#maybe ¿¿??
muchtodoonterror · 1 day
it's 3:30am so please excuse this post which is going to feature decapitation and cannibalism and emotions so content warning for those
but i keep seeing people say they've identified fitzjames' body, but they haven't! they've identified not even his skull but his jawbone. his lower mandible with cut marks. and yes the "they ate his face" jokes are right there for the taking, but probably more likely they in fact cut his head off first specifically so they wouldn't have to look at his face while they carried out their task of butchery. and if they were making use of the head....that's the direst of all, because it's the most individual part, it's the part they would have least wanted to consume. there are so few skeletons that were found in their original arrangement so i know it's not necessarily telling, but presuming that they did cut off his head, it really hits home to me even more that all we have identified is his jaw. not even his "face". certainly not a body. his actual body could be somewhere far distant or nowhere because all that's left is this part because these men who he lived in incredibly close quarters with for so long were forced to do the unthinkable to a man who was widely liked and considered an emblem of vitality and who they served under for years. he did funky little drawings in his letter margins and got excited about goodsir's sea creatures and had served with some of these men not just on erebus but for years before!!! he personally hired many of them (which maybe they were not so glad of anymore) because he knew and liked and trusted t hem. maybe they tried to bury his head with dignity to give at least part of him a christian burial. maybe not. but there's something deeply lonely about a jawbone. . . . with cut marks.
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el-warverine · 2 days
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Had to put these pics together, just yknow. It's my job or whatever.
Based on this post
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shortkinglogan · 21 hours
Here is my contribution to team soft Logan
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pxnecoffee · 1 day
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I hope they can brighten up someone’s day.
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blathersthecat · 2 days
If Bill is attracted to both Ford and Fiddleford, is he Fordsexual?
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blue-skytan · 2 days
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My Megatron
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foxglovefaun · 23 hours
Im not going to lie down and let some asshole decide whether or not i get to try to live a meaningful life.
I want to live my life.
I am going to live my life and i am going to live it well, and anyone or anything that gets in my way is an obstacle to be eliminated.
Every move i make is an act of self defense now.
Get the fuck out of my way.
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demonlayercake · 1 day
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movie star
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adhdburnout · 2 days
Ok I’m sorry to my like- 5 followers for posting about politics again, but I keep seeing a lot of comments everywhere about there being “problems on both sides” (cough chappell roan cough). Which is fair. Absolutely, of course there are problems on both sides. The Democrats are far from perfect.
But if you are continuously arguing that there are problems on both sides, what is your plan? To not vote? Vote for a third party candidate? If so, you are actively, willingly helping to elect a man who is a rapist, misogynist, white supremacist, and felon. I’m sure I missed something there, but you get the point. You are rolling out the red carpet for the guy who has repeatedly expressed his desire to be a dictator. To deport all immigrants, legal or not. To persecute LGBTQ+ people. To take away a woman’s basic bodily autonomy. To strip away voting rights.
It is perfectly reasonable to say there are problems with both parties. But for the love of all that is holy do not pretend they are the fucking same. It is not the intelligent take you think it is. Because you may not like Harris or the Democratic Party, but if Trump is elected, there will be a far, far worse outcome. If you are not a rich cis straight white Christian male, the GOP does not give a shit about you. In fact, they probably are actively trying to make life worse for you. In case you haven’t noticed, the GOP is full of literal Nazis.
So if you aren’t voting, what the actual fuck are you thinking? Honestly. I get that you may not like the Dems position on the war in Gaza. You want to support people’s right to exist. But if that is what you truly believe in, then there is a VERY clear choice here. Please, please make the right one.
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cubedkennedy · 2 days
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fattylime · 1 day
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silly silly inquisitor
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love-3-crimes · 22 hours
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a soulllll before i abandon him for the next month
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Y'all I was having the worst species dysphoria ever earlier cuz of that winged cat thing 😭😭
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bodhrancomedy · 4 hours
Every morning I wake up and I realise that I am missing some small animal to come say hello, please feed me.
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not-5-rats · 2 days
bodie, marco and/or timmy headcannons? maybe?
Hmmm okay, a please would be nice though /j, you didn't specify what kind of hcs sooooo you're getting silly ones :3
!!!Nonsense Gator Boys HCs ^^!!!
He is the only one that can navigate the swamps, nobody else has any clue where they're going
His posture is...not amazing, he's so used to bending down slightly when around Timmy...his posture has never been the same
He enjoys cooking with people, it's a nice way to spend time together
Dude would love Paddington, I feel no need to elaborate
An issue he has is his willingness to put others' needs above his own, it came out slightly when Bug arrived with their injured leg but it becomes very obvious when somebody he cares for is ill. He won't sleep, or look after himself properly because he needs to ensure they're doing alright.
He's fully prepared to die in the arena, he couldn't stand losing anybody else atp...he's ready to throw himself in dangers way at a seconds notice if it means everyone else will be alright
I don't think he could live with himself if he let anybody else die in the arena...if he lost the only people he had left, he'd probably lose himself as well
He has a vast knowledge on which fungi are edible and which aren't
Lost. He's constantly loosing his path, but he always finds his way back in the end
He spends most of his time climbing, whether it be trees, vines, piles of rocks, anything
Adding on to my last point, if you & him were together he would randomly drop from the trees and give you a lil kiss on the forehead/ cheek
Floor time - y'know when you're super burnt out and lie on your back, on the floor, just lie there for a few hours? Yeah that's Timmy
He doesn't always properly analyse the risks of certain activities, luckily he's nimble enough to often get out of these tight situations but he's received a couple injuries due to his impulsiveness
He's so overwhelmed right now, what the fuck is going on with his life. His parents are alive, his mother's a dragon, he's part dragon, Bodie's his uncle...everything is suddenly so different...he feels...lost
At points he wishes the Hunters had just went through with killing him when they found him...things would've been so much simpler then
He makes friendship bracelets, like the bead ones, he puts people's names on them
Enjoys the rain, idc what you say, they're a rain lover
Why is Marco fruity? I can't quite put my finger on what type of fruit, but like...undeniably some sort of queer (I love them)
They would have had such an intense emo phase (which then evolved into kinda gothic adult)
They have like a mini museum in their bag, so many random things from such odd places, it's admirable
They could have stopped this from happening. Well maybe they could have, if they were around more maybe there was something they could have done that would've stopped Timmy from being taken...stopped this whole mess from happening
The guilt. It's fucking unbearable. Why did they constantly have to be gone, why couldn't they just stick around for 5 bloody minutes!
They want to change, they want to be there for their friends...but at this point, they feel like it's too late. Bodie and Timmy are so close and now it's revealed they're actually related!...is there even space for Marco anymore...are they even wanted at this point?
They like frogs
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girl-named-matty · 1 day
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