#and later project onto jim lmao
On the topic of Izzy’s queerness and headcanons, and since they mentioned the trans Izzy headcanon specifically (I’m not touching any of their points, it just reminded me that not everyone thinks Izzy is trans and it got me thinking about differing opinions on the nature of his. . . trans. . . ness?):
I do love to see some nice top surgery scars in fanart/fic and of course I’m always down for a ‘he did his own top surgery’ joke (or a later ‘Roach does his top surgery’ situation) but I don’t actually see Izzy as someone who has had or planned on top surgery? This is all personal preference of course but I, personally, don’t think he’d think it was worth the risk of all the downtime he’d need to recover?
As buttoned up as his whole outfit is he, could definitely be hiding stays under all those layers (which are generally more comfortable/practical than modern binders if I’m not mistaken). Or he could just be going full tits out (again, under all the layers) since Con’s got such a nice rack barrel chest anyway.
I do go back and forth on how dysphoric it makes him though, and to be honest I think it maybe would actually fluctuate for him? Like sometimes its worse than other times and all?
But he’s definitely on Ye Olde Testosterone, though I do like to think he was just. Super Hairy before he started transitioning, as a treat.
He does fully encourage and support Jim going for their top surgery though, talks to Roach about it, helps out as much as he can during, bitches at them when they try to escape bedrest, helps them with PT after the fact. He and Olu develop a ‘caring too much about the menace that is Jim Jimenez’ bond in the process and become drinking buddies about it.
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madzapan · 2 years
so how long does the skip button skip?
I have a master’s degree in engineering and figured I’d put that to use to (roughly) determine how long each skip of the cursed Button really was. 
VERDICT: hoo boy. the skips get really, really long. Skip (lmao) to the bottom for results, or read on for how I did it.
I had to use context clues from dialogue to make some sort of data set to graph. Here’s that:
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You can see the Skip # (first skip, second, etc.), the time in hours that elapsed after that skip, and the dialogue that gave a clue about how long it had been. 
The red values are uncertain, but I made an assumption. Skip 1 = a few minutes = 5 minutes. After the second skip, the Narrator didn’t have much to say about them getting longer, so he must not have noticed a big difference from the last = 10 minutes. Anytime two values were mentioned, I averaged them. After Skip 6, I just went with a year, though it very well could have been longer. 
The TOTAL TIME column is how much time has elapsed from the first skip, while the HOURS column is just the time between skips. This got important later.
As you know, O Fellow TSPUD Fan, there are more than 6 skips. There are 18. I needed a way to forecast how much time might have elapsed between each skip, or at least, when the heat death of everything on Earth happened. 
So I decided to run two separate regressions - one, projecting the time between the unknown skips, and one, projecting the total time after each unknown skip. After quickly realizing I’d need a logarithmic (read: for really huge values) scale on the time axis, I landed on an iffy but fine-for-this-project exponential regression line for both datasets.
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Both of those get real big, real fast. Let’s look at some actual values.
These blue ones (below) come from the equation of the second chart, which is meant to predict the time between each skip. Not super usable numbers, but we’ll get there. Hold onto your pants.
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Next up, I added all of these so that we could tell the total elapsed time using the individual skip equation. I also used the other equation, based on the total time values, to project the increases in total time elapsed, rather than just the increases of the skips. You can see they’re pretty different, but the next Thing will give you a better idea.
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RESULTS!!! (for those of you skipping)
Using these two methods, we get some wild answers for how long stuff took. 
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For example, when we come back and the Narrator is talking to himself for the first time (...but the game was never meant to be funny!) it’s been somewhere between 380 - 440 years. Centuries, stuck on a bad review. Poor guy.
But it gets worse!
His “the end is never the end is...” rambling starts after 40,000 - 50,000 years. You know. Ten times longer than human civilization as we know it has existed.
After that? I’m no scientist, Jim, I’m an engineer. If someone wants to tell me about when stuff will start to decay and cave in, be my guest, but I will say that this room seems extremely durable. I do know that in about 7 - 8 billion years, Earth will probs get eaten by the sun, and we get close to that in the first skip after the plants die (5 - 7 billion years).
The screaming (of aliens? the Narrator? no thanks) takes place after 50 billion years. 
The final desert happens after 500 - 800 billion years. At that point, who’s counting a few billion, right?
Please feel free to correct stuff as you see it. It’s been a while since I just did some quick & dirty number crunching.
Anyway, the end is never and all that. Math rocks. 
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ichayalovesyou · 4 years
Unexpected: Shipping Spones
and how I think it went down subtextually
Preface: I do not think they’re relationship would’ve really kicked into something more than platonic until Mirror, Mirror (I think that’s when Bones realizes he’s physically attracted to Spock but we’ll get into that later)
“Aww, you do care!” 😊😳😑
Dagger of The Mind
“Wow, I’m seeing something about you that you haven’t even told Jim... that’s kinda, really fucked up and freaky, but also elegant and beautiful?”🤔
The Conscience of A King
“Crap, okay, Jim is acting weird, guess we have to rely on eachother.” 🙄😤😑😏
The Galileo 7
“Wow, you’re an asshole but I’m also learning about your redeeming qualities?? And also I really, really don’t want to see you die?????” 🙄😒😳
*Space Seed
This isn’t a very Spones-y episode I just think it revealed to us, or even to Bones, that he finds dangerous, intense, confident men attractive. Bones’s love language is jokes and threats punctuated by genuine earnesty and he was ABSOLUTELY low-key flirting with Khan with the knife at his throat.
Return of The Archons
I don’t think Bones was aware of it while it was happening because of Landru but it’s heavily implied Spock tried to mind meld with him. I think it left a subconscious impression on Bones, and a very conscious impression on Spock that he does actually care about him. He sounds so frustrated when he says he can’t break Bones out of it 🥺
Operation: Annihilate!
I mean this one kinda speaks for itself, it is a miserable time for the Triumpverant and Bones is so, so, high empathy. To see Kirk on the verge of bursting in to tears (and he probably did tbh we just didn’t see) for the entire ordeal and seeing Spock in enough pain to show it must’ve really, really shook him. Then on top of that he has to deal with needlessly blinding Spock while testing the cure. I honestly think 90% of the time he seems like he’s teasing Spock about his differing biology, it’s that he’s actually way more angry at himself. Angry for not being able to be certain Spock is really okay and nothing’s wrong, because half the time he wouldn’t know what to look for. He cares about Spock so much that getting to a point where he doesn’t know what to do for him when something could be done, scares the fuck out of him.
Mirror, Mirror
Now this is where the steamier aspect begins. I think Bones is so absolutely hellbent on saving Mirror!Spock because he’s a bit traumatized and just cannot deal with the prospect of any Spock dying on his watch. Even if it means being trapped in a dimension where he’d have to break his hypocritical oath or die upholding it. He’s rewarded with a very intimidating, very sexy mind meld. It’s been established that Mind Melds are two way windows, Bones can experience everything Mirror!Spock is, and I think he’s surprised and intrigued by what he finds out about what’s going on under that Vulcan veneer of calm. (I also headcanon that Spones are already a relationship in the Mirror timeline but I think my point would still stand even if Bones didn’t find out they were a thing in an alternate universe).
At this point, I think Bones starts legitimately wondering if he’s missing out with what Kirk & Spock have by being so closed off with Prime!Spock. (yes I love McSpirk too, I could never pick one ship and poly rep is where it’s at! I also can’t imagine Kirk and Spock ever going without one another, they’re bond is so much deeper than friendship.)
Amok Time
It checks so many goddamn boxes!
“Wait?! Vulcans go into heat?? It’s called what?!” Playing into both his fear that he won’t be able to save Spock if something goes horribly wrong, and let’s be real, Pon Farr, as like a concept is 🔥 even if it doesn’t make a ton of sense lmao.
You’re asking me to come along to this super sacred private occasion of yours?? With your other choice being your current lover? Okay! 😳
“No! No no no no I am not going to lose either of you! Not to-fucking-day! Time to risk a diplomatic incident by faking my dearest friend’s death and traumatizing the guy I now realize I have a major tsundere-style crush on!”
“Wow, I just saw Spock emote, god I wish I could get you to smile like that. I’m just gonna pretend to not know what you guys mean by ‘minding the store’. It’s not like a thank you for breaking you out of Plok’tow and preventing you from killing the man we you love is in order or anything.” 🙄😏
Journey to Babel
I mean, everything he does for Spock’s sake this episode. Also talk about unlocking your closed-off friend’s tragic backstory! I mean, experimental medicine, alien surgery, caving with no real argument on one of Kirk’s hair brained life threatening schemes?! That’s love!
Also: prying for cute/embarassing information about your crush/SO from their parents is On Brand (Bones always wants The Drama 😆) COME ON “A teddy bear???!!??”
Also also: I’m sure there’s some serious fringe benefits to having your attractive friends confined to sickbay so that neither of them accidentally bleed to death.
Bread and Circuses
I feel as though it’s in Bones’ nature to interrogate and goad Spock about his feelings, not because he thinks Spock doesn’t have any, but he wants to see how deep they go. I think this comes from the vibe that I get from Bones that he has Imposter Syndrome and projects it onto his close relationships in times of stress. They’re both trapped in a cell together and deeply scared for Kirk. I think he’s asking:
“Do you really love Jim as much as I think you do?”
“Do I actually care about/feel attracted to you? Or do I just think I do because Jim does?”
“Am I actually capable of love? Or capable of being loved?”
“Are there really warm, decent feelings in there for me too?”
The Immunity Syndrome
This the episode I just saw all the way through for the first time (I’m watching TOS all the way through for the first time in general) and if this episode doesn’t confirm for Spock & Bones that they love each other, it sure as hell does for me.
Bones is unusually worried (even for him, we all know he gets hella agitated when Spock is hurt) when Spock feels the Intrepid die.
It feels to me that it’s not that Bones doesn’t believe Spock about what happened, he just doesn’t want it to be true. Because what does that mean Spock just went through? What does that mean for any single person to experience so much death in a single instant? He barely has the heart to deal with one at a time!
That and they keep throwing themselves in each other’s way in the professional Who Gets To Die for Science contest. We good good shit like “... good luck Spock” & “Shut up Spock we’re rescuing you!!!”
Spones is such a weird, nuanced ship that can be as painfully prickly as it is overwhelmingly, mind-bogglingly tender. It’s like the odd-couple done right. I definitely ship it to slowly increasing degrees after Miri (and not before) it’s definitely got slow burn energy. It’s not as mutual soft boy energy as their respective relationships with Kirk. They’re loving AND combative which is what makes the Triumverate so refreshing and compelling, whether you ship any of it or not. I’m not saying Bones (and Spock) don’t have their shit to work on with each other, but the work is what matters.
Anyway, Spones is good. I just wanted to get these thoughts off my chest.
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gregoftom · 6 years
It just dawned upon me that it seems Edward doesn't really remember Isabella anymore. Hasn't mentioned her in quite a while when he used to take any opportunity he could to mention her in regards to Oswald. I wonder if he finally realised he never felt for her at all or if he's still being daft.
DAFT LMAO idk why but that’s so funny in regards to him. and oh yeah, i think we all noticed that. like i’ve said in one of my posts i think he used her as like an excuse for all the shit he did to oswald but now he kind of Can’t any more bc he hasn’t exactly talked about her. and there was the whole thing with lee. i guess a lot of stuff happened to him so he hasn’t really had time to think about her, but still, you’re right. he hasn’t really mentioned lee either but that might just be bc of the cancellation constraints on gotham as a series, a lot of shit got cut. but then again we might see her later and see how things are between them. when it comes to lee i think both of them used each other as rebounds. ed had traits similar to jim and she had traits similar to oswald. they clung to each other bc of that. if we were to reach veeery far (and i mean very far) we could even say that ed projected jim and lee’s relationship on jim and oz’s. he’s only seen them interact once tho (oz and jim) so it would be a HUGE stretch but... i mean he probably worked out or knew that jim was told to kill oz and then didn’t. he’s observant, so i wouldn’t be surprised if he somehow picked up on the weird sort of friendship between jim and oz. bc lee shares oz’s traits at that point in the story i mean, he could be projecting his jealousy of oz and jim’s relationship onto jim and lee and that’s why he tried to crush jim. but like i said, that’s a very far reach, and it’s probably just because he’s jealous in general. ANYWAY i went off tangent a bit, the point is, i agree with you!
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