#and i'm in college so it counts!
jpegcompressor · 7 months
i think dark academia should actually include coding. idgaf if it's not kafkaesque or whatever, coding makes me feel like an evil wizard who is committing several crimes against humanity and loving every minute of it. it is dark academia. to me.
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egophiliac · 3 days
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tsum events really are just the best, huh
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Trying to transliterate Leara's name into Quenya, and it somehow becomes, uh,
Which basically means "You Sealion!"
And I'm just, "Oh yes, this is That Sealion Woman, and she can breathe fire, as all sealions do."
If Leara, for any reason at all, needed an actual Quenya or Sindarin name for any fun Elvish shenanigans, we'll just use Calairie/Calearil, which is "Light of the Sea" in Quenya and Sindarin, and what Leara actually means.
#I mean yes she uses vilya as her spy name but that's elrond's ring (ps elrond is my favorite i wanted you to know)#and elanor is her middle name and what she used in the blades but that's just a flower which yeah leara is big on roses#BUT ELANOR IS ALSO SAM'S DAUGHTER I CAN'T DO THAT#how did lin manuel miranda get on my likes playlist wth oh it's moana cool cool#anyway#coining a name like artanis felagund for a character has made me so twitchy that i have to do languages right now or not at all#ever look at aldmeris/altmeris and quenya and sindarin side by side and go 'huh there are a lot of crossover words what's up with that?'#BUT YOU KNOW IT'S BECAUSE TOLKIEN IS THE FATHER OF ELVISH AND ANY OTHER ELF LANGUAGE IS GOING TO BORROW#it's like uh oh he'd hate this comparison but it's like tolkien elvish is latin/greek and TES elvish is english#but yeah i brought maglor's name over into aldmeris so leara needed to be taken into quenya and sindarin#it's totally not because i'm still thinking of that hypothetical Skyrim/lotr leara/glorfindel fic#okay i am but it's even more pipedreamy than leara/astarion#keeping count is going to be 50+ chapters I am a COLLEGE STUDENT i am so tired please help me#I'm going to go make cookies in the air fryer now like an unhinged feral fey faerie child#which is what i am in case you were wondering which i note you WEREN'T#ahem#oc: leara roseblade#languages#mod post#BUT NO HOLD ON i don't know ANY D&D ELVISH WHATSOEVER but they told me astarion means little star and it's his childhood name#and i am like obviously because 'ion' means 'son of' in Sindarin and can easily become a diminutive suffix#i am dangerous around languages i can tell you where any cow is from just on the name alone its madness (is it? is it madness?)#okay now i'm done
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acerikus · 22 days
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Finally showing off my (deltarune) older Clover design! (As well as my tentative Asriel design 👀) Larger sprite and additional thoughts under the cut:
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They're at college with Asriel and Chara and are majoring in chemistry. Martlet adopted them off the streets when they were pretty young and they latched onto her straight away, and the two of them live a few hours away from Hometown.
(Berdly always drags them into playing video games with him during family gatherings. They only really care about super smashing fighters and shooters though.)
Azzy can be kind of a dick now that he's free of the expectations everyone has of him in hometown and his friends enable this waaaaay too much.
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slippery-minghus · 11 months
happy disability pride month to disabled folks who were medically neglected as children.
happy disability pride month to people who were disabled as kids, but told their disabilities weren't "really disabling" or enough to stop them from reaching their "potential".
happy disability pride month to people who were never taken to the doctor as kids, never given adequate care for their disabilities (even when it was accessible).
happy disability pride month to people who were only taught about their disabilities as a method of fear mongering. "that kid over there, who obviously has it worse? that could be you."
happy disability pride month to people who were told as children that it was their own fault they were disabled.
happy disability pride month to the people who sat alone in the nurse's office at school when their disability flared.
happy disability pride month to the people who could have had a wildly better quality of life as children, if only their guardians had bothered to care.
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year
[extreme frustration] I wanna move back to the city
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magentagalaxies · 14 days
vent incoming:
got my grades back for my courses last semester and most of it was to be expected, mostly A's, maybe an A-, etc. but i honestly can't get over the fact that my independent study (the buddy cole documentary) was for some reason given a B. like sure getting a B isn't bad per se, I usually get at least one B every semester and i honestly don't really care about what my exact gpa is as long as i can graduate, but come on. this school put me through months of psychological torment over this project and didn't even have the nerve to give me a B+??? i'm still coping with the self-doubt they forced on me and this bullshit is not helping!!
#honestly it's kind of hilarious ngl. especially bc i also got my documentary work counted as an independent study the previous semester#and the previous semester even tho i barely worked on the doc itself#(mostly just planning and putting together the crowdfunding which was still a lot of work but like compare it to the past few months)#they were willing to give me an A (my school doesn't do A+ so this is the highest mark possible)#vs this semester. like i'll admit my final assignment was late and could have been more polished#but i was literally on tour in documentary-mode 24/7 for several weeks. i filmed an entire comedy special! i put together a live interview!#not to mention having to fucking negotiate with my own college censoring the footage they'd promised me of an event i put together#and play nice with a professor who literally outed me on twitter in an attempt to cancel one of my best friends#at this point the ''B'' feels more like a petty grudge than anything else#like ok we can't get away with *actually* fucking over jessamine's grades bc clearly ze did do the work. but let's just give zir a B#like i will admit the audio quality in my final isn't great. and i could have used more polished footage in some sections#but counterpoint: 100+ students were arrested at a protest while i was editing and i was having a mental breakdown#the fact that i finished *anything* is goddamn impressive especially after they essentially conditioned me to hate myself any time i was#working on a project i loved!!!#due to the aforementioned student arrests my college did put out an option where we could change any letter grade this semester to pass/fai#so anything passing wouldn't impact our gpa if we didn't want it to. so i could just change the B to a ''pass''#but really what's the point. ''B'' is still a good grade and my GPA is fine (3.65 on a 4.0 grading scale. 2.0 is required to graduate)#it just sucks that after what i went through last semester i feel like nobody takes it seriously#i was reminiscing earlier about how it's honestly kind of funny how after that professor outed me on twitter#i was at the hotel with scott like an hour later sobbing and having an existential crisis about my relationship to gender#and scott was so supportive but also awkwardly being like#''i know i should offer the crying child a tissue but where the fuck are the tissues in this room what do i do''#and he just handed me a full-on towel instead like oh my god he was trying his best but also so clearly out of his depth#but of course i then had to remember how when i told that story to a different professor to be like ''this is how much scott cares about me#this guy called me fucking UNPROFESSIONAL for crying in front of the subject of my documentary?????????#like yeah maybe so but how DARE you call me unprofessional when a different professor tweeted my full name and gender without my consent#in an attempt to fucking cancel one of my friends for ''misgendering'' me for using pronouns i'm fine with him using!!!#i don't think i'm ever going to be able to forgive my college and i don't know how i'll be able to get through one more semester#that experience genuinely changed things about my psychology that i'm not proud of and i need to work through#so if i have to miss a goddamn kids in the hall event because i have class this november i am going to set something on fire
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ereborne · 4 months
What is a Monday? A miserable little pile of obligations.
semester turnover restructure
generate/send out error reporting
figure out how to separate out unique counts
create polite reply to Massive Dick Move email
finish the bad book >:(
bò kho (not an obligation. dinner)
lizard bath
#yapping tag#I spent my weekend trying to sleep and now all my chores are due today and I wanna complain. grump grump grump whine.#the semester turnover restructure actually is a pet project so that part I like! I wish I could take my time with it though#the error reporting is. well it's easy to generate (it's actually running now) and it's tedious but uncomplicated to send out#but then I'm going to spend the rest of the day getting passive-aggressive responses from everybody#in a just world my coworkers would respond to careful itemized lists of all their fuckups with 'thank you Alexis you're so helpful#we really appreciate you flagging our mistakes two weeks before the system final-saves them forever into stone. have a cookie!'#but alas#if I'd been any less stressed and frantic when I first established the error reporting I'd have set up a separate address to send them from#write up some template emails and let the reporting all come out of the mythical 'automatic system thing'#--every 'automatic system thing' in our college is me or IT on my behalf. even the people who hired me for this don't seem to realize#if only I'd known from the beginning that nobody would ever connect me and my systems! I'd be exploiting the shit out of it--#the unique counts is going to be a headache. no idea how I'm going to structure the coding for it. might be fun to invent? we'll see#the Massive Dick Move email response also will be an invention. 'hello Mr Massive Dick I am karma here to smite you' but polite#the bad book >:( I don't want to read any more of but the deal I made with my friend is he sends me free books and I report back#we did not discuss a special 'get out of book free' card for when the main character is a godawful shit sibling. (should've done though)#beef stew is good! mostly it's on the list so I don't forget to set the timers#laundry and lizard bath can wait until tomorrow if they must but they shouldn't wait any longer than that. lizard and I will get stinky
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goatsandgangsters · 5 months
me: I only read a couple books in 2023 because I was going through a lot of life change that zapped my mental energy, but I'd really like to get back in the habit of reading regularly in 2024. ideally I'd like to read a book a month as a reasonable goal
also me: anyway, for january, I am going to start by reading jonathan strange and mr norrell, which is Eight Hundred And Sixty Pieces of Paper Long
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even duolingo has given up on me
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luna-lovegreat · 7 months
Uuuurrrghh let's play the game of how long I can resist making another LU character analysis post when I have homework to do........ it's gonna be tonight isn't it. (maybe I can resist enough to put one in drafts and post later? Idk man but yeah I've got ideas that must leave my head)
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pythiaswine · 1 year
explain to me what would possess me to write a 14k word fanfic (in three days 😐) to submit for my final project in a popular fiction class. explain.
ohhh right it was the ghost of that quirked up white boy john laurens. sickening. somebody put me out of my misery.
no cause is it even ethical to make my professor read 40 pages for an elective class
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cak31ssuperi04 · 1 year
Throwing my hat in the relationship chart ring. 1bit/beat charts credit to @//likesaly and @///silvercrane14, if this bothers either of you please let me know so I can delete it!
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1bit relationship spaghetti breakdown:
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#Also feel free to ask for elaboration on anything#pieceofcake.txt#Saying Koza is related to the cats is weird but I didn't want to put “pseudo-familial” for Merue and Shitsuna so whatever#adoptive family is family(cats count)#Replaced the close friends line with respect but in hindsight 'friends' could range anywhere from besties to#spoke a couple of times and got along pretty well. Oh well#the 1bit one in particular's timeline is wonky because I don't think a lot of these characters would know each other /during/ 1bit but that#it also leaves out a lot of relationships that would have formed by the timeskip/relationships that would've developed and changed by then#Was tempted to add the main characters to the 1beat chart but(if my 1bit chart wasn't apparent enough) I'm very flippant about how#I want the main character relationships to go#There wouldn't be much change tbh. More of them would be friends maybe.#I did say Izuchi was familiar with the Blue Sun trio to an extent but I lied#which is to say I forgot that they said Blue Sun College of Music and not just a general college#Going to run with it having other branches in the area so maybe he's /heard/ of them or has even watched them perform before#But they're not like schoolmates or anything#I kind of want Sora to be friends with the cats because he shares a va with one of them but I have no idea what circumstances#would lead to them meeting#Also intrapersonal relationships between the fatcats but I haven't decided on those#Got a little too silly with the ''dislike'' lines for Sora and just ended up opting to remove them entirely#they're there in spirit though
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queen-susans-revenge · 4 months
Ever since finishing Journey I've been restless, without a creative focus, and without even many mundane demands since my kids are all in school now.
It's a real trip, by the way, going from a decade-plus spent as a 24/7 on call caregiver with barely the time to form a full coherent thought, to... a pampered housewife with few demands on her time.
I keep asking Sam if I should get a real job. Our "deal" -- which was only ever the deal that I proposed, and clung to, throughout those hard years when even being by myself in the shower felt like a snatched luxury...the deal was, that after the crunch was over, I'd get two years to write and market a novel.
Well. Journey took five years to write, and hasn't been sold yet. But it's still useful for me to be home and flexibly "on call" for childcare in case of illness or Sam having an out-of-town conference or whatever, and also I do still cook every night. I'm not entirely useless. Just...mostly.
One day not so long ago Sam came into the bathroom in the middle of the day, when I was having a luxurious candlelit bubble bath soak. "Should I...get a job?" I asked weakly.
"Nah," he said. "You're fine. You do plenty."
But I objectively do...not that much. I have SO MUCH time in the day now, I have hella time, and I'm not even writing. Journey is in the slush pile with Baen and I don't have a current project. I'm getting itchy and restless with it. It's like I'm retired at 47.
I don't have a conclusion for this. It's just where I am. It's not a bad place by any measure; no, I'm incredibly lucky. I've always been so fucking lucky.
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Henrow blorbo
first off, ohmyfuckinggodyouaresocoolllllllllllllllll
secondly, what ya workin' on currently? <- is deathly interested, yes please please please info dump if you have the spoons
- Ryan
Bonjour my furry friend. At the moment i'm mostly working on getting a job so that i can afford rent, but when i'm not doing that, i'm working on designing some new N-substituted 5MeO-tryptamines (in order to avoid being banned for breaking tumblr TOS, i can't say exactly what for, but if you look up 5MeO-tryptamines, you should see). So far i've only managed to make things that make me super sleepy (and maybe a tiny bit inebriated), so presumably my body is mainly metabolizing them into melatonin. I also have been working on working through the details of making a rocket engine which relies on both muon catalyzed fusion and z-pinch fusion (mostly because even though i know it's way above what i'm probably capable of, i just love space so much i desperately need to see it for myself and i figure that since rockets are so absurdly expensive, the only way i'll end up in space is if we can get a whole new generation of ultra-efficient rockets (for example, given p-N14 fusion, if we manage to get 1% or more (i don't really expect more than 0.1% max, but still) of the hydrogen fusing with nitrogen, we'd be able to put 150 tons on the moon from earth with only using about enough fuel to fill a small car (instead of needing a skyscraper sized rocket to send maybe 30 tons)). Now, if it were as easy as my calculations show it to be, i can't imagine how there are any rockets flown that aren't fusion, but seeing as i haven't even made a working proof of concept yet, i'm not in a position to criticize the thousands of aerospace engineers who are working on conventional chemical rockets. I love fusion because it's simultaneously so easy (i live pretty close to an old uranium mine where i can actually pan some uranium out of the creek near me, then use that uranium to make a neutron source (B10(α,n)) which is really just fusion between helium and boron, happening at room temperature because of how high energy the α particles released by uranium are) and so absurdly difficult (without catalysts like muons, it requires absurdly high temperatures and pressures that almost always take more energy put in than they can give out). Anyway, i've also been sorta working on studying a material that a while back i got way too excited over and may have called a room temperature superconductor (almost certainly not the case), but in an attempt to make it more pure and study it for real i've been trying to work on the exact calculations of its composition and finding a better way to heat it up to high temperatures (i might just put it in a flat-bottomed flask, especially since it finally warmed up enough for me to go back outside where the fumes released by its production won't make folks mad).
And then there's the biological experiments, currently with electroceutical tissue modifications since most of the other projects i have planned require me to have a gene printer capable of reliably printing genes thousands of base pairs long and i'm not sure when i'll be able to build that. The most recent thing i've been working on is really exciting because if it works it means that i've successfully done something that has never been done before to a human body (and given the long lasting pain in that part of my thigh, it seems very possible it is working), but i'm hesitant about sharing what the project is because i don't really want folks putting gap junction blockers, calcium channel blockers, and sodium channel blockers into open wounds without knowing how to do it safely and correctly to get the desired results and not just a really messed up wound. If/when this experiment turns out well, i might give directions in private, but i'm still somewhat hesitant due to the risks inherent in this (the biggest and most likely is literally giving yourself a form of cancer, something i'm not eager for others to risk). Soon i might try chemical dedifferentiation of skin cells (thinking on my back or upper arms) followed by some mildly dangerous experiments to test how reliably i can make it turn into other cell types. And while i haven't made good work on it in a while, i've also been trying to make something similar to shimmer from arcane (ideally not addictive or harmful to the user, but most importantly the quick energy burst, decreased pain, and increased regenerative abilities (obviously it won't be anywhere near as dramatic as in the show, so calling it shimmer may not really make sense, but it is where i got the inspiration)).
Then i suppose there's the battery project i was talking about in my last post, and i'm also trying to learn how to make alcohol under my desk (i mean, it's super easy, it just doesn't taste great). There might be a few more things i'm working on but rn i'm super eepy and have talked about a lot already. If this seems like i'm doing a lot or impressive, also note that i'm actively failing out of college (for my own pride: the material is super easy and mostly i already know it, i just can't stand wasting so much of my time doing homework that doesn't help anyone or anything) and not yet working a job, so i have a lot of time and so much free brainspace to think about and do all this. I also work very slowly on each thing because i keep bouncing back and forth between all of them and almost always end up adding new projects before i've finished the old ones and so i almost never see a project all the way through to completion (at least some of the bio projects are just sitting in my body and i am just waiting to see how they turn out in the next 2-3 months, so those necessarily will see completion, even if it's failure). I really hope i see the fusion rocket to completion because if i don't think i'll ever be able to see the earth from afar or the moon from up close.
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tiredassmage · 1 year
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good morning, your unprompted dot shitpost of the week is the REAL reason this man could never legally be allowed to be Keeper is that I’d absolutely kill for him without batting an eye as soon as he struck this pose and it’d be the ruin of the Dark Council absolutely unstoppable, if you can’t beat them, look better than them or smth idk
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