#and if you're rich she w i l l kick your ass
pr0cyon-lotor · 11 months
Something reawakened my Alien Stage obsession! Have some modern AU headcanons/brainrot™ :D
(The alien keepers are just their parents or something)
General rambles
Till is a god in the kitchen. Mizi can only bake b/c she has set instructions, but can tweak the recipe if she needs to. Sua can't cook/doesn't know how to. Ivan burned something and isn't allowed in it again. LUKA IS NOT ALLOWED IN THE FUCKING KITCHEN OH MY GOD DON'T LET HIM COOK THEY HAD TO CALL THE FIRE DEPARTMENT LAST TIME. Hyuna can't cook for shit w/o proper instructions. Her ass cannot improvise in the kitchen.
Sus and Ivan are siblings (twins if you will) and absolutely terrible to each other (like normal siblings). They could be sitting together and suddenly Sua kicks him off the couch and puts her feet up. Or Ivan throw something at the back of her head unprompted. They are literally the most chill people in the group, until they're in each other's arms length. Then, they might as well be wild cats fighting over a piece of fish
Mizi and Till are childhood friends and talk shit together
Till knows how to apply makeup (both on himself and others) b/c Mizi would test out things on him.
Almost everyone is a cat person. Except for Sua, who is neutral, and Mizi, who likes dogs more.
Mizisua rambles
Neither of them are the warm hands to the other's cold hands. They sleep with a lot of blankets and a heater on
Mizi doesn't know how to braid hair. Sua barely knows how to braid hair. They were so used to their parents/servants doing their hair for them that they don't know how to do anything fancy. But Sua did learn how to braid hair for Mizi.
Sua was/is a rich kid. And she's SUPER irresponsible with money when it comes to Mizi. "You want this dress? Sure. Don't look at the price tag, you liked it so you're getting it."
They're both clingy if the other has to leave for an extended period of time.
Mizi likes climbing up places and napping. And Sua got really good at hide and seek.
They don't have separate wardrobes b/c both of them stole each other's clothes so often they lost track what was originally theirs or the other's.
Ivantill rambles
Till is cold constantly. Ivan is a walking heater. My point is they hold hands and cuddle.
Ivan definitely turls a piece of his hair, while kicking his feet and giggling when he's calling Till. At this point Till is unfazed by it
Ivan calls Till "my star" "my universe" or any other space related petname. (l accidentally predicted that in an old post oops) Till refuses to call him any pet name b/c he'd die of embarrassment
They also steal each other's clothes, but they can tell who's is who's b/c they both have very distinct styles
Till fumbled the bag with Mizi so bad he accidentally fell into lvan's arms and I think that's a funny concept
Have we ever considered that Till might be just as cringe with lvan as he is with Mizi once he starts catching feelings. Like it's possible. Till can just be cringe with the people he likes. Probably not as bad with lvan, but even a fraction would make me happy.
Hyuluka rambles
Luka is shockingly needy and clingy. He would prefer to get dragged through the mud than let go of Hyuna. Hyuna finds it endearing and worrying
There's a lot of heels and dresses in their home. None of them are Hyuna's
Luka is the type that NEEDS TO LOOK GOOD AT THE HOSPITAL! What if the doctors thinks he's not hot enough 🥺 Hyuna has to drag him to the hospital b/c he's fixing his eyeliner. And no you can't just put a little bit of blush on, your bone is stabbing through your calf
Hyuna's love language is acts of service and food sharing. Luka's is being a little shit and physical touch
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tokoyamisstuff · 1 year
Punchline pt. 2/3 - Buggy / Reader
Ch. 2: Build
Summary: While you are on the run, Buggy reminisces about your unusual relationship.
Warnings: Angst, Kidnapping, Cussing, Alcohol, Mentions of Violence and Death, Reader is still kinda annoying here sorry
[Previous Chapter] - [Next Chapter]
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A/N: Went a lil' overboard (hehe) with that one. I am sleep deprived but on a mission for you guys. As always not proofread.
[ Two years prior]
"Take everything that's not nailed down!" Buggy ordered his men around as he stepped over the corpses of the enemy crew, "And don't you dare keep something for yourself!"
Oh, Buggy was mad, and not just in the literal sense.
He has eyes and ears everywhere after all, and got notice of a particular rumor going around.
Some no-name pirates had come up with the brilliant idea to kidnap Y/N Y/L/N, the daughter of some nobleman, hoping to squeeze him out of a good portion of his wealth for her return. The clown was almost jealous that he didn't come up with the idea himself...
...but that's even better, right? Now that they've done the dirty work, Buggy only needed to take her from them and collect the money.
"Who do we have here? Another freak for our show?" he scoffed, accompanied by his crew's conditioned laughter.
"P-Please" the other captain begged so soon it was almost boring to torture him now. Buggy laughed menacingly, janking the man by his hair with ease.
"The girl" he demanded, the blades in between his fingers only barely scratching the neck of his enemy. "Tell me where she is and I might even let you live."
Too afraid to utter a single syllable, the man pointed to the trap door that led to a part of the ship's basement.
"Thank youuuuu" the clown chanted way too enthusiatically as he dropped his victim, face thumping on the wooden planks with a loud bang.
Everything was a success up until now - Buggy's crew obliterated those pathetic wannabe-pirates, stole everything of worth and captured those who could be of use to him. And only to think about the ransom money he could get out of that rich asshole made Buggy feel like throwing a dissolute party tonight.
"I'm feeling generous today" he stated as he confidently strode towards his biggest treasure yet, "Everyone who'd rather work for me than die is free to join my crew."
The clown basically kicked in the trap door leading to a small chabin of the lower deck...
...what he found there however made his cheerful spirit disappear into thin air.
"What the heck" he blurted out as he jumped down to get a more proper look, seeing you cower in a corner of your prison.
It was a sight that made even the ruthless Buggy's insides churn.
A fragile yet stunning woman indeed - but those lowlifes had beaten you to a pulp. You were in an almost catatonic state, only reacting when Buggy came closer.
"P-Please, no-no more!" Blood was splattering out of your mouth while you whimpered and begged, flinching when the pirate reached out for you...
...but the hit never came. Instead, his hand carefully ghosted across your cheek, putting some strands of your hair out of the was as he assessed your face.
"Hey, doc!" he then roared, the sudden noise making you wince once again. "Move your ass here!"
Glossy eyes blinked up to the bizarre person towering over you, not daring to raise your hopes after the torment of the past few days.
Before you could even react, the man swiftly picked you up, a wide grin stretched across his face as he winked at you. "You're welcome, sweetheart."
Your intuition told you that you were safe now, so exhaustion soon got the better of you. Buggy watcher mutely as you collapsed right in his hold, his smug smile disappearing.
It was awfully quiet on board when the clown ascended the stairs with you in his arms. He wordlessly let you down on a stretcher, two of his men carrying you onto his ship so he could attend more urgent affairs again.
"So..." Buggy turned around, now again wielding his knives in both hands, "I'm thrilled to hear why you morons would beat the girl so that not even her own father would recognize her! Better choose your words wisely."
"B-But you said you'd have mercy!"
"I also said I'd die my hair pink but here we are" the clown shrugged, unimpressed by the other captain uttering countless excuses.
Still, all of a sudden Buggy just turned his back to the man and was on his heels, leaving his rival - if one could even call him that - appaled as well as speechless.
"Well then, farewell. Let's go guys!"
Even after a few minuted had passed and the Bog Top had set sail again, everyone was too stunned to believe what just happened.
"Boss?" Mohji was the only one daring to ask straight away, "Why did you decide to let them go?"
"Who said I did?"
And at that very moment, the enemy ship on the horizon blew up through several Buggy Bombs, his cheeky grin returning way more sinister this time.
"Now to business..." he giggled as he passed the celebrating crew, quite satisfied with himself.
Without even having the decency of knocking he stormed into the room you were brought to, seeing you sit on a cot bed with your knees pulled to your chest.
"Y/N was it, right? Already looking way less shitty than before!" he commented only to be rewarded with a gloomy look.
"Who are you?" your voice cracked several times mid sentence, and you were surprised by his consideration when the man in front of you offered a glass of water to treat your sore throat. Not caring whether it could be poisoned - hell, right now you'd drink piss for all you cared - you emptied it all in one go.
"Oh, you don't know me?" The pirate did a boastful pose as one of his feet stepped onto a barrel, chest swelling with pride as he introduced himself. "The name's Buggy. Buggy the Clown! The Flashy Funster, the-"
"Well, for your information: I'm also the future King of Pirates." You chose to not further comment on that statement. "So, young lady, now it's your turn to tell me why they messed up your face like that."
"Yeah, I can see that" you interrupted him in a matter-of-factly tone, visibly unimpressed.
Heh, he liked your guts already.
"You're one to talk" you spat venom at him, not feeling like complying - but commenting on his appearance crossed a line for the clown.
He slammed his hands to the wall right next to either side of your face, harshly grabbing your chin and forcing you to look up. "A bold gal for someone that just needed to get her ass saved from the brink of death just a few hours ago, ain't ya?"
"Alright, you want the truth?" you snapped back at the criminal, still refusing to meet his eyes. "My father no better than them! He's an abusive piece of shit that's probably glad his troublesome burden of a daughter is finally not his problem anymore. So there's not one berry to gain from me, which is why that other captain let off some steam on my face. Got it? You happy now?"
"...you're lying. Don't you dare fucking with me-"
Just as he pointed a threatening finger in your direction, you slapped his hand away and pulled a crumbled letter out of your torn sleeve. There it was, black on white, an official seal decorating the bottom right corner of the paper - very formally written, but your father basically told them you're not important enough to pay for.
For a whole while, nothing but silence accentuated Buggy's dumbfounded expression.
"Are you fucking kidding me?! All this work for nothing? Shit! Godfuckingdamnnit!!" Tears began dwelling in your eyes once again, knowing very well this was the opposite of what he wanted to hear. Buggy was already in the middle of a violent ourburst, cussing and destroying furniture left and right.
Pirates are all the same, or so you thought.
"Do me a favour and just get it over with" you asked unnaturally calm when the clown was done letting out his frustation - after all, you had already prepared yourself for the worst back with the other pirates. "Throw me overboard, shoot me, or whatever."
"Wha- the hell are you talking about, woman?!" Buggy facepalmed, rubbing his face to become clear-headed again. "Why the fuck would I do that? I'm not a monster."
For some reason, his whole demeanour caused you to crack a smile in this surreal situation. "If that's the case, you really should consider changing your wardrobe."
How dare you aggravating him beyond belief, after just ruining what should've been his biggest win yet?
God, Buggy had a feeling you were just as insufferable as he was - no, worse...
...it kind of grew on him already, though.
"Haha, very funny." Crossing his arms in front of his chest, the pirate sighed mentally before stating "Too bad for you, but I'm the only jokester around. We're dropping you off at the next best port and that's it."
Buggy stopped in his track, his hand already on the doorknob when you called out for him.
"I-I...have nowhere to go." You nervously fumbled with your hands, quietly adding "And I certainly won't go back to my father."
So bratty before and now acting all submissive - not that he minded it. "Your point being?"
"Can-could't I just stay with you guys?"
A loud, kinda unsettling giggle filled the room as Bucky slapped his knee and simultaneously held his stomach while laughing.
"Now that was a hilarious joke! But I like your guts!" He scoffed all boastful, wiping a methaphorical tear from one eye. "Wanting to be fed through, but in what way exactly would you benefit the team?"
You hissed like a cornered cat when the clown's face was suddenly just inches from yours, taking in your appearance from head to toe. "Everyone needs to play a part in my circus, dear."
"I..." you seemingly debated something mentally before ultimatively answering "I can sing. Is that good enough?"
"Mhh? Might've to hear it to decide" Buggy answered, admittedly intrigued if you actually had a talent for music. "Well, I guess there's always something to do on a ship this big. And I have a big heart, after all."
"Hopefully as big as your nose" you retorted without thinking first, but as always your mind catched up on your mouth way too late.
You swear to have heard his head crack as he moved it from left to right, clenching his jaw before turning to you once again.
"I-I'm sorry..." It wasn't like you were scared, the opposite even - for a split second you saw actual hurt in the man's eyes and it made you sick with guilt. "You saved me, and I'm so impolite. I- it was a rough few days. I didn't mean to be mean, really!"
God, why can't you ever shut up for heaven's sake? Joking about one's obviously biggest insecurity and now...with every word you're probably only making things worse!
And if only you knew the horrible consequences other people had to face for less than this comment...
...but it seemed that somehow, Buggy had a soft spot for you already.
"Oh" he finally opened his mouth, voice cutting through the thick air. "As soon as you're healthy again I'll have you clean every toilet on this ship" he grumbled, yet failed to be as furious as he'd usually be with others.
"Deal." You cracked a smile, being rewarded with him unwillingly mirroring it. Ignoring your pain and discomfort, you tried bowing a little before adding "Oh, and again, properly this time: Thank you for saving me. I'm really grateful, Buggy."
"From now on, that's 'Captain' to you."
[Present time]
"...I almost forgot that she was a pain in the ass from the very start."
Your now-kinda-ex-lover currently did what he could best - drowning his sorrow in cheap liquor. Gosh, one would think he'd be used to that crippling feeling of inadequacy and loneliness...
...but your words still echoed through his mind, as if taunting him for letting someone peek behind his prideful mask.
He threw another empty bottle through his room, the glass shattering on impact with the wall. He rubbed his aching temples, concluding the mess would be a problem for future Buggy.
Yes, in more than one way you and him had been alike - you simply had the privilege to be born pretty.
He had thought you to be a spoiled brat in the beginning, but quickly realized that this first impression of you couldn't have been more wrong.
Ever since he saved you back then you had worked your ass off every single day, not once questioning orders from the man that had given you a new chance at life.
There was always a cheerful atmosphere on the ship and everyone had welcomned you with open arms, so you weren't afraid of those apparent 'freaks' in the slightest...
And while you couldn't deny that this man was insane in more way than one, it was hard to believe him and his crew to be the ruthless criminals they depictured themselves as.
They were simply lost souls that were treated ill just for being different, now seeked out revenge. A cycle of hatred, how sad.
But Buggy had rightfully concouded that while alone they may be weak, but together they could achieve everything.
A 'King of Freaks' they looked up to, who accepted them as they were, gave them a home and purpose - just like he did with you.
...quite the opposite even: You fit right in.
With them, you found an unusual family - yet one you always wished to have.
Talking about the past didn't come easy to you, which was another thing you and the captain had in common.
Merely when you were almost blackout drunk and Buggy had to carry you to your room you had let some details slip, hanging onto his coat maybe a little too tight since he was the only person in the world that made you feel safe.
Told stories about a mother you never got to know, passing away during childbirth. How this man you wouldn't even call a father resented you for it - more likely because you weren't born a male heir.
Back then you were insulted, beaten and humiliated on a daily basis. Treated like a slave and sometimes wouldn't see the daylight for weeks as your father prefered to hide his greatest failure.
Admittedly, you had him wrapped around the finger since the beginning - and it didn't take long until you unknowingly had his heart in a chokehold.
Deemed a failure from the very start...
...trust doesnt come easy to those who have been failed repeatedly - Buggy of all people understood first hand.
At first he found your subtle stares unnerving, mistaking it with the degrading looks he knew all too well...
...yet at one point not even his inferiority complex could stop him from noticing the way your face lit up every single time your eyes met.
While you didn't dare making a direct move on your captian you certainly did not try to hide your little crush for him either.
Moreso, you actively seeked out his company whenever possible, despite all of his efforts to scare you away...
...until he had grown fond of your presence, no - until the two of you had become practically inseparable.
To Buggy, you had one of the brightest laughs that ever graced his ears. And oh, how he loved making you smile through both words and actions. You were so blissfully naive when it cames to his jokes and little pranks, and in opposite to his crew or the usual hostage audience, your outbursts of laughter came from the heart.
It was a mutual benefit, really: Buggy managed to get your reserved self out of your shell, showing you a whole new world with endless possibilities for your former oppressed character to develop...
Even long before you became official, you'd share whole nights together, both as vulnerable as you'd never been before. You'd lull him to sleep with your voice, with his head resting on your lap and your fingers entangled in his blue locks.
...and simultaneously, you brought out the best inside of him as well. Putting up with all of his shenanigans, humbling him if necessary.
And frankly, he needed to be brought down to eart again a lot, so at least once it was good that you had no filter.
Little did you know that he was just as whole heartedly enarmored with you, yet fought it both for your sake and to protect his own heart.
For months, you were wondering if a man of his calibre would even reciprocate those inferior sentiments.
After all, those tender moments you shared were exclusively after both of you shared a fair amount of alcohol - and Buggy chose not to talk about it afterwards.
Buggy remembers it like it was yesterday when he caught you all alone on deck, staring into the night sky with yearning in your eyes. You were clearly shivering due to the cold breeze, until suddenly Buggy's severed hands threw his coat over your shoulders.
You greeted him with an affectionate smile, waving the rest of the clown over. He was looking very plain for his standards, with neither makeup nor accessories and his hair tied into a messy bun.
For a while, the two of you enjoyed the starry sky and salty ocean air together - until Buggy broke the comfortable silence.
"You know, you could leave" he suddenly spoke, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. "Huh? What makes you think I want to?"
"I don't know" he admitted, looking anywhere but your eyes. "You're pretty. Talented. Stronger than you look like. Maybe you'd be better off without some lousy freaks dragging you down."
"Never say something like that again!" you poked his chest as you scolded him. "Without you guys I wouldn't even be still alive! You gave me freedom, a purpose and have been so kind to me all this time, even though I'm nothing but a burden..."
"And I thought I'm the fool here" he chuckled softly, finally looking up from the spot on the ground his eyes were glued on. "To the crew you're like a ray of sun in the middle of a storm! And you're also our star act, besides me obviously. So what makes you think like that?"
Weird. He was behaving so different from his usual self...
...did he care about your feelings after all, or was that just wishful thinking?
"Well, I'm still not a real pirate. You went out of your way training me, and yet- I mean I can't even bear to see people hurt! How's that useful in a profession like ours?"
"You're empathetic" he spoke softly, absentmindedly petting your head. "Something I lack, but not a bad trait. And you don't have to be useful. As long as you're-" Buggy cut himself off, gladly your mind catched up before your mouth would let something slip.
"As long as what?" you repeated his words, and feeling caught his heart instantly dropped into his stomach. "C'mon, you can't be that oblivious."
You only knitted your brows together in confusion, just like every time when you didn't get the punchline to a joke of his. Adorable, it never failed to warm his heart.
"...as long as you're with me, I guess." Your jaw dropped at this almost-confession, just looking at him with a deadpanned expression.
"That's good" you uttered with a shaky breath, "Because I didn't plan to leave the man I love."
"Wait- what?!" Actually, he was waiting for a 'just kidding' from your side. You had an awful sense of humor, after all - and this was just too good to be true.
His reaction did nothing to calm your nerves. After you finally found the courage to confess he wants you to say it again?!
Clenching and unclenching your fists, gulping several times to get the feeling of a lump out of your throat.
"I said I'm in love with you, Buggy!"
Dwelling in those memories did in fact make the hurt of today even worse, he deduced after he could finally tear his mind away from the past.
Buggy buried his face in his hands, mentally preparing himself to step in front of his crew again. Maybe he should redo his smeared makeup, so he wouldn't look like the perfect picture of misery in front of his men.
You're still out there, after all - and all alone in a pirate infected island at that.
"Bring me one more!" Buggy commanded no one in particular as he staggered onto the deck, his crew frightened as they were aware of his current mood. "B-Boss, we're all out. You drank-"
Buggy sucked in a pained breath, ready to let out his built up turmoil of emotions at anyone that would dare make another sound...
...until Cabaji returned with grim news:
"We found her, boss. She-" he paused, knowing his next words might get him into an awful situation.
Immediately, the clown grabbed his subordinate by the collar of his shirt, his severed hands lifting him up with ease. "Where is she, huh? Tell me!"
"Y/N, she- she's with the strawhats."
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ohboipleaseno · 4 years
Okay so, everyone's child, Jehan.
First of all, I wanna say:
Well then,
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And for some reason I think that's the most accurate fem!Jehan but, may I add...
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Just ignore that thing in her nose- I think the app did it???? Idk she's pretty anyways.
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HOW IS SHE SO ¿¿¿???
But also hug her, she needs love.
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Well she wasn't at her best moment here. But Marius looks like a confused fish so it isn't t h a t bad. Enjolras regrets existing. And Joly looks beautiful. They're all queens presidents.
So, that's it. I thought there were more pictures of Jehan but n o p e. The rest are all blurried and they look c u r s e d so I'm sad now.
Anyways, have Jehan and Courfeyrac's child instead:
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chbslove · 4 years
Teen Wolf as things i found in my groupchat
Liam: guyyyyyyys i have to tell u something reeeeeaaaaally important
Stiles, in the same minute: yea
Stiles: i'm here
Stiles: huh
Stiles: wow
Stiles: hello
Stiles: no?
Stiles: ok
Lydia: hey
Allison: hi 🍍
Lydia: nvm
Allison: why 🦘
Lydia: i wanted to ask u something but i remembered the answer to my question while i was typing
Kira: hey do u guys wanna meet up? :))
Lydia: bois
Lydia: boys
Lydia: whatever
Lydia: i'm shopping i can't
Scott: what the fuck
Stiles: bitch i'm cackling
Isaac: wtf is going on
Scott: i got a D- on my chemistry test
Scott: Stiles copied the whole thing off me and got an A
Isaac: now i'm cackling too
Cora: it's period time
Erica: what
Cora: cuz i'm bleeding
Cora: out of my vagina
Erica: does it hurt
Cora: yea
Erica: how much
Liam: [random picture of his feet]
Kira: i really like your socks
Liam: ikr they're awesome
Allison: i'm hungry
Allison: but i just had sumn avocado
Lydia: aw girl now i want sumn avocado too
Malia, two hours later: i wanna eat a horse
Lydia, on vacation: theres a cannabis shop nexx 2 our hotel
Boyd: Are you already on some of that? Your grammar is weird
Lydia: u can buy hookahs hereeeee
Boyd: Lydia i'm sweating please tell me you aren't smoking cannabis
Kira: how du u politely insult someone
Malia: ur a humanly human
Boyd: that's not polite, that's the heaviest insult known to mankind
Lydia: guys i'm going shopping again what should i buy?
Stiles: b a t h b o m b s
Stiles: t o i l e t p a p e r p e r f u m e
Scott: what the heck is toilet paper perfume
Lydia: i need more ideas
Stiles: d e c o r a t i o n
Stiles: p e n s
Stiles: d e c o r a t i o n p e n s
Scott: Stiles what the FUCK are decoration pens
Stiles: i d k
Stiles: s o u n d s g o o d
Lydia: ok thx babe, please stop doing drugs and sleep instead, have a nice day
Stiles: t h x
Stiles: w i l l d o
Scott: something tells me u won't but alright
Scott: what did you get on your essays guys
Lydia: 98
Scott: what
Scott: how
Scott: Stiles you better have a low grade or else i'll kick u
Stiles: i have 105
Lydia: how in the fuck did you get a 105
Liam: what was your essay about
Lydia: we had to write an instructional essay about a mathematical concept we used this year
Lydia: preferably the quadratic formula
Stiles: i wrote 5 paragraphs on how to add single digit numbers
Stiles: 105 for creativity and accuracy
Lydia: youve gotta b kidding me rn
Stiles: i got the idea off a tumblr post
Lydia: i think im having a stroke
Erica: fuck off i don't wanna do school work in quarantine i've got enough to do already
Cora: wtf u doing we're literally quarantined
Erica: sleeping
Erica: bitch
Stiles at three am: W H AT 'S JE S U S C R IM I N AL R E CO RD
Derek: ffs stiles its 3 am go to sleep
Cora: why does my perfume have more curves than i do
Erica: why does the pineapple have more joy in life than i do
Stiles: why does everybody have more talents better mental health and prettier faces than i do
Liam: Stiles
Liam: are you ok?
Stiles: yeah totally anyways guys what are we doing today
Erica, completely out of nowhere: I HATE THIS FUCKING BITCH
Cora: big mood
Kira: hiii guys does anyone want to videochat?? :)
Allison: i have to take a shit later maybe
Kira: oh
Kira: ok
Erica: w h e e z e
Cora: guys i'm feeling down can anyone call me
Kira: yup hun i'm here
Allison: i'm pooping but alas
Cora: no Allison i don't want to talk to you while you're taking a shit
Cora: but thx
Allison: ... you're welcome
Kira: the smolest house in europe is 57 centimetres smol
Stiles: don't know where i'm gonna need this information but i'm pretty sure i will someday so thank u babe
Kira: uwu
Theo: fuck off how does charli damelio have 6 million likes on a tiktok of her drinking a slurpee and i can't even get thirty likes on a text post she's such a stupid whore
Stiles: thats because you're untalented, ugly and unsympathetic as fuck and nobody likes you
Stiles: including me
Stiles: get the fuck off our group chat you heinous jealous slug
Liam: slowclapinthedistance
Kira: guys what do you think of the drama bryce hall got into yesterday
Isaac: nothing
Scott: i'm a potato
Stiles: who the fuck is bryce hall
Kira: the holy trinity
Derek: okay, so we're meeting at my house at two o'clock. possibly/most definitely without scott, because he's not reading or answering any texts.
Stiles, twenty minutes later: i found a wild scott ima drag its ass to dereks now
Theo: idk i don't feel good lately
Theo: like i'm just mentally not alright and i feel down all the time
Stiles: ssshhhh erica
Erica: what
Stiles: do u want crack
Derek: Stiles for fucks sake stop trying to get Erica to do drugs with you
Erica: yes
Derek: wait
Stiles: YES
Derek: NO FUCK
Scott: that's it
Scott: theo ima throw u out of our friend group u are toxic asf
Scott: stiles i'm gonna put you into therapy
Stiles: BITCH
Liam: i'm gonna go to sleep now good night everyone
Theo: have nice dreams
Theo: about murder
Allison: i really want to go shopping anyone down??
Lydia: YES
Lydia: that's the spirit sis
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cocastyle · 5 years
The In-Between Chapter 5
Stranger Things x It Crossover
with some Bill Denbrough x reader
Word Count - 4,949
Warning - Cursing (if some people don’t like that kind of stuff), feels because it’s finally time for the reunion😭💕
A/N- wow two chapters in one weekend, I’m on a roll🤩 so this chapter is pretty much going to be heavily focused on Y/N reuniting with the Party and explaining all that is going on, so no action packed scenes in this chapter lol. anyways, it’s the part of the series everyone has been looking forward to so yay!!! I really hope you guys like this!
if you would like to be added to the tag list, let me know!
T H E I N - B E T W E E N
Intro The Losers’ Club The Party Prolouge 1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Epilogue
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"L/N, still don't know how to stay out of trouble I see."
"Harrington, still don't know how to drive I see."
Steve feigned a look of hurt, but the corners of his mouth twitched up a little more as he looked at the girl. A screech broke the two apart as they turned to see that the demogorgon was starting to get up.
Steve's eyes widened and he looked at Y/N and the group before gesturing towards the back. "Get your asses in the car!" he yelled. "Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!"
The Losers all snapped out of their shock and began to run towards the car. Bill went towards Y/N and helped her up before brushing her hair behind her ear and whispering, "Are you okay?" She nodded and he took her hand before the two quickly crawled into the car, neither of them noticing the look on Steve's face after having seen Y/N, the girl who was practically his sister, holding hands with a boy he didn't even know.
Steve didn't snap out of his surprise until the door was shut and Y/N yelled, "Go!"
It was then that he put the car into reverse and quickly began to drive backwards down the street while the demogorgon chased after them. Steve quickly reversed into a driveway before pulling out and skidding down the street.
Y/N didn't know what had her doing it, but she found herself staring back at the house and the demogorgon. To her surprise, the demogorgon had stopped short, not passing the boundary of the house as it remained in the street much like Pennywise had done when they saw It yesterday. It was only when they were turning off the road that she noticed the demogorgon walk back into the house and she furrowed her eyebrows, confused as to why it just gave up.
"What the fucking hell was that?" Richie cried out causing Y/N to look at the boy with a smirk, her thoughts long forgotten.
"Believe me now, Tozier?" she asked, her voice raised and in a taunting tone just like his had been yesterday.
Richie made a face at her while a gasp of surprise left Steve's mouth. "What the hell. That kid looks just like Mike!" Steve exclaimed.
Richie's nose scrunched up in confusion. "How the fuck do you know Mike? And why would you think we look alike you dumbass?" Richie muttered.
"Different Mike, Richie," Y/N sighed. "It's that kid I told you the first day I met you that you looked like."
"Still don't believe you," Richie rolled his eyes.
Y/N chuckled softly, her small laugh and the usual arguing that goes on between Y/N and Richie easing the tension that had fallen among the group after that near death experience.
Y/N looked around at her friends and furrowed her eyebrows before looking over at Steve, "Where's everyone else?"
Steve glanced at her from the rear view mirror before saying, "What? No 'Hello, Steve. How are you? Thanks for saving my life.' I haven't seen you in two years and the first thing you ask is where the others are?"
Y/N rolled her eyes at the boy, knowing that he was just messing with her. "Hello, Harrington. How have you been? Thank the Lord for your awful driving skills or I would be a demogorgon's dinner right about now," she muttered sarcastically.
Steve made a small face at her and she laughed as she looked at the boy. She couldn't wait for them to get to her house so she could give him a hug. She had missed him a hell of a lot that was for sure.
"I've been doing just wonderful," Steve replied, a cheeky grin on his face. "As for your question, the others are all back at your house. We snuck into the basement because we weren't quite sure if your parents know about the whole situation or not. When you didn't show up, the kids sent me out to go find you."
"So they're here? You're all here?" Y/N asked, her voice just above a whisper as her eyes flickered with excitement.
Steve smiled at the girl and nodded his head. "We're all here, squirt. Drove seventeen fucking hours just to see you," he told her thoughtfully making her smile.
"I hate to break this moment up," Richie began only to have Eddie scoff and say, "No, you don't." Richie shot him a glare before looking to Steve and asking, "But who the fuck are you?"
Steve furrowed his eyebrows and looked at the boy through the mirror. "I could ask you the same thing, Trashmouth. You're the one in my car," he retorted, not knowing that he had used one of Richie's nicknames without even knowing him.
Richie frowned, but Y/N kicked him lightly to gain his attention. "This, Rich, is the one and only Steve Harrington. He's practically my brother so don't scare him off, okay?" Y/N asked.
"Steve," Y/N called out. "These are all of my friends. We've got Richie Tozier, Eddie Kaspbrak, Ben Hanscom, Beverly Marsh, Stanley Uris, and Bill Denbrough. We have another friend Mike Hanlon, but he-"
Y/N trailed off and Steve instantly knew what she was talking about, remembering part of what Dustin had been rambling about during the whole seventeen hour drive. Not wanting her to feel like she had to explain, Steve glanced at the kids through his rear view mirror and nodded at them in greeting before his eyes landed on Bill who he noticed was holding Y/N's hand.
"Just your friends?" Steve questioned, his eyes narrowing as he looked to Bill who gave him an awkward and nervous smile.
Y/N nodded her head in response. "Just friends," she assured him despite the ache in her heart from having to say that. The car got really quiet at that as the Losers looked between Y/N and Bill who had let go of each other's hands and were looking away from each other.
Richie let out a gasp that made the others all look at him. "We left our bikes," he groaned as his head fell into his hands.
This small comment instantly eased the tension in the car and Y/N let out a small laugh as she shook her head and leaned back against the window of Steve's car. She looked to the rear view mirror and watched as Steve glanced back at her before giving her a smile.
It was in that moment that she realized that her friends were all about to meet. It was weird to even think about, but all Y/N could hope for was that everything went okay. Cause if her friends didn't like each other. . .well, she didn't know what she would do.
So with those thoughts rushing through her head, Y/N took in a deep breath and let her eyes fall shut. She needed a moment to enjoy the calm before the storm as they turned down her street.
Cause waiting only a few houses away in her basement were Eleven, Wheeler, Max, Lucas, Dustin, and Will and in the car with her and Steve were Bill, Richie, Eddie, Stan, Ben, and Beverly. In less than five minutes her two worlds were going to collide.
The Party and the Losers' Club were about to meet.
- - -
Once they had reached her house, Y/N had Steve park on the other side of the street and in front of a house that was for sale so that way in case her parents got home, they wouldn't think twice upon seeing the car.
The moment Steve parked the car, Y/N was practically jumping out. Steve barely had time to even put his feet on the ground before the girl hugged him with such force that he went stumbling back.
Steve had to quickly use his hand to steady himself before he looked down to see that Y/N was shaking as she hugged him, tears sliding down her face as her hands curled into fists around his shirt. The boy smiled before wrapping his arms around her, his eyes pricking with tears as he realized he was finally getting to hug Y/N after two whole years without her.
The Losers clambered out of the car before glancing over at the small reunion going on. They didn't know why it felt like their stomachs had just dropped, but the way Y/N hugged the boy made them feel weird like they couldn't quite place what was wrong. They just knew that Y/N had never hugged any of them like that or even looked that happy to see them.
The two stood there hugging for a moment longer before Y/N pulled away and looked up at Steve. "I missed you," she whispered, still looking at him in disbelief and enough love that it made Steve's heart swell.
The older boy smiled and quickly wiped her tears away before sending a wink at her. "I missed you too, squirt," he whispered before ruffling her hair, earning a laugh to escape her lips.
She then grabbed onto Steve's hand before dragging him towards the house. "Come on!" she exclaimed, excitement coursing through her body as she realized her friends were only a few feet away.
The Losers watched Steve and Y/N make their way towards her house and frowned. "Did she just forget about us?" Stan asked confused, noticing that Y/N hadn't even looked their way since getting out of the car.
"What are we? Chopped liver?" Richie muttered with a roll of his eyes as he crossed his arms.
"Guys, come on. These are Y/N's friends who she hasn't seen in two years. Cut her some slack," Beverly said before shaking her head at the others and running after Steve and Y/N.
The others stood there for a moment before their eyes slowly flickered over to Bill who was standing their in shock. He noticed his friends stares and quickly gave them a small forced smile. "Bev is right. Besides, you all know how much Y/N cares about us. She wouldn't just push us aside like that," Bill assured them.
The others nodded, hanging their heads slightly in a guilty way for having accused Y/N of forgetting them. "Come on," Bill told them before he ran after the three, the others all following right behind.
By the time the Losers had caught up with Y/N and Steve, the basement door was open and Y/N was just blankly staring at the stairs. She couldn't process what was happening.
Were her friends really down those stairs? How much had they changed? Would they not like her as much once they saw how much she had changed in the past two years? What if they didn't like her friends? What if they didn't approve of Bill or Richie or Eddie or Stan or Beverly or Ben or even Mike when they got him back? How would she be able to deal with that?
"Stop," a voice called from behind her causing Y/N and Steve to glance back to see the Losers all staring at their friend.
"You're thinking too much," Eddie pointed out.
"They still love you," Beverly assured her.
"And you're fucking amazing so what is there to worry about?" Richie asked.
Steve glanced between the group and Y/N before noticing the way her shoulders relaxed and a smile appeared on her face.
Bill locked eyes with the girl and gave her a small nod. "Go see your friends," he told her, a smile on his face as he knew how much she had missed her friends from Hawkins.
Y/N grinned at him and the rest of the group before looking down at the stairs and beginning to make her descent. It was like all she could hear was her own heart beating in her ears as she made her way down the stairs, but it suddenly disappeared as soon as she reached the bottom.
She looked up and her eyes were wide as she watched the Party all stop talking and turn to look at the stairs. Their eyes widened slightly at the sight of her and the group all stared in silence for a minute, none of them moving because of how afraid they were that this wasn't real.
Eleven was the first to break the silence as she let out a small sob and bolted up from where she had been sitting on the ground next to Wheeler. Before Y/N could process what was happening, Eleven had wrapped her arms around the girl, soft sobs of relief escaping her lips.
Eleven's warm and loving hold on her was enough to make the girl break and Y/N let out a sob of relief as she instantly hugged Eleven back. No words were exchanged as the two girls hugged and Max had to pull Eleven away just so that she could take her turn in hugging Y/N.
Everyone in the Party had started to cry as they finally got to to see Y/N again. Two years was an awfully long time and only getting to talk to her every once in a while over the radio did not help with the long distance.
"Woah, it's my turn!" Lucas exclaimed as he gently pushed Max away.
"Hey! I only just started to hug her!" Max complained.
"Yeah? Well I was friends with Y/N first so when I say it's my turn, then it's my turn," Lucas argued before turning to the girl who had been his first friend. The two were both already crying but they let out a breathy laugh before hugging each other tightly.
"Fuck, I missed you guys," Y/N said as she pulled away from Lucas and went to the next closest person which was Dustin. "Dustin, thank you so much for getting everyone down here."
"Of course. We promised each other that if either of us ever needed anything we would be there, didn't we?" Dustin asked as he gave the girl a big squeeze before smiling widely at her as he struggled to wipe his own tears of joy away.
As soon as Dustin let her go, Will had launched himself at the girl causing Y/N to grin and yell out in excitement, "Will!" She hugged the boy back with just as much enthusiasm.
Will chuckled and the two pulled away and laughed slightly at how much the other was crying. Y/N reached out and wiped the boy's tears away while he did the same for her. The two then sent each other smiles before Y/N turned to the last person in the group who she hadn't hugged yet.
Wheeler stood with his hands in his pocket, tears falling down his face as he tried to suppress the huge grin that was begging to be let out. "L/N," he greeted making Y/N chuckle.
"Wheeler," Y/N greeted as she nodded at the boy.
Wheeler couldn't hold his grin back any longer and he let out a laugh as tears streamed down his face. He held his arms out and the two teens met halfway as they hugged each other.
"Holy shit! You've grown so much!" Y/N exclaimed as she pulled away to look at her friend in surprise. "What have they been feeding you?"
Wheeler chuckled and nudged the girl playfully. "Very funny," he told her.
Y/N smiled before taking a step back and looking at all of her friends. "Shit, I'm going to start crying again. I've missed you guys so much, like you don't understand," she said as she reached out and hugged Eleven again, the others all joining in so that it was a huge group hug.
By this point, Steve and the Losers had all made it to the bottom of the stairs. Steve watched the little reunion with a smile on his face while the Losers all blinked in surprise at finally getting to see the kids Y/N had been talking about for so long.
That was until Richie noticed that the boy that was hugging Y/N looked really familiar.
Richie let out a loud gasp before yelling out, "What the fuck! That kid looks like me! Why does that kid look like me?"
The Party all let go of Y/N, allowing for her to turn around and see that Richie and the rest of the Losers were all looking at Wheeler in surprise. Wheeler let out a small gasp of surprise as he looked at Richie, his eyebrows furrowing slightly.
Richie stormed down the stairs before stopping only inches away from Wheeler while everyone else just stared at the scene with wide eyes. "Who the hell are you? And why do you look like me? I know everyone wants to fucking be me but I didn't think anyone would take it this literal," Richie frowned, pissed at the prospect of someone looking just like him.
"Maybe it's one of those doppelgänger things," Max explained in a quiet voice as she looked between the two boys in surprise.
"No, this is a fucking prank. It has to be," Richie said, not believing a word anyone was telling him.
Wheeler frowned and snapped out of his shock before looking to Y/N. "Y/N, who is this guy?" he asked confused.
Y/N smiled and walked over before wrapping an arm around Beverly and Richie's shoulders. "Guys," Y/N said. "These are my friends." The grin on her face was unlike any other as she began to introduce her friends.
"We've got Eddie Kaspbrak," Y/N said as she pointed to the boy who gave them a small wave. "Ben Hanscom." Said boy smiled and nodded in greeting. "Stan the man Uris." Stan rolled his eyes at the girl but couldn't help the smile on his face as he waved at the Party. "Then we've got the one and only Beverly Marsh." Beverly mock saluted the group making the two girls giggle before Y/N turned to Richie. "This," she said as she ruffled the boy's hair earning a groan of complaint, "is Richie Tozier."
"And last but not least," Y/N grinned as she let go of Richie and Beverly to walk over to Bill. She stood behind the boy and put her hands on his arms as she peaked her smiling face out from behind his shoulder. "We've got Bill Denbrough."
Bill smiled down at her making the girl look up at him with a bright smile, the look on the teens' faces making Steve and all of the boy members of the Party frown and cross their arms protectively while Max and Eleven let out small squeals and gripped onto each other's arms.
The teens didn't even realize they were staring at each other for a while before Steve suddenly coughed awkwardly, breaking the two apart. Y/N sent a sharp glare in Steve's direction while he merely held his hands up in surrender as he tried to act innocent.
Y/N rolled her eyes and turned her attention to the Losers as she walked over to the Party. "Okay, Losers, listen up. These are the people you have heard me talk nonstop about, so please be nice, okay?" she asked. "I'm talking to you, Richie."
Richie feigned shock while Y/N rolled her eyes at the boy. She didn't wait for a response as she pointed towards Steve, "You've already had the pleasure of meeting Harrington over there. Sorry he had to be the first one you met."
Steve feigned a look of shock while Y/N ignored him and moved on. She may have been a little mad at him for breaking her and Bill apart, but she wasn't about to voice her feelings.
"This is Lucas Sinclair. He's been my best friend since we met back in the first grade," Y/N explained as Lucas nodded at the Losers. "Then we've got Dustin Henderson, the little shit that gives me a run for my money when it comes to science things." Dustin chuckled and waved at the group.
"Next we've got Mike Wheeler who, despite being a dumbass over half the time, is probably one of the best people you will ever get the chance to meet," Y/N said as Wheeler rolled his eyes and nudged the girl. "Then we've got Will Byers. He's an amazing artist and probably one of the best to ever play D&D," Y/N told them as she hugged Will from the side, the boy instantly hugging her back.
"D&D?" Richie questioned causing the Party and Y/N to gasp.
"Richard Tozier! I'm disappointed in you," Y/N frowned. "We've talked about Dungeons and Dragons before you dumbass."
"Oh, that game. Sorry, L/N. You know I'm more of an arcade type of person," Richie pointed out.
Y/N shook her head at the boy before moving onto the next person who was Max. "This stunner is Max Mayfield. She moved to Hawkins a little bit before I left and can beat anyone in a skateboarding race," Y/N said.
"And finally we've got the lovely Jane Hopper, but everyone calls her Eleven," Y/N told the Losers as she wrapped an arm around the girl and gave her a hug.
"It's n-n-nice to finally m-m-meet you guys," Bill said as he smiled at the Party. He knew how much these people meant to Y/N, so that meant that they automatically meant a lot to him to. The Party smiled back, but their eyes flickered over to Richie once they noticed him walking over.
Y/N should've known what Richie was going to say before he said it, but she didn't know why she hadn't realized what he was doing as he walked up to Max and Eleven. "L/N, you didn't tell me you had two smoking hot babes for best friends," Richie said as he winked at the two girls and smirked.
Y/N rolled her eyes before stepping out in front of the two girls and pushing Richie away. "I know Eddie and Stan are pretty hot, aren't they?" she asked making Richie frown while Eddie and Stan snickered. "Don't even think about it, Trashmouth. They're-"
"Taken," Wheeler announced as he went over to Eleven's side and protectively wrapped an arm around her waist.
"They're taken," Lucas declared again just to prove a point as his arm wrapped around Max's shoulders.
Both boys were sending Richie death glares while their girlfriends rolled their eyes at the boys. Richie held his hands up in surrender but that didn't stop him from winking at the two girls and saying, "Well, whenever you decide you want a real man, I-"
"They will make sure not to come to you," Y/N cut him off making the Losers all chuckle while Eddie rolled his eyes at Richie and shoved him behind him in an attempt to make the boy shut the hell up.
"Now that introductions are out of the way, just what the hell is going on?" Steve questioned as he stood at the front of the group with his hands on his hips.
"Yeah, why did you need us to drive all the way here?" Dustin asked.
Lucas glanced at Y/N and said, "What they said. What the hell is going on? Y/N, didn't your parents move you away from Hawkins to stay out of trouble?"
"You would think," Y/N chuckled nervously as she ran a hand through her hair in frustration. A deep feeling of guilt suddenly washed over her as she realized that for a moment she had pretty much forgotten about Mike and the whole Upside Down and It situation.
The Losers all gave her small nods that told her to go ahead and she took in a deep breath before beginning to tell the Party everything. She started with the night she took out the trash and went all the way until what had happened only a half an hour before.
The whole time, the Party remained blank face, none of them knowing how to respond to the news that the Upside Down was back or that a clown was terrorizing people.
"I'm sorry," Wheeler muttered as he shook his head. "Did you say clown?"
"I'm obviously the more superior one seeing as I wasn't dumb as fuck to not understand a single word she was saying," Richie muttered to Eddie making Wheeler glare at him.
"I'm sorry. What did you just say?" Wheeler asked, his eyes narrowing as he looked at Richie.
"I called you dumb as fuck," Richie said again, a smug smirk on his face.
Wheeler went to take a step forward, but Eleven was quick to grab his arm and pull him back, her hand soothingly running up and down his arm as she looked to Y/N. "I don't understand," she said.
Y/N sent her a small sympathetic smile before saying, "Okay, let me give the simpler version. Basically, our friend Mike Hanlon has been taken into the Upside Down by not only demogorgons, but a being that presents itself as a clown. The clown named Pennywise or It goes around terrorizing people and eating children. I called you guys down here because we need both groups.
"You," Y/N began as she gestured towards the Party, "know about the Upside Down and have fought it multiple times."
"They," Y/N said as she pointed to the Losers, "have fought It before and know how to handle him."
"If we combine both groups and what we know, we should, theoretically, be able to stop both It and the Upside Down while also saving Mike," Y/N explained.
"Demogorgons and a place called the Upside Down? Why does this sound more believable than It?" Stan muttered with a groan.
“I'm sorry, but there is literally no way this is true," Lucas muttered as he shook his head. "A demon clown? Do you hear yourself right now, Y/N?"
"Come on, Lucas," Y/N pleaded before she looked to the whole Party. "Guys, I wouldn't lie about something like this and you know it. My friend is trapped down there and we have no way of knowing of he is even alive or not without you guys. I need you guys to trust me on this one, okay? Please, it's all I ask."
The Party all softened at her words, the teens beginning to put their full trust into the girl. The only one that looked hesitant was Steve who was looking to the ground as he rubbed his neck. Y/N looked to the boy and whispered, "Steve."
Steve let his head lift up slightly, his eyes flickering over to the girl who was standing there almost hopelessly. He knew the Upside Down part was true because of the demogorgon, but a demon clown? There was no way. But then he saw the fright in the girl's eyes and it wasn't fright over the creatures terrorizing them. No, it was fright for her friend.
For a moment he was reminded of the other times he had seen that look like when Will had been taken or Eleven had to close the gate or even when they had been trapped in the Russian Lab together and he had forced her to leave him behind.
It was the same look that told him everything he needed to know. Y/N was right— she wouldn't lie about something like this. She needed them to believe her. She needed him to believe her and as her best friend and honorary brother, it was his job to believe her.
"This is ridiculous," Steve pointed out, his eyes not leaving Y/N's as he looked at her.
"Oh, it's real," she assured him, the tone of her voice making everyone in the room gulp slightly at those words. "Way more real than you or I could ever imagine."
There was a beat of silence as Y/N let her eyes flicker over all of her friends. She already knew the Losers believed her, especially after they had been there with her since the beginning. The only ones she had to convince were the Party and Steve and she really hoped she had been able to do just that.
"This is crazy. Like batshit crazy, but I believe you and I'm in," Lucas announced making Y/N smile.
"Me too," Will said as he nodded at the girl. "They'll never be gone, not really. It's just a matter of time before they come back again. So right now, we need to stop them while we still can."
"I'm in," Wheeler announced while Richie mockingly mimicked him from beside Eddie who elbowed him in the gut.
“Same here," Eleven and Max said at the same time before high fiving each other for speaking in unison.
Y/N looked to Dustin who sighed before giving her a smile. "You know I believe you. I always do," he told her.
Y/N smiled before letting her eyes flicker over to Steve once again, the last but most important person she needed to believe her. "Steve?" Y/N questioned, her eyes hopeful as she looked to him. Steve stared at the girl for a moment before sighing and letting a grin appear on his face.
"You're lucky I brought the bat."
* * *
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