#and is like FUCK ME DANGEROUSLY DADDY and the king is like dammit he's going to hurt himself he can't be serious--oh well shit he is
birchbow · 1 year
How long were Travye and Kurloz together before they broke up?
Mmm, I am not a numbers person, especially because I will not remember what I said later, lol. So I don't have a number for you! But it was definitely like...a pretty significant amount of time. Something in the order of sweeps/years, not months.
...Definitely quite a bit longer than Kurloz and Gamzee were together before they let the news get out, which did not help Halore's immediate distrust and resentment of Gamzee just like, right off the jump.
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chaptersinprogress · 4 years
demolition lovers  |  5
"He's dangerous, Bohn!" hissed King. "Code RED level dangerous." He ran a hand through his hair in frustration. "We know next to nothing about that guy and you're about to go on a date with his SON. Sue me for caring!"
Rating: T
Warnings: swearing, mention of alcohol
Pairings: Ram/King, Bohn/Duen, Prae/Ting
"Bohn, I'll drop off and pick you up," stated King, tossing his phone onto the bed.
"What?!" exclaimed Bohn, looking up from his own phone. "Dude, I'm not a kid. You don't have to chaperone my date for fuck's sake."
King gave him the stink-eye. "You're heading to a bar for a date. Were you planning on not drinking the entire time? Because I'm sure as fuck not going to let you drive drunk. You should know better."
"Oh… right."
"Oh… right," mimicked King. He stared up at the ceiling, carefully considering his next few words. "Bohn."
"It's… nevermind. Look. Just be careful, ok?"
Bohn propped himself up and studied King. "You're worried about that man."
"Wouldn't you be? Our parents are remaining tight-lipped about the whole thing."
"Yeah, but we don't exactly have much to go on," Bohn pointed out. "Are we supposed to tip-toe around until something happens?"
"He's dangerous, Bohn!" hissed King. "Code RED level dangerous." He ran a hand through his hair in frustration. "We know next to nothing about that guy and you're about to go on a date with his SON. Sue me for caring!"
The room fell silent, almost deafeningly so, in the aftermath of King's heated proclamation.
Bohn reached out and curled a hand around King's wrist. "Hey, if it makes you feel better, you can hang around us the entire time."
"No, it's ok. Maybe you're right and I'm just being stupid," King replied, huffing.
Bohn raised an eyebrow. "Ai'King, we've always stalked each other's dates. The only difference is that you have permission from me this time. Just, keep out of the way. I don't need you third-wheeling us and scaring Duen off with your ugly face."
King laughed, relaxing slightly. "Ai'Bohn, it'll be your face scaring him off. He has to be blind to chase you. I’m surprised he hasn’t already run away screaming."
"You take that back!" Bohn yelled, pouncing on King.
The two boys tussled, rolling around on the bed, the sound of their laughter drifting out of the house.
King let his head drop against the wall outside the bar. It was unlike Prae to be running late; she was a stickler for punctuality. Maybe it was the traffic. It was a Friday night after all, and would explain the lack of response to his messages. 
He checked his phone once more. Still nothing. Turning his head slightly, he caught sight of Bohn and Duen snuggled together through the glass door. At least some people were having fun.
"Sawadee khaa. You're P'King, right?"
King froze. That voice… He turned back to the front. Oh for fuck's sake…
He nodded stiffly and Ting smiled at the senior.
"I didn't know you were coming. Are you here to stalk P'Bohn and Duen like us?" she asked, gesturing at herself and Ram, who was stoically standing beside her. She giggled before leaning in conspiratorially. "You can join us you know, I even brought a camera to capture all the cute moments! I'm going to store them in a scrapbook and hand it over on Duen's birthday - baby's first date!"
Swooning dramatically, she clutched Ram's arm. "Mommy and Daddy are so proud of him! Oh our boy's all grown up, isn't he, Ram?"
King's eye twitched. Ram shot her an exasperated look. Ting immediately straightened up, pouting at him.
"You're no fun."
The urge to gag at their interaction rose, and immediately after, guilt clawed at his chest. Shit, why was he reacting this way? He had no right to behave as such. Ting was a perfectly lovely girl, if a bit over-enthusiastic outside formal settings. So what if she was acting all cutesy with Ram? It wasn't her fault that King was dumb enough to fall for her boyfriend. The nausea intensified, this time from shame.
'Pull yourself together!' King scolded himself.
King fixed a pained smile on his face. "Thanks for the offer, but I'm here as Bohn's designated driver. Just wanted to make sure they stay safe after drinking. I mean, they are at a bar for their date."
"Aiya, that doesn't mean you need to stand outside the bar like some billionaire's chauffeur," Ting replied, waving a hand carelessly. "At least come inside and sit with us while you wait!"
'Billionaire's chauffeur… she has no clue how right she technically is,' thought King wryly.
He shook his head, carefully not looking at Ram. "It's ok, I'm actually waiting for someone. Please, don't let me interrupt you both."
"Oh…" Ting frowned. "Who are you waiting for?"
The roar of a motorbike shattered the silence. The three students watched as the sleek bike raced down the street before skidding to a stop in front of them with an impressive 90 degree turn.
King huffed. "You're late," he called out.
The rider kicked the stand down before getting off the bike. Pulling the helmet off, Prae shook her hair out.
"Would it help if I said sorry?"
King snorted. "I told you not to come in the first place."
Leaving the helmet on the seat, Prae walked over to King's side. "We've already gone over this." She nodded at the two freshmen. "Ting, Ram, good to see you both."
"That was brilliant!" Ting gushed, her whole face lighting up. "You had such fine control over the bike, it took my breath away!"
Prae blinked, stunned by the effusive praise. "Thanks?"
"Now that we're all here, why don't we head inside and get to know each other better? We're all friends here," said Ting. She stepped forward and grabbed both Prae and King by their wrists. "Come on!"
Steamrolling their protests, Ting enthusiastically dragged the two behind her and into the bar. Shaking his head, Ram followed them inside. Ting ushered them into a booth tucked into a corner, with clear sight-lines to Duen and Bohn's table.
As Ram slid into the seat opposite them, Ting clapped her hands. "Alright, since the two of you are driving, I'll just get drinks for Ram and I. Any snack preferences?"
Bemused by the sudden turn of events, King and Prae glanced at each other before shaking their heads.
"Okay, I'll head to the counter first!" Ting cheerfully replied, before spinning and flouncing off.
As the hurricane that was Ting left, the booth fell into an awkward silence. Ram kept his eyes fixed on Bohn and Duen, giving no indication that he even knew that there were two other people at the table with him. Prae studied him for a moment before turning to King.
She cocked her head. 'Now's your chance.'
King's eyebrows shot up almost to his hairline. 'No way. Besides, he has a faen.'
'You don't know that. Seduce him dammit,' screamed Prae's unimpressed face. She nodded slightly in the direction that Ting had gone. 'I'll take care of her.'
King's eyes widened. 'Are you crazy?'
Prae stood up. King let out a strangled sound of panic and disbelief. Smirking, she walked out of his reach and turned to Ram.
"I'm going to help Ting with the food," she said. "I'll leave you two to get to know each other."
Cheerfully ignoring King's pleading gaze, she waved and left. She grinned as she strode through the bar, searching for Ting. The sheer panic on her brother's face was exquisite. That'd teach him not to mess with her.
He should be thankful really, she was helping him create opportunities to win over his crush. Wasn't she the best wingwoman ever?
Prae had almost reached the counter when she found herself halting abruptly at the scene in front of her. A female was tending the bar, mixing a couple of drinks while talking to Ting. But what had made her pause was the way the two seemed to lean into each other's space, sharing coy looks and conversing in a hushed tone that was far too intimate to write off as just friends.
Huh, perhaps this could benefit both King and her after all.
"Is the food ready?" asked Prae, sliding into the empty seat beside Ting.
The two women broke off their conversation, turning to look at her. The bartender studied Prae curiously before turning to Ting and quirking an eyebrow. Ting shrugged minutely in reply before answering Prae.
"Not yet, it'll take a while longer. Prae, meet Lisa. Lisa, Prae."
The two of them acknowledged the introduction. Lisa glanced between Prae and Ting and smiled widely.
"I've got quite a few orders to handle. I'll be off then, nice meeting you Prae." Without waiting for a reply, she winked at Ting and strode away to join one of her colleagues.
Prae raised an eyebrow at the abrupt exit before turning her attention back to Ting. "You both seem quite close."
The latter seemed amused. "We're not really. We're just… intimately acquainted."
"Oh?" Prae leaned forward. "And what does your faen have to say about that?"
Confusion flashed through Ting's eyes before clearing. "Ram? Oh no, he's…. Well, you could say we're co-workers."
Prae's interest grew at Ting's choice of words. Not siblings, or friends, or even acquaintances, but co-workers. Interesting. They appeared close if she considered how easily Ram accepted (or tolerated?) Ting's tendency to touch, but the term implied a certain amount of frigidity, or perhaps formality, in the relationship.
Ting matched Prae's posture with a smirk. "Why? Are you interested? Not sure your faen would be too pleased."
A laugh escaped Prae. "Oh I assure you he'd be more than happy, since P'King and I definitely don't swing that way."
Prae's lips curled in satisfaction as Ting's eyes widened in realisation. And her stomach swooped as Ting raked her eyes over her figure appraisingly - taking in the pitch-black leather jacket hanging open to reveal a crimson halter-neck, the ripped black skinny jeans, and tightly-laced combat boots.
"Hmm, are you worth my time?"
"Are you worth mine?" Prae challenged.
Ting trailed her fingers over the buttery leather of Prae’s jacket teasingly, “Shall we find out?”
At that instance, Ting's phone pinged. She glanced at it and hurriedly tapped out a few messages before turning back to Prae, "Looks like we'll have to take a raincheck on that. I have places to be and things to do."
Prae itched to unravel the enigma that was the other girl. And she certainly wasn’t beyond seizing the opportunity presented to her. 
"Need a ride?"
Ting smirked as she stood, "Sorry darling, where I'm going, you need an exclusive invite. Big girls only."
Sliding off the stool, Prae walked up to Ting and tucked a loose curl of hair behind her ear, then murmured lowly, "Good thing you have me then."
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After her night with Charlie, Hennessy was even more intrigued about sexual dominance. She yearned for Erik to look at her the way he looked at Charlie when she was in control. That level of raw passion and reverence being something that she craved the most, partly due to her tumultuous childhood. Though she knew some of what the dynamics were in traditional dom/sub relationships, her eager mind yearned for more knowledge. She began spending more and more time away from the group, researching and educating herself on what it meant to be a proper dom and all of the things that she could do to ensure the safety and satisfaction of her sub. When she wasn’t buried in her MacBook or her iPhone, she was with Charlie, absorbing everything she had to give. Confident that she was ready to experiment on her own, she began planning a scene tailored specifically to showing her appreciation to a certain curvaceous King.
The family vacation in Amsterdam was nearing its end. On the second to last day, Hennessy decided to plan a day of bonding with her husband and sister wives. Appeasing to her husband’s art hoe nature, she booked a private tour of the Van Gogh art museum as well as lunch along the UNESCO waterways. After lunch, they enjoyed another private tour of the Rijksmuseum, which houses the works of Rembrandt, Van Dyke, and Vermeer. The tiny genius sure knew how to put a smile on his face. So much so that he’d almost forgotten that he owed her a punishment for the stunt she pulled with Charlie the nights before. Almost.
After a day of sightseeing and art hoeing, the ladies decided to venture to the infamous XtraCold Icebar for a night of drinking and letting loose, no Erik in sight.
“A bar? Made of Ice? Who said I wanted to be serving up frosted pussy to my husband?” Bastion complained.
“Not frosted pussy,” Ryley snickered.
The outburst made Hennessy laugh. The icebar had been on her list of places to visit as soon as Erik mentioned Amsterdam. That and the cannabis tour of course.
“Our husband,” Aly’Sha corrected, rolling her eyes in annoyance.
“Hey, chill out Bast,” Angel joked, causing the entire room to erupt with laughter at the horrible pun. “It’ll be fun,” she chimed, already making her way to the bar.
“I wonder if I could break a chunk of this and make an ice dildo,” Josephine joked causing everyone to groan.
“Now that's frosted pussy,” Charlie grinned.
As the night went on and the drinks began to flow, Hennessy couldn’t stop the desire building within her. She watched the way Charlie’s full hips swayed to the music and secretly wished that they’d taken Erik up on his offer to stay in. The night in Erik’s room played on a constant loop in her mind and the more she looked at her wife, the more she wanted to show her just how much she’d learned in their short time together.
4 hours and 6 Amsterdamned drinks later, Hennessy was a dangerous combination of intoxicated and horny. Erik had already retired to his room for the evening, Angel and Bast in tow, and although Hennessy loved a good orgy, she wasn’t exactly in a sharing mood. She stumbled down the hallway of the aparthotel until she stopped outside of Charlie’s room. She could hear Kimora’s loud giggle from the other side of the door and almost turned to retire to her own room when she spotted Josephine in the hallway looking suspicious.
“Something wrong, Mama?” Josephine asked, sensing Hennessy’s troubled state.
“You’re a witch, right? Y’all should be able to pick up on this type of shit,” Hennessy snapped.
Josephine tilted her head in confusion. She always knew the first lady could be a bit feisty, but she’d never seen it to this degree.
“Ooh someone’s spicy,” Josephine teased, her eyes glowing her signature purple glow. Her voice was low and seductive as she began working her magic.
“Kitana wants to come out to play, Hennessy. Why don’t you let her?”
With that, Josephine was gone and Hennessy was in the hallway alone yet again. Only this time, something felt different.
“Someone's at the door,” Kimora whispered, her eyes on the entrance. Charlie shrugged, wasted off of her two drinks. She hardly ever drank and when she did it made her very talkative. Drunk Charlie had the tendency to say things Sober Charlie usually kept to herself. The liquor also made her hornier than she already was on the daily as a typical stellium scorpio. Her almond eyes roamed Kimora's chocolate curves and her mouth watered at the thought of a sweet pink cotton candy center. Although distracted, she'd heard the noise in the hall too.
“Probably Josephine. What scent is that? You smell good as hell like, honeysuckles,” she flirted unwilling to move her eyes from Kimora's rich and perfect skin. It made no sense to look that good, she needed the skin routine. Just then the door opened and Kimora grinned, her teeth a bright white. Erik obviously had a thing for nice teeth. All his wives had them. Henny's voice sounded causing Charlie to turn.
“Oh damn, Henny from the block. You came to fuck or be fucked lil mama? Or did you wanna talk? Can we talk and fuck?” Charlie had to tell herself to calm down. She was doing way too much. “My bad, Henny, what's up?”
“Hiii Hennessy,” Kimora’s sweet voice called to the tiny woman standing in the doorway.
“Hey ladies,” Hennessy called out, slowly making her way into the space. Thanks to Josephine, her current look was much different from what she wore to the Icebar. Her curly mane had been released from her signature high puff, framing her chubby face and the emerald green bodycon dress hugged her curves in all the right places.
“Ladiesss,” Charlie dragged willing Henny nearer. She was a sweet faced gazelle and Charlie couldn’t help but eye her curves like a hungry predator of the wild. Her sweet tooth was acting up something serious. “Honestly, I think I might be lit right now.. I think, but I still wouldn't mind a shot of Hennessy if you feel me,” she grinned, a quarter joking and ¾ serious.
Hennessy giggled in response. Charlie had the same longing look in her eyes that Erik got after he returned from a mission. She stalked up to Charlie, the confidence of her alter ego guiding her steps. She reached out to grab a fistful of Charlie’s hair, lifting her head so that they were staring into each other’s eyes.
“If Charlie wants a taste of Hennessy, she’s gonna have to work for it,” Henny growled with a smile, her rose gold fronts dancing in the light of Charlie’s bedroom.
“Tell me what to do Miss. Call me cat daddy and watch me go to work like it's my 9 to 5.” Charlie was feeling the dominant energy Hennessy put forth and she wanted more of it. She wanted Henny to own her title and put her in her place. Never had she been dommed by a woman and it was a past due experience.
The sexual tension in the room was at an all-time high. Hennessy and Charlie eyed each other hungrily while Kimora sat on the bed watching the show.
“I just want my pussy ate,” she finally spoke up, obviously aroused by the apparent power struggle going on in front of her.
Henny looked over to Charlie, one eyebrow raised challengingly.
“You heard the woman, Charlie. You wanted some cotton candy and there it is being offered to you on a silver platter.”
“Wait, I said that out loud? Dammit Charlie!” Charlie faced Kimora who'd changed positions, her legs wide and inviting anyone to come forth. It was all the instruction Charlie needed before diving into Kimora’s slickness. Like a seasoned veteran, she feasted on the sweet nectar like it was her life source, Kimora’s voice rising in octaves as the waves of pleasure crashed around her. To ease the growing pleasure building in her own hobbit hole, Charlie reached a hand down to stroke her throbbing clit. A sharp smack to her plump ass by a riding crop stopped her ministrations.
“When the fuck did she get that?” she wondered silently.
“Did I tell you to touch my pussy, Charlie Jade?” Hennessy questioned, slowly stripping out of her bodycon dress.
“No.. but I'm a touch it,” Charlie tested, returning her hand to her pulsing clit. She wanted that discipline. For a minute she thought that her husband had entered the room, this level of dominance being something completely foreign coming from the tiny woman. Another sharp smack whipped across her backside causing her to drop her hand.
“I said move ya damn hand. Don’t make me say it again, Jade.”
Charlie gushed at Henny’s words, a slick smile on her face.
The sounds of sex pulled Josephine and Ryley from their slumber. A glance at the nearby clock revealed the time, 3:45 am. Kimora had promised to be back from Charlie’s room no later than 1:30 so that Josephine could teach them both how to effectively hide their side niggas from Erik.
The pair made their way down the hall, stopping as the moans seemed to intensify outside of Charlie’s room.
“Damn, I thought Erik would’ve been too busy with Angel and Bast to deal with anyone else,” Ryley stated.
“That moisturized, ashy ass nigga always ready to kill some pussy,” Josephine replied.
“Ahh, fuck! Charliiieeee!”
Ryley and Josephine’s heads snapped up in unison.
“I know damn well..” Ryley’s voice trailed off.
Using her powers, Josephine was able to unlock and open the door ever so slightly, giving her and Ryley front row seats to the show.
“Eat that shit Charlie!” Hennessy barked, both hands twisted in Charlie's thick coils. Charlie felt like she’d reached Nirvana. The way Kimora sang her name coupled with the way Hennessy was commanding her had brought her to completion twice already and she hadn’t even been touched. It was all so new.
Josephine and Ryley watched from the door, mouths gaping. They’d never seen Hennessy in such a way and Josephine smugly patted herself on the back at how well her spell was working.
“Charliiieeeee!” Kimora screamed a final time, her orgasm hitting her like a brick. The only other person that had eaten her out that well was her husband. Charlie looked up to Hennessy, eager for her next set of instructions. Hennessy stood at the foot of Charlie’s bed, proudly sporting a 9 in. strap-on that she had made in the image of her husband’s member. Charlie and Kimora both stared at it hungrily.
“Kimora, come ride this dick. Charlie, on my face,” Henny commanded as she lay prostrate on the bed. After both women assumed their respective positions, Hennessy went to work on Charlie’s throbbing bulb. As Kimora bounced on her lap, Charlie’s thick thighs threatened to swallow her whole. She rolled her hips in tune with Henny’s licks to her hobbit hole and brought herself to completion for a third time tonight.
“The fuck going on in here?” Aly’Sha asked, sleepily rubbing her eyes. Kimora and Charlie’s loud moans had disturbed her rest and she was all too prepared to give the women a piece of her mind until she saw Ryley and Josephine outside of the door.
“See for yourself,” Josephine encouraged, stepping to the side to give Aly’Sha a view. Her eyes widened as she watched the live action porn scene before her.
“What did you do to her?” Aly’Sha asked as she watched Hennessy dominate her sister wives.
“She may or may not be possessed by De Strength of de Oakland Neega,” Josephine teased.
The spell had long since worn off, but Hennessy’s sex drive was still going. Hennessy was high off power as both women turned into moaning messes under her ministrations. Both Kimora and Charlie’s legs shook as their umteenth orgasms crashed over them.
“H-Henny.. Please,” Kimora whined. She was never one to tap out during sex, but her body honestly couldn’t take another second of the assault that was being delivered to her core. Hennessy looked up from her position between her thighs and smiled, rose gold fronts once again catching the light of the room.
“Again,” was the only word she spoke as she lapped at the sweet nectar between her wife’s legs. It was at this moment that Charlie realized that she’d created a monster. King Hennessy indeed.
TAG LIST: @vibranium-soul @imagine-mbaku @mareethequeen @greennightspider @eriknutinthispoosy @hearteyes-for-killmonger @blackpantherismyish @muse-of-mbaku @shesfromwakanda @thehomierobbstark @wifeyofnjadaka @youreadthatright @tgigoldie @killmongersgurl @dameshaemonique @princessstevens @princesskillmonger @thickoreo @amethyst1993 @iamrheaspeaks @laketaj24 @bidibidibombaclaat @allhailnjadaka @whatmoredoyouwantamericaa @forbeautyandlife @yaachtynoboat711 @panthergoddessbast @inlovewithmakeupcomicsanimelove @dacreskars @thadelightfulone @drsunshine97 @wakanda-inspired @wawakanda-btch @hold-me-like-a-heart-beat @ayellepea @awkwardlyabstract @madamslayyy @blowmymbackout @vikkidc
THE HOUSEHOLD: @alyshastevens-udaku @wyldjuan @itsangeludaku @thehomiekillmonger @lovemecharlie @itskimorafireudaku @poosypoosy @bastioncarterstevens-udaku
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camcantarella · 6 years
14, 15, 22, 23 (we know who we’re talking about 😉)
Fucking THANK YOU JULIA. I’ve been desperate for someone to give me the chance to talk about Kaden lmao
14. How did you come up with your OC?
Originally, he was supposed to be a throwaway character… til I accidentally started visualizing him as Bastien. And then my absolute shitstorm started lol. Then plan was o write a character Grant had to kill, this moment would be the one that changed his life forever. And it worked! A little too well bc it ruined my life lmao
15. Describe them.
Bold, fearless, honorable, humble, level headed, dangerous, but when he loves… he loves deeply
22. What’s your OC’s backstory?
JULIA YOU STILL HAVE A CHANCE TO LOOK AWAY. I mean I dont THINK these are spoilers but AHHHH!!!!
Okay so!!! Kaden’s mother and Liam’s grandfather had an affair when she was still with Bastien’s father. 9 months later? Out pop Bastien and Kaden. Who are rightful heirs to the cordonian throne but they dont know this bc the then king tried to have the mother killed so she wouldn’t tell a soul. But her husband, who was in the royal guard at the time, warned her to just get out of cordonia and not look back. he helped her get away and led his team in the opposite direction. so she took kaden and they headed to America. She changed their names back to her maiden name–Cantarella. Bastien and Kaden never met, but bastien knows about Kaden bc daddy dearest DISHED all the info. So Kaden grew up without a father and learned the only person he wanted to rely on was himself. And he was content with that. He and his mom are still close, but she never told him about their previous life.
23. What are your OC’s motivations?
Kaden just wants to have a good time, okay??? And his career choice might be risky lol. Okay it’s just risky. But also he wants to make damn sure he’s the best at what he does. And if he has to work for a scumbag like Hunter Holliday to keep his enemies well within his reach, well he’s gonna do it, dammit! Also, the few people he loves keep him going
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marcoacesabo · 6 years
In my honest opinion this world needs more 'Roger is being ridiculously overprotective and refusing to accept the fact that his son is growing up and has two boyfriends, neither of which Roger approves of' fics. Please?
Gol D Roger was a man feared far and wide. Among the emperors  of the sea he was by far the most powerful, the one with the most control- everyone knew that all of East Blue was his and a vast majority of the New World was dotted with the Roger Pirates flags- He’s crew had thousands and thousands of members all under sub captains that could be their own emperor if they choose to.
Hell, Shanks was considered an emperor and he was but one of the sub captains that followed Roger around.
Out of the all the emperors, Roger was also the one you want to piss off the less, because unlike the other powerhouse he would hunt you down himself. He would not rest, would not stop until he found his target to punish himself.
Now it was rather difficult to piss off Roger, in fact, he was known for laughing off most offensives, just as long as you didn’t touch his crew or his biggest treasure. Other pirates in the world believed that treasure was One Piece, rumored to be where all the Roger Pirates treasure was located at the end of the world.  
It is said that Roger would let you keep it if you managed to find it, simply because he thought the bravest and the strongest of them all should be allowed the power.
But that was just a rumor.
The truth was, Roger’s greatest treasure would never be up for grabs and the man would rather be skin alive than ever letting his little boy go.
After to a father, his child was the most precious thing in the world.
Gol D. Ace just wished his father would let attractive people talk to him. He wants a significant other, dammit.
“Heads up. Redhead and an older man on the move” Rayleigh said not looking up from his mug of beer. He didn’t even sound considered when Ace was in danger the ass!
Roger sprung up from his chair so fast his coat almost falls off, whipping his head towards his darling little angel who was smiling shyly up at a man that was leaning awful close to his boy, one of his large meaty hands placed on the wall near Ace’s head. He had his son trapped against the wall, from the way his lips moved he was telling Ace “Is it true you really never have? I could teach you. I think it is best for us to leave don’t you?”
Ace gave a breathless nervous laugh, face tilt just that bit red- obviously, he wanted nothing to do with this man!
Don’t you worry baby, Daddy will save you!
“I think the fuck not!” Roger sneered releasing a burst of Haki strong enough that some surrounding tables tumbled over. He would have thrown his haki at that bastard but his fainting form would land on Ace, and his child was already having to deal with him being in his bubble too much.
Luckily it was enough to grab the attention of everyone in the bar, including the redhead bastard. The redhead man turns around at the sudden burst of haki looking like a startled wild animal. His green eyes landed on Roger and then he stiffens in horror as the King of Pirates glared him down.
Good. He better fear him.
Roger stomped his way across the bar, people scrambling out of his way, some of them being his own men. His rage rolled off him in waves, making his skin feel tight and his face pull into a sneer so bad that his teeth made a loud clack sound when he snapped them into place.
The whole while he never took his eyes off the shaking bastard, who looked like he wanted to run but was unable to move. What felt like too long he was able to growl into the terrified man face  “step away from my son.”
There was a small splash sound as the man pissed himself. What a fucking wuss.
Ace’s displeased “Dad! Leave him alone! Tom’s just buying me a drink!” was ignored as Roger reached out to grab his collar “I see your face ever again and I swear to you, no one will be able to save you”
Meeting go of “Tom’s” - if that his real name- landed on his ass before scrabbling backward, so pale his lips looked like someone slapped some red piece of meat on snow.
Ace step forward trying to help him up,  “I’m so sorry you have to deal with this Tom. we can leave if you-”
“No!” The man gasped out tugging his arm free of Ace’s hold, eyes flickering to Roger who’s face was rapid darkening  “No! I-I’m sorry! I’m sorry please don’t-I’m sorry!”
With that, the man turns around rushing for the door his stain jean pants scraping against his body with a wet slush sound. A sense of satisfaction filled Roger’s chest even as Ace shouted “ Call me!” when the man burst through the door and dispersed into the darkness.
Mentally Roger patted his own back. Ah, another disaster avoid-
“What is your problem!?” Ace snaps wheeling around with an angry red hue “You ruin everything!”
Roger frown at his child, crossing his arms. It looks like they were going to have the same argument again. It was becoming rather common as of late, which was saddling. What happened to his little boy who cheered each time Roger save the day?  “He was dangerous”
Ace hands curls into fists, tight at his side “No he wasn’t! He was just flirting with me!”
“That’s why he’s dangerous Ace! He’s was just trying to get into your pants and I wasn’t-”
“I wanted him in my pants!” Ace cut in, voice filled with so much stress it could have been the cause of the sudden heart attack Roger was feeling  “Or a least have him take me out! Dammit, Dad!  I want a man’s attention on me without you coming in and ruining each of my chances!”
Roger clutch his chest back peddling as his son continue to rant about all the people he’s been trying to get to know over the years and felt his heart stopping at random moment.
“Ace”  He wheezed  “No. Not my little baby. He can’t be interested in hugs, kiss or s-sex-”
“I’m not little anymore!” Ace shouted throwing up his arms. His freckled face, so similar to Rouge, scrunched up as he screamed “I am twenty! I want to date!”
Roger started to hyperventilate  “B-but you’re so young and you don’t really know what you want yet-”
“Agh! Forget it! I’m going back to the ship! ” Ace slammed a palm against his face, before turning around and leaving the bar ignoring all of Roger’s shouts to wait. The force in which the youth yanked the door, it falls to the ground with a loud bang and he stomped his way out into the street.
His shout of “I hate you!” reaching the ears of everyone in the 5-mile radius.
The pirates and civilian in the bar watched on with mute wonder as Gol D. Roger busted into tears  “Whhhaaaa! My baby hates me! Someone help me! My baby!
The next few days, when the Oro Jackson sets out to sea again Ace barely leave his private room. He only comes out to eat or use the bathroom, otherwise, he goes back to his room.
Roger paddles around uselessly wondering what he can do to make his son happy again. The boy hadn’t spoken a word to him when he went back from the bar that night, had even acknowledged  his presence as he climbs up the ramp. Instead, his son was staring at a piece of paper he had.
He then had shut himself in his room.
It was so hard to be a parent. You wanted to be your child’s best friends but you had to be stern when it came to keeping them safe and Ace just wouldn’t understand that men (and women) were just trying to use him.
Some might say he was overprotective but Ace was his world. He was his small bundle of joy, the last link between Roger and Rouge. He was the little baby that won Roger over the moment he looked into his son’s eyes the first time they open.
He was the tiny little being that smiles at him, not even an hour after being born. . Every time Roger looked at him he felt his heart warm, felt pride and love for his child. Being a father was the greatest adventure, if you asked Roger, it was almost as amazing as being in love.
Ace is precious 
So maybe he couldn’t let go, not yet.
 He just had to win his son’s forgiveness.
“What are you doing?” Shanks asks watching his captain balance ramen bowls on every balance part of his body.
Roger grin at him toothy  “Bring Ace his favorite for dinner! I’m thinking of having some father-son bonding time”
Shanks’ eyes widen  “In his room? right now?”
“What a silly question. Of course right now-”
“You can’t go to Ace’s room!” Shanks shouts stepping in Roger’s path. He seems to realize what he is doing before rubbing the back of his head  “I- I mean you can’t right now. It’s pretty late and Ace might be asleep”
Roger frown at him “It’s seven pm.”
Shanks laughs, nose wrinkling slightly- a sure fire sign he’es lying “Well I know Ace said he would be sleeping early like around six so  we shouldn’t bother him-”
Hearing enough Roger pushed past Shanks. The redhead tried to desperate stop him but after a firm order to stand down, he let the Captain go on.
Over the years the redhead had become a sort of older brother to his son, and often Shanks knew when he was doing something risk less- like that time he’s boy snuck  out to go to a island party or that one time he ate a devil fruit on a dare- and who knows what the boy was up to this time.
Nearing Ace’s door he raised a fist to knock, pausing he heard voices through the door  “So-So I just describe how I’m touching..myself to you?”
“That’s right Ace. Tell us in full detail” A unknown voice cooed back.
“Um..okay..I’m-I’m touching” Ace’s voice was laced in nervous trembles as he talked “My thighs and-”
Roger has heard far enough “I think the fuck not!”  
He kicked the door open, to find Ace sitting in front of two den den mushi. His boy jumped from where he sat, while the den den mushi had leers on both their faces. His boy was flushed and only wearing boxers  
“Aghghhhhh! ” Ace shouted, trying to cover himself.
“Ace? Ace what’s wrong?” The snail with a top hat asked looking worried. “Did you hurt yourself? You’re not pushing yourself are you?”
The one with the droopy eyes was frowning something fierce  “If this is too much for you Ace we can just talk normally-
Roger ignored his fumbling child to go over to the sails snatching up the talk pieces to whisper into the speakers “I don’t know who you two are but I will kill you, I will hunt you down until both of your heads crack under my hands. No matter where you go, no matter who you hide behind, nowhere will be safe. You will live only long enough to fear every dark corner, every sound until the day I find you.I will drag out your deaths, till the point where you will be able to explain what purgatory is like right before the life leaves your eyes., ”
He finished his speech with a smile. Roger’s smiles were already far too bloodthirsty and ruthless sharp but this one had a more unhinge tilt to it. The sails looked appropriately horrified.
“Dad! Leave my boyfriends alone!”
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dachi-chan25 · 7 years
Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 6 Recap Pt.2
WARNINGS: SPOILERS; not a D@€n€r¥$ fan; Jonsa shipper.
3.- Back on Eastwatch Gendry is bitching to Beric and Thoros for their betrayal, and The Hound tells him to shut the fuck up (god the Hound is such a #mood character) and honestly I get a bit confused round here cuz so much stuff happens on Eastwatch I don’t even remember the order of this two conversations:
Tormund attempts to talk to the Hound, it’s hillarious, and you know what? They talk about Brienne, someone they have in common, #yes I am very salty Arya hasn’t been mentioned at all.
Beric and Jon have a conversation, again very intresting cuz Beric says Jon doesn’t look like Ned at all (for real you going there Beric?) and he must look like his mom (wasn’t he the one Stark children that looked the most like Ned??? The show confuses me greatly) just so we could be reminded again that indeed Jon looks like Lyanna and that *looks at smudged writing on my hand* Ragger Targpycola is his sperm donnor, thus he is a Targ. Also we get Jon saying he is going through all this bullshit dumbass hunt for the North (pls keep this in mind I beg you) Beric says he is doing this not for any King or Queen to sit on a throne (curioser and curioser) he is doing it for life, Jon quotes his vows of the NW, and they have this very intresting convo about life and the inevitabiliy of death.
I find very intresting Beric once again remind us of the little importance of titles and thrones right now, and Jon quoting his NW vows plus that Mance reminder he got from Tormund, well well I can see where this is going.
Also Beric knows about Jon’s resurrection but D the supposed Love of his life epic wuv story owo doesn’t, also Jon doesn’t seemed bothered by Beric knowing, and they both talk about what a cryptic asshole is R'hollor.
Yeah so The Hound guides them to the mountain with the arrow shaped top (yeah you know the one he saw in his insta vision) but they have to cross a frozen lake (the ice is not so thick) and a giant ass Wight bear is coming towards them, actually I found this whole thing so boring? The bear looked really fake (guess all that budget went to dragons) and really the whole purpose of this is to create fake tension and sense of danger, I couldn’t even get worried about any of the Suicide Squad, Thoros got injured but again he is one very minor character not that popular with the audience so we can kiss this drunken red priest goodbye.
Yeah so after this absolute bullshit they atract the attention of the WW building a fire, and ambush them (this FUCKING plan y'all) they very predictably are getting their assess handed to them by the wights til Jon kills the WW and the wights drop dead on the spot (k I take it back this is the CW, only in the V@mpir€ Di@ri€$ such convinient stuff happens) shit hits the metaphorical fan when an entire army of the death is matching towards our brave (and dumb) heroes.
Gendry being the fastest runner is sent back to Eastwatch to send for help while the Hound struggles to capture the only wight that very conviniently didn’t turn to dust when they killed the WW (I never thought to get a dumber storyline than the Jaime and Bronn rescue Myrcella from Dorne with no plan whatsoever but here we are) and how??? Like this would have been easily solved by bringing horses, or you know a damned raven!!! Jon already did an expedition beyond the wall! He was the goddamned Lord Commander and didn’t he for a moment consider they might need this stuff for a Wight hunt???? Deus ex machina in it’s finest. Also Gendry told us at the beginning of the damn episode it was the first time he has seen snow, he doesn’t know the territory how is he getting back to Eastwatch??? This makes even less sense by the minute I just can take seriously any of this stuff thus I can’t get emotionally involved and be seriously scared or worried for Suicide Squad.
Yeah so part of the lake cracks under the weight of thousands of animated corpses and dumb wight hunters, and they are left on a circule of ice surrounded by wights, that I shit you not are waiting for the lake to freeze again so they can attack, I just– fuck it!
4.-Back on WF (oh fuck me) Sansa is on Arya’s chambers, I guess she is looking for something that gives her an idea as to who is exactly this person her little sister became, when she finds the bag of faces, Sansa is (rightfully) horrified, Arya enters the room talking all cryptically but Sansa is not up for this mindgames, dammit not with her family! And asks directly what they are, Arya gives her an answer and a vague threat of taking Sansa’s face, whyyyyyy dude??? Another big trigger for Sansa, her abuser flyed people alive, hell she flyed that nice granny that tried to help Sansa, I know Arya doesn’t know, and I am not comparing her with Ramsey, but fuck what is it with the let’s play a game as all this fucked up mind games, if this is a ploy I have no doubt Sansa will forgive Arya, and Arya is gonna feel terrible when she finds out all that Sansa went through, but D&D are truly doing some great disservice to Arya, so this game as a lot of people realized is the Faces Game, Arya has already said her lie and gave Sansa the dagger.
Sansa confirms my suspicion in this whole secret ploy of playing LF by going to him, and pretends to trust him with what Arya is doing (only a fool would trust LF) without mentioning the dagger and he suggests maybe Brienne can take care of Arya if things go that far.
And also the only reason she cares about the Northern Lords finding out about the letter is that she doesn’t want Jon loosing his army, holy fuck she really loves him, even LF must know for he is not trying to undermine Jon in any way.
This is the only possitive thing that has come from this stuff.
5.- Gendry arrives at Eastwatch and tells them to send a raven to D. Meanwhile she is chilling on DS with Tyrion, she’s frustrated by all this stupid heroic man like Jorah, Daario and this Jon Snow.
Tyrion frowns and point out at all this man are in Love with her (LMAO where?????) cuz all those longing looks are not to form an alliance (dude you’d be surprised)
Speculation time! Isn’t this super super wierd? I mean with Jorah we get all this big gestures in her name and stares, same with Daario who always softened with her and smiled a lot, but Jon??? excuse me but there are no fucking scenes to support Tyrion’s claim. And I think Tyrion knows, remember last episode’s farwell, yes the one where Jon doesn’t turn around cuz he doesn’t give a fuck, Jorah did turn around and D was giving full heart eyes, you know who saw all of this? Tyrion, he even gets a close up. Dude but why would he pushed this idea on D’s mind, oh I don’t know maybe to MAKE HER LISTEN, she listened to Daario about the fighting pits, and Tyrion has seen first hand (that don’t be more of the same speech) that Jon is good and maybe his influence could be good on D.
D says Jon is not in love with her but her expression tells me she really believes he is, oh my god her self absortion knows no bounds. Dude why would he be??? Also that gross ass comment about Jon being too short in front of Tyrion wow dude way to be insensitive.
Anyway they are discusing startegies for the upcoming reunion with Cersei, and gods D is super annoying, she is blaming Tyrion for his plans while simultaneously asking him for a plan like??? And what are *you* gonna do girl? What are *you* proposing? Just ride your dragon into KL and call yourself queen? That’s your strategy for everything sorry if I am skeptical about your supposed greatness. Very easy to point fingers at people when you are doing nothing but wait for their plans to benefit you.
Tyrion still tries to explain why having people fear you is not a good thing for a ruler that supposedly wants to break the wheel, when she the D compares herself with Aegon the Conqueror (damn I am getting good at analysing this stuff) I was like ???? She thinks being a conqueror is a good thing? How??? She is so narrow minded is painful to watch and hear. Tyrion is just as horrified, excuse the hell outta me but why are y'all having to talk her out of burning people and destroying places/resources, how is anyone like that worthy of the power and responsabilities that come with ruling?? and D gets fucking paranoid (so we begin to emmulate daddy dearest aren’t we) and says Tyrion doesn’t want to destroy his family, excuse the fuck out of me but she knows Tyrion was being persecuted for his father and nephew’s murder, she knows Cersei hates him cuz he told her and I can just feel sorry for Tyrion, he believed and admired this woman so much (tho he is also to blame for letting himself be dazzled by the pretty speeches and dragons) and now he is really getting to know her
Tyrion implies he wants to form a good strategy so she don’t lose her temper and…
“I never lose my temper” she said while losing her temper.“
He is like ummm the Tarlys? And she is trying to justify herself mother of god what is wrong with her? Even Tyrion says what she did was completely unnecessary.
He wants to talk about important stuff like how she plans to go about breaking the wheel, cuz he is smart enough to know they are not easy quick changes and it could take more than a lifetime for her to change the world, how is her legacy gonna live on after she is dead, you know this is pretty important stuff she should be concerned about (this stuff about family and legacy has been touched upon since this season first episode on the Jaime/Cersei scene) but she retorts with the fact that she is struggling with infertility and that if Tyrion has maybe disscused her death with Jaime? Tyrion explains how concerned he was about her well being during the Loot Train attack and she is awful really, she is completely delusional about Tyrion trying to betray her, but I also think it would be good to talk about the succession once she is queen so I give her that.
I seriously think Tyrion is gonna dump her anytime now.
Part 3 coming up!
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greenappleeyes · 8 years
Is Love Enough (part 3)
Words: 1.5k
Summary: You get an unlikely visitor after going to your first doctor appointment to get a sonogram.
A/N: Master tag list is at the end, let me know if you’d like to be added. I apologize for any tags that don’t work.
“I don’t understand why you need to go to a doctor, I can monitor you here.” Castiel was agitated, but trying to remain calm.
“Cas, it’s normal to get checked out by a doctor when you’re knocked up. They’re gonna look at the baby and make sure it’s developing right.” You were trying to give him a logical reason. You knew he could tell, just by placing his hand on your belly, whether or not the baby was healthy. But you wanted to see it. You wanted the little black and white sonogram picture that every other pregnant woman gets. In order to get one, you needed to see a doctor.
He plopped down in one of the library chairs and rolled his eyes. “Y/N, you know I can already detect…”
You cut him off and stomped your foot.“I’m going! If I don’t see a doctor, people will think it’s odd. It will raise suspicion that this baby is… unique.”
He sighed in frustration. He knew he wasn’t going to win this. “I’m not comfortable with this, but I can see that you’ll do it anyways.”
You shrugged. “Yep. Pretty much.” You reached over to pat him on the cheek and gave him a chaste kiss on the lips. “I’ll be back in an hour or so with some pictures. Eeee!!”
He smiled as you jogged away. He always enjoyed seeing you happy, but seeing you this excited about having his child warmed his heart.
The appointment went as you expected. The baby was healthy and you were about 14 weeks along. You cried when you heard the heartbeat and all but sobbed when you saw your baby on the screen. You had wished Castiel was there, but you both feared it would look suspicious if he went with you.
You sat in your car staring at you new prized possession; the very first photo of your child. You squealed again in excitement thinking about how Castiel might react to it.
You jumped and almost screamed at the sudden “Hello, Darling” spoken next to you.
“Jesus fuck, Crowley! You almost gave me a heart attack.” You spouted angrily while clutching your chest. “What are you doing here?”
“I wanted to see how our new mother was feeling.” He spoke while reaching for the sonogram picture you were holding and smiled at it.
Your eyes went wide with fear. “H-how do you know? What are you going to do to?”
He faced you again and flashed a wicked grin. “I’m the king of hell, nothing gets passed me. Now, what am I going to do with this information? Nothing, but give you a warning.”
You narrowed your eyes at him suspiciously. “Warning? About what?”
“About your angel boy, baby daddy of course.” He said with a lilt in his voice.
“What the fuck are you talking about?” you asked angrily. “He already knows and actually seems pretty happy about it.”
He raised his eyebrows and shrugged. “For now, I suppose. But don’t forget, Love, he’s an angel. They don’t exactly approve of what’s growing inside you. It’s only a matter of time before he changes his mind back to how he felt for a millennia, before he met you.”
You’ve never really trusted Crowley, but he had helped you before without wanting anything in return. Hell, without his help both you and Castiel would have died when you were captured by angels. “Why are you telling me this anyways? What’s in it for you?”
He sighed, “I may have become a bit fond of you. I’d rather not see you dead just yet.”
You shook your head. “Get out. Cas would never hurt me or our child. He… he just wouldn’t.”
“Suit yourself, Love. Don’t say I didn’t try to warn you.” He disappeared before you could argue. You didn’t want to believe him, but he had nothing to gain in lying to you. The small doubt you had started swirling itself to the surface again.
Upon returning to the bunker, Castiel greeted you immediately. “I’m glad you’re home. You were gone too long.” You let him pull you into a tight hug that, on a normal day, you would have melted into. Today you were tense and he picked up on it immediately. “What’s wrong, are you not feeling well? I can ease some of the more unpleasant side effects of your pregnancy.”
“It’s ok, Cas. I’m fine, I’m just tired. I’m going to go lie down for a while.” You should have been elated to receive such a warm welcome home and to show him the sonogram picture, but you couldn’t shake your feeling of unease.
You turned to walk away when he gently grabbed your arm to stop you. “Don’t lie to me. You’re stressed and…” he sighed and let your arm go. “You’re stressed and afraid again.” He pinched the bridge of his nose, failing to hide his frustration. “What happened today?”
You opened your mouth to apologize for letting Crowley get inside your head but all that cam out was a choked sob. You were really starting to hate these pregnancy hormones. Castiel stood frozen with wide eyes, unsure of what to do. He wanted to comfort you, but he also didn’t want to upset you more.
Your crying started to subside and you began to giggle at his terrified awkwardness. “Dammit, Cas, when your pregnant girlfriend is crying, you hug her.”
“Oh, yes, of course.” He pulled you into his arms. “We should still talk about what happened today.”
You groaned into his chest. “Is there something you can do with your angel mojo? These damn hormones have my emotions all over the place. I can’t get myself under control.” You started to tear up again. “See? Fuck.”
He stroked your hair to calm you. “I’m sorry, I can’t alter your hormones. It could put you or the baby in danger. Your body needs to adjust to them naturally.”
You pulled from his arms and grabbed his hand. “I do need to lie down. Come with me? I’ll show you the pictures I got today.”
After getting to lay in Castiel arms and show off the pictures you had gotten, you were feeling much more emotionally stable; which made you feel guilty. “Oh, Baby, I’m sorry about earlier. I seem to get so easily frazzled now and I let Crowley get into…”
He sat up and cut you off sharply. “Crowley?! You saw Crowley today and didn’t think to mention that earlier?!” He took a deep breath to calm himself. “What did he say? Does he know?”
“Yes, he knows. He was… worried. He said I should…um… ” You hesitated for a second. “Can you promise not to get mad?”
He pursed his lips and narrowed his eyes at you. “I don’t think that’s entirely possible, especially if Crowley is involved.”
“Fine.” you huffed. “He told me that the baby would never be safe around you. That you'd…”
“Are you fucking kidding me?!” You were startled by his sudden use of profanity. “What did he want? What’s his game? He’s always trying to work an angle to gain something, but I don’t know what it is yet.”
You had been wondering the same thing. “I don’t know. But what I DO know is that he’s wrong.”
He leaned down to kiss your temple. “Yes, he’s wrong. I love you.” He trailed his lips down your cheek and jaw until they were on your neck. “Mmm, very much.”
You giggled and rolled him on top of you. “Prove it.”
Castiel looked over you sleeping form as he got dressed. He wanted to continue holding you as you slept, but he couldn’t relax knowing that Crowley was aware of the baby. He needed to meet with him to either find out what he wanted or to end him entirely.
He prepared the summoning spell and with a billow of smoke, he heard, “Feathers. So old fashioned. You really need to add me to your contact list.”
Castiel turned quickly and growled, “Crowley, what the hell do you want?”
Crowley remained still and smiled. “You called me, Cas. What do YOU want?”
Castiel rushed until he was staring down at Crowley. “You know damn well what I want! Stay the hell away from Y/N!” Raising his hand, his eyes flowed blue. “I should just end you now, once and for all.”
Crowley still remained calm. “Yes, Cas. You do that, take out the king of hell. Then you’ll get to deal with all my demons coming after you, your lovely Y/N, and the little nibblet she’s got growing inside her.”
Castiel scowled, lowering his hand as his eyes returned to normal. “What do you want? Why would you tell her I’d harm her?”
“Because, Lad,” he spoke calmly, “You probably will. You have no idea what the other angels have done with your angel wiring. There could be a trigger in that tiny brain of yours that flips when it’s born. Who knows what you’ll do.”
“My angel wiring is fine.” Castiel grumbled. “I will not warn you again. Stay away from Y/N or I will tear you apart.”
“Yes, yes.” Crowley tutted. “Always such a tease.”
And then Castiel was alone.
————— Tag list: @splendidcas @Seasalticecream0131 @grunge-crybabies @love-charmer-sketch @hamartiamacguffin @heavenlyrainyparis @crowleysminion @mysteriouslyme81 @bitchasaurus @smoothdogsgirl @aly-birleanu @djs-lacrimose @ourloveisforthelovely @docharleythegeekqueen @pastapizzacheesedragon @castiel-savvy18 @Lllydg @alangel1895 @gill-ons @sassy-losechester
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ninjakitty15 · 3 years
Chapter 4: Like Death Warmed Over (Loki x OFC Pairing)
"Supernatural ended?! What the actual fuck?! Why?!" I exclaimed while catching up on the shows I missed in the five year absence. "That show was supposed to go till I die...again! My life is over!" I curled up on the couch, hugging my knees to my chest and burying my head in my arms.
"It was quite an entertaining show," Loki agreed, having grown curious early on in my catching up what I was bitching about missing so much. "Is any of it true? The monsters and the ways to kill them?"
"I only know about ghosts and spirits and most kinds of salt does act as a ward against them, rock salt especially. As I don't get rid them by force but by coercion if anything, I don't know if burning the bodies or pieces of the body left would send them away. Not about to try either."
"And the other monsters of legends in there, do they exist?"
"Almost every culture has their monsters on this planet, some overlapping between werewolves and vampires, I wouldn't be surprised if they do but I've not personally seen any beyond my area of expertise. Not my problem."
"What about angels and demons?"
"Those two are a bit different as they were primarily created by only one such religion, and a shady one at that, people somehow have different ideas of what those are. There have been cases of demonic possession in the past but its not like in the show where they're black smoke forcing themselves into your mouth, you don't see it happening, it just happens. Angels on the other hand...bit more complicated, ancient literature depicts them as benevolent  guardians of God to carry out his will and guide us lowly humans. Modern media however depicts the majority of them as dicks with an agenda of their own that doesn't involve helping us at all."
"What do you believe then?"
"I have no one religion to believe considering I'm talking to a god right now and was given more power from beings that claim they're gods as well, everyone  wants to be king of the mountain."
"And what do you want?"
"A cottage by the shores of Salem, where death and dark magic is strong but not shunned and the weird are welcomed more than the mundane."
"That place sounds intriguing, tell me more about it."
"Centuries ago when my ancestors first settled, people were even more religious nuts than they are now and they were crazy superstitious. They were also just plain crazy and got the idea of obtaining other people's land and property by accusing the owners of being evil witches after watching their daughters dabble in a bit of voodoo magic with their slaves. That's when the infamous Salem Witch Trials started which was a horrific dark mark in this country's history. Hundreds of innocent lives were ended as women and children and even the occasional man was accused, tortured, and locked away for life or executed horrifically."
"And you wish to live there?" he asked incredulously.
"There might be some unrest still from the victims and I want them to be at peace. Also, while the history of the place was terrible to say the least, it has become a bit more whimsical and touristy which I usually hate but they make it so fun there. You might even like it yourself if you ever wanna visit, assuming Tony lets me off the leash and I'm not stuck living here forever. Nowadays its a place that celebrates and capitalizes on magic."
"What if I were to convince Tony to let us have a day trip to there?"
"You'd do that?"
"Why not?"
I shrugged but smiled at the idea. "I'd say you're living up to the nickname Silvertongue."
"Oh that's not the only reason I'm called that," he purred into my ear.
I'm pretty sure if I could still bring color to my skin, I'd have the slightest blush of excitement from his voice alone let alone the suggestion. "Promises promises."
"Tell me something, you say you're dead inside and only the necromancy itself keeps you going, but do you still feel or are your nerves dead too."
"I don't think I'd wanna be alive if I couldn't feel or taste things so yes intense pain and strong levels of pleasure, kinda like a succubus I guess, pleasure keeps me alive, reminds me I'm still kicking." I paused then, trying to read if he was just gonna dump naughty images in my head or actually follow through. I do something totally impulsive then and rest my head on his lap, reaching up and touching the razorsharp jawbones of a god. Though he's cool to the touch, the second I come in contact with him I feel alive again.
"Do you miss being completely alive?" he asked, seeing the sudden but fleeting change from my touch.
"I'm not sure, the life I had before the change was almost complete hell from what I remember and I'm not one of those protagonists that wishes they could just be normal again, I like being what I am. I'd probably have died for real at Hydra, always finding new methods to get the same result of me not doing anything, I think a normal human would've died from the pain or blood loss then."
"That would make you an immortal, staying alive when you should be long dead, unaffected."
I shrugged. "I am what I am. Doubt I'm immortal though, a blade through the heart might not work but most creatures are killed by beheading including zombies which apparently Stark thinks I am. Jokes on him though, I don't eat brains, that's the least appetizing part of the body."
"You know from experience, do you?" he asked in bemusement. "Is it the heart then?"
I wrinkled my nose at this, recalling a certain show where a horse heart was devoured raw. "Have you ever eaten a muscle? It's like eating a wet squishy piece of leather, your jaw starts to ache after a few bites of a chewy chunk. Everyone assumes its the heart or brains thats best because we think since thats our best quality alive, it should be that in a meal." My hand slid from his face to his heart then though was blocked by his green asgardian leisure robes so the feeling of being alive was a bit lost though I still wanted to feel his heart, so many people seemed to think he didn't have one. I wondered if I could survive pulling his lifeforce from him, not that I'd want to of course when just touching him gave me a taste of life, but an immortal with immense power meant he wouldn't be dead for a while and that meant he was a potential atomic bomb in my hands. I was quiet for once, feeling his heartbeat, his power under my hand, so many different thoughts between naughty and dangerous running through my head then. I could feel him watch me just as quiet as I was, ever the curious god observing his new catch.
"What are you thinking that's stayed your tongue suddenly?" he asked me then.
I smirked. "I'm wondering what true power tastes like."
"Lean up and find out," he challenged smoothly.
Both my eyebrows popped up then, usually when people find out I'm a walking magical corpse they're instantly turned off due to that pesky little thing called necrophilia. I didn't need to be told twice though and did just that, our lips connecting softly. The second it did, my entire body warmed and tingled back to life, causing me to moan into the kiss in the rush of long missed feeling I didn't want to end. What started out as a tasting, testing the waters kiss quickly became one of lust and hunger he was matching just as greedily. I pushed myself up to get even closer to him and his hands snaked around my hips without breaking the kiss. Of course something had to at least give Loki some air to breathe and it was a soft thump coming outside the room followed closely by, "Mr. Stark, are you here?"
We pulled away reluctantly, allowing Loki to catch his breath and me to lose mine returning to my current corpse form. "You'll be the life of me, Loki," I mused. "Did a kid just interrupt this?"
"That must be the Spiderling then," loki replied, waiting for me to get off him before getting off the couch and offering me his hand once more.
I took it curiously and followed him out of the living to where a teenager was looking around wearing a high tech spider themed suit that looked like an offshoot of Deadpool's suit though the mask part was pulled off. He's cute though a bit young. "That has Stark written all over it."
The kid whirled around as his back had been turned to us watching him look for his sugar daddy. "Hi Loki, who are you?"
"Who am I? Who are you?" I countered. "I was here first."
"I'm Spider Parker- I mean Peter Man," he stumbled in answer. "Dammit."
I couldn't hide the laughter at his failed attempt to cover one if not both identities and looked over at Loki who was smirking just the same. "Isn't he just precious?"
"I think you caught him by surprise, not an easy feat as he claims he has a sixth sense for that sort of thing," Loki commented.
I shrugged. "Occupational hazard. Tony's not here right now, but if you'd like to leave a message you can do so elsewhere."
Peter as I guessed his actual name was scowled at me and appeared to get in a defensive stance but once more we were interrupted by something entering the building followed by. "Loki, you guys here?"
"Maybe," I called back.
Tony walked into the room we were all standing in and grinned seeing Peter there as well. "Hey kid, what brings you here?"
"Mr. Stark, I heard rumors theres a horde of zombies at the hydra base and wanted to help," Peter replied quickly.
It was my turn to frown then. "So much for keeping that under wraps, I'm blaming you on this, Stark. You just had to know, didn't you?"
"Me? I'm pretty sure you volunteered as you hate them as much as we do."
"I was hoping you'd handle most of it, you're the Avengers after all, but once more a woman has to clean up a mess made by lousy men."
"You know her, Mr. Stark?" squeaked Peter between the bickering.
"We found her in the second to last base we raided, well Loki did anyway," explained Tony. "I let you into my compound as a guest I know almost nothing about and this is how you thank me."
"You could've just let me go back to where I was before I got caught but noooo, you had to know why I was there."
"She's got a point there, Stark," Loki noted.
"Who's side are you on?" he demanded.
"Hers, clearly. I thought that much was obvious as I'm standing right next to her this whole time."
Tony rolled his eyes but returned his attention to Peter. "Don't worry about it, kid. The zombies don't work for Hydra."
"They don't?" he asked in disbelief.
"They work for me," I chirped. "Well not worked so much as follow since its free of charge and labor."
"You? What are you, the Night Queen?" Peter asked.
Tony chuckled at the reference. My eyes went snow white then and I gave him a look that matched the lead wight walker. "Winter is coming," I told him in a hollow voice.
"M-Mr. Stark, I don't think it's a good idea to have her on the team," Peter told him quietly.
"Are you questioning my judgment, kid?"
"No, sir."
"Good, because she's staying here."
"Actually," I interjected. "I have a request on that note."
Tony turned back to me then with an arched eyebrow. "You're not moving out till I can fully trust you."
"She wants to go on a field trip with me somewhere, just for a day," Loki spoke up.
Tony crossed his arms and looked expectantly at the god. "Where?"
"Only the most magical place in the east coast," I answered.
"Disneyworld?" Peter asked hopefully.
I wrinkled my nose in disgust. "Hell no, that's the most nauseating place in the east coast. So full of families with kids they can't hope to control, and all that noise noise noise. That place ain't magical, it's mechanical and made of money and memories. No, this place isn't in the south and doesn't require commercial airlines to get there."
"Hm, well you proved you can handle yourself on the battlefield and Loki will be with you on this trip but as I still don't trust him completely we'll have someone else with you two to make sure you don't get into too much trouble," Tony stated. "Clint will go with you as he's the only one free at the moment and wasn't fighting off hydra like the rest of us did. Family outting or whatever at his farm."
"Is that a yes?"
"Yup, don't make me regret it either or you'll be on a tighter leash than Loki is."
"Oooh a leash, kinky, what's the safe word?"
"Bananas," he quipped right back, making me cackle before I thanked him for letting have some fun on my own.
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diyunho · 4 years
The Joker x Reader - The Delta Paradox. Chapter 1: Deceit
Rumor is the outbreak spreading like fire around the world is somehow Dr. Morbius’ fault: people turned into monsters after getting bitten by the ones already ravaged beyond the irreversible mutation. The last news broadcasted four months ago suggested not all creatures are mindless beasts, a few might still remember who they are and The Joker is about to find out if the story is true.
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“Dad…” you whisper and point at the box on the shelves. “I found some peas.”
The Joker turns around and silently walks your way, signaling you to fill up your backpack while he patiently waits for his turn.
The King of Gotham and his 23 year old daughter are scavenging the convenience store on Halsey Street for supplies: food was running low and they had to come out of the bunker in order to acquire basic necessities.
It’s hard to see in the darkness with the tiniest flashlight since they can’t risk being detected.
“Did you find water?” you mumble under your breath.
“Dammit, we only have six bottles left,” you sigh, upset at his disclosure. “Should we raid the mall too?”
The Joker covers your mouth, carefully listening.
You can’t discern much until an unnerving screech echoes in the air followed by others in the next second.
“Ssstttt,” J removes the restrain and you clutch to his arm, scared to death.
“Dad…”, you gulp at the commotion happening in the distance: the creatures are probably hunting and you are not willing to become the prey.
“What do we do?” you barely utter and The Clown shakes his head, worried.
“Let’s use the sewers entrance by the dumpster to make it passed the dangerous radius; it’s still open from last time we were here.”
“Ok…” Y/N quietly agrees.
J adds the rest of the containers to his rucksack and lifts it up when he accidentally knocks off a light bulb: the fragile glass shatters to pieces and the two of you stare at each other terrified for a few moments.
The turmoil outside immediately intensifies as The Joker urges:
The panicked Y/N follows her father and she can’t even hear what he’s saying over the deafening roars that seem to come from above the building. Suddenly, the mad man turns and gives you a violent push against the loading dock exit; it’s so unexpected you stumble and before you have the possibility to process what’s going on, J locks it.
“Dad?!” your eyes pop at the small, broken window just to distinguish him backing away. “Dad?!” you start crying. “What are you doing?! Let me in!” The Princess pleads with her parent.
The Joker bites his lip, conflicted at his desire to survive no matter the cost: even if the price to pay is his own daughter.
“Daddy?!��� Y/N sobs, petrified at his behavior. “Please?...”
“Better you than me,” he grumbles and runs in the opposite direction, covering his ears when your screams reach him. J rushes out of the shop and drops in the sewer, three monsters already on his trail attempting to grab him; yet they fail because thankfully these beasts are so much larger than the humans they used to be: they can’t fit through the narrow gap The Joker used.
Your father keeps navigating the convoluted catacombs in the darkness while the dim flashlight fails to warn him of the obstacle floating in front of him. He staggers on the dead dog and plunges in the disgusting waters, instantly resurfacing after the initial shock of how bad it stinks. J crawls to near the concrete wall, panting up a storm succeeding the whole ordeal and it hits him: Y/N didn’t pursue.
How could she? The Clown sacrificed his daughter in order to save himself and her agony still resonate in his mind. She was brutally ambushed without any chance of escaping her fate: The Joker made sure of that when he forced her out of the mini-market.
The same daughter that came back for him at the Penthouse when it was clear things are going downhill - no other gang member ever returned; the same daughter that accompanied him in their perilous searching trips as it all went to shit; the same daughter that took care of him when he got sick in the bunker and risked her life in order to bring her father antibiotics; the same daughter that was the only family he had left on this God forsaken planet.
And now she’s gone.
The Joker is all alone like he was always meant to be: nothing can withstand his poison.
8 Months Later
The King of Gotham sneaks in the blackness with precious cargo: tonight was a lucky one. He found soda, crackers and peanuts at a vending machine inside the mall. The road to the bunker is not a short one and he has to be alert; food is scarce and each time he has to venture further and further to find needed items which is why he’s still roaming at this late hour.
Surprisingly calm atmosphere in this neighborhood; J saw a lot of creatures on McCormick Avenue and then an infested Main Boulevard made him backtrack and take this path. It was the correct call because his progress has been steady: moving in shadows has developed into a skillful talent.
He abruptly stops noticing movement blocking his route West of 5th Street. The Joker had no idea it’s swarming with the infected also.
J barely notices something splattering at his feet and freezes: it’s difficult to discern what it is but he has a vague concept. He looks up only to see one of the winged scouts landing on the broken light pole whilst drooling and sniffing the air. The Joker’s body is stiff, his senses sharpened to the maximum: what is he supposed to do? Try to leave? That’s an enormous risk and motion could unleash a chain reaction among the beasts if the one above identifies the helpless individual. Stay? The threat would be equally menacing.
The high pitch snarl belched by the demon’s throat makes him inhale in fear: was he spotted? Or is this merely a power display from the crazed predator?
The Joker feels there’s something behind him and before he can act a sharp pain in his forearm makes him yell. Another bite in his leg makes him lose balance and he collapses to the ground, unable to defend himself from the hoard. The burning sensation is taking over completely: the creatures tear his flesh apart and he passes out without having the strength to shout for help anymore.
The Clown opens his eyes and rapidly blinks since the sunlight is hard to endure.
“Ugh…” he groans and rolls on his side on the concrete pavement.
Everything hurts, including the brain: it’s as if someone drilled holes and he can’t concentrate or form thoughts.
He aims to lift his torso off the walkway unsure why it’s strenuous to accomplish such a simple task; J doesn’t register the reason why is the different anatomy he now has: scaly, gray skin, long, distorted arms with sharp claws, inverted knees and membranous toes. The wings certainly don’t add to his ability to sport the same agility he was blessed with while still a person.
He finally manages to gather himself up, surprised to experience an odd sensation: The Joker is so much taller after his mutation and everything crushes down once the hideous reflection shown in the partially broken glass belonging to “Macy’s” department store glares back at him.
“Ahhh!” J blurs out alongside an uncanny roar emerging from his transmuted vocal cords. The frantic sound gets the attention of beasts in his vicinity, then they ignore him because he’s one of them.
“Fuck…” he mumbles in disbelief at their reaction, grateful they didn’t attack.  
The Joker’s raspy breath scores big with a creature nearby though.
Apparently a female due to her red orbs, she’s approaching the former human with a certain restrain.
The Joker would love to bail: unless he can control the horror of what’s happening to him in a few moments, he might get out of there in one piece.
The curious monster is inches away and J had nothing better to do than articulate:
“… Do you… understand me?”
“Grrrrrrr…” the female sneers, unraveling her fangs.
“Y/N… is that…is that you?” The Joker tosses the question out there for the lack of a better plan.
No answer, just a low howl that makes a few males digging in rubble unhappy: why is the group’s favorite displaying interest in the newcomer?
They shriek and emerge more and more agitated, drawing the attention of others in the proximity. The displeased attitude seems to elevate the mood in a negative direction to the point of having a large flock landing on the same street too.
“Crap…” The Joker assesses his situation and it’s not good. “Shoo!” he gently gives the female a nudge and she coos as her distorted fingers touch his grotesque face. Nevertheless, her gesture unlocks the gates of hell: the female’s keen dart towards the unfortunate Clown with the sole purpose of finishing him off. Competition is not tolerated from a rookie and that’s how The Joker is perceived by the mindless crowd--a threat to the hierarchy.
A loud, eerie scream covering all others makes the murderous bunch halt in their tracks: a humongous female leading the group that arrived moments ago is making them retreat. She keeps shoving them and growling while followed by a huge specimen: definitely The Alpha Male with his yellow eyes and dominant figure that don’t allow disobedience.
The party showing The Joker affection gives up on her advances as you stand in front of your father, not necessarily excited about the encounter.
“Dad?...” you smell the air out of habit.
“… … Y… Y/N?... …” The Joker stammers at the inexplicable revelation. “You… You’re alive??!!”
“If you consider this being alive.”
“Delta, we have to go soon!” one of your fighters announces. “They might snap again!”
Your parent is baffled and you bother to enlighten him a bit:
“I’m part of a coven made of turned humans still self-aware. You’re lucky we flew by and saw you. I felt you were born but I didn’t know it was you until I sniffed you. I wished I knew so I won’t waste my time!!!!” the bitter statement brings to life past memories. “Let’s go!” you raise your voice.
“We’re not taking him with us?!” The Alpha Male inquires, baffled. “He’s self -aware!”
“Trust me, we don’t need someone like him amidst us!” you spread your wings and prepare to fly.
“Y/N… “ The Joker gulps. “Can I come?... Please?... I don’t want to die here.”
Y/N ignores his plea and angrily replies:
“Better you than me!”
How can he justify his behavior in these circumstances? It’s impossible to request forgiveness when you’re at an obvious loss regarding your daughter.
“I’m sorry I did what I did, ok… Pumpkin?”
“I am NOT your Pumpkin!! I am Delta!!!” Y/N mutters.
“Huh?” the clueless King inquires and your obvious disapproval suggests you hate where the conversation is headed.
“Delta is more valuable than any of us and we must protect her at all costs until we find Morbius,” one of your companions gives away details you don’t care your father knowing about. “She can do incredible…”
“Enough!!” you cut him off. “We’re leaving!”
“What… what things?...” The Joker attempts to distract you from the imminent departure.  
“None of your business!” you float in the air, the other 40 sets of wings following you while he is left behind with the horde that made him an outcast: brainless monsters already clustering around once more in order to punish his transgression.
“Hey!!!” The Alpha Male glides on top of The Joker. “Delta said you can come!”
“Really?” hope flourishes in his heart.
“Hurry up before they shred you to pieces!”
“I don’t know how to fly!” J shouts.
“Don’t be an idiot! Move your shoulder blades!”
Your father would normally go ballistic at such affront but he actually ignores the disrespectful sentence due to the insane events leading to today’s reunion.
What other choice does he have besides taking advantage of this unique opportunity?
The Joker clumsily bumps into a trash bin and finally ascends towards the blue skies trying to keep up with the flock.
His daughter might be a mystery now but one thing is undeniable: he would rather suffer a thousand deaths before abandoning her again.
 Also read: Masterlist
You can also follow me on Ao3 and wattpad under the same blog name: DiYunho
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