#anti tulpa
didosddinfo · 6 months
The Basics of DID/OSDD
DID, or Dissociative Identity Disorder, is a trauma-caused disorder that forms in early childhood, anywhere before the age of 9 (cutoff age is debated but the typical range is before age 6-9, but some people extend it to 10 because that's the typical age where your identity starts forming independant of your primary caregivers)
Most of the established and spread facts about DID come from the Theory of Structural Dissociation (TOSD)
Here's a good resource explaining The TOSD:
To sum things up, there are levels of dissociation that can occur, and disorders that fall into each level. The lowest end of this spectrum is PTSD, and the highest is DID. Here's a graphic of those levels, and I'll go into each disorder briefly:
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Altered States
Altered states are normal, and likely to occur in everyone at some point. No trauma is required to cause these states. Altered states include normal daydreaming (not including MaDD which is disordered)
Primary Dissociation
Primary Dissociation occurs in people with PTSD. This presents as having one ANP (Apparantly Normal Part, aka you) and one EP (Emotional Part, which occurs when having PTSD flashbacks)
This level is specifically for single-event PTSD, as C-PTSD falls under the next level:
Secondary Dissociation
Complex-PTSD falls under this level because of the occurance of multiple EPs, but still one ANP. These EPs are for a myriad of traumas a person with C-PTSD has experienced.
Dissociative Disorders
This is where we start touching on systems. This level includes OSDD and UDD.
OSDD (Otherwise Specified Dissociative Disorder) is a bit of an umbrella disorder, and it encapsulates multiple different types of OSDD. The one you've most likely heard of is OSDD1b, but I'll go into all of them.
OSDD1a is a disorder in which a person has multiple identity states but they lack distinction. They have intense enough amnesia to qualify for DID, but their identity states aren't differentiated enough to fully qualify for DID. This can sometimes (not always, of course) present as multiple identity states that are all one person, just at different ages when trauma happened.
OSDD1b is a disorder in which a person has multiple identity states that qualify for DID, but have no amnesia. A common misconception is that to be diagnosed with DID, you have to have blackout amnesia (will explain amnesia types later in the post), but any type of amnesia can qualify. OSDD1b is for systems who have absolutely no amnesia.
OSDD2 is a disorder in which there are identity disturbances and dissociation caused by brainwashing, torture, cults, and things of that sort. From what I understand, OSDD2 occurs after the cutoff age of DID or OSDD1, hence why this disorder does not cause a system.
OSDD3 seems to be a temporary diagnosis for symptoms of dissociation, derealization, depersonalization, amnesia, sudden loss of motor skills, ect for less than one month, occuring directly after a traumatic event. If the symptoms persist after this one month period, another diagnosis may be looked at.
OSDD-4 is a disorder in which people experience dissociative trances that do not have any known cause. People slip in and out of these trance states, often unaware of their environment while in them, and may "come to" confused and with amnesia from their time in the trance state.
And lastly, UDD. UDD, or Unspecified Dissociative Disorder, is exactly as it sounds. It's a catchall diagnosis for when a dissociative disorder is present, but it's unknown exactly which one. This can include systems, or it can include other dissociative disorders.
Tertiary Dissociation
Teritary Dissociation is what includes DID, C-DID, and HC-DID.
DID is the disorder we are all reading this post for. It is a disorder that causes multiple identity states that are distinctly different, called alters (or other terms depending on the system's comfort, such as headmates or sysmates), and amnesia between these identity states.
C-DID is a community term which stands for Complex DID. It is synonymous with Polyfragmented DID; they both mean the same thing. C-DID is characterized by a more complex system structure and the presence of many fragments, occuring because of more complex and longterm trauma that starts before the age of 5 (so earlier than the DID cutoff), and typically continues long after the system forms. There are many signs of polyfragmentation in a system, but the most siginifigant are the earlier onset of trauma, presence of many fragments, and more complex internal structure.
HC-DID is another community term which stands for Highly Complex DID. This term is synonymous with programmed systems/RAMCOA systems. These systems formed because of childhood trauma involving Mind Control (the MC of RAMCOA), aka programming. I won't go too in-depth on HC-DID systems, because I'm not confident in my knowledge at this time. However a great blog I can recommend for anyone wanting to learn more is @cultishhellvent
You might have noticed at the top of the graphic I included earlier a little blurb about DPDR, or Depersonalization Derealization Disorder. This is a dissociative disorder characterized by, well, persistant depersonalization and derealization. This disorder cannot co-occur alongside DID, but DID can cause depersonalization and derealization. The DPDR diagnosis is for those who don't have another dissociative disorder like DID, but do experience those specific symptoms of depersonalization and derealization.
P-DID, or Partial DID, is a version of DID in which one alter is almost always fronting. Other alters are present, and may front in specific situations, but typically the one alter will stay at front and other alters will come and go from co-con or co-front.
Things To Know About Systems
So here is a bunch of catagories of info about systems that I feel are necessary to know if you're looking to know the basics.
Amnesia Types
Blackout Amnesia is amnesia that is full and total. Periods of blackout amnesia will be fully gone from the person's memory. However, contrary to popular belief, blackout amnesia does not entail literally 'blacking out' and 'waking up' at a later time. It simply means the memories from a time period are totally and utterly gone and inaccessable to you.
Greyout Amnesia has two typical definitions. The first is amnesia that slowly occurs as time goes on, like slowly forgetting the days as you pass them, at a faster rate than would be considered typical for those without a dissociative disorder. The second definition is similar to blackout amnesia, except some memories can be retained. So you may not fully remember an event you went to last week, but you might be able to recall a few blips of major things that took place. Most detail is usually lost.
Emotional Amnesia is when you remember the actual event or time frame, but none of the emotions attached to it. This usually presents as being able to remember a traumatic event, but feeling numb or disconnected to it, or like it happened to someone else.
And something important to keep in mind is that these amnesia types are not hard rules, and amnesia is often somewhere between these three labels.
Innerworlds, or headspaces, are internal worlds in which alters can go when they aren't fronting (fronting meaning to be in control of the body)
Not all systems have innerworlds, and many systems with Aphantasia (when you can't visualize) simply don't have the ability to create them.
Innerworlds are often created unintentionally as the system grows up, but they can be intentionally created and that can be a beneficial process to the system.
Alter Roles
Alter roles are labels systems can assign to their alters to describe what role they play in the system's life. Some common ones include Host (primary fronter), Protector (self-explanitory), Persecutor (causes the system harm for whatever reason), Traumaholder (alters who hold trauma), and Littles (child alters)
These roles are not hard set, they are simply labels to help explain and put words to what certain alters' jobs in the system may be. And, not all alters have a discernable role.
Introjects are alters who form based on an existing identity. This is common in fragments, since they aren't as fully formed, but can of course also happen in fully formed alters.
There are two main catagories of introjects, however many people like to get specific with the terms they use.
Fictives are introjects of fictional characters. This can be from visual media, books, OCs, ect.
Factives are introjects of real people. This can be from friends, abusers, family, celebrities, ect.
Introjects are NOT the same as the thing they are sourced in. They are their own separate people, and should be treated as such.
One of the specific terms I mentioned could be songtives (introjects from songs). I wanted to briefly mention that as an example of the specific terms systems may use.
Co-con, or co-conciousness, is when two or more alters are present at the front. This is usually used to describe one alter fronting, with one or more other alters hanging out nearby and talking occasionally.
Co-front, or co-fronting, is when two or more alters are sharing the front together fully. Think of two people trying to drive the same car at once.
I think I've covered everything I wanted to cover. If I missed anything, said anything incorrect, or you'd like something added please feel free to send an ask or comment/reblog.
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Us: yea so we believe that plurality is caused by trauma due to many scientific sources saying so
Pro endos: oh so you think every endo is faking??? and you're requiring them to spill their trauma to you???
Us: no- we think that some endos are faking but a majority are just misinformed and/or misidentifying their symptoms. and we don't require nor want people spilling their trauma to us, we just block or move on if we see an endo/pro endo
Pro endos: you're being ABLEIST!
Us:....are you listening to a word we're saying
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todayisdeadinside · 6 months
Friendly reminder that if you lock up alters to protect the system from being discovered because you're still in an abuse setting, or because you're an HC-DID system and have programmed alters who could kill the body or hurt others, you are not a bad person and I get it. And it's okay. We're all on our own journeys and I'm not here to put moral value on anything your system does in regards to itself.
"Locking up alters is ALWAYS bad" except it isn't, and there are plenty of valid reasons to lock up certain alters for the safety of the body and system as a whole. Do what you need to, heal when you're safe to do so. Don't let tumblr force you to put yourself in a dangerous situation.
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sophieinwonderland · 2 months
Anti-Endos Don't Deserve a Safe Space!
Alright, if you saw this it in the tags, you can guess what I'm responding to.
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Anti-endos and neutrals need to learn that anti-endos are just bigots and bullies looking for an outgroup to dehumanize and send hate to. They don't care about science. They don't care if anything they say is true. They only care about hurting people for being different!
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Since when is Tibetan Buddhism a closed culture? Let alone a "VERY" closed culture?
In reality, Tibetan Buddhism is an open religion and a proselytizing on that encourages people around the globe to join! And the Dalai Lama, the highest spiritual authority in Tibetan Buddhism, has even encouraged Christians and the West to use Tibetan Buddhist meditations.
“Many Christians tell me they believe in Buddhist meditation, which can be learned by Christians. We teach right attitude. We teach meditation, which can be quite deep. These would be things that the West can take, and I think it is clear that Buddhists should practice certain Western methods, too.”
These are the words of the religions' highest authority figure!
Stop trying to declare the Tibetan Buddhist religion closed just so you can use them as a talking point to spread hate!!!
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Since this is invading inclusive and pro-endo tags, as always, my response is going into anti-endo tags. If anyone takes issue with this, please hold your own community accountable for invading our spaces and take it up with @the-helside-sys.
I don't believe anti-endos deserve a safe space to spread hate but I'm willing to allot them one so long as they aren't breaching into inclusive and pro-endo spaces and aren't tagging hate posts like this:
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But I'm actually not done yet!
I want to respond to another one of their posts!
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First, this isn't true. A scientific theory has to be testable, and has to be tested and supported by evidence. But it's not necessarily "generally accepted as truth."
And with soft sciences, what constitutes a theory can be a bit questionable. See many of Freud's psychoanalytical theories.
This isn't really relevant. It's just an important point I want to bring up for people putting too much stock into psychological theories as if they're accepted facts.
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Structural dissociation is meant to cover a very specific form of multiplicity.
Endogenic systems aren't ignoring the theory of structural dissociation because the theory of structural dissociation does NOT support anti-endo claims.
The author of the theory have stated that it may be possible for self-conscious dissociative parts of the personality to exist through other means, citing hypnosis and mediumship as examples:
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The theory of structural dissociation's own creators are, at worst, neutral on endogenic systems acknowledging that trauma may not be the only way for self-conscious "dissociative parts" to form.
And you will not find a single paper saying the only way to be plural is through trauma. It doesn't exist!
Anti-endo views are not backed or supported by science or experts in any way!
Now, back to the title... Like I said... anti-endos don't deserve a safe space. But this isn't about what anyone deserves to me. It's about escalation.
I'm willing to let anti-endos keep to their bigotry in their own spaces for the time being so long as they behave and keep it there.
But continuing to post hate in our tags is unacceptable. Currently, I avoid posting in anti-endo tags to keep the peace except for posts like this. And even in posts like this, I don't post in DID or OSDD tags out of respect even when discussing those topics.
But it's certainly something I could do. Were anti-endos to continue to erode boundaries between spaces and encourage their followers to invade inclusive and pro-endo tags, I would have no problem appropriately tagging my posts that are about DID with "#DID" and similar tags. It wouldn't be against the rules of the site because my posts are about the topic I tag it with. And why maintain a boundary if it's only going to be respected by one side?
So to people who feel it's important to maintain separation between communities... I'd highly advise you do better at policing your own community's crosstagging so that we can all maintain our safe spaces, whether you feel we deserve to or not. Thank you! 😊
(This applies to both the explicitly endogenic and pro endo tags, as well as the plural and plurality tags given that "plural" was a term coined by non-disordered systems and is inherently inclusive.)
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Hot take
Anti endos just want endos to stfu about DID and stay in their lane
Anti endos just want endos to stop spreading misinformation and lies about DID and its history
Anti endos just want to interact with other DID systems, because endos can't be trusted not to say something insensitive and dumb
Presenting facts and correcting misinformation isn't a hate crime, get over yourselves, you're not oppressed
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the80srewinders · 5 days
What's wrong with endogenic systems being in LGBT or autism spaces?
If they keep their misinformation to themselves or don't make being lgbt or autistic another endo thing, it should be fine. But a lot of endos say DID is possible without trauma, and all of them think non disordered plurality is possible. Even if endogenic plurality is possible, its disordered because its simply not how the typical brain works. Endos also steal terms for DID/OSDD and stole a term from another religion, another culture, the term they stole has nothing to do with plurality. Endos are so big on their agenda of spreading misinformation and making everything about them (thats why they want to invade every space) its best they stay out.
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kipandkandicore · 10 months
tulpamancy terminology: listening to those affected
hello all!
we’ve put together a google doc recently with links to posts, articles, and testimonies by buddhists, asians, and/or tibetans regarding tulpamancy language and the harm it causes to the marginalized groups directly affected.
you can check out the google doc below!
a few things to note:
if you would like us to add a link, please reach out to us with the link in question so we can add it to the list!
if you have made a post that’s been added to this list and would like to have it removed, get in touch and we will take it down asap.
we will continue to update this document as we find more links to add. thank you very much for reading - feel free to reblog this post or snag the link to share wherever you wish!
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clownrecess · 1 year
That funny silly momment when you switch and whoever was fronting first was looking at some odd things
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reclaimingsomethings · 7 months
System Age Roles
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[ There are no right or wrong ways to identify with these terms! Names with * next to them are the original names, feel free to use these, but if you prefer something more distant, use the second name! ]
*Alder / AnnualAge :
When an alter ages year by year, however not on the body's birthday. This may present as yearly changes, mental changes, a mix of both, or something adjacent.
*Age-Sticky / Age-Stuck :
Similar to age-slide, however, the alter tends to stay "stuck" at a certain age for a long period of time before getting "unstuck" and shifting to another. There is no definite time one might stay this age, or it may come in patterns.
*Age-Hazy / Age-Fog :
When an alter feels connected with a group of ages instead of a single age. These ages can be vast, or only a small group. At times the age might feel more specific or completely uncertain.
*Age Dissociated / Age Disconnect :
When an alter of a certain age/ages feels disconnected with their age. There may be a reason [ coming out of dormancy to a way older body, going through some trauma, etc ] or it may be sudden with no explanation.
*Age Advancing / Continuous Age :
When an alter ages with the body. They do not have to be the same age as the body, but just gain a year as the body does - typically on the body's birthday.
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councilsys · 3 months
if any systems want to be mutuals/friends/whatever lmk!
if you are anti endo, anti tulpa & preferably 18+, hit me up :]
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spiralcoining · 4 months
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꩜ Lyrictive
Plain text: ꩜ Lyrictive
-꩜- A lyrictive is an introject whose source is a the lyrics of a song, or a particular lyric of a song. This means they are essentially the personalization of a lyric, or a lyric in the form of a headmate.
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greens-spilled-tea · 10 months
Asians tell you that this is cultural appropriation and you don't listen.
Buddhists tell you that this is cultural appropriation and you don't listen.
Tibetans tell you that this is cultural appropriation and you don't listen.
People who live in the area tell you that this is cultural appropriation and you don't listen.
Tibetan Buddhist practitioners tell you that this is cultural appropriation and you don't listen.
No, it was never about "listening to the right voices". It was always about finding the one voice that you can parade around as "the" voice "proving" what you're doing isn't cultural appropriation.
It was always about cherry picking who you listened to so that the voices that actually "matter" are the ones that agree with you.
It has never, ever been about the actual, real people you have hurt along the way in your crusade to be right, to have people blindly believe you, to stay in your own comfort while those of us with a personal stake in this conversation get spoken over and hurt time and time again. And for what? So you can feel like you're okay for using the fucking word "tulpa"? So you can feel superior in your fucking gotcha posts as you tear us down?
It was never about hearing our voices. But we already knew that.
Stop pretending you care about us.
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cccat-in-a-meat-sack · 3 months
I saw a post that said something along the lines of "it's ableist to not support creating headmates because it uses the same skills as learning a language" (I don't remember exactly what the post said or who op was)
And just really quick question
That implies there is a disability. And, if anything, creating headmates ON PURPOSE is like- the opposite of a disability.
Like dawg what the fuck
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theroyalphantoms · 1 month
"transID" constantly giving me a headache atp
no you're not "trans-indigenous" you're a mentally ill white 15 year old, get therapy
you're not "trans plural" or "endo" you ALSO need therapy to help you with your factious disorder
stop being blatantly incorrect on the internet and maybe then people will treat you with respect. until then, you're weird, stop :)
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luxraysyscourse · 3 months
My experience on both sides of syscourse.
Pre syscourse/context
When I realized I was a system, I did hide it for years. I realized about 11 when I saw systems online and realized I personally related to a lot of their experiences. Especially the way they acted, the way they would interact with themselves. For years, I believed everyone had other 'people' or thought processes not of their own. That they could disappear when they were stressed. I know now that's not true, and only in 2020 did I really start getting into syscourse.
Pro Endo
I was pro endo for a few years, and I was a pretty vocal person about it. I was Pro Everything that wasn't illegal, and I was under the impression that as a concept it was harmless. But, being in the community I saw alot of flaws, I saw toxicity within the community. I was fakeclaimed and as a system we labeled ourselves as simply quoigenic and willogenic, as a way to repress our truama, with many people at the time insisting we were more than that, many saying we were "pokegenic" and "autigenic", and even some saying we were "Hospigenic" due to our childhood in the hospital. This made us sot ourselves down and look at ourselves and genuinely question "What are we". We witnessed our friends attempt con convince our singlet friends they were systems, our traumagenic friends that they weren't truamagenic. We personally saw people in our servers try and dox the truamagenic systems who didn't adopt labels, purely because of that. It was something that concerned us. After year we switched our veiw. We decided we didn't want to be associated with such a community, one that attempted for force labels onto people, so we switched our veiw.
Endo neutral
In mid 2021 I moved to a center, We didn't want to associate with the endogenic community, but didn't hate them, overall this was a nice place, it wasn't horrid. But again, similar issues arose, people within it constantly escalated arguments on the front of being an unbiased party. I noticed many many of them tended to circulate harmful rhetoric, especially against POC who spoke against them as a person if they happened to be a system , they went after them as people, their race, and things they held dear. This community was the shortest in terms of associating with it. Something That was unique to it was exactly how they dealt wit syscourse, they had contradictory opinions, many times, one example being endo neutral but anti nondisordered. I left after 6 months, it was full of people hopping between " I don't touch syscourse" and doing it untagged in 3 minutes, honestly it was the most stressful.
Anti Endo
We personally did a bit more research, realizing alot of things, but also again, wanted to no associate with either while staying in the syscourse circles, of course they had their issues, but we noticed that they would, rather than encourage it as the previous had, many shut it down when they could. I found friends here, who actually protected me, though many we're relentless. It made it harder to find spaces in the community where we could talk peacefully about our day-day life without being met with comments about our stance or hatred in our inbox, but out of that on discords, again, they were nice, unlike pro and neu who'd force syscourse onto you, antis encourage taking breaks. Now we acknowledge it does have its issues; being very adamant and unable to back down, I'll admit we're guilty of this as well. Being in this community has made us feel safer. Again, though, an issue is here, anti self diagnosis runs rampant, along with the idea you know exactly who you are. When we realized we were mixed, we had a few anons yell at us for "race faking".
As an entity, the syscourse community is foul. Racism, ablism, doxxing, toxicity, and misrepresentation of arguments all run rampant on many sides of it. The pros and neu encourage ignoring your own health in order to argue your own existence. The anti has an issue of not backing down. The pros has a long history of doxxing and targeting of PoC. The neutrals use personal attacks as arguments. Overall, it's a raging battlefield of counter and cross attacks, horrible in-fighting and general ignoring and discarding of peoples boundaries to go after them. All sides have issues you must work on in order to collectively build cooperation on your points before as a whole we can actually get somewhere with this on-going discussion.
Thank you for reading and taking the time, please check me out, im trying my best, i have a few awareness posts, and i think im.worth mentioning, we mostly wrote this at 4am as we couldn't sleep due to our room being 36°f (alot lower outside) so punctuation, spelling, and grammar wont be 100%
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the80srewinders · 7 days
We used to be pro endo, but we're not anymore. We've learned, we've grown. We've seen bad things from both sides- anti endo and pro endo. We took time away from the online plural community to do immense research into endogenic systems and have concluded there's no proof they exist, and the only proof they give into their existence is opinion or studies that don't involve brain imaging. They never cite real medical sources or scientific sources, and since plurality is neurodivergence, endogenic plurality would still be considered disordered. There is no such thing as non disordered plurality, even if endogenic systems are real. The endo community largely spreads misinformation by saying non disordered plurality is real. The brain does not just make alters, headmates, whatever just to make them. There has to be a reason, and if endogenic systems are real, then that reason is they're neurodivergent. Which is disordered. There's no such thing as "non disordered autism" and the same applies to systems. So the pro endo community lack of scientific proof and linking non medical articles is enough proof they're probably not real. Endos also are taking over the plural community, when its focus should be on DID/OSDD because its a real disorder with a century of misinformation to debunk and lots of stigma, the people who have it suffered immense trauma as children and have struggles in their daily lives singlets won't understand. Instead of making a strong tight knit community for DID/OSDD systems, literal childhood trauma survivors, endos and their supporters have made the whole plural community a place of instability, fights and side taking. They've made it into everything a safe place for neurodivergence shouldn't be, especially for a posttraumatic and highly stigmatized disorder. The community that should be helping DID/OSDD systems and ending stigma, ending stereotypes, spreading facts is damaging the DID/OSDD community, and if singlets think it exists. We have no proof endos are real, but they've came and invaded our community and ruined it. Now endos want to invade other spaces not even related to plurality- autism spaces, fandom spaces and lgbt spaces. They also steal DID/OSDD terms and other cultural religious terms and even invade religious spaces or beliefs with their "everything is plural! god is a system!" tricks. Sure, the anti endos who choose endos to bully and bait are toxic, but most endos we've seen are just as toxic, just not by blatant harassment. Endos are for appropriation, invasion and "pluralizing" everything. They also damage the DID/OSDD community in ways I'll have to write a guide or ted talk on. I may be neutral as far as if i think endos are real, but I'm definitely anti endo in the sense that i am against the endo community for their spread of misinformation and damage to the DID/OSDD community.
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