#are you that dumb to not see the issue here??
themintman · 1 day
I hate those posts that are like "who remembers this ?? 😝😝" And then it's a clip of mcsm with a burning passion but I saw one earlier that just takes the cake.
"Lukas is the most underrated character in this game" WHO??? LUKAS??? the. The blonde one. The perfect, charming guy that everyone loves. The one who is in 90% of all fanart. The one who is in jesskas, the most popular ship in this fandom. That Lukas???? BITCH ARE YOU STUPID???? DO YOU HAVE A SINGLE CELL IN THAT SMOOTH BRAIN OF YOURS, YOU FUCKING INSECT
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mr-damian-s-power · 2 days
What if Lumity suffered from burn-out?
Sooooo.....Yeah, if you saw it, I made a post asking about the potentiality of Amity being a bit co-dependant. I've deleted it now because I see it was dumb and stupid and stupid and dumb. Amity is NOT co-dependant, she's just a bit clingy because Lumity is a teen relationship and they tend to be like that.
So, instead of that, how about I bring up something I feel could have been been very progressive. See, it's all well and good to show a healthy queer relationship, but how about we go a step further. How about we show that queer relationships can run into the same issues as straight ones? No, I'm not saying I wanted Lumity to start arguing and threatening each other with break-up, but running into that problem that plagues many relationships; burn-out!
Luz and Amity spend almost all of their time together. From what I can tell, Amity is almost entirely emotionally dependant on Luz. Tell me, wouldn't it be realistic to show Luz becoming emotionally drained by this? When teens believe they love each other, they tend to rush into relationships. These types of relationships tend to not last long, due to them not being emotionally mature enough to deal with real emotions. So, would they be able to spot the signs of burn-out if they made themselves known.
How about I give a little bit more?
Let's say that Luz and Amity have been together for a while now. They love each other! They spend almost all of their time around one another. It's great! At least, it would be, but Amity has begun to notice something about her favourite Human. Over the last few days, Luz has been acting different around her. Whenever she offers affection to Amity, her voice carries an undercurrent of weary obligation, or her smile doesn't reach her eyes. She seems tired!
Why is that? She seems to be getting enough sleep, so why would she be tired? And why...why does she only seem to be like that around her? Oh Titan, no! This was what Amity feared most! Is Luz...getting bored of her? But why? She's been a good girlfriend! They spend almost every day, and all day, together!
Is...Is she the problem? Amity begins overthrowing everything, trying to figure out what she did. She can't help but panic about the possibility that she's done something wrong. That Luz's strange demeanour is her fault. This does not go unnoticed by the other members of the Hexsquad.
Willow, Gus and Hunter discuss about what's going on with their friends. Luz isn't her usual cheery self and Amity now seems even more clingy than ever to her girlfriend. It may not be their place to stick their noses into their relationship, but something is definitely up. Well, Luz and Amity are almost always together. Luz often showers Amity with compliments, who always eats it up. Then, it clicks! That's what's going on here! Luz is suffering from burn-out!
The trio devise a plan to try and help with this issue. They come to a conclusion. Separating the pair for a day and getting to talking with them. Willow and Gus take Amity, while Hunter takes Luz. This would give the two some healthy time apart, and give their friends some time to interrogate them.
Amity doesn't take this well. She's constantly worrying about what Luz is up to, if she's angry or upset at her. Was all this set up by Luz to get away from her? She'll check in with a text! Just one and that's it. Gus and Willow put a stop to that! This isn't about Luz! Well, it is, but not ENTIRELY about her.
The pair reassure Amity's worries that Luz is not upset with her, or Titan forbid bored of her. The issue that's come up is burn-out. The pair spent nearly every waking moment around each other, and even though they love each other more than anything, that can be tiring. 'Time apart is healthy' they tell her. If you spend all of your time with someone, especially someone you're emotionally dependant on, it can lead to your time together feeling less special and could even lead to one or both of you developing negative feelings.
Amity will then blame herself. She thinks all of this is her fault for pushing Luz so much with needing affection, but it isn't her fault. She loves Luz and sees the world in her, but Luz can't keep up with the love all the time. She has to learn that Luz will always love her, but she can't ALWAYS love her. Even just a few days is all she needs to 'recharge' in a sense. She needs some time away from Amity, with her other friends or even just on her own.
This would also give Amity some time with just Willow and Gus. She can rekindle more of her friendship with Willow (which was very much sidelined. At times I forgot they were once friends) and get to know Gus (seriously, do they ever interact? Just the two of them, I mean?). Amity can be shown that she has friends outside of Luz who care for her and she can rely on. For the first time in a long while, her mind is off of Luz, and she doesn't mind it.
But what is Luz up to?
Luz is spending time with Hunter, who's trying to get her to open up. Does she know why she's acting like how she is? Burn-out? What an idea! Luz isn't burnt out, she's just....not getting much sleep! Hunter doesn't believe it for a second.
Hunter - "It's Amity, isn't it?"
Luz - "Hey, what are you trying to say? This is HER fault?"
Hunter - "I didn't say it was her fault, I was saying that this change in demeanour is related to her! I want to know exactly how you're feeling about her!"
Luz - "You're sure you wanna know?"
Hunter - "I want to know exactly how you and Amity are working right now! No sugarcoating!"
Luz - "Okay, I'll tell you what's up! I'm...tired, okay? I'm tired! There, I said it!"
Hunter - "Tired of what? Amity?"
Luz - *groans and rolls her eyes* "Don't say it like that......but yes! We spend so much time together. All day every day, she's there, even when I honestly just want to be on my own. Look, I love Amity! I love her more than anything, but I just...*sighs* I know it sounds really really selfish, but I just want some me time! I want to spend some time with King, or one of you guys, but Amity is always there!"
Hunter patiently watches and listens.
Luz - "And the worst part; I don't know how to fix this! If I leave it, I'm just gonna be tired all the time around her. If I ignore her, she's gonna assume I'm getting bored of her. If I tell her I don't want to spend time with her, she's gonna think she's a problem. How do I tell her about this without hurting her?
Hunter can then suggest just coming out and saying that you'd like some alone time, away from Amity. Even if it hurts her, this is no way to live, feeling constantly emotionally drained. She will understand that it is a good thing to have some time apart. Plus, it's only for a short time, a few days max.
Later that day, or the next, the Hexsquad meets up again. Hunter, Willow and Gus expected the separated lovers to rush into each other's arms, but they don't. Luz and Amity slowly walk to each other, both offering embarrassed smiles. Amity apologises that she's been overly clingy and making Luz feel emotionally drained, who in turn apologises for not coming clean about her problems and just leaving them to get worse.
The two girls agree that they should have just a few days apart, to 'recharge their batteries' as Luz puts it. But then, they'll be right back at each other's side. They come to an agreement that they should take at the very least one weekend every month where they separate and spend time with other people.
Did all this make sense? Thoughts?
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hollowed-theory-hall · 19 hours
so what made you realize that harry potter was your ultimate favorite character and why ? what is it about him that appealed to you coz if you're aware, he is generally considered boring for a main character in the hp fandom. i used to be one of those haters, but your blog and many others helped me see him through a different lense so thanks for that lol
Thank you! I'm glad you love my boy too now. He deserves it. I wrote my general thoughts about him here, and wrote so much about him in this blog in general, but what made him my favorite is, like, a combination of circumstances.
You see, I used to be one of the people who thought Harry was boring and dumb. I read the books when I was 12, then watched the movies, and for years, I thought Harry was boring and that the HP series as a whole was overrated. I had a good friend in high school who was obsessed with Harry Potter, so I had to be cool and contrary and think the whole thing and the main character was stupid and boring. Daniel Radcliffe's portrayal of Harry didn't help as it didn't have most of the character and charm of Harry in the books and came off as super awkward and boring (to me, at least, but I think this is a pretty common opinion).
Then, a few years ago, I decided to reread the books. And when I did, I fell in love with them in a way I just didn't when I was 12. Harry became my favorite character just because I loved the guy in the books. I read and felt so guilty I ever thought he was boring. He didn't deserve that shit from me because he's an amazing narrator. He's clever and observant, and the way he reacted emotionally to things really sold me. Like, I used to have anger issues as a child and teen (usually when I tell people that now they're really surprised cause I don't look it), and Harry's anger super resonated with me. His anger, sass, and sheer determination are what I loved most about him. He's a tenacious guy who suffered so much and deserves the world. He's an amazing protagonist who manages to be everything he needs to be and more. He's brave, loyal, and compassionate, while also being cunning, angry, and occasionally ruthless and I love his merge of characteristics (as someone between Slytherin and Gryffindor, myself, I relate). And somehow (I blame the movies), he is underrated in the fandom that's named after him.
Also, I was, like, 20 by that point, so I cared much less about being edgy and cool and not liking a popular thing for the sake of not liking a popular thing.
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Honestly my favorite thing about you by far is how you build on aus and fanon of old without being needlessly cruel and disparaging to it. OG reverse falls had a lot of issues, but people tend to get lost in dogging on it as opposed to embracing the beauty that comes with creating new content for it with hindsight and maturity that the fandom of old didn’t have. Basically just thank you for being so kind. Anyway my second favorite thing you do is draw reverse ford like a silver fox you’re so fucking real for that
thank you!! i really do try to be kind and positive about stuff as best as i can when it applies, i know fanon stuff gets a lot of flak for often being derivative or just very shoddy at times but its like. idk. ive always seen the bridge to better fanon being lifting up and supporting what you do like, because the more lamenting that happens the more you end up just sorta chasing this giant invisible strawman of "you guys" who are "making the thing i dont like instead of the thing i like" (as a pretty relevant example, ill see posts pop up in tags complaining about "you guys'" humanizations of a certain triangle... -_- )
because like its true! sometimes fan stuff is dumb. because we're all creating stuff out there so some of its going to be dumb. even some gravity falls stuff is dumb. roadside attraction is dumb. parts of the wendy crush arc are dumb. which is why i want to lift up parts of something i like and when i do point out stuff i dont like i always want to kinda be constructive about why. and i do think that trying to build something i like attracts people! i think they pick up on the passion there! and it just feels so much more rewarding than if i were to complain all day. idk. its all about striking a balance and its something i like to think about and ruminate on a lot as someone who participates in the community of fandom.
its also a bit of a glass houses thing to me, because i dont think i can even claim to have fanon that like, doesnt suck. not in a self deprecating way you just have to understand where im coming from here... because im the type of person who loves to ruminate on how the relationships between people affect them and how it makes their story, which ends up meaning i go REALLY hard on shipping! and someone could point to me and be like "wow youve got Yaoi Brain" or something! and i draw my human bill as a skinny white guy because idk i just Do! and people could call that derivative if they so wished! if i was going around proclaiming that i could 'be better' and 'fix bad fanon' it would just feel ironic to me. because sometimes the art i make isnt perfect too. and im fine with that. its a part of my art to me.
anyways thank you for the ask and the gateway for me to ramble :] i always like talking about this stuff. here's silver fox ford gleeful again
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Y'know, if Lila was just a one-off character for Volpina and we never saw her again, a few tweaks in that episodes writing could have made it a good lesson about not letting your temper get the best of you, even in a situation where your anger is justified
This is in reference to the post where I discussed how terrible Volpina's lesson is and I agree with the proposed change. If Marinette has to be in the wrong here, that's the only way to make it kind of work. In fact, this is what I thought the episode was trying to do on my first watch. When the next season started with Lila gone, I thought, "Okay, so that episode was supposed to be about being the better person and having a more measured response when you've been wronged. I don't think it did that lesson super well, but I can see what they were going for and we'll give them some grace. Definitely one that I wouldn't just give to a kid, though. Way too high a risk of them internalizing a very wrong message."
I only gave the writers that grace because I assumed that Ladybug had truly humiliated Lila out of Paris off screen (remember, we only see Ladybug out Lila to Adrien even though Lila was lying to everyone) and that is a pretty extreme punishment for a teenager making a dumb choice. Even then, saying that Ladybug was in the wrong feels a little too victim blame-y for my tastes. Lila was the one telling the lies and using Ladybug's name for clout on a city-wide scale or possibly even a national/international scale depending on the Ladyblog's viewership. By telling those lies, Lila was harming Alya's credibility and presenting herself as a sort of authority on Ladybug, a position that she was going to use to her advantage as we saw with her manipulating Adrien. She was also putting herself at risk if Gabriel or other villains believed the lies and saw her as a way to get to Ladybug.
That means that the lies Lila told aren't exactly minor, victimless crimes like the lies Marinette and Adrien tell to hide their identities. Lilia's lies needed to be outed on the same scale that they were broadcast and there's no kind way to do that. It's going to have a brutal edge no matter how pretty the words are.
There are times when it's right to be "the better person" and let a thing go, but it's hard to view this as one of them because this was not a nuanced situation. There was no reasonable option other than issuing a public retraction and Ladybug didn't even go that far! She had a single, private confrontation with Lila and then let the matter rest. A better version of this episode might see Alya and Marinette giving a really mean retraction on the Ladyblog that they then feel bad about because they should have been more professional, but that's about it as far as possible improvements go.
If we look at what the episode actually gave us, it feels like another Gamer situation. An episode that blames Marinette for impure motivations while ignoring anyone else's faults, creating a nonsense moral that just makes me mad. Ladybug-is-wrong-for-confronting-the-liar-for-impure-reasons is certainly a take. It's just not one that I'm ever going to agree with. To give a recent, real-world example, do people really feel that James Somerton was the wronged party because his many, many lies and instances of plagiarism were outed in a brutal public takedown? (Context part 1 & part 2, though part 2 is the one to watch if you only want to see why letting lies from respected sources go unchecked can be so messy.)
To be clear, I don't think that Lila's lies were Somerton bad in Volpina, but they were starting to go down that road and they arguably reached Somerton levels by season five. Fakes identities, almost getting Marinette expelled, using her lies to get social power from Gabriel, the list goes on, which is yet another reason to hate Volpina. Its nonsense moral is a big part of why Lila could do all of that. Ladybug should have outed Lila! Society suffered and will continue to suffer because she didn't. That's why you have to stop misinformation as soon as you possibly can, but that wasn't actually the moral of Volpina. The moral was that Ladybug was in the wrong for being mean to the liar. Maybe if she'd been nicer, then Lila wouldn't be so evil now which is a very gross moral! Volpina really does feel even more victim blame-y now that Lila is the new big bad.
That's a good segue to circle back and finish off my original topic: I gave the writers grace for Volpina until Lila returned and established that she'd never been publicly outed. At that point, Volpina lost any chance at me giving it charity. The lesson was worse than I thought and I was fully justified in hating it. It's one of the ones I use when I explain why I wouldn't want a child getting into Miraculous because the problem with Volpina's moral is pretty straightforward.
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californiaquail · 3 days
i have to bitch about my stupid fucking workplace or i'll die
ok i had a hot second where i thought it was getting better and i might be able to stick it out for long enough to not look terrible on my resume but then today my boss snapped SO hard at me literally just for doing my job and it almost made me cry. he usually has a huge stick up his ass about getting to people very promptly so when somebody pulled up outside who he needed to talk to my coworker said "oh go let him know mrs so and so is here" so i went over and he happened to be talking to his office manager whose dog has pancreatitis so i waited for a pause in the conversation and then said "mrs so and so is outside" and he was like "yeah i'll GET to it when i'm DONE with this" in such a forceful and bitchy tone that it made me physically recoil and say "ok just letting you know!" in a much nicer tone than i needed to and then i was struggling not to cry for the next 30 minutes for the crime of doing what i was told.
FURTHERMORE someone who previously held my position dropped her cat off today and they were all shit talking her behind her back and i've literally never heard them talk about previous assistants in any other way like it's always oh she was dumb oh she was such a know it all oh he hated her. i said "oh she seemed nice when i talked to her" because she was and my coworker was like "well when i came back to this job after taking a break he told me i had two jobs; to help [other tech] and get rid of her." so apparently this asshole literally will not just say it to the faces of his employees and just psychologically tortures them into quitting which really makes me think he's trying to do the same to me which is a realization i had many weeks ago but i was trying to believe i was making it up because i'm insane but i guess i'm NOT. to make this situation better one of the (two) techs is leaving after this week to go back to school and the other one doesn't work on fridays so i'm about to be the ONLY person to do all the animal restraining shit cleaning medical note taking prescription filling etc and his office manager leaves after 1 so phone calls after that too. for a man who openly dislikes me and does not speak to me at all if he doesn't have to. i asked the tech who's not leaving for advice and she said yeah have everything you can ready because as you can see he does as little work as possible. and i was like oh so we're all seeing that and you're just letting yourselves get walked all over and doing all of the work for him ok. then she reiterated what i already knew about not letting him see me not doing anything. then she told me "just pick up the phone and don't wait for someone to tell you you can" whole time i was never actually told that i'm supposed to be picking up phone calls i just started doing it when they weren't available because they told me to but i'm frequently unable to answer people's questions because i Just Fucking Started and i've never worked in a vet clinic before. and then i'm made to feel like i'm obnoxious for not knowing things and asking questions. if you are having issues with your employees being know it alls maybe you should stop making them feel like shit for not knowing things? also it is SO fucking bold of him to treat me like shit on his shoe when i am as mentioned about to be the only fucking person on fridays and one of two people the rest of the week. if you want me to quit so bad say it to my fucking face like a goddamn adult and clean the dog shit your damn self or make your poor office manager do it since you won't deign to do normal animal care tasks. he doesn't even have any fucking job postings up even though he's supposedly soooo short staffed (he is obviously but maybe he just doesn't care because he never does any of the work) and i know because i'm on all the job groups and on craigslist and indeed etc all the time because i hate this damn job and want one where everyone doesn't dislike me.
TO BE CLEAR i have been doing my level best this whole time despite being suicidally depressed (largely from this stupid fucking job) and exhausted from having to get up at 6:20 am to catch the bus, i have done everything i've been told to do to the best of my ability without complaining even shit like scrubbing the dead dog freezer or cleaning and reorganizing random ancient stuff no one has thought about in ten years or pointlessly cleaning things that aren't dirty just to look busy, i am always professional and polite to clients and my coworkers, i am often the first person there in the mornings and the last to clock out, i never bother him with questions because i learned very quickly he somehow doesn't have the answers to anything practical about how his business runs because he's comfortable being tech illiterate and making other people do it for him. as far as i can tell his dislike of me is literally just because i have god awful auditory processing so it takes me a while to understand verbal instructions and i have to ask people to say things again or repeat things back a lot. like he literally hates me for the crime of being a little slow and ? not automatically knowing ten million highly specific to this job and clinic things? i get paid $18/hr my rent for my room with my obnoxious preachy landlord costs WELL over half my paycheck i get absolutely no benefits i didn't even receive a contract or any kind of legal forms except a w2. broadly speaking i would consider myself a pretty patient person but now i'm just deeply pissed off and fucking broke on top of it. i think i'm going to give it one or two fridays to see how bad it really is and if it's as bad as i'm anticipating it would be generous of me to give two weeks' notice. and then does anyone think it would be detrimental to acquiring future jobs if i were to work in the weed industry? i can't tell if it would look bad to non weed employers but there's a listing for greenhouse people which i think sounds awesome. if you read this whole thing we will have an autumn wedding
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arabian-batboy · 2 years
I hate how we’re living in a world where its easy to be spoiled for everything as long as you have access to the internet, so therefore you’re forced to catch up quickly to everything as soon as it drops to ensure that you wouldn’t be spoiled because dumb people will casually post screenshots/talk about a major character dying as if its nothing without using spoilers or any other words that you can censor and on top of all that there’s the algorithm that will show you things based on your searches and likes or the searches and likes of people you follow, so you can’t even like/retweet/reblog or watch a YT videos relating to a certain media without seeing spoilers 😩
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ohno-the-sun · 8 months
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nursemimosa · 8 months
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I have something ultra cool and special to share today!
These are the Nov. 2023 and Feb. 2024 issues of Nintendo Dream that, upon me seeing them, resulted in me dropping everything I had to buy them instantly 😅
Both of these focus on the SV DLC, with the second issue pictured above containing some exclusive goodies (a full Jan 2024-Jan 2025 calendar!! and a double sided poster). I'll do a little in depth dive about these below the jump and include some pictures. (also forgive me for the quality of the pictures, I'm just a lil fella with an almost four year old phone...)
The November 2023 issue provides some info about the Teal Mask and things that were to come from the Indigo Disk. Having completed both now, it is really nice to relish in these pictures, trying to imagine what it would have been like to still be waiting in anticipation for the second part!
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The February 2024 issue goes a little more in depth about what there is to do in the Indigo Disk, with a (curious, to me) focus on both of the Elite Fours from S/V. I really like this issue a lot more since there are more pages dedicated to the game than the previous one (and not my Paldea Elite Four bias, I swear).
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My most favorite things were the included goodies found in the February issue. There was a (giant!) double sided poster and a full year calendar!
The poster on one side contains the promotional art for the Indigo Disk. The second side displays the Paldea Elite Four (my favorite side. As someone who's most favorite characters happen to be the Academy Staff and the Paldea Elite Four, I feel like I happened to stumble upon a holy grail (。T ω T。) if only they'd give the academy staff more merch and actual official art though..)
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The calendar is small but is packed with cute little tidbits and info about the game. They managed to assign every single day a Pokemon in the S/V dex (my birthday was assigned grafaiai... in case you were wondering).
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Even though I wish the magazines kinda focused more on SV (especially the Nov. issue), I'm super elated to have these in my collection :> they're really precious and so bold. The goodies are especially something I will always hold onto.
I'll end the post with a lil' Kieran! have a good one!
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whitmore · 8 months
hm. i think acting like the current discourse is a first reaction to one misstep is a little reductive and misinformed, and i think there have clearly been underlying issues for a while now, dating back to the french joining and being ignored at every turn or the eggs going missing arc or purgatory or whatever view-changing event you want to begin your analysis from. it’s reasonable for fans to be frustrated about it, especially if it’s dismantling a section of the media they enjoyed the most; and as much as you can say sit back and let the admins work their magic, i think over the course of the past few months and mistakes a lot of viewers have lost faith solely bc there have been a lot of missteps and on top of that missteps without reconciliation, and there is a fear and very real possibility that it will not get resolved. and that’s ok too! people are also allowed to blog about that though like this is the blog site
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plutobutartsy · 4 months
i hateee when ppl on here act all high and mighty for being on tumblr. "haha we're so much better than the tiktok fandom god they're so chronically online lol annoying" like ooh yeah youre so quirky and special. i bet you bring books to concerts. should we tell y/n
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lord-radish · 1 year
imagine thinking that trans men are inherently bad or evil or predatory on the basis of gendered privilege and societal power structures. cringe
#transmasc discourse#like the idea that trans men gain male privilege and kick down the ladder to beat on the queer community is astonishingly stupid at best#the idea that transphobia or queerphobia as a whole doesn't affect them because they're Assimilating With The Oppressors is like#man fucking what is up with people yknow#gender essentialism is fucked up and it's the same force that's beaten down on bi ace and transfem people#the fact that this has turned into 'trans rights but only for the women' by some dumb-fuck shitstains is awful#no. trans rights for all.#like let me explain what I mean here: trans men aren't seen as men by transphobes#it's not 'oh you're a fella? crack a cold beer and let's bash some gays'. passing as a man has just as much risk to it as passing as a woman#because a man who will attack a trans woman as someone who is not a woman will most likely attack a trans man he does not see as a man#with the same violence he might level against a cis woman#that's just on the masc side. i can't speak for any violence against trans men by cis women but I can see how cis women discredit trans men#by claiming them as Lost Lesbians and Sisters In Arms who've been lost due to the Trans Agenda#like people shit on bi people because they have 'passing privilege'. but we know that bi people face homophobia#and other issues about their orientation. the idea that trans men get their Boys Will Be Boys card is to focus on a tiny selection#that *potentially* has the power to he a shithead - like a queerphobic asexual person or a malicious bi person#and paint an entire group of diverse people as literally the worst interpretation you can imagine about them#like consider that you have your own issues and/or biases in regards to people you like and want to hang out with#and stop calling entire groups of people invaders and oppressors whose entire goal is to upend the community#and turn the power of queer people against them#i understand how it feels to feel powerless and to have somewhere where you feel supported and safe#but if you're going to see pain and hate in every group who shares your experience but gives you an ick for whatever reason#there's a solid chance that the Righteous Crusade against them is - in fact - your own personal dislike wielding a modicum of power#that essentially functions the same way that hetero- and cis-normative standards and people have rejected you.#it is essentially you becoming the bully. and just like bi and ace and transfem people before I won't stand for it#trans men are my people.
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treeshrine · 6 months
gonna be real bud if your fic relies so heavily on intense triggering themes and shock value that you're averse to putting warnings on it to "maintain surprise" and "avoid spoilers", then you act like you did nothing wrong when people are upset that you didn't make any effort to turn them away and allow them to protect themselves, while also telling them it's their fault that they read something that upset them when they could have never known it contained specific things that will upset them, i think you are a tar pit
#'warnings are a courtesy!!' yes so why are you apparently averse to being courteous#saying omg fanfiction never used to warn people and print books never warn people so it's not a bad thing if i don't warn you!#that's some 'no one protected me so why should i protect you' type shit#sorry i got recommended this dumb ass post and i had to say something so i'm saying it here#why are you telling people to curate their own experiences while actively making it more difficult to curate their experiences LMFAO#if i read a scene with intensely triggering content without knowing it was there before. 'just closing the book' or 'hitting the back butto#is not protecting myself. how do i protect myself from something I've already read???#diary#like dude it's possible to protect people from spoilers while also protecting people from seeing things that will distress them#i also honestly take issue with people who do a content warning but just say “this gets into some shit” or something of the like.#you might as well have just not said anything because now i'm confused and on edge#instead of able to protect myself properly i have to try and gauge my personal sensitivity against the unknowable factor of#what your idea of “some shit” is#also telling someone to 'just close the book lol' is an incredibly dismissive approach to people being affected by something triggering#you know these things do happen to people in real life. right. but of course who would have empathy for someone who doesn't want to be#reminded of trauma
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scarletanpan · 7 months
Fully watched a 5 hr video recapping the velma show in great detail bc all the other vids went into just how cringe the first few episodes was and didn't think I'd come out with an appreciation for autistic-coded Fred in the older shows. I remember watching them as a kid and thinking how funny it was that he seemed clueless but then would get so excited when very specific things came up that he would have extensive knowledge abt and it would always help the case. And he would infodump sometimes and everyone would just stare at him for being a nerd. Intentional or not I love it
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toytulini · 1 year
idk. picky eater rights. im coming to your events and turning my picky bitch nose up at your fancy ass desserts you spent a bajillion hours working over in the kitchen and asking if i can find like a basic ass brownie with no extra flairs or ingredients or steps or whatever the fuck. cry about it. stop trying to feed me
#toy txt post#they gotta have some picky eater bitches be the judges on those food competition shows i stg#sorry for committing the unforgivable sin of my tastebuds didnt enjoy the food you made. it was intended as a personal slight actually#i am trying to offend you for real. yeah. thats definitely whats happening. god/sssss#like god irl if i dont like food you made ill try to be fuckin gracious about it buf dont fucking get mad at me for like. idk. prepping my#own foods you percieve as worth less or whatever the fuck. ppl are so fucking weird about food.#honestly guy on prev post didnt even dislike the cake it sounded like but was just experiencing the human emotion of disappointment#when the little specific joy he was looking forward too was not what he expected. if she had asked him 'do you mind if i make a similar cake#that is not the exact same as the one you asked for? maybe he wouldve been fine cos he wouldnt have been looking forward to that specific#thing. OR maybe he wouldve said if youre not going to make this very specific one im looking forward to then dont bother i dont want you#wasting the time and effort and then she wouldnt have been mad. or maybe she wouldve. ppl do get weird about that kind of thing#maybe saying that wouldve been a crime too. guess that dumb asshole shouldve shut up and eaten his stupid cake and enjoyed it and said#nothing. a recipe for happiness#anyway. hot take ig stop putting nuts in desserts. alllergy havers will prolly thank you but you know who else will thank you?#every day i see takes about food that make me think i really should be more of a picky bitch eater on maim to knock yall pretentious#food fuckers down a peg tbh. every day i resist the urge but god how yall test me. let me be the judge on a cooking show.#weird assholes who are rude abt ppl having allergies or sensory issues: come here. im going to break you#anyway more of us picky bitches who are picky just for like. casual reasons. we should he loud picky bitches on main. if a cook or baker or#whatever can accommodate my picky bitch ass thats difficult to feed for no reason we can be sure they can accommodate allergy havers#and ppl w medical restricted diets. if they can be gracious about me just not vibing w the food then they can def be gracious about more#sensitive reasons. yea i could choke down the food i dont like probably. it wouldnt make me throw up or send me to the hospital. but why#should i? if youre an asshole to me about simply not liking your shit then why the hell would i feel safe disclosing medical info to your#bitch ass? why would i trust you to follow it? and not try to sneak some shit in bc you think you know better about food?#anyway#picky eater rights. let ppl be picky for no apparent reason. cos the ppl who have uwu Good Valid Reasons(tm) dont fucking owe you that#explanation
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lord-squiggletits · 1 year
pharma really is such an interesting case. one thing i’ve always felt with pharma is that he absolutely doesn’t want consequences. and facing up to it requires a lot of looking at and showing people what he’s done and you know. the consequences. i mean hell he’d rather start a plague than say “hey i got coerced into doing a very bad thing by the djd”
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I do understand what you mean about Pharma not wanting to face consequences, but on the other hand, I kind of understand why Pharma made a plague rather than admit to medical malpractice/murder? Because like, the thing that I don't see brought up often enough with regards to Pharma is that blackmail... is blackmail. Like, as someone who's unfortunately been on the receiving end of blackmail, the entire point of blackmailing someone is that you corner them into doing bad things by convincing them that they CAN'T turn to an authority figure to ask for help. Like, the person doing the blackmailing generally convinces the person who's getting blackmailed that if they try to reach out for help, the law/authorities/etc either won't care about their predicament or will punish them for the bad thing they did that they're getting blackmailed about.
I kind of feel like (and this isn't an attack on you, just a commentary about the nature of blackmail) when someone like Ratchet looks at Pharma and says "but you could've called for help or shut down the clinic or anything!", it kind of ignores the fact that...... when you're being blackmailed you're fucking terrified, and people who are terrified generally don't jump to the most rational, safe solutions possible? When you add in the fact that Pharma was blackmailed by Tarn of the DJD, notorious hater of Autobots and fanatic leader of a torture club, it's not hard to imagine that Pharma was both afraid and in pain (or threat of pain) while at Delphi and thus wouldn't be thinking straight about it.
I don't know, like. Yeah, on one hand Pharma made a plague and killed a bunch of people to try and cover up his crimes and maintain his career. But he didn't just do it for ego related reasons, he was also almost certainly facing threats of torture and death.
#squiggle answers#pharma apologism#i think i'm biased on this issue so anyone can come in here and add their thoughts or correct me#i guess it just bothers me because like. i've kind of been in that situation (not as serious as pharma's) where i didn't ask for help#and when i got in trouble for not asking for help afterwards and instead choosing to lie or go behind someone's back or whatever#it was generally bc i was more afraid of punishment by The People In Charge#than i was afraid of lying or breaking the rules or doing other bad things#and when i got accused (by the people in charge) of seeing myself as above the rules or thinking i was better/smarter than them#it always pissed me off because i was like. bro i didn't lie to you for fun and games i lied to you because i was afraid#that if i asked you for help you would just shun me or get pissed off at me and punish me#also re: the blackmail i was a victim of. the thing about that is it was over something ultimately petty (stupid internet drama)#and i was PROBABLY never in any real danger but like. the issue was that i FELT like i was in danger#fear is powerful. fear of being threatened at any time or having the things you care about taken away is especially powerful#i had nightmares p much once a week for months during the ordeal and still sometimes do now#like idk i really am biased on this matter but like. just bc pharma made the plague to cover up his crimes#doesn't mean that that's the ONLY reason is what i'm saying#when ppl lie and cover up things about that it's not just about ego but about dumb animal terror#and i mean. to get back to the pharma apologism brand. ratchet KNEW pharma was being blackmailed but he fucking ditched him anyways#this is the guy who was supposed to be his bestie of millions of years and he fucking told pharma he was dead to him#and that's the guy who pharma thought would UNDERSTAND. imagine what he thought other autobots would think of him#also i have a theory that tarn probably psychologically tortured pharma by telling him the autobots would just lock him up for his crimes#as a way to get pharma to not tell anyone and keep supplying him cogs. because you know. blackmail
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