#and it started out with DBZ FMA Naruto One Piece
arabian-batboy · 1 year
I hate how we’re living in a world where its easy to be spoiled for everything as long as you have access to the internet, so therefore you’re forced to catch up quickly to everything as soon as it drops to ensure that you wouldn’t be spoiled because dumb people will casually post screenshots/talk about a major character dying as if its nothing without using spoilers or any other words that you can censor and on top of all that there’s the algorithm that will show you things based on your searches and likes or the searches and likes of people you follow, so you can’t even like/retweet/reblog or watch a YT videos relating to a certain media without seeing spoilers 😩
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ofoceansandtombsanew · 3 months
If you don't mind me asking, can I ask your top favorite fics that you've written (feel free how much that you want to list)? Why they're special to you? Is there a specific inspiration when you wrote them?
Oh this is such a fun question, no one's ever asked me this before! Okay ummm... in no particular order because these are special to me in different ways ー
A Fangirl's Dream (still in-progress, I'm just slow TAT)
Ivy has it rough. She's no anime fan or FMA fan. But when she somehow crosses the gate, she finds herself in the worst possible position: a protagonist of an Another World fic trope. And between the alchemy, automail, lack of plot knowledge, and struggling with her attraction to a pretty blonde mechanic, Ivy reluctantly teams up with the main characters in her journey to get home.
This is a fic years in the making and I'm not talking about how the little hiatus it is in. This was a fic I started working on in about middle school as a pair of sister stories that I deleted on an old FFN account. It was going to be some sister stories about two friends that end up in FMA at different times before their stories coincided with one another and they crossed paths in their separate adventures in Amestris.
One friend was an established fan of FMA and the other wasn't an anime fan at all. AFD covers the journey of the friend who isn't a fan of anime in general, having only watched a handful (NANA, Naruto, DBZ). FMA, is not one of them.
In middle school these fics were going to be EdOC for AFD and for Swept Away (SwAy) it was going to be LingOC because at the time, those were the characters I was most obsessed with.
A handful of years back I decided 'you know what, I'm going to rewrite AFD and SwAy and finish them no matter how long it freaking takes!!!!' And in the process, new ships evolved and different journeys for the OCs, Ivy (AFD) and Akasha (SwAy) were developed. Ivy and Winry had such good chemistry, imo, that I decided to shift the story to be about them whereas I had more of a darker descent planned for Akasha who couldn't distinguish that while these were characters she knew and loved, they are real living people in front of that won't act according to the scripts she's crafted in fanfiction's passed.
I'm hoping to get back to writing some chapters for this soon so I can finish AFD and finally starting working on SwAy and make past me proud to have finished them.
The Different Rules of Summer
‘Okay so you think ghosts are fake but totally think that bigfoot and mothman are real?’ Lance scribbled furiously on the piece of paper in total disbelief. ‘Ghosts are total BS, man’ Keith look disinterested. ‘This is why you’re single' Lance didn’t expect that his summer vacation would be spent at a library arguing with his deaf co-worker about why cryptids totally aren’t real. Keith volunteers at a library to keep himself out of trouble while his brother works. The worst part of his day? Explaining to some moron why Mothman is definitely a real entity and why the first moon landing was fake. Funny enough, this is the highlight of both of their summers.
This was such a fever dream of a time to write but in the best way possible. VLD was still ongoing and thing going on in my mind was that I wanted to write a multi-chaptered fic and finish it. So I decided to make a personal challenge for myself that I was going to write a fic with 40 chapters for 40 days.
1 chapter everyday, it didn't matter how long each chapter was as long as I wrote one.
Beginning, middle, end. And I did it. Some days I was cutting it close and it felt like a chore to push the chapter out but I did it. I wrote 40 chapters in 40 days, 1 chapter a day and I'm really proud of myself for doing that. I honestly lwk recommend other people try out this sort of challenge themselves if they're ever up to it and have the time!
So I drafted up 40 chapters to write in the draft, some dumb but memorable titles for said chapters and got to writing and wow did this story unexpected blow up? I was not expecting this story to become as popular as it did but it was so fun to write and talk to the people reading it. Especially the Deafies who found the fic and thought I was accurately portraying Keith's experience as being Deaf.
It's not perfect, there's a lot of mistakes and clumsy writing but I fucking did that and no one can take this away from me.
Man is the Breast, Heaven is the Playground + A Blazing Star Sought Refuge in my Chest
(csm manga spoilers ahead)
You might be the only one in your division not utterly smitten with your partner, Makima. Call it disinterest, call it being observant that her smiles never reach her eyes. Either way, you have no interest in bridging the gap between you both. But one day, an attempt is made, and it isn’t by you. + Your contract was simpleー the Control Devil would not use her powers on you, you just needed to stay with her forever.
My beloved Makima duology that someone on twt deadass tried stealing and passing off as theirs. That shit aside though, wow did I love writing these.
At the time, I was really frustrated by the state of the Makima x Reader tag. Because it was usually just Dom Makima smut. Which, there's nothing wrong with that but because what I wanted to read was something that explored the depth of Makima's character, the goals that motivated her terrible actions in the manga and the loneliness that wracked her sense of self..... I decided that I wanted to read that story, I would have to write it myself.
So I did. And because people loved HBHP so much, I felt inspired to write a sequel that included Nayuta.
A lot of love and care when into writing these stories and it makes me happy when I still see people reading them if they find them in the tag. I didn't expect to like writing for Makima as much as I did, I honestly want to write more concerning her if I'm being honest. I do have a WIP on that right now, it's just taking forever to get my vision just right...
The Summer Moon Was Born to be Loved pt 1 + The Summer Moon Was Born to be Loved pt 2
You got pregnant and the ghost of university days past finds out five years later.
Months in the making as there was a lengthy hiatus between both chapters but this was something I had a lot of fun writing. I wanted to write my own spin on a trope I've seen established and simply wanted to write it well. I had been talking with a friend of mine about it and we discussed how we thought the events would go with different characters from Mitsuya and Hanma from TokRev to Nanami and Gojou from JJK. I thought as far JJK went, Gojou had the potential for most mess and decided to write a story involving him.
And in that, I ended up including a lot of one of my favorite things in the world: the ocean. Utilizing oceanography terminology to showcase the emotional states of the characters, the events happening between chapters, I had a lot of fun doing that.
And I think that I had a pretty clear and concise ending as well. So yes, another personal favorite for sure!
Lost Girl (in progress)
Believing your father’s concerns as the last black family living in the secluded mountains of Wall Maria to be simple paranoia, a you naively set out on YOUR own to discover the world and what it truly holds. Yet after encountering another family secluded in the mountains, the Ackermans, you realize that maybe his concerns weren’t so unfounded in the terrifying yet beautiful reality you live in. Befriending their daughter, a fellow survivor in what it means to be the last of their kind, you find your path leading to the horrors of the Fall of Maria and the 103rd Cadet Corps.
Not my most popular series but one I'm updating slowly nonetheless.
This story has had multiple incarnations. UtSD ver 1 was an OC fic before I turned it into a reader-insert. But version 3 came as LG, another reader-insert but one I think is more polished.
My inspiration for making this was simple. I wanted more Mikasa fic content out there and I wanted to read a fanfiction story where the OC/reader in question were black like me. It's something that's permeated through my brain since high school back when we knew little of where SNK was heading as a story.
What would it be like if you were living in the Walls and black? How would your treatment fair, the beliefs bloomed about you and your kind? Especially if you're decidedly the last of your kind within the Walls. And the comfort that may possibly come from having some sort of like you except not quite.
I don't care if people who aren't black also read this story and partake in the adventure. All I care about is writing something everyone can enjoy, especially if they're someone like me or if they want to read something different.
I hope to one day see more unapologetically POC OC and reader-inserts scattered about the tags alongside ethnically ambiguous ones. I personally usually write ethnically ambiguous characters so everyone can enjoy my fics by not specifying hair texture, saying that your cheeks warmed instead of blushing and things like that. But sometimes, I wanna write something that's really just for me.
Se réjouir, se réjouir
The sun; Neuvillette is the sun. And Furina? She’s not fit to even be the moon. There is a surprising loneliness to freedom.
Wrote this some days after after the 4.2 patch update and finishing the Fontaine AQ. This was a ship I fell quite head over heels with and I had a lot of thoughts in my head about them that I decided to get out of my head by writing something up for them.
I talked about the dynamics that I liked between Neuvillette and Furina already and all the coinciding NeuviFuri material Mihoyoverse was shilling out with their commissions wasn't helping my brainrot either.
For something I pretty much shot out not too long after the update when live, I think I did a pretty damn good job. I had fun with the dynamics and trying to dig into the brain of the characters.
A Little Pain (still in progress even more slowly than AFD)
At the age of 7, there were a few things Hinata Hyuga was sure of. One, her father, Hiashi Hyuga, was the strongest shinobi she knew. Second, just the thought of her having to one day make decisions for her entire clan terrified her beyond belief. Third, her younger sister Hanabi, at the age of 2, was very easy to impress. Hinata Hyuga never wanted to lead her Clan and when she is stripped of her title and essentially an outcast in her home, she finds solace in the brief comforts of a pink-haired girl named Sakura. Though little did Hinata know that losing her heiress title would send her life spiraling down a path of self discovery, bravery, and the realization that changing yourself is a possibility is the most powerful jutsu of all. But... perhaps stopping yourself from fainting whenever you happen to be around your crush is a start. And convincing the entirety of Konoha that it's first all-kunoichi team won't be a complete and total failure should be prioritized before any of that.
Another one of my 'I started this in high school' stories that has been through a rewrite and I'm trying to finish little by little. SakuHina is one of my favorite Naruto ships, has been for years and as someone who has been reading over a decade of Naruto fanfic tropes, I've seen my fair share of 'what if A was on Team 7' fics.
(Here's a post I have on that lmao from my old blog before it got accidentally axed)
So I decided to write my own version of that but the new team in question is Konoha's very first all-kunoichi team. Also, Hinata has a crush on Sakura this time around instead of Naruto. And boy do I have a lot planned for this story, I'm excited every time I get back to my google docs and get to typing little by little.
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jelly-boi · 2 years
i tallied up the series that i drew for each prompt this month, and the results are... not suprising! i’m pretty impressed that i got such a large spread of characters from a lot of different series tbh. when i started this i half expected to be picking one piece characters unless there wasn’t one who fit the prompt for that day, but i really did have so much fun drawing for series that i don’t think i ever have before (or at least very often). anyway here are the results:
4 prompts: one piece and dbz
2 prompts: jjba, es21, hq!!, and dcst
1 prompt: one outs, fma, cowboy bebop, yyh, gash bell, opm, nausicaa, knb, devil is a part-timer, gurren lagann, dorohedoro, bleach, naruto, and kobayashi’s dragon maid
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dearestgojo · 2 years
Hi! I'm the anon who asked all that stuff for the voice ask. Thx for answering XD. I just got to it because ya know life and stuff
Kuzco's new school, that brings me back.
I wanna say im surprised jjk isn't top 3 considering you're writing a jjk fic but tbh jjk is more like top 10-20 for me depending on the anime i remember and currently watch that adds to the list. But gojo's def a top fav anime characters for me
Wow one piece. Always heard how great it is but daaaaamnnn 1k chapter and probably 1k episodes already. It'll take me like as long it's been out to catch up 😅
Hello. No problem, hun, thank you for sending them in, they were fun to answer. Lol, I completely get it, I'm glad you got to listen to 'em.
Yeah, it was the first one that came to mind cause I recently rewatched a few episodes with the kids I watch, but there were other shows like Kim Possible, The Replacements, PBS Kids Shows like Author, Fetch! With Ruff Ruffman, and Word Girl. All very Nostalgic.
Most people in my irl are also surprised jjk isn't my favorite because despite growing up watching anime I didn't have many friends to talk about it with, they've also recently started watching anime and started with animes like jjk and demon slayer, mind you one person from here at one point looked at me weird when I tried to get them to watch Haikyuu my freshman year of high school but was watching Sailor Moon by our senior year. And I love jjk, I really do, I enjoy reading it and watching it, but it isn't in my top favorites for two reasons. 1) I don't see myself rewatching it over and over as I do with Kimi Ni Todoke or FMA, and 2) I didn't grow up watching it the same way I did with One Piece, Saint Seiya, dbz, etc. It's probably the same for me I never really gave it much thought to where it falls on my list. And yes Gojo has a really special place in my heart, I don't want to say he's at the top of my anime characters, but he takes a special space.
I haven't read the One Piece manga yet, because I very recently got into reading manga, but it's on my to-read list. I grew up watching a lot of it until it stopped airing where I live, which broke my heart, but I recently started rewatching it and the nostalgia is hitting hard. I remember sitting in front of the television watching it and how in awe I was with it. Just having flashbacks to my weekends as an elementary kid watching it, Naruto, and Pokemon playing back to back. ...I love binging things so I'm about halfway recaught up on the anime.
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medea10 · 4 years
My Review of Pokemon Sun & Moon
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Hi all. Sorry for the delay on this one. I usually go all-out on my Pokemon reviews that I wanted to let out everything I wanted to. Plus I had real-life work and other stuff. With that said, here’s my final review of 2019 as well as the final review of the decade. See you in 2020!
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As Ash mentioned at the end of XY, Ash said he was going back home to Pallet Town and “start at zero”. This means when he decides to go on his journey, he leaves all of his other pokemon at Oak’s lab and goes on a new journey with Pikachu. But unlike the start of other journeys, this one started with Ash’s mom, Delia and her pokemon Mimie winning a contest which resulted in a trip to the Alola region. And since they were heading that way, Professor Oak asks them to bring a pokemon egg to his cousin in Alola. So let’s begin with Ash’s adventure in the Alola region.
The Alola region is split into four different islands. Each of these islands contains trial captains, island challenges, pokemon of different forms, and pokemon guardians! But unlike the game, Ash ends up in the Alola region to go to school. That’s right, after being the envy of every child for the last 20 years, Ash must go to school. In this school, Ash will learn all he needs to when it comes to living in the Alola region. Along with new friends, a helpful professor, a Rotom Pokedex, an enthusiastic Oak that does impressions, and a special bracelet capable of unleashing powerful Z-moves, Ash’s journey is getting very interesting.
MEET THE CHARACTERS: This seriously has got to be the biggest ensemble for Ash’s posse. Each character has their own unique charm and their own speciality when it comes to their pokemon type preference (and their hairstyle will say so too). At the beginning, I was just okay on some of these characters, but I have definitely enjoyed watching them evolve. Here are all of Ash’s new classmates, professor, Pokedex and a brand-new Oak.
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Mallow is a very cheerful girl with the love of grass-types and cooking specialty dishes for friends and pokemon. While some of her dishes can be a little surprising, even shocking, she has a knack for using only the freshest ingredients, mostly coming from wild pokemon.
Lana has a passion for the water and yes, even water-type pokemon. She’s quite soft spoken and spends a lot of her days fishing. She may even look into becoming a fisher like her father. But she does have an edge that makes her and her Popplio tough to beat. Not to mention, quite the sense of humor! She also takes care of her two younger sisters Sarah and Harper.
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Kiawe is very handy in a battle with his fire-type pals. Unlike the other students in the class, he’s been given a Z-ring first as he has attempted the Island Challenge. Because of this, he’s rather high-strong about those who own a Z-ring. His days start early in the morning with delivering MooMoo Milk, then he goes to class, then comes home to take care of the farm pokemon, and let’s not forget all that training with Charizard and Turtenator!
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Sophocles is what you’d call a computer nerd (yeah, we have another one). He’s able to handle any electrical error that comes his way with the help of either Togedamaru or Charjabug. The only thing he’s unable to challenge is sleeping in the dark!
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Lillie is the mysterious girl with no pokemon (at first) and seems to get scared by them real easily. However, she knows quite a bit about pokemon without having physical contact with them. Luckily, Lillie lets her guard down later in the series when she gets the opportunity to take care of an egg. And when it hatched, she kept it. Other pokemon, it still takes her a while to open up to them, but when she does open up, it’s adorable!
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Professor Six-Pack is too hot (hot damn)! Call the police and the fireman!
Professor Kukui is the teacher to these fine pupils and has even allowed Ash to stay with him while Ash attends school. He seems a little laid back at first glance, but he does take special care into each and every lesson he gives his students.
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Rotomdex is the talking Pokedex for Ash. Unlike all the other Pokedexes up to this point, this one can actually carry on a conversation with Ash. Not just that, but come up with strategies, watch detective shows on TV, and even write screenplays. It’s amazing how so much can come from a fushion between a Rotom and a regular pokedex!
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Principal Oak…Okay, no, I can’t do that! Over 10 years ago, I wrote a fan fic called Romance 101. And I spent a good five years writing the words “Principal Oak” because that’s what I called Samuel Oak. This Principal Oak is just giving me vivid flashbacks.
…fine Principal SAMSON Oak is of course the principal to the Pokemon School. This Oak is a much tanner, buffer, and at times sillier man when you compare him to the original Professor Oak. He really loves doing pokemon impressions. And much like Professor Oak’s poems, Samson Oak’s jokes goes over a lot of people’s heads.
BETWEEN THE SUB AND THE DUB: With the exception of Kiawe, Rotomdex, and Samson Oak’s voice actors, this is literally a brand new experience for most of these new characters. And I gotta say, I hope these voice actors get more attention. I know Reina Ueda (Mallow) has been getting a lot more roles in the last three years and I love that. The Pokemon anime has had quite a history of either getting very prominent voice actors or voice actors who aren’t known for much else. But I do hope for more exposure for Lana, Sophocles, and Professor Kukui’s seiyuus. Extra points for having Nobuhiko Okamoto play Gladion!
I’ll mention more later in the review but due to the death of a very, very, VERY prominent voice actor, there was a major change. With the passing of Unshou Ishizuka, there were three important characters that had to be changed; Professor Oak, Samson Oak, and the Narrator. I started noticing the lack of these three (yes, even the narrator) in episodes prior to Ishizuka’s death. If we go several episodes without one of the Oak’s, it’s not a big deal. But the fact that the narrator wasn’t heard before the start of the show or at the end for several episodes at a time, it felt very weird. But after hearing about how Unshou Ishizuka died of Esophageal cancer, I can’t help but think he was doing treatments during the Aether Foundation arc. His replacement, Kenyu Horiuchi is not bad. But after listening to Ishizuka since…well at least two decades, it’s very noticeable.
The dub once again is putting hope in brand new voice actors and even a few veterans from the XY series. And so far, this is very promising since they casted Alsyon Leigh Rosenfield. However, one prominent voice actor who has been around for a LONG time has retired. Kayzie Rodgers, the replacement voice of Max and Wobbuffet (and long-time voice to Mr. Mime and Professor Ivy) has retired at the beginning of SM (2016). I can honestly say, I will miss hearing her voice. Out of all the dub changes, you were one of a few I accepted. That and I will always remember you as Professor Ivy and Mimie! With that said, here’s what you might recognize these folks from.
JAPANESE CAST: *Lana is played by Hitomi Kikuchi
*Mallow is played by Reina Ueda (known for Kisa on Fruits Basket 2019, Shiori on Sakura Quest, Jiro on Tokyo Ghoul, and Katra Paige on Inazuma Eleven GO: Galaxy)
*Kiawe is played by Kaito Ishikawa (known for Genos on One Punch Man, Naofumi in Shield Hero, Sakakibara on Assassination Classroom, Kaito on Tsurune, Mitsuo on Golden Time, and Urie on Tokyo Ghoul :re)
*Sophocles is played by Fumiko Takekuma
*Lillie is played by Kei Shindou (known for Carissa on Index III and Shijimi on Rosario to Vampire)
*Professor Kukui is played by Keiichi Nakagawa (known for Salamander on Beelzebub)
*Rotomdex is played by Daisuke Namikawa (known for Rock on Black Lagoon, Jellal on Fairy Tail, Italy on Hetalia, Kazehaya on Kimi ni Todoke, Fai on Tsubasa Chronicle, Yuu on Persona 4, and Arima on Tokyo Ghoul)
*Narrator & Samson/Samuel Oak (ep1-93) is played by Unshou Ishizuka (known for Mr. Satan on DBZ Kai, Jet on Cowboy Bebop, Hohenheim on FMA: Brotherhood, Dr. Gel on Space Dandy, and Grandpa Joestar on Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Pt 3) [R.I.P.]
* Narrator & Samson/Samuel Oak (ep93-present) is played by Kenyuu Horiuchi (known for Pain on Naruto, Mako’s father on Kill la Kill, Sasaki on Bakuman, Hachiken’s father on Silver Spoon, and Takafumi on Sekaiichi Hatsukoi)
ENGLISH CAST: *Lana is played by Rosie Reyes
*Mallow is played by Rebecca Soler (known for Hart on YGO Zexal)
*Kiawe is played by Marc Swint
*Sophocles is played by Alyson Leigh Rosenfield (known for Rio on YGO Zexal, Aina on Promare, and Ally on YGO Arc-V)
*Lillie is played by Laurie Hymes (known for Prana on YGO: Dark Side of Dimensions)
*Professor Kukui is played by Abe Goldfarb
*Rotomdex is played by Roger Callagy
*Samson Oak is played by Marc Thompson (known for Chaz on YGO GX, Astral on YGO Zexal, and Kevin/Mr. O’Neill/Mr. Demartino on Daria)
FAVORITE CHARACTER: Pokemon…why do you keep doing this to me? Do you want me to lose what little faith I hold onto?
With that said, this season has given me a “best girl”. Yes, the term “best girl” is given to the…well, you know, the best girl of the series. And ever since the creators decided to shake things up by giving Ash a new female companion every couple of years, fans have fought to the death on who is best girl of Pokemon. For me, my best girls of Pokemon were Prima, Zoey, Blue/Leaf Green, and Bonnie. But there are just a few problems there. None of them are Ash’s piece of arm candy! And there’s some unwritten law that it has to be the possible love interest like Misty, Dawn, or Blushy McIdiot. And my best girls have either been in only one episode of the anime, was just a rival to someone who isn’t Ash, a girl who was never in the anime, and too young. BUT…Sun and Moon did it! It friggin’ did it! It gave me a best girl! And that girl is…
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I never tire of that Archer joke! But yes, Lana is best girl.
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I knew I was going to like her when she first debuted, but I had no idea how awesome she was going to truly be. Is it her prankish nature? Maybe! Is it this creepy yandere vibe I get off from her every now and then? Possibly! Is it the way I’ve seen her grow as a trainer throughout this series. You fucking bet! Lana at one point seemed like the one character who wasn’t getting much growth when it came to catching and evolving pokemon. Then again, everyone (including Ash) gave me that impression compared to other arcs. But then she caught the shaggy Eevee! Serious wild card! No one expected Lana to catch Eevee. And then there’s Popplio. She and Popplio trained like crazy later in the series and it shows when it evolved into Brionne and eventually into Primarina. ESPECIALLY WHEN PRIMARINA EVOLVED! Did you see Lana and Brionne going toe-to-toe with that Kyogre? That was epically awesome!
Plus, she was like the only female in God-knows how long to reach the top 8 in the Pokemon League.
DISLIKED CHARACTER: My tolerance has taken a slight dip because there are three people I feel should be up here!
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First, I would like to put up Cross from the 20th movie, I Choose You. I know that he isn’t in the actual SM series, but I’m putting him up here because I just downright hate him. He is on Damien levels of shit. That’s how much I hate the son of a bitch. He could cure cancer, kick Donald Trump in the crotch, and bring peace in the Middle East and I would still hate him. Cross was like a very bad combination of Damien and Paul. Abandons a pokemon the same way as Damien and shows this power assholeness that Paul has. But add to that, a bit of a cruel edge to him and sprinkle a bit of whiny little bitch on that. He has to hold a grudge against Ash in this movie because he was blessed with Ho-oh’s feather, but when he saw Ho-oh, he got nothing. Oh boo-freakin-hoo! Cry me a river!
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Next…Faba! You fucking testicle! Heads up, I like calling Faba a testicle! When I first saw him, I thought that Lusamine was gonna be the one to hate because of the game setup. But this anime just proves how much Lusamine loves both of her children. The same can’t be said about Faba! At first, I thought Faba would be like Colress in a way…creepy how they almost look and act the same. But then his true side started to show. Oh, this guy wants them Ultra Beasts. And will not let anyone get in his way. Not little children, not birds suffering from Insomnia, not Team Rocket, not even his boss’s child! This greedy sonuvabitch is literally the reason why Lillie was afraid of pokemon and re-triggered it AGAIN thanks to UB Nihilgo. Yeah, fuck you Testicle!
Now after that incident, Testicle was demoted and serves under Wicke and Clefable (which is literally the best thing I could ever ask for). And in most scenarios where he’s shown, Faba was silly with his fanboy obsession with the Masked Royal or his stupid experiment shrinks the kids. So other than him being a dumbass nothing too damning! That was until the Pokemon League where he decided to play dirty by having his Hypno bring out Ash’s Meltan instead of going up against Pikachu. I’m glad he got beat within less than 2 minutes because this testicle needs to shrivel up now.
Who else?
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Viren! I can’t help but think he’s this anime’s answer to Donald Trump. But I hate both of them so that’s a start! I could let things slide with him just being there for one episode where he’s trying to buy out Kiawe’s family’s farm and be done with it. BUT NO! This sonuvabitch has gotta wear out his welcome by showing up another three or four times doing that same shit! And even his very first episode where he uses illegal tactics to get Rango and Sima’s farm was warrant enough to hate this fucker. I just thought he would just be a one-and-done character much like the Mayor of Trovitopolis (OI episode). Aggrivating to say, this dickhead came back numerous times to do more shady-ass shit. And I hope to Arceus I never see him again!
AND NOW FOR SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT: Kiawe and Lana’s mothers are total milfs.
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DON’T ACT LIKE I’M THE ONLY ONE HERE! Kiawe’s mama, hell yeah total milf! Lana’s mother, I ended up having a lesbian dream about her and she became a milf.
Hey, usually I’m straighter than a honeymoon dick. But sometimes I peak over and can easily say that Sima and Lana’s mother are Mothers I Like to Fantasize about. Again, in the words of Forky, “I’m Trash”!
SHIPPING: Okay…let’s have some fun with this one. This is less vomit inducing than XY. Just keep that bitch in Hoenn for as long as it takes. I don’t want to see her for a long time.
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Ash x Lillie: I honestly think this is rather cute. Ash is one of the very few who’s been able to help Lillie with her poke-phobia. Though this ship isn’t heavily pushed on us like a certain OTHER ship that just won’t DIE. I swear Amour is like the herpes. I really can’t say there’s much romance here. Although her goodbye to Ash was just honest-to-God cute! Now if there was one Ash ship that caused some sort of blushing, it would have to go to…
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Ash x Lana: Whenever she could, Lana would drag Ash along with her. Whether it’s looking for a missing pokemon or on the hunt for a legendary pokemon in the water, she would take Ash by the arm and take him by force. However, none of this was romantically motivated. The only thing worth mentioning was her tsundere way of blushing and brushing off romance when her sisters pester if Ash is her boyfriend.
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Mallow x Lillie: This was my OTP to be perfectly honest. While Ash was the actual first person to nudge Lillie to help her with pokemon, Mallow was like the best friend of Lillie’s. She would always show concern for her. I know this is more big sister syndrome, but I’ll still ship it. I never thought anything would happen until the episode where the class puts on a play and I see Mallow and Lillie dressed like Utena and Anthy from Revolutionary Girl Utena. To which I said, “HOLY SHIT, THIS IS AWESOME-BALLS”! Pokemon, are you trying to tell us something with this? You trying to tell us something with this clear and direct reference to one of anime’s famous Yuri couples?
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Kukui x Burnet: THIS SHIP HAS SAILED! I’m actually surprised how fast this ship was. I know they’re married in all four games, but in the anime it seemed like they didn’t know each other that well prior to Burnet’s first appearance. And anime wise, they only spent 11 episodes with each other. And on the 11th episode not only did Kukui propose to Burnet with a ring, but they freakin’ got married! I guess there are such things as love at first sight. Kukui wanted it and put a ring on it. There’s a real man, yo! Now, he does lose some points here as he does lead that double life as the Masked Royal where he keeps it a secret from everyone, including his fangirl of a wife. But once she knew, she let him off the hook. And you know how much this ship is cemented? Watch the last 30 seconds of the final episode! It’ll blow your socks off!
On a side note, the way Kukui proposed to Burnet…BEST FUCKING PROPOSAL!
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Nurse Joy x Officer Jenny: Amazing, it has taken over 20 years for anyone to think this is even humanly possible. But in Alola, there’s a Nurse Joy and an Officer Jenny that are constantly together. Maybe it’s because I hang out on Tumblr a little too much that it gets implied a lot, but I can’t help but have a guilty pleasure for this.
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Pokeshipping: AAAAAAH! Yeah, Medea has to bring this old war back. Okay, okay, I won’t be long here. Just to let you know that I’m a fan of this ship, especially back in the day. As for Sun & Moon, at least we don’t see that classic tsundere syndrome Misty is known for. But she still cutefully teases Ash about several things from the past including the broken bike and their past gym battle. To add to this, Misty (and to lesser extent Brock) were the only ones from Ash’s past companions to see him this region...much to my dismay!
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Brock x Olivia: Holy crap! Did Brock seriously get lucky? Is this it? Is this the woman to finally fulfill this pervy breeder/doctor? To me, it just feels like just another day in the life of Brock’s love life. However he has done his research of Olivia that makes me think he’s dead serious about her…I just think it’s a creative way to say he’s in the early stages of stalking. But nothing else came from it after Brock (literally) proposed marriage to her and joined in doing a Z-move with her. Then again, Brock does get a lucky break with at least one lady in each region. Sadly, that’ll probably be the end of that much like Professor Ivy, Pike Queen Lucy, Holly, and Autumn.
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Ash x Gladion: Guilty pleasure…is it wrong that I want these two to dress up like Yuri and Yurio from Yuri on Ice. No, didn’t think so! Not sorry for that image!
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ANIMATION: I’m sorry, I can’t stay quiet about this like most of the other fans of the show. What the hell were they thinking? This is not supposed to be One Piece. This is not supposed to that Rock Lee spin-off. This is Pokemon. Poke-fucking-mon! Ash went backwards on the evolutionary chart. And people have nerve to go off on the BW series for giving him wider pupils and a mediocre outfit. You people owe the animators for BW a fucking apology for one! Ash’s design now looks like he’s cosplaying to be Monkey D. Luffy’s retarded cousin. Even my own mother, who watches one episode once every couple of months commented to say Ash looks stupid. Thank you!
SADDEST MOMENT: It’s been a good while since I’ve had a Pokemon episode touch me to a point of almost crying. Close, but the Misty/Togetic goodbye still has it beat (which was then beaten by an episode of Violet Evergarden…Dammit 2019!). And even then, the touching moments in Pokemon would be because someone of the main cast released their pokemon like Ash releasing Charizard, Jessie releasing Dustox, and OH MY GOD, NO! ENOUGH WITH THE SAD TOGETIC SCENE! But that was just it, at least no one died!
…Until now! That’s right, deaths were usually only a movie thing as we saw in the fifth movie with Latios. But in the last three years, Pokemon got a little dark in both the anime and the movie trilogies. The 20th movie we saw a Luxray freeze to death, the 21st movie we saw a Snubbull burn to death, and because the 22nd movie is a rehash of the very first movie, we’re going to relive Ash dying.
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The SM anime did a few things we haven’t seen in the Pokemon anime before. In the early episodes of SM, we were introduced to Litten and watched a very sad episode dealing with death. Before Litten joined Ash, it lived on the streets with a very old Stoutland. Now think of every sad animal movie you’ve ever seen and you’ll have your answer of what happens to Stoutland by the end of the episode. They don’t show Stoutland’s death on screen, but we know. This episode was very clever at tackling the death topic on a kid’s anime. And up to this point I thought this episode was going to take the cake in the sad department. Boy was I wrong!
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The 108th episode of SM gave us one hell of a tear-jerker and it almost got me. It almost got me! We learn in this episode that Mallow had a mother. And this is a first because no one in any of the main cast talked about a dead parent before this episode! We learn about Mallow’s mother being sick a lot and it caused a rift between the two. Especially when Mallow snaps at her mother because all she does is apologize for not being there. Unfortunately that exchange was the last time she ever spoke to her. Where does the sad part get heavy? Here!
While everyone was on Poni Island, we hear about how Tapu Fini is able to communicate with the dead. And among some of the dead we saw Hapu’s grandfather, Kiawe’s grandfather, and Stoutland. But in the mist, Mallow came across her mother. And that one moment where she finally can see her mother after so many years! She breaks down and cries. She apologizes for the horrible things she said as a kid to her. But those sorrys turn into thank yous. She thanks her mother for what she’s done, thanked her for being her mother! God damn it, this is now #2 in saddest Pokemon moments. The second I saw this I thought it was going to make me ugly cry and trounce all over the Misty/Togetic moment. To my surprise, it didn’t. But came super close!
In short, Mallow seeing her mother again…this moment! Feels! Fucking feels!
COMEBACK: I have pretty much given up on people from the previous series to pay Ash a visit in the newest region. After XY where we didn’t get a single sighting of Iris and Cilan getting shafted to an episode that they didn’t even bother giving an English dub, I just gave up. But that doesn’t mean we didn’t get characters who “came back”.
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In SM, there were two times where we got a blast from the past. In two episodes we had Ash, Kukui, and the class make a trip to Kanto where (that’s right) we get to see Professor Oak, Delia, Misty, and Brock again. Not only that but we get two more episodes where Misty and Brock come to Alola!
As much as I love Misty…and toler…ate Brock, many other characters are overdue for a get-together with Ash. If you want me to be blunt, May, Iris, and Tracey are the only ones who should get attention and everyone else needs to FUCK OFF. That’s right, we don’t need to see Brock hit on more whores of the day. No more fishing competitions for Dento-fruit (much as I love him). Blushy McIdiot, Dingus, and Bonnie can go fuck off! And that goes double for Dawn!
Shit Medea, that was cruel.
Yeah it was cruel and I’ll continue to do so. It’s been 11 years since May was last seen/heard. Iris got royally butt-fucked by everything in the anime. And as for Tracey, I don’t owe you pissants a fucking explanation. Tracey deserves better! Speaking of…
AN UNFORTUNATE THEORY: With the comebacks of Misty and Brock, Tracey has just been NOT THERE! They go to Oak’s lab and he isn’t there. Not even mentioned. Not a word about him. When Ash calls Professor Oak randomly, Oak is there and even Muk, but no Tracey. When Ash asks Misty and Brock about back home, they don’t mention Tracey…which is to be expected since they have to talk about their siblings, but still.
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Pokemon doing anything island adventure wise kinda comes with a mixed bag. The Orange Islands came with immediate hate because loyal Brock fans are ass-hurt about Tracey’s existence. The Sevii Islands were a bust during the FR/LG games. And the less mentioned about Decalore Island in the BW anime, the better. But when they decided to do Alola, fans caught on quite quickly with some comparisons to the Orange Island anime portion.
Unlike all the other gyms in other regions, Alola had four grand trials/leaders. Orange Islands had the Orange Crew, which was essentially four gym leaders. Both the trials and the crew had Ash do different tasks before an actual battle. Next, pokemon with different colors/forms! In the early episodes of the Orange Islands, we saw pokemon just a smide different from their normal looks. We saw Vileplume with a different flower pattern, other pokemon with a different shade of color to them, and interesting designs on Butterfree. In Alola, they expaneded on that by giving “Alolan forms” to pokemon like Meowth, Diglett, Exeggutor, Marowak, and even Raichu! I do love Alolan Raichu! However, the pokemon that had small changes in the Orange Islands were not brought to the Alolan table. So maybe Orange Islands and Alola are in far different parts of the world.
Where my theory goes from here is that I think Pokemon really wants to pretend the Orange Islands never happened. That means the gym battles, the special pokemon, and yes, even Tracey. That’s the only way to explain why no one has mentioned him even when we’re standing in Professor Oak’s fucking lab! I hate to be blunt and say something so horrible, but every time I watch SM, it really does feel like that. Yes, I admit it, the Orange Islands were just filler until Ash and crew could go to Johto. First of all, it exists. No matter how much you try to white-wash us with Alolan features, the Orange Islands was a thing. And it was a great thing! Ash was in his first six-on-six match (and won), Ash’s first double battle happened here, and stellar episodes like Pikachu Re-volts and Tracey Gets Bugged should not be cast aside. Those were all great! Pokemon, you cannot run from your past! You can improve upon it, yes. But never forget! These were a thing! These were great things!
Thankfully, my death theory was put to rest in the first episode of Pokemon 2019 when the Orange Island trophy was shown. That’s great, now where’s Tracey?
Another theory! They couldn’t get Tomokazu Seki. That could also be it!
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RUNNING GAG: We got two running gags throughout the SM series! First, there’s the return of that singing ball of pink, Jigglypuff! This little singer has not been seen or heard from since AG. That’s well over a decade, people. Well…when Ash and crew visited Kanto, they ran into Jigglypuff and by sheer coincidence, wound up riding the airplane back to Alola. So now we see it every now and then in Alola, singing in a Karaoke bar.
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And the other…Bewear! It hasn’t been officially caught by Team Rocket. They don’t use it in a battle. But Bewear has literally made it impossible for Team Rocket to BLAST OFF ever again. Their life-long running gag died the minute they fell into Bewear’s meaty arms.
Also it doesn’t help that I constantly scream “KUMA SHOCK” every time it comes to collect Team Rocket. Anyone who gets that reference deserves a high five!
BANNED IN THE USA: Welcome back, banishment! I knew you couldn’t stay away for long as we do live in a SJW/PC time. So what episode never got to see the light of day in the U.S.?
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This one…yeah, I can totally agree with. So in the U.S. there is indeed ONE episode we were not given. In this episode, Ash decides to help a group of Passimian. And throughout the majority of the episode, Ash is dressed up like a Passimian from the pajamas to the…OH MY! I actually let it slide when I saw the Japanese viewing (because I’m half-awake at 2am), but I can definitely see why this one would ruffle a few feathers. Let’s just say Ash’s costume was a little too borderline blackface and that’s why it’ll never air in the states.
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Anything else!? Not in terms of full episodes. Certain scenes, absolutely! Little baby things were edited due to being not kid-friendly. What’s in those drinks Kukui and Burnet are drinking out of at their own wedding? Champagne? Blasphemy! That’s Orange Juice now! What’s in Delia’s drink in the first episode? Oh we can’t have her pull a Miriam Pataki here! Turn that shit into Pinap Juice! Okay, besides the censorship of drinks, was there anything else? Why, yes, yes there was!
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We all know how creepy Team Rocket’s Mimikyu can be. That’s why it’s placed in my top 10 list of characters that scare the shit outta me! Well one scene had Mimikyu’s shadow scare Meowth so horribly, the next scene had Meowth DEAD! Face down in the water! Don’t worry kids, Meowth comes back to life. The U.S. said “OH HELL NO WE CAN’T SHOW THIS! FUCK IS WRONG WITH JAPAN!” And so the face down scene was completely chopped from the dub. Add to that, there were several instances where Meowth almost dies and parts of those scenes are cut from American broadcast.
REFERENCES: If there was one thing this new animation has given us, it has open the doors to using references from other animes and even a few western media projects. And we haven’t really seen much of this since the original series and AG. And even back then, it was mostly just Rose of Versailles references with Team Rocket. I know I give the animation flack for it being a pile of shit compared to better animation shown in XY and DP. But I think the animators do have a little more fun when doing Sun and Moon. And I think it’s loosened them to using other animation styles seen in different and popular animes.
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And boy did SM use a butt-load of anime references! Here’s a list of what I was able to remember!
*Facial expressions matching those scene in JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure in several episodes *A Mr. Osomatsu reference tossed somewhere *Ping Pong the Animation being used when Illma entered in the Ping Pong competition *Kiawe doing the famous Gendo Ikari pose from Neon Genesis Evangelion in the same episode mentioned above. *Ash and Kiawe making the scary, demonic face Popuko makes when she’s mad on Pop Team Epic, when the two missed out on catching a UB Pokemon. *Transformation scenes with Ash and crew that match those of Power Rangers or every magical girl show. *The girl with many Pikachus has one Pikachu with hair like Boruto (Naruto Uzamaki’s son) *Ash and Pikachu looking like they’re doing the Kamehameha attack during their league match (DBZ, duh) *Rotomdex mentioning it wants to do a sci-fi feature and the image strikes a chord with Star Wars fans everywhere. *Lillie dressed like Utena. Mallow dressed like the rose princess, Anthy. HOLY SHIT, MY OTP IS DOING A REVOLUTIONARY GIRL UTENA REFERENCE! Take my revolution!
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And the mother of all references goes to Jessie! Or should I say, her seiyuu Megumi Hayashibara! Pokemon animated many of her iconic roles in one epic scene. Just to name a few of Hayashibara’s roles shown there was Ranma Saotome (Ranma ½) Rei Ayanami (Evangelion), White Kitty (Hello Kitty), Faye Valentine (Cowboy Bebop), and everyone’s favorite Lina Inverse (Slayers). At least in the English dub, Lisa Ortiz popped in for the Lina Inverse moment! Epic on epic on epicly God levels of YES!
MUSIC: Okay in recent years, the English openings have gotten tolerable and the same can be said about the opening themes used this time around. So I won’t bitch about that. So how about I bitch about the BGM?!
Background music, I know a lot of complaints are expressed by loyal Japanese version fans that the English version has completely changed the BGM throughout most of the episodes and even the motion pictures! Yeah, in the I Choose You movie only ONE original BGM was used. The BGM topic never really got to me. But if I remember correctly when 4Kids lost rights to Pokemon and went to the new company, they said that they were going to keep a lot of things true and the BGM was one of them. Yeah, that went to the waist-side real fast! I do believe that they listened to that complaint because in the following movie, the entire score was kept (with the exception of the ED theme by Porno Graffitti).
The Japanese openings…I used to like Alola by Rica Matsumoto. Yeah…used to. Okay, that’s too mean. I don’t hate it on the lengths of V(Volt) from the previous series. It’s just that they used this song in certain scenes that took me out of liking it fully. Now anytime I hear Alola, all I can think about is Ash, Litten, Pikachu, and Rockruff wiggling their asses. Some of the other openings were just okay, I wasn’t too thrilled about them. But there was another thing I feel I should bring up.
Just like the English dub to XY, they wanted to capture a nostalgic feel to the general audience watching, Sun and Moon gave us some of that here. Because of the release of the 20th movie, Rica Matsumoto ended up singing her signature Mezase Pokemon Master again. And as a result, it was the show’s opening for quite some time. Not only that but the last ending theme to Sun and Moon was a cover of Rica’s other hit song Type Wild (now sung by Shoko Nakagawa).
MOVIES: The movies have taken a different turn from what we’ve seen previously. Let’s face it folks, the 10 movies that came out prior to these last three were average AT BEST. And with many other series doing reboots to their old classics, I guess Pokemon decided to do it on a large scale when it came to the story of Ash and Pikachu. With all new animation and a new story, we follow Ash and Pikachu in a much different take on their journey. A much faster-paced story where Ash doesn’t have much of the filler stuff and doesn’t travel with Misty, Brock, or the rest! To which I say, good! I know it means the Sun & Moon gang will never be in a movie, but it also means that animation won’t be there either.
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I Choose You was the first movie and from the get-go, fans were upset over seeing a reboot of Ash’s beginning journey with Pikachu and not seeing Misty or Brock. Instead we get a kind of condensed version of certain moments of Ash’s original journey, mixed with new material and get introduced to new characters (who come from Sinnoh of all places). The pokemon featured was Ho-oh, who after all this time was going to be featured in a film and Marshadow because it’s not a pokemon movie without featuring a brand-new pokemon from this era.
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The Power of Us, Ash ends up on an island where he meets several new characters who each have their own story to tell including a high school girl, a shy scientist, a pathological liar, an old woman who hates pokemon, and the daughter of the mayor. And we are introduced to another new pokemon, Zeroroa. All five characters (plus Ash) are put through their own trials and tribulations in order to save their town during a festival.
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Mewtwo Strikes Back EVOLUTION: It’s the first movie…in CGI/3D/Robot-Chicken-ized, whatever! There’s no need for a synopsis since everybody and their mother knows this story. It’s literally the same story as Mewtwo Strikes Back. Ash and company get invited to an island, Mewtwo causes storms and clones to mess with the people, Mew appears, Pokemon fight, Ash dies, Ash doesn’t die, Mewtwo says profound speech that even Jon Stewart praises, everyone’s minds are erased, and that’s all! They even got the original cast to come back and reused Unshou Ishizuka’s old footage as the narrator for this movie!
The thing about this last movie is that, The Pokemon Company dropped the ball on this. SEVERELY dropped the ball on this! They had the perfect setup, the perfect opportunity to get this in the theaters just in time for the 20th anniversary of the first movie’s release in the U.S. and they do jackshit with it! Not even on Disney XD. For shame!
I will say that these three are a SEVERE improvement on the Pokemon movies. Can anyone with full honesty say that any pokemon movie that came out after the Lucario movie that any of the others were even good? Be honest, almost every movie since AG was just essentially a long side-story with an annoying mythical/legendary that can talk. It got annoying! Plus it just felt like Ash and whoever he was with would just be dragged in the middle of some bullshit and have to save the day. It was fine in the first couple of movies, but the pattern got worn out.
Plus with this alternate timeline to the Pokemon story, it gave the Sun and Moon anime more to work with legendaries and mythical pokemon. Hell, all the main cast was able to catch (and later release) an Ultra Beast pokemon. Not only that, but Mallow got to take care of the mythical pokemon Shaymin for over 40 episodes. Don’t you wish we got that with May and Manaphy? Plus, Ash got to take care of Cosmog and Poipole for an extended amount of time. Okay, my favorite movie of the three.
I Choose You is my favorite out of the bunch. I loved the retelling of Ash and Pikachu starting out on their very first journey. I love the new path they took with this story. I love the new characters introduced, Verity and Sorrel. I love the pokemon that were shown as it gave us a bit of everything from every region up to this point. Yes it was a cluster-fuck in some portions as I had to see past characters shown way different. Cynthia’s Verity’s mother! I can’t unsee this shit! And I will never unsee the messed-up dream Ash had where he was in actual real-world with no pokemon and in a real school where I’m given vivid flashbacks of my fanfic. Regardless, I enjoyed this movie so much. And I got to see many things here that I would always imagine would happen in a final episode of Pokemon (where Ash dies, Pikachu speaks, and an epic fight with Ho-oh). It is now my 2nd favorite Pokemon movie.
+1000000000 points for showing Tracey in the ED credits! Medea screeched in the theaters. I apologize for nothing! Best five seconds I’ve had in years.
TEAM ROCKET UPDATE: As this region does not have Pokemon Contests or that tact on Princess crap from Kalos, we’ll find our favorite trio (+Wobbuffett) going after the twerps and wandering around the area. And while I do enjoy Jessie dipping her foot in the contest arena, this pace can be boring and a blessing at the same time. Unlike previous seasons, we will go episodes at a time where we don’t see Team Rocket. But the episodes where they do show up aren’t the most thrilling. Usually they’ll just be in the background serving treats to background characters.
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However, one major improvement with Team Rocket this season is with their pokemon. In the past, Team Rocket has had some unique pokemon that they’ve captured (or stolen…still not letting the Yamnega thing go). In Kanto, James had Victreebel that would eat him. In Hoenn, James had Cacnea that would pinch him every time it came out. In Sinnoh, James had Carnevine that would eat him…Okay, a lot of it is James torture-porn! Regardless, they were entertaining to watch. And I felt a complete slump with their pokemon during BW and XY. This season, pretty much ALL of Team Rocket’s pokemon are entertaining.
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Marenie loves James so much that she would blow off being with her own kind to be with James. Even hearing the sounds of wedding bells every time James asks a favor of her! It’s actually adorable to watch Marenie. Jessie’s Mimikyu…I’m almost convinced Mimikyu is the reincarnation of a serial killer. And the biggest pokemon to cause Team Rocket so much grief is one they didn’t even catch, but it sticks around to take care of them like they were children, Bewear! And trust me, they’ve tried catching Bewear. And Bewear smushed the pokeball into poke-dust! Bewear would just come right the fuck out of nowhere, defying logic, gravity, and absurdity to bring Team Rocket back to its cave! This, making it the longest period of time where Team Rocket went without blasting off!
Every time they had the twerps cornered, in comes Bewear to take them back! Whenever they were about to do their traditional blast off, Bewear would come in and take them back to the cave! Even when they’re in fucking Kanto, it managed to swoop in and take them back to the cave. Team Rocket even DEFEATED Ash in a battle and had the perfect opportunity to take the twerp’s Pikachu. But no, Bewear came in and swooped them up! These pokemon were fun to watch this entire series! This was definitely an improvement from the last few seasons. Seriously, I can’t even remember what pokemon Jessie and James had during BW!
BIG TEAM BATTLE: Just like in Unova, Team Rocket ended up getting more attention than the antagonists of Alola. Except here, it’s a little more accepting. It’s just that in Alola, was there really a big team to cause major havoc with world-shaking consequences? Technically, the Aether Foundation wasn’t the big bad team and Team Skull was just a bunch of angsty punks. Regardless, there were two arcs with something epic happening.
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The first of course was opening the wormhole and discovering the Ultra Beasts. And in almost the same fashion as the game, Lillie and the rest have to go and rescue her mother from the Ultra Beasts (because Lusamine got taken over by one). Only difference is that game Lusamine wanted to use this power. Anime Lusamine pushed her children out of the way so they wouldn’t get taken away. We did get some great moments with Ash doing a new Z-move with Pikachu, Nebby evolving, and Lillie’s relationship with her mother become stronger.
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The second big battle was with Necrozma. Now this one heavily involved Team Rocket as Giovanni disbatched several other members including his assistant Matori and some eye-patch gorilla to try and get this pokemon. However after this incident, we never see Giovanni try to get his hands on this pokemon again or talk about it again. Even when he makes a big foreshadowy deal when he dialed Nanu about it! But in this arc, a mysterious power throughout Alola was making all of the adults listless and lazy. And it was up to Ash and the other kids to get to the bottom of this strange phenomenom.
ENDING – POKEMON LEAGUE: Yeah, this league was going to be different. In the Alolan League, just about anyone can join this certain Pokemon League, as long as you have a Z-crystal, it’s all good. Well, Alola has never had a Pokemon League, which is sort of like what was in the game. So Professor Kukui decided to put this dream into an action and now Alola will hold its first ever Pokemon League! So expect to see the entire cast compete! I’m not kidding!
From the get-go I was worried since Ash’s team here in Alola is pitifully underdeveloped compared to past arcs. And if he were to fight, he’d probably lose to Gladion or Guzma! But since the first task was to knock 151 competitors down to 16, we all know Ash was going to survive this trial. Now in past league competitions and even Pokemon Contests, thinning a big number down would take some time like an episode or two. Here, IT’S A FUCKING FREE-FOR-ALL BATTLE! Trainers coming at you from all angles and you can only use one pokemon! It’s like a mini-game from Mario Party it was that crazy!
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The 16 trainers that made the cut are all trainers we know! They all had at least 1 debut episode prior to this moment. So no surprise bastards like Tobias to muck things up! The sixteen competitors are Ash, Mallow, Lillie, Lana, Kiawe, Sophocles, Jessie, James, Faba, Aceorla, Mina, Ilima, Guzma, Hau, Gladion, and Samson Oak! Unbelievable! The entire main cast, Team Rocket, trial people in the games, the head of Team Skull, the island heartthrob, Ash’s two main rivals, and a freakin’ Oak! We could not make this up!
From the Top 8, we wind up with Ash, Guzma, Hau, Gladion, James, Sophocles, Kiawe, and Lana advancing. These next battles had some pretty decent moments including James trying to hold his own against Gladion, Lana and Primarina trying to survive a poisonous dick move from Guzma, and action-packed moments with Kiawe and Sophocles.
I don’t want to talk about it. NO, I DON’T! NO ONE WANTS TO TALK ABOUT ASH’S BATTLE WITH HAU! First of all, their rivalry only expands to like two episodes. One episode prior to the league and the rest during the league! You’re just butt-fucking us on this sweet little cinnamon roll. I know the anime really wants to stand out on its own by not giving us awesome rivals that we get in the games like Cheren or Brendan, but God-forbid if you give them some awesome moments before you have them get beaten by Ash and sent back to wherever the fuck they came from! And this battle is just an insult of every level!
I know Ash has been known to pull off some stupid moments in his day when it comes to pokemon battles. He’d put a clear type-disadvantage against a powerhouse pokemon. He’d put all his faith in one pokemon and if it failed, absolutely fuck all. And most common of all, have one of his non-evolved pokemon go up against a fully evolved pokemon. We get the latter when Ash’s insomniac-stricken bird, Rowlet, go up against Hau’s fully-evolved Decidueye. But before the battle, we get some last minute training in done by Toucannon and its bird-kin. You’ve got to be the stupidest mother fu…Forget it, you’re just wasting your breath! Well, it’s because Rowlet is DETERMINED so that gives the green flag to fight in Ash Ketchum’s book.
You stupid fucking idi…
During the fight, Ash and Hau did use their Z-moves early on and both did little to no damage to either one. But it’s freakin’ clear that Hau’s Decidueye is clearly more trained. That’s why the two birds duked it out to a point of both of them being close to knocked out. But in the end, Nanu calls the battle for Decidueye because it got up first. AND ASH LOST!
…Or did he?
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No, upon further inspection, ROWLET WAS FUCKING ASLEEP! God, no! No! Good fucking God, what were you writers thinking? You’re trolling us again, aren’t you? Ever since the Sinnoh League, you thought it was a good idea to troll the fucking audience. Like Tobias having another legendary or Davey winning with a fucking Eevee or Ash losing to Alain. You people are fucking with us!
Long story short, Ash and Rowlet get a second chance. They win the battle. Hau cries. Moving on!
NO, WE’RE NOT MOVING ON FROM THIS SHIT! WHO THE FUCK DECIDED THIS TO HAPPEN?! A lot of us fans are still sore over that retarded call back in the Kanto League where Squirtle falling asleep was a K.O. I can’t accept this, not after all the league battles Ash has had before this. Especially the last league against Tierno, Sawyer, and Alain! They are probably watching you and facepalming. Bonnie is laughing at you! Lysandre is calling you a dickhead from beyond the grave! Serena tore up a picture of Ash and went lesbian! Okay, that didn’t really happen. But this episode got me so fucking twisted I find myself eating thunder and shitting out lightening.
And now with Lana’s defeat by Guzma, we’re now in the final four. So…huh…um, new category! I know this is where I’m supposed to talk about the ending with the league, but I feel like I should talk about this.
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GENDER AND LEAGUE PLACEMENT: Is it just me or are most competitors and even winners of these things majority male? It’s unknown who won the Kanto League. Johto went to some douchebag no one remembers. Hoenn was won by Tyson. Sinnoh went to Trollbias. Unova went to Davey. And Kalos went to NOT ASH…Alain! And even in the top 4 and 8 sometimes, it’s all men. I really don’t want to put the pussy hat on and claim unfairness to a show I’ve been watching for over 20 years, but…putting Lana up against someone we all know is going to go to the semi-finals…come on man! I probably should have questioned some gender stuff especially with that princess crap in Kalos where it was most, if not all female. But Pokemon Leagues are usually coed! It’s just that prior to Lana, the only other girls I remember competiting in past leagues were Katie from AG and Astrid from XY. Maybe I’m making too much out of it.
BACK TO THE LEAGUE: Thankfully the semi-finals fights were great (compared to that bullshit Hau/Ash match I wish would die). Gladion and Kiawe bro-downed with their match! Guzma learned the hard way of being defeated in the semi-finals by a twerp. Guzma, you may be older than Ash, but Ashy-boy has been defeated so many times in this position it’s not even funny. So the finals were a three-on-three match between Ash and Gladion.
Ash got some good traction with his newly evolved pokemon Melmetal. Gladion was able to put his father’s pokemon, Zoroark into good use. And there was even a double knockout near the end. But somehow, we knew it would go back to a finale of Lycanroc vs. Lycanroc. And this was a nail-bitter. Who the heck knows who was going to end up victorious?
…Actually, a certain publication leaked the result three days before the episode aired…
I fucking hate the internet sometimes.
So Ash won…
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You’d think Jesus “Tap Dancing” Christ rose from the dead with how crazy this was. The internet lost it because after the Kalos League’s close-call and Sinnoh’s B.S. match against the legendaries, they saw this as Ash’s staple in becoming a Pokemon Master. Whatever…
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WHAT NEXT?!: Actually, much like what happened after Alain won the Pokemon League, the ceremony was quickly interrupted by the appearance of the gluttenous Ultra Beast, Guzzlord. And it took the power of everyone’s Z-Crystal to get rid of this beast. However, at the end of this powerful battle, Ash and everyone else learned a shocking secret of Professor Kukui.
Kukui is really Alola’s most famous battler, Masked Royal!
Well now that the Delcatty’s out of the bag, might as well have Kukui actually go up against Ash in a six-on-six match. NOW THAT’S WHAT I’M TALKING ABOUT! This was one hell of a match, spanning over three episodes (it was that bad-ass). Kukui’s got one hell of a line-up featuring pokemon from nearly every region. Now because of a certain battle, seeing Rowlet take out one of Kukui’s finest kinda pisses me off. But the biggest fights came from Incenaroar and Torracat. Because they fought, not one, not two, but THREE times! And their bout ended with Ash’s Torracat evolving and a double knockout! OH MY GOD, HOW COULD THIS GET ANY BETTER?!
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In comes Tapu-Koko! He said, “Fuck your sixth pokemon, Kukui. I wanna battle this boy I’ve been stalking since 2016!” Yeah, we get one major fight between one of the Tapus and Ash’s Naganadel and Pikachu (and whatever pokemon that isn’t dead) and believe it or not, Ash won! He defeated all of Kukui’s pokemon AND Tapu-Koko. He’s seriously out-doing everything he’s ever done from XYZ! Even going above and beyond with Pikachu by doing a solid reference to Dragon Ball Z…You all know what they referenced.
So Ash, you just won the Pokemon League, you defeated your mentor, you took out one of the island deities, what are you gonna do next?
Yeah, I would choose that too Ash. Only for different and hornier reasons! Actually, Ash gave a lot of thought to what was next. Not only him, but everybody in his class! The biggest one of course was Lillie as she has been reading up on her father’s old journals and trying to figure out that gift he left her as a baby before he disappeared. I still can’t believe he got her quite a rare pokemon like Magerna. But Magerna has been a husk until Lillie took care of it and now it’s freakin’ mobil. Back to Ash, it wasn’t really until he fought Kiawe in a post-match fight that he buckled down on what he wants to do next. And I think Olivia mentioning traveling kinda sparked Ash for his next journey.
And wouldn’t you know it, Team Rocket at the same time gets word from Giovanni to pack their shit up and return to Kanto. Mimikyu in its satanic fashion tries to take out Pikachu one last time. But it failed, almost drowned in the water, and was then SAVED by the very Pokemon it’s tried to kill the last 145 episodes. Okay, vendetta over, later bitches. Team Rocket ended up leaving Maernie and Mimikyu in the dead of night. And Bewear promised to watch after them in their absence and gave us something we haven’t seen since this show began…a proper blast off! Team Rocket blasted off once more. I’m feeling quite nostalgic because it’s been a while.
Hey, I just realized. What happened to Jigglypu-
Okay then, I’ll probably see it in another 10 years.
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Lillie decided to go off with her mother and brother to travel. Lusamine handed over her responsibilities to Rotomdex. And on the day of Lillie’s departure, she ends up almost in the same fashion as Serena’s goodbye (but thankfully we’re on a boat and she can’t do any last-minute smooches). Lillie remembered all that Ash has done for her and how much she’s grown, so she gives him a very earnest “Thank You”. Now for Ash’s goodbye to his host family! Now I’ve pretty much heard and seen the internet cherish this cute bond between Kukui, Burnet, and Ash. And yeah, it’s pretty genuine! Whenever we get an opening scene of them in Kukui’s home, they’re usually doing something family-ish. And they’re definitely going to miss that! Poor Burnet was even crying!
On Ash’s flight back to Pallet Town, he looks out the window and sees his friends giving him one final farewell as they fly through the skies with their partner pokemon.
In the aftermath we see, Sophocles leaving to go with his cousin, Mallow’s older brother returning home, Shaymin transforming into its flying form (yes, flying away leaving Mallow), Kiawe is doing some training with Olivia, Lana traveling with her father to fish for a mythical pokemon, Hau taking on Nanu in a grand trial, Team Skull just hanging there, Bewear looking after Maernie and Mimikyu, Lusamine traveling with the kids, and something that shocked the shit out of me! Even though I called it in the back of my mind!
We close out the episode with Kukui and Burnet sitting together and...
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IS THAT A BABY BUMP?! It is. It freakin’ is! God I hope Ash didn’t walk in on them having sex. Don’t be silly Medea, they probably conceived this child when Ash was either training or having a sleepover. Truthfully, I say they did the nasty when Ash, Kiawe, and Sophocles spent the night in the woods training.
OOH, BETTER IMAGE! They did roleplaying during sex and Kukui wore the Masked Royal mask! Just let me have this moment guys. I really enjoy frolicking in my gutter mind!
Oh and closing message, “and your dreams!”
I seriously hope the English dub keeps the end credits to this. They have a lousy reputation of skimping on things like that. They even skipped the photo scene at the end of BW. Please for crap’s sake, keep the ending scenes!
Yes, in the back of my mind I thought Sun and Moon would be radical and give us a pregnant Burnet. I knew this would happen sometime after that wedding episode a year and a half ago. But then a few weeks before the Sun and Moon finale, I wound up dreaming about Kiawe’s mother pregnant and she was wearing the exact same dress Burnet is wearing in the final scene. Sometimes my dreams can be fucking spooky and spot-on at the same time.
WOW-EE-WOWEE-WOW-WOW! Okay, um. Some thoughts! This anime gave me such a huge slump during a lot of it. I cannot lie. There was a long period of time where I was just disinterested in Sun and Moon. And seeing how other people were (especially those who were staunch XYZ fans) yeah I can see that. One big, annoying factor was once again, the animation. Yeah, you whiny bitches complaining BW Ash was the worst? You owe that one an apology! Because this Ash looks nothing like the past 5 Ash’s! And they tried this comedic style that won on some parts and failed in other departments. Though, spot-on whenever we get a Jojo’s reference! There were episodes that were just absolute MEH. And this is coming from the same person who sat through all the fillers in Johto, MORE THAN ONCE! And I had some severe reservations about seeing a main cast this huge trying to get some character growth. I had absolutely no expectations for anyone and thought they were gonna serve as dead weight (except for Kiawe and Lana).
Once again, I’m glad to see my expectations are blown away. There has been massive character development and they managed to hit all the main characters and even some of the minor ones. Lillie especially has blossomed throughout the series. As a girl who was afraid of Pokemon, I am impressed at how far she’s come. She was able to overcome her fear of pokemon eventually, hatch a pokemon from an egg, excel the power of Z-moves, bring back to life a rare/mythical pokemon, and even make it to the top 16 of the Alolan League. While Lana is still my best girl of this season, Lillie is definitely a wonder to behold. Sophocles, I had the littlest of hope or care for him. I still am not a fan of him really, but when you see this boy overcome certain anxieties, hurdles, and one sad moment involving the meteorite pokemon, you see he’s a pretty solid character.
And then there’s Mallow…Dammit! So I just realized as I’m wrapping up Sun and Moon.
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One of the biggest things I saw was “Family”. And seeing as Alola is a take on Hawaii and one of the biggest things people pride theirselves upon is family, this totally makes sense. In Sun and Moon, we saw a lot of different kinds of families. Small ones like Sophocles. Bigger ones like Kiawe and Lana. Families that have had their own share of heartache like Mallow and Lillie. Ones that end up starting like Kukui and Burnet! Hala and Hau’s little relationship. And even families that are reunited like Bewear and Stuffel! These particular moments and episodes were ones that touched me in a way only Miyazaki can reach. Particularly Mallow’s story! I already mentioned this in the saddest moment category, but Mallow with her deceased mother is one of the best character growth episodes in Pokemon history. Up until that point, we’ve seen Mallow pretty perky, a good cook, and a supportive friend, especially to Ash, Lana, and Lillie. But then we get hit with this one story that no one expected. And now, let’s discuss Ash in this part! We got to see Ash settle in with a second family life with Kukui and Burnet. I mean let’s face it, all the other places Ash traveled he would roam from town to town. Here in Alola, it’s like Kukui was the father he never had and Burnet was like a second mother. And I suppose they felt like Ash was a son to them. So quite fitting they wound up having a baby after his departure.
And it wasn’t just the humans that have grown, but their pokemon too! Many of Ash and his friends’s pokemon were able to grow and shatter all expectations. Two of Ash’s pokemon especially deserve that praise and that’s Lycanroc and Incenaroar. Back when Lycanroc was a Rockruff, he always strived to get stronger. And in later episodes, it looked up to other Lycanroc like Olivia’s and Gladion’s. Then it evolved and it’s been quite the journey to try and train this doggo to it’s full potential. And because this is one of Ash’s pokemon, this has gotta be a one-of-a-kind pokemon (dusk form). Well Lycanroc has overcome some tough obstacles (yes, including bearing through getting dirty) and went on to be one of Ash’s top pokemon.
Litten, THANKFULLY didn’t have a dickhead trainer abusing him like many of Ash’s other fire-type pokemon. But Litten’s story was far from perfect as it was a stray cat pokemon living on the streets with an old Stoutland. And Ash took in Litten after Stoutland passed away. Litten was a pretty decent member of Ash’s team, but definitely got the fire in his eyes when he saw Masked Royal and Incenaroar. That encouraged Litten throughout the series to get stronger. Even leading to one of the best fights during Kukui and Ash’s match! Good doggo, good kitty!
Oh yeah, probably should talk about the battles! Unlike the other gyms up to this point, Ash went through Grand Trials (just like you would in the game). Except Ash really didn’t do that many of those mini trials since Kiawe, Lana, Mallow, and Sophocles were his classmates and not giving out tests! But Ash still wound up battling the big kahunas like Hala, Olivia, Nanu, and Hapu. And in the old Ash fashion, there were battles he won like a champ, ones where he’d have to try again, and ones where he got supremely lucky. Yeah, that Ash vs. Hapu match was such bullshit. But I’d still take that match over Ash vs. Hau in the Alolan League!
I will NEVER get over that match. Yeah aside from that travesty, a lot of the Pokemon League matches were pretty stellar, even the ones not involving Ash. I really enjoyed Sophocles vs. Kiawe and the Lana vs. Mallow match.
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LET’S LOOK BACK AT MY HIGH HOPES: At the end of Pokemon XY, I made a nice list of things I would like to see. Did any of my high hopes come to fruition? Let’s see…
First of all, NO, I DID NOT SEE MY ANIME HUSBAND! For fuck’s sake Pokemon! If Snorlax exists at the Oak lab, Tracey Sketchit should too. They both came from the same arc. But NO! He’s not at the lab and doesn’t even get a mention. That is messed up! I don’t know if this is because they couldn’t get Tomokazu Seki to stop playing Gilgamesh for a second to come back or they’re trying to distance themselves from the Orange Islands as much as possible, or if they just FORGOT his existence, but I’m not digging this. No, Medea hates this with a holy fucking passion.
Old characters returning under this new style! Yeah, it happened. I think I was only a fan of how the women looked, so Misty and Delia looked okay to me. I just wasn’t a fan of Professor Oak and Brock. Although, kudos to the anime for having Brock take his shirt off and show off his six-pack. DAMN BOY! The animation ended up staying the same throughout the series, but I managed to tolerate/muscle through it.
I know I forgot to write this part, but I really wanted Kukui to remain single for the series. Yeah, that fell at the waist-side! Kukui was single…but then he got married. Okay, I can accept it. That was the cutest proposal, I have to admit that. And I was howling when I saw pregnant Burnet at the end. So alls well that ends well!
Let’s see, Lusamine wasn’t voiced by Miki Itou like I wanted. Then again, this Lusamine wasn’t a psycho bitch. Although kudos for getting Nobuhiko Okamato voicing Gladion. I am forever happy with that outcome.
Did I get more Clefables? FUCK YEAH, I DID! Holy shit, I forgot Lusamine had a Clefable in the games and didn’t even think the anime was going to keep that, but HOLY SHIT THEY DID AND I’M SO HAPPY! Not only that but we were able to see Clefable every so often. It’s so adorable. I just wanna hug her!
Lillie’s egg of course wasn’t Cosmog, it was Alolan Vulpix. Cosmog can’t be hatched. It just magically appears. Hey, cute choice though!
Did Ash catch a psychic pokemon? Uhhhhhhh…no! Still no psychic type.
Did I see Wicke and Olivia, fuck yeah I did! Wicke is adorable especially when she bosses Faba around. My only thing with Olivia is that, I wish the anime didn’t make her into a clumsy oaf the whole time. My God, she tripped more times than Bianca did during Best Wishes. That’s sad! Now her being the object of Brock’s eye, that I wasn’t expecting. I’m wondering if Brock will keep in contact with Olivia or if he’s moved onto another booty-call of the day.
Overall, it was a bumpy start for me to get into Sun and Moon. But it wasn’t until we got to important things like the Aether Foundation, Mallow’s mother, and Guzma’s debut that got me back fully invested. I know it’s damn near impossible to convince staunch XYZ fans to watch this, but give it a shot for the stories. The animation is just so undoable after what XY has given us, but still.
Currently, most (if not all) episodes of Sun and Moon dubbed will be available on Hulu, Netflix, Pokemon TV, and Disney XD. Yeah, no one has gotten around to giving us legal subtitled episodes sad to say. Here’s hoping Disney XD will continue holding onto the Pokemon license as they happen to be the ONLY one that literally has all episodes available. On the channel, they still kinda restrict themselves to only playing the current season, but sometimes we get lucky with the movies.
MORE HIGH HOPES: Okay, new high hopes for the new Pokemon series, Pokemon…um, 2019? Seriously guys, what’s up with this cryptic-ass series?
*Signs that Tracey Sketchit exists. Just show him at Oak’s lab or somewhere in this series. That’s all I ask. I will even swallow my pride and allow him to be at the Waterflower Slut Brigade in Cerulean. Just please, for the love of Arceus, show him to me. That flash in the 20th movie does not settle me. Give him to me, now! Don’t care how, I WANT IT NOW! I am the Veruca Salt of seeing Tracey again.
*Aside from Tracey, and seriously show him to me already…If at possible, update on May and Iris. Everyone else can go fuck off! These two deserve an update if Ash is doing this around the world adventure with his new boy-toy Gou. I know it may be difficult to get their voice actors back as I’m sure Aoi Yuuki’s schedule is insane and Kaori has an illness preventing her from voicing. Still! Something from those two…AND ONLY THOSE TWO FEMALES! I’m sick of Misty popping in without giving us what we want. Dawn and Serena need to go to the Pokemon version of Antartica until 2030. And unless Mallow, Lana, and Lillie make a shocking discovery, I don’t want to see them for a few years.
*CLEFABLES! Okay, yeah, that goes without saying!
*YAMPER or as I call him, Winston Corgles Ein Handbanana the Breadloaf must be seen at least once every two episodes.The opening theme doesn’t count. I want to see Winston Corgles Ein Handbanana the Breadloaf.
*Eventually spend some time in Galar and fight gym battles there. I know the Pokemon anime wants to take a sharp left turn into WTF territory, but sometimes don’t mess with the status quo and have Ash take on some gyms. Mmkay?!
*If Team Rocket and Giovanni really have to show up again, could we PLEASE finally get Ariana, Archer, Petrel, and Proton to be in the anime? Or as my friend calls them, the Stupid Sexy Rocket Execs!
*And while we’re at it, could we get an arc in this series where Ash goes to the Battle Tower in Sinnoh?
*Give James a Galarian Weezing.
*Rica Matsumoto must eventually sing an OP theme for this series. Goes without saying!
*Give Ash a Psychic type.
*I know nobody ages in this show, but please don’t keep Burnet pregnant forever. Also, if Ash decides to visit Kukui and Burnet again, I wanna see their baby.
Final category (I promise)!
IN MEMORIUM: I would like to close my review to Pokemon: Sun & Moon to talk about a certain voice that has been at the center of the Pokemon anime from day one. That was Unshou Ishizuka. If you watched the Japanese version of Pokemon, chances are you have heard this man’s voice in any episode you watch. Whether as Professor Oak or the narrator! Not only those two, but voiced Alder in the Black/White series, Samson Oak in the Sun/Moon series, several versions of the Pokedex, Magikarp Salesman, and many notable pokemon including Misty’s Gyarados, Cilan’s Stunfisk, Dawn’s Mamoswine, Ash’s Muk, Brock’s Onix/Steelix, and even Tracey’s Scyther. In August 2018, he passed away from Esophagus Cancer. So losing someone of this caliber is a huge hit to Pokemon.
I didn’t start watching the Japanese version religiously until 2006 (right around the time the dub murdered eardrums). But I was able to hear him as Onix and Gyarados early on because they had the same voice throughout the entire series run in English. But I had a lot of fun listening to him as Professor Oak when I switched to the Japanese version.  Not to mention his other roles outside the Pokemon series including Mr. Satan in the later Dragon Ball series and Grandpa Joestar on JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure. I seriously miss him. May he rest in peace.
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brunhiddensmusings · 5 years
You mentioned “the seven deadly sins of anime.” Can you elaborate? Because if I’m honest I think when anime is good it’s very good, but when it’s bad it’s more manipulative and cheap than a bad soap opera. And 80% of it is bad...
the ‘seven deadly sins of anime’ are a colloquialism about the most infamous guilty pleasures in the pool of weaboo trash, some of which have a ton wrong with them and others arent actually -bad- persay but are still something you will be embarrassed for having a phase back in the day. the phrase was used for years but now ‘seven deadly sins of anime’ will bring up either the anime ‘seven deadly sins’ or the homonculus based on the seven deadly sins of FMA instead of the rouges gallery of regretultimately theyre the ones giving a bad name to anime, that any person who hears you say you like anime assumes its either schoolgirl upskirt or theseim not trying to start a fight or tell anyone their waifu is problematic because i know that many people have a soft spot in their heart for them, but they include - naruto, the absurdly long adventures of a ‘ninja’ who is bright orange and shouts loudly at all times. ninja here have decided to go with wizardry instead of stealth and primarily focus on insufferable character personalities, obliviousness, and very long arcs. also a ninja pug and copious ammounts of self refferencial material- bleach, an interesting blend of edgy tryhard, a love letter to misheard samurai culture, enormous filler arcs, and all characters are thin tropes- one piece, having the interesting defence of being the least actively bad of the list yet also having the most heavy reliance on being made up almost entirely of filler and tropes, it just knows how to use filler and tropes better. but something about one piece face design will haunt my nightmares- inuyasha, many of the most hated and infamous tropes of anime come from and are even named after this marvel. this is the OG with things animes do that the fans hate but tolerate and halfheartedly defend because theyre too invested to walk away. its a bit like a train wreck crossed with a daytime drama, in multiple senses of how that can be interpreted- attack on titan. yep, nazis, very thinly veiled nazis on top of even without that level of problem its also trying far too hard to be disturbing depressing gore that makes deathnote look heerful. the fans of it seem to only try and remember two minute chunks of it at a time, like the girl who ate a potato- sword art online, the new kid to the legion of anime sins and probably the one open for the most legitimate argument. in order to properly explain what the plentiful problems are here i would have to draw a graph and then watch enough of this anime to want to beat someone with an author i respected- DBZ, i could teach a class on how this show is a wonderful example of how not to write content of any kind, be it series, movie, or book. it just does so many things wrong that its fascinating to grab a shovel and organize how many trash fires there are and why exactly these things shot the show in the foot, repeatedly. however the original dragonball has very few of these problems which makes it more fascinating that these were intentionally added later and then kept in for the next 5,000 episodes and 20 spinoff movies. please stop me from going further on this one before i start writing another lesson plan outlinekeep in mind there are far, FAR worse anime out there, its just that these are the ones that were huge and embarrassing
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itsclydebitches · 5 years
Throwing some thoughts out there! My issue with Dragon Ball comes from looking at the story on the meta level. I think with each story there is a set of expectations it creates while following it and this is what hinders DB's stakes massively for me. It's rare in the US region for someone to start with og DB, but I did and by the time Raditz rolled around, my disbelief about anyone dying was gone because everything always worked out. (c)
(Rest of the ask under the cut!) 
100% agree, anon. Not to start drawing iffy parallels (given its own culture and form), but DBZ does remind me of a child’s cartoon in many respects, in that yes, from very early on it’s clear that everything will turn out alright. There are moments where we think the characters are still invested in death (Raditz, Krillin), but we know it’ll be fine. They’ll achieve that happy ending. Other popular shonen series--FMA, One Piece, Naruto, etc.--all feel like they have more at stake. We also hold the expectation that overall the protagonist will achieve their personal happy ending (get our bodies back, become king of the pirates), but everyone surrounding them is fair game in terms of tragedy. They function more like “adult” stories where tragedy is permanent vs. “kids” stories where it occurs, but is (usually) quickly fixed. (Something like Steven Universe being a newer era of children’s shows.) 
I think a lot of this stems from the fact that beyond the first quest to collect the dragon balls, our characters have no goal. It’s just “get stronger” which, as long as you’re willing to introduce new and powerful characters, never has an end. If it never has an end then you’re kinda in trouble if the tragedy doesn’t have an end either. If we had stakes taken more seriously and applied them to a story about someone’s whole life as opposed to a singular quest, then chucked in life or death battles every week... Dragon Ball would be a much darker show--not well suited to Goku’s characterization imo. Which isn’t to say that we couldn’t have gone there, it just wouldn’t feel like the Dragon Ball we know. 
So instead the reader/viewer is encouraged to invest in HOW they win, because we already know they will. Or HOW they’ll be revived because, again, we already know they will. The “twists” come in the form of things like how the Tournament of Power unfolds (won’t say exactly in case you haven’t caught up on Super, but if you have think about who wins that), and how death still functions as a different kind of sacrifice: Goku staying in Other World for 7 years, Vegeta feeling proud that this time he gives his life for the Earth, everyone thinking that Elder Kai is making more of a sacrifice than he actually is since we don’t know how Kais pass on yet when he offers his life to Goku (and given what we did know about Buu permanently killing Shin’s associates, that moment does briefly read as tragic. Even if it’s quickly undermined). 
And yep, the dragon balls/the gods change as needed to maintain this “It’ll all turn out okay” structure and for the most part we accept them functioning as pseudo-plot devices because that’s how Dragon Ball works. It’s built into the show’s DNA. If we suddenly stopped that we’d, again, have a very different show that didn’t feel much like our franchise. Personally, in today’s day and age I find Dragon Ball refreshing in its optimism and reassuring victories. It’s nice to watch one action/adventure show where I’m not constantly on the edge of my seat, wondering who the creator will kill off/torture next and how pissed the fandom will be about it... The only real “death” in Dragon Ball are those characters Toriyama doesn’t know what to do with anymore. The ones regulated to the background. 
(But yeah, even beyond this function there are still the kind of presumed plot holes you’d expect of any powerful object. Why doesn’t Vegeta wish back the Saiyans with the dragon balls? Why not just wish yourself more powerful? There are actually answers to things like this, but they lie in characterization not overtly explained on screen. i.e. Being a survivor is a huge part of his identity, no one would be satisfied without achieving that power on their own, etc.)
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Cowboy Bebop live action is a no go for me.
I am an old man when it comes to anime. I've been around for what many would say is the beginning of anime in America or at least what I would heavily assume is the start of it. I was around when stuff really started hitting over here such as Tenchi Muyo and Ranma 1/2 and so on. I remember being young and seeing Sailor Moon as well as seeing the original DBZ come on cartoon network where Vegeta had that crazy ass voice and when Ginyu was the big enemy at the moment. I remember seeing Devilman and so many other things when anime first came over. I was around when Anime started coming on the up and up. Where Toonami was showing things like Gundam, Outlaw star, Big O, Cowboy Bebop, and so on. I was around when western cartoons started to try and resemble anime with Teen Titans or Samurai Jack and so on. I was even around when the "Big 3" of Naruto, Bleach, and One Piece were hitting big and Shonen jump was always what I bought every month with my meager amount of money I could get my hands on. I played Yugioh, and Pokemon which I had watched before school when it first came on. I even now watch some anime and stuff that catches my eye even though I hardly have the time. I'm honestly more of a binge watcher so I miss anime when it is popular and get to enjoy it without all the hype.  I'm a fan of anime. However, I'm not a snob. I don't believe in subs over dubs and I believe that anime can be enjoyed regardless of however it is presented. I'm not even the type of person who believes that western based "anime" isn't "anime" because I feel that anime comes from the east even though anime is a style and not just from the east. Mickey Mouse is not anime, but Avatar the last air bender is and if you don't like it well then just deal with my opinion and get back up on your really tall horse and trot away. I'm not even the type who shuns the idea of a western adaptation or live action or a remake or even filler or hell lastly even an anime that strays from the manga. Fuck you FMA was good and Brotherhood was also good. So what does this have to do with my not watching the live adaptation of Cowboy Bebop? Is it the fact they got Harold to play spike? Nah, I think John Cho is a fine actor and he looks a bit like Spike. Is it that the cast isn’t all Asian and that Jet is played by a POC? Fuck nah. Hell he even sounds like Jet which makes the part of my brain happy turn on. Is it that Ed is not gonna show up for a long time? Nah. I love Ed as a character but they said it was gonna be changed. Is it that it is gonna be changed? Nope. They can’t live up to the anime anyway so why do the exact thing as the anime? So than what is my gripe? It’s that the show said it was gonna be original and they just reused the same plot as the movie for the opening scene. Everything except the lines about beef stew or that it was in a convenient store was pretty much the same. Well except the stuff Jet said about war. Everything was guy whos mad at ex job, girl being taken hostage and talked down to about ideology, Spike with his headphones acting a fool, Spike messing up the plan, Jet coming in and helping out, main dude taking old lady captive, Spike saying he doesn’t give a fuck if old lady dies, Man taking a shit, Spike handling it, and “I’m just a simple bounty hunter ma’am”.  You wanna win me over with your original content? Well using someone else’s stuff is not good faith. I’m actually annoyed to the point of I’m either not gonna watch it or I’m now gonna put it off until I binge watch another full fucking show. You had one thing to do Cowboy Bebop and that was to be original while maintaining the essence of Cowboy Bebop. Now you’re just a copycat and a soulless shell of what you set out to be.
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budokai3song · 7 years
Now that FT has ended have u considered getting into anything else? :) HxH, FMA, BNHA, SNK, Tokyo Ghoul, One Piece, Gintama or OPM are all good series I think you may like if you enjoyed FT DBZ and Naruto 👍🏻☺️
Ah yes! I am a shounen kinda gal, after all; So these are definitely some good recommendations 👏🏻
To answer your question, yup! I’ve just recently started watching BNHA a couple of days ago and I’ve already finished both seasons! 💚💚💚💚 I’m glad that I gave into all the hype and decided to check it out because it��s honestly sooooo good 😭I was hooked after the first episode tbh. The fandom is also so loving and happy and I just- 😭👏🏻 bless. A lot of Fairy tail fans (based on what I’ve seen) are hopping to the BNHA fandom; Hope y'all don’t mind!! 💚💚
I’ve always been meaning to pick one piece up, as it is, well ya know- The King of Shounen. I used to watch it as a kid, every week day while waiting for Yugioh to come on before I went to school. It was good based on what I can recall. Who else remembers the 4kidz rap? HAHAHAHAHAHA I still know that off heart 😂 ahhh childhood. But I digress, I’ll definitely give it another go some day (despite its intimidating amount of content) When the time comes, Should I read the manga or watch the anime? Apparently the Anime is dirt compared to the Manga 🤷🏻‍♀️ (no hate, all love 💚 just going off what I’ve heard people say)
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20+ Most Badass Quotes from Anime & Manga
20+ Most Badass Quotes from Anime & Manga
Attack on Titan Badass Quote
Background: The wall which protects man-eating titans from people have been breached and everyone in the city needs to evacuate to the inner walls in order to be saved. One of the exits is blocked by a huge cargo belonging to an influential middle aged guy (let’s call him “the rich guy”), making the crowd impossible get past. The rich guy has bodyguards and is bullying around the common people to help him push the cargo as “this cargo is worth more than you could ever make in your whole pathetic lives”.
The crowd asks the soldiers to arrest the rich guy, but they are too scared as the rich guy knows their boss. They didn’t want to get into any trouble. As all this commotion is going on, a titan appears in the corner and everyone is scared sheetless, there is utter chaos and people start pushing the cargo to escape getting eaten.
Mikasa, one of the soldiers, comes to the rescue and kills the titan in one quick moment.
Mikasa (noticing that people haven’t evacuated yet): “What do you think you’re doing?”
The rich guy: “Good timing! You! Make them help me out! I’ll reward you handsomely!”
Mikasa(shocked and disgusted) : “My comrades are dying as we speak. The noncombatants haven’t evacuated yet, so they’re fighting the titans and dying.”
The rich guy: “That’s only natural! It’s your duty to offer up your hearts to protect us civilians and our wealth! Dont get all high and might just because you parasites have finally emerged from 100 years of uselessness!”
-Badass mode on-
Mikasa: “If you think its only natural that people die for others, then I’m sure you’ll understand. Sometimes, sacrificing one precious life can save many others”
The rich guy: “Just you try it. I’ve known your boss for a long time. You’re just a grunt. I can tell him to end you!”
Mikasa: “But how is a corpse going to tell him anything?”
The rich guy (stammering): “P-pull out the cargo…”
Nnoitra (Espada) Bleach Badass Quote
“So you’re one of those. The kind of hero who thinks if your girl’s safe you actually have a shot at taking me down? Well I have news for you.” – Nnoitra (Espada #5)
This is said in response to Ichigo saying “let Orihime go”.
It’s one of the best quotes from a villain especially.
Donquixote Doflamingo Badass Quote (One Piece)
“Pirates are evil? The Marines are righteous? These terms have always changed throughout the course of history! Kids who have never seen peace and kids who have never seen war have different values! Those who stand at the top determine what’s wrong and what’s right! This very place is neutral ground! Justice will prevail, you say? But of course it will! Whoever wins this war becomes justice!”
It’s quite a deep sentiment for a shonen manga.
One Outs Badass Quote
“Winning is about making your opponents lose, making them taste defeat, crushing a fallen opponent, kicking them when they’re down, rubbing salt into a gaping wound. Winning is about trampling over corpses. It’s not beautiful, it’s BRUTAL“
Vegeta’s Pride Badass Quote
Vegeta: You can take control of my mind and my body, but there is one thing a Saiyan always keep… his PRIDE!
DBZ: Goku & Vegeta Badass Quotes
Omega Shenron: Where are the other two? Gogeta: The Saiyans? They’re here. I am they. We are one. Unfortunately for you Omega.
For me the most badass quote from an anime would be from,
Fairy Tail’s Badass Quotes
“Though our paths may have diverged, you must continue to live out your life with all your might, you must never consider your own life to be something insignificant, and you must never forget about your friends for as long as you live”
Whenever a Mage wishes to leave Fairy Tail
Hitotsu: You must never reveal sensitive information about Fairy Tail to others for as long as you live.
Futatsu: You must never use former contacts met through your being in the guild for personal gain.
Mittsu: Though our paths may have diverged, you must continue to live out your life with all your might, you must never consider your own life to be something insignificant, and you must never forget about your friends for as long as you live
Still gives me goosebumps whenever I hear it. You will feel different emotions of every character who spoke of it as it really comes from the heart.
That’s all folks, I hope you liked it. ^^
Source: Google.
Bleach: Aizen Badass Quote
Aizen Souske to Hirako Shinji (Bleach) “All living creatures place their faith in someone more powerful than them and they cannot survive unless they blindly follow that person. The recipient of that faith then seeks out someone in an even higher position in order to escape from the pressure. That person then seeks out someone even more powerful that he must put his faith in. In this way all kings are born and in this way all Gods are born. Do not believe in me yet, Hirako Shinji for now I shall slowly teach you who the God is that you will put your faith in. Believing in me comes after that.”
Nanatsu No Taizai Badass Quote
When it comes to being a badass no one can come close to quotes made by Escanor from Nanatsu No Taizai:
To the Vampire King( actual introduction of escanor before galan fight): “In this realm, Kings such as you are as numerous as grains of sand.. but I am no such thing. I am an existence unlike any other in this world.”
To Estarossa : “My mighty attacks can not reach thee? Who decided that ? My Sun was swallowed by the speck of your darkness .. and who decided that ? … The only one who gets to decide such things is me……..be gone..”
To Ban = “Acting calm and composed is the privilege of the mighty”
And the list can go on and on. Any word coming from the Sin of Pride is the very definition of badass.
One piece: Roronoa Zoro Badass Quote
How has this not written yet??
This from the future greatest swordsman Zoro in the one piece world, one of the many who have eaten the badass badass no mi
To monet at punk hazard
Z: You talked so big but you’re taking so much time , now I have to leave
M: what is going on ? I thought he won’t cut women
Z: You should have ran the moment you thought you couldn’t beat me , of course there are things that even I don’t want to cut
* insert the demonic smile*
But have you ever seen a wild ferocious beast that you were sure wouldn’t bite , because I …… haven’t
While an amazing ost goes on in the background
Rurouni Kenskin Badass Quote
There are plenty of badass anime quotes out there, but these two are my personal favorites:
The strong shall live, the weak shall perish.
– Shishio Makoto (Rurouni Kenshin)
If you want death, come forward.
– Kenshin Himura (Rurouni Kenshin)
Full Metal Alchemist Badass Quotes
I love this one by Edward Elric from FMA:
“You’ll have to decide for yourself. Walk on your own. Move forward. You’ve got a strong pair of legs, Rose. You should get up and use them.”
Hachiman Badass Quotes
Its not as badass… But the depth will kill you…
“I  hate nice girls. Just exchanging greetings with them will get them on  your mind. Start texting each other, and your heart will be set a  flutter. If they call you, you’re done for. Enjoy staring at your logs  and grinning like a fool. However, I won’t get fooled again. That’s what  your kind calls kindness. If you’re nice to me, you’re nice to others. I  always end up nearly forgetting that. Reality is cruel, so I’m sure  lies are a form of kindness. Thus, I say kindness itself is also a lie. I  always ended up with these expectations. And I always ended up with  these misunderstandings. And before I knew it, I stopped hoping. A  highly trained loner is once bitten, twice shy. As a veteran on this  battlefield of life, I’ve gotten used to losing. That’s why I always  hate nice girls.”
-Hachiman (Yahari Ore No Seishun Love Come Wa Machigatteiru)
Code Geass Badass Quote
There are quite a few badass quote. And most of them is from Code Geass. The one I will listing down below are from Code Geass only.
“If the king does not lead, how can he expect his subordinates to follow?“
“You can’t change the world without getting your hands dirty.”
“Before creation there must be destruction. If my soul stands in the way, then I’ll toss it aside. Yes, I have no choice but to move forward.“
And the ultimate on: Yes, from this day, from this moment on, the world belongs to me. Lelouch vi Britannia commands you, obey me, subject! Obey me, world!”
Lelouch vi Britannia _/\_ Most badass character in Anime.
Naruto Badass Quotes
This one is from Naruto.. a famous one by PAIN ..
  “You have your justice, and I have mine. We are both ordinary men driven to seek vengeance under the banner of justice. However, if there is justice in vengeance, then justice will only breed more vengeance. And trigger a cycle of hatred”
That Obito in guise of Uchiha Madara made this soliloquy while fighting i forgot with whom is absolutely a badass one. His audacity and boldness made me shiver when i came across this page in naruto shippuuden manga.
“I’m not going there to die. I’m going there to find out if I’m really alive.”
– Spike Spiegel (Cowboy bebop) *This one really hit me hard*
“Slice up those cow tits of yours and make me a sandwich!”
– Beatrice (Umineko no naku koro ni)
Black Lagoon Badass Quote
“I’m the best there is at what I do. What I do best isn’t very nice.”
– Balalaika (Black lagoon)
“Sorry. It is difficult to remember those who came to power through money rather than skill. Better write your name on a dollar bill so I don’t forget it.”
– Balalaika (Black lagoon)
Umineko no naku koro ni Badass Quote
“Humans are pitiful beings, walking forward their backs to the future gazing at the past. This is why they fail to notice the simplest pitfalls and stumble tragically and comically.”
– Bernkastel (Umineko no naku koro ni)
“The only difference between a hero and a madman is whether they win or lose.”
– Lambdadelta (Umineko no naku koro ni)
“When a person lies, what is important is not the lie itself. No, it is their reason. Their why.”
– Holo (Spice and wolf)
Psycho Pass Badass Quote
“If the being casting judgement is perfect, then it has to judge itself as well.”
– Saiga Jouji (Psycho pass)
“When a man faces fear, his soul is tested. What he was born to seek; what he was born to achieve…his true nature will become clear.”
– Shogo Makishima (Psycho pass)
“It’s not the final judgement of ‘good’ and ‘evil’ that’s important. What matters is that you come to that decision yourself. That you agonize over it and eventually accept it.”
– Akane Tsunemori (Psycho pass)
“If I like it, it’s Yuri.”
– Me, in a manga drawn by Morishima Akiko for Yuri Hime magazine in 2007.
By saying this in a Japanese manga, I established myself as an arbiter of an entire genre in two countries. (Yes, I really said that. I was joking, but I did say that.)
Code Geass Badass Quote
This one is from Code Geass:
I am Zero, the one who will crush the world…and the one who will recreate the world anew!
Azien Sosuke from Bleach – Badass Quote
Since The Beginning, no one has ever stood in the heavens, neither you, nor I, not even God himself, but that emptiness in the throne of heaven will be filled from this day forth, i will be the one to stand in the heavens. Aizen Sosuke (Bleach)
Itachi Uchiha – Badass Quote
“People live their lives bound by what they accept as correct and true. That’s how they define “reality”. But what does it mean to be “correct” or “true”? Merely vague concepts… their “reality” may all be a mirage. Can we consider them to simply be living in their own world, shaped by their beliefs?”“
Bakemonogatari -Badass Quote
“The fake is of far greater value. In its deliberate attempt to be real, it’s more real than the real thing.”
Kaiki Deishuu, possibly my most favorite anime character ever.
Nothing philosophical, nothing pretty, nothing superfluous. Just badass Kenshiro talking badass.
Bleach Badass Quote
This is one of my favourites by Kyoraku in Bleach:
“Once a war breaks out, both sides are evil”A cool picture from the manga:
Hellsing Badass Quote
“Now then, let’s go and die like mangy dogs. Let’s die while yelling “Fuck, Fuck!” as we take gut shots. As we writhe in agony.” – Pip Bernadotte, leader of mercenary group ‘Wild Geese’, from anime; HellsingHere’s another one; by the same guy “Face it, this room will be our tomb; the mansion our gravestone; and our gravekeeper will be that cast-iron bitch Integra. And our epitaph? “Here lies the fearsome Wild Geese who kicked beaucoup Nazi ass for queen and crumpets.” But they won’t write any of that. Because of you it’ll say: “Here lies those gutless pussies that died pissing themselves and screaming like schoolgirls.”
Anime Badass, AnimeBadass.com
Shanks from One Piece Badass Quote
Listen up,
You can pour drinks on me,
You can throw food at me…
You can even spit on me.
I’ll just laught that stuff off.
Good reason or not..
Nobody hurts a friend of mine!
– Shanks from One Piece
Mewtwo. The Real legendary Badass Quote
Also, he probably inspired Bale (as Batman).
“When one person is cursed, two graves are dug” – From Jigoku Shoujo (Hell Girl)
One Piece is full of of Badass Quotes
Destiny… fate… dreams… These unstoppable ideals are held deep in the heart of man. As long as there are people who seek freedom in this life, these things will not vanish from the earth. “King of the Pirates” Gold Rog
Shanks: Now that you’ve drawn your pistol, are you willing to use it? Pistols aren’t for threats they’re for actions.
Shanks: Listen up… You can pour drinks on me, you can throw food at me… You can even spit on me. I’ll just laugh that stuff off. But… Good reason or not… Nobody hurts a friend of mine!!!
More One Piece Badass Quotes
“When do you think people die? When they are shot through the heart by the bullet of a pistol? No. When they are ravaged by an incurable disease? No. When they drink a soup made from a poisonous mushroom!? No! It’s when… they are forgotten.” -Dr. Hiriluk
*People don’t fear god, fear itself is god* –Enel 
Pirates are evil!!? The Marines are righteous!!? These terms have always changed throughout the course of history…!!! Kids who have never seen peace and kids who have never seen war have different values!!! Those who stand at the top determine what’s wrong and what’s right! This very place is neutral ground!!! Justice will prevail, you say!? But of course it will!!! Whoever wins this war becomes justice!!! ~ Donquixote Doflamingo
“Miracles only occur for those with the determination to never stop trying!” -Emporio Ivankov
Sanji: A man forgives a woman’s lies.
*When the world shoves you around, you just gotta stand up and shove back. It’s not like somebody’s gonna save you if you start babbling excuses.* –Zoro
Zoro: “You want to kill me? You couldn’t even kill my boredom!
Luffy: You think risking your own life is enough? Try risking our lives along with yours! WE’RE YOUR FRIENDS!
Nami: (to herself, in a panic) This is bad! I can’t escape like this! Luffy, hurry up and take down Eneru! Wait…what if the ship falls from the sky when Eneru gets defeated? No, if we don’t stop Eneru, the Sky Island will be gone for good! What should I do?! (aloud, to Luffy)What should we do, Luffy? We… Luffy: (tosses Nami his hat) Quit yapping! Nami: But… Luffy: You are the future Pirate King’s friend, so stop being such a worrier!
Eneru: Pirate King? What country does he rule? Luffy: He is the king of the greatest sea in the world! Eneru: That doesn’t sound half bad…Let’s finish this in the sky.
“Dying is not repaying a debt!!! That’s not what he saved you for!!! Only weak men would die after someone spared their lives!” ~Luffy
  “I dont want to conquer anything.. I just think that the guy with the most freedom in this whole ocean .. is the Pirate King!” Monkey D. Luffy 
“We’re pirates you know!! I love heroes, but I don’t want to be one. Do you even know what a hero is!? For example, you have some meat. Pirates will feast on the meat, but the hero will distribute it among the people! I want to eat the meat!!” ~Luffy
And last but not least —
“Crocodile, your ass is grass!” Luffy
Naruto Badass Quotes
Madara’s words about war:
“Listen… In this world, whenever there is light, there are also shadows. As long as the concept of winners exist, there must also be losers. The selfish desire of wanting to maintain peace causes wars and hatred is born to protect love.“
And, of course, there is Obito/Kakashi: “Those who break the rules are scum, that’s true, but those who abandon their friends are worse than scum.”
And Itachi’s words about true nature of a person: “We are humans, not fish. We don’t know what kind of people we truly are until the moment before our deaths. As death comes to embrace you, you will realise what you are. That’s what death is, don’t you think?“
Nagato about Pain: “Those who do not understand true pain can never understand true peace.”
And best of all, we have Naruto: “I’m not gonna run away and I never go back on my word, that is mynindō!My ninja way!”
Read it from the source: https://animebadass.com/20-most-badass-quotes-from-anime-manga/
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medea10 · 7 years
My Review of Ghost Stories
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