#and it’s also really hard when you have such popular f/os like I do
shot-by-cupid · 9 months
I am so. So sorry for posting some garbage like this but I am actually going insane and I need to get this out of my system before my head explodes
For my whole time being in this community. I have tried to be. So. So. So normal. I have always tried to be comfortable with/cool about sharing f/os cuz like. They’re not realllll and it doesn’t matterrrrr or something idk
But idk what’s going on with my idk why I am. Behaving in this way but I have started to really. Really hate sharing. Like. I don’t even know how to properly explain it because it’s never bothered me this much before. I’ve always just kind of shrugged it off when I see someone I share with. But recently I have been so???,?,,???? AHHHGGGGGGG
There is like. Actually something wrong with me. It’s not all of them. I’m actually really okay sharing like. A majority of my f/os. But there is like. Idk 2 that I will actually start ripping my hair out over.
Idk. In the past I would simply sigh and move on like it never bothered me like this before but now it’s like. I genuinely get UPSET AND ANGRY and it’s really. Embarrassing I’m so weird oughgg like. Im 19 I shouldn’t be huffing and puffing because someone likes the the same character as me. And obviously I would NEVER ever harass someone over this (worst I’ve done is blocking lol) It’s obviously not their fault I’m just. Really weird and it’s like. That’s MY guy. And it just upsets me so much. When I was like 16 I was like ‘lol idk why ppl r sooo weird abt sharing :P’ but like. Now I get it. I really reallllly get it. And it bothers me so much. And I’m just sitting here festering. And I’m so jealous and sooooo bitter. OUGHGG I bite I bite so hard
Idk I feel so ashamed cuz like. I am a grown woman there is no reason to be acting like this idk. Anyway if you read all this I’m sorry and I hope you know I am so normal actually and not bothered at all by anything.
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a-spes · 11 months
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T H E D O G ' S F A L L - One shot.
Words count - 5,2k.
Tags & Warnings - mob boss!Natasha Romanoff x fem!Reader, angst, harm/comfort, manipulation, mentions of blood/past abuses, human trafficking.
Summary - Anyone that can beat her in a fight will earn her, and Natasha intends to be the one, working hard to get what she thinks is hers. A dog can't fight for eternity, can it?
Moodboard here.
N/A - It's the longest os I've wrote so far, took me a lot of time but it's enventually here so I really hope you'll enjoy it! If it's the case, don't hesitate to let me know by interacting with the post :)
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It is at the back of that popular night club that everything is happening, where no one can see your distress except the one that enjoys it, where everyone is too busy having fun to pay attention to the veritable purpose of this building. On a dark corner that light never reaches, a man is guarding the most important secret of that place, and very few are the people he lets through; only rich and influential men and women get their ticket for this special spectacle that takes place here every night.
Down there, the loud music is replaced by the shouts of excited men that makes her sigh; why do they have to scream like animals? If she gets a few glances, no one dares to say anything as the infamous Black Widow is walking through the crowd to get to her place. She has blood on her back, people are whispering, some from admiration, others from fear, but no one stays indifferent - how could they? One of the most important mafia bosses of the city, but also one of the most discreet, is here. She has her reputation and, even if she is rarely seen, she is well-known, so none of the men dares to protest when she decides to take place in their lodge, chasing them out of the room. 
From here, she has a perfect view of the cage and, most importantly, of the Dog.
It is obvious that there is no way out of the ring, that you are trapped in that cage until one of these men’s victory - or your last breath - but, somehow, you still believe that defeating them will lead you out of that basement. So, not caring about how many of them are daring to step in your cage, you beat them, one by one. You watch the man you just defeated being escorted out of the cage so the next one could take his place - it gives you a few seconds to catch your breath. 
The world is spinning, you can’t even see the faces of your opponents, but you don’t give up. Even if the only thing you want is to curl up in the corner, crying for your mom, you can’t. You can’t because it will mean giving them your life. No, you need to be stronger than them, to pretend that you don’t feel the pain inflicted by their blows, to pretend that you are not bothered by the metallic taste of the blood in your mouth, they need to believe you could do that all night. But you are not foolish and you know damn well that you won’t last long. 
It is hard to focus on anything, even on breathing, because you are overwhelmed by a crew you can't even see, blinded by the lights; you are the spectacle. They all came to see the Dog fighting, hoping to witness its fall. They are shouting, mostly insults in Russian, whistling and clapping everytime something exciting is happening during a fight, but it won’t be enough to save you from that place. 
Oh, at first, they were cheering for you, but it slowly changed, people getting tired of seeing your pretty face every night. They thought you would be easy to break and hated to be proven wrong, and you perfectly know that the stakes have changed. It is no longer about giving them what they want, entertainment, it is purely about surviving and you noticed how the attitude of your opponents changed over the weeks, becoming more aggressive.
You were a champion, now you are just a little bitch they need to get rid of. 
The organization that threw you in that rat hole understood that as much as you did and, tonight, they changed the rules. Tonight, it'll be only you against the world, until they are tired of it. No break, no help, everytime one leaves, the next one is already stepping in the ring, as an endless torture. 
Tonight, she will be one of them. She has been looking at you hungrily since the first time she came here, and she knows that you will be hers by the end of the night, after all she came just for that, to take you home.
Even if she is here every night, you never had a chance to notice the woman. She was always sitting in the last row, observing you from her balcony, where she is hidden by the shadow, but she noticed you for sure. The time she came, it was only because of one of her associates that wanted to meet here specifically, she never left since. From the moment her eyes landed on you, she was unable to think about anything else, the way you were looking so innocent but so feroce at the same time got her heart. 
She sent a few of her best men, knowing they would lose, as a test, waiting for the moment it would be her turn to enter the cage. She never expected them to win and she would have killed them if they had the audacity to: she is the one that is supposed to defeat you, the only one that has the right to own you. The urge to possess you only grew stronger over the weeks, being deeper every time she came here, she wants to see you as you are breaking under her effect, to control every aspect of your life. 
So she patiently waited for the right time to come, she always liked a bit of challenge anyway, having a soft spot for things that are hard to get. She worked hard to get you, spending weeks observing every of your movements: she learned how you are fighting and your habits, she learned to read your body and face as if she was on your mind, and that’s the difference with the others: if you are a game for them, for her, you are a goal she must reach at all costs. 
As soon as your eyes laid on her, you knew she wouldn’t back up, somehing in the way she stepped in the cage already made all the difference. It is her confidence. It is the smirk on her face, a cocky one. It is the way her hands are stuck in her pockets while she is observing you. It is the slight sigh as she gets rid of her leather jacket. It is all these details that give the impression that she is just here to settle a formality, already certain of her victory.
Even the way she is moving has something unrealist. Every step, every look, is calculated and almost imperceptible. Usually, you would step forward, ready to fight even before they entered the cage to show them you are not afraid, but this time? You can’t help but instinctively step back when she enters. The movement was slight, as you were already leaning the grid but she noticed it, the way her aura is pressuring you, and she loves it.
As soon as the door was closed, your fate was sealed.
It all happened really fast because she knew exactly what to do, she prepared for that moment. You quickly realized that you were right: the woman had nothing in common with the men you were fighting against earlier, you never stood a chance to win that fight. The realization is more painful than the blows she is currently throwing at you. Every punch you try to land, she knows exactly how to dodge it. As if she was on your mind, she knows exactly where to hit to get you weak, stealing your breath and your strenght, having you on your knees then laying on the floor in less than a few minutes. 
At first, you tried to get up, to fight, but she is faster than you are, and wiser, and stronger, and more trained. She is being pretty much better in everything. Soon your vision is so blurry that you can’t see anything, you are feeling so weak that even moving your fingers or keeping your eyes open is just too much. 
"Stay still,” she quietly ordered when she noticed you were struggling against her grip - she had you pinned down on the ground by pressing her foot on your back and grabbed your hair to lift a bit your head. "You're going to be mine no matter what, so don't make things harder for yourself, honey." 
You hear the countdown but, this time, it is not your victory that is announced, it is hers. As soon as her name is shouted by the crew, her grip releases your hair but you simply don't have the strength to move, the news leaves a void in your chest. The pain, but mostly this feeling of emptiness, is keeping you frozen in place. She owns you, and this simple idea is sending shivers through your whole body. You don't realize yet what is happening, thinking that, maybe, it is just a cruel joke on you, and it explains the lack of reaction when she asks you to get up; she needs to grab your arm and lift to get you on your feet. 
You stumble, fighting the urge to vomit. Your brain can barely process what is happening, especially when you realize that your feet are not touching the ground anymore. In her arms, you are nothing more than a rag doll, silent and motionless, barely having the energy to keep your eyes open. 
"She is not for sale,” she coldly said, her voice bringing you back to reality. As she was on her way to get out of the night club, some men were offering the woman outrageous amounts of money in the hope of getting you, they all backed up once she coldly glanced at them. "No one will ever take you away from me, do you hear that, love? You are safe as long as you’re with me," she then whispered in your ears. 
You drift into unconsciousness as soon as the car starts, despite the woman that kept begging you to keep your eyes open, the way she was cadling you not helping. You just had enough time to notice the men sitting at the front of the black van, both armed and intimidating, before falling into darkness. 
You opened your eyes again when the car stopped in an alley. It is late, the sun gave its throne to the moon a long time ago and, even if you can't tell what time it is, you know it is the middle of the night. How many hours did you spend down there, fighting for your life? The question makes you sick because the only answer is too many. All these hours for nothing because, no matter how hard you triee, you loose. You were never supposed to win their twisted game, you never got a chance and you slowly realize that the promised freedom was just a lure. For weeks you believed them, you played along their rules, thinking it was the only way to get your life back.
And here you are, in the arms of your new owner, a woman you know nothing about but that now has every rights on you, even if you will live depends exclusively on the redhead's choices. The fear twists your stomach, the humiliation clenches your throat and the exhaustion makes your eyes burning, tears threatening to roll down your cheeks.
Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry, you repeat in your head, but you don't know for how long you will be able to keep your tears for yourself.  
The woman is not looking at you at all, she is concentrating on not falling as she is walking to the house, barely seeing where her feet are landing. You, however, can't help but observe every detail of her face, noticing how serious her expression is. You are trying to guess how your life is going to be by her side, but you can't, she is a complete mystery and you hate that.
A part of you wants to go back in that basement. It may have been a living hell, but you had your habits, you knew how to survive, now you will have to learn everything again. 
You notice that two armed persons are guarding the front door and, when you pass by them, they exchange a few words in Russian. You can't understand a word of what they are saying, but you guess they are greeting the woman, beside some insults, you don't know a lot and only because that's how they used to call you.
The inside of the penthouse is exactly as you imagined it: expensive, tidy and minimalist. You never felt comfortable in that kind of environment, it always reminded you that you will never have a place in that sphere, you are nothing more than their animal, a dog that does everything they want. 
Once inside, you almost expected her to drop you on the floor but she didn't. Her grip is strong, as if she doesn't want to let you go, that's because she is scared too. She exchanged a few words in Russian with a woman before heading upstairs. 
Your eyes closed because of the light, you don't see much more of the house, nor of where you are going. You can feel that she climbs the stairs, takes a few turns and walks through a door before she eventually lets you go. It is with care that she sits you on the floor of the bathroom. 
"Here we are," she whispered, "you can open your eyes, love," she added when she noticed they were still closed. If you can't see her smile, you can feel her hand brushing your cheek. 
For weeks you didn't see anything else than pitch darkness and the dimmed light of the basement where you were fighting, it is great to eventually be able to see something else. She even made sure to not turn the big light on, only a small one in the corner that diffuses a subdued light. Somehow, she knows exactly what to do to make you feel comfortable. 
"Let me help you," she said, coming closer to kneel in front of you when she realized you couldn't take your bath alone.
On the way home, she sent a message for one of her maids to run a bath for you to enjoy when you arrived. The mirrors fog up and a scent of jasmine fills the room, but even if the idea of taking a bath sounds good, you don't move. You are curled at the exact place she left you in, your knees against your chest.
You are like a dog, but nothing like a fighting one, she thought when she saw how you tried to back up when she reached for your shirt.
"I am not going to do anything," she quietly said, trying to sooth you by using a gentle tone and caressing your cheek with her thumb. "I am going to help you to get rid of those rags so you can get a bath, okay? Then, we can clean your wounds and have a good meal, does this sound good?" she asked and you slowly nodded. 
She helps you to get rid of your clothes that are closer to rags honestly as they have holes in them, the fabric being soaked in dirt, blood and sweat, sticking to your skin. You never felt so vulnerable than right now, under her serious gaze, what is she thinking about? It is impossible to guess but you can feel her eyes on your body as she looks you up and down. A quick glance which allows her to take a mental note about all your injuries.
"What are you doing?" she chuckled, when her eyes didn’t land on your chest but on your crossed arms - you were trying to hide, how cute. "How silly you are,” she whispered when noticing you didn't seem to understand what she was talking about, "thinking you can hide like that."
Her tone sounded too sweet for it to genuinely be and there is something behind her gentle tone that is rigging alarms in your head. You can't tell what it is exactly, but there is that weird feeling, your instinct screaming at you to be careful when your body just wants to give up and be in her arms, ‘cause what could go wrong?
She takes your hands to pull them away from your chest so you can’t hide from her anymore. Her grip is firm, just a little too strong so you understand that, despite her sweet smile, she won't hesitate to be harsh with you if you don’t behave. However, she still seems to be extra careful while moving you, as if you were a porcelain doll, because for nothing in the world she would hurt her fragile princess. She  slowly takes your arms away so she can give a glance at all your injuries. What she sees makes her sigh, she seems about to say something but keeps her words for herself ; you should have been more careful. 
She helped you to get in the bath and it was a nice moment, a few minutes you got for yourself because, surprisingly, she let you bathe yourself alone. Oh, she wasn’t far away, just at the other end of the room, keeping a close eye on you at every time, but dealing with something on her phone. She would occasionally comment on the way you were doing things, talking you throught it so you can shower the proper way, her way. Once you are done, she wraps you on a soft towel, bandages your wounds and gives you clothes that are hers, a hoodie and a short, and you can’t help but notice how good they are smelling, how comfortable you are feeling in these.
"Did you say something?" she genuinely asked, turning to you because she was sure she heard you mumbling a few words. 
She was talking about your life here, talking almost alone as you weren’t really talkative, but thinking she would miss the words you whisepered was a mistake because she never misses anything.
"Nothing important," you replied, but this answer doesn't seem to please the woman, something twitching in her eyes, coming from soft to sharp.
"When I ask you a question, you reply to it, am I clear?” she said, immediately leaving what she was doing to come close to you and grab your chin.  “You are not the one that gets to decide what’s important, your small brain can't handle big decisions and that's why I am here. I mean, see how it got you to be by yourself …" she continued, looking at you with disdain, as if she was thinking that it is only your fault if you ended up in that rat hole, caught in human trafficking. “I am here to give you a second chance and you better take it ‘cause it may be the last… so don't talk to me like that ever again, did I make myself clear enough?"
The only answer you are able to give her is a whining accompanied by a sniffle and she obviously doesn’t like that. Even if you tried your hardest to not let those tears rolling down your cheeks, you can’t help it, her harsh words only making things worse because you are already hating to disapoint the woman. 
"If I knew you would cry, I would've sold you ..", she sighed in annoyance, her nails digging into your skin, "I hate cry-babies, understand?" she asked, but it wasn’t not a question: it was a warning. "The fighter I saw in that ring must be here when I am back," she coldly added before releasing the pressure she was exerting on your face.
She leaves, slamming the door shut so you easily understand that she is upset with you reacting that way. She has done everything she could in order to help you to be comfortable here : she gave you a bath and clothes, cleaned your wounds, promised you a meal and a bed, even gave you comfort but it still doesn't seem to be enough because you were crying as if she was some sort of monster, and she can't bear that vision. She tried to repeat to herself that you are just tired, that things are going to get better with time but it doesn’t calm her down. Whether you want it or not, she will make sure that, one way or another, you will accept her and she won't hesitate to use the hard way if she has to. 
When she comes back, she notices that didn't move an inch, scared by what the woman could say and impressed by the bedroom. But it didn’t prevent your eyes from wandering around the room. It is really minimalist, there is nothing that could give you a hint about the person she is, everything is exactly where it should be, not a speck of dust and no personal objects. It feels like a hotel room more than hers.
When you hear the door, your gaze settles on the woman. Your knees are bent against your chest as if it could protect you from all the dangers of the world. She probably left you for only five minutes, but they felt like hours. Your thoughts had time to run while waiting for her : what about trying to escape? But it never worked, it’s always a dead end, a path to regrets because they always find you, making sure you won’t even think about doing it again and, if they do not find you, it's someone else. You learned that there is no escape and gave up on going back to your old life a long time ago. It is not even the fear of the armed men that is keeping you here, it's the void in you when you think about what you would do if you were free again, nothing. Nothing because you forgot how to live on your own. So you didn't move, not even a finger because she didn't ask you to do it, only being a dog that lives for its masters' will.
But what piques your curiosity is more the tray in her hands than anything else. As soon as she enters the room, closing the door behind her with her foot, a pleasant smell spreads through the room. You can see many things on the tray she brought back : a glass of water, some pills, a bowl of steaming soup with bread and a plate with rice, vegetables and chicken. When was the last time you ate a real meal? Long enough for you to not remember what it was.
"Eat." she said as she put the tray on your knees.
It smells good. That's the first thought that crossed your mind when you saw the plate. For a moment, you forget about the past hours; when was the last time you got a real meal? You can't remember, not even a fragment of a memory. 
You would eat what your owners give you, eat quickly before they come back, never knowing what you are eating nor when the next meal would be; you learned to not ask too many questions. At first, it was difficult to accept such a fate: you would refuse to even taste the food they were giving to you, but it didn't last long. Eventually, you started to eat - inhale - anything you were given without thinking twice about it.
Tonight, for the first time in years, you are going to eat something else than the leftovers of someone you don't even know. Tonight, you won't have to be scared about your food being stolen. Tonight, you can even see the smoke, a sign that your meal is still hot, freshly cooked and maybe homemade.
"I-," you started, but she didn't let you finish your sentence, your lips barely had time to move that she already cut you, leaving no place for an argument.
I am not hungry, you were about to say, and she somehow knew it. She also knew it was a lie, your stomach has been painfully twisted because of that sick feeling for days, but the knot is also caused by your fears. 
It all feels a bit too perfect. It feels like a trap, a way to encourage you to let your guard down only to break you after, making the fall harder. Some did that in the past, why not her? She doesn't look less cruel than the others. Yet, when she is talking, she seems more genuine, you could believe her when she says she only wants what's best for you, that she cares, she just has a twisted way to show it. 
"Yes, you are, so eat, now," she ordered you with such a cold tone that you don't dare to argue. There are all these warnings she doesn't say out loud but you can read in her eyes: just do whatever I tell you, pretty girl, they say. 
And, for sure, you don't want to face the consequences of your insubordination. So you slowly take the fork, not glancing away for one second, your eyes into hers. You are looking at every detail of her expression as if it would change, telling you that it is a trap, except it doesn't and her expression stays stern. It is impossible to read anything on her face, not even a hint of how she is feeling.
You take the first bit, carefully swallowing and… nothing happens. You don't feel weird, it doesn't taste bad and she doesn't snap at you for a small imaginary mistake you would have made. It is the complete opposite. The food is really good, melting on your tongue, and you start to eat quickly, not because you have to, but because you want to. For the first time in years, eating is a pleasure. 
She sighed when she noticed that you were inhaling your food, but she didn't say anything; she will have all the time later to change that habit of you. So she just stood there for a few seconds, observing you in silence, with her arms crossed, before sitting next to you - that's when you broke eye contact, once she was sure you would eat everything. 
As you are eating, she is barely paying attention to you, at least that's the impression she is giving. One of her arms wrapped around your shoulder, her hand is absently drawing circles on your skin while she is on her phone, dealing with something serious - you can hear her frustrated sighs from time to time.
Except she sees everything and your mistake was to not be careful enough around the woman. A little because of your clumsiness, mainly because of how fast you were eating, you dropped a bit of your food on the floor. You didn't think it was a big deal, picking it up to put it back on the plate. Three seconds rules, dropped on a clean floor, you don't have very high standards anyway - but she does. She turned to you the moment she felt you were moving, a curious, but disgusted, look on her face.
"What are you doing?" She asked, her hand grabbing your wrist before you could drop the bit of food on your plate. She moves your hand on the side of the tray, far from your plate, before you even get a chance to reply. "Drop it," she ordered to you, "that's gross, hope you weren't going to eat that." 
You shake your head, too scared to do anything else, but she knows you are lying; of course you were about to eat it. You spent the past years living like a fighting dog, you would eat anything she would give you, you might even eat directly from the dirty floor if she asked you to. She winces in disgust, not letting your hand go.
"Give me that," she snarled and you can feel how her grip tightened on your wrist to force you to give the fork away.
She then takes the tray that was in front of you to put it on her side of the bed, you are looking at her, scared she would definitely take your meal away. You are about to protest when she notices it and glances at you, daring you to say a word, you don't. 
"Come here," she said, gesturing you to come closer, she even grabbed your arm to guide you when she noticed you were hesitant to move.
She sits you between her legs and you are clearly uncomfortable, wiggling, but if she notices it, she doesn't seem to care. She is so close to you that you can feel her breath tickling your skin, but she keeps acting like nothing is weird here. When she leans to cut your food, you can feel her chest pressing against your back, the contact making your heart races. Too focused on how close you are to the woman, you barely noticed when she approached the fork from your mouth, waiting for you to open. It takes one more second for you to understand what she is waiting for and, when you do, you blush in embarrassment. She takes advantage of you opening your mouth to say something to feed you, and you don't dare to push her away. 
"Can't even eat alone, hm?" she whispered in your ear while you were chewing the bit of food she just gave you, "but that's fine, I am here now," she added, and there is something in her tone that makes you shiver.
Once she made sure you ate everything, she wrapped her arms around you, laying a kiss on your temple. It is strange how safe you are feeling in her embrace: for a few seconds you forget she is the one that beat you earlier. Right now, she is just someone that cares for you, with whom you feel at peace. You can't remember the last time someone made you feel that way, you can barely remember your life before entering the human trafficking circuit.
You don’t really know when you fell asleep, but your eyes were quick to close under the effects of her fingers running on your hair and of her voice whispering sweet words in your ears. At some point, a maid came to take the empty tray away and the woman layed the both of you in the bed, under the covers, trying her best to not wake you up. This night, you slept in a comfy bed, feeling protected in the arms of the woman despite the things she did, not even thinking one second about pushing away her hands that found their way under your sweatshirt, resting on your stomach. 
The Dog fell right into the Black Widow’s web.
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marshmallowloves · 10 months
idk why I'm thinking about this all of a sudden but like... I'm really happy that I can project on Robin (Fire Emblem) as easily as I do. Normally it's really hard for me to project on characters that the fandom pairs with my F/Os, so I kinda just have to do the ship work myself by making a self insert.
but not only is Chrobin one of the most popular (if not THE most popular) Awakening ships, it doesn't have the problem some other fandoms/characters have where there's a hugely disproportionate amount of M/M art to F/M art. People adore pairing F!Robin with Chrom which is excellent for me, a woman, who also adores Chrom and bases her self insert on Robin. And even when it's M!Robin I can just like...copy/paste longer hair on him in my brain fjdhfjg
anyway this is just me tired-rambling about my fictional husband to an empty room. it applies to probably literally nobody else so you can keep scrolling if you want lol
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wisemins · 8 months
Entry 1 | (1/30/24)
Just gonna start spewing my thoughts a bit when I can, I'm starting a new journey as of last night to really, really try to help my self-loathing and to gain a better sense of self and self-worth. Will also involve f/o stuff. I'll just be keeping these under read mores if y'all don't wanna read <3
So last night I just really broke down. To be short about it I'm just so tired of sabotaging myself and being my worst enemy and my worst advocate. I can't let myself have anything and there was something that my girlfriend said to me that made it all finally just...click. I was apologizing to her for being so "impossible" and for being so hard to deal with and then she said. "I'm not the one you need to apologize to." As in, I needed to apologize to myself. That the person I was being mean to, that I was bullying and making cry almost every day needed an apology because of how I'm treating her. It changed my perspective a lot, somehow. With self-shipping most of us learn to in some degree appreciate ourselves more because we are force to perceive ourselves from our f/os perspectives, a not so harsh view, right? Well my self-loathing is so bad that most days I can't even imagine them wanting to perceive me, and they are just with me *just because*. It's been such a hard time to cope with that, but I want to change it. I want to feel loved and cared for by them again, not just take care of them. That is a popular theme too, me taking care of everyone around me, always, and purposefully leaving no room left for myself because at times it hurt to receive affection and love, whether real or fictional. I just felt so undeserving and as if I wasn't *meant* to be loved, only to give love. That's a very isolating feeling. Throughout my life it felt like it continued to get proven again, and again. But in the end I need to realize that I do deserve love and to be taken care of too. I deserve to feel good, despite what my mind might say. I'm so fearful usually, that if I let myself have good things or be happy for myself or imagine my fictional loves loving me, that somehow it makes me self-centered and selfish. That's an irrational fear, obviously. But this all really just put it into perspective. I want to do better, but I also need to. I cannot continue on going like this anymore, it's too much. I destroy myself every day because others in my past have made me feel undeserving, and eventually I became that source of hatred. I don't want to hate myself anymore. My girlfriend also said something else that really hit home. "Would you say all the things you say to yourself to your face?" And, my answer was no. and she followed up with: "Would you make yourself cry like you do now, if she was in front of you?" And my answer was no, followed by more crying. My girlfriend said that was because I'm not a mean person like I said I was. I was convinced that I was a horrible, rude, and mean person who secretly was some kind of self-centered piece of shit that was angry and conceited and undeserving. But I couldn't stand to watch myself cry, to make myself cry like I always do. I say such horrible things to myself, at myself, hoping to destroy any more will to let myself have anything because it hurts so much to be vulnerable. But I need to be vulnerable, I need to learn how to express my feelings. I want to. I'm tired of shutting everything out, pretending it's all fine when I abuse myself daily. I don't deserve that.
And honestly, I don't think my f/os would be cool with me being this cruel to myself. I never like to acknowledge it because it forced me to face how wrong I was, but sometimes the darker hours would come and I would believe they'd believe it too. Or worst yet, I was plagued by the idea of indifference. How my beloveds wouldn't hate me, but rather, be completely and utterly indifferent toward me. That hurt the most, because as we all know (thank you desperate housewives) the opposite of love isn't hate, it's indifference. So I've dug holes within my ships, with the thought that my f/os, sometimes my most prized and long-lived f/os, would feel indifferent toward me. And it hurts, it hurts so much. I know they would never act like that or treat anyone that way ever, but it always feels like I'm the exception. But I know I'm not. I'm worthy of their love and care and affection, it's just so hard to see sometimes. I'm so incapable of looking inward and seeing who I truly am, instead I see every flaw and everything I hate about myself.
I do need more reassurance than I let on to everyone. I create for everyone else, I make them feel good about themselves all the time, which will never leave me, I do love making sure the people around me are happy, but I try so hard to not receive it back. I feel so unworthy. But I do need that reassurance, I do need others to sometimes say that my f/os do *love* me, that they don't feel indifferent toward me. I do need to also find it within myself to supply that sort of self care. But, I think starting with reassurance will help me. I just need to ask. Which, in my very mentally ill mind, is the most impossible task. But I will do that today, I will ask. And hopefully, it won't be the worst thing in the world.
well, this felt good to write down. A bit uncomfortable, because well-- I'm not used to sharing my feelings so much. But it's better than continuing to be repressed.
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villain-in-love · 1 year
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So I was bored, and here's some lazily-done ship templates with two characters I'm currently obsessing over.
I may have wrote “slow burn” in both templates, but it’s more about how long it took for them to become a couple, because my s/is usually fall in love almost immediately. My f/os, on the other hand…
Other clarifications are below:
A few notes about Prefect/Jamil template:
Basically me coming out as horny 24/7… But let’s not talk about it, at least for now.
The reasons Prefect and Jamil have lower stats of trust: 1.) Trust issues. 2.) Consider it a sign or respect – they each know perfectly what the other is capable of, so put a complete trust in each other would have been foolish. I’m sure that with years they will grow to trust each other more, though.
I’m pretty sure Jamil being a tsundere and refusing to admit he's in love even when the entire Scarabia dorm is already begging him to stop playing hard to get and admit his obvious feeling for Prefect is also a trope on it’s own, but I don’t know how to shorten this description.
There were technically two confessions – first was my s/i casually announcing that she likes Jamil and there’s nothing he can do about it, and then, more than a year later, Jamil himself confessed that he loves her back. That’s also when the first kiss happened.
Jamil and Prefect are equally charismatic, but Prefect would be considered more popular because she intentionally cultivates her connections and popularity as it’s one of the very few “tools” that are available to her.
Jamil is straightforward, but he lies a lot, and those lies can also sound like straightforward truth.
Jamil claims that he doesn’t even want attention. It’s a lie, he loves attention, even if he's not used to it and often doesn’t know how to handle it.
A few notes about Zero/Liang template:
Zero possesses appearance and intelligence of a 20-something-year-old, but chronologically she was “born” around 7-8 years ago.
Zero is the definition of "assertive", as she has no sense of shame, nor any other reason to hold back. Liang, on the other hand, will try to pretend for as long as he can that there's nothing going on beyond friendship and that he's not interested in romantic relationship.
None of them really cares about romance, so most “romantic” moments that happened between them were accidental. Well, they can still appreciate it when it happen.
You can't possibly convince me that any of these two know how to drive or cook. Or rather, they can technically do it, but it would be a whole new disaster.
Liang could have been much more protective, it’s just that Zero doesn’t need protection. If anything, it’s much more likely that he would need to protect someone else from her.
There’s literally nothing you can do for what Zero would demand a serious apology, so it’s more like she’s the only one who has to apologize ever.
I put Liang into "the planner" just because he’s the only one who seems to plan anything at all. What Zero does sometimes is not planning, it's scheming.
Zero can do homework, but only if you manage to somehow convince or force her.
If I’m being honest, I don’t think “DoneTM” applies to them, but neither does “ray of sunshine”, so I just put these two in the middle. They are not emotional enough for this.
Liang seems like he would have liked to be more idealistic, but life taught him not to be.
Also, Liang would have preferred if Zero didn’t spoil him, because Zero's “spoiling” is pretty much an equivalent to cats bringing dead mice and some weird trinkets to their owners.
Makers used for s/i images:
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selfshipinfo · 4 years
Getting Started
So you wanna get started in the self ship community? That’s awesome! I totally get that it can be intimidating to jump into a new community, so here’s some ways to get started, and some important things to remember. The important notes are bolded, so if needed, skim for the bolded pieces for a TL;DR!!
Things You’ll Need
A blog! Many people in the community aren’t comfortable interacting with general fandom accounts as a result of harassment from the larger communities outside of self ship. You can totally self ship on a side account! Just keep in mind that you may have to message people in the community telling them your ship blog name, as many people block non-self ship accounts that follow them.
F/O list!! It’s pretty important to tell people who your F/Os are, or at least how you refer to your F/Os. Having mystery F/Os is okay, though there are some people who might not interact with you in fear of possibly sharing F/Os with you. It’s nothing against you! It’s simply for their own comfort.
Speaking of, please say whether you’re comfortable sharing F/Os! It’s perfectly okay not to enjoy sharing. But it is important for people to know, since this topic is so personal. If you have certain F/Os you are comfortable sharing and others you aren’t, perhaps note this on your F/O list and label the F/Os you don’t wish to share.
Do not interact/before you follow. A DNI can be really helpful when people use it properly. If you want to tell others in the community what kind of people you’re comfortable interacting with, lay out one of these bad boys! A BYF, on the other hand, is often used to warn potential followers of content you might be posting or preferences of what might lead you to not following someone back. 
An about you! You don’t have to go too in depth if you don’t want to. Basically, the bare minimum I would say is your preferred name, your pronouns, and whether you’re a minor or an adult. Just things so people can interact with you comfortably for both of you! Plus, many adults prefer not to follow minors and many minors prefer not to follow adults. Making it clear whether you’re a minor or not can help other shippers feel comfortable following you or can warn people off that might not be comfy interacting with you.
Triggers! Fictional worlds can deal with some heavy topics, many of them triggering. That doesn’t mean that you can’t befriend people that post these things! If you’re comfortable doing so, it can be helpful to list your triggers somewhere accessible for mutuals to refer to when posting. Most shippers are happy to tag any triggers you need, just reach out and let them know what you would like tagged, and see if they’ll do so!
Interacting with Other Shippers
Ask/Reblog karma is important! By that I mean, one of the most popular methods of interaction in the community is ask games. These are games where someone posts a list of questions or prompts and then labels each one with an emoji, number, or something else to tell them apart, often themed! When you reblog one of these posts, this is a prompt for other shippers to send in prompts they want you to answer. Ask or reblog karma is the act of sending an ask to the person you’re reblogging the game from. This is the respectful and polite way to reblog a game, and is also a great way to begin interacting with more blogs!
Check pronouns! This is a good idea for interacting with anyone, but there have been some serious issues in the community with misgendering others. It isn’t hard to check someone’s profile for pronouns before referring to them. In a community with a majority cis women, it’s important that we ensure that men and non-binary shippers are heard and respected.
Read (and respect) everyone’s DNIs! DNIs are written for a reason. Self shipping is a safe space for many people, and they have the right to decide who does and doesn’t interact with their content. Don’t be an asshole, please. 
If someone tags something as “don’t reblog” or something of the like, DON’T REBLOG IT. Personal posts are just that: personal. Self ship in itself is very personal, so please be sure to check people’s tags on posts. Personal posts are often frowned upon to reblog, as are vents. Be courteous.
Understand that interaction goes both ways. In order for people to see and interact with your content, it’s important that you interact with and get involved in other people’s ships as well. If you don’t care about interaction, that’s fine! But if you want other people to take an interest in your ships, then it’s expected that you get invested in their ships, too. It’s like with reblog karma - relationships are a give and take. Reblog other shipper’s content, send them asks, tell them you love their ships, anything like that!
If you get anonymous hate that is labeled with someone’s URL, chances are 100 times out of 100, it’s not that person. This has happened many times before, where assholes try to frame other shippers by impersonating them in someone’s ask box. If someone is sending you hate on anon, they aren’t going to sign off with their URL. I promise you that.
Cringe culture is dead. Treat it as such. By that I mean, respect other people’s F/Os. Some people have F/Os that you might consider “strange” or “cringy.” Keep it to yourself. Let them love that character. The same goes for if you think someone’s F/O is unattractive. Don’t say anything to that shipper about it. F/Os mean a lot to people, so please respect them.
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soulnottainted · 3 years
Hiya!! How about Poseidon, Ares, Hephaestus, Erinyes and Calliope for Papa Prime, Knockout and the Bride
Greek Mythology Self Ship Asks @hedone26
Papa Optimus Prime
Poseidon: Do you and your f/o(s) like to travel? If so, where do you like to go? Is there anywhere you’d like to go that you haven’t yet?
I enjoy when Optimus takes me to natural places that are untouched. We've been to the Nevada National Park quite a bit! I've always wanted to take him where I'm from, in the North East, and show him all the places I've been and show him how I've always grown up!
Ares: Are you ever protective of your f/o(s)? Are they ever protective of you?
I'm protective of Optimus a lot of the time. I know he can hold his own, but I can't help but worry for his safety. He's self-sacrificed himself many times, and I'd be lost without him. I know that Optimus is protective of me too. He'd do anything for me, guard me with his life.
Hephaestus: Do you and your f/o(s) ever like to get gifts for one another? What kind of gifts?
Optimus sometimes goes out in holoform to get me something. Usually its normal human stuff to keep sane like a blanket or maybe a good smelling candle, but he is also a sentimental guy. One time he legit made me a little gift basket out of one of those wooden crates? Apparently June helped him make it, and he gave it to me when I was having a rough time loving myself. It was filled with self-care stuff, like some tea bags I always enjoy, a little box of tea biscuts, some wax melts, and even a hand written card. Optimus' handwriting for a Cybertronian in human form is absolutely beautiful by the way.
As for him, it's hard to get him gifts. I don't know what Cybertronians really need, but I did paint my jean vest to wear every single day, representing the Papa bot I've come to love and know so well.
The Erinyes: How does your f/o (or f/os) respond to someone mistreating you? Do they confront the person? Do they comfort you?
If someone is mistreating me, he has to hold back on confronting whoever hurt me, because he can't allow humans to see the bots....so he uses his holoform to confront them. But that's not before he pulls me aside and let me get my worries out and tears, holding me close to him in autobot form. He talks me through that what I've been through was unacceptable, and that whatever happened wasn't a reflection of myself at all, and that I should rest. His presence alone, autobot or not, would intimidate anyone when not dealing with his soft but strong personality.
Calliope: Do you have any poetry or literature excerpts (or other quotes) that suit your ship?
"You got the heart
You got the motion
You know that when things get too tough
You got the touch" (ofc from The Touch by Stan Bush)
Poseidon: Do you and your f/o(s) like to travel? If so, where do you like to go? Is there anywhere you’d like to go that you haven’t yet?
Knockout likes to travel, but he doesn't like dirt roads, he says it ruins his paint. He likes to bring me to famous popular places that are on people's bucket lists to visit, like one time he drove me to Las Vegas to look at the strip's lights. It was super cool.
Ares: Are you ever protective of your f/o(s)? Are they ever protective of you?
I'm protective of KO, sure! But I know he can handle his own enough that I'm not overly protective. As for KO protective of me, sometimes he doesn't like to show it. But if you confront him about it, he will be like 'yes, she's my friend, and if you hurt her you are going to have an unexpected surgery'
Hephaestus: Do you and your f/o(s) ever like to get gifts for one another? What kind of gifts?
I give Knockout gifts that help him keep up with his appearance, because that's always a big deal to him. Mostly pads to help with his buffing up, a gift card to fix up his paint if it gets scratched or ruined...those type of things!
KO likes to take me out shopping for my own self confidence, so I guess the clothes he gets me are gifts!
The Erinyes: How does your f/o (or f/os) respond to someone mistreating you? Do they confront the person? Do they comfort you?
Oof you don't want to mess with me, because you will be messing with Knockout also, and trust me you don't want to do that! When KO sees me in tears, he quickly assesses me to see if I'm hurt physically (he is a doctor after all) and kneels down to ask me what happened. "What happened, dear? Who hurt you?!" he asks in an already aggravated tone, ready to drill into whoever I speak about. When I tell him what happened, he, with a fragile talon, wipes away some tears on my cheeks before telling me I didn't deserve that treatment, and to wait at the base until he comes back. And with that, he transforms as quick as he can, his wheels screaming on the pavement before racing off to deal with the "fleshy" who did that to me.
Calliope: Do you have any poetry or literature excerpts (or other quotes) that suit your ship?
I actually don't for this one!
The Bride
Poseidon: Do you and your f/o(s) like to travel? If so, where do you like to go? Is there anywhere you’d like to go that you haven’t yet?
She hasn't traveled far beyond Frankenstein's castle, but one day I'd like to take her to the countryside, just to see the calm beauty of it. I don't think she'd do well among living humans, so quiet places like that would be nice to bring her.
Ares: Are you ever protective of your f/o(s)? Are they ever protective of you?
Oh, she is EXTREMELY protective of me. One word said in a harsh tone from anyone to me, and she hisses at the person who said it. I'm her "pretty girl" and she would do anything for me, even if it means destroying someone else to protect me.
I'm also protective of her because of humans not understanding why she isn't a monster. She is learning, she is thinking, and has her own way of communication. I don't want her to get into danger when people are afraid of something different, aka The Bride.
Hephaestus: Do you and your f/o(s) ever like to get gifts for one another? What kind of gifts?
The Bride likes to make me things! She learned how to sew, probably from Erik, and she had made me a warm cape to wear out so I won't be cold.
I tend to pick her flowers whenever I see them, and whenever I bring them to her, she is in such awe from them!
The Erinyes: How does your f/o (or f/os) respond to someone mistreating you? Do they confront the person? Do they comfort you?
Kinda following the prompt of her being protective of me, there is no cooling off when she finds out someone has harmed me, she is full force going to harm whoever hurt me. She has the strength to do it, and she will do whatever it takes to sear into the person's head that if they ever mistreat me again, they will unleash her raging wrath. As for comforting me, she holds me close, wrapping an arm around me while holding my head to her chest. She might not know how to display her emotions correctly sometimes, but clearly she knows when her child is upset. That's a mother's instinct.
Calliope: Do you have any poetry or literature excerpts (or other quotes) that suit your ship?
I can't think of any!
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acrosstimeandspace · 4 years
1 and 9 for your FGO f/os? :3c
thank you for the ask felix!! this got a bit long so it’s under the cut!
1)   Does your f/o’s game have any other adaptations (i.e. animated, theatrical)? Do you like those too?
fgo actually has a stage play!! i think it’s only for babylonia and camelot, but i’ve seen shots from other singularities including the final battle with the original bad guy of the seven singularities.
as for other characters, emiya and medusa appear in a ton of other fate series, like the og fate stay/night game, the anime adaptations, as well as fate extra games! there’s also the manga and anime “today’s menu for the emiya family”, where it takes place during the 5th holy grail war and focuses on food, which ie love because it gives a lot of relaxing content. and also carnival phantasm which is kind of a parody!
robin also has the anime adaptation of the extra games, fate extra last encore, and like a lot of animated things for fate it was beautiful!! i especially love the end credits with robin, the illustrations are just gorgeous there!
tamamo is also in fate extra, but she wasn’t in the anime, and neither was emiya. there is a gag manga she appears in called “chibichuki”, and she and many of my other heroic spirit f/os show up in the spin off game “Capsule Servant” and the cd dramas!
arjuna first appeared in extella link, and he and maou nobunaga only show up fgo.
diarmuid was first originally in fate zero, which is both an anime and manga and a light novel!
specifically caster!gil is only shown in the anime of babylonia as well as the fgo stage play. though if we count all iterations of him, he’s also in the prototype materials as well as fate zero and the stay/night game and anime.
and we’re finally on the final two, daybit and kirschtaria! they’ve got the manga for the crypters, from the lostbelt. i think it’s really cool bc it details a lot of info about the crypters and what chaldea was like before the grand order. it’s also where my main gets its icon from!
9.) Do you actually like your f/o’s combat/play style?  
ok, so this one will be focused on the heroic spirits since kirsch and daybit aren’t playable characters, and i haven’t had the chance to see kirsch’s fight (and technically we haven’t seen daybit’s fight). also it’s based off of fgo since i haven’t gotten the chance to play the other games.
so, emiya is like seriously a life saver to have on a team, and i’ve heard in japan even more so since his recent buff has made his np super spamable! in general he’s really balanced and works well, especially if you’re facing a large group.
robin is also another universal archer, and his debuffs really pack a punch! seriously he’s such a great character fighting wise and just overall!
medusa’s another character who’s really great to use, though i think she really shines against casters due to her advantage. she really helped out early on when i had no riders. i still use her a lot but i really wish they did more with her, especially because she is a popular character! she deserves some buffs!
tamamo is a great arts buffer, i can’t tell you how many times i borrowed her before i got her myself. i also think her summer version is a really great lancer, she packs a huge punch!
arjuna is also a really good archer, i really hope to roll him soon but sadly i haven’t gotten him yet :(. but i definitely borrow him a lot from friends. he’s great when it comes to multiple enemies, and i relief on him a lot in camelot.
as for caster!gil he’s also really good! he’s not so much a buffer, but when it comes to having casters fight he’s my first pick. and his archer form also is super strong.
dia’s sadly like a lot of the other lancers in the game, so it’s hard to differentiate him. he’s really great when it comes to crits, as is his saber form! in his saber form his np is quick, which for sr sabers i think is rare. plus you can never underestimate crits, so it’s super valuable to have!
i can’t say much on maou nobu since they’re not out in na, but tbh all avengers are super good so i have no doubt that she is too!
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sorcererships · 4 years
please could I ask ubiquitous and serendipity, for anyone you'd like to answer those for! I hope your day is going well!
hi! thank you for the ask, my day is going alright! i think i will do these for terra
ubiquitous - how popular is your f/o in the fandom? do you think the fandom treats them well?
hmm this one is probably a little hard to gauge for me because i think many of the people i follow do like terra. however i have seen a good amount of people say that they actively dislike him/are annoyed by him because of everything that happened in bbs, but i think they’re kind of missing the point with his character. terra is trying his best. sure he does want to have “power” but eraqus equates power with darkness because of xehanort. the reason terra wants to be strong is to protect his friends and its really not the same at all. he ends up in the wrong place at the wrong time and is manipulated when all he’s actually trying to do is help. so long story short i see really mixed feelings about him, i wouldn’t say he’s one of the most popular though
serendipity - how did you first discover your f/o, or your f/os source material? how did you feel when you first saw your f/o in your source material?
it is kind of a long story but i first discovered kingdom hearts when i saw my stepdad playing it on the ps2 that he got from my dad, when i was like 4 or something like that. i was so into it that i saved up enough money to buy kh2 and the kh2 guidebook when it first came out, and i watched my stepdad play kh2 maybe 3 or 4 times! i also had re:coded and days on ds. so i’ve been into kingdom hearts for a very, very long time but i only recently was able to buy my own ps4 and  play through the collection. and hmm for how i felt about him, honestly when i saw terra at first i was pretty neutral just because i really didn’t know much about bbs i suppose
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tekkai · 5 years
Self Ship Interview
I was tagged by @virus-selfship​
Ahhhhhhh thank you this was so much fun, ilsm! Sorry this took a hot minute. I tend to get carried away and write way too much. :)
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Introduce yourselves. Who are you? What do you like to do?
Angel: Hi I’m Angel! I also go by Wolfie!  (◕‿◕✿) I’m a small nerd with a special interest in wildlife conservation. I specialize in birds and reptiles, but I’m most interested in the animal on the island of Little Garden although it’s been a hassle to secure funding for the expedition. It’s a dream of mine to be able to work with the dinosaurs in the wild.
Lucci : I’m Rob Lucci of Cipher Pol. 
How was your first meeting like?
Angel: Oh it was love at first sight for me. Hattori is such a sweetheart there was no way I wouldn’t notice such a beautiful pigeon around the base...
I’m kidding! We first officially met in my office. As the only Ornithologist on the island Lucci first approached me to consult about Hattori’s well being. Lucci was kind of a pain in my ass at first but you can tell a lot about a person from how they are with their animals... And I might have developed a small crush. 
Lucci : Our first meeting was strictly professional. My pet was having a hard time acclimating to the climate. She had an excellent reputation so I first visited her for a consultation. The issue resolved on its own not long after our first encounter but I kept scheduling appointments with her. 
How did you get together? Who confessed first?
Angel: That would be me! I can’t help myself, I love a good debate. We were going back and forth over something stupid and I remember saying that “I can’t decide if I want to strangle you or kiss you.” Right before I died of embarrassment is when I first felt his lips on mine. And that’s when things began to change...
We’d known each other for a while before that and had a... I guess you could call it a friendship? If I feel comfortable enough to debate with someone then it’s a pretty good indicator we were close. I was definitely attracted to him and enjoyed his company but I really didn’t plan on acting on my feelings. He was fairly popular among the other singles here and I didn’t think I’d be his type. 
Lucci: Angel, I’d been trying to court you for weeks. I was starting to think you were intentionally ignoring my effort. When you said that I realize the flowers and complements might have been too vague for you.
Angel: ...So I might have also been a little dense when it comes to romance. But, it all worked out in the end!
What are your thoughts on PDA?
Angel: I’m a little shy with that kind of thing... I have no problem showing affection but I would rather not have an audience. I am a professional and do have a reputation to consider. 
Lucci : I’d rather we didn’t but won’t object to it. 
How do you show your affection towards each other/what are your love languages?
Angel: Acts of service is my main mode of affection! I’m also big on quality time. When I’m in love, I like to spend time with them and help however I can. Being with Lucci is no different. I like to prove my love through action. 
Lucci : Quality time. 
Angel: It makes my heart happy we share a primary mode! 
Who’s more introverted and who’s more extroverted?
Angel: Oh I’m definitely an extrovert! I have a well-developed introversion but given the chance I love being around my people. Dinner parties and game nights are my happy place. I’m a very social creature. 
Lucci : I’m an introvert. Angel is one of the few people I don’t find exhausting to be around. 
Who’s the big spoon and who’s the little spoon?
Angel: For the most part, I’m the little spoon. There’s a whole 12′’ between us in terms of height so it’s easier to curl around me I guess. 
Lucci : She can be a surprisingly aggressive cuddler. If she wants to be the big spoon she will find a way. 
Angel: You enjoy it when I take charge~
Lucci : I never said I didn’t. 
What do you like doing together the most?
Angel: Ah we’re such a boring couple! Dates are nice but to be honest we’re both away from home so often it’s such a luxury to just indulge in domestic life. Just keeping a home together feels like a dream. I love being able to travel for my work but I wish I could spend more time home with him. My favorite time is when we’re both settling down for the night, casually curled up together on the sofa.  He usually settles down with a paper and I always have my field notes to work on. 
Lucci : I enjoy when we can cook together. I love listen to her talk and sing along with the radio as we work. She puts so much energy into even the mundane tasks, it’s hard not to have enjoy yourself around her. 
Tell us a fun fact about the other!
Angel: He’s musically trained! He won’t sing infront of other people but I once caught him singing to some fledgling canaries I was raising at the time. The memory is forever burned into my mind and I love it.
 Lucci : She has a devil fruit but, for a stupid reason, pretends she doesn’t. 
Tag other selfshippers and their f/os.
If ya’ll want, I would love to learn more about my favorite couples out here! I tried not to double tag people who’ve already been tagged but if I have to feel free to ignore me, likewise if I missed you please jump in if you want! I love reading about other peoples ships!
@princiere​ + Akira, @soulnottainted​ + Copia, @rain-selfships + Dick, @selfshippinglover + Hector, @justafictionalthing + Megamind, @ariesselfships + Duncan, @rosepetalcharm + Kurama, @wingedships + Qrow 
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phantasmagorical (sfw), ubiquitous, fanfaronade, and serendipity for kuja!
Thank you~~~ 💜💜💜
Phantasmagorical - what is your favorite fantasy involving your f/o? this can be either sfw or nsfw, but please specify.
I have a lot of fantasy’s that I really like! I daydream a lot about domestic stuff with him! I like to imagine cuddling up into bed with some nice food and drinks, or taking baths with luxurious bath-bombs~
My very favorite fantasies however, are ones that I use to cope with past trauma. For some reason, it’s very very helpful for me to imagine him intervening in the events that made my life hard. I like to fantasize about him taking me away from my parents to come with him, or hurting my abusers. I know that’s a little bit dark, so I suppose I also very much love imagining myself and him dancing~
Ubiquitous - how popular is your f/o in the fandom? do you think the fandom treats them well?
I suppose he is decently popular? In terms of Final Fantasy, he isn’t very well known or liked? But in the Final Fantasy 9 fandom specifically he is pretty popular!
Eh... I personally feel like the fandom is a little odd with him? There’s a couple people who I feel have a nice grasp on what he is actually like in the games, but there are so many people that reduce him to being a 2 dimensional villain, or just a whiny man who isn’t powerful. I feel Kuja has a really nice balance between being powerful and fabulous, and it saddens me that people often take only one of these two qualities when writing for him.
Fanfaronade - what would your f/o say when bragging about you to others?
Hmmm- I don’t really see Kuja as one to brag very often unless it’s about himself. I suppose he’d probably be pretty proud of my artwork, and depending on the person he’s talking to, he might mention my love for animals and other people, but I feel like that’s about as far as he’ll go-
Serendipity - how did you first discover your f/o, or your f/os source material? how did you feel when you first saw your f/o in your source material? 
Answered here
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droneseco · 3 years
Nubia Red Magic 6 Pro Gaming Phone Review: The Advantage is Real
Nubia Red Magic 6 Pro
9.00 / 10
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All in all, the Nubia Red Magic 6 Pro is a great gaming phone. It's not the best phone on the market compared to the software offered by devices like the Samsung Galaxy S21, but it's pretty close. When you consider the price, anyone looking for a gaming phone should consider this one, as it offers impressive specs for the dollar amount.
Key Features
Snapdragon 888
Large, high-res screen
Dedicated gaming mode with physical switch
165Hz refresh rate
Storage: 256GB
CPU: Qualcomm Snapdragon 888
Memory: 16GB
Operating System: Red Magic OS 4.0 based on Android 11
Battery: 5050mAh
Ports: USB-C, 3.5mm
Camera (Rear, Front): 64MP/8MP/2MP
Display (Size, Resolution): 6.8-inch, 2400X1080
High specs for the price
Shoulder triggers
Ultra-high 165Hz refresh rate
500Hz touch sampling rate
Doesn't come with 67W charger in box
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One place that has continuously evolved in the Android space is gaming phones. While traditional smartphones are always moving forward, gaming phones tend to push the limits even further. Perhaps that's because gaming phones are newer. Or maybe it's because gamers demand more from their hardware. It could be a little of both.
Whatever the reason, the Nubia Red Magic 6 Pro gaming phone is definitely all about pushing the limits of what we expect from a smartphone. It's packed with all kinds of gaming-focused features and specs that rival some of the most expensive Android flagships on the market.
However, it manages to rival those phones are a $699 price tag, which is quite reasonable for what the phone brings to the table.
Red Magic 6 Pro Specs
Because this is a gaming phone, it's really all about the specs. Starting with the processor, you'll find a Snapdragon 888. When it comes to flagship smartphone processors, this is the current model that the best devices are using (along with Samsung's latest Exynos chipset).
It also has 16GB of RAM and 256 GB of internal storage. You'll have a hard time finding a mobile application or game that requires more than 16GB of RAM, so everything should run with ease.
Since it is using a Snapdragon 888 processor, you'll get 5G connections across all the major bands. Of course, you'll need to live in an area with 5G support, but even if you don't, it has full support for LTE as well.
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To put it simply, the Red Magic 6 Pro has everything you could want under the hood. Playing games that push smartphones to their limits requires specs that can hang, and the Red Magic 6 Pro brings all of that and then some.
If you want to save a little money, you can drop down the Red Magic 6, which features 12GB of RAM and 128GB of storage. You still get a Snapdragon 888 and all the other benefits, but the RAM and internal storage are slightly lower. Though if you're concerned about optimal performance, you're probably better off spending the extra money.
We went with the Pro version for our testing, as we wanted to make sure we're running the best version of the phone through its paces.
Screen and Size
The screen is a solid 6.8-inches with a 2400 X 1080 resolution. Obviously, it would be nice to get a 4K display, but at this price, FHD+ with a 20:10 aspect ratio is solid enough.
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What makes this screen stand out isn't the size or resolution, though. It's the ridiculous adaptative refresh rate. You can set the screen to refresh as fast as 165Hz, which is absurd. Of course, very few apps and games support such high refresh rates, but you do notice the smoothness when scrolling through the OS.
It's a really lovely screen overall, especially when you consider the price. Videos, games (which we'll dig into more heavily in the next section), and just about everything else looks really good on the display.
Gameplay Performance
This is a gaming phone, so gaming performance is essential. In fact, it's the most critical aspect to look at when deciding if this device is suitable for you.
Before we get into the actual gameplay experience, let's first talk about the device's performance from a benchmark standpoint. Whether you're testing the processor or graphics card, this phone truly impresses on all of the popular tests.
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For example, when you run it through GeekBench, you get an absurd single-core score of 1125 and a multicore score of 3719. To put that into perspective, the OnePlus 9 Pro scored 1081 on the single-core score, while the ASUS ROG Phone 3 achieves 951. Basically, it scores highly across the board.
Moving over the 3DMark's Wild Life test, the phone excelled there as well. It scored a 5,904, which makes it the 12th most powerful phone in terms of performance. However, only two of the phones that scored higher are Android devices, so realistically, it's the third most powerful phone in its class.
Personally, I don't enjoy mobile gaming all that much. I like the feel of actual buttons when I'm playing games, and as much as smartphone game developers get creative with their controls, they just can't replicate the feeling of actual buttons.
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However, the Nubia Red Magic 6 Pro does a great job of making the mobile gaming experience as enjoyable as possible. It offers several key features that make this possible.
First, there are customizable touch-trigger buttons on the top of the phone. These replicate the triggers of a controller, though without the tactile feel offered by actual buttons. Still, the high sampling rate makes them accurate and functional.
There's also the absurd 500Hz touch sampling rate, which means that your every action is read by the phone quickly. In some cases, this can lead to real competitive advantages over your opponents in games like Call of Duty or PUBG. It's almost cheating.
And even if you're not playing competitive games, having a high sampling rate means that you can rely on the phone to react according to your presses. For example, a game like Dead Cells that requires twitch reactions and precision platforming will play better with the high touch sampling rate.
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There's also a dedicated gaming mode in the OS that you can access via a physical switch on the side of the phone. Simply flick it to get rid of all the annoying notifications and other phone stuff. Instead, you'll see a simple screen with all of your installed games and several options you can use to customize your gaming experience.
In the gaming mode, not only do you have a quick way to launch your games without distractions, but you can control some of the other functions of the phone. For example, you can set up the location for the shoulder triggers, change the RGB lights on the back of the device, and adjust the fans.
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All in all, this is the best experience I've ever had playing games on a smartphone. Will it convert me into a dedicated smartphone gamer? Probably not. But it will make the times I decide I want to play mobile games a more fun experience, and that's all you can really ask.
Keeping itself cool is where this phone really shines. There are seven different cooling methods and heat transfers tucked inside the device, and they all do an excellent job of keeping things cool. You'll find fans, a vapor chamber, high thermal conductivity copper foil, thermal gel, a cooling graphite thermal pad, and an aviation-grade aluminum heat sink.
Unlike traditional smartphones, there are actual vents along the side of the phones that allow the air to leave the device and keep things flowing nicely. You can actually hear the fans spin up when you start playing games, so you know they're working.
Fortunately, they're relatively small, so they don't make too much noise. If you're playing a game with the sound on, it'll block out the fan noise easily.
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If that's not enough for you (it was plenty for me), there are even cooling accessories that you can buy to keep the device running like ice. ZTE Nubia sent us one of the cooling fans that attach to the phone and is powered by the USB-C port and while it's cool, it seems like overkill. The phone stayed plenty cool enough in my testing that I just didn't feel like I needed an additional fan.
On top of that, having a cable running from the extra fan to the phone felt cumbersome. Unless you're really struggling with heat issues (and I don't see how you could with all the other cooling mechanisms) I'd avoid the additional fan, as it just doesn't seem like a worthwhile purchase.
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All in all, the Nubia Red Magic 6 knocks it out of the park in terms of cooling. No matter what game I ran, it felt significantly cooler than any other phone I've used before.
Camera System
The camera definitely isn't the focus of this phone, but it's not something Nubia just tossed aside and forgot about either. The phone comes with a triple camera system. It has the primary 64MP camera with an f/1.79 aperture. There's also an 8MP ultra-wide lens with an f/2.2 aperture and a 2MP lens.
On the front, you'll find a basic 8MP camera. It takes decent enough selfies, but they're certainly not going to blow your mind.
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One thing that annoyed me about the camera is the watermark it places on your photos by default. Sure, you can go into the options and turn it off, but it really shouldn't be there in the first place. No one cares that my photo was shot with a Red Magic 6. In fact, seeing the watermark is more likely to annoy them than convince them they need to own this phone themselves.
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Video is one place where the Red Magic 6 shines. It's not so much that the lenses capture great video in terms of quality (though it is good enough), but it's the ridiculous quality of options and framerates available that make it stand out. You can capture video at up to 8K resolution at 30fps. You can film in 4K at 30 or 60fps, 1080p at 30 or 60fps, and 720P at 30fps.
There's also support for 1080P at 240fps and 720P at 480fps if slow-motion videos are your thing.
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The front-facing camera can record video in 1080P or 720P at 30fps, which is definitely sufficient for a selfie camera.
All in all, photos and videos captured with this won't rival flagships like the Galaxy S21 or Apple's iPhone 12 Pro, but they will look good enough that you can share them proudly on social media without feeling like you're left behind. And if anyone questions your photos, just challenge them to a game of Call of Duty Mobile and make them suffer.
The battery in this phone is definitely one of its unsung heroes. While most of the marketing focuses on the performance of the Nubia Red Magic 6 when it comes to playing games, the large battery deserves just as much love. It comes with a 5050mAh battery, which is more than sufficient for extended gameplay sessions.
Of course, the phone needs a large battery to power that 165Hz display and the fans to keep it cool. Fortunately, the phone easily made it through a full day with battery to spare with normal usage, which included a decent amount of time spent gaming.
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As big as the battery is, the fact remains that at some point, you will run out of juice and you will need to charge your phone. Fortunately, the phone comes with 30W quick charging out of the box and supports up to 66W quick charging. However, for the latter, you'll need to purchase a separate charger, as the 66W charger isn't included.
Still, even with the slower charger, you can still get a lot of power in a short time. You can fully charge the phone in a little over an hour, which is excellent for those times when you need to get back out there shooting fools in Call of Duty or PUBG.
As always, you can use the phone while it's charging too. So really, there's no reason to ever have to stop gaming, assuming you can find an outlet nearby.
Final Thoughts
All in all, the Nubia Red Magic 6 Pro is a great gaming phone. It's not the best phone on the market compared to the software offered by devices like the Samsung Galaxy S21, but it's pretty close. When you consider the price, anyone looking for a gaming phone should consider this one, as it offers impressive specs for the dollar amount.
Nubia Red Magic 6 Pro Gaming Phone Review: The Advantage is Real published first on http://droneseco.tumblr.com/
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emilydoesthings · 7 years
Gotham Preference - Discovering Your Youtube Channel
Requested by anon: could you do preferences for selina kyle, bruce wayne, jim gordon, harvey bullock, edward nygma, oswald cobblepot and fish mooney. for them finding out the reader has a youtube channel with a couple million subscribers? sorry if thats too many people.
A/N: These turned out away longer than I expected. Whoops. Also I kept this kinda neutral as to whether or not the reader is friends or in a relationship with the characters. Especially with Fish. Hers kinda came out as a mentor-student type relationship.
Selina Kyle
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The first time Selina even got to watch Youtube was when she stayed at the Wayne manor. Bruce had shown her a few videos before leaving her to her own devices. Scrolling through video after video, she noticed a familiar face: yours. When the hell did this happen? How did she not know about this? She began watching nearly every video of yours, eyes dropping down to look at the number of subscribers you had accumulated. She was impressed, proud even. The next time she saw you she tried to play the whole thing off casually. “So, that’s what you do when you’re not around? Pretty cool, kid.”
Bruce Wayne
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Bruce may have gotten a bit over excited when he found out. He’d just logged on when your face suddenly popped up in the Recommended section. It took him a moment to realize it was you he was seeing in the video. He quickly waved Alfred over to show him, a bright smile plastered on his face. That was his friend! How had he not heard of this sooner? “I found you on Youtube the other day,” he informed you the next time you’d come over. “A couple million subscribers? You should be proud of yourself, [F/N]!”
Jim Gordon
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(What is this gif. How have I not seen it before) Jim usually doesn’t spend time on the internet. The only time he’s really seen videos is when Harvey sends him something the other cop deems hilarious. It isn’t until he checks his email one day that he finds a link to a video with the subject “Look at who I found”. Curiousity gets the better of him and he watches it, somewhat shocked to see that it’s you. He then proceeds to spend the next few hours--a longer time than he’d like to admit--simply watching your content. The next time he sees you he honestly tries his best to act as if he knows nothing about it, despite the fact that Harv tries to rat him out. Jim’s a bit shy about letting his inner fanboy out.
Harvey Bullock
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Harvey is the last person you would expect to spend time on YouTube. But he, in fact, could spend hours getting deeper and deeper into weird videos. However, finding your videos was almost not too much of a surprise to him. At first he had watched a collaboration you had done with another YouTuber he followed. It took him a second to process it the moment you were introduced, but ultimately he was impressed. After finishing the video, he went onto your channel and watched those. Whether your topics were something that interested him or not, he simply viewed them because it was yours. He didn’t want to make a big deal out of it--he was sure you wouldn’t want that and, honestly, he was a bit embarrassed to admit that he spent a large portion of the night prior binge watching you online.
Edward Nygma
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Ah, YouTube. Back when he worked at GCPD, it was the best way to unwind at the end of the day. His taste of viewing varies from simple background music to trying to find more puzzling riddles (YouTube has surprisingly good inspiration; albiet simplistic). He tends to leave things on autoplay so he can wander around his apartment without having to constantly stop what he’s doing to pick a new video. He was barely paying attention, too caught up in whatever he was doing, to notice that the website had taken him to a different kind of video altogether. In fact, it was an ad that had come up. His ears perked up upon hearing your all too familiar voice, promoting something of yours coming up. He quickly made his way back to the screen, a grin spreading across his face when he saw yours. He settled into a chair, clicking on said ad before being taken to your channel. He wasn’t too surprised when he saw the amount of subscribers you had amassed. He knew you well and found you to be quite charming. Of course you were popular here. Anyone would be crazy not to like you.
Oswald Cobblepot
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Oswald, much like Jim, isn’t one who spends his free moments watching things like YouTube. He finds that there are much better things to do with his time. Ed is the one who introduces him to the website in the first place; insisting on showing him something. Annoyed, Os finally agrees and lets Ed queue up the video. Resting his chin in his hand, he expects only the most trivial of things.He’s surprised to find, however, that that’s not the case--far from it. He sits up straight, eyes widening a bit as he recognizes your face. “That’s [F/N],” he says suddenly, gaze flickering to Ed who was smiling. He turns his attention back to the screen and leans forward in interest. When it’s over her quickly prompts his friend to play another one. He doesn’t notice how many subscribers you have initially, paying far more attention to the series of videos you’ve made. When he does finally notice, he’s obviously impressed. It’s no easy feat making it big like that, and he admires all the work you’ve put into the channel itself.
Fish Mooney
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Mama Fish is obviously the proudest of them all. The way you command attention in your videos is what she admires most. More likely than not, she probably heard about your channel from the few workers in the club. Why you’d keep this a secret from her, she doesn’t quite understand. You’re making a name for yourself and she finds that most appealing. You’re working hard, she likes that. The number of subscribers you have isn’t something to laugh at. When she approached you about it she had nothing but praise. Just don’t keep such a success story like that from her again.
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selfshipstuff · 5 years
Thanks to @sketchy-galaxy​ for the ask! Here’s my answer for Question 1 of the voice ask meme, which was as follows: 
“Recall how long I’ve known my f/o(s) and how I discovered them/their source material.” 
I’ll put a transcript of my rambling under the cut. 
00:00 - 00:35 - Um... hi. So... for question number 1-- which is about how long I’ve known them and how I discovered their source material-- I’m thinking I’ll start with Hunk, since, Starr, you’re the one who asked and I remember that we bonded a little bit over... um... being with Hunk and Lance respectively-- and Lotor, of course, in your case as well. 
00:36 - 01:34 - Um... Hunk, I met in... 2016, I wanna say? So, it’s going on... 3 years now? Or I guess it is 3 years now, 'cuz I met him... towards the end of 2016. And, I mean... with Voltron... I was introduced to that by-- well. It being so popular on Tumblr. I’m not quite as into Voltron as I was at the time? But... he’s still really special to me.  Obviously, I mean, [laughing] you never really,, [shaky breath] stop loving someone when you love them that much. But... [long pause, awkward laugh] Anyway! Next!
01:35 - 02:28 - Um... mmh. With... Adrien, from... Miraculous Ladybug-- um, Miraculous is another one of the ones that I discovered through Tumblr. Um, it was really fun though, because I’ve always had, like, a soft spot for French, and, um... French culture and France in general, so it’s really cool that there’s this show that’s focused on like, superheroes, and magic, and France, all three of which are like extremely fun to me. And... I don’t really remember when I started watching Miraculous, but I think it was a little bit before or after I started watching Voltron, so probably also around that 2016 area. Mmmh...
02:30 - 04:09 - And then... with the Hitachiin twins, Hikaru and Kaoru-- um... I could be saying all of their names with the proper, um, accents, but... I... don’t think it would sound good, and I am not confident enough to be recorded [laughing] saying them that way. [deep breath] Um, so, Adrien, Hikaru, and Kaoru it is, rather than all the accented ones. But, with the twins, I, um... they,,, have been around for me for [chuckling] a lot longer than a lot of the others have. Because I’ve liked them since I first watched the anime-- um, it’s Ouran High School Host Club, for anyone who doesn’t know, I guess, although it’s pretty... it’s a classic, I guess, so most people would know, I think. Um... [clears throat] when I first watched it, I was in middle school... so that was probably... um... I wanna say... 7th grade? 8th grade, something like that? So... I graduated this past year, it’s 2019... um... [long silence where I’m basically doing the math lady meme] I wanna say 20...12, 2013? Something like that, but it’s been a while. Um... [laughs sheepishly] 
04:10 - 05:00 - Aaand... then there’s... Krel, who’s really, relatively new, but [chuckling] I love him so much. Um, he’s from 3Below-- Tales of Arcadia-- it’s the second installment in the Tales of Arcadia series, it comes after Trollhunters. Um... I had been meaning to watch Trollhunters... since I started seeing content for it on Tumblr as well. Um... [weird throat noise rip sorry skksjkj] but... I had been putting it off for a while? That’s the case with like, all of them, by the way, that I discovered on Tumblr. Um, I started watching Trollhunters around the time that 3Below was released? So I wanna say... 2016, 2017 as well. 
05:01 - 06:32 - Umm... then there’s Stardew Valley, which I also discovered partially through Tumblr, partially through my boyfriend, who plays as well? He-- his favorite is definitely Shane, um, mine is... Sebastian, although I love [chuckles] all of them... a lot. Um... Demetrius can go eat dirt, but-- maybe some of those like... mushrooms that he put in my,, stupid,,, cave on my property, but... um... I don’t think any of them are poisonous, unfortunately. RIP to anyone who likes Demetrius, but I’m better. [deep breath] UM... [pause] now I feel bad, I shouldn’t’ve said that, that’s mean. But anyway, um... dang... I wanna say Stardew Valley I started playing, errmm... late 2016, early 2017? I know that seems to be, like, a really... popular time for a lot of my-- my babes, but like... I don’t... know why that is. I have a really poor internal clock, so I probably am just like, not remembering the timing properly. Um... but I would say that’s probably about the time that I started playing Stardew Valley and met Sebastian. 
06:33 - 08:32 - Um... [long pause] let’s see. Then... this is getting into... the... not super current territory, but like, still like, “I love you, please be on my list”? Y’know, that kind of area? Where you’re like, [high voice] “I’m not posting about you, but I still love you, I promise.” Um... Cisco from The Flash, I started watching The Flash, I wanna say, 20...17...? Like, mid-2017, I think, and I loved him like right off the bat. He was my favorite character, episode 1 of season 1, and... that has like, not changed, at all. [laughs, then settles down] They did him dirty, I was so mad about all of his, like, canon love interests? ‘Cuz like, they did him so dirty, poor baby... um! [laughing] That’s kind of off-topic though. Um-- then... there’s also... oh. How I discovered The Flash-- um. I mean, honestly? It’s just because the DCU is so, like... I guess... it’s so big, in pop culture, and I hadn’t really watched the MCU or DCU movies or shows? Until like, really recently. So I started trying to catch up to it, so that’s kind of how that happened. I’m all caught up on The Flash through season 5 now, but... for a while, I wasn’t. Um... but anyway. 
08:33 - 09:47 - Next is... let’s go with Connor. Connor Murphy, from Dear Evan Hansen. Um... this is, as you can tell, a [laughing] popular theme throughout all of them, but Dear Evan Hansen is another one that I discovered through Tumblr. Um, it was kind of difficult...? To get to the source material, because... as,, anyone who’s ever been into musicals knows,,, um,,, ya gotta... ya gotta watch those bootlegs. But they’re not like... super legal... [wheezing in laughter] so it involves,, some, like... lowkey piracy... um... I-- technically-- yeah, not technically. Completely, 100%. But it’s worth it. He’s a Boy. He’s so relatable. I’m gonna say 2016 for that as well, but probably af,,ter,,,, I watched,,, Voltron? I wanna say..... um, actually, maybe 2017, that’s probably more accurate. 
09:48 - 10:29 - Um. At this point, I’m just reading down my-- my actual F/O list, um, on my blog, [collapses into laughter] because,, I don’t,,, actually have the capacity or the bandwidth to properly keep a list in my head, and... just talk about them all in an organized fashion without something to look at, ‘cuz I’m a very org-- eh, visual organized person, when it comes to like,, how to like, think and talk about things. So... if thess-- (bluh) if this order sounds familiar, that’s why, I’m literally just reading it off of my list. 
(divided this next one into 3 paragraphs bc it’s so long good god--) 
10:30 - 14:47 - Um... next, I’m gonna say-- I’m not even gonna specify which F/Os, ‘cuz there’s like a looot of them from this source material-- but I’m gonna say Homestuck. Um. I discovered it, again, through Tumblr, but also through like...? I dunno if it’s pronounced Quo Tev or Quote V, but that fanfic website we'd all been to when we were like 11. Um-- [laughs] Um, I first discovered it-- or, I guess... um... [deep breath] I don’t wanna say “interacted with it”, because I really didn’t, I kind of just... observed it for the first time,, when I was, I wanna say... 12, or 11, so 2011... 20-- no, 2012 or 20...13, I wanna say, and then I finally read it in the first couple months of 2016. And, I think-- I actually binged it, and... I didn’t,, I’m not like... a very highly motivated person, so I would read them in like short bursts throughout a couple weeks. 
I think I finished it in like 2 weeks, but... I would read it at like... after midnight hours, [laughing] so I would be sitting in bed, in this dark basement, by myself, and I remember reading about when Gamzee canonically was like... off the shits. [bursts into wheezing laughter] And I was,,, so freaked out, ‘cuz I was sitting in this dark basement, at like 3 in the morning, all by myself, reading about this like, killer clown-- I’m not even afraid of clowns, but like, god! What the fuck! [laughs] ... Um-- so I guess, some of the more prevalent, um, folks from Homestuck for me would be Dave and Davesprite-- um. I know that’s like, a really common one,, for Dave, because he’s like That Guy for the series, but for me it’s more like, “Wow! We have a lot of... shared experiences,” and, I mean... I dunno. That’s something to get into some other time. 
But, I mean... I think I’ve liked... Dave, Davesprite... um, Dirk, in like a palerom way, if you’re familiar with the quadrants from Homestuck? Which is basically kind of like, uhhh, “I wanna be your best friend” but like also, comfort, like-- like-- I don’t know, it’s hard to describe. Um... I guess it would be kind of like a queer-platonic partner, if you’re familiar with, um, ace-spectrum language. Um... I also really liked Roxy for a short time, and... Dave,,peta,sprite??? I don’t know how to pronounce their name. Um, I was never really a fan of Jade, to be honest, um... which I know is like... the bad mojo for that fandom, but... it be like that, I apologize. Um..... anyway, let’s move on before I get into the trolls, because that’s a long list that I don’t even have time to touch right now, we’ve already been going for like 15 minutes and I still have more to talk about... and this is just for question one, I apologize, Starr, what ha-- what can of worms have you opened-- [laughs]
14:48 - 17:30 - Um... I guess, next would be... Donnie, from TMNT. Because... because,, ss-- shocker, surprise! I’m,,, very, very pan,,,, very, very not picky when it comes to who I am loving,,, my stupid heart is like “Not human? Not a problem!” Of course, you still have to be able to consent, yadda yadda yadda, no, bestiality is gross, et cetera, et cetera. Um... but like, when it comes to TMNT, that’s one of those things that... I’ve been... aware of, for like, my whole life, because I mean it’s been around since like-- how long now?? Wh,, since like the 19...8...0s...? Something like that? Um-- oh shoot, my sisters are home. Oh well. 
Um, Donnie is definitely a Main when it comes to the four of them, um, shortly thereafter followed by Mikey, and then it’s Leo, and then I also... I-- I mean, I like all four of them, in separate ways, but like... Raph is definitely, like... Raphael is kind of on the bottom for me? Which I know is kind of odd and uncommon in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles fandom, but... that-- I appreciate that he’s [laughs] really passionate,, but I have a hard time,, with, um... people who have, like... quick tempers. Um... due to like, past experiences. So... that’s, um... [long pause] Anyway, I started watching based-- uh, with the 2012 series. Um, I haven’t seen the new one yet-- with the 2D animation, where they’re all different types of turtles? Um, I did watch the 20...14/2016 movies, um... Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and TMNT: Out of the Shadows-- those were really good as well. Um... [huff] and that’s that! I live by that.
17:30 - 19:30 - So, next I guess would be... Merlin, from the show of the same name that aired on BBC. Umm, I don’t actually remember when I watched this? I wanna say 20...14, 2015... probably mid-2015. [burps] ‘Scuse me-- um... I mean... pretty much immediately, I liked him. Um, like, first five minutes of the show, I was immediately like, [surprised voice] “Oh! I love him! He’s mine now.” Um... I discovered him through, um... I mean, general internet culture, same as Homestuck. I did, uh-- kind of find them through Quo Tev-slash-Quote V, however the hell you wanna pronounce it, as well as Tumblr, and like Ao3. Um-- ‘cuz y’know, um, Merlin and Arthur are a really popular ship, so... I did see a lot of that-- I actually do kind of like that ship, but personally, I’m also kind of like, [high voice] “Mmmmmmmm... Arthur,,,....... he’s mine. Go have fun with Gwen.” [pauses, then laughs] ... Not gonna lie though... Morgana before she went, like... crazy, crazy evil? Was like... highkey eyes emoji. And then she went over to the dark side ‘cuz they had cookies or whatever and I was like [high voice] “Mmmmm, I don’t like that.” ‘Cuz,, I’m not, like,, super, like,,,,.... no tea, no shade, y’all who have villain F/Os are super valid, but that’s for me-- [bursts out laughing]
19:31 - 21:08 - Um-- [long pause] And then I guessss... have I mentioned Peter yet? Um,, Spider-Man-- I mean, shh, I totally didn’t just reveal his identity, um-- but... I’ve,, always really liked Spider-Man?? Like, he’s always just kind of been one of my favorite heroes. Um. Even when I hadn’t really watched much of the MCU or DCU, I think Spider-Man was up there with Wonder Woman for me. Um... I still haven’t watched,,, like, anything other than the Tom Holland ones-- [laughter] I do own them, I just,, haven’t watched them-- [collapses into laughter again] Um,, I think,,, [groaning] I don’t know, I just love him... I watched, um... like, I watched... what’s it called? Um-- Homecoming. When it came out. Uh, I saw it in theaters, and I don’t remember when that was, but... I did-- I pretty much immediately was like [high voice] “Mmm, boyfriend material.” So-- I mean, I discovered that through mostly popular culture and cultural osmosis as well, um, but Peter Parker’s been like a childhood one for me as well, I guess. 
21:09 - 23:51 - And then there’s also... uhhh... one second, I’m thinking-- oh. [snaps fingers] Right. I have the list. Right in front of me. Um, Ratchet, from Ratchet & Clank, the 2016 game-- um, I actually haven’t played any of the other ones in the series. Um... I haven’t,, I’m not super familiar with the franchise? I know that he has, like, a canon girlfriend at some point who I’m like... not super comfy with. [starts laughing] Um,,, content for her keeps showing up on my dashboard and I’m like “I don’t want these,,,” But, um... so, I discovered it... through, um. Well. 
Unfortunately, I discovered it through my dad, who I have a very bad relationship with, but he-- at the time, um, he hadn’t disowned me yet, and I was over at his house, because I was-- it was like, visitation weekend. So, I was on the PlayStation, and he had bought Ratchet & Clank in like a weird attempt to like... bribe me with,, affection, or something. And, I guess... I just like... I played it. ‘Cuz like, there wasn’t anything better to play, and I just immediately like fell in love with the game. The graphics are really good, um... the game was fun, it was easy to play once I got a hang of it, which is [snickering] really good because I’m not very good at video games [full-on laughing] even though I love them. Um...
And I mean, that was kind of more of a gradual thing for me. It wasn’t like a [snaps fingers] “I love him,” it was more like [surprised] “... Oh. Ohhh, no,,, I’m starting to love him!” Which is actually kind of strange for me, because it’s kind of like... slow-burn things are less common for me. Um, like normally I’ll at least have like a crush at first, but... for Ratchet, it was really more like... “Ohhh my... Suddenly, I Am Starting to Have Some Affection.” Like, in the middle of playing the game, and it was kind of hilarious. Um... this was, I wanna say, 20...17, 2018. So, more recent. 
23:52 - 25:30 - And then, of course, um, Sans Undertale. Because who doesn’t love The Boy? Ummm... obviously, discovered Undertale through, um... Tumblr, also my boyfriend had it, so I got to watch him play it a bit, and he talked about it as well. Um... popular culture, because everyone was talking about it, it was on YouTube quite a bit, um, and at the time, I was pretty active watching YouTube videos-- I don’t really anymore, but I did at the time. Um... honestly? I never finished the game myself. It’s-- I still have it, it’s like, on my computer, I just haven’t touched it since I like... first got it. I played it for like a couple weeks, but I already kind of knew everything that happened, and I just kind of... didn’t?? Anymore?? So I’m real-- I’m like-- Before I even played the game, though, I was already like “I love him!” because... I mean... I’mma keep it real with you, Chief... I saw a lot of Undertale content on Tumblr and Ao3... and I was just like “Well. I guess I love him now!” Um, I wanna say that was-- I don’t remember when Undertale came out, but I wanna say it wassss... half a year after it came out? Maybe... closer to a year, somewhere around there. 
25:31 - 27:10 - Um... I think those are pretty-- oh! [snaps fingers] Y’know what, I know who I’m forgetting. Um... I also, um, recently started watching Supergirl, and, like, immediately, I loved Winn. He’s so good. Um-- I started watching Supergirl probably... June, July, August of this year? So, it’s very recent, but [shaky voice] oh my god,, I love him. This is again, through like, pop culture, um, it being part of the DCU, being how I discovered it. Um, and also I saw some stuff about lesbians on Tumblr-- um-- I do really like how they handled Alex’s, um... journey through that. And then, I mean... I don’t think I’m gonna say much more, [laughs] ‘cuz I’ll just,, keep going, and I’ve already been recording for like 27 minutes? And I’ve gotten off-topic for probably about half of that. 
So, that’s question number one... if I,, left out any?? That you wanted to hear about, I can do another one, but I think... this should be good for now. 
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Airplane Leasing Organization AWAS Placed on Block, Pitched To Chinese, Other Lessors.
UPDATE: The L.a Cops Department has categorically rejected any involvement concerning the commonly mentioned inspection in to an alleged accident from kid abuse between Brad Pitt and also some of his youngsters. Lady Popular is consistently adding new and exciting information creating it a terrific on-line video game like Moshi Monsters that are going to maintain you curious for a long period of time specifically if you are actually manner orientated. Unless everyone may be inhibited the darker regarding the truths about the true level from surveillance advantage that this aircraft will likely supply, which that seems this will be minimal if the Chinese insurance claims are true, I don't see how Norway or every other federal government committed to getting F-35 planes so far can validate the cost/benefit of this particular purchase. Representatives from Globo TV as well as Fox Sports TELEVISION, the media with the most writers on board, were actually additionally on the Aviation service plane that can help recognize their reporters, he added. The General Electric (GE.N) engine that powered the aircraft was a workhorse design called the CF6, introduced many years back, GE speaker Rick Kennedy informed News agency on Sunday. Popular desde a virada século, a visão racional-econômica pressupunha que a motivação básica perform indivíduo age econômica, de tal forma que os gerentes utilizavam estratégias de recompensa e controle, que tentavam neutralizar lado humano (sentimento) performs indivíduos. The LAPD as well as L.a Region Team from Kid as well as Family members Providers are actually currently reportedly involved in the examination after an individual anonymously suggestioned all of them off when the household's plane landed last Wednesday. When I consider a business, the total yield is an essential specification to see if it suits the objective of The Good Service Collection. Thank you for writing this very figured center:-RRB- I truly cherish the fact you clarified this disputable target with plenty of variables as well as scenarios:-RRB-. This is just what really good writing is actually everything about. I am fortunate that I will definitely be visiting my really good lady as well as she will certainly be preparing a turkey for our team. I may undoubtedly look forward to her squeezes currently. Investigators think the aircraft was deliberately soared thousands of kilometers off course just before crashing in to the southern Indian Ocean off Australia. Often, the classification arises from the firm that created the plane as well as a nickname that typically determines its own customized task. The airplane plunged in a remote place from the French , concerning 65 miles north of the riviera metropolitan area of Nice. That result is necessary, one aeronautics source has actually mentioned, due to the fact that it goes some way to omitting the option that the aircraft was actually pulled down by a mid-air explosion. http://gesundekuche-blog.info/one-two-slim-testberichte-preis/ , an additional survivor, claimed the illuminations died below a min just before the plane banged right into the mountain, baseding upon Colombian authorities in Medellin. Atlantic Air travel: which gives plane refueling and garage companies in 68 airport terminals throughout the United States. Steam wind turbine upgrade place is a location from major focus for the historical Alstom company yet within GE that's expanding. The lower picture presents the instructions in which the item projects onto the attracting aircraft. That said, it is hard, one component of me wishes to state this is improper, bye, bye" yet the thing is our company definitely do have a fantastic loving relationship and really good communications and even helpful disagreements between these spells.
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Samsung Galaxy C7 Seasoned India Release Predicted Today
Samsung India is all set to Launch a product in New Delhi on Friday, with the enterprise sending invitations for a 12 pm event in advance this week. Even as Samsung did not element what it’ll be launching, the company is Expected to Release the Galaxy C7 Seasoned or the Galaxy C5 Seasoned smartphone within the united states.
The South Korean massive in its occasion invite makes use of the tagline “Lean Is the brand new Imply”. This unluckily is not sufficient indication about what’s being launched, but, the two Galaxy C-series smartphones referred to are simply 7mm thick – giving some credence to the hypothesis. The Galaxy C7 Pro changed into released in China in January this yr, Whilst the Galaxy C5 Pro became launched in China very lately – in March. As a result, it seems probably Samsung will Release the Galaxy C7 Pro in the united states.
The dual-SIM (Nano-SIM) Samsung Galaxy C7 Seasoned is priced at CNY 2,899 (roughly Rs. 27, one hundred) in China. It runs on Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow and features a five.7-inch 1080p Exquisite AMOLED display. The telephone is powered by a 2.2GHz octa-core Snapdragon 625 SoC coupled with 4GB of RAM. The Galaxy C7 Seasoned functions a sixteen-megapixel sensor on each the front and back with f/1.9 aperture. The cameras are capable of recording complete-HD videos at 30 frames in keeping with 2nd. The handset is offered with 64GB of the n-built garage, which is expandable via microSD card (as much as 256GB) in a hybrid twin-SIM configuration.
The cellphone measures 156.5×77.2×7.0mm and weighs 172 grams. The cellphone packs a 3300mAh battery. Moreover, the Galaxy C7 Pro comes with Continually-on display and Samsung Pay.
Evaluating The Samsung Galaxy S2 With The Samsung Galaxy Nexus
The Samsung Galaxy S2 is some of the maximum famous Android smartphones of all time, and truly the most a success smartphone for Samsung. but, this isn’t always their highest spec handset. Together with the Galaxy Word, the Samsung Galaxy Nexus has the best specifications when it comes to numerous of its features. In this newsletter I can evaluate some key functions of the Samsung Galaxy S3 and the Samsung Galaxy Nexus so you can decide that is the better smartphone.
The Samsung Galaxy Nexus changed into a collaboration among Samsung and Google to exhibit the state-of-the-art v4.0 of Android, dubbed ‘Ice Cream Sandwich’. The Samsung Galaxy S2 however ships with the preceding ‘Gingerbread’ version established. The Galaxy S2 supports an replace to the new version of the software, however because the Nexus changed into the first smartphone to have this version as fashionable, Samsung ensured it has the hardware to do the job.
The display screen is arguably the crowning characteristic of the Galaxy Nexus. Even to nowadays, it has one of the highest resolutions of any phone. At 720x 1280, it is simplest now being matched through more moderen phones. This offers it the capacity to display HD movies in addition to photos and video games it top excellent. The Samsung Galaxy S2 has a qHD display resolution (480x 800), which although brilliant, continues to be ay short of that of the Galaxy Nexus.
In all likelihood the most disappointing function of the Nexus (on paper as a minimum) is its digicam. With a decision of 5 megapixels, it’s far under what you’ll assume from a phone with a today’s working machine and excessive definition screen. Despite its seemingly low resolution, the digicam continues to be able to seize video pictures in 1080p excessive definition, which is a feature shared with the Samsung Galaxy S2, even though this is to be Predicted as the tool has an 8 megapixel digicam.
each handsets are matched on several capabilities; they both have a 1.2GHz dual-center processor, so that you can count on exquisite overall performance from both gadgets. Similarly mind-blowing is their statistics down load speeds when surfing the internet over a g3 connection; at 21 megabytes according to second, they are a number of the quickest web browsing phones to be had.
The Galaxy S2 turned into launched in April 2011, whereas the Galaxy Nexus hit the market in November 2011. By the time the Galaxy Nexus changed into released, momentum had already picked up in income of the Galaxy S2, and is the reason why the Galaxy Nexus became now not as successful, Notwithstanding numerous greater appealing specs. each handsets are top notch in their very own rights although, and whichever you select you’re not going to be disappointed. In case you are in the market for a Samsung telephone even though, it may be worth waiting a touch longer, as their brand new flagship is due for launch later this 12 months. The Galaxy S3 is rumoured to game a 12 megapixel camera and quad-core processor among its key functions and appears set to be certainly one of the largest tech releases of 2012.
Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 Opinions
Before you decide which Samsung tablet you want, you need to study at least one good Samsung Galaxy overview. in relation to the world of capsules, there are few businesses that have gotten a higher reputation for handing over exceptional goods than Samsung. however, the Samsung Galaxy pill, which has a ten.1 inch display, does not come with out a pretty hefty rate tag. At round $500 on Amazon, the Samsung Galaxy overview you read have to provide an explanation for why it is really worth each penny, in any other case you might end up with a product that you don’t actually need.
one of the high-quality perks to the Samsung tablet is that it’s far designed to be rapid. Many pills which are currently in the marketplace don’t have an excessive amount of in phrases of velocity and storage, and as a end result, lag. With a dual middle processor, and 1 GB of RAM, the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 comes with across the identical amount of energy as a netbook, or a low stop computer. maximum capsules on the market don’t have that amount of electricity, and therefore cannot run maximum of the films, track, and applications that the Samsung Galaxy is able to walking. At the side of the speed that allows you to observe streaming films on-line, the Samsung Galaxy also comes like minded with Flash participant. Apple doesn’t actually have this capability.
it is often stated, whether or not in a Galaxy evaluate, or in an Apple iPad evaluation, that no pill Pc is right while not having WiFi competencies. presently, the Galaxy helps 802.11 a/b/g/n WiFi, and is also Bluetooth well suited. Surfing the net won’t ever be a hassle with the Galaxy. People who’ve used a Samsung Galaxy tablet tend to be amazed at how rapid, how fluid Surfing the net can be. Considering how powerful the processor is, it surely shouldn’t be that a good deal of a marvel.
The Galaxy is an Android-powered tablet, and comes with full access to the Android market. As one of the great pills available on the market, the Galaxy comes fully well suited with Phrase, Excel, get entry to, and lots of different popular media codecs. This OS is specifically designed with multitasking in mind, because of this that you may surf the net Whilst going for walks song on the equal time. The Android Apps market is massive – 200,000 one-of-a-kind apps are to be had for buy, so you will be capable of locate something which you revel in with out too much worry. 32 GB of garage also approach that there might be extra than sufficient area to keep all of your apps without having to add a unique SD card for extra space.
The design is what typically is cited first in most Galaxy Critiques, however it is normally a great concept to save the high-quality for final. So far, the Galaxy has acquired many accolades for its sleek, lightweight design. It has even been in comparison to the iPad. It comes with a built in high definition digicam that may record video, take pics, and be used in video chat. Along with a the front going through digicam, the Galaxy additionally comes with a again-facing camera, that’s perfect for catching unique moments.
Visuals are the first-rate part of the Galaxy’s design. The high decision display screen has drawn compliments from even the most choosy of pill proprietors. At a 1280 by way of 800 pixel in keeping with square inch decision, that is one tablet that is very hard to conquer in terms of excessive definition pics. The excessive decision display makes the 2 and 3 megapixel cameras even greater useful. In spite of everything, being capable of proportion the minute info of a image can most effective be done with high decision screens. it is very difficult to find a 9aaf3f374c58e8c9dcdd1ebf10256fa5 Samsung Galaxy evaluate, or any Samsung Galaxy Critiques in any respect, which do not have some thing wonderful to mention approximately the display’s decision.
Many Humans presently say that the Samsung is one of the nice capsules available on the market. Its amazing layout, effective processing, ample garage, and ultra-modern Android operating gadget sincerely recommend that the Samsung Galaxy Evaluations that say it is the first-rate in the marketplace might be right. Modern and edgy, the Galaxy is one of the very few drugs on the market that does not appear to have any proceedings approximately it. Take the advice from this Galaxy overview – the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 is a ought to have!
We do the research, you make the choice!honestly hope that the facts provided on this website online will assist you to make an knowledgeable shopping for selection whether or not you are seeking out. Samsung galaxy tab 10.1, Samsung galaxy. Ii or an Samsung galaxy tab 7. With such a lot of unique models and styles of pill to be had it is very perplexing to understand what is ideal and what is junk.
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