#and i'm using the assumption that they have cluster B personality disorders as a basis for those interpretations
graveposting · 10 months
about Andrew's reaction to the incest vision...
let me just. frantically type up an essay after all cause this is eating me alive-
OKAY so basically, after watching the Burial vision scene a couple more times as one does i'm now starting to think that really, Andrew's mortified reaction is all about the fact that he feels found out. he's been trying so so so hard to deny his down-badness to even himself that having it spelled out so clearly to not only himself but also his sister of all people like that just sends him into a panic. he has to deny it even harder, even though it's completely absurd at that point to try and keep up the farce...
it's a vision, and the visions have been established in the game already to be true glimpses at the future unless someone goes out of their way to prevent them. that means there's no way for him to believably act like it's nonsense. he's being confronted with it first by the vision and then once they woke up, his sister as well.
and so of course he freaks out. cause he's probably internalized that actually acting out his incest fantasies is completely out of the question and would be crossing a final line where there's no coming back from and all of this has been driving him crazy to the point where it's completely warped his perception of Ashley's responses to his extremely casual out-of-line remarks and levels of physical intimacy. he's also convinced himself that Ashley sees this aspect of their relationship the same way, that she wouldn't want them to end up crossing that line.
HOWEVER, she's been happily replying to his inappropriate comments in kind, and even when their exchanges got very suggestive because of that, Ashley is just rolling with it because to her boundaries simply are incomprehensible. yes, she knows this is not innocent stuff, she's aware that it's not just jokes or whatever Andrew is trying to pass it off as. she's not oblivious to it. but it doesn't really affect her in the same way. thinking about them getting it on doesn't make her feel disgusted with herself in the same way it makes Andrew feel about himself. that's why she's so unbothered by the vision and even confused about his distress.
yet Andrew on the other hand has spent so much time living in a constant state of cognitive dissonance that he's successfully convinced himself (at least superficially) that this is totally just how normal siblings interact. nothing incestuous or inappropriate about it, nope. because if he had to admit that it's not, he'd have to come to terms with his "forbidden" attraction to his own sister!!
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anti-endo-safe-space · 2 months
Fakeclaimers are wild. Not only did we get fakeclaimed for our ramcoa trauma, but it was literally by someone that is big in the narc abuse community. 💀 I got fakeclaimed and mocked for my programming and ramcoa and tbmc by a fucking narc abuse believer. Omfg. It's like wow. I knew fakeclaimers were shit but like. Wow. Way to prove you have no idea what you're talking about.
(Slight trauma vent below. Tw for tbmc/ramcoa and programming. Not anything explicit. But very heavily implied.)
But also to assume you know what exactly a person has been through to know their trauma isn't real. To believe programming isn't real and ramcoa isn't real.
I have to live with these flashbacks. I have to live with parts of myself that are awful and depraved and can genuinely put me in danger. I have to live with urges of returning to abuse because it's the only safe place or finding someone to act in place of them. That not being able to socialize cause of trauma and autism and not being able to feel like an adult despite being one leads me to want to try to find someone to replace my programmers. That I have to actively stop myself from this shit because it can put me into actual fucking danger.
I am the one that feels like I am a curse and the cause of humanity being filled with evil. I have to live with having been neglected my entire life and the pain of knowing that nobody protected me. I have to live with unimaginable shit. I have experienced these symptoms for years and have always wondered why and never understood. And when I finally can speak about it and accept it, that's when I get told it's not real. You, a stranger, that has never even spoken to me, that was scrolling tags and saw me posting vents, that clearly doesn't understand anything, has a say over what is real or not. When the sources you even use are flawed. (You being to them.)
It's pathetic. And funny thing is. Those kinds of assumptions? I've gotten them from narc and cluster b abuse believers. Getting things assumed of me by someone that doesn't even know my name, my face, my life. That saw comments or posts and decided they know what's best.
Fakeclaimers are truly awful. They will act high and mighty and self righteous. Act like they know what's best. Act like they understand psychology and shit. And then they dont. They make assumptions based on what they think. They're absolutely biased and refuse to even see it.
And I'm someone that did believe in faking disorders being a huge problem and watched those fake disorder cringe complications before when it was like super popular back at like 2016-2020. That felt so mad at "real disorder havers being hurt." It's a bs mentality. Which comes from misinformation, personal issues, insecurities, and a hatred of weird people and neurodivergent people, the very basis of cringe culture.
That kind of thinking only fucked up my own acceptance of my disorders. That kind of thinking is not based in any facts. It's reactionary in the end. It helps no one. And they will never listen. They want to feel morally justified in bullying, fighting for a cause of supporting disorders. The assumptions that they must make about a stranger they've never even spoken to and just seen a post or tiktok from to decide they're faking is a huge amount. And when people CAN prove them wrong, they won't care.
The idea of fakeclaiming is foolish. It's why I won't even fucking fakeclaim endos. Especially when many endos are probably real systems or have other issues. You can hate the community and criticize it and point out the harm and misinfo without being a fucking dick. And the endo community is rife with that. And yeah, some endos may be actively faking. But there is no way in hell even I could tell that. Especially since I'm not even that smart and am very biased myself with shit.
And whats especially funny? I got fakeclaimed. Told I had something clearly wrong with me and was probably autistic or adhd. And also I was told I did it for attention. Yes. My posts with 0-4 likes and less than 30 followers for venting about my heavy trauma that requires a lot of trigger warnings is about attention. Oh yeah. Definitely. I'm actually an attention seeker. If I want attention, I go to my girlfriend or distract myself until she's available. Or reblog tons of posts I like and agree with cause that is what gets me notes from my mutuals. :)
Fakeclaimers may be chronically online but a lot of us aren't. Even if they post regularly. Fakeclaiming will continue to be the most ridiculous thing. Cause not only can you not tell, but you really have to assume a lot. It's weirdly parasocial in a bad way. Assuming you know so much about a stranger online. I can't even say that shit about mutuals I've had for months and years, let alone someone I ain't ever seen.
Just really pisses me off. Cause not only did it send us into literal psychosis and worsened our delusions esp having a history of being harassed online. And literally did lead us to want to hurt ourselves (we're safe, no worries.) but it's also just completely illogical. It is purely emotion based and driven. And they present it as so factual and knowing best.
Nobody fucking deserves to be fakeclaimed. That shit is awful.
Hey, so. We aren't entirely sure how to respond to this besides this. Fake claiming is fucking horrible. You can derail how someone is and send them into a spiral of if they're real or not.
Fake claimers are assholes
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