#and it only came in collections so I bought a cool looking collection of hardcover ones
im-traumatised · 2 years
Seem to accidentally be having a Sherlock themed birthday this year. This was not planned I'll have you know
3 notes · View notes
felassan · 4 years
Dragon Age Library Edition Volume 1 annotations & additional pages/art compilation
Dragon Age Library Edition Volume 1 is a hardcover collection of some pre-existing Dragon Age comics that was released in 2014. It comprises of all issues of The Silent Grove, Those Who Speak and Until We Sleep. In places, it includes additional annotations/commentaries by the illustrators and authors, as well as a few additional pages with additional art. iirc these additional annotations and pages/art aren’t featured or available anywhere else (in the franchise I mean; other people have probably put them online at some point I’m sure).
From what I can see at least, Library Edition Volume 1 is no longer in print, and as such listings for it on resale sites etc are.. price-inflated & prohibitively expensive (~£100+, which I’m sure we can all agree is just not reasonable or accessible to most people). Due to this, I’ve compiled the additional annotations and pages here in this post. Thank you and credit to @artevalentinapaz, who kindly shared the material with me. This post has been made with their permission. The rest of this post is under a cut due to length.
These commentaries are in the context of The Silent Grove, Those Who Speak and Until We Sleep. If you notice any errors or annotations missing, or need anything clarified, just let me know. I think the annotations are in chronological order. In places I elaborated in square brackets to help explain which part of the comics an annotation is referring to. A note before you proceed further: some of the topics referenced in the annotations/additional pages are heavy or uncomfortable. The quotes here are word-for-word transcriptions of dev/creator commentaries, not my personal opinions or phrasings.
(Also, I do recommend always supporting comic creators by purchasing their comics legitimately. I own each issue of these comics having bought other editions of them all legitimately. The reason I put this post together is because this specific Library Edition volume has been discontinued and the consequently-inflated cost is so high, rendering the additional material inaccessible to most.)
The Silent Grove annotations
Illustrator Chad Hardin: “I used to be an environmental artist for video games, so I built a 3-D model of Antiva City using the program Silo. Many of the buildings are simple cubes, but a few are more detailed. Overall, I spent the better part of a day building it, but I used it again and again throughout The Silent Grove to maintain continuity in the backgrounds.”
Script Writer Alexander Freed: “Even working with David Gaider, it took me several drafts to find Alistair’s voice. His narrative had to convey his humor and self-doubt from Dragon Age: Origins while suggesting a newfound weariness earned during his years on the throne. For readers familiar with the character, he needed to seem like a changed Alistair - but Alistair nonetheless.”
Chad Hardin: “If you read a lot of comics, you might wonder why the majority of the heroes wear skin-tight suits. Well, I can tell you: they are easy and quick to draw. In video games, you build the model once and then animate it, so details don’t slow you down. In comics, everything has to be rendered by hand. Varric and Alistair’s outfits were quite detailed. It took me a long time to get used to them, and even longer to memorize the designs until drawing them was second nature - Varric’s knee armor in particular! Oy vey!”
David Gaider: “One of my favorite scenes in the entire series [when Varric and Isabela are disarming traps and picking locks together while Alistair looks on]. Isabela and Varric, doing what rogues do. I had a suggestion for how to put it together, but Alex managed to make it fit and did a great job with it.”
Chad Hardin: “I never used to keep any of the artwork I created for comics. I would just hand the pages over to my agent to sell. This page [when Alistair, Varric and Isabela are in a tavern together, with hookah in the foreground] I kept for myself. I love the hookah-smoking elves in the second panel and Isabela’s face in the last panel. I rendered the first four chapters of The Silent Grove in grayscale using ink washes, gouache and Copie markers.”
David Gaider: “For a little while, Varric [in these comic stories] was supposed to be Zevran from Dragon Age: Origins, which would have made sense, Zevran being Antivan and all. I know that some fans would have loved to see him, but the dynamics of the group just didn’t work as well. Then a planned cameo later had to be cut for space. Ah well, Zev, another time.”
Alexander Freed: “Isabela at her most dangerous [climbing up the side of the cliff]. This scene - featuring a scantily clad, dripping-wet woman who tends to flaunt her sexuality - could easily have come across as exploitative, but Chad did a lovely drop portraying Isabela as purely focused and deadly.”
Chad Hardin: “Isabela rising out of the water and scaling the cliff with the knife in her mouth is one of my favorite parts of The Silent Grove. It is one of those moments where the writing really inspired the art. Hats off to Alex and David. This is another page I kept for myself.”
Colorist Michael Atiyeh: “This is one of my favorite Dragon Age pages. Chad is such an amazing artist; I feel very fortunate to have had the opportunity to work with him.”
Chad Hardin: “I love that this page [when a guard spots Varric and shouts ‘Intruder!’] made it in uncensored. So many times in comics, I draw something and some stuffy lawyers come out of the woodwork and tell me to tone it down. Dark Horse and BioWare always let me have fun, and this turned out to be one of my favorite pages with Varric and Bianca. Any guesses to which word he is mouthing in the second panel?”
Alexander Freed: “Note the simple decency of Alistair as he gives his cloak, without comment, to Isabela. For all his flaws, he’s genuinely kind at heart - a rare enough trait in Isabela’s world that I think it’s much of what she values in him.”
Chad Hardin: “I love the opening panel to this chapter [the opening panels to Chapter 3, when the team are on a ship at sea]. It’s the image I use on the homepage of my website. This page was a gift to my cousin Wendy, who loves pirates. Seascapes with sailing ships might be clichéd in fine art, but for me it was a first.”
David Gaider: “I wanted to have this story center on the group travelling to a Witch of the Wilds other than Flemeth, and originally I had set it somewhere else - until I remembered a Codex entry from Dragon: Age Origins that offhandedly mentioned a witch in the Tellari Swamps. Brilliant! It’d look like I planned it all along. I didn’t.”
Michael Atiyeh: “I love opportunities where I can show a change in the time of day as you move from panel to panel [when the ship heads towards and the team arrive in the Tellari Swamps]. I feel the palette of each panel is very distinct and beautiful.”
Alexander Freed: “Why did Alistair choose two people he barely knows to be his companions on this quest? We never make this explicit, but of course Varric is on the right track. Alistair wants to surround himself with people who don’t know him and won’t judge him, yet it’s Alistair’s idealism that Isabela and Varric work to preserve.”
Chad Hardin: “Another page where the writing inspired the art [when the group suddenly encounter a dragon]. I love the dragon bursting onto the scene and Isabela’s stare. Some writers will try to cram six or seven panels on a page like this and the pacing just doesn’t allow the artist to give each moment the right punch. Can you imagine if the first panel was crammed into a single square inch?”
Chad Hardin: “Yavana was one of the only characters that we did no preliminary sketches for. I don’t know how that happened, but thankfully it worked out.”
David Gaider: “I love how Yavana looks like a cross between Flemeth and Morrigan. Flemmigan? She’s totally Chad’s design, and it’s great. Typical for these witches, she never says things straight. In my mind, this Alistair is the one who did the Dark Ritual in Dragon Age: Origins - and I was half-tempted to have him lose his cool in this first scene [opening panels of Chapter 4] with her. Too early, though.”
Alexander Freed: “Through this whole sequence [the page when Varric aims Bianca at Yavana], Yavana is dropping cryptic hints and Alistair is refusing to play along. He’s met Flemeth and Morrigan - he knows Yavana won’t give him a straight answer, and he won’t give her the satisfaction of asking needlessly.”
Michael Atiyeh: “Sometimes it’s the little things on a page that spark my interest. Here [when the team navigate vines and mud to get to the temple], the sunset panel came out great and the mud looks really thick and gooey. It’s fun to focus on these details and make them stand out.”
Chad Hardin: “I hated drawing this scene [when Isabela gets kicked] where Isabela gets the boot to the face. Call me old fashioned, but I was raised to believe that only a coward would ever hit a woman (even a battle-hardened pirate adventurer). I draw at home, and my girls often watch me work in my studio. This was a page I didn’t want them watching me draw. I do like, though, that Isabela gets up, yanks the arrow out, and then soldiers on (and later extracts brutal revenge).”
Michael Atiyeh: “Poor Isabela. It seems I gave her more bruises and black eyes than any of the other characters. [when Isabela is yanking the arrow out]”
Chad Hardin: “It’s always interesting to go back and look at artwork because it reminds me of what was going on in my life at the time. I inked this page [opening panels of Chapter 5] at a ‘draw night’ session at an anime convention in St. George, Utah. I was one of the special guests, but I missed the first day because I was at my grandfather’s funeral in Las Vegas, Nevada. Seeing this page brought back those memories.”
David Gaider: “‘Bianca says hello.’ [quoting the panels being referenced] I adore Varric. I was tempted to have him narrate the entire series [in reference to these three comics], but then again I liked the idea of having each series center on one of the trio’s viewpoints. This book belongs to Alistair, but that doesn’t stop Varric from getting all the best lines.”
Alexander Freed: “Claudio, of course, is not a terribly sympathetic figure. But I wanted to emphasize that he takes this fight as personally as Isabela - he sincerely loved Luis and blames Isabela for the man’s death. I think it’s important to give every character, even the most loathsome, some dignity. [when Isabela and Claudio are fighting]”
Chad Hardin: “Payback! Here is where Isabela extracts her revenge on Claudio [when Isabela stabs Claudio]. I never enjoyed killing off a character so much. I particularly enjoyed putting the look of shock in his eyes. He had it coming. There is something satisfying about killing a ‘made man’.”
Chad Hardin: “Every now and then when drawing comics, I wish I could animate some panels and watch them as a cartoon. It would be great to see this sequence [when Yavana catches Claudio’s soul] in full motion as Yavana snatches Claudio’s soul, makes it reenter his corpse and then extracts information from him until he bursts into flame. It was a very Hellboy-ish moment. I enjoyed the movie that played in my mind while drawing this scene. Hope everyone liked the result.”
Chad Hardin: “As I mentioned on page 17, I rendered the first four chapters in grayscale, which made the black-and-white art look great, but had a neutralizing effect when it came to colors. By the time I drew chapter 4, I had seen the effect it was having and decided to stop using the grayscale so the colors would pop. When I saw this page [when Alistair says to Yavana ‘And we helped you find it’] in print, it confirmed to me that I made the right decision. I honestly feel this art was the best of The Silent Grove.”
Chad Hardin: “I practically painted these pages [when Yavana says ‘It is permitted. Tonight and only tonight’] in thumbnails hoping it would help me choose how to render them in ink. It is so hard trying to figure out how to get a full range of value out of just black and white. There are some artists and inkers that make this look easy. Mark Schultz comes to mind. Michael saved my bacon. Colorists really do so much work when it comes to rendering; this page came out awesome because of him.”
David Gaider: “Here we reveal the existence of Great Dragons (as opposed to High Dragons), and also that Yavana was the source of the return of dragons to Thedas after their departure for so many centuries. But why? There’s the rub, and not even Alistair can trust that she’s telling him the truth.”
David Gaider: “Here’s the controversial scene [Alistair killing Yavana]. I think some fans don’t like that Alistair did this, and have said they consider it out of character. I don’t. From his perspective, Flemeth and her daughters have been toying with the world for reasons that can’t be trusted. They dragged Maric away from his family, from him. One might think his judgement foolish, but considering what Alistair was capable of deciding even back in Dragon Age: Origins, it’s certainly not out of character.”
Chad Hardin: “[same scene as above] This was a controversial page, and there were a lot of people who thought it was out of character for Alistair to kill Yavana (I didn’t see it coming - I mean, you just don’t kill a Witch of the Wild), but here is the thing: this page is Alistair acting as a king. Yavana has been manipulating him, trying to play him like a pawn, and he just can’t allow that. There’s too much at stake, for himself and for his subjects.”
Alexander Freed: “The end? An end, at least [the trio walking off into the distance]. The series needed a note of closure while leading into Those Who Speak (which wouldn’t arrive until many months later). David tweaked the ending in the outline several times, and I did my best to balance resolving Alistair’s emotional journey without resolving the quest. It’s not as clean as I’d have liked, but fortunately, now it’s all in one volume...”
Those Who Speak annotations
Alexander Freed: “Capturing Isabela’s narrative voice was much easier for me than capturing Alistair’s - partly because I’d already written The Silent Grove, and partly because of my own writing proclivities. Rereading now, I wonder if I laid on the (mild) profanity a bit too thick. I’ll leave you to judge.”
David Gaider: “I like the additional detail Alex and Chad put in, letting us see more of Qarinus and more of Isabela’s crew. Alex wanted to give her crew more of a presence, and let her first mate have some face time, so they weren’t just parts of the scenery. Good call on his part.”
David Gaider: “I’m really fond of the formal getups Chad made for the party. Isabela’s actually comes from a concept we didn’t use from the cancelled Dragon Age 2 expansion, if I remember right. And Maevaris came from me asking for ‘someone who looks like Mae West’ - with the wonderful outfit all Chad’s doing.
Chad Hardin: “Maevaris. I love Mae. When David and Dragon Age art director Matthew Goldman spoke to me about designing Mae, they wanted her to be fully female with the exception of her biology. They told me to think ‘Mae West’. Well, when I think of Mae West, I think of her... womanly shape. So, drawing Maevaris was always walking a fine line between portraying Mae’s identity and her biology. The process endeared her to me.”
Michael Atiyeh: “Just like in The Silent Grove, we are introduced to another gentleman from Isabela’s past [when the team meet Lord Devon and Isabela threatens him]. As was the case with Claudio, he will meet his fate at her hands.”
Chad Hardin: “When I was drawing Titus, my kids asked me why I was drawing ‘angry Jesus’ or ‘evil Jesus’. I can’t remember which term they used exactly, but it made me chuckle. I was going for a mix of Rapustin and Joe Stalin, but ‘evil Jesus’ would do.”
David Gaider: “I’m not sure it’s apparent here [when Alistair says ‘I’d really rather not’], but Alistair was supposed to be using one of his Templar powers on Titus (that’s why Titus recognizes what he is on the next page) and disrupting his magic.”
Alexander Freed: “Isabela is witty and charming enough that it can be easy to forget that she’s not, in fact, a nice person. Even after finishing the outline, David was concerned about making her too unsympathetic - but I loved his approach in this series. The dark deeds Isabela commits - this murder included [Isabela killing Lord Devon] - are what make her guilt tangible and no easy matter to overcome.”
Alexander Freed: “I thought the notions of Isabela’s pride in her captaincy and dedication to her crew were some of the most interesting aspects of her character in David’s story. In scenes here [when Isabela is on her ship saying ‘Keep them focused and keep them sober’] and elsewhere, I did my best to emphasize their place at the core of Isabela’s world.”
Chad Hardin: “Most of the time I draw from imagination, but because of the complexity of this page [Qunari trying to board Isabela’s ship] I decided it would work better if I had photo reference. On this page are my nephews Jared (Varric) and Adam, my niece Melissa, my kids Erica, Tasey Michaela (Isabela) and Chad (Alistair), my friend’s daughter Amy, my wife Joy, and the neighborhood kids as Isabela’s pirate crew. (The crew member mooning the Qunari is out of my ol’ noodle.) I paid their modelling fee in pizza and root beer. Also, I had originally drawn cannons on Isabela’s ship, so if there are parts of it that look slightly wonky, chances are there was a cannon there.”
David Gaider: “Ever since the BioWare artists finally did a concept for female Qunari, I’ve been itching to include one in the game. It’s always slipped through my fingers, so I was going to be damned if I’d have a Qunari plot in a comic - without the same technical limitations - and not have one present.
Chad Hardin: “I had no idea this was the first time anyone outside of BioWare had seen a female Qunari.”
Michael Atiyeh: “I really like the lighting in this sequence [Isabela in her cell thinking ‘I haven’t eaten in days’], especially the strong white light and the characters in shadow.”
David Gaider: “The entire sequence of Rasaan interrogating Isabela was something I plotted out in detail when this series began. Here they discuss names - something treated in a manner peculiar to the Qunari, considering how much importance they apply to what things are called (and not called), because it forms the core of their identity. Isabela brushes it off, but as we find out later it’s also at the core of her identity. I liked that parallel.”
Alexander Freed: “To balance out the relatively static talking pages elsewhere in the issue, I hoped to make the interrogation and flashback sequences beautiful and full of information. I proposed an approach to Chad, and he wisely reshaped it into what you see here [the page with the scene where Isabela says ‘I’ve made a lot of stupid mistakes’]. Anything that succeeds on these pages should be credited to him; anything that fails is my fault.”
Chad Hardin: “Probably the most challenging spread I have ever done. My friend Stacie Pitt was the model for Isabela on this page, and my wife Joy was Rasaan. I saved these pages [around the scene when Rasaan says ‘Mistakes can be corrected’] for myself.”
David Gaider: “Sten from Dragon Age: Origins becoming the new Arishok of the Qunari was something we'd planned even during Dragon Age 2. This was a great opportunity to show that, and also to show that Sten didn’t acquire horns even despite the makeover the Qunari received in DA2. Hornless Qunari are considered special, and Sten is no exception.”
Michael Atiyeh: “I think that David, Alex and Chad handled Isabela’s flashback [to when she was sold by her mother] in an interesting way, and it created a nice flow to the story.”
David Gaider: “This was a controversial scene [what happened to the slaves Isabela was transporting], the end result of a lot of discussions between me and Isabela’s original writer on the team, and it went through a lot of revisions over that time. It needed to fit with the story Isabela told the player in DA2, but fill in the blanks of what she didn’t tell. We didn’t want Isabela to be someone who became who she is because she was ‘broken’ but instead as a result of her own actions - yet also not be completely beyond redemption.”
Chad Hardin: “These were hard pages [as above] to draw. It was difficult knowing that events such as this are part of human history, such as the Zong massacre in 1781, where the British courts ordered the insurers to reimburse the crew of the Zong for financial losses caused by throwing slaves overboard when faced with a lack of water. Horrifying beyond words.”
Michael Atiyeh: “Here, Isabela visits here crew, and I wanted to play up that she was in the light and they were in a dark cell. The light streaming through the bars gave me the opportunity to highlight Brand, who also had dialogue in the scene.”
Alexander Freed: “I struggled to find a way for Varric to contribute to victory without distracting from Alistair and Sten’s big fight. I’m happy with the solution: a brazen lie seemed appropriate to the character without taking away from the main show.”
David Gaider: “I believe my original plan had Isabela’s and Alistair’s fight scenes happening separately, but I like how Alex intertwined them in the script and I especially like how this ends up highlighting the differences between their characters when their fights are resolved. Isabela is defiant, revealing her name not because Rasaan demands it but because it’s her choice. In both cases, mercy is strength.”
Michael Atiyeh: “The brush I created for the clouds really gave them a nice watercolor effect here [on the deck of the ship, Sten calling Alistair ‘kadan’]. That brush has become a staple in my toolbox.”
Alexander Freed: “With the strong theme of names running through these issues, I liked the notion that Isabela had outgrown being, well, ‘Isabela’. When her name comes up in Until We Sleep, it’s largely played with ambiguity.”
Until We Sleep annotations
Alexander Freed: “The story of ‘Arthur’ is one of my favorite minor sequences [Varric infiltrating and fighting his way into the fortress]. It tells us something about Varric and it delivers plot information - and it’s also a reminder that our heroes kill an awful lot of people during these series and cope with it in their own ways. In general, writing Varric let me skirt the edge of metacommentary, which I greatly enjoyed.”
David Gaider: “Varric, as always, is my ‘voice of the narrator’. Here he’s expressing some of my own amusement at Alistair’s growing list of peculiarities [‘Your majesty is quite the special snowflake’]. To think, back at the beginning of Dragon Age: Origins he was just the player’s goofy sidekick who grew up in a barn.”
Michael Atiyeh: “By the third series, Until We Sleep, I really started to have a complete feel for what I wanted the final art to look like. As an artist, it’s important to continue to evolve and grow. The close-up of Sten’s face [same page as above] is a perfect example of how I wanted the rendering on the characters to look.”
Alexander Freed: “David’s outline called for a short, somber reveal of the Calenhad story by Sten. Fueled by my desire to avoid ‘talking heads’ sequences, I scripted it as a full-on storytelling flashback. David made sure the history worked (at least from the Qunari point of view), and Chad did a beautiful job handling it in a mere two pages.”
David Gaider: “Blood is important in Dragon Age, as a theme. Here we tie in the dragon blood that was mentioned all the way back in The Silent Grove and explain what it means at last. I was a bit hesitant to tarnish the legend of Calenhad the Great in this way, but I comfort myself with the knowledge this tale is but a viewpoint and not necessarily the entire truth.”
Michael Atiyeh: “Titus melting the attacker is a great example of classic comicbook storytelling and exactly what made me fall in love with the medium.”
David Gaider: “I was really happy with how Chad handled the reveal of Mae as transgender [the scene with Mae in the cell]. My worry was that Varric finding her disrobed might be potentially titillating, but I think he handled it nicely. I only wish there was more time to have Mae properly respond to being exposed in this manner, even to a friend.”
Chad Hardin: “I originally drew Mae as female [same scene as above], then changed her anatomy, so the psychological violation and humiliation she felt would be the focus. Hope that came across.”
Chad Hardin: “When in doubt, have Bianca shoot it [Varric shooting the artifact].”
David Gaider: “This scene [Varric and Bianca the dwarf] with Varric was one I wanted to do for a very long time. We’ve hinted that Varric’s crossbow was named after a real person, someone he never wants to talk about. Now I finally had the chance to show why.”
Chad Hardin: “Of all my Dragon Age pages, this scene was hands down my favorite, because Varric is my favorite. It was awesome to get to draw Bianca in her dwarven form. These scenes give you a glimpse of the love Varric and Bianca shared. It doesn’t tell you the whole story, but you can assume plenty from what is shown. You get to see Varric mostly naked (you’re welcome), but most of all you witness Varric’s heartbreak. I felt privileged to draw it. I got so obsessed with drawing this page I did an entire watercolor painting based on the last panel [Varric gets up to leave, ‘This isn’t right’ - ? or perhaps the scene where he opens the door to leave].”
Alexander Freed: “Unreliable narrators are always tricky - done wrong, they can just confuse the reader. But I’m fairly happy with Varric’s lies throughout this series, most of which are used to downplay the emotional cost of events rather than whitewash the events themselves.”
Michael Atiyeh: “This palette worked perfectly [Varric standing in front of the doorway/portal in the Fade proper], but I can’t take all the credit because BioWare provided reference for the Fade. I added the hot orange energy for the doorway, which looks great with the sickly green sky.”
David Gaider: “This scene [Isabela’s Fade nightmare] was actually inspired by a fan named Allegra who did a cosplay as a Qunari version of Isabela. I knew I wanted something like this for Isabela’s Fade section of the comic, but it didn’t really solidify until I saw the cosplay.”
Chad Hardin: “Isabela is more affected by her encounter with Rasaan than we were led to believe. A portent of things to come?”
Michael Atiyeh: “I love this shot of Mae in the fourth panel [on the page where Isabela is affected by vines]. I would be remiss if I didn’t mention what a great character she is in the series, and Chad captures her beautifully in this shot.”
Alexander Freed: “I saw this issue as a sort of downbeat victory lap. Over the course of the previous series, our protagonists largely came to terms with the inner demons the Fade confronts them with here. The fact they’ve come so far lets them win this last battle... but they still have scars that will never completely disappear.”
David Gaider: “Maric was in the first two novels I wrote for Dragon Age. Seeing Chad’s rendering of him as a regal, grown-up version of Alistair made me incredibly nostalgic. Some characters you just never let go of.”
Alexander Freed: “I feel Varric’s lines (‘tell yourself the stories you need to tell’ but ‘never live your own lies’) are the natural endpoint of all the exchanges he’s had with Alistair, starting from the end of Chapter 1 of The Silent Grove. And of course it plays off the story of ‘Arthur’, as well.’’
Chad Hardin: “I’m happy with the way Titus came off in these pages [Titus attacking and saying ‘The last magisters of Tevinter were so close’]. He looks threatening and powerful when fighting Alistair, Isabela and Varric, but genuinely confused by his inability to defeat Maric. Bye-bye, evil Jesus.”
Alexander Freed: “I can’t help but feel for Titus. He was unthinkably corrupt, but I see him as genuinely motivated by Tevinter’s glory. (The fact Alistair reads zealous ideology as a lust for power says a lot about both characters.)”
Michael Atiyeh: “I love the seamless transition of color from Titus’ magic to the dragon breath and then back into the orange remnants of his magic in the smoke. This was a really fun panel to color [Titus saying ‘Die by what wrought you’].”
David Gaider: “‘You are not the dreamer here. I am.’ I always have a scene or a line that’s in my head when I begin a tale, and this line of Maric’s was one I wanted all the way back when I started working on The Silent Grove.”
Chad Hardin: “I love this page [Maric and Alistair clasping hands]; Mike’s colors are spot on. We get to see all our heroes in an ideal state for the last time. This is the last Dragon Age page I saved for myself.”
David Gaider: “This scene kills me [Alistair destroying the Magrallen]. I knew it needed to happen; I knew I wanted it to happen even back when I began the story. Alistair lets Maric remain in the Fade rather than dragging him back to a world which has moved on. Alistair’s ready to move on, but forcing him to give up that hope... it makes me feel like a bad person.”
Chad Hardin: “Heartbreak for Alistair as he realizes that once again, as a king, he must kill: this time, his own father (granted, the Magrallen did most of the work). I really like how Maric crumbles away in the end. This was my last page, and the emotions on the page and in my studio were very final. Altogether, this was a year of my life in the making. On my last page, I wrote a thank you to everyone involved, the crew at Dark Horse and the crew at BioWare. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank them again. It was a thrill. Finally, a huge thank-you to the Dragon Age fan community, whose support was overwhelmingly awesome.”
Michael Atiyeh: “As the story came to an end, I knew I was going to miss these characters. Writing these annotations reinforces the fact that I hope to work with this great creative team again one day. Many thanks to Dark Horse and BioWare for the opportunity to work on Dragon Age.”
Alexander Freed: “The tension between the art and the narration on this page [the one with Alistair sitting on his throne while nobles argue] is something you can only pull off in comics. Neither tells the full, bittersweet story alone. Similarly, these issues wouldn’t have been possible without everyone on the team; thanks to David, Chad, Michael, and everyone I lack space to list!”
Additional pages / art
Library Edition Volume 1 also came with some additional pages, with additional art and commentary. These are as follows (I’m including them for the sake of completion, click the links to see):
1. Alistair and dragon concepts
2. Rasaan and Maevaris concepts
3. Sten, Titus and Yavana concepts
4. A series of cover pages 1
5. A series of cover pages 2
In case anyone has trouble reading the notes that accompany these images, I’ve transcribed them below:
1. Dragon Age Sketch Book
Alistair Concept 
Dragon Age / Dark Horse
Chad Hardin: “The headshot of Alistair is from a finished sketch with a rejected armor design. In order to save time, the redrawing was completed on the computer, where tweaks and changes are quick and easy, if somewhat less glorious.”
[Dragon] Head #1 / Head #2
Chad Hardin: “Everyone liked this dragon sketch so much that Dark Horse printed it for signings at conventions. You can see I did multiple proposals for the dragon’s head. It was more effective than drawing the body over and over.”
2. [arrow pointing to Mae’s sleeve] concealed [I think that’s what it says anyway] daggers / shurikens?
Chad Hardin: “When designing Rasaan and Maevaris, I wasn’t exactly sure how their roles would play out in the series. Maevaris’ outfit was inspired by brothel madams of the Wild West. I thought it would be cool to have some weapons concealed in the formal wear. These never came into play in the series, but they were there in my mind.”
3. Chad Hardin: “Although we only see Titus in his battle garb in one issue, I really liked the design of his armor. The sketch of Yavana was done on the fly and served as both a rough preliminary sketch and as a panel layout. You have to work hard and smart in comics to keep up with the deadlines.”
4. Cover Artist Anthony Palumbo: “This was my first assignment for Dark Horse, and I was both excited and nervous. I drew pencil sketches of the main characters, scanned them and played with different arrangements, poses and color schemes in Photoshop.”
5. Anthony Palumbo: “Fellow illustrator Winona Nelson helped me by sitting for photo reference. I created the mock-jewelry with gold-painted Sculpey. That’s a quick photo of my own gaping maw, to help with the image of Varric.”
64 notes · View notes
naughtygirl286 · 6 years
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Here is everything that came in the what is called “the experience pack” I  got the Ultimate edition plus more extra stuff including the limited edition books 2 versions of the game and all kinds of other Tomb Raider collectable goodies.
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Here is the box that the Ultimate Edition statue and collectable came in. this box was in its own shipping box inside the larger box that everything came in.
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The exclusive Ultimate Edition statue, Its about I’d say 13 inches tall These are the best pics I could get of it, but it does look better I think in person
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This is the Flashlight that come with the Ultimate Edition it is suppose to be identical to the one Lara uses in Game which is kinda cool
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Also here is the Key chain replica of the Climbing Axe that she uses in game as well
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Now with the Ultimate Edition of course came with the “Croft SteelBook” version of the game, which come with all kinds of digital extras like a Season Pass, Soundtrack, Clothing and Weapons packs and all that.
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And finally for the Ultimate Edition it came with a “Metal Art Card”  and that it just what it is a metal card with this image on it. I have actually a few of these from other collectors sets I bought in the past. 
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Now outside the Ultimate Edition I received a bunch of stuff as well. firstly was the Eb Games/Game Stop exclusive flashlight that would have gotten if you pre-ordered with them.  I didn’t pre-order with them but that didn’t stop me from receiving one  😁
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Also in the I guess you would call it the “out box” that very thing came in I got a TOTAKU Lara Croft.  I knew that there was one coming with this package. I kinda don’t want to open it. I actually might wait and the next time I able to go into EB Games I might pick up another one of they have them but yeah she is pretty awesome and about maybe 4-5 inches tall?
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Another collectable in the box was this lil Pocket Pop Lara Key chain think that is based off the recent Funko Pop figure of the 2013 Lara
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Outside the Ultimate Edition I did get a second Climbing Axe key chain they are the same size but they are different in design. this one looks more like the one from the 2013 game
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Yet another Climbing Axe Key Chain!! I don’t know what I’m going to do with all these Climbing Axes?  unlike the other 2 this one is smaller and plastic where the other 2 are actual metal
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I also got this 20 years and Icon stitched Iron on patch which I thought was kinda cool
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I also again received another replica necklace with this package I have 3 of these now lol  I have the original Metal one from the 2013 game and then I have the redesigned plastic one from Rise of the Tomb Raider and now I have this one which is Identical to the one that came with the 2013 game
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I also received this really nice Collectors pin its rather big but I do think its cool
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I also received one of those neck things that ppl use to put their keys or cards/badges on.  I’m probably never going to use it but its nic all the same
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Not only did I get the “Croft SteelBook” version of the game but I also received the “Limited Edition Steelbook”  version. its pretty much the same thing only this one doesn’t come with all the Digital Extras the other one does 
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In the box was also a copy of the Tie-in Novel.  Which I might read at some point later
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This set also came with the Hardcover Collectors guide book that tells you were all the secrets of the game are. I won’t be using the actual book I do like to explore and figure stuff out for myself that is part of the fun.  I like to get the books for my Tomb Raider collection.  Now this book is kinda weird like when I took the plastic of it the texture of the cover was kinda rubbery?  I don’t know it has like this really weird texture on it
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And finally I got the official Art Book with this package I love art books I love looking at the designs and reading about how they created all the stuff for the game  its really fun to get some insight on all this so I enjoy stuff like this. and well that is it all the stuff that came with my Shadow of the Tomb Raider set.
7 notes · View notes
funnynewsheadlines · 4 years
159 Times People Couldn’t Believe Their Luck In Thrift Stores, Flea Markets, And Garage Sales (More New Pics)
There are incredible treasures and mind-blowingly weird objects hidden all around us—and all it takes is a trip to your local thrift shop, garage sale, or flea market to spot them. Not only is secondhand shopping good for your wallet and the environment, but it might even inspire you to join an incredibly popular online community that will have you giggling till the end of the year.
Welcome (back) to the Weird Secondhand Finds That Just Need To Be Shared Facebook group! With nearly 2 million members, this community posts some of the most bizarre and coolest thrift store finds on the net. Scroll down to check out their newest finds, upvote your fave ones, and let us know if you’ve had any success shopping secondhand, dear Pandas.
Also, read on for Bored Panda's interview with the Weird Secondhand Finds team about how buying things secondhand has changed recently, about the rise of digital thrift stores, and how to stay safe in physical stores during the pandemic. Oh, and once you’re done enjoying this colorful list, you can find our latest articles about the Weird Secondhand Finds group right here, here, and here.
More info: Facebook | Facebook (HQ) | Instagram (HQ)
#1 I've Collected These Pieces From Various Thrift Shops, Antique Stores, And Yard Sales Over The Years. Some Are True Depression Glass From The 30s And Some Are Mid-Century. It Makes Me Happy Every Time I Look At This Bookcase
Image credits: Collie McYeargan
#2 Found This Really Cool Giant Book Coffee Table On Facebook Marketplace Yesterday. The “Spines” Open As Drawers. Each Book Is Actually Leather Bound
"It’s HUGE and heavy as heck! It’s missing one leg but I think I’ll prop it up with hardcover books"
Image credits: Birdie Wood
#3 I Found A Morticia Chair!
"Y'all, I've been hunting for a peacock/manila/phillipines chair for ages. I spent countless hours of my childhood watching reruns of the classic 60s Addams Family show and reading the comics and I wanted so badly to live in their house. I often think that's where my quirky design style as an adult comes from. Usually I see the newer models for sale, which are nice, but when I came across this beauty on fb marketplace, I practically squealed with joy when I realized it was the same style from the show. The woman I purchased it from looked at me a bit strangely when I tried to explain my excitement over it, but I knew you weirdlings would understand lol
Now I just need to learn to knit 6 arm sweaters for Pugsley's pet, Aristotle"
Image credits: Elspeth Acacia Erickson
"The number of people buying secondhand has probably stayed about the same, but the way they are doing it has changed slightly," a representative of the Weird Secondhand Finds team told us about the changing face of secondhand shopping.
Though there are still plenty of eager shoppers looking for interesting and wacky items, the pandemic has affected things more than we previously realized.
"We've noticed that more people seem to be using online venues for their thrifting rather than going to physical locations, which given the current circumstances, we think is great. Thrift stores also seem to be embracing the option of going online just a bit more than they did previously. We encourage people to stay safe and use precautions if they do decide to go out, and we do not allow posts that show people not honoring precautions, such as not wearing a mask or with their mask pulled down while out in public," they said.
#4 So My Fiancé Found This At His Grandmothers Home In Louisiana. A Vintage Shopping List, Super Super Cool. Thought I’d Share A Awesome Find
Image credits: Juana Whitesinger‎
#5 Not Necessarily A ‘Find’ But Today My Uncle Gave Me This Chair, Which He Got From His Uncle Years Ago, Who I Believe Bought It In The 60s Or 70s. I’ve Loved This Chair Since I Was A Child And Was So Excited When He Offered It To Me
Image credits: Holly Murphy
#6 Got This Coffee Table At An Estate Sale Today! Ridiculously Excited About This. I Loooove Turtles!
Image credits: Marcy Medeiros Crocker
"As far as physical stores go, it seems they are experiencing the same changes as regular retail stores, such as occupancy limits, requiring masks in order to enter, keeping the fitting rooms closed, as well as plexiglass protectors at the register and some locations requiring the customer to bag their own purchase."
They continued: "Perhaps the biggest change is in the 'bin' type stores where they have had to significantly decrease the number of bins in order to allow for social distancing, as well as create a path for customers to follow rather than being able to choose their own path like they could previously. It's a lot less chaotic than it used to be at the bins."
#7 I Pulled Up To A Friends House And Her Neighbor Had This Thrown Out By The Road In The Rain. I Had To Swoop In And Save The Day With This Unique Unicorn Of A Flippy Chair Table
"The cushion is soaking wet so its propped up against the wall not pictured"
Image credits: Autumn Vaughn
#8 I Work In Public Health And Have Spent The Last 7 Months Of My Life Fighting Covid-19. When I Saw This “Plague Doctor” Mask At An Antique Store/Fruit Stand Today - I Knew I Had To Make It Mine
Image credits: Michelle Holshue‎
#9 Found Him By A Dumpster. My Daughter Who Is Special Needs Painted Him , He Looks Happier
Image credits: Shasta Nunes‎
One of the founders of the Weird Secondhand Finds group previously told Bored Panda all about how the community was created, how they got popular, and how they’re inspiring people to think differently about buying things secondhand.
“My family and friends have always had a love and passion for interesting and unusual things, and we had been texting each other photos of items that we saw (and often purchased) in thrift stores and at yard sales for years. My best friend and I were chatting on Christmas Eve one year and it occurred to us that it might be more fun to share our photos in a Facebook group, rather than via text so that it would be easier to go back and see what each of us had found, and to have a record of what we had seen through the years,” they said.
#10 This Is Why You Don’t Leave Your Husband Unsupervised Or Unattended. Hubby Came Home With This. It Is 5’ Long & 4’ Tall. It Was $1.00 At A Yardsale
"Banana for scale in case the picture leaning against a full sized truck isn’t enough to show its massive proportions. He plans to hang it up in his cubicle at work if it will fit. It looks like a photo print on canvas that someone painted over. It has a small tear in the upper left area that I will try to patch & then dab some black paint over."
Image credits: Billie Lynne Medendorp‎
#11 Found This Utterly Ridiculous Giant Hat At An Estate Sale In Milwaukee. Great For Confusing Prey Before You Spit Poison In Their Eyes
Image credits: Erin P Christie
#12 Found At Goodwill Santa Rosa. Did Not Come Home With Me
Image credits: Cara D'Arpino
“It really all started as a gathering place intended for our friends and family but we left it as an open group purely because it never occurred to us that anyone outside of our circle would share this odd interest we have.” People then started flooding in, the co-founder started panicking, but then thought it’d be intriguing to see what others had to share.
“Who knew that what we all thought was a niche hobby actually has a huge passionate community behind it that just needed a clubhouse to gather in? Witnessing how people connect in this group is what keeps us passionate about running it. I personally put between thirty and forty hours a week into moderating the group but every time I see how much joy it brings people, I’m reminded why it’s worth doing all the work it takes,” they said.
#13 It’s Six Feet Tall. Today It Begins Its New Life At My House
Image credits: Kyndall Williams
#14 This Amazing Monster Quilt My Mother And I Found At A Kids Thrift Store For $4.99
Image credits: Lucila Jackman
#15 Back Story I Lost My 4 Year Old Last Year And Her Favorite Color Was Red. My Husband & I Are Building Our House. I Saw This At A Local Antique Store. I Messaged My Husband Fast To Get It For Me. I Told Him It Would Be Perfect For My Office
He goes to the store and texted me saying “sorry I couldn’t get it. Someone came 30 mins ago and bought it”
Y’all I cried. For some reason it reminded me so much of my Princess Alaina. My husband then said . “I did get a night stand. Could you please pick up when you get a chance ?? “
I go today. I tell the lady.
Me- “Ma’am, I am here to pick up for my husband Javier”
Lady - “What are you driving? It’s big”
I said “truck. It’s a nightstand thou”
Lady, “no ma’am he bought a sofa”
Me, “no he didn’t! Is it a red one?”
Lady, “yes ma’am, you didn’t know did you”
Y’all I cried! 
The cupboard in Fyffe, Alabama.
Image credits: Lucy Olivares
The members of the online community are incredibly supportive of one another, embrace their quirks, and send each other gifts.
“Another wonderful side effect of this community is that it has renewed, and in some cases even sparked, an interest in secondhand shopping for a lot of people. They’re starting to see secondhand stores in a different light. We hear all the time from members who haven’t been thrifting in a long time or have never really been interested in it, and now can’t wait to go out treasure hunting.”
#16 Found This Awesome Dome On Fb Marketplace. It’s Approximately 16 Feet Wide And 10 Feet Tall. I Had To Have It! We Use It For Hanging Out, And Have A Couple Hammocks And Astroturf Inside
Image credits: Patti Rivera
#17 The Time I Gave My Mother-In-Law A Vintage Double-Sided Chippendale's Puzzle For Christmas
"My wife took this photo of her reaction. I'm the guy in the back looking quite pleased with himself."
Image credits: Michael Fairchild‎
#18 Bought A $4 Shirt And Found This Attached To It! Stamped 14k On The Bottom. I Like The Bumblebee Better Then The Shirt
Image credits: Carrie Barker Walker
#19 Found This Fun Chair On Facebook Marketplace! Now, Just Have To Find Some Comfy Pillows To Turn It Into My Reading/Animal Crossing Nook!
Image credits: Ashley Smith
#20 High Key Psyched About These- Found On Facebook Marketplace Unused For $10
Image credits: Nora Campiglia Baker
#21 Picked Up This Banana Dog At A Yard Sale Today... Banana And Dog For Scale
Image credits: Mike Sauder
#22 Found This Beauty For $20 At Those Were The Days In Warrensburg,mo I Love How Delicate Stained Glass Looks And That There’s All Color Kitties
Image credits: Kira Arechiga-Vo‎
#23 I Seriously Considered Buying But Ended Up Leaving It. It Was Funny Though. Found At A Local Consignment Shop In Columbus, Indiana
Image credits: JoAnna NeSmith
#24 We Purchased A Houseboat And Look What The Previous Owners Left! Perfect Condition Mustard Yellow Retro Dining Set! It Is Now Known As The “Lemonade Table!“ It Makes My Day Extra Sunshiny!
Image credits: Keri Kempster
#25 My Dad Passed First. My Mom, Not Wanting To Live Without Him, Just Gave Up And Succumbed To Leukemia Less Than Three Months Later. Heartbroken, My Brothers And I Sorted The Estate. Neither Of Them Wanted Mom’s Royal Doulton Balloon Lady
On one hand, I really wasn’t in love with the piece but on the other hand she sat in my mom’s curio cabinet for years and was a part of my childhood that made me feel connected to mom. After about 10 years, and embracing the journey of minimalism, I made the difficult decision to sell her. filled with doubt, I posted her on the Marketplace. If I let her go and regretted it, would I be able to forgive myself? Would mom? I nearly forgot that I had her listed and after months, I had an offer. I carefully packed her up and sent her onto her new home. I didn’t have time for doubt as The kind woman who bought her sent me this pic the day she arrived! The Balloon Lady is finally reunited with her Balloon Man.
Image credits: Alayne Torretta
#26 My Newest Thrift Find At Goodwill In Geneseo, NY. As Soon As I Saw It, It Called To Me! I’m A Big Fan Of Celestial Decor But I Have Never Seen A Leaf With A Face Before. I Absolutely Love It. It Now Protects The Outside Of My House
Image credits: ‎Liz Makowski‎
#27 When My Grandmother Passed I Ended Up With A Large Box Full Of Blankets And Needed One That I Knew I Wouldn’t Mind Getting Dirty. What I Didn’t Expect To Find While Digging Through It Though Was Her Wedding Dress!!! I Recognized It Immediately From An Old Photograph And Just For Fun Had To Try It On
Image credits: Jamie Wilke
#28 One Of My Greatest Goodwill Finds, It Came Home With Me For $0.50
Image credits: Ashley Norfolk
#29 A Couple Days Ago I Was Having “One Of Those Days” Where Everything Keeps Going Wrong Including Being Furloughed From My Job Of 20 Years. That Evening I Saw A Post On Facebook Marketplace Titled “Kitchen Stuff” And I Saw Green Glass In The Background. I Messaged The Seller Asking How Much She Wanted For The Green Dishes And She Said $4 For The Whole Set. I Didn’t Know If It Was Uranium Glass And Of Course I Forgot My Blacklight When I Went To Pick Them Up But At That Price It Was Worth A Shot. As Soon As I Got Home I Checked Them Out And Boy Did They Glow! Needless To Say It Made My Day
Image credits: Lynda Bitanga
#30 Found Today At King's Hardware In Shreveport, La. Came Home With Me Immediately! Nibbler The Cat Is Getting Properly Introduced
Image credits: Abbie Machowski
#31 "Release The Kraken" I Whisper To Myself Every Morning As I Take My First Sip Of Coffee. My Favorite Mug Was Thrifted From The Goodwill In Monroe, Wa. Someone Did A Really Nice Job On It And Especially With The Irredescent Glaze. Would Love See A Thread Of Everyone's Favorite And Unique Coffee Mugs
Image credits: Beth White
#32 I Always Seem To Find The Weird Shoes! Saw These At Goodwill Today. The Entire Top Unzips! They Were Too Big For Me, Ten, But I Thought They Were Neat
Image credits: April Tolliver
#33 Just Bought This Beauty Secondhand On Marketplace! Butter Knives/Fake Bananas For My Home.
Image credits: Shannon Christine
#34 Vintage Child’s Armchair £10 On Facebook Marketplace! Of Course It Had To Be Bought For My Cat, Romeo. Look How Fab The Celestial Pattern Is
Image credits: Sascha Byrne
#35 A Little Back Story: My Beloved Grandmother Passed Away June 2019. Her And I Were Very Close And I Adored Many Of Her Possessions. For Some Reason This Soap Bottle Apron Was My Absolute Favorite; It Just Spoke To Me. For Years I Admired It Adorning Countless Soap Bottles By Her Sink. When She Passed, I Asked My Grandpa About It And He Indicated That It Would Come My Way One Day. Well Yesterday Was The Day.
Image credits: Sarah Bearah‎
#36 I Couldn't Resist. Like Really You Need Those...those. Yes Oh Yes...don't Have A Clue What I Will Do With Them But There Coming Home With Me Lol. Saw These Kitty Butthole Cups? Vase? Pencil Holders? I Don't Know And I Had To Have Them. Just So Darn Hilarious. They Were $5 Dollars Each At The Asheville Goodwill And I Couldn't Leave Them Behind
Image credits: Rachael Ann Stewart Hall
#37 Found At Gw In Lou, Ky. I Laughed Out Loud But Left Behind
Image credits: Cathy Phillips
#38 Found This Matching Pair On Marketplace Yesterday! The Previous Owner Was Ready To Throw Them Out, Thinking No One Would Want Such Ugly Chairs. I Think They're Wonderful. Made In East Palestine, Ohio In The 1960s
Image credits: Brandon Emmert‎
#39 I Mean...come On! These Have Got To Be The Coolest Goddamn Things I’ve Found In A Secondhand Store So Far...clearly Handmade Too. Set Me Back 50$. Totally Worth It! They’ll Both Be Displayed At Taverne Cobra, Montreal’s Ultimate 90’s Dive Bar. Those Who Know, Know
Image credits: Anthoni Jodoin
#40 I Know I’m Late But Wanted To Share My Turtle Lamp!! I Absolutely Love This. Got For 5$ At A Yard Sale!
Image credits: Angel Marie
#41 I Snagged A Full Set Of These Dishes At Harrison, Oh Goodwill! One Of My Favorite Finds Ever!!
Image credits: Katie Dobbins
#42 Been Meaning To Share My Sons Rocking Dragon. My Father And I Found It On The Facebook Market Place Two Christmas Ago When I Was Pregnant
By the time I reached out to the seller it was sold. I was so bummed until Christmas morning and found out it was my dad who purchased it. I had no idea he even knew about it. He had no idea I also tried to buy it.
It is made entirely out of wood. The craftsman ship is remarkable. The previous owner said their grandmother won it at a church auction and it had been in their family for a long time and they know nothing about it or who made it. Not signed or marked anywhere. It is now our family’s treasure and will be passed down.
Image credits: Jamie Settell
#43 Guys. I Found A Toilet Seat Necklace At A Garage Sale Today. This Is The Best Find Ever. It Is Really Heavy And Apparently Pretty Old, But Other Than That I Don’t Know Anything About It. Can Anyone Share Any Info? Idk If There Is Any Info To Be Shared, It Is Just A Toilet Seat Necklace
Image credits: Loren Smith
#44 Picked This Guy Up At Goodwill In NYC A Few Years Ago For .99 Cents. He Has Held My Extra Roll Of Tp Since Then.
Image credits: John Ferrin
#45 I Found These Keys On A Trail I Was Hiking. The Irony Was Not Lost On Me
Image credits: Lesli Townsend
#46 My Mom And I Found These Sunglasses At An Antique Shop Years Ago!! Chain Sunglasses. I Have Never Seen Anything Like These. They Are Huge On My Face But So Cute. They Had An Awful Smell (Old Plastic Smell) So We Bathed Them In Newspapers For A Bit And It Helped, There’s Still A Smell But They Are Wearable! (Marked Out My Face So Y’all Could See The Glasses Worn, But I Didn’t Want To Get In Trouble For It Being A Selfie!!)
Image credits: Madison Turner
#47 She Was A Beautiful, Garish Table From A Defunct 1990s Subway, Sitting Forgotten In A Cellar. I Was A Girl In Quarantine, Longing Just To Sit In A Diner Booth With My Morning Coffee Again. When I Saw Her Picture On Fb Marketplace, I Knew: We Belonged Together.
Image credits: Leah Steuer‎
#48 My Daughter Wouldn't Let Me Buy This At The Goodwill. I Don't Know Why Not.
Image credits: Deborah Mathis‎
#49 A Wall Hanging Plate Made Entirely Of Iridescent Purple Blue Butterfly Wings. Found In An Antique Store In Wisconsin
Image credits: Olivia Destiche
#50 Restore Chalfont, Pa ...did Not Come Home With Me Because I Don't Serve Him Anything
Image credits: Barbara Zickler
#51 I Bought This Ridiculous Vintage Pink Swivel Princess Chair From A Seller On Facebook Marketplace. My Heart Wanted This So Bad. I Have No Idea What I'm Going To Do With It. Check Out Ecker-Shane Furniture Company...seems Like They Used To Make Some Really Cool Stuff In The 50s & 60s.
Image credits: https://www.facebook.com/groups/650812835102933/permalink/1734137903437082
#52 My Daughter Would Not Leave The Garage Sale Without These "Pickled Bums"
Image credits: Leslee Spicer
#53 This Is A Small Planter I Found At A Local Second Hand Store. I Planted A Plant Called String Of Pearls.
Image credits: ‎Penny Michalenko
#54 I Found This Giant Giraffe Wicker Planter At Goodwill In Marietta, Ga Today For $9. I Love Her
Image credits: Daphne Nicholson
#55 2 Yards Of This Found A Goodwill. It Came Home With Me But I Have No Idea What I’ll Use It For.
Image credits: Tristan Slagle
#56 Here's To Bob And Pam And Here’s To The Excitement That Comes From Sharing Memories
Buckle up, friends - because this is a story that even I have yet to fully comprehend. Today I was scrolling through Facebook Marketplace, because what else does one do when bored during a pandemic? As I was scrolling, I saw the following listing: ”Judy Garland Director Chair, Meet Me in St. Louis Film Premiere.” I literally gasped out loud but was a little skeptical...especially since the chair was listed with an asking price of $35.
I reached out to the seller and let them know of my enthusiasm for Judy Garland. I asked the seller if the chair was legitimate, and this was the message I received: “Yes, this director’s chair was made for the premiere of ”Meet Me in St. Louis”, which was held on November 22nd, 1944 at the Loew’s State Theater on Washington Avenue.” That was all it took - I asked for their address and how soon I could pick up the chair.
When I arrived at the seller’s house, Pam (the seller) met me on the front porch, handed me a photo of the man who originally owned the chair, and began to share his life with me. His name was Bob and he taught German and Theatre in St. Louis city and county schools for several decades. Bob didn't have an ounce of German in him, but he took a trip to Germany one summer and fell in love with the culture - so he majored in German and minored in Theatre. Bob never missed out on flying to Germany to attend Oktoberfest to celebrate and meet up with his native friends. When Bob wasn't teaching, he was working backstage at local St. Louis theaters as a stagehand.
In the spring of 1983, the beloved Loew’s State Theatre, with its polished brass balcony and gold leaf ceilings, was slated for demolition. Tucked away in the old theatre were the director’s chairs that had been used by the main cast members of ”Meet Me in St. Louis” at the 1944 premiere. Although the intricate theatre fell victim to a wrecking ball, the director’s chairs were saved. Bob learned of this incredible rescue and he, being an avid Garland fan, purchased Garland’s chair. The chair was made by ”Gold Medal” Fold Furniture Co. Judy’s name was painted onto the chair.
From the sound of it, Bob lived a fabulous life filled with countless adventures. A little over a year ago, Bob’s health began to fail. He didn't have any local family, so it was time for him to purge his memories and move closer to family.
Pam helped Bob clean out his apartment that was full of nearly 86 years of life. It sounded like quite the undertaking, and as a ”thank you”, Bob gave this chair to Pam.
After a life of adventure, Bob passed away at the age of 86 on December 24, 2019.
As Pam was sharing the fabulous life of her dear friend with me, her eyes became misty and she said ”I love this chair, but I have no room for it. I have many momentoes of Bob’s that I cherish, and I hate to part with this chair, but it does my heart good to know that it's going to a loving home - Bob would be pleased.” My eyes became filled with emotion and while there was much I wanted to say, I knew I couldn't say it without getting too emotional - so I just thanked her and handed her the $35. As I was loading the chair into my car, she handed me a photo of Bob and said ”I think you should have this.” My heart melted. In the photo, Bob is pictured on the left during one of his visits to Amsterdam. He’s pictured with one of his good friends that he met in Germany.
Here's to Bob and Pam and here’s to the excitement that comes from sharing memories
Image credits: Braden Tucker
#57 Extremely Heavy Toilet Seat Of A Vampire Skull With What Appears To Be A Bullet Hole In His Forehead For Only $4.99! Left At Goodwill In Culpeper, Va!
Image credits: Abbey Newton
#58 Oh Yes These Came Home With Me From The Goodwill In Monroe Wa
Image credits: Beth White
#59 I Am Beyond Excited I Scored This Awesome Cat Lamp From Fb Market Place! It Matches Our Calico Perfectly... She's Not As Excited As I Am
Image credits: Lisa English
#60 Look What I Just Got Off Marketplace For $20!!! She Was Selling It For $15 But I Couldn’t Resist. The Lady Who Wanted It Before Me Never Showed... How!!?
Image credits: Sydnie Alena Smith
#61 I Found My New Favorite Mug Today At The Flea.
Image credits: Emma Lynne Olson‎
#62 Went To Our Local Thrift Store Today. I Couldn’t Pass These Up! Only Problem Is....i Don’t Have A Cat! (Best $1.99 I’ve Spent In A Long Time!
Image credits: Pamala Evanatz-Judd
#63 I’m An Avid Pepperoni Pizza Fan. Was Going To Make A Bean Bag For The Kid Til Husband Said He Thought It Was A Table Cloth. Perfect Fit For Our Table. Now It Can Make Me Happy All Day Err Day
Image credits: Sammy Feenan
#64 My Mom Had These Dishes Growing Up. I Came Across Them While Thrifting In Jacksonville, Fl And I Felt Inspired To Get A Tattoo To Remind Me Of My Mother(Who Is Still Alive, Just Far Away). I Thought You All Might Appreciate It
Image credits: Amanda DenBleyker
#65 Absolute Perfection. Never Letting Her Go. Thrifted At The Value Village In Spokane, Wa. The Only Question - What Name Could Be Worthy Of This Voluptuous Merbabe?
Image credits: Allyson Tanzer
#66 A Total Stranger Just Messaged Me Via Fb To Tell Me She Found A Painting My Mom Did In A Goodwill In Vero Beach, Florida. She Searched My Mom's Name And Then Found Me On Fb And Asked Me If I Wanted It. How Cool Is That ?!! My Mom Was From Ohio And Lived There Her Whole Life Which Makes This An Extra Special Find
Image credits: Hallie Meek Tannous
#67 At A Garage Sale Last Summer A Man Told Me That He Thought I Should Have This Tablecloth(And Matching Cloth Napkins) That His Mother Made. Said They Suited Me. Im Pretty Sure It's The Opposite Of Everything I Am (It's Rather Loud And Flashy) But I Lowkey Love It..i Mean It Has Tassels! Nobody In My Life Likes It Though
Image credits: Eva Dot Hawk
#68 My Daughter Bought This For Me At An Estate Sale. The Artist Painted 3 Ladies. This Is “The Sound Of Music”. I Have Another One That Is Titled “The Secret”. I’m Trying To Find The Third.
Image credits: ‎Melba Wilson Hill‎
#69 My Grandmother Past Away Last Year And Was A Prolific Crocheter (Crochetist?). My Dad Was Cleaning Out Her House And Found All These Squares For 3 Unfinished Afghans. I’m So Lucky That I Get To Finish Her Work
Image credits: Heather Magill
#70 I Picked Up This Tea Light Candleholder At Goodwill. Just Got Around To Putting Alight I It And Am Just Blown Away By The Detail. Eta: The Bottom Is Marked Bernardaud Limoges France.
Image credits: Rebecca Perry
#71 A Month Ago I Said To My Husband It Would Be Cool If We Used Old Gym Flooring In Our House Since I Am A Principal And He Teaches Third Grade. A Few Days Later Someone Posted Part Of A Gym Floor For $150 In Marketplace. We Immediately Picked It Up Not Knowing If It Would Actually Work. Low And Behold The Guys That Do Some Yardwork And Odd Jobs For Us (And Are Trying To Get Started In Remodeling) Said They Could Do It For Us. We Took A Chance And They Installed It.
Image credits: Leah Dickey‎
#72 Found This Gem At Goodwill In Decatur, Ga. For $0.50 You Better Believe It Came Home With Me!
Image credits: Jamie Lane‎
#73 My Brother Got This In A Storage Unit Today, He's Been Riding Around Houston Texas With It
Image credits: Michele Mahler‎
#74 About A Year Ago I Was At A Car Boot Sale And I Saw Plush Backpack, Shaped Like Rocky From Chicken Run, But I Thought It Was Such A Ridiculous Purchase So I Said To My Partner (As I Always Do) "If It's Still There On Our Way Back, It's Fate And I'll Buy It"
so... about a year ago I was at a car boot sale and I saw plush backpack, shaped like Rocky from Chicken Run, but I thought it was such a ridiculous purchase so I said to my partner (as I always do) "if it's still there on our way back, it's fate and I'll buy it". So obviously, it was still there and when the guy told me it was £3 I snatched it up quicker than you could say "I don't want to be a pie!". Not long after, I decided to google it and see if it's a common find, I find out there is a Babs version, and I freak out!! I bought her in a set of Rocky and Babs and sold the spare Rocky to my friend. Fast forward to a few weeks ago, I was scrolling through plush backpacks on ebay as usual and who do I see??? Ginger!!!! When I was researching I didn't see her anywhere!! So i was elated, and that's how I came into the possession of 3 Chicken Run backpacks that look absolutely terrified.
Obviously Babs is the most practical choice, look at that gut storage!!!
Image credits: Shannon-lea Stevenson
#75 I Was Given A Bag Of Clothes As Part Of A Buy Nothing Round Robin. The Contents Of The Bag Included This Scarf That Is Not Going To Be Moving On To The Next Person. It's Mine Now!
Image credits: Amy Howard
#76 I Received A Package Today In The Mail. It Had A Hand Written Address, And I Wasn't Expecting It. I Made My Husband Open It, In Case It Was A Bomb
Instead, the contents made me cry and cry!
This is a 2018 ornament from Hallmark, that my sister spotted on Amazon. She immediately called my mother, who bought it on the spot.
They sent it to me for my upcoming 40th birthday
Glo Worm was my LOVIE growing up! I just broke down!
(My teenage daughter is concerned for me)
Image credits: Lisa Connelly Freeman
#77 For The Vintage Lovers, 1964 Table And Chairs Found On Fb Marketplace A Few Years Back
Image credits: Carol Paul Mataruso
#78 Found This At A Goodwill In Rochester, Mn. Please Tell Me I'm Not The Only One That Gets It! If It Were A Size Bigger Would Have Gotten It
Image credits: Aubrey Rogers-Flick
#79 *walking Around Goodwill In Sacramento* Wife: What Do You See Over There? Me: Oh Nothing, Just The Ark Of The Covenant
Image credits: Jason Hackforth
#80 You Guys Recall The House Hippo I Found Last Month In My Local Charity Shop? Thought You Might Like The Upgrade
Image credits: Beka Calton
#81 Found This At Goodwill I Thought It Was Pretty Funny But I Left It There
Image credits: Dylan Cowden
#82 My Paternal Grandfather Was Killed In A Freak Accident In 1922 When My Grandmother Was Pregnant With Her 5th Child. He Was A Dentist And Made This Brooch From Dental Gold That He Poured Into A Holly Leaf. Being The Oldest Grandchild I Am The Very Proud Owner.
Image credits: Polly Dixon Dunn
#83 Acquired Today At Sunshine Acres Children’s Home Thrift Store & Boutique In Mesa, Az For A Mere 50 Cents! I Shall Never Be Without A Banana For Scale Again! Beautiful Beaded Banana... Banana For Scale
Image credits: ‎Janet Mc Gaw-Monroe
#84 This May Be My Most Favorite Goodwill Find Yet!
Image credits: Heidi Paulson
#85 Found This At A Thrift Store Yesterday, There Was No Way I Was Leaving This Beauty Behind
Image credits: Kelcie Shoaf
#86 Garfield Vintage Phone I Sourced Of Ebay Online Wanted This Cute Little Fella For Ages! & Finally Saw Him For £50 I Just Couldn’t Resist.. His Eyes Open And Shut When You Life The Phone Part Up Too! Can’t Wait To Plug Him In And Have A Chit Chat I’m From UK
Image credits: Georgie Rowe
#87 Multi Pass! Found At Goodwill Today.
Image credits: Caitlin Monroe
#88 My Very Weird And Morbid Secondhand Find. When My Grandma Died One Of Her Sons Entered Her Apt To Collect Anything Of Value. Diamonds, China, A Fur.....anything He Thought Was Of Value He Took. The Items He Left Behind Were Divided Among The Grandchildren. I Lived Several States Away So Nothing Was Given To Me. I Loved My Grandma So I Didn't Need Her Worldly Possessions. 6 Months After My Grandmother Died I Was At My Parent's House And Found Her Jacket. My Grandma Had Pinned A Note To This Jacket, Asking To Be Buried In It Upon Her Death. She Had Worn This Jacket For Several Of Her Grandchildren's Weddings And It Was Important To Her. Because Her Clothing Was Of Little Value It Was Looked Over As Was The Note. My Grandma Was Buried In An Outfit Picked Out By Her Daughter In Law With No Input From The Rest Of The Family. This Jacket Is Mine. I Have The Jacket Because No One Else Wanted It. It Is The Most Beautiful Jacket And It Hangs In My Closet. The Jacket Should Be 6 Feet Under On Grandma But Instead I Have It. Knowing She Wanted To Be Buried In It Makes It Even More Special. On The Days I Miss Her The Most I Wear The Jacket And Dance Around The House To Neil Diamond. It's Been 10 Years Since She Died But The Jacket Smells Like Her Each Time I Put It On. I Plan On Wearing This Jacket To My Grandchildren's Weddings.
Image credits: Jennifer McKee
#89 Went To Goodwill And Found The Most Perfect Coasters Ever For $3
Image credits: Kasey Erin‎
#90 We Finally Found Our House Hippo!!! My Fiancé And I Just Bought Our First Home And We Are So Excited To Proudly Display This Itsy Bitsy Little Hippo! Found In A Thrift/Antique Store In Glendale, Co. Where Should I Display Him, Since He’s So Tiny?! Didn’t Have A Banana, So Fingernails For Scale ? Also, I Don’t Know If This Counts, But My Engagement Ring Is Secondhand, It’s An Old Mine-Cut Diamond And Has Been The Family For Almost A Hundred Years!
Image credits: Alex Dennis‎
#91 Also Found At Next To New Thrift Store In Spokane Wa For $10! I've Been Wanting Oneeee And It Works!! I Got That D R I P
Image credits: Rebekah Hibler
#92 My Daughter Was Thrilled To Find This At A Goodwill Today For $9.99
Image credits: Meredith Weis
#93 Look At My Awesome Alley Find! Magritte's 'The Lovers' Printed On Canvas. How Timely
Image credits: Jodi Resch
#94 At A New Job I Started There Was A Sign On This Machine Saying It Was Goong For $5 And I Assumed It Was A Joke But I Called The Number And The Guy Confirmed And I Met Up And Got The Key And Brought It To My Apartment (I Didn't Keep The Candy Cause It Hadn't Been Changed In 10 Years) Anyways Thought I Would Share, Its 100% Fully Functional And Im So Excited Its In My Home Aha
Image credits: Matthew Curry
#95 Found At A Thrift Store In St Pete Fl. Creepy!
Image credits: Lisa Clark Brannon
#96 Long Story Short, My Husband And I Have Enjoyed Many Meals Around The Cherished Dining Set. I Absolutely Love It!
Buckle up, friends - because this is a story that even I have yet to fully comprehend. Today I was scrolling through Facebook Marketplace, because what else does one do when bored during a pandemic? As I was scrolling, I saw the following listing: ”Judy Garland Director Chair, Meet Me in St. Louis Film Premiere.” I literally gasped out loud but was a little skeptical...especially since the chair was listed with an asking price of $35.
I reached out to the seller and let them know of my enthusiasm for Judy Garland. I asked the seller if the chair was legitimate, and this was the message I received: “Yes, this director’s chair was made for the premiere of ”Meet Me in St. Louis”, which was held on November 22nd, 1944 at the Loew’s State Theater on Washington Avenue.” That was all it took - I asked for their address and how soon I could pick up the chair.
When I arrived at the seller’s house, Pam (the seller) met me on the front porch, handed me a photo of the man who originally owned the chair, and began to share his life with me. His name was Bob and he taught German and Theatre in St. Louis city and county schools for several decades. Bob didn't have an ounce of German in him, but he took a trip to Germany one summer and fell in love with the culture - so he majored in German and minored in Theatre. Bob never missed out on flying to Germany to attend Oktoberfest to celebrate and meet up with his native friends. When Bob wasn't teaching, he was working backstage at local St. Louis theaters as a stagehand.
In the spring of 1983, the beloved Loew’s State Theatre, with its polished brass balcony and gold leaf ceilings, was slated for demolition. Tucked away in the old theatre were the director’s chairs that had been used by the main cast members of ”Meet Me in St. Louis” at the 1944 premiere. Although the intricate theatre fell victim to a wrecking ball, the director’s chairs were saved. Bob learned of this incredible rescue and he, being an avid Garland fan, purchased Garland’s chair. The chair was made by ”Gold Medal” Fold Furniture Co. Judy’s name was painted onto the chair.
From the sound of it, Bob lived a fabulous life filled with countless adventures. A little over a year ago, Bob’s health began to fail. He didn't have any local family, so it was time for him to purge his memories and move closer to family.
Pam helped Bob clean out his apartment that was full of nearly 86 years of life. It sounded like quite the undertaking, and as a ”thank you”, Bob gave this chair to Pam.
After a life of adventure, Bob passed away at the age of 86 on December 24, 2019.
As Pam was sharing the fabulous life of her dear friend with me, her eyes became misty and she said ”I love this chair, but I have no room for it. I have many momentoes of Bob’s that I cherish, and I hate to part with this chair, but it does my heart good to know that it's going to a loving home - Bob would be pleased.” My eyes became filled with emotion and while there was much I wanted to say, I knew I couldn't say it without getting too emotional - so I just thanked her and handed her the $35. As I was loading the chair into my car, she handed me a photo of Bob and said ”I think you should have this.” My heart melted. In the photo, Bob is pictured on the left during one of his visits to Amsterdam. He’s pictured with one of his good friends that he met in Germany.
Here's to Bob and Pam and here’s to the excitement that comes from sharing memories
Image credits: Braden Tucker
#97 My Husband And I Have A Pact, Every Time He Buys A Boat I Get A New Tattoo
He likes to buy boats, a lot. About a month ago he surprised me with a,” guess what?? You’re getting a new tattoo!! And by the way, I have a new boat!” Well, with the pandemic I don’t feel comfortable leaving the house for anything but food and doctor’s appointments. I said I would rather get a dollhouse and turn it into a haunted dollhouse to help keep my mind off of the chaos of 2020. I found one on market place and my wonderful sister in law drove 3 hours to get it. I should have checked the measurements because to our surprise the house was too big to fit in her car. She had to rent a Uhaul trailer to bring it home, but it was still too big for the first trailer so the Uhaul company gave her a free upgrade to a bigger trailer. I had no idea how huge it was!!! So here it is!!! My giant beautiful soon to be haunted dollhouse!!! It’s become my emotional support dollhouse as I work on it whenever I need to calm my nerves from all the world craziness. I love it so much!! Ghost banana on the balcony for size.
Image credits: Jennifer McBride
#98 I Bought This Pie Lamb At A Garage Sale. Had Never Heard About Them Before, So I Tried It Out..its Supposed To Whistle When Your Pie Is Done To Avoid Bubbling Over. Obviously Didn't Work..but The Pie Was Delicious!!! Any Other "Pie Birds" Out There?
Image credits: Alanna Macrae
#99 Antiquing And Found A Bra Made From Brooches. It Did Not Come Home With Me Lol
Image credits: Lindsey Elliott Wilson
#100 Finally Found A Non-Perishable Banana So I Would Always Have A Banana For Scale. Banana For Scale. Goodwill, Okc
Image credits: Sabrina Wilson
#101 This Mannequin Came From My Grandmother’s House. She Had Her For As Long As I Remember. No One Else In The Family Wanted Her When My Grandmother Passed Away. I Think She Looks Great In My 100 Year Old House
Image credits: Jackie Litton
#102 When You Randomly Browse Facebook Marketplace And You Finally Find Exactly What You’ve Been Looking For. The Perfect Bathroom Art Piece
Image credits: Clayton Miller
#103 I Found This Charm Bracelet While Thrifting Yesterday. I Just Had To Bring It Home!
Image credits: Kayla Steeby
#104 Back In March My Mil Was Turning 90. But We Were Told No Fuss, No Gifts. Still, She Likes Crossword Puzzles And So When I Found This Cookie Jar At A Peddlers Mall In Lebanon Oh I Decided I’d Spend The $5 And Fill It With Homemade Cookies For A Non- Gift
You can use a dry erase marker & it even still had the answer sheet. Then the covid shutdown hit and none of us could visit her at her retirement home. So my husband asked all the siblings, nieces, nephews, grandkids, & great grandkids to make cards in crossword form for her to figure out. And we filled the jar with them. She had many days of fun working on them all while staying isolated.
Image credits: Sharon Murnen Heinrichs
#105 My Grandmother Is A Antique Doll House Collector, My Father Just Inherited This One. She’s Cleaning Out Her Home Due To Being Told She Has One Month To Live. I Wanted To Share This Special And Unique Part Of Her With You All
Image credits: Shawnda Frost
#106 Found At The Hairy Mosquito In Nw Minnesota Over The Holiday Weekend. Can’t Wait For My Guests To Be Flicked Off By A Turkey As They Enter. Our New Home Finally Feels Complete.
Image credits: ‎Kello Marie‎
#107 I’m A Recent Law School Grad And I’m Currently Studying For The Bar. I Found This Cat On Ebay And I’ve Never Related To An Inanimate Object More.
Image credits: ‎Courtney Quam
#108 Beautiful 1980’s Or 90’s Wedding Gown I Took Home Over The Winter For $40 At The Thrift Shop. Today Is Me And My Husbands 13th Wedding Anniversary, To Which I Wore A Dress Nothing Like This On My Actual Wedding Day. I’m Still Figuring Out What To Do With This Now That I Own It. It Reminded Me Of The Ball Scene In ‘The Labyrinth’ And 80’s Wedding Barbies. Open To Suggestions For What I Could Wear It To, How It May Be Improved With Alterations. We Got Married On A Friday The 13th, 13 Years Ago, Weirdlings We Are
Image credits: AnneMarie Nicolaides
#109 This Is My New Best Buddy! Found This Dude At A Yard Sale A Few Weeks Ago. He Was Peering Down At Me From A Top Shelf. I Love Rabbits And Anything Creepy, So He Is . I Don't Have A Banana For Size. But He About 2 Feet Tall. Of Course He Will Need A Name
Image credits: Sue Anderson
#110 Please Excuse The Long Story, But I Feel Like You Guys Might Understand Me With The Sentimentality Of The Story
I was born in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1986. The two cups in the photos originally belonged to my grandparents, and they sat on display in kitchen cabinets when I was a vey small child. There was once a full set. My father believes they had never been drank out of while in their possession. Fast forward to 1995 and civil war in BiH. We fled our home and became refugees. We lost all our possessions. There was a LOT of looting, and everything that wasn't nailed down got stolen, and the rest smashed and destroyed. We'd visited since, and all that was left of our homes were skeleton walls, and rubble. Fast forward to 2013. I was on holidays back there, and something called me to go inside the house. At this stage it was overgrown with weeds, there were trees growing out of the floors, and it had fallen in on itself, but I just had to go in. A few steps into what should have been our hallway - I saw a discarded plastic bag with broken bits and pieces, and amongst them these two intact cups. I cried like a child right amongst the stinging nettles that surrounded me. I couldn't save the rest of them, but these two travelled to Australia with me, and are now my most prized possessions. I had heard that people who had looted homes back in those times were getting a lot of bad karma afterwards, and getting sick, and all sorts of things, so lots of them had taken things back to the houses where they'd stolen from, to try and 'break the curse'. I don't know if they are necessarily second hand, but they definitely come with a story, and are such a beautiful reminder of my late grandparents. I wish I knew more about who had made them, how old they are, if there were more anywhere in the world, but I know I will cherish them forever
Image credits: Njegoslava Miražić
#111 Found The Tiniest Porcelain Mouse At An Estate Sale, It Needs A Name.
Image credits: Jen Wiley‎
#112 Alright, Check This Out, Product Of My Latest Thrifting Adventure - Alphonse Mucha Art Nouveau Zodiac Robe In Velvet Embellished With Sequins. I Almost Lost It When I Saw This Waiting Just For Me
Image credits: Eva Escalier
#113 Did Someone Order Delivery? I Was So Confused When I Saw A Dirty Pizza Box On The Goodwill Shelf. To My Surprise It Contained One Of My New Prized Possessions!
Image credits: Brenna Kay Monaghan
#114 We Stumbled Upon An Estate Sale At A Local Hobby Farm And In The Barn They Had A Bunch Of Vintage Hand Painted Signage From An Old Garden Center. We Scored This Whole Pile, About 14 Pieces, For A Mere Twenty Dollars! I’m Not Sure What Plant They Represent But I’m In Love With Them. They’ll Be Getting Coated In Sealant And Then Will Be Attached To The Fence In Our Garden.
Image credits: Malissa Franzen
#115 Found This Red Hearts Suit At An Op Shop In Hamilton, Nz For $30. It’s So Cheesy, It’s Lowkey Pretty Stylish. I Was Surprised How Well It Fit Haha
Image credits: JT Vineyard
#116 Found This Buried In $1 Bin At A Flea Market. Have No Idea How Old It Is.. Teeny Tiny Petoskey, Mi Postcard Book Keychain. Made In Italy. I Wonder If There Are More Of These For Different Cities.. I'd Love To Collect Them.
Image credits: Alyssa Halcomb
#117 Found At A Second Hand Store In North Dakota...giant Cutlery With Mushrooms!
Image credits: Maureen Healy
#118 Found This Amazing Sweatshirt This Morning At The Arc
Image credits: Hannah Rowton
#119 I Just Had My Best Yard Sale Story Ever
Saw an item that was posted on a neighborhood yard sale so decided to go check it out. I ended up not buying the thing I saw, but found a house with the most fun woman - she had these HUGE whimsical statues in her front yard, swore up a storm, claimed to be a mermaid, and repeatedly said that “brownies were life” (she was selling them at her sale and they were delicious!).
A man walked up and asked how much her mermaid statue was. Wait, what? It was part of her garden decor - they negotiated back and forth and she eventually sold this gorgeous metal mermaid for $25. I would have happily paid more and was heartbroken. I asked, “do you have any other yard items or outdoor decor? Will you sell your little gargoyle by the mailbox?”
“Nope, sorry,” she says, “he guards the mail.”
And then... a glimmer..... and you could see the lightbulb go off in her mind... and she says.... “OMG! Have I got the THING FOR YOU!” And she runs back into her garage and is moving stuff around, dragging boxes, making quite a ruckus and yells out to me... “I’ve got the best thing, but you have to commit to buy it - SIGHT UNSEEN! Once I bring it out, it’s going to cost more. Its $10 now!”
I peer into her garage and see the excitement all over her face and think, who am I to turn down a yard sale gambling opportunity?
“I’M IN! You’ve got yourself a deal!” I yell back.
And she lugs this dude out.
And I am deliriously happy.
Image credits: Drennan Lindsay
#120 Earlier Today I Saw This Large Copper Marlin At A Consignment Shop In Roseville, Mn. It Was $50 And I Don’t Need It, So I Took A Picture And Left It Behind. All Afternoon I Couldn’t Stop Thinking About It. It’s Totally Three Dimensional And Could Be Hung Facing Either Direction: So Cool And Versatile I Told Myself. Reminds Me Of Curtis Jere Mid Century Wallhangings. But It’s Ridiculous. I Live In Minnesota And Don’t Need A Big, Heavy Copper Marlin. I Showed The Picture I Took To My Husband, And I Asked Him To Tell Me It’s Ugly And Weird So I Can Stop Thinking About It...and Instead He Said “And You Didn’t Buy It?! Go Get It!” I Married A Person That Gets Me. ...and I Got The Fishy
Image credits: Mandi Smethells
#121 Random Pin I Noticed While Hiking.
Image credits: ‎Davey Ferry‎
#122 Most Excellent Painting Found At Value Vilage In Calgary. Titled (By Me): ‘I Will Shit On Everything You Love’.
Image credits: Leah Humphreys Peters
#123 A Blast From The Past At Goodwill! Only .99 Cents Each - I Bought Them All!
Image credits: Doris Urbaniak Britton
#124 Found On Fb Marketplace. $10. May I Present Supernintendo Chalmers.
Image credits: Jay Lingelbach
#125 Found At Sportswold Valie Village Kitchener. I Work In A Call Center. Left It Behind But Had A Laugh. (Long Time Lurker First Time Poster)
Image credits: Megan Michelle
#126 I Found This Manatee Skirt A Few Weeks Ago At Savers
Image credits: Allison Haile
#127 First Time Posting Found A New Friend Just Needs A Name. 3.00 Rummage Sale!
Image credits: Wendilee Bustamante
#128 I Saw A Facebook Post About A Neighbor Looking For A Good Home For This Tardis. Well, It's Now In My Driveway, Larger Than My Husband's Car And Will Be Taken Inside In Pieces So We Can Add Bookshelves And Make It A Game Cabinet
I saw a Facebook post about a neighbor looking for a good home for this Tardis. Well, it's now in my driveway, larger than my husband's car and will be taken inside in pieces so we can add bookshelves and make it a game cabinet. Yes, bigger on the inside. Now I need to make another trip about 2 hours to get the top with light and sound effects and the solid floor that may or may not be used. It was apparently built by a local band to use in a story telling competition and the drum major cane out once it was in the center of the field
Image credits: Jennifer Lovell
#129 Found This Peter Pan Snow Globe For $2.99 At A Goodwill In Atlanta!!
Image credits: Nicole Wallace
#130 When You See A Giant LEGO Head... You Must Buy The LEGO Head. Goodwill Jacksonville Does It Again $4.99 And It Sorts Your Legos. Throw A Cool, Flea Market Find Hat And Whhaaaaatttt... LEGO Indiana Jones
Image credits: Andrew Cassel
#131 I’m Driving Home, Minding My Own Business When Out Of The Corner Of My Eye I See Him Sitting There On The Side Of The Road, Looking Lonely And Dejected. I Turn Around Like A Scene From Dukes Of Hazard To Rescue Him From An Uncertain Fate. My Son Buckled Him In The Minivan And We Brought Him Home To Join Our Family And Start His New Life. Please Friends Help Us Name Our New Family Member. Cat Welcoming His New Brother For Scale In Comments.
Image credits: Amelia Green
#132 I Got This Amazing T-Shirt At A Second Hand Kilo Sale Today In Worthing UK. It’s A Bit Big But I Don’t Care, I Can Wear It To Bed. Chhhaaarrllliiee, We’re Going To Candy Mountain!! If You Know, You Know
Image credits: Miranda Leonie Washington
#133 I Love Ancient Antiques. The Old Stuff. But This Vintage, Tacky-Fabulous, Light On The Fb Marketplace For $25 Had My Number And I Gladly Drove A Total Of 1.5 Hours (Round Trip) To Make It Mine! Don’t Know Where I’ll Put It, Don’t Care
Image credits: Jennifer Walters
#134 I’ve Never Had Anything Worthy Of Posting To This Group. But This Weekend My Girlfriend And I Were Antique Shop Hopping When She Spotted This! It Did Not Come Home With Us Because I’m Pretty Sure It’s Haunted
Image credits: Astin Kirby
#135 When Do You Buy A 3 Foot Frank Sinatra Album? When You See It Of Course! $10 At A Yardsale Last Weekend. Now All I Need Is A Giant Record Player!
Image credits: Tom Diplock
#136 My Favorite Accidental Thrift Find! At A Second-Hand Store, My Daughter Found A (Rather Hideous) Embroidered Owl Pillow That She Had To Have. Based On The Colors, It Looked Like It Was Made In The 1970s And It Was Rather Flat And Uncomfortable. I Decided To Open It Up And Restuff It. To My Surprise, In Lieu Of Batting, It Was Stuffed With This Amazing Faux Denim Outfit! The Print Says "Everything Is Coming Up Roses." No Tags, I Assume It's Homemade. I Bribed My Son With An Extra Episode Of Paw Patrol To Model It For Me And It Fit Like A Glove!
Image credits: Ana Russo Pinkstaff
#137 My New Love ... My Families Not So Much. Found On Marketplace And Ran Over To Grab It .... Back Me Up Here! Husband Hates It. Green Spot Bot For Size And Obvious Reasons.... Have No Idea Where It Is From Or If It Is Old Or Newer. Frame Is Heavy And Chromalious!
Image credits: Petra Foo‎
#138 Goodwill Finds
Image credits: Sarah Martinez‎
#139 My Mother-In-Law And I Was Cleaning Out When She Moved, And Found This Amazing Weddingdress That Her Mother (My Husbands Grandmother) Used At Her Wedding. I Looked At It And Did Not Think It Would Fit At All. But Look! It Did! I'm Not Sure When They Got Married, But I Will Ask Her Tomorrow. Love These Treasures!
Image credits: Stine Sandstad
#140 Found This Hand Puppet At An Antique Store In Asheville. Yup, You Can Shove Your Hand Up Its Backside And Really Bring It To Life!! Looked Handmade. Stayed Right.where.it.was
Image credits: Katlen Joyce Smith
#141 This Lovely Lorax Chair Did Not Come Home With Me. Found At The Habit For Humanity Store In Allentown Pa
Image credits: Julia Stalke
#142 Went To A Thrift Store In Crawfordsville, Indiana Almost Came Home With Us Had My Husband Not Been Such A Pain
Image credits: Cyndi Graves
#143 We've Just Got Salvation Army Taste
Image credits: Adam Dickopf
#144 “Shoes” Found At The Goodwill In Plover, Wi Definitely Did Not Come Home With Me, So They’re Up For The Taking
Image credits: Sierra Nicole Sargent
#145 Look Who I Found At A Thrift Store Today For Only $3. Molly From The Big Comfy Couch
Image credits: Alejandra Flores
#146 50 Cents At A Church Resale Shop In Illinois And It Did Come Home With Me
Image credits: Andrea King
#147 I Just Picked This Up During My First Thrift Shopping Since Lockdown. I’m Kind Of Scared Of It
Image credits: John Broscoe
#148 Found Today At The Goodwill In Henrietta, NY. $2.99 Did Not Buy It, But It Gave Me A Good Laugh
Image credits: Wendy Welton Bennett
#149 Bought This Beast For 180 Well Spent Dollars Off Marketplace. Thrilled. Looks Like It Was Ripped Off The Set Of Gilmore Girls
Image credits: Brittany Fisher Weigle
#150 Bought This Large Stuffed Camel Today For $10 At A Yard Sale. I Love It Sooooooooo Much I'm Looking For Name Suggestions. The White Bead Teeth Are My Favorite Detail
Image credits: Christopher Adams‎
#151 Covid Has Had Me In Hermit Mode For A While, But I Had Some Time To Kill A Couple Days Ago And Had To Get A Quick Fix. Good Thing I Went Out Or Else I Wouldn't Have Ended Up With This Beautiful Piece Of Art. They Wanted $10 But I Haggled Them Down To $6. I Love Cats, Wine, And Old Ladies, So I Would Have Paid $10, But I Guess It Appeared I Was Hesitant, So They Asked How Low They Could Go If I'd Just Take It. I Said $5, They Countered With $6, And I Said Yes. Hell Yeah!
Image credits: Rebekah McArthur‎
#152 I Love Butterflies And Tea...bought This From A Goodwill In Connecticut For 59 Cents, Couldn’t Wait To Get It Home To See What It Did. Wow! I’ve Never Seen One Of These Before But Apparently They Were A Thing In The Recent Past, Does Anyone Else Own A “Wonder Mug”?
Image credits: Karen Mack
#153 I’m Pretty Pleased With This Epic Secondhand Find! We Have A Local Online Auction Site Here In Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, That I Often Use When I Need To Purchase Household Items For A Cheap Price. I Was On The Site Looking To Replace My Broken Kitchen Trashcan When These Funky Blue Men Caught My Eye. I Had No Idea What They Were, But After Googling A Bit I Discovered That They Were Called “Wall Climbers” and Could Be Found Hand Made On Sites Like Etsy For Around $40. I Discovered That This Art Form Was Originated By A Colombian Artist By The Name Of Ancizar Marin, Whose Original Works Are On Display In Musesms And Galleries Worldwide. So I Decided To Bid On Them, As They Were Only $10 At The Time. Unfortunately I Got Trapped In An Irrational Bidding War, Lost My Senses, And Bid All The Way To $93 For The 6 Figures, Which Was Way Over My $40 Limit. When I ‘Won,’ I Deeply Regretted My Impulse Buy As A Costly Mistake And Promised My Husband I Would Try To Resell Them Right Away. The Picture On The Auction Site Did Not Do Them Justice And I Really Had No Idea Quite How Gorgeous They Were Until I Picked Them Up. You Can’t Imagine How Excited I Was To Discover That I Had Bought Six Original Ancizar Marin Wall Climbers! i Found Several Galleries Selling His Climbers For $440 Each. (Did I Mention That I Splurged And Spent $93 For All 6 Of Them? ??) When I Brought Them Home, My Husband And Kids Loved Them As Much As I Did And They Are Now Proudly Hanging On A Previously Empty Stairwell Wall. (As A Side Note, It Turns Out That The Auction Company Was Selling Off The Physical Assets Of A Financial Company After The Sec Shut Them Down For Bilking Their Investors Of Over $100 Million Dollars In A Ponzi Scheme. Made Me Feel Less Guilty About Getting These Guys At Such A Deflated Price!)
Image credits: Mary DeVries Yager
#154 Came Across This Unique Piece Yesterday At An Antique Store . Fell In Love And I Had To Get It
Image credits: Karen Wright Elmore
#155 I Saw These Corny Shoes For $5.00 At West End Ministries Thrift Store In High Point Nc.... And Thought I Would Share Them With Y'all!!! ??? (((( Update Ok I Went And Bought The Damn Things... Now Wtf Do I Do With Them???)))
Image credits: Robin Jessica Varner
#156 Where Are My 90 Babies At?? Check Out These Gems I Found At A Yardsale!! Nickelodeon Was The Best. I Paid 1.00 For Both
Image credits: Haley Holland
#157 Going Thru Boxes Of Old Family Photos.... I Found These Of A Mermaid Sculpture My Grandfather Created
No idea if she is still out there somewhere. If so she'd be in the Chicago area. He never achieved fame but I have several of his pieces including a bust of my mother when she was 16 years old. I would LOVE to own this sculpture.... just not sure it exists anymore. (Pictures are of the pre-production piece in his workroom and the finished piece in place)
Image credits: April Langer Gibson
#158 I Finally Have Something To Share Here! Meet My Porch Lizard, Lizonardo Davinci! I Saw Him At My Landlord’s House And Fell In Love. She Was About To Get Rid Of Him And Said Her Husband Would Bring Him To Me! He Was Originally From The Mississippi River Museum, But They Got Him From A Friend Several Years Ago. No Idea How Their Friend Wound Up With Him. Lol I Have Caught My Neighbors Taking Pictures With Him And It’s My Favorite Thing. Someday I Will Repaint Him And Figure Out How To Get Him Properly Clothed, But For Now, I Love Him The Way He Is!
Image credits: Julia Frank
#159 Saved This Totally Legit “Plush Animatronic Baby Yoda” From The Trash Bin At My Brother’s House. The Ad May Have Over Exaggerated. It Looks Like It’s Made Of Latex Formed Around A Hastily Made Handmade Mould. At Least It’ll Have A Happy Life As A Halloween Decoration At My Place.
Image credits: ‎Laura Glaeser‎
from Funny – Bored Panda https://ift.tt/32s8PKD via IFTTT from Blogger https://ift.tt/35zVzoY
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theelliottsmiths · 5 years
How important is the cover of a book to you when choosing books?
Bad covers don't make me less likely to read a book unless it's part of a genre pattern I don't care for. A lot of older books (especially the mid 1900s, wtf happened?) are ugly and it's not their fault.
I like a nice cover, obviously, and if there are multiple covers for a book I'll seek out the nicer one (see: the Southern Reach books, I have and adore this version and also have the matching collected hardcover) and have a couple of times bought another copy of a book because of the covers (I have two copies of all the first two ambergris books and Veniss Underground because new ones came out that are fucking gorgeous, sidenote why is Veniss Underground the third one when it's 1. Not an ambergris books and 2. Finch is an ambergris book currently out of print).
I don't like tie-in versions, mostly because they're out of place in a series, I don't like the real people in covers thing and the tone always feels wrong, but I appreciate why they happen.
And obviously, especially at the library, a cool/eye-catching cover helps. I picked up one of my all time favourite books because of the cover: If I had seen any of the other versions I would have for sure not bothered
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Warning: if you decide to read it be aware that it's so much sadder than it sounds. Yes, it's a tale of friendship and animals and a whaling ship etc but also it gets very... HMS Erebus, if you get my meaning.
Ps. If you're a publisher and you decide it's okay to change the cover pattern or size of the books halfway through I despise you. All of the first four Peter Grant books are the same size, then there was one of those super massive paperbacks, then a mass market paperback only, and then the covers changed from different colours to cream red and purple. It looks very cool but the fuck, guys?
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trans-girl-sonic · 7 years
Your blog is really funny. False accusations against artists being pedophiles, but also transforming everything and everything into homosexuals or trans, whether it's been canon or not. Hope to see more laughable postings in the future!
Teen Boat! Kindle Editionby Dave Roman  (Author), John Green  (Illustrator)3.8 out of 5 stars    24 customer reviews See all 3 formats and editionsKindle $9.99Read with Our Free App
Hardcover $8.0536 Used from $2.0027 New from $4.743 Collectible from $9.80
Length: 144 pages Age Level: 12 and up Grade Level: 7 and upAvailable on these devices Due to its large file size, this book may take longer to download
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Product detailsFile Size: 70468 KBPrint Length: 144 pagesPublisher: Clarion Books (May 8, 2012)Publication Date: May 8, 2012Sold by: Houghton Mifflin HarcourtLanguage: EnglishASIN: B005OC305GText-to-Speech: Not enabled  X-Ray:Not Enabled  Word Wise: Not EnabledLending: Not EnabledEnhanced Typesetting: Not Enabled  Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #2,065,292 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)#164 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Teen & Young Adult > Literature & Fiction > Action & Adventure > Pirates#293 in Books > Teens > Literature & Fiction > Action & Adventure > Pirates#1164 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Teen & Young Adult > Literature & Fiction > Social & Family Issues > Emotions & FeelingsWould you like to tell us about a lower price?Related media
1:58Now Playing Teen BoatMore about the authorsDiscover books, learn about writers, read author blogs, and more.John GreenJohn Green FollowFollow on AmazonFollow authors to get new release updates, plus improved recommendations and more coming soon.Learn More
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Ad feedback Customer Reviews3.8 out of 5 stars243.8 out of 5 stars5 star 50%4 star 13%3 star 17%2 star 12%1 star 8%Share your thoughts with other customersWrite a customer reviewSee all verified purchase reviewsTop Customer Reviews
5.0 out of 5 starsPouring the Teen Angst on so Thick that You’re Going to Need a Bilge Pump IByFredTownWardVINE VOICEon November 6, 2015Format: Hardcover|Verified PurchaseThis prequel to Teen Boat! The Race for Boatlantis is one of the funniest things I’ve ever read. The parodies are laid on thick and fast. About the only nit I can offer up is that this book is much more episodic than the second one, and some of the chapters work better than others.Comment|Was this review helpful to you?YesNoReport abuse5.0 out of 5 starsTHIS BOOK IS HILARIOUSByElaine Ritteron December 31, 2013Format: Hardcover|Verified PurchaseThis is quite possibly one of the funniest things I have ever read in my entire life. I was laughing the entire way through, cover to cover. I’m actually not sure what target audience this book was aiming at, because there are definitely some off-color sexual jokes throughout. I don’t think I would recommend this book to children, but it’s perfect for teens and adults. I loved it so much I ordered a second copy for a White Elephant Christmas gift and it was a hit!!Comment|Was this review helpful to you?YesNoReport abuse5.0 out of 5 starsTeen BoatByJoseph R. Romanon June 11, 2012Format: Hardcover|Verified PurchaseJust love Dave Romans new book. I am a fan of his work.He writes really great stuff for kids to read.Hes a kid at heart,and he knows what kids like to read.Comment| 2 people found this helpful. Was this review helpful to you?YesNoReport abuse5.0 out of 5 starsFive StarsByAmazon Customeron June 28, 2016Format: Kindle Edition|Verified PurchaseAmazing book for speech and debate.Comment|Was this review helpful to you?YesNoReport abuse4.0 out of 5 starsSaturday morning cartoon spoofByLivianiaVINE VOICEon June 5, 2012Format: Hardcover|Vine Customer Review of Free Product( What’s this? )Collaborators Dave Roman and John Green originally published the TEEN BOAT! mini-comic through their own Cryptic Press. You can still visit the old websites associated with that version of the comic. TEEN BOAT! won an Ignatz Award and now it is available in a full color version with extra comics and other bonus material.
The art of TEEN BOAT! is clean with easy-to-distinguish and consistent character designs. The girls aren’t overly sexified either. They look like teen girls and their designs are stylized the same as the guys. The art doesn’t stand out from the crowd, but it is definitely not hideous. And believe me, you’d be surprised how many comics and graphic novels get published with awful art.
TEEN BOAT! first came onto my radar when I read the AV Club review praising its light parody of Saturday morning cartoons. After reading it myself, I cannot come up with a better description than that. TEEN BOAT! is an updated, self-aware Saturday morning cartoon that invites the reader to laugh at the ridiculous premise and plots and enjoy the story anyway.
The protagonist of TEEN BOAT! is actually named TEEN BOAT! He’s a high school student who can turn into a boat at will, but must turn into a boat when wet. He gets in and out of trouble, dates an Italian gondola, and runs for class president. Like most teen guys, he’s pretty self-absorbed. One of the running gags is how he doesn’t notice that his best friend is both into him and has shape-changing abilities of her own.
Older teens will probably find TEEN BOAT! too short and silly. But hey, I’m an adult and thought it was cute. TEEN BOAT! is probably best for tweens, especially ones that still enjoy the cheesiness of Saturday morning cartoons. There is some underage drinking and gambling, but it the protagonist does not partake and the behavior is punished.Read moreComment| 4 people found this helpful. Was this review helpful to you?YesNoReport abuse3.0 out of 5 starsNO WAY, JOSE!ByFrequent BuyerTOP 500 REVIEWERon June 2, 2012Format: Hardcover|Vine Customer Review of Free Product( What’s this? )Beware!! This gal’s got her Mom-Review Hat On…
I actually requested this book to see what the team of Roman and Green were up to; and with a mind to finding out whether this might be the beginning of a series I could introduce to my 10 year-old son…
…BUT NO WAY, JOSE. I might let a ’d-mn’ slide but it’s not cool with this helicopter mom to have marijuana, drinking and smoking (cigarettes this time) mentioned like it’s no big deal. [Not to mention that ‘getting to second base’ would have to be explained.] Sooo, me in my-mom-hat will not be suggesting this book for Tweens.
Which leaves the question of who it would be good for. Here’s my opinion:
No - for adults. There was some funny stuff here, but not enough to make it worth the effort.
No - for Tweens. At least if you’re a mom like me. If your child is already rolling their own, they might enjoy it.
Yes - for guys 13-16 years, if they feel like a fun read that’s based on goofy humor.
Yes - possibly for girls 13 - 15 years if they like non-violent graphic novels. Romance is the focal point of the stories. And I particularly like the sections that dealt with where Teen Boat (that’s his name) fell in love with a gondola named Risatina.
Maybe - for guys older than 16, but honestly all of the things I thought were inappropriate for younger kids, is going to be too bland for mosts tastes at this age. I mean, no super cool artwork, and no ultra violence or women with extravagant 'attributes’...I’m divided on this one and not prepared to give it a definitive thumbs-down because there might be a guy out there that will be motivated to pick up more books if he starts on this one. However, that said TEEN BOAT is just got the wrong synergy going. On the one hand it’s childish but has inappropriate things for children, and one the other hand it’s not sophisticated enough for most Young Adults, which leaves it possibly right for that thin band in between: 13-15 year olds.
Pam T~putting away her MOM-hatRead more4 comments| 5 people found this helpful. Was this review helpful to you?YesNoReport abuseSee all verified purchase reviews (newest first)Write a customer review
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3.0 out of 5 starsShallow and not-quite-funnyStock characters and situations pulled from Judy Blume and John Hughes. Heavy-handed metaphors for teen angst. It’s all part of the joke, right?Read morePublished 1 year ago by Irene Ringworm5.0 out of 5 starsA BOAT load of fun!!!!A great success! My Son LOVES It!!! He couldn’t put it down until he was done!! A MOST AWESOME BOOK…my sons says “I just like it a real lot!!”Published 1 year ago by I am a Children’s Librarian5.0 out of 5 starsIt’s very simpleTEEN! BOAT!! What more do you need? All the angst of being a teen … all the thrill of being a boat!Published on October 5, 2014 by Jennifer5.0 out of 5 starsWacky, silly funNot every book comes with a fool-proof litmus test, but this one certainly does. Just read the tag-line on the cover:
The angst of being a teen!Read morePublished on September 3, 2012 by Andrew C Wheeler4.0 out of 5 starsJoin the Adventure!This book immediately jumped out at me as I began reading because of the wonderful illustrations and vibrant colors, and the story didn’t disappoint.Read morePublished on July 21, 2012 by A. Lynn4.0 out of 5 starsFun parodyTeenBoat! is a one-trick pony. Whether or not you’re entertained will depend entirely on how much you like that trick.Read morePublished on July 18, 2012 by A. Reid5.0 out of 5 starsIf I’m any judge at all as to what teens will laugh at…This graphic short story collection is ridiculous, silly, and hilarious. It pokes fun at the genre, at the way teens are often portrayed, and yet, from my understanding of…Read morePublished on June 20, 2012 by Neal Reynolds2.0 out of 5 starsConcept Fail.Some things that are completely absurd can also be funny. This is not one of those cases.
The entire premise is ridiculous and simply doesn’t work.Read morePublished on June 13, 2012 by Hedera Femme1.0 out of 5 starsNot RecommendedI thought I was getting a fun, innocent little book. But no, it is not. The book is boring, plus there is profanity and mention of unmentionable things such as smoking, etc.Read morePublished on June 6, 2012 by AndreaSearch Customer Reviews
SearchSet up an Amazon GiveawayTeen Boat!Amazon Giveaway allows you to run promotional giveaways in order to create buzz, reward your audience, and attract new followers and customers. Learn more about Amazon GiveawayThis item: Teen Boat!Set up a giveaway
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Day 92: The things I read...
I am a reader. I love to read. LOVE. I’ve read two books in the last two weeks and am a third of the way through another, which I started at lunch today. I read fast, and when I get engaged in a story - which is sometimes from page one but many times after a chapter or two - I can hardly stand to put a book down. I stayed up too late the other night finishing one of those books and could easily stay up all night to finish the one I’m reading now. But part of me wants to wait a bit so I can hang out with these characters a bit more. I just love to read! I love to escape into the land the characters inhabit whether that’s the north side of Chicago (in my current book), a dystopian future on an unknown planet, Victorian Europe or the streets of New York City. It’s probably the most relaxing thing I do other than actually going to the spa. 
When I was a kid I was all about Nancy Drew. I read all of them and over the years have been picking up old copies from used bookstores to rebuild my collection. But it wasn’t just about Nancy…I read everything I could get my hands on and for several years read above my grade level. In high school I read fiction, primarily that which was written by Stephen King. I mean he did write a book about me after all. Fine, it wasn’t really about me but at least he spelled my name right. After high school I lost interest in reading, likely because college requires a different kind of reading and I felt like I couldn’t read anything else. When you’re required to read something the joy of it is completely lost. 
Somewhere toward the end of college I picked up a little non-required reading when Field of Dreams came out. After seeing the movie I decided I wanted to read the book, Shoeless Joe, by WP Kinsella. And then I wanted to read other books about baseball, and for a year or so that’s all I read. Then came grad school and well, it was back to a different kind of reading. 
At some point my mind shifted and I only had a desire to read non-fiction, so I read more books about baseball, biographies and autobiographies and that sort of thing. I read semi-regularly but I wouldn’t have called myself a reader, which seems insane now, but you know, life changes and many things change along with it.
After grad school and my year-long internship I started reading a lot of Christian books, many by Chuck Swindoll, designed to inspire and motivate, and I loved them. I know now I was really trying to figure out who I was and where I belonged. I knew I was a Christian but I never felt like I totally fit in. I read books about being single and how that was okay and how I should wait for Mr. Right (still waiting by the way, but that’s a separate blog). I read very little else during this time of my life and while I read a lot I don’t think I would have called myself a reader. I’m a tiny bit embarrassed to tell you that I read the entire Left Behind series. Yes. Every. Single. Book. And I think I even knew they weren’t great as I was reading them but for some reason I didn’t feel like I would be a good Christian if I didn’t read them. Trust me, I know better now. But beyond those books, I was still reading primarily non-fiction, and I might have said I liked to read but I wouldn’t have said I was a reader.
But then came a little series of books about a young wizard with a lightning bolt scar on his forehead. I heard about the books but didn’t actually care until then I started seeing the preview for the first movie, and I knew I needed to read the book before it came out. So I bought the paperback and read it on a plane ride to visit my mom. I finished it that night. To be fair, the first book is pretty short. While on vacation I bought books two and three, also in paperback, and I read one while I was there and the other on my way home, finishing it shortly after I got back. And then I had to WAIT. Book four wasn’t out yet and I was dying. I needed it. But here’s the other thing you need to know…I decided that since I started buying the series in paperback that I couldn’t buy the hardcover version. This is still a thing for me with all the books I buy. So I waited for the paperback to come out. I know! It seems insane now. Like I couldn’t check it out from the library or just download a digital version? Maybe digital versions weren’t a thing then. Anyway, the point is, Harry Potter made me a reader again, and I will forever be grateful to JK Rowling for that. I now own all the books in paperback and actually own a hardcover set of the UK versions, which is actually pretty cool.
And then came chick lit and authors like Jane Green and Jennifer Weiner who made me realize that it was okay to be smart and single and that if I was myself the right guy would come along (still waiting!). I found other authors through them, and then…well, then my closest friend on the planet wrote and published her first novel and my world of reading changed dramatically.
First and foremost, reading Tasha’s books (Tasha Alexander…look her up and buy all of her books!) made me realize that I actually like historical fiction and mystery. To be fair, there’s a little romance in them, too, and that certainly doesn’t hurt. I have learned so much about writing and reading and the world of publishing from Tasha, and it’s all made me love reading even more. It’s certainly made me a better writer, and I get giddy every time she sends me an early draft to read. 
Through Tasha I found other genres and other authors - several of whom I now consider good friends. I jump from the cozy mysteries of Laura Bradford (aka Elizabeth Lynn Casey) to the thrillers of Andrew Grant (Tasha’s husband) to the delightful novels of Renee Rosen and Allie Larkin and Christine Son (now Fickel) and the genius that is Bill Cameron. While Bill’s thriller series was a little extreme for me, his new young adult series is one of my favorites - I need more Joey in my life, sir! And there are more. So many more. And of course I continue to find other authors as I explore bookstores, where I usually get myself in far too much trouble but I don’t even care. They’re books!! I do have an eReader but if given the choice, I will always, always, always choose the physical book. There’s just nothing like the feel of the paper, the way the spine cracks, and the way the cover invites me in.
In the past few years I’ve also Kickstarted a couple of books by new authors and without the magic of the internet I never would have known about them. Had I seen the books in the store I’m not sure I would have read them but after supporting them through the process of making the books, I count them among my favorites: Nick Miller’s Isn’t It Pretty to Think So? and Jack Cheng’s These Days: A Novel. I discovered Nick Miller on tumblr and his book was the first project I ever backed. I love that. 
So yeah…now I read all the time. And it’s primarily fiction but I jump around from genre to genre as I mentioned above. The last two books I read were young adult novels - Paper Boats by Dee Lestari and Flower by Elizabeth Craft. I found both of these randomly while searching for other things. That is quite often how I find some of my favorite reads. The book I’m currently reading, Windfall, is the latest novel from one of my favorite YA authors, Jennifer E Smith. Honestly, since I decided I didn’t actually have to be a young adult to read YA books, it’s become my favorite genre. I still love good chick lit, which most seem to call women’s fiction now - Sarah Pekkanen, Allison Winn Scotch, Alyssa Goodnight, and of course, the wonderful Jane Green, who I will never get enough of. I love cozy mysteries and historical fiction and while I’ve tried to love thrillers the truth is, I really just love Andrew and his are the only ones I read. 
I can’t fully explain why I love YA so much. Maybe it’s the joy of living a youth I didn’t experience. Maybe it’s the fact that I’m almost 50 and I want to relive some of those younger days. Mostly I think it’s just the fact that I love good stories and YA authors write some of the best ones around. Don’t even bother trying to argue that point with me. You will lose. The fact is, I’m young at heart. I tell people all the time that I’m actually 12 so it makes sense that this is my favorite genre. 
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This has been a very long post but clearly I’m passionate about this topic. I came by it very naturally. Both of my parents are avid readers - mostly non-fiction for them, and my step parents are readers, too. Between the five of us we probably own 3 million books. That might be a slight exaggeration. Or it might not be.
If you stuck it out this long, thanks! If you just skimmed and got to this part more quickly than others, that’s okay. Now you’ve got more time to read a book. See what I did there? 
So tell me…what do you love to read?
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fic-dreamin · 7 years
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book 10 out of 10. box and sleeve 9 out of 10. plastic autobot book holder 4 out of 10. Glad i got it! I love transformers and from one fan to another.... just buy the d@#! thing. The book is the meat and potatoes of this package and its worth it. Great art, well written and there are pictures in here i have never seen anywhere else. The sleve covering the box this comes in is fantastic. The plastic autobot book holder is not going to impress anyone. Its weak and flimsy and the sound.. well that wont impress anyone either. It is however a good looking peice of merchandise when hung on the wall like it can also do. Over all im glad i have this to add to my collection as any transformer fan would be. Go to Amazon
Dive deepr into transformer universe origin!!! This is a must have for any transformer fan that wants to dive deeper in the origin of how the transformer universe came to be. This is a high quality product with a really cool gimmick that has a transforming case locking away this hardcover book. Go to Amazon
The case makes a neat wall piece but is made from plastic so will probably not hold up to a great deal of handling and repeated If you are a transformers collector this is definatly worth getting for the book alone. A very interesting history fill in on the past transformers. Be aware though this history is based on the Tranformers Prime version of the characters not on the original 80's characters. The case makes a neat wall piece but is made from plastic so will probably not hold up to a great deal of handling and repeated use. Go to Amazon
My son has been into transformers since he was 3 and was mesmerized about the history of the transformers provided and the nice My 11 year old son purchased this book with money that he got for his birthday and he absolutely loves it! My son has been into transformers since he was 3 and was mesmerized about the history of the transformers provided and the nice pictures provided in the book as well. This is an phenomenal buy for the ultimate transformer lover and you will be amazed at the awesome packaging case to keep the book secure! Go to Amazon
A gift from Alpha Trion Let's just say I had a fangirl attack when I opened this up...And it did not dissapoint. The case, which opens up to reveal the book, feels a little flimsy so be careful with it, but I have it mounted on my wall (it has the tack hole in the back for that) so it doesn't get damaged. The book has beautiful art and detailed information from the creation of the Thirteen Primes to the Earthfall. If you love Transformers, this is a must have! Go to Amazon
A nice read into the history of the Primes Im a fan of the transformers mythology and when I found out the were publishing the Covenant of Primus I just had to buy it. The artwork is very easy on the eyes and the story of the Primes was fascinating. For all the transformers fans out there this book is definitely a must have. Go to Amazon
As a fan... Book was awesome. Loved the photos. Only downfall is the actual plastic holder. It's VERY VERY flimsy. The "sound" that comes out sounds awful like it's coming out of a broken speaker. I thought paying 60 bucks on this they would spend more attention to things like that. I've also bought the Sith Holocron and it was the same price as this and it was a way better product. It had moving parts and the sound was awesome. The book was smaller but very detailed. Go to Amazon
Rad Must for any TF fan as I bought 2 and didn't open the other one in hopes it is worth some money later on so I don't have to work the rest of my life :) Go to Amazon
Oh my Primus I love this book Giant autobot symbol rules Five Stars Perfect gift for the Transformer "Purist" Cheap case, great book amizing book Great gift for any Transformer fan! Five Stars YOU WILL NOT REGRET BUYING THIS Prefect for a Transformers Fan
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flowing-paint · 7 years
Dark Imperium
So I finally gave in. I jumped on the Warhammer 40k 8th edition bandwagon. It was faster and easier than I thought though. I still have some mixed feelings about it but overall I’m glad that I did it.
Games Workshop products are known for two things: 1) they probably are the best sculptures around with the finest details 2) they are insanely expensive. Notice I did not say overpriced 'cause you get what you pay for but still, they cost you an arm and a leg. This is the main reason that was holding me back from diving directly in. This and the fluff which I am not really sure I will ever be able to fully embrace. I mean, a fascist Roman empire in the far future? Duh...!
Anyway... how did I end up starting collecting Warhammer 40k do you ask? I was drinking a beer in Kobe Chinatown with my good board gamer friend when he described me a "Dark Imperium" unboxing he saw and how cool those miniatures looked. As a long-time tabletop wargamer, I knew what he was talking about and that’s probably why I was instantly sold. Also, why I should not decide to buy stuff when semi-drunk: the last thing I know is that I went back with a sense of urgency to scan the whole eBay for the cheapest Dark Imperium deal available. I found a pretty solid deal so I asked my friend how was he feeling about that and I got a weird and certainly unexpected answer: I’m going to London next week, I’ll take care of it. And he sure did. He came back to Japan with a big bag full of presents:
Dark Imperium starter box
1 extra rulebook
2 measuring tapes (GW original)
All for half the price you can get for just the starter box in this overpriced country. I have to admit, this was a great Christmas present.
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The miniatures
I am pretty sure you all know about the Dark Imperium contents but the other day when I was trying to get a full list of the miniatures in the box I wasn’t able to find one in the first Google search page so I’ll make one. Let’s see what you get in the Dark Imperium box.
Primaris Space Marines
1 Captain
2 Lieutenants
1 Ancient
10 Intercessors
3 Interceptors
5 Hellblasters
Death Guard
1 Lord of Contagion
1 Noxious Blightbringer
1 Malignant Plaguecaster
7 Plague Marins
1 Foetid Bloat-drone
20 Poxwalkers
You get a total of 53 miniatures which is probably a lot even if I feel like the rulebook covers a big portion of the cost. As usual with GW starter sets you also get unique characters and they probably add a lot of value to the box anyway.
All the miniatures you get are provided in the new GW scale which means they are 32 mm. Roughly. Of course, according to GW’s official take on the matter, the new Primaris marines were bred to be bigger and stronger than ever but this doesn’t explain why the dudes in the Death Guard grew accordingly. Maybe the power of Nurgle? Or the power of the new GW board members trying to drive new blood in the game? I don’t care: the new sculpts are exceptionally good. Like good good good... they look easy to paint with abundant but still fairly large details and with some reasonable color scheme suggestion that can make painting them a breeze, even for beginners. In twenty years I’ve seen miniatures from all the possible sources, old GW, Reaper, Fantasy Flight games, Megacon Games, etc. etc. and the level these new minis reached is amazing. I can imagine that painting them will be a lot of fun. Not to mention that this box contains a figure that is probably one of the best GW miniatures ever: the Lord of Contagion.
The factions
As you can see in the previous section, the two factions that come in the box are the Primaris Space Marines and the Death Guard. Splitting between two friends we had to decide which faction to go with but we both agreed it could be better for him to stick to the marines: first, he likes the looks best and second, they’re easier to paint for a beginner. So I got to pick up the Death guard because models are more complex and you may agree with me that they may represent a fair challenge even for an experienced painter.
Wandering around the internet to see the whole army points you get, I found this thread on Reddit where they did some calculations: like all GW starter sets, the good guys are slightly overpowered, with the Space Marines scoring around 100 points of overhead in respect to the Death Guard. I don’t mind losing games so I don’t care that much but I saw the very same thing in the Age of Sigmar starter set where the Stormcast are way more powerful than the Korne dudes. In addition to this issue, the total points seem to be pretty low (don’t even know on which base I am saying this but bear with me) so we both decided to add some extra units to pump up the fun a little bit: you don’t get a super-powerful army from a starter set. As far as I know, my friend bought some Reavers, a Librarian and a bunch of the Space Marine Heroes (Japan limited edition) so he now has something like 4 or 5 HQs to choose from together with some ranks. I will describe my additions in the details below.
The rulebook
The last time I had a full (physical) rulebook from Games Workshop was back in the days of Warhammer Fantasy Battles 4th edition. I also had two army books (one for my Lizardmen and one for my Dark Elves armies). All the books were that kind of softcover with the glue binding on the side. I’m not a librarian so I don’t know the appropriate term to describe them. On the contrary, the new 40k 8th edition rulebook is hardcover and packed full of gorgeous imagery and fluff. It reminds me the special edition of the Mercs 2.0 rulebook. As per new GW policy, they tend not to show you drawings or renderings but more dioramas with full armies on display: case in point, the AoS books with lots of army photography but almost no drawings. I guess this way the result turns out cheaper for them. The WH40k 8th edition book, however, is packed of full-page (kickass) drawings up to the level that it feels very much the same as the old-school GW manuals but with a more high-quality look and feel. In a couple words? Fucking awesome. It’s so good that I went through it a few times and I still have to get a glimpse at the rules. Enough said.
Death Guard reinforcements
As my friend started buying a lot of additional figures I had to do the same. I did it my way, though. As usual, the first addition I did was some crap I found on the eBay (almost) for free. The auction was for 5 old Plague Marines and 5 old Chaos Space Marines (all painted). The price was more than fair as they turned out around 1$ per unit. I wanted them as test models anyway. I also got 10 Tyranid gargoyles for the same price, so good deal overall.
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With such an ugly paint job, the idea was to strip them and make a tutorial out of the process, unfortunately, they were painted with some sort of metallic enamel and the paint did not fall off completely even after immersion in pure ethanol. I just primed on top of the old crappy colors and used them as test models. I had the insane idea to use pre-heresy Death Guard colors, a scheme that unfortunately involves a lot of white in the process and you all know how difficult is to paint a smooth white if you are not using an airbrush. So, God knows I needed some testing before hitting the road with the bigger new models. Talking about bigger models: the eBay dudes are 2nd edition figures so take a look what happens if you place them side by side with the new ones! I’m gonna call them my “baby plague marines” ‘cause they’re tiny!
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The big boy in the pic is another of the reinforcements I got (together with some Poxwalkers), just a normal “push fit” easy to build plague marine. Despite being of different size, they will probably work well together on the battlefield as my friend is not terribly WYSIWYG but the style is still quite different. I was however surprised to see how the new sculpts are a straight evolution from the old ones: they have very similar features and you effectively feel like you are painting the same faction. Even after twenty years. I guess that showcasing the same colors and being slightly loose on the weapons etc. will do it. You can see the color scheme I chose in the picture below.
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You have way more possibilities to get out some kickass effects on new models but the overall look-and-feel should be close to this one. It makes me feel good to see that even in this test stage it looks way better than the green metallic dude so I just cannot wait to paint my first new-era plague marine.
The last piece I bought is, again, another somewhat strange addition: Typhus. One of the named characters in the army. If you head to the GW page or Google for him, you can find many pictures and that’s exactly what I did. The only problem here is that the new sculpt looks super cartoonish and it’s simply not credible as a man-killing soulless machine. I do think the new sculpture is gorgeous, don’t take me wrong, but it doesn’t match the whole Death Guard look: I mean, he has smoke coming out with big mosquitoes and a Nurgling hugging him! Naah... I’ll pass on this sculpt. What do you guys think about him?
I still had to do something to add this dude to my army so I just headed to the Forgeworld page and grabbed the Horus Heresy special edition Character.
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Oooh, yeah! Now we’re talking. This is what I call “Death Guard” look! Even for WYSIWYG purposes, he counts exactly as his future-self but with that badass factor that blows my mind. They also cost exactly the same amount of money so this one was a no-brainer: I pulled the trigger in the fraction of a second and the model is now flying over Russia, eastbound. Cannot wait to put my hands on him!
Ok, I wrote enough words on this. It’s time to get some paint flowing and see what I can do with a new model and my pre-heresy color scheme. I can already see a step-by-step tutorial coming in the future on how to paint Death Guard in these colors. You guys let me know what you think and stay tuned for the updates!
... game on!
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popofventi · 7 years
Mental Yoga Sunday / 5 Favorite Long Form Reads This Week / Issue No. 19
"Poirot," I said. "I have been thinking." "An admirable exercise my friend. Continue it."  -- Agatha Christie, Peril at End House
Mental Yoga Sunday posts are meant to be like a big mute button you aim at the rest of the world. Just you, your chair, a mug, a spot next to a dust-filled sunny spot or a rainy window. Take in a long form read...sip by sip.
Snopes And The Search For Facts In A Post-Fact World (Wired)
"Feeling depressed about the conflation of fiction and fact in the first few months of 2017, I steered a car into the hills of Calabasas to meet with one person whom many rely on to set things straight. This is an area near Los Angeles best known for its production of Kardashians, but there were no McMansions on the street where I was headed, only old, gnarled trees and a few modest houses. I spotted the one I was looking for—a ramshackle bungalow—because the car in the driveway gave it away. Its license plate read SNOPES.
David Mikkelson, the publisher of the fact-checking site Snopes.com, answered the door himself. He was wearing khakis and a polo shirt, his hair at an awkward length, somewhere between late-­career Robert Redford and early-­career Steve Carell. He had been working alone at the kitchen table, with just a laptop, a mouse, and the internet. The house, which he was getting ready to sell, was sparsely furnished, the most prominent feature being built-in bookcases filled with ancient hardcovers—“there’s a whole shelf devoted to the Titanic and other maritime disasters,” Mikkelson told me—and board games, his primary hobby.
Since about 2010, this house has passed for a headquarters, as Snopes has no formal offices, just 16 people sitting at their laptops in different rooms across the country, trying to swim against the tide of spin, memes, and outright lies in the American public sphere. Just that morning Mikkelson and his staff had been digging into a new presidential tweet of dubious facticity: “122 vicious prisoners, released by the Obama Administration from Gitmo, have returned to the battlefield. Just another terrible decision!” Trump had the correct total, but the overwhelming number of those detainees had been released during the George W. Bush administration. “There’s a whole lot of missing context to just that 122 number,” Mikkelson said." - Read Full Story
On Kindness, My Mother is Sick by Cord Jefferson
"For a few weeks one summer, when I was about eight or nine, my family and I road-tripped from our home in Tucson to the Grand Canyon and then up to Yosemite National Park. We hiked and played and slept for days amid some of the world’s most majestic natural beauty, and yet I can tell you almost nothing about what Yosemite or the Grand Canyon are like from the inside. Instead, my most powerful memory from that trip is an afternoon spent at the beach during a brief stop in Los Angeles.
On that day, the heat was the humid kind that mingles with L.A.’s smog to make everything look thick and dull, as if you were watching the world through wax paper. While my parents read paperback novels and played backgammon, I divided my time between juggling a soccer ball on the beach and swimming in the ocean to cool off. I sprinted back and forth between the two activities for hours, until the setting sun instigated a mass dispersal, when all the beachgoers turning their heads to flick sand from their towels looked like parts of some grand choreographed routine.
As my family and others packed up our bags, I noticed a group of people several plots away from us who appeared to be in no hurry to beat the traffic. It was three young men and two young women, sun-kissed and attractive in a way that they would have looked at home on a cheap picture postcard people send from Santa Monica to Cincinnati. At first I only noticed the group’s peals of laughter, hysterical and unabashed, and I considered how wonderful it must be to be old enough to go to the beach without your parents. And then I saw who they were laughing at." - Read Full Story
Hot Meals and Cold Cases: Solving Crimes at the Detectives’ Lunch Club (Mental Floss)
"On a brisk day last November, law enforcement professionals and forensic scientists crowded into a dining room at the Union League in downtown Philadelphia to eat lunch and stare at photos of dead bodies. The contrast was startling: fine steaks served on white china, sumptuous wallpaper dimly lit by elegant candelabra, and blood and limbs projected onto a screen. Tucked into the back of the room, I struggled to keep down my coffee. My tablemates, most of them graying and austere, clad in smart, dark suits, seemed unbothered.
“Can you make the picture a little bigger?” shouted one.
“It’s hard to see the hands,” added another.
The hands in question belonged to David Hayes, a retiree from a small town in Nebraska. Two years earlier, in the fall of 2010, an intruder had broken into the back door of a condo owned by David and his wife, Joan.* David was savagely shot and bludgeoned to death; Joan was stabbed repeatedly in the chest and face. A pocketknife emblazoned with the logo of the Nebraska State Police was found buried in Joan’s sternum.
The details mystified police. Nothing appeared stolen. Joan was posed in a sexual way—her nightgown jimmied up around her neck, her legs splayed apart. Rings of table salt were spread in careful circles around the bodies. The pages of a rare edition of the Bible were scattered over David’s corpse, and there were multiple, careful stab wounds around his eyes.
After two years of investigation, the case was ice-cold. So in late 2012, David Schumann and Pete Webber, the Nebraska cops running the case, packed information on the Hayes murders into manila envelopes and sent them to the headquarters of the Vidocq (pronounced vee-dock) Society, a crime-solving organization founded in 1990 by a group of forensics specialists. Well-known in law enforcement circles, the Vidocq Society is a last resort—it’s where cops turn when every lead has come to naught. For Schumann and Webber, it was their best and perhaps last hope for a break. If the Vidocq Society couldn’t crack the case, nobody could." - Read Full Story
Going Underground: Inside the World of the Mole-Catchers (The Guardian)
"...But after he retired five years ago, Page expanded his back lawn and the moles became more persistent. As more and more molehills sprung up, Page came to feel as if their labours were engineered to produce in him the maximum anguish. He purchased traps at the garden centre, but they would often remain unsprung or – worse – sprung and empty.
He decided to escalate his counter-assault. During a stopover in Amsterdam, he bought a pungent bag of flower bulbs advertised as a natural mole deterrent. (The moles didn’t mind.) Next, he installed a solar-powered mole repeller, a torpedo-shaped device that emits vibrations that are supposed to keep the moles away. (The moles carried on.) He tried flooding them out with a water hose. (Moles are strong swimmers.) Finally, he tried suffocating them with the exhaust of his lawnmower. (Moles can survive in low‑oxygen environments.)
Page knew it wasn’t healthy to go on like this. Last September, he found the phone number of a woman named Louise Chapman, also known as the Lady Mole Catcher of Norwich..." - Read Full Story
Gone Girl (The Caravan)
"On the evening of 13 January, Birna Brjansdottir—a 20-year-old woman who worked as a salesperson at a department store—went out with a friend to an indie bar in downtown Reykjavik, Iceland. Brjansdottir’s friend headed home at 2 am, but Brjansdottir wanted to stay out longer. Shortly after 5 am, she left the bar on her own.
After that, Brjansdottir was filmed by at least five CCTV cameras in the downtown area. In footage that would be viewed thousands of times in the coming weeks, she walks unsteadily down a well-lit street, bumps into a man, drops a few coins and almost falls over as she collects them. In the background, a red Kia drives by. At 5.25 am, the footage shows Brjansdottir turning left at a building of the Church of Iceland. This is the last image captured of her, alive.
The next day, Brjansdottir did not show up to work. Her phone was switched off. That evening, her family reported her missing." - Read Full Story
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