#and i was like wow these sex scenes are so effective
seven-saffodils · 2 years
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star-hoon · 1 month
OBSESSED (p. sunghoon) — PART 2
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pairing: sunghoon x fem reader
includes/warnings (18+): best friend’s ex! au, SMUT (mdni), praise kink, dirty talk, unprotected sex (pls don't), ANGST, profanity, arguing, broken friendship (sorta)  (let me know if i missed anything!)
word count: 4.3k
synopsis: after sage catches you and sunghoon at the party, things change between all three of you. hidden emotions are unveiled and everyone does something they regret. the real question is...who?
author's note: omg thank you SO much to every person who read part 1! i'm so glad you guys liked it. this is dedicated to everyone who commented/requested for part 2 <3 you guys r all so sweet *hugs n squeezes*. pls look forward to my future works!
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“SUNGHOON?!” both you and the raven haired boy whipped your heads in direction of his name that didn’t even get the chance to leave his lips.
holy. fuck. it was sage.
the sound of red solo cup hitting the pavement seemed to echo despite the bass of the party still booming from the house with the silence that fell between all three of you.
you were an absolute deer-in-headlights taking her equally shocked and disgusted expression. she's never looked at you like that.
you and sunghoon instantly push off each other; you flattening down your skirt and he combed through his hair, as if that would help both of your situations right now.
you felt as if you had blood all over your hands at a crime scene. what the fuck?! out of all the boys on the damn planet it had to be him?!
sunghoon. sunghoon. you just made out with park sunghoon. SAGE'S park sunghoon. your best friend's ex.
his name and sage's expression replayed in your mind. you were so. screwed.
you could feel your heartbeat in your ears and it felt difficult to breathe. so much so, you barely heard sunghoon be the first to say something.
"s-sage? h-h-hey uh how have you been? shit that must have been awkward for you to have seen that. jake didn't tell me he invited you..."
sage completely ignored sunghoon's remark, tunnel visioning on you.
"you've GOT to be kidding me y/n..." she rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, slowly approaching you.
you felt like a child who had just been scolded. you wracked your brain for something to say, but nothing came out. despite how close you two were, sage always intimidated you. she could be stubborn and had a short temper, that thankfully you've learned to tame over the past year. but you knew this was beyond anything you could save yourself from.
"l-look sage i-i'm sorry okay, i can explain-"
"shit- wait you two know each other?!" sunghoon interjected. he had no idea what he just got himself into.
sage broke into laughter, clutching her stomach for dramatic effect. "wow this just got FUN didn't it?! let's play a little game. on the count of three, say how you know the person to your left. and it's okay if a word doesn't come to mind."
the last sentence clearly meant for sunghoon.
her tone of voice was honestly scaring you at this point, and you could sense that both you and her were internally reeling at the words that will be spoken into reality.
best friend. ex. .....
you just stood there frozen and sunghoon turned to you, seeing your mortified expression.
even though you and him just met, he already felt protective over you and with how psychotic his ex was acting...he knew things weren't right. he stepped slightly between you and sage, trying to guard you from her piercing gaze.
but she was one step ahead and moved even more to her left so she was still fully in your line of vision.
"what the fuck is going on sage? just answer the goddamn qu-"
sage cut sunghoon off once again, "3..2..1"
"best friend. ex. ....." you and sage responded in unison.
it was silent for just a moment, as you all stared at one another.
"well glad we got THAT out of the way, hope that answered your question hoonie-" you recoiled at her use of the nickname. she was bluffing and it just made you angry at this point.
"how the fuck was i supposed to know he's sunghoon?! i swear on my life you walked by right as i asked his name-" hot tears started to blur your vision.
people walking by were staring and whispering but you couldn't give less of a shit. she scoffed at what she only believed was an excuse.
"oh give. it. up. y/n! you know what, that's the problem with you. you ALWAYS act so innocent and like you're just the shy girl next door. i know you've always been jealous me. so much so you basically fucked my ex aka the first guy you saw at a party. who would have guessed how much of a slut you are."
tears started to run rampant down your cheeks. you couldn't believe sage would say all of this to you. is that how she really felt?
she walked up and leaned down to whisper something in your ear before walking off, the clicking sound of her heeled boots fading.
you just stood there and covered your face, the tears never stopping. you just couldn't look sunghoon or anyone in the eye after how embarrassed and humiliated you felt.
"hey hey... shhh baby it's okay" sunghoon removing your hands from your face, using his thumbs to gently wipe the ruined mascara from your cheeks. the pet name just rubbed salt in the wound.
he comforted you with soft kisses to your cheeks. he knew you weren't okay, how could you be after all of that? but he didn't quite know else to do or say in this situation.
you shoved him off of you. sage's whispered words ringing in your ears.
"i'm sorry sunghoon, i- i have to go. this was a total mistake-" your hiccuping voice barely getting the words out. you couldn't even look him in the eye and you just wanted to be anywhere else but there.
"wait y/n" he grabbed your wrist before you could run away from him. "look i get it if you never want to see me again after this, but the least i can do is give you a ride home."
your lip quivered as you stared up at him. the way he looked at you was so gentle, a stark contrast to how he looked at sage just a moment ago. it made your heart ache.
usually you would just brush off the offer but you were such a wreck, you knew you were in no state to make it home by yourself.
you just gave him a silent nod and you two walked to sunghoon's car in silence.
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the silence persisted throughout the drive, aside from sunghoon asking for your address. sunghoon knew better than to ask questions.
your mind was anything from quiet, sage's whispered words replaying in your mind like a broken record.
"enjoy my sloppy seconds y/n, oh yeah...remember how i told you he said i was the best he's ever had?"
the sound of sunghoon opening his car door being the only thing snapping you out of your daze. he circled the car and opened your door for you.
"it's pretty late so i'll walk you to your door?"
'what a gentlemen' you thought. you felt like you were cinderella and he was your prince. but this was no fairytale.
you walked up the stairs, sunghoon trailing behind you. you stared at the faded blue paint of your apartment and turned around to part ways with sunghoon.
"thanks uh- for the ride. i'm sorry the night turned out like this-"
"i'm sorry about what sage said to you. she was hella out of line calling you those things..." you cringed at the memory. "...but what was the last thing she said to you?" you knew he was referring to what she whispered to you before she walked off.
you could not look him in the eye and tell him.
"she just told me to never text her again" you were sure your performance was convincing.
"y/n, please. tell me what she said. i know sage. i don't know what your guys' friendship's like, but if it's anything like while her and i were dating, she chooses her words wisely. she knows exactly what to say—especially if it's to hurt you."
shit, he read you like a book. you knew sage too. and you knew she would never lie or keep a secret from you—what she said must have been true.
"don't worry, that's what she said to me, promise."
he could tell you were lying, but you've been through enough in one night—he didn't want to cause a fuss.
"okay, just making sure" he huffed out a defeated sigh. "like i said, i get it if you never want to see again. but here's my number. i live only about a 5 minute drive from here so just in case you need anything or if anything with sage comes up, just gimme a call."
you stared down at his phone, contemplating for a few moments, but you eventually comply. a faint smile creeps on sunghoon's lips.
"for what it's worth y/n...i don't think tonight was a mistake. you made that party a hell of a lot more fun..." he chuckled trying to lighten the mood.
you couldn't bring yourself to quite say the same to him, so you just gave him a soft smile.
"thanks again sunghoon, goodnight."
you entered you apartment and made your way to your couch. you laid down and the threw your arm over your face, feeling tears threatening to fall once again.
you just curled up and drifted off to sleep, not even bothering to change your clothes or get ready for bed.
the only thing keeping you from losing your mind was the thought of sleep.
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you woke up the next morning (much to your dismay) and barely made it through the day.
you and sage have never fought like this. you both swore to never let something as stupid as a boy get between you two. so many questions swirled in your head.
is that really how sage felt about you all this time?
you get why she's pissed, but is she not even willing to hear you out?
is she willing to let go of your guys' friendship that fast?
you filled your day cleaning your apartment and running way too many errands—being busy always helped you in times of stress. eventually the sun was setting through the blinds covering your bedroom window.
you had no idea how to handle this entire thing. and it was something you certainly didn't want to deal with alone.
you stare down at your phone biting the inside of your lip, your finger hovering over screen.
you knew this could make things that much more complicated, but you needed someone talk to.
calling 'park sunghoon'....
after a few rings, he finally picked up. your heart was beating out of your chest.
"hey, may i ask who's calling?"
"h-hi s-sunghoon, it's y'n"
there was a pause. you were cringing at yourself for stuttering so much, little did you know sunghoon was smiling like an idiot from the other end.
"hey y/n, didn't think you'd actually call...wait did something happen? did sage do anything to you?" concern suddenly lacing his tone.
"no not all. i was just calling to talk, i'm just super stressed about all of this..."
he let out sigh of relief, he thought you could have been hurt.
"aw i'm sorry, yeah that makes sense. did you want to talk in person? i can come over."
"yeah, that'd actually be great, thanks." you heard the sound of him picking up his keys.
"of course, i'll be there 5"
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you open your front door after hearing a few soft knocks. you couldn't help but bite your lip at the sight front of you.
sunghoon wore a black hoodie, gray sweatpants, and glasses. a simple outfit but oh was it effective. you had to refrain from jumping on him right then and there.
"h-hey, thanks for coming over. sorry it was so late minute. please come in" you stepping aside and guiding him inside your apartment.
"yeah no problem. no need to apologize y/n, i was the one who offered to talk in person"
you just let out a soft laugh in response, cringing at your over-apologetic tendencies.
sunghoon smiled quietly watched you, finding it absolutely adorable how cute you were trying to be a good host. despite him being the one asking to come over and you two doing not so innocent things just the previous night.
you sit next to sunghoon on the couch. he scanned around your apartment, taking in all of your cute decor and trinkets.
"your apartment is so...cute. never would have guessed based on how you were acting last night" he smirked, teasing you.
you felt flustered as you felt your cheeks heat up.
"oh thanks" you looked down at your feet feeling shy. "yeah honestly i never really do that kinda thing at parties but i don't know, guess last night was different".
different he thought.
he just hummed in acknowledgment as a comfortable silence fell between you. it felt as if you both sucked in a breath in unison.
he speaks first, "of course you can rant to me about however you're feeling, but after thinking it over, i don't think you're in the wrong here y/n."
"she's my best friend sunghoon. and you're her ex boyfriend. is that not the first rule of girl code? i'm sure same thing applies to guys."
"okay sure i guess..." he licks his lips as he contemplates his next words "but sage and i broke up over a year ago. whatever we had, it's long gone. and unless she has lingering feelings for me, which i can tell she certainly doesn't, she should be more mature about this"
you nod silently, agree with everything he was saying.
"...and i know you were telling the truth when you told you had no idea it was me. because she quite literally was passing by as you asked for my name. so i genuinely think you did nothing wrong here"
"yeah that's true i guess" there's a pause as you take in his words.
"can i tell you what sage actually said to me last night?" you felt comfortable enough with him now to tell him and now were just more curious more than anything if what sage said was true.
"sage told me that you said she was the best you've ever had and i can enjoy her 'sloppy seconds'" you air-quoted the last two words with your fingers.
sunghoon's silence made your heart pound even faster. was it actually true? if so, this just made you even more embarrassed.
he eventually just scoffed which turned into a breathy laugh.
"oh man, sage sure is funny." he shakes his head at what you assume is disbelief. "i'm not sure if she got me mixed up with another park sunghoon, but i never said that."
you felt a huge weight was taken off your chest. sunghoon caught your sigh of relief.
"i'll be honest though, sage and i dated for a good amount of time, but i mean clearly we broke up for a reason. and i cannot stress enough that i do not have feelings for her at all. especially not after meeting you."
he puts his large palm on your knee, rubbing it soothingly.
you look down at the comforting gesture, a single tear falls down onto the back of his hand.
what the hell, why were you crying? sure, you were stressed about the situation but you didn't think it made upset enough to make you cry.
you had been beating yourself up about all of this since sage said those harsh words to you. you had started to believe that maybe what she said was true and that an ordinary girl like you had no business with a guy as like sunghoon. feelings of embarrassment, frustration, and guilt were eating you alive.
but after hearing sunghoon be in your corner, him saying you did nothing wrong, and finding out sage made up what she said somehow made you feel forgiven.
the small salty puddle on sunghoon's hand surprised you just as much as it did him.
he turns to meet your eyes, making you look at him "hey, what's wrong?" he pouts at your misty eyes, wiping the second stray tear before it could fall on your cheek.
"i-i'm sorry i don't even know why i'm crying. this whole thing was taking a bigger toll on me than i thought. just thank yo-"
he couldn't resist and crashes his lips into yours. his hand coming cradle the side of your face.
you let out a noise of surprise, not expecting him to kiss you so suddenly. you surrendered to him quickly though, not realizing how much you missed the taste of his lips. he deepend the kiss, his hand creeping up to thread through the hair at your nape neck, pulling slightly.
you let out a soft moan at the feeling, your parted lips leaving the perfect opportunity for him to slip is tongue into your mouth.
the sound of your lips smacking and heavy breathing filled the room. the heavy makeout eventually left you breathless. he pulled away but you still chased his lips.
he rested his forehead against yours signaling you he needed a breather. the eye contact and tension felt suffocating—the way you looked at him made his heart burst. your eyes were shiny were so shiny and wide, anticipating his next move. your cheeks flushed and lips slightly parted. your tank top and cotton shorts made his mind run wild. but he wanted to explore what was underneath.
he reached to remove your tank top and bra, and your shorts not long after leaving you in just your panties. he took off his shirt and hoodie, leaving him in just his sweats. the sight alone made you soaked through your panties.
he took in the sight on your almost bare figure on top of his, reaching to grope and feel your body. he attached his lips to your neck, sucking and biting the same sensitive spots he remembered from last night "you drive me fucking crazy y/n" he whispered against your skin.
his lips wandered down from your neck to your chest eventually taking a nipple into his mouth, the feeling of his hot tongue driving your desire for even into oblivion. he made sure to attend to the other one by pinching it with his other hand.
"f-fuck s-sunghoon..."
you began to grind on him, feeling his dick already hard through his sweatpants. his veiny hands wandered to the flesh of your outer thighs and hips, gripping your skin tightly savoring the feeling of your skin against his.
you pressed harder against him, finding the right rhythm of your hips on his, making him throw his head back, his eyes rolling slightly. the delicious sensation of your grinding his boner making him bite his lip staring at you. he crossed his arms behind his head, making his defined muscular arms even more prominent in the dim lighting of the room.
"yeah, grind on that dick baby, feel how hard i am for you?... see what you do to me?" his voice lower than normal, laced with nothing but lust.
"p-please..." you whined, his words making you work your hips even more fervently against his.
understanding your plea, he guided your back to lay flat on the couch climbing on top you, his arms on both sides of your head. the cold metal his delicate silver chain grazed the skin of your chest and neck, contrasting your hot skin.
you pulled him by the chain to kiss you again, your hands feeling his chest and biceps. his hands felt up your body once again, taking in every curve and dip from your breast to your hips, eventually playing with the hem on your panties.
"may i, sweetheart?" god, was he trying to make you fall in love with him?
you gave him a nod biting your lip. he slowly pulled your lace panties down your legs, creating a string of sticky arousal. you had never been so turned on in your life.
his fingertips ghosting the skin of your thighs, eyeing your bare body under his. you started to suddenly feel shy under his intense gaze, hiding your face in your arm and closing your thighs.
he gently pulled your arm away and tapped your knees to part your legs.
"don't hide baby, i wanna see your face, you're so beautiful...fuck you're so wet... all for me?"
"mhm...all for you- oh fuck" you breathily moaned as his fingers circled your clit, spreading your arousal. the feeling of his fingertips alone had your head spinning. he slowly inserted his fingers into your core, your walls sucking them in.
"jesus princess, you're so tight" he groaned as thrusts his fingers languidly, your juices starting to drip onto his palm. the squelching noise echoed in the room as you squirmed beneath him.
with the way that your back was arching and your walls clenching around him, he knew you were close. "you close sweetheart? wanna come all over my fingers?"
"fuck, yes please! your fingers feel so good. i- i wanna come" you whined desperately. his fingers speeding up as his thumb expertly rubbed your clit.
"such a good girl. come for me" a few more rubs from his fingers as your walls spasmed around him.
when he finally pulled his fingers out, you whined at the suddenly empty feeling. he kissed you once again, finding you all too adorable. "you did so good for me baby, ready for my dick?"
"please sunghoon, i need you" he pulled away taking off his sweats and boxers. the sight of his perfect cock made your mouth water: it was so hard, veiny, and red. his size making you question if he would fit in you.
he quickly climbed on top of you again, giving your cheek and neck light kisses while rubbing his cock through your folds, wetting his dick. when his tip grazed your clit you couldn't help but mewl at the feeling, your hands threading through his hair.
"fuck, please put in" you begged shamelessly. he bottomed out inside of you, biting his lip as your eyes rolled to the back of your head. he let you adjust to his size before thrusting slowly but deeply.
"s-shit you're so fucking tight y/n fuck" he groaned into your neck, leaving love bites. his could feel every vein of his dick and the fullness felt so good. so right.
his hands wandered to the small of your back, making you arch into him making him hit your g-spot. you nearly screamed into his neck at the feeling. his rhythm started to falter, your kisses getting messier and you were nearing your highs.
"s-sunghoon, please i'm c-close" you said in between whines and moans.
"fuck, me too sweetheart" he has never finished so damn fast during sex before but your pussy felt like it was made for him. he rubbed your clit once again, wanting nothing more than to give you the most pleasure possible.
"come on, be a good girl and come for me. cream all over my cock baby... you're better than she ever was". his words making the knot snap in your build up of euphoria. you moaned loudly a mixture of curses and his name, waves of pleasure washing over you.
sunghoon finished not long after, pulling out and fisting his dick to cum all over your stomach and thighs—making you his. he looked down at the sight beneath him and he never wanted to look away.
your head thrown back and jaw slack, your cheeks still flushed. your heavy breathing and still sensitive body twitching. he rubbed your clit to prolong your high until you pushed his hand away, feeling overstimulated.
sunghoon leaned down to give soft kisses to your lips and forehead, before running to the kitchen to grab a paper towel wet with some warm water to clean you up.
the way was gently wiping your skin, leaving kisses here and there made your heart ache.
"hoon..." his eyes immediately meeting yours at the pet name, his heart skipping a beat. "...can you stay the night?"
he smiled and pecked your lips, "i thought you'd never ask"
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sage eventually reached out to you 2 weeks after jake's party and you two made amends. she apologized for what she said and acknowledged that things will probably never be the same with you two, but still wishes you and sunghoon the best.
"so, how did the call with sage go?" sunghoon asked from your kitchen, pouring himself a cup of coffee. you and sunghoon continued to hangout almost every day since that first night, and the more you go to know him, the harder you fell.
you two started to grow so close that could tell what he was thinking and he didn't even have to say anything.
"well, things for sure will never be the same between us that's for sure, but i think we both got closure from all of this." you said with a sigh.
he walked over to you silently, his hair down and slightly messy from sleep. his fingers fidgeted around the coffee mug and his lips smacking together making the 'tsk' they always do when he's about to say something but holds back.
"did you wanna tell me something?" you gestured him to come closer to you. you put your hands around his neck and he put his around your waist. you leaned your forehead up to his and his lips quirked up on the side.
"y/n, will you go on a date with me?" you couldn't hold back a smile as you kissed him passionately.
who would have guessed you could be so obsessed with your best friend's ex?
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taglist:  @luv-jungwon106 @gudkc @gyuoonz
ramblings: literally had a fever writing the second half lol pls tell me if this is bad bc i cannot even tell also this is my first time writing smut so i apologize if it just wasn't smexy at all ahHH
+ (also sage is actively the worst in this part lol, she is saur annoying and lowkey crazy)
thank you so much for reading, please let me know what you think <3
reblogs, likes, & comments are always appreciated!!
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kaivenom · 23 days
Hey may I request a spider x fem reader where it's the map scene and I said something bad about the reader ( u can make it up ) and she has atusim like quinn and the reader runs away with quinn and Darren chasing after her and neither one can make her not cry anymore so they go to spider as he's the only one they know that can make calm down as he has a big soft spot for her like he has for ant please
In need for comfort
Summary: when the map is discovered, the actual girfriend of your ex tried to make you feel bad about it. Not knowing how to handle it, you run away from everyone, until some blonde appears.
Pairing: Spencer "Spider" White x autistic!reader
Warnings: sexual themes, mention of previous smut, mean people.
A/N: i will try to write an "autistic" reader but i don't know if i will do it well so please be kind. I will guide myself by Quinni's behaviour on some scenes.
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Five minutes ago someone screamed about some incest map and everyone started a crazy race to see what was going on, you and your friends included. Once you get there, you discovered a wall full on names and connected with lines that defined the sexual act the two persons did. Fast enough you searched for your name, discovering it's only connected with one person. You sighted with relief knowing nobody speculates about your secret relationship with Spider.
The only person they connected you with was your ex-boyfriend. The gold line of sex and the green line of... your heart skipped a beat and you couldn't catch a breath, pressure on your chest building up. The green line is for anal, your cheeks are burning from embarrasment. Everyone is laughing, you don't know about who but it feels like it's about you.
"Wow, it looks like someone it's a little slut," you can't think straight, your vision starting to blurr as you look to the wall.
The voice that sounded on the background sounded like the new girlfriend of your ex, this can't be worse. The attetion it's starting to get officially into you.
"So, you let my boyfriend enter the back door." her voice sounded closer every second. "what a fucking slut, maybe that's why he dumped you." You feel like floating, expecting to fall every moment now, not being able to continue listening to the girl, which is closer every second.
People are around moving like ghosts to you. The air is escaping and entering your lungs faster that you can asimilate, it feels like you are about to fade out while the blood rushes at high speed thru your ears.
"(Y/N)," Darren's voice sounded distant.
You don't knwo how to handle breathing, seeing or feeling anymore, your legs started moving without warning, trying to get you out of there as faster as possible. Darren and Quinn's voice following you from behind, but you don't care, you only want to run from everyone.
You get to a hidden spot, nearby some trees. Your friends got there not so long before you, keeping the distance as you place your back on the wall trying to catch your breath. Uncontrollably, you started shaking your hands and moving you head in a poor attempt to shake everyhing outside your body.
"(Y/N)," there it is, Darren's voice again, you aren't able to speak now and they know.
Movemment around you, they left you alone?, that's strange, that's sad, you started to cry again, remembering all the people that left you because you were to "strange or "difficult to treat". You never expected that from Darren since they already had Quinn as a friend.
"Here she is, i can't do anything, she is not respondind, please, do something."
Darren's voice appeared on screen but with someone new, a familiar shadow formed in front of you. It's not touching you but somehow, it has a little calming effect on you, it's Spider.
"I don't know what to do, this is not my strong point, tell me what you need." you denied with your head, unable to speak, only going back to the wall.
He got next to you, but instead of hugging you, Spider sat on the bench next to both. You didn't even realized it was there, now you know you let your legs fade out and sit abruptly on the bench with him. Suddently, your favourite song started to sound on the background, apparently Spider put it on with his phone.
Your breath finally started to calm down a little, but your heart still races to fast for your pleassure. An object got in your view, an anti estress ball. You took it between your hands, brushing slightly Spider's hands in the process. Your fingers finally stopping to move around uncontrollably as you feel how wet your cheeks are from crying.
You didn't felt all that things before, but it's a good thing you are feeling them now, it's a sign that you are regaining control. You don't know how much time has passed, but the song played all the time and Spider didn't left your side.
"Are you better now?" his voice sounded more clear that has been the previous four times he asked you, maybe you are prepaerd to answer now.
"I think ... yes." the words are difficult to get out of your mouth.
His figure moved closer, sliding himself next to you, now your shoulders touching slightly. His hand moved slowly to your thight, which makes you shiver for a moment. HIs fingers don't stop moving to your leg, they only slow down, just to make time for you to adapt.
Now his touch is firm, moving up and down with confidence, making you feel better every second he is close to you. Finally, you found the courage to look at him, a smile forming on his lips seeing you finally.
"I am glad i didn't make you feel worse."
"I think... you would do that." speaking to him is still a little difficult.
He extended his hand to interlock your fingers together, kissing your knuckles in the most gentle way. You couldn't help but smile and giggle, now you kiss his cheek making him blush.
"At least they didn't catch us." you let out a small laugh.
"Yeah, you're right."
"And don't worry, i won't leave you like that idiot, i think you aren't too much... you are just the perfect amount to me."
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bearhugsandshrugs · 3 months
@houseofhopeofficial here. You said bottom gortash and I came running like you sounded the dinner bell. Maybe gortash trussed up like a turkey as a present for Tav? A reward for them for a job well done? Not sure who tied gort up, maybe got someone to do it for him or maybe bane took acception to something gortash did. Reward for Tav and punishment for gortash all in one. Very effective if you ask me XD
Sex and Power - Sub!Gortash x Tav
Oh hey @houseofhopeofficial I didn't forget this. I just needed a bit of inspiration. Bratty sub (and bottom) Gorty under the cut. If people want more of this, I might to a part 2. Let's see :)
Gortash/Tav, Explicit | Read on AO3 Rope bondage, boot worship, slapping, clit warming (inspired by this, that @tripleyeeet shared on discord the other day), oral sex (fem receiving), squirting, light dubcon
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Gortash had always been a fool. His boundless ambition and his smug attitude had prevented him from seeing what was happening right under his nose: A rebellion, led by the Banites, displeased with his efforts in bringing the Hero of Baldur's Gate to heel.
They'd laced his drink with a sleeping agent, then moved him to a secluded oom in Wyrm's Rock fortress, naked and tied up, and invited Tav to dish out his punishment. Gortash barely had opened his eyes when Tav was already walking in, her ass swaying with amusement as she took in the scene unfolding in the room.
Gortash's hands were bound behind his back, he had been forced to his knees, and something held him in place, the constraints connecting to a beam on the ceiling. His cock was swinging heavily between his spread out legs, and the hair on his chest rose softly from a light, chill breeze that washed through the room from an opened window.
"Wow", Tav chuckled as she strolled up next to him, her eyes falling lazily over his entire body and back up to his face, "You must be an even worse leader than a Banite if this is what they're doing to you."
"I will enjoy hanging all of your corpses from the ceiling", Gortash grunted, but there was a slight waver in his voice that hinted at doubts beyond his pretenses.
"Cute", Tav smirked, unimpressed by his dramatics. She started pacing slowly in front of him, marveling at the rope work. "You know I've cleared my whole schedule for this. I kept thinking: What could I possibly do to teach Lord Enver Gortash a lesson?” She paused for dramatic effect, but Gortash just rolled his eyes. “And then, it hit me: Submission.”
“You’re mad if you think I’m going to submit to you”, he scoffed, but Tav held his gaze. 
“Oh I think you will”, she said firmly, “And you will like it.” 
There was a flicker of interest in his eyes in response to that, and it didn’t go unnoticed. But he wasn’t to give in to her yet. Not so easily. 
“You’re a fool”, he huffed out, holding his head up high with pride, but Tav just smirked. When he followed her gaze down between his legs, he saw that his body was beginning to betray him; his cock half-hard between his thighs. Gortash groaned. 
“And you’re a terrible liar”, she quipped back, loosened the end of the ropes that kept him upright, and then pressed her boot against his chest until he fell backwards, his core unable to withstand the continued and increased pressure. He landed on his tied back arms, his legs sprawled out to the sides, and shifted uncomfortably. “However, you do look good on your back.”
“Is all of this leading somewhere?”, Gortash spat out, trying unsuccessfully to sit up, but Tav kept her boot pressed down on his chest. 
“I think a little gratitude is in order”, she sighed dramatically, “considering I am punishing you like this, and not by spilling your guts on the floor.” 
He didn’t reply, so she brought the sole of her boot to his face, hovering it above his mouth. “Kiss it”, she demanded, watching his eyes widen in outrage, then narrow in disbelief. 
“Fuck you”, Gortash grunted out, much to Tav’s amusement. She moved her foot away and pulled at the rope, lifting his body back up to his groans. He was like a doll to her. Tav walked over to tighten the bindings so he wouldn’t flop over, then made her way back to him.
The slap echoed so loudly through the vast halls that she was surprised at how much noise the flat smack against his skin could make. Gortash groaned involuntarily, opening his mouth to breathe, and that’s when she slapped him again. His cheek was burning red, and he moved his jaw stretching out his facial muscles in pain.
“Let’s try this again”, Tav said cheerfully, loosened the rope and watched him topple over to the side. She pushed against his body until he was lying flat on his back, then brought her boot back to his face. 
“Kiss it”, she demanded. There was a hint of a smirk on his lips as he pursed them together, lifting his head so he could press them against the sole. “Now, was that so hard?”, Tav chuckled. 
“You have the Archduke of Baldur’s Gate at your command and you’re playing games… weak”, he muttered, shaking his head. He sounded offended. 
“Wrong”, Tav said flatly, taking off her boots, socks, and trousers until she stood above him in her shirt and panties. “You’re the one who’s weak. Not long until you’ll beg me for more.” She lowered herself down until she was sitting on the backs of her feet next to his shoulders and neck, then brought her core to his mouth, her clit brushing lightly against his nose. Gortash let out a muffled sound of protest, or maybe delight, but it didn’t matter to her. She let her weight fall back onto her feet and legs, gently resting her folds on his lips with his nose not able to do anything but breathe in her scent.
He felt good against her core. She wanted little more than to push her panties to the side and demand that his mouth devour her, but that wasn’t the game. No, Tav had planned something else. Something that would hopefully break away that first layer of pretense.
“What are you doing?”, Gortash asked, his lips moving against her cunt, brushing over the thin fabric. Tav didn’t reply. She sat there, patiently, indulging in the way his warm breath dampened the exposed parts of her skin. 
It didn’t take long until she was wet, her juices slowly soaking into her underwear. Gortash could probably taste her already, but if he could, he didn’t say. Instead he was lying there, unmoving, still resisting, still stubborn. His lips were pressed into a thin line, and when Tav looked down she met his gaze, staring up at her in defiance.
And then he made a mistake.
He wetted his lips. His tongue brushed against her panties, and a soft groan escaped his throat. For a few moments neither of them dared to breathe, the tension between them a silent battle. One that he ultimately lost: His eyes fell closed as he pushed his tongue against the fabric covering her folds, tentatively, carefully at first, then more and more demanding. Gortash breathed in deeply as his lips pulled at the panties and her labia, and when he started to move his head, trying to push her underwear to the side for better access, Tav’s hips started to move in sync. He groaned, louder this time, and he looked like an animal waiting to tear at her with his mouth parted, half covered by her body. 
Without saying a word she reached down, pulled the fabric to the left, then sank down on his mouth again that was already waiting to meet her. His tongue lapped broadly at her folds, licking long streaks over her wetness, circling her clit, and Tav moaned out when he nuzzled his face into her cunt. His nose was glistening when he pulled away to rearrange himself, and soon her juices smeared over his chin and mouth. 
Gortash was good with his tongue, even better than he was at spinning lies. Tav felt her body climb higher and higher, her waist rolling into him greedier and greedier with each passing moment. Her hands flew up to cup her breasts through her shirt, and when Gortash glanced up, alerted by the shuffling fabric, he moaned into her folds. His deep voice vibrated against her clit, luring out a new set of pleasured sounds from her. 
His tongue circled her clit with expert precision, having found exactly the rhythm that made her pant. A few more strokes…–
Tav came, gushing out spurts of wetness against his face as her cunt clenched around nothing, stimulated solely by his mouth on her folds. “Fuck”, Gortash groaned loudly when the first splashes hit his chin, and he licked her clean first before his tongue lapped at the skin around his mouth, gathering as much of her taste as he could.
“Fuck indeed”, Tav breathed out, feeling a bit dizzy as she lifted herself off of him. Standing up she pulled down her underwear, now completely wet and soaked, before taking in the way Gortash was lying on his back.
His legs had fallen open to the sides again, his balls swollen and resting heavily between his thighs while his cock stood fully erect, precum having leaked out of his slit already. Face flushed, his cheeks and throat looked damp, and sweat was glistening on his chest and temples. 
“Good boy”, Tav praised, making her way over to pull him upright again by the ropes, and she heard him huff out a laugh in response. “Didn’t even need to tell you what to do.”
“If you wanted me to fuck you, all you had to do was ask”, he grunted, rubbing his hands against what part of his tender arms he could find behind his back. “No need for all these dramatics.”
Tav laughed. “Oh Enver.” He raised an eyebrow at the use of his first name. “This isn’t about sex at all. Don’t you understand?” 
She kneeled down in front of him so that she was on eye level, and cupped his face with both hands. He stared at her, still spiteful, still stubborn, but also intrigued. He wasn’t even half as good at hiding his emotions as he probably thought. 
“Then what is this?”, he eventually took the bait.
Tav pressed her mouth onto his, pushing her tongue in to meet his in a deep and passionate kiss. She could taste herself on him, and her clit twitched thinking about the way he’d laid there, forced to taste her, forced to want her, until he had succumbed to his primal instincts.
Pulling away from him, she smirked. “My sweet boy”, she cooed, licking the outline of his lips. “This isn’t about sex. This is about power.”
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122 notes · View notes
octoberautumnbox · 2 months
Discordant Waltz: Adrenaline (DLC Ver.)
Oh Sieun (Former IZ*ONE/Soloist Jo Yuri) & Male Reader
Categories/warnings: smut, clothed sex, oral, feet!, friends with benefits, doggystyle
Word count: 4.9k
| Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 (coming soon)
a/n: this is the alternate version with two added feet scenes! special thanks to @i-am-lifeform24 and @sooyadelicacies for tips on how to write this, and to @sumirhatos for beta reading~
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“I don’t care where you are or what the fuck you’ve been doing this entire time. Just please come to the convenience store by the river and meet me.” Sieun's voice, you're sure it's Sieun's voice, is mixed with a garbled tone through the phone.
“Okay, but-” And the line cuts. You shuffle your cellphone defeatedly back into your pocket and start towards your newly-mandated meeting place. 
You’ve only begun putting two and two together: The person you were just with wasn’t Sieun, even though she looks exactly like her. That person wasn’t like Sieun at all, especially not in the way the two of you had sex. It was so different, and the nagging feeling in the back of your head that something was wrong only grows clearer. 
A blaring horn unfreezes you from the middle of the street. You step out of the way and onto the sidewalk, and the truck’s irate driver brings the hulking machine past your point in the road. You watch it drive off, leaving a cloud of dust behind its wheels, and for what seems like a minuscule amount of time, you unfreeze yourself off once more from staring at the now-settled dust on the asphalt.
It dawns on you: you’ve slept with the wrong woman. It wasn’t your Sieun you just had sex with. The girl you just fucked wasn’t the girl you were supposed to fuck. But no matter how you say it, no matter how many times you think it in your head, it just doesn’t make sense. How could that not have been Sieun?
The walk back towards the convenience store by the river is slow and quiet, but your mind races with these thoughts, calling for just more and more of your brainpower to stay conscious and on track towards your meeting place. Even though you’re sure the initial confusion has subsided, the effect still settles deep within every bone of your body: you fucked another woman besides Sieun.
Before you know it, your feet bring you to the convenience store by the river. Sieun’s eyes meet yours from inside through the window, and she motions you to come in faster. You pull the door open and a cool blast of air hits your face, and Sieun pulls you into the seat beside her.
She fights the noodles down her throat, and after a quick gasp, she starts: “Apologize for missing my calls later. Lemme finish this first, then we go over to your house.” She downs a swig of Mountain Dew and fights back the stinging acid running down her throat. 
“My house? But-” she interrupts by bringing a chopstick to your lips. She sucks in air through her teeth, and finally goes back for more of her ramyeon. You note it’s the spicy kind as the heat coats your lips where her chopsticks touched.
“Please shut up while I’m eating. I’ll explain later.” She flashes you the dorky kind of smile that could nevertheless kill and returns to her ramyeon, paying you no further mind. 
Despite being over budget, you pick out another six-pack of beer for the two of you and bring it to the registers. She eyes you from her seat by the window and gives you a thumbs up from there. You sigh and wonder how you landed someone as great as her. If only…
“Wow, nice place.” Sieun's eyes roam across your living room, from your sofa, to the TV, to the coffee table with its remote and mug filled with cold tea from this morning. “Quaint. I like it.
“ What the fuck does ‘quaint’ mean, Oh Sieun?” you tease. Bring an arm around her shoulder and pull her close, plant a kiss on her cheek.
“It just means quaint,” she sighs casually, leaning into your embrace, “no more, no less.”
Both of you take off your shoes and make your way to the sofa. You place the six-pack of beer on the coffee table as Sieun bounces on a sofa cushion, evidently having a good time. You shoot her a look, and you're stopped in your tracks by how her hair falls unerringly into place like it does. She smiles at you again, but you take a seat on the floor in front of her.
“What are you doing down there?” Her giggle rings clear as day as she says it. She picks up a can of beer and pulls on the tab, releasing carbon dioxide in a melodious fizz that eases the tension around you: tension you didn't know was there.
She hands you the beer and you take it carefully, for some reason trying not to mess up whatever it is your body is planning to do next. You feel the cold floor tiles against the palm of your hand, not nearly as cold as the beer in the other, before giving up on both and focusing on the imminent warmth that is Sieun's feet. 
Set the beer down and grasp her soles through her cobalt blue socks. Find her muscles, tendons and nerves as you push and squeeze around her delicate feet. Wring out strangled sighs and shushed whimpers from Sieun’s lips.
“What the fuck are you doing…” Her breath hitches before continuing on unsteadily. She unravels, thread by thread, under the changing and shifting pressures you apply on her soles and toes, confusion vying to bubble up to the front of her mind but ultimately getting pushed back down by the attention you give her. 
“What’s gotten into you, babe?” She giggles more as you manipulate her body the way you like, and yet you’re pulled into her intensifying orbit. Your… friend… leans forward and takes your cheeks in her hands. She pulls you towards her and kisses you, nibbling your lower lip at every careful squeeze you apply on her foot. Her tongue tries to push past your teeth, and for the first time in a long time, you find yourself hesitant.
“You… must be tired today. I thought I’d be nice.” You try to hide the uncertainty in your voice, choosing to divert her attention elsewhere. You strip her of her socks and toss them in the general direction of your shoes. Continue to rub her feet, and she pulls you in for another kiss.
This time, you accept. Her tongue slips past your teeth and you meet it with yours, swirling around each other as more of her sultry gasps drift out of her mouth. Sieun pulls you even closer, trying to take in more of you, before she runs out of breath and has to break away. 
“Whew, that was hot,” your friend sighs as she leans back onto the backrest and breathes deep. Her head lolls back and she stares idly at the ceiling as she tries to catch her breath. “Where’d you learn that, huh, stud?” 
Ignoring her, you continue to massage her. Moving from her soles and toes to the balls of her feet, your hands make their way to her heels, then her ankles, and up to her calves. 
"Oh, I love how you think, babe." Your hands crawl up her smooth and creamy legs, and she flashes you a smirk. Sieun relaxes with a deep sigh and her eyes shut. Your friend's naughty smile is unsteady on her lips, victim to your sensual assault on her legs.
Stop momentarily, take a beer can from the table. You pull on the tab and release its own pent-up fizz and hand it to her, casually yet carefully. "Take a sip, baby. Let me take care of you."
She receives it with a tiny "thank you" and takes a sip. As you return to her massage, you watch her lips curl around the rim of the can, arousal growing as her tongue wipes over and collects the fluid left behind.
Your hands reach her hips and you grip resolutely. It catches her mid-sip, and it forces her to keep the beer in her mouth for a little while longer. Then, she makes a show of swallowing slowly and licking her lips after once more. 
You slip your fingers under the waistband of her PE pants and pull down. With a little help from your friend lifting her hips off the couch, you successfully peel it all off of her smooth legs. She spreads them for you and you’re met with a pair of blue lace panties covering her crotch. The sight of them sends even more blood rushing into your dick, and your self-control dwindles in the face of her needy whines.
“I picked out a cute pair for you today… You like?” Sieun brings her knees up to her chest, letting her feet dangle in the air. She hooks her arms under her legs and starts biting her finger enticingly, communicating what she wants you to do next.
Remember the comfort that is Oh Sieun, how you just get each other so well, how there’s next to no guesswork when it comes to her. You pull her panties to the side, revealing a drenched pussy in need of some love. The sensation of the fabric leaving her core is exhilarating for her, but nothing excites her more compared to what’s coming. She braces herself as you bring your face closer, and finally you drag your tongue up against her clit.
You pepper kisses all over her crotch in between long drags between her puffy lips and dripping cunt. "Mmm, babe…" She leaks more in response, torn between wanting you to go faster and harder or slower and softer, bucking her hips but changing her mind. Her sweet nectar intoxicates you like a love potion, wanting more of it, more of her, that you tighten your grip on her waist and hold her steady to lap up more of her essence. The feeling of your hands imprinting on her sides drives her closer to the edge, and her moans grow in volume and intensity as you continue the hard, hard work of loving her to death.
“Stop… No, not yet… I’m really close, babe,” she whines powerlessly, not knowing the effect it has on you. “Please come up here, I need you…” She unhooks her arms from her legs and draws them outstretched to receive you. In return, you stand over her and make quick work of your belt. She takes the initiative of pulling down your pants once free, and your friend’s delicate fingers grasp your already rock-hard cock to stroke and marvel at.
“You want this, baby?” Your cock twitches between her fingers, telling her wordlessly that you want her just as bad. With Sieun, there’s no need to thrust into her hands: she knows you so well, she’s so devoted to your cock that she learned for herself how best to service you.
“Yes, please…” She brings it down and right against her fuckhole. She teases herself with it; it’s all she could do when you loom over her with authority. She rubs your head on her clit, showing you just how ready she is for you, before tracing the lips of her pussy and smearing her slick all over your tip. “Can I please have it?” 
“Do what you have to do,” you command, and she heaves a sigh of arousal before doing her best job. Her hand slithers under her jacket and most probably under her bra again to pull out another condom. She tears it open with her teeth and, this time, places it on her lips. Sieun guides the rubber onto your tip and unrolls it onto your length using only her mouth, taking in more of your shaft as she does. She barely makes it all the way to your base, but a sudden bout of impatience hits her and she plunges herself onto you, taking you all the way and causing her to gag. You feel some of her spit drip onto your calf, so you stroke her hair and let her breathe. 
“You’re adorable, you know that? Taking my dick like such a good girl…” Grab a fistful of her hair and slowly pull her off your cock, letting more of her spit fall from her lips to wherever. Her eyes are shut and tears form in the corners, but she doesn’t wipe them away. 
You retake your place on the floor between her legs and point your attention back to her feet. You pick up her left foot and place a kiss on her big toe, causing her to moan long and deep. You continue moving, kissing her sole and the ball of her foot, and her toes flex in response to the pleasure. Finally, you take her other foot and suck on her toes, one by one, making sure to coat each one in your spit. 
“Mmmh, please, more…” Your friend tries to push for more contact between your tongue and her toes, but you force her back under control. Bite down, hard, onto her pinky toe. Sh whimpers and ultimately submits.
“Behave, baby.” Your speech slurs as your tongue laps at every single crease and crevice you could find, never giving her a chance to catch her breath. It drives Sieun wild, and her pussy leaks even more of her slick onto the cushion she’s sitting on, and you find that she’s pushed a couple of her fingers into her needy cunt. Despite this, you pay her no mind and keep licking her sole and nibbling on her toes. Your mouth fills with the salty taste of her feet, and suddenly stopping is the most difficult thing in the world.
“Fuck, please… Shit!” She accidentally shoves more of her foot into your mouth, assaulting your tastebuds with her delicious musk. It’s overwhelming how good every part of her tastes, but you manage to regain control of yourself. Her toes are peppered with more small pecks that only cause her to leak more of her essence on her inner thighs and cushion. 
“I can’t take it anymore… I need your cock, please!!!” She spreads her pussy lips to show you just how drenched she is. Her juices glisten all over her crotch and thighs, and her fingers tracing her fuckhole make her cunt quiver in anticipation for the pleasure you’ll bring. It’s enough to snap your attention right away to the task at hand.
You plant your hands on either side of her head on the backrest, still looming over her. She takes your cock in her hands again and aims it at her waiting entrance with a needy look in her eyes. “I can’t wait anymore, please?” 
Of course you indulge her. Enter her heat carefully, feel her walls make way for your length. Her mouth forms an “o” as you push yourself further and further into your friend’s core, rubbing against all her good spots, drawing out gasps and little moans from her.
“Babe, your thick cock is so good, please…” Her legs twitch when you hit certain points, letting you know exactly how she likes it. Her toes curl with pleasure as she welcomes you deeper into her sex, just as she searches for your lips to steal kisses from in spite of her eyes that won’t open.
You pick up the pace, spearing into her core faster and faster, as her grip on your shoulders tightens with each of your thrusts. Her forehead starts to form small beads of sweat, as do her forearms and the insides of her thighs. She’s getting restless again, squirming under you as you fuck her, and you place your hands on her hips again to keep her steady, the naughty girl. 
“Fuck, babe, please… Please!” She places her hand on the back of your neck to keep you close. Her eyes finally open and you see the fire within her pupils just begging to be doused. You can do nothing else but indulge her, and your friend grows wetter and tighter to accommodate her favorite cock. It only spurs you on further with how pliant, how willing Sieun is. Was she always like this?
On the other end of your mind, a gruesome memory resurfaces. Who was that girl? Why did she look exactly like Sieun? What was she doing in her house?
She pulls you in and captures your lips with hers. Your friend nibbles and licks and grunts throughout the kiss, aligned with every single one of your thrusts into her needy core, all the while trying to hold you tighter so she never lets you go. 
Why did she let you in like that? Why did she let you kiss her then? Why is she letting you kiss her now?
“Fuck… Fucking shit! You feel so good inside me, please!!!” Her screams of pleasure snap you awake, and you’re met with the visual of Oh Sieun, your friend, staring blankly into your eyes as you use her tight little fuckhole mercilessly. Her tongue hangs out her mouth and drops of saliva leak down to her chin and onto her jacket. “Please… please babe, I need more…”
You get the message and give her what she wants. Pull out, only for a moment, and let her adjust. She flips over, plants her knees into the seat cushions, places her hands on the backrest. Sieun presents her plump ass to you, and she squeezes her thigh before spreading her legs again to show you her dripping, freshly fucked cunt. 
As if hit with another dose of adrenaline, you shove your cock back into her soaked and quivering pussy, hard, causing her to yelp and scream. You grab her slim waist, feeling up her smooth skin just burning to be ravaged, and pull her towards you with every thrust, causing the sofa to creak and groan. However, it's nothing compared to the unholy noises forced out of Sieun's mouth; her lungs burn and her throat sores as she's subjected to more and more of your mind-numbing pleasure. 
“I can't… I can't hold it! Babe, I'm cumming!!!” Her velvet walls clench and suffocate your cock, but it does nothing to slow your maniacal pace. Your rough-fucking of her pussy never stops, never slows, and despite the pain she undeniably feels with you abusing her body (you know how sick she is in the head), she nevertheless pushes back to meet your pelvis in what little efforts she could take to bring herself over the edge. 
Your orgasm hits you like a train derailed, and despite your weakened state from earlier in the day, you deliver spurts and spurts of your warm cum into the rubber. She feels every twitch and throb of your cock inside her burning core, and it brings your friend over the edge too. Her hips convulse just as the first streaks of her girlcum spray out of her cunt, leaking more and more of her love juices onto the poor cushion underneath her with every jerk of her hips. She screams and wails her pleasure; surely she’s waking up with a sore throat tomorrow morning. For now, her teeth clamp down on the fabric of the backrest, the only thing she could reach with you keeping her firmly in place.
Your respective orgasms start to wind down, and you pull yourself out of her and let her collapse onto the sofa. Take your seat next to her, pick up your can of beer from the floor, lean back like a king. You take a sip, and the alcohol soothes your shot nerves and dry throat. 
Sieun cuddles up next to you, leaning on your shoulder and draping one of her arms across your chest. You place your arm over her in response, and she melts again.
“Whew,” she sighs, out of breath and with a noticeably raspy voice, “that was great. Why don’t you fuck me like that all the time?” Her chest rises and falls with every tiny circle she draws on your chest, and you squeeze her closer to you. You’re drawn back into the comfort of just understanding each other, of not needing to explain, of just being you around your friend.
But once again, the guilt bubbles in your chest. You remember: you’ve slept with another woman not even a day earlier who looks exactly like her, and what’s worse, she even felt better than Sieun did. She let you sniff her hair, kiss her neck, fuck her ass. Are you really not going to tell her?
The guilt rises up your throat and drops into your stomach at the same time. It dawns on you again, this is your friend. Your friend, who you drank beer with on a Friday afternoon. Your friend, who begged you to use her like she was yours. Your friend, who keeps condoms in her bra for you and only you. Just friends, that’s all. Are you really not going to tell her?
Suddenly, your view is obscured by her eyes. You find Sieun on top of you, straddling you, as she takes your cheeks in her hands. Her hair falls to her cheeks as she positions her face above yours, and she plants wet kisses and licks on your lips. 
“Thanks for today, babe,” she says between smooches. Your hands drift towards her hips again, and once you grasp them, she breathes out slowly and sensually. She breaks the kiss for a bit, but she keeps her forehead on yours. “If you’re trying to tempt me,” she runs her thumbs on your cheekbones, “then it’s working. But not right now, I’m spent.” Her giggles make their way into your ears again, and her gravity strengthens its pull on you once more.
You check the time and find it’s late, much too late for a lady like her to be out alone on a night like this. Wrap your arms around her waist tight, secure the woman of your dreams in your embrace forever. However, you know time is running out and the guilt will only root deeper into your system and eat you alive if you don’t pull it out soon; pull it out now. 
“Do you wanna bring this over to the bed?” You try your hardest to be casual about the question, but the way it comes out, shaky and tentatively-toned, makes it anything but. Still, she finds it cute, evidenced by the small giggle that escapes her. 
“Sorry, gotta be fair. I kick you out every week, don't I?” Oh Sieun stands up quickly and without any hint of dizziness, landing on her feet gracefully. What’s left of her slick runs down her creamy thighs and the moment you snap yourself out of staring at the lewd sight, you notice she was staring too.
“I need your shower and a towel, never mind if it’s used.” She makes her own way into your shower, but not before opening every closed door and flipping every light switch she could find. Once she finds the bathroom, her head peeks out from inside, and she calls at you:
“Leave the towel and my clothes by the door, I’ll get them when I’m done.”
The door shuts loudly, and you realize you failed. Without much else to do, you gather her things in your arms sullenly and drop them by the door like she asked. You take your seat back on the couch and ultimately resolve to turn the beer in the can into beer in your stomach. 
Oh Sieun exits the bathroom clad in her perennial PE jacket and jogging pants, with the added twist of your towel wrapped around her hair. It’s the first time you’ve had her like this: squeaky clean, sweet-scented, relaxed like you didn’t just rail each other to oblivion. She’s beautiful, and you can’t even bring yourself to tell her.
“Hey, what’s the address here? I need a taxi.” She plops herself down next to you on the sofa and brings her legs over on your lap. Half of you regrets forgetting to put on pants, while the other half starts to get ideas. 
You reach out your hand to take her phone, but while Sieun leans over to give it to you, she notices your cock starting to harden once more. “Something’s up with you today, babe.” The phone makes its way from her hand to yours, and she gets an irresistibly naughty look in her eye again. 
Your friend takes your cock in between her bare soles. You feel the damp skin of her feet rub against your growing shaft while you type in your address and book her cab for her. 
“Is this gonna be a regular thing with us? Because,” you look over to her and find her leaning on the armrest with her head leaning on her hand, “I dunno. I could get used to this.”
“Could be if you want it to, Sieun.” You hand her back her phone, and she sees the cab on the map, only six minutes away. “I’d rather you not start something you’re not gonna finish, though.”
“Wow, Mister Bigshot. Challenge fucking accepted.” She speeds up her footjob, bringing her toes into the mix as well. You groan at every point of contact between your cock and the creases of her feet, and you can tell she’s enjoying it too. “Maybe I took that shower too early…”
You take her feet in her hands and fuck them properly. She moans in response, and she spreads her knees apart and shoves a hand into her pants. You try matching each other’s paces, and with four minutes to spare, you try to go faster and faster.
“Why is it I’m so weak when it comes to you, huh?” Your grunts punctuate every word you utter while you rub your cock on her feet. She tries forming a reply, but the feeling of you just using her messes with her mind and makes her forget everything else but you.
“Shit… shit! Let me suck your cock!” Sieun pulls her feet away and positions her face over your lap. She hurriedly takes half your length straight into her warm, wet mouth, and her tongue glides and rubs all over your shaft wherever and as far as she could reach. You grab her head and force it down to take more of you in, and her hips buck onto her hand the moment you feel yourself hit the back of her throat. 
You keep her there for a while, and she never ever stops running her lewd tongue over your dick. The sounds and vibrations coming from her mouth only spur you on further, as does the sight of her fingering herself under her pants just for you. 
Just to tease her more, you take her phone and show it to her: one more minute. She tries even harder to suck you off, hollowing out her cheeks and going wild with her tongue. Her moans grow deeper and louder to match yours, and the vibrations that reach your rock-hard cock drive you close to the edge.
“Baby, I’m close… Take my fucking seed in your mouth!” You pull her head down as far as she can go, and amidst gags and glucks your friend never tries pulling herself off, instead choosing to be a good girl and receive everything that’s for her and her alone. Your warm cum shoots into her throat, and despite her gags she never lets up or lets go of your cock between her lips. 
Her phone suddenly rings, no doubt the taxi calling to say he’s at the pickup point, and in the closest of calls your spurts come to an end. Sieun raises her head and shows you how much of your seed she collected on her tongue with a smile, and she makes a show of swallowing it all for you. 
She gets up and makes for the door, but when you try to follow her out you find your legs are jelly. Instead, she leans over and plants a kiss on your cheek, and as she walks off you hear the sound of your front door creaking opening and shutting quickly.
a/n: wow wild ride writing this LMAOOO this took a while what with hiatus and all but overall im pretty cool w how it turned out, this also isnt one of my kink personally like noona was but nevertheless still very fun! stay tuned for the next :)))
| Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 (coming soon)
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chiffiorra · 9 months
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╰┈➤ Come Here a Little Closer
➜ Synopsis: When you decided to shop for some cute sundresses, you never anticipated him to react this way. He, however, couldn't wait any longer.
➜ Pairings: Boyfriend!Keiji Akaashi x fem!reader
➜ This Fic Contains the Following: Established relationship, semi-public sex, unprotected sex, Akaashi is a sweet but impatient boyfriend, reader is a lil hesitant but gives in after like a couple seconds lmao, breeding, creampie, allusions to almost getting caught, no beta i'm going in by myself y'all, word vomit part 100 (jkjk)
➜ WC: 1,805
➜ Note: it's funny how i was randomly listening to a fave song and the title came to me this way lmao. but anywaaays this was part of the sundress season collab by the amazing @saintshiba! i'm so sorry this took so long my love, forgive me? 🥺💚 but yeah stan akaashi and i think i put my whole cotton candussy into this but hey- can you blame me?
➜ Song as Inspiration: Hella Good - No Doubt
➜ Taglist: @enchantedforest-network
➜ Also Posted on Ao3: here
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“Well, what do you think?” Was what he heard at first, and he saw you step out of the fitting room. 
All day he had accompanied you on your shopping trip without complaint. He had none whatsoever as the two of you went from store to store, checking out new outfits that were brand new or on sale for the warm season. 
Looking at the dress you wore, Akaashi remembered you musing to him once that you needed more sundresses for when the weather was lovely. And this one? Well, something about this one dress didn't help this rising feeling inside him. 
The one you were currently showing off to him was… wow. That was the one best word he could describe it. The floral-patterned sundress in question was one in your favorite color. It was a long spaghetti strap dress, just brushing against your ankles. It also revealed a bit of your cleavage, making it hard for him to avert his eyes away. The cherry on top was the dress also having a slit on the side, revealing your leg whenever you playfully posed for him.
"Love?" Your voice snaps him out of his staring, "What do you think?" 
He hummed in response as he reached for one of the straps of your dress and began fiddling with it, making goosebumps arise on your skin. It was amazing how the littlest things he does can have such an effect on you. 
"It looks good, it really suits you," he added, his fingers now deciding to trail from your shoulder down to your wrist, causing more goosebumps to appear on your skin. To anyone else, this scene may look innocent from a distance. But to you, you knew your boyfriend well. And when he locked eyes with you, you knew that look very well: he wanted to devour you. 
All day he carried your bags without you even asking him, and even paid for some of your items despite your protests. But trying on clothes and modeling just for him, including the racier ones? It was getting harder to fight back the urge deep inside as time went on.
You didn't resist when he gently pushed you back into the fitting room, but this made you worried: right here and now? In a clothing store?
Sensing your hesitation, Akaashi gently stroked your cheek and leaned in to brush his lips against your ear so no one else from outside the room would hear what he would say. “I just can’t help myself… but say the word and I’ll stop,” he murmured, causing your heart to skip a beat.
“I want this,” you would quietly say back to him, pulling him closer to you. Your hands would go under his shirt and rub at his back, lightly dragging your nails along. This time it was his turn to have goosebumps form on his skin. 
Without warning, he crashed his lips onto yours and his hands would roam along your body. One hand taking hold of both of your wrists and the other lifting up your dress to reveal your panties to him. As he pulled away from the kiss, he would then let go of your wrists so he could kneel down and reveal more of you to him. Knowing what he was going to do, you held up your dress so he could pull your panties down your legs to reveal your core to him, which was already starting to glisten.
It made him smirk, “Already? Does being in here where anyone can hear us get you so excited?” He said, running a finger up and down your slit. You could only whimper in response.
Akaashi then glanced up at you, “Try not to make too much noise, yeah? You really don’t want us to get banned from your favorite store, do you?” He then gave a tiny kitten lick to your clit, prompting a small gasp to escape from your lips. 
To keep any employee or nosy customer hearing what was going on, you immediately covered your mouth with your hand as he kept going; his licks at your clit turning into sucking and inserting a finger into you, thrusting in and out slowly. 
Maybe he was right, the thought of getting caught was exciting. The thought of someone possibly hearing what your boyfriend was doing to you sent shivers down your spine in the best way possible. And to think that it was a sundress you planned on buying that was the final push for him. 
Akaashi continued pleasuring you, one finger now turned into two and slow thrusting now turning into fast and rough. It felt like you were on fire, and you closed your eyes as you did your best to hide your pants and moans from the outside. While you felt like you were in complete bliss, you couldn’t forget that you were still in the dressing room. You didn’t want to do the walk of shame after being so noisy after all. It especially didn’t help that you heard someone walking by the dressing room you were given. Were they able to hear what was going on as they went on their way? 
You tightened around his fingers, signaling that you were so close to giving in to release. He was pushing you closer and closer to the edge and it was getting harder to fight against it. 
Until he stopped and pulled his fingers out.
Looking down at him angrily, you were greeted by Akaashi’s smirking face and a glint in his eye. Noting the expression on your face, he responded, “Poor baby, do you wanna cum on my tongue or would you rather it be on my cock instead?”
The angered expression on your face soon disappeared at the question as well as the hand covering your mouth. “I… I want to cum on your cock,” you said. The ache from being denied your orgasm almost hurts as you clenched around nothing.
“Good girl,” you heard him whisper as he stood up to his full height and began to strip you of your dress. The dress that caused it all. 
Feeling the cool air hit your now bare body, you shivered. But Akaashi’s body draping over yours warmed you up immediately. Pushing his pants and underwear down at the same time to reveal his cock, it made your mouth water, but that part was going to have to wait for another time. You needed him now and you knew he felt the same.
Rubbing his length under your slit made you bite back a moan and him shuddering out a quiet sigh as he used your slick to lube him up. In no time, you felt him push into you slowly. “Fuck…” you felt him sigh out as he began filling you up to the brim. 
‘Finally,’ you thought to yourself, eyes fluttering closed.
After waiting for you to get used to him, Akaashi wasted no time pumping into you. With such a move being unexpected, you gasped. He quickly placed a hand over your mouth to keep any noises from spilling out and risk someone hearing you. 
A moan that would’ve escaped your lips ended up muffled against his hand as he fucked you. You felt like you were already on cloud nine as you felt your climax slowly begin to rise up again after being wrongfully denied before. 
Raising your leg up with his free arm so he could fuck you deeper, he picked up the pace, removing his hand from your mouth so he could kiss you deeply. Moaning and panting into his mouth; you wrapped your arms around his neck, pressing his still clothed body against yours.
As the two of you kept going, all you could think was ‘more’. All you wanted was more. You wanted more of him, more of his body warmth against yours, more of his kisses, more of everything from him. You simply couldn’t get enough of him, and you couldn’t stop. He was all yours. 
You felt the knot inside you ready to snap soon, so you chose to grind back into his thrusts, ready to give into the bliss awaiting you at the end. “Kei-... Keiji-! I’m so close… please,” you breathed against his lips as you both pulled away, “let me-” you couldn’t even finish your sentence as you bit your lip, trying your best to hold back a moan. Even more so as you felt him lick and bite at your neck as he leaned in, you were still in public after all. This made him smirk against your neck in response, sensing you ready to let go.
You felt yourself clench and unclench on him, closer and closer to the end. With that coming, you covered your mouth, knowing that you were definitely not going to be silent for this one. 
It especially didn’t help that you heard chatting in the fitting room next door, one sound from you and it would be all over. Too bad Akaashi wasn’t going to make it any easier on you as you felt his thumb rub against your clit, guiding you to your release. “Cum for me, baby… cum for me,” he panted in your ear. 
You felt your eyes roll back slightly as you felt yourself cream all over him, keeping any noise muffled lest anyone caught on along with your free hand tightly gripping onto his shirt. It was a miracle no one came knocking on the door to ask what was going on. You could already imagine the stares you were gonna deal with once you stepped out.
Your thoughts were interrupted by him biting down on your neck to muffle a groan as you felt him cum inside and fill you up. You sighed as you felt him rock against you to ride your orgasms out and the kisses he would leave against your neck.
“I love you,” you whispered to him, holding him close to you again as you felt him slowly pull out, feeling his cum leak out of you. He would press a kiss on your lips before speaking.
“I love you too,” he replied. You jolted and let out a gasp as he once again rubbed your clit despite you already finishing. 
You pushed his hand away, playfully glaring. “No more, we’d be really pushing it at this point!” you said, all the while he gave you a mischievous smile in return.
“So, I take it you like the dress, right?” You teasingly added, giggling as you saw his cheeks begin to burn. But he never looked away from your gaze as his hands ran up and down your bare sides.
“I do, you should take that one. It might be my favorite out of everything you brought.”
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flowersandbigteeth · 1 year
Your alien husband saves you
General Plot: Idreod decides to take you out for some recreation, so you head to the beach!
Word Count: 3k
Kherae Alien (Idreod) x female reader with glasses
W: I wouldn't exactly call this very smutty, but there is an nsfw scene ^_^ oral sex, a little bit of violence, yandere vs. yandere vibe, a little angst, almost drowning description
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He didn’t mention it to you, but the next morning Idreod had Dessin’s access revoked from his personal residential suite and his room moved a floor lower. Whether or not he was morally in the right, he shouldn’t have been bothering you in your bedroom at night and Idreod assumed it was probably making you uncomfortable. Unless it wasn’t. 
He gritted his teeth on a sip of coffee. He remembered your giggle for Dessin and jealousy flooded him. What kind of guy would you be with if he hadn’t of bought you? Someone like his brother? Kind and carefree? Was that your type? He could provide you with so much more, but perhaps you were sentimental. Your wet eyes flashed in his memory from the rose garden. His proposal had been so bitter sweet. You wanted someone who loved you, yet you accepted your duty gracefully. 
He thought he would be okay with you taking a lover when your duties birthing his heir were complete, but suddenly the idea of you giggling with another male was like an arrow to the heart. If he kissed you…he bit his tongue and tasted blood. 
“Are you thinking of the future archduchess?” Airies asked, interrupting his thoughts. His cheeks flushed and he shook his head. 
“What makes you think that?” he asked. 
“I’ve never seen you make that face before,” he said with a knowing smile, “do you think you’ve thoroughly celebrated your engagement? It’s a beautiful day. Maybe you should take her for some recreation and get to know her. You will be working together frequently and humans are sensitive creatures. According to my research it's best to try to relate to them on a personal level through fun activities!” 
“Fun activities?” he asked. 
He nodded. 
“Yes, why don’t you go to the beach?” he suggested, “it would be good for you to be seen publicly together. You don’t want her to appear to be a mail order bride do you?” 
Idreod nodded curtly. That was probably wise. The public needed to see you as a couple before your wedding day. 
“Good idea Airies,” he said, “call the beach club and have my fiance prepared to meet me at my car in an hour.” 
You arrived like a dove on a breeze. The maids had dressed you in a floating white dress and a large floppy hat that you were holding in place with one hand, while you fussed with your sunglasses with the other. 
“It’s amazing how quickly you Kherae can print glasses!” you beamed, examining the custom prescription lenses, “at this rate, I’ll have a new pair for every outfit!” 
Idreod tried to hide how much your presence pleased him, though he wasn’t sure why. Perhaps he wasn’t used to being pleased and it felt unnatural, so he straightened his face and held out his hand to you. 
“Come, (Y/N),” he said, hustling you into the car. 
When you were seated he flopped a file into your lap. 
“What’s this?” you asked, reading the cover, “(Y/LN) Orphanage?” 
Idreod nodded. 
“You said an orphanage would be a better use of your daily allowance. While I think jewelry is a bit easier, philanthropy will also have the desired effect. You can open as many as you like, as long as you put the Zovith name on them from now on. This one is in your maiden name to add to your father’s assets.” 
You blinked up at him and your mouth fell open. 
“Oh wow! Um…thank you,” you said, tucking the file in your shoulder bag. 
“But,” he said, fishing a box out of his coat pocket, “you can’t stop a groom from giving his future bride a sparkly gift.” 
You opened the box to reveal a necklace he’d purchased for you the day before. For some reason he’d found himself shopping for jewelry for you instead of doing his work, his mind wandering in a very unusual way for him. It had an emerald cut ruby, nestled amongst two rows of small diamonds. 
Your cheeks darkened as he carefully lifted your hair, to fasten it to your neck. 
“You really do surprise me,” you murmured, looking at your hands. 
You didn’t know why you expected a normal day at a crowded public beach. Idreod’s driver dropped you at the front of a lavish beach club, staffed with servers in white shorts. 
“Archduke Zovith!” 
A slick, blond human in a linen suit met you at the door with a bow. 
“I’m Renald Archer, the owner of the club. It’s an honor to have such an esteemed guest. I see you’ve been a member for a year, yet this is your first visit! If there is anything you need, don’t hesitate to ask!” 
His eyes fell to you and he took your hand, examining your ring closely. 
“And who is this lovely lady? I’m shocked we’ve never met. I would have remembered such a beauty and I know every family that’s worth knowing.” 
You frowned. Of course, his ears were hungry for gossip. 
Idreod flicked his hand away as if it were a fly. 
“Don’t disturb my fiance,” he ordered. 
Archer straightened his tie and cleared his throat. 
“Of course your highness,” he muttered, “please come this way. We have a cabana arranged for your comfort.” 
They led you to a pretty white tent filled with lounge chairs, food, and drinks. 
“Make yourself comfortable, (Y/N),” he said, so you took a seat and pulled out your copy of The Prince and the Dawn. 
You sat in companionable silence for some time. You didn’t care for swimming after a childhood accident, so you read your book and looked out at the water, while he was reading something on his tablet. It almost felt like you were a normal couple. 
It started to get warm and you were at the beach, so you rose and gingerly untied the wrap that kept your dress in place, revealing the gold bikini underneath. 
There was a grunt behind you and the clatter of a chair falling over. Suddenly your wrist was wrapped in Idreod’s large hand and he looked down at you. 
“What is this garment?” he demanded, fingering the thin metallic straps that held it together. 
“Oh, it’s a bikini. Just the usual for the beach,” you explained lightly, trying to slow the flutter of your heart. He was standing so close. The maids had chosen the bathing suit. It was a metallic gold string bikini that tied at either side of your hips with delicate gold straps. 
His thick fingers traced a strap down to your breast. 
“I’m not sure I want anyone else to see you like this,” he murmured. 
“It’s just us here,” you said. 
His mouth drifted closer to yours until you were sharing breaths. One of his hands cupped your cheek as his eyes searched mine. 
“What should I do with my lovely fiance while we are all alone?” he asked. His eyes flashed with mischief you didn’t expect and your cheeks burned. 
“Kiss me,” you heard yourself say. 
You didn’t realize you’d said anything until his mouth met yours and you moaned into it. You felt him slide your glasses off of your nose, putting them somewhere out of the way, before his fingers returned to your face. You came together like waves crashing. Your tongues tangled as you clutched at each other a little desperately. His taste, his smell, they lit a fire inside of you, driving you into his arms. You’d never been so confident with a man, but you just wanted to climb all over him. 
Your arms hooked around his neck and your legs wrapped around his waist. A meaty hand slid down your back and gripped your ass. He grunted and sat down heavily in the lounge chair with you on top of him, giving you the perfect vantage to crawl up his chest. 
“You smell like heaven,” he muttered into your mouth. A moment later he’d swapped positions with you, so that you were pressed against the back of the lounge chair. He showered your neck and chest with saccharin kisses. Your hands found his horns and he groaned into the nipple he’d swept into his mouth. 
He pried your legs open and rewarded you with his teeth on your thighs, nibbling a trail to your core. He stopped suddenly and looked at your body splayed in front of him. 
“You’re so beautiful (Y/N),” he said, reverently. The apples of your cheeks were on fire and you drew your hand up to cover them. Idreod smirked down at you.
“I want to taste my fiance,” he licked his lips. 
His teeth tugged at the strings of your bikini bottom until it fell out of the way and the next thing you felt were soft kisses on your mound, approaching your slit. His thick fingers explored your folds, parting them so he could manipulate the flesh underneath. 
His tongue found your engorged clit and you quaked under his treatment. The appendage danced over the sensitive spot, while you felt his large fingers stretching your channel. You clung to his horns, which only seemed to make him go wilder, shoving his mouth wetly into your pussy and lapping at you lewdly. 
You watched his eyes roll back in his head as you softly stroked them with your fist and you assumed touching them must bring him some pleasure, but you couldn’t focus on it too much. Your own body was coming apart under his touch. 
“Please…yes…yes…please….” you begged, but he didn’t need any prompting. His fingers went to work pumping inside of your dripping pussy, sending shocks of ecstasy radiating up your body. 
“So delicious…I can’t stop myself,” he murmured. 
You shrieked as he battered your clit with his tongue, licking and swirling until he threw you helplessly into the wall of an orgasm. Your legs wrapped his neck in a death grip and you squeezed him until the bones popped before going limp. He grinned up at you, his eyes sparkling like gold coins. He carefully extracted his fingers, licking them clean before frowning and looking up. His pointed ears twitched. 
“Someone is coming,” he seemed to pout, before turning his smile back on you. 
“Rest here,” he ordered lightly, wrapping you in a towel and kissing you on the head, “I’ll get rid of them.”
He straightened his pants, replaced your glasses neatly on your face, and marched dutifully out of the tent. 
When he was gone, you quickly re-tied your bikini to you and pressed a cold drink against my burning cheeks. 
“Sister!” Dessin’s voice cheered. You looked up to the opening to find a handful of Kherae led by your soon to be brother-in-law standing there shirtless holding beers. 
He clucked at you. 
“Did my brother bring you here only to abandon you? I just saw him speaking with some suits,” he grumbled, his friends descending on our tent, “he’ll always be like that. Working when he should be enjoying this bounty!” 
One of his friends grabbed a handful of chips, while another righted Idreod’s lounge and plopped down. 
“So this is the fiance?” he asked Dessin, taking a big gulp of his beer and eyeing you, “she’d be pretty without these things.” 
He pulled your glasses off of your nose. 
“Give those back!” you started to say, but Dessin rushed forward snatching you up in his arms. 
“Ignore him,” he beamed down at you, jogging out of the tent, “let’s go swimming!” 
“Oh no Dessin!” you tried to argue and fight him, but without your glasses you were disoriented. He was so fast and his legs so powerful all you could do was bounce wildly while he ran, full tilt towards the blue blob in front of you. 
Panic set in and you screamed and scrabbled at his chest as he tossed you with his powerful arms into the ocean. You hit the water head first and the sky became darkness and bubbles. 
Your vision tunneled and suddenly you were a little girl again, stretching your chubby arms up to reach the sunlight. Your lungs screamed for air, but no matter how you kicked or reached, the surface never got any closer. Your mouth opened against your will and you let out a silent cry, flooding your throat with cold salty water. Your world went black. 
You awoke to warm lips on your mouth and heavy hands on your cheeks. 
“Wake up (Y/N), please wake up,” Idreod’s voice next to your ear roused you. 
You coughed and cold water churned up from your stomach. You pushed him away to spit it up on the sand. 
His hand was large and warm on your back, rubbing slow circles. 
“That’s it, get it all out,” he murmured. 
“Doctor!” you heard him shout and another, cooler pair of hands found your cheeks. 
“Please look this way, Miss (Y/N),” she said, shining a flashlight in your eyes. 
You blinked at the light, as she requested before looking around. A crowd had gathered on the beach. Archer was standing nearby with some well dressed humans and Kherae looking concerned, while Dessin’s friends were peering curiously at you. 
Seeing you were being attended to, Idreod turned his attention to a guilty looking Dessin, who was wringing his hands. 
“What were you thinking?!” he boomed, looming over his brother and grabbing him by the horn, “she almost died! Have you completely lost your mind?” 
“I didn’t realize she couldn’t swim!” he argued, limply. 
He swung at his brother, clocking him in the jaw. 
“Didn’t realize?! You threw her!” he hissed, “she could have broken a bone or been stabbed on a rock! (Y/N) is not a toy to break and be replaced!” 
“It was just a joke,” he growled, grabbing his bruised chin, “you abandoned her!” 
Idreod raised his fist again, but you jumped up, pushing the doctor away from you. 
“Stop Idreod!” you snapped, stepping between him and his brother, “it was an accident. Children play the same games. You don’t need to hit him, it’s over!”  
You hunched a little, still exhausted from almost drowning and coughed up a little bit of salt water. 
Idreod glared, but he wasn’t going to keep his fist raised at you and you knew that, so he lowered it and instead gathered you to his chest, lifting you like a princess. 
“I’m taking you home,” he grumbled. 
You took a deep breath, breathing in his scent blended with the salty air. At some point he’d taken off his shirt and his skin was damp and stuck to yours. Had he jumped in after me? 
“I’d like that,” you murmured, twining some of the salt-stiff hair that had fallen over his shoulder with your fingers, “I was really scared.” 
You laid your tired head on his chest and dozed while he carried you back to his car. 
Dessin glared at you in Idreod’s arms, but he didn’t care. Archer had found your glasses and passed them to Idreod as he brushed by. 
His heart had stopped when he’d heard you scream and he’d never moved so fast in his life. He’d sprinted across the beach and jumped in after you, elbowing his brother out of his way. If there had been a question in his mind as to whether or not you were my mate before, there was no doubt now. You belonged to him. You had no way to know, but he would have moved heaven and earth to get to you. 
He replaced your glasses on your nose and you stirred in his arms as his driver took you home. You absently played with the curls at the end of his hair that stuck to his chest. 
“Why does it seem like you and your brother have a bad relationship?” you asked, quietly. 
Idreod wouldn’t normally have answered, but your impending death had him soft and he wanted to talk to you more. 
“He’s always been that way…irresponsible. When my mother died, my father took me under his wing to be his heir. I had private lessons and I shadowed my father as he worked every day. My father molded me to be a responsible leader of the Zovith family. 
“He completely ignored Dessin. Dessin went to the academy with the other boys. He went to birthday parties and holiday retreats. Whatever he asked for my father gave him as long as he stayed out of our way. He was such a spoiled child, always underfoot. He begged for my father’s attention, but he was a focused man. After the females were murdered he desperately plotted the survival of our family. It consumed him until his death. 
“I used to envy Dessin. I never made any friends that weren’t related to our family business, but now I see how frivolous that made him. He’s popular, sure, but he’s completely helpless without me. All he does is go to pleasure houses and spend money with those idiots.” 
“Do you think he’s a bit lonely?” you asked, “friends aren’t always a replacement for your family. Dessin didn’t seem all that close with those guys he was with.” 
Idreod paused as if he hadn’t ever considered that. His friends hadn’t even come to his defense when he was going to beat him in public, you had. He shrugged. 
“I don’t know. He seems occupied with them every second of the day,” he said. 
You sighed. 
“Sometimes lonely people fill their time with frivolous activities to chase the darkness away,” you said, smiling gently at him. 
“Yes, well he almost killed you,” Idreod muttered darkly. 
You bit your lip. 
“That wasn’t his fault. I’m a bad swimmer. I had an accident when I was little and almost drowned. Ever since then, I can’t get into the water. It gives me a panic attack.” 
He pinched your chin lightly between his fingers. 
“Then I’ll have all the oceans drained,” he said. 
You looked at him before bursting into giggles and he realized it was one of the most precious moments of his life. Your eyes sparkled like gems and your cheeks were flushed, while your hair bounced around your face in sticky clumps. 
“I don’t know about that,” you said, patting his bare chest. 
“What about swimming lessons with a trained therapist?” he asked, “if you won’t let me dry the beaches of this planet.” 
You blinked at him and your eyebrows went up. 
“That would actually be really helpful,” you said, “I’d like to be able to enjoy the water like everyone else.” 
He kissed your forehead. 
“My archduchess shall have everything she wants,” he said with a softness that surprised even him. He had never been a gentle or squishy male, but you made roses bloom in his  heart.
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horanghoe · 6 months
until it hurts a little less - part 2.I
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group: TXT
pairing: Yeonbin (Yeonjun & Soobin) x Reader (Fem perspective)
genre: hybrid, angst, fluff, heavy smut, minors dni !!
word count: 39k / split into 2 posts
T/W’s : under the line
A HUGE THANK YOU TO MY FRIENDS & BETA READERS ~ Saffron & @pyeonghongrie & all of MTG and especially the furry babes: @slightlymore @raibebe @starlitmark @wooahaeproductions [extra credit for the above mb!! tysm beeeeeee] @atiny-piratequeen <3 & anyone else I have tortured with brain rot and updates
AUTHORS NOTES - Wow. Thank you everyone for your patience. This has been many many months of chipping away at a small idea to make it into a now infamous [among friend circles] 40k hybrid fic. This draft has gone through a breakup, different jobs, and different living scenarios, phew! Following from the kitty Beomgyu saga the series now dives into new and hot Yeonbin dynamics. I look forward to feedback & interest in a small cuddle pile epilogue and editing of old works to bring them up to date. Lots of love, Wren 🦝💗
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Music to listen to while reading ♡ (in no particular order)
My Oh My - Camilla Cabello FT. DaBaby
Stuck In The Middle With You - Stealers Wheel
Beast Of Burden - The Rolling Stones
Whole Lotta Love - Led Zeppelin
I Want You to Want Me - Cheap Trick
No Strings Attached (Enemies to Lovers) - Backseat Vagabond
Feel free to suggest others! :>
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Trigger warnings ♡
voyeurism [aka sex in a public place], intimate scenes in an open late-night diner, a third watches with consent and an invite but is named perversive for comedic effect, submissive reader, female POV reader, AFAB reader, female pronouns & genitalia descriptives, occasional degrading words/actions with active consent, height kink, size kink, slight dacryphilia scene, crying [out of the context of sex], mention of unfulfilling ex-partners, sex in the rain(?), mention of blood, sub-mode or trusting others to make decisions after sex [safe, loving, no fear here but do need to warn], choking [mild, not to the point of harm].
hybrid content such as scenting marking and knotting; themes of possessiveness and alllll the animalistic features from that.
All of the above are willing and consenting for every party present (apart from Bangchan/diner staff). If you cannot stomach voyeurism, skip about halfway and you can still enjoy the last half of the fiction. :]
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Yeonjun sat opposite you, at the most unfortunate angle.
He had just dived forward and sprawled himself across the round diner table; a half-chugged milkshake gripped in his hands and a barely-smoked cigarette sat burning between his forefingers. His eyes were pinched in curiosity, and the mischief hanging onto his aura was unmistakable.
He was in the process of poking at you until you squirmed. 
Like he always did, whenever the two of you were alone. It's what he did best. 
Only, the repercussions were different here. And you were very much, not alone.
"So, have the two of you fucked?" Yeonjun asked abruptly; mute in tone but with a foxish grin peeling his lips wide as if dinner had just been served steaming hot and inches away from his face.
The break in silence made Soobin, the large black-haired Doberman Pinscher, groan loudly. He rolled his head and eyes back against the high diner seats that encompassed the three of you. 
He was about to tell his friend to mind his own fucking business, but you beat him to it.
You scoffed, your skin hot, and your heart missed a beat as it pumped in your chest. 
"Fuck off, fox."
His reaction to your pushback was slow. 
The fox's eyes blinked, and his cheek twitched. Before finally, Yeonjun’s lip quirked; and the canines on his left side were on full display. 
With a wink, he pulled his body back from the sprawled-out position facing you on the table; sipping on the straw of his milkshake as he went.
"So you have. And you liked it, by the sound of things. Hmm. That's good to know. Explains why you’re sat here still stinking like a very sickly pussy cat."
Soobin kissed his teeth and thumped his thin solid black tail against the seat.
"Why don’t you ask Gyu, instead of the girl, June? And, if that is the case; I’m not even sure why you would be asking anyway. You would owe me a large fucking bet, foxy bingo." 
Yeonjun made an exasperated sound, turning to the taller more agitated friend on his right side.
“Yeah right! The guy would maul me. Those cat bites are gnarly. And I don’t owe you shit!”
An accusing finger - well, two, holding a cigarette - stuck out in the gap between the two men.
“So what makes you think it’s okay to interrogate Y/N?” Soobin growled in a steady low tone. His jaw had grit and his sharp ears had pulled back; sharp cheeks pulled taught.
Soobin's growl cut the air and your skin grew warm. 
You darted your eyes downward to pick at the peeling varnish on your nails while the boys glared at each other. You didn’t want to be the subject of tension, this is exactly what you had wanted to avoid.
After a tense pause; Yeonjun finally let up. He kissed his teeth and rolled his eyes to slouch back against the seat; ears tilted in submission. He looked much like a teenager with that pout and sass. A crack in his serious facade.
Another win for Soobin.
“Look,” Yeonjun started. He reached his arms across the table, tapping as he went to get your attention. You looked up. “We all know you guys have been very fucking exclusive lately, not to mention you never leave the damn house anymore outside of work -” 
“Dude - shut up!” Soobin punched his friend's leg. 
“Not cool!” The fox yelped, elbowing him back. But it didn’t seem to deter him at all. His sharp eyes quickly returned to you. 
Yeonjun sipped on his milkshake with a shit-eating grin, before looking between the two of you and judging whether he could keep poking at the subject.  
“What?! I’m sorry okay, it’s the talk of the town, and I have to know about it.” 
Soobin curled his lip, unamused. Yeonjun was digging himself a hole.
“What? Am I not going to try and get the goss straight from the business babe's mouth?” 
“How about you tell us - in fine detail - about your current love excursion, instead? Go on Jun, we’d love to hear all about her leaving your ass on read. And the cheating. Cheating, on you, of all people! Twice!! And you never even made it official!”
You knew of the girl Soobin hinted. 
It was meant to be nothing but a summer night fling, but poor Junnie’s feelings got caught up in the mix. The one fatal flaw in networking, and the cardinal sin when being a player kingpin; was the chance of falling in love. 
He had come to you for advice a while ago about it. But some things just eventually kill themselves, and you just have to revel in the open closure; never to see that person again, never to get the final word. 
You had no doubt the mention pained the fox, by the expression on his face.
“That is - She is entirely beside the point! And, unrelated to the topic!” Yeonjun yipped, pulling back his ears before they perked back up to shift between you desperately. “Plus, I’m not exactly wrong; Y/N never wants to hang out with anyone anymore -”
“We have fucked.” You offered with a shrug. You remained staring at your fingers; but felt their ears pin-point on a swivel towards you. “A few times, yeah.”
You offered up the information to distract from the potentially genuine heartbreak Yeonjun could be feeling mid-gathering. But your voice shrunk as quickly as your confidence did. If you did have hybrid ears; they would have peeled backwards against your head by now. 
“But we aren’t exclusive. We are… a thing, maybe more so emotionally, but we’re not, like -” You struggled to find the words that didn’t insinuate what it had become; friends with benefits. You hated the judgement, and so settled on; “- out, as a unit. Publicly. Like, at work. Or anywhere where family is concerned. We don’t vibe like that.”
The tall hound that sat opposite you carefully assessed you as you spoke. 
Both his nose and his ears twitched as they picked up on your pulse that had started to race very suddenly; air caught tight in your lungs. 
He could smell your anxiety, and endeavoured to counter it, quickly.
“Like I said in the text, I like being with you guys, and Gyu’s cool with that. He assures me I can make decisions for myself now, for the most part, I just -” 
You puffed a huge intake of breath, darting your eyes between them before reaching to pick at the table edge instead, spilling out an explanation so rapid and tight in tone that Yeonjun almost missed the first half of it.
“I find it hard to meet people nowadays - new or old. Socialising in groups has become really tricky for me. Humans are hard work, and I just don’t get Hybrids - like, they’re so unpredictable, and then, non-prey types make me even more anxious… I just - I don’t - even know how to even begin to talk to people anymore, let alone ask for help - but I thought you guys might… Get it, you know? Like, Gyu is mostly indifferent, he doesn’t understand what I’m saying - but you guys are higher, more educated and responsive, or at least on the same level as me, so I just thought - I just - I thought that maybe -”
You flushed hot in the attempt to tie up the loose-ended speech. But you didn’t need to; as Soobin’s ears folded with a sympathetic huff and he threw a sharp glare at Yeonjun, before reaching to squeeze your hands in his. He wasn’t going to let you suffer alone.
“It’s alright, Y/N. Yeonjun’s just being a nosey fucking fox. Don’t ever feel like you have to over-explain anything, ever again.” 
He turned his head to slowly growl at his companion. Lip curled over one large blunt-pointed tooth. 
“Especially to people who don’t properly read their text messages.”
There was a beat of silence. Yeonjun was pleased he got an answer to the rumours, but visibly softer and feeling a little put out after hearing your reactions. And getting - literally - hounded in the process. 
Eyes wide and ears high at a point, he didn’t poke the mood, instead, he chose to push forward. Wise of him.
“Ahh - I’m sorry Y/N,” He offered, a little confused. Shy; timid even. 
He peeked between the two of you, clearly not clued into what was going on like he thought he was. His ears were so expressive; you were convinced you could see his emotions with those alone. Like right now; you could tell he was unsure what to say.
“I’m - Can I read the text again, doll?” 
You nodded at him to go ahead, knowing full well that he never read it in the first place.
Soobin however; wasn’t in the least bit shocked or ‘put out’ by your words. Out of everyone, other than Beomgyu, Soobin was the one you had spent the most time with in the friendship group over the past two years. He knew all of what you were saying to be the truth. 
Hence him driving you here. 
Hence your honest and open conversation in the safety of the car. 
Covered in his scent. Quiet, safe, and otherwise alone. 
Hence why this meet-up had created an opening to a further bond that created an attraction so strong you had almost hooked up in Soobin’s driver seat just under an hour ago in the underground parking lot. 
Hence his plush leather seats being coated in the smell of slick, and why he had even invited Yeonjun to tag along - like you had suggested - in the first place. He had entertained the idea of his friend joining for the good aspects of his personality, and because you wanted him there; but he was apprehensive enough of the bad sides of his friend to be protective of you.
The fox was, often, surprisingly fast-witted. But in this instance, he had been very slow. 
Yeonjun clicked away his phone with a small “Ah…” and folded his ears backwards. Coy, but curious. “I’m sorry Y/N. I didn’t read it properly...”
You nodded, picking at the paint remaining on your nails. Tense, but happy that his reaction to your proposal wasn’t exactly bad. You weren’t sure what it was, yet.
“Umm, anyways, in other news -” 
Soobin rolled his eyes… again. Delighted to hear what the fox would come up with next.
“- newly Hybrid, hey sugar? Bet that’s been hard to get used to. Gyu said your test came back as a Deer. Your scent tells me that’s true, but I don’t see any ears. No tail? Antlers, even? It’s a little… odd to get used to - never met someone with your condition before.”
You blinked. 
Sometimes; you forget that the whole saga had ever happened. That you had even inherited those traits (by force), in the first place. Then it was mentioned, or you read of similar incidents in the news, and a whole slew of memories reappeared in your mind's eye. 
After the night you and Beomgyu had hooked up; things had begun to change. You had started to become attached. You learned more about his past. What dark alleys he disappeared down. His deepest darkest fears. You fell in love. 
Then you went to an office party, and everything got so violently fucked up. 
Someone at the party had spiked your drink. With an extremely dangerous and underground drug that caused a human's recessive hybrid genes to splice and come to life; or, where no recession was present, you would be forced to die a very fast and excruciating death, bursting from the inside out.
There were no treatments for it. Instead, a private donor who had a supposed ‘interest’ in the drug, paid for your experimental treatment. The whole thing was strange and dramatic like a big-shot movie, but you were just glad it was over.
Altogether; it was a dangerous dice throw of genetics, that you had very luckily survived.
It took weeks of recovery, and a handful more months of emotional care for you to re-enter the world. With a new slither of morality splitting apart your soul. There existed inside of you; the heart and mind of a Doe, where once a human had full control.
Naturally; the genetic switch caused you to gain a Deer’s characteristics. 
You became more reserved; quick to flight, instead of fight. You began to shake, and freeze in fear; where you once had the option to move, be uncaring and in control of your body. You had become sensitive to predators - in every sense, but more vitally hybrids. Your diet changed drastically and your hearing and sense of touch hiked up tenfold. 
And what Yeonjun said made sense; it was odd to have no extra limbs. You understood why it confused the hybrids around you. Deer’s being somewhat rare, and your condition more so; the medical professionals were unable to explain whether you would get any animal characteristics or not. You were grateful for not yet at least growing a replacement pair of ears. It would have been too much to adjust to. 
You also couldn’t get pregnant that easily anymore. Not that that proved any challenge; you were a human before, and a different animal type now, so sleeping with Beomgyu was a null threat - Humans and Hybrids can't create offspring, and Hybrids abide by the same genealogy rule that animals do - that’s to say a cat can’t reproduce with a deer, and so on.
And honestly, thank Goodness for that; as a child with Beomgyu sounded like hell.
Your relationship stayed much the same. The switch to becoming a Hybrid created natural barriers, and if not for your occasional retching at any fish placed on Beomgyu’s dining plate, you could co-exist peacefully. But the intimacy was no longer there. And your emotions proved far too complex for a moody cat-boy to understand. He wasn’t high enough on the food chain to guide you; nor low enough to be bullied. 
You were simply on two separate paths. He was nice to have around, and he held a special place in your heart, but… some people are not meant to be in long-term relationships. Sometimes it just doesn’t work out.
These boys, however; were natural threats to you.
And they acted like it. Their sudden unrestricted movements scared you. Their ability to keep their emotions and body language in check kept you constantly on edge and vigilant. 
Not to mention the change in your relationship with Soobin. He had struggled to keep his teeth inside his gums whenever near you; instead of around your throat, where they instinctively should have been, the moment you strolled out of the cat-boy’s room, that first day he visited you at the apartment, after the initial hospital stay. 
He remembered seeing you so weak and pale; reaching for him with a new vulnerability. He remembered how badly you suffered and wanted nothing more than to take you home with him.
Yeonjun however, became distant after the accident. And although it was not unlike him to disappear for weeks at a time; it was obvious that he felt you shouldn’t interact until you had spent a ton of time inside of this new body of yours.
But you’d be outright lying if you said you didn’t love the thrill of fear in the space of people you trusted.
“Y/N?” You heard Soobin prompt. Ears low. Voice soft. He sounded pained. Yeonjun watched with empathy written all over his face.
“Yeah, sorry…” You must have zoned out, you realised and shook your brain back into place. “I don’t - have any of that. It’s been hard. Gyu’s really helped me re-integrate, and everything. Soob too. But - sometimes, it’s just -”
“Overwhelming?” Yeonjun offered. Voice calm, and light. He tilted his head sympathetically. “Scary? Noisy? Uncomfortable?”
“Yeah,” You scoffed, chin tucked. “All of that. And - so much more.”
Yeonjun wasn’t sure what to say. And you were in no position to start talking.
“Curiosity killed the cat, dickhead.” Soobin growled and broke the awkward pause by tugging Yeonjun's well-groomed black and orange tail from out beneath his larger leg in annoyance, a little harsher than needed, before looking out beyond the chair with a huff and folded ears. “So much for a low-key re-introduction.”
“Well then thank fuck I’m not a cat!” Yeonjun yowled at Soobin and yanked his tail back, small chirping noises sounding from his throat as he went along. That looked like it hurt. But he soon settled.
You jumped at the hand that landed over your own, following the arm to the fox, who had shuffled around the seats in a cute and juvenile fashion; smile kinder than before, and seemingly aware of what he had done wrong. Yeonjun’s ears went completely flat against his slicked-back hair - a sign of temperance and apology - and he was almost purring, jittering a high-pitched noise quietly.
Soobin watched with a warning growl only the other hybrid could hear; stiff to how you would respond to Yeonjun moving so quickly into your personal space. 
But surprisingly, you were okay. Given how things had gone with Soobin earlier, he reasoned, you must have started to feel a little more comfortable about how your proposition would be received.
“I’m sorry, pretty Doe. I seriously didn’t realise.” Yeonjun said in a hushed tone.
This was all a little too late in Soobin's' opinion, but it was better late than nothing. 
The fox watched your expressions carefully as he followed your face, hiding from him by tucking your chin. His hand squeezed over yours, pulling you to stop picking at the table. His thumb brushed over your knuckles before releasing your hand, letting you retreat. 
“I thought we were here for a smoke, a drink… Some small talk? Not real - or,” He tutted, correcting himself, “Not that - kind of intense stuff. I’m sorry angel. That’s on me for being a shit reader.” 
You snuck a glance. His expression was patient and genuine. His ears were still folded. And you wanted to forgive him, despite your gut telling you it may not be the smartest move. 
By nature, Yeonjun was sneaky and funny. But also cripplingly charming, and a perfect smooth talker ever since the first time you had met him. He was constantly smoking. Weed, vapes, cigarettes. Whatever he could get his hands on or was left nearby. One could call it an oral fixation of some kind.
Unlike the clean-but-very-much-into-rock-metal Soobin, Yeonjun was a typical bad-boy character, and his sway with people could be felt in any venue the guys would go. You didn’t hold it against him. You knew via second-hand stories and brief interactions that he really was a nice guy. But people had trouble believing it.
In the words of Soobin; “If you want him to come and agree to this, you’ll just have to trust that he’s in a good mood tonight, and see how it goes. If he’s a cock, we leave. Or if he’s feeling nice, I’m betting on you not wanting him to leave. One thing he won’t do is continue when you tell him to stop. So just tell him, if he’s too much. Last thing he wants to do is upset a pretty girl. I’ll be by your side the whole night.” 
And that summed him up, pretty damn well.
“It’s okay.” You smiled. His ears picked up gradually, eager to lean into the positive response. “I expected there to be some confusion about it anyway. You can - you can ask questions…” Your skin heated, legs pressing together and away from the handsome fox looking down at you. 
“Anything?” Yeonjun purred with a low, but inquisitive tone.
“Umm, yeah. Sure. Anything.” 
Yeonjun took note; as his nose suddenly twitched and he shot Soobin a discreet glance. 
This close, this shy, you did in fact smell like something he wanted to breed. He couldn’t even believe his mind went to those places, to ravish his own bandmates girl. But the text had used the words ‘shy breedable deer groupie’ pretty explicitly, so it wasn’t like he didn’t have full green-meaning-go. 
But still, he was in slight disbelief.
“Yeah-h, anything is cool, anything you guys want to know, you know? You can ask -”
“How long have you been thinking about asking us for help with this?” Yeonjun shot back immediately, cutting you off. “Who else is involved? Does Beomgyu know? Where did you think we’d go? Are you clean? How long-term is this?”
Now that he had gained social context, the fox was back on his feet and as swift as ever.
“Yeonjun -” Soobin groaned. Ready to throw him over the diner table and punch his pretty Vulpine face out the back door already. “Please, for the love of God, go gently with this one.” 
“You don’t even believe in God.” Yeonjun threw back at him.
Soobin made a noise of frustration but you quickly shook your head, tone soft as a breeze. 
“No no - Binnie, it’s okay. It’s alright. I can get why someone would be distrusting.”
You turned to face Yeonjun’s quizzical face, the one that clearly didn’t believe you yet. It was in his nature, you reminded yourself. You can ask to stop and everything will stop.
“I’ve been into you guys ever since I met you. I’ve just never really found the perfect moment to -” 
Yeonjun's nose twitched, distracted. His ears whooshed forward and upright; standing to attention as his irises pinched. It made you pause mid-sentence. You had a cat, and you knew that look. And by the look he held on his face, you knew that he knew. Knew that he knew that you knew. And so forth.
“I’m clean!” You squeaked.
Your shirt collar had moved. And a waft of Soobin's’ scent had released into the air and straight up into his nasal column. And then, travelled up into his brain, ears, eyes - until he was locked upon you. 
“Have you guys been making out?” The fox quipped, ears folding in offence before thwapping up together so high and so fast they made a thwop sound upon impact. 
“Don’t ask stupid questions, idiot.” Soobin huffed. “My scent is all over her. How have you not realised this sooner?”
Now that the big dog had mentioned it, Yeonjun could smell Soobin’s scent. And it was plastered all over the booth. Specifically, all over you. And the teeth-adjacent bruises indented into your shoulder. The Doberman's clothes even smelt like you; however faintly.
And as Yeonjun eased into your space, well; the three scents mixed, and created the most mouth-watering combo he had picked up in years.
“My nose isn’t as good as yours,” Yeonjun murmured, distracted. 
The fox watched - or more accurately, listened - as the last of the large dining groups exited out the front door with a bustle, whizzing by the table and kicking up a fuss. But as soon as the people had passed, he whipped his attention back to you with a harsh whisper under his breath and leaned in completely - like a school kid sharing some killer secrets. 
Only, he needed some assurance of your confidence first. Such as it goes.
“I feel like you’re pulling my leg here Y/N.” He hissed. “And as much as I’m down to fuck - and even down for the whole courting thing - how do I know you’re not both taking me for a fool? That this isn’t one big setup to split the group up? To set me against your fucking man?”
A tense silence passed between the two of you, and an anxious heart rate picked up inside your muscles so fast your fingers started to tingle; your blood rushed into your ears as adrenaline made you look to the other male across the table for help. Soobin growled lowly, in complete control of himself, answering your eyes. You were surprised to see his ears flat back against his equally jet-black hair with an irritated expression. His diamond-patterned chain danced in the light under his jacket as his neck flexed in anger.
“Call Beomgyu, you idiot,” Soobin growled deeply now. It was guttural, and he was clearly pissed off. “Or text him, I don’t care. Just quit fucking bothering the girl about it. This isn’t a setup - and you know that. I wouldn’t bring you into one. Don’t insult me.”
Curiously, he didn’t fight Soobin on this. Instead, his ears pulled into submission, and his lips formed a small pout. Yeonjun grumbled in thought before pulling his phone out to send what you imagined to be many multiple texts in full caps and at a rapid pace to the sickly Beomgyu on bed rest at home. 
“Hey,” Soobin mumbled, reaching to take your hand from across the table, the one picking anxiously at the edge of the metal rim. 
The softness in his voice distracted you from the beating in your chest; so you looked up and away from Yeonjun for a moment. 
You slipped your hands into his outreaching ones; timid, but desperate for reassurance. He squeezed your smaller wrists and fingers in his palms - dwarfed, soft, shaking - then released, to let you pull them away if you wanted. But you didn’t let go just yet. So he squeezed again. 
You were already calmer.
“If it gets too much, you can ask to leave. You know that right? That it’s okay? Say forget it, and we’ll never speak on it again. Alright?” 
You nodded, pulling away to sit on your hands instead for now. Watching between the two of them, but mostly Yeonjun who was texting with a furrowed brow and swivelling emotive ears. 
The fox beside you had his eyebrows drawn low and chin tucked. Eventually, he clicked his screen to black, and set it face down on the table. He turned to see you. He was scanning you. As his ears slowly dipped to the side.
“Well, shit, gorgeous.”
The message had got through.
But he didn’t look nearly as regretful as you thought he would. Instead, he held a smirk on his cheeks and tipped his head.
“Little Doe really needs our help, huh?”
Soobin released a weighty exhale as you pulled away.
Your body flushed hot. But you nodded. Concentrating on Soobin's knuckles padding on the table in a tap tap tap-tap tap.
There was silence for a moment. Yeonjun's ears went back and he tapped his lighter on the table in a rhythmic swivel, as he pouted and looked around aimlessly in thought. Then a lightbulb hit.
“Guess a good start is to ask what you’re into. Any hard boundaries you’d want to avoid? But I’m guessing….” His eyes darted all over you, to the dog on the other side of the table. 
That’s not where you had expected him to look for an answer. 
“Binnie might have already covered that.”
The dog chuckled and nodded.
“Little Deer is into praise, mostly. Guidance. She’s a voyeur. Loves soft-domming. But needs a little bite to keep her guessing.”
Your eyes shot wide open and you blinked rapidly. Your kinks were just being openly exposed like a laundry list, and you weren’t even sure when or how Soobin had figured this all out.
“Pretty boy is a good sniffer-dog.” Yeonjun chuckled, answering your expression.
“Oh,” Soobin added, “and she has a size kink. But I'm sure you’ve picked up on that one already.”
“I did,” Yeonjun smirked, tongue in his teeth and giggling at your shyness. “Oh, I most certainly did.”
Before you were able to fully shrink into your spine like a turtle into its shell, Yeonjun's voice fired back up, easy and chill in tone. It soothed you, and it made you feel like you were being laughed with, not at.
“Any hard no’s though, gorgeous? We’ll use the light system if needed, Gyu said you already know what that is.”
You shifted, body hot, gaze down towards your knees.
“Yeah, I do. And no - not really. Just… be nice. We’ll have to find out about specifics. I’m not really - adventurous enough to know...”
Yeonjun snickered, teeth between his tongue. 
“Sure; dodge ‘em as we find ‘em. Sounds good to me.”
“But - and be specific -” Soobin’s low voice mumbled. Your chin lifted instinctively to find him. “Do you want to try anything new? Anything that will help you feel more grounded?”
The boys waited for some time, but they were greeted with silence and a hanging head. You looked stressed and puzzled. You worried your hands as you tried to think up something to answer with.
Yeonjun hummed at you. And leaned into your space.
“Mmm ~ You look stuck, gorgeous ~ Cat got your tongue?” 
You wanted to punch the beautiful face in front of you that spun goading words like a golden thread. You knew the implications. That Beomgyu, said cat, had a hold on you, even from miles away. Quickly and firmly, you shook your head.
“Absolutely no way,” You puffed your cheeks. “I just - I don’t know about this stuff.”
Corruption, Soobin mentally noted. Yeonjun thought much the same.
“Well,” Yeonjun countered, working swiftly. Voice low, leaning on the table, still and unmoving. But he was taking his time. Dancing around your edges.
“What is it that the little kitty did with you, to get you so smitten, baby girl?”
“I am not - smitten -”
“Sure you’re not.” He grinned. 
“I am not, smitten, with Beomgyu -”
“Sure. I’m also not a fox.”
The two of you struck a line of fire before he shrugged.
“Well he clearly didn’t do a good enough job, otherwise you wouldn’t be here begging for our help, little Fawn.”
“You don’t know that…” You whimpered. But he was right and you both knew it. 
Yeonjun's smile quirked. You were moments away from breaking. A thrill he could never not chase.
“Oh, I think I do. I know the way he works. Kitty probably had you under his thumb from the moment you met.”
“What - No! No, he did not!”
“Bet he did, doll. Bet he had you hanging onto every sarcastic comment and insult he could come up with.”
“Okay!” You puffed up, desperate to defend your image and your friends. 
“Then tell me, tell me exactly what you think he did, to get me so… love-fucked, Yeonjun! Enlighten me! Please! Since you seem to know so much!” 
The fox’s smile pulled up until you could see his gums. A fear struck in your belly; he was about to do something, and you were ready for it.
"Oh, I don't know, I'm imagining he did a little something like this -"
Without warning, Yeonjun snapped into motion. It was obvious he had been holding back for quite some time; as his limbs became unstuck like a spring suddenly being let loose inside an animatronic. 
With a swift and deliberate movement, his grip lay around your throat and his fingers pressed onto your pulse; body upright and kneeling to follow you down down down until your shoulders were wedged between the seat and the table and you had nowhere else to go.
You gulped, audibly, body stiff as a board. 
The fox was looking down at you with such hunger and fervour that you shifted anxiously against the leather despite your initial instinct to freeze. Yeonjun smelt so damn good and the charm the boy had was insane. You were infatuated. And he was absolutely gorgeous, on top of whatever-the-fuck hybrid impression was being felt.
A single fuck-boy hair curled out from his gelled fringe and hovered over his brow. 
Even while trapping you in a sexual way, in a public place, he could make you smile and feel calm in his presence. Maybe even more so because of it; you sighed, elbows dropping to the chair behind you and heart at a steady pleasant beat to the hybrids ears.
Soobin quickly darted his eyes, nose and ears all around the low-lit floor of the now evening catering diner - already overtly aware of how mind-melting the fox could be. Soobin was not willing to let him undress you for the fox's own sick and twisted personal gain in the middle of the restaurant - to slip from his side of the booth and into both of yours. 
Soobin's body was warm on contact and his side pushed you back into Yeonjun's orbit - more importantly back onto the seat -  with a hand pressed to your exposed spine. The dog smelt like a deep woody cologne, as opposed to Yeonjun’s lighter and sweeter one, and it was a pleasant reminder of the heaviness that had enveloped you in the car ride here. You could still feel Soobin’s jean-clad leg pressing up against your core - 
Pay attention, you chided yourself.
You shuffled up, thankful for Soobin's large frame surrounding the space behind you. Soobin's large hand gripped your knee and unintentionally eased your legs apart, as the fox exhaled warm air down and over your face. 
Your whole body writhed beneath him. You didn’t know where to put your hands, your arms, your legs, your body.
"I want you to look at me while I fuck you, daddy’s pretty little fawn. Want to hear you moan. Want to see you cry, baby. Wanna see your eyes roll when I hit that spot."
Yeonjun had originally started this whole ‘bit’ as a slightly cruel joke. But your reaction was tangible. It made him grumble a noise from his belly, licking his lips. Licking his gums, his teeth.
“Any of this ringing a bell, doll?” He growled lowly, face hovering over yours. “Any of this making you feel love-fucked, yet?”
You had no real rebuttal; because he was right. Everything he was doing; from the way he was acting, to the way he was instructing you what to do, made you melt into the Doberman's side like Beomgyu had done on many private occasions.
And so you whimpered. 
Something small, and submissive. 
Both boys reacted visibly to your noise. Yeonjun's ears tipped further forward and his nose pinched. Soobin’s tail swiped over his jeans in timid and controlled pats and he leaned into you; nuzzling behind your ear with milkshake-tinted breath surrounding your face while the fox’s fingers pressed your throat. 
With the combined actions your core dripped wet and your body flushed hot. 
“O-okay -” You submitted, voice wobbly as all hell. “He might have said… some of that… And he might have had me feeling, some kind of way…” 
It was less of a retort and more of a pathetic distraction of a response. Something to buy time; and the fox smiled; happy that you had succumbed like he had expected. Like you needed to be, for them to help you. 
This was going to be fun.
“B-but what - what about it? Why does it matter? What’s it got to do with this situation?!”
The dog hybrid reached his hand to move under Yeonjun's grip on your throat from behind you; and tipped your head back against his chest and shoulder delicately. Soobin's hand was much bigger, much wider, and a little cooler than the fox’s - from the abandoned milkshake nearby - you melted into him, comfortable in his hold.
“Did you like it, sweetheart?” Soobin spoke with a rumbling growl. “Be honest with us. We want that answer to match the gorgeous scent of your cunt, or we’ll get up and spit roast you in the middle of this fucking diner.” 
You were being thrown totally for a spin. Soobin would never usually talk to you like this. 
He squeezed your airways in a long and steady hold. And looked down at you with a quirked eyebrow and amused expression, taunting you and daring you to lie, plump lips only just out of reach, with an uncharacteristically wicked smile that hypnotised you.
You puttered a pathetic noise, jumping as the fox’s hand soothed up the whole length of your inner leg until it trailed down and over your knee. 
With the unpredictable fox totally out of sight, you gripped Soobin’s strong legs under his jeans. Pleading with your eyes. But he was unmoving, and as patient and methodical as ever.
Yeonjun chittered, and you jumped as his long fingers slipped underneath your skirt to hook down under your thong string over your hip to massage your pubic bone. He applied pressure to the space around your core; pressing his two forefingers onto either side of your labia, just to see you squirm.
“Fuck-ing - wicked canines -”
You practically ate your choked moans, squirming against the seat for an ounce of friction, eyebrows drawn together as Soobin maintained heavy, groaning eye contact. 
His aura had shifted with surprising ease and natural authenticity into one of authority, and his eyebrow pulled high, daring you to make a noise, daring you to lie, daring you to go against their words. Your whole body was on fire, and you had begun tensing from muscle down to the bone. 
Yeonjun's hand twisted in a quick and deliberate motion, middle and forefinger smoothing up and down your folds with ease. He pressed his slender middle finger into your sopping cunt; pressing into you like warm butter. Yeonjun hissed from between his teeth, and his nails dug into your thighs; pumping his finger to add another.
It was an easy fit. You were dripping with slick already. The scent filled their brains with nothing but fantasia and lust.
“Nngh - yeah - yes - yes -” You just about managed to keep to a whisper, hips pressing into the split second of contact with the fox with a burning need. Your grip was tight on their arms and your breathing scattered.
“I did, dammit -” You whimpered, struggling to look down at Yeonjun’s hands that pumped at the slowest pace. “I did, I loved it -”
But the dog tipped your chin back; causing you to fall back onto Soobin's shoulder with your smaller hands gripping over the tight squeeze on your pulse. He moved his thumb to stroke adoringly over your cheek. 
“Pay attention,” Soobin ordered gruffly, but gently. “Tell us how much you loved it -”
He didn’t even get to finish before you were falling apart on his words.
“Fuck. I loved it, Binnie. Wan’ it from you, please, please mark me, please - I’ll do anything, please, fuck -” 
Your heart was racing, and the pheromone of pure rushing lust and submission coursed through you and out into the open air like a drug. Yeonjun's eyes pinched harshly, and his ears pivoted to alert as he shot Soobin a look under his brow. Soobin grumbled, communicating with his friend; his ears also tipped and eyes blown wide.
The look Yeonjun had shot was an instruction to get it together, or more specifically to get you under control before you flooded the whole diner with a pheromone that told the whole place and a short area outside that you needed to be fucked into the next century. Soobin's reaction was one of complete agreement.
“Loosen up, pretty doe,” The dog rumbled, drowsy. He nuzzled against the dip in your neck and let go of the majority of his grip. "You’re shaking. Relax your body." 
The sudden change-up made you shake; quivering in an uncontrollable and entirely unfamiliar way. You whimpered; shifting in his hold; before releasing the tension in your legs upon instruction. It wasn’t that you were scared; no, you were exhilarated and struggled to contain it.
“That pretty cunt of yours is gonna get us found out someday...” Soobin nuzzled behind your ear; biting the outer corner. “... too bad I care enough to let you get upset. That’s enough, let her go Jun.”
“Please, Soob I need you… Junnie, don’t stop…” 
But the fox hybrid didn’t answer your whimpered plea. Instead, Yeonjun retracted his hand and body after gathering the prize he wanted, with a foxish grin spread wide across his cheeks. Submitting to Soobin's direct order with ease. Like he had done it before. Like he enjoyed it.
Soobin released his grip on your throat to hold his arm across your chest. And allowed you a moment's peace to pant like a puppy in heat.
With your head flopped forward and dizzy, Soobin placed his palm under your chin again from behind to tilt you back onto his shoulder, gently this time. He groaned freely at your knees curling up into yourself and Yeonjun's pink gums and healthy canines flashing at him in the low light.
Prey; tugged around until the beasts were ready to feast.
Yeonjun's eyes locked onto your own as he licked at the syrup-sin he had managed to pick up in his scooped fingers. It dripped onto his luscious lips; his irises pulled thin as slits as his pretty slender fingers spread the sweetness around and up his gums; fingertips revealing his sharp teeth and plump lips. The same thin and sharp canines you had dreamed about being sunken into your thighs.
An angel's nectar on a devil's tongue. 
"Sweet like heaven." The fox purred, moaning deeply as he leaned to fall back onto his seat. 
The fox’s jeans were tight and his expression was blissful. His fingers rested in his mouth, as he sucked at them with sinful moans. His ears fell to the side and his tail quirked; palming at your knee that you pressed onto his hard cock. 
You moaned in response, fingers clasped between Soobin's knuckles and gasped at the weight put on your throat. It wasn’t tight; instead, you found it rather grounding. But it was enough to willfully drag air back into your lungs.
Yeonjun's eyes were low and focused entirely on you and the hand decoration around your neck. He popped the fingers out of his mouth with a deep moan, filthy and loud into the diner, eyes fluttering. He was so brazen.
“Mmph - Fuck, big dog, you’ve got to taste this doll. Heaven-ly~” He sang.
“No doubt.” Soobin groaned, nose against your hair and voice rumbling behind. “If it’s anything like her mouth, I’d like nothing more than to spit in it.”
Upon such nasty praise, you were unsure what to do. A quiet moan left your lips and you squeezed your legs together against the Fox’s hands. Shaking with fervour.
Soobin dipped his head to meet your whimpering for an open kiss. He grumbled against your lips and pressed back down to lick up the saliva that pooled on your tongue after being toyed with so much. It was a short embrace, but one you were grateful for. You pulled away to close your eyes and rest against his shoulder.
“You play so well, gorgeous,” Soobin grumbled, pressing the corner of your mouth to wipe your lips with his thumb. “Didn’t think Junnie would make you drool so soon, though. Do you like being spoiled?” 
“I do.” You managed, in a tight tone, stiffening up against the dog at your back. “Thank you.”
Truthfully, the Doberman's nose was much more sensitive to the nerves he could smell hanging around the arousal in the air, and he was determined to make you feel as comfortable as possible whilst in their care. You eased against him - muscles melding against the curve of his chest - with a relieved sigh.
Oh, but if only he knew.
You wanted him. Wanted to be perfectly near him. Consumed by them.
He growled softly, and answered your pattering heartbeat by pressing against your back even more with his chest - the best he could do at this angle - moving the hair from your shoulder to the already bruised skin behind your neck to press his nose into your collarbone, over your scent gland.
His woody musk was plastered over you from before in the car already, though. So he pressed his cheek to your neck with a content grumble, and smiled against your shoulder, hand over your stomach in a loving pull. 
“Do you want us to take you home? Go back to the car? Or you gon’ tell us when you’ve had enough?”
You would have loved to answer, but your mind was elsewhere, and you had no space left to think. Your eyes fixated on Yeonjun, and the long drag of his cigarette. Of course, he knew he was being watched. But he didn’t spare you a glance. It was all part of the act.
Once again; in the dimly lit booth of the diner, the orange in his thinly slit eyes shone like a cat in headlights on a foggy road. His cheek tilted, and he smirked at you; sprawled over their legs and so fuzzy with scents that you were starting to miss breaths. He saw your eyes dip until you felt consumed.
“Hmm, babe?” Soobin mumbled, pressing a kiss to your cheek and pressing your stomach with his wide-open palm to gain your attention. 
He truly could pick you up and bend you over with little effort at any time. You could see now after all the time spent together platonically, why he was favoured as a hired bodyguard. Lean, but strong. And more than a little gutsy.
Your mind was starting to wander.
You shuffled to sit upright and face more towards the hound in the soft leather seat. It was a welcome body heat to your side, and you felt secure, messing around with your larger friend pressed to your back. Yeonjun watched you both with enamoured eyes, tail curled and ears dipped completely. Thumb pressing into your inner knee in smoothing swipes.
The chemistry was obvious. But Yeonjun wasn’t in the slightest sense jealous when he knew what was pre-agreed and on the cards. Besides, you had your own relationship together, already. 
It was only a matter of time before you fell into him like that.
Soobin's' energy was in such contrast to the fox. The dog's tail flopped up and down as soon as you turned to him, ears tentatively tilted downward in your direction and dimples softly dipped into his cheeks. You accepted the gentle nuzzling head butt against the top of your scalp as his ears curled. 
A soft putt of air sounded from his nose as you reached for his hands. He allowed you to move them onto your lap and off your stomach, admiring that you seemed to feel braver to move how you wanted, now that you had a large-bodied wall against the majority of the diner guests. 
“I’m good here, for now.” You managed, voice weak. “Thank you though, for moving Binnie.” The Pinscher nodded, and his dimples pressed into his smile. “I like you here. Both of you.”
A pretty girl who likes to feel protected, Yeonjun mentally noted with sharp eyes and a smile.
“You’re welcome, Y/N.” The dog smiled. Happy. Pleased to help you. “And sure, fine, if it’s what you prefer.”
“D’you want a drink or something doll?” Yeonjun offered, a lot closer to you now than you realised he had been. He was certainly sneaky.
“It’s on us,” Soobin added. His deep voice reverberated between your ears, making you squeeze your thighs tight. 
Soobin noticed and poked at the softness of your ribs as you curled both your hands into his one large palm. He squeezed your hands in his, ears pointed directly down at your face and tail happily swiping in a relaxed pattern. He was being patient with you.
You dipped your head, finally registering the dizzying effects of being so hot and bothered.
You shook your head, and a small “No, no thank you.” was mumbled into the canine's chest area. 
You felt faint. Like you were being circled. Like your head was pulsing at the images of being stuffed full. Like you were awaiting tense moments of silence before being pounced. You wondered if the thrill would ever subside.
Soobin’s scent was heavy with musk, and he had to put in a lot less legwork to make you pliant, unlike the fox. He didn’t want to push you. So he let the fox take over in the meantime.
Yeonjun sat up, shuffling into your side. Ears craning to hear your breathing, your quick pulse.
“You okay, gorgeous?” The fox asked quizically behind the diners' comically large laminated menu that had been passed over the table by Soobin. Of whom; had moved away to deliberately break some tension. 
Of course, the flimsy plastic didn’t actually block anything from the other hybrids in the building due to their senses. Not to mention Soobin was taller and practically glued to your side, within earshot and by proxy inside your bubble like a literal, actual large guard dog, so the guise of it just being ‘you and Yeonjun’ was a falsehood. But the laminated card at least blocked your human brain from noticing anything but them, for now, and that's really all that mattered. 
They were wining and dining and potentially long-term courting you now, after all. Your comfort and security was of the utmost importance.
“Hope we aren’t moving too fast? Don’t want to spook you, doll.”
You smiled, with a shake of your head and huffed a sigh.
“No, I’m - I’m good, thank you Junnie -” You stuttered on your words, unsure if you should say what you wanted to. “It’s just…” 
“Go on?” Yeonjun drawled. “What is it?” He puffed at the smoke of the practically forgotten and readily burning cigarette with a relaxed posture. Arms crossed, back curved. 
By God, beyond him being just so convincing; you trusted him with your entire body by now. He barely had to push and you were ready to spill until there was nothing left but clean bone. 
This is of course, what Yeonjun wants. Information. Secrets. The view behind the curtain. He is consumed by the need to know. 
Always and forever, he seeks what is between the lines; what is just beyond reach.
“Is it always going to be like this?” You questioned, weakly. “Is it always going to be this intense? This… suffocating to be around you guys?” 
Yeonjun's ears swivelled to point at you with a small, shocked expression. Like he was almost blushing. Like he hadn’t expected you to point it out.
“Suffocating, love? Do you need to go outside and get some air?” 
Soobin's voice boomed from behind, but you quickly shook your head. Binnie was almost always just off the mark and took the voicing a tad too literally.
“I - no - I didn’t mean it in a bad way.” You huffed, and scratched your head, finding the words. “I just -”
Yeonjun simply nodded and waited. You would find your footing.
You blurted out your thoughts; short and fast.
“This thing I feel when you’re around me - this feeling of pressure in my lungs. It’s like - I can feel you guys in the room without knowing where you are. But it’s only you guys. Or like, other predators. Surely you feel it too, right?”
The boys shared a look. These were the types of things a hybrid in heat would be experiencing.
“I don’t know if I’m just super sense-aware after not socialising for so long, or if it’s like, a super normal hybrid thing, or if - maybe - I’m just horny as all hell, but I just wonder. Is it always going to feel this intense? Do you… know that, even?”
And your innocent mouth had just uttered your current state to them into the air, without any idea of what you were saying. But according to Beomgyu; you hadn’t experienced a cycle yet, and the clinicians said it should be months until one started. 
Unless something, or someone, had triggered it.
The two of them proceeded, cautiously. Conscious not to react strongly.
“These things are normal.” Yeonjun purred, soothingly. “Most of it probably has to do with you getting used to life with this new body.” He tapped out his cigarette, and kissed his teeth, moving to look at you. “You could call it a heightened sixth sense. But really it’s just all of your senses working together to keep you alive.”
“Like a deer, in a forest? Hearing all the… things around it?” You offered, trying to relate it to something you had seen before. 
Yeonjun nodded, with a touched smile.
“Sure, sweetness. Like a deer, in a forest.”
You nodded. And thought on it for a moment. Yeonjun spoke up before your mind could wander down any unfactual wormholes.
“A marten knows when a deer is nearby. A deer knows when it’s in the presence of a bear. A bear is usually always aware that it’s in the presence of a hunter. And so on.” He flicked his eyes to the dog behind him. Soobin nodded, so Yeonjun continued. “ You’ll get used to it eventually. The severity of it - or, at least that intense feeling of paranoia you’re getting - usually goes away when we become ‘of age’. You’ve just got some catching up to do is all. Started a lot later than the rest of us.”
Yeonjun's smile was kind, as you looked up to him. 
“Obviously, coming up to when you reach your rut, you’re going to start being more aware of your surroundings. Same as a deer, right, gorgeous? You’re gonna start looking for partners - physically, maybe even subconsciously - any scents they may leave around, or indicators that they’re also down to fuck. Learning body language is extremely important.”
Yeonjun paused to heave smoke into his lungs and out of his lips in a slow, circular puff. He was assessing you. As expected, your response was bashful. A small nod and avoidant eyes indicated to him that you were listening, and your racing heart told him that you were affected by what he was saying. 
His ear ticked. He heaved a sigh that turned into a hum. And he pushed the remainder of the smoke out of his body with a smile. Swiping the smoke out of the way to see your face.
In the moving air, your nose followed the trail of an aroma. It was Yeonjun's musk. Orange, light, and citrusy, but sweeter than before; with a pinch of spice that reminded you of Christmas. 
“I’ve heard it does crop up again with future cycles, but not every month, and not nearly as intense as the first. We’re all just mammals on the Discovery Channel, after all.”
You smiled and laughed at his attempt to make you giggle. It had worked.
“Okay, thank you.” You exhaled a sigh. That had lifted some weight off your shoulders. It was a conversation Beomgyu would never entertain, so you were thankful for the explanation.
“I enjoy being here with the two of you, so I guess it’s not a bad thing and I’ll get used to it eventually. Not really that hungry though, if you guys are about to order?”
The fox’s eyebrow quirked. Happy to move on. “Really? Food’s on the house and you don’t want anything?”
You shrugged, looking between both the boys’ pointed expressions. You puffed your cheeks and pulled your shoulders up to shrug on an exhale.
Yeonjun pulled the menu over to rest on both of your legs. The laminate was cold, and his hands - well the contact made you itch with the need to be smothered by him.
“You should eat something, Y/N. Especially if we’re gonna drink later. We can do takeout if you don’t want to eat it here?”
You were looking at the menu. You were reading the words. But nothing was coming to you. Nothing stuck. Your brain felt like cotton candy, and you were unable to concentrate on anything but the desperate want to have his hands spread over your tacky thighs and to fuck you until you came all over the -
“I don’t want you guys to feel put out, is all.” You pressed, cheeks hot from trying to keep your mind in check. Missing the sharp eyes that grew amused at your reaction to some very deliberate teasing.
Soobin scoffed. “Not at all, you can have anything on here, it’s your pick.” All the while his thumb pressed over your knuckles and into your palm.
“How are you guys so damn persuasive?” You laughed gently. “You’d make great con men, you know? Maybe even better pick up artists?” 
The dog giggled. His arm moved to sink behind you, palm behind the gap between you and Yeonjun, encapsulating your personal bubble completely. 
“I think maybe you just like us, sweetheart,” He said calmly, “and I’m personally taking the whole thing as a compliment.”
The boys laughed, but Soobin could tell you wanted something. It had been hours, and he needed to feed you before they gave you a good fuck. 
Humour was a deflection that Yeonjun could easily counter; so Soobin shot his friend a look over your head as you puffed your cheeks at the menu, nodding at you with a ‘she needs to eat something’ look. He got the hint immediately.
Yeonjun made a long nasal noise with shrugged soldiers. “Welllllll - we just don’t want you to start feeling left out, is all. You could share something of ours? Of mine?” His head dipped beside your own, and you wriggled between their hips at the sudden intrusion. “And if you don’t finish it, they do have take-out boxes.”
“Yeah, okay then. If you insist.” You answered with a giggle.
“I do,” Yeonjun smiled, ears shifting towards you as his cheeks lifted to an eye-half-closed, gentle expression. “But not if you really don’t want something. Don’t want you to feel pressured. Just want to look after our gorgeous girl is all.”
“Ice cream is good?” You giggled, humoured by his expression and noticeably more malleable under his sway than Soobin’s. 
“Cherry Sundae it is then, princess,” Yeonjun purred lowly with a pleased smile. And this close, with his striking eyes, dipped low and ears folded forward, he held an air of gentle authority about him. Your attention drew to his face and his face alone. 
“Proud of you for being able to make a choice, pet.”
That nickname did something to you. Like an elastic band panged inside of your brain. And Yeonjun was patient with your reaction, unmoving while your guard dropped and your smile grew dopey.
His eyebrow quirked. 
“Did you like that, baby?” 
You flushed hot; nodding. 
Yeonjun chuckled. “You can be our pet, if you’d like that, gorgeous.”
You were enamoured by the beauty of him. How close he was. What exactly you wished to do with him. What you wanted him to do with you. 
Your focus drew particularly to his lips. You had never actually realised how plump and perfectly pink they were until now. He was tall, tan and kind, with a smile that pinged cupids arrows straight into any girl's heart that was fucked dumb enough to lean into them. You wanted to move so badly that your nails dug into Soobin's hand on your lap and you missed his small exhale of a cry.
Yeonjun's cheeks twitched into a smile. His canines slipped past his gums. You were just so adorable to him. In the way your nipples poked through your shirt at the mere hint of excitement, and the way your tongue darted to wet your lips; to your breath catching in your lungs on his every word. It wasn’t often that a prey type actually held his attention for this long, or this intensely. But he could see now why Beomgyu had taken such a quick fascination towards you.
The fox was devilishly curious to see just how far he could push you - into sub-space, or even your newly found instincts. 
He wanted to pull you apart just to put you back together again. 
You had asked them to help you. And he intended to do so. But in his own ways.
As your eyes dipped and your heartbeat pattered like a bunny about to be caught, Yeonjun found himself leaning into your space until there was nothing left. 
And it wasn’t like you didn’t want it. You had been aching to be touched ever since Soobin kissed you in the car; cunt wet and pressing against the leather - moving across it in such a way that it would likely smell of you for weeks. 
Sucking on the slick almost straight from the source was a memory that made Yeonjun groan with lust. He grew instantly pleased by the way your shoulders dropped as he pressed into your space and the way your legs shifted endlessly together for some friction.
He could also, like his companion, see that something was holding you back from taking the last leap. So he took a shot in the dark and guessed what it may be, allowing you to come to him, by mitigating any doubts either party had, to the best of his abilities. 
He had hit full score so far, what harm was there in another try?
“Payment is appreciated, little one, but not expected.” He practically purred at you now, a blink away from your face. “For everything, tonight. Or for as long as this lasts.”
Yeonjun lifted the back of his hand to brush his knuckles over your nipples that sat perk and taut against the cotton of your cropped blouse; his long fingers catching on the collar and tugging it down until the fabric flopped back into place and you blinked out of your daze. 
Your eyes and mind had begun to wander as his hand did, thinking of all the things he could do to you with his pretty hands and lips, mind full of muck. 
But a finger under your chin propped you back up. 
Your lips opened to a slight part and your eyes dipped low. “Like Binnie said, in the text from this morning,” Soobin rolled his eyes behind you. The charmer was now also lying as if he had ever read the text. “We only want to spoil you. Nothing more, and especially nothing less. You’re welcome to repay us in whatever way you please. But it’s not a must.”
You couldn’t stop yourself. Filled to the brink with a sudden lust and instinctual urge to just touch him, get near him, taste and lick the space behind his gums and to be enveloped by them to the point of mindless submission.
You had been warned of a predator's pull, but this was the first time you had fallen into the arms of one. Literally. Being purred at by a Fox hybrid as his blunt nail dragged the underside of your chin towards his face.
“Speak up, pretty Fawn. What's on your mind?”
You balanced a hand atop the denim on his thigh to press quivering fingers to his perfect neck, anticipating his lips in a trust fall and leaning over and onto his torso. Yeonjun groaned, delighted. He flopped the menu onto the table with one hand - pinching your nipples between his knuckles and his thumb to tug you closer - and moved up to hold your jaw with the other as you pushed the angle of the kiss down upon him. 
He was ever so gentle in the way he kissed. Licking small laps against your lips and never going any deeper. 
But it only made you moan for more. 
Your hand on his thigh reached to his farthest shoulder and you lifted higher and higher above him - unintentionally set to fling over a leg and sit on top of him, so consumed by desire and buzzing from head to toe - until Soobin had to intervene.
The dog used one large palm to pull you back down by one thigh. 
The chair leather squeaked underneath you as it tugged at your exposed skin; but he had pulled you down to sit on his thigh and knee, with your palm returning to Yeonjun's chest to steady yourself and pull away from the kiss. 
You had broken the kiss with Yeonjun with a broken moan, looking back up behind you with a thankful smile and puffy, bitten lips. 
“Careful - you almost flashed the whole diner, baby,” Soobin grunted, smoothing his thumb over the outside of your leg and loving the complete hold he had on you. You reached to intertwine your smaller hands with Soobin’s over his knuckles in apology. He squeezed your hand gently.
“As much as we all want to, we can’t jump any bones in here - at least, not yet. Not until Kai gets here. It’s too dangerous, love.” 
You nodded sheepishly, melting against the two of them as Yeonjun shuffled impossibly closer and Soobin leaned down to kiss behind your ear. The fuzzy sensation of lust washed over your head and you let out a small cry. 
The hound held you down against his leg as the majority of your body weight rested on Yeonjun's side. It meant you could lean your one ass cheek and thigh on Soobin some more, leaving the goods open to airflow and making the boys groan. 
Soobin sucked a harsh pressure to the pulse behind your jaw, making you bite your lip as he squeezed his palm around your knee, pulling your legs apart on purpose and manhandling you as he so pleased. He pulled away with a bite, skin between his teeth to make you almost cry.
Your cunt was getting increasingly wet, and soon it would be the only smell swimming in their brains and their mouth until it surrounded them and drifted out of the booth; with every door opening at the front and kitchen creating a sudden draft. Hence the need for Kai to be there. Amongst all the other reasons, only three hybrid men in their prime could ever cover that kind of smell. Let alone replace it.
An open kiss caught you by surprise, placed dead centre on the front of your throat. You hadn’t realised your eyes had been pressed closed, but you shut them again, dazzled by the overhanging lamp lights. The hickey laid there was gentle, but hot and filthy as hell. Yeonjun nibbled sharp canine points together against your thin skin with consistent sucking motions until he stole any clarity left in your mind. Palm stroking up and down your sides, until your ears flushed hot and a hickey was left, front dead and centre.
Your body was finally starting to smell of him - not to the extent of a claim, but a bruising lovebite with those sharp teeth over the scent gland on your collarbone was enough - it wasn’t something you were aware of, but a sure sign that no other hybrid could get near you while you remained in their care. Malleable to them and them alone.
You felt calm again. A shiver rippled up your spine.
“Breathe, gorgeous.”
Soobin's voice unfroze you, and a small gasp hissed between your teeth.
Yeonjun pulled back to flick open his lighter and re-light his cigarette. He chewed on his gums in self-restraint. He wanted to gnaw on you like a fucking fishbone, but he had to wait.
As he leaned back against the seat, he noticed your wandering eyes. Soobin's hands and mouth were exploring you fully; tongue spreading over your ear to make you shiver and moan, while his hand moved underneath your skirt. You held his wrist, aching and gyrating for the edge of his palm to touch your core. 
“Jeez, you’re eager for a fuck - the both of you.” 
Yeonjun made a tutting sound, reaching to pull Soobin's half-empty milkshake across the table and hold the straw between his fingers to slurp it up in front of you. 
“Take it easy tigers. People are starting to notice.” He was referring to the hybrid waitress who was giving him shifty eyes every time she walked the floor.
As soon as Soobin felt the fabric of your panties against his fingertips and heard his companion's warning, he immediately snapped too. He pulled away to groan at the visual that met him - but held on to his very last strands of self-preservation. His hand pulled back, smoothing over your knee with a gentle grip on your thigh to ground you, despite your puffs and whining.
“Just wanna feel you, Binnie, Junnie, please.” Your voice grew high and whiney.
“That’s enough, angel,” Soobin growled under his breath in a patient and calm demeanour. “We gotta wait for Kai. I know - we want it too.”
You batted your eyes, twisting in his gaze. Alas you nodded, skin hot, mind lost in his dimples and touch. Accepting an eyebrow kiss with a fluttering eye.
“Babe?” Yeonjun prompted softly. You turned, dazzled, to a straw being placed gently on your mouth. “Here. You haven’t drunk anything yet.” 
It was true; you hadn’t drunk in hours.
Your hands flew out to wrap over Yeonjun's wrist and fingers upon instruction, and he inhaled a large lung of smoke to your swollen lips wrapping around the straw to suck until he told you to stop. There was something so innocent about the way you followed him, that made the boys' cocks throb in their tight jeans. 
Soobin groaned. “Where the fuck is this guy?” 
The Doberman nasally whined and huffed, and ruffled his hair, placing an elbow on the table to hide his open side, pulling his phone out to text Kai and bother him to ‘turn up faster’.
“You reckon he got stuck? Traffic is pretty bad around here, especially after office hours.” Yeonjun thumbed over your finger caught under his thumb, eyes soft. Soobin didn’t verbally respond, instead shrugging with a deep gruff of annoyance, accompanied by puffed-out cheeks. 
“What’s the time?” Yeonjun asked, softer this time, pressing at the distraction. Eyes dipped and drunk in adoration.
“Near enough 8 PM.” Soobin inhaled sharply, pulling back to click his phone shut and slide it back into his inner jacket pocket. “The fucker should have been here twenty minutes ago, at least.”
“Mhmm,” Yeonjun hummed. “That’s enough.” 
Yeonjun held the cup to your mouth until you released it, and set it on the side to flick his phone out of his coat pocket and smudge out the butt of his hardly-smoked cigarette. 
You didn’t get a ‘good girl’ out of it, but you didn’t necessarily need one with the way he slipped his fingers over yours, palm down and in his lap, tapping at his phone with one thumb. The two of you were quickly falling into things, and it was a pleasant feeling.
You had released the straw with a gasp of air, careful not to cough, but flew to grip at the wrist of the hand that slipped high and snug to your cunt between your warm thighs. 
“Soobinnie! Quit torturing me!” You pouted with an outcry, only to be met with a cheeky grin and a sarcastic shake of the hound's head with wide eyes. 
You decided to try and push him.
“Are you sure we can’t do anything here? Right now?” 
You heard Yeonjun scoff. Frown and pout stuck to his handsome features as he flicked over the screen.
“Nope, not until Kai gets here, babe. And no, again. We’re not fucking in the diner. Quit trying your luck.”
“But I want to.” You pouted up at him.
“So do we ~” Soobin shook his head at you playfully. And tugged the hem of your skirt so it thwapped against your skin. 
His palm was still gliding in short circular motions between your thighs. Each rotation of his palm brushed up against your underwear and made you shiver.
“You’re cute but you ain’t that cute.” Soobin teased, dimples appearing as you stuck your tongue out at him. “Plus, I don’t particularly feel like getting in shit tonight.”
Yeonjun snickered at this from behind you both, still distracted by his phone.
You turned to the fox’s boyish grin with a huff. 
A hair lay on his forehead as he tapped his fingers on your knuckles. That piece of hair was irritating you. It was distracting. It tapped at his brow until you couldn't stand it anymore. 
Now that you were feeling a little braver; you could move before you started to overthink things.
As if he were your delicate porcelain-fragile prince, you moved the hair off his brow - caught between your forefingers and flicked back into the right place - moving to kiss Yeonjun’s high cheek in the process. 
His sharp eyes lay on you immediately. And he held a grateful closed-lip smile. His ears had even dipped to the side. But his brows were creased. And he looked at you almost quizzically. You imagined that if he had whiskers, they would be twitching restlessly.
He wasn’t used to being touched so gently. It made his chest press in against itself. And a bolt of nervousness panged inside his heart; an unusual feeling.
“Thank you - Y/N…” He mumbled. The facade of confidence wavering if only for a moment.
You nodded, with a bashful expression. And again, before you could think about it too much; you propped your knee over his, leaning into his touch. Snug to his shoulder. He hadn’t expected you to be so forward and flirtatious, at least not yet. He liked it. It suited him.
Yeonjun clicked his phone shut to look down at you, humoured, but ears still soft. You batted your eyelashes - purposefully, because you could see what the innocence did to him - and invaded his space.
“You should eat,” Yeonjun murmured, brows now relaxed, and his lips tilted at the edges into a playful smile. “Pick something. If you don’t eat it now, we’ll take it back with us.”
You shuffled closer, making a thinking noise and looking around. He heard your heart flutter, but your sweet face and voice remained steady. 
He bumped his forehead with your own. The heavy smell of smoke and cologne made it hard for you to breathe. He trailed his lips to the corner of your mouth; pressing gently. Then drifted back to your cheek. His thumb pressed into your palm, and his gaze bore into you with a burning ember. All the while his ears lay to the side; submissive. The one further from you twitched every so often; anxious of noises and sounds of the people near you, but you weren’t afraid.
Despite his flashy rockstar ego, the guy really was soft and protective.
“I will, since you want me to.” You returned under your breath, lips brushing his. 
You had already decided on a food item; the whole thing was now just a performance. 
Playing with a devil.
Soobin swished two different dessert menus across the table, nudging your leg with his as Yeonjun pulled away and he returned to high alert. He wiped his mouth with a coarse laugh, reaching for a cigarette and the menu. Neither stayed in his hand for very long; desperate to touch you and the bare skin resting atop his legs. His hands smoothed over your knees, and you leaned on his shoulder.
“Thanks, angel.” Yeonjun winked up at the waitress and moved to rest the laminated menu on his lap as he slouched. He shook the stray hair from his eyes to turn and look at you as you prodded him in the side with small needy hands. Your cheek lay on his arm and a playful smile was visible on your face. 
The fox raised a brow. “What is it sugar?”
“Again please.” You mumbled, blinking up with wide and innocent eyes. “I wan’ another kiss.”
It was a simple prompt, yet it made Yeonjun puff a breath from his nose. He was clever and knew what you wanted. Butterflies of excitement erupted in his stomach at the first confident ask you had been able to give. 
“Another kiss?” 
Yeonjun flicked the tip of his ear and his eyes to the dog behind you. He was providing a great distraction. And you didn’t even react when the waitress dropped her pen on the table, or cutlery on the cloths.
“Please, Junnie.” 
That tone - it went straight to his cock. You were getting dopey. Inebriated by their scents.
“Again?” Yeonjun repeated, voice deep as his ears dipped to the sides. His eyes had secured back onto you. And he relaxed, knowing Soobin could handle the waitress. You giggled, tongue between your teeth, and nodded, unwavering as he used his spare hand to tilt your jaw up with his thumb pressed into the underside of your jaw, fingers on your pulse. Your eyes had dipped and you were entranced. The fox, of course, knew what he was doing, and dragged his open lips over yours.
The waitress spoke to Soobin as the two of you flirted obnoxiously loudly. Soobin cringed, visibly, but it was to the group's benefit, so he sucked it up. It wasn’t that he was jealous; no not at all. He was just aware of how shameless the fox could be about his voyeuristic tendencies.
“Two sundaes on Soobin's tab, please and thanks.”
The waitress quirked. And Soobin sighed. Somewhere between the two of you eating each other's air behind him and the waitress visibly reacting to his name and the situation, he felt annoyed. Her small roundish ears pointed at the table, her tail swishing and her nose pinching at the scents.
“Oh - Soobin? Does Chan know you’re here? I can let him know - he’s in-house?” 
Soobin's jaw ticked. It was a silly, but innocent exchange. 
Of course, Bangchan knew they were there. Soobin's car was outside in the valet. The tab was on his name. Yeonjun was accompanying him. He had pre-warned of his arrival and deliberately picked a date when he knew nothing could happen, and the floor was safe. 
If the assassin didn’t know who was in his own building, then Soobin simply wasn’t a hybrid.
“Sure,” Soobin responded, shrugging with as much ease as he could fake. 
“Sure he knows you’re here, or - sure you want me to let him know?” In honesty, Soobin wasn’t listening. But he was in all senses a gentleman with morals. So he tried his best to ignore the hard-on in his jeans to exhale a polite but to-the-point; “He’s aware that we’re visiting. But sure, you can let him know. Wouldn’t hurt to say hi.”
The tooth that snaggled Yeonjun's lip was fiendish.
Yeonjun cut short your intake of air as he applied pressure to the sides of your throat; and pressed his lips to yours, licking up against the roof of your mouth. He swallowed your moans as quickly as he caused them; while his other hand gripped at the knee flung over his lap. He squeezed your throat until your moans grew puttered.
Abruptly; he broke the kiss. Yeonjun tugged on your lip with his canines before he released you; knee, throat and all. He had given you what you had asked. But you weren’t satiated. Weren’t fulfilled. Needy in a way you had never felt before. Head dipped to his shoulder, enveloped in his aura.
The waitress grew amused and shrugged off the possibility of being offended. 
There were rumours. 
Rumours that Soobin wasn’t quite the reserved, tall, Doberman Pinscher that he appeared to be. That he had a freakish and unbiased violent streak. That his fox friend was an edgy nymphomaniac and a silver-tongued narcissist. 
But that wasn’t for her to find out; so she took his menu with a nod and a smile, sure to swish her tail a little higher than usual underneath her apron.
But the boys’ eyes, ears, and heart, were on you, and you alone.
And little did she know; the two of them were about to become devoted to you entirely.
“Having trouble keeping that cute little thong on, love?” Yeonjun mumbled. 
He poked at your gyrating hips, and snickered at your eager nod, before pressing against your awaiting lips. He teased you; pressing then pulling away, biting his tongue with a shit-eating smile just to make you wait. He did it two more times, then moved back to lean on the chair and look at the menu again.
Beomgyu had warned you that this may happen. 
That they were older; in higher social positions; and may swallow you whole. Beomgyu was a baby in comparison. But their attention was infatuating and you couldn’t get enough of it. You had never taken ecstasy, but the experience made you remember every symptom list you had read for the drug.
“Wan’ m’re ~” You mumbled absently, the fox’s yipping laugh echoing in your brain. You pawed at his arm needily. “Again, pl’se ~”
But you couldn’t help yourself. Couldn’t wait. So hungry for those soft lips and the smoky scent of his cigarettes and cologne to touch you all over again. You pulled both hands to tug at the nape of his neck until his eyes squinted, swivelling to see that desperate expression on your face. Before he could remark, your lips were upon his and your tongue pressed up against his teeth in an uprooting force.
“Mmph - so soft,” Yeonjun grunted, getting lost in the motions before slipping a hand from under the menu to squeeze the inside of your knee. You yelped, almost biting his lip in the process of jolting away. “But you should pay attention when people are talking to you, Kit.”
“Junnie! That hurt!” Jumping with a drunk laugh, you swatted at his hand. “But - no one is talking to me?” You looked at the other canine beside you, then around, confused.
“I was.” Soobin chuckled, tone kind and voice low. “But it doesn’t matter, it wasn’t anything important.”
“Bad doe.” Yeonjun sucked his teeth, peering over the menu for real this time. If only far too late. But his disappointment was quickly mellowed. And he scoffed, shaking his head. Refusing to look at you but resting his palm on your soft warm skin nonetheless. Squeezing, but only enough to hurt for a moment. 
As much as he’d love to mark your skin with his hand, the diner wasn’t exactly the place to do it. That would hopefully come much later.
“You guys are so bad, you know that right?” Soobin chuckled, swirling his drink glass in his hand with a shrugged scoff, one arm tucked under his armpit.
Yeonjun seemed to be the only one that heard him; snickering in response with his tongue in his teeth.
“A little scent-drunk love?” Yeonjun teased when he noticed your glossed-over expression as you stared at his face for quite a long time. He lowered his face close to yours as his tongue caught his canines and he giggled in glee. “Baby wanna be claimed so badly? Baby wanna be touched so bad? Have our teeth all up and down her throat?”
“Wan’ it ~” You moaned wantonly, frowning and confused as to why he wouldn’t submit like Beomgyu usually would to your persistent touch and begging. 
“Yeah right, doll.” Yeonjun snickered. “That little dumb baby brain of yours wouldn’t be able to handle it.”
Out of morbid curiosity, he pinched your chin. Immediately; your jaw relaxed and he reached to press a thumb down into your mouth and onto your tongue. You drooled; mouth agape and eyes hooded. 
You numbly and happily held Yeonjun’s wrist as he pulled his thumb out from your mouth - saliva wiped on your lips and your gums and alongside your face - to grip your cheeks. 
“Cause that’s what you are, aren’t you? Our needy, brainless little pet?”
The fox was toying with you
Soobin's arm snaked around your waist with a growl, to pull you back into a solid, warm body. You made a noise of desperation as the dog pulled you backwards, away from the fox and his messings.
“Ngh - no, I - I wan - wan’ it -” 
You looked drunk. Sounded drunk. And you felt it. Unsure what you were begging for.
Still facing the fox; you were perfectly manoeuvrable and open for Soobin to do as he pleased.
“Play nice, Junnie. ” Soobin dipped his head to nuzzle into the crook of your neck; scenting you incessantly to soothe your heart-aching whines. “Doll doesn’t know what she wants when you smother her so much.”
Somehow; with Soobin attached to you; your heart eased its incessant thundering in your chest, and within seconds you were able to breathe deeply again. You moaned, with a dazed and confused expression. The tension in your body released via Soobin sucking at the thin skin behind your jaw. 
"Easy, Y/N." Soobin guided, voice low and filling your brain. "Your heart is racing, angel."
A shiver struck down your spine and you held Yeonjun's hand on your knee. Your gaze grew distant and you moved to lean your head back onto the dogs' broad shoulders and completely to the side. It granted Soobin further access and he wasted no time in pressing his nose to your collarbone; skin to warm skin. 
You threaded your fingers through his hair and up to your knuckles; until you met his scalp. And gripped harshly as he squeezed your inner thigh. 
Soobin sucked at your neck, and you gripped at the large calloused hand that squeezed over the entirety of your thigh, moaning into a bit lip. Soobin growled lowly against your skin. Moments away from claiming you. The girl he adored; that he had guided into the hybrid life. 
It had been long enough. You were practically laying yourself bare in front of him, waiting for him to take you.
His large palm found heavy purchase close to your core, and you twitched with weak repetitive sounds. 
Upon a new tone of low growling from his friend, the fox panicked; and realised just how much the hound had lost control.
Soobin's thumb pressed to your clit over your wet underwear as his large palm forced your legs apart. Soobin's other palm silenced your mouth; clit circled as you writhed in a tummy-burning lust.
“Cut it out!” Yeonjun yelled under his breath, and made a sharp yipping sound; one of warning. Permeated by a rolled-up laminated menu that he used to thwap the young dog on the head with. 
It was only a moment of contact, but it folded Soobin’s sharp ear and got the point across.
Soobin pulled away upon Yeonjun’s loud - and what you now knew to be uncontrollable - laughing chorus. Your skin heated and your ears burned from embarrassment, but you were still scent-drunk, by all means.
Never in your human life, would you have laid yourself bare in an evening diner to get fucked. 
“That was fucking close.” Soobin scoffed.
Yeonjun lit his new cigarette with his ridiculously attractive snapping lighter bottle before taking a large inhale and surrounding himself in smoke. 
“It was.” 
His amber eyes glinted under the low lights and the smoke and reminded you once more of the very real senses they both had over you. 
“Feeling needy, big boy? Haven’t seen you react like that in a long time.” Yeonjun mused once he knew his friend had calmed down. He was both assessing his friend and gauging your safety. If he would have to get you out of here before Soobin started on a dogged campaign of getting you to cum in public. But he seemed okay.
Soobin laughed. “Yeah…” He shook his hair back into place, tousling with it to then reach and unfold his tall slanted ear. “Pretty badly, actually. Little one has a decent hold on me already.”
“Good; then that makes for two of us.” Yeonjun simply smiled, squeezing your knee at your bashful eyes. 
But your mind was empty, as you were just admiring them. Watching his ears. Watching his face. His pretty puffy lips move. His gorgeous amber eyes.
“Gorgeous girl likes a thrill though, huh?” The fox mused; purring at you. He was bouncing back quicker and quicker. And it was a delight to see.
You nodded. 
 "Lucky. Kai should be here anytime soon. He’s a perv, just like you. Pretty Kit to play with. I have a feeling you’ll like him."
Yeonjun moved to sit back and slouch in the booth after setting down his rolled-up weapon; his entire leg still pressed up underneath your thigh and his palm heavy on your leg under the table. His presence may have been strong, but his devilish mouth and eyes were a decent length away now due to his abhorrent height.
Someone was approaching.
“Yeah, YN enjoys a thrill. Not without her new bodyguards nearby though, it seems.” A new voice sang, amused and high in pitch.
You quirked up; unable to see beyond Soobin or the high seats. But the dog flared his nose to calmly lean back and look behind him. Your heart beat in your chest in anticipation; but you remained as still as possible - given that the boys weren’t reacting, you felt safe; but the sensitivity was hard to adjust, even in calm settings.
As soon as you saw the huge grin of the large hybrid, you let go of the breath you were holding. 
"Speak of the devil!" Yeonjun yipped in a high and excitable tone, ears folding as he stood to bump shoulders in complete boyish fashion over the round table, pressing you into Soobin with his hips. 
A close friend.
“What’s up -” Kai laughed, bumping shoulders with the fox, grip strong and small ears folded to his hair in submission.“Been a while!” 
The guys did their usual boyish greeting; all the while Soobin watched you, dotingly. 
As Yeonjun moved to sit back down, you stayed incredibly close to the Doberman behind you. The canine didn't move an inch. Instead; he smiled, greeting Kai calmly with deep dimples and a lazy wave. 
Soobin was amused at your nervous twitching to get closer to him and lean against him to not get crushed, and how reserved you acted towards the stranger; with your dopey smile mostly gone and eyes wide and observant. 
Soobin was a guard dog by trade, but the instincts came naturally to him when you were around. Your ears struggled to keep up in such a dazed state; head spinning to hear between the two of them.
“You’re safe, Y/N,” Soobin mumbled, brushing some hair behind your ear, before placing a kiss on your shoulder that sent a shiver striking down your spine. "He's lower than us. Couldn’t hurt you if he tried." 
You nodded, absently. Something about him told you innately that he was a small predator. He likely couldn't harm you or affect you in the way the boys could; but he had a distinct new smell, one that you had never picked up on before. 
“Sorry, I was busy elsewhere -” Kai started, before seeing you. “Hi ~ You must be Y/N?” He smiled. You waved back with a nod and smile.
“Yeah, you don’t say!” Yeonjun smiled with his eyes. The annoyance completely dissipated, now the guy was in front of him. 
“We were wondering what was taking so long,” Soobin confirmed.
Kai sat down; towards the edge of the seat on the other side, roughly between you and Soobin.
“Oh, you know - work, and stuff.”
“It’s a Saturday evening, Kai.” Soobin shot back, tone blank and unimpressed.
“Well, yeah - but not that kind of work, you know? Like - yeah. Shit man, don’t make me say it!”
“Holy shit, you’ve been hustling all day?” Yeonjun yipped.
It was funny. Huening Kai was there for exactly one thing, and every single one of you knew it. But there was no bad blood. No awkward tension amongst the guys beyond your anxious buzz of energy. 
Yeonjun chittered away, ears folding in comical swings as he updated Kai with some gossip from the other missing friend, Taehyun. It had been a while since the guys had been together and had some fun like this.
You took a moment to observe the guy one degree of separation away from you.
You had only ever met briefly; between band events, taxiing for Beomgyu and after-hour office parties with sister companies. You knew of Heuning Kai. And you knew the guys were close. But beyond that, you remained indifferent and cautious.
Kai’s hair was a soft cool brown, with distinct small blond-edged triangle ears that told you that he was a Pine Marten Hybrid. Curiously; he had a few stray eyebrows. These were whiskers, hidden very well. His irises were dark brown and reached almost the full shape of his eye; only slightly lighter than his pupil. His tail was soft; brown and reached his ankles. And his face occasionally twitched; constantly moving, smiling, taking in his surroundings, and likely fast on his feet. 
He was a pretty guy. But - not someone you were instinctively threatened by, nor attracted to. But there was still something about him that made you feel cautious. Something that wouldn't let you rest.
You were cut off from your staring by a big dog’s head dropping firmly onto your shoulder. 
“Breathe, angel.” Soobin prompted. “You’ve frozen again.”
You inhaled sharply; the exhale played off as a long sigh with a smile at Kai’s sensitive ears and questioning face. The whisper from your shoulder missed amongst the chatter with the Fox. 
Though no matter the scenario, a black-tipped orange ear was pointed towards you, always.
By now, with this much heavy petting, Soobin’s scent stuck to your skin wherever he touched; like rubbing up against pure, thick incense oil. It was the same with Yeonjun; his thumb that stroked your inner knee made you tingle; toe to hip. And if you closed your eyes you could tell which spots hadn’t been touched yet.
You made a delicate noise; one that you had never made before, nor knew logically how to recreate. One of a quiet vulnerability; a soft vocalisation from the back of your throat; an air-light moan. It made the boys look to you instantly; all ears to a point. 
You froze. Eyes wide and majorly embarrassed. Crushed in the silence of their gaze.
Out of the corner of your eye; Yeonjun shifted. This was the most alert you had seen him yet. A smirk slowly made its way onto his face before his tongue touched the corner of his mouth and he dropped his head in a laugh. 
“I -” You shook your head and cleared your throat. “- I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to do that. I don’t know how I did that… Oh…”
Your voice trailed, and you shrunk back into the seat. Eyes down in embarrassment. Skin hot.
It was quite clear you wanted to move on. And the boys were sympathetic to that. But that noise had done something to them. All three hybrids could smell how desperate you were becoming via the pheromones in the air. Your quivering thighs and tacky palms at each touch-point made it so clear what was affecting you to the point of moaning into the air so softly.
To the point of crying out like a foal.
“Want to do it again?” Soobin mumbled; close to your ear.
All he needed was your nod, and the two of them pressed into your skin.
Soobin lay hot and heavy kisses to your ear as his palm slid to your upper thigh; thumb in the crease of your hip and grip gentle. Yeonjun sucked at your collarbone; stroking up and down the inside of your other thigh in a lazy and solid pattern. You whimpered; another wanton moan, quiet and soft.
Soobin's tongue spread over your ear; just as Yeonjun pinched your chin; soft moan eaten by his kiss; lips pressed to your own in a whisper of touch until his smirk pressed to your cheek. 
The dog adjusted his torso so his back was to the floor; gratification evident on his face.
Soobin moved to sit back into a more relaxed pose; slouched, with his elbow to your stomach, so as not to be obvious of what was happening. This way; you could also hold his arm as you fell apart. Testing out the new position, he dragged his thumb over your labia; catching your thong with his fingers, and smoothed over your skin until the fabric slipped up on top of his hand.
Your cunt was soaking wet with slick, and Soobin growled with a gritted jaw.
“Again.” You sighed into Yeonjun’s lips. Hands on his shoulders. Fingers dancing up and into his hair.
“Again?” Yeonjun hummed. Orange hair filled your vision. His smile was wide and tone teasing. “Two’s enough, don’t you think?”
“Again, please…” 
That noise - it happened again; right as Soobin nudged your clit with the flat of his palm, circling his middle finger inside your folds. 
“Of course, love,” Yeonjun mumbled between pressed lips; pausing for a second before slipping his tongue between your open lips; setting a filthy pace to open-mouthed kissing as Soobin's middle finger pressed into you. You moaned into the embrace when Soobin's wrist flicked and he pumped into your tight wet cunt in a delicate pattern. Every time he pumped you felt the pressured swipe of his palm on your clit and your entire torso seized in anticipation.
“I - I want it, please Junnie - please, it feels so good, ngh -” 
Yeonjun groaned at your tiny whispers; your lips were pressed to his and the thick scent of your arousal was making him throb with precum into his boxers. His Adam apple bobbed as your small hand - the one not gripping Soobin's forearm that slipped under your skirt - pressed at his crotch weakly. But the action of it; so innocent and wanting to please, made his ears dip and his eyes contract.
“Feels good gorgeous.” He grumbled, pushing to kiss you hard enough to steal the breath from you. He pulled away with a sharp point to the soft of your lips; they were swollen from his biting. “You gonna come apart for us doll? Gonna let Soobin finger you till you see stars in the middle of this fucking diner, for the whole world to see?” His voice was low and hoarse and echoed around your head as the coil in your gut pulled tighter and tighter.
“Ngh - y-yeah -” You nodded, giving up the pressing at his thick, clothed cock to fold into Yeonjun’s shoulders, face in his neck. Soobin pressed at your back with his chest, nuzzling your shoulder. They were so close to you that there was no room to think, no space for anything but them. 
Soobin bit at your outer ear, nose nuzzling against your hair right as his middle finger curled up inside of you to hit that sweet spot. Rubbing it in the place that made you squirm. 
“Little Doe’s cunt is so tight - I can feel you’re close, baby,” Soobin grumbled lowly, voice projected into your brain. You gasped a moan, lifting to kiss Yeonjun until you pulled away with pressed-shut eyes; Soobin's finger pumping inside you on a deadly rotation.
Yeonjun sucked a hickey right against the pulse on the edge of your jaw. You shivered from head to toe, surrounded in warmth and smells and ears and tails brushing over and encompassing you; warm fuzz spreading throughout your veins and sweeping over your scalp. You must have moaned pretty loudly you realised, as Yeonjun gripped your cheeks in a hurry to kiss you sloppily. When he moved away, he pressed his thumb over your lips to wipe away the drool, laughing gently at you in disbelief. 
“Hush, pretty pet. You’ll have the whole diner rushing over soon otherwise,” He let you go, ears on a tight swivel as your head dropped to his neck and your hand curled up into Soobin's bicep. Mind like jelly, as only a hybrid-sensitive ear could pick up the squelching of Soobin retracting his fingers only to dive down to his two knuckles at a varying pace.
“Ngh - Feels good -”
The boys shared a look. You were close, and you smelt like a fucking cherry ice cream with your wetness dripping off Soobin's knuckles and onto the leather. Even Kai had started twitching in his seat, eyes darting all over you during the slow and sloppy consumption of his ice cream.
“Gyu’s gonna kill you when he finds out about this, you realise?” Kai humoured out loud, shaking his head.
The fox gave him a pointed look, ears folding and lip curled as he sheltered your face. Soobin growled gently, kicking his friend from beneath the table. The dog snarled.
“Shut up, weasel. You’re just jealous you can’t get a piece.”
“Yeah, you’re right actually. She smells so fucking good you’ve got me sat over here wondering when I can get a chance. Or why I even signed up for this in the first place.”
Soobin scoffed. “Cause you’re a sucker for watching and being watched. Shut up and watch the waitresses, nerd. It’s up to Y/N whenever you ‘get some’.”
“Yeah, right.” Kai huffed, defeated but still watching with intent.
“Try not to cry out for us while you cum, hmm angel?” Yeonjun mumbled, softer than his friend, and completely instructional. 
Focused entirely on you; Yeonjun pinched your cheeks to bring you up to his eye level and gain back some attention. Squeezing for a response.
You could only utter a small puff of a nod, brows pulled together and putty in their hands. 
Your cunt was starting to contract and tighten around Soobin’s fingers. 
Yeonjun purred at your face burrowing into his collar, small desperate sighs sounding against his shoulder, eyes squeezed shut in ecstasy and hands reaching for him. He moved his hand to massage your thigh on his side and flicked up the skirt to see past the fabric Soobin was fondling you under.
Yeonjun returned to his half-burned-out cigarette in the ashtray on the table, huffing a drag and coughing with wide eyes, blowing the smoke above the booth.
“Holy shit, sweetheart. That’s one pretty cunt you’ve got there.” 
Kai erupted into laughter as Yeonjun's shoulders jostled, laughing without mockery. He shushed you as Soobin added a third finger, squelching knuckle deep until you felt the cool metal of his ring on his forefinger press against your entrance. Knuckles between your teeth to not cry out.
“O-oh fuck, shit, fuck fuck -” 
Your knees bucked up and hit the table. 
Yeonjun quickly gripped your thigh that fell off the seat as Kai whistled; holding your thigh on him. The wolf whistle was a crude sign that a waitress was coming - distracted by his charm and ease of flirting to get her to look purely only into his eyes. 
“Easy, sweetheart. Quiet. We’ve got guests.�� Yeonjun mumbled, lifting your face to lazy lick up against the roof of your mouth. He swallowed your noises and kissed you like some filthy fuck as you orgasmed in their hold. Soobin kept his fingers moving as the human waitress breached the table, his other hand going to swig the last drops of his drink.
To anyone watching, it simply looked like a bunch of adult kids and the usual two-person couple making out in the same booth. Little did they know, Soobin was brushing up against your g-spot as you whimpered, gripping his wrist and writhing, choking on Yeonjun's tongue.
He held your jaw steady and lazily kissed you, drool stringing between the two of you. 
“Mmph - June - Junnie -” You puttered, trying to speak, but stopped by his teeth pressing against yours, grip tightening on his shoulders. You released a pliant moan. Your guts twisted and the coil in your gut was tightening again, tense in your lower back and shaking. It was so soft the waitress wouldn’t have heard
The human waitress excused herself. You didn’t blame her. Yeonjun's hand had slipped up your thigh and he had pressed the pads of his fingers into your clit, underneath Soobin's large palm. You released from his lips with pants and pressed your face into his shoulder.
“‘m gonna - ‘m gon’ - ‘m - mmmmph -”
Your eyes pressed shut and you bit your lips to stop from crying out loud; grinding against their hands to cum once again. This one was a decently long ride. And Soobin angled up to make your feet tingle.
“Cumming again, gorgeous?” Yeonjun grumbled. Low and into your ear. He knew the answer. Just wanted to hear you say it. Wanted to hear you cry.
“Yeah ~” You nodded, squeezing and gripping his shoulder. “Mhmmm ~”
“You look so pretty in that skirt baby. You like Soobin's long fingers fucking you till you cum?” You nodded, desperate. “You take them so well angel. Think you can fit one more again?” 
You nodded and felt fucking insane at the proud smile on the fox’s face.
“Pretty baby’s gonna fall apart.” He groaned into your ear. 
Your nod was instantaneous; head fuzzy like an out-of-tune TV as Yeonjun moved from your clit to press his hand over Soobin's, guiding in a third finger. You were shaking, and rode along the last high to the next; reaching to pull him for a teeth-clashing kiss. 
The after-effects of cumming like that; surrounded by them, smothered in their scents and security, weighted by them; was a new high you could get used to. You almost couldn't breathe you were so hot. The ceiling spun and your brain was mellow like you had just been dunked underwater.
But they moved away from your hot body purposefully.
Yeonjun even blew cold air onto your face as you leaned on him. Soobin moved his chest from your body. And the boys patiently waited for you to return to the room. Slow movements to let you process; pulling away slowly, deliberately, and selflessly.
Slowly, you eased your legs, and Yeonjun retracted his hand - sucking on it directly over his tongue with a wink at your shy eyes looking up at him from his shoulder - holding your feet from hitting the floor.
Soobin followed suit by retracting his hand. But this time; the dog guided your face up and behind by the curve of your jaw. Without comment, he slipped his fingers into your mouth. They were thick and heavy on your tongue. You tasted admittedly good, but didn’t swallow; just held it there.
"Good pet." Soobin's growl echoed around your brain. 
It was sweet like liquor and thick like it too; cherry syrup strong enough to blow your rocks off if you weren’t expecting it.
Soobin pulled his fingers out - only to kiss you; tongue lapping up against yours and groaning. He sucked your tongue softly, but ultimately let you go after he gathered all the slick from your mouth. 
You turned to hide your face again in Yeonjun's jacket as Soobin pulled away. Shaking, quivering. 
“Fuck -” Soobin wiped his mouth, looking to the other boys, “- she tastes unreal.”
“Hate to say it, and it’s not a bad thing -” Kai murmured, low and cautious. “- but she also smells so fucking good I don’t think we’ll be able to stay here much longer.”
You weren’t listening; instead busy leaning into the fox and his warm body. Face in the crook of his neck, nuzzling his skin. He was so warm and soft, you couldn't help but bury your nose into him. Citrus tones filled your brain and lungs. 
"I'd have to agree - “ Yeonjun huffed, looking to the dog for his agreement, “I'm struggling to breathe clean air anymore." 
The dog nodded, confirming his friends' experience. If the one with smell issues was struggling; it was only a matter of time before it became unsafe.
“Time to go gorgeous.” Yeonjun kissed the crown of your head, smoothing it with a heavy palm. Mumbling to you. You shuddered. 
"Alright then - come on, guys. We don’t wanna get her too worked up in the diner, huh?" Soobin grumbled sarcastically in a rush, tail swiping against the leather diner seat in his excitement. 
Soobin reached to hum in your ear a low tease; “Let the scent-drunk babe clear her head before a good fuck, hmm? How’s that sound doll? I’ll pull the car up right outside.”
Your skin flushed hot. But you nodded, coyly. Accepting the nudge of his ears to your cheek as he kissed your shoulder blade. But you were stuck to the fox, like glue. 
Yeonjun snickered, rubbing at his neck with a sheepish smile. 
“Yeah, right. Forgot where we were for a second.” 
“See you guys later!” Kai squeaked, suddenly up and out of the diner before any of you could respond.
Soobin held a disgusted expression, scowling at his back as he darted out of the diner, paper bills slapped sloppily onto the bar’s top. His ears had peeled back until they almost disappeared in his jet-black hair; his nose scrunched in such sudden fury that you had to shake your head to adjust. 
“He’s going straight to his car to jack off,” Yeonjun explained when you looked at him, with a puzzled expression at Soobin's anger. 
The fox shrugged with an easy roll of his eyes. You, Yeonjun and Kai were morally on the same level of voyeurism, so he wasn’t exactly about to be a hypocrite. 
“I’m not against it.” 
You shrugged also. Unsure if it was necessarily okay, but unsurprised and pretty unbothered. If anything, your ego was boosted by it. 
Soobin held his own ideals, however.
“Well, I am,” Soobin growled, ears tucked back and so obviously ticked off. “Dirty fuck. Never met a guy more disrespectful."
Soobin was furious. You’d be lying if you said it wasn’t hot, but… now wasn’t exactly the time. The anger caused you to pull inwards. The sudden movement made your adrenaline spike before you could process it.
"Hey, come on now - you know that's a lie - hey!"
Yeonjun tried to call after his angry Doberman, but he was already up and gone.
Soobin grunted a blunt “See you outside.” and left a rush of air to come towards your newly exposed side. You shivered, rubbing your cool arm as you watched him leave, no bills placed on the side. When you spun around with a panicked expression, Yeonjun awaited you.
"Aaaand he's gone. Welp."
Yeonjun watched you; tentatively. You were so sensitive to mood changes, that he would have guessed you were a born hybrid, were it not for the missing appendages. The whoosh of air seemed to perk you up quite a bit. 
“Yeah - and - but - he didn’t pay Jun? What happened, he - shall we go to the car?” 
Yeonjun smiled at you. Irises slimmer than ever before. And reached to tuck hair behind your head. He hummed gently, eyes small and tracking your face as you rambled.
“I don’t - we should go - Junnie? We should - We should - I'm worried, that's not like him at all - umm - shall we call him, I - I'm not sure where he'd go -” 
So close after an orgasm your words were slurred as your tongue sat heavy in your mouth.
“He's okay.” Yeonjun smiled and simply waited. Your frown grew more desperate.
“He seems really mad Jun -”
“Breathe, gorgeous. He’s right outside.”
Eventually, you heaved a breath. Frowning in disbelief as the heat in your body flushed out. 
Your chin dipped as you gulped an intake of air. Embarrassed. 
You were scent drunk. The come-down was sharp and sudden. 
"Now that's the face I expect to see on a doll that's fully claimed already.” 
Yeonjun’s voice was kind. Low, gentle. 
“He’s got you good, hasn’t he?" 
“You both have, Junnie…” You admitted. “I don’t know what’s happening…”
Yeonjun laughed gently from his chest. Eyes crescented as you looked up; expecting a judging face, but you came face to face with love and affection. Your eyes quickly pooled with tears and an overwhelming sense of anxiety pumped through your gut.
Yeonjun leaned to wipe your tears. 
“Hey, you’re okay. Shh, shh.” He mumbled. “It’s a lot, isn’t it? New feeling?”
You nodded, and as much as you tried to repress it, your face had scrunched painfully and a glob of water slipped from your eye. Yeonjun wiped it away with his thumb, pouting.
Having a person a Hybrid you trusted nearby that was considered more dangerous than you or an unknown social threat; meant that you didn’t have to pay attention to your surroundings like you usually would when you were alone. Having them pull away suddenly meant that your acclimation time to becoming in charge of your extreme senses again was thrown from zero to a hundred in a matter of seconds. This is why gradual separations are taught from a young age.
You knew all this. Had spoken through it with Soobin many times. The nurses, the specialists, your friends. But it still didn’t make dealing with it any easier.
“Soob left pretty quick. And in a shit mood. Looks like it’s given you quite the shock, hmm?”
You nodded and tried your best to calm your erratic breathing. But before you could stop yourself; your arms reached around Yeonjun’s neck to pull him into an embrace. 
“Hey, hey - you’re alright.” The fox yowled quietly, and his ears folded. 
His heart ached for you. If natural prey-type hybrids struggled to deal with separation anxiety; he had quite literally no idea how you were trying to keep it together so hard.
“Did that new emotion scare you, angel?” He questioned. 
You nodded and Yeonjun accepted this, choosing not to question it with his face in your hair and one arm secure around you, the other holding your legs. He chittered; holding you tight the best he could at this angle. He understood that you just needed your whole face in his clothes and neck in order to feel his safety, right now, so didn’t mind you burying into his jacket.
"You're okay Y/N, he’s just outside, I promise," Yeonjun mumbled, so gently that you held him tighter. "Precious little fawn, hmm? You’ve always been so jumpy… even before the accident… now look at you…"
He didn’t speak for a while. Scared he would say something wrong. Instead, he just held you and rubbed your back as you processed the withdrawal. This is what was missing with Beomgyu, you realised, instantly. The cat was indifferent, and these boys were observant. They were able to care for you. They reacted differently to your fears. 
You released his neck, and he pulled away to see your face.
"What is it, sweet Doe?" Yeonjun hummed, a finger pad swiping over your cheek. "What is it exactly that's got you so upset?"
"I'm worried Junnie…" You said with glossy eyes. Words like lead in your mouth. Difficult to form and project. "I hope he wasn't upset with me - or you, or Kai. He left so quickly, I - and it hurt - I don’t know…" 
Yeonjun wiped your cheek with a sympathetic smile. He knew what you meant. Pulling such a strong presence away so quickly caused you to panic, and tilt off the scale. A matter of mind versus instincts.
“It’s not about you, gorgeous. And I don’t think Kai actually upset him. Just - a thing of pride, that’s all. Let’s just give him a few minutes. He’s probably as affected as the both of us; if not more than. We could all use a little pause, right now. Hmm? Get our heads back?" 
You nodded, looking down at the hand on your knee. Your smaller fingers reached to anxiously work between his knuckles. Yeonjun smiled, chittering with folded ears. He kissed your cheek; sweet, cherub, soft.
"You don't have to talk if you don't want to; you know?"
You looked up. Surprised. 
Was he paying attention to Soobin's’ cues? Did he know?
"Because that's what it is, isn't it?" 
You searched his face. But gave no response. 
"You find it hard to speak when you're upset, right?" 
You nodded.
"I take it it’s nerves?"
"And it's not because I scare you?" Yeonjun pouted.
You shook your head.
"Okay." He whispered. "I'll stick to yes or no questions for now. Sound okay?" 
You nodded. Butterflies hammering in your heart.
He was happy that you felt safe enough to be non-verbal around him; so much progress in such a short amount of time. It only seemed to happen when incredibly anxious, so he made a mental note to pay attention to that.
“You’re safe, little fawn.” He mumbled, placing one last kiss on your cheek. “I know; you’ll probably feel super stressed for a few minutes. But you’re okay. I’m here. And Soobin's just outside. Try to relax; it’s just a new feeling, not necessarily a bad one.”
You couldn't help but whimper as you held him again. Reaching to desperately hold his neck.
You weren’t sure what to say. Despite it being such a short amount of time you did trust him. With your body and heart. And he truly was grounding you. By remaining calm; watching you, relaxing his shoulders and ears. 
You held him until your chest loosened and you were stable enough that he could stop nuzzling you.
Once confident you wouldn’t cry upon him moving away; he shuffled to slouch back against the booth; one arm stretched up and behind your shoulders - he waited for you to settle into the space between his chest and armpit, elbow folded down as he held you close - and fiddled open his cigarette tin while the other reached over your chest to pull one out.
"You're doing good, pretty Doe. ‘m ‘mpressed." He mumbled; lighting the cigarette over your head again.
You were shaking, and stiff. Like your namesake would usually do when terrified. But he was impressed, given you had just cummed, and then had your support ripped from your side so quickly.
For a moment; given the position; you had no vision of the diner. Until Yeonjun tucked the packet into his jacket and you noticed a man walking towards you. Yeonjun seemed distracted; and checked his phone overview with a flick before it was tucked away to raise an eyebrow at your prodding.
“Hmm? What is it doll?” Yeonjun followed you pointing underneath the table to the guy shuffling across the floor. He was greeting people. Like he owned the place.
“Huh. You know who that is?” The fox questioned with a tilt of his head. You shook your head.
“Well,” Yeonjun started, before re-lighting the cigarette between his lips. His gruff, tobacco voice pressed to your cheek as he whispered dark secrets into your pretty little head. You wheezed slightly at the smell of menthol, turning with wide doe eyes to see him.
“His name is Bangchan. Or Chan for short. He's 25. He runs the local crime show. Fatherly-Wolf type. Has his own…” Yeonjun pulled a drag with a quirked head in thought on how to word it; “specialities. He also owns the diner. And so on.”
Crime show? A funny joke. Or, maybe a slip up… Right?
Said man began to walk past the table; clearly on some sort of serious business, given the scowl on his face. A tall white-haired male followed close behind. Around Soobin's height. He was stunning and feminine. Whereas ‘Chan’ was stunning in a more masculine way.
“Ah - Chan!” Yeonjun called as he walked past - a little harshly were it not for the pressure to stay on his chest, as he anticipated your reaction - catching his ear. The two of them stopped in their tracks. But the blonde male wandered away after a nod of Wolf-mans head. 
His face quickly lit up with a smile.
“Hey - what’s up Wilde! Ah - a guest - you must be Y/N?” 
Chan was cute. Not your type; but sweet, obvious built-in muscles, and mid-height with seemingly natural dark brown hair. He had an Australian twang to his accent, and it was refreshing to hear amongst the rest. Made him stand out.
Yeonjun didn’t rise like you thought he would to greet his friend. Like he always had. It seemed remaining calm for you was the most important thing in the room for him right now. And that made you feel… some kind of way.
Lucky for the two of you; Bangchan was pretty understanding. And bowed his head with a charming smile before sliding into the booth to sit opposite; in place of an awkward handshake.
“Glad you caught me Wilde - Hyunjin had just pulled me to head out, but I was meaning to talk to you.” He peered over you quickly before smiling. “Hope you don’t mind me interrupting?”
Yeonjun smiled as he squeezed your shoulder, kissing your temple. 
“We don’t mind. Sorry; Y/N’s a little star-struck so you won’t be getting a lot out of her right now. The diner is loud and frightening at this time of night. Maybe another time.”
Yeonjun was smiling. But it was tight-lipped and accompanied by a cut-short tone that left no room for questioning. It was clearly; a statement. Bangchan simply shrugged. Smile still kind. 
“Fine with me. Sorry about the noise. Nice to finally meet you though; heard only good things.”
You bowed your head with wide eyes and quivering lips. A little confused; as you had never heard of him before, but you just shrugged it off. It's a small world; you were bound to have some weird high school connection somewhere. 
If Yeonjun considered him safe; then you did too. 
You needed a moment to recover, anyway.
You briefly peered between the two, before you settled with picking at the frays on the thigh of the fox's ripped jeans. Yeonjun smudged out his barely lit cigarette out of respect, and you noted his sharp eyes. The softness in his face had gone since Chan appeared. Not completely; but you were observant enough to notice.
“You said you wanted to talk?” Yeonjun smiled.
You could already see why he was considered a smooth talker. His demeanour right now was completely fake; and had changed so quickly you had almost missed it. But you would never know if you hadn’t spent so much genuine time with him. He seemed cooler. More cheeky, but reserved. As if he was holding back. And he was. He would curse out Soobin later for taking the heat for the three of you without backup.
Chan bobbed his chin and thinned his lip in a thinking expression before making an ‘Ah, yes’ face. Then he pointed to Soobin's' empty yet still indented seat.
“Ah - You’re missing a Pinscher, right?”
“Yup,” Yeonjun laughed, tongue in his cheek. “Soobin’s outside. Pulling valet for us. He won’t leave until we go.”
“Oh - neat! I’ll say hi before I leave, then. Need to give him something anyway. New listing."
Yeonjun's ear ticked. 
You were almost certain Chan didn’t catch it, but you did. Yeonjun was a nervous guy, even if he acted cool. You rested against his chest; and closed your eyes. Relaxing completely. It calmed him.
“Oh, yeah, also, Charlo called me on direct from the bar.”
Yeonjun threw his head back in a snorting laugh. “Charlo?! That is not a name! You made that up!” 
“Hey - Don’t be rude! It’s short for Charlotte. And it’s a perfectly nice nickname!”
The two of them were being rather loud.
“Alright.” Yeonjun snickered sarcastically. “So - this Charlo - she called you? I should care, why? Never heard that name before.”
Yeonjun was having one of his moments. 
You had noticed the Cheetah’s head whip around as soon as it was said from across the floor, but she was smart enough to keep her head down to buss the table. You prodded Yeonjun, pointing and nodding in her direction.
“Ah,” Yeonjun mumbled. “Charlo… the Cheetah… Fuck."
The waitress. Of course, it would be the waitress. The hybrid waitress. The hybrid waitress called Charlo the Cheetah, that would report on his ass.
“What have I told you about getting handsy in my diner, Yeonjun?”
Yeonjun snorted, laughing with his belly as his head rolled back on the seat. Chan was entirely serious and you flushed cold like an ice bucket had been dunked over you.
"Aish -" He pressed air from between his teeth in humerus. "Relax old man -"
"It's disgusting."
"So's another man's jealousy."
"Ah no-" Bangchan looked distressed, disgusted even, and shook his head. "Far from jealous. At least tell me you washed your hands first?"
A pause… and then… silence. 
You were positively embarrassed.
"You're disgusting."
"And you're a saint?" Yeonjun purred, shit-eating fox grin pearly white and cockily on display. Ears back in a playful display, tail happily curled.
The fox was enjoying this. 
"Seriously June. People eat here." The older guy started; voice low and fatigued. But he seemed somewhat amused, and you guessed it took a special kind of figure to correct Yeonjun and get through to that crafty head of his.
No one in the immediate area even batted an eye at your table being extremely loud. Which was curious. Odd, even. It made you pause, and strain your ears. But nothing was out of sorts.
"So you're telling me that I can kill a man on this table, but I can't make my girl cum after a good meal?"
Bangchan's eyebrow raised and you froze solid in your seat. He seemed fed up. You didn't blame him; Junnie was exhausting.
You flew to see Yeonjun's expression, your heart pounding. He was cool and calm. At the terror on your face, he softened. Cracking his mask for a split second to soothe you. But he couldn’t comfort you here, in front of Bangchan. His irises softening would have to be enough.
Your head was spinning.
"Yeah, that's exactly what I'm saying, funny enough. Don't let me catch you doing it again, Wilde."
"Or what, Daddy?" Yeonjun taunted, canines flashing as he bit the tip of his tongue with a grin.
Chan gave the younger man a sharp expression.  "You know what. I gotta go - stay out of trouble kids."
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“One thing you should know about Soobin -” Yeonjun grunted, as he reached inside his jacket to pull out his wallet and start ass-shuffling out of the booth, gently patting your behind along and above the seat to make room for him to get up.
“Is that he tends to get a little protective when he likes something.” Yeonjun shrugged, standing upright. 
He flicked open his wallet to pop yet another cigarette into his mouth, but it remained unlit. 
“Sometimes you just gotta remind him you aren’t about to run away. Like his favourite treat being taken to some forbidden locked up cage somewhere. He’s… scared of that happening. But something tells me you’ll calm him down.”
You took the fox's outreached hand, sticking like gum to his side as you linked into his elbow. Yeonjun swiped backwards the hairs hanging in front of your eyes and placed a kiss on the crown of your head.
“He is a dog after all. Don’t take it to heart love. He just felt Kai was disrespectful."
He smoothed the back of your skirt like a gentleman as you exited the booth - before he squeezed your ass with a wink and a whistle. 
Yeonjun walked with you to the bar, placing some money and what looked like a hefty tip on the side, before proceeding to walk you both out to a slightly less irritated Soobin than the one who had run out of the diner. 
Chan was a few strides ahead, clearly walking away from an exchange. 
Soobin was smoking. Sat on the hood of his car. You could tell he wasn’t in the mood to talk, because he only smoked when he was bothered by something. 
“D’you think he’ll mind if I catch a ride?” Yeonjun mumbled, whispered into your hair with humour as he squeezed your side into him. “Gotta take this pretty girl back to the dig.” You giggled, appreciative that he was taking the time to calm your nerves. 
The sun was hanging low in the summer sky. Having checked the diner clock before leaving it was currently 9:05 in the evening. Soobin had driven up from the underground parking until he was right outside. It was cooler now than when you had chosen the mini skirt. You shuffled closer to him for warmth.
You shrugged. “I can ask?” 
You were too cute. Yeonjun shook his head, pinching his eyes at you with an accompanying smile. “Just playing doll. We live together, remember?”
Yeonjun's hands lay heavy on your waist as he walked you up to the car. He could feel the excitement in your nerves like a small electric shock.
As you both approached, Yeonjun lifted his chin to his friend. 
“You good?”
To which Soobin nodded back. 
He was a little moody. Slouching, arms crossed, sitting on the hood of his car, puffing with a scowl. But he was considerate enough to exhale the large heave of smoke, far above your head.
“Fine.” The dog grumbled, clearly irritated by the tone in his voice.
“You sure about that?” Yeonjun sang in an amused manner.
Soobin lifted his lip to reveal his gums with a belly-deep growl. The message was to ‘leave it alone’. 
“Fine man, if you say so.” Yeonjun chuckled to himself under his breath, the two of you now profile to profile with Soobin and the car.
When Yeonjun had stopped walking - retracting his palms to his pockets, appearing bored and unbothered to not provoke his friend - you kept going. 
Your heels shuffled forward until both knees drew up between the legs of the casually sat Doberman. 
He straightened upon your approach. Peering down at you. You reached for his shoulders and placed a kiss on his cheek. Which Soobin graciously dipped to accept. 
“Hey, gorgeous.” He mumbled, softer than before, when his attention was directed towards Yeonjun. 
“Hi.” You offered back, happily.
Soobin was looking at you with such enamoured eyes. Ones reserved for love. Gentleness. 
“I’m not going to run away from you, you know?” You offered again, quietly. Still a smile on the way you spoke. Soft. “I offered to try this out with you, and I’m still here, and I’ll be here for as long as I can be.”
Yeonjun's ears quirked as he leaned against the door of the car beside both of you. Touched that you had listened. It moved something in his chest. His stomach. It ached, in a good way. 
Maybe the advice he had given to someone else, was the one he needed to hear the most.
Soobin’s brows fluttered as he processed what you meant. He watched your face for signs of distrust. Before he released the tension in his body and acceptance flooded over his face. He uncurled the hand from under his armpit to rest on your lower back.
“I know. Thank you.” 
You exchanged a nod. And fell into him. Into a real, loving embrace. The air was chilly, and you were thankful for his body heat.
“Still anxious?” Soobin mumbled against your cheek. “I’m surprised. You seem to have attached pretty quickly to Jun.”
You blinked. “You - you can tell?” 
“That you’re still anxious?”
“Of course.” Soobin ran his nose over your cheek with a rumbling chuckle. “Your heart hasn’t stopped thundering since we got out of the car. And your scent is - well the only way I can describe it right now is sour. It’s not like that when you’re… not upset.” 
“I smell like something sour? When I’m anxious?”
“You smell like a sour cherry, to be exact.” Yeonjun pointed out. Newly puffed tobacco smoke hanging around his frame. “And not the candied kind.”
"It's a weaker smell," Soobin confirmed. "But it's sharper. More nose-catching than when you're happy."
You hummed in thought.
“Well, what is it when I’m happy?”
“Hmm, cream and cherry pie?” Soobin questioned his friend with a smile in his tone. Yeonjun nodded and heaved a smokey inhale.
“That one’s tough.” Soobin looked around in thought. "Hot. Like a hot, bitter winter wine. Burns the nose, unlike sour."
You laughed.
"Okay. What about horny?"
"Cherry Sundae," Yeonjun answered quickly for that one. You raised your eyebrows and he shrugged. "It's so sweet and heavy that the entire diner smelt like you on the way out. Probably will do ‘til opening time tomorrow morning."
"But then - there were other hybrids in there - why didn't they say anything?"
Yeonjun looked at Soobin. And Soobin grumbled low, pointed words into your ear.
"Because you're with us. And they wouldn't dare."
"And - it doesn't give you a headache? If it's so sweet?"
Soobin threw his head back in a gentle laugh.
"No, Y/N. It's a natural aphrodisiac."
"It's… addicting." Yeonjun murmured. Almost… ashamed of his infatuation, with ears tilting down as he thought on it.
But you got the point. And made a small oh sound of acknowledgement before shaking it off.
“So -” You giggled, gesturing towards his unreasonably-flashy-for-a-young-guy American muscle car; “How the hell did you end up owning something like this? Knowing people like Bangchan? It's a little odd. I thought you worked at another office, but then… How'd you afford to live like this?”
Soobin smiled. And squinted at you with deep dimples. His hand moved to rest on the car behind him as he leaned forward, and over you ever so slightly, to breathe against your neck. Your lungs stayed empty as you got stuck on an exhale, unsure as to what he would say. Missing Yeonjun's shifty eyes, before looking around and nodding to his friend.
“I work in higher places than you’d ever expect, our clever little fawn.” 
His lips pressed to your neck and your heart fluttered, falling into him as his hand pushed on your lower back. 
"Suppose there's no harm in telling you now. Breathe."
Your hands rested on either of his shoulders, consumed completely by his deep musk and wood smell. You felt like prey being cared for before being swallowed. Gasping air upon instruction. It was becoming a habit to wait.
You reached to bury your face into his scent; shaking in delight from your scalp to your toes when your nose hit his collarbone.
“Yeonjun is my sales guy. Like you said before. Gyu deals with code. Fucking nerd.”
Another kiss was placed on your neck. Suckling lightly with those perfect lips; making you lean into him more. You would think a mention of your sick 'boyfriend' would strike guilt, but your head was swimming. Breathing him in like a drug.
He was fucking addicting. And you were starting to understand what Yeonjun meant. Soobin's musk became much heavier and sweeter like tree syrup. 
“Terry’s in charge of legal. Kai’s our friend, but he’s mostly there for looks.”
He pulled away to smoke some more and puff the smoke over your head. He squeezed your ass, harshly, in one large palm, and a soft moan fell from your lips. A gift to Soobin. 
“But don’t worry - as long as you’re around at least one of us, or the hybrids we trust, in the right spots, you’ll be safe. We don’t want to get you mixed into any shady business.”
Your mind flashed to every mafia or yakuza scene ever. 'Stay with us you'll be safe', only for their safety to be more hurt than when they weren't involved.
"So - you're saying I might be watched? That you're part of a gang, or what?! I don't know if I'm into men that hurt women! Or people! Children…!!" 
Soobin kissed his teeth.
"I don't take joy in hurting others. And we don't get our hands dirty in that kind of business." 
He was… amused. 
This interaction seemed amusing to him.
"I can't say you won't have eyes on you; but you're our pet now, so it's in our nature to be protective. NOT controlling."
Soobin's lip lifted over his gum in a houndish grin, and he pressed you into his crotch as he grumbled into your ear. 
"Not that we would let you out with us anywhere without our scent plastered inside and all over you, on any given day now, anyways.” 
His breath was ticklish and you loved his open laugh as his gums pressed against your cheek as he held you tight. 
You knew Soobin. Knew he was speaking out of love, despite his harsh and rugged tone. You felt safe. 
So ultimately you laughed also; drunk on attention, and shaking your head. Even the shy Yeonjun smiled fondly.
Between the big dogs' legs. In public again. Being babied between two capable men. Short skirt scrunched between Soobin's knuckles, and his ears pointed down at you; you were warmed with love.
“Shady business then, hmm?” You repeated in a tight whisper. Eyes wide and shining up at him. “But - you’re wearing jeans!” You argued; as if dirty clothing and judging his appearance outright meant you knew anything about him. "I've never seen a high-end criminal in blue wash denim!"
Soobin puffed an exhale of a crescent-eye smile, tongue caught in the corner of his lip. Before he dipped you to the side quickly - completely playful and in control, laughing loudly in your ear as you giggled - kissing at your pulse. You ran your nails up and against his strong, beautiful neck and into the nape of his hair on the way back up; which earned you a growl on your skin, and a squeeze against his torso. 
“You’re too cute.” Soobin appealed, laughing like chimed bells like he hadn’t just possibly revealed his connection to the business underworld.
So you turned your pout to Yeonjun for more answers.
You caught him staring in admiration; ears dipped to the side and eyes hooded with the corners of his mouth tilted upwards; back against the car, arms crossed easily on his chest. He perked up once he realised you were looking; fumbling out some more smokes and touching his pockets as if checking whether something hadn't been forgotten, or left behind.
"Come on ~" You frowned, pouted even, coming to know how much he barked for it. "You have to give me some info before you fuck me? I deserve that much!!"
Soobin had, at this point, enveloped you. Lips busy kissing, licking, nibbling at the expanse of your throat. Your hands curled into his shoulders. Ears hot and moans soft at an exhale. He was so warm, it was heavenly. 
Or maybe that was just the post-orgasm, baby-girlness talking. But - it felt like the heat was coming from under your skin.
Both were fine. Both were good.
Yeonjun met your pout and whine with a raised eyebrow shake of his head. Scolding your curiosity with a mere kissing of his teeth. 
But of course, he would spill. He was too easy.
“Nothing you want to be involved with, angel.” He mumbled in a low, almost solemn voice. “Tax evasion type shit. But we don't deal with dirty money. No repercussions for anyone apart from ourselves when we get caught." 
The fox squinted. You were small but unshaken. So he continued.
"I mean, to be honest, a lot of people you know are probably involved. A certain Jaemin comes to mind - hope he loves the new wheels by the way. Heard one of them sold?"
You laughed at Yeonjun's raised eyebrows. He had slipped into his faux persona.
"I have no idea Junnie." He softened; trusting your shrug, watching as you thread your hands through Soobin's hair as he palmed at your ass. 
"He was very specific when he asked for one of the cars. I don't know if he was feeling sketched out by the deal or what. You'd know better if he's your friend?"
"Oh?" You quipped, amused.
"Yeah - he wanted it a specific red. Like… a race car. One from a movie. With decals all over it. Was specific with the no white-rim wheels. Weird guy, but I liked him. You should invite him to hang out with us."
"It was a nice red Jun, you did a good job." 
Yeonjun scoffed. "So you really had no idea?" 
You shrugged. "I had my suspicions as a friend, but never would have guessed."
"I'm sure you've got - mph - questions?" Soobin moaned between biting up your shoulder.
"I guess… I didn't realise you had been keeping tabs on me. But then again, I guess it comes with the territory…"
Of which, you meant dating Beomgyu. Their inner circle friend and participant of said crime group. It made sense.
"Mhm," Yeonjun confirmed, smile tight-lipped and amused. He took another drag. "I’m surprised a clever doll like you hadn’t figured it out. The cats in love with you. We protect the things we love. And you had no idea you were being surveilled?”
“I didn’t know.” You confirmed once more, unsure what or how loud to say it to make him believe you. “Sounds like you guys have got it down to a T, though?”
"Got what down to a T, doll?" 
"I don't know - everything!"
Yeonjun simply nodded. Shying away as his friend and newly revealed business partner gave a sharp and piercing warning gaze from behind your neck.
That seemed to be all you would be getting from the fox. He retreated from the conversation abruptly with a pout and distant mind; busying himself with flicking open his lighter for the umpteenth cigarette today. 
He didn’t look sad, but talking about it seemed to bother him. Like a task he would worry about later. Though you weren’t sure when later was, or could be.
Soobin tugged at your earlobe with delicate precision; canines making you moan and grip his hair. He growled softly and nudged your cheek with his nose until your attention was caught. Your nose pressed to his. Lips brushed with bated breath.
“It’s important that you don’t share any of this, pet. Not even with Gyu.” 
At first, you just laughed. But it became obvious how quickly he meant it. Your naive smile edged into danger; until he swiped the back of your thigh with an open palm. You bit your lip with a frown and a cut moan, pouting. 
"I mean it.”
You gulped, eyes shaking a little. 
Soobin softened, immediately, at the first hint of fear. The grip on your chin released dramatically, so your hair billowed softly between his fingers at your cheek. His exhale fanned over your face, before moving your head. His cheek pressed to your own to whisper low, and soft, in your ear.
“I need to hear you give your word, beautiful. That you won’t tell a soul. No matter what. What we vent about between the sheets, is just that to anyone else. Nothing but pillow talk.”
Maybe this was a little more than what you had bargained for. 
"But between us…. well. We’ll always tell you the truth."
He didn’t move, instead he waited. Knowing that eye contact would make you panic. You looked to Yeonjun for aid, heart hammering. His ears dipped into total submission. Sympathetic to those eyes he was beginning to hate to see - sad, panicked, insecure.
“You’re safe, doll.” The fox tilted his head onto his shoulder, smile genuine. “Just need your word is all. Or we leave, and forget this ever happened. Either is fine.”
But fuck it - danger tasted good on your tongue.
So you gulped your nerves and pride; leaning cheek to cheek to Soobin and voice barely a strained whisper; “I give you my word. Body and all - I’m yours. Please don’t break me. I'm ready - these two years have been so long - but I'm a little scared.” 
Soobin growled; deep and low. Moving to see your face. His hand cupped the back of your head and tilted up as he met your eyes; affected. Touched beyond words. He watched you for deceit; hesitation that would break their hearts. None was found.
How could he ever harm you? How could Yeonjun? Beomgyu? Any of them? 
The fear in your voice hinted towards past mistrust, and he would fight to break the cycle.
Your eyes fell shut at his lips pressing against your own. Hands holding his own on your face; enveloped by the softness in his movements. You never wanted to part, but had to breathe. 
“You have our word, love.” Soobin kissed your eyebrow, “You’ll be glass in our eyes, for as long as you want.”
You were touched, shying from his eyes as your heart beat like a bird in a cage. He meant it as the highest compliment; fulfilling your wish of wanting to be treated with care, at least for the time being. Not another thing to just use and break.
Soobin reached behind you for the fox’s offered half-smoked cigarette; flicking the ash behind you on the ground before taking a drag. He released his thighs and shuffled to sit more; which allowed you with ease to shuffle forward, until your cheek met his chest. And your arms wrapped around him.
It was silent for a moment. Like a small part in the cloud.
Yeonjun basked in this new, slightly sudden love. Soobin exhaled and placed a hand on your head. The wind sang, birds flapped their wings, and the constantly humming cars shuttled past on the highway not too far behind the trees. You could feel Soobin’s heart beating heavily on your cheek and felt the pull of his lungs as he inhaled, then released. It felt like everyone had air to breathe again. Yeonjun looked at peace. 
It was serene, for a little while, with everybody's guards down. 
But these moments must always end. 
“Ready?” Yeonjun prompted. Carefully, and with a guttural clearing of his throat. He opened the back door, eager to move on and away from this place. And onto the new adventure, the night promised.
“Yeah, right.” Soobin laughed. 
The tension in his shoulders was gone, and you accepted a final tight one-armed squeeze as he brushed his lips against your forehead to place a kiss. He released you to snub his cigarette into the nearby ashtray; and stood precariously at the entrance of the diner. Hands constantly making contact while he spun you the other way; hip heavy under his palms. 
“Let’s go.”
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well would you look at that: updated 5/DECEMBER/2023
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pragnificent · 27 days
Tagged by @tina-mairin-goldstein! Tagging whoever else wants to play.
1.How many fics do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total word count on AO3?
934,933. Wow, maybe I can break a million this year....
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Just HANNIBAL right now (and for like the last seven years or so). Been vaguely thinking about picking up a second but nothing has caught my interest strongly enough.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Attachment - 7,592
The Fisherman and the Beast from the Sea - 4,565
Sashimi - 2,807
Hungry Ghost - 1,585
Identically Different - 1,382 <- This is my best series and yall should give it a shot <3
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try to, and I enjoy doing so, but sometimes the brainworms win and I don't get stuff done even when I really want to.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't love this story, but "Hannibal is effectively braindead after the fall, but Will keeps caring for the body and feels that Hannibal is there with him, up until the body dies and Will turns himself in because there isn't any point anymore" probably counts as the most angsty? If you are in the market for a "Hannibal receives a brain injury and he, along with everyone else around him, has to cope with that" story Tina's For Remembrance (Holes in the Floor of the Mind) is a much better pick. And as I continue to think about it, Means of Influence has a pretty angsty ending.
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of my stories have slightly bittersweet but still mostly happy endings. Part of the thing about that is I think it's really hard to envision a situation where Will is like 100% Happy Happy, his own mind hates him too much and every little scrap of happiness needs to be fought for and then vigilantly guarded. But I put both him and Hannibal through so much that I always want them to be as close to content as they each can be.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I have gotten two flavors of Fic Hate. 1.) People calling the five year old kid OC in ATTACHMENT slurs like "r*tard" and saying "he belongs in jail" and etc.
Every time Hannibal or Will fuck someone who isn't each other at least one person decides to Yell At Me.
I think I've gotten the old "you didn't tag for bottom Hannibal!!" nonsense once or twice too, but who hasn't?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
A little. I actually started Hannishark bc I was really intimidated by sex scenes and wanted to see if I could pull off a short monsterfucker story. I feel like I've gotten better at writing these but am generally more comfortable leaving them sparce on anatomical details and big on feelings/conversations.
10. Do you write crossovers? If so, what's the craziest one?
I've got a WRONG TURN crossover series that I'm very proud of here: Bear Mountain Road AU. You don't need to have seen any of the movies to read it, or anything, the movies' premise of "a clan of inbred mountain cannibals waylays travelers" is really just an excuse to put Hannibal (and Will and D, as child members of the cannibal family) In Situations. If I counts as a cross over, I've got a universe swap between the novels and NBC HANNIBAL here: Shiloh
I also have a vague idea for a SAW / HANNIBAL crossover but I've been sitting on that for so long, who knows if it'll ever happen?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not so far as I know.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, several times.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
Yep, a couple of times.
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
Hannigram and Reba/D (guys we need a fuckin ship name).
15. What are your writing strengths?
Character, emotions, dialogue.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Sex scenes, pacing.
17. Thoughts writing dialogue in another language?
Fine by me, tho I only think I've done it one or twice.
18. First fandom you wrote for?
19. Favorite fic you've written?
Identically Different AU !!!! This it the best thing I've ever written and probably the best thing I will ever write.
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bengiyo · 7 months
I Feel You Linger in the Air Ep 12 (Finale) Stray Thoughts
Last week, Jom told Yai the truth about his origins and his suspicion that he's about to vanish. Yai didn't want to lose Jom and did everything he could, from asking a monk to reading H.G. Wells instead of having sex with Jom. They held a farewell and thanks party for their friends that felt a lot like an AIDS announcement party to me. Jom wrote a letter to the future and asked Yai to pass it down through his descendants. Nonkul and Bright delivered last week with incredibly heartfelt performances of two people trying to make the most of the time they have and not mourn. Meanwhile, Fong Kaew put Euangphueng in touch with someone to help her abort the child, and Maey struggled with the potential spiritual fallout of that.
Oh lord, Jom and Yai are burying a body.
Oh, nevermind. Yai is following his instincts related to Jom.
If they buried a ring in the past, did they not know about the time jump? I would have sent instructions. Come to think of it, Jom should have written a letter to himself!
Oh it's Mustache Yai again! What a fascinating sense memory. How is Jom remembering moments from the past that occur in his future?
Aw, it was a dream.
"You take a little stick, you dig a little hole...and you have a little fun."
It always looks hot as hell in Thailand.
I like this send off scene for Euangphueng and Maey.
Yai covered the mirrors. I love that.
Jom's smile when Khamsaen asks him if he could just move on from love is perfect.
Oh, poor Yai. He definitely thought Jom vanished.
The choreography for their intimate scenes is so good and so tasteful. This feels like gay sex even if we don't see it. There's so much intent and silent communication here. Doing a montage over their heavy breathing was a great choice.
We let them make love. Time for the drama.
Having Jom disappear while he was doing the portrait is so much. Come on.
This extended goodbye is making me ache.
Well that was so sad.
Mustache Yai and Jom's original clothes are back.
Oh lord we're back to the present and just walking around unbothered.
Now Ohm and Baby Mama are here! We hadn't been in the present day drama for very long, and this is actually fairly reasonable behavior considering all that happened.
Oh good, Jom remembers.
Look at that, Jom is eating crepes and his sister is coming out. It's a good day.
Fascinated by the implications of the ceremony and all the reincarnated people being in Jom's life. Please show us the woman who owns the house.
Feeling very emotional about all of these mementos being saved for Jom for a century.
Wow, this letter. Incredible historical significance.
Whoa. How is Yai here?
Wait, how are we ending here??
Now why is Jom in the goddamn woods again?
I'm so glad we got a second season confirmation because I would be so annoyed being left in limbo.
Final Verdict: 9, This Show Was Worth The Hype. I have some qualms with some of the pacing of various beats and how effectively the expanded roles of the side cast worked out in the show relative to what was clearly a story focused on a romance, but I think this show took me to places in queer history I hadn't specifically thought about in a way that made me hungry to know more. I really appreciate Nonkul and Bright so much because Tee is at his best with strong performers who work really well together. This show held for its first half, but I find myself frustrated for Jom that we still have no idea how or why any of this is happening to him, and I think it's really sad that he keeps losing his loves. This is one of my favorite productions of the year, and yet I feel like I want some distance from it for a while now that it's over.
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dante-winning-archive · 5 months
DmC: Devil May Cry Thoughts
So I finally decided to experience the DmC Reboot, and my overall verdict is: Not As Bad As I Expected. 
I took notes, so let’s break it down. This is over 3 pages in a doc btw, so buckle up I guess. Hope it was worth the wait.
What I Liked
Level Design
This is probably the game’s biggest strength. Great amount of variety, and the atmosphere of each level was great. 
Limbo is a really cool concept. 
The twin’s special abilities (like Dante’s grappling hook type weapons) made for some really cool platforming. 
The typography really works in this game. Like, words and phrases appearing in the environment to taunt Dante or just provide additional flavor to whatever is happening. Very comic book. 
The Bob Barbas boss battle had a really cool neon techy aesthetic, which isn’t something I would have expected for this game. Neat!
The game show levels leading up to Lilith’s boss fight were cool too! 
The Succubus boss battle made really good use of the environment. 
Enemy Design
General demon mobs are automaton-like, which is pretty neat. I’m not a fan of that sort of aesthetic, but I respect the creative direction. 
All the bosses had decent variety in terms of design and battle mechanics.
Item/Weapon Design
I think this was another pretty strong point for this game
It’s a small thing, but the designs of the orbs were nice.
Rebellion’s shape shifting is neat. Rebellion doesn’t really have any cool powers like Yamato does in the mainline games, so it was nice to see it do something besides being a big sword. 
Ebony and Ivory were pretty, but didn't seem particularly useful what with all the other weapons Dante had at his disposal.
Combat looks dynamic and satisfying, and I can see the influence it had on DMC5’s combat. 
The voice acting is good
Occasionally, it was genuinely funny
The Vergil gameplay at the end? INCREDIBLE. 
The music was good. Nothing really stood out to me, but it did enhance the game. 
What I Disliked
I really hated her character design. And I’m not saying it wasn’t effective character design, or that it was bad. I just personally didn’t like it. 
Her weirdly pulled skin, the corset piercings, the way her skin bunches up around the tops of her gloves… ugh. 
And maybe that’s the point! I’m probably supposed to find it offputting! But I hated looking at her. 
Pregnancy is a really intense squick of mine, so all that was just no! No! No! No! 
I wish I could unsee her boss battle
Minor Design Complaints
Dante’s DT design was a little disappointing, especially considering how well designed everything else is. 
Yamato’s design was also lackluster. 
The fatphobia was disappointing but not surprising, especially considering the year this was released. 
Mundus sex scene… ew
The sniper abortion scene wasn’t as shocking as I expected it to be, but it sure was there
The way Vergil pronounces Yamato lol. Ya-MATT-o
Pronouncing Mundus differently was a little weird. The mundus amungus…. 
Mundus’ boss fight was uninspired. Wow, a giant statue trying to squash Dante on a platform. Never seen that one before.
A lot of this game has a ‘gross’ factor, which I’m not really into. That’s just personal preference, because I do think it mostly works in context. Just not my thing. 
In general, I found the characters to be pretty one-dimensional. 
The Twins
The two of them working together in Mundus’ tower, one in each world, was really cool. If you’re going to have twins in a setting with two worlds overlapping, having one in each is (chefs kiss). Being able to play as both of them to achieve the goal would have made it even better. 
I really enjoyed the scenes they had together, but there just weren’t enough of them. 
It was nice seeing them share physical affection (in the form of a mutual shoulder pat)
But “I loved you, brother” just didn’t have the emotional impact I wanted it to have. 
And the issue is really… they’re strangers. They may be brothers, but they barely know each other. Their relationship just didn’t get as much attention and buildup as it should have. 
He’s so friendly and helpful sounding at the beginning, it was kind of cute. 
But it is revealed he’s pretty cold and calculating, willing to sacrifice Kat because saving her wasn’t worth the risk to him. 
His mad hax lol 
give him his hat back, cowards
Even though he was carrying Yamato around, I wasn’t sure he could even fight until the very end. He just seemed so weak. The thing about the twins is that they’re equals on the physical level. IDK, it was just weird to see a Vergil that didn’t fight. 
honestly, a way more interesting character than Dante.
A devil-may-care character that learns to give a shit? Always a classic. 
As unnecessarily edgy as he seems, his poor coping mechanisms make sense for how he grew up. 
An assault survivor, because of course she is. It’s just disappointing. Was it necessary? Was it??
Overall, she’s fine. No real strong feelings about her. 
Despite having a ‘role’ (guiding Dante through Limbo and helping him escape it), her job could have been given to Vergil and the game would have worked fine. Maybe even better. 
Sparda and Eva 
Having Sparda outlive Eva and be responsible for hiding the twins was an interesting choice. I also like that we have confirmation for what happened to him (eternal torture). 
I would have expected an angel and demon to be a power couple, but they seemed to have been beaten pretty easily. For plot, I guess. 
The Story
I wasn’t really all that invested, tbh. There’s nothing wrong with the story, but at the same time there isn’t really anything notable about it (except Vergil’s bit). 
It’s a hack n’ slash, so I’m not expecting a masterpiece, but it was pretty one note.
WHY is there a war between demons and angels? Where did the Nephilim come from, how many were there, what role did they play? More importantly, why should I care about any of this? 
The twins avenging their parents should have felt like… like taking on a mantle to continue their cause, and I really didn’t get any of that. There wasn’t any weight of legacy. And the main games handle that so well. 
Overall, I just felt like there wasn’t enough emotional impact, especially between the brothers. There wasn’t enough time to really grow to care about the three protagonists, imo. 
Dante's character arc is... learning to give a shit, I guess, but even then, his decision to be the protector of humans feels really out there. Did he really show that much growth throughout the game for this declaration to really feel deserved? Rewarding?
Likewise, Vergil's shift from revolutionary to would-be king is equally abrupt. Like maybe the entire point of it was to be out of left field, but from a storytelling standpoint... an out-of-nowhere twist like that just doesn't feel rewarding. Having more time with Vergil as Dante throughout the course of the game, to have a subtle buildup so that when you look back and say 'the signs were all there and I missed them', that would have been really good. Like, disregarding the fact that any fan of DMC knows Vergil is going to abandon everything for power.
Vergil’s gameplay and story at the end was a lot more compelling than the rest of the game combined. It’s literally the only thing I’m interested in learning more about. 
Final Thoughts
The game was… alright. Not as bad as I expected it to be, but I’m not sure I would call it good, either. There were a lot of really interesting concepts that just didn’t reach their full potential. The ‘hard’ elements like design and combat were there, but the characters and story were lacking. Making a DMC game heavily influenced by the Divine Comedy is a great idea! 
I think that there are two things that really held this game back. 
Making it a DMC game. As its own thing, it could have been really good. Could they have told a story based on the Divine Comedy with twins named Dante and Vergil without stepping on DMC’s toes? Probably not. But with some changes, it could have worked.
The marketing. I didn’t see it in real time, but we’ve all heard of the weirdly homophobic marketing for this game. And I think that really soured people’s opinions of the game. Still does, tbh. ‘Dante is not a gay cowboy’ as if that isn’t his entire appeal….
Anyway, I don’t think it quite deserves the hate it gets. If you go in knowing you’re not getting a ‘real’ DMC game, it’s not bad. 
Rating: 5/10 
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nctsplug02 · 2 years
OOO can i request where mrs jeong gets jealous at like a business party when she sees mr jeong talking to like a business partner or something and she kinda looks like jen the babysitter 🤭
genre: fluff and smut
warnings: teasing, unprotected sex, creampie, short smut scene, jealousy.
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you slightly toss your head back and laugh as an employee of yours tells a joke.
“oh, cari,” you bring the wine glass to your lips and it fogs from your hot breath. “you’re too funny. i love having you around— i’m sure everyone here does as well.”
“oh, don’t tease me like that, y/n. of course everyone loves me.” she winks making you giggle.
you sip the champagne and something catches your eyes or at least someone did.
your husband with.. jen?
no, it can’t be.
jen is at home. with hannie.
“excuse me for a moment. i must.. go check on my husband.” you place your hand on her shoulder and you grin. you clear your throat and tilt your chin up as you stalk towards your husband and the lady.
“hey, sweetie.” your hand travels down his lower back and wraps around his waist. “oh, hey love. this is jenacis, the new employee we hired last week.”
jen— no. jenacis.
“oh, hello dear. it’s a pleasure to meet you.” jaehyun looks down at you with a smirk and squinting eyes that flashed, suspicious.
he knew you were jealous. the tone of your voice, your hand squeezing around his waist, and the jealousy he smelt from a couple feet away.
“h—hi, mrs jeong. you’re absolutely stunning. more stunning than people have said.” you softly chuckle and so does jaehyun who had thrown his arm around you and grabbed your ass. “people talk about me?” you tilt your head.
her eyes widen. “i—uh, not in a bad way. they just say how hot you are and you are— i mean— wow, im sorry.” you softly chuckle again. “you’re fine.“ you wink and she blushes.
the effect you had on everyone made your confidence shine and grow.
“—mr jeong! please come have a drink with us!” an older man calls out to jaehyun. “and i will being heading out.” he sighs and gives your ass a pat and planting a kiss on your cheek before turning to the group of men.
“well, i’m gonna go grab a snack. we ordered these strawberry sorbet cheesecake and i haven’t tried it yet so i’m just.. yeah.” you turn on your heels but someone grabs your arm.
“mrs jeong,” you turn back around with a grin. “mrs jeong, i know you were jealous when i was talking to mr jeong.” jenacis says and you sputter. “i—wha— i mean, you just looked like someone who constantly hits on my husband. sorry.” you brush your hair behind your ear.
“mrs jeong, you have nothing to worry about. i’m actually.. a lesbian. and married. so, definitely nothing to worry about.” your jaw was parted. “i.. wow, im sorry— not that you’re a lesbian but just getting jealous over you talking to my husband.”
she giggles, it was a cute giggle. “you’re cute, mrs jeong. now, go try those strawberry cheese cake things.” you nod and grin ear to ear as you walk backwards to the table full of food.
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it was past ten and you and jaehyun were heading home.
jaehyun laughs hysterically as he fishes out his keys. “what’s so funny, hm?” you ask, holding your dress up above your ankles. “nothing. just—nothing.” you push him as he laughs again.
“you’re annoying. what is it?” he unlocks the car and grabs your waist. “i knew she was a lesbian.” he confesses making you gasp and shove him until he hits the car.
“and you didn’t care to say anything?! i embarrassed myself for what?!” he laughs and holds onto the car as he laughs hysterically. “fucking asswipe.” you cross your arms and shift your weight onto your hip.
“it was just, just, just,” he struggles to speak as he runs out of air from laughing too hard. “it isn’t even that funny, dickwad.” he takes a deep breath and pushes him up and off the car.
“okay, i’m sorry. i just wanted to see you get jealous over me.” he confesses making you sigh. “well, congrats. i was jealous. now move so i can get it.” he frowns a bit and walks towards you.
he grabs your waist and kisses you. “‘m sorry, baby. don’t get mad at me, please.” you tilt your head to the side, giving him access to your neck. his lips press firmly onto your jaw and down your neck. “forgive me, baby.” you giggle as he sucks on your collarbone. “o—okay, forgiven.” you yelp as he nips your sweet spot. “i said f—forgiven!”
“good,” he mutters against your jaw. “now, let’s go have some good angry, jealous car sex.” you giggle as he yanks you into the backseat.
he rips your dress up and tuts when feeling no coverage on your pussy. “no panties, baby? you’ve been bare this whole time and i could’ve fucked you in the bathroom? my office? your office?” he tosses his head back and lets out a groan.
“fuck, you make me insane.” he lets out a throaty laugh as you give him an innocent look. “i’m so hard right now. and you did it. you made me hard, baby. only you.” you blindly undo his buckle and lift yourself up onto your knees.
“i know i do.” your lips ghost over his. his lips curl in pain and discomfort as you jerk him slowly. “need to be in you, baby.” he squeezes your waist. “i know you do.” you whisper and tease yourself with his tip.
sliding his tip through your wet slit. “c—cmon, baby. please?” he begs. your legs tense when you slam yourself down on his cock and his hands pinch the flesh of your waist.
“finally.” he pants and immediately bucks his hips. “what—? jae—?!” your body is picked up and his cock is being slammed into your pussy. his balls smacking up against your ass as he grunts and squeezes your waist.
your arms wrap around his neck as you moan and whimper into you. “oh, jae— oh, jae.” you moan, yanking his hair. a groan leaves jaehyuns throat as his head is pulled back.
“fuck, baby. fuck, fuck.” he pants.
you shake your hair back and off your shoulders. “c—cumming! jae, baby, i—im cumming!” you cry out into his shoulder. “‘m cumming, too. just wait for me, baby. wait just a little longer, please.” you shake your head as your orgasm climbs closer.
“i—i can’t, ‘m sorry!” you cry out as your orgasm hits you like a tsunami. “fuck, baby—!” he yells out and slams his hips against yours. his hips bucking up slowly as he groans softly and releases himself into you.
after moments of giggles and kisses, jaehyun pulls out of you. “let’s go home to our baby girl.” he says, planting one more kiss onto your lips. “‘kay,” he pulls your dress down and pushes the used napkins into the small trash on the ground.
jaehyun tucks himself and climbs into the front, plopping himself down into his leather seat. “cmon, baby.” he looks back at you.
you looked completely fucked out.
“too tired. just drive, please?” he chuckles softly and starts the car. “and then carry me inside when we get home?” he chuckles again. “sure, baby. whatever you want.” you softly grin, feeling your eyes droop. “thank you.” you whisper.
“i love you, gorgeous.”
“and i love you.”
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mxtxfanatic · 2 years
I cannot believe that some of y’all read the sex trope deconstructions in mxtx novels and come away with “yes, this was meant to be hot.” Y’all read svsss’s Maigu Ridge scene—where Luo Binghe was not consciously present, Shen Qingqiu was horrifically injured and had to dissociate to not lose it, and neither enjoyed themselves—and thought, “wow, fun sexy times!” forreal??? Y’all read Xie Lian graphically mutilating himself to work around the effects of an aphrodisiac because he did not want to have sex and did not consent to anything happening and thought, “this is so sexy!” honestly??? Like, if you get off on sex or sexual urges that are unwanted, unfulfilling, and unenjoyably painful, then more power to you, I guess, but I do not think the point of these scenes in these texts is for you to get off on at all, especially when there are later sex scenes included that the characters do find enjoyable, fulfilling, and wholly consent to.
Not all sex or sexual scenes in a work are meant to be titillating. Sometimes, the point is that they’re not.
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horanghoe · 6 months
until it hurts a little less - part 2.II
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group: TXT
pairing: Yeonbin (Yeonjun & Soobin) x Reader (Fem perspective)
genre: hybrid, angst, fluff, heavy smut, minors dni !!
word count: 39k / split into 2 posts
T/W’s : under the line
A HUGE THANK YOU TO MY FRIENDS & BETA READERS ~ Saffron & @pyeonghongrie & all of MTG and especially the furry babes: @slightlymore @raibebe @starlitmark @wooahaeproductions [extra credit for the above mb!! tysm beeeeeee] @atiny-piratequeen <3 & anyone else I have tortured with brain rot and updates
AUTHORS NOTES - Wow. Thank you everyone for your patience. This has been many many months of chipping away at a small idea to make it into a now infamous [among friend circles] 40k hybrid fic. This draft has gone through a breakup, different jobs, and different living scenarios, phew! Following from the kitty Beomgyu saga the series now dives into new and hot Yeonbin dynamics. I look forward to feedback & interest in a small cuddle pile epilogue and editing of old works to bring them up to date. Lots of love, Wren 🦝💗
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Music to listen to while reading ♡ (in no particular order)
My Oh My - Camilla Cabello FT. DaBaby
Stuck In The Middle With You - Stealers Wheel
Beast Of Burden - The Rolling Stones
Whole Lotta Love - Led Zeppelin
I Want You to Want Me - Cheap Trick
No Strings Attached (Enemies to Lovers) - Backseat Vagabond
Feel free to suggest others! :>
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♡ Trigger Warnings ♡
voyeurism [aka sex in a public place], intimate scenes in an open late-night diner, a third watches with consent and an invite but is named perversive for comedic effect, submissive reader, female POV reader, AFAB reader, female pronouns & genitalia descriptives, occasional degrading words/actions with active consent, height kink, size kink, slight dacryphilia scene, crying [out of the context of sex], mention of unfulfilling ex-partners, sex in the rain(?), mention of blood, sub-mode or trusting others to make decisions after sex [safe, loving, no fear here but do need to warn], choking [mild, not to the point of harm].
hybrid content such as scenting marking and knotting; themes of possessiveness and alllll the animalistic features from that.
All of the above are willing and consenting for every party present (apart from Bangchan/diner staff). If you cannot stomach voyeurism, skip about halfway and you can still enjoy the last half of the fiction. :]
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Soobin took the driver's seat - Yeonjun sat, slouched, in the passenger seat of the car as agreed - shrugging off his jacket to throw into the back seat. The fox batted it past him, above you, and onto the floor. 
Yeonjun had to breathe from his mouth upon entering. He had hissed under his breath and thoroughly resisted the urge to growl at Soobin, instead pulling his ears back while the insanely sweet smell of your wet cunt against the leather seat underneath him from hours before, and Soobin’s natural scenting of heavy cedarwood, dampened his own much lighter citrusy one. 
Much like an animal; scents worked to establish things like hierarchy, health, sex, age and physical standing within a space, for a hybrid. 
So to enter such a heavily-marked one and lose his own presence and stature in the process was quite disarming. 
Not to mention you were ovulating and smelt like God's nectar; at peak time to be bred, which he intended to take full advantage of.
It was a relatively clean car. Actually, it was very clean, considering you had only ever been in a car with 3 other males of varying states. You didn’t particularly make a habit of it, but life had worked out so that the counter now ticked up to 5.
What you didn’t pick up on, was the air con being clicked down to low, or the burning eyes that the boys gave each other. 
Yeonjun stopped it from going lower than 1 - to flush out the suffocating smells that made his cock throb already - Soobin meanwhile, remained intent on hotboxing until everybody was marked by him. Even the fox. 
A spark flew between their eyes for a brief moment, but in the back, alone with thoughts wondering, you tried to break the silence, none-the-wiser.
“So - where are we going?” Your shaken from nerves, but positively excited voice called out from behind. 
It felt small in such a big car. 
Like you were speaking openly in a cathedral. Your voice bounced back at you and made you cringe in its wake. You weren’t sure your presence was appreciated in this space yet.
You shouldn’t talk - the nerves said. You should only listen here.
Soobin peered at you in the mirror, offering a dimpled smile. You eased, if only a little. Shoulders shrugging forward.
“Wherever you want, gorgeous.” 
Warmed at the softness in his husked voice, you bashfully looked away from the mirror. 
It had started to rain. Pat pat pitter pat. Soobin rolled his window from half-mast to completely closed and started the car. 
Gentle heat - again, hands swatted to set it to increasingly low levels until it rested at level 2; warm but not suffocating - started to blow from small vents in the lush interior doors.
“Ooo - cosy.” Yeonjun yipped happily - in amusement, but mostly sarcastically - to himself.
Soobin rolled his eyes. Quickly snatching the cigarette pack from Yeonjun's busy foxish hands and stuffed them in his door.
“No smoking in my car either, you nasty street fox. I just got it cleaned.”
Yeonjun made an offended noise, yipping something about losing his lifeline, how he never got it cleaned for him, before crossing his arms and slouching further in a pathetic display of defeat.
“You’re quiet back there.” Yeonjun shot, gruffly, to the back of the car, peering behind the seat… Like a kid who just had his iPad taken away so now he had to talk to the other passengers. Reluctantly. “You made your mind up yet where you wanna go, doll?”
Truly, it was a front. 
He was restless and wanted to move away from this place to stop the ache in his chest and cock. 
Plus, your nerves were starting to bother him. 
You weren’t innocent per se, but you were an anxious prey type in need of calming, in the most physical and overriding sense. He could taste it on his tongue - maybe not as strongly as Soobin - but he was bothered by the sourness.
Four eyes drew to you in the silence.
Two from the ceiling mirror, blown wide. Two from the seat in front pinched tight.
“I don’t - I don’t - umm…” You froze, muttering uselessly before a shrug fell from you, and you writhed your hands between your knees. 
“You sure you wanna do this, Y/N?” Yeonjun questioned, carefully, with suspiciously squinted eyes. “If you wanna pull out, now’s the time to do so.”
“Yeah, I umm -” You cleared your throat. 
Squeezing your fists between your thighs, and your thighs to your fist. 
The idea of being watched, smelt, tasted, touched by these men - it was fucking you up to the point of not being able to think.
“I’m pretty sure. Yeah, I err - I think so. Yeah.”
You puffed a breath, heart hammering against your ribs. Touching your warm face and looking down to pick at your nails. 
“I want it. You. Two. You two.”
Soobin smiled to himself. Yeonjun was going to eat you up with all that coyness on full display. Soobin found it cute but knew his friend to be a little more… depraved in his tendencies. And it's true, his friend's heart pounded as his cock did. 
Soobin was a little better at making decisions for his pets, though.
“Do you want us to pick a place, little one?” Soobin asked, voice and eyes low. “Or can you be a good pet and answer our question?”
Well, Soobin had never referred to you as his pet before. And especially not in such a soft-dom way. You didn’t know how much of an effect it would have on you. 
“I’m not - I don’t know -” You tugged a little on the seatbelt across your chest, breathless. “Can we even - can we fit in this car? Can we even do that?”
Yeonjun grinned. 
“Depends how much of a rush you’re in, doll. In the car, on the car, around it. We could go back to ours? Or tag team in a hotel. Break back on the hood. And we can’t get you pregnant - as much as we’d love that - so it’s not like we need to go anywhere first. All depends on you, gorgeous.”
You shot him a glance. Only a very quick one. A bad idea for you. 
The fox had turned on the console to face you. His eyes were a burning orange, like the outside of his ears, the black in the low light swallowed by the dimming evening. He was beautiful, asking you a question, staring at you directly; and you were stunned.
You instantly shot your chin to your chest, shaking it. Forced to squeeze your hands to the seat to calm yourself against the blood pumping in your ears. 
You forced yourself to speak. Imploding at the pressure.
“The cars good!” You squeaked. “I just - I don’t know where!!”
Yeonjun laughed fully, small chitters sounding. He shuffled to sit upright and turn back into his seat, only to slide down just as Soobin slipped into gear and began rolling out onto the main road, away from the diner.
“Good job baby.” The dog grumbled, concentrating on driving. “Don’t worry, I know a place.”
“We know a place.” Yeonjun corrected. “Get comfy pet, it’s a bit of a drive.”
You puffed out a huge exhale. Lungs burning and dizzy as you melted into the seat. 
It took mere seconds for Yeonjun to note the shaking of your skin against the cool leather. 
He tugged Soobin’s jacket up off the floor and placed it on you with a wink. Before removing his outer sweater without a word, but patting it over your lap as you gratefully held it over the goosebumps. 
Surrounded by them.
Bathing in the calm, before the storm.
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“We’re here,” Soobin announced to the group, after a solid half hour of fast-winding mountaintop driving between trees and sea. “Still raining. No one here as usual.”
You had pulled into what seemed to be a campsite parking lot. Probably only used in the summer; as parking wasn’t charged during the winter, according to the big red signs against nearby trees.
“You ready beautiful?” Yeonjun had smiled, his head back against the seat and watching you as you looked out the window. His voice was low, ears dipped along with his eyes. “Still nervous?”
You were nervous, but fighting it to the best of your ability. 
“Yeah - I am, a little. I’m not sure why. I trust you though, just… Something has me on edge, is all...”
Yeonjun's tongue went to the corner of his mouth in a smile.
He knew why. You were stuck in a confined space with two predators. One of them had already smothered his scent glands in your neck all evening. The other, more orange one, was aching to do the same.
He found it adorable that you hadn't yet joined the dots; or got to the stage of understanding your instincts.
“Well, I'm glad you feel comfortable enough around us to do this. ‘Bout time for you to come sit in the front, hmm?”
Your body flushed with heat, chin dipping. Yeonjun yipped a small harmless laugh. He leaned over the console with his languid torso to catch your downcast eyes.
“Come on. I don’t bite sweetheart.” He smiled. “Not a fan of breaking glass, after all. Come on, it will be fun. We stop whenever you want. Alright?”
You nodded, bracing yourself for the cold and wet sky with a puff of air before diving out the door on the driver's side and running around. The boys both clicked their seats back, and as the cold air hit his body Yeonjun held open the door and wilfully manspread to allow you room to climb over him in the space.
Although it was a little awkward to fit; you managed to bend at an angle and shuffled into the front passenger seat atop Yeonjun with altogether surprising ease. Your head hadn’t even hit the ceiling yet. Nor had you crushed the male beneath you as you feared you might. 
Then again, this car was rather tall. And long.
For a moment you were still rushing with the adrenaline you felt in the back seat. But very quickly, you realised what position you had found yourself in - agreed to, suggested - and you flushed hot under the skin.
The door closed with a clack. And suddenly there was no more room to breathe.
Within an instant, you became wary of every single movement. 
You weren’t in the safety of your comfy back-view anymore. 
Now, you were face to face with the fox. Your knees pressed to the seat between his legs, snug between the thighs that stretched taut from the pull of his crotch. He was tall, even when laying down. 
You weren’t sure where to put your hands. Or where to look. You placed them on his chest, on the seat; either way was suffocating-ly close. As you wavered above him, Yeonjun smirked. And lifted in his reclined position, cornering you on the roof of the car with wide eyes and a racing heart.
“You smell like a bunch of nerves, gorgeous. I like my cherries sweet before I eat them.”
It was a statement, not a question. And a provocative one at that. His breath washed over your face and you weren’t sure where to look. Your lungs burned from such tension until you could do nothing but stare down into his chest. 
“Breathe, Y/N.” A deep voice rattled beside you. “You’re okay.” 
You inhaled quickly, gasping some short breaths at Soobin's command. 
His eyes were dipped. And he was palming himself through constricting jeans. Your chest squeezed at the thought of him jumping your bones. And while you weren’t aware of it, the guys had started to ground you in more unfamiliar ways.
“Thank you, Binnie.” You mumbled, thankful, if a little dizzy. Still unsure where to look.
As you turned to the driver's side to thank the Pinscher, Yeonjun took aptly the opportunity to ease you into him; and found purchase on your skin. 
“Come here, my skittish little Doe.”
At first, you did resist. Mostly out of nerves.
But it soon became impossible. His pull was intoxicating; and you wanted them both, regardless of the nerves fluttering in your belly.
Yeonjun's tongue swirled hot and heavy against your ear. Biting and sucking at the soft skin of your jawline. And the moan that fell from your lips as he licked and sucked a hickey over the one he had placed before was carnal. 
It provoked a weakness in your knees that caused you to fall onto him. Like a dove falling from flight.
He caught the curve of your ass with a strong forearm, flexing his thigh to keep you up and sitting on top of him, knees pressing into the console. Your mini-skirt had pulled up high and you were just about keeping your eyes open.
Soobin groaned; infatuated with how quickly Yeonjun had pulled you apart at the seams.
“Pretty deer; no wonder you’re so scared of me.” Yeonjun purred into your skin, catching it between his teeth, “I couldn’t get this close to you in the diner. You've been smothered by a wet. Fucking. Dog.” 
Soobin growled protectively. And curled his lip in distaste. 
"Good. If you don't like it, you should scent her."
"Working on it." Yeonjun grit back.
Yeonjun licked a stripe up your neck in repeated slow lengths until he landed on your pulse. 
When you moaned and he felt the pump pump against his tongue muscle; he grinned wide, testing with a soft suck. You keened, almost breathless, and gripped onto his arm for support. 
“Found it.”
For a split second; you panicked. Aware that he could bite into and tear out your jugular with ease as such a fine specimen of a hybrid. 
Instead of his grip on your stomach growing tight, he simply gripped the hair at the base of your skull, guiding you back until your neck was revealed.
Yeonjun wasted no time in babying you as the pheromones hit his nose; instead, he set to work and nursed a newer bruise over the one already blooming behind your jaw; trailing down to your shoulder. 
He paused to lift your arms, gripping them gently to drag your small shirt off and wrap an arm over the curve of your back; secure and grounding. While he palmed at your chest with his free hand; hard nipple making you flinch as he rolled it over his palm.
You felt a little uneasy but tried so badly to ignore it. Reaching for his hand and linking your fingers. “Relax, baby ~” He purred into your ear; licking and biting at your jawline until your cunt throbbed, jaw slack and eyes fighting the close of ecstasy. “You’re so safe ~”
He considered for a moment what it was he was doing. 
What it meant for him, to scent you.
But just as quickly he dismissed his doubts; pushing the crown of his head and his ears against your throat and chest while he gently chittered. Rubbing his cheek onto your hot skin and over your shoulders. His eyes closed, and he was so gentle for you that it made your heart ache. 
Relaxing slowly into him; you slid your fingers into his hair to hold him there and rest your face on his hair. He hummed; running his lips over your collarbone. And chittered at your exhaled sigh, pulling back to see your face.
He was pleased with what he saw.
"Feeling better gorgeous?" Yeonjun checked in, dotingly. 
He swiped a hair behind your ear and neck to leave sharp-toothed kisses in his wake. He was becoming a little more messy with his kisses, now that he knew you could handle it. 
“A little more relaxed? Less on edge? Less afraid of me?"
You moaned a soft nod, accepting the kiss from the corner of your eye. "Mmhmm…" You groaned. And rested your forehead on his. 
“Junnie ~,” Yeonjun practically purred at your breathy moans, nose and lips still pressed against your skin. “I feel so much better.” His arms drew around your back, pulling your belly flush to him while he held you.
Your bodies were warm together, and the air hung thick like fog on a wet stormy day to the point that you had to open-mouth breathe just to get some air into you. Not to mention your brain felt like mush. And the windows - they were fogged thick.
“F-f-f-fuck -” You managed. 
You groaned softly and tried to shake the haze out of your mind. But it didn’t seem to budge. 
“What is this-? How did the two of you-? When-?”
You couldn’t formulate the words. But it was okay. He knew what you meant. Knew that you were asking about the heaviness in your lungs. The aching you had probably started feeling. The deep throbbing in your cunt that wet your thong at an abhorrently fast pace.
“Scented you, angel. Like Soob said; it should help with the nerves.” Yeonjun faux bit at the spot; canines scraping at your skin as he sucked tactfully. You moaned, keening towards him. 
He released all too soon; “Now both Soobin and I have a share. And you shouldn’t feel so anxious near me. Maybe even -” 
You were sure if the devil could speak it would be through the lips of Choi Yeonjun.
“- you should relax. Let me take care of you, doll.” 
Yeonjun smirked, a tooth caught on his bottom lip. He didn’t need to hear you speak, though he gave you a moment to try. The silence answered him plenty. Your legs had started to rub together for something to touch your throbbing cunt. And a hand soon found purchase cupping you over your underwear, hard-on pressed to your ass and thigh after the fox angled his hips upward.
You moaned, watching as Soobin's eyes drew to the hand slipping beneath your skirt. Before holding Yeonjun’s arm that pressed a palm against your core. You pressed down against it gratefully; sighing at the pressure that struck pleasure within your bones. 
“Junnie-” You found yourself moaning openly, with no shame in sight. Just as they liked. You whimpered for more.
Yeonjun's arm flexed in response; long fingers pressed at the wet fabric of your opening over the fabric of your underwear; only to slip his hand down further, then drag the edge of his palm back up; lip bit and watching your face as you pooled into his body. Your eyes had squeezed shut, mouth agape and moaning openly. 
“God, you’re so pretty.” He groaned, meeting the dazed eyes that turned to him. 
Your whole body practically twitched when he dragged up your clit. Cupping the jaw that reached for his face, the kiss instantly matched in intensity while you scrambled to find purchase. He pulled his hand down to drag upward and press against your clit again, and your moan caught in your throat.
“Kiss me, pretty girl.” He purred, small yips sounding from his chest. And so you did. Moving to place your forearm on his chest, meeting him for the deepest kiss yet. Encapsulated by him, until you parted and drool pooled onto his shirt. 
Yeonjun wiped your mouth, before grabbing you again, right as he pushed up hard against your cunt and dragged. You cried out, moaning into the kiss and gyrating on his palm.
Soobin was ready to burst. But God he loved you far too much to bust just yet. Instead; he did the next best thing. 
The zip and release pop of the popper that sounded beside you snapped you out of the kiss; Yeonjun tugged you up and manhandled you to press against your belly; ass to his crotch, your back to his chest and mouth attached to your neck. Small in his hold.
Soobin groaned, his lips twitching and ears pulled back. Finally, he sighed. His hand wrapped firmly around the base of his cock, releasing from the jeans with a few firm pumps. Lip bit and head rolling back with a firm groan. 
At the same time; Yeonjun's palms gripped and massaged your chest. Teasing your nipples with gentle then heavy drags.
His nose prodded at your cheek as you squirmed, forcing you to look at Soobin - as if you hadn’t been maintaining tension for what felt like hours already. 
“Sit pretty for me doll.” 
Yeonjun chuckled in a husk into your ear; sweat beading on his forehead at the struggle - both at the attempt to maintain control and the bicep strapped over your hips to keep you from moving - biting at you with a tongue-pressed devilish grin. His other hand moved to press down on your pubic bone. Not close enough. A lick into your ear made you moan. 
Soobin thrust with a deep groan into his fist, thighs tensing and in his own private mental arena. But your head had begun to throb. And it coincided with every pump of his cock. You would have put together the pieces, were it not for you being deep into a foggy mindset.
Not that you had any complaints. This felt good.
“Binnie -” You moaned aloud and at length with an open mouth, head thrown back from Yeonjun's heavy petting into the crook of his neck. 
The boys smirked. Particularly Soobin. 
Nothing could have prepared you for the impression felt as his dimples pressed his cheeks and he shook his hair, tongue caught in the side of his mouth. 
Being a young hybrid in his prime, a true example of health; his power in the car combined with Yeonjun's made your brain and cunt throb desperately. 
“Open the window, you Dog,” Yeonjun smirked at his friend, playfully twisting your nipple between his fingers; pressing his cheek and nose to your jaw. “Be careful or you’ll end up flushing her out.”
You had heard that term before when speaking to a nurse about hybrid females. When they’re scented to the point of their own temporarily disappearing, a hybrid becomes infatuated and malleable. Their equivalent to a sub-space.
Soobin's dimples deepened. “Good.” And set pace. “I want our little pet to feel it in her guts when I cum.”
He lay back, with his fist wrapped around his base and the other holding his balls, to thrust with grunts at the fastest pace you had maybe ever seen, tongue caught on his teeth. 
He was doing it to make a point. To show you that the pressing presence you had been feeling on the edges of your being, was very real. That if he wanted you to come, you would. If either of them wanted you to fall apart, they could make it happen.  
A wave of carnal desire; a pure hunger you didn’t know you were able to experience; overcame you so suddenly and so violently that your bones started to shake. Never had you been this eager to fuck. Didn’t think it was possible. 
“Wa- fu- fu - fuck, please, I wanna cum, I wanna cum so bad -” You just about cried out in plea to the fox; grip on Yeonjun's bicep under your arm almost painful.
Quickly, Yeonjun slipped a hand into your panties - using a small apology of ‘sorry, I guess forget the warmup’ and slipped his gifted-ly long fingers to slip 2-thick in a curl up to your belly, the edge of his palm swiping over your clit delightfully heavy - and reached for the window with the other, slipping it down halfway.
It didn’t take Soobin long to cum.
The sound of Yeonjun's hands slapping sloppily, palm-to-soaked-cunt, and your debauched and corrupted moans and whimpers, along with your exposed chest from all your writhing, sent Soobin on a spin. Cock thick and leaking from beginning to end.
You weren’t doing too good yourself. 
In fact; you were doing amazing.
Placated only by Yeonjun yowling gently, holding you to him and shushing against your neck. He did his best - aka, the best - to ground you. He chittered at your needy, dumb-fucked mind. Allowing you to sit up to thrust down onto his hand.
The smell of rain began to enter the car; the concern of dampness flashed across your mind before Soobin moaned.
“Ah - fuck, Y/N - fuck - you feel that?” He was near his peak, and Yeonjun couldn’t stop himself from biting his lip to moan as you essentially got yourself off on his fingers; over his long cock snug up between his jeans and your ass. 
You nodded, desperately grinding for a release, tears wet in desperation on your cheek. 
“Fuck - gonna come baby girl. You want it? Pretty girl wanna come? I could wait -”
“I want - I want it - wanna - cum - want - it-” 
The final begging pushed him over the edge. Humping atop his friend like a rabbit.
Soobin groaned, hips stuttering into three more solid pumps as you squeezed your legs shut, lying back without breathing as Yeonjun pumped his fingers as a curl with loud slaps until your cunt dripped white on his jeans. You cried out at the exact moment Soobin came in his fist, tears on your cheeks and fist white on Yeonjun's arm. Not unlike the endless amount of cum that spat from between Soobin’s knuckles, onto his legs.
If there’s one thing you did know; it’s that when hybrids cum, they cum a lot.
Your body was hot. Hips twitching and mind spiralling. Your cunt squeezed Yeonjun's fingers until they were taken out, circling the entrance until you whined, a big glob of a tear falling down your cheek in ecstasy.
“Well done, you did good,” Yeonjun hushed you. 
You didn’t react, head dizzy and grip weak. 
You flopped down onto Yeonjun's chest, willingly, to pant like you had just run a fucking mile. 
"Ngh - Junnie -"
"Take it easy, gorgeous. Catch your breath."
Both your foreheads knocked together into his kisses to bathe in some love as you recovered, head buzzing and cunt full. Eyes closed and breathing shallow. 
Soobin's movement flickered Yeonjun's ear against the seat, whooshing air into your face. He had been quiet; observing.
He grabbed, messily, a fistful of dry wipes to clean his hands with. Never particularly keen on his own cum ending up on his lips.
“Stupid mutt.” The fox hissed, still nuzzling your hair. Listening to your puttered moans and sighs. “Hope you feel better after that? Almost flushed her out completely. Then how would she of fucked? Poor thing. How do you know she even wanted that?”
Soobin peered over, post clarity striking some guilt into his chest when he was met with the vision of your fist curled into your lips and face hidden onto his friend's chest.
The rain picked up enough for Soobin to roll up Yeonjun's window from his side.
The dog scoffed, and flipped the band of his boxers back up over his cock, for the meantime. He adjusted in his seat, stretching his upper back and jaw. Satiated. Rolling his neck back on the headrest to glare, eyes low, into Yeonjun.
“She wanted it. Trust me.”
He ruffled his fringe, in the pulled-down front mirror, eyes meeting yours to the side.
“Didn’t you gorgeous?”
He tilted his head at an angle, ears flopped to the ground. He squinted at you, gauging your mood. Smile careful.
You smiled against your fingers. Instantly matched by the tongue at the corner of the hound's mouth; dimples deep as he leaned back into his seat. 
"See." Soobin chuckled. Tongue to the edge of his smile. "Baby wants it, hmm? Wants her mind to be fucked until she feels like jelly?"
You nodded. And smiled behind your hand as wide as Soobin did.
Yeonjun's glare softened and he chittered gently when you rose; elbows to his chest.
“What are you up to; pretty Doe?” The fox purred. Playful suspicion was written all over his face, tail curling around your knee. Ears back.
But you just bashfully blinked your wet eyelashes at him; and held his shoulders to grind down slowly; at the exact same time as you kissed him and pulled away. You did it again. And again, and again. Each slow, heavy drop paired with a messy, dragging kiss.
Yeonjun groaned loudly, tongue to his gum in annoyance. A muscle in his jaw ticked; a reaction you had never seen from him before. 
You rested your weight down to grind in quick motions; wetting his lap as his fingers dug into your thighs.
His eyes squinted, pupils thin as slits. 
Yeonjun gave you a sore and open-palmed warning swipe up and against your thigh; hissing at you through grit teeth.
“Keep teasing me and you’ll get a bite on your throat, dumb little pet.” 
His sharp, low voice made you smile; you were enthralled. Nerves tingling like electricity beneath your skin.
Claim marks were permanent issues of trust; a literal bite into one's skin. The idea of leaving one so obviously front-facing was abhorrent and filthy, and it suited him.
You smiled against your hand, giggling. Biting at the knuckle of your ring finger as he bucked up. Soobin smiled at you lovingly as you fell into Yeonjun's chest; cunt pressed to his crotch. He held your hips there for a moment; biting at your exposed shoulder, keeping you giddy and scent-high as he tactfully shuffled his jeans down; no underwear in sight as you bit your lip.
“You ready to get fucked dumb, our precious little fawn?” Yeonjun mumbled, then kissed your cheek; not opposed to your face hiding from him. Nose in your hair. Palming your ass so that your slick covered his cock and your thong caught between skin.
You couldn’t stop grinding; clit rubbing against his large cock and coating his length in slick. Breath small and panting. Your nipples were so sensitive between his pinched fingers; the back of your neck tingling with warmth.
“Junnie - Yes - Want it -” You moaned, eyebrows low and knuckles in your mouth, consumed. Relying on him completely.
A hand gripped your scalp; your head was tugged backwards.
“Mind if I take those panties, pet?” Soobin smirked. "Just need to do a little health check." 
The hand belonged to Soobin.
He didn’t actually want them; nor was he entirely bothered by your seemingly okay health - at least at first - he just wanted to see you shy away. 
He was getting hard again already; seeing you manhandled. And released your hair upon your nod.
He really could do a health check anyway, so what was the harm?
You nodded, moaning as Yeonjun sucked at your nipple; “Here -” Yeonjun mumbled, and gripped under your skirt from behind to begin tearing at the fabric. It took three solid rips to unhook you; soaking fabric caught by Soobin with a slop. 
Immediately, his face buried into it. You shivered at the air that hit your cunt; aware that the two of them were gifted, but surprised by the length that met you as you ground down again.
A deep, guttural growl rattled the seat beside you. And the vibrations made your muscles ripple; hips lifted via Yeonjun's grip on your waist alone; cock swiped against your dripping thighs and entrance before pressing up and into you. 
You lost your breath immediately; choking on moans as the head of his cock pressed into your warmth, a deep stretch and ache pulling towards your belly as Yeonjun sunk your hips patiently; head back against the headrest and eyes barely open.
“You better fuck her deep, and slow,” Soobin growled; eyes blown fearfully wide and teeth grit. Nose firmly inside the dripping fabric gripped in his hand; “Little fawn came to us for help on her first rut season.”
"I knew it." Yeonjun groaned. Gritting his teeth to speak. “She’s been sick and needy the entire day.”
It’s true; you had been. Fiending for attention. Grasping at them whenever you could. Burning up from beneath the skin. Sick with lust.
You sat up more; whimpering as Soobin's growls caused your entire mind to fuzz over; leaving little resistance to Yeonjun's thick, curved cock to tilt, slick dripping down his thigh. By the time you sat to the hilt; you were practically drooling.
“Stupid kitty didn’t even tell you it was happening, did he, gorgeous?” Soobin snarled. You shook your head quickly, whimpering. 
“It - we fucked through the first one, but - he said - it might come back -”
The fox wrapped his arms around your waist and held you against him with impressive strength. Pulling you to sit up higher than before. 
Yeonjun was snug in your gut, but neither wanted to proceed before checking in with you first. 
His heart pattered at the thought of you coming to them for help. More selfishly him. 
“Do you feel sick at all?” Yeonjun asked; voice incredibly gruff; holding you still. You eased into his arms; elbows over his shoulders and hands in his hair. “Any pain? Anywhere?” 
“No, Junnie.” You whimpered; shifting as he pressed a kiss to your collarbone. “I just feel so needy -”
The dog chuckled. “No wonder you've been smelling like a fucking candy shop, angel.” 
Yeonjun groaned, gripping you even closer with his biceps. “Quit squeezing me so hard for a sec doll; this is important.”
You closed your eyes, breath laboured and a warm pleasure seeped into your stomach. But you tried your best to listen and relax, for him.
“Soob - please take over. The babe’s cunt is squeezing me so tight I can't think straight.” 
Yeonjun pleaded; tone tight while he spoke.
“You’re in good hands now. Just try and listen carefully, okay?” He whispered, before sighing and burying his face into your chest. Holding on with every fibre in his being. You rested on top of his head; thumbing at the inside of his soft ears. Fuzzy and warm at his beautiful scent being so close to your face.
The dog held the underwear to his face one last time on a solid inhale before moving it only the slightest bit away.
“Do you know anything about Doe rut cycles, Y/N?” He questioned. Low, calm. 
Of course, you shook your head. And Soobin growled.
Soobin grew annoyed. Annoyed that he had to explain something so vitally important while you sat there so pretty; full of cock and trying your best to listen. Annoyed now that Beomgyu’s selfishness had reached beyond their initial sphere of influence. Annoyed that his friend had truly done the bare minimum to care for you, through the transition and out the other end.
“I’m sure you and Beom fucked recently, right?”
You moaned wistfully; a yes. 
“And it felt good; maybe better than ever before?”
“Y-yes Junnie…” You whispered, gasping as Yeonjun adjusted in his seat.
“Good job paying attention, gorgeous.” Soobin chuckled gently and grumbled a content growl. You were really trying; despite your body likely being furnace-heat and mind full of nothing but the want to be full of cum. You openly moaned at the praise.
“But it wasn’t enough? No matter what; you just couldn’t hit that spot?”
Another nod. Bashful, this time. Soobin's mind wandered, briefly. Images of you unable to satisfy yourself; no doubt sniffed out by such an incompetent fool. 
“Right. It only gets triggered once a year for you, thankfully. But a Doe’s cycle will repeat until they feel bred enough. You’ll feel like this until you get fucked dumb, little fawn. And you want it, don’t you angel? Want Junnie to come in you, fuck you slow - want me to plough you until you can’t feel those legs anymore, hmm?”
Yeonjun was, at this point, smiling in humour against your skin. Wicked in mind as your body struck the hottest he’s felt yet. Cunt tight and like a furnace around him. You were breathless. And you nodded with urgency.
“Yeah - I do Binnie, I do -”
The dog chuckled, fabric back to his nose. 
“For that kind of fucking; well… You’ve come to the right hybrids.” 
Yeonjun smirked. “Damn right.”
“That want you have, that pulsing desire seeps off of your body until one of us smells it.” Soobin groaned; fluttering his eyes shut for a second, before continuing. “The reason we would want to place a claim on such a pretty little thing. Is so you don’t get hurt. Or hunted. It’s a bond more permanent than love, Y/N. And a massive step to take.”
“I know -” You moaned; eyebrows creased. Yeonjun peered up; placing soothing biting kisses to the scent-marks on your pulse. He was becoming sensitive to your unease. “- I want it badly, Binnie. Want you both, Binnie… Wanted it since April… Since last year…”
Last April - when you had been turned. That meant that the connections between you all; had indeed been deeper than a crush. Soobin puffed a sympathetic whine. He felt your need, as much as Yeonjun did. Sharp ears dipped low.
“Since last April, sweetheart? You’ve been waiting on us all that time?” The dog mumbled, his voice dipped in a vulnerability that was as rare as gold to see.
“Mmhm…” You nodded desperately; eyes watery as your emotions dipped out. Yeonjun nuzzled you; arms tight to not tease any movements; ears folded the entire time. And you held onto his strong shoulders. “I- I love you both...” Overwhelmed by the emotions that you - all - had buried and tucked away for months. So desperate to move you felt dizzy. Slick now seeping down Yeonjun's thighs and onto his seat. 
Soobin watched you for a moment. It was so obvious now that he felt a fool. 
“You ready to make that kind of commitment, June?” The Doberman whispered, softly. “It's sudden. We don't know if it'll work out.”
“Like nothing before.” The fox confirmed; teeth grit in concentration. “It will. We'll make sure of it.”
“Good. You’ve got us both, little fawn. As long as you want us.”
You felt like crying. Ready to burst at the seams. Panting.
“Please Binnie… I need to cum… Please…” 
Soobin laughed, coming back from his mental distraction; “Good job. You can move now angel.”
It didn’t take you more than a second to start moving. 
You were simply stuffed full; head full, mouth agape. Shifting; grinding; cunt tight and heartbeat strong against Yeonjun’s cock. Your puttered sighs grew desperate as he simply held you upright. Allowing you to ride out the need for friction.
Every lift and grinding down of your hips was small in movement; more for you than him. But your cunt was flexing tight and a warmth in your muscles told him exactly how soon you were going to cum.
“So soon?” One, sharp, angled orange eye glared up at you from the nose pressed to your skin. You felt exposed. Like he could see through to your guts. 
He lifted your jaw to kiss under your chin, grip still solid on your hips. 
“Precious, needy, little cock-dumb fawn ready to burst already?”
“Yeah,” You nodded, moaning with a gasp and warmth spreading through your stomach and thighs; eyes closed and melting into Yeonjun as he curved your back with his forearms; nuzzling at your chest. 
“I need it, I’m s-so full -” You gasped, fingers gripping his shoulders as he held you down; jaw wide and sharp points against your collarbone. “Please, Junnie, feels so good -”
The fox purred, and you gasped a moan, a shiver striking down your spine and a tightness spreading through your pelvis. He had dipped; before thrusting a minimal amount.
“Come apart then, gorgeous.” He hissed, encouraging your hips to grind down on him. And you really were so, so close.
But you were holding out on him. He could tell. 
“What is it? What do you need?”
You moaned at his gruff voice; “Want a mark Junnie… Please, I need it - I want to be yours - want to be Binnie’s - please Junnie, I love you -”
Yeonjun's ears peeled back before his lip curled and irises pinched. He looked feral. Soobin nodded at his friend's side-eye for permission; granted in trust that you were a prize to share. You were warbling but stopped as soon as Yeonjun faced you. 
His look was wicked. 
Adrenaline washed over you and you pushed down until you were full of stars spattering pleasure into the back of your vision. Yeonjun kept your skull in his perfect position.
It was clear the fox was about to stick to his promise.
“Scream for me, little Fawn.”
Your breath caught as Yeonjun dove forward and his canines sunk into the middle of your neck; at the front of your throat. With experience; he had skillfully avoided piercing your jugular. 
Even Soobin tensed for a moment, but ultimately gripped his cock and groaned at the blood that split like rivers on his friends' gums; jaw locked and arms encircling your shaking form. You gripped his scalp and wide shoulders in a wicked embrace and cried out; pain muddling with ecstasy as you came hard, cunt pressing against the length inside of you; shaking, moaning, mind striking white.
To no surprise at the intensity of your orgasm; Yeonjun came as well. Very quickly you felt his cock pulse and he groaned, moaning loudly, holding your hips to jut up into you. He released thick cum in three intense loads; forcing you to move as you orgasmed, sounds lewd and wet inside the car.
Yeonjun pressed filthy wet licks to your exposed throat with a slack jaw, wide tongue and sharp lower teeth digging into your skin. There was quickly drying blood on his teeth and a wild look in his eye. But he was in control; and helped you ride it all out.
You were full of cum and slick; tensing your cunt just to see it push out over his cock and move to fuck it back in.
Your eyes pressed shut and your moans grew loud and broken. A fuzzy warmth spread through your back and thighs until you melted; burying your nose into Yeonjun's hair as he released his hold on your hair and buried his face into your chest.
He embraced you, like a hug.
Soobin growled softly, in love, once Yeonjun had eased - the bond was secured now you were smothered in his scent; nose to his scalp bringing a new sense of comfort - happy to be a part of this new unity. Your eyes fluttered open and you could do naught but make small moans. 
Yeonjun pulled away only once you did; meeting your forehead with his.
The dog hummed, patiently.
“Feel good gorgeous? To finally be stuffed full? Pretty Kit making you cum? Pretty baby-like being claimed?” 
You nodded with a moan, expression bliss-fucked, though a frown settled over your brow.
“Mhmm feels good Binnie…” You mumbled, eyes closed. But your eyebrows were drawn low.
“What is it? You don’t look convinced?” Soobin smiled, with a slight scoff. “I don’t enjoy your silence.”
You shook your head, unable to form the words. It was a warning. But Yeonjun knew. 
His nose trailed up your throat as he released the iron grip on your waist; holding you as you shook. Nose snug under your jaw; he pulled your hips forward then back to slide across his length.
“Ngh - Ah - It feels - like my skin is on fire - ”  
Your tone made Soobin look at his friend with concern. It was a moan of discomfort, and you seemed twitchy.
Truthfully you wanted to hump Yeonun like a rabbit, and you cursed the Gods for giving you such low stamina. If you thought it would have done you any good; you would’ve started panting like a bitch in heat. Oh wait, you were. 
“- my skin is burning, I’m so hot -”
“Our little fawn is in a deep rut,” Yeonjun purred. Protecting you from the dog's mood and accepting the soft knock of your head to his. He kissed your cheek and the corner of your lips delicately.
“Gyu didn’t fuck you well enough at all, did he, pretty girl?”
You shook your head and whimpered.
“She’s burning up,” Yeonjun confirmed to the dog. Tone kind, low, mute. “It’s good you invited me when you did. I don’t think one of us could have ever eased this.”
“The rut?” Soobin grumbled; a nod from the fox confirming the dog’s thoughts as they kept constant tabs on you, now they knew what was at stake. Your body and mind. You were no longer in a state to make decisions; in the most loving sense. And you trusted each other as a trio, entirely.
“When did you last sleep with him, baby?” Yeonjun mumbled, gaining your attention with pinched eyes and words spoken against your lips.
“Last month…” You managed; slurring with a heavy tongue.
"Did he make you cum?" Yeonjun purred; sharp orange eyes unmoving in your vision. 
But you were distracted by his guidance to slowly slide on his cock.
“Pay attention, baby - did he help you feel good?”
"No…" You whimpered. Shaking your head. And you hid your face in his shoulder. Weak. Sensitive. Embarrassed. So needy.
The dog hummed in thought.
“Well then - probably some built-up tension, considering how much slick is on your legs, Jun.” 
You both peered down. Soobin was right. Yeonjun’s thighs were soaked, as if a bottle of lube had dropped out of the heavens and onto his lap. The thicker slick had started mixing with Yeonjun's leaking cock; the pulsing of his head warning of an upcoming knot and squishing the mixed fluids out of you and onto the leather.
“My new seats… You guys are killing me.” The dog sighed, squeezing the fist around his cock with a loud groan.
“Do you want to cum again, love?”  Yeonjun prompted, nuzzling at the cheek that shied away from him. “Fair warning; I’m gonna knot if you keep squeezing me like that.”
You shivered; and quickly nodded, sitting up to hold his shoulders. He guided you on a slow, heavy pace that pumped you full of your own slick and his cum. Squelching filthily; with no resistance at all. 
But Yeonjun’s arms soon grew tired. Plus, he could feel you burning up.
“Turn around for me angel,” Yeonjun spoke; and guided you - dripping on his thighs as you went - to turn in the seat. “Lean on the console, it’s cold; should help with the fever.”
He didn’t need to hear you speak; nor did he expect it now. But your sigh upon resting the hot skin of your torso on the long dashboard was obvious enough. 
Your body melted into the coolness of the smooth surface against your hot skin; eyes closed as you moaned in relief and your hips circled on his cock in the mindless pursuit of pleasure.
“Better?” Yeonjun chuckled. 
You nodded, visibly eased. Face in your arms; moaning with relief on the glass dash.
“God. She looks blown out.” Soobin moaned, noting that you had stopped verbally responding; scent drunk, full and mindless beyond feelings. He guessed Yeonjun's cock had started pulsating by now; and that you were due to start drooling.
“She is.” The fox confirmed with a tick in his jaw. Soobin hummed a growl in response.
You had submitted to them fully. Mind and body. Wanting nothing more than to be fucked full until your bones ached.
“Ready?” Yeonjun prompted. You nodded. He ran his hand down your spine before guiding your hips back; elbows holding you up on the dashboard; hands spread wide but weak to the grip Yeonjun had on your hips, the love handles that you had, controlling your movement without pain.
He pressed the head of his cock to your entrance before tilting your hips forward; then back as you sunk onto him. The pace was slow. And it made your whole body tingle with pleasure. 
Eventually; after a few forward lifts and drags of him guiding you until you had worked to his size better; he let go. And spread his hands over your waist and atop your skirt.
The fox hummed, with a deep groan. “Can I take this off, little fawn? You seem to be holding onto it…”
You missed a beat; shy. 
“Do I need to?” You mumbled, unheard were it not for his hearing. Yeonjun kissed your spine with a slightly troubled frown. He shared a look with Soobin, who looked affected by your words.
Clearly, the two of you knew something he didn’t.
“I’d like to see all of you - beautiful?” Yeonjun mumbled, curiously. Thumbs patient on your heated skin. 
He wasn’t about to force you, but he understood why unwrapping that layer of yourself so quickly into the relationship would feel revealing. But for the bond to stick, it was necessary to get these things out of the way. 
“I love you. And I promise I won’t judge. Probably nothing I haven’t seen before...”
With a shaky exhale you nodded; helping Yeonjun shimmy the half-unzipped skirt up and over your shoulders, now completely bare. Upon leaning back onto the dash; he saw exactly why you had resisted. 
In the space between your hip joints sat a tail; light brown with white underneath. Yeonjun smoothed his hand to the space between your shoulder blades then back down and chittered; ears down once more.
“Nothing I haven’t seen before, pretty girl,” Yeonjun affirmed; smile wide and eyes crescented as you heaved a relieved sigh and relaxed your tense thighs once more. 
“You’re gorgeous; head to toe. Ready?”
You nodded, mostly to yourself, then began moving again. Riding him at a rhythmic, relaxed pace. Torso leaning on the dash. Thighs burning; but immeasurable to the need to move.
A sudden deep warmth spread up your lower spine, pelvis and behind; so sensitive it was almost ticklish. And your cunt gushed at each push of friction. 
“Junnie -?!” You moaned loudly at the unfamiliar spike of tingles that struck up your spine.
“Feel good gorgeous?” He giggled; finding the twitching of the muscles in your lower back entirely cute. You obviously agreed; squeezing him deep and panting for breath at the entirety of your back tingling. 
“Bet Gyu never even touched you here.” 
Yeonjun was massaging at the space above and underneath your tail, his grip on your waist helping you to move your hips; up and down in solid pumps as you intended to work until your core burned. With the promise of Soobin doing nothing but ploughing into you soon, you were happy to hump him like a bunny until you were physically unable.
You nodded; “Yeah - yes, yes Jun, yes, feels good ~”, as drunk as ever.
Yeonjun snickered and tugged at your hips; spanking you plain and wide on the ass to make your knees melt and lose pace.
Soobin groaned with a growl beside you both; vibration jittering your teeth. He seemed to be edging himself for his turn; leaking onto his fists with blown-out eyes and huffs to stay contained.
But he didn’t need to wait long; as Yeonjun was already thick and heavy inside your cunt and had started meeting your thrusts. You knew he was close when his juts were shorter into your guts but harder, and he yowled lowly with a gritted jaw and flat ears.
“Junnie -” You whined loudly, grasping for his attention, and keened a backwards bend into your hips to fuck with his head a bit more; “Want you to cum in me - want you to - use me -”
Your mewling, weak requests threw Yeonjun over the line. 
He fucked you deep and made you cry out while bouncing on his lap; waiting for you to start shaking before gripping your ass and pushing you forward and off; hot spurts of cum slopping all over your ass and lower back in thick ropes. 
To boot it all; he pulled you back onto his cock and pulled you back to sink his canines into your shoulder blade. He had pushed his cock back in at the right time; as it had started expanding, from head to base, filling you until cum slopped out of your cunt in pressured waves.
“Fuck - you’re so tight, never had a knot this good - keep going baby - keep squeezing me, fuck -”
Even as your first orgasm settled, Yeonjun was still cumming as your body quivered and burning pain spread like wildfire over your shoulder blade; holding you into an arch via your breasts that were squeezed tight. You came hard once more; cunt squeezing in waves as you gyrated and cried, tears on your cheek from pure mind-wiping bliss. 
As soon as Yeonjun’s cock deflated and he let go of your torso; you slumped forward onto the dash, hair scattered and panting for both to see. He held your hips steady, to slowly remove his cock and see you drip out onto the seat, while you placed your cheek on the glass to make eye contact with Soobin in all this sinful glory.
“You look good, doll,” Soobin growled lowly, head back and posture relaxed. His voice was gravelly and his eyes were almost black; visibly tense. “Marked up and used.”
You moaned wantonly, putty in their hands
“Wan be with you Soonie ~” You whined. Covered in Yeonjun's marks; and soon to be covered in his. 
You ached for it all.  
“I know you do, love,” Soobin growled like a purr on his lips. “We had to give Junnie his chance, hmm?”
A lesson in patience.
“Yes, Soonie.” You exhaled; head thrown back at Yeonjun's tug of your ribs; intent on scenting your new shoulder bite. A pleasing arch to view. “Yes, puppy.”
Soobin smiled. Softly, for a brief second. The name curved the dimples into his cheek even deeper before springing back.
“Feeling smothered enough yet, love? Still want to be bred fully? The scent will stick more when it’s pumped inside your pretty little cunt, I can promise that much.” 
“Yes,” You moaned; and nodded again. “Ready Binnie.”
The three of you took a moment to rest. Soobin guessed you would both be needing to go outside for the size of the cock squeezed into one of his large fists. More space to move you. He chuckled again; your wandering eyes shining in the car lights.
“Come on; let’s go outside for this one ~” Soobin hummed in amusement and got up in a relaxed manner. Kicking the last of his lower clothing onto the floor, minus his shoes.
But you moaned; and straightened up in anticipation; staring back at the fox as the driver's door shut. 
“It’s still wet outside Junnie… We’ll catch a cold?”
At your innocent tone, Yeonjun purred, ears back, eyes sharp, more feral looking than you remembered him ever being. 
That knot had tainted his mind's eye like a love drug. 
He looked up at you in what he thought was a sheepish smile; but in reality, he had chuckled deeply, with a tongue between his sharp and pink-stained teeth and bright angled eyes that left no room for innocence.
“Trust me; you’ll be needing all that space.”
Is all he offered; before the door opened and Soobin slipped his hands down to your elbows; cool against your hot, awaiting, reaching limbs.
You would be lying if you said Soobin was being gentle with you. But you would also be lying if you said you cared. You were pliant in his hold. Pulled out of the car and into the rain; senses flushed with cold air and dampness that wet your lungs. The rain was gentle in its pouring, but endless; and it could do nothing to wash away the sins that had already marked your body. You’d be smelling like them for weeks.
“Stand up.” Soobin mumbled, gruffly with yet another tug. Handling you like a familiar doll; he supported you just enough to dip his shoulder to your waist and hoist you into the air with no effort; solid hands on your thighs and cunt exposed to the sky; making Yeonjun kiss his teeth behind him in the rain. 
“Go easy on her, dog.” The fox hissed. “She won’t be able to handle one of your moods in this state.”
The fox’s reflective eyes bounced against the dark colour of the car and struck a nerve deep in your soul. Soobin rolled his eyes, but made a sound of agreement; pushing the door shut with his hip.
“Yeah, sure.”
He didn’t say anything to you while walking around the car, but your heart was hammering in your chest; pumping blood down toward your brain and making you dizzy. 
Soobin set you down in one quick motion; back pressed to the long wet hood of the car. Your hair fanned and quickly stuck to the wet surface, body shadowed by his. You inhaled a large heave of breath; hands immediately finding purchase on his shoulders, in his hair, on his neck.
He was so close, and warm, and he smelt like home.
“You’re doing so well, angel,” Soobin growled gently; and wasted no time in moving. He seemingly didn’t want to wait or hold back and you didn’t blame him, after waiting so patiently for so long. 
“Did Jun knot for you, love?” 
He dipped his head to lick from between your chest to up under your chin, acknowledging your soft whine and nod of confirmation - but the new mark of indented teeth, puffy and sore on your neck, stopped him from moving any further; and his mind flashed white at the feral need to suck and faux bite over the other partners' markings - your innocent moans pattered and echoed in the night as he pressed onto your body against the hood. You felt weighted, safe, and secure.
“Y-yes Binnie… Felt good…” You mumbled, shy.
“I bet.” He chuckled softly. No jealousy in his tone, to your surprise. “He must have been holding back for you, love - it was super quick.” 
You were going to acknowledge and agree with this act of nicety; were it not for Soobin moving down your body with his lips to suck a bite into the thin skin between your chest over your ribs. You could happily die like this. Being gnawed on by a dog in the cool of the rain until your purity was sapped and you became theirs.
He would ask you if you were cold - if you wanted to put his or Yeonjun’s jackets on - but your skin was burning with rut fever. He could feel it on his tongue; his skin. The way you melted against him like honey and raised his body temperature; pressing his body weight on top of yours until your knees tucked up and your ankles crossed over his lower back. 
He couldn’t help himself; pulling back up your torso to bite at your oesophagus in a way that made you keen with a moan up and into his body.
“Binnie - leave Junnie's mark -” you pleaded, gasps pattered and cunt pulsing at the dog's selfish scenting. “- you can make a new one -” Soobin growled; but acknowledged your plea and moved to dip down to your crotch. 
Rain hit your face when he moved away, and you made a quiet noise of surprise.
Before you could say anything; Soobin's hands were on the back of your thighs to encourage them up; already acutely aware of what you needed. “Cover your eyes,” Soobin growled into the back of your thighs; sucking hickeys until his knees hit the ground and he tugged you down to the edge of the hood. 
The two of you were on the driver's side; Yeonjun's view was muddy from inside of the wet glass, but apparently good enough that he sat with his head back and lazily jerked himself off. 
“With your forearm.” Your hip bone vibrated; bringing back your attention.
You followed his instruction; and covered your eyes with both arms.
But quickly gripped Soobin’s hair between your legs with one; as Soobin swiped his wide, flat tongue up your cunt and underneath your clit. Like a thirsty hound, he lapped at your folds; sucking and growling at your sensitive cries before spitting his full cheeks of cum and slick back out onto your abdomen.
He dipped again, holding your legs as you twitched and moaned at the way he gyrated his tongue; moving in circles under your clit until your gut twisted and you squeezed more liquid out; caught readily by his open jaw that lapped it into his mouth.
It was a filthy, revolving process; but he wasn’t going to give up until you begged, or had no nectar left to push back out.
“You taste fucking beautiful, little deer.” 
Soobin growled after spitting the thick stringy liquid onto your cunt; only to wipe his mouth on your thigh and repeat.
“Y-yeah?” You whined, hips twitching at each sensitive lap up into your hole. But his grip was strong, and you weren’t going anywhere.
“Mhm -” Soobin groaned; sucking with a slack jaw at your cunt; tongue lapping up against your entrance and dipping barely inside to tease you before pulling away with a grunt. Spitting onto the soft of your belly to see it drip down your hips and stay there in a little pool. “Thick, sweet cherry. But Jun’s citrus is in there too. My new favourite taste.”
He dipped again; lapping until you squealed and your cunt pushed out more of the warm sinful mix. He growled lowly; letting it drip out onto his tongue, before spitting so quickly to catch the rest of it, that a string splashed up your torso and dripped over your ribs onto the car.
“Ngh - really Binnie? Even - even with - Junnie?” 
Your breath was becoming laboured. Short, sharp and desperate. 
Soobin pointed his ears up, more towards your face and away from your squelching core. You were talking about Yeonjun's cum; painted on your stomach, on your back, mixed with your slick, all over you. The hound growled a pleasant hum in thought but answered without hesitation. 
“Particularly with Junnie’s spunk inside and all over you, love. The two of you were made for each other.”
“Make that three, Binnie ~” You whined, releasing his hair to grip the hood. Trembling. Twitching. Sensitive.
“Sure.” He chuffed in agreement. “The three of us go well together.”
He pulled the flat of his tongue up underneath your clit; and wiggled it until you cried and twitched; open mouth kissing and sucking the squeezing, slopping drip out of your cunt. 
He wondered if it would ever end.
“Mmm -” He grumbled. The next spit was lazy and connected to his chin as it dripped onto your pelvic bone. “I’ve always been a fan of nice, hot, cream pie.”
Soobin chuckled a reasonable amount to himself for that one. It was more like a fruit medley, but you truly did smell and taste fucking delectable, and he couldn’t believe he was able to experience such a thing in this lifetime. 
You were too far gone for the joke to hit; so your innocence softened him. He connected his fingers with your own outreaching ones. Lapping a few tester swipes into your cunt.
“Ngh - Binnie - please - ah -”
That was enough teasing. You had started to beg, and that was all he wanted. He just wanted to have his fill. To make sure he had the power (and you, the submission) to cry out his name. Plus; Yeonjun had already worked you open; you just needed an even bigger stretch. And he didn’t want you out in the rain for too long, just in case.
You smiled bashfully to yourself with butterflies as he prodded around your skin with short nips and a pressing tongue. He was trying to find your pulse. And knew he had got it when you moaned; twitching at the bite on your inner thigh.
“Bite.” Soobin forewarned, soft and calm in tone.
Your slick and Yeonjun's cum had melted on Soobin's tongue; sticking to his gums as he sunk his teeth into the soft flesh of your thigh. It was a lot less intense of a scratching pain than Yeonjun's; this one was placed with love, and he was slow and gentle. His teeth were bigger and sunk in deeper, but they were blunt at the tip. Whatever infection you would usually be worried about, was dissipated in this state of lust and submission. 
He broke the skin with a grunt and growled in comforting waves as you whined, and reached for him. He closed it gently too; kissing, licking, peppering the area with praise until the wound closed to stop bleeding.
“You’re doing so well, gorgeous,” Soobin mumbled against your skin; before losing himself in the process of scenting your thigh with his cheek. His eyes closed and his tall pointed ears folded to his dark hair, dimples and a pleasant flush to his skin visible even in the rain. “I’m so proud of how well you’re bonding with us. Who would have ever thought? A doe, a fox, a dog.”
He opened an eye to smile up at you, to meet the reflective doe eyes that peeked up at him underneath your forearm. Your expression was shy, but you would be brave for him. And shared a gentle moment of love.
He pulled away from your thigh with a groan, rising from the ground. 
“On your stomach please angel.” Soobin guided, gruffly. “Let’s get this rut fucked out of you, hmm? Pretty girl? Then some loving, when we take you back to ours? Yeonjun can sit with you in the back on the way there.”
You giggled; and nodded with a drunk smile. Soobin squeezed your hand before releasing; gripping your hips to flip you over; leaning over you afterwards so his longer arms entrapped you. 
He placed his hand between your ear and shoulder; you gulped at the idea of being unable to move once he started; remembering the way he ploughed into his fist with absolutely no remorse.
“Want me to make it quick? Or do you want to ride this one out? It’s your rut gorgeous, so you tell me.”
You would’ve loved to answer immediately, but Soobin was swiping the head of his cock up and down your slit and pressing into your entrance. You moaned in a long whine as Soobin spat onto your joined bodies before pushing his long, thick cock up into your tight, warm cunt. It was a stretch from entrance to belly, and you shook in pleasure while he paused and waited for your body to accommodate. 
“Fuck - you take me so good baby -” Soobin groaned, holding himself up with strong back muscles once he had hit your tight muscles; thrusting shallowly to get rid of the last excess cum taking up space inside of your walls. He was already leaking, and even Yeonjun from inside the car could smell his heavy woody scent inside your gut. 
“One thing’s for sure -” He groaned, shallowly thrusting to hear you choke, rain on his back dripping enough for him to shake his head. He dipped to heave hot air onto your cheek, steaming in the winter air, growling lowly. “- I’m going to knot so tight inside your pretty little cunt, my tiny little doe, you won’t be able to go anywhere without us for the next month.”
You gasped; crying out at his filthy words of warning and his sudden abrupt jut up into your gut. “O-oh -” You whined, flexing your feet to press against him. He hit deeper than Yeonjun. And you imagined you wouldn’t be taking his cock this much, if at all, were it not for the slick and the cum and the being already-knotted-in. Your body relaxed even more in submission, and he pressed one final time until he hit your cervix.
“Quickly Binnie,” You puttered. “Please, want it quickly, I need you, please…”
It was done. 
Your wish was his command and he was happy to oblige.
Soobin placed his hands above your shoulders and spread his palms wide to steady himself and keep you trapped; key anchors to help him thrust like the gods depended on it. Each thick pull and pump against your tight hot walls made you cry out and curl your toes in mind-melding delight. Contracting all the way through until his cock began to twitch and swell. 
Something about it. Something about this scene.
Something about Soobin thrusting into you so hard that the car jolted on every second exhale. 
Something about your body going numb with pleasure; guts ploughed, fucked full of thick squelching cum until your stomach swelled. 
Something about your bare skin squeaking on the wet hood of the car, gripping him, and any corner to stay sane.
Moaning; crying so loud for only the forest to hear.
Until your cunt pulsed and you came hard, and slow; melting with shivers into the cool metal of the car, craning back to reach him.
Soobin lowered himself as you fell apart. His toned chest covered your back and he buried his face into your neck, encapsulating you. His elbows hit the hood and he held your shoulders from underneath you as his thrusts became more and more abrupt until they hurt; smacking your cervix and making you shake. 
He thrusted in deep low ruts until your insides almost split from pleasure; cum pressing out in waves down your thighs and sliding off the river of rain onto the gravel.
Then finally, his knot began to swell. 
The base flared and he pumped you full of cum until you were stretched to your limits; stomach bumping with the pressure; seeing stars, milking him and breathless. You moaned, and you whined and you pressed up against him with a twitching body; so much that Soobin held you tight.
You were finally satiated.
Your mind was clear again.
Finally; release.
For the first time in possibly weeks, you felt cold. You hadn't realised it had been that long until you felt it. Like the sudden Autumn chill after Summer had gone, the goosebumps were clear and quick. 
Soobin expected it; the sudden drop in your body temperature that is, as he sheltered you from the shower of rain that pattered into a slow stop. His ear flicked, and he nuzzled your cheek. Along with your body temp dipping; you had stopped moving and whimpering.
“Feeling better angel?” Soobin huffed, patiently. “The rains stopped. So has your heat.”
You were spent. Blinking back into the world. You were only able to nod.
He kissed your cheek with praises that you couldn’t quite decipher and moved on strong arms to pull out, plugging your hole with three fingers before gesturing to Yeonjun in the car to grab the wipes in his dash and console. The car door opened, and you rested against the metal with half-closed eyes as a large cloth - spare and unused for cleaning the inner windows for condensation in the winter - was thrown over the car and into Soobin's reach. Yeonjun got back in for a moment to hide the unsightly mess he had made all over the seat.
You were surrounded by them. Their scents, body, warmth. And you felt safe. For the first time since the accident; you could let go again.
“Fucked you like you needed it, hmm, little Doe? Let's try not to make a habit of that. I don’t want to see you that sick, hopefully ever again.”
Soobin ran his nails over your small sensitive tail to un-matt some of the fur that gelled together after the cum and the rain. He patted it when it shook, body language to stop, and made a mental note to help you with personal hygiene surrounding your tail later - as no doubt Beomgyu barely even looked after his, let alone coached you with yours.
"'m- 'm- c-cold, Bin," You jittered, nodding, but confused. Fucked silly and weak. “‘m great, but c-cold…” 
You flinched harshly as he wiped around your lower abdomen still pressed to the car, and Yeonjun’s dried cum on your lower back. Soobin once again knelt to the ground to quickly lap at the space around your labia to swallow what he could, before rising and swiping his mouth then your inner thighs with the cloth.
"I know, gorgeous," Soobin grumbled affectionately, wiping the last of the slick from between your legs. "Jun will sit with you soon." 
You failed to connect the dots. Why would that even matter? But you would soon come to realise; that there was a reason why foxes could stay out in the cold for so long.
“Stay there angel. Don’t move without our help.” Soobin ordered. He retreated for a moment, shuffling around in the car, trying to look for something. Disposing the rag into a box that would disguise the scent for now, enough to get home and burn it.
Such a simple distance made your heartbeat patter. You released a small whine, coughing as it escaped unexpectedly, and the other guardian nearby - watching and waiting - answered the call immediately. 
The car door opened, and the fox timidly cantered out to sit on the hood of the car next to you. His hands in his pocket. Head tilted with a concerned but lovingly amused expression.
He brought his soft palm to your spine and brushed over your cold rippling muscles and tail. A disapproving hissing sound escaped between his teeth. Your skin was lower in temperature than earlier. Not ice cold, but dipping quickly, and compared to how hot you had been burning up, it was a shock.
You rose on extremely weak forearms and accepted Yeonjun’s aid as he tugged you to sit up and lean into his side. He held you up by an arm around your waist and your face rested on his broader shoulder. You practically folded into him; arms in his lap, limp.
"You still with us, little Doe?" Yeonjun mumbled, kissing your eyes. 
He kissed you wherever he could, and brushed the hair out of your face to check your condition, thumb over the height of your cheek. But he quickly saw that you were okay. That Soobin hadn't ruined you like he had been concerned about. You had just been fucked silly and needed some love. 
“Floating away, little one?” He eased into a one-cheeked soft smile. 
You nodded, melting into him the best you could at this angle. 
“That’s okay.” He mumbled. “I’ve got you. You’re safe. Close your eyes.”
He was so warm. So delightfully fresh smelling. So comforting to be near. So you trusted him, his enveloping voice, and shut your eyes.
"You truly did fuck the rut out of her, hmm?" Yeonjun spoke while looking to you; but turned his head. "I'm impressed."
You peeled open an eye. But the question wasn't aimed at you. And you started joining some tired dots. 
Soobin shrugged nonchalantly behind the car door, shuffling his jeans back up his toned legs and chucking his belt into the back seat. There was little to no weakness in his knees; surprising given the workout, knot and release that had just happened. Such was Soobin. The guy was trained to be this way. He was bred for it.
"Sure - it's nothing. She was burning up and needed it badly. Happy to help out."
"She sure did." Yeonjun hummed in amusement. Taking a moment to run his nose over your hairline and kiss your forehead, aware of your shivering and jittering teeth next to him. 
The sex was a kindness that either of them would do again; the bonding was something more personal and securing on the relationship between the three of you. 
"I take it you're going to be having a word with Gyu, at some point?"
Soobin growled audibly and shook off the immediate irritation of hearing his name by slamming the back-end car door with a snarl. You didn't even flinch, Yeonjun noted, watching the doe eyes that fluttered on his shoulder. His hand strayed to tuck your hair behind your ear, thumb pressing over your cold cheek. Releasing once you pressed further into him.
"Yeah." Soobin grit. "Can't believe he'd let her suffer like that. And for that fucking long. Man's sick, and twisted, and needs to be given a heads up on Hybrid-decency."
Yeonjun hummed to muse his words, but no matter the tone, he knew it was just Soobin's protective anger talking. 
"Not always as simple as that Bin, you know that." 
Yeonjun sat so patiently as you reached for him. As Soobin raged your fists curled into the curve of Yeonjun’s waist. Your face drifted closer and closer to his exposed neck until you huffed for him to come closer. Yeonjun leaned in, and ran his fingers through your hair, pressing his finger pads over your bites to check they were closed, holding your cheek, keeping constant tabs on your heartbeat and your breathing. 
You were so cold. He was eager to get you back to their den, as soon as he could. You needed to find a place in your new home. Because that’s what this was now; a new beginning. One of guidance, loyalty, calm and trust. 
You would never fall when they were there to hold you up.
Soobin huffed a sigh and released his shoulders.  
"Yeah. I just wish he would have told me sooner. Would have been a lot easier. A lot less suffering. A lot less of her, suffering alone, confused, blue-balled, afraid - I mean - can you imagine June? All of that tension and self-restraint on your first rut… I would have gone insane, Jun! Fucking wild!"
Yeonjun shrugged. Lips in a pout. 
"But; she didn’t, and he did tell you, eventually. Hence us all being together tonight. You never know, maybe he was insanely stressed about it. Maybe he didn't know exactly… what to do, how to help her out. You know as well as me that they’ve been having issues, pup. Sometimes things just don't work out. Seems to have gone that way, sooner than we realised."
Soobin passed the shirt in his hand between his palms, sulking.
"You know what he's like, Bin. A chronic worrier. Would rather bury his head in the sand until it's too late. Let's just be thankful that we - that you - caught it when you did. Could have gone a hell of a lot worse. Ain't that right doll? You're all good now, hmm? All good with us from now on?"
Soobin looked up to see Yeonjun's forehead meeting your own tired and dazed one. The hound blinked out of his anger and his chest pained. Yeonjun’s irises had contracted, and his ears had softened, and he allowed you to watch his beautiful amber eyes until you laid your cheek back onto his shoulder; submissive, trusting, calm.
You weren’t listening to their discussion, but that was more to the point. You had come to them for aid and they had answered. Beomgyu had tried, but it wasn’t meant to be. Such is life.
No anger can stay strong in the presence of all that love.
“I’m glad we stayed with her,” Soobin grumbled, ears softening, eyes downcast. Tail pressed between his legs. “I’ve been so worried since the accident. She needed so much love and Beomgyu just… didn’t know what to do with all of that. I’m glad we found out, I just hate to think we could’ve helped sooner.”
Yeonjun purred softly. Soobin meant well. He just found it hard to take action in the right way. Or speak before he moved. Or articulate exactly what it was he was feeling. They were opposites in this sense. Yeonjun was sharp and swift by nature; born to survive no matter what. Soobin was bred to be brash and bold; to frighten and intimidate and to conquer. 
Both needed each other for balance. Both of them needed you, to teach them new things.
"Exactly. What’s done is done. I’m proud of you for staying by her side and not rushing things.”
Soobin peered up at Yeonjun's softened voice and whined softly. He tilted his head and his tail patted in a display of affection. He looked to the floor as he spoke his troubles with a weak tenor.
“How are we going to fit all of her stuff in the apartment, June?”
Soobin's voice was stuffed full of emotion. Yeonjun's ears folded this time, and his own tail patted. He held out his hand.
“Come here, Bin.”
Soobin shuffled toward you both, eyes stuck on you until he reached Yeonjun. The fox slipped his hand to Soobin’s elbow; kissing the hound's cheek, then rubbing his ears on the parts he could reach, small chitters causing you to open your eyes. Soobin pressed a hand onto the crown of your head and kissed your hair. The three of you were connected and in love.
“It doesn’t matter, pup, we’ll figure it out. We’ll talk with Beomgyu soon. But she’s ours to worry about for now. Like, right now. She needs to be in a warm den, Soob. Let’s hurry and get her back to ours before she starts to panic.”
"Yeah," Soobin cleared his throat with a nod. "Here - she can wear this." 
Yeonjun accepted the fabric passed to him. A large, white, gym shirt, lightly used. Yeonjun was quick to release Soobin's elbow; burying his face in it with a low yowling groan, rolling his eyes, swearing under his breath.
"Fuck, smells good pup."
The dog smirked with a slight roll of his eyes. Touched by his open admiration. Yeonjun loved his scent, and would often bury himself in it, whenever Soobin allowed. The dog combed his fingers through Yeonjun's dishevelled black and orange hair; avoiding the gel spots to scratch behind his companion’s black-tipped ear. Yeonjun shut his eyes with a shiver and a chitter.
"Can she sit in the back with you?" Soobin grumbled, smoothing the fox’s hair back in place to then move away; opening the driver's door and closing the boot in one long, swift line of motion. The dog was big, after all.
"Sure. Of course." Yeonjun nodded, delicately. As if he would leave you to sit by yourself. 
Yeonjun turned to stand and help you move in the light of the campsite lamps. He held you steady as he went, and admired your half-closed eyes and softly postured lips. You were shivering, and drowsy, just about paying attention to his tactile guidance, let alone his voice. Deer pupils blown out to the corners of your mind.
"Come on, arms up for me baby-doll. Let's get you warmed up." 
Yeonjun moved to shuffle the shirt over your head and it fit like a mini dress. And, Yeonjun was right, it did smell good. Some hints of cologne, but mostly Soobin's natural scent.
"Where is… Binnie…" You moaned absently. 
"Right here gorgeous." Soobin chuckled. He was leaning on his door with his long arms, watching as Yeonjun shuffled you forward, ready to carry you into the warm seats with him. “You want me instead?”
Your face heated in embarrassment when you processed what had happened. You didn’t mean to call out for him so openly. You were just thinking he was with you one minute, and then gone the next - 
The boys chuckled.
"Arms please, cutie," Yeonjun whispered, closer to your face, obscuring your line of vision and waiting for you to hold his neck. He was moving carefully and slowly so you didn’t startle, but he hadn't expected you to miss his command completely. 
He chuckled at the rubbing of your cheek against his and began purring at you. Your attempt to scent yourself on him. It was simply adorable. Messy, as you followed your nose, but he stayed still for a moment until you felt comforted enough and melted into his shoulders.
"Thank you, baby." Yeonjun purred - thank you for scenting me - and gently gripped your arms to place them around his neck. He hummed, scooping under your ass and lifting you onto his hip in one quick motion with unreasonable ease. 
He carried you to the passenger side back door, Soobin's hand to your head as the boys exchanged a forehead bump and Yeonjun dipped with you in his hold. He shuffled so his foot was on the console; one knee up to stop you falling backwards. Arms encircling you and pulling up the coats from the floor to rest over your legs.
You shut your eyes right as Soobin flicked the inner car lights off; in a dreamlike state. 
The car was heavily scented; to the point of discomfort for the Canidae. But the inside was warm for you, and that was the most important thing. The boys could risk a stray boner to keep you happy and comforted; as these next few hours would determine the rest of your bonded life together. However long it may last.
"Junnie -" You moaned airily, calling for him. "F-feet…" 
You tried to speak, but couldn’t form the words. Your brain was empty and your tongue was heavy in your mouth.
Yeonjun chittered and pressed a kiss to your cheekbone. His warm palms pressed at your ice-cold feet, gauging temp. He made a noise of shock and answered you before you could even explain. Yeonjun covered your feet with his tail. The same bushy-tail foxes would use to fight the cold of the night. The fur warmed your feet instantly and you chuffed in delight, eyes closed and body liquid in his hold. 
"Better?" He hummed in amusement. You were speaking non-verbally; without deer ears, it was hard for them to track your emotions, but the soft puts of air and gloats helped them immensely.
You nodded but made a soft noise like a deer in distress. You wanted to be in a warm bed, under covers, surrounded by them. You didn’t need to speak, he understood your discomfort already.
"I know." Yeonjun purred back with a laugh, pressing hot airy kisses to your ear. "You’ll be home soon, doll. Relax your body, I can take it. Lean into me."
You wanted to meld into him. So you did. You dropped your face to his warm neck and released the tension in your thighs. Nose directly in the crook of his neck, and moaned softly. His arms squeezed you to him gently, and his tail curled in the squeeze of an embrace.
"Get some sleep angel. It's a decently long drive." 
"Cold… " Your quiet voice was so strained in an effort to speak that Yeonjun yowled with a heaving heart. He kissed your hair; combing through the wet as best as he could. Holding the coats to your skin.
Soobin smiled, watching you through the mirror. Your tired face had a crease in its centre; brows creased, eyes shut and nose pressed to his baby boy's skin. He was doing such a good job of caring for you. Soobin's heart beat heavily.
"You'll be alright, Y/N. It's just - the fever’s gone - for a little while at least. You'll be burning up like a furnace and humping the air again in the morning, probably. Would be surprised if it lasted longer than another day. Just takes a while to get it out of your system."
You nodded in response; light and accepting.
"Are you warm enough, love?" Soobin spoke softly. Voice low, dimples deep and eyelids dipped. 
Yeonjun chittered, and his ears pulled back. He looked shy, in a way you had never seen before. And you felt the beat of his heart pick up, Adam's apple bobbing.
"Sure am." He smiled. Even his voice - he was quick, eager to answer, and coy. 
"Good. Feeling okay?" 
Yeonjun nodded shyly again. 
"If you start feeling the effects of the rut, just let me know. I can take over."
Another timid, gentle nod.
"Thanks Bin-Bin. I think we're okay back here, for now. I may need a break when we get home though." 
"No problem." Soobin's dimples deepened with his smile, throwing in a wink. "Let's go. You’ll have to excuse the mess at home Y/N. It’s only ever been us two guys living together, after all."
Oh, how all your lives were due to change.
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well would you look at that: updated 5/DECEMBER/2023
72 notes · View notes
wifeglor · 8 months
14, 21 for maemag, 22 for gap pussy
hi hi!!! (From this list)
14. What are your favorite smut tropes?
I feel like you know them already :D But hmmmm more seriously... I think in general, I have "will think about something I initially found off-putting too hard and decide actually it is hot/fun/wtv" disease, so this would be a long and very inclusive list. I love a good power dynamic in smutfic (good in the sense of a fine vintage, not moral good), whether it's like a fun thing a sweet couple is playacting, an underlying reality for a ship, or outright dubcon/noncon. Obviously "power dynamic" can fit a billion tropes, but I love very many of those tropes for that underlying reason lmao. Also, I love when there's a lot of emotion, be it DRAMA, or angst, or hurt/comfort, or anything else. Obviously those strike different notes and it depends on the story, but like while I think it can be less "sexy" than pure porn I LOVE SO MUCH reading a good like "magical healing dick" conclusion to an arc of longing and woes. It's an orgasm of the SOUL. Or "magical healing baby spawned from magical healing dick," I am Not Immune to this (it's about the Cherishing). Also, I love those ppl on AO3 who are out there writing the most fucked up (affectionate) monsterfucking oneshots ft. worldbuilding with their original characters and original universes--doing Eru's work. ALSO I remember once upon a time being judgy about omegaverse and laugh because wow that really didn't last long on my part as soon as I opened those fics and realized there was longing inside.
21. Share a smutty headcanon about [character(s)]. (Maedhros/Maglor)
Wow who are these characters I've never heard of them before...
I feel like I need a whole essay to try to get out all my thoughts about them and it wouldn't entirely make any sense, but I think the one-headcanon version is like. Maglor longs to be claimed by Maedhros and please Maedhros and be absolved and loved and worthy & this translates well in his brain to being penetrated. Maedhros longs to feel like he can effectively take care of Maglor/make Maglor happy (something I think he has real despair and doubt about, but the resigned despair and bitterness that he can't correlates to how much he WISHES to) and also that his control issues/endless responsibility-taking are Working Actually And Perfectly Good & this translates well in his brain to penetrating Maglor (which is on unspoken offer from Maglor whenever Maglor is in the same continent and Maedhros is still breathing). Much love. I think that dynamic remains in play between them regardless of the sex act but this sure is my preference for them.
22. Share a DVD commentary on [one of your smut fic/smutty scene from a longer work]. (Mapmaking, known in my google docs folder as "gap pussy")
YEAHH okay. So this one has been lurking almost a full year (I think) as a handful of incoherent notes in my notes app, which sort of sketched out a lot of the dirty talk and action. This was very convenient for finally sitting down and writing it!! Which I had a lot of fun doing; every fic of mine for smut week has been pure self-indulgence. This fic owes a spiritual debt to Death and Taxes, an amazing russingon fic by TheLionInMyBed that was formative in my Maedhros thinking like... very early in my entry to Silm fandom stuff. I just loved Maedhros combining his politics and strategy (never turned off!) with sex and romance in such a blatant, funny, affectionate-but-instrumental way. Also, I've been making "Maglor's Gap " jokes since like. Forever, so it was bound to happen sometime.
The actual "strategy" on Maedhros' part here (aka the policies he wants Maglor to enact) is purely styrofoam porn setup and maybe doesn't really make sense, but I figured that's not what we're here for so I didn't pay it too much mind. What I did want to come through in that aspect of the story was Maedhros' affection for Maglor (kinda understated I think in this fic, but he doesn't want Maglor to die in like, say, dragonfire, and he will do all he can to prevent that. He wants Maglor to be as secure as he can, even though maintaining the siege/leaguer & his own trust & strategy mean Maglor is at great personal risk in this critical position) and Maedhros' tendency to taking leaderly responsibility (he's aware of the risk and that he's asked this of Maglor, & Himring will help out the Gap).
Also, in my head this is a spiritual sequel to my magnum opus Thine Ever, Makalaurë, despite the fact that in between these 2 Gap-era moments, Maglor by miracle of Yavanna's touch gained a pussy. This is a period I associate with a lot of hope for them and a sort of renewing of ties, testing and forging of Maglor's devotion and Maedhros' reliance on it, and Himring!Maedhros=sexiest Maedhros. I'm finding it really fun lately to write humor and dirty talk, both of which are kinda new terrain for me, so that's been delightful on my end. New terrain... ha
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bengiyo · 1 year
The Warp Effect Ep 4 Stray Thoughts
Happy New Year! It feels significant that our first show of the year should be from Jojo.
Last week, Jean was experiencing painful cramps and Kat suggested she go see Alex because he is considered to be a very good gynecologist. Because Alex knows nothing, we and he received a lesson on proper procedure for a pelvic inspection. Jean panicked as she thought about the last time she was this vulnerable with Alex and fled the office.
Elsewhere, Alex has reunited with his high school friends, Ew, and Nim. Ew is into puppy play, but it seems his girlfriend is not. Nim is seeing another woman, whose name I don't know yet, who wants to have a baby. Foreshadowing says Nim is going to carry that baby.
Also, we watched Army get head in a car, which is significant because anal requires too much planning for some of the spontaneous sex BL likes to use.
I like present-day Army. He sees Jean running from Alex and knows it's definitely his fault, and then immediately vents how frustrated he is with Alex, too.
Wow, I think this is the first time I've seen a Thai drama, of any sort, voice the opinion some of us have that gays and straights cannot be friends. (I don't personally believe this, but I completely understand where it comes from).
Army is also right to feel like Alex is being hypocritical when his current reputation is one of a player.
Nim's girlfriend is Bew, and she's got big dreams. I love lesbians. Excited to see Nim come to grips with carrying a child.
I think Sing is perfectly cast for Eiw. You need someone who can seem a little silly, and also who can be extremely heartfelt. His hurt at his own friends calling him abnormal hit perfectly.
Oh no, Army. Please vet this boy. Don't have sex with someone underage.
Jojo said, "It's 2023. We all vers now."
Nothing but praise for this rejection scene. Love that Army had to say no more than three times, and held firm despite his own arousal. I'm sure this boy is going to cause more problems later, but super glad Army is sensible.
That's right, babies! The laws about age of consent are designed to protect both parties! Don't endanger yourself or others by lying about your age!!
Sincerely, I don't think Joe overreacted here. Given Army's reputation and his apparent personal experience, it is the right response to protect your student when you see signs of danger. If Joe is also queer, this is especially important.
Why are fictional lesbians consistently so demanding when they want a close friend to be their donor? I'm not complaining, but it's very specific. Also, poor Eiw being rejected out of hand as a donor.
Okay, Mollie! They have also figured out some things in the last ten years.
I'm still not sold on Joong, but Fah is good with almost any scene partners.
Yes, Mollie! You better crush this role!!
Love Mollie's and Jean's integrity.
I'm so nervous about these cramps for Jean. They serve as a convenient plot device to force Alex and Jean back together, but I'm also worried about her health and the health of women like her.
Ice is correct to call his friend out about being rude to Kim. She doesn't need to reveal the interior aspects of their sex life to their friends to sate their curiosity.
They're not backing down in this show. Now we're discussing men's sexual health and the dysmorphia about penis size.
This scene between Ice and Kim is important. It's important to understand that people want different outcomes from sex sometimes, and that the opinion that most matters regarding sex is that of your partner. Ice does not need to worry about what his friends think, because he's got a partner who wants him in Kim.
Okay. I am glad they showed Army reflecting back to a time with Joe while masturbating in the shower, but did they really have to make him run his hands through his hair IMMEDIATELY afterwards??
Cannot overstate how relieved I am that this show is going out of its way to show that Jean and Kat do not have any beef with each other.
I don't think it's smart of Army to go looking for Joe on a school campus. He clearly has sexual intentions, and they should not do anything at a school. The risks are too high.
Love that this isn't BL, so Joe is just closeted for professional reasons, and also pissed at Army for the unknown infraction.
Again, it's like Jojo has been listening to our complaints about spontaneous gay sex. Making out and jerking with clothes on in a locker room is the exact kind of thing gays would do. Army jerking Joe off and begging him to forgive him might top end of the year lists and it's only the second day of the year!
Still, I'm glad a student showed up looking for Joe. Let's not forget that it is a terrible idea to do this at a school.
Fluke Pusit... I see you, sir. Good job.
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