#and in general it's such a personal decision with a lot of varying factors that goes into it
holyshit · 2 years
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wuntrum · 11 months
hey, sorry if this is like too personal, but I just toured MECAD and saw some of your art there, and I was wondering what your experience there was like? I'm trying to make college decisions but they didn't really go over what student life was like? thank you!!
hey! thats wild, i didnt realize they show some of my art during those tours 😭 (or maybe i did and i just forgot lol) my experience there was generally good, though take that with a grain of salt because there's soooo many factors at play that'll make or break your experience. i know a bunch of people who hated it there and wish they had never gone (whether they dropped out first semester or finished their degree, for whatever reason), but i also know a lot of people who really enjoyed it!
it was the right fit for me, personally--i grew up in a small town and a small highschool, so i wanted a college where the student body wasn't too big, i like knowing the people around me, even if i dont like them lol. and i had fine-> great roommates all throughout, i know a looooot of people who's experience was negatively impacted by the roommates they were assigned. i'm also privileged because i'm white and able bodied so, i know experiences i've heard from poc and disabled friends that weren't great (though, again, all of these sorts of things are not MECA exclusive, they can happen anywhere). i'm also just generally an easy going and friendly person so, i personally didn't have an issue making friends, i met so many great people in my time there. i had a couple not-great professors, but a lot of great ones! i'd say i'm doing alright in a professional artist sense, but i also know a lot of people who were sort of failed by the curriculum, and are still trying to rebuild their relationship w art to this day
i'd be happy to answer any more specific questions, but yeah, any sort of college experience is a mixed bag honestly! theres other factors involved too, especially the cost...i hesitate to give a glowing or overly negative review because the experience really does vary a lot from person to person
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the-owl-tree · 1 year
Top five things you would fix first in warriors? (Doing a rewrite, need ideas that aren't just "fix ableism" "more culture" and "fix redemptions")
hmm....that's difficult. usually i go arc by arc to ""fix"" things (i hesitate to say fix because most of my changes, i don't see as better, but just more appealing what i would like from the series). i've never really tried to write a full on rewrite (looks guiltily at my fallen stars blog) so idk how good my advice would be from a practical standpoint lol there are just some stuff that i look when i occasionally do my little indulgent fanfic binges. so i guess keeping it broad:
Establish the parameters of your rewrite. How close do you want to stay to canon? Is this leaning more into au than rewrite? While there are some scenes that definitely could be ripped apart and made into something new, what scenes could you stick by but reframe into something different? Something that sticks to the thematic tones of your rewrite?
Themes!! Consistent themes are good. Change is a big one a lot of fics hit. Are you looking to improve clan life or change it? do you want the clans to show they can change and exist or do you want them to be a tragedy of their own making? doomed to cycle in violence or even destroy one another? obviously you don't need to hit your reader on the head with these, but I think factoring them into plotlines can help the brainstorming process.
cutting, combining, or figuring out uses for characters. The wc cast is HUGE and a lot of the side characters get the short end of the stick in terms of consistent characterization and spotlight. Very simple changes like combing Longtail and Dustpelt could prevent a bloated cast, but also utilizing both in unique ways can make your rewrite world far more vibrant and alive. While sometimes original characters can get the job done, trying see what characters you could work with first before adding in another character to such a massive cast.
This goes for worldbuilding to! Worldbuilding is....generally gonna vary from person to person. I prefer worldbuilding that uses the canon material instead of making up new gods or legends, but it's up to you! Just be warned, rewrites and fanfics have the advantage of already having an audience invested by the fact they know the characters and lore of the world. Original stuff doesn't when you add it in, and it can be a huge hit or miss. While staying close to canon when making stuff up can work, you'll face a bit more trouble investing your reader when you add completely new stuff. Not saying it's impossible, it's just something you need to remember when adding it in and make sure that it functions in a way it can help further absorb the reader into the world and not make them feel more distanced from it. like original characters, remember that original stuff doesn't have the same level as familiarity to it as existing canon characters; you're asking a reader to invest themselves from scratch.
Make it gay as fuck make it so you like what you're writing. i really enjoy seeing passion and enjoyment in people's works, and you should make decisions that make you invested in your rewrite and happy with it. it's gonna vary from person to person but if a heavy religious setting is something you enjoy, write it, if you want that crack ship to be canon, write it. a bit of self-indulgent writing never killed anyone, especially when this is fan rewrites. rewrites should be fun above all!
and those are my top five. idk how useful they are to you but i hope i gave you some answers to think about :D
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personality-corner · 5 months
ESFPs + Enneagram Combination Breakdown
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Disclaimer: The descriptions of each type aren’t necessarily how every ESFP with these enneagrams are going to act. I am merely describing how common traits of each enneagram type may overlap with traits of ESFP characters.
Most Common Enneagrams
Type 7s
A lot of type 7’s traits overlap very easily with ESFPs cognitive functions… especially their Se. Type 7’s are described as spontaneous and fun loving, and an ESFP’s desire to take in their surroundings in the moment can be a perfect example of this.
A type 7’s Se may be used in a more active way, rather than an observant way, and they may sometimes react without thinking. They want nothing more than to experience the world around them.
Think of Jasmine from Aladdin.
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Other Common Enneagrams
Type 2’s
Type 2’s are actually extremely popular for ESFPs, and with good reason. ESFPs are extroverted and can connect with people very easily, through their Se. Their Fi can provide a level of morals that allow them to want to protect the world around them.
ESFP type 2s may be observers or experience and are often very insightful about the world around them, having both a personal perspective and a good understanding of the world around them. Because of this, they may be so caught up in a cause, and doing what they feel is right for everyone around them, they may not realize when others take advantage of them, or when to cut off boundaries.
Enid Sinclair and Percy Jackson are good examples of type 2 ESFPs.
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Type 3’s
Another common enneagram for ESFPs is type 3. In general, type 3’s are ambitious, charismatic, motivated and want nothing more than to be successful and to put out a positive view of themselves out into the world.
ESFP type 3’s are adaptable, often being able to understand the world around them enough to reach their goals. They can also take things personally when someone insults something they’re proud of, and may seem defensive. They have strong personal feelings, but also seek the approval of the world around them in different ways, and can sometimes make impulsive decisions out of anger or frustration.
Two examples of type 3 ESFPs are Angel Dust and Amy March.
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Other Possible Enneagrams
Type 6’s
Type 6’s, at their best, can be loyal, supportive and playful, and at their worst, be pessimistic and stubborn.
Type 6 ESFPs can be protective of their environment, and especially protective over other people, which may overlap with their Fi tendencies. They can also adapt to their environment, in order to protect those they care about, and may sometimes act impulsively, without considering their own needs.
Ellie Williams, from The Last of Us, is a type 6 ESFP.
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Type 8’s
Type 8’s are often described as protective and assertive people, who hate being controlled by others, which quite frankly covers alot of ESFP stereotypes, which is why I was surprised to find it’s not as common as other combinations.
Type 8’s hate being controlled, so they combat this, by taking control of their own environment, which is where ESFP’s Se may be able to overlap alot in this area. They may make impulsive decisions, or quick, in the moment decisions to ensure they have full control.
Their Fi may manifest in a way where they go out of their way to subvert social norms, so that they don’t become controlled by this. Like Nimona from Nimona or Ron from Harry Potter
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Type 9’s
I was debating on whether or not to put this more under “unlikely enneagrams” as statistics seem to vary when it comes to type 9 ESFPs, but I have decided to stick it here instead.
In general, type 9’s hate conflict, and may avoid it at all costs. They also tend not to act immediately in certain situations, so it may not seem like there is much overlap, but there can be.
Because of their Se, they may be focused on making decisions based on environmental factors, rather than jumping right in. Their Fi may also cause them to struggle with confronting other people after that make impulsive decisions or decisions they don’t will be liked by others. Kevin Ball from Shameless is a type 9 ESFP.
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Unlikely Enneagrams
Type 4’s
Generally, most type 4’s are introverted, so it’s unlikely that an extroverted type, like ESFP will be a type 4. However, cognitive extroversion is different than social extroversion, and while most ESFPs may both.. they can still hold some of the same traits as a type 4.
Some ESFPs can also be interested in finding identity, and may be interested in separating themselves from others around them. Technically, you don’t have to be an introvert to be a type 4, but due to ESFPs Se tendency, they may not be as interested in separating themselves from the rest of the world. In fact, many ESFP type 3’s have a 4 wing, like Angel Dust.
Type 1’s
Type 1’s are perfectionistic, well organized and rational, and while it is not necessarily impossible for an ESFP to be these things, a lot of type 1 traits align better with high Si, and high Te which is why it’s a popular type for ESTJ & ISTJs.
That being said, an ESFP type 1, may be more focused on the moralistic aspect of type 1, due to their Fi, and may have a strong view on “right” or “wrong”.
Type 5’s
Type 5’s often seek comfort through their environment, by learning everything they can about it, and can sometimes have an objective view on it, which is why alot of type 5’s are thinkers.
However, an ESFP with well developed Te may fit type five pretty well. I mean, a lot of ESFP type 6s have 5 as their wing.
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mywingsareonwheels · 1 year
Characters whose best and worst actions all come from the same motivating factor my beloveds. <3 That is delicious shit.
I'm trying to think of lots (honestly Pratchett specialised in this), but mostly I'm obsessed with this wrt Fred Thursday and the fact that nearly everything he does comes from the relentless drive to protect a) his loved ones (including Morse, obviously, but also including Charlie, frustrating as he is), b) vulnerable people, especially children and teenagers but also e.g. elderly abuse victims, c) anyone he feels responsible for and he has a tendency to feel responsible for a lot of people.
More on this behind the cut, including Endeavour spoilers up to the end of s9, and mention of deaths, bullying, abuse.
And you can see where it comes from. Child abuse survivor with two brothers, one of whom has now died (we don't know when); and I think it's implied at least that he isn't the youngest of the three. I think at some point, maybe even when he was a kid, he decided that he would be a protector rather than an abuser of his family and community; that he would be different from his dad. Whenever that decision occurred, it absolutely set up his entire life.
Then he went from that to (reading some very clear spaces between the lines) protecting his community against both fascists and his fellow police officers in the Battle of Cable Street[1]. Then the war, and becoming an NCO, and losing men he felt responsible for, losing Italian resistance fighters he'd worked with and loved. Then Mickey Carter. Then all the many and varied events of Endeavour, but I think above all the death of Fancy.
We see him be compassionate and heroic and understanding and so deeply, profoundly caring and gentle because of that protective urge. We see him make heartrendingly understandable mistakes and be entrapped by the machinations of people far more subtle than him. We see him make horrible, dreadful decisions, be ferociously violent. And all of it ultimately all three spring form that protectiveness.
We know that he repeatedly saves Morse, provides a safe home, helps save others. We know that he's never stopped being a magnificent anti-fascist. We know that he'll risk his life for children in a heartbeat (nearly dying simply for the possibility of rescuing a troubled lad in "Neverland"), help an abuse victim cover up the murder of her husband, reassure a queer woman in the aftermath of her partner's murder. And oh goodness, just... all of his relationship with Morse, both as mentor and as protector. The coat blanket, and secretly paying Monica to check in on Morse, and "there's a town needs looking to", and "corned beef", and "take as long as you need", and "the sun always comes up".
We know that his attempt to protect Joan from her abusive partner backfires horrendously and that he manages to make her feel hounded. We know that Sam never admitted he was being bullied at school because he was afraid of how his father would react. We see Fred kill twice to protect Morse, and once to protect Sam, and we nearly see him kill to protect Joan. We see him do his best, over and over again, to help and support Morse, while also trying to spare his blushes by being (frustratingly) covert about it a lot of the time. We see him defend Morse, Sam, anybody else to Bright, to authority figures in general, sometimes in ways that help; often in ways that don't.
We know that he never seems to feel that it's enough, that every loss he experiences despite his efforts to protect that person leaves him shattered. We know that he is burned out by the beginning of series 6, let alone 9. We know that he is capable of profound growth and wisdom, but that when under stress he defaults to "I must protect this person whatever the cost", and then hates himself whether he succeeds or fails. We also know that when he's tunnel-visioned on saving one person, he sometimes neglects others.
It's... aaah it's so interesting. His protectiveness is a wonderful, moving quality, and honestly a huge part of why I love him so much as a character. There's something enormously nurturing about Fred and his protectiveness - he's anything but just a pair of fists with a badge. But then when that very same quality leads him into such dark places... it's so compelling, and so dreadfully human.
[1] No wonder, honestly, he has a more... flexible approach to the law and the rules than Morse does. He's seen (in the East End, in Italy, etc.) where following the rules exactly can lead the police; his reliance on his own morality rather than the law does come from a damn good and necessary place, whatever it leads him to. He's lived through a time when being willing to break the rules has made him a better man and a safer person to be around. I find it extremely easy to believe similarly that during the years of his career where homosexuality was illegal, he did a lot of making darn sure he didn't see anything he was supposed to pay attention to. (Insert here some extremely complicated feelings and thoughts about the difference between Fred's flavour of rule-breaking and what we get in the police in the real world. At his very worst, he's still better. *sighs*)
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n7punk · 1 year
Hey there! Good evenin!
I wanted to ask for advice on posting AI3 stories on here? I’ve noticed you and other artists I favorite doing it for some time but I’ve never really gotten the hang of figuring it out for myself.
(well, tumblr gave me two notifications but only showed me one anon so... hope you're the only one LOL). I assume that's a typo for AO3 and not the crime of AI generating 3 stories XD
okay, so I'm guessing you're looking for tips on how to effectively share fics in a useful/concise way? i don't know what a lot of other people do since the fanfic authors i follow on tumblr dont usually make share posts, but i can talk about my thought process i guess.
i share the way i do because i used to write my fics direct on tumblr (which was fine when they were like 1k one shots and doesn't work for pretty much anything else). i had to include all the information someone might want at the start of a post by necessity. when i started sharing fics from ao3, i continued providing the same information with some changes/additions because like, if that's what they wanted to know to read it on tumblr, they probably want it in order to click through to another site too. i know a lot of people who post direct on tumblr will just include like two lines like [- ship name - prompt/summary (some people skip even this & just. pls. include it) - read more] but that's really not enough for me to read something new unless i already like the author.
(side bar: for long projects, i generally do one share post at the beginning and one at the end, occasionally with another halfway through if it's especially long. i used to do them every chapter but that's just Annoying (for me, people in the tags, and my followers probably) but i update really frequently, so if it's been 2 months since the last chapter, go for a new share post, why not.)
anyway this is my general formatting notes that led to how i do my posts:
either start with or end with the link. you can type a regular title/"Read here on AO3!" and make it a hyperlink, or include one of the embedded links tumblr has.
IF YOU USE AN EMBED LINK: for multichapter fics, it will title it only as "Show Chapter" which is totally unhelpful. ao3 links are roughly formatted as "ao3.org/works/[workID]/chapters/[chapterID]". you need to delete the "/chapters/[chapterID]" part to have it display the embed link the same as it does with one shots, with the fic title, author pseud, and "AO3" stuff. This will make the link title actually helpful!
think of what information you would need if you were browsing ao3 instead of tumblr. you would usually be in a fandom, character, or ship's tag, so that's going to be the most important information you want to be sure you include and get out first, since it's often the first qualifying/disqualifying factor for people looking at fics. personally, i include fandom and ship because those two characters will be the obvious focus and all the others can be found on the actual ao3 post. if it's not a ship fic, then you can list major character(s) instead (also, you can list ship as "Gen" for general, non-shippy fic).
obviously you need a summary (seriously, you need a summary. even if it's bad, or one sentence, put something), but if there's other stats you want to include (like how i do the rating - which i think is important - and chapter/word count) you might want to put those ahead of the summary just to keep things visually neater. what you view as important will vary.
if you want to literally copy what i do i dont give 2 shits lmao. if you like some things about it but would change others, go for it. to me, your hitlist of information should be: fandom, ship/characters, work title, and fic summary. pseuds can be skipped, especially if its the same as your tumblr name, but i generally include it. i think rating is important, and i include something indicating length since thats a big decision factor in when/if i read what fics, but it's not so important in a share post because ideally, if they're interested in the summary, they'll at least open the fic and add it to their saved for later if its too long for that moment, and they'll see word count then
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kingkatsuki · 9 months
Plagiarism posts get circulated more for awareness. Reblogs are important for that reason. The post rallies both writers and readers to be wary of a blogger breaking social rules and expectations so it is important to spread the word for the betterment of the community.
It can be a divisive decision for some on plagiarism, but the majority of humans understand that stealing someone’s content is wrong and feel justification and validation from spreading awareness on content thievery.
Fic posts vary in tags, themes, and characters. It applies to a variety of people instead of being a yes/no idea. When you have multiple factors to someone enjoying a fic and it is a personal enjoyment - there is a lack of call to action to share it. You may feel inclined to interact, to show appreciation, to like it but not to spread it to others.
If there is a dangerous person in my neighborhood that a neighbor told me about and I look out the window and see him interacting with another neighbor - will I yell out the window to alert the neighbor who may be unaware? Yes!
Will I yell out the window, to the two neighbors exchanging a meme, “you should check out this omega verse fanfic” - a couple times, yes. For the fics that make you feel, like when a singer gives you goosebumps. But not all songs on a record are always a banger even if you enjoy the artist or author.
So yes. You are gonna get a whole lot more traffic and reblogs for plagiarism because it’s for community health and awareness. Stealing content is wrong.
You are gonna get a lot more likes and less reblogs because - taste is subjective, content varies even when produced by a singular person.
Numbers of reblogs in posts would be closer if this blogging platform was just for fanfiction.
I have a blog dedicated to fanfics and reblog the ones I like. On main, I previously only liked them to save them for reading.
That’s definitely an interesting perspective thank you! It’s great to spread awareness and keep each other safe and protected, especially when there’s so much AI generated works appearing too😭
I think I’m just more intrigued because people seem to always spend the time to educate, using longer paragraphs (or even just leaving a comment at all!) and those same people won’t ever even reblog a fic they like (that they have actually read with a topic/character they like) nevermind leave a comment you know?
Because while fics vary in subject, character, themes, tags etc the thing they all have in common is the same lack of interaction.
It almost seems redundant to do so when the original fics that are posted don’t get any engagement themselves? So you’re reblogging those posts for the “betterment of the community”, but the community is already a shambles as it is? You know.
Also, I don’t think number of reblogs on posts would be higher if this website was purely for fanfiction. Because you have sites like ao3 where the views/likes on a fanfic are nowhere near the number of comments/bookmarks.
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rukkilill · 1 year
ohh can i return the favour and ask for dennor? <3
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I really love this pairing a lot. :V There is unfortunately no bingo square for "hot mess", but c'est la vie.
The nice thing about these two is that their relationship can run the gamut from "buckets of conflict" to "happy and comfortable" - it varies depending on time period and interpretation of such. It's just cool to have a whole bunch of options in one pairing.
Downside is, a lot of those periods aren't shown in canon (thus, 'only the version in my head'). I do like what we have, though. The two strips with the March Across the Belts and the Raising Taxes really appeal to me - because the dynamic that they have together is pretty good. Their personal relationship isn't perfect, but they do seem to like each other and care about each other. A lot of the problems they have do seem to come from Denmark's bad decisions, but also from other bad decisions imposed by others (Denmark's king etc). It's this rather than DK and NO's personal relationship with one another being inherently the biggest problem. Though differences in how to approach all these difficulties do lead to potentially interesting conflict between them.
I once described these two to a non-Hetalia friend as "They're very divorced". And. Yeahhh. They are just so very, very divorced. And it's for the better! I kind of run with that farther than most people - haven't addressed it in fanwork really, but I generally see them not restarting their personal relationship until very late. Like, post-oil, "last couple decades of the 20th century" late. NO needed time to himself, to re-find his sense of self after being attached to others for so long, and to properly settle into himself. DK needed time to grow and change too. I feel like the economic factor cannot be understated here, considering all the factors of their past. It's easy to forgive, move onward, and realize that someone has matured, when you're doing well for yourself.
Essentially - it's when they're apart (…and both financially stable/prosperous) that they have the breathing space to be able to find the best in each other.
Anyway - man, I love these two. They're fun to write. Also, I like the thought that their relationship in historical context was open the whole time, but that they mainly stuck to each other. Partly for convenience (it's just easier to be with someone you're married to) but also because they just liked each other - both relationship-wise and also in bed. It's easy to know what someone's preferences are if you've been married for a while (decades, centuries…) …And then all this makes it all the more fun to explore them discovering new things about each other in modern day; I like to think that they can still find ways to surprise one another.
Their personalities fit so nicely, too. They're like - the sea and the shore. And each of them could be either thing - depending on how you look at it.
This is all over the place so I'll leave you with a song: Bastille's "Flaws" is a very DenNor song to me.
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calvarycemetery · 1 year
Cremation Services in Tulsa Oklahoma
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As people consider how to manage their final remains, cremation services are becoming more popular. The rising cost of in-ground burial is a significant factor in cremation's growing popularity. In addition, many religions and cultures have become more accepting of cremation, and civilization is no longer confined to a single location. However, while “everyone” may appear to be cremated, this is not always the case. It is a highly personal decision that must take your cultural and religious beliefs, as well as your financial situation, into account.
Both cremation and in-ground burial are bodily processes. The use of heat is required for cremation. Decomposition occurs during the burial process. Cremation services may be less expensive than traditional burials. When comparing prices, include all fees associated with the type of funeral or memorial event you want. Many factors influence final pricing, and prices differ significantly between states and cities. Even within the same city, prices vary depending on the provider.
Cremation is said to be less harmful to the environment than traditional burial. However, even cremation is far from ideal in terms of sustainability. The use of formaldehyde in traditional burial is heavily criticized. Every year, over 800,000 liters of formaldehyde are produced. Tons of steel and other metals are also left behind, as well as concrete and wood. While cremation does not generate the massive stocks of materials that burial does, cremation facilities consume a lot of energy and emit greenhouse gases and other dangerous chemicals into the atmosphere, such as mercury.
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mermaidsirennikita · 1 year
ARC Review: Twisted Secrets by Katee Robert
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3/5. Re-releases 9/26/2023.
Vibes: (light) mafia, hard-nosed single mom, enemies to lovers with actual stakes, and immediate action (in every sense).
Olivia has been burned, multiple times, by her mafia family. She's determined to keep her daughter as safe as possible. So despite her eagerness to indulge in a no-strings relationship with Cillian O'Malley, she knows she shouldn't. She shouldn't! She really shouldn't. But Cillian is deeper than he seems, and she can't quite resist their immediate connection...
I think Katee Robert is a talented writer, but she is a bit hit or miss for me. I'm starting to figure out what works for me with regards to work and what doesn't--this wasn't quite a hit. But I see why this series is popular, and if you're looking for something on the gentler side of mafia romances (I wouldn't personally call this dark romance based on the hero) this could really work for you.
Quick Takes:
--I do appreciate that Katee's books often jump right into the action, both in terms of the sex and in terms of the story. Cillian and Olivia don't waste any time dancing around each other. They're immediately about it, and they hook up quickly. It's a real "bang first, get feelings later" book, which is a device I'm vocal about loving.
As someone who isn't a huge fan of the single parent romance (and I can't say this book changed that, but Katee was very restrained on the kid factor, so good job there) I did like that Olivia didn't magically become a flawless person because she was a mom. She's young. She makes impulsive decisions. She has desires beyond her child. That child does come first, but being a mom isn't Olivia's only identity. She was a likable heroine, and I got her.
--Cillian is... sweet. Yes, he's connected, yes, he's dangerous I suppose, but emotionally he's sweet and concerned about things like consent and making Olivia feel safe and checking in and so on and so on and so on. I'm realizing... that isn't really what I'm looking for in mafia romances (to be clear, I'm pretty sure that the mafia families throughout this series are Irish and Russian, which--different vibes from mafia mafia, but very much organized crime). That's not on Katee. It's personal preference. I just like my mafia heroes to be kinda the worst. They soften for their heroines, but they aren't immediately as civilized as Cillian.
To be fair, Cillian is dealing with some pretty clear PTSD and survivor's guilt and general fallout from a traumatic event. I just think that by setting this story after that event happens, you're removed a bit from a lot of potential tension. This is a guy who perhaps was worse in the past, and now he's trying to be better, and that's lovely, but... it just didn't really work for me. If you want someone who is theoretically bad but doesn't actually feel bad, this is a hero for you. I just would've preferred him to be rougher around the edges.
--For me, I think Katee works best in a heightened world where she goes for it a bit more (like her Bargain with a Demon series, or perhaps the Wicked Villains series). This felt restrained, which is not what I want in a mafia book. Now, if you don't read or like mafia books generally, this may not feel restrained at all. But when I compare it to my favorite mafia romances, it kind of does.
The Sex Stuff:
There are a solid amount of sex scenes in this book, and they're good and varied and satisfying. It's Katee Robert--she can write a sex scene. Because I wasn't really connecting with Cillian as a hero, I think they didn't super hit in my case. But they were good!
This is another case of "not quite dark enough" mafia romance for me. However, as I've been stressing... this could totally work for SO many people, and this is a re-release of a popular novel. So it has! Try it out if you'd like to try this genre, with a less insane, less mean hero.
Thanks to Forever and Netgalley for providing me with a copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
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drrupali · 13 days
How to Get the Most Out of an IUI Clinic in Delhi
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The journey to becoming parents isn't easy, particularly when faced with fertility problems. Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) is an optimistic option that can help a lot of couples. How do make sure you reap the maximum benefits from an Best IUI Treatment Specialist In New Delhi ? This guide will provide practical tips and information to help make your IUI journey as effortless and as successful as you can.
Get An Appointment Now !
Understanding Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)
What is IUI?
Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) IUI is an infertility treatment wherein the sperm is directly introduced into the uterus of a woman's when she is ovulating. This procedure improves the chance of sperm reaching eggs and also allowing fertilization.
How Does IUI Work?
The process involves observing the ovulation of a woman, creating fertilized sperm using a lab and then inserting the sperm into the uterus. This removes numerous obstacles that could hinder natural fertilization and increases the chance of conception.
Success Rates of IUI
Although IUI is a feasible alternative, the rate of success varies based on the individual's the age of the patient, fertility issues and general health. In general, the rates of success per cycle vary between 10% and 20 percent.
Why Choose a Clinic in Delhi?
Medical Expertise and Facilities
Delhi is home to a variety of reputable clinics that are equipped with the latest technology, and operated by skilled medical professionals. The medical facilities of the city are well-known for their expertise in the field of reproductive medical treatment.
As compared to other regions, IUI treatment in Delhi can be less expensive and still provide high quality of treatment. Cost-effectiveness is a desirable benefit that many clients appreciate.
Availability of Advanced Technologies
Clinics located in Delhi usually offer cutting-edge techniques and treatments, which include the most up-to-date fertility treatment and diagnostics. This means you will get the most effective treatment.
Choosing the Right IUI Clinic in Delhi
Key Factors to Consider
When choosing a IUI clinic, you should consider the following factors:
Expertise and Credentials in the field of specialist: Look for clinics that have certified specialists with a an established track record of success with fertility treatments.
Success Rates and Patients Review: Research the clinic's rate of success and read reviews to assess the quality of the care received.
Technologies and equipment: Ensure the clinic utilizes the most current equipment and technology to ensure the most effective results.
Personal Consultation
Before making a commitment to a decision, make an appointment to discuss your particular desires and concerns. The consultation will allow you to assess the approach of the clinic and make sure it is in line with your expectations.
Location and Accessibility
Find a clinic easily accessible to avoid fatigue throughout the treatment process. The proximity is also crucial to ensure regular appointments as well as follow-ups.
Preparing for Your IUI Procedure
Initial Consultations and Assessments
The first step is to complete tests to assess your fertility as well as overall health. These could include ultrasounds, blood tests and the analysis of sperm.
Lifestyle and Health Adjustments
Making changes to your lifestyle like adopting an optimum diet and stopping smoking cigarettes, can increase the chances of being successful. Follow the recommendations of your doctor to improve your health prior to the procedure.
Emotional and Psychological Preparation
The process of undergoing fertility treatments can be stressful emotionally. Counseling or support groups can be a great source of emotional support during this time.
The IUI Process Step-by-Step
Pre-Procedure Tests
Before you undergo the IUI procedure, you'll undergo tests to confirm the health of both parties and there are no problems that could affect the process.
Ovulation Monitoring
The timing of your IUI is essential. Your doctor will be monitoring your cycle of ovulation to plan IUI at the ideal date to allow conception.
Sperm Preparation and Insemination
Sperm is collected and processed in a laboratory to make sure that the sperm is healthy. The sperm that has been prepared is delivered into the uterus via an ultra-thin catheter.
Post-Procedure Care
Following the procedure, might be advised to take a break for a short time. Follow the instructions of your doctor closely and keep track of subsequent appointments to track your performance.
What to Expect After the Procedure
Immediate Aftercare
There may be a slight feeling of cramping or spotting that is normal. Take your doctor's advice on treatment afterward and notify your doctor of any unusual symptoms.
Follow-Up Appointments
Regular follow-ups are necessary to look for any issues and determine if the IUI resulted in a positive outcome. The doctor will instruct you through the next steps, based on the results.
Understanding the Results
A pregnancy test can determine whether you were successful in your IUI resulted in a pregnancy. If not, your physician could discuss other options or more IUI cycles. IUI.
Common Myths and Misconceptions About IUI
Debunking Common Misconceptions
IUI is frequently covered in myths, including is a risky procedure or having a high likelihood of failing. Being aware of the facts can to reduce stress and set realistic expectations.
Facts against. Fiction
For example, IUI is a relatively easy and non-invasive procedure. It's not a guarantee that you will be pregnant within a single cycle, but it is effective in multiple attempts.
Tips for Maximizing Your Success Rate
An Effective Way to Communicate with Doctors
Communication with your fertility specialist will assist with any concerns and tailor your treatment to meet your individual requirements.
Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle
A healthy lifestyle, which includes an appropriate diet and regular exercise can increase fertility and improve the efficacy of IUI.
Understanding Your Cycle
Monitoring your menstrual cycle and understanding the patterns of your ovulation can assist in determining the timing of your IUI procedure more precisely.
Cost of IUI in Delhi
Breakdown of Costs
The price for IUI in Delhi typically covers consultations, medication, and IUI itself. Prices vary depending on the clinic and the specific treatments needed.
Financing Options
Many clinics provide the option of financing or payment plans that can aid in managing costs. Talk to the clinic to determine a plan that is suitable for your needs.
Insurance Coverage
Consult with your insurance provider to determine whether IUI treatment is covered by your policy. Some insurance policies could provide the option of full or partial coverage.
Patient Testimonials and Success Stories
Real-Life Experiences
Listening to stories from patients who have had IUI can give you an opportunity to gain perspective and encouragement during the process. Numerous stories of success highlight the positive results and emotional experiences of couples.
Positive Outcomes
Stories of success can serve as sources of optimism and motivation, proving that IUI is an effective treatment for a lot of couples.
Additional Resources and Support
Support Groups and Forums
Participating in support groups or forums online can help you connect with other people having similar experiences. Support and sharing your experiences is extremely helpful.
Educational Materials
Use educational resources to stay up to date with the latest techniques for fertility and be able to comprehend the IUI process more thoroughly.
Choosing the best IUI Clinic in Delhi and properly preparing for the procedure can greatly affect the outcome of the treatment. When you select a reliable clinic, understanding the procedure and taking good care of your health and emotional well-being, you will increase the chances of getting an IUI.
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besttractorforframs · 1 month
Community Living and Its Benefits in Modern Residential Spaces
As a trend nowadays, living communally has manifested itself as a big motion in today’s built environment, enabling lots of advantages that better people’s lives, starting with one of the most fundamental aspects up to complex amenities that enhance the general feeling. What is actually a comprehensive lifestyle of a person if it is devoid of that component called community? Such eternal questions, like why people live in groups, would quickly be answered by institutions like TVS Emerald, whose main props are various architectural decisions and amenities channelled towards better community life.
Enhanced Social Interaction
Community living is very important for our social interaction. In gated communities, people should be involved with each other in order to create a spirit of unity and friendship among them. The residential projects done by TVS Emerald usually contain shared places including parks, clubhouses, and recreational areas where inhabitants are able to create associations that are long-lasting hence forming relationships with one another while enjoying themselves .It is crucial for a sound mind to have such social connectivity.
Improved Safety and Security
Community living often comes with improved safety and security measures. TVS Emerald properties are equipped with advanced security systems, including CCTV surveillance, gated community entrances, and 24/7 security personnel. The presence of a close-knit community also means that residents look out for each other, creating a safer environment. This collective vigilance helps in preventing crime and ensures that residents feel secure in their homes.
Access to Amenities and Facilities
The designing criteria for the modern residential communities by TVS Emerald are based on a variety of factors that include limited open spaces and large gaps between the floors and the ceiling. In order to enhance the quality of life in these neighbourhoods, the following amenities are provided: swimming pools, gyms, tennis courts, and playgrounds for young kids. The provision of such amenities in the neighbourhood saves the residents time and effort, hence they are able to engage in their hobbies at their own time, making it easier for them to lead healthy lifestyles. This approach helps avoid congestion and pollution from cars, allowing residents to have an easier time exercising and enjoying themselves with other people living around.
Economic Benefits
Community living can also offer economic benefits. Shared amenities reduce the need for individual investments in facilities such as gyms or swimming pools. Additionally, the maintenance costs for shared spaces are distributed among residents, making it more cost-effective. TVS Emerald’s well-planned gated community apartments in Chennai ensure that residents enjoy premium facilities at a fraction of the cost of maintaining them individually.
Welcome to Udyana at TVS Emerald Aaranya, your haven where resort-style living seamlessly intertwines with the soothing embrace of nature. With an expansive 62% open space and 2 acres of landscaped greens, Udyana stands as a sanctuary, offering a peaceful refuge for those yearning for a quiet and private lifestyle amidst bustling city life.
Immerse yourself in a lifestyle enriched with over 75 thoughtful amenities, each tailored to meet your varied needs. This well-secured community is where an active lifestyle and family adventure begins. Udyana is more than a place; it’s a warm community!
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subaruofsterling · 1 month
Understanding Auto Sales Financing: A Guide To Loans, Leases, And More
Navigating the world of auto sales can be overwhelming, especially when it comes to financing your vehicle. Understanding the different financing options available—such as loans and leases—can help you make an informed decision that suits your financial situation.
If you’re searching for "Auto Sales Near Me," it’s crucial to grasp these concepts to ensure a smooth purchasing experience.
Auto Loans
Auto loans are a popular choice for many buyers looking to own their vehicle outright. When you take out an auto loan, you borrow a specific amount of money from a lender, such as a bank or credit union, to purchase the car. You’ll then repay this loan in monthly installments over a set period, usually ranging from 36 to 72 months. The interest rate on the loan can vary based on your credit score, loan term, and the lender's policies.
Advantages of Auto Loans:
Ownership: Once the loan is paid off, the vehicle is yours.
Unlimited Mileage: Unlike leases, there are no mileage restrictions with a loan.
Customization: You can modify your vehicle as you see fit.
Car Leasing
Leasing a car is another option that allows you to drive a new vehicle for a set period, typically 24 to 36 months. Instead of purchasing the car, you essentially rent it and make monthly payments to the leasing company. At the end of the lease term, you have the option to buy the car, return it, or lease a new one.
Advantages of Car Leasing:
Lower Monthly Payments: Lease payments are generally lower than loan payments for the same vehicle.
Newer Models: Leasing allows you to drive a new car every few years.
Lower Repair Costs: Leased cars are usually under warranty, covering most repair costs.
Special Financing Offers
Many dealerships, including those you might find by searching "Auto Sales Near Me," offer special financing deals. For instance, Subaru of Sterling frequently provides attractive financing offers on new and certified pre-owned vehicles. These deals can include low or zero-percent interest rates, which can significantly reduce the overall cost of financing.
Factors to Consider
When choosing between a loan and a lease, consider your driving habits, financial situation, and long-term plans. If you drive a lot or prefer to keep a vehicle for many years, a loan might be more beneficial. Conversely, if you enjoy driving a new car every few years and prefer lower monthly payments, leasing could be the better option.
Get Pre-Approved
Before visiting a dealership, getting pre-approved for a loan can give you a clearer picture of your budget and strengthen your negotiating position. Many lenders offer online pre-approval processes, making it convenient to understand your financing options before you start browsing.
Understanding these financing options is crucial for a successful auto sales experience. Whether you opt for a loan or lease, knowing your choices helps you make an informed decision and enjoy your new vehicle with peace of mind. For personalized assistance and special financing offers, visit Subaru of Sterling or your local auto sales dealership.
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therugfurnish · 2 months
Top 10 Tips for Choosing the Perfect Handmade Rug for Your Space
Handmade rugs are more than just floor coverings; they are works of art that can transform any space with their intricate designs and craftsmanship. Selecting the perfect handmade rug for your home can be a daunting task, given the variety of options available. Here are ten essential tips to help you choose the perfect handmade rug for your space.
1. Understand Your Space
Before you start shopping, take a good look at the room where you plan to place the rug. Consider the room's size, layout, and existing decor. A large rug can make a room feel cozy, while a smaller rug can define specific areas within a larger space.
2. Measure Accurately
Accurate measurements are crucial. Measure the area where you want to place the rug and consider the placement of furniture. Buy Handmade Rugs For living rooms, a common rule is to have the front legs of your furniture on the rug. In dining areas, ensure the rug is large enough to accommodate chairs even when they are pulled out.
3. Choose the Right Material
Handmade rugs come in various materials, each with its own benefits. Wool rugs are durable and soft, making them ideal for high-traffic areas. Silk rugs are luxurious and have a beautiful sheen but are best suited for low-traffic areas. Cotton rugs are easy to clean and affordable, perfect for casual spaces.
4. Consider the Weave
The weave of a rug affects its durability and texture. Hand-knotted rugs are the most durable and intricate, often taking months to complete. Hand-tufted rugs are quicker to produce and more affordable but may not last as long. Flat-weave rugs are lightweight and reversible, making them versatile and easy to maintain.
5. Pick the Right Pattern and Color
The pattern and color of the rug should complement your existing decor. If your room has a lot of patterns, Handmade carpets online  a solid or subtly patterned rug can provide balance. Conversely, a bold, patterned rug can add interest to a neutral space. Consider the color palette of your room and choose a rug that enhances it.
6. Think About Maintenance
Consider the maintenance requirements of the rug. Wool rugs are naturally stain-resistant and easy to clean. Silk rugs require professional cleaning and are more delicate. Cotton rugs can be machine-washed but may wear out faster. Choose a rug that fits your lifestyle and maintenance preferences.
7. Set a Budget
Handmade rugs can vary significantly in price. Set a budget before you start shopping to narrow down your options. handmade rug craftsmanship Remember that a high-quality handmade rug is an investment that can last for generations, so it may be worth spending a bit more for a piece you truly love.
8. Check the Rug's Authenticity
Ensure the rug is genuinely handmade. Look for irregularities in the weave, which indicate it was crafted by hand. Check the back of the rug; hand-knotted rugs will have a pattern that mirrors the front. Ask for a certificate of authenticity if available.
9. Consider the Rug's Origin
The origin of the rug can influence its style and quality. Persian rugs are known for their intricate designs and high quality.  contemporary rug design Turkish rugs often feature bold patterns and vibrant colors. Indian rugs are diverse in style and often more affordable. Research the characteristics of rugs from different regions to find one that suits your taste.
10. Trust Your Instincts
Finally, trust your instincts. A handmade rug is a personal piece that should resonate with you. If a rug catches your eye and you can envision it in your space, it’s likely the right choice. Don’t rush the decision; take your time to find a rug that you will cherish for years to come.
Choosing the perfect handmade rug involves a blend of practical considerations and personal preference. By understanding your space, measuring accurately, and considering factors like material, weave, pattern, and maintenance, you can find a rug that enhances your home’s aesthetic and stands the test of time. Happy rug hunting!
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bluehenlimo · 2 months
Effortless Journeys: Best Airport Transportation in Wilmington
As the bustling city of Wilmington continues to grow, the need for reliable and convenient airport transportation has become increasingly important. Travelers, whether arriving for business or leisure, often find themselves in search of the best options to get to and from the local airport. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the various modes of airport transportation available in Wilmington, helping you make an informed decision for your next trip.
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Public Transportation
One of the most cost-effective ways to reach the airport from Wilmington is by utilizing the city's public transportation system. The local bus service, operated by the Wilmington Transit Authority, offers several routes that connect the downtown area and other key locations to the wilmington Airport Transportation Services International Airport (ILM). These buses run on a regular schedule, making it easy for travelers to plan their commute. The fares are typically quite reasonable, making this an attractive option for budget-conscious individuals.
Taxi and Rideshare Services
For those who prefer a more direct and personalized mode of transportation, taxis and rideshare services are readily available in Wilmington. Taxi companies, such as Yellow Cab and City Cab, have a strong presence in the area and are known for their reliable service. Travelers can hail a cab directly from the airport or pre-arrange a pickup. Alternatively, popular rideshare apps like Uber and Lyft have also become prominent in Wilmington, providing a convenient and often more affordable alternative to traditional taxis.
Private Airport Shuttles
For a more premium experience, many travelers in Wilmington opt for private airport shuttle services. These dedicated transportation providers offer door-to-door service, picking up passengers from their homes, hotels, or other designated locations and transporting them directly to the airport. These shuttles are often equipped with amenities such as comfortable seating, climate control, and even complimentary refreshments, making the journey to the airport a more enjoyable experience.
Car Rentals
Another popular option for airport transportation in Wilmington is to rent a car. This allows travelers the flexibility to explore the city and surrounding areas at their own pace, as well as providing a convenient way to get to and from the airport. Rental car companies, such as Hertz, Avis, and Enterprise, maintain a presence at the Wilmington International Airport, making the rental process seamless for arriving and departing passengers.
Parking at the Airport
For those who prefer to drive themselves to the airport, the Wilmington International Airport offers both short-term and long-term parking options. The short-term lots are ideal for quick drop-offs or pickups, while the long-term lots are suitable for travelers who need to leave their vehicles for the duration of their trip. Rates and availability can vary, so it's recommended to check the airport's website or call ahead to ensure a spot is reserved.
Considerations for Airport Transportation
When choosing the best airport transportation option in Wilmington, there are several factors to consider:
Cost: Evaluate the upfront and potential hidden costs associated with each mode of transportation. Public transit and rideshare services are generally more budget-friendly, while taxis and private shuttles may come at a higher price point.
Convenience: Consider the overall convenience of the transportation method, including the pickup and drop-off locations, schedule, and availability.
Travel Time: Depending on traffic conditions and the specific route, some transportation options may be faster than others. Factor in the estimated travel time to ensure you arrive at the airport with ample time before your flight.
Luggage Capacity: If you're traveling with a significant amount of luggage, ensure the chosen transportation option can accommodate your needs comfortably.
Group Size: For travelers in larger groups, private shuttle services or rental cars may be more practical and cost-effective than individual rides.
Navigating the airport transportation landscape in Wilmington can be a daunting task, but with the information provided in this guide, you can make an informed decision that best suits your travel needs. Whether you opt for public transit, taxis, rideshares, private shuttles, or rental cars, the city offers a wide range of options to ensure your journey to and from the airport is as smooth and enjoyable as possible. By considering factors such as cost, convenience, travel time, and luggage capacity, you can find the perfect transportation solution for your Wilmington travel experience.
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tomgarviemortgages2 · 3 months
The Essential Guide to Choosing a Mortgage Adviser in Hinckley
When it comes to securing a mortgage, having the right advice can make all the difference. For residents of Hinckley, finding a reliable mortgage adviser is crucial to navigating the complex world of home loans. This guide will help you understand why choosing a Mortgage adviser Hinckley is beneficial and what to look for in a good adviser.
Why You Need a Mortgage Adviser Navigating the mortgage market can be overwhelming. With numerous lenders, varying interest rates, and different types of mortgages available, it's easy to feel lost. A mortgage adviser brings expertise and insider knowledge that can simplify this process. Here are some key reasons why you should consider a mortgage adviser in Hinckley:
Expert Knowledge: Mortgage advisers have in-depth understanding of the mortgage market, including the latest rates and deals. Their expertise ensures you get the best possible advice tailored to your financial situation.
Access to More Options: Advisers often have access to exclusive deals not available to the general public. This can result in better interest rates and more favorable terms.
Time-Saving: The mortgage application process involves a lot of paperwork and communication with lenders. A mortgage adviser handles these tasks, saving you time and reducing stress.
Personalized Service: A good mortgage adviser will take the time to understand your unique circumstances and financial goals, ensuring you receive advice that suits your needs.
What to Look for in a Mortgage Adviser
Choosing the right mortgage adviser is essential. Here are some factors to consider when selecting a mortgage adviser in Hinckley:
Qualifications and Experience: Ensure the adviser is qualified and has a solid track record. Look for certifications such as CeMAP (Certificate in Mortgage Advice and Practice) which indicate professional training.
Reputation: Research the adviser’s reputation. Read reviews and ask for recommendations from friends or family who have recently secured a mortgage.
Fee Structure: Understand the adviser’s fee structure upfront. Some advisers charge a flat fee, while others may receive a commission from lenders. Make sure you’re comfortable with the payment terms.
Range of Services: Some advisers offer additional services, such as insurance advice or help with investment planning. Consider whether you might benefit from these additional offerings.
Communication: Effective communication is key. Choose an adviser who is approachable, listens to your concerns, and keeps you informed throughout the process.
Benefits of Local Knowledge Working with a mortgage adviser in Hinckley has the added advantage of local knowledge. Local advisers understand the Hinckley property market and can provide insights that are specific to the area. They are also more accessible for face-to-face meetings, which can be particularly helpful during the decision-making process.
How to Get Started If you're ready to find a mortgage adviser in Hinckley, start by doing your research. Look online for local advisers and read reviews. Once you've shortlisted a few, arrange initial consultations to discuss your needs and see how comfortable you feel with each adviser.
Click here for more information:- 
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Mortgage advisor atherstone
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