#and it became lost to time when the sith became more numerous and focused more on each other and war
eorzeashan · 2 years
do you think humans developed rituals of intimacy for their beloved sith back in the days of the ancient sith empire....do you think they invented a way to be closer to them even without the Force and in mind of it....do you think they became so prized because they loved them bordering on worship....
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dalekofchaos · 4 years
If Ben Solo never turned
My little au where Luke never ignited the lightsaber and Ben never turned 
Luke senses the darkness within Ben, but seeks guidance from Anakin and Obi-Wan before resorting to anything rash
Obi-Wan would suggest he take Ben into isolation. Somewhere where the light side is strong and allowing Ben to express his feelings to Luke
Anakin, who has been down the path of darkness himself, suggests Luke show Ben the benefits of the light and the negatives of the dark. Upon hearing this, Luke would tell Ben the true story of his grandfather. How the dark side wasn’t the solution to his worries. In the end he could not save the one he loved and spent 20 years entombed in suffering and misery as he was consumed by Darth Vader.
The next morning, when Ben arrived at the Jedi Temple with his fellow Padawans, he would be greeted by Luke. Luke would ultimately decide to take the advice of his father, over Obi-Wan's, opting to show Ben the power of the light side and corruption of the dark.
Just as Luke did in the Rise Of Kylo Ren comics, he would take Ben to various Jedi outposts and artifacts around the galaxy, in search of the lost knowledge of the Light Side of the Force.
They would fight numerous battles, shoulder to shoulder, against the Knights Of Ren, ALways coming out on top. Ren would still offer Ben to join their ranks as in canon, but with the guidance of Luke would cast off his pull to the dark and leading him to decline the offer.
Palpatine would still be speaking to Ben through Snoke, but once again, Ben would not engage with Snoke, as the guidance and love of Luke would give Ben no reason to seek the dark.
Continuing to follow his father's advice, Luke would move on from demonstrating the benefits of the light side, into showing the pain and suffering of the dark. They would explore many dark side shrines like Fortress Vader on Mustafar and the former Imperial Palace on Coruscant. 
Luke's confidence in his students allowed him to show off these dark side locations, without fear of them being corrupted. Because Luke realized the failure of the Republic era Jedi laid within their arrogance and closed mindedness, he didn't want his students to fall into the same trap. He firmly believed that while only the Light Side should be utilized, all aspects of the force should be recognized.
As they became closer, Ben opened up to Luke about Snoke. Ben explains that ever since he could remember, Snoke has been by his side as “a friend” when his parents became distant towards him, Snoke was there. When Luke was focusing on more than himself, Snoke was there. But because Luke has shown the love and affection he’s always craved from his family, he no longer feels the need to seek Snoke out. 
Because Snoke's attempts to turn Ben to the dark side were now known to Luke, Ben was able to talk about it and release his frustrations. This allowed Luke to make adjustments to his teaching style and repair the shortcomings of the previous Jedi Code.
Luke would take the time to set up a meeting between Ben, Han and Leia. Ben would express how much it hurt that they sent him away. Han and Leia explains they genuinely thought sending him to Luke was the best way to help him. Leia felt Snoke from the moment Ben was born and when he came of age, knew Luke would be able to train and protect Ben. Leia would tell Ben. “Your father and I loved you so much. We were so caught up in our work that we couldn’t be there as much as we wanted to. Sending you away was our biggest mistake as parents. We are so sorry.” and then Ben would hug his parents showing that he’s forgiven them and moves on with Luke and the Jedi. Leia and Han would be permitted to send holovids to communicate with Luke and Ben.
Before Ben could move on, he would need to apologize and make up with his fellow Jedi Tai, Hennix and Voe. Ben would apologize for his arrogance/superiority complex and would from now on view his fellow Padawans as his friends. This is a fresh start for the group.
Luke would be using his outings to these dark side locations with Ben as a means to find the Sith Wayfinders, believing they would lead back to the origin of Snoke. Although this was unknown to Ben. Luke hoped to find the true identity of Snoke and eliminate him before he had the chance to turn Ben or any of his students.
Ben decided that the Knights Of Ren must be stopped once and for all. Ben gets together Tai, Voe and Hennix together. The mission in ending the Knights Of Ren was a success. The Padawans would now be Knighted as Jedi Knights
Luke decides to take only Ben with him on this extremely important mission. Although he believes the other students would be capable facing Snoke together, this was a job for Luke and Ben alone.
Ben uses his contact with Snoke to gain access to the second Sith Wayfinder, manipulating him into giving more information about his origin. 
The pair travel across the galaxy until they are forced to stop on Naboo because of damage to their ship. Upon their arrival, they are greeted by the Queen Of Naboo and sent to their quarters while repairs are made on their ship. Luke and Ben both sense a significant dark side presence on the planet, drawing them towards a small home in the capital city of Theed. Although the pair are reluctant, they have no choice but to investigate this dark side presence 
Feint howls could be heard and a cool chill swept across the street they were walking on. They knew they were at the right location, despite it looking like a completely normal house, the same as any other on the street, it was ravaged by the presence of the dark side of the force, radiating pain through the bodies of Luke and Ben. Ben proceeds to destroy the door with a swift kick, unleashing a scream from the rear of the house. This scream didn't come from a person, but a disturbance in the force. As the pair meandered around the house, they were bathed in the dark side. A familiar voice filled Luke's head, bringing back painful memories of his past. This was the home of the most powerful Sith Lord of all time, Darth Sidious.
Emperor Palpatine's home was left untouched from the moment he left, after killing his parents and taking the apprenticeship of Darth Plagueis. Ben was unaware of the true wickedness of Palpatine in his prime, but could recognize the shocked look on Luke's face. For a Jedi Master of such power to be left stunned meant this man had to have had some extreme significance in his life.
The pair quickly break open the basement door with their lightsabers, entering the smoky room. A bright red light emanates from the far corner, giving off a dark side hum. It was the final Sith Wayfinder they needed to find and confront Snoke himself.
With the Wayfinder in hand, they rushed outside the gloomy dwelling, returning to their quarters, awaiting their ship's repair. Although Luke was very concerned that the path to Snoke was contained within the former house of the Emperor, he did not yet realize that it was Palpatine pulling the strings. He thought his encounter with Palpatine on the second Death Star was the end of his story.
As the pair awoke the next morning, they were ready to finally face their dark opponent. With their ship repaired and the Sith Wayfinder complete, a course was set for the Unknown Regions world of Exegol.
Luke had only heard rumors of there being a Sith homeworld in the Unknown Regions, but this confirms it. Ben meditated on the journey, hoping to further strengthen his connection to the light side, in preparation for their battle with Snoke. 
As their ship moves into the nebulous atmosphere of Exegol, they struggle to land on the treacherous planet, as their navigation systems and rear engines are fried by the electromagnetic pulses. They enter the Sith temple, the same way Kylo Ren did in the original timeline.
To their shock and surprise, the two are greeted by Snoke. But not in the way that they were expecting. They were met by 500 Snokes. Each one in separate jars, the same ones we see in the original timeline. 
The realization sweeps over Luke, as he now accepts that Snoke was simply a clone being controlled by Emperor Palpatine. 
Ben and Luke rush through the laboratory, shattering every single jar that contained a clone of Snoke. The room was quickly bathed in an increasingly red mist. 
Many questions flooded over Luke about how this could be possible. How did Palpatine survive? How is he able to Clone Force Sensitive beings? Why has he chosen Exegol over Morraband? During the process of destroying these jars, Sith Eternal cultists, each with their own shade of Red Lightsaber, surround Luke and Ben. They valiantly fight the cultists, eventually coming back to finish off the leader.
The Leader of the Sith Eternal Cultists would reveal himself as the Snoke who had been in contact with Ben from the moment he was born. Snoke takes out a Black Lightsaber. Ben and Luke combine their strength to fight Snoke.  Snoke is powerful, but is taken down to the combined might of master and student. 
An ominous cackle can be heard from the shadows. Luke knows this laughter.  He knows the person waiting in the shadows to take his revenge for the events that occurred on the second Death Star. The Stage has now been set for the duel that was always meant to be.
Palpatine drains what’s left of the Sith Eternal and the Snoke clones to revitalizes himself. This is enough to contend with Luke and Ben
Luke and Palpatine are evenly matched, but Luke cannot continuing countering his SIth Lightning.
Palpatine has Luke at his mercy and has full intention of finishing what he started 30 years ago. What Palpatine did not count on was Ben. The boy he thought was a lost cause and thought Snoke killed him, rises and stabs Palpatine in the back. Ben grabs Luke’s Lightsaber and uses both lightsabers to finish Palpatine once and for all. Finally, the voices have stopped.
“Uncle, it’s over.” “I’m proud of you Ben.”
The First Order is still a thing. With no Snoke or Palpatine, Rae Sloane is in control of The First Order.
With Luke learning from the mistakes from the old Jedi Order, The Jedi Order is detached from the New Republic. Leia can use this since The New Republic still refuse to do anything about The First Order
The Jedi will be there for any reports or rumors about The First Order. Any raids to abduct children is prevented. Project Resurrection is an absolute failure.
Tai and Voe rescues Finn just in time, but are unable to save his family. Finn is taken in and becomes a Jedi. Voe is Finn’s master
Ben is called by the force to go to Jakku. There he finds Rey. Ben convinces Rey to leave with him and become a Jedi. Ben takes it upon himself to take Rey as his apprentice. Rey and Ben would’ve been bonded by the force through training and even find love with each other.
Palpatine and Snoke are no more and so is the dark hold that almost consumed Ben Solo. The First Order never become anything more than a fringe terrorist movement. Ben never turns. Han and Leia never break up. The Jedi and New Republic stand triumphant. Ben, Rey, Finn, Tai and Voe all rise as Jedi Knights!
This is what I think could’ve been if Ben never turned 
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capricornus-rex · 4 years
Stronger Than Blood (4)
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Chapter 4: Nothing For Me Here Anymore | Cal Kestis x Reader
Requested by Anon
Summary: Meeting another Force-sensitive was one thing, but having them related to one of the most formidable known duelers was a whole other story to tell. While being stranded in another planet after barely escaping the Haxion Brood, Cal crosses paths with someone who’s at a crossroads with their own identity and lineage.
Also tagging: @ayamenimthiriel​
Also posted in AO3
Tags: Force-User! Reader, Force-Sensitive Reader, Sith-Related! Reader
Chapters: 1 – 2 | Previous: Part 3 | Next: Part 5 | Masterlist
4 of ?
You twisted the acceleration handle to the max, cutting through the streets and startling the citizens as they throw themselves to the side of the road.
It seems that your little commotion has alarmed the Imperial patrols. They came at you with their own speeders, since neither of you want to be shot down and be reduced to shrapnel mixed with human gunk, you thought fast on how to lose them.
“[y/n], see if you can jam their comms!”
You immediately found and crunched the button for that function, you hoped that they didn’t radio in for reinforcements before you pressed the button.
A hot pursuit between you, a trio of Imperial patrollers, and the Devaronians in their own landspeeder zoomed through the city—drowning out the humming of the speeders leisurely cruising through the roads. Your first problem was the patrol, so you had to lose them first before getting rid of Melgu’s men. You led them through the elaborate network of annexes and alleyways of the city—luckily for Cal, he’s riding with somebody who knows the place like the back of her hand.
A high-pitched whistle screeched past your eardrum, you barely dodged a speeder’s ion cannon by a millimeter as you darted through the twists and turns of the alleys. An explosion roared behind you—one Stormtrooper on a speeder down, another to go. The last one standing continued to shoot at you as he follows. Irritated, Cal rotated in his seat and whipped out his saber to deflect the next blasts.
“[y/n], steer it steady, I’m gonna try taking this guy down!”
“Got it!”
Timing between pausing and deflecting as you turned left and right countless times, Cal finally got a shot at the Stormtrooper when you were driving straight and steady. The red rod of plasma flew back into its sender, hitting the engine chassis through the narrow gap between the front bumper’s prongs.
Cal shielded his eyes from the light of the blast and whatever debris that may come with it, and then turned back to face your back and slipped his arms around your waist as you drove.
“Are the Devaronians still after us?!”
The young Jedi glanced over his shoulder to find an empty street.
“No, I think we lost them!”
That’s what you think. Your fear has been realized, they intentionally left you to the Stormtroopers and is most likely headed to the store.
“But I know where they’re headed!”
Again, you cranked the handle down and accelerated through the city. You recognize some of the buildings you’re passing by, you thought to yourself that this was good—this was another way to the store. The speeder bike may have drowned out your heartbeat drumming in your ears, but you cannot suppress the anxiety that’s causing it.
Please… don’t let me be too late… you prayed, continuing to crank the handle even though it’s already been in its full throttle.
Upon arriving to the district where the store is, both you and Cal witnessed onlookers clustering at the storefront. A barrage of blaster fire thundered within the building, their lights spilled out of the open windows and the entrance of the building, and indistinct voices which ought to be taunts thrown to one another bellowed in the midst of the exchange of blasts.
Hearing Tundu’s voice inside the store gave you very little relief.
“Oh no,” you shuddered. You hastily dismounted the speeder, not even waiting for it to get to a full stop. Cal followed suit and he just had the same amount of worry as you do.
“[y/n], wait!” his call fell to deaf ears as you rushed into the store.
At that moment, before you made yourself known between the two parties caught in the crossfire, Cal spotted you fishing out a weapon from underneath your poncho. A part of him expected it to be a lightsaber, but he stood corrected.
With a push of a button, the rod—no longer than ten inches—extended into its full form, both hands secured the handle; as the heads of the staff unfolded, compressed electrical currents crackled and sputtered.
You rushed into the fray, techstaff in hand, and apprehended the goons that were ransacking and backing Tundu—with nothing but a blaster in hand—to a corner.
The impulsive call of his name made everybody turn their heads to you, with your presence known, you held your techstaff in front of you in a defensive stance. With the numbers evened out, including Cal in your cavalry, Tundu might have a chance. You come running towards a Rodian who had little time to defend himself after you clubbed his head with the end of your staff, the sound of the impact made you certain you’ve made at least a crack in his skull. Now the Iktotchi is one-on-one with another of Melgu’s bums—a slippery Dug who kept hiding behind the trashed shelves and tables.
“[y/n], don’t worry about me! BEHIND YOU!!!”
You looked and saw that the Devaronians have finally caught up to you, but the sound of Tundu’s cry of pain followed after the Dug shot two blasts to the Iktotchi’s chest made your head jerk back to your boss. It nearly made you nauseous and a blurry white border began to frame your vision.
“TUNDU, NO!!!”
While the Dug celebrated his kill, he got his karma back in the form of your techstaff flinging towards him like an oversized dart and ended him with the blunt force of the weapon, breaking the creatures’ very narrow yet fragile neck bone. The satisfaction of the kill flooded your body with adrenaline. Just when you were about to run up to Tundu to check on him, you heard Cal’s exclamation.
Cal, on the other hand, had no other choice but to use his lightsaber—as much as he never wanted to when coming here—and fought off the Devaronians. One of them came at him, braced him by the shoulders and violently introduced his forehead to Cal’s. Disoriented and seeing four of the red, horned brutes instead of two, you came to his aid by hindering his assailant using the Force.
Focusing your energy on the red-skinned enemy, you aimed at his arm and it was slowly twisting to the opposite direction in a quite unnatural way. The Devaronian fumbled to his knees, wincing and grimacing in pain, but you ignored it; when his companion saw this unusual infliction of pain, he decided to take a step forward, but it became his undoing in a matter of seconds—you directed your left hand at him and aimed your palm at his ribs, constricting it and feeling for the bones to bend. For whatever odd reason you cannot put into words, you wanted to stop… but it felt satisfying.
“Neither of you are gonna get closer!!!” you growled through the grit of your teeth, the fire in your eyes glaring redder than their skin.
Your fingers tensed as it curled, puppeteering the limbs with invisible threads tied to your digits, you snarled more than you're actually breathing. Cal watched you wield the Force with a caliber that equals to a Jedi.
“[y/n], that’s enough!” Cal rebuked.
His words were white noise to your eardrums and you continued wielding the Force on the horned giants. He ran up to you, your hands reduced to a trembling mess upon feeling for the gentle hold of Cal’s grasp encasing them. The Force subsided but left the Devaronians squirming in pain, you’ve already succeeded in snapping one’s elbow to an abnormal direction, the other was clutching his chest as he tried to breathe through a bent rib bone.
You’d expected him to tackle you. From the touch, he could feel your raw strength with the Force, it felt like the wildest storm surge trapped within the smallest vessel, awaiting to shatter what contains it and break free to loose Hell.
Cal noticed that even with your eyes flaring with anger and rage, tears fell like waterfalls and stained your grime-covered cheeks.
“Hey, [y/n],” he cooed, combing away the locks of hair obscuring your eyes and cupping your cheeks to make sure you keep them straight into his jade irises. “It’s okay, [y/n]… Hey. It’s over. You’re okay.”
“No… It’s happened…” you sobbed.
Your words confused the boy, but put the thought aside at the expense of the moment. The silence helped you come back to your senses.
“Wait…” your eyes searched the store for the Iktotchi. “Tundu!”
The two of you followed the faint sound of Tundu’s labored breathing. You vaulted over the table that acted as his cover in the crossfire and found him splayed on the floor, two black circles riddled his chest and they pulsated whenever he attempted to breathe.
“No…” you gasped.
“[y/n]… you have to go… more will come for me, they’ll come for you, too…”
“But I can’t leave you… I can fight for you!”
“There’s nothing much you can do now…” he struggled. “Do me a favor and save yourself, child.”
Your heart bled as you watch him dying.
“Take a speeder and go,” he choked.
“No, Tundu!”
“[y/n],” he inhaled, lifting an arm to your shoulder was difficult as it is already, he starting speaking Iktotchese.
Mentally, it translated to “Never let your will falter in the face of conflict.” It was a little proverb he had beaten into your head numerous times when you were still starting out in his store. You knew it by heart, well enough to understand it even in a dying whisper.
You recited the Iktotchese saying back to him and he managed a proud smile at you, he clapped your shoulder and caressed your cheek.
“Go now… I still got some fight in me left,”
When he saw that you weren’t budging, he looked over your shoulder and found Cal standing behind you. He gestured to the boy to come and take you out to safety. The Jedi placed his hand over your shoulder and gave you a subtle shake.
“Come on, we have to get out of here now, [y/n],”
You’re hesitant to stand up, your blind confidence made you think you can take on the incoming wave of henchmen the same way you handled the Devaronians, but the rational voice in your mind prevailed. Cal never took his hand off of your shoulder until you rose up from your knees and turned to him.
Without a word, Cal transferred his hand from your shoulder to your wrist, and then the two of you headed out of the store. The idea of one last look behind you where Tundu is was so tempting, but your legs carried you forward—to the entrance of the store.
The whirring of multiple engines sounded off in the distance—Melgu’s men are coming. You spotted the speeders which ought to have belonged to the Devaronians. Taking each one, you and Cal sped out of the scene before the henchmen could’ve spotted you.
“Try and keep up! I’ll take the lead!” Cal bellowed through the engine hum.
“Got it!”
As you hit the throttle of the speeder, you were already saying goodbye to the life you once had. And now you’re probably walking into a whole other one.
“Please let the saying ‘Third time’s the charm’ be right this time,” you muttered to yourself in a prayerful tone.
You followed Cal to the outskirts of the city. The farther you got, the closer you found the silhouette of the Stinger Mantis.
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fluffynexu · 6 years
Sith Culture Note: Gold
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Vette sat on what had to be the galaxy’s most comfortable bed surrounded by numerous open jewelry boxes. She dug through the piles of glittering golden rings, necklaces, bracelets, earrings, hair pins, headpieces, facial jewelry, body ornaments, and anything else that could be worn. Akrona walked to and from her closet, adding more and more boxes of these treasures onto the bed.
“Having fun?” Akrona asked, placing another box down on the bed.
Vette inspected the large, ornate rings she had on one hand with while adjusting the tiaras and circlets on her head with the other. “Oh, totally! I could so get used to this.”
“Well try not to,” Akrona replied, “I have to reorganize everything to be stored away properly in the family vaults.” She pointed to all the gold trinkets Vette wore. “That means you’ll have to take those off.”
Vette gasped, hugging the jewelry that decorated her. “Shh! Don’t say that! They’ll hear you!”
Akrona rolled her eyes and laughed quietly. One last box overflowing with bracelets was added to the pile. “And that should be it.”
“So…” Vette ran her fingers over the five, ridiculously heavy necklaces she had on. “I don’t have to take these off now, do I?”
Akrona sighed, “I suppose I can let you wear them for a bit longer.”
Vette smiled in response.
“I’ll just…” Akrona looked around and sat on the edge of the bed next to a pile of earrings. “Start with these.”
Several minutes passed as Akrona began pairing off the earrings. Vette scooted closer and helped her beloved Sith-sister by finding and matching stray pieces.
“You know,” Vette said, breaking the silence. “I've been wondering. What's with all the gold anyway?”
“What do you mean?”
“It’s just that you have a lot.” She gestured to the hoard on the bed. “Like a lot-a lot. And every pureblood Sith I've seen always has some. You know… on their hands, around their necks, stuck to their faces… and even embedded into the clothes you guys wear too.”
Akrona chuckled. “Yes, that’s true.”
“So what's your guys’ deal?” She paired off another set of earrings, staring at the intricate details of the craftsmanship on the numerous, small, dangling parts that made up the whole.
“Well Vette,” Akrona spoke in a way that reminded her of a caring maternal figure, “among my people gold typically symbolizes wealth, prosperity, good fortune, honor…”
One of Vette’s eyebrows rose. “That's it? That's why it's so special?”
Akrona shook her head slowly. “It’s not just that. I believe our ancestors also considered gold to be a sacred and holy metal that came to the world from a fallen monster.”
It was the Old Era for the Sith and the Great Mother had passed into the Divine Realm to be with her husband.
The First Nation had already fractured into numerous tribes as the Sith moved out into the world. The Sith settled into the wilds of Korriban, turning hostile terrain into the first great cities the world would see. But as they shaped the land to their liking, they awoke an ancient terror.
It was called Dzagosh, a spawn of the earthen primal that was slain by Ahmurn at the dawn of creation. 
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The behemoth easily towered over all of the mountains on Korriban. It stomped across the land on its four legs, shaking the world to the core and crushing entire cities wherever it went. As it rampaged the dwindling Sith knew they would be destroyed if nothing was done.
And so Nefara from the nation of Ahnkashi, high priestess of Ahmurn, prayed to the Heavenly Emperor for the salvation of her people. To her prayer Ahmurn simply told her that they already had the means to destroy this monster. For the Sith were his children and Dzagosh was merely an untamed fragment formed from the earthen primal.
With the words of her god in mind Nefara set out to the remaining nations. From the nation of Moserhai she married the high priest to Marserha, Kadaj, who gave her a son. And from the nation of Rashan she married the high priest to Bashara, Sokar, who gave her a daughter.
The high priestess set out with her family to unify what remained of the Sith nations. With a common enemy the other nations needed little persuasion to join in their endeavors. As the Sith came together the greatest minds of the Kissai shared their knowledge and discovered the art of sorcery over the years.
Having mastered the disciplines of Sith sorcery Nefara and her husbands led an army to hunt down the giant. During the battle Nefara’s son managed to pierce one of the eyes of Dzagosh’s with an enchanted spear. The giant roared in pain, nearly shattering the ground as it crushed its assailant. From its eye fell thick, gleaming yellow drops that solidified into metal stones as they hit the ground.
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But the battle ultimately ended in failure with a half-blind Dzagosh stomping away. There was no time to mourn for the surviving Sith while this curse upon their world still lived. The Sith took the curious new metal and with the mastery of fire bestowed upon them by Bashara, forged it into weapons, armor, talismans, and jewelry.
When they next confronted Dzagosh the Sith were armed and adorned with the purified blood of the monster. And try as it might, Dzagosh could not cause harm any of the Sith. Each attempt cracked its body bit by bit. Until a combination of spells and runes locked it in place. Driven by desperation Dzagosh attempted one final attack but doing so broke its entire body. The shattered pieces crumbled back down onto the world, creating the Adzagoshar mountain range.
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With the great danger to the Sith eliminated, Nefara and her husbands returned to rule the reformed nation. They reigned for many years and Nefara had several more children in her life. After her death Nefara’s heirs fought among themselves, bringing upon a vicious civil war. This war inevitably divided the Sith into numerous nations once again.
Many generations passed until a small tribe of merchants came upon the Adzagoshar mountains. Recalling the tales of their elders the merchants dug deep into the mountains. They discovered the blood of the monster had turned into endless seams of gold that ran deep into Korriban.
“And after the merchants found the gold, they became a very wealthy nation trading it with the other Sith.” Akrona packed away the last pair of earrings and continued to explain. “Gold spread throughout Korriban among all of the Sith societies. It was seen as an... other-worldly substance that was purified by flame in the process to melt and craft things out of it. These items were meant to ward off bad luck and bring blessings upon the wearer.”
Vette shifted the weight of the necklaces as the bracelets were pushed in between them, ready to be organized.
“Of course that mentality eventually led to things such as gold statues guarding palaces and temples. Golden urns and sarcophagi of royalty to protect their spirits in the afterlife.” Akrona shrugged. “There was a legendary city made of gold, and there were giant statues crafted in the image of the gods shining in the holy cities, seen for miles away. Even the last monarch of Korriban, King Hakagram Graush, sat upon a brilliant golden throne with the scenes of creation and destruction carved onto it.”
There was a quiet moment and Vette asked, “So what happened to it?”
“What? All the gold?”
“Yeah. I mean no offense but Korriban’s kind of a dump. And I didn’t really see any gold when I was sneaking around the tombs.”  
Akrona gave a small, sad smile. “I suppose over the millennia, it was all taken and plundered to be melted down or sold off as curiosities. I believe Ajunta Pall had a gold-plated ship constructed from what his Exiles could, uh, receive from the temples. Which was eventually lost or destroyed in some battle.”  
Vette shook her head in disapproval and pursed her lips, focusing on the light bouncing off of the bracelets.
“And if I’m not mistaken, the Jedi hold some of the original golden artifacts from Korriban.”
“What? Why do they still have―?” Vette asked in near outrage.
Akrona sighed, “Something about the Sith using ancient artifacts to unleash terrible evils upon the galaxy and so the Jedi must safeguard the items for the greater good and all that nonsense.”
Vette rolled her eyes. “Give me break.”
“Although… with how little they actually know of us, I can’t say I particularly blame them for that line of logic,” Akrona replied with a light chuckle.
Vette smiled as they continued organizing the massive hoard of jewelry on the bed. Light conversation filled the air of the room with the dazzling display of gold igniting scenes of old monsters and an ancient people in her mind.
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son-of-alderaan · 6 years
Star Wars fans may disagree about many elements of the sequel trilogy, but one thing that most can agree on is that Kylo Ren is one of the best characters in the newer movie. Masterfully played by Adam Driver, there is a wonderful sense of complexity and inner turmoil within the character, elevating him far above standard villains.
Making him Ben Solo -- the son of Han Solo and Leia Organa and nephew of Luke Skywalker -- was a brilliant move. These original trilogy characters have already faced and overcome so much, but fighting the child they once tried to raise and put on the right path is a new challenge altogether. It's different than what Vader faced, as he had turned to the dark side long ago, whereas with Ben Solo, the original trilogy characters have to grapple with the fact that they are partly responsible for his fall to the darkness.
With three decades passing between Episode VI: Return of the Jedi and Episode VII: The Force Awakens and Ben Solo alive for most of that time period, many fans are curious about how a boy raised by the galaxy's greatest heroes could become the frightening Kylo Ren. While some of his journey to the dark side remains a secret as the franchise leads into Episode IX, a number of details have been revealed through novels, video games, interviews, and the movies themselves. These details don't provide all of the answers, but they do provide tremendous insight into how he became Kylo Ren.
This article will begin with entries focusing on Ben Solo as a young child, working towards the time when he became Kylo Ren.
The novel Last Shot was written as tie-in material leading up to the release of Solo, but the novel was arguably most exciting in the scenes featuring Ben Solo as a child. Ben experienced a traumatic incident as a young child.
Though it was not solely responsible, it definitely contributed to his eventual fall to the darkness.
With Han off fighting the villainous Fyzen Gor and Leia busy with her political work, Ben was left in the care of the kitchen droid BX-778. What was already not an ideal situation turned dangerous, as Fyzen Gor enacted his nefarious scheme where droids all across the galaxy were reprogrammed with evil intent towards the humans around them. For little Ben, this meant that the normally friendly kitchen droid picked him up by the neck with intent to mortally harm the child. Fortunately, Han helped stop Fyzen Gor's plan from going much further and saved his son's life.
Last Shot provided insight into the difficulties of balancing Han and Leia’s jobs while raising their son. The novel opened with a scene where a hologram of former Rebellion leader and at the time current New Republic Chancellor Mon Mothma appeared to talk with Leia about urgent political matters. Despite Han's best efforts, Mon Mothma's hologram caused little Ben to wake up and start crying.
It's a natural reaction for a young child to wake up and start crying from something that startles them out of sleep. Even though he'd one day become the ruthless Kylo Ren -- working to destroy the New Republic Mon Mothma worked so hard to build -- there was a time when she was the one who could send him into tears, even if it was an accident.
Though it's hard to believe, since he would go on to take the life of Han in The Force Awakens, but little Ben Solo actually idolized his father and frequently followed him around. As seen in the beginning of the novel Last Shot, he'd also cuddle and fall asleep in his father's arms, sometimes with Han falling asleep as well.
Sometimes he also played with Han's gold dice. This makes the final shot of Kylo all the more powerful in The Last Jedi, as he picks up the dice he played with as a child, only to have them disappear from his hands.
The scene between Kylo and Han on the bridge in The Force Awakens is all the more devastating knowing that these memories were likely playing through Han's mind as he faced his son.
Ben Solo was descended from some of the best pilots in the galaxy. His grandfather Anakin Skywalker, father Han Solo, and uncle Luke Skywalker showed their piloting skills numerous times in the past, flying a variety of ships, often in circumstances where their flying saved the galaxy from a catastrophic fate.
Using the gifts passed down from them and with practice of his own, Ben Solo also became a gifted pilot. This is largely why he was able to fly his TIE silencer so effectively during The Last Jedi. These abilities served him well when he used the TIE silencer to destroy the hangar of the Resistance's flagship the Raddus, along with numerous Resistance pilots and their ships.
Using not only his own experiences but also the wealth of knowledge he'd amassed about the Jedi in the years since Return of the Jedi, Luke set out to train a new generation of Jedi. Seeing that he was not only Force-sensitive but also dealing with serious inner darkness and turmoil, Leia and Han sent their son to train with his uncle Luke to join this new generation.
Recognizing the great power within his nephew, Luke believed that Ben was the Chosen One.
In many ways, he was the prized pupil of Luke's students. Of course, anyone who's seen The Force Awakens or The Last Jedi knows that things did not go according to plan, and Luke was plagued with many deep regrets of how he approached his nephew's training.
Set six years before The Force Awakens, the novel Bloodline provides a great deal of insight into the galaxy's political state that creates the conflict for the sequel trilogy. Part of this was the public reveal that Darth Vader was the father of galactic heroes Leia Organa and Luke Skywalker.
Lady Carise -- a New Republic senator secretly working for the First Order -- revealed this truth to the public in a session of the New Republic senate, and it quickly swept throughout the galaxy. Leia told Han the truth after Return of the Jedi, but they never told their son, as they were waiting for a right time. He was already in his twenties and off training with Luke at the time, but the news reached him eventually and undoubtedly played a major role in embracing the dark side and sparking his obsession with Vader.
Sensing the darkness within Ben Solo, one fateful night, Luke stood over his sleeping nephew and ignited his lightsaber. He nearly took Ben's life to prevent the galaxy from facing the kind of devastation it experienced during the reign of Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader.
Despite Luke quickly deciding not to go through with the awful act of slaying his nephew in his sleep, too much damage had already been done.
Ben awoke to see his uncle -- a man he'd looked up to and been training with for years -- standing over him with seemingly evil intent. In order to defend himself, Ben used his own lightsaber to parry the blow he thought was coming from Luke, and he sent the hut they were in crashing down upon his uncle.
Even with Rey's vision in The Force Awakens and the flashbacks in The Last Jedi, a great deal still remains uncertain about the night Luke's Jedi Academy was destroyed. Audiences know what happened between Luke and Ben that pushed him to the dark side. They know the Jedi Temple burned and that half the students lost their lives while the other half fled with Kylo.
This has led some fans -- particularly those rooting for Kylo Ren's redemption in Episode IX -- to argue that he was not solely responsible for the destruction and many demises that followed his altercation with Luke. Instead perhaps some of the students he fled with were more responsible for those things. Hopefully the full story of what happened will be revealed in Episode IX.
With darkness brewing in him for years, Ben Solo was officially pushed over the edge and towards the dark side after the incident between him and Luke Skywalker. He'd been influenced by the First Order's Supreme Leader Snoke from afar for years at that point. Now turned to the dark side and wanting to direct his rage against the people and galaxy that had wronged him, he became Kylo Ren and Snoke's apprentice.
In this role, he grew even stronger with the Force, taking what he'd learned of the Jedi from Luke, which was now added with the knowledge and secrets of the dark side.
He existed outside the official command structure of the First Order, but could still command the First Order's military officers and soldiers.
Kylo Ren uses the dark side, but it was established before The Force Awakens was even released that he is not a Sith. That is why he does not use the title of "Darth." The name "Kylo Ren" comes from being the Master of the Knights of Ren, a title Supreme Leader Snoke references when saying that, even as Master of the Knights of Ren, Kylo has never faced a test like dealing with his own father Han Solo.
Little is known about the Knights of Ren and they have only been seen in Rey's vision during The Force Awakens. Many fans believe they are the students from Luke's Jedi Academy that Kylo fled with, and as the most powerful among them, Kylo naturally became their leader.
Kylo Ren wasted no time proving how powerful he was when introduced in The Force Awakens. Moments after his arrival on Jakku, where he took the life of Lor San Tekka, he froze a blaster bolt in mid-air that Poe Dameron fired at him. He also froze Poe in place until Stormtroopers could detain him. Kylo kept the blaster bolt frozen in mid-air while briefly interrogating Poe, ordering him back to the ship, and then commanding Captain Phasma and the Stormtroopers to terminate all residents from the Jakku village the First Order invaded.
Later in the movie, Kylo displayed his ability again when he froze Rey in place on the planet Takodana.
Seeing how effectively he used this Force power at the beginning of The Force Awakens, he clearly learned and mastered it before the events of the movie.
Having turned to the dark side, Kylo Ren created a new red lightsaber. The crossguard design can be traced back as far as the Great Scourge of Malachor, a design that Ezra Bridger saw for himself when he explored the ruins of Malachor in Star Wars Rebels.
Kylo used a cracked Kyber crystal to construct his new lightsaber. The cracked crystal generated far more heat than a regular Kyber crystal. This is why there are lateral vents on both sides of the hilt so the lightsaber can stay whole without exploding from the excessive heat. Like other dark side users, Kylo corrupted the crystal and made it "bleed" in order to turn his lightsaber red.
When Kylo Ren takes his mask off for the first time in The Force Awakens, he slams it down on a table of ashes. The movie never directly explained the meaning behind the ashes, but director J.J. Abrams answered the mystery.
Abrams said that the ashes are from all the enemies Kylo has taken the lives of, a disturbing detail that reinforces Kylo's obsession with the past and legacy, even if it means preserving and hoarding the remains of his fallen enemies.
It was also revealed that the ashes were originally meant for the scene in Kylo's private quarters where he speaks to the helmet of Darth Vader. This means that audiences could've seen Adam Driver's face for the first time much earlier in the movie.
Kylo's role in decimating Luke Skywalker's Jedi Temple and taking the lives of half his students earned Kylo the nickname of "Jedi Killer" among the ranks of the First Order. This was never a name anyone said directly to his face, but it was something they whispered among themselves. Much of Kylo Ren was shrouded in mystery, yet across the First Order, it was still widely known that he played and would continue to play a crucial part in preventing the Jedi Order from rising again.
Before Kylo Ren's character took on an official name, backstory, and arc, he was only known as the "Jedi Killer" during pre-production as concept art was developed. Eventually, he became the character fans now know well, but early on, he was referred to by the same name whispered within the ranks of the First Order.
Among Kylo Ren's impressive abilities demonstrated in The Force Awakens was that of the mind probe, which is the Force power to navigate through the mind of an individual. Despite his best resistance, Poe Dameron was unable to withstand Kylo's mind probe, allowing Kylo to learn that the droid BB-8 held a missing piece to the Luke Skywalker map on the planet Jakku.
Later in the movie, Kylo used the ability against Rey to see the piece of the map to Skywalker.
He was able to see into her mind briefly, but not before she revealed her own astonishing Force-sensitivity and combated his mind probe. Given how effectively and comfortably used Kylo used the ability in The Force Awakens, he clearly learned it in the time leading up to the film, most likely from Snoke himself.
At some point after learning Darth Vader was his grandfather and before The Force Awakens, Kylo Ren retrieved the charred helmet of the grandfather he idolized so much. When speaking of his inner conflict and wanting to finish what his grandfather started, Kylo talks directly to the helmet in his private quarters.
It is not only a link to the past, but also a reminder of the legacy Kylo wants to continue and build for himself.
It hasn't been officially revealed how and when Kylo retrieved the helmet. Some fans think he went to Endor and took it from there, the same place where Luke lit a funeral pyre for his father at the end of Return of the Jedi. However, others stand by a theory that he hired a mercenary to find it for him.
Even though he didn't actively fight against the First Order until the end of The Last Jedi, Luke Skywalker still represented a grave threat to the First Order's vision. As long as Luke Skywalker lived, hope that the Jedi would rise again remained, which was a major obstacle for Supreme Leader Snoke and Kylo Ren.
Having trained with him for years, Kylo knew Skywalker better than anyone. He also had more emotional investment in finding and destroying Skywalker considering his uncle's betrayal. Given these facts, Supreme Leader Snoke had Kylo Ren personally lead the First Order's hunt for Luke Skywalker. He is still undertaking this pursuit when audiences first encounter him on Jakku at the beginning of The Force Awakens.
In a story campaign taking place shortly before The Force Awakens in the 2017 video game Battlefront II, Kylo Ren arrived on the planet Pillio. Kylo use his mind probe Force abilities to interrogate Del Meeko. As one of the protagonists of Battlefront II, Del Meeko was a former member of the Empire's elite Inferno Squad before he changed sides to aid the New Republic in finishing the Galactic Civil War.
Del Meeko knew Lor San Tekka had taken the map to the planet Bayora, which Kylo was able to extract from his victim's mind through his mind probing.
This took Kylo a step closer to finding Lor San Tekka on Jakku at the beginning of The Force Awakens.
Once loyal to the Galactic Empire, Del Meeko's defection to the New Republic made him particularly hated by Gideon Hask. Del Meeko and Hask had once been close and fought side by side as members of the Empire's elite Inferno Squad.
Now an officer in the First Order, Hask relished turning the traitorous Del Meeko over to Kylo Ren for interrogation. After retrieving the information he needed from Del Meeko's mind concerning the location of Lor San Tekka and piece to the Luke Skywalker map, Kylo handed the prisoner back over to Hask. No longer needed by Kylo Ren, Hask executed his old friend for his betrayal, setting up the final confrontation between Hask and Iden Versio.
Much like precious few knew Darth Vader had once been Anakin Skywalker, most individuals in the galaxy are also unaware that Kylo Ren was once Ben Solo.
Those who knew Kylo's true name was Ben Solo were forbidden to say it aloud, a decree made by Supreme Leader Snoke himself.
The mask was also part of concealing this identity, as it hid his face, made him more intimidating, and dehumanized him further into "a creature in a mask," which is what Rey called him before seeing his face. Making him conceal his Ben Solo identity and embrace the identity of Kylo Ren fit well with Snoke's plans to make his apprentice even darker and more powerful than Darth Vader.
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Dark Premonitions
Now that the Last Jedi trailer is out and everyone is analyzing and celebrating it, I decided to post one of my small oneshots I made for a young Kylo because of how damn hyped I’ve suddenly become for TLJ thanks to that wonderful trailer! This takes place when Ben.. is 10 (didn’t realize that till now) and has an important headcanon of mine that Snoke has contacted Kylo as long before as when he was a kid before the Jedi camp. I made this a long LONG time ago, even before Bloodline came out so some info may be off. Hope you enjoy this thing I made more than a year ago, flaws and all!
You will grow to be as powerful as your grandfather, if you join the Dark Side. Ben continued his pace through the hallways of his home without pause. Throughout the years, he had adjusted to these ceaseless pair of words he received on a daily basis. He would inform his parents every time he heard this strange message, but it had gotten so normal that Han and Leia just assumed that Ben had this recurring message everyday, now. For the first few years while receiving this message, Ben questioned the reasons how, and why he had gotten this alert. Now that Ben was getting older, now 10, he had tried to dig deeper into the context. Who exactly was his grandfather? Why was he on the dark side? Why was he so important? How did this relate to him? Ben had attempted to ask his parents about his grandfather, but they gave him no answer. He understood somewhat, that they were trying to protect him from exposing him to information about the dark side. At the same time, Ben wanted answers. He needed an explanation to what made this message so significant. That's when he began to find the holograms. He'd searched far and wide of the planet, every Jedi and Sith temple that stood on the surface. He had almost given up. Only a week ago, Ben finally reached an end to his quest. It had taken patience; he travelled on foot for at most six hours to get to a Sith temple. He heavily regretted being present in such a dark environment, but he knew that it was necessary. Ben had found a huge set of hologram recordings in a chest inside the temple. Somehow, he could sense the holograms that he needed. Once he returned home, he was almost certain that his parents lost their trust in him. He didn't blame them; he had left numerous times during his search. They had only agreed to let him leave because Ben lied that he was supposedly going exploring with another boy that lived nearby. Ben had begun secretly viewing each hologram one by one every night ever since he had obtained them. His worst fear was if a member of his family would barge into his living chamber while he was watching a hologram recording. Ben entered his living chamber hastily and flipped a switch, shutting the door behind him. He sat in front of a small, unresponsive droid. It had been broken for a long time now, as a present for his sixth birthday from his father. He had gotten it from his travels when he was gone, Han Solo had claimed. Ben pressed a button on the silent droid, and a blue light lit up, illuminating a figure. He recognized it. The figure wore all black; a cape, a dark helmet, and Ben could hear sharp, audible breaths from the dark, menacing figure. "Lieutenant," the person grumbled deeply, making Ben shiver. The voice seemed almost robotic, "you have failed me, for the last time. Report to my division, immediately." The hologram ended. Ben groaned heavily. This figure had appeared in all of the holograms he had seen. He was convinced that it was his grandfather, but he solemnly refused to believe it. His family seemed so.. pure. Ben inserted a hardware drive into the droid, and another hologram of his grandfather appeared. The dark figure was now kneeling. "My master," he slowly began, "I believe that the Rebels have made a new base on a planet in a near quadrant. I am almost certain that the boy who destroyed the Death Star is with them. I'm sure of it." "Ben!" He instantly pressed a button, ejecting the hardware drive, causing the hologram to die out. He heard small footsteps outside the hatch of his room. Ben frantically stuffed the hologram drive on the other side of his bunk. He sat on his bunk, breathing unevenly, trying to act casual as the latch opened. Leia stepped in, and stopped in front of her son. "Ben, it's time for dinner. I've been calling you." "Sorry, mother," he stammered. Leia sighed discontentedly. She looked around the room, furrowing her brows. "Why is it so dark in here?" "I just.. wanted to take a nap," Ben murmured. Leia scoffed then motioned towards the door, and Ben followed her to the dining room of their home. Han and Chewy were already sitting at the dining table, Han replying to his Wookiee friend's unfathomable groans. The mother and son sat at the table that had two dishes in the middle of it. One of the dishes looked decent, but the other made Ben scrunch his nose. "Chewy decided to help me with dinner tonight," Leia amusingly chortled, making her husband form a halfhearted smile. "Yeah, I can see that," Han chortled. Chewbacca playfully punched Han's shoulder. Ben scooped a large amount of the decent-looking food and only put a tiny quantity of Chewy's dish onto his plate. Chewy immediately began to inhale his meal and the rest of them ate quietly. Han glanced at Ben. "What did you do today?" Ben stopped eating and looked up from his plate, his mouth still full. "Um," he grumbled, then swallowed, "I visited Argon today." Ben had no other friends, other than Argon. Plus, he was the only boy his age in the area. Argon was amiable, but did not have much in common with Ben. His parents nodded and smiled in response. Leia set down her fork. "Your Uncle Luke will be paying us a visit, tomorrow." Ben nodded his head. Minutes passed. His parents were chatting to specifically each other, and Chewy had already devoured his plate, and was getting thirds. Ben stared at his food, shutting his eyes. He tightly concentrated, his mind ringing. He opened his eyes, focusing onto his plate. Gradually, the plate began to levitate, causing Ben to grin hopefully. Leia darted her eyes to Ben, and straightened her posture. "Ben, what have I told you?" Ben frowned, and the plate plopped to the surface of the table. "At least I have this ability," he murmured to himself. Leia opened her mouth to say something, but stopped herself. Han continued to gnaw at his food. He knew better than to argue with his son and wife at the same time. Especially when it was about the Force. Talking about this subject wasn't his cup of tea. Leia inhaled steadily, and regained her repose. "Uncle Luke will be arriving in the morning." Ben stared at his food, inspecting it with his fork. Leia sadly gazed at her son, stood up from her chair and diminished herself from the dining room. Chewy noticed the tension, and lumbered away from the conflict. Han moved his eyes to his son, who was still neglecting himself from his surroundings. Han, out of pity, positioned himself towards Ben. "Ben," he softly mumbled, as soft as Han can sound, "if there's anything you need to talk about, I'm-" "I wish Mom could understand how powerful I am, but she can't accept it," Ben said bitterly. Han gulped. "Your mother is just trying to do what's best for you. You know that." Ben shot a cold glare at his father. "Then what is best for me?" Han didn't know how to answer. He didn't know the answer himself, after all. "I can never relate to what you're feeling, son. I'm sorry. But your uncle is coming tomorrow. I know for a fact that you two have something in common." Ben's sharp glance softened and sighed nonchalantly. "I guess so," he uttered, a simper forging its away to the surface. Han grinned in response. "It's getting late," he said, breaking their fond moment. Ben couldn't recall the most recent time that his father had reassured him. Or been there for him, in general. Ben stood and pushed in his chair, and turned on his heel and scurried away. Han stayed to clean the dishes. Ben entered his living quarters and continued watching the holograms. He was truly fascinated by them. Unfortunately, these images had only raised more questions. Ben yawned, rubbing his eyes. He sauntered to his bunk and sat. Ben took the hologram device in his hands and began to play with it. He concentrated on the object as he had done with his dinner plate. The device ascended above Ben's grasp. He quietly chortled to himself, trying not to let ferment overtake him. He used his ability to swing the device all over the room, from left to right. This was the only time he could use the Force. By himself. The object slowed its speed midair, and Ben lost himself in this "game". He was content. He leaned his head back against the wall, nearly dozing off. His breathing became even and unhurried, unlike its usual rapid pace. The metal wall Ben was leaning on began to shudder, blatant voices that were clearly audible on the opposite side of the wall. Ben held the palms of his hands against his ears, unable to bring himself to listen to the familiar argument. "It's the only thing that could help him!" Leia screamed at her husband. "Sweetheart, you know I trust Luke, but if we let our son go, when's the next time we're ever gonna see him?" Han replied sharply. Leia paced back and forth, then stopped in front of Han. "Fine," she muttered bitterly, anger boiling within her, "you never understand from my side." Han scoffed, crossing his arms. "Oh, really? You think I never respect you?" Leia didn't respond, instead, moving her eyes to the floor. Han observed his wife scorn him, and gloomily shook his head. He reluctantly turned and plodded towards the entrance of their living quarters. Leia lifted her head just to find the door promptly slide open. Han took a large step, but halted himself for a brief moment, wishing that his wife would refrain him from going any further. Leia feet remained glued to the ground, although her mind clamored at her, to stop her husband from leaving again. Han realized that his wife did not want him to stay. He had truly not wanted to go, but felt like it was better for them both to get some time to themselves. At least he felt it was better for Leia. That was what mattered. In the past, she had discouraged him from running off, but she came to the reality that she was married to Han Solo. Han Solo. A smuggler who was not reliable, who seemed to have better things to do than to stay at home with his little family. Han regained his determination and marched out the door without wavering, around the corner, out of Leia's sight. Seconds had passed, hoping that her husband would come back and they would make up. But it didn't. Leia shrank to the floor and began to sob. Ben had heard the slamming of his parents' quarter's door, and sighed, already sensing the situation. His father had left, several times before. Only this time, the quarrel sounded much more fervid. The unfriendly silence was interrupted by the faint noise of small weeps. His mother. Ben stood to go comfort her, but he stopped himself. Obviously, he didn't want his mother to know that he had overheard the heated argument. He couldn't shake off the guilt he felt. Ben winced from the sorrowful sounds coming from his parents' living quarters, it was unheard of, his mother crying. He was amazed how strong his mother was. Even after all of those instances where Leia's husband was not next to her, she remained tenacious. Only now, it had gone too far. She had broken for the first time. Ben laid in bed for a while, struggling to fall asleep, but the excruciating cries of his mother wouldn't allow it. He felt his eyes beginning to water just hearing cries coming from the person he looked up to the most. He decided to distract himself by pondering about the holograms. Just the appearance of his grandfather seemed uninviting. How could his relative be on the Dark Side? The Dark Side. Ben had heard of the Dark Side, not only from the frequent mind messages, but as a very young boy. He could recall that his mother and sometimes father would share their stories of defeating the Empire. Ben, to this day, wondered if it was true. It was undeniably incredible, but seemed so unrealistic. He lived a normal life on a normal world, with what-looks-like a normal family. A princess, a skilled smuggler, and a Jedi Knight; all war heroes. He enjoyed hearing about their adventures, but then suddenly, they refused to tell him anymore. His parents did not even bother to mention the reason why. He was looking forward to his uncle visiting. Ben loved his parents dearly, but they didn't understand him the way his uncle Luke did. It was mostly because of the fact that they both are force-sensitive, and when Ben was able to see him, his uncle would help in controlling his ability. Ben was aware that his mother was also force-sensitive, but avoided any training to start a family. He didn't fully comprehend why someone would turn down such an opportunity, but he only kept it to himself. Han tried to chat with his son about the Force, since his wife did everything to avoid the topic and his son was so desperate to know more about it, but still couldn't resonate with Ben's view. He appreciated the gesture, though. Ben grew exhausted of this type of thinking, and closed his eyes. He was about to become comatose, when his mind buzzed. You will become as strong as your grandfather, if you join the Dark Side. Ben's mind ached only a moment, he quickly disregarded the voice, languishing into a deep sleep.
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mostthingskenobi · 7 years
CHAPTER 8: EVERYONE IS A MESS --- The Dark Side of Obi-Wan Kenobi - Part 1
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Summary: The chapter title pretty much says it all: everyone is a mess; everyone is trying to recover; everyone is trying to cope. No one is doing a very good job.
CHAPTER 8: Everyone is a Mess
Coruscant – Jedi Temple
Anakin waited until he was alone in the medical ward hallway before he gave in to his emotions. He leaned his forehead against the wall and pressed his hands over his face. He held his breath while hot tears burned in his eyes and spilled down his cheeks. The release felt good after all the control and exertion he had mustered. He squeezed his eyes shut and rubbed his temples, suddenly overwhelmed by exhaustion. He slid down the wall and sat on the floor, leaning his head back against the cool durasteel panels. Anakin looked at his bloodstained hands and clothes; it was too upsetting; he wrapped his arms tightly around his middle as another wave of emotions threatened to drown him. He closed his eyes and focused on his own breathing as Obi-Wan had trained him, clearing his mind of all questions and fear. Anakin was physically and emotionally drained; after meditating for a few moments he fell asleep, his head hanging forward over his knees as he hugged himself.
He woke when something tapped his boot. Anakin looked up to see Yoda standing over him. The Grand Master, who was usually very composed, looked harrowed. He placed a calming hand on Anakin’s shoulder. “Clean yourself up you must.” Anakin was too tired to speak. He managed a slight nod, but his eyes drooped and he nearly fell back asleep. “Rest you need,” Yoda soothed.
A sudden stab of fear thrust into Anakin’s mind. Obi-Wan was reaching out to him, fumbling with thoughts, desperately trying to feel his Padawan’s comforting presence. It was startling and rather painful. He clutched a shaking hand to his chest while he squeezed his eyes shut, trying to help his master focus; but it was no use. Fear overwhelmed Obi-Wan’s mind and the only cogent thought Anakin understood was his master’s acute desire to be near his Padawan, to be near something familiar.
When Anakin reopened his eyes he realized Master Windu had joined Yoda and was kneeling next to him, both masters watching him warily. “Is it Obi-Wan?” Windu asked.
Anakin nodded, still unable to speak while trying to wrangle his master’s thoughts into a manageable stream.
“Unusually strong your Force bond is,” Yoda said. “Never before have I seen such a connection.”
“This isn’t normal,” Anakin was finally able to say. “It feels like Obi-Wan can’t control his mind; like he can’t contain his emotions.” Skywalker took a deep breath. “He’s afraid.”
Yoda was thoughtful and silent for many minutes before finally saying, “Perhaps it is best that you close off your connection for now.”
Anakin felt his heart drop. “I can’t leave him all alone. Not after what he’s been through.”
“Protect yourself you must. No good to Obi-Wan will you be if your judgment is clouded by his pain.”
Anakin saw the truth in the Grand Master’s words.
“Go and rest, Skywalker.” Windu said, helping Anakin to his feet. “You need sleep. We’ll send for you if anything happens.”
Windu waited until Anakin was out of sight before he spoke next. “It was remarkable what he did for Kenobi. I’ve never seen anything like it.”
“Changed your opinion of him has it?”
“I see now that I have certainly underestimated his abilities. He mastered an incredible amount of Force in a moment where he could easily have lost control. If Kenobi lives, it will be because of Anakin.”
Yoda made a contemplative grunt.
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Obi-Wan was partially conscious; he could feel the medical droids tugging and pulling his flesh, a needle inserted, a laceration cauterized. They had drugged him heavily; he felt no real pain but he was frantically aware of being touched and manhandled. His eyes were too heavy to open, his muscles too weak to move.
His mind kept playing tricks, kept telling him that his wounds were getting wider and deeper, that the droids were taking him apart, dissecting him piece by piece. He reached out for Anakin, hoping to feel an inkling of comfort or reassurance…
The droids suddenly inserted forceps between his ribs. He felt it, the pain barely numbed by the anodyne as they spread open the knife wound in his side. The pressure in his chest changed as blood and air seeped from the puncture. Red, hot pain burned through his lungs, up his neck, into his cheeks until it blistered behind his eyes. He wanted to scream but anesthesia had paralyzed his vocal cords.
A 2-1B medical droid stood near Obi-Wan’s head and placed a bacta-soaked bandage over the right side of the Jedi’s face, soothing the fierce lightsaber gash that stretched from brow to cheek. The droid noticed Kenobi’s left eye, though closed, was tracking erratically; after a moment several tears slipped from the Jedi’s feathery eyelashes and spilled down his temple. The droid processed that tears were not unusual – humans often became emotional when they were anesthetized – but Kenobi’s heart rate was abnormally fast. The 2-1B turned to the medical console and increased the soporific.
Obi-Wan finally drifted into merciful oblivion.
Padmé was startled to hear the front door open. Anakin had not been home for days; he had spent numerous sleepless nights at the temple dealing with an emergency. She had tried gently prying for details but he flat out refused to tell her anything, explaining that it was for her own good. Padmé knew better than to push Anakin when his mind was made up so she had let him go without quarreling.
She hurried toward the hall to meet him as he approached, but as he stepped out of the foyer’s shadows into the living chamber, they both froze, startling each other. The hour was very late and he obviously had not expected her to still be awake. His eyes looked haunted and his jaw suddenly snapped shut when he saw her.
Padmé covered her mouth as she gasped. “Ani, is that your blood?” Her voice was timid and quiet, as though she were afraid to hear his answer.
His wife’s gentleness destroyed his last ounce of strength. He crumpled to the floor sobbing. “No,” he mumbled. “It’s not mine.”
Padmé’s arms were suddenly around him. He buried his face in her neck as his tears pooled against her skin. “It’s Obi-Wan’s.” His voice broke and she held him tighter.
“What do you mean?” Her words quivered with fear. “Is he…hurt?” She knew it was a stupid question considering her husband’s blood-soaked clothes; there was blood smeared from his face to the bottom of his boots. “Is he dead?”
Anakin clutched his arms around her. “Not yet.”
“What happened?” Her voice was becoming more frantic. “Why are you covered in his blood?”
Anakin clenched his teeth together, trying to get his emotions under control. “He was captured by a Sith. He’s been missing for days.” Padmé took his cheeks in her hands and looked into his eyes. She looked angry and heartbroken. His fearless wife was terrified; it made Anakin feel unbalanced. “They tortured him, Padmé. Just for the fun of it.”
They sat in the middle of the room, wrapping warmth and safety around each other as they cried together. Finally, Padmé helped Anakin out of his clothes and sent him to wash up. Eventually he crawled into bed next to her and fell asleep in her arms while she stroked his hair.
There was no notion of time, no measurement of depth or pain as Obi-Wan gradually became lucid. He would slip in and out of consciousness, hearing Anakin’s voice one minute, Satine’s the next; but always in the back of his mind a darkness brewed. Hopelessness would swallow him as the Duchess played across his thoughts, and then crushing despair would devolve into self-hatred, followed by an insatiable desire for revenge. Over and over this caliginosity swelled like a wave until it burst; then he would yield to exhaustion, slipping back into nothingness.
His eyes were closed but he could hear someone or some thing moving around the room. Machines were gently beeping and hissing. There was a loud scraping sound as someone pulled a chair up beside him. He could feel their thoughts reach out to him.
You’re going to be alright, they said.
He was too tired to answer but the kindness warmed his heart.
I’m here now. They placed a hand on his shoulder.
He was able to relax. The presence beside him was soothing. He began to drift back to sleep.
I will make sure you stay awake long enough to feel every single cut. Your death will be beyond excruciating.
Obi-Wan’s eyes flew open, his entire body going rigid with fear as he woke with a start. He expected to see a horned creature with seething red eyes; instead Anakin was hovering over him with a concerned look on his face. Kenobi took several panicked breaths and shifted his gaze around the room looking for Maul.
“Master, it’s alright,” Anakin said, placing a firm hand on Obi-Wan’s shoulder. “You’re safe.”
Kenobi finally recognized his ex Padawan, and, as they locked eyes, the Jedi Master felt a rush of gratitude calm his spirit. He tried to reach his undamaged hand to his friend but he was only strong enough to extend his fingers. Anakin, well attuned to his master after many years, understood immediately and scooped Obi-Wan’s hand into his own, squeezing it tightly.
“I thought for sure I had lost you, Obi-Wan.”
Kenobi could only manage a slight, snarky eyebrow twitch. “Not yet,” he whispered, his voice coarse and brittle. He swallowed thickly before laying back and closing his eyes.
Anakin stood for a long time holding Obi-Wan’s hand, wrapping his master in the Force, sending calming waves around his friend. Kenobi’s face was covered in ghastly purple and green bruises, and, despite bacta treatments, the laceration down the right side of his face was still angry and inflamed, his eye nearly swollen shut. Having watched the medical droids monitor Kenobi all day, Anakin knew Obi-Wan was not yet out of danger. His master had a high fever, his skin felt like fire to the touch; he was nearly delirious with constant pain; his pulse and breathing were highly irregular due to the holes in his chest that would not heal. In fact, at this moment, Anakin watched as Obi-Wan’s breathing grew shallow and labored. Kenobi’s brow pulled together and his body began to tremble and twitch.
“What’s happening?” Skywalker asked as the 2-1B medical droid came over to monitor Obi-Wan’s oxygen levels.
“The patient’s pain suppressors have worn off.” The large silver droid prepared an injection and administered it into Obi-Wan’s IV. Anakin watched his master’s body slowly ease back; all his limbs went slack, his jaw visibly loosened, and his hands fell open. Skywalker hoped Kenobi would finally be able to get some much-needed rest.
READ IT ON AO3 - Kudos and Comments Welcome!
READ CHAPTER 1 - It’s All My Fault...
READ CHAPTER 2 - Heed My Word
READ CHAPTER 3 - Brothers
READ CHAPTER 4 - A Sacred Memory
READ CHAPTER 5 - For Obi-Wan’s Sake
READ CHAPTER 6 - Our Time Has Run Short
READ CHAPTER 8 - Everyone is a Mess
READ CHAPTER 9 - Nightmares
READ CHAPTER 10 - Opportunity
READ CHAPTER 11 - Yoda Tries
READ CHAPTER 12 - What Do You Need From Me?
READ CHAPTER 13 - Master
READ CHAPTER 14 - Into the Storm
READ CHAPTER 15 - Anakin’s Report
READ CHAPTER 16 - Sidious Manipulation
READ CHAPTER 17 - Darkness Waking
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multi-muse-transect · 8 years
Toll part 1
AU: Sometimes, the past always comes back to us. Whether we like it or not. Mira Wren Bridger and Blare Koizo know it well. Mira belongs to @meldy-arts  Blare belongs to me. Toll part 2 will be a prequel.
Trigger warning: Deaths and self harm.
Jedi Temple
Blare Koizo, age fourteen, practices her lightsaber skills in the Jedi temple. Her favorite lightsaber fighting style is seresu earning her a nickname with the young lings the wall since she has great reflexes and can block incoming blaster fire. Her master is Coleman Trebor, a Vurk Jedi. She could feel the next shot coming now from the training droid....Blare quickly blocks the shot but unknowingly diverts it to Trebor who is coming into the training room causing him to whip out his lightsaber and quickly block it.
The padawan has slightly short hair with a braid and wears a typical outfit for a padawan which is robes and pants. Blare has an excited and cocky look on her face as Coleman rolls his eyes then lifts the cover from Blare’s eyes causing the padawan’s smile to turn into a frown.
“Um....Master!” Blare said in fear. Coleman smiles then sighs. 
“Blare, you have the force. The force tells where all living things are.” Coleman said causing Blare to sigh.
“Sorry master. I can’t focus on everything at once.” Blare apologized. The Vurk taps her on the shoulder and crosses his arms behind his back. 
“Which is why you should use the force for more than just one thing. The force is everywhere, we are bind by it and part of it. Its your extra set of eyes.” He explained.
“Just like you have three sixty degree vision?” She joked. Coleman chuckles lightly. 
“Yes but I use the force also.” Coleman answered. Blare always liked Coleman, he was wise and somewhat goofy like Kit Fisto. His communicator goes off getting his attention. The Jedi’s eyes widen then looks up to Blare.
“What happened?” Blare asks.
“Stay here! Something big has happened on Geonosis!” The Jedi runs off leaving the confused padawan.
She couldn’t believe it. Coleman Trebor is dead. He was shot by Jango Fett during the battle of Geonosis. There are times she wished it was her but she lost count of the times. Blare stands before the body of Trebor with the body being lowered and sealed to be incinerated. She is wearing traditional Jedi robes. 
Blare shakes her head as they all leave. Obi-Wan notices Blare and walks up to her before she leaves the pyre room and leans against the wall while pulling back her hood. Mace Windu walks up to her.
“Blare.....I know its heartbreaking to see your master dead. I’ve seen this numerous times in fact...” Windu sighed.
“But he would’ve wanted you to keep fighting. War has begun Blare and we need every Jedi in this....” Blare sniffs and sucks up her tears then turns to Windu and nods.
“So....Do I get a new master?” She asks him.
“Yes in fact, his name is Pong Krell.” Windu introduces her to the tall Jedi who looks down on Blare. Blare looks in awe at Krell and his height before smiling and nodding at Blare.
“A pleasure to meet you Ms. Koizo.” Krell said.
Its been two years now, Blare is now sixteen years old and still at the Jedi temple. All her padawan friends have gone to fight in the Clone Wars....All except for her. Krell’s training is intense and demanding, he treats her like a soldier in fact like all his clones. She always wanted to fight but Krell just kept judging her and saying how she’s useless!
Blare blocks more shots from the training droid causing her to simply slice it in half while her eyes are covered. She takes off her helmet seeing in shock of what she’s done. 
“By the force....” Blare muttered. Standing in the door is Bariss Offee looking in shock causing Blare to freeze in fear. 
“Bariss! I’m so so sorry! I-I didn’t.....I lost control and all!” She tries to come up with an explanation. Bariss walks towards her and takes away her lightsaber then looks at it.
“You know, there’s a way to channel that hatred and anger towards your master....A skill called Vaapad.” Bariss spoke causing Blare to raise her eyebrow. 
“Um...Isn’t that Mace Windu’s talent?” Blare replied.
“Yes indeed but it can be mastered. You must become a conduit of the dark side while using it as a weapon while having light within you.” Bariss explained causing Blare’s eyes to widen. 
“But....Okay that explains how Windu fought mother Talzin.” The Jedi has a look of doubt before Bariss hands her a data pad showing how Vaapad works. 
“Thank you Bariss, you have no idea what it means to me. I’m tired being here in the Jedi temple while others suffer. Krell is no better than the Separatists.” Blare thanked before Bariss walks away 
Blare closes her eyes as two training droids float. She focuses all her hatred and opens her eyes but only sees blackness which is good since she wearing a cover. Blare roars and swings her saber at the first droid which fires a round at her but she blocks it hitting the droid and injuring its partner before she makes a quick swing.
She takes off the cover seeing that both droids were destroyed at once. Blare makes a laugh but suddenly coughs heavily. She isn’t used to the dark side at all. Little does she know, Ahsoka is watching as she could sense the dark side within Blare. Blare then realizes that Ahsoka is watching her causing her to switch back to the light before walking off.
The young Jedi flings her pillow against the wall now. Krell was revealed to be a traitor and tried to get the clones to kill each other during the battle of Umbara. She began to like Krell after they talked, saying his explanations on why he’s tough on Blare because he saw how much potential she has and its too early for her to be fighting. For the first time, she began to trust Krell. Blare looks at the ceiling of her room pondering if she is the most unluckiest Jedi ever....
She hears a knock on the door causing her to turn to see Ahsoka with a worried look. Blare gets up. 
“What is it you want Ahsoka?” Blare asks since she trained with her when they were young but never really close. In fact, Blare was never close to anyone.
“I’m here to talk to you....I’ve been hearing stuff about you.” Ahsoka replied before sitting next to her.
“About me being the most unlucky Jedi? Yep, those are true....First Coleman and now Krell. I don’t know if any of the order still has Jedi to teach me....” She sighed. 
“Blare...I don’t know you much but I can tell you want to fight in the Clone Wars.” 
“Let me guess, you’ll throw the its dangerous and I have so much to live for....Ahsoka...I don’t know much about you either too. You’re one of the big shots though.” Blare observed. Ahsoka gives a small chuckle.
“And you were always the tall quiet type.” Ahsoka replied. Blare could feel something for her....Is she....Falling for her? She knows Ahsoka is the same age but attachment leads to the dark side......
“Why do you want to fight in the Clone Wars?” The Torguta asks. Blare sighs in response.
“My mother....Was a retired Jedi who saved people and my father was a village farmer turned chief. Before I was taken, I’ve heard stories about the Jedi and how heroic they were. Ever since I came to the temple, I yearned for actions and waited till I received the call....” Blare explained remembering her mother.
“Blare, you do know how chaotic the Clone Wars is right?” 
“I know but I don’t care....I’m ready to die for something good.” She replied. 
“You’re very noble Blare....But now isn’t the right time.” Ahsoka said.
“I know....I just....I just want to know when is the time.....” Blare sadly sighed.
The call has been received. Blare is finally fighting in the Clone Wars alongside master Aayla Secura. She waits in the drop ship with her saber set and ready to fight. The Jedi master smirks at Blare’s enthusiasm since she did hear about how much of a good seresu practitioner she is. The drop ship opens to reveal the planet of Christophsis, the squad they are assigned to a group of clones as they are basically the cleanup crew for any stragglers of Separatist forces. 
As always, blaster fire. Blare tightens her grip on her lightsaber before squinting her eyes at the hatch. The hatch opens to reveal incoming battle droids shooting at them with Aayla going in first blocking the shots and Blare coming in second. She force pushes the droids first then throws her lightsaber like a boomerang at them before the rest of the clones do the trick.
“Nice one!” Aayla complemented. 
“I learn from the best.” Blare replied knowing that this is going to be a long war.
This was it. She became a Jedi Knight finally after so long, she wished that she would see Coleman Trebor’s face and how proud he would be. Blare walks in the halls of the temple with a proud look on her face.....She feels that something is wrong. 
Blaster fire is heard. Its coming from standard clone trooper fire causing her to run towards the sound of it.....She makes a turn at the hallway but suddenly stops to see the clone troopers aiming their guns at her. Blare simply blocks all the shots before using the force to grab a trooper then slice him in half. She could feel the darkness flowing within her....And its making her sick. Unlike Sith, Blare isn’t used to the dark side and has a low tolerance to it. Blare goes back to the light and looks around then runs to the ship bay. Blare sadly sighs before going into the ship.
She’s back at her village again now, its been a year since order sixty six was initiated. Blare is now twenty one years old much to her surprise. The village is hidden in the mountains so there’s a small chance of having an Imperial raid on them. She found out her mother died just recently after a commando droid got the sneak on her much to Blare’s sadness. Throughout the months that followed, Blare began to learn about vaapad and practiced it but her tolerance to the dark side is weaker than most....
Blare soon could feel a presence causing her to stop doing her farm work. As if...A chill is in the air. Something is coming. Something horrible. They found out where she is. She runs back to the village and goes into her father’s house. 
“Get everyone out of here now! The Imperials know I’m here!” Blare yelled. 
“B-But what about you?!” Her father replied.
“.....I’ll be alright, just go!” And so they went. Every man, woman, and child left the village except Blare. She knew this is where she would die. It wouldn’t surprise her, such a beautiful scene. But she won’t go down without a fight though....Blare taps into the dark side and senses the TIE fighters coming causing her to reach out towards them. The pilots inside feel like they are being choked before pulled out of the ships as they scream and crash on the ground dead. Stotrmtroopers arrive next as Blare switches back to the light and walks towards them while blocking their shots before tapping into the dark side again then force choking them. The troopers die as Blare coughs heavily since its too much for her then goes back to the light once more.
A drop ship lands to reveal a couple of Inquisitors causing Blare to activate her lightsaber. The first inquisitor spins his lightsaber towards him but she sees through his tricks and sticks his saber through the loop then destroys it while another leaps towards her as she quickly memorizes her vaapad move and channels his dark side energy into her to counteract him. The two exchange swings with Blare dodging all of them right before she slices him in half while the other inquisitor picks up a blaster and shoots at her but she force grabs him and forces the inquisitor to shoot himself. Blare sighs in exhaustion now and goes back to the light.....
She hears a breathing sound causing her to turn around. Darth Vader himself. Blare has heard stories of a strange man in a black suit armed with a lightsaber. The title though....Indicates Sith origins.
“I sense the dark side within you.....Take this as a test to see if you would be worthy to be my apprentice.” Vader spoke. Blare huffs heavily and runs towards Vader while yelling. He can tell that Blare knows vaapad but wants to see the extent of her dark side tolerance. Blare throws a swing at Vader who blocks it. She absorbs Vader’s dark side energy but Vader can tolerate as Blare begins to throw more swipes at him but like always blocks it. Minutes turn to hours as Vader blocks everything Blare throws at him....Suddenly, Blare simply disappeared in front of his eyes much to his curiosity. Blare quickly appears behind Vader and throws a swipe at his back injuring him. Vader blocks all swings realizing that her swings are at a speed of mach three but he can intercept them at the same time. He has made a decision now. 
Blare coughs heavily while throwing swings at Vader as he can tell she is worthy now. Her swings slow down giving Vader an advantage to punch her in the face and knocking her out. The ships arrive with Vader carrying the unconscious woman and walks up to a trooper.
“Take her to stasis, I have plans for her.” Vader ordered the trooper before he nods. The trooper enters the ship with Blare in hand.
Blare slowly opens her eyes as she is on her bed and looks up to the steel ceiling of the poltergeist. Its been a week since they have defeated the Acolytes of the Beyond. The same dream she has been having....Blare simply sighs and gets up. She notices that Mira is gone for some reason. The two became friends but Blare found herself falling in love with the bounty hunter which gave her doubts of her position as a Jedi....
“Mira?” Blare called while looking. She goes the bathroom of the ship....Mira has hand palmed against her face while she sniffs as she is sitting on the toilet in fetal position wearing a sleeveless shirt and black shorts There’s blood on the ground as Blare looks at her wrist in shock.
“What did....What have you done....!?” She gasped.
“Sometimes.....You remember the things......You aren’t supposed to remember....Memories come back to remind you of how much...How much of a fuck up you are.....” Mira replied. Blare quickly gets some bandages then applies some alcohol on Mira’s wrist before wrapping it on her wrist. 
The two sit on the couch of the living room of the ship. Just silence but a comforting one. Mira huddles up to Blare as she looks at her. The two look at each other for a moment. Two broken women who are lost and confused but found something in each other.
“......I’m so sorry.” Mira apologized.
“Mira.....Just please.....Don’t do that again.” Blare pleaded and held her close tightly. 
“I’ve lost so many people....The Jedi, my masters, my family....I don’t want to loose you.” She tears up as Mira has an emotionless look on her face but tears up also.
“Funny....I lost everything too. Everyone I cared about left me or I left them...” Mira replied.
“I guess we’re on equal footing.” The Jedi smirked.
“I just....I just feared that my parents would see me as a killer, they would deny me and they would leave in terror. See me as a monster who used to be their little girl....And they’d leave....Just like everyone....How much of a failure I am....” Mira said. 
“Mira....Listen to me, I’m never leaving you. That’s a promise.” 
And with that, for the first time in years, Mira cried. But it was silent and solemn. She soon falls asleep on Blare’s chest.
“I love you Mira Wren Bridger....” Blare whispered before dozing off.
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pixelgamer07 · 7 years
Star Wars Jedi OC Person Yeah...
Markus Twilight
Name: Markus Twilight
Age: 20-ish (looks)
Gender: Male
Facial Features: Short black hair that he keeps short and trimmed, a set of blue-green eyes that often look lost. No visible scars or markings.
Affiliation: Jedi Order, Order of Grey, Rebel Alliance.
Appeal and other info: Dark brown jedi tunic, silver and black jedi armor. Stands an inch shorter than Anakin. Wields a saberstaff that is kept across his back, and he tends to spin the hilt in his hand when drawing the lightsaber.
Bio: Markus was born on the planet Taris and discovered to be force sensitive by a jedi who had come to the planet to act as a mediator between two political factions. After receiving permission from his mother and father, Markus departed with the Jedi to Coruscant where he began his training at the Jedi Temple. It was here that he met his teacher and Master, Jeric Corven. Jeric sensed great promise in Markus, and took him as his padawan. However, their time as Master and Padawan was cut short due to the arrival of the Sith Wars. Markus now found himself learning the ways of the force and lightsaber training on the battlefield. When he reached the age of thirteen Markus constructed his first lightsaber, a single blade made with a deep blue crystal. Markus would serve and train by his master’s side for 4-5 years, fighting bravely and skillfully in the Sith War. However, during the tail-end of the war, while investigating an area where numerous troops have gone missing, Jeric and Markus where ambushed by a powerful Sith warrior. Though Markus fought with grace and skill, he was soon over powered and nearly killed if Jeric hadn’t intervened. However, while Markus struggled to regain his strength, Jeric was struck down by the Sith warrior. Grief and anger took over, Markus lunged at the Sith, calling on a vast amount of the force, giving him the strength and skill to defeat the Sith warrior. After this battle Markus was awarded the rank of Jedi knight, and constructed a new lightsaber, this time a staff saber made with his master’s emerald crystal and his deep blue crystal, giving the blade a sea-green color.
Markus saw the rest of the war to its end, however it would be the last thing he saw in his time. A year after the war was over, Markus was assigned to a battleship that was assisting with delivering relief supplies to planets effected by the Sith War. During this time the ship was attacked by a remaining splintered faction of the Sith army. Markus stayed behind on the battleship to manually launch the escape pods, saving the crew and other jedi. However that still left him aboard a broken, dead ship. Weighing his options, Markus decided to freeze himself in Carbonite, using his connection to the force to keep himself alive until help came. They never did come, and for years he stayed in carbonite until his floating time capsule was discovered by a salvage ship bound for Coruscant. Upon discovering Markus’s state, the captain unfroze him and gave him medical attention until they reached the planet. There, Jedi Master Yoda, Windu, and other members of the jedi order took Markus to the temple. They were amazed that he was able to keep himself alive using the force for so long, however they didn’t bother him with questions as Markus was still getting used to current events. Soon, after the battle of Geonosis and the beginning of the clone wars, Markus finally recovered enough to enlist as a Jedi Commander, though he was reluctant to do so. He was assigned the 777th legion and Capt. Thorn as his Clone Captain. Markus also constructed a third lightsaber as his second one did not survive his time spent in carbonite. This one was again a staff saber, however it now used two Viridian Crystals with white cores, giving the blade a silver-green color, and special focusing lenses that allowed Markus to choose between activating either one blade or both.
Personality: Markus is rather calm and collected, choosing to ignore the fact that he is many years out of his time. He is willing to answer any questions regarding the Sith Wars, however the answers will be short, as they remind him of the loss of his master and his time. Markus is rather social, gladly discussing a range of topics with other Jedi, Clones, or anyone wanting to talk. He rarely loses his temper, however push him on certain subjects and you will be sorry. Markus is somewhat tactical when it comes solving problems, though he likes to think on his feet if he can. Markus tends to keep his more personal feelings to himself, as he often spends his private time dwelling on the past and his purpose in this time line.
Order of Grey: Taking place a few years before the fall of the Republic. Markus begins to feel himself pull away from the teaching of the order, the Jedi code seemed to blur and shift with the war. After weeks of meditation, Markus felt that the Jedi were breaking away from the peacekeeper role and starting to embrace the role as a military commander. Not wanting to get sucked into another war, but also not wanting to leave his friends behind to die, Markus felt torn between his duties as a Jedi and his own personal feelings. During this time, he discovered a third path: the Order of Grey, a group of Grey Jedi that was fighting with the Republic. Markus left the Jedi Order and became a grey Jedi, finding peace and balance in himself and the force.
Agent of the Rebellion: (Work in progress)  
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