#and it has me genuinely contemplating inserting some kind of Something of this at some point in the story
orcelito · 1 year
I have been cursed with the giggles over Josh's Jock Shop/Strap. This is very much a problem while in the middle of a rush at work.
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kittenbased · 1 year
(I'm sorry for the long message in advance, pls don't hate me for this💕)
I mean the hand holding confession, yes. I want more for our girlie, it made me so sad 😭
And the proposal was kind of cute to me (ofc under condition he did the proper thing later on, which I like to believe he did) especially since it seemed so genuine and with Jun's anxiety, I got the impression he was scared to even suggest/talk about the wedding because he's still scared to do something wrong and lose Hyeseong.
They're perfect together, there is absolutely no doubt, I just wanted more from his confession for her sake, I really wanted more screen time of him contemplating his feelings in Hyeseong's absence and then spilling his heart out in the end. I hate myself for saying it like this because I love Jun so much and want him to be happy and not suffering, of course.
The thing is I also feel very protective of Hyeseong at the same time (probably because I spent my entire childhood wishing I had an older sister) and thinking about all the times she put herself out there and how vulnerable she was in those moments only to get rejected and then to get Jun's confession by hand holding...if you know what I mean 😭
But I guess that's what makes this couple and series so realistic in the end. Seeing them happy together was so heartwarming, I melted. And exactly what you said, it's in sync with Jun's character, that's him... It must have been hard for him to confess his feelings even to himself. We see him keeping so much inside throughout the entire show and almost never letting anything out. And Hyeseong sees him for who he is and understands him so well even when he doesn't talk much. She reads him like an open book. So all is perfect in the end. That's why they're so perfect together, perfect for each other.
Ok now I don't feel like anything should have been different, this is it, it's perfect 😭
pleaseee how can i hate you when this is me anytime I get your messages
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no no no I totally get you!!!! Since ep11 after she confessed her feelings to Jun, Haesung has continuously put herself out there. Confessed, got rejected, confessed again, got shouted at, confessed more, admitted those ~ugly~ feelings and finally decided to give up. Of course yes, we got those sad faces from Jun and some "show don't tell' moments but its been one sided for so long for Haesung so I totally understand why it could be underwhelming at first when Jun gave his answer.
I guess the way show made their scenes so cute and realistic also made me totally forget how I also wanted Jun to suffer a bit more lmao. But so true as you already said everything was perfectly in sync with their characters and their romantic nature (~friends to lovers~). And coming from Jun I think the more awkward the more genuine his way of showing feelings is. There are also some subtle moments that I keep coming back to. When Haesung cried after Jun saying that was his answer, that thing was not one-sided anymore, he immediately showed signs of worry and hurt and care for a person now too significant to him. That speaks a lot to me.
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And him walking towards her, first holding her hand for comfort, to make her stop crying, then locking their hands tight as a way of confirming their relationship. It's literally friends to lovers translated so beautifully into cinematic language. (*insert poetic cinema meme)
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Only one thing I realized after rewatching their scenes for n-th times is how surprisingly little screentime did they have. And still they had me crying shaking throwing up crying and throwing up, pulling out my hair, spitting up blood, punching and kicking the air like THEIR POWER but like can we please get more of their marriage life i beg :<
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autisticandroids · 1 year
For the deep fic writer asks:
3, 10, 15
3. what fic are you emotionally attached to?
all of them. my most problematic trait is that i looooooove my own writing and reread it all the time and get tons of joy out of it. but i think maybe one of the ones i'm more attached to is getting serious. like, i really like that fic, and the fact that it's so slice of life makes me feel less like i've inserted myself into supernatural canon to make things happen, and more like i'm just hanging out with and contemplating my friends sam and dean and cas. you know? so like getting serious, or i fold in half so easily also fits that bill. and both of those fics have like... had time to age, without me getting sick of them. like other older fics i might no longer agree with the interpretations presented now, or they're on some level just porn which you can really only get so much out of, or they're just something i was obsessing over for months until i managed to actually Get It Out as a fic and then i no longer cared? so i got less interested in a lot of my other fics over time, but getting serious and i fold in half so easily i'm still very attached to.
10. how has writing positively impacted your mental health or overall mood?
oh man, it's definitely made me more confident. no question about that. like i've written fic for as long as i can remember, but it comes so much easier these days than it used to, and that makes me feel really good. like i'm competent at something, like i can put my mind to a task and accomplish it. like, writing genuinely used to be like pulling teeth and now it's... man, i'm not gonna say it's easy, but it's definitely easier. this is actually true with all sorts of writing, in the past few years, so like, fanfiction has gotten a little easier, but academic writing is nothing to me now, i can just sit down with twelve hours until a deadline and write an eight page paper with very little stress. and i noticed that getting easier. fanfiction is a lot harder than that, but it is very exciting to me that all writing has gotten easier, including creative writing. one of these days i may even be able to write longfic!!
15. How do you think your writing as improved over time?
i mean the thing is, on some level i've always been the same person? if you look at, say, some of the death note fic i wrote when i was seventeen, it's a lot like a clunky version of my current interests. i've definitely learned to use more sophisticated techniques over time. i'm better at subtext now, i'm better at implication, i more often feel like i've succeeded in what i was going for. but like, recently i went back and took a gander at some of the dumb spn fic i wrote as a fifteen year old (and later anonymized, it's not on my ao3 if i'm embarrassed by it), and don't get me wrong, it's bad, but the worst thing about it is that at fifteen i had no idea how the world worked and so the events of the fic are kind of silly. the writing isn't awesome, but it's identifiably mine. and the basic ideas and concepts are very much like... something i would really like to at least read now, as an adult, even if i might not be as interested in writing them these days. although honestly i might be interested in writing them, too.
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theduderdrew · 1 year
I’m An Old Man Now
I am now deciding at the ripe age of 26 to write my thoughts out on a *public forum.
It’s been a while. I genuinely cannot remember the last time I was on this app. Which is good. In regards to what I want to use this app for, I’m okay with that. I can’t afford a therapist so I’m good with a bit of discretion.
Where to start, though? So much has happened in my 26 years of life. I kinda wished I would have done this earlier so I could bounce some of these ideas off of something. 26-year-old me and 23-year-old me had vastly different perspectives of the world. Wish I could talk to that kid nowadays. He was bright and bubbly. Hell, 17-year-old me was even more joyful than him. Would be great to get a room with all these versions of myself and discuss what kind of music we like. Maybe what kind of actors we’re obsessed with. Who we are chasing after at the moment romantically. Now that’s a good source of a lot of my unresolved issues lol. Whatever, this is a tangent.
I guess these things will be kind of free form…stream of consciousness?? Sure, whatever comes to mind. That sounds good. I just want to leave something behind I reckon. Something I can look back on and say, “Yeah, that’s me at 26 FOR SURE.” Something to look back on and cringe. I used to write a lot on notebooks. I have a trusty stack of them, but pages are missing. Torn from them because I couldn’t stand to look at stuff I would have wrote while I’m drunk. Or high. Or sad. Or angry. Or happy. Everything involving me gives me the ick. Also, you’ve picked up the lingo “(insert thing here) gives me the ick” Future Drew. Good luck shaking that off.
Where was I? Current way of thinking. So you are in a relationship that has you torn. Torn in a way you were not expecting. All of the friends you have cultivated since high school/college are now contemplating cutting you off (or already have) because you are isolating again. You’ve spent a lot of time with your partner. It’s a personal choice. You really feel completely comfortable with her. She has a ton of flaws, but you love her. You kind of feel trapped because of the amount of love you have for her. But it’s a partner you have actually felt something for. That’s not a dig at the past s/o’s. You have a soft spot for all of them but they set your entire being on fire like this person does. That’s why you can’t get away. You’ve cancelled plans. Cut off your friends. Haven’t reached out. All of your energy belongs to her. Which no one could possibly understand it. It’s unhealthy. You’ve never had healthy relationships to set a system of role modeling on.
Your parents were dysfunctional. Your step dad and mom divorced after a tumultuous 10+ years. They sucked for each other. It wasn’t until your mom and biological sperm donor got back together that you wished for the previous dysfunction. Well, not exactly. That’s not fair. You are so emotionally distant that you can’t possibly give a shit about what your mother decides to do with her romantic life. You only hope she gets the help she absolutely needs. Could be a projection of your own problems, but we all need help right?
Back to the friends. They are tired of my shenanigans. They don’t like the neglect. I don’t blame them, though. In some ways, I believe I’ve outgrown them. But that would imply that you have grown since 17 (*spoiler* you have NOT). To be fair, however, I do have a yearning to reach out to other people. Visit other places. Ingrain myself in other environments that isn’t Atlanta, GA (that is where you live at the moment). The only problem is where you live now (previously mentioned) is owned by one of said friends. You’ve also really hurt her apparently. She cried in front of you, citing that you haven’t been a great friend. The house has been super AWKWARD since. How were you supposed to know though? You were so far up your own ass you couldn’t see the damage you were causing. Now that you are out, smelling the roses, the roses are dying. They have been relocated. Away from you. You’re gonna be alone for a while, so you need to get used to it. Just like your dear old dad.
You have been spending a lot of time with John. He is still selfish. Still a loner. A hermit. A republican? Didn’t see that one coming. You allotted time to spend with him, usually on Monday nights. This is football time for your old man, so you don’t have to talk much. It’s better that way. Better to not address the years I haven’t seen the guy. Keep that elephant in the corner. However, since the breakup, you’ve neglected mom. You can’t even place her. Mom’s divorce has taken her out of the home she knew for 10+ years and into the unknown. And you’re watching football. Fuck you. I don’t care if you are working and it’s the only convenient place, you need to be there for Mom. And you’re not. This Christmas will be the only time in a month you have bothered to hang out with her. That’s hurtful, man. Do better. Stop putting your energy in the things that you have lost before and could lose again (i.e. relationships, your father). That’s a bit unfair. You desperately want to rebuild these relationships into your version of happiness. It could work. But you’ll need to neglect those who were there before your Dad and your current partner. What can you do? How can you juggle? You friends hate the girlfriend you have now. Your mom hates (but actually fucking LOVES) your father. Will the balls stay in the air or fall down with every other lost relationship or friendship you’ve managed to fuck up in the past. Only time will tell. That’s the beauty of this immersive sim game we call life. You can make it your own.
I’m gonna call it a night. I’ve made an ass of myself enough. Hopefully I can private this shit. Good night.
*Touch The Sun - Cryalot*
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quietmyfearswith · 3 years
thorned flowers ; andy barber x fem!reader
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status — completed oneshot
word count —8,528  words
summary — in which andy barber mourns the loss of his family, until he finds another reason to be hopeful for the future.
warnings —SMUT, DARK THEMES, stalking, drugging (like putting some fertility things in their food and drink, oral (female receiving), unprotected penetrative sex, andy being sad, SOFT!DARK!ANDY, dubious pregnancy/breeding
pairing — soft!dark!andy barber x fem!florist!reader
a/n — DNI IF YOU ARE UNDER 18!,, this is my entry for @imanuglywombat​‘s “is that even a sex position” challenge. and the certain position was the special breakfast(you can find it liked in the smut part)... anyway here is the second oneshot for my folklore series! next is either a oneshot for the same series or a preference... feedback is appreciated!
tagging — @la-cey​ @pedropcl​ @iloveshawnieboi​
masterlist | series masterlist | join my taglist (please follow the rules)
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As Andy drove closer and closer to the graveyard, he felt the sweat from his hands drop onto the steering wheel — making it even more difficult for him to grip onto the leather. The last time he visited Jacob was when they buried him a few months ago; the pain was too much for him to bear, making it difficult for him to go and visit his deceased son — the son he loved, cared for, and protected. The son whom he once had precious memories with was now gone.
It wasn’t that he had fully grieved his loss, but he was getting there. But he didn’t just lose his son in that fateful accident that happened nine months ago, he had lost — or more accurately, divorced — Laurie when she confessed that she still had doubts about Jacob’s innocence and crashed the car for she couldn’t believe the monster her son had become. Every ounce of self-control was used by Andy the moment he got the chance to speak with his ex-wife in the middle of her hearing; every curse word he knew was thrown at her for her brutal actions that led to his untimely death.
Now as he faces the aftermath of every single thing that has transpired over the past months, he couldn’t help but feel empty. Happiness was something he longed for; he once had it all, but a series of events reversed that situation quickly. He would do anything to once again look forward to going home, knowing that he had a loving wife and joyful child; instead of coming home to his house filled with silence and agony for it serves as a reminder of what he once had.
Well, maybe not what he had — it wasn’t perfect and the ideal picture he always dreamt way back then. A fresh start, he thought silently, a new start with someone who can fulfill my dreams.
Parking in parallel, Andy looked to see if there were oncoming cars before going down to enter the flower shop. The soft bell that hung above let out a small chime as he opened the door, his blue eyes scanning the different floral arrangements that were littered across the store. Roses, lilis, orchids, sunflowers — all of them looked and smelt lovely. It made him smile how pleasing to the eyes every bouquet was, making it difficult for him  to choose what to get.
“Hi! How can I help you?” A voice spoke up which made Andy turn his attention to the girl wearing overalls who just came from the back room. Once he quickly took in her appearance, though her face sweat a bit and her overalls had patches of greens thanks to the plants, he thought she looked adorable and cleared his throat, “I was hoping to buy some flowers.”
Smiling widely, she wiped her forehead with a towel draped on her shoulder as she said, “I’m happy to help,” She stood by the shelves as she pointed through some flowers, “These have just been arranged today. Oh! And these lilacs and peonies just came in today, too.” Andy couldn’t help but chuckle softly upon seeing how cute her excited state was. “If you don’t mind me asking, what’s the occasion or for whom these flowers are? Just so I could suggest a few things to you,” She turned to him after listing some of the fresh flowers she had.
“It’s for my son, I’m visiting his grave today.” Y/N wanted to smack herself; her shop was located less than ten miles away from the nearest graveyard. His gloomy, silent aura should have been a clue on how he was mourning, she thought. “I’m so sorry to hear that, sir. How an arrangement of lilies and roses?”
Following her as she walked towards the opposite side of the store where a shelf containing an arrangement of lilies and roses were displayed. With a nod, Andy confirmed, “I’ll take that please.” Grabbing the vase, she excused herself to move onto the counter. Placing it on the wooden surface, she went to get a watering can to place some more water for the flowers. Wanting to talk with her more, he decided to initiate a conversation, “Slow day?”
Peering her eyes up as she returned the can, she nodded her head a bit, “We’ve had customers, but there’s no rush, you know?” Mindlessly, he bobbed his head up and down as she continued, “Some are for their wives, some for their mistresses — but don’t tell!” She placed her index finger on her lips to make her point and the lawyer couldn’t hold back his laughter anymore and shook his head at her goofiness.
“And you’re the first to buy then go to the cemetery, usually they don’t come this time of the day,” She gasped upon realizing what she said; as she punched in his total she didn’t have time to analyze what she said, “Oh my God, I’m so sorry about that, sir!”
Eyes widening at her apology, Andy wondered why she was saying sorry for, “What for?” Looking down as she played with the denim material of her outfit she muttered shyly, “Well you know, I didn’t mean to bring you up. Or the whole cemetery thing.”
Catching her drift, he nodded and genuinely smiled as he reassured her that he took no offense, “It’s alright, you didn't mean harm with it, yeah?” She nodded as she changed their topic before she could embarrass herself any further, “Your total comes to $26.25; how would you like to pay?”
“Credit,” He curtly replied as he took out his wallet from the back pocket of his jeans; as he was inserting the PIN, he found himself wondering why she suddenly meant all business. Staring at her focused expression which included her lips slightly pursued gave him a faint clue that perhaps she didn't want to embarrass herself any further.
“Here’s your receipt,” She slid the paper across the counter; as she placed her hands on the glass jar to move it closer towards the customer, Andy placed his on top of hers as he too made a move to grab the vase. Surprised with the warmth and spark she felt when their skins grazed against each other, the florist shyly smiled as she moved her hands away from the vase, “Thank you for visiting us, sir.”
“Andy,” He introduced himself as he carried the vase with one arm as the other extended to her direction, offering to shake hands, “And your name is?” She shook her hand as she gave him her name — the lawyer repeating it as he liked how it rolled off his tongue. Disentangling their hands, Y/N fiddled with her hands nervously as the attractive man waved at her one final time as he left the store, not before promising, “Gonna see you real soon, petal.”
Placing the floral arrangement on the front passenger side, Andy couldn’t help but feel giddy with himself as he jogged to the driver’s seat. “Y/N,” He repeated to himself as he began the drive to the cemetery. In their short, yet sweet interaction, he couldn’t help but feel lighter upon meeting her. Could this mean something? He wondered as to why he was feeling this way with her.
Once he found a decent parking spot, he went out of his car with the flowers and walked to where Jake rested. “Hey buddy, how you doing?” Placing the flowers by the stone where his name was engraved, he sat by the grass as Andy looked up in the sky. “I’ve been doing good, I think. Work keeps me busy and I’ve been doing some outdoor exercise as an excuse to get out of the house.”
Picking at the grass as he recalls what has happened the last nine months, “And I think your middle school named something after you. Though I wasn’t paying too close attention to know what it actually was — sorry about that, buddy. But your friend Sarah, she asked for some of your things and clothes. Think she has, or had, a crush on you,” Exhaling deeply as he paused, the lawyer couldn’t help but mourn about the endless possibilities and chances his son would have had if it wasn’t for her.
“Anyway, Laurie has been sending some letters. I don’t if I should read them — part of me wants too, I still want to know if she’s doing well. But there’s this part of me that wants nothing to do with her, because of what she’s done to you, us, and because of what she failed to do,” Hooking his chin on the palm of his hand as he could feel the slight sharpness of his elbow against his thigh, he contemplated a bit, “What do you think I should do, Jake?”
Grass slanted towards the east as sharp gusts of winds prickled Andy’s skin which made him smirk slightly as he looked at the name of his son, “I take that as I need to be the bigger person and reach out to your mother?” When the grass was left unmoving, it was seen as a confirmation that his son did want him to reconnect with her. Nodding to himself, he guaranteed he would do so, “Okay then, Jake. I’ll do so.”
A softer wind brushed and swayed the flowers he bought, making it look even more graceful than it already was — which reminded Andy of the woman he met earlier. “And I met someone earlier, on the way here, actually.” His lips formed into a smile as he thought of how charming and sweet she was as he was being accommodated ; he wondered something out loud, “Do you think I should do uh, what term did you use? Shot your shoot? No, it’s shoot your shot, right?” He scratched the back of his neck as he racked his brain remembering how he’d be teased for finding it difficult to familiarize himself with this decade’s lingo, “Anyway, she just seems so kind and welcoming; and there’s something about her that makes me feel like I could have a second chance at happiness.”
Should his headspace not have been in a remorseful one, he would have found it frightening how it seemed the wind only moved the arrangement of lilies and roses in an almost ludicrous fashion. Whether it was a sign his child had sent him or something his mind was making up, he interpreted it as a sign he should go for it. “Guess I will shoot my shot, Jake.”
Kneeling by the slab of marble, his thumb was rubbing against his son’s full name as Andy sadly smiled, “I love you, buddy. See you soon.” Standing up, he walked away and to his car feeling lighter. Being able to go to his son was progress for the lawyer as he was slowly coming to terms with the events that happened. Reaching out to Laurie was also another way of him acknowledging the past and coming to terms with — and it would probably give him the closure he needed as he ventured on to the future.
The future, he thought, seemed to be brighter right now. And the sole reason why he thought that way was because of someone he had just met. Normally he would be rolling his eyes at the thought of love at first sight; but now things are different since he’s a changed man. Hastily exiting his parked car, he entered through the back door where he discarded his shoes and socks by the doorway. Flipping his laptop open, he opened his browser and searched for the name of the flower shop he visited.
This was far from the usual search engines — like Google or Ecosia — for this allowed him to know every single thing there is to know about what he searched. Usually, he would use this solely for work; and this was the first time he ever used it for his own selfish reason. Not only the reviews, location, and services offered by the flower shop appeared on the screen after a few minutes. The business and clearance permits were shown; but so did the owner's name appear. “Y/F/N,” He read out loud as he highlighted her name and searched again.
Social media accounts, educational background, cell phone number, and her address shown up in an instant. A smile settled on his lips as he took in everything there was to learn about her. Part of him was glad that she didn’t post too much of herself online for he couldn’t see how pretty she was — but he considered it a good thing for it wouldn't attract anymore competition or creeps. Flowers filled her feed and by reading through each and every one of her posts, relief washed over him upon knowing that these were flowers she arranged and were not gifts to her by a beau.
Peeking at her phone records, he noticed how there had been only a few register of incoming and outgoing calls — the fact that her most called number was of a restaurant that delivers had been slightly concerning for him — and digging into her text history, there was no hints that she was in a relationship. As he searched for her address online, it was brought to his attention how she lived not too far from where he was residing, in just twenty minutes he could be over with her. As he closed his laptop it was clear to Andy how perfect Y/N was for him — and that she would be the perfect woman for him to build a family with.
Going to the living room, he grabbed for the letters sent by Laurie. There were a total of four, and until now he hasn’t opened a single one. After reading them he was relieved to find out that she was doing well and that she wasn’t being mistreated by anyone over there. She also has repeatedly apologized for what she has done. Fear and uncertainty were just some of the two overwhelming emotions that affected her decision-making. Sentiments of how she misses their son and long for how they once were.
Grabbing a pen and paper, Andy then wrote his own letter in response;
I apologize for taking too long to reach out to you — it took me a while to come to terms with everything that happened. What you did came as a shock to me. I never knew about how still had your apprehensions about Jacob. I wish you would have talked to me about it, or even to him.  Perhaps by doing so things would have been resolved better.
I won’t lie to you so I will just tell you that I believe it was harsh of you to end Jacob’s life like that. He had so much waiting for him — so much potential and fire within him, and to see it all disappear breaks my heart. After his trial ended, I thought of it as a chance for all of us to have a clean slate — granted it didn’t feel like it — and have the chance to redeem ourselves and build another life for all of us. But I didn’t imagine for it to be this way — us divorced while you’re in jail and our son buried six feet under.
Nevertheless, I won’t dwell on what has been. I will focus on the future. Speaking of, I would like to apologize as well for shoving the divorce papers in you. It might seem like a “heat of the moment” decision; but I think we both saw it coming. Having our marriage and relationship built on a lie, it all would have led to this moment — one way or another. It was neglectful of me to lay it on you when you already had your plate full, but I guess there was just really no perfect timing for it either, no?
The frequency of my letters to you might vary, but rest assured I will write to you as much as I can. I hope that you will find peace and safety despite your current situation. I wouldn’t fully say that I have forgiven you for what you did, but I am on the path of reaching that point.
Take care always, Andy
As he folded up the piece of paper and slid it on an envelope, Andy felt lighter. Somehow there this part of him knew how shitty the content was. But that was what he felt. What he wanted to tell Laurie. Sealing the envelope, he then pasted a stamp on it then stood up to place the letter on his coat jacket; that way he won’t forget to drop it off.
Returning to his work desk, he then looked over the information he had collected. Another thing that the letter made him feel was that he has already made closure with his past; and now he can venture on and look forward to the future. And he sees one with Y/N.
Having worked at a flower shop for almost five years, Y/N almost memorized the frequent visitors of the cemetery. She always engaged in polite conversations with them. Another thing is that she noticed a pattern as well. If one visits every week, it was a sign that they have yet to come to terms with the loss of their loved one. Once their visits became less frequent, say with two weeks in between, she took it as a sign that, slowly but surely, they were getting over their grief and sadness. And when the gaps between their visits stretched over a month or so, it showed that they had reached the final stage of grief — acceptance.
That’s why as much as she enjoyed her small talk with the customers — which ranged from their daily activity to workplace gossip — she felt fulfilled for them once their visit became less and less frequent than their initial ones. Besides, there were always new friends that she could make along the way. It just so happens that Andy happens to be one of her potential friends. Having never seen him before and their brief conversation, led her to believe that the death of his son was fairly recent.
“Hey, Y/N,” His warm, deep voice rang through her shop. Fortunately, she was in the front checking the sales so far when he entered. It was exactly seven days after he dropped by her shop on his way to the cemetery — and then her hunch was somewhat confirmed. “Hi, Andy. how are you?”
He carried with him a tray with a couple of drinks — one was his preference for coffee while the other was her favorite kind of drink to start off her day. Placing it on the counter he smiled at her, “Busy day?”  Placing down the clipboard she was holding she rested both her hands on the counter, “It was, yeah. Wedding bouquets, centerpieces for events, any occasion you can possibly think of suddenly needed flowers. Not that I’m complaining! But I'm just thankful I’m gonna be having a break in a few.”
Laughing at her dilemma he then casually brought up, “Well I was in the coffee shop earlier and they gave me a spare drink,” Pushing the cup of her favorite drink to her, he offered it to her, “Do you want it?” Not wanting to seem ungrateful, she brought the cup to her nose, she smelt it and was surprised to find out it smelt like her favored drink. Taking a sip a bit, she smiled after she placed it down, “Thank you so much for it, Andy!”
Hiding a smirk, he simply nodded at her as he took a sip out of his own drink too, “I have two orders of flowers for today. White carnations on a small vase, and yellow orchids on one of those small boxes,” He pointed behind her, where mounted on the wall were some packaging ideas for the flowers. Nodding her head, she pushed the hot beverage aside as she got to work.
A slow, melodious song played in the background; and the lawyer just found it even more adorable with how she hummed along to it. While working on his purchases, she shifted her gaze to look at him. However, she quickly turned away due to the intensity of his stare — no one had ever looked at her with so much interest. “Beautiful, isn’t it?” She cleared her throat, as she tried to diffuse the tension. With every move she made while cutting the orchids to fit the wooden box, she could feel his eyes trailing her in an instant, “It certainly is.” Her eyes were focused on trimming up the stems of the carnation, so she missed the way he was looking at her and not on the flowers.
Placing the trimmed up carnations on the vase, she then grabbed for the watering can to fill them up a bit with water. “Here you go, Andy,” She shyly declared as she was done with the yellow orchids and white carnations. Heading over to the  cash register to punch in the items, he spoke, “Do you have any plans for the rest of the day?”
Shaking her head no, “That’ll be $45.17,” She turned the card machine towards him, “No plans tonight. Just gonna be staying in. How about you?” After entering the card details he was asked for, he slid his card on his back pocket as he joked, “Well I’m gonna try and stay in with you then.”
Hearing her giggle made him wonder if she realized how serious he was. He truly wanted to be a part of her life; and she didn’t even know the effect she had on him. Handing him the receipt, Y/N watched closely how Andy only grabbed for the white carnations, “Andy? Are you forgetting these?”
As she held the yellow orchids, he shook his head and smiled warmly, “They’re for you. I’ve read somewhere that they represent friendship.” Taken aback with what he said, she nodded her head and confirmed, “They do, yeah.” A hand then reached over as it caressed her cheek before settling it under her chin, lifting her head a bit to stare at his passionate eyes, “And I hope that this is a start of a beautiful one.”
His thumb tapped her jaw softly before letting go and walking out of the store; it was only then that Y/N managed to let out a breath she didn’t realize was being bottled up inside her. Holding the box with one hand as the other patted the flower’s petal, she spoke to herself, “I really hope that it is the start of one.”
“I’m going out with Y/N tonight, Jake,” Andy told his son as he sat on the grass after placing the wonderful arrangement she made near his name. “Well, it’s not really a date. She wrote down on her schedule app that she’ll go to the grocery store today during her break. So I’ll just casually bump into her there.” It was incredible that with today’s technology he was able to even see what was in her phone. Using it to his advantage, he tried to pattern most of his schedule with hers; and so far this was the first one that lined up.
As his legs crossed, his hands were rubbing against his shin while recalling what the past week looked like for him, “I also finally wrote back to Laurie. The letter I wrote might have been shitty but it’s still been a struggle for me to put into words what I feel.”
Like the last time, a cool breeze of wind prickled his skin even as he wore a gray henley, ��You’re right. It was harsh. But I’m hoping that as time goes on, I’ll be more of a friend to her.” He once again found himself staring at the flowers and smiled, “I’m gonna be honest and tell you that I was planning to divorce her either way. It just wasn’t working out anymore, bud.”
Memories of their fights that happened in the garage so Jacob wouldn’t have to see them yelling at each other flashed through his mind. “And somehow I can’t help but think that maybe Y/N would have been the perfect stepmother for you. She’s really nice and sweet. Based on what she listens to, I feel like you two would have gotten along well.” Once again his heart aches at the thought of how his son had his future right in front of him, and yet it was all snatched away from him.
Kneeling down, his fingertips brushed against Jacob’s name, “Anyway, gonna let you know how’d the date go next week. I love you, buddy.” Walking to his car, he felt giddy at the thought of going to the grocery store. He never imagined doing something so mundane would make him feel this way.
Noticing that the Oreos had a two for one deal, she didn’t hesitate to grab two packs. Pushing the grocery cart down, she was proud of herself for not getting every snack she craved for. Stay on budget, she reminded herself mentally, you’re saving for that new laptop, remember? And that explained why she’d always buy what was on sale; brand loyalty be damned!
Checking her list, she now had toiletries, vegetables, a small selection of fruits, meat and fish, as well as her snacks and drinks. She even managed to buy rice that was on sale. As her eyes scanned for pasta, she let out a small huff how the last one was at the very top, pushed at the back. Standing on her tippy toes, she tried to reach for it — but as her nails scratched the container, it only pushed the item further away.
Feeling a warm body press against hers as they reached for the box, she turned around and was shocked to see it was Andy, “Here you go.” Grabbing the item from him, she smiled at him after placing it on her cart. “Thanks, Andy. would have ended up climbing my cart just to reach it.”
That’s dangerous! Can’t have you risking your body when it’s soon to be carrying our child, He scolded her in his mind. But what he really told her was, “Well we can’t have that happening; some are gonna think that you’re a die hard pasta lover.” They both laughed at what he said as they both walked. She noticed how he only had a basket with him that was filled with a few personal hygiene products and a reusable bag.
“I don’t think I’ve seen you shop here before,” She’s shopped at this market in different times and days, and not once has she seen his face before. Already having prepared an answer, he smiled, “Well this is further from my home. But it was on the way back, since I did just come from the cemetery.”
Shaking her head as she cursed herself, she turned to him to express regret, “I’m sorry for that. It seems like I always unknowingly bring that up.” Bopping her nose with his finger he reassured her, “Like you said, unknowingly. You didn’t know that it would somehow lead to that — so don’t sweat yourself about it.”
Bashfully, she just kept her head down as she lined up for the cashier. Andy didn’t follow her directly as he opted for the self-service check out. Still, after he was done paying he waited for her at the end of the lane. When he noticed that she struggled to carry her items, she took two of her bags — leaving her to carry only one.
“Andy! Let me get it, there’s no need for you to do that,” She tried grabbing for her bags as they walked out of the market. Bringing the bags to his side so she wouldn’t reach it, he stuck his tongue out, playfully, “No way! Plus these are too heavy for you. So allow me to be a good citizen and carry it for you okay?”
Deciding that it wasn’t worth her time and energy to fight him, she just nodded and began to silently lead him to her car — but what she didn’t realize was that not only did the lawyer know what kind of car she had, but also where she had parked it. “You know it feels like I’m taking advantage of you.”
What she said had him interested as they both neared her vehicle, “And why is that?” Opening the trunk of her car, she placed the bag she carried before reaching over to him and grabbing the ones he brought, “Well you buy flowers from me — and this morning you even gave me one — and then you carry my things like you’re my servant.”
Oh if you only knew, love, he thought to himself. But he smirked at her as he closed the trunk before placing his own bag then resting his elbow on the car, “Well how about a repayment then?”
“Done! Your next order, or orders, of flowers are on me.” Her quick response had Andy laughing, “I didn’t mean for it that way, petal.” The nickname he used had her stuttering for a bit as her brain felt like it was being transformed into a melted mess. “What’d you mean then?”
“How about we text? You know, we exchange numbers and just get to know each other a little better,” For some reason Andy felt nervous as he proposed the idea. Insecurity lingered on his head as he tried to gently weasel his way in. But it brought him comfort when she smiled and nodded, “I’d love that, Andy!” While she grabbed for her phone that was in the pocket of her leggings.
He already had her number registered in his phone, it was only for formality’s sake that he put in his number on her cellular device so as not to raise any suspicion. “I look forward to chatting with you,” She giggled at the term he used, causing him to raise an eyebrow at her. “I just found it silly how you said chatting. It’s silly, really.”
Placing a hand on his chest as he pretended to be offended, he defended himself, “I may not use today’s terms but I sure am a great person to have a conversation with.” Chuckling, she just bopped his nose before heading to the driver’s seat, “Only one way to find out, yeah?”
Nodding, he winked at her before grabbing his bag and heading on over to his car, “Only one way. See you soon, Y/N. Take care on your drive.” As she entered her car, she unlocked her phone and sent out a text to Andy:
take care as well, Andy! thank you once again for helping me out :D ‘til next time!
Placing her phone on the seat beside her, she turned on the engine and was preparing to leave when she heard her phone chime. Surprised with how quickly responded, she then decided to read the message now:
Can’t imagine this will be the last time I’ll be helping you out. (I’m kidding of course! Unless…)
Shaking her head at his goofiness, she began her journey back to the shop where she decided it would be best to not reply to him right away. They’ve only interacted twice but she couldn’t help but find him attractive. He had this charm in him and the way he carried himself was amazing. It also helped that he was pleasing to the eye and quick-witted. Perhaps this could be more than just a friendship; but Andy had already had an entire plan hatched out in order for that to happen.
Andy was having a bad week. He wanted to have gone to visit Y/N on Wednesday since those were the days of when he had previously visited her. Granted, they have been texting throughout the previous week, it still doesn’t compare to seeing her actual face and getting the chance to touch her skin. But having been swamped with work since he was assigned to a massive, imperative case; and now that it was almost being resolved, he thought to unwind and relax. And what better way to do so than spending time with his best girl?
The moment he stepped foot in her floral shop, his sweet, positive attitude he had quickly turned out to be a sour one. “Andy, hi!” Her excited voice made him put on a fake smile, stopping his earlier activity which was piercing daggers through the back of the man’s head she was earlier talking to. Cautiously, he stepped forward to stand behind the till as the man stood off to the side as he held out his hand, “Hey, man. I’m Scott Lang!”
“Scott here just delivered the flowers,” She pointed to the crates of flowers that she has yet to unpack. “Oh? And he’s still here because?” Despite being serious, the two took it as a joke and just laughed it off. Scott even hit his palm against Andy’s muscular bicep as he threw his head back laughing, “Well I was just catching up with Y/N, it’s been awhile since I got assigned to her little shop. And i’ve got a few more deliveries to make, so I’m gonna go ahead.” The relief that the lawyer had when Scott waved goodbye was short lived for he heard him call out to Y/N, “I’ll see you on game night, okay?”
It even pained him when she nodded her head while she placed her elbow on the crate on the counter, “So, Andy, what can I get for you?”
“White chrysanthemums on that white box, please,” Patting down his pants, he shook his head and scowled, “Shoot, I forgot my wallet in the car. Hold on, I’ll be right back.” He didn’t even wait for her reply as he was quickly heading out the door. Looking to his right, he noticed Scott’s delivery trunk and how he was reading something off a tablet as he stood with his back leaned against the door to the driver’s seat.
Scott was taken aback with the sudden force on his shoulders, prompting him to look up from the tablet and on the face of the man he just met, “Andy? What?” The bearded man had his hands pressing onto his shoulders, shoving the delivery man even more into the car’s material, “Stay away from, Y/N.”
“What? What are you talking about?” Leave it to Scott to find the current situation he was in hilarious as he chuckled out his response. Andy, however, didn’t find humor in the situation; the intense gaze his eyes trapped Scott in partnered with the firm grip he had on his shoulders made it clear how serious he was. “You heard me,” He spoke after gulping down the tension he was bottling up, “Stay away from Y/N; she’s mine.”
Breaking into a heartfelt smile, Scott cooed, “Did she tell you about her crush on you? Are you finally together? She has been gushing to me and Hope about how nice and handsome you were being.” At his statement, the lawyer released his solid grip on the man; confused at what he said he questioned, “She said that? Who’s Hope?”
Chuckling at his confused state, Scott playfully hit his arm, “Hope’s my wife! She and Y/N are close friends you know? And my daughter, Cassie, absolutely adores Y/N. We try to have her over as often for game night. We’ve only seen her once in the past few weeks, and she talked our ears off about how great you are!”
Andy could feel himself getting all shy and warm with how his girl was crushing on her; Scott shook his own head as recollection of how dreamy his florist friend was at the thought of this man. And to think he was being the same right now! The expression he had on his face also gave him a clue that two weren;t officially an item yet. With a final nod, he hopped into his van, “Next time I see the two of you, you better be a couple already! ‘M sick of this pining and puppy dog looks of love!”
Laughing out, Andy shook his head as he waved off to Scott who was already driving away. To think that I saw him as a threat, he scolded himself as he began walking back to her shop, when all this time he was a big help.
“Hey! You found your wallet?” She inquired upon seeing his smiling face walking right back in her shop; she thought that he looked even more handsome in that state — there was something about him sporting a boyish look despite looking dignified made her undergarments wet. Nodding, he moved to the counter and admired the arrangement she had made, “Wow! These look wonderful, Y/N. How much do I owe you?”
“Just $19.35. So, you finally got a break from your big case huh?” Tapping his credit card on her machine, he nodded as he let out an exaggerated sigh to which she giggled at, “Finally! I think my back’s starting to ache from all those long hours of sitting down!”
Pushing the floral arrangement to him, she decided to tease him, “You sure it’s not your old age catching up to you?” With wide eyes, he feigned offense as he gasped out loud, “I’ll have you know I am extremely handsome and even look young for someone my age!”
“Don’t I know it,” She mumbled lowly, but still wasn’t soft enough for the lawyer to miss. So he asked her with a smirk etched on his face, “What was that, petal?”
Like a deer caught off guard by headlights, she shook her head, “Nothing! I didn’t say no thing.”
“Well that’s a double negative; so it definitely means you said something,” Both his hands grabbed for one of her hands from across the counter as he held it delicately, “What kind of tree can you fit in your hand?”
Unsure where this was going, she asked, “What? What kind?” Bringing her hand up, he placed a gentle kiss on her palm before answering, “A palm tree, of course!”
Snatching her hand from his grip as he said his joke, she laughed as she teasingly chastised him, “You and your dad jokes, Andy! I swear to God!” Loving how flustered she was, he decided to tease her even more, “Does that mean you’ll call me daddy?”
By now she was a stuttering mess, “Ha, very original, Andy.” Bopping her nose, he bid her adieu as he carried out the arrangement out of her store — walking away with a wide smile on his face. Now feeling more relaxed than ever.
Giddily, he placed the flowers by the top right end of Jacob’s grave as he sat down and told his son, “You’ll never believe what I found out today, Jake!”
Are you busy tonight?
Andy bit his lip in anticipation as he stared at his phone, waiting for a reply. Considering how it was just 3 in the afternoon, he gave her the benefit of the doubt that she was busy with the flower shop — maybe counting her inventory or checking her sales. His blue eyes lit up when she replied:
well depends on who’s asking :P but after work i have no plans…
Perfect, Andy thought. He had enough of waiting and he’d like to think that his plan was working out well. They’ve been texting each other consistently for the past two weeks and whatever she hasn’t told him yet, he already knew thanks to his research. She also began to open up to him and so has he. The more he got to know her, the more he was assured that she was the right person for him to begin a new chapter of his life with.
Would you want to come over for dinner then?
Y/N’s breath hitched as she read his text; she was in the middle of watering her flowers when that invite dropped onto her like a ton of bricks. Over the past few days that they’ve gone talking, she felt herself getting more and more attached to the older man. In her mind she had doubts about if this was just a simple dinner or a proposal for a date — so she voiced out her uncertainty:
i will if you answer my question… is this a date? or just like a simple dinner??
Andy had to laugh at her question — she must have been confused and understandably so. So he decided to smooth things out:
If you’re fine with it, it’s a date. But if you’re not, it can be just a friendly dinner.. No pressure on anything, petal.
Squealing as she twirled around, Y/N had to compose herself before sending out a text:
well looks like we’ll be having a date later, andy… can’t wait to see you!
Thankful that time cooperated as it went by quickly, Andy looked over the table one more time — he lit up candles to make the scene even more romantic, brought out napkins to make it seem even fancy, and added some of the flowers he had bought from here the previous day.
Hearing the knock on his door, he put up a bright smile as he opened the door and greeted her, “Hello, petal.” He stood at the side and let her in. surprising the two of them, Y/N surged towards him and hugged him; but it was a welcome surprise as he too wrapped his arms around her.  “Missed me too much, hm?”
She could only hit his arm lightly as she shook her head. Sliding her coat off her body, he hung it on his coat hanger and guided her to the dining room. “Smells great in here. Is that,” She trailed off and looked intently where Andy removed the cover of the pot to reveal her favorite meal.
“My favorite!” She gasped out loud excitedly, “Are you a mind reader, Mr. Barber?” She squinted her eyes suspiciously at him. “Well that is exactly what I am, petal! How did you find out?” Though she took it as a joke, Andy knew better that it wasn’t her mind that she read; instead it was her entire online profile that he monitored.
With that, they began dinner that was filled with laughs and chatter. It seems that despite their difference in age, they always found something to talk about. “Wait, so you really hid your cousin’s clothes in the freezer?”
Nodding her head, she drank the last bit of the wine before answering, “She had it coming her way! She told me I had no chance of marrying Harry Potter!’ There was a baseless jealousy forming in the pit of Andy’s stomach, but he reminded himself that it was just her silly, childhood crush.
“Let me help you with that,” She offered once she noticed that Andy was clearing up their plates. Waving her off, he shook his head as he told her, “You’re my guest — more accurately, my date,” At the reminder of that, she looked down on the floor and Andy smirked, “Why don’t you go wipe off the table instead?”
Nodding, she proceeded to do so as a pleasant silence hung over them; Andy loaded the dishwasher as Y/N wiped off the table. Heading to the trash bin, she threw the trash and the paper towels she used —leaving her to stand beside Andy.
“Look at you, like a real housewife,” His comment had her taken aback. She didn’t know why, but part of her was delighted in the idea. “My, Andy, this is just our first date and you’re already thinking of marriage? What’s next? You wanna knock me up with your kid?”
Oh petal, you have no idea, do you? Andy smirked mentally, but his hands circled around her waist as he laid a gentle kiss at her nose, “And if that is my long term plan?” Pursing her lips, she could only tilt her head down; though it might be too soon for what he had said out loud, there was a tiny part of her that wanted that.
Lifting her head up with a hand, he smirked down at her, “I’m guessing you do want that, do you, petal?” She gave a slight nod which only fuelled Andy’s lust as he kissed her feral, leading her to walk backwards onto the dining table. She gasped as she was being lifted up to sit on the mahogany; granting the lawyer access to let his tongue enter her mouth. He groaned upon relishing the sweet taste that was her while his nimble fingers brutally tore the fabric of her shirt, “No bra? Why petal, were you hoping the date would end this way?”
She shook her head but quickly stopped as she let out a moan when she felt his lips and teeth nip at the skin of her breasts. Her hands clawed at his hair as he sucked on the nipple. “God these will fill up with milk,” He groaned out, but it was too indistinct for her hazy brain to fathom.
His lips trailed down to her stomach as he groaned against the flesh of her stomach, “Such a glorious stomach.” Upon feeling the coarse hairs of his beard, she giggled against him which allowed her to miss his husky moan of, “Gonna swell up with my seed.”
“Andy, please,” She moaned when his lips pressed kisses along the hemline of her pants. “Since you asked so politely,” He hastily shoved off her pants and panties in one go as he placed her thighs to rest on his shoulders, lifting her slightly off the table, while she planted her elbows firmly on the table. “Fuck!” The cuss she let out was dragged out caused by Andy furiously licking from her clit to the opening of her pussy. Her thighs trapped his face firmly, the rough texture of his beard contradicted his silky tongue lapping at the inside of her tight cunt.
“Can eat you all damn day, petal,” He caught the juices she was leaking with every flick of his tongue as his left hand rubbed on her hardened nub; while the other hand lowered his sweatpants until he was able to stroke his erect cock. Feeling her walls close in on his tongue, he smirked as he drove his tongue deeper inside her and rubbed her until she mewled out loud, “Fuck, Andy! I’m cumming!”
His beard was splattered all over his lower face, coating his beard. With a few more final licks, he let her legs fall from his shoulders and hang limply by the edge of the table. Standing up from the dining chair, Andy quickly removed his gray shirt as her hands weakly, but successfully, slid his sweatpants off legs. Her hands jerked his length while looking into him with desire, “Gonna fuck me real good, Andy?”
Loving the way she sultrily said it, he kissed her lips roughly as he pushed her by the hips, closer to the edge of the table. His right hand guided his cock to slide right in her, their tangled tongues moaned out loud upon being intimately connected. She tried to rut her hips against him, wanting to feel more of him. “Oh petal, let me do it for you.”
Both his hands settled on her thighs, using them as leverage to match his harsh thrusts as he slid in and out of her tight canal. Her walls gripped onto him tighter every time he slid back in, making him groan against the skin of her neck. The sting of her nails as they raked down on his back only added to his pleasure as it motivated him to plow her harder and faster, until she felt his tip hit her sweet, sensitive spot.
“‘M so close, Andy,” She whined, accentuating her point by digging her nails into his shoulders. Maybe it was the way she was piercing to his skin, or the way was falling apart under him beautifully, or the fact that he felt confident that after this she was going to be carrying their child, but it drove him feral which was evident when the table moved and shook in time with his relentless thrusts.
“Open that fucking cervix for me, petal,” He moaned out as his hand rubbed her swollen clit, “Let me shoot my seed in you.” Perhaps in the proper mindset, she would have viewed it as a red flag — bringing up marriage and having kids at the first date would have freaked her out. But in the heat of the moment, she found herself submissive and compliant with all his desires.
Her hands pushed his back closer to her, making her rub her stiff nipples against his chest as she begged, “Please, Andy. Cum in me.” And just as she moaned out the last word, she could feel her body tense as she clenched on his cock and cum at the thought.
Smirking, he continued his harsh assault on her pussy as pinched her clit to milk out more of her orgasm. Gasping out, she tried to restabilize her breathing — which was a challenge given that Andy was grunting wildly as his thrusts slowed down while the force remained. Feeling his cum fill her up surprised her, but she didn’t protest it.
Carrying her over to his bedroom, Y/N could feel herself getting tired from their activities. She willed herself not to close her eyes, but sleep seemed so enticing. The way Andy rubbed her back and lay her down on the bed gently didn’t help either. The lawyer smiled upon seeing the peaceful expression on her face; he kissed her forehead before reaching over to the nightstand and fish out the plug he bought and cleaned for her.
The plug was snug inside her as he slid his cock out. Laying down beside her, he cuddled her as he stared at her features, “I just know you’re gonna be pregnant, petal,” Her breathing was even and her closed eyes gave him the impression she was now falling asleep, “I checked your period tracker app, you should be ovulating now. Plus, I have been slipping some vitamins in your food and drink to help make you even more fertile.”
Wiggling around, his breath hitched when she nuzzled her face even more to his chest, “Goodnight, Andy,” Plus a kiss to his chest made his heart swell up even more. Smiling despite the joyous tears leaking in his eyes, he kissed her forehead once more before bidding her goodnight as they both slept.
“Here’s to new beginnings, petal.”
351 notes · View notes
Touch starved/ hurt reader - hcs or scenarios the turtles? Reader super cool regarding friendship, like funny and open etc etc, but if someone tries to do anything that implies a bit more regarding romantic stuff they are kinda like oop- no. Reader is kinda jumpy and just freezes when someone’s they like does any kind of affection ( blushes a lot, try to run away and avoid those situations) people have taken them for granted which has make them a bit cold and defensive in that area- they want to be more affectionate ( which they know deep down it’s what they crave) but it’s kinda they are a scared / angry cat? Please, hope this makes sense, thank you
( also regarding looks and gender I think you can go with they/them so everyone can see a look but if themselfs in the scenario, and if you are going to any kind of skin ship, make the reader extremely defensive over their arms and tummy pls, I do love hugs but if anyone touches my hips I’ll try to get away so fast omg sbbtjfjdkdksn and I will just close off momentarily, I absolutely hate it, I’m more on the heavy side ( talk and chubby ) and if anyone’s touches the “giggly” parts I get extremely upset ( because of how ppl havemade fun of it over the years) and I think the boys would be very “??? What?” To that reaction cuz they didn’t think it was some thing bad to have? ( like a more soft and chunky/chubby body) because they haven’t been exposed long enough to society’s judgment or beauty standards ( I mean they know about! The ones who would have read more about it maybe it’s Leo and Donnie, but what I mean maybe they have never experienced something like this - themselfs irl) Eitherway this ask is already so long omg I’m sorry and thank you, if it’s too much you don’t have to do it, have a good night/ day!)
Okay first of all I love you and I would die for you. You are a perfect human being and there is literally no one else like you. Your body does a damn good job of keeping all of your organs in place and that's what matters. If anyone tells you different you rock their absolute shit.
And don't worry, I understood the request perfectly so no worries on that, I've got a similar body type except I'm really short. But I'm also super defensive over being touched or having those parts of my body perceived, so trust me when I say you're not alone. We be vibing with this together.
Now to the writing!
TMNT Headcanons
Boys reacting to a touch starved/defensive reader
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Look man, our boy here is body positivity central, he thinks you look amazing and he wants everyone to know it
As far as you two go he's your best friend, your homie, your main man
So of course he's gonna wanna show you off, why wouldn't he?
He doesn't think you'd have a reason to not be okay with it, you've always been playful with him and his brothers
So obviously there's some widespread confusion once Casey gets tossed into the mix
All Mikey had done was reach behind him and snag you by the waist to pull you over
That was all
The words "and this is my best friend, y/n" never got the chance to leave his mouth
He was definitely not expecting you to squeak out in protest and scramble away from him as fast as humanly possible
Your face was burning red and you were clutching your sides, desperately trying not to bare your teeth in defence
Mikey couldn't help but feel heartbroken
Was there something wrong with him?
You sent Casey an unenthusiastic wave before turning on your heel and basically running out
Leaving a very confused orange turtle behind you
When he finally managed to catch up to you later you rushed to explain why you'd reacted the way you did
You couldn't stand his expression when you explained that no- you didn't think he was disgusting and no, he hadn't done anything wrong.
But he did seem baffled at you telling him that it was because you hated being touched there.
"Look Mikey, I've got no problem with the whole contact thing but you gotta give me a warning or something before you go around grabbing me. Okay?"
He was 100% fine with that
Anything to make you comfortable
But you both got to the point of being able to laugh at your reaction to the turtle trying to hold your hand
"Seriously Michaelangelo, I have a reputation to maintain. How am I supposed to do that when you're giving me feelings?"
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It completely baffled him
By all accounts it didn't make sense
You threw around compliments like you were playing hot potato and for whatever reason you'd always find someway to playfully flirt with him
But the second one of his brothers suggested something other than the innocent friendship the two of you had you would shut down completely
And coincidentally those types of comments were made at the most inconvenient times
Nothing screamed awkward more than you going stone cold and standoffish over a piece of pie
Bubbly and excited one moment, tossing around those positive affirmations to your favorite people
And staring murderously at an inanimate object the next
You were like an unsolvable rubix cube to him
But he was determined to figure you out
You didn't appear to be busy, just sitting on the haphazard bunk in your makeshift area with a book in your lap
The others had gone out on patrol and you weren't sure where Splinter was at that particular moment which left you and Donnie holding down the lair until they got back
The perfect time to approach the subject
"Hey y/n? Can I ask you something?"
His voice always got a little louder when you were alone, less afraid of being overheard. You looked up with a smile
"Fire away Dove."
His cheeks flushed in surprise
"uhhhhh... whydoyounotlikeme?"
You set your book down and leaned forward to stare at him
And he did, god he did, he did it at the speed of sound of course, but you caught every word
let me tell you, this boys heart broke for you when you told him that you did like him
you really really did
but the thought of being romantically involved with anyone made you shut down
Donnie assured you that it was fine
he'd wait for you as long as you needed
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Look, Raph knows a thing or two about being self conscious
out of all of his brothers he's the one who worries about his appearance the most
but you- holy shit he thinks you're the most amazing, perfect human in the world
so when he finds out that you hate being touched and that thinking about relationships makes your skin crawl he doesn't know whether to genuinely cry for you or punch someone in the mouth
both is okay
You'd always been very bold with your words and sometimes you'd even joke that you couldn't even tell when you were flirting with him
it just slipped out
and hearing that even though you could pull that off as easy as breathing and compliment all of them endlessly but you struggled to be comfortable in your own body?
that was a lot to unpack in one sitting
but the longer he sat with you and listened to you talk him through it the more he understood
sure, it was horrible
and he wouldn't likely stop thinking about hurting the people who'd done this to you (there'd be too many to count)
but you had a way of making him understand things
it was his favorite thing about you
"Uh- you know y/n, I uh- personally I think you look great. Like- all the time."
plz insert awkward finger guns here
there, your playful smirk was back and you were wiggling your eyebrows at him
"Awhhhh... is that Raph I see having feelings?"
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he'd done enough listening and reading to know how society treated people who it thought was different
and he hated that you'd had to experience that for most of your life
when it came down to it and he saw that you had become particularly hard on yourself he took it upon himself to check in with you
that's how you'd started meditating with him
and you'd found it quite relaxing if you were completely honest
Leo told you that meditation was the best way to connect with your body and understand it
you hoped that in time you would understand what he meant by that
but the positive affirmations were doing something, so you'd take it
he'd always encourage you when you couldn't yourself
and always jump to your defense when the others got a little to out of bounds with their words
you still would noticeably flinch when touched without warning
they were all working with that
and he still found himself saddened that you'd recoil back into your protective walls if anyone mentioned anything inherently romantic
but you were coming around
and he was endlessly proud of you for that
Alright I hope I was able to get down what you were thinking. This one definitely took the most contemplating out of any of the requests I've gotten so I hope you like it!
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benlaksana · 3 years
It's been roughly a year and a half since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic here in Indonesia, and I've recently been trying to understand where I'm at. Not physically, as in physical space, but mentally and probably existentially. What is the state of my mind? I am aware that I've become somewhat bitter, my late nights are sometimes riddled with anxiety for what the next day may bring and reoccurring personal-collective grief has at times, and recently more often than I would like to admit, numbed me.
This may probably be my mind's automatic coping mechanism seeing all this death mainly as a result of how my government has failed us, its citizens, especially during a time of crises. And I really need to stress this point: how my government has failed us Indonesians during the times we need it the most and I very much believe that it is because of this why many of us Indonesians are in constant misery and haunted by that feeling of despair. If chronic physical pain causes constant daily anguish, I am not surprised if chronic physical and mental pain caused by structural violence causes persistent misery as well.
I'm somewhat fortunate in this regard, I'm grateful that I've learned ways to keep my sanity in check. My contemplative practice is key for me. Honestly, I wouldn't have gotten far in life without it. I have many people to thank, but Art Buehler especially, my former professor in esoteric contemplative/meditative practices who reminded me and pointed a certain possible direction of where I should head when I sense a lost in my life's direction, is one those I should thank the most. I know this seems like an individualized response to structural oppression, and I don't intend to paint such a picture, but I do believe we need some kind of mental stability to keep on going. To survive if not thrive.
Art sadly passed away in 2019. I received an email about his passing. And come to think of it I never really did allow myself to properly grieve for his passing. I don't know why. To be told through a short concise email that someone you cared for died, without having the opportunity to properly say goodbye feels like that person never really passed away. It is horrible way to end relationships. A sudden cut, nothing finalized, and since goodbyes are relational, now nothing can really ever be concluded. I have to make amends with myself and only with myself. If I said goodbye yesterday, or if I say goodbye today or perhaps tomorrow, will it ever be enough for me?
Life is individual yet also relational. It's good to have friends, family, people that care for you or the odd mix of all three to get you through life. So although I have these array of tools to possibly help get me through life but if the people whom you look for some kind direction is no longer present, I'm just not sure for how long I can maintain it if I'm doing all this by myself. Will a breaking point come to me?
The mind is a fickle thing, and the mind is as strong as its habits. Bad habits, bad mind. Good habits, good healthy mind (no habits, no mind?). They also say that things that might happen, will indeed happen. It is just a matter of time. If so, how will I break? To what extent? For how long? What will change? What will I lose? Will there be something renewed? Will I come out the same person? Will I come out changed but for the worst?
This is one of the things that worries me. That certainty of uncertainty. The certainty of breaking, the uncertainty of when and of its form. Will I explode in sudden exasperation, engulfed in madness? Will it be a quick balloon pop yet a slow descend into meaninglessness? An unabashed diatribe rant towards someone I care? Something that's just a twitter post away from me on actually doing it. Will this be an opening, an opportunity for 'satori', a sudden lift of the 'veil', bringing about comprehension and understanding of the true nature of things? Questions, questions, questions, not much when it comes to answers, is all I have for now. To be hopeful is hard these days and with the wavering hope, very much coming and going like waves, it has become incredibly hard to even retain any semblance of kindness. That is something I do not want to actively become a habit of. Without hope, comes the cold embrace of fatalism that many on the 'left' are guilty of. Clutched by fatalism, empathy becomes harder to come by. I've seen it, and I have felt it.
I know that my eroding sense of hope is connected to my personal dreams. Specifically how it has become very hard to actualize it. Rara and I never really planned on staying in Indonesia for long. I was confident enough, a bit too confident come to think of it, that we will be out of Indonesia by 2021 the latest. A mere 2 1/2 years after our last stay in New Zealand. The plan was for me to continue my studies, getting into a Ph.D. program and of course a scholarship. That was our ticket out. Hoping that we'll be back to our old routine in Wellington, in and out the university's library, my head in books, loving our 'flatwhites' while regretting having too much of it, the usual stint doing some university tutoring, community organizing stuff, lazy gardening, out and about on the weekends tramping around Wellington and if Covid did not happen or/and maybe if my government handled things much, much better I think that would've been the case. Or at least I constantly would like to imagine that would be the case.
Yet here we are still in Indonesia, me struggling to do my Ph.D. through this wretched distant learning, initially in the comfort of my home yet steadily devolving into cabin fever. And Rara with her own struggles trying her best to get back on her feet as an aspiring musician. None of it is going as well as we had hoped for. All this while juggling trying our best to keep ourselves safe and our families and friends safe. Both of us have become direct witnesses how challenging this has been, physically and mentally. Both of us slowly grappling with the continual kick in the gut, the never ending structural absurdity, violently absurd.
That slow grueling realization of how fragile our lives are. Not just existentially. It is existentially precarious yet at the same time understanding that precariousness in many of its aspects is structurally and politically maintained. It is this political construction of precarity, which Isabell Lorey elaborates in her book State of Insecurity: Government of the Precarious, that angers and saddens us the most.
Lorey provides a nuanced approach in unpacking and differentiating this thing called being 'precarious'. The three dimensions of being precarious: precariousness, precarity and then precarization. On precariousness, Lorey draw's on Judith Butler's conceptualization of precariousness which she sees as existential, relational and inevitable. I'll insert my existential philosophy and Buddhist values here, to help me see and more importantly accept the transient nature of life and that impermanence or change is the only constant. Our lives, our bodies are destined to die and wither away. We humans are fragile mortal beings. The loss of life, the loss of one's identity, the loss of everything that makes us, us is unavoidable. It's also a 'relational' thing, as in it is also a shared experience. Everyone will experience it. It is the great equalizer some say.
Then we have precarity. Yes everyone dies, but the process of dying or even the process of grieving someone's death is dependent on what Lorey see as the “effects of different political, social and legal compensations of a general precariousness”. Some die at young age due to starvation, riddled with poverty and disease and have nothing or no one to ease their pain, others die surrounded by family and friends in a well-cared for hospital. Some have days or weeks to grieve, others have to go back to work the next day as she or he have no luxury to stop working even just for a moment and simply grieve. To stop working even for a day draws some closer to the possibility of death for the person or those dependent on the person working. This is the inequality of dying and grieving due to our social hierarchies. How fragile we are, is dependent on those social hierarchies.
And last we have Lorey's third dimension, governmental precarization which is the instrumentalization of insecurity by the government. In other words, the government using the idea and the reality of insecurity as a tool or device to control its citizens. The calculated, deliberate attempt by the government in destabilizing our lives in order for us to be easily governed. Insecurity, be it real or due to perceived constructed fear of insecurity is an effective governing tool. The fear of being labeled "useless and lacking in contribution to the nation-state". The genuine insecurity of not being able to get a job due to the false understanding that it is simply a result of an individual's laziness rather than due to systematic government policies. The deliberate attempt in making our lives constantly insecure, constantly on the edge, without us initially knowing it and when we do come to understand, the blame is on us. It is normalized and it is internalized.
This is not simply a social issue, it is a deeply existential one as well. We Indonesians have very little to make us feel safe at the moment. Covid and the government's response to it has severely limited our movements and it's not simply physical immobility, but also an existential one, the inability to even have the imagination that our lives are actually "going somewhere", towards a forward direction. Perhaps some sort of minute incremental progress, but progress nonetheless. This imagined mobility is what Ghassan Hage calls as "existential mobility" and this immobility suffered by many of us is what he also calls as "stuckedness".
Turning an often momentary or the ephemeral nature of a crisis into something prolonged and perhaps even permanent is another part of the strategy of governmental precarization. Our lives or jobs are always on the line and again coupled with the sick prevailing idea that we only have ourselves to find the solution. The crisis is permanent, we don't know why but we've been told that way, if we fail to overcome it is because of our personal inabilities thus proliferating and intensifying this sense of stuckedness.
Forcing us to accept whatever solution the government-messiah presents us with in order to relieve us from this suffering. From labour laws that normalizes precariousness even more, to oppressive new laws that limits our desire and ability to dissent, to including who or how our enemies are defined, easily accepting who is to blame for all this insecurity we are all suffering.
Be it the long dead Indonesian communists, the Chinese Indonesians and the racist perception of them being "selfish and greedy", the Indonesian Islamists - the kadruns and their conservatism, the "foreign forces" whomever they may be constantly trying to take over Indonesia, anyone or anything is to blame. Anyone but the Indonesian government and its affluent patrons. Insecurity and the fear that rises from it renders many of us easily governable and compliant.
This governmental precarization and this 'stuckedness', which Hage sees no longer as a possibility that may or may not happen but an "inevitable pathological state which has to be endured" is how Rara and I feel at the moment.
Rara and I feel our lives are going nowhere. We feel that our lives are stuck, constantly rotating in a hamster wheel trying our best to overcome our precariousness. No progress, no forward movement, no growth, just trying our best to survive from this sustained uncertainty. It's an awful feeling, paving way to existential dread. We are very much looking forward to moving back to New Zealand as soon as possible but with the conditions right now, that is something I can't even dare to imagine.
And although I am grateful that the weave of our privilege with at many times just pure sheer luck has kept us alive and physically well for the time being, we both now realize that we have hit a proverbial concrete wall here. Adding to the already precarious nature of life here in Indonesia, our line of work as a fledgling social science academic and aspiring artist and what Rara and I aspire to do socially, what we aspire to become, easily ends in stagnation if we intend to continue to live our lives in Indonesia. (I want to direct you to Social Science and Power edited by Vedi Hadiz and Daniel Dhakkidae to get the gist of what I'm trying to get at here.)
This is a hard pill to swallow, harder to write and even more so to act upon. I am existentially tied to Indonesia, my family and friends are here, my father is buried here and so will my mother. Memories of the distant past, the colloquial language when shitposting on social media, my mind and body have been shaped by Indonesia in ways I possibly do not even fully realize. This is why I oscillate between guilt towards others and guilt towards the self. I feel guilty for simply having an exit strategy when many others don't, I have the luxury of choice. Yet I also I feel guilty for feeling guilty about this, as it means I am also neglecting the well-being of myself, now and in the future. I need to work on this and find my bearings, being stuck in a guilty limbo won't get me anywhere.
And the future is far from stable, I wonder what is on the other end of surviving this pandemic? There is so much collective grief, collective anger and of course personal anger. All this will amount to something, I'm sure of that. Although I don't know what exactly, I'm not entirely confident this something will be good. John Keane's new book 'The New Despotism' comes into mind.
What do I personally do with all this anger? I’ve noticed how anger, especially when it is on the verge of hatred, morphs itself and easily descends into madness, into aggression and often showing itself, unawaringly to us, when the act of expressing anger happens. Your mind becomes instantly clouded, ending in mindless action. This inability to have control over oneself terrifies me. I already have so very little semblance of control over life in general at the moment, if I truly have no control over myself whatsoever, what then do I have?
And I wonder if it is a waste of time asking these pseudo-intellectual questions? I don't know, yet I do know I live in a society where it hones aggression and hostility, whether it be in physical and digital spaces, and I would like to draw myself away from all this at the moment before I transform myself into something I do not wish to be. Anger I can fully understand, and it is needed and useful. Yet to actively transform it into deep blinding hatred and sustain it daily, is something I feel psychologically destructive for me and I'm trying my best not to go on that path.
I rarely update this blog I know, but this blog has always been used as a personal chronicle of how much I have progressed, digressed or both. And I needed to write all this, because I've never been this least sure of what my life should be like and where it should go. I know I am not alone at this. This pandemic has destroyed the lives of many, our futures, our dreams, our sources of love and I hope that anyone of you reading this finds a way to get through it, doing anything you can do day in, day out.
I'm not sure it if amounts to anything. Maybe it won't, maybe it will, or maybe it has but maybe we just can't see it. All I can personally do for now, is to hold on to these 'maybes', and maybe, just maybe I'll get through this too.
“Where must we go...
We who wonder this Wasteland
in search of our better selves?”
- The First History Man, George Miller
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vostokovasmelina · 4 years
Hey! I truly love your writing 👉👈 Do you think you’d ever write something about a reader battling an eating disorder (preferably anorexia nervosa)? Maybe how the Shelbys would handle her disorder or something of that sort. Thank you if you do it! Good day ⭐️
a/n: i did contemplate whether or not i should accept this request but here’s to me trying to stay objective and not project on an issue i’m way too familiar with. wish me luck xx
trigger warning for obvious reasons, everything under the cut
i decided not to include the taglist here because of the topic xx
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we have no record of thomas shelby’s last actual meal in this life - honestly, when did he last eat?? -, so i don’t think he would think too much into it at first
like, he really doesn’t care when and how much people eat since he barely has any interest in food himself
nevertheless, he has always taken your safe upbringing seriously, so he would still be one of the first people to notice the slight changes in your behaviour around food and once he’d get it, his immediate reaction would be anger
not at you, much rather at the certain person or thing that had planted the poisonous seed in your head
he would probably try and sniff around at first, suggesting to take you out for dinner every now and again just to see your reaction
and despite his cold dead heart being unable to feel genuine human emotions, tommy would have a knot tightening in his stomach every time he saw you tossing your food around on your plate
as he watched your clothes getting baggier, he would probably just blurt it out with no warning - he would finally ask you about all this
and yeah, you might try to deny it at first but tommy would see through all the bullshit and you’d eventually have to tell him otherwise he wouldn’t let you out of his office anymore
and after you’ve cried on his shoulder, he would get to work immediately and would probably go out of his way to help you get back on the right track
and would stick with you through thick and thin, cos tommy can be a good big brother when he wants to be, okay?
okay, we’ve already established that arthur is a mother hen to you and he’s a real softie around you
he would always try to protect you from all harm but your disorder would slip his attention for a while
now don’t blame arthur here, he really loves you but an*rexia is a sneaky bitch and the eldest shelby is not necessarily the observer type
he’d probably only notice once you had lost quite a few pounds - and man, would he ask you about it straight-away
he would probably say something like “love, what’s happened to your hugs, eh?” or “i thought you loved *insert any fav type of food here*”
he would be half joking and you would try to shrug it off but the harder you would try, the harder you would stutter and arthur would finally understand there was something serious going on
“who called you fat, y/n? who was that fucker? just say the name, love!”
tommy would have to push him back down into the chair
i don’t think arthur would fully understand the whole emotional aspect of your disorder but he would still try his absolute best to be there for you, even if a bit misinformed at times
and even when he was forcing you to eat his terrible cooking, arthur would have the best intentions
but would always try to hide how worried sick he is
he would probably handle it the best?
like, he wouldn’t try to fix you, john would just simply want to make your days at least a little bit bearable by joking around with you and continuing to look at you the same way
he would probably be the one you went to when all the others were getting too much to take
though all this does not mean he would support or would be okay with your ed
i guess he would just understand it a little better (john is an empath, don’t @ me) and would be more patient with you as you stepped on the path to recovery
john would also always reassure you of how beautiful you are and would be super proud of you every time you managed to eat a meal no matter the size
he would just be the most supportive big brother :(
she would be bloody worried, honestly, but would always try to keep that a secret from you
sometimes she would break down though, and you two would cry together or something dramatic of that sort but she’d always try her best to build you up
ada would spend more time with you, so she could keep an eye on you and also to cheer you up on your worst days
she would definitely encourage you and sometimes even push you to eat more since she wouldn’t want you to pass out on the streets of small heath
she would still kind of understand it and would always take ‘no’ for an answer - ada would never want to force anything on you
she would also fix your clothes if they got too baggy and would always listen to whatever you wanted to talk about
but wouldn’t treat you as a special case and you could always count on her if you wanted to go out and do something fun to forget about your ed for a few hours
ada would be the absolute most responsible big sister and would be your biggest help as you learnt how to eat normally again
of course she would be the first to find out
probably quite early on and probably in some nasty way
like finding half-rotten food hidden deep in your wardrobe
and you can bet your ass she would be real pissed off
like, pol would probably perform a whole 20-minute long monologue and would cut you if you tried to cut her off
it would seem like she didn’t understand and was angry with you
but, just like tommy, she would actually be pissed at whatever started this in you - she would simply take out her frustration on you
once she collected herself and cooled down, though, she would pull you in for the tightest hug and silently swear to protect you forever and look after you better
she would be discreet about it around the boys though but would “plot” your recovery together with tommy in secret
polly would be surprisingly patient and understanding, however, she would definitely push you a bit more than ada
and it might seem like she was hard on you, her heart would actually ache at the sight of your shrinking clothes and she would want to do anything to make you feel better
finn wouldn’t get what’s going on
he wouldn’t understand how you could hate your body so much to go all this way to change it
and it would actually take a toll on him, seeing you like this
please, don’t make lil finn sad :(
he thinks you’re utterly beautiful and deserving of all the love in the world - including your own
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willowaudreykeyes · 4 years
Okay: I’ve watched it 4 times and here’s the things about the episode that I find interesting. Or that I’m looking too much into. You guys can all decide because idk.
- Roman seems to make alliterations when he's shocked? He's done it before, but now he's done it again and when he's surprised that Thomas 'lied' or 'tricked' the ticket person.
- Virgil has resting disappointed face even as he eats popcorn.
- Roman is very dramatic about the age thing. "He's in his thirties, he may as well be in his sixties." "Can't think of new excuses quick enough in his old age."
- "I love you" is very big words. Do not use them, or forget them, lightly around Virgil.
- Have they always been on his back so much about lying, or was it only after Janus was introduced?
- Possibility: Romans eyes actually change into hearts when cute guy appears?
- Also: Roman goes into Shakespearean when cute guy appears.
- Roman is so optimistic when it comes to love! But not about other Sides? He's rather pessimistic when it came to Virge (at the beginning) and Janus. And kinda Remus too.
- Roman has used "We don't know if he's not gay" more times then the three can count.
- Pins equals introverts way of talking apparently. I guess that makes sense, since there’s pins for almost every kind of hobby, and Virgil knows this too.
- Roman sounds rather happy when they found out that Nico likes Paramore. Supporting his emo friend and his hobbies right there.
- “The Nightmare Before Christmas” is and will always be a Prinxiety thing. Did you see those star eyes Roman gave? And how happy-surprised Virge was?
- Virgil does think about romance too. “You can live like Jack and Sally, if you want.” Kind of cute.
- Virgil has eyes like a damn hawk. He saw those pins and went full on x10 zoom on them.
- Roman’s got some adorable music happening when more clues appear.
- Sticker/Button System must be followed or Virge no happy.
- Roman is almost as good as Patton with puns, except he has to explain it. Has he done that before? I feel like he has. I feel like this is a thing but I’m not sure.
- Roman and Virgil have about the same wavelength when it came to the creepy stalking-ish part. They both cringe when Thomas goes off to the side.
- If you use a word at the end of a sentence that sounds like a name at Roman, he thinks you got his name wrong. He did it at some other point I can’t remember when but he does this. Kind of feels like a autism and/or ADHD trait? (I know I for sure get confused sometimes)
- “Great... he’s gay” “Great indeed...” “GREAT INDEED” I love them. Just gonna say that again.
- Roman has this big thing about his name and it doesn’t seem like its a thing he’s faking? He seems genuinely confused. The one that’s two above mentions it, and the way he spelt it at the trial? And how he seemed very defensive when Janus spelt it wrong? This is a thing.
- Virgil is a self-proclaimed expert of anti-social etiquette and I say he deserves that title. 
- Virgil also really likes non-verbal ways of communicating. 
- Roman does the thing where you put your two pointer fingers together and its adorable.
- Fast head nod of agreement coming from Roman here. Over dramticness? Or actual quirk?
- Roman very much freaks out when flirting goes wrong. Not just a Virgil thing. 
- Virgil be scaring Thomas with zero regrets when he lost his test that the Universe gave him.
- Virgil be very glad to admit when he’s panicking. He also has admitted when he’s anxious in the past. He knows it, acknowledges it, makes Thomas and the others deal with it because dealing with it isn’t in the job description.
- Roman’s fine with compromise! Virgil gives an idea that attempts to help the romance part, Roman’s not 100% happy but rolls with it. Besties right here (even if they don’t know it). He does have a limit though.
- Nicknames are forever with Roman.
- Virgil is on Thomas’ left side, the more ‘thinky’ side of the brain. Roman is on the right, the more ‘feely’ side of the brain. It’s kind of more obvious in the scene where they grab Thomas a lot.
- Roman really slips with his feelings when he’s stressed. He says stuff that’s usually more about his self-worth. “You’re making a mistake.” “If I am, I’ll add it to the list.” That was said under a lot of stress and frustration. He’s done it before and he’s done it again; except now they don’t address it and it’s just a passing sentence.
- pLaNt
- Virgil would rather embarrass Thomas by making him talk to a stranger, instead of the guy that he thinks is cute? I mean, its very embarrassing by the end of it and Virge barely seems affected by it.
- And now Virgil is compromising. He works with Roman to make sure that Thomas looks okay (the “check your teeth” line).
- idk wtf the sty’s thing is about. Weirdly placed anxiety over it? Or something?
- Roman is very impulsive and basically throws Thomas into the trash can when a bad thing happens in front of a lot of people. Ego was definitely hurt there. Why hide instead of run away? Did Virgil sorta influence that?
- Plans help anxiety. Pretty sure they’ve covered that topic before, but lets just do a recap in this I guess.
- Virgil is half the people on this platform “Cyberstalking... but real life”. I mean, everyone makes a metaphor that has an actual word behind it sometimes. 
- “Try Speaking from the heart” ... I expected Patton, but there has been moments before where a Side who is expected to be there, isn’t there. Logan showed this in “Moving On” when he physically left but he never REALLY left. Patton showing up to add his own words to this may have been too much for him? Or he thought it would be for the others?
- Ah crap here’s the monologue-
- First off, it’s very honest. Full on honesty. With no holding back. And it really hit the feels; but is it realistic though? (Genuinely asking I’ve never been in that kind of situation)
- Very rambly too “I honestly don’t know what I’m doing at the mall today. I don’t know what I was looking for... I guess that answers my question- The mall is where you go when you want something but you don’t know what it is because the mall has everything.” Very rambly, very nervous, very honest.
- Roman and Virgil are very... in awe? Shocked? What is this? Roman looks so contemplative as he looks at himself in the mirror and I wanna be in his brain and know what he’s thinking.
- “I don’t know a lot about anything. Least of all, myself.” Okay, Janus just pulled all the way away for a full minute and forty-eight seconds (this is 99% accurate) to just let Thomas talk and feel didn’t he? This is just complete honesty.
- Anyone would be awkward with the guy coming out of that stall. I’m awkward thinking about it and seeing it again. Moving on-
- “I gotta stop wooing strangers in bathrooms” just a 3000 word fic of at least one other time that he’s done this and I will be yours forever
- Virgil is a dramatic emo who dislikes lying. Crossed arms, waiting outside for him, looks up when he says “you know what I meant”- They’re all part of an actor your at least a LITTLE dramatic.
- Virgil has a big thing about lies and relationships. This has to do with him and Janus’ relationship somehow- It’s about Thomas’ relationships with friends and his romantic life too. He didn’t seem as annoyed about them in the ‘Lies’ song way back when which didn’t mention lying about any type of relationship.
- “Can’t have true love if the relationship isn’t built on truth.” Is this what he was thinking about in the bathroom? Its a cute line either way. 
- Okay, Roman and Janus have some kind of... something. Cause a lot of Roman’s talks about his goals for Thomas pushes Thomas into relying on Janus until Roman realises that it’s morally bad OR (as seen in the talk after the bathroom scene) when he realises that it’ll be bad for Thomas in the long run.
- “Will (D)deceit continue to be the answer to all of your problems? Is that fair to him?” HIM WHO!? Janus or Nico!? Both!? AHHHH! This could mean so much in any direction you throw it but I can’t find the dang words!! “No, he’s better off without me.” This could just be Thomas misunderstanding the ‘him’ Virgil means too or he does understand idk-
- “I was afraid you left!” *INSERT TWO SIDES SCREAMING HERE* Hahaha he’s literally screaming on the inside omg-
- “He fears things too!?” Virgil doesn’t understand how people work when he’s worked up. Duly noted.
- Roman and Virgil equals A Gay Panic
- Thomas’ first thought when panicked is to ask the guy, that he thinks is cute and has been trying to get the attention of for the last while, ‘what is wrong with you?’ ... 10/10 Thomathy
-  .Roman seems... a little resigned that another ‘chance at happiness’ is walking away? I mean, he’s super sad but resigned to his fate. That’s sad as hell. He’s USED TO THIS and I don’t like that 😢
- Virgil’s scene where he looks between, NOT Thomas, but Nico and Roman, is really well done and filled with... a lot. He psyches himself up first of, taking in quick breaths before pushing Thomas, obviously afraid but still doing it anyway. And the look he gives a very resigned Roman looks like its both guilt and sadness. Could just be me thinking that he has a ‘this is my fault’ thing.
- Full on surprise on Roman’s face when Virgil pushes Thomas. No one was expecting that.
- Carrots. The carrots brought them together. Thomas... you don’t have to eat carrots, but at least say ONCE that they aren’t all bad.
- “I like songs” you’ve also written some and sung x5 as many but okay, go with that I guess. (Is this to not brag about being a singer right away? I guess so?)
- If Nico was writing about something that happened midway through his visit to the food court, what was he writing about before that? Did he have nothing until Thomas tripped over the bin?
- “I tend to waste a lot of opportunities in my life” Then cuts to Virgil. Ouch. Direct hit on Virge...
- BRAVERY. (i’ll get back to this-)
- “Shut up, emo.” No complicated nicknames; just the easy picking. Very cute. Very yes. Roman your a sap and its great.
- When Thomas is telling Roman to ‘get out’, he sinks down and is he biting his thumb? He’s still excited. And I’m adding ‘biting’ to his list of stims.
- Virgil claps his hands.  Roman and Virgil both cover their mouths. Both yell. Manic hand movements. Virgil gets Thomas to walks around and flappy hands. (And the nervous pee too I guess?)
- OKAY. EYESHADOW. Big thing, also new. I believe that it may be him ‘growing’ as a Side. First, he believed that he was JUST Thomas’ anxiety. Then comes to term with being more then that, which helps him become a ‘Light Side’. And now, he’s learnt that ‘fear’ and ‘bravery’ can both be present at the same time and is now growing from that as well. So, his back and forth between black and purple could mean a back and forth of the ‘fear’ and ‘bravery’ aspects. Thomas about to send a bad tweet? Black. Optimistic about things ‘never being the same again’? Purple. Thomas bringing up that they just met? Black. Its a promising start? Purple again.  Purple when something optimistic, its purple. Pessimistic, its black. There’s a thing happening there.
- And also, lots of smiley Virgil when he goes purple. Brave enough to smile? Or optimistic enough to be truly happy about it?
- “Join me! No thinking!” Okay, all the ‘Roman Himbo’ stans have already gone nuts over this so I’ll keep going XD
- Roman’s first date idea is to go to France immediately and I love him for being so honestly over-the-top
- Dogs are the demons of anxiety its now a fact. They even bring out the Tempest Tongue, despite hearing the dog “thirty times a day”.
- Do not tell Virgil to relax. Black eyeshadow. Very on brand tbh. He does not relax and you should know this by now Roman.
All in all; I love them and the entire episode ❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜
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starcountesseevee · 3 years
Just a cute Cliff x Reader one shot idea I had! First time doing a reader insert, hope I got it right!
Valentine’s Day
You had stalled in the break room until you were sure most of your fellow Grunts would be gone for the day before making your way to the locker room to change. As you opened the door two other girls were just coming out and you forced a smile and wave as they left before quickly dropping the cheery act as you headed to your locker. It was Valentine’s Day and you hadn’t intended to spend it alone, in fact, you still had reservations for later this evening for you and...No, you thought, you weren’t even going to think his name. He didn’t deserve it. Even though you hadn’t been together long, breaking up on today of all days was low. You yanked open your locker as you fought back tears, thankful that no one else was around to see you like this. Glancing at the small mirror in your locker you tried to push thoughts of him away but instead your reflection began to blur. You angrily swiped the tears out of your eyes with one hand while the other balled into a fist at your side, and you almost gave in to the strong urge to slam your fist into your locker. Instead an idea sparked in your mind and you grabbed a pair of leggings and tank top from your locker. 
You slowly pushed open the door to the in-house gym, wincing as it creaked, and listened for signs of anyone else. Not hearing anything you stepped in and made sure the door shut gently behind you. It felt silly, sneaking into somewhere you had every right to be, but you really didn’t feel like running into anyone right now. You made your way over to the piece of equipment that had sparked this idea in the first place, the punching bag. Dropping your water bottle and towel next to it you popped in headphones, confident that if no one was here now there wouldn’t be anyone later given what day it was. It didn’t take long, especially as you pictured your newly ex-boyfriend’s face on the bag, to get in a zone and work up a sweat. 
Cliff pushed back from his desk with a loud sigh, the last report of the day was finally finished and it was about time. He was the last one here, Sierra and Arlo had taken off early citing the holiday but Cliff didn’t have plans and figured he’d rather not let this work pile up for the next day. Standing up with a stretch he checked the time and was surprised to see it wasn’t as late as he had thought. Maybe there was some time to get a workout in before it got too late. He shut down his computer before changing in his office and heading down to the gym. As he opened the door he was surprised to hear someone else clearly going to town on the punching bag and was even more surprised to see who it was. You evidently hadn’t seen or heard him as you continued to take some kind of emotion out on the poor bag, something Cliff had to admit he wouldn’t have pictured you ever doing. You had joined Team Rocket a few months ago and had landed on his team. While the two of you had never had much interaction beyond a professional comment on training here and there you had definitely caught Cliff’s attention with your skill. And looks. Cliff thought as he found himself staring at you but quickly brushed the thoughts away. He was your boss after all, and he had heard you were dating someone anyway. Not wanting to startle you he cleared his throat to try and get your attention but was unsuccessful so he moved forward a few feet to try again. As he did you let out a shout and gave the bag a kick that sent it swinging right to where he had moved. He caught the bag with both hands as your hands flew to your face. 
“Oh, I’m so sorry!” You exclaimed as you yanked your headphones out. “I didn’t know anyone was still here.” Shit. Shit. Shit. Why was he still here?!
“No worries. No harm done, although I don’t know if the same can be said for the bag.” He joked before catching the look on your face. Were those tears? He frowned. “Everything alright?”
“Yeah, mhmm, all good here.” You tried smiling. “Just...um…” No, no, no, no, no! You mentally yelled at yourself as the adrenaline began to wear off. You were pretty sure all the anger at your ex had been taken out and now all that was left was the hurt. But dammit, you weren’t going to cry in front of the boss! “Actually I was just leaving.” You bent down and grabbed your stuff intending to make a hasty retreat to the locker room but a warm hand on your shoulder stopped you. 
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Cliff’s tone was gentle and sincere and you couldn’t stop the stream of hot tears that escaped your eyes this time. “Hey-” He began but you cut him off by standing up abruptly. 
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be...I should go.” 
“(Y/N).” Cliff looked at you with concern. He didn’t like that you were crying and had a sudden urge to know why and fix it. “Hey, you can talk to me, what’s wrong?”
“It’s...stupid.” You laughed at yourself as you brushed your cheeks with the back of your hand. 
“If it has you this upset it isn’t stupid.” 
You eyed Cliff for a long moment as you contemplated telling him. On one hand he was the boss and your ex was also on his team. On the other hand he did seem genuinely concerned right now. “It’s Steve. We...he just broke up with me.” You finally said, swallowing hard while not daring to look at your boss’s reaction. 
“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.” Cliff had heard that you two were dating and while it wasn’t good that you were upset a small part of him was glad you were now single.
“I told you it was stupid.” You let out a small laugh. Now that you had finally let yourself cry about it you felt better and a little silly. “It’s just...today of all days, ya know? I had reservations and everything...I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be complaining to you.”  
“No, it’s fine, really!” Cliff smiled warmly at you and placed a hand on your shoulder, giving it a little squeeze. “My door is always open if you need to talk.” 
“Thanks.” You smiled shyly back suddenly very much aware of the fact that you were alone in here with your boss. Your hot boss. You felt your face begin to turn red and knew you should probably leave before you made a fool of yourself again. “Well, I guess I should get going.” 
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Now that you had said you were leaving Cliff realized he wanted to find a reason for you not to. 
“Yeah, I’m good. Thanks.” You smiled at him again and Cliff’s heart beat a little bit faster in his chest. 
“What about your reservations?” He asked as you began to turn away and was glad when you turned back.
“What?” You tilted your head to the side with a laugh. 
“You said you had reservations for tonight. It would be a shame for it to go to waste. Why don’t I take you?” 
You froze. Did your boss really just ask to take you to dinner? 
Cliff took your reaction as a bad sign and tried backpedaling. “I mean, if you want. I would feel terrible letting you go home like this-.” 
“Yes.” You interrupted him before you could change your mind. Like he said, it would be a shame if the reservation, not to mention the little red dress hanging in your closet, went to waste. And if you cleaned up quickly you should make it just in time. “That sounds nice.” 
“Great. It’s my treat, you deserve it.” Cliff grinned. “For all your hard work, that is.” He added quickly hoping he didn’t sound too unprofessional, reminding himself again he was your boss. 
You told him you needed to get cleaned up first and gave him your address to pick you up at in an hour. As soon as you were out of headquarters you began running, thanking Legendaries you didn’t live far. Before you knew it the hour was up and your doorbell was being rung. You took another quick look in the mirror, smoothing your hair one more time before grabbing your keys and opening the door. 
To say Cliff was surprised would be an understatement. Aside from in the gym earlier he had only ever seen you in your Grunt uniform and seeing you in a dress, especially a dress like the one you had on, was a pleasant surprise. “Wow, (Y/N), you look stunning.” 
“Thanks.” You blushed as you stepped outside. “You don’t look half bad yourself.” Cliff had ditched his Team Rocket uniform for black slacks and a blue button up shirt; that was tight in just the right places you found yourself thinking. He hurried to open the passenger door for you before getting in himself, following your directions to the restaurant. 
The table you two were seated at was small and draped in a pink table cloth that was covered in red hearts with a bouquet of roses in the middle. You groaned internally having forgotten that you had chosen this place for the romantic atmosphere they were known for on this holiday. 
“Ahh, sorry, I forgot about all this.” You smiled sheepishly. 
“Don’t be.” Cliff seemed more amused than anything. “I understand, you weren’t supposed to be here with me.” 
“Right…” Your heart sank a bit as he reminded you of what had happened this morning. Seeing your expression Cliff immediately regretted bringing it up. 
“I’m sorry, (Y/N), I shouldn’t have mentioned it.” 
“It’s okay.” You forced a smile and reached for your glass but were startled when Cliff placed his hand over yours. 
“If it’s any consolation I think he’s an idiot. Any guy would be lucky to be here with you, (Y/N).” You met gazes across the table but you were fortunately saved from coming up with a response as the food arrived.
For the rest of the meal you avoided any mention of your ex and the obvious romantic setting this was supposed to be, soon forgetting about all that completely. Cliff was the perfect gentleman throughout and by the time the check came you were totally at ease and genuinely sad that you would be going home. It had actually been nice talking with him, he wasn’t all Team Rocket and protein powder like everyone assumed. And every time he smiled or laughed you felt a little flutter in your stomach. 
“Thank you, I had a great time. I needed this.” Your sentiment was genuine but your smile was nervous as Cliff walked you to your door, he had insisted on it even after you pointed out it was only a few feet from the curb he was parked at. 
“I’m glad. You deserved it.” Cliff surprised you, and himself, by reaching out to tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear. Realizing what he did he quickly pulled his hand back. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have-”
You cut off his apology by leaning up to kiss him. Maybe it was the day or the mood or the wine, not that you had had that much, or the way he had been smiling at you but in that moment you had just felt like it was the right thing to do. Your risk paid off when you felt his strong arm wrap around your waist and pull you closer to him. After a few moments you both pulled back. 
“Does this mean I’m going to have to quit Team Rocket?” You joked, biting your lip as you looked up into his eyes. 
“Quit? No. Change teams? Probably.” Cliff smiled again, melting your heart a little more, and brought a hand up to cup your face as his thumb traced a line across your cheek. 
“I can live with that.” You laughed before he leaned in to kiss you again. This was definitely a better Valentine’s Day than you had expected.
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inessencedevided · 4 years
The Untamed, episode 43 - watching notes
The sun is setting on this show for me and I'm not ready to say goodbye yet 😔
(As if I will! Ha. Imma blog about nothing else the next ... probably years)
Last time on Sophie watches the untamed: We're still in the restricted section. The twin love-struck idiots of lan and wwx found the Collection of turmoil and suspect Jin Guangyao of intentionally bringing about Nie Mingjue's qui deviation.
As much as I love the "hihi. Wwx is wearing his boyfriend's underrobe" aspect of this, I also like the visual incorporation of lwj's colour scheme into wwx's clothes. (Not just through the undertone, his black tone also has slight grey seam.) It's as if now that they are finally fully committed to each other, wwx is displaying it for all the world to see
Jin Guangyao tore out a page to hide the evidence. That's not how to do that!!!
My heart is breaking for Lan Xichen. He looks like a man standing on a train track and watching the light speed towards him in horror while he's unable to move away
Feels like exactly no one on this show is getting their happy ending
*thinks about yi city and cries forever*😭😭😭
"Wangji, Jin Guangyao,in my eyes, is a totally different person from how you and other people see him." And we all know that lwj knows exactly what that's like
(Sorry, I have a thing for those)
And lwj looks so pained
Thinking about it, it's now the man lwj loves against the man lxc loves (in whatever way. I still ship them. Not sure if its "canonically" romantic though). They can't both be right, so ... one of them is going to get their heart broken
Great, first the Yunmeng brothers, now the lan brothers are breaking my heart 🥺
Lwj says he's visiting "Grand Master", that's Lan Qiren right? What happened to him anyway? Haven't seen him in ages
I love how, even though it is wwx's word against jgy's right now, lan Xichen is still genuinely kind towards wwx
The whipping scars! I hadn't even thought about those anymore 😳
I'm probably going to get my heart ripped out soon, but before that
"You are not qualified to talk to me."
Sickest. Burn. Ever.
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Also, no disrespect to the actor, but that's a backpfeifengesicht if I've ever seen one
(Backpfeifengesicht: "German compound word for a 'face that should be slapped'. Ex:. When GWB smirks on TV, my German friend Uwe tells me that he sees a 'Backpfeifengesicht'." Urban dictionary)
He went to burial mount after wwx was killed??? 🥺🥺🥺
I've noticed something with lwj. When he's distressed, he won't look people in the eye or not even at their faces, just in their very general direction. To me it seems like he almost... can't? Any thoughts on that? Cause I'm intrigued but I can't think about it too much right now cause I'm already writing half an essay in this commentary again 😅
Oh fuck YOU Jiggy!!!
Holy shit ... holy shit
Lan Wangji 🥺🥺🥺
He fought against everyone?
This is how he showed his grieve???
He went to the place wei Wuxian had called home and ... what? Protected or ot so they wouldn't desecrate it? To search for him? To ... what?
Oh god, Wangji! 😭
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That image... I'm speechless. It's so powerful
He's half-mad with grieve and kneeling in the ruins of his dead loves home, having fought himself to exhaustion and I'm... not okay 😭😭😭
He had to repent for THREE YEARS??
Oh no, you don't
Holy ...
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Holy shit
How can my heart break and be so full at the same time 💔🥺
Lan Wangji ... my love
I'm ... so proud of him and yet so sad
Here he is at his lowest, finally standing up to the orthodoxy he knows to be wrong
This is inhumane 😳
The corporal punishment of the lan sect always was but THIS
Fuck them
Or Lan Qiren specifically
That's his nephew. How can he even look at himself?
"Eradicate evil. Establish laws. Than goodness will be everlasting."
what I'm saying is: there are about 200 ethical question ls being raised by this rule alone!
And now lan Wangji had 3 tears to contemplate them
Wwx asking "why would he bother ...?" BECAUSE YOU ARE LOVED YOU GODDAMN IDIOT!!
Ohhh! We're getting their parents' story 😱
Oh this IS a Lan episode 💙
So another Lan falling quickly and never looking back?
I'm sensing a pattern here 🤨
Wait what?
Let me get this straight:
Their father loved a woman who DID NOT love him back and then killed one of his teachers
(And I hope we find out why. That sounds like there is a REALLY interesting story there)
Then he takes her to cloud recess and DESPIT HER NOT LOVING HIM, marries her, fathers two children with her (um... how voluntary was that????) locks her up (as punishment for the murder?) then locks HIMSELF up and then fucks of and leaves his children with their uncle
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What kind of disaster human being was their dad????
The fuck kinda question is that ??
If you have to marry her against her will and then lock her up, guess what? That's not love, that's wanting to possess someone
I hope that maybe the connotation is different in the og Chinese,but I'm not holding out much hope
That explains why Qiren is such a lovely character through 😒
But god, my heart breaks for lwj and lxc :'(
Little Lan Wangji!!! 🥺🥺🥺
Oh darling ...
Oh no ...
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Look at him look at his crooked little headband😭😭😭
He went there every month!!!
Oh Wangji 💔💔
Stubborn, steadfast, loving Wangji!
That seals it. I KNEW why he was my favourite character
He isn't so passive all the time, because he feels too little! He feels entirely too much!!! 😭😭😭
And that explains why lwj was so worried about wwx's demonic cultivation harming him!!! 😭
Oh god, it was such an old hurt for him. I had no idea 🥺🥺🥺
All of these characters need a therapist
Lxc playing the flute to what ... deal with his emotions? Express his grieve? Remeber their mother? (And god, do I want to know more about her!!) Either way, It's making me tear up 😥
"It's so difficult to determine others personalities depending on our perspective." Welcome to the human condition, my friend 💙
And that's love
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I ... wish I could show you my face right now
I'm smiling through tears right now
It's so utterly beautiful
He looks so vulnerable here! With his hair (almost) down
And given what we've just learned, that's remarkable!!!
He closed himself off became the immovable stone-faced second Jade of Lan and yet, somehow, wwx wormed his way into his heart and sure, both of them needed to overcome a lot, but here they are, vulnerable and open,not letting their parent's fate decide theirs
I'm... *sniff*
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I can never get enough of lwj with his hair like this!!
It's so domestic, so soft
And look at his face! 😭
And mister "alcohol is prohibited" is now serving it 😭
Oh my god this scene is so beautiful
I'm speechless
Was the second flute Jin Guangyao as well?
At this point I'm just expecting more plot-twists
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He looks so young! 🥺
Both of them are exhibiting so much growth in this episode!! Wwx realising that the fact that the cultivation world had always looked for a scapegoat and that he himself was just the most convenient target, that it's not to any personal failing of his, that's HUGE!
And I'm so proud of him :')
Lwj starting to play in the distance :')
This is so utterly peaceful
My heart is bursting 😭😭😭
The music, the scenery ...
Also, both thinking they have a clean conscious!!! 😭😭😭
Again, it's them holding the same morals that's important! I cannot tell you how happy that makes me!
(But wwx still cannot drink like a normal person :D)
The contrast to lxc sitting alone couldn't be starker 😔
Wait, why are there puppets at burial mounds again?
Are we going back to burial mounds? I'm weirdly excited 😅
Aaand Jin Guangyao just proved to them that he's lying. Poor Xichen
Yup, I'm pretty sure his heart just snapped in half
Little Apple!!! I've missed him 😁
Gosh, they're laying it on thick with the domestic husband bliss this episode and I'm here for it.
I love lwj's soft smile when he looks at bunnies so much!! 🥰
Bunnies, bunnies everywhere
It's the invasion of the bunnies
Who ever is the show runner *banging pots and pans together* IT'S GAY!! cab you all hear me? These two love each other! It's G - A - Y!!! Gay!!!
Lwj's shocked look when wwx says that he's not popular with little animals, as if to say "how dare they!" :D
Is wwx sitting side saddle?
Wwx plays wangxian :')
He finally remembers how lwj recognized him :')
Sneaky, show, very sneaky :D
Wwx about to casually steal some melons, lwj *wordlessly takes out money* ^^
I'd given up hope that we'd see her again!!!
I'm so happy I could burst!!!
Lwj's little exasperated head-shake before he stands up from crouching behind some hay 😂
Aww, look at her family! 😍😍😍
She build her own live :')
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And look at this badass woman protecting the ones she loves!!!
ARE YOU KIDDING ME WEI WUXIAN??? You don't remember her???
You better remember my wife!!!
Aaand another freeze frame. But I'm willing to forgive it because THIS EPISODE WAS SO GODDAMN BRILLIANT!
It made me realise why I was so drawn to lan Wangji as a character. Of course he is mu favourite character! He ticks every single box
Let me explain. My favourite characters almost always share the following characteristics: seems either cold and distant or ethereal and aloof, as if they are above such puny human things like feelings™️(bonus if they're actually not human and their argument is "I'm [insert species]. We can't feel [insert emotion they are definetly feeling very strongly]"). then, over the course of the story, we (along with they themselves because they were in denial) discover that it's not that they feel too little, they feel entirely too much. They're a sea of emotions so deep that the surface is calm, but don't you dare be near them when the storm is coming because all hell will break loose. (extra bonus point if that storm involves them rebelling against the oppressive society they were born into and adhered to until then because they realise their consciousness won't allow it any longer.) afterwards they realise that making themselves vulnerable once in a while is actually a good thing and they proceed to fuck the Rebel™️ who they've secretly been in love with the entire time, a feeling they only now allow themselves to act on
The last part sadly isn't always canon, but who has ever had time for that?
You know what this episode made me realise most of all? The Lan sect are just as human as the rest of them. In fact, they seem to be especially prone to acting rashly on strong emotions. (I don't remember the exact story, but didn't the founder of the Lan sect also have some kind of tragic love story?) It should be obvious, but the impression you get is that they are so detached from their wants, so rigorous and disciplined in their righteousness, that they are almost super-human. But no. Thise 3000 and some rules? They weren't born out of some enlightened mind that had the secret of live figures out, they're a crutch. Abiding by them without question rids one of responsibility to make even the tiniest moral choice for oneself. But that won't work because a) they're bounty to contradict each other at some point and b) that's not how human beings work. They're messy and unpredictable and beautifully complicated. The way Lan Qiren choses to apply them, he completely disregards that. At that point, the rules aren't there anymore to grant a harmonious society, but simply for their own sake. (Or maybe as a wall to hide behind)
@sweetlittlevampire @fandom-glazed @elenirlachlagos @allhailthedramallama @luckymoony @kyrrahbird @i-love-him-on-purpose
I think this liveblog has been the longest so far. I'm sorry for going on so many tangents, but lwj's backstory hit me really hard. I hope you guys weren't too bored 💚
(I also apologise for the mountains of typos that probably accumulated in this post. I'm too tired to check.)
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upsidedowninmyworld · 3 years
All of them? :$
I can’t sleep. Why not
1: How tall or short do you wish you were? The height I am now
2: What’s your dream pet? (Real or not) Hmm...Gizmo
3: Do you have a favorite clothing style? Anything comfortable really
4: What was your favorite video game growing up? Sonic
5: What three things/people do you think of most each day: My partner, my future, and what it all holds
6: If you had a warning label, what would yours say? Very quiet, slow to anger but proceed with caution
7: What is your opinion on [insert person/thing here]? 🤷🏻‍♀️
8: What is your Greek personality type? [Sanguine, Phlegmatic, Choleric, or Melancholic] uhh when I took this test in high school, I was melancholic
9: Are you ticklish? Yes
10: Are you allergic to anything? Loads
11: What’s your sexuality? Bisexual
12: Do you prefer tea, coffee, or cocoa? Cocoa
13: Are you a cat or dog person? Cat
14: Would you rather be a vampire, elf, or merperson? Hmm vampire
15: Do you have a favorite Youtuber? I did
16: How tall are you? 5’2”
17: If you had to change your name, what would you change it to? I like mine
18: How much do you weigh? [Only ask this if you know the user doesn’t mind!] too much for me to be comfortable
19: Do you believe in ghosts/spirits? Yes
20: Do you like space or the ocean more? Uhh I like both equally
21: Are you religious? Kind of
22: Pet peeves? When people touch my stuff without asking. Bad breath
23: Would you rather be nocturnal or diurnal [opposite of nocturnal]? Nocturnal
24: Favorite constellation? Not sure
25: Favorite star? Not sure
26: Do you like ball-jointed dolls? No?
27: Any phobias or fears? Not saying
28: Do you think global warming is real? Yes
29: Do you believe in reincarnation? Not really
30: Favorite movie? Forrest Gump
31: Do you get scared easily? No lol
32: How many pets have you own in your lifetime? 5?
33: Blog rate? [You’ll rate the blog of the one who’s asking.] what?
34: What is a color that calms you? Blue
35: Where would you like to travel and/or live? Australia, London
36: Where were you born? LA
37: What is your eye color? Brown
38: Introvert or extrovert? Intro
39: Do you believe in horoscopes and zodiacs? No lol
40: Hugs or kisses? Kisses
41: Who is someone you would like to see/visit right now? Cody
42: Who is someone you love deeply? Cody
43: Any piercings you want? Second ear piercings
44: Do you like tattoos and piercings? Yes
45: Do you smoke or have you eiver done so? Before
46: Talk about your crush, if you have one! He’s pretty great. Been with them for almost 4 years :)
47: What is a sound you really hate? A certain person’s voice
48: A sound you really love? The ocean
49: Can you do a backflip? Not anymore
50: Can you do the splits? If I stretch, yes
51: Favorite actor and/or actress? Natalie Dorner and Ed skrein atm
52: Favorite movie? I already answers this
53: How are you feeling right now? Tired
54: What color would you like your hair to be right now? Half white half Black
55: When did you feel happiest? I think it’s been a while
56: Something that calms you down? Writing or drawing
57: Have any mental disorders? [Only ask this if you know the user doesn’t mind!] nothing diagnosed
58: What does your URL mean? My world is odd
59: What three words describe you the most? Quiet, contemplative weird
60: Do you believe in evolution? Yes
61: What makes you unfollow a blog? Posting things I don’t like
62: What makes you follow a blog? Posting things I like
63: Favorite kind of person: a genuinely nice person that is honest
64: Favorite animal(s): pandas, otters
65: Name three of your favorite blogs. 🤷🏻‍♀️
66: Favorite emoticon: 😻
67: Favorite meme: I have too many
68: What is your MBTI personality type? I can’t remember
69: What is your star sign? Uhhh Pisces...?
70: Can your dog roll over on command, if you have a dog? Yes
71: What outfit out of all your clothes do you like to wear the most? A black shirt and jeans with converse
72: Post a selfie or two? No thank you
73: Do you have platform shoes? I do!
74: What is one random but interesting fact about yourself? I can bend my thumb all the way to my arm
75: Can you do a front flip? Not anymore
76: Do you like birds? Sure
77: Do you like to swim? Love it
78: Is swimming or ice skating more fun to you? Swimming for sure
79: Something you wish didn’t exist: not saying
80: Some thing you wish did exist: someone that is no longer here
81: Piercings you have? Just my ears for now
82: Something you really enjoy doing: reading
83: Favorite person to talk to: Cody
84: What was your first impression of Tumblr? I like this site
85: How many followers do you have? Uhh I haven’t looked in a while
86: Can you run a mile within ten minutes? I use. To lol
87: Do your socks always match? Yes
88: Can you touch your toes and keep your legs straight completely? Yes
89: What are your birthstones? Aquamarine
90: If you were an animal, which one would you be? Panda or a cat
91: If a flower could aesthetically represent you, what kind would it be? A rose
92: A store you hate? Hmmm not sure
93: How many cups of coffee can you drink in one day? I don’t
94: Would you rather be able to fly or read minds? Read minds
95: Do you like to wear camo? On occasion
96: Winter or summer? Winter
97: How long can you hold your breath for? About 30-45 seconds
98: Least favorite person? HAHA
99: Someone you look up to: my dad
100: A store you love? Any bookstore lol
101: Favorite type of shoes. Converse
102: Where do you live? In LA
103: Are you a vegetarian or vegan? If so, why? Nope
104: What is your favorite mineral or gem? I don’t have one?
105: Do you drink milk? Yes
106: Do you like bugs? No
107: Do you like spiders? Yes
108: Something you get paranoid about? The future
109: Can you draw: kind of
110: Nosiest question you have ever been asked? How sex was with a person I slept with or how I could stand sleeping next to ex because he snores really loudly. Like freight train loud
111: A question you hate being asked? Who’s the smarter or prettier twin. I usually get that I’m smarter
112: Ever been bitten by a spider? Yes
113: Do you like the sound of waves at the beach? I do
114: Do you prefer cloudy or sunny days? Cloudy
115: Someone you’d like to kiss or cuddle right now: codes
116: Favorite cloud type: what
117: What color do you wish the sky was? Purple
118: Do you have freckles? No
119: Favorite thing about a person: clean hands
120: Fruits or vegetables? Fruits
121: Something you want to do right now: see someone
122: Is the ocean or sky prettier? Ocean
123: Sweet or sour foods? Sour
124: Bright or dim lights? Bright
125: Do you believe in a certain magical creature? Sure
126: Something you hate about Tumblr: 🤷🏻‍♀️
127: Something you love about Tumblr: 🤷🏻‍♀️
128: What do you think about the least? Work
129: What would you want written on your tombstone? 🤷🏻‍♀️
130: Who would you like to punch in the face right now? HA
131: What is something you love but also hate about yourself? My mind
132: Do you smile with your teeth showing for pictures? Yes
133: Computer or TV? Computer
134: Do you like roller coasters? Yes
135: Do you get motion sickness or seasickness? It depends
136: Are your ears lobed or attached? Attached
137: Do you believe in karma? Sure
138: On a scale of 1-10, how attractive would you say you are? Like an 8 on a good day
139: What nicknames do you have/have had? Quite a few
140: Did you have any pretend or imaginary friends? Yes
141: Have you ever seen a therapist/shrink? Yes
142: Would you say you are a good or bad influence to others? Good
143: Do you prefer giving or receiving gifts/help? Both
144: What makes you angry. A lot
145: How many languages do you speak fluently? One
146: Do you prefer boys, girls, and/or non-binaries? I’m bi soooo
147: Are you androgynous? No
148: Favorite physical thing about yourself: my butt lol
149: Favorite thing about your personality: my ability to see the good in everyone even when they’re shitty. Also my least favorite thing about myself
150: Name three people you would like to talk to right now in person. Well my dad, Cody, my grandma
151: If you could go back into time and live in one era, which would you choose? The one rn because I am a minority
152: Do you like BuzzFeed? Sure
153: How did you meet your spouse/girlfriend/boyfriend/partner? [If you have one.] uhh dating app. Technically a football game.
154: Do you like to kiss others’ foreheads or hands for platonic reasons? No
155: Do you like to play with others’ hair? Just codys
156: What embarrasses you? Not a lot
157: Something that makes you nervous/anxious: the future because I can’t really talk about it with anyone without stressing people out. But it helps me feel less anxious so I’m kind of stuck
158: Biggest lie you have ever told: oof
159: How many people are you following? 🤷🏻‍♀️
160: How many posts do you have on your blog(s)? 🤷🏻‍♀️
161: How many drafts do you have on your blog(s)?🤷🏻‍♀️
162: How many likes do you have on your blog(s)?🤷🏻‍♀️
163: Last time you cried and why: ooh like a few days ago
164: Do you have long or short hair? Short
165: Longest your hair has ever been: to my butt
166: Why do you like, dislike, or have neutral feelings about religon? I don’t want to answer this
167: Do you really care how the universe and world was created? Yes
168: Do you like to wear makeup? Yes
169: Can you stand on your hands or head for more than thirty seconds? No
170: Did you answer the questions you were asked truthfully? Yes
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chocosvt · 3 years
Hello darling! I just dropped by to ask a question that has kind of been on my mind for a while. This is serious talk so might want to buckle up. Do you genuinely think that it is okay to write fiction stories about real people? This isn’t, I repeat isn’t, a diss on you or any fellow writers. I just wanted to write as well for the longest time but knowing that these are real people I am writing about just makes something feel off. This isn’t meant to make anybody uncomfortable or feel shameful, it’s just that thought/mentality kind of hit me. If I was in their place, I wouldn’t care because this is what some people do when they admire/adore someone, but not everyone feels the same way. Anyways, to sum it all up, do you genuinely think that it’s okay to write/read such things about real people? And again, this isn’t meant to shame or degrade anyone. I just want some reassurance that what I want to do isn’t completely wrong.
HI! sorry if my response seems a bit rushed! i just wanted to answer this before i ate dinner AND I’M STARVING DSHFFWF anyways !!
you are definitely not the only person to feel this way and i think this is a healthy n much needed convo for those who are contemplating fanfic for real ppl. i’ve had similar thoughts myself! though i didn’t realize them until i actually started writing fanfic rather than reading. just bc it’s the ‘internet’ we shouldn’t throw away all our decency and morals, y’know? keep things respectful! i wouldn’t go mentioning my fics under svt’s twitter like HEY GUYS !!!!!!!!!! I WROTE THIS ABT YOU !!!!!!!! even if it was completely free of nsfw and suitable as could be for everyone to glean, bc - to me - writing is very personal!
as a celebrity, you are ‘putting urself out there’, and part of fandom culture is to elaborate on what we’re being presented. a core fandom won’t just thrive off the artist alone, but also the creativity of the stans. as long as the content isn’t hurting anyone or being neglectful of decency, then i don’t think there’s a problem with writing abt idols/celebrities/famous ppl. i only have issues or concerns surrounding idol fanfic when ppl are going abt it in a dehumanizing/deluded manner. like, tagging official twitter accounts in fanfic or including minors in nsfw scenarios or using the concept of fiction as an excuse repeatedly romanticize just plainly inappropriate narratives or warping it into a tool for fetishization. 
when it comes to my writing, i like using svt as characters. kind of like starting from scratch in the sims. i create their temperament/aesthetic/personality. does it change the fact i’m still inserting a character designed after a real person into the story? no. but i think it’s a healthier way to look at the situation. honestly, as long as u keep ur morals in check and rmbr WHO is the subject in ur fiction at the end of the day, there’s nothing wrong w busting out that fanfic which helps evolve ur writing and contributes to keeping the fandom bustling. like, i would definitely not have the same worldbuilding/character design/plot development skills if i didn’t have svt’s beautiful faces to keep me motivated lol. 
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uwua3 · 4 years
Hi bunnie! I really wanna become a new anon but i realized there was a discord server? what are the other anons like? Oooo maybe you could try to relate them to an a3! character if that’s not too much for you?? I’m really curious on how you see them~~
aaa!!! hi, anon~ ♡ please know the discord server is 100% optional n do whatever makes you comfortable 🥰💕💓 i’d love if you joined the family as an emoji anon hehe, but only if you want to!!! 🥺���🏻👈🏻 regardless, i love youuu vvv much ^^^ 🤍 + i,,, i read this and GOT SOSOSO HAPPY !!! thank you for letting me talk about my anons TT here are the ✨ bunnie–assigned kins ✨ i have for each person in the mankai family server !!! :D U(ㅇㅅㅇ❀)U
ruri ♡ azuma: !!! my mod who makes sure the baby bots remain behaved~ (this mean she’s the it guy of our server who fixes everything TT she’s sooo smart 🥺❕❕❕)
like i’ve said before, my divorcee (of 5 times) wife is the epitome of azuma !!! she likes relenlessly teasing people to get a reaction and enjoys getting others flustered TT but overall, she’s chill, above the drama, and reliable since you can rely on her to help any time of the day :D just like azuma! i trust her a lot and i know she’s a friend for life 🥰 i love her very much even if she shows her love through #Bullying TT
shy 🧡 anon ♡ itaru: the kingdom’s angel knight~ ⚔️🛡 similar to itaru, ellie is one of the oldest in our server (*insert boomer jokes*) !!! 💕💞💓 yet, she has a very strong youthful, childish mentality who easily relates to all of us :D a #Real adult who knows how to have fun despite all her responsibilities! a true itaru who i love ^^^ 😄
trans ♂️anon ♡ yuki: trans anon is the Butler™️ !!! the reason i said yuki (besides yukki being his favorite) was his headstrong n cool attitude ✨✨✨ trans anon likes making fun of us ~~~ (*tenma voice* will yuki ever cure that smart mouth of his???) but that’s how he shows he love us! vvv tsundere of them 💚💛 regardless, he is my son n i love him 🥺🥺🥺
door 🚪 anon ♡ muku/omi: two (2) people this time !!! :O generally, door anonnie has the gentle kindness, quiet contemplativeness, and overwhelming support of mukkun !!! but the cooking skills of omimi O.O 💛🧡💛🧡 mostly muku who truly treasures all their friends n wants the best for them~ with a dash of omi’s “maternal” side~~~ that’s what makes me love them a lot!!! ♡ 🥰🥰🥰
musical 🎭 anon ♡ tsumugi: i had a tough time deciding on this one,,, musical anon is too versatile n multi–dimensional TT but i settled on tsumugi 💙 she has the same patient manner who tries her best to control the kids n keeps the order in line :) i love her for that,,, the children would be too Crazy without her (though,,, she kinned tenma recently!)
candy 🍬 anon ♡ taichi: taichi taichi taichi !!! candy has the same energetic puppy vibes like taichi when we called before :D really excited to talk to her friends n loves spending time with the one she loves 🥰🥰🥰 just really infectious energy that makes all of us happy to be together~~~ i love her sososo much 🥺🧡
milk 🥛 anon ♡ misumi: it’s the !!! same enthusiatic energy ^^^ like with misumi, i get vvv happy seeing her ♡ just makes my day n i love her positive vibes 💚💛💚 (ichi ni sankaku!!! ichi ni **SANKAKU** ⚠️)
shooting star 💫 anon ♡ juza: aaa!!! they just joined actually (two (2) minutes ago as we Speak) so i might be wrong,,, but i will say #Juza 🥰🧡✨ only because their icon is juza,,, will i ever find out their True Identity behind the juza,,, who knows???
luna 🌙 anon ♡ banri: 1/2 of the problem twins,,, usually known as the more #Intimidating one, she even said herself some people saw her as “arrogant” even though she’s far from it (just confident~ just like banny!) + BULLIES ME THE MOST OUT OF THE TWINS... definitely has something Against her mom <\\\3 i still love the little bastard, though TT 🧡🧡🧡
star ⭐️ anon ♡ juza: that’s right! the little star twins also known as the jobros are the banza duo 💥‼️ star is the quieter one (not by much,,, still calls me a boomer) but is definitely enabled by her twin... like how banri enables juza to Fight! Fight! Fight! 🗡🗡🗡 i love both the twins equally even if they’re constantly battling it out in the chat,,, my #Children who i love 🧡✨
chuu 💖 anon ♡ citron: #1 CITRON KINNIE!!! **bass boosted** citron kin,,, very dumb of heart and also humor 🥰🥰🥰 truly the moodmaker of the group n everything they do is so Dumb that i love it !!! but genuinely, they’re sososo wise n always there for you, a great court jester and an even greater friend !!! 💗💘💝 i love you, dude 🥺
saku 🌸 anon ♡ muku: !!!!! sweet princess mukkun,,, who is very self–deprecating unfortunately and doesn’t believe in her amazing self :((( she’s a #Baby who needs love n validation TT 💛💚💛 i hope you realize one day you’re worthy of good things n i love you 👑✨
cloud ☁️ anon ♡ homare: says things that completely give me physical Shock,,, i don’t know how i handle... e.g. “i am physically incapable of doing anything wrong” ??? is so dramatic and would probably write a diss track if i provoke her enough ??? my Rival in this server,,, 🗡 but in reality, they’re sooo pretty n i am in Love with them 💙🤍 (enemies to lovers ✨) + she’s my metaphorical soulmate n i love her 🥰🥰🥰
librarian 📚 anon ♡: they’re recent~ so i don’t know too much about her!!! however, i look forward to talking to them more :D
that’s about it! for me personally, i’d say i’m more of a ... tenma/taichi ,,, dumb enough to be clowned all the time but somewhat Nice n i respect that (i actually relate to misumi the most??? who knew???) ✨✨✨ anyways! i hope that gives you an idea of who our anons are like~~~ consider joining the family! ♡ thank you for letting me rant, i love you !!! 💖💘💝💕💞💓💗
Bunnie 💗🐰
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In My Mind Part 7
Joe x Fem Reader
Warning; Strong Language/Fluff
The gap between 6 & 7 wasn’t as big as 5 & 6 and THAT is an achievment we can all get behind!
Prologue  Part One  Part Two  Part Three  Part Four  Part Five  Part Six
“I'm not an easy person to be around, In fact I sometimes don't even like being around me” after a long silence I finally spoke. I didn’t want to give him any kind of delusion or illusion. The truth.
“I just don't see that Y/N....not in the slightest. You've been the highlight of my days on set, I know I may seem like 100% all the time but I struggle. Big time. God I just wanna...” He looked at me longingly. I bit my lip and sighed with my whole body. 
“Do you like insert favourite food?” I wanted to avoid any more speeches that would lead to touching. Mostly because I was naked under my robe and...I didn't want to start something that;
one: I wouldn't be able to stop myself from finishing and
two: I think would ruin this if rushed into too fast.
“I fucking love it” Of course he did, this man was perfect! 
I sniffed once more and dabbed my nose with the sleeve of my robe and noticed that he was fidgeting a little, then he spoke. “Are we doing like first date questions because I was totally going to actually take...”
“This is the first date stupid....make yourself at home, I'll order in and make myself less... naked” I touched his shoulder, signalling him to step aside so I could go get changed. As I brushed past him, his hand tickled my own and I felt my stomach knot up. I kept walking and changed into the cutest “comfy” clothes I had. When I returned I noticed Joe flicking through my portfolio. I always kept it on the coffee table. It's a great conversation starter.
“You worked on Star Wars?” I nodded and exhaled remembering the most stressful 3 months of my life. I slumped down next to him and pointed to generic alien I spent hours getting into makeup.
“Yeah I wasn't called back for The Last Jedi, but this paid off a lot for me, this got me some of my best gigs...and worst” I looked off, my brain almost forgetting Joe was sitting next to me.
“Okay scale of one to ten....how much do you hate this film we're working on” Joe smirked nudging me with my portfolio. I rolled my eyes and shook my head.
“I ain't saying shit, I know you're friends with the director...” I giggled like a child and covered my face. “Let's not talk about work....that's more like second date vibes. This is the part when you ask me about my childhood, what I like, what I don't like....you know date stuff”
“You really wanna do the generic first date questions...okay...lets do this” I kicked my feet up on the couch and got myself comfortable as we engaged in deep conversation. He told me about his family, his love for films. How many bones he has broken, his first kiss with “Sam Neil” which after him showing me a YouTube clip from Jurassic Park to refresh my memory caused a roar of laughter.
I brushed over my past very hazily. I focused mostly on my post College years. Rather than before. I thought Joe struggled to read the room, especially when it came to me, but he could tell I wasn't overly comfortable talking about anything earlier than that. And that just made me adore him even more.
I showed him photos of me and my friends, asked him about his. We played never have I never while eating dinner by my half melted candelabra I fished out from my broom closet. For ambiance of course. We drank only a little wine. I wanted to keep this as PG as possible. And of course Joe respected that. He even helped me clean up and heat up some hot water for some late night cups of tea.
“I can't believe you've NEVER yelled at a crew member, I do it on the daily” I leaned across the back of my couch and watched him busy around my kitchen area.
“I know you do, but I believe I certainly wouldn't have a job without the efforts of a crew. We are all as important as one another, even the interns you cuss out constantly” I covered my face in slight embarrassment.
“Ugh why are you so pure and wise, quit making me feel bad...how dare you” he chuckled and stirred our tea's one at a time. The slight clinking of my china cups drowning out my shame.
“When you've been in the business as long as I have, and worked with some of the people I have....you grow to have nothing but respect for an entire film crew. I know you respect them, just might not like them” I threw myself back on the couch and groaned.
“STOP” I looked up at my ceiling as I listened for Joe's footsteps back into the living area. He stood above me with the tea and shook his head.
“Never” he replied to me in the most over the top villain voice he could muster. He put the cups down, so I sat up and let him back into his seat. I went to sit back in my original position but he took me by the shoulders gently and eased me down so my head and shoulders were resting on his lap. I looked up at him with a genuine look of wonder in my eyes. Okay, surely i was asleep in the tub...this couldn’t be happening...so I opened my fat mouth.
“Serious question”
“Oh god” Joe replied with a slight chortle to it.
“Once the film is over....” My brain immediately went back to how it was thinking before. Joe's hand covered my mouth softly. I knew what was coming next.
“I understand you're still feeling a little nervous about this....trust me Y/N. I'm sticking around” His hand moved and revealed my smile of relief. Then his hand moved to play with my hair. Next thing I was snoring gently in his lap. 
My eyes strained from the morning sun coming through my living room windows. My neck was stiff as was my back. I was on my couch with an arm lying heavy across my body. I felt someone breathing on the back of my neck. I grew even more ridged as I remembered last night.
Jesus, Joe and I must have fell asleep on the couch together. My very uncomfortable couch. I tried to sit up but Joe groaned half asleep still and held me tighter.
“Joe...Jooooe” I whispered gently shaking his arm. His hand gripped my waist tightly as I continued to call him and shake him.
“What” He groaned. Perhaps he was much more comfortable than I was. 
“Um...morning” I said in the sweetest voice I could get from my croaky throat first thing in the AM. I wiggled around awkwardly to face him as his eyes were slightly open.
“Hey” he whispered sleepily with a cute little smirk on his lips.
“Didn't have this in mind last night did you at all?” He shook his head in response and began to rub my back. His eyes opened more as his hand trailed down lower and lower. I didn't stop him, I maybe should have but the mornings always had me feeling a certain way. His hand stopped at my ass and squeezed gently. I smirked and lent in to kiss him. He didn't pull away so I guess he was game, even if it was just some early morning groping. 
My free hand rested on his waist as our kiss became a little more repetitive and a little more intense. Eventually I found myself on my back and Joe leaning above me resting his head on his right hand and his left hand running across my collar bone and down my chest. He looked at me with sleepy wanting eyes. I looked back at him with a similar look. The left hand kept travelling to the waist band of my sweats and then under them.
“Just tell me if you're not....”
“ssshh” I put my finger against his lips. As Joe's hand slipped deeper into my sweatpants, my heart was beating loud enough to hear above and below us. 
However a sudden series of vibrations coming from Joe's crotch caused us both to jump in surprise. He instantly took his hand from the inside of my sweat pants and rummaged around his own pants pocket for his cell. I rolled my eyes and then rolled off the couch carefully onto the floor.  
“Uh what time are we due on set” Joe asked shakily.
“7 am” I groaned back at him rubbing my eyes.
“Well its 9am and I have 12...now 13 missed calls from the stage manager”
“Fucking FUCK” I scrambled to my feet and rushed into my bedroom to change.
“You wanna ride in with me” Joe shouted through my closed bedroom door. I stopped hurriedly putting on my jeans to contemplate the offer for a moment. Would save me an ear ache if I went in with Joe....but then....I wasn't keen on everyone knowing about Joe and I. And gossip on the lot spreads faster than the flu.
“Um...maybe not...” I opened the door and looked at him disconcerted. He nodded.
“I totally get it, I don't wanna like put any pressure on you....”
“I just don't want anything to ruin this....I like....us” I groaned once more and rubbed my lower back. Note to self, get a new couch.
“I like us too kiddo. Okay but let me take you out tonight...I owe you for last night” The loving beam that came from him made what awaited me at work worth it. I got a good look at him in that moment. His hair full and fluffy mess. His half smile was enough to give me butterflies for the rest of the week let alone the day. His t-shirt half tucked in his pants. I could get used to seeing him in the mornings like this.
“What for shitty take-out and a lumpy couch” I snickered, I really knew how to show people a good time.
“And?? I loved every second of it” He winked at me. I very visibly blushed. Joe met me at my bedroom door way and planted a very gentle but warm kiss on my cheek.
“I'll see you on set”
“Okay” I exhaled through my words and watched him walk out. I stood a little dumbfounded for a moment. Unable to continue getting ready. Am I dreaming...or am I delusional. Everything felt a little too perfect. I heard my phone go off in my jacket pocket, it hung behind my bedroom door. I rummaged for it and answered straight away knowing what befell me as soon as I did.
“WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU....YOU ALREADY ON THIN FUCKING ICE” I didn't even care. I couldn't stop smiling.
Please let this work...please let him be different....please let this be something
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malachi-walker · 4 years
Some Really Heavy Thoughts on the Relationship Between Scorpia and Catra
Fair warning, guys: I'm gonna get into some deeply personal stuff involving abuse recovery and past mistakes here. I will not be making excuses for Catra or her treatment of Scorpia, but well... Let's just say there's a reason why their relationship has always me wince. Because it touches on some stuff that is likely relevant to a lot of ex-abuse victims.
This entire meta stems from an epiphany I had while discussing with @johannas-motivational-insults how I have a really hard time writing Scorpia, and me trying to pinpoint what exactly makes me so uncomfortable working with her or looking at her relationship with Catra in detail.
Let me back up a bit. We all love Scorpia. She's a big cuddly sweetheart without a mean bone in her body. She's fantastic, a bright point in the overall suckage that is the Horde, and she gives GREAT hugs. So why does their relationship bother me so much?
Tumblr media
Well... It's because I've been there once before in my own life. And it's one of my deepest regrets, so seeing that play out on screen and instinctively knowing where this is going fucking sucks.
Personal stuff under the cut.
We've already covered Scorpia being a good kid. That said, I feel like a lot of people just flanderize her into being this perfect wonderful friend who wholly accepts Catra (and conversely either woobify Catra or make her a horrible monster who doesn't appreciate a good thing) but... the truth is a lot more nuanced than that.
Scorpia doesn't wholly accept Catra because in order to truly accept someone you have to see them for who they really are, warts and all, and Scorpia doesn't. She idealizes Catra and either ignores or downplays her very real flaws and problems, and tries to excuse any actions she commits that don't live up to that constructed image, which is of course what she confronts in s4 (and I’m proud of her for that.) It's not done with any ill intent, but it's still not a good thing in any relationship; romantic, platonic, familial, any kind.
Here's where things get real personal. Also, I wanna specify that I am not forcing myself to talk about this, even though it still hurts in a lot of ways. Though I am probably gonna bring this up with my therapist when I next see her.
I've mentioned before in previous meta that I am an ex-child abuse victim who followed a very similar trajectory to Catra once I got out of that situation. I was angry, I was hurt, and I was ADAMANT that nobody get close to me again and fully prepared to lash out as much as I needed in order to make that happen. Occasionally people would slip through my guard anyway, but on the whole I was very successful at that goal and torpedoed a lot of bridges back in those days.
And as much as it kills me to admit it... I had my own Scorpia too.
Her name was Amy, and I met her in my freshman year of high school after I ended up in a private school for the “gifted and talented” (which ended up being its own mistake, but that's a story for another day.)
To put this entire situation into perspective: at the time I was struggling to process and cope with my abuse, I had just been misdiagnosed with major depression after an entire year of contemplating suicide, and I had been put on a ridiculously high dosage of the antidepressant Wellbutrin--literally the highest dosage they could legally give an adolescent without the risk of seizures--which cranked my rage up to a constant underlying simmer and also gave me horrific fucking nightmares, to the point that for about a year and a half I was consistently only getting two hours of sleep because I was waking up screaming nearly every night. This is not me making excuses for being such a dick, but I do try to keep in mind that younger me was dealing with an absolute shitshow when passing judgment on myself. I was trying to survive a situation that absolutely no one was equipped to handle at all of 14 years old.
And then here comes Amy.
Amy was one of those people who was relentlessly optimistic to an almost suspicious degree (more on that later.) The kind of person who will reply to any statement of "I'm having a bad [x]" with generic look-on-the-bright-side platitudes and a big smile without actually addressing anything you said. She was also one of those people who was aggressively Christian, not in a mean way, but in an "it was her answer for literally everything" way, which given that I was struggling with my own faith at the time was practically a recipe for disaster.
But for whatever reason, this girl latched onto me, no matter how much I tried to get her to do otherwise.
I wanna note that I wasn't wholly devoid of friends at the time; my best friend, Michael (who is still my best friend/bro to this day) had also gotten into the school along with me, but the rest of our friend group hadn't and those relationships drifted apart in the ensuing years, which only served to compound the underlying issues. And I will always be thankful that the guy was able to roll with the punches and stick by me even through my absolute worst, but it was also pretty irritating having to switch between my bro who understands me even if he didn’t always agree to my much tenser interactions with Amy. So back to her.
Basically, this girl just kinda inserts herself into my life, refuses to take a hint or back off, and any time I try to talk about my issues or get her to understand a little and make an actual connection, I'm met with the overwhelming feeling of "You're not really seeing me. You're not listening." So I responded by being a fucking bitch. I would ignore her, make fun of her, treat her like a third wheel, etc. In hindsight, it was a dick move, but at the time it made sense to me. I genuinely felt like it was her fault for never listening to me in the first place, so I justified it by telling myself I was just paying her back in kind.
I lost touch with Amy after I was kicked out of school at the tail end of freshman year due to a Wellbutrin-induced rage episode (nobody got hurt, but my attitude at the time was so consistently extreme that the school administration literally had an inch thick dossier on my behavior and what the other kids thought of me, so that incident was just what they needed to justify kicking me out.) Afterwards, my parents made the decision to relocate to another town since my expulsion meant I would be banned from going back into school for a full year unless we changed systems--and even then I was required to go into a continuation school to prove I had been rehabilitated, but I digress. Point is that I was uprooted from that environment and I didn't bother keeping in touch.
I actually found out years later from a friend who went to that same high school--though we didn't actually become friends until after my expulsion--that the reason why Amy was the way she was is that in the year prior to meeting me, her mother had committed suicide and she had been the one to discover her body. So in hindsight, her entire deal made sense: she was trying to survive in the only way she knew how and cope with a situation no one should ever have to, same as me.
But that didn't mean we were able to connect. The great tragedy of that situation, and the thing I regret the most about it, is that we were just two horribly damaged kids that were utterly incapable of actually seeing each other as we were at the time. And it ultimately wasn't anybody's fault, which ironically makes it even harder to accept.
I regret the way I treated her. I wish I could have made her life a little better, and I still hope and pray she got the help she needed elsewhere.
That's what makes Scorptra so incredibly tragic to me as well. Scorpia is a good-hearted person who does genuinely care for Catra, but she also willfully blinds herself to the things Catra is dealing with and her relentless optimism often just ends up rubbing salt in the wounds. Catra is wrong to treat Scorpia so badly, but I also fully understand those feelings of resentment and anger you develop towards someone when they consistently refuse to see you as you are, because I've been there. And that's also why I've always had a hard time with Scorptra romantically (though if you ship it, good for you! I honestly wish I could), because those issues have always been present in their relationship and made it unsustainable from the very beginning.
Something was always destined to break between them. And that's what makes it so damn hard for me to write Scorpia as a character, because in many ways she reminds me of one of the things I regret the most in my life: how I treated someone else who had the best intentions horribly when I was at my absolute worst. These days I try to be kind to my past self as part of the healing process, but when I think of my actions in that year it is really fucking hard. I don't like to think about it, even though I know I feel like I need to (which is also why this meta exists.)
Neither Scorpia or Catra were at fault for the fact that they couldn't see each other properly: it was just a really bad case of wrong place, wrong time. And that's what makes it hurt.
Also, if you made it this far, I'm sorry this was so depressing. Please have a happy cat and scorpion to hopefully feel a little better. Also huge shoutout to @yesbpdcatra for encouraging me to get this out there. You're the best, fam.
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