transprinces · 2 months
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I love getting pounded 🥵🥰
Dm if you wanna get me pounded ❤️🥰
Reblog for love ❤️
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gerec · 1 month
dom erik fics? strangely every time i try read a dom erik he is a sub because of some kind of plot twist
Here are some excellent dom!Erik fics, Anon; hope you enjoy!!!
What You've Really Been Chasing by helens78
Charles has been chasing after something for years, but he's never found it. Erik steps in to show him what he's been missing.
Put me in the backseat, and they took me for a ride by tahariel (series)
When Erik enters the bedroom, pausing on the threshold just to look, near shivering with excitement, his new sub is waiting for him, laid out on top of the bedclothes like a present. He’s draped with a length of rich black silk, which clings to his naked body and hides nothing, accentuates everything.
Erik’s mouth runs dry.
Counting the Beat by clavicular
Written for this prompt on 1stclass_kink: Erik uses a metal sex toy (dildo, butt plug, nipple clamps, handcuffs, or maybe he just molds something) on Charles with his powers so he can watch from afar while fucking Charles senseless. Belts, buttons, and zippers are metal too, so I imagine Erik just sitting back in a chair smugly while he uses the metal on Charles' clothes/body to force Charles around and take his clothes off and such. Maybe there's a bit of power play going on where Charles tries to get in Erik's head and make him squirm and Erik disciplines him for it...
Twenty-One Guns by luninosity (series)
Sometimes Charles needs to not be in control for a while. Erik offers to help. First times, some confessions, porn with plot…
Alive With Open Eyes by Cesare, helens78
"I'd rather stay, though," Charles smirked, all too pleased with himself, "if you'll have me."
"No," Erik told him flatly. "Not like this. If you start this, you take it seriously. You're mine until I'm through with you."
Purple is for Emperors by Fullmetalcarer
Erik sat on the edge of the bed, slowly stroking his cock.
Charles knelt on the floor in front of him, naked and bound with purple cords.
Can Erik and Charles find happiness in a world where they don't fit in?
Finding North by ClarkeStetler, Goosenik (series)
Charles and Erik are (loosely) friends with benefits. They don't share personal details, last names, or anything concrete about their lives. This is ruined rather spectacularly when Charles gets recruited by the Mutant Apprehension Division of the FBI. Surprised is a bit of an understatement for their reaction to finding themselves partnered up and sent out on cases with the team.
Bit of a detective fic? Really just an excuse for us to play around with MAD (Mutant Apprehension Division) that we created in Playing House.
you burn me by warraw
Erik didn’t allow him a blanket or any other cover, so he is curled up on his side, hugging himself. From where Erik is standing he cannot see the sweet curve of his ass, just his front. But it is enough to enjoy the view.
Gifts by spuffyduds 
Erik is generous. Charles is distracted.
No more fear by adern (series)
Erik was a Dominant himself, but he wouldn't ever threatened a submissive of punishement just because they had put the cutlery in the wrong order.
put me down by ninemoons42
Charles is normally happy to follow Erik's orders in and out of bed, but it's been a very bad day, and he's been caught entirely off guard by what he overhears.
Into His Arms by a_q
Written for the meme prompt: A human dominant over a mutant sub is almost unheard of. No one expected a human Erik Lehnsherr to be the dom of a Omega-level telepath. Erik is convinced it's a mistake, Charles is convinced it's perfect.
Moira tries to support her husbands new found connection, and Raven tries to protect Charles and keep him from giving too much of himself.
Open You Up by Magnetism_bind
I want smutty sex against the wall, on the table, wherever exciting, and I want submissive!Charles. And maybe some filthy oral sex...
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rimaiahwrites · 1 year
Our secret
Dom!Erik x subblack!reader, dom x sub, smut!, swear words, age difference, big brothers best friend, fluffy kinda, dd/lg themes but it’s never addressed as dd/lg
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Erik Clinched his glass of cold lemonade with his Left hand, almost feeling like it could break in anytime. He bite his lip and gritted his teeth together as he watched his best friends little sister hang upside down on the white porch swing with a book in her hand. Her legs hung over the head of the swing and her white Church shoes clicked together as she read softly to herself. Her Rosy red swollen lip moved gracefully as she eyes scanned over the book page.
She was reading a book he has seen her read a thousands times. She called it a classic that she could never get tried of, Erik only laughed at her and said she was eventually going to get tried of it.
Her legs rubbed together making her light yellow dress slip down her legs and slightly exposed her pink panties. A animalistic growl vibrated through his chest but he quickly covered it up with a cough and moved away from the window when he heard his friend Approaching the kitchen.
"My mom called and told me to go to the store and get some eggs and milk. You can stay if you want it'll only take like 30 minutes." Erik nodded and sat down on the couch that was wrapped in A plastic cover.
"Alright I'll just play this game until you get back," he smirked leaning back with the Game controller in his lap. "Yeah get all the practice you can get because when I get back imma kick your ass!" Dwayne laugh his way out of the house and began his walk to the store. Erik jumped up and looked out the window and saw that he was out of sight.
He walked back to the kitchen and saw that she was still in the same position that she was in when he left. He made his way outside and sat right beside her on the swinging seat. She looked up from her book and smiled at him. "Hi." She spoke softly. She pushed her legs up flip over the chair and her dress flipped over her head. "That's not very ladylike little one," he said and pulled her dress down for her, her cheeks grow hot but she acted like she didn't care by shrugging and say- "I'm not a lady I'm a 18 year old. I'll wait to be ladylike when I get old." She Sassed sitting on the swing next to him. "Is that so" He raised eyebrow while biting his lip. She nodded. "Plus it's just you Erik..." he chuckled a little. "What does that mean?" He asked as he watched her Fiddle with his fingers.
"You have been my brother's best friend since you guys were 12 so your like a big brother to me and I know you haven't tell on me," she smiled bopping him on the nose with her finger. He bite it and she gasped. "That's not very nice E, you got your nasty spit on me" she said pouting as she wiped his saliva on her dress not even really caring much about it. Nether of them did.
"Ok and?" He put his finger in his mouth and stuck it in her ear without a second thought. She smacked his hand away and pushed his arm from around her shoulder. "Why would you do that? That was disgusting," he tried to hold in his laughter but he failed and end up bent over from laughing so hard. When he sat up and lend against him and slide her whole tongue across his face. His smile drop and If looks could kill she'd be a dead girl right now.
"Alright bet, come her-" he lunged for her but she squealed and hopped off the swing and run into the house before he could grab, he chased her all the way up stairs and she screamed the whole way up until she got to her room, Erik stopped in his tracks when he didn't see her anywhere in there. he began to look around the room because he was 100% sure that she ran in here. "______! Where you at little girl..." He whispered looking under her bed but she wasn't under there. He looked behind the door, in the bathroom, in the tube, in the toilet , behind the curtains but she was no where to be found.
"What the fuck I know she ran in here-" He Paused when he hear her giggling come from the closet, He turn on his heals and walked towards it, he swung the door open was met with nothing but the cute little Fluffy dresses she loves to wear. "_____ I won't hurt you I just wanna play" he said in a fake creepy voice. She put both of her hands over her mouth as excitement tangled through her body feeling like she was still getting Chased. He dug deeper in the closet pushing her dresses apart and he found a little white door that blended in with the walls, he honestly wouldn't even have found it if it wasn't for her giggles and the door knob sticking out of the wall. He was shocked when he opened it to find a whole decorated bedroom with a tv, DVD player a whole mini fridge with snacks on top of it and a giggling y/n sitting there.
"What the hell-" he said walking all the way In the room. she smiled at him brightly before standing up and shouting- "you found me!"
"I did find you.What's my prize?" She bite her lip innocently and shrugged batting her eyelashes at him. "The prize is you get the honor to be the only person to step foot in here besides me, not even my mom or dad know about this place." He sat next to her and pulled her on his lap and she sat with hesitation or a question asked. "Eh That's cool and all but I would much weather it if I get to lick you back," she huffed. "Mm no, I got the last lick so let's just leave it at that. I won." She sassed closing her eyes sticking her tongue out at him teasingly. He hesitated a little bit before He flick his tongue against her and she gasped and covered her mouth with her hands. "EW WH-" then he licked her hand then her arm then her lips all together. "I won." He chuckled at her experience.
Leaning back on the blankets and pillows all over the floor. It was her cute makeshift bed. He grabbed her from underneath her arm and sat him on her lap so she was straddling him. She dress bunched up slightly and she laid it back down. She rested her dainty hands on his stomach and smiled up at him. His breath quicken and she noticed.  "Yeah, yeah whatever." She said rolling her eyes and moving her head side to side and her two ponytails bobbed a little. It caught his attention and he flick one with his middle finger.
"I like your little bunny tails." She was confused. "They look more like big bunny tails then a ponytail , pony hair is straight and long. You're is big and puffy." He Explained was she busted into a fit of giggles and laughter. She calmed down and nodded her head agreeing with him. They did look more like a bunny tail then a pony.
"I never thought of that. You're right." She smiled at him, he adore her smile with everything in him. He adore her just in general and it was getting harder and harder to hide the fact. He felt wrong for feeling this way towards her because of the age difference and the fact that it was his best friend's little sister, he knew it was wrong but he couldn't help it.
"You are so fuckin' cute little one." He spoke softly licking his lips slowly. "Thank you..." She said back but he wasn't even listening because he was to focused on her plump lips moving softly as she spoke. The position they were in only made his Dirty thoughts and behavior worst. His hands slide up her thighs in reaction to the dress rising up her legs. He grip her tightly and she whimpered softly In Surprise. Her muscles began to relax in his hands as he Massage her chocolate Colored thighs. "You look so cute in this little dress you know that?-" her breathing seem to quicken to at this point and she didn't know why. He was just Simply touching her. She thought.
She squirmed in his lap and he damn near moaned. Her covered flower was laying right against him and it was driving him crazy knowing that the only thing that was keeping them apart from each other was her thin little pink panties and his dark black ripped jeans.
He wanted so badly to be buried in her cave, deep and swollen. Her pink lips gripping his member as he stroked her deeper then she could ever imagine he could go.
He felt his precum stain his boxers and he cursed himself for having such dirty thoughts about the little 18 year old sitting on him.
She brought his hands up higher on his chest, and lifted up a little so his bulge was laying right Against her aching pussy.
Erik noticed her discomfort and asked what was wrong. "I-I feel....funny?" She said more as a question then statement. His Curiosity peaked up. "What do you feel like? Is it a bad funny or is it a good funny?" He said as he ran his thumb over her jaw line and bottom lip which was red from her biting, picking, and licking it. She thought for a second and sat back on him. Excitement and tingles shot up to her clit. It shocked her and made her legs wobble a little bit. "I don't know if I like this feeling." She purred like a kitten and leaned into his hand like a cat would do to it's owner. "You want me to make it go away?" He cooed. She nodded her head desperately as the feeling only got stronger the more he spoke to her in such a low tone it seem.
"It feels funny right here?" He lifted her little light yellow dress and pointed to her covered flower. "Y-yes" She whined beginning to get frustrated with the whole situation. "If you want me to help you, you know I gotta take your panties off and touch you right?" He asked wanting to be sure she was 100% ok with this. "I know. Please hurry." She confirm and gripped his shirt tightly. He smiled feeling like he just won the lottery.
He brought her Down to lay flat on his chest while her ass was pointed up into the air. He kissed her plump lips with passion and pent up lust for the paste year of wanting to touch and kiss her. She gasped out of surprise. He was her first kiss and he couldn't be happier about that. His lips moving slow with hunger in his motions. She was in shock but nonetheless kept moving her tongue against his slick one. He broke the kiss and flipped her over so he was on top, he grabbed her hard nipples in his fingers and pinched Them roughly, she gasped and Arched. "Erik please, your making it worse are you sure you know what you're doing?" She asked innocently. Erik chuckled and pressed his thumb onto her clit making her Chest rise up against his.
"Yeah I think I know what I'm doing lil mama." Her breath came out short and quick while The warm heat of his breath tickled her jawline. He licked the crease of her neck and jaw sending chills down her back.
His arm wrapped around her Waist and down her ass. He slide his big hands down to her soaked pussy.
It was wet and warm.
His shaky hands pulled her panties to the side and revealed her chocolate colored clit and her pink and creamy insides that glistened from her arousal.
Erik let out a weak breath before dragging his pointer finger down her clit and slit. Y/n let out whimper/squeal that made Erik's dick jump.
Erik studded her face the more he moved his fingers up and down her clit. Her face was relaxed and in bliss. She was in heaven.
"You hear that princess?" He asked as he speed up his hand movements making a wet and sticky sound fill the room. "That pretty pussy so wet baby." He spoken deeply. Her mouth dropped open letting out a stream of moans and whimpers. "Oh E! feel so good." She dragged out gripping the front of his shirt, while trying to hide her face in his chest.
"Why you hiding from me princess? Huh? Lemme see that pretty face." Erik whispered in her ear. She cried out his name trying to sit her upper body up without ruining her arch.
"Whatcha hiding for babygirl? You don't want me to see how good I'm making that pussy feel?" She shook her head. Her brown cheeks were so red from embarrassing that it shocked Erik. He's never seen a black person blush this hard before.
He smirked kissing her on the cheek then her lips. They were red and swollen from all the kissing but it turned him on even more.
"Erik..." she said frantically, popping her head up from his neck. He hide his smile from her by biting his lip. "E, wait I feel like imma pee on myself!" She panicked trying to lift up from his chest, but he held her there.
"You about to cum babygirl stay still." She was still squirming around from how intense it felt. There was a knot in of her stomach and a sensation in the core of her vagina that felt incredibly too good. It was to much for her.
The feeling was getting stronger and stronger and she couldn't help the moans and gibberish words that left her mouth.
Erik's hand stayed on her clit and just before she could cum his finger stopped. He wanted nothing more then to edge her and make her cry.
Her tense body relaxed and her big brown eyes popped open and she looked Furious.
"Erik why did you stop?" She whined smacking him on the chest. "Tell me what you want princess, beg for me to give it to you." He said grabbing her chin and pulling her face to his.
"Tell me princess." She closed her eyes, and opened her mouth to speak. "Uh uh open yo eyes and tell me like a big girl." He said in a hushed tone.
"Umm I-.... Erik" she pouted kicking her foot, too embarrassed to actually tell him herself. "Please Erik? I can't-"
"Yes you can, Tell me you want to rub on ya pussy." She bite her lips as tears began to blurry her vision. "I'm too embarrassed..." Erik chuckled before he started to glide his fingers up and down her pussy really slowly. Y/n pushed her hips more against his hands so she could feel more of him.
"Please? I'll do anything you say....please just rub my pussy Erik please?" She finally blared out hiding her face back into his neck. Erik smile proud of her, and in no time his fingers were back on her clit and going to speed of lighting.
"Aww there you go princess, that all you had to say." He praised her. Kissing the side of her face as he watched her whole body slump over and eyes rolled to the back of her head.
The knot in her core before so tight that she couldn't even speak. He moved his fingers faster and the sound of slashing water filled the room. Her juices leaked all over his black jeans and the bottom of her dress.
Her body became Tease making her fingers locked them onto his plaid button up shirt and the plan black one he had underneath in a tight hold.
Erik watched as her mouth hung open and eye rolled as she mumbled "Erik, Erik oh my god yesss" over and over until her orgasm slowly faded away.
She laid there for a minute before finally sitting up in his lap. Her body was still slightly jerking from experiencing her very first orgasm.
Her eyes were hazy and low like she was high as she looked at Erik biting his lip. "You good baby?" She nodded her head before laying back on his chest.
"I have never done this before." She whispered looking up into his eyes. He looked back down at her. "I know, you like it?" He asked even though he already knew that answer. She shook her head fast making her bunny tails bounce.
Erik laughed before picking her up from his lap and sitting her on the pillows that were on the side of them.
"Where are you going?" She pouted up at him as he got up and walked to the door.
"I gotta get back down stairs before your brother get back princess." She sat up on her legs because poking her lips out for him to kiss. Erik laughter filled the room before he walked back over to her and kissed her deeply. Tongue swirling around her wet mouth.
He pulled Away after getting her a few more pecks, before leaving her Secret room and out of her room.
Just as Erik made it back down the stairs, y/b/n opened and slammed the door before throwing the grocery bag on the kitchen table.
"Alright you ready for me to kick yo ass in 2k?"
"You smell that?" Erik asked as he looked around the room. Y/b/n looked around confused sniffing the air. "It kinda smell like pus-" "Nah nigga it smell like CAP." Y/b/n fired back, plopping on the couch smirkingly.
The end.
(Y'all If the time line is off between this one and part two it's because I wrote this when I was 16 and I feel like now that I'm 19 the reader probably shouldn't be 16 fucking on a legal boy lmao)
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imperiuswrecked · 1 year
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Fun Fact: In Fantastic Four (1961) #569 it was revealed Doom was survived being sent back millions of years in the past out of pure hate so he could live until the present day and take his vengeance on the person who trapped him in the past.
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Hii, can I request orgasm denial with Erik x male reader please? Dom or sub reader is your choice, and maybe some overstim? Thanks :D
Of course~! Thank you for the request. My sleepy stressed ass forgot to make it male reader specifically; I hope you can forgive me 🙃🙏
Denial and Overstim with Erik 💕💕💕
( MDNI )
CW: smut, orgasm denial, overstim, forcing him to accept praise via unconventional means, gagging
Other info: Gender Neutral Reader (Sorry 😭), Dom Reader
Erik groaned faintly through the gag in his mouth, head rolling back against your shoulder. You shushed him gently, sliding your free hand up around his throat to keep him from head butting you on accident.
It was rare to get him to agree to be like this with you; to be helpless and soft for you. Usually, if you were in charge, Erik preferred it if you were rough with him, and him bratty with you. Sure enough, once you’d had his hands tied behind his back, he started mouthing off like usual.
You weren’t in the mood for his games. He wasn’t going to goad you into ruining him any faster than you wanted to. Hence the gag.
And what you’d wanted was this; Erik leaned back against you, legs strewn over your lap, flushed and chest heaving as you stroked their cock and dipped your fingers teasingly into their cunt here and there.
It was driving him absolutely wild, if their squirming and hazy gaze had anything to say about it. Your gentle, loving touches and soft words in his ear made him feel so… vulnerable.
And you played with that vulnerability to your heart’s desire; bringing them ever so close to edge, then sliding your hand away when they got too close. Whispering soothing words into his ear as he writhed from each denial.
They’d struggled almost angrily at first… but no matter how many times you checked in, they didn’t use his safe gesture. Now he wasn’t fighting at all… he’d given into the pleasure, given into you.
Just to make sure, you decided to edge him just one more time. Sliding your fingers gently into his pussy, scissoring them softly as he closed his eyes and panted into the gag.
“You okay, sweet boy?” You whispered against his temple, pressing a kiss there. He lets out a garbled sound. You hum thoughtfully as if he’d really answered.
His hips jerked as your palm brushed against his sensitive t-dick and whined. You groaned at that noise, so rare from him, and sped up your fingers. Their muscles tensed, hurtling towards the edge too fast and too hard and then— you pulled your hand away.
Erik whined even more pitifully, turning his head and burying their face in your neck as best they could from that position. Your own core throbbed, sickly-sweet satisfaction spreading through you.
You pushed him upright and helped him to walk, on shaking legs, from the living room couch to the bedroom.
They collapsed facedown onto the mattress as soon as the two of you reached the bed. You couldn’t help but snort at the sight of the strong, uptight man shaking helplessly with his ass hanging off the side of the bed. You couldn’t help but give it a pinch, relishing in his muffled squeak, before dragging him further up and rolling him onto his back.
His eyes were dark and pleading; you smiled and kissed him over the gag. You kissed down his body, nipping and biting as you went. He watched you intently as you gently took him into your mouth. As soon as your warmth surrounded him, their eyes fluttered shut and his hips rolled against your face.
They whined and groaned pitifully as you brought them to the edge with just your mouth, maybe expecting you to edge them again and seemingly resigned to it. But you didn’t.
His eyes flew open and he let out one of the loudest sounds you’d ever gotten from him, even through the gag as he came. Their expression was fascinating as they fall apart, as if they were having an ecstatic religious experience.
You pulled away as they came down from their high, pressing one last kiss to their still-throbbing t-dick and made your way to lay beside them. They met your gaze and shivered, unable to hold eye contact. You gently undid the gag, leaning in to kiss and lick at the drool that had accumulated under the gag.
“….Thank you,” Erik whispered, voice rough.
You smiled. “Of course, love. I love making you feel good.”
He squirmed weakly at your tone, and gasped when your hand snaked down to his cunt and you slipped your fingers inside him.
“Uh— it’s too— too much.” His voice cracked on a moan.
“Remember your safeword, baby?”
A confident nod.
“Do you want to use it…?”
A shyer shake ‘no.’
“You sure?”
He frowned, shaking his head harder.
“Okay, okay.” You sped up your hand, heart melting at his vulnerable expression and the way he hid his head in your neck again, warm breaths against your skin making you shiver.
He was so defenseless and open in your hold… you took the opportunity to tell him everything you liked about him, how much you loved him. Everything they would deny and struggle to accept if they had the wherewithal to do so. You hoped, as you whispered more sweet things and brought them to orgasm after orgasm, that maybe he would really start to believe that you loved him too. That he was worthy of that love.
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wwprice1 · 8 months
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Awesome art from the underrated New Thunderbolts book of the 2000’s!
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arale2126 · 5 months
Cherik fics - That ONE line - 89
「I feel like I should keep an index of the one line in each Cherik fics that impresses me to no end, making want to bookmark it immediately.」
Getting Soft by brilliantdreams
Summary: After a long day of being rejected on the Mutant Road Trip, Charles and Erik finish up at a bar. Charles is drugged by some nasty bar-goer, but luckily, Erik's there to take care of him.
The quote:
Erik hadn’t even noticed himself filing those memories away like treasures.
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kittybeewillows · 2 years
"Just bury me in the ocean with my ancestors who jumped from ships, 'cause they knew death was better than bondage" — Erik Killmonger
My headcannon is that during routine ocean patrols in the 1500s to 1800s, Namor and his troops would recover the bodies of the people who jumped from the ships. Just to give them proper blessings and to pay their respects.
Talokan, afterall, was based on Tlālōcān from Aztec codices, where those who died from drowning at sea go.
Seeing how his mother's people was brutalized and enslaved by colonizers, he would, at the very least, pay his respects. At the same time, it motivated an intense need to protect his people from outsiders who could use them.
It would also tie in perfectly with Killmonger. Both knew the horrors of colonialism and racism to the point where they took their goals to the extreme, but never pushing that edge towards being wrong.
That's why I love how neither T'challa or Shuri contradicted their ideals, just how they went about it. Killmonger pushed T'challa to help others using Wakanda's gifts, which indirectly exposed Namor's people to danger. Shuri, dealing with the fallout of her brother's well meaning intentions, ultimately understood the value of uniting with other countries prone to abuse by colonizers.
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weaponxworld15 · 1 month
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"To me, My X-Men!"
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exhausted-undead · 1 year
here they are, my skrunkles
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rimaiahwrites · 1 year
Our secret part 2
Dom!Erik x subblack!reader, dom × sub, smut!, swear words, age difference, big brothers best friend, fluffy kinda, dd/Ig themes but it's never addressed as dd/lg
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It was y/n 19th birthday and all her friends and family were over to celebrate her day!
She was Beyond excited, everything was falling perfectly into plan.
Her birthday theme were lemons, there was lemons literally everywhere. She had a Lemon cake, yellow tablecloths and of course for drinks there was lemonade, and to top it all off she had on a cute white princess cut dress with yellow lemons over over it! She had retired the two puffs and settled for one big afro with a cute  yellow Ruben tied around her head, She had light makeup and her lips were glossed and shiny.
She and her best friends dance and Sang along to the lyrics coming from the speaker loudly. Her mother laughed and quickly grabbed the camera- "smile guys!" She told the girls. Y/n put on a big smile and posed.
After dancing and singing their lungs out she were winded and tired. She huffed out air. It was extremely hot out today "I'll be back guys." She told her friends and walked back into her kitchen. Her bare feet slapping against the cold floors.
She could hear her dad and his friends from in the living room watching the game, the smell of beers and the sound of her dads laugher brought a since of comfort.
She grabbed a glass of lemonade and chucked it down... As she did so her mind began to wonder off to her brother...where was he? He was here earlier but he disappeared out of nowhere. A couple of his friends were supposed to come too maybe they had all went to the neighborhood park to play basketball like usual she thought.
Speaking of his friends she was a little bummed that Erik wasn't in town. He had went off to college two years ago and she haven't seen or heard from him since last summer when he had spent the summer with her family.. she thought about him a lot, maybe a bit to much.
"Y/n!" Her brother called from the kitchen door, shirt off and dripping with sweat. Speak of the devil. She crunched her face and plugged your nose shut. "Gross."
"Shut up, who's outside." He asked. She slightly rolled her eyes. "My friends a few of mom friends and mom, don't go out there until you take a shower you reek." She said and fake gagged yourself.
"Alright alright, Get off me I'm going but their someone outside on the porch that wants to see you." He said as he set the ball down and jogged up stairs to freshen up. She were froze for a second. Is it who she thinks it it? Her heart started thumping hard as she shakily set her glass down and pushed herself to walk to the front door. She opened the door and was face to face with the big 6'0 boy- or man now that she had fallen in love with over two summers of sneaky kisses and touches.
Her cheeks grow hot as she walk through the door and shut it.
He towered over her even more now then before. He still smelled good, and for the most part still looked the same...except he grow facial hair. She was shocked.
"Hi Erik!" She squealed as she jumped to hug him. He caught her and squeeze her back as he chuckled.
"Wassup lil mama, I feel like I haven't seen you in so long! I missed you." He said as he set her back on her feet and kissed her on her cheek, making her stomach flutter. "I missed you too! You left us to go back to that bougie college." She said sarcastically as she rolled her eyes jokily. He chuckled. "I know I know I should've came to visit earlier but I was busy you know how it is-" Erik explain before he was cut off be the girl sitting on the porch swing that y/n had completely missed and didn't notice at all. Y/n frown and turned her big brown eyes back to Erik, he bit his lip nervously.
"Oh yeah my bad, Vanessa this is y/n, y/n this is my girlfriend Vanessa." Erik said smiling at the both of them. Her heart slowly sank as her smile softened to almost a frown before she put on a fake cheerful smile.
His girlfriend?
"Hi..." she shyly said to Vanessa before looking back at Erik with sad eyes.
Vanessa glanced at Erik as well but more confused then anything. Erik chuckled nervously as he rubbed the back of his neck.
"Um well it's nice to meet you y/n and happy birthday! Time moves fast I still remember my 19th birthday like it was yesterday!" Vanessa laughed, making Erik laugh as well.
Obviously It was only three years ago more then likely...
"Thanks...Um I'm about to go in...I'll see you guys later." She said as she back away.
"Actually I'm staying the week with your bother!" Her face dropped once again. Not only today but the whole week? Great fucking great.
"Oh well is Vanessa staying here too?" She said playing with the end of her dress. She had to ask cause if so she would try to stay at one of her friends house or maybe even at her grandmas.
"No, her family live here too she's going to stay at her aunts place." She hummed in response before Turning around and going back into the house.
"She's...weird." Vanessa said scrunching her face. "Chill, she's just not used to new people plus nobody told her you were coming to her birthday party." Erik said as bit annoyed with Vanessas comment. She rolled her eyes and sat back down as they wait for her bother to come back down.
As she walked back into the kitchen her eyes were glossy and red. She didn't want to cry she really didn't but the tears were forming and her throat was starting to feel tight.
Her birthday was going good why did he have to ruin it.
After she opened her gifts, ate her cake and cleaned up it was time to go to bed.
Her friends had went home and she tried her best to pretend like Erik and Vanessa wasn't there but Erik just kept on talking to her so it was bad to be mad at him but it hurt so bad to watch him and his girlfriend be so playful with each other and all lovely. She sat on his lap the whole time and it was eating her up inside. She was jealous and weren't very sure if she should be but she couldn't help it.
Erik was her first love.
Y/n parents and brother had all went to bed hours ago, it was now 1:25 in the morning and her stomach ached from being empty.
Y/n got up and put on her slippers,  pulled her night gown down over her butt and stepped out of the room, closing her door softly.
She snuck down stairs and made her way to the kitchen. pouring herself some of the lemonade that her mom had made earlier.
"Why you up so late little one?" You heard from the door frame making you jumped spilling your juice down your soft pink gown. Y/n frowned looking down at her gown. "Don't worry about it, you ain't my daddy." She hissed pouring the rest of the lemonade in the sink. Erik's eyebrows raised a slight smirk on his face. "I see you got a mouth on you now huh?" Her face didn't move from the frown. She definitely didn't find anything amusing about this right now.
Y/n rolled her eyes as she made her way towards him to leave the kitchen...but he stayed in place.
"I'm just trying to talk to you princess why you being so mean to me? I haven't see you in so long." She cross her arms across her chest. Now was not the time. "Erik move I don't want to talk."
"is it because of Vanessa? You jealous?" He chuckled. He thought this was funny clearly. She was hurt because of him and here he is laughing at her, right in her face.
She tore her eyes from his looking at the other side of the kitchen as the tears came filling her eyes, her bottom lip trembling. "Th-that's funny to you? Erik you hurt my feelings and you think it's funny? What the fuck is wrong with you? You played with my feelings and made it seem like you l-...loved me Erik," she said choking on her words now looking at him.
hot tears streaming down her face now. Erik's face dropped when he saw her tears. "Y/n, princess.." he sighed looking at her through his eyelashes, she hated that she thought he looked so cute right now and the way that the little pet name he gave her a couple years back still made her tummy feel warm and tingly...It all started with a silly game to this...
"baby you know we can't be together, I'm away in my second year of college and you haven't even graduated high school yet, you my best friends little sister I can't date you-"
"But you can fuck me right? Is that all I am to you? Just a fuck doll-"
"No no princess-"
"Stop calling me that!" You whispered yelled at him pocking him in the chest.
"You were just using me because I was naïve! Erik you made it seem like you actually liked me...like you loved me! You told me nothing would change when you went to college but then showed up to my birthday party with a girlfriend I had no idea about!" Her tears still streaming down her face. Erik really had nothing to say, she left him speechless, but what could he even say?
"I guess it is partly my fault also for being so stupid to even think you would like me like that huh?" Erik so badly wanted to tell her how he felt but it would only cause more damage and leave her thinking y'all could be more then what they were, in the end she would only get her hopes up again and end up with her feelings hurt.
He so badly wanted to grab her and Comfort you.
"Good night Erik." She pushed past him and headed back up stairs.
Y/n grabbed her teddy bear off her bed and crawled into her Secret room, shutting the door behind her. She turned on her fairy lights and it lit up the small room just enough. She snuggled into her blankets, and cried. She cried her little heart out.
Who would have known her brothers best friend would be the reason for her broken heart.
Why did he have do this to her on her birthday at that...
The day was soured all because he didn't even consider her feelings nor seem like he cared in the slightest.
He had that girl smiling all in her face like he wasn't fingering fucking her all last summer, sharing sweet kisses and cuddles, like he was sharing deep parts of his past to her. Her heart ached so badly that she had to grab it tightly as she cried into her teddy, this wasn't fair.. this wasn't fair at all she shouldn't be crying right now but she felt so betrayed by someone that showed her how to love, how to make love, how to feel loved..
She sank deeper into her comforter and let out soft gut wrenching sobs.
Her first heart break was her big brothers best friend, how naive of her.
this not the end yall im gonna write a part three ❤️
for some reason I thought I finished this and posted it already.  also I'm way more active on tumblr so if you wanna follow I'll love that, I'm going to be writing about a few of my favorite anime characters too so if you fucking with that follow @rimaiahwrites !!
P.s I still have a deep love for writing yall and wanna finish these projects but life been LIFE'N THESE PAST COUPLE YEARS IM SORRY 😭❤️
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heckcareoxytwit · 7 months
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A preview of Resurrection of Magneto #2
In the depths, Magneto was given a key by strange forces—and impossibly, he holds it still. Now, in death, Max Eisenhardt judges his own life—and counts the cost. Should he return to the world? Can he allow Storm to bring him back? And what does the Deep Key unlock?
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wipbigbang · 5 months
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The 2024 round of WIP Big Bang is now open for sign-ups! Any fandom is welcome, as long as the fic is 500 completed so far and will be at least 7,500 words upon its finishing. Signing up is easy: just fill out the form linked below after you read the FAQ and take a look at the schedule.
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