#and i would say that this is just a product of the current way stan culture operates but the comparison to the way katya is treated (for ex
spirit-meets-the-b0ne · 2 months
House of the Dragon was built to fail
Which the greatest shame of that is, I truly believe they got an incredible cast of talented actors, it's distressing to see them largely wasted. I've been an HBO fan (in a Stockholm kind of way) for the better part of two decades and even some of their usual pitfalls were accelerated here. While it's easy to just blame Ryan (5 spits for an enemy Condall) it still feels like there's more than just writing or directing so this post won't focus as much on the characterization follies but more on the story's infrastructure. While budgetary concerns with a show like this are obvious considering the dragons cost a great deal of time and money it is odd to me that this is a series rather than a mini-series. By that I mean, HBO for most of their big productions had seasons ranging from 10-15 episodes (Sopranos S1 13 episodes, True Blood S1 12 episodes, The Wire S1 13 episodes, etc) so this is exceptionally short of a season for House of the Dragon. Game of Thrones original run was largely a 10 episode format until the later seasons which were also notably shit.
This structure was never designed to give the characters or an audience time to breathe. While this is something that is continually brought up across the cinema/film community these days it seems especially important here. It also seems very easy for an audience to decide against investing time and energy into a series that only holds you for 8 weeks and then takes another 2-3 years of production. As most of the audience knows, it isn't like there is a shortage of materials for the show to incorporate. It's an active choice to not dive more into the lives and circumstances of these character and their relationships. Now, I'm not expecting Lost 2.0 where every character will get an episodic focal point and backstory. Still, you have plenty of non-dragon riding characters whom you could spend time with that don't require maxing out your VFX budget for. Because as of right now from the posts I've been seeing it's clear that most of the general audience at this point is more invested in the dragons than any human character in the show save for some Stans. I can't say I blame them. Most every character at this point is barely tolerable or straight up deeply unlikeable. That's a failure of the writers and directors explicitly. I think the actors are genuinely doing the best they could with the material they're given.
It's frustrating because while I was expecting this show to disappoint (both because of GoT's outcome and HBO's late game losing streak shout out to True Blood for getting so bad I never watched the final episodes) this production is hitting that wall way sooner than expected. If there was another 2-4 episodes to actually develop the characters and their relationships (even with piss poor writing) it might have helped tremendously but this structure is going to leave an audience wanting more and not in a good way. If there is a season 3 I can't imagine in 2 years that a lot of the current viewership would return. So even the "fix it" episode rewrites fans make don't seem like enough, to me you genuinely need more material, more for an audience to invest in or feel a part of. If this season was even 10 episodes there would have been so much room for improvement. The Last of Us was able to deliver a satisfying plot and character arcs with 9 episodes and there's a huge difference with the way that was received by audiences vs. HotD. The obvious difference is the amount of time they needed to tell that story vs. the amount of time you rightly needed to tell this one, which is case in point why HotD needed more time. So, while a short season can deliver satisfaction in some cases, I don’t believe as a rule it should all be common place to condense stories and characters. Especially considering HotD's compression is coming largely at the expense of the women in the show (Rhaena, Jeyne Arryn, Helaena, Nettles, Rhaenrya and Alicent's respective character assassination, etc). That's to say even if these character plots deviate from the canon they have the room to grow and develop a character completely to an audience. If you're going to change a character from the source material at least make them a well-developed different person.
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lplondynnwo · 4 months
(this was copied from a reply because i’m noticing A LOT of people don’t seem to understand what i’m understanding)
If JYPE is allowing skz to collab with a zionist i don’t think they are gonna allow skz to speak up against the matter.
We all know that skz have a lot of creative freedom within their music and production but at the end of the day they are still just another k-pop group in a toxic industry under a big company (one of the biggest in the industry). Any wrong move they make and they could pretty much lose their jobs. You guys are forgetting THEY DONT JUST HAVE COMPLETE FREE WILL. The still have schedules and bosses. People who run things and tell them what to do.
The k-pop industry is not a very good place especially for big name idols under big name company’s. If we see the stuff that we see now, you can’t imagine what goes on behind the scenes. Why Felix doesn’t do lives after apologizing for the coca cola. Why Chan isn’t allowed to go live anymore (which he literally said himself) because of something he said. And TONS of other idols being put under harmful diets and forced to do things they don’t want, etc.
It’s not that easy and we probably haven’t even seen half of it. I get that you want them to apologize and not do this at all, trust me so do I. But like I said at the end of the day this is their job. They could lose it just like that. People get kicked out of groups and put on a hiatus for DATING. Take Seunghan from RIIZE for example; he’s on a hiatus for having a girlfriend (who he wasn’t currently with) BEFORE he even debuted. Imagine what would happen to SKZ if they speak up against a genocide (that their company obviously doesn’t care about) like you want them too.
If it’s their own collab that we can only assume they are being forced to do, then we can also assume they have to promote it as well. And as for the members— Felix specifically, didn’t we establish he’s a regular donator to ‘Save The Children’? The same ‘Save The Children’ that has been providing services towards Palestinian children since 1953?? They know, but there’s not much they can do. At least not publicly. Especially after the company made them collab with a zionist, do you expect them to be able to speak AGAINST it without consequences?
And by saying this I am not AT ALL trying to excuse anything Puth has done/said, anything JYPE has done/said, or say that StrayKids can never do any wrong (because people seem to assume that a lot). All i’m saying is it’s never really a “if they wanted to they would” situation in the K-Pop industry. Idols who have spoken out on it (Fatou from Black Swan for example) are under (the best way I can describe it is) “lower” and less watchful companies. Like I said, they’re are still bad companies in a toxic industry. However, they allow idols to do MANY things idols we know of and stan cannot do. And it’s all because of who they work for. I would love if SKZ and other popular idols with big fandoms and platforms could speak up on this and put a message out there but i just don’t think it’s possible for them. These companies literally control their entire lives.
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lover-of-mine · 2 months
i mean yes bucktmmy stans have a negative iq digit but it’s tim and lfjr fault too because they engaged with them developing a crazy parasocial relationship make them believe that they were so “powerful” when they are just fans of a fictional show chill
I can understand this perspective, but it's a little like what came first the chicken or the egg to me. I truly believe all of them were weeks behind what Lou was actually doing. Also, remember a lot of it was when he wasn't on set. The last medal one he was outside alone. I think it's a case they never expected to occur and they were too late to contain it because it's never happened before. The lie went around the world too fast. I know you have mentioned the 100 before and what they did after. But that was after production. At that point, it was just a struggle session between us all. It wasn't going to hurt a current timeline. I have never seen a recurring cast member pull this.
Yeah, no, I think this is a complicated situation. There's no precedent for the cameos creating this type of problem. Yeah, I did mention the 100 and the way Bob and Elisa were doing cameos, but those only worked to let us know we weren't crazy and Jason completely lost his mind during season 7, it didn't really affect the show because the show was already over. And legit the equivalent of the situation was if suddenly Oliver and Ryan opened a cameo and started talking 911, Clarke and Bellamy were main characters and the main ship waiting to happen for intents and purposes. I don't think anyone realized the issue the cameos created until the cameos spoiled the medal ceremony, but at that point it was already too late. Lou saw a way to capitalize on Tommy's popularity, his contract probably didn't say he couldn't, I doubt discussing headcanons with fans is against his NDA, if it was someone would've stopped him earlier. But things got out of control for Lou too. The guy saw a way to build his own following but it backfired for him too because now he has a pr nightmare waiting to happen following him around. He saw a way to attach an audience to himself not a project, and for a perpetual guest star, the thought has to be enticing. The guy is in everything but he never for a double digit amount episodes, except for swat. To have a built-in audience would be good for him. But shit went way too far but in a very unpredictable way. This never happened before. I think everyone assumed the cameos would work like a con or something, just a fun little way to have a relationship with your audience and then things spiraled out of control. I think the cameos were smart for Lou but they were of bad taste. I also think someone should've stopped it the second he started creating a backstory for Tommy because he is a guest star claiming creative power. But no one did and now we are here. I don't think anyone expected word of god to suddenly have this much weight and failed to prepare for it. It could've been prevented but hindsight is 20/20.
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a-moth-to-the-light · 3 months
Comeback Celebration: Current Top Ten StayC Songs
So this has been sitting in my drafts since March... but that worked out great, actually, since today we're getting their FIRST FULL ALBUM !!! HAPPY STAYC COMEBACK Y'ALL !!! When it comes to the highs of StayC's discography, I really think that no one can do what they do. My appreciation for their work has grown slowly but steadily--I was only a casual listener of their debut, so it was actually "ASAP" that made me a fan. Then, the Stereotype comeback got them on my stan list, and with the "Run2U" comeback, they became my favorite kpop group (sorry, Twice and Mamamoo, I still love y'all!). Revisiting StayC's earlier songs for this list, I was actually surprised by how impeccably their music has aged--I love this group even more than I thought I did!
1. 247
The queen herself! I think I've done a few other write-ups about this song in my time on Tumblr, and it hasn't gotten any less perfect after two years. "247" really leans into the lofi side of StayC's signature sound, but it has a hell of a kick to it, too. I absolutely could not fall asleep to this one, or do homework while leaving it on repeat, because I would be stimming too hard--how could I not, with a beat like that? That staticky beat commands the song, and you can't even get used to it because it's constantly morphing, surprising you with little offbeats. In contrast, StayC's vocals are a sugar rush, as high and melodic as the beat is low and grating. This is StayC at the top of their game in both production & performance, and the result is a song that gets more dazzling the more intently you listen for its details.
2. Slow Down
It took me a while to notice this one--"Stereotype" and "Complex" had all my attention when the Stereotype album first dropped, but when "Slow Down" finally had its turn in my rotation, I knew the others just couldn't compete. I'm always here for the 10 hours chill lofi beats to study to style of song from StayC, but it's not just the production I love here. The members really add to the song--I especially adore the precision with which they handle the first verse, even as it just runs and runs and runs and runs headfirst into the prechorus. The rap in the bridge docks "Slow Down" a couple of points in my book, but the "haste makes waste" ad-lib wins those back easily.
3. Complex
And here's "Complex" !! This is the song that made StayC my favorite group--from the beginning, it's been brain-cleaning music for my soul. I find it hard to place what, exactly, makes StayC's music so special to me, but "Complex" has it for sure. It's something about the way the members enunciate sharply, but not aggressively, I think. "Complex" is a soft, understated song, but the StayC ladies are masters of enunciation--their performances, strong and confident, give the song these sharp edges that keep me absolutely captivated. StayC's music, soothing but not understimulating, is just so perfect for my sensory sensitivities, and that's what I mean when I say I feel like StayC's style was designed just for me.
4. So What
This was too obnoxious for me when it first came out--maybe because Itzy still ran the girl group landscape in 2021, so I was not in need of another 'sassy & self-confident but also cutesy & girly' type of song? "So What" got me eventually, though; I think it was during the "Beautiful Monster" comeback that this track became a regular fixture in my playlists. "So What" has some of the Itzy magic--flat verses set against soaring melodic choruses, a downright strange instrumental in the prechorus--but it has a lot of StayC magic too, I think. I can't be sure this is inspired by 8-bit music, but the chorus definitely has the sound of a retro video game. (If you've been enjoying that sound lately, you should definitely check this one out!) "So What" is more energetic than a lot of the others on this list, but it's just as cozy and comforting as they are--as the chorus hits you with a barrage of clashing instrumental bits, the vocals get softer and sweeter to balance it out, and the bridge could have been taken straight out of an IU ballad.
5. Run2U
It's kind of unfortunate that this one came out when it did--the music video for "Run2U" dropped right before a really major, terrifying event in my life, so I was replaying it all the time in the months when that event happened. As much as I enjoy "Run2U", I don't listen to it much anymore--it transports me back a little too well. (Luckily for me, the b-sides from this album managed to escape the Bad Memory Vortex!) "Run2U" is an absolutely perfect song, though, stuffed with hooks and textures that my brain loves to chew on. While revisiting "Run2U" for this list, I understood exactly why I was replaying the song so maniacally in the months after it came out (it was my most-listened song of 2022, and I think all those listens were from between February and April). The soaring vocals, the angelic chimes, the beat that feels somehow 3D? It's too much to process on just one listen--or just two, or just three... This could honestly be my favorite StayC song in an alternate universe--it's such a grand statement of just how much this group is capable of!! (And it turns the pop-princess aspect of their style up to 100, which I, as a Twice stan, am legally obligated to love.)
Rhyming "copy" with "decalcomanie" is the kind of audacity I like to see in a first comeback (only Lightsum has been more audacious--I love you, Lightsum, you'll get your own textpost one day). Though the production & songwriting for this spring lofi sunny day 1 hour chill beats mix sound would be perfected in StayC's later comebacks, the members perform the hell out of this one. Even before "Complex", they had the skill with enunciation to bring some real bite to the quirky-cute girl group sound! Also, that piano in the bridge is glorious.
7. I Like It
You could probably argue that this is just a dollar-store version of "Slow Down" and "So What", and I would probably agree with you--but like, I like this one, okay? I like how Yoon sings "I got my shades on" in the opening; I like the chanted bit in the second prechorus (GWAENCHANA NE TASI ANIJANA !!!!!); I like the whole damn chorus!! I think this one needed a lot more time in the oven production-wise, but I still find it super listenable. The members help "I Like It" flow smoothly despite its clumsy production, and the harmonies alone are worth coming back for.
8. Beautiful Monster
Despite some really clumsy production choices (this album was... interesting, to say the least!), I can't help but love this one--I find myself revisiting it a whole lot. (But, like, what are those claps leading into the chorus. Why are they so loud. Could you just... uh... blend them in, just a little bit? Like, could you just make them sound like they're actually coming from, like, the same song as the rest of the track? Anyway...) "Beautiful Monster" is a super-memorable showcase of StayC's vocals, though, so it's a classic in my book--those bordering-on-wailing high notes remind me of the most emotional moments in GFRIEND songs, and they're scattered throughout all of "Beautiful Monster", and they still hit like bricks every single time?? My heart was not ready for this song.
9. Stereotype
Another classic! This is one of those songs that really makes me think no one can make music quite like StayC's--like, "Stereotype" should not be as interesting as it is. It should not echo in my bones the way it does. We know StayC can bring their songs to stunningly high highs --see: "Run2U" and "Beautiful Monster"--but "Stereotype" manages to be an infinitely satisfying listen without any showstopping moments. This is like the sweeter version of "247"--it takes an even softer approach, but it still has that kick to it, like the sour part of a sip of lemonade or the fizz in lime soda. Admittedly, I don't listen to this one very frequently--I really should be obsessing over it a lot more, but the b-sides from this comeback really stole the show for me (see: "Slow Down" & "Complex" at spots 2 & 3 on this list). "Stereotype" completely deserved its success, though! It's really a perfect encapsulation of the pop-princess-meets-lofi aesthetic that makes StayC stand out.
10. Poppy (Japanese or Korean ver.)
Yes, we get one song from StayC's 2023, at least. (Look, 2023 wasn't really their year, but I needed a break from constantly gushing about how great their music is, anyway!) I think everyone else in the world would have this one on their list, too--I remember when "Poppy" took the fandom by storm, though I didn't get the appeal at the time. I'm sold on it now, though! "Poppy" is a pretty straightforward dance track, but the textures in the instrumental are unique enough that I find it an interesting, enjoyable listen whenever it comes up on shuffle.
Honorable Mentions: So Bad (vocals. oh my god the vocals.), Like This, Butterfly, I Want U Baby (that chorus is a real gem, i hum it to myself all the time), Love (i bring this one out every summer !!), Not Like You
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laf-outloud · 1 year
In their spot on KTLA this morning (someone posted it on twitter) I could have sworn Gen mentioned they were working on other ideas "through their production company." But I can’t find the link, so take it with a grain of salt. I’m pretty sure they are part of one, just not loudly advertising it as theirs. Im interested to see what they might produce in the future since they clearly take a lot of care and do the necessary work before launching anything. I wonder how hands-on Gen is.
As for Jensen, I have a feeling they were able to move over to Amazon due to his connections with Kripke, since, and I’m not trying to throw shade when I say this, the way TW was managed from inception to production to reception should NOT make the company appealing to any larger company to bring on board. I wouldn’t be surprised if they ever did a Soldier Body spin-off that it could be from CMP (if anyone would trust them enough). This doesn’t bode well for the actors that might be hired on with them in the future (or Jensen) since streaming is notorious for under paying actors, though I’m not sure about their treatment otherwise. Also, on the Drama Queens podcast last week Daneel literally said producing was easier than acting (then tried to back-pedal a bit when the other girls didn’t immediately agree). and she really doesn’t seem to put in much effort with her acting, so I hope CMP has learned something or gets more producers involved.
Yep! Another anon just gave the link and time stamp for Gen's mention of the Padalecki's production company. Obviously, they're working on Walker and WIndy currently, but I'm with you, I'm excited to see what projects they have next, and hope that there are studios that will take them on (it's a really tough sell right now for any project).
It sounds like the majority of people think Jensen and CMP's deal with Amazon is The Boys related (and brokered through Kripke). Since TB and it's spinoff already have established production companies working on them, if Jensen is hired to lead a spin-off, CMP might be added as an additional producer (and provided compensation on that end), but they won't be the primary producer.
(Of course producing was easier than acting for Danneel. To her, producing meant coming up with a terrible idea, standing around on set for a few days, and showing up for press.)
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bcofl0ve · 1 year
correct me if i’m wrong but i thought priscilla herself wasn’t involved in the production of priscilla? so i’m hoping it’ll be a bit more nuanced than just the exact same view as in Elvis + Me. the other thing is that one of sofia’s big things (imo) is the use of the slightly unreliable narrator + she’s said that it’s ‘marie antoinette in graceland’ so i’m assuming the whole point is that the audience is meant to view that it’s from the perspective of a young girl in a world that’s new to her? and therefore isn’t entirely reliable in her viewpoint but still ultimately it’s *her* view? idk if that makes any sense! i’m just a huge flawed elvis fan + huge sofia stan (i have no strong opinion on P - i think she’s mismanaged some elements of epe, and exaggerated some things but i also think elvis must have been really difficult to deal with in the 70s in particular) and am praying that she allows for both an understanding that elvis is flawed but so priscilla’s perspective! but also it’s still valid as HER perspective?
(anons are off for right now because i was getting overwhelmed and want to be able to give thoughtful answers to my current inbox. love y'all and thank you for understanding)
i was just reading a priscilla fanpage say that she said at one of her tour stops in glasgow that she's not involved directly, and that she's a producer but only is a money way not an input way. and i think i saw someone else say she was screened the film in april? there's a little clip of her talking about it with someone on @priscillasdoll on instagram saying she thought sofia did a good job and that she got emotional watching her life on screen like that.
but that aside you make a really good point abt the marie antionette at graceland thing that i hadn't thought about even though ive read that sofia interview like 6 times. i'm curious to see how the film handles the 'retaliation cheating'/mike stone stuff, and think that would be a good place for what you talk about re: showing her as *also* imperfect. i actually have a whole list of things frm elvis and me that i'm curious to see be translated to the screen, esp by someone like sofia.
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saradrewitt · 2 years
The Six Demons of Elsewhere
Fun facts and just little things I thought of when I began writing for IMIE (Copy and pasted from the IMIE Docs) I might update this post with a good illustration of him soon.
Writing and creating Red was a rollercoaster before his first release in the first few pages of the comic. He was one of the first characters that really had a somewhat impact in IMIE world building. In the beginning stages of his development, their character was supposed to be this casanova who was born in the 1600s, until I had something that was going to impact Elsewhere’s existence. In a way he was also supposed to play the role of the somewhat comic counterpart for Lux. He’s aloof and easy going now until I unlocked a deeper part of his character. Red’s character was inspired by Lucifer, but not in his standard form. He’s not relatively a fallen angel but a human rejecting their humanity. And I thought their arche throughout the series was going to be something that symbolized my personal issues and relationship with anger and revenge. So I hope throughout the development of the comic and the story it can be displayed accordingly. Anyway, here’s snippets from his character document that were finalized after his first appearance in It’s Midnight in Elsewhere on pages 4 and 6. 
Red goes by he/they pronouns. 
If Red had a twitter account his handle would be RedyFredy (Red is a Queen Stan). 
He wasn’t too fond of music, he likes music don’t get him wrong but he was always an actor. He referred to himself as a performative liar. 
Throughout the years they've spent as a demon working for Nox they quickly rejected the idea that he was even human to begin with. Red keeps his old life a secret because he wants no one to try to find any form of weakness. The real reason is that he doesn't like the idea of anyone knowing he went through the pains of death. He hates the idea of not being feared as much because of it. He rather has no one know or have people speculate his existence in general. It came to the point where citizens of Elsewhere made rumors and stories about his upbringing. 
When Nox was creating Elsewhere, Red grew a distaste for the creatures Nox created because they were artificial, he quickly hid that opinion when Nox punished him for accidentally killing a random werehare. He was lucky Nox didn’t find out about the other “accidents” Red had carelessly did to unsuspecting creatures. They were accidents because “those things just get in the way…” but Red has no regard to feel any remorse or guilt. In current Elsewhere there are evacuations, procedures, and drills in order to survive encounters with Red.
Red, before switching to do fieldwork in Elsewhere, took on many lovers throughout the years but quickly stopped when he figured out most of them would disappear due to Nox’s hunger.  
In his old life, Red had issues with his anger, suffering from symptoms of bipolar disorder but of course not really having any idea of them during the early 1500s. 
When he was a alive, Red had a fear of fire after an incident in his younger life. When he sold his soul, Nox wanted him to die for the thing he loved the most with the thing he feared.
In their old life Red loved the theater and often performed in shows, hoping to star in one of the many shows created in front of royalty. He was really driven to perform in the early works of Shakespeare's earliest productions of King Henry the VI (this was probably during the time parts 1-3 were being written). If asked, Red would say his favorite play would be Julius Caesar. 
Lost his english accent over the years, he misses it so much that he fakes it. (2023 Writer’s Note: This idea was scrapped first before it was switched back. Their voice claim was Tom Hardy’s Eddie Brock before I changed it back so that voice claim is now scrapped).
Over the years Red rejected a lot of his human nature and at some point stayed in his demon form for a few years (Nox made him stay in his human form due to a fire casualty in Elsewhere), earning the name “Red Death”.
Red literally hates Elsewhere, that guy has no care for it whatsoever, only misses earth because it’s more real. The only thing he could like Elsewhere for was its scenery, it was the most beautiful place he’s even walked on, but as the years passed he grew a hatred for current Elsewhere. 
Red’s first duty when he became a demon was to trick humans into “selling” their souls to Nox, and was relieved that he was transferred over to working in Elsewhere when Lux took over that role. 
Miss Mysterious was the only one he in a way listened to. Nearly took Elsewhere down with him when Nox got rid of her. Red was incarcerated in Nowhere and released  a few years prior to IMIE events.
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leeminholinoing · 1 year
I'm a bit or a lot late to bounce back on something you posted. On stopping pretending that we didn't think that in 2023 things would evolve on them publicly together etc etc.
Thanks for saying it, today to see people write long text saying "I just want to see them happy, I don't know if they're together... Their current situations are great"...
It chills me and I just understand that the tide has really turned… That today we didn't know anything like back then but back then we had hope.
Yes professional career level there is nothing to reproach, they vibrate with pleasure and as long as they feel it I am happy for them.
but god what did i miss when larries had so much hope of seeing them live a life without being imprisoned in the false guises
We did not ask for details on their private lives but just that the two could live freely what we always believed to be an exceptional and pure love story despite the toxic environment that surrounded them.
I can't remember where the larries stopped hoping or the new larries make up proofs/codes to try to relive an era that's already resolved…
They haven't communicated with us for a long time… They've been a long time abandoned us after needing us.
It's been a long time since they redefined things while many person think they're still trying to fight against the tide.
In 2015, I would never have thought that today we would have had images that we had in the Louis documentary or that we would have had such a sickening stunt with Harry.
I just know that in 2015 we were absorbed in hope and today we have just become orphans.
But everyone is right as long as they are happy that is the most important thing.
I love their music and their shows and it ends there for me now.
I may be sad for a time gone by.
I agree people trying to relive the past are so annoying, that is why twitter larries used to get on my nerves but now I see tumblr larries doing the same. I have lost all hope for this fandom. did you see that post that was like "if they came out we wouldn't have the content we have now!?!?" and they thought it was a good argument? They have both become insipid products, I don't know how people can like what they are giving us right now.
Like I'd be so very happy if they disappeared and were able to live their lives away from this mess. I am not scared to say that I believe them coming out would be the best thing that could happen to them and their mental health. I have no money in the game anymore, I'm finally free.
I don't believe they are as happy as this fandom likes to pretend they are. But hey as long as they keep twirling on stage and making music without going to therapy and working through their trauma I guess everything is fine and dandy in tumblr larrie land. At least they get the content they want 🤪
They have both disappointed me way too hard in the past three years for me to keep stanning them. I wish them well with their solo stans, you only deserve the stans that you have encouraged and rewarded with your ugly strategies. Call me in three years when they've lost everyone bc the next best thing will have come on the scene and they won't have the fans who grew up with them anymore cause they treated them like shit.
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harlcwes · 2 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
 an  enthusiastic  grin  adorns  their  features  as  they  make  their  way  into  the  studio  ,  setting  down  the  coffee  they’d  picked  up  for  the  crew  on  a  nearby  table  .  they  don’t  hate  the  term  nepo  baby  because  technically  ,  that’s  what  they  are  .  and  harlowe’s  worked  hard  to  prove  that  they’ve  made  the  absolute  most  out  of  the  connections  they  were  given  .  hand  reaches  out  to  shake  the  production  manager’s  as  the  team  is  being  introduced  to  her  .  harlowe  smiles  politely  ,  thanking  the  crew  for  their  time  before  taking  a  seat  on  the  stool  .    //    @nepofminspo​​​​
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“  what’s  up  !  i’m  harlowe  and  this  is  my  WIRED  autocomplete  interview  .  ”
autocomplete  suggests  the  most  common  searches  on  the  internet
“  i’m  almost  kinda  scared  to  see  what  you’ve  all  been  googling  .  ”
so  WIRED  asked  harlowe  brenner  some  of  the  internet’s  burning  questions
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WHO  ...
[  harlowe  dramatically  takes  in  a  deep  breath  ]  “  alright  ,  it’s  now  or  never  .  ”
who  is  HARLOWE  BRENNER  ?
[  gestures  to  their  face  ]  “  that’s  me  .  hi  ,  i’m  harlowe  .  nice  to  meet  you  .  ”
who  is  HARLOWE  BRENNER  related  to  ?
“  if  you’re  a  big  fan  of  snowboarding  and  the  winter  olympics  then  you’ll  know  my  dad  ,  victor  brenner  .  and  if  you’re  a  fan  of  movies  and  j-pop  music  ,  then  you’ll  know  my  mom  ,  naomi  saito  .  and  i  also  have  a  twin  brother  ,  hudson  .  ”
who  is  HARLOWE  BRENNER  dating  ?
“  currently  ––  i  don’t  know  when  this  video  is  gonna  go  live  ––  i  am  not  dating  anyone  .  i  am  very  much  single  .  ”  [  jokingly  winks  at  the  camera  ]
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HOW  ...
how  old  is  HARLOWE  BRENNER  ?
“  i’m  twenty-five  .  and  yes  ,  i  know  i  have  a  little  bit  of  a  baby  face  .  ”
how  tall  is  HARLOWE  BRENNER  ?
“  i  believe  i’m  five-foot-nine  ?  that’s  what  my  doctor  told  me  the  last  time  i  checked  !  ”
how  can  i  meet  HARLOWE  BRENNER  ?
“  not  to  plug  my  band  ,  but  if  you  ever  buy  tickets  to  see  ultraviolet  ,  we  sometimes  offer  a  meet  and  greet  package  .  if  you  missed  that  opportunity  and  find  yourself  in  new  york  ,  you  can  probably  run  into  me  at  variety  while  i’m  on  my  coffee  run  .  ”
how  was  HARLOWE  BRENNER  discovered  ?
“  it’s  actually  not  a  long  story  .  i’ll  definitely  admit  that  my  parents  got  me  started  in  acting  and  it  kinda  just  went  on  from  there  .  started  as  a  kid  and  as  i  got  older  ,  i  started  a  band  and  turned  to  focus  on  music  more  .  ”
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IS  ...
is  HARLOWE  BRENNER  from  new  york  ?
“  no  ,  i’m  actually  not  from  new  york  .  i  was  born  in  bright  and  sunny  los  angeles  .  but  i  do  have  family  here  so  i  used  to  visit  from  time  to  time  and  then  started  living  here  when  i  was  shooting  gossip  girl  and  i’ve  been  here  ever  since  .  don’t  really  have  plans  to  move  back  to  LA  anytime  soon  .  ”
is  HARLOWE  BRENNER  a  natural  blonde  ?
 [  they  lightly  cringe  at  the  question  ]  “  i’m  so  sorry  but  i’m  not  .  i  wore  a  wig  in  how  the  grinch  stole  christmas  and  then  again  in  seasons  1  and  2  of  gossip  girl  .  however  ,  i  did  bleach  it  blonde  in  season  3  and  kept  it  for  a  little  bit  .  ”
“  that  would  be  my  twin  brother  so  yes  !  hudson  ,  if  you’re  watching  this  ,  i’m  the  better  twin  .  ”  [  they  playfully  stick  their  tongue  out  at  the  camera  ]
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WHAT  ...
what  is  HARLOWE  BRENNER  known  for  ?
“  well  ,  i  played  cindy-lou  who  in  how  the  grinch  stole  christmas  and  jenny  humphrey  in  gossip  girl  ––  i  know  ,  none  of  us  are  jenny  stans  .  it’s  cool  ,  i  get  it  .  and  now  i’m  in  a  band  called  ultraviolet  .  ”
what  color  are  HARLOWE  BRENNER’S  eyes  ?
“  dark  brown  .  they’re  kinda  boring  .  ”  [  they  shrug  ]
what  languages  can  HARLOWE  BRENNER  speak  ?
“  japanese  and  spanish  .  thinking  about  learning  another  language  but  we’ll  see  !  ”
what  is  HARLOWE  BRENNER’S  zodiac  sign  ?
“  i’m  a  scorpio  which  i  feel  like  is  fitting  of  me  ?  i  don’t  know  ,  you  all  tell  me  .  ”
what  is  HARLOWE  BRENNER’S  boba  order  ?
“  that  is  a  great  question  .  i’d  say  it  depends  .  if  i’m  in  the  mood  for  a  milk  tea  ,  i  usually  go  for  either  a  taro  milk  tea  or  an  roasted  oolong  milk  tea  with  pearls  ––  that’s  mini  boba  .  for  fruit  teas  ,  i’m  a  fan  of  lychee  with  lychee  jelly  .  ”
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DOES  ...
does  HARLOWE  BRENNER  have  tattoos  ?
[  they  hold  up  their  left  arm  to  show  off  their  sleeve  tattoo  ]  “  i  think  it’s  safe  to  say  that  i  do  .  i  would  show  you  the  whole  sleeve  but  i  think  we’re  pressed  for  time  right  now  .  ”  [  their  eyes  shift  to  the  production  manager  beside  the  camera  to  confirm  ]  “  yeah  ,  sorry  .  but  i’m  sure  there  are  pictures  !  ”
does  HARLOWE  BRENNER  have  pets  ?
“  i  do  !  i  have  a  dobermann  named  kenzo  .  and  i  recently  fostered  and  then  adopted  a  black  cat  .  her  name  is  makkuro  .  ”
does  HARLOWE  BRENNER  have  instagram  ? 
“  i'm  not  super  active  but  yes  .  it’s  @  harlesbrenner  .  ”
does  HARLOWE  BRENNER  play  drums  ?
“  you  are  correct  to  assume  that  i  play  the  drums  .  ”
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DID  ...
did  HARLOWE  BRENNER  go  to  college  ?
“  yupp  !  i  did  .  i  have  a  degree  in  music  with  a  focus  in  piano  and  composition  .  ”
did  HARLOWE  BRENNER  have  a  public  fight  ?
[  their  lips  twist  up  and  eyes  avert  from  the  camera  ]  “  define  fight  .  if  you’re  talking  about  photos  from  my  jiujitsu  tournaments  then  yes  ?  ”
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WHERE  ...
where  does  HARLOWE  BRENNER  get  their  coffee  ?
“  i  mentioned  it  earlier  but  usually  variety  coffee  .  if  i’m  in  a  pinch  ,  i’ll  do  starbucks  .  or  dunkin’  .  ”
where  did  HARLOWE  BRENNER  go  to  college  ?
“  you  might’ve  heard  of  it  .  i  went  to  a  little  school  called  juilliard  .  ”
where  is  HARLOWE  BRENNER  right  now ?
“  i’m  in  new  york  with  wired  !  ”
[  harlowe  tosses  the  prop  behind  them  as  the  extended  endscreen  comes  on  to  show  wired’s  other  videos  ]  
“  and  that’s  all  the  questions  ,  answered  .  thanks  for  watching  !  ”
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j2memories · 8 months
TV Insider Article (September 8th 2021)
Jared Padalecki Teases a ‘Supernatural’ Reunion & More in ‘Walker’ Season 2 (VIDEO)
Damian Holbrook
Walker may have just ended its first season in August, but Jared Padalecki’s update on the classic Chuck Norris action series is already getting ready to ride into Season 2. And this time, Jarpad’s Texas Ranger Cordell Walker, having solved the murder of his wife (Genevieve Padalecki, the actor’s real-life spouse), will be facing a new mystery that’s just as close to home.
Days before production started back up again, TV Insider chatted with the actor from his home in Austin, Texas, where he offered up plenty of intel about the upcoming case, as well as an update on a potential Supernatural reunion with Jensen Ackles. Above is just a sampling of the convo, which was conducted for TV Guide Magazine’s current Returning Favorites issue, but since the #WalkerFamily is so damn fine, we’ve decided to share some more of that content with you here. Enjoy!
Where do we begin in Season 2?
Padalecki says that the story will “pick up a couple months after the finale, and Cordell’s been home, spending a lot of time with his brother, Liam (Keegan Allen), his son and daughter (Kale Culley and Violet Brinson) and his parents (Molly Hagan and Mitch Pileggi).” And even though Cordi will be back full-time on the job, he promises that “we’re going to see a lot more of the personal and family side of the Walkers this season.”
Now that Emily’s death is resolved, does that mean no more Gen?
Come on, you think he could fire his own wife?! “We will see her,” he reveals. “We’ll still have happy flashbacks, but I don’t think the ghost of what happened to Emily will haunt Cordell. She won’t be there as his conscience.”
Since Liam’s political rival Stan Morrison (Jeffrey Nordling) was gravely injured by a sniper after Walker busted him for Emily’s death, is Liam the new district attorney?
Apparently, it’s not that simple. “Technically, the election is null and void. Liam is in a situation where he’s not sure, after everything, if it’s even what he really wants. He’s questioning [whether] there’s a better way to positively affect the city of Austin and its inhabitants.”
It was hinted that maybe the Del Rio crime syndicate was actually after Walker instead of Stan. What does that mean for Walker’s partner, Micki (Lindsey Morgan)?
“That puts her in danger too,” he offers. “Yeah. Micki is committed to finding out who’s trying to kill her partner.” When the show returns, we’ll find out that she’s been working undercover within the organization.
Have they figured out how to get Jensen Ackles on the show yet?
This is the news that’s already got fans’ Twitter timelines in a tizzy! “Well, he’s set to direct this season,” Padalecki told us of his beloved fellow Winchester. “He’s still in Canada right now. So we’re working [on it]. It just depends on, A) when he’s back in the damn country, B) when he’s back in the state and the city, C) when he’s not working on something else, and D) really what kind of cool role it would be to have him. My wish… did you ever see the Maverick movie with Mel Gibson? He runs into Danny Glover in the bank, and they look at each other, kind of like, “Nah.” I want at least one of those moments.”
So. Do. WE!
Walker, Season 2 Premiere, Thursday, October 28, 8/7c, The CW
Link to the article
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maggatron · 1 year
Get to Know Me
Name: Maggie // Маги
Age: As of writing this, I'm 24 years old.
City that you live in: Burgas, Bulgaria // Бургас, България
Hobbies: Game devving in Unreal Engine 5, 3D modeling, writing, reading.
What are your passions? Game devving in Unreal Engine, 3D modeling.
What do you search for in a significant other? Not actively searching. I'm spoken for, ladies ;3
Have you ever collected anything? What was it? When I was younger, I used to collect Hot Topic pins. Like the kind that you hook onto hats and jackets.
List 5 things off of your bucket list. - Visit Japan - Cosplay as my DnD character - Visit the Eyes of God (Prohodna Cave // Пещера "Проходна") in Karlukovo, Bulgaria - Help my fiancé make a DnD character for himself, so I can write stories of mine and his going on sweet quests and stuff - Meet Markiplier and/or Jacksepticeye someday.
What was the last thing you learned? Just earlier today, I learned how to properly export a Metahuman (3D model of a human) from Unreal Engine into Blender. I'm gonna make some fun stuff >w>
How many relationships have you been in? That's classified.
Favorite food Yellow apples // Жълти ябълки
Favorite drink Peach juice // Сок от праскова
Are you optimistic or pessimistic? I like to think of myself as optimistic, but considering how much I know I complain without really even meaning to, my fiancé would prolly say I'm leaning more toward being a pessimist.
What is the most expensive thing you own? I think my computer, the total sum of all the parts I've used to upgrade it over time.
What is the cheapest yet most useful thing you own? My fidget cubes. They help with my ADHD when my mind gets to be too much.
How many times a day on average do you check your phone? Not as often as I should.
Text or call? I... don't actually own a phone with an active sim card, so I'm kinda stuck texting for now. But I prefer calling.
Opinion on long distance? Not sure what there is to say tbh. I mean, my family in America, I miss them a lot. But I'm glad I can still (video)call them on Facebook. Time difference is a constant struggle tho ^^'
Favorite song? Currently, it's 'Hey, Mario' by Patent Pending. It's in my playlist on Tumblr blog, if you're curious what it sounds like. It's a good song.
Celebrity crush/crushes? Garrett Hedlund, Cara Delevingne, Sebastian Stan.
Favorite flower? Lily. I've always loved lilies. People always assume that my favorite flower must be the magnolia blossom (because my name), but nope.
What is the best gift you could receive right now? A new phone with a working sim card.
Any guilty pleasures? Mac and Cheese. Hear me out... Ever since I was younger, mac and cheese was always my comfort food. I'm talkin' homemade cheese sauce with the cartoon-level stretch. The way my fiancé makes it, the cheese is so stringy and gooey, I just mmmmmm
How many times have you said "I love you" in the past month? Prolly way too many, but my fiancé is literally the best thing to ever happen to me, so I mean it every time.
Where did you last go other than your room/home? I went to a little town called Vetren with my fiancé. We visited some family, had some pizza, stayed overnight, had a good time. It was fun. I'll miss them.
How many green shirts do you own? I think just one, and it's my long-sleeved sweatshirt/pullover that I mostly wear in the fall when it starts getting cold.
Do you like anime? Hell yes! I love anime! One Piece, Dragonball, Naruto, Boku no Hero, Black Clover, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Bakemonogatari, hell yeah!
What do you invest the most time in? Blender modeling on my computer. Shamefully, sometimes when I have my headphones on, I tend to lose myself in my work. I lose track of time really easily that way ^^'
Where are you most productive? On my computer.
Do you believe world peace will ever exist? I know it's possible, but it's entirely dependent on every human being on the planet agreeing and respecting each other.
Do you have any allergies? Mostly just seasonal allergies.
Do you consider yourself mature? I think I am, but I know sometimes I get overexcited about things, which makes me seem a little childish.
How many days in your life do you think you have wasted on tumblr? Dude, years ago, back in old yore of 2013~ish, I spent WAY too much time on Tumblr. I had a blog where I wrote/read fanfics on, but I think that particular blog has since been lost to time.
What do you think your soulmate is doing right now? I know what he's doing right now. He's at work in the city right now.
Do you have a job? No, but I wish I did.
How many all-nighters have you pulled before? No comment >w>
Is tumblr your favorite website? If not, then what is your favorite website? Reddit was my favorite website before the whole blow-up about the API. Now, all my feeds are dead/broken and Reddit as a whole feels... wounded. That's one of my reasons for returning to Tumblr, actually.
When was the last time you looked at the news? I choose not to keep track of the news. It tends to be pretty depressing, so...
If you could say one thing to the world, what would you say? Get over yourselves and love/respect each other equally.
What is your favorite animal? It used to be penguins. Now, it's frogs.
What time do you normally sleep? How many hours of sleep do you usually get? Lately, I've been getting to sleep at about 3am. I usually sleep for 7ish hours, which seems to be enough for me.
In the winter- beanies or gloves? Beanies.
Would you rather have wings or a fish tail? Wings.
If you had the power to erase one person from the world so that nobody remembered him or her except you, would you do it? Yes, I would erase my birth mom, for reasons I won't divulge here now...
How many digits of pi can you recite? 3.141759....? I think?
Describe yourself in one word. Emotional.
Describe your last victory. Does Fortnite count? ^^'
Have you ever broken a bone before? Nope.
Coffee or tea? Tea.
How many hours have you spend on tumblr today? Too many, already. It took me way too long just to get the code for my music player figured out xD
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kerlonhelper · 2 years
Google translate bot
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It’s sort of like when we were kids and had this book, Bennett Cerf’s Book of Riddles-it was a gray with a picture of a big red rock-eater on the cover. you are using the R.app GUI), so please consider if this is the appropriate list” and “The posting guide was not followed” and “Please use the R-devel list to comment on current development versions” would work pretty well for almost any question (maybe after some global sub of Stan for R). I have a feeling that advice such as “PLEASE do, and not send HTML” and “My guess is that this is a Mac-specific question (e.g. The bot would be easy: whatever the question is that comes in, just send back a random tip. Let’s take a successful existing help group-for example, the R-help mailing list-then make a database of the helpful bits of advice of a distinguished and frequent contributor to the list.
We were talking about how to build a Stan community that will be helpful to a diverse range of users without taking up too much of our time, and that’s when I came up with a brilliant idea. Or, if I start by translating, I go back and forth to make sure it all makes sense. What I do is try my best to write it in the desired language, but I can try out some tricky words or phrases in the translator. If I want to write a message to someone in French or Spanish or Dutch, I wouldn’t just write it in English and run it through Translate. Google Translate for human languages isn’t perfect either but it’s a useful guide.
Wouldn’t it be great if Google Translate could work on computer languages? I suggested this and somebody said that it might be a problem because code isn’t always translatable. Some discussion of revision of the Nuts paper, some conversations about parameterizations of categorical-data models, plans for the R interface, blah blah blah. At a more philosophical level I'm very curious to see where the evolution of computation and AI will take us by challenging our own human 'intelligence' when any logical task can eventually be turned into a sequence of '1's and '0's in way shorter amount time than in a human brain and to a much lower cost.What we did in our Stan meeting yesterday: I guess it's safe to say that digital walls will eventually turn into physical walls. Looking at the role of computation and the digital landscape of today from a wider perspective I think the greatest issue is people not reflecting on/being aware of how much of their daily input of information (that eventually turn into decisions, actions, cultural preferences/values) is a product of binary computation. When it comes to language specifically I think it holds so many underlying cultural elements that can never be translated through a text string as in computation the way the language shapes the way we think and the culture of where it's practiced. "It's for sure something I spend a lot of time thinking about and can quite quickly escalate to a philosophical question of the nature of the myth of Sisyphus. "At the rare times of when the conversation manages to break out of the loop of superficial smalltalk or comedy/absurdity it quite often tended to take quite a philosophical or political spin which I guess is also a reflection of people's fascination of discussing philosophy and politics with a computer." But in this case the input/output is also distorted through the layer of Google Translate which obviously adds to the absurdity."Īlong with this comical aspect, which is often found when two chatbots converse after soaking up human influence, Eltes also noted a further direction the dialogue would take. "It outputs what the machine learning algorithm thinks is the most appropriate reply to the input based on what people have replied to a similar input before. "The rest of the conversation is a real-time reflection of millions of conversations between humans and the Cleverbot chatbot," Eltes tells Creators. The conversation is begun with the Swedish bot saying "Hello" ("Hej") and then off they go. Eltes explains that the setup uses two Cleverbot chatbots with conversations running on Raspberry Pis communicating via Node.js web server and Socket.IO for real-time.
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studywithkara · 2 years
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25/09/22- Sunday
Today I went to a handmade stall at the farmers market and bought some earrings and a pin ( handmade things are so cute!). I’m currently listening to Moss on repeat, as is every other Maya Hawke simp- I mean stan. I’m continuing to learn songs on my keyboard, which is proving to be more difficult than I thought it would be. I also went to my sisters’ ballet performance, and it was pretty cool to be in the audience rather than the one on stage.
Today wasn’t as productive as I’d hoped it be, but that’s fine- we all need some downtime. Tomorrow I go back to school and I want to say that I’m excited, but I just can’t wait for this term to be over. 
Today wasn’t really what I would call a big day, it was mostly just slow but planned. Structured in a way that meant it was packed but still calming.
Isn’t it lovely that we live in a world with music?
- Love, Kara
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crusherthedoctor · 6 months
Do you hate being a Sonic fan?
I know some of my friends have bowed out of the fandom side of things to an extent cause of... the obvious. I'm not saying "lol, look how superior I am by not backing down", because rest assured, the Flynn stans and everyone else whose stupidity I have to deal with gets just as exhausting for me as it does for them. No one should feel forced to deal with bullshit.
That said, if you want my perspective, I completely refuse to let those people take away my place in the community. It doesn't matter how loud they are, or what sensationalist slander they resort to, I know they're full of shit, and I'm not going to humor them in any way.
When I decided to not talk as much about IDW (as in, extensive detail, not counting memes and whatnot), that's not because I was chased away by the Flynn brigade. It's because IDW has become too boring to even keep up with currently.
When I decided I wanted to focus on encouraging well-meaning newbies, instead of scaring them all away collectively because of the bad faith newbies, that wasn't me asking the stans for forgiveness. That was me contemplating not putting everyone in the one basket, and that maybe a more productive solution is required for the fandom tourist problem.
And for all the many, well-justified gripes I have with the Sonic fandom... other fandoms really aren't in any position to talk when you look closer. Yes, their less pleasing sides might not be as documented, but me? I don't forget publicized unflattering moments in other communities. I don't forget other fandoms who aren't immune to deifying products that don't understand or respect the source material. I don't forget the state of many a franchise today that, for years, were smugly touted as being of more consistent higher quality than Sonic the Internet Punching Bag. I can say a lot of things about this fandom, but if I treated it as though it was the only one of its kind, that would inadvertently feed into the rest of the internet's anti-Sonic bias.
And even putting all of that out of the equation... I love this franchise. I always will. Regardless of how I feel about the current era (aside from Superstars and Dream Team), no one can take that away from me, no matter how hard they try.
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sugar-petals · 2 years
Tarot Reading: Yoongi's Album Forecast + Reputation
⎡★ NOTE ⎦➝ back after a long time with an interesting question that i received via ask. this is part present-day setting, part predictive as far as the cards allow for it. 🔮
tarot/astro m.list | ao3 tarot reading compilation
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☼ the request:
"Hi! I don't know if you're doing requests rn but could we get a tarot reading on how the public/gp in his country see yoongi? And I'm stealing this idea off another blog-they do something like an image vs self (how they want to be seen vs how they are seen) Or just any hints on his solo album? Thank you so much! Enjoy your day/evening!" (by @overgrawnfawn)
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INFO - the deck used is the golden art noveau tarot by giulia f. massaglia. 
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THE HIGH PRIESTESS — Currently, he maintains an elusive position that isn’t seen through by the general public. Although wise and ready to give deep emotional counsel, much like the Moon card, the introverted High Priestess is an archetype who does not give away her secrets very easily. The same applies to how Yoongi is perceived these days. "Ace up one's sleeve" is a phrase that comes to mind. Yoongi being shrouded in artistic mystery is nothing new, nor is the fact that he has significant access to his own songwriting archives. The card showcases an aloof figure that holds divine scripture, which may indicate Yoongi's stakes and existing material of music production. The public perceives him as someone who collects his own lyrics until there is enough for a whole book that he can later abstract from.
As an overall tenor, his reputation is good, part-neutral, and comes from a stance of calm respect that keeps its due distance since he is an acclaimed idol and soloist. People aren’t losing their marbles like they would with The Tower or The Chariot, they know Yoongi is deliberate and delivers on the long run. The priestess has a position of authority in the tarot after all, she has the keys to the lock without needing to say a word. Yoongi seen as an ultimate dark horse by fans and non-kpop audiences is a no-brainer, as is the traditional interpretation of the card representing a knowing silence and not-yet disclosure of one's stance. As bias, as stan goes the saying, people are patiently waiting for Yoongi to drop his verses. The overall feeling is: Generating interest by being reserved.
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KNIGHT OF PENTACLES — Yoongi perceives himself as being in the middle of the battlefield of money, work and perseverance, doing business left and right to keep going somewhere. That card is pretty much in line with what we heard about him expanding his ventures and sphere of influence in Daegu. The knight is someone who has an image of being “on the go”. From Yoongi’s perspective, he works just as much as he did during debut times. It’s all a constant line of effort that’s goal-directed, he constantly caters to urgencies that have to be tackled. He’s in a good state of mind, it’s stable, he’s recovered psychologically from feeling apathetic. Yoongi is productive in his hobbies and studio work in a way that makes him feel okay, I’m going somewhere. The way he wants to come across is ever-racing forward, and pentacles are always about personal belongings, so this is a step-by-step approach in the material world he’s undertaking. He’s busier than ever, going from one place to another by car all the time to meet and work with others.
KING OF PENTACLES — In fact, Yoongi has a much more established position than he believes. It’s clear to everyone but him that he has matured in the industry, that he amassed resources, fame, entrepreneurship, and competence as a performer. He’s much further down the path than the knight: A king can sit and settle to enjoy his wealth, right. Yoongi doesn’t feel like that even if people see him as a senior to look up to. He’s too addicted to the hustle and the game that the knight exemplifies rather than standing still and handling big money from his throne position in peace. The managerial King of Pentacles is a master realist and broker, there’s already been success for him and he’s aged. It’s in stark contrast to the young Knight of Pentacles who is still in the midst of it all working hard for years and years. Yoongi would refuse to call himself rich and famous at the end of his financial journey, but still immersed in daily routine for his own king (= the company) as a knight running errands would do. In essence, he does not perceive his own status or doesn’t want it to be his defining element. This also isn’t a new insight given his nature, Yoongi is more comfortable chasing opportunities rather than resting.
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the deck gave me three different topics:
TEN OF CUPS — A card utterly opposite compared to Yoongi’s past concepts. Cups always show one’s inner lover and soft side. The previous cards eschewed relationships entirely. There was work and finance and societal standing, and being discreet but wise like a mysterious priestess. The Ten of Cups shows an alternative side of Yoongi’s approach to Agust D, the famously rugged and tormented figure always surrounded by fire and chaos. This album will talk about the idea of a blissful family, be that personal or in relation to Bangtan as OT7. Yoongi will ask himself where he will fit in and find his happiness, or show a version of him as a father figure or a kid looking up to his parents. This is one of the happiest and sweetest cards of the tarot, so the pleasant and interpersonal side of life is coming in here. This is a retrospective album that discloses the upbeat rural part of his childhood or makes a stand on BTS as a found family.
The topic of marriage and the conservative/traditional nuclear family could be discussed. „Happy ending“ is a theme, although paired with the other two cards, Yoongi also positions himself outside the process or feels wary about it. Or, he first had that joy and fell into loneliness. It’s not a perfect picture he will paint, but there will be more wholesomeness and the light side. Still, it’s not as dark, violent and martial as Daechwita which was a King of Swords era. The new era could have a romantic fluff element more than ever. A harmonious relation to BTS will be emphasized and he feels stable in their position, or the peak days of OT7 promotions will be a central thought here. It could also refer to Yoongi’s rap colleagues and that he is proud of having strong alliances in the music industry. This album might be the HYBE family coming together so to speak, we can anticipate several collabs. Since there’s dancing on the card, we could get a choreography, too.
THE HERMIT — An unsurprising major arcana representative. The isolated Hermit is Yoongi’s personal essence: Alone, but definitely enjoying his solitude for the knowledge and dissolving of ego it brings. And, of course, the mental maturity he’s always exhibited, earning him a reputation of being the uncle or grandpa in the group, which the bearded Hermit pretty much reflects in a positive and elevated light. Yoongi will talk about being by himself and what he learned from self-reflection, there will be imagery of wandering around, a lamp lighting the dark, maybe a cloak (hanbok?) and staff or hood that he conceals himself with literally or metaphorically. It’s a huge difference to mainstream pop music and rap that talks about love, assets, and power. This card strikes a different chord since it’s pretty much the Gandalf of the tarot deck.
It’s all about lonesome spirituality and musings about humanity this time. There could also be an element of travel, walking in mountains and the snow. Grey is a predominant color in this concept. Because: Grey is neutral and free of any rousing to the eye. The Hermit is free from highs and lows and ordinary life, he’s in his mind to find out who he is. Yes, Yoongi is not done introspecting and looking for identity. Since the other card in the spread are from the minor arcana, this is the main talking point. He continues to be a philosopher on his own life rather than branching out to huge trends in society. This album doesn’t have a heavy political slant but remains spiritual in nature. His character of being a loner and Agust D portraying an outcast will solidify. The aesthetics will be tamer and more cloudy. Winter is a big theme for the Hermit, it’s either the season when his album drops or the general visual of it. The number 9 or 10 reoccurs in the spread, it will have significance (e.g. 9 tracks, a 9-minute MV, 9 weeks in the top 10 charts, etc).
NINE OF WANDS — A more familiar pose when we look back on his previous concepts. The Nine of Wands shows a farmer (the likelier option, see Agust D) or craftsman with a bandaged head hiding on his field between a forest of woods as if there was sprouting bamboo. Where there’s red and blue and grey clothing on the other cards, we get a strong red-orange with green here, attracting attention despite the person hiding. The farmer is on the fence and paranoid of an encroaching action. The meaning of the card goes toward „waiting in angst“ or self-defense from injury. A topic of severity and danger is nothing new in the universe of Agust D, so the album will talk about recurring topics of stress, coping, fear, protecting oneself especially.
I have a feeling this has to do with Yoongi’s growing fame with people getting in his zone congruently, but we also have to see the three cards in relation to each other. It could be paranoia of loneliness, or being terrified of the happy ending in a family. Since the Nine of Wands is last in the spread, this is Yoongi’s final stance on the topics he discusses: He’s actually terrified and needs to continue to endure. Even if he dreams of concluding or is comfortable being by himself like the Hermit, there’s immense fatigue.  The card imagery also reminds me of Yoongi dressed in Daechwita, rags, and the black hair of the anti-emperor self. The spirit of anti-authority is still here, but this time, not attacking but waiting in one’s lair not wanting to be bothered. 
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read it on ao3
⇢ disclaimer ♡ this is subjective interpretation; no guarantee for precision and things aren’t definite. divination relies on perspective, believing in tarot is a choice. the reading is for entertainment purposes only, all portrayals are fictive/speculative.
© 2017-2022 sugar-petals. all rights reserved. no reposts allowed.
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
10 Anti LO Asks
1. im sorry, yall cant tell me RS is some peak of writing when she can't even keep a tone consistent in a single episode. one second its a horrific sequence of violence and abuse for shock value, then the next second theyre making slapstick "jokes" and making goofy expressions. its good to have moments of comedy and lighter episodes to break up the tension, but those tonal whiplashes cant be forced together in nearly every episode. it just gives away rachel doesn't know what she's doing.
2. IDK why RS sounds so angry in her break post? Yeah it's very obvious it was Webtoons making her to do it but them finally showing some care for their creators to not burn out isn't a bad thing? I doubt the writing will improve or the art will go back to its former standard once it comes back, its too late for that now and her former style has been gone since 2019, but having a break isn't a bad idea. I know she isn't used to actually being told what to do by Webtoons is right in this scenario.
From OP: So, from another webtoon creator on twitter, the Remarried Empress creator went on break and only got like 1/10 of their income when they came back. Other webtoon creators were also saying that while on break, their income is basically non-existent. This might not be the reason RS wouldn’t want a break but this is a pretty understandable reason, especially since it’ll affect her livelihood.
3. I don't think an asexually budded kid would have hades lusting after them, i think it would be bad in the fact hades clearly only sees family through biological means. the bad dynamic would be in he wouldnt accept the child because theyre not what he wants because theyre not from him physically. if that wasnt the case he would have doted after young thanatos like a prince since he would be the child he never had, not mistreat and abuse him like how hades actually treated him as a literal child.
4. it should also be pointed out stuff like PJO and Hades game almost entirely get critiqued because they actually implement being diverse and inclusive and even (gasp) have main characters and relationship be BIPOC and LGBTQ+, so it's usually pissy white kids hating on them, meanwhile LO critics are the exact opposite in being overwhelming BIPOC queer women and people calling out its main gross, status quo protecting choices and regrssive ideals. i'm just saying their critiques are not the same.
5. LMAOOOO guys what if the "dread queen" persephone we see isnt actually her, but the asexuality budded heir she makes for hades? like RS just puts all P's negative traits in this kid (Melinoe maybe? she is the goddess of nightmares) and has her be the dread bringer while P gets to stay the uwu precious bean queen, and its just a fake out of her "daughter" being confused for her because theyre clones of each other. the panel stays canon w/o actually developing P. thats my fan theory now.
6. tbh if LO started out with the more simple style there would still be art critique but not to such a degree now. we saw how much effort it used to have, so to see such a stark decline since then opens it up way more to criticism for it, because we do know what it once was, and it seems both pure laziness and burn out has caused it to entirely go away. even rs' non lo art now is all in the more current rushed style, so its safe to say that old style is just not coming back, sorry to say :(
7. i feel like a lot of the stans dont get that a lot of frustration at LO is the fact its a very subpar product, especially now, made by an entitled white woman who constantly whines about "haters" who gets everything handed to her for her mediocre work (which is often the work of her underpaid team), meanwhile many more talented, hardworking, and diverse creators (like her own co-workers) who are making so much better products are left in the dirt. How is that not frustrating?
8. I feel like the anon who likes Thanatos and Minthe being likeable and the anon talking about Persephone never being able to stand up for herself/ never being punished go well together.
Minthe and Thanatos do face consequences for their actions. Hermes doing more souls behind Hades back made Thaantos look worse on paper and Hades chewed his ass out for it. Thanatos went to Helios and was burned. We even see Thanatos get nervous when Daphne talks about a Persephone. He’s aware of his actions and what may happen.
Minthe is also aware of her faults actions etc. after she slaps hades she says she needs to apologize, she knows what she did was wrong to Persephone when she sees it on the camera and freaks out. She even wonders why Persephone hasn’t ratted her out yet until it’s used as black mail. Minthe apologizes to hades right before she knows they’re gonna fight about the break up. She even sulks after her fight with Thetis but doesn’t blame anyone else but herself. I’m excluding when Hades fires her because Hades brought her as an employee first into his life girlfriend second and treated her as disposable and tried to smooth things over by just throwing money at her(I’ll pay for your schooling if you never try to bring up the fact I dumped you for a 19 year old, no hard feelings right?;)
But Persephone the worst she is aware is that she’s bad at her job that she doesn’t even do any more. Persephone is just a cloud in the sky not aware of her own actions but that’s fine since they have no consequences and if there’s almost consequences don’t worry hades will throw money at the problem.
I wouldn’t say Minthe and Thanatos are likeable because they face consequences but they’re more rounded out characters with flaws, power in their narrative, overcoming and hiding faults. 
9. Persephone telling Hades she will explain to him why torturing mortals is wrong and why Elysium is needed is basically "I can fix him" narration. Change my mind
10. That’s it too bc other than Hers and Persephone (which really isn’t a “mentor” relationship and has some rather gross things about it considering Hera only cares about her for Hades’ sake) there’s no genuinely good female relationships of any sort. Daphne and the nymphs are just said “to be like sisters” to Persephone but we see no actual proof of this. There’s no good mother and daughter relationships with Demeter, Métis, Leto, even Hera to her own children. The only decent mother relationship is towards Rhea and her SON Hades. Minthe and Thetis were horribly toxic with Thetis especially taking advantage of Minthe. Artemis and Persephone aren’t friends at all, Persephone is instead closer to a guy who had her kidnapped and basically forced her to admit she was SA’d to him! Hera only likes Echo because she’s “one of the good ones” and it’s a gross repeat of HxP being a boss lusting after their worker, but it’s a #diversity win because it’s between two women? I suppose the only “ok” female relationship is Athena and Hestia, but that also comes with the fact they’re the only confirmed LGBTQ+ rep used to oppress the poor straight couple, are still hyper gendered in their designs, and from Rachel’s own mouth is deeply ace-phobic and a horrible depiction of actual gay relationships. For something claiming to be about women and female empowerment, it fails on every front to even show women as anything other than props for the mens’ consumption and benefit. 
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