#and its cool to return
schrijverr · 6 months
im currently writing again for a fandom i havent written for in four years, this is so weird, but also cool to see how much ive changed as a writer omg
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upon-the-snow · 1 month
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✨ thoughts and prayers ✨
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 9 months
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At rest, your lungs wish to deflate, and your ribcage expands outwards.
#better drawn mdzs#mdzs#wei wuxian#yiling laozu#Happy Friday the 13th!#This is scientific fact btw!#Ventilation operates through a series of active and passive forces#The active forces being muscular contraction with inhalation and exhalation having their own set of muscles.#but the interesting part is the passive forces at work:#The lungs have a certain level of elasticity to them - meaning the more they expand the more the those elastic forces are functioning-#-to try and return the system to rest (exhalation passive forces). Your diaphragm is the main force - pushing against the lungs at rest.#Your ribcage on the other hand is under a state of being pulled outwards. It *wants* to be as open as possible.#These to contradicting forces create a constant push and pull which assists in the ebb and flow of air. Most significantly with exhalation.#Now that being said - the primary action of inhalation ventilation is through control centers in your brainstem.#If you lose connection to that due to trauma you're going to need ventilation assistance.#Small note: Respiration is the cellular event of chemical exchange in the alveoli. Ventilation is airflow and pressure.#They are both important but also very different things. Sadly used interchangeably.#My anatomy nerd brain is screaming over the inaccurate ribcage...but its...recognizable. I will get it right one day.#Okay nerd rant over (I cut out a lot of stuff about pressure gradients. They are cool. To me.)#This is a redraw of an mspaint doodle I made back in april. I yearn to make the Yiling Laozu eerie as he deserves#Tear that bitch (affectionate) apart!#Been playing around with hatching for a while and its amazing how many styles there are! Not sure I'll stick with this one (but it was fun)
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moonhibs · 8 months
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aura-can-draw · 2 years
new brainrot obtained
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stil-lindigo · 1 year
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the candle.
a comic about rediscovering passion and recovering from burnout.
creative notes:
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gummi-ships · 10 months
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Kingdom Hearts - Dalmatians' House
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feliformiaboy · 8 months
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the horror of having a body
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ofswordsandpens · 6 months
I don't think them changing Annabeth's crush is a problem because familial love is an equivalent replacement. It was mainly just fuel for Percy's jealousy. It would be funny if Percy was just in his head the entire time that she has a crush on Luke and the whole time she's just "I love my brother so much!!!!"
I don't think the change is a problem, but I simply don't see the necessity for the change? They had familial love in the book as well alongside her crush, and her having a crush in the book was very sweet and humorous to me. What was problematic was Luke returning her crush in the end. I would happily enjoy them taking out his weird reciprocation that he had in his final hour.
Regardless, no its not the end of the world for her Annabeth's character if they take away her crush.. its definitely just a loss for me lol. Her freaking out every time Luke interacted with her was funny. Percy teasing her about it was funny. Percy's jealousy was funny. And since her crush was pretty prevalent in the first couple books and now that the show has decided to either write it out, or tone it down, or whatever, they are losing out on a lot of those funny moments.
One thing that does make a difference, however, is her crush on Luke in tlt is often part of the times where Percy sees her as something other than perfectly composed and calculating. And it would be one thing if the show still showed the other "silly" or "childish" (so to speak) parts of Annabeth even without her having a crush... but they haven't really, and its one of my more sincere criticisms that show Annabeth has come off as way more stoic than she is in the book by now (which is not on Leah at all). Yes Annabeth is wise and hyper competent, but she's also very emotional and gets flustered and is kid that does kid things! Like the scene with the her in the store with the candy in episode 3? I need to see way more of that sort of thing, especially if they're cutting out a lot of book instances that showcases her more childish side.
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squuote · 17 days
comparing dialogue once again as you do. anyway. this cut dialogue from the other games ending vs the the 2011/ultra deluxe final game dialogue is interesting. frying my mind a bit.
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no deeper meaning to this post i just think it is. intriguing. i love dialogue comparisons sorry </3
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The thing about Trafalgar is that he is determined to be the angsty emo in a series which is, unfortunately, a found family comedy
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pumpumdemsugah · 5 months
Imagine this being the same site that used to go to war for people insisting reverse racism or sexism was a thing and how it's natural for the oppressed to hate their oppressors, now loudly has people saying it's violent for women to be weary of men and doing all but calling women hysterical and then those same people loudly clanging their begging bowl and asking for others to extend the type of understanding they do not extend to women but will wax on about community community community! Misogyny isn't oppression to you people. The only oppression with no oppressors and the target of that oppression just needs to suck it up but please please please donate as it's so dangerous for them not to have shelter because they would be a target, which has nothing in common with what women say or worry about.
Extend understanding to people that don't extend it to me ??? Not with my woman ass money
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yo-yo-yoshiko · 3 days
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Just finished Return of Ultraman!! (i got really attached...)
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forecast0ctopus · 2 years
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do an ollie!!
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616witch · 2 years
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the only weapon i ever needed was the one i was born with.
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pcktknife · 7 days
Danganronpa/Another Episode.........TWO
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