#and in a lot of occasions some people have to have restricting diets due to a lot of reasons
olyoil · 1 year
Whatever I hate those people who promote health and well-being by telling people to eat low calorie anything like you need to be full and have energy to have a good day like I’m not saying to over indulge and I’m not saying people don’t eat a lot are evil and stupid I think we need to avoid bad eating habits and i hate how diet culture enables it
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This is a slight TW question, so feel no obligation to answer:
How would horrortale Sans react to an S/O with an eating disorder?
TW for eating disorder(s) (nearly only ARFID is spoken about, anorexia is mentioned)
If I missed any tags you think I should've included, please tell me.
This may sound a bit strange, but I’ve actually been wanting to write something for this, specifically because I suffer from an eating disorder. I’m not comfortable writing anything with an eating disorder (or any disorder in general) I personally don’t have, mostly because I don’t have the time to give it the proper research it deserves, so I’ll be writing about a lesser known eating disorder, that being ARFID. Let me explain it so people who don’t know what it is will, uh, know what it is lol
ARFID - also commonly called “Selective Eating Disorder” - stands for Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder. A lot of people with it are characterised as being “picky eaters”, but it goes to a point where it’s seriously unhealthy and crosses a line that makes it into something more serious. It has to do with sensory processing issues, rather than self-image issues (though self-image issues could also play a part in it I'm pretty sure, but it’s not the main “motivation”). Most people with ARFID actually wish they could go up in weight, but can’t because they can’t make themselves eat. I, for one, desperately wish I could just eat like a normal person, both because it’s very… not convenient to only have around 20 or less meals I can eat (and that list is slimming down as I grow tired of my safe foods*) and also I’m skinny enough to match Papyrus in looks, which isn’t very confidence-inspiring when you’re supposed to be a human and not a sentient magical skeleton, believe it or not. Whereas a person without ARFID could eat most things, including things they don’t really enjoy eating, somebody with ARFID might not be physically able to. For example, I literally throw up food that I don’t like (and I’ve gagged while eating food I do like due to seeing somebody eat something I don’t like and/or just smelling other food nearby). When I'm to try a new food, I have on more than one occasion gotten anxiety attacks. That’s how bad it can be.
*a "safe food" is food you know you can eat without panicking/throwing up/getting triggered in one way or another
I’ll be basing these HCs off of myself, so keep that in mind. You’re free to point out misinformation (and I, in fact, encourage you to point it out if I somehow got something wrong) but I ask that you stay respectful and don’t make fun of this. I doubt it would happen, but this topic means a lot to me and is really serious. So yeah please don’t be rude or invalidate people. Anyways onto the headcanons (which aren’t in the usual format, sorry if that bothers you)
Dusk (HT Sans) wouldn’t really understand. He’s able to eat pretty much anything (not like he had much of a choice for a while) and food is important… But he’ll try to understand. Especially because he can accommodate you. He’ll be fine eating the same meals, however “boring” they are, over and over because like I said: not a picky eater. Any food is good in his book. So long as you’re not restricting him and his food intake and so long as you aren’t dying from starvation and/or malnutrition, you’re free to do whatever.
It does annoy him when you go to social gatherings and you can’t eat the food because it’s not one of your safe foods. He’s not going to let you just starve yourself when there’s perfectly fine food just waiting for you. Not gonna lie, he’s pretty insensitive the first time this happens. Basically, he’ll pull you over when he notices you’re not eating anything and try to convince you to eat. Starts out really gentle and encouraging, but when you don’t budge he becomes increasingly agitated and insistent until he hisses that you’re making a fuss over nothing. Needless to say, you aren’t thrilled and it starts a pretty serious argument that probably ends with you either leaving, starting to cry or blowing up at him. He feels bad when it’s all said and done and apologises, because he realises after some thought that he wasn’t being helpful and he decided to do more research again. Even if he forgot it all like he did the first time he tried researching ARFID, it would have been worth a shot. After that, he’ll instead pack food with him for you whenever you go somewhere. It doesn’t matter if it’s “socially acceptable”, because like I said, you’re not starving if he’s got something to do with it.
He’ll also, after coming around to realise the best he can do to help you isn’t trying to push you out of your comfort zone forcefully, try to make sure there’s always at least one of your safe foods available. Don’t get me wrong though, he’ll still encourage you to expand on your list of safe foods. He’s got memory issues so he sometimes forgets, which he feels really bad about, but he has multiple alarms set to make sure you eat properly for the most part. (He’s got an alarm for nearly every minute of the day and he has his calendar full of things as mundane as “make sure s/o eats” and “do laundry”, by the way.) I have a tendency to skip lunch because I simply don’t like food, but he’d put a stop to that lol
To summarize, the whole thing with you having an ED starts off with the two of you having a rocky start before Dusk comes around to be really good at handling it.
Anyways sorry if you meant an ED like anorexia. I know most people write about things like that, but like I said: I’m not really up for writing things that I have to pour hours of research into to make sure I portray it respectfully and accurately because I don’t have that time or patience. (Or attention span, tbh.) Also, I literally hadn’t heard of ARFID for like… the majority of my life, I’ve only known it’s a “thing” for like. A few months. I really thought I was the only one who was so picky with my food and it made me feel alone and isolated (ESPECIALLY after I went to a "specialist" (not sure if she was actually a specialist anymore because her technique to get me to eat was to give my a small glass that I'd pour sauce into to try it every time it was served which obviously didn't work lmao) to help me when I was like six and she said she’d “never seen somebody this bad” before not giving me a diagnosis (as far as I know)), so if anybody with undiagnosed ARFID is reading this:
you're not alone. I know it’s difficult to deal with this - it can be humiliating and embarrassing and horrible and terrible in so many ways - but you can do it. It’s so hard, so fucking hard to step out of your comfort zone and try to expand on your list of safe foods, but you can do it. I believe in you. You aren’t alone and you can learn to have a healthier diet, please just try. I’ll be honest in that you’re probably never going to completely overcome this, ARFID is something that likely stays with you forever, but you can make it into a smaller problem. You can turn it into something so much smaller and inconsequential that you won't encounter any more embarrassing situations where you can't eat what you're given. To a point where you won't have to use the excuses "I already ate", "I'm not hungry", etc anymore. It’ll take time and patience, but you can do it. Don’t give up, okay? <3
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ryiafaye · 3 years
Eating Disorder Questions
1. When did you eating disorder begin?
2012 (I was 17)
2. What is your earliest related memory?
I started a food journal and weighing myself. Didn’t like how high the number was. Before that I had some body image issues related to puberty but ate whatever I wanted.
3. Favorite safe foods?
Non fat yogurt, berries, rice cakes
4. Favorite safe meal?
Coconut milk and low cal cereal (rice crispies or cheerios)
5. How do you handle hard days?
Not sure that this means but when I’m upset I either sleep, watch tv/read, or use harmful behaviors.
6. sw/cw/hw/ugw
147/142/152/ as low as possible but at least 108
7. How do you comfort yourself after a binge?
Purge or fast, I used to also burn myself.
8. What type of ED do you have?
I’ve had anorexia (b/p subtype), bulimia, and BED at different times. Right now mostly restricting and binging/purging occasionally.
9. When did you realize you had an ED?
Not sure but I remember when I started purging I realized it wasn’t just a “diet”.
10. Do you have any recovery tips?
Meal plans (healthy ones preferably made by a dietitian) are great for learning what normal portions are again. For starting recovery: a good pros/cons list and reflecting on everything your ED has taken from you. Also having at least one person to be accountable to, especially a professional if you have access to that.
11. Does anyone know about your ED?
Pretty much all of my friends and family. It’s hard to hide it when you’ve been in treatment so much.
12. What is an embarrassing ED related story you have?
Once when I was drunk with friends (really drunk, like I can barely remember everything) I started feeling nauseous and said in front of everyone “don’t worry, I used to be bulimic” (at the time I still was) then proceeded to purge in the bathroom with the door open. Also multiple occasions of shitting myself due to laxatives (no one knows about that).
13. Longest fast?
41hrs only drinking water and coffee
14. Do you have any other ED communities?
Yes, on Instagram
15. Have you recovered/relapsed before?
Yes, multiple times.
16. Favorite safe outfit?
Leggings and a baggy tshirt or hoodie.
17. Do you smoke?
Yes, nicotine
18. Coffee or tea?
I am a coffee addict but I like tea too
19. Diet soda or energy drinks?
I have never liked soda but I’m currently addicted to energy drinks.
20. Biggest sweet tooth craving/binge food?
Donuts or other pastries
21. Something you want to tell about your ED but you’ve never had the chance.
Not sure...maybe that I feel like I’ll never 100% recover. I’ve told at least one person everything else.
22. Best words of advice/love/experience to other ppl with EDs?
Recovery does get easier, though it sucks at first. Living with an ED isn’t really living, you deserve better. Things really are darker/less enjoyable when you’re sick.
23. Do you have a partner? If so do they know about you ED?
No, I’m single. My last S.O. was a huge cause of a very bad relapse a few years ago and I’m still healing from his abuse.
24. Do you want to recover?
I’ve been actively trying to recover for the last year. I don’t want to lose the life I’ve built for myself in that time, but relapse is so tempting.
25. Do you actually enjoy working out?
I’ve never really liked formal exercise (like things you do at the gym) but there are other things I like doing, mainly caring for and riding horses (I own two horses, help at the barn, and compete). I also like hiking.
26. Do you smoke?
Already asked that
27. If you smoke weed, do you get the munchies?
I only smoke cigarettes and vape
28. What is the thing you miss most that your ED has taken from you?
Finishing college and getting my license as a LVT and my dream job
29. Have you worked on your ED in therapy?
Yes, extensively
30. Have you ever been caught mid ED behavior? (Binging, purging etc)
Not exactly, except purging while inpatient, but I’ve had people question me right after using a behavior.
31. Do you eat healthy or not?
I don’t strictly eat “clean” but I don’t just eat junk. Mostly it’s just the amount of calories something has.
32. Does your ED affect your sex life/sexuality?
When I’ve been underweight my libido decreases which I don’t really mind.
33. What is your favorite unhealthy but safe food?
Low calorie popsicles and certain crackers/chips. I’ll eat anything in small quantities if it fits into my calorie limit.
34. What is one of your most obscure fears brought on by your ED?
Not sure. I used to think people thought I was ugly, now I’m just afraid they think I’m fat.
35. Least favorite part of your body?
Chest, stomach, hips, thighs, cheeks
36. Favorite part of your body?
Eyes, hair, arms, and wrists
37. Do you have a fast metabolism?
I don’t think so, at least not as fast as it used to be.
38. Dumbest weight loss advice you’ve ever gotten.
Not sure, no one has ever given me “advice”, it’s more of what I’ve over heard people saying. I think people that don’t understand that calories in/calories out matters more than what type of food you eat.
39. Do you try to practice body neutrality or positivity? How?
Body neutrality has helped my in the past. Mostly focusing on what my body can do rather than how it looks.
40. How do you handle ED related nausea, fatigue, sickness, weakness?
I avoid a lot of it by eating small amounts throughout the day and not fasting. I used to be able to fast a lot but don’t anymore cause I don’t want to feel like shit at work. Oh and I abuse caffeine to combat fatigue.
41. What was the moment you realized you had an ED?
Already asked
42. What food do you miss the most?
It’s less about the food and more about how I miss being able to eat without feeling guilty.
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regrettablewritings · 4 years
Preferences: Guilty Pleasures
Characters: Okoye, Lucifer Morningstar, Dewey Finn, Peter B. Parker, Ahkmenrah
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Okoye is straightforward and stony upon first impressions. And, admittedly, even afterward. The only real difference is that, if one gets to know her better, they might find shock in the fact that in spite of her appearance, she Dora leader actually likes sweets. However, it’s not sweet things in general that Okoye feels guilty for enjoying: It’s Starbucks.
Starbucks is the antithesis of everything Okoye is associated with: Supremely un-Wakandan, a chain establishment, and overall just not worth the absurd cost. Not to mention superbly unhealthy when compared to the rest of a fighter’s typical diet. But yet you can bet that every time she needs to go out of the country or off-continent, there’s an invasive shout for joy at the possibility that she might be able to get her hands on a Frappucino (followed by an internal scolding).
She can’t even explain exactly why she likes it; there are plenty of good, even healthier sweet things back in Wakanda -- heck, back anywhere else!
But it’s a bit like when someone craves the cheap taste of school pizza over a legit pie cooked in a stone hearth: She just loves the sugary sweetness, the application of whipped cream to an already tooth-rottingly saccharine icy drink, the addition of chocolate. But Bast, she also hates it. But ever since T’Challa practically shoved a grande cup of caramel frappucino into her hands, she hasn’t felt entirely the same.
Against her better judgement, she’s more or less unintentionally tried 45% of the menu drink-wise. She doesn’t particularly care much for the food part of the establishment, though if she should ever find herself in one during the fall, she might indulge in a chunky slice of pumpkin bread under the conviction that it’s healthy enough for being gourd-related. Never mind that it’s just a cinnamon mixture with more sugar than actual pumpkin-derived anything.
Really, of all those mentioned on this list, Okoye is the one who probably feels the most disappointed in herself whenever she indulges in her guilty pleasure: It’s a betrayal to her patriotism, to her dignity, and to her attempts to eat healthy. But damn, if this type of betrayal doesn’t taste so addicting . . .
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Lucifer Morningstar
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The thing about Lucifer is that it’s actually a bit hard for him to feel any regrets over liking anything; he’s the Devil, after all, so his whole thing is about embracing the things that make you feel good. And even besides that, he’s mostly managed to skate by in his time on Earth by categorizing things as Stuff He Likes, Stuff He Tolerates, Stuff He Doesn’t Bother With, and Stuff Humans Seem to Enjoy But He Doesn’t Quite Get. It’s a tad restricted of a system but you can’t argue with results.
However, just because something is difficult doesn’t mean that it’s impossible. The Devil can, in fact, recognize absurdity in liking certain things. Hence why, to a point, he’s fallen prey to his own bizarre pleasures: The Devil has guilty pleasures, and it’s in stupid YouTube videos, Vine, and TikTok.
After he finally drank the Kool-Aid and got himself a smart phone, it was only a matter of time before Lucifer fell down the rabbit hole that is YouTube prank videos and strange uploads about nonsense and animal humor. It was also only a matter of time before he found himself stumbling into Vine compilations. The Celestial is terrifically mystified by the creative power of humans, managing to tell entire stories and peak comedy in only a span of seven seconds. But he’s also quite loathe to have realized it’s been long defunct by the time he’s discovered it.
He’s even more loathe to find himself making references in his daily life: He has actually quietly blurted out, “I sure hope it does” in response to seeing a Road Work Ahead sign, causing Chloe some confusion (and Lucifer lots of embarrassment). He has referred to a culprit as “Jared, Age 19″. Since discovering Vine, there has been at least one night wherein he and a bed mate were sitting there with barbecue sauce on his tiddies, but that was by sheer coincidence.
But eventually the Vine compilation well dried up, and the inevitable transfer over to TikTok happened. And Luci honestly doesn’t know what to make of TikTok. He would describe it as Vine’s Molly-addicted cousin based on its obsession with dancing, but the dances are so stationary that even that doesn’t seem quite right. The videos on the platform are also much more . . . bizarre. And some of them admittedly trigger a fight-or-flight response in him, to which he always chooses the third option of freezing if only so he can keep watching the train wreck unfold before his eyes.
The trouble with TikTok, he’ll admit to himself, is that it’s not as easy to find iconic content the same way he could with Vine. However, this isn’t to say that he hasn’t found anything worth watching over and over and over again . . .
(Let’s just say the “Wolf Pack Compilation” lives in his head rent-free, and he’s both too amused by it and too overwhelmed by its vibe to try and evict it.)
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Dewey Finn
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Dewey is . . . a special case. Given that he associates messy living and indulging in one’s pleasure a part of the rocker lifestyle, he’s generally quick to embrace whatever makes him happy. He’s very upfront about his interests and is arguably almost incapable of feeling shame. But it’s in there: Deep down. No, not in himself -- in his Spotify. Specifically, a Spotify account made on an email he never uses because it was made specifically to create this separate, uber secret playlist.
One marked “Actual Musical Bops.”
Dewey hates musicals: They’re cheesy, uninspired, gaudy, ridiculous, totally aimed at chicks with weird fantasies that he could never aspire to, and the music is just overall unimpressive. And yet, somehow, against his music elitist nature, a handful have managed to slip through the cracks. At the very least, a handful of numbers have clawed their way past his defenses and into his ear, where they now live rent-free.
In spite of his best efforts, the problems are that he’s a New Yorker, so it’s inevitable that he hears a song or two; and also that, as an instructor (to wealthy New York tweens whose families can afford frequent tripes to the Great White Way, no less), he’s definitely going to wind up hearing about some shows and their stand-out numbers: Against his will, he knows the lyrics to “My Shot”; he has cried in the secrecy of his apartment to “When I Grow Up”; in the never-necessary reason he needs to remember how many minutes there are in a year, he sings it inside his head; hell, he’s even found himself trying to figure out the electric guitar riff from “The Phantom of the Opera” during his down time.
What’s all the more embarrassing is that, given how he presents himself as a music elitist, there’s just no way he can come back from this if anyone were to know. He has to catch himself when he finds himself humming “Johanna” in the teacher’s lounge. He scowls at himself when he can’t sleep and gives in and starts playing “No One is Alone.” He wants to kick his thick ass every time he realizes he’s excited to have stumbled across a “slime tutorial” on YouTube, this one with better quality than the last. The reason he actually put a password on his phone wasn’t out of privacy like a sensible person would, but out of a need to make sure that no one ever found out that he had downloaded the entire Beetlejuice soundtrack, including jankily-recorded songs that never made it to the official cast recording for whatever reason!
And should anyone ever find out about any of this, Dewey has a plan: “Oh, I’m doing research. I’m studying these songs so I can give the kids a lesson on what not to do as actually competent musicians.”
But the lesson would never actually come. Mainly because he keeps prolonging his “research” . . .
He’s also developed a bit of a soft spot for My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic due to some students gushing about it, but he would rather sooner die than ever be associated with the term “brony.”
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Peter B. Parker
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Peter is at a point where he’s too tired to really care about the idea of guilty pleasures. The way he sees it, there are bigger priorities at stake than worrying about someone finding out about your love of some hokey activity or food or form of entertainment.
Besides, he’s a New Yorker: There’s way weirder stuff for people to just not pay any real attention to. Hence why he thinks nothing of his bizarre eating habits. And no, this isn’t referring to his disastrous appetite: This is about his tendency to eat food with his hands. Foods that, well, he really should probably utilize eating utensils for.
To be fair, this habit has always existed in him in some form or another, especially since, as Spider-Man, he often needs to eat food on the go. But during the time he spent living the life of a depressed bachelor, it came out in full force. On the rare occasion he wasn’t eating a food that deserved to be eaten by hand, he often found himself loathing the idea of doing the dishes afterward. There would be days he’d feel only slightly less depressed; enough to make a box of Kraft Mac n Cheese in the pot, but not enough to avoid cutting out the middle man.
He’s thankful the craptastic apartment wasn’t also see-through because if it were, he’s positive his neighbors would’ve thought they were bearing witness to a man’s breakdown as he wept into a pot of macaroni and cheese, his hand full of the stuff, while wearing a Spider-Man costume. (And, to be fair, they actually would be.)
In addition to this, there were also those nights where he would be prepared to actually tuck in to a plate of spaghetti, only for some crime going on elsewhere in the city to drag him away. By the time he’d return, the plate would’ve been cold and his energy too depleted to want to even dream about cleaning more than he already had to.
The great news is that he’s thankfully done a 180, now able and willing (if begrudgingly) to clean up after himself. But bad news is that this feral man will still eat a fully-loaded baked potato like an apple. In a park. In front of women and children. He’s just too tired to care anymore. He’s aware of the guilt in this as a concept, but he’s also aware that he needs to take whatever happiness he can get out of whatever he does. And if that means eating everything by hand, then so be it!
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Funnily enough, Ahkmenrah doesn’t seem to experience much of any shame for enjoying the things most might feel the need to hide: He’s constantly curious and has missed out on a lot over the centuries, so why should he feel bad for wanting to indulge in them? Celebrity gossip is just a more fun version of the palace gossip he’d grown up hearing as a boy; reality TV is like watching a play, but with much more fights, less deaths, and more faulty romances; and sloppy meatball subs are like a feast for a man of his time!
Besides, he’s a king: Kings shouldn’t have to feel embarrassment over what the common folk might think.
And yet . . . It took some time, but eventually Ahkmenrah did experience it: Guilt in his pleasures.
He couldn’t even recall where it had all started. Maybe he was searching for more content to swallow after the most recent season of his new favorite show had ended? Whatever the case, he wound up biting off more than he could chew when he stumbled upon . . . fanfiction.
The adorable yet sad thing is that he didn’t even think anything of it at first. It wasn’t until he brought up a ship he’d invested his last few nights awake exploring on the computer: Nobody knew what the crap he was talking about, so of course he felt the need to explain it. But the more he talked, the more perplexed his friends looked. And the more he could feel his cheeks and ears burn.
Oh, he thought. Is this . . . embarrassment? Is that what this feels like? Oh, this is just foul.
Thankfully, nobody pressured him to keep talking about it, but the poor king sure as heck didn’t feel much of a desire to talk any further about it. But he needed to talk to somebody about his newly acquired “feels” as those online were calling them.
Joining fanfiction-oriented sites was the next obvious step, of course, but he’s experienced mixed feelings about it: On one hand, it’s nice to talk with people who share similar views and excitement about a fictional couple. But on the other, the digital wars that have broken out both disturb him and bring out the worst in him.
Like, of course there are bigger things to deal with than whether or not So-So is better off with Him-Ham, but if you truly think that Blah-Blah and Himhaw are a healthy relationship, then you can go do a service and bury yourself in the desert sands to provide substance to the hungry beetles with your flesh --
Suffice to say, a lot of the guilt in this pleasure seems to come from the fact that Ahk can get a little too emotionally invested if the work is really good. He tries to limit his interactions to commenting and praising certain works, and encouraging content creators. However, he’s also contemplated contributing his own pieces of fiction to the fandom . . .
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dxmncoldnights · 3 years
I'm not relapsing, not pro anything (except recovery) just using tags because I need to vent to people who will understand.
I've been in recovery for over 5 years (with some relapses along the way, but still). Most of the time, honestly I'm fine and not easily triggered. But I've been struggling the past few weeks due to a lot of changes in my life making me feel stressed and out of control.
My roommate definitely has her own issues with food, she doesn't know about mine. Right now she's on a keto diet, which is sort of triggering to me. But I can ignore it and deal with it. However, she's made several comments about how small I am (I'm 4'11" and 105lbs) and she watches/notices what I eat. Like I had chicken for dinner one night (was having a moment and couldn't handle vegetables so I just had the chicken) and she was like "no veggies? You need veggies too not just protein." Protein shakes/drinks are a safe food for me, so I keep a lot of them on hand. She's noticed/commented on that.
She's told me on two separate occasions about how she "used to be nearly anorexic" because at one point after a break up she restricted and once time exercised 3 times in one day. Like, that's not the definition of anorexia but I get the point. You don't need to keep telling me. The past few days she's asked if I've remembered to eat (so she pays attention to what I'm eating).
She's trying to lose weight (medically, she should so I support her in that) but that doesn't mean I don't find it triggering. Knowing she pays attention to my eating habits tempts me to go back to the exhilaration of hiding an ED. Mostly, I just want to recover in peace and not have her bug me even though I'm confident that's not her intention.
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Get Motivated to Drop 2–4 Dress Sizes in One Month: 4 Steps to Get your Dream Body
How to lose 4 dress sizes in a month or how to lose 20+ pounds in 30 days all mean the same thing, losing weight on a deadline. Whether it be a high school reunion, your own wedding, or other specific occasions. But before we get into it, let’s talk about what matters most when it comes to effective and successful weight loss.
In this article, we’re going to cover the 4 steps to get your dream body. I always believe the best solutions are the simple ones so I don’t have 12 tips or 15 keys to losing weight fast. Just the 4 keys that are essential to successful weight loss.
Note: This article is more about the principles of weight loss and proper mindset to get you motivated for a higher success rate.
📷 If you’re interested in learning exactly how I lost 20+ pounds in 1 month without exercise after each of my pregnancies over age 40, then read this article for further details.
1. First Key to Successful Weight Loss: Set up Practical Goals 📷 Different Aesthetic Standards Let’s take a look at the picture above. Sure you see the woman in a black dress. I believe you may not find her to be super slim but she has beautiful feminine curves which make her look just as attractive as the lady in purple on the right, who’s holding a wheel position on the ground whom I believe most people would consider being slender. I don’t know about you but they’re both just as fit and beautiful to me.A friend of mine once told me when he was younger he used to find chubby girls much more attractive than skinny girls. As you can see, human perceptions of beauty change from time to time and vary from individual to individual. What really matters is the way you see yourself. In my opinion, every woman is unique and beautiful her own way. Some might be sort of ‘big-boned’ while others are rather plump or extremely tall and skinny. Each of us is born with an inherited body type which we sometimes can do little to change. So before we even jump into any sort of diet or workout plan we need to know what our natural body type looks like and get the idea of the best version of the body we are most likely to achieve and feel comfortable with it. It’s impractical to pursue the hourglass figure when your natural body type is rather tall and “narrow-butt” if you know what I mean. It’d be nice to have a body like that of Kim Kardashian, whom I pretty much believe is born that way.Measure Your Dress Sizes instead of Weight Losing 3–4 dress sizes in a month is actually a more specific goal than losing 20 pounds in 21 days. It will make you less obsessed with the numbers on the weight scale when all you have to do is measure your waistline & hip circumference. It will give you a better idea of how close you are to your fitness goal.2. Second Key to get you started: Mindset Mindset is essential for successful weight loss in the long term. You need to truly love yourself for who you are and be willing to do whatever it takes for your well-being. You are beautiful the way you are. You are worthy of a great and healthy life and you will get your dream body once you started believing in yourself.What are the real reasons that make you want to start losing weight? Health issues? Want to fit in some fabulous outfits? Abs that will turn heads when you’re on the beach?Try to find the strongest motivations that will get you started and keep you going towards your goal.They have to be bigger than just want to look great and feel good about yourself which by the way is nothing wrong either. It’s so important that you’re doing this out of strong love for yourself and your loved ones because it will give you the power to continue and get you motivated. That’s why having your mind in the right place is crucial to successful weight loss.My 4-year-old daughter asked me a question the other day:” Mom, will you still be around when I grow up?” “Do you want me to still be around by then?” “Of course I do! I want you to always be around no matter how old I am.” “I will do my best, honey”, was the promise I made to her.That reminds me of my parents, who are already advanced in age yet still being so healthy and energetic and not suffering any kind of pain which most elderly people do(backache, rheumatism, arthritis, knee pain, etc.).My father is a wise and experienced natural therapist and herbal expert and is able to take good care of himself and my mom. I am so grateful that my parents are still so healthy and I want to follow the good example they set up for me.I’d like to quote what my father used to say to us:” Always watch what you put in your mouth. You are not a trash can! Don’t just eat anything because it tastes good.” 📷 📷 Use the Power of Mind Think of Your Body as a small universe with your mind is the most powerful thing that maintains the balance within this small universe.Or if we think of the body as some sort of hardware then your mind is like the software that actually makes the hardware works at its best.I know this metaphor might
be a little too simplistic but it’s important to fill our minds with positive thoughts. Because your mind and your words actually have the power to program your life into the way you want it to be.If we fill our minds with negative thoughts then we’re most likely not going to take any action to achieve any goal that would make us healthier or have a better life than we deserve because deep down in our hearts we think it’s impossible or just too difficult to achieve.That’s why mindset is the key to successful weight loss because it is often followed by aligned actions which naturally lead to a change of lifestyle. Now that if you know for sure you are doing this out of strong love for yourself and your loved ones and you have your mindset in the right place then we’re good to go.Seek Professional Help Now if you are having some sort of eating disorder problem like you often found yourself staring at the big empty ice-cream container after watching your favorite movies at midnight.Or maybe you are stress-eating a lot or some of you even suffer from something worse such as bulimia or anorexia. Then the last thing you need to worry about now is the way you look like.I’d suggest that you look deeper into the real reasons behind your eating disorder behavior or even seek professional help if necessary. 📷 📷 3. Third Key that is Crucial: Maintain Hormonal and Metabolic Balance Maintaining hormonal and metabolic balance is the essential key to successful weight loss especially for women who are overweight and what they’ve been doing is eat very little and move a lot while still not getting the result they want.A hormonal imbalance can greatly affect women’s beauty and the distribution of their body fat[1]. For example, the lack of estrogen can cause our skin to lose its tautness which means the wrinkled face and fine lines around the eyes. When the estrogen levels are low it could lead to excessive weight gain as well.The growth hormone, which is known to be able to help burning fat while also building your muscles and bones during your deep cycles of sleep-[2][3]. That’s why having quality sleep is so important if we want to actually lose that stubborn fat that’s stored in our trouble spots because the effective fat-burning process actually happens while we’re sleeping not when we’re exercising.The Insulin hormone, also known as the “fat-storing hormone”, is produced by our pancreas, regulates the metabolism of carbs, protein, and fat. Insulin is released when our blood sugar levels rise. It helps absorb glucose from the blood and store it for future use. If we absorb too much glucose our body converts it into fat which causes weight gain. That’s why we need to stay away from refined sugar(or refined carbs) in order to prevent a dramatic rise of blood sugar levels that spike up the secretion of insulin which results in converting excessive blood sugar into fat.Cortisol is a steroid hormone, also referred to as the “stress hormone” due to the fact that its release is increased in response to stress and low blood sugar levels. We want to keep our cortisol levels down so we can turn on that fat-burning mode which boosts our metabolisms and helps us lose the stubborn fat in our trouble spots. Basically, when our cortisol level is high our body switches from the fat-burning mode to the muscle-breaking and fat-storing mode.I don’t want to bore you with the science here but it’s important that we understand that the human body is complicated and we need to take multi-factors into consideration instead of just simplify things with the “eat less and move more” equation.
If you want to know how to “eat more exercise less” to regain hormonal and metabolic balance then read this article to learn more.
4. Fourth Key: Stop Dieting In saying dieting I mean any kind of calorie restriction diets or weird/extreme diets that might cause nutrient deficiency which could be screwing up your hormonal and metabolic balance and thus make all your efforts and attempts at weight loss go in vain. The kind of dieting that’s not sustainable and practical, the kind that makes you feel listless, depressed, tired and your moods swinging from time to time you could hardly summon any energy to do what you want to do.As I have mentioned before, we do need to watch what we eat but we also need to develop a healthy relationship with our food so we won’t be afraid of having food that would actually make us healthy just because it has higher calories.The thing about counting calories is that it’s hard to be accurate. The same food seasoned and cooked in different ways could have different calorie counts. When we count the calories of a specific fruit we also need to take into account other factors such as its maturity because of the difference of sugar content in it.As for the chicken breast we have is it with skin or without skin and what’s the protein to fat ratio of it? Sounds complicated, isn’t it? Well, it is and it’s exhausting and inefficient if you have to do this on a daily basis.By the way, do you always feel like you need to remove the skin of the meat you have because it will make you fat? Well, do you know that eating meat along with its skin actually helps you digest better, and having good quality fat such as natural animal fat actually helps you burn fat in a more efficient way?What and How to Eat Matters I don’t need to tell you what you should eat to lose weight healthily because you’ve probably already gathered tons of information from different sources about it.You know how important it is to have good quality proteins to help you build muscles(boost metabolisms), that you should also include healthy fat, carbs, probiotics, fibers, vegetables in your meals as well so I guess I shouldn’t waste your time repeating what you already know.But what about the type and combination of food, what kind of protein together with what kind of carbs and vegetables, the amount of each category, what seasoning to use, which food combination or pairing of spices/flavors works better, when to eat, etc?For example, Crab is a great source of protein, and orange is also considered a good source of carbs which contains low calories and several vitamins and minerals. However, eating a great amount of crab while guzzling gallons of cold orange juice may not be a good choice for people with poor digestive systems.Drinking soup made by a certain combination of meat and vegetables is different from eating each ingredient separately. Salmon is well known for containing omega 3 fatty acids which may also help us burn body fat. However, we need to look deeper into the nutritional differences between farmed salmon and wild salmon. We also need to be careful not to have seafood as our main source of protein given the fact that the ocean is highly polluted and chemicals and pollutants can be absorbed by fish or other marine life through their environment and diet.Yes, there is a lot to take into consideration when it comes to choosing food for health and effective weight loss.Losing weight or dropping dress sizes fast is not something difficult to achieve. Eating nutrient-dense food combinations in the right way can lead to rapid weight loss without having to starve yourself or doing excessive cardio/HIIT exercises.
Get Motivated to Drop 2–4 Dress Sizes in One Month: 4 Steps to Get your Dream Body If you agree with me then click here and this product buyhttps://www.digistore24.com/redir/348520/sooraj1394/
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workingtolovemyself · 4 years
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Develop better eating habits – It’s simple if you just change this one thing
You can eat better with healthier habits  It’s easier to establish good eating habits in the convenience of our own familiar day to day lives. We make sure our fridge and cupboards are stocked with healthy low-fat food options and keep the temptations OUT of the house. It’s a different game when we want to maintain those habits while travelling whether it be via the car or plane. We will most likely be faced with eating out at restaurants, stopping at fast food establishments or even the gas station mini marts or small convenience type stores.
   We have the most control over our food options when we are travelling in the car. Because we are in our own vehicle we can pack our own food and control when and where we will stop. Stopping at a restaurant and knowing what type of food is served and whether or not there are healthy choices is valuable in staying on track with your weight loss plan.
 Using convenient tools like  these top dieting apps  can provide you with nutritional information about the meals served at various restaurants at which you may consider eating. If you are in a spot where there are not a lot of options this tool can help you choose a meal that will be a healthy choice right off their menu so there is no guesswork.
 Knowing the true nutritional information about what we are ordering at a restaurant helps us from using our own best guess about fat content or  calorie content  of a meal. I know I usually underestimate these numbers after all were all brought up to believe a salad is a healthy choice but some we are stunned to find out contain more fat and calories than the sumptuous meal we really wanted but didn’t opt for because we believed the salad would be a better choice.  Knowledge is power!
 When we’re dealing with air travel the same applies although with the restrictions regarding what we can take with us from home on board our flights we are often at the mercy of the food offerings at the airport. This can be a dieter’s nightmare.
 Aside from checking out reports such as this airport food review put out by the PCRM you do well to stick with lean proteins and vegetables with no butter when dining in a restaurant and with items such as protein bars, beef or turkey jerky when choosing a snack from an airport gift shop. If you must have something quick opt for low-fat pretzels instead of chips or snacks marketed as healthy.
 Be sure to read the label and look at the fat and sugar content especially of the protein bars as many of them contain more fat and sugar than a candy bar.
   How much food should we eat to lose weight?  Well, we probably already know it’s a combination of not only the quantity of food we eat but also what we’re eating that will help us transform our bodies. Even though most of us grew up in households where we were taught to believe that three square meals a day was healthiest it turns out that isn’t the best way to keep our bodies in optimal working condition.
 Back in the day of the cavemen hunters and gatherers people ate small meals throughout the day. They grazed on plants, fruits and vegetation and only enjoyed a large meal of meat on those occasions when they could catch and kill it. Their metabolisms weren’t messed up; they ate what was in season and aligned with changes in weather etc.
   Related: Are high fiber diets really that effective? Read more here 
  Eating small meals every three hours or so keeps our engines running, optimizes the absorption and energy utilization of our food and maintains a steady metabolism throughout the day where we are constantly burning calories. We are using the energy we ingest but also because the meals are much smaller we are tapping into our fat stores and using those also for our caloric needs during the day.
 We aren’t storing as much energy as fat because we are eating less and using what we eat as we eat it.  We also aren’t experiencing the starvation mode that dieting can sometimes switch our bodies into due to excessive caloric deprivation.
 When we restrict our intake excessively our bodies will more aggressively hold on to the stored fat believing that we may be experiencing starvation and need that stored fat for sustenance and survival in the days to come.  Instead of using the fat for energy when our meal is depleted our body will begin to break down lean muscle tissue and use it before the fat is used.
   Keeping your insulin levels under control is key for preventing carbohydrate cravings and triggering hunger.  Eating  non starchy vegetables  and protein with limited fruits and starchy carbs like beans, rice and potatoes will help to achieve that end.  Instead of storing fat you will use the energy efficiently and begin to normalize your metabolism.
 How much food to eat will differ from person to person except for saying that your main meal should be earlier in the day. Keep night time eating to a minimum and remember to drink plenty of water throughout the day. That will also help to prevent false hunger caused by dehydration.
     The post  Develop better eating habits – It’s simple if you just change this one thing  appeared first on  Technology Watchpost .
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thelifeoftuan · 4 years
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I don’t really like to show my body, but I’ve been feeling pretty good, so here. 😁
So ever since I graduated from residency and moved out of Oklahoma to New York, I’ve been attempting to stick to a healthier lifestyle. I really wanted to do something good for myself and help myself feel better. I feel like there’s this horrible expectation that guys (especially gay guys) have to fit into this mold of constant gym time and flexing their muscles to prove their attractiveness, and I honestly think that’s kinda been a blight to the community. I’ve never been a superficial person and never felt obligated to fit into such a--dare I say it--stereotype. I will be honest, though, seeing pictures after pictures of all these--admittedly, hot, haha!--shirtless dudes everywhere, especially since moving to New York City, I’ve tricked myself into feeling pretty inadequate a few times. But that’s the thing. Who’s the judge of our worth and adequacy? I’d like to think the true judge is ourselves, not other people. We’re the ones who have to power to figure out where we fit, and we shouldn’t let other people take that away from us. And so I tell myself that whatever I journey I choose, it’s by my own accord and for my own benefit. Everyone is different. Everyone has their different priorities and aspects that are important to them. Nonetheless, everyone should love their body, regardless of size, shape, or color. Forcing ourselves to fit into some unrealistic expectation leads us to not love our bodies. But if we love our body enough to know we can make improvements so that we can be a better fit for ourselves, that’s really where the true power is. That’s always been my belief, and I stick to it. During medical school and residency, I definitely felt like my health could have been better. Sitting in class and studying all day, skipping meals due to stress, losing sleep due to stress, and a constant sedentary lifestyle did not make me feel all that great. I was depressed a lot (granted my low activity level was not the main culprit, but it did not help), I felt sluggish a lot of the time, and I felt like I aged pretty quickly during those years of training as result of my mismanagement of my health. But I made it through. Still alive and kicking. And now I’m living pretty a pretty good life here in a new city that I love. And when I landed here, I told myself that my health and happiness were going to be the top priorities. So I made a plan for myself and vowed to stick to it to the best of my ability, while also giving myself a bit of wiggle room, ‘cause that’s just the nature of my job to be unpredictable at times and put crimps in my plans. But I gotta say, I’ve stuck to my plan pretty well so far. I went to the gym four times a week, even when I was exhausted after work or when I got home pretty late in the evening. Even when I got home at around 10:45 p.m., I’d rush my ass to the gym before they locked the doors at 11:00 p.m. Haha! I’ve been sticking to a pretty healthy diet, which is completely out of the norm for me, as I’ve never really done that before. Greek yogurt for breakfast, turkey sandwich for lunch, granola bar for a mid-day snack, and chicken, rice, and broccoli for dinner. Those are now my staple meals, and I actually don’t mind them at all. I thought I would, but I actually kinda like the constant routine. It makes cooking pretty simple. And I’ve been drinking water over anything else, and if you know me, that’s hella abnormal. Hahaha! I can’t even remember the last time I drank Dr Pepper (gasp). These days, I only treat myself to a soda (Dr Pepper is rare to find at restaurants in New York City) on the occasion I go out. And even then, I find myself really sticking to water, which honestly, I’m pretty proud of, ‘cause ya boy loves his carbonated sugary beverages. Haha! I stick to this healthy diet during the week, and then on the weekends, I treat myself to the wonderful New York City eats, because what the hell is the damn point of living here if I’m not going to enjoy all the delicious food, right? I don’t worry about macros or counting calories (Buddha forbid I ever start, ‘cause I feel like that’s just asking for unintentional weight loss, knowing my track record with math). I don’t have cheat days. If there are days during the week where I’ve had a rough day and want to indulge in some ice cream or order fast food or take-out, I’ll do it. My goal was never really to restrict myself or adhere to a stringent program. My goal was just to feel healthier, better, and happier. And sometimes, ya boy needs a pint of ice cream to make those things happen. Haha! Then the pandemic hit and the gym in my building closed down and has yet to open. And for a good number of weeks, my ass was handed to me by the pandemic with having to work constantly and trying to save as many sick people as I could during the peak of the pandemic in New York. And during that time, I definitely let my health and wellness fall to the wayside and ended up focusing all my energy on taking care of my patients. And I definitely felt like I had backtracked a little bit during that time. But then after things calmed down in New York City, I told myself that I would get back to it and refocus my energy on my health, because that was what was important to me. I didn’t wanna spend money on any gym equipment, ‘cause ya boy’s still very, very poor. And with the hope that, eventually, it would be safe to go back to the gym again some time in the near future, I didn’t wanna make any sort of unnecessary investment. So I got myself a yoga mat, downloaded this HIIT/body-weight training app that did not require any equipment, and allotted a little 4x4 space between my bed and dresser where I would work out four times a week. And after 6 months of lots of sweat (like, my god, I’ve never sweat so much before!), all sorts of different types of push-ups, ab exercises, supermans, and effing burpee-squat-jumps (whoever invented these should be tried for crimes against humanity), I’m still sticking with it and I’m pretty proud of myself with how far I’ve gotten. I definitely have been feeling so much better these days. Working out actually has become one of the things I look forward to. Elle Woods was right about them endorphins. Haha! And the incremental improvements I’ve been seeing are always a plus. I mean, I’m not at thirsty thot twunk physique level (😂🤦🏻‍♂️) by any means, but that was never really the goal. Regardless, I’m pretty proud of myself. My chest isn’t completely flat anymore, my arms are starting to show some definition, and I see some abs coming in, hahaha! Most importantly, though, I’m happy with the way I feel, and I think that alone speaks volumes more than any physical gains can. And I think that’s what I really want to say with this post. Forget societal expectations and pressures. Forget the magazines and posters and instagram peeps. Forget the stereotypes and stigmas. This year has been hard enough, and we shouldn’t subject ourselves to forcing our bodies to fit into these spots where we’re not comfortable. I don’t think that’s where our happiness lies. We ourselves need to discover where we fit, and that’s part of the journey. So here’s to all of us sticking to our own individual journeys and finding our own individual wellness! Be fit. Be healthy. Be happy. And be free.
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repairslip9-blog · 4 years
8 points You really Did Not know About Cellulite.
Hifu Face as Well As Neck Lift enhancement therapy
We Have A High Success price getting Rid Of Skin identifies efficiently.
therapy overview.
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therapy From a General Practitioner
Summary Of Your treatment
Femiwand vaginal Area tightening therapy Edinburgh.
Coolsculpting client.
If you are only simply starting to show indications of ageing, you may not require a full facelift surgery. This method includes the doctor making little incisions in front or behind the ear. Depending upon the level of lift you need, the cosmetic surgeon may likewise make a tiny cut along the hairline. They will then place a stitch just under the skin and also into the underlying coarse cells.
Although renovations and necklifts are normally effective and can produce dramatic outcomes, a facelift can not make you look 18 once more, and also you must be aware of the restrictions before you agree to have surgery. A facelift includes raising and also repositioning the skin and soft cells of the face. Sometimes, the specialist may need to make a little cut under the chin for the necklift part of the surgery.
We Have A High Success rate getting Rid Of Skin marks effectively.
For a typical facelift, your surgeon will make a medical cut right around your hairline, past the front of your ears. Cuts may likewise be made under your chin, if the procedure consists of lifting a drooping jaw line. Your skin will after that be very carefully divided from the underlying muscle mass of your face. The skin will after that be raised, pulled back as well as any type of excess will certainly be trimmed off.
How many inches can you lose with CoolSculpting?
Results vary for each patient. However, there is an average of 20-30% reduction in the treated area, which can significantly slim and contour your waist and abdominal region. Many patients lose several inches from their waistline after the completion of their recommended treatment plan.
Unsatisfactory outcome Often, individuals are not pleased with the result of their facelift or necklift. This might be to do with the look or feel of the face or neck, or the shape not fulfilling assumptions. It is extremely important that you talk with your surgeon, prior to you have the surgical procedure, concerning the appearance as well as form you desire, as well as whether this can be securely attained with a good end result.
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With each other, after considering your facial structure, skin high quality and also general wellness, you will certainly select the most effective training course of treatment. Unlike cosmetic surgery that is done on the body, a facelift just avoids you from returning fully to work out and full activity for about 6 weeks. You will see the final result after about 4 months as well as the marks will certainly remain to fade over the list below year. A facelift at The London Facility will certainly take around 2 hours, but the surgical procedure time will certainly be much longer if you also have a brow lift or an additional procedure at the very same time.
Does fat freezing work?
Cryolipolysis appears to be a safe and effective treatment for fat loss without the downtime of liposuction or surgery. But it is important to note that cryolipolysis is intended for fat loss, not weight loss.
A facelift & neck lift involves the skillful and also cautious elimination of excess facial skin from the neck, chin and cheek areas, under basic anaesthetic. When you awaken from your surgery you will certainly have dressings on the face as well as possibly drainage tubes in position. A facelift is plastic surgery to lift up and pull back the skin to make the face tighter and smoother. Many people will certainly stay in medical facility for 1-2 evenings following their surgery. a company that helps of evenings will certainly rely on the time of day your facelift is accomplished.
They will certainly listen to your objectives as well as work with you to produce the face look you desire. Our team deal you all the support you require both before and after your facelift It is regular to feel a little uncomfortable when you remain in public due to the swelling, redness and bruising around the cured area after a facelift.
treatment summary.
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Nevertheless, the large majority of wounding and also swelling ought to have cleared up by about 4 weeks. By now, lots of people really feel comfy sufficient to be seen by buddies and coworkers. If you have a major occasion turning up such as a wedding event or birthday celebration, strategy your surgery 2 to 3 months before it. Your doctor will certainly give you particular advice on how to wash and wash after the surgical procedure. As a whole, you might bath as well as clean your hair 48 hours after a facelift surgical procedure. Make use of a mild hair shampoo as well as be especially careful around the treatment area. Be mild when brushing or brushing your hair to ensure that you do not capture your comb in the stitch lines.
How do I get rid of stubborn belly fat?
20 Effective Tips to Lose Belly Fat (Backed by Science) 1. Eat plenty of soluble fiber. 2. Avoid foods that contain trans fats. 3. Don't drink too much alcohol. 4. Eat a high protein diet. 5. Reduce your stress levels. 6. Don't eat a lot of sugary foods. 7. Do aerobic exercise (cardio) 8. Cut back on carbs — especially refined carbs. More items•
They may be a bit pink for some time however discolor to a regular skin colour as well as appearance. Discoloration and also swelling are short-lived following a facelift and are mostly solved by two weeks. Suppleness in the external cheek area can nonetheless, linger for a couple of months.
Can ice packs reduce belly fat?
If your goal is to drop weight and fat, you may want to consider the idea of using ice packs along with any weight loss diet or plan you may be on. Using Dry Ice packs can help reduce weight !!!? That's right. It appears that putting an ice pack on your stomach for 30 minutes can burn off the hard-to-address calories.
Lumpiness under the chin on the neck is likewise usual especially if excess fat has been gotten rid of by liposuction surgery. You will certainly need to go back to the medical facility regarding a week to 10 days for a regular check. It prevails for patients to have eyelid surgical procedure with a facelift therefore there might likewise be a see to remove an upper eyelid stitch. It is suggested not to have your hair tinted for at least a number of weeks following surgical treatment.
therapy From a Gp
A facelift can be done alone, or in conjunction with various other procedures such as a temple lift, eyelid surgery, or nose reshaping. The marks before the ear are not normally visible after a facelift.
How many times do you have to do CoolSculpting to see results?
Patients may begin to see an improvement in the treated area a few weeks after their treatment, but it may take up to four months before they enjoy their full and final results. While every patient is different, most patients benefit from one to three sessions for each area of concern.
The overall objective of a face lift is to raise the skin from the face, tighten up the underlying muscle mass and then rearrange the skin, eliminating any extra. Your doctor will suggest on the very best therapy for your requirements. As well as the facelift, we provide eyelid surgical procedure, eye bag elimination and also brow lift therapies. All our doctors are General Medical Council registered and carry out hundreds of procedures, consisting of facelift surgery, every year. Facelift individuals generally remain in for 1-2 nights after their surgical treatment. Your length of stay will certainly depend on the time of day your treatment is performed.
Summary Of Your treatment
This type of cosmetic surgery recovers the reduced eyelid area as well as cheeks. Worn out, drooping cheeks are raised offering the face a rejuvenated look and also this treatment can aid with deep nasal folds. This form of cosmetic surgery lifts the upper as well as reduced face, eliminates excess skin as well as enhances the look of deep lines and folds. We offer a bespoke option customized to your desired results and suitability. Your cosmetic surgeon will certainly go over at length your preferred result, the numerous kinds of facelifts offered as well as show to you a profile of their job.
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This is due to the fact that the incisions are made along the hairline and around the ears, so your hair will cover them up. The majority of clients do experience bruising and swelling complying with a facelift. Nevertheless, after a few days, you are able to conceal some of the bruising with a little makeup, ought to you desire to. You ought to expect to have the stitches for 7-10 days before they are removed. Facial plastic surgery stays one of the most preferred plastic surgery procedures. Lots of people pick the surgery to help recreate an all-natural, vibrant as well as fresh look. We have a group of dedicated team as well as highly seasoned GMC-registered cosmetic and plastic cosmetic surgeons that are experts in facelift surgical treatment, and also that have actually operated in both the NHS as well as economic sector.
Femiwand vagina firm therapy Edinburgh.
Does ice pack reduce fat?
Simply strapping an ice-pack to a fatty area like the thighs or stomach for just 30 minutes can burn away hard-to-shift calories. The cold compress works by triggering the body into turning flabby white fat into calorie burning 'beige' fat. Humans have two types of fat tissue.
In this technique, the laceration is made along the hairline, past the front of your ears to below the earlobe, and also behind the ears. The cosmetic surgeon has the ability to boost and also tighten up the tissue of the SMAS, and utilizes stitches to obsess it to its brand-new position. Although it is a much longer treatment with a longer healing time, this method generates long-lasting outcomes. It is also preferable for males and females who have much more serious sagging of face skin.
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A tried-and-tested secret much-loved with elegance insiders who have been scheduling this for many years at facialist Vaishaly's Marylebone center. It's the one to pick if you like your elegance treatments a bit more low-tech but high up on outcomes. Incorporating genuinely fantastic massage with a galvanic/microcurrent wand-like tool, which actually pushes in a glow-enhancing hyaluronic acid lotion into the skin while lifting and also toning the facial muscles at the very same time.
It works by contracting as well as reducing muscular tissue fibers, which cause the lifting as well as tightening result.
Over the coming months, you'll discover skin tightening and also lifting of the skin, leaving you with more youthful feeling and look skin.
HIFU technology is totally risk-free as well as has actually been utilized in medicine for years.
Yet it may additionally be used for guys that just require treatment to one little location of cancer in the prostate.
If you are interested in a discovering more concerning a non-surgical face lift in London, you can connect with a participant of our team to reserve your initial free examination at our Primrose Hillside center.
It may likewise cause less adverse effects, since less of the healthy and balanced tissue is damaged.
It will then be sewn back to the line where the cut was initially made. You can additionally expect some scarring, yet a seasoned plastic surgeon will minimise and conceal facelift marks. Plastic surgeons at Ramsay hospitals are GMC signed up, on the GMC Specialist Register for plastic surgery, been experts in facelift procedures, and have actually worked in both the NHS and economic sector. Many patients are pleased with the outcome, but some locate their new form challenging to obtain utilized to. You can not evaluate the outcome of your facelift or necklift for about 6 to 9 months. Even if the procedure is a success, you may require one more operation in the future to have the skin tightened up once more.
The cosmetic surgeon will certainly utilize this stitch to lift the cheeks, jowls and also the top neck. Time, sunlight damage, and also way of life can impact the fragile skin on the face as well as neck. As we age, the skin can create great lines, wrinkles, jowls, and a loss of definition to the jawline. The eyes and also the edges of the mouth can droop, as well as deep lines and also folds can develop, making you look cross or exhausted, despite how satisfied and relaxed you really feel. If you are dissatisfied with the effect ageing has actually carried your face, Bella Vou's professional cosmetic surgeons can precisely lift, tighten up as well as smooth the skin and also muscular tissues on your neck and face to invigorate your look. Your doctor will certainly describe the choices readily available to you and the very best approach to attain your objectives.
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jamiebluewind · 5 years
Fantasy High Theory: Fabian has an eating disorder
TW: eating disorder symptoms, anorexia symptoms, abuse mention, death mention, violence mention, gun mention, alcohol mention, drug mention, trauma mention, smoking mention,...
Word Count: about 2100
I know this is a big assumption to make with what we have, but I couldn't ignore all the data and the warning signs. In fact, I think that even if Fabian does not have an eating disorder at this time, he's certainly at risk for one and needs the issues addressed before it gets worse.
Before I get into it, let me remind everyone that I am about to talk about a very heavy subject. Remember, stay safe and consider the warnings before you continue. You can always message me for a summary of the red flags or for an edited version if you need it. I would rather you be safe than to have you're like on my theory.
Okay? Okay. Let's start by defining a few things.
Eating Disorder: Any of a range of psychological disorders in which people experience severe disturbances in their eating behaviors and related thoughts/emotions. People with eating disorders typically become pre-occupied with food and/or their body weight/shape.
ARFID: Avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder is an eating disorder characterized by eating very little food and/or avoiding eating certain foods. It does not include having a distorted body image (as occurs in anorexia nervosa) or being preoccupied with body image (as occurs in bulimia nervosa). People with avoidant/restrictive food intake may not eat because they lose interest in eating or because they think eating has harmful consequences. They may avoid certain foods because of their color, consistency, or odor. When it becomes more severe, it can cause substantial weight loss, slower-than-expected growth in children, difficulty participating in normal social activities, and sometimes life-threatening nutritional deficiencies.
Anorexia nervosa: Diagnosed when patient BMI (body mass index which is a rule of thumb measuring body size vs mass) is low for their age and height. Severity is classified as mild (BMI of greater than 17), moderate (BMI of 16–16.99), severe (BMI of 15–15.99), or extreme (BMI of less than 15). Hallmarks of anorexia include limited food intake, excessive monitoring of the calorie and fat content of food, fear of being “fat”, problems with body image, denial of low body weight, excessive exercise, food rituals, cold intolerance, mood swings, sleeping issues, chronic fatigue, distorted body image, and many more. Eventually, the body goes into starvation which cause a lot of bad symptoms.
Atypical anorexia nervosa: All of the criteria for anorexia nervosa are met, except the individual's weight is within or above the normal range.
Again, ANY BMI can still mean a person has an eating disorder. It is NOT confined to those that are underweight. The BMI is only there as a red flag and to help classify severity of anorexia. I want to make this very clear, not just for my theory, but for the people reading this who recognize parts of it in themselves or others. I'm about to give an example that gets... personal in order to show that people who don't fit the stereotype of being underweight can still have an eating disorder. How personal? My own.
I am overweight to obese (depending on the doctor and the range). I don't exercise much. I eat pretty well around friends. But I have an eating disorder. I just... don't get hungry most of the time, so I forget to eat a lot more often than is healthy. A LOT more. I've been to the hospital a few times due to dehydration. I've collapsed because I literally forgot to eat for two or three days. I could have died at one point because despite being overweight, I was eating so little that things just... stopped working. Again, I was overweight. People and doctors thought I was just lazy. I was told to eat less and exercise more. Even my blood tests came back fine until one day, they didn't. And even then, nobody listened. Somebody doesn't have to look how you expect them to in order to have a problem. Also, don't be afraid to reach out for help if you feel like some of this hits close to home or someone you know is showing symptoms. It's okay to need help.
So remember, eating disorders can affect anybody with any body. The important thing is to be kind, supportive, and encourage professional help such as cognitive therapy.
Now to list Fabian's risk factors (I only listed the ones I believe he has)
Dysfunction family: This is a big risk factor for Fabian. His father is chaotic evil and (despite loving his son) puts massive pressure on him and tries to make him conform to his ideal for most of Fabian's life. Fabian has seen his father abuse his crew and snap at the drop of a hat. His mother has been a heavy alcoholic and mostly absent his entire first 16 years and when she gets off alcohol, she puts an extreme amount of pressure on him herself.
Abuse: This is another big one. His parents have been verbally abusive, emotionally abusive, neglectful in a variety of ways, controlling, manipulative, isolating, and his mother rested his food intake. He could have also been physically abused in the guise of sparing.
Genetics: Fabian's mother is very slim. Using images of weights and comparing it to her shape, she in fact fits the underweight shape which may or may not imply a genetic component depending on if the normal body shapes are different for high elves or not.
Exposure to warped body ideals and weight stigma: Exposure to "body ideals" in places like the media (especially if at a young age) can increase body dysfunction and eating disorder risk. Weight stigma can make this worse due to discrimination and stereotyping based on a person’s weight. Fabian has actually been exposed to this a lot due to his father and the crew. He's a kid around very strong muscular people and he feels pushed to get stronger to live up to his dad. It's also very easy to imagine that crew members who were not strong or active enough got a very bad reaction from his father, which would reinforce the ideal. Some of this is conjecture, but it's not so far outside the realm of possibility to be impossible.
Participation in sports: He's on the Bloodrush team and is a fencer.
Pressure to have a certain body shape from family: I think this risk factor is there too, especially when his mother takes over training.
Bullying/Teasing: Fabian was actually bullied by peers when he first starts school, but I believe his parents were bullying him long before that.
Trauma and PTSD: Oh boy, is this solid. He was most likely traumitized by his parents before high school. He saw two new friends die the first day of school and nearly died himself, only saved by Riz. He watched two teachers die by gunshot right in front of him (and a staff member killed by bludgeoning). Fabian mentions having nightmares about Riz killing Daybreak which might have been due to it being via gunshot. He was forced to kill people due to the situation he found himself in. The person who was supposed to have been helping them the entire time (Biz) turned out to be an evil dude who trapped one friend in a palimpsest and wanted to capture another. He was stuck in jail for weeks! His family was attacked, his home was damaged, and his dad died (and by his hand no less). He and his friends almost died to a dragon. That's a LOT of trauma for a kid to try to process and Jawbone mentioned that he never came to visit him, so he probably dealt with a lot of it on his own.
Low self-esteem: This is unfortunately something else he has. Despite all the bravado, he doesn't know how to be a friend or have people like him for who he is (instead of who his parents are or how much money he has). He tries to put up a cool front, but he judges himself very harshly.
Perfectionism. One of the strongest risk factors for an eating disorder is perfectionism, especially self-oriented perfectionism, which involves setting unrealistically high expectations for oneself. If they fail to meet their high expectations, the person becomes very self-critical. Fabian has this type of perfectionism.
History of an anxiety disorder: This one is reaching, but possible. People often show signs of an anxiety disorder (generalized anxiety, social phobia, OCD,...) before the onset of an eating disorder and Fabian stays on edge a lot, worries excessively, puts up a front, and deals with nightmares.
Substance abuse: Fabian has had alcohol and drugs before the age of 16, his parents almost encouraging it. He smokes regularly. Addiction runs in his family as well with his mother being an alcoholic and his father doing multiple drugs. Neither parent even hides the fact that they take drugs and drink alcohol to excess, the crew probably took drugs and got drunk in front of a young Fabian, and Bill offered drugs to his friends upon meeting them.
History of using weight-controling methods and dieting: Fabian exercises a great deal. He skips meals. He has a limited number of things he will eat. There is a lot of evidence to back this up.
Limited social networks: This was a HUGE issue before high school. Fabian was very isolated. He had no friends, limited social activities, and lacked proper social support. Recently, he's been skipping class exclusively which on top of smoking a lot, puts distance between him and other people.
Long story short? Our boy is at risk. Big time.
List of common signs of eating disorders (including anorexia)
Limited food intake: Seen when he has mostly protein smoothies, his mother tries to give him limited rations, and when he refuses to eat with his friends more and more as the series goes on. The first incident of it was in Cool Kids, Cold Case where Fabian refused the food he was offered on two separate occasions, passing it to Riz both times. Once was after the battle with Daybreak and being stuck at the police station a good while. The other was when the teens were hanging out at Riz's appartment when Sklonda got takeout. Fabian's mom also makes him earn food as seen in the live show. This mentality could have very well been internalized, even with Cathilda there to try and give him more.
Excessive monitoring of the calorie and fat content of food: He worries about empty calories, how fattening something is, and removed the cheese from a slice of pizza and dabbed the oil
Fear of being “fat” or in a shape that is not the ideal: In episode 1 of season 2, he is very preoccupied with staying trim and tight.
Excessive exercise: He exercises who knows how long every morning plus for Bloodrush plus the times outside of that
Food rituals: This is interacting with food a certain way (like small bites or how it's prepared) which causes anxiety when not followed. The pizza event might be one, but it's hard to say without a pattern.
Sleeping issues: Fabian has issues with sleeping, dreaming, and nightmares. His father confirmed this and he himself mentioned his nightmares.
Weight loss: By comparing his previous official artwork with his new official artwork, it's easy to see that Fabian looks visibly thinner. He's also VERY cut. (very defined muscles requiring very little fat) for his age. He was muscular last year sure, but his chest and abs are much more defined this year. Being that cut means that despite how muscular Fabian is, he has been eating less and probably doing fat burning exercises, getting a lot of his nutrition from multivitamins and whey, and would have less energy than normal.
Negative energy balance/chronic fatigue: This is only a possibility, but it deserves being mentioned. If this is going on, it puts a spin on some of Fabian's other actions in season 2, episode 1. He showed up late on move in day and didn't really move anything (just carried a book), which might have been a character thing, but could have also been because Fabian is running on empty and capable of things like adrenaline fueled busts of energy, but otherwise dealing with low energy and fatigue.
Also, Fabian is smoking now which works as an appetite suppressant as is common among those with eating disorders.
(Signs with no evidence as of this post: problems with body image, denial of low body weight, cold intolerance, mood swings)
TLDR: Fabian is showing a lot of symptoms of an eating disorder and also over a dozen risk factors. The number of both is substantial enough to see a pattern. Enough that I sincerely hope that it's acknowledged during the season because if Fabian does not have an eating disorder, he is at substantial risk of developing one.
PS: I know it's data heavy, I might have missed a few things, and it could be totally wrong, but I seen enough there that I thought it might make for a solid theory. D20 is no stranger to heavy subjects and I think if they do cover it, they will do a good job (as always). If they don't, I still learned a lot making this theory and maybe a few of you will as well. ^_^
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thechildoflightning · 5 years
Does anyone in jksf have dietary restrictions? For like any reason, religious, personal, or medical?
Short answer- yes. I’m putting it all below the cut bc I know this can be a real triggering topic, even though the majority of the characters deal with diets in healthy ways.
TW: dietary restrictions, medical diets, religious diets, food discussion, near death experience, eating disorders, implied forced dieting, “autism diets”, food texture issues
Roman follows Islamic diet rules of things that are halal (permissible) and haram (forbidden). The very basics- all meat has to be killed and handled a certain way, you can’t consume pork, and you can’t become intoxicated. Roman also fasts dawn to sunset during Ramadan, which lasts 29-30 days. In addition, halal, haram, and fasting all extend beyond just consuming food. Halal and haram also refer to products that contain those items (ex. animal fats in cosmetics) and fasting is the idea of cleansing one’s mind and soul so it doesn’t just include food, but thoughts, actions, behavior, sexual activity, and more. It’s also required that you break Islamic diet rules if it’s unhealthy for you, and Roman can and has followed that.
Before and after he was kidnapped Virgil was sorta following kosher, and this was due to the fact that his parents were sorta following kosher (Jewish dietary guidelines). The very basics- all meat has to be killed and handled a certain way. Certain animals, including pork and shellfish, cannot be consumed. Only certain parts of the animal can be consumed. Certain foods can’t be paired together, notably meat and dairy. This being said, Virgil’s family doesn’t really stick to kosher that much and after he moves out he pretty much doesn’t at all.
Logan was definitely put through some of the “autism diets” as a kid. Logan was eventually taken off the different diets after a few years after seeing no change (which is what science has always reported anyways but thats Logan’s mom for you). Logan also has a lot of food texture issues with foods with lumpy or inconstant consistency (ex. mashed potatoes, milkshakes, applesauce, even some curries and sometimes scrambled eggs). Due to these texture issues, Logan can’t eat those foods.
Patton was on a weight-gaining diet for a very short period after he had meningitis because he lost a dangerous amount of weight for an infant. Once he was back to a safe weight, he was taken off. Patton’s also been on numerous medical diets to try and help with memory loss but tbh I don’t have enough knowledge to say what they’d be and if they’d work bc we really don’t actually know that much about our brains nor do doctor’s completely understand why Patton experiences memory loss so its hard to figure out how to treat it and they try a lot of different things, not just limited to diets.
Deceit is diagnosed with an eating disorder. He’s been in recovery for it for a long time and by the time he first appears in Echolocation, it is something that no longer affects his daily life, but can still occasionally cause difficulties. Growing up, Deceit had little to no control over his schedule since the day he was born. He had “free time” on occasion, but he always lived by strict rules that other people dealt out, so when he suddenly has No Rules it’s really really hard for him and a way for him to manage this was by controlling his food. At first he was misdiagnosed with OCD which changed to an OSFED (other specified feeding or eating disorder) diagnosis when they realized the root of it was trauma-based need for control.
Remy hasn’t dieted but has taken numerous supplements to help eye health since he was a child. He’s dropped a lot as his eye’s worsened and currently takes vitamin E, omega-3, and zinc supplements.
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At an occasion years ago, I talked with somebody who was a quite pet-savvy person. We spoke about dog food, as well as I mentioned adding fresh veggies-- carrots, beans, peas, etc.-- to the young boys' food. She looked aghast. "I don't feed my dogs individuals food," she said. "I don't want to transform them into beggars."
OK, the habits issue apart, when she stated "people food," I could not assist yet question: Well, what is dog food made of otherwise ... food? A minimum of, shouldn't it be constructed from food, genuine food, like the kind individuals eat? If a bag of kibble states it has carrots in it, exactly how's that various from providing your dog a carrot?
The discussion seemed ridiculous to me, and now, say thanks to benefits, it's come cycle ...
This is the large, underlying concern: Why feed your dog fresh dog food?
At the end of the day, food is food is food is food. What makes one meal different from another eventually comes down to just how it's made, right? Take the carrot example. Boiling and also steaming both prepare the carrots, however steaming protects its nutrients while steaming sheds 60% or more of the carrot's nutrients. Eating a raw carrot may not be best, either, though due to the fact that study shows that some food preparation techniques may really boost the carrot's antioxidant power. Basically, a steamed carrot is a carrot, a boiled carrot is a carrot, a raw carrot is a carrot, a dehydrated carrot extruded right into kibble form is still a carrot ... however they're not all nutritionally equivalent. I believe we can all settle on that, as well as I believe we can all concur that there's absolutely nothing grosser than a boiled carrot. (Actually, perhaps steamed asparagus is grosser?).
If you're mosting likely to eat food, which of course you are, and also if you're going to feed your dog food, which of course you are, wouldn't you want it to be the most nutritionally-rich food readily available? Obviously you do! We all do! And the advantage to our dogs is that they don't have to pick between, claim, a smoked poultry bust vs. drive-thru chicken nuggets because we make the decisions on their behalf. So, it stands to factor that if we know fresh food is best, as well as we're in position to make a decision the most effective food to feed our puppies, we 'd wish to go fresh, yeah?
There are a TON of fresh foods hitting the market (more on that particular in a minute), however we've found The Farmer's Dog to fit our way of living, spending plan, and Coop's belly peculiarities.
Backing up one fast action: When I wrote about The Farmer's Dog previously, we switched foods after getting the results of Cooper's allergic reaction examination. At the time, I really did not write a complete review due to the fact that I wasn't certain how handy it would be given that I was so focused on food allergic reactions. We were so pumped to find a recipe that really did not include a single allergen from Coop's list, and also while he's restricted to among the three solutions for that extremely reason, it's made measurable, obvious distinctions in his stubborn belly. I wanted to sing that from the roofs! However, SO numerous of you have actually connected with details concerns I really did not answer in that blog post that I believed I would certainly draw them together in a full evaluation nevertheless!
Note: Because I assume turning proteins is so very vital, we're still rotating in The Honest Kitchen due to the fact that 2 of the three solutions from The Farmer's Dog do include irritants on Coop's list.
The other large point is that our food manufacturing system is deeply flawed. Romaine lettuce, any person? I'm certain you've all seen the congeries as well as gobs of dog food remembers as a result of tainted active ingredients, too. Actually, there's a significant one underway as I kind this: FDA Alerts Pet Owners concerning Potentially Toxic Levels of Vitamin D in Several Dry Pet Foods.
It's critically essential to me that we're feeding Cooper a food where the active ingredients are properly sourced as well as the production is smaller range for much better quality assurance. I fully recognize that no food manufacturing system is excellent. For that, we would certainly have to expand as well as make our very own, which allowed's be straightforward, isn't taking place.
I assume we can all concur that fresh food is the method to go, however that's not without a substantial list of pros vs disadvantages when it concerns pet food. It's not like you can stroll right into the produce area of your local pet store and also pick up a fresh dish, ya understand? Let's take a look at a few of the evident advantages and disadvantages of fresh dog food as well as fresh dog food delivery services:.
Price: Equal parts PRO/CON. I enter into this carefully below re: The Farmer's Dog, yet these services are definitely more costly than getting an average store bag of kibble (though there are several superior kibbles that are similar or even more costly). I do assume it's worth taking a look at the expense of health-related issues from fast food vs. wholesome foods. However you men understand me: I'm NOT somebody that says in a covering declaration kibble is bad. It's not. Although I advocate genuine, whole food, these solutions could not fit your budget plan. #noshame It's my viewpoint that The Farmer's Dog is priced at a reasonable worth. It's most definitely a stretch if you've been feeding normal kibble, however not if you've been feeding premium or, as we were, a dried alternative like The Honest Kitchen.
Packaging: PRO! Alright, you guys. You know I'm consumed with searching for green remedies to every animal care problem. Well, The Farmer's Dog can be found in recyclable packaging AND the insulation is corn starch that you liquify in your kitchen area sink! The brand is dedicated to sustainability, as well, so you can trust that their production techniques are gentler on the setting.
Website/ordering: CON. You can not see the formulas till you create an account. I feel like that's a disappointment for those people that have dogs that are SO sensitive to active ingredients that we can't choose till we see every last active ingredient.
Ease: PRO! Extra on this below, yet having the food automatically shipped is a life saver.
Small-batch manufacturing: PRO! For all the factors mentioned above. And also each packet comes identified particularly for Cooper.
Fresh food + shipment is the future, y' all.
Hopefully by now you're on board with the fresh food item, yet shipment?
OK, so I know that you're busy. I'm hectic, you're active, we're all essentially extended so thin it's difficult to maintain. Grocery store pick-up has actually changed my life! I truthfully can't stand entering into the shop-- really, grocery buying is my single most despised chore-- so buying online then driving over and having a person tons it right into my auto is, in my opinion, the best invention of my life time.
At the very least it was.
Till ... Delivery!
Distribution is the next wave of convenience foods, which is SO much better than "comfort" foods like McDonald's or microwave meals since you can pick all your very own healthy and balanced foods and have them given your doorstep. My neighbors, who have 5 youngsters, obtain their groceries provided, and also I'm certain it's altered their lives right! Well, that's just how I really feel regarding fresh food distribution for my pets. I think more people are demanding delivery for more and more things (I have 3 different apps on my phone for takeout/delivery services ...) so you can expect to see tons of fresh dog food shipment brands appear to fulfill that requirement.
After my previous article, I got a lots of inquiries regarding exactly how The Farmer's Dog compares to Ollie. Truthfully? We've never attempted Ollie. I did Google a bunch of the brand names that are currently around, and also almost everything I read placed The Farmer's Dog towards the top for convenience, expense, and also alternatives. Right here's a testimonial from a food blog site I like if you want to check out some particular contrasts.
It varies. It depends on the dimension as well as age of your dog as well as his or her everyday calorie requirements. Let's say you enjoy a sedentary pug. Well, your price is going to be reduced-- and also appropriately so!-- than my high-energy, perma-pup Am Staff mix. He needs a great deal of calories in the day to stay up to date with his skittering as well as cat chasing!
That said, they do supply arrangements to do the dish as a mattress topper, which I believe would be an ahhhhhmazing means to blend whole foods right into a kibble or dehydrated diet plan in a cost-effective method.
My recommendations? Try it at 50% off as well as see. It's either going to work wonders for your dog as well as his diet plan (which I truly do think it will certainly) or it will not! But, it can't hurt to try, specifically at such a reduced cost.
At the end of the day, every person wants to do what's finest for their pup. That's it. All of us do the best we can with the criteria we have. No, this isn't mosting likely to be for everyone. It might not be a square meal option for you, either, yet the topper situation might work. Or, possibly you're ready to dive into something brand-new. Everybody's doing their ideal, and as long as you're caring your pet dogs, you're doing terrific. If part of that includes attempting The Farmer's Dog fresh dog food shipment service, I would certainly enjoy to assist you start with a discount: Click below to try it for 50% off!
What rocks have I left unturned? I attempted to answer the inquiries I had obtained via email as well as DM, but in case I missed something, or if an additional question cropped up for you as you were reading this, please leave them in the remarks! I 'd love to supply as much info as feasible, and if I do not understand the solution, I'm always satisfied to connect to the business to find the right information!
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Choosing a Nutrition Program
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Staying healthy is a goal for the majority of people. One sure way of staying healthy is by taking a proper diet. There are some of the situations in life that necessitate the search for the services of a nutrition practitioner. Such conditions include the desire to manage personal weight. Underweight people may need to increase their weight while those that are overweight may need to cut their weight. Such wants can be attained through a well-managed diet. 
Some people have to undertake a managed diet because of their sports obligation. Sports performance has been proven to be directly affected by the kind of food people consume. People who are undergoing recovery from an illness must also be given special attention. Professional advice can be sourced from a nutrition practitioner. Some people have an allergic reaction and are sensitive to some of the foods. Such people may also require the attention of a nutrition practitioner. Make yourself one of the luckiest person who learn about the nutritionist practitioner iowa.
Different people need the services of a specialist. These people may include busy professionals who have limited time in most of the occasions. The services of a nutrition practitioner may be of benefit to mothers and families who have tight schedules.  Health matters are very important, and they should be prioritized even in as much as a job is essential. 
Every person should have a personalized nutrition program. The health specialist will always ensure that you get a perfect program that suits your condition. There are several things to consider when choosing a nutrition program for a person. Some of the factors to consider when choosing a nutrition program are discussed below.
The first consideration to make is the medical history of a person. People who have had health complications in the past may need to have a specialized nutrition program. Such a program must be based on the medical history of the person. During medication, a person may have been restricted from certain food types due to medical reasons. To some people, a particular diet might have been recommended during prior medications. It is thus essential to ensure that the specifications are adhered to when coming up with a new nutrition program. If you are interested in nutritionist practitioner iowa, please click the link provided.
The lifestyle of a person is another element to be considered when coming up with a new nutrition program. People may have enough money to cater to their needs for more expensive food.  The need of such people must be put into account because they have the ability to sustain their extravagant lifestyle. It should, however, be noted that a person can still have a perfect nutrition program without spending a lot of funds.
The food preferences of a person must be put into account as well. Ideally, the nutrition program should not deny a person his or her favorite food as long as the food is safe. The program of nutrition should be designed in such a way that it allows a person to access his or her favorite food while still staying healthy. Other things to put into account may include the physical activity schedule, personal goals and desires, and the person's resting metabolic rate.
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hanculs-blog · 5 years
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♔‘゚‣ { TASK 001 } — ❝ haneul’s profile ❞
                                 I’m not too gone to be                                                           healed, am I ?                                        I’m not                                                       too gone                                                                             am i ?
tw: mention of alcohol, death & murder.
full name: park haneul nicknames: hani, han, oney gender & pronouns: cis-female, she/her sexual & romantic orientation: heterosexual and heteroromantic age & dob: 22, 1996/07/15 birthplace: daegu parent & siblings: park jongin (father), kang gahyeon (mother) & park hanjun, (older brother, deceased) pets: dal (mixed samoyed dog) & bam (stray cat) astrological sign: cancer dominant hand: left handwriting style: a bit unreadable, almost kind of cursive, not terrible. languages known: native korean, medium english & basic japanese. religion: agnostic atheist current living arrangements: her brother’s apartment. it has one room, one bathroom, a small kitchen, a nice living room and a small balcony; it still looks almost the same way he left it. not on the best area but could be worse. certainty an improvement from her old shared apartment. occupation: dancer, occasional bartender, influencer
picture reference: click blood type: O nationality: korean skin tone: light birthmarks & scars: a very distinguishing beauty spot on her nose, probably some small scars here and there. height: 1.66 m build: slender, athletic, kind of petite. hair color: naturally medium brown, sometimes tinted black or light brown. hair length: usually long. eye color: dark brown, sometimes wears colored lenses. diet: very diverse, sometimes a bit meat-heavy, she really enjoys food and actually doesn’t restrict her eating that much. exercise & level of fitness: compensates her lack of a strict diet with exercise. visits regularly the gym and, of course, as a dancer, goes to long practice routines that could count as a full work out. how’s their posture?: quite a good posture due to her dancing background, mostly straight and proper but not stuck up, a bit relaxed. may slouch veeery occasionally. typical style of dress: red and black are her go-to colors. there’s almost always some leather, her jacket, or her skirt, or her shoes. sexy with a bit of glam. tends to show a bit of skin but not too much actually. skinny jeans and a crop-top, a high waist skirt with a silk blouse. and, although not dress-related, really enjoys glittery eye make-up and red lips. body modifications: multiple ear piercings (one on the left lobe and two left helixes, three on the right lobe and one right helix) and some small tattoos (yet to be described).
how does your muse walk?: like the dancer she is, there’s a natural cadence in the way she moves and a lot of confidence. how does your muse talk?: kind of smooth and mellowly but not overtly sweet, controlled one could say. the speed varies with her emotions or intentions a lot. it can become harsh and cutting very easily though. hat accent does your muse talk with?: usually in the typical daegu satoori with lots of slang very much associated to the peripheral poor neighborhoods, basically you can tell where she’s from in one or two sentences. but she can switch to a more neutral tone since she sometimes works directly with the public. how would you describe the tone of their voice? are they loud or quiet?: it’s actually kinda deep for a girl, at least definitely not high pitched. not loud but neither quiet, she basically can get herself listen. what does their laugh sound like?: she actually has a silent laughter, almost no sound coming out of her mouth, but if she’s laughing very very heavily then she can be quite loud. how does your muse typically smell?: there’s almost no occasion she won’t use at least a bit of perfume before going out, but she doesn’t go for strong ones and prefers light refreshing scents. what kind of air do they carry?: like she already owns your soul. do they have any catchphrases?: probably some curses. what are their nervous ticks?: movement, that being her fingers tapping the table or playing with her hair, pacing, swinging her feet. basically it’s difficult for her to get completely still.
what makes your muse happiest?: doing what she loves, enjoying herself with engaging people, being with her brother, spending time with @myvngok​, exercising, causing mayhem in the streets. what upsets them the most?: judgmental people mostly, feeling caged, being out of control, people badmouthing those she cares about. does your muse have any quirks?: she flirts as she speaks. what are their hobbies? how frequent do they do them?: dancing, clubbing/partying, going out with people, drinking, cooking (not the best cook but she has fun), watching horror or crappy comedic movies. she does them when she pleases. do they have any guilty pleasures?: perhaps kpop, she’s very into it, even obscure survival & variety shows. but she doesn’t consider it an actually guilty pleasure. is your muse an extrovert or an introvert? neither?: socially extroverted, emotionally introverted. do they have high or low self-esteem? what about confidence?: at first instance, she has very high confidence but more than anything it’s an attitude. she tells herself she’s great and is sure of everything hoping it’d come true. are they easily stressed and how do they normally respond to it?: usually not, she’s very laid-back and chill for most of the time. but certain very specific situations, when they get out of her control, can stress her very much and completely freak her out. she doesn’t externalize that panic, though, instead goes deep into her thoughts, where for sure everything will mess her up even more and produce a big emotional outburst. what is your muses worst fear?: loneliness & lack of love. what is your muses biggest dream?: safety, she want’s to feel safe and loved and cherished and at ease with herself and the world. is your muse a morning person or a night dragon?: for sure a night dragon, almost the majority of her daily activities occur at night or late in the day. how intelligent is your muse? do they acknowledge it?: average? she’s not the brightest bulb out there but for sure she’s neither stupid. she doesn’t have the greatest academic knowledge but is well versed in practical stuff and street-wits. describe their sense of humor: ironic, witty, deadpan snarker.
are they currently in any sexual or romantic relationships?: yes to the first, no to the second. what is their experience with relationships?: complicated, troubled, turbulent. how does your muse view the idea of friends with benefits? have they ever had one?: amazing concept, and yes she has had more than one. how important is sex to your muse?: very important. what are their biggest turn on and turn offs?: that would require a whole questionnaire itself. let’s just say there are plenty things she’ll go with and that she’s quite experimental, but if we had to point some, that be: praising, dirty-talk & teasing. she also has some deal-breakers, for example, she’s not into daddy-kinks or derogatory language. does your muse find it easy to make friends?: it’s easy for her to make friends since she has a very entrancing personality, but usually “friends” are simply people she enjoys spending some time together and that’s all. close friends, those she confides with, are more difficult to make. how important is friendship to them?: good/close friends are very important but she may not show it that much. quantity or quality of friends?: quality for sure. how important is family?: more important that what it may seem at first sight. hanjun was literally the most important person in her life. and she does care a lot about her mother, even though she gets on her nerves constantly and usually doesn’t shows it. are they close to their family?: see above for her relationship with her brother and her mother, hanjun was the closest person in haneul’s life up until his death. as for her father, he left them when she was six and there’s been no contact between them. she has little memory of the man besides him cursing at her mother.
activity: sex dancing. animal: cat. beverage: alcohol, coffee. color: red & black. designer: @arxum​ ? she’s really not much into designer clothes since she can’t barely afford them. food: pork meat. flower: rose. gem: red quartz, black opal & bloodstone. holiday: doesn’t care, just give her free days. mode of transportation: her motorcycle, there’s also her brother’s car but she never uses it. quote: keep going forward. scenery: the city at night, silent, with its lights vibrating, far away echoes of music and a clear sky. scent: coffee, fire, wood, cleanness & vanille. weather: stormy or cloudy.
greatest dream: get an actual real serious job as a dancer, establish herself as a person, find her path, have a family one day. greatest fear: loneliness & failure. most at ease when: dancing or wandering the street with nice company. least as ease when: she’s alone with her thoughts, in a hospital or out of control of a situation. worst possible thing that could happen: any other person she cares dying or getting very ill probably, or getting an injury that would affect her mobility drastically. biggest achievement: being still alive and kicking and functional? i mean i guess we could discuss the functional part but, still, that’s an achievement if you consider the circumstances. biggest regret: she tends to not have any regrets because she can’t change the past or undo what’s been done (but one of the things that haunts her the most is not having been able to do some stuff with her brother...). most embarrassing moment: embarrassment is for babies. biggest secret: she desperately wants to be loved and also is a bit (lot) scared about finding who killed her brother and having to face that truth. top priorities: finding her brother’s murderer? :D
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ootymadein · 2 years
Discover the Best Chocolate to Use For Cake Decorating Delights
There are many types of chocolate available today, and we are literally spoiled for choice.
Many people now eat plain chocolate because of all the publicity about what to eat and not eat. Plain chocolate is lower in sugar than other types and contains more cocoa solids. These are made from pure chocolate and cocoa butter, a white fat that is hard. On the chocolate wrapper, the percentage of cocoa solids will be listed. Certain percentages can be as high as 75%, or higher, which indicates that the chocolate is extremely smooth and high-quality.
Milk chocolate is the most loved chocolate. Most children adore it. It is sweeter than regular chocolate because it contains more sugar, full-cream milk and vanilla.Ooty Chocolates Online
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White chocolate is made with only cocoa butter and milk. It also contains sugar, vanilla, and some sugar. Due to the milk added, both milk chocolate and white chocolate must be melted with care at a gentle heat. They will become thicker and, although they are edible, they won't remelt.
They are easy to melt, also known as chocolate drops or nibs. These can be used to decorate cakes and as an ingredient in chocolate brownie cakes.
The 'chocolate fountains" are made of chocolate. The melted chocolate flows like a waterfall, making it a striking image for special occasions. Guests can dip strawberries, marshmallows, and other small fruits into the fountain. To catch drips, it is a good idea have lots of napkins!
Diabetic patients often complain about their restricted diets, but they still have the option to enjoy a piece or two of chocolate. Diabetic chocolate can be purchased in many outlets and contains a lower amount of sugar than other types.
We can buy chocolate flakes as well as chocolate bars and chocolate bars. These contain cocoa butter and vegetable oils. Flakes are rich in flavor and oil gives them a crumbly texture.
Specialist shops may sell cocoa butter blocks that can be melted and mixed with cocoa powder to create sepia-colored pictures on plaques or cakes.
Vermicelli is another type of chocolate. These tiny strands can be used to coat cakes and truffles. Sometimes, the name is confused with Italian vermicelli, fine pasta strands.
The current trend is to decorate wedding cakes with chocolate curls that are long and slender, and then wrap them around the cake. Although they can be made at home, it takes a lot of time and is difficult to get them all the same size. It is best to purchase from a specialist shop so you know they will be the same length and thickness.
Ganache is another type of coating that confectioners use. This combination of cream and chocolate can be used in many ways. It is delicious when melted and poured over cakes. The sheen of the coating will be greater if the chocolate is higher quality. Ganache can also be baked in truffles or left to set.
Chocolate modeling is another commodity that can be purchased or made at home. It is made up of liquid glucose and chocolate. The sugar makes the paste flexible and easy to mold - especially chocolate roses.
Finally, let's talk about a kind of "so-called chocolate" that can be confusing. It can be packaged under different headings and is sometimes called Chocolate Flavor Cake Covering or Chocolate Flavored Cake Coating. They all share one thing, despite being called Chocolate Flavor Cake Covering or Chocolate Flavored Coating. The cocoa butter was extracted from cocoa powder and replaced with vegetable oil, so it cannot be called chocolate.
The addition of vegetable fat makes it easier to melt and use. It does have one drawback: it lacks cocoa butter, so it doesn't have the same eating qualities as pure chocolate.
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