#and learn some decency
weeeeeeezamboni · 4 months
if i had a nickel for every time ming made joe's smile fall in episode three alone i'd have three nickels which is a fucking lot actually and ming better catch these fists istg
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stood-onthecliffside · 5 months
no you cant come to the wedding... i just know she thought about jack's wedding and how people were gathering as if she was a fucking animal.
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pluto-rainstorm · 1 month
To whoever it is that keeps posting anonymous untagged CSA fics under the bucktommy tag on Ao3 STOP!
Your actions are harmful and in no way is it funny.
Stop demonising a character that has shown to do no wrong just cause you don't like them and then smearing your disgusting thoughts and ideas for unsuspecting people to see.
You are ruining the 911 community and have been reported multiple times. I hope your account gets removed and you learn that your behaviour is extremely unacceptable in a fandom space!
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lolathepeacocklord · 3 months
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storytellering · 8 months
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wc-confessions · 6 months
holy hell no if you use any kind of slurs when submitting to the askbox, it will not be posted. there is absolutely NO reason for you to be saying any of that, especially when you're targeting minorities.
-mod ashensky
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lucy-ghoul · 3 months
hollywood is such a toxic cesspit. my god
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mamirhodessxox · 3 months
It took my entire soul to not get up and deck the hell out of them or say smth to the front desk without seeming like a karen 2/10 movie experience I’m watching shit from home for now on y’all don’t know how to teach your kids manners. I legit had to thundercunt my back into the seat anytime the kids me. Its not that fucking difficult to teach your pre teens public manners & decency. I legit almost stood up & said something nearly 50 times bc thats the amount of bullshit they were pulling but didn’t. I refused to go up front to the desk because I didn’t wanna seem like a Karen either so i sat there to entire movie seething.
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ohmuqueen · 1 year
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I don’t even know what’s the worst thing about this, but I wish I could yell at SOMEone
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literateur · 17 days
I wonder what the consequences would be if I told them I didn't care to do the work to make this better
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ink-asunder · 2 years
People need to treat systems better.
People need to treat trauma survivors better.
People need to treat disabled people better.
I don't fucking care about "no one's entitled to anyone's attention or company" anymore. If you walk away from someone having an episode, you're scum. If you ghost someone because they are chronically or terminally ill, you're a bad friend. If your only support of trauma survivors lies in bossing them around and holding them to standards of perfection or whatever you think a trauma survivor should "act like," you're NOT in the right.
If people on tumblr can make posts about having the decency to make eye contact with homeless people, and long, ranting posts about commenting on fanfictions that you like (which is the LEAST important thing in the fucking world, I'm not sorry), then they need to reckon with the fact that treating everyone in the exact same way is literally oppressive. It's ableist, it's sanist, it's oppression.
I cannot compromise my sleep schedule or dietary restrictions. I cannot sit in at one of your theatre shows. I cannot help that I literally can't remember your names and pronouns. I CANNOT compromise my boundaries relating to my trauma.
Someone who is a system cannot control their switches. They cannot control who is fronting. They cannot control how disoriented they are at any given time. You shouldn't just up and abandon someone who was having a grand mal seizure, so why would you think it's okay to do such a thing to any ill or neurodivergent person HAVING AN EPISODE? Or treating disabled, neurodivergent, or chronically ill people like their needs are "too much" or like they're bad people just because they can't keep up with YOUR standards of what makes a "good person"?
If people have unique needs, you need to assess and accept that if you're going to choose to be their friend. Don't expect them to grow out of it, amd don't make it out to be "their fault" for "never changing." You're the one who became their friend in the first place. You shouldn't have done that to begin with if they weren't good enough for you.
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gmaybe666 · 10 months
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tianhai03 · 2 years
Don't know why I need to say this but. I literally said that I now have a boyfriend yesterday so if you already know that, I'd appreciate it if you don't try and flirt with me. I don't care if you're just being nice, it's uncomfortable. Thank you
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duchessvultjag · 8 months
look i'm one of cardan's biggest fans, and yes i am immensely fond of characters who are straight up terrible ppl, ... that being said i don't trust ppl who read cardan's first appearance in tcp, immediately fell in love with him, and started shipping him with jude right then and there
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deeisace · 9 months
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whatevermonkey · 6 months
Going into the Supernatural tag when you aren’t a shipper is like psychological warfare.
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