#and kie loves them without a doubt but she doesn't
philtatosbuck · 2 years
the sooner we (read: you people) realize kie’s parents aren’t shitty for wanting better for her the sooner we can be normal
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kierreras · 1 year
What are your thoughts on "I love you" confessions from Kiara? Do you think they are romantic or she's simply stating the fact that she always loved him?
i loved both love confessions from kie cause they are so jiara. i can't understand why people are actually mad that we got "i love you" so fast when the basis of jiara relationship is being best friends. 
i consider the "i love you dude" as a statement that kie simply lives by. it's not like she had to do some soul searching and realise that she loves jj romantically, loving him is the most natural thing in the world for her. again, she said it to him cause he was acting like an ass trying to make her angry at him, trying to push her away. and that's why her "i love you dude" sounds offended.
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i love how madison described this moment in one of her interviews. it was like "i love, can't you see that i love you? you don't need to push me away, i'm right here, i'm not giving up". those feelings that kie had for jj just evolved into something more romantic, it's not like she suddenly stopped loving him as her best friend to love him romantically. she's telling him that she loves him without any doubts in her mind, it's nothing new for her that's why it sounded so simple, without any rainbows and butterflies.
the second time kiara says it is probably even better. cause here is the boy that she's in love with, her best friend, a person who she knows better than anyone in this world. a few hours earlier she wasn't sure when she's going to see her friends, if she's even going to see them at all. and now that boy literally went through so many obstacles to get to her, to save her. and the change of behaviour that she clearly sees in him - the way he was avoiding her before the anniversary party, how he pushed her away cause he had no time to talk about them, he needed to go and save big john. but now he came for her, he's not saving big john cause finally his focus is solely on her, on them. she finally sees that she's his priority [and after the whole season of jj running away it's a realisation for her] she once again expresses her feelings by telling him that she loves him. 
and the most beautiful thing in that scene for me that it's clear that kiara doesn't expect jj to say it back, she's saying how she feels, she's not trying to make him feel the same. cause once again she knows that he loves her, it's once again nothing new for her cause kiara knows jj, they're best friends. 
so after he says it back you can see a small wave of shock on her face when she looks him in the eyes. it's like she's not sure it's real.
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and once again i want to add that I’ll forever praise rudy and madison for their performances. they literally made the little things so special, i can’t even put into words how much i loved what they did there. anyway, yeah, both love confessions were amazing. if some people are not satisfied, they need to check the material for best friends to lovers trope cause jiara is best friends to lovers supremacy. again, kie is not meeting this new person who she knows nothing about. she knows her best friend inside and out, she loves him and accepts him. she doesn’t need to think much before opening her heart to jj cause she’s already done it million times. it’s so many words, sorry, but your question made me rewatch those scenes, so i’m a bit emotional after watching them, you know
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hepaidattention · 2 years
can we talk about how JJ had probably a lot of reasons for pushing Kie away, but one of them without a doubt was that he was afraid he would lose his only family?
all he had were the Pogues. now being home, seeing John B have a dad again, he already probably felt like he was losing John B.
he knows he's self sabotages, he thinks he's worthless, and he didn't want Kie to realize he didn't deserve her and then lose her too.
I think Kie's confession of love kinda woke him up a bit. he realized she wasn't just having another thing for him like she did with John B or Pope, it was more than that. but, he was still terrified that if they tried it and it blew up in their faces like he knew it would, he'd lose her. so he doesn't even try to confess his feelings back because they shouldn't matter. he just wanted his family to be united again. at that moment all he was worried about was bringing his family back together.
when they're back at the chateau, JJ's mood and reactions to her has changed. maybe it was Sarah's speech, maybe it was Kie's love confession starting to settle in, maybe it was watching John B self sabotage his entire relationship and still manage to keep the girl. whatever it was, he no longer was icing her out but was starting to accept it. he was starting to allow himself to consider that they might work.
and then she's taken, she's taken away and he has no idea when he might see her again and it finally clicks that he has to tell her how he feels. he realized that he was trying so hard to maintain their family, but even his best efforts still almost broke them again. it didn't matter what he did, he could lose her just the same, and he had to tell her.
it's just so precious because JJ really is risking so much to be with Kiara. he loves her so much that he's willing to lose part of his family if things blow up in their faces. he's willing to risk the only thing he's ever known as a home, for her.
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cherienymphe · 6 months
Since they've so called been bullied into it before we can do it again if we try hard enough
THAT’S WHAT I’M SAYING 💀 but as much as I want it to happen, the problem is that then I feel like the “homie hopper” accusations will start having some truth to them 😭 like yeah Rafe isn’t in their group but that’s still three guys (ignoring John b cuz he literally kissed her without her permission so that doesn’t count). I’ve been out here fighting so hard for her in tiktok comments but idk if I’ll be able to do it anymore at that point…
And not only that but I need her to have a constant in her life 😭 I feel bad for my girl. She’s being thrown around like a rag doll omg
Honestly I'm going to say something and I hope I don't get jumped (I actually don't care if I do) but Kie gets so much flack for homie hopping when what Sarah has done is worse. Like...objectively
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Sure Kie dated JJ after dating Pope, but she ended things maturely. When Pope first confessed, she tried to shut that shit down immediately and he threw a fit. When she doubted her own feelings and tried to make something work between them, she was honest with him immediately after it happened and properly conveyed that it felt weird and she really didn't want this to mess with their friendship. Again...he threw a fit. She's highkey better than me because I would not have tried to keep working things out with him when he kinda made it clear he cared more about being with her than being her friend. Either way, they talked and came to an understanding. She put in the effort to resolve things with Pope and put it behind them. Is it a little messy to date JJ too? Sure but they were all open about all of them being into her since season 1 so 🤷🏾‍♀️
Sarah starts to lose interest or she gets mad/hurt and she cheats. Like what 😭 and I know people love to ignore it because Topper is an asshole and we can probably infer her previous boyfriends weren't any better but it doesn't change the facts. Self sabotage and betrayal is her MO. Everybody wanted to pretend like Kie is just so much worse because hey Topper is an asshole and he deserved it right? But when she did the same thing to John B all of a sudden y'all are forced to actually acknowledge that character flaw of hers 🧍🏾‍♀️she is canonically messier and doesn't get half the hate Kie does 💀
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lizajane2 · 2 years
Outer Banks 1x09
The way Ward really believed Sarah would be okay with any of the shit that just happened. After finding out that you actually murdered John B's dad and then not giving a shit that your son just shot a police officer... she's never gonna feel safe with him ever again. Sarah is a genuinely good person. Don't know what they were thinking.
"Do you realize what you've done?" No, no he doesn't and he's not crying cause he feels guilty or remorse, he's just feeling sorry for himself huge difference. There's something really wrong with Rafe mentally and he gets it from Ward.
"You might end up in the lion's den, but you don't go there on purpose."
Okay as someone who works for a public defender's office, you never ever speak to them without a lawyer present. EVER. If you're innocent, you have nothing to worry about but even then, you should have an attorney present. "Cause everything you do and say can be held against you in the court of law." They're not lying about that shit.
I hate the amount of gaslighting from the parents in this show. It's insane. Let's just go through the list of charges for Ward shall we, murder, accomplice to murder, manslaughter, multiple accounts of aggravated assault and battery, attempted kidnapping, child endangerment, false imprisonment, and premeditated murder. I might be missing a few or more.
"And I wonder if the cops got the entire place staked out. Let me think. Oh, yeah, no. They definitely have that place locked down." JJ's sarcasm is perfection here.
Honestly, Pope getting high is the best thing to ever happen to him.
"He's a maniac." Bitch, I think that's you.
She could've been a little nicer about rejecting Pope, like yeah you don't feel the same way but fuck that was harsh Kie.
If someone doesn't talk about you and how it feels to be with you in the same way John B talks about being with Sarah, "Sometimes it's scary, it's like getting struck by lightning and not getting burned," Then you might wanna re-evaluate your feelings. Yeah, JB, you're in love with her and you got it bad.
Topper's version is more like obsession mixed with lust and passion. The kind of love that makes you crazy, makes you someone you're not. And you confuse it with being in love with the way they make you feel rather than in love with the person. Which is very different. Things like "I'm the one who loves you. He can't love you the way I can," all that is rooted in narcissism.
John B and Sarah literally have my heart, I love them. Hate how they got together but they're really cute. Like even though she doubted when he first told her about Ward and called John B a liar, she still believed him.
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hepaidattention · 1 year
Ur post about jjs style reminds me that on season 3 jjs outfits were a bit more reflective of his life situation. the shirts were mostly the ones he has gotten from past jobs so those were given to him as part of the uniform and the same old two washed out and broken shorts. his best outfit in the season was his outfit on 305 (and i think that’s because he was going to see kiara at his parents house) and the one at the ceremony of course because he finally has clothes he can buy for himself that are well fitted and matches his personal style. for s4 i imagine his style still pretty similar with the cargo pants and boots but brand new and some cool jackets with his brand new bike.
I noticed this season that kiaras outfits were a little bit more romantic while still keeping her earthy color palette. her outfits used to be a little bit more easy going and edgier like she would throw the outfit she found first but this season there’s a lot more thought into her outfits. they were more elaborated and so were her hairstyles so this is me just imagining kiara in front of her mirror making an effort in her outfits because she’ll be seeing jj like any teenager in love would be. her little outfit on 304 was so cute and so was her hairstyle and i just imagine her picking it specifically to go see him. there were a lot of romantic looks for her this season because it matches her state of mind. her outfit on the finale? so cute. on s4 i would actually imagine kiara following the same romantic and grown up looks but keeping that edgy style and earthy color palette. i want to see kiara in cute summer dresses. more of her in cute little hairstyles. i think it will match her since she’s in love and w the person she loves and saving her pretty little turtles.
AND, I would love for s4 to bring back midsummer celebration so we get jj in a suit dancing with kiara in a beautiful dress with a flower crown in her hair. PLEASE —
anon you just made me think about JJ looking in his closet, trying to think of the best articles of clothing he had to wear at the Carrera’s because he wanted to make a good impression 😭 I can't I'm crying because they still treated him like garbage 😭
okay YES Kie literally dressed so freaking cute this season and I completely agree, I think it was the wardrobe department trying to get across her state of mind. she dressed up for JJ without a DOUBT and it's just so precious 😭 after a month of living on an island with him, wearing the same dirty clothes every day, desperately needing a shower, she finally got to look cute and dress up for him. even though she knew she didn't have to to get his attention or something, she just wanted to look cute for him because she loves him and it's 🥺 they're precious.
I would do absolutely anything for JJ and Kie to go together to the Midsummer celebration, Kie stunning and JJ not being able to keep his eyes off her, JJ looking all handsome and putting in effort in a suit for her because he wants her parents to like him, but also for HIM because he's never got to dress nice and go to one of these things before. And he hates it, really, because all the Kooks still hate him and he hates them, but he's there for Kie and they dance like precious beans and 🥺 and a Kook tries to start a fight with JJ and John B comes in to back home up but JJ insists they let it go and just leave because he doesn't want to make a scene for Kie 🥺
there's actually a fic I absolutely love about them going to the Midsummer after they finally get the gold, in between the time jump, and it's perfection. lmk and I can send you the link to it.
I seriously am so excited to see how the writers go with the direction of JJs character in how he deals with having so much money now. He's made comments in the show about going full Kook, so I'm curious to see if they'll keep him the same with the attitude of "I'm a Pogue I only need the necessities" or if they'll have him overspend and have absolutely everything he wants because he seriously just can. Someone in severe poverty like him to transition to filthy rich can be a really interesting concept for the writers to focus on. Poverty is traumatizing and can create very interesting mindsets with money.
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