#and im his bestest simp
backtochicago · 9 months
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rlbbackup · 1 year
Character ask game: Loid (or Shopkeeper)
I'll do both!
First impression: Waku WAKU! I genuinely thought he was very cool. His initial face reveal shot is iconic and I genuinely liked his character from the first page.
Impression now: about the same, just add more screaming cat meme because of his childhood and temple massaging because he's an idiot. Still love him dearly! (I am a Loid simp🤣)
Favorite moment: Chapter 58.2 where he and Bond escape a burning building. That shot! *Chef kiss*. Bonus: anytime Loid gets soft as mush around Anya or Yor.
Ideas for a story: gosh I have too many WIPs for this man...
Unpopular opinion: I strongly disagree with the idea that the reveal between him and Yor will be something dramatic/a fight. SxF is a comedy, one that Twilight actively thinks is a thriller. So it would make sense for the reveal (whenever that happens) to be pretty mundane. Not forgettable! But just not filled with pain and angst.
Favorite relationship: im going to give three as a treat since I can't decide. Romantic - TwiYor. Hands down. No other ship tops it. Parental - Loid and Anya, of course! And lastly, Bond and Loid. The bestest boy and his master!
Favorite headcanon: I have a few, but I like the one where Twilight's original name was Rolo. Since most of his identities use the Ro/Lo syllable, it would make sense, and also go along with what his friends say in chapter 62.3.
First impression: (ch. 2 doesn't count imo since we just "hear" his voice). This man is Genuinely terrifying.
Favorite moment: I do like how he explains why he's protecting the survivors of the Gretchen family. It's almost wholesome, even if drenched in murder/mob lingo.
Idea for a story: drawing a blank here. ;_;
Unpopular opinion: Shopkeeper has never been Yor's Paternal figure. That's always been McMahon and I will die on that hill. He's more of her mafia uncle, giving her jobs and will protect (or eliminate) her if needed.
Favorite relationship: none. We haven't seen enough of him, imo
Favorite headcanon: he wears a sheep fleece on his head/on his hat giving him a literal "wolf in sheep's clothing" vibe.
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greekbros · 1 year
"greek-Bros": The Cat's Honeymoon
*once upon a time, a cat loved her owner so much she desired to be with him. The cat had traveled to a temple of Aphrodite and prayed to her, Aphrodite was so moved by this cat's love she metamorphosed her into a human woman....this is what happened afterwards*
Zeus: *holding a court against Aphrodite* ... Court is now in section. The court of Olympus vs Aphrodite on the charges of *reads a little slip of paper* ....ah yes....of complying to a breaking of natural law, unconsenting marriage between a human man and a female cat in the guises of a women....and ugh...ah yes. Sabotaging the prayer in an act of malicious hubris not conveyed by the victim.
Aphrodite: She DID consent, and the guy didn't seem to have a problem with either. Besides I changed her back. ┐⁠(⁠´⁠ー⁠`⁠)⁠┌
Hades: *acting as judge* yes but you assisted in the act with a creature whom we have elaborated with several *looks at Dionysus and Artemis as the local cat experts* ....well...two... experts.....that cats are NOT animals we should be taking seriously in terms of granting prayers.
Artemis: yah, you literally can't trust cats.
Dionysus: However big cats are a lot more reasona-*Artemis covers his mouth*
Artemis: sssashhhhhhh no. No cats can't be trusted, big or small.
Ares: *doing his very bestest best to be Aphrodite's lawyer* Ah if I may make a supporting argument for my client.
Hades: *actually impressed with Ares's eloquence for once* you may state your plea.
Ares: This court is bullshit and Aph literally did nothing wrong.
Hades: *no longer impressed* aaaaaand you were doing so well.
Hermes, Poseidon and Dionysus: *cheering like a trio of simps*
Ares: Official statement, suck my balls dad, also you did it to.
Pan: *somehow has decided to go up to the witness stand even though he literally was not allowed in court* I've actually had a relationship with that cat and yah she kinda has a thing for humans, it's kinda kinky but it's also kinda like... weird...even for me.
Hermes: *stands up and deadpan* Pan you're fucking grounded.
Pan: you're not my mom, you can't ground me.
Aphrodite: wow like wut I thought this court case was about me. (⁠・⁠_⁠・⁠;⁠)
Ares: don't worry sweet cakes, it's all part of my plan.
Aphrodite: wait wut plan? (⁠─⁠.⁠─⁠|⁠|⁠)
Ares: if case you're guilty, we're gonna bust you out of jail.
Hephaestus: *outside with a weaponized bulldozer*......in hindsight, this would be a little more appropriate if she's actually was officially going to prison....*shrugs*
Aphrodite: awww.... wait wut? (⁠꒪⁠꒳⁠꒪⁠);
Hades: *just about had enough of this* order in the court *uses his gavel* and you all wonder why I refuse to come up stairs.
Aphrodite: soooo am I free to go or wut? ヘ⁠(⁠ ̄⁠ω⁠ ̄⁠ヘ⁠)
Hades: no. At least not until you admit it was a mistake on your end.
Aphrodite: ew wut no I never make mistakes. ƪ⁠(⁠‾⁠.⁠‾⁠“⁠)⁠┐
Ares: yeah wtf uncle?
Hades: .....she did wait until the honeymoon to change the cat back.
Literally everyone in god court: *gives that disappointment side eye look*
Ares: ......oooooooh. *leans to Aphrodite* yeh comeoneAphthatkindawasdickmove.
Aphrodite: ....mmmmmmmno. ヘ⁠(⁠ ̄⁠ω⁠ ̄⁠ヘ⁠)
Ares: mmmmmmyehitkindaisidontidwaituntiltheliteralnighttheyabouttofucktochangeherbackthatskindadickmove.
Aphrodite: jagaywjnwhah*+#+18!jshwjans.
*literally these two are now just communicating via inaudible whispering*
Zeus: ......you would think Hephaestus would be here to support Aphrodite.
Hades: hmm yes. Where is h-
*fucking loud as hell crashing into the fucking wall*
Aphrodite: awwww the both of you love me so much (⁠ ⁠˶⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ꁞ⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠˶⁠ ⁠)
Zeus: ....Did ....did Hephaestus just...crash into the wall with a bulldozer?
Hades: it's like my blood pressure is skyrocketing. If I die of a heart attack I'm going to write you off my will.
Zeus: *tenderly and with loving surprise* I'm in your will?.....*suddenly realizes* wait a minute you have a will? You are an immortal god what makes you believe you will die?!?!
Hades: If I leave the underworld again to THIS I will have to reconsider my constitution.
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hematomes · 1 year
and finally, anemo..... heartbreaking ranks btw
#9 it's cute, 3/10: sayu
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i literally don't have anything to say abt it
#8 i am appalled, 4/10: venti
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i don't have venti so i never really looked at his hands but what an unpleasant surprise..... however he plays so well with them that he gets a pass. kisses him
#7 the whore life isn't everything sadly, 5/10: heizou
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don't get me wrong. i like it. especially the mesh thingy. however the competition is cruel
#6 another heartbreaking score, 6/10: xiao
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ive always liked the asymmetry in his design and he's still my bbg, my main and my everything HOWEVER when i saw the others' hands i had to face the truth. he wins my heart but not this battle
#5 surprising outcome, 6.5/10: jean
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i LOVE these gloves they're absolutely gorgeous???? censorship really popped off with this design
#4 the bestest girl in the whole game don't try to argue 7/10: sucrose
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it's pretty it fits the aesthetic she's holding a BONE like it's a treat or a toy. need i say more
#3 she should be in 2nd place but im a simp before anything else, 8/10: faruzan
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it's just so fucking pretty idk what to say man
#2 it hurts it hurts it hurts 9/10: wanderer
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don't be fooled. i would hold and bite (among other things) these hands. in a heartbeat and without question. i have unfathomable thoughts abt these hands. i can't share them here, just know they exist and they plague me on a daily basis. but hyv robbed us with the lack of nail polish and im upset. he should be 4th but as i said i am a simp before anything else
#1 underrated as a character bc of how meta he is, 10/10: kazuha
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we as a society need to appreciate the character before considering his talents. i also have a thing for bandages. i think there's a hc (or is it canon? idk) that he burnt his hand bc of his friend's vision and if it's real then i don't care. i would change his bandages and kiss the scars on this hand. every single knuckle.
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traumxrei-archive · 2 years
Man you write everyone so well. hfjajdkahdjahdjhw lion man being angsty hurts me but at least we’ll be getting a fluffy ending :’) also it was nice to see you write farlena! (falena? farlena?? which is it—) and even if cheka didnt get much screentime this chapter it was nice to see him :] (also using swahili is genius)
2) Azul… babygirl… i love you 💕❤️
You really do write everyone so well its awesome! Your Azul writings either give off tumblr sexyman or babygirl vibes and honestly that’s perfect lol. (there is the occasional malewife energy to some of your writings. love to see it)
also the twins giving azul advice oh boy. they either give really good advice (cause they want their friend to be happy) or really bad advice (cause. its funny) and honestly love to see it. i love the octatrio very much they mean the world to me and you write them absolutely perfectly.
Tbh i just wanna hug azul he looks very soft. i wanna hug the twins too. hugs for everybody ❤️
3) No- im not a rook simp im simply admiring the card art- (yeah totally) jahfjahdjahdjshdhah hes very pretty tho i’ll give him that he looks like he’d give good hugs and kisses tho-
Anyway, i hope you’re having a good day!
(the leonayuu fic + the azul kisser fic)
1) !! i'm glad you enjoyed the newest chapter of baby it's cold outside hehe <33 i was looking forward to your reaction actually,,,, and in this chapter idk who's angstier, yuu or leona jsfjdskf they're competing for Most Angsty Person of the Year rn sjdfksf
and yup !! i'll be sure to give you and the rest of the leonayuu enjoyers a good and fluffy ending >:D it's what they deserve after dancing around each other for so long hehe
2) azul is LITERALLY the definition of babygirl tumblr sexyman and i will take no complaints. he is a wet paper bag boy. he is malewife. he is anything you want him to be (insert that bruce lee quote about being like water) yes.
also yea— i wonder if ppl can guess which part of what azul did was tweel-influenced and which part was actually out of his own volition JSKJFDKF bc you're right, they're experts on bad good advice and good bad advice <33 (and i agree, we should give everyone hugs...maybe i should write hug hcs for fun after i finish my gazillion wips jskfdskfjk)
3) i mean. if you aren't a rook simp, then you're a rook simp in the making *finger guns* and he would most definitely give the bestest of all hugs !! very likely to hug someone for a long time, and, magically, hug someone without wrinkling their clothes (that's a pomefiore student for you sjfkdsjf) (also oOoOooo become a rook simp OOOooOOoo)
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bokuroskitten · 2 years
i think of u as the resident ken and taiju enthusiast but i think they would be so much of a simp for u in different flavors
ken chin would be more quiet but reliable type of love. hes not about the grand gestures but more for the domestic daily routine that he never got growing up without parents. sleeping in the same bed together every night or a kiss every morning, he craves routine and stability and you provide him that security
now as for taiju, he would be a hectic rollercoaster of emotions. chaotic and loud, you can follow him along for the ride or help him mellow out and settle down. if youre willing to go the extra mile with him, he will definitely remember you bandaging his wounds and talking him through tough nights. he'll learn to be gentle and love again like he used to love his family. and youll be a part of his family too.
I— I’m literally crying babes wow, this was🥺🥺 I’m saving this one aJkwjwa it made me feel a lot of feelings 🥺 wanna be there for them both so badly! Wanna cheer them on and help them be their best selfs and you described that perfectly. Not me getting a lil emotional JEKWJWA IM LIKE AUKWHSSISWIWOS
okai okai, you picked two tr guys, lemme try and do the same. Actually, imma give you senju. I think you and senju would be cute. Supporting one another, def bestest of friends while also being each other’s support system. Y’all do everything together too! You shop, you eat, you chat, you hang. It’s like, super easy between the two of you!!!
Tell me who you think is into me and I’ll do the same for you!
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taegularities · 2 years
WAAAAAHHHH PAULEEEEYYYYYY I DON'T DESERVE U !!!!!! u know i absolutely love how u point out most of the things i want pointed out while writing, like u're so 😭 <33
YAAAAAYYY it’s my job as a “rid and rid’s work” simp🫡 and u do deserve shut up!!!!
okay, this poetry quote ?! u need to share !!
it’s in spanish 👀 let me try to do it justice: “me gusta que tengas problemas. te hace más creíble. antes de todo esto, te sentías como un sueño. ahora te sientes como realidad.” - “i love that you have problems. it makes you more believable. before all of this, you felt like a dream, now you feel like reality.”
and not the stfu at nara's mention omg 😭 and oh. yeah. if that makes u think this one's gonna hurt, then have fun reading the future parts cos..... 😮‍💨 BUT PLEASE, the 'for when i get into an actual relationship' hurt me sO BAD, TOO !!
am i gonna sob, u say? 😞
jk comparing his life to oc's.... i know, it really drags him down, but my boy stays strong for her and never says anything :(((( he deserves the best *sniff*
losing it at the cat emojis 🤣 and the 🦋🦋 are real, too goshhhhh </3 ALSO HAHAHAH I'M SO SORRY I KNOW THE ENDING IS MEAN, but i promise things are gonna make sense and work out <3 thank u so much as always, this put such a big smile on my face 😭 i love u fr 😭
cmi!jungkook makes me go feline mode. AND YES IM WAITING EAGERLY FOR THE NEXT PART, thank you!!! for this, i love u.
SHUT UP omg i simp for u 😔 the poem btw !!! is !!! mf beautiful :(( u're right, it's exactly the same vibe 🥺 it's also so funny bcos there's gonna be a chapter in the faaaar future, in which jk is gonna say smth like "i like our fights. makes things between us feel more real" but u didn't hear that from me 🤐
i do hope u sob !! the angst makes me sad already :( AND THANK U, U DESERVE THE BESTEST AS WELL SWEETHEART !!!
hehe cmi!jk thanks u and we both love u <3 can't wait either 🥺
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heeracha · 2 years
ok hi yes i’m here hello hello ,,,, HAPPY BIRTHDAY SIMP !!! hope you have the bestest birthday yet and that you’ll be blessed with a hee post today 🤩 also look i have the perfect meme i’m v proud of it
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,,,,,,,,,,,did u make this meme 🧍🏻‍♀️ bcs what the hell em 🧍🏻‍♀️ but thanks for the greeting,,,,,, im still speechless about this though, bcs what the hell 🧍🏻‍♀️ but thank you 🫂🫶🏻
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aquagustd · 2 years
BESTIE BESTEST BESTIE I READ YOUR WELL THE LUST FOR LIFE And I wanna know the location of this PARK JIMIN?? THE JIMIN?? JIMIN PARK ???? I have no words no vocabulary left with me to tell you that how you have broken down the soft aura I have for JIMIN like 🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️ he is THE daddy park for sure 🥵 and can break million of knees at once but from the start I have been in this fandom and become an army I could never get myself out of this sweet loving aura of him untill now. I have read good amount of JIMIN ffs 🥵🥵 but bestie none of them able to make me forget his sweet softness but no HERE you are the CULPRIT 🗣️🗣️ lemme put sexy but still 😤😤 like how have you written him what have you done to me 😭😭 I want this JIMIN PARK to corrupt me in way to be his SLUT FOR LIFE 🤤🤤
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am be ready for it sir daddy jimin to server even if it's the side cliches chick 🐣🐣
SHDJSKSKSKSKSKS THATS ALL OF US FOR JIMIN I SWEAR 😩😩😩 dw we aren’t gonna get l4l jimin’s soft side anytime soon if yk what i mean 👁 i’m such a simp for him god 🫣 && i can’t wait for you guys to see more of him 👀 BUT IM SO GLAD YOU LIKED IT AHHHH <33333
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1111jenx · 3 years
Do u have any favorite placements?
Yup I do! In fact I have quite a few! I'll do my best to include every element:)
aries sun: they are my absolute favourite people! aries sun makes me feel so loved and they're my bestest of friends. around them you can be yourself and they'd appreciate it! firey energy yet very determined and inspiring🥰
7H/10H people: MY people right here!! always so much fun and are sweethearts when you get close enough!
taurus rising/libra rising: i'm very biased when it comes to venusian people haha 😆 not only because it is so easy to like you guys, but its also bc my circle is packed with venus energy haha. something about them just really help brings out the sun energy in me! gorgeous people. aesthetically pleasing no matter what. looks so clean and familiar. may seem superficial on the surface but they're so much deeper:)
gemini moon/rising: something about them make me wanna shelter them lol. they're constantly overthinking yet they also know how have the most fun! creative, innovative and a lil bit mischievous, being friends with them make me feel like a little kid again🖤
cancer rising/ mercury: i have cancer sun/mars so i'm naturally drawn to cancer rising people. i have never met any ugly cancer rising and no one can change my mind haha. they're breathtaking in person and their complexity is so intriguing! they looks ethereal and their eyes can honestly say so muchhh!! cancer mercury are just natural worriers but they make the best genius when mixed with gemini energy, a perfect balance between rationality and emotions.
leo moon: my dad has this placement and I'm serious when I tell y'all this. no one will ever love you the way a leo moon will love you. they truly care about your well-being and give the best gifts. very big hearts and are so fun to be around❤️
virgo rising: i've seen people talkin about how gorgeous libra/leo/scorpio rising are but haven't heard much about virgo rising?to me, people with this placements are SO HOT. sex appeal to the max even though they're so innocent at the same time? calm and very healing aura.
libra mars: i hate that you guys can be so indecisive but i'm lowkey happy that you're letting me make all the decisions hahah. just kidding i know that you're letting me think that my leo dominant ass is in control but not really🤣 when libra mars are mad they come to you with receipts. thats all im gonna say. ily boo.
scorpio venus: take a chill pill and sit down please jeez i love yall to death. fixed venus simply vibes so well with me! ride or die mentality. will lose themselves in love but they love with everything they have.
sagittarius IC/moon: smartass. knows more than you do for sure! love for learning is unreal. looks so happy when they're absorbing new knowledge!
capricorn anything anywhere: i'm so serious haha i'm a simp for capricorn placements. serious people who experience some kind of hardships. softest hearts. rational!!!
aquarius sun/moon/mercury: truly different. at their core they know they're born to be something great. god complex but in most cases in a good way! will call you out on your bs🤝 my leo rising love that they're happy to back me up and i'm more than happy to drag them out and show them off to people🥳
pisces venus: i have very few pisces placements that i can tolerate and pisces venus is one😭 i was lucky enough to be loved by an aries sun pisces venus before and despite we parted i know that he'll always have a special place in his heart for me. LOYAL. kinda delusional but they will worship their s/o😬
Pluto heavy charts: you guys can hurt me again and i'd say thank you. I have venus trine pluto tightly at O.1 degrees so I just love scorpio/plutonic people. so intense but so mesmerizing. dark secrets. will traumatize you but you'll always crave someone like them after.
mars/jupiter aspects: funniest people I've ever met. insane stamina. (iykyk)
mercury/venus: charmers. make me feel loved simply by their words:) so kind to people!!! aesthetically pleasing and can be good at writing!
sun/mars: craziest. party animals. but if its harmonious i know they'd always have my back in fights. very ride or die energy!
lilith in 7h: self explanatory haha
That's all I can think of for now! I'll update you guys if I grow to love more placements in the future🥰
saint jenx🥀
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baka-monarch · 3 years
Part One
Trigger warnings: mention of death, vore, mouth play
Part 2
Tommy was sitting down in the middle of his familiar cage, looking out at all the big people that were walking around and grabbing other cages. He didn't understand why people kept screaming whenever a big person would grab their cage though, the big people were always so nice, giving him free food and water, and sometimes even things to play with- well, until one of the special big people in aprons take his new toy away saying it's bad. He kept watching the big people, listening to their conversations, just like he did everyday… but today nothing interesting was happening, no one was doing any funny things and it was starting to get boring to just sit here.
Tommy's boredom was cut off at the sound of a familiar ding. He looked up to the door and saw a new big person wearing a yellow shirt with really fluffy looking brown hair and- they were looking at him!! No one ever looked at him apart from the special big people!!! Tommy smiled brightly and ran to the front of his cage to wave at the person, excited and hopeful that he could finally have a friend! The big person gave him a weird look, and Tommy wasn't sure why they seemed confused- he was just being friendly. For now Tommy didn't think about it, or really, he forgot about it as the big person walked over to him and crouched down in front of his cage.
"Now what do we have here~" The big person smirked, showing off a few of their teeth, and Tommy smiled in return at getting attention.
"Hello! I'm Tommy!!!" He introduced himself, and didn't notice the look of confusion that crossed the person's face.
"Uh, hi Tommy- are you… are you not scared?" The big person asked, and Tommy tilted his head, a bit confused by the question.
"No? Why would I be scared?" It was true that most other people were scared when a big person talked to them, but Tommy still really didn't understand what there was to be scared of.
"O- oh uhm…." The big person's face changed to show several different emotions, and after a few minutes they picked up Tommy's cage.
Tommy immediately started to bounce excitedly. He'd been picked up! That meant they picked him!! Now he'd finally get to see where all the big people took everyone to! Tommy started to think about his mama, she'd been picked once too, but she hadn't been taken out of the store like Tommy was. He zoned out the conversation the big person was having with the special big person as he imagined all the things he'd be able to do with his new friend, like finally having someone to talk to!
Tommy smiled and kept looking everywhere as he was carried out of his home and saw loads of huge walls with square holes. He'd never been out here before, and it was amazing to see the blue blanket above with it's big light (didn't big people call it the "sky and sun"? He couldn't remember-). He winced a bit whenever a loud roaring shiny thing passed them, but was still amazed by all the different colours and how fast all of them were. He let out little gasps as he saw walls with bigger holes that showed loads of amazing items he'd never seen before inside. It was all so amazing! Tommy wished he could go run around and see everything- unfortunately he couldn't as the big person carrying him made a hole appear on one of the big walls and walked inside.
"Wooooaaaahhhhh, where are we?" Tommy asked as he looked around, seeing a very unfamiliar but just as exciting new place he was now.
"This is my home…" The big person answered, and when Tommy looked up at them he was a little confused by the look on their face, he couldn't really tell what emotion it was, but it definitely wasn't the happy look they had earlier. Hmmmmm… maybe they just thought it was a mess? There was a lot of big things sitting around in the middle of the room after all.
"Well it's really really cool!!!" Tommy shouted up, trying his best to cheer up the big person.
"I guess it is…" they let out a small chuckle. They opened the cage door, and Tommy stood up in excitement. He didn't try to leave the cage as much as he wanted to, because he knew he'd just be picked up out of the cage like what was supposed to happen! So he waited, and waited… and waited, for eh big person to pick him up? Why haven't they picked him up yet? It's been a few minutes now, usually he'd be grabbed by now. "You gonna come out?"
"No, I'm waiting!" Tommy smiled up at the big person, still waiting patiently to be taken out. The big person looked at him in confusion, and he just smiled back. They let out a sigh, and Tommy smiled as he watched their huge hand reach in and pick him up. He squirmed with excitement at the feeling of being lifted up high.
"It's just like any other tiny…." They mumbled and licked their lips. Tommy watched as their mouth opened wide and he could see all of their teeth, their huge tongue, and even the dark abyss that was their throat; he didn't fight as he was dropped onto their slimey tongue, only moving to reposition himself to be comfortable. He watched as the mouth slowly closed around him, and all the light left… he wasn't scared though! He knew big people did this to people all the time! Tommy was actually excited to see where people went after being put into mouths!
Tommy started to giggle as the tongue under him began to lick him all over. Throwing him around the small space and tickling him whenever it touched his skin. He whiped some spit out of his hair, then laughed as the tongue pinned him down and got spit all over him once again. He wiggled a little bit once he was moved around and now the tongue pinned him to the top of the mouth, he then soon heard a loud gulp behind him- then he finally thought of something.
"Big person, can I ask you a question?" Tommy asked, then felt himself get pushed into a cheek, he only squirmed a little bit at how tight it was, but was otherwise comfortable already.
"Oh- uh sure…"
"When you swallow me, will I see mama? She got put into a big person's mouth too, is this gonna take me to her or to where your mouth goes?" The child asked, innocently and curiously. He waited a long time for an answer, and started to wonder if the big person didn't know where mouths took people- but then was surprised when he was spit out into the big person's hands.
"Fuuuuu- frick, you… you're actually just a kid…" They said as they held the innocent child- god he'd almost killed a child- in his hands. Wilbur watched the small one look around in confusion then finally up at him.
"Why'd you spit me out?" It- no- they asked, and Wilbur felt nothing but pain and guilt in his chest. Did they not understand? Did nobody tell them? Did they really think…. Did they really believe that humans didn't kill tinoes when they are them? "Wasn't I gonna see mama?" Dammit morals-
"W- well uh, it's not time for you t- to see her yet?" Wilbur lied, he had no idea who this kid's mom had been, just that she was dead now if she'd been eaten.
"Oh… Oh! She told me to wait for her when she was picked! I remember, so I just gotta wait more!!" He smiled up at Wilbur and he felt his heart beat more.
"Y- yeah- yeah… you just gotta.. gotta wait…" Hold it in Wil, don't cry in front of the kid.
"I can't wait to see her again-" The kid (didn't they say their name was Tommy?) said then gasped "and now I can show her my new friend!"
"New friend?" Wilbur couldn't stop himself from asking, a little curious.
"Yeah! You!!!" Tommy smiled and Wilbur felt his heart crush to a pulp.
"You- you think I'm your friend?"
"Yeah!! Your the first person to be nice to me, big person!!"
"Wilbur." He cut in.
"My name is uh Wilbur…" He was definitely going to keep this kid now and try to make sure nothing bad ever happened to them.
"Okie Wilby! We'll be the bestest friends foreva!!!!" And as Tommy said that, it solidified Wilbur's promise to himself to keep this child safe. He gently ruffled their hair with a finger, and smiled when Tommy laughed.
Yeah… he'd keep them safe...... And hopefully Dream wouldn't find out about them...
Mcyt g/t list:
@trashpumped @lorie-the-little-ghost @encaos @i-am-a-weeb @wyforyu-gaming @5unfl0writ3r @colorfulsiren @moonmwah @iwasgoingtohellanyways @echoslime @wilbur-simp @trouble-off-grid @lilsyxx @smogs-0 @hello-world-im-snow
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elsecrytt · 2 years
Asksksksk your take on lesson 16 Belphie hits the nails in my coffin 🖤
Belphie and lucifer are the 2 characters i dont like in the game. One threatened me and tried to kill me (over a child for touching a booklet; luke didnt know what it was too and lucifer was gonna throw hands with a child) and the other actually succeeded. Like byeee Felicia and dont ever come try to reconcile it ain’t happening 🏃‍♀️
im Glad we got the pact but its to keep yo ass at arms length. We cannot be besties and they cannot ride or die with me. Ill leave devildom hugging everyone except belphie and lucifer, they can choke🥲
unfortunately i loooooooove luci~ he's in fact one of my favorites, right up there with satan, who threatens to cut your nose and ears off for not making a pact with him and diavolo, who's responsible for both your kidnapping and your death (he knew that lucifer locked belphie up, he knew why, and he still sent you back to "check").
it is not actually the level of assholery that determines how much i hate a character. is is the level of hotness combined with the appeal of their personality.
also, i think motives are important. in my mind, lucifer's murder attempts are bad and i want him to grovel for forgiveness 100%... but they ARE forgivable. it wasn't personal. he was trying to protect his family.
like, imagine you're on a sinking ship, and a man steals your life jacket from you to put on his son who doesn't have one.
it's bad absolutely, i'd be pissed and i'd hate him for it, but it's not bad in the way it would be if he just stole it, threw it overboard, and laughed.
belphie tbh doesn't have visual appeal to me, his personality doesn't do much for me, and the arc surrounding his motives and character development in lesson 16 felt... well, non-existent.
one of my bestest friends in fandom simps for him, and she still writes him with a ton of appeal, so it's not a deal-breaker entirely, but at my core lesson 16 is always where i go and i would never seek out fic/etc. for him specifically.
those are my feelings on it anyways. your feelings are totally valid and it's fair to hate lucifer even under these circumstances (it's also totally fair if you don't agree with the metaphor, either!). not all characters are for everyone!
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bbygenya · 3 years
May i have sanemi, obanai, zenitsu, and tanjiro with an S/O who’s normally pretty similar to inosuke but has very frequent and easily triggered mental breakdowns where they knott and matt their hair terribly. Im so sorry if its too specific i just need comfort as i had one of these mental breakdowns received and i cant deal with it
hihi anon! sorry for getting back to you so late—I hope you're doing fine and feeling better! mental breakdowns suck >.< I'll still do the ask you've gifted with me, and I hope I interpreted it correctly? lmk though ☺️ pls take care of yourself and I'm here if you need me 💖
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shinazugawa sanemi
🌪 » 😃
🌪 » sanemi honestly isn’t the most well versed with mental illness but is very understanding in regards to it
🌪 » but y/n runs his blood pressure up—side note
🌪 » it’s even worse when you link up with inosuke
🌪 » he’d rather bear hug giyuu then deal with this
🌪 » though surprisingly? he takes rlly good care of y/n
🌪 » even though he’s got a flip mouth, he means well and is genuinely concerned
🌪 » vvv gentle; handles you with the utmost care 💘
🌪 » honestly as much as y/n stresses him tf out, he’s very well equipped to help you manage your breakdowns?
🌪 » when he sees your hair starting to mat up and knot up, he tries not to let it get too bad
🌪 » “y/n, y/n— no, come on,”
🌪 » firm voice but gentle voice
🌪 » nemi is a sweetheart on god
🌪 » when you’re calm, he sits with you and gently starts to detangle your hair. carefully
🌪 » head kisses the whole time 🥺
🌪 » “I love you regardless. we’ll get through this. you’re not alone, and I’m not going anywhere.”
🌪 » SANEMI 😭😭😭
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iguro obanai
🐍 » this fucking simp is ready to fucking fight you
🐍 » “y/n I swear to fucking god—”
🐍 » he’s fed up with his crackhead bby but loves you dearly
🐍 » loves you soooo much that he can’t cope with you having breakdowns 🥲
🐍 » as in it’s so starkly different from your personality and (as a simp) seeing you in distress sends HIM into distress
🐍 » slaps the internal panic button
🐍 » “deep breaths y/n”
🐍 » like sanemi this microscopic mf does NOT know what to do and will visibly hit the 🧍🏻pose REAL quick
🐍 » but one thing about obanai is that this man? will soften tf up so fast for you oh boy
🐍 » considering his own struggles with his mental health, his own breakdowns are not as severe (well to him) and though different, he understands what it feels like
🐍 » is really ready to fight whatever and whoever triggered it
🐍 » kaburamaru tries helping too 🥺
🐍 » helps you calm down
🐍 » after breakdown shower! together!
🐍 » frowns a bit seeing how your hair is matted up and kinked up with knots, so takes it upon himself to gently untangle
🐍 » “does it hurt? sorry, I’ll be more gentle.”
🐍 » okay but obanai is also vvv sweet 🥺
🐍 » cuddles after with kaburamaru + nap time
🐍 » he’ll also feed you after; food makes EVERYBODY feel better
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agatsuma zenitsu
⚡️» 😃😃😃
⚡️» the two of you bicker a lot but playfully
⚡️» it’s always bad when you tag team with mf inosuke; that’s a powerful duo that zenitsu doesn’t have the mental stability to handle well
⚡️» speaking of mental stability
⚡️» zenitsu surprisingly handles mental breakdowns well?
⚡️» sure at the beginning he was a train fucking wreck but now he knows how to manage
⚡️» will deadass hug you in the middle of a mental breakdown; doesn’t care if you try to shove him away or get snot and tears all over him
⚡️» your pain = his pain
⚡️» as part of the simp squad, he literally swears he feels pain whenever you do
⚡️» he will hold your hands during your meltdown and kiss them, trying to help you breathe and get through it
⚡️» “come on, breathe my love. it’s okay, I’m here.”
⚡️» idk how he’s so good at this wtf
⚡️» afterwards, he’s very gentle; he’s surprisingly mature through it all
⚡️» “look, let’s get you situated and we can order food, okay?”
⚡️» will glue to your side the rest of the day to make sure you know hes there for you and to be on watch if you start up again
⚡️» you really annoy the hell out of him but god does he love you
⚡️» “your hair is so pretty y/n, let’s get all the kinks out of it,”
⚡️» does everything at your pace; tries to prevent the matting and knotting before it happens
⚡️» if he senses a breakdown on the horizon, he’s proactive and will braid your hair to keep it from getting all tangled and knotted up too badly
⚡️» tries his best 🥺
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kamado tanjiro
☀️ » I saved the best for last tbfh
☀️ » too pure for this world
☀️ » sometimes he is >:| with you but is usually 🥰 when you’re not with inosuke wreaking havoc
☀️ » you’re his literal sunshine even when you’re sad
☀️ » this bby slaps the “big brother” mode when you’re not yourself
☀️ » he can smell a breakdown before it starts
☀️ » like zenitsu, he’ll hold you while you have your moment
☀️ » he gets so sad; just goes into comfort mode the whole time
☀️ » “it’s gonna be okay y/n. I love you; it’s okay to let it out.”
☀️ » damn I need a tanjiro when I have meltdowns too
☀️ » he loves your hair and feels bad when you knot it up during a meltdown
☀️ » though it frustrates him, he never raises his voice at you—he’s always gentle and sweet because he knows it’s a habit from you being in emotional distress
☀️ » holds your after too; just rocks you in his arms and reassured you you’re safe
☀️ » doesn’t want you to be ashamed of your meltdowns. at all.
☀️ » if your hair needs to be cut, he’ll help you cut it!
���️ » it probably ends up fucked up let’s be real: so he has to take you to the salon
☀️ » overall tanjiro? he’s the sweetest, bestest bf
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asexualbuthorny · 3 years
Hey I'm back at it again with uncalled for and unwanted opinions on fictional characters. This might be long and entirely just word womit but this my blog and I do what I want.
The fandom I chose to desecrate today is Twisted Wonderland. Let's begin!
Riddle Rosehearts. Love the boy. He a little too strict for me tho. Livin by the rules feels kinda like living on a schedule and I don't vibe with that. Baby has issues. He needs therapy more than he needs a relationship(simps sit down). Would not date him. Good friend material. He just needs to relax a little.
Trey Clover. He's the brother I never had and the father I wish I had. I bet he gives top tier hugs. Would go to him for advice. Would not date him 'cause he's dad. Want him to adopt me. Lovely boy. Very responsible and sensible. Trust him without doubt (daddy kink havers dni /j).
Cater Diamond. Suspishis. I don't know what he's thinking. Cannot trust. Good boy nevertheless. Probably has some issues. Im not a fan of social media so Im not with the whole magicam thing or whatever. Very pretty. Deserves more love. And hugs. Would not date. Good friend material pt.2
Ace Trapolla. More like crappola. Stinky bastard man. If I was there he wouldn't have kneecaps. Would throw hands. Annoying. Needs to get beaten up and put in his place. If he said shit to me I would throw his ass out a window. Would not date. Hardly a friend.
Deuce Spade. Wonderful boy. Sweet angel. Love him. Best boy! Best boy! Best boy! Has my heart. Would trust him. He may be dumbass but I vibe with him. A personal favourite. Would date. Would marry. We could raise chicks together. Dream boy. My heart is filled with love when I think of him. 10/10. A good friend and a potential lover.
Leona Kingscholar. DISGUSTANG. STINKY. AWFUL BASTARD MAN. Leona simps get help. This man smells like pee. Lazy. Can't do shit by himself. I don't know if he's aware but if he wasn't royalty nobody and I mean NOBODY would deal with his shit. And his attitude like cool you can always fail and get held back 'cause you have daddys money and can go back home and live with your parents your whole life but not everybody has that kind of priviledge. That kind of ungratefulness just make my brain angry. Would not date. Not a friend. Would not deal with his shit. Throw hands on sight.
Ruggie Bucchi. Sneaky. Needs money. I understand Im broke too. Don't have much to say about him. Doesn't occupy much space in my head. Would not date. Hard to trust. May be a friend. He would probably rob me. Disrespectfuly.
Jack Howl. Good boy. Deserves the best. Very responsible and has a good sense of justice. A little too serious. Calm down. Tsundere. Want to pet them ears tho. Another best boy! We can all agree that he's a favourite among the fans. Would not date. Very good friend.
Azul Ashengrotto. Shady. Not trustworthy. Responsible. He runs a restaurant while being a top student. I can respect that. Very smart. Insecure. Don't worry bb we all been there. I like him. But he's still bastard. But like less. Idk. Would date but barely. Maybe a friend. Again barely.
Floyd Leech. Crazy mf. His simps are masochists I don't take critisism. He would fold us all like lawnchairs. Don't think about him much. Not my cup of man. I like his voice tho. Kinda cute. Can't trust tho. Would not date. Friend but very carefuly.
Jade Leech. Scary. This man knows things. Sells your secrets on the black market. Polite. Dangerous. Not much to say abt him. His simps rub me the wrong way. Would not date. A person I know from school but not a friend.
Kalim Al Asim. Very friendly. Sunshine boy. Lively child. Very naive. I would fool him for the lols. Give him many hugs. I don't like parties so we wouldn't vibe on that. He could teach me new games. Rich boy. Probably buys his friends expensive shit and thinks it's a small present. Could date. Makes a better friend tho. Take me on a magic carpet ride pls.
Jamil Viper. Sneaky pt.2. Can't trust after the shit he pulled. Can forgive but not forget. He's a lot smarter than he looks. Even if already looks smart. Can cook so that's a plus. Big respect to people that can cook. He would fool me for the lols. I would fall for it every time. He knows things. Sells your secrets pt.2. He wants to break free. Would not date. Friend but very very carefuly.
Vil Schoenheit. We would not get along. Im very live and let live and he sticks his nose in other people buisiness. I don't care how I look and he's very aesthetic oriented. He would call me ugly. I would call him a bitch. We would throw hands on sight. Argue every day. I would hide and defend Epel from him and his bullshit. He's dedicaded to his thing and has a succsesful career so I can respect that. But he still a bitch.
Rook Hunt. Don't trust him. He's french. Creepy. Poor beastpeople tbh. Can't say much about him. I bet he writes superb poetry tho. 10/10 would listen. Would compliment me. Don't know if genuine. Would not date. Decent friend tho.
Epel Felmier. Arson buddies. Commit crimes together. Call Vil a bitch toghether. He wants to be buff and I can get behind that. He could beat my ass and I would let him. He's kinda like a little brother who you teach how to get away with murder. We would beat everones ass. Good boy. Best friend. Would not date. We would rule the school.
Idia Shroud. I could beat his ass. Wouldn't tho. Not worth it. Incel. Gets zero pussy. Probably stinky. Would still try to befriend. Bully him lovingly. Gatekeeper. Anxiety. Me too tbh. Not much to sqy about him. Roast marshmellows on his head. Would not date. Could be a friend.
Ortho Shroud. A child. We could be friends. I would teach him swearwords. Good boy. Don't know much about him. Friend material.
Sebek Zigvolt. Why he so damn loud? Like calm down boy. Still very good and dedicaded. Could not be in relationship 'cause he has other things on his plate. Tries to be responsible. Still a disaster dumbass. Love the boy. Would not date. Good friend.
Silver. Don't know much about him. Like what are you hiding sleepyheadass? Seems like a nice good boy. We could take hella naps together. Would not date. Befriend him.
Lilia Vanrouge. Dad/grandpa vibes. Would take care of me while Im sick. I would get poisoned by his cooking. HE GIVES THE BEST HUGS YOU CANNOT CHANGE MY MIND. Father I wish I had pt.2. Trickster. Would tease me. I still love him. Welcom to the fam. Would not date because him grandpa.
Malleus Draconia. THIS MAN. Im looking respectfuly. Gorgeus. Beautiful. Stunning. My husband. Give him love and hugs and kisses. I would marry this man. My sunshine my starlight. Im such a simp for him. Who wouldn't want a cool dragon husband. He owns my heart and my ass. 100000000/10. Would die for him. Bestest boy. My love please come to me.
Wwwaaaa this was long. I might post something strictly about relationships if I feel anything again some time soon.
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
im so
I wanna read this chp because max and Magnus figure their shit out and I have been looking forward to it
I need to be up at 7 for school
it is 2 13am
petition to bring Shafqat Mehmood back he was the one whole closed schools and switched us to online the first time
I need that right now
ok anyway
shit the dreams
oh my love
max honey...
he's hurting Magnus in his dreams...
im gonna cry
“You are not gonna kill bapak.”
He took another breath.
“You are not gonna kill bapak.”
Another one.
“You are not a kill bapak.”
He kept telling himself that.
oh my baby
max please honey you're not going to hurt him
He wasn’t historically great at talking about things anyway.
but like same
“Hey. So, I’ve been dreaming about killing my father,” Max could say. “Is that normal?”
no that's not normal
you've been through some serious fucking shit of course it's not normal
and yeah it seems weird but max you can't keep it bottled in
it is going to hurt so much worse
do...do other people dream about killing their parents...?
It was more like…It was as if the dream came from within himself.
From his own mind.
From his own heart.
yes that is how dreams work
ayyy the ocean
max doing some good shit
And yeah he's right
people are shits
let's kill them im down
I keep on forgetting he has horns
it's a shock every time they are mentioned
it fucking hurts because max keeps on going "Bapak's alive"
baby, please
bapak replied because he usually had no clue where anything was in their house.
My aunt knows every detail about my house mainly because my brother keeps her updated
our old maid coming back after months: HEYY
my brother already on the phone with my aunt: YO SHE'S HERE
I would be living in the house and having no clue about shit
“Max,” dad groaned. “I’m sleeping.”
“No. You are on your phone.”
“I am both.”
I am gonna send this to my aunt and caption it "You"
His father groaned and got off the bed. “If it’s there when I check, I am locking you inside the closet.”
“That’s homophobic,” Max pointed out.
But then he had seen David in basketball shorts and…well, he supposed a basketball court wasn't the worst idea.
oh my...
“This is angelic discrimination,” Lexi countered.
wait to malec know of the tattoo?
Chopin bestest
“Your demon baby is obsessed with you,” Max pointed out.
Because that's just a thing they said now.
nooo, he left it in Paris?? :((
“We are just going shopping,” Max pointed out. “Why are you dressed like James Dean?”
like who?
anyway, David looking hella fine
max...you dont keep a wallet with you...?
how do you pay for shit-
oh right magic
hi random person
oh yeah the blood bending
max :((
I wanna hug him and never let him go
max...whatever you wanna do with the power...be careful and be safe okay? ily and dont listen to others
oof he bent asmodeus' blood too?
uh I mean-
“So, they got you a car?” Max grumbled. “Mine are trying to get me to go to therapy.”
you probably should
I wanna make tea but it is 2 57 am and i do not wanna risk waking anyone up
“I mean, portals are very cool,” Max cleared his throat. “But you can’t make out in the back seat of a portal.”
true so true my boy
“Chocolate and your fingers are like my favorite thing to have inside my mouth.”
he's gonna send the pic to Coraline...
hi Coraline
please kid dont-
he's not...
But this didn’t happen to other people though.
Not to shadowhunters – who only looked cool and sexy with their ‘tattoos’.
Not to faeries – who looked 'so pretty' in their 'costumes'.
fuck im going to cry
He had mastered the art of not giving a fuck.
But now…now he wasn’t so sure.
Now he felt self-conscious again.
Now he felt scared again.
Now it hurt.
Because this time, he wasn’t sure whether what the others said was actually wrong.
yeah...it fucking hurts
but we get through it right? it hurts and it takes time but we get to the other side
but the other side isn't fixed
it hurts fuck it really does
but max please baby
I love you
He didn’t have much energy for anything else. So, he laid down in bed and just…well, he did nothing.
that numbing feeling
my love, max take one of those no-nightmare potions
sleep makes it better but not sleep like this
so take a potion or spell or that shit
fuck im gonna cry that dream
max, angel please be okay
this sucks so much I dont...I cant see you go through shit like this...
alec is just very oblivious, isn't he?
dude, I am literally imagining a horror movie soundtrack playing
And he felt...He felt misplaced.
Like he wasn’t supposed to be there.
you really said: Imma hit this bitch so hard with this chapter
max you need an outlet
David was the angel.
And then there was Max.
Son of a prince of hell – one that made of pure demon blood.
max you have the purest heart I have ever seen
dont...please dont
But nobody had told him that he’d have to do this shit over and over again.
He had assumed it was a one-time kinda thing.
But no.
When shit happened, the insecurities and anxieties came rushing up again.
And he was back where he started.
it's the same thing over and over again
and it sucks
it really does
you'll find yourself at point A so many times, when you think you're finally over this shit you'll find yourself back there again
and it's going to hurt like hell but my love we have to be strong
it's all we can do
pick ourselves back up and keep on walking
Until one day…Until one day, he wouldn’t be able to do it anymore.
angel no
please don't...
even if...even if you do find yourself at that point, I...I hope you have the people and the courage to slowly get back up
because there is so much left to live for
even in times, it feels hopeless
“I guess you don’t ruin everything,” Rafael chuckled as he sat down opposite him.
Rafael, I know you didn't mean it like that
“He is a goner for David,” Rafael told Anjali seriously.
arent we all?
“Max,” Rafael groaned. “Stop it, you demon!”
oh max
these days god
it's good to cry
let yourself
“No one,” Max said. “Leviathan is my father. I’m an eldest curse. I…I’m a monster.”
who your sperm donor is doesn't define you
and it never will
“Do you want to hurt people?” Rafael asked.
Max shook his head.
“Then there you go,” Rafael smiled.
it's a choice to hurt people
“Because you are scared,” Rafael whispered. “Because you are stressed.”
this too shall pass
I feel like that is from somewhere but im not sure
“The shadow world does have a rich history of patricide,” Max mumbled.
“That’s not the kind of history we are going to be a part of, okay?” Rafael asked, holding his face. “Ours is the history of Lightwood-Banes. We don’t kill. We create. We don’t hurt. We love. Do you hear me?”
what-ifs are really scary
but here's the thing
we can either dwell on them and push ourselves deeper into the pool, or we can live our life one day at a time, one step at a time, and see what the future holds
what-ifs are terrifying, angel
but we cannot dwell on them too much
“You want me to tell bapak I have dreams about killing him?” Max asked incredulously. “Do you want him to kill me first?”
im sure he won't do that...maybe
About the possibility that Max might destroy his father’s legacy.
About the end of the Lightwood name.
this actually haunts my sleep
it's scary to think that one day, someone might unravel alec's work
it terrifies me
but here's the thing
it might happen, or it might not
for every bad person, there is a good person
and I know that there are going to be people who are always going to stand in the face of destruction and oppression
that gives me hope
He knew he won’t hurt anyone.
He knew he didn’t want to.
But the fact that he could if he wanted…It scared him.
The potential. The possibility.
It terrified him.
He wasn’t a saint. Max knew that.
maybe, yeah
so hold on to people who ground you, who keep you from going there
you know, immortal people
“Yeah,” Rafael said. “You're my brother. You’re the only person who is allowed to almost kill me.”
Max smiled at that. “And Selena.”
Rafael laughed. “And Selena.”
so true bestie
“Max,” Rafael said softly. “Listen to me. There are always going to be people who will call you things. The Clave is changing. I’m doing my best. But I need you to know there will be people out there who will always think of you as a curse just as they will always look at me as a criminal.”
it's unfortunate but it's the truth
you cant hope to change everyone's hearts
some people... are just bad
“I’m used to people spontaneously sobbing in this house,” Anjali pointed out.
“Hey! That movie was fucking sad, okay!” Rafael argued.
“It was a documentary,” Anjali deadpanned. “About silk.”
“It’s called Silk Road! It’s not about actual silk!”
“You do cry a lot,” Max chuckled. “You once cried because bapak forgot your phone number.”
I am so Rafael in this situation
“You should,” Anjali said then. “There is nothing wrong with it.”
“Oh,” Anjali said. “Do you want to kill him?”
“What?” Max blanched. “Of course not!”
“Great. Then don’t kill him,” she grinned. “Problem solved.”
“It is this ruthless efficiency that keeps my Clave intact,” Rafael chuckled.
I fall in love with her more every passing chapter
she's right though
wow everyone is drunk
AHAHHAHAH "Which one?" "Both"
oof yeah medicine is tough
you'll make it through im sure ❤️
You can procrastinate as much as you want because you had all the time in the world.
how do I become a warlock
actually, I love being busy
so I feel like I would get bored
I hate staying still
we dont even get much homework GIVE ME HOMEWORK PEOPLE I LIKE IT
im weird
aww Magnus is the one who got them drunk
they are so cute I am going to cry
I forget max is tiny
and Magnus is giant
oh Magnus honey come here lemme hug you, I dont like seeing you in pain
“Because I wanted you to hate me,” Max confessed. “Because I thought I was going to die. And I thought…I thought it would be easier for you if you hated me.”
Max my love no
the thing is, he can't hate you
parents...well it's complicated with them isn't it
they cant hate you...no matter what you do
“Made me hate you?” bapak echoed. “I never hated you!”
“But I said all those-”
“It hurt me, yes. But it didn’t make me hate you,” bapak said softly. "I don't hate you."
im gonna cry someone hold me
these two just...
they are gonna be the ones left
“Why would I hate you?” bapak raised an eyebrow. “What did you do? Did you sell my clothes on eBay again?”
Max chuckled. “No. Also, for the record, Rafael was the one who brought all of them. So, your clothes never really left the apartment.”
Bapak affectionately rolled his eyes at that. “You crazy kids.”
istg this family is crazy
I love these bitches so much~
“You won’t hate me, right?” Max asked in a whisper, remembering his dream. “In a century or two…You won’t end up hating me?”
No. Never
Ah yes, the charango
the charango story is so fucking hilarious
aww he broke it
“I’m sorry,” Max said again. “I know I cause you a lot of trouble.”
now I want to go and apologize to my parents
because I really dont make it easy
Max shook his head fondly. “What I meant was…People don’t fall in love with me the way they do with Rafael. I’m…I’m not easy to love. I know that. I don’t make it easy.”
dude, same
let's go sit in a corner together now
“When you came into our lives, Alec took you into his arms and made you his own. But I couldn’t do that. I struggled so much with you. Because you gave me something I never thought I could have. You gave me a family. You scared the shit out of me, Max. I was so scared of you. Never of who you are, but of who you turned me into. A father.”
“You are a good father,” Max said softly. “You know that, right?”
“Because of you,” he said gently. “Because of Rafael.”
Max smiled at that. He squeezed bapak’s hand gently.
“When I found you, I didn’t know how to love you. I didn’t know if I had it in me to love you. But then I got to know you. I fell in love with you slowly, day after day, every day a little bit more, but never any less. But you are right. You don’t make it easy. You don't make it easy to love you, Max. You’ve always been a challenge. But I like a good challenge. I like loving you.”
“I like loving you too,” Max whispered, his eyes tearing up.
“So, don’t ever think I will hate you,” the man said seriously. “Because I don’t know how to do that. I don’t know how to look at you with anything but love.”
I am gonna cry oh my god
finally some good soup
“Because I know my son,” bapak whispered. “Max. You...You got rid of Asmodeus. You did that. For me. Because you wanted me to be safe. That’s the boy I raised. Whoever is in your dream, that’s not you. That’s not my bluebell.”
yes, max
angel you...I love you so much
yeah let's stay away from blood bending
“You can’t lose control of your magic, Max. Not really,” bapak said gently. “Everything a warlock does, it’s a choice. We must own up to those choices.”
“Okay,” Max whispered.
“Your magic is beautiful,” bapak smiled at him. “Treat it kindly. Be good to your magic.”
oh baby
im gonna cry now bye
“I don’t know what to say to that,” bapak said honestly. “All I know is that however much it hurts; you won’t have to go through it alone. I’ll be there. I’m always going to be there.”
they are not going to be alone
it's a tiny comfort
grief becomes slightly easier when there are those around to share it with
The way he only swore when no one was around. The way he giggled when Max kissed his stomach. The way he fiddled with the Lightwood necklace when he was nervous. The way checked on his family before he went to sleep every night. The way he always gave a tiny piece of his food to Dorian Gray before he ate anything. The way he pushed back his hair with one hand. The way he smelled a book before he read it.
write it down
I am serious
“I want to remember everything,” Max said then. “I know…I know that’s like biologically impossible for my brain. But I don't care. Fuck biology. I want to remember. David deserves to be remembered.”
“Then remember him,” bapak said softly. “You do whatever it takes to remember your David.”
yes...remember him
“Max. There will be times when we don’t speak to each other. We might drift apart. Out of anger. Out of loneliness. For so many reasons. It’s a side effect of immortality. But whatever happens, remember that I love you. I will always love you.”
“Even if I may or may not have sold your white Versace shirt on eBay?” Max asked.
they will always find their way back
oh, max...
alec is just so fucking endearing like dude
I want to keep him in a bottle
When they went back home, dad was in the living room, folding laundry. Bapak threw himself at his husband.
“Take me to bed,” bapak whispered into the man’s shoulder.
“Magic is for important things only,” Max huffed.
“Like turning Rafael’s white shirt into neon pink?” dad asked, holding it up.
“He insulted my hoodie!!!”
“I told Rafael,” dad grinned. “He said ‘jokes are on Max because I call pull this shit off.”
he totally can omg he's so hot
respectfully of course
oh yes finally alec isn't so oblivious
“But you can…you have eternity to talk with Magnus,” dad said, his eyes on the floor. “I don’t have that. If you are mad at me or something, you need to tell me now. I don’t want to lose a second of what we have over miscommunications and petty fights. Do you understand?”
alright you fuckers enough immortality talk
but alec bby ily so much and you are so right
Dad rolled his eyes and sat down next to him. “Why does that asshole keep haunting me even after death?”
oh yes that beauty
“I know it was a stupid vision. I know it might never happen. But what Asmodeus showed me wasn’t a lie,” Max said. “If anyone ever hurts, bapak, I will destroy them.”
Dad didn’t say anything. He was just looking at Max intently.
“I know the Clave is important to you. I know you built all of this, and I know growth isn’t linear and people make mistakes and I know all of that. But I don’t care. I don’t care about the law or the covenant or the clave or any of that. I’m sorry, dad. But I don’t want to lie to you. No one gets to hurt bapak. If the nephilim ever fucking dare to try, I won’t hesitate to set the Clave on fire. I will burn it all down.”
max I will fucking help you
no one hurts Magnus Bane
“When I am dead and gone, I don’t want people to remember all the laws I created or all the battles I fought in. I want them to remember how much I loved your father.”
“Someone like Asmodeus would never understand how love could be more important than power,” his father said, his blue eyes burning. “So, fuck him. Asmodeus was wrong. You will not disappoint me. You will not break my heart. You will not destroy my life’s work. Magnus is my life. So, if anyone hurts your bapak, then go ahead.”
“What do you mean?” Max asked in a whisper.
“A century from now or five centuries away, if anyone hurts Magnus, you will unleash hell on them,” his father said sternly. “Do you understand?”
Max looked at him, swallowing all the emotions. “What if it's the Clave? What if the law fails him? What if the Clave hurts bapak?”
“Burn it down, my baby. Burn it all down,” his father smiled. “You have my blessing.”
that is so hot ngl
“Holy shit,” Max laughed. “I thought you were the sensible one in the family and but you are just…you are seriously unhinged, dad.”
Dad chuckled at that. “Where do you think you get it from? Leviathan? Pfft. It’s all me, bud.”
aww a sea shell that's so cute
reminds me of vva
he's writing it down
yes David...he is wearing a suit
oh my god, David-
it's always the quiet ones...
Thank god - and Magnus Bane - for portals.
I thank Magnus Bane every day
“I do not have a suit kink!” David chastised.
Max laughed. “Everything you did in the last hour contradicts that statement.”
that sums up me right now
oh baby...
“I know…I know I am a piece of shit,” Max said, wiping his tears with his elbow. “But I am not a bad person. I’m not a bad person, David.”
you're not. you're not a bad person, angel
“If you were a bad person, I wouldn’t let you inside my heart,” David said. “I keep you there, Max. I keep you inside my heart. You earned the right to be there.”
im gonna fucking cry
“Listen to me, Max. I know people say we shouldn’t listen to what others think of us. But that’s easier said than done. I know how hard it is to drown out all that noise. Sometimes it feels like it’s all you can hear.”
“Yeah,” Max gave a shaky nod.
“When you feel that way, come back to me,” David whispered. “Come back to my voice. I will help you remember who you are. For as long as I am there, I will help you remember.”
“Help me remember,” Max said, resting his forehead against David’s now. “Tell me. Please.”
“You are the boy who ran to hell to save his love. You are the boy who gathered the entire shadow world. You found out you have the power of a prince. The power to destroy realms. But the first thing you did was march into hell and destroy the demon who has been hurting your father. That’s who you are. Remember that boy. That’s you. A person who is selfless. A person who fights. A person who loves. Max. Remember. You are a good person.”
Max clutched David tightly. He kissed the shadowhunter’s shoulder.
“And no matter what happens, you will always be the boy who passed out when he saw me naked for the first time.”
this is so fucking cute
I am gonna miss Max so fucking much I am about to cry. It is also 4 40 am...gonna try and get 2 hours of sleep gn <3
This reaction just made realise you, max and I have a lot in common.
I think the three of us should sit down (preferably at the beach) and talk about this.
You in??????
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maiverie · 2 years
mai u re paying my ambulance ride today ok?😃 i just took a moment to let the update sink in,, im feeling me eye twitching, chest collapsing, im seeing heaven and nerd!heeseung is there☝️ watching me 👀 w bambi eyes 😩 AND THE FREAKING SPECS WIQOSJSJOAAKA YN DONT TAKE THE SPECS AWAY ‼ DON'T ‼ I MEAN DO BUT ALSO LET HIM USE IT LIKE WE THE COMMUNITY OF SPECS SIMPS NEED THEM👺
ahem,, the moment was HELLA CUTE i felt SINGLE😙🥰 cuz they're having sm fun on dat bed😏 talking ab his glasses like... are we gonna kiss?? heeseung prob wondered, and BESTIE LET ME SPEAK MY TRUTH ME TOO🤣🤣🤣🤣lowkey wishing she would fall on top of him ngl😻 the magical moment of awkwardness,, but since now they're into the REAL DEAL we gonna see her at his room more 🤭 ohemgee dont let taehyun know
oof me and heeseung w our weird collections🤩 im the hoodies/jackets obsessed, i have so many and no space!!! who will come here to complain ab my glittery orange sweater ?? 🤣
everything was too much for my lil heart 💔 they playing video games too,, i feel like heeseung is very soft on her cuz he can see through yk? he sees her as she is, and he likes it :( and YN MY BELOVED the way ure comfortable around him now and not ur friends 🤨 smth is up and smth is very up !!! to me, homegirl is catching ✨feelings✨ but who are we say anything 🤭
KAJDKDKSKS YOURE SO FUNNY HELP IM ACTUALLY CACKLING NOT THE NERD!HEE IN UR HEAVEN I— 😭😭😭❤️❤️ no literally cos my idea of heaven is heeven like i want hee fucking seung right there next to me PLS AND THANKU. 🙏🙏 literally 1 wish ??? god ??? serve me pls?? and um YES THE SPECS WAS A PAID ACTOR IN THIS CHAPTER LIKE JSJDJDJDJDJDJXND
naur but fr STOP THATS SHCH A CHTE SCENARIO NOT THE FALLIMG ON TOP OF HIM??? are u tRYNA KILL HEE CAUSE HIS POOR LITTLE HEART WOULD GO BOOM BOOM BOOM AND COMPLETELY EXPLODE HSJFKDKD HE WOULD NOT BE ABLE TO HANDLE THAT!!! ☝️ no bc he most definitely thought ab whether or not they were gna kiss like…. heeseung alr nervous af having a girl in his room and she’s out here complimenting his face 💀💀 OVERKILL HES DOOMED BUT YES BFF U SO RIGHT COMFIDENT HEE IS COMING!! SOON!!! WHOLE ASS BADDIE HEE 😍
JEKFKDKDKD I WANT A MANS TO COMPARE ME TO THE SUN IM SO SAD i was so fucking salty writing that scene,,,, fml my life is so heeseung-less i DONT WANT TO BE HERE ANYMORE?! 😔💔
OMGGGGGG STOP GUESSING MY WHOLE FIC BC YOURE TOTALLY RIGHT??? he can definitely see thru her for who she truly is :<< like obv he knows abt her reputation and everything BUT HES LITERALLY RDY TO INTRODUCE THIS BITCH TO HIS MOTHER HIS BESTEST FRIEND IN DA WORLD,,,,, AND YES yn out here getting sick of her friends 😳
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