#and i'm very honored that you want more of the fic 💙
astrhae · 1 year
hi so i just read your hanahaki fic and it ruined me and like i am actually crying it was so so so good but also i read your deleted scene with jespers pov and that was amazing too!! and i saw that you said that you had another deleted scene and i would love to see that too (and any others that you have) if you wanted to share them?
(also i actually adore the entire vibe of your blog it's so pretty)
hi hello thank you so much *slides tissues over* i'm so glad you liked the fic so much and that you liked the deleted scenes too!! there are... quite a lot of them that i literally made an "appendix" section in my word document 😅 this fic truly was a monster to write because of how many scenes and jumps there were, and while that was a whole lot of fun, i also had to test and remove many, many scenes too keep it manageable. most of the deleted scenes are just dialogue without much prose to them though, because i had a Vibe but then realised the fic was going to be too long --- but here's a deleted scene that i polished up just for you 💙 it's in jesper's POV too because you all really are enabling me to write more of that 💕
“You kept it,” Jesper stared at Wylan.
Wylan’s gaze skittered away, hands clasped behind his back as they stood there, side by side, at the threshold of the mansion’s storeroom. He looked every bit a mercher, now: all the soft lines Jesper used to tease him about were gone, replaced by a gauntness from the sickness.
It had been a month – a month since the embassy, since Wylan had lied still on the bed, and the Shu Princess’ fiancée had come under the cover of the night. Do it, Jesper had told her to save Wylan’s life.
They’ve gone too far for me to save him, she had warned Jesper. This might not work – he might never feel again, never –
Do it, Jesper had repeated. Wylan had wanted this, had counted his own life worth more than his heart, and Jesper had to agree. Jesper had to be grateful that Grisha didn’t get sick: if Wylan came out of this not being able to love, then at least Wylan came out of this.
Then Jesper would still love him, anyway, whatever happened.
So she had done it, and Jesper had watched as a delirious, barely conscious Wylan had coughed and coughed – Wylan wouldn’t remember it, later, feverish and shivering, from both the sickness and the canal waters, and Jesper had promised, over and over again: I love you, I love you, I love you.
And Wylan, eyes clouded with fever, had tipped his head blindly toward Jesper’s voice, and apologized.
Now – now, a month since, Wylan was still recovering. He showed no signs that he remembered any of it. Jesper had been careful not to linger, unsure if Wylan wanted him, but he had stayed in one of the guest rooms that Marya had forced him into.
They ate meals together, Wylan staring at Jesper silently all the while before he disappeared again into his rooms, closing himself off as Kaz scrambled to keep the business afloat and Jesper tried to keep out of the way. With Nikolai and Zoya pleased that things had gone as smoothly as they could, Jesper wasn’t expected back in Ravka anytime soon, and he stayed in Ketterdam to pick up what pieces he could, trying to at last keep his promises.
Marya showed him the cracks in the house – the places where paint had started peeling, floorboards creaking, the carriage rattling, and Jesper placed his hand over them. He placed his hand, and called on his blessings: an act of prayer, an act of penance. He couldn’t heal the places where Wylan’s ribs had cracked from the roots that had wrapped around them, but he could at least fix the foundations. Could at least strengthen them.
He hadn’t known what to expect when Wylan had called for him earlier today.
He certainly hadn’t expected Wylan to lead him up to the attic, to show him a room full of everything he’d left behind. All the coins he’d turned into lopsided keys sitting in a jar by the far end of the room, the bullet fragments and shrapnel from his failed attempts at distracting himself. The mess of a canvas from when Jesper had tried to paint for Wylan, all those years ago, eighteen and too young to understand the weight of it. The weight of this.
His powers reached out to them all, now, the room a riot of metal and memory and color, all his hats and all the ledgers from his debts –
Wylan had kept it: all the good things, and the bad.
“I wanted to burn them,” Wylan spoke to him for the first time in weeks. “I wanted to burn it all.”
Jesper took a step inside, his feet leaving footsteps in the dust. “I wouldn’t have blamed you.”
“I broke some of them,” Wylan admitted, staying at the threshold, gaze shifting toward the broken glasses to their right, the shredded fabric, the shattered frames. “But I – I didn’t have anything left.”
When Jesper had left – so quickly he’d terrified even himself – he hadn’t had to time to bring much. He had thought it was for the better: a new start, without all his things, all his memories trapping him. He turned around to face Wylan, now, their past in scattered pieces around them.
Jesper didn’t need any of this. He just needed –
“I would have come home,” Jesper promised again, confession turned into sin, into vice, because even now, he still loved Wylan like an addiction. Like benediction. “I would have come home, if you asked.”
“And you would have resented me for it,” Wylan’s smile was a knife. Jesper wasn’t sure if it was a knife meant to cut Jesper, or himself. Did it matter? Either way, they both hurt.
His powers itched, needing to reach out, crawling beneath his skin, clawing at it. Grisha didn’t get sick: their fevers just burnt through bone, through soul – their powers demanding more than they could give. Wylan couldn’t love again. Not after the sickness. That was fine: Jesper would love him enough for the both of them.
“I already did, a little,” Jesper admitted, because hadn’t Wylan wanted him honest? “I resented you, but I missed you more.”
Wylan studied the floor. Eyes fixed at the distance between them.
“You stayed,” Wylan whispered.
“Do you want me to?”
He had stayed in Ravka for himself, but for Wylan too. He would stay here for himself, and for Wylan too. He owed it to them both to see whatever was left between them through: Wylan wasn’t a debt to be repaid, or a broken thing for Jesper to fix. He was a chance that Jesper wouldn’t let himself lose. Not again.
A strangled noise escaped Wylan, so similar to the cough that Jesper flinched at it –
“I want you to stop hurting,” Wylan said, just as he had all those years ago, when push became shove became fall. And then – “I want to stop hurting.”
Jesper stumbled forward, stumbled closer, pulled into orbit – pulled out of it, until distance became touch and his hand reached for Wylan’s – and Wylan’s reached for his, trembling, trembling, trying.
“I want you to be happy,” Jesper took the words, and made them his own. Made them his wish. “I want to be happy, too.”
Because he was selfish, because he was certain. Because he was trying, too.
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Just shy of three years ago, I happily stepped in to help when @choicesficwriterscreations needed assistance with CFWC Fics of the Week. Shortly thereafter, the blog's original creator, @loricreates, was ready to step down, and along with @lucy-268 I was honored to take over and continue the great work Lori had started.
The CFWC archive provides an invaluable service to our fandom, but it was always so much more to me. It's a place where people connect, friendships are fostered, and our incredibly talented creators have a chance to be seen and appreciated.
It has been my pleasure to serve as CFWC's mod, and I'm very proud of the contributions I have made during that time. But it's also a lot of work, and lately, it was beginning to feel like a chore. That's when I knew it was time to say goodbye. I'm not going far; I'll still be in the fandom. I may even show up here to help host a special event or two in the future, but for now, I want to spend my time concentrating on other things, both in and outside of the fandom. That includes my writing, catching up on reading, and supporting each of you.
I want to thank @lorircreates, CFWC's founder, for her vision, for creating this space, and for entrusting it to me. It was an honor to take the reins from you, and I hope we've done your "baby" proud.
I want to thank @lucy-268, who was a dream co-moderator. We sure had a lot of good (and crazy) times running the blog together. I'm so glad this fandom brought us together... and we'll stay that way long after this fandom is gone. 💙
I'd like to thank @liaromancewriter, who has graciously offered to take over so that CFWC can continue. Please join me in welcoming Mal as the blog's new moderator! It makes me feel much better knowing I'm leaving CFWC in your hands!
Most of all, I want to thank all of you. Each and every one of you has made our fandom what it is. The creators who make us laugh, cry, and feel things we never expected to feel. The readers and art fans who have encouraged everyone along the way. Everyone who has ever "geeked out" over a beloved story, character, or OC together. Through CFWC, I've gotten to know many of you better, and that has been the best part of the time I've spent here.
So this is my final CFWC post... one last time! :) I can't wait to see what the future brings! 😘
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the-flowerwolf · 2 years
Hogwarts legacy headcanons
While normal people go and socialize I wake up and think about ✨them✨
So there's some headcanons about my favourite Legacy Team (as I call them) for ya folks while I'm writing a really big fic about them. Careful, some of them are sad. And don't mind my poor grammar thanks.
Btw, collages are mine, feel free to use them💙
🐍Sebastian Sallow🐍
First off all, if you turn him in, I don't trust you
Literally a typical Slytherin
A nerd. Just a nerd.
Quidditch? Babe, the only sport for him is dueling
Felt absolutely helpless when his parents died. And that's why he's so protective. He just can't let anyone else die on his watch
Really is a small version of his father and proud of it
Believes that the end justifies the means
Hopeless flirt BUT a gentleman. Wouldn't do anything you don't like
And also most probably believes in true love
A proud bisexual
Everyone think that "he fucks everything that moves" but he's a virgin who "saves himself for the one and only"
As some fan said, he was probably born on 18th September. And it's a canon now.
A great friend but a terrible secret keeper, so for Merlin's sake, don't tell him ANYTHING
Knows how to braid hair into the most complex ways
Pro feminist! Treats women right and knows all important stuff thanks to his sis
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🔥Natty Onai🔥
I'm sorry but she's so underrated and for what??
I believe she really respect traditions she were tought as a child
Her favourite holiday must be her birthday. All because it was the only day of the year when her parents forgot about all the dangers and sorrows and they just got together, spending the best time
Most probably will return to the homeland after Hogwarts
Is the only member of the team who play quidditch
(as a keeper ofc)
She's a lesbian idk dudes
A very honest girl who were raised to be a good person
So she just expects the same from others
A very competitive. But not like Imelda. Natty respects fair competition and knows how to honorably recognize a match
Although this does not mean that she will not destroy you to win
Is always cold poor thing
Religious bc I feel like it
Has mommy issues and don't tell me I'm wrong
Will definitely become the best auror one day
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🌼Poppy Sweeting🌼
Her favourite holiday is Christmas lemme tell you that
Trust issues
She's trying her best to be gentle with every living being because she saw too much violence already
And that's why she thinks animals are better than people (agree)
She's definitely an INFP and I won't change my mind
Looks like a cinnamon roll but will kill you
A cliché but I feel like she's an excellent cook
Although she would LOVE to find someone to understand her (like us) she's totally okay with being on her own
Is into mind games like chess
But will go to see a quidditch game just to support Natty (and mc if they play)
Is always up to an adventure
Bullies? Girl grew up among killers, you really think she would care about some bullies?
I feel like she has the strongest personality in here. Doesn't matter what happens she will always stand straight while helping others
Is a cat person
Can't cry bc she was not allowed as a child
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💚Ominis Gaunt💚
Just an innocent little boy let's be honest
He may look like he can kill you but he's just a cinnamon roll
Jokes about his blindness as a defence mechanism
Had a crush on both Sallow siblings at some point and I can't blame him
Saw a theory on tiktok that his patronus would be albino snake. CANON
Just wants to have a simple quiet life without any drama
Protective of his friends BUT is more protective of his boundaries
Don't mind his blindness he knows EXACTLY how to be a fashion icon
Another cliché: Omi can play piano
And it's the only thing his parents tought him that he loves. Playing helps him to calm down
Is very private, but as soon as he starts to trust you, he will immediately blurt out his life story, dreams, fears etc
Though he can't see an actual game, Omi likes to go on a quidditch game, because of the happy energy around him
Is sick most of the time for some reason. Cold, stomach ache or anything really
Also a nerd. But unlike Sebastian he's a fiction lover. Helps him to escape reality, especially in his family's house
Clingy with everyone he loves bc they make him feel safe
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starbeltconstellation · 3 months
Hello again! ✨💕
So… I know I was saying a while ago: “I’m almost done with my chapter, guyssss! 😜” like a lying liar who lies, but then the worst thing happened in my life, fr. 😭
My brother got put in the hospital (he’s okay now though! ❤️ Thank GOD 😭😮‍💨).
But anyway, it set me back on my chapter. 😭 So I’m not even gonna say I’m almost done or something. Ima just be like… I haven’t abandoned it and will never discontinue it. ✊😖 So… I hope that offers you all comfort. Lol.
Anyways! Moving on to more AWESOME things! Here is two ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL AND ASTONISHING fanart pieces on my SW Fic, Rewrite the Stars, focused on my SW OC, Melanie Bains, from the great and powerful artist known as @fangirlteallie ! 😁❤️💕
And there is also another doodle fanart page she sent me of Mel in different outfits that I always love so much. 🥰 Haha. Love that sleep deprived one and the one with Mel sticking her tongue out. Looool. 😂
As always, it is truly such an honor and a joy to have an an amazing artist such as @fangirlteallie so inspired and invested in bringing Mel to life. It’s so motivating to me as an author, and is one of the highest compliments an author can receive in my opinion. 😊 So just that future tip for anyone wanting a fave fic to start up again. 😂 Making fanart is a sure fire way to make an author go “Ahhhhh! Agsvsjhabsjbsb!!” ❤️❤️😂
Thanks so very much again! 💕
As always, still working on the next chapter 😭(I have decided to NEVER make a chapter this long againnn. 😖 I’ll just have to think up new Fic titles and quotes at the start of the chapters that’ll still fit the theme of the chapter, even if I have to split it up into two parts).
So very sorry, my little reader ducklings. 💔🥺 I just don’t want to rush it and spit out trash. 😭😖
It’ll be so, SO worth it when I’m done though, because you will have lots of Melakin scenes to tide you all over. Hehe. 💓🥰❤️‍🔥
My writing has also just improved a lot as well in general! So l'm very proud of this chapter, and will be so excited to share it with you all when I'm done. 💕🥰❤️
Until next timeee! 😜👋
The two AMAZING art pieces:
In the second one, Mel is holding Anakin’s right hand to her heart and pulling him subtly away from Palpatine. Anakin’s other is the one on her waist. The second art piece is one I specifically requested because it’s an idea that’s been stuck in my head for awhile from another art piece I saw on Obi-Wan and Palpatine holding each of Anakin’s shoulders, which shows the hold they both have over him.
So in this art piece, Mel and Palpatine are the ones fighting for a hold over Anakin. And as you can see from the crinkles in Anakin’s robes, dear old Palpy is trying to keep his claws dug in deep, because he’s already subtly losing his hold over Anakin as Anakin turns away from him and more towards the light (Mel. 🤭❤️💕). My and @fangirlteallie ‘s mindssss. The meta of it alllll. 🙌😌💙💙✨
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The funny/cool Mel doodle of the week 😜:
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
But wait! There's more!!! I mean... I had to take advantage of the time, right??
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This was a reminder of how chaotic this fic was jdhdjdjkd. I love them your honor!
Ngl, I'm excited for ials' moodboard. Imma make myself cry :)
As my favorite babe would say:
Yours in faith,
Reading this reminded me of how chaotic and unhinged this fic was we need more of that in our lives 💙
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
I loved the aesthetic! And the quotes of your choice have me reeling.
Now. I know some of yall were asking about this before. This moldboard inspired this scene. So, everyone say, thank you to noah!
“Well. Well. Well. Look who finally decided to show his face.”
Max feels afraid. A little. He doesn’t know why. 
Maybe it’s because he’s finally in New York after so fucking long. Maybe because he now knows his bapak - sweet bapak - actually used to be a fucking assassin. Maybe it’s because of what he’s about to do. 
Goddamnit. He should’ve done this over the phone. Or sent a letter or some shit. 
David gives his hand a little squeeze. Max finds the strength he needs. 
“Bapak,” Max whispers. 
Bapak’s face softens immediately. “FaceTime doesn’t do justice, Blueberry. You look so handsome.”
“I know right?” Max chuckles as he hugs his father tightly. “Missed you.”
“Missed you more,” bapak whispers as he pulls back. The smiles broadly. “David. Come here.”
David carefully hugs the other man. “Hello, Magnus.”
“I hope the trip was safe,” bapak smiles. 
“It was,” David smiles.
“David has more security than the president,” Max snickers. 
“As he should,” bapak huffs. “The president is a douchebag.”
Someone very pointedly clears their throat. Max tries not to roll his eyes. 
“Alec,” bapak chastises. “Help them with their luggage.”
“They have hands,” dad shrugs. 
Bapak scoffs at that. “Ignore him. He’s always grumpy during winter.”
Max chuckles awkwardly. “Not gonna lie. I thought you’d be way more pissed about this.”
“Because you got secretly married?” bapak demands.
Max’s palms are sweaty. “Yeah?”
“You know, Blueberry. I had a lot of time to think about this,” bapak tells him. “And I’ve come to the realization that this is not about me. It's about you. It’s your life and your wedding.”
“Really?” Max whispers softly. 
“Sure,” the man grins. “I mean, do I still think we should throw a small party? Definitely. Perhaps a little shindig with our close friends and family. I could make the guest list and sort out the catering and get us all matching outfits-”
Dad clears his throat again. 
“Right,” Max swallows. “Bapak. Um. It’s just…There is something you should know before.”
“Oh my god,” the man gasps softly. “Did you already have a party? Without us?”
“No. No. David and I got married very quietly,” Max confesses as he holds onto his husband for dear life. “We don’t really want a party.”
“Oh. Alright then,” bapak hums. “I guess I’ll delete my Pinterest board. It only took me…a few hours.”
Dad clears his throat again. 
“Alec,” bapak says in frustration. “Is something wrong with your throat? Do you have a cold?”
The front door creaks softly as two tiny hands push them open and run into the apartment.
“Daddy. How long do I have to stay in the car?” the boy complains softly. “It’s cold outside.”
Max adjusts the boy’s beanie and swallows thickly. “Um. So.”
“Alec,” bapak blinks a couple of times. 
“Yeah, babe?”
“There is a child in my house.”
“There is a child in my house,” bapak says again. “Whose child is this?”
Max puts up his hand dumbly. David does too. 
“You two have a child,” bapak narrows his eyes. 
“It’s, um, children, actually,” David murmurs. 
“Children?” bapak echoes. “Plural?”
“Arthur is in the car,” Max says quickly. “He gets cranky if you wake him up during nap time.”
“You named them?” bapak demands. “Without me?”
“Bapak, in my defense, you named your cat Chairman Meow.”
“It’s a great name! Alec, tell them it’s a great name.”
“At least you didn’t name your kid Lancelot,” dad rolls his eyes. 
“It’s just Lance!” the little one groans. 
“Lance,” bapak’s face softens again. Then he glares at Max. “This is unacceptable.”
“Magnus,” David interrupts, taking a step forward. “We had to do it for the sake of the children. We couldn’t tell anyone. Max wanted to. I promise. But we couldn’t risk the safety of our boys. I’m sure you understand that.”
Bapak lets out a long suffering breath. “I suppose! But this situation needs to be rectified immediately!”
Max relaxes a little. Damn. He really thought this was going to go south. 
“We’ll have a little family dinner. A tiny one. We can get to know each other,” bapak smiles as he ruffles Lance’s hair. “We have to tell Rafael. He’s going to have a stroke.”
“Yay!” Lance cheers. “Uncle Rafe’s coming!”
There is a terrible silence.
“Rafael knows?” bapak asks dangerously. 
“It was an accident! Lance was playing with my phone and he accidentally FaceTimed Rafe and it was this whole thing but-“
“So, I’m the last person to know?” the man demands. 
“Um,” Max gulps. “Uncle Jace doesn’t know yet.”
“Yeah, baby?”
“Get my assassin’s toolbox.”
“On it.”
“Bapak!” Max groans. “We have a child!”
“Children!” David reminds. “Plural!”
“You are being so extra right now!” Max complains. 
“Excuse me, I’m not the one who eloped to Paris and got married in secret and has a wholeass secret family!” the man growls at him as he goes through what actually looks like an assassin’s toolbox. 
Jesus fuck. 
“I think we should run,” Max whispers to his husband. 
“Babe, he has a toolbox!” Max hisses. “It has knives.”
“You must be joking if you think I didn’t come prepared,” David tells him quietly. “I have four knives in my person right now.”
Jesus fuck. 
What the fuck?
And why is that so fucking hot?
“What’s this?” Lance peeps inside the box. 
“This is my favourite dagger,” bapak smiles as he takes out a tiny dagger. “You can keep it.”
“Um,” David says. “We don’t give him sharp objects.”
Bapak throws him a glare and David shuts up.
“God knows how many birthdays I’ve missed,” bapak huffs as Lance inspects the dagger. “I need to catch up.”
“Papi gave me a train last year,” Lance informs and smiles at Alec. “It goes choo choo!”
Dad swallows. “I’ve never met this child in my life.”
“You and I will talk later,” bapak tells dad slowly. “You’ve been a bad boy, Alexander.”
“Gross,” Max groans and covers his son’s years. 
“Blueberry,” bapak points a finger at Max. “You are going to tell me everything. And there better be photos or there will be hell to pay.”
“I have loads,” Max says quickly and takes out his phone. 
“And you,” bapak glares at David. “Is it just two or are there more secret children I need to know about?”
“Um,” David says as dad slowly moves the toolbox away from bapak’s reach. “We have a cat?”
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smurphyse · 2 years
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~ Smurph <3
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Out Of The Cold - August Lione, King of Mydenya, is in love with his dead wife. Admittedly lonely and touch starved, he reluctantly marries Lyca Ingemar to stifle the requests of his advisors and to have an heir or two. He begins to fall for his new wife while she treats their marriage as one of duty and convenience, wishing she was at her cottage in the woods instead of with him.
As war looms and Lyca's past comes to light, can her and August's budding relationship survive the revelations coming out of the cold?
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Over Your Shoulder - A familiar face from Spencer's past joins the BAU, his ex-girlfriend Jasper Donnelly, who left him fourteen years, two months, and fifteen days ago. A slow-burn love story in which Jasper and Spencer figure out who they are together and apart, and whether or not the horrific things they'd done and been through over the years are enough to keep them together... or destroy them. [Smut] [Long Lost Love AU] [Angst with Happy Ending]
Operation: Sand Leopard - A year after leaving the BAU, Spencer Reid is restless and struggling to adjust to civilian life. Not finding any fulfillment or respite in it, he decides to take a position with Homeland. On assignment he meets you, a former Master Gunnery Sergeant with the USMC, struggling to find a drug trafficker and terrorist on one of the most dangerous bases in the world- Balad Air Base in Iraq... aka Bombaconda. [Eventual Smut] [Angst with Happy Ending]
Room 405 - You looked forward to Room 405 each week. Sitting at work, you would pout to yourself and lightly drag your pen up and down your thighs, thinking of all the wondrous things you two got up to in that hotel room. Chains, whips, spankings, anything could happen on Friday nights, 7 pm in Room 405. [PWP - Dom!Spencer] [Angst with Happy Ending]
A Devastating Affair - When the Reader ends her affair with Spencer, they both spiral and start playing a toxic game of emotional chicken. [Toxic Relationship]
Bunny and the Beast - When Reader's neighbor Spencer decides he just can't sit and watch her being all pretty by herself, they begin a toxic game of cat-and-mouse. [Dubious Consent/Toxic Relationship]
Mutual Irritation - A year after prison, a jaded Spencer Reid takes on a special assignment at Emily's request... to babysit Finn Doyle's ex-girlfriend while the BAU hunts for him. He doesn't want to do it, nor does he want to be solely responsible for her safety. When the two meet, they don't get along, but over time they find they quite enjoy one another... even with the threat of a jealous Irish Arms Dealer hanging over their heads. [Angst with Happy Ending] [Jaded!Spencer Reid]
The Arrangement - After Loki's lost bet with Thor, D.B. Cooper causes chaos on Midgard, and a war with Vanaheim rises in the East, so Odin proposes a wager of his own to his youngest son: An arranged marriage, one for the public. If the terms of the deal are honored for twenty years, Loki will be let out of the union and free from Odin's intervention or wrath ever again. Loki thinks this bet will be an easy win, but our boy is very wrong. His new wife has an agenda of her own, and Loki is determined to figure out what it is. Loki quickly finds himself out of his depth, unprepared for husbandry or fatherhood, and learns that marriages -arranged or not- are hard work. [Pre!Avengers Loki] [Arranged Marriage AU]
Death From Above - Tim has a bad day. His girlfriend dumps him, he punches an FBI Agent, and they're getting a new girl in the office. He hooks up with a mysterious woman from a local joint, only to find out that she's their new co-worker. As Helen O'Malley settles more in Harlan County, her past comes back knocking, and it will send the whole office into an epic shitstorm that they may not recover from. [Tim Gutterson, Justified]
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I Want You - Reader makes Spencer jealous enough to act after he refuses to make a move [Smut]
Touch - Spencer and the Reader are forced to room together six months after their breakup, and when she wakes to him spooning her, she freaks out a bit [Ambiguous Ending, Angst]
No Funny Business - Forced to bunk with Luke and the Reader, Spencer finds himself a bit in over his head when he gropes the reader in her sleep [Threesome, Married!LukexReader and Spencer]
Inkpot Gods - After giving birth to their son, Reader has complications during delivery. The doctors tell Spencer she might not wake up, and he has to prepare for a life without her for the sake of their son. Since he's not great with talking about his feelings except with her, Spencer decides to write a letter to nobody to work through his emotions. [Angst with Happy Ending]
Closet Confessions - A late night at the office leads to Spencer and Reader getting stuck in the supply closet. [GN!Reader]
A Real Father's Love - Spencer proves how much he wants to spend time with Reader's son, and it... sets something primal loose inside her. [Breeding Kink]
The View From Here - Reader locks herself out of her apartment when she comes home drunk, and her handsome neighbor comes to the rescue.
Drunk on You - Spencer's nervous about never having had sex, but he wants to lose his virginity to you [First Times, P*ssy Drunk Spencer]
Southern Belle - Loki is dating a young woman who is a fantastic cook and one day he realizes his pants are a tad tight. He’s gained some weight!
Fruit of the Flower - Loki helps Thor retrieve some magical plant and Loki gets too close when it blooms.
You're Not Them - Our dear reader has entered The Void! And she can't find Loki... but he finds her. The catch? It's not *her* Loki.
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Here's the link to my old Masterlist!
Would you like to be on my taglist? Send me an ask and let me know which fandom you'd like to be notified for! <3
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tennessoui · 2 years
When you get this, reply with your favourite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers, if you can. Let’s spread the self-love. ♥️
oh!! bless, thank you 💙💙
ok it's actually a pretty easy five fics (!!) for me so in no particular order:
put your money where your mouth is - i don't do a lot of humor writing and this really borders on crack. everything is beautiful, nothing really hurts if you don't think too long about why obi-wan was so convinced that the chances of anakin loving sabé would be higher than the chances of him loving obi-wan. also i think this was one of my very first funny end notes that sparked a tradition in all my fics now of ending a chapter with a shitpost
toss overboard what is too heavy to carry - couples counseling au is very small on ao3 rn but very mighty in my heart. i've never really written anything that allows so much of ROTS to happen, and while this is still pre-attack on the Temple + a not-pregnant padmé, it's still more than i usually go for. i think it'll be really fun to focus on healing them both and i think it's pretty ironic that this au sprang from an ask that was very hurt!anakin focused and my reply being 'ok we can talk about this if you want but i can't pretend obi-wan doesn't deserve to feel very very very betrayed by anakin's canon lies so if you want an au from me addressing one then let's address both they can switch who bottoms and whose turn it is on the trauma at the same time' and here we are
burn every bridge but please leave me a boat - my first foray into reverse master/padawan aus!!! i adore this version of padawan obi-wan and master anakin because anakin's so very whipped and obi-wan is both somehow a bit manipulative and aware his master loves him but also startled to find out that his master loves him
time and tide - ack, one of my very original love letters to obikin and all their angst. an overall depressing fic (with a happy ending, i swear!) where anakin is going through it and obi-wan is going through it and ahsoka is going through it.......i knew from the beginning anakin would have to go back to the future to be with his real obi-wan, but i'm gonna miss writing aristel as much as anakin will miss pretending to be him.
tongue-tie me so tightly, i cannot tell you the truth - i think the pinnacle of miscommunication/misunderstanding in all of my fics is this fic. anakin doesn't want to hurt obi-wan by lying to him, he just made a split-second stupid decision, and obi-wan doesn't want to hurt anakin either, he just doesn't know who anakin is. i think anakin's justification of not wanting obi-wan to feel pressured to fall in love with him just because they're soulmates really won him over in the end lol anakin is very sweet in this au and that was a treat to write.
+ honorable mention to the size of the fight in the dog because i always forget i wrote that but then whenever i remember i'm like!! oh yeah!! that's a great fic!!
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risustravelogue · 8 months
Status: [partly on hiatus. lots of deadlines at work.]
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A book with navy blue leather cover lies abandoned on the ground, its owner nowhere to be seen. Her handwriting greets anyone who opens it.
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Hey there,
I see you've picked up this rather battered-up travelogue!
Please read on, but make sure you read the rules of interaction first.
Important Notes
I write/draw for fun. Therefore, fic/art updates will be irregular.
Feel free to send your thoughts/questions about my fics, artworks, or even just to say hi! I'd like to think that I'm very friendly and fun to talk to... just a bit confused sometimes. (Tone indicators are a huge help!)
For x reader ships I write, they assume fem!Reader unless specifically stated otherwise. (I'm trying to make my writings more gender-neutral, though.)
I don't have a taglist (yet!), but if you'd like me to tag you in my future works, just send me an ask! It's the pen button up there. Oh, and please specify which category of creative works you'd like to be tagged in (writing/artwork). Thank you so much for your interest, I'm deeply honored. 💙
I do not take REQUESTS. ⛔
BRAINROTS and THIRSTS are welcome, though. (please read the rules first for anon thirsts)
Tags [complete list]
For easier perusal, I've linked some of the most used tags below:
#kurisu babbles - block this if you don't want to see my ramblings.
#kurisu's footnotes - important announcements.
#kurisu writes - a collection of my writings.
#kurisu draws - a collection of my artworks.
#kurisu doodles - a collection of my doodles.
#kurisu's commissions - pieces made for commissions.
#kurisu plays ebg - block this if you don't want to see ebg content.
#minors dni - minors block this tag or get blocked.
Hope you enjoy your read!
Sincerely, Kurisu :)
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A table of contents page is behind the greeting page.
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[blog's header photo by Hope House Press - Leather Diary Studio on Unsplash]
[pinned post header by me!]
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vibratingskull · 1 year
Hello! I'm a new follower of yours, and first things first I love your blog! (As you might have noticed, and I want to apologize in advance for any awkwardness). That said, I see that you are taking requests and was wondering, what are your rules? Anything of limits for you?
Thank you very much for your time 💙
Well I am honored, thank you ! ❤️
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About my rules, there is isn't any rules really, except no pedophilia, no necrophilia, ect... (just use your common sense)
You can ask fluff, angst, smut, gore... until now I'm opened to write anything.
You can ask xreader fics and I'll ask you to precise what gender you prefer (it really helps me) and a resume of your idea.
I am selective about the ships I write, so shot our shot and I'll see if I'll write it.
But you can also ask for a platonic pairing, a more generic set of characters.
Overall, just remain polite, explain your idea a little and you should be good 😊 (and please reblog and/or comment once it's posted, so I know I didn't screamed into the void, thank you 😘)
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seth-shitposts · 1 year
Agent/Fulcrum/(Rebel/Captain) for the WIP game please tell me anything you want🩷
Seth💚: KRIFF YEAH *yanks Alex our from wherever the hell he is so he can answer this* ITS YOUR TIME TO SHINE AGAIN BUDDY-
Alex💙: where you get your energy from will forever remain a mystery to me. Fckin hell. Anyway.
Buckle up because this is a long one. You've given me permission to talk about one of the main things that has us so deep in this Fandom in the first place.
Mmmm cw, there's a chance I may touch on trauma topics. This character is just very important to me and he brings me much comfort so I enjoy pulling him through pain.
This is a WIP that we debatably have the most notes complied for (atm maybe challenged by The Aphelion Waltz). This is one that has been in our docs since half way through our watch of s3. Back in March? Despite it being one of the ones with the most notes thus far, it probably won't see the light of day for quite awhile. Not that I'm not motivated enough to work on it or make it a higher priority, but because of the amount of work that I want to dedicate to it.
Agent/Fulcrum/[Rebel or Captain] is to be a character exploration/expansion. In fact, I plan on making two versions of it.
The first will stick as close to Canon as possible (and abbiously it can't be 100%, but it's more of exploring Kallus’s Canon character development in an indepth way. See: since they didn't do it in Canon, I'm allowed to do it in fanfiction.)
The second will be more of,,, mmm how should I say... Unlimited exploration. Still following through what his possible full character development could be, but not limiting myself to strictly close to Canon. Ocs, characters that have never interacted in Canon having interactions, maybe scenes that felt too OOC for the first one to be added into here. And there might be a fee more versions along these lines as well, if I don't make them their own fics entirely.
But, as it stands, Agent/Fulcrum/Rebel will have two versions.
It will be a very long fic.
I plan on splitting it into three portions: as seen above. It will follow his character throughout Rebels as an ISB Agent and its unrelenting events on him, through his disillusionment and how he becomes Fulcrum ans his isolated developments, and then as a Rebel and his healing process.
There plans to be exploration as to what his background may have been (I'm sorry but no one can convince me that this man wasn't from the lower levels and that he wasn't groomed into joining the empire; in similar ways as the US has done to its own youth. And I am disclaiming that that doesn't free him from accountability for his own actions. Obviously.). Throughout the fic, there will be layout implanted as to his childhood/youth, his recruitment, his work under the empire up until the beginning of the story.
I'm very much thinking that the start of the story is going to take place at the same time as the beginning of Rebels.
The plan thus far is:
Agent s1e1-(post)s2e17 ---his disillusionment arc will fall in with the Fulcrum portion of the trilogy.
Fulcrum s2e17-s3e21
Rebel [or Captain] s3e21/22-s4e15 (maybe even continuing on a bit past so?)
I, personally, related to Kallus’s arc quite a bit. And I'm not going to lie, I despised his guts up through to somewhere early to mid s3. But seeing him put work into becoming a better person, into becoming the person he actually wanted to be, is what changed me. Seth started liking his character back during The Honorable Ones. I took a bit more,,, convincing. A big thing for me is that I despise empty apologies. I never want am apology, I want action. I want genuine attempt for change. And I saw that more during An Inside Man. More of Kallus’s changes and developments were being displayed and that's when I started opening up, but I needed more. If someone had told me upon starting Rebels that by s4e15 I was going to have a new top tier kin and that kin was fucking Kallus I probably would've straight up stopped talking to them unless they elaborated.
Since then, Seth and I have rewatched Rebels numerous times and there's been a multitude of things I've taken more notes on about his character. I want to expand upon that and explore his character more indepth. As well as explore his interaction with other characters on that same level. Dig deeper into just how he got to where he was on the begging of Rebels, and the growth he's had over the course of the show.
Part of the reason why this fic is going to take so long is because each portion is currently estimated to be the length of a book. And that's if I don't accidentally go over board. Which I probably will. We'll see.
Another reason is that I want to have a more indepth understanding of the Star Wars universe. And to do that, it will takes months of going through the content: Shows, movies, comics, novels- hell even reference books. For the work, I want Kallus to be deeply intertwined into this universe he's apart of. And I also wish to have a deeper, better understanding of all the characters that may have had an affect on Kallus’s character; even if indirectly. Then there's also learning more of the past and the society that came before him or that he grew up around in that would have the same type of affects.
I will be taking much liberty with the version closer to Canon verse, but I also want to balance with being as accurate as possible. This is very much a passion project.
I want to dig through the trauma and events and compliances that Kallus had during Agent, how he had been in a recurrent cycle of reliving or suppressing his own trauma. How he would have lashed out as a result. Go through and explore him seeing or doing things he doesn't agree with, but does because it's what needs to be done to achieve his goal. Surely the ends justify the means. Right? Yes, that's what he has been told since the academy. Through this portion, I will be fully exploring the environment of the empire. How it's unforgiving, but the "obvious" answer is if there's a problem, its not the fault of the empire, but of the individual. The conditional care will be explored, as well as how the empire may allow or even promote unhealthy habits for the sake of full dedication. How the empire will only meet the bare minimum needs, and how you have to do your part to earn the right to belong. And how this is the norm. It's every man for himself. Especially the higher in ranks you rise. The top scraps just as much as the bottom. And if you can't conform to the empire? Tough. You simply haven't tried hard enough. I will very much explore the effects of bare minimum needs barely needing met and being net conditionally affects how Kallus thinks and views the universe; as this is stated throughout the first portion of his character arc.
Then for Fulcrum, I want to dig into him doing what he's always done; throwing himself into the challenge. Zeb, as Seth so eloquently says it, "triple dog dared" him to chase the truth- a truth he surely has seen hints of, but probably turned a blind eye to. So upon being challenged, he does so and does so with full intent of being as thorough as possible. Maybe there's a part of him that still hopes that Zeb is wrong, but whether Kallus wants him to be wring or not, he is going to get to the bottom of it whether he likes it or not- and finds that he has committed and complied in acts he had liked doing for a lie. It's all been lies. He faces the truth, and even though it burns and its painful, he doesn't shy away from it. He submerges himself fully into it. Throughout Fulcrum, he faces his past, his own actions and choices. He takes accountability for them. Accepts that he did what he did and that he cannot change what has happened. But he can still change what will happen. There's still time for him to make a difference. There's still time for him to stop betraying his morals and himself. Kallus fully dedicates himself to helping the rebellion. Would he be accepted by them? Surely not. But that won't stop him from aiding them. Kallus avoids thinking about just how isolated he truly is now in favor for doing whatever he can to take advantage of the opportunity before him. It's during this time period where he throws himself into his work. He's accepted that he's done terrible things and that he has been compliant with atrocities against life. He doesn't shy away from that fact. Nor will it stop him from doing everything he can do do better now, to be better now. He finally accepts the fact that the empire isn't just cold, but its cruel and hostile, he has seen if for years but believed the lie that it was the fault of the individual. This part of his arc focuses on the acknowledged, and that he has started putting work into changing. He switches his allegiances and dedicates himself. But he still operated under certain mindsets he learned from the Empire. At this point, he is definitely changed, but definitely hasn't healed. He's very much under the impression for a long while as fulcrum that the rebellion wouldn't accept him. After what he's done, he knows he wouldn't. He makes peace with the fact that he's on his own. He constantly has to be on edge, if he slips up, the empire won't hesitate to snuff him out. And with the constant loom of someone like Thrawn, who is admittedly sharper than most of the empire, the psychological warfare keeps Kallus in a state of constant survival. He thinks he's made progress, but he isn't able to make healthy growth still trapped where he is. To keep himself going, he plans on simply staying in place to feed as much intel as possible to the rebellion until he is caught. He will then escape. The even if the rebellion doesn't accept him, he'll figure out his next plans when he gets there. Ezra infiltrating the empire sets kallus into a deeper sense of alarm, they could both be killed. How does he not see that. Kallus is shocked when he thinks Ezra is there to warn him. The rebellion cares enough to risk one of their top operatives to give him a heads up? And when Kallus gets told that it's actually an extraction, that is a complete game changer to Kallus in that moment. The rebellion is willing to risk so much for him. And while that fact alone overwhelms him, he has to think with a clear head. If the rebellion is willing to take such extreme risks for his life, then he needs to earn that, he needs to return the sentiment. "There's still more good I can do here." Kallus will take more risks, keeping the rebellion informed. And when he gets too close to being caught, he will jump ship. But not right now. Not yet. There's still good he can do where he is.
Rebel- throughout his time through rebel, he initially goes through the biggest culture shock for the second time in his life. There were many habits and work patterns he had done for the Empire that were praised upon that are reprimanded here. He's can't understand why they insist on giving him an abundance of meal items when it's more efficient to go with something smaller. He doesn't understand why there's a time cap on how many hours he's allowed to work. Everything in the rebellion is so different from the Empire. And on some level he had known that, but he didn't know it was this different. He knows that he wanted to be closer to those he worked along side, to be in that warmth, but he didn't realize that it would be this much. Immediately, he is welcomed with such an intense amount of care and compassion that it almost physically pains him. For the first few days he decides to isolate his work space. He wanted this, he does want this, but he doesn't understand it. So for the first few weeks he sticks to either the work he is allowed to do (at first he had thought that the limited amount of work was the rebellion testing to see what he could do and keeping an eye on him to see if he could be trusted. But then he was informed that no. That was the amount of work given to everyone), or speaks with the spectres. Familiar faces. Ones that he thought would be the last ones who wanted to speak to him, but one or more of them always sought him out. And he confides in them about his adjustment issues and how weird the rebellion is. Surely they also have some... no. It's just him. During this portion of the trilogy, With Kallus being given the space to thrive, he still struggles. And he gets frustrated over it in the beginning because he thought things would get better. He feels just out of place here as he had in the empire. But with his growing friendships with the ghost crew, he notices that there were a lot more flaws than he had initially acknowledged. So over the course of this portion, Kallus works on slowly submerging himself more in depth into unworking the careful wiring of the empire and focuses on healing in a more gentle way. But healing isn't always gentle and soft, and Kallus is reminded again just how much work there is for him to do on himself, how much that trauma needs more than just being acknowledged. Yeah, he hasnt forgotten the things that have happened to him or the things that he has done to others; and sure he has accepted his past and started ground work, but he hasn't gotten to the roots and untangled them. He tries to move forward, but feels like he's getting pulled back. He wants to enjoy the company of his nee friends, and sometimes he's able to, but then little sprouts creep up from the back of his mind. Sometimes he's able to ignore them. Sometimes they just get worse. He tries to fix this alone. Kallus feels that he has earned his right to fight in the rebellion, but has he earned the right to call the spectres his friends? ... Does he deserve to earn that right? Kallus battles back and forth as he tries to learn to let the spectres in. He tries to learn to accept their friendship.
Mmmmmmm I'm growing quite tired. Today was a long day. Let it be known nothing here is 100% set in stone, and that most of it I was pulling from memory. I haven't had the chance to even touch this WIP in a fre months and there's still much work to be done on it. I did really like have a chance to talk about it. I would chat more on it, but I already couldn't quite put into words exact what I meant or out of my own drowsiness may have just been rambling.
This fic does have a lot of work head for it. Seth and I are using some of our other fics to build skills or devices for it. To learn how to put certain aspects we want to write about into full affect by doing it on a smaller scale, going through periods of exploration.
I am always down for answering specific questions as best I can or am able to though, so don't hesitate to drop something in out inbox. These have been an utter thrill, honestly
Pls remember to hydrate and take care of yourself.
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allylikethecat · 3 months
I loved the latest atkh chapter (so much so that I had to go back and reread the whole thing because I got sad at the thought of it ending) and I'm sorry if this is a bit random but I wanted to thank you, because this story has singlehandedly made me want to ride again. I was your typical horse crazy kid and spent my entire childhood convinced I was going to work with horses, until I had a really nasty accident with the horse I was leasing about five years ago- got properly trampled, broke multiple bones etc- and completely lost my nerve. Anyway, I've been following this story for ages and I adore it and I couldn't get the idea out of my head, so I finally booked in and had my first lesson a couple of weeks ago at a local stable. And I was absolutely terrified, but it went so well and I've been back twice since and can't see myself stopping again, so thank you for helping me rediscover something I love so much 💙
So I straight up just teared up reading this. You are so incredibly brave for getting back on and starting lessons again. I'm so sorry to hear about your accident but am glad that you were able to physically recover even if the psychological part (the hardest part!) took longer. I know how absolutely terrifying it can be to get back on, especially after a wreck of that level (I ended up having to sell the horse I had my accident on because I shut down every time I tried to get on her and I haven't ridden a horse other than Pop since - every time I try to I panic.) Riding is the most incredible sport, and it's also such a mind game and so much of it IS psychological, and I'm so proud of and so happy for you that you were able to face those fears and start riding again! I'm so, so excited for you and hope you continue to enjoy riding again and am so absolutely blown away and honored that my little fic helped inspire you to get back into it! You'll have to keep me posted on your re-riding journey! I am rooting for you!! (I also love how many equestrians I have found in The '75 fandom since starting this fic!)
I'm also so happy and excited to hear that you enjoyed the new chapter (and enough to do an entire reread?!) thank you SO MUCH. Not going to lie, I got a little sad when I posted it as well, I was like damn I've been working on this thing for so long (I had the first few chapters written MONTHS before i started posting) and I can't believe we're nearly at the end. I love Horse Boy Fictional!Matty and Horse Boy Fictional!George so much and I am going to very much miss writing them. I hope you continue to enjoy this fic and I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the ending! Thank you SO MUCH for the continued support! I hope there are many more wonderful riding lessons in your future and that you had a wonderful Friday and a fantastic rest of your week!
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crispn-n · 5 months
February 🎁💙💛
hey! I might start to write a monthly post where i post a recap of comms/freebies/whatever i got where people draw or write for my ocs!!! Not gonna include all of them, probably just some highlights with selected themes or topic.
I need to yap my thoughts somewhere and hopefully could appeal to you considering to support the creators if u like their work🥰
It was valentine month.... it was supposed to be a month full of LOVE!! (of my otp)
Let's make this post adorable fureren comms I got/send around that month that fits the occassion back then 🥺💗
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[ Artist, from left to right : Arutaego, Yachichan, Chokore_4 ]
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The last one was requested on february, but only got finished around April. It was a very worthy wait for furerenchwan summer-flavoured full course meal!!!!!!! AAH working with Reci is always a pleasant experience ;; v ;;
On this opportunity I tried to propose an idea "fureren sociolla date" for the sketchpage !! 💅💄 I have been wanting to draw a date inspired by the viral sociolla date videos. It fits them well, Frey is totally a boyfriend who will tag along inside the shop with Allen--Willingly learn and observe like a gentleman he is! (Pluus, also stepping in to stop her shopping haul lol)
Here're some sketches that is related to my sociolla date delulu. I hope to draw them out too myself in the future! hehe
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During the progress; Reci suggested an idea where Frey is (sloppily) trying to apply a liptint on Allen for the first time ever. And I immediately agree with the idea!!!!! I like that in this piece, it seems Frey trying his best to get into Allen's interests as well.
By the way, while we're at it, I also want to show you this complete set of decorated icons comms from Reci as well. I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!!! look at thems!!!!!
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I'm thinking of getting another of these with my other ocs... maybe darlene and george...?🥺🥺? o-or wouldn't the whole six PABear family be great addition as well🧸..?! Gosh seeing the customized decoration around the character that resemble their character and personality ...!! Its so addicting....the artist always so good making them and put their own spin to the color palette!
Will reci accept this workload however... TT v TT let's just see in the future..!
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For the 2nd picture : When I received the sketch for the first time I literally jumped and very normal about it like WAH!!!!!!!! kak yachi's art is always so rich in expression and i love it!!! first thing i think when i saw frey on each picture is like, oh my god... they are so silly.... stupid... and in love.......(????) i LOVE it, they depicted their personalities perfectly. Allen's super cheerful and Frey.... frey's silliness beneath his serious composure is so real......
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Additionally ; it is super amazing to be able commissioning yachi to draw fureren again.
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The left one was comm'ed around 2021. When i haven't really started shipping them and yet working on their lore. CAN YOU EVEN BELIEVE IT.... (note that it also consist allen's old design) When Yachi drew them like that, i was awakened.......Oh... i really like seeing frey and allen having this kind of interaction......
So this piece meant so much to me. Its great that in 2024 I could have them draw these two again with new designs (And i appreciate kak yachi heartwarmingly remembers them and said they enjoyed drawing fureren ; v ;! Its a honor ...!)
Oh oh oh! Additionally, since February also Frey's month. I managed to commission a frey-birthday-ish fic from Matheo (a writer). It was SO GREAT Q Q I havent got time to publish it on my toyhouse bc i want to draw a thing or a two thats related to the fic. maybe i will just publish it next year on his birthday bc i tend to share my fic stock like much very much later
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oop and the first picture was a lovely cookie box commission! I fell in love at the first sight, i really hope i could find more interesting and cute ych like that~!!
Anyways, thats all for this post!
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
So, as you know I love tlnd and I especially love rereading specific chapters and timelines.
And that's why I've decided to create a fanlore page for TLND!
I've decided to create an overview over all the timelines and chapters: it includes a very brief summary of each timetime of every chapter, and a link to every single chapter (+ the POV, its word count and the song rec you gave). This makes finding and rereading specific scenes so much easier!
Additionally, @booksandwhatmore has allowed me to include the list ordering the chapters and timelines chronologically.
-> Link to TLND fanlore page
As a THANK YOU, I wanted to share this with you :)
P.S.: Maybe there are other tlnd readers who can benefit from this overview :)
P.P.S.: This fanfic is so good, it has earned its own wiki page -with or without the overview!
I am, for once, speechless.
This was so kind of you and what an absolute honor. I'm so grateful for readers such as yourself and I'm grateful that my stories found you, just as they found me.
I still don't know what to say. I suppose I'll say thank you.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
PS - I showed this to my mom and she was so shocked by the amount of work you've put it into this and asked me to thank you too.
So, once more.
Thank you 💙
PPS - All the TLND girlies, you now have a TLND guide that will help you better navigate this fic.
Thanks again.
Wow. Just wow.
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isleofair · 7 months
Fandom Peeps to Get to Know Better
Thank you so much to @saltedpin for the tag!!! 💙💙💙
3 Ships You Like:
Number 1 is of course FireSky!!! ❤️💜🥰🥰🥰 My most beloved, the only ship that ever got me to write fic 🥺 They are beautiful and perfect and quirky and strong and so sweet and tender and fond of each other... They're a soft, fluffy blanket I want to stay wrapped in forever 🥹
For number 2 I'll go with a flavor of the moment, Astarion/Tav, which is... weird, of course, because Tav is literally a different character for each person who plays the game, but it doesn't really matter, because the real ship I'm rooting for here is Astarion/Happiness. (Truly, it's Every Companion/Happiness, but Astarion stands out, along with Karlach) 🥺 Loving curses to Larian and Neil Newbon for finally getting me to care about a vampire beau after I spent my whole life dodging them left and right (and I was in the Buffy fandom at 17, so that was some Matrix-style level of dodging, I assure you.)
Third and very honorable mention goes to Victuuri, because it has brought me SO much joy, and I probably should think about it more often 💙
First Ship Ever: probably something from one of the gazillion anime series that aired in Italy when I was a wee child. I think I may have answered this question once before, but there are honestly too many possibilities 🤔
Last Song You Heard: Lovin' You by Minnie Riperton
Favorite Childhood Book: Asimov's robot stories, accompanied by a fair number of classics such as Heidi and Pollyanna... and pretty much every sci-fi or genre book my local library could offer for my age range, and for beyond my age range once I ran out of shelves in the kids' section 😅 I just loved reading A LOT, so most books were my favorite as long as I was reading them.
Currently Reading: Nothing really, which is very sad.
Currently Watching: Brave Bang Bravern, which is EVEN SADDER I HATE THEM SO MUCH FFFFFUUUUUCCCCCKKKKK 😡😭😭😭
(Erm. Sorry.)
Currently Consuming: a theoretically healthy and fully nutritional oatmeal bar because I was really hungry but couldn't be bothered with actual food
Currently Craving: some real and lasting peace of mind
Tagging: mmmh, I do not feel like directly tagging anyone rn, so: if you've read this far, I would most certainly love to see you play along with this, so please consider yourself tagged! 💙💙💙
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il-miele-che-scrive · 7 months
Can you share some tips to make smaus ?
aaaaa getting asked for tips for the first time 💙💙
my first tip might be a bit "obvious" but don't write stuff you personally don't like (that relates also to fanfic in general I guess), write the things that you enjoy, don't force yourself into things you don't feel, it's supposed to be fun and not a task <3
from the more "technical" side - I use pics art to make the "collages" (like three, or more, pics next to each other). this way you can "save space" because on the phone you can add only 10 pics per post (I think it's 30 on the computer). and for twitts I use this app called twi note <3
sometimes you might randomly get an idea - if you can't take care of it immediately, write it down so you don't forget. that's how it was for me with the get with his brother au and it's my most popular series!! that's how it works for me - I can try forcing myself into thinking of an idea, but the best ideas are the ones I get randomly throughout the day <3
it's easier for me, as you may have noticed, to write fans' comments using username1, username2, but I saw people actually making up fans' usernames which is so cool!! so whatever floats your boat!! <3
most pictures you see in my smaus are from pinterest, sometimes I just go there hoping I'll see something inspiring, and a lot of times I save pics in a folder "pics for fics" because I might use them someday eventually <3
no idea if that's good or not but at the beginning I tried to "keep things realistic" like not making the drivers talk in the comments about things they wouldn't talk about in real life. i kind of broke this rule for the brother fic for the drama lol I guess it's better when you don't try to keep the comments realistic, because it's all just for fun after all <3
now my last advice is decide how you wanna make the comment section look like and stick to it (I think I've found my preferred way recently), for example if you want to make it like this:
username1 blah blah blah something something something
↳username2 the missile is very tired
username3 eepy even
or maybe like this:
username1 woooooo we ball wow wow
username2 yeah we ball lol
or maybe another way you can think of!! I kind of stopped reading fanfics after I started writing, so I don't remember what other ways to "build" the comment section are there, so just do whatever you vibe with. the thing with the 2nd way I showed is idk how to write a reply to the reply?? but I also struggled with a "reply to a reply" in the way I use now, if you go to my first smaus it'll look something like this:
username1 blah blah blah comment section haha
↳username2 yeah haha comment section lmao
↳username3 whooooaaaaaaaa
↳username4 haha lol wtf is wrong with you guys lmao lol lol xx
like just the constant arrow didn't look that's good to me?? idk that's just personal preference and now I took way too much time to talk about it as if it was the most important part lol anyway choose a style you feel good in and by the way if you wonder where I got the arrow from ↳ I just type in Google 'arrow emoji' and go to the first site lol <3
anyway I hope I could help you, if you (or anyone else) have any other questions feel free to ask, I'm feel honored to help out
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There is no question here, I just followed instructions and read your tags and now I've got Things to Say 😉
Firstly, thank you SO MUCH I'm very flattered and honored to be on your rec/reading list !!!!! 🥲💙💙💙
Secondly, "peeved"=NO, never, my stories are posted to an archive for a reason and that's so they can be enjoyed if ever and whenever anyone wants to read them. They will keep. If you lose interest or circumstances change, no biggie, it happens, I'm just so glad you enjoyed some of my stories! Also I'm very familiar with reading and writing being completely seperate functions, so I would never think "oh that person is writing so much how come they don't have time to read my fic?" I am just thrilled you're writing! I would never want someone to feel like they should read my stories rather than write their own!
Thirdly, please don't feel obligated to leave comments! Although I like comments as much as anyone, I want them to be freely given. Also I think the perceived pressure to comment makes reading harder in that it takes more brain energy. If you leave kudos I'll know you read and enjoyed and that's enough.
Lastly, everyone I know reads more quickly than I do, so 🤝 slow reading solidarity
P.S. I haven't had much reading time either lately and I'm thrilled to see that you've written so much!! Eeeeee!!!!!! And some more Andorian stories? 👀👀👀👀😍😍😍😍💙💙💙💙
Hey Em 💙,
of course, you're on my rec list - your fics are wonderful 🥰
I'm really glad to hear that - misunderstandings are so easy to create on the internet because it's hard to convey tone through text, we don't know the day-to-day weirdness going on in people's lives, etc. So, just in case, I wanted to make sure no one thought I was ghosting their stuff.
And, comments are definitely freely given! But, I have been trying to get into the habit of always leaving a comment - especially since so many of you guys leave comments on my stuff. The encouragement of our little community is great. But, you're right - kudos are a great indicator too.
My sister in christ "slow-as-fuck-reading" 😂
LY 💙
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