it’s fine, they were probably going to ask eventually anyway, JJ said, giving Schneep’s hand a reassuring pat.
“Oh, is it, um...” Chase hesitated, looking for the right words. “...why you don’t talk?”
Yes, it’s that. Jameson paused, taking a deep breath. When I was a child—about ten years old—some burglars broke into my family’s shop. Our flat is right above it, so they got upstairs easily enough and started demanding my parents open up the safe we had in the shop’s backroom. There was a bit of a scuffle, and one of them pulled out a knife, and...well, I ended up getting hurt. He pulled down his shirt collar a bit and traced a line across his neck. There was a long, white scar across his throat, so faded that Jackie hadn’t even noticed it until he pointed it out.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry,” Jackie said quietly.
JJ smiled reassuringly. It’s alright, it was years ago. I’m well used to it now.
“Did you—did you get to the hospital soon?” Chase asked. “I mean, people don’t usually survive having their neck sliced.”
Luckily, the police and paramedics were on the scene seconds later, Jameson said. One of our neighbors heard the commotion and called them. I still lost quite a bit of blood, though. 
“I can imagine,” Chase muttered. “And the guys who did it?”
Caught, don’t worry. They’re probably still in prison. 
Jackie breathed out. “Man. That...that sucks.”
Jameson laughed silently. Great way of putting it. Anyway, the two sides of the family didn’t really keep in contact back then, hence why Henrik didn’t know about the incident for a few years. Right, Henrik? He looked over at Schneep, only to see that Schneep wasn’t paying any attention to the conversation. Henrik?
Schneep was staring at something in the distance, brows drawn in concern. “Do you three see that?” he asked, and pointed.
The others turned to look. Heavy black smoke was rising into the sky, staining the blue day. “Uh...that’s kind of close, isn’t it?” Chase said, unconsciously leaning away from it.
“Yes, that is what I was thinking,” Schneep muttered.
Other people in the Plaza were starting to notice the smoke as well. Pedestrians stopped walking to stare at it, while around them, restaurant patrons were standing and pointing as well. As everyone watched, a bright beam of orange energy shot into the air, coming from the same place the smoke was. Voices cried out.
“Motherfucker!” Schneep gasped. “It is more of the supers!” He immediately took out his phone and started tapping. “Something like that fire can lead to many injuries, I-I may be called into work—”
“Do you think whatever’s happening will come over here?” Chase worried.
I don’t know, but I think we should get out of the streets, just in case, Jameson said.
“Good idea.” Jackie stood up, picking up his backpack. “Let’s—let’s go inside the restaurant.” Around them, other outdoor diners were already heading into the building.
“Alright,” Schneep said, reluctantly putting his phone back into his pocket. “But do not be surprised if I have to leave suddenly.”
The four of them headed into the restaurant, leaving their food on the table. Jackie felt bad about that, since the staff would have to clean it up, but there were more important things to worry about right now. He had to get out of here and go check out that fire.
Fortunately, inside the restaurant was packed with people. The four of them had a little bit of space around them, due to the other patrons giving Frosty some room, but that wouldn’t last long as more and more people came inside. There were a few TV screens hanging on the walls, and the staff had already turned all of them to the news, so everyone was crowded around them and hoping to hear what was going on. Jameson turned to the others and signed, We should go see what’s happening. Then he headed into the crowd to try and get close to the TV audio.
“Jameson, wait—!” Schneep reached out to grab Jameson’s arm, but just missed as he slipped into the crowd. “Ugh.” He looked at Chase and Jackie. “I think I should stay here by the door, just in case.”
Jackie nodded. “Good idea. Actually, I—I have to go to the bathroom really quick.” He glanced back and forth between Chase and Schneep. “Is that okay?”
“Yeah, sure bro,” Chase said. “I’m going to go find Jameson, text me when you get out again.”
“Will do.” Jackie gave him a thumbs-up, then turned away, navigating around the crowd towards the Bathroom sign hanging in the back of the restaurant.
A few minutes later, Jackie slipped out of a side entrance and ended up in a small back alley, right next to a dumpster overflowing with old food. He gagged a bit, then crouched down behind the trash, taking off his backpack. It was a good thing he always brought his supersuit with him. He changed quickly, taking his phone but leaving his backpack tucked behind the dumpster, then started off, running through the back alleys. Once he was sure he was far enough away, he took to the air, just in time to see another orange beam coming from the smoking distance.
He recognized the kind of energy being shot into the sky. That distinctive bright glow of solid light could only belong to Spitfire Cat. He had no idea what Spitfire was doing or why it had to be now of all times, but he knew he was about to punch him in his stupid cat mask for fucking up what was supposed to be a nice lunch with friends after his busy night yesterday.
Pedestrians filled the streets below, running from the source of the smoke: a burning four-story building. Mostly made of wood, but with some brick accents, most notably the corners. It was hard to tell anything more because of the flames, even though only the front of the building was on fire. Jackie stopped and hovered in midair, scanning the area for Spitfire Cat. He couldn’t see him, but he had to be nearby.
That wasn’t important right now. He had to make sure everyone was out of the building safely and contain the blaze. Jackie flew closer to the fire. The buildings in this part of the city had alleyways between them, which meant the flames wouldn’t spread as quickly as they would if the buildings shared walls like they did in other parts. He tried to peer through the windows, but as soon as he got close to the fire his eyes and throat started to burn. Coughing, he was forced to pull back and fly around to the back of the building. He should have asked for some sort of gas mask to be included in his new costume.
The smoke wasn’t as bad back here. Jackie had enough breathing room to check the windows here. He started at the top floor, looking through glass to try and find anyone. One by one, he made his way down to the ground floor. He saw nothing inside, only empty offices and lounges. But that didn’t mean the building was empty.
Jackie took a deep breath. He heard sirens in the distance—the fire squad, hopefully. But they were distant. If he wanted to be sure nobody was inside, he’d have to go in himself. He was not prepared for this at all. There was a reason firemen were absolutely laden with protective gear. But he could be quick. He could. He had to.
He looked back up at the windows on the top floor. That area was most important. Backing up, he prepared to fly upwards, starting to rise through the air—
And something tackled him, pushing him back down to the back alley below.
Jackie was stunned for a split second, the wind knocked out of him. Something shiny and metallic flashed in his vision and only his quick reflexes saved him as his head jerked to the side. Metal claws skidded across the cement where his face had been moments before. He looked up and saw Spitfire Cat’s face inches from his own.
Jackie shouted, and a gust of wind pushed Spitfire back. Now free from the tackle, Jackie hurried to his feet. “You went right for the eyes this time,” he said. “What, did you decide murder was too much and went for maiming instead?”
Spitfire didn’t say anything. He stood up slowly, breathing heavily, and paused. 
Jackie took a few steps back. “Uh...hello? Are you—”
In one sudden movement, Spitfire raised his arm, a blast of energy firing from his hand. Jackie jumped to the side, dodging, and the red-hot energy hit the wall of the wooden building behind him, creating a charred hole. “Hey!” Jackie threw his arm out, and a burst of cold wind put out the sputtering flames around the hole. “Watch it! There could be people still inside! I thought you were more careful than that.”
Spitfire’s outstretched arm shook. His other hand slowly reached up and grabbed his wrist, pulling his arm back down. The motion was jerky. Uneven. “Wind...storm...” Spitfire choked. He had difficulty getting out just those two syllables.
“Um...yeah, that’s...me...” Jackie trailed off. This was wrong. He could now see Spitfire’s eyes behind the holes in his mask; they were wide and desperate. A suspicion rose in his mind. 
Jackie glanced down at Spitfire’s wrists. He inhaled sharply. Red strings. Not just around the villain’s wrists, but wound tightly around his entire arms up to the elbow, going over the sleeves of his costume. “Oh my god...” he whispered.
Spitfire’s whole body shook. He lunged forward, a blade of orange energy forming in his hand, leaving a trail of heat behind it as he swung it in a downward arc. Jackie jumped up into the air, hovering out of reach. Spitfire stumbled and the energy blade faded away. “Windstorm...” he repeated, looking up at him. “You...you...”
“Don’t worry, I—I know what to do!” Jackie said, scrambling for a plan. If he could get the strings off of Spitfire, their control would fade away. But with them being wrapped around his arms, it would be harder to yank them free.
Before he could come up with anything, Spitfire raised his hand and shot another energy blast. Jackie dodged, flying to the side. He circled around Spitfire and—without thinking much about it—dived downward and grabbed the villain from behind. Spitfire gasped and shuddered. His hands raised and started grabbing Jackie’s arms. The metallic claws scraped against his suit sleeves, scraping through in a few places. 
Jackie marveled at the material his new supersuit was made of, then got back to business and grabbed Spitfire’s wrists, holding his hands in place. “Alright. I don’t know if whatever or whoever’s behind these strings can hear me,” he said through gritted teeth. “But if you can—I’m fucking coming for you. I’m going to stop whatever fucked up scheme you have. And nothing you throw at me will stop me.”
Spitfire suddenly went limp. For a moment, Jackie thought his little speech had done something. But then Spitfire’s body grew hot. His skin began to glow orange-red from the energy within. Jackie held on for as long as he could before the heat became unbearable and he had to jump backwards.
White hot light burst from Spitfire. A concussive force knocked Jackie back, and he skidded across the cement ground of the back alley. He groaned, staring at the sky. When he looked back towards Spitfire, he saw the villain sprinting away. “No!” Jackie shouted and tried to get up, but his entire body was aching from the strength of whatever force threw him back. So he flung his hand outwards and sent a gust of wind towards Spitfire.
Spitfire was just starting to disappear around the building when the wind blasted him to the side. Poor timing, as it turned out, because it shoved him into the corner of the building—the solid brick corner. Jackie heard an unpleasant CRACK! before Spitfire slumped limply to the ground.
Jackie winced. He got to his feet as quickly as he could, still stinging from that concussive blast, and half-ran over to Spitfire. 
The villain was lying on the ground, eyes closed. “Oh shit,” Jackie whispered, dread pooling in his stomach. He crouched down and felt for a pulse. Luckily, he found it easily, and breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank god.” He looked over at the corner. There was no trace of blood on the bricks, so maybe the injury wasn’t too severe—
Something grabbed Jackie’s wrist.
Crying out, Jackie jerked his hand backwards and looked back down. Spitfire’s hand was wrapped tightly around his arm. But...his eyes were still closed. Jackie stood up and tried again to yank his wrist away. When that didn’t work, he grabbed Spitfire’s own wrist and started pulling it away. But the moment he made contact, the red strings wrapped around Spitfire’s arm began wriggling, slithering like snakes, and started winding around his own fingers. He quickly pulled his hand away before they could get a good hold.
Spitfire shifted. Still holding Jackie’s wrist, he clambered to his feet, staggering for a moment before finding his balance. His head fell to his chest, completely limp. His other hand swiped at Jackie’s face, claws out.
“What the actual fuck?!” Jackie leaned back just far enough to avoid the swipe. Spitfire’s body took a few stumbling steps towards him. Jackie yelped and instinctively kicked Spitfire in the chest, causing him to let go of his wrist and fall back down to the ground.
Quickly backing up, Jackie kept his eyes locked on Spitfire’s body, fists raised defensively. The sound of his own breathing filled his ears, with the distant sound of crackling flames undercutting the heavy panting. When Spitfire didn’t move again, Jackie slowly crept close to him. He nudged Spitfire with the toe of his boot, but got no response. He hesitated to check for a pulse again, but then noticed his chest rising and falling regularly and figured that would work as proof of life.
“Okay.” Jackie took a few steps back again and put his hands on his hips. “What the fuck do I do now?!”
Usually when he defeated criminals, he made sure they stayed put while he waited for the police to arrive. Then, he handed them over. Sometimes personally, sometimes he had to leave quickly and just made sure the police were in sight. But things were different with these strings in play. He had to get them off Spitfire’s arms, without them getting all over his fingers again. He’d need to cut them off—but he didn’t have any scissors or a knife or anything. And Spitfire could wake up again at any moment! He had to act fast!
Jackie then noticed the vibrating in his pocket.
Worry shot through his chest. Quickly, he took his phone out of his pocket...and just barely missed a call from Chase. He also saw several texts from Chase on the lockscreen: 
Hey r u done yet? Bro did u get my last message? Is everything alright in there? Where did you go? Im in the bathroom and youre not here. Jackie? Im getting kind of worried. Where are you? I found Jameson. He hasnt seen you and neither has Schneep. Are you okay?
Guilt pooled in his stomach as he read the messages. He’d just left the others with no explanation! How was he supposed to excuse that?! It was incredibly weird that he’d disappeared at the same time as the fire started. He was making Chase and the others worry and he couldn’t tell them why.
Spitfire twitched. Jackie jumped back, waiting for him to get up and start fighting again. But nothing happened.
“Oh my god,” Jackie muttered, grabbing a fistful of his hair and pulling. He began pacing, repeating “oh my god, fucking shit, hell, god, jeez” under his breath as he thought.
They were too far from the police station. Even flying at his top speed, he was pretty sure Spitfire would wake up and start fighting him before they arrived. He could call the League of Heroes for help—except that he hadn’t brought the Red Line with him and had no other way of contacting them. He debated just leaving Spitfire Cat here, but decided against it. Even if he only left for a few minutes, there was no guarantee Spitfire would still be here when he came back. And he really didn’t want a mind-controlled Spitfire out on the streets; the villain’s powers were already very destructive without the added wrinkle of someone using them to cause havoc.
Jackie scanned the city skyline. And an idea popped into his head. His apartment building actually wasn’t too far from here...
His first instinct was to reject the thought. It was a terrible idea. What if Spitfire woke up before Jackie could remove the strings? What if he started to burn the apartment down? What if Chase walked in and got caught in the middle?
But he was short on time. Every moment he hesitated brought him closer to Spitfire waking up. God, he wished he had handcuffs or something, but it was against the Super Laws for an unregistered hero to carry things like that. Only official Heroes could. Another reason it would be helpful to pass his trial period and become part of the League.
Jackie looked back down at Spitfire’s unconscious body. “Ohhhhh don’t make me regret this,” he said, leaning down to pick him up. He’d have to answer Chase’s texts after this was taken care of. If he flew really quickly he’d probably get home before Spitfire woke up. He might have to be a little less cautious than unusual getting into the apartment, but risks had to be taken in this situation.
Looking up into the sky, Jackie took off, racing towards home.
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electricopolis-net · 3 years
S02E03: Speed Demon
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Illustrated by Michael Stearns (twitter)
J. Jam was a DJ, but he was a lot of other things, too, like a songwriter, musician and general town activist. Above all else, he was a workaholic, which is why he had his notebook open on one of the outside tables at an out-of-the-way restaurant called Jodi's. It was hidden from most of the bustle on the top tier of the town, so, on a good night, he could usually avoid being interrupted by his two best friends.
"Hey, Jam!" A loud, insistent honking came from behind, and Jam turned to see Bob Sparker and Margaret King, ever the party animals, pull up in Sparker's lime green convertible. Looks like it wasn't a good night, then. "Buddy!"
"What's up?" Jam asked, pulling off his headphones. "I'm busy."
"You're eating," Margaret pointed out, leaning out of the window. "Let's go for a ride! You can eat in here!"
"I haven't even paid yet," he protested, holding up the bill. Past Margaret he could see Bob sitting in the driver's seat, sipping something out of a fast food cup. "Where are you guys even going?"
"Just for a ride! Come on, gimme that. Lemme see it," Margaret pressed, and Jam handed her the bill. She pulled out a pen, jotted something down on the paper and gave it a big, dramatic kiss, then handed it back. "It's my credit card number. Now you can come. I'll even let you ride shotgun!"
That was pretty persuasive, and it was a nice night anyway, so Jam ended up riding in the passenger's seat as they whipped their way around the streets and squares of the city. "So how are you doing, pal?" Bob asked, leaning over to wrap an arm around Jam's shoulders. "Working hard?"
"Yeah," he said, kicking back the seat and tilting his head back into the cool air. Through his dark glasses, he could see the dim spots of streetlights pass over his head. "I'm writing a new song. Haven't quite got it yet, but it's getting there."
"I was joking, you know," Bob said, raising his voice up above the wind as he turned back to the road. "When's the last time you had a dinner you didn't work through?"
"When's the last time you had a dinner that wasn't fast food?"
Bob let out a good-natured grumble, grabbed his empty drink, and sipped at it with a rattling sucking sound. Behind them, Margaret barked out a laugh. "He's got you there! So hey, Jam," she said, leaning over the shoulder of his seat. The streetlights glinted off her bright hair. "You got any plans tonight?"
"I gotta meet someone, actually," he said. "A buddy of mine who works in 1-3. Can you drop me off at the plaza? I'll take the bus."
"He lives on the first floor? I'll do you better than that," Bob said, and he turned the car off into a side street. "It'll be way too crowded at the plaza tonight. How about we take the back way?"
He rounded one corner, and then another, and ended up on a street that ran along the edge. Soon they could see the road split off into a lane on the right that was guarded by an unlocked gate. "I don't know if we're allowed to use these roads," Margaret quipped, as Bob parked the car and hopped out. "I think they're only for the electric company."
"Well, technically, I work for the electric company, and he works for the electric company," Bob said, pushing open the gate and swinging the chain loosely around a pylon. "And as for you, Miss King, I'm pretty sure you're the daughter of the guy who runs the electric company. So if we can't use it, who can?"
"Can't argue with that," Margaret yawned, and put her feet up.
They drove down the maintenance road that curved around and around the outer wall of the city, wrapped around it like a spiral staircase. It was a dark, clear night, and the winds that normally buffeted the town had quieted down to minor gales. "It takes longer to get to where you're going," Bob said, his voice a constant yammer, "but the view's one-of-a-kind, don't you think?"
Jam turned his head and peered. Through his sunglasses, he couldn't see anything, and he lifted them up. In the distance, the mountains around Electric Valley could be seen, tall and dark, and the ground was a greyish, barely rust-colored mass. "Yeah," he said. "One of a kind."
There was a veeerroowww as something sped past them in a flash of red. It was so fast that Bob's car jolted to the side, and he yelped as he struggled with the wheel.
"Whoa!" Jam gripped the side of the car door. "What was that? I thought you said nobody came this way!"
"Th-that's what I thought," Bob stammered, looking forwards and back. "I've never seen that car before!"
"Was it a car?" Margaret asked, pulling herself up from where she'd tumbled over in the back seat. "Didn't look like any car I've ever seen..."
For a brief moment there was quiet, and then, slowly, the red car came back into view. Its engine growled as it dropped further and further back. The two cars were almost level now, and they could get a good look at it: it was shiny and sleek, and through its tinted windows they could only barely make out the shape of someone's helmet.
"Holy shit," Jam whispered. "It's a racecar. Probably part of one of those underground gangs..."
"Underground what?" Bob echoed, his teeth almost chattering. "Gangs?"
"Yeah, the drag racers!" Margaret exclaimed, crawling over to the driver's side passenger seat and peering over the side of the door. "I heard those gearheads meet up in the dust valley around town! That's what people say, anyway."
The mystery car revved its engine and flashed its headlights twice. "Looks like he wants a little competition," Jam murmured. "He's asking if you want to race."
"Well, I don't!" Bob spat. He jerked the car away from the other driver, and tried to wave him ahead. "Just go, you maniac! I don't have time for--"
There was a horrible screech of metal on metal as the red car slammed up against Bob's green convertible. He let out a shriek as his car jolted again to the side, nearly grinding up against the concrete wall surrounding the city. Margaret yelled and fell back onto the seat, and even Jam gritted his teeth.
As Bob weaved over the road, the red car pulled up in front of them. Jam turned and looked over his shoulder as the driver kept their car in line with Bob's--
"This is bad," Jam said. "Bob..."
Before Jam could even say "watch out," the car pivoted its taillights upwards, flooding Bob's view with light. He yelped and threw his arm across his face, but Jam was already grabbing his shoulders and heaving him out of the driver's seat.
"I'll drive!" Jam hollered. "C'mon, man, keep cool!"
"But Jam, you don't--" Bob quickly crawled out of the driver's seat as Jam took his spot. "You don't drive!"
"I can!" he insisted, trying to keep all three of them calm. "Margie, call your dad!"
"One step ahead of you," she called out. Jam's gaze flickered to the rearview mirror, and she was laying so flat against the seat he could barely see her at all. All he could make out were the curls of her hair and the white shape of her cell phone, and that was enough.
As one of the few people in town who wore sunglasses all the time, the light barely bothered Jam at all. He grabbed the wheel and kept it turned, hugging the curve around the wall of the city.
"Who does this kid think they are?" Bob groused, rubbing at his eyes. "Agh...Jesus, that smarts!" An exit into the walls of the city whipped past them, then another. "That was 1-3," Bob said. "Jam, we missed it!"
"I know!" Jam hollered. "Margie, what did your dad say?"
"He said he's sending someone out right away!" Margie called out. "Just hang in there, Jam! Try and take the next exit!"
"I'll try," he responded, squinting into the light. "I dunno if I can, though..." He tried to head to the left, then the right, and either way the driver kept pace in front of him. "Hold on, guys, I'm gonna try something."
"What?" Bob asked. "Jam, what are you--"
Jam weaved to the left, then suddenly turned the wheel sharply to the right and hit the gas. He managed to squeeze up between the red racecar and the wall of the city, and Bob yelped and ducked down as the side of his lime-green convertible brushed up against the concrete, sending up a spray of sparks.
To make matters worse, the racecar was closing in to the side. "Get away from us!" Margaret yelled, sitting up in the back. She reached up to grab Bob's drink container and hurled it at the other car, sending the remains of the milkshake inside splattering, thick and gooey, across its windshield. It weaved from side to side, its tires screeching.
"Take that!" Margaret laughed. "That's what you get!"
"We're almost out of town!" Bob hollered. "Margie, get down, for God's sake! We're gonna end up in the--"
There was a screeeech and then a loud, long foooom as both cars bumped over the end of the road. Bob Sparker's car spun out, turning around and around as its tires squealed in the thick dust that covered Electric Valley. It raised dust clouds so thick and opaque that even after the car came to a stop, they couldn't see anything at all.
Bob, Jam and Margaret coughed and hacked, trying to wave the dust away. "Everyone okay?" Jam croaked. "Bob? Margie?"
"I'm good," Bob wheezed. "I wasn't the one standing up like a cowboy back there--"
"I'm fine," Margaret snapped, then burst into coughing. "Ugh...that was awful."
"You should see the other guy," Bob laughed weakly. "Speaking of which...where are they?"
Slowly, the dust dissipated on the wind. A hundred or so feet away was the red racecar, its headlights shining.
"I can't see anything inside," Jam said, taking off his glasses and squinting. "We should make sure they're okay."
"After what they did to my car?" Bob groused. "We should just leave 'em here. You're not supposed to move people who've been in a car accident anyway, right?"
"Only if they're injured," Jam pointed out. "Margie, can you...?"
Margaret stepped out of the car. "Yeah, okay," she said hoarsely. "At least now I can give 'em a good talking-to."
"Well, if you're going, then I'm going too," Bob chimed in, following her. "C'mon, Jam, let's make sure this guy knows who he's messing with!"
Bob and Jam watched as she strode over to the car, leaned over, and rapped hard on the driver side door. "Hey!" she said sternly. "Open up, you little punk!"
Slowly, the window squeaked downwards. The driver inside was wearing a full racing suit, complete with helmet, and aside from moving a little slowly and looking a little dazed, the three couldn't tell much about them.
"You okay?" Jam asked.
Margaret leaned down and muscled him out of the way. "What's the big idea?" she said. "You could have killed us, driving like that!" She pointed at herself. "Do you even know who I am? I'm Percy King's daughter! That's right! The Percy King!"
Bob leaned in too, poking his sizable nose through the window. "And I'm Bob Sparker," he added, waving. "That was my car."
The driver looked back and forth between the three of them. Suddenly, their gloved hands started to shake.
"My dad's gonna be here any minute, and when he does, you're gonna be--hey!" Margaret stammered as the window started coming back up. "You can't just do that! Cut that out! I'm not done yelling at you yet!"
"Ow!" Bob yelped, pulling his head back. "My nose!"
The driver slammed down the gas. Their tires squealed in the dust as they peeled out, and after the dust settled and they finished coughing and hacking, the three of them saw the red car traveling back up the looping road around the city.
"Man," Jam wheezed, almost doubled over. "That sucker sure got outta here fast."
"Pretty much the moment they saw our faces." Bob groaned and got back in his car, flopping bonelessly into the back seat. "You think they got scared?"
"They better have!" Margaret dusted herself off. "Well, whatever. Dad'll have them found in an hour tops. And when he does..."
"We'll get a good apology out of them, at least," Bob sighed. "Maybe some cash for the repairs...what's the damage, fellas? I can't bear to look."
Jam knelt down by the front of Bob's car. "Well, your tires are a mess, and the paint's all jacked up," he called out. Bob let out another world-weary groan. "And you got dents all up on this side, and one of your headlights is out..."
"Fantastic," Bob replied.
"It could be worse," Margie chimed in, pushing herself up to sit on the hood of the car. "It probably still runs, right?"
"Yeah, but let's wait for the cavalry." Bob put his feet up on the top of the car door, crossing his legs at the ankles. "I don't want anyone to see me in this thing when it's all messed up...and besides, I really, really don't feel like driving anymore tonight. Do you, Jam?"
"No," he agreed, getting into the passenger side front seat. He took off his dark glasses and wiped them on his shirt. "Man...what a night."
"What a night," Margie agreed. "We'll just wait here, okay, guys? It won't be long."
The three of them stayed in the dark valley, watching the wind travel slowly across the earth, carrying billowing puffs of dust across the distance. Far away, they could see the ring of mountains that encircled the city, sitting underneath a sky black as charcoal and mottled with deep grey clouds.
"This is spooky," Margaret whispered, pulling her coat around herself. "Isn't it? It's all quiet."
"I like it," Jam sighed, leaning his head back. "Its real soothing. To me, anyway."
"Mm." Bob yawned. "Well, I don't like it, but I ain't staying out here, so it doesn't matter. Soon we'll be back in the top tier, safe 'n' sound. Oh yeah, and I'll get our ride to drop you off at 1-3," he added, nodding towards Jam. "Sorry my little shortcut got us in trouble."
"It ain't your fault," Jam said. He let out a deep groan as he stretched his arms above his head. "It's the traffic that was hell."
Bob let out a laugh, and even Margaret snorted a little. And in the distance they could see the sparkling lights of a small force of police cars, followed by a tow truck, traveling down the city loop.
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notcaring99 · 4 years
Love You In the Dark (Steve Rogers x Female Reader)
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Warnings: Sadness overload
Ft: Bucky, Sam, Bruce, Guardians, Thor, and Wanda
Request: “steve x reader he left the reader to be w peggy. a sad one but happy ending please!!! ty🥺💕”
A/N: I am going to be completely honest I cried while writing this. I didn’t know how to end it happily, but I did my best. I hope you all enjoy it and cried like I did! Also I didn’t read it through before posting because I was scared I was going to cry again.  Thank you for the support and keep sending in those requests I am happy to do them! I suggest you listen to Love In The Dark by Adele and Are You With Me by nilu while reading really gets you in the feels. 
Steve and you have been through the hell of it. Loki’s army back in 2012 when you guys first fought with aliens to fighting Thanos’ army full of aliens. Through it all though you two were able to confide in each other bringing each other reassurance and love.
 After the snap, you and Steve got married though you wanted other people there as well, you decided to live your life to the fullest for them. Your next step in life was to have a kid, but you couldn’t get pregnant. You went to many doctors who told you you were perfectly fertile and that stress could have a factor. Steve reassured you it would happen when the time is right. 
“Y/N please don’t cry,” Steve whispers to you as his strong arms wrap around you tightly. Your tears kept flowing as you nuzzled deeper into Steve’s chest trying to calm your tears. “You will get pregnant, I promise.” Steve whispers kissing the top of your head. You push away from him looking into his baby blue eyes. 
“You can’t promise things like that.” You whisper to him looking away from his eyes as you wrap your arms around your stomach. “You can’t promise something that is clearly unwanted by the universe.” His fingers graze up your arms to be under your chin lifting it up ever so gently. 
“I will do everything in my power to make you happy whether it is to have a kid or watch those dreadful shows you like to watch,” you laugh as Steve makes a disgusted face before smiling at your beautiful smile. “I will do whatever you ask of me.” you smile at the man you love before wrapping your arms around his neck bringing him closer to you. You kiss him so passionately and he holds you tightly deepening the kiss. 
You were so happy to have such an amazing man. You were so lucky to have him, and hoped he thought the same of you. You used to think that you two would survive anything, that is until Tony and Banner figured out time travel. Steve looked like he was in deep thought after the funeral as Bruce asked everyone who would return the stones to their rightful time line. 
Everyone scattered as they all said they would think about it. Steve left you as you talked with Bruce, Sam and Bucky after the discussion about how important the stones are. You watched as Steve walked towards the lake, not listening to the three men talking. “Y/N?” you snap out of it looking at the three men that are looking at you. 
“I am sorry, what did you say?” you ask the men making Bucky and Sam look at Steve then to you. 
“What is going on between you two?” Bucky asks you sincerely concerned about his best friend and his wife. You look at Bucky seeing the concern before looking at Steve. 
“I think he wants to ask something from me, but can’t.” You whisper out before taking a deep breath as tears well up in your eyes. You push your tears away before looking at the three men looking at you with full blown panic on their faces. “I’ll be back, okay?” Your eyes betray you as tears fall steadily down your face. Sam is about to stop you, but Bucky holds him back as you turn towards Steve who is staring at the lake still. You take another breath regretting your selfless heart right now. 
You force your feet to walk towards Steve as you examine your left hand where the ring and a promise was made. When there was no hope to go back. When Steve thought he couldn’t go back to his true love. When he thought you were now his new future. You remember when he proposed.
It was a summer in Paris, France. A dream place for any girl to be with her boyfriend. But you two were hiding from the governments, so there was no looking at the tourist attractions. The team is held up in a hotel that no one would ever look for you there. It was your shift for look out with Steve. You were on the roof looking at the view of Paris. The Eiffel tower standing tall and bright as the night settled. People are either on their way home from drinking or asleep as cars were scarce on the streets.
It was around 4am, almost time for your nightly shift to end and you to be asleep. Steve was on the ground doing a perimeter check for suspicious activity before meeting you back on the roof. You are sitting on one of the elevated cement blocks on the roof, letting your feet dangle as you looked out. Wondering what life would be like if you didn’t meet Steve. “What are you doing, day dreaming?” you jump slightly at the voice before looking behind you. You see Steve standing there looking tired but so handsome. He looked a bit more jittery than normal as he climbs his way to the elevated block.
“You know me, always day dreaming.” You smile at him as you scoot over so he can sit beside you. He plops down beside you before pecking your lips and grabbing your hands. You smile as he blows hot air on your chilly hands. “Any bad guys out there?” you ask him as he rubs your hands. He shakes his head before dropping your hands.
“Nope. I still feel bad that you are on the run with us.” Steve whispers out looking at you with pure sadness. You shake your head taking his hand in yours making him look at you.
“I am not. I get to be with you and my friends.” you tell him before leaning your head on his shoulder. “Plus it’s every girls dream to be in Paris with her boyfriend.” he chuckles lowly before kissing the top of your head.
“If we weren’t on the run, it would be the most romantic trip.” Steve tells you and you smile looking at your intertwined hands to see his shaking slightly. You bring both your hands to surround his one.
“What would we be doing if we were in Paris and not on the run?” you ask him as you look at your hands not wanting to look at his eyes. He wraps his hand around your grouped ones before pushing slightly off of you. He is looking at you with a big smile on his face.
“I would bring you everywhere. Take you to all the tourist attractions.” you smile at him as he stands up bring you up with him. “We would go to some fancy restaurant, probably the one in front of the Eiffel tower. Then I would dance with you under the lights of the city in the middle of the plaza.” You giggle as he begins to dance with you bringing you close to his chest.
“Sounds perfect.” You whisper out leaning your head on his shoulder as he swayed you both. You sway like this for a moment before Steve pulls away grabbing both your hands. “What is wrong?” you ask noticing how nervous he is.
“Then I would get on one knee.” Steve kneels down on the elevated platform looking at you. Your heart rate picks up as he is still holding is hands. “When I woke up to this decade, I thought I lost the only love I would ever have,” You smile sadly at his words before he squeezed your hands. “But then I met you. You were so beautiful. You reminded me of love that I didn’t think I had in me anymore. You woke up that love inside me.” You smile at his words before he digs in his pocket making your heart rate pick up. He opens the box to reveal a ring that had diamonds surrounding the band and one bigger one sat in the middle. “So would you Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N, marry me?” you were crying full on as you nodded your head.
“Yes!” he smiled putting the ring gracefully on your finger before wrapping his arms around you lifting you above him slightly. You put your hands on either side of his face kissing him passionately as he spun you guys around.
When you approach him, he doesn’t turn around knowing you are there. You place your shaky hand on top of his shoulder, using him as support as you climb over the roots to be by his side. “You know I never thought I would be the one to say this,” you whisper out to him. Steve glances at you as tears form in his blue eyes already knowing what you are going to say. 
“Y/N, you have to know that I love you and always will.” Steve tells you turning your way, but you turn to the water looking at your left hand with the ring that sat there for so long. The ring he picked out with Sam and Bucky before Thanos came along. 
“We both know you don’t belong here, Steve.” you tell him as tears are falling from your eyes. You look at the ring one more time before turning your eyes away from the lake to Steve who is looking at you with tears in his eyes. You grab his hands as he shakes his head. 
“I-I can’t do this to you.” Steve whispers out to you lowering his head. You shush him bringing him into a hug where he cried into your shoulder. Your own heart is breaking but you know Steve’s is breaking more. You knew that he could never do this, so you had to be the one. 
“It’s okay. It’s okay.” You whisper to him rubbing his back for a moment. You take a shaky breath before separating from the hug. You take Steve’s head in your hands with a small smile on your face. “This is the right thing. You love her, and you need to be with her.” you wipe his tears with your thumbs gently before letting your hands fall to his shoulders and down his arms to his hands. You place the ring in his hand and close his fist making him close his eyes tightly.
“Y/N-” you cut him off by shushing him. You hold his fist close before bring your other hand up to rest on his cheek. He leans into your touch, keeping your hand there with his free one. His eyes rest on you, as you try to hold it together as much as you can. 
“Tell Peggy she is one lucky gal.” You whisper to him before pulling away from him. He looks at you sadly as you turn back to the house where everyone is at watching you two with curious eyes. You hold your head high before walking to the group that grew with the Guardians and Thor included. 
“I am detecting feelings of sadness and lost.” Mantis states making the others glare at the girl, but I smile at her as the tears kept falling. 
“You are right.” I whisper out before taking a breath and looking at Bruce who looks at me sadly. “He will take the stones back for you.” You sniffle before looking at the group as a whole. All of them looking at you with pity and sympathy. “Now if you’ll excuse me. I need to go find a new mission to keep myself busy.” you croak out before walking away from the group. Wanda sees your retreating figure and quickly brings you out to a distant part of the house where you both cry as she holds you tightly. 
Today is the day that Steve is leaving and you are walking out into the forest to meet them. You needed to see him one last time. Steve on the other hand was saying his goodbyes to Bucky. “Can you promise me something?” Steve asks Bucky as Sam and Bruce are talking. Bucky gave him a look already knowing what Steve needed. 
“Anything for you.” Bucky tells him truthfully. Steve smiles before putting a hand on his shoulder. 
“Take care of her for me. Make sure that she is okay.” Steve states and Bucky looks at him sadly as they hear footsteps behind them. Bucky looks past Steve to see you with your hands in your pockets standing there with red eyes as you look at Steve and him. 
“Of course.” Bucky whispers to his buddy before gesturing behind him. “But you better say thank you before leaving.” Steve looks at you then at Bucky. 
“This is going to be hard.” Steve whispers out before walking over to you. Your heart beat was unsteady as you watch him in the metal suit walking towards you. “I didn’t think you would be here.” Steve tells you as he stands in front of you. You smile sadly shrugging your shoulders. 
“Just needed to make sure your ass actually did it.” you tell him jokingly making him smile at you sadly as tears fall. “You know I don’t hold any resentment towards you.” Steve nods his head smiling at you sadly as tears fall from his eyes as well. 
“Even if I asked Bucky to watch over you, you still feel no resentment?” Steve asks you making you chuckle before holding up a two fingers to show little. 
“Just a little bit now.” you both laugh before Bruce calls to Steve. You turn to Steve with a smile on your face. “Just make sure not to do anything too idiotic while I am not by your side. I love you Steve Rogers. Always and forever..” he nods his head before pulling you into him by one arm. He kisses you passionately before pulling away leaning his forehead on yours. 
“Always and forever.” he whispers before walking away leaving you a bit weak at the sudden kiss. You regain your composure as he climbs into the middle of the time travel machine. 
“Y/N,” Bucky is by your side as Bruce begins to count down. Tears fall from your eyes as Steve flashes out. Bruce tries to bring Steve back, but he doesn’t come back. 
“Where is he?” Sam asks and you shake your head as tears fall. 
“He is with her.” you whisper out making them all turn to you. You choke back your tears looking away from the group to the lake. You see an old man with a shield sitting on a bench looking out. 
“Bucky, is that-” Sam is cut off by Bucky who nods his head. 
“Go ahead.” Bucky wraps an arm around me as Sam walks to Steve. “Are you okay?” he asks you putting his hands on either side of your shoulder. You look at him as you dry your tears. 
“I am happy he was happy.” you whisper out and Bucky smiles at you sadly wiping your tears. “I really am happy for him.” you whisper out and Bucky nods his head. 
“I know.” Bucky hugs you tightly making you hug him back. “How about we head back to the house? We can figure out the next steps together.” Bucky suggests to you and you hum in response as you hear a throat being cleared. You both pull away to see Sam standing there with the sheild. 
“What am I not included in the steps?” Sam asks and you laugh bringing him into a hug. You pull away keeping an arm wrapped around his shoulder dragging him over to Bucky. 
“Of course you are. Let’s get you two rowdy asses to the house.” You laugh wiping your tears as you bring both guys under your arms. They laugh as you guys follow behind Bruce to the house. 
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wasithard · 4 years
Percy wakes up on his seventeenth birthday in his own bed.
One year ago today, he’d woken up in a room at the Plaza Hotel from a vision of the Titan Lord Kronos planning his attack on Manhattan. One year ago today, he’d woken up in the middle of a war – and that’s not even the most recent war he’s fought.
Percy wakes up on his seventeenth birthday and immediately goes back to sleep.
His day goes like this: waking again to blue pancakes and waffles and eating them with his mom and Paul. Having a picnic lunch with Annabeth and Grover in Central Park, then driving with them to camp for dinner and a bonfire with their friends. Roasting marshmallows and singing songs and kissing Annabeth by the fire. Getting too lost in the way the firelight tinges her grey eyes red to notice the rest of the campers gathering around them before they pick them up and throw them in the lake, just like last year. Sitting around the dying embers of the fire, remembering the friends they lost in the war that ended one year ago today, the heavy silence of that moment burying itself in the middle of his chest, sitting there like a weight. Going to bed in his cabin, Tyson snoring in the bunk above him, wishing the love he’d felt from his friends that day would be enough to silence the voices in his head yelling it should’ve been me.
Percy wakes up on his nineteenth birthday, three years after the war.
He wakes up and wonders if he’ll ever stop thinking of it as the anniversary of the war instead of a celebration for another year he’s lived, or another year he’s spent with Annabeth.
Annabeth, who’s living on campus in the city they almost gave their lives defending three years ago now and comes over for breakfast that morning with Sally and Paul. He’s sitting at the table with them all, laughing and grateful to have them, but wondering if he should be worried that it’s been three years and he still wakes up on August 18th with a tightness in his chest at the thought of getting another year older than his friends who will never see another day. He knows they’re in Elysium. The thought should bring him peace.
Breakfast trickles into the afternoon and he and Annabeth go for a walk in Central Park before driving up to Camp. On the way there, Percy takes a detour to a small beach he’d scouted out a few weeks before and surprises his girlfriend with a picnic on the sand. He helps her build a sandcastle that’s almost taller than he is, holding the waves back so that they can use the hard, wet sand near the shoreline to make their castle stronger.
By the time they get to Camp they both smell of salt and seaweed and his spirits are high. It makes it worse, somehow, when they have their annual memorial to those they lost three years ago that he’s had such a nice day so far. Annabeth notices his change in mood, presses a kiss to his shoulder as she entwines their fingers.
After the campers start to trickle off to bed, Chiron catches his eye and Percy follows him to the Big House. They are sitting on the balcony, crickets chirping around them and a glass of cool blue Coke in Percy’s hand when Chiron fixes him with a stare that has seen countless tragedies and asks him if he still blames himself for being alive.
It’s jarring to hear someone so bluntly say out loud the thoughts he hasn’t dared to speak for so long. He swallows, can’t bring himself to hold Chiron’s gaze so flicks his eyes down to his feet instead, the only part of his body that doesn’t feel like it’s shaking. His fingers clench around the clear glass in his hand and he watches beads of water slide down the outside of it. Chiron doesn’t speak, but the silence is heavy and Percy feels like it’ll suffocate him if he doesn’t break it.
“I don’t– ” he clears his throat. It sounds too thick. “I don’t blame myself.”
He takes a sip of his Coke, swallowing it completely. “I don’t blame myself. I just don’t understand…”
He doesn’t want to finish the sentence, doesn’t want to say the words, I don’t understand why it wasn’t me, but when his eyes meet Chiron’s again he knows the centaur understands. How many other heroes has he seen feel the same way? Does he feel the same way?
“Percy,” Chiron says, his voice steady and deep with thousands of years of wisdom and loss and hope. “You help no one by holding on to guilt that isn’t yours.”
Percy exhales roughly, running a hand through his hair. In his head, he understands this. He just doesn’t believe it. If he had been a little bit better, in any sense of the word: faster, stronger, smarter. Maybe Charles wouldn’t have gotten caught in the engine room of the Princess Andromeda. Maybe Michael wouldn’t have been caught in the earthquake Percy had caused on the Williamsburg Bridge. Maybe Clarisse could have been convinced to fight in the war earlier, so Silena wouldn’t have had to impersonate her.
“Percy.” Chiron repeats, voice firmer. “You might be a hero, but you are also a person. And all a person can ever do is their best.”
Percy closes his eyes, bows his head. Chiron continues speaking. “The gods have done wonderful things, but they have also made many, many mistakes. More and far more devastating mistakes than the ones you have made in your short life. The benefit and curse of immortality is seeing how the actions of a moment can fade over time. How they can be made up for when a similar situation arises in the future. How it is not one’s past that defines them, but how they learn from it.”
Percy doesn’t want to look up at Chiron now, because there are tears in his eyes and it’s embarrassing, frankly. But he owes it to him.
He looks up. Chiron’s gaze is as steady as before, and Percy exhales one more time, releasing air all the way down to his belly. One tear slips down the side of his face and stops at his upper lip. He licks it away, using a hand to wipe his eyes as he turns his face to the now quiet camp. He can see the volleyball court, the rock climbing wall, the smoking embers of the campfire and the beginning of the circle of cabins. He sees his home: safe, intact. Filled with his friends, the survivors. He breathes it in.
“Thanks, Chiron.” He says, turning back to the centaur who gives him a soft, understanding smile in return.
Percy finishes off his drink and leaves the empty glass on the same wooden table he saw Chiron and Dionysus playing pinochle at when he first arrived at Camp, all those years ago. He stands up, wishes Chiron goodnight and starts walking back to the cabins.
Cabin 3 stands there: dark, alone and familiar. He feels tiredness tug at his eyelids and muscles but inside he still feels too wired to lay down just yet. He heads for the beach.
Annabeth is already there. Her legs are bent in front of her, arms tucked underneath them and chin resting on her knees. He sits silently beside her and they stay there, no sound between them except the gentle crash of the waves on the shore. After a few minutes she leans her head against his shoulder and he rests his atop hers, closes his eyes.
“Do you remember when we were in the Sea of Monsters and I wanted to hear the Sirens?” Annabeth asks, voice quiet. “I would’ve killed myself on those rocks swimming to their island but you dove into the ocean and pulled me out of their range, even though I was kicking and screaming at you to stop. We were thirteen.
“And remember in Mount St. Helen’s? I know you didn’t have a plan, but you made me get out anyway. You made sure that I was safe before even thinking about how you would survive.”
He feels her weight leave his shoulder then, glances over to see her sitting up and turning towards him, crossing her legs under her. The light of the full moon washes her in an ethereal glow, and her eyes are gleaming wide and bright as they lock onto his, pinning him in place. Annabeth is always beautiful, but when she’s determined – whether in battle or in convincing her boyfriend that he doesn’t deserve the pain he inflicts on himself – she has a face that could launch a thousand ships.
“And in Rome,” she says, her voice catching. “You wouldn’t let me face Tartarus unless we could face it together. I don’t know how many times you saved my life down there…” Percy sees her eyes begin to well with tears. “When we were fighting the arai…” She closes her eyes as a few tears escape them. Percy reaches forward and wipes a few away with his thumb. She opens her eyes into his again and gives him a small smile.
“My point is,” she continues, her voice thick. “Being a demigod is a high risk life that none of us asked for. An occupational hazard of us just being alive is death by monster attack. This is the first thing we learn when we find out who we are. All the friends we’ve lost over the years…they knew that too.
“And that doesn’t mean that their deaths were ok or justified or that we can forget about them, but I think that shouldering the burden of their deaths is stopping you from remembering the beauty of their lives. And it’s stopping you from remembering all the people who haven’t died because of you. Every single person in this camp owes their life to you, either directly or indirectly. Yes, a lot of people died on this day three years ago, but even more people were saved, and you had more to do with the last thing than the first.”
Percy’s getting teary again, but he doesn’t feel embarrassed this time. Annabeth shuffles closer to him on the sand and grabs both of his hands, squeezing them tightly, bringing them up and pressing her lips against them. “Percy Jackson, you have the purest heart of anyone I have ever met. It’s glaringly obvious to anyone who knows you – except yourself, apparently. I will spend the rest of my life trying to help you see it, but until then you’re just gonna have to trust me.”
Her face changes. It goes from open and pleading to playful, one eyebrow raised and a challenge in her eyes that makes his heart skip a beat, even when the rest of his system is in emotional overwhelm.
“Do you trust me, Percy?” Annabeth asks him.
He lets out a laugh, shaky from tears, and nods, “Yes, Annabeth. I trust you with my life.”
She beams at him, sitting up on her knees to bring her face closer to his, until it’s close enough that he can feel the warmth of her breath as she speaks, her eyes still locked onto his. “Then believe me when I tell you that you deserve forgiveness. And you need to give it to yourself.”
It’s too much. Percy swallows, jaw clenched and glances down. Annabeth releases one of his hands and grabs his chin, not letting him get away that easily.
“You. Deserve. Forgiveness. More than anyone in this world.”
He’s searching her eyes, frantically almost. It feels too easy. There has to be a catch.
“Ok?” Annabeth prompts, her voice still soft but firm, uncompromising.
He opens his mouth to speak but any words get caught in the knot at the base of his throat. Tears are leaking down his face and he can’t. He can’t. It can’t be that easy. It shouldn’t be.
Annabeth exhales, removing her hand from his chin and instead running it through his hair, stopping at the back of his head and bringing it forward until their foreheads touch. She doesn’t say anything else, just sits there with him.
With him, while he closes his eyes and thinks about the Minotaur choking his mom when he was twelve. Thinks about imaging Tyson drowning in the Sea of Monsters when he was thirteen. Thinks about losing Bianca di Angelo and Zoe Nightshade later that same year. He thinks about the campers that fell in the Battle of the Labyrinth whose names he didn’t know, and the campers that fell in the Battle of Manhattan whose names he made sure he did. He thinks of a Titan and a Giant at the Doors of Death, sacrificing themselves so that he and Annabeth could get to safety.
Percy sits on a beach at nineteen years old and thinks of all the death he’s seen in such a short time, all the death that’s been haunting him for years.
A cool breeze passes by him, coming from the water. As it brushes his skin, he comes back to the warmth of his best friend’s forehead pressed against his, her hands: one clutching his, the other tangled in his hair. He feels her soft exhale of breath and thinks about how she is alive, here, with him. Against all odds. He thinks of the campers asleep in the cabins just metres away: alive, here, with him. He thinks of his mom and Paul and Rachel, his friends from Camp Jupiter, all the people he cares about who are alive, here, with him. He thinks about the fact that they outnumber the dead, and realises he’s never really thought about that before.
Percy lifts his head and looks at Annabeth. She cups one side of his face with her hand, eyes still trained on his intently.
“I love you.” He says. “I’m so happy you’re alive.”
Her smile is small and bittersweet, her eyes wide grey pools of understanding.
“Me too,” is all she says.
It is enough.
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