#and if they really did do something that cruel even to an actual villain type character
lightnersdream · 1 year
ive changed my mind since i wrote that post if Swatch got their hands on that email freak they would rip his arms off and personally drown him
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> Saturn ASPECTS < and why you ain't getting the respect you deserve Saturn puts you in shitty cycles/ patterns to make you; by breaking you > and when you inevitably return to these struggles, you'll realise you've mastered his circuits
yes i had break, im back now. so get over it.
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Saturn aspecting Sun - loosen up. but everytime you do, something else fucks up. so now your the most rigid person. its hard to have a good time with yall, because you take things so seriously, but damn do you exceed when shit needs to be taken seriously - because your so careful in your movements 🚶‍♂️. they tend to have a habit of stating the obvious then smirking about it, which is so confusing because like we all knew that, but why you acting like you did something? this type of shit is why people struggle to chill around you, but ill ask for your advice about real shit because your obsessed with being an authority and like thats the only way to approach you guys without getting iced by you Saturn aspecting Moon - Stop crying. oh wait i meant to say; start crying. jesus you got some fucked up villainous back story but your stone walling everyone because it hurts too much to even open up to anyone. because i mean whats the point? if everyone is just going to tell you "its going to be okay" when you never feel okay. feels bad man, and you know better than most how bad feels.. man.. so i guess saturn wants you to accept how cruel the world is, and how that affects everyone, so you are more prepared for bad circumstances then most. hardly a positive spin, ik.. but its to prepare you for your future. and you have no idea why you must go through so much pain - but there is a reason, and it will become clear later, so better utilize that energy to your benefit; because its just another one of saturns bitch cycles
Saturn aspecting Mercury - when you speak, people try there best to one up you, but your a master at it by now > passive aggressive, or authoritative - who gives a fuck if you belittle the other person, because i mean if your right, then you right. so better off writing it into reality, rather than watch everyone clown around with the wrong answers. but speaking ths way to others, really does make it hard to talk to you, even if you right, your just a fkn asshole. so honestyl. stop trying to figure out the right answer, and think about whats the right thing to say. stop pretending to be an authoritative speaker if no one even wanna listen to you, and start owning what you say more. Saturn aspecting Venus - joecly flores on repeat. okay i get it. you dont believe in love, because you see it how it is. well. its not actually how it is. youve ruined all your chances of anyone ever gonna love you because you think being all cold and mysterious is attractive (and it can be) but i mean who tf wanna love someone like that. its like riding a bike uphill. i mean i dont wanna do that. like these people are always attractive, but their attitude is so hard to ignore, its like trynna make a spider smile. thats why people reject you more than anythng else. and Ik that your just trying to find the real ones, but guess what, everyone that ever talked to you/ flirted with you, liked you.... oh thats too shallow or optimistic? my bad Saturn aspecting Mars - I never do anythng right ;(((((( well you actually do a lot right, but your always doing too much. your so obssessed with perfection and being a high achever that you've forgotten everything you've achieved becayse your so focused on the next one. if you just reflected on how much you work; in comparison to most, youd realize you are big achiever, and you dont understand reality as well as you think. well okay you do undersatnd reality extremely well (because you try so damn hard lol) but you've lost your sense of self because you still dont think your worth it till you achieve the next thing- hence the cycle of working yo ass off - but hey you'll achieve a lot, you just need to perfect your perfectionistic tendencies -then youll finally be perfect! (get it) Saturn aspecting Jupiter - i think this aspect is one of the coldest. because these people try so hard, but get no where for the majority of their life. till they change perspectives and realize if they try harded else where, they'd get launched into success. i mean the amount of people who are successful - and i mean hugely successful > have this aspect - and everytime it was due to massive luck. however only they could grasp the 'lucky' opportunity, and that initself makes their achievements so much cooler than others. remember its jupiter, so all your 'hardships' inevitably become your greatest 'luck'. the white guy from 'sean of the dead' has this, and look at how much he impacted movies in general... jus saying mad props to that guy and to yall
Saturn aspecting Uranus - okay these guys are outcasted from society hard, due to some bullshit, but when they get recasted back into civilization they become someone who can change society at large- but its gonna take so much work... their perspective has been molded differently to most because they've been alone for so long. they have strange ideas that somehow work into tangible assets. perfect example : eminem - i mean hes basically best case scenario with this aspect, but hey why not try for best case scenario? but then again he made that hamster song... so i mean not always best case scenario... THats the price of neglect you could say lmao. Saturn aspecting Neptune - your imagination is your greatest challenge but also the key to your ultimate glory. like Michael Jordan had this aspect and well he was hella delusional. until he wasnt.... but its hard to say how much this benefited him... because both stages of his life - pre glory - and; glory - he was heavily isolated from everyone, and (likely) suffered in seclusion, by placing so much importance on his dreams. saturn wants you to master the 'spiritual world' i.e. imagination and dreams, and this causes anxiety that their dreams will just be dreams. which is what makes them put so much effort into it becoming real... then they realize the price of it all when its too late. so just make sure your aware of what your manifesting because if anyone can make it, its you. (achieving ur dreams) Saturn aspecting Pluto - how powerless do you feel. you do realize people can see how thirsty you are for respect/power, because they can sense your insecurity from past exepriences, and thats why your easy to play with. but do not worry. you will attain true power with enough effort. not just a bullshit image of power. because you've been pushed into the most vile trials to have ever have existed, and its only so that when you become someone powerful, you utilize your power properly, and do not step on others, because you know damn well how much it hurts to be stepped on. so your power is > saturn. your trials are so intense, and you're basically broken, but things that are broken know how to cut others (like broken glass). and well saturn wants you to master this > pluto > the darkness. and it makes reaching the top so much more palpable, because you'd feel like you earnt it. but you can make others insecure about what youve overcame so you better be humble, or saturn will fuck you. no honour among thieves, and we know you experienced that, but the kings play different, and you gotta adapt or saturn will flatten you.
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First of all, take your time with the storys (god i love your writing style, its not rushed and not too cheesy or out of character) And cause my Brain is a full on simp for Morgie and the Boy is just a little good one that wants to fit in, i have another idea
Maybe a story based on the Deleted scene pics of Him sleeping(?) alone in the Hideout from the lagoon in this chair(?) and of him finding the book
in the whole thing morgie and reader have this Tension like always and are pretty close (they are in love but both dont know how to make the first step and they know it wouldnt really be good news for uliana which scares morgie off)
Male!reader is another villain kid that is also in Ulianas crew but mostly in the background, he didnt go to the office to steal the cookbook nor did he look out for merlin with morgie (maybe reader is even secretly slightly friends with bridget who knows)
Morgie went to find the cookbook in chloe's and red's room after finding out what happend to uliana and the crew, he hesitates to open it and goes back to the Hideout in the lagoon where he starts to panick a little cause his friends are frozen, he is all alone and it all depends on him now.
On one side he wants to impress uliana and the others and be a good villain like his Mom (cause he has a reputation to hold up and he has mommy issues lmao) but on the other hand he doesnt think that Bridget deserves it and he doesnt wants to really be like his mom, morgie also opens the book which also proves that he is good in his heart
Reader comes into the hideout to see morgie having a complete life crisis and he tries to comfort him, Reader wants Morgie to leave the villain group cause he just isnt a villain and a good soul at heart but Morgie thinks that this will just cause more problems so he sticks with this life now (god bless him)
Morgie ends up not doing the prank and telling Uliana later after she is unfrozen that he just didnt find the cookbook and he couldnt pull through with the pranks and that he and Reader couldnt think of anything just as cruel for Bridget before castlecoming but they totally did still try to.make bridgets day bad (they didnt xD)
You’re so sweet, thank you so much. I really do try, end up reading it like 4 times before I post it and find something I wish I changed a day later. And I love the concept of a secretly good VK being with Morgie (who is also secretly good idc what Disney has to say on the matter)!! I’m so excited about this one
True to Heart
Morgie le Fay X Reader
Pronouns used: He/him/his
Summary: When faced with something that knows the truest part of your heart, it’s bound to see right through you.
Warnings: Uliana sucks, they're very touchy but really this is just fluff with some panicking. Death mention but it’s sorta playful
Word count: 2K
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   It had been hours since he heard from Uliana. Surely the sea witch should have come by his room by now , yelling at him about how he needed to be ready for their plan. Convinced he’d do it at the drop of a hat to be part of her main circle. She was a fool of course, that he believed with his whole heart, she was ridiculous to believe he’d hurt Bridget. It would be like asking him to hurt Hades. They weren’t close but he had an obvious care for them, that was easy to see. Uliana was an idiot to believe he would even consider letting go of that part of himself. There were few parts of his morals he could actually hold in the position he’d put himself in. He’d be keeping one, (Y/n) was not the type of guy to betray anyone. Despite that though, he was on his way to go find the dreadful girl and her friends, skipping across the rocks of the black lagoon. Regardless of who he wanted to be, villainy ran in his blood, he had no other options but to be on their beck and call. Well, he assumes he did have one other option, but the idea of being alone by choice wasn’t exactly one that made his chest all warm and fuzzy. And to leave certain people in the crew would kill him. 
    “Oh what did I do?” The familiar voice panicked, speaking to himself as he paced the length of the hide out. “Why did I take that? What do I do with it? Why did I?” Morgie is speaking faster than he can make sense, repeatedly looking over at some old book settled on the table. (Y/n) slinks in, carefully making his way up to the boy. Not that he noticed the presence of his, well he can’t actually tell you what Morgie considers him. Arms outstretched, grabbing his biceps from behind, “Morgz, where are your friends? I thought Ulilana would’ve come by to snatch me up by now.” Hazel eyes are panicked and wild, turning and staring into the most comforting face he’s ever seen. “I-” he takes a deep breath, stepping closer for his friend to hold him closer, “I failed at being a good watch and now they’re all frozen and I don’t know what to do because it’s my fault and I don’t want to do this alone.” 
    His right hand slides up Morgie’s arm, resting on his shoulder as his left hand cups his cheek. “Morgie, I will never let you be alone. Now, tell me what we’re doing.” He watches Morgie’s eyes close, rubbing the boy’s cheek with his thumb lovingly. “I can’t ask that of you,” he breathes forcing his eyes open as he pulls away from the boy’s hand, “If pranking Bridget falls on me it has to fall on just me. I know you like her and I couldn’t make you do something like that. It would ruin your chances.” (Y/n) laughs, tapping Morgie’s cheek with his hand and letting go to look at the book on the table, “Morgz, Bridget is a lovely friend but I do not like her. Not like that. Now,” he drags a finger over the cover of the old book, “Is this the book that Uliana wanted?” He pauses, turning around. His back straightens in shock, realizing just how close Morgie had gotten, he could feel the sorcerer’s breath on his face. He was really close, far too close. 
    “Did you say Uliana was frozen?” “They all are,” he steps back ever so slightly, as if he realized how close he’d gotten all of a sudden, “I heard those two girls talking about it. They said there was a spell on the book that keeps people with evil in their heart from being able to use it. Something like that and they opened it and now,” he shakes his head. “Now they’re all frozen,” (Y/n) bites his hand to hold back a laugh, “They didn’t research the book before they went to get it?” He turns back to the book, “So what are you planning to do with it?” Morgie’s hands settle on either side of him, chest pinned to the boy’s back with his breath fanning over (Y/n)’s exposed neck.  
    “I mean, I need to do the prank don’t I? Uliana is going to be fuming if I don’t and it would make my mom happy. Or at least I hope it would. So I need to do the prank, right?” He bites his lips, eyes fluttering closed as he relishes in the closeness. They’d never act like this in the hideout if Uliana had the chance to see them. she had her qualms when it came to them both -one more than the other- no reason to make it worse. “So, you want to prank an innocent girl so that two women who can’t even see you would be proud of you?” He shakes his head, “It’s not that I want to prank her. I just, I need someone to be proud of me. You can understand that, can’t you?” “Morgz,” he shakes his head, turning around and putting them nearly nose to nose. He can hear someone take in a sharp breath, Morgie seeming to hold the gasp in as he stares at his friend. He was almost sure the sound had been him. “You do not need to make Uliana and your mother happy all the time. What would make you happy?” He shakes his head, the motion making their noses brush up against each other. “You know it’s not that simple.” 
    “Okay, then open your magic little book, serpent boy.” He lets out a sound that (Y/n) thinks is supposed to be a laugh. “I can’t, villains can’t open the book. That’s literally how we got in this situation.” He nods, grabbing Morgie’s face in a way that would make most people raise their brows. The display was a touch two cozy for the two boys to just be friends. “Open the book. If you freeze then I will unfreeze you and help with the prank.” He raises a brow, eyes drinking in his best friend’s face, “And if I don’t?” “How about we focus on if you do first, huh?” Morgie lets go of him, stepping to the side so he can look at the book. “What if,” he takes a breath, looking over at his friend’s gentle face, “What if you can’t turn me back?” His hand reaches out, smoothing a strand of Morgie’s hair into place, “Well, then I will fight tooth and nail until I can. I can’t be without you.” He picks up the book with slow shaking hands, eyes flickering back over to the other boy. “I really think you should open this. I mean, we know that you could open it and be just fine. You’re so,” he looks the boy over, licking his lips, “You.” 
    “Morgz, open the book. I promise you, we’ll be okay.” Morgie takes a deep breath, bracing himself for the worst as the cover of the book gives way to his hand. Sliding open without so much as a shine of a spell coming off of it. His eyes flicker open, slowly looking over the page before looking up to his friend. “I didn’t freeze.” A smile comes across his face, walking over to Morgie’s shell chair and falling into it. “You knew that,” he turns to watch as he speaks. “You knew I would be okay.” (Y/n) looks up at him from his seat, smiling at Morgie, “Of course I did, I know you. You might be a le Fay but you’re also,” he pauses, shaking his head, “You’re you. There’s no need to be Morgie le Fay right now. You can just be, Morgie.” 
    He shakes his head, walking over to his friend and falling to sit between his legs, “I can just be Morgz.”  Without so much as a second of hesitation (Y/n) wraps his arms around Morgie’s waist, lightly pulling him back to lay down on top of him. There’s no hesitation on the other boy’s end either, the sorcerer melting into his arms, his head lulling back to rest on his friend’s shoulder. The two boys become a tangle, the tip of his nose brushing against (Y/n)’s cheek bone as he gets wrapped into his arms. A grossly adoring and gentle display that the other boys of the group would never give into. Words can’t explain how happy he is for the curse on that stupid book. “What am I supposed to do now? I mean, if I’m not evil what am I doing with the villains?” (Y/n)’s hand comes up to scratch at the boy’s scalp as he speaks, Morgie letting out a whine at the contact.
    “That’s a great question, what are you doing with the villains? You and I both know that you deserve better than this.” Each of the other boy’s words fan across his cheek and lips as he speaks, the air of it tickling his cheek,  “You know why.” He was so close, how had he let himself pull the other boy so close? His mind was in overdrive, doing everything he could to think about something, anything, other than the closeness. “You know you don’t have to be her mini me, right? You don’t have to be here just because of her.” He scoffs, nuzzling further against (Y/n)’s cheek, “Why are you with us then? Everyone knows you’re nothing like your dad.” A hum follows the words, stroking the boy’s hair instead of responding. “I mean realistically, Hades and I are the only ones you hang out with one on one. And I think everyone knows you’re not a fan of Maleficent. But you’re still lumped in with us. What’s the point of it?” “You,” he has his eyes closed as he says it, bracing for whatever the response would be. 
      Morgie stills, (Y/n) honestly hadn’t noticed he was still nuzzling against him until he stopped it. Grip loosening so the boy could get up and leave him. But he doesn’t, he can feel Morgie’s eyes burning into the side of his face. “Look at me.” “What?” “Look at me,” he grabs the boy’ chin, tilting him over to look at him, “Open your eyes.” “I’m okay actually.” “Please,” he whines it, cupping the boy’s face. And they both know there’s no way (Y/n) ignores that tone in his voice. Eyes slowly opening. “You’re stuck here because of me?” “I want to be stuck with you.” 
  Morgie sits up, looking over at the book with a sigh, “How are we supposed to get that thing back into Merlin’s office?” (Y/n) shoots up, looking at the boy with bewilderment in his eyes, “What?” Morgie lets out the shell of a laugh, turning to him, “Well, if you’re stuck with them because of me, then while they’re frozen, we can do things your way.” He looks at the sorcerer with the softest eyes, lip caught between his teeth in hopes of stopping the grin that begged to stretch across his face. “You’re not gonna prank her?” He turns, pointing at the other boy, “We’re not. We are however going to have to work together to figure out how to lie to Uliana though. Because we are so, so dead if we don’t figure this out.” “Morgie le Fay! I am so proud of you!” He laughs, pulling him into his lips. It’s soft, short, barely even a kiss but he relished in it all the same. Morgie was kissing him, he got to kiss him. Whatever was set to happen to them didn’t matter, he could roll with the punches. For a while, at least for the next day, the two not-so-villainous Villain kids could live true to their hearts. That could be enough, for now it would be enough.
“So uh,” (Y/n) pulls back nervously, wiping his bottom lip with his thumb, “Since we already have the tickets to castle coming do you want to“ “Please.”
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mikuni14 · 9 months
There are so many reasons to hate Dr. Douchelathon in good conscience, starting with the fact that Phaya is really not having a good time emotionally right now because of him:
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(don't talk to me about Phaya in the last photo...)
through his attempts to kill Phaya starting from his childhood, death threats against Tharn, and possibly killing Tharn's first love. We must also assume that he is responsible for all the deaths of Phaya and Tharn from their previous incarnations. Doc is one of the most disgusting villains I have ever seen, he is pure evil.
These are all serious and vile issues of this man/deity, but there is something else that particularly pisses me off, which Phaya pointed out perfectly in the last episode: that the doctor cannot let go of unrequited love (which tbh does not exist in the first place) and that for him the problem in this "love triangle" is Phaya and Tharn, never himself. Dr Incelathon is one of the extremely annoying guys who, when it comes to love and romance, focuses on everything else but winning over his beloved in a normal way (apart from the obvious fact that he never loved and does not love Tharn). Because, let's be honest: the doctor is in a winning position from the very beginning! He has known Tharn since childhood according to Yai, he is officially nice, has a respected profession and position. Dr Conservativepodcaster, if he wanted to, could earn Tharn's love, try to win him over. And what did the Dr. Chalandrewtate do? He eliminated potential competitors and became Tharn's therapist, which yep, isn't sick or creepy at all. I know that everything the doc 🐍 does is terrible and cruel. But somehow this aspect really irritates me 😬 Because he denies Tharn his free will, his agency, the right to make his own decisions. Tharn is a thing in this situation, not a person. In his incel mind, Tharn is not to be seduced, conquered, flirted with. Doc never actually shows his romantic interest in Tharn, as a normal person in love would do (like Phaya, or like Yai does, or even Khem!). In his eyes, you can get Tharn only by... literally eliminating your rivals. And if that's impossible, you eliminate Tharn so that NOBODY gets him. Doc shows no effort in seducing Tharn as a lover, only in making sure that he will not be anyone else's lover. This is the worst type of guy and the most dangerous, so maybe that's why he rises all the red lights and alarm signals in my head. He holds a grudge against Phaya for getting Tharn and against Tharn for allowing himself to be seduced by him 😬 while he himself does nothing to get him. Nothing normal. He treats Tharn like a thing, like property, as some kind of trophy. He has sick obsessions that he can't control at all. He spies on Tharn. And for him, the best and only way out of any situation is violence, including the person he theoretically cares about. (He should give up on Tharn and start a podcast, he would be very popular in certain circles lol)
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Do you think that HotD creators are trying to recreate certain moments, quotes and even characters from GoT? I've seen this mentioned many times and I cannot say I disagree in general . For example, Daenerys imagery through Rhaenyra, Daemon being introduced in a Jaime Lannister style, sitting on the throne, too cool for the rules... Then smallfolk riots in KL with Helaena and Alicent in Sansa's role, certain one liners, the dagger and the prophecy ... There are many examples, really. I also saw a great analysis here about which characters (don't remember the creator now) from GoT they're trying to revive, e. g. Ned Stark with Viserys, Jon Snow with Jace, Dany with Rhaenyra, Jaime with Daemon, Littlefinger with Otto... I don't think these people are wrong, there is definitely certain aspirations from hotd writes to try and imitate some aspects of GOT because they see it as a recipe for success, and that's not necessarily a bad thing but is something they need to be careful with. The Dance should be be a whole new and different story and not a bunch of callbacks and references to another show. Anyway, have you noticed this or you disagree? Are there storylines and characters in hotd that seem to be types we already seen in GoT (some of the most mentioned are Daemon-Jaime, Rhaenyra - Dany Otto - Littlefinger, Larys - Varys, Aegon - Robert and Joffrey, Aemond - Ramsay (especially if they go with book accurate version from s2 onward). I disagree with most of these comparisons and I believe they are more fan inventions than necessarily something that the writers wanted to convey, but there are reasons for these parallels and I would like to hear what do you think.
Love your blog btw.
Hello! Thank you for the ask - and for the compliment:) And my apologies for the delay with answering.
In my opinion, HotD is definitely making callbacks (and a lot of them) to GoT - and the main reason for that is, as you said yourself, their reliance on the fame (and overall success - even taking into account the significant decrease in quality in later seasons) of the original show. And they are not alone in this: today a lot of ambitious media projects are sequels, prequels, remakes etc. of some successful, or even iconic, media created in the past years. I am definitely not against this on principle: for me the problems begin when a project is clearly being designed to either evoke a feeling of nostalgia or simply milk the popularity of the original media while lacking the actual quality itself.
As for the Rhaenyra - Daenerys parallel, I think that HotD is definitely going there intentionally in their desire to "atone" in some way for the way the latter was treated in season 8 of GoT after getting tons of fanhate for making a villain out of a female character (and not realizing that at least half of the complaints were about how poorly it was done and not even about the fact itself). And this is how we got a Rhaenyra who can't even order Vaemond's execution herself.
As for the other parallels - well, the imagination can run wild there. IMO Otto resembles Littlefinger just with the general scheming thing (he has always seemed more Tywin Lannister-ish to me) - and ASOIAF world definitely doesn't lack schemers. Aemond and Ramsay? Once again, the similarities are extremely superficial, as in both of them committing acts of cruelty - but Aemond wasn't a sadist, for starters, and, once again, there are A LOT of cruel characters doing cruel things in that universe. Aegon - Joffrey comparison doesn't work for me either (I addressed it in one of my earlier posts). The most ridiculous one, as I see it, is the Ned Stark - Viserys one. Comparing a man whose life was basically all about making hard decisions (which he did based on what he deemed to be right and honorable) to one who never had the guts to make even one and allowed his selfishness, weakness and self-pity to guide him which basically led to civil war that laid the foundation for the fall of his house? Nice try, guys.
Are the showrunners going for all the above mentioned parallels intentionally though? It seems to be the case with Aegon if we go by their own words; it might be the case with the rest of them judging by some of the official HBO Instagram stuff dropped earlier this week. Although, between HBO SM accounts messing up Vhagar's gender and posting a photo of Beyonce in all-black outfit with a caption along the lines of "Queen Bee has chosen the side", I don't even know what kind of professionals even run these accounts anymore.
Once again, thank you for the interesting ask, and all the best to you!
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his-lost-one · 3 months
sequel to this concept of devin becoming the new leader of the lost boys after pan and felix died
i can imagine some of the lost boys that were in storybrooke might’ve ended up back in neverland during the missing year instead of the enchanted- probably not all of them but idk. maybe only the ones who really viewed neverland as their home?
that’s my current theory how so many lost boys ended up back in neverland again, but tbh maybe they got there some other way in canon or they were left behind in general (although i doubt that the heroes would’ve left so many behind when they even forced felix to come along)
anyway, i think they would’ve been in a pretty chaotic position, because they just lost both of their leaders basically- and devin seems to be a very proactive person, so i can imagine him trying to help bring some order/structure back- ofc not more than there was when pan and felix were still there but yk-
and idk i feel like devin would’ve been more permissive to the lost boys and wouldn’t have forced anyone to stay on the island that didn’t want to, however he doesn’t have a shadow he commands, so i feel like it’d be more of a situation of “if you manage to get away, sure, but i can’t help you” or something like that yk?
i feel like devin also never would’ve intended to become the new leader and it kinda just happened- and devin seemed to be fairly loyal towards pan, ofc less than felix but still.
this next bit isn’t something that’s really based on canon, but- yk how in fanon, pan often playes games with all of the lost ones that can be pretty cruel? we never rly saw that in canon but it is something that i find an interesting concept, so i’m adopting it into this au in the sense that i can imagine that devin might’ve been one of the lost ones who actually liked those games but with him in charge they might’ve been more harmless yk? partly, because devin is not a villain like pan definitely was- when devin wanted to fight with henry, it was with sticks; it’s only due to pan that the fight got dangerous at all. so i feel like devin does like to do spontaneous things, but doesn’t necessarily need danger for stuff to be fun to him. and then there’s also the fact that devin does not have magic and we don’t know if any of the other lost ones know about the healing water spring, so they’d probably all be a little more careful to avoid dangerous injuries potentially?
i mean ofc there still would be injuries but i think less so than before yk?
anyway, i feel like for a while after pan’s death the lost boys would be a mess. and even after they’ve regrouped, i do feel like his legacy would loom over them. i wonder if they’d have a bit of a memorial for him at skull rock or maybe at his thinking tree.
i feel like another potential point of conflict might be food- we did see devin intend to hunt one time in the show when regina, emma and snow captured him, so it’s clear that they did hunt for at least some of their food, but i do think that pan probably used to use magic to conjure up other food options sometimes too- because lets be real, only ever eating meat and maybe some fruits gets old after a while.
so i feel like maybe they’d start a garden and start making other types of food from scratch, since no one can just use magic to create it from thin air anymore yk? idk
there’s so much to ponder abt neverland after season 3 tbh
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egg-emperor · 2 years
Did you know that Eggman once said in official books that he couldn't distinguish between right and wrong, and that he didn't realize he was doing something wrong? If you think he's consciously doing something wrong, then you're the one who doesn't understand his charm. He thinks he's not the villain, but the hero playing the villain, and because he thinks he's not wrong, he's even worse and has the charisma of a villain.
lol. lmao. XD.
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These are just a few. Also like all the lyrics in his entire theme in SA2 that's all about firmly establishing his confidence and pride in being the villain, the enemy, plotting schemes, building machines for destructions, conquering the world, and saying there is no retreat.
But yeah sure, I totally just don't understand it. He's totally unaware that he's evil despite his 300 IQ. He definitely thinks he's the hero when he captures poor animals and shoves them into robots like living batteries, enslaves and tortures, tries to kill Sonic and co most of who of are teens to young children, creates weapons of mass destruction and releases eldritch horrors to wreak havoc on the planet, and constantly threatens and attempts to harm and kill people to get what he wants- even children and the innocent.
Not only does he specifically call himself, his actions, and his creations evil, he also knows he has to threaten and attempt to kill, and in other cases lie, manipulate and create propaganda to get what he wants. He wouldn't want or need to if he genuinely thought he was doing good for anyone but himself because he could just be honest then but all his goals are self-centered, his intentions are malicious, and his rule over the world is dangerous and cruel- and that's the specific type of control he desires and enjoys having over others.
He knows he's evil and loves it- see how he's having a blast in Adventure and SA2, the intro in Unleashed, and the PAs in Colors as notable favorites of him being excited and giddy in it. He can get sadistic enjoyment with dark humor and a wicked grin as he causes great destruction and fear, hurts, tortures and tries to kill people, and creates deadly robots, fleets, theme parks, and more. He's so dangerous because he specifically chooses to accomplish his goals in evil ways and enjoys it.
His charm lies in him being such a dangerous diabolical villain and serious threat while also being so charismatic, proud, confident, and fun loving as he finds unique creative ways to do his evil with hobbies that are often considered innocent and "childish" that he turns into something twisted in his schemes and world domination in the most exciting ways. He's so evil in a creative theatrical humorous way while also getting serious and being a threat with dark selfish intentions.
There have been bios and outside word that have been inaccurate and don't align with the actual events and characterization in the games plenty of times. I go by what has actually gotten into the official published media as the finalized solid choices for his character. And in the games, Eggman is clearly seen and heard acknowledging his evil countless times and embracing it wholeheartedly with pride and excitement. And I think that's part of what makes him really entertaining and interesting.
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doodlegirl1998 · 1 year
One thing I've noticed about how the Heroes seem to be operating under this harmful thinking of "It's okay if WE do it" kind of thing.
Like using Eri to heal Mirio's quirk, did they ask her first before doing it? Was Mirio really on board with this? All they said was that she was practicing her quirk on lizards and that's it.
And then have Shinsou brainwashing Gitanto. And then they try to make it less worse by revealing he secretly hated AFO for abandoning him when in actuality it's just used to not make the heroes look bad.
It's moments like these that makes the heroes, people we're supposed to be rooting for, look worse than the actual villains by having them do shit like this.
And with all their talk of "the kids will grow up to be better heroes than them" how are we supposed to believe this when we don't get their povs on these kind of things and seeing even going along with this?
God the writing is so bad...
Hi @theloganator101👋,
The writing and messaging in this series is atrocious at times. Especially with this. I do not believe the kids will grow up to be better than the adults before them at this point.
Everyone on the hero side definitely believes - "It's ok if WE do it."
1) Using Eri to heal Mirio has so many issues. Why is it ok for the heroes to use her to give Mirio his quirk back yet not ok for Overhaul to use her to make his bullets? (Overdouche was unnecessarily cruel to her however if he wasn't and was just taking her DNA via blood tests you bet the heroes would still have an issue with him using her to make his bullets.)
Eri has essentially gone from one situation where she is being violently abused and used for her quirk by a villain. To UA where she is in a nicer environment, being treated kindly (as a pass the parcel / class pet in a way in the care of the UA faculty.)
It seems like a harsh example but think about it. Think about how class pets are treated; kindly, brought out now and again to "aww" at and shared care given among the faculty/students. She's given no character, no trauma response the heroes help with, in fact they are using her again and they only have her in their care because they can use her. Which doesn't sit right at all with me.
2) Shinsou brainwashing Gigantomachia. You are right. I also hated this moment so so much. Am I meant to root for Shinsou or his story at this point? How can I when he is doing something that typically only the villains do in these types of stories? If he were brainwashing him to evacuate civilians / keep them safe I could understand but forcing him to attack AFO who he "loves". Not on. At all.
Whose idea even was it to do that and why is KIRISHIMA riding Gigantomachia like an animal?! It's so dehumanizing and humilating.
Gigantomachia's "anger" at AFO felt shoehorned in as a way of Hori forcefully trying to make us believe that what Shinsou is doing isn't that bad. But it is.
Put it this way - If a hero and their friend got into a fight, the friend was hurt by something the hero did - would it be ok for a villain to brainwash the friend to attack the hero? By Hori's logic here, the villain was ok to do that, the friend was upset at the hero so definitely wouldn't object to being forced to attack them.
This moment really soured my opinion on both Kirishima and Shinsou, but Shinsou especially.
Shinsou, who is meant to have a 'villianous quirk', yet Hori made him be praised, arrogant with a chip on his shoulder in his backstory. Now, he is someone to be rightfully wary of and who acts in a villianous way similar to 'The Dictator.' You know, the villain who AFO sent just before the 1A vs Izuku mess - who mind controlled all the civilians to attack Izu? Yeah this would be like that but if the Dictator got 1A at this moment and controlled them to attack Izuku. (Something I would have preferred to the 1A vs Izuku mess - as they would have been forced to fight him rather than doing it willingly.)
The fact that I can even make this comparison and make it have wieght is god awful. Hori's writing of the guys we are meant to root for is god awful.
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Honestly seeing all the posts unironically celebrating a child possibly killing his father, is deeply disturbing.
Instead of focusing on how Adrien possibly learning Monarch’s identity in the end and then realise that, not only he was fighting his own father all along, but actually almost killed him (or possibly damaged him for life) and the trauma his character could go through because of that, these out-of-touch people that treat Gabriel like he’s a real person, are celebrating by saying stuff like: “Adrien deserves to kill his father” or “we deserve to see Gabriel die”.
It’s ghoulish and cruel (and makes them just as bad as Gabriel, if not worse, since he’s fictional, therefore his actions are not his own, and they are real people).
The dynamic Adrien and Gabriel have, always reminded me of Vader and Luke. Both are father and son, a villain and a hero, but when in one fandom Luke and Vader’s story is celebrated for it’s lesson in compassion, in the MLB fandom there is no such empathy. All you get is a bunch of people (mostly adults) that can’t distinguish fiction from reality (take Gabriel’s action personally), should probably step back from this kids show (especially if it causes them so many destructive emotions) and that warps even the tiniest thing Gabriel does into “abuse” (ex: Adrien having a balanced and healthy alimentation = “he’s starving him!”). [What he does as Hawkmonth doesn’t count because he doesn’t know CN is Adrien. Also there are multiple instances where Gabriel gives up his powers when his son is caught in the crossfire (ex: Stlyle Queen), showing he does love Adrien and wants him to be safe, even if it means letting Emilie go (returning to his villainous ways is part of his descent into madness, has nothing to do with his love for Adrien). And episodes like “Chat Blanc” and “Ephemeral” are out, not only because they are a “what if”, making them irrelevant, but because a lot of the cast acts completely out of character, including Gabriel (but let’s be fair this happens constantly in the show)]
Yes, Gabriel changed and became emotionally distant after Emilie “disappeared” and that constitutes a type of abuse (I’m not condoning his actions), but he’s not the horrible father parts of the fandom want him to be (Audrey is so much worse). What we are now seeing in season 5 is not the real Gabriel, it’s him loosing his mind and being corrupted by power: "You used to do this for the love for Emilie, now you just do it for madness" (he’s clearly not the man he was in season 1 nor before the events of the show). He was never “Monarch”, he became like that with time. It’s called character development (something that rarely happens in this show, so I’m not surprised if some people are taken aback by it).
Don’t get me wrong, I get it, some people don’t like Gabriel and it’s fair. I’m the first to criticise and make fun of the guy, even if I like his character (I wanted to reach into the screen and smack him after “Evolution”). But the vitriol aimed at this fictional character, who’s been written (even if badly) as a “desperate man fallen from grace and corrupted with power” (again, like Anakin), is really exaggerated, like most hatred other characters recieve (even Ozai, who’s so much worse than Gabriel, never recieved so much hatred). Also the actual hate and abuse these real people throw to other human beings for not agreeing with them about a fictional character is really heinous, and I know I’ll probably get a couple of these lunatics’s “opinions” in the replies. To them: look at what you’re doing with your life and rethink it. Stop. Get help.
These reactions really make me wonder if MLB is the first and only show these people have ever seen. There are way more worse characters out there, that did way worst (ex: Gendo Ikari, Shou Tucker, Ozai, Palpatine, just to name a few).  In the end Gabriel is not real, what he did never happened and the show clearly makes him out to be in the wrong (he’s the villain), so no child watching the show will ever look up to him (unlike other characters who’s bad actions are framed to be “right”). I think the people that hate Gabriel to such a caustic degree need some professional help because clearly something else is going on in their life and I wish them a healthy recovery.
And if people wonder why I like Gabriel’s character, it’s because he, alongside Nathalie, are the only characters with actual development in this series. Therefore they’re the most interesting and compelling. Get a random episode from each season, everyone is the exact same except them. This is why, objectively, they’re the best the show has to offer (despite the occasional character assassinations... looking at you “Chat Blanc”, you absolute trainwreck).
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minsarasarahair · 6 months
I always talk about Lou Zhu but I have a lot to say about best boy Zuo Yunqi.
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>Son of villain and fallen in love with an antihero but that don't affect who he is. He still know what identity he strive for. An aspiring hero.
>Being morally good to him is not about empathy, what he learned from sacred texts or what's right. Its a way of life that he choose for himself. He don't really care if it benefit him or not.
>If you look at his background he's not spoiled, lose his martial arts, gained a weak body after finding a solution to save others yet didn't gained much benefit from it. The unsung hero who sacrifice so much but the plot given him nothing. Being good is almost a privelege to him because as if world turn back to him yet he still choose the hard path. To be good in a cruel messed up world. The only prize he got is a loyal patient understanding partner who respect his decision and fine with long distance relationship. Sure, most of his actions are morally gray for the good cause but the intention is still good.
>People think he's either innocent or abused by his dad but he actually live to his dad's expectations until he realized he dislike his dad and he felt its not who he is so he turn against his dad. He want a different path. Its not that he want to be good because its correct but its more about what he felt like doing.
>He's a better flirt than his scheming clown gong but he believes true love is earned not forced and will give you determination to be stronger even if you're barely surviving. That's what Lou Zhu's existence did to him. As long as he has someone to worry, he will continue to improve oneself and that gives him a sense of satisfaction.
>He's very stubborn, arrogant youth and prideful in what he does. He's the type of person who prefer doing something than nothing and can't stay put. He prefer to be the one who work hard earning money and to protect Lou Zhu. Not the other way around. But he appreciate whenever his partner is worried about him.
>He calls out Lou Zhu's schemes and encourage the laidback lazy Lou Zhu to do something by giving suggestions. He's not a yes man.
>He can be reckless, hot temper and wouldn't mind dirtying his hands if he truly has no choice for greater good but he always mean well. He's the type when he saw someone get harassed, he'll be angry so he confront them and punch them. He has that strong sense of justice. He's ready to throw hands lol
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leaphia · 1 year
uh uh uh OC questions!! hehehe yesss >:] For Sookie 30. Who do they most regret meeting? For Aaron 21. Why do they get up in the morning? For Noah 27. What causes them to feel dread? For Tristan 28. Would they prefer a lie over an unpleasant truth? And for Astrid 34. How hard is it for them to shake a sense of guilt? And for you of course (and any or all of them) H) What trait of theirs do you admire most? :>
Waaaaah thank you so much for all the questions! ;v; <3
This will be quite long omg
Sookie - Who do they most regret meeting?
Aside from like half her classmates back in high school, who were bullying her for being "the weird comic book geek" I'd say… Aaron. He's not only the type of villain who embodies everything she hates (arrogance, possessiveness, narcissism, etc.) after their first encounter he wouldn't leave her alone anymore. He's planning any kind of evil schemes to lure her into a trap, to catch her attention and to eventually "make her his", as he developed a crush on her. And Sookie gets incredibly mad and annoyed by him, as the only one she really loves is Noah…
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Aaron - Why do they get up in the morning?
There was a time when the only thing that would get him out of bed were his inventions and robots, he could tinker on. Now he has other reasons like his cat Giselle, who he wants to care for. (He loves her very much <3) And (as weirdly as this sounds looking at the previous question) another reason would be Shelter/Sookie and their encounters. It's the only thing that really excites him and lets him forget about his "boring" life. (As already mentioned, he has a crush on her and since he never felt like this to anyone before he wants to... "explore" these feelings.)
Noah - What causes them to feel dread?
There isn't much that Noah is scared of… except Spiders. If he has to fight a bunch of giant spiders I guess he would die of fear immediately xD But what would cause him to feel real dread is if Sookie or any other of his loved ones (his mother, his best friend) would be in danger, something that could threaten their life and he wouldn't be able to save them.
Tristan - Would they prefer a lie over an unpleasant truth?
No. He hates if somebody lies to him. And he rather wants to know the cruel reality than being under an illusion. (That doesn't mean that he hasn't lied himself before, he actually did lie to others if it was necessary xD)
Astrid - How hard is it for them to shake a sense of guilt?
It's really really hard for her. If it's something grave she feels guilty for, she would lie awake at night, thinking about it and how she could make up for it. (the first night after she started working together with Tristan - a criminal in her eyes back then - she didn't sleep a wink)
What trait of theirs do you admire most?
Sookie - her kindness and will to help. She tries to see good in everyone. :>
Noah - his sarcasm xD And I think his tolerance and acceptance towards any kind of people? He puts others needs first instead of his own, for example he also accepts Sookie's boundaries and loves her for who she is <3
Aaron - His confidence. Even though some family issues and other bad sh*t that happened to him, he knows that he's of worth.
Tristan - Everything. Uhhh I think his patience. He can stay quite calm in stressful situations most of the time. ovo (Which is funny because contrary to his fire-magic-powers, he's not impatient or aggressive xD)
Astrid - Her determination. When she sets her mind on doing something, there's nothing that can stop her.
[OC Questions from here :>]
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alyjojo · 1 year
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Past Life 🗿 Karmic Spread August 2023 - Virgo
Gender I’m Picking Up On (in the past life): Male in past life, Trans female in this one
Who You Were: The Hierophant, The Magician rev & 6 Cups
What You Did: 5 Wands & 8 Swords
How It Ended: Justice
What Karma Was Brought With You: King of Pentacles & 7 Pentacles
Who You Brought With You: 8 Cups & 2 Cups
Additional energy: 4 Swords
Past Life Oracle: Spirituality & Religion, Food & Hunger, Finances
Dreaming Way: Book & Mask
Rose 🌹 on The Hierophant (overall energy)
White Heart 🤍 on The High Priestess
Turtle 🐢 on 4 Swords
Comb 👱🏽‍♀️on The Empress
Whew. This one is gonna be controversial to the religious and trans communities alike…hot damn. Pissing everyone off in one day, that’s cool 🤦‍♀️
Disclaimer: In this reading, it appears that being a trans woman is karmic “punishment” for being a dick to lesbians via religion and very conservative, burning in hellfire type of beliefs in the past. I do NOT choose the messages, nor do I personally see the trans experience as a punishment whatsoever…though it may feel that way to them at times & I can understand that. All of that just needs to be said. I’ve seen several cases already where this is *not* everyone’s story regarding a trans experience, and I don’t mean to offend anyone. With that being said…
In the past, you were an extremely religious…well, sham. You were a sham, the villain of this batch of past lives. For impressions, I got the holy man in Robin Hood…like you’re stealing money and “taxes” right along with the Sheriff or whoever, with no real care or consideration of the people looking to you for prayer and guidance, many of which were poor and needed your help. Your beliefs were genuine, but your actions were not, and I’m not sure how you justified yourself to yourself, but you did. Rather large ego here, feeling powerful and righteous.
Whatever kind of holy man you were, you were a married one. But that marriage too, was a sham. You and your person played the role of divine counterparts, and they are a soulmate, just a different kind. I’m getting you knew them from a very young age, there could have been some level of an arranged or manipulated marriage with this as well. Your parents were friends or something, there could’ve been a literal contract or payment. I get a Middle Eastern region from this story, but none of the larger countries I know of, it feels very small, but strictly controlled.
Your wife was gay, and had a partner they loved very deeply, romantically, sensually, this was their actual person. I get it was played off as more of a best friend, or a helper?, they were inseparable, you thought nothing of it. With White Heart on The High Priestess, I get their love being pure, genuine, and their lies were not intend to hurt anyone but to protect each other. They really loved each other. When you found out, I get it was a dramatic scene, you were FURIOUS. I don’t get that you ever told anyone, or tried to divorce, though it may have been allowed in your case, but it was your reputation you were considering. Both with the people around (beneath) you, and…Allah. Which was more hated, sin that was technically not yours, divorce, or silence thereby being an accomplice to this sin? You were heavily conflicted, this played on your mind in a loop, constant worry & fear, for the rest of your life. Death was a sweet release, you felt like you were leaving “The Devil” behind and could finally be free. You felt deeply victimized by this situation, even though you were victimizing others on a daily basis with no regard.
In this life, you are not cruel 🙏 Though it may be perceived that way by one particular romantic relationship. I get you being a grown man, late 30’s-40’s, who has recently discovered or experimented with your more feminine nature…that’s probably always existed on some level. I don’t get a shocking discovery for you, but absolutely one for someone who knows you and has committed to you as the King of Pentacles. This person has come with you from the past life, clarification shows they’re someone who worked with you, on some level they were in on this mistreatment of people as well. You could be deciding to leave them, but more likely they’re deciding to leave you because this revelation has pulled the rug out from under them…they don’t really know you, and can’t wrap their head around this in the way that you would need them to in order accept you. A very painful experience. It’s for the best & you seem to understand that. Or will. I get once you transition, this former life is dead to you.
The problem is the transition, you want to go with the full surgery, but can’t afford it, there is much time passing, and saving up involved. Your whole life is just feeling comfortable in your own skin, with the added difficulty of losing a lot of people you were once close to. Friends too. They think you’re being foolish or going through a phase, many of them probably have very different beliefs than you, and healing from things they may have said or done in response to who you really are, will take a long time to heal. Some of them you may have expected more from. There is also a period of a lot of alone time, Hermit, maybe too much. You don’t seek people out, because of those that have already put you down, but there are people like you all over the world and you only need to join the right groups and go to the right places in order to find them. Tumblr is a good one 💯 But it’s not the only one.
I do see you finding someone else, a person you can deeply commit to, and the love being unconditional between you. Weirdly enough, they could work in a spiritual profession, or you meet them in a spiritual sort of way, a Pagan fair comes to mind, tarot readers, or even an online community like “Trans Christians” or something. You know it exists, everything exists. You are still traditional but in a non traditional way, and the way you love, how you believe you should treat people, what you want from others - all of this is morally & ethically sound. You’re a good person this time, after you’ve had this very difficult experience, with a lot of endings and healing, I get a major soul awakening and a feeling of “leveling up” once you accept yourself for who you are. Being kind to you & loving you is the karma.
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ankhisms · 1 year
ok final thoughts having just finished the last ep
it actually feels difficult to put my feelings into words although i certainly have a lot of them about this show and specifically the final episodes. i think if youve followed me for a bit you probably have some kind of sense that while i do enjoy a good amount of his writing i am by no means a huge fan of inoue and i have plenty of criticisms of him. having finished faiz just has made me have more criticisms of him and his writing and honestly if i had watched faiz before donbrothers came out i would have not wanted to watch donbrothers at all if that gives you a sense of things.
tldr if you dont want to read all of this: i stand by the statement of when faiz is good its REALLY REALLY GOOD and when faiz is bad its bad.
the thing with this show is that ive watched shows with poor writing choices and execution before, ive watched shows that had a lot of potential that slam dunked all of it in the trash and ive watched shows thatve made baffling choices near the middle/end of the show that just make no go damn sense, and many of these shows ive just stopped watching because i was so frustrated with their writing choices. despite the times when faiz would drop in quality and things would go from being very interesting and good to being boring and not making sense or just not mattering in the long run at all i never wanted to stop watching it entirely. i was never frustrated with it to the point of wanting to drop it. i will say kusaka just as a character made me get preeetty close to wanting to drop the show because of how mad he made me but i just ended up pacing myself and taking breaks between when id watch an episode. in the end i still was interested in the characters and their motivations and takumi and kiba especially were very interesting to me, not only their relationship with one another but their friendships with their respective trio members and their motivations and struggles as characters.
which is also part of why the end of faiz is so frustrating. i already talked about this while i was in the middle of watching the last two eps but the change in kibas character goes from believably dissillusioned with humanity after his close friend has been tortured and killed to being cruel in a way that does NOT fit his character at all. it really feels like inoue wanted to create a new villain at the very last second but he knew he didnt have time to introduce a new character so he just took kiba and was like ok hes just evil now
it would have been so easy to actually take the parts of the faiz ending that were compelling and interesting and put them together to make something good. you could have kiba be struggling and angry with humanity while still having him stay in character it literally makes no sense for him to want to have takumi tortured at all. the last fight and the stuff with the orphenoch king felt rushed in general and it really does just cut away from that fighr and from kiba fucking dying to a few weeks later and it feels so jarring?? also it felt like kiba just suddenly came back to his senses and was like oh jeez ive been wildly out of character now its time for me to help and then sacrifice myself! like again. there were so many choices here that made no sense and were frustrating
i also still feel really upset whenever i think of everything that happened with yukas character im not even going to type up a lot about it because i know if i think too much about it ill just end up making myself feel bad but i mean it when i say im never forgiving inoue for what he did to yuka it was truly so fucking horrible and unecessary
so yeah. i really love the characters of faiz [KUSAKA DO NOT INTERACT I WAS SO HAPPY WHEN KIBA SNAPPED YOUR NECK] and theres a lot of interesting and compelling ideas that faiz has, i absolutely dont hate faiz or anything like that. i like faiz. i really do like faiz. but part of me liking faiz is seeing just how it couldve been so much better and criticising the parts of it that i think have a worse quality of writing. i love takumi forever
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lioncunt · 1 year
Lestat for the character impressions!!
fjdjsksk ok buckle in this is gonna be long
first impression: just like with armand it was the movie as a high school freshman, and i was immediately extremely obsessed with him. that kind of lovable antagonist has always been my favorite archetype, like spike from buffy etc, so it was very easy to become attached to him, especially in CONTRAST to movielouis who sucks. when he “died” i was very surprised and disappointed, which i think then colored my initial viewing of the second half of the story lmao i was like where the fuck is lestat why is antonio banderas here. after i watched the movie i looked up the books, and when i realized he was the protagonist for the rest of the series i was like oh ok i’m gonna read them now. i really did start reading them exclusively for him. when i read the book, i was taken aback by how he was much more of an abusive piece of shit, because i think the movie skips past a lot of his more cruel acts with louis and claudia and boils it down to claudia just growing up and louis being sad for no reason. (i have issues with the movie.) (the musical does this to an even more ridiculous degree.) anyway i was like wow he actually really sucks but that made me even more obsessed with him because it made him much more interesting to me, a real multifaceted dynamic character! and once the ending scene with him and louis occurred i was so struck by the entire tragedy of the book and how there wasn’t a true villain in the end. anyway then i read tvl and i lost my mind
impression now: i have a whole other post that i think encapsulates all my bookstat feelings so i won’t type it all out again. as for showstat, he’s less of my best friend who i have to berate for being a fucking idiot and more of my favorite science experiment, something thrilling and terrifying that i’m enamored with and am dying to dissect until i understand every inch of what he’s made of. it was very much a rollercoaster for me watching it week to week because i was never totally sure where they were going with him, but now that the dust has settled i think they made some really fantastic choices with him. they didn’t shy away from his horrific acts of abuse like anne did in the movie and musical, while also keeping the thread of tvl lestat. it’s interesting, because while bookstat also commits absolutely heinous, unforgivable crimes, most of them are from his point of view, so we have a much clearer idea of why he’s committing those crimes. with showstat, we get no explanations, no internal monologue, no perspective, which makes my brain burst from all the different ways one can interpret him. i love showstat with all my heart and soul but i viscerally hate him but he is also my girlfriend so there’s that to contend with as well
favorite moment: wolfkiller. idk the book started with that and i giggled and kicked my feet “wow you killed a pack of them wowww” just call me nicki de lenfent. for showstat “this CHARLATAN” he looks like he has rabies <3
idea for a story: i wanna see him go back to acting and he’s in a soap opera and he has joey tribbiani’s storyline from friends
unpopular opinion: i do think showstat loved claudia despite everything, that one interview sam had where he said he was proud of her gave me enough energy to power a small town. for bookstat i think he deserved to be the main character of the book series even though i wish that didn’t mean anne lobotomized everyone else. but like he’s written specifically for my enjoyment so i’m glad that i have a wealth of text of widely varying quality to enjoy him from lmao
favorite relationship: romantic relationship is loustat both in the books and the show, nothing will ever compare to them i want them trapped in a jar on my shelf for eternity. non-romantic relationship is him and claudia “my dark child, my love, evil of my evil, claudia broke my heart” what if i killed myself
favorite headcanon: he loves the phantom of the opera. i think he actually mentions it in memnoch, they’re playing something from it in the background. anyway he’s pro phantom/christine
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constantvariations · 2 years
I would have answered this in the post, but I have serious anxiety about answering things on the internet, so I’m on anon. Sorry.
But to answer your question about worldbuilding in RWBY, I’d firstly look into the Maidens. Why not have each Maiden use different elemental powers instead of whatever mishmash the writers thought were cool? Why not have the Maidens related to the trait the Relics stand for in some way, such as already having whatever trait as a prerequisite for gaining the powers (like being a nerd for Spring/knowledge, being an artsy type for Winter/creation, etc), or gaining the trait later (the real-world equivalent of having higher than average Offense stats for Summer/destruction, or faster reflexes (maybe?) for Fall/Choice)? I had always assumed that the Maidens were Ozma’s daughters and they had inherited his ability to reincarnate in some cruel twist of fate, so finding out they were inadvertently made just to be barrier maidens is a little disappointing to me, but it still would have been interesting if it was explored more. Like, the idea of your life being entirely uprooted because of powers most people don’t even know exist, and being mostly at the mercy of two different forces, well-intentioned or otherwise, could work so well. As it is, they are just Macguffin Carriers who open the relic doors and have about a 50% chance of being murdered by Cinder.
Secondly, the SEWs. Where do they come from, the God of Light or one of Ozma’s reincarnations? Can you be a SEW and a Maiden? Or a SEW and an Oz? Can you be all three? I know there is genocide involved, but are there really no other SEWs besides Ruby, Summer, Maria and Snuffles the Hound? Were they always Salem’s target, or did she take a while to realize that they were a threat to the Grimm? Do the powers always manifest as torches for eyes or can you do other stuff with Silver Eyes? Can the glow in the dark? Can they augment your Semblance? Are there short- and long-term effects of using the Silver Eyes? What is a typical childhood like with these eyes? What is an adulthood with them? Do they camouflage themselves by being a different color until first use? Is there a general distrust with people with these traits, or do people just flat out not know unless they’re in Oz’s or Salem’s circles? There is so little information about the Silver Eyes and it’s confusing.
Lastly, the Faunus (designs, the concept itself is already a whole different kettle of fish). It was already kind of uncomfortable making them stand ins for racial minorities, but why is it such a binary with Faunus traits? Why only make it one trait? Why not go all out with designs? The writers clearly don’t have an answer for how the Faunus came about after Humanity 1.0 was wiped out, so why not just include them in the beginning, drive home the point about how irrational and unrealistic racism is? And the heroic Faunus tend to have “cute” or “non-threatening” traits like tails and ears, but the villainous Faunus tend to have horns and stingers and such, even in the Fables, which is…something I would change. I also want more variety in traits. I want Faunus with rectangular pupils like goats. I want to know if fur/wool counts as a trait, or if it would be classified as hypertrichosis. I want to see hinged fangs, fins, gills, insect legs, hooves, chelicerae, all that neat weird stuff. If you’re going to have a half animal race, you might as well go all out.
No need to apologize, anon! I've been on tumblr for years and it wasn't until I got into rwby that I got over my own posting anxiety lol. And with that one shithead harassing rwdesters on anon rn, I understand completely why you'd want to protect yourself
The maidens absolutely need to be revamped, and I highkey agree abt giving them specific elemental powers that relate to their actual seasons. It's so weird how crwby said all the maidens have the exact same powers but Cinder only uses fire for weapons and flight, Raven only ever used ice for weapons, Fria just used ice, Penny... didn't do anything w the powers iirc, and Amber only got enough time to do some lightning and flight (seemed to be Wind powered tho so she's the most diverse in just 3 minutes lmao)
I've always loved the idea of the relics being linked to the maidens! For a while I legit thought that was the case bc Raven knew things she couldn't possibly have known (Yang being in trouble on the train, all her ominous ramblings abt Ozpin) that I thought passive aquiring of knowledge was a side affect of being the spring maiden. (I am boo boo the fool.) But having to have some specific traits or gaining boosts to already existing stats would be a cool thing to explore!
Ngl I really love the idea of incredible powers getting dropped on some random guy and the Everything that would stem from that, but I don't think it should've been in rwby's lore. If Ozcarnations need to keep track of the maidens bc they're a) very powerful and therefore dangerous, and b) keys to his magic doors (that his cane isn't a skeleton key for wtf Oz), then why the fuck would he gift his magic so that the powers would be passed on in such a messy, chaotic way? It don't add up, bruv
The show heavily implied that SEWs are a God of Light creation, but... how? Did he come back specifically to create them? Were they a throwaway to Oz in an effort to give him allies? Was it a petty project to piss off Salem? We just don't know (and probably never will). There are wayyyyy too many questions surrounding their entire existence, and their current endangered status, and I doubt crwby will answer any of them satisfactorily
I don't think there's anything stating that a person can't be a combination of SEW, maiden, and Ozcarnation. There'd be some problematic aspects regarding the fact that a woman would be forced to lug around an old man's soul in her head, so maybe it's best to leave the men to themselves on that front. Not to mention being all three would be far too much going on for a single character
Yknow, I've never thought abt the eyelights being anything but big beams of deus ex, but considering eyes are the windows to the soul, there should be smth a little... more. In their first appearance they start out looking like angel wings (rad as FUCK), so maybe they could manifest as some Soul Symbolism before going nova on grimm ass
As for consequences, yes. Absolutely. Hands down there needs to be more than a happy thoughts montage to use the damn thing (fucking patronus knock off) and there needs to be a drawback for using such an incredibly OP ability
I saw someone suggest that using the Silver Eyes would slowly deteriorate your vision, which I think would be a way more interesting thing to explore for Maria's character. Maybe she thought exposure to grimm was the real cause behind her onset blindness and wanted some distance. Maybe she knew the truth and felt guilty abt choosing herself over her duty, thus her decision to go MIA. Maybe she lost someone so dear she couldn't feel strongly enough to activate the power. Anything over the "i got scared after losing my eyes so i hid" thing that... doesn't really go anywhere
I'm def a fan of redesigning the faunus. The one animal trait thing came as a fault bc that's all Poser would allow, but good writers could've found a way to explain that while adding more traits in Maya (like Sten's lack of horns in DA:O). It might still have to be limited to a humanoid frame a la Mass Effect, but it could still work. It'd be really cool to see more animal features (fucking YES to animal eyes) and maybe even behaviors from faunus. I mean, the entire concept could basically be the wolfman variant of werewolves but w a variety of animals (or omegaverse traits if you're into that lol)
Crwby may not have an answer for how faunus came around, but I noticed they arrived at the same time as Dust, so in my (maybe someday) rewrite they're linked
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syekick-powers · 7 months
Okay, So that you can get that OC Talk impulse out while I'm too eepy to fully engag....That Ask Meme for Sabryel and Sebylen: 2, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18, and 20
2. What are your OC’s food preferences (flavors/textures/spiciness/calories/ when and how they eat) and how did they get that way?
Sabryel: he absolutely loves spicy food. it also eats a ton of meat and eggs and high protein meals in general. they have a very strict meal plan focused around their exercise regimen that is focused around being as nutritionally complete as possible to keep them in top physical condition.
Sebylen: tbh they are kind of a "try anything once" type, and will eat even obviously gross stuff if it would make for a funny story or were dared by someone who said they wouldn't do it. sebylen enjoys a lot of the home cooked recipes their parents made for them the most, but they're not really a super picky eater.
6. What would STOP your OC from Doing The Right Thing in a tense situation?
Sabryel: i feel like that HEAVILY depends on what Doing The Right Thing is for a given situation. the easiest sort of answer for this would be a situation where sabryel involving himself in a physical conflict would be an objectively bad idea, but their impulse control around fighting is JUST bad enough that they'd likely do it anyway if it thought it could solve the problem with its fists.
Sebylen: sebylen is VERY committed to their morals overall so really the only thing that would stop them from doing the right thing is if someone successfully convinced them that not doing that thing was ACTUALLY the right thing to do. otherwise it would be a fucking struggle to stop them from being the fucking hero.
8. If your OC had to take the S.A.T. tomorrow with one night to prep, how would they do? both emotionally and academically.
Sabryel: he would probably do some decent prep and score in a middle-of-the-road range. they don't have a whole lot of academic smarts but it's also not what i would call stupid either.
Sebylen: they would not study at all and would ace any sections focused on reading/writing but bomb anything else. as for the emotional effect, i can't see it upsetting them all that much.
9. What would cause your OC to chose to do something petty/pointlessly cruel?
Sabryel: he can be petty at times, but it takes a lot to get him to be genuinely cruel to someone outside of a fight. you'd have to seriously hurt someone it cared about to get it to be overly nasty to you.
Sebylen: relatively simple answer here. if sebylen perceives someone as The Villain of a situation, they feel 100% justified in being as shitty to that person as they can get away with.
11. What song is 100% garunteed to get your OC beyond turnt and will be sung loudly and emabarrasingly, either in public or the shower?
Sabryel: sabryel has an extensive workout playlist of ONLY songs that get him turnt as fuck specifically so he can work out at maximum intensity. they'd only really sing loudly and embarrassingly if drunk though.
Sebylen: sebylen knows tons of songs from their theater days that they'll sing at any given opportunity.
12. What perfectly-normal-to-them-thing does your OC do that confuses/pisses off/terrifies thier neighbors?
Sabryel: the parties it throws on a regular basis definitely have a habit of pissing off the neighbors. sabryel's guard construct definitely also creeps his neighbors out.
Sebylen: loud music all the time constantly.
13. Under what circumstances would your OC appear naked in public?
Sabryel: maybe for some kind of kink event they'd be willing to do that, but they would not do so without some kind of magic object to hide their face, hair, and wings.
Sebylen: could definitely see them getting naked in public if REALLY intoxicated.
17. How does your OC sabotage themselves?
Sabryel: tbh out of all the main characters of TSiP, sabryel is the LEAST likely to self-sabotage overall. the main way that he does self-sabotage in the story is by convincing himself that he's peaked and there's no more progress to be made.
Sebylen: sebylen's main self-sabotage is via the way they see everything as a story with heroes and villains. if they cannot make something fit into their life's ongoing narrative, they will just not do it, even if it would be an objectively good idea.
18. What’s the trashiest item in your OC’s wardrobe, when was the last time they wore it and why do they still have it?
Sabryel: i feel like sabryel has some shitty meme shirts that are overly vulgar and sexual that they only wear for a bit at parties. they don't wear the shit out in public outside of that, though, but since they have frequent parties they still wear those shitty shirts and occasionally comical booty shorts semi-regularly
Sebylen: i feel like sebylen doesn't currently have anything really "trashy" in their wardrobe.
20. What’s your OC smell like? no, not that “Vanilla and Anxiety” evocative stuff, realistically. Body odor? what have they been touching all day? When was thier last shower? Did they put on any kind of artificial scent?
Sabryel: sabryel definitely uses the ledaveth equivalent of axe body spray. they don't usually have body odor though, since they are very stringent about their bathing schedule.
Sebylen: this fucker definitely wears perfumes to cover up body odor. now that they're working as an adventurer they don't get to bathe as often so they're constantly covering up the sweat stink with floral scents as if that helps at all.
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