#and im just watching youtube videos about videogames
spade-club · 11 months
Aaaaa. Its raining today so getting out of bed is super hard. This is not a good development for my body as ive reached "need to get a job immediately or else I lose my appartment" status bc damn. I'm hella unreliable because of my back and I dont want to have to push through this all the time. Just experiencing it at home is hard enough. I wish I knew what to do...
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Man you know what i would really want. Kind of like a site that could compare all duck media (or hell, all disney media would be cool too) and how much people like them. Like put the ducktales finale against a barks 10 pager and see which one people prefer, which one has a higher score. If the entire top 100 would be dominated by comics or if a few animated things would slip in too.
And you cant like compare imdb scores to inducks scores because 1 inducks has a weird rating system, and 2 the people voting are completely different audiences. It’s never gonna be a fair logical comparison. But imagine if there was like a site where they had both and where everyone was equally fan of everything and then they would fairly vote i just want to knowww.
Ratings are cool, but cross media ratings are even cooler. How does episode 3 of the this duckburg life podcast/audioplay compare to Paperino skipper from Giorgio Pezzin. I need to know. Has chapter 5 of totem decapitato a higher rating than the first ever episode of dt87? Do people like the ducktales lost lamp movie more than the solving mysteries and rewriting history book? Has the first story of PKNA more historical significance to the fans than Donalds first ever appearance in general? Will they go as far as rate Evroniani higher than The wise little hen?
These ridiculous questions about things that are impossible to compare but I just want to because it’s fun i need that. Because Duck Avenger: Shadow of venus is completely different from: Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: mickey gets sick (or whatever i dont actually remember any episode titles) or Mickey Donald and Goofy go on a roadtrip (whatever that cartoon was with the trailer its a fun one) but they’re somehow also all the same ‘mickey and friends’ franchise. I just think it’s interesting and i will probably now not rest until these questions are answered oh help
How does the Scrooge McDuck and money cartoon compare to the kingdom hearts manga? Is Donald Duck going quackers better than episode 7 season 1 of darkwing duck? Is Donalds appearance in who framed roger rabbit better than his orange juice? Is the Toontown in Disneyland Epcot a better experience than The Dark Side from MMMM? Would you rather be stuck in a room for an hour with only a donald duck colouring book from the zeeman or disney crossy road? Do the fans like the donald duck clock more than an extremely goofy movie? Is the Scrooge McDuck boardgame a better experience than that Donald Duck’s birthday childrens book? Did people get more enjoyment out of Sora’s super smash bros ultimate trailer or the Daisy Duck lego brickhead?? IS THAT BOOTLEG DONALD DUCK UMBRELLA FROM CHINA I GOT AS A KID BETTER OR THIS YOUTUBE VIDEO I WATCHED YESTERDAY ABOUT MICKEY MOUSE COPYRIGHT??? (both those last two things did not happen to me im sorry)
going a bit far there but thats because the general idea without all of the insanity just seems so incredibly fun to me. Even the brickhead and trailer comparison. Yknow what who cares about unfair voting. Just compile all the normal unweighted inducks scores, all imdb and letterboxd and rotten tomatoes and whatever more exists ratings, amazon reviews, to videogame ratings that you always see on wikipedia and just put them all together and see what the result is and also implement the inducks ratings because its a very easy and handy rating system and let people rate on the site on too of that.
Okay no dont do that that would be stupid but like all the cartoons and comics and audio things and games and boardgames and books and maybe not boardgames but everything that is a story and see which stories people like the most i just think that would be so cool.
I dont think im making sense i think Im going to bed now lmfao.
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prontaentrega · 1 year
something i’ve observed while watching videos of Videogame Men talking about punishing indie games is that they’re always like this game is INSANE HELL DIFICULTY it will BEAT YOUR ASS it will MAKE YOUU CRY AND CALL YOU A BABY!!! and then i play the game and it’s not that bad and it turns out the gamer with the youtube channel may just not be very good at this specific kind of videogame. and im not a Gamer whos Skilled at videogames i dont know how to aim and i only care about games that are 70% reading. and its never an AVGN type guy its always the video essay introspective I Have Deep Things To Say ones doing this. I’m not talking about shit like dark souls btw i mean like pathologic or fear and hunger. Which are games i feel are gonna wreck your brain only if youre wayyy to used to like, aaa first person shooter or high profile rpg-elements sandbox games.... like i’ve seen people call disco elysium a game that’s hard to get into gameplay wise. but i think if i gave my 50yo dad disco elysium and left him to his own devices he wouldnt have a hard time learning the gameplay ropes of it because he’s not brain poisoned by skyrim. like sometimes the problem is that you haven’t dedicated your middle school years to playing shitty indie horror rpgmaker games with a lot of unfair instakills and shitty puzzles.... and now you automatically assume the obvious way to beat a game is thru sheer violence and skill so the moment a game puts you in a position of Uh oh maybe you can’t kill this guy even if you get really good! maybe inflicting as much violence as you can isn’t the way forward! it makes videogame men go 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯 is this the hardest most challenging videogame EVER?
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thealogie · 9 months
like many in this confessional of an askbox, i have a dt problem but its like. inverted. the thing is that yes i grew up on dw so i knew him and i liked him well enough but not anything special. and then like. in 2018 2019 somewhere in there. i got haunted. and i know that sounds crazy but in my defense it was my special seasonal depression time and i was super manic and stressed about collage. anyway. i got haunted by his stupid ass he was showing up in everything i watched. like in fucking everything. the gotv trailer dropped and i went oh neat i love that book. oh hi david. and from then on i was fucking CURSED the motherfucker was everywhere EVERYWHERE.
he was in shitty movies my friends suggested. he was in plays i pirated. he showed up in fucking GENLOCK which is a nasty little mecha anime made by rooster teeth of red vs blue fame, a shitty production company w too much money (michael jordan was there too. but dt was very alarming to me. personally.). one night me and a friend tried to watch hamlet, explicitly avoiding his, and when we went on some shit piracy site and we clicked on each of the version they had they would all redirect to a tiny thumbnail image of his hamlet. and then automatically close. i was so upset but at least i had a witness then. i started avoiding watching anything that had half a chance of him in it. watched a nature documentary on netflix. called spy on the ice. ill give you one guess who narrates it. i have a note on my phone where i was documenting sightings. he was my own personal poltergeist.
it got so bad that twice while sitting in the cafe between classes i caught in the corner of my eye a skinny white dude in a long brown coat walking past me, and i lurched halfway up in stopping myself from launching myself at him. to enact violence. anyway he is my favorite actor now on account of how much ive seen but i NEED to kill him. my roommate says he would be my own personal martyr.
im fine now but defintitly there is a residual attack kill instinct when i enjoy his acting too much. i think he should be in a play or maybe a videogame about a timeloop he could kill it on the madness and silliness aspects necessary for a good timeloop. thumbs up 👍 oh speaking of hes funny in just cause the video game. you can find a compilation of his voicelines on youtube. it's worth the 10 minutes it takes to watch it.
This is by far the most haunting DT obsession story of them all. He followed you around!!
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gxilgramore · 3 months
I Think My Musicals Hyper-fixation is Coming Back!
This is going to be sort of an aimeless post celebrating a form of art that i like, so keep that in mind while reading
I'd treat this as a negative thing, because y'know, musicals are not a popular form of telling stories so i'd be really afraid of caring about them again, but nah, if it comes back i'm fine with it.
A bit of context, it was in 2019, one of my favorite youtubers at the time jacksfilms made some inside jokes of 2 videos he had done some years prior, some videos about Alexsander Hamilton, i was curious and watched the videos and then discovered they were based on a broadway musical, at the time i didnt watch musicals so i didnt care at first, until i wacthed it and fell in love, that was the start of a 3 year hyperfixation with musicals, mainly hamilton but musicals in general, and in that time i discovered some of my favorite stuff ever, In the Heights, Book of Mormon, Avenue Q, Beetlejuice, it was great, of course with some bumps since wacthing broadway musicals is hard when you don't even live in the US (thank god), and by being a hyperfixation it was a nightmare for my friends that dont like musicals to listen to me yapping about them for hours.
The fixation was falling in 2020 but a thing, a tragic tragic thing happened, Hamilton on Disney+ happened and my musicals fixation was back at full swing, i don't like Hamilton anymore these days, my opinions on politics evolved to the point of seeing this musical as just a jerk-off for a friend (a right hand man if you will) of a guy who had a shit ton of slaves, and i cant accept this a progressive statement anymore, i just see it as a united states legacy jerk off, and nedless to say i dont like the united states very much. But yeah, because of this my musicals fixation insisted until 2021 where i did a video of one of my favs, the SpongeBob musical, a video im still proud of to this day.
Fast-foward to 2024 and my Doctor Who and videogame soundtracks came back without a warning and i feel like slowly my musicals fixation is coming back, probably because of some Musical Hell videos, i love Diva so much, im sad she abandoned the reviews, im watching them once a day for a week now and it has being a blast, she is funny and her videos are thoughtful, they are not Nostalgia Critic style, where he just complains about the movie with shitty jokes, it sparked my interest again a little bit.
But some things have changed, im not interested in broadway anymore, maybe on off and off-off broadway but not broadway, the more i stared at the current state of broadway it just feels like a tourist spot instead of a place for artistic expression, i may be wrong but thats how i feel, but theater as an art form is more interesting to me, if it actually comes back full swing ill be focusing my energy on finding more experimental, left field or independent shit out of the broadway end, im not saying all broadway is bad tho, we still have great art there, im talking more of broadway as a capitalist institution instead of a creative body, the soul feels like it left the body ages ago somewhere more interesting, im excited to find new stuff that shows me why theater is great again, if you read this to this point and have any recommendations im really willing to listen, mainly if they have a proshot.
I love art in general, try to see everything i can and i hope i can see more musicals, and plays than ever.
I told you it was pretty aimless, writing things in boredom does that to you, but hope you liked it if you read all the way through, and if you want to write an aimless comment about your love for musicals you can talk about it, i will answer everyone, bye for now
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fantasmafanta · 1 year
chipspeech rambles so i dont explode
hi this is prolly gonna be a long post that makes no sense srry i just need to brainrot dump. but most important thing if ur not weird and you like chipspeech PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE dm me here so i can give you my discord or instagram where i am actually active more ahhhhhh.
ok anyway blue robots woohoo. these little bastards have been stuck in my brain for like a month now and its just gotten worse. the cool thing about chipspeech is it like doesnt entirely go with the rest of the vocal synth/vocaloid fanbase but rather than being its own seperate things its like this neat little extension of it in like multiple ways. it not only is just a really cool software that tried a lot of new cool things that we dont really see with like vocaloid and synthv and stuff but it also kinda shows the history of how we got to the point of modern vocal synth software in a cool way! even if you dont dive into it like i have you still get the basic “oh well voder was made in like 1939 and it had to be operated by hand how cool” and like through chipspeech you kinda get to see the evolution of how we got to where we are now and i think that thats really neat. 
but then if youre a nerd like me you get to have a ton of fun diving into all of the history and cool old tech stuff. liking chipspeech has made me find a new interest in old computers/tech/software/videogames do i fully understand how they work? hell no! do i love looking at them and having them explained to me by some dude on youtube? hell yeah!! and like its just so cool to go in and research the machines/softwares that inspired the chipspeech bots because even though its difficult sometimes you get to see these advances made and how each one differs from each other in how it was made, how it was operated, its function, etc. and thats SO. FREAKING. AWESOME. like dude have you seen the video of one of the tests for the votrax?? (the one that bert gotrax is based on) if you havent basically it was made so that people with disabilities so they couldnt talk could have conversations over the phone. they tested it by trying to order a pizza using only the software. it took like 3 tries before someone took them seriously and they got the pizza. and the moment they were like “yeah deliver that to the msu computer center” i got so excited cuz that just felt so badass!! like put yourself in their shoes, its 1974, you’re testing your new speech program, and it finally worked. a room full of people, a camera, a news broadcast (iirc), theyre all watching you struggle to order this pizza and then you finally do it and get to tell them to deliver it at the lab you just proved your intelligence to and fehjvddsujfs i cant explain my thinking but DUDE its just so cooooooolllllll!!!!!!! 
but like yeah i need to rant cuz in one of my lovely friend’s words i need to “GET THESE QUEERS OUT OF MY BRAIN!!” (a silly thing my irl said) also like i love the way the voices sound. like yeah sometimes i have no clue what theyre saying but thats not the point of chipspeech!! like vosim has such a nice buzzy voice and like dee no matter their range just sounds so.... great. i dont even know how to describe it it just makes my brain sooooo happy. like sam to most people would be like static weird... idk man but i loooove the staticky sounds theyre just so neat. but its so hard to find nice chipspeech covers/songs. luckily im starting to find how to discover chipspeech stuff but its still so difficult :(
and like fanart and general fan content toooooo how do i find it?? i think the answer is i dont but that makes me sad. cuz the twitters are no longer active and its never been very popular so it doesnt seem like we get much. and literally the only discord server for chipspeech is run by... not-so-great (from what ive seen/heard) people in the fanbase. even if the main accusations arent true it still seems to be a safe space for proshippers which makes me feel icky sooo. help. 
anyway im not re-reading through this so like sorry its so long and makes no sense i just need to get chipspeech thoughts out. if you like it PLEASE TALK TO ME!!!! im losing my mind ahhh
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chilei-the-hotsauce · 2 years
❌, 🍑 + anywhere your OC hates to go, 😊,⭐, 🍋, 📀, 💛, (all of the Emotion asks lol); 🌳, 🥝, 🍐, 💧, 💤, 🛍️, 🔮, 💜, 🌸, 🎀, 🌺, 🌷
❌ What kind of things would end any relationship for them? Is there a history behind why these things bother them? Could they ever take someone back despite this? If so or if not, why?
The unnamed vessel doesnt like to be pitied. If someone pities it too much, that's the end of the relationship right there. It doesnt like to be seen as just a small and helpless vessel, it's out of the abyss and doesnt need pity. Especially not if people just pity it because of it's past. It knows how shocking it's past may seem to other people, but it's not going to let anyone in that easily, especially if they pity it. Hornet didnt. You shouldnt either.
🍑 Where is your OC’s favourite place to relax or calm down? Recount a story of their time spent in this place! What makes it so special to them?
Scapino loves a good café. He's always making things for other people so it's good to relax and get stuff made for him instead. His friends saw how much he did for them and decided to surprise him. So they took him to the fanciest café they could find. In the middle of nowhere. Scapino loved the little café they did find and gladly spent his day there. They had to leave quite soon, since they were still on the run. The one time Scapino actually paid for things.
Is there anywhere your OC hates to go to? Anywhere that stresses them out or have negative memories of?
Scapino hates the Eiffel tower. There, he lost his right thumb and index finger during one of his shows early on in his career, before he became a thief. The people didnt help him when he was in pain, they just laughed at him as he writhed on the ground. He had to walk to the hospital. He's suggested to one of his friends to blow it up.
😊 What can make your OC smile even when they’re feeling down? What cheers them up and makes everything feel better for them? Is your OC genrally a happy person and do they enjoy making others smile? What about your OC makes others happy?
My sona (who surprisingly doesnt even have a name) likes videogames. They might not be able to play most of them, but upon discovering YouTube they watch playthroughs and theory-videos. V-tubers are especially fascinating (im not projecting you're projecting). My sona also loves memes and vines and unironically quotes them on a daily. They dont like making people happy, they literally live in peoples' nightmares. If something about them makes others happy, it's their vast understanding of jokes. Omitting the deez nuts, candice and joe mama jokes, of course.
⭐ What is your OC afraid of? Any crippling phobias or some such? How do they act when scared and what helps them calm down? Does anyone ever find your OC scary? Why?
The unnamed vessel is afraid of the spirits of the fallen. When it encounters one it just speeds past, refusing to look at them. Most of their deaths were probably caused by its father. When stressed or scared, the unnamed vessel goes somewhere to train or to bother Hornet. Most bugs in Hallownest find the unnamed vessel small and adorable, but upon seeing it in action find it rather intimidating.
🍋 Does your OC act petty and jealous easily? What sort of things make them feel like this and do they experience guilt for getting so worked up? How do they deal with these emotions when they get them? If your OC doesn’t feel like this often, why not?
The unnamed vessel gets jealous very easily. It's also quite petty. Jealousy is usually caused by Hornet not spending time with it. The unnamed vessel also feels very guilty afterwards, as Hornet promised it to never leave it alone. To deal with jealousy, the unnamed vessel scowls and goes to beat up whatever is within reach of its nail.
📀 How easy is it to shock your OC? To confuse them? To lie to them, to manipulate them? How are they with feelings of trust? Can your OC be trusted?
My sona can be shocked with a good meme or a reference to something they know. They're always confused. Lying is either easy or hard, depending on how they feel. They have trust issues, thank you. Anyone can be trusted, just how much is the question.
💛 In general, how in control of their emotions is your OC? Do they have a good hold on them or do their emotions control them, not the other way around? What do you think is the reason behind this and is your OC ever concerned about their lack of or good control?
The unnamed vessel was almost hollow. So it's good at controlling weaker emotions, like disliking something. The few emotions it can't control are anger and anxiety, mainly anger. This is very distressing for it, as it still tries to live like it was intended to: hollow. As it doesnt know that the Pale King has died, it's afraid to run into its father.
🌳 Compare your OC to themself from 10 years ago. How has their mental state changed since then, how have they aged and grown up? Would they say they’re in a better place than they were back then or do they need help? What advice would they give their younger self? What advice would their younger self give to them now?
The eldritch horror that lives inside the body of a human is like, thousands of years old. It's literally the condensed fear of human beings. It's still the same as before. Mostly. It's glad that the body has aged, as they were rather helpless 10 years ago.
🥝 What does a bad mental health day look like for your OC? Walk us through it with them. What kind of things can help them out of this slump and what kinds of things comfort them when they start to feel like this?
For my sona, they just try to do everything they usually do. Wake up, change out of pajamas, have breakfast, go to school, attempt to study, lunch, another attempt to study, go home, attempt to study one last time, shower and sleep. The eldritch horror screams inside their brain during these kinds of times. Usually, watching youtube cheers them up a little, because the eldritch horror can focus on something other than endless suffering.
🍐 What is your OC’s mentality? Are they overall positive? Negative? A bit of both? Describe their thought patterns and reasoning behind their choice making!
Scapino is a naturally positive person. He thinks in positive lighting, because he know's there's a way he can get away with 90% of things he did. It's the skills he has that are backing him up. He can afford to be positive. He doesn't brag though, he just knows.
💧 What is the earliest memory your OC can recall? Do they know what their first words were or remember where they took their first steps? Do they have any mementos of their childhood they’ve kept such as a stuffed toy or tiny baby clothes?
The first memory the unnamed vessel has is being held by the pale king. Not a soft embracing hold, but a scrutinizing, cold hold an arm's length away. And then being put down on the white floor. It's father's feverish gaze. The kingsmoulds whisking it away. Being wrapped into a white cloth and sat upon a stool. Being armored with pale pieces of shiny, cold metal. The branching tree's pained gaze.
💤 What was your OC like as a baby, a child and as a teen? (if your OC is a teen or a child, what will they be like as an adult?). How have they changed since then? What lessons have they learned and what things about their youth do they miss the most? Do they have any general regrets?
As a baby my sona (the eldritch part) just existed. There werent many thoughts. Just existence. As a child, energetic mass of chaos. All over the place. Such uncontainable. As a teen it was a lot more chill. Also learned the existence of swear words. Que a lot of swearing, even in the most weirdest places. Every sentence had at least one swear word. It was something like a self-discovery journey.
🛍️ Function or Aesthetic? Skirts or Pants? Heels or Flats?
My sona: function, pants, flats The unnamed vessel: function, neither, neither Scapino: aesthetic, both are fine, both are fine
🔮 Star gazing or cloud watching? Hand-holding or snuggles? Early mornings or late nights?
My sona: star gazing, hand holding, late nights The unnamed vessel: cloud watching, snuggles, early mornings Scapino: star gazing, snuggles, early mornings
💜 Music or Silence? Swords or Spells? Cities or Nature?
My sona: music, both, both The unnamed vessel: silence, swords, nature Scapino: music, swords, cities
🌸 What does your OC’s voice sound like? Their laugh? Are they good at singing? Do they have an accent?
My sona's voice is a bit deeper than women's voice usually is. Their laugh is either an awkward chuckle or loud and explosive. They laugh louder around people they're comfortable with. My sona can sing quite decently. They can also imitate accents, but usually dont have an accent.
🎀 Do they wear a specific accessory with a special meaning behind it? What is their usual fashion sense like? What do they wear when they want to be comfortable and what do they wear when they’re going to a fancy party? Or do they just not care?
The unnamed vessel wears a cape thing around themself. It's hornet's old one that she no longer uses. The unnamed vessel also has a shard of its old armor that it kept with itself. It just wears the cape. And the black scarf it found in the Queen's Gardens.
🌺 Does your OC have any tattoos or other body art? Does their body art have any specific meaning behind it? Do they have any scars? How did they get those scars? Any birthmarks?
Wizard Chilei has curves and four-pointed star-shapes all over their body. The shapes aren't tattoos, but marks of their sacrifice. They studied necromancy in a library tower in the middle of the woods and acquired the shapes there. Wizard Chilei has scars on their arms.
🌷 In what ways would your OC alter their body if they could? How would they do it using mundane means (hair dye, surgery, make-up?). What is their ideal look for themself?
Scapino would like to get his fingers back. Also, he definitely doesnt like how his corner teeth look really sharp, almost like fangs. He wears gloves to hide the prosthetics, but feels bad for having them in the first place. He wants to be a bit shorter, since he's a bit too tall in his opinion.
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kurstudying · 4 months
Long time no see!
It's been months since my last post, my summer wasn't that great, I got into my desired uni and grade (I didn't know what was coming ahead) In summer I spent July going into Korean classes, later I found a job and worked in untill September (when I started clases) Every free day I had I spent it playing videogames like Resident Evil or watching videos on youtube (and more) I don't have many friends, but its fine.
The first day of Uni was horrible, and then horrible untill December I decided to quit, because it was bringing me nothing good, I love architecture but...there were MANY problems for me: I had to take 4 hours by train everyday (not a big problem) but I used to study in the afternoons, and I ended up coming home untill 22...23...sometimes...midnight (the train used to delay a lot) That caused me extreme anxiety everyday... And I had to stay overnight to study or finishing projects or I would just go to sleep because of my tiredness, has been horrible to me. I used to do every drawing late, I would always skip classes when I had an exam around the corner, I never studied because I always was feeling too tired and my mind was telling me to stop, plus i cant do anything on the train because i had to finish projects that were more manual...
Besides that, I didnt understand anything from classes and always felt dummier than others (still do)
So after a night of wanting to finish like 10 homework drawings from classes I missed from drawing subject, I ended up crying at 3 am. I didnt want to live like this everyday for 5 years. This isn't the uni experience I wanted; tiredness, bad anxiety and not taking care of my body. I had a goal with that degree, but I still can make It without It!
So after going to my parents room at 3am crying, I told them that I didnt want to continue going there, they knew i had been feeling down for the lasts months, so they understood. I had a talk with my father the next morning, while crying...
The nexts days and weeks I ended up worrying to much about what I wanted to study. It took me months to decide.
I like; science, phsyics, art, videogames, universe, math, design, biology, political science, sociology I like to talk about issues around the world...
I was between law, law and political science, criminology, engineering aerospace, biomedical engineering and more.
I ended up choosing biomedical engineering, I saw a girl explaining her degree and making videos about It. I'd loved It.
But when I saw the scord of admission... My world fell down... It was 12.611/14. It was imposible for me to go in. Besides, they only admited 20 people on the degree.
But I didnt give up, I wanted to retake the exam admissions. I decided to retake them even if i had to have a 10 on every exam.
Bad idea...
I ended up pocrastinating untill 2 months before, I studied on April and May like 300 hours... Not enough...i payed 360€ for these classes of preparation...not enough... (im saving the material, so its not a waste)
But this week... It has been horrible, I couldnt even study more, my body was telling me to stop working, i have bad anxiety and I have been diagnosed with adhd. I wanted to do the exams, but for what? I know I wont get the perfect scores, and I have been having this stress and anxiety for nothing! Im going to do a degree of tech lab and biomedicine, its not a uni degree, but this way I can get to my desired uni, or even go to study abroad the degree I want! Its another opportunity to get myself together and make my dream come true, no Matter if I have 21 years old. I always wanted to study abroad and im going to make It, even if I failed twice this year.
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weirddkiddo · 4 months
I always like horror videogames, mostly psychological horror. In my teenage years I like creepypastas, even though I’ve always been a scaredy cat. Body horror showed in a lighter way in videogames never disturbed me. Most of the things were always suggested and not really showed direct in the eyes. But today I met a kind of horror I visited in the past but didn’t thought it would leave me with a bad feeling on my whole body: snuff horror.
I remember watching some video essay from a local famous YouTuber about some films and movies that got famous. It was just them explaining it all; not image and no audio. I don’t remember panicking over it. But today I found a video of a guy narrating a snuff movie, didn’t I know that the video had some imagery and audio from the movie. I watch almost the whole video… and now my mind is so out of this reality. I have a lot of sensations right now, but mostly I feel in dangerous. I wonder why did I put myself through the experience of listening to something that at the end I knew it was going to affect me mentally and physically. But I did it. And now I just hope to not have nightmares tonight. Im scared. All because of my curious mind.
Well done, kiddo…
(I don’t even have someone to talk about this shit…)
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your-sweet-cookies · 1 year
☼☼☼☼☼,, yes im pointing at YOU. //
-mun cherry
For every ☼ in my inbox, the muse has to tell you a fact about the mun.
☼ Mun got into AiB thanks to her bff who told her about it. Mun already knew about the show from a "how to beat that" video on Youtube made about AiB, but she just forgot about it until her bff mentioned it and reminded her about it (well, at least the good thing was that she watched it when Season 2 was out too so it made for a great binge watch session). Has no regrets watching the show and loves the community around it! Is here to stay for many years to come. uwu
☼ Although Mun is into writing and reading smut, she is actually asexual in terms of orientation. She is biromantic tho, so not a full aro/ace, just ace. (Happy pridemonth to my fellow queers! ❤🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤)
☼ Mun loves drawing, but doesn't do it all the time. For digital art, she only has her old ass phone and her fingers to use for drawing, that's why a full digital piece will take her to around a week or more to complete. All in all, Mun loves art in general and absorbs knowledge through watching Youtube art videos.
☼ Mun is a University student, finishing now her second year of her Major program. She is majoring in Education and just like Kukki, hopes to become a school counselor.
☼ Mun loves videogames! She might not play many herself (outside of phone games and the occasional free online stuff), but she's an avid gameplays viewer, her favorite gaming channels being Markiplier and Jacksepticeye. Mun does play online Otome games currently (My Candy Love and Eldarya, if anyone is interested, but wouldn't really recommend them due to the Company's lack of consideration and respect towards its player base and their disgusting greed. She would stop playing them herself, but is in the fanbase since 2014 and 2016 respectively, so it's hard for her to let go of her fave characters + the artwork of these games is indeed stunning!).
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wow this sure was a lot of socializing and posting and liking and rebloging i did today, time to log off.
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bigskycastle · 3 years
kinda personal ask but i was wondering (as an artist also posting their art on twt) how do you not have likes/rts amount to how you measure ur art? it gets kinda hard and ive been feeling self conscious about it lately so i was wondering if this is a normal thing or? either way i rlly respect you as an artist and i love the stuff you draw zelda or not!
thank you :-) it’s no worries, i’ll try and articulate this as best i can..
i think its incredibly easy to get pulled into thinking this way, and i do it way more often than i would like to :’)  like, objectively you know that likes/rt dont reflect the value of your art, but its still disheartening when you pull low numbers.. i think it’s because it feels almost as though your art was ignored or disregarded by people
but ultimately, social media is just... incredibly fickle n shallow lol. it will always favor content thats easy to digest/relate to. and thats fine! thats kind of what its built for. but it does make it very hard to get your foot in the door as an artist. esp if u don’t do much fanart :’) people don’t generally want to expend the energy it takes to engage with art, especially art thats more personal, or just like... “weird”. that's not even getting into the whole issue of being stuck in obscurity until someone with a larger following decides to share your stuff lol
all this to say.. like.. of course likes/rt dont reflect quality. if they're anything, they're more like.. like how views on a youtube video functions, i guess? if a video has more views, that generally means that: The Algorithm showed it to more people; that it has a flashy/intriguing thumbnail; and probably most importantly, that the content it advertises can appeal to a large demographic. its not a measure of its quality at all. i've watched super high quality niche documentaries and video essays etc., but because they have less mass appeal, they tend to sit below the 50k view threshold. its not a reflection of your value at all, its just a reflection of how well you can cater to what twitter as an..entity wants.
and i think i am pretty good at this! not cuz im such a phenomenal amazing artist, or cuz i try and pander or something, but because the way i draw and the things i enjoy drawing tend to line up pretty well with "what twitter wants”. in this sense im very lucky! i know many artists who genuinely ARE phenomenal and amazing but they might only draw, like, fanart of an obscure videogame from the early 2000s. doesnt make them less good, but you can see why they are less popular.
thats not to say that doing fanart will launch u into popularity or whatever tho. i mean, i posted fanart alongside OC on this blog since like 2016, and only in the past 1-2 years have i gotten much clout. i used to get super excited if any of my posts broke 20 notes. sometimes u just have to draw for yourself, improve your skills at your own pace and maybe hope someday people take notice of you i guess. but still, try to keep in mind that likes/rts dont really.. mean much. i think the thing they're most useful for is purely visibility, which can be useful in trying to get work.... SOMETIMES. (besides that, they're just good at making people irrationally distrust or hate you assuming youre some sort of.. i dont know.. rich industry pro and not a broke teenager lol)
(exhale) i hope this helps somehow lol it kind of turned into a rant about the things i dislike about posting art on socmed. if any other artists want to chip in and say something more coherent thatd be helpful LOL sorry anon. tldr: social media is fake and shallow, draw what makes you happy
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the-flying-urayuli · 3 years
uhhh nobody asked but heres my take on those cutscenes in inside (or at least the ones i remember) that i wanted to post for some reason
between content and comedy: no comment, a bit of an opening to the special and not really something that has to be analysed
brand consultant: pretty obvious, its about how brands pretend to care about the struggles our society faces but really is just leeching off of it for more money
can anyone shut the fuck up: also pretty easy, with the internet everyone is always voicing every opinion they have on everything that no one even asked for (hell look at me now) and maybe we’d be a bit better off if we just shut the fuck up. also kinda interesting that this part is done in a stand up comedy-ish format.
reaction video: also kinda obvious, parodying those reaction videos on youtube like the fine bros where it just keeps going on and on. however we also get one of the first big and obvious self hate? moments or at least that i remember and i ave so many hypothesis’ on this scene but none of them make much sense.
im horny: i fucking love how this scene looks, pretty straight foward, or at least i feel so i cant remember this scene too well and searching up “bo inside im horny” on youtube is definitely a regret. bo sorta confronts us straight up that this is pretty fucked. possibly interesting that it has a sort of podcasty vibe.
youtube thank you speech?: bo passively aggressively wants to stab the camera. could possibly be about how childrens content on youtube is so half assed or even bad for children. like some of these videos are disturbing to watch, this also sorta comes up with the other one above with the lines about how we have this system that only benefits a bunch of millionaires and billionaires and i dont remember those lines right. 
bo looks at old videos: also pretty straight foward, this scene felt awesome though. leading into problematic its bo looking at his older more controversial past and either regrets it or is impressed with how far he’s come/learned? or a mix of the 2 but mote likely its the first one.
dont kys speech: i remember someone else saying this on tumblr ages ago, if you know who that is tell me and ill credit them but someone said in this scene he is quite literally self projecting and i think thats the best i’ll get out of this part
video game streamer thing?: this one is quite confusing and like the reaction one, i have loads of loose ideas but nothing to tie it all together. could possibly be about how streamers and videogamers dont really pay much attention to the message of a game or the actual experience and really just want to get through it as fast as possible and make another video, or something like that. there are definitely some more noteworthy lines and i could explain this a lot more but not today-
just before all eyes on me: i dont really think theres much to look at here. this sorta ending part of the special though is when it gets more confusing if its all acting or genuine emotion. 
the ending part: this has to be one of the most confusing yet best parts so far. starting off, obviously bo finally leaves the room, his hair is still quite long but we see he looks a lot cleaner and is dressed now. then as he leaves the room he finds himself to be on some sort of set and an audience starts laughing. he attempts to go back inside but finds himself locked out, then he starts breaking down in front of the door as the audience keeps laughing. then suddenly it cuts to bo back inside watching that previous footage on a projector, then slowly smiling, in a satisfed manor. this part is a lot easier until that last part. starting off, the lockdown is over. he goes to try and go back into the world and back into the public eye or into normal life again but he finds he doesnt want to leave yet or isnt ready. so he tries to go back into that old state of just working on the special alone, day after day, but cant. so he freaks out. the laughing is a bit confusing and i dont even have anything to say at all for the part as he looks on.
also sorta noteable is how in all eyes on me, there isnt any actual audience cheering for bo, possibly he’s sorta going back and missing the times he got to go on stage and perform something he put a lot of work into and be praised for it.
sorry for this strange and confusing rant i just wanted to get this out of my head, if anyone else has any different takes on different inside moments id love to see them
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Hello I would like an mcyt matchup!
My name is Salem, I'm 5'1 ft/155 cm, my body kinda looks like Judy Hopps, I have short red painted hair, honey skin tone, dark brown Almond eyes and thick eyebrows.
Im nonbinary, I use all pronouns, idk what's my sexuality tbh.
Im entp 9w8, capricorn sun, pisces moon and scorpio rising.
I am a "worm" that lives in the dark of a room investigating stuff, drawing, reading or watching any video on YouTube. I like doing new stuff but it depends on the day in how willing to do things I will be. I like anime, kpop, videogames, personality theories, music and drawing women (or wilbur, i like drawing his fluffy hair).
I have a really varied likes in music, I could be listening to twice and then suddenly listen to Arctic Monkeys.
Im Mexican, I have ADHD, anxiety disorder, social anxiety and selective mutism.
This was hard because I could see you with multiple characters, but I think I'd go with technoblade! First of all he'd be one of the more understanding people when it comes to ADHD/anxiety/mutism, and would probably actually enjoy how easy you are to relate to. He'd probably love reading with you and would ask you if you could draw him/his pets (of course understanding if you didn't want to). If he saw you watching anime he would try and do any cool fighting moves he saw (with varying levels of success), mostly just to see you smile though. He'd love how curious you are and would wanna investigate stuff with you. I think the only thing that wouldn't be very epic poggers is that he would tease you about liking kpop, but of course he'd let you mess with him back.
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unifox · 4 years
Who is this?
~Pairing: idol!Shinwon x youtuber!reader (platonic)
~Genre: fluff 
~Warnings: none :)
~Words: 927
~Summary: Besides the nice demo track he received, Shinwon also acquired a best friend with that unknown KakaoTalk number
a/n: Oh it took me a while to write this one... I also added a lot os messages and dialogue ops, I hope you guys enjoy it! Also, omg a writer that I admire reposted my fanfic I'm 🥺 ~Foxy🦊
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It was an ordinary Sunday and as always Shinwon was lounging in the dorm's living room, watching Netflix. He was immersed in the movie when suddenly his phone screen lit up notifying he had a new kakao message
Unknown: Heyy here's the demo track you asked for :)
He was very confused, why did this person send a message in english to him and how did the have his number? He opened the app and saw that the person had also sent and audio message. Confused and slightly afraid that a fan or creep had found his phone number he decided to check the audio first and, surprisingly, it was a really nice song demo, as the person who sent it had already said. He then decided to send a message
Shinwon: who is this?
Unknown: y/n :)
sw: I don't know you
Unknown: ?? Jong stop playing. You asked me to send you the audio via kakao talk bc you can't open emails now. I even had to download the app T_T
sw: I think you got the wrong number... Do you know Korean?
Here shinwon was starting to wonder if he should open google translate to continue the conversation
Unknown: Yes
was typed in korean. From there on you guys started exchanging messages in korean
Y/n: Wait, so this is really not Jong? Omg sorry for bothering you
Sw: It's fine, your demo sounds good, though I would change the bridge to something softer
Y/n: thanks... What's your name? We have been talking and I don't even know that
He was hesitant, but decided to be truthful nonetheless
Sw: Shinwon
y/n: Nice to meet you shinwon
You guys decided to chat a bit more. Shinwon had even forgotten the movie was still playing on the tv and instead was immersed in talking to you. He discovered that you made youtube videos and occasionally posted covers. You became friends with some youtube guy named Jongsik and started making music with him, that explained why you sent a demo to him... Actually, to shinwon. You messaged each other a lot, talking about music, movies even videogames, discovering you had a lot in common
Shinwon was still a bit sceptical about you. He din't know if you knew him as Pentagon Shinwon. After you messaged saying you had to go and that you should talk later, he bid goodbye and went back to Netflix
He put the phone down sighting and Hongseok, who had just entered the living room and saw the gesture asked what was wrong. After explaining what happened, Hongseok chimed in
"What's their name?"
"y/n" "Wait, are you kidding me?"
"what do you mean? Why would I?" Shinwon asked still troubled about you knowing who he was. Hongseok simply ignored his concern and started browsing his phone
"Do you think that's them?" Hongseok turned his phone to shinwon and showed a Youtube page. Shinwon looked at the page but could't confirm anything, he only knew your name...
"How would I know hyung, they don't even have a profile picture in their contact"
"I know, but it's like you described it! I've been watching their channel for quite a while and as you said they occasionally post covers! Usually they post vlogs and sometimes music and videogames.
Shinwon just shrugged and went back to looking at the movie he had missed almost half of it.
- - -
Throughout the entire week, you and shinwon messaged each other back and forth unti he finally asked
sw: what's your YT channel?
Y/n: oh... It's "channel name"
sw: So it is that channel!
It was indeed the cannel hongseok had shown him
y/n: Do you know my channel?
sw: My friend showed me it but i really coundn't confirm it... Youre quite famous huh? hahaha
y/n: I guess you could say so? haha What do you do shinwon?
sw: Im a singer
Now there was no turning back for him
y/n: professional?
sw: Yeah, I'm in a kpop group called Pentagon
y/n: Oh? I think I've heard about your group! That jijiri jijiri song is yours right?
sw: omg hahahahaha yeah
y/n: dude you're awesome, I should check more of your songs now
Shinwon didn't know what to do with the new information but found it entertaining and funny at the same time
y/n: can we came a video call? Just so I can know which of them is you lol. PLUS if you know my YT channel then you know how I look like and it's not fair
sw: I guess
As soon as he sent that message he received a video call, it was you. He picked it up and was met with a dark screen
"y/n?" He started to wonder if it was really you or if he was lied to or something
"Oh! Hi shinwon nice to finally meet you!" You popped on the screen from the side "sorry, I just wanted to make sure it was really you... you never know right? Better safe than sorry" You said smiling widely at him
"Of it's fine, but you did scare me there for a second" he laughed
You guys chatted a lot almost like the first day you talked and many days after that as well. Sometimes you would play videogames together and other days just chat. You talked about your life as a youtuber and he talked about his idol life and sometimes the conversations went to some deep topics.
That Sunday, months ago, Shinwon not only received a really good demo track, but a best friend as well.
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okayeojin · 4 years
loona as youtubers /pt2/
((this is the part 1 with the other members))
➢ 💌; fluff
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someone please bring back gowon tv, im begging you~ for her to be honest I can think about vlogs, but it wouldn't be like jinsoul or choerry. rather than talking, she would mostly film things around her or showing the viewers what she was shopping for or the places she was hanging around at. alsooo asmr? or storytelling maybe. people just love to listen to her talking~
olivia hye
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gaming channel. that's it. cute gamer girl. and she's also really good at it. she would also post compilations of her own best moments and highlights from her gaming streams. y'know, not everyone manages to watch a 2 hours long live stream of someone playing videogames. when people found out she could dance, hyejoo would start getting more and more requests of her dancing, but it wouldn't be an every day thing to have her dancing in her videos.
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