#and it Has to be knights you know it's not tori's job
yume-fanfare · 8 months
a thing with torikasa is that they as they are could never make it work by themselves. like in ship content it's not uncommon for it to focus on the characters directly involved alone but those two are Not getting anywhere on their own without any outside push and it's key for them to go on their own separate self-discovery journeys with their own friends before they get to understand each other
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bbiemochi · 2 years
helloo i reaaally loved ur last knights work and was wondering if you could write the same for mao?? thank you<33
𝚋𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝚘𝚏𝚏! 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚢’𝚛𝚎 (𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚊𝚕𝚠𝚊𝚢𝚜 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚋𝚎) 𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚎! | isara mao x reader
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[an]: hi, so yeah anon let’s pretend i didn’t just post this now in 2023 ahahahaha i’m a bad author so, i know that the knights fic was my most liked blog and i am really grateful for that, thank you for reading it <33 as for this one, aahhaahah i hope i wrote this one well for our precious trickstar member :,} nonetheless, tysm for requesting !
also small reminder, this is a point of view of mao ! new change for once ^w^
summary: he knows she’s a childhood friend of yours, but at least give you some space !
pairing: isara mao x g/n!reader
genre: fluff
note: f/n = friend’s name !
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THE STUDENT COUNCIL WORK had been more and more stressful these days after the former 3rd years had graduated from yumenosaki private academy. in repositioning for the role of student council president, mao luckily became the perfect pick, and retook over eichi’s position. with tori and his butler, yuzuru, still with him at the council room, the piles and loads of work multiplied over his desk were easily handled and documented.
there were times when ritsu would often come visit the student council room, bug him to let the male sleep on his lap while he worked, and there were also times where his unit would come barging in out of nowhere. sometimes they were a wreck in the student council room, however mao knew so far that they meant a lot to him. not to mention…
not long after he announced being in a relationship with someone, his unit members were really surprised. subaru wanted to meet who he was going out with immediately after the confession, and hokuto had to calm him down. yes, he had faith in his unit about keeping secrets (including when it’s about relationships, which is not allowed to be known by the fans) but there’s this someone that bothered him by letting him know who he was infatuated with. the answer is obvious to be ritsu. even if mao trusts his childhood friend with all his heart, he knew ritsu would grow quite upset to hear he had a romantic partner. most obvious reasons would be because of the knight member’s clingy affection towards the council president, however his older brother thinks otherwise for more reasons.
as now the current student council president, some rules were changed in order to maintain the academy’s strict policy for the idol students in which can be involved with other courses connected to yumenosaki. mao often had hard times with his job, not to mention there were times when his unit members would forget about the rules he newly establishes, and then call them over to his office for a serious talk. mao has always been serious when it comes to student council matters, as both his status as the student council president and an idol (also now captain of the basketball club) had always been a close reputation in his heart. however…
y/n on the other hand had too become a priority to isara himself. his endearing lover who was always patting his shoulder when stressed and giving him small pecks on the forehead (not in front of the other student council members of course, tori would fume in annoyance), this was their ways to calm mao down—other than ritsu sleeping on his lap during working hours, not like mao ever minded he was used to it anyways.
y/n is not a producer in the idol course unlike the number one producer; anzu. instead, they’re only from the normal course in yumenosaki that mao had met when the normal course had some requests for the student council. y/n was their errand student if ever needed something far from the other courses. this was an obvious one, as mao notices it was always y/n who would come over the office when provided with new requests from the other yumenosaki courses. it’s hard work being an errand student that’s for sure. though, that didn’t take long when mao realised he kinda wanted to see them all the time now.
it became a weird attachment towards him, yet in some circumstances that came from a clear realization, yuzuru would soon notice his ‘odd’ behaviour whenever y/n would enter the student council office, a smile always leaking over their face. mao’s facial expression would frequently go from surprise, stammering of words, and an awkward neck brush as y/n hands over some documents from the normal course. these are obvious signs for yuzuru’s ‘theory’ of what’s going on between the errand student and the idol course’s current student council president.
didn’t take long when a festival was held, and mao confessed to y/n after one of his lives. he was a little hesitant at first, hands sweating and shaking as he waited for an answer to arrive—and when such sweet words of reciprocation stumbled on one’s mouth, mao knew lady luck finally gave him his chance. and thus, the relationship began. y/n was more than lucky to have mao’s approval in almost everything they asked for, sometimes even if they weren’t asking for it. for example, free live tickets to his concert, out of nowhere dates (these were mostly fun, so y/n didn’t mind much), and secret kisses in the office.
although the other members of trickstar weren’t much familiar of mao’s significant other, they knew for sure of how in love their unit member can be when infatuated with another.
back to the main hand of the story.
it was a thursday afternoon in yumenosaki, idols were being once again piled with practices, live scheduling for the upcoming projects approved by the student council—not to mention, an ongoing festival happening over inside the idol course building. the busy units that were bombarded inside of their changing rooms to get ready for their concert while visitors from other schools were scrolling around different booths for today’s occasion. mao’s unit was going to be performing later onstage thanks to the festival plan anzu had prepared for the idols entertainment for tonight (much different than last year, the moment where keito embarrassed himself when he pretended to shoot a fan with an imaginary bow—so much to wataru’s amusement at that point), yet the only thing mao could think of at that very moment in his head of clouds was y/n’s appearance roaming freely inside the school.
he had plans for his secret date for tonight with his lover, right after his concert, he would swipe them away with him, and go on for the most fun date of his life (“we’ll distract the fans, sally! don’t you worry!” was what subaru said). still, it would be such a great help. when a knock interrupted his thoughts, isara yelled out a ‘come in!’ signal before the door to the office opened. he was hoping it was either tori, souma, or tori’s butler, yuzuru, however he never expected it would be y/n themself. a wide smile stretches onto his cheeks. “oh y/n, hey! sorry, i’m a little piled up at the moment because of the festival happening right now, it would be best if you’d scroll along down at the booths, it’s going to be a little boring in here…” was the first thing that came out of his mouth. he wanted to slap himself at that moment.
y/n giggles, “it’s alright, just talking to you would be enough. i have so much to tell you!”
talk about hearts jumping…
their conversation lasted for 20 minutes. mao didn’t expect for this topic to go on longer than this workload he has on his hands, considering he wasn’t even much the slightest distracted by his significant other’s beautiful presence shows how much he can multitask with his work. with their hand on his, maybe this wouldn’t be so bad…how much he wants to kiss them at the moment…however that would be far too rash for his acts as a boyfriend. just like this would be ok for him…that is, until another knock could be heard at the door. y/n stands up, letting go of mao’s palm, which saddens him a bit, “i’ll open it for you.”
“thanks.” his eyes were quickly focused back on the document on his hands.
the sound of the door slamming opened was erupted inside the student council office, causing mao to shriek in surprise from the loud noise. all that he saw next was yuzuru pulling an unfamiliar figure away from y/n, who was pulling them close to her chest. what in the world was going on…?
“f-f/n?! what are you doing here?!”
“y/n-sama, do you somehow know this individual?”
back to 0 days without nonsense in yumenosaki academy…what a pain…
mao jumps up from his chair and ran to the situation, pulling y/n away as well as yuzuru pulling the girl who was clinging to his lover away. she looked…like a student from the normal course, probably because of the uniform…and her expression when she looks at y/n…also another plus of evidence. the girl tries her best to pull away from yuzuru’s grip, sounding annoyed, “hey, can you let go of me, please?! it’s very rude to hold a girl you don’t know like that!”
“it’s also very rude to just burst inside the student council office without permission, including if you’re from another course, miss.” yuzuru barks back to her. y/n calmly walks away from mao’s grip, and pulls the girl away from yuzuru. now, he was confused. “f/n, what in the world were you thinking?? didn’t i said to wait for me?”
“but y/n-chan you were taking forever! i wanted to eat but you were nowhere to be found, so i scrolled down everywhere to look for you!”
“y/n, do you know her?” mao couldn’t help but question. nervously laughing, scratching the nape of their neck as f/n wraps her arms around them with a huge smile, y/n spoke, “ahaha…sorry about this mao, but uhh…this is f/n, a childhood friend of mine, she’s from the normal course that i brought along here for the idol festival. she’s a little clingy like ritsu but she’s pretty nice. f/n, this is the guy i’ve been telling you about…”
the mentioned female who clings around his beloved stops to look at him and smiles cheerfully, not even bothering to step back a bit from y/n and give around at least some space for them to breathe. “you’re the guy y/n-chan’s been talking about? waaahh! i never knew it was you! member of trickstar, right!? the one who defeated fine at last year’s idol festival! it’s an honor to know that y/n-chan is dating one of yumenosaki’s greatest idols!” she beams at mao along with a giggle. “y/n-chan you’re so lucky! how charming can you get if an idol is also infatuated with you??”
y/n awkwardly laughs as f/n only continued to hug them close. yuzuru seems to also stay bewildered as mao is, ‘course—the butler had no idea if he should continue pulling away from the student office or leave her be, simply because she seemed to be a very close friend of y/n’s. “well none of it matters now, because in the end, it’ll be me y/n-chan’s going to marry, right~?!”
mao felt like a shard had been stabbed in his chest. yuzuru too was surprised by this.
y/n, who was now trying to push f/n away from them, kept looking back if their boyfriend was bothered a little by their childhood friend’s comment out of thin air, “a-alright…! enough of that, f/n—c-c’mon now…! let’s get going, there are idols who are going to be performing soon!”
“oh yeah i forgot…! quick! let’s order some food first before we go! nice to meet you again, mao-san! me and y/n-chan are going to go now!” mao wasn’t even able to say a proper goodbye before f/n dragged y/n out of the student council office, leaving both yuzuru and the current council president standing there, astounded.
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it was evening by the time the festival finished. and every paperwork scattered across mao’s desk was finished as well. the evident shining stars that twinkled beneath the clouded heavens looked down upon the realm of each individual walking home from the exit of yumenosaki. with a loud sigh escaping his lips and a grunt from the long stretch he did, mao patted a certain ravenette’s hair who was sleeping over his lap as he worked.
“oi ritsu, get up, let me breathe real quick..”
“mmn..” the mentioned male did as he was asked, and sat up from his childhood friend, yawning as he did so. if mao remembers well, the last time he saw y/n was around 12pm, right before the festival was starting—and of course, they were with…that girl named f/n (claiming to be a childhood friend of theirs, yet mao doesn’t remember much of his lover talking about her before).
“i wonder where y/n is…”
“maa-kun, do you think they’re cheating on you?”
“why would…?! ritsu, don’t say such things, i got a little angry with that, y’know??”
“sorry, sorry…please don’t get mad at me, maa-kun…” mao rubbed his arms a bit to calm himself down from such thought. no, y/n was never the type of person to cheat. as they had mentioned earlier; f/n was somewhat like ritsu…very clingy. there was no way ritsu would see that as something else…way beyond their relationship. he felt nervous and…kind of afraid.
just before mao could say anything else, a knock could be heard at the door, and yuzuru was swift to open it while holding a pot of tea on his other hand. “speak of the devil! hehe..!” tori giggled at the back, before munching up a biscuit in his mouth. y/n walks in, completely clueless of what tori meant by that, “speak of the devil? were you guys talking about me just now?”
“ah…please don’t mind them..”
“oh…hi, y/n~”
“welcome back, y/n-sama. please do have a seat while i pour you some tea.”
“oh! thank you so much, yuzuru!” as y/n took a seat across from mao’s seat, mao smiles brightly as he greeted them, “how was the festival? did you and your err…friends enjoyed it?” he asks, a bit timid. ritsu notices this small odd behavior of his childhood friend and chuckles; “maa-kun~ you sound discreet right now, y’know?” he pointed out, causing a small startle from the male beside. ritsu laughs along with y/n who giggles. the tea was served right away not for too long, and ritsu left after tsukasa came looking for him right after the festival activities involving the knight idols. yuzuru and tori both excused themselves for a while to talk regarding of family matters mentioning the himemiya family (it wasn’t a real excuse, all tori wanted was for mao and y/n to have alone time—‘reason’s why he dragged yuzuru into his so-called business).
now it was only the two of them in the student council office. mao started to wonder what was taking souma so long. “aha…sorry about this, maybe you should head home first. this work might take a while.”
“i don’t mind waiting.”
“y-you sure? how about your friend?”
y/n tilted their head in confusion, “what about f/n?”
“well, won’t she be waiting for you? i’m sure she might crash into the student council office again…you should really tell her that this office is not just an in and out room, it’s for business staff members only…and people can only come inside with the consent from the members.” mao spoke, not bothering to look eye to eye level with y/n, who just sat there and listened. y/n giggles, “i know, you don’t have to explain that to me. it’s a habit of f/n-chan’s, i’m really sorry if she had bothered your working hours during that time. i had explained to her about the situation as well, and she’s also sorry about it. i hope you can forgive her for her….recklessness.”
mao sighs, his forefinger and thumb pushing the hem of his nose as he leaned himself down onto his chair. “for someone her age, she’s at least got to know that rule, right? i don’t get it. why is she so clingy?” y/n senses perked up and tingled after that sentence….wait a minute…
“aren’t you bothered by how close she is? i pay real attention, and it looks like she wasn’t giving you temporary space at all.”
“i mean, honestly, ritsu can be clingy like her, but goodness she’s another kind. probably because she’s a girl? gah…no, her gender has nothing to do with this…or maybe she’s way too comfortable around you now…hmm…”
y/n’s boyfriend looked up to them after being called (for the second time), and his eyes darted away quickly. “yeah?”
“were you jealous?”
silence lingered like an aroma through the air, with the only noise coming from the outside view of cricket’s chirp and the wind churning an endless tune. y/n looked at mao intensely, while the male on the other hand looked straight back into their eyes, feeling lost in them. for a few seconds, he managed to realise what his lover has questioned, and his cheek burns. “h-hah? jealous? about what?”
“about f/n-chan,” y/n replies, this time a cheshire cat smile stretched across their cheeks. nervousness can be sensed in mao’s laughter, an awkward grin dug through as well. “w-wha…? why would i be jealous? she’s your friend, and i’m your boyfriend. the difference is huge.”
“yeah, i know. but were you jealous of earlier?”
“what type of questions are these? if you’re here to distract me from work then i suggest you just go straight home and rest for me,” mao was totally dodging the question, looking away from y/n who was grinning weirdly at him. this was stupid…why would he be jealous of such a small matter like this? y/n’s laughter could be heard, and mao tried all his best to hide the visible redness of his cheeks. “maa-kun~”
“a-are you really calling me by the name ritsu gave me?” y/n teasingly stuck their tongue out, “you were jealous weren’t you?”
“was not..”
another laugh. “it’s ok to be jealous, mao! honest! just confess that you were jealous earlier then—mph!”
y/n’s sentence was cut short, arms clinging to their shoulders as they were pulled forward by a force, lips meeting his, and eyes wide in surprise. a second has passed, and mao gently pulls away from the kiss, and sits back down on his desk, continuing his work.
“why would i be even jealous? i get to do that to you, and she can’t because you’re taken by me already, so she has no chance,” mao says, calmly, before resuming his paperwork. what a new side to the student council president…
a/n: aha…happy valentine’s day…?
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mlobsters · 1 year
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supernatural s10e6 ask jeeves (w. eric charmelo, nicole snyder)
i looked her up because she reminds me of tissea from the witcher (spoiler alert looking her up apparently, i've been [sadly] bored to tears with s3 so i haven't finished it) but she was in coyote ugly! so i did recognize her. ish
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s10e6 / coyote ugly - izabella miko as cammie / the witcher - myanna buring as tissaia
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we got an spn / xfiles / the magicians / the killing actor! 🎉
and he was in the tooms episode of the x-files! (along with two others). and he was the faith healer in spn s1e12 faith, didn't recognize him at all with the sunglasses
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the x-files s1e3 squeeze - kevin mcnulty as agent fuller / the magicians s2e1 km as knight of crowns / the killing s1e13 km as gas station manager
saw a gifset of this recently and spent plenty of time staring and rolling my eyes then. also, toxic masculinity/machismo is very much an issue in the culture but hello cuban coffee colada which comes with the ittiest bittiest cups (think basically creamer cups) for sharing. *pining for miami*
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making my 😒 face at dean/writers right now
DEAN Bobby had secrets, man. Like loving on Tori Spelling. If he only knew Dean cheated on her.
cue my brain trying to dig up an old memory of 90210 character names
but no, apparently, her actual spouse Dean McDermott (m. 2006). dean knows this? i can't predict what pop culture stuff dean might know or not. (like interweb?) and like last episode where he didn't know who calliope was, yet he's supposedly read the odyssey?
from s4e14 sex and violence (my recap)
DEAN Like Greek myth siren, The Odyssey? ...Hey, I read!
just say no to dumbing down dean winchester.
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also i don't think it's necessarily just sam's haircut that's so odd in this season, but it looks like it's getting blown out too. weird. it's normalish for his look in the front but very ~done~ in the back at times
just say yes to shutting up and watching, nic
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s10e6 as heddy / new girl - gillian vigman as kim (schmidt's boss)
but there's more people i recognize 🥲 this is going to take forever. feels very... Clue-like
she calls them adorable, dean engages flirt-mode, sam makes a face. however! for what it's worth! i appreciate that as he's gotten older the rando side character women he flirts with are also regularly around his age or older
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BEVERLY Oh but you’re welcome to spend the night. All the rooms sleep two.
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HEDDY [slaps Dean’s butt] Or three.
i... okay. mad at the insinuation that sam and dean are sleeping together (?? do they know they're brothers or assuming married?? this show.), but happy about the butt slap/threesome offer?
DEAN You stay here. Keep an eye on Mrs. Peacock and Colonel Mustard. I’ll sniff around.
okay then. Clue it is
DASH Well Sam, I’ll let you in on a little family secret. We don’t really like each other. Then again, what family does? SAM Mine does. Uh, for the most part. It’s just my brother and me, so…
this is how the show has a chokehold on me. just when my commitment to watching every episode wavers, they're like oh but would you like to hear about how much sam and dean looove each other 🥺🥹
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maybe toss sam a text before you go into the secret room
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is this all just an elaborate ad? lol
look at sam, sending a text to dean about the dude being dead. good job guys
HEDDY Did you see how long his fingers his fingers were? SAM There…there’s just. HEDDY First of all, did you see this? Look how long…
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and then at this point in the screenshot she's saying 9 inches?? whaaat is happening
did someone get a ruler out. and measured his..... hand
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this episode is a lot
HEDDY I knew those boys were trailer trash the moment they rolled up in that American-made. BEVERLY Not to mention homosexuals. HEDDY Ugh. Homosexual murderers. Like Leopold and Loeb.
guess we're just gonna ignore they're brothers now.
‘Scream’ Screenwriter Kevin Williamson Confirms Billy and Stu’s Queer-Coded Relationship Was Based on Real Gay Killers - huh, well thanks for leading me to that, wikipedia article on leopold and loeb!
DASH Then where have you been hiding all these years? OLIVIA The attic. AMBER Like in the movie.
Reference to Flowers in the Attic, which is a story about children born of an incestuous relationship, who are hidden away in the attic of a wealthy relative
i was trying to think of what it could be referring to that wasn't flowers in the attic because hello incest reference, but okay
SAM I mean….all those extra shots after the shifter was already dead. What was that? DEAN I don’t know. Target practice? SAM Come on, man. I’m serious. You sure it wasn’t….I don’t know, demon residue or something to do with the Mark, or...
demon residue made me laugh
dean getting defensive and weird, i'm sure he's fine
LOL all right (wiki)
Shortly before the episode aired, in November 2014, a Supernatural version of Clue was released.
what an odd episode.
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orioncore · 2 years
this is bound to change if I get more ideas or when opinions on characters change but this is how the weapon assignment will go for now yay
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some characters probably also use more uncommon weapons but making categories for all of those would take way too long. (and I have no ideas LOL)
the list is sorted alphabetically and not by unit I apologize
further explanations below for certain characters
Tori would probably also be in the "doesn't fight actively" category but idk I feel like he'd still throw hands at any given moment
all of Ra*bits except for mitsuru are also in this category because I see them having jobs other than patrolling or fighting
mitsuru would probably utilize his speed often, so he'd fight more than the others would methinks
all the characters in the sword category are kind of self explanatory
all of knights, ryuseitai, trickstar, switch, fine, and akatsuki use swords
Akatsuki would probably also use fans but I don't know how practical those would be for combat with lunarians
undead get spears because of their love for mic stands in their choreo
don't know exactly why I gave himeru a spear but the spear he uses would be kaname's old spear (kaname is still in a coma in this au, mans got shattered)
Adam uses spears and eve uses swords, don't really know why I made that distinction but yeah
oh but ibara would also use a whip (like bort does in the later chapters of the manga) he also has poison (I think I settled on lead? not sure) like cinnabar
alkaloid likes their swords, but tatsumi gets a spear bc. idk. felt like it suited him more (also so he can stay balanced bc of his leg)
mayoi gets the serrated sword bc I'd like to think they do winter duty to separate themselves from the other gems, and bc hehe sharp teef
magicians get their silly smoke bombs do I need to say more
shinobu is still a ninja at heart he had to have his shuriken
the sakumas are bloodstone, and probably control a blood-like metal or alloy bc. vampire. yeah. they still use their unit's weapons though but with a lil more spice
shu has gold alloy arms and can use most weapons but prefers spears (and the occasional axe)
the characters in "any" are self explanatory they're trained to fight they know how to use most weapons. sorry that guns don't exist here you can make do
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mariacallous · 2 years
“Thank God Suella Braverman is back,” writes one Telegraph columnist. “Her determination to crack down on crime and illegal immigration undoubtedly chimes with the views of the country, and especially voters in the Red Wall. Thank God there is someone in the Cabinet to put forward those views.”
Her return is not an oddity, not a pantomime joke, but proves how deeply Rishi Sunak is in hock to the hard right, like every Tory leader from John Major onwards. The party will rewrite the past week’s knife-edge drama as a smooth and inevitable coronation of its princeling, but his frantic scramble for the wrong votes tells another story. Restoring Braverman to the Home Office and boasting of party “unity” unites him with the obnoxious wing that drove the Tories to this post-Brexit dead end. The Express, closest to that faction, reveals that in the last hours battling with Boris Johnson, Sunak was so needy for rightwing support that he called Braverman no fewer than six times begging for her backing and that of the wing she represents; Keir Starmer called that out in PMQs as “a grubby deal”. The first heady days are a leader’s moment of maximum power with every job in their gift – and yet Sunak emerges as another Tory PM too weak to face down those old wrecking “bastards”.
Braverman is their missile. When she stood for leader, Steve Baker instantly stood aside, tweeting: “Happily I no longer need to stand. @SuellaBraverman will deliver these priorities and more.” Yesterday, ex-party chair Jake Berry told TalkTV that far from committing what she described as a “technical infringement of the rules”, “from my own knowledge, there were multiple breaches of the ministerial code”. The cabinet secretary, Simon Case, is reportedly “livid” at her reappointment after six days, as Labour’s Yvette Cooper rightly calls for an investigation to see what she leaked, who to and how often.
Fellow rightwingers rush to her defence: MP Bernard Jenkin defended her reappointment, saying he could “vouch for the highest integrity of my right honourable friend the home secretary”. Here is an early hard landing for Sunak’s rashly boasted integrity, accountability, professionalism, seriousness and competence.
Her blunder exposed more than her failure to follow security rules. She attempted to send a confidential document to, among others, Sir John Hayes: known as her mentor, a rather less fascinating svengali. His Common Sense Group, launched two years ago in the wake of Black Lives Matter with about 40 MPs and reviving the old Cornerstone Group (faith, flag and family), inhabits the shifting sands of rightwing diehards. “Common Sense” is a useful catchphrase suggesting anything less than hard right is nonsense, just as canvassers recognise that when someone says “I’m not political”, they usually vote Tory: any other politics is abnormal.
If she regularly sent policy for approval from the Hayes faction, it’s worth knowing who he is: he was knighted along with Sir John Redwood and Sir Edward Leigh in Theresa May’s frantic wooing of troublesome rightwingers against her Brexit deal. Here are his views, unpopulist as none of them are very popular these days: a Brexiter, he has voted to restrict access to abortion, and is against equal marriage and onshore wind turbines. He’s for standing up in football stadiums and capital punishment. One of his outside jobs is as strategic adviser to BB Energy, a global energy trader. In the middle of the summer heatwave, Hayes condemned “a cowardly new world where we live in a country where we are frightened of the heat. It is not surprising in snowflake Britain.”
Braverman ran wild at the Tory conference, declaring that “a plane taking off to Rwanda … That’s my dream. That’s my obsession.” Her glee at longer prison terms for peaceful climate protesters is repugnant: “We’ll keep putting you behind bars,” she says. If Sunak cuts benefits yet again, he has an ally; she said this month: “I want to cut welfare spending. We have far too many people in this country who are fit to work, who are able to work … the benefit street culture is a feature of modern Britain”, needing “a bit more stick” to get people back to work.
But she will be blamed for the near collapse of the Home Office: from passport chaos to police recruitment in England and Wales that is still 7,000 below the number of officers cut since 2010. The more she promises impossibly few asylum-seekers and refugees, the more glaring are Home Office failures, processing virtually none of the rising numbers, with the shameful squalor of their living conditions revealed by a chief inspector who said he was left “speechless”.
Labour can weaponise Sunak’s dependence on the Tory right. That’s real, unlike the constant tired refrain at PMQs that Starmer served in the shadow cabinet of Jeremy Corbyn, a man now deprived of the Labour whip, while Braverman is Sunak’s personal choice as home secretary. Sunak is handcuffed to his hard right – no one thinks Starmer is in hock to the hard left.
ConservativeHome’s assistant editor, William Atkinson, suggests there’s political method in the danger of this appointment. Culture wars whipped up by Braverman and her allies will hide the new austerity. Sunak will stand by as they let rip on immigration, on the Equality and Human Rights Commission, the online safety bill and the green wokerati. He hopes their foghorns on statues, colonialism, museums and immigration will drown out everything else. But people feeling the pain of a 17% rise in food prices, doubling energy bills and soaring mortgages and rents are not easily distracted. As for Braverman’s “obsession” with immigration, that now sits just eighth on the Ipsos list of public concerns.
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Graffiti Hearts is a multicultural romance series by author Tori Alvarez filled with strong flawed characters who will draw you into this slow burn sweet romance with all the feels.
Beautiful Collision ~ Book 1 They are both running from their family legacies… Raised on the wrong side of town with a mother who fell for every man with money, Toni refuses to fall for a pretty face. Her mom did a great job of showing her men were only good for heartbreak. She will depend on no man to be her knight in shining armor. They are only a means to an end to escape the life she is destined to live if she does not claw her way out.
Due to inherit his dad’s cattle empire, Garrett trusts no woman. They fall all over him to get closer to his last name and money. He is searching for his equal—one he can care for but who is able and willing to do it on her own. Neither of them is honest about their pasts or families.
One is looking for true love and the other is avoiding it at all costs. Will this cowboy be able to soften her hardened heart?
LINK: https://amzn.to/2QDEkuw ******************************
Tragically Beautiful ~ Book 2 Alex Martinez is not looking for love, not believing he knows how. He believed his station in life was determined by his birth into poverty. Proud and powerful in his neighborhood, he knows who he is and where he stands.
Until Lola walks into his life.
With her piercing blue eyes and bright personality, Alex can’t help falling for her. But she is his cousin’s best friend and out of his league. They come from different worlds, and Alex knows Lola deserves more than his broken past.
Tired of the shallow sorority friends and the lifestyle she once led, Lola is looking for deeper, more meaningful connections. She thought she’d found this in her new best friend, Toni. Then, she meets Alex, Toni’s cousin, and Lola finds herself drawn to Alex and his fierce loyalty and protectiveness toward his family. But she also sees the softer, more vulnerable side of Alex.
Just as their relationship begins, the past comes sneaking back in and threatens to drive a deeper wedge between them. Can their relationship withstand Alex’s past becoming his present?
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Beautiful Serenity ~ Book 3 Trust ~ a belief that someone is reliable, good, honest… Javie
I thought my life had been dictated to me by my birth but then I met Ritza, a beauty who’s drowning in sadness and holding onto secrets. As hard as she tries to not be seen, she has become my only focus. Now the life I once knew has become a distant memory because I want more. I’m helplessly drawn to the beauty she is trying so desperately to hide. Can I prove to her I’m worthy of her trust and love?
Ritza Life as I knew it will never be the same. One night- a night I can’t remember- has changed me forever. Now I’m damaged, dirty, and dare I say, unworthy. But my brokenness doesn’t matter because I don’t trust men enough to want a happily ever after. Until I meet Javie. He is able to tame the demons that haunt me, but as much as his strong presence and calm demeanor is a balm to my broken soul, I’m not sure it’s enough. But next steps are never easy. In fact, they are sometimes the hardest you’ll take.
LINK: https://amzn.to/2ZUMFlx
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corals-corner · 3 years
You said your asks were open, bestie this is an ask for you (^ω^)
do you have any head canons on any Deltarune relationships? (familial/platonic/romantic etc) I saw that qpr post and I wholeheartedly agree with you ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
(You have no idea how glad I am to get an ask,)
And, yes, I do have some canon deltarune ships, they aren't all that special, and are pretty common, but I still like them!
-They have the "big bad brute and innocent little bean Dynamic)
- if Noelle is hurt, susie won't hesitate to make bodies drop.
- they both care for eachother alot, Noelle and Kris are the only ones who have seen susies "soft side"
-sometimes, people think Noelle was forced into a relationship, so they have to correct them.
Gay disasters
(Noelle is 5'5, Susie is 5'7)
-Awkward dynamic
-Care fore eachother, but only as friends
-Broke up for unknown reasons
-Asgore is still in love with Toriel, but she is not ready for a relationship with him again
- Childhood sweethearts, knew eachother for years
- Asgore is now like a third wheel with tori and sans
(Asgore is pan, and toriel is bi with a preference towards men)
Asgore is 8'2, tori is 7'3, yes they are very tol)
King/Queen/Rouxls(yes all 3)(my comfort ship, I love this waaay too much)
-love eachother, but will sell the other 2 for a chip)
- Super Dad Trio!
- take turns taking care of Lancer
- they were all friends when they were little, but only King and Queen got together, and rouxls was just there, awkwardly
- if Rouxls or Queen are hurt, King will show no mercy to the one responsible for their injuries
- If king is hurt, he will not show it, the other 2 will know, and try to make him feel better, while having the servents lock up the one responsible
- queen is crazy, king has anger issues, and rouxls is a hopless romantic
(King and Queen are trans and bi, rouxls is a pan disaster)
There perfect for eachother
(King is like 10'5, queen is 9'7, rouxls is 8'2 (very tol)
-were together at a young age(like 13-18) but broke up due to constant arguments, but stayed friends
-seam literly tolerates the little gremlin, but will take care of him by choice.
- After jevil went insane, Seam was heartbroken and quit his job as the court mage out of sadness, the 4 kings understood that he was going through alot and left the position empty incase he wanted it back
(Both are bi, but jevil is a mess)
A mix
Kris/ Ralsei(as long as ralsei isn't a stand in for asriel, and Kris is not the knight
- go on adventures alot
-Rasei knows something is wrong with Kris, but doesn't pressure them to talk about it
-even though Kris doesn't talk, ralsei can understand them by their facial expressions and their actions
-Kris made the first move because ralsei was too shy to admit his crush
I might make a bigger post with more head-cannons, but for now, these are my main ships
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photolover82 · 4 years
The Masked Singer Season 4 Episode 8: Group B Finals with *GASP* a Double Elimination (Commentary and Guesses)
Hello my fellow fans of the Masked Singer! Welcome (or welcome back) to Ana’s Masked Singer Recap where I, Ana, recap every episode of the Masked Singer. It’s that time again, Group B Finals time... so last week I changed up the format for these recaps due to the smackdown but this week there is no smackdown but there is a double elimination so we will be talking about 2 eliminated contestants instead of 1 this time, and oh boy I have a lot to say about one of them in particular, but we’ll get there when we get there. Anyways, let’s just get started, shall we? (please remember to like, comment your guesses/what you think, and follow for more Masked Singer fun)
The Group B Finals was a bit different with 4 contestants instead of 3 battling it out for 2 spots in the Super Six...
The 4 contestants were Whatchamacallit 👁, Serpent 🐍, Seahorse 🐠, and Crocodile 🐊
First, the 2 who got eliminated were:
Serpent 🐍 and Whatchamacallit 👁
Ok, so let’s start with the unsurprising eliminatation aka:
Whatchamacallit 👁
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Performance/Commentary: Ok, even though he isn’t my favorite of the 4 (he’s actually my least favorite), he did a great job, it was a fun performance ngl. It was great, even though I predicted that he would leave, I still enjoyed his performance of Lean Back by Terror Squad.
Having said that, the Whatchamacallit was revealed to be (as I suspected):
Lonzo Ball
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Yayyyy I knew it (by the way so did Ken, and he went NUTS, it was hilarious).... So here are the clues that gave this guy away lol:
High school prom thing: he actually met his gf/baby momma as the package said when he was a sophomore and she was a senior and she was his prom date
The Friend/Family was a high school teacher dressed as a whistle = reference to what a ref would use in Basketball since he is a 🏀 player
(Ok so there was a clue from a mask from the past with a connection to them.... so I will showcase both the mask from the past of MS and the clue delivered aka the game changing clue) Mask from the past: Ice Cream aka YouTuber/streamer Ninja who Lonzo Ball beat playing Fortnite in a live stream
Game changing clue: he has won a championship = um, yeah self explanatory, he has won basketball championships in UCLA and as an LA Laker
Ok, now elimination #2 aka the elimination I have a lot to say about:
Serpent 🐍
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Commentary/Performance: His performance of Cool by the Jonas Brothers was a change of pace for him I am not gonna lie. It was fun and upbeat, something he hasn’t done before on the show. I honestly don’t think this was his best performance, because his voice is more well suited for ballads, and powerful ones at that. I still really enjoyed this tho.
Ok so Serpent was revealed to be:
Dr. Elvis Francois
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Ok, I kind of figured it out last minute. Here’s my piece: I said it was Leslie Odom Jr and I really wanted it that to be the case (yo Leslie you better do it next season... I would die if you did), a bunch of people in the comments on YouTube told me it’s Dr. Elvis and I was like nope not him I bet... and I was wrong, I kind of got it this week with the clues & the preview where Ken was crying (here are the clues):
Good Mayo clue= he works at the Mayo Clinic as an orthopedic surgeon
Multiple medical clues= again I say, he works as a surgeon
Peanut butter, banana clues= his namesake, Elvis, like Elvis Presley who is known to like peanut butter and banana sandwiches
Mask from the Past: Eagle aka Dr. Drew = honestly, do I gotta explain this one? DOCTOR 👨‍⚕️, hello?! He’s a Dr as well
Game Changing Clue: he sang with one of the judges before = he actually did sing with Nicole on After the Mask at the beginning of the pandemic
Alright now that’s over, time to celebrate/guess the remaining 2 going into the super 6:
1. Crocodile 🐊
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Performance: ok, I feel like Crocodile has kind of fallen under the radar but this was honestly his best performance yet! He sang Bleeding Love by Leona Lewis, a classic early 2000s song, and it was amazing. It showed off his vocal range that he hasn’t showed off before and it really made him a very great competitor, it was so close between him and serpent
I am still guessing that Croc is...
Nick Carter
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Reason I think this is because of the clues:
New Kids on the Block clues (Step By Step reference) = Backstreet Boys toured with them all over the world
Mask from the past: Bee aka Gladys Knight = they collaborated together on an album, Knight and Carter
Game Changing Clue: was in a cult classic movie= he was an extra in Edward Scissorhands
2. Seahorse 🐠
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Performance: As you guys probably know from watching my previous recaps, she is one of my favorite contestants on the show, I love her so much, and her performance of Baby One More Time by Britney Spears didn’t disappoint. Omg it was the best performance of the night for sure! She really knows how to impersonate Britney Spears so well, it’s crazy, I loved it
As for my guess for Seahorse, I am gonna stick with...
Tori Kelly
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Here’s why, cue the clues:
Gospel, Spiritual Advisor, Church Clues= she’s a very devout Christian
Guitar, Nashville chicken= she plays guitar all the time when she’s performing (hell that pic of her I used above, she is legit holding a guitar, how obvious could that be) and the Nashville thing is because she does write a lot of country songs there
Christmas Wreath= she just released a Christmas Album, A Tori Kelly Christmas, earlier this year in October
2 Babies= she sang the song Baby Baby with Amy Grant
Mask from the Past: Astronaut aka Hunter Hayes = she beat him when she won the show America’s Most Talented Kid back when they were kids and I think she might have performed with him, there is a country connection between the 2
Game Changer Clue: Never been in a girl group = yup, Tori Kelly never has been in a girl group (look it up... that was a Ken impression if you didn’t get that)
Alright so that’s it, whew that was an interesting recap right there, anyways I can’t wait to see Group C next week! I’ll see you all then, bye guys! Don’t forget to like, comment, and follow for more Masked Singer content (and any other pop culture content you want me to do... when this is over, The Masked Dancer would be next so be on the look out for that late December 😆)
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sebastianshaw · 4 years
Do you have any headcanons about how Haven and Maddie would get along? You mention them both a lot and they seem like they have things in common
OH BOY DO I EVER i happen to love shoving my faves into interaction in my head even if they never met in canon---ESPECIALLY if they never met in canon---and these are my two mega fave ladies! ...coincidentally I was out today on errands and playing Tori Amos (because *of course* I was) and specifically her “American Doll Posse” album, and I was like “GIRL DISAPPEARING and SECRET SPELL have Maddie vibes” (I also listened to KING AND LIONHEART by of Monsters and Men, it’s my fave of theirs, and “As the world comes to an end, I’ll be here to hold your hand” is forever a Haven lyric to me) So massive MASSIVE ramblings under the cut!
Anyway, yes, you’re completely correct, they have a TON in common, both in what actually happened TEXTUALLY to them, and the meta-text of how their stories were handled in very similarly misogynistic ways. Like, they’re both villains through no choice or fault of their own, both the victims of demonic corruption, both exploited specifically for their reproductive capacity (Maddie created literally to have Scott’s baby, Haven’s unborn child used by the Adversary to possess her), and both used to frame female sexuality as evil (Maddie only starts with the skimpy black outfits when she becomes a villain, Haven is a pure and chaste woman who had sex ONCE and as a result becomes demon-pregnant, corrupted, and dies, she’s very much punished for violating purity taboos just ONCE despite all the good she did, while NOTHING HAPPENS to the man who took advantage of her naivete and knocked her up) and both were treated with little sympathy by the story or other characters despite being so very deserving of it. So they’ve got a ton to relate and commiserate on if they ever met and opened up to each other about it, but even if they DIDN’T tell each other about their pasts (which I doubt they would, certainly not at first, it’s not something either is keen to talk about, Haven never told her own beloved brother and Maddie literally KILLS Threnody for throwing it in her face) I think they would get on well. With the understandable exception of Jean Grey, Maddie has NEVER been a jerk to anyone who wasn’t one first (she did go overboard with Threnody, of course...) and Haven, even while a demonically-posessed supervillain, was very calm, composed, polite, and downright kind to the good guys even when they KEPT ATTACKING HER. And to quote the “X-Plain the X-Men” podcast “❝ In this scene, she [Haven] is the one that’s being kind and calm and compassionate, and he [Xavier] is being AN ANGRY JERK. ❞ So, I think they’d get on at first meeting because they’re just both nice people at their default. They’re also both morally good people at their default. Haven’s history is that she’s someone born to extreme wealth and privilege who was driven to use it to help others, she did shit like bathing lepers and caring for dying babies and building children’s hospitals (literally how she got her name in canon, no shit) and even as a supervillain BENT ON DESTROYING THE WORLD OUT OF COMPASSION she STILL does shit like SURRENDERING A FIGHT SO SHE CAN TRY TO HEAL AN *ENEMY* OKAY. And Maddie was just straight-up a superhero even before she had the “super” part going for her, she was one of the X-Men even as a human and even after Scott left her, she had an incredibly strong sense of justice, she did her best at rescuing people in her job as a pilot during crises, she GAVE UP HER LIFE with the rest of the X-Men when Forge needed their life energy for a spell to save the world (she got brought back, they all did, but she didn’t know she was going to be resurrected, she went in knowing she’d die and thinking it would be permanent) and the first time she did get superpowers WASN’T as the demonic Goblyn Queen, but as the healer Anodyne. And you know why her powers specifically took the form of healing? It wasn’t random. The Fire Fountain (from which she and some other humans got these gifts) gave people their powers based on their passions and desires; Maddie’s desire and passion was to help others. So both of these women are extremely moral, healing-types at their core, both in powers and personality, who care about others deeply, even at the expense of themselves. Obviously, Maddie became very morally-grey since in the 90s, but even then she cared about other people first; Sebastian Shaw was never a bad boyfriend in the slightest to her, he was actually her first good relationship, but she left him because he was doing harm to other people, people she didn’t even KNOW, and she wouldn’t be complicit in that even as a bystander. She’s kinda gone full evil in the 2000s but she’s also very much Not Maddie Anymore as of the 2000s, so I just...don’t count that...anyway you see my point! My point being I think they would really come together on helping people, like Haven has the funds (she would probably not have powers anymore if she’s alive, since she’s no longer the host body of the Adversary) and Maddie has the piloting skills and superpowers, they could do a TON of good in the world if they teamed up to do relief work and refugee aid and stuff! I would honestly be really here for that. I really like the idea of them doing good in a way that has nothing to do with superhero adventures and is in no way glamorous or a battle that can be won with powers and punches, but is necessary and worthy all the same. I think they could really get a good working relationship going with this. I think the place they would differ is that Maddie is ANGRY. She’s very angry at what was done to her, she’s very angry at the X-Men, she’s very angry at Jean, she’s very angry at Scott, she’s very angry at Sinister, and she has a RIGHT to be. There is nothing wrong with this. But her anger also isn’t limited to people who harmed HER. Back when Maddie was Maddie and not a walking misogynistic stereotype, she also got BIG MAD at people who did bad things, who hurt others, who oppressed mutants and other minorities, etc. Like, during the story in which we find out about Genosha and how they’re enslaving mutants, Maddie is ready to WRECK ALL THEIR SHIT WITHOUT MERCY using the demonic energy that’s started incubating inside her. And you know what? Good for her. Maddie is the fire of justice and retribution, and if you have done something to deserve it she will FRY YOU IN HELL. Haven is not like that. Again, even when she’s possessed, even when she ostensibly wants to kill the world, even when she’s being steered by an entity of cosmic evil and chaos...she’s still so soft with her “enemies”. Hell, even when she’s come to the conclusion that Xavier must die, she still can’t do it with her own hands and has to just let some other villain out of prison and HOPE he does it, that’s the MOST action she can bring herself to take, and she thinks how “I admire you, Charles Xavier. I respect you. In an odd way, one might say…that I love you. For how can one not love a soul so pure, a heart so full of good intentions? One must love one’s enemy…if one is to slay him with compassion.” And this was AFTER Xavier rammed in his way into her head after she begged him repeatedly to STOP (boy was THAT an uncomfy scene) and she literally unmade herself from existence temporarily (yes, she could do that, and remake herself) in order to get away from him, even though SHE could have just unmade HIM permanently. So, once you take the demon out of the equation, I can only see her as being even MORE pacifistic and forgiving, just the epitome of grace----grace meaning not as in graceful (though I think she’s that too, she’s very elegant) but as in the religious sense of God’s grace, which is mercy where it is undeserved. She’s NEVER going to want to hurt people for their misdeeds like Madelyne does. She wants to comfort the victims, but not attack the victimizers. She’s probably the kind of person who prays for Neo-Nazis. She probably utterly forgives X-Factor and Xavier and the man who got her pregnant. And you know what? I also support that. I support Madelyne’s righteous rage, I support Haven’s all-forgiving compassion and mercy. I think both of these are beautiful. But they WOULD probably make conflict wherein like, Maddie wants to go after some bad guys to avenge the victims, and Haven doesn’t, that kind of thing. And I can see Maddie being angry AT HAVEN for that, and Haven UNDERSTANDING because she’s very understanding but still standing fast in her own beliefs. Haven is at peace with the universe, both its good and its evil. Maddie rages at the Heavens like if Milton wrote a woman. Both are perfect. Also like...I love so much the idea of Maddie being ready to PHYSICALLY FIGHT SOMEONE, no powers, she’s just going to WRECK THEM WITH HER BARE HANDS (trust me, she has a mean punch) and Haven pulling her back. Because Maddie is canonically 5′6 and 110 lbs, she’s not short but she’s VERY skinny (because Marvel likes making all their women borderline underweight; I headcanon Maddie should be more in the 135 lb ballpark) and Haven is a SOLID SIX FEET and has been shown as able to carry around GROWN MEN in her arms, so like Maddie just this feisty lil skinny spitfire ready to MURDER YOU and big mama Haven gently holding her back like an angry lil kitten!! Speaking of physical contrasts I also love how they’re very Tomboy & Girly Girl? Maddy is a pilot, she’s very adventurous and rough and tumble, she’s got cute dresses but she also wears her brown/green flight suit a lot, she’s a goth in the 90s...and then Haven is like, this very well-brought-up polite woman with super-long princess hair and the one time we see her in civilian-wear it’s this GORGEOUS sari with tons of jewelry, they’re just so Queen & Lady Knight, I love it. (It’s not that Maddie is unfeminine, Maddie’s VERY femme, she’s just more versatile and aggressive, whereas Haven is very conventionally hyperfeminine) I think another point they’d have a lot of difference---though not arguement---is sex. Like, Haven still spoke about her one (1) sexual experience with a lot of shame twenty years later, she’s very much a product of a conservative religious culture and while I don’t think she’s the type to slut-shame anyone else, I think she’s now very thoroughly celibate because of her experiences. Whereas Maddie is very much not, like she literally walks into Sebastian Shaw’s bedroom one night and rides that dick because shut up she wants to. While I don’t like the idea of her as this Sexy Evil Succubus that she’s become in the 2000s, I do see her as having a fun, practical, down-to-earth approach to sexuality as something that she enjoys and isn’t ashamed of, while also not being this male fantasy of a femme fatale 24/7. So I can see her commenting on hot guys buff bodies and Haven being embarrass, things like that, maybe Maddie trying to get her a date. Like basically Haven is the Virgin Mary, she’s chastity and motherhood and peace and mercy, and Maddie is Ishtar, the goddess of love AND sex AND war. Another thing about Haven is that she was established as EXTREMELY sensitive to the feelings of others, especially their pain, and that this was NOT a superpower from the Adversary, it’s how she’s always been since childhood. She’s almost psychic, she instantly figures out the personal problems of everyone in X-Factor, from Lorna and Alex’s co-dependence to Guido using humor to mask that he suffers from chronic pain due to his mutation. So while I doubt Maddie opens up to her about her past even when they become friends, Haven can very much feel out that SOMETHING awful happened to this woman. And Haven’s nature as a healer is going to be drawn that, to want to help her, without going too fast or too invasive, without doing anything Madelyne doesn’t want, without forcing anything on her because Haven has had that happen to her and she’s not going to do it to someone else even with good intentions. She’s done ENOUGH wrong with good intentions. And as Madelyne does begin to let her in and let Haven know what happened, Haven in return reveals her own startlingly similar trauma, and I think there’s a mutual healing there in supporting each other. Haven becomes the one shoulder Maddie has to cry on, and Maddie becomes someone who can be angry FOR Haven on her behalf. I see Maddie as probably being protective of Haven, like she has been of other women in the past who were wronged or vulnerable----such as when she was murderously incensed over what Genosha did to Jenny Ransome or when she offered to be Dazzler’s eyes when Dazzler was blinded by a mask magically stuck to her face. And Haven can help Maddie with moving on and owning her own life instead of devoting herself to vengeance anymore, because she loves Maddie and rightly believes Maddie deserves BETTER than that. Honestly, I just...love them both...and want them to be happy and healing...so much...thank you for this ask, I loved talking about them!! ;A;
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justaghostingon · 4 years
Room of swords Star wars the clone wars au
Because I felt like it
Tori: jedi knight who has gained the reputation of an undefeatable warrior. She has a very close relationship with the former Queen of Naboo and its current Senator, Mary Queen. Her master has recently gone missing.
Sylvia: a former Slave whose enormous strength won her freedom in galadiator fights in the outer rim. Now a bounty hunter after enough money to feed herself.
Gyrus: A young Engineer who embodies the phrase “wrong place wrong time” and who appears to be force sensitive. He is a rare alien species who need to cocoon every few decades to rejuvenate themselves. Some rumors claim they are effectively immortal, and that its not so much one species as one singular being. Not that Gyrus could tell you that, as he does not maintain memories inbetween rejuvenations (or at least, he doesn’t think he does)
Senator Kodya: Never meant to be a Senator. He used to be Senator Axelei’s bodyguard who worked his way up to personal assistant, but when when the Senator betrayed them and took 12 planets with him, Kodya refused, defeating him and keeping his planet safe on the side of the republic. His people were so happy with him, they all wrote him into the ballots and elected him Senator. Now he’s stuck with the job.
Nephthys: a galaxy renowned jedi healer with a gift for force healing (because if Rey can do it, others must be able to too) and prophecy. Unfortunately the unifying force is difficult to understand on the best of days, and the jedi council does not put nearly as much stock in her visions as they should. Her master was a close friend of former Senator Axelei and had many missions working with him, which lead her and Kodya to become friends.
Chancellor Don Santiago: he’s a Sith in disguise intent on harnessing the darkside and disrupting the balance of life and death to improve life in the galaxy. He also intends to bring this whole galaxy under his sole rule, so as to do it forever.
Count Gyrus Axelei: the missing leader of the separatist party. Lead 12 planets into rebellion, and refuses to submit to Republic rule because of a truth he learned about Don. Was once a Padawan, but left the order to pursue a job in politics, former Senator of Kodya’s planet, but is not a native species. In fact, he is actually the same long lived species as Gyrus. But that’s probably a coincidence.
Senator Mary Queen: Senator of Naboo and former Queen. Famous for her never ending crusade to bring peace to the galaxy and defense of republic citizens freedoms. Fears the power Don is amassing. Very close to Tori, suspiciously so. Often goes head to head with Kodya over politics.
Arc 1
Tori is a jedi knight sent on a mission to recover her least favorite Senator who went missing on a peace mission to the outer rim
On the way she gets ambushed by a local warlord (One) and seperated from her clones.
Runs into a bounty hunter named Sylvia, who would love to take a crack at the warlords who enslaved her people, and also eat them out of house and home, because why not? Tori hires her as a guide.
She also runs into a young engineer named Gyrus who has ended up on the Warlord’s hit list because he accidentally picked up something important hidden in his droid Scout.
Together the three of them take out the warlord’s left hand man. Tori asks Gyrus to hack into the prison files to find out if they had the senator, but before he has time to read them, the entire Sepratist force shows up.
Tori grabs Sylvia, Gyrus, the info he’s got, and runs. They steal a ship and blast off.
The info aquired by Gyrus reveals the Senator was captured by the warlords men, and dispite being on a peace mission mangaged to kill several. Tori facepalms. The info also states they were sent to be traded to the Seperatists on the pirate homebase.
They fly to the planet, only to discover the two have already broken free, but can’t get off world. Because of some vital information the warlords stole.
Also there’s been a coup, and its a new warlord, called Two, who are actually twin girls. Who also moved the info and base, so when Tori, Sylvia, and the rest break in, there is nothing left but the former leaders rotting corpse.
Also Kodya recognizes Gyrus as Gyrus, but Gyrus claims not to know him, and Kodya desides to keep his mouth shut because he knows how Gyrus’s rejuvenation works.
Gyrus and Nephthys work together to track down the new base, and Sylvia does soem scouting with scout.
Tori decides they need a plan of attack, and Kodya offers to train Gyrus to fight, Normal people style. Tori is reluctant, but Gyrus is more than willing and bonds with Kodya as a result.
They fly in to the warlords and split into parties of two, with Nephthys, Gyrus, and Tori going to take on the greatest threat, and Sylvia and Kodya going after the double. Turns out to be the other way around, but hey, they tried.
After a long fight they manage to defeat them both and gain the info, which is only half a chip. Tori panics, but Gyrus manages to pull out the matching piece.
They all head back to Corusant, where Gyrus is promptly arrested.
Arc 2
Tori teams up with Senator Mary Queen to prove Gyrus innocent.
Tori is furious that Senator Kody refuses to help, instead focusing his work on creating a plea bargain for Gyrus.
Turns out Kodya knew what he was talking about, (because of course the guy who lived with him for years knows how to identify him) but its not a total loss, because in her attempt to save Gyrus, Tori accidentally stumbles on a conspiracy that goes all the way to the top.
Sylvia meanwhile gets asked by the chancellor Don himself to help infiltrate the very fighting ring in which she won her freedom.
Arc 3
Tori’s quest for knowledge leads her to the Separatist base, meanwhile Kodya’s own investigation into his late Husband’s holodiary leads him to take on an anonymous identity as a bounty hunter to infiltrate the Separatists.
Kodya’s caught pretty early on by Alistair, but Gyrus told him to expect Kodya, so he’s fine.
Tori is decidedly less fine with finding out her guide is Kodya, and also that they are now stuck in a web of conspiracy so big she no longer knows who is right and who is wrong.
In prison under Mary’s watch, Gyrus begins to cocoon. (And go through his memories)
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The Galaxy Kingdom
The oldest kingdom in the lands. This kingdom can be found on The Isle of Lost Souls. You can see soul orbs that give the name to the Galaxy Kingdom. At night, it truly looks like a galaxy. This kingdom is the most peaceful kingdoms with the most hardships. They rarely can grow crops and have to relies on other kingdoms for food. In total, the kingdom has lost 2 of the 3 princes born. The Royal Court: King Elizabeta (Hungry): The only female king in history. Her people gave her the title king due to the actions of the Queen. She is fierce and not very lady like unless during notable parties or diplomatic meetings.She banished her eldest son, Gilbert, after a rumor that he burnt down the kingdom’s largest crops. Queen Roderich (Austria): He is very feminine and acts like a queen. He runs various parties at the castle and doesn’t concern himself with the military or concerns of the people. Prince Ludwig (Germany): The youngest child of the royal couple. He’s stoic with a harsh exterior. This is the man that also is a complete sweetheart if you know him. He’s very awkward in social situations and relies heavily on his “wife” to talk. Princess Feliciano (North Italy): A man originally supposed to marry Ludwig’s older brother, Prince Axel (Holy Roman Empire). After Axel’s sudden illness -resulting in his death, Feliciano married Ludwig to keep the promise his grandfather made. Feliciano has an older twin married to the head knight of The Kingdom of Time. Head Knight Toris (Lithuania): Married to the Court Magician, Toris is a loyal knight to Elizabeta. In fact, he was originally a poor farmer that helped the current king win the current queen’s hand. Toris has many achievements, but prefers to be in the background of everything. Court Magician Feliks (Poland): Married to the Head Knight, Feliks is an odd man that is quite trusted. His personality shifts on the dime depending on the situation. He loves the spot light and hanging out with all 20 of his ponies. Court Advisor Basch (Switzerland): He is frugal man that demands respect. He often helps plan the many parties cheaply as possible. He only took this job to give his younger sister, Tutsia (Liechtenstein), before she got married. Rumors state that Basch and the Queen are the actual parents of Prince Ludwig.
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hii there~ Since you're on writer's block, I saw that you ship Tsukasa and Maki, so maybe do a headcanon of what their relationship would be like? Like how they met, what made Maki like him, etc. to the point where they're dating. I hope it isn't too specific, you're doing an amazing job
omg thank you (again)!! writers block is hitting hard, maybe i’ll post a prompt list or something :>
Rainy Days and Sunshine Stories
The pitter-patter of the raindrops against the window was about to set Maki Nishikino on edge.
Seriously, this sound had been playing on glass for four hours. That should not be possible. It wasn’t the rainy season, not yet at least. Even if it was, please, not on this day, where she just got over a test and a lot of stressful social situations. By that, meaning, her class. The equivalent of chaos especially with that girl Yoshiko (or Yohane?), who claimed to be the epitome of it.
Rin, Mitsuru, Yoshiko, Sora- there were no explanations. Things go super haywire with them together. Shinobu and Yuta were okay, tried to stop it, but mostly watched (and was the former crying?). Tori was screaming at everyone. Tori was cute, annoying, and extremely bad at resolving situations. So there was a lot of stuff happening in her class. It was too much to bear. There was really only one person who was fine to be near to, if not the only sane person.
That person being a boy by the name of Tsukasa Suou.
Tsukasa was fine to be around. Calm, collected, and had the overall princely aura. In short, a wonderful person.
It’s so strange, Maki thought to herself. Would I have thought differently about him at the beginning?
It was April when her first year started. Stepping into Class 1B, she already was aware of the ridiculous things that could happen. Rin was always caught up in something stupid, so the usual scene was Maki, sitting on a chair and slumped over her desk. Greeting her was the same: close-to and perfect scores on everything, fitting of the princess-esque air she possessed.
That same day, perhaps midway through the month, it rained. Pouring, perhaps, and the sounds seemed less like many and more like one. There were slight cracks in every window, so it didn’t necessarily leak rain inside, but the cold spring air blew in. Maki, sitting alone at her window seat, could feel air weaving through her uniform and leaving a chill down her spine.
“Chilly, isn’t it? It shouldn’t have to rain this hard at the beginning of the school year.”
Maki turned to her left. Sitting next to her was a boy, about or around two inches taller than her and seemingly identical, in terms of hair and eye color. Her classmate, perhaps. Or her reflection?
“Probably,” Maki said under her breath, looking back and out the window. “April’s cold, but not by this much.” She stared out into layers and layers of gray beyond, no hope of light peeking through.
“If you don’t mind me asking, what’s your name?”
Maki’s ears perked up and she turned around. No one had asked her name before; had Rin not introduced her to everyone in class? She’d usually do the introduction for her. Was this boy really that unaware, or was he not there at that time? Whatever the case, there was no harm in giving her name.
“Maki Nishikino,” she said quietly, but loud enough for him to hear. “what’s yours?”
“My name is Tsukasa Suou. I hope we become friends, Nishikino-san.” “Ah- you too, Tsukasa-kun.”
Well, that made three of them. Tori has mentioned him once or twice, saying, “I keep getting compared to that stupid Tsukasa Suou!” and then crying afterward. But compared how? Was Tsukasa annoying or modest???
Maki expected an answer from him, as how all conversations go down. But only silence escaped from the slightly open mouth on Tsukasa’s face, the rest a shocked expression. “I-I’m sorry,” he finally said after a while. “It’s that I’ve never had a girl call me by my first name before-“ “Then you can call me Maki, and we’ll be even.” That was fine. They could call each other by their first names, couldn’t they?
“Absolutely not,” Tsukasa shouted in surprise. “As a Suou, I can’t call a girl by her first name!-“ Maki scoffed, a faint scowl on her face. “Is it really that hard?”
Now that left him speechless. Maki 1, Tsukasa 0.
“Come to think of it, besides Rin and Hanayo, you’re the first person I’ve actually had a conversation with since coming to this school.” Maki said from out of nowhere. Let’s try again, she thought to herself. Maybe I can get a longer conversation out of him.
“I’ve seen you play piano most of the time after school. You’re good,” Tsukasa replied. “Sometimes, Ritsu-senpai complains about how he can’t play because you’re there already-“ “Who’s that?”
An acquaintance of his? A friend? She didn’t know; she had just started this year and had never known Tsukasa until ten minutes ago.
“Ah, I should introduce you to Knights. I just started this year, but they’re nice most of the time. Is that not what friends do, make connections?” Maki was losing herself in all this new information. So now they were friends? That was nice, but since when? “I don’t think-“
“It will be alright! There is nothing to fear. So come along with me…Maki-chan.”
Bold of him to assume I was scared, Maki thought. It was now May, about three weeks after they had met. Raining once more. Well, we’re friends, at least. Maybe we’re considered a couple? Or more than friends but less than lovers- Ahh, stop thinking about this, Maki! He probably likes someone else anyw-
“Going home, Maki?” That voice, belonging to Tsukasa, made her turn his way. A bright smile was on his lips and his eyes shining brighter than any precious stone “Alright,” she replied a little nonchalantly.
For the love of- never mind, I’m going to have these thoughts all day, aren’t I?
As soon as they reached the doors of Yumenosaki Academy, Maki frowned. “Well, I don’t have an umbrella. Didn’t know it would rain today.” “We can share one, if you’d like.” Tsukasa, now opening his blue umbrella indoors, extended a hand towards Maki, to which she held it. The tension was real.
Maki suddenly jerked her hand away and looked toward the wall. She could feel a light blush form on her cheeks. Ahh, she felt so dumb right now. She bet that Tsukasa felt the same
“What? I don’t understand you! It’s fine, really-“ “As a member of Knights, should I not treat people the way I have been treated?” To that, Maki said nothing because he wasn’t wrong. Tsukasa, still bold enough to reach out and touch her hand, smiled. “It isn’t so wrong to share an umbrella under the rain, just for today.”
“Because you are the princess that Tsukasa Suou shall serve with utmost pride and loyalty.”
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Graffiti Hearts is a multicultural romance series by author Tori Alvarez filled with strong flawed characters who will draw you into this slow burn sweet romance with all the feels.
Beautiful Collision ~ Book 1
They are both running from their family legacies…
Raised on the wrong side of town with a mother who fell for every man with money, Toni refuses to fall for a pretty face. Her mom did a great job of showing her men were only good for heartbreak. She will depend on no man to be her knight in shining armor. They are only a means to an end to escape the life she is destined to live if she does not claw her way out.
Due to inherit his dad’s cattle empire, Garrett trusts no woman. They fall all over him to get closer to his last name and money. He is searching for his equal—one he can care for but who is able and willing to do it on her own. Neither of them is honest about their pasts or families.
One is looking for true love and the other is avoiding it at all costs. Will this cowboy be able to soften her hardened heart?
LINK: https://amzn.to/2QDEkuw
Tragically Beautiful ~ Book 2
Alex Martinez is not looking for love, not believing he knows how. He believed his station in life was determined by his birth into poverty. Proud and powerful in his neighborhood, he knows who he is and where he stands.
Until Lola walks into his life.
With her piercing blue eyes and bright personality, Alex can’t help falling for her. But she is his cousin’s best friend and out of his league. They come from different worlds, and Alex knows Lola deserves more than his broken past.
Tired of the shallow sorority friends and the lifestyle she once led, Lola is looking for deeper, more meaningful connections. She thought she’d found this in her new best friend, Toni. Then, she meets Alex, Toni’s cousin, and Lola finds herself drawn to Alex and his fierce loyalty and protectiveness toward his family. But she also sees the softer, more vulnerable side of Alex.
Just as their relationship begins, the past comes sneaking back in and threatens to drive a deeper wedge between them. Can their relationship withstand Alex’s past becoming his present?
LINK: https://amzn.to/3mejIaC
Beautiful Serenity ~ Book 3
Trust ~ a belief that someone is reliable, good, honest…
I thought my life had been dictated to me by my birth but then I met Ritza, a beauty who’s drowning in sadness and holding onto secrets. As hard as she tries to not be seen, she has become my only focus. Now the life I once knew has become a distant memory because I want more. I’m helplessly drawn to the beauty she is trying so desperately to hide. Can I prove to her I’m worthy of her trust and love?
Life as I knew it will never be the same. One night- a night I can’t remember- has changed me forever. Now I’m damaged, dirty, and dare I say, unworthy. But my brokenness doesn’t matter because I don’t trust men enough to want a happily ever after. Until I meet Javie. He is able to tame the demons that haunt me, but as much as his strong presence and calm demeanor is a balm to my broken soul, I’m not sure it’s enough. But next steps are never easy. In fact, they are sometimes the hardest you’ll take.
LINK: https://amzn.to/2ZUMFlx
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Demon Slayer 14 | Arifureta 1 | Ensemble Stars! 1 | The Ones Within 1 | Cop Craft 1
Demon Slayer 14
I don’t see how bending over backwards is entertaining, Inosuke???
Tanjiro used Headbutt! It’s super effective!
Tanjiro’s straight face when declaring Inosuke’s face was attractive…now that’s funny! (Only for a few seconds.)
Tanjiro did bleed from his nose, y’know, Zenitsu…
Tanjiro sure missed the point, but at least…he did it with his signature empathy…? Gotta give him points for that…
It seems even normies can understand Kasugai crows.
CGI crow…urgh.
Kamaboko is a type of fishcake.
D-Don’t eat the poor crow!!!
Even Inosuke has a 3D model…
Ah, Tanjiro…you are an older brother at heart. I know people who do that for their siblings too…
Does the pillow hurt…Zenitsu? (I’m too afraid to ask…)
To be honest…I miss Taisho Secrets already…
Arifureta 1
I heard this was bad from other people’s early rumblings, so I’m starting with it so that I don’t have to have the headache later.
That fire effect…is baaaaaaaaaaad…
What’s up with that shaky cam? If it’s in the OP, it can’t bode well for the rest of the series…
Way to go, Mr. Obvious…(obviously sarcastic)
What was that grainy effect that happened for a second, anyway???
“My arm hurts.” – Well, you don’t even have an arm anymore…
The CGI sucks too.
Okay, which one’s Kaori and which is Shizuku…? I can’t tell anymore.
…and which of the girls is Shirasaki-san???
I just realised Hajime looked like Eren, which doesn’t help any.
When the eyecatches are just character designs…you know someone effed up. Royally.
I-I’ve seen that look before. It was on Naofumi’s face…and you know how well Shield Hero went down with me. (i.e. not very)
Why do those shots inside Hajime’s body look like they came out of a video with a robot’s voice explaining the insides of the human body????
Can you please stop asking “what the hell is happening to me”, Hajime?
Why is the gun’s name Donner???
Now there’s an easy drop!
Ensemble Stars 1
Haven’t played the mobile game, but I do know about one character (Leo Tsukinaga) through a Merc Storia collab.
As soon as I saw the nonsensical lyrics come on to the screen…I knew I was watching an idol anime.
I still think these boys look too young for their own good…says the old curmudgeon.
Teacher best boi, LOL.
“…for idols, by idols, for idols.” – Wait, was there a “for idols” twice in there??? Update: It seems this was deliberate.
The throwing animation is terrible, but everything else is servicable…
“Dream Idol Festival” – Uh, you do realise there’s an anime called “Dream Festival”, y’know???
C’mon, this one action scene - in an idol show, no less – looks kind of bad (but not Arifureta bad). Don’t use your budget for things that are clearly out of your league, animators!
…whoa, suddenly this part of the scene looks good!
Tori Himemiya…heard of him before while researching Leo, but I didn’t know he was a royal jerkwad in the vein of Maasa. I’ve also heard of Keito Hasumi, but I didn’t know he was an older version of Hokuto here.
Okay, it’s clear where the show’s real budget level is, but that didn’t stop that good scene from appearing…hmm.
Uhh…truth be told, I don’t remember what the purple-haired dude’s name is…and here I thought I had a good memory! Update: Mao Isara. That’s his name.
Also, just for posterity, I want to note that I was hearing a song from Magic-kyun! Renaissance in my had as I watched the show – the nonsensical one that goes “dreaming night, shiny ray”…probably because that’s what my wallpaper changed to as I was watching it. But yeah, it does have Magic-kyun Renaissance vibes.
The Ones Within 1
Checking this out due to a person on AniList.
I exploded into laughter when the girl punched him (<- he hasn’t been introduced yet, but his name is Iride).
Come to think of it…there seems to be the return of the Angolmois filter on this show…
“I’m not cut out for this!” – Says the girl with a sword.
This stuff’s so bad it’s good! *whacks table with hand in riotous laughter*
Onigasaki wears an oni mask…hmm, makes sense.
Well, the use of colour in the OP is striking. Currently, this is the only OP I’ve watched halfway through this season, simply because I feel like I’ve been put through the gauntlet with nothing to show for it on my WordPress blog…and I can always watch the OPs and EDs later.
…perverted alpaca. Now there’s a line I thought I’d never type.
Boob shot…ew.
I can’t even figure out if the guy is chewing his bubble (of gum) or blowing it.
He’s just riding on Panda-yep. I was right. He’s (Iride’s) on Pandarou.
Cop Craft 1
I can see CGI already…it’s on the car. It’s hard to see, but it’s there.
*some synopsis about San Teresa City* - Basically Hellsalem’s Lot, no?
“Dreames” (sic) – Hmm…that’s probably not how you spell “dreams” in a land of dreams…
“…and do a damn better job…” (I don’t think the word “sight” was meant to be in there.)
I was eating when I almost spat my food out…y’mean, Rick’s surname is Fury??? Like a Samuel L. Jackson character with a very similar name???
The UN ain’t a country. That’s what makes it the UN (the UN is made up of represntatives from many nations to represent the world, after all)…but I guess a fairy knight won’t know that.
The buildings are CGI too…
“Satan can suck my d***.” – Yep, I like Kei already.
The show only looks terrible if it applies CGI to people…or fairies, in this case.
Cliffhanger in the middle of a shootout…geesh.
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rorywritesstuff · 6 years
Who Put the Sword in the Stone?
(A park, somewhere which would now be called England. Renwick and Jarbid stand frozen. Renwick stands with his arms in the air. Jarbid stands nearby, looking amazed. In between them, clearly viewable by the audience, is a sword stuck in a stone. Suddenly, Renwick and Jarbid burst into motion.) JARBID: Odds my bodkins. RENWICK: I did it. I told you I could do it. Didn't I tell you? JARBID: You stuck it right through. Didn't shatter or nothing. You got it all in there. And I thought that crack was too tight. RENWICK: That's what she said. JARBID: Who? RENWICK: Sally, who works in the pub. I told her I was gonna do it. She says a lot of things, gets quoted a lot out of context. JARBID: So, pull it out again. RENWICK: Hey, Sally also said that. JARBID: I'm serious, I need Sir John's sword back. RENWICK: Right. (He pulls at the sword. It won't budge.) Uh oh. JARBID: 'Uh oh?' What's 'uh oh?' RENWICK: It won't come out. JARBID: Don't be daft. RENWICK: It won't, it's caught on something. JARBID: Oh, give over. (Jarbid tries to pull the sword. It will not move. He tries again.) Grab my arms. RENWICK: What? JARBID: Pull with me, jackass. (They both pull on the sword. Nothing happens.) JARBID: Shit! Shit! RENWICK: Get him another one? JARBID: Do you know how much swords cost? RENWICK: How much? JARBID: I don't know, I've never been able to buy one BECAUSE I'M POOR! Fuck! RENWICK: Maybe he won't mind? JARBID: You're right, next time he's out slaying dragons I'll just hand him a sharp stick. Just as good. RENWICK: Alright, alright. We need to think. JARBID: Oh now, he wants to think. RENWICK: Hey, you're the one who let me have the sword. JARBID: You said you knew what you were doing. You said your hole could handle it. RENWICK: My hole could handle it! It got in there alright. It got in there real good. JARBID: It's the getting it out at the right time bit that's important, otherwise you end up in trouble! (Sally wanders by.) SALLY: Hey, all of that is what I said. RENWICK: Please, Sally, we're having a discussion. SALLY: Alright. Penetration. (She leaves.) RENWICK: How long til this knight of yours wakes up? JARBID: I don't know, a few hours? RENWICK: Does he know you're here? JARBID: No. RENWICK: So, you could, in theory, quit your job? JARBID: Quit my job? What is that? That's not a widely introduced concept yet, jobs are hereditary. My dad was a servants ergo I'm a servant. RENWICK: Servants know the word 'ergo?' JARBID: Servants don't steal their master's property and keep their heads! RENWICK: So, you're not a servant anymore. Problem solved. He doesn't know you're here, and I'll doubt he'll ever figure it out. JARBID: How am I gonna get money? RENWICK: Who's the king at the moment? JARBID: What? RENWICK: Is it still what's-his-face? The Tory? JARBID: Uther. RENWICK: Yeah. JARBID: No, he died. RENWICK: So, who's- JARBID: There is no king! There's a huge political crisis on! Read a damn book! RENWICK: I'm illiterate! And some of us find politics depressing. I don't want to be thinking about that all day. JARBID: Why does it matter who's king? (A stranger walks by.) RENWICK: Hey! You! STRANGER: Me? RENWICK: Sure. You'll do. This the Tory's sword. (Jarbid elbows him.) The king's sword. STRANGER: Oh yeah? RENWICK: Yeah.  And he died a virgin, or childless, whatever. Point is, whoever pulls his sword from this rock becomes king. STRANGER: Says who? (Pause.) JARBID: A prophecy. STRANGER: Whose prophecy? JARBID: Sally's. STRANGER: She is good at predicting what people will say. The other week my wife had this huge piece of wood and also a skinned beaver and I said- RENWICK: Yeah, yeah, yeah. You wanna be king? Five pnnies a go. STRANGER: Five pennies?! JARBID: Or three goes for twelve. STRANGER: Now that's a bargain! (He pays them and starts trying to pull the sword ut.) RENWICK: Whoa! JARBID: This is brilliant. We just made five pennies for nothing! RENWICK: We could run this scam for the rest of our lives and be rich! JARBID: But what if someone unsuited pulls the sword out and becomes ruler of the land? RENWICK: Ah, they'll get beheaded. We wouldn't let unqualified buffoons run the country, not for more than five years anyway. Just letting them continue to make decisions as they tear the land apart and make bad decision after bad decision, plunging us all further and further into despair and bankrauptcy. Ha! That would mean the political system was totally fucked. And that can't be. JARBID: I thought you weren't political. RENWICK: And I thought the majority of British people weren't idiots. Oh well.
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hi! do you know any fics where either one of them or they both are soldiers or knights? and do u know any where one of them is the prince and the other is his guard? thanks in advance and sorry for bothering you!!
Common Ground - awesomesockes
Summary: As the dirt walls of his half-dug foxhole collapse in front of him, Officer Cadet Daniel Howell finds himself face-to-face with another soldier. To make matters worse, this one is wearing a German uniform.
Renegade - awesomesockes
Summary: It’s World War 2. Phil, a young German soldier, is stationed in Denmark. There he meets Dan - a rebellious Danish school boy who is intent on making his job hell. But before long, they realise they have more in common than they’d have thought. How do you hide a friendship when you come from two different sides of a war?
Returning Home - dxnhowell
Summary: Dan returns home from being in the war and is reunited with Phil again, after being away for three years.
The Metal Bottle (ao3) - xletsreadx
Summary: Dan’s family is jewish. Phil is a german soldier who secretly tries to help people. However, he can’t help everyone.
The Storm Will End (ao3) - GeekCharming270
Summary: Dan is a soldier during World War II and is wounded on the front lines. He is saved by Phil a field medic. When Dan awakens in the hospital tent love blossoms
Rebels and Roses (ao3) - LiquidLies
Summary: Phil is the second prince of the kingdom of Estairia. He tries his best to help everyone he can. Throughout the kingdom, he is known for his acts of kindness to the lower classes.
Dan is Phil’s new guard. But Dan has secrets he’s hiding from Phil, who keeps trying to get to know him.
There’s been rumors of a rebellion throughout the country. But the rumors won’t stay rumors for much longer.
When everything starts changing, can they come out of it the same?
the prince’s protector • phan [completed] - ocean1c
Summary: In which Dan, the prince, falls for his guard, Phil, and they live happily ever after.
I couldn’t find any where they were a knight :/
also make sure to check the tags page next time you’re looking for something :)
- Tori
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