#and instead of her it's obi-wan that dies that could work
sunderwight · 2 months
Time travel fic where Vader gets the chance to go back in time, any time, and change his history.
So he goes back to when he was still a slave boy living on Tatooine with his mother.
He avoids the Jedi. Qui-Gon doesn't get the money for the parts they need, so the Queen doesn't reach Coruscant in a timely fashion, and the ousting of the Trade Federation is delayed. Which sucks ass for Naboo. But, on the other hand, the confrontation with Maul happens smack dab in the middle of the desert, so Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan actually overpower him together and neither of them dies.
After the Jedi leave, Anakin uses his future knowledge and expertise in cybernetic implants to remove his and his mother's slave chips. A tragic accident befalls Watto, and a fire in the junk shop destroys most of his records, so no one who inherits the remainder has any knowledge of slaves (or anything else) missing from the inventory.
Shmi knows that something has changed. But Ani's always been a miracle, strange and unknowable in many ways, and yet still her son regardless. She goes along with it, even though she's apprehensive about affording water, shelter, and food as they are.
She needn't have worried.
At every turn, Anakin miraculously seems to uncover things they need, or opportunities for them to explore. Shmi finds decent work in various establishments -- cleaning garages and hangers, and cantinas after closing, mostly. There always seems to be someone willing to hire her on for a while, even if they already seem to have staff. Ani works his magic with scrap parts and whatever better pieces they can afford, when they have enough to spare (which is surprisingly often), and sells contraptions to the Jawas, junk dealers, or other interested parties. If he makes and sells some weapons to some enterprising bounty hunters or mercenaries, Shmi doesn't discern it, and Anakin doesn't volunteer the information.
But mostly, he works in prosthetics.
There's a pretty big demand for such in the Outer Rim, especially Tatooine, where the idea of anyone hopping into a Bacta tank is even less realistic than the idea of public swimming pools. People are losing limbs all the time, and good prosthetics are hard to come by.
Anakin makes good prosthetics. Even with limited parts and visible frustration, by the time he's thirteen, most of the planet knows where you go if you need an "extra hand", so to speak.
It's not long before the Hutts take an interest in monopolizing the resource, and seeing what else this talented young mechanic can build. Even if most Hutts rarely need prosthetics themselves, they like to be in charge of a hot commodity, after all. And it's hardly unheard of for them to lose an arm or two either.
Shmi worries. Anakin doesn't. Somehow, all of the local crime lords start to be met with unfortunate accidents. Their relatives and allies investigate, of course, and no one really believes in coincidences in the Outer Rim. But nothing turns up either. Falling cargo, suicides, misfiring weapons, heart attacks, choking on food, slipping and falling into sarlacc pits, it's all stuff that does happen. It just usually doesn't happen so often, to such a specific group of people, within such a short amount of time.
When Anakin is fifteen, Sidious sends people to fetch him. They approach him with sweet offers and seemingly-generous gifts, at first, as if it's not the most suspicious way they could go about it. His mother too, but it's such a stupid effort that Shmi finds them suspect even without prompting, and senses something off about them. Anakin's mother might not be nearly as Force sensitive as he is, but she is, and she doesn't like Palpatine's people even if she doesn't know who they are.
The next ones just try and abduct him. It's at least less insulting in its directness. They find themselves falling afoul of the many dangers of Tatooine instead. Such a risky place, people disappear out here all the time. Mind the womp rats and the krayt dragons.
Finally, Sidious goes himself.
His ship suffers a terrible malfunction upon its descent towards a planetside dock. A true tragedy. The Chancellor will be missed.
History remembers Anakin Skywalker as a footnote in the development of several innovative prosthetic enhancements, and a semi-obscure abolitionist who also advocated for the rights of clones.
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fanfic-obsessed · 1 year
Well Technically...
It is not often that I get an idea that includes Vader (with the genocide and horror that is implied) that makes me giggle.  This however made me giggle. 
So Vader returns to the light right before he dies and comes back as Anakin the Force ghost.  Now despite what it appears this is not a kindness.  Anakin spends decades following his kids and the galaxy at large watching how little his existence mattered (galactically Anakin Skywalker was barely more than a recognizable name, and even that was diminishing as the people who knew of the ‘hero without fear’ died off; Vader would be forgotten even more quickly because no one wanted to remember him) even as he saw the long term consequences of his life (Luke’s struggle with his own identity-both as a man and a Jedi-, Leia’s struggle with her ancestry-finding out that your blood father killed all your other available parents was not a good feeling, Reva healing from the trauma he directly caused, all the ways that Ahsoka had to reshape her own soul to patch the holes Anakin put there, the echoes of the clones that died at his hand and command and the horror of the ones that survived). He has to watch his grandson not only make his mistakes but somehow make them worse, which was something that he did not know was possible. We get all the way through the the sequels, with a heavy emphasis on Anakin watching how the consequences of his actions (particularly the slaughter of the Jedi but many of the the things he did both during the empire and during the war) while acknowledging that he is not even remembered enough to be cursed, how the galaxy has spun on, not just without him but in spite of him and he is not even a footnote. 
After Palpatine’s final, for now, death, Anakin is approached (for lack of a better term) by something shaped like Obi Wan Kenobi, circa the beginning of the clone wars. When this being speaks, it speaks with two voices at once, the Daughter and the Son. It asks if he could go back to before his Fall and change things, would he.
Anakin is sure he would, there are so many things he would do differently. 
The being says that it can send him back to just before his tipping point, where his Fall and all the evil he did became inevitable, but cannot send him back further than that.  Anakin agrees. Just before he sent back the being tells him that should his Fall become inevitable again, they would shred his mind and soul and it would be more excruciating than any pain he had ever experienced. 
Anakin, who had spent 20 years in agony, now had one(1) fear. 
Anakin “closed” his eyes in the Force, wondering when he would be sent back to (Killing Padme, Marching on the Temple, Believing Palpatine over Fives) only to open his eyes as his mother took her last breath. He was back on Tatooine, in the Tusken camp. 
Anakin was confused, this was the point of no return? He had not even thought about the Tusken camp in decades, had not truly considered them at all since Padme absolved him of their slaughter.
But this was also an Anakin that had spent decades in pain, and then decades observing. He was much more patient, by necessity if  not choice, less likely to act on violent impulse then the last time. Also the majority of his rage died in a cloud of lightning with the Emperor.  Instead of killing the Tuskens in a rage, he wept over his mother’s body in the grief he denied himself the first time. The reaction surprises the Tuskens so much (due both to the nature of Tatooine and the animosity between them and the moisture farmers they had not seen human tears of grief before) that they let Anakin take the body and leave. 
They still bury Shmi and go to rescue Obi Wan (though it does not end in a marriage this time). The War still starts but Anakin is also running around trying to fix things, including himself (and actually doing all the actual emotional work on figuring out and fixing his own issues), meditating (Frankly Obi Wan is starting to be concerned that anakin is possessed), trying to not kill anyone (because he really isn't sure what the tipping point about the Tuskens was and does not want to risk it), get the chips discovered in such a way that they do not tip off the Sith (He brings a few clones, including Fives to the temple to Spar and 'accidentally' hits Fives hard enough to knock him out and pracitcally forces Master Che do a deep enough scan), make a list of the people he killed to try and do something nice for them. At some point he decides his ‘penance’ for his life as Vader was that he would somehow bring all the currently known Sith back to the Light (including Palpatine).
In the Force, the Daughter is watching all this, her head in her hand repeating over and over ‘The point of no return was murdering children, you moron. All you have to do is not murder children’. And everything he is doing works towards that goal, but she doesn’t expect him to fix the universe (in my head it is a bit akin to asking someone to tell you an equation that use 2 and equals 4, expecting 2+2 or 2*2 but instead them confidently saying((2xSqRt(100))-40+36)/4)
The Son is watching this all with Force popcorn, this is the most entertaining thing to happen in ages. 
It is important to note that the Dark in this does not mean Evil. It means selfish, which is not the same thing.  You can be a selfish dick and still not be evil.  Mostly in this case it means that for those that inhabit the dark their priority is 1)Their own wants and needs; 2)The needs of the people they like, as long as it doesn’t inconvenience them; 3) The wants or needs of others if it benefits them in some way.  The Son was bored by what the Empire did to the Force, and he found having the Light there (and everything Anakin was doing) entertaining. 
I just keep picturing the Daughter, in the Force, exasperated with Anakin because, yes everything he is doing is good for him and the galaxy but his ONLY job is ‘don’t murder children’ and it never even occurs to Anakin that that was the only act he needed to avoid. 
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yanderes-galore · 10 months
Yandere platonic Ashoka vs Yandere platonic Darth maul hcs with a Jedi reader who was close to Ashoka till reader left to work with Maul instead.
Sure! Kept the idea general so there may be some spoilers but I don't entirely focus on specific plot points if that makes sense?
Yandere! Platonic! Ahsoka vs Yandere! Platonic! Darth Maul with Jedi! Darling
Pairing: Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Manipulation, Overprotective behavior, Angst, Rivalry, Violence, Potential murder, Dubious companionship.
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The idea of you and Ahsoka being friends as Padawans only for you to turn to the Dark Side is the idea that came to me for this.
For some reason she noticed changes in you... right up until you disappear.
What happened to you? Well, you found a new master.
Darth Maul.
Darth Maul has been shown to have a lonely life.
For the most part he just cares about vengeance against Darth Sidious and Obi-Wan.
This is the primary reason he is searching for an apprentice.
Which is when he eventually finds you... a disillusioned Jedi.
Once Maul gets his hands on you he cultivates hate and anger within you... making you his to teach and control.
But let's talk about you and Ahsoka first.
You and Ahsoka knew each other for months as Jedi in training.
You had your own master and was well acquainted with Ahsoka and Anakin.
Being Jedi you naturally grew close as allies and even friends.
On missions you often met up to provide aid.
Since Jedi are unable to have close attachments, Ahsoka is the closest you have.
You're friends... protective of one another.
Things most likely don't go downhill until something tragic happens to you.
Maybe your master died?
Even worse, Darth Sidious had them killed or something similar to that.
Somehow an event strong enough to shake your faith occurs and you begin to feel... different.
If we're going based off the idea your master died, maybe you blame The Order for it.
Honestly... you could blame a lot for your tragedy.
Ahsoka most likely notices a change in your aura.
After all, you're close friends!
She couldn't imagine her life without you!
That's why when she notices you feel... darker, she's concerned.
Being her usual kind self she tries to ask you about it.
She fears your actions will turn dark and she'll lose you.
She really doesn't want her best friend to become her enemy.
You try to tell her not to worry about you but she keeps pressing.
She can tell you no longer believe in the Jedi... perhaps even deciding to pursue vengeance and anger.
Ahsoka doesn't want to leave you alone, she wants to convince you not to do what you're about to do.
But eventually a mission will drag her away from you.
Something she regrets deeply... as when she goes to find you, you're gone.
Ahsoka most likely blames herself for your actions.
She has no idea where you went and wonders if she ever could help you.
She doesn't give up on the idea of finding you and making things right... but that brings us to Darth Maul.
Your encounter with Darth Maul was willing.
While he looked for someone to help him with revenge, he met you.
He could even sense the craving for vengeance and rage laying dormant within you... yet traces of it were evident.
As a result... he offers you to join him.
He promises to give you the power you need to soothe your inner torment.
He promises if you help him... you'll be happy.
In the end... you accept.
You become Darth Maul's apprentice.
Originally he plans to just use you to get revenge against his old master and Kenobi by feeding into your hate.
He convinces you the Jedi are useless now and that he can only change things if he has you.
He needs to get rid of his master, his master's puppet, and the one who ruined him.
But he soon realizes he doesn't need you just to obtain his goal.
He appreciates the company you provide.
Your thoughts are similar to one another, allowing you to bond over shared hate.
He manipulates your dark side... making you someone new.
He trains you and learns about you.
Through you he most likely learns about your past friendship with Ahsoka.
He can tell you still care about your fellow Padawan.
Yet why should you?
You should just care about your new master and the new role given to you.
He fears Ahsoka will try to purify your darkness... that she'll take you from him.
So he'll do everything in his power to prevent that.
Ahsoka only gets to meet you again when she has her final confrontation with Maul.
She has never met Maul, only heard of him from Obi-Wan.
Which makes it a big shocker when she meets Maul... and you beside him, clothed in black.
Oh her heart aches.
This is where you went!
You really have given up your role as Jedi.
She can't blame you, by this point she left The Order too.
She understands your pain and betrayal.
But now you've hurt her.
She no doubt tries to get you back, a desperate attempt to convince you to change.
Maul no doubt has the fear of losing you bubble in him again and tells you not to listen.
Ahsoka just wants her friend back, while Maul wants to keep his new apprentice to change fate... neither wants to be alone again.
This final confrontation has different motives than the original in Clone Wars.
This one is about preventing loneliness.
A fight to see who keeps their companion... one whose now torn on who to be with.
You care for Ahsoka as a dear friend... you care for Maul as your master and yet another friend.
You worry you'll lose one of them.
In fact you worry mostly for Maul killing Ahsoka.
You know Ahsoka would never murder... but that look in her eyes scares you.
By the end of this long battle... one of them will have you in the end.
You quickly begin to dread the outcome.
Maybe if you never left Ahsoka... you wouldn't have to see them fight over you.
Or maybe this was your fate all along no matter what you did?
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snipsnipsnippy · 5 months
Since literally no one asked, here’s my Korkie Kenobi theory.
So we all know the lines “I’ve loved you from the moment you came to my aid all those years ago” and “Had you said the word, I would have left the Jedi Order.” But why? Why didn’t you give the word if you have always loved him? And this is how I know Satine was down bad for him, because she knew he wouldn’t be happy outside of the Jedi. Like Obi-Wan is one of the very few Jedi we know who fully and wholeheartedly believed in the Order. That’s his whole identity is that he is the most Jedi of Jedi around him. And to Satine’s own credit, her whole identity is a mandalorian, not just any mandalorian, the leader of the Mandalorians. Her priorities are to her people and to her creed, who certainly wouldn’t be all that fond of any Jedi she did bring home. So especially when she’s trying to repair a broken people, but even without that, I don’t think Satine could ever bring her jeti home.
So what happens when she finds out she’s pregnant? Well, as someone who thinks a lot about Star Wars birth control (s/o Queen’s Peril for making me obsessed with this niche topic in particular), I’m pretty sure between period blockers working then wearing off and the stress and malnutrition of this year on the run, it’s very easy to develop an irregular cycle and then to dismiss a missed period if that even triggers in her mind anyway. So in my mind, Satine didn’t know she was pregnant until the Jedi were long gone, until she started getting regular medical attention and getting back to her old self.
And, the biggest opposition I see to the Korkie Kenobi theory, aside from the flat out deniers who want nothing to do with secret children, is that Obi-Wan would never abandon a child that he fathered, and I agree. But here’s the thing, Satine wouldn’t tell him. Why? Because she let Obi-Wan walk away to be the Jedi he was meant to be and for her to be the leader her people needed. How could she jeopardize all of that? Satine had no obligation to anyone but Korkie, aside from her own selfish reasons for potentially telling Obi, because mandalorian ideas of family have nothing to do with blood relation. He’s not the father unless he sticks around to raise the child, so there’s really no guilt around not labeling him a parent. But she needs a story to hide this jettise child from the Mandalorians, hence calling him her “nephew” instead of “son”. It’s easy enough to say a distant relative of the clan died in a war that touched every mandalorian. So baby ginger mandalorian Korkie stayed her “nephew” as a lie to her people and so Obi-Wan never would have heard of him.
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 4 months
Just saw a tiktok about Padme Amidala, and how her handmaiden Sabe found out about her death. Which made me think about what could have happened if instead of dying, Padme survived but either agreed to separating her kids from each other and herself, or else was lied to and made to believe the twins died when in reality they were spirited away without her knowledge (yes this would make Obi Wan and Bail Organa the bad guys). And then she went into hiding or something-- either running the underground resistance or else distancing herself from it entirely (depending on which option is chosen from the above).
Most of the rest of the story could play out the same, but then at the end the twins could reunite with their mother. And honestly it could work-- Anakin clearly didn't sense her absence in the Force after she died (he had to be told by Palpatine), so he wouldn't know to look for her if the whole galaxy believes her and her children dead.
Oooh... what if Padme ends up revealing herself to Vader in A New Hope because she finds out her daughter has been taken captive and she personally leads the mission to get her back. (Leia wouldn't know Padme is her mother, and may not have even met her before.) And so the first time Vader sees Padme in twenty years is when she's firing a blaster at him with rage in her eyes.
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antianakin · 10 months
Sith Ahsoka AU where Ezra doesn't come get Ahsoka in the World Between Worlds (or misses her maybe) and so Ahsoka and Anakin fall through the Sith Battlestation. Ahsoka's connection with Mortis and the Daughter combined with the exploding power of the Sith Battlestation end up glitching and backfiring on Anakin when he tries to kill Ahsoka and he dies instead, while Ahsoka lives but only just.
Palpatine arrives on Malachor to pick up Anakin's pieces and put him back together again only to discover he's too late this time. But Ahsoka is lying there on her last breath, broken enough both physically and mentally to succumb to Palpatine's torture and manipulations and powerful enough to be worth the effort. Yes, she'd make a workable replacement for this loss. And of course everyone who knew her thinks she's dead, so they're not going to come looking for her or try to save her until Palpatine's work is done and he's prepared to present his new and improved apprentice, Darth Malis, to the galaxy.
Ahsoka doesn't re-appear until shortly after the Rebels finale, after Kanan's died and Ezra's disappeared, but still before the events of Rogue One. The plans still make it to Leia and everyone on Scarif dies, but this time it's Ahsoka on the Death Star, capturing Leia and waiting when Obi-Wan arrives with Luke and Han.
And Obi-Wan isn't expecting her at all. He'd been able to feel that Anakin died, but certainly had no way of knowing that Ahsoka had even survived Order 66 let alone that she'd been captured by Palpatine and tortured into becoming his new Sith Apprentice in Anakin's place. He wasn't expecting Anakin to be waiting anymore, but the last thing he could've expected was Ahsoka. He's so glad she's alive, but this is the worst way to discover that fact, and it's a little difficult to be calm in the face of this revelation.
Thankfully, Ahsoka's not expecting Obi-Wan, either. Palpatine, knowing how Anakin had obsessed over hunting Obi-Wan down and banking on Ahsoka thinking no one would ever come to save her or care for her again as a way to break her, had kept that tidbit of information from her. So Ahsoka is just as surprised to see Obi-Wan alive as he is to see her, and she's incapable of doing anything to keep her emotions from controlling her anymore. She's still powerful, and faster than Anakin was, but she's still living on life support of some kind and Obi-Wan's got more practice at handling this kind of grief and pain, giving him the upper hand in the battle. So when Luke and Leia show up, Obi-Wan doesn't need to sacrifice himself to keep them safe, he can overpower Ahsoka and run back to the Falcon with the others.
Most everything stays the same, because the Emperor figures out who Luke is and still wants him as an apprentice instead because Ahsoka is broken and Luke is more powerful. Obi-Wan is able to bring Luke and Leia to Yoda years earlier, so they both get trained up together (and they know that they're siblings the whole time). A few more Jedi survivors show up to help the Rebellion while Obi-Wan, Luke, and Leia are on Dagobah: Reva, Quinlan, Cal, Kata Akuna, Ezra (who is miraculously found prior to ROTJ because I want him there, maybe my man was resourceful and got himself back sans Thrawn all on his own).
When they finally make it to Endor, Obi-Wan and Leia stay on the ground to help the Rebellion while the others all go to confront the Sith with Luke. Luke strikes the final blow against the Emperor and the Rebellion takes out the shield around the Death Star, throwing everything up there into chaos. Ahsoka flees and they all have to give chase. Luke and Reva try to offer her a chance to change, to come back with them, to heal. Ahsoka doesn't take it, and the next time the Death Star is hit, she lets herself fall deep into the Death Star's mass.
Quinlan offers to be the one to tell Obi-Wan that Ahsoka didn't make it. Obi-Wan mourns, but he's also already mourned her. He could tell that there was very little of the girl he'd known left in the monster Palpatine had made of her. She'd rejoined the Force now and she was at peace. He wished she could have found healing and known how much she was loved before she died, but he can't begrudge her this choice, especially since the choice to kill Darth Malis brought the reign of the Sith to its end and restored balance in the Force.
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I hear a lot of anti-Jedi and pro-Jedi going back and forth on this platform, but I wonder if we're only dealing in absolutes. That's it, everyone on tumblr is a Sith. Confirmed.
But, seriously (I was serious), are the Jedi good? Are they evil? Are they somewhere inbetween? And what is the system they support? Are they being their 'best selves' by the twilight years of the Republic? Am I a jerk? Are they jerks? Are you a jerk? Well... let's look at both sides and canon as it is, and see where it goes.
Should we ignore the problems and implications?
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Dogma: "No! We have orders! We have to go through with this!"
First things first, let's start with negativity, because that's life possibly. There are a number of criticisms which are levelled against the Jedi in the canon. The Star Wars writers didn't always just put scenes and lines in for fun.
Slick: "It's the Jedi who keep my brothers enslaved. We serve at your whim. We do your bidding. I just wanted something more."
The Jedi are accused of slavery in Star Wars: The Clone Wars, which was created by George Lucas as Executive Producer, along with Dave Filoni and a whole host of writers working in collaboration. When Slick accuses the Jedi of being his and other clones' slave masters, it is never refuted by any of the characters, even Obi-Wan and Anakin who he is speaking to. It's never refused by the narrative at all.
Canonically, the Jedi as citizens and being military generals act as the clones superiors and also masters by proxy in the command chain. Slick's accusation is that the Jedi "keep [his] brothers" enslaved, not that they even necessarily enslaved them in the first place. He is indicating that the Jedi have power and agency, which they do as natborn citizens, but they don't direct it for justice and meaningful change in regards to clone rights.
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Satine Kryze: "I remember a time when Jedi were not Generals, but peacekeepers."
Now, people have argued that the Jedi do help the clones and they are "in charge of [the clones] care", as Master Shaak Ti says during a continuing arguement where her and Nala Se debated on who Tup, Fives and clones in general belonged to as "property". The Jedi could think themselves better caretakers of the clones troopers than natborn officers like Tarkin, although this verges on character speculation. Canonically, we do see evidence of care, such as Shaak Ti advocating for Domino Squad and calling them "living beings" that didn't deserve to be "cast aside", Mace and Plo Koon and other Jedi do show concern for their men's lives.
But, arguably it doesn't account for much when the Jedi are still working in the framework and structures of slavery instead of protesting it. Being kind to clones doesn't mean much when you prop up the meat-grinder of a system that uses them as cannon fodder.
This is exemplified in the show itself.
Ahsoka: "It's every citizen's duty to challenge their leaders, to keep them honest, and hold them accountable if they're not.”
Unjust actors and systems are to be challenged. The Jedi being nice isn't an absolution for their participation in this system, just as a slave master or a deputy slave master being nice in any context doesn't change the fact that they are still in command of slaves getting thrown into the meat grinder every day. If you support an unjust system, you bear responsibility.
And, moreover, despite moments of compassion from Jedi, for people who value life, the Jedi as an organisation still show a concerning ease with clone death as the war progresses. The Citadel Arc is a great example of this. As Clone Trooper Charger falls to his death and collides with a shock mine, Obi-Wan sasses "Well, they know we're here now" as the other clones still are reaching out in horror. Every time a clone dies on that mission, they leave them behind, even Echo (who turns out to still be alive and is captured by the enemy and tortured). However, despite the urgency of the mission, when Jedi Master Even Piell dies, the Jedi pause the mission to give him a funeral and burial even though the enemy is closing in. If there was ever a message that the Jedi value their slave soldiers' lives less, this is it.
Further evidence includes the fact that Jedi Master Pong Krell's casualty numbers were well-known in the military, to point Torrent Company were openly debating them, and yet no other Jedi General had felt the need to propose a military investigation. Additionally, when the Jedi were fed the cover story the inhibitor chips in their men's brain were just designed to make them less aggressive and more docile, there is no evidence they protested this mental violation. Another neglect in a series of many. Taking this into regard, I think the unfortunate implications are clear.
Perhaps the Jedi should find better use for their mind tricks and lightsabers than cutting up droids and planetary militias all while propping up an unjust regime?
Master enablers
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Jedi Master Dooku: "The Jedi blindly serve a corrupt Senate that fails the Republic it represents."
Canonically, the Jedi are deeply flawed as an organisation. They are politically centrist in a way that does not benefit either themselves or the Republic in end, shown to be enablers that uphold the system and law as it is, regardless of how unjust.
How can the Jedi have the high ground when they appease a Senate that supports slavery regardless of how the writers try to downplay it? How can they be morally righteous when they bow down, without much resistance if at all, to such system that uses slave soldiers? Clones die under Jedi command, they work in the Jedi Temple as both soldiers and technicians. The Jedi claim they just can't get involved in changing the system because it's beyond their mandate when what's on their doorstep, what's in their temple, is slavery, slavery that they even benefit from arguably to even maintain their transports and technical systems.
For any person or group in any system, there's a breaking point where things have gone too far, but how much one tolerates up until that point says a lot about their moral character. The Jedi were drafted by the Chancellor (Oh you) and perhaps they thought being 'kind' to the clones when they interacted with them was enough, but it wasn't. And while the Jedi continue to believe in the Republic far beyond acceptable, victims mount.
During the Wrong Jedi Arc, the Jedi Order also show themselves in bad light. It would have been one thing to believe Ahsoka was guilty and leave it at that, yet they practically threw Ahsoka under the bus for politics in reality. Mace kept talking about the politics, essentially showing Jedi PR was a more important factor than Ahsoka's life.
Mace Windu: "I understand your sentiment, Obi-Wan. But, if the council does as you suggest. It could be seen as an act of opposition to the Senate. I'm afraid we have little choice."
Meanwhile, Obi-Wan advocated for Ahsoka briefly, expressing doubts at her guilt, but at best casts a vote in her favour when he knows it won't be enough. Give it to Anakin in this instance, at least he did an actual private investigate to prevent a wrongful conviction instead of sitting back. Like Asajj Ventress said when confronted by Anakin, the Order abandoned Ahsoka and appease a Senate that supports authoritarian policies, kangaroo court trials and a slave army. What a state to die for.
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Ahsoka: “This is why the people have lost faith in the Jedi. I had, too, until I was reminded of what the Order means to people who truly need us.”
How can the Jedi believe in the Republic to the point they were surprised when they got inevitably screwed over? Again, the narrative supports the idea the Jedi have lost their way and become enforcers for the Senate, however fascist and dangerous it has clearly become. You kind of have to have in order to become key leaders of a slave army when you were peacekeepers beforehand. The Republic is failing, but so are the Jedi. They fight the war with the tools they are given, from their lightsabers to their slave soldiers, with no solution or appropriate concern for the legislative catastrophe happening at the heart of the Republic until they realise Palpatine's been in a little long with his executive powers. They enforce laws, unjust systems and follow orders.
Fives: "I'm sorry. I cannot just follow orders when I know they're wrong. Especially when lives are at stake."
Captain Rex: "You will if you support the system we fight for."
Fives: "I do support it. I do! But I am not just another number! None of us are!"
TCW shows us that following rules and regulations when they're immoral is the wrong course of action, yet no matter the signs and warning, the Jedi continue to play into Palpatine's hands with their misguided patriotism as the Republic becomes increasing draconian and despotic. The most problematic factor about the Jedi is that they don't acknowledge the problems and the fact the clones' situation is unacceptable on every ground. They don't acknowledge the clones' situation, they don't acknowledge the Republic is bad or try to think of solutions to that even if they don't work. The situation is complicated, but the Jedi went along with bad options when they should have known what the Republic was by this point. How can the Jedi enforce justice when they enforce the corruption of it?
The Jedi continue to believe in the Republic and their part in he hierarchy when it seems more akin to a hostage situation with slaves in the balance. If they're blind, they're fools. If they knew, they're knowing enablers.
A tight spot
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Obi-Wan Kenobi: "For over a thousand generations, the Jedi knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the old Republic... before the dark times... before the empire."
Now, the flaws in the Jedi are clear, but it's all well and good to critique them. What could the Jedi have done effectively instead? If the Jedi were more keyed in on the Republic's unsalvageable system and decided to be proactive in regards to it, what could they do realistically? Aside from the emotional weight of getting people to abandon their home and a multi-generation relationship the stretches back centuries and centuries, the logistics of getting 10,000 people to desert and transporting them without the Republic and GAR noticing and stepping in feels unrealistic. Not only this, but they'd be ditching the clones to slavery yet again, as it's not like the Jedi can all desert and take the clones with them like they're plushie toys. Each clone is a different individual and deprogramming child soldiers is difficult.
People like Dogma, Neyo and Bacara wouldn't canonically desert without the right circumstances, Captain Rex wouldn't just desert with Anakin, nor could Obi-Wan sashay Commander Cody and his troops away like some of the fandom thinks. A lot of clones were indoctrinated to be loyal to the Republic from a young age. If the Jedi had just flat out tried desert, Order 66 would have likely happened earlier and Palpatine would have easily painted the Jedi as traitors.
Of course, there are the inhibitor chips as also a factor, but we can only judge the moral character of the Jedi based on the knowledge they did have and what they chose to do with it.
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Barriss Offee: "An army fighting for the dark side. Fallen from the light we hold so dear. This Republic is failing. It's only a matter of time."
However, this is no excuse for the Jedi Order choosing the worst option out of a bad bunch. The Jedi crossed the moral precipice. They crossed it ever since AOTC when they decided that indoctrinated, slave soldier of dubious origin were just what they needed to throw into the desert meatgrinder that is Geonosis as the war started. There reasons make sense in their way, there's millions of units of droid army marching their way and the Republic and Senate have only a ten-thousand strong Jedi and the Judicial Forces. At the same time, the reasons for that humanitarian crisis aren't justifications. 'Cool motive. Still slavery' applies here.
Ethically, Yoda and Mace shouldn't have just gone along with the draft without any counter-strategy, especially if they cared about the clones as human beings and a people. They could have pretended cooperation and done discreet resistance at least. Of course, the Jedi even if they resisted weren't probably gonna have a happy ending, as generations under Republic thumb had neutered them and taken their passion and power, but they would have taken the moral and right action.
Instead, the Jedi remain the face of the war effort, using a Trojan Horse slave army just given to them with no real protest. If the Star Wars had truly wanted the Jedi to be wholly good, they'd have had them be more begrudging, cynical and weary at being pressured and coerced by the state. There'd be growing Anti-Republic sentiment, which would have been a start. Rebellion, dissent and mutiny would have been even more valuable and expected. Instead, the Jedi Order are loyal to the regime until the very last moments of the war.
In Conclusion
In the twilight years of the Republic, Palpatine really used every weakness of the Jedi against them. As an organisation, the Jedi really can't save themselves. Individuals can, as shown by Ahsoka leaving, but the Republic destroyed the Jedi, it took their soul, it bureaucratised and militarised their culture, and the Jedi just slid down that slope. That's part of why the people felt abandoned by the Jedi, as the Jedi were too melded to the system both functionally and idealistically, trapped in the snake, them and what they stood for slowly digested as they safeguarded and enforced unjust status quos. Even when Dooku was young, as The Tales of the Jedi said, they were already damned. Ahsoka left, every Jedi should have at that point. The Republic definitely would fight an en masse desertion, but it'd have been the right thing to do.
Some Jedi realised and left, others were too committed the belief of a Jedi Order that had become a shadow of what it was. The Jedi are a warning of what happens when governments, hierarchies and religion connect and influence each other for centuries. At the same time, adult Jedi were responsible for their actions, and each could have done more for the clones than they did.
Fives: "We must be trusted to make the right decision, especially when the orders we are given are wrong!"
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imharnaannesta · 5 months
You know what would’ve solved almost all of my problems with the Jedi and Qui-Gon Jinn in particular in The Phantom Menace?
If they just tested Anakin’s blood after getting on the fucking ship.
Literally all the other story beats could work without his force sensitivity as a motivation and his force sensitivity being the motivation for those story beats makes them feel super weird and exploitative.
Like, Shmi and Qui-Gon could have had a chat about human rights and child welfare instead of his little spiel about how they would’ve noticed Anakin as a baby if he were born in the republic. Shmi has plenty of reason to ask Qui-Gon to get her son to the republic, where he would be a person, who presumably has rights (although the movies never really address that directly (how does voting in the republic work? Can Jedi vote? I don’t know)), and who wouldn’t be forced to compete in wildly dangerous races. Shmi could beg Qui-Gon to get Anakin off Tatooine and Qui-Gon and Padme have good reason to agree. Anakin is volunteering to do something extremely dangerous for them with no expectation of a reward. They owe him.
Then Qui-Gon has a clear reason, other than Anakin’s chosen one potential, to manipulate the dice roll in favor of Anakin. He’s essentially been asked to.
Anakin proceeds to win and maybe then give an indication that he suspects something.
Anakin says goodbye to his mother not expecting to become a Jedi but still intending to come back for her.
Then on the ship Qui-Gon has Obi-Wan run Anakin’s blood test, and that’s when they realize that they have stumbled across a child who is possibly the chosen one and, if nothing else, far too powerful to lose track of.
It would make Qui-Gon seem a lot less like he was dangling the idea of safety for Shmi’s son in front of her to get his hands on the chosen one if he doesn’t know until after. Plus it solves my issue of him not explaining what being a Jedi involves or that the council might not want to accept him to Anakin because, again, he doesn’t know Anakin’s potential until they’re on the ship at which point he’s got a lot going on with the whole Sith thing. And it solves my issue of him being totally ready to shove Obi-Wan into his trials and ask him to take Anakin on as he dies because instead of deciding to bring an extremely powerful child, who is too old, traumatized, and very attached to his mother, before the council, knowing how they’ll likely respond, without a plan that doesn’t involve jumping to replace Obi-Wan while Obi-Wan is still his Padawan. Instead he can’t let the child they separated from everything and everyone he’d ever known without knowing how powerful he could become disappear into the general population, especially suspecting that the Sith have made a comeback.
When he knows before taking Anakin off Tatooine it feels like he’s really motivated by Anakin’s potential rather than Anakin’s best interest. And it makes the Jedi council’s reluctance less damning to me if there was a plan to ensure Anakin was cared for before Qui-Gon realized his potential. When it seems like Qui-Gon wanted Anakin for his potential the Council’s refusal to take him feels a lot like a refusal to take accountability for Qui-Gon’s actions, when as an organization they are at least somewhat responsible for ensuring that members of their organization aren’t doing things like manipulating vulnerable women in dangerous situations to give their child up and then trying to get them into the order based on their potential power despite them not being an appropriate candidate and without any alternate plan for their care.
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gffa · 1 year
I'm very curious, and sorry if you've answered this before but, how do you think an AU where Ani does not fall could happen?
The solutions I've seen in fic are mostly three: Palps dies (disappointingly rarely via Zillo beast); Obikin get together and clear up their disagreements/Ani comes clean about the Tattoine massacre and together they figure out Palps is the sith lord and prepare the order to face him/prevent order 66; or something happens that makes Ani realize his mistakes and ask for help (something that's somehow more of a wake-up call than Padmè begging him to stop and Obi Wan trying to talk sense into him). Shmi not dying is often part of all 3 options but I've never seen it alone changing Ani's fate and I don't think it would either.
I love the prequels, but Ani falling makes me sad because he starts as such a kind boy (though he struggles with attachment and later fear) but as a young adult he already has these massive flaws that seem insurmountable and he seems doomed to fall no matter what happens. So I think a lot about how could Ani not have fallen, in a close-to-canon AU? Palps dying, of course, but that doesn't feel like an emotionally satisfying story to me. Obikin getting together isn't (though I love them!) the story Lucas wanted to tell (disregarding that Ani not falling wasn't the story he wanted to tell either). And the third option I just don't buy.
What do you think? Is Ani doomed by the narrative, and no small change could have saved him, and a big deus ex-machina event is needed so Palps dies/Obikin get together/Ani comes to his senses?
Sorry if this is a bit rambly!
Hi! I've given this thought before and I generally come down to--once we set aside that Anakin had to fall, because that's the story being told--that I'm with George Lucas on this, that Anakin's fall is down to his unwillingness to accept that life is transitory, that life changes, that you have to let go, instead of trying to possess things. That is the issue that has to be solved, so any fix-it AU has to stem from that, in my mind. One instance is, as Lucas said, if Anakin had been found by the Jedi earlier, he would have been trained to love people without becoming attached to them, but that's changing more than what I think you want to change. For me, my answer is usually pretty boring--as much as I love reading pairing fic with fix-its and I roll with the way an author sets things up, I generally don't believe that a romantic relationship would have fixed Anakin, not even a healthily balanced one. Anakin's problem is that he was so afraid of losing people, of living with that loss, that he clung to the ones he loved, putting him in a relationship just hurtles him down the same path as in canon. The best way for him imo is to get rid of Palpatine, which doesn't take away Anakin's issues, but it gives him breathing room to grow in a healthier way, to not have that constant temptation and seductive whisper dripping poison in his ear. It gives him the space to slowly come to trust the Jedi ways, because I very much do think that Anakin believed in the Jedi ways, he just couldn't get over himself when it was his own fears on the line. The way he teaches Ahsoka, he works to help her to let go of her attachments, he tells her exactly that when she's on Onderon. He teaches that to Rex when they're looking for Echo on Skako Minor. He believes in the Jedi ways, he has a good heart, he wants to do the healthy, balanced thing. He just can't get past that last, most terrifying hurdle. In a galaxy where he has more breathing room, where he doesn't have Palpatine driving a wedge between him and the Jedi, preying on his insecurities, he has the time to slowly do the self-examination necessary to grow into the person that he had the potential to be. And it's actually my favorite one, because I think it sticks closest to the heart of Lucas' Star Wars and the Force and the Jedi. That it's about learning to let go, to have a lifetime of discipline and work on yourself, to look inside and acknowledge your feelings and let them pass beyond you, that you have to do the hard work yourself and there's no shortcut to a better self. You have to work at it. I genuinely believe that Anakin could have gotten there without Palpatine. That doesn't mean his choices aren't his own, I've planted my flag hard on that hill, but that doesn't mean that Palpatine didn't fuck him up hardcore and, without his influence, in the events in Anakin's life where Palpatine's not a direct influence, he actually generally fares pretty well. When Palpatine isn't around, Anakin rises to the potential in him, he reaches out and does good, he accepts the help he's offered, like Anakin Skywalker had so much good in him, and if he hadn't been so tempted by Palpatine's siren song of "your feelings make you special", then I believe he would have gotten to a really good place with himself. But it's one I see as an internal journey of self-discovery, rather than being magically fixed by an external change. Getting rid of Palpatine is pulling the knife out of his side, but Anakin still has to heal the damage himself. Whether that happens during ROTS (harder, but still doable) or when he was younger, I think you have to truly get rid of Palpatine's existence, not just put distance there, but that Palpatine has to not be an option at all. Then Anakin will do the work himself.
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homoeroticbetrayal · 2 years
Iconic Homerotice Betrayals: Round 2
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*I actually haven't been in a convention for 10+ years so I don't know if that's still true.
Round 2 Directory
Summary by Anonymous Contributor
Imagine this. You are Obi-Wan Kenobi. Your jedi master (basically your teacher & parent), finds this random ass kid on a backwater planet, promises to teach him against the wishes of basically every jedi master with a say in this, gets killed and saddles you with the promise to teach the kid. You are now a 25yo with a 10yo kid. That kid is the chosen one. His name is Anakin Skywalker.
For years you love the kid, raise him and teach him to the best of your ability. You see him knighted, and you fight along with him in a galaxy-wide war. He is the one who has your back. You trust him with your life and the lives of your men. Sometimes he makes crazy plans, but usually it all works out. He gets a student of his own, and you find yourself co-parenting a teenage girl and everything is ok, it looks like you're gonna win the war and be able to have peace again.
Your men turn against you and your people are slaughtered. Leading the assault on your temple and slaughtering the younglings? Anakin. You go to the senator he has been close with since he was a child and find out not only is he married, no. He's also got a kid on the way. So you stow away on her ship to get to where he is, when you get there he almost chokes the senator to death and you fight, because "if you're not with me, then you're against me" he said, and you're not with him on this. He was your brother, and you had to cut off all 3 of his remaining limbs and leave him to burn on the lava planet of mustafar.
You take his wife to a medic space station, she gives birth to not one but TWO kids, and then proceeds to die of a broken heart. To make sure the children are safe, you split them up, giving the girl, Leia, to a trusted friend, another senator, and taking the boy, Luke, to Anakin's step-brother.
For a decade you hide, wasting away, unable to process the genocide of your people, until Leia is abducted and your senator friend contacts you to help. While trying to rescue her, you find out the bastard didn’t even have the decency to die but instead became Darth Vader, a sith lord. You’re still too traumatized, too cut off from your powers, to give him a proper fight. He burns you, and you’re saved. You rescue Leia, but you have to make a sacrifice, knowing he will follow you if you split away from the group of refugees, making sure they and Leia will survive. You fight but its not really a fight, and he traps you to die a slow death under a pile of rocks.
But then you realise that it can’t end like this, you fight, and you win. He says “You didn’t kill Anakin Skywalker. I did.” absolving you of your guilt. You could kill him, but you don’t. You walk away. You’re a jedi. You have no interest in killing him, you’ve done it once already.
Years later, Leia is once more in Vader’s hands. You go to rescue her with Luke, whose aunt and uncle have just been killed by the empire. Once more, you sacrifice yourself, fighting Vader as a distraction for the rescue mission. You will not win this. You know it. But when Vader kills you, you become more powerful than he could ever have imagined.
You help guide Luke, and eventually, Vader is defeated, not by Luke, not by Obi-Wan, but by the light still within him, and Anakin Skywalker dies free of darkness. You reunite to watch over the future together as force ghosts. The End.
Summarized by anonymous contributor
Two traumatized orphans find kindred souls in each other (even if they're too emotionally stunted to admit it even to themselves). They both grow stronger, but then Sasuke grows jealous of Naruto's progress. He's obsessed with strength, needing to get revenge for his family, and Naruto threatens that. Sasuke decides he's not getting the strength he needs from the village, so he leaves- but Naruto chases him. They face off in a dramatic waterfall battle before the giant statues of historical figures (that also had a friends-to-enemies thing, let's go Symbology), and Sasuke manages to beat him. He swears he wants to kill him, but when he finally has the chance, he just hangs over Naruto's unconscious body... face to face, just staring at him from inches away... before he gives up. He can't kill him, even if he refuses to admit to himself.
Fast forward several years, Sasuke is 16 and "evil", Naruto is OBSESSED with getting strong enough to bring Sasuke home. They fight - over and over and over again, Naruto trying Desperately to bring Sasuke home, and Sasuke refusing over and over again. Everyone tells Naruto it's a lost cause, but he refuses to give up. And somehow, Sasuke never works up the will to kill Naruto.
Eventually they work past it all and end up joined at the hip (and in gay love, no matter what Kishimoto tries to say).
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phoenixyfriend · 2 years
I was thinking about Dracula Daily, as one does, and Star Wars, as I am wont to do, and couldn't make the plot work unless the Lucy character is Obi-Wan. Nobody else has enough Solid Love Interests.
I'd have to go for crack ships or minor characters for anyone else, and I don't want to have, say, Lucy!Padme, because that would mean promoting Clovis to main cast, and nobody wants that.
I'd go with Bail, Quinlan, Satine? First instinct is Lord Bail, Doctor Quin, Foreigner Satine. (We shall dispense of Gender and heteronormativity.)
Even works out with who dies just before the end.
@atagotiak pointed out that Quincey is shooty as heck, though, so that doesn't work well for Satine. Unfortunately, the only 'willing to shoot first' one in this set is Quinlan, which would mean either Satine or Bail as an ethically ??? doctor, and neither of them work well. I could toss in Cody as Quincey and keep Quinlan as Seward, but then we lose either Bail or Satine, and I want it to be Bail&Satine&Quinlan
Could always mix up some traits (e.g. Satine could be the doctor, but more ethical than canon Seward, or she could be Quincey but less gun-happy), but I'm not sure tbh.
Another option: Lady Satine, Doctor Quin, and Foreigner Cody, and Bail is just like. Some guy. He's already married to Breha and not actually a suitor, but he cares a lot and Wants To Help one of his best friends.
I feel like Palpatine makes the most sense for an anidala version of jonmina but he’s like the only bad guy who’s not obsessed with obi wan do any of the good guys die?
I do in fact have a solution to that!
Dracula: Palpatine Brides: Dooku, Maul, Ventress Palpatine sends one of them to England instead of going himself, and then we have The Obsession, unimpeded.
I need Obi-Wan to be undead and unsettling.
Anidala is the obvious JonMina just because: [gestures]
Also, I considered Helsing!Qui-Gon... But, I think that if Obi-Wan is Lucy, then Anakin needs a father figure, so Qui-Gon is Lawyer Dad.
That said! We could feasibly do Jon!Padme and Mina!Anakin, to maintain "knows the law" Padme and "besties with Obi-Wan" Anakin. (Maybe Padme started working for Qui-Gon because she met him through her fiance.)
I want me some stabby white-haired anime girl Padme. Anakin would also be enamored.
Also Demeter Captain!Hondo, maybe. Helsing is Tholme, Yoda, or Plo.
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frasier-crane-style · 9 months
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So I watched this.
-The opening image is in space, with Anthony Hopkins narrating about the Mother World*, and a wormhole opens that cannot be described as anything other than a Space Pussy. Uhh, Cinema.
*(an unwieldy title for a group of bad guys, so eventually the script starts calling them "the Realm" instead, though no one bothered to go back and have them stop talking about "the domain of the Mother World" and such)
-They also try on referring to the villains as "The King's Gaze," the name of the ship they crew, and of course, it is great fun to see working actors talking very seriously about how much they fear the King's Gays.
-As in any Seven Samurai riff, the good guys are humble farmers, which in Zach Snyder Land means they are both pacifistic Luddite believers AND burly Vikings who love to fuck.
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Ladies and gentlemen, a Quaker!
-They're also all white, making Sofia Boutella the only minority and also the violent outsider with a haunted past who keeps talking about how she doesn't belong and everything she touches dies and all that. It's a mite awkward. But she's also the only one who isn't DTF in the Fuck Farm, so who knows?
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-The, uhh, Mother Worlders* show up and prove an eclectic blend of Peaky Binders haircuts, Soviet Russia fashion sense, working-class British accents, and, uhh, Día de Muertos parade?
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Not since Cobra have so many random villain traits fallen under the same tent. You're left asking if it's political commentary or if Snyder just has something against the Angry Video Game Nerd.
-Snyder also tries to do a Good King/Evil Usurper bit with the Mother World, but makes it explicit that during the Good King's reign they were also an expansionist colonial empire just killing the shit out of things. As ever with da Snyd, it's unclear if this is meant to be subversive or just poorly thought out.
-I know there's no hiding that one is doing a Seven Samurai riff, but the MacGuffin is still... grain. The humble villagers aren't mining vibranium or anything, the evil Empire just really wants grain and these villagers are going to give it to them or else. You'd think a post-warp civilization wouldn't need to lean on subsistence farmers for snacks, but there you are.
-The appeal of this, if any, is to do R-rated Star Wars, but for some reason Netflix wanted a PG-13 version of the R-rated Star Wars, so we get something that's... maybe a little wilder than Andor? They redo the cantina confrontation between Obi-Wan and Cornelius Evazan, but here Evazan explicitly wants to rape 'Luke Skywalker' so, uhh, yay?
-Apparently the idea is to do a director's cut later on that'll be three or four hours; it's pretty obvious that stuff's been cut. The narrative spends a lot of time talking about how they're going to find a really cool guy fighting in gladiatorial combat at an arena. The heroes go to the arena, stand next to the arena, talk for a bit, and then leave. No gladiatorial combat is had.
Snyder, you're killing me, man. I thought the whole two-part business was so that we could have a whole movie to get to know these characters, but it basically goes Character Introduction > Standing Around In Crowd Scenes. Unless you're about to die, of course, in which case you get a sizable monologue to put in your acting reel before you leave.
-Oddly, they introduce quite a few characters who seem like they're going to be a part of the Magnificent Space Seven--guy trying to court Sofia Boutella, a turncoat Stormtrooper, a pacifistic robot--only to forget about them. I guess they'll show up in Part 2, but it seems unfulfilling to have this movie be a prolonged "Getting The Band Together" montage with some of the heroes not even getting to be in on the bonding. Which isn't much bonding to begin with, it's just Sofia Boutella sloooowly revealing her backstory and not even getting to the obvious punchline by the closing credits (you killed the princess, didn't ya? This universe might not have Force powers, but you don't need 'em to see that coming).
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sherlkore · 2 years
Star Wars OC list
Redar Syko
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Name: Redar Syko
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Age: 45
Species: Human
Planet of Origin: Naboo
Occupation: Sith
Redar's hardy, harsh and punctilious. He was born and grew up in a successful family in an average capital, he lived comfortably until he was about 14 years old, but at that point things took a turn for the worst.
He lost his home when it was destroyed after a fight which got out of control and was headed for a life of misery. With no one by his side he had to survive in a cruel world. He was found by a Jedi, who offered his help and promised him to become a great warrior. With his vigor and wits, he managed to overcome all odds and overpower anybody who's a hinderance and become a Jedi.
After the Treaty of Coruscant the Jedi Council began looking for Sith infiltrators within their ranks; an actual infiltrator framed Redar’s master as one, leading to his death. Redar was scheduled to be sent to the AgriCorps but the infiltrator instead arranged for him to be sent to Korriban where he was taken captive and, over the next ten years, retrained as a Sith.
He met Obi-Wan during the battle, the tension between them could cut through a knife, but Obi-Wan recognised him, he was a Jedi once after all, eventually the master Jedi started catching feelings for the Sith and tries to see some good within him. Even though he knows that attachment is forbidden for Jedi, he cannot fight his feelings towards his enemy. Redar makes him question his loyalty and that messes with his mind, makes him scattered. But he knows that Redar only needs to say the word and he'll do everything for him and the Sith definitely knows it and takes advantage of it.
Hela Skywalker
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Name: Hela Skywalker
Age: 25
Sexuality: Lesbian
Species: Human
Occupation: Jedi
Five years after the Battle of Endor, Hela Skywalker was born. Her mother died in childbirth, so Hela was left with Luke, who did his best to give his daughter a good childhood. When Hela was old enough, Luke decided to train her to become a Jedi. In a few months she was able to use a saber and had great combat skills. And a few more time later Luke taught her how to control the force, being Anakin's granddaughter, her force, just like her father's is strong, but it took her a while to fully be able to control it.
Later on she left to join Leia and The Rebels to fight against The Dark Side of The Galaxy. No one knows that she's a Jedi (except Leia and Luke) until Poe figured it out.
Oh and she also had to fight her own cousin, Kylo Ren, who chose the dark side, she'd be lying if she wasn't devastated by that fact since her and Kylo were inseparable as kids and now she had to fight him so he wouldn't be able to kill everyone :)
Val Felian
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Name: Val Felian
Age: 35
Sexuality: Gay
Species: Human
Planet of Origin: Mandalore
Occupation: Mandalorian/Bounty Hunter
Val is daring, gloomy and quiet. But there's more than meets the eye, not surprising for somebody with his terrible past.
He was born and grew up in a family of Mandalorians, he lived without worry until he was about 10 years old, but at that point life changed.
He lost his siblings and parents during an attack by Separatist battle droids and was headed for a life of misery. He took his father's Mandalorian armour and left his home without looking back. While persued by the authority he had to survive in a vicious world. But with his skills and determination, he managed to overpower anybody who's a hinderance and battle the elements. This has turned him into the man he is today.
While haunted by memories of the past, he now works as a bounty hunter. By doing so, he hopes to support a new, honest life and finally find joy and love for life he has never had.
He met Din and Grogu during a job which, coincidentally, they ended up having together. Din at first was relieved to see another Mandalorian, but his hopes were crushed the second Val took off his helmet, he immediately demanded that Val took off the armour and hand it over to him, since he's not worthy of it. Val of course didn't do any of that, saying that he came from a family of Mandalorians and that the armour belonged to his father. After, what felt like hours, of arguing Val got to keep his armour and decided to join the two, Din wasn't really happy about it but he needed all the help he could get to keep Grogu safe.
His Mandalorian armour:
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Hope y'all like them :3
@jackiequick @msrochelleromanofffelton @drspencereidhotch @meirafireshield @blueboirick
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one will die (before he gets there)
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Teen and Up Audiences
Warnings: Major Character Death
Character(s): Grim Kennet, Anakin Skywalker | Darth Vader
Relationships: Grim Kennet & Anakin Skywalker | Darth Vader
Word Count: 2,306
Summary: When Anakin Skywalker attacks the Jedi Temple, one Padawan takes a stand. (A prequel to "it was night when you died".)
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Obi-Wan had said she would be safe. Grim knew he was wrong.
He had left to go fight Grievous, and she had been told to remain at the Jedi Temple - little did he know that was nothing more than a death sentence. She could try to get away now, and if she did she could be far away from the planet before Order 66 was even executed, and yet she refused to leave the Temple.
Windu and the others had left to confront Palpatine not that long ago. She wanted to apologize for never telling them, but Windu was likely the only one still alive by now. She knew Sidious would make quick work of the rest - and she hated that the most.
She had wanted to go with them, as some sort of way to make up for her mistakes of never telling them. Windu most of all because he had once directly asked her if there was anything to know about the Chancellor. Instead she had been told to stay at the Temple - again. Except she was told specifically to stay in the Council Chambers with Anakin.
So now she sat in her Master’s seat with a million thoughts running through her head as she watched Anakin struggle with his own conflicted feelings. Maybe it was better this way, she could stop him, or at least stall him, from leaving, which would give Master Windu the time he would need to kill Darth Sidious.
Anakin began to head to the exit. Grim stood up, “Skywalker, where are you going?”
“I have to do something,” he replied, vaguely.
She knew Palpatine had just spoken to him. “Master Windu told us to stay here.”
He left anyway. She chased after him. He nearly made it to the hanger by the time she caught him, grabbing onto his sleeve. “Don’t do this, Anakin!”
“Let go of me, Grim,” he said, with a threatening air to his voice.
This scared her enough to do as she was told even just subconsciously. She saw Vader in him, and in just a few minutes that’s exactly who he would be. She had already lost him. He didn’t say anything more and got into his starfighter, leaving her behind.
She could chase after him, hop into her own and stop him. But she knew better, she would never be able to outfly Anakin. He would reach Palpatine’s office before her and then she would be trapped with two Sith Lords. She could use the chance to escape instead, but then she would be leaving her family for dead. Instead she would stay, and hope she could alter a few more things.
She would likely die. She didn’t know anyone who was at the Temple and later lived. But she wouldn’t let her last moments go to waste. There was nobody at the Temple left that knew about her secret, which would make warning the Jedi difficult, but she hoped not impossible. A preemptive warning would give them a fighting chance. It wouldn’t guarantee survival, she knew that, but anything that would help.
She ran to find someone and as she did she was suddenly hit with a massive empty feeling. Her eyes went wide, Anakin had fallen. She picked up her pace, running to find someone, anyone to warn about the coming attack. It wouldn’t take long for Anakin to arrive with the 501st.
She found another Jedi. “There’s about to be an attack,” she said, her eyes were wide and she was panicking.
Just then blaster fire began in the distance. Grim’s heart stopped. It had begun.
She ran, not trying to escape, and not to the source of the commotion. Instead she ran and grabbed a holo-recorder to make a message. After that she found a place for herself to hide. She took a deep breath and told herself to keep steady and calm, she had to do this. It wouldn’t fix everything - it was beyond repair now, but maybe she could stop some of the damage. Or help to heal some of the wounds. She began to record.
“Master Yoda, Master Kenobi, if you’re seeing this message then I am dead.”
There was blaster fire in the distance followed by screams. She turned her head to the source. She took a deep breath, they hadn’t found her yet. “I am one with the Force, the Force is with me,” she reminded herself in a whisper. She continued her message.
“You came back to the Temple to leave a warning for the survivors, and you hoped to learn what had happened. I shall tell you, I should have told you years ago and I am very sorry that I didn’t. Anakin has betrayed the Jedi, he has fallen to the dark side. He is a Sith now, Darth Vader. He is attacking the Temple with the 501st as I speak. I will confront him soon in the hopes to hold him off. I know I can’t save everyone, but if this can give anyone a chance to escape and survive I will take it. Even if I won’t. And if you’re seeing this I didn’t. But I will be okay with that. I died to save people. The Chancellor has been behind all of this from the start. He is Darth Sidious. He is declaring the Republic as an Empire as you hear this message.
“Anakin will not be on Coruscant when you see this. He is on Mustafar. That is where you will find him, and I hope telling you this information will save Padmé.” She took a shuddering breath. She could hear the footsteps and blasterfire. “The clones are getting closer, I don’t have much time left. Masters, I am sorry, for everything. I am so glad you let me be a part of this family, being a Jedi was the best thing to ever happen to me. And Obi-Wan, I know this news hurts you the most. You have lost both your Padawans in one day, but don’t give up hope, I beg you. You have always been my hope when I had none. In time a new hope will emerge, I can promise you this because I have seen it before. This story is only the prequel, and the next has a happy ending, I promise you. The Jedi will survive.”
She gave a soft smile despite her fear. “May the Force be with you, always.”
She ended the recording, unclipped her lightsaber from her belt, and put the recorder in its place. She activated her lightsaber and left the safety of her hidden spot. Clones were shooting at her the moment she did. She quickly deflected the blaster bolts and decided she would give no qualms about killing them. They had been her family and her friends, but now they were trying to kill the Jedi, and even if they had no say - her mind argued that less clones gave more Jedi a fighting chance. Although her heart broke at the thought.
She ran to the front of the Temple. Anakin was still there, killing Jedi without mercy. She used the Force to lift him up and threw him back as hard as she could. She then ran in front of a group of younglings that he had been approaching. “Run!” She told them.
They looked at her, and then did what she said. Running away from the Sith. She just hoped that they would be able to survive the clones easier. Even so she felt she had changed nothing for them. She shook the thought out of her head - she had to focus now. It was that or die, and while she doubted her chances of survival, she wouldn’t go down without a fight.
Anakin stood up and brushed himself off. His hood had fallen back so she saw his face clearly. He reignited his lightsaber. The blue blade sickened her. He had no rights to a Jedi’s weapon when he was no longer one. He began to walk towards her. Grim gripped her lightsaber tightly in her hands and braced herself.
Anakin moved fast. It had come suddenly, but she had anticipated the attack and was able to quickly block it. Their lightsabers clashed together. And so her last stand had begun.
The two fought. He struck at her as she blocked.
He was gaining ground, she had to push him back. She started going more offensive trying to push him back.
He didn’t allow that, she tried to stab him, and he grabbed her arm. He began to bend it back and she bit back a scream. She kicked his leg, and squirmed free.
Anakin kicked her in the stomach and it sent her falling back. She grunted as she hit the floor, she didn’t even have the chance to stand when he attacked her again, she blocked the attack, and he continued to press down. Their lightsabers were getting dangerously close to her neck, with her free hand she used the Force to push him away. It sent him flying back and gave her the chance to stand up again.
This time she went to attack him, hoping to hit him before he could stand. He got up before she could, and they continued to fight. She was trying to push him back, away from the others. To stop him from killing any more Jedi - or at least, to stall him.
She was forced to face the fact that he was far more powerful than her. He had years more of experience. They were both trained by the same Jedi, but he had also helped train her at times. So he knew her fighting style.
She was left at a million disadvantages, her one advantage was that she knew he was coming. That was gone now.
For a million times she had considered lightsaber combat as a dance and she had danced through a thousand battles. Whether her enemy had wielded a blaster or a lightsaber, each one was a dance. Even her battles with Sidious had been a dance of some sort - although messy as they were. This however, was not a dance. There was no grace to this, even the hum of the lightsaber in her hand, and the clashing of the blades, no longer sounded like a song.
Where she had once found peace, even within combat or in the raging battles that the long pointless war had brought - and they were pointless, this very battle proved that. Every sacrifice she had made had been so, because she had sacrificed for a pointless struggle, she had lost before she had begun. There was only emptiness, not even a broken coldness, it was only empty. Even in her bright sacred home, it had become empty, the lights flickering out until she was left with nothingness.
Anakin had never been as bright as others had been to her. He had been a dim conflicting light. While others were stars, Anakin was a dying one. And now he had burned out completely, but instead of coldness, it was only empty.
This was the way she saw the Force. She never felt the dark, only the light. So as it died she was left feeling nothing. It seemed as if she was being shut away from it, because without the light she could hardly feel. Death was everywhere - it sounded them as they fought.
The clones were still shooting down Jedi as if they were nothing. Others too tried to make a stand, she knew, but she could not keep her focus on them. She had to keep it on Anakin Skywalker - no, that man was dead - Darth Vader was who she fought, even so they were the same man.
She was far too used to battle. She had to give very little thought to it now, it was in her blood. War had become a part of her in the years since she had appeared. She had not just become a Jedi, she had become a soldier. Even still she was a child. Not that it mattered to Anakin - he had killed children before she had ever even met him.
Three years ago she had lost her life, in its place she had lived only in a war. It was almost as if it was all she ever knew. Even still, she was tiring, it was harder to fight and she was being overpowered by the Sith. She tried to keep his focus on him.
One more time she pushed him back with the Force. She ran at him, desperate to end this.
She didn’t stop herself in time.
Anakin had moved his lightsaber into her pathway to him and she had run directly into it. He pushed her up against a pillar before deactivating the blade.
She coughed, and looked up at him with tears swimming in her eyes. “You’ve lost,” she told him. Her lightsaber tumbled out of her hand and hit the ground. She slid down the pillar.
Anakin looked at her for just a moment. Then he walked away, not giving the Padawan another thought. She was just another corpse in the Temple.
Using the last of her strength Grim grabbed the recorder and wrapped it in her hand. She moved it over her stomach, and looked at the entrance way. Obi-Wan and Yoda would come, and they would find her. She would be dead, but they would find her, and they would get her message.
Maybe she had given people enough time in her fight with Anakin, and maybe her message will save Padmé. She hoped it did. She hoped her death wasn’t in vain.
With her last breath she whispered an apology to the galaxy, and then she joined with the Force.
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ospreyeamon · 2 years
For the life of me, I cannot work out what Palpatine’s actual plan was in Attack of the Clones. The Phantom Menace’s core plot is relatively straightforward (though the film forgetting to let the audience know Sidious and Palpatine are the same person leaves it appearing unhinged); Darth Palpatine persuades Trade Federation to invade Naboo to manufacture a crisis -> Senator Sidious persuades Padmé to call for Vote of No Confidence when current Chancellor can’t fix crisis -> Big Bad is elected head of state. In Attack of the Clones though, it feels like the evil schemes are missing some connective tissue. I can see what Palpatine’s goals were, but I have no clue how he was planning to achieve half of them, so it looks like he just got unreasonably lucky.
Sub-objectives of Palpatine’s evil plan for galactic domination;
The Jedi need to discover the clone army on Kamino (as close to the beginning of the war as possible; too far before will make it more likely the Jedi will seriously investigate the army’s origin or decide clone slave armies are bad).
Ideally, the Jedi should also discover the existence of the Separatists’ secret droid army because that will make them much more likely to deploy the clone army.
Get someone in the Senate to put forward a resolution to grant emergency powers to Supreme Chancellor Palpatine (as close to the beginning of the war as possible; if Palpatine has emergency powers when there isn’t a war, he’s more likely to be asked to give them up).
Have tensions between Separatists and Republic Loyalists continue to rise until things turn violent somewhere triggering the start of the war – but both sides need to look both plausibly reasonable and culpable.
Ideally, the Jedi should appear as the aggressors in the first battle of the Clone Wars because this will help turn public opinion against them.
Dooku needs to wave his edgy red lightsaber around in front of the Jedi so they will peg him as Count Evil McBadguy and ignore everything he says because it’s obviously a Sith trick. Convincing the Jedi that the Separatists are bad actors wilfully following their ancient enemy will go a long way to prevent them from attempting diplomatic solutions rather than violent ones.
Ideally, it shouldn’t become public knowledge that the Jedi had no idea about the existence of the clone army that was ordered in their name. If people don’t know the Jedi weren’t aware of the army, they will assume the Jedi have known for the last decade and hid the army on purpose because it was their secret army.
Kill Padmé because she’s blocking the Military Creation Act from passing through the Senate and because Palpatine doesn’t want her pulling any more solutions that he hasn’t predicted and can’t counter out from under her wig, like she did in the previous film by allying with the Gungans.
Maybe kill Jango Fett too. He was hired by “Tyranus” which is Dooku’s super-secret Sith name. If he knows Dooku was involved in commissioning the clone army, he might let that slip – and that information is horribly suspicious.
(Kill Obi-Wan because he’s Anakin’s competing father-figure. If Obi-Wan dies, Anakin won’t become attached to his new Jedi Master to the extent he was Obi-Wan, leaving him more vulnerable to Palpatine’s manipulations in his grief. Not super practical at this time because his main proxy is Dooku who would prefer to kill Anakin and keep Obi-Wan.)
Events play out perfectly to Palpatine’s advantage, with the exception that Padmé survives the film. But it seems implausible that he could have known those chains of events would or could occur.
Did Palpatine really know that the Kaminoans manufacture a unique style of poison darts? And that Jango Fett would add those darts to his arsenal and use them to kill Zam Wesell in front of the Jedi instead of shooting her with a blaster? And that Obi-Wan’s friend Dex Jettster would be able to recognise a Kaminoan dart? If Jango Fett leading Obi-Wan from Kamino to Geonosis was part of the plan, then why did Fett try to kill him so hard with the energy bombs instead of pretending not to notice he was being followed? Why try to kill Obi-Wan at all? Obi-Wan only sent the message about the clone army back to the Jedi Council on Geonosis, so him dying before that on Kamino would have been grossly inconvenient.
Does anyone have thoughts on what the hell is going on here? Was Taun We eventually just going to show up at the Temple with a clipboard to ask the Jedi which one of them was going to sign for delivery of their five million identical human men? How does a plan like that give Dooku the opportunity to show off his new red glowstick?
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antianakin · 8 months
(Sorry if I'm pushing this topic too much, feel free to ignore.)
So, in an AU where Anakin's found a little earlier before he develops the mindset that would make him a bad Jedi, and where Palpatine just kind of ignores him. In other words an AU where Anakin's a normal Jedi who doesn't fall to the dark side.
Let's say he's still assigned Ahsoka Tano as a padawan (I know personality-wise another Jedi would probably be a better fit for her) but teaches her without the Sithy elements and abusive training. How well do you think Ahsoka does Jedi-wise then?
I guess in a darker iteration of the AU, Palpatine could decide to manipulate her somehow instead to turn her against Anakin.
So, for this AU we have to assume that everything in canon stays at least mostly the same despite Anakin's role in it being DRAMATICALLY different. If Anakin is found much earlier (say somewhere around 2-3 years old, before they've left Gardulla maybe or just after Watto acquires them at the latest) then that means that he would have no reason to be involved in the plot of TPM. Even if we assume Obi-Wan would still take Anakin on as his apprentice and would do so almost immediately after being Knighted himself, Obi-Wan is obviously NOT quite a knight yet by TPM and could theoretically have ended up waiting another few months to a year before Qui-Gon and the Council had him undergo the trials. This leaves Anakin at the Temple for the entirety of this mission, so he isn't there to help them when they land on Tatooine nor is he there to blow up the droid mothership on Naboo, both of which could have MASSIVE changes to the story if you explored that further.
But for the sake of addressing this AU concept more directly and without getting too side-tracked, let's just say that somehow things in TPM go at least MOSTLY the same (everything that makes canon move forward still happens: Palpatine is voted in as Chancellor, Maul dies, Naboo is freed by Padme asking the Gungans for help, Qui-Gon dies, Obi-Wan is knighted for his actions on Naboo, and he takes Anakin as an apprentice probably within a year or so of being knighted). Palpatine would then have no real REASON to notice Anakin, he only does so because Anakin destroys the droid mothership on Naboo and unless we assume Anakin starts doing some equally crazy and noticeable things during his apprenticeship, it seems unlikely that Palpatine would really notice him or his power at all. Palpatine would also not have the excuse of Anakin having saved his people as an excuse to want to speak to him which makes any requests to spend time with Anakin a lot more suspicious, especially while he's still a child. So I think that EVEN IF Palpatine noticed Anakin somehow still, it'd be a lot harder for him to find ways to get close to Anakin to manipulate him and manipulating him would be made more difficult by Anakin having grown up among the Jedi to begin with.
I don't really see Palpatine going for Ahsoka instead of Anakin, I think if we was able to recognize Anakin's power enough to WANT to try to turn him, he'd just try to manipulate Anakin directly. But he also doesn't truly NEED Anakin at all, he's got Dooku to help him start the war and he can work on eliminating Dooku and replacing him with another stooge later on, he's already working on trying to kidnap Force sensitive children he can mold the way he did Maul which might honestly seem easier than trying to get to an Anakin that doesn't have any real reason to turn on the Jedi. If he recognizes Anakin's power at all, he's probably more likely to just want to kill him to get him out of the way as a threat than he is to try to turn him into a Sith.
All of which means that Anakin in this scenario probably grows up entirely normal as a Jedi. They're likely AWARE of his midichlorian levels and have probably considered the possibility of Anakin being a child of prophecy, but given that this is something we know isn't really put on Anakin's shoulders much in canon, I think we can assume the same would have been true in this AU. Anakin would just be a Jedi with somewhat higher power levels than the average, that's it. He'd be a GOOD Jedi who genuinely believed in the philosophies of non-attachment and compassion towards everyone. He'd lack a lot of the things that cause him the most problems, like the memories of Shmi and his attachment to her, or the friendship he built up with Padme that he clings to for 10 years, or the inherent mistrust of authority that causes him problems with the Council. Anakin would probably end up a lot like Ahsoka herself during early TCW; in other words, he's still impatient and a little cocky sometimes, prone to running off and getting himself into trouble trying to be independent and overestimating his own abilities because of how advanced his skillset is without taking into account his own youth.
So if we assume things progress generally as they do in canon and the Clone War still starts around the same time, and Anakin still gets knighted at the beginning of it, then Ahsoka getting assigned to him likely goes exactly the way Yoda and Obi-Wan seem to think it will. They're going to be VERY similar people, even more so than they were in canon due to Anakin having grown up among the Jedi same as Ahsoka. It makes sense that Yoda and Obi-Wan recognize Anakin, while ready to be a knight, is still very young and could use something to help teach him responsibility, while Ahsoka could use a master who is young and powerful and able to keep up with her as well as give her a challenge for her own advanced abilities. And I think this AU version of Anakin could certainly do exactly that.
This AU version of Anakin is someone who genuinely BELIEVES in the Jedi way of life and probably perfectly comfortable in it, he's not close to either Palapatine OR Padme, which eliminates a lot of the bigger distractions he has in this time period. So I think Ahsoka would end up a really GREAT Jedi with this version of Anakin. This is, in many ways, the version of Anakin that the Jedi all think they're dealing with generally in canon. That Anakin is a little cocky and impatient still, sure, but he's a good person who believes in the Jedi way of life and understands their teachings. Anakin will LEARN more responsibility by being forced to take charge of teaching someone else, so both he and Ahsoka will be able to mature TOGETHER via this relationship. Ahsoka wouldn't be taught to just completely disregard what she's told to do by the Council, but I could see Anakin training her on how to recognize when to do what you're told and when to listen to what your instincts tell you instead. This is generally exactly what Qui-Gon was teaching Obi-Wan during TPM, there's a time to simply do the job you've been told to do and a time to adapt and listen to your instincts even if they're leading you down a different path.
Now, depending on how you think canon goes from here, Ahsoka could end up in some pretty different places. I do think that this is the kind of AU where the Wrong Jedi arc just wouldn't happen. Even if we leave in the idea that Ahsoka does get framed for something late in the war (though not by Barriss because this is our AU and I've decided that that's stupid so I'm not including it), she'd handle it a lot better and never have to get expelled from the Order in the first place. So what we're dealing with is basically, does Order 66 happen or not and what happens to Ahsoka and Anakin in this scenario?
If Order 66 DOES happen then we have a few options: either they both survive, or only Ahsoka survives. Maybe they're left on Coruscant still, so they're in the Temple when the clones march on it. Either Ahsoka manages to get away because Anakin does what we know every other Jedi master did and sacrificed himself to protect her, or they both get away because they're doing something similar to what Kelleran Beq does and try to escape with as many survivors as they can (so basically Ahsoka and Anakin are given a bunch of younglings to protect that they go on the run with). If Ahsoka ends up alone, she likely turns out not dissimilar to the other padawan survivors we know like Cal and Kanan where she's cut off from her culture and forced to hide but figures out how to come back to it when she needs to by remembering the things she learned from her time with Anakin and the other Jedi. If Ahsoka and Anakin both survive together, she gets to keep her master for a while even though that training likely changes shape quite a bit given the circumstances.
If Order 66 is somehow averted, then presumably Ahsoka is able to just continue on as Anakin's padawan after the war ends and becomes a perfectly normal Jedi knight as a result.
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