#and it's actually contagious - I got my wife like that into it all
silent-lily · 11 months
i saw your reblog! GOOD LUCK PLAYING OMORI MAN !!!! hope you have fun!!! i know we haven't interacted all that much but still, as a mutual, don't hesitate to scream at me about this game if you ever feel the need to do so! also beware of spoilers! this game will indeed fuck you up but don't we all love to be fucked up by a particularly good storyline sometimes !!!!
also if i may ask, what's your favorite silent hill game? and should they be played in their particular order, or is it ok to just pick any part of the series and enjoy the ride from there? i remember watching a silent hill 3 stream a while ago and absolutely loving that game, never played the others though; i would love to get deeper into the series and that's why i decided to ask you about that :P
HEYYYYY!!!! Thank you, I don't know how far I am in the game but I am certainly having fun! RPG Maker games have always been one of my faves, so Omori just took its rightful place amongst the other well-known gems :) I usually just scroll through Tumblr, reblogging stuff /w comments in the tags but if the need arises - I will gladly scream at you haha. I love love LOVE games that may fuck you up a bit (or not a bit) - psychological horror is one of my faves.
Okay, now THAT is a question I love to hear, as well as the second one. Long-long talk ahead, so I'll put it under the cut for convenience.
My faves are the games that are considered "Classic Silent Hill quadrilogy". Yes, all of the four - even though, if I'm perfectly honest, SH1 and SH3 are THE Faves actually, mostly because of the "Fucked Up Cultist Bullshit" parts of the series and the familial connection of the protags (in SH1 we play as the father, in SH3 we play as his grown-up daughter) who I love dearly. Also Alessa, the one who brought The Fog World and The Otherworld to life.
Many people consider Silent Hill 2 a good part to get into the series (as in to see what the series is all about, its main themes and its "psychological horror" style), and I agree! BUT - if you want to know the actual origins of all fucked-up stuff of that small town you better go with the first part, Silent Hill (1999) (or even another part about which I'll talk in a bit). There's no actual PC version of it out there but there are hacked PSOne versions which can be easily emulated.
Now, SH1 and SH3 are directly connected via story and characters, SH2 and SH4 are mostly standalones BUT connected together via some plot details. So I advise to follow this order of playing because it goes along with the canonical chronology of events:
Silent Hill 1 -> Silent Hill 3 -> Silent Hill 2 -> Silent Hill 4: The Room
(also for the love of everything DO NOT PLAY THE HD COLLECTION VERSIONS OF SH2-3; they're horrible and glitchy as PC ports and the voice acting was changed and it's WORSE than the original; look for Enhanced Editions)
All games that came after these four are considered of, well, lower quality and not as well-thought through. Which is true BUT: - Silent Hill Origins may also be good to look into because it's a prequel to the first game but better to just watch a playthrough in my opinion before going to the first part (I had too much of a hard time emulating it and... eeeehhh I didn't really like the gameplay even if it tried to be like in the "classic" ones); - Silent Hill Homecoming can be looked into as well even though it's the most hated one of all the Silent Hill games, story-wise and gameplay-wise. For me, I actually found some interesting details in it that I liked (again, mainly The Fucked-up Cultist Bullshit) so I don't hate it as much as any other SH fan. Again, though, better just watch the playthrough - the game, even if it has a port for PCs, is awfully broken and HARD to play by yourself.
There are also in the Main Series: Silent Hill Shattered Memories (a reimagining of the first game minus The Cult Stuff) which is... not that important to everything in the Main Storyline, it's basically an AU; and Silent Hill Downpour that can look kinda plain and boring after everything else because it copies plenty of the tropes that were in the previous games. They may be ignored (but in the end it's up to you of course - you may look into them as well).
So yeah, here we go! The games can be divided into two types basically (with SH Shattered Memories as an outsider):
Shit happens because of The Local Cult, involving innocent bystanders (chronologically - SH Origins -> SH1 -> SH3 -> SH4 The Room -> SH Homecoming);
Shit happens because people with heavy burden get trapped in their own nightmares and inner demons brought to life (SH2 and SH Downpour).
Tl;dr What's the best order to PLAY: SH1 (emulated on ePSXe) -> SH3 (Enhanced Edition) -> SH2 (Enhanced Edition) -> SH4 The Room (Enhanced Edition or GOG Ver.)
What's the best order to WATCH AS A PLAYTHROUGH for the story: SH Origins -> SH1 -> SH3 -> SH2 as a small breaker but it's needed -> SH4 The Room -> SH Homecoming
That's all! Oof sorry for THAT many words but... yeah Silent Hill series has been my love and passion for 15+ years so I LOVE to share things about it! Feel free to ask more stuff too! :)
(it would certainly be more noticeable how much inspiration was drawn from these games into creating Omniphobia after watching through all of them haha)
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pathetichimbos · 8 months
He's truly so handsome and beautiful in his own way, he's so tall and strong and his hair is so messy yet so mesmerizing to look at and the way he just does anything is worth watching
Thomas is a very handsome man, and there's not a single doubt in my mind that he didn't have such a severe skin disease and clear neurodivergency in such a small, judgmental town, he would've easily found someone and settled down quickly.
He's tall, with thick, curly hair, strong arms and a wide build set, he's practically begging to be wifed up, but in classic southern culture, anything different is shamed and shunned.
To them, it didn't matter that he was just a kid born with a bit (well, a lot) of bad luck, he was diseased and contagious.
Parents warned their children not to get too close, people covered their faces if he breathed a little too hard, and no one ever treated him like a normal child.
There was more than one instance where young Tommy would go to the store with Luda Mae when she managed to scrape enough cash together to get something small, and everyone would drop what they were doing to give him odd glances and confused stares.
Thomas has never been confrontational, so he hides quietly behind his mother's dress, tiny hands pulling at the old, stained fabric to hide his face.
Of course, his mother is a lot more argumentative, noticing rather quickly how uncomfortable everyone was making her precious baby feel.
"You really think he can help you find your groceries or you just like starin' at little boys?" She asks loudly, staring down a younger gentleman with a warning glare in her eyes.
"What!? No-- I--" The man stumbles over his words, trying to back-track and explain himself.
"Come on, Tommy," Luda Mae grabs her sons hand, pulling him down the aisle, "Let's get away from this pervert."
"I'm not a pervert!" The young man calls back, letting out a sigh in defeat and going back to his shopping.
Thomas can't help but smile, stifling a chuckle as he follows behind quickly.
...That's how it always went when he was a kid. Of course, and unfortunately, things changed as he got older, and not for the better.
He shot up like a weed, his shoulders got wide, and he got big.
He was no longer a strange, deformed kid hiding behind his mother's dress, earning pitiful looks and sympathetic head shakes, he was dangerous, and a monster.
Suddenly the town he grew up in wasn't as kind (not that it was all that kind in the first place), and people that once spared him a rare, feel-sorry smile wouldn't give him a second look, quickly leaving the room in unjustified fear.
He was even more shunned than before, ridiculed by the men he worked with and fearfully avoided by any woman that might catch a glimpse of him.
He could hear people talk about him in rooms he walked past, laughing loudly as they verbally berated him behind his back, most of them too afraid to actually say anything to his face.
He didn't understand why they were so scared. He had never hurt anyone, not so much as raising a fist in anger, but he was treated as he was just some dangerous freak who could snap at anytime.
Years of abuse and mistreatment falls on his shoulders, but he never hurts a soul. He puts up and shuts up, keeping to himself and trying not to cry himself to sleep most nights.
Only when the factory shuts down and he has to face that his entire life as he knows it is over does he finally snap, and in my opinion, it was well deserved.
But, that's another topic for another post. I'll go ahead and end my drabble rant here. Thanks for sending in the ask love <3
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jiwon1es · 4 months
I see Yujin taking such good care of kids like I imagine her getting along so well with your neice or nephew or smth like that🥺 She would also be an amazing mom and a great gf to reader who alr has a kid 😔 I jst love her sm 😔🤭
- I wanna be your 🐸 anon
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pairing: wife!yujin x fem!reader
genre: fluff
hi 🐸 anon! i changed a little bit, hope that's okay! i hope you like this, this was really really cute.
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yujin has the kindest heart of all, it was no surprise. everyone gets dragged in to her, her beautiful energy being so contagious that no matter where you are you just want to be near her and that was one of the things that got you head over heels for her, even starting to think if it’s really possible for someone like her to exist. she was so charismatic, even your family was enchanted! always asking questions like “when does she come back?”, “is she staying?”, “how is yujin doing?”. it was inevitable to think about a future with her. she was so nice to everyone, and everything took a turn the moment you saw her playing with your little cousins at a family dinner. she kept her brightest smile on her face while hearing the little kids laugh so hard at her jokes. maybe it was too soon to be picturing her with the kids of your own, but how could you not?
“she is so pretty! can she be my girlfriend too?” the little kid asked with anticipation at you. everyone was laughing at him.
“absolutely not! she’s yn’s!” his twin defended your girlfriend, hugging her tightly and making sure her brother won’t get closer.
“how come you be so patient with them? i barely can do it myself.” you ask, staring at the girls hugging with adoration.
“i don’t know, they’re just so cute and remind me of you.” you giggle, grabbing the glass of water in front of you and drinking. “who knows, maybe years later you will be carrying little ahn.” and you choked.
at your 19, talking about a family or even a future together was a big topic. both of you were still so young and you never liked to think about the future without feeling empty or scared at the road ahead, but somehow… being right by her side made everything look nice, no longer feeling worried or lost. so, it was still crazy to even imagine it, but it wasn’t that bad. you were actually dying for the day you could call ahn yujin your wife.
then, it happens. your eyes can’t leave the view in front of them and you can’t stop thinking about how did all of that happen. the litte girl’s laughter is filling your ears like a melodic song, praying for your wife’s hands to stop tickling her.
“mommy! please help me!” she calls you, laughing and trying to escape from the embrace.
“if mommy ever dares to help you… she’s gonna fall too!” and your daughter screams.
“how can this monster go away?” you ask, pretending to be worried. you see how they stop fighting, both of them waiting for you to jump in.
“kisses!” your daughter yells.
“yeah kisses!” yujin supports your daughter’s decision. of course your wife would never stop being a cute puppy totally in love with you, desperate for your love and affection.
“is that so?” you cross your arms, genuinely curious about what can set your daughter free. you step closer and yujin caught once again the little girl in her arms.
“kiss her!”
yujin was happily waiting for the kiss, with her eyes closed and trying not to smile. then, you place your hands on her face, pulling her in for the kiss. a squeak can be heard from the little girl that is now jumping excited at the sight of her two moms kissing. now she is free to go, but decides to stay and try to separate the two of you.
“mommy! what if she traps you?” yujin laughs, because that’s exactly what she wants to do.
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heavyhitterheaux · 1 year
My Sister's Keeper
First Babies of Private Garden Fic
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AN: the triplets are always going to be protect each other like their parents told them to. They're around 16/17 in this. 💖
Synopsis: Axel gets suspended for fighting at school and you and Jack have to get to the bottom as to why
Pairing: Husband!Jack Harlow x Wife!Reader
First Babies of Private Garden Masterlist
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
Urban was simply eyeing his oldest godson as Axel quickly made eye contact with him and looked down.
"Please don't tell them, Uncle Urb."
"Are you serious right now? We're sitting in the principal's office because you decided to beat the absolute shit out of someone at 9 in the morning on a Monday. What the? Axel, what am I supposed to say when I show up with you at 11 am?"
"Well, maybe I got sick." Axel suggested and Urban immediately shook his head.
"And got suspended for three days? You are definitely your mother's child but don't tell her I told you that."
"I… didn't think that far. Maybe I have a contagious stomach bug and I need to stay home for a week."
"I-.... come on now. But why did you do it? Ax, you're quiet and keep to yourself."
"I don't like him."
"Okay? And that’s a reason to fight him?"
"Can we just go home so I can get yelled at by my parents and get it over with?"
"It'll be better if you actually told them why you did it."
"Simple. I don't like him."
"Who are you and what have you done with my godson?"
Axel simply shrugged in response without giving an explanation. 
Once Urban brought Axel home, Axel used his key to open the door and walked in to see you and Jack having a movie marathon on the couch. All eyes immediately went to him and Urban.
“Umm? Someone want to tell us why our child isn’t in school right now?” Jack asked as Axel nervously scratched the back of his neck, a habit that he inherited from his father.
“Ax, if you don’t tell them, I will.” Urban said while looking over at him and he immediately sighed knowing that a shitstorm would soon follow.
“What’s wrong? Are you hurt?” You immediately asked, concerned. 
“I got suspended.”
“Oh shit.” Jack immediately said, but you were staring at your child in disbelief.
“FOR WHAT?” You exclaimed and immediately crossed your arms.
“For beating the shit out of someone at nine in the morning.” Urban tacked on and Axel wouldn’t even look at either of you and became more interested in the New Balances that graced his feet.
“Oh, damn. Did you atleast win?” Jack muttered and simply shook his head.
“What? What I do?”
“Be serious for once in your life please. Ax, you better start explaining and you better start now.” You said while motioning for him to come and sit across from the two of you.
He quickly sat down while Urban sat next to him and motioned for him to go on.
“I don’t like him.”
“Oh, so that’s the reason?” Jack asked while trying to understand why the quietest child of this would simply snap.
“Ax, that doesn’t make sense. I mean your mother used to do that all the time but…”
“Jackman, choose your next words carefully.”
“I… anyway that still isn’t an excuse so what are you hiding from us?”
“Nothing. I just don’t like him. He thinks he’s invincible and I got tired of it.”
“And told the principal to call me instead of you two because umm well you know…”
“Urban Henry, you also need to choose your next words carefully.” You said while eyeing your best friend who threw his hands up in defense.
“Because I know all three of you would be disappointed in me but I figured calling Uncle Urb would get me in less trouble?”
“What the? What kind of sense does that make?!” You asked while looking at your child in disbelief.
He simply shrugged in response. 
“Okay, um, well since you don’t want to tell us the truth because I know you’re hiding something, you can be grounded for a month and I’m debating on whether you get to play in your soccer game this weekend.”
“Babe! A month?! That’s….” Jack said while looking at you, but you weren’t going to budge on your decision. 
“No, because he wants to lie. You know better than to lie to us. So until you want to come clean, you go to school after your suspension is over and come straight home. Oh, and don’t expect to drive anywhere either.”
“What about…”
You immediately cut him off.
“I don’t care. You have five seconds to get out of my sight. Come talk to us when you want to tell us the truth.”
Axel got up and immediately rolled his eyes which you caught and it was taking everything in you not to yell at him, but that quickly went out the window.
“Axel, roll your eyes at me again and I promise that will be the very last time you do it.”
“I didn’t even…”
“Lie to my face, again. Go ahead, I dare you.”
Axel just sighed in defeat before getting up and heading to his room. 
Once you heard the door slam, you immediately got up, but Jack held you back knowing that you were about to rip your middle child a new one.
“Babe, just let me talk to him, okay? Just calm down for a second.”
“Got some fucking nerve slamming doors in a house that he doesn’t pay for. Jack, get your child before I do.”
“I got it.” Jack responded before heading upstairs to talk to Axel.
He softly knocked before opening the door and came to sit next to him.
“Now, you know how your mother is so I volunteered to come up here and talk to you because um she was clearly about to rip you a new one. You know she’s little, but walks around here like she’s 6’3. Don’t tell her I told you that because I’ll be grounded for a month too. Now, what is it that you aren’t telling us?”
“Nothing. I told you why I did it.”
“But Ax, come on. There’s gotta be something more to it because this isn’t like you. Autumn, yes, but not you.”
“That was it. Was tired of him.”
Jack simply sighed.
“Ax, meet me halfway here. You have to give me something because I’m trying to get your mother to change you being grounded for an entire month.”
“Well, I don’t know what to tell you.”
“I swear you and Autumn have switched places today. Anyway um, so just stay out of your mom’s way until she can calm down. And you know better than to roll your eyes and slam doors in this house.”
“I know… just frustrated I guess. I’ll apologize to mom later.”
“Ehh, just wait until I tell you when to do it. Oh, and hand me your phone. I have to come back downstairs with something otherwise your mother is going to kill both of us.”
Axel simply smirked and shook his head while handing Jack his phone.
“And don’t do it again.”
“Is that what grandma told mom since she liked to fight all the time?”
“I… look… I’m not saying she didn’t but… your mom never listened.”
It was around 2 pm when Ivy and Autumn got back home and you were in the kitchen getting an early start on prepping dinner when both of them came into the kitchen.
“Mom! I’m hungry!”
“Well, hello to you too, Autumn. My day was fine, thanks for asking.” You responded while looking at her and she immediately laughed.
“Oh my bad. Hi mommy, I hope your day was good, now can you feed the youngest of the triplets, please?”
“I… I guess that’s better so I’ll take it. Go get daddy’s phone and order McDonald’s.”
“OOH, okay!” She ran out the room to go and track down Jack while Ivy sat down at the island and was simply looking at you.
“Ivy May, be honest with me.”
Her eyes immediately went wide at the sound of her full name and nervously looked at you.
“Who did Axel fight and why? Because he won’t tell us.”
“Ivy, I’ll get you that new make-up set you wanted from Savage.”
Just then Jack came into the kitchen before she could answer with Autumn hot on his trail.
“No, you are not ordering 40 chicken mcnuggets.”
“Why are you acting like me and your mother don’t feed you?” 
“I haven’t eaten since this morning!”
“So your first option is to eat 40 nuggets?” He asked her in disbelief and she immediately pouted.
“No, cut it out with the pout. No.”
“It works when mommy does it!”
“Hey! Don’t drag me into this.” You immediately said while seasoning the fish that you were going to fry later. 
All Jack did was sigh before handing her his phone and all she did was smirk.
“Ivy, I got you a burger and orange hi-c. I’ll get the same for Ax, too.”
Once Autumn handed Jack his phone and left the kitchen, you turned back to her.
“Well, you didn’t hear it from me, but Ax fought Jaden Greene.”
Both you and Jack immediately stopped what the two of you were doing and looked at her in disbelief.
“Excuse me?” You said and she immediately nodded.
“Um, so… I told Autumn to tell you but uhh.. Her and Jaden have been dating for like three months and Ax overheard him talking and saying how he bagged Jack Harlow’s and First Lady’s daughter so Ax went up to him and beat his ass. Oops, sorry, but um yeah. He didn’t think Ax was going to do anything because you know he’s quiet and keeps to himself. But he’s popular and has all his friends but yeah…”
“After we told her to stay away from him?” Jack said and simply looked over at you and he could tell that you were trying your hardest not to go off.
“I told her, but she didn’t listen to me. And I also told her how you two were going to kill her.” Ivy said while shrugging.
“Babe, let me…” Jack started to say, but you weren’t having it.
“Well, I’m going to go do my homework now.” Ivy said while sliding out of the chair and making her way upstairs to her room.
Axel and Autumn came into the kitchen with both of them looking nervous.
You had to even your breathing because you didn’t know which child you wanted to address first.
“Now, I’m going to ask this one time and one time only. If you lie to us, no one in this house is going to prom except Ivy so think about your response carefully.”
“MOMMY, WHATEVER IT IS, I DIDN’T DO IT!” Autumn immediately said, but you held your hand up to stop her.
“Axel, who did you fight? And why?” You asked while looking over at him.
He quickly looked at Autumn and both of them stayed quiet.
“Autumn, do you have a boyfriend and is his name Jaden Greene who me and your mother told you to stay away from and you went behind our backs and did it anyway?” Jack asked with his arms crossed.
He was definitely the most easy going parent between the two of you, but this was something he couldn’t let slide. 
“Wait….” She started to say but you immediately shook your head.
“Autumn, what did we tell you? So you’re lying to us now too?”
“Daddy…. I…”
“He disrespected my little sister and I wasn’t just going to stand there and watch it happen. That’s why I fought him. He said something about how he bagged Jack Harlow’s daughter like she’s an object or something. I didn’t like the way he was talking about her.”Axel finally said and breathed a sigh of relief now that everything was out in the open. 
“And Ax, you couldn’t have said this earlier?” Jack asked him and you remained quiet because you were fuming on the inside at Autumn for going behind both of your backs and Axel trying to cover it up.
“I know I should have said something, but I just wanted to protect my sister. Both of you always told us to protect each other no matter what.”
You had now finished prepping dinner and placed it into the refrigerator, but still remained quiet which made not only your husband, but your kids nervous as well.
“Uh, mom?” Axel said and you turned around to look at him.
“I love that you protect each other, however, there was absolutely no reason to lie. Especially because of how understanding me and your father are. Now you might not be grounded for an entire month, but you’ll still be grounded for lying.”
“That’s fair.” He quietly said and then you turned to Autumn who looked like she was ready to disappear into thin air.
“Okay, boys out the kitchen. Me and Autumn need to talk.”
“Daddy, save me!” She whispered to Jack who shook his head no.
“Look, you made your bed, now you have to lie in it. Talk to your mother and then we’ll both talk to you after about what you did.”
Once the both of them were out of the kitchen, you sat at the island across from her and could see her eyes start to water.
“You’re disappointed in me.”
“I… really liked him, mom.”
“Okay, first let me tell you this. A boy who respects you is never going to speak to you or about you in that manner, okay? You have to understand your worth and that you are more than Jack Harlow’s and First Lady’s daughter.”
“I know.”
“You have your own identity and you are your own person who has their own thoughts, aspirations, dreams, and goals. Me and your dad do not want for you to be in our shadow and we want for you to always be yourself. Don’t try to be something that you’re not to impress people because at the end of the day, you will find your tribe and the people that value and love you for who you are without you having to change anything about yourself.”
She simply nodded her head indicating that she was listening.
“The fact that you went behind our backs should let you know that you were doing something that you shouldn’t have done in the first place.”
“I admit that I shouldn’t have. But I know you and daddy wouldn’t approve so I just….”
“Promise me from now on, no secrets? No matter what it is. I’m not here to judge you, but I always want for you to be honest with us so that if any problems arise that me and your dad can help you to the best of our ability. I want for all of our babies to come to us if you need us. Don’t forget we were once your age too.”
“Promise.” She said while getting down from her chair and coming over to hug you.
“But you know this still means you’re getting grounded right?” You asked her as she separated from you and she immediately sighed.
"Wait, how did you even find out?" She curiously asked.
"I never reveal my sources."
"It was Ivy, wasn't it?"
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demonslayedher · 5 months
The Taisho Secret canon content regarding The Legend of Zenitsu has unfortunately made me have to give up beloved concepts in this future!Zennezu headcanon post. Most specifically, Old Man Zenitsu's with a mustache, because Word of Gotouge says he never grews facial hair. Zenitsu is probably far more disappointed than I am about this.
But also, it has all given me a much deeper headcanon about "The Legend of Zenitsu" being a bonding experience in their marriage, for Nezuko is a big fan, like so, what with Nezuko being a willing model for Zenitsu's praise-worthy paintings.
And is my brain spinning headcanons again? Yeah.
Zenitsu wished he could rub it in Tanjiro's face that he got a book deal. Not on everything, just on "The Demon Slaying Arc ~Fated Encounters~," "The Heavenly Maiden Arc ~I Am Willing To Die For You~," and "The Life of the Man Who Loved The Spirit of the Plum Tree Arc." No one else deserved to know "The Tastiness of Nezuko-chan's Cooking" anyway, for Zenitsu had described it too well and it would be like sharing his wife with a bunch of slimy readers. Bad enough that he still had to share with Inosuke all the time.
But Tanjiro didn't rub it in. He smiled and made as kind a sound as even, and congratulated him.
Maybe Tanjiro had grown too mild to say or feel anything more than that.
Because Zenitsu had a publisher and small fan base, he got paid a small advance to keep writing. Not even to stop going to an office job in town, if he wanted to to keep spoiling Nezuko with nice things. The stroke to eager made him write "The Beautiful Swordswoman Nezuko Arc" in one night, but "The Golden Dragon Wandering Alone Arc ~Go And Rescue Nezuko!~" was one he slogged through. It was getting to be a handful, going to work and raising a kid living up to expectations now that people had them of him. It felt good at first, but it made the writing less fun.
His heart was hardly in it when he wrote the "Botamochi from Zenitsu Arc." The sales tanked, and Zenitsu's publisher didn't bother him when he said aside his pen for a while. It was a long while, and there were other things going on anyway.
Not long after Tanjiro died, Nezuko caught a flu that was going around. It honestly made Zenitsu a little glad to have an excuse to leave his kid with Aoi for a while so that he could have Nezuko to himself while she was contagious. He didn't need anyone's help to take care of him, because every cell down to his soul cared only about how he might pamper and comfort her.
"Nezuko-chan, come on and drink a little. It'll make your throat feel better."
"I can't. I don't want to," she moaned. Tears escaped her hopeless eyes. She still must have felt so gutted, and Zenitsu knew he could do little to fill her for the time being. Some of that hopeless look must had been from thinking she'd never be free of the headache, but at least that much he might be able to soothe.
"Why don't you rest your head on my lap for a change? Here, I'll stroke your forehead for you."
"You should sleep."
"I can do it in my sleep," he smiled to her. "Actually, did you know that the legendary hero Agatsuma Zenitsu can be even more powerful when he sleeps?"
At this, she gave him a weak smile. The first he'd seen lately. "Yes."
"It's true! It's because he can hear the sound of his wife at his side. It powers him up like lightning coming right out of his empty eye-sockets! Actually, there was one time when he blinded his enemy before the roaring sound of his power knocked him over."
"Or the sound of his snoring."
"No, no, it's thunder like it shoots right out of him! You see, it all started one night in a terrible, creepy forest, when he saw a helpless man swooped backwards into the tree tops..."
When Nezuko recovered, Zenitsu picked up his pen again, and published "Rumble of the Knock-Out Secret Swordsmanship of Zenitsu Arc ~The Legendary Man’s Eyes Shine With Light~" not long afterward. It sold decently, and it was nice to hear that he had some fans who were excited about it.
Life fell back into a new busy normal, and Zenitsu's muse was fickle. "The Potato Feudal Lord Arc" was just a passing thing for fun, not something he'd ever tell his publisher about. It was more fun for a while to try out other things, like painting. As long as Nezuko was his model, Zenitsu found he had a knack for it. He ran into Yushiro one time though, who told him he was a hack, and they got into a big argument that ended with Zenitsu throwing all his brushes and unused canvases at him and daring him to do better. Those had all cost a lot of money, so Nezuko was not happy about that. Likewise, she wasn't happy when Zenitsu refused to sell a painting of her and tore his pants while throwing a fit.
By the looks of Nezuko's ledgers, it looked like Zenitsu was stuck at that desk job, selling electricity around the little mountain foothill town. He had been there so long that he got promoted for being good at sitting in the same chair for years, and that meant moving closer to a bigger town, closer to the growing metropolis, where Zenitsu felt right at home and Nezuko assured him she would adjust.
What would Tanjiro think, now that nobody bought charcoal anymore?
The world that once had demons seemed further and further away and the droll of adulthood stretched on, and powers he couldn't behead with a swift Thunderclap and Flash fought amongst themselves. More and more, there were expectations of Zenitsu, and people depending on him. He had to assure people they would still have light and heat even as Tokyo burned, and the sound of planes rattled his ears almost daily. He was a man of his community now, and the only one his family could depend on. At Nezuko's insistence, they collected nearly-blind Kanao and his nephews and niece, and he tried to insist to Inosuke to stay with them in town where there were bomb shelters, but Inosuke, just as responsible for his own family, felt he kept them safest going deeper and deeper in to the mountains.
Nezuko knew nothing but worries. Sometimes, he almost wished she could be back to a childlike state of mind, protected from all the pain and horrors she so unfairly had to endure. In the darkness of a bomb shelter, he hugged her close as she trembled. "Say, Nezuko-chan. Do you remember that time..."
"...that time the great hero Agatsuma Zenitsu was a teeny-tiny, but very, very strong mouse?"
He could hear her worries lift, however slightly. Maybe that was all a mouse could do.
"Actually, it was when he was a little boy. You'd never guess it, but he was very cowardly. That was a terrible warlock with a fancy red mark around his eye painted him with a magic white makeup that turned him into a mouse!"
She stifled a snort against his chest. "Uzui-san..."
"Yeah, that was the warlock's name! Did I already tell you this story before?"
"A mouse?" his son clung tighter to him, sometime he hadn't done in years. Even when he was little he always clung to Nezuko instead anyway. Zenitsu could tell by the tone of his son's voice that he was already teary-eyed and sniffly.
"Yeah. A little mouse who thought he had no power at all. That the world was too big for him. But as it turns out..."
What really hurt was Nezuko's reaction. She sighed with disappointment, and lamented that this was why he spent so many long hours away from home.
That was a story Zenitsu recorded later, as a memory of those times. It stayed on his bookcase at home next to the Potato Lord story, now that the world was quiet again.
Business picked up really well. The world got brighter, and so did the indoor lighting. As a general sense of optimism filled the world again, the small but dedicated base of "Legend of Zenitsu" fans called for a new installment. He responded well to praise, and soon gave them "The Dragon Palace Arc ~Eternal Nezuko~," but being so busy as a highly promoted seat-warmer at the office meant he had things he had to do while sitting in that seat. He put on weight again, and spent a lot of sad, long evenings stuffing cookies in his face while streaming with tears that he couldn't be eating one of Nezuko's homecooked meals instead. "Sitting In A Happy Circle and Boiling Tea in Our Bellybuttons Arc" was something he secretly wrote at his desk as a form of silent protest. His publisher rejected that one after reading only one page.
Of course! He had to be at home to write his best work! He had to be in the same space as his muse, Nezuko! Another quickly written revenge work of his, "The Future Holds Zenitsu Arc," was considered one of his better ones.
After that, he was satisfied with writing for a while, and he muse pushed him to start playing (perfectly) the piano. Nezuko was not thrilled about the piano he bought.
If only he had taught it to Nezuko, then. Her joints all bothered her, but she kept sewing out of willpower.
This new hobby inspired another novel, and Nezuko inspired another novel after that of course, and the stress of their son getting married and wanting a lavish wedding inspired another novel and another novel after that was a desperate attempt to strike it big and get out of the debt that wedding cost them. After all, Zenitsu's daughter-in-law was a cutie and he wanted to spoil her. It made Zenitsu remember how cute Nezuko was when they were newlyweds, and before that too, of course, and now too, and before he knew it he had written yet another novel, despite his dwindling fan base. Nezuko sure liked that one, though, and that was all that mattered.
The years went by. Zenitsu felt he lost his mind over how his granddaughter got cuter every time he saw her, and he eventually reached some arbitrary age when his company could only promote him to retired. Aside from the aches in his legs, he felt as young as he always did, though. Kanao said it was probably the effects of Breath technique. It sustained them without reaching a threshold at which it would be dangerous to them.
Zenitsu still wrote sometimes. He stayed busier when his busy-body grandson read the old unpublished "The Birth of Zenitsu Arc" and insisted on learning Thunder Breath. That was like a new job Zenitsu never asked for, especially since he still only knew one of the original six forms, but Kiriya sent him a letter askeing him to give it a shot, for who knew what the future held. Certainly not demons, Zenitsu was assured of that much. If Yushiro gave his novels a bad review one more time, he'd make sure of there were no more demons left in the world.
He got back in touch with Inosuke. He thought it might never happen after he abandoned the old house and charcoal mill, but the whole time, Inosuke had been on the mountain next to it, where he had always been King of the Mountain. He still took care of the house, he said. But a King still had to be King. They weren't the only people on the mountain, though. Aoi paid house calls. Still, Zenitsu gave Inosuke a stern lecture about making Nezuko (as well as Kanao) worry, so Aoi made sure to drag Inosuke into the bigger and bigger city sometimes.
Zenitsu's newest hobby to drop money on was photography, but now that he was a pensioner, Nezuko did not mind so much. She even agreed to let him fulfill his dream of taking her to Paris. He was glad he had that camera, to prove how the city could not outshine her.
He was glad he took her when he did. Her joints made it harder and harder for her to get around, even though she always smiled and insisted Zenitsu's legs must hurt more. He didn't like it when she laughed and joked around about chopping her legs off to grow new ones.
"Grandpa," his youngest granddaughter looked to him with a tearful face, "Grandma was saying something about being a demon again. I wish she'd stop that."
"I know, right!? She's a princess, and the very spirit of a plum blossom tree! A shrine maiden too!"
"There's no way someone like Grandma would ever go to hell."
He paused, and his stomach sank.
Nezuko gave up her sewing. She spent more and more time in bed, but with no desk job to sit at and a grandson taught enough that he could be told to go off and practice on his own, Zenitsu spent his days writing again. He took a long time on that novel he wrote for her, putting in all the sorts of parts he knew she liked. Sometimes he couldn't help himself and reads parts aloud to her without telling her everything else that already happened in the story. She smiled and enjoyed each fragment anyway.
"I've finally got the title for this one!" he announced. "It's called, 'I Will Be In Love With You A Thousand Years Arc.' Perfect, huh? Well, maybe it's still missing something. A million years, maybe?"
"Zenitsu-san... tell me a story..."
"I am! I'm telling you the greatest story yet! It's about this immortal princess who..."
"Tell me a real story..."
He paused and listened to her heartbeat as she took a breath--a simple, unpracticed breath in tired human lungs. Nezuko still made the same warm sound that she always did. It had a different resonance when she was a demon, and when he carried another life inside her, but it was always uniquely her.
"I want to hear... about the time you spent with my brother."
"Tanjiro? Yeah, he... hasn't been in these for a long time. Maybe I'll bring him back."
"You cared so much about him," she smiled from her futon. "That was why you protected my box, before you even met me."
"He... yeah."
"I'm glad you were such good friends... I want to hear about all those good things that happened to you. About your Ojiisan, and your little bird..."
"Yeah," he grimaced to a smile, and the inside of his nose zapped like a storm was brewing. "I had a lot of good things happen to me. A lot of bad things too."
"It's up to you to decide if you're happy or not. I hope... you'll decide you were happy."
"Yeah," he said, the snot already flowing. "The happiest. I'll tell you all about it. I'll make it my best story ever."
"You promise...?"
He kissed her forehead. "I'd never be able to come up with anything better than the truth."
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iwriteloveletters · 1 month
Savior (Karl Heisnberg x Reader) - Chapter One
Words - 1957
A plague overtook your village, everyone was dying left and right. No one knows what it was or where it came from. And praying to Mother Miranda didn’t stop or slow down the illness. 
“We have to leave you outside.” Your mother says.
 You caught the plague as well.
Every breath you took felt like pins and needles, your skin felt as though it was on fire, not to mention the peeling that was happening on your hands and feet. You were miserable and dying, and yet your mother was more worried about throwing you out in the cold streets of your village to die. 
“Please, mama.” Your sister says, she didn’t want to see you die–she had hope for your survival. 
“No! We have to take them outside, this plague will not get the rest of my family too.” She shouts. 
You lay there helpless on the floor, you were in and out of consciousness. You were certain you were dying. 
All you hear is your mother and sister bicker for a while longer, your father sits there helplessly; he’s unsure of what to do. He doesn’t want to give up his oldest child but he doesn’t want to lose his wife or daughter as well. 
“It’s final! They will be sent outside.” She says while she and your father hauls you outside while wrapped in blankets as to not touch you. 
You have no clue how far you were from home but you only understood how cold it was. 
You felt yourself sink into the cold earth, wondering what it is that’ll take you. Will it be the plague, the cold, or the lycans that are on the prowl every once in a while? 
Whatever it was that would take you, you had no choice but to succumb to it. This will be how you die. You cannot fight or avoid this.
Your parents said no goodbyes, nothing felt sentimental about being hauled off like a corpse no one cared to bury.
All you could do was think, and barely that. You still kept going in and out of consciousness. Your body is still trying to make attempts at resting. You consider yourself dead, truthfully. You were nothing but a body that was harvesting deadly bacteria; you were contagious on top of that–no one dared to see those caught with the plague. Though, they were treated more kinder than this. They weren’t hauled off with no say in how it was going to be. You were in an unknown area in the dead of winter. It was only your parents who seemed to have hated you enough to get rid of you given the chance. 
You think back to the times when you were actually living, you weren’t the most perfect or kind person in the village. Perhaps this was Mother Miranda's way of having you atone for your sins. In fact, the entire village seemed to be atoning.
“Well, well, well. What do we have here?” A male voice rang in your head.
You give him no response. You were unable to.
You feel him lift your arms and turn your head as a way to examine you, you can barely open your eyes but from what you were able to see in your blurred vision was Lord Karl Heisneberg, this felt like a mirage. 
He clicked his tongue, “let’s see what we can do with you.” He says as he lifts you into his arms, he was warm but he smelled strongly of sweat and oil.
You had no choice but to let him do whatever he pleased with you. He was possibly turning you into a sick human experiment, everyone knew the Lords were usually up to no good. This situation you were in will be at the expense of something. Nothing was out of the kindness of a Lord's heart, certainly not Heisenbergs. 
“Where are you taking me, my Lord?” You finally had the energy to cough up.
He chuckled, “I may fix or ruin your life, up to how you take it.”
You blacked out after his response, you’re sure he says something extra here and there but you never got to comprehend it. It all melted into echoed chuckles and mumbles. 
Your body was no longer cold, without opening your eyes you knew were somewhere indoors. There were various voices around you, they were arguing about what to do with you. 
You wanted to die but it felt as though they had different plans for you. One of them did at least. Through opened eyes here and there you could see the four Lords and Mother Miranda herself! You felt a bit embarrassed being seen in your current state, you don’t know what they wanted from you but you spent your entire life being taught what to do had you been in a situation where they ‘called’ you to see them. No one knows what they wanted from everyday people, but it felt like such a high honor to be in their presence. Everyone teaches their children on how to approach each and every one of them. Being diseased in their presence felt extremely disrespectful, your mother would have had a heart attack if she knew. 
“It might benefit you in the long run Mother Miranda, you never know!” Karl said, you have no clue what he wants from her or what it has to do with you. 
After more negotiation Mother Miranda agrees to what Heisenberg has been asking for, what it was exactly was still something you didn’t understand. 
“Come along then.” She sighed, Heisenberg taking you back in arms again, you open your eyes to various halls here and there. 
“What’s going on?” You choke up. 
“We’re going to make you better.” Mother Miranda said. 
You could feel your last bit of energy pass through your body over this news, “you have the cure, Mother Miranda?” 
“It’s better than a cure, my dear.” She said softly.
For a moment you felt safe with these people. Safer than you ever could with your mother and father who left you for dead. They could’ve come here for answers! Since you got in so easily it should be no problem, right? 
Or so you thought. 
You spent the next four hours in surgery, the last thing you were told before the pain took everything out of you was that you will be receiving a wonderful gift, the Cadou was inserted through your heart and you spent the next three days in pain. 
There Mother Miranda writes in her notes about your progress while you lay comatose for these few days, Lady Dimitrescu’s maids were tasked with caring for you, Heisenberg would occasionally stop by and talk to you about mundane topics such as his day or newest Soldat he put together, but you couldn’t hear anything. To you it felt like your body could get the rest it needed despite the dreadful pain you experienced. Beforehand, you were unable to sleep properly because of how horribly everything was due to the illness.
Age: 24 
Occupation: Farmer
Day one… the surgery was a success. No signs of being the ideal host yet, skin around the hands and feet appear to be turning black, almost like frostbite. Will give it two more days before the subject is pronounced dead.
Day two… skin seems to be clearing up slowly but surely, the subject is able to move and it's as though they’re simply sleeping. Still no signs of being the ideal host… the maids are complaining of the room feeling below freezing… later in the afternoon the subject's finger appeared to have been frozen off, yet when I examined them a new finger was there untouched, in fact it was no longer black unlike the rest of the hand. I believe the blackened limbs will start to fall off and grow new again any moment now… the fallen limbs seem to have turned into pieces of ice and later water due to the temperature no longer supporting the ice. The room temp has now been regulated. 
Day three… The subject is nowhere near an ideal host for Eva. They’ve appeared to be back to normal. I will have to examine them again when they’ve awakened. Seems to have the gift of ice. I will have to try again soon. 
By the fourth day, you’ve finally awakened. You feel like you’re freezing but you’re no longer sick. 
“Good morning.” You hear a familiar voice speak to you. 
You sit up and see an older woman from your village placing water on the table across from you, you haven’t seen her in years. 
“Anna?” You said, your voice was hoarse due to not speaking in days.
“Oh, Y/N.” She said, “I’m so sorry for what they've done to you.” She frowned. 
“What are you talking about?” You looked at your hands and they appeared to be fine, last you remember they were red and peeling. Overall, you felt pretty great besides the chills you experienced, but it was late December, of course it was going to feel cold. Especially in what looked like such an old castle. 
“Do you know where you are, child?” Anna questions you.
You shake your head, hoping she’d give you the answer. 
“The Dimitrescu castle!” She exclaimed. 
You felt your body go numb, your hands shook, everything kept becoming more and more confusing. 
“Why? All I remember was Lord Heisenberg carrying me to an unknown area! Am I in trouble with Mother Miranda?”
Before Anna could answer, there she walked in. The woman you only heard of in prayer and sermon. Sometimes you doubted her existence but there she was right before you. 
“My child…” She whispers as she makes her way over to you, “how are you feeling?”
You felt paralyzed, you didn’t know what the right words were while you sat in front of her. You wanted to cry and thank her for her mercy even though you’ve done nothing wrong but at the same time everything you did felt wrong and sinful. 
“I’m okay… where am I?” 
She chuckled and grabbed your arm, she put it down shortly after. “You’re freezing. Do you feel cold?”
“No, Mother Miranda.” Which was half true, you felt completely fine despite the chills.
“That’s great, I would like for you to meet everyone else.”
You grew slightly frustrated but perhaps she’ll explain there or on the way. But you know better than to show it. 
She had Anna hand you a pair of new shoes, which were lined with fur on the inside, perfect for the brutal winter. 
You walk down a series of confusing hallways with intricate designs on them, she kept quiet. As did you, you were taught how to act but never how to speak to her, she was never someone you spoke to but rather listened to. She was a Goddess to you all. 
The two of you made it inside of what looked like an abandoned church, there sat the four Lords. They were expecting you. 
“Children!” She called out. 
Everyone stopped their bickering and paid attention to Mother Miranda, who made you two the center of attention. 
“Welcome your new sibling, the fifth Lord; Y/N!” She said while shoving you to the center of the room. 
All watched your every move, except for Karl. Guilt was very clear on his face.
“Nothing smart to say, hm?” Lady Dimitrescu smirks. 
“Shut the fuck up.” Karl replies. 
“Enough. Welcome home Y/N.” 
You feel your stomach drop, and before you know it you crash onto the ground and everything is dark once more. 
Since when did you become a Lord?
After writing my oneshot Manmade Weapons, I enjoyed it so much that I wanted to start a fic for him !! Im unsure of the updates but I hope I can put out whenever I can!! Anyways, I hope everyone enjoys this. And this will be on AO3 if you wanna bookmark it there too :3 -Cherub
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tobiasdrake · 3 months
Okay, let's see what this village has to offer. NO I AM NOT SHIRKING MY RESPONSIBILITIES SHUT UP
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Some of which are moving. Are these things alive?
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Awww, they're adorable. I want to take one with me. On a scale from 1 to 10, how big of a blasphemy would it be for me to take one? Are we talking "occasional passive-aggressive remarks from the local priest" or "struck down by a bolt of divine justice from the heavens" here?
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Is that "change" as in the transformative process of one thing becoming another? I don't know why but for some reason I was thinking like "spare change". Like this was the god of pocket currency.
I realize now. How stupid. That probably is. But that is what I thought.
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Wow, there is a lot going on with this guy. Showed up out of nowhere one day and spread a global curse in order to motivate people to come beat the shit out of him. This reeks of barely knowing the important details of a complicated situation.
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So this is really her quest, and we're just along for the ride. Got it. Kinda makes me wonder why she isn't the main character but I digress.
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Wow okay so I really am just along for the ride. I'm here for shits and giggles. An optional companion picked up along the road with no actual stake in anything going on. Alright. Good to know.
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So that's the place, huh? I like how everything that's frozen in time turns pitch black. It's a neat visual effect given the stylistically limited color-scale.
Not sure how this is gonna work. If the place is frozen in time then are we going to become frozen in time when we step inside of it?
No, I don't think that's how the metaphysics work out. There's a frozen woman in town whose wife made a pretty necklace to put around her neck, and she was able to touch her frozen wife without being frozen herself. So it's not, like, contagious or anything.
We should be fine.
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To be fair, it's the House of Change. The from-what-I-can-tell central religious authority on a belief system modeled entirely around change.
Not all change is good. If the purpose of our faith is a reverence for change itself as a principle then we must understand that both kinds of change, both for the better and for the worse, are nonetheless forms of change. In a sense, by becoming twisted into the structure we see before us, the House is itself continuing to fulfill its central purpose.
Of course, the time freeze is itself anathema to the House's main function. By definition, something that is frozen in time can never change, and therefore the House can no longer demonstrate its purpose.
Then again... would it not be demonstrative of the House's purpose if the House's purpose itself were to change? Thus, by ceasing to be the House of Change and instead becoming the palace from which all time will freeze, the House of Change could be argued to be embodying its own principles to the most extreme degree.
Of course, by the same token that lets us argue that the King is acting as arbiter of Change, it remains true that we will be acting as arbiters of Change when we kick his teeth in tomorrow and undo the time freeze. Change as a concept carries no moral component.
I'm sorry, I should probably be having this conversation with Mira. Have a good day, ma'am.
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Oh, this must be the shop. Alright, I have a job to do in here.
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There she is. Ahem.
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Odile. A very respectful "How do you do this afternoon, Madame Odile?" to you or whatever.
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More than that, I am here on a very important mission:
Explain to me how you came by the title of Madame and what I need to do to have a cool title like that. I'm super jealous.
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Yeah, I've been thinking on that. A bit rude. If the King's goal is to freeze all of time then it seems hypocritical for the Sadnesses not to be frozen in time.
Then again, I may just be misremembering some details of how Sadnesses work. I'm still groggy.
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Right! Right. That's my job in the group. I'm the trap guy. It's my job to step in the trap because my reflexes are the sharpest. Plus I have no stake in this so I'm super-expendable. Got it.
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Okay, so I'm the Trap Pincushion and you're on Bestiary duty. That makes sense. My Pocket Notes said you're a researcher, so this is all clicking.
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Is your field of research vagueness itself? Are you studying the psychological effects of an unexplained curiosity among a test body of people? Posing your field of research as a riddle for the sake of examining the behaviors that the riddle manifests in the rest of us?
Or is this just really funny to you? Because I can see either being plausible.
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That'll be fine. I found a killer patch of grass for snoozing. I can probably just sleep there and let the rest of you bicker about the beds.
I mean. Worse comes to worse, we can always play Rock Paper Scissors over it.
Alright. One down. Back to pokin' stuff.
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( 'O' )
I will store this with my Pocket Notes so I never forget what my team looks like. That sounds like sarcasm but it is in fact a valid concern. Thank you so much, you brilliant and talented child!
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Speaking of parents you have any theories or ideas on what azuls mom may be like or the tweels parents?
OOF yes I have.
I think of them though as parents to their kids because that's usually what I think about rather than them as people. So this list of hcs is going to mainly center around their parenthood and whatnot. I'll divide this into two parts: Azul's mom and the tweels' parents.
Azul's Mom
I see her as someone who has the warmest smile and the liveliest personality. I think she's really kind and sweet, and she's very considerate of her staff. She's one of those people who can enter a room and you already feel a sense of rejuvenation, relief, joy, or all three because of how wholesome she is.
She'd have a loud and theatrical voice! She's gonna be the life of a party, and she'd lift people's spirits up. I like to think that she's got a laugh that's so contagious and wonderful to hear that you want to laugh along with her.
guys I think I want to fight Azul's stepdad for his wife's hand in marriage now after typing all that
You meet her and you'd end up wondering how on earth her son turned out to be a two-faced mafia boss kid. But don't let her sweetness fool you. She's intelligent. She knows her business, she knows her maths. She knows how to sell. And she knows that her charm can get anyone to buy whatever she's selling.
With Azul, she looks like the sweetest mom. And she really is. She's looking out for her son, she's that mom who's like, "Are you eating well? Are you doing okay?" every time he visits. She'd give him the biggest hugs, and at the same time, her tentacles are ready to punch anyone who dares hurt her baby. At the same time, she respects that he's growing up. She doesn't treat him like a kid at all, she can trust that he knows what he's doing, she respects his intelligence.
... except that she doesn't respect his individualism as much. I think that she's very pressed on passing down the restaurant to him. It's fruits of her hard work and she wants a successor, and her son runs his own place so why not?
I talk about the possible tensions that this would cause between Azul and his mom on this post, but as a summarized version, Azul isn't interested to say the least and in fact would want to stay on land even after NRC. As sweet as his mom is, he tends to avoid her when he can because he knows she's going to make a comment or two about him succeeding her in the business.
Leech Parents
Let's get through the canon stuff first before I state my headcanons. I personally like grounding my hcs based on what's canon and/or what references I can pull from the movies.
It's canon that Floyd and Jade's mom is a worrywart. She keeps in contact with them pretty regularly.
It is also canon that Floyd calls his mom mama, hence why he's mama's boy.
It is also canon that their dad has told them that appearance is very important. It's part of why Floyd likes shoes.
It's canon that the twins learned self-defense from their parents, so it's pretty much canon that the parents can fight, probably better than the twins.
Now, actually onto the hcs.
The twins' mom, I like to think that she's a very slender woman while their dad is King Triton buff. They have that kind of vibe.
Mama Leech is very motherly to her kids. I like to think that she's always the one in their home because it seems that both Jade and Floyd (the latter moreso) are closer to her. Mama Leech may also be worried about their well-being, but I think she respects their individuality and knows that they're grown up. They have a good relationship overall.
But outside the family? She'd probably be a devil hahhaha I like to think that she'd be as devastating as Yor from Spy x Family. Except I think she'd be the type to hiss.
Now onto Papa Leech. He's very professional, first of all. But everywhere. Including his family. If he could wear a suit underwater, he'd wear it everywhere he went, even in the house.
I think he'd be very distant. He's off somewhere, doing who knows what, probably running errands and doing shady business.
That distance can be felt when Jade and Floyd talk to him. Papa Leech strikes me as the type of person who would turn small mundane but interesting stories that the twins would share to him into lectures on some important life lesson or two. And he'd be going on and on for at least 10 minutes. And it's not that the life lesson lectures weren't important, it's just that Jade and Floyd want to talk to him about something that intrigued them, but their dad ruins the conversation. So they just stop talking to him unless he approaches them.
Papa Leech may be great at talking to people for his job but he's horrible at conversing with his family.
It doesn't change the fact that he cares for his kids, though. In his own way, he looks after them. All the important life lessons? He wants his kids to live smartly but also happily. It's just that he tends to prioritize his job over his family, so he's not the best at talking to his kids.
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ofmiceandwomen · 5 months
Today I decided it will be a good day to talk about a private RP project I’m a part of in one secret TMA server which I share with @the-symphony-of-lydia-brown, @envisionedeternity and @thistlesandstories from our irl friend group and @mersilisk as the guest star and amazing antagonist.
I don’t post much and especially not for The Magnus Archives but I admit the podcast is very important to me. My favourite thing about it is the Regency Harem™️ and the historical episodes. Intertwining the lore with the actual historical events and characters is just amazing.
My irl friends know that I have certain level of interest in military history, and therefore I decided to make a use of it and suggested a plot line for a private RP - a short prequel story for Robert Smirke and young Jonah Magnus meeting. Also, we wanted a Slaughter story because there’s way too little of those in the podcast.
And the background is… The Napoleonic Wars. My beloved @thistlesandstories is a reenactor from that era and therefore they got very excited about the project. The excitement grew contagious and turned @the-symphony-of-lydia-brown into a proper horror DM.
The plot line so far:
Europe, 1811. Napoléon Bonaparte decided to be the problem. Given his notable military accomplishments, the Slaughter just couldn’t leave him unnoticed. After all, the concept of the Total War is born. One day, the Slaughter had came to the young Napoléon and offered him that he would become the greatest warrior of all time. The First Consul of France has agreed.
The Slaughter is rising, therefore it is convinced that the time has come to attempt a ritual. But for a war ritual you sorta need to have two sides, right. There are plenty of “other sides” - and there is one talented general, very dedicated to defending his country. Honourable and skilled man - Viscount Arthur Wellesley, soon to be the Duke of Wellington. Wellington was not having a great time in the Portuguese campaign as his forces were being pushed out by the French, when the Slaughter called to him - offering a victory in exchange for his service. Wellington considered, out of loyalty, he agreed with the nightmarish pact.
The situation improved as now the British and Portuguese army set up an attrition trap with the French falling in. Then guess what - the Slaughter calls again. (The attrition war is usually not exactly Slaughter aligned thing. The soldiers die of starvation, freezing, sickness, which is inherently a corruption thing - The Slaughter wants the bloodbath). Now, the Slaughter has called for a French man again - Marshal Michel Ney, said the Bravest of the Brave, known for his extremely risky approach to the war. An ideal candidate, so it seems . When the French finally retreated and Ney successfully bought their exhausted troops some time by his rearguard actions, the Piper showed up to him, offering him the victory. However, the French marshal has none of that shit and literally tells the War itself to shut the f**k up. Obviously, the Slaughter hates him now.
But now it’s May 1811. Now, time for some historical liberties, yay! Ney lost his command after he disrespected his commanding officer, and his wife convinced him to take a break - therefore they ended up chilling in a little German spa town with their children. The resort happens to be the favourite place of one of the Würtemberger aristocrat Albrecht von Closen. This young man decided it would be nice to invite his British friend Jonah Magnus.
Jonah is very young, he just turned 18, he inherited notable amount of money from his deceased uncle and he has many admirers for his intellect and general charms. However, even now, Jonah is more of a cold academic, a silent observer, with little interest in changing the world. He only wants to know and to understand. And he is just as cold to his companion, sir Barnabas Bennet, who is not really financially stable, but somehow he managed to incite himself to go with Jonah. Barnabas is like a pure opposite of Jonah - hot headed, adventurous and painfully irresponsible.
The last guest to arrive is… nobody else than Viscount Wellesley himself. He has earned a short period of leave and he just picked the same recreational spot as his enemy, Ney. It’s not a coincidence however, the Slaughter is still feeling petty and it wants to ruin Ney for his insolence. The future victor of Waterloo seems to be a good tool for ruining the Marshal’s involuntary holiday.
Oh well. He might not be the last to arrive. There is one more man, who will go down the TMA history - a certain gifted character in his early thirties, working hard on something barely connected to the architecture. Maybe it has something to do with his paranormal obsession. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome sir Robert Smirke!
So yes. The scene is all set. So far it goes very well. Except… it is not.
The disasters are here!
Jonah Magnus seems more interested in Wellesley than in his travel mate Barnabas. Out of desperation, Barnabas decides to finally confess his feelings for Jonah. It went well in his head. He approached the armchair in the lounge, seeing those rich copper curls. He took a deep breath and finally kissed him… Only to realise that Jonah Magnus is not the only one to sport this hairstyle. Red-haired marshal Ney is not amused and his first instinct was hitting the perpetrator right in the face and showering him with list of French profanities.
Albrecht von Closen has really bad feeling about Arthur Wellesley. He is himself a very sensitive and observant man and he disapproves of Jonah’s interest in the famous British commander. It is not the first gut feeling of this kind Albrecht had and he is not exactly sure what to do with that. He meets an unlikely ally - very angry Marshal Ney who is certainly not happy about Wellesley’s presence either.
Robert Smirke found what he was looking for- the presumed Slaughter avatar, aka the Napoleon’s bravest Marshal (please consider that Smirke is a Brit and therefore the idea of future Duke of Wellington as the avatar of the Slaughter is just unimaginable to him). The architect is not exactly a good candidate for a spy and therefore he gets noticed by Ney’s children who decide to take the situation in their hands and reveal the man who keeps stalking their father.
This happened so far. But the plot shall go on because… Enter The Stranger!
The Stranger is still obviously pissed after the Slaughter’s agents ruined their ritual in 1787. So it wants a revenge. And the ideal idea of their revenge is taking the Slaughter avatars one by one and turning them into waxworks. And obviously, their victim is the Napoleons’s marshal Ney.
Jonah Magnus is getting bored of relaxing and he is ready to meet a new friend: the famous Robert Smirke. The man, who will unknowingly bring the Apocalypse two centuries later.
The reasons for posting this is the following:
It’s 255th birthday of Michel Ney! He was originally meant to be a background character, but he sort of stole the show. I might or might not be responsible since I’m the one playing the gingers.
Also, this post might or might not work as a peer pressure for @the-symphony-of-lydia-brown to turn it into a fic 👀
The special acknowledgment goes to @thistlesandstories because we have discovered that somehow we really enjoy fighting with each other after six years of being together. The prequel for Ney and Wellington in Portugal was the best part of this year’s Christmas. I’m still crying for the French officer taken by the Piper though I also love the amount of research it goes into this activity. We ended up with new books on Ney and Wellington.
Albrecht von Closen, Aloys Ney: @the-symphony-of-lydia-brown
Robert Smirke: @envisionedeternity
Arthur Wellesley, Barnabas Bennett, Eugène Ney: @thistlesandstories
The Stranger Danger, Léon Ney: @mersilisk
Jonah Magnus, Michel Ney: Me, because I’m all the gingers
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wanderinginksplot · 9 months
Clone Trooper Rambles
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Think imaginary friends, but they're clone troopers.
Warnings: references to medication, mentions of COVID-19.
“Do you normally take so many pain meds in a day?” Jesse asked. 
The question drew immediate attention and I made a face at Jesse. He at least had the grace to look apologetic, but the heavy silence warned that I would need to answer. "No, I try not to. I'm just really sore and I want to move without groaning." 
"You haven't done anything to be sore," Trapper reminded me. 
"I know, but I am," I said with a shrug. "I'm thinking it's because I helped unload that stock order. It wasn't much and the stuff wasn't very heavy, but it was different enough that it might have caused it." 
"Makes sense," Jesse pitched in, encouragement in his tone. "Want me to get Kix?" 
"No thanks. I'm going to take some pain medicine and see if it works for me." 
The medicine worked, but only for a little while. Before long, I was just as sore as I had been and it was starting to get worrisome. 
"So what's your next step?" Rex asked, easing down onto the couch beside me. I sent him a sidelong look and he gestured at the way I was rubbing my temples. "Obviously, the meds didn't work." 
“Sleep, I think,” I mused slowly. My brain hurt, and it felt as if even my thoughts were dragging. “I’m really tired. I have been all day.”
I was exhausted, but not exhausted enough to miss the way the troopers looked at each other. For once, I decided not to push them about it. If nothing else, that told me how tired I really was. 
Despite how exhausted I felt, sleep was slow to come and fitful once it arrived. It felt like I had only just dropped off when I surfaced again, needing to cough or scratch my face or turn over. 
When I woke up with a desert in my mouth, I blearily made my way through the living room and into the kitchen to gulp some water. When I turned, Kix was there. He looked sympathetic, which was never a good sign. “How are you feeling?” 
“Bad,” I told him, coughing a little as if my body had decided to prove the point. “Why are you awake?”
He shrugged. “My sleep schedule is a little weird. Medic shifts, you know?”
“Not personally,” I hedged. “But I can imagine.”
Kix nodded slowly, then inclined his head toward the countertop beside him. “This is for you.”
As soon as he pointed it out, I could see a pale box sitting there. When I went to look at it, I found a COVID test with a sticky note attached to it with my name written in neat script. I glanced at Kix, frowning. “How did you manage to find a COVID test?”
His eyebrows shot upward. “It’s not from me. Cole left it. I think he heard you coughing and got worried.” 
“Ah.” That made a lot more sense, actually. I picked it up from the counter, waggling it at Kix. "Thanks for pointing it out, then. I'll take it in the morning."
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Author's Note - Looking back on the time I had COVID again, but didn't recognize it. This was a while ago, but there's a new strain that is proving to be highly contagious and the symptoms aren't fun. Take care of yourselves, friends!
Feeling the odd urge to apologize for a few non-exciting Rambles back-to-back, but this is how it goes. It was a boring few weeks. The next few are more interesting, but please remember that these are basically journaling exercises. Sometimes, life just gets a little dull for a while. Thanks for reading anyway!
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Hello!! I want to read something about doctor f!reader caring for Micah overnight who got really sick with the flu/cold. Can I request #9 with it? Thank you!
Sure thing!💖 I have a feeling he would be a stubborn patient
Doctor’s Orders
Micah falls rather sick one evening, leaving you to take care of him.
#9 “Here…come closer.”
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It was weird to be a woman during this time period. If you decided to study medicine or the stars, you were considered to be a witch. Above your station they said. However, you weren’t a woman who was sitting around ready to be some man’s wife, yet you had nowhere to practice your craft.
That was, until you met the gang. Dutch didn’t care if you were a woman, he wasn’t about to let a talented doctor escape his grasp.
You were free to practice your medical knowledge without judgement. In fact, most of the men and women were grateful you were here. Abigail especially when you treated Jack after he got sick from those mountains. However, a few of the men have yet to accept that a woman should be anything besides a wife and mother.
And there was none more vocal on that matter than Micah Bell.
“Woman shouldn’t be playin’ a man’s job...”
“Should be in the bed...where she belongs...” 
This and a bunch of other unwholesome statements is what you would hear on a daily basis. You were more annoyed than insulted by it. Honestly, you think he feels a little fearful of your intelligent superiority over him. If he ever fell ill, he would need you to help nurse him back to health.
Ironically, that’s exactly what happened.
Apparently, whatever Jack had from those mountains was contagious. You don’t understand how Micah of all people got it from him, but it hit him overnight. Now, Micah wasn’t obvious when he’s sick, but for you, it’s easy to tell why he’s irritable.
“Mr. Bell, can’t you see you’re ill?” You asked him after observing his behavior for a few hours. The lack of awareness and trudging around camp was so unlike him, so you figured something was up. Plus, he’d snap at people more often, including you.
“I ain’t sick, and even if I was, it’s no concern of yours.” He retorted as he sat by the barely flickering fire in the early morning light. At this point, everyone has fled the area to leave him be. 
You crossed your arms in annoyance.
“As this camp’s doctor, I think it is my concern.” You told him, standing in your spot from in front of him with a look of defiance. At this point, Micah should know that you aren’t going anywhere. However, he was quite a stubborn man.
His eyes flickered to you and then back to the fire. This happened several times.
“Please, I know you don’t really like me, but I can make you feel better.” You told him sincerely. The two of you have had this flicker of dislike that’s gone back and forth all the time. You hoped that by showing a bit of kindness, it would make him give in.
And it worked...at least a little bit.
“Fine...but if you do something I don’t like...you’re done.” Micah told you, shifting uncomfortably from where he was sitting. You smiled at him before moving to grab a few of your things to begin a rather gentle treatment. In your mind, he can’t have anything worse than a cold.
Unpleasant, but not life-threatening.
You sat near him but noticed every time you brought your hand up to feel his forehead or check his pulse (as a precaution), he would flinch. As you continued to exam and take care of him, you began to reach a conclusion in your mind.
There was no way this man has been to a doctor before; his attitude proves that. It could be that he wasn’t afraid or angry at you, but you did. It was something he’s never experienced or understood before. It was new and different.
He was on guard.
“Don’t worry, Micah. Nothing’s gonna happen to you.” You reassured him, and he tensed. However, he didn’t respond, and you knew that he didn’t know how. I mean, for the first time, you actually said his first name. You smiled a bit as you saw his face slightly soften at that realization, feeling a bit more comfortable in this less professional setting.
“Here…come closer.” You said gently, offering your hand to him. It surprised you a bit when he took less than a second to accept your request and scoot closer. After squeezing his hand a bit in reassurance, you moved to put a cool clothe around his neck.
He did have a bit of a high temperature.
“You trying to strangle me?” For a second, you thought he was being serious. But then you looked up to see him grinning. It was the first time you actually witnessed him smiling.
“If you want, I could.” You said jokingly, causing him to laugh a bit. As the scene grew less tense, people began to watch the scene. It was weird to see Micah relaxed, but with you, it was even weirder.
“Is Micah alright?” Lenny whispered to Hosea.
“He’s feeling sick.” Hosea simply responded. The two of them were watching from one of the camp tables as Arthur passed by.
“Sick in the head.” He mumbled and Lenny snickered at that. Hosea just shook his head at the boyish behavior. Then the attention was turned back to you two as you finished up.
“I’ll check on you later if you want.” You said to him, and Micah nodded a bit.
“Yes...I would appreciate that.” He whispered and you smiled. Just as you got up to leave, Micah said your name.
“Y/N...” You turned to face him and say him giving you a tiny yet unsure smile as he fought to say two words that he’s never said before.
“Thank you...”
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cosmic-kaden · 3 months
charlie for the ask game??
-What made me like them
I have a soft spot for dads T_T on top of that, again I can relate. While I never personally been through an actual divorce I've had times where I screamed at the top of my lungs a bunch of shit that I never meant just for the sole purpose of hurting my partner. (mind you he did deserve it he was abusive and it was toxic, I've grown a lot since those times.) i understood his frustrations and also some other personal things that I don't want to really openly talk about because it pertains to my first born and its a very touchy subject for me ... shallow response? c-cute lol
-My favorite thing about them
That he loves his son so much! that he's willing to fight for him no matter what happens he's always going to be in his sons life and I absolutely love it so much, no matter how hard it is for him to face his ex-wife sometimes he still pulls through for his son. He might not be the perfect dad, hell who is? but he tries. <3
-Nicknames we have for each other
HE CALLS ME SWEETHEART AND I MELT INSTANTLY! I call him cutie, hun, babe, love, darling etc.
-A headcanon of our relationship/friendship
My headcanon is that we are each others opposite in a good way, I remind Charlie that he needs to take breaks and focus on himself sometimes, that not everything needs to be about work related stuff and he helps keep me calm when things are really tough, he's my voice of reason, my logical side so when I'm spiraling out of control in an episode he'll help me through it without invalidating me. <3 second headcanon that is silly. Every other weekend we play monopoly with his son when he's visiting :3c
-My favorite image of them
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-Anything else!
I'm so so SOOOOOOOO happy you allowed me to go off about Charlie honestly. I mean I know it was probably because all the other f/o already had a turn but still, it means a lot to me because Charlie means a lot to me! <3
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Can we please get a continuation of Joel finding out who Lenny "really" is 😅
When Midge is feeling better, they have a family dinner, not just to trade the kids around, but so that both families can catch up on each others’ lives. 
Joel makes it to Midge’s place with the kids not long before six-thirty, and when she lets him in, he notices that she is a little pale. A little on the thin side, but she’s bright-eyed and smiling.
“Ma!” Ethan cries, rushing forward to hug her around the legs. 
“Wow, I guess someone actually missed me,” Midge jokes, stroking his hair. “How were they?” she asks Joel.
“Fine. Normal.” 
Midge takes Esther from Joel’s arms and snuggles her, kissing her temple. “Where’s Mei?” 
“Studying,” Joel tells her. “Lenny here?” 
Midge blinks owlishly as he steps into the apartment. “Uh...yes. He’s in the living room with our parents.” 
“So my parents get to meet the guy before I do?” Joel snaps. “Kids meet him yet?” 
“No, actually, that’s going to happen tonight, while you’re here,” Midge tells him. “Because you’re here, and if everyone meets him together-” 
“You shoulda told me you were dating someone,” Joel snaps. 
“Like you told me you were dating someone only after we had drunkenly had sex and remarried?” Midge accuses. She sighs softly. “Look, I’m not contagious anymore, but I’m not feeling all the way better, so if we could just postpone this fight, I would really appreciate it?” 
“Fine,” Joel snaps. He loosens up a little. “So. Lenny.” 
“Yes. Lenny.” 
“He nice?” 
“Yes, he’s very nice.” 
“What does he do?” Joel asks. 
“He’s in entertainment,” she tells him as she leads him through to the living room, taking Ethan’s hand with the one that isn’t holding Esther. 
“Joely, you’re here!” Shirley cries. “We were just getting to know Midge’s new friend.” 
Joel stares for a long moment at the man getting to his feet from MIdge’s couch. He’s tall - not as tall as Benjamin, but taller than Joel - with dark curly hair, wearing a nice suit. 
And he’s Lenny Bruce.
Joel turns to Midge slowly, staring at her. 
“Joel, Lenny,” she says lightly. “Lenny, Joel.” 
Lenny nods. “Hello.” 
“Lenny, these are my kids,” Midge grins. “This is Esther, and this is Ethan.” 
Lenny grins and kneels down to Ethan’s height, shaking his hand. “Hi, Ethan.” 
“Hi,” he chirps. 
“Lenny is Mommy’s friend,” Midge tells them. 
Joel just keeps staring.
“Okay there, Joel?” Moishe asks, looking curious.
He doesn’t respond. 
“Lenny and Abe were just talking a whirlwind around me about free speech and obscenity laws,” Moishe goes on. “I don’t understand half of it, but they’ve got feelings.” 
Still, Joel stays silent, staring at Midge as she snuggles Esther and introduces her more properly to her new boyfriend.
Who is Lenny Bruce.
She’s seeing Lenny Bruce. 
Lenny Bruce took care of her while she was sick.
Lenny Bruce is meeting his kids.
His ex-wife (whom he may or may not have feelings for still) is fucking Lenny Bruce.
“Sorry I’m late!” It’s Susie’s voice, though it doesn’t make Joel turn. “Damn, I missed it!” she cries. 
“Damn,” Ethan repeats. 
“Oookay,” Midge says awkwardly. “Ethan, go say hello to your grandparents. Mama, can you take Esther? I need to go finish dinner.” 
“I’ll help,” Lenny chimes in. 
“You don’t have to.” 
“You’re still not feeling a hundred percent better,” he points out gently. “I promise I will not add and subtract anything to your dishes. I will do exactly what I’m told.” 
Midge grins and kisses his cheek. “Good boy,” she jokes as she leads him off. 
“Wow, he’s really stunned,” Susie marvels, as she stares up at Joel. “Hey! Maisel! You in there?” 
“You told me,” he mutters, his anger starting to boil up. “That she was dating some guy named Lenny.” 
“She is. His name is Lenny.” 
“You don’t say,” he goes on, only getting angrier. “That she was dating Lenny FUCKING BRUCE!” 
“Joel, the children,” Rose scolds, looking shocked. 
“Why do you care who Miriam is dating?” Abe asks. “You’re not married to her anymore.” 
“You know what? I can’t do this. I can’t be here,” Joel tells them, shaking his head as he stumbles his way back to the front hall. 
“Wow, he’s pussying out way sooner than I thought he would,” Susie marvels. 
Midge frowns as she rushes out from the kitchen, looking a little winded. “Joel? What’s wrong? What’s the matter?” 
“What’s the matter?” Joel snaps. “What’s the fucking- Midge. You’re dating Lenny fucking Bruce, and you ask me what the matter is?” 
“Language!” Shirley snaps as she covers Ethan’s ears. 
“I know it’s a lot to take in, but let me explain,” she says evenly. 
“Explain. Explain how you stole my life?!” Joel yells. “And stabbed a knife in my back while you did it?!” 
“Why, did you want to date Lenny Bruce?” she asks, bewildered. 
“I’m outta here,” he snarls, swinging the door open, and slamming it behind him.
Midge stares at the closed door, stunned and feeling even more winded than before.
“That went way worse than I thought it would,” Susie tells her. 
Midge takes a breath. “I should have told him sooner, and in private...with being sick, there wasn’t a lot of time, and-” 
“Don’t beat yourself up,” Susie tells her, patting her arm. “Even if you told him in private he would have acted like an asshole. How’s dinner comin’? I’m starving.” 
Midge grins a little and takes a breath. “Almost done.” 
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stillgeekingout · 1 year
it’s time once again for my time-honored tradition of recapping my year. I always say I’m not gonna make it unbearably long and it always gets longer. as always this is mostly for myself and no one is obligated to read. reflections on 2022 lezgo
started the year with covid. so really, it can only go up from there
that being said, being quarantined allowed me to finish a story I’d been working on for 3 years (and maybe someday will actually post somewhere despite how niche it is bc I’m v proud of it)
spent most of the first part of the year intensely preparing for wedding
GOT MARRIED! it was great! I love my wife! I loved having a big party with all my friends and her family came from London and we just had a really nice time! selfishly I loved the speeches, I loved hearing everyone I love say nice stuff about us lol. I go back and forth on if the amount of work we put into it was worth it bc it really kinda wrecked me for a bit there but like, it did turn out beautiful and very Us so now that I’m out of it I guess it was worth it. but I would not recommend that amount of DIY to anyone hahahaha #wifecity
we had a second wedding related party in london over the summer and I got to meet a ton of people from ingrid’s life which I loved! and my family came to london and all our sisters got to hang out together :)
honeymoon in france! it was very nice despite being very chaotic at the end
went to atlanta two times and miami for the first time despite having always lived in fl (and st augustine and tally to see a play and tampa where ingrid befriended azizi the penguin)
concert year for real. did not get to see twice (and I would’ve seen lucius if it worked out) but I DID see bleachers (even tho I was very sick lmao) (not contagious but I was miserable), aly & aj, the chicks, and muna!!!! (ps my love for muna is so so strong this year) (pps we made a friend at aly & aj and now her and her partner are our friends)
full year of porch garden had its successes and failures. two hurricanes and two freezes in one year didn’t really help but I’m learning more things about how the sun works on my porch throughout the year and that’s helpful (one of those two hurricanes had my name)
in general working at a plant store for 8 months of this year taught me so much more about plants! I love plants I can’t wait to have a real garden
a lot of really upsetting political stuff but let’s not go into that
ok but speaking of politics I became so much more into socialist alternative this year lol I would join if it wouldn’t mess with ingrid’s visa application (us govt if you see this no you didn’t)
speaking of politics again I think I have gotten better at having actually productive conversations with people bc I’m trying to focus more on local policies etc
didn’t watch as much new tv this year but I did finally watch russian doll, also our flag means death & a league of their own both came out this year and were great. oh and heartstopper was cute and several shows I like had a good s2. when did abbott elementary start? I’ll mention that too
got another new roommate & she is cool :) she also has a gf (now fiancee) in england who stayed with us for the summer lol it’s a trend
we played a variety of dnd: my sisters/family, murder mystery that shannen & I planned, a lil mini game with our roommate and ex roommate and shannen... didn’t play a lot of times but when we did it was fun
I won’t say I kept up with yoga but I kept up with intermittent yoga
I read dracula lol (I’ll put goncharov on this same bullet point cause it entertained me a lot)
(carry on people if you’re reading this I apologize in advance) I joined a carry on discord after lurking on the fandom for years and it has been... idk. interesting. I like the people a lot. I am really not a fandomy person and so being around it All The Time has made me like the books less lol just from exhaustion. I did mute all the fandom related channels tho and that’s been a better experience though I still debate if it was worth it. but I keep not leaving bc I like the people lol. also it led to some fun gift exchanges (I made a very elaborate puzzle game insp by shara wheeler) and me doing (a lot of) goattober so I got some hand lettering done
related, wrote my first (and probably last) fanfic that wasn’t about my or shannen’s OCs. it was about agatha wellbelove and I’m glad I did it but overall I don’t think I like writing fic (which makes sense, I don’t really like reading fic either)
I’m gonna give infamous a bullet point why not (I just really like having access to be able to message writers I like about their writing) (hype for gwart)
speaking of, rainbow started posting on instagram more and I started commenting more and now I have deluded myself into thinking rainbow and I are friends :)) she posted my embroidery and called me “a very generous reader” what else am I supposed to think
continued torturing ingrid with black midi memes
went to a friend’s wedding and had complicated feelings
ingrid and I made a bunch of playlists with characters that exist only in the playlists. I got very attached to the characters but I had to stop bc it was getting to the point where I couldn’t listen to music without trying to connect it to one of them
spent a lot of time and money (and wedding gifts) to make our apartment really nice and I love it now! we have decorations and art and lamps and nice kitchen things and I just love it. despite a brief very annoying time when we had a leak in the ceiling it’s been a v good year of our apartment. now I just need to save up for new couches lol bc our couches are. not great.
we hosted some parties at our house (gay wrath, halloween, painting night...) and just generally are trying to hang out with a variety of friends!
I spent the summer working outside which was horrible and I got sick a lot. also I just generally had not great health this year and kind of came to terms w the fact that my weird body stuff is a type of chronic illness (related I had to deal w depression several times this year boooo)
a lot of coworkers I liked left my old job and then I left too (but not before asking for / getting a raise which I’m proud of myself for even if I did it right at the end bc it led to my coworkers getting raises too)
new job! I work at a college and it’s great! I have a work son aka the flamboyant 19 year old theatre kid disaster who I have taken under my wing, I like my supervisor a lot (just found out she might be leaving us but ahhh not thinking about that), I helped run an art project for a really big event in our department and it went well, and I’m just generally feeling good about the direction of my Career for the first time in a really long time!
midnights & loneliest time on the same day
we had a nice family thanksgiving and a nice family christmas even though I am increasingly nervous about the opinions that some of my family members hold (I had a PAID WINTER BREAK)
the hazers absolutely bombed and made me regret being so emotionally invested in marbles (but also pinkies redemption)
actually muna gets their own bullet point because the take me away video still haunts me. between the singles and self titled album and concert and stupid jokes they brought me so so much joy this year. hashtag greatest band in the world
we filed ingrid’s immigration papers!!!!! now we just have to wait until like mid 2024 and maybe she’ll get her green card
saved it for last bc I’m excited: I started plotting a book! like a for real, I am gonna try to actually write and publish it, book. it’s a retelling of cinderella which I do believe was always my fate (the only other book I’ve ever seriously tried to write past the age of like 10 was also tangentially about cinderella) and I really love the idea and I’m really nervous but excited to write it. it’s gonna have friendship and queer joy and socialism and aspec wlw romance and crafting and language learning and florida inspired nature! been doing a lot of research and planning and going into the woods to take pictures of trees. it’s been fun and I really hope to write a lot of my first draft this year!
anyway I had a really good year overall when I stop and think about it, even if I spent a lot of it stressed or dying in the heat or worried about money. I am hoping for a fulfilling, relaxing, joyous 2023 full of friends and nature and a nice home and creative projects. and I wish the same to everyone <3
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takofoodtruck · 9 months
About 2 weeks ago or so, my father passed away. Because of this, I began a more than a week long marathon of packing and heading home from Japan and then driving 2000+ miles to Missouri. Oh, I also had covid, which was actually the easy part. (I didn't travel until recovered and not contagious)
Coming back to Missouri has been.. challenging.
This has been a trip of revisiting old trauma, unlocking memories that I had forgotten, learning things about family that I'd probably rather not know, and finding out that at least a couple of family members are much more supportive than I thought.
In a way, it's good that this happened before I'm further in my transition. I can easily guy-mode as I only have small buds and a slight change in curve/muscle.
I learned that one of my brothers is much less supportive of me being trans than I thought. He used some very mean spirited slurs towards me that do not bear repeating. I worry that the bridge has burned, despite me reaching out. I worry for his relationship with his fiancée, as I don't think she agrees with his position.
Returning for the funeral and seeing some aunts and uncles, but not many of my father's old friends really hit home how he was likely faltering in his ability to control the narrative around himself except with those that were long distance.
I had to hold up his lies one last time, despite telling myself in therapy that I would never do that again. It was hard to determine what version of my father people knew. The churchy preacher? The hardline red hat type? Only his younger sister knew the real him, maybe hia brother that didnt come, but sent flowers..
Though, I couldn't keep it up forever, so a few more now know the abusive, lying, mean person he usually was. That everything was transactional. Love, care, everything was a voucher that he would later cash in or use for further gaslighting or abuse.
I also learned that one of the last bad situations he'd been in was likely not a lie, his side of the story was likely the truth, and no one believed him. If I feel bad about anything for my father, it's this specific thing.
On the other hand, I have been playing "find the hidden loaded guns that his grandkids could have found" for a week now. I'm up to 3. I think that's all of them.
He also had 2 cats that were not planned for. His dogs were at other homes to be taken care of when he passed, but no one was caring for the cats.. I made sure they were calmed and fed/watered and eventually got them to the humane society to keep them healthy.
Cleaning up this dirty, awful house after growing up being abused mentally and physically for something as simple as leaving out a couple water cups in the sink as a child has been a major flip for my brain.
There's nearly nothing worth passing on or keeping here. All the furniture was ruined by his dogs, he only ever got cheap junk or whatever the red-hat crowd media told him was "good". There's "survival" gear, but half of it doesn't work or is such bad quality it's just landfill waste at this point.
It's really odd finding some of my own things from middle school and high school still here. Despite this being my first time at this house. Erasers, sketch books with my pages cut out and filled with his or his late wife's notes. Nothing worth keeping, but lots of junk. Boxes and boxes of junk.
The house itself is massively settling. I have no clue how he got a mortgage for this place. We're talking with a lawyer that he was working with to handle that. We'll probably have to sell it at a loss or, hopefully, turn it over to the bank.
We hadn't talked in a few years except for him doubling down on being a prepper/irresponsible with firearms/threatening minorities if they "came for him".
I've had several one-sided conversations with him in this house since he passed. Mostly about all the hidden loaded guns he had around the house and how he had no clue how to take care of a gravity drain septic system.
A few times I have wondered "why did I even come back for this" but I'm glad I'm here to help my brother. Our other brother went home. I don't blame him, I just wish him well and hope he betters himself.
I look forward to going home and putting all of this behind me. Closing this chapter of abuse and putting it away so I can finally heal from it and move on.
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superfluousspork · 1 year
Job hunting
Okay so I'm gonna treat my Tumblr as an actual blog for a second: 
 So I've pretty much been flirting with burnout at work for a while now, and I've finally hit a wall where I'm pretty sure my health is being effected, so I'm starting a job hunt (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ 
I know I have "job skills"; I've "jobbed" quite a bit in my time, but trying to distill what I've done over the past few years into something marketable is *not fun*. Additionally it doesn't help that my job goals are literally *something that is not [current job]* and pays the same or better. 
 When I stop to think about what I'd like to do with my life, the escapist part of my brain kicks in and is like "sign on to be a crewmember of a cargo ship and travel the world" or "become a park ranger and have *hiking trip, the job*" or "finally look into getting that pilots license", all of which are, I suppose, doable, but like would require a bit of retooling of my current situation. 
 Ultimately, I'd like to do something that allows me to have the time and money to live a life outside of work, to pursue my interests and actually have enough energy to do that. It feels like a tall order. So anyways, completely daunted at the prospect of selling myself as an employee. I want to be not broke and somewhat happy. Like I said - tall order. 
 Opening a cafe / bookstore sounds nice. But is that what I want? I saw how much effort it took my cousin to start a business; he and his wife practically lived there. Not to mention I've never done anything like that. But at least it would be intentional. I got into my current career field to please my parents. 
Doing something for myself instead would be better, wouldn't it? Can I achieve happiness in a cubicle? I think I've sold myself the idea of life being a grand adventure and I haven't quite let that idea die despite letting it lie dormant. 
I want to surround myself with people that see the world the same way. Most of my coworkers are miserable. It's contagious. A bookstore / coffeeshop wouldn't be the most original idea in the world, but something like that, with an apartment above it and maybe a back lot with a garden would be nice. I'm daydreaming now. I'd better get back to job hunting. 
 If you made it to here, thanks for listening. I'm probably going to be blogging like this more often.
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