#and indigenous queer people ♡^▽^♡
glitterbuss999 · 2 years
♥︎⋆。゚☁︎⋆⁺₊⋆MUTUAL AID REQUEST˚♥︎⋆。゚☁︎⋆⁺₊⋆
i'm a homeless afro indigenous person in need of help getting into an apt
i am a houseless young non binary person in the state of texas where there's not only anti abortion laws but anti trans law as well. while i work i am paid poorly and am currently looking for a better place of work. i stay in a hotel when i can afford it. i cannot go back to my hometown because i have an obsessive father who has come all the way to a different state before to knock on my door and harass me. my mother's house isn't an option either because she is bipolar and becomes violent when she is unmedicated.
as a visibly queer afro indigenous person who still wears their mask every time i'm in public i get targeted and discriminated against in work and social settings. this was surprising to me too. texas is religiously anti mask. no one down here even thinks to accommodate for immunocompromised people. there's a lot of places that have rejected my applications in a few hours because of my ethnic sounding name. this state is a hell hole.
i am actually hoping to relocate after a short lease if i can raise enough funds. i will need funds for temp housing (private room or motel) and deposit and move in fees.
i am hoping to raise about $3500 total towards this. even meeting half of the goal would help me out with move in. please share this far and wide i dont want to end up on the streets again.
cashappₒ⋆:°* ₓ˚. $vcashmaniii
paypal-- ✩ -- ✩ imaniw131
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pinkanonwrites · 1 year
(part 2. now featuring me rambling about a Modern Triguns hc i have)
okay so im Native American and i do think, in my hc (not yours. wanna reiterate that i am saying this for Fun Conversation and not to convince you of shit), i really like the idea of Vash and Knives being either surrounded by Indigenous American influence (people who are non-Indigenous can live on our reservations, maybe Rem is Indigenous and is cross-racially fostering them, i dunno) or Vash and Knives are white-passing Indigenous Americans themselves (i say "white-passing" bc i know their creator is Japanese but also Vash and Knives are pale-skinned, blue-eyed, blond boys so im assuming they are white? but some Japanese people could be mixed, that's true. i dont know enough about Trigun to know ethnicity canon/fanon, i just know "ah!!! they might be blond and blue-eyed, but i see Me in them!" so. headcanon. anyway)
and i say that bc a huge part of a pan-Indigenous culture (not that we are a monolith to generalize, theres so many fucking tribes and specific tribal cultures, but you get what i mean) is focused on the enviroment and our interconnectedness to it, ontop of our history of being genocided against up until the last Indian Residential School closed down in 2007 and we had our right to practice our culture given to us in 1978 (so 1978 is actually when American achieved religious-freedom) and now we are facing various Indigenous protective laws being disbanded in the U.S.-- it's easy for any marginalized group, esp ethnicities, to see relatability in the Plants. like, the Americas were founded with the blood of Black and Indigenous people. but also many other cultures have faced similar experiences. so i do think its easy to project any marginalized culture that has suffered onto Plants. its just also cool to be like "yo, my culture is very much based on protecting and understanding the enviroment, and this fictional group is called PLANTS? hell yeah, easy projection" but like. we arent the only culture that does that. so i dont think Indigenous Americans are special any form of projecting ourselves with Plants/Trigun. i just also AM Indigenous American and also AM projecting. so. im biased
and i am, in fact, doubly biased bc my Indigenous American father was a BIG fan of westerns, something Knives loves. my dad loved them bc He Is Very Old (im talking "my dad was 60, close to 70 when i was born" old. my mother is his second wife and they met when she was 40. so i was "wow thats late to have a baby, but not SUPER dangerous") and, though things have gotten slightly better since he was my age but uh.. the reason why he liked old westerns so much was because that WAS the only place where he could see people like him on-screen. even tho they died half the time. and were often racist. highly recommend the documentary "Reel Injun" if you would like a summary on how Indigenous people have been depicted on film, it is very funny for a documentary lmao but anyway, yes, this does also mean my dad was a Twilight fan. he watches those movies all the time (even tho they are ALSO racist against us, but its still really funny to say my dad is a Twi-hard lmao). and my dad wasnt alone in being like that, a LOT of Indigenous people my age (mid-20s) grew up with old western movies and whatnot bc it was the only representation we had for a long time, even moreso for any generation older than us. i can still hear "John Wayne's Teeth Hey-a, Hey-Hey-a" a'la the 90s movie, Smoke Signals, being chanted in my mind lmao
so Knives' lil "bang, bang" and how much he loved old west content made me feel especially seen lmao so i like the idea of him and Vash either being raised in an Indigenous culture by Indigenous people or being Indigenous themselves and being raised by Indigenous people. it brings me joy ♡ especially the latter, bc, tho im not blond and blue-eyed, i am white-passing. people assume i am white until i "out" myself (im also queer, i label myself as Two-Spirited actually, so i am using the verbage "out" knowingly lmao). i grew up hating my pale skin and my monolingual tongue, because that meant i looked like a colonizer and spoke the colonizer's langauge (and i, unfortunately, dont have the kind of brain that absorbs second languages well. at all. damn you auditory processing disorder lmao rip). i wanted to look more like my Indigenous relatives, and less like my white mother who married into our culture. and i see Knives' hatred of Plants' oppressors, and with the modern au and my hc of Indigentity and my personal history of struggling with self-hatred, and i see reflections of myself in him
and like. Knives' desire to kill all humans isnt translatable in a contemporary context, really. i dunno what job i would want my hc of him to have. you could argue he would be on the side of the extremeists in protesting, But Equating A Genocidal Character To A Contemporary Protestor feels.. bad lmao thats an understatement. but like. yeah, i do hc my personal modern au Knives to be a Land Back protestor, and i think Vash would agree actually. but im biased bc i support that movement too lmao i think the fact that Knives is so untranslatable to a modern context in all his variety adds to the tragedy of the Trigun/Trimax/Trigun Stampede/what-have-you narrative. i think modern au Knives might be antagonistic and a nag (or i could empathize with seeing him as modern cult-leader, tho thats irrelevant to this conversation. just bc i can empathize with it, doesnt mean i would ever create content of it or have it as my hc. cults are serious stuff people shouldnt trivialize and i dont have any experience with them, but if people want to vent out their feelings about cults using a modern Knives au?? i can understand that, im using him to project and vent too afterall lmao) to his brother, maybe be estranged, but overall i think the rift between them would be easier to breach than in the canon
i just find modern au Knives to, at least have the capacity to be, more sympathetic than his canon counterparts in all their variancies. he's fun to stretch around and play with lol
anyway, thanks for making a space where i felt welcomed to talk about Trigun modern hcs with you. i cant wait to see what you make. and, again, this was NOT an endorsement for you to follow me at all in this hc, i completely get (1) people have their own hcs of what Knives and Vash's ethnicities may be in a contemporary world and (2) that other people's modern au stories might not even feature disclosing an ethnicity. i just loved your excitement and wanted to spend part 1 engaging with you with your possible hcs, and part 2 sharing mine. i hope i worded all of this in a way that makes sense. thank you again ♡
Ooh, I really love your hcs! I'm always a little hesitant to do any in-depth headcanoning about the intricacies of racial minorities because I'm a very white person myself (a quarter Korean technically, but a blue-eyed blondie nonetheless), so it's really cool to read in-depth and interesting takes from people who obviously have a better scope on the ins and outs than I would!
I agree that Knives's genocidal nature isn't really easy to translate to a modern era. He's a tough guy to nail down! In my head at least, he's more of a nihilistic environmentalist while Vash is an optimistic one. I see him working in a very white-coat, laboratory, scientific field when it comes to conservation, he just strikes me as a scientist type. Him and Vash don't always see eye to eye on everything, and oftentimes he thinks he has to protect Vash because his brother is far too forgiving to the world, no matter how cruel it's been to him. But Vash doesn't want to be coddled either, he's not naive. He's making a conscious effort every day to choose to see the good in the world around them, and for one reason or another Nai just can't wrap his head around that.
He still loves his westerns though, I'm definitely keeping that. Nai was glued to Vash's stream when he was playing through Red Dead Redemption 2, no matter how much he says he doesn't care for video games.
I really liked reading your headcanons too, so thanks for reaching out! If you ever end up wanting to write anything longform that takes place in your modern AU, be sure to link it to me!
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ladyimaginarium · 1 year
check-in tag!
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1. why did you choose your url? — idr tbh. all i& remember is that. imaginarium& is our& innerworld's name.
2. any sideblogs? if you have them, name them and tell why you have them. — @imaginariumrpc my& rpc sideblog for stuff i want to reblog but not on my main, currently a mess & in the state of archiving & transferring posts onto this blog considering this blog is the one i& mainly use & its multipurpose. — @dominusornatum my& rp blog that hasnt been used but may revamp. — @brumoustoska Erica's& sideblog. May or may not add a nsft blog but idk yet.
3. how long have you been on tumblr? — uhhhh since 2016 i& think.
4. do you have a queue tag? — no but im& debating lmao
5. why did you start your blog in the first place? — this used to be a rp blog actually but i& repurposed it into a multipurpose blog bc. i& left the tumblr rpc for several reasons especially bc i& was dealing w/ my& system that i'd& recently discovered at the time & just. mental health issues.
6. why did you choose your icon? — bc khadija& is one of my& ocs & she's& cute.
7. why did you choose your header? — i love stars. like, i'm& obsessed.
8. what’s your post with the most notes? — one of my& old twdg edits iirc.
9. how many mutuals do you have? — many lmao but s/o to a, simy, emma, hal & leli.
10. how many followers do you have? — over 100.
11. how many people do you follow? — over 400.
12. have you ever made a shitpost? — aren't all my posts shitposts /j so many times.
13. how often do you use tumblr each day? — a lot, i& don't keep track tho bc thats lame.
14. have you had a fight/argument with another blog? who won? — i&. don't like arguments or conflict or any kinda disk horse especially when it comes to fandom & shipping disk horse bc tbh i& have more important things in my& life to focus on & a lot of this is like chronically online shit, so i& avoid them the best i& can within reason. so. no.
15. how do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts? — usually i'm& happy to wave them goodbye as i& scroll past them bc of ocd hell, but when it comes to indigeneity or queer issues or anything of the sort its my& duty so.
16. do you like tag games? — yes !! please continue tag me& or any of us&!! ♡
17. do you like ask games? — yessss!!
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous? — tbh they all should be but uh. i& think audit especially in the plural & queer & disabled communities. hal bc they're so iconic in the plural community as a whole & they do so much for systems its great tbh. also emma bc she's a forever icon in the twdg fandom & abri ( idk what ur actual name is so lmao ) in the gangsta fandom bc uh. they're iconic asf. & although we're not moots persay bc marzi has a rp blog, but marzi's portrayal of mitch & just everything twdg related on @phantasmagcrical / @gciltyascharged has me& go like AGLJAGGALJGALGAJGAJLAGLJAGJL hennywayz ily marziiiii ♡
19. do you have a crush on a mutual? — no? /lh but i& appreciate all of my moots. ♡
20. tags? — @briala @dethqveen @aabblleeddnntt @abri-chan @tearfulangel @emmiewlw @dreamlandsystem & anyone else if you wanna do it !!
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sethsbigtits · 2 years
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philkisser · 2 years
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welcome to my blog <3 this is my side blog where i can be myself and selfship ^^, my main is @maxichiz so if you get a follow or reply from there, its me.
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
my name is max or keon, i am a autistic queer aroace trans teen. i am a disabled indigenous poc, i would appreciate it if tone tags were used as well!
i use any pronouns including neos except for she/her, so please do not use she/her or any feminine terms except for pretty on me at ANY time, thank you.
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
please dni if you are the following / support it : proshipper, useless lgbt discourse, satire, ableist, racist, homophobic etc, support endo systems, prolife, anti selfship, if you selfship with real people, nandermo shippers (for my comfort please), dsmp fans, zoophiles, MAPs. i will add more if ever needed.
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onto my f/os ! i do not like sharing my f/os, so if we happen to share an f/o please softblock me, for both of our convinces! thank you!! <3
Romantic F/Os :
Guillermo De La Cruz, What We Do In The Shadows (Studded Stakes 🕶⛓)
Phil Guy, Blueycapsules (Spiked Horns ☎️🖤)
Beetlejuice, All 3 Beetlejuice sources ( Striped Cuffs 💚🖤 )
Hunter, The Owl House (Golden Spirits 💛👻)
Argyle, Stranger Things (High Hopes 🍃🖤)
Dr Hofnarr / Tricky The Clown, Madcom (Clownin’ Around 🎪🔪)
Dee, Metal Family (Punk Metal 🎸⛓)
Leatherface, Texas Chainsaw Massacre (Chainsaw Melodies 🪚🎵)
Charles Lee Ray, Chucky (Plastic Kills 🔪🖤)
Kimiko, The Boys (Silent Nights ❌)
Gino Valentino, Blueycapsules (Chefs Kiss 🍕❤️)
Licorice Cookie, Cookie Run Kingdom (Necromancin Dancin’ 🪦💜)
Dr Habit, Smile For Me (My Flower 🥀🦷)
Sherrif, Madcom (Rootin n’ Tootin 🤎🖤)
King Dice, Cuphead (Soul Stealer 🎲💜)
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
Platonic F/Os :
Micheal Afton, Blueycapsules
Dustin Henderson, Stranger Things
Steve Harrington, Stranger Things
Starlight, The Boys
Steven Grant, Moonknight
Nandor The Relentless, What We Do In The Shadows
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
Familial F/Os :
Black Noir, The Boys
Fritz Valentino, Blueycapsules
Joyce Hopper, Stranger Things
Jeremy Fitzgerald, Blueycapsules
Baby Colin Robinson, What We Do In The Shadows
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thats all for right now, thank you for reading, love! feel free to ask me any questions, my ask box is now open :) goodbye!
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vampyre-knight · 3 years
Intro post!! ♡u♡ 
Hey I'm Adam, but u can call me Percy, Jude, or Foggy too!
pronouns: he/him, it/its, ze/zim/zir/zimself, and xe/xem/xyr/xemself.
gay + I mostly describe myself as a genderqueer man or as genderfaun.
I like reading, art, queer stuff, and I post a lot of random gay shit and stuff related to my favorite media at the moment. I'm always open for book recs and horror movie/show recs too and I love hearing ppl rant abt their fav things :]]
🧛🫀Safe space for freaks and nerds /pos /lh
I do my best to keep this blog a safe space for jews, muslims, poc, indigenous folk, ND ppl, queer people of all kinds, and everyone other than bigots as best as I can! I do my best to keep my space clear and supportive of as many people as I can, and I'm always learning. If ever u see me doing something iffy, please call me on it! I feel its not mine to say whether im a certified safe space but I care to grow and do my best <33
transphobes/homophobes, terfs, racists, "folkish" dicks, neo nazis (including all the other weird names yall call yourselves) and/or any bigots or people looking for a reaction fuck off. If ur an intolerant dickwad in any way I'll block you. i'm pagan and a witch so if ur gna stick around pls be respectful of my faith and practices.
do not disrespect my gods, religion, spiritual practices- or anyone else's- here
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littlesbnha · 3 years
♡Intro post! (will update in time)♡
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𓏧𓏧♡♡About me!!♡♡𓏧𓏧
You can call me ghostie!!
i age regress from ages 1 through around 5-6
I respond from @foxyowl-forest-adventures
I'm indigenous
My favorite colors are pink, orange, green, blue, purple, and brown!
I regress to deal with cptsd, trauma, anxiety, ocd, autism, adhd, and childhood trauma, and an e///at//ing dis///or//der
My pronouns: they/them ghost/ghostself mist/mistself it/it's
I like stuffies, pillow forts, drawing, coloring, cartoons, cats, frogs, foxes, ducks, snakes, reptiles, videogames, nature,
I wanna make some little friends!
I don't have a caregiver and i don't one right now
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𓏧𓏧♡♡About this blog!!♡♡𓏧𓏧
I made this blog to make bnha little content!
You can ask me things and stuff, request i talk about something, or just talk to me!
i do not stand for fandom wars at all! If you're here to hate on legal (and not Mineta or endeavor related) ships then i want to ask kindly that you leave :(
If i talk about a ship it will not be dd/lg or dd/lb related. The romantic relationship stops when someone is little or else it's gross!
Maybe I'll even talk about how a character would care for you as a little just to make you happy!
anything that is triggering will be tagged! Please tell me if i forgot a trigger warning!
bnha is not really kid-friendly (it's not nsfw it's just targeted at teens and up) but i will never talk about the parts that arent kid safe
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i didn't want to make a DNI but i have to :(
Do not interact if you are:
trans//med tran//scum
acep*be aroph*be
anti neopronouns
anti xendo/neogender
think the word queer is a slur
a nsfw blog
sexual*ze characters that aren't 18+ or write them aged up so you can sexul*ze them
anti agere
sexual*ze agere
pro th*nsp0, pro ana, pro ed (this does not mean you cant interact if you have an ed)
anti headcanoning a character as queer, genderqueer, neurodivergent
autism spe@//ks supporter
pro c*nversi*n therapy
pro ABA therapy
map, nomap, pedo, or a apologist/tolorator of them
unironically says things like "that's cringe" or supports cringe culture
tr-mp supporter
don't like trigger warnings and/or think they're unnecessary because "there are no trigger warnings in the real world"
k1nk blog
untagged traumacore
anti mspec lesbians
support gender roles
don't believe that people can have different sexual and romantic orientations
dsmp supporter
anti queerplatonic relationships
don't support blm, stop asian hate, land back
want to bring discourse onto this blog
over 25 or younger than 13 (just because i don't feel comfortable talking to people that are more or less than 5-6 years older or younger than me about agere)
anti tone indicators
if you relate to any of these things, you will be blocked and reported if you continue interacting
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koopadumpling · 3 years
when you get this you have to answer with 5 things u like about yourself, publicly. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool) ♡
1. My passion. When I love something, I love it with my whole heart.
2. I'm not perfect, but I try my best to be kind, learn from my mistakes, & do what I can for people.
3. Whenever I hear about Chris Jericho I zone out for a second because I'm thinking about his theme song.
4. I'm silly. It's fun to have fun.
5. I love being trans, queer, and indigenous. Of course I've experienced transphobia, dysphoria, racism, and homophobia, but being queer & ndb made me who I am. It opened my eyes not only to the suffering of my own people, but to the suffering of others. It made me compassionate. I wouldn't change it for anything.
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glitterbuss999 · 2 years
i'm a homeless afro indigenous person in need of help getting into an apt
i am a houseless 21 year old in the state of texas where there's not only anti abortion laws but anti trans law as well. while i work i am paid poorly and am currently looking for a better place of work. i cannot go back to my hometown because i have an obsessive father who has come all the way to a different state before to knock on my door and harass me. my mother's house isn't an option either because she is bipolar and becomes violent when she is unmedicated.
as a visibly queer afro indigenous person who still wears their mask every time i'm in public i get targeted and discriminated against in work and social settings. this was surprising to me too. texas is religiously anti mask. no one down here even thinks to accommodate for immunocompromised people. there's a lot of places that have rejected my applications in a few hours because of my ethnic sounding name. this state is a hell hole.
i am actually hoping to relocate after a short lease if i can raise enough funds. i will need funds for temp housing (private room or motel) and deposit and move in fees.
i am hoping to raise about $3500 total towards this. even meeting half of the goal would help me out with move in. please share this far and wide i dont want to end up on the streets again.
cashappₒ⋆:°* ₓ˚. $vcashmaniii
paypal-- ✩ -- ✩ imaniw131
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