#or be one of the only reasons someone mentions Swatch
lightnersdream · 1 year
ive changed my mind since i wrote that post if Swatch got their hands on that email freak they would rip his arms off and personally drown him
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cloveroctobers · 5 months
JOEY/ANA LUCIA CRUZ — Spring Writings 🩵
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A/N: because I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t get inspired by a horror film. This isn’t anything big since I’m “supposed” to be on a writing break but I’ve been in the mood for something domestic lately so here you go 🙂‍↔️
PROMPT is from HERE & I’m using: 2.       “Why did I let you remodel the bathroom?”
.☘︎ ݁˖⚘‎₊˚⊹ 𐦍༘⋆₊ ⊹ .☘︎ ݁˖⚘‎₊˚⊹ 𐦍༘⋆₊ ⊹ .☘︎ ݁˖⚘‎₊˚⊹ 𐦍༘⋆₊ ⊹ .☘︎ ݁˖⚘‎₊˚
Joey’s in a mood.
When she wakes up, she’s already aware of the type of time she was on. The room feels like it’s spinning even when she’s laying in bed, the light from her phone to check the time only makes her head feel heavier, and when she pushes herself up into a sitting position in bed she feels as if she’s going to tipple right over onto the floor.
She figures she’s been coming down with something these past few days but did all the proper care the minute she felt unwell. She was a medic, she knows what to do and what her body should feel like. She also didn’t want her sickness to interfere with any time she got to spend with her son. It was baby steps bonding with her son and not to mention her hard-ass of a mother but Joey made a promise to herself to put in the work.
Giving herself time, she’s out of bed and making her way down the hallway which feels like one of those walkthroughs with the strobe lights at the museum. Now that she’s on her feet, she feels as if her body is about to cave in from rattling against the cold. Her shoulders are turned inwards as she uses the wall for leverage to make it to the bathroom. Joey doesn’t bother to feel for the light and just wants to find the toilet, which isn’t far from the entrance, but she doesn’t see the pair of feet stretched out that sends her flying through the bathroom towards where the shower wall should be, that her hands have to reach out for support as she slams to the floor.
She’s hissing at the pain that radiates from her hip and down her femur. Through half lidded eyes she glances around, fingers pressed into her forehead in aggravation as well as discomfort. “Y/n?! Are you fucking serious? Why are you on the floor in the dark?!”
You’re sitting up now, “I see better in the dark remember? That fall looked like it hurt, you good?”
Joey scoffs, “no! I’m not good, I just busted my ass because of what?”
She listens carefully as you clink a wrench against the side of the toilet and her blood feels like it’s simmering as she recalls the reason for your actions, “…Why did I let you remodel the bathroom?”
“To save us money, duh.” You respond as you get up to head over to the brunette.
You hold out your hand, waiting for Joey to find your hand in the dark so you can pull her up. It’s much quicker than anticipated but you help her to her feet anyway. Now she’s moving around you to flick the dim lighting of the room on and gets a good look of the small space. The tub was no longer a tub—being broken down and leaving a mess all along the floor, there were multiple paint swatches on the wall, the mirror above the sink was still in tact along with the toilet.
Joey blinks, “aren’t vampires supposed to be wealthy? Why not have someone else do it for you?”
You cackle, which always sounds like windchimes.
“My carpenter of a father didn’t leave shit behind for us and always expected us to work for our own…just imagine how disappointed he was to hear that his eldest daughter wanted to be a cellist for a living—which was somewhat satisfactory centuries ago. Then my mother? A complete gambler? it would be a miracle for us siblings to even see a hundred dollars. I have the skill so I can do it and you’ll thank me later once my craft leaves you stunned.” You bounced on your toes with a grin while Joey just shook her head.
She never thought after what happened at the manor that she would ever interact with vampires again. Foolish woman. Yet you came along months later when Joey was trying to get her life together and all of a sudden she had a new roommate. Who happened to be a damn vampire! You tricked her and although her guard should have been up, you swore you didn’t want to drink her dry—stating that you weren’t a fan of AB negative blood—you still threw that threat around that you would although it happened to be a empty threat.
Joey was still aware of the strength that you had. And living with a vampire wasn’t so bad until now, with you renovating and her forgetting the crime scene you committed days ago in this same bathroom. You liked to keep the hunts outside of the apartment since the clean up took up quite a lot of time and the stench stained your nails that you had to stop seeing your manicurist and do it yourself! To put it simply, matters went left that night all because of your fling Klaus and Joey came home a lot sooner than expected! You’ve noticed that Joey’s been under the weather a lot lately, being in a brain fog that she seemed to be forgetting things, cold, and sleeping a lot more.
She didn’t relapse, which was great considering everything she told you one late night when she couldn’t sleep. The pack of lollipops were commonly on the list to pick up but as long as she kept up with her meetings and dentist appointments then there shouldn’t be anything to worry about, right?
I know you didn’t believe that.
“Every time you say that, that always equals another outcome,” Joey’s gripping the sides of the sink now and exhales.
You twist your body back and forth as you innocently say, “not sure what you mean buttercup—
“Ugh, shut up! Don’t do the pet names, it makes me nauseous.”
You lightly ask, “Are you pregnant?”
“What the hell did you just say?” Joey is baffled as her head whips to where you stand.
“Just a thought.” You lift your shoulders, “i thought you hit it off with…shit I’m so bad with names.”
“The guy that you forgot to mention was a fucking mutant? I don’t even know what’s worse a mutant or a vampire?!” Joey growled before taking a deep breath after glancing at you pouting at her, “You don’t need to worry about my love life, what you need to worry about is us having a functioning bathroom!”
You point the wrench in the direction of the said item, “the toilet and sink still work. I didn’t mess with the pipes yet! And as your roommate and best friend you’ve ever had or only had—it’s my job to make sure you’re spicing things up.”
Joey lifts a brow, “you think I need a man of a mutant to do that?”
“…if that’s what you prefer, unless you state otherwise…” you place your hand on your hip in anticipation.
Joey huffs, “I’m not doing this with you this morning—
“It’s one pm.” You inform but pull your lips together as Joey glares at you with her dark downturned eyes.
“Could you leave the bathroom so I can actually use it?” Joey manages to get out, feeling a chill and a turn of her stomach wash over her body.
You nod, “sure! Do you think it’s roughly going to be a five minute sesh or forty five because I can get started on dinner or brunch?”
Joey picks at the back of your shirt, actually lifting you off your feet to walk you out of the bathroom, tossing you a bit into the adjacent hallway wall, before slamming the door behind you.
“That wasn’t pleasant,” you sharply exhale as you fix your shirt and make your way down the hallway.
You pass by the kitchen, through the living room to your bedroom which you leave the door open just a crack as you plop down onto your bed belly first. Reaching for the copper rotary, your fingers rotate against the numbers before the ringing begins in your ear.
“Hammy! How are ya? Are we still on for dinner tonight? My friend is getting worse and could really use your help.” You keep your voice leveled just in cause those senses kicked in too.
No matter what Joey thought, you were friends and you only wanted what was best for her.
This life was just not that, in your opinion.
You had to prepare for the worst before she was even aware of what this all was. However tonight with the visit of Abraham, would open her eyes some more unfortunately.
.☘︎ ݁˖⚘‎₊˚⊹ 𐦍༘⋆₊ ⊹ .☘︎ ݁˖⚘‎₊˚⊹ 𐦍༘⋆₊ ⊹ .☘︎ ݁˖⚘‎₊˚⊹ 𐦍༘⋆₊ ⊹ .☘︎ ݁˖⚘‎₊˚
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letomills · 2 months
TS2 CC downloaders & creators discussion recap
Under the cut is a recap of the feedback gathered from the comments, community replies and reblogs on this thread. Thank you for taking the time to give your input! I tried to organize everything clearly in categories, with what was most often brought up at the top of each. I hope I didn’t forget anything. If I did, or you feel I didn't do your point justice, or you didn’t get a chance to say your piece, feel free to comment (I can always make edits). The text in brackets [] is my own remarks that I'm adding to the report.
About CC in general:
The people clamored for clear swatches/pictures that show which file corresponds to which recolor, so we can pick and choose what to keep.
Many people would like creators to put their usernames in their file names (or object descriptions) so they are easier to trace back to later. Two creators had counterpoints to this. One who has a long username said: “as a creator, I don't like to be told how I should name my files (besides identifying the thing clearly, which I think we really should do). If I've made the effort to make a thing, take previews, upload it, write the post etc. Just spend 5 seconds of your life renaming the file to whatever is convinient to you, I'm not going to add 16 characters to each of my files to include my username (I still think that longer names = longer loading time).” The other creator said: “As a creator, I don't want to put my full username in tooltips (just SB) because some hair names are quite long and I do not have the time to re tooltip the names.”
On the topic of file names, many people agreed that creators should not put special characters and spaces in their file names, to optimize loading times. One creator clarified: “the filenames should always have _ instead of spaces, as apparently this allows the game to load them easier/faster [...] underscores should be the only kind of special character in them” [use the Bulk Rename Utility - see tutorial by @ilovethesims2cc].
Still on file names, a Mac user said they dislike when file names are too long because apparently long file names are enough for Macs to shit themselves [sorry if I misunderstood, never had a Mac].
Several people mentioned disliking poorly optimized CC (one person listed: “bulky for no reason, unused bump maps, comically large or duplicated textures, things that could easily be repo'd but are not”), one person pointed out: “There is no reason a TS2 object needs a texture bigger than 1024x1024 unless it’s a special case like a skybox.”
One person said they dislike when a CC post lacks basic text info about what the download is. On this note, another person said they dislike when a creator isn’t clearly stating what mesh their recolors are for.
Two people asked that creators state their stuff’s polycounts.
Two people said they dislike when the recolors for a piece of CC are only available merged together, as they want to be able to easily choose which they want to keep. On the other hand, someone who “takes all recolors anyway” said they would like creators to offer a merged version of their recolors [you can merge CC to reduce loading times using LazyDuchess’s CC Merger].
One person recommended avoiding just using “here” as hyperlink text, but instead describing what you are linking to, so that if the link gets broken we still have a chance to find the thing. In the same vein, they and another person advised against reliance on an image alone to give info about the download. As we know, images can disappear, and a Google search won’t lead to the item if your post has no text that Google can detect.
About the images that creators do show, one person mentioned a download not having a proper preview as their pet peeve. On previews, two people recommended that the piece of CC be clearly visible and the main focus. Two people said they like when a preview of the item is included in the archive (“helpful when looking through old CC”).
One person said they appreciate when creators give two download links to two different hosting platforms, in case one of them ever breaks.
One person asked for creators to always test their stuff before uploading [it should go without saying but we do see egregious things to this day]. Their pet peeve is “CC with obvious issues that can’t have been tested properly in game! Don’t just look at it in build mode or bodyshop, actually use the item in live mode. Have a Sim wear the clothing or use the object!” They pointed out as an example that some CC lights don’t light up. Someone else said: “if there are minor imperfections, that's ok! But let your downloaders know what to expect.”
One person said that they enjoy reading detailed descriptions of CC: “Share your inspos, what went wrong, tag the pieces you used if you are Frankenmeshing because I might want those items too! Creating and sharing is deeply personal, don't be afraid to share a part of who you are in your downloads if you feel comfortable doing so.” [If I may offer a slight counterpoint, I think detailed technical info + proper crediting should always be frontloaded. And then, in a separate paragraph, you can write about how you made this because your grandma used to wear something similar on those cool autumn days back when you were 6. But please, don’t expect your audience to have to parse through your life story to get the basic info they need to even understand what the download is.]
On subfolders: one person mentioned that they dislike when individual files are placed in subfolders; someone else said they don’t like many subfolders within an archive; a third person said that when downloading a ‘bulk’ CC pack, they dislike when each item has its individual subfolder (unless the object has dozens of recolors).
One person said they dislike downloads that include a large number of things that aren’t all part of a single coherent set.
One person said they dislike gift/mega packages that don’t give the possibility to pick and choose what you’re downloading.
One person asked that creators compressorize their CC, unless there is a good reason for not doing so, reason that should be stated [yes please! Use jfade’s Compressorizer, found on this page].
One person said they like when creators who make recolors give a link to the mesh they are recoloring whenever possible, even if the mesh is included.
One person mentioned appreciating when creators include base PSDs in their downloads [they were talking about hair specifically but I suppose it can be done for other things too].
About Bodyshop CC specifically:
Many people mentioned disliking when a piece of clothing lacks a fat morph (as one person put it: ✨“its literally bigotry”✨ [iconic]), or has a fat morph that's blatantly a quickly WSO’d afterthought. Someone said: “Absurdly shaped/clipping fat morphs that were most probably never tested in game before uploading are pretty annoying”; someone else said: “I make male content and am constantly flabbergasted by some of the UM Top fat morphs that make no attempt to align with Bottom items, or look completely ridiculous. [...] WSOs are a great starting point, but that's just it: a starting point" [I couldn’t agree more]. One person added that clothes should also have preg morphs.
One person really wants tooltips. Someone else further asked that creators give actually helpful tooltips to their recolors to make it easier to identify which recolor corresponds to which file [you can use CatOfEvilGenius’s Tooltip utility to give your recolors tooltips that correspond to their file names].
One person mentioned gaps in meshes being their #1 pet peeve [putting this in this section because I’m assuming they’re referring to Bodyshop CC].
One person asks that creators give their accessories unique BIN numbers to make them layerable with other accessories.
The same person would like creators to remember to delete the inapplicable ages in their accessories [this also goes for hairs].
The same person also appreciates when creators make custom thumbnails for their accessories, “especially for accessories that are not on the face”.
The same person said: “Accessories that are 'part of the sim' (like ears, tails, etc.) should be showerproof”. Another person had the same request: “Body part accessories (such as animal ears, tails, horns, wings) should be available for all types of clothing.”
One person appreciates when hair meshers specify if their hair is animated or not.
One person would like to see more hairs for toddlers and children.
For geneticized skintones, one person said they find it helpful when the genetic number is indicated in the file name.
About Build & Buy CC specifically: 
Several people said they dislike when CC objects are set to an absurd price (like a couch for 1 simoleon) [this can be fixed with Pick’N’Mix’s Object Relocator], and two people added that they dislike when an object’s price isn’t congruent with their stats (like when an expensive bed has a low energy score). A creator further said: “whats worse is sometimes items are cloned from a very expensive item, and then the creator has reduced the stats shown in the description, but the bhav still has very high ratings, or sometimes it can be the other way around, an item might have been cloned from a cheap one, then their displayed stats are set to 10 but the bhavs still have low ratings”.
Three people said that they really appreciate when creators state which category their object is in and what the price is. One person said they appreciate when creators give info about how their object functions (“Is it just deco? Does it have hobby enthusiasm?” etc.). For complex objects, they like when there’s a video to show how it works. 
One person said they dislike when creators place objects in categories that don’t make sense. Someone said more specifically that they like when objects are put in categories other than deco/sculptures or deco/misc.
One person said they dislike blank object descriptions or object descriptions that were left the same as that of the Maxis object that the piece of CC was cloned from.
One person said they don’t like when objects aren’t enabled for quarter-tile placement [can be fixed in simPe or with the Object Relocator].
One person said they dislike non-functional objects (like a sofa that’s a sculpture).
One person brought up two experiences they and their friend had with CC beds that didn’t have unique GUIDs and therefore would override other beds. In the same vein, someone else said they dislike when a creator forgets to mention that their CC is not custom but default and will override something in the game.
One person encourages creators to learn about the TXMT settings of objects (e.g. should an object be reflective?) and praised @pforestsims and @shastakiss for their CC in that regard. Another person said they dislike when an object is too shiny, which is also a TXMT setting.
One person said they dislike “transparent cut out textures”. [I quote because I’m clueless about this:] “I’ve seen this a lot on TS3 or other game conversions, where the texture has been imported without enabling transparency, and you get ugly squares around draw handles and such. Import the texture as DXT 5 and enable AlphaTest in the TXMT.”
One person said they like when 4t2 conversions have several subsets.
The Mac user among us would like creators to resize their walls and floors for Macs, otherwise they show up grey in game.
About lots specifically:
Two people said they like when creators show the floor plans of their lots.
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unikhroma · 5 months
the big acid theory post
(i am sorry for how long this is)
couple weeks ago someone on discord asked if i could dm them my gripes about acid theory, since they hadn't seen any criticisms of it. i was very surprised to hear that so of course i did what any normal deltarune fan would do and wrote an essay (aka complained for several paragraphs). posting for reference sake so i have all my thoughts in one place and never make a post about this topic again
basically my criticisms for acid theory are on all tiers/interpretations of it as an life-changing event where he ends up disfigured. i don't think it makes much sense to happen for multiple reasons
for it to happen from a narrative perspective i don't really buy it. spamton's downfall is already tragic in that he lost his friends, his fame and fortune, and got evicted. in regards to the mansion, the eviction itself is the tragedy, in particular that it's implied that it wasn't only him that got evicted that day. a swatchling says that the mansion used to be for high-class citizens. the rooms that were once for these citizens are now for lightners, so it wasn't just that he had no money, he was gonna get kicked out anyway.
i mention this cause a common interp of acid theory is that the mansion staff threw him in as punishment, and i think there's little evidence for that given the circumstances. a while ago i went on this whole spiel about how mischaracterizing queen and/or swatch to try and support the theory makes it weaker to me but that's additional stuff
and about the acid as a threat, it's hard to take it seriously when the majority of mentions of it are for gags or game design-related. for example, the gold berdly statue being dropped into the acid slowly dips in because if it just sank instantly, you could very easily miss it. the swatchling being stranded on the island is a goof with anticipating a battle the moment you set the bridge out for them.
for spamton falling into the acid as an explanation for whatever caused him to be a physical puppet (this is going off of taking the addisons' word that he was an addison too), it doesn't really line up. it doesn't make a lot of sense from a lore standpoint; there's no evidence to suggest that the addisons look like puppets underneath. i mean it's an interesting hc, but to assume it's canon that that's why spamton looks like a puppet now is kinda just filling in blanks.
that one q&a answer where spamton talks about there being some kind of "spamton method" he used every day and became "big" to me implies that it was some kind of slow transformation into a puppet. it's not much to go off of, but it's a lot more compelling than taking a tumble in acid. there's more mystery there and might even explain why spamton showed up to the mansion less over time
i think at this point it's clear that at some point he did get pushed in by someone, as stated in the spa attire from the sweepstakes and one of his valentine's cards, but to me it seems like it was an example of him being mistreated by the other rich residents in the mansion. before he talks about getting pushed in a pool, he mentions that he's gotten swirlies at the mansion, and to me it seems like he's still really bothered by his treatment there which is why he mopes about it.
queen mentioning that the acid can shrink people is also played for jokes, even susie in the ch3 video saying that they'll die if they drink the acid is played for jokes (also i think it would probably hurt them cause they're lightners and not cyber darkners)
anyway, if acid theory ends up being directly confirmed without any cryptic wording and all that i would still dislike it. i just don't think it fits with spamton or ch2's themes and it's randomly dark in a way that's not appealing to me. i like psychological horror more and the puppetfication thing already fits that. i know it's definitely appealing to others and i don't think people are bad for liking it per se, but it's not my kinda thing at all nor do i think it's canon, so i personally want nothing to do with it
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manofthepipis · 6 months
One thing that I’ve noticed is the amazing storytelling and character development Survey and Clicks are going through! They both have conflicting emotions, but seem to handle them very differently. It kind of reminds me of ‘Nice v.s Kind’ mentality. From my perspective, Survey is nice, but Clicks is kind.
For nice people, most of their characteristics are this:
- never wants to rock the boat
- Most concerned about not upsetting someone
- Afraid to speak up when they witness unkind behavior
- Censoring yourself for others feelings
- Enabling
Most of these in my opinion match Survey and their own mental battles pretty spot on! I should probably also mention early on that I don’t think Survey is evil, or acting out on any ill-will towards Spam, quite the opposite actually! Survey is probably walking on eggshells with every interaction they have with him. They haven’t had time to process through their own grief and PTSD from the last Neo rampage, so, that involuntary spills out when they don’t mean to. An example of this is when Swatch was talking to them about Neo, and their first thoughts were “Oh, Neo, great” clearly stating their apprehension towards the topic (and for a very good reason! Regardless of the mental state of the perpetrator, it’s hard to forgive and forget after a scenario like that). However, they also unfortunately, have that double whammy of the grief they felt by leaving Spamton alone, and was the only other Addison that actually heard the voice on the phone, therefore, they have an even more horrifying perspective of what Spamton went through. They somehow think that turning Spamton back into the white Addison will be the solution to all of their problems. Which, while one might think it cruel, given Surveys perspective, it makes a lot of sense. They can’t help but be scared of Spamton, they don’t want to be afraid, but they are so scared of that overwhelming feeling of NEO, and, it’s not like Survey has heard anything positive about Spamton’s new appearance. With the “burning hot plate sensation” to “I can’t say anything without being swamped by Ads” it makes sense that Survey would want to alleviate that burden. I really hope that one of the other Ads are able to catch on to Survey’s mental state, and help. Right now, my contester is Banner. Those two seem to be a little bit closer than the others, especially when it came to Spamton. Banner was also the one who noticed Survey’s apprehension and terror when Neo was in their house. This is getting to long LMAO so the summarize, ADDISONS!!! SPAMTON!! PLEASE PAY ATTENTION TO THE ONE LIGHTING THEMSELVES ON FIRE TO KEEP YOU ALL WARM!!!!
To move on, Clicks on the other hand, is kind. For kind people, their personalities are like this:
- Willing to make waves
- Clear, direct communication, even when uncomfortable
- Being true to their own values or feelings
- Helping
- Acting from genuine feelings
Now Clicks isn’t a saint, he’s an asshole and a drama queen, even he himself admits this. However, he definitely gets the kindness award! As he passes this test with flying colors in my opinion! He doesn’t pull back his punches with Spamton, (like him just telling Spamton to shut the fuck up LMAO) and has the most clear communication with Spam! Spamton himself, recognizes that Clicks isn’t like Banner and Survey who are still trying to test the waters with him, rather, he treats Spamton like an equal. (Even if his sense of equal is just being an asshole). Clicks has also show to value his own feelings, especially with the latest chapter! The reason it took him this long was because before, his feelings were just a giant ball of ???. Once Clicks was able to understand and get through his emotions he was able to have a better understanding of Spamton and his character. (Clicks knows that Spamton hated being that white Addison, Survey is trying to make Spamton that white Addison). Throughout the story, Clicks has shown to have a remarkable sense of body language understanding as well as trying to respect Spamtons boundaries. An example of this is when Spamton thought he was being interrogated by the other ads, and when Clicks senses his discomfort, he tries to drop the topic. Even though he’s an asshole, he definitely wants to be there for all the addisons are a strong shoulder, as well as a protector. Clicks is notorious for making waves, (all with good reason!) If someone like Survey had to have the heart the heart with Spam like Clicks had, I feel like Survey would say something like, “Everyone is capable of change Spamton! And we all want to change for the better and help!” But Clicks is just like, “you are the most egotistical bastard I have ever met. Shut the absolute fuck up.” LMAO I love this guy. Clicks isn’t a nice guy, but he is a kind guy. And that goes a lot farther in my own opinion!
To conclude, Clicks is able to empathize, while Survey sympathizes. Both are so complex it’s so good rararjdndjskdkdnd !!!!!!!
i've gotta say reading this ask/analysis (asknalysis?) has got me smiling from ear to ear because of describing something so accurately i couldn't put it into words better than this
one, i'm extremely thankful for this, and tysm for your thoughts! They're always a pleasure to read especially as i see that so much of these addisons have actually got across :'D
i really really really like writing morally grey characters, and using the kind versus nice personalities is such a great way to describe their moral differences! Surv is definitely trickier, because as you said, they're not evil, they just got a lot going on. they are apprehensive, and definitely walking on eggshells because they have no idea to actually approach this situation other than wanting it over with. Their persistence to find out what happened to spamton in pt 1 was fulfilled (for better or for worse), and being "nice" is what he needed then, to be brought down from his rage and resentment towards them as a group, while kindness is what he needs now. So Survey's inadvertently putting themselves in a worse position, creating divide, just because their approach that worked before isn't working now. And it's not their fault while at the same time, yeah, being their fault. i rlly like this line "setting themselves on fire to keep the rest of you warm" it like 1. is perfect for this and 2. goes hardcore
Without spoiling too much I do believe you have it right :D though Banner isn't in a position as extreme as Survey here, the whole thing is certainly messing with him. He doesn't want to make the wrong decisions anymore about what to do with Spamton's situation, finding it odd and uncanny, rather than devastating like Survey. He wants to make things right, but doesn't have the tools right now to do so. He wants to help, probably more than anyone else, but unyielding optimism isn't going to work and he knows that :')
you're also right about what would have happened if Surv were in Clicks' position then. There wouldn't be much of a resolution other than Survey going back to what they've seen had worked before- talking Spamton (and the rising emotions) down. When said emotions and concerns, instead, needed to be acknowledged and translated to make any progress. With Clicks, processing how he's felt for so long and what Spam's feeling now, it helped them both in one conversation and connection. Spamton's a lot like the addisons than he cares to admit, as he's been one of them at some point, so being an equal is what he's wanted, but then when he never got it, it turned to wanting to be 'bigger' than them, and thus the spiral/decline. Clicks being kind, noticing visual cues of discomfort rather than being impatient with getting information out of Spamton asap when he finally starts talking, is going to make Spamton feel more like an equal and less a belittled outcast, or worse, a freakshow. And though addisons always have their own selfish motivations directing their actions, the outcome of Clicks' approach is pretty selfless in the end.
I'm also so so so glad to have readers that see the differences in empathy versus sympathy and nice versus kind! like, just the subtle differences between each approach, in where each side is commonly seen as synonymous, when in context, they can vary from each other in large ways!! It's enlightening even as a writer to see :D! tysm for sharing!
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gildedmuse · 8 months
If anyone is wondering why I haven't updated, there are a number of reasons. However, a major one is that Crunchyroll will no longer allow you to use old versions of the app. What this means is I am no longer able to take screenshots of record small scenes so I can transcribe them or basically do most of what I do here.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with this blog, I am a broke ass bitch with a chronic, genetic kidney diseases I had the pleasure of being born with, which severely limits me in a number of ways. One such way is money: medical bills at expensive and even with insurance I owe something like $1,462.78 and that's just the past year. Nevermind the bills I collected from other hospitals/doctors. The result is I live a pretty simply life, including the fact that I don't own any sort of fancy recording equipment like "a pc". Every screenshot, every gif, every artistic and not so artistic edit, every video recording, every single post and fanfic and reply, that is all done from my phone. It's my one and only portal to the Internet and sole tool to do whatever is is I do.
With that in mind, while I am proud I managed to take my degree in English Literary Theory and learn how to do all of that on an older model Android I've had for a few years now, I also know that then bulk of internet denizens are just WAY more skilled/knowledge at this then I will ever be.
Keep in mind, I have no money (so advice along the lines of "just buy this $99 program, it's so easy!" or "why not just get a cheap laptop, you can get one for under $600 EASY these days" or even "you just need a monthly subscription to this OTHER streaming site, that doesn't have a film blocker" just doesn't help, especially since I don't even have my own subscription to CR so there is no just dropping that to pay for another.) I was hoping someone out there knew a method I could use to record the "latest" episodes.
I say latest but I left off at 1078. I know, I'm ages behind, but there is a good reason for it.
Please, anyone who knows how I can take screencaps (recordings would be useful but not required) PLEASE contact me and let me in on your secret.
I won't tattle, I swear. I just want to be able to watch the show and react about it on this blog since, sadly, I've recently lost all my OP watching buddies to various life circumstances.
Failing that, I need someone to agree to watch every single episode along with me as my "recorder", recording long swatches of each episode and then sending to me when we're done so I can get my screencaps and gifs and the likes. The good news? You'd have someone eternally thankful for your contributions, who would credit you in every post, and I wouldn't even use any jokes/observations/thoughts you might share while we watch without permission. And.... errrr. Did I mention the gratitude? Shit, that's really all I have.
But I have so much of it!
Guys, I hate getting all emotional, but I am having a hell of a year between the dogs, the bad diagnosis and, hey, this is currently my face:
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For comparison, when I'm not dying:
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Just any help or even attempts at advice would be welcomed. I know it's stupid, but a lot of what I personally get from reading/watching/playing things is in sharing it with others. I shouldn't have to explain that, it's part of why places like Tumblr and AO3 EXIST.
Feel free to reach out in a reblog, comment, tag me, DM, message me on discord (gildedmuse). Whatever is easiest. And thank you, so, SO much for any potential advice or help you can offer.
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lunaballoona09 · 7 months
blood on a marble wall | chapter three / twenty
Tasque Manager is murdered in cold blood at a Cybercity gala. Can the guests find the killer before it’s too late? Or will more blood be spilled?
just a silly little murder mystery i'm writing :) warning for death and stuff obviously but they're robots so no blood
previous chapter
next chapter
(the addison's names in this story are by @brightgoat !! please go check out their art it's amazing :))
Any and all guests had been removed from the mansion. Only Queen’s head butler, Swatch, her beloved addisons, and the Sweet Cap’n Cakes remained.
The gathered in a discussion in the dining hall; you could cut the tension with a cleaver. Queen clung to Swatch’s side like a magnet, idle clicks and beeps emanating from her frame. She didn’t have eyes, but you could tell her gaze was glazed over. What she was remembering was vague and blurry, but it was horrific all the same. Swatch’s wing was draped over her shoulder, but doing nothing for the shivers that ran up her robotic body.
Tass’ corpse had been removed from the storage shed, covered in respect, and placed somewhere else by the Swatchlings. Per Queen’s request, it was not made known where they had put it.
Clickon, like always, had taken charge in leading the impromptu investigation. He was swiping around holographic popups he had pulled up infront of his face, jotting down typed up notes on the minimal information he had. Then he cleared his throat.
“Can I have everyone’s attention please?” And the attention he received. Whispers flowed between the small group of people until Click clapped his hands together.
“Let’s begin by..” Click thought for a moment, eyes narrowing at the notes in front of him. “Who was the last person to actually see Tasque Manager?”
“I was,” admitted Swatch. “Well- truly, it was the Swatchlings, but they’re programmed to listen to me only. They’d only kill if I were to order them to, and I wouldn’t, in a million years, tell them to kill anybody, much less my own girlfriend.”
Click nodded, absentmindedly flitting between the mentioned popups. He seemed to be crossing off suspects, and Swatch had seemed to leave his list.
“How do we know Queen didn’t do it and then come back all fake scared?” suggested Videon. Swatch shot back a glare drowning in venom, and comforted and shushed Queen when she frantically began to defend herself.
“Queen didn’t do it.” Swatch locked hardened eyes with Click, who nodded solemnly, and closed a popup.
“Besides,” Swatch continued, “we don’t know if the killer is even here. They could have been one of the guests.
Sweet huffed, arms crossed, narrowing his eye at Videon. “Yeah. You’re quick to accuse.”
“’Scuse me?” spat the yellow addison. “I talked to Tasque Manager.. maybe once. I have no reason to kill her! Maybe you did it— you hang out in Queen’s mansion all the time!”
Arguing began to erupt between the discussion. Sweet and Captain were ganging up on Videon, while K_K tried to ease the heated snapping, and nobody could understand a word of the defensive, garbled yelling until Click regained their attention with a shout, almost like he was the judge of a rowdy, defiant court.
“We’ll discuss accusations in a moment.” He was awfully professional— perhaps it was simply in his programming to be that way. “Did anybody else see or talk to Tasque Manager before the murder?”
The question received silence, and a few darting glares between people. Click nodded, closing and opening yet more popups.
“Click, we have no leads,” began Magson. “No suspects, no evidence.. there wasn’t even a murder weapon left behind. And we’re robots, so no fingerprints.”
“Well, what did the damage look like?” inquired Payton. A few eyes turned to Queen.
“Someone Had Definitely..” Queen sighed shakily after a moment. “It Looked Like: A Sharp Object. But I.. Didn’t Look For.. Long”
“Sharp object. Got it,” Payton echoed, as Swatch pulled Queen closer comfortingly.
“I personally think Spamton is quite suspicious.” Click spread open a popup, face hard with disdain, as he glared in the white addison’s direction.
The addison threw his hands up in surrender, brows knit. “You have no proof to accuse me! Tasque Manager and I got along well. What reason would I have to kill her?”
“To get Queen in a vulnerable position so you can manipulate her, obviously.”
“Why would I manipulate her majesty?!”
“Money, Spamton. You only care about the money.”
“You’re speaking actual nonsense, you hypocrite!”
“Alright, settle down,” shushed Payton authoritatively. “Let’s just let this go for now. We have nowhere to start. And, like Swatch mentioned, we don’t even know if the killer is one of us. Let’s hold off until we have more info.”
“And let Clickon murder more of us?!”
“Excuse me?!”
“You’re excused.”
“Quiet!" ordered Payton, slightly frustrated now. He pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. “Meeting adjourned.”
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I recently made a reddit account bc I enjoy reading craft content there, and wanted to be able to comment, and specifically to help ppl with their knitting problems. The more time I spend on it though, my lord, people are doing some wild things with their knitting.
I don't mean impressive or really creative projects - there's that, too, but I mean wild as in coming up with ways to mess it up that I'd never even imagined. People who're on their 5th sweater & just now noticed a problem in one area, and it turns out they've been wrapping every stitch upside down & backwards, while tensioning the yarn in opposite hands depending on if they're knitting or purling, for three years. Someone knitted 3 feet of a tube, giant chenille yarn, when it was supposed to be worked flat, before noticing the problem/thinking to stop (and wants to know how to fix it without frogging). Made 70% of a sweater before realizing it was too big/small by 14", and has never heard of a gauge swatch. Not "doesn't make one teehee how cheeky & carefree of me", but literally had no idea of the concept. Has somehow made multiple hats & scarves, those being more forgiving, from patterns that definitely mention what gauge you should be getting, and never looked at that part, never thought about it.
A lot of it is being new at something, and not knowing what you don't know, or what you should know. Lots of empathy for that; we've all been there, and go there every time we learn a new thing. It is weird to me to try something out that differs from your pattern instructions (different size yarn/needles, adjusting stitch #s to account for gauge differences, etc), realize it wasn't working the way you wanted it to, and then come online and say "I did X different from the pattern and it didn't work, what did I do wrong?" It's the thing you changed, honey. Undo it and try again.
Trying things out is how you learn more than what your instructions say! It's a good thing, and necessary to expand your horizons, and shows initiative. Idk why you decide to do that, to see what happens, and then when something happens you go straight to "Help me a thing happened" instead of, say, googling it, or thinking about the consequences of your actions for a minute?
It is entertaining, and sometimes I can be useful to someone. But when I start running out of nice ways to say "The only way to fix that is to frog the whole garment and start over, no it won't block out, and do it the right way the next time" then it's time to close the tab and go do something else.
There's a reason I'm writing this here, and not saying any of this to those people.
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thealterscrolls · 2 years
3, 6, 12, 29 for the asks :-0
3. a specific color that gives you the ick?
i cant really think of any specific color that incites a visceral reaction but i will say im not a fan of any color that looks like it was regurgitated. the thing is that a lot of colors look bad in one context and great in another. so if i mentioned like diarrhea green, it could look bad on a swatch but look really great as someone's eye color LMFAO. rockin the diarrhea green eyes fr.
6. do you use a watch?
i dont but i did have a period where i wore a pocketwatch with a chain all the time. which of course was not properly wound so i didn't use it for timekeeping. just the aesthetic. we also have a tes imperial dragon pocket watch necklace that another alter wears when he fronts but the internal mechanics are broken so as much as we'd love to wind it up, we cant.
12. brand of haircare/bodycare/skincare that you trust 100%?
i dont know that i will ever fully trust a brand, BUT i swear by that whole curly girl method thing (look i didnt name it). as someone who thought they would always have unmanageable frizzy uncurly hair, it changed my life. im not gonna explain the whole routine or nuances of that method in depth. but basically i mostly co-wash and condition my hair using Tresemme Botanique Nourish + Replenish Conditioner with Coconut Oil and Aloe Vera and abt once a week i use VO5 Herbal Escapes Kiwi Lime Squeeze Clarifying Shampoo to make sure theres no buildup of shit in my hair. only leave in product i put in my hair is Marc Anthony's Strictly Curls Lotion. anyone who has curly or wavy hair should check the CGM out. i fr just took the low budget product suggestions and ran with them and theyve worked great for me for several years now. i did the curl casing stuff with hair gel until i got the mullet but ive considered doing it again once my hair is pretty long
29. preferred pasta noodle?
rigatoni and penne. cavatappi/cellentani. also a big fagottini enjoyer for personal reasons LMFAO
see post of questions here to ask more or reblog for your own fun!
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fallintower · 2 years
Mike Is Not The TV
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Spamton seems to say here that the TV gameshow host character he alluded to throughout chapter 2 - which many people, including myself, pretty reasonably assumed to be Mike up until now - was the one responsible for his life going downhill, and thinks that he was the one who deserved to wind up homeless instead of himself. Spamton then says that everyone who didn't buy his products will pay... except for Mike. This implies that the TV and Mike are separate people, whom Spamton has two different opinions of.
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This page's URL supports this idea, reading "damn you tenna". I believe this is most likely the actual name of the TV gameshow host character. It could be short for Antenna, which would fit the TV theming. People have assumed that Tenna is actually Mike's last name - which definitely could make sense in this context, if you interpret this as Spamton doing that thing where you invoke someone's last name for dramatic effect/to emphasize a point - however considering the rest of the current evidence, this seems unlikely to me. Spamton seemed to be comfortably on a first-name basis with him previous to this.
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This answer from his Twitter Q&A makes a lot of sense when viewed from this angle as well. Spamton gets very angry and defensive, and refuses to give any information about Mike to someone he assumes to be "ONE OF THAT [Cathode]'S CREW" - that is to say, someone working for the TV. This response wouldn't make as much sense if Mike and Tenna were the same person. ...but, if Mike isn't the TV, then who is he? Looking back at previous mentions of Mike within this context, we can infer a few things.
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The very first time Spamton ever mentioned Mike, it was amongst his other former friends - Notably, Mike is mentioned separately from both the "Easels" and "CRTs" - who are most likely Swatch and Tenna respectively - and is the only one called directly by name, which is another point that makes me think they were particularly close. Also, it's Tenna who he's calling a liar and a criminal here, so Spamton's strong emotional reaction to remembering his and Mike's relationship is probably not out of anger at him.
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When the NEO body is about to explode and Spamton is desperately trying to... do whatever it was he was trying to do, he asks if Mike is "GETTING ALL THIS", which is the kind of thing you ask someone who's recording. Mike might not be the TV itself, but this does imply that Mike is related to recording devices. So, why were Mike and Spamton such close friends, why isn't he around anymore, and why is Tenna a lying criminal? I wanna hear everyone else's ideas, but here's my best guess: Mike was a radio host, probably a microphone. He and Tenna didn't get along. Tenna valued his TV studio's profits the most, but Mike? Mike cared about the freedom. Mike loved radio, because anybody's free to broadcast whatever they want to if they know how! So when Spamton finally made it big and got invited onto Mike's show, they really hit it off, and became fast friends. Maybe Mike kept doing things for Spamton for free, kept having him on? Spamton's appearances made Mike's show become so popular that people stopped watching Tenna's, until eventually, his studio was about to go under. Obviously, Tenna wasn't about to just let the Lightners stop paying attention to him. So Tenna decides to give his shadowmen the order, and... Video killed the radio star.
Spamton's free advertising was gone, his home was gone, the only one who really understood him was gone. So that's why Spamton decided he'd make Tenna pay. Make everyone pay. Everyone... Everyone except... Mike. Because Mike can't pay. Mike already paid.
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coolfire333 · 2 years
I tried saving this ask I got about what “neo” is in the context of deltarune (and undertale) but I think something happened to it as I tried saving it in my drafts to post later, so I’m just gonna paraphrase what I tried saying in it before I forget my train of thought. Sorry I lost your ask, anon!
Basically the ask said there was a theory floating around somewhere that said that neo standed for “negative emotion overload” and that the reason Mettaton neo is so easy to defeat is that he still has a lot of hope for the underground and for the player despite everything, so he doesn’t hold a lot of negativity while in his neo form
In contrast, Spamton is much more bitter and upset about his failures and is more spiteful when it comes to wanting things compared to Mettaton, hence why he’s actually a very formidable opponent in his neo form, as opposed to Mettaton who dies in one hit no matter what.
I wasn’t sure how much I believed anon’s theory, but going along with it for a moment, I think the reason why Spamton neo eventually fails to be all-powerful is not only because of his strings, but if we’re following the idea that the neo form needs a lot of negative emotions to be powerful, Spamton still has a lot of hope and belief put into wanting to be big again
Another big positive influence for Spamton are his hopes that the neo body and its “lightner hopes and dreams” (assuming that when Swatch said that they meant that the hopes and dreams Mettaton poured into his creation of neo are actually tangible to darkners) will give him the power to help him achieve his own dreams of freedom and success. 
Spamton is cynical, yes, moreso than most characters we’ve met so far in deltarune, but at the same time he also has a lot of hope, almost to an unreasonable degree, and he holds on to some hope of “becoming your (Kris’s) strength” even when defeated
Another secret boss who mentions “neo” is Jevil, and depending on how you see him, he could either be the perfect candidate for going neo, or the worst. On one hand, he’s completely immersed in his beliefs that nothing matters in the darkner world, which is a very dark and negative philosophy. This could make Jevil extremely powerful if he ever went neo. 
But on the other hand, Jevil seems to take great delight in his “dark” beliefs, and unlike Spamton his happiness seems to be genuine most of the time and not feigned, so Jevil might be happy enough that becoming neo wouldn’t do anything. It’s also arguable whether Jevil would even want to become neo, because even if he was fully capable of whatever “becoming neo” means or requires, I’m not sure if he’d think it’d matter enough to do so
Seam, however, is who I think a perfect neo candidate is. They have totally given up hope on everything across the board, unlike Spamton, who still hopes the lightners can win despite his own inability to help more than a puppet can, and Seam also isn’t having fun with their bleak situation like Jevil is, so they definitely seem to be in a very negative mindset.
Seam seems to know a lot about shadow crystals, and of secret bosses (other than Jevil, who they were arguably friends with), so maybe they know about whatever “neo” is too. Maybe if you kill all enemies like in snowgrave, after aquiring the six shadow crystals from the previous secret bosses Seam goes neo and becomes the seventh secret boss, having lost all faith in the world and in you as the player to better things. 
Or maybe this happens no matter what you do, so even in a normal route where you show everyone mercy and a bunch of recruits come to your town, Seam will start to gain hope again, but this still won’t be enough hope to stop their transformation. This is really going out on a limb here, but there’s just something mildly unsettling about us giving all the shadow crystals to someone like Seam who seems to know way too much for their own good. 
If Seam is indeed a secret final boss, I don’t think they’re up to no good or are secretly evil or anything like that. If anything they’re like Flowey in the sense that if they hurt other people it’s because they’re angry and are lashing out at the world in general. 
Flowey mentioned he started doing horrible things just to see what would happen, because he knew he could reset everything and it would be fine after the reset no matter what harm he caused beforehand. This sounds a lot like Jevil’s philosophy. 
However, unlike Jevil, Flowey also found that the predictability of the universe also took the surprise out of everything, and finding out that everything was predetermined up to a certain point made him lose the ability to be happy in life, regardless if he did good things or bad. 
This reminds me a lot of how Seam currently sees the world in deltarune, and considering Flowey’s next action after realizing this was to plan to destroy the world in order to make a new one with Chara from scratch, it really makes me concerned for Seam and their role in deltarune
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 3 years
This isnt a really a request but like you can do whatever you want with this
What if spamton had a s/o and around the time they were more stable and spamton had better mental health and his s/o met the Addison's at some point. Maybe it wasn't really planned but his s/o has a long talk with them about leaving Spamton in the dust based on what information they were able to gather and maybe they apologize to Spamton and actually really feel bad??? Spamton didn't even put them up to it they just went for it bc that's their boy!!! They're gonna stand up for him!!! He's been through so much!!! 🥺🥺🥺
(it might even hit home for them if they haven't been in the greatest mental space in the past themself and they do what they wished someone did for them in that time period)
-(idk if this name is taken but) moth anon (???)
I love this idea and oops--it turned into a full blown fic, so enjoy!
(For clarification, this takes place while Spamton is living at the mansion, so you can imagine him as a normal Addison or after he mimics Swatch)
"Spamton? No idea who you're talking about."
"Spamton? Haven't heard that name in a long time."
"Spamton? We don't talk about that around here."
Every Addison you've talked to spoke of Spamton rather dismissively when you brought up his name. Either that or they'd dodge the question entirely by rambling about their products. While the smiles never left their faces, they got more annoyed as you tried questioning what exactly happened between him and them.
"It's personal..please buy something or go. Y-You're holding up the line." One claims even though no Darkner is in sight.
Obviously, something was up.
Although you mentioned their unusual words to Spamton at the color café, he just shrugged them off as "ex-business partners" who ditched him only because they were jealous of his success. He didn't seem to care, claiming it's all part of his "sacrifice" to become a big shot. And if that's what it took, so be it.
Yet from the way the glass drink shook in his hand, which you pointed out after helping him calm down, it was clear he cared a lot and was hurt by them leaving.
Sure, money can buy him luxurious material values. But it can never mend the wounds inflicted by those who abandoned him.
Eventually you dropped the subject, not wanting to upset him further. Though now that you've heard his side of the story....it didn't seem right.
Under normal circumstances you wouldn't interfere with other people's drama. But this was the love of your life..and he was hurting inside. It seemed ridiculous the Addisons turned their back on him for such a petty reason. He certainly wasn't the type to brag about how he's better than them.
Hell, he told you he even offered to share his success with them, and they spat it back in his face.
What kind of friends would do that?
It bitterly reminded you of life back in the Light World, shunned by friends all because you achieved at something they couldn't. And they let jealousy consume them.
Yes..you can definitely relate to your boyfriend in that regard. It's why you stuck around, moved into the mansion with him, and eventually decided to live in the Dark World permanently. Because you both understood each other.
And it hurt to see him in your situation. That made you want to do something. Anything.
You decided you'll stand up for him once and for all.
The next day you called all the Addisons to meet you at the cyber grill they frequented with the promise of new products for them to sell. But while that was true, you wanted to confront them first.
Now they couldn't blabber about their stores as a diversion.
They sat down at the usual large table towards the back of the restaurant, away from other patrons, and looked around with confused glances, wondering where these so-called "new products" were.
Soon you arrived, wearing a hood to conceal your identity in case they decided to scatter. Given all the customers they met daily, it was unlikely that they'd remember your face, but you didn't wanna take any chances.
You set down the boxes you brought on another table, before turning to the group. "Thank you for meeting me here, Addisons. Now before I tell you about these, I need to ask you all something. Just a quick survey."
Orange nodded. "Alrighty. Whatcha got for us, mysterious stranger?"
"We'll be happy to answer anything for you!" Blue chimed in.
"First question. Why are you all mad at Spamton?"
One by one, their faces fell as they wondered how you knew about their relation to him. But when you finally uncovered your hood, they were stunned.
"It's you!" Orange growled, slapping their hand on the table. "This was all a scam, right? Just to trick us into talking about our personal issues?! Should've just asked him yourself!"
"Orange, mind your temper," Yellow calmly told them, before glancing back at you. "We've been avoidant on the matter because sharing personal drama is not a good look on our businesses. But you seem persistent on knowing. May I ask why?"
"Well, we're dating." You answered, once more shocking the Addisons.
But this revelation made them livid.
First Spamton got filthy rich, then a place at the mansion, and now he had a partner??? How much more could that sleazy salesman possibly want?!!
"W-Well..good for you, I guess." Pink grumbled. "He probably told you we ditched him 'cause we didn't get our fair share. But I mean that's reasonable, isn't it? He left us behind, worshipping whoever's on that silly phone of his all day."
"Yeah," Blue nodded. "We're just..stuck selling the same things in the heart of the city while he's living the dream. That's why we're mad. So..do we get the products?"
"Not until you apologize to him."
"What?!" They collectively uttered, before they began speaking over each other.
"He should be apologizing to us!"
"If he really felt bad he wouldn't have sent you."
"....maybe we should."
Everyone fell silent and looked to Blue in confusion. You sighed, glad to see one of them had common sense. "I mean, isn't it kinda childish to say "we don't wanna hang out with you anymore"? If he was a jerk I'd understand but..even now he's still the sweetest guy I've met. Did he ever brag about being richer than any of you?"
Yellow shook their head. "Come to think of it he never actually did. I guess we were all just..shocked that the unluckiest of us made his way to the top so quickly and was all hush-hush about his strategy. But...maybe we were wrong to assume he didn't need us."
The others didn't seem as irate as they did before. Instead they felt bad now that they realized they really didn't give Spamton a chance to explain himself.
Were they wrong for that?
It seems you've convinced them. So you sat down, taking your phone out to dial a familiar number. "I'm calling him now. When he gets here you're all gonna apologize. Then you'll get your products."
"Pssh, watch him not pick up the pho-" Orange began to sneer.
"Hey darling. Yeah I'm at the cyber grill. Mind coming over? I'm at the back.....yes I promise I'll buy you that special meal they got for $19.97. Okay! See you then, sweetie."
Looking at Orange, you smirked as you put the phone down. "You were saying?"
"He..didn't put you up to this?"
"Nope. I was able to figure it out on my own."
Your only worry was that you had no clue how Spamton was gonna react to seeing you with all of them..considering how jealous he got when you just took a free sample from Pink's store. But you had to settle this feud for good, because if not you...who will?
No more than ten minutes later, your boyfriend arrived and went to the back of the grill with an eager smile on his face-
Only to halt upon seeing the Addisons at the table.
"What the f...fifty percent off?!!! Is this a joke?!" He scowled, looking at you. "You said this was a dinner date! You said-!!"
"We wanna apologize to you, Spamton."
His eyes widened as he looked to Yellow. "Wh...What? Only now you all do?" He glared accusingly, before glancing around to see every other patron was minding their business.
Then he sighed and took the seat next to yours, still glaring at his ex-friends. Yet as the Addisons took turns explaining themselves and admitting their petty jealousy was stupid, his gaze softened up.
Obviously they were right to be upset when he wouldn't say anything about who helped him be so successful. You could understand, but even so Spamton huffed at their remarks on that.
"I meant it when I said I couldn't tell you my client's name. I..I didn't even know it. So how can you be mad at me for something I don't know?!!"
Feeling a hand on his arm, he looked at you, calming down slightly before he could get too heated. He then exhaled shakily. "I'm sorry, too..for keeping secrets and acting like I didn't need any of you. You all pushed me to be a big shot and..I-I lost sight of who really helped me get to this point. God, I'm sorry. I want a second chance..to prove I'm not this greedy jerk you all made me out to be."
Blue smiled and reached over to hug him. "We'll give you a second chance, bud! We Addisons gotta stick together regardless of our wealth status."
Soon the others joined the hug, all equally feeling guilty for abandoning him for weeks.
Though no one felt as guilty as Spamton, who bit back tears. He was always terrified of confronting them again, and now he had nothing to be afraid of. They forgave him.
Meanwhile you just sipped your drink, being the only one left out of the hug which was..a little awkward. But it didn't bother you at all.
This was their moment, not yours.
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humunanunga · 3 years
(Last edited 10/26/2021) More Addison headcanons based on canon details: it's still unclear whether every instance of the blue, pink or orange vendors are the same three people, yellow notwithstanding; but if all instances of the pink one are the same person, it paints an interesting picture. They sell rings and address Noelle as angel. In the Snowgrave Route, Spamton also sells you a ring and addresses her as angel. And the Thorn Ring is only available after the Freeze Ring's seller is... out of the way. Spamton's arc and the Snowgrave Route both seem to be characterized as "no pain, no gain." And the pink Addison, who successfully sells a whole variety of wares to Kris's whole party, even while they're split up, their post-Neo lines are the ones that express the most envy over Spamton's success.
So this is where I take that and come up with headcanons. The pink Addison strikes me as a "lift yourself by your bootstraps" kinda person, so they probably thought up until then that Spamton's poor sales were some fault of his own, like he just wasn't trying hard enough. The Addisons were all the kind of coworkers who would drink together after work not because they were as close with each other as they might’ve thought, but because they were more like a petty high school clique together than business associates. It took no time at all to drive them nuts when Spamton caught the kind of lucky break they could only dream of, but the pink one especially held a grudge. It wasn't fair that they weren't the one rewarded for all their hard work. How dare Spamton, of all people, make them feel so insecure. And because the Addisons are a clique, one’s grudge is everyone’s grudge, or else they’ll have another civil war amongst themselves.
Going back to this, meanwhile, Spamton already struggled heavily with identity. He already felt like the odd one out, and it didn’t help that he struggled so much with his job before this, leaving him to wonder if the problem was always him. So he thought this would be his chance to reinvent himself as someone... more lovable. Someone more like... like Swatch, maybe. They made him feel gender, at least, so that was one step closer to feeling more like he found himself. But as Spamton changed his hair, his style, the other Addisons took that personally too, egged on by the pink one. They saw it as Spamton trying to set himself apart from them. Like he was rubbing it in how much better than them he is now.
...Spamton still internalizes a lot of Pink's constant "no pain no gain" advice from the old days, though. Losing his relationships with the other Addisons seemed to affirm it, after all, not to mention anything else that could've happened to make him so dependent and unstable now... yeah, actually, with or without Spamton’s agent throwing him under the bus, the drama with the Addisons could’ve really done him in too if their personal drama escalated into full-blown bullying for a while, especially if it got bad enough that he had to be the one to cut contact with them. It could be another reason he ignored the phone in his shop. He could also be afraid that one of them found his number.
...I don't think it got as far as that, though. I think my headcanon is that it got to a point where anything Spamton said to defend himself just egged them on until one of the other Addisons just had it with him, and one by one, the rest were discouraged from keeping contact with him. It just stirred up too much drama. By the time everyone cooled down, they didn't know how to pick up where they left off, and it's too late to dig up the past anyway. So they just kept avoiding the subject...
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hollowsart · 3 years
Hey so uh idk if this is related to what you're drawing with the broken glasses or not, but I had a thought with Spamton and no one I know irl cares about it but I need to tell somebody--
Spamton is, for some reason, shorter than the other addisons.
Spamton also, for some reason, has a puppet's body, or at least the face of one. The other addisons do not.
He's also pure white with black accents, as opposed to a single color with a black shirt and green pants like the others.
Queen has mentioned that one can shrink if they go into her acid pool (in regards to how people could fit in her tiny houses).
Spamton has referred to himself as the "it burns! Stop! Help me! IT BURNS!!!" guy, and has also made reference to burning acid as well.
I'm sure I think I've made some brilliant connection but others have probably thought of this days ago. But all the art I've seen likes to draw Spamton as always having been short and white, and I haven't seen anyone explain why he has a puppet face instead of a normal addison one. The glasses and hair are explained fine; it's the puppet aspect itself that no one mentions. At least not that I've seen anyway.
... sorry for the long ask but I don't know anyone besides myself who cares about spamton and I need to share this with somebody
LONG RESPONSE, cutting for length:
oh! I've actually seen a few explanations, and even did my own thing, but it's really nothing extensive or explanatory, just a random thing I doodled for fun:
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I just think he wanted to stand out from the rest, not be just another regular addison. So he just kinda.. took after Swatch a little tiny bit and did his own thing I guess?? but also... he is like a puppet, all the strings attached, that's a whole bunch of little elements to his whole character and backstory. So like.. idk. I'm not clever enough to really think of anything like that on my own haha
But also. someone said he probably sounds like a youtube poop and honestly? the only thing that comes to mind whenever I hear Spamton's line about being the "AH IT BURNS HELP" guy is that CDI Link clip of Ganon(?) screaming LOL SO I mean.. That checks out.
(also I feel like it would be in character for Queen to just say something really dumb as 'shrink in the acid :)' without that actually being what the acid would even do if someone fell in. Acid does shrink you...... while essentially killing you and burning you away painfully. but you're shrinking nonetheless.. also battery acid would just slowly eat away at you, it would be horrible)
here's some links to a few takes on Spamton and why he's short/looks the way he does, etc etc, I like these takes a lot: [1] [2] [3] [4]
I just wanna add this because it's hilarious and I love it: [worm]
additionally I did see [this] and... the addisons also having the nutcracker mouth? I like that. that's cool. very clever, now Spamton's not alone :>
...Also.. maybe. the doll-esque appearance thing was also part of his "corruption" ? as like.. a visual side-effect. Similar to how if your computer has a virus, yeah some things may bug out here and there, but also if it's bad enough, the whole visuals thing kicks in and makes things look different or wrong. Him looking doll-like rather than more "fleshy" normal like the other Addisons is definitely very off as it's clear he's not supposed to look that way...
personally, I do really enjoy the idea of Spamton just always having been small, plus, in the queen's mansion/palace, he has a whole normal room like Kris, Ralsei, and Susie's. alongside Asriel and Jockington's! He's big enough to just stay in a regular room like that without needing to be shrunk to fit into one of those tiny houses in the acid river/lake rooms...
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tyirsims · 4 years
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‘Towering Intellect’ Seamless Bookcases
'Towering Intellect’ bookcase made seamless plus one-tile and corner tile add-ons
Okay, full disclosure, I’ve been sat on these for about 2 months. All they needed was some final testing but I just didn’t do it for ages. But now I’ve done it! So if you’d like the ability to line a room totally in bookcases, boy have I got good news for you. I always thought these bookcases looked like the Dahlen bookcase that came from The Sims 2: University, and someone back in the day made a corner version for that and I wanted to emulate it for TS4. Ummmmmm, I think that’s everything more info, pics and dl below the cut!!
Download: SFS (no adfly)
You can download each piece separately or download the merged file, do whats right for you!!
All EA textures included, plus a couple extra EA wood tones PLUS Plasticbox’s generous TOU means I could include the extra swatches they made and included with their edits to the Towering Intellect bookcase thing... (DEFINITELY recommend checking out that page plus the recommended downloads to the right of the page by Pbox. We have to stan).
Each bookcase has two LODs, looking at the original I think they originally only had one?? Basically it’s very reasonable EA-y in terms of poly count
Okay bear with me for the next point, it isn’t important but i feel like i have 2 say it
The corner bookcase is cloned from a normal 1-tile bookcase, and so Sims will try to interact with it from the direction it faces when u place it in build mode. If a wall is placed in front of it the Sim won’t use it. That being said, Sims are happy to use the corner bookcase when both/either sides are connected to more bookcases, which is basically how the vast majority of ppl will use the corner bookcase I guess? basically don’t place the corner bookcase facing the wall if u want ur sims to use it??? idk i probs shudnt have mentioned it cuz i doubt anyone will ever face this issue 😩
Credit to EA for only including 3 swatches originally?? like?? that do take nerve....
Anyways, more pics! Including all of the dang swatches! Love u guys by for another unspecified amount of time!! (3 minutes? 8 years??? we just don’t know!!)
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Sim faces the “front” of the corner piece
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And when the corner piece is surrounded by bookcases, the Sim can still use it normally
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Also I didn’t mention it before but the two one-tile book cases have different books on the shelves to the two-tile version, so if you tile them it doesn’t look as repetitive. Also the above and below images are the original swatches and my add-ons (not including the default yellow-toned wood)
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These are all the swatches below, unedited image. The 9 swatches at the back are by Plasticbox!!
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r0b0-writes · 2 years
Now that requests are open again, Sunburn confession fic maybe?
You decide who confesses first <3
(yes I've sent this before, but you can decline if you want, no problem)
Since this is a topic that happens in the official fanfic, I’ll leave a note saying this is not canonly what happens. In the fic, eventually they do officially ‘get together’. This is not related or similar to that moment I have planned.
Title: Panic in the Courtyard Words: 1,324
Mark squeezed the handle of his bat, a lump in his throat. “(What am I even doing)?” He looked at the crinkled paper in his other hand. He’d never studied a day in his life, but he studied this paper like his life depended on it. He felt so foolish standing in front of his mirror and rehearsing. 
He wasn’t good with words, he didn’t like feeling so open, so vulnerable. It felt wrong.
But… she deserved to be swept off her feet. Sunny deserved something romantic. 
It felt weird being this… formal, too. Mark already felt uncomfortable, the pants were too stiff, the collar was too tight. He wanted his old clothes back. He’d never spent money on new clothes until today. Why waste money on new clothes when he could just patch up the old ones? Or better, get Sunny to patch them up. It always gave him an excuse to see her.
“(I wouldn’t even be doing this if it wasn’t for Queen),” he thought as he began his slow walk to the girl's dorm. Each step made him anxious like someone was gonna point and laugh at how uppity he looked. Queen had unceremoniously dropped the biggest new gossip she’d heard. Apparently, Sunny had told Sweet, who told Cap’n and Cakes, who told Swatch, who told Tasque, who told her, that Sunny had a crush on him. He hadn’t thought much about it until he mentioned it at lunch. Jevil, Seam, and a reluctant Spamton thought the two had already been dating. A shock to the class clown. His own friends thought he was dating Sunny? Did her friends think so, too? Suddenly, the three told him that ‘she won’t wait forever for you to catch on’ and ‘she might move on soon’. He didn’t mind the thought of dating her, in fact, he liked it. As long as nothing changed. 
He liked holding her hand, he liked when she would fall asleep on him, he especially liked all the teasing they did. And he was the only one who got to see her rebellious side. No one else knew she was the one who spray-painted Mr. Mettaton’s face onto the side of a dumpster. No one else knew she was the one behind the confetti traps in Undyne’s office. No one else knew she wasn’t some quiet, petite, perfect A+, goody-two-shoes, student. Only him. 
He didn’t want any of that ruined. He wanted her happy above all else, but… she could be happy with him, right? If she already liked him then… nothing would have to change... right?
Sunny was already waiting for him outside her dorm. She blinked when she saw his attire. She’d never seen him look so proper. 
His stride got a little shorter when he saw her staring. “(She already knows, goddamn it),” he groaned. He squeezed his fists to his side. 
“Hey, you’re all dressed up,” Sunny noted, “what for?” “I– I…” Mark gulped, sweating. Her head tilted, “you okay?”
“Yep! Yep, fine, I’m fine. All good, yep!” He lied. “So, uh, I have something important to tell you,” he dug in his pocket for the paper, now even more crumbled. It was almost illegible.
He held the paper in front of his face so Sunny couldn’t see him. 
“Sunny, I– I think that you’re really cool, You’re the only reason I still go to this school.”
Oh, he was burning up now. A poem? Really? Well, it hadn’t been his idea, anyhow. This was Seam and Jevil’s fault. 
He should’ve gone with Spamton’s idea. Fireworks would’ve been a much better approach.
“Y– You make my… uh,” he lost his spot, “my uh, my… uh– !” 
Eyes scanning, couldn't find the words, couldn't remember. His hands were shaking. This was all falling apart. She was going to think he was weird and never want to see him again. He felt his hollow chest somehow get hollower. 
“Hey, what’s wrong?” Sunny pushed the paper down. His face was red, shoulders tense as he tried to look anywhere except her face. He opted to just squeezing his eyes shut. 
“Listen, I… I wanna tell ya something important, but I don’t know how to say it. You uh, you’re my best friend. And I never want how we are to change, but uh, recent news has come to my attention and– and uh…” 
Two hands clasped around his, “calm down first. You don’t sound like yourself.” Sunny led him to a bench and the two sat down. She rubbed his back as he continued to struggle.
“(Shoulda went with the fireworks).”
A few moments passed before he decided to talk again. “So, Queen told me that you… have a crush on me.”
Sunny’s gentle backrubs stopped. 
“And I… I don’t really know what to do now,” Mark admitted. “I mean, I like you, I do. I really like you. I like how close we are, I like when we hang out, I like holding your hand. I like so much of what makes us, us.”
He paused, giving her a moment to interject if she wanted. She remained silent. He started talking again.
“And, I don’t know, I’ve thought about it before, but… but I always end up thinkin’,” his eyes began to glisten. “I just keep thinkin’ ‘she’s too good for me, what would she want with me?’ and now I find out you might have liked me fo awhile and I’ve just been oblivious to it?” He was grateful no tears were falling. He didn’t say anything more. What else was there to say?
Sunny removed her hand from his back, and with it, she took all the heat from his body. 
“I do like you,” she answered. “I’ve wanted to tell you for a long time. I’m sorry you heard it from Queen first,” she said her name with extra shade attached. It was silly, she had always thought he was too good for her. He was always smiling, always there for her, always knew how to make her feel better. He was so, so kind. “Mark,” she sighed, “I just want you happy.”
“I just want you happy,” he repeated.
Sunny finally twisted her body back to face him, she still avoided his eye contact. “Can I… hold your hands? While I say this next part?”
They were already being offered.
“You’re my best friend, too,” her fingers traced the outline of his palms. “And I never want to ruin what we have. If you’re not interested then that’s fine.” She lifted her head, “I just want to be by your side for as long as you’ll let me.”
He squeezed her hands, bringing them to just above the hollow part of his chest. There was no beat, but there was soft humming from the empty spot. If they listened closely, they could’ve heard it. 
“Then you aren’t leaving my side,” spoken firmly, no questions, “ever.”
It was Sunny’s turn for her eyes to glisten. 
“You mean it?” Mark nodded. 
She made him feel hope, she made him want to try. She was his angel, how could he ever part from her?
The two hadn’t realized their hands were still together, each subconsciously trying to soothe the other. 
“So,” Mark gulped, “what do we do now?” Sunny hummed, thinking only a moment, “I think… we owe someone a little visit.”
Hours later, the two were hiding behind a trashcan in the girls hall. They watched as Queen entered from the other end of the hall and went to her room. The door opened and–
“AUGH!” Queen screeched. She backed up into the hall, “Who Did This?!” 
A bucket hung on her head, glitter sparkled down on her, covering her from head-to-toe. “Jokes On You! I Like Glitter!” She yelled angrily, then slammed the door shut. A muffled scream followed from behind the door. 
Mark and Sunny couldn’t hold back their laughter. 
Serves her right.
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