#and juniper???? in book one???
sochilll · 9 months
The PJO show is definitely not BAD, it’s very fun and cool, but tbh I dislike almost every single change they’ve made from the book lol
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kdreader02 · 2 months
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sun-sandwich · 1 year
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That one scene when he simply told Dora the secret to end his life for good 😭
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katya-goncharov · 3 months
i'm constantly fascinated by how the a kind of spark tv series doesn't seem to know whether it's set in scotland, england or ireland
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bunny--manders · 2 months
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If you're an American writing a fantasy story with a vaguely Russian flavor it's mandatory to have a scene where the villain turns to the reader and says "I hate those dastardly Greeks... almost as much as I hate the Jews." It's my favorite part of the genre, I clap like a seal every time.
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What do you think are some of Juniper’s favorite drinks? You think he’s a cocktail guy?
That guy tried beer once when he was 15 and vowed to never touch it again. ANYWAYS -
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We know he's a wine guy from ieytd 2 (brah has a wine CELLAR) and I think he VERY MUCH enjoys fruity cocktails. The less like alcohol it tastes, the better
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ferventfox · 1 year
Related: if you ever use the term “oversexualized” in order to criticize a piece of art I’m gonna just put you down for having nothing worthwhile to say about anything.  
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I think perhaps the queer couple shouldn't keep Nico's children as pets regardless of what their species is.
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hauntedbythenarrative · 11 months
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wonkyreads · 4 months
“Part of me wanted to say no more of Dr. Bakay, ever, until his face rinsed from my mind like dirty water down the drain. But there was another part of me that wanted to scream his name through empty hallways so I could hear the way it echoed. I wanted to whisper it into the ear of every person I ever met; I wanted to burn it into me like a brand. I wanted, most of all, for someone to steal the wretched, awful burden of it away from me, and to explain precisely how wretched and awful it was. I wanted someone to write it down like a story in Papa’s codex so I could know what lesson there was to be learned.”
Juniper & Thorn by Ava Reid
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blujaydoodles · 2 years
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OC-Tober: Inspirations
Although the circumstances of the campaign have pushed other character traits to the forefront more often than not, my original inspiration for Juniper's personality and how I would play her was Milo Thatch from Atlantis: excitable and passionate, but very socially awkward Giant Nerd Dork 😊
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pinespittinink · 2 years
good books you’ve read this year, ready set go
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kh2prologue · 2 years
sick and ridiculous about juniper and orion rn. what if the part of you that i admired most was the part that i was most ashamed of and what if our unwarranted and foolish trust in one another paid dividends despite the fact that it never should have worked out and what if even after i found out what you were really like i tried harder to love you anyway
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neptunesenceladus · 5 months
fighting the urge to write horror <- guy that used to hate horror as a kid
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libraryleopard · 8 months
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Young adult paranormal/horror novel
When foster kid Jaime runs away from his newest home and ends up trapped in a haunted house in the nearby woods, it's up to a would-be witch and local boy to save him
Biracial Mexican American/white, gay main character; biracial Puerto Rican/white main character; questioning queer/mlm character; M/M romance
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bluebelledmoon · 8 months
WARNING! Spoilers for PJO Book 4- I don’t want to spoil for anyone so just skip on by!!
My personal predictions 1/4 of the way into Battle of the Labyrinth:
Okay so. I just got to where the 4 have entered the Labyrinth. and there are theories which i need to declare rn so i can say i told you so. (If you’ve read the books, please please please don’t spoil tyvm)
Prediction 1: Grover’s Girlfirend, Juniper, is actually the spy.
this makes COMPLETE sense, as the nymphs are known to simply tease the satyrs (by promising them a kiss and then turning into a tree if they do catch up. )Juniper has already shown that she really liked Luke, and knew about the caves and him. She practically led Percy and Annabeth into those caves to find them. She’s the prime spy, esp with being so close to grover.
i’d be very surprised if i was wrong.
Prediction 2: Rachel will be the mortal girl who “pulls out Percy” from the labyrinth.
NGL i fell in love with rachel the moment we met her in book three, but i feel like this one kind of just explains it for itself. Actually, maybe it’s his mother’s love. idk.
other notes/ my questions
if tyson dies i die
who the hell is quinton the son of. why is no one asking him.
the percabeth hug? chefs kiss perfect omg
clarisse in love with the camper who went mad… guh
who the fuck is this ghost guy why does theseus know him
also the “seashell clasp on his cloak” made me gasp i was literally like SON OF POSEIDON YES
i can’t think of anything else i’m so invested okay i’m going back to reading see you
i wonder what nico thinks of his father
i might do a separate post on nico but i just. he’s focused on bringing back his sister. the daughter of hades, from the dead, as the son of hades, the son of the god of the dead.
i nearly cried(i am emotional today) when i realized he was trying to get back his sister and i
wait he’s trying so hard to get his sister back from and even offered up his own soul but she left him to become immortal… (and for other reasons obv but) but
okay i should stop now thanks for reading if you did- i’ll gradually post my reactions
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