#and if that's to get away from me i support him
taurasiluvr · 1 day
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how you can help palestine prequel
★ based on dope love by gucci mane. you have an annoying boyfriend who always seems to be jealous of paige. and you've never even given him a reason to not trust you . . . of course not!
 ⠀ ── ⠀warnings ;; nsfw under the cut, mdni. smut with a little plot, cheating (on irrelevant bf), asshole!paige, fingering, exhibitionism (sorta if that's what you can even call it).
 ⠀ ── ⠀word count ;; 3.6k
 ⠀ ── ⠀rylin's notes ;; requests are open for those who want to send them in :p
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"you're embarrassing me," the words came out of your mouth, your tone annoyed as you glared up at your boyfriend. you couldn't believe that he asked paige for a 1v1 – and on top of that, he lost.
now he was acting all pissy, pacing back and forth on the court with his hands on his hips. paige, your best friend since forever, stood a few feet away, trying to hide her smirk. obviously, she shouldn't be intimidated by your boyfriend, who was supposed to be confident and supportive, not a sore loser.
"maybe if you hadn't underestimated her," you continued, your voice cutting through his grumbling. "you know how good she is, she's literally d1."
paige smirked slightly as she shrugged, taking a sip out of the red solo cup. "it's just a game, guys. it's not a big deal,"
your boyfriend shot her a glare, then turned to you. "why are you taking her side?"
"cus you're acting like a damn child," you snapped back. "it's not her fault you lost."
your boyfriend’s face flushed an even deeper shade of red. he stopped pacing and turned to face you, his hands still on his hips. the music and laughter from the party around you seemed to fade into the background as his eyes searched yours for any sort of validation.
"i just... didn't think she'd take it so seriously," he mumbled, his voice lacking its usual confidence.
paige chuckled softly, shaking her head. "i didn't take it seriously, man. it's just a game," she repeated, her tone light but her eyes sparkling with a hint of amusement as she glanced at you, licking her lips slightly.
"just a game?" he repeated as he glared at the blonde. "i just got beat by a girl! i'm gonna get absolutely flamed in the groupchat,"
"hey, she's also d1! you don't even play basketball," you retorted, feeling your frustration rise. "it's not like you lost to someone off the street. paige is amazing at this."
"whatever," he muttered, looking away and crossing his arms. "still feels like shit, specially cause you're my girl and shit,"
paige raised an eyebrow, clearly enjoying the interaction more than she should. "dude, it's just a game. and besides, who cares what your friends think? they'll get over it."
"easy for you to say," he snapped back, his voice growing louder as he began walking toward her. "you didn't just embarrass yourself."
you stepped between them, your patience wearing thin. "enough. you're acting like a sore loser and it's not a good look."
he glared at you, the hurt evident in his eyes. "why are you always defending her? it's like you take her side over mine every fuckin' time."
"because you're acting ridiculous!" you shot back. "paige is my best friend, and you're being unfair to her and to me. this has nothing to do with sides and more to do with you and your weird competition with her."
he clenched his jaw, his eyes flicking back and forth between you and paige. "weird competition? baby, it's obvious she has a thing for you, i mean jesus-"
you immediately let out a groan. "are we really gonna talk about this now, again? i told you-"
"i don't care, she obviously does!" he finally snapped. you grabbed his arm as he continued shouting about whatever he thinks is going on between you the blonde.
paige watched as you dragged your boyfriend to the side, letting out an amused laugh as she shook her head. she went back inside to get a refill, finding aubrey and nika.
"you gotta stop playing with him," nika stifled a laugh as she glanced outside, watching you and your boyfriend laughing. "i feel bad. we all watched him get absolutely obliterated by you."
aubrey laughed, nodding. "that was so fucking embarrassing, my god. i got an ick and i don't even like him."
paige shrugged, a smirk playing on her lips. "can't help that i'm good at basketball. and it's not like i'm doing it on purpose. he's the one who keeps trying to prove himself."
nika shook her head, still grinning. "well, he's definitely not doing himself any favors."
aubrey took a sip from her cup, raising an eyebrow. "you think she's actually gonna stay with him much longer? i mean, look at them."
they all glanced outside where you were still talking animatedly with your boyfriend. his face was red with frustration, while yours was a mix of exasperation and annoyance.
paige sighed, her expression softening a bit. "nah, probably. she deserves someone who doesn't get all insecure and jealous over nothing."
aubrey and nika exchanged looks, their faces entertained. nika spoke up, "paige we're not dumb, we know you've fucked before."
paige shrugged, a smirk tugging at the corners of her lips. "yeah well... they were on break," she look a sip of her drink as she glanced up at her friends, their expressions unconvinced.
nika raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. "on a break, huh? and does he know about this?"
paige hesitated for a moment, then shook her head. "nah, he doesn't."
nika let out a low whistle. "that's risky, paige. he looks like the type to not mind... you know, beating your ass."
paige laughed as she shrugged. "yeah and he's also like, 5'8."
"if he tried, he'd get humbled," aubrey glanced toward her blonde friend, a smirk playing on her lips. "again," she added.
paige chuckled, her confidence unwavering. "exactly. i'm not too worried about him. besides, it's not like it was a regular thing. it was a one-time thing."
nika leaned back, her expression thoughtful. "still, you should be careful. if he finds out, things could get messy."
paige nodded, acknowledging the risk. "yeah, but it's done, and i can't undo it, i just have to handle things as they come."
aubrey took a sip from her drink, her eyes glinting with mischief. "you know, if you play your cards right, you might not have to worry about him for much longer."
"yeah, i know," she smirked as she glanced at you, you were still arguing with your boyfriend. "i know,"
as they continued talking, you and your boyfriend reentered the house, your faces still showing signs of the recent argument. paige watched as you tried to shake off the tension, joining your friends and attempting to immerse yourself in the party's atmosphere.
nika leaned in, whispering to paige, "think she'll be okay?"
Paige nodded, her eyes following you as you made your way to the group. "she's a big girl, i don't think she cares as much she pretends to."
you approached, giving paige a grateful smile. "hey, guys. sorry about that."
aubrey waved it off, her demeanor light and carefree. "no worries. we're just glad you're back."
nika chimed in, "yeah, we missed you. come on, let's have some fun."
you felt a wave of relief wash over you as your friends welcomed you back with open arms. paige stayed close, her presence a steady comfort. the rest of the night passed in a blur of laughter and camaraderie, the earlier tension fading into the background.
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"and he's so damn clingy, it gets on my nerves," you resisted an eyeroll as you spoke, doing your night time routine in the foggy mirror. paige stood behind you, her hands on your hips and her chin on your shoulder, watching you through the reflection.
"yeah?" she mumbled as you nodded. her hair was wet from the shower, her eyes were red from the exhaustion of the whole day but right now – she didn't feel a tinge of weariness.
you sighed, putting down your toothbrush and meeting paige's eyes in the mirror. "yeah, it’s like he always needs to know where i am, what i’m doing, who i’m with. It’s suffocating."
paige grip on your hips tightened slightly, her presence grounding you. "sounds exhausting," she murmured, her voice gentle. "you deserve to feel free, not like you’re constantly under surveillance."
you nodded, leaning back into her embrace. "exactly. and tonight... all that jealousy over a basketball game? it's just too much."
paige pressed a soft kiss to your shoulder, her breath warm against your skin. "you deserve better than that. someone who trusts you and supports you, not someone who’s always questioning you."
you turned to face her, her hands sliding around to rest on the small of your back. "i know. it’s just hard. we've been together for a while, and i don’t wanna hurt him. but i can’t keep going like this."
paige's eyes softened, her thumb brushing gently against your side as her hands slid down them. "you have to take care of yourself first. it’s not selfish to want to be happy."
you smiled as her eyes dilated, her tongue sticking out to wet her lips. "he needs to trust you, cause... you know, you are," paige's voice came out teasing.
you let out a playful scoff as you pushed her away, a smirk playing on your lips. "gonna bring that up again, p?"
"what?" she laughed as her hands made their way back to your hips. "really gonna tell that i didn't rock your world? you were crying and everything, my ego's never gonna that go."
"i know," you felt your cheeks heat up, a blush creeping up your neck. "don't need to remind me every chance you get."
paige's laughter was warm and genuine as she pulled you closer again, her forehead resting against yours. "just making sure you remember,"
you rolled your eyes, but your smile widened. "how could i forget? you never let me."
"and i never will," you turned back around, continuing your routine. "i still think about it, you know?"
paige's smirk widened as she saw the seriousness in your expression through the foggy reflection. "yeah?"
"yeah," you repeated as you met her eyes through the reflection. "all the time."
there was a moment of silence as you continued your routine, paige was lost in thought as she zoned out. "does he fuck you like i do?"
the question came out of nowhere and you almost choked on the mouthwash. you spit out and paige watched your expression carefully. the air in the bathroom seemed to thicken as you processed her words, unsure of how to respond.
paige's gaze held yours steadily, her expression unreadable yet intense. she seemed to be searching for something in your reaction, her smirk fading into a more serious demeanor.
"no, he doesn't."
paige's smirk immediately came back with the answer, her hands pulling you into her chest. "yeah, i knew that."
she didn't any more of an answer, her lips found your shoulder as she began kissing up to your neck. as her lips found the sensitive spot just below your ear, your head spun with a whirlwind of emotions. the familiarity of her touch, coupled with the depth of your connection, ignited a fire within you that burned brighter than ever before.
paige's hands roamed gently over your back, her touch leaving a trail of tingling sensations in its wake.
her breath tickled your skin as she whispered against your ear, her voice husky with desire. "gonna do you so good, baby,"
as paige’s breath sent shivers down your spine, her words were a promise, igniting a flame of anticipation within you. you turned in her embrace, your eyes meeting hers with a mix of longing and uncertainty. paige's gaze softened, her fingers trailing lightly up your arms to cup your face.
“i’ve missed you,” she murmured, her thumb brushing tenderly across your cheek.
“i’ve missed you too,” you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper.
the tension between you was palpable, the weight of unspoken feelings hanging in the air. paige leaned in, her lips capturing yours in a slow, deliberate kiss that sent a rush of warmth through your body. you melted into her, your hands finding their way to her damp hair, pulling her closer.
paige's kiss deepened, her hands sliding down your back to grip your hips, anchoring you to her. the taste of mint lingered on your lips from the mouthwash, mingling with the familiar flavor of her.
with a gentle push, paige guided you back against the sink, her lips never leaving yours. her hands explored your body with a familiarity that made your heart race, every touch a reminder of the history you shared. as her kisses trailed down your neck, you let out a soft moan, your fingers tangling in her hair.
“oh p,” you breathed, your voice a mix of need and desperation.
she paused, lifting her head to meet your gaze, her eyes dark with desire. “tell me what you want, baby.”
“want you,” you confessed, your cheeks flushing with the raw honesty of your words.
paige's lips curved into a satisfied smile, her hands slipping under your shirt to caress the bare skin of your waist. “you’re going to have me, princess.”
with a swift motion, she lifted you into her arms as she carried you to your bed. her mouth claimed yours again, the kiss hungry and demanding. your fingers fumbled with the hem of her shirt, desperate to feel more of her as she dropped you on the bed.
paige broke the kiss long enough to pull her shirt over her head, her eyes never leaving yours. her bare chest pressed against yours as she kissed you again, her hands working to slide off your shorts. you arched into her touch, the sensation of her hands on you sending waves of pleasure through your body.
as your shorts hit the floor, paige's fingers found their way to your core, teasing you through the fabric of your underwear. you gasped, your hips bucking against her hand, craving more. paige's smirk returned, her thumb circling your clit with agonizing slowness.
she pushed you further up the bed, her body following closely as she settled between your legs. paige's eyes never left yours, her gaze intense and filled with desire. her fingers continued their slow, torturous teasing, making you writhe beneath her.
“paige, please,” you begged, your voice a desperate whisper.
her smirk softened into a sweet smile, and she leaned down to press a kiss to your lips. “love hearing you beg,” she murmured against your mouth before trailing kisses down your neck, her hands slipping beneath your underwear to finally touch your bare skin.
with a gentle but firm touch, she slid your underwear down, her fingers finding their way to your wetness. you moaned, your head falling back as she began to pleasure you, her movements deliberate and skilled. paige knew exactly how to drive you insane, her fingers curling inside you in a rhythm that had you teetering on the edge.
you let out a shuddering breath, your body arching into her touch. she set a steady rhythm, her thumb circling your clit in time with the thrusts of her fingers. every stroke sent waves of pleasure crashing through you, each one more intense than the last.
your hands tangled in her hair, pulling her closer as she kissed her way down your body. her lips left a trail of fire on your skin, each touch igniting a deeper desire within you. when she reached your breasts, her mouth closed over one nipple, sucking and nibbling gently.
the dual sensations of her mouth and her fingers had you spiraling quickly towards the edge. your breaths came in short gasps, your body trembling with the effort to hold back.
then, your phone began buzzing next to you. you let out an annoyed huff – you already knew who it was. you chose to ignore it, but paige had other plans.
"answer it, princess," she mumbled as she sat up, meeting your gaze.
you stared at her, bewildered, your body still trembling from her touch. "paige," you whispered, a mix of frustration and disbelief in your voice.
paige's eyes sparkled with mischief as she leaned in, her lips brushing your ear. "answer it," she repeated, her voice low and commanding. "want him to hear how good i make you feel."
your heart raced, both from the lingering pleasure and the audacity of her request. with trembling hands, you reached for the phone, your eyes never leaving paige's. she watched you intently, her fingers still moving slowly inside you, maintaining the agonizing pleasure.
you hit the answer button, bringing the phone to your ear. "hello?" you managed to say, your voice shaky.
your boyfriend's voice came through the line, filled with concern and irritation. "where are you? why haven't you answered my texts?"
paige's smirk widened, and she pressed a kiss to your shoulder, her fingers quickening their pace slightly. you bit your lip to stifle a moan, your head falling back against the pillow.
"'m... busy," you replied, your voice strained.
"busy? doin' what?" he demanded, suspicion lacing his words.
paige’s other hand moved to tease your nipple, her thumb flicking over it with expert precision. you let out a soft gasp, unable to hold it back. "just... with friends, we're at my..." you managed to say, your breath hitching. "apartment,"
there was a pause on the other end of the line, your boyfriend clearly picking up on the unusual tone in your voice. "you okay? you sound... different."
paige's lips curled into a wicked smile, her fingers curling inside you, hitting just the right spot. you couldn't help the moan that escaped your lips, your body arching into her touch. "oh fuck," you let out before you sighed, putting a hand over your mouth.
"i'm fine," you lied, your voice trembling. "just... having a good time."
Your boyfriend’s voice grew more insistent. "where are you? i want to see you."
paige leaned closer, her breath hot against your ear as she whispered, "tell him you're with me."
you swallowed hard, trying to focus on the conversation despite the overwhelming sensations. "'m with paige," you said, your voice barely above a whisper.
"paige?" he repeated, his tone a mix of confusion and frustration. "what the hell is going on?"
"nothing!" you shouted, the frustration overtaking your senses. "my god, let me fucking breathe. we're just watching a movie and we're tired, can't get a second alone,"
paige's smirk grew as she listened to your conversation, her fingers still teasing you, maintaining a torturous pace that kept you on the edge. she nibbled gently on your neck, her breath warm against your skin, and you fought to keep your voice steady.
on the other end of the line, your boyfriend’s frustration was palpable. “why didn’t you just say that? you’ve been acting so weird lately.”
You took a shaky breath, trying to focus on the words and not the intense pleasure paige was giving you. “i’m not acting weird. just need some space sometimes.”
“space? is that what you call ignoring my calls and hanging out with paige all the time?” he snapped.
paige fingers quickened slightly, pushing you closer to the edge, beginning to completely finger-fuck you. you bit your lip to stifle a moan, your hips bucking involuntarily. “’m not ignoring you,” you said through gritted teeth, trying to sound convincing. “i think i just… need a break.”
“a break?” he echoed, his voice growing louder. “what kind of break?”
paige leaned in, her voice a whisper in your ear. “tell him you’re taking a break from him.”
you swallowed hard, the words sticking in your throat. “think we need a break,” you finally said, your voice barely above a whisper.
“what?” he shouted, disbelief and anger mingling in his tone. “are you fucking serious?”
“yeah,” you said more firmly, finding your resolve.
he began shouting but you were too engulfed in her fingers, your breaths coming out in shudders. the phone fell out of your hand as you moaned, your back arching into her touch.
paige chose that moment to push you over the edge, her fingers and lips working in perfect harmony to send you spiraling into a powerful orgasm. you cried out, your body shaking with the force of it, the annoyed shouts still coming from the phone.
paige caught the phone, her eyes locking with yours as she brought it to her ear. "she busy right now," she said, her tone unapologetic and firm. "she'll call you in the morning,"
with that, she ended the call, tossing the phone aside as she gathered you in her arms. you were still trembling, your body buzzing with the aftershocks of your orgasm. paige's touch was gentle now, soothing as she held you close.
"you gonna call him in the morning?" she teased as you laid on her chest. you stifled a laugh as you shook your head.
"probably, he's probably crying right now."
she shrugged, "i would too if i lost a bad bitch like you,"
you couldn't help but smile at her words, a warmth spreading through your chest. "you're ridiculous," you murmured, nuzzling closer into her embrace.
paige's fingers traced soothing patterns on your back, her touch comforting and tender. "yeah, but you love it," she replied, her voice soft.
you sighed contentedly, letting the calm after the storm wash over you. "yeah, i do."
you stayed like that for a long time, wrapped up in each other, the rest of the world fading away. eventually, the exhaustion of the day caught up with you, and your eyes grew heavy.
"get some sleep," paige murmured, her voice a gentle lullaby. "we'll figure everything out in the morning."
you nodded sleepily, feeling safe and secure in her arms. "goodnight, p."
"goodnight, beautiful," she whispered, holding you close as you drifted off to sleep.
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if you enjoyed, any interaction is greatly appreciated!
with love, rylin 𝜗𝜚
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ham1lton · 1 day
just a normal girl.
pairings: charles leclerc x comedienne!reader.
summary: just a normal girl is a stand-up netflix comedy special performed by actress and comedienne y/n l/n in which she discusses her childhood, her horrible first meeting with her boyfriend and being a twenty something in london.
author’s note: based on that one anon’s dream but i changed it up slightly! also eid mubarak to all my muslim followers celebrating today! this is for you <3 i also have a new taglist so please help me out by filling it if you’d like to be tagged in future works!
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Y/N L/N: so, charles decides to take me shopping. fancy, right? we walk into this chic little boutique and, surprise, the shopkeeper only speaks french. now, i don’t speak french. at all. my entire french vocabulary consists of 'oui' and 'croissant.' meanwhile, charles is chatting away like he’s in a romance film, all suave and shit.
[audience laughs]
Y/N L/N: and there i am, standing there, smiling and nodding like i understand every word. for all i knew, charles could be telling the guy, 'this is my new project. she thinks monaco is in morocco. and i’ve been dared to make her over like that one freddie prinze jr film.' and i’m just like, 'yes, absolutely. très bien.’
[audience laughs harder]
Y/N L/N: so charles is chatting to the guy in french as they go through the boutique and he inevitably finds this gorgeous dress. he hands it to me, all excited, like ‘try it on! you’ll look stunning’ and i look at the price tag. why was this dress more than my rent? for that price the dress needs to fill my fridge, put shelter over my head and fly like a magic carpet.
Y/N L/N: i exit the changing room, because when a cute guy asks me to do something… i can’t say no. i can’t help it! i can’t say no to pretty faces!
[audience laughs]
Y/N L/N: charles is looking at me in this dress like i’m an angel from above and i’m calculating the amount of ramen noodles i’ll have to buy to smooth over my overdraft. maybe if i wear it every day for the next sixty five years, it’ll work itself out? then charles chats to the shopkeeper and points at me and then at charles and i’m thinking… what the hell are they saying about me. he’s probably telling charles ‘this girl is not for you. she’s very clueless and can’t handle the high life you are accustomed to’.
[audience boos the shopkeeper]
Y/N L/N: oh no, don’t boo him. he was right. i was clueless and unable to handle the high life. charles looks at me smiling like ‘should we get the dress?’. on the inside i’m like, NOOOOOOOOOOOO but on the outside i’m like, oh sure, yeah, why not. but he rings it up and says ‘that’ll be 32,489 euros please’ and i want to die. but then charles just hands over his card and i remember… i’m dating a guy who probably earns my life savings in a day. life goals, am i right ladies?
[the ladies in the audience cheer]
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liked by netflix, charles_leclerc and 483,938 others.
yourusername: tfw your netflix special is number one for two weeks so ur man buys u two flower bouquets. guys get please me to three so i can get another <3
also i have had a recent influx of followers? so hi. i’m y/n, i act and i think i’m funny sometimes. if you’ve watched my netflix special? mwah <- that’s me kissing your forehead.
view all 2,737 comments
charles_leclerc: not you cheating on me in your caption ☹️🙁
-> yourusername: sorry you had to find out this way <3
user1: omg is she muslim?? and a hijabi??
-> user2: finding yn… inshallah they find her.
maxverstappen1: made a netflix account to watch you and it was good! 👍🏻
-> yourusername: thank you user maxverstappen1. always appreciate the support from grassroots fans such as yourself.
arthur_leclerc: wait was the kidnapping story real?
-> yourusername: obviously! i have never lied in a comedy special. exaggerated, perhaps, but never lied! what sort of woman do you take me for?
user6: why can’t we see your face in any of these pics?
-> yourusername: because you can see my face on netflix in hd in my new comedy special - just a normal girl :)
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[spotlight on y/n l/n standing center stage, audience is attentive]
Y/N L/N: the first time charles invited me to a formula 1 race. i know, right? fancy! i mean, i usually spend my weekends binge-watching netflix in my pajamas, and suddenly, i’m in the vip section at a grand prix. talk about a plot twist.
[audience laughs]
Y/N L/N: so, we get there, and i'm already feeling out of place. everyone is dressed to the nines in designer outfits, and i’m wearing the only fancy dress i own, which is basically just a black dress i got on sale at h&m. but i’m trying to fit in, pretending i know what’s going on. spoiler alert: i have no idea what’s going on.
[audience laughs louder]
Y/N L/N: charles is introducing me to all these important people, and they’re all speaking this mix of french, italian, and who-knows-what. and i'm just standing there, smiling and nodding, because that’s my default mode in these situations.
[audience laughs]
Y/N L/N: then, charles introduces me to his team, and they start explaining all these technical details about the car. and i’m thinking, 'wow, this is fascinating,' but honestly, it sounds like they’re speaking another language. they could be telling me the car runs on unicorn tears, and i’d just nod along, 'ah yes, absolutely. unicorn tears. very efficient. not very sustainable though….’
[audience laughs]
Y/N L/N: alright, so while we’re on the topic of my boyfriend, let me tell you about the time my family found out i was dating a rich formula one driver. you’d think they’d be excited for me, proud even. but no, my family? they just saw dollar signs.
Y/N L/N: so, i’m visiting my family for the holidays, and everything is going well. we’re having dinner, catching up, and then my aunt, bless her heart, leans over and whispers, 'is it true? are you really dating a formula one driver?' and i’m like, 'well yes, aunt sarah, it’s true.'
Y/N L/N: now, my family is not subtle. at all. within minutes, it’s like they’ve formed a council of war. my uncle pulls out his phone and starts googling charles. my mom is like, 'how much money does he make?' and my dad is suddenly very interested in the price of sports cars.
Y/N L/N: i’m sitting there, trying to eat my mashed potatoes, and they’re plotting how to get charles to invest in my cousin’s failed business. my cousin, who once tried to sell homemade kombucha and ended up giving half the neighbourhood food poisoning. that cousin.
[audience laughs heartily]
Y/N L/N: my brother, always the opportunist, chimes in with, 'hey, maybe he can get us a discount on a new ferrari!' like it’s a shein code that you can input on the website and i’m just sinking lower in my chair, wishing i could disappear.
Y/N L/N: so, i finally snap. i stand up and say, 'look, i know i’m broke, but i’m fine. i don’t need to use charles as an atm. he’s not a walking bank account, he’s a person.' and they’re all just staring at me, like i’ve grown two heads.
Y/N L/N: then my grandma, who hasn’t said a word all night, just quietly stands up and says, 'well, if he’s that rich, maybe he could at least buy us a new dishwasher. the old one is on its last legs.' and i’m like, 'seriously, grandma?'
[audience laughs louder]
Y/N L/N: but you know, through all this, charles has been amazing. he’s patient, understanding, and he never makes me feel bad about my financial situation. i’m broke, but i’m fine. and honestly, i think that’s what makes us work. i keep him grounded, and he... well, he reminds me that sometimes, it’s okay to splurge on the extras.
[audience cheers and applauds]
Y/N L/N: but here’s the thing about dating someone like charles. the highs are incredible, but there are lows too. there are moments when you feel like you’re in a fairy tale, and then there are times when reality hits you hard. like, after that amazing day at the race, we got home and charles was still buzzing from the win. and i… i was just exhausted.
[audience quiets down, listening intently]
Y/N L/N: i remember lying in bed that night, charles fast asleep beside me, and i couldn’t help but think about how different our worlds are. he’s out there living his dream, racing cars and traveling the world, and i’m just trying to keep up, trying to fit into a life that sometimes feels so foreign to me.
Y/N L/N: it’s hard, you know? being with someone who’s so extraordinary when you feel so ordinary. there’s this constant fear that one day he’ll wake up and realize he deserves someone who belongs in his world, someone who isn’t just pretending.
[audience is silent, reflective]
Y/N L/N: but then i look at him, and i see how much he loves me, how he looks at me like i’m the only person in the room, and for a moment, all those doubts fade away. because maybe, just maybe, being a normal girl is exactly what he needs in his extraordinary life.
[audience applauds softly]
Y/N L/N: thank you for listening, everyone. you've been amazing! enjoy the rest of your night. i know i will!
[spotlight dims, y/n exits to a heartfelt applause]
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liked by ynwifey, f1wags and 587,828 others.
yourusername: birds of a feather, we should stick together 🎶
tagged: @charles_leclerc
view all 34,937 comments
user9: mashallah sis! you look gorgeous :)
*liked by yourusername.*
user10: a billie fan!!!! omg!!
user89: charlesyn is so cute. funny gf x pretty bf.
-> user12: the way she is also pretty gf but he isn’t funny bf 😔
landonorris: no one wants to see happy couples on the timeline thanks x
-> yourusername: unfollow me x
-> landonorris: but who will make me laugh then 😔
-> yourusername: knock knock 😋
-> landonorris: who’s there 😁
-> yourusername: single 🙀
-> landonorris: single who? 🤨
-> yourusername: single you! still waiting for a punchline and a date 😊
-> landonorris: 😔
-> randomstalkerfan1: i’ll date you lando! :D
-> landonorris: would rather stay single thanks x
────── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ──────
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hollyoongs · 1 day
happy (belate) birthday to me! 🧚🏻‍♀️💓
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𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴: idol!sunghoon x idol!reader (the reader is fem bodied andd on the pill) || 𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗿𝗲: smut ||𝘄.𝗰: +4.6k || 𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗴𝗲𝗿 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: small plot an then full smut, petnames (slut, good girl, etc), teasing (Sunghoon is such a tease ilh), dacryphilia, surprise squirting, orgams denial, Sunghoon ties reader, deepthroating, reverse and normal cowgirl, spanking.
𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆: Being a couple sounded really easy at first but after becoming idols and not seeing ech other faces for months, just changed one think. That you two will ALWAYS be horny
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You parked the rented car in the garage, looking around before going inside to the big venue, watching it get crowed from your seat, smiling at the large fanbase in that concert through your mask to cover yourself since you don't want to be discovered and cause rumors. 
After several months with events, promotions, and more, you couldn't see your boyfriend for a while until this moment when the company gave you a month break. The first thing you did was book a flight when the Fate Tour concert places were uploaded and pray to all the gods above to make you have a ticket way back. And thankfully, you did everything without telling your boyfriend, Sunghoon.
You remember the first time you laid eyes on Sunghoon like it was yesterday? It was at the ice rink, where the air was crisp with the promise of winter and the sound of blades slicing through the ice echoed softly. Your cousin had dragged you along to watch her practice, and that's when you saw him effortlessly gliding across the ice with such grace and finesse.
Your cousin had introduced you to him, and from that moment on, there was an undeniable connection between the two of you. He was shy; his cheeks tinted pink whenever he spoke to you, but his eyes held a warmth that drew you in like a moth to a flame. And, oh, how those stolen glances sent shivers down your spine, igniting a fire within your heart that refused to be extinguished.
As you both started training together, you found solace in each other's company, sharing dreams and aspirations under the watchful gaze of the stars. His gentle encouragement pushed you to strive for greatness, and in return, you offered him unwavering support, a pillar of strength in times of doubt.
Every stolen moment together felt like a scene from a fairytale, with whispered promises and stolen kisses hidden away from prying eyes. And though the world around you may have been chaotic and uncertain, in his arms, you found sanctuary, a safe haven where love blossomed like the first flowers of spring.
As the lights dimmed and the crowd erupted into cheers, you felt your heart race with anticipation. You couldn't wait to see the seven boys perform—to see them in their element, doing what they loved most. And most importantly, you couldn't wait to see and surprise him.
The music began, and you watched with bated breath as all of them appeared on stage. You searched for Sunghoon, and you could feel yourself getting nervous by how he made eye contact with the camera that captured the moment and showed it on the big screen. He looked more mesmerizing than ever under the stage lights, his movements fluid and graceful. 
His interaction with fans was incredibly endearing, with each gesture and smile making the crowd feel more connected to him. He waved at them, accepted their thoughtfully prepared gifts, and made every encounter feel deeply personal. But then something extraordinary happened that sent a wave of electricity through the air.
He picked up a black cowboy hat adorned with his name in sparkling rhinestones and elegant feathers. As he slowly placed it on his head, his entire demeanor shifted. His movements became more fluid and deliberate, exuding a confidence that was intoxicating. He began to dance, his hips swaying with a tantalizing rhythm, each movement more sensual than the last. The crowd erupted in screams, their excitement reaching a fever pitch.
His gaze was intense, filled with a magnetic allure that made your heart race. He moved closer to the edge of the stage. Your breath hitched, unable to tear your eyes away from him, and the air was thick with anticipation. 
After what felt like the shortest moment of your life, the concert finally came to an end, and you quickly made your way backstage, your heart pounding in your chest with emotion and a slight fear, in order to not be seen by anyone else. You couldn't contain your excitement as you waited for Sunghoon to finish his post-concert rituals and emerge from the dressing room.
You heard the cheers from the dancers and production team when they started to get down, and you knew they were coming. The door of the place you were was opened, and you saw Jay smiling at him.
Jay made everything possible, from you having a ticket in an unwanted place (which you begged for) to an unknown room far away from the staff and cameras that were recording the tour in general for the behind-the-scenes. Mostly because he was feeling worried about his best friend being so down about not seeing you or spending time with you. 
"I'm going to fool Sunghoon to make him come over here in a few minutes."
"Thank you, Jay. You're the best," you replied, your voice trembling with a mix of excitement and anxiety. Jay gave you a reassuring smile before slipping out of the room, leaving you alone with your racing thoughts.
Minutes felt like hours as you waited, your heart pounding louder with each passing second. Finally, you heard footsteps approaching, and the door creaked open. Sunghoon stepped in, looking puzzled, until his eyes landed on you. For a moment, he was frozen, disbelief and joy mingling on his face.
"Surprise," you whispered, stepping forward.
Sunghoon's eyes widened in disbelief, a wide smile spreading across his face as he felt his tiredness go away in the blink of an eye. "What are you doing here?" he exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine joy.
"Can I not see my boyfriend?" you replied, closing the gap between you.
Sunghoon's arms enveloped you in a warm, tight embrace, his familiar scent wrapping around you like a comforting blanket, his eyes watering a little bit. "I missed you so much," he breathed into your hair.
"I missed you too," you said, pulling back slightly to look into his eyes. The depth of emotion in his gaze took your breath away, and you felt a shiver of anticipation as his hands cupped your face, his thumbs gently brushing your cheeks.
Without another word, his lips found yours in a tender kiss that quickly deepened, filled with the longing and passion of months spent apart. His hands moved to your waist, pulling you even closer, as if he couldn't bear the thought of any distance between you.
The room seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of you in a bubble of shared love and desire. You could feel the heat of his body and the rhythm of his heartbeat matching your own, and it was intoxicating. Your fingers tangled in his hair, pulling him closer, and you lost yourself in the moment.
As the kiss broke, Sunghoon's forehead rested against yours, his breath ragged. "I've dreamed of this moment every single day," he confessed, his voice low and husky.
"And now it's real," you replied, your hands tracing the contours of his back, feeling the tension and warmth of his skin through the thin fabric of his shirt. "We have a whole week together."
His eyes sparkled with a mix of happiness and mischief. "A week isn't nearly enough," he said, his voice dropping to a suggestive whisper, "but we can make every second count."
With a playful smile, you took his hand, leading him towards the couch in the corner of the room. "Let's start right now," you said, your voice equally suggestive, "and see where the night takes us."
He didn't answer; he just straight-attached his lips to yours. You could feel his desesperation, and you must admit that yours was as obvious as his. 
Sunghoon's hands slid down your back, pulling you closer as your bodies pressed together. The intensity of his kiss sent shivers down your spine, every touch igniting a fire within you that had been simmering for months. You could feel his heart racing, matching the frantic beat of your own.
The couch in that room provided little space, but it didn't matter. The world outside ceased to exist as you and Sunghoon reconnected, each kiss a promise, each touch a reaffirmation of the love that had grown stronger despite the distance and time apart. His lips moved to your neck, leaving a trail of kisses that made your breath hitch and your body ache for more.
"Sunghoon" You whispered his name, your voice filled with need, and he responded with a growl that sent a thrill through you when you held his torn arms. His hands were everywhere, exploring, caressing, and claiming every inch of you as his own. You clung to him, your fingers gripping his shoulders, his hair—anything to ground yourself in the overwhelming sensation of being with him again.
"God, I've missed you," he murmured against your skin, his breath hot and ragged. "I've thought about this every night."
You pulled him closer, your lips finding his in a kiss that spoke of all the longing and desire you had bottled up. "Me too," you breathed, your words mingling with the taste of him. "I never want to be apart from you again."
His hands tightened around your waist, and his eyes were dark with emotion. "We'll find a way," he promised, his voice fierce. "I really want you right now."
You grabbed his toned arms as he kissed your neck, your hands traveling behind his head while he couldn't bear the urge to grab your ass. He moans now, leaving your mouth.
"You want a quicky right now?" Sunghoon's moan was enough for you to actually separate him from you to take off his body and the sleeveless shirt he was wearing. He was still sweaty from the concert, the soft light of that space making him shine beautifully. He grabbed the band of the jeans you were wearing to pull you close and make you jump, his arms holding you as you locked him with your legs on his hips and removed your shirt, him pampering your skin with kisses.
"I want to fuck you so bad, sweetie."
Your breath hitched at his words, the raw desire in his voice sending a jolt of electricity through your body. You clung to him as he carried you, his hands firm on your waist, your fingers digging in just enough to leave an imprint. The couch became an insignificant detail, a mere backdrop to the fervor that consumed both of you.
Sunghoon lowered you onto the couch, his body hovering over yours as his eyes roamed hungrily across your exposed skin. "God, you're beautiful," he whispered, his voice thick with emotion and desire. He leaned down, his lips capturing yours in a kiss that was both possessive and tender, a perfect reflection of the love and lust coursing through his veins.
Your fingers tangled in his hair, pulling him closer as your bodies moved in a synchronized dance of passion. His kisses trailed down your neck, lingering on your collarbone before descending to your chest. You arched into his touch, every nerve ending alight with anticipation and need.
"I can't wait any longer," you gasped, your hands fumbling with the button of his jeans. The urgency between you was palpable—a magnetic force pulling you together in a desperate bid to erase the months of separation.
He helped you with your jeans, his own hands trembling slightly as he undid the button and zipper. In one swift motion, he pulled them off, leaving you in your underwear. His eyes darkened as he took in the sight of you, his breath hitching.
"You're so damn sexy," he groaned, his hands sliding up your thighs and pushing aside the thin fabric that was the only barrier left between you. "I've missed this; I missed you so much."
You reached for his jeans, sliding them down his hips, the anticipation building as you felt the heat of his skin against yours. He kicked them off, his body now pressed against you, every inch of him hard and ready. The feel of his arousal against your thigh sent a thrill through you, a reminder of how much you had both yearned for this moment.
"Please, Sunghoon," you whispered, your voice a plea that spoke volumes. "I need you."
With a growl, he captured your lips again, his hand sliding down to position himself at your entrance. The moment he entered you, a gasp tore from your lips, and the sensation was overwhelming in its intensity. He filled you completely, every thrust a reminder of the connection you had both missed so dearly.
"Fuck, I missed your pussy so bad," he groaned, his pace relentless as he drove into you. Each movement was a promise, a testament to the love and desire that had never wavered. Your bodies moved in perfect harmony, a symphony of passion and need that echoed through the small room.
Your nails raked down his back, your moans mingling with his as the intensity built. "Sunghoon!" you cried out, your voice raw with pleasure. "I'm so close."
His response was a deep, guttural moan, his pace quickening as he drove you both toward the edge. "Cum for me, baby," he urged, his voice rough and breathless. "I need to feel your cum."
With a final thrust, you shattered, the pleasure washing over you in waves that left you trembling and breathless. Sunghoon followed moments later, his release a powerful testament to the bond that had brought you back together.
As you lay there, tangled in each other's arms, the world outside seemed to fade away. The only thing that mattered was the two of you, the love that had defied distance and time, and the promise of a future where you would never be apart again.
Seven knocks on the door alerted both of you. "Sunghoon, they're starting to ask for you." You looked at him and both rushed to take all your clothes. After your appearance was decent, you were about to get out, Sunghoon winning and putting himself in front of the door, blocking it.
"Where's your stay?"
"At your hotel room," he said, opening his eyes in surprise and biting his lips in delight.
"I have to thank Jay for all of this." You grabbed his jaw, pulling him in a slow kiss. You could feel his fangs in the kiss and how needy he was for you, and you were just hiding the wet patch in your pants from the event before and how we whine when you separate from him, pulling his lower lip with a smirk on his face.
"Meet me at the hotel room, Park." You made him move aside and open the door, looking at Jay beside it wearing headphones and winking at you, handing you the card key to his best friend's hotel room. "Thank you, Jay."
"Give me a head start. Are you going to be really loud?"
"Then I'm going to give the members earplugs." You rolled your eyes at him as you successfully escaped the venue without a single camara on your face or fans surrounding you asking for explanations.
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You arrived at the hotel, going straight to Sunghoon's hotel room. Anticipation coursed through your veins. You saw your appearance once again in the bathroom mirror and put the bag of clothes you brought with a brand new lingere set. You inhaled the cologne of your boyfriend in the air and smiled. You started to get undressed and put on the brand new set, a pearly white lingerie that was mostly strings.
You smiled at how your make-up and hair were retouched, ensuring you looked perfect for what was about to come. The delicate lace clung to your curves, accentuating your figure in all the right places. You caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror, and you couldn't help but feel a surge of confidence. The anticipation of what was to come made your heart race.
The door clicked open, and you went out of the bathroom to see Sunghoon step inside with the hat he had at the concert, his eyes widening at the sight of you. He took a moment to take in your appearance, the hunger in his gaze evident as he locked the door behind him with a determined click. The tension in the room was palpable, and you could feel the heat radiating from him as he approached you. Without a word, he pulled you into a fierce kiss, throwing his hat somewhere, his hands roaming your body, appreciating the new lingerie set after.
"You're breathtaking," he murmured against your lips, his voice thick with desire.
You smiled against his mouth, pressing your body closer to his. "I'm glad you like it."
His hands moved to the straps of your lingerie, teasingly slipping them off your shoulders. "I more than like it," he whispered, his lips trailing down your neck for the second time, sending shivers down your spine.
You let out a soft moan, your hands finding their way to his hair and tugging gently. "I've been waiting for this moment," you confessed, your voice barely above a whisper.
His hands slid down your sides, his fingers hooking under the waistband of your pants. He pulled them down slowly, teasingly, his eyes never leaving yours. "Me too," he replied, his voice husky with need.
He lifted you onto the bed, positioning you so that you were lying on your back, your wrists tied to the headboard with the silky ropes that the set had. You felt a thrill of excitement at being at his mercy, knowing that he would take his time to make you feel incredible.
He trailed kisses down your body, his lips and tongue exploring every inch of your skin. You writhed beneath him, the anticipation and teasing driving you wild. He hovered over your core, his breath hot against your sensitive skin, but he didn't touch you where you needed it most.
You squirmed in anticipation, the sensation of being restrained heightening your arousal.
He leaned down, his breath hot against your ear. "I’m going to tease you until you beg for release."
You bit your lip, trying to suppress a moan. His hands roamed your body, his fingers grazing your skin with agonizing slowness. When he finally reached your pants, he smirked at the dampness he found there.
"So wet for me already," he murmured, sliding them down and off.
He knelt between your legs, his eyes dark with lust as he watched you squirm. His fingers traced lazy circles around your clitoral area, never quite touching it, driving you to the edge of sanity. You bucked your hips, desperate for more, but he held you down firmly.
"Missed me?" His voice was husky, filled with desire.
"Always," you replied, your voice barely above a whisper. "Please, Sunghoon," you begged, your voice breaking with need.
He looked up at you, his eyes dark with desire. "Not yet, baby; I want to hear you beg some more."
You whimpered, your hips lifting off the bed in a desperate attempt to get closer to his mouth. "Please, I need you," you pleaded, tears of frustration welling up in your eyes.
He smirked, clearly enjoying your desperation. "Soon," he promised, his fingers slipping inside you and curling in just the right way to make you cry out.
He worked with you expertly, bringing you to the brink of orgasm before pulling back, leaving you panting and on the verge of tears. "Please, Sunghoon, I can't take it anymore," you sobbed, your body trembling with need.
"Patience, baby," he teased, his voice a low growl.
The teasing continued until you were panting, tears of frustration welling in your eyes. Just when you thought you couldn’t take it anymore, he finally relented, his mouth descending on your core and his tongue flicking over your clitoral area with precision. You cried out, your body arching off the bed as he pushed you over the edge. 
"Not yet," he said, his eyes locked on yours. "You don't get to come until I say so."
You whimpered, tears streaming down your face as the denial pushed you to the brink. He grinned at your torment, his fingers slipping inside you, slow and deliberate. The pressure built, and just as you felt you might explode, he withdrew, leaving you gasping and sobbing.
"You’re so beautiful when you cry," he whispered, kissing away your tears.
Finally, he lowered his mouth to your clitoral area, sucking gently. The sudden, intense pleasure was too much, and with a strangled cry, you came, your body shuddering with the force of your release. The orgasm ripped through you, intense and all-consuming, your cries echoing in the room. But he didn’t stop; his tongue kept working, prolonging your orgasm.
By the time he finally pulled back, you were a trembling, panting mess, tears of pleasure streaming down your face.
He untied your wrists, pulling you into his arms and holding you close. "You did so well, baby," he murmured, kissing your forehead gently.
Sunghoon kissed his way up to your whole face, his lips meeting yours in a fierce, hungry kiss. "But I’m not done with you yet," he whispered against your mouth, unbuttoning his pants.
You got on your knees in bed at the same time he was fully revealed. Your breath hitched as you took in the sight of him, his arousal evident and demanding attention. Sunghoon's eyes were dark with desire, and he gently guided your head towards him. You knew what he wanted, and the anticipation made your heart race.
With a mixture of eagerness and reverence, you opened your mouth, taking him in slowly. The sensation of his hardness against your tongue sent a shiver down your spine. Sunghoon's fingers tangled in your hair, guiding you as you started to move, taking him deeper with each bob of your head.
His low groan of pleasure spurred you on, your own arousal reigniting as you felt him respond to your touch. You took him deeper, the feeling of fullness making you moan and gag around him, being used in this way with Sunghoon looking like he was touching heaven with each suckr. Sunghoon's grip tightened slightly, his breathing growing more labored as you continued, your movements steady and relentless.
"That's it, baby," he encouraged, his voice husky with desire. "Take it all."
You pushed yourself to take him even deeper, your gag reflex triggering slightly, but you pushed past it, wanting to please him. The way he looked down at you, his expression one of pure bliss, made every effort worth it. You could feel yourself growing wetter with every second, the intensity of the moment heightening your own need.
Sunghoon's moans grew louder, and his hips started to move in time with your rhythm. You hollowed your cheeks, creating a tighter suction, and he responded with a deep, throaty growl. "Fuck, you're amazing," he breathed out, his voice strained.
You could tell he was close, and you doubled your efforts, wanting to push him over the edge. His movements became more erratic, his fingers tightening in your hair as he approached his climax. With a final, deep thrust, he came, his release hot and intense. You swallowed eagerly, taking in everything he had to offer.
As he pulled back, you looked up at him, your eyes glazed with desire and satisfaction. Your hand reached to the back of his neck, pushing him to be on top of you instead of standing up. 
Sunghoon's eyes never left yours as he positioned himself above you, the intensity in his gaze making your heart race. He leaned down, capturing your lips in a heated kiss, his hands roaming your body with renewed urgency, like he always does.
You could feel the hardness of his body pressing against you; the heat between you was almost unbearable. "You're incredible," he murmured against your lips, his voice filled with admiration and raw need. "I want to be inside you."
"What's stopping you?" you whispered back, your voice breathless with anticipation, your doe eyes looking at his as you opened more of your legs.
You didn't let him take a good look. With a swift, practiced motion, you were on top of him, rocking your wet entrace with his once again hard cock. You saw your left, the cowboy hat calling your attention. You reached for it, and you put it on, gaining a moan from your boyfriend at the view.
"You'll be the death of me. My pretty cowgirl." You aligned yourself with his cock, the tip of his erection teasing your wet folds. You gasped, your body arching towards him, desperate for the connection. He entered you slowly, filling you inch by inch. The sensation was overwhelming.
The stretch, the fullness, and the way he seemed to fit perfectly inside you—it was almost too much.
Sunghoon's hands gripped your hips, guiding your movements as you began to ride him, the rhythm building steadily. The way you moved, the sight of you in that hat—it drove him wild. His fingers dug into your flesh, leaving imprints of his need on your skin.
"You like that, don't you?" you teased, your voice dripping with seductive confidence as you bounced on his length, your breasts heaving with each motion. He could only groan in response, his eyes rolling back momentarily as you increased the pace, your hips grinding against him with primal urgency.
With each thrust, you felt a delicious friction that sent jolts of pleasure through your body, making your breaths come out in gasps. You leaned back slightly, placing your hands on his thighs for leverage, allowing him a perfect view of your body in motion.
Suddenly, Sunghoon's hands left your hips and came down hard on your ass, the sharp sting of the spank making you cry out in a mix of pain and pleasure. "You like that, baby?" he growled, his voice rough with desire as he delivered another spank, the sound echoing in the room, copying the teasing.
"Yes, Sunghoon," you panted, the spanking only fueling your arousal. "More."
He obliged, alternating between spanking and gripping your hips to help guide you on his cock. Each spank was a reminder of his control, a sharp pleasure that contrasted with the deep, rolling waves of pleasure from his thrusts inside you.
You could feel your orgasm building, the pressure mounting as you rode him harder, and your movements becoming more frantic. Sensing your nearing climax, Sunghoon suddenly shifted, flipping you onto your back without pulling out. He moved quickly, positioning you for reverse cowgirl.
With your back to him, you sank down onto his cock once more. This time, you could feel it deeper, and that simply made you scream, your movements more erratic as you chased your high. His hands found your ass again, spanking you hard enough to leave a delicious sting. You cried out, the combination of his cock filling you and the sharp bites of pain pushing you over the edge.
"Cum for me, baby," he commanded, his voice strained as he felt your walls tightening around him. His words sent you spiraling, your orgasm crashing over you in powerful waves. You screamed his name, your body convulsing as you rode out your climax, your ass cheeks mivong like waves, and driving him insane.
Sunghoon followed you shortly after, his own release triggered by the sight of you coming undone on top of him. His hands gripped your hips tightly as he thrust up into you, emptying himself deep inside you with a guttural moan.
You collapsed against him while taking the hat off, both of you breathless and sweaty, in the afterglow of your intense session, leaving you both feeling satisfied and deeply connected.
"That was amazing," you whispered, turning your head to look at him with a blissful smile.
"You're amazing," he replied, his eyes filled with love and admiration as he brushed a stray lock of hair from your face. "Please keep the hat; I'll fuck you with that every single time."
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tayytayy12 · 7 hours
Once I fix me, he’s gonna miss me | LN4 x singer!reader
DR3 x Exgf!reade
Summary - After a messy breakup with Daniel reader releases a new album, but no one expects the random love song at the end of it, and they certainly didn’t expect it to be about Daniel’s friend and ex-teammate.
Warnings - Cheating mentioned, swearing, villain Daniel (for the request I love Danny Ric)
FaceClaim - Gracie Abrams
Requested - Yes
Notes - Please give me the benefit of the doubt for some spelling errors, it’s not my strong suite 😭
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Liked by - YukiTsunoda22, TaylorSwift, SabrinaCarpenter, and 5,653,773 others
Yourusername - I’m back, and I’m bringing you a gift to apologise for being away for so long 🤍 my brand new album, ‘My Boy Only Breaks His Favourite Toys’ is out tomorrow, you’ll hear more from me then. I love you 💕
View comments
User4 - This shit looks sad
User5 - Daniel did some fucked up shit in their relationship 😭
User6 - Hoe wdym ‘My boy only breaks his favourite toys’
User7 - Is everyone forgetting Daniel’s favourite bar in Australia is called ‘the black dog’
User8 - He fucked up big time
User9 - Fr, how do you cheat on THEE y/n y/l/n?
User10 - Daniel’s teammate in the likes shows that even the grid don’t agree w how he treated our girl 😭
User11 - Stop making him a villain okay, he didn’t know what he was doing.
User12 - Daniel, and thirty four year old man, didn’t know what he was doing when he controlled, belittled and public cheated on Y/n, a TWENTY THREE year old girl? He knew what he was doing, you can’t defend him anymore.
SabrinaCarpenter - You even look pretty when you’re sad
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Liked by - JackAntanoff, MaxVerstappen1 and 6,545,720 others
Tagged | @/AaronDessner, @/JackAntanoff
Yourusername - My god where do I even start? This album is everything and more to me, really. The last year of my life writing these songs has been my escape from my reality, one that I really didn’t want to be a part of, but it was also one that I didn’t know how to escape, and when I finally did I didn’t know how to let go of all the pain I’d kept with me in that time. So, I picked up my pen and let it do the talking. This is my first album where every song is written solely by me, but of course I had the help of my soulmate collaborators, jack and Aaron to produce and do their magic. The pair of them helped me, along with someone special showed me that what I felt was okay, and valid. These songs are my most unfiltered and my most vulnerable, this is not an album that has been made for the general public. This one is one I made with only you, my biggest supporters and myself in mind. I’m forever grateful of how I’m able to trust you with my feelings without any fear. I love you, and I hope you live this album like I do, or it could help you like it did me. Just remember, you’re not alone in your feelings 🤍
‘My boy only brakes his favourite toys’ is all yours now, all eighteen tracks about my coping mechanisms, and one about how there’s happiness after heartbreak… 🤍
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JackAntanoff - You’re a living legend 🫡
Yourusername - That’s all you New Jersey
User13 - What. The. Fuck. This. Album. Has. Killed. Me.
User14 - I’m sorry but wtfdym miss Y/n Y/l/n has a song where she says the word ‘I’ll get older but your lover stay my age’
User15 - All too well killed me
User16 - I love how you can just tell what songs were produced by jack and what by Aaron
User17 - ‘I know it won’t work’ is so heart wrenching istg no one speak to me
User18 - I’m its biggest stan
User20 - Because I liked a boy is so superior, like she finally addressed what Daniel’s ‘fans’ put her through at the start of their relationship
User21 - ‘Say it once again with feeling, how the death rattle breathing silenced as the soul was leaving, the deflation of our dreaming, leaving me breathed and reeling, my beloved ghost and me, sitting in a tree d-y-i-n-g’
User22 - How did it end is so superior
User23 - Y/n could write Romeo and Juliet but Shakespeare couldn’t write this bridge
User25 - Were you sent by someone who wanted me dead? Did you sleep with a gun underneath our bed? Were you writing a book? Were you a sleeper cell spy? In fifty years, will all this be declassified? And you'll confess why you did it. And I'll say, "Good riddance". 'Cause it wasn't sexy once it wasn't forbidden. I would've died for your sins. Instead, I just died inside. And you deserve prison, but you won't get time
User26 - The smallest man who ever lives reigns supreme on this album
Yourusername - And who is my man? that’s one secret I’ll never tell.
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Liked by - Yourusername, Charles_ Leclerc and 2,536,639 others
LandoNorris - Week off shenanigans, I’m still the biggest Y/n Y/l/n fan. New albums great btw 🫡
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User31 - Everyone is a Y/n fan
User33 - he has taste with call it what you want AND feather
User34 - he made it CLEAR he’s team Y/n
User35 - Thought Daniel was your friend..?
User36 - Everyone ignoring the boyfriend Lando pic
Yourusername - Thanks for the streams 🫡
LandoNorris - no problem 😌
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Liked by - LandoNorris, Lilymhe and 2,726,637 others
Tagged | @/landonorris
Yourusername - Turns out I’m physically unable to do a soft launch so, THIS IS MY BOYFRIEND LANDO AINT HE ADORABLE
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User37 - What the fuck
User39 - I’m in love with them already what
User40 - Y/n you’re truly an icon
DanielRicciardo - wow.
User43 - This is his karma
LandoNorris - You’re cute
Yourusername - Stop I’m blushing.
User44 - Obsessed.
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Liked by - Yourusername, OscarPiastri and 2,644,646 others
Tagged | @/Yourusername
LandoNorris - Lol stay mad, should’ve treated her better when you had her.
I love you so much, and I’m going to treat you that way 🤍
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User45 - LMAOOOO
Yourusername - My god I love you
LandoNorris - I love you so much more
257 notes · View notes
dcxdpdabbles · 1 day
Hello, I love all your aus. I selfishly want to ask for more of Danny's Grill. Pretty please.
Danny added cilantro to the tacos before closing the lid on the carryout box. He glances behind him to see Alvin handing out toys to the kids at the window.
Alvin smiles sweetly at a little girl who stands on her tiptoes to point at the red truck inside Alvin's toy chest. His crush hands her some stickers to build her race track, and Danny's heart leaps at the sweet image.
Little toy cars, dolls, or fidget toys were a real hit with the crime alley children—most didn't have a chance for new toys—and Alvin seemed to glow whenever he gave a new child a toy.
It was his idea on the second night of them going around. Usually, people don't get small gifts when getting food from a food truck, but a few nights ago, Alvin had asked if he could go with Danny on his rounds.
He wanted to tell him no at first since Red Hood had yet to find his pimp, but one look at those sea watercolor eyes had him folding faster than wet paper. He had placed Alvin as the cashier, a grin never leaving his face as Danny listened to the other charm all the customers that wandered over.
It was an oddly domestic setup they had going on.
Danny, with his random menu of food, and Alvin, with his bright smile and charming deposition. After a full day and a bit of night selling food, the two would head home to relax in the oversized baths and spend a lazy afternoon.
All of Danny's chores were done by ghosts who occasionally came by to support them. Other times, they were there to serve Danny. He didn't feel comfortable with having someone waiting on him hand and foot, but he did like treating Alvin with the best service he could offer.
Since Alvin moved in, Danny has been proud to notice his eye bags had decreased, his skin had cleared, and the tension always resting on his shoulders had vanished. He also put on some weight, which upset Alvin a little, but Danny thought it was nice to see him healing.
He worried he was getting attached to Alvin. Danny knew he had fallen in love with Alvin, as much as he wished he hadn't, but he couldn't help it.
Alvin was everything he ever wanted in a partner and more. It was complicated to remind himself that eventually, Alivn would be safe enough to leave his home. It was shameful to admit he was glad that Red Hood was taking a while to find the assholes who hurt his friend.
"Here you are." He tells the teenager with them. "Three orders of tacos de barbacoa."
The teen's nose wrinkles. "Your Spanish sucks."
"I tell him the same thing all the time. But at least he can make really great tacos." Alvin winks as the teenager's smirk grows. The little kids with him laugh happily, and the group of five wanders away.
One little boy is showing off his new car while the little girl grabs the hand the teenager offers her. Alvin watches them until they retreat back into the apartment building from which they came.
Alvin leans back with a loving sigh. "Adorable little beasts"
"What made them beastly?" Danny asks, amused, as the other points to the little tray of cookie bags sitting on the window table.
"The little girl stole two bags. The older one definitely saw but he acted like he didn't."
"That's why you gave them more cookies?" Danny asked, remembering that Alvin had grabbed the to-go bag and sneakily placed the treats inside while Danny cooked.
"Sure. You don't mind if I give out free food, and it would be mean to have them all share two bags when there are five of them." Alvin leans back cracking his neck. "I come from a big family too. Trust me when I say that causes living room wars"
Danny hastily looks away, trying to cover up his reaction to Alvin's crooked grin. While trying to hide his blushing face, Danny catches a glimpse of a figure on the rooftop watching them.
He waves at the vigilante. He noticed the other following him a few nights ago, and despite the bat-themed hero never recognizing him, Danny still picked up a bottle of soda and a box of food to gesture at him.
He doesn't think he has time for a dinner break, but it would be rude not to offer a meal when he can.
Batman's white lenses narrow for a fraction of a second before he steps back into the shadows disappearing from sight.
He's not hungry then. Okay.
"Danny," Alvin calls from further inside the food truck. "We are almost out of food. Want to call it a night?"
"Sure, I don't mind. Do you want to do anything later?"
Alvin thinks it over before announcing, "I want to go into the pool later. Will you join me?"
I would do anything for you. Danny thinks but only says "Of course. I need a good spa day too. I'm thinking of doing a pedicure."
Alvin smiles at him, and it's brighter than any sun could ever be. With practice, the two dance around each other, doing the clean-up and closing duties to get the truck ready for travel.
Alvin falls into the places that Danny steps out of, giving Danny warm looks that make Danny slightly hot under the collar, but it makes him wish he could keep Alvin forever.
In ten minutes, they are closed up and driving out of Crime Alley on their way back to their mansion. Danny is making the last turn out of Gotham, with Alvin sitting in the passenger seat scrolling on his phone when he feels someone land on his roof.
Seeing that his food truck has become an extension of his haunt, Danny can tell who it is the second they touch his vehicle.
When he remembers his early offer, he wonders what the man could want going for a ride. Was the hero finally going to take him up on it? That's wonderful!
"Hey Alvin, I need to do a quick stop," he tells the other while pulling into a 24-hour gas station. Alvin waves his hand, not once glancing up from his phone. Danny suddenly feels the urge to press a kiss against his cheek, but that would be creepy.
So he settles for a quick pat on his shoulders before he slips out of his seat and grabs the leftover pre-prepared meals. He also holds a water bottle just in case the bat is parched. He swiftly steps outside, tilting back to lock his gaze on Batman.
"Here you go," Danny says, holding up the food. "It's still warm."
Batman's eyes widen, then narrow. "No."
"Are you not here for food?"
Danny waits a moment, but no explanation on why he was riding on his truck comes he clears his throat. "Is there anything I can help you with then?"
"What are your intentions with Tim?"
Who the hell is Tim?
Oh! Wait, he meant Tim from Second Street. Danny had sold him some food and realized the old man couldn't get back on his porch, so he built him a ramp.
Danny spoke to him only during that interaction, but if Old Man Tim was involved in a crime, it was better to act like he wasn't aware.
"Just trying to make him happy is all sir." He says carefully watching for any reaction. The best lies are ones built on truths.
Batman's face stays the same, but in one quick motion, he leaps from the truck and shoots off his grabbing hook. He's gone in seconds, rushing off into the night as Danny watches him go.
He doesn't know why but he gets the strange sense he just passed a test of some kind.
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Telling Hugh Dancy about trans masc Will and more...
As some of you already know by now, I went to Boston Fanexpo this past weekend for another stop on the unofficial Hannibal 2024 Reunion Tour.
I had planned to do autographs on the Friday before the Hannibal panel and had brought some gifts for Hugh which included a copy of Adapt. Evolve. Become: The Genderqueer Fandom of NBC's Hannibal, which I compiled and edited last year. I also got him to sign my own copy (above).
It all moved quite quickly, but I did have the chance to explain that it's a volume by and about trans, non-binary, and genderqueer Fannibals that includes art, fics, essays, and personal pieces. He seemed intrigued and I said I hope he'd have the chance to read it and that the art isn't explicit/sexual but some of the fics are - he laughed and said he appreciated the warning.
It was all quite the whirlwind, especially after coming all the way from the UK, so I was absolutely mortified when I remembered the next morning that I had talked with a few trans Fannibals who had specifically asked me to let him know that he/Will is a trans icon. So I went back up to see him again on the Saturday morning when it wasn't too busy (and get more stuff signed) and this is what happened:
[I wrote notes down right after so this is as close an account I can get without having filmed it!].
Me: I saw you yesterday Hugh: I remember (smiley-friendly) Me: I gave you a book Hugh: I remember (smiley-friendly) Me: well, I forgot to tell you. A few trans Fannibals reached out to me to tell you that Will is a trans icon to them and we all love you for it. Hugh was surprised (in a nice way) and I was pretty much going to walk away then - job done and feeling like time for me to stop bothering Hugh lol. But before I could walk away he sort of held out his hand to stop me and said something along the lines of - I don't mean this in a disrespectful way, don't take it the wrong way... I'm genuinely curious- I get that it can be about identity- but what is the connection to Will and being trans? Luckily - my essay in the book is exactly about how Will can be read as trans, so I sort of gave him a summary of that. I explained that (obviously) both Will and Hannibal can be read as queer, and that - especially as both characters have dominant masculine and feminine traits, it's also easy to read them both as trans or in some way genderqueer. He was nodding and agreeing, so I further explained that with Hannibal, he is fully formed - he's already whatever he is - which Hugh also agreed with. But that Will is still becoming, still transitioning and therefore can be more relatable to trans fans who see that journey in themselves. So although it's not necessarily the same journey - there is enough to it that it resonates with trans people. I said that in the show there is also the added bonus of Will being seen and accepted for who he is, just as trans people wish to be. He was nodding along and agreeing with me and then he thanked me for explaining that. It was pretty quiet previously but I'd been there a few minutes so the queue was building up a little but he was so focused on me - so genuinely intent on hearing what I had to say and learning more. SO I CARRIED ON. (lols) I explained to him that it goes further than the show, that we have found a community in the fandom and that many trans people have a catalyst in their life that sparks their journey - like Will had in his friendship with Hannibal. For us it might be a person, an event, or even a TV show. I explained how the fandom are so supportive of trans people - that we are SEEN. That I for one wouldn't have been able to afford top surgery without the kind donations of Fannibals back when I was not in a good place (mentally or financially). That we all help each other and for some of us that has been life-saving. He did the hand on heart thing and said "wow" and was clearly moved. I said to him that so much of this is in the book, that I completely understand if he doesn't want to read the fanfic, but I really hope that he will at least read each of the personal pieces - that each of the fics and art also have a little write up from their creator about what the show and/or fandom has meant to them and their gender journey - how important this has been in our lives. He repeated a couple of times that he would definitely read it. I thanked him and he held out his hand and gave me the most genuine hand shake I've had in my life.
I want to really stress here how much this was instigated by Hugh. That he really wanted to know more and understand and didn't even look at the slowly growing queue but was instead intently focused on knowing more about the trans Fannibals and about why this show and the characters mean so much to us.
I then went off and spoke with a few Fannibal friends in the queue before getting around the corner to another Fannibal friend and having a bit of an emotional moment/breakdown. I can't even explain how grateful I am that he gave me the opportunity to explain all this to him. And I was especially glad I got to tell that Will is a trans icon because I'd have felt terrible if I'd have not done that after people had asked!! Thank you for trusting me to pass that message on for you!
I know for many of you Adapt. Evolve. Become: The Genderqueer Fandom of NBC's Hannibal might have gone a little under the radar. So here is some more about that >>
It was compiled last year for Trans Hanni Day, edited by Max Turner of (and in conjunction with) A Coup of Owls Press - and published under Max's ACoO imprint.
It features essays, personal pieces, fanart and fanfic by and about trans, non-binary, genderqueer and otherwise non-cis Fannibals.
IT IS FREE TO DOWNLOAD, however we ask that if you do that, please consider donating to one of the linked trans orgs if you can afford to (or a similar organisation/charity of your choice).
It can be purchased on Amazon, however, as the proceeds go to charity, and Amazon only gives royalties, more is earned/given if bought directly via Max's shop.
Dearest trans Fannibals, please know that YOU ARE SEEN!
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geekforhorror · 2 days
lost in the fire
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pairing: married james kelly x fem!reader
summary: you move to a new town where you meet your new hot neighbor james and he offers to help you out.
word count: 1.3k
warnings for this chapter: flirting, mutual pining, reader is unaware he’s married yet, pet names, and a bunch of fluff.
based on this post
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You finally did it. After months of trying to find a new house, you finally found one that resonated with it you. It was a rather small and quaint town which may not have been appealing to many, but it was to you. You had lived in the city for your entire life, and you hated it. You hated the bustling streets filled with traffic and loud sounds. It was time for change. And that’s exactly what this town would be for you.
As you stepped out of your car, you started to walk in front of your new house and took in the scene before you. The house was beautiful itself as well. It stood behind a white fence in all its glory, white pillars and all. Your dad had suggested this house and even helped you put a striking downpayment on it. You were a daddy's girl through and through. Your father had always been your rock along with being your biggest supporter whenever it came to you making decisions like this. Unfortunately, the town was too far away from the city for him to visit so suddenly.
All of a sudden, a ringing in your pants pocket breaks your train of thought and sends you back to the present moment. You grab your phone out of the cramped pocket and look to see who could be calling you. To your surprise, it was the moving companies phone number, which you knew you had to take. You accept the incoming call before you're met with a man's voice. The call starts off fine, but not for long. The representative goes on to tell you that the moving van broke down mid-route and they have to get the parts from a shop in the city.
"You've got to be kidding me. Are you serious right now?" you ask out of frustration before groaning at the news.
"Sorry ma'am. The worker at the shop said it won't be ready until tomorrow," the man explains.
Great. This is just what you needed.
"Thank you for letting me know," you say, trying to mask even more frustration.
"Of course. Have a great rest of your day," he says.
"You too," you say before hanging up the phone and stuffing it back into your pocket.
"New in town, huh?" a man standing across from you says.
He had dark brown hair with these piercing blue eyes that felt like they were staring you in your soul. He was wearing a dark blue t-shirt which showed off his toned biceps and tattoos that adorned his forearms. The man was at least in his mid-thirties, but that didn't stop you from admiring how he looked.
Fuck, he was hot.
"Yup, just got here from the city," you reply.
"Nice. Say uh... I couldn't help but hear your frustration on the phone," he says awkwardly.
"Turns out the moving van with most of my stuff in it broke down and won't be here until tomorrow," you explain to him.
"Classic moving companies, am I right?" he says with a chuckle.
"Between the two of us, I knew something like that was going to happen. I was just praying it wouldn't," you say, returning the laugh he had given you.
"Do you have any stuff I can help you with, miss?" he asks you.
"You don't have to call me that. Just call me by my first name," you say with a grin before telling him your name.
"I'm James," he says before extending his arm, trying to initiate a friendly handshake, which you graciously accept. "I live right across the street."
"Nice to meet you James," you say warmly, grateful that you had a nice enough neighbor rather than a grouchy one.
"So do you have anything for me?" James asks once more, reminding you in case you had already forgotten his question.
"I have some glassware in a big box that I didn't trust the moving company with because of how much is in there," you say to him before motioning him to walk closer to your car. "Let me pop the trunk," you say before undoing the clasp of the key hook that was connected to your jean shorts. You press the appropriate key and before you know it, the trunk pops open smoothly. Once its done rising, James grabs the heavy box like its nothing.
"I got it," he says confidently.
You motion him to follow your lead and he does so accordingly. You unlock the front door and swing it open wide enough. You take a step inside and you're amazed by how beautiful the interior is even though you had toured it before. It had this cute staircase with a beautiful banister accompanying the side of it, sleek marble floors, and a tiffany fixture. It was perfect.
“Where should I set this down, sweetie?” James asks you.
You blush at the pet name he had given you out of nowhere and try to keep your composure, but there was no use. Your cheeks had betrayed your efforts as they became a rosy red color. “Oh um… you can set it down there,” you stammer as you point toward the kitchen table.
Following your instructions, he walks over to the kitchen before setting the fragile box onto the table. “Alright, there you go,” he says with an evident smile and a nonchalant tone to his voice.
“Is there anything else you need?” he asks you, looking for an excuse to overstay his welcome.
“I just have some boxes of clothes I need to get out of my car, I’ve got it from here” you say.
“Alright, sweetie,” James smoothly answers, the name rolling off his tongue as if his voice was made of sweet honey.
“Thank you for your help, James,” you say gratefully.
“No need to thank me,” he responds jokingly.
“No seriously I owe you one,” you say sheepishly.
“I’ll hold you to your word,” he says while pointing at you with a faint grin.
“Maybe I could give you my number in case you want to claim that favor of yours sometime,” you say, the redness returning to your cheeks. Fuck.
“Sounds good to me,” he says, taking sight of your face and how it was practically glowing in his presence. He yanks his phone out of his back pocket before unlocking it and opening the contact app. He types in your name the appropriate field with his swift fingers, double checking to see if he spelled it right. Once he checks, you recite your phone number to him before he types each digit in and clicks save.
“Alright there we go,” James says to you.
“It was great meeting you James,” you beam.
“I could say the same. It’s nice to know that you’re nicer than any of the other neighbors. They’re either old and cranky or just assholes in general,” he warns.
“I appreciate the heads up,” you say, thanking him for what seemed to be the millionth time this afternoon.
“Well I should probably get going,” he says which you slightly frown at.
“I’ll follow you out. I have to get the rest of my boxes anyway,” you say to the man.
“Sounds like a plan,” he says even though he didn’t want to leave either, yet trying to play it cool.
The two of you start making your way toward the front door before he opens the door for you. “Such a gentleman,” you mock jokingly at which he playfully rolls his eyes at. After you step outside, he turns to look at you.
“Hopefully I’ll see you around?” he phrases as a question, hoping you would give him an answer that satisfied him.
“You definitely will,” you reply, making him smile just the tiniest bit.
“Glad to hear it,” he responds. “I’ll see you around then,” James concludes before walking away from your house
“Bye James!” you yell loud enough for him to hear now that he had made it across the street. He turns around, waving goodbye to you. You already miss your new neighbor, but you knew you would be seeing more of him. You were just praying he would call in your favor sometime soon.
You decide to finally make it over to your car to retrieve the last of the boxes, but only before you see James walk into his house.
You were definitely going to like it here.
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tag list: @zapernz @mortalheartache @myheartwillgoon2022 @camiemorgan8 @demieyesore @midnight--raine
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filmtv2022 · 3 days
The Case (18+ MDNI)
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Story: Heading to the beach to hang out with the rest of the Dagger Squad, Jake manages to turn an ordinary day into quite an adventure. One that turns your friendship into something more. On the hunt for your sunglasses case he finds another case with an altogether different purpose... your favorite toy. Unable to keep his thoughts to himself he tells you just how much he'd like to see you use it. And who knows... maybe before the end of the day he'll get that treat.
Warnings: Smut/Sexual content + swearing + alcohol consumption + use of sex toys
A/N: Umm... well... I'm not even really sure what to say about this other than I hope you enjoy it. Also, as always, I apologize for any mistakes. Oh... and if you want to reblog and/or comment that would be fantastic!
A warm breeze ruffled the curtains above the sink as you scanned the counter for missing beach necessities. The heat-soaked air filled the room beckoning you out into the morning glow. More than ready to get the day going, and unwilling to lose your standard spot behind the Hard Deck, you steadily made your way through the last of your mental checklists. One by one you tossed the rest into the already stuffed backpack that leaned precariously on the edge of the counter. Two types of sunscreen (lotion and spray), snacks, water, and your emotional support Kindle all made their way inside, but there was one item remaining. Turning around in a hurry, you knocked into Jake as he rounded the corner into the room.
“Shit.” You mumbled into his chest as he wrapped his arms around your body to keep you from falling. Your palms pressed flat against his pecs to keep yourself steady. 
“If ya wanna cop a feel all you gotta do is ask.” Smirking, he stared down at you, “What’d you forget now, darlin’?”
“My sunglasses.” Pushing off his chest, you removed yourself from his grip, “And my patience for your bullshit.”
“Can’t help you with the second, but I’ll get the glasses. Where are they?” Letting you go he took off down the hall before he heard your response.
“On my nightstand, they’re in a case.” The creaky wood floor groaned beneath his pounding steps. Reaching for the bag, you zipped the main pocket, shoving down the bottles of water you slipped inside. Going through the list again, you were lost in thought when Jake returned from his search. His voice startled you, but you’d never let it show. Turning around you found him leaning against the entryway with something in his hand. The sight of it sent your stomach plummeting to the floor. 
“What’s this?” His eyes never left you as he held out the item in his hand, his lips pulled into a mischievous grin at the sight of your internal panic. 
“Where the hell did you get that?” 
“It was in a case… on your nightstand. Now answer my question.”
“Don’t be an ass. You know what it is. Give it to me, and go get my glasses.” 
“No, not gonna happen. I wanna hear you say it.” His eyes locked onto yours, fixing you to him. 
Narrowing your vision, you glared back, unwilling to hand over full control of the conversation, “It's a vibrator. Ya happy now?”
“Extremely.” A hazy far far-off look came over his features as his eyes dropped to the little green toy in his hand. 
‘What’s that look for?”
Stepping forward, you trapped him in your sights and attacked with all the vigor you could muster given just how flustered you felt, “I know you, that’s not a nothing face. What twisted fantasy is going through your mind right now?”
“You really wanna know?” Jake pushed himself away from the wall, crowding into your body. The heat from his skin poured through his thin t-shirt as he backed you into the counter. The weight of his presence sent unfamiliar shivers down your spine. 
Your head tipped back to look him in the eyes, your voice breathy and quiet as you responded, “Yes.” 
“I was thinking about how sexy you’d look… using this. Fuck. I’d love to see it.” Jake watched you swallow, your breath shallow and labored with the control it took to keep steady. 
Catching yourself, you shook your mind back to reality and bit back. Each word was laced with sarcasm, “You’re fucking disgusting, you know that? 
“But you love me.”
“I tolerate you because we work together. Don’t push it.” Shaking your head, you smiled back at Jake before breaking away. You grabbed the bag and slung it over your shoulder before heading toward the front door.  Pausing, you called back to him, “Take care of it… right now.”
“Oh come on now,” Jake followed you with his eyes, lingering on the curves of your body. He knew he was pushing your buttons, but deep down he was terrified of what might happen if he stopped. If he let himself explore the way you made him feel. 
“Whatever.” Stopping quickly, you whipped around to face him. Ignoring the look he was giving you let the words fly, “Oh and I've seen some crazy ass shit at your apartment and I’ve never said jack about it. Now go get my glasses.” 
“Yes, ma’am” Jake threw a mocking salute and took off for the bedroom. 
On autopilot, you tossed the bag in the back of Jake’s rusted pickup that had become a near-constant feature in your drive over the past few months. Waves of heat hung in shimmering lines as you tore open the passenger door. Pulling yourself into the seat, you avoided the burning metal on the buckle and picked at the peeling edges of the faux leather that practically crumbled beneath your touch. The quick fall of steps on concrete redirected your attention to the driver’s side where Jake was ripping open the door and flinging himself inside. 
“One pair of sunglasses.” Handing them over, he connected his phone to music and backed out of the driveway in hasty succession. 
The song that poured from the speaker could only be described as lewd, the kind of shit that frat boys listened to as they tried to get their dicks wet, “What the fuck kind of music is this?” Grabbing for his phone you typed in the code, “‘Doin’ it’…that’s the name of your playlist… this is your sex playlist. God, you’re gross. Let it go.” 
“What? I figured it was only fair for me to share seeing as how I uncovered your dirty secret.” Without even looking he knew you were giving him a death stare, “Fine, fine. Passenger Princess now has control of the tunes. Be my guest.” 
“I truly hate you.” 
“And I truly know that's a lie” Pressing on the gas, Jake took off down the road. A wide grin lightened his features as he glanced over at you. Your eyes had fallen shut, but there was serene peace evident in the light smile that tugged at the corner of your lips. The sight of it tightened the knot at the center of his chest. Yet again, Jake found himself pushing down the rising emotions he wasn’t quite ready to sort out. 
Sticking your hand out the window, you rested your feet on the dash basking in the summer sun that beat through the windshield. Just like that, the drive to the beach flew by, and the pair of you sat quiet as the whoosh of hot air swirled through the cab ruffling the baby hairs that framed your face.  Eventually, Jake rounded the final corner to the Hard Deck. Rooster’s Bronco was already in the lot along with what appeared to be the rest of the team's vehicles. Somehow you’d managed to still be late even after getting up extra early. 
Sand squished between your toes on the short walk to the beach. The briny scent of the ocean mixed with the tropical blast of overly applied sunscreen. It was intoxicating, to say the least. Simple days like this were hard to come by in your profession so you’d take whatever you could get. In the distance, you could see Bradley in his hideous jorts talking with Phoenix and Bob. They appeared to already be in discussion about groups for Dogfight Football. Scanning the rest of the familiar faces, it was obvious that Maverick wasn’t yet present. While you loved your captain, this was a blessing. With him absent, it meant you could bow out of playing the game you’d merely learned to tolerate. It wasn’t that you hated doing things with your team, but more so that beach time, in your eyes, was meant for drinking, tanning, and reading. Nothing more and nothing less. 
Closing the rest of the distance to the group, you placed your bag down next to Halo and began setting up camp. Jake and Bradley chatted lightly with each other as you laid out your towel and grabbed for the sunscreen.  Despite your love for the sun, you still wanted to avoid the nasty repercussions of exposure without SPF. Behind you, the bolstered noise of slightly inebriated aviators faded as they moved closer to the water for the game. You peeled off your oversized t-shirt and jeans shorts and dropped them into your bag. The bottle of sunscreen was cool to the touch, its weight light enough to indicate that it was nearly empty. Doing your best, you stretched into several awkward positions in a feeble attempt to get your back. 
“You need some help there?” Jake asked as he grabbed for the bottle in your hand.
“Sure.” Handing it over, you braced yourself for the chill that accompanied the aerosol spray. 
Methodically, Jake coated your back with sunscreen. Finished with the product, he tossed it onto your towel before working it into your skin. Starting with your arms, he moved in long, drawn-out lines until the sheen disappeared. Satisfied, he reveled in the feeling of your body. Brushing lightly along your lower back, he teased the expanse of your hips toying with the ties of your bathing suit bottoms. The rough drag of his calloused fingers sent a flush over your skin. Moving higher, he made his way over your shoulder blades and to your neck. Sweeping your braids to the side, he took his time, massaging the tense muscles along your spine. Finding a particularly sore spot at the top of your neck, you groaned lightly at the feeling. The sound of your pleasure was too much for Jake to handle. Every fiber of his being begged him to haul you close, to drag you away from this beach, but he knew better. He was in control, calm, cool, collected, and most importantly… not catching feelings.
“There ya go, you’re all set.” Stepping away from you, Jake cleared his throat before asking, “You gonna join?”
Collecting yourself, you snapped back into the banter that had defined your friendship with relative ease, “Absolutely not, I have no intention of getting sand in every crevice just so I can chafe for the rest of the day. I do, however, intend to lay here and bake in the sun. Now get the fuck out of here you're blocking the light. Have fun.” 
“Suit yourself.” Taking off his shirt, he discarded it and took off at a jog down the beach to join the others. His skin practically glowed in the bright light. Ignoring the flip of your stomach, you plopped down on the towel and grabbed your Kindle. Starting on your front, you adjusted your sunglasses and opened your book. Time passed without your notice, it was only the sudden appearance of a looming shadow that forced you to abandon the story on your screen. Rolling over, you looked up to find Jake standing above you. 
“You’re blocking the sun again asshole.” 
“Don’t be such a baby, you’ve been cooking over here for two hours.  Now, whatcha readin’?” Quick as lightning he bent down and grabbed your Kindle. His eyes roved over the page for a few seconds before a booming laugh erupted from him, “Holy shit. Smut. You’re reading filthy, filthy smut. On the beach…in public… with a straight face. Goddamn. You are an impressive woman.” 
Flying to your feet, you attempted to grab your Kindle, but were unsuccessful, “Stop acting like you’re shocked, and give that back to me.” 
Leaning in, his breath wafted over the shell of your ear as he spoke, “I’m not shocked, just intrigued. A vibrator and smut on the same day, keep it coming sweetheart.” 
Your lungs clenched at the feeling of him so close. Closing your eyes, you steadied yourself quickly. Still breathless, you struggled to bite back, “If you’re going to make fun of me, at least be nice and get me another drink. And don’t you dare get me that piss water you call beer.”
“Whatever you want darlin’,” giving back your Kindle, he stooped to get his wallet, “You want the usual?” 
“You’re actually gonna buy this time?”
“You wound me, but yes, I am.”
“Then yeah, I want our usual.” 
Jake took off a lumbering jog toward the Hard Deck. A few minutes later he returned with a crisp cold beer, and food to share, “One drink, and of course, chicken strips with curly fries.” 
Plopping down next to you, he placed the basket of food in your lap before stealing a few fries for himself. Carefully, he handed your drink over to let you take the first sip, “Thanks, Jake. You sure you don’t want me to pitch in?” 
“Don’t worry about it. This one’s on me, I owe you after this morning.”
Flashing a smile, you couldn’t help but stare. The sheen of sweat that had collected on his skin emphasized the waves of muscles just below the surface. Twisting, he reached across to grab the beer from your hand, his strong hand closed around the frosted bottle before bringing it to his lips. He took several large swigs and handed it back to you, “Thanks, darlin’.” 
“I mean you bought it, so…”
A contented silence fell over the pair of you. Fighting for space on the small towel, your shoulders and legs brushed against each other. The rest of the crew were still fully engrossed in the game down by the water. Waves rolled in higher as the tide changed adding to the difficulty. Jake continued to steal fries and sips of your beer, but he left the crispiest of the fries for you. He was also smart enough to leave the chicken strips alone, mostly for fear of losing a finger if he tried to take one for himself. Sitting there next to Jake you couldn’t stop your mind from wandering to the day’s earlier conversations.
“Hmm?” His eyes remained glued on the glistening surf in the distance. Needing him to reengage, you wrapped your palm around his bicep squeezing lightly before drifting down to thread your fingers together. You settled his hand on your lap, massaging the back with your thumb. The gentle motion refocused him, but it was the uncertain look in your eyes that had him struggling to breathe, “What’s wrong?” 
“Nothing’s wrong, I just….” Patiently he waited for you to continue, “Earlier… why did you say that?” 
“Back at home, why did you say what you said?”
Fresh panic pulled his brows together, “Oh…I… never should have… I’m-”
“Don’t apologize…just tell me, did you mean it? That you’d want to see it… see me…because-”
“I meant it, every word.” 
The air around you grew thick with tension as you fought to control your lungs, “Good… ‘cause I want that too.” 
“Don’t fuck with me like this, Y/N” 
“I’m not. I want it… I want you.” Shyly you cradled his cheek with your free hand, brushing over the crest of his cheek. 
Breathing hard, Jake carefully took the empty food basket and placed the bottle inside. With that out of the way, he gingerly tucked your wind-swept baby hairs behind your ears, “You make me crazy. I can’t fuckin’ wait to get you home.” 
“Then what are you waiting for?” 
Trying to be as inconspicuous as possible, but failing, you and Jake collected your stuff in record time. Forgetting proper goodbyes, you hurried to the truck without anyone stopping you to talk. You knew that the others would notice your absence eventually, but you couldn’t be bothered to give a shit. Flying out of the parking lot, Jake powered down the road toward your place, his wide palm settled on your thigh. The feel of your warm skin beneath his fingers centered him in the moment, reminding him that you were real…that this was real. 
Sliding his grip higher, Jake caressed the edge of your bathing suit bottoms. The spandex was buttery to the touch, the feel of it luxurious under his ministrations. With feather-light strokes, he teased pulling wanton gasps from you without fail. His eyes were fixed on the road knowing that if he dared to look he wouldn’t be able to make it the rest of the way home. 
Barely slowing down for the litany of stop signs, Jake made the final approach. Parked and engined turned off the moment he came to a complete stop, he practically sprinted from the truck toward your side. A metallic screech sounded as he yanked it open, and hauled you out of your seat. Just for a moment, he paused, pushing you back into the side of the vehicle. His hands roamed your body while yours encircled his neck. Standing close, he finally got a good look at you since leaving the beach. The same lust-filled look remained, but there was something new in your eyes. It took him only seconds to recognize it for what it was, nerves… hesitation. 
“Hey, we don’t have to do this. It’s okay if you change your mind. We can just sit and eat ice cream ‘til we’re sick, or-”
“I didn’t change my mind,” you interrupted his thought, “I want this… it’s just…I’ve never done this, and it’s been a long time since anyone has seen me when I… ya know.”
“It’s me, Y/N. You don’t have to worry.”
“You’re right, it is you… and that’s what makes me nervous.” 
“I’m making you nervous?”
“Come here." He hauled you impossibly closer, “We can stop any time you want, no questions asked. No judgment. Let me see you, Y/N. All of you.” 
His lips brushed along the column of your neck as his hand slipped down to palm your ass. Tipping your head back, it thumped lightly against the truck but gave him better access to the sensitive spot at the base of your throat. Goosebumps formed over your skin despite the oppressive heat that beat down upon you. Sensing your need, he shifted his grip lower, hauling up to his waist by the back of your thighs. Like this, holding you tightly as if it were the easiest and most natural thing in the world, he headed toward your home. He��d made it to the door before the moment finally broke, “I’m gonna have to put you down, Sugar. The door’s locked.” 
Stunned, and still mesmerized by the feeling of his hands on your body, it took you a second to register what he’d said, “Right… yeah… the door.” 
Reaching around you, he shoved the key into the lock and pushed you both inside. The rush of chilled air sent new shivers racing down your spine. Taking in your flushed cheeks, he tossed the key into the bowl by the door and found you again. Pressing you roughly against the wall, his lips brushed over the swell of your breasts as he spoke, “Now where were we?” 
You’d have let him stay like this, enjoying the perfect feel of his lips, but you knew if he kept going the reason you’d ended up in this situation in the first place would never happen, and you just couldn’t allow for that, “I thought you wanted to watch.” 
“I do.”
“That’s gonna be kind of hard with your mouth glued to my tits.” You gasped lightly at the sting of his teeth nipping at your sensitive flesh.
“What can I say, these are fucking perfect.” Laving over the tender spot with his tongue, he groaned at the tug of your fingers in his hair. 
“Jesus, Jake what is wrong with you?” Your attempt at humor had much less bite to it, the sarcasm replaced by lust. 
Suddenly, Jake stood up to his full height leaving behind his ministrations. He smirked like the devil at the sound of your whimper. Your eyes flashed open, pupils blown, your lips slightly parted as he stared down at you through heavy lids, “You don’t have enough time for that list.”
Lifting you again, his fingers dug into your ass and he held you close. The weight of him pressing you into the wall was all-encompassing. Fixing his grip he rolled his hips into yours, meeting the desperate cant of your own. Somehow Jake found the internal strength to pull you away and head down the hall. The walk to the bedroom was short, and before you knew it he was placing you gently on the bed. Capturing your lips in a burning kiss, he broke away sooner than you’d have liked. You let go of a pitiful whine and grabbed for his wrist in an attempt to keep him close. 
Chuckling, he pried your hands away, “I’m supposed to be watching remember?” Your eyes followed his hand as he reached out to grab the toy he’d returned to its spot on the nightstand earlier. Removing it from the charger, he moved to the empty side of the bed. He filled the spot next to you, leaving little space between your body and his, “You ready to put on a show, darlin’?”
“Yeah.” The rush of nerves lapped in waves, and every inch of your skin crawled with the need for him to touch you.
“Good.” You reached for the toy, but he pulled back his hand to stop you. The incredulous look on your face brought more laughter from him, “Not yet.”
“But you just said-”
“I know what I said. But first things first… we’ve gotta get rid of this.” he messed with the knots that held together the side of your bikini bottom.
“Do you want me to do it or would you like the honor?” You asked him shakily, your voice trembling with need.
“You’re offering?” 
“I mean I am putting on a show, might as well sweeten the deal, right?” 
“You’re incredible.” Tossing the object in his hand to the side, he quickly found the knot on the hip closest to him. With the deft control of a pilot, he untied the fabric with quick and precise movements. Taking a second to brush over the now exposed skin, he watched as your chest hitched. Methodically, he moved to the other side, repeating the same actions as before. With both sides hanging loose, he slowly peeled it from your body and tossed the bottoms toward the corner of the room. Jake’s wide palm ghosted over your ankle, working its way higher and higher until he brushed over your now exposed skin. The feather-light touch had you pleading for more. 
“Patience, sweetheart,” He whispered in your ear, “I’ve got you.”
His focus shifted to your top. Through the thin fabric, he could see the shape of your pert nipples begging for attention. Which he was more than happy to give. Swiftly, he untied the knot behind your neck and back. With it now discarded in the same manner as your bottoms, he dropped his head low. The soft weight of his lips around your nipple as he palmed this other forced your head back into the pillow. He stayed like this working you up for quite some time before settling back in his spot.
Reaching behind, he picked up the discarded toy and placed it gently in your palm. His hand stayed planted over yours while he dipped his head to capture your lips. Savoring the moment, he had to force himself to part from you. Jake adjusted himself on the bed so that he was leaning up against the pillows. His body still pressed firmly to yours, but from this angle, he could see every inch of you. 
Through heavy lids, you gazed up at him as you blindly turned on the toy. The soft sound of its vibration was muffled by your hand. Keeping your eyes on him, you teased a trail down your body with it, relishing the feel of its soft texture on your sensitive skin. Jake's eyes were laser-focused on the path you forged, his hands roaming over your body as he watched. Descending the last few inches, you met your mark with a jolt. The new sensation was met with the graze of Jake’s calloused fingers along your stomach. The pair of you stayed here, locked in this moment, your jaw going slack with pleasure as his brows furrowed together in anticipation.
Everything seemed to slow for Jake the longer he watched. His body thrummed with every gasp and moan you pulled from yourself, but it wasn’t enough. Hearing you click to the next setting, he slid his touch lower on your body. Caressing the slick skin between your legs, he played with you, teasing and toying more and more with each roll of your hips. The delicious whine he pulled from you as he dipped his fingers between your folds sent blood rushing through his body. 
“Jake, please…” you begged, but the rush of newfound desire clouded your ability to speak.
“Use your words, darlin’. Tell me what you want.” Swirling the pads of his fingers over your entrance, he smirked at the way your brows pulled together and your hips lifted to meet his touch. 
“Your… your fingers…” you stuttered, “I want your…” 
“That’s better.” Giving you what you wanted, Jake returned to his previous mission. Working you open, he studied every sound and movement you made, learning what brought you closer and closer to the edge. Your grip on the toy faltered as Jake found the perfect rhythm and pull.
“Fuck… I’m close,” 
“Let go, sweetheart. I wanna feel you come.” Jake could feel the gentle flutters of your body around him as he kept his relentless pace. 
With a final drag of his fingers, he brought you over the edge. A sharp gasp ripped from your lungs, and you struggled to keep the toy in place, your back arched off the bed. Your free hand reached to find Jake, needing to hold on to him as you rode through the pleasure that wracked your body. Unfettered, he kept at it until he saw your body fall limp on the mattress. 
As tenderly as possible, he pulled out of you, dragging his fingertips over your stomach and thighs leaving behind a glistening trail of your spend, “You are a goddamn vision.” 
Grabbing, the vibrator from your weak hand, he placed it on the nightstand before laying back and pulling you on top of him. Your leg hitched over his waist as his hands roved over the bare expanse of your back. You could feel him hard against you through the swimsuit he still wore. 
Mumbling into his chest, he could feel the vibration of your words, “I think it’s your turn.”
“As tempting as that is, I can still feel you shaking. Let’s give it a bit, yeah?” 
The heat of your cheek matched his flushed chest, “Yeah.” 
Jake brushed down the length of your spine, memorizing how perfectly your body fit alongside his. The pair of you stayed like this until sleep dragged you under. 
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hhughes · 2 days
⠀⠀╰  ꒰ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 ◞ fem!wife!reader x jack hughes
⠀⠀╰  ꒰ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬 ◞ in which Jack's wife is pregnant and a little emotional.
⠀⠀╰  ꒰ 𝐜𝐰 ◞ just fluff!
⠀⠀╰  ꒰ 𝐰𝐜 ◞ 1.5K
⠀⠀╰  ꒰ 𝐚/𝐧 ◞ husband!jack has become a favourite of mine. . .
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"Babe” Jack whispers.
“Can you scoot over a bit?” he asks
“I’m on the edge”
He looks over his shoulder, right at the face of his beautiful wife.
“Babe, I find that hard to believe,”
“What?” you ask, a little disoriented.
“There’s no way you’re on the edge when your face is pressed into my back, your legs are tangled with mine and our child is kicking me in the back.”
“But I am,”
“You’re not,” Jack argues.
“You scoot over,”
“I can’t. I’m on the edge of our California King bed that you insisted we get because you didn’t want to touch during the night because you always get too hot. Yet, you’re laying on top of me,”
“I am not,” you complain, nuzzling closer, if that were possible. “Shh go to sleep.”
Jack sighs loudly and says, “I can’t. You’re too hot and our child is kicking me in the back.”
“Yeah well, welcome to my world buddy. Can you stop talking? I'm tired.” you say.
Usually Jack wouldn’t care. He’d deal with it because he loved you and he wanted you to be comfortable, but he needed to get up early tomorrow morning and he really needed a good night’s sleep. Jack was beyond stressed. It felt like he was always 2 seconds away from having a panic attack.
His constant worry about you was driving him insane, but then he also had hockey to think about. The Devils had just lost in the third round of the playoffs. They were so close. Jack wanted nothing more than to win and hold that cup up. But then he realised he was about to hold his baby, and that was an even greater prize.
That was if he didn’t kill you first.
Turning over, you glared at him as he popped his head on one arm, looking over her to the amount of space behind you. “Baby, we could literally fit all my teammates beside you,”
“What does that mean?” you ask frowning
“I’m saying scoot the hell over!” he says, his voice rising. “You’re burning me up!”
“I want to sleep with you,”
“You are, but just give me some space so I don’t die of heatstroke!”
“Ugh, fine.” you say annoyed and rolled over to the other side of the bed.
Jack sighs, shaking his head and lays back down. He could finally breathe, but just as he’s about to fall asleep you say, “I just think it’s messed up that you won’t cuddle with me and I’m carrying your child, which is the reason I’m burning up!”
Jack opens his eyes and takes a deep breath. Here they go again.
“Sweetheart, I love cuddling with you. But I have to be up early to do press and clean out my locker. I can’t sleep through that and I definitely can’t sleep with you burning me up and our child kicking me the whole night. I love you though, you know that right?” Jack asks, looking over at you with a soft smile.
But you were glaring, lips pursed as you glared at him. “Oh yeah, I forgot it’s so hard being Jack Hughes and you need all the sleep you can get. While I can’t sleep a certain way due to the fact that it hurts because I’m the thing your child is sucking the life out of.”
“I thought you loved being pregnant.”
“I do!” you yell and his brows go up. “That’s not the point. I’m just reminding you that I don’t get to sleep or do any of the things that I wanna do anymore, but it’s fine. I’ll sleep all the way over here without the love and support from my husband because he needs to get some sleep. God forbid you don’t get any sleep.” you mumble and Jack wants to laugh. You were being ridiculous. But before he could tell you that, you look over to him and say, “And just a friendly reminder Jack Hughes, when this baby comes, say fucking good-bye to sleep.”
“I guess I should say good-bye to sleep now, because I’m sure as hell not getting any more tonight,” Jack says, holding your gaze.
Your eyes darken a little and Jack swears he’s never seen anyone as beautiful as his wife. Even when you’re a little crazy, hostile, and 7 months pregnant, you were still hot as fuck.
“You got that right, I just wanted to cuddle,” you say rolling away from him again.
When Jack hears you sniff he can’t help but smile. The emotional rollercoaster of a pregnant wife was no joke. Reaching out, he went to cuddle with you, but you smack his hand away.
“I don’t wanna cuddle now,” you mutter
“Fine,” Jack sighs, falling back onto his own pillow. Sometimes he just really couldn't win with you.
“I just want you to know, I did want to cuddle. But that’s gone now.”
“I hear you.” Jack replies.
“And I’m very upset.”
“I got that.” he says with a sigh, rolling on his side to look at you.
“I just don’t think it’s fair. I cook, I clean, I work. And I’m carrying your child.”
“And I appreciate you more than words can ever say.” Jack says sincerely.
“Then you'd cuddle with me!” you say exasperated.
“But baby, I need sleep too. And you’re literally a furnace.”
“Well if you need sleep so badly and I’m too hot and our baby won’t stop kicking you then go sleep somewhere else!” you yell
“Yes! Go to the couch”
Surely you were joking. But then you yank the covers off him and pull his pillow from under him, throwing both on the floor. He stands up and goes to pick up his pillow.
“I need sleep and I’m too mad to sleep with you here.” you mutter
“Because I won’t cuddle with you?”
“Yes!” you yell tears streaming down your face.
“Then come here, I’ll cuddle.” he says and ducks when you throw another pillow at his head.
“No! I don’t want to cuddle anymore!” you yell
“Then let’s just go to bed.” Jack mumbles
‘No! I’m mad!”
“You’re being ridiculous,” Jack says with a laugh, and why he would do that would be his last thought.
“Go!” you yell.
“If I go, I’m not coming back tonight.” Jack says
“That’s fine. Maybe tomorrow you won’t mind cuddling your wife and child.”
“Sweetheart, I said let’s cu-”
“I don’t wanna cuddle!” you yell laying your head on the pillow with a sob. “I just wanted you to want to cuddle with me!”
Watching as you cried, Jack sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. He picked up his pillow and looked at you one more time. “You sure?”
“Yes. You broke my heart Jack.” you say.
He went to say something sassy back but he knew it wouldn't get him anywhere so instead he said, “I’m sorry that I didn’t wanna cuddle because of the blazing heat you were putting off. I love you. Good night.”
When you don't answer, Jack chuckles as he walks out of the room. His girl was so stubborn. Heading to the couch he lays down and stares at the ceiling. Only two more months and maybe he would get his normal wife back. He was lucky that some of the guys on the team had kids and also went through this process. If not he wouldn’t know it was normal for his wife to be completely and utterly irrational about the dumbest things.
Tonight it was cuddling.
Last week, it was because he ate the last oreo.
Next week, it might be because he breathed a little too hard.
Jesus. Two more months. He could do it.
Leaning back on his pillow he closed his eyes, thankful that he chose to spend so much money to get a comfortable couch. He hopes you stopped crying. He hates when you cry. He was tempted to check but he really didn’t want you to bite his head off. Just as he was about to drift off he felt someone beside him.
Opening his eyes, he saw you standing there.
You looked adorable, hair a mess, cute pyjama shorts, cheeks flushed. Wearing one of Jack’s T-shirts that you cropped. It kinda made you look like Winnie the Pooh. Jack still thought you were the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen.
“Yeah babe?”
“Can I lie with you?”
Chuckling to himself he scooted over as far as he could to make space for you. As you lay down your stomach presses into his and Jack wraps his arms around you, kissing you cheek.
“I’m sorry.” you whisper.
“It’s okay baby. I’m sorry too.” Jack whispers.
“I love you.”
“I love you more.” Jack says kissing you again.
The next morning, when he woke up with a sore back, all he could do was repeat three words over and over.
Two more months. Two more months. Two more months.
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joelmillerisapunk · 15 hours
Howdy Honey I. can't get you off my mind
series masterlist masterlist
wordcount: 6,709
summary: After a tumultuous fall from your horse that leaves you with a fractured wrist and bruised ribs, you find solace in the strong arms and gentle care of Joel Miller, the new ranch hand whose rugged exterior hides a tender heart.
warnings: mentions of falling, fracture, eventual smut, slowburn, age-gap, some fluff, two stubborn people falling in love, angst, from both your and Joel's pov
notes: First of all thank you to all of you for supporting the masterlist, I am absolutely blown away! I appreciate the heck out of you all so very much! <3 <3 Second thank you sm to @joelslegalwhre and @mountainsandmayhem for screaming with me about all of this ily both <3 Third I wrote this after my own experiences falling off a horse and being carried by a hot cowboy at work. K I'm gonna go panic, love you all bye. gif is by @tomshiddles divider by @saradika-graphics
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The sun is high and unforgiving, casting a golden hue over the sprawling acres of your family's ranch—a place where the West still feels wild and untamed. The ranch, nestled in a valley surrounded by rugged mountains, is a patchwork of green pastures, dotted with grazing cattle and horses. The main house, a sturdy two-story structure with a wraparound porch, stands proudly at the heart of the property, its whitewashed walls and red roof are like a beacon for the lost amidst the vast expanse of land. You can always find your way back home.
To the east lies the stables, a long, low building with enough room to house two dozen horses comfortably. Its wooden walls have weathered to a soft gray, and the scent of hay and horse is always present in the air. Just beyond the stables is the equipment barn, filled with tractors, balers, and all manner of tools necessary for maintaining the ranch. The sound of metal clanging against metal often echoes from within as ranch hands tend to repairs or prepare for the day's work. A little further out is the chicken coop, bustling with activity as hens peck at the ground and roosters crow their morning greetings.
On the southern end of the ranch, a series of fenced-in training pens are set up for breaking in new horses or for practicing roping skills. It's here that you often find the newly hired ranch hand, Joel Miller, expertly mending a section of split-rail fence or guiding a young colt through its paces with patience and skill honed over decades. 
You've grown up with the scent of hay and the sound of hooves on dirt, a life that's as much a part of you as the blood in your veins. Recently, your parents brought on a few new ranch hands, a decision driven not only by their advancing years and a growing wanderlust but also, you suspect, by a desire to ensure you're well looked after in their absence. It didn't seem to matter how many times you'd promised that you and [name] the very first and only other person hired to help around, could take care of the ranch -  they never let go of the fact you weren't five anymore. 
Today you find yourself working a little less hard because of Joel Miller, the new ranch hand that looks like he stepped straight out of a Western movie. You watch him from afar as you make your way to take your horse out, his muscles straining against his plaid shirt as he repairs a section of fencing. He moves with an easy grace despite his age and broad build. His salt-and-pepper hair peeks out from under his worn cowboy hat, and you can't help but feel a pull towards him, something beyond the usual respect for a seasoned hand.
The ranch is alive with activity as you prepare Daisy for her daily run. The horses in the nearby pasture lift their heads at your approach, their ears pricked with curiosity. Daisy nickers softly, her tail swishing in anticipation as you lead her out of her stall and toward the open pasture. As you trot along one of the well-worn trails, you pass by landmarks that tell stories of your family's history; there's an old rusted tractor from your grandfather's time, now half-buried in wildflowers; a grove where you used to play hide-and-seek with your siblings; and further on, an ancient stone marker placed by settlers who once claimed this land as their own. Each sight brings back memories that are as much a part of you as they are a part of this place. 
But today, these familiar sights are merely blurs in your peripheral vision as Daisy gallops across the landscape. The wind whips through your hair, and you feel a rush of adrenaline as the horse's muscles move powerfully beneath you. It's in these moments that you feel most at peace, in harmony with the natural world around you.
Suddenly, a sharp cry from Daisy breaks the rhythm of her gait. You pull sharply on the reins as a jackrabbit darts out from the underbrush, its sudden appearance startling her. In an instant, your peaceful ride turns to chaos. Daisy rears up, her eyes wide with fear, and you're thrown from the saddle, the world a blur of blue sky and golden earth. The impact is jarring, knocking the breath from your lungs as you hit the ground hard. Pain radiates from your side and arm. As you lie there, struggling to catch your breath, Daisy gallops away towards the safety of the stables, leaving you alone in a cloud of dust.
The sun beats down mercilessly upon you as waves of pain wash over your body. You try to move but find that even breathing is a challenge. You try to push yourself up, but a wave of nausea forces you back down. It's then that you hear the pounding of hooves approaching fast and boots hitting the ground. 
"Easy there, easy," a familiar voice drawls as strong hands gently roll you onto your back. Joel's face swims into view, his brow furrowed with concern. "Looks like ya had a bit of a tumble, darlin'. Can you tell me where it hurts?" His voice is deep and soothing, cutting through the haze of pain. You manage to point to your side, wincing as he carefully probes the area. "Just bruised, I reckon," he says after a moment, his touch is surprisingly gentle for such calloused hands. "Your arm too. We should get ya back to the house. Might have t'see the doctor."
Over my dead body, you think to yourself.
With surprising ease, Joel scoops you up into his arms, cradling you against his chest. You can't help but notice the warmth radiating from his body. It's an intimacy that makes your breath hitch in your throat—a sensation that has nothing to do with your injuries.
"Gave me quite the scare there darlin," Joel remarks as he carries you towards his waiting horse. His tone is light but there's an undercurrent of something else—affection? worry? "What were you thinkin’ taking Daisy out alone after that storm last night? These trails can be treacherous."
You want to argue that you're capable and don't need help, that it was just a routine ride and something spooked Daisy but arguing takes energy—energy that's currently in short supply thanks to the pain radiating from your side and shooting through your arm. Instead you murmur a weak apology. "Didn't think it’d be a problem."
Joel chuckles softly. "Well, I reckon that's part of the adventure, ain't it? Never quite knowing what the day's gonna bring." He adjusts his hold on you slightly, his grip firm yet careful. "But next time, maybe wait for someone to come with you. Safety in numbers and all that."
As he settles you onto his horse, he keeps a steady hand on your back, “you okay darlin?” He asks, making sure you're secure before you nod and he swings up behind you as gently as he can. The closeness is overwhelming; his body is a solid wall of heat at your back, and you can feel the muscles in his thighs as they grip the horse's flanks. It's a strange mix of vulnerability and safety, being so close to this man who just (weeks/days?) ago was a little more than a stranger.
The ride back to the ranch is a blur of sensations—the rhythmic sway of the horse beneath you, the scent of leather and sweat mingling with Joel's unique aroma of woodsmoke and something undeniably masculine. You find yourself leaning into him without thinking, seeking comfort in his strength.
"Almost there," Joel reassures you as the house comes into view. His breath is warm against your ear, sending an unexpected shiver down your spine. "We'll get some ice on those bruises and take a look at you."
Once at the ranch house, he carries you inside and sets you down gently on the living room couch crouching beside you to remove your boots. His fingers brush against your skin accidentally as he works them off one by one—a touch that sends sparks racing along your nerves despite yourself and despite any rational thought about how much older he is than you. You quickly blink them away.
"Ice pack," he commands firmly but kindly before disappearing into the kitchen. You hear the clinking of ice being scooped from the freezer. 
As Joel returns from the kitchen, the air in the room shifts subtly. He kneels beside you on the couch, his movements deliberate and gentle. "This might be a bit cold at first," he warns, his voice carrying a hint of gruffness that hadn't been there before.
You nod, bracing yourself for the shock of cold. But when he lifts the hem of your shirt to expose your bruised side, the brush of his fingers against the sensitive skin of your stomach sends an unexpected wave of heat coursing through you. It's a clinical touch, meant only to aid in your recovery, but the proximity of his hands to the curves of your body is not lost on you.
He places the makeshift ice pack against your side, the cold seeping your body. You can't help the sharp intake of breath as the icy chill envelops the tender area. Joel's eyes flick to yours, concern etched across his features.
"Sorry, darlin'," he murmurs, his gaze lingering on yours for a moment longer than necessary. "I know it's uncomfortable, but it'll help with the swelling."
You give him a small, reassuring smile, trying to convey that you understand—that you appreciate his attentiveness. As he holds the ice pack in place, his other hand comes to rest on your hip, a steady presence that seems to anchor you amidst the discomfort.
The room is silent save for the soft ticking of the grandfather clock and the occasional crackle of ice as it begins to melt against your skin. You can feel the heat of Joel's palm through the fabric of your jeans, and you find yourself acutely aware of every point of contact between you.
After a few minutes, he slowly lifts the ice pack away, his eyes scanning your side with a practiced eye. "How does it feel now?" he asks, his voice a low rumble that seems to resonate within you.
"A bit better," you admit, the pain having dulled to a manageable ache.
He nods, his attention still focused on your injury. With a gentle touch that belies his rugged exterior, he traces the edge of the bruise with his fingers, his touch feather-light yet firm. The sensation sends a shiver up your spine, and you find yourself holding your breath, waiting for his next move.
"You're gonna be sore for a few days," he says. "But I think you'll live."
As he withdraws his hand, you feel an odd sense of loss, as if the warmth of his touch had become a lifeline in the midst of your pain. You watch as he rises to his feet, his tall frame casting a shadow over you.
"Thank you, Joel," you manage to say, your voice barely above a whisper. The words feel inadequate, but they're all you have to offer in this moment.
The corners of Joel's mouth twitch into a small smile, and he gives a nod, turning back towards the kitchen 
While he's gone, you take the opportunity to study him from afar as he walks through the open room to the kitchen. There's an air of quiet strength about him, a sense of resilience. You find yourself wondering about his past—where he came from, what brought him here to your family's ranch. But those questions will have to wait for another time; right now, just talking and moving is enough of a challenge without adding an interrogation into the mix.
Joel returns with a glass of water and some painkillers. "Here," he says gently, helping you sit up enough to swallow the pills before lying back down against the cushions with a wince at the sharp pain in your side again.
“Rest up now," Joel instructs. “I'll take care of things around here for the rest of the day. You just focus on healin.”
You drift in and out of sleep on the couch and everytime you drift out you see Joel lingering around keeping watch over you like some kind old west guardian angel dressed in denim. 
As the day wanes and the shadows grow long across the hardwood floors, you stir from your uneasy slumber. The pain in your side is a dull roar now, thanks to the medication Joel provided. You blink slowly, your eyes adjusting to the dim light of the living room. The ranch is quiet, save for the occasional creak of the old house settling and the distant sound of Joel's voice as he talks to one of the horses in the stable.
Your heart flutters at the thought of him—his rugged features, his gentle touch, and those eyes that seem to see right through you. It's a dangerous path your thoughts are taking, but you can't help it. There's something about Joel that draws you in, despite the years between you.
The front door opens with a soft squeak, and Joel steps inside, his boots leaving a trail of dust on the floorboards. He looks weary but satisfied, his shirt damp with sweat from a hard day's work. His gaze finds you instantly, and a warm smile spreads across his face.
"You're awake," he observes needlessly as he approaches. "How're you feeling?"
"Sore," you admit with a small grimace as you try to sit up straighter on the couch. "But better than before." You didn't want to admit how bad your arm was actually killing you.
Joel nods in approval before disappearing into the kitchen again—a man of few words but many actions. He returns a bit later with a steaming mug in hand and offers it to you carefully so as not to spill any on your lap. 
"Chamomile tea," he explains gruffly when he sees your questioning look at what seems like an unusual choice for someone like him, someone who seems more accustomed to strong black coffee than herbal infusions. "It'll help with any lingering pain and help ya sleep." 
You take a tentative sip; making sure to grab the cup with your good hand it's sweetened just how you like it—a small detail that makes your chest tighten unexpectedly because it means he's been paying attention even when he didn’t have to be.  The warmth seeps into your hands as much as into your insides making everything feel less daunting all at once despite your injuries.
The evening settles in, casting a cozy glow over the living room. The ranch is quiet, the animals bedded down for the night, and the chores all done. Joel lingers, his presence a comforting constant in the otherwise empty house. He settles into the armchair across from you, the lines of his face softened by the dim light.
"You should eat somethin’," he suggests, already rising from his chair. "I'll fix ya up a plate."
Before you can protest, he's back in the kitchen, the clatter of dishes and the smell of food wafting through the air. You can't help but smile at his insistence. It's been a long time since anyone has taken care of you like this.
Joel returns with a tray balanced in one hand—a simple meal of soup and a sandwich, cut into manageable pieces. He sets it down on the coffee table, pulling it closer to you. "Eat up," he urges, his tone gentle but firm. "You need to keep your strength up."
As you eat, he watches you, his gaze never straying far. It's an odd sensation, being the focus of such intense attention, but you find yourself not minding it. There's a sense of security in his watchfulness, a feeling that you're not alone in this big house.
When you've finished eating, Joel takes the tray away, leaving you to sip your tea in peace. The painkillers are starting to wear off, and as you move to adjust your position on the couch, a sharp, stabbing pain shoots through your arm, causing you to yelp in surprise and discomfort.
Joel, who has been quietly cleaning up the remnants of dinner in the kitchen, is at your side in an instant. "What is it?" he asks, his voice laced with concern. "Did you move wrong?"
"It's my arm," you admit through gritted teeth, cradling the injured limb with your other hand. "I think I might have aggravated it."
With a nod, Joel gently takes your arm in his hands, his touch firm yet gentle. He probes the area with practiced ease, watching your face for any signs of pain. When he reaches a particular spot, you can't help but flinch, a hiss escaping your lips. “Shh, I know. Easy, easy," he soothes you like a wounded animal, before releasing your arm. His brow is furrowed, his lips pressed into a thin line. "I don't like the look of this. Could be broken, or at least badly sprained. We need to get you to a doctor first thing in the mornin’."
"I'm sure it's fine, Joel," you argue weakly, not wanting to cause a fuss. "It's probably just a bad bruise. I'll be okay after a good night's sleep."
But Joel is having none of it. "No, it ain't fine," he says firmly, his tone leaving no room for argument. "You could be doin’ more damage by not getting it checked out. I'll drive you to the clinic myself in the morning. This ain’t up for debate."
You know that look on his face—it's the same one he wears when he's dealing with a stubborn horse or a difficult piece of machinery. There's no point in trying to dissuade him when he's made up his mind. And truthfully, the idea of having a professional assess your injuries is somewhat of a relief.
"Alright," you relent with a sigh, the fight draining out of you. "I'll go to the doctor in the morning."
Joel's expression softens, and he gives your good shoulder a gentle squeeze. "That's the smart choice, darlin'. We'll get you fixed up in no time."
As he moves away to finish tidying up the kitchen, you find yourself watching him, a mix of gratitude and something deeper swirling within you. Despite the pain and the uncertainty of your injuries, you can't help but feel a sense of safety and comfort with Joel around. You're taken from your thoughts when Joel comes back into the living room. "I should be gettin’ home," Joel says after a while, his voice low and reluctant. "But I'll be back first thing to check on you."
You nod, trying to hide your disappointment. The house feels too big, too empty to be without him in it. "I'll be okay, Joel," you assure him, trying not to worry him, though the words taste like a stale cigarette on your tongue. "Thank you for everything."
He gives you a long, searching look before nodding slowly. "Alright then," he says, rising from his chair. "You remember what I said about not pushin’ yourself too hard?"
"Yes," you reply with a small smile. "Rest and recovery."
"That's right," he affirms, pulling on his jacket. "And don't hesitate to call me if you need anything—no matter the time."
You watch as he heads for the door, his silhouette framed by the night outside. Just before he steps out into the darkness, he turns back to you, his eyes reflecting the soft light of the living room. "Goodnight darlin," he says, his voice carrying a hint of something unspoken.
"Goodnight, Joel," you whisper back, the words hanging in the air long after he's gone.
The house is silent once more, save for the ticking of the old grandfather clock in the corner. You finish your tea and carefully set the mug aside, the warmth of it still lingering on your lips. With a sigh, you settle back against the cushions, the pain in your side a dull reminder of the day's events.
As the night deepens, you find yourself reaching for your phone, your fingers typing out a message before you can second-guess yourself.
Hey. Just wanted to say thank you again for today. I'm okay, just wanted to say thanks. Hope you got home safe.
What you really meant was, “please come back I'm fucking scared being alone.”
You hit send before you can change your mind, the message disappearing into the ether. Minutes tick by with no response, and you chide yourself for expecting otherwise. Joel is probably already asleep, or at least on his way to getting some much-needed rest after the day he's had. But just as you're about to set your phone aside and try to get some sleep yourself, it vibrates in your hand, startling you. A notification lights up the screen—a new message from Joel.
Of course. That's what I'm here for. Got home just fine. How are the ribs? Any better with the meds?
You can't help but smile at the concern in his words, the gruff affection that seems to come so naturally to him. You reply, telling him about the tea and the meal, about how much better you feel with him looking out for you.
His response is quick, as if he's been waiting by his phone for your message. 
Glad to hear it. And remember, there's no rush to get back in the saddle if you're not feeling up to it. Everything will still be here when you're ready. Your health is the priority now. If there's anything I can do for you, just holler. I've got your chores covered. Take care of yourself and don't hesitate to reach out if you need anything or just want to talk about what happened.
You read his words over and over, each one a balm to the lingering ache in your side—and to the unexpected emptiness in your heart. With a contented sigh, you finally set your phone aside and close your eyes, the sound of the ranch at night lulling you into a peaceful sleep.
The next morning, you're awakened by the sound of a vehicle pulling up outside. You rub the sleep from your eyes and glance at the clock—it's early, barely past dawn. With some effort, you manage to sit up and swing your legs over the edge of the couch, wincing at the stiffness in your muscles.
The front door opens, and Joel steps inside, his hands full of a large wicker basket. "Brought you some things," he announces, setting the basket down on the coffee table. Inside, you find an assortment of items—fresh fruit, a few paperback novels, a soft, hand-knitted blanket, and a small potted plant. "I figured you could use some company," he says, gesturing to the plant. "And the books are from my daughter's collection. She loves a good western—thought you might enjoy them."
The revelation that Joel has a daughter is something that catches you off guard, a piece of him that he kept carefully tucked away, a piece you want to know more about. 
You're touched by the thoughtfulness of his gifts, each one carefully chosen to bring you comfort during your recovery. "Joel, this is... it's too much," you protest half-heartedly, even as you reach out to run your fingers over the soft wool of the blanket.
"Nonsense, darlin’," he replies with a dismissive wave of his hand. 
The way he calls you darlin’ brings heat to your cheeks, and you quickly look away, busying yourself with arranging the items in the basket. When you finally gather the courage to meet his gaze again, you find him watching you with a soft smile on his face and you assume he's forgotten about the doctor until he speaks up.
“Alright let's go.” Joel's stands up and holds a hand out to you. 
You look up at him and chuckle “It's fine Joel. It barely even hurts.”
The argument is brief but intense, with you stubbornly insisting that a trip to the clinic is unnecessary despite the pain in your arm. Joel, however, is just as adamant, his concern for your well-being overriding any protests you might have.
"I ain't gonna stand by and watch you suffer when there's somethin’ that can be done about it," he says firmly, his tone leaving no room for argument. "Now, we can do this the easy way or the hard way."
You cross your arms defiantly, wincing as the movement sends a jolt of pain through your injured wrist. "And what's the hard way?" you challenge him, though there's a hint of amusement in your voice.
Without warning, Joel strides toward you, scooping you up into his arms before you can react. You let out a startled yelp as he hoists you over his shoulder with surprising ease, his strong hands holding you securely in place.
"Hey! Put me down!" You pound on his back with your good hand, your cheeks hot with embarrassment and indignation. But beneath the surface, there's an undeniable thrill at being so close to him—at feeling the muscles in his shoulders and back move beneath his shirt as he carries you effortlessly toward the front door.
"As soon as we get to the truck," he replies calmly, unfazed by your struggles. "We're going to see Dr. Simmons whether you like it or not."
You continue to squirm and protest as he carries you across the yard to where his truck is parked. The other ranch hands look on with barely concealed grins but wisely choose to keep their comments to themselves. They know better than to get between Joel Miller and something he's set his mind to.
With a gentleness that belies his gruff exterior, Joel sets you down on the passenger seat of the truck and buckles your seatbelt for you before closing the door and heading around to the driver's side. 
He grips the steering wheel tightly, his knuckles white as he navigates the familiar dirt roads that lead away from the ranch. He can see you out of the corner of his eye, arms crossed, gaze fixed on the passing landscape. A vision of stubborn beauty, your jaw set in a way that makes his heart do things it hadn't done in years. He can feel the tension radiating off you—a mix of pain and frustration at being manhandled against your will. He can't blame you for being upset. If someone had picked him up and carried him off like a sack of feed, he'd be mad too. But when he saw you lying there in the dirt, hurt and vulnerable, something inside him shifted. It awakened a protective instinct that he thought had died along with Sarah.
Damn it, Joel, he chides himself. She's young enough to be your daughter. But the thought feels hollow, a weak defense against the pull he feels toward you. You’re strong, fiercely independent, and yet, there’s a vulnerability to you that calls to something deep within him, the need to care for someone - for you. He glances over at you again, taking in the delicate curve of your jaw, and the way your hair falls in waves around your shoulders, taking in the way the morning light plays across your features. You’re a sight to behold, all fire and spirit wrapped up in a package that is far too tempting for his peace of mind. Every time he looks at you, all logic seems to fly out the window. There's an undeniable connection between you, a spark that ignites whenever you're near each other. It's terrifying and exhilarating, you make him feel young again. 
He risks another glance in your direction, and his heart skips a beat when he finds you watching him with those big doe eyes of yours. Joel swallows hard, forcing himself to look away before his thoughts can wander any further down that dangerous path. He needs to focus on getting through this day without letting his guard down completely.
The clinic is just up ahead now, its whitewashed walls gleaming in the early morning sun. He pulls into the parking lot and kills the engine, turning to face you with a stern expression that belies the turmoil he feels inside.
"Ready?" he asks, though it's clear from his tone that it's more of a statement than a question. He's not going to let you talk your way out of this one—not when your health is at stake.
You nod reluctantly, your gaze fixed on the clinic entrance. You're nervous; he can see it in the way your fingers worry at the hem of your shirt, in the slight tremble of your chin. He wants to reach out and wrap you in his arms, to offer some semblance of comfort, but he holds back. It wouldn't be appropriate—not here, not now. Instead, he climbs out of the truck and comes around to open your door for you, offering a hand to help you down onto solid ground.
The interior of the clinic is cool and sterile-smelling—a stark contrast to the fresh air and open spaces of the ranch. Joel checks you in at the reception desk while you sink into one of the waiting room chairs, wincing as even that small movement sends a twinge of pain through your side and arm.  Joel takes a seat beside you in the waiting room, his hands clasped tightly between his knees. He can feel the tension emanating from you, a coiled spring ready to leap to action at the slightest provocation. He knows that look—it's the same one he's seen on injured animals over the years, a mix of fear and defiance. It tugs at something deep within him, a primal urge to protect those he cares about most.
He wants to say something to ease your discomfort, but words seem inadequate in the face of your pain. Instead, he reaches out tentatively, his hand hovering just above your knee before he gives in to the impulse and rests it there gently—a silent promise that he's not going anywhere.
You startle at his touch, your gaze flicking to his face in surprise. But as you meet his eyes, you see nothing but sincerity and concern reflected back at you. Slowly, deliberately, you place your own hand over his.
The waiting room is filled with the soft hum of fluorescent lights and the occasional rustle of magazines being flipped through by other patients. Joel's thumb traces idle patterns on your leg as you sit there together in silence.
"Joel," you say finally, breaking the silence that has settled between you. Your voice is quiet, but it cuts through the ambient noise like a knife. "I want to thank you - for everything."
He shakes his head dismissively, though there's a warmth in his eyes that wasn't there before. "No need for thanks," he replies gruffly. "I did what anyone else woulda done."
"No," you insist firmly, turning in your seat so that you're facing him fully now—ignoring the twinge of pain it elicits from your injuries. "Joel," you say again, your voice steady despite the pain you're clearly in. "I mean it. You've been... you've done so much for me. More than I could have asked for."
He opens his mouth to respond, to downplay his role in your care, but the words die on his lips as the nurse appears in the doorway, clipboard in hand. She calls out your name, scanning the room until her eyes land on the two of you.
Reluctantly, Joel withdraws his hand from your knee, the connection between you severed as you rise to follow the nurse. He stands as well, intending to accompany you, but the nurse shakes her head. "Just the patient for now, please," she says with a polite but firm smile.
You shoot him a reassuring look over your shoulder as you follow the nurse down the hallway, leaving Joel alone with his thoughts. He sinks back into his chair, his hands clasped tightly between his knees again as he waits for you to return.
The minutes tick by slowly, each second stretching into an eternity. Joel's mind races with worry and concern. He knows the ranch like the back of his hand, can handle any crisis that comes his way—but this is different. This is about you, and the thought of you in pain, of you being afraid, is more than he can bear.
He can't shake the image of you lying in the dust after being thrown from Daisy, the fear in your eyes when you realized you couldn't get up on your own. It had been years since he'd felt that kind of raw terror, the kind that gripped your heart and squeezed until you couldn't breathe. But in that moment, with you hurt and helpless, it all came flooding back. Joel had always prided himself on his strength, both physical and emotional. He'd had to be strong after Sarah passed, but with you, he felt something shift inside him—a crack in the armor he'd spent years building up around his heart. He cared about you, more than he should. It was a truth he couldn't ignore, no matter how hard he tried. You were young, vibrant, full of potential and promise. And he, well, he was just an old cowboy with more yesterdays than tomorrows. But when he looked at you, when he saw the fire in your eyes, he felt alive in a way he hadn't in years.
He’s pulled from his thoughts when he hears your name called again. He looks up to see the nurse beckoning him forward with a gentle smile.
"You can come back now," she says, her voice soft and reassuring. "She's asking for you."
Joel's heart skips a beat at her words. He rises quickly, his boots thudding against the linoleum floor as he follows the nurse through the maze of hallways to the examination room where you're waiting. His mind races with possibilities—none of them good. 
Why would they need me if everything was fine? Had something happened while you were back there? Was the injury worse than they initially thought?
The door to the examination room creaks open, and Joel steps inside, his eyes immediately going to you. You're sitting on the edge of the examination table, your face pale but composed. The relief that washes over him at seeing you unharmed is palpable; it leaves him momentarily lightheaded as he crosses the room to your side.
"What's goin on?" he asks urgently, his gaze flicking between you and the doctor who is standing nearby with a clipboard in hand. "Is everything alright?"
Dr. Simmons gives him a reassuring nod before turning his attention back to you. "I was just explaining to your friend here that it looks like she's got some bruised ribs and a fracture in her wrist," he says matter-of-factly as he jots something down on his clipboard. "We'll need to keep an eye on those ribs—make sure there's no internal bleeding or complications—but I think she'll be just fine with some rest and proper care.We gave her some pain medication before the x-ray. It may make her tired so she will need to be watched. No driving, etc. And she will need to come back in three weeks from now to get an updated x-ray of her wrist."
Joel lets out a breath he didn't realize he was holding, relief flooding through him like a tidal wave crashing against jagged rocks. He reaches out instinctively, taking your good hand in his own as he listens intently while Dr. Simmons goes over your care instructions.
Once the doctor finishes his instructions and hands over the prescription, Joel helps you down from the examination table, his hand at the small of your back providing a steady, reassuring presence. "Let's get your meds and then getcha home," he says softly, guiding you out of the clinic and back to his truck.
The drive to the pharmacy is quiet, the air between you thick with unspoken thoughts and emotions. Joel keeps stealing glances at you, noting the way you're cradling your injured wrist against your chest, the way your breath hitches ever so slightly when the truck hits a bump in the road. He wants to say something, to offer some words of comfort, but he's never been good with this sort of thing. He's a man of action, not words.
At the pharmacy, Joel takes charge, handling the paperwork and payment while you sit quietly on a nearby bench. He can see the exhaustion etched into your features, the way your eyelids are starting to droop. He knows you're running on fumes, and the pain medication will likely knock you out soon.
He heads back to the ranch, the truck's engine humming softly beneath the weight of the silence that stretches between you. You're fading fast, the medication they gave you at the doctor taking its toll. He can see you struggling to keep your eyes open, your body swaying slightly with each turn of the vehicle.
Once he reaches the ranch house, he parks as close to the front door as possible and hurries around to your side of the truck. You're already half-asleep by the time he opens your door, your eyelids fluttering as you fight to stay awake. "Easy now," Joel murmurs, unbuckling your seatbelt and scooping you into his arms with a tenderness that surprises even himself. You let out a soft sigh as he carries you into the house, your head lolling against his chest. The trust you place in him is both humbling and terrifying and the sweet little noises coming from your mouth don't make any of this easier. 
He settles you onto the couch, propping pillows behind your back to keep you comfortable. You smile sleepily up at you, a smile that sends a jolt straight to his heart and many other places. "Stay with me?" You ask quietly. 
How could he possibly say no?
Joel nods, brushing a stray lock of hair away from your face, “‘course darlin, just gonna make you somethin to eat real quick.” Joel heads into the kitchen to prepare something for you to eat. An Eggo waffle seems like a safe bet—simple and comforting in its familiarity. He pops one into the toaster and waits impatiently for it to brown, his thoughts consumed by the woman lying on the couch.
Joel returns to the living room, the scent of warm waffles wafting through the air. He sets the plate down on the coffee table, along with a glass of water and the bottle of pain medication the pharmacist had given him. "Here you go, darlin'," he says softly, offering you a small smile. "Eat up, and then we'll get you settled in with a movie or somethin."
You nod, managing a weak smile in return as you reach for the waffle with your good hand. The simple act of eating seems to revive you somewhat, though Joel can tell you're still in a considerable amount of pain. He watches as you take a tentative bite, followed by a sip of water to wash it down.
"Thank you," you murmur between bites, your eyes meeting his in a silent exchange of gratitude and concern.
Joel nods, his throat tightening unexpectedly at the sincerity in your voice. "Anything for you," he replies gruffly, the words slipping out before he can stop them. He quickly clears his throat and changes the subject. "What do ya feel like watchin’? There's some old western tapes layin around or we could find somethin else.”
“Hmmm” You think about it for a moment before responding with a slight shrug of your shoulders—a movement that causes you to wince slightly, “I'm not picky. Whatever you want cowboy.” 
If only I could tell ya what I want darlin’
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Taglist: @mermaidgirl30 @maried01
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can we have more disowned!Jason pls??
Bruce was thankful for the drive. It gave him time to think. Mostly of things to say.
He'd sent a new washer and dryer, only to have them politely but firmly refused. Not by Jason, which he expected, but by you. You explained that it was appreciated but not necessary. And then before hanging up the phone, suggested that he donate the money to a support group for estranged parents. Electronics for the kids were similarly received- albeit less politely by Jason. Jason outright sent them back in pieces.
It was a risk, and he knew that. But by the time he pulled into town and was driving down tree-lined streets he was resolved. He had grandchildren now. He had a son who was happy. A Daughter in law... It was- well. Not a 'normal' family but, why did that matter?
There was a new baby on the way. Surely you had to need something to make it easier? College funds? Was the house paid for? He went through the options over and over. Considering the things he knew from the court documents. How you'd come to have your niece and nephew in your custody. The long sad story that got there.
You were steadfast and compassionate- that he knew. And proud. An offer that felt like charity would be rejected. Because you were doing it- or had been doing it on your own. Caring for your grandmother and then your mother. Fighting with the courts. Running a business. And raising two kids. You didn't want charity.
He pulled up on the curb and checked his watch, frowning. Both cars were still in the drive. Which was odd. Dick had told him you usually took the kids to school and opened the store.
He walked up the front steps and rang the bell. Greeted by the cacophony of dogs barking and Jason grumbling as he lumbered to the door.
Jason rolled his eyes when he saw Bruce at the door. "Not now-"
"I come in peace," Bruce said holding up his hands.
"Now's not a good time," Jason said, picking up the Yorkie before she could bolt out the door.
"What happened?" Bruce asked, heart dropping. Jason looked tense. Stressed. Upset. "Are the kids-"
"There was a break in at the hardware. Y/N was working late doing the books. Local scumbags busted in looking for tools they could sell. And copper. They didn't know she was there, so when she walked out to see what was happening, they panicked. Busted her in the face a couple times and someone kicked her stomach." Jason exhaled slowly. "Boris got to them and scared them off when he heard her struggling. And then. Fuck. As if it wasn't bad enough, his fucking heart just gave out and her dog died."
"Now is really not a good time," Jason repeated, swallowing hard.
And all Bruce can do is hug him. Hard. Jason never did do well when women were in danger. When they were attacked like that. And now it was one of HIS women. His wife. The mother of his children. And she hadn't been able to call him for help. "Is... everything okay?" he asked, releasing him when Jason started to pull away.
"They kept her in the hospital for a couple days and they want to keep her on bed rest for a while. They were worried about her back and her ribs. And the stress of it all. But- mostly she just... she's worried about the baby. She's worried about the kids. And she misses Borris."
"A good boy-"
"Her best friend," Jason said, smiling a little. "And then he had to go and prove he really did love her more than me... grumpy old fucker."
"I know it's not a good time," Bruce said, not wanting to add more stress to his son. Or risk upsetting you and making it worse for you. "But if you need anything-"
"Just make sure those scumbags stay in jail," Jason said. "Because if I get my hands on them, I'll break their fucking necks."
"At least you aren't going to shoot-"
"Y/N makes me store my guns and my ammo in two separate places," he sighed. "And she moved it after Ty found it- now I don't know where it is."
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soaplickerrr · 2 days
╰┈➤ How I feel like SKZ would reveal your relationship!!
Bangchan, Lee Know, Changbin, Hyunjin, Jisung, Felix, Seungmin, I.N
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Warnings~ FemReader | Established relationship | Idol Au | kinda ooc | I can't write very accurate personalities so pls forgive me for that 😔
Ps: These will be accidental moments when a fan notices something and the member can't help but just reveal it.
Summary: Felix gets a call from you during a live.
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Felix was having a great time on a live stream with Chan, answering fan questions and chatting with Stay. They were having a lighthearted conversation when Felix's phone started ringing. The sound caught both of them off guard, and Bang Chan raised an eyebrow in curiosity.
Felix immediately recognized the caller ID as yours, and he panicked. He didn't want to let your relationship slip on a live stream, so as he picked up the phone, he frantically started repeating, "I'm on a live, I'm on live, I'm on live," hoping you would understand the message and hang up.
As Felix continued repeating the words, Chan couldn't help but chuckle at his panic. "Who called, man? And why is your phone not on DND" Chan asked, still amused by the situation. But Felix simply gestured to his phone, still facing away from the camera, signaling that he couldn't reveal it on the live stream.
Fans in the chat quickly noticed the interaction and started speculating about who had called. Theories about secret girlfriends and other scenarios flew through the comment section. Some even joked that it could be a ghost calling him. Chan couldn't resist joining in the fun and playfully teased Felix.
"Sounds like someone very important, huh?" Chan teased, a smirk on his face. Felix rolled his eyes but couldn't help but laugh at the situation. He quickly composed himself and got back to answering fan questions, trying to distract himself and the fans from the phone call.
Shortly after, Felix felt his phone vibrate with a notification. He discreetly checked it and saw that you had understood his signal and hung up. He quickly texted you a message, letting you know that he was on a live stream and would call you back later. He breathed a sigh of relief, grateful that their secret hadn't been discovered.
The rest of the live stream continued without any further interruptions. Chan and Felix continued to chat and interact with Stay, unaware of the whirlwind of theories and speculations they had caused with the brief phone call. However, the incident lingered in the backs of their minds, a reminder of the secret they had to keep.
A few days later, JYP Entertainment briefly broke the news that Felix had been in a relationship for the past year. Fans reacted with shock and excitement, many expressing happiness for the couple.
A couple weeks later, Felix uploaded a picture on his Instagram Story of him dressed up in a stylish LV suit, you sporting an expensive, captivating, LV gown beside him, attending a Louis Vuitton event together. The picture confirmed the rumors and speculation that had circulated after the live incident.
Fans were both surprised and elated to see the revelation. They praised the couple's secretiveness and wished them happiness.
Stray Kids' members were supportive of Felix and you guys’ relationship. When Lee Know was asked in a live stream about the situation, he chuckled and responded, "Oh, I already knew. I was the one who found out, anyway."
Stray Kids fans reacted with amusement to this revelation. They knew how close the members were and how they often shared each other's secrets. The fact that Lee Know had been the first to find out about the relationship only added to the bonding and connection among the members.
Fans praised Stray Kids for their supportive friendship and the strong bond they shared. Many commented on how Lee Know's statement showed the close-knit relationship within the group, where they supported each other through thick and thin.
The incident further strengthened the fans' adoration for Stray Kids. They admired the members not just for their talent and music, but also for their genuine care and support for each other. Stray Kids' authenticity and loyalty to each other resonated with the fans, making them even more endearing in their eyes.
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harrysgal · 1 day
harry styles x yn aspiring filmmaker — social media AU
About the smau: yn starts posting videos on youtube and is trying to build a career as a filmmaker. Things are going pretty well for her and she starts getting more attention when she creates content about shows she goes to. She’s also a fan of Harry’s music and some of his fans start getting suspicious when his team starts interacting with her.
Disclaimer: The story it’s set in 2021 and it will follow their relationship through the LOT leg in the US. Since this is nothing but fiction, I will be following some of the real timeline but also adding my own stuff. On top of that, I won’t be basing myself on Harry’s actual posts.
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liked by bestfriend, lookitsnyoh, mollyjane_x and 74,215 others 
yourinstagram sorry guys, had to visit my parents really quick to meet the new addition to the family. i also went over to my best friend just so she could tell me ‘i told you so’, did some thinking while staring through the window, and had some quality time catching up with my niblings. everything went great and it got me all excited for what’s coming next :D i honestly cant believe how lucky i am to have all these great people around me. 
now im back to duty and ready to spread all my love around, so… who wants some? 
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user7 YESSSSSSS HIIIIII THERE YOU ARE!!! user13 omg did your parents get a puppy??? 🥹 harryfan3 when i got to the end of the caption tho !!!!! 
↳ harryfan11 right?! so SASSY omg i love this woman
anthonypham 🙋‍♂️
↳ lookitsnyoh 🙋🏼‍♀️ ↳ paulithepsm 🙋🏿‍♂️ ↳ pillowpersonpp 🙋‍♀️ ↳ mitchrowland 🙋‍♂️ ↳ _basselin 🙋‍♀️ ↳ glenne_azoff 🙋‍♀️ ↳ jefezoff 🙋‍♂️ ↳ harryfan5 STOP THEY’RE ALL HERE TO SUPPORT HER 😭 ↳ harryfan64 Harry isnt tho ↳ user9 they alllllll want some love lmao i love it ↳ harryfan64 not Harry tho. bc he didn’t comment  ↳ harryfan27  @harryfan64 for the love of God just stop you’re embarrassing our fandom 
user1 im glad to see you here. hope you’re feeling our support 🥰❤️ harryfan YOU’RE SOOOOOO  loveynrry this is why we haven’t seen her around with harry then :’) bc she took some days off 
↳ user13 no bc the fact that he probably gave her some days off after what happened is so sweet :’) ↳ harryfan80 or maybe he just didn’t want to be linked to her anymore so he sent her away ↳ loveynrry @harryfan80 fuck off from my comment 
user5 yn really said “fuck you for posting that shit” and that’s why she’s so awesome  bestfriend miss you already <3 bestfriend we’re the lucky ones btw  bestfriend also ily 
↳ user4 you two are the coolest i want to be friends with you too ↳ harryfan17 okay but what were you right about tho 👀
harryfan18 This is so childish 🙄 you could just address the rumors instead of adding more to them yknow 
↳ harryfan25 how is she adding more to the rumors? just curious ↳ harryfan18 When she makes jokes about it but doesn’t say things aren’t true she’s allowing them to keep the narrative going  ↳ harryfan25 she never allowed them to “start” with this narrative, tho ↳ harryfan18 Maybe not. But now she’s clearly aware of what’s happening and what they’re saying so she could put a stop to it instead of making jokes about it ↳ harryfan25 honestly I don’t think she would be able to stop them but ok  ↳ harryfan74 She clearly wants the attention so of course she won’t stop the rumors 
harryfan26 very funny but do you have a bf or not????   user15 WE LOVE YOU ❤️ 
Sep 15, 2021. • 
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liked by harryfan18, harryfan22 and 217 others
harryupdates Harry out in Philadelphia with some friends! 
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harryfan31 awwww he’s so happy  harryfan35 yasssss my love <3 can’t wait to see you tomorrow!!! harryfan18 no yn around FINALLY 
↳ harryfan56 good. she should stay with that bf of hers and away from him ↳ harryfan48 I knew Harry would put a stop to that whole fiasco after the truth came out  ↳ harryfan52 yep. and I’m pretty sure we’ll slowly fully stop hearing about her 
harryfan15 can people leave yn out of their mouths pls 🙄 
Sep 16, 2021. •
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liked by annetwist, bestfriend, sisterinlaw and 61,917 others 
yourinstagram what a crazy crazy busy day! didnt think i’d have time to walk around the city this time but turns out i did and omg!! im glad i was wrong bc philly you’re truly GORGEOUS <3 
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loveynrry can’t believe yn went to a museum and harry wasn’t there lol harryfan5 omg i’m going to the show in DC and I’M SO EXCITED harryfan5 would it be okay if I approached to say hello?? dont want to make you uncomfortable I just love your videos so much Id love to talk to you about it
↳ yourinstagram omg yesss that’d be totally okay! you’re so sweet for asking <3 see you at the show! ↳ harryfan5 omg???? STOPSJFNAK  ↳ harryfan3 GIRL SHE REPLIED ↳ harryfan5 I know stop I’m losing my mind I DIDN’T EVEN THINK SHE’D SEE IT OMG
harryfan49 WHERE’S HARRY?!!
↳ harryfan66 living his own life bc he finally realized what a shitshow she is
user1 😍 so pretty! it must be amazing to get to know all these places
↳ yourinstagram it is! its been one of my favorite parts of this job for sure :)))
harryfan54 You’re not fooling anyone we all know Harry wasn’t with you 
↳ user3 ??? she never said Harry was with her?? ↳ harryfan54 C’mon she keeps posting all these vague things just so people wonder about it ↳ user5 you should see a doctor. istg this can’t be healthy 
harryfan72 isn’t it funny how after those headlines came out we didn’t see harry and yn together anymore ☠️ user5 can harrys fans leave this comment section? WE DON’T WANT YOU HERE SO GTFO
↳ harryfan3 i swear not all of us are like this :( ↳ user5 no omg i know that :( i’m sorry it’s just annoying to see these comments taking over her posts thats all ↳ user17 also the fact that she replied to some people shows she’s reading things :( ↳ user9 istg if yn stops interacting with us because of them… 😠 ↳ harryfan3 yeah i get it guys :( i wish there was a way to stop them  ↳ harryfan19 I hope she at least knows how many of us really like her 
Sep 16, 2021. •
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liked by harryfan18, harryfan22 and 357 others
harryupdates Harry and Yn out in DC this morning!
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harryfan5 stopppppp user9 oh i love this! harryfan9 MY BABIES 😍 harryfan78 you can’t even see their faces so how do you know it’s really him? 
↳ harryfan68 it’s not them lol ↳ harryupdates It’s 100% him. The fan who saw them also took a picture with Harry but asked us not to post it.  ↳ harryfan78 right 👍 how convenient lmao
Sep 18, 2021. •
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liked by annetwist, bestfriend, jefezoff and 92,127 others 
yourinstagram im supposed to fall asleep but im too excited so here’s a post with some glimpses of this long and marvelous day
view all 13,987 comments
iloveyn respectfully, those are legs for days 🫡 harryfan the way i just GASPED!!   loveynrry i LIVE for the concept of pictures 1 and 3 being on the same photodump  harryfan3 MOTHER bestfriend 🔥 bestfriend 👀 lookitsnyoh pls step on my face
↳ anthonypham pls step on my face  ↳ bestfriend pls step on my face ↳ user3 pls step on my face ↳ harryfan19 pls step on my face  ↳ user2 pls step on my face 
harryfan29 idk why buy harry’s mom liking her posts is so funny to me lol harryfan62 This is so inappropriate  harryfan80 ??? I can’t believe you just posted a picture of your legs along with pictures of your job
↳ harryfan25 wait, what? no offense but how old are you? lol ↳ harryfan80 old enough to know that’s highly unprofessional? ↳ harryfan25 unprofessional to whom? lmao she’s barely showing her legs whilst harry is fully naked on his cover album so i doubt he cares  ↳ harryfan13 hahahahaha that’s so true omg ily @harryfan25
user15 ohhhh 😍 i love bold and confident yn  harryfan91 so are you dating harry or not????
↳ harryfan76 she’s not. She’s just desperate for attention ↳ harryfan84 also, she has a boyfriend! 
↳ harryfan5 THANK YOU AGAIN I MEAN IT YOU’RE THE BEST ↳ yourinstagram emmaaaa ❤️ thank YOU! you’re the sweetest and I loved talking to you :))) hope you had a great show!
Sep 18, 2021. •
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— — — — — 
PART 7 (soon)
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Tag list: @toldyouitwasamelodrama @gem1712 @metanoiablxxm @awatt31 @namelesssreaderrr @ameerakane20 @yessswhale89 @idkkkkkkk123lgb — PLEASE READ: I’ll only add to the next tag list those who interact with this post. I hope you understand, thank you for your excitement.
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aayakashii · 2 days
I received a super cute ask requesting a hc of the Jabberwock boys getting a plushie from the MC, but tumblr effed up my post for some reason?? So I'm posting again!
ANON THAT WAS SUCH A CUTE REQUEST AND I LOVED WRITING IT!!! ⸜(*ˊᗜˋ*)⸝ Thank you for sending it!! I based each plushie on the animal that's been assigned to their chibis, I hope that's okay!
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How Jabberwock boys react after receiving a cute little plushie from MC
Otonashi Towa – bee plushie
Towa is a little bit confused because plushies aren't a huge part of his life and he never really played much with any.
But receiving anything from you makes him very happy because you're one of his favorite people, so he loves it regardless!!
He loved getting a little chubby bee because bees like flowers and he likes flowers so!! They're basically the same!
Towa likes his new little friend so much that he keeps it on him 24/7, even when he's frolicking in the Jabberwock meadows.
Which in turn makes the plushie all damp and dirty, but please don't be upset!
He tries giving it a bath every now and then, but having fun outside is one of the things he loves the most...
So the fact that he takes your gift with him every single time just means he treasures it a lot!!
He keeps on putting dandelions on the bee though, so keeping it clean is a hard task. But it's all because it remembers him of you! He has no regrets.
Speaking of regrets, be ready to get a teary-eyed Towa handing you the plushie, asking you to sew it back together after some bad encounter with an anomaly from time to time...
He will take a lot more care next time!! He promises!
Shiranami Ren – shark plushie
At first, he's gonna look at you like you grew three heads all of a sudden.
Why would you give him a cute gift like that? Do you want something from him???? Also does he look like someone who likes plushies cmon MC-
Yes. Yes, he does love plushies. And he is absolutely in love with your gift.
Ren will mostly keep his new friend inside his room, away from prying eyes (Haru's eyes, he means).
But after a while, he might stuff it inside his backpack whenever he has an exam or something hard he gotta do, because he considers it his moral support (also it is adorable and looking at cute things is great for your health-)
Mostly, however, they'll hang out together inside his room. Ren will hug it while playing one of his mobile games, and he swears the plushie is giving him a little bit more luck when he pulls the gacha...
After a while, Ren might begrudgingly ask you if you know how to sew little clothes, because he saw online how some people buy tons of clothes for their nuis and he kinda wants to do the same...
Don't laugh though! It took him a whole lot of courage to come ask this of you! He'll kick you out of his guild if you laugh!
Please sew clothes for his shark friend. Ren wants little cosplays of his favorite games and you're the only one who gets him.
Sagara Haru – kangaroo plushie
"Why didn't you tell me you were expecting our kid?! I will take full responsibility, let's get married and take care of him together and–"
"Haru. That's literally just a plushie I sewed for you."
"Haha, I know!! I'm just joking, I'm just joking!! You ARE the other parent, though."
Needless to say, Haru absolutely loves it to death, and he WILL keep making jokes like that forever, even if you two are just friends and never even smooched.
He also takes it everywhere, but mostly because Peekaboo loved the plushie just as much as him and is convinced he is a big brother.
Like father, like son...
Peekaboo insists Haru puts the little plushie right beside him on his baby wrap, just the head peeking out so it can "breathe and watch everything" properly.
With all the hard work Haru does, the plushie also gets a bit dirty, but he cleans it thoroughly almost everyday! Can't have his youngest son dirty, right?
Haru lets Peekaboo keep it during the day, but during the night, he takes it to bed with him, on the rare occasions in which he sleeps for more than 3 hours
He loves cuddling his plushie son and might ask you someday to make more friends for it!
Of course, he does that by joking about how you two are ready to expand the family, and how he would like to have more kids. He's just a silly goofy guy like that.
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hoshinasblade · 13 hours
second best | hoshina soshiro
DISCLAIMER: this fic has a detail that hasn't been mentioned in the anime yet. it isn't a big give-away but if you are sensitive about that kind of thing, please do not proceed. pairing: hoshina soshiro x f!reader genre: slight angst, comfort, childhood friends to lovers, a bit of that miscommunication trope snippet: hoshina soshiro always ranks second at everything in his life. god forbid he falls behind in the bid for your heart too. word count: 3K trigger warnings: author's note: this fic has two parts - part 2 will be posted a week from today :) likes, replies, and reblogs are always appreciated but please do not repost or steal my writings. this is quite long, but i gotta make you guys work for it. i have also set up a taglist for the second part and the other fics or drabbles, please sign up if you wanna be tagged! as always, feel free to let me know what you think or give me a prompt by sending me an ask here!
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hoshina soshiro can claim with extreme conviction that he rarely regrets the decisions he has made so far in his life.
from the time he has set his sights on taking the aptitude exam necessary to be recruited in the anti-kaiju defense force, to following captain ashiro mina to support her as the vice-captain of the third division, to religiously adhering to his daily routine of working out even during his off days so he can stay in peak condition - everything he's done is driven by soshiro's lone motivation: to rise and come on top.  
unfortunately, as he sees you walking in the hallway of the training building with his brother, soshiro realises that this is one of those rare occurrences where he hopes he gets a do-over.
it was barely 6 in the afternoon so there was still light from outside; the rays of the setting sun penetrating the transparent windowpanes cast an orange glow to the furniture in soshiro's office. it made him remember how he used to always be assigned as the student to clean the classroom back in junior high school: he would sweep first then rearrange the chairs before closing the windows and drawing down the curtains. he would rush up to the rooftop, in time to watch the sun dip below the horizon. he would stay for a few precious minutes, dreaming of a chance to get out of their town. he was fifteen then.
soshiro shook his head a bit. he decided that today - of all days - will not be when he will have a trip down memory lane. yes, despite the number of times he would get reminded of his past today, he refuses to get sidetracked.
the floor is eerily silent, save for the momentary opening and closing of doors; soshiro is aware that almost everyone has left, flocking to the local izakaya not too far from the base to celebrate. he had half the mind to prompt himself to hurry up in order to make it to the get-together on time. the long and gruelling application process took three months before the vetting could begin, but finally, the third division of japan anti-kaiju defense force honoured its new officers that morning. as the nominated head of the selection committee, he oversaw the entire thing, and at the end, he could not help but to feel confident that their force would become stronger from here - this year their roster of applicants boasts high-profile names like that of the very daughter of jakdf's director general and the young master of the prestigious izumo family.
okonogi, sitting in front of him at his office, was sorting the personal forms of the recruits, a big stapler in her right hand. "i can take care of this, vice-captain", she said to him, "they cannot miss you there."
soshiro smupled to his swivel chair, obviously fatigued by the task he and okonogi had been trying to finish for half an hour already. fighting and defeating kaiju is the main part of the job, but handling the paperwork proves to be as challenging. "right, make sure the headquarters get this by the morning along with the report of all their numbers -" the sound of footsteps nearby interrupted soshiro's train of thought.
there were three loud knocks and the door opened, a man with the same eyes as soshiro peeping inside. even okonogi glanced over her shoulder to identify who the intruder is. soshiro stood up.
"just wanted ta drop by before i head back ta himeji", hoshina soichiro's undeniable accent dripped. spotting the huge pile of forms littering the desk, he commented, "seems like ya are a little preoccupied though."
"hoshina fuku taichou, good evening." your voice was firm yet jovial as you greeted him, the kansai inflection rolling off your tongue. you appeared beside soshiro's brother, still wearing the same standard-issue uniform you wore during the event several hours ago when you were sworn in as a new defense force officer. the outfit is snug on you - soshiro had noticed at the ceremony earlier, but up close the top looked almost skintight, the skirt coming up a little above your knees. soshiro can be a high-ranking official within the force, but he is also a man. if only briefly, he stared. "aren't ya going ta the party?"
taken aback that you would drop by his office, it was out of his mouth too fast he couldn't stop it - "how about ya? what are you still doing here with him?" soshiro responded pointedly at you, throwing you the same query but not answering what you asked him. it was too late to take it back; he sounded like he was interrogating you about your presence with the captain of the sixth division. soichiro winced; soshiro pretended not to see. "i- i was just thinking ya went with the officers on the way there", he added, calmer this time.
"oh, i was just catching up with hoshina-kun", you replied without missing a beat. soshiro doesn't know if the accidental force in his question just seconds prior did not intimidate you at all or you simply ignored his tone. "i mean with soichiro-kun. considering ya are hoshina too", you chuckled. soshiro stole a glance at the man at your side while maintaining an empty expression. he found his brother smirking at him; soshiro willed himself not to picture soichiro as an ugly kaiju with a butt for a face.
okonogi who is now attentively eavesdropping on your conversation caught your attention. "pardon for the bother, hoshina-san. we'll be off now."
for an instant, it looked like you were waiting for soshiro to say something in response. to say what, he doesn't know. the eye contact between you and him held up for a moment but broke as quick as it began. tension prickled in the air briefly then ebbed as you turned away from soshiro. "i'll see ya at the party, vice-captain", you gave him a bow before exiting the room. soshiro wanted to stop you; he didn't.
soichiro sighed. "it was nice seeing ya, 'lil bro", he addressed soshiro, his hand patting the latter's shoulder once, twice. "i have paperwork ta worry about too so as much as i'd like to, i won't be able ta attend your division's party. just in case ya want ta know." soshiro didn't look like he had a crumb of interest to know about his brother's occupational responsibilities; he shrugged soichiro's hand off.
soshiro saw you standing outside, leaning on the wall, when he ushered his brother out. "i'll be driving her to the izakaya though", soichiro informed him. "ya should visit our folks when ya have the time. ya should come home sometimes", soichiro continued, a hint of concern evident in his voice. when soshiro did not respond, surprisingly the older hoshina did not look a tiny bit disappointed. instead, soichiro put on a charming smile and waved at okonogi. "okonogi-chan, see ya around!" he tossed a playful wink at her.
soshiro merely watched as you and soichiro walked together, your pace matching his. a few meters away, he saw you listening intently to something soichiro was saying - he is too close - and although he is not within earshot to hear what is being said anymore, he knows it is another one of his brother's bad jokes. it looks like you were trying to suppress it, but a smile was about to dawn on your lips. soshiro felt sick to his stomach all of a sudden.
the party was already in full swing when soshiro arrived - everyone is hungrily feasting on the expensive wagyu beef, drinks flowing endlessly from the bar. everyone is enjoying themselves; even captain ashiro mina can be seen having small talk with the newly sworn-in officers who were eagerly taking notes from her.
you had easily made friends with the other rookies who are now sitting next to you; it was thanks to your group that this event was planned - after enduring long sessions of strenuous physical training every day of every week, you all deserved a night of everyone just gathering to have a good time. soshiro seems to be exempt from the festive atmosphere though.
he picked the seat next to his captain, who greeted him with a curt nod. he proceeded to grab the mug of beer served to him; the first sip registered a sharp bitterness through his mouth but soshiro relished on the flavor as it overtook his senses.
"everything alright?" captain ashiro from his side asked without lifting her gaze from her own drink. "you are being -" she paused, carefully searching to find the right words, “uncharacteristically quiet.”
soshiro picked the glass of beer again, and when he was about to put the lid on his lips, he could sense someone’s intense stare locked on him. years of being the vice-captain gifted him with equal parts instinct and paranoia so he could not help but scan the room, only to find you, sitting across the room, watching him with a curious expression.
a rowdy group of rookies surrounds you; they are high-fiving each other, laughing at their silly pranks, not minding that all of you are squeezed together at a crowded circle. soft music in the background swelled as everyone cheered and clinked glasses.
soshiro's eyes remained fixed on yours, lasting for what he felt like forever. the buzz of chatter dulled to a distant hum, fading into an almost white noise. his heart raced as he felt his breath catch and his mouth go dry. the corner of your lips curved into a smile and maybe it is the alcohol in his system, but he is certain his cheeks are flushed now.
"huh", captain ashiro lowly exclaimed. soshiro quickly snapped a glance at her. "you talked to her yet?" she asked him. ah, she caught his little moment with you.
soshiro was on the verge of playing it cool and putting on an act; he was about to outright lie to his captain by saying "talk to who?" as if he had no idea what she was referring to. he settled with silence. he was grateful his non-response only earned him a sigh from the captain who did not press the topic any further.
 "to you newbies, congratulations!" captain ashiro raised her glass, still half-filled with alcohol. her voice rang out over the place, everyone's conversations immediately falling quiet. "may the third division always be victorious in our battles to come", she recapped her speech.
the party showed no signs of slowing down. hibino kafka, a recruit in his thirties has been the centre of intrigue that has spanned for weeks now. hibino ossan - as what the others nicknamed him - had revealed in a bathroom conversation with other male rookies that he grew up with captain ashiro. ashiro mina likes dried squid; ashiro mina used to raise pets in grade school - everyone consumed any and every tidbit of trivia hibino disclosed about the usually stoic and serious third division commander. soshiro was among those invested in the rumor and you knew why. for a while, you also wondered how he would react once the rest of the troops learned about your own past with their vice-captain. would he deny it? or would he brush off any potential gossip that may arise from the revelation? if everyone discovered your shared history with hoshina soshiro, would it make him want to reconnect with you?
“you lot will start duty monday next week, but tomorrow will just be another workday for vice-captain hoshina and i”, captain ashiro said, having stood up from her seat, preparing to take off. “no, you can stay”, she said to some of the newbies who have started to get up too.
“nah, captain, why don’t we bring them along to help us file all the tedious paperwork?”, soshiro interjected in his familiar upbeat tone. the crew bursted into snickers; captain ashiro gave soshiro a perplexed look, obviously puzzled about the sudden shift in his mood. testing her theory, she looked at your direction.
captain ashiro couldn't make out why, but you were giggling at whatever your seatmate had said, elegant hand covering your mouth, eyes crinkled. she understood soshiro then - she was not foreign to feeling uneasy inside when she sees someone so physically near someone she cares about after all. "let's go, hoshina", she tucked her pity for the vice-captain away.
"do you guys think they are dating?" a particularly tactless rookie sitting at your table had asked immediately after captain ashiro and hoshina were out the sliding doors.
"i bet they're not", you blurted out a little too soon, a little too sure. you did not mind clipping your accent, your kansai-ben thick and heavy. your fellow officers looked at you, expecting an explanation for your outburst. "i mean -" you stuttered, "that would be awkward, i guess."
"you know to think of it, you're from himeji too, right?" a few more recruits have started to listen in on the exchange. these people can smell the truth off me, you thought. you wanted to smack yourself in the face.
"we went ta the same high school together, that's all", you admitted, feeling backed in a corner. tomorrow when you get questioned for this imprudent behavior, you can probably blame it all on the alcohol. "and grade school", you continued, loose-lipped now.
you still liked wearing pink bows in your hair when you met him. an only child of kind parents, you never experienced having to ask for something you like; you were doted on and spoiled so you were reasonably upset when a young hoshina soshiro did not give you the time of his day. your family has just moved to hyogo shortly before that, and you were anxious to make friends; since your early age, you had made it your mission to make soshiro acknowledge you.
"you dun wanna play with me, because ya are stupid", you told soshiro-kun once. "oka-san said all boys are stupid", you had the nerve to elaborate after he pouted at you, his unkempt bangs sticking on his sweaty forehead, his clothes dirty from training all day.
"yer pretty", he responded and you felt the blush crept up on your cheeks. "pretty annoying."
"come on, spill some tea!" someone's palm connected with the table, jolting you out of your trance. "we have another hibino-senpai situation on our hands!" they declared, grabbing you by the arm and shaking you a bit. if it was meant to encourage you to tell more childhood tales between you and the vice-captain, it worked really, really well.
"he's always had that haircut even as a kid", you said, misinterpreting the kind of story your companions wanted you to tell, judging by their disappointed looks. “i- i don’t know what else to tell you guys”, you held up your hand in surrender.
“do you have a crush on him?” you choked on your drink, caught off guard.
vexed at his absent-mindedness, soshiro was walking back to the izakaya place alone when he heard the commotion. he is going straight to bed once he gets back to the base, but he would have to retrieve his uniform jacket first from his seat earlier.
“you totally do, don’t you!” it stopped sounding like a question and more of an accusation you could not deny. “you like hoshina-san!”
“i -i do, yes... but what of it, huh?" he couldn’t see you but he would recognize the soft timbre of your voice anywhere. soshiro felt like a victorian gentleman getting a glimpse of a woman’s ankle for the first time listening in on the uproar of cheers after your confession.
“the three of us attended the same high school, soichiro-kun was a grade ahead”, you said. soshiro froze. you are talking about his brother. “he has always been good at everything, t'was hard not ta like him.”
soshiro closed his eyes, attempting to steady his breathing. he always had his suspicions - for the ceremony earlier his brother even took a day off his busy schedule as the commander of the sixth division to attend as a guest. he should have known.
last year, soshiro’s squad fought a lizard-type kaiju with a fortitude of above 8. like the reptile, a cut made on any of its limbs was useless due to advanced regeneration. a fractured rib, extremely bruised arms, and a dislocated shoulder were what it costed soshiro to win against the monster. his bitterness threatening to consume him, he cannot believe that you confirming his worst fears would hurt more than that fatal experience.
of course, he said to himself. it’s not like he can fault you for liking soichiro - everyone did. as the firstborn son, their father always had favored him. soichiro has been the more skilled swordsman between them; he was the golden child, charismatic and talented with an effortless charm - like moths to a flame he would attract people, and even in his silence he would overshadow soshiro.
soshiro didn’t stand a chance against his own flesh and blood.
he was a teenager when he dreamed of running away from the constant but inevitable competition he had with his brother. scouted for the third division, he relished on the freedom. but how do you escape the reality of the one you love loving the one person you could never measure up to?
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marymary-diva17 · 1 day
Starting a new
bridgerton family x reader
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Life among the ton in London was nit very easy for a young women, as she was making her way thought life. Having a supportive and loving family, had helped make life easier among all the gossip and scandals going around. The Bridgerton family was always there for each other, during all the gossip and scandals. That what you had expected will stay the same forever, having your family by your side.
Y/n " ......" you had gone out of a walk with your maid it a beautiful day, but there was something that gained your attention. There were many members of the ton looking at you and speaking among themselves, this was not unusual to you but it felt a bit more off today.
y/n " good morning lady Weston how are you and your family doing" you had greated one of ladies as she was walking pass, but she looked at you said nothing and soon walked off.
y/n " something is wrong maybe we should be get home" you had looked at your maid and she nodded her head, as the two of you soon headed back to Bridgerton house. You are one of many ladies that had been present to the queen, so you had thought it was about that as you haven't gotten any proposal.
man " shameful for the Bridgerton household" that when it hit you something had happened, you need to get home right away and speak with your family. After some time you soon arrived at home and got inside quickly.
Gregory " sister you are home"
y/n " hello Gregory is everything okay when I left you were in front of house, playing outside with hyacinth along with some other kids"
Hyacinth " we had been until they were called home by their mother or governess, then Anthony had called us home ... we also have some good news as well"
y/n " wow I need to have some words with our dear older brother and mother, I think ...."
Voilet " y/n my dearest there you are I need you to come with me right away"
y/n " yes mother but there seems to be some tension among the ton"
Hyacinth " what tension what has happened now"
Voilet " upstairs that both of you into your room right now I will have the maids, attend to you needs come now y/n" you soon nodded your head and followed your mother into the drawing room.
y/n " Daphne and Simon when did you two get here Gregory and hyacinth didn't tell me"
Daphne " yes sister we had come home for a important family meeting"
y/n " okay but I think I need to bring something to everyone attention, something had happened the ton seem to be gossiping once again"
Antony " oh yes we know dear sister we have heard all the gossip going around, as someone had told us in person"
y/n " what has happened"
Antony " you have brought scandal and shame to the family y/n"
y/n " what brother you most be jesting I have not brought any shame upon our family"
Benedict " are you sure because coming for what we have learned in gossip and reports, you have threatened the family moral values and reputation"
y/n " I will like to know what I'm being accused for my dear brothers"
Colin " you have been reporting been seen flirty with young man of the ton out in the open, with no one watching over and then we are told you took a walk a while along with Mr Tristan along with having tea with him as well"
y/n " well the first one is not the truth I was talking with them, and my maid was not that far away from my view ... and yes I have been meeting with the Viscount as he gained my attention I gained his as well, is that wrong for me to meet with him"
Antony " yes when it bring shame upon on family after all that has happened, can't you not be selfish"
Kate " Antony"
Y/n " this is wrong for me to fall in love"
Antony " yes when it effects us all didn't you think how this will reflect on us all in this room, and our younger siblings .. think about your nephews"
Eloise " well I think there nothing wrong with the match they look like a perfect match"
Antony " that up for you to decide sister of mine I up for myself, Kate, and our mother"
Y/n " Tristan is a good man and I care for me and he does the same for me"
Benedict " sister you are being naive havent you heard the stories about him"
y/n " there have been stoires about all of us in this room brother dearest"
Colin " our relationship haven't caused this much damage, because not that you are only effecting our family name but also Simon and Daphne"
y/n " sister is what Colin speak true"
Daphne " yes rumors have reached our area and the ton there, don't hold back I fear it will effect I and Simon family and household"
Simon " think well about your decisions y/n we all know you are smart young lady"
y/n " mother Kate what do you have to say"
Voilet " we need to think about your sisters and bother future y/n, this scandal along with everything else I have heard about will ruin us"
y/n " what else have your heard"
Colin " you meeting up in this places with these high rank women, who have no husband and speaking about society"
y/n " we are talking that all like all ladies do we talk and brainstorm, what wrong with that"
Eloise " all but aside sister I and pen love what you are doing"
y/n " thank you sister"
Kate " I think it good but we need to put the family first"
Benedict " I was at the club today when I was told this story about leading Earl smith son James on making promised to marry him, and there was you running the chances of other young ladies finding matches"
y/n " they are lies and misunderstandings you all have to understand"
Antony " that only thing we understand is that your have brought to much scandal and ruin to us, that we need to do what best for the family"
y/n " what"
Antony " We are sending you to live countryside the staff there will take care of you you will go there and Francesca will come home ... with your gone for while everything will die down and once that happens you can come home, then be present once again as honorable lady of ton and our family"
y/n " no mom"
Voilet " I'm sorry but it for the best my daughter think about your sisters and brothers"
y/n " I'm always thinking about them mom day and night"
Antony " not when you were seen around breaking all the rules and seen with Tristan, you will leave tomorrow but from here lady danbury has offered you and room to stay"
y/n " I'm being exiled from my own family and home"
Antony " you have done this your self once I have deemed it fair and good time, if the scandal has died down you can come home ... that might be a long time for all the trouble you have done, once you have come home we will see where we can go from there”
Voilet “ all your needs will be meant my dearest when you are there”you look at your siblings for help only Eloise seem to want to save you.
Eloise “ this very harsh Antony she our sister”
Antony “ it needs to be done for the benefit of the family and ton as well”
y/n “ Daphne,Simon, Kate” all there were quite as you came to terms with everything.
y/n “ I will go pack my stuff”
Antony “ it has already been taken care of once it over, you will leave to lady Danbury home”
y/n “ yes viscount bridgerton”
violet “ everything will be fine my dearest mayeh when you are away we can find you a good match”
Colin “ we will be lucky if that happens”
Antony “ enough no more talking about this is over with, I’m made my decision” the meeting was over you had went to your room to see, your stuff getting packed away. Once it was done you saw your stuff getting loaded onto carriages. There were short goodbye as you left at night heading to Danbury household.
lady Danbury “ my dear welcome I’m sorry for what has happened”
y/n “ thank you for hosing me this evening I know this will be bad for you, lady Danbury”
lady Danbury “ my dear I’m mad but at you or Tristian at everyone else, even your own family as well everyone acting all high and might”
y/n “ it seems like that”
lady Danbury “ come inside and have some supper with me, and we will be having anothe guests”you had nodded your head and soon went into the Danbury home. Dinner and had been served and the two ate.
footman " my lady your other guest has arrived"
lady Danbury " good let him in"
footman " you can come inside mister" soon Tristian had stepped into the room.
y/n " Tristan"
Tristan " y/n I'm so sorry about what has happened to you and your family"
y/n " thank you and I'm sorry for you family as well"
Lady Danbury " have some dinner with us young man"
Tristan " thank you" the tiro soon ate dinner and enjoyed a good conversation.
Lady Danbury "I have heard from your uncle Mr Tristan"
y/n " your uncle the one who lives in Scotland"
Tristan " yes he has heard of what has happened I'm kicked out from home as well, he had asked me to come take over his household and learn from him .. he mad at my father and family right now"
y/n " that sound wonderful for you"
Tristan " thank you and I was wondering if you will come he did, say it will be good for me to bring the young women who has been mentioned in stupid scandal"
y/n " Scotland I have been sent countryside"
lady Danbury " go my dear live a wonderful life being away from home and the ton"
y/n " I will love that but how we will travel as unmarried couple"
lady Danbury " then get married in private ceremony here and another on in Scotland, it will be good I will be one of witnesses with many others your uncle will help as well"
Tristan " so y/n bridgeton will you do me the honors and become my wife, I was going to ask you in later time but now seems better a new start for us both"
lady Danbury " if doesn't work out no outside of this house and Tristan uncle will know"
y/n " then yes" a small ceremony had been held as lady Danbury and some her staff, along with Tristan as well who were witness and guests.
lady Danbury " enjoy this new start in life as it will help you both grown, and become the people you wish"
y/n " thank you lady Danbury for this well please take care"
lady Danbury " I will young lady and you both take care as well, I will take care of your families from here"
Tristan " we will come on my dear wife the travel will be long, but it will be good"
y/n " coming my dear husband" The pair soon left as sun was starting to come up, and it was good time to get going so no will see the pair. They rode in the carriage pass all the house of the ton, knowing it will be a long time until they were called back home or shall ever return home. It was time for a new start for you as there will always be love for you family. now it was start of journey for you. As you are hoping your father is watching out for you, as your left the place you once grew up and called home.
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