#and its just fresh in my mind
cloud-somersault · 1 year
Oh god. Macaque may have made a big deal about closing their chapter and moving on, but if he got that and wukong appears to find someone else, mac would NOT be able to handle it
Yeah, exactly. Macaque made this attempt to push Wukong away, but that's not really what he wanted. A part of him is rationalizing that being apart from Wukong would be overall safer (which, fair), but he doesn't want to be without him. He just feels unimportant and unloved and forgotten and abandoned. And even though Wukong didn't do any abandoning, those feelings are still there for Macaque.
And Macaque just hates. The Great Companions. And Tripitaka. Primarily for being more important to Wukong than he himself was. And though Wukong said he wasn't making a choice, the fact that he killed Macaque just fed into those feelings of abandonment. 
That's why Macaque says "I'll never be the most important thing to you." And he kind of breaks down there because he doesn't think he'll ever be the most important thing to Wukong.
But Wukong loves Macaque with his entire heart. He never stopped loving him and grieving for him. Wukong is so sentimental...he cannot help this. The moment an opportunity presented itself for him to be 💯 honest? He took it and bared his whole heart.
All that to say, if Wukong did find someone else (he wouldn't, he's too in love with Macaque), Macaque would not be able to handle that and he'd try and get Wukong's attention no matter what. He'd be petty and mean and immature about it. He wouldn't handle it with grace. And, depending on characterization, it could get worse but.
Idk. Macaque and Wukong's relationship is so specific in canon and especially so in this AU. And in this AU, Macaque and Wukong are so intertwined that..neither of them would be able to handle it if the other took interest in another. They're too possessive. They're too...in tune with each other. They know, deep down, that they belong together. But Macaque is scared and apprehensive for obvious reasons. He doesn't want to be hurt again and he knows there's too big of a chance of that happening.
But he also loves Wukong fiercely, and he showed that by wiping his tears and cradling his face and speaking honestly. 
But yeah, even if they did mutually decide to go their separate ways....hmm they wouldn't. Wukong wouldn't accept that. And deep down, even if Macaque kept pushing Wukong away, he would want Wukong to keep reaching out to him. Just so he knows Wukong loves him and won't forget him.
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jeansvoid · 1 year
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I talk a lot about pokemon but digimon is pretty cool too
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saw @chez-cinnamon's absolutely BANGER butterfly!Howdy design and couldn't resist! two fluffy flutterbyes <3 solidarity
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daftpatience · 2 months
finally sending my busted old montblanc in for repairs after sitting on it for over a decade everyone wish me a not too expensive quote
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sonknuxadow · 5 months
wouldnt it be so awesome and cool if the sonic franchise was normal about fat people . imagine
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abusivelittlebunny · 23 days
The security guy at the Frankfurt train station McDonald's looks like Pedro Pascal and I'm going insane delirious from my day long travel imagining security guard Javier railing 2am drunken depressed McDonald's visitor Steve in one of the booths.
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vinnigami · 5 months
Can we have more Raidou/Nahobino/Demifiend shenanigans
You have converted me to the polycule
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puzzle boy 2 to spread the agenda :)
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daily-hanamura · 9 months
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ghastigiggles · 7 months
Omg omg omg "Here comes the tickle monster" with ler!Jing Yuan and lee!Yanqing! If that's okay ofc💕
Mischievious Prompts [Still Open]
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“My lord, please, you should still be resting…”
“A little rest is good for the soul,” Jing Yuan smiled back, gazing out the window; “But too much, and one risks becoming lethargic.”
Yanqing sighed softly, his brow furrowing with worry as he gazed at the general’s back. While it was true that Jing Yuan was bouncing back well, a part of him – the part that was still attached to his mentor – still stressed over the depth of his wounds. Jing Yuan could be like a cat at the best of times, concealing facets of his health to avoid worrying those he cared for – and giving his enemies an advantage, all the same.
“... I understand,” The young warrior managed after a moment, knowing better than to push his luck too far; “In that case, if there’s anything I can do to help, please, let me be of service.”
Jing Yuan turned to look down upon Yanqing, a soft smile upon his lips as he took in the boy’s worried state – and with a soft chuckle, he nodded, turning to face him fully as Yanqing perked to attention.
“There is one thing…”
Something about the general’s tone struck a memory for Yanqing, who promptly tensed – suddenly overwhelmingly glad that there were no other members of staff present in Jing Yuan’s office. As the older warrior stepped forward, he stepped back, swallowing as he realized where this was going.
“My lord…! You can’t be serious – your condition is –”
“Not severe enough to stop the tickle monster!”
In a split moment, Jing Yuan grinned and started closer, earning a yelp of alarm from Yanqing as he darted away in turn, quickly moving to stay out of reach – though he couldn’t stop the anticipatory, equally entertained smile from seizing his features, nor the squeal that escaped him when the general finally seized his target. 
“Here it comes!”
“Eeyah! Nohohoo, my - my lohord…!”
Ultimately, a little laughter was a soothing balm for both of their souls – and for those who passed by the office’s doors, pausing to smile at the muffled sounds of play within. All would be well within the Divination Commission.
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spiderman616 · 3 months
could you do a complete ranking of every issue of archie
im gonna be honest man youd have to pay me to do that
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its so hard to talk about how traumatic it is to watch somebody be claimed by dementia without going "well i cant complain because at least i wasnt the one losing my mind (for now)" but that shit fucks you up so much. that ghost is going to haunt me for the rest of my life and all i can do is hope it Stays a ghost
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whaliiwatching · 1 year
What if Deadpool and spider punk met?
(Not like in a romantic way I just picture pure chaos taking place)
aight i’ll give it a go..
something very Important To Me in the spider-man and deadpool relationship (gen) is the theme of voluntary change for the better. deadpool’s morals don’t match up with spidey’s, but spidey matters enough to him to want to be good. redemption arcs my beloved
in 616, deadpool is a mercenary, and that doesn’t jive with peter parker’s no-killing policy. hobie, however, has no such qualms, thus the flavor of 138 dp’s divergence must be altered; i’m thinking he might’ve been a retired/fired police officer, or he took government-sponsored merc jobs without caring who the target was—somethin a little fucked up like that idk
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then he meets spider-punk. initially, deadpool is obsessed the way you’re obsessed with your friends’ favorite celebrities—loudly, annoyingly, facetiously. hobie at first dislikes him, but doesn’t consider him a big enough player to hate, and since punk’s core moral of radical kindness allows for second chances, he offers dp the opportunity to turn his back on the State. slowly deadpool acclimates to punk values and community, finds himself upholding core tenets of the revolution even when it means he loses out on big fat wads of fascist blood money, and becomes a scene kid
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biillys · 2 years
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gyllenchains: the question was what would he want to see for billy. i didn’t record the other part but he said billy had to die. so i’m gonna walk into traffic
dacre @ stranger con, chicago (9th oct 22)
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wampiryzm · 3 months
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abyssalzones · 4 months
i keep seeing news about a potential gravity falls reboot. as someone who very much despises reboots and who thinks gravity falls ended very well (it's something gf has been REPEATEDLY praised for,) do you think there's actually a chance they'd legitimately reboot it?
I watched a bit of hana's interview with alex hirsch out of (somewhat morbid) curiosity and from what I could glean there, it seems less likely gravity falls is going to get a legitimate "reboot" any time soon and more that there's potential for spinoffs when alex's contract with netflix expires. my honest prediction is that the book of bill is a prelude to more if it sells well, as it's very possible they're testing the waters to see if gravity falls nostalgia-hype is alive and well.
as much as I dislike reboots- and I have some strong feelings about the book of bill as a concept- I actually wouldn't be mad about some of the concepts alex has in his back pocket, such as a miniseries set on the stan o' war, or potentially more comics. I criticize elements of writing and what's being done with the story now because, obviously, I love gravity falls dearly, and I do think it could be adapted or continued faithfully... in the right hands, under the right circumstances. reboots exceeding the production of new, director-driven stories is symptomatic of a larger problem in the entertainment industry, but I don't think they're the disease themselves. people love strong stories, y'know? I would be a massive hypocrite if I acted like there was something wrong with wanting more, I've been actively making art for this show since I was 12.
so, do I think they're going to fully reboot the show, take us back to the mystery shack for "summer 2013" or potentially something further ahead in the future? ...mm, probably not. the series ended at two seasons for a reason, and in the age of, yes, pointless cash-grab reboots in a time where the entertainment industry is hopelessly dependent on selling established IPs, I respect that decision a lot. but I feel like it's inevitable there will be more gravity falls in some form or another in the future, which I honestly wouldn't have guessed if not for alex's words himself and the release of a new book this july.
whether or not it's any good... I guess we'll have to wait and see?
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whattheskyknows · 3 months
After 10 trillions years I have finally sat down and played the first Danganronpa. Gotta say I actually enjoyed it a lot more than I anticipated!
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